islamic education reformation in aceh (the perspective of aceh qonun no. 5 year 2008

ISLAMIC EDUCATION REFORMATION IN ACEH (The perspective of Aceh Qonun No. 5 year 2008) Masni; Tuti Hidayati STAIN Teungku Dirundeng Meulaboh, Aceh Barat [email protected]; [email protected] ABSTRACT Qanun Aceh Nomor 5 Tahun 2008 adalah qanun yang membahas Tentang Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan sebagaimana yang terdapat dalam Pasal 1 ayat 45 yang merumuskan bahwa pendidikan islami yaitu pendidikan yang berdasarkan pada dan dijiwai oleh nilai-nilai ajaran Islam. Selanjutnya pasal 35 ayat 1 berbunyi: kurikulum yang digunakan pada setiap jenis dan jenjang pendidikan sesuai dengan standar nasional dan muatan lokal yang dilaksanakan secara islami. Adapun yang menjadi permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana Qanun Aceh Nomor 5 Tahun 2008 dan Bagaiamana pendidikan Islam dalam perspektif Qanun Aceh. Untuk menjawab permasalahan tersebut peneliti menggunakan metode analisis kualitatif dengan mendeskripsikan, menguraikan, dan menganalisis data yang diperoleh dari berbagai sumber. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa Reformasi pendidikan Islam di Aceh dalam perspektif Qanun Aceh Nomor 5 Tahun 2008 ialah suatu usaha perubahan sistem pendidikan pada semua mata pelajaran yang diimplementasikan dan dikembangkan berdasarkan dan/atau dijiwai oleh nilai-nilai islami pada semua lembaga pendidikan dan semua jenjang pendidikan. Aceh Qonun no 5 year 2008 is Aceh local law concerning the implementation of education as it is described in article no. 1 paragraph 45. It constitutes that Islamic education is an education concept that is based on Islamic teaching principles. Furthermore, paragraph 35 article 1 stated, the curriculum used in every type and level of education is in accordance with national standard and local content that is performed in Islamic way. This study intends to have further study on the Qonun proposing two research questions; what is in Aceh Qonun no. 5 year 2008? and how is Islamic education in the perspective of this Qonun? The study is performed as a qualitative analysis by describing, narrating, and analyzing data from numerous resources. The result of study shows that reformation of Islamic education in the perspective of Aceh Qonun No. 5 year 2008 is an effort to make changes in education system covering all subjects that are implemented and developed based on and/or infused by Islamic values in all types and levels of education. Keywords: Reformation, Islamic Education, Aceh Qonun. INTRODUCTION Education is a process taken by a country to prepare the young generations to become functional in life effectively and efficiently (Azyumardi Azra, 2006). The presence of Islamic education in Aceh is in line with Qonun No. 5 year 2008 regarding the implementation of education. Islamic education is an educational concept that is based on and imbued with Islamic values, as stated in article 1

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(The perspective of Aceh Qonun No. 5 year 2008)

Masni; Tuti Hidayati

STAIN Teungku Dirundeng Meulaboh, Aceh Barat

[email protected]; [email protected]


Qanun Aceh Nomor 5 Tahun 2008 adalah qanun yang membahas Tentang

Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan sebagaimana yang terdapat dalam Pasal 1 ayat 45 yang

merumuskan bahwa pendidikan islami yaitu pendidikan yang berdasarkan pada

dan dijiwai oleh nilai-nilai ajaran Islam. Selanjutnya pasal 35 ayat 1 berbunyi:

kurikulum yang digunakan pada setiap jenis dan jenjang pendidikan sesuai dengan

standar nasional dan muatan lokal yang dilaksanakan secara islami. Adapun yang

menjadi permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana Qanun Aceh Nomor

5 Tahun 2008 dan Bagaiamana pendidikan Islam dalam perspektif Qanun Aceh.

Untuk menjawab permasalahan tersebut peneliti menggunakan metode analisis

kualitatif dengan mendeskripsikan, menguraikan, dan menganalisis data yang

diperoleh dari berbagai sumber. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa Reformasi

pendidikan Islam di Aceh dalam perspektif Qanun Aceh Nomor 5 Tahun 2008 ialah

suatu usaha perubahan sistem pendidikan pada semua mata pelajaran yang

diimplementasikan dan dikembangkan berdasarkan dan/atau dijiwai oleh nilai-nilai

islami pada semua lembaga pendidikan dan semua jenjang pendidikan.

