interim development - georgetown university


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60th Year, No. 11

Hospital Staff

Asks for Union

for Employees by Tom Brannan

HOY 1\ St.tlf Wnter

At Georgetown Hospital, the man­agement "makes. interprets. and changes the rules at will." alleged one employee at ,an informational meeting for University students interested in the recent moves made by these workers to­ward organizing a union.

The discussion, organized by the Democratic Socialists on Campus, fea­tured three workers from the hospital as well as Rick Ehrmann, an organizer from the National Union of Hospital

'and Health Care Employees.



·"m' .; '" /~ :, " ' /-,., It, hI., ,,. i':df, " 'it .

Washington Mayor Marion Barry and an unidentified dancing Hoya "get down to the ground" Saturday during the Community Action Coalition's Dance Marathon. In his speech earlier, Barry thanked the well-exercised Hilltol)pers for "making life a little easier" for the city's disadvantaged. See p, 14.

Fnda~ April 6, 1979

Interim Development Campaign Outlined

by Christopher Blake HOi!\ Prnducllllll I JIII,r

The Georgetown Office of Develop­ment has cstablished priorities for rais­ing over 27 million dollars in thc in­terim between the recently completed development drive mandate '81 and the implementation of another capital cam­paign ut an as yet un designated date, according to a plan on development prepared by the Vice President of Ad­ministrative Services, 1):1I1iel Aitobcllo.

Recently appointed Vice President of Development, Adele Wells ~tated that the goals of the plan arc "clearly establ­ishcd by academic priorities" and in­clude: roughty $5 million for con~truc­tion on the Main Campus (Intercultural Center, Rcc Plex. Village A), $2.2 mil­lion for endowed chair~ and lecture­ships on the Main Campus. $5 million ror a new librarv facilitv at the law Center. $3 millio'n for en"dowed chair,

and lectureships at the Center, $4 million for construction at the Medical Center. $5 million for ~1Udent financial aid, and other funds for Lauinger Librarv. East Campus renovation, Camplis Mini~trics, and the gent.:ral program at all three campu,es.

Wells indicated that the priorities are meant to give the development office a direction to worlo. toward before the new campaign get, underway_ "At the moment we're rcorgani/ing, trying to increase efficiency without employing extra petlplc and tnl!chani7c as much as

The main complaint of the three workers was that many of their co­workers had been the object of haras­sment and had received threats of firing· from their immediate supcrvisors. One worker claimed he had been forced to come to work despite a fever. In ad­dition, these workers stated they were dissatisfied with the hospital's alleged failure to provide them with free eye and ear care (a benefit the unionized main campus workers have received), the lack of an adequate grievance pro­cedure. and the alleged practice of con­~istently scheduling certain workers for weekend shifts, leaving them with "no

Cuny Fails Tenure Try; Douglas Approved

time for their families." . After the employees had finished

speaking, Ehrmann then discussed a previous attempt to organize the workers at Georgetown in 1972. Al­though the effort succeeded on the main campus, Ehrmann said that it failed at the Medical Center largely because th management was able to delude its workers with "false promises" and inti­midiate them with threats of firing. He added that at present here is sufficient

, inter;:st to initiate another election on the union question but that it should not be held until the workers are abso­lutely clear on "what a union is" and "the responsibilities it entails." Once the workers arc organized. he stated that it would not "make sense" to have sep­arate unions dealing with the hospital and main campus employees.

When contacted for comment, Assis­tant Personnel Director Edward M. Conway said that he was not aware of the supervisor-employee tensions that had been alleged, He emphasized that the administration is "willing" to recog­nize the workers but that this action must be carried out in accordance with the procedures.

by Mary Cowhey IfUYA CliP\. Editor

The Government department has decided against recommending Profes­sor Patty Curry for tenure, after a majority of the fifteen full time tenured members of the department voted against endorsing a tenure award for the political theory specialist.

Two weeks prior to this decision the Government Department recom­mended to the Rank and Tenure Com-. mittee that Prof. Bruce Douvlas be granted tenure. The department then forwarded this recommendation, along with faculty and student evaluations of teaching performance, and six outside eval tions of the tenture candidates' publicaticms and research;to Rank and Tenure for judgement. However, the final word on all tenure decisions res, with University President Rev. Timothy S. Healy, S.J.

"My student evaluations were high," said Curry, "and I have some publish­ing. I could have written more, but peo­ple have different talent and different gifts. I think mine is teaching."

In its deliberations, each department is asked to consider three categories of information, according to Government Department Chairman Karl Cerny. These are service, teaching. and scho­larship and research. While lesser stres;, is given to service, shortcomings in either of the other two areas can be ba-

lanced by oUbtanding abilities in the other, said Cerny.

"We are looking for a combination of these factors," explained Cerny. Refer­ring to the decision in Curry's case he said, "In the judgment of the majority of the members of the department. that combination wasn't there:'

Curry has the right to appeal directly to th ank and Tenure Committee fer


Professor Patty Curry

tenure without the government depart­ment'!. recommendation. At this point. she said she has no plans to make an appeal. Standard tenure procedure al­lows Curr\' one more year at George­townduri~g which ,he can seek a future position orir conditions change regard­ing the strength of hN tcnu rc casco such

as the acceptance of material for publi­cation, she can request a reconsidera­tion of her case.

In their six vears here, both Domda, and Curry published articles in political science journals. I\either has published a book. According to Cerny. Douglas published comparatively more work than Clirry. The fact that both profes­sors \,irote in the political theory field while today stress is laid on compara­tive systems was taken into considera-

tion. said Cernv. Each applic~nt for tenure has his

puhlications evaluated by six outsider,: three of his own choice and three chmcn by the department. Prof. Curry stated that in addition to her three evaluations, all of which were favora­ble, she knew that at least tWO 01- the three reviews by department-appointed naluators were good. "I know that for muny of the pcople in the department it WilS a difficult decision," said Curry.

, '

Daniel .J. AltobellI)

po,sible." ,he said. "The new campaign i, at lea,t a year

away," ,aid Altllhcllo, "and its goal> will be bigger and more diversified (than pa,t campaign~i."

"The actu<ll amount 01 the goal will

Co!llillued UII page 3

Committee Meeting to Recommend Investment Policies to GU Directors

by Stephen D. Mull HOY,' COrltflhulmg EdItor

The Investment Respomibilities Committee will mcet this month to make recommendations to the G U Board of Dircctors on the excrcise of the University's proxy in the resolution of such corporate issues as the cessation of ,ales to South Africu, accordinl( to Vice-president for Financial Affairs George H ou,ton. Th~,e is,ues will be raised at stock­

holders' meetings of corporations in which Georgetown invests, the first of

which is in five days. These issuc~ in­clude thc non-expamion of Exxon in South Africa, disclosure of Citicorp's loans to Chile, a report concerning J.P. Morgan's loans to South Africa, and a report to Amcftcun H0me Products on infant formulas.

principle,. The,e principles, published in Julv. 197E. bv Revercnd Leon Sulli­van, ';lttcmpt t~) cnourc non-discrim­inatory and non-scgrc,gatati\c practices in employmcnt, benefit plans, the allo­cation of work facilitie" wages, and training program,. To date, over ninety American corporations haH: ,igned the ,tatcmcnt of these principlo. HOllston pointed out that the,c corporations arc b'reaking South African law in aiding the black, coloured, and Indian com­munitic> in seeking integration.

Controvery Surrounds Cancelled Debate

Despite the fact that the first of the,e meeting~ is in fi\'e days, the Invc:stment Committee has not yet met, nor ull have all the appointments been made accord­ing to Assistant to the President Charle~ Meng. The Committee i; to be composed of one student and one facul­ty member from each of the three Uni­versity campuses. a representative of Campus Ministries, and three mem­bers-at-large cho!>en from the Univcr~­ity community.

Houston pointed out that last year the Committee met and recommended that the University Board of Directors support corporate management in var­ious stockholder challenges on a par­theid-related and other issues. In all twelve cases, corporate management was upheld by a umjority of the stock­holders. .

The Investment Comrnillee is also empowered to make a recommendation for the divestiture of investments be­cause of a corporation's unethical be­havior. Houston stated that generally he is opposed to such action noting that, "The minute vou sell a stock, vou eliminate your right to be heard by a corporation'; management or board of directors. I would rather stick with it and become a thorn in somebody's side ... in order to amke un impact."

by Greg Kitsock

National known pro-choice advocate Bill Baird has accused Congressman Henry Hyde (Rep/Ill.) of backing out of a debate over legalized abortion sponsored by Georgetown's Right to Life group.

Thedebate was to have taken place at 8:30 pm on Tuesday in Gaston Hall. It had to be cancelled because of a "sched­uling conflict," according to members of the G U Pro-Life Group and spokes­men for Hyde's office.

An angry Baird, however, said in a telephone interview with the HOY A last Friday morning thut he believed they were· alibing for Hyde. Com­mented Baird: "Hyde can bully p.oor people on Medicuid payments, but when confronted by a man of his own stature, he did like most bullies do-he turned tail and ran."

Hyde is the author of the Hyde Amendment, which would forbid Medicaid funding of abortions except when the mother's life is endangered.

Stating that he cancelled u 5750 speaking engagement in Michigan to

come to Georgetown, Baird said he may sue the sponsors of the debate for breach of contract.

According to Tom Raskauskas, pres­ident of GU Pro-Life, Hyde uccepted the invitation to speak here on the Fri­day before spring break. Baird said hc was contacted the week before the event was scheduled, The GU Lecture Fund and the College RepUblicans were to split the $120 cost of his plane fare. Otherwise, Baird cluimed, he was re­ceiving nothing to speak.

Baird said that on the evening of Thursday, March. 29, Raskauskas called to say the debate was off. Ras­kauskas (according to Baird) said there had been a mix-up but was unable to ex plain in more deta iL He referred Baird to Gerry Wegemer (also of Pro­Life) whom Baird was unable to con­tact.

The next day, Baird said, he called Hyde's office and the National Abor­tion Rights Action League (through which the GU Pro-Life group had origi­nally contacted him.). Hyde's secretary said that the congressman couldn't at­tend the debate because several consti-

College Academic Council Election


'80 representatives Regina Healy Steve Smith

President Carolyn Marfizo '80

'82 representatives Judy Costello Mike lohanel

'81 representatives Al Campanella.

MaI:gie Del Greco

tuents from the Illinois Bar As;ociation were coming to visit him that same Tuesday evening. She allegedly blamed the mix-up on a lack of coordination in scheduling hctween member~ of Hvdt.:', ~talT. Bai~d said he th.;n called up the fIIinois Bar Associaiion. hut the organi­lation was unable to confirm or deny the account of Hyde" secretary.

Kay Harold of NARAL however, told Baird (and later confirmed for the HOYA) that on Friday morning Ras­kauskas had called her to say the debate was cancelled because mayor of Cleve­land Dennis K ucinich was scheduled to speak in Gaston Hall at the same time.

Baird said he was told by Kucinich's oflic.: that the Mayor 11ad no speaking engagement at Georgetown planned for that day, and the city had no money to send him there anyway.

After being informed of the debate's cancellation by Baird, The HOY A con­tacted Raskauskas and David Kolf (president of Pro-Life until this past week).

Kolf blamed the cancellation on a "scheduling conflict," but could not be more specific. He said his club had called Hyde's office Friday morning to

Continued on page 3

Houston noted that the University usually does not take an active publi~ stand on its divestment policy. Houston stated that, "it doesn't serve anv real purpose." .

Houston predicted that the Commit­tee would be influenced by a particular

, corporation's adherence to the Sullivan

He stated that a decision for divesti­ture would bc based upon a number of factors, including the corporation's par­ticipation in extending the system of apartheid.

Although the committee lTlay make recommendations regarding divesti­turc, the initial decision to invest is al­most alway;; made by the Uni\ersity's portfolio managers.

GUPS Takes Protestors Before Adjudication by Greg Kitsock 110).,\ A ...... PI.:IoIh; hiltllr

Three students have been taken be­fore the Adjudication Board for their role in a demonstration against Henry Kissinger that took place outside Cop­ley Formal Lounge on March 12.

The three-David Alaeantra, Marga­ret Yoklavich and Carol Emmings-

I have been charged with disorderly con­duct and failure to comply with a Uni­versitv official. The notice of complaint, dated' March 30, lists Sgt. Charles Christian of GU Protective Services as the party bri nging charges.

The Adjudication Board was sched­uled to hear the case yesterday evening at 9:30 p.m. The decision of the board had not been announced at press time.

The three gave essentially t\1e salTle account of the incident. After Kissinger had entered the lounge at a bout 4:00 p.m., they and their fellow protestors stationed themselves in the hall outside and began chanting slogans such as "Kissinger Off Campus!" Inside the Iqunge it became impossible to hear Kissinger, and SFS Dean Peter Krogh asked the security guards on duty to clear the demonstrators from the hall. The guards then ordered the protestors outside.

Alacantra, Yoklavich and Emmings said they and the other p~otestors refused to leave because as students they had a right to remain in the dorm, and be­cause they felt they had a moral duty to protest Kissinger's presence on campus. At this point the guards forcibly ejected the crowd from the hall, and asked sev­eral of the students' for their 10 cards.

The three students being charged claim that at no time were they asked to keep quiet or warned that they would be taken to Adjudication if they didn't comply. Two of thcm-Alacuntra and Y okla vich-said they would have left peaeably if warned of the consequences. Emmings said she "didn't know."

The three have charged that GUPS lIsed unnecessary violence in ejecting the demonstrators. Y oklavich said she was thrown to the ground by a female guard, then shoved against a wall and told: "If you don't leave, we'll take you in."

Chaires Stanton, a demonstrator who has not yet been summoned to Ad­judication. said he was knocked down and had his hair pulled. Chuck Arian­a witness to but not a participant in the demonstration-filed a complaint against GUPS which was printed in the March 15 HOYA. As of Monday he

said he had received no reply. Stanton said his group did not active­

ly resist the guards. Alacantra admitted grappling with a person dressed in plainclothes whom he saw dragging a friend across the floor. The person later identified himself as Officer Anthony Jones of GUPS. Alacantra claimed he thought J ones was a student, because

Jones was not wearing a badge or uni­form to identifv him as a guard.

Demonstrat(lr~ guestio~ed by The HOY A speculated that the guards may have overreacted because of the events of the preceding week--the murder o~ G U coed off campus and an attempfed assault in Harbin-and because of un-

Three students who protested during Henry Kissinger's speech last were charged with disorderly conduct yesterday before the Student Adjudication Board.

Page 2 THE HOYA Friday, April 6,1979

Famed Newsman Holds Seminar Newsbriefs The' monetary goal set is $20,000

which will assist in defraying "specific expenses in equipping the House."

A noted news correspondent whose foreign assignments have taken him around the world 10 times, have in­duded a dozen wars and revolutions­and involved two brushes with d~ath in Cambodia-will be a guest speaker on campus next Tuesday night, April 10.

He's Richard Dudman, 60, prize­winning chief Washington correspon­dent of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. who has been covering foreign and na- . tional affairs for that newspaper for the past 2S years.

He'll address a joint HOYA-Voice journalism seminar in Room 206 White-Gravenor at 8 p.m. All students and faculty of the University are wel­come and urged to attend.

Dudman's most recent close-call in Cambodia occurred in December, 1978 when a terrorist fired at him three times at close and range and killed a British scholar in the same government house the final night of their two-week visit to the country. Dudman was there as one of the first two Western reporters (the other was Elizabeth Becker of the Washington Post) to visit Cambodia since the Communist victory of April 27, 1975. Becker also had a close-call with death in the 'same incident.

Eight years earlier, Dudman was cap­tured and held prisoner several weeks by Communist guerrillas in Cambodia. He and two other reporters were cap­tured while covering the start of the U.S. invasion of the country. Dudman's

later stories about the experience were carried in many newspapers throughout the world, and he also wrote a book, "Forty Days With The Enemy," about it.

He has also made two trips to Hanoi-in 1972, for a tour of North Vietnam at the height of the U.s. bombing, and in 1977, for the first full repqrt by an American correspondent on the situation in postwar Vietnam.

Dudman has visited China seven times, starting with the first Nixon trip in 1972.

His foreign reporting began with an assignment to cover the Jewish dis­placed persons' camps in Europe in 1947, as a reporter for the Denver Post. He accompanied a group on the first phase of a journey to Palestine, assum­ing the identity of a Polish-Jewish dis­placed person to avoid detection by French and British security officials at checkpoints on the route from West Germany. to the Mediterranean coast.

His first assignment for the POSI­Dispatch was the Guatemalan revolu­tion of 1954, in which he rode horse­back for two days to catch up with the insurgent forces of Gen. Castilla Ar­mas.

On the domestic side, Dudman has covered the Presidency, Congress, inde­pendent agencies, questions of constitu­tional rights, and the activities of pres­sure groups.

Among special projects he has super-




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Richard Dudman vised in the poD's seven-member Wash­ington bureau have been the obtaining and reporting on portions of the Penta­gon Papers in 1971 and the preparing of two special sections of the newspaper, on which he did much of the writing. One of the latter was "The Downfall of Richard Nixon," published two days after Nixon's resignation. The other was "Vietnam: Defeat and Disillusion," published the day Saigon fell to the Communists in April, 1975.

A native of Centerville, Iowa, Dud­man was graduated from Stanford Uni­versity and, years later, was awarded a Nieman Fellowship in Journalism at Harvard University.

Handicap Seminar The Sign Language House is

sponsoring a "Handicap Awareness Week" April 16th-21st. As part of the week's activities, the house will provide films and speakers to de­velop the student body's awareness of the problems faced by the handi­capped, In addition, the house will sponsor a "Simulate the Handi­capped Day" so that the students can experience first hand the prob­lems of the handicapped. Students can sign up for thi! program in Healy basement. Asked if she thinks the program will be successful, house member Jody Olivo responded, "I don't know. We're going to see."

Blood .Donors Wanted

Georgetown's District Action Project, in cooperation with the President's Office and Student Af­fairs, is ·sponsoring a campus wide appeal for the donation, of blood platelets in response to a request made by the National Institutes of Health. (NIH).

The platelets are needed for chil­dren and adults who have leukemia, aplastic anemia, and other serious blood diseases. Georgetown Uni­versity students, faculty and staff are


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asked to have their platelets typed in case they might match a leukemia.

. patie~t's. The chances are I in 5,000 that the

platelets will match and volunteers are urgently needed. Members ofthe staff of the NIH Platelet Center will be drawing blood samples for typing on Tuesday, April 10 in Copley Formal Lou~ge from 10:00 am to 2:30 pm. The typing procedure takes only ten minutes and involves draw­ing one ounce of blood.

Platelets are blood components necessary for blood clotting in order to prevent life-threatening hemor­rhages. Platelets are matched by a process similar to the usual ABO red blood technique. Unless the platelets are matched, patients' bodies soon become sensitized and reject them.

Bike-a -thon In an effort to raise money for the

Yates Field House, three Georgetown students have volunteered to bicycle from Georgetown to the Los Angeles Alumnae House this summer. The three students, Christopher Meyering, Ge­rald Po1cari, and Luke Pickett, will start out June I, and are ex pected to arrive in Los Angeles August I. Lett rs will be mailed to alumnae and parents asking for pledges to sponsor the three bicyclists.

GU Study On Transportation

The University has joined with the District of Columbia Department of Transportation and the Metropoli­tan Council of Governments to study the transportation services for the Main Campus and the Medical School in an effort to improve tran­sportation facilities.

The study, financed by the Federal Government, is designed to suggest means of reducing auto­mobile traffic in Georgetown. As a part of the study, students of the University will be surveyed April 9-10. The survey will question the transportation patterns of the Uni­versity'in order to best fulfill the needs of the students. The results of the survey will be used to determine the modes oftransporta~ion that the University and the Federal Govern­ment will support and develop.

The University phase of the study will be conducted under Assistant Director of Protective Services Lawrence Lorch. Psychology Pro­fessor Daniel Geller and the consult­ing firms of J.H.K. and Rifkin & Associates will assist in the study.

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"Okay, who's the wise guy?"

II 90067

Kebe Awaits Grand Jury Announcement

George Kebe, the suspect in the murder of Georgetown coed Maureen McGrath, is currently in the D.C. City Jail awaiting a Grand Jury decision on his case, according to prosecutor John Hume.

The Grand Jury will decide whether sufficient evidence exists for ,bringing Kebe to trial. H ume was unable to say when it would reach a decision.

The attorney would not commel1t on what evidence he has against Kebe. However, according to articles· in the Post and Star, police were observed i taking several plastic bags from Kebe's house and'investigators found the sus­pect's '(ingerprints in Regent Place.

Friday, April 6, 1979 THE HOYA Page 3

PRto Follow Mad.Ave Study by Celeste Walsh

HOY A slarr Wril.r

Newly appointed Vice-President of Development Adele Wells, the first woman vice-president at Georgetown, says she wants to see "an enthusiasm for' money."

In a HOYA interview, Wells iden­tified her VP duties as two-fold, "cover­ing the directorship of both public rela­tions and fund-raising."

Wells said she hopes to create a Gloser awareness of public relations and devel­opment amongst students and faculty.

In order to accomplish this, public rela­tions and development must be more cohesive. that they must work as a "team," she stated.

Describing her first impression of Georgetown, Wells termed it "a warm institution, you feel like part of- a com­munity right away."

fund-raising outside the country is only a "long-term plan." "rhat is all in the future," she said, "for there is enough business right here on our doorstep to keep everyone busy for a while."

More importantly. Wells said s~c wants to involve those already within the Georgetown community, especially faculty, whom. she ~ays, have never been fully motivaled before,

Wells identified the e~~ential part of a fund-raising campaign as thc involve­ment of the members of the U niversiy themselves: "motivating people to help ... " she said. McGrath was found strangled March

9 in The Regent Place clothing store! where she worked part time. Kebe alleg­edly confessed to the crime after being apprehended in a jewelry store robbery three days later. In addition to murder and robbery he is being charged with embe7.zlement from a Dart Drug Store where he worked briefly.

The murder and an unrelated at­tempted assault in Harbin the following day prompted Student Government President Scott Ozmun and Vice Presi­dent Tracy Hughes to call "for the for­mation of a University-wide task force on campus security, including an ex­ternal evaluator.

Debate Controvery

By conveying this image to the com­munity. Wells expressed h.ope to im­prove on the success of fund-raising projects. Wells said her first goal is to raise $27 million in order to pay for "left over projects," including the costs of buildings now under construction and academic projects already approved. She was very successful in this area at Corn'en, where she raised over $15.5 million in three years using a corporate structure she designed herself.

Of British origin, Well!, was educated in England and Switl:erland, After working in the' 'American School in Switzerland, she came to New York City acting as a representative for the ~chool in this country. She then joined the staff at Cornell where she dilccted fund-rai~ing activities.

Hume said Kebe has been locked up on a parole violation warrant. Police had revealed earlier that Kebe served two years in Florida State prison for receiving stolen property and was still on probation at the time of the murder.

Hughes said they are currently dis­cussing the matter with VP for Plann­ing and Physical Plant William Miller under whose jurisdiction security lies. Miller, she said, remains opposed to a comprehensive review, although he would like a committee to investigate security problems in the individual dorms and solicit student opinion on what they want from security.

Continued from page J tell the congressman to call the debate off.

Raskauskas blamed the cancellation on a snafu he himself had caused. He said when he contacted Hyde's office before spring break, he "left the impres­sion" that the debate would take place on Wednesday, April 4. Raskauskas (by

Harbin Living Learning Center Seen by Michelle McCarthy

HOY 1\ Stall Wntl:r

Emerging from a three-year study hat investigated the possibility of dev­

eloping a residential college at George­town. an innovative "Living/ Learning" project.' involving fifty-five students from each of the five undergraduate schools. is tentatively scheduled to begin in September 1979 in Harbin,

According to a draft proposal issued by Assistant Dean of the Gollege, Dr. Hugh Cloke, the "living/learning" pro­ject aims to "encourage students and faculty to mix informally, to extend the conversation beyond the classroom. and to bring to the classroom the strengths of their communal living."

Thirty-five freshmen and twenty up­perclassmen will be chosen in propor­tion to the population of their respec­tiveschools. Applicants will be required to submit a copy of their academic rec-

Cloke said, "Faculty for the project is yet to be recruited, and the precise plans for governance of the program must be specified in further committee discus­sions." Cloke did say, however, that the program would be interdisciplinary in nature, and that participants would be awarded three elective credits at the end of the spring semester.

Explaining the purpose of the pro­gram, Cloke said, "Our hope is that the seminar will allow each of the students and professors to draw upon the skills and information derived from their prior training and specialization, while encouraging them to transcend those perspectives and attempt to integrate their educational experience."

One of the chief goals of this program is to establish a greater sense of com-


munity among the various schools. Pro­posed means for achieving this goal in­clude weekly discussio groups similar to study breaks, dining groups of six or eight that would meet regularly, and social events such as non-religious re­treats, dances, and intramural teams.

FacuIty involved in this project will teach either the seminar or one or two of the introductory freshmen courses. Facilities for the faculty on the floor will be provided by the corridor min­ister's apartment. which will increase the participation of the faculty member in the informal discussions and other extra-curricular activities.

Despite the amount of planning and work which has yet to be done, Cloke concluded, "\ hope we will be able to begin this fall."

his own account) later changed the date to Tuesday, April 3 because it fit his schedule better. However, he neglected to inform Hyde's office of the date change 'until the congressman's sched­ule for Tuesday evening was booked up and a rescheduling was impossible.

Raskauskas admitted telling NARAL that Kucinich was speaking here to "save myself some embarass­ment." He claimed he had been fooled by an ad in the HOY A's April Fools issue last week which stated that the Cleveland mayor was coming here to speak on "Fiscal Responsibility."

Rather than letting Baird speak alone, Raskauskas said he cancelled the entire event because he wanted a debate where his group's point of view would be represented. He added that the debate would not be rescheduled this semester because he had no more time to work on it.

Donna Harper. press secretary for Hyde, said her office contacted the school "sometime last week" to inform the debate's sponsors Hyde couldn't make it. She gave the same reason that had been given Baird: Hyde was being visited by some members of the Illinois State Bar Association. She was unable to say exactly when Hyde's constituents announced they were coming, or con­firm Raskauskas' story of a scheduling mix-up,

Baird said he would still like to speak here. whether he has someone to debate or not.

Though University President Timo­thy Healy's international fundrabing jaunts are highly publisi7.ed, Wells said

Interim Dev Campaign Continuedfrom page I be determined by what's realistic:' said Altobello, who explained that econo­mic conditions bear heavily on a cam­paign and that it is critical to match resources with expectations-the cam­paign must be successful in reaching its early goals in order to attain continual success throughout the drive, "A deve­lopment campaign is done quietly. until we get a lot of money in:' said Altohello.

Altobello also disclosed the final fig­ures for the completed mandate '81 campaign. With a goal of S51.3 million, $55.8 million was raised over the eight years since Mandate '81 was instituted in 1970. Of that $55 million, over $22

million were grants from foundations and $9 million from corrorali()n~ and their foundation,. "In seeking funds, we do not take gifb that tic m to any philowphical position." ,tated Altobello.

As far as development as a wholc. Altobellow advocates in hi~ semi­annual review of development that a ncw mini-computer mu~t be utili7ed. additional stajT should be hired. the vice rre~idents. dean nd faculty !,hould be involved in the fundraising procc~s, ac­tivity should be increased with the Col­lege. SLL. and Continuing Education and that greater emphasi, ,hould be placed on obtaining major granb from larger foundation,.

Com to Look At Policy Continued/rom page 1 the degree to which the corporatIOn

aids the government. officiab noted. Adherence to the Sullivan principle, i, also a major factor in the U nivcr,ity\ decision whether or not to divest.

ord and a letter explaining the rea- COnTinued/rom page I sons for desiring to be a part of such a favorable publicity in the campus press. program. One officer who wished to remain un-

According to Cloke. participating identified refuted th~ charges of excess Student Senate

Columbia University. which recently divested itself of a number of invest­ments, follows a somewhat similar method in evaluating the ethics of their investment in a particular corporation, Columbia officials stated that they scru­tinize each invested corporation which does business in South Africa. Each corporation is categori7:ed according to the size of its operation in South Africa, employment and wage practices, and

If a corporation meets certain ,et standards, Columbia continue, its in­vestment. official said. If not. closer monitoring of the corporation occur,. and in extreme cases the Unive ,ity d i­vests.

freshmen will be encouraged to enroll in violence, however. "I think the worst the same English. theology. and philo- thing that happened is that people's

The Student Senate approved the Last Sunday, the Senate voted to in-

sophy courses which are required of feelings w.!rr.~ Qyrt::.he cpmwen.t!;d. ,_ '., ,,(r.~:ihmen in all five schools. stressing Christian said the hearing was closed the. interdisciplinary, .nature.· o,f: thesc_ " 'td ttib~geneI'al 'public' "at his ;"req'uest ,~~jects, faculty meml)ers Will attempt· " because of fne· .. ·senSlti{-c· nature" of the' ,~o~draw.compari~ons between prevalent. proceedings. (The students being

nominations offreshman Senator Mike crease the number of members of the DQp1 and fo~meccommittee member SAC from seven to nine. consisting of M iC'!\ael McPhee to the Main Campus four Senators, and five ou\sigers.

.,Fin:-~nc< ~~lT!rriittee' (MC'F:q Suii~ay Scheduled' to c~me to~ vote Sunday~but .' , nigllCln addition, the Senate approved postponed until next week, is the pro­

five new members to the Student Activ- rposal to add two members to the-SAC ities Commission (SAC). The new at budget hearing time, when the Com­members are Annie Watson, Steve mission hears student clubs' requests Pearlman, Steve Wlodychak, Bruce for funding. However, President Scott

...... '. . ~', ~ ,

themes In these cour~es a~d the. theme charged .~aid that they would have pre-of the ye~r-I0!lg semma.r In which the ferred an open hearing,) The sergeant !.reshmen s neighbors Will be ~~rol~:d, added that charges may yet be brought

The HOYA will not be published before the EaSler break.

Culture. Technocracy. and LIVing. against other protestors. James, and Sondra McKee. Ozmun opposes the proposal.

The Student Government and G.U.T.S.

in cooperation with SAFEWAY announce


If you're shopping for Saturday Night Munchies, or an alternative to the cafeteria, or your weekly groceries, get some nutrition and save $$$, time, and energy by taking the G.U.T.S. shuttle to Safeway on Saturday mornings!

Starting tomorrow, the shuttle will be making stops at HealyCircle, St. Mary!s Steps, and Safeway_ A ticket to ride is 40<1: and can be purchased at the G.U.T.S. Gateho'use, the machine outside St. Mary's, and at the Henle RHO. Buy 'em today!

leaves Healy: 12:05 1:05 2:05 2:50

leaves Darnell: Leaves St. Mary's: 12:09 12: 10 1:09 1:10 2:09 2:10 2:54 2:55

leaves Safeway: 12:15 1:15 2:15 2:15 3:00

Friday, April 6 SEC CONCERT: Elvis Costello, Cellar Door Concert. McDonough Arena. 8 PM. Info. 625)3181.

SEC MOVIE: "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid" and "Cool Hand Luke". Room LA-6. 8 PM. Basic Science Bldg.

DANCE: Sponsored by the College Academic CounCIl Hall of Nations. Walsh Bldg" 9 PM, Refreshments will be served, Info: 625-0912.

LECTURE: Dr. Eugene Galantor wilt speak in the New South Faculty Lounge. 8 PM Refreshments will be served. Info: 338-0441,

COFFEEHOUSE: Arts Hall Lounge, 9-1 AM. Free

Saturday, April 7 SEC MOVIE: "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid" and "Cool Hand Luke" Room LA-5. 8 PM. Basic Science Bldg.

CONCERT: Georgetown Artist Series presents Benjamin Verdery and Rle SchmIdt: ClaSSical Guitar and Flute. Dahlgren Chapel. tickets $5.

Sunday, April 8 GEORGETOWN VOICE ANNIVERSARY: 10th Anniversary celebration of the George­town Voice with speakers on journalism. Gaston Hall. Healy Bldg.

COLLEGE ACADEMIC COUNCIL: Meeting. 1st Floor New Soulh Lounge, 7:30 PM.

Monday, April 9

ROOM RETENTION: Class of 1980, 10 AM-3 PM. Harbin Lounge,

LECTURE: Lord Caradon, scholar-in-residence at the Center for Contemporary Arab Students will speak on ''What Hope for Cyprus?'" New South Facutty Lounge, 7:30 PM Info: 625-3128.

Tuesday, April 10 INTERCULTURAL COFFEE HOUR: Informal conversation between U S, and foreign students. Faculty welcome, Healy Basement Conference Room. 3:30 PM,

SAVE-A-LlFE: Take ten minutes out of your day to be btood typed and see if you can save a child's life who suffers with leukemia. Copley Lounge, 10 AM-2:30 PM. For app\. 476-2022.

"ART OF AMERASIA": Exhibit of Art by GU Asian students. LaUinger Library

LES BATELEURS. Georgetown's French Theatre troupe, present "Le Somneil De La Raison, by Michel De Ghelderode. Stage 3, Poulton Hall, 8:30 PM


SAVE-A-LiFE. District Action Project. Take ten minutes out of your day to be blood typed and see if you can save a child's life who suffers with leukemia. Copley Forum Lounge 10:00 a.m.-2:30 p,m,

10,000 METER MINI-MARATHON REGISTRATION: The Georgetown Army ROTC IS sponsoring a 10.000 meter (6.2 miles) mini-marathon to benefit Children's Hospital in Rock Creek Park on April 22, 1979, Anyone interested in running may reglsler in Healy Basement between 11AM and 4PM. For more information call Dee Lyons at 338-6443 or GU-AROTC at 625-4087,

Wednesday, April 11 LES BATELEURS present "Le Somneil De La Raisori", by Michel De Ghelderode, Stage 3, Poulton Hall, 8:30 PM,

ROOM RETENTION. class of 1982. 10 AM-3 PM. Harbin Lounge.

PRE-LAW WORKSHOP, 2-3:30 PM. Sign up at CP&P.

SEMINAR ON SUMMER INTERNSHIPS, 3-4:30 PM. Healy Conference Room,

MID DAV ARTS SERIES: Regina Dwyer McClothin, resident of GU Hospital, soprano, and Fr. James Walsh, baritone, will perform vocal duets. Copley Lounge, 12:1pm. Info: 625-3351.

A m6nths';mirid mass for Maureen McGrath will be offered on the 1 month anniversary of her death, 12:10 PM, Dahlgren,


Page 4 THE HOYA Friday, April 6, 1979

editorials ,I

Founded January t4, 1920

Time to Move Forward L ast year, the University hired a Madison

Avenue advertising firm to evaluate the Development and Public Relations Depart­ments at Georgetown. This year the r(,port is complete, a new Vice-Presidenl is at the helm, Mandale 'tll-the past major DcvelopmcIlt drive-is over, and the VP IIOW has the oppor­tunity 10 build·hel'0 aff. Obviollsly, Deve­lopmellt ha~ all the lools nC'cessary to launch an unprecedented development campiagn.

'Nhile the Departmcnt plans 'to follow rec­ommendations proposed in the Doremus Re­port, we believe there are certain important areas that should be focused upon in Ihe up­coming campaign-areas which encompass studcllt and faculty interest.

Fundraising should involve as many Uni-, n:rsity faculty, sludents. and admini~trators as possible. The majority of funds should be con-

centra ted in areas such as Student Scholar­ships, Endowed Chain, Library Facilities, and Endownment of the Arts. Certainly il i~

important to expand the campus, (witness Village A, Intercultural Center, and the Rec Plex) but Development's prioritil'~ should lie in maintaining and upholdin~ ~I('ad('mi(' quality and student aid.

In addition, to further lkvl'lopnll'nt, it is necessary to enhance Public Relations. The Doremus Repon'.~ terming PR "de/icielll" is just one more confirmation thai the time ha~ arrived when PR needs a recharge.

Now that development has th(' fle( essary tools to work with. it is nec(,ssary thai they he implemented to produce programs wh ieh will be most beneficial to the University ane! its'· educational mission.

Re INVESTigate o nct' again it is lime for the University to

rc-cvaluate its investment commitments to ('orporation~ engaged in various activities around the WOlle!. Little has changed in the preceding year: apartheid is still depriving South Africans of e\'el1 the most basic human rights; Chilean repression continues; African mothers still feed their childrm with mass­produced formulas of dubious nutritional value.

The time has come for the University to take an active stand against the deprivation of human rights in the name of higher profits. As University Vice-president George Houston noted. our stock holdings and proxy rights are val uable weapons in pressuring the manage­ment and board of directors of a corporation into action against injustice.

However, it is rather impossible to make intelligent decisions in these complex areas when the committee responsible for these decisions-the Investment Responsibilities

Committee-has yet to meet. There are six corporate stockholders' meetings scheduled this month; one will convene five days from today to discuss a report on South 'African loans. To date, all members of the committee have not been appointed, much less Ille\.

We call upon the Administration to appoint and convene this committee as soon as pm­sible. Investment responsibilities should not be taken lightly, The consideration of them is literally a question of life or death in many cases.

The University itself must also play an ac­tive role in enforcing corporate responsibility around the world. Playing a passive, anony­mous, role is unacceptable where human rights are concerned, particularly in light of the fact that Georgetown is a Jesuit institu­tion. It is time for Georgetown to assume its rightful role as a world citizen and combat abuses which are all too abundant in the world of today.

Going My Way? W e ha\'e all complained numerous times

about the sad ~tate of Ih(' DC transporta­tion system, particularly its ineflicientlinking of Georgelown with the rest of the city and outlying suburbs. The problcm~ are many. Students are vi( timized by: late hLls~e~ from j()b~ downtown which ha\'c caused Ihem to miss one too many classes; routes which often take all hour to reach such relatively close !>))ots a.~ the Mall and the Capitol; a twcnty­fin'minute walk to the llearest Metro stop-or ha\'ing to pay two,fare~ if a bus is opted for.

But perhap.~ then~ is relief in sight. The kderal gO\'(Tnllll'nt has gran ted the II niversi­lies in DC $250,000 to undertake a study of the transportation routes in DC as well as their connecl i()n~ to the al ea universi ties, One goal is 10 alleviale the congestion in Georgetown. A~ for ib pall. ell ha~ dl'\'i~{'d a survey

~oliciling faculty, ~tudel1t and employee res-

ponse to public transportation needs. The !>ur­Vl'Y takes only about ten to fifteen to complete and will be conclucted on April 9th and 10th.

We urge all members of the university com­Illunity to make a seriolls effort to complete the stUvey to the best of their ability anc! kl1Owledge. The results will be tabulated and with the composite data, proposals and sug­gestions will be offered for eliminating prob­lems and finding alternatives.

By its granting of a quarter of a million dollars to the study of the problems, the federal government has demonstrated its inter­est in the public transportation problems of the city. Now is the time to form proposals for reform while the government is receptive to Ihem and will provide funding. Do your part, for both your own and th\ common good, and fill out the survey.

Board of Editors

Val Reitman, Editor-in-Chief Joel Szabat, Managing EdilOr

Mary Lou Hartman, News EdilOr Gloria Quinn, Asst. NeIl'S /:.clitor Maureen Sullivan, Sporrs Editor Mark White, Arts Editor

Chris Blake, Production Editor Beverly Wukich, Business Manager Miles O'Brien, Features Editor Mary Cowhey, Copy Editor

Alan Fogg, Associate Editor Tammy Pachter, Photo Editor Greg Kitsock, Associate Edilor Lynda Murray, Advertising Manager

Don Hubbard, Ass't Arts Editor Mark McAdams. Associate Editor I Rev, Edward Bodnar, S.J. Moderator

Contriburinl( Editors Lorenzo Aseoli ill Henry, Ken Knisely, Mike Lindquist,

Stephen D. Mull Chris McDonough, Forest Ralph, Mary Sharegian, Ed O'Neill '\, W:-, ~ 1,\H J(lhn HcIJ. llI1U,1 I LlIJl:1n

Mu:hdh: ~h.C.Ir1h ... M.tfl\ M!h.hl'll. D.I\": '\.Jdclhall. John '11'011. John' Orrlc!): (.Jun.1 QUinn, Cclc .. tt: .. h. MI~c \\'.11 .. 11. ~uc \\' •. II .. h, CMul Winter. \\'Illtl.! . ./:I) Vogd . .Idl I.dlc\.', III 1;1~IM. (In:g. MJggl(l. "Ie\..: I cech 1>llnn,! HullLn11 M,ITUt..lll.llh.:\"

""POI{ 1 ~ !'-.IAH·' D.I"-n Drun Anurev. I.~. GlilCct.l. P.tHI ~(.·Kcnn,1, \tg,rclli. klr~' Ad.lm ~hcrman. ~CJn ( 111\\ 11.'\ 1'.11 1 1 c\.'l\e , I).I\\..' .... cII11L'1 ..... 1.'11 Ruhhl.'lt.

',lIll;- \\ .dwI l'H.ODU( I [0 ..... ~., ;\1+ .Ill": Pcrr:lm. LP

PHO 10 S I A 1-1' .Iuc Atencln. Chcd: B.tylc" ... Marl) Hnlhngcr. Ituh lion ... Zac C.I'L'Y . .I Lilia IklTIlchcll ... , IirMuk-1i Deneke. I.elgh blden. 1.1Unt J-I,IX. lJa\.ld '\.tdt:lh.ttt. I.lnl P,Jchr .... PhIlIp Pccor.arn. RId Peete. Mar) QUII1Il. Huh Schmit. -"tcphanl! Slmenallcr. ~c()tl ~Chlll'm. P.IIll "form. ~ht'll.1 I Nmounan

AR rs SIAH' Brian MacMullt!n. Don HuhhilrcJ. 1'.11 Hccnt:y. Milr].. Whllt:. AmdncJ<I Clerkt'. I orcl1/() A'lllll

rhe HOY A is publi~hcd each week of the academic year (wrth,tlre'excepiioo'or holiday a~d ~~'~mination periods). Subscription rate: $7.50 per year. Addres, all corre;pondence to The HOYA, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. 20057, telephone (202) 625-4554, The HOYA is printed at the Northern Virginia Sun, Artington. Virginia.

The writing. article;, layout, pictures and format are the responsibility of the Board of Editors and do not necessarily represe~t, the view, of the Administration, Facultyand Students of the University unlessspecificaJty stated, Signed columns represent the OplOlons of the authors and do not necesarily reflect the editorial position of this newspaper. The University subscribes to the principle of respon~it,le freedom of expression for student editors.

Kissinger,Humon Rights, & Georgetown Don't Mix To the Editor:

The present Georgetown University Administration fails to realize that as long as Henry Kissinger is a member of this University there will be incessant dissent from the student body. Many have not forgotten how university Pres­ident Healy and most of the George­town Administration attempted to ig­nore the "Students Opposed to the Ap­pointment of Kissinger" (SOAK) peti­tion last year.

The issue the protestors were raising, as the placards showed, were that "Christian ethics & Kissinger don't mix" and why a "closed" lecture, Ob­viously, those who claim to be true Christians, and not hypocrites, will op­pose a man such as Kissinger and the corruption which he symbolizes. The SOAK Folio (available to all at Lauin­ger Library) clearly shows his unchris­tian morals and Machiavellian actions.

The Folio shows that as Chairman of the National Security Council in 1969 he kept secret to the American pUblic, and Congress, the bombing of Cambo­dia which had begun in March of that same year. His violations of human rights is atrocious. The Folio further shows that he was also involved in war­rantless wiretapping of his aides, under­mining the democratically elected gov­ernment of Chile by supporting CIA backed anti-Allende terrorist and. also,

he obstructed the Pike Committee in­vestigations which resulted -in his cita­tion for contempt of Congress.

The protestors on March 12th re­fused to enter Copley, after Dean Krogh invited them in to quietly listen to Kissinger. 1he protesters saw this merely as a means of appeasement us­ing the principle of Academic Freedom, which is the same one Healy used against SOAK. and not as a serious confrontation with the real issue with

which they are concerned-namely, the Kissinger presence in a Cathoiic univer­sity.

Those Georgetown students who believe in Christian ethics and "inalieni­able" rights should realize the moral implications of the Kissinger-George­town issue and question the ramifica­tions of the SOAK Folio.

David J. Alcantara CAS'8! Pablo Letelier

. Daniel. Popk in

eM.SA. Director Charges that HOYA Cartoon is in PoorTaste To the Editor:

If the editorial "cartoon" in the March 15, 1979 edition of The HOY A was an attempt at humor or an attempt at social commentary, it failed miser­ably at both. It is immediately obvious from the drawing that The HOY A and integrity don't mix and that the need to approach the seriousness of the re­ported attack in Harbin Hall in a re­sponsible way simply escapes the HOYA staff.

The HOYA could do much in estab­lishing a climate in which the members of this University community could

work together on some very serious issues; however, the lack of sound judgement displayed by the cartoon can surely cause polarization within the Georgetown University community. It seems to me that simple common sense would dictate that all of us promote a strong sense of community at a time when many may feel isolated. The HOYA staff does a great disservice to the University when it forgets the re­sponsibilities which come with its "free­dom of press and expression".

Samuel Harvev, Jr. Driector, CM.S.A.

ROTC Leaflets Amount to Advertising OverkiO It is good to see that the general pub­

lic is benefiting from the huge amounts of money being funneled down "the drain." i.e .. the military, I strolled down to Vital Vittles and saw three separate advertisements sponsoring ROTC events and scholarships. The first leaflet advertised a "ROTC Classic" to raise funds for Children's Hospital. Well. considering the number of children who have been killed, maimed and orphaned by men who have gone to war and en-

gaged in violence for very patriotic rea­sons. this seems to be a very worthy cause. That is one of the crazy facts a bout war: in War War II the Germans fought for their homeland, the Russians fought for theirs and the Allies had "right" on their side too. And each killed the other's children.

The second leaflet announced a rap­pelling "adventure". During this exer­cise you can get to know the good old folks who serve in your military. We

already know they're good people; it's the institution that's buying their brains and bodies we question.

Air Force ROTC scholarships were the third piece of information. For anyone who cannot afford an educa­tion, the Air Force will train you if you promise to work four years for them in such unproductive jobs as manning nu­clear missile sites, If you think the nu­clear power plant accident in Pennsyl­vania was bad. wait until we engage in our first "limited" nuclear war.

In Memoriam Anyway, let's not get emotional

about this whole issue. Just find out how much of your money goes to high school and colJege ROTC programs. Believe me. it costs a lot to makc thc military appear presentable. And if you're a Christian ... well, perhaps it is stretching the point to presume that an institution as large as Georgetown could operate on Christian values.

Maureen McGrath was a lucky girl in that she never had to be with people who didn't love her. She knew the total love of her mother, father. grandpar­ents, her brother and her sister. For this reason it was a comfort to us to see the tremendous love of the young people with whom she lived, studied and played.

Georgetown was the school that Maureen wanted to go to, and her life was happy there. We feel good that Maureen's time at Georgetown was not spent exclusively in the library. Nights

Blinger .J)t.I'I '-(0.) T~'NK THoS~ ~~ fL'1' A arr LOW (1oJ~R tCEiJf<C6ToYi /'oJ ~

at The Pub. the "O.D.E." room, dances, parties. traying in the snow, and rap­pelling were important parts of her life, as were the people who shared these times with her.

We want to thank all of her friends who made the long trip to Virginia and helped to ease the terrible pain. During this time we will draw strength from the knowledge that many at Georgetown will carry her beautiful memory in their hearts.

With love and gratitude. The McGrath Fami(v

Mark Wallace SFS '80 Cindy 'Gillies, CAS '80

Rose Marie Audelle, SFS '81

Quote of the Week: "News is the first rough draft of history."

-Ben Bradlee

,,- 'T--~-------~-~-----__

Friday, April 6,1979 THE HOYA Page 5

. viewpoint

Finances Key to GU NationolAcademic Rating he recent SlIccesse, of ollr basketball program

T have impressed on the Univcn,ity community . the benefits both rinancial and othcr-of

national ranking. Yct Georgetown can hoast of no academic departmcnt 01' the Main Campus with such national exposurc, This fact surfaces periodically in the student pres, and i~ of constant concern to the faculty and administration.

Why arc none of our programs nationally ranked? 'What does it take to he ranked? Do we really need to he ranked to succeed'! All the~e are questions that (It:servc investigation and upnn which I will com­

ment in this article.

Rostfum/L.·John Tuccillo

To begjn with. the national 1;1l1king or depart­ments ami programs done hy independcnt ,cnices

similar to AP and U 1'1 in tht: 'POItS a rea and based on published research arc only one Imperfect mca­~lIre of acadcmic ,ucce:-;s. I;,ing the~e a~ the :-ingle measure of the \V()I th of the l!nivcr,ity I~ cquiyalcnt to (continuing thc sports analogy) denyiug tht: abil­ity of an All-America rlaycr to come lrom a schllol with a mediocre record, or sayll1g that a Di,'ision II tcam cannot beat a DivislLln I team.

Clearly. Cieorget()\\ n, Ii ke \lther unra nked

schools, has some individual faculty mt:mbers with national reputations in their discipline, or national reputations in some sub-area of their discipline~ or strong regional reputations. Obviously, the fact that Kenyon, Williams and Pomona do not have nation­ally ranked departments has not kept these schools from establishing a fine academic reputatioll, Na­tional ranking is desira ble but not essential to the success of the academic program of a university,

But what docs it take to achieve this national rllnking'! Quite simply. the answer is money. This doesn't mean that we must shower ollr faculty with dollars in order to spur them on to greatness. Money hen.: i~ translated into time. Virtually all of our facul­ty is capable of producing publishable research. For this capability to be realized, these faculty mw,t he furnished with the time it take~ to rormulatc. examine. refine and test the ideas t hat arc the foundation of academic research.

This implie~ the ability of the University to free up this time for the faculty. or, in other words, have the money to afford three to six' semcster hour teaching loads, rather than the nine hour loads that arc cur­rently the norm at Georgt:town. If one scans the list of nationally ranked Universities (and I speak here only for Economics, although I'm reasonably certain that my comments arc generally truc), one finds light tcaching loads to be a common eharacteri~tie.

During mv own graduate student dav~. for exam­pit:. an ;~sis'tanl p;ofessor at Corndl (then ranked

among the top fifteen Economics departments in the country) would normally teach nine hours per ycar. That is half thc load here. Under those circum­stances, research and publication potential was quite readily translated into performance, with the result­ing enhancement of the department's reputation.

But Georgetown does not have the capacity to enjoy this luxury. We arc possessed of neither grand endowment nor state funds. What sources we have of obtaining this money/time are found in highly competitive grants, and in the grant application pro­ces~ a significant emphasis is placed on (wht:re arc you when we need you, Yossarian) national reputa­tion.

So, it is difficult for Georgetown to obtain na­tional academic ranking because of the financial constraint. Docs our success as a university depend 011 national ranking'! I would argue that it dOl:s not. The goals of this university lie in the area of prod uc­Ing liberally educated individuals capable of adding depth to human experience. To quote the draft state­ment of the educational goa.Is of the main campus:

The Georgetown idcal is the ed ucation of the whole pt:fson. Such an ideal dictatt:s that students be brought to a hightened awareness of themselves and of their obligations to the world around them.

This is a university predicated on the idea that the highest goal is the transmis~ion of k nowlcdgc in

breadth and depth through effective instruction. This means that Georgetov,:n's faculty is basically a teaching faculty. I'm not denying here the connec­tion bctween scholarship and te:lching. No amount of flash or communication skills can covcr for an essential lack of substance, and the greatest betrayal by the instructor is the conveyance of yesterday's material to the pupil.

Yet when I hear facultv members talk, when the idea of the University is discussed .. what I hear is not moaning over the lack or research support. not com­plaints against the teaching burden, hut rather regret over the growth of the University that precludes the establishment of the close pupil-instructor relation­ship so necessary to effective teaching.

If one is to lise national professional ranking of departments as a guideline. Georgetown is small potatoe~. Yet to succeed by that standard requires the acq uisition or a volume of resources enormous relative to our scale. On the other hand, if one is to judge the University by the standards of teaching excellence and the Ljuality of the liberal education offered. Georgctown can slIcceed. But to do so reyuire~ dedication to the teaching ideal and the nurturing of the distinguished teaching resources we do possess.

L J()hn TlIcCif/o i.1 (//1 A.I,I(JCIllIC Pro/£'ssor of /;'C(J I 10111 ics.

Keep GU South African Stock Investments? Could The Draft Be D

uri,ng the P,lst se\c'lal :ear,. patin,'! III the gmclnmcnt. pcacdul onl~ \\a~ to ci<;stroy the 'yskl11 is to to \iolent re\olution I\hich mo~t likely On The Way Back? Unl\!;rSltlcs ,teIO'S the ILllIIlll chan!;c I' [1OSSlhlc liJruugi'l changing the dcpri\e it of its cc('nomlC dlld pol it- \Iould d.:stlo:- the existing parliamell-ha\\.~ hecn t:lllhll'dcLi 111,:11 01- C(J111p""lion 01 the gmernmenL ical support through hoycott, anel el11- tar~' democracy, I helie\(; that dcmo-ten hitter debatc Icgaldln the ~()uth :,\frican racialll1justice ha.s Ib bargocs. Tnis IS tu he sllppit:mcntcd clacy IS thc m",t eyuit.lhle s)stem of T he draft didn't disappear \\hen ['our of thc Ii\(; alternatives consid-

invcstment 01 di\cstlllc'nt o! uni\el'\lty r(1(lh \\Ithin the Afrikaner minority \,ith the support of freedoIll fi!;htlng gmernmcnLand ~hould be prc~ervcd in the Vietnam "ar cnded. Seleetln; c:red acceptahk hy the Department of funds in corpor:ltlons in the _Lnioll "f \\hidl at prt:,cnt controls thl: govern- groups 1\110 through tcrr(1n~m would a, many arca~ of the world a~ po,,-,i Ie. Scn'icewa,ju,t put in "Dl:cpSwndbl" ])ckn,c include <:ompulsory regi~tra-South Africa I hh de hate ha', l'~lllcLJ ilJ,_·nt. <Int! not within tht: political ,truc- undcrrrllne the ,y,tcm. The cosh ",cic:t~ Ilw, i, not to 'Oly h(l\\cvcr that tlm (Jut of public ,ight. And now it', on the tion. rhere IS al,o a good ebanee that many traditional hu.,illc" lall:c, Illto tUle, a parliamcntary dcmocracv. Un- mlbl bear hc-:au,e of tim activity. while democracy slll1uld he dominated hy the way hack. Will con;.cnption again tear young I\omen \~i11 be SUbjected to the question. including the helie! III pr(1I1t- ronilllatdy. the black and Indi;;n ma- pos,ibly an crfective one, ,eem to he prlvatc Interc,!'> which arc found in a at the seams of our national life'! WiI\ regi,trallon lequiremenl in the future. ahility a, the dictum 01 I11l1ralill. j'>rIt~ i, dcnicd parllcipatory right, in prohiblti\c, <:apllali,t dcmocracy, ;\, noted. aside (lur ,om and daughtl"f' he suhJccted to The Pcntagon nllw clalIlls that the

Should ,[(1ckholder, he Illorall\ rL'- th,: lnaillr national parliamcnt.This is a Economic ho~wth and emharg(lc~ from politi<:al .exploitation and repres- the painful choice hct\\cen gllYCrnmcnt U.S, military i, incapabk of mobili/ing spon~ihk for the :lcti\ilies ul 111i'11l,'" 'lllflagal 1,:\lI'lctiol1 imposcd hy those have their sevcreq cfkch upon the 'iion, the black and Indian citilcn of channeling and resistance, cxile. or quid.!v enough to tight a major waL cnterpri'ics thcy inv-c,t ill'l Sh"uld tile Suuth :\fnca al,o suffer, frnlll exploita- pri~()n'.' That's the rca 'ion givcn for oiling up the stock llllltfohll bc w,cd ;1' a »':apoll tion h~ pri\'atc economIc. often multi- The pro-conscripllon force, ale sct- dralt maehlllcr~. The ,take, arc high. again~t the type of ,o<:ial inju,licc \IC' national. interests, For this to cease, a ting the stage for the return of the draft The Pentagon apparently regards the find in Scluth Africa'? I helic'\e that the ~trong trade union movement should he by calling first for a new program II hich registration quc"t1on a'i an important answel' to thcse ljUCStllllb b '.L''i, al- In,tltuted. It is in thi kind of movement involves nationwide registration and test of its ima!!c, wbich wa;, hadly tarn-

The,pH Factor/ Stephen Mull

though the reasoning fill" thi, :1 I1s\'. <:I" IS

quitc differcnt from thl': iracliti"nal ;ll1ti­apartheid philo,ophy wl\lell pi (IP"'C' the uncq\1lvocal hoycott (11 all that sup­porh in practice thc ,\Skm "I a]lalt­hcid.

(jenerally speakl!lg. (hc'I\: :lIe 1\\1'

avenuc, open for thusc de'ilrlll~! 'iOCI:il change. Put rather simplistically, IIlL'\

arc: I) \\"rklllg \\ithin the ",teIlL Ill" 2) working (1ut,idc of tht: ,,,,kill Ill" former ;I\cnue usualiy pur,ll':' b()ah h' .. a pcaceful mcans, \\hik thc iat,\'I'U'lWI­Iy rciic, upon 111(1IC \l\llent met ilOc/'> , particularly Ilcedllm tighting ;!Ild tCI­rorisll1. \Vorklll!! withlll the ,y'klll 111-

elude, actl\ itics dirl."cted al IIIIL"II1;l­tional diplomatiC pl'cs,mc thr()u"h c'tahli~hed diplomillic channci, and ul­gani/atiom. or aeti\ ity \\ilhin the e,wh­bhed political ,1I1d cC(1noll1ic ,v,tcll1"

Pcaceful change is almost all\ays the mon: pleferable a\cnuc In right ,ocial injusticl.", More yiolent mcan, attl."mpl to de'troy ,()cial c(1lie,ioll tll !lIIn!! down the glln:rnlllenL often d ... Slil1\ Illg innoccnt individual, in the procc'" l'er­rori.,m cm bark, ~()Clct~ 1I1)()i\ a c', HII \\: of violent changl: \\hich li1ri\c' on the increasing alienation 01 the '''Clall:­downtrodden and the ICIl1(1\;illl\ ba'ic human rights trom th;;.,e grOl![1'i h~ leader, insecure in thdr POSltillh,.

"I here arc ,ituatiul", In whlcil \'w!cnv: is thc only alternati\c.lw\\<:\ el, \Vhcn a society i~ organi/eu ;'0 that '>"eial inltl~­lice i, inht:rcnt in that ",eiety'" ,truc'-ture. \Iolence i, otten the .,,,Ie: alterna-tive to chan!!L: tl1at structurc, Hilt \1 hen

at the rern, or thc government. Hy changill~ thiS restriction (and thi, can hc donc pc'aceahly) thc true majority in S(luth t\frica can bc al the reins of gO\­ernment, aciministering justly witl;ollt \tructllral change.

In the economic .sphere of South Alllc:ln '(Kiety, racial inju,tice i, quite common, Blacks and Indians recei\c \uh,tandard \\aget. and work at the most mC'nia I occupatiuns in the econo­my. This could a\:.,) he righted through the c.'(ransion or a trade union moye­ment. and it " po;,sible to undertake this pcaceahly, through method, out­I i ned hcl ll\\ ,

WilcI'e d()es lhc quc,tion of divc,t­ment 01 ,tocb t:nh:r in'! O[1ponenb of a p:lI theid have lung argued that the

economic underprivileged, in this ease the black and Indian majorit) in Slluth Africa. Certall1ly this makes that seg­mt:nt of thc popUlation an active poli­tical force which could e!'lect political elia nge through a lila"> uprisi ng. The roild from alienation to politIcal ,uh­\ersion. howevt:r, i~ a long. tortuouo one. fraught with unne.::e,sary cconLl­mic and human dc,truction.

Thi~ i~ the dim of hose II ho argue for divestment. In their opinion. South Af­rica can onl~ change if it is economical­I~ ,trangled, But thi., \ iewpoint is flawed: for, in addition to the human Cll,t~ incurred by economic strangula­tion. there arc political costs m welL 1 he sense 01 alienation that IS created will drivdhe hlack and Indian majority

Inaccuracies Charged .. m Mt. Vernon CoUege

'10 the hhtor: I am luitlng III re'pOil':: tl) ~1ik,

O'Bril':n'~ column (ll March 15 ,\, a ~tudcnt at Mount VClnon C"lkge. I wish to addre"," the inllccuraelc., ll11rllcd by the dc,criptil'oll \)1 M,)ul1t Vl."IIHlIl women.

hl't. "1:lil i~lc s\\eaters" arc worn hy c"lk!!c womcn all \lver the east coa~t. I hi, includes Georgetown University \\Ol11ell. FUrihermore, a ,tudent"s sdec­t l(ln 01 attire i, not nccc,sarily a reOec­tlon ot her intelligence.

Secorl(j]y, Mo nt Vernon College

Mount Vernon Slashes Back To the Editor:

A, editon of the: 1Vlount Vernon Col­lege newpaper, The l'i'ol1l Page. we find it difficult to bdinc that the editol' ()t the 110 YA would 'iCL: fit 10 print ,uch uneducated, irr<:spon'lhlc. ullctlll<:al Illud~linging as appeared in an :lItlCIe authored b) Mile, O'Brien entitled "Holiday Hangu[l S~ndJ(1l11c,"

'\clUally. the qucstiom uppermost in marn ,tuden!s' minds (yes, ML O'BI:ICI1, we do have mind,) i, which Mount Vernon student turned him down and shattered his SOlllc>v hal fra­g:11c cgl\. I r Ill, Writing is reflective of cit her hb intellect or IllS personality or hoth. \VI! can certainly see why he struck , Hit

has quite a numiler of studenb who are IIltelligent and ambitiou,. We stud~ to keep our G. P.I\.s high and "accumulate tension" in hope, of landing a good job UpOIl graduation or securing accept­ance into a top graduate ,cnool.

rhe tension has paid off hand,omely. I have heen accepted in to fi\'e law ,chools, including the Lnivcr,ity of Chicago and Stanford. (I did not apply to Georgetownf). My [ducation at Mount Vernon hal> boo, ted my self­confidence as well as prepalcd me for a top law scilooL

Mr. O'Brien should ha\'c done a little more research. There arc many Mount Vernon students who are proving that MVC is a viable educational institution concerned with preparing women for po,ition, of leader>hip in our ~ociety.

Bel'a/r l\IcKillni'k :HowlI Vernnll College. C?9

that the exploited majority can learn i,hed during Vietnam. -I he military is tht: ha~ic ideas of participatory democ- R Ostrunt/ already worried about puhlic opposi-raCle~, As the mo\ement grows, pres- tion to mass n;gi,tratinn, ;,un: could be increasingly a>scrted Rev. RIC-,L"....., .. d And it is dear that the ~ucce~s of any UPOIl those in power to allow greater TtWl regi~trati()n scheme depends on the concessions. both economic and polit- MtCS ley S J. level of puhlic cooperation. As the icaL 0.,»" Pentagon recently n:ported ina major

Ho\\ is it possibk to encourage this ., I , •• stud\ on the draft: devc!opment'? It seem~ that econumic bl I . d' E~forcement is a kc.v issue in peace-POSSI y compu sory pre-In uctlOn stran!!ulation would render industrial exams for American youth, Puwerful time registration, II most young men intcrc~st'i more ohstinate and resistant to members of the Congressional Armed registered. then cmb could he low and

.. economic concession, to labor. If in- s· . I" enforcement could be ignored except . cr\'lces Committees and eadlllg ilg- -Ic,tmcnt is IIlcrea,ed, thc pace of eco­nomic growth would increase. Thi:, de­,·c!onment. a, historv has shown. en­courages the \\ idc,p;ead developmcnt 01 labor reform movements, There Wl:re no lahor unions in thc mercantilist ~y,tcm uf the M iddl:: Ages. Rather. they developed as a part of industrial de\c\opmcnt in the industrial revolu­tion. As the economv grmv" ,0 doe~ the lahor movcment bc:a~lse of society':. in-creasing reliance upon the laborer.

It greatt'r l::eOnOll1lC dcvelopment docs ulkc place in South Africa, and alum! with that a J!rcater trade union Illo\~ment. leader, -of the labor move­ment. and the kader, of th majority. can lake control [Jf a socit.!ty not rav-aged by civil \\ ar and economic destruc­tion. hut rather a free. prosperous. and democratic society of a moderate dispo-sillOn.

Tllll~, we should not strive for divest­ment of funds in enterprises which en­gage in economic activity in South Afri­ca. and the resultant ecollomic strangu­lation. We should instead encourage economic devc!opment along with workmg t(\r an expanded role for the trade union mo\'ement, which will as­sert great political pressure to change the presentl) injust system.

Stephen D. Mul!. SFS '80, i,1 a !fO YA COl)lrihwillg Editor and a Resi­

. dcnt A.Isillafll III fiarhin fial!.

A Brown Study To Ille fe/ilor:

To add a footnote to your story abollt California Governor .Jerry Brt1\~n's appearance in Gaston Hall: fif­teen years ago his father. Edm und .. PaC' Brown, the then governor of Cali­fornia also :ipnke in Gaston H all and also to an over-rlow crowd. He was one of three or four political figures being seriou;ly eomidered a" a pos,sible run­ning mate with President Lvndon John­!.On'in tbe up-coming elections. Ulti­mately the choice fell upon the luckless Hubert H llmrhrey. I might add that "Pat" Bro\\n's speech was followed by a reception in Copley l.ounge-also to an over-now crowd,

Geur,;e H. DUlinI', S.J. DireclOr, Geor e/(J\,'n Ullil'er.lity·s 1751h Allllil'ersarr Year Program

ures in the military e,tablishment haH! for isolated in,tancc, of tlagrant viola­called for increased funding for Selec- tion such as puhlic display of resistance. tive Service and a mandatory hacku[1 Shnuld the regi,tration meet wide­draft registration. Three bills have al- ,prcad resi"tance and strict enforce­ready been introduced in the new Con- ment be ordered. Cllst, could be very

high. '.' ~IaJ\Jr r~,I,tance to registra­

If the pro-draft forces gather enough support, they could

force the A dministration to come out in favor

of the draft in exchange for a

concession on Salt II or some other

important issue.

gre", whicb mandate mass registration thL' vear.

Ail tbat is needed for a registration i" for Cungress to vote Selective Service sufficient funding (all additional S 15 million would do it), and for the Pre5i-dent to proclaim. a mass registratIOn. Th.: Administration hal> a,ked for ad­ditional funds for Selective Service for the current fiscal vear and an increase for fi,cal vear 1980. President Carter has also appointed ~tandby state S.:lec­tive Sen ice directors, The funding \e\el requested is nut enough to conduct an in-person registration and the Prc"ident bas not taken a side publicly on the registration issue, I t is now clear that th~ initiative for a backup draft regis­tration will have to come from Con­gre" and the Pentagon. If the pro-draft forces gather enough su pport, they could force the Administration to come out in favor of the draft in exchange for a concession on SALT II or some other important issue.

tion could adversely affect voluntary enlistments ar.d seriomly aggravate all­volunteer force recruiting difficulties, \-1 ore importantly. !oigm of public ho,tilit) to the c.s. military could sl:lIou,ly degrade the deterrent value of our forcc;: and iil\ltc adH:nturism by potential adver,aric,. On the otht:r hand, if unllpposed. registration could help recruiting and strengthen the U.S. military po!oture,

Rcviv ing draft registration, will ml:an that thou,unds of young men. and po",ibly \,omcn. will again be sub­jected to government intrusion and channeling. Individual's rights to pri­vacy and consci~nce will be casualties of the military buildup. Although registra­tion would undoubtedly be conducted in as low-key a fa~ion as possible. wide"pread resistance is likely to occur and our gOlernment will likely pros­ecute tho,e VI ho don't cooperate. Per­haps mo"t dangerously. a registration will provide the Pentagon with a face­bs pool of prospcctive inductees to be used f[Jr large-scale intervention over­,cas, A beefed-up standby draft system will expand our mobilization capability and make it easier to wage '"quick-start" war, around the globe.

.Aecording to the Depart ment of

Individual's rights to privacy and

conscience wiD be casualties of the military buildup.

We at the /'i'OIlI 1'(11[<' choose t,1 ad­here to a set of Journ;tll\l1( et hie, ac­cepted by !TID,t legitil1late puhllcati,)n,. a belief which preclude, ,tating precise­ly what we think of Mr. O'Hm:n. How­ever, des[1ite the FfO YA '.1 stalL'mcnt "I' purpose. which make, reference til "rc­~r()nsiblc freedom of CXPI'CSSIOIl." it seems ljuite clear that ethical iournali,rci has somehow fallen hy the wa\ side dt

At any rate, we wish Mr. O'Bnen the be,t "I' luck <II whatever it might be he does wdl a nd will kaye him langul,hing 111 th,lt p0(11 of journalists who never \vcrc'. Wc at Mount Vernon will con­tinue to pur,uc goals more admirable t han shoddy journalism.

University Condemns Gays?

The apparent scenario is to stage a national debate between now and the time the appropriations are passed. If the move to get more funding for Selec­tive Service and conduct registration f<lils this year. we can expect at least as big a drive next year. The Pentagon and the saber-rattlers in Congress arc orchestrating the parameters of the debate right now. At a minimum, they call for a substantial increase in Selec­tive Service funding. and at the most a registration for all 18- to 26-year-old males with no opportunity to register as conscientious objectors, and with man­datory physical examination for 300.000 pt'ople,

Defense. one major reason lor not re­suming registration is tbat strong public reaction again,t the military might off­set the purported ad\antage of increas­ing the U.S. mobilization potential. The unknown factor In the minds of both the Department of Defense and the Cognress is how the American pu blic feels about registration. Whether we want the draft back or not, we are likely to get it unless we begin to register our opposition now. The six bills that are before Congress, requiring the Presi­dent to begin draft registration. induc­tion. or compulsory national service is likely to pass. unless we make our op­position heard. Now is the time to take cur stand.

Gco'tgetown lJnirer,i:y, '

Kalh/el'll DWllaIS C80 Edilor-in-Chie(

rauril, Leimbrook Sei9 . ·hsi.\lafli Editor

To the Editor: I recently heard of the university'S ac­

tion of renewing the contract of Bob HummeL The apparent implications of such an action taken by the University almost condone Iwmosexuality .

I certainly hope that the Board in charge of such contract renewal> un­derstood these implications and if they did. it saddens me to think the Universi­ty would take"such an action.

Tim \'UII Ga/ CAS '81 ReI'. Richard McSorle.v, SJ., is a

pro/essor in Ihe Ihe%gy departmelll.

Page 6 THE HOVA Friday, April 6, 1979


GU Computer Sciences: Program for the Future Editor's Note: Computer science cour­ses at G U have shown a great increase in enrollment in the past five years. Last: month, Executive Vice-Presidnet for Academic Affairs Rev. Aloysius Kelley, S.J .. announced his decision to author­ize the creal ion of a separate program in Computer Science. The instaliation

'of sixteen interactive terminals 10 fac-

is, how it contributes to the academic programs of the University, and how it is distinct from the various academic computer services that also exist at Georgetown.

Computer Science began to emerge as a distinct academic discipline in the United Staes in the last 1950's and early 60's. Although this emergence is not yet complete. most major universities now have computer science departm,ents and offer major concentrations at all levels.

as a collection of business procedures, and still others regard it as merely pro­gramming. Although computer science tangentially includes each of these, it also includes far more.

Broadly speaking, the aim of com­puter science is to design and effectively apply' computers and algorithmic pro­cesses to support various activities of the sciences. engineering. business, go v­erl)ment and the humanities. To entcr the profession, a computer scientist

fered as part of the Mathematics gra- It is important also to identify and duate program. In recent years, the In- distinguish the two other computer troductory FORTRAN course has be- groups on the main campus, the Acade­come compulsory or highly recom- mic Computation Center (ACC) and mended by several departments, and its Computer and Information Services enrollment has increased dramatically ·(CIS). The principal activity of the as a rcsult. ACC is to support the computer needs

consulting services in Reiss Science and Walsh. The East Campus Data Library is also part of the ACe. Its purpose is to serve the eomputat ional and data anal­ysis needs of Economics. Government and other departments and SChOll11i on the East Campus.

ilitate use of the computers is planned for the near future. The following piece was written at the invitatioll of the HOYA editors by Dr. Allen B. Tucker, Jr., Director of ihe Academic Compu­tation Center and recentlY-flamed director of the separate program in Computer Science.

Rostrum/Dr. AlJenB. Tucker

The new Computer Science Program of different academic departments. This will continue to offer the computer sci- • includes the purchase and maintenance ence courses that are now taught of academic computer software. like through the Mathematics Department. SPSS and TROLL, which are used by Creation of the Program as a separate students and faculty in their studies. entity essentially recognizes computer teaching, and rcsearch. Thc ACC also science as a separate discipline at Geor- provides automatic scoring services for getown. However, no particular expan- multiple-choice tests, tabulation of sion of the present curriculum is . teacher evaluations and other miscel­planned for the \979-80 academic year. 'Ianeou~ surveys, and daily computer

Giulia no G nugnoli is Executive Director of CIS. which is responsible for the ongoing opcration and mainten­ance oj the computer system itself, as well as all the date processing activities of the University. These include. for example, the accounting, payroll, and ~tudcnt registration systems. Together. ACe and CIS publish a ComplllillK N('\\'.l/elfeJ' which keeps main campus computer users up to date on computer- . related developments. Also. the Main Campus Complltl!r lhers' Committee represcnts the computer interests of main campus departments, and parti­cipates in planning for future computer services.

During the past several years, interest in computer science courses and acade­mic compuJer services at Georgetown has steadily increased. The recent growth in undergraduate enrollment is shown in the table. Recently Fr. Kelley authorized the creation of a separate Computer Scienc Program in the Col­lege. In this context, it becomes impor­tant to identify what computer science

For example, Yale University offers BS, MS, and PhD programs in Computer Science.

It is difficult to give a precise, universally-accepted definition of "computer science," since it is evolving rapidly and each different computer­related group has its own interpretation of its mission, methods and goals. Some would call computer science basically an engineering discipline. others view it

usually has a strong mathematics back­ground, programming skills in several languages. and broad technical know­ledge of the different kinds of com­mters that are in use today.

At Georgetown, computer science has grown up within the Mathematics Department. In 1973, the computer sci­ence minor became available to under­graduates. Until 1978, several computer scicncc graduate courses were also of-

Splitting Infinitives/ Greg Kitsock O ne campus political group.

whenever it proselyti~es for converts, is fond of distributing flyers that proclaims "Politics is a lot like sex." They are in all probability right. In this generation of "me­ness," non-conformists in all areas of human endeavor, who formerly would have hidden their quirks for fear of social ostracism, are now flaunting their uniqueness openly. Buoyed by this new spirit of toler­ance, it is no surprise that Repub­licans are coming out of the closet now more thall cver.

political orientation dated from his early childhood. Even as a boy, he recalled, he would dress up in his father's business suit and wing-tip shoes, don his grandfather's "Keep Cool With Coolidge" straw hat and fantacize that he was th OP Pres­idential candidate advocating a re­turn to normalcy. His parents, notic­ing his behavior, were so bored they ran away to join the circus.

found out it was summer) to dis­cover Stan and intimates in a com­promising position in the midst of a Young Americans For Freedom Rally. Needless to say, their relation­ship was never the same again.

By one conservative estimate over 50% of the student body here are Republicans. Seeking an exclusive interview, The HOYA searched the campus high and low for a Republi­can and finally found one foreclos­ing on the mortgage of a townhouse of Social Democrats.

The Republican, who identified himself as Stan Pat, said that his

Trying to be like the other fellows in college, Stan pretended to be interested in the Humphrey­Hawkins Bill and national health in­surance and engaged in animated bull sessions over the Great Society. On weekends, though, he would sneak away to attend $100 a plate fund raising dinn rs, and cover for himself by telling his dumb jock roommate he was off to join a Civil Rights march. Then one day it hap­pened. His roommate returned early from a weekend skiing trip (he had

Psychologists are deeply divided over what causes RepUblicanism. Some geneticists claim it is passed from father to son like ITT stocks and patronage jobs. Others believe it is caused by a taumatic childhood experience, like being stalked and kissed by an office-seeking politi­cian.

Whatever is the casco RepUblicans are demanding dignity as a viable political alternative. There is no use tring to force them back into their smoke-filled convention halls and gerrymandered Congressional dis­tricts, because in your heart you know they're right.




The lighter the car, the less power it takes to move it. . That's the most important thing to know when you're trying to decide what engine to order for your car.

The power-to-weight theory holds true no matter how you intend to use your car: city, highway or subur­ban driving; with two passen­gers or six; with a small trailer or pulling a heavy boat.

Since we redesigned al­most all our cars to make them lighter and more effi­cient, the power-to-weight theory enables us to move them with smaller engines that use less gas. You can get good performance from a full-size GM car under most conditions with a six-cylinder or a small eight-cylinder en­gine instead of a larger op­tional VB. Mid-size cars, luxury cars, and redesigned compacts to be introduced this spring follow the same pattern.

10 help you choose an engine, we designate one as standard for every model. It is an engine that provides

enough acceleration to merge safely with traffic when entering a freeway, enough pick-up to cross a street quickly after heeding a stop sign, and in most models, even enough power to haul a trailer weighing up to 1,000 pounds.

Standard engines cost less than bigger, optional engines and get better gas mileage, especially in city traffic. There is no difference in durability between stan­dard and optional engines. However, to get the most out of any GM engine, follow the maintenance schedule in the GM Owner's Manual. And ' remember, please, that small engines are as durable as large engines only if you give them the same care.

There are some reasons for choosing larger, optional engines: if you intend to carry six passengers and lug­gage with any frequency, if you intend to haul a trailer over 1,000 pounds, and if you expect to drive often in hilly terrain. For people who drive mainly in altitudes over 4,000 feet we offer a special high­altitude package, including a larger engine, to ensure satis­factory performance.

Finally, your own sense of how a car should ~tfeel" must be the deciding factor. GM dealers have cars that

you can take for a test drive. Take that test drive. Drive the same model with a stan· dard and an optional engine, if the dealer has "demonstra­tors" with both configura­tions. You're the driver. Decide for yourself.

We charge more for op­tional engines. Even so, our honest advice is to buy the smallest engine that fits your taste and needs. You'll save money when you buy your car, and in most cases, you'll save money on gas for as long as you own it. That's the nice part of energy conserVation.

This advertisement is part of our continuing effort w give cuswmers useful information about their cars and trucks and the Company that builds them.

General Motors People building transportation

to serve people

Red Cross · counti ~you ng

Although t hey arc sepa rate depart­ments. ACC and CIS work closely on many projccts. At the present timc. for instance. we me planning the installa­tion of an interactive terminal system that will replace punched cards as a medium for student and faculty acade­

.mic computer work. Called WIDJET. 'the system will'have sixteen (16) inter­active terminals. located in Nevils and Reiss Science. through which students and faculty may prepare, submit and retrieve computer work. The net effect of WIDJ ET is that the ljuality and con­venience of computer acce,s will be greatly improved. M ore terminals can be added later in the event that demand grows significantly over its present level.

Thus. there i, a clear distinction in nature and pllrpo,e between "computer science" and "computer ,crvices." Sep­aration of the Computer Science Pro­gram help, to emphasi/e this ,distinc­tion. All hough ,pace docs not permit morc detailed di:.~u~si(ln at this time.

; anyone inten:stl:d in more information on these activities is welcome to call me (X3038) or coml: by my office (225

, Reiss).


AGENDA This Sunday in Healy 106 at 8:00. the Senate will discu,s:

* revision of Sac Charter ·guide lines * the of Healy Doors *creation of a ,pecial projects fund for social action activities * the federally funded G. U. Transpor­

tation ,tu~y

a climate for accomplishment •••

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German Diplomat Receives SFS Award

German diplomat Bernt von Staden (middle) receiHd the School of Foreign Service's Jit Trainor Award last Thurs­day. Also speaking at the C\'cnt were l\mcrican diplomats Ell~w()lh Bunker (left) and Averell Harriman.

Integrity is the mmt precioll!> of tile qualities a diplomat must possess, Wt:st German Ambassador Bernt von Stadcn told an audience ,in Gaston Hall last Thursday. '

Von Staden wa, on campus to 1'l!eeiIC the Jit Trainor for diplomacy which the Foreign Service School av.ards yearly. The award is named after the late .1. Raymond "lit" Trainor, a 1927 grad-

uatc of the Foreign Service School and later an administrator at Georgetown.

!\ posthumolls award was also given to Ambassador David Bruce of the United States. Bruce's wife was present to accept the award.

S FS Dean Peter Krogh introduced the guest speaker. In the main address Von Staden stated, "It i, through in-

tegrity that trust is cultivated, and only when trust exists can conflicts be settled and peace and prosperity made pos­sible." A reception was held afterwards.

The ambassadors' wives were given Cieorgetown chairs at the cercmo­ny--not teaching positions, but wood­en chairs with the University seal on them.

U-Va. Paper Defies Order, Gets Boot by Ken Kni~elv

If(»' \ {I'/lln),u!!!)!! J {jllill

The Univcl,itv of Virl!inia (V.") ad­ministration ha,'locked the cioor, of ib duily student newspaper after thl! papel refmed to n.:cO!!nl/e a lIni\'cr,it\ l"cr­,ight cOl11ll1ittcc~onthc ground, that the committee is a "form of cencol,hlp"

The newspaper, iile nlllil ell I ,·he!. is attempting to puhli,h from an oil campus location. afte:r l! niH:rsity I'I'L',i­dent Fnlnk Hereford ordercd [dltlH' til vacate their llni\crsitY-L)\l'Ileu quartl'l', on the sprawling C'harlolte,\ill<.: (;1111-pus.

The action IVa, the culmination of a wcekend of coni fOntatiun between the C{/Ielia and :'l!lcral Univer,ity bodies, the latter '>ceking to e,tahli,h the credi­hilltv 01 a :\.h:dia Board to "oversee the llpel:ati,lJ1 (If the: calJ1pu,' student COIl1-

l11uni(atium apparatm."-Rcprt:'cntat:\cs of the rYlcdia Board

appeared hclore tl1\; University's Board I~I \,i,itor'>. \1\' A's directing bod~, on ~~aturd~I\. charging that the Cm'eiier h;l<1 iglH;rcd the Board', c'xcrci,c of its illlth,:rl\\'. and called llil the Board to l'ltilcl b;;ck up th<.: Media Hoard. or di,­'('(\'(; It The BO;lI d of Visitors ordered

Call today for a . convenient-dolllor appointment .. Red Cross iscounting on you T"oA';;e"'anNal,ona RedemsS19'8

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Every age hath its own problem, and every soul its particular asperation. The remedy the world needeth in its present-day afflictions can never be tile same as that which a subseQuent

age may require.

President Hereford to enforce the Media Board's ruling. and Hereford delivered his ultimatum to the Cave/ier Editorial Board on Monday morning.

In hurried discussions hefore the Monday afternoon deadline the Cal" clier editors decided \0 reject the over· oight of the Media Board. citing I,t Amendment guarantee, of the freedom of,pcech. The Cavclierheeamc thc [lnly campus publication or radio !-.tatioll to 00 defy the Media Board's mandate to "oversee the student media" at Virginia.

The Univcrsity's ~anction, h,l' c in­cluded denial or' office space and uni­vcrsity ct(uipment. m well as the ability for the ClII'elier to take ad, antage 01' the lj niversity's tax exempt ,talll'.

The presen't ,ystcm of O\'ersight hy a board had lis origin in a 19S9 rewiutillll of the Board of Visitors which set up a "Board of Directors'. constituted of stu­dents acting as final authority for the Cavelier. Dissatisfaction with this sys­tem led to itsabandonmcnt in 1976. and establishment of the present Media Roard, The present Media Roard is made up of ten students from each cam­pus, plus representatives from campm media organi7ations. The Cuvelier 11m never'sent a delegate to the Media Board,

Friday, April 6, 1979 THE HOYA Page 7

Education in the Nation Last month. the State University

of New York at Stonv Rronk sent a ncwslclkr intended -only for ac­cepted students to over 1,600 pros­pective students whose application~ had not been decided upon.

The letter was peiJpered with congratulatory remarks and refer­<.:nces to acceptance.

fhe lInivcr~itv admissions office ha~ apologi/.:d (;) these students for the "'human error". and h,IS statt:d that tlH:se statcment, do not consti­tut.: an actual offer of admission.

* * *" * !\ Nonh\\'estem student. ".iu~t to

retlll'n the hasslc". ,llOwed lip at n:gistration to pay his $1.090 quar­terly tuition bill in dollar hilb" dimes. nickels. and pennies.

The student felt he had been un­fairly treated in a dormitory mel-dent.

* * * * Staffers at William and Mary's

Flat Hat newspaper arc seeking to change a 1976 William and Mary ruling aholi~hing cOlllpen~ation for call1pu;, newspaper cditor"

Othcr statt: ,chools in Virgini;1 provide t(uite ,i/a hk amount, or wmpelbation. Virginia C,'mmon­\~ealth U nil'cr,ity, pays it:. ,tudent editor-in-chicf with Sl.llOO per year. the highest in the ,tatc, Therc arc al'>o file other po,itions on the news­paper with ,alaries of over 5 l.OOO.

*' * ;t *

Hic flicking may b~ a li\lk more important than mmt people think.

rhe factor ,tudellt, considcl'cd most critical in finding a suitahle date through a computer matchlllg program at the U nivcrsity 01 Cali­fornia at Dal'is \\'a, \\ hdher their pro,pl!etil'c dato.: ,

!-or \\'omen. the '>ccolla mll,t im­portant consideratioll \Ias to find '>Ol1lcone who would rc,pc:c\ thcir wi,h 10 hecollle phY'lcally im{)ll'cd "only \Iith ,olllconc with whom thc)




"YOl! ONLY LIVE ONCE!!!" The Joy Boys

have a close. long-term relation­ship."

Men pla~ed the attractivcness of the prospectivc date second.

'i' * * * A rifla ad run in a recent isslle of

the Ohio State LJni\'cn,ity I.lIlI/('rn has campus women':. groups in an uproar. The ad consi,tcd of ,cantily­clad Women asking, "'Had a picCl' lately'?"

Owr 60() woll1en han: signcd ;1 petition demanding that the l.lIll/ern accept no ll1on: ad, that arc dehu­m;llli/ing to \\'OIl1l!l1.

Husine,s munaJ.!cr Alhert I'erdi had prol1li,ell t,; meet wit h thl! groups. but nO\1 declines comment on tk proposed me<.:ting.

* * * * In re,pon,e tIl v(]cifcrow, ,tudCl1\

complaint" Columhia Univer,ity ha, sold ib stock in thre..: banking com panic, under a poliCY or limiting inn:"tmcnts in corpo1':ltion,\ doing ou,ines!<' in South Afnca. according to 711i' Chmll/cal oj 1/i.~Ir('f' EdllC(/' / iOI1.

(,,,Ium bia had held ,tod in the Detroit Bank Corporation. Manu­f~lct urer, I\ational Bank of' Detroit. and Ra nier Ba ncorporatiol1 of Scatlk.

Ihe \otal inve,t1ncnt lIr 52.7 mil­linn n:prc,ented ahout 15 per cent 01 Columhia\ holdinQ' in financial Ill· ,titutions acc(lrdi~~ to Univcr,itv Presidcnt William .I. Mc(iill. '

* * *' * Harv;\ld University ha:. neen sued

by Hro;ldca,t Mu,ic. Inc. m.M .1.). for the infringement on mtl,IC ,opy­light,_ Thl! ,[lit cil,lI-gc'> llanaI'd with perlol'lning t\lche ,(lng' III pllhlic Without pa\lng copyright kc,. I he song' lt1cludc "[)i,t;o Inter­nil". ""[aeho Man", and "'More I'!la n a \V oll1a n",

III nrdt:r tll pia;. or perform COP;"

righted ,ong"I\ithout legal action. lict:n,ing agreclllcnh Il1U,t bc negll­tiateci with a I1lU,IC itcen,lIlg agency.

In 1957,

A t pn:~cnt. over 1,000 colleges and universities have not signed such agreements and have received warn­ings from R.M.1.

* * * * The Sigma Kappa sorority at

North Carolina State has made the record hooks.

The sud~y sisters have broken into the Buinnc~~s Book of World Rec­ords by huilding the world's biggest keg pyramid.

The pyramid. composed of 140 kegs. reprt:sented 2,1 70 gallons of con,umed brew.

Verv fcw women were still on their I'cet when the ~chool newspaper took a photograph recording the pyramid and ih creators.

* .t: * * An Ea~t Tennessee State Univers-

ity math profes~or has heen fired for enrolling in his own classes and giv­ing him,clf A',. Now he', suing claiming he \Va, unfairly dismis,ed.

.lohn Kinlock ,aid he enrolled in his own cla,ses hecause ,ome had so kw ,tudcnb that they were in jco­pardy of being canceled.

As for the high grades, he argued that he already had a doctorate and there was no way he could have per­,onalh henefited. Be,ides. he gave all th-c ,tudents A's anyway, he added.

* * * * The German Literature section of

San Diego State University was re­cently deluged with autograph seek­er,. an odd occurrence in that de­partment. A letter allegedly signcd hy Kaiser Wilhelm had been found tllcked into a volull1e of an obscure Cierman hODk. Students took lip a I'rell/ied ~.:arch for other famous ili,torical documents. searching through hundreds of old books.

Sch(llar~ who had claimed the letter's authel1licitv, later declared the letter a fraud. Although the paper arpcared quite old. the lellcr W,l' \\ritler] with a ballpoint pen.

* * * *

St. Pul~ski's High School Held It's

SENIOR PROM April, 19,20,21, 26,27,28


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Page 8 THE HOYA Friday,'April 6, 1979


The Sneer

T he B.C. rugby team invaded Washington last weekend showing the Hoyas what real party­

ing is all about:"Afterlossing both the A and B games the undaunted Bostonians proceded to win every party on campus. After being thrown out of the Pub, the B.C. swarm descended into Copley where a Hoya semi-formal was in progress. The B.C.ers were less than formal performing a bizarre ritual called Cuda (nibbling on the posterior of the nearest female). Informed sources tell the Sneer that' at the post game beer bash in New South faculty happy B.c. TUggers were sliding au natural on beer slicked tables. The B.C. boys call this Furgy Over the Bar. The Elephant Walk was also in vogue but that is too obscene to describe. Georgetown will never be the same.

* * * * The sneer hear that Frank Dehn got into Harvard Law school. Way to go Frank.

* * * *

Be on the look out for the Tallahassee Lassie. She'll be visiting Psycho next week-end. And who said Florida flings never amount to anything?

* * * * Reaction to the ROY A's April fools issue: The In-formation Office received 25 to 30 calls concerning the University's sudden demise. The SEC got a dozen calls over whether they were showing Star Wars. The president's office got a few calls. SAC Director Debbie Gottfried received four calls, one of them inquiring about group rates (The HOY A had printed: For a good time call Debbie 625-4308) Pres­idential Assist. Charles Meng said that this was the first funny April Fools issue he had seen in three years. University Treasurer George Huston told HOYA Editor-in-Chief, Val Reitman that if the Uni­versity really goes under it will be her fault. "I'm going to sue," says V.P. for Administrative Services Dan Altobello.

* * * *

A Penny for a Shilling by Ridley Gunderson

HOY A St.lff Writer

H aving been boorishly impressed by a meeting of the Democratic

Socialist Organizing Committee on the night of March 7th, held in the Hall of Nations. I have taken it upon myself to present a charter to the President of the 'Corporate State' of America.

The atmDspher~ of this assembly so invigorated me with the excitement of a 1920's clandestine meeting of subver­sive intent, that my intellectual capabili­ties rose to transcendental heights al­lowing my ambition to o'erJeap itself and confront the well-known ignorance of the Muses. In other words, as a self­appointed representative of the univer­sally persecuted bourgeois-proletariat of these Un-United States, I take it upon myslef as a true dissenting acolyte of anarchy who, in the personified form of Satan, will, in this Charter promot­ing Equality of Misery. admonish Sin.

Before I begin, let me emphasize that we, of the Democratic Socialist Organ­izing Committee (as Comrade Winpis­inger, the Vice-President of this party can surely verify) are not prejudice, we simply hate Rationality and Capital­ism. So. with the words of Karl


SIRS: We ofthc Democratic Socialist Orga­

nizing Committee have formulated the following points to create a utopian Sahara, whereby you of the masses, "fork out your shilling" to which we will donate our penny.

I. The virtue of the United States ("if it ever possessed vir-

Energy. Housing, Health Care, Resources. Transportation, Birth, Real-Estate, and Death. Competition will once again be restored and the economy will thus be stimulated as that of our Brothers in Great Britain.

Ill. Income will be redistri­buted from the top 90% to the bottom 1%, thereby creating na­tional intrinsic equality for the masses. Our aim of controlled_ in­come will then have been achieved.

IV. As we are all aware, resources are unlimited, wheras human desire is limited. so, we will freeze the prices of all resour-

I ces. as well as all commodities currently on t he market. This simple scheme woul automatical­ly cure inflation.

V. A National Health Care system would be created in the fashion of our comrades in the Societ Union whose purported 30 year lag is merely a figment of the capitalist dominated press.

I-_____________ -:-______________________________ ---l Marx-"I am not a Marxist"---

VI. Finally. all economic books currently in circulation shall be confiscated, as they. are fictional works of the present cor­porate state. In fact, economics shall have to be rewritten. as scarcity shall have been abol­ished.

"Loverboy of the Bourgeoisie?" "The Last American Hero?" "The Marvelous Mouth?"


The Kandy-Kolored Tangerine Flake Streamline Baby?

No Tom Wolfe, journalist and author of these ·and oth,er essays, will speak this Sunday, April 8th, at 8:00 p.m. in Gaston Hall.

Georgetown Voice wishes to have you celebrate their 10th annivesary by welcoming Tom Wolfe, author of The Elec­tric Kool-Aid Acid Test, The Pump House Gang, and a soon-to-be-published novel, at their Sunday celebration.


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Good Friday, April 13, 10:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m.

Evening Mass of the Lord's Supper

Morning Prayer Celebration of the Lord's Passion (Chanting of Passion, Veneration of the Cross, Holy Communion)

Th Easter Vigil, Saturday, April 14, 11:30 p.m.

Easter Sunday, April 15, Masses at 10:00 a.m., 11: 00 a.m., 12:10 p.m., and 11: 15 p.m.


Easter Sunday, April 15, - 10:00 a.m. in St. William's Chapel

-------- - ------------ '-------------------------------'

resounding in your ears, let me, the re­presentative of the Democratic Social­ist Organizing Committee sever the adamantine chains of Reason forth­with.


tue" as questions Comrade Winpisinger) finds itself in dire straits as there exists but one sole political party of fascists, i.e., Senator George McGovern. We propose therefore that you grant us full political control of the country to offset your political whoredom and establish our holy ignominy. With full democrati­cally totalitarian power in our hands. we will remain intransi­gent to Reality and proceed with further economic measures:

II. Nationali7ation of the flwd industry. Communications.

As you can see, our measure!> are feasible, resulting in full-un­employment, conquering of inflation, enormous incomes and an overall ex­pansion of the economy. In the obscure case of problems, we intend to erect almshouses, debtors prisons. and re­establish Poor Relief under the guide­ance and integrigy of our brothers in the Soviet Union.

Thus. Messiers of the Government of the Corporat State, we of the Democra­tic Socialist Organizing Committee sug­gest that you accept our proposal or suffer the consequences of feudalism.

Paris: "La Belle Ville" Editor's Note: This is Ihe Ihird article

in a series a/;Jout foreign cilies wrillell by G U slL/dents stul~~'ing abroad. This artkle concerns Paris wrillen hy Chris Graham who s a graduale sludem al the London School 0/ E omio.

e harles DeGaulle used to say that the NATO alliance was worthless

because, "The Americans would never giveup New York to save Paris." What­ever the true reason for the subsequent withdrawal of French troops from di­rect NATO command the idea of a trade-off between "the Big Apple" and "La belle ville" is not as absurd as it first may appear.

Crudely, both cities are big, crowded and expensive. Elegantly, both are the cultural, intellectual and financial centers of their respective continents. Both have the distinction of serving as the base of most of their countrv's mass-media and both have extens{ve mass-transit systems which can take you pretty much anywhere for a couple of quarters. Finally. Paris and New York tend to be populated by people generally considered aggressive. im­polite and citycentric by countrymen living without them.

So what's the difference'? Most of you know New York. this article is about Paris.

Paris first and foremost is a very manageable city even to the most un­knowing debutant. Despite its three million inhabitants the city seems much smaller due to the concentration of ac­tivity within a short walking distance of "Ia cite" which is the island splitting the Seine at the center of the Paris Metrop­olis known as the lIe-de-France. Even the remote sections of Paris seem c1me


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dill: to the Mdro System which never "ctps you waiting. Indeed the Pari~ Metro s~',h:m i, one of t he city's finest trea,ures and certainly its most ingen­IUS.

In the classical seme it, heaut\' lies in the individualism of the varin;ls lints and their respectivc stations. The crack Pont de Neuilly line for in,tancc runs throllch the central tourist. business and p:)litical sectiom of town and in­clude, a stop in the ha'tment of the Louvre complete with priceless art ob­jecb and indirect lighting.

In a m()dern sense. the svstcm's blue­print re,cmblcs the machin;ltions of one of the city's sidewalk painters with 13 multi-coin red lincs radiating out from the center of the city in jagged. dis­iointed. ,omcwhat conccntric circles. . Don't worry though. if you got into Georgetown ynu can figure the ,ystem out. On the illl!ellius side. the S\'stem', train, I'LIn Oil a'batten' of tire, ':)1l1e on the raib a nd some Dn- the ,ide walls re­sultinl! ill an incredihlv ,turdv and noisel~ss ridc. B~' the sa~le toke;!. yOU

cannot hear the train, coming so d;m't get caught standing at the edge or the



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platform this summer trying to figure out your pre-registration resulb print­out: you'll get run down. D.C:, Star Trek .Metro is nice but Pari,' is better.

All this of course does not come free. the good thing is that you will not be the one paying the bill. In fact you can ride anywhere on the network for a mere 30 cents while the avera~c Pari,ian tax­payer will dish out hetter than son bucks a year to cover the annual S 1.5 billion deficit incurred.

Lest you should think you arc getting a bargain. be forewarned: the national pastime in France is ripping olT les tou­ristes all1ericain~ and if vou are not careful you will quickly be taken for much more than the amount of \our Metro subsidy. .

Use common-sense. ask to see rnces before you buy or order and do a lot 01 pointing. Remember too thai mmt res­taurant bills will clohber vou With a tat 23'.; tax and service add-l;n and ka \ i nl! a tirjust ups the price, M) dOll'!. :-';(l\~ you know why European~ thin]... /\ll1eri­can, arc ,0 rich.

As we all too well know. the dollar ain't what it used to he and \vhethcl Oil

a menu. a bill or a tag. price~ in Pilri, will send you reding. You'll pay Sl.50 for a great cup of coffee and 52.DO 1m a low,y French heer. Of cour~e there i~ a dea I of snoh prest ige to be had I rPIll spending 55.00 on a couple 01 colfees and pa~tries and in this sen,,:; I'ari~ is ,I

fool's paradise. If you're dowll and (lut and about to go into calkin\! with­drawal the cheapest colfee can be had for ahout ?o() cents at (ab encDfc) McDonalds (remember. VOl! \\ere warned). There is one in -the Latin Quarter on the Soubard St. Michel and another on the Champs-Ely,ee.

If you arc intent on bringing home an "irri,istablc Paris original"the street ior vou is rue du Fauborg St. Honore i Metro Concordc). Here~ you can shop in the first store, of all the mastel',. For that 5Wi of the Hoyas whose t~lmilic, cam more than $SO,O()() a \ear, vou can alford to diminate th.:: ~liddl~-copicr and deal direct. The remaininc SWi should go to the chic chops. ,cc h~)\\" the other half live, and d.:cid.: wllat \,Utl

. like. Then. mosey on upto\\n to 'the Galleries Lafavcttc at the corner of Blvd. Houssn{an and rue Lafal'ctte (metro Opera). .

The European eyuivalent of Man's . the Calleries I.afavette filb two corr;er sites and will off~r you a competent copy of Dim. Berthet et. al. for olle half to two thirds the cost (still yuite expensive) complete with a nice fr.:nch Inbel suitable for display on your suhse-

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Friday, April 6, 1979 THE HOYA Page 9


GayParis • • • • Health Foods: "You Are What Y ou Eat"

by Thomas P. Minogue 1I0Yt\ St.lll "rilly

live to be over a hundred). Disease is extremely rare (they have no doctors). Most importantly their health contin­ues to be excellent as they grow old. Sterility is almost unknown among women as well as the feeble-mindedness we associate with old age.

eating more fresh, raw, and natural foods. It Hikes time and adjustment but once you've done it you'll laugh at the garbage you used to impose upon your system.

essential source of bluk and fiber. Its absencc in the American diet has helped contribute to the rise in intestinal dis­eases, including cancer of thc colon. Wheat germ is high in vitamin E which is essential in maintaining a healthy heart. The loss of this nutrient has been blamed for the rise in heart disea~e which can be traced to the introduction

I . \ CO/lfilllll'c/ from PaRe 8

quent jaunt> down Wisconsin and M s[,. If you make it there before 5 pm i\\cend to the cafe in the old building for a 1!reat Iree view of the city.

-A, vou no doubt havc figured out I'arisi:lns enjoy a high standard of liv­ing. in fact the highest in Europe ac­cording \0 a recent survey in The £('0-

/lOlI/i.I/. Indeed France shares one of America\ social problems in that there i., a great income disparity from rich to poor, The uniquc aspect i~ that nearly all the money in France is centered in the IIc-de-rrance which >tands alone as t"hL' ciluntry's metropolitan center de­spite the elTons 01' cities such as Lyon and Marseille to wrest a bit of the capita!', thunder.

It wil! be tough. for Paris has aged I\.:II. '1 he windfall beauty obtained j rom thl' i\apoi.;ons· tactical-minded penchant ror wide boulc\"ard~ lingers on <lnd t!loughtlul phlll1KTS in the fifties and ,i.'\tic, restricted ,kyscrapcr, to the ,ui1ul hs. '1 he ineptitude of the French annie, ill the "c(;olld \1 mid war ironical­I\" ';I\<:d the cit\" from thc aerial damage 1~'hICh k\clcd ~wr\" othcr major Eur~)­pc:an city and its a;lClent ,tuc~o innard, IC111aln largcly intac!.

I!owclcr Pan, now stand, at the cm"roads of change. Cii\en a DC type hOl11e ruk in March 1977 the city ha, ch",ell lor rna~ O[ the former Prime Minister and cunen! prc,idcntiai hope­ful .Jaques Chi rae who is Intent on 111oderni/in1! the citv including clabo[­;Itc ,J,.ylinc :hangc., ;;nd higillv;~y, along the .Seine. (Monet is tlIniillg in' 'his

grave.) Blocking Chirac every step of the way is his political rival President Giscard d'Estaing who would rather spend his time leaving Paris as it is and dcveloping his own elaborate plans for building a strong France.

Chirac however must concern him­self with more flrimal issues outside the political arena. Paris for one has an astonishingly high incidence of major crimes with 119 per 100.000 inhabitants occurring in 1978. this despite a heavy police presence which makes it quite difficult to avoid encountering a mon­sieur I'agent every few blocks in Francc's capital.

One modern place that should not be missed is the new Pompidou Centre j\;a­tional d'art et de cluture. It is the most popular museum with the French and

deserves an afternoon taking in the modern art and style of presentation which is a cut above the rest including its cross-town classical rival (the one with the nice Metro station). One thing; the Centre looks like the inside of a steamship wrapped in glass. It, looks ha ve shrouded it in controversy and this writer tends to agree with the people raising the controversy. At the ~ame time it is wise to recall that the Parisians of the 18S0's wanted to string Gustave Eiffel up by his thumbs.

Evervthingelse vou have heard about Paris i~ true~ good tourist sites. cheap wine & cheese and lousy youth hostels. It will not disappoint. Then again. neithcr does New York. Paris is smaller and Oaunts its physical graces. New Y Nk revels in its physical strength. Which do you prefer. the lady or the tiger'!

A mericans today are not as healthy as they were one hundred years

ago. Naturally. it sounds hard to believe but it's true. It seems that we have for­gotten the meaning behind the phrase: "You are what you eat."

Eating is ;omething we do a lot-most every day of our lives. The food we eat at each meal brings us sho rt term plea~ure. We often forget that the food we eat day in and day out deter­mines our long term health. Too often we eat as a form of entertainment, giv­ing little regard to such distant notions as helath and nutrition.

Americans have the arrogant but uninformed opinion that they are the healthiest people on earth. We arc al­ways hearing that the life span of the average American is increasing. We feel comfortable with this. It is our excu,e not to be overly concerncd about what we eat. Thc fact is that our life span has increa~cd. but with no thanh to nutri­tion. The increase is due to the dccrease in infant and child mortality which is a result of improved sanitation and medical care. Also contributing to the increase is the number of older people being kept aliw through the "wonder~" of modern medicine.

The life expectancy figure, are deceiving. We are living longer hut with poorer health. I n 1890. only about ten percent of all deaths were due to dege­nerative causes (deterioration. old age, etc.) in 1950 about fifth-four percent of all deaths were due to degenerative cau­ses.

Despite the fact that the numerical average has increased (due to thc in­creases in the very young and very old) the actual life expectancy of Americans has not improved much. Yes, a new­born baby in 1950 could expect to live 30.1 years longer than a bahy in I ~50. but a forty year old rnan could only expect to live 5.2 years longer and a fifty year old man only 1.7 year, longer. (But who knows the life expectancy of a child raised on Captain Crunch'?)

Disease and lack of vigor have be­come accepted characteristics of old age. We think tbis way because thi., is indicatiye of our experience. We know not of peoples such a~ the Hunns of northern India. They are a people who eat natural: organically grown food. in­cluding plenty of raw fruits and vegeta­bles. eggs. fowl. and yogurt: They are a people known for thei"r limgcvity (Imio),

The surprising health of the H unzas is due to one simple factor-the food they eat. They eat simple. organic and largely raw foods. The Hunzas know nothing of modern medicine. Medical treatment is only needed for those with poor health. America has the most developcd medical facilities in the world. b this something to be proud o1'!

"Americans have the arrogant but uninformed

opinion that they are the healthiest people

on earth." We hail modern medicine as .t

wonder of our age. Perhaps it i~ the folly of our age. The H unzas know something we don't-preventative med­icine. They eat properly. have good helath. and have no need for doctors. The only "doctor" they have is the good nutrition of natural foods. However. thc concept of nutrition and the phenomenon of the American diet arc mutually exclu~ive. The average doctor suffers from disease as much as the lay­man. We have a medical profession which knows next to nothi ng about nu­trition. They spend their time treating disease with no thought of prevention. (perhaps that would be too simple.)

Doctors have been looking at the wrorig side of the coin for too long. It's time that medical schools begin to edu­cate doctors in nutrition. What kind of logic compels us to devote our rescarch primarily to curi ng di~ea,e rather than the prevention of di,ea,e in the first place" It is a hard bone to snew but we must admit that the simplicity of the HUn7as is a more effective in promoting good health th').n the complex, modern medical network.

Prevention of disease and the maint­enance of good health come down to one thing--eating properly. "Eating properly" may sound like a real chore but it's rcally not. It means being select­ive about what you eat. It means cbang­ing your eating habits: eating foods that tastc good and have substantial nutri­

·tive value rather than merely eating ~'foods that·simple taste good. It means

Natural foods are nothing revolutio­nary. They arc just basic, plain foods consumed exactly as nature intended -with nothing added or taken away. They are complete ·foods. whe­reas processed and refined foods such as white bread and white rice are in­complete foods. When food producers alter the natural state of a food through processing, they disrupt a delicate bal­ance of nature. There are natural vita­mins. minerals, em.y s, and trace ele­ments which complement each other in a way which modern medicine does not precisely understand. If this balance is disturbed, foods will not be properly absored into the body. Certain vitamim. and proteins are fully utili/.cd only when accompanied by these trace ele­ments. The natural nutritional qualities of foods arc destroyed when food pro­ducers add or subtract from the natural state of f ood~.

White bread is a perfect example of a nutrionally void but cosmetically per­fect food product, Whole wheat in its natural state is a very nutritiou, pro­duct. The final product which emerges (white bread) is but a nutritional ,kcle­ton of the original whole wheat pro­duct. Americas nutritional sense is n:­flected in the fact that white bread is the most popular bread in the land.

The nutrients lost in the production of thi, ,nowv whitc confection arc astounding. The bran and the wheat germ, which account for up to SOC;i, of the essential nutrients. are lost in pro­cessingand refining. The germ and bran contain cleven B vitamins, vitamin E, as well as a high concentration of trace minerals, The proteins of Rood qU<Jlity are removed with the germ and bran,

"N a tural food s are Ii ke buying high octane gas for

your car."

leaving in the white Oour only proteins of poor quality.

The loss of bran and wheat germ in the American diet has had considerable effects. The natural balance provided by nature has been shattered. Bran is an




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of whitc brcad. ' What of "enriched" white bread? The

government recognized the inferior quality of white bread and requires that bakers enrich white bread with vita­mins. Enriched bread is a lame attempt at giving this product nutritional credi­bility. Inferior, chemically produced vitamins (which do not contain the es­sential, minute quantities of trace minerals) are added. None the wiser, the public continues to buy it.

Things are changing elsewhere however. In Sweden white bread is taxed and the money is used to bring down the cost of producing wheat bread. Thus. it is more accesihle to the poor. In Canada. the enrichment of bread with synthetic, chemically pro­duced vitamins is prohibited by law,

Many people rule out natural foods because of thcir higher co~t. There are wavs to reduce costs considerably. Avoid the pre-packaged varieties (such asgranola cereab) of nat ural foods. It is caw to make vour own. When cooking din-ncr try to buy foods in their simplest form. Making di,he~ from ,cratch in­sures good quality. freshnes!.., and it guarantees no artificial any things. Food ~taplcs such as who!t; wheat. brown rice, and beans arc good exam­ples of reasonably priced natural foods. Hopef\llly. as more and more people buy natural products wc will reach eco­nomiis of scale which will bring down the co,t to the health-conscious con­sumer.

Natural product; arc worth the higher pricc in terms of the nutritional value per ounce that they offer. They cost more but the food you get i, of the finest quality. Natural foods arc likc buying high octane ga~ for your car. It hits you in the pocket day in and day out. but in the long run you have lcs, major repairs and the car run~ much better.