Aceh Qonun no 5 year 2008 is Aceh local law concerning the implementation of

education as it is described in article no. 1 paragraph 45. It constitutes that Islamic

education is an education concept that is based on Islamic teaching principles.

Furthermore, paragraph 35 article 1 stated, the curriculum used in every type and level

of education is in accordance with national standard and local content that is

performed in Islamic way. This study intends to have further study on the Qonun

proposing two research questions; what is in Aceh Qonun no. 5 year 2008? and how

is Islamic education in the perspective of this Qonun? The study is performed as a

qualitative analysis by describing, narrating, and analyzing data from numerous

resources. The result of study shows that reformation of Islamic education in the

perspective of Aceh Qonun No. 5 year 2008 is an effort to make changes in education

system covering all subjects that are implemented and developed based on and/or

infused by Islamic values in all types and levels of education.

Keywords: Reformation, Islamic Education, Aceh Qonun.


Education is a process taken by a country to prepare the young generations to

become functional in life effectively and efficiently (Azyumardi Azra, 2006). The

presence of Islamic education in Aceh is in line with Qonun No. 5 year 2008

regarding the implementation of education. Islamic education is an educational

concept that is based on and imbued with Islamic values, as stated in article 1

paragraph 45. The development of Islamic education more specifically is to be

adjusted to the curriculum used in each type and level of education that is bound to

the national standard and local content of Aceh and is performed in Islamic way.

Since the presence of Aceh Qonun on Islamic education, the enforcement of

Islamic Education in Aceh needs to be based on principles derived from Islamic

values as urged in Qonun No. 5 year 2008 chapter II article 2. One of the fundamental

principles stated in the article is that Islamic principles to be the first principles used

to base other principles and to be the foundation in the provision of education in Aceh.

It shows that on normative perspective both executive and legislative authorities at

the time were strongly committed to turn Islamic Sharia as a foundation that infuses

any kind of development in Aceh, including the establishment of education. (Saminan

Ismail, 2013).

The effort to enforce Islamic education is also an attempt to foster changes

and reformation on education that aims at turning all education in Aceh to be

implemented based on Islamic values. Accordingly, the ideal concept of education in

Aceh that urges for the infusion of Islamic values can be implemented well in

accordance with the content of Aceh Qonun No. 5 year 2008 on the provision of



The study was performed as a qualitative analysis by describing, narrating,

and analyzing data from numerous resources. The study utilized various literature

primarily and secondarily that come from diverse resources ranging from Qonun Aceh

to books and other complementary references available electronically or manually at

campus library in Meulaboh and Banda Aceh. As it is clear in the topic of the study,

the primer literature endorsing the study was Aceh Qonun No. 5 year 2008. The study

tried to investigate the significance of the Qonun socialization as an attempt in

enforcing Islamic education and as an effort from Aceh people in fostering Islamic

education reform to be in line with the implementation of Islamic Sharia in Aceh.


1. The history of Aceh Qanun No. 5 year 2008

Islamic education in Aceh initiated formally with the establishment of

Tuanku Raja Keumala Islamic School in 1916 named Madrasah Khairiyah (A.

Hasjmy, 1978). As it has been widely known, Aceh was one of the provinces

recognized with ‘distinction’ status after Indonesian Independent day in 1945. The

status provided Aceh with special rights such as the enforcement of religious life that

based on Islamic Sharia, customs reflecting Aceh culture, the exception in providing

education, and Islamic scholar critical position within local policy making as further

stated in national law No. 22 year 1999.

The fall of new regime in May 1998 was followed by monetary, economic,

and politic crisis that fostered the reformation to take place in various sectors,

including education. Reformation, reposition, and reconstruction in education

obviously require critical reassessment toward all problems underpinning national

education (Azyumardi Azra, 2006).