Isn't it worth the investment now so that you have better health in the fut­ure? Natural foods are a type of pre­ventative medicine, Wasn't it a Hunza statesman who said. "An ounce of pre­vention is worth a pound of cure""

Page 10 THE HOYA Friday. April 6, 1979


Sleepy Dance Marathoners Hustle for Charity

PhOTOS by- Rick Peete -David Zrike

"TIme to Dance" for GU Marathoner Number 113


The Banneker Scholarship Fund is expected to profit $10.000 from iast weekend's CAe dance marathon, But to a dancer, the experi­ence itself was rriceless. OYer 30 couples lasted the entire 24 hours, to 9 p,m. Saturday night. with sore mmcles and exhausted attitudes to prove it.

The event brought out both the best ancl the worst in its dancers. The former came in the perseverance demonstrated by the uy who fin­ished the dancc with a balloon after his partner conked out--or the girls who resorted to roller skating in the twentieth hour--or .. : the stories

/j' ,

~ ,~ ; ~(' ,

are endless. Parading twice through the cafeteria to our

own clapping and singing, we also paid visits to Healy Circle and Pierce Reading Room. And the reactions were simply beautiful. Friends were always around to root us on and offer help.

When the early Saturday morning hours began to drag, I suddenly looked at what had been a 'Friday night party in its full context. I had seen the same realization on my partner's tired gaze, while he tried to suffer through a midnight cup of blueberry yogurt at one of our hourly breaks. A well-organized event how­ever, brought us through those longest hours with diversity-like learning the Bamba.

We welcomed daybreak with "Let the Sun Shine In," Looking around the circle of rejoic­ing dancers, I noticed ~lmost a third already gone. Despite our being named the "sleepiest couple" less than three hours into the marathon, however, my partner and I planned to survive the entire event.

Along with the diversity of music came the diversity of dancers. Held together by two bind­ingforces, we all had worked long hours collect­ing pledges for the Banneker Fund and we all intended to have a good time. Both goals were unanimously accomplished.

Nevertheless, in addition to the perseverance let out in fun, some dancers' outlets brought out the worst in them-well, not really, My partner, for instance, would not admit his evident tired­ness, At one point, upon offering some sympa-

thy, he simply walked away-on his hands. Yes, we all got quite tired ... of the food. for

instance. While a McDonald's lunch and a Mar­riott chicken dinner were welcomed, few of us will ever again eat a tuna fish sandwich for brcakfast.

-and tired of the location. Except for our Healy Circle and Pierce parades, the only breaks away from Marty's were trips to the New South rest rooms during our ten-minute breaks.

-and tired of each other. I love you. gang. but 24 hours of such an exhausting experiencc is too much for even the best of friends. I began to wonder if my life' existed beyond t hat dance room.

Finally, we are all tired of talking about it. I even find difficulty in writing about the experi­ence. But give us a few months and it will be one of those "great college memories."

Not able to believe it was over, I was reas­sured by the sight of my partner waving his shirt in the air and looking like a H oya Rocky in his leaps upward. The entire floor had gone wild for the last few songs. I was left drained of all ener­gy. emotion, and rational thought.

Upon awakening Sunday morning, the first thing I did was to reach for my sneakers. Then. I quickly pulled them off, not with the realiza­

'tion that I was not at the marathon. but rather waiting to throw one at someone if I heard Artie Gallagher's voice one more time, saying, "let's go, gang. Time to dance."

Both Artie and Mary Ann Halford deserve much credit for planning the event. As a partici­pant, I give the team my full respect. No, we did not do it alone. Many volunteers spent time at concession stands, admisisons, etcetera., Large crowds Friday and Saturday nights were sup-

'/' portive.


We all had a great time, despite physical and sometimes emotional exhaustion, What more can I say? The dance marathon was a real vic­tory for the Banneker Fund, as well as a per­sonal victory to each of its dancers.

, -Dancer #113

t '. I , ," I

" ) 'l, "

Friday, April 6, 1979 THE HOYA Page 11

arts & entertainment

Arts Calendar for April Motion Pictures Highlights

& Openings "Circle Theatre-21st and Penn. Ave. N.W. 331-7480 "Academy Award Winners" April 1-2: The Apartment (1960), West Side Story (1961) April 3-4: Hamlet (1948) April 5-7: Black Orpheus (1958), The Bicycle Thief (1949) April 8-9: Rashoman (1950), Gate of He I! (1953) April 10-1 I: The Virgin Spring (1957), Through a Glass Darkly (1961) April 12-16: Madame Rosa (1977), The Garden of the Fitzi Continis (1971) April 17-18: The Miracle Worker (1962), To Kill a Mockingbird (1962) April 19-21: The Sting (1973), Patton (1970) Ap 22-24: Funny Girl (1973), Cabaret (1972) April 25: Harry and Tonto (1974), The Great While Hope (1970) April 26-28: Women in Love (1969), A Streetcar Named Desire (1951) April 29-30: All the King's Men (1949), Born Yesterday (1950)

Biograph Theatre-333-2696 "Festival of the Fondas" April 6-8: Grapes of Wrath. They ShOal Horses, Don't They? April 9-11: War and Peace April 12-15: Jezebel, The Lady Eve April 16-17: Easy Rider, 92 in the Shade April 18-19: Once Upon a Time in the West April 20-23: Klute, Steelyard Blues April 24-26: Barefoot in the Park, Barbarella April 27-30: Coming Home. Sometimes a Great Notion

Key Theatre-333-5100 all month Going' Places and Femme Fatales

American Film Institute (at the Kennedy Center)-785-4600 April 1,5-6: His Girl Friday 'April 6-8: Gypsy April 7: The Silver Streak April 20-22: Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid and Cat Ballou April 28-29: Picnic April 30: Duck Soup

MOTION PICTURE OPENING Jennifer Cinema 5252 Wisconsin Ave., N. W. 244-5703 April 6: The Promise

K.B. Studio 4600 Wisconsin Ave. N.W. 686-1700 April II: Circle of Iron

K.B. Cerberus 3040 M St. N.W. 337-1311 April 12: Hurricane

K.B. Fine Arts 1919 M St. N.W. 223-4438 April 22: Love at First Bite

Tenley Circle: 4200 Wisconsin Ave. N.W . . 363-4340

April 4: The Champ Inner Circle 2105 Penn. Ave. N.W. 331-7480 April II: On the Yard Outer Circle 4849 Wisconsin Ave. N.W. 244-3116 April 25: The Innocent West End Circle 23rd and L Sl. N.W. 293-3152 April 25: Old Boy/i-iends (tentative)

Loose .Ends Burn Brae Theatre 384-5800 Oliver Encore -Dinner Theatre 628-7973 Guys and Dolls Harlequin Dinner Theatre 340-8115 Pippin Hayloft Dinner Theatre 631-0230 Caharet Lazy Susan Dinner Theatre 550-7384 Pajama Game Melody Fare Dinner Theatre 525- 430 Peter Pan

Dinner Theatres The Cellar Door 34th and MS. N.W. 337-3389 April 2-3 The Watcrsons featuring Martin earthy Magpie April 4-5 Eric Anderson April 6-7 The Dillards and Betsy Kaste April 8 Happy the Man April 9-10 Amos Garret and Geoff Muldar April 11-12 Pierre Bcnsusan April 13-14 John Hammond and Kris Smither

The China Syndrome: The Power is The Dangerous Thing Never in the history of the film indus­

try has a movie been released with such ironic timing as Tire China Syndrome. It is as if Columbia Pictures had before its eyes a crystal ball forecasting the re­cent drama in Harrisburg. For it seems their script was xeroxed from these breath-taking events.

The film's title refers to a nuclear dis­aster in which the super-hot core melts down through 'the floor of the plant, supposedly all the way to China. In act­uality, it would explode when it hit the water, causing massive damage.

The film was originally (and more aptly) entitled Tire Power. This is more appropriate because the film is not so much about nuclear power plants as about the way corporations regard peo­ple as semi-expendable capital to be used to increase their wealth.

The film is about a TV news person­ality named Kimberly Welles (played by Jane Fonda), usually limited to the silly type of stories so proliferate on TV

(such as birthday parties for animals at the zoo), she gets a tour through the first of what is hoped to be a scries of nuclear power facilities. While inside a major nuclear accident is narrowly averted. Meanwhile, the cameraman (Michael Douglas) has secretly been taking pictures during the entire emer­gency. Fonda and Douglas want to put the film on the six o'clock news. but can not when the plant officials threaten the station with a lawsuit.

The chief technician at the plant, Jack Godell (Jack Lemmon) has dis­covered that the plant was built haphaz­ardly. At the prodding of Fonda and Douglas he offers to tell how dangerous the plant is. When agents of the plant keep him from getting to a regulatory commission hearing, he locks himself inside the control center room and threatens to destroy the plant unless the media is brought in so that he can tell all.

As the press people race to set up, the

corporations' official attempt to stop him from talking. ever. This follows to an incredible conclusion reminiscent of the film Network both in style and con­tent.

Iy. not artistically) acts more like the Ioc' a OJ •• ' real Jane Fonda than Fonda doc~. J' a. . ..... ,. '.' ....... _.

As mentioned before, Bridgc~ "how" '. "". . that the problem is not nuclear power.

.Jane Fonda is at the height of her career with two consecutive Oscar nominations (possibly a third. for this fi 1m). I n a little over a year, she has turned in highly accalimed perform­ances in· Coming Home Comes a Horseman, and California Suil£'. As Kimberly Welles, Fonda portrays one of the "pretty faces" so prolific on tele­vision these days. Someone that knows that she was hired just because of her good looks. but wants to prove that she is competent. The highly emotional ending puts the spotlight on Fonda and she carries off the scene perfectly.

Lemmon also turns in a flawless por­trayal adding a subtle mint of mental imbalance. just enough to make the audience question qhethcr hc is. Doug­las as the radical cameraman (political-

leaders of self-,erving corporations. ,~~,,~ ,.! ff"; but too much power in the hand, of the ;J <,.~ 11

The anti-nuclear power people arc ~ Ii -. I If d f . b f .. , ..... ; s lOwn up as se - e eating u oons. f . , .'

Instead of putting forth logical argu- ""'" ~.~."""" " menk!s, thd~Yt~tand \Ivith blti.ndfoilds

l on """""'., "I~,);: "'.' ..

ma tng 1 10 IC over y-emo IOn3 p cas. :_ .• *. ,.. . Bridge also pokes considerable fun at ,'" . television news that &hows a great deal of influence of Sidnev Lumet and Pad­dy Cheyefsky's Nptw'urk.

The China Syndrome is not a perfect film. The beginning is very slow mov­ing. but the last hour of the film more than makes up for the previous. So go see the movie. besides a vcry exciting film you will gain some information that is espeically valuable in light of the events in Harrisburg last week.

- Bill Henry

Has parking become a major event for you? Have the buses left you in the rain once too often?

Then why not help us work toward an expanded-(for your convenience)

reliable-(for your peace of mind)


integrated-(to take you anywhere. fast)

Georgetown Transportation System.

You make the decision!

Fill out the G.U. Transportation Survey. Drop it off in campus mail, any traffic booth

or distribution table.

Tell Georgetown where to go on Monday, April 9th and Tuesday, April 10th.

Page 12 THE HOYA Friday, April 6, 1979

arts & entertainment

IsRock 'n'RoDDead? Some Say Yes, Some Say No Yes. But that depends, as u'sual,

on whose definition of death you use. There are literally thou­

sands of marginally talented groups making bland music for exploitative record companies.

There are MEGAbucks to be made off of Rock'n'Roll (several billion dol­lars of transactions take place yearly III

the music buisness), and these record companies are raking it in with both hands. Is this bad? No, since people only purchase that which they enjoy, those hand-picl5ed tracks which their radio stations have decided will sell.

I There is no case to be made for the abolition of Rock mu;,ic. If people like it, the enjoyment which is achieved from listening to the music, whatever form it is and in whatever manifesta­tion. represents, in my view. the mo~t noble asset of music.

What ahout brain death? Death as an art form?

Maybe it's unfair to claim that Rock must be an art form. It doesn't have to be. As a matter of fact, with precious few exceptions, it isn't, Your average person who listens to and cnjoys hisl her favorite groUPI singer isn't con­cerned with art forms (or if he is, he's de/initely barking up the wrong tree). I

Consider how often groups/ singers who finally make it will, after a long string of really good, original albums, shamelessly duplicate the one that sold. Their creativity stops the minute they

get popUlar, the minute they sell. Look at Joel's 5211d Slreet, look at Al Ste­wart's Tillie Passages, look at Boston's second LP Don't Look Back.

The first sold so well, so the 0 bvious business decision is to continue. It's an investment. Maximize profit. Fine. If you're into business. that's the rational thing to do.

But whatever happened to the art? Or even, short of art. the mild creativity that some or these musicians had demonstrated in the past. This leads me to my point about the whole article: Comml:rcial Rock is Dead. Business has killed Rock music. The counter­culture has become the over-the­counter-culture and defaulted.

So now, we are led to look back on those golden years when Rock was alive as a creative force, when Rock was ex­ploding with energy and ideas.

I'll go as far back as the Bea ties, a 1-though Rock was alive and kicking be­fore that. The Beatles were artists, and I usc the term with respect, for that puts them in a league with the great com­posers throughout the centuries.

Sure, their music was I<:ss ambitious, sure it was less pretentious, but the Beatles used the Rock form to make amazingly original, bold new music. just as Beethoven used the Classical form to create new, outrageously ad­venturous music.

plored new areas of music as none other could. i shudder at the thought of what Rock'n'Roll would be today had the Beatles not embarked on their musical experimentations.

Although they are generally rec­'ognized as' the first~and most popular-artistic group, other musi­cians took up the ball the Beatles had thrown into play.

I n' fact, as early as 1965, an entire musical scene f10urished around one town in England. Canterbury was the home of an incredihll' fertile avant­garde (read original and creative) move­ment. Most people arc completely una­ware that there ever was a Canterbury School. Yet this movemcnt fostered such ground-breaking groups as The Soft Machine, Caravan, and later, Gong-groups whose inf1uence it is im­possible to underestimate.

Most people do not know and do not care about these artists who were using Rock (and Jazz) as an art form. They were musicians and composers for whom creativity, originality, an ex­change of ideas. and quite a. sense of humor wcre as important as breathing.

These are artists in every sense of the word; the definition is not incongruous with that of turn-of-the-century artists for instance. They are usually not rich, for they recognize that there is a funda-

music for money. These artists are the enemies of com-

.. ,

N o it's not-unless of course one chooses to list Barry Manilow,

Kiss or the disco subculture under its banner.

Instead of arguing that this genre of music is on its way out, I would like to consider how it still thrives and has ~Jnly touched its creative boundaries.

The best evidence that "rock lives" can be provided by its finest artists, Whether or not one thinks Bob Dylan sings like a dog or Mick Jagger is ugly, their influence cannot be ignored. The British I nvasion groups (Stones, Beatles, Kinks and the Who) and Dylan were the vanguard of a movement which radically changed youth's per­ceptions of the world in the 60's. They still do.

The Kink's Misfits, the Who's Who Are You and the Stone's Some Girls are prime examples that even the "Old Wavers" who supposedly have been around too long can still produce orig­inal and rollicking masterpieces.

Big Band music did not die; rather it metamorphosized like a butterfly from a cocoon into Rock n' Roll. Rock did not die with Buddy Holly, Elvis Pres'ley, Jimi Hendrix, Keith Moon and certain-

ly not Sid Vicious. It changes, and the creative source of this progression is its greatest strength.

Yet, if these groups discussed above represent rock's past, where does its f u­ture lie? One place to look is Asbury Park. Bruce Springsteen (called the fu­ture of rock n'roll by his friends) could not release an album for 2'12 years b.ecause of managerial problems. Such a layoff would kill a lesser artist for the reason the lack of constant exposure is retiring Fleetwood Mac and Steve Miller,


In Springsteen's case, his persever-. ance paid off with Darkness on the Edge of Town. This landmark album shows how its creator has matured as an inventive force and as a spokesman for a musical movement which has stood the test of time. .

New Wave music also has had a pro­found effect on the future of rock n'roll music, The Sex Pistols wrote their punk obituary in The Great Rock n' Roll Swindle; however, the Top 100 charts are now filled by the broader and more profound New Wave (not Punk) move­ment of which they were only a part.

The Clash claimed a spot on top of the British charts last summer with their momentuous single, "White Man of Hammersmith Palais", while their first American album has sold briskly sin~e its Christmas release.

The Jam, another new English band, has completed its album and has shown rock has both its rough and tender side.

In America, Blondie is thriving and its Parallel Lines collection received critical acclaim from such' varied. sources as Rolling Stone and revie~er Marc Farre of the HOYA.

Continued on page 13


: . Hoya RockN Roll Poll Are we being overrun by disco and bubblegum music that seems to be dominating the airwaves'? This is the question on everybody's mind this week. We at the HOY A felt it was our duty as journalists to find out what the students at our beloved institution really think. Is rock 'n' roll really dead? Is New Wave the hope of the future for diehard rock fans? We leave it up to you, the students, to teII us what the truth is. Send your responses by campus mail, it's free. The HOY A Rock Poll, P.O. Box 938 Hoya Station, Georgetown University, Washington, D.c' 20057

a) Who are your five (5) favorite musical performers or groups, past or present? 1) ____________________________________________________________ ___

2) ________________________________________________________________ _


4) ____________________________________________________________ ___

5) ________________________________________________________________ _

b) Who do you feel has been the most influential performer or group in rock music history?

Much as they may be enjoyable to lis en to. Billy Joel. Boston, Spring­,teen, Blondie, Manilow are not crea­tive artists in a musical sense. They rep­resent rather a sort of collective opium­for-the-people. Their songs are popular because. well, everyone wants to have someone feel about them the way Billy Joel feels about the object of his inspi­ration. The melodies are nice. if simpIis­iic and predictable. It's good. unadven­turous music for people with unadven­turous tastc-not necessarily bad. just unadventurous.

The Rock genre is legitimate. Within Rock there is an avant-garde. there is good and there is bad: there are popular strains just as in any legitimate form of musical expression. Rock is unfortu­nately, though. the sparsest form when it comes to intelligent, artistic creations. Why? Because Rock'n'Roll is probably the most popular form around today, and hence, the natural conservatism of the bulk of listeners (and the aforemen­tioned profit motive) has stifled much creativity.

e mercialism; this is why you probably c) What Washington. radio st~tion do you listen to most frequently? " havel)-'theard of them. Bu.t .they are'~t&, . .J. ','" <\ 'i'" ;" ." 1 : in Europe, which has tradItIOnally beert: ., I': . . I . fertile ground for the creation' and ac- I 1

Which brings us back to the Beatles. The only way they got away with their artistic expressions was because they were popular. If a totally unheard-of

ceptance of intelligent music (although I e) If you could see anyone performer or group in concert, who would yot! see? it suffers from the "Disco Plague" also). I

Three more of these artistic groups to l I add are Henry CO\V (who, since 1969 -----------------------------------------'

All right: that's fine: we agree; it's nice music. But DON'T start talking about art because this form of music a bout as detached from art as is MU7ak. As a matter of fact. the similarities be­tween the two forms o["music" arc too numerous for my ta,tc. Of course. they don't .wl/nd the same (although they do come close on certain occasions), but both are there pl'imari~1' to make money. and both rcprc~ent rehashings of legitimate musical forms. If you do not belicve that every commercial al­hum is calculated to sell above all and to be interesting only in a secondary sense, you are seriously kidding your­self.

i group had come up with I am the Walrus, instead of the Beatles, we know it would have gone nowhere. It is to the credit of the Beatles that they resisted the pressures to stick to their ballads and rockers, and went ahead and ex-


4201 Connecticut

when they formed at Oxford Univer-sity, have been the leader~ of the avant-garde in rock-jazz), King Crimson (Robert Fripp's ground-breaking group, now defunct) and Pink Floyd (who have been among the precious few

Continued on page 13


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His Record Includes: • Coverage of a dozen wars and revolutions. • Two brushes with death in Cambodia. • Notable stories on the Pentagon Papers and

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Aloint HOYA-Voice lournalism Seminar Tu~sday, April 10 Glt 8 p.m.

Room 206 White-Gravenor Everybody Welcome!!!

Friday, April 6, 1979 THE HOYA Page 13

May Be Hazardous to Your Health Georgetown U Chorus Completes fllR dT - - N E There is a new movie out now that is hate t'o see anyt~ing go to wilste." gang fights depicted in the film are won

creating quite a bit of controversy. The Theaters showing this film in New so quickly and effortlessly by .the pro- uccess U oa np m ew ng. film is The Warriors, directed by Walter York and Los Angeles have been the tagonists that it instills a false sense of Hill (who was responsible for last year's scenes of gang fights of their own. In the bravado in the predominently teenaged atrocious The Driver). In The Warriors, Washington area, things have been audience. Another is that) gangs are, Hill sinks to an even lower level of much calmer, with most theaters exhib- reacting to the ridiculous way that they mediocrity. The reason for the contro- iting the film report that nothing has are portrayed. Or maybe the people are versy is due not so much tp the violence happened. However, the Town Theater just mad at paying $3.50 for such a on the screen. but the violence out in the in the district, has hired two extra piece of junk. parking lots. As of this writing. there security guards. Out in Maryland, the have been seven murders and numerous AMC Carrolton 6 reported an increase assaults linked to the film. in pranks and vandalism since the film

The movie itself is a piece of garbage. started. They also report many requests There is no better description for an by parents to stop showing the film. hour and a half of stupid chases, silly There are many possible reasons for fights. and a cast of degenerates that the violence. One is that the constant show about as much acting talent as a block of wood. . The story (don't expect too much in

this department either) is about a gang convention brought together by a char­ismatic leader named Cyrus. Before he can tell them of his plan for uniting the gangs and taking over the city, he is shot by a psychotic gang leader. In the ensuing fracas the Warriors, a gang from Coney Island are blamed for Cvrus' assasination.

"The film is full of idiotic situations and lines. The gangs look like rejects from a "Village People" masquerade party. Their costumes look like they would elicit laughter rather than fear. One linc that serves as an example of the general idiocy of the film is when a girl that follows the gang is given a dis­carded tlower. When she asks why the gang leader gave it to her. he replies. "I

Don't go see The Warriors. It is dangerous to your health. You may not get knifed, but the chances are good that you will die from boredom.

-Bill Henry

Directed by Paul Hill. the 35 member G. U. chorus recently completed a sue­cessful road trip to New England capped by a spontaneous performance in a New York City restaurant.

Their first stop was in Torrington, Conn. on March,29. The choir sang in benefit of the home parish of Robin Troxell, secretary of the chorus. The church had been set ablaze by an arson­ist, and all proceeds of the concert were donated fOf its reconstruction. An en­thusiastic crowd of 300 people attended the benefit, and the parishioners were indeed grateful to Paul HilI and the Chorus for their fund-raising efforts .

The Chorus also performed at the Arts Festival in Torrington High School. The program consisted of a first half of sacred music including works such as the "Agnu~ Dei" of Eng­lish composer Thomas ~orley, and the "Magnificat" of the New England Com­poser D. Pinkham. In the second half secular music was featured, including "Four Songs in Slovak" by Bela Bartok and a contemporary work which con­sisted of choral sounds and electronic tape entitled "Child's Ghetto."

The next stop on the tour was at Holy Cross College Chapel, a magnificent Gothic strueture with superb acoustics. Also featured on the program was a piece performed in conjunction with the Holy Cross Chorus. Edward Walker,

assistant conductor of the G. U. Chorus said, "in the three years I have heen with the Chorus the performance at Holy Cross Chapel was the best the group has ever sounded."

The tour closed April I with a day of touring and good eating in New York City. At the Chorus' dinner at Mamma Leone's, the evening culminated with a spontaneous performance, being re-

warded by standing ovations from the other restaurant clients.

There is still a chance to hear this great program! Tonight in Gaston Hall at 8:00 p.m., the G. U. Chorus will per­form and have as guests. the Apollo Kohr. a fine German choir. The per­formance is f rce. so be _ure not to miss both the local and international talent.

Adela Maria Bolel

I Don't Care What People Say, Rock and Roll is Here to Stay!

I Dont Care What People Know Rock and Roll is Ready to Go!

US Batleurs Opens Continued from page 12

These bands and the people who listen to them are the reason that rock n' roll is not dead, but will change as everything human does.

Disco will come and go just as the minuet step Beethoven thought was vul­gar faded. Beethoven's music did not follow him into the grave but rather found its home in symphony halls in the same way "Jailhouse Rock" is played by garage bands who missed Elvis Pres­ley's heyday.

Rock n' Roll is a relatively new musical development. yet has stood the last twenty-five years without self­destructing or becoming respectable. Elvis Costello for example, once be-

For a FORD FIESTA, SEAT 133, or similar. Start & end in England or Spain - drive anywhere in the UK or on the Continent. Book and pay 21 days in advance. Rates good for 1 - 9 weeks.

longed to the ultimate "conformist" field of computer programming. How­ever, the spirit of rock which laid dor­mant within him for so long eventually could not be held back, and a new crdl­tive boundary was reached in the pro­cess.

If Costello grabbed the elusive pie in the sky with Armed Forces, I doubt anyone will ever be able to "reach for the moon and the stars, and grab the moon and the stars". Yet people keep trying and rock n' rolI will live as long as there are those enough out there to try.

Pete Townshend of the Who perhaps summed up this problem best by saying, "Rock is dead, long live Rock".

Don Hubbard.

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So you've got a few problems with your shape. Don't worry about it, do some­

Continued from page 12 to achieve success and art in their cre­ative endeavors).

What about today's New Wave? Is it not an artistic movement? I think that, within the raison-d'etre of New Wave lies its own vi ci ousness. Although its proponents are correct in recognizing the crisis in current Rock'n'Ro!l. their solution is a regressive n:turn to the roots of the music.

In the roots do not lie the answers,

but rather the recognition that they are not capable of finding any creative out· lets in Rock music. While I find it en­joyable to listen, to, I do not see the plastic-sophistication of the New Wave as an art form.

Although as I mentioned, New Wave is infinitely more desirable than the commercial drive which permeates the airwaves. This kind of Radio Activity will kill. Witness the untimely death of mainstream Rock'n'Roll. Mar.c Farre

Georgetown University's French Theatre Group, Les Batleurs, opens its seven/h season on Tuesda~' evening. This years production is "i.e Sommeil de la Raison." The play was wrill en in 1930 by the Belgian playwright M. de Ghelderode.


At times surrealistic though essential­ly expressionistic, "Le Sommeil de la Raison" presents the hallucinations of a wanderer in a dusty decaying circus whose owner. the ring-master. will die soon of tuberculosis. The clown who

'represents imprisoned time or the eternal witness seeks to take advantage of this feeble creature-man-only to

inherit the circus. The seven wax statues, all caricatures

of the seven sins, come alive during the man's dream-or rather when reason falls asleep. Eventually the dream ends to everyone's disappointment. ~ J ~ J


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In expressionistic terms, the circus is a place where the unknown becomes familiar and the familiar becomes mon­strous.

Keeping up with tradition. the stu­dents are natives from different coun­tries, and their intended future, at least apparently, never indicated the drama­tic arts.

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You'll find tips on exercise, training and sports. And you'll discover a few of the unusual ways some athletes stay in shape. It's not all running and weight lifting. And you'll also find some very interesting information about how to shape up your ride with the great lineup of '79 Fords.

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Performances will be held April 10, 11. 13 and 14 at S:30 P.M., at Stage III in Poulton Hall. The admission price for adult~ is 52,00 and for studcnts with proper identification 51.00.

Campus Cinema

Fri., Sat. LA-6 8 P.M. Butch Cas.lldy and Ihe Sundance Kid 'R) lind Cool Hand Llike

This weck the SEC ha,~ a Paul New­man double-feature. George Roy Hill's Bwch Ca.\,wdr and tilt' Sundance Kid and Stuart Rosenberg's Cool Hand LlIke. Newman is helped out in both films by strong co-starring perform­'InCl.:;: Robert Redford in the first and Academy Award winner (for Best Sup­porting Actor) and George Kennedy in the second. BUlcl! Cassilh is a rather stylized biography of the' two famous Western outlaws. Cool Hand Llike is the story of a non-conformist prisoner on a S'outhern chain gang. Two highly recommended films thi; week.

-Bill Henry

Prestige Exci ement Improved Typing Skills

All this and Bill Henry too can be yours by signing on the good ship HOYA - don't let this once in a lifetime opportunity pass you by. A position as Assistant Sports Edi­tor with a chance for quick ad-

vancement is available today.

The HOYA is an equal opportun­ity rag.

age 14 THE HOYA Friday, April 6,1979



PRE-REGISTRATION Pre Session: May 21-June 15


First Session: June 11-July 14

Eight-week Cross: June 11-July 14

Six-week Cross: June 25-August 3

Second-week Cross: July 17-August 18

Pre-Registration: April 18-24 with your Dean, School or


• • • '" I .,._! \ ~: _"." ... " , ",' I • "

Pre Session Registration must be completed by May 16. RegistratioA for'!alJ)othef,l,00(H~ses,,(elxeelpt··, MSA) may be completed in advance by May 25 or at Walk-i"n Registration~' ;" .


Changes in Summer Schedule

ARAB STUDIES Modern Africa-will not be offered

BIOLOGY Comparative Anatomy-first session, not second

BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Financial Accounting II-will be taught by Prof. Asmuth Intra. to Business-will be taught by Prof. Byrnes Business Statistics I-will be taught by Prof. Seely Business Statistics II-Staff Social Responsibilities of Business-will be taught by Prof.

Sauter Business Financial Management-time will be 8:30-10:00 a.m.

Monday-Friday Principles of Management-time changed to 9:30-11:45 a.m.,

will be taught by Prof. Harvey Managerial Finance-will be taught by Prof. Harvey Auditing-will be taught by Prof. Sing . Financial Accounting Seminar-will be taught by Prof.


ENGLISH Expository Writing 135-001-20-July 16-August 17 20th Century Irish Literature-first session, not second

HISTORY Individual and Society-MWF The Modern Middle East-time changed to 3:30-5:10 p.m. The Arab-Israeli Conflict-time changed to 6:00-7:40 p.m. NEW COURSE-The U.S. & the Plains Indians: The

Reservation System and Its Aftermath, 1850-1920's 144-461-10 (6/11-7/14) 3:30-5:10 p.m., MTTh, Prof. Foley.

SPANISH Spanish Phonology-time changed to 8:30-10:10 a.m.

LINGUISTICS' Generative Syntax-course number is 154-527

NURSING Sophomore Technologies II-will be taught by Prof. Donahue

PHILOSOPHY Intra. to Philosophy-new course descriptions are available

at the SSCE office. Values in Conflict-$315

Summer Catalogues available: 156 Nevils


Friday, April 6, 1979 THE HOYA Page 15

sports AL Eastern Chmnp ShOuld Take Crown

Continued/rom page 16

every bit as good as the Yankees (Cooper,/ Money, Yount, Bando) an outfield that iSI better, and high hopes for the year. i

even Division champions, in any other divi-' sion but the one they are in. Both squads are too spotty to win in the talent-laden East. Bal­timore needs relief pitching, a more balanced hitting attack, and dependable hitting and outfielding. Detroit has a solid core of Thompson, Kemp, LeFlore, two big question marks in Fidrych and Staub, a dependable, although not spectacular mound staff, and little else.

HOYA Sports Quiz

The difference will probably be pitching'! Free agent JIm Slaton. (17-11 last year with Detroit) will anchor an already solid staff.! Will it be able 'top the performance of New' York's fabled pitching corps?

·Maybe. The invincible Yanks have their .achjJJe's heels as we 1. Ron Guidry was 0-3 with a 6.00+ E.R.A. in Spring Training. Figueroa is none-tao-dependable. Hunter, Tiant, and John aren't getting any younger. Rich Gossage is the bullpen. A lot of things, could go wrong, but it is unlikely that enough: of them will keep the pinstripers from having the finest staff in the major leagues.

Everything isn't roses elsewhere for. the budding dynasty, either. Munson and Cham­bliss are ailing. Roy White and Nettles are ancient by baseball standards. There is no in­field depth. But enough talent that, all things being equal, they can beat back their two major rivals? Probably.

Baltimore and Detroit labor under the curse of being teams that would be contenders, or


Cleveland is good, but not good enough to

win in the East, and Toronto's good for a few laughs.

Whoever wins the American League East will be de facto World Champions. No other team, or league has the talent to compete.

Kansas City should (yawm) again win the west. Always content to develop home-grown players the Royals should defeat such teams as Texas, based about a core of overpriced, over­aged free agents, and California.

The Angels are an enigma. With a mound­corps of Tanana, Ryan, Barr, and Aase, and the addition of Carew to bolster their sagging hitting, the Californians could, if somebody else gets on base, be the new West Champions. But don't bet on it.

BUSINESS ASSISTANCE, INC. Expert typing of: term papers, theses, dissertations, resumes, legal docu­ments. correspondence. For further in­formation call 965-3688

fer. Phone 232-7030 or 379-7151 after 6 on weekdays.

Engaged to be Married? Save 20% on INVITaTIONS, ANNOUNCE-

. MENTS AND WEDDING ACCES-, SORIES. Kristal & Associates Print­ing * dati evening/ weekend appointments. " 933-4128

Female roommates wanted to share fur­nished N. Arlington house,S minutes from campus. Own room, air-condi­tioned, washer-dryer, fireplace. Great nieghborhood, 2915 N. Stafford St . Grad. student preferred. $1 50-month + utilities. Write Susan Stowe, 30 I 15th St .• Apr. 10, Charlottesville, Va. 22903, or call 804-296-3479 for details. Lease begins June I. Tamille Hawkins

The Great 1960's Quiz Book by Dan Carlinsky is the source of this week's sports quiz honoring those wild and wacky 60's. The prizes are in direct proportion to the necessity ofthis article: 15 correct answers will get you 10 free tickets to last Satur­day's Capital's game against Boston: 14 correct and you get a date with the Healy Basement Politico of your choice; and needless to say, 13 or less entitles you to two dlltcs. On with the fun:

I. Who was the "goat" of the '63 World Series?

2. In the "how could they have done that to a little kid" category-what do the initials V.A, stand for in Mr. Tittle's name?

3. Casey Stengel retired twice in the 60·s. From what teams and in what years?

Bill Morton There are currently a few openings for students who are interested in taking private piano instruction. Times avail-, able are on Thursday morning at 10:30,. and at I :00 and I :30 Thursday after­noon. Cost is $7.50. Call Walt at 625-3351 for more information.

Wanted; FLUTE and BASS GUITAR PLA YERS for the 4th Annual Cabaret Show which will be held April 26, 27 & 28. Call 338-2444 Jodi or 338-3274 Gary.

President B.S.A. Vice President

Typing Service: Dissertations, Theses. Papers. Professionally typed by The Johnson Wo,d Processing Center, Inc., 301 G St .• S.W., 48g-0756.

Wanted: Stock Person and Sales Clerk for Eagle Wine and Liquor. Some knowledge of wines necessary. Satur-, day work, flexible evening hours. Call 333-5500.

Stud. Housing. EARN FREE ROOM Photography Classes - The finest year­and BOA RD .. ' In ~"Gl1ttf1gf)for~ild~·" ""round instruction at aU levels: color and sitting. housework, etc. STUDENTS, b/w. darkroom and shooting, at YOUR call the National Student Housing Re- MIND'S EYE Photography School ferral Service today at 659-0775. (Falls Church). Call 534-4610 for our

Sublease. Wanted to sublease a fur­nished apartment for the months of May, June, July. 3 college females. Call collect 301-363-0548 after 6 p.m.

Cougar '72. Looks bad, but drives well! 63.090 miles. Has AC. $300 or make of-

free Course Catalogue.

Lost: A Nikon camera, Nikkormat model on Sat" March 31st in New South Faculty Lounge or Lobby. Large reward. I'm in real trouble if not found. Please call 333-8792 (438 Copley).

••••••••••••••••• :yqung : : IJnvers: : • • : Good News About = • Auto Insurance! I -. Dependable auto insurance-designed to -.

suit your needs-is now available for II college students, military personnel and II • other young drivers. Criterion Insurance II • Company is a highly regarded, financially II • strong company which specializes in •

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As goal conscious individuals we have envisio~ed several goals for the B.S.A. in the 1979-80 academic year. They are:

* Reorganization of Academic Clubs: Centralized Control; Strengthening Academic Foothold at G.U.

* Increased involvement in Campus political Organizations (e.g. Student Government)

* D.C. Community Outreach: Tutoring area H.S. Students; Involvement in D.C. Politics

* Increased Social and Cultural Outlets: Seminars & Parties; Theater and Museum Trips

More details on our Platform will be available in the B.S.A. House (3619 "0" St" NW) on Friday, April 6, 1979.

4. Nikita Krushchev and Dean Rusk played the favorite game of Monique LaFlame. What was it and who won?

5. Who was the first black Heis­man Trophy award winner?

6. Give the nicknames for the '67 Red Sox and '69 Mets.

7. The only player to ever pinch hit for Ted Williams was ... '?

8. In 1963, threc M.V.P.'s of var­ious sports all wore the number 32. Who were they? (Forget the fact that Monique LaFlamc also wears a 32.)

9. The National League won all ohhe All-Star games during the past decade excpct for one (and one rain out). But which year and in what field did the A.L. finally triumph'!

(0. Who set the record for golf earnings without winning a single match in the year 1963'1

II. Aruui, Italy was the birth­place of the well-known (to Channel 47 viewers) professional wrestler who managed to hang on to the World-wide Wrestling Federation Championship belt for the longest. Name that bruiser.

12. What was odd about Steve Barbcr'~ I 'J6 7 no hit game?

13. What movie kept New York and Oaldand fans from seeing the Raiders score two touchdowns in the last two minlltc~ of a 1968 game to heat the Jets, 43-327 (Note from Moniql1e: "cven I know this one.")

14. What two pro football players were suspended for gambling in '63?

15. Who was the only defense­man in thc NHL to lead the league in scoring (6R-'69)'! Note from M onlquc: "Wasn't there a Sandy K ol1faxT

Answers To HOYA Sports Quiz

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·~ Sports

Vol. 60, No. 11

GU Earns $ In Post Season

NCAA by Ken Robbett

HOY A Sport, Staff

As a result of postseason play in the ECAC and NCAA tournaments, the Georgetown University basketball team has generated an estimated $40,000 to $60,000 for the general university fund. The exact amount will not be released until the end of GU and NCAA's res­pective fiscal years in June.

"Neither the basketball team nor the atheletic department receives any of the money earned in tournament play," GU Athletic Director Francis X. Rienzo stated, "Instead it goes to the general university fund, enabling the school as a whole to benefit from the basketball team's success."

The NCAA leaves it to the individual institution's discretion as to how their share of the revenue is used. At some. schools it goes directly to the team itself while at others it may go to the athletic department. In a case such as this, the athletic department will often be a sep­arate legal entity from the academic institution it is associated with.

According to NCAA spokesman Tom Jernstedt, the basketball tourna­ment is the NCAA's number one reve­nue raising project. With combined ticket sales and television contracts the tournament is expected to net an approximate $7 million profit. Half of the proceeds got to the tournament's participating institutions and the other half goes to the NCAA for a travel and per diem fund. This fund pays the ex­penses of the teams which go to the NCAA's various tournaments in all sports.

Depending upon total receipts the shares going to the individual schools are expected to be reflective of last year's shares. This means that teams playing one game in the tournament will receive approximately $40,000, those who played in the regionals $120,000, and those who made it to the 'inal four in Salt Lake City $240,000.


The Yates Recreation Complex, originally scheduled to open in September. 1978, has had its completion date moved back to July due to weather conditions which have hampered construction.

Friday, April 6,1979

Rec-Plex Postponed; Set to Open in July

by Gloria Quinn noy 1\ A!l~I'itanl Ncw~ Edlillf

The opening of the Rec-Plex will be delayed (again) until July 9th accord­ing to Director of Construction, Ben­jamin Scarborough. Both Scarbor­ough and Director of Athletics, Frank Rienzo cited the weather as the cause for the delay.

Scarborough said that the "water­proofing" and "the barrels on the North side of the Rec-Plex" were the specific reasons for the delay.

According to Scarborough, the shells on the North side of the com­plex need to be balanced so they can support the building. The barrels ful­fill this function. Because of bad weather, the barrels have not yet been built.

The waterpoofing, which was scheduled to be done in November,

also was delayed due to the weather. Work cannot be done inside the build­ing until the building is waterproofed since the rain could cause severe damage.

Scarborough called the delay "a ter­rible disappointment. We had hoped to have it opened at least for Senior Week (May 20-27), but a lot of bad weather while we were in the ground prevented it."

Commenting on the delays, Rienzo said, "Considering the weather, I think it's amazing that they've been able to get to where they are."

When asked ifthe July9th data was definite, Scarborough replied. "I don't think there is aJiy question of it. All of the structural elements are in."

Oarsmen Stroke To Victory in Season

Rienzo, on the other hand, was not so positive. "All indications are that it will be open in July. but you can never be sure." Rienzo pointed out the teamsters' strike and said, "You can't be sure of the effect the strike will have on the arrival of supplies."

Neither Scarborough nor Rienzo was optimistic about an earlier open­ing of the Rec-Plex. Rienzo stated, "Of course. anything could happen, but I don't think it wise to expect the Rec-Plex opening before JUly." Both men also discarded the idea of a par­tial opening of the facilities (the pool, for example, will be completed before July) citing insurance and health problems as the reasons.

by Jack O'Hara H 0)' A Staff Writer

The Spring Crew season opened last weekend as the Georgetown Men's teams rowed in two separate events in Washington, D.C. and Princeton, N.J.

After the long winter months of lift­ing and running, the team had but a short week of power rowing in Tampa. Florida to prepare for the initial meets. Apparently the hard work paid off as the unseasonably warm spring weather brought victory to many Hoya boats.

St. Joseph's from the North and the University of Virginia from the South converged on Thompson's Boat House on the Potomac last Saturday in hopes of upsetting the Hoya Heavyweight eight. The race was close for the first one thousand meters, but as the boats sprinted out from under Key Bridge, it was apparent that the Hoya heavies were in comrr.and.

Coxswained by Carol Stewart, the winning boat contained stroke Dave McAnaney, Ford Smith, Chris Walsh, Mark Wessel, Alex Chapman, Jim Cos­tello, Don Donahue, and Steve Krei-

sher. Submitting to crew tradition, Cox.swain Stewart was tossed in the Potomac by eight tired but victorious oarsmen.

Perhaps the most surprising aspect of the afternoon's races was the strong showing of the Heavyweight J.V. boat which finished second to the varsity by a mere five seconds. The Freshman heavyweights, tasting their first salt of competition, outlasted both St. Joe's and UVa and a Frosh lightweight four added the final victory to a most pro­mising afternoon.

On Sunday, the Varsity Lightweight crew traveled to Princeton, N.J. to compete against the Tigers, victors at the prestigious Head of the Charles and perhaps one of the three top lightweight crews in the country.

On a smooth, well-buoyed course, the Tigers showed their sharp bite by defeating the Hoya Eight by two and one half lengths. From cox to bow, the young Georgetown boat was manned by Kathleen Cullen. Bill Miossi, John Sullivan, Leonard Hill, Art Pepin, Cam Peters, Frank Kiser, Myles Harrington, and Al DelCastillo.

The crew stroked the race at an even thirty six strokes per minute which was cited by Coach Jay Forster as being a bit too high for this early stage of the season.

The J.V. boat also suffered a loss to the strong Ivy Leaguers. Stroked by Bob Angelone, this squad contained Chris Walsh, Jim Costello, Rookie Glenn Lowenstein, Jim Mooney, Sas­cha Vucelich, Tom Fairfield, and Jim

Butler. In addition, the Frosh Light­~eights, coached by GU alumnus Nick Keller, also lost their first heat of the year.

The opportunity for either continu­ing a winning streak or avenging a loss will be presented tomorrow on the Potomac as Georgetown races Ithaca Colleg~, Villanova, and Maritime Col­lege, Kings Point, N.Y,

GU Ruggers Maul Invading Be Eagles Mount St. Mary's Next Hoya Opponent

by William Ellis SpeCial tll the HOY A

"Two of the most satisfying victories the team has ever had". was the way President Joe "Coasti" Costello de­scribed the Georgetown Rugby Foot­ball Club's romp over the visiting Boston Collegc Eagles last Saturday. In the '"A" game the Blue and Gray out­scored their Jesuit rivals 20-3, while in the "B" game they squeaked by with a

6-4 victory. Throughout the first half of the "A"

game the Hoyas were in scoring posi­tion a number of times, yet the Eagles' tough defense prevented them from capitalizing. Georgetown was down 3-0 at the mid-point due to a s.c. penalty kick.

tough for them. They're also more handsome," commented the Vice Presi­dent.

The "B" game was made exciting by the play of a bevy of talented forwards and backs who ran well and hit hard in the 6-4 GU victory. Veteran Kevin O'Neill scored the only try for George­town on a beautiful run and hooker Nick Lavezzorio put two more tallies on the scoreboard with the after try conversion.

Baseball and Ethi~ Don't Mix in Big League

The undaunted Hoyas began their famous second half"Mardi Gras'Mum­bo" when Co-captain Sean King plunged over the try line to break the scoring ice for the home team. Bill Cline added the two points and from that mo­ment on, Georgetown dominated the faltering Eagles. Hardhitting scrum­mers, Richie "Horrible" Horrigan, Mike Stinn, Paul O'Friel, Bruce Cline, and Rick Tranter successfully intimi­dated the B.C. team allowing Jerry "It's a long ride back to Boston" Donahue. Billy Cline, and Dr. Andrew Curtin to help run up the score and run over to beat Boston team.

In the scrum. Terrible Tim Kenneal­ly, George Baehr, Mike Heneshan. and Mark "Beef" Linden manhandled the Eagle forwards so that John Davis and "Cat Man" Cavanagh could out­maneuver the slower Boston backs. New players who, according to Coach Shaheen, were very impressive with their speed and tenacious defense were Fumes Girardi, Mark Connelly and Buddy Nichols.

I t is a funny thing about . organized baseball. The tw,? leagues see themselves as the pro­tectors of all that is good and pure in American society. When Jim Bouton published f3all Four, Com­missioner Bowie Kuhn called Bou­ton in for a chat .•. basically to tell him to knock it off. When Cleon Jones was involved in a bit of al­leged hanky-panky, the manage­ment of the New York Mets went up a wall.

However, that's not all there is to organized baseball. Anyone who has observed the actions of Com­missioner Bowie Kuhn over the Pilst couple of years knows that Kuhn is about as qualified to be Commissioner of Baseball as John Blake is to be White House Press Secretary. Kuhn's actions have been an affront to baseball. The stuffed-shirt, arrogant, high­handed Kuhn has been just about everyone's nightmare of a lousy Commissioner. His conduct in that office has been a record of seven years of failure.

This year, at the summer meeting of the major leagues in Milwaukee after the All-Star Game, a move was afoot to dump Kuhn. The move was led by Charlie Finley, owner of the Oakland A's, and the only m:,ln I can think of who can

Sport A ruling by the Eastern College Ath­

letic Conference (ECAC) will allow Jim DeRienzo, ajunior transfer from Ford­ham, to begin competing with the Hoya track team effective immediately.

Fordham announced a de-emphasis of his track team last year at this time and the decision was made by the ECAC to allow DeRienzo to compete one year after his former school's an­nouncement rather than his date of transfer.

DeRienzo, who practiced with the Hoyas and ran for the New York Athle­tic Club, will compete in various events including the mile, 800 meters and relays. His best showing for the indoor season was the 2:20.6 in the 1000 meters which was three-tenths of a second off

make Kuhn look like a hero. The move was doomed to failure from the outset. If Finley were leading the Normandy invasion, the Ger­mans would still be in France.

However, it occured to this re­porter to inquire. as to the source of Kuhn's powers. The answers were surprising,

Back Bench

Ivan Katz

This reporter attempted to obtain a copy of the Constitution of the two major leagues. The individuall spoke with at the American League headquarters proceeded to tell me the title of each section of the Lea­gue Constition, and sent me an abridged copy of the Baseball Blue Book. The Secretary-Treasurer of the National League, however, curtly informed me that the Na­tional League has a policy of not sending the League Constitution to " ... parties other than our official

Shorts the American record.

* * * * The Athletic Department is consider- ,

ing opening a sporting goods store in the Yates Recreation Complex, the completion date of which has been. delayed until "sometime during the summer", according to' Director of Ath­letics, Francis X. Rienzo. It has not been decided which on-campus group will control the operation of the store but those which have been considered are the Student Corp. and the Book­store. "There are no definite plans yet", according to Rienzo, "But we will try to act in the best interest since we want to service as many people in as many ways as possible."

... .... ... ...

baseball familv." The Constitution of the Nation~1 League is a secret document, plain and simple.

This is outrageous. Organized baseball claims to be the national sport, yet its guiding rules are not public information. We can all see the so-called "Major League Agree­ment." and we can read Jhe pub­lished "Rules of Baseball." but we can't see the documents that set up the major leagues. The people are in the dark. We have no idea as to exactly what a League President mayor may not do. We have no idea of what is to stop an official of either league from acting in a capri­cious manner. ]n short, Major Lea­gue Baseball has shrouded itself in a veil of secrecy tighter than that which surrounded the Nixon White House.

The people ought to 3cream bloody murder. Baseball fans have a right to know the ground-rules under which the leagues operate. Until such time as we do find out, we are going to continue having Bowie Kuhn act like the Duke of Orange, and Lee MacPhail and Chubb Feeny acting like petty des­pots. Baseball has got to be opened up for all to see. That way, people like Commissioner Kuhn might be checked more effectively than Charlie Finley's vituperations ever


Ivan Katz is a 1975 graduate of Georgetown's Foreign Service School and completed Law School at Georgetown last year. During his seven years here he served as HOYA' columnist and classical music reviewer.

The victory was especially sweet for King who played for Boston College last year. "Our backs, Jerry Burke, Cam McGee, Bill Murphy, Spence Horowitz and hooker Steve Burko were just too

The Hoyas are looking forward to extending their winning streak next Saturday when they play Mount St. Mary's of Maryland. The game will be played on the field opposite the Medical School. All are invited.

Swinging Wild! Joel Szabat

Big League Baseball Starts Anew o h, Lord, not another baseball sea­

son. We've hardly had time to re­cover fronl the last one.

The souls of Boston fans still rest in an ethereal limbo, hovering fitfully above the Fens, doomed to an eternity of screaming soundlessly while Yastrzcmski's popup for­ever descends towa;'cls the waiting glove of Craig Nettles. Other fans of other contenders and pretenders were less torrriented, but even their souls are haunted by the return of the Yankee Dreadnought.

Only those who identify with the Bronx Bombers can look forward, untroubled by the past. For Yankee fans have 110 souls.

But even for them a clark cloud or two rum­bles ominously Oll Ihe horizon.

The question that has been a~ked by (,\,(,1 y­one, supporters and detractors. is Ca Anyollc Catch the Juggernaut From the I lou'it' Th"t Big Bucks Built? The answer is y('~.

Two yesses, in point of fact. But both with grave qualifications. Last year the Bo~toll Rcd Sox were 11163 worse than their haled <l1('h­rivals. Could they turn the tables this limc around?

It's very iffy. If Butch Hobson recovers hom elbow surgery, if CarltOIl Fisk can still throw, or, failing that, if Gary Alleson turns ill to a major-league catcher, if George Scott return~ to his old form, and most importantly if Tor­rez, Stanley, and relief ace Bill Campbell can complement Dennis Eckersley on the mound, the Hose wi]] be back in contention. If nOI1l"of the above work out they might plummet be­neath Cleveland in the east.

But if the Bosox have recovered from la~t year's injuries, can avoid a plague'of theIn this season, and, most importantly, remove the curse of the September Choke, they could, on the strength of the most potent-hilling lineup in baseball, pull out a pennant, even if the pitching fails to pan Ollt perfectly.

But that's still a lot of ifs, and smart money would have to have Boston resting non-to­comfortably in second place,

Or possibly third. This season's Team to Watch, the Milwaukee Brewers, is ready to

make its drive for the number one slot in the East.

Weak only at catcher, the up-and-coming denizens of the Dairy State have an infield

Spring 1979 Student Academic Board Course Critique

The Course Critique presents responses to the bottom hatf of the joint Student Academic Board/Rank and Tenure course evaluation questionnaires distri­buted at the endoflhetastspringsemester. Theseevaluations will therefore be helplul in the currenl pre-registration period. 685 courses are represented in this course critique which is a significant gain in the number os listed courses.

The Course Critique is meant to offer an objective and usable means for stu­dents to advise thelf peers," course selection. The Academic Councils woutd like to thank Fr. Aloysius P. Kelley, S.J.: Prof. Allen Tucker; the members <lithe University Rank aM Tenure Committee: and the students and faculty of Georgetown whose continuing support has made thiS critique possible

Michael WalSh SBA AcademiC Council

William Miles SLL Academic CounCil

Carol Lasch GUNS Academic Council

David Daniel SFS AcademiC Council

Robert Bangert College Academic Council

Key to Course Requirement Codes:

Tests (TST) 1,2,3,? (had not deCided) Final Exam (FI) Y(Yes),N(No), or? Shott Papers (SP) 0,1,2,3,7 Long Papers (LP) 0,1,2,3,7 Number of students enrolled In course ENR Number of respondents to questionnaire RES

1. tNTcLlFCfUALLY STII"UlATING COuRse ST'A:CNGt.V AG~rE .................... . Ar,R.EE ...... -. ............................................. . OISt:.GREE .......... .- ...................... . STR.ONr.LV [)(SAGREE .................. . DCf"; NOT APPly ............................. .

2. INSfP1JrT(j~ A.V,\ILA[llE TO 'STUDENTS SfRr:NGlY Ar,~fE ........................ . ,\t"·"FF ......................................... .. 'lISI\r.llrF ...................................... . SfQrr.:r.t y DISAGr.EE ....................... . OCF'.i Nor APPlV ....................... .

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>\. TEST') RFFl.fCT IOEAoS Of CnURSE SfJlONGlY AGREE ...................... . ACRrE ...................................... .. otsAGRff ............................. . S TPONC,l Y 01SAGP-F£ ..................... .. orES ~OT APPlV .......................... ..

5. lAPS OR lANGU4CF DRIllS HELPFUL o:;tPONGlt( AC~'i:e •••••••••••••••••••• tCl:fF ......................................... . n I S.1r.Rff ............................. .. stf'!ONtJl v OJ SACREE ••••••••••••••••• ('JnE'S fior APPl, V ........................ .

6 .. tptST~IJCTOfl·S PREStNTAT10N EFFF[flVE Slf1nNCl'f ACtl:t:J" ...................... . ACnfE ...................................... . nlSAC'EE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• SlpnNGL'f 0ISAGRE'f ................... . ones ~O" A\')Pl "t ................. ...... .

7 .. CRAnES FAIR STPClNCLV ACiq£E ..................... . ... CnEE ................................. . otS.ltr.REf .............................. . SlRrtNCL"i OtSAGIIEf .................. . OOfS NOf APply ........................ ..

8. WO'~LO'D CO"PAREO WITH OTHER COURSES MOCH l tC;HT ER ........................... .. l'fiH1Eq ............................ . AROUl 1HE SAME ...................... . HfAV1ER ................................. . ,.IJ("M HEAV1FR .......................... .

9. INSTRutTOR tOMPARED IilTH OT"FRS' DNE OF THE VF.RV BEST .............. . RE;TTEP T~AN MOST ..................... . ,"p,OUT Avt;R "r,F ••••••••••••••••••••• WOR5E THAN H05T_ •••• _ ••••••••• ___ • ONf OF THE VERY WORST .. _ ••••••• _ ••

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NO. ~ 0" RES

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1-; 30?' (1 f": o ~~ o 0%

18 36'< 32 64~

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37 '15"1:' 12 24% o O~ o C~ o O~

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1. INTE~lECTU~lL' STtHUlA1"ING COUR5E STRnNGLV Ar.RE'E ...................... . AGREE ........................................... . O[SAGREf ........................... . STqONGtV DISACREE ................... . onfS NOT APPly ........................... .

2. INnRunOR A,{"L~.lE TO STUOENTS 'SrnCI:Cl v l.r.PEE ........................ . hCR FE ....................................... ... D 1 $l\ii'P:ffO .......................... . !;TPnNGLV OfS,&,CIlEE ................... . DnFS NOT APPlV ..................... .

3. ASStGNI4E'N.TS HELPrUL STRONr,;LY ACREE .................... . AGRr( .................................... . 0IShCRFF •••••••••••••••••••••••••• $ TFH1NGl Y 01 ~"CRfE .................. . onES NOT APPlV ........................... ..

.,. TeSTS II.FrtECT rOEAS OF COURSE ~ too.elY ACAf£ ••••••• '" •••••••••• ACPFE ................................... . ntSAGRFf ........................... . ,\'f~("\t:ClY flt~l!.tfl.1;f ................. . DOFS NOT APPl't .......................... .

5. lASS C' lA'lGUAGt D'ILlS Ht;LPFUL STROr-:GlY ACREt ....................... .. ~CPfE ................................ . OtSAGRf£ ............................ . ~TR(lNr.l "t nlSAGft£F .................. . DOE~ NOT APPl't' .......................... .

6. JNSTRl/CTOR'S- P"~SENTATI0N EFFECTIVE STRONCl' Ar,REl; •••••••••••••••••••• At$l:tf ..................................... . DISlI.GPt[ .................................. .. STRONGlY n1~AGftfe ................... . {\O~S NClT "'falV ..................... .

1. GRhnf'i fAIR ~TP('t'lr,1. V AGREE ..................... . ACPfE ...................................... . nI5Ar.~I:E ..................................... ... STfI(1NGl Y OISAG~eF .................... . OOfS NOT APPly ..................... .

8. WOP:tlClOAO COMPAREP "ITH OTHER COU~SES MUC H l rr.HTfR ........................... . L fr.Hlfn ................................ . .'I~OUl 1'flE SJl."1E ......................... . ~FAVI£R ........... .- ......................... . ~UCH H!:AVlfR ......................... ..

9. IIiSlOUCTOO r,o"p~RED \/tTH OTHERS ONE OF T~F VF.V 6£ST •••••• __ •••••• ~fTTFR THAN MOST .................... . ~'lOI\l AvtAAGt:. ......................... . W~P"iE TII ..... "I HOST .......................... . r.NE CF 1,1(! VFRY WOR$ T .................... .


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1. tNfEllECTUAL\ Y STt"'ULATtNG COURSE STRONGLV .e.r.REE ....................... . .AGIl~E .............................. . Of SAGR!:E ...................... oo ....... .. STQ(I"H~l't nlS~C~ft: ........ __ .... _ .... _ •• _ r.n!=s NOT APPl v ..................... .

z. tN~TRUc:.TOR AVA tlA1'U: fO STun'ENTS SlQ,O~ICLV AC.R~E_ .............................. .. tlGI1FE ................................ . O'fS4G~EE .......................... . ~TPDNClV OtShCnFE ................. • .... . onES ~IDT II.PPL v ..................... .

3. ASSJr;~l"le~nS ~lflPFUl I)T:)r~;r.;l '( hr.Rf:f .......................... . . ":r.PEr ............................................. .. OlSIlGDEE ............................. . 'STPO~JClV n[SACRFE ..................... . DOl'''i NrlT t.PPl 'f .................... .

<\. TECjTS, PEflErT tOEAS (IF COURSf Srf'D~Jt;lY Ai.RF[ ......................... . t.:;o~r:::: ............................................... . '1!S,'\r.t>EE ............................ . (',lr'l~ ':::LV OlSAGP.Ef ............... • .... • .. . r,Ol"C; ~~nT I!.Pl)lY ........................... •

5. lAP,e; n~ LAt~GLJAC;E ORllLS ~ElPfUl (;T~~~:;lV "G~F.?F ............... • ...... • .... .. ~r."rr- ......................................... . r;t"'f~rrlfF .................... ••• .... •• .... .. ('.y~nr!~t 'I nt').'r.~~r ..................... .. r,i,rs I~nf !:prly ............................... ..

fl .. lNSoTPUr.TOq·S PRFS'ENTA"lC~ EFf't;c.Tl .... e STPr.~GlV AGR(E •••••••••• • ..... • ..... .. AGI:!:I=F ................................................. • QI!:,I!.G.O'€f ......................... • ..... • •• • .. • STPfll~r;lY OlsAcr..eF ................. .. nnrs ~I:JT AI'Plv ................................ ..

7. CQ':1["i r-AIR ST~nNr;L'( II.(';RFE ................... ••• AGr:lFF ...................................... .. DlS!GIlFE .......................... • •• STRONf;lY DtSAGlfee .................. • OOF'S NIJT .\PPlY ........................... ..

8. WOD"'lO!') r.CI.tPARED wtTH [lTf-.lEq COURSES l"1lC.~ L1r.HY!R ........................ . l rr.Hrf~ ............................... . AF1(ltlT Tf~E SA~E ............................ • .. . ~r-I\IJ'FR .............................. . ,..UCH HFt.Vlfll ........................ ..

9. [NS TPUCTOR COMPARED W[Ttl OTHfRS CINE OF TI-fE Vf:R.Y REST .................. . BI=:TTFq Tt-tAN MOST .................. • t.f",O'JT ~\f~RAGF= ................. • .......... .. wnRSF TI-'~~ "'05T ............................ .. n"JE OF THE? v~p:y \o!rJnST .............. ..

1. JNTEllEC1'UAll'l' STJMlllA1ING COURSE • STPONt';L .... AGqr:E .......................... ...

AGPE=F ......................................... . OISAGRFF ............................. .. ~Tpnl'lr.LV 'DiSAGREF. .......................... _ DOFS r~nT APply ............................ ..

Z .. tNSTI1I.rCTC~ AVAILABLE T{'J STU1JEfiTS ST(or)~-l!".I..'1 l'~G~~~ ............................... . hr;~EF ............ _ •••• _ ....................... . DtSAr.Flrt .............................. . ,;rQnr~CLV I1ISACREE .................. .. Dnf~ ~Jor 4PPL., ....... ~ ...................... ...

3 .. AS, r r,-.j:-' I:: (.iTS 11~l PFUl ('''Pl('!'rr;.LY !.r.o'=E ...................... ~ ... ~r,f!~F .. a .............................................. ...

r)T 5aGPrr ................................. . !; tQ~~jr,t'" Dt SAGPFF. ........................... .. 1)(\£'5. I~[\l t.p~l..., ........................... .

"'. T£'(,T~. Pfn fr.T l':1FA,) nf' CC'lUP'(,F sTQc~~r;lY .ar;RtE ....... ~ .................... .. "Gil F' E ............................................. . OI5·\(;rfF ............................... .. sTQn~:t,tY nISACP:ff ..................... . DrE~ rlOT APPl Y ........................... ..

5. LAP. S 011 I Ar~GlJAGE n~ III s ~flPFUL ;froOtJCLY .ar;RFE .............................. . 1Ir.C'r'f ........ ~ ................................. . n1S'l.f;rr'E ............................. . <;fQj'!t;r.t v nI C;I\GPrF ....................... . nflF"i unr APPly .......................... .

6. tN't,rIl'UCTG~'S f"VESEtiTATIOti EFFeCTIVE STPnr,GlY 1\r.~FE' .......................... . AGVFF ................... _ ................ . ntSAGnEf ......... , ................... . ~TRONr.lV n!SACRFE ................... . DnFS flnT .1 D P1-'t ...................... .

7. GRADE'S FAIJt STPor:Ctv ACnEE ..................... . , .... r,t! f' r: ........................................ .... OTSAGt!'fE ........................... .. ~ 'Tnl)NGl v 01 SAGREE .................. . OOES tlOf APPLy .......................... .

B. WOP)(lOAO CQ:"PARFO WI TH OTHER COURses t>\\)ft--t l t( .... Tt;R ........................... .. t tCI-f7fP .......................... .... .. t.ROUT T .... f SIl.!III( ........................ . t-'fA'JtE'R ........................................... .. MUCH HtAVtfP ............................. .

9. INS TPUCTOR COMPARED WIlH OTHERS ONF or Tt-'F VfRy eeST ................ . n~TTfP. Tf-JAfl MOST ....................... . AnOOT AVfQACF ............................. 40 ..

~nPSf TH"N MOST ..................... . CNE Of Tt~r VElIY 101 Oft 'iT ............. ..

FREOA ~.A5£ ACClG ~<I. MON-ft U5INFS~ STUDENT e161001~1 TST-l fI-' SP-O LP-O RES ... -4'5 fNR:a= 75

rm. t OF RES

6 13~ 2~ -;3~

10 22% 5 11,0 o e~

~ .~

26 57~

" 1n 6 1)'C 1 1.

11 JR'J; 22 ~~ •

5 IU o Ot o ~t

g 20'1: 1" 40· 10 22~

7 1'5'!

o Q'

t 2f. (' Q' o 0' ~ C~

~4 ~nt

1 6% 2"1 'i5~ lZ 26~

~ II' r~

4 q~

2(1 4Rl: <q 21~ 13 ,q~

r f\':

2 4'1: q 2r2

ZB 62' . "~ 2 4%

2 ." 6 13, 21 51%


In In

(,00:," ACtOUN'lNG

f'16l2[1't{11 T5t-2 fl=Y SP,.O lP:sO "E5..,?3 ENP"" 2C'!

NO. % Of PES

e 361 10 4'5'1; 4 181'; (" ';'f: o O~

6 11! IS 68~ o C~

o ~t I ..

11 47~

12 52~ r r~

o c't. Q Q'

a. 3(.'%

12 5"~ 2 oq~

P r! o Ol

1 4t ~ rt o 0; ~ r>

21 95%

~ ~a 14 bot

3 tn o rr I 4'

2 9P, till 1?!!

4 I at G Or o ot

G O~ I 4.

15 68~ 6 Z7t o 0<

4 11; 10 4n " 2M: '} t3'l o Or


I .. fNH'llfctUAll Y' STt ~UlATING COURse $TRt!Nely heRf!: ............................. . ~r,prE ................................ . OT5J\I;PfE ........................... ... STRONGly OlSACP.EE ..................... .. DOES NOT t.pPl'r ..................... .

2 .. JNSTJl:UCTOR AVA tl4BlE to STUDE:NfS STRf"tfJCt'l' .AGRfE ............................... .. t.GRE=f ................................ . f"ltSAr.n([ ............................. .. STPn:"Cl'l' OrS.\c:!E£: ........................ . Cr:FS NOT Apply ....................... ..

3. ASS tGN"IENTS HELPFUL STRCNGl'f AGREE .......................... ... A(','>I.El: ............................... . OIStloi,RFE ................................ . SHH~rrr,ly Dr~!C~FF. ....................... .. onES f.nt '\PPt y ................................. ..

~. TfST~ ~H'l~(',' IDEAS OF COURse STQo~~r·lV ACREE ........................ ~ ••• t.GRff ................................... . Dl ~f>':F'~F ............................... . C;T1rrOjr.l.v Ij'Sflt~PfF ................... _. Ol'FS l~nT ~P?Ly ........................ .

"5. LAp,) O~ lM:I~U .. r,E DRIll.S HElPFIJL STRn~IGl'f I\GRFe ................................ .. &oGREE ............................................. . 01'St.{';Rf:r ............................ .. STQONGl't OIS!r.AEF ...................... . Or.'FS NOT .'\PP'l Y ............................. .

6. tNSTfHJCTnR.·~ rPESEt-:lAl1CN EFfECT1VE SH~nNGLY ACQ(F ............................ . loGf.!J:F ............................................ . I1ISAGqFf: ...................... " ........ . STRONGlY ''JtSAGP£E ..................... . DOES NOT APPly ............................. .

T. GII:Aoes FAtR '$TRCNr;L Y AGREE ........................ .. ACflrE ........................................... ... nt SAGR(l= ........................... .. SlP{"NG1 v nlSllC'FI:Ef .................. . onFS "JOT APPly ............................ .