The enforcement of Islamic Sharia by the central government in Aceh after

suffering a long period of pain in conflict due to the status of Daerah Operasi Militer

(Military Operation Region) resulted from the re-establishment of Aceh ‘distinction’

status in Indonesian national law No. 44 year 1999. The status later was legalized in

national law No. 11 year 2006 about Aceh local government where it is stated that

Aceh is a province of law community units with distinctive characters, hence, is

granted special authority to organize and manage its own governmental affairs and

community interests in accordance with legislations in the system and principles of

the unitary state of the republic of Indonesia year 1945 that is led by governor (Dinas

Syari’at Islam Provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, 2002).

The implementation of regional autonomy in Aceh bred the initiatives and

raised the awareness of governmental elements along with Aceh Islamic scholars to

design, arrange, and give birth to local regulations in the form of Qonun that formal

judicially equal with the substituting law of government decree (Samir Fuat, 2009).

The Qanun that has been agreed on and that has been enforced are examples from

authority transferring from the central government to Aceh local government in

various sectors including the authority to educate local boys and girls to implement

Islamic teachings correctly and appropriately as described in the context of Islamic


The presence of Qonun No. 5 year 2008 is the result of Aceh local government

ideas for the establishment of education on Islamic basis and to get more practical in

controlling and increasing the quality of education that is founded on local distinction

and typical culture of Aceh. The Qonun does not intend to limit teacher’s space nor

student’s ability to be within the local region scope, but it hopes to overtake the quality

of other regions as well as other countries. To meet the goals, the government

compiled local regulations that later constituted as Qonun No. 5 year 2008 about the

provision of education with the word ‘keislaman (Islamic)’ is put as the basis in

administering education in Aceh. Qonun No.5 year 2008 stated that education in Aceh

is administered on the concept of Islamic education.

Qonun about education in Aceh is different not only in term of Islamic nature

but also diverse in educational principles from those of secular public schools. The

national education principals are as the following:

a. Accessibilitys, including the extension of learning opportunity and

education equality.

b. Quality advancement and competitive power, and

c. Management advancement, accountability and public image.

Specifically for Aceh as an autonomous region, it has the authority to add educational

system based on Islamic values as the fourth principle. (Rizanna Rosemary Dan

Saiful Mahdi, 2013).

Qonun No. 5 year 2008 is a derivative policy and a revision from Aceh Qonun

No.23 year 2002 which used the word ‘Islamic’ as the basis for the provision of

education in Aceh, expecting it will be hand in hand with the implementation of

Islamic sharia. It was exactly in chapter II article 2 that said, the basis for education

provision in Aceh comprises of Islamic, truth, benefit, guidance, humanity,

nationality, kinship, Aceh characteristics, diversity, fairness, non-discriminating,

equality in front of the law, order and legal certainty, balance, harmony, equality,

professionalism, affectivity, transparency, efficiency, and modeling (Dinas Syari’at

Islam Provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, 2002).

2. Islamic Education in the Perspective of Aceh Qanun Aceh No. 5 Year 2008

a. Islamic education framework

Allah swt said:

Meaning: “We have indeed created man in the best of moulds.” (Q.S. At-Tin, ayat 4)

This verse shows how Allah Swt respects and honors human beings of all other

His creators. He created human in the best form, either physically or mentally and

with distinguished mind and heart. Because of this perfection, human also acquire

complex characteristics such as the need for logistic, education that guides, leads, and

provides knowledge about the goals and significance of human life as the khalifah

(leader) on earth.

Islamic education is the knowledge that gradually brings individuals toward

the perfection realized in worshiping Allah and preparing to live happily under the

sharia of Allah SWT (Dedeng Rosidin, 2003). Accordingly, children as the next

generation of the religion, state, and country, as well as the ones serving the hope and

pride of the parents need to get a full attention and to be provided with all of their rights

in both primary and secondary needs. Among the needs is children rights to obtain a

proper education, and the main and the most principal education for them to be provided

is education concerning aqidah (faith) and tawhid (oneness of God) which are the basic

framework of Islamic education.

The formulation resulted from world Islamic education seminar in 1980 in

Islamabad indicated the increase complexity of Islamic education task because of the

demand to meet a more comprehensive goals as stated below:

“education aims at balanced growth of total personality of man through the

training of man’s intellect, therefore, intellect, the rational self, feeling, and

bodily sense. Education should, therefore, cater for the growth of man in all

its aspects, spiritual, intellectual, imaginative, physical, scientific, linguistic,

both individually and collectively, and motivate all these aspect toward

goodness and attainment of perfection. The ultimate aim of education lies in

the realization of complete submission to Allah on the level of individual, the

community and humanity at large”. (Muzayin Arifin, 1991).

The formulation indicated that Islamic education has a wider coverage

compare to that of secular knowledge. It is because Islamic education strive not only

to guide pupils to understand but also to have them acquire the ability to implement

Iman (faith), Islam (peace), and Ihsan (kindness) on themselves as the khalifah of

Allah on earth. Consequently, there is a need for some substantive guidance to master

several content framework in Islamic education, which are:

Aqidah (faith)

Aqidah is the first Islamic education to be internalized to children to become

the foundation or basis for the belief and faith that later will straighten their conscience

toward Allah, as it is described in the Qur’an, Al-Luqman: 13

Meaning: “Behold, Luqman said to his son by way of instruction: "O my son! join

not in worship (others) with Allah: for false worship is indeed the highest


The verse above indicates that aqidah is the first foundation to be established

in Islamic teaching and is to be suppressed in every child during the process of



Shari’a in Islamic education consists of the introduction of laws from Allah to

the pupils, so they will understand about the regulations to be implemented and

obeyed by all the mankind that are assigned by Allah in the Qur’an. As Allah has said

in the Qur’an Surah al-Jatsiah:18

Meaning: “Then We put thee on the (right) Way of Religion: so follow thou that

(Way), and follow not the desires of those who know not.”

Indeed, all Allah’s regulations stated in the Qur’an are universal. This means

when it is stated as a system in human life, sharia will always become the wisest

solution. As for example someone who steals, performs adultery, does corruption,

kills and conducts other wrong doings, sharia will offer the most proper sanction for

the person.

Ibadah (Worship)

Ibadah in Islamic education teaches about ways and methods of how to

subserve and be devoted toward Allah. In Islamic education, the contents concerning

the worshiping of Allah are taught through demonstration method or to practice the

particular tasks directly such as ways to perform wudhu’, shalat, hajj, elm, and the

like (Fauzi saleh , 2005). By exposing to this content materials, pupils are expected to

perform the worship correctly and appropriately as it is prescribed in the Qur’an and

the Prophet Muhammad traditions.

Akhlak (Islamic morality)

Akhlak is the framework of Islamic education regarding the coaching and

supervising of attitudes, characters and moral. The content materials of this subject

cover numerous topics that guide the pupils to have good attitudes in running the live

alongside other people and all Allah’s creatures on earth, as the Prophet who has been

sent to correct human morality.

b. The standing of Aceh Qanun

Qanun is a legislation or regulation of law recognized in a particular region

(in this case is Aceh) (Jum Anggriani, 2011). Accordingly, as the content of national

law No. 24 year 1956 concerning the establishment of autonomous region of Aceh

Province, national law No. 44 year 1999 regarding the recognition of distinction

status for Aceh Province, national law No. 20 year 2003 about national education

system, and national law No. 11 year 2006 concerning Aceh local government, article

1 paragraph 21 defines Qanun as the legislation similar to local provincial regulation

that regulate the administering of government and society life in the region/city in

Aceh. Consequently, Aceh Qanun is the same with local legislation in other provinces,

nevertheless, putting Qonun as the same with local legislation in other provinces, in

fact, is not right. Qanun is the legislation that is applied in Aceh, in which the content

must be founded on Islamic shari’a that is specially approved to be implemented in

Aceh. The law is called Qonun which is designed by the local government together

with Aceh Islamic Muslim scholars to apply to law that is in accordance with

Islamic sharia.

In addition, Qonun is different from other local legislation in other provinces

in Indonesia, in which Qonun can consist of both material procedural law and formal

procedural law in Mahkamah Syariah (Islamic constitutional court) (Jum Anggriani,

2011). Thus, Aceh Qonun is the local legislations substituting national law as the

realization of special autonomy which enforcement is limited to Aceh that is based on

typical characteristic of Aceh and Islamic shari’a.