8. WOqKLOt.[) COMPARED WlTH OTHEP (OURSES Pl'tJCH L ICt\TfR ...................... . l leHTER ................................... . ARDUT TNE SAME ............................ ..

~~~~[~~AvifR:: :::::::: ::: :::::: ::: 9. INSTRUCTOR: C:O"'PAREn WITH OTHERS

O~lF. Of T~f VFRY nEsT ................ . F\e:7T[P THAN HOST ...................... . .\BOIIT AV[PAC£ ............................... . IoIORSE THAN Mosr .......................... . nNE OF TPe Vt=R'I WORS'f ................ .

T~X"'''lCN ~sr.

o16150s01 Tsr~z FI-., Spz>l LP""l IlES- 16 ENR..r 26-


I 6'r. to 66t

3 20': I ., o O~

4 2~t 12 75t o O~ o rl o 0;

2 12t 10 62''t

) IA' I 6l o Ot

:2 Bt 12 BOl:

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(l {"! 6 4(,,% oft 26% 5 33< o 01

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lUCK HOUSTON lCelt; FO~ NON"'S F tNANttAt. ACC.OU USINfSS STUOENT NTtNG I Ol61C0102 H1~)3 01611CI01 151-2 F1:zV SP=- lP. FI=Y SP:::IIO tP".O RES::: ~6 ENR= 54 JliFS= 54 fl'lQ= OSq

NO. ~ OF RES NO ... ~ OF ~es

3 ., lq 51,;' e 22" 4 11" 2 ..

2 .~ 26 'l2!:

1 lQ'l' 1 l' o 01'

1(' ~1';

211j 'l)~

o O. 1 7.y o ot

11 3r~ 2'2 61~

2 ,r. n. 2.

2 H I 2T a ~"";

1 rt '32 e"'t:

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" U' 12 ,~~

1'1 16"': o rt

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o o~ ][1 27~

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5t Rt

13 3e.t 10 27't

A ~2!


C161'lIOl TSTIII2 Fl:o:Y $1''''') U''"'l PES" "11 ENJl:", 41

fJO. 1 Of: RES

5 ,:n 2.3 67%

6 l~t 3 ., (l m;

e. 2\1; 26 '1")!

1 7' o Or a 0%

6 If,l 30 81 %:

I 71 o ~. o O~

fJ 21! 4!13 7"1"";

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2 5. 17 ~a 14 JR.!:

3 "" o or


01615Q&01 TST-2 n .. y SP·C· LP*t PES= 10 EN~'" 15


'3 151: 12' 63t:' 4 21 't:. o O~ o OI

2 I~X 13 M~

4 70'1: o ot


5 261 13 68.

t 5t c r~

o n ~ 27t

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~ 4'5~ 11 551; o 01: ~ Ot o Ot

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~KtCf:N 1 AXA1 ION 1

01612111)2 TST-2 ft::'I' S., .... , \.p ... , AES'" '35 C::NQ. 4(l

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(1 r'-' I 7r 1 ]!:

f' " )~ '94':

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"i 147, 1 ,. o 01:

5 14~

29 8'i1: o o. r rx o O~

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b 21J.~ 1.1 "),:

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3 141: 13 hL!:

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5 2b~ 12 63!

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2 <t 11 ~2~ 1 33'!! I 4, o 0'

ROBEItTS Ft"lN.C,U.L ACCOU NT! NG I 0161\0102 1sr-f t= O;P::: LP:r PFS,: '.s t;NR-=- 'i1

flO. ~ [IF PfS

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[6 357: it) loti." 6 13~

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115 13t 14 3Jt It ?6~

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(116171103 TST-2 FlaY SP.,.O U'''O ~ES. '31 HIQ,.. ']8

NO. ~ OF R('S

11 3~%

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'? 21'!. tn ht.'!;

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o <'. o O. o n=: r ('1':

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1 3'l C .. o ~!

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23 74T, 6 l~-r:

~ "~

14 4'51: 15 4~'!I.:

2 1St: C to'!: o O~

Arabic ERWIN 9A.Slt:. "'00 S'TtltiO

AQIIA 1 011401101 TST_>J F t'-"y SP&~ LP"O ~E'5::z 29 E.NQ:. ')5


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016171101 T~T"'3 fl·~ SP·C to",O 'H'S .. 1'1 f:'Jlh. 21

NO .. l OF ItES

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Ir' I'" 13'l' 1 15t t' "t o Ot

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12 tB't

I " " o. 1 ~. 1 :36'! '9 47'l' 2 lr"t c ct


ADAP. 1 0l1r.01l02 T"i.Tt:).J ~t-y 'SP-(' lP""('\ Aes- 26 FtIQ"., 2'7

tm. l of PE'S

1Q 7'3~ 5 1~'!; r (1't

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15 51< 1 t 42'~ o r~ o 0< o ot

l~ 52' 10 40'1

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o O. o O. 1 .~

fit lZ~ 16 b4~

15 51; B 30. 3 1\' (t C~

D C~

INTELLECTUAllY STIMULATING COURSE SlDntJr.t V AGREF ...................... . f.r.rrt: ................................. . 01<;I\c,rFF .............................. . C;TPrt;r,t V OtSflf,RfF ................... . Or[1:i i"JOr flPPl v ..................... .

rNC;TnIJCTflf'l .WhllArHF TO SfUDfNTS $ Tortlr,1 Y lIr,Rfr ................................. .. tlr,pvr .................................................. .. DI<;l\.r,rrF ................................ . STl'n~:r.1 y I)ts.'\r.~rF .................... . Or'roe; r:rr II.PIlI V .................................... ..

ASS I r,f~,·t nrc; tlFlrfUL SlPP~H-;1 y .\r;prF ...................... . AGllfF ............................................... .. D I <;f.GRff ........................................ . ,)Trr,r;r.1 y nt<;hr,nrr .................. . nnr<;; ~;r:T ,",Pili Y .................................... ..

TF<;TS aforrT IOf.-'S m: COURSE" ,\rnrHH-;lV flr,RFf ...................... . f; I,r-rf ...................................... . n' ... !l.r.prF ................................. . c:,TflONGI'( n{I)Ar,REF .................. . f'l,'1E'" t;rT "'.PPI Y ......................... .

lfll\S, r,1:!: lM:r.Ur.G[ OP(( I S uftPFUl ~ TnnrJr,l y r,r.r~F"r ........................ . ,..r;nrl" ................................ . Ofc:,~rprF •••••••••••••••••••••• • .. •• c:, Tr.f'~:GI y OlsJ\c,J:lrF ................... . nnrs t~nT APPI Y ..................... .

JrJ<:.rrur.Tnn ' ,; PPESFNTflTION (FFECTIVE <:'Tnrn;r.I'( flGRFE ••••••••••••• •• ••••• ",(,t'rr ....................................... ..

f'lll),..r.rlrr ........................... . '\rcnt'r.lV nII)A(;RrF ................... . nClF$ fJOT APPl v ....................... .

GRf.nFS FA~P STPnNr.lY AGRFE ...................... . Ar;nrf ..................................... . nf S.'1c, n rE .............................. . t,rrr,r:r.1 v 1'(I)Ar.rFf ........ ~ ......... . rnrs ~~nT .\PPlY ...................... .

WflPKl nAn rr'l'~PI\PEn wITH OTHER COUPSES "'urH l IGUT[R .......................... . lIGHfF" ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ,'UH~tJT THr s".'~ E ..................... . '·F=~vtEP ............................... . "'II[H Hf,o,vrrR .......................... .

IN<:'TIJUCTCQ rc,,!p;\RFO ~TTH OTHfPS ('NF rr T"'f vrRV REST .............. . o,fTTfR rtl,\tJ "'OST ..................... . fll1nllT AV~rL\r,f ......................... . W("tQSE T'4'1·~ MOST ......................... . rr~1'= OF" HIF" VERV WOR'ST .............. .


011401\01 TST-2 Ff:? $P=O lP-O RfS= 14 fNR- 16


II 78~

2 14' o O' o 0; I 7.

'I 6H 5 35' o Of o O. o r~

8 S7t 6 42t o 0; o ot (' ('~

10 7U 3 21l r o. o o. I H

I 7. r o. o O. o O~ ;

1'3 9~~.,~

IZ 8" 2 14' o (I:

o ot o rt

o S7< 6 42. o C' o O. (' at

o Of 2 14. 'I 64. 3 zn o r.

9 64. 5 3S' o O. o o. a Ct


INTFllECTUAllY STIMULATING COURSE <,TRnrH';lY Ar.R.FE ...................... . lIGRrF ..................................... . {)ts ... c9 rr .............................. . sr")r"'lGlY I'1ISAGR((: ................... . f'lnFI) NOT .'1PPl y ........................ .

1:'-l<;rQL:[TrJD AV,\llMllf TO STUDENTS STRnNr.lY AG~F[ ........................... . r.GRFE ................................... . I1t'\i\CllrF .............................. . ')TRn~;r.lV nts~GPEE .................... . '1 r F<; ~,nT flPPLY ...................... · ..... .

A'S')lc.r:"nns pCI PFUL O:;TI'rr~('L'( AlinEf ........................ . Ar,nFf ........................................ . nlo;ar,prr ............................. . STPnrH';l y nfSaGRfE ........ ,. ......... .. ProF'; ':OT APPl Y .......................... .

TEo;rs rrrlffT tnF."I." n~ Cr)U~SF ,)':"nrll'-;lY fl,r,QF( ......................... . .~{~r·FF ....................................... . n, ').'1. (;r' rE ................................ . STR(1;,;r.t y OrSAGlfE'E ..................... . onrs Nnr APPl v ........................ .

LAO') nR lMJroUIIGE OR III <; HFLPFUl r;T11rr'r.LV Ar.nFF •••••••••• ~ ......... . .'1r.°r( ..................................... . nr').'r.l'rF ................................. . STRf'r~r.l Y DJ<:.ACPEF ...................... . DOE') r'nT A PPl Y ........................... .

INSfPurT(JR'5 PRESfNTATION EFFECTIVE <; TRf'ltJr.t Y .... r.Pff ...................... . \~q(f ..................................... .

f)f5 ... r.PfF ................................. . <;. T;:;-rr;f:l V nr SAr.~rF ................. . [lOr S t;Cr A PPt Y ........................ .

CRJ\Or,\ FAIn SfPONr.LY ~r.Rff •••••••••••••••••••• AI'jr.FF ................................. . 01 '\,,,;r.RrF .............................. . 5 rgr.Nt,1 Y 01 ~tGRFF ................... . O;:FS r:rT t.Pflt Y ........................ .

Wr.fHq nhO CC'\PtPEn wt TH OTH(R (I'JURSFS MIlCH llr.HTFR ............................ . L Ir,HrfR ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• AU,OIIT THE SAME ........................ . HI=!.vrFP ......................... _ •••• YJlCH tiF~.VlFP ............................. .

rw;r"UrTrlP rn~'p~Rfn Io\JTH OTHFRS (1~;r rf T~'F vrRY ~F<;T ................. . p,rTTFR T"j\~l 1-10ST ...................... . AflGUr .'lv(PAGf .............................. . W[,Q'iF T~lJI.fJ t-In~T ............... _ ...... . nr~J: or Tilt: VFPY WOPST ............... .

NO. ~ OF qES

10 16

3 P o

IP 17

2 o o

• 23

I I o

11 17 o I o

5 10

I I 3

14 H

I o o

1I 15

2 r o

o 4

17 8 o

1~ 13

4 o o

34t s-;~

lOt ('~


In 65t 3! n


41~ 44: I3r ot O'

IIOLFE I NURM MOl) STAIt o ARAOIC 017411101 TST->3 Ff.Y SPa LP-O RES~ 13 ENR= J5


3 23t '1 69' o Ot ~ rr I 7t

10 76r 2 1~~

I T" o Ot o pr

6 ~6r

7 53' o Ot o Ot p rt 6 ~Ot 5 4i't I At o ot P rt

S 38t 7 _H o rl 1 1~ o (1

6 46t 5 '1~~

~ I't o at P rt

7 53t 4 '1rl ~ 1St o Or o rt

o ot o rt 1 25t 6 SO. 3 ~5r

5 3et 6 ... ", ~ Ht o o~ r r t



~o 74. 7 7S% o Of (' 0: o o.

17 5A' 10 340:

2 6t o Cl: o ot

4 IU S 17t I 11: C o~

18 641:

24 8?r 5 111: o ot o ~~ o 01:

19 70T: 7 ~So: o 0% o C!r I 3S

28 930: ? 6~

a 0' n ro: o 01

21 77: 4 IH 2 H o r~ o (lr

o O. 1 3% ~ 17:

1'1 6n 3 let

24 %t 1 4~ o 01 o Ot o 01:



4 6 1 P o

8 3 o o o 6 5 o o o S 6 o o o

S 6 o o P

3' 4

" o o

6 5 o o o

D o 1 S 1

1 4 2 Z r

CHAPMAN CYTOlOCY AND HI STOLOGY 012111102 TSh>3 F I =Y SPzO lP=O R£52 1<; ENR= 25

NO. , (IF RfS

11 3 I o o

'I S I o o

2 3 C a


lP 5 ('

o o 9 4 o o 2


" o o o

10 3 o l' o (I

I ?

10 I

13 2 o o c

76% 73:

0% rr Ot

P't 7~

14~ 7l'J; n

86t n: or or 0%

1 6 o (1


4 6 1 (1


5 5 o (I


, 4 I o I

2 4 1 n 3

4 5 1 o a 4 5 I o o

o (1

" 7 (I

3 6 1 I D



la 6 I o o

13 10

C' o I

7 3 C' o


I~ 5 2 o o

Iq 6 (> (>


19 6 o (>

o 14 10 o o o

o o 7

15 3

19 5 o o o

12; 20: 8t r, ot


INTELLECTUALLY STI_ULATING COURSE STPONr.l Y AGRFE .................... .. ACPFE ................................. . nIShGPfF ............................... .. C:;TQ.r.~lr;lV pJSAcJ\rF .................. . [lf1FS r~nT .aPPlV ...................... .

TN<;TJHlrrrn h\j,\JlAIHf Tn "TUr)ENTS srf.lCNr.ty ~r.Qr:F ..... _ .................... . ... r,r:Jfr ................................... . orSAr.r.fF ............................. . S TRnNr.l y Of SAGrFF ................. . onrs r~OT APPly ........................... ..

ASl)fr;t~"'q:TS ~rlPFUl

,\Tpnr;Clv Ar.flrr ........................ . I.GQr-E., .................................. . OI".\r,nrF ............................... . S TPON(.l Y or SAGPrF .................. . nOI=$ NOT APPly ....................... .

TEST'S PFFlfCT lnE-AS OF COURSf C;TI:!:Ot~r.lY AGRFF ..................... . t.r;:l 1'= E .................................... . OISAr,RfE ............................ . ~,TQnN[.1 Y f'lr SAGREF ••••••••••••••••• nOES ~lnr APpLy ......................... .

lAns OR lA'~r.IIIIGf ORlllS HFlPFUl STRONGLY AGRFE ........................ . ~GRFF ............................ _ ••• nts.!l.r,~(E .............................. . 5 TPCN~l Y DI SAGPfF ................... . nnf5 t~OT f.f'Pl v .......................... .

INsrRUCTOQ'1) PRPi[=NTATtCN EFFECTrVE 5TPGt:Glv AGRfF ....................... . AGOff ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• nIS.GRfE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• <;TJl'O':fil Y OJ S'l.GPfE ••••••••••••••••• nr'lF$ 'JOT APPI Y .................... .

r;:"PAnfC; FA1P ST~r,Nr.l'f AGREE ....................... . AGREE ................................. . OISAr.REE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• $ r.nNGL Y nl SAGR£E ••••••••••••••••• DnF S ,mT APPL Y ••••••••••••••••••••

40RKl rAO cn"'PARED WI TH OTHER COURSfS MUCH l IGlfTFR ........................... . Llr,HrF· ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• t\F\OUT THE SA"E ....................... . PEAVJFR ............................. . MUCH HEAVI Ep ••• ' ••••••••••••••••••

INS'RUtTO~ (O~PARED WJT~ 01~ERS r.N~ OF THF VERY BEST •••••••••••••• RETTEP THAN I-'(1ST .................... . t.r,rllT AVE:1A";E ...................... . Wf1R'iE TII~N 1"0ST .................... . ONE OF THE VERY WO"IT •••••••••••••


r121213(11 TST->3012121302 TST->3 012121303 TST->3012121qOI TST-2 Ff"'N SP-O lP-O Fr .. N SP-O lP-O FI:zN SP-O lP-O FI-Y SP->3 LP-" nes- 115 ENR= 18 RES- 14 ENR= 17 f:tFS- 12 ENR:- 24 RES- te fNR- 23

NO. ~ Of RES NO. 'I: OF <lES 110. t or RES NO. ': OF RES

3 7 3 2 o

3 'I 1 o 1

5 a Z l' o

6 R I ('


'I 4 2 C o

1 8 4 1 o

8 5 o (I


5 4 6 (I


2 4 I,

5 o

2a'l: ~6t

201: 132:


212: 64% H: 01: 7~

33'; 53% 131: n: 01: .'

61'; 261: 13t f~ O~

13t Z6% 26: 33. ot

2 6 I ~ o

2 7 2 (I


I 10

2 C C

2 7 o 2 o

2 7 o (\


1 6 3

" o 4 4 1 (I


2 5 5 o o o 5 2 ~ 1

18t 5~~ 'It

18% 0"

16% 581: 16t r~ R~

n 76~ 1~'I(

rt 0%

18% 61;

Ot IR% 0%

1st 61'1: ot rt


n 4~' 211: 2A'! nt

16t 41t 41: rt Ot

Ot 45% IBl 271: q~

2 3 2 I o

2 6 o o I

1 5 2 o o

1 3 1 I o

2 2 2 (I

o I)

6 I 5 o

3 3 n o o

2 6 I o o

I o 3 2 o

251: 171: 25~ 17.~


22% 661: IU

(1% 01:

3 14

I (I


6 12 o o o

2 16 o o o 2

15 I (I


6 9 I o I

3 15 o (I


4 11

2 I o I)

3 13

2 o

2 10 ~ 1 o

ct 16~ 72t In ot

lit 55t 27t 5: ot

'STCIIASSfR INTRO ARA8 ttT I: ~TVlE 011441101 TST-. F I-Y S P->3 LP-l RES- 12 ENRo 12


4 33-' 6 SOt I e. o Pl I n

4 33. 7 SPt o o~

I e'" o ot

5 Ion 6 SOt I 8t o at o C'f

2 7Pt 1 In 1 10% o r. 6 6a" o 0% 2 10" o 0" o ot 9 en

3 2H 5 ~S'l 2 la. o ot I 9~

~ 33t 5 41E I 8' o 0'1: 2 16'

o O. 2 16'1: 1 R'I: 1 2S~

6 5e"



25' 25" 8~


CYTOL OGY AND t'I STOLOGY 012111104 TST=>3 F I'Y sp=o U.O A.ES= 2'& F.NR.~ 21'


10 15 o o o

13 10

I o I

5 '3 r o


16 7 I 1 o

16 4 1 1 4

21) S !' I o

13 10 o o o

o o 9

13 3

2t-3 2 o o


1Z" 8" l'1: e:

EAGLES ENVII!OltMENTAl OOLOGY 012121'102 TST-2 fl-Y SP->3 lP-O RF.S- 19 EN~· 19

110. ': OF ~ES

6 12

I o o

9 10 o o o 7

II o o I

4 9 3 3 o

7 10 o o 2

5 12 2 o o

2 10

5 2 o

o 1

14 3 I

5 6 7 I o

361; 57% O. 0% 5t

21% 47>: 15t Isr ot

IC~ 52~ 26t le% Ot

Ot 5~

73% 15% 5. 26t 31t 36!; n O~




5HAHIO AUfto-A~E~ICAN LITFRATURE 017454501 TS1-1 012100101 TST->3 012100301 TST->3 012100302 TST->3

F I-Y SP-3 LP=C RES.: 19 ENR- 56

0lZI00303 TST->3 FI=-Y SP=-('o lP-l RES- Iij ENQ. 7

Ft-, SP-? lP-('I Ffsy SPa) lPZI(I A~S-)O eN~- 37 RES- 15 ENP= 39

Ft=y SP-'3 tP~O

RF.S- 22 ENR- 38


I. INTELLECTUALLY STIMULATING COURSE STRONGL Y AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGREf ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OISAGnfE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONtLY DISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• nOES tlOT APPl Y ••••••••••••••••••••

2. INSTPUCTnR AVAILABLE TO STUDENTS STAnttClY AC~EF .................... . AGREf ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DI$~r.rEE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 'TRr.~CLY DISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• DM' 'lOT APPL Y •••••••••• ••••••••••

3. AS"GNMEflTS t<F.lPFUL S TRnNGl Y .AGREE ..................... . AGRFF ............................. . OISAr.PFf •••••••••••••••••••••••••• C;TRONGLY DiSAGREE ................... . nnF$ r-:nT APPl v .................... .

4. Tf"S RffnCT 10EAS OF COURse S TQ(HIr.l v Ar,oFE •••••••••••••••••••• .r .• £F ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• n'4:).!!.cPFF .......................... . S rOONCL y nT SACRfF ••••••••••••••••• r:nFS NOl APPly ....................... .

5. LAn!; nr lANGUfiCE DPlllS HEt.PFUl SfPrrlGl'f AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• Ar.prF ................................ . nISAr.OfF •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGl Y nl 'AGREE ••••••••••••••••• nOFS NOT APPL Y ••••••••••••••••••••

6. INS fOUr.TOR'S PRE SENTATION EFFFCTlVE 5 TPnNGL Y ACqEE ....................... . l!.C'."rF .................................. . nl~AGor.E •••••••••••••••••••••••••• "TROf,(';l Y ntsAGREE ................. . ODES NOT ApPly ...................... .

7. GRAnFS FAIR STPONGLY AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGREf ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• nls'l.cRFF .......................... . S T"nr'Cl Y Of SAGAfE .................. .. onES NOT APPly .................... .

8. WORKLOAO r.o~rARED WITH OTHFR COURSES ,MUCH lfGHTER ...................... . LIGHTER ............................ . AAOIJT TI-4E SAME •••••••••••••••••••• t-IEAViE~ ........................... . tl'Ur.~ HFAvtER ••••••••••••••••••••••

9. INSTRUCTOR r.m'PAREO WI TIl OTHERS ONE nF T~F. VERY BEST •••••••••••••• RHTFR THAN MOST •••••••••••••••••• ABOUT AYrRAGE ••••••••••••••••••••• wnRSf TH"N MOST ••••••••••••••••••• ONF OF Tt<E VERY WORST •••••••••••••

~ BOt L 2r~ n o~ o ot o or

3 60t z ~Ot o O. o O. o o~

5 100; o O. o rt o ot o o.

, 60: I 20l r r; o Ot I 20t

o 0: o O~ r r. o O~ S 100.

5 100; c o~ o at o r~ o ot

4 80t o ot r r~ o r: I 20:

o Ct o O~

S 100' o O. o o.

~ 80. 1 20t o O. o c. o 01:

17 12

1 o

-- 0

6 17

4 o 1

5 21

4 o o

6 1'1

4 o I

6 16

4 o ~

7 21)

I o 1

7 18

4 1 o

2 9

17 2 o

5 11 13 o o


ITt n: 44' ('~



3 20. 12 Ar. o Ot o • O' o ('!

S 33t 10 66l o n. o o! o ('.

• 26 •• 9 6('1!:

I 6' o Or 1 6'

'1 64. 4 28' I 7' o 0' o O.

3 2f'~

11 n. I 6~ o O. o 0;

6 40. R ~3' I 6~ '0 O! o n.

7 46t 6 40. I 6' o O~ 1 (,t

o r; o ot

12 en. 1 20' o O.

3 2P~ S 3J~ 7 4~t o ('~

~ rt


el1120301 TST2>3 012120501 TSTK,)3 017120101 TST~Z Ff=V SP=(' LP-C FI=Y SP=(' lPz(\ RES= 21 ENR. 2S RES= H ENR= 40


STRONGLY AGREE ...................... . AGREE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OrS.IIor.RFf. ............................ . STR(,NGLY 01 SAGPEE ................. . OOFS NOT APPl Y ••••••••••••••••••••

2. INSTRIICTOR ~VhlL'BLF TO STUDENTS C;TRONr.:lY AGQlEE ...................... . AGRfE ••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••• 01 SAGR(E •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 5T~m,r.L Y 01 'AGnFE ••••••••••••••••• cnES "OT APPLy •••••••••• • •••••••• •

,. ASSIGNHH:TS '~FlPFUl c; TnnrH~L '( A(;P FE ...................... . aGRFf ............................. . DtSAGRfE ............................ . STRnNGL Y 01 SAGREE ••••••••••••••••• ones NOT APPLy ...................... .

0\. TESTS qEFtfCT tlJEAS OF COURse STRONr.lY ACRFf ...................... . Ar.QFE •••••••••••• *' ................ . nISAr,nEE •••••••••••••••• • ••• •••••• STRCNGtY Dr SACR(E ................. . OOFS NOT APPL Y ..................... ..

5. LARS OR L~Nr.UAGE DRILLS HELPFUL STPCNGl v AGREF ................... .. t\(jPFE .............................. .. 111 S .... CRFE ........................... . '=:TRnr--H;l Y Of SAGREE ••••••••••••••••• DOES NOT IlPPl Y ...................... .

6. INSfRUCroR'S PRESENTATlnN EFFECTIVE S fRONGL Y AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGRfE ............................... . DISAG.fE ••••••••••••••••••••••• • •• STRO~:Gl Y 01 SACREE ••••••••••••••••• rOES NOT ~PPLY ••••••••••••••••••••

1. GRAOES FAIR STRONr.l Y AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• ACRFF .................................. . OISACREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• SfRONGLY OISAGREf ••••••••••••••••• DffS NOT APPL Y ••••••••••••••••••••

e. WORKLOAO CO~PAREO WITH OT~E~ COURSES MUCH l f(tHTER ......................... . lIr;HTfR ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ADOl.T IHE SA~E •••••••••••••••••••• ...FAVIfP ............................. . MUCH HEAVlfR ••••••••••••••••••••••

9. IN'TRUCTOP rOMPAREO WITH OTHfRS ONF OF THf VFRY eEST •••••••••••••• RETTER THAN MOST •••••••••••••••••• AAOIIT AVFPACE ••••••••••••••••••••• wnRSE fHAN MOST ••••••••••••• , ••••• ONE Of THE VFPY WORST •••••••••••••

18 2 o e o

17 4 o {'


Ir 8 o r I

14 6 1 (\

o 13

4 o o 3

16 5 o o ('

13 7 o o o

o o o 3


14 3 I o o

01: r'r O~ IS~ 8S%

71: 16. 5: 0: 0:


1. INTELLECTUALLY STIMULATING COURSE STRONGLY ACREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGRFF ............................... . OISAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGLY DISAGREE ............... .. OOfS NOT "PPlY ••••••••••••••••••••

2. INSTOlJCTO. AVAILA8lE TO STunENTS Sl~C"NGlV ~GPf.e .......................... . AGOEf ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• nrSAcnrF •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONCLY DISAGREE ............... .. DOES Not APPly .................... .

3. ASS IGtlMENTS HElPFUL <;TflnNGl Y &.GPEf ..................... . AfiR[E .................... ! ........... . 01 SAGRff ........................... . Sfrm.CLY OISAGREf ••••••••••••••••• DOES NOT ~PPLY ••••••••••••••••••••

4. TfSTS RFFLF.CT 10EAS OF COURSF STPCtlCLY AGRff •••••••••••••••••••• AGREE ............................... . 01 SACREE" ........................... . STPONGL Y OISAGHE ••••••••••••••••• DOES 'IOT appLy ••••••••••••••••••••

5. LA8S OR LANGUAGF DRILLS HF.LPFUL STPONCLY AGRH ••••••••••••••••••• • AGREE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DJ5Ar,RFE ........................ - ... . STPONCLY OISAG.EE ••••••••••••••••• OO(S NOf APPL Y ••••••••••••••••••••

6. INSTRlJr.TOR'S PRESENTATION EFFECTlVF S TPO'lCL Y AGReE •••••••••••••••••••• ~GREE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• o ISACRfE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STROtlGLY OISAGRFE ••••••••••••••••• DOES flaT APPly •••••••••• ••••••••••

7. GRADES FAIR STPf:NGl'f ACRFE ..................... . AGRFf .............................. . OrSAr.RFE ............................ . S TRONGL Y 01 SAGREF ••••••••• • •• •• ••• DOES NOT APPL Y ••••••• •••••••••••••

S. WORKLOAO COMPAREO wITH OTHER COURSES MUCH LICHTER •••••••••••••••••••••• LIGHTER ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• A OOUT THF SAME •••••••••••••••••••• HEAViER ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MUCH ... eAV fER ...................... ..

9. INSTRUCTOR COMPARED WITH OTt<E~S ONE OF THE VER Y ~E ST •••••••••••••• BETHR n.w MOST •••••••••••••••••• ,. BOUT Av~n ~GE .......... •••• ........ . WORSE THAN MOST ••••••••••••••••••• ONE OF THF VFRY WORST •••••••••••••

COMPAR ANIMAL B EHAVIOR 012140501 TST-3 FI=Y SPm2' lP-l RES- 14 ENR- 17


4 8 2 o o

1 7 r o o

5 8 1 o o 3

11 C o o

I '1 2 2 o 6 6 2 (>

o 5 9 o l' o

o 2 8 3 I

2 8 3 I (>

SOl'; 50'1: n: 0'" at

35t 64~

0% rt Ot

0: 14'1( S7~ 211: 7~

14% 571: 2U: n !'~

22 6~t It 33'1: r r1: o 0'1: o et

II 3n la S~~

2 6'1: (' ro; 2 6:

8 '2<\= 23 69. o 01: (1 r. 2 6':

I~ ~3t 15 46'J;

'3 0% l' rt o Oll:

16 48" I~ 4S1:

I 30: (> r. I n

16 ~8t 16 48't

I n o O~ o P'I:

8 25: 21 671:

1 3% 1 n o r1:

o ot l' r: 51st

IS 4St 13 3qt

18 541: 12 360:

3 91: o Ot o Ot


NO. : Of RES

o o~ 3 lOOt o ot o Ot o O~

o C~ 3 IOO~ (> rr o Ot o Ol

o O' 3 ICO~

~ n a Q' o 0%

o Ot 3 100: c rt o r" o O~

o 01 o O~ o O~

o 0" 3 lOOt

o Ot; 3 1001: o Ot o (I'

o 0" o 0" 2 100" o Ot o (It

o ot

o Ot o Ot 2 66% I 33: o O~

o 0" 1 317, 2 66r o O~ c 0:

FI'Y sp~r LP'I RES"'":)'3 E~R= .I.,



20 12

C' o o

12 20 o I o

12 18 o o Z

11 18

2 I o


5 1 3

17 11

3 o o q

18 '3 I o

o I

11 17


18 5 1 o o

BACTERI AL OISEA SES FISH 012141901 lST-2 Flay SP- LP-O RF.S- 5 ENR= 5


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BACTERIAL DISE4 SFS Fr~H (\12141'9(\2 TST,.2 FI,.Y SpeO tn ... O RFS= 3 ENR= 3


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NISHIOKA OF.VHPHNTL AIOL -VfP TPI:!: T EMPP'YO 0171 :'0'1("1 TlljT="3 Ftz:y $?~>3 lP=('> Rf.S= 14 f~:l1= 17

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o 1215030Z TST 2 2 01Z151301 TST-3 012151302 TST-3 012151501 TSTc FI.. 5P" lP­RF.S= 12 ENR. II,

012151502 TSl=2 FI-Y SP-O LP=I F t=-'t' SPz{, LP",O fr='f SP= tp-r Fr=v SPs:O lP ... ~

PFS= 1 fUR=: 1 RES~ 17 ENR= 11 RFS= I) EriR= 11 P:fS= 2 FHR.: '3 NO. t OF RES NO. , (IF RES NO. , OF PFS NO. t OF PES NO. 'I: OF RFS

I. INHlUC1U~LLV Sll~UL&T1NG CCu~SE STPIJN(;lY AGDff ........................... .. ACREE ............... • ................ • ................ .. nl S,e,(.REF ........ - ...................... .. STOONGlV DISAGRrE ••••••••••••••••• nCfS rIOT APr'1 V .................. ~ ••••••

2. INH'''CTC~ AI'~!LAnLF Tf) STunENfS STRflP~r.LV AC,RI=E ....................... .. ~r.I~rf ................................. _ .. nISAGOFf •••••••••••••••••••••••••• srRor.:G(Y nfSar,pcr ................. . OOf:C; NOT APPl v ........................ .

1. ASS rliWfF'rHS HGlPFUL <;TQcrt(~lV fiG~f"f ............................ . !lr.r.ofF .......................................... .. nrsl\ronrf .................. ••• •• •• .... . ~Tnr~!r.IY nf~!\IjREf ..................... . nocs ~Jnr AP()lY ...................... .

4. TF~TS HflfCT Inus OF COlJnSF STPON(.LY AGPE'C ••• <10 ................... .

At;Rr'F .......................................... . OI~,\r. .... (E ............................ • .. . SlOOI.,r.lV nt'S;'\(',nff .................... . orFS tJflT /lPPl '( ......................... .

5. LA~S c. lM:r."~r.f DRillS HELPFUL STRONGLY AC.FE ••••••• I •••••••••••• A(;PfF ................................ . olst.r;f!rF ................................ ... sn::)r:~~r.l v OfSIl(,PFF ..................... . nnrr, I';OT APPlV ....................... ..

6. rf.l<;rnt'(rrru'S pOfSFrJrdTIOIII fFfEcrrVE S fnr:~.r.L Y A(,;f'ff ..................... . flGQrr ........................ • .. •• •• ••• •• D!St.GAfF •••••••••••••••••••••••••• smONr.LV OISACRfE ••••••••••••••••• nC1FS r~nr APPl '( .......................... .

1. GIJAn~S FA IQ <;TPC~:r.t v AGnff ...................... . AC"FE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• nIS.r."rE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• S lRP'I';Gt v nt SAGR(f .................... . onFS tJOT APPLy ....................... .

8 .. wORlt'lnAO Cn",p,\R£D \o4IT~ CH·IEQ CCURSES ~Uf'~ llt,)~TFQ ........................ . llr.H.J.-P .............................. .. Arlr:UT Tur SAIo'I: ..................... . Hr AVlfR ................................... . ~IJrH ~lEAV 1 EP .......................... .

9. INSTRUCTOR rnMPARfO wfnl nTHEFlS ONf OF THF VfPV OEST ............... . 8ETTFR TPhN 'lOST ......................... . ::'''OUT f.vrQ 1.GE ........................... . ~f1R<)r TH!'" MnST ..................... . n~:f nF Tt4E VFRY WOR<)l ................. .


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P"INC!OlES OF M .a'RK'E'TtNC 011712004 TST:lt3'


I. INTelLECTUALLY STIMULATING COURSE STPnNfil Y J\CPff ....................... . f.G'tEF ........................................... . nl S'·GP(E •••••••••••••••••••••••••• -;TPrNGlY DISAGREE ..................... . nnrs NOT APrl Y .............. ........... .

!. INsn~llCl0~ I'IVA.llA[\lE Tn SlUD"F:NTS STPr,NGl Y AGRFf ....................... . Ar.RFE ................................ . OlSflGprt:' .............................. . STRr:r:GlV nrc;AGREF ................... . OrFS t.nT fJPPlY ...................... ..

l. AS$IG~H~E'r:TS }-tFlrFUl STRnrl(;lY AG~FF ................... _ ......... .. IIr.RFF ................................. . ntsl\c.PFF ............................. . STPm:CL v OISAr.REf ••••••••••••••••• onf~ tInT APPly ......................... .

" TESTS PfrLrCT IDEA> (,F COUPSE SrRONc,lY ~Gllff ..................... . Ar..FE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ............................... . O:;TPONGlV OTSAGPEf ••••••••••••••••• orE'S ,.,.QT APPl Y ............. ........ ..

i .. lA£\~ all l M~Cur.r,E Or::' ILl S I-ll=lPfUl S TPOr-.;r.l Y AGP rE ............ " ............ .. A~Flrf ...... _ ........................... . n!SAc..H •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STPrNClY 01'i.t.G~EE ................... . OOFS t~OT ',PPl 'I ............... ......... .

INSTPtlCTnR'<) PRrSEN1AT tON fFFFCTrVE S TPnNGl 't" IIt;PFF ..................... . /.r.nrF ................................. . f)ISflr.RFF ................................. . STPr!':r.LV flIStGREF ...................... . OOES t,:(lT APPLy ............................ ..

'. GQAOFO:; FAIR S fPOtlGL Y AGR FE ............................ . AGArr .................................... . nl ~r.C.ff .......................... . STpr~:CtY OIc:;tr.RF'F ................... . nnrs NOT I\PPL y ............................ .

I. WOIl'KlO!n CC'(PMIFn wI TH (l'tt .. jr'R COUP<:;FS foIUf.H lI~tlTfR ............................... .. l tr.HTrp ....... , ............ ~ ........ . bflO:,T l'HF <;AMF ......................... . HEAllttQ. ............ ~ ....................... . ,..tJ(H ll'FI'.Vffn ............................ ..

'. 'N~TPuCTnrt ('r.~r.\IlEf) ~ITH (lTHFPS O"H: nr: T~H" V( R' Y RE <;T ................... . PFTffJ.l rtlA~l "'OSf ...................... . AR~lll AilfRftGf ...................... . WnR$J: TH.\N p.tO")T ...................... . nr:F. OF THE VERY ~OR~T •••••••••••••

FI=Y SfI=3 lP..:O RFS= v. ENR= 44-


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INHllECTUAUY STIMULATING COU"SE ~TRONr.lY J\GRFF. ....................... .. AGRfF ......................................... . OI5AC.OEE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRnNGLV OISAGRFE .................. . OO!?S r~OT APPl'( ......................... .

IN<;TRIICTnn: ~VAIl~BlF Tf') '.iTlJnOHS (,Tpn~r.l'i AClt"FE ....................... . IIGnrE ................................... .. f1f~1\ r.rrF .............................. . STnrNGLY nTsAcnEE ..................... . onf') NOT A?fS\ 't ........... .............. .

ASC;rCfP1nnS Hf.LPrUl STAr.t~GLY' ~cn:(r ......................... .. A(".rfE." ....................................... . Of (,!:.r.rrE .................................. . STRCflr.tV OISACRFE ................... . OrfS r~r.T APPl't ...................... .

TF5TS RErun IDEAS OF COURSE S fQONr.t Y AGRff ...................... . t.r.PE f ................................. . £11 (,hr.r>f"E ................................ . ST"r.r-'GlY OIS~r.PEE ...................... . OClE<> tHll' hPPlV ............................ .

lA6~ O. lM:r.U'CF ORlllS HflPFUl SlQ(1f1:Gl'f Ar.REt ........................ . Ar.RfE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DI~~c;.rF •••••••••••••••••••••••••• StnnNCLY OIS.'GREE ••••••••••••••••• orES NOl Al>PI Y ............................. .

H':<)lPUCT:1fl'S PPfSFNTATlON ErFFCT1.Vf <;TQnr'Gl Y ,\CRfE ............................. . Ar,PFl: .................................. . n 1 S'GRff •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STPONr.t V OIS'C.FF ••••••••••••••••• OOfS NnT APPly ......................... .

(;,CUOf5 ft.,,, c::.TPor:r:l v ACRCE,= ......................... . I\GRFF ..................................... .. 01 S.r.O(E •••••••••••••••••••••••••• SlPONr.LV DISAGPfE ••••••••••••••••• OO(S NOT APPI Y ••••••••••••••••••••

WOP_Lo.n C~M.AoEC WITH OTHE~ COURSES PilCH llr.IHER ••••• '" •••••••••••••• l tGI-ITFR ............................... . AnnUT Tt!~ '=;AME ..................... . Ht;AvlFR ................................... . "")C.~ HEAVtER ........................... .

INSnUCTn" COMPAREO WITH OTHERS ONE ~F THF VFRV ~EST •••••••••••••• RFTTER lHAN "nST •••••••••••••••••• Annul" AV(Il:A.~E .......................... . WI,,1')\: TH·.N "tOST ....................... . OtJF OF THE VFRY WO.ST •••••••••••••

<'1l218H3 HT­Fl= SP-:s: Lpa !:IfS= 30 ENR= 4~


IS 60~ 11 ~6t

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ZI )71 34 6f-r

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1 120: 3" 50: o Oil;

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9 15'1: 41 71"

5 A% 2 ~1O a Oil;

12 401: 31 511;

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011218104 TST­F I~ sp.. lp. "FS~ 48 ~NR' 4'1


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011222101 TST~2 Fl ... Y SP ... 3 tpzl PFS- 31 ENR: 4~


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S 1L6~PG RUSINfSS STATIS TICS I OH215103 TSTsZ F I"'Y sp=o lP"'O RFS- 70 EN"= 41

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01: 101

10'% 36'% 52:

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Ref AIL HANACEME NT 011222901 IST= FJ= SPc lP ... RES= 30 EN.- 42


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NU1.IlION (l121~1'I(l1 TST-l FI:o:Y SP->3 LP-l RfS- 10 FNR- .,.

r 1l20n(ll TST-I F I-Y SP-I V-I RES'" 61 ENR= 70

(Ill 201'3C2 TST­F f. SP- tP. RfS- 26 t:N~- ... 7


PRINCIPlES OF " UKHING 011212(103 TST-3 fl-., SP-] u·-o RES- .. 7 e~R:- 41

NO. ~ Of RES NO. : OF RE~ Nn. ~ OF RES NO. Z IJF PES NO. : OF RES 1. INHlUC1UAlty snMUt~nNC tOU~SE

~ TRr,f:Gt 'f Ar.REE ...................... . Ar.REt ............................... . OlSAGPEf ............................ . ~TRr.t:GLY DISACnH ••••••••••••••••• onF'S. Nnr APPl Y ....................... .

2. INSTRUCTOR AVAILABLE TO STUOENTS STPCrJr.lY AtREE ..................... .. Acn rr ................................... . 0IS'!.r,nCE' ........................... . STRnr~r.ty DISaCRCE .................... . onf5 Ur.l toP?\. y ....................... .

3. ASSIGN~FfHS ~HPFUl Cj,TqOI~r.l Y AtRrE •••••••••••••••••••• ,e,Cn('E ............................... . Oll).ar,Rr( ................................. . STPrr;GLY ntSfl(jPFf ................... . nflFS Nnt APPLy ..................... .

~. TESTS "EFLECT !Of'S OF COURSE STRrr-.:GlY JltRFE ....................... . ACPFF •••••• " ••••••••••••••••••••• f>! S~r.R E( •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 'SlROH\,lY tltC)Af.REE ................... . ones t:CI ~PPI v ••••••••••••••••••••

5. l,i\~,) t1~ It.1..;GIIAGE' OQlllS HFlPFUl C;JR(1r.;r.I'f AtRrE ..................... . ACPft ............................. . OISAC,REE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• SfPr,tJr.l'f "ISAGPEf ••••••••••••••••• orES Plor APPl v ••••••••••••••••••••

6. INSl'PUf'TOP'S PRfSENTAYICN EFfECTIVE srpn~;(',l'{ :.(';prF ..................... . Ar.RFf .............................. . OIS~r.OH •••••••••••••••••••••••••• SfOCNGLY nISAGPFf ••••••••••••••••• nr.[s "'OT .PPl Y ••••••••••••••••••••

1. GRAI)FS FArIJ SJPCr:r.lY AGRFE .................... . J\r,PfE ........ • ...................... . r.IS.GPEF •••••••••••••••••••••••••• SJRrNc,l'f O[S~GRFE ................. . nnE S NOT APPL Y ••••••••••••••••••••

8. WOIJI"LClAD rOI,p/lPfO WITH on.ER COUPSFS MIJC~ llr.HTfP ••••••••••• , •••••••••• lIGHHO ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MnUT THF SAl'r •••••••••••••••••••• ttrAVtfR ........................... . "'urH .. ~FAVrFP ....................... .

'I. IN~,"UCTOR rO"PAHO WJTH OTHfRS m,F PF Tlfr VERY BEST •••••••••••••• OFTTFP TIi~N MnST .................. . A~n\lT f<V(Rt.(.E .......................... . wnR 'ir Tp~N MOST .................... . emF Of n.F VfRY WORST ............. .

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60~ Jot 101 (I~


50t 3(1t ot 0:


TO: 30~

0: 1': 0:


I. IIHEll~CTUALL Y STIMULATING COUt<SE STRONGLY hG.fE •••••••••••••••••••• ACRFf ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OISAGR[E •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~TRnNGL Y 01 SAG"~E ••••••••••••••••• ODF S Nor APP!... Y ........................ .

2. lNS1QtJCTn~ t;,v~\ IlABlE TO .. TUDENTS $TPrirlr:lY AGt:tFE ....................... . AGRfF ............................... . nlSAGPcf ............................... . ST~ONGlY I"IfS.AGREf ................. . nOFS NOT APPL Y .................... .

3. ASSIGtmfNTS HELPFUL 'S'fP(1ur;lY e.CtlfE ..................... . 1or.t:tfF .................................. . OIS.\CR€f ............................ . SfRnr:CLV DIS~GRH ••••••••••••••••• non Nnl APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

4. TFSTS REflECT 10EAS OF COU~SE S TA(1Ur.l Y AGQ€E ......................... . A(;RFE ..................................... .. f)JS~r,"fE ...... ~ ......................... _ STRC.NGty t:l'SAG~EE_ ...................... . nOES NDT APPl Y ....................... .

~. LARS OR LANGUACE ORILLS HElOFUL STR(U./Gt't' ~r;OfE ........................ . Ar.PFE ................................... .. D1SAr,nrF ............................. .. STl"Cn:';lY I)Y1iAI;q-EF. .................. .. Dn~ S "N hPPl' ••••••••••••••••••••

6. INC;frtUrJOIP'i PttESErnATrON EFFECTIVE STRONGLY AGR.EE ...................... .. Ar-REF ................................ .. ors<\r.t'rr .............................. .. STr1r~;(,t y nr S~r.Rr::t: ... .............. .. nncs ::cr o,PPt Y .................... .

7. Cp.,,~t::S F.HR: I\r.Rfr: ...................... . AGQfF. ................................. . DIS.GREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STPOrJGl Y f')l SAGREE •••••••• .......... onES N1')T ,ePPlV ..................... ..

8 .. WnfH'ln.AO Cr:"'Pl..PEO WITH OlJ-l(R CQUPSES IoIVCH LiGHTER ......................... . t Ir.HTE~ ............................... . ARnUT TI'E SAME ..................... .. HFAV I fn ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MUCH HEAViER ••••••••••••••••••••••

9. INSTRur:TCR COMPAR~a WITH OTHfRS n'H: OF THE VFRY RE-ST .............. . OfTffR T1-lI'lN ,""r.ST ..................... . AAClJf Avrr.!Ar.E ....................... .. Io.'OP<;F Tt-'AN fJnST ..... .................. . or~E Of THE V!=.~Y ,"O,~Sl' ............. ..

TICS " (,1I~152(l1 TST-2 F t'=Y SP-O lP.:r.O RES .. Ie ENR- 26


o O~

T 3B1: B 44" 3 16'1 (' rt

I 5>: 15 A~" o OX 2 In o I't

5 2T'I: 12 660:

l 50 o o~ o Ot

4 nor lz 70'1:

1 5'1: o 0" o 01:

o 0'; I 6'1: () (I, (I 01:

!5 qJO:

3 16'1: 6 331: 5 110: 4 7?': o 0"

4 230: 12 10l

o (It I 5" o Ot

I 5 .. 7 3"~

10 S51: o 0% o 0'1:

1 5>: Z Ill: 8 441: 5 27" 2 Ill:


I. INTElLECTUAlLY STIMULATING COUASE STOONGlY AGRee •••••••••••••••••••• AG"fE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• n I S.r,.EE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STPONClY nISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• 00-::5 t~nT APPl v ..................... .

Z. INS TOUCTno AVA IlADlE 10 STUDENTS S TR(1r:GL '( ACR Ff ..................... . .c.r,nt=F .............................. . n f S~GRFE .............................. . SIOm:ClY !lIS.GRFE ••••••••••••••••• DOE~ NOT ~PPLY ••••••••••••••••••••

3. ASqCIlu.E!;lS HelPFUL C;TPnr..Gl Y AGPFF ...................... . AGPEE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• orSAGr[E ............................... . <;Ttlntlr.lV nlSflc;RrE ................. .. O('lFS tlOT APpLy ...................... .

4. TEStS OFrI FCT IDE.S OF COURSE 0:; f RCNGl Y AGQ EE ..................... . ACREE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OIS.C..E!' •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STPGtlGlY DtSAGREF ••••••••••••••••• DOES ':OT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

5. lABS "" L At'GUAGE D.!ll S ~ELPFUL STnONClV AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGPEE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• nlSA(;tl:EE ........................... . S TonNCLY 0 I SAG"EF ••••••••••••••••• nnfS NOT &'PPl Y ...................... .

6 .. lNSTP!lCTO"l.'S I"QESENTATfC~ EFfFCTrvE STPnNGlY AGPEE •••••••••••••••••••• .Ar,R'EE ................................ . DISAGPEE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 'STRONGLY DISAGREE ................. . OnfS NOT APPL V ••••••••••••••••••••

1 .. CqAcES FAIR STPO~HII Y AGRFE .................... . AGPFF ................................... . OtSAtlR.EE, .... :. .............................. ... STPONGlY DISAGR.EE .................... . DOFS NOT APPLV ••••••••••••••••••••

e. WORKlOAO COMPAoEO WITH OTHER COURSES MUCH l 'r.HTE~ ....................... . ltGHTER .............................. . AROIJI T~E SAME ....................... . HFAvrrR ............................. . MUC ..... J-tEAVIFR .......................... .

9. INsr.Ur.TOR COMPARED WITt< OTKER, ON~ OF THE VERY 8,eST ................ .. SftTfR l'H6.t~ MOST ................... .. ABOOT AV(PAr.f ............................ .. WOP:SE TH!N "lost ..................... . nNE Of THE VERY WORST •••••••••••••

011226001 TST-Ft= SP. lP" RES'" "31t ENR- "5('r

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I B 52" 15 4" o O~ t' Ot 1 2'

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6 17t 2 51 o (I"

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1 3" o 0" o rt

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36 60~ 6 10~ 1 10: o Ot

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011216001 Tsr-Z fl=N 'SP:ao)3 lP-t RES,. lit fNR_ ZO

~O. t OF RfS

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10 55~ 7 3Rt () ot I 5= o (It:

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SAl/TER INTEQNATIONAL' 8 U~ INESS 011226002 TST-2 FI=y SP. lP:a1 RES= 1~ Etfh 27

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011228101 TST D 2 FI_Y SP2:C' tP-O RES- 1'1 EH" 22

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HOlteN soc RESPOIISI8LT IES 01' BUSINE~S 011228201 TST-O F t-N 5P->'3 lP-O Res- 31 ENR- 13

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STRONGLY AGReE •••••••••••••••••••• ACA:EE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DISAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRflNGL Y 01 SAGPEE ••••••••••••••••• ones NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

2. INS TRUC TnR .VA !L.BLE TO STUDENTS S TPONGL Y AGReE •••••••••••••••••••• A(;ctEF ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 01 SAGAEE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• "\TPONGl Y n1 SACPFF ••••••••••••••••• neES NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••• '"

3. lSSIGN"Fln~ .. ElPfUl STRONr.lY AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• ACREE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• o tSI\CRFF. ......................... .. STRONGLY nISAG~EE ••••••••••••••••• nOES NOT APPLY ••••••••••••••••••••

4. TESTS RFFlECT IDEAS OF cnURSE STRONGLY a.CREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGqEE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DISAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRDNGl Y 01 SAG"EE ••••••••••• , ••••• ones NOT APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

5. LA~S OR LANGU.GE D.lLlS HELPFUL S TRONGl 't AGct EE •••••••••••••••••••• ACREE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• o t SAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• S TRONGL Y DI SACR EE ••••••••••••••••• OOfS NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

6. INSTIIUCTOR'S PRESENTATION EFFECTIVE 5 T.CNGL Y AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGREE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DIS.GREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• StRONGLY DISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• DOES NOT APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

7. GRADES FAIR STrtnNGl Y AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGREE •••••• _ ....................... .. DISAI':RrE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRnNGLY DIS.GREE ••••••••••••••••• DOES NOT APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

8. WORKLOAD cnMPAREO WITH OTHER COURSES MUCH lIGOITER •••••••••••••••••••••• l JG"'Tr~ ........................... .. "'-ROUT THF SAME •••••••••••••••••••• HEAVIE'q ........................... . MUCH I'EAVIFR ••••••••••••••••••••••

9. IrtSTRUCTOR COMPARED WITH OTHFRS ONE OF TH~ VERY REST •••••••••••••• DETTER THAN ~OST •••••••••••••••••• APiOUT AVFRACF. .................... .. IInRSE THAN 1105T ••••••••••••••••••• ONE OF TilE VERY WORST •••••••••••••

BUTl[R SOC RESPONS 18LT IES OF 8USINESS 011 2282()2 TST-­Ff." $p.- lP.­RES- 20 ENR- 10


6 30~ 11 55~

2 IO~ I 5~ o Oll

5 2511 15 152 o DI () I'll o O~

(I C'1I 17 8511

3 15. (' 1"1 o Oll

I 511 18 90t

I 5t o Olli o Ot,

o Oll I 5l1i o Olli (\ ell

19 951

3 l'j~

15 15~ Il ct I 5t I 51

4 20t 16 801l

(I rol o 01 o at

I 51 3 15:

16 8l'1I (I 0: o Oll

1 15t 10 501

6 3l't I 5l1i o a;

BaSTlAaHS QUANT ANal YT CH E" LAB 01232(1902 TST-? F I=N SPeO lP-O RESs 6 EHR- 12

I. INTelLECTUALLY STIMUlaTING COURSE STRONGLY AGA:EE •••••••••••••••••••• AGREE ................................. . OrSAGREE .......................... . STPONGLY 01 SAGRH ••••••••••••••••• nl"'ES Nor APPlV ••••••••••••••••••••

2. INST'UCTO. AVAILABLE TO STUDENTS STRONGLY AGPEE •••••••••••••••••••• AGRFf ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• nrsJ\GQ[E •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONCL't 01 SAGREE .................... . DOES NOT APPt y ..................... .

3. ASS IGNMFNTS .. ElPFUL STPONGl.'t AcREe ..................... . AGRFF ............................. . OISAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STPONGlY OISAGFtEE ••••••••••••••••• OOFS NOT APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

It. TFSTS QEHECT IDEAS OF COURSE STRONGLY .GREE •••••••••••••••••••• A(';PfE ............................. . OIS.GQEE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRnNGLY DISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• onES NOT APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

5. LARS OA lANGUACE ORlllS HELPFUL STqONGLY AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGPEE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OISAGREE ••••••••••••••.•••••••••••• ST.nNGLY DIS.G~EE ••••••••••••••••• nOES tlOT APPL Y ••••••••••••••••••••

6. INSTRUCTO.'S PRESENTATION EFFECTIVE STRONCl Y AGRFE •••••••••••••••••••• ACREE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I'1ISAGPEE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGL Y 01 SAGRF.f. ••• _ ••••••••••••• DnH NOT APPL Y ••••••••••••••••••••

7. GRADF~ FILIR STRONGLY AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGREE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ClISAr;RfE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGLY OISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• nOES NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••


~~i~Ti;:~~:~:: ::~::::: :::::::::::: ABOUT THE SA"E •••••••••••••••••••• tiEAVI [R ........................... . MIJCH f-!EAVlfq ••••••••••••••••••••••

q. INS TRUCTOR COMPARED WITH OTI'ERS ONE OF THF VEPY BEST •••••••••••••• f\ETTER TU4N MOST •••••••••••••••••• ABOllT AVERAGE ••••••••••••••••••••• wnpSf THAN foIDST ••••••••••••••••••• or~E OF THE VERY WORST •••••••••••••


I 16'1: 5 83'1 o 0"1: o O~ () ~'I:

I 20ll 4 B(>:

o 0"1: o 0= ~ (>!I

o ot 6 I(,~~

o 0' o 0"1: (I (1"1:

o o~ 1 16t o O~ o O~ 5 83t

4 8(1' I lot D o~

I> ~t

o O~

I 1611 3 50'" o O~ I' Nt 2 33'

I 167: 3 50t o 0'1 I 1611 I 16'1:

(I ('11 o Ot 3 501l 3 ~"11 o OC

1 16t 4 66t I 16~ o all o 011.

BallER SOC peSPONSI8L T IES OF 8U~ lNeSS N 12282l'3 TST-3 FI-Y SPat lP-t RES- 24 EHR- 33



3 In 17 7n 1 41 2 n o Ot

3 1211 20 B3l1:

I 4l1i (I rlt o O~

3 121 18 1~1

3 12l1i o (Ill:

o O~

5 201 16 661

3 12t o et o ot

o O'E 2 n I .. ~ o Oll

21 lilt

.. 16'E 12 50t

7 29t I 4~ o ot

2 9t III 12t

3 131 I 4'1: o 01

o Ot 4 16.

18 1~7 2 0: o Ot:

1 411 6 25~

14 sat: 2 R_ 1 41

CHE"ICAL BONOIN G 012340101 TST-3 F I-V SO-O l p=o RES- 19 ENR- 2Z


11 5 I o o

11 6 o o (I

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7 9 o o o 1 I o o 8

1(1 7 o I' o

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6 14t 16 64~ 2 n I 411 o ot

3 12'1: 12 48'1:

6 ?n I ~f;

" I?t

10 40t. 11 44_ 4 16'1: o Ct: o 0'1:

2 et.: 5 20'1: I 4'1: o C:lt

16 66'1:

o U o or: o CI: o ()'I:

22 100'1:

4 16!i: 16 661' 2 8t: I 41: 1 41

7 Zqt; 16 66'1:

1 4lr o 0'1: o Ot

1 4t 5 20t;

13 527; 6 240: o 0%

I 41: 17 681

6 24'1: o Ot: I 41;

BaTES CHEMICAl KINETI CS 012340~01 TSr-2 F ,., S~-'3 LPxO "ES~ 15 ENRs 23


6 46' 1 53'1: o 0' o 1" o O~

10 66'1: 5 3~S o O~ o Ot o Of

8 53~· 1 46~ o os o 01 o rr

9 60r 5 3~t l 6~

o (I" D O~

(I ('f o 01 o (>~ o or 7 1001

9 69: 4 30! o or o Of o 01

7 5(1'1: 1 5Dr o 0'1: o or o 01

o or ~ zat 9 Mr I 7r o O~

11 78r 3 211 o l" o Or o ot

BUTleR EHTREPRENEURSHt p rt122B3(1l TST-3 F I_Y SP-l LP-l RES- 12 EHR- U


7 5BlI '5 41" o Ct: o 0'1: o Oll

4 3311 7 5BlI o Ot; o et: I at

5 41'1: 6 50t o Olf I 81: o Oll

4 3n '5 4111 2 16. o ot: I 0'1:

1 at 2 161t o U o 0" 9 75'1:

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I. INTFllECTU.LLY STI"ULATING COURSE STRONGl Y AGRfE ...................... . .ACAr-E ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ntSAr.REf •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGLY OISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• OCFS ~~nT APPl Y ••••••••••••••••••••

2. INSTRUCTOR AVA [I AnLE TO STUDENTS <;TqO~H';l Y Ar;ltFE •••••••••••••••••••• Ar.p(E ............................. . 01 SAGRrE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~T.ONGLV DISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• DOF S NOT APPly ..................... .

3. ASS IG'WFNTS ~ElPFUL <;TRONGl Y AGnEE .................... . ,&or-R (F ......................................... . O'SAGRfE ........................... . S TOnNr.L Y 01 S.GREE ••••••••••••••••• ('IOFS NOT APPL Y .................... .

4. TESTS REFlfr.T IDEAS OF cnURSE <0 TRr-NGl Y AGRfE •••••••••••••••••••• AGPfF ............................. . 01 SAGHE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• S TRrNGt V 01 SAGPEE ••••••••••••••••• onFS N(':T lIPPL '( ..................... .

5. LA"~ no t AtlGUAGE OR ILLS HELPFUL ST~nNGl Y ACREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGRfE ................................. . OISAGPfE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGLY DISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• nCES NOT APPLY ••••••••••••••••••••

6. INSToucm~'S POESfNTATlON EFFECTIVE S TPON(';l Y AGREE .................... . AGREF .............................. . DfSAGREF •••••••••••••••••••••••••• SrctONGLY DISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• nOES t:nT APPly .................... .

1. GRA~ES FAIO srRCNr;LY AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGRfE ......... _ •••••••••••••••••••• 01 SAGREE ........................... . SrROI'ICl'f DISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• OOES NOT APPl '( ••••••••••••••••••••

8. WOP~lOAO CO~PARED WITH OTHER COURSES MUCtf l IGHrE~ ...................... . l rr.HTFP ............................. . AnnUT Tt4F SAMF •••••••••••••••••••• t'EAVIER ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MUCH HEAVIER ••••••••••••••••••••••

9. INSTOUCTOR COMP.RED WITH OTHERS ONE OF THE VERY BEST •••••••••••••• BfTTER TtfAN MOST .................. . lor-OUT AVfRAr.E ••••••••••••••••••••• II!)RSE THAtf MOST. '" ••••••••••••••• ONf OF THE VER Y WOR ST •••••••••••••

CHINES~ LOCOCRA LATIN I ANCIF.HT GREEI!: PHY 016551901 TST-2 012500101 TST-3 012500301 TSTa)3 Ft.:Y SP. lP-l Fl." SP-O LP-O Ff.Y SP-O lP"O "t:S- I) ENR-=- 6 'RES- 22 'Elilb: 10 stES- 6 €N~. ttl