As it is stated in national law No. 18 year 2001 regarding special autonomy of

Aceh distinction province, article 1 paragraph 8 explains that the Qonun of Aceh

Province is the local legislation implementing the Act-Law in the region of Aceh

province in enforcing special autonomy (Majelis Permusyawaratan Ulama Provinsi


c. Islamic education in Aceh across the history

Aceh is a province at the far west of Indonesia. It is the first placed Islam was

introduced and later spread to other regions across all Indonesia. Since the presence

of Islam in Aceh which dated back to centuries ago to the present days, Aceh has been

a region that is closely related to Islam or Islamic values either in its kingdom, its

former sultan (politically), its economic, culture, customs, or in education sector.

Islamic education in Aceh is continuously progressing and is easily accepted

because of the predominant Muslim community in Aceh and the strong influence of

Islamic values in the culture. The spreading of Islamic education to across all

Indonesian Archipelago cannot be separated from the advancement of Islamic

education in Aceh, such as the presence of dayah or pesantren (traditional Islamic

educational institution) as the center for teaching and learning of Islamic studies, the

main point of Islamic scholars training, and even considered as the counselor for

policy making for the kingdom (sultan) at the time. Hence, it is not surprising that

there are a lot of traditional Islamic educational institutions either formal or non-

formal that are still in existence to these days, some of them have developed and

changed into madrasah (modern Islamic school combining secular and Islamic

subjects) or even an Islamic higher education institution such as state Islamic institute

(IAIN) Zawiyah Cot Kala Langsa.

In 17th century, Aceh received a special title ‘Serambi Mekkah’ (the fore front

of Makkah) because its critical position as the center of Islamic Education and the

center for Islam spreading in several countries in Asia besides Indonesia, such as

Malaysia, Thailand and Filipina, (Alfian, 1991). At that period, Aceh had had the

capability to produce leading Islamic Muslim scholars and Muslim writers who then

travelled across the archipelago (Yunus, 1960). It was noted in the history that Aceh

has ever bred Islamic Muslim scholar, Muslim intellectuals, and Muslim

academicians from the oldest and most notable Islamic education institution called

dayah or pesantren. Nowadays, Islamic education in Aceh has developed into several

types, namely:

Dayah salafi (traditional Islamic school). The teaching and learning in

dayah is usually performed in balee (an open stage) while sitting in a circle

(halaqah) that focuses on the learning of religion from classic resources of

Syafi’i’s school of thought (Muhammad AR, 2010).

Dayah Modern/pesantren modern (modern Islamic school) or also known

as dayah terpadu (integrated). The process of teaching and learning

integrates Islamic curriculum with general public curriculum from the

government. Traditional Islamic curriculum of dayah is taught in the

afternoon and in the evening, while the general curriculum designed by the

Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs (MoR) is offered in the morning

and afternoon.

Madrasah (Islamic Public Schools). The institution is divided into three

levels of schooling; Madrasah Ibtidaiyah/Elementary Islamic School (MI),

Madrasah Tsanawiyah/ Junior Secondary Islamic school (MTs), and

Madrasah Aliyah/Senior Secondary Islamic School (MA) that are

administered by (MoR). Islamic education is taught in four exclusive

subjects of Quran Hadist (Al-Qur’an and the Prophet Muhammad

traditions), Aqidah Akhlak (Islamic faith and morality), Fiqh (Islamic

jurisprudence), and Sejarah Kebudayaan Islam (Islamic history and


Non-formal Islamic education such as Majelis Ta’lim (group of Islamic

learning) and Taman Pengajian Al-Qur’an/Kid group of Quran learning

(TPA) established in every village across Aceh.

The above description about Islamic education in Aceh are evidences that

Islamic education in Aceh is sustainably developing and flexibly changing since after

Indonesian independence day in 1945. Starting from the ‘distinction’ status and rights

it possesses, to the birth of regional autonomy for Aceh province, Acehnese keep

idealizing an educational concept that is based on the values, system, methodology,

and curriculum of Islamic traditions.

d. Islamic Education in Qonun No. 5 year 2008

Aceh is a region with distinguished identities and owns a community with

typical Islamic characteristics. Accordingly, the type of Islamic education for

Acehnese become the regulation or policy arranged in the form of a Qonun, as it is

indicated by Aceh Qonun No. 5 year 2008. It is stated that the basis for administering

Islamic education in Aceh involves the following principles:








Aceh characteristic;




equality in front of the law;

order and legal certainty;

balance, harmony, and equality;





modelling, (Dinas Syari’at Islam Provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam,


From the above principles of Islamic education provision, it can be seen that

Islamic is the first foundation mentioned then followed with truth, humanity,

nationality, Aceh characteristic and so on. It is, indeed, a statement that indicates the

government and people of Aceh are strongly committed and consistent to turn Islamic

shari’a as the basis in fostering all kind of development in Aceh, including the provision

of education.

Furthermore, in article 4, it is explained that the goals of the provision of

education in Aceh is to develop students’ potentials to become individuals who are:

a. pious and faithful toward Allah SWT;

b. morally upright;

c. knowledgable;

d. intellectual;

e. skilful;

f. creative;

g. independent;

h. demmocratic; dan

i. responsible, (Dinas Syari’at Islam Provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam,


The goal of Islamic education in Aceh as has been described previously is to

internalize the faith and piety toward Allah SWT. It is the first point to be met in the

teaching and learning process. The next point is to become morally upright,

knowledgeable, intelligent, skillful, creative, independence, democratic, and

responsible individuals. Form these points it is obvious that Islamic education in Aceh

prioritize the development of spiritual intelligence to emotional and intellectual

intelligence respectively that is supported by student ability be creative,

independence, and responsible.

In chapter III, regarding the principles in administering education, article 5

explains precisely that the education in Aceh need to be on these principles:

1) Principles of education provision in Aceh:

a) Education for all, no discrimination concerning tribe, religion, race,

nor descendent;

b) As a process of internalizing culture and empowerment of the pupils

through a long life;

c) Development of all personal aspects of the pupils performed in a

systematic, integrated, and directive way;

d) Provides modelling, encourage interest, and develop creativity of the


e) Encourage community involvement in the provision and controlling

the quality of educational services; and

f) In line with the development of knowledge and technology highly

respecting human rights, cultural values, and diversity of the nation, as

well as principles of democracy and justice;

2) National education system administered in Aceh is to be based on Islamic


3) The provision of education is based on Islamic values as mentioned in

paragraph 2 and is further regulated by governor decree (Dinas Syari’at Islam

Provinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, 2002).

The most important matter in the article mentioned above is education system

and the provision of education in Aceh that is based on Islamic values. The concept

of Islamic education indicated by the article is education system that is based on and

infused by Islamic teachings coming from the Qur’an and the Prophet traditions. As

well, having the ability to implement Islamic values in any subjects and school culture

to produce Muslim individuals who are intelligent emotionally, intellectually, and the

most important, spiritually as mandated by Islamic traditions.

Furthermore, chapter III article 5 paragraph 2 also stated that “national

education system administered in Aceh is to be based on Islamic values”. The

education is administered by referring to national education system, yet, particularly

in Aceh it also need to be infused by Islamic values. Islamic education meant by the

article is not limited to Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI)/ Islamic Religious Education

as it is applied in schools normally. Islamic education meant by the article is the

internalization of Islamic values coming from the Qur’an and Islamic traditions in all

school subjects. For example, in teaching and learning math, chemistry, biology,

physics, art, and other secular subjects, teachers need to have the ability to show the

subjects connection to God values and human values because the knowledge is

belonged to Allah and comes from Allah. Hence, the knowledge is expected to turn

the people closer to Allah SWT.