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012510101 TST-2 fJ~Y sp=-o lP-O ftES- 'S ENJI;- 6


I 33t 2 66t; o Ot o Ot C ('''

I 251 2 srll o or o Dt I 25~

1 20~ 4 BOO: o 0" o O~ o ('I:

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o 0: (I r'l: o O~ o O~ 2 1(,(':

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2 66'1: I 33" o ot o O~ C I't

o o~ I 33'1 o 0'1 I 3'C I 3n

o 011 I 20t: 4 SCt o Ot o 0'1

0lZ510301 TSTc2 Ft • ., SP=O 19=O RES- ::!: ENR= 2


o 0" 1 - 10(1" o O~ o 011 r ('~

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.STRONGLY AGqEE •••••••••••••••••••• AC;RE'E .............................. . OISAr.RFE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STR~Nr,LY DISAGR[E ••••••••••••••••• OOEoCi NOT APPly ••••••••••••••••••••


~~;i&.fe:::::: :::::: :::::::::::::: STRONGLV DTSAGREE ••••••••••••••••• OOES 'lOT APPL Y ••••••••••••••••••••

3. ASSIGNMENTS .. FLPfUL S tRorlGLY AGRfE •••••••••••••••••••• ACREE •••••••••••••••••••• " •••••••• OtSAGRFE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• StRONGLY DISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• OOES NOT APPL V ••••••••••••••••••••

4. TESTS R[FLECT 10[AS Of cnURse S T.orIGL Y AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGREE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OISAGRre •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGL Y DISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• DOES .JOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

5. LAB~ C. I A"GUAGE DRIllS "HPFUL S TPONGL V AGO EE •••••••••••••••••••• Ar.RFE ............................. . OISAGREF •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ST~ONGlY OISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• DOES Nor APPly .................... .

6. INSTRtfCTOR'~ PRFSENTATION EFFFCTlVE STRONGLY .GRH •••••••••••••••••••• ~GRrE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DtSACPfE .......................... . S TRONGL Y DiSAGREE ••••••••••••••••• ODES MOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

7. GRADF~ FAIR STRONGLV .GREE •••••••••••••••••••• Ar.REE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 01 SAGR FE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGLY "HAGREE ••••••••••••••••• nOES NOT APPL V ••••••••••••••••••••

8. WORKLOAn COMPARED WITH OTHER CDURSFS MUCH LIGHTER •••••••••••••••••••••• LIG .. TER ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ABOUT THF SAMF •••••••••••••••••••• HEAVIER ........................... . MUCH HE'VIER ••••••••••••••••••••••

9. INSToucrn. COMPARED WITH OTH~RS ONE OF THE VERY REST •••••••••••••• RfTTER T"AN MOST •••••••••••••••••• A BOliT AvfRAGF ............................ . WORSE THA~ MOST ................... . ONE OF THE VERY WORST •••••••••••••


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I. INTelLECTUALLY STIMULATING COURSE STRONGLY AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• ACREE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DISAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• HRQ"GL V 01 SAGREE ••••••••••••••••• DOES NOT APPl Y ••••••••••••••••••••

2. INSTRUCTOR AVAll.aLE TO STUDENTS STRONGLY AGRFE •••••••••••••••••••• AG.EE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OISAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGLY 01 SAGRFE ••••••••••••••••• DnrS NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

3. ASS Ir.NMENTS HELPFUL, (jT~CNr.l'f ~r.R.Ef ..................... . AGnrF ............................. .. OISAC.REE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRr.NGl V 01 SAGREF ••••••••••••••••• nOES trnT APPl V ••••••••••••••••••••

4. TESTS REFLEC.T IDEAS OF COURSE S T~nNGl Y AGREf ...................... . AGRFF ................. ,. ••••••••••••• OIS.G.H •••••••••••••••••••••••••• snONGLv OlS.GREE ••••••••••••••••• nOES NOT APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

5. LABS DR LANGUAGE DRilLS HELPFUL STPONGLY AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGREE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OIS\G.EF •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ST'O~'GLY DISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• nnFS NOT APPLy .................... .

6. INSTolfCTOR'S PRESENTATION EFFECTIVE STPnNGLY AGOEE •••••••••••••••••••• .GoEF ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OISAGREE ............................ . S TonNGL V 01 SAGREE ••••••••••••••••• oaFS NCT APPl V ••••••••••••••••••••

7. G.'OES FAIR STPONr.LY AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGRFE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OISAG.FE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• SToONGL V 01 SAGRFE ••••••••••••••••• OnES NOT APPLY ••••••••••••••••••••

A. WO'KLOAO (O ..... EO wITH OTI'ER COURSES MUCI' llGHTFR •••••••••••••••••••••• t rGtfTH ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ARO'JT THE SAME •••••••••••••••••••• .. EAVlfR ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MUCH HfAV1ER ...................... .

9. INSTRUCTO' COMPARED WITH OTHEOS ONE OF THE Vf~V BEST •••••••••••••• PETlf. If'AN ~OST •••••••••••••••••• ABOIIT AVERAGE ••••••••••••••••••••• WQn<iE' TtiAU MOST ••••••••••••••••••• ONE OF T .. E VERY WORST •••••••••••••


INTENS CHINESE INTENS CIlINESE LEVEL II LEVEL I" ('1651131'1 TST->3 ('165213('1 TST-)3 FtaY SP-)'3 lP,.O Ff=Y ~P:a>3 lPsO RES~ 14 EN •• Iq RFS= 9 FN'= q


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Continuing Education BODNAR LUC.ETIUS



I. INTelLECTUALLY STIMULATING COURSE STPONGlY AGRFE .................... . .aGR:EE~ ............. _ ................ . OrSAGPFf ........................... . STRONGL Y DISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• DOES NOT APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

2. INSTRUC TOR AV'IlABLE Tn STUDENTS STROr.:r.lY A,r;REF •••••••••••••••••••• I\r,RFf ............................. . 01 S,\G"Ef •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STPDNr.lV nlSAGnH ••••••••••••••••• OaFS NOT 'PPL V ••••••• : ••••••••••••

3. ASS Ir.NMFtrTS ~ELPFUl STRrNCL V AGPH •••••••••••••••••••• AG.EE •••••••• I •••••••••••••••••••• D I SAGHE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRC"';Gl Y nl SAGREE .................. . DOES NOT APPl V ••••••••••••••••••••

4. TESTS REFLECT TDEAS OF COURSE S TRnNCil Y AGPFE .................... . Af';REE .............................. . OISAGREF •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRCNClV nIS~G"EE ••••••••••••••••• nnE 5 NOT APPl Y ••• •••••••••••••••••

5. LARS flP LANGU'GE DOIllS t1ELPFUl S TRONGL Y AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• AG.EE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 01 SAGRE£ •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGLV nISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• aCES tlOT APPL Y ••••••••••••••••••••

6. INSTRUCTOR'S PRESENTATION EFFECTIVE S TRnNGL V AGRFf •••••••••••••••••••• AGREE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 01 SAGRfE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• S TRnNGL Y 01 SAGP Ef ••••••••••••••••• nOES NOT APPL Y ••••••••••••••••••••

7. Go.nFS FA I. ST~nUC;lY AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• AG.Ef ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DISAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STOONGIV DlS.GREE ••••••••••••••••• nnF S NOT APPL Y ••••••••••••••••••••

8. I/tJRKL(1AD COMPARED IIITH OTHER COURSES MUCH LIGHTER •••••••••••••••••••••• L IGHTFn ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• A~OIJT T~F SA~F •••••••••••••••••••• HFAVI E •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MUCH HEAVIER ••••••••••••••••••••••

9. INSTRUCTOR cnMPARED WITH OTHERS ONE OF THE VERY BEST •••••••••••••• eETTER TtlAN MO~T •••••••••••••••••• ABOUT AvrRAGf ..................... . wnRSE THAN HOST ••••••••••••••••••• ONE OF THE VERY WORST •••••••••••••

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o C'J: o 0'1:

3. 25'1: 4 31'1: 1 8~ o 0'1: 4 33:

7 5~t· 5 41" o 00: C 1'0: o OC

5 'loSt 5 4S" o 1''' o r't I qt:

o rll 3 3011 Il (>t o 0: 7 10~

4 3n B 66: l' N: o 011

o 0" 5 41l1i 6 50" o r" o 1': 1 9'1:

o Ot I R" 9 7~'I: I A~ I R:

2 16t 0; 41t ~ 4\1: o O~ o O~

010920301 'ST-Z FI-Y SP-O LP-D R:E~'Z 2 ENR_ 7


o 01; I 50': I ~u o Oll o O~

o (1$ 2 100% o l'% r, C~

o ot

o 0': 2 100~

° r' C' ~ .. o Ot

o 0% 2 100% (I r; o 0 .. o 0%

o o~ o ot: o r: o 01 Z 100%

o O~ I 50; o I't 1 50; o ot

o 0: 2 lOOt o rl o 0: o Ot

o 0' o or 1 SO; I 50: o Ot

o O~ o 0: I 5"1: I 50~ o Dr


4 6 7 3 o

• 11 o 1 D

6 12 Z o o

5 12 Z I o

3 14

1 o 2

I 4 5 9 I

., 11 3 1 D

o o 7

It 1

1 3 'J 5 4

CHINESE STltUCTU RE I C165421C1 TST-2 Ft-y SPa loP-1 RfS- 6 ENR- 6



2 4 o o o

4 2 o o r

3 Z I D o

2 I

" o I

C' o I V 5

2 2 2 r o

2 1 o C o

I 1 3 I o

o 3 2 I o

160; 16% 501 161: 0"


50'! '33~ 161 ('t


0109ZZCOI TST-2 FI-Y SP-Z lP. RF.S- 4 ENR- 4


2 50" 2 50; (' 1'1: o 01: o ot

I 25~ 2 501: (\ r1: o N: 1 2U

I 2~;

2 SOt I 25T. (I r-r o Ot

1 13t 2 66'1 C rt o (lll!

o 0%

o 0: I 2~~ o I'll: o 02: 3 75:

o O. 3 7St I 25: o 01: o O~

o 0' 4 lOOt (I ~~ o 0: o n o Ot 1 250: 3 1511 o 01: o Ot

o 0: I 2~t 3 15'1: o 0" o r:







0133COI0l TSTm3 Ff.Y sp-o lP.O RES- ~2 ENR- 75

C1330CI(l1 TST-' fl_Y SP-O LP-O RES- 5'1 EN~~ 76

DI3'rCl03 TST-~ F I-V SP-O lP-O RES- 33 ENR- 49

(1133(1(1104 TST-] f I~Y 5P-0 1P-O RF.S- 51 HU;':. 51'


ST~ONC;lY AGRee .................... . AGPEf .................................... . DiSAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ST.ONGLY DiSAGREE ••••••••••••••••• nOF.S NOT APPl V .......................... .

2. INSTRUCTOR AVAIUBlE TO STUDENTS STRONGLY ACRH •••••••••••••••••••• JlCRFE ......................................... . DISACREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONr.LY DISACREf ••••••••••••••••• (\o£=') nOT APPl v ...................... .

. 3. ASSIG"~ENTS MELPFUL STPO"GLY Ar.RFF •••••••••••••••••••• AGREE ............................................ . OIC;AGREE ............ ~ •••••••••••••• STRr~:Gl Y OISAGRfF. .................. . onF,) tJOT APPl Y ..... _ .................... .

~. TESTS REFLECT IDEAS OF COUOSE 5 TRor~r.L Y AGR FF ......................... . AGREE .......................................... .. 01 SACRfE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~T.ONGLY 01 SAGREE ••••••••••••••••• ('IDeS NCT APPt y .................... .

5. LA~S CR LAr:r,UA~E CRlllS ~ElPFUl STRrNGl V AGRFE .................... . Ar.RfF. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DISAGREE .......................... . S IRONGl Y 01 SAGREf ••••••••••••••••• onES NOT APPl Y ••••••••••••••••••••

6. INSTRUCTOR'S PRESEI'ITlTIOIl EFFfCTlIIE SfRCNGLY AGPEE .................... . AGREE ............................. . DtS~r.REE .......................... . STRC~'Gl Y 01 SACRFE ••••••••••••••••• nnes tlor APPL '( ............... - •••••

T. GRADES FUR STRONGLY AG~EE •••••••••••••••••••• A(:RfE .............................. . !lIS~C.fE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRCNGl Y IHSAGREF ••••••••••••••••• nnes NOT APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

8. lI00KlOAD COMPhREO \111M OIHeR COURSES MUC~ L1GtlTER •••••••••••••••••••• 0. l IGHTfR ••• 0 •••••••• 0 ••••••••••••••

~P,OUT T~E SA~E •••••••••••••••••••• HEAV1FI:I: ........................... . MUCH tI~AV[EP ••••••••••••••••••••••

'I. INSTRUCTOR COIIPMEO WITH OTHER~ ONE OF THE VERY nEsT •••••••••••••• ~ETfER TH~N ~OST •••••••••••••••••• ABOUT AV(RAGE .................... .. WORSF TMAN ~OST ••••••••••••••••••• ONE OF TME VE~Y WO.ST •••••••••••••

I :<3~ 2 66': o o~ o O~

o ~"

1 100~ (I r~ o O~ o fl o O~

1 5(1~ o 01: o Ot o 0" I ~O"

o 0" I 3)" o Ot o nt 2 M"

o O~ I' (I~ o O~ (' (~

3 1001

(' rt 2 66" o ot o (,,, I 33t

1 31" 1 33" o 0'; o 07 1 33"

o Ot (1 N: 3 100~ (l ~= o 0>:

2 66': 1 33= o 0% (' 1'= o 0%


1. INTELleCTUALLY STIMULATING COURSE STPONGl Y AG~EE •••••••••••••••••••• At-RfE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Dr SAGt!Fs: ............................. . STQO"!r.LY orsAcRrE ................. . CCf~ NCT .P.LY ••••••••••••••••••••

2. INST.UCTCR AV.llAOlE TO STUOENTS STRCN"iL'f AGt:lfF ...................... . AljRFf ..................... •• .. • •••• ••• • 0IS4GPEF. ............................ . C;TRf1NGl Y DISAGREE ................... .. {'I('FS r:(1T APPl v ................... ..

'3. AS'SIGf;'~ENTS t-lFlPFUl STPCNGl v AG~rE. ••••••••••••••••••• ~r.RrF ............................. .. OISAC.FE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STROUCLY OISAG.EE ••••••••••••••••• nCES t:CT APPly ...................... .

4. TE~TS REflfCT IDEAS Of rCURSE C;TPO~,r" 'f AGQFf ......................... . Ar,R~F .................. :- ••••••••••• or$~r.I?EE ............................ . Sl.CNGLV OISAGRfE ••••••••••••••••• OOfS ~IOT AoplY ••••••••••••••••••••

5. LAB~ OR LA>:GtlAGE ORlLlS "E\.?FUl STPnNGLV J\r.P(E .................... . AGf1FF ............................... ~ OIS.r.'EE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• c;Tr.n~Jr.Ly OISAGREE .................... . ones rIOT APPl Y ...................... .

6. INS IRUCTOR' ~ PRESENTATION EFFECT IVE ~lRr.NGLY ACREE .................... . AGPFE ••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••• () I SAC~ ~f. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• SYRm.t.LY OISAt.ofE ••••••••••••••••• orFS NOT APPLy .................... .

7. G.IOES fAIR STPONr.L'( ACREE .................. " •• Ar.REF .................................. . DIS~r..EE_ ••••••••••••••••••••••••• STAONr.l Y OISAGREf ••••••••••••••••• ['nfS ~lnT ~PPl Y .................... ..

8. WORKl~'O CO"P.IREO WIT~ OTI<EO COURseS MUCH l ICHfFR ........................ . lll".HTfP ............................. . AROUT THE SA.,e ........................ . HFAvtFR ............................... . ,..L1Ctl HE:\vtfR ....................... .

'I. tNSTRUCTC. COMPARED \-111M OTl<fRS ONE OF THF VFO Y R~ ST •••••••••••••• (1ETTER TH.\t~ ~OST .................... . .BOllT AVFR.r.~ ••••••••••••••••••••• WOPSF THAN '.H1Sf ••••••••••••••• " ••• ONE CF THE VFRY WORST •••••••••••••


r l3~cr I J3 TSh3 ft==y SP-t LP:rO RE~~ 53 ENR. 56


10 56% Z2 410:

I I ~ o O~ o O~

11 32% )0 5n

2 J~ 1 n ? 3~

20 3'1~ 26 SO~

(' o~ o 0% 5 '1~

34 65'; I T 32~ o C~ o O~ I 11:

o O'li C'" r"f: o O~ o nl

51 ICOt

36 67" 17 32~ o 0% o O~ ~ Cl

31 60~ 20 3q~ o O'!: (' r" (\ O~

(1 (l%

7 In 33 62t; 1(' IRl

J 5"

30 56t Tq 15%

" n c r~

o 0"


1. INTElUtTUAlL Y STIMULATING COURSE STPOt'Gl Y AGREF •••••••••••••••••••• Ilr.REE ............................. . 01 SAGRfE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRm'GLY OIS.C.EE ••••••••••••••••• onFS NOT APPl Y ••••••••••••••••••••

2. IN~TP1Jr.rr:Q AVAilABLE TO STUO~NTS STPO"tr.l"( Ar.RrE .......................... .. ~r.R'j':'~ ............................... . OI~.'CREf •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRrt'GlY "ISAGRfE ••••••••••••••••• ones NOT APPl Y ••••••••••••••••••••

3. AS<lGNMFNTS I'n PfUl C;T~C~:(~LY Ar;p(E ...................... . !!jf,°ff ................................ . "IO:;I'I.GRf{; ................................ . <:;TRCNr.lV f)tS~r.RFf .................. . orFS PIlnT !\PPL v ................. ' ..... .

~. TESTS REFLECT IDEAS nF COURSE sT~m:r.t Y AGRff •••••••••••••••••••• AGREf ................................ . nI54r.QEE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~T.O"CLY nISAGRfE ••••••••••••••••• Or.fS NOT APPLy .................... ..

5. tAns OR l.NGuAGE D.lllS "'ElPFUl ~ T.m,r.LY hGRFE •••••••••••••••••••• AGP.f'F .............................. . ot'S/!,GDCf .......................... . sT~r~:GlY OtSAGRFE ••••••••••••••••• OrES 1\:01 !'PPl Y ..................... .

6. INSTRUCTnR'S PRESEtHATION EFFFCTIVE S'RCNGlY 'r.nF[ •••••••••••••••••••• A<iFlFE ............................... . OtsAr..Er •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STAnlllGl Y 0 I SAr.REF ................... . OrF~ tlOT APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

7. GR'DES FAIR SIPr,,,r.1 Y .COREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGPF( ............................... . ntSJ\GREf .......... ~ .......... 4 ....... .

STPONGIY DiSAGREE ••••••••••••••••• nnfS NnT APPlY ••••••• ~ ••••••••••••

e. ~OoKln.D ({''''PAR[O \11TH OTMER COUOSES MUCf-I I l(';HTFR ........................ . llCf-ITFJl ............................ . MOUT f"~ S.~E •••••••••••••••••••• HtAvIEn ........................... . MOetl HtAVIER ...................... .

'I. INSfRUr.Tr.R r.OMPdREO WITH OTHERS n~~F OF If-lF VERy 8f'il ............... . RFTTFR THAtJ POST •••••••••••••••••• Arr,tlT aVj:rAr:E ........................ . 1o:np Sf Tt-fAfIl ,.~OS l ................... . O'lf OF T~E VeRY WOR\T •••••••••••••

013'10205 15T'3 ft=y SPI:I('! lP-C R~5= 4q .Nq= 6~

NO. " O~ RES

10 32

7 C o

2B 16

5 r o

32 16 o r I

I (\

o o


14 29

5 o t

22 2'> o o ('

o 5

31 11 ('

'12 14 21

2 o

28t 5q" IO~ O~ 2~

46~ 53~ O~ O~ r~

3' 17

1 o o

17 3~ o ('


I~ 37

I (' (l

25 26 o (I


o I o ('


3'1 13 o ('


16 31t

2 (I


1 2

2'> 21


32 17

2 I o


MICRO r\33Cr114 TST-) FI-Y 5P=O lP~O RFS= n ENR. IS

NO. ~ 01: ~FS

2 S 3 o r

'1 4 (\

o o

8 S o o r

7 5 o o ('

I r o r


3 1 3 o o

5 6 Z C o r o 9 3 1


10 1 2 o

38= 46t 15: r'l: m:

C~ Ot

6qt; 71T.


WIEDeI1A~N MACROEtONOMI t T HEORY 0133\0207 TSTs 3 FI""V SP=(' lP=O Jlf.S= 4q ENR= t;q


15 ~(I" 25 51 t 'I 181 (I r~

o Ot

1'> 71~ 13 76~ o O!: 1 ?~ o 0'

13 "t 31 67'

1 2~

1 2~

1 1~

Z2 ~St 24 5nt

2 4':: r [~

(I 0"

v Pt (I r~

o 0% o O!;

4q 10C'

q IBt 11 67'

7 141 o D~ r ct

H 2U 29 5q~

'> lOT. 3 6t o Cl

\ 1% H 24~

33 67' 2 .t I 2'

12 24t 2~ ~r~ n 1~t

1 1t 1 2t

29 't'l~

2'1 4'" I It o 0>: (l C'~

37 63: 18 31'1:

(I 0= 2 3~ 1 12:

lit ?3!; 31 6t~

3 ~o: 1 12: It 6t

36 6211: 21 16t

1 It (\ r~

!' c!;

3 5t o ot o n (I ~,

55 9H

37 62~ 20 332:

2 3!; (' r~ (I ot

25 42% 3(1 50% It' 6'1: r r~ (I 02:

o Ot B 137:

43 _71= 8 13': (I 0'

31 521 22 :37=

5 R!; I U: o O!


MICRO (IBer1l5 TSTe2 FI=V SP=C lP'O RES~ 2'5 fNR= 27

NO. , OF RfS

o 13

<I 3 (1

6 16

2 o l'

8 15

2 o o

10 12

2 o o

o o I r



8 14

3 o

2 21

2 C o

2 9

13 1 o (I

I 14

9 I

BENVIGNAH MACROfCONOMIC T HEO.V 013310208 15T=2 f ta V 5P=~ lP.:;(\ RES= 23 HI!\= '10

Nn. t nF RFS

4 IS 3 V o

S 16

1 (I


4 16

I I' I

3 10

'> 4 D

I o o C


1 8

IZ 1 C

8 14

1 o o

o r

16 5 2

2 3

10 6 2


2 24

5 I ('

3 27 o r z 7

23 I ('


6 25 o I o (l

5 o o


3 26

3 (I


3 1'1 7 C o

1 6

21 4 o I

10 19

2 o


0133rC1l6 T51=3 FI=Y SP.O lP=O ~ES" e ENR== 9

NO. % Of RES

1 3rt Ij 6?~

o N o Ot r c" 5 62: 3 37!; o r% o O!; o CT.

5 62>: 2 25:: 1 12% o 0% o O~

" 500: 4 lie'!:

o 0" o O~ o OT.

r ~" o CT. o O~ o n~ e lOOT.

~ 'let ~ SCT. o O!; c· r~ o C~

6 75% 2 25" o 0: o O~

o r"


(' r~

3 3H 5 62: (\ r~ o O~

3 37~ 3 37~ 2 25~ o r't l' Cl

I<ONORS HICROECO N THeORY 013310301 TST~1 F t=Y SP==('I lP::::IC .. FS~ 9 HI"= 1\


... 44; 5 '>5~ o rt o rt o ('I~

5 55" 4 6t4% o C. C C'" o o~

7 111' 2 22~ o ('I~ C rl o 0%

6 66" 3 3lt o Ol (1 ('7;

(I 0" (I l't (I 0'; o o. C" r-= 'I 10r%

I II~ A 8U o 01 r (l" o 0«

3 37~ , 6?' o 0% C r~ o O~

o 011 o ~l! 4 44~

4 44': 1 111:

o 0" 6 66'" 3 33' o o~ o os


\I 34

5 I o

26 Z2 o o ,

30 18

3 o o

36 14 o r o r I (1

o 50

IS 31

3 Z o

24 25 o C' o

Z 10 36

:1 1

7 24 19 o 1

21" 66':

9'l n O~

13>: 47>: 37!:

(!!: 1'1,


l'11~r(l201 TST=~ FI=Y sp::O lP::sQ RFS:r 34 EW~== 4'"


4 25

1 2 C

19 14

1 o (I

II, 14

2 \ 2

J3 15

4 2 o

r I o o


3 22

5 2 C

8 21

2 o o

o ~

25 4 o

1 10 15

3 2


25~ 6H

6% r~ at

C~ 12t 75' 12' 0:

ECON DEVEl OF l ESS OEVEl tOUNT 013311101 TST~2 'F't=Y SI»,=o lPl:llt ~E!i~ ~2 eK~" S~

NO. % OF .F.S

21 6S; e 25t 3 9% C C~

o O~

17 '3' 15 46<

o Of o C% o O.

q 2~~

n 6A~

I 3< r r~

o O!:

16 5~~ 16 50~

o 0% r (III!

o C"

~ C~ o O~ o o. C e"

32 lCrt

16 5r. 14 "3: 2 6t r r~ o C~

6 19; 24 17%

I 3' D r~ D C%

r n ~ C.

11 34% 18 56.

3 q"

19 5q: 10 )1" 3 q% o 0'1: o O'C


MICRO MICRO "ICRO "ICIIO MICRO cn3eCl~6 TSl-2 F I=Y Sp-o lP-O AFSs 32 fllR- 0\5

0133((lIC8 TST-3 FI-'( SP-O U'-O RU- 0\'1 EHR' 6~

0133COIC'I 15T-) Ft-Y SP-O lP-O RES- 44 ENR--:it

013300111 TST'" ft... $p.. lP.­RES- 4'9 ENR.- '51

01)3rOII2 T ST-3 Ft·y sp-o LP.O RES- 51 ENR- 6.


STOONGLV AGREE ••••••••••• , •••••••• Ar;R'ft: ................................. . o 1~.cprE •••••••••••••••• , ••••••••• c;,TRCfJGt Y OISAGRfF. .................. . onES NOT APPly .................... .

Z. INSTRIICTO. AVAilABLE TO STUDENTS STR(1fIGLY ACRfE •••••••••••••••••••• AGPFE ••••••••••••••••••••• '" ••••• OIS.C·H •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRf;NGtY DISAGREE ................. . oot: s nOl At:tPl Y ...................... .

3. ASSICN"FNT~ I'H~FUL STPOl~r.LY AGRFE •••••••••••••••••••• AGRrf ................................. . ors.CREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STJlr.NCLY otsar,PFf ••••••••••••••••• onfS MT ,PPI v ••••••••••••••••••••

~. TESTS RfflEr.T 10U.S OF COURSE SloONr.LY ACor~ •••••••••••••••••••• AGaff .................................. .·ff •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRmJGLV nISACPFF ••••••••••••••••• OnES "OT 'OPI V ••••••••••••••••••••

5. lA~S np lAr~r.UJHjE DRILLS HFlPfUL SToGr;CI.. Y AGllrr. ....................... . t.'.r,1" r( ..................................... . orSIlr;nrf ............................... . StR'r.Nr.LY 1l1SAGRFF ••••••••••••••••• onrs !'InT APPLV ..................... .

6. JNSTRIJCTOR'S PRESErHATION EFFECTIVE S rOOIlr.L Y AGOFF •••••••••••••••••••• Ar,R rF ................................. . nr";t.r.Cff ................................ . SHHjUr.LY nfS.II(,RfE .................. . onfS r~CT ApPLy ..................... .

7. CR.OF' rAIR S Tor.flnLY AGRfE ................... . Ar,RrF. .............................. . OIS.G·Ef •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ") OISAGRFF ................... . f'crs rlOT AI'Pl Y ........................ .

8. ~on<lO.O CO·'PO.Eo WITH OTHCR COU'SES MUCH L lr;l~rf~ ......................... . lIGHTfR ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• AP,nUT THE SA "If ............... #> ......... .

H~AV(f'R ................... ~ .......... . ~UCH HFAvlFR ........................ .

q. IN~TQUCtC. COMP •• fO WITH 01He.s o~r OF rllF VE"RY BE~T ................ . PFTffR tll4N MUST .................... . .. "l:\OUT .avrRI\GE .............. ~ ......... . wf1R<;iE THhr~ "If1ST ....................... . rr .. E' or THF VEPY ItJORST ............. ..

o 16

8 4 2

" 26 1 o 1

II 16

5 ~


IJ 17

1 ~


~ I o o


2 15 10

5 o

13 18 o I r


11 15

7. C

o 5

\1 7 3

61: 46t 311: 15t Ct


1. INTfll ECTIJAL L Y Sf t ~UlAT t r-.:G COIJPSE STRONGLY tlGJ:ffE' ....................... . AGRfE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DIS.CRF!: •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ST'HJr:Gt" OrSA,c';Rff ..................... . r:Cf~'",r:''' l'1PP1'f ............................ .

2. IN<; Tt:'Ur.rC'lQ ""'1" IltP,U: TO STU!")nns ~ r~GrJ~l y l!.c:;~r[ ......................... . J\;.RFF ...................................... . DC "tGRFr: ............................. . STPrtlray or')AGRfE ................... . nrFS t:or APfI( 1 ......................... .

3. AS": 1C;~l"'T~as ~q PHIL $ Trr'r~l~l v ~c:.r (1: .......................... . e.('t:ff .................................................. ..

~ ~~~~:~~~ .. oi ~~~;fE::::: :: .. : ::::::::: onFS ~lnT t,.PPI.,. .......................... ..

4. TfS1S RHLr'T 10fAS OF COURSE STprr-1GlV Ar.°EE .............. ••• ..... . A",::l:fE ......................................... .. fltsAr,Pff ................................... . "T~C1~~GLY ")lSfl(;f'ff ................... . orES tlOT APPl v ........................... .

5. lABS CQ LANr.LJM,E ORILLS HELPFUL STPCNGL Y .ePEE ••••••••••••••••••••

AGilE!: ....... • ........ •••••••• ... ••••• .. •• nT~Ar.rrF •••••••••••••••••• • ••••••• ST~'O~~(ay nrSI\GPtE .................... . onrc; r:aT APPI Y ......................... .

6. [N')Tr~IJrTOR·s PQFstNTATIOt~ EFffCl'\fE ') TPOtlGI Y IIGRrf ....................... . 't..E~ •••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••• nt<;r.1".r-fr .............................. . ()Tr.crJr.t'( J')J5!GRFE .................. . [)rr-s r~nT arPl Y .......................... .

7. GRI\~rs fAIR STnorlGLY lICRFf ......................... . fl(;.RfF. .................................. . [l T '\A GPfF ............... ." .............. . STPONGlY OfSACR(F ................. . rrE<) ~;f'T APPly ..................... ..

8. Wt'P'<LC:I.O C(1"f.l.,\~J;:n WtlH OTPfP CCUIlSES t/lJrt'I.[r;JtTfrl ............................ . l rr.HTfR ................................... .. "p.nIJT T~'E SI\~E ..................... . tfE'AV IfR ................................ . rUCH .~C"~VtfP ............................ .

q. tNS1~U(T~Q rO~PAPEO ~11H nT~FPS r~:r r.r T~r '.Irq.., 8fST ................ . I"t:rfff.t TIH."j • .. nSf ....................... .. \~>:UT e.VFf' ,'\(jf ............................ . ~I')Qc:;F '('I'AN JAOST ...................... .. or~r nr THr VEPy wnpST .............. .

CI1310lC2 lST-? FI!:Y SPaO lP::O RfS. 19 fNR~ 32

NG. 'l: OF oes

7 38~ 3 16~ 5 ?1t 3 16~

o o~

7 36t \0 52%

? ICZ o D" o 0"

6 11" q 41: 4 21" ~ 0" o 0%

7 36~ q 41':

2 10" I 5~ o O!;

o ~" o 0: o ot r ~~

Iq 100:

~ r: 8 ~2% 2 10~ 9 4H o O.

6 3rt 8 4H 5 26: r e: o c:

c r: I '" II 5H 7 '3b'f. ~ ot

2 In ~ 15~ 6 31~

3 15" 5 26%


I. IN1HLErTUALlV STIMULATING COURSE c;TRC'l~;GLY a C;I:!: EE ......................... . ... r;Il'ff .......................... _ ••• nIStCnrc ................................ . C;TpnNGtY 01 $I".CRfF ....................... . DnE,) tiOT APP( Y ..................... .

2. 1 N~ Tillie lett AVA H Ar.l E TO ST[JnE~ns s 1"r:;Cl '( ;".(:./1';::1; ......................... .. ,'\r,'1rf .......................................... .. fl r <;:\Gnrr ................................... . Sjor.·~r;l y r,ISt.r.nFf.40 .................... . arH S PlOT t'. rPl 'J' .......................... .

3 .. AS') lr,~~'~(NlS ~'rl PFUL C;T~n'\1GlY Ar.rn::r .................... . ~r.QrF ..................................... . nr'1·":.r;J:1rf ....... ~ ......................... . ~. Tnr--:CL Y OJ St,r.p FJ:; ..................... . r"r<;, tlor ~rpt y ........................ .

4. TF<)rs D(flfrT IT'lFAc; OF CnURSE ~ TnnrJGL V Ar.t?~r ........................... . !lCQf'E ....................................... •• nf')1!.r,PfF .............................. . 5 rQr/,/(.l '( n 1l)."GRr~ .......................... . onES tl[;T Ar"Pl v ............................... .

5. LA~S r.R t .. ~;r.l!.'1r,E nRILl$ t-/qPFUl S TPMNGt y oar.1-! rF ........................ . 1.r.'PfF ......................................... . (}f~.AGPrf ................................ . SranNGtY or'l~GI1(F ................... . j'1r;r:') NOT .. \PPlY ......... _ •••• ~ ........ .

6. INST7UCrrH"$ ;'IPFSQHATtCN ErF~CTIVF ST1Jr,f;r.tY /l.r;~rf ........................... . AG~(E •• , ........................ _ ....... . l)fsA(';j:!rf ................................ .. STCl('Nr,( y OT<;AGRfE .................... . nrrs, t~aT AP~LI{ ......................... .

7. GRAnFS FAH S TGOr\Cl yo !lr,«Fr .......................... . Ar.prr ..................... ,. ............... . f){s .... ljfl:rr ............................... .. srpr.N~tY nrSI\GRE'f ................. . nnps ~OT flPi'ly ......................... ..

8. WORKlCM) (C~PARfO W!T~ OTHER COUPSFS ~lfCf-4 t r r.f-fT Fit ............................ . tlr.HTtR .................................. .. i\r.OIJT T~IE' $Af~f ............................ . 11,= .. ~vr~f! .................................. . fAUrl1 i-IFAlllFP ......................... .

9. IUST.UCTOR rO~PARrn WITH OTHERS ONf nr THj:' VfRY f\Fsr ............... . "rTTf~ THAN ""osr ...... ~ ............. . /lRr:IJT AvrfJ/lriE .................. • .. ••• ~.'npSf Ttl"/\: ""nST ........................... . O"'!F OF THF VFRY ~OJlST .............. .

ECON OEVEl OF t. ESS OEVEL COUNT 013311107 TSlal fl=Y SP=l LP=C RES= 2] ENR= 23

NC. ~ Of RES

6 2n 15 bR'r;

I .. o ~.

o O~

S 22t 17 771. r c" o CT o 01':

A 361; 12 54'

I 4t r c. I 4'

9 4rt J3 sq" o O. r r~

o o.

e n o o. c r~

o 0: 21 100'

2 q~

14 M' ... Iq. 1 4, o 0:

6 26~

17 73't ~ r. o p~

o o.

o 0: 3 13t

17 54t 6 2a I 4t

.. In: It" 4)~

8 34: I 41: o O~

I 36 10

7 o

16 2T

5 C 1

13 3~

I r o

I I o (


4 30 14

I o

\4 29

\ o r

4 IZ 32

I r

z I~

29 8 o

3ZW 551 101 ct: 2~

WASOWSKI I'IICROECOHO~IC 1 HEOR'f 01331~103 TST-\ FlctY SP .... 1 LP:l:O RES":! 4'5 'E"NR"" '51

NO. t OF 0ES

12 261: 21 60:

1 6" 1 \t \ ~t

14 31t 29 6H

1 H o Ot o Ot

12 26: 29 64: ) 6: I 2t o 0:

n S4t 19 45: ~ £'I: tI C'" o 0:

o rt o O!: o O!: o 0"

45 1007;

II 251: 2l Sll 3 67: 6 13: o ox

Ie' n!; H 75:

I 2t l' r·t o CI:

r r!; 2 u

23 51 t I! ~r·t 1 4:

12 26% 70 4U

• lOt J 6' ! 21:

"CNfl rs' . ECONO_'C ST4ns TICS I 013312101 TST-3 F t:zy SPc>'3 lP:I:(\ p. ES: 15 ENO: 15


4 10

9 2 o

11 11

2 I o ..,

11 5 2 o

7 12

4 ? o

\ o J o


2 II

6 5 C

3 16 ~

o o

o S

I) 6 I

2 4 6 1 6


40~ ~6~



lot Ot

12l ot


I3t 6qt In 0" Ot

rt 20t 5?t 24" 4t

3 20\ 10

7 (I

11 2'1 o (I


10 24

5 o 5

10 27

6 1 o C o I o


" 2] 12

5 o

8 20 1\ ~ o

2 15 7.~

3 p

1 7

2~ 9 3

HARRIS "ACROECOI/ONlt HEORY 013310201 TSTe) F r .. y SP"O lP-O R'E'S- 38 'EN;R= '2



<I 27

I I o

Iq I" o o o

6 2~

1 I o

1'1 17

2 o o

o o I o


8 27

Z I o

IS Iq I r o

1 I

30 6 C

6 11 20


231: 71t

2% 7% 0>;

zn 7U 5t 2t ot

ECONOMIC STATtS TICS I 013312102 TST~· Ft-" Sf>,.- LP-" R.ES.,.,2 ENQ· 58


\3 20

S I 2

1 ~q

Z o 3

o 16 II 17.


16 22

1 (l


o T S

24 5

23 18

C o ('

13 26

I o o

I 10 23

7 I

21 I"

5 1 o

r 1 o f'


7 32

7 , o

14 25

5 o ()


8 33

T o

8 16 a ~ 2


NO. t Of RES

5 23 10

2 (\

e 30

1 o I

6 28

? 1 3

12 27 r \ o

o 2 I o


2 22 1<'

6 o

6 31

2 I o ('

7 2<1 ~


2 8

IA Il'



rt In 72'l let ot

EcnNOMIC STATtS TICS I 013312103 TSl-3 F I_Y SPa(! lP-C PfS- 3" fN'h: 40


J3 14 6 I o

I" 6 6 7 o

I~ 15 1 2 o

13 13

2 5 o

8 7 2 2


I~ I~ 5 (\


11 14

7. 3 1

C 5


11 10

R 3 2

380: 4U I7t

2% ot

"2'1: 18' 18" 21lf at

251 21t

61: 6'


5 ]'l 6 I ~

24 26

I r o

5 1~

5 o )

1I :\2

4 l o

r 1 o o


10 36

3 2 o

9 33


C o

2 33 15

I (I

5 16 ?8


ELLIOtT ~lC.OECONOKIC T HEORY 01331(\20~ T5To~ Ft .. y $P-O lP-O DJ:;S::a 11 F.NP" 18


3 25: 7 5"1 2 16'0 o 0: ~ c'!;

4 3H ! 66~

o (It o at o Q~

4 3H e 66t c c: C 0: o 0%

7 58!: 5 ~II: r C''l o Ot o 0:

o 01: o 0% I' rt o (II:

11 lOOt

2 161: T 581: ;l 151: o C''': o 0%

5 ~5' 6 54: o ot o C'll o ot

c C~ o Ot 8 66: 3 251 I At

2 16~

3 25" 7 58t I' ~,

() 0:

WESTBACnlt fCONOMIC suns TICS I 01331210" TST-3 FI_Y SP"O lP-O Res- 14 EHR- 21

NO. t OF .es

o 8 ~

1 o

S ? ('

o o

4 8 7. ~


2 IZ ~ ~ o

C 2 D o


3 5 4 1 r

4 5

" o ~

c 2 q 3 o C 5 6 2 I

28t SH 14t

C .. O~

C~ IH or ot


2n 38t let n rt

rt 35' 42" 14'1: ,.


I. INTELLECTUALLY STIMULATING COURSE STRC'NGLY AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGREE ••••••• , ••••••••••••••••••••• [lISAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGL Y 01 SAGREE ••••••••••••••••• DOES NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

2. INSTRUCTOR AVAILABLE TO STUDENTS STRONGl't AGRFE .................... . ACiREf ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 01 SAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONCL Y nl SAGRfE ..................... . onES NOT APPLY ••••••••••••••••••••

3. ASSTGNMENTS IlElPFUL S TPONGL Y .ACRfE ...................... . AGREE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OlSAGRFE ........................... . STRONGLY nIS.GnEF. ••••••••••••••••• DOES NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

4. TESTS RFflECT IDEAS OF COURSE STRONGLY AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGREE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OISAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STROI'Cl Y DISACREE ••••••••••••••••• DOES NOT APPl 't •••• ••••••••••••••••

5. LARS r'R LM:GUAGE DRillS IlELPFUL STRONr.LY ACREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGREE ............................ .. IIISAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••• •• STRONGLY DiSAGREE ••••••••••••••••• OOES NOT APPLY ••••••••••••••••••••

6. INSTRUCTOR'S PRESENTATION EFFECTIVE S TRONGL Y AGR FE ................................. .. ACRFE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• IlISAG.fE •••••••••••••••••••••••• •• STROtlGLY OISACREE ••••••••••••••••• DOES NOT APPLY ••••••••••••••••••••

1. GRADES fAIR STRONGLY AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGRFE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DISAGR[E •••••••••••••••••••••••• •• QRONGLY OISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• onES NOT 4PPLY ••••••••••••••••••••

8. II0RKLOAD COMPARED WITH OTllER COURSES ",utH t IGHTfR •••••••••••••••••••••• l tGHTER ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• A~nUT WE SAME •••••••••••••••••••• .IFAvtFR ........................... . MUCH HEAViER ••••••••••••••••••••••

9. INS TRIJr.TDR COMPARED WITH OTHERS ONf OF T~f VERY BEST •••••••••••••• BETTER THAN HOST •••••••••••••••••• ABOUT AVERAGE ••••••••••••••••••••• WOR SE THAN MOST ••••••••••••••••••• ONE OF THE VERY WORST •••••••••••••

INTRO TO' MATH E CONOM I 0133115U TST-­fl.- Spa- lP.· RES- 1(' ENR- 13


1 1r'l: 2 20% I 10~ r ~'I: o O~

6 6~~ 4 ... O~ o O~ (' (':I: o r~

6 6~~

3 30~ 1 lOt o r~ o (\~

2 2r~ 8 80~ o o~ o o~ o (1'1:

o O~ o Ot o O~ o Ot

10 10(\~

22ft 5 5C~ 3 30~ (\ (''I: o O~

2 20t 8 80~ o 01: o O~ (I 01:

o Ot o Ot 1 10% 6 60'1: 3 30'1:

2 20~ 4 ~O~ ~ 40l: o 0% C C~


1. INTELLECTUAllY STI~UL_T!NG COURSE STRONGLY AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGREE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 01 ~AGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STPntlGLY OIS~GREE ••••••••••••••••• OOES NOT A PPL Y ••••••••••••••••••••

2. INS TRUCTeR ~VA ILABLE TO STUDENTS STROtlClY AGREE .................... . AGAfE .................................. . 01 SAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGLY DISAGRE~ ••••••••••••••••• DOES NOT _PPl Y ••••••••••••••••••••

3. ASSIC,NPFNTS ~HPFUL , S TRor:Cl v AGREE ....................... . AGPff .............................. . nISAG.rE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGLY n I SAGREE ••••••••••••••••• DOES t:OT APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

,. TESTS PfFLECT IDEAS OF COURSE STRC~Cl Y ACRC;:F .................... . AGOEE ••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••

SE" INTERNATML FINANCE 01l324QOl TST-­Fl:l:." SP~- lP,,­RES2 lQ ENR: 21


14 111: 5 261: ~ O~

o O~ o ot

7 36~ 8 4a 2 let 1 ~t 1 51:

12 6n 6 311: 1 5~ o Ot o o~

8 44'; 5 271:

01!inC.REE ........................... . o o't STROt~r.l Y 01 SAGREf ••••• ", •••••••••••. ' OafS Nor APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

5. lABS OR' 'LANGUAGE DR IllS IlELPFUL -ST~nNGL"f .ftGRFF •••••••••••••••••••• AGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• IlIS~GREE •••••••••••••••••••• •••••• STRntlGL Y 01 SAGREE ••••••••••••••••• ones NOT APPL Y ......................... .

6. INST.ucrnR'S PReSENTATION EFFECTIVE STRONGLY AGREf •• , •••••••••••••••••• AGREf ............................. . DISAG.EE ••••••••••••••••••••••••• • STRONGLY DISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• OOES 'lOT APPL Y ••••••••••••••••••••

7. CAAOFS FAIR STRONGLY AGnFf •••••••••••••••••••• AGPEE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DISAGREE ••••••••••••••••••••••••• , STRONGLV IlISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• nOES NOT APPL V ••••••••••••••••••••

8. WORKLr.AO CO~PA.EO WITH OTHER COU.SES MUCH LIGHTER •••••••••••••••••••••• l Ir.HTFR ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• AROUT THE SAME •••••••••••••••••••• H£AVIFR ........................... . ,.UCH ' .. (AVlfR ••••••••••••••••••••••

'II. INSTRUCTOR COMP_.EO WITH OTHERS ONE OF THE VERY BEST •••••••••••••• eETffR THAN ~nST •••••••••••••••••• AAOIJT AVER AGE ••••••••••••••••••••• WooSE TIlAN MOST ••••••••••••••••••• ONE OF THf VERY WORST •••••••••••• ,

~ rt 5. 2n

o O~ o ~t o Ot o O~

18 1~0~

7 3n 11 612: o 0: o Ot ~ O~

4 26t a 53': o Ot 1 6: 2 In

o 0: 2 1~:

10 52t 5 26~ Z I~~

16 84t: 2 lOt I 51: o 01: (I 01:


1. INTelLECTUALLY STiMULATING COURSE STRONGl Y AGREe •••••••••••••••••••• ar,RFE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DISACREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGLY 01 SAGREE .................. .. ones NOT APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

2. INS TRUr.Tr.. AVA ILASLE TO ~TUDENTS S TPr.NGL Y AG.FE •••••••••••••••••••• ~GPf( ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DIS.GREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STPONGl v nISAGRFf ••••••••••••••••• oaES NOT '" PPL Y ............................. ..

3. ASS IGN~ENTS I<ELPFUL C;TROI"J(';lY Ar.RFE •••••••••••••••••••• Ar.RFF ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DISAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• II)TRONCl Y OISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• OOfS NOT A,PPLV •••••••••••• " •••••••

4. TESTS .EFlfCT IDEAS OF COURSE STRONr.LY AG.fE •••••••••••••••••••• t.GRfE ............................. . IlIS.G.fE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ST.m.GLY DISAG.EE ••••••••••••••••• onfS NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

5. LABS OR LANGUAGE ORILLS HelPFUL STPONGLY AG.EE •••••••••••••••••••• AGREF ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OISAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRO"lGLY DISAG.FE ••••••••••••••••• nCFS NOT APPL Y ••••••••••••••••••••

6. INST.'ICTO.'S "RFSENTATION ErFECTIVE C;TPflNGlY AC,RFE ..................... . AGPU ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OIS.GRfE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STAnNr.lY Of SAG flEE ................ .. OOfS tlOT APPLY ••••••••••••••••••••

7. GRAOfS FAIR C;TPOrIGLY AGAfE •••••••••••••••••••• JlGRff ............................. . DISAG.EE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRCNGL Y 01 SAGREE ••••••••••••••••• DOES NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

8. IIDRKLOAO CO,.PAREO WITH OTHER COURSES P'UCH lIGttTER •••••••••••••••••••••• l fGHTfR ........................... . Jl,8C1ur THF SA"'E •••••••••••••••••••• HEAViER ........................... . "UCH HEAVfFA ••••••••••••••••••••••

9. INSTRUCTOR COMPARED WITH OTHERS ONE or THE VfRY BEST •••••••••••••• BETTER TH_N "DST •••••••••••••••••• A~OUT AVFPAGE" ••••••••••••••••••••• wn.Sf THAN MOST ••••••••••••••••••• CtlE Of THE VfRY WORST •••••••••••••

01335<12<11 TST.3 FI-Y SP-O LP.l RES- 35 ENR- 45


7 16 -7

4 1

12 17

3 l ('

7 22

2 , 2

5 23

3 2 1

o 3 o 1


2 15 10

7 o

" 2] 1 o 1

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3 8

11 10


131 79t

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60~ 311 2~

81 22~ 34~

2Rt 5t




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3 o o

6 28

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7 27 o 1 1

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7 24

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fCONOMI CS AND S OCIEn 013325101 TST"O ~1=-~" 'SP=->3 \'1;'-1 RES- ~ ENR. 8


5 laOt o ot () rt o Ot o o~

4 8~t 1 20t o (,t o ~t o O~

4 8ct 1 20: o Ot o Ot o Ot

~ r,. o 0% o 01: c r: 5' 10rt

c rt o O~ o ot C r% 5 ICOI

2 4rt 3 60t a Ot o Ot C Ol

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o Ol o rx o Ot 1 20t 4 BOl

3 60t 2 4rt o Ol a Ot l' rt



7 10

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3 3 1 o


1 1 o 1


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a~ 61'1: 13: In 01

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11 2 1


Ot 91:

8n 9t 07;

INDUSTR ilL ORGA NllATION 013326101 TST-ft: $P. t..Ps RES= 16 ENRs 18

NO. : Of RES

1 67; 9 bOt " 1 6t o Ot

o Ct 15 93~

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o rt 7 43t 7 4~:

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o Ot 6 40: o Ot o Ot 9 60~

o Ot o 0" 6 3H

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NO. 'I: OF .ES

7 3 1 o

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1 o o o


4 11

1 1 o

2 11

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29~ 521: IU O~


431. 56~ O~

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35: 47r In o~ r~

5~ I'X 01 Ot


231 6"~

51 5~ Ot

121: 6al 12t ot 6t

O~ rt

41% 35t ITt

23t 47~ 23t

5'1 Ot



2 11": ., 60~

4 26~ o 0'1: o ot

7 H~ q 56~

o O~ o 0'1: o ot

2 In 11 13t

1 6~ o 01: 1 6t

2 12'1: 8 50t 4 25t 2 I2t o ot

o O~ o (I~ o O~ (\ Olt

15 100~

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2 12: 8 5C: 4 25~ 2 12:1: o 0:1:

2 12t 5 31t: 7 43: 1 61: 1 6:1:

o r,~

3 20t t2 80';

C (1'1 o m;

1IIt,,.E INTRO. TO MICRO THEQIIY 013340101 TST-" Ft~... S~.· lP"" RES= 23 ENR= 29



13 10 o o o

10 11

1 o o

6 4 1 o


15 6 o o 1

3 1 o o


15 1 o o o

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12 3 1

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68: 3n

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251: 70~ 0: r1: 5t

5% 15% 60: 15t 5:


1l133S23N TST.­Fl.- SP=- lP-­RES., 2q ENR,. 35


11 37t lA 62% o Ot o r~ o 0:

7 24: 16 55t

3 lOt (l 0% 3 let

1 3t 6 2et 1 3' 2 6~

19 6~t

18 66% 8 29t o ot o Ot 1 3=

o 0: o 1'1 o 0: o ot

29 1(10:

20\ B51: 4 I~I o Ot o 0: r 1'1:

8 281 16 57:

I 3% I 3t 2 n 2 7t

11 39t 12 421

3 10: (' 0%

19 65'1: 8 27t 2 6~ o t'l: o Ot


LATIN AMERICA 0133213(l1 TST-2 f:1-Y SP-2 lP~O RES- 8 ENR- 10



1 7 I' o o

1 '5 1 o 1

1 1 o o

° 2 6 o o o o o

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2 6 o I! o

2 5 1 ('


o o 3 5 (I


'3 'I 1 o

121: 871: rt: 0: 0:1:

12: 611: 121:

C" 12:

12: 81: 0: C'f! 0: 25~ 757; 0: ()1: O~

c: at 07; Ot


25~ 751: O~ l''It o~

25: 62'1: 12t

('1: O~


I't 3n 62~


ECIlNO" SURVEY 0 F AFRICA 013341201 TST­t: I-N SP->3 ... P­RESs 14 ENR= IB


6 B o o o

5 8 ~ o n

7 5 2 o o

... 8 1 (\


o 1 o o


2 6 3 3 o

3 9 2 a o

o o o 6 8

2 5 3 , 1


42t 571: 0: 0: O~

380: 6U ~t 00: 02:

211: 64: I'll r: (lit

THF.ORY OF PU811 C FINANCE I 013351501 TST_w F f--Y SP-O lP.­RES' 6 ENR- 8


33% 4 66'1: o Ot o 0: o 01

3 5!'t 3 50~ o Ot (' r% o 0:

2 33'1: 3 5CI 1 16'1: C Ot o Ot

1 20t o 0'1: o 0'1: C ot 4 80"

o Ot 1 201: o Ot o OX • eC1:

3 50'1: 3 ~r1: o 0: . o ot o Ot

2 40% o ('1: o Ot o 01: 3 61'0:

o 00: o 00: 6 lCO~ o 0: o 01

2 33: 1 161 3 50" o O~ o 0'1:

I. INTELLECTUALLY STIMULATING COURSE STRONGLY AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGREE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 01 SACREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• S TRONGL Y 0 I SAGRE£ ••••••••••••••••• DOES NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

2. INS TRue TO. AVA !lABLE TO STUDENTS STRONGLY .GPEE •••••••••••••••••••• ACRFE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OISAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGLY OISnGREE ••••••••••••••••• nOES NOT APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

3. ASS IGNMENTS HELPfUL S TRONGl Y AC;REF ..................... .. AGRF£ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• " D I SAGRCE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGLY DiSAGREE ••••••••••••••••• DOES NOT I\PPl Y ••••••••••••••••••••

4. TESTS RF.fLECT 10EAS OF cnURSE STRONGLY ACREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGRFE ••••• ; ••••••••••••••••••••••• OISAfiREE •••••• co •••••••••••••••••••

S TRONCL Y 01 SACREE ................ . OOES NOT APPl v ••••••••••••••••••••

5. LAB~ OR LAtlCUAr.E on ILLS HELPFUL STRONGLY ACREE ..................... . AGREE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OJ SIlGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 5T.QNCL V DISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• DOES NOT APPLY ••••••••••••••••••••

6. INSTRUCTOR'S PRESENTATION EFFECTIVE S TRCrlGL Y lGRH •••••••••••••••••••• AGql=f ............................ .. DISAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRCNr.L Y DISAGRFE ••••••••••••••••• DOES NOT APPLY ••••••••••••••••••••

7. CRAnES FAtlt STPONGl Y AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• ACREE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OISACRff •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STPONGI Y DrSAGREE ••••••••••••••••• nOES NOT a.PPl Y ..................... .

8. WORKLOAO CO~PAREO ~ITH mllER COURSES MUCH l fGHTER ....................... .. l tGHTER ........................... . AROUT THE SAKE •••••••••••••••••••• HfAVIER ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MIlCH HEAViER ••••••••••••••••••••••

9. INSTRUCTOR COMPARED WITH OTHERS ONE nr- T~E VERY BfST •••••••••••••• BfTTfR THAN ,",OST .................. . A~OIIT AVfRAGE ••••••••••••••••••••• WORSE THAN HOST ••••••••••••••••••• ONE OF THE VERY WORST •••••••••••••



'5 lU' 21 701:

4 In o 01 o 0'1:

14 46~ 16 53! o O~ o O! (\ 1'7;

9 30t 2(\ 66~

1 3l o o~ o Ot

5 171 21 no:

2 6'1: 1 1~ o o~

o (\t o 01: o 0: o Ot

30 1001

3 lot 21 lU'I:

5 167; 1 31:

" 0: 3 10:1:

22 75t 4 13% o Ot o (''I:

o 0: 0; 16t:

21 70:1: 4 13'1: () ('1:

3 10: 10 33t 14 467;

2 6: 1 'It


1. INTFLlEI:TUAllY STIMULATING COURSE STRONGLY AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• ACREE •••••••••••••••••••••• - •••••• III SAG"Ff •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRnNGL Y OISAGRfE ••••••••••••••••• OCES NOT APPly ...................... .

2. INSTRUCTOR AVAILABLE TO STUDENTS S TRnNGI Y AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGRFF ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 01 SAGRff ........................... . ST.nNGL Y nISAG"fE •• , •••••••••••••• onES NOT APply ...................... .

3. ASS IGNMENTS ~FLPFlJL STRr.NGl Y AGRFE ..................... . AGRr-F ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OISAC.f[ •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STPnt,r.LY IllS.C.EE ••••••••••••••••• OaFS NOT APPU ••••••••••••••••••••

4. TESTS REflECT IDEAS OF COURSE STPONGl Y Ar;RfE ••••••••••••••••••••

POPUL_T RESIlURC E USE-ECO GIIWTH 013341801 TST-t FI'Y SP-3 LP,(' .esz 31 ENR- 35


16 51% 11 ~5~

3 9~ 1 3% o 01:

3 101: 19 61~

Z 6: o O~ 6 20'1:

12 381: 16 5",

3 9~

o 0:1: o r:

12 ~o'" Ar.Rff~ .......... .:.:.: ........... - •••••• , 16 5'" DISAGREE ••••••• :~ ••••• ; ••••••••••• C)TRnNGl Y 01SAGRFE •••••••••••••••• ,,·j

2 6~ o 0'1':

nOr'S'UOT APPLy.iri .................. \ t', 1'1: 5. LAPS OR LANGUAGE ORILLS HElPFUL

STRONGLY ACHe ••••••••••••••••••• .; AGQFF ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 01 SAGRFE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONr.L Y DISAGRFE ••••••••••••••••• OOfS NrT APPLY •••••••••• " •••••••••

6. INSTRUCTOR'S PPfSENTUION EFFECTIVE STRONGLY AIiRfE •••••••••••••••••••• ACRFE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 01 SACPEF •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ST.rr'GL Y IlISAGRfF ••••••••••••••••• OOFS r,p.T APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

7. GRAOfS rAlR ST.ONGLY AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• 'GOFE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 01 SAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGLY DISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• DOES NOT .PPLY ••••••••••••••••••••

B. WO.KLOAIl C{)MPAPEO WITH OTHER COURSES MU'-H LIGtfTER •••••••••••••••••••••• tlr.H'[ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~RnUT TilE SAME •••••••••••••••••••• HEAVIER ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MUCH tlfAVIER ••••••••••••••••••••••

9. INST.UCTOR COMPARED WITH OTHERS ONE OF THE VFRY BEST •••••••••••••• RFTTER T~AN MOST •••••••••••••••••• ~SnIlT AVE.~GE ••••••••••••••••••••• WOR SE TtfAN MOST ••••••••••••••••••• nNE OF THE VERY WORST •••••••••••••

1. INTEllECTUAllY STIMULATING COURSE STRONGLY AGREE .................... . AGq£f ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DtSAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGLY DISAGREE ................. . DOF S NOT APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

2. INSTRUCTeR AVAILABLE TO STUDENTS STRONGLY AG~FE •••••••••••••••••••• At;RfE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Ol5J\C;nEE' .......................... . STRONGLY OISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• DOES NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

3. ASS IGN"ENTS HElPFUL STRONGLY AGp:EE •••••••••••••••••••• AGREE ............................. . nlsar.RFF .......................... . S TRr:NGL Y 01 SAGREE ••••••••••••••••• DnFS NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

. 4. TESTS nfFL~CT 10CAS OF ~OURSE STRONr:l Y AGRFf .................... . ACREf ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• nTSACPfE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ST.m,GLY nISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• DOES NnT APPI Y ••••••••••••••••••••

5. LABS nR LANGUAGE DRILLS HELPFUL H.OtlGLY AGRfE •••••••••••••••••••• AGRf'E ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 01 SACREE ........................... . STRONGLY DIS.GREE ••••••••••••••••• onFS NOT APPL Y ••••••••••••••••••••

6. INSTRUCTOR'S PHSENTATION EFFECTIVE S TPDNGL Y AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• Ar,REE ............................. . ~ I SAGPEE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ST.nNt.L Y DIS ACREE ••••••••••••••••• DOES NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

7. GRAOE5 FAIR STRONCLY AG.EE •••••••••••••••••••• AGREE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• o t SAGRF£ ............................. . STRnNGLY DIS.CREE ••••••••••••••••• 1l0fS NnT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

8. WORKLOAO COMPARED WITH OTHER cnURSES fl\UCH tlG-HTfR •••••••••••••••••••••• tIGHTER ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ABnUT THE C;AME •••••••••••••••••••• HFAVIE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MUCH HFAVIER ••••••••••••••••••••••

9. IN~TRUCTOR COMPAREO WITH OTHERS O"E OF TIlF VERY 8EST •••••••••••••• BETTER THAN MOST .................. . ABOUT AVERAGF ••••••••••••••••••••• ~nRSE THAN MOST ••••••••••••••••••• ONE OF THE VERY WORST •••••••••••••

o n o O~ o 01: o o~

31 Ir01:

11 35'1: 15 4St

4 12'1: 1 3t o e'l

7 24: 19 651:

3 10~ o 0'1: o 01:

o 0" \ 11:

13 41t 16 51'1:

I 3:

9 2q: 12 3S'I:

n 25% 2 6" r rt:



RES: 26 EHR. 41 NO. 1: OF RES

11 13 o 1 ~

8 15

1 1 II

9 14

2 1 C

13 11 o 1 o

o I 1 o


7 10

7 2 o

6 15

2 I o

o o 6

17 1

10 8 3 2 1

26~ 3B: 26t n Of

25~ 62%

Bf ~f Of

41~ 33t 12t ~t 4~


013323301 TST·­ft.- Sip·" t.P-" RES- 24 ENR- 33


8 11

5 (I


10 14 o o o

6 18 o o o

7 15

2 o o o I o

" 23

3 12

7 1 1

6 16

1 o I

o 1

21 2

" 3 6

13 1 o


33~ 45~ 20'1: ~o: O~

417; 5n

00: ot: 1':

25~ 1~t

0'1 07; 0:

13t 261 561: 4: ot


0133 ... 4001 TST·-Y:!a:- SP.- U'-" RESz H ENII. 43


1 21: 15 421: 11 31t

8 27: o 0'1:

14 4lt 18 52:

I 2: o 0: I 2:

... In 24 681:

4 In 1 2'( 2 5:

5 lU 21' 61~

6 171: o no:

\",.., ~. 1I)'r

o . 0'1:

" r: o o~ o 0'1:

33 I~O:

2 61: \I 27t 9 27'1:

12 361: 1 3:1:

2 6~ 21 6n

5 16% t 3t 2 61t

I 2: 5 141:

26 74: 3 8: o C1:

o 0: 6 11%

13 37% 9 2~t

1 21''1:

DE'MELO MV THEORY 'OF NTERNAT TRADE l'133543(,1 TST·­Fr.- SP:a- lP.­RES ... 31 ENR= 2?