In governor decree No. 26 year 2007 regarding the strategic plan of

education in Aceh there are four main policies regulating Aceh education


1. Equal opportunity to access education

2. Quality and relevancy advancement

3. Management and image improvement

4. Completion and development of Islamic education system (Saminan Ismail,


Based on this governor decree the provision of Islamic education in the

strategic plan becomes one of the four pillars of education system in Aceh. This

condition is different from the national education system which consists of three pillars,

namely; accessibility, quality advancement and competitiveness, and management,

accountability, and public image improvement. This strategic plan of education is the

basic guideline in arranging the plan and budget of all education improvement activities

either at provincial level or district/city level across all Aceh Province within five years.

The need for forming Qanun No. 5 year 2008 also a consideration emerges

in national law No. 11year 2006 regarding Aceh local government administering

education system infused by Islamic values. Through the particular Islamic education,

it is expected that the community will be able to create good social environment, clean,

safe, and comfortable. The rights and obligations of the community for the success of

its implementation are also formulated in article 11 in the Qonun; a) Community have

the rights to participate in planning, acting, controlling, and evaluating education

programs, b) community are obliged to support and hold responsibility toward the

safety and convenience in the provision of education..

Besides, the community are expected to participate in keeping safe and

controlling a particular education institution. Also, the community can create learning

activities as stated in article 31. 1) Informal education is education performed in a

family or community that runs in the form of independence Islamic learning activities;

2) informal education as stated in paragraph 1 aims at training and internalizing

Islamic personality’s values running within the family and community. Furthermore,

in article 62 was stated that: a) the community have the rights and obligations to take

part in the provision and advancement of education quality in Aceh. b) community

participation as mentioned in paragraph 1 can be given through Regional education

assembly, school/madrasah committee, or other community institutions. Article 63

explains that: a) to improve community participation in education, in every

educational unit is formed school/madrasah committee. b) the formation of the

committee and its participation as mentioned in paragraph 1 is conducted based on the


Several articles above show community participation, obligations, and

responsibility to control, take care, and take part in the provision as well as

advancement of education quality also to keep Islamic environment to breed children

and teenagers of sound moral, highly social, clean, solid, and responsible as stated in

Qanun No.5 year 2008 article 26 which stresses that elementary education as

mentioned in paragraph 1 aims at obtaining and developing basic Islamic values,

knowledge, attitudes, and basic skill of the pupils needed to further continue to

secondary education and/or to gain life provision.

In line with the system and provision of education, Islamic education

curriculum in Aceh is also developed by each school and level of education as stated

in Qanun No. 5 year 2008 chapter VIII article 35 that: 1) the curriculum used at each

type and level of education is in accordance with national content standard and the

local content is administered in Islamic way. 2) curriculum that is administered in

Islamic way as stated in paragraph 1 is the entire learning process conducted at

schools. 3) school/madrasah curriculum at each type and level of education stated in

paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) must accommodate the following subjects:

a. Aqidah (faith);

b. Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence)

c. Al-Qur’an dan Al-Hadits (Qur’an and Prophet Muhammad traditions);

d. Faith and Morality;

e. civic education;

f. M a t h e m a t i c s ;

g. natural science

h. social science;

i. art studies, information communication technology and communication;

j. Indonesian language;

k. Art and culture;

l. English languge;

m. Arabic language;

n. Sport and Physical education

and 4) school/madrasah curriculum at every type and level of education as stated in

paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) is allowed to add the local content in accordance with

the needs of the particular region.

The curriculum formulated in the above articles describes that the content

material exclusively related to Islamic are the main subjects to be taken by all pupils

in Aceh. The result from the process is that pupils are expected to master the content

material concerning Aqidah (faith), syariah (Islamic law), ibadah (worship) and

akhlak (Islamic morality) well. In addition, teacher of Islamic subjects as well as

general subjects are expected to be able to relate the contents of the subject they teach

to messages in the Qur’an and the Prophet traditions by investigating and preparing

the interconnectedness of all subjects with the Qur’an or making the Qur’an as the

resource of knowledge. It is obligated to meet the goals of Islamic education in Aceh.