20 60l: n 3n (I (':

o 0: {l r~

6 18~ 23 69~ Z 6~ 2 61: (' ~l

14 42t 17 511: o ~t o 01: 2 6~

16 4a~ 17 5U

o ~1: o 01 (I r'~

a Ot o 0: o 01: o at

33 100~

S 24t 16 4B?

7 2U o Dt 2 6%

12 36l: 19 57t

2 6~ o O~ o ot

o 0% o ot 2 6~ 8 24=

23 69%

4 12t 17 511

B 14~ 4 12t o Ot



NO. 'I OF lies

27 16

1 o o

28 21

° ° o

'I 43

3 o o

11 36

D o o

o I

° o 52

29 15 o (I

o 12 35

4 1 o o 2

24 25


28 22

4 o o

3,t 61~

01 ('~



11 01: CI


231: 67t n n (11:

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4U 461


51t 40'1:

1'1 n'l ot

II0RLO CD"M AND ECON POL 013344301 TST-] Ft-Y SP.O LP-O RES' 23 ENR- 21


10 43~ 12 520:

1 4t: o Ot o Oelt

14 60t 9 39: o 0 .. o 0: o O~

\I 39%. lit 6['2:

o 0'1: o Ot o 01:

8 34t 15 65:1: o O~ o 01:. , o 1':

o 01: o 1'1: o Del o n~

23 10r1:

4 18t 16 1Z'I: o 0: 1 41: 1 ... :

5 1.5~ 14 70:

I 5~ o O~ (I C't

o 0: c ['1: 9 39t

11 471t 3 13t

9 40~

\I 4"% 3 In 1 4: o l'1t

KAU' INTERNAT FINANt e MARKF.T 013354501 TST.­Fl.- 'SP... lP.· RES- 20 ENR- 25


6 Jot 13 65~

1 5: o 0>: o r'l:

2 10~ 12 601:

3 I~t 2 101: 1 5'11

6 301: 13 652:

1 ~'l o O~

c r1:

o 01: 4 221: o ()1: o 01:

14 771:

o O~ o (I'll

o ('~

o 01: 11 1(101:

T 361: 10 51.2:

2 lOS< o ot: o 0:

o o~ 5 271: o 01 o ot:

13 n:

o 01: 3 151

12 61''' 4 207; t 51:

4 20t a 'lOS 7 3~: 1 57: o 07;

D!IIElO I NTERNAT TRADE' THEon' OU3241(11 UTa" fl.· SP·· U'·­liES- 21 EN~- 24


3 1'5

2 o o

2 19 o (\

o 3

15 2 o o

7 13 o (\

o o o o o


o 13

'5 3 o

11 11

° n o o 2

13 6 o

o 1

10 , I

t'~ 0: 0'1 l':


('I 612: 23'1 14'1


15. 85t:

01 ('t: ot:

0'1 911

61: 2811


01 331 41'1 142: 4:

WleOf .. ANN COMf.COfl , EAST­lIeST TRADe 013344501 TST-l FI-Y SP-O LP-t RES' 22 fNlla 27


1 31t 14 631 o ot 1 4: o C':

IOJ 90: 1 t,% I 4t o O~ o Ot

8 36% 13 59: o ot 1 4: o 0%

3 14: 2 9t: o 0: o 0:

16 76t

o 0: o O~ o Ot o at

22 lCO'l:

4 lilt 17 71': o 01 1 ... t (I O~

3 14'1: 11 52~ o 01 o Ot 7 3n

o 0'1: I .. ,

19 861: 1 9~ o c:

6 ?7t 11 5r:

.. lAt 1 4" o Ot:



4 50'1: 4 5('!; o ot: o ot (l t'~

2 25t: 5 62" o (It o 0: 1 12'1:

4 50t 3 371; o (It o 0% 1 121:

o O~ 2 251: o OS o 0% 6 751:

o Ot o r" o O~ o 01: 8 l~rt

1 12'1 , 671: 2 25t o 0: o 0'1:

o 0: I 14'1 o 01: o O~ 6 85S

o 0: I 12~ , 621 t 121: 1 12:

I 12: 3 3n 4 5(1'1: o 0'1: a ~~

II£,"I(;IUTI IlULflNU CORItOIl AnONS 013]242('1 TST-I n-Y SP-O v-, RES- 22 EHR- 33


NO. I Of liES

5 14 2 1 o Z

18 2 I) o

4 17

I (l o

° 4 o o


o I I (l


I 15

4 o (I

2 16

3 I' 1


2 13 6 1

2 3

13 2 2


0131U201 TST-­Fl.- sp ... I.P .. -RES. IS ENR- 17


10 5 o o o

11 4 o o o 3

12 o o o 4 It o o

" o 1 o o


2 9 2 D

" 6 e o o o

o 3 8 3 o

1 6 6 1 ~

POIRIE~ "ATH ECON I: G~ eN TIIEORY 0133603t'1 TST~O Ft- SPa lP-l RF.S- 8 fNR- 8


5 621: 3 31~ o 01 o os o r~

8 100l o 0; o Ot o 01: ~ rt

2 251 3 3n (I 0: o 0" 3 31%

1 lZ~ o (I~

o ot o ot 7 an

o 01: o rt o Ot o O~ e leot

2 781: 5 111: I) ct o 0" o Os

2 25t 4 5(1~ o (It o 0: 2 25"

o 0: 2 28t t 141: 2 28:r: 2 28'C

1 81: I 121t o rl o 01: o 0>:





()1336Z101 TST-Z FI-Y SPa>] lP-I RES- I~ ENR_ 18

013382001 TST-O FI-N SPa) V-I liES- 5 EMit- ,

OIUlJ5l'1 T5T->3 013500103 T5T-0 Ft." $P-O LP-? Ft-N SJII">3 LP-' IIF.S- 13 ENR- 13 Res- 13 ENR- n

013'00104 fST­Fl. SP- lP­liES- 10 ENR- 10


I. INTEllECTUAllY STIMULATING COURSE STRONr.lY AGqEE •••••••••••••••••••• ACREE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OIS.CREE ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• STRONGLY 01 SACREE ••••••••••••••••• Does NOT APPl v ................... ..

2. INSTRUCTOR AVAilABLE TO STUDENTS STRONGLY AGRFE •••••••••••••••••• •• AGREE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DISAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••• •• STnONClY 01 SAGREE ••••••••••••••••• Does NOT APPly •••••••••••••••••• ••

3. ASS Ir.NMENTS HElPFUL STRnNr.l Y "GREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGREE ................................ .. DISAGPEE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~TRnNr.l Y 01 SA-GREE ••••••••••••••••• ODES NOT APPLy .......................... ..

~. TESTS REft EtT IDEAS OF COU"SE STf1CNGl Y AGRFF .................... . AGREF ............................... . nISAGRfE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ST~ONGl Y 01 SA CREE ..................... . nDFS NOT APPLy ....................... ..

5. lARS no LANGUAGE DRillS HELPFUL STRnNGl Y AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• .AGRfF •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •• otSAGRFf •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ST.ONGLY OIS'OGPEE ••••••••••••••••• DOES NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

6. INHRUCTn~'S PRESENTATlDN efFECTIVE SToONGl Y AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• Ar,nfE .......... _ ................................ . OISAGRr-f •••••••••••••••••• • •••• ••• ~TOnNGlY DISAGREE •••••••••••••• • •• onES NOT APPly •••••••••••• •••••• ...

7. GRADES FAIR STRONGLY ACREE ••••••••••••••••• • •• AGREE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• O[SAGR~E .......................... . STRnNGL Y OlSAGREE ................. . OOFS NOT APPly .................... .

O. \lORKlnAD CDM~ARED \11TH OTHER COURSES f'411CH LIGHTeR •••••••••••••• • ••• •• •• l IG~TER ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• AanUi THE SAME •••••••••••••••• •••• ~EAVIER ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MUCH HEAvtEP ...................... .

9. INS TRUCTOR COMPARED WITtI OTHERS ONE Gf THE VERY REST ..................... . BETTER TitAN ,..OST •••••••••••••••••• AROUT AVfR AGE ••••••••••••••••••••• WORSE THAN MOST ••••••••••••••••••• ONf OF T~E VERY WORST •••••••••••••

6 6 1 C o

2 '11

o o I

~ 9 o o

° o 9 ~ o I

2 ~ 2 o '5

I 5 6 1 o

3 ., o o 3

o 1 e ~ 1

o 3 9 2 o

01 6~1 28'{ 01 .,~


I. lNTELLHTUALLY STI"UUTING COURSE STRONGLY ACREE .................... . AGREE' ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DISACREE .......................... . STPONr.lY DISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• neE'S t:OT Af)PLY ••••••••••••••••••••

2. INS TO"CTno AVAnAOlE TO STUDENTS C;TRONGl Y ACPE£ •••••••••••••••••••• .aGRJ:'F ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• nl'iAr,QEE ........................... . ST~nr-..:r.lY OlS.aCPEE ••••••••••••••••• OOfS NOT APPl "I ••••••••••••••••••••

3. ASS I r.N~fNTS I-lELPFUL C;fPONGlY A(';RFE •••••••••••••••••••• AGPrF ............................. . OrS.1,CRFE ........................... . STPr.Nr.lY OISAGPFE ••••••••••••••••• nf'lfS f:OT APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

4. TESTS PfFlfCT 'afAS OF COURSE C;TRONGl Y AfjPfE ..................... . .AGPfE ••••••••••• J ••••• :. ••••••••••• '

OIS.'!.GR£f ........................... . STROtJr.LY nl~AGR6e ••••••••••••••••• " nOES 'lOT A pn Y ••••••••••••••••••••

5. LABS OR lANGUAGE DRILLS HELPFUL S lRONGl Y AGREE .................... . ACPFF ............................. .. 015AGREF .......................... . SlRONCt'l OtSAGREE ................. . DCES NOT APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

6. [NSTPUCTOR'S PPESENTATION EFFECTIVE C;rpONGlY ACREf ...................... . Ar,RFE ............................. . OrSAGR'fE .......................... . STQONGLY 01SACREE ................. . neE'S NOT APPly .................... .

7. Go'OES fA'. ST~CNr.LY AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• A(;RFF .............................. . 01 SACiREE .......................... . STRONGlY DISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• DOES NCT ~PPLY ••••••••••••••••••••

8. 1I0.~lCAD COMPARED WITH OTHER COURSES HlJCI-f Lrr.HTFR ...................... . l rGtlTEQ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ABOUT T~E SAME •••••••••••••• , ••••• HFAVffR ........................... . "'UCH HEAVIER ••••••••••••••••••••••

9. iNSTRUCT()It COMPARED WITH OTHERS ONE Of THF VERY REST •••••••••••••• ~FTTfR TI-IAN MOST .................. . Il.AQUT AVERAGE ••••••••••••••••••••• WI)RSE THA .... MOST ••••••••••••••••••• ONf OF THE VERY WORST •••••••••••••

Poer~Y - 011 A".

01350nlS TST-O Fl-Y SP->3 lP-O Res- 2'1 EN"- 21


!i 20~ 11 681'

3 IU o 0% (\ (It

22 88%

" 121 o (It o at (I (1%

3 121 21 84%

I U o 011 (I Ol:

5 201 19_ 16%

I "" o 01: (I 1111

o Ot (I ('~

o Ot I) 0'

2S 100%

'I 36t t5 6(1

I ~I o 0% (I r~

8 33' I~ 6211 I ~I o 0% o ct

1 Itt 2 8f;

21 8 ... t I ~I ~ 01

10 "'Ot IQ 10"1:

5 20t o Ot o Dt


I. INTEllECTUALLY STIMULATING COURSE STRONGLY A{;REE •••••••••••••••••••• ACREE ............................... . O.sAr.ArE .......................... . STRONGLY OlSAGRF.E ................. . DOES NOT A'PPt. Y ••••••••••••••••••••

2. INSTRUCTOR AVAILABLE TO STUDENTS STAr.Nel Y AGRfE •••••••••••••••••••• !,CRFF .............................. . 01 $ACqeE ........................... . STRONGI.Y DISAGREE .................. . nnfS NOl APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

3. ASS IGNMHnS HELPFUL STRONr.l Y AiiRFE •••••••••••••••••••• ACRff ........................... .- •••• 01 SAGRff ............................ . STPCNGlY OISAGREE ................. . OCFS NOT APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

4. TESTS REflECT IOEAS OF COURSE STPONr.LY AGREE .................... . AGRfE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 01 SAGREE .......................... . STRONGlY DISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• OOES NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

5. lMS OR LANGUAGE OOILLS HELPfUL S TRONCtY AGFlEF .................... . AGPEE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OrSAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGLY OISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• DOE S NOT APPl V ••••••••••••••••••••

6. INSTRUCTOR'S PRESENTATION EFFECTIVE STRO"GLY AGREf •••••••••••••••••••• AGRfE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OISAG.EE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGLY OISAGREF ••••••••••••••••• OOFS NOT APPl Y ••••••••••••••••••••

7. CR'DES FAro STRCNr.LY ACREE •••••••••••••••••••• ACRFE ............................. . OISAr,QEf .......................... . STPOtIGLY OISAr.RfE ••••••••••••••••• OOfS NOT APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

8. WORKLOAD COMPAPE') \11TH OTHER COURSES Hue,", lIGHTER ........................ . lIGHTfR ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ABOUT 1HF SAME •••••••••••••••••••• ttEAVlfR ............................. . "'UCH HEAV'FA ...................... .

9. INSTRUCTOR COMPARED WITH OTHERS ONE Of THe VFRY BEST •••••••••••••• RETTER TliAN MOST •••••••••••••••••• AROUT AVERAGE ..................... . WORSE THAN MOST ••••••••••••••••••• OIlE OF THE VFRy WORST •••••••••••••

SHORT stORY' - N CVEl 013501618 TST­Fl- SP. lP. RES- 21 ENR- 26


11 9 1

" o 19

2 o o I)

10 11 o o r

5 1 o o


I I o o


I~ 7 o 1 o

13 8 o o ~

o 2

10 8 I

9 8 4 o r

61t 38% O~ 0% f't

~2t ~BI 19~ Ot ('t


3 6('1 :1 ~NI o 01 o CI o 01

, 1t'~1I:

o OS o ot !) fl o ~%

I 21'1 3 60% o ot o ow 1 2el

o 0% I) 0: o 0'1: o at '5 l()~~

o Ot 1 zr% o 001 o ot ~ ar:

I 20t ~ &-o Ot o c'( o OJ:

o Dt o ('II o 01: o ot 4 10~1

o Ot I 2t'~ 3 601 t 2011:

o 0" o 01 ~ BOt 1 20t: o 01 o 01

SHORT STOJ\Y - ON OVEl 013501603 TST-? FI.Y SP->3 lP-? RFS- 2~ eNR- 2S


19 791 4 16Jt I U o ot: t' 1'1'

12 50l 12 50t; o or o 0% o rt

II ... n lJ ~7t: o ot o ot I 4t

3 13t ~ 171 I ,0: o ot:

15 65t

o 01 I lot o t" o 01:

23 9'~

18 1~. 6 251 o (Of o ot: r rl

10 41~ 11 4~1:

3 1~1 o 01 (\ C%

o 0% (l foil

14 58% 10 ioU

to Nil

11 70f ~ 201 2 A% o 0% o 0%

IIUSH SHORT STORY·:H OVEl 013501620 TST­Ft-Y 5$1'->3 lP­RESa IB EN.- 19


6 10


" o 10

7 o o o T e 2 o 1

3 9 o a 6

I 2 o o


5 J3 II o o

5 10 I I o

o 3

15 o o

2 9 6 I (I

33: ~5' 111 rt; ot:

5~ In

(It: 01


?oTt 1H at D% U


'5 6 I (,

o 2

10 o o o It /I a o o ., ~

I o ~

~ I o o 7

6 '5 Z o o

3 5 o o ()

o 3 8 I o

3 7 Z o o

SHORT STOfty - II OVEl 0135~160~ TST-? FI-? SP-)3 lP-? "'f.S- 18 fNb 25

NO. % Of RES

I~ 7711 ~ UI o 011 o 0: o r:

11 6111: 7 3B% o 01 o 01 t' r:

10 551:. 7 3911 o 01< o Of 1 5%

... Zll: 1 ~I o 0: o 01

13 7lt

o 01 (I ('t o 0'1: o Of;

18 Ifrt

14 77% 4 121 o Ot o 011 o rt

10 ~91 S 291: 2 In o O. o C't

o 011 1 ~II 'I 50~ 8 1041 o O~

H 71~ 3 1"t: I 51 o 0% II Ot

Wf8B -SHORT STORY - It OVEl 013501621 TST.? Fl.' 5P->3 lP-O RES- 23 e"~- 26



17 ~

o o

2 17

... o o 1

17 ~

o I

o 2 1 o


o 2 o o


2 16 ...

I (I

o 13

5 I o

o 3

11 3 C

o 6

10 6 I

5 nl 6 461 1 1" I 71 o 01

8 611 5 381 o 01 o CI o 01

1 58. ~ 3,. o 0' I BJ o ct

o 01 o 0'1: o 0'1 o 01


o 01 I 1~ o O~ o 01

12 9211

5 ... n 1 58% o 01 o 011 o (I:

5 4U 5 411 1 8% I B: a ('I

I n I n 8 611 3 23% (! Of;

5 381 5 38t 2 151 o Ot I 711

CORPtIGAN SHOIIT SToqy - N DVEl ~135(o16~7 TST-2 FI- SP- v-o A:f.:S- 24 EN'R.- 24-

NO. 1: Of RES

S 331 16 661 o 01 to (0'1:

(I (11:

11 45t 13 5~t o 01, o Ot o 01

1(' ioU 13 54t o 01[ o ('. I ~~'

5 201 16 66:

2 8J: o 0" I ~I:

o 01 (I "f o 0'1: o Dr

22 ICf:

9 37t lZ 5tot 2 8t o lit I ~l:

12 51'1: 9 371 3 12% o (It;

o 011

o 0: 1 131:

t5 65t 5 Zit o 0%

3 12t 12 5CI

8 J~% 1 4. o Ot


ENGLISH' 0135Dl1"1 TST-I Ft-? SP->l LP->3 RESR 12 eNR- 12

NO. % Of RES

11 9n 1 BI to l'J: o ('t o 01

Ie S~t 2 161 o or (I 1'1; (I (I,

8 72% 1 771; o 01 o n o 01

I BJ: o er o Ot o 01

It 9lt

o 01 0' 01 o 01 o 01

12 IO!),

9 751 3 75: o Ot o r" o 1)%

" 33% 1 58. I 81 o rs o 0%

o 01 II (If II Of 6 50: 6 50%

., S81 Z 161 3 251 o 01 o 01

Z 201 1 101 I tot c (1'1: o 01

., 701 3 30t o Ot tl 01 o OJ:

" It!'t 6 601 o 01 o O~ o 01:

() CI o (11 o Ot o Ot

Iq 100'1:

, 0 01 \ I 1(1% 10 0% o Ot 9 9('1

6 60t 10 40'1: o 01 o Il: o ('I

Z 2" It ~(,I Z 2'51: o 0% r r'l:

o 0% o (\1: 6 60% " 100'1: o r%

I 10% 6 6('1 2 20t I 10'( (I CI

COPRIGAN SHORT 5 TORY - N DVEL ('I3S016fe 1ST-Z fraY SP->3 LP-O ~ES- 23 ENq. ~ 5


9 391 10 HI 3 131 1 41 o (It

lC 43% 13 <6': o 0% o (01


8 3": 13 561

I U o ('t

I ... "

B 361 12 5~t

1 ~I o ot I 40:

o 011

" 01 o ot o 01

20 100'1

1 30t 12 5Z'I: 4 17t o 01: o rl

12 5a 11 "11 o 01 o rl: o 00:

I ... ,; ... 171

I'" 601; ~ 17% o Ot:

10 J7t 12 52f; 1 30'1: o Ot o 01


ENGlISIi I C135~17C2 T5T-l FI-N SP->3 lP->3 RF s- 22 ENR- 24


20 90'1: 2 9t o 0" o (''1: o 01

19 86% 3 13t a 0'1: (' 0: o ct

18 8n ~ 181; o Ot; o Ct; o r,=

2 91': 2 9t o Ot (' ft

18 81t;

o rt; o ~I o or o 01

22 1001

19 86. 2 9~ 1 ,~,

C 01 o Of

13 6lt e ~8t;

a 0% (\ rr o 01

o III 1 'It o 01 6 271:

15 6~1

20 90% 2 91: o Or o 0: o c:




StTTERSDN ponn • 011 a"A '

013'5l'15(13 TST-? "13501504 TST-? 013501508 TST-I 01150151'5 TST-O F 1-1 SP.>l lP-O ttfS- 18 fNQ. t4

0135CI517 TST-O Ft.N sp .. )~ lP.O RfS- 22 FN'R- Zl

FI- SP. l.P-O FI-H 5P->'3 LP-O fl-? sp. tP-RES- 21 ENR- 76 RES- 23 EN.- 23 ~fS- 18 EN" 22

NO. I Of RfS NO. t OF RES NO. t o~ RES ND. I Of ~F.S NO. " OF RES

I. INTELLECTUALLY STIMULATING COIIlISE srRnNGlY AGRee •••••••••••••••••••• AGREE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DISAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• srpONr.LY 0ISACREE ••••••••••••••••• nOES NOt APPLY ••••••••••••••••••••

2. INSTR\JCTO~ AVh !lADLE TO STUDENTS STRONClY AGRee •••••••••••••••••••• ~CPfE ............................. .. ntSACPEE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• SlRONGl Y nt SAGRfE ••••••••••••••••• nnES NOT APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

3. ASS1C;~:f'!IFNTS HEl PFUl S TPONCl Y AGR:EE •••••••••••••••••••• AGREE ............................. . DISAGRFE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGLY OISACRFE-................. . ODES NOT APPly ••••• , ••••••••••••••

4. TESTS REFUCT IDEAS OF COURSE STRONGLY AGRFE •••••••••••••••••••• AGQEE ............................. . DISAG.EE ••••••••••••••••••• •• ••• •• C;TRONGLY 01 SACJl:EE .................. . DOES NOT APPL Y ••••••••••••••••••••

5. LABS OR LAtlr.UAGE DRILLS HELPFUL STRONGLY AGRFE ..................... . .. 'GPEE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• n I "iAGREf ........................... . STRONr;l y 01 SAGREE ................. . notEs NOT APPl Y ••••••••••••••••••••

6. INSTRUr.rOR'S PPESENTATION EFfECTIVE STRONGLY AGRFE •••••••••••••••••••• AGREE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DISAG.EE ••••••••••••••• • •• •••••••• STRONGLY O(SSOGRFE ••••••••••••••••• OOES t~nT APPLY •••••••••••••• ~.·.o ..

7. GR~DES FAI' STlH)NGlY AG~EE .................... . .aG~fF .............................. . DISAGREE ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• STRONGLY DISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• on~s NOT APPLy ................... ••

8. WQPKI nAD cnMPAQEO \11TH DT~ER COURSES "'IJtH L IGHTFR ...................... . llCHTfR ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ARnUT THF SAME •••••••••••••••••••• HEAVIER ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• P4UtH HEAVIER ••••••••••••••••••••••

9. INSTRUCTon COMPARED WITH OTHERS nNE CF TflF VfRY BEST •••••••••••••• AETT~R THAN MOST •••••••••••••••••• ARnUT AVJ'!RAGE ..................... . wo~ SE THAN MOST ....................... .. ONE PF THE VERY WORST ............ .

8 11

I a p

2 13

3 I '1

5 16 a o o 3

15 I ('


I t o 1


8 9 2 t o

3 11

7 o ()

o '1

14 ~ C

" 9 4 Z o

23% 761

0% CI 011:

51: 5f 011 51:


211 41': 2a lOt:



1. INTEllECTUAllY STIMULATING COURSE STRONr.l Y AGREE .................... . AGREE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• PI SACREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGl Y ",S~GR~E ••••••••••••••••• OI"'FS t~Or APPl. Y ••••••••••••••••••••

Z. INSTOIICTnR AVAllASLE TO STUDENTS STPONr;( y ~C~EF .................... . AGPEE ............................. . DIS.CPEE ••••••••••••••• • ••• • ••• ••• ClTRONGl Y 01 S~GRFF ••••••••••••••••• OOfS NOT APPL Y ••••••••••••••••••••

3. ASS rr./IMENrs HELPFUL STPONCl Y .AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGREf •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• 01 SAC.rE ........................... . STO(,!NCl,( 01 SAGRfE •• ~ .............. . DnE~ NOT APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

~. TESTS RfflfCT rnus O~ COURSE STpnNGLY AGRfE .................... . AGRrE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• n T SAGRf.f ., .......................... . STRONGLY O(SAGREE ................. . DOES NOT APPl Y ••••••••••••••••••••

5. LAB' OR lA"GU~GE n"llS HfLPfUl STpONGL Y AGR EF. •••••••••••••••••••• ACREE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DfSAGPFE •••••••••••••••••• •• .. ••• •• STPONGl Y 01 SAGpEE ••••••••••••••••• DOES NOT APPly ••••••••••••• ••••• ••

6. INSTRUCTnR' S PPESENTA HON EFFECTIVE S TRnNGL Y Ar,RfE •••••••••••••••••••• ACOff ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 01 SAGREF •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGLY 01 SACREE '" •••••••••••••• OOE'S NOT APPly .................... .

1. GpAOE' fAIR S TRnt~fjl y 4CR: F.E •••••••••••••••••••• AG~EE ................................. . DISACREE ....................... ••••• STRONr.l Y 01 SAGRFf ................. . DOES NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

e. WORKLOAO CO~PARED WITH OTHER COURSES f'UCH tIC ... TfR •••••••••••••••••••••• LIGHTER ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• AR!1lJT THE SAMf •••••••••••••••••••• HEAVlfQ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MUCH HEAVI fR ••••••••••••••••••••••

9. INSTRIICTOR COMPtREO WITH OTHERS ONE OF TtiF VFR"I' REST •••••••••••••• RETTER THAN MOST ••••••••• _ •••••••• ARCUT .VE.AGE ••••••••••••••••••••• WOo SF THAN ~OST ••••••••••••••••••• ONE 0" TPE VF.PY WORST •••••••••••••

SHORT STOR"-""" OVEL ~J35C1612 TST-to ~J.? SP,.,)3 \.P-O JlFS .. 26 fNR- 28


13 5~; 11 SOl: o 01: (' I't: o 00:

18 69'1: 8 30% o ot ~ 1111 o CI

110 53: 12 46% ~ (00: o CI o 01

o Ot: 2 BII o 01: o 0%

22 91%

o 0% o Oll o 0% o 0%

2S 100'

14 53l: 12 ~6"

o Ot o "t: o ot

13 52~

I~ "'6t o Dt o I'll o Ot

o Ot ~ 15%

IA 69:

10 1'" o 0'1:

16 6U 10 3AO: o Ot o ct o ot


I. INTEllECTUAllY STIMULATING COuqSE STRONCLY AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• ACqEE" ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• CIS.r..rE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ST_ONGlY nISAGRFE ••••••••••••••••• onES NOT A ~Pl Y ••••••••••••••••••••

2. IN$ TRUrTnR AVA IL ABLE TO STUDENTS S TfH~NGl Y Ar.R FE .................... . AGREF ............................. . 01 SAGPEE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STPONGL Y 01 SAGRFE ••••••••••••••••• rnE~ NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

l. AS"it('tt~M[NTS H'rlPFUl SToCNr.LY AGRFf •••••••••••••••••••• Ar;REf ............................. . 01 SAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~lPr.NCt y 01 Sj\G~[E ••••••••••••••••• OOES ':OT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

4. TESTS _EFLrCT IDEAS OF COURSE STPCNGI Y AGPEE •••••••••••••••••••• ACPfF ............................. . OISAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• S TRnNt;l 'f 01 SACREF ••••••••••••••••• OOfS tlOT "PPL Y ..... _ ............... .

5. lARS n. l ANGUACE D.IlLS HELPFUL S TRONGl 'f AGRFf •••••••••••••••••••• ht;P!'E ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• D I s.G. EE ......................... . STRONGLY DISAr.RFE ••••••••••••••••• DOES NOT APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

6. INSTRUCTOR'S PRESENTATION EfFeCTIVE STRCNGLY AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• ACRFF ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DISAGnEf •••••••••••••••••••••• • ••• S1PONGLY DISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• OOES NOT APPl V ••••••••••••••••••••

1. C.AOES FAIR STpONGlY AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• Ar.RrE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• D1 s,'\r;QCE .......................... . STPr."C-lY OISAG.EE ••••••••••••••••• nOES NOT APPl Y ••••••••••••••••••••

8. WORKlnAO CIl~PAOED ~ITH OT~E' COURSES MUCH t fGHTER ...................... . lIGHHR ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• A ROUT T~E S ~ME •••••••••••••••••••• ... FAVlfR ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Jo4UCI-I lifAV1Eq ••••••••••••••••••••••

9. INSTRUCTO~ COMPA~ED IIITH OTHERS ONE nF THF. VERY BEST •••••••••••••• BETTFR THAN ~OST •• ~ ••••••••••••••• ARCIJT AVERAGE ••••••••••••••••••••• \lORSE T~AN MOST ••••••••••••••••••• ONE OF THE VERY WORST •••••••••••••

fla SPa lP" RES- 28 eNR- '37


17 6(~

11 39t o O! I' n o O~

2~ 8H 4 14t o 01 o e. ~ o~

lq 6n 9 3l'l: o O. (' r~

C O~

n 6~t 10 31t o 0% (0 r~

o Of

o 01: o C~ o 01: o O~

25 1001

11 60l 11 391: o 01: o Ol ~ 01:

19 76'1: I> 24>: () 01 ~ 0% t' "I:

1 31: ~ Ot

10 35% 1<1. 501:

3 1()1

2t 75= ., 151: o OJ: o 01 o 01:

110 8 I o o

5 16

1 I o

5 18 a o o

6 10 2 (\


o 4 a (0


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1 5

a z 1

9 a 3 I o

PO~EIIS SHon STORY • N OVEl 013501613 TST-O Fl-H SP-')'3 l'-O RfS- 19 ENR- 7'5

NO. % Of RES

9 4T1: 1 361: ~ lOt: I 5% o OC

lC 5~: 8 It?': o 0: r r t I S'l:

e 411 10 521:

I ~'I: C ot o 0%

o 0' I 5t C rl o 1'1

11 qlt::

o ~1: o OJ: o Ilt o Oll

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10 sn ~ 411 I ~t C rt o ot:

'5 26t: n 6B%

1 5'1: r rl: o 0%

C 1''1: 6 3U S 421: 5 261: o C!

8 IoZI 1 361: 10 211: l' r" l' Ol


013511502 TST-2 F I:.::Y SP .. ~ LP-O RES:a 19 ENR- "30


5 12 1 I o

12 7 o I' ('

1 11 o r 1

6 9 3 r I

I' I o ~


2 II

5 1 o 1

II 1 o I'

o 5 9 5 ()

2 8 ~ o 1

Ot 261 41% 26% Cf


4'" Ion Ot St

3 171 It 64~

3 In o 01: ~ CO:

8 HI: S Ion I 5. ~ rl< o all:

4 22t:. 13 7?t:

I 5t o I'll: o 01

5 291: 11 6""

I 51:

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o Ct o ClII: o Ol: " rt:

If 10CJ:

7 ~Bt 11 6111: o oc C ('II: o "II: 1 171

10 58t ~ lit 2 lit: o 0"

o ~I I 6'( 3 In 9 56'1: 3 18t

10 23'1: 1 4n 5 29% o Of

I 5%

RACUSSIS SttORT STORY - N OVEl (,1350161~ TST­Ft- sp. tP. Rf=S- 21 ErUb 24



19 9r<: Z '11 o os o r1: o 0%

16 16'1 5 73~ o 0: (' C"t o 01

10 ~7t. 10 0\77:

1 4'1: o r~ o 0'1(

2 'It: 2 91 (I ('~

o r~ 17 80%

o ('I: o 0% o (''I

r 0% 2J lOot

I" '1Cl 2 91 o 01:

" rt o PI

3 \41: 16 761

2 'It o I'J: o ot

o I''C o 00: 8 3RI: 9 421: ~ 19%

IB S~" 2 9:r 1 10: (I co: o Ot


01351250 \ nr.­t= IsN SP-O lP.­PES- 8 ENQ:a 15


8 100'( o O~

o 0" I' 1'7 o 0>:

5 fo2t 3 31!! o 0" o 1'1 o 0" 3 31'1:. 4 ~Ol:

I 12J: o 1'1: o 01:

1 14f; 1 1 .. 1: o 01 o ('~

5 711

C 1''1: o ~t o 0: to "I: 8 lOl'l

6 7~:r 2 25" o Ol: (l rl: o ell

Z 2~1 6 1~1I o 01 o n~ o O:r o 0'1: o et 3 ~1~ 4 IIjO~

I 121:

., 81' 1 121 o 01: o 0'1: o 0'

! 111 n 7MI o 0%

1 't o ct:

9 521: 8 47t: o ot: o 11" o at

t 5'( 13 76.

2 nt: o ot: I 5.

o C% o ot: o 0% (\ I'S

17 1001

to e~ I 51 o 0" o rt:

17 Ht

1 51: U 3~r o Ot I ~r

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5 lSt: 9 64f o Dt a rr o Pt

o 0' 9 50r ft 44t 1 5. o ('S

3 161; 7 3~r 1 us I 5f o OS

RAGUSSIS SHO~T STOJ\Y - ~ OVEl 013501615 TST­Fl- SP- lP. RFS- 20 fN'- 26

NO. 'I: Of RES

19 q5t I 5' o O. (0 1'% o Ot

14 1l'. 6 lot o 01 r I't o 0%

11 65' 1 35t ~ r'l: o O. o O!

8 Io~' 4 21t o r. D Ot 1 36"

o ,~t

o ot-I' 1'; o Ct

19 loor

18 'Ie. 2 1(1. o Ot (' n o ot

9 45' II 55. o or c e. o ot

o r. o cr 1 35.

n 65. o Ot

18 9r. 2 lOr o Or I' cy o Ot

SITTE_SOH ENGliSH ROMANTI CS OlJ'513001 TST-O f:r-y SP"('I lP-2 ~es· 26 ENR-.,o\


• 14 3 o o

15 10

I I' o

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1 16

1 ('


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14 10


4 lJ 10

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2rl '.1St 20% rr 00:

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53t 381:


10 4H 8 3MI J 13r I 4" o ('I

18 81t 4 let

o ". () ,,1: o Of

II 51'1' 11 50l o Ot o Of o 01:

10 45~ 11 sot

I lot () (1: o Ot

o ct o Dt o at: r (It

21 100S

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o ct

'5 nc l~ 6111:

2 91 I "I: C or

o l't: I U

19 861 2 'It: o rl:

1 31" II srt 3 In I 4f o Ot

SUTTY! S"",,T SToqy - N OVEl 013501611 TST­~t.Y SP->l LP­"F.e;- ztj eN'- 25


9 '6~ 15 60t

I 4· o c>: o Ot

18 72~ 7 2e~

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q 16>: 15 6Q7.

1 4~

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,2 81 5 20t () r" o o. I~ 7?"

o CI: o Ot o (''I: o ex

25 100'

13 5Z' 11 4~t 1 4'1( o c>: o 0:

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I' r. () 0' 6 24%

14 ~6t

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NO. '= Of PES

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16 10 '1

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19 9 o

1'1 1(1 o o o

B2' n' cr rT. O~

31 7~

Ot I''t


rl; 31

65% 31~


650: 340: ot Ot­Ct:

FI'HEft ' VICT()!tIAN PEftlO o





013514501 TST-l FI-" 5P-l lP-Z RES- Jl ENR- 38

013518101 TST­FI_? SP->3 V­RES- U ENR- 21

013521201 TST-2 FI-N SP., LP·Z RES- 19 ENII- Z3

013522001 TSTa? FI-" 5P->3 lP.O RES· 28 ENR- 33

013~Z2401 TST-1 FI-? SP.)3 lP.? IIES- tl EN"'~ 35


STAONGlY ACREE •••••••••••••••••••• ACREF ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OJSAGAEf •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONr.L Y 01 SAGREE ••••••••••••••••• nOfS NOT APPl't ...................... .

2. INSTRtlCTO~ AVAILARLE TO STUDENTS STOONr.LV AGRFE •••••••••••••••••••• AGQFI=' ..................................... . OISAGnEE •••••••••• ~ ••••••••••••••• STRONGLY OrSAGRee ••••••••••••••••• nOfS NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

). ASS I GNMENTS HElPFUL STQOt.:GlY AGRFF •••••••••••••••••••• ~GPFf: •••••••••• .; •••••••••••••••••• nISAGPEE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~T'ONGLY nISAGRFE •••••••••••••••••

25 BO' 6 191: o 01: o 01: \l I'~

26 83t '5 16~

o Ot o 0' \l (It

22 T(I~ 9 Z91 II Ot o 01

6 3n 12 6611

o 0' (\ 1'1' o (It

10 55. 6 ~n

1 st D 011 I 5'

7 3~t 11 611:

() 01 o I't

OOEC; NOT APPLY ...................... . o Ot·, o Ot ~. TESTS REFLECT IDEA~ OF COURSE

STROlllr.lY Ar.REE •••••••••••••••••••• ar,PEE ............................... . OlS!GI1[E ........................... .. STROtIGLV nISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• DOES NOT APPLy ..................... .

5. lABS OR I ANGUAGE DRILLS HELPFUL STROhGl Y ACREE •••••••••••••••••••• AG.Ff ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 01SACrtEf •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGLV DISAGREe ................ . nnES ~JnT APPly ................... ...

6. INSTRucrn.'s PRESENTATION EFFECTIVE 5TRONGl Y ACREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGRfe ............................. . OISAGftf'€ .......................... . «iTROt-:C;t Y Dr SAGRE'f ................. .. 001:S NOT AOPl'( .................... .

7. CRAnES FAIR STPONGl Y AGREE .................... . ACctfF ............................... . 01 SACRfE ........................... .. STRONGLV OISAGREE ............. ~ ••• OOFS NOT APPLy ..................... .

8. lI0RKl nfto C('MPARED WITH OTHER COURSES "'UC ... l rt;uTER. •••••••••••••••••••••• l rCHTfA ........................... . ASOUT THE SAME •••••••••••••••••••• ~F.VIFR ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MUCH ... FAVIFR ...................... .

q. INSTRUCTOR cn~p'Reo WITH OTHERS rNE OF Tt'E VERY REST •••••••••••••• ~FTTfR THAN MOSl' •••••••••••••••••• AROllT AVER:AGF ...................... . wnR SF THAN HOST ••••••••••••••••••• ON£ OF THE VERY WORST •••••••••••••

19 6n 11 35~ o o:r 1 3' o 01

o Ot I' U o 01 o 01:

30 100~

21 67t 9 291 1 31

o 0' I' ('1

10 35' 17 6(\1;

1 3' o 01 o (I!

o ot (\ (1% 9 29%

15 ~8' 7 22t

2/0 77' 6 1'1: 1 3t o 0' o 0;


I. INTFllECTUALlV STIMULATING COURSE STPCNClY AGREE .................... . AC;Rff .............................. . OISAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGLY 01 SA.CREt;: ................. . nOES .JOT APPly .................... .

2. INSTRlICTOR AVAlLA8lE TO STUDENTS STRONCL'I AGRFE ....................... . e>GI'EE ............................. . 01SACiRFf ............................. . STROI'.r.LY OISACRfE ................... . DOES NOT APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

3. ASSIGNMENTS ~ELPFUl STPnNCL"I AGRFE •••••••••••••••••••• tr'iQEE .............................. . 0' SAGPfE. 0 ........................... .

STRn~:r.l Y Ot SACREt= ••••••••••••••••• Or.ES NOT ApPLy .................... .

4. TESTS REfLECT IDEAS Of COURSE Sl'PONr.l Y ACRfE ._ •••••••••••••••••• AGRFE .............................. . 01 ~1I.r.Rt:e ....................... _ ........ .

~ ''S'fRCNGL Y 01 SJ'.GRfE ................. _. .OOES NGT APPL Y ••••••••••••••••••••

5. UO..S CR LANCUAGE OR ILLS ~ELPFUL srRfUUiL '( ACR~F ...................... . AGREE ............................... . OrSAGPfE .......................... . STRONGl Y 01 SAGREE ••••••••••••••••• nnES tlOl APPI v ••••••••••••••••••••

6. INST.Ur.rO~·S PRESrNTATlON EFFeCTIVE STRCNf.l'f AtRFF ..................... . Ar;REf' ............................. . OrSAc,nfE ........................... . S TRONCLY 01 SAGREe ••••••••••••••••• ODES Nnr APPl v .................... .

7. G"AnES FAIR STAOr.:r.l Y AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGRFF ............................... . nISAGRfE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STPCNr.l y nls~CREE ••••••••••••••••• DOES NOT A PPI Y ••••••••••••••••••••

8. WORKLOAO COMPAREO WITH OTHfR COURSES "'UCH lIGHTE't •••••••••••••••••••••• t IGHlER ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .4Rr.ur T~E SA"'If .................... . HEfo.Vl("R ............................ . MUCH NEAVlfR ........................ ..

'I. INSTRUCTOR COMPARED WITH OTHERS nNE OF THF VERY 8EST •••••••••••••• flFTTfP Tt-'AN MOST •••••••••••••••••• AnOUT AVfRAGF .................... .. "nFlSE TH"IN , .. nST .................... . ONE

1 Of: THE VEflY WORST ............. ..


14 53t 10 3St 2 n () 1'1 o Ot

11 65t 9 34: o 01 C I'~ o Ot

6 231: 18 6q1l; o ot o C·'I: 2 711;"

T 261 10 381

1 3l C rt 8 30~

(I ("

C "t o Ot C (It

26 lOOt

1 2611 11 65t

2 71 a ('~ o 01

7 26' 18 6qt

1 3' o (,t o Ot

o C'lt o O~

10 38~ 12 46~

" l~t

8 32: 12 ~81

5 2r% e O~ o 0:



AGPfE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OrSAGPEE ............................. . STRn,~r;l Y OIS!GREE ................. . onE S NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

2. INSlnUCTnq AV~ILADLE TO STunENTS 5 TRO'~Gl Y ACREf .................... . AGRFE ............................. _. 01 SAGREF •••••••••••••••••••••••••• SlOONClV OISACREE ••••••••••••••••• OCFS f':CT APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

3. AS~ IGN"£NTS I'FlPFUL ~TRr.NGt v AG.EE •••••••••••••••••••• AGQEE • .............................. 01 S~GREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STJ~OUr.l v DISAGREE .................... . OOFS NOT APPL Y ••• ....................

4. TESTS RCFlECT IDEAS OF COURSE S.TPC~Jr.l Y ACRFF ..................... . h~PfE .............................. . Dt'S.D.GREE ............................. . STRONGl Y Dr 5AGREE ................. . Does NOt APPLy ........................ .

5. LARS O~ I ANGUAGE OR ILLS HELPFUL STRr.~Gl Y r.GRFE' •••••••••••••••••••• Ar.R~E ................................. . OrSl!GREE ........................... . STRONGLY DISAGPEE ................. . OOfS NOT APPL Y ..................... .

6. INSTQUtTOR'S PRESeNUTlON EFFeCTIVE STRONGLY AG.EE •••••••••••••••••••• AGRFE ............................... . DIS.G~(E •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STROt~Gl Y 01 SAGREE ................... . neES fJOT dPPl Y ... .................. .

1. GRADES FAIR STPONGl Y 4CA:EE ...................... . AGRf€ ............................... . OI"iACR£E ............................. . STQGNGLY !lISAGREf ••••••••••••••••• onES NOT APPly .................... .

8. I/ORKLnAO COMP'PEO WITH OT~ER COURSES t-UCH lIt;HTER ••••• "' ................ . l lcHrER ............................ . AnOUT Tt4E SAME •••••••••••••••••••• ... eAVTFR ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MUCH tlEA'ItFR ...................... .

9. INST.UCTOR COMP'~EO WITH OTHERS ONE OF T~E VERY REST •••••••••••••• RfTTFR THA~ ~nsT •••••••••••••••••• ARClur 4VERA(jE ••••••••••••••••••••• ~nRse THAN MO'ST .................... . ONE Of THE Vf" Y ~QRt;l .............. .

BUSIN'fSS "INANC lal "GMT 01381~r04 TST.2 f=I=Y SP. lP-t RES=?6 EHA'II 4,.


3 111 18 6'11:

3 1IC1: 2 n: o 01

9 341; 16 6Ut o ~1:

o 0' 1 n

~ t51: 1'1 73'1:

3 ln o o:r: o (1'1: ~

7 26% 19 73% o 0: o 01 () rl

o 0' 1 It" o 01 o 0:

22 95:

3 In: 16 61~

5 1'11: 2 n o c,

~ 16'11 21 8U o 01

" C1: o Cl;

3 tn T 26:

14 531: 2 n o CI

3 12t 'I ~61 9 361: ) 121 1 4~

1 51: 7. III o 0; o 0'

15 8n

1 5. o ot o ot o Ot

17 9/01

2 In 12 7(11

3 ITt o 1)1 o ot

6 351 11 6/0' o 01 D 01 P 1'1

D 01 1 111

11 611 5 271 (I (II!

1 st 8 ~7t e 47t o 0' o Ot

1l0L~fll SOPI'OMllRl!; I«lHOR S ENGLISH I 013529001 TST-l Fl:ay S,-)'3 l"-2 RES. 19 EN.- 21


17 8'111; 2 lOt: II C!: l' l'~ o I'~

I/o 13:1: 5 16~ o 0'1: o r~ o 01

13 68t 6 31'( o ot: o e: o l't

~ 21t 1 5. o O~ c r:r:

14 73t

o I':r: o 0% o Il: o Ct

19 lOot

H 13'1: 4 211 o 01 o r. I 51

11 57t B 42'1: o Oil o r:r: o 0',

I! C:I: o 0" o 01 6 ]Ill

11 66:1:

13 68: 4 2U 2 Ir'l: o ~: o 07;


NO. t: Of RES

2/0 85: " 14" I) r:r: o 01: o 01:

15 531 11 46: o r" o O~ o ,0'1:

15 53'1: 11 "'1%

1 3C 1 31' o 0:

9 361 16 64"

o OC o Dt <l 0"

o Of t> O~ o ot o 0:

21 10(lC

16 57: 12 ~2t:

o 01 (' CI o 0:

" 110t H 851

o 0' (' rl (I 01

C 1'1 (I 0% 'I 3?C l~ 5CI

5 17!

18 64'1 9 32! I ~I o 01 o OS

15 Tn " 21l o O~ o O~ o 01

1" nl 5 261 o 0' o 0' o (\1

9 ~n. ID 52g o 01 o 1'1 o 01

9 51'1 9 5(1t

o 0' o 1':1: o 01

1 51

o '''' o ot n Ot

17 q",

12 63\1: 6 311 o 01 1 51 o 01

7 361 11 5n

I 51 D Ot o O~

o Ot (I (II

1 51 5 261

13 681

16 841 2 1(\1 o 01 1 51 o 0'

HOlMER SOPI'OMtlRE lIONOR S ENGLISH I 013529002 TST_l Fl-... $P1l:l)'3 t.P-2 RES- t 6 ENR- 16


15 qn t 6:1: (I I!~

l' ['~ o Ot

11 68t 5 :n:: o O'l o Nt o ot:

10 62'1. 5 )It: o 07; ~ r,,: I 6:r:

o C% o 01: o Ot l' r:r:

lit 100~

(\ I't o Ot o 0" o 0:1:

15 1007:

13 AU: 3 18'l o ao: o 01 o 0"

7 '06" 8 53" o ot: o OJ: o 0'1

o Ot o O~

o 0" Z 12"

1" 8"" 13 Bit 3 1st o /I: o r: o Ot

lIALSH PRINCJPlES OF I NVEST~ENT I)BB2410?- TST-2 Fr-y SP.. lP=l RfSII:' 19 ENR= 'l1

NO. 1: Of RES

8 lot,.: 9 sr: \ s>: o 0: o r.

6 J1~ 12 631:

I ~% o 01; ~ r~

6 '31'<. 11 571:

1 5' o ('I

1 5=

11 S71: B 4?7: o 01 ~ r% o 01

1 51: 1 ~! o or o 0%

11 e91

8 421: ~ Ion 2 Ie" (' f~

I 5'1:

1~ 52'1 9 ~71 o 0'1 (I Ct o ('I

(I 1''1: 5 26:

13 6811 1 ~: o 1'1:

6 311: 10 52:

3 15>: o I'll o O~

19 671 e 2n I 31 o (\1 o U

13 461 I~ 501 o 01 D D' 1 3t

IS 531: n "61 o D~ o (II o 01

6 2n o O~ o O~ o OS

2Z 181

o ~,

o 01 o Of (' ~~

2~ 100'

11 39~ 1~ SOt 2 7' 1 3% (I O~

10 35% \6 5'l~

:z 'lI o Il' o C~

o D~

3 10% 110 5U 7 l51 :z n

15 531 6 2U 5 17~ 2 n o D~

R"'GUSSIS IIYRON-5HELlEY-1I: FUS 013552101 TST­F t-N $P"-)'! lP::II. ~es. 13 ENR_ 17



9 61: 5 381: o r: o C1: o ot:

4 31'1: 8' 61: II 1'': o 0% I 7%

4 331: 1 5B1: o at C ('ll t a~

o 011; I 9t: o 01: I' rt

10 90:1:

o ot o 0: Il at I' 1"

12 1001:

8 61:1: 4 ~o:r: o lit o ():r: I 71:

1 lOt 3 301 C ~I

o 0" 6 601

o CI 2 1~1: 9 69~ 2 15: o 0'1:

9 69: 3 231 I 7" o 01 o 0"

FINAN STATE ANA L VSIS I) n8~4301 TST&3 FJ=Y SP-O lPal RF.S,. 31 E'NP- 4.?-


3 10% 18 61'% ., 23't 2 6~ t> r~

8 25: 19 61t ~ 12t o 0>:

" (It

I) t't 21 671

7 22: 2 6>: 1 '1~

T 23t I! 6rt ~ I3t 1 30: o 0: 1 3' 1 3% 1 3: (I ('I

26 89'

1 31 19 6U

5 1&1 6 19: o 0%

6 2~" 22 131

1 3r 1 3~ o 01

2 6111 9 29'11

19 61% 1 10: o Ct

" 13: 7 231:

16 53 .. 2 6'1: I 31

18 851 , 14~

o 01 r r~ o C~

9 ~2~ 12 51!: o 01 o n o 0':

12 5n 9 ~2~

o 0' r P'l o 0':

6 28~ 5 23': o 0: o ~,

10 ~7'l

1 ~'l o 0= o O~ ~ r'l:

20 95t

17 8~'l /0 I'll o 0'1: () r!; o ~:,

H 661 T 3n o 01 o r' (I r%

I n o 0'1: 2 91

16 Tn 2 9:

18 85'1: 3 14~ o 0: o r% o 0:

BETl STUOIES' IN POET ~Y 013557801 TST-l Fl-? $P-3 LP~ RES'" 19 ENR.- 23


~n 10 52t o C'f a Ot o ot

'I Ion 9 Io7t (I r~

a ('t

I 5%

8 ~Zt 10 52'11

o Ot a 0% \ ~~

2 1n 1 5~ o o:r: o c:r:

14 82~

o c: a 0: o OE o o~

11 lOOt

e 4Z: A 42% o ('r 1 5:r: 2 10:

3 19t 8 5e: c 1': o (lr 5 lit

o ct o P'l

15 alt 3 16r o or

8 4U 7 38: l III ] 5~ o ot



8 25'1: 16 51" ~ n " 12'" I' 1':

2 6:: 14 "51

8 75" 5 16: 7. 6%

1 3% 20 6"~

8 25'11 2 6% () 0:

7 ?21 17 54"

2 6": 5 16'1: 1) ('11

C ()~ I) 01 o 01 o C~

30 l()e,

6 19'1: 16 511

.. 12% 5 16t o (1,=

3 9: 19 61: ~ 12t 5 160: o Ot

I) ('I ., 22"

24 In I) ()t: o 00:

5 16~ 7 n~

II 351 4 121: ~ 121:

I. INTELLECTUALLV STIMULATING cnURSE STRONGLY AGRfE •••••••••••••••••••• AGREE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0IS6GREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGLY DISAGRF:F ••••••••••••••••• onES NOT J\PPl Y ......................... ..

2. INSTRUCTOR ~VA It ABLE TO STUDENTS STRCNGlY AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• tdjPfE ............................. . OIShGPEE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGLY OISAGRfF ••••••••••••••••• DOES tlOT APPly •• : •••••••••••••••••

3. ~S~Ir.NMENH ~ELPFUL STRONr.l Y AljRFE •••••••••••••••••••• AIjQFF. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 01 ShGn EE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRr.NGlY IHS.!GREE •••••••••••••••••


AMERICA 013S1J~01 TST·· Fl.- SP.- lP·" RES- zq ENR- 31


l'l 65" 1 2U o 0% I 11: 2 6'

21 72~ 6 2t'~ o O~ o (I' 2 [,'1:

13 ~6~ 14 5(1~

o O~ o 0'1:


01352~501 TST-? Ftllly SP-O LP-l RES. 17 ENR. 25

NO. t OF ~ES

T ~11Ii 'I 52' 1 51 o I'~

o C,

) 211 10 7U o 0" o r~ I 1'1:

5 33~ 10 66~ o 01 o 01


CU5246U TST-? fl_? SP-3 lP-t R~S. 29 t':NR- '39


, 74~

15 5'~ 7 Ziti I' r~

o c:

12 4U J7 50~ o OX o rE o 0' 5 In.

23 19~ o OE



21M: 6 50lt /0 :'IJ~ P 00: o 0:1:

t 8'!: 10 113%

I 8% o ~>; o 0'1

2 16'1 10 8l1: o O~

() ~"


01352/O91l1 TST-O Fl.... SP->3 lP·)3 RF.S- B el'll~h~ 10


6 85t 1 H1I

'D 01: o ~I o D%

7 87~

1 12" o 0" (I n o 01:

6 75~

7 25" o Ot (' U

onES UOT fttPPL Y ........ _ ................. . 1 3~ ~ o C, o r" 1 n o 01 o 01:

4. TESTS REFLECT IDEAS OF COURSE 5TRON~l Y Ar.RFE ................... .. Acnl=F .............................. . OISr.r.Rt:f ••••••• " •••••••••••••••••• 4)TR(1f:CLY nrSAGRFf ••••••••••••••••• nnES NOT APPLy .................... ..

5. LARS Oq'lANGUAGE OR IllS HElPFUL STRONr.LV AGRfE •••••••••••••••••••• Ar;Rr'E .............................. . DISAGPFF .............................. . S TRrNGt Y "I S.Uin:e:F ••••••••••••••••• n"~s NOT 6PPL V ..................... .

6. IN\T~UrmR'S PReSENTATION EFFECTIVE S"~(,HiGlY .&.GRfE •••••••••••••••••••• ~GREE .............................. . OlsAr.R:rF .......................... . STRnNliLY I)ISAGRff ••••••••••••••••• or.~s NOT ~PPl y ••••••••••••••••••••

7. GRAOE~ fAIR STRn~ICLY AGRFE .................... . 'GREE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 01 SI\CREE ......................... .. STRONGLY DISAGRfE ••••••••••••••••• onES tlOT t.PPl Y ..................... .

8. WORKLOAD CO_PA'ED WITH OTHER COURSES ~IJCH lIG~TfR ........................ . t (GHTt~ ................................. . ."OUT THE S.ME •••••••••••••••••••• ~EAVtw:R .......... _ ................. . f'tUCH ... fAVIER ...................... .

'I. INSTRUCTOR COMP.RED, WITH OTHERS ONE OF THE VERY BeST •••••••••••••• AETTER TH1N "'OST •••••••••••••••••• AnOtll AVf~A.Gf ••••••••••••••••••••• ,",'npSE THAN MnST ................... . ONE OF THE VFQy WORST ............. .

1 3:1: o Il~ o O~ o C',

27 96~

o 01 1 3~ o 0'1: o O~

27 '1M:

18 6'1'1; 7 261 o 01 I 31 o ('I

16 59~

9 '3~ o 01 o t'l 2 n

c ('~

1 2"" 18 62~

1 31 3 10'

1'1 67:1 5 In 3 If'!: I 3'1: o 0"


1. INTELLECTUAllV STIMULATING COURSE STRONGL Y AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGREE .......... _ ..................... . DIS.GPEE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~TRONr.l y I'ISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• nnE'S Nor 1.PPlY .................... .

Z. INStRUCTOR AVAILABLE 'TO STunENTS STP{'lNGlY AGREE ...................... . AG·EE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• "IS~CI1Ff .......................... . STPrfJGLY orsAcPFE ................. . OO£S "nT ~PPLY ••••••••••••••••••••

3. AS~ IGr:l'fNTS HFLPFUL S tPONR Y H,Ff[ •••••••••••••••••••• ~GRH ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• flfSAGItFf .......................... . S t'(lNGl Y 01 SACREE ••••••••••••••••• OOE S N[1T APPl Y .................... .

~. TF~T~ RfFL[CT IflEAS OF cnURSF CiTPONGt. Y AGPFf ...................... .. 'CREE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ot $AGPEE ........................... . STRPoNf,t Y 01 S.GREE ................ . OOFS ,.:OT APPt y ....................... .

S. LA~S ('R I ANr.U'f,f DRILL S HFlPFUL <;TRriNC,lY A~prF .................... . ACRFE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OJ SAGP:Ff ............................ . STRONCLY OIS.CREE ••••••••••••••••• OOES NOT APPl Y ....................... .

6. INSTRUCTOR·S P'ESENTATION EFHCTIVE STRrlNr,LV AGREE ....................... .. /lGRfE .................................. . OISAGRrf •••••••••••••••••••••••••• S IRONGl Y DISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• ODES rmT APPl Y ••••••••••••••••••••

T. GUOES FAIR S lPONGL Y Ar,. H •••••••••••••••••••• "G~FF .............................. . DrSAr.~C€ ........................... . STRnNGLY OISACREf: ................. . OCES NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

8. WOPKLO~O COMPA'Fn wITH OTHER COURSFS ~UCH llGHT£P: .......................... . lIGHTER ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ft."r.ur THE SA"[ ....................... . t<EAV!rp .......................... . ~UCK f4EAVIFR ••••••••••••••••••••••

9. INSIRUCTOR COMPARED WITH OTt<FRS ONE OF THF VERY REST •••••••••••••• ~fTTE. WAN MOST ••••••••••••• ••••• ,.ROUT AVFRAriE ..................... . \<o'nRSF TH .. \N MnST .................... . ONE OF H'!f VfRY kDP:ST •••••••••••••

A~FR FICTION 19 Ot'-IQ45 1)1356151)1 TSTcO F I:aN SP=-3 lPel PES~ 20 ENR- 23

NO. ~ Of liES

5 l5% IJ 65>:

7. 10" I' ('1: D 0%

5 251 8 ~O% ., l5>: o CI 2 10%

5 25" 15 75l o ('% () ('1:

o 0" o 0'( 1 51: o 01: (> 1'''

18 9~%

(' r:: I 51 o r~

o ot 18 94~

2 1t'1I; 16 80~

2 1('''1 a (1%

o 01

1 5t 10 5'~

1 5t o 01 5 2'1%

o 0>: I 5~

13 6'% 6 3(''1: o 0%

] 15~ 8 40% 6 30t 3 15~ o 0=


1. INTELLECTUAllY STIMULATING COUkSE STRONGL V AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• ACQ.Ee ••• __ ......................... . nIS~GREE ............................ . STPONGlV OIS,\GREE ••••••••••••••••• ODE S NOT AppLy ...................... .

2. INSTOUr.TnR AV"LARlE TO STUnfNTS STDCH;GlY "CREE .............. • •••••••• AC~Ef ............................... . OJSACf(f"E .......................... . STRnrlGl Y 01 SAGRE( ................. . nOE~ NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

'3. AS~IGN"eNTS ~ELPFUL STRCNGl Y AGREE ..................... . AGREE ............................. . otS\r.nEE ••••••••••••• ! ............ . sTDONr.lV nl~AGRFf ••••••••••••••••• Does NOT II.PPL y .................... .

~. TESTS REflECT IDEAS OF COU~SE ST::tON"':'L V tt.Cft'fE ..................... . AGPEIE ............................. . nls.,r,qEE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• <;TR{1".1GlY OISAGREf •••• '- ............. _ OOfS Nor APply ..................... .

5. LABS OQ LANGUAGe DRILLS HELPFUL STPONGL v AGRfE .................... . AGR:FF •••••••••••• 4O .................. .

OISACIlEE .......................... . 5 TROIIGl Y 01 SAG~EE ••••••••••••••••• nOES N!JT APPLV ••••••••••••••••••••

6. INsr-UCTOR·S PRESEflTATlON EFFECTIVE S TRONGl Y AGPFE .................... . AGPEE ..................................... . nrSI\f:;REE ........................... . ~rROI\r.lY OrSAGPFf ................. . nnFS tH1T APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

1. CR.PES FAIR SrnnNGLY AGREE .................... . AGRFF .............................. . DISAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• srRONGLY OrSAGREE ................. .. OOfS NOT APply ••••••••••••••••••••

8. WaRKleAD CO"PMEO WIT'1 OTHER COURSES MUCH l rr;HTfR ....................... . LIGHTER ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ABOUT TttE SAHE •••••••••••••••••••• HEAvlrR ............................. . I'fUCH HfAVfER ...................... .

9. INSTRUCTOR COMP.RED WITH OTHERS nNE Of TI'E VE'V ~EST •••••••••••••• RETTEr TUAN MOST .................... . A ROUT AVERAr.E ..................... . \cOR'iE lHI!.N Most ................... . ONE OF THE VERY WO~ST •••••••••••••


013824601 TST-I FIey S~s:O lP-l P:f:=S'" 6 ENRz 6

NO. : Of' RES

1 16: 5 83~ o ~~ o 01: o Ot:

I 16% 5 B3~ ~ ('% o 01: o 0%

o r:: 6 leO% o 0% o 0: o 01:

o 01 5 en o 0% o Ot I 161

o Ot C C: o O~ o 0; 6 lC(,%

I \611; 5 all: o 0'1 o 0'1: (I ~t:

o 0: 5 831 o 0'1 o O~

1 16"

o 01: 3 5Ct: 3 50: o 01 o ('t

1 161: 3 50~ 2 l3t: (I I't o 0'

6 351 9 511 2 lU o r'l: o 01

1 61 I 6~ o ot o ot

13 ~~1Ii

5 1Q1II 8 4H ? I\~ I ,~

1 5~

5 31t 9 56~ 2 12~ C r~ o 1'1

C ('~

~ 1l~ 12 70~

2 11~ o O~

~ 23~

5 2'1" b ~o;t

1 11~ o C~

Finance GUENTHER PERSONAL' FINANe E 013812501 TSTc>3 FI:aY SP1:Jl lP-O RES- 24 fNR- '36


~ 21% 11 41%

3 13>: ~ In o O~

" 16~ IB 75'; o r~ I' ()% 2 8:(

3 12~ \8 151

1 4:( o 0" 2 ~~

11 471: 12 52~ o O~

<> 0% o 0%

o ('% o 01: C I'~

o o~ 2J 1001

2 at 16 6.' ~ In I 4% o O~

6 2U 13 5q~

3 In o ~1: o 0:(

2 e~ q 311

12 5r.; <l ~'I: I 4"t

1 ,,:: 12 50:(

8 33': I U 2 81:

Fine Arts

o r~ 1 3% o O~

" r% 27 '1"~

(I r: o 1'% o IlE o 0%

2'1 lor"

., Z4~

I~ 4R" 6 20% 2 6" o 0%

6 Z2% 19 70~

1 3% o r, 1 3>;

" r% 5 17':

20 6R% 4 131 o o~

1 Z4~ 7 24E

12 t,.1't 3 10% (I ro:



8 27': 15 51~

5 17" I n o o't

11 l." 17 60~

(I r; o O~ o O~

12 4n. 17 58lt r r~ o l"l: o 0%

10 34~ 1'1 650: o 1''' ~ r1: o D~

o CO: 2 U I 3" o O~

23 88:

I 31: 20 74'1:

5 18~ I 3lt o 01:

o (I~ 75 8q~

3 ]('~

o r~ o O~

() (I:

2 n 19 6U 7 2~~ o O~

3 lelt 8 20"

15 53" I 31: I 3~

STAFf Gel NlEII INTRO HISTORV 0 P~llOSOPHY OF A F ART " RT 013qOIl~1 TST-)] 013'110301 TST-Ft=y SP"'l lP=O FI= SP~ lP:;: RFS= 2l ENR- 31' RES- 12 EN"= 12


](1 451 1\ 501

1 4'1: o O~ o 0'1:

10 28: 15 n'l r Cl: o 0: o 0%

'I 401 9 40% o 0: I' c: 4 18'

Ie H'I: 10 47'1:

I 4: a 01: o Ot

• I 4'r o C: o Ot o O~

2P 95~

9 42: 'I ~21 ~ IU o ~~ e (,'l

8 38' 13 6U o 0: o 0'1 r C1Ii

o 0; 2 9t:

12 54'1 1 311 I 4" 2 911

12 54: 7 31t I .. , o ot

8 .. (I o o

5 1 C o


6 5 1 o o

3 8 o C 1

1 o o o


4 5 2 1 Il

4 e o o t>

o 1 3 8 o

3 5

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5r1'. ~u at CI 0'1


6~}, ~1i


ql ~: 0<: O,,!


25: t,.lt 33: C: 0:

21M' 8 66% I 8% I 8% o O~

o 0'1 I ~~ o 0% I' c>:

II 911

2 t6~ 6 50~ , 20;% I 81 o o~

2 18~ 8 72'1 o ot 1 '1'1:

o 0' r ~1: 3 25% 8 66'1: I Bt o O~

2 16' ? 16% 5 "1~ 3 ?5~ I' ~'!;

GUENTHER eUSINFS~ FINANe (AL IoIGMT 0118\4002 TST=3 Ft-=y C;P-Z lPzO ~ESa 7P ENR.:tt 15

NO. " Of RES

6 2U 20 11"

1 3% I '37 o (\~

12 42% 16 57:( r 1'% o 0% o 0':

I" 50~ 1~ ~O%

C r" o ('% o O~

14 51lt 12' 42~

I 31: "0' 't'T

I 3~

l n o OT, (I 0% d o~

2~ 92l

7 2St 20 1U

1 3" o 01: o Dt

5 l(\t 17 69"

3 11% o r~

o 0"

o Dt 1 )%

19 64" ~ 2e~

L 3"

~ I~~ 15 5~1

9 37% I' r~ o Ot


0139\2103 TST-O F {.::N SP-O lP:aQ P'ES:s 1('1 ENR= 14


3 30'.!': 5 50'1 C co: o 0'1: 2 2r"

2 201 " 40'1 I lot o 0" 3 30t

6 6Ct 1 101 o 01 (I C: 3 301

2 2C!: o c: o ot: c r" 8 eCl:

l ZCl: o C'; o 0'; t' r'l 8 80'1

5 5fC " /001: o 01: ~ 1': I I()"

I Ill: 3 3n o Ot o 0: 5 55t

1 10'1: 2 20": 6 600: 1 10: (\ 1':

o 0:1: 9 901 I H'l o Of o 0'1

2 25% o 0% o a~ (' ('I: 6 75%

(I 01: o r: n 01: I' Ct 7 lcr"

«> 751: 2 25% (\ I'~

o ()" o O~

~ 5r1: I 12% o O~ o 1'1: ~ 311:

o ~~ o OX I 12111 2 251 5 621

T 81'1: I lZ% " rt o C'I: o 1"

SAUTER 8USINF5S 'FINANC TAL MCMT onn 14003 TST·­t=t-" SP-=" lP'::JI" RES= 2'1 ENR- 32


5 17" 16 57'

7 2~' C (1% o 01

8 21" Iq 65' 2 6' o O. o ot

6 20% 17 5Bl

6 zrt o Ol o O'

6 2U 1'1 61%

3 l( % r r~ o Ot

o (I~

\ 31 o C% o 0%

28 "16:(

2 6~

l' 41' Ie '34% 4 13t 1 31

4 13. 27. 1'~

3 IC" o 0% o 0%

2 6" 10 J4% 1~ SI'

2 6" o 0%

'3 10~

6 20" 1(' 34%

1 <'4% 3 10~

CHTUFO C DRAW I NG IN COLO ... 013Q12301 rST-" f rs" SP-=" lP:;:" RES= I) fNI1= 12

NO. ~ OF R!:S

5 55'l; .. 44: o c" o 0: r f-:

2 22"! 6 &~" o n o 0% 1 11;

1 77'= 2 22t o 0% (I ('1: o 0::

(I ('t C C: o O~ c C~ 8 100~

3 ))' Z 22t o 0% co r~ 4 44~

~ 44' 5 55t o 01; (' Ot ~ ('%

2 22" T 117; o O~ (I I): (I ,,~

3 33'1: 2 22'l ,. 4<\~

o O~ o ('~

3 33~ 4 Ht 2 22~ o (I~ o Ot





OU913401 T5T-2 FI-Y SPool) lP-1 _ES- 13 ENR- 16

I. INTELLECTUALlY STlMUL4TJNG COURSE STRONGLY AGREE ...................... . AGREE ••••••••• •••••••••••••• •••••• 01 SAGREE .......................... . ~T~ONCl" OlsaG«£t ................... . nOES NOT APPLY .......................... .

2. INSTRUCTOR AVAILABLE TO STUDENTS STRONGLY AGIIFf ••••• "' .............. . AGRfr ..... _ ........................... .

OISI'CRfE ••••• ••••••••••••••••••••• STAONCl Y nls.G~EE ••••••••••••••••• 00E5 NOT APPLy • .' •••••• ,., •••••••••••

,. aSSIGNMENTS IIELPFUL S TACNGl Y AGREE ...... ,. ........ oil ............ ,.,. .. ,.

AGReE ............................... . 01 ~ACR£f ................................. .. STAONCLY OISAGREE ................ .. OCf 5 NOT APPl Y .......... ,. ............... ..