In addition to the Islamic system and curriculum, Islamic education in Aceh

also supports the lesson provision by providing supporting infrastructure such as

building mushala (praying place) in every school and madrasah, constructing balai

pengajian (Qur’an recital hall) in every mosque in numerous villages, or supplying

books for Islamic religious subjects and other subjects. Another thing normally seen

in Aceh is that all students in school, pesantren, dayah, or madrasah wear modest and

syar’i (properly Islamic) uniform. It is in accordance with Islamic values that is

reflected in students attitudes and an attempt to answer for the goal of education in

Aceh as stated in article 4, “faithful and pious toward Allah SWT, morally upright,

knowledgable, intelligent, skillful, creative, independence, democratic, and


3. Analysis of Islamic education reform in Aceh in the perspective of Aceh

Qanun No. 5 year 2008

In regard of education in Indonesia, there is a structural dichotomy that lead to

the grouping of knowledge, Islamic knowledge and general or secular knowledge.

Islamic knowledge is found in traditional education system which limits itself to the

classic Islamic knowledge and avoids new issues and methodology of learning.

Meanwhile general of secular knowledge is knowledge adopted from the west that

embrace universal education system entirely and put aside religious traditions and

Islamic intellectuality (Azyumardi Azra, 2006).

The phenomena become the subject of studies and food for thought to come

with some changes and reforms in education that is able to ‘bridge’ the two system

and create ‘integration’ of education in Indonesia, and particularly Islamic education

in Aceh. In the world of Islamic education, in fact, there is no such separation. It is

obvious in centuries earlier that Islamic education was analogues with various other

field of studies. Muslim figures, Islamic Muslim scholars, and executing government

were able to implement Islamic knowledge to practical science to provide for the

needs in daily life such as Ibnu Miskawaih who could serve various positions; a

treasurer, an educator, a secretary and a librarian, and Ibnu Sina who did not only

master numerous Islamic disciplines but was also a popular doctor in his era (Abuddin

Nata, 2003).

Islamic education presented in Aceh Qanun No. 5 year 2008 is different

from the generally understood Islamic education. The framework of general Islamic

education covers four exclusive subjects of aqidah (faith), syariah (Islamic law),

ibadah (worship), and akhlak (Islamic morality), meanwhile the Islamic education

described in the Qonun is an education system that is laid on the Qur’an and the

Prophet traditions that can be linked to any branch of knowledge, not exclusively

limited to particular religious knowledge. Islamic education system in Aceh is an

Islamic concept of education system that is expected to be able to be realized in every

subject and in any type or level of education institution in Aceh, either formal, or non-

formal, both in general/secular institutions and Islamic institutions.

Accordingly, government’s call for the realization of Islamic education in

Aceh is not only limited to the actualization of physical Islamic typical culture in

education or in delivering the subject such as: uniform, building, ornament, and all

school attributes but also, most importantly, to infuse Islamic values in all the subjects,

so that the goal from the Qonun,” to optimize students potentials to become a faithful

and pious individuals toward Allah SWT, morally upright, knowledgeable, intelligent,

skillful, creative, independent, democratic, and responsible” can be achieved the way

it is expected. And eventually, it will assist the perfect implementation of Islamic

shari’a in Aceh.


The reformation of Islamic education in Aceh in the perspective of Qanun

Nomor 5 year 2008 is the enforcement of an education system that is based on

Islamic teaching values. What is defined by Islamic education is not limited to the

teaching of exclusive Islamic religious subjects but making all subjects learned at

any types and level of education Islamic by infusing Islamic values to them. It is

two different concepts because what is meant by Islamic education in the Qonun is a

whole education system that is based on the Qur’an and the Prophet traditions

reflected in all subjects not exclusively limited to religious topics. Islamic education

system in Aceh is a concept of education in general that is infused by Islamic values

expected to be enforced at every types and level of education in Aceh; formal or non-

formal either general/secular institution or Islamic institution.

Islamic education within the scope of physical appearance of school culture

is implemented through uniform, building, ornamen, and all school attributes that

reflect the Islamic characteristic. Furthermore, the curriculum of education in general

is designed and administered on Islamic principles come from the Qur’an and the

prophet tradition so that the goal of producing Muslims individuals who are morally

upright, intelligent spiritually, emotionally, and intellectually can be achieved. The

provision of this form of Islamic education is critical for Aceh because it is one of

instruments in implementing the perfect Islamic shari’a in the distinguished province

of Aceh.


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