4. TESTS REFLECT IDEAS Of COURSE STRONGLY AGAEE ••••••••••••••••••• • Ar.RfF •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Ols ... G~F.e •••••• •••••••••••••••••••• STPO~r;LY OISIlGRf£ ••••••••••••••••• ODE'S NOT APPl Y .................... ..

5. LA8S OA lANGUAGE DAIlLS IIELPfUl STRONGLY AGREE ..................... . .&GQeE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

DISAfi,'Af'E ••••• ••••••••••••••••••••• S'~rNGLY DiSAGREE .................. . DOES NDT APPLY •• e •••••••••••••••••

6. IN~TRUCTOR· S PRESENUTlCN EFFECT lye STRONGLY AGRF.E •••••••••••••••••••• AGRfE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 01 S.GREE ......................... . STRONGLY OISAGRFE ••••••••••••••••• OOFS NOT APPly ••••••••• •••••••••••

7. GROOE~ FAIR STPONtl Y AGRee •••••••••••••••••••• ACJlEE ............................. . DIS,AGRFE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGLY DiSAGREe ................ . DOE S NOT APPl Y ••••••••••••••••••••

8. IIOAI<lOAD CO~PARfD IIITII OTHER COURSES MUCII LIGHTER •••••••••••••••••••••• llCIlTER ••••••••••••••••• • ••• •••••• ABOUT THe SAMF •••••••••••••••••••• IIHVIER ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MUCtt HEAVIER ••••••••••••••••••••••

•• INSTRUCTOR CO"PAIIED IItTH OTHERS ONE OF THF VEPY BEST •••••••••••••• PETTER THAN MOST •••••••••••••••••• ABOUT AVERAGE •••••••••••••••• ••••• WORSE TIiAN HOST ••••••••••••••••••• ONE OF THE VERY NORST •••••••••••••


IZ 9Z~ t 7S o os (1 DC I' n

10 1/.1 :5 231 o 01 o 01 o 0111

ft 611 '5 381: o Ot: o 01 o 01

9 691 4 30t o or o 01 C (It

o 01 1 n o 01 o ot

t2 92t

11 e4t 2 15' o 0' (' n o ot

t(' 76'l 3 23t o 0:1: o n o 0' o 01 1 7' 6 ~61 6 46t: o 01

n I(\Ot o Ot o 01 (1 CI o ot


CONT. soc. 013'12t701 TST-l FI-M SP-O LPlIIl Res- 17 ENII- 23


!t.G~~~ ••••••••• f'·.··.- .. ··•····· .. ·• DI SAGr.EE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONr.l Y DISAGREF ••••••••••••••••• r::oes NOT ApPly .................... .

2. INSTRUCTnR AVAILABLE TO STUIlENTS S TRONGL Y AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGRr::E •••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••• OISACRCf ........ • •••••••• • •• ••••••• STRrtlGt y ntsAGR.EE ••••••••••••••••• ones NOT APPLy •••••••••• • ..... •••••

,~ ASS I r,m'FNrs ~ELprUL STPC'tJr.LY ACPr:E •••••••••••••••••••• .e.CAEE ••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••• (II ~AGPEE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STPrNGL'1 nISAGFtEE ••••••••••••••••• OOFS fIIOT APPly ••••••••••••••• •••••

4. TESTS RfFlECT IOEAS OF COUPSE STPr,rJCLY AfjRFE ••••••••••••••••• • •• AGA.fe •••••••••• "' •••••••• • .. •••••••• DISAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ST~Ct.aCl" ntSlGRFE ••••••••••••••••• 001=S NnT ,5.PPly ••••••••••••••• ••• ••

5. LARS IlR lANGUAr.E ORlllS HFlPFUl ST"("It"~t..Y A(';P'EE ................... • •• OG~EE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OIS.GREF •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STPIlNCLY OIS~GREE ••••••••••••••••• OOFS NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

6. INSTRUno~'S PAESENTATION EFFECT IVE ~TnONGtY AtHf •••••••••••••••••••• l'GR(E .............................. . 01 SOGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGLY OTSACRFF .................. . OOfS ':OT APPl V ••••••••••••••••••••

1. GRADES FA III 'STRONClY AGRF.E •••••••••••••••••••• AGRtE ............................. . OlSAr.QEE ••••••••••••••••••••• • ... •• STPOr.:Gl y OTsAcArF ••••••••••••••••• onfS t~nT APPt y ................ ' •••••

8. "OR~LOAO tOI'MAEO W ITH OTHER COURSES MUf.H llCHTffl ....................... . L tGHTER ............................ . AMUT T~< S~HE •••••••••••••••••••• ~FAVlfA ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• r-'!UCH ."EAvtFR ••••••••••••••••••••••

q. INSTI>UtTQ\l COMPARED \l1l1I OT1<ERS DNF OF T~E VFAY REST •••••••••••••• AETTEP THAN ~OST •••••••••••••••••• AnnUl AVf'lAGE ••••••••••••••••••••• W~RSE T~ON M(I~T ••••••••••••••••••• ONE OF TilE VERY ~ORST •••••••••••••


II' 581 1 "I" o 01 r (III

o r~

t2 7rl '5 ;oq" o 07; [I ,,~

o I'r

n M7: 5 2qt [I ~It D C~ 1 52:

2 l"t 1 7" o O~ o ot:

It 7U

9 ~2t: 2 11$ (I (I~

o 01 6 351

8 ')o~ 6 31'11 2 lZ" o O~ D Oll

" 257; 10 62~

2 127: o Oll; (I O~

2 tit 1 51: 7 4n 7 4U (1 O~

3 11~ 12 10'(

2 tit o 07: o 07:

!IORIIIS INTRODUC10IIY FR ENeH If 012200~02 TST-3 FI-" SP*l LP-O RES- t8 ENA- 22

I. INTEll ECTUALL Y S1'1 MUlATlNG COURSE S fqONt;l 'f AGREE ............ , ••••••••• AGR£f. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• nrSAcnff •••••••••••••••••••••••••• s tRONC,LY DIS "C~fE ••••••••••••••••• onf S Nor IlPPL r , •••••••••••••••••••

Z. rNS1~IlCTO~ AVAIlMlE TO STUDENTS stR'ON'::t Y A(jq;EF _ .................... . Ar.qfF ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• or SACRff ............................ . SlIlON.GlY DISAGR.EE .................. . DOE'S Nor APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

3 •• SSIGN"EtITS ~cLPFUL STfH1NGl'f AcnEE .................... . .seRff .............................. . OJ ~AGRfF •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ST~nllr.u OISIICREE ••••••••••••••••• DOES Nor ApPlr .................... .

4. TESTS REflECT I~E_S OF COURS!' S rRONGl r .CREE •••••••••••••••••••• At:QFE •••••••••••••••••••• ,.. •••••••• O! SACpFF •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 'iT~nI<GLT DISAG~Ef ••••••••••••••••• nOES flor APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

5. tA8~ OR LANGUAGE ORILlS HFlPFUL SrpONGlY AC~fF. •••••••••••••••••••• ACRFE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DrSACPfF. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGLY 01 SlGR~~ ••••••••••••••••• "I)£S t/OT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

6. INSTRUCTOR'S PRESENTATION EFfECTIVE STRONCLY ACRE'E •••••••••••••••••••• AIj~Ee ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• or SAGR!E •••••••••••••••••••••••••• S TROIQCLY 0 I SAGREE •••••••••••••••••

1. CA~~~~ ~~~RAPPll' ••••••••••••••••••••

STRONell' AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• ''';·~E •••...••..•.••..•.••.•••.•••• orSAcAEE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGLY OISAGAEE ••••••••••••••••• DOES NOT APPly .................... .

a. 1I0R KLOAO CO~PARF.~ "ITH OTHER COURSES ~UCH t rGtfffR •••••••••••••••••••••• LIGHTfn ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Asour THE SAME •••••••••••••••••••• fiFAVI ER ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• HUCH HEAVIER ••••••••••••••••••••••

•• INSTRUCTOR CO~P"RED IIITII OTIIERS nNE' OF THE VFRY BeST •••••••••••••• BfTTeR TlIAN MOST •••••••••••••••••• Af'OUT AV[AAr.e ...................... . WOqc;f TH4N MOST ••••••••••••••••••• ONE OF THE VeRY .. ORST •••••••••••••


3 161C t4 71'1

I 51: o 0'1 o 0' 3 16'

10 551 :3 t6~ o (1' 2 Itl

11 61'!: 1 38t I' I't o C'I: o 01

8 ~u 10 5571

II '" o N: I) 01:

5 271 11 61~

t 5'l: 1 5t o 01

8 4U 9 50" 1 5' o (II o Ot

4 221 t2 66S

2 111 o I'Z o O~

(\ 1'1 4 221

11 6n 3 16~ o Ot

3 t6!: to 5'5'1:

5 27l (I ,,~

o (It

STAftF tONTEMPOR AllY AA T 013913701 1ST-' nay SPa(! LP-O RES" 35 ENOl- 39

NO. $ Of RES

22 64' t2 35. o U o O. (I ('.

tt 321 t1 5CI

2 51 o 01 4 In

13 371 19 54.

2 51 o OS 1 2t

23 65' to 28!t

2 51: o 01 o (l~

o 01 o (\1 o 011; o 01

32 1001:

n 48' 11 40~

1 21 (1 ~t o Oli

16 47: t7 501

I 21 o 01 o OC

o 0'1: 6 171

26 741 3 ~I o 01

13 3111 11 31= to 28~

I 21 o n

tlltefFO SENIOII THESIS S EMINAR 013930101 TST.­fl." SP... LP·­RES- 11 ENq- 11


C I't 6 60\\ 1 10~ 1 3rl o 01

3 21'1 \I la o 07: I' C'l C 0"

I q~ 5 ~51: 2 187: 1 q7; 2 10'1:

C 011; o 01 I' ~I o ot:

10 100Z

o 07: o Ot o ~t

o ~" 10 tOOt

(I U 5 5r'! 1 IO~ 3 3rz I lr~

" ~" 6 601: 2 207: o 01 2 20t

2 207: 3 30~ ~ ~07: I !r t o 1''1:

\ 9'1; I 9t 5 ~5~ 2 lAt 2 181

C_lBRAtTII IHTENS IVE F~ENC' H Lev I Ot2201301 TST->3 Ff-Y SPill? LP-O RES- 1\ ENA- 19

NO. " OF flfS

6 541 ~ 16t o ct o 01 1 9t

S Mt 2 201: (I ~t o 01

o I" 9 Olt 2 18r c (''I: o ct o Ot

9 en 2 16'1: r r'l: l' l't o 01

8 lH 3 271 o or C C~ o Ot

1(1 'lOt I 'It o Ot o 0'1: o Ot

7 7~1 3 101 o 01 I' rl: D 01

1 It'll :5 301 :3 30'( 1 tr~ 2 201

8 72Z 3 2T!; o 0'; I' ~Z o OS

STAFF CMIEFFO GfJNIMl . HISTORY. AMIlICA N AliT . 013914201 TST-, F I-Y 5P-0 lP-O AES- 27 EMA- 30


0t39UIN TST-- _ 0139t6Jrl T5T-(l· Fl.- sp.- lP.-' Ft-N SP-O LP-O RES" 9 ENR- tt RfS- 4 ENA- 6


9 331 16 591

2 n o 01

o '" e 29.

18 661 o 0" o 01 1 31

9 331. 16 59'!!

I 3~ o o~ 1 3~

'I 331 16 5'11

2 71 o 0"1 o 01

o 01 o (lit o 0= o OZ

27 1001

9 332: H 5n

3 In 1 31 o 01

7 25'1: 20 741 " r: o 01 o 01

2 n T 1S1

18 661 o 01 o 01

t n t3 "81:

9 33~ 3 tn 1 3"

French ROMAN INTAOOUCTORT fA ENCII 1 . 01220010t TST-)3 Ft~ SP. lP-=O RES- 12 ENR= 18


3 25" R (,6'1< 1 8" " C·" o O~

It 31~ 1 58'1: o Oll! I' 0: 1 8=

3 2n. 7 631 " n: I 9'" o O~

" 36= 6 54~ l' rl t 'It o 0' 3 25" B 66~ o ~= o 0" 1 B'l

1 587: 5 "I~ o O~ o C'l o Oll

5 4n 6 5e~ I al o 1''' o 0:

t 8~ 1 At 6 50ll! .. 33t o Oll:

6 5~' 3 25~ 2 16!t I B!t o Oll!

5 551

" "41 o rl o 0'11 o rl

6 661: '3 33~ o 01 o 0'11 o O~

9 1001 l' ('I o ('I o 01: l' 01

t lU " 441 1 tn o 01 ?i 331

7 771 o 01 o 01 o 01 2 221

7 171 2 221 o or (I 01 o 01

I In 1 17~ f. ('~

o O~ I tn

o C~ 3 nll; 5 55' I lit o OS

5 551 3 33~ 1 II~ I) rl I) 01

weLCII INT"OOUCTORY FR ENCH I 012200102 TST->3 ft-Y 'SP=O LP-O RES- 16 ENP- 17


2 13~ to 6M ~ 20t r ('t o Ot

3 21t 'I hlot I 7~ 1 71: o O~

6 '31% 9 56t t 61: o ,,~

o 07;

., "31 6 )71 3 18t o 0111 o Oll

2 l3~ 7 46t 4 261 D Ol 2 13~'

5 3\" 'I 561 2 IZ~ r r'C o (I~

7 431 8 50'1: 1 6~ (I (I o 01

(' n 9 56'( 1 0\3'1 (' r% o 02:

2 121 e SOt 6 3U (' r'C I' rt

LAl/RENCe ROMAN INTERMEOIATE FR INTERMEDIATE FA ENCH I ENCH I 01221('l('t TST->' ('122101('2 TST->3 Fl. SP. LPDiO FI~'f Sp,.)'3 tP-O RES- 13 eNR- If! RES- 21 ENR= 2.2


o Dr 'I 421: n lI'~'I 11 527: o ('1C (I ('t o Ot o 01: o Dr t 4~

12 <17.1: 15 15'1: t It 5 251: (' Ct o 01: a a~ a 07: o or o 01:

" 30r. 10 50= 'I 69t to '3ot r ('t r fl o rr o 01: o ot o ot

., 511: 10 Ion 6 46'1: t 1 521 co f'l: C rl o ('1: o C1: o O~ o 01:

2 15~ 4 I'll It 841 t3 611:

(I f1: 3 141: o fl o 01: o o~ I 41:

" 30~ 11 521: 'I 6<11 'I "2lt () 01: \ 41: o el o ct o 01 o 01

'3 231 1 361: 'I 6"~ 12 63S 1 1lt o 01 ~ r:r o ~s o 01 o 01

() I'~ O. C1:

" 30~ o 01 6 461: 8 38S 3 231: 11 521 o Ot 2 9:

:3 23~ 14 661 8 f>1'1 5 231 2 15~ 2 'It (l e~ I' OS o 01 o 01

o '0% 3 15t I l51 o Oll; I) 01

I ~5' 2 50: o 01 o Ilt 1 251

I 25~ 2 5C~ o ()J o 01 t 25~

o 0: ~ I'~ o 01 o O~ 3 101'1

1 25t I 25t o c: r 1'1 2 .5ot

1 25t 2 501 I 251 o 01 o 0:

o C~ I 331 " Ol o 0: 2 661

o 01 2 50: 2 5C: o ot o ot

t 25t: D ot 2 5r~ 1 251': o et

WELCH INTRODUCTORY FR ENCH I 012200103 15T=>3 FI=Y SP=O lPaO Fte:sS\' 16 fNR- 19

. NO. I OF ~ES

4 30~ q 6'lt o O~ r CT o OT.

6 42~ a 57~

o 0" r c' o ()¥

7 ~'3'C 9 56= (\ ot o ot o OT.

12 1St .. 25'1 o C'l. o 0" o 0:'

o e" 10 66t 4 26: 1 lot o Of

8 5(" 8 5Cl: o 0: r (''1 o ot

1~ 871: 2 121: o ot r el; o (11:

(I n 9 60" 6 .,0" o C~ o c1:

5 31'1 B 5(" 3 18" r e! C (''t



6 331: 11 6lt

t 5" o 01: (\ ro:

12 66~ 6 33'; o CZ o C~ o O~

II Ion 1 3a~ ~ (1:

o 0' o Ot

13 12'"

" 27'; 1 5'1: o O~ o 01:

" 221 8 44'l

" 22"-o CI 2 11%

9 50!/; 'I 500: II r: o Ct o o't

I" 771 4 2a () 1'1: o O~ o 07;

I 5'!: 3 160:

13 721 I 51: o 01

to 59'1: ... nl 3 171: o C1: o at


r139t6t02 TSTaO FJ-N SP-O LP·O RES- ~ "HR- ~

1. tNTElLECTU_LtY STI"UUTlNG COUTISE STRONGLY AGREE ••• - .................. . AGR.Ef ................................ . OISAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••• •• STRONGLY DISAGRfE ••••••••••••••••• DOES NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

oz. INSTRUCTOR AV\ILABLE TO STUDENTS STp:nNGLV AGREE ..................... . AGRff ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 01 S&(j,Ree ............................... .. STPOr-:CLV OrSACRF.f ................. . OCES UOT I\PPL v ........................ .

3. ASS IGN~ENTS ~ELPFUL STRONGLY AGREE ..................... . AGPEE •••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••• DISAGPEE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~T.ONr;L Y 0 I ~o G~H ••••• , ••••••••••• O('lES NOT ArPl Y ............ oO ........... .

4. TESTS REFLECT 10EAS OF COURSE STPONGlY AGIlEE •••••••••••••••••••• AGREE ••••••••••• •••••••••••••• •••• DISAGREE •••••••••••••••••• •• •• •••• STQONGLY OISAGRFE ••••••••••••••••• Of1ES NOT APPl Y ......................... ..

5. LARS OR LANGUAGE OOlltS HELPFUL CiTRONr.tV AGRF.E •••••••••••••••••••• ACREE ............................. .;RfF. ••••••••••••••• • •• • •• ••••• STPONGLY OISAGREF ••••••••••••••••• OOES NOT APPI Y ••••••••••••••••••••

6. INSTPUCTOR'S PRfSENTATION EFFECTIVE STRflNCl Y AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• Ar.~fE ......... ,. ............... • ...... •• ntc;IlGPcf ............................. . STRONCL Y 01 SAGRFE ••••••••••••••••• OOES NOT APPLy ••••••••••• •• •••• •••

7. GRAQES FUR STRnNGl Y AGRff .................... .

A(':RfE ............ •••••••••••••••••• 01 SAt:;RFf .......................... . S,"ONf,L Y 01 SAGREE ••••••••••••••••• OOES NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

8. 1I0RnoOO COMP8PEIl WITH OTHER COURSfS MUCH LIGHTER •••• , ••••••••••••••••• lIC~TfR ........................... . ARGOT T.~E SAf"E •••••••••••••••••••• ~FAVI ER ••••••••••••• : ••••••••••••• MUCH t-IEAVIER ...................... .

9. INSTRUClOP CO"PARED WITH OT~fRS ONE Of lHE VHY Sf.ST •••••••••••••• BErT ER l,..AN MOST •••••••••••••••••• Ar-ClIT ,\VEFlAGE ••••••••••••••••••••• \40RSE THaN ,.."ST ••••••••••••••••••• ONE OF T ... E VERY WORST •••••••••••••


t 25t 3 75t

o "" o ot o "t

Z '5ot I 25t o ot o 0>: t 25t

3 15'11 I 25t o Ot o 01: o r1:

D 01' (I Cit o 01: I' (It 0\ 1(101:

2 5UI o CI o 01 o (lit 2 50t

3 751 t 25l1; o Ot (\ rt o Olt

r 01: o C1: o O'l: o I't 1 lOOt

o Ot 1 25' ;Z 501 t 251: o 0"

2 50t 2 50t o Ot () C1: o e1:

H'~RIS tNnOOUCTORY FR fNCH I t122C011l4 TST~>3 FJIZY SP~O lP=O RES= 17 ENR= 21

1. INTELLECTUAllY STIMULATING COUASE STRONGLY AGREE •••••••••••• •• •••••• A(;REE ..................... - ••••••••• OISOGr.EF •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STIH!NGlY DISAGREF ................. . ones NOT A PPl Y ••••••••••••••••••••

2. INSTRUCTOR AVAILAOLE TO STUOENTS 5TRGN(.lY 1lr.~Ff ••••• _ ••••••• • •• • ••• AGRFf ............................. . O(SAGR£E ..................... • •••••• S TR('jNGl Y DISAGREE ................. . (lnES "aT A PPt Y ••••••••••••• • ••••••

3. ASSIG""FNTS HfLPFUL S tP(1t:r.lV Ar,QEE •••••••••••••••••••• lor.REf .................. 0 ........... .

01S"CRfE .......................... . S rRnUGlY OISAGRFE ••••••••••••••••• onES tinT APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

It. TESTS PHLrCT IOEAS OF COURSF SlQO"GlY AGQt1' •••••••••••••••••••• AGOU •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

-0' S~C~FF ........................... . STPnNGl" nIsAcREE .................. . OOE~ /lOT O?PlY ••••••••••••••••••••

5. LARS OR LANGUAGE ORILl S HFLPFUL SrR(lNGLY 'GR~E •••••••••••••••••••• ACnfF .................. •• •••• •• .. •••••• DtSACI':;t=F •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~TRr.Nr.tY IJISAGHE ••••••••••••••••• DOES NOT APPl Y ....................... .

6. INSTRUCTOR'S PRFSfNTATICN FFHCTlVE SlQor~Gl '( AGREE .................... . .GREF ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• nISAGprF ............................ . srnr.NGI Y OTSAr;PEF ................... . nnf S NOT APPl 'f ........... ••••••••••

1. G~AO£S FUQ, STRONGLY ACPEE ..................... . AG'lEF .............. •• ••••••••••••••• (II SACRFF •••••••••••••••••••••••••• SfRrNCLY OISAGREE ................ . OOfS rIOT APPLy ••••••••••• • ... ••••••

8. WORKLOAO CCMPOR[O WITH OTHEP COURSES MUCH LIGHTER •••••••••••••••••••••• I TGHTE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• "OUT T~E ~AME •••••••••••••••••••• tlfAVlfR ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MUCit HEAV JE~ .......................... .

9. INSTRUCTOR CO.P8I.EO WITH OTHE'~ (1~JF flF THE vr:Py BF,)T .............. . A(TT(F! Tl-'flN .................... . ARntll AVF~j\{jr ...................... . WORSE mMI MOST ••••••••••••••••••• O"E Of lHE VERY WIlRSf. '" •••••••••

1. INTELUCTUALLY STIMULATING COURse STRDNGLY AGRf1: •••••••••••••••••••• ACR:rE ••••••••••••••••••••• "' ••••••• ntsAr,REE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• S TPONGlY 01 SACREE ••••••••••••••••• nOES ~:r.T A('IPl Y ......................... .

2. tNS TPUCTnR AV_ll.SLE TO STUOENTS ST.C~CLY AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• Ar.P(E ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• nlsAr,r.:EF ............................... . S TRONGI Y 0 ISACREE ••••••••••••••••• nr:f'i NOl ,AP>Pl Y ...................... .

3. AS~ IGNMEl<rS ~ElPFt)l SlROrjfiLY AGREE .................... . ,ft(,RFF ...................................... . 01 S.GRCE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• S T.nNGl Y "ISAG"EE ••••••••••••••••• (lOES NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

4. TFSTS RErLfCT IDEas OF COUR~E S TPnNGl 'f ACREE' ................... "' •••• AGREE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 01 SAGPFF .............................. . STorrmLY OISAGRH ••••••••••••••••• onES NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

5. LA~ S no lANGU.'CE on I Ll ~ HELPFUL 'iTJlONGL'f ACREE .................... . Ar.PFr .................................... . 01 SAGRrF •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STIU1NGlY DT'i~r.~EE ................... . OCE~ NOT APPl 1' ••••••••••••••••••••

6. INSTRUCTOR'S PRESENTATION EFFECTIVE STQt'JUGlY ACR:EE .................... . Ar.RFf ............. , ....................... .. O(SAGRFE .......................... . ST.ONGI Y OISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• OOE~ NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

1. GRAnES F81~ STRONGLY AGRFE .................... . t.CqFf; ............................. . 01 SAr,RrE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGLY DiSAGREE ••••••••••••••••• OOES NOT APPL Y ••••••••••••••••••••

e. WORKI OA~ COMPMEO wIlli OTHFR COURSES MUCH LIGHTER •••••••••••••••••••••• l tC~IT(R ............................... . MOUT THE SO.E •••••••••••••••••••• HEAVIER ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MUCH HEAV[ER ...................... .

9. INSTPUCTOR COMPARED WiTH OTHERS O'iE ~F T~E VERY BEST •••••••••••••• AETTER THAN MOST •••••••••••••••••• ABOUT AVFROGf ••••••••••••••••••••• wnpSF TH'N MOST ••••••••••••••••••• ONF OF Tile VERY WOR~T •••••••••••••


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PO~AN IN1EAMEDIATE FR ENCH t C'l221CI<'5 TSTz>3 Ft==Y SP->3 lP=O ~FS:a 16 ENR= \ CJ


5 3U 1(' 621: o C'!i; o O~

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1700 H39t7901 TST->3 ('13918101 TST-l FI-N SP"O LP-l F I_Y SP-)] LP-2 RES-..."Ij, ffW. '2 fte~. 8 E:frrtR- 9


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NO. t Of RES

3 25~ 6 507: 3 25~ o o~

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I ~I 1 5Bt: o rt o 01: " 33~

3 251t 7 5BO: o r% o Cit 2 Ih~

.. ~3" 5 "It 2 16'1< I A1: o O~

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lAWRENCE INTERMEDIATE F" ENCH I r122tl'1!'6 TST->3 FlmY SP=>3 LPzO RES= 17 EN!>= 1 Q


4 2~. tl 68.

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3 13'( 5 55l1! I 111: o Ot C ro:

6 66: 3 13" (\ Ct o Ot o Ct

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5 sst " ".~ o ('t; o 01 o 01

2 221: 1 nt o rI o 01 o 01:

o ot o 01 8 BBt t 111 o ot

2 22: 5 551 2 271 o rt o ro:

MUtlPHY AN_TO"'Y OF THE THEATRF o t 19I5QU TST­Fr. SPA lp· RES- n Etllh 23

HO. , OF 'ES

9 52! 7 "II I 51 o Ot ~ rl

10 581 7 411 o O~ (' n o ,,:

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SOUDEE INTER'<EOUTE FR FNCH I 01221~31'1 TSh FI~ Sh LP­~ES. 15 E"R- 19


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SIEGI!L STUDIES I" CIIIE AA t CI"'t9tOl lST-1 FI-II SP., t'· liES- \'1 E_'O·

NO. I Of us

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NO. ~ OF I'fS

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NO. ~ OF ~ES

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14 661 7 3)1: o rt o ot (' r'l

14 66S 1 33t o ('I o 0"( e f"(

1 311 11 5211

2 911 o 011 I 4'1

3P'I 9 4H 1 ~'I 3 1411 r rt

10 ~51 6 n~ 2 Ilt o Ot o 01

o (1'1 o 01

17 ~('t 2 91 2 9'

5 2311 t1 52'1 3 141 t u I 4'1

1. INTELLECTUALLY STIMULATlIlG COURSE 5.TRr.NGl V AGRee ............................ . AGPfE •••••••• : •••••••••••••••••••• r'ltSA('jprF •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 5.TRONr.l Y nlSAGREF ................. . nne S NOT ,PPl Y ••••••••••••••••••••

~. IIl~TRUtTOR AVAIlABLE TO STUDENTS SyqOr;r,LY Ar.RFE •••••••••••••••••••• .l\r,nFF. .............................. . OIS·C·r.E •••••••••••••••••••••• • ••• SlRONGl y nl st.GRrr ................. . nn[S tlOT APPl Y ••••••••••••••••••••

3. ASS 1f,/I"fNTS HELPFUL STJlONGlY A(jR~E •••••••••••••••••••• Ar.RFF ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I)ISar.RrF •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ Tpnr:Gl Y ot SAr;REE ....................... . OOfS N:1T APPl Y .................... .

4. TESTS "FFlFCT InfAS OF COURSF STRn"H~lY AGREr .................... . ~GREE ................................. .. 01 $!l.CRfF ............................ . ST"rn.jr,l Y 01 S~GRfF ................... . DO'=~ ~~nT APply .................... .

5. lAOS n. l~fjr.UAGE DRILlS f1FlPFUl S fRONGL Y Ar.RfF ...................... . AcnfE .............................. . nrc;,ACREE .............................. . STQnNr.t Y Of SAGREE ................... . onES NOT APPl Y .................... .

6. INSTRtJCTOP'S POESENTATlON EFFECTIVE STPONr.l Y AGREE ....................... . Ar.nFf .................................. . OtSAG~EE ........................... . STRnNGL Y DI SAGRFF •••••••• '" •••••• DOES NOT APPl Y ••••••••••••••••••••

7. CRADES FA IR STRON(';l Y AGRFF ..................... . ACf'!:J;:E ................................ . DISAr,AEE ................ • ••••••••• •• STRnNGl Y DnAGRFF. '" ••••• 4 ••••••• onES NOT APPt Y ••••••••••••••••••••

!. WOPKlOAO COMPARED WITH OTHER COURSES MurH I IGHTE'R ......................... . llCHTFR .............................. . AROUT THE SAME ................... .. HEAVlfR ........................... . MUCH f'FI\VIER ••••••••••••••••••••••

9. IN~T"lJCTCR COMPARED WITH OTHERS (lNf GF TlIF V~RY BEST •••••••••••••• BETTER Tt-tAN fooIOST •••••••••••••••••• ARCllT AVrRAGF ••••••••••••••••••••• WORSE THAN "lOST ••••••••••••••••••• ONE nF TI-'F. VEJ:'Y wonST •••••••••••••

BETl INTE""EDIATE FR ENCH I 012210304 TST-2 Fla SP- lP-O RES- 2r ENi\· 27


2 12

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I a a

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ISte 781:

5" 07; OJ;

SIMONS AUT0810GRAPHY' I N FRANCE o 12264~rt 'TST~O Ft= S9:a lP-RES" 6 ENR= 6

1. INTEllECTU'llY STlMUlllTtNG COURSE STPONCl Y AGREE ..................... . Jlr,AFE .............................. . OISAG~EE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ';Tr("\Nr.lY I)tSAGI=:EE ••••••••••••••••• Or,ES ~H'T APPLy ....................... .

2. IN'TRllCTOQ d VA IlASlF. TO STUnENTS ':;TPnNGl Y AGPEE .................... . "'CO(E .............................. . n t SJ\C~E~ ........................... . SlRONCl v 01 SAr;~'EF ••••••••••••••••• f'nES /lnT 'PPl Y ••••••••••••••••••••

3. ASS rQ:"'1FNTS Ht:lPFUl S'Tr,()~Jr.l Y AGPfE ........................ . ft.(',Qfr ............................... . o t SAGPFf ........................... . STRONGLY nI'5AGPEE ................. . nnES /.oT 'PPl Y •••••••••••••••••• ,.

4. TESTS PEFlFCT IDEAS OF COURSF STQ(,NGlV r..r.R.t:[ ...................... . t.GOFF .............................. . n t S.'\("'.PFJ: ........................... . STP(,NGI v 01 ':;AGRFE .................. . onEs Nor APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

5. LABS OR 1 AlIr.UAGf nRltlS HElPFUL STUnNCl Y Acnff •••••••••••••••••••• AGPEE ................................ . o t ~I\GPr-E ............................ . STnONr.lY OIS.G.Ef ••••••••••••••••• onES NnT APPl Y ....................... .

6. H.STRurro.·s PRFSENTATJON EFFECTIVE SmmlClY AC.Ff •••••••••••••••••••• br.prr .............................. . OIS.GPeE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STPf'tJ(";l Y DISAGRFE ••••••••••••••••• {)r.E~ t'OT APPLY .................... .

7. G.''1FS FAIR C::TPnr:f";lY AGRfE .................... . Acprf .............................. . otSA(";PEE ........................... . C:;TllnNGLY OISAr.R.EF ................. . nnF'S NnT APPL 'f •••• ••••••••••••••••

8. WORKlr..O r.n_PARED WITH eTHER COURSES ~u('t-I t ttittTER ...................... . l tGHTFP ........................... . ASr.UT THE SAME .................... . f.EAvrfR ........................... . MilCH HFAVIFFl ..................... ..

9. iNST.UCTnR COMrAPEO WITH OTHERS ONE or TH~ VFRY BEST •••••••••••••• ~fTTfP W'N _OST •••••••••••••••••• AOr.lJT .\ ••••••••••••••••••••• WnR$E THAN MOST ..................... . ONF nF THE VEPY \oIOhST ............. .


" 66'1: 2 33t r Ole o 0= o O~

... 80~

1 200: o O~ o o~

o 0= 4 66~

2 ··33~ o ot o r, o O~

2 31"-o ot o 0; [I C;

... 66>:

1 20% o 0; o 0; [I r: ... 80:

3 5r:t: 2 33; 1 161 o r .. a 0;

1 2~;

o 0% o 0% o 0; 3 75=

o O~ r C~

2 "'Ot 2 ",ot 1 2t'~

2 33~ 3 5rt 1 16~ o o~

o ot


1'. INTEll ECWAll Y ST1>!l.llATlNG COURSE STRCfl:GlY ACrtEE •••••••••••••••••••• AC~FE ............................. . OIS.GrEE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGLY OISAGRFE ••••••••••••••••• Df!F:-S NOT APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

2. INST.UCTOR AVAILABLE TO STUOENTS SlDONGl'f A(;R(E ..................... . AGOrF ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OIS/.GPF.f •••••••••••••••••••••••••• srOPN!';l'f OIStCREE ................. . OOFS NOT APPl Y ••••••••••••••••••••

3. ASS HNHNTS ~fl?rUL S TI:t ntlr.l Y AGO' (E ...... " ................. . hr.Pf( .............................. . OIShGRt:'E .......................... . STfJ'n·j(;1 Y orsacPEE •••••••••••••••••

,Or:FO:; f"~OT APPly .................... . ~. TESTS PErHCT IOEAS OF COURSE

S rpONGLY AGPEE •••••••••••••••••••• AGRFF ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• nl~AG.rE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 5TQ.O~lr.l Y orS~CRFE= ................... . nrfS NrT APPlV ••••••••••••••••••••

5. \..M\'5 r~ tM~C.UAC'.E n~lllS H£\.PFUl

011110102 TST->3 Ft-Y SP-2 LP=-O RESa 16 ENR- 21


5 8 3 o o

6 10


o o 8 8 o o o

5 9 1 o o

31; 62~ O~ O~ 0;

50~ 5a~ O~ at O~

33t 6O'l

6'1: Ol; O~

O:;TRCNGl Y ACr{E€ ....................... • ~ 1~ !' I o

13'1: 80t rt 6~


h(';0E'( ............ _ ................... .

otsAGPEf ........................... . STROf:CLV Ot"'i4tREE ................. . OCFS /lOT APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

6. INSTRUCTOR'S PReSENTATION EFFECTIVE 5TRCtlGl Y AGPfC ..................... . AGREE •••••••••••••••••• , •••••••••• nl SACRff •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRCNCl Y OI':;AtREE ................. . nOFS NOT APply ••••••••••••••••••••

1. GAAOES J:A1R STQCN~lV AG.F.E •••••••••••••••••••• ,AGOfE ............................... . DtS.!CRCF ............................ . STRnNCl Y OISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• DCfS Nor APPL Y ••••••••••••••••••••

e. WOR"lnAIl enHPA.eo WIT>l OTHER COURSES MUCH t tCHTFR ........................ . l ICHlFR ............................ . ADOtH rHf S.ME •••••••••••••••••••• ... F'Avt~R ................................... . I"IUCH HFAvrfR ...................... .

9. INSTRUCTOR CO~PAREO WITH OTHERS ONE or THE VF.Y OE ST •••••••••••••• BETTen THlN MOST ................... . .AE'r,UT AVFI:I:AGF ••••••••••••••••••••• II~.SE THAN M('ST ••••••••••••••••••• ONF OF THE VFRY WORST •••••••••••••

7 8 1 o o

o 13

1 1 a

o 2 1

10 3

7 7 2

" C

8HZ' INTERMEOIATE FR ENCH I 012210309 TSh2 FI~Y S".1 lP.O RES- IS EIlP' 20

1104 I OF RES

I 12

1 1 o

1 11 a

" 3

2 t2

1 o o 4 8 I 1 o

o ... 1 1 8

... e 3 r o

'" 9 1 1 o

1 6 7 o o

1 ... e I o

2~~ 57% n n O~

Ot 2~t n 7%


261 53t 20t [t 0:

7t 28t 571 7t a:




01U20101 TST-2 FI- SPa lP-O RES. 21 ENP' 14


12 1 2 o I'

15 5 o ('


10 9 r a 1

1~ 6 o o o 3 6 1 o 8

16 4 1 (I

o 13

8 o t­o

5 6 9 1 o

l5 3 1 1 o

23>: 28'; 42t ,,~





2 8 I o 1

z " 1 o I

1 9 o o o 1 5 o r o ~ 8 o o o ... 7 I r o

5 7 o r ~

3 5 4 o o

O'J; 8~

66% 16'1:



"I" 33':: 0; al:

INTEItHEOI ATE GE RHAN I 011110301 TST-)3 FI-Y SP-O lP=O RES- 2~ ENR. 26


R 13~ 15 62'

1 4! o 0% o rs

" 16~ 17 7r%

2 e~ o 0:; 1 ... ~

3 12; 20 801

:z ~~ o ot o o~

.. 2qt 16 66'

1 4Z o 0'1; o 0;

3 12% 16 66t

2 8; o 01 3 12:

t6 641: 9 361: (I ~t o 0: o 0%

8 3111: 16 641:

1 4': o 0:1: o ot

2 8t \l 4~t 12 4Bt o a~ o 0'1:

14 5At 8 3311: 2 B7; o Ot (l rll:

o 1 I o 1


" t a I

2 3 o o o

3 2 o o o


" o (\


1 3 1 C o

1 3 o 1 o

1 2 1 I o o 2 3 o o

PlURPHY INTERMEDIATE GE RMar< I 011110302 TST->3 Ft-Y SP-O lP-=O RES- 1 q 'E'NR= 23

NO. 11: OF RES

6 3U 13 6P.~ o ~t a or o rt

4 Zit 13 68:

l 5; o Ot 1 5:

'" 2U. 15 76r o [t o Q~

c r;

4 21: 15 7R: o (l~

o or a o~

2 107; 8 42: 3 15t o 0: 6 3a

10 5?~ a 42~ I 5~ o Ot a 0"

3 15: I~ 18~

1 51: a Ot a Ot

o Ot 6 311:

12 63: 1 51: o Ot

5 26% 8 "'211: 6 11: o 0; o rl:


I 011.120101. TST-2 ft- SP- lP-O PES- '15 ENR. 21


" 11 o o o

14 1 o r o 6 9 o o o 7 6 1 o o

1 11

1 o 2

6 '9 o o o 7 8 o r o a 7 8 r o

·4 11 o r r


·lIES- 17 ENR- 19 NO. 'II OF RES

5 10

I o o

7 9 1 r o

13 3 1 o a

10 6 1 a a

a 2 o o


6 q 1 C 1

2 13 1 1 o o o 2

IZ 3

4 8 3 2 I'

76% 170:

5'l: 0'1: 0%

BYRNeS BYRNES IIlT~ODUtTORY GE INTRODUCTORY GE RHAN I RMAN 1 01l1C0301 TST=>3 0111er~0~ TST~n FI=Y SPaO lP::o:O FlsY SP=O lP=O RES" 12 'ENrtc Ie R.ES- 14 ENRlt: 16

NO. ~ OF ~ES flO. 1: OF "ES

... 1 o t' 1

" 8 o o o

7 5 a o o

11 1 o o o

"-7 o r 1

'9 3 o r o

4 8 o I' a

1 3 5 1 o 9 3 o o o

15": 25% o~

r~ O~

T~lt 25~ 0: O'J;



R"~N " Dlllla40l TST~ FI- SP. lP-r; RES= 5 ENR~ 5


o 0; 1 15t 1 25: o 0'J; C n

3 60r 2 4rt C 0: o or (1 rt

I 20t 4 err r rr. o 01: C ell:

1 20t '" arp o rll: o O~ r r1:

o ot ... 8['7; 1 2['1; o 0: o C'I:

20ll; " 80t a C'l: o ot o ot

a 01; 5 100r o C't o Or o ot

o Oll: 2 "'0'1 '3 6[1: () a'! o n:

o Ot 4 801: 1 20t o O'lt o r'll

3 11 o

" o

3 9 o o 1

8 6 (\

a o

10 ~ r o o

... 1 o 3

10 ... o r o

10 "­o o a

r 3 6 5 o


" o C' a

11"1: ZB~ r; r'J; 01:

421: 28'1:

11: CO:


7fT: 281: o~



OBERIlSERGER INTENSIve AD VAN ceo GEq'UN I OH1111 0 I TST->3 F I-Y SP-:.:2 lPzO RESa 22 ENR- 28


.. 31: T 3l"! 8 16~ o 01: o 0'1

12 5~t iC' ~5: o 0-': o o 'It r f'l

4 18'11 16 71t 1 q1! o ot r n

4 19; 15 11'1: 2 9% o O~ r rt

to 45% 6 2H S 12': I H r 0:

3 13t 13 59Z 6 lH o 0'1 o ~t

6 2~t 12 57f. 3 14: o ot a 0;

o 0% 3 13'0:

12 54t 5 nt 2 "It

3 nt 9 "'l'lI:

10 45~ o 0: o C't





"POSITION 012221105 TST- ('12222101 TST-3

FJ-N 5P-0 lP-O RES- Z, EN1>- 21

t'12222IC2 TST-n Oln23Qol TSr.>3 POElS- I nl< CEN

011226501 TSTa? ft=V SP .. O l?=1 I\~S~ P. eN~-= to

FI'Y SPill 1 lP. F I=Y SP-l lPlll FI- SP- LP. I\ES- 14 EII1\- 16 '~S- 2C EN" ZO !lESs 2~ eN~= 28 ._--------- NO. t OF RES 1l0. ~ OF liES NO. ~ OF RES IlO. ~ OF' RES NO. , OF RES

1. INTELLECTUAlLY STlMUlATIIIG COURSE STPONGLY AGREf •••••••••••••••••••• ~GIlEf ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DISAGRFF. .......................... . S TRONCL Y 01 SACRfEE ••••••••••••••••• DOES NO~ APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

2. INSTRUCTnR AVArtAHLE TO STUnENTS S TRONCL Y AGRee •••••••••••••••••••• AGAE,=E ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• n r S~CRFF .......................... . S1''RONCl'1 t)lC;~GREt: .................. . OOf'S 'IOT APPL 't ••• •••••••••••••••••

3. ~SS ICNHrNTS ,.,rlPFUl STAONCl Y AGRE£ ..................... . ACREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

. DISAGRFE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STPONCL Y DISACREE ••••••••••••••••• OnFS NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

4. TEHS REFLECT InEAS OF COURSE SlRCNtLY AGPfE •••••••••••••••••••• llGREF .............................. . OISAGnEE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONr.lY OISACREE ••••••••••••••••• onES NOT APPLy .................... .

5. ~ADS OR LANGUAGE DRILLS HelPFUL STRONGLY ACREE •••••••••••••••••••• "r,PFE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DISAr.nrE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STA:ONCLY DISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• DOES NOT APPly ..... _ •••••••••••••••

6. INSTRUCTOR'S PRESENTATION EfFECTive STRONCL Y ACREE ., •••••••••••••••••• ACREE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OISAC';r{Ff •••••••••••••••••••••••••• S TRONGL Y D I S~(;R~E ••••••••••••••••• ones NOT APPly .................... .

7. GPAnES FAIP STRONGl V AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• Ar.RFE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DIS~CREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRnNGl Y DISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• OOES NOT APPLY ••••••••••••••••••••

8. WORKLOAD COMPAREO WITH OTHER COURSES Mur.H LIGHTER •••••••••••••• '" ••••• L ICHTfR ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• AROUT THE SAME •••••••••••••••••••• ... f!.V1ER ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MUCH t4fAvtfR ••••••••••••••••••••••

9. INSTRUCTO. COMPAREO WITH OTHERS ONE OF THE VfRY BEST •••••••••••••• eFTTFR TH\N ~OST •••••••••••••••••• "nOUT AVfRAGE ••••••••••••••••••••• WORSE T~AN MOST ••••••••••••••••••• m~E OF TilE VEPV wm~sr ............. .

2 11

1 o o

12 ~ (I

o o 7 T (I

o o

5 '9 o o o o 1 t­o


5 9 r o a

8 6 C o c

o 2 6 6 o

4 Ie o o a

Ot 141 42t 4H:


28t 711 0: ot Ot

9 '1qt 13 56"4:

1 41\ C e'll o 01:

1 30t 15 65~ t' ell (I c:t: I 4'1t

6 26'11 15 M~

2 8t o 0' o ot

12 5~'II 10 45'1: o Ct o U o ot

o o~ o at r rt o at

22 100%

16 6Q% 1\ 26t 1 ' .. ~ o at o [t

10 "31 13 56'( o ot o ot o [2:

a at 4 In

18 78: \ 4lt o [t

10 "3'( 12 52t 1 41t a at o Dt


5 9 5 o o 8 8 I o 2

7 12 o o o ~

11 o o o

o 1 o o


5 lZ

2 1 r

.. 9 5 1 o o 6

10 3 1

2 10 e o o

lO~ S[I~

401 ot o~


o 19

6 o o

11 13

C o 1

4 20

1 o o

6 H 3 I I

o Z o o


D 18

7 o I'

, 9 16 o o <'

1 Ie l'o o r

o I~ 13 o o

o~ 48~

52~ Ot Ot



5 62~ 3 37~ I' r· o O~ o O~

5 62~ 3 31t; (' r~

o O~ o o~

.. 5et " 50~ a 0: o a~ o Ct

6 75t 2 15% o Ct o 0% (\ Ot

o ote (I n: o ct o 01: 6 lcet

7 811: 1 12~ (' 01: o Ot !' 1'1:

5 71' 2 28t o ot o O~ o C~

o Ot o C~ 7 81l 1 12~ C r~

4 ~o~ 3 11~ I Izt o r~ o ot


FINK IIlTRDOUCTORV GE RI'IAIl 1 011100303 TST.)3 FI.,y S9-0 lP-O RES- " ENRa 16

HlIrr4rI TST-)3 ('111011['1 TST->3 Frey Sps7 lP",O FlaY SP-O lPzO RfS. ,. F.NR- 6 RES- 21 ENR. 31

ell Irt2rt TST-») rt I llClr I TSr-)3 FI=Y SP..a2 lP=O QES=- 14 ENJls; 25

10 INTELlECTUAllV STIMULATING COURSE STRONGLY AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• ACRFE ............................... . DiSAGREE .......................... . STRONGl Y nJSACREE.4 .............. . onES Nf)T APPly .................... .

2. INSTRUCTOR AVAIlA8lE TO STUDENTS S TOCNCL Y Acqfr .................... . AGRr~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• nISA(';REE ............................ . SIROtIGlY nISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• onfS N.OT ~PPlY •••••••••• - .... - ......

3. ASS IGmlENTS HElPFUL STRPNGlY AGq,fE .................... . .GR~f ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0ISAGRff •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRnNGlY OIS.CREe ••••••••••••••••• O(1ES t:nT APPl Y .................... .

.... TESTS RrrLECT IDEAS OF COURSE ST.ONGl v AGReE •••• , ••••••••••••••• AGRfE .............................. . ntSAr,°EF •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STpnt~r.lY nISIlGREE ................. . OCF S NOT APply .................... .

5. LASe:; OR LANGIJACE DRILLS HELI'FUL STRO~r.l Y AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• I\GI1FE ••••••••••••••••••••••••• • ••• OISACREE .......................... . STRGNGlY DIS.&.GRFE ••••••••••••••••• onfS NOT APPl'( ••••••••••••••••••••

6. INSTRUCTOR'S PPESENTATION EFFECTlVF STRONGLY AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• ~r.RrE ............................. . DISAr.~H •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRnNGL Y 01 SAGPfE ••••••••••••••••• OOFS NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

T. CR.nFS FAlq <iTR(1NGl Y AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• ~GRF.E .......................... • •• • ntSAC;RfE .......................... . STRONGLY DISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• OOES NOT APPly .................... .

8. WOPKlr.AD CO,.PAREO WITH Or"F.R COURSES ~UCH LIGHTER •••••••••••••••••••••• L ICHTEQ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Ap.nUT THE SAfoIF .................... .. ...FAV1(P ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MUC.H HEAViER ........................ ..

9. INS1RUCTOR CaMPA Reo WITH OTHERS nNI: OF T"'~ VFRY REST .............. . SETTE. Tf'AN MOST •••••••••••••••••• AnOUT AVFQ.AGE ••••••••••••••••••••• \.:np SE T ... .e.N ~OST ................... . ONE OF THE VFRY WOR~T •••••••••••••

NO. % OF !\fS

2 6 o o o

3 4 (I

o o

3 5 !' o o

3 5 o o o

I 6 I o o

3 5 o o o

3 5 o o o

o o 3

" I


" I C o

37% 62t

I''J; ot Ot

12% 751 12': Ot 0%

3n SOt H! 0; 0'1:


1. INTEllECTUALLY STlHULATIIlC COURSE STRCNCl Y ACOfE •••••••••••••••••••• AG~Fr; ............................. . 01 SAG~EE ............................. . STpr.Nr.l Y 01 ShGREE ••••••••••••••••• on~$ NOT Apply .................... .

2. IN~TPUCTO. AVOIl.SLE TO STUDENTS STPONr.l Y ACREF •••••••••••••••••••• AGP'=E ............................... . orsJ\GPEE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~TRnNr.t Y Ot SAGRFF ................. . O(1C:s. HnT APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

3. AS51 GN~ENTS HELPfUL STRONGLY AGRFF •••••••••••••••••••• AGIlf!E ••• " ••••••••••••••••••••••••• DfSAr.ltE'E •••••••••••••••••••••••••• sTlH';~~r;LY 01 $AGFlEE ••••••••••••••••• O(tES ~:nT APPly .................... .

.... TESTS R[FUCT IOFAS OF COURSE c;. TFI'ONGl Y AGR:EE ••••••••••••• " •••••• AGR (E ............................. . orShCrEE .......................... . STRONGLY DiSAGREE ••••••••••••••••• tln-:~ Not ,!I?Pl Y ..................... .

5. LABS Oq lAlIGU~r,E OR ILLS HElPFUL STRONGl Y AGlts:E' ••• r ................. .. AGR'EF. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OJSAC~FE ............................ . STPOtJGl Y or SACRFF ••••••••••••••••• nnes t~OT APPLY' ••••••••••••••••••••

6. INST.Ur.TOR·S ORESEIlTATION EffECTIVE STI2r.NGl Y Ac;REE .................... . Ar.ItE'€ ........... .a .................. .

nlsAtnCE .......................... . STRONGLY OISAGRFE ••••••••••••••••• ones NnT APPLY ••••••••••••••• , '4"

7. GRADeS FAIR STRONGLY AGRfE •••••••••••••••••••• AC;~Et ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DISAGREE •••••••••••••••••• • •• ••••• ST~O~Cl Y 01 SAGREE ••••••••••••••••• OOfS NOT I\PPL Y .................... .

8. WORKLnAD CO~PAREO WIT" OTHER COURSES MUCH L IGHTFR ...................... . lICHTEII ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• AROUT Tf'E SAME •••••••••••••••••••• I-IEAVlfR ........................... . MUCH H~dV IE;,. ••••••••••••••••••••••

9. IIlST.ueniR COMPARED WITH OTHERS ONf DF THF VERY BEST •••••••••• • ••• BETTER THAN HOST .................. . ABOUT AV-:;RAGf ............. ••••••••• \<iORoe;f T~AN MOST ••••••• _ ••••••••••• ONE OF THE VERY Wor:tST._ ............. .

INTEIlS lye" aDVAIl CEO GERl<AN {[ 011 111701 lST->3 ft-y SP~ LP.-PES- 8 EIlR- 9

Nil. t OF RES

3 37~ ... SC''f 1 12% o 0: o O~

5 62% 3 31t o 0% o 0" Il ()1;

6 75% 2 2St o 01: o 0: a Cl:

... ~r~ 4 50: o OS ~ (It o ('~

6 75~ 1 12": o 0; I 12. o 01:

7 sn 1 IZt D os r [I'l a (It

5 62t 3 37~ a Ot o os a at

(I Ct 2 25'l 2 2n 3 37'( 1 12~

4 5C% 3 31; 1 12t o ('~

o 0;

NO. !; OF R~S 110. ~ Of RfS

3 1 o o o

2 2 (I

o o

3 1 !' o o

2 1 1 o o

2 2 (I

a o

2 2 C o o

3 1 r a o

c o 1 3 o

C 2 2 o o

50t 50'1: rt O~ 0":

75t 251: 0: Olt O~

0:1; 50t 50'1: O~ C:I;

12 6 2 I o

5 10

3 o 1

9 10

I 1 o

8 10

1 1 o

9 11 c a o

2 10

... .. o

C 13

4 3 o

o o

" 6 \0

S 6 4 4 2


lOt 50% 2r>: lOt 0:

r:t: 6~7; 2(''J;

15t O~


0111~OI(!1 TSh>3 011120102 TSf->l FIliiV' SPsO lP~O F(2Y SPliI(\ lP-(I RES- 18 EIlRe 22 1IES~ 16 EIlR2 17


l 13

2 r ('

9 9 a o o

~ 12 o a o

R q 1 (I


5 13 o C ~

6 10

2 r o

5 11

1 o o (I

2 II

'" \

3 8 5 I o

16; 7l~ lIT

r1: (''I:

33t 55t Ilt rt o:r,

29t 64'l 5t Ot c;

~% lit 61t 22t 5t

In: 47f Z9S 5; 0-:

r Il

1 r o

8 8 o o o 3

12 I o o

3 13 o ~ o

3 11

2 o a

o 11

4 1 o

1 14 1 (I


I 4 8 3 o

1 6 6 2 1


~r~ 01: r; ct

18t. 75t

6% 07; Of;

Flmv SO"1 t.P=('I RES- 1'5 ENp-:a 16


6 8 1 o r

4 9 o o 1

1 13

1 o o

7 8 o o o

3 7 4 I o

6 '9 o o o

" 10 o o o

3 2 7 2 o

e 5 2 o o

2U 14~ 50~ 14-:



I 011120301 TSTo») F( .. Y SP=3 LP:::(' RES. 6 ENR.. 7


" 66'1: 2 l1t o 0'1: o r'J; (! rt

2 '13t 3 5rr. o O~ r rT 1 1M

2 'n~ ... 66'1: a 01 a Ct o Ot

Z 40 .. 2 "'Ot o Ot t' n 1 20~

(' r .. " 6'!.~ o Ot t' "'T: 1 33t

" 66t 2 3'H o 0: o r: o 0: 3 6t't 1 lOt o ot r Cl: 1 let

2 33t a Ot 3 50t I 16: o 0:

5 ~3t 1 161 o Ot (I Ot o o~

NO ... 't Of p~s


7 7 o o o

8 6 ('

o l'

6 A C a o

4 1 3 o o

5 9 o o o

6 7 I o o

6 6 1 I o

o o 2 7 5

9 4 r I o

42'1: 57,= r~ O~ rt

28'1: 50~ 21'!

O'! o~

loll 421

H 1~ Ot

tNTPOD TO G'EP'4a N LIT t STYLE 011121301 TST=)3 f[=V SP;sl lP" RES- 16 fNR- 18


t, 2S'I: 10 62.

1 fa'!: 1 6~ o O~

6 'r~ q b('l~

o O~ r r~ o C~

6 4['1: 8 53'1: 1 6~ C C":; o O~

1 !'C'f: 5 35~ 1 1'1: 1 n o C'" 2 14t 3 2 \'I! 2 14: 2 14: 5 351:

7 ~['T:

5 35: 2 1"_ (l C'!,

o Ot

7 5Ct 6 42: 1 H () Ct () C~

1 1: 2 1"': 9 M; 1 H 1 n

4 Z8t 7 50: 2 I~t

1 7' o a'J;



(111125301 TST->3 Cl11261Cl TST-

I. INTELLECTUALLY SliMULATING COURSE S TRONGL Y AGREE ....................... .. AGllFE ............................. . 01 S'GREe •••••••••••••••••••••••••• SToO"r.LV 01 SAGREf ••••••••••••••••• onFS Nor APPly ••••• • ••••• • ••• ••••••

2. INS TRLJrrO~ AVA IL AOLE TO STunENT S ~TRnN(jLY Ar.RFE •••••••••••••••••••• AGREE ................................................. . OISAr.REE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRON<ilY otSllGRFE ................. • on'=5 NOT APPly ••••••••••••• •••••••

3. ASS IGNME,nS .. ELPFUL STRCNr.lV .GREF •••••••••••• •••••••• .................... • ......... •••• .... •• .... •• .. 01 SAG"CE ••••••••••• , •••••••••••••• 51PONfilV OJ'iAGRFE ........... •• •• •••

ODES NOT APpLy •••••• •••••••••••••• .... TESTS RrFLHT IDEAS OF COURSE

ST~O~:r.LY A(j.PFf •••••••• ••• ......... .

J\CPFE •••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• 01 SAG"FE ............................ . STRONr.LV nTS.GREE ••••••••••• • •• ••• nOFS NOT APPLy ••••••••• •••••••••••

5. LAO~ OR LM'GUAGE ORILlS HELPFUL' STPONr.l Y At;QfE' •••• ' ••••••••• •• .... ••• J\GRFF .............................. .

nls.GHE ••••••• • •• •••••••••••••••• C;TPnNGl Y DISAGREE .................. . nOES NOT APPl V .................... .

6. INSTRUCTOR'S PRESENTATION EFFECTIVE STRONGLY AGOEE •••••••••••••••••••• AcnFf ••••••••••••••••••••• co ....... ..

01 S.'I.GPFE ............................ . ST>or:CLY DIS~GREE ............. •••• Dr.~$ NOT APlll v ................... ..

1. GR>n.s F~IR STRONGLY AGREE ............... ••••• .. Ar.n£E ................................. . 01 SIl.GPFE .......................... . STf10NGI Y 01SAGREE ••••••••••••••••• OQFS Nor APol Y .......... • ..... •••••••

8. HORKLnAO CC~P'Pf.D WITH OTHER COURSES MUCH LT(, .. 'EO •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 tGHTER ....................... • .. •• .. . ARnUT THF SAME ••••••••••••••••••••

HEAVIE ••••••••••••• • ••• ••••••••••• ~llrH HEAVIEO •• " ••••••••••••••••••

9. INSTRunOR ~n"PApro WITH OTHERS' O"E nF rHF VFRY REST •••••••••••••• P,~T'TEP THAN I'n51 ................... . ARnUT AVFR.G •••••••••••••••••••••• wnRSE THAN MOST .................... . O':E OF rHE VERY WORST •••••••••••••

Fr-y SP-O lP­RES- 9 ENR- 10


6 1 o ~ o

3 4 1 o ~

2 6 o o o

8 C I o o I r o o 1

1 ~ o o o

5 3 o 1 o

o o 1 1 o

4 3 1 o o

55t 33~ O~ lit Ot

O~ Ot

87: 12~


50t 3U 121 C~ 0%


1. INTFLLECTUAllY STIMULATING COURSE STFDNGL v AGREE ................... . flG~fE .................................... .. n t SAGR'EE ................. • ••• • ......... . STRONGLV DISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• OO(S 'lOT APPly •••••••••••••• • •••• •

2. INSTRUCTC~ AVAILABLE TO STUOENTS STRr~JGLY j\r.RFE ..................... . AGRfFe ........................ ••• ..... •• rJrC)AGPE'F ............................ . STll.nNGlY rJISACPEJ: .................... . Of1FS ~JnT a,Pf'l '1 ...................... ..

3. ASC;(r,N~FNTS .... ELPFUL STrtDNGl Y ,tHiPfF. ....................... .. ACqe-E ................................ . OTSr.r.f!Ef ••••••••••••••• • .... ··;·.· .. STt'>rNGl Y 01 SI\GPFE ................. . OOfS NOT ~PPl'f .................. • .... • ..

~. TESTS REFlFCT (nEAS OF STnONGlY AGREE .................... .. ~GRfE ...... _ ••• •• •• ··_· .. • .. ···_····· OTSAGflff .................................. . SToO"GL Y 01 S'GR~F. '" ••••••••••••• nOFC\ I\:CT '\PPly ....................... .

5. LA"S n. U,,:;U'GE ORILLS HfLPFUl STR.ONGlY AG'RFE ..................... . Ar.R.EE .............................. . or SAGPff ............ • ••• • ..... •• .. •••• STRCNGl y OTSAGPEE ••••••••••••••••• OOFS NCT APPl Y ........................ .

6. INSTRUCTOR'S PRESFNTATlCN EFFFCTIVE STRrNGl'f AGRF.E ..................... .. 'GREE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OISAGPEF ............................... . ST.ONGLY DISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• DOES NOT /J.PPl v .................... .

1. GRAOES HTp STRONGLY AGRFE •••••••••••••••••••• AGRFf ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OISAGR~E •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STPr.NGl'f ot <;AGREE ..................... . OOfS NOT • PPL Y ••••••••••••••••••••

8. WORKLOAD CO"P'REO W lTH OTHER COURSFS r-'UCH t fGHTFR ....................... . L IGI1Tf~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• r. Or.UT TlJE SAME ....................... . t-I~aVrE~ ............................ . MlJC~ HEAVIER ••••••••••••••• '" ••••

'I. INSTRUCTnR COMPARED WITH OTt'ERS ONE OF THE VERY REST •••••••••••••• BfTTER TH!\N MOST .................. . A80UT l\VrcoAr.F. ......................... . wr;ps'E 1Ht.N f<\t"st .................... . n".e "',. T"IIC: VFPY WOR';T •••••••••••••


2 14

1 3 o

2 18

3 o 1

1 19

4 I o

2 20


" 1


3 o o


1 15

1 1 o

1 14

6 4 o

o 2

10 It'


o 5

10 10 o

41: 161 161:

41: Ot

0" 8:

40~ 40% 12~

01: 201: 40X 4C'l:



I. tNTELLECTUALlV STIMULATING COU~SE STRONGLY AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGnEE .................................... . DIS.GO£E •••••••••••••••••••••••••• S T~n~~r.l Y 01 SAr.RFF ................... . OI'1E(; t~OT tl,PPly ....................... .

2. INSTRUCTOR AVHLARLE TO STUDENTS STRONGLY AGRFE ..................... . I\.Gflrf ............................. . nrS ... GIlEf .... e ........................ .

STQn~lGl v 01 C;!IiREE .................. . onF<) NOT hPPL'f ....................... .

3. ASSIGN!~F.."TS HE1.PFUI <;TnONGLY hCRFE ....................... . hGREE ............................... . DISAfjI./:EE .............................. . qpO"C,L Y I)( SAGREE ••••••••••••••••• Ct1fS NOT ,etlpl. 'f •••••••••• .............

4. TESTS -rrLFeT IOfAS OF COURSF STRONGl v AGl1fE ....................... . AGRrF ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DIS,\CREE ............................... . SlRONr.l'f OrS,AGREF .................. . Ot)fS Nor apply ..................... .

5. LA~~ n. LANGU.GE ORILLS PELPFUL S TPr."tH'j,t Y AGREf ....................... . AGorE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• '" OISAr..(E •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGLY DISAGREE ................... . ones NOT .APPly ..................... .

6. INSTRUCTOR'S PRES£NTATION EFFECT IVE C;TRot~Gl 'f AGREE ....... _ ............... . AGRrr= ................................... . ntsJ\Gtlcl: .......................... . STPONGLY "IS'GRFF ••••••••••••••••• OOFS "OT APPLY ••••••••••••••••••••


STRONCLY AGREE ........................ . AGRFF .................................... . Drs.aCflfE ........... "' ••••••••••••••••• STPONCLY DISAGnH •••••••••• ' •••••• nnJ:s NOT APPl 'i ........... .............. ..

8. wopnnAO CCMPAREO WITH OTHEn COURSES MUCH 1I GIlT ER •••••••••••••••••••••• LIGHTFR ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ARnUT THE ~AHE •••••••••••••••••••• I'EAVICR ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• '·IJCH ..... rIlVlfR ....................... .

9. INST"Uno" CO"PAREO iiI TH OTHERS CNE or THE VE~ Y ~EST •••••••••••••• ~FTTER TH.'I.rl MOST •••••••••••••••••• AnnUl AV(P .AGE ...................... . WnRSE THAN MQST ••••••••••••••••••• ONE at THe VERY WORST •••••••••••••

MOOERN FOREIGN' GOVERNMENTS It 014312201 TSTc3 F I'Y SP.I' l pcO ~ES" '36 ENP::. 49


7 l'1t lR 50~

6 16~ 5 13t C C)~

3 8t 21 601:

5 14t ... lit 2 5:

6 111: 25 111:

2 5: o ox 2 5T.

10 28% 11 4~1:

4 lit 3 n 1 21:

1 2'1: 2 5; o 01: o 0=

32 91X

7 19: 16 44:

7 \91: 6 16% C rx

7 21t 16 4B:

6 18~ 4 12X o P1:

1 21: • 1l~

2'1 80~ 2 5: o Ot

5 13X 5 In

15 ... n 9 25: 2 5:

FI- SPs LP-RfS s 5 t;NP= 1


1 3 1 ('


2 3 o {l

o 3 2 o o {l

1 I o o 2

o 1 o o 4

1 1 3 o {l

2 2 {1

o o

o o • I o

I o 3 I o

201: 6~~ 201: r~ 01:


4t'~ O~ Ot CI


25t OX Ot


20% 2CO: 6Ct 0: 0:

50X 5e: 0: Ot 0: 0'1: 0:

801 20'


2011 011 6r~

2011 OX

I<AkSkl THEOqy OF COMMU NISM CL.3IrTrI TSTe­FI=" SP::" lP=" RES- 86 ENR= 93


61 22

1 C o

58 27

o o 1

37 42

4 I o

65 19 o r 2

5 2 o I'


63 2~ r o o

35 41

1 r o

I 8

51 12


63 19

3 o o

73l 25t It Ot Ot

6H 31% Ot ~~ U

U q'l:


14~ n

741: 22t 3t C'I: ot


I 014323101 TSTs fl:z SPa:: LPII RES= 44 ENP~ 55


35 81t 6 141: 1 2t {\ C~

o {\I

11 4(,% 25 5'"

o 0% r rt C ct

29 6~t 15 3H o 01: o Ot o ot

29 67' 11 lot

I 2t o 0: o or

o ot Z 4!' o Ot o Ot

41 9~t

21 62t 14 321

1 2: I 2% o rt

9 20X 32 1~t

3 61: o 0: C', r'.

o Ot o ('1: ~ In

27 611 12 2n

21 '611: 11 25t 6 131: o ot o 0%



{1111267Cl TST->3 FI'Y SP=O LP-l RES. 17 ENR= 21

Ol1l21lCl TSTs3 FI=Y SP=O lP= PES. 13 fNO. 22


12 5 o

" o ...

13 o o o

1 10 o o o 3

12 2 o o

I 1 1 o


10 b o o o

I 3

10 2 "

9 5 3 o


61: 18~ 62~

In O~

571: 2n IH Dt Ot

HISTOOY POlITIC AL THOUGHT I ~1431l5n T5T=2 FI-Y sp=r L?=r RES:z 57 EN~= 70

NO. t Of RES

45 12 o o o

26 27


o 3

2'1 21

5 c o

43 13 ~ o o

I o o o


52 5 ~ o o

36 IB

1 o o

1 2

16 33


51 4 2 o C


65!; 321: It t't Ot

It 3~

2At 571:




3 231: 8 61t 1 n p r~

1 71:

4 31'1: 9 69! o O~ I' {l~

o {l1:

4 3{,~

8 6a o 0% o {l~

1 n 6 4h1: 6 4t;'!; 1 7t o 0>; o 0:

o 4),,: r r1: o o~ o or.

13 I~C%


• 30% 1 53'1: 2 I ~1: o 01: r r~

5 3e~ 8 611: o Vl o 01: o r%

15% 38%

6 46~ o ot ~ r~

3 23" 5 1et 3 23t 2 15t o Ot

EL~"'ENT5 OF POL ITICAl THEORY ~143117Cl TST=" F(:z" SP::" lP=" RES:z:121 ENR..::lt,.O


67 41 1~ o 1

45 59 14

I 2

19 74

3 o :3

61 58 o o I

I 3 r I


52 42 17

5 2

35 73

1 2 I

1 2

29 63 25

50 40 19 10



51''' 48X

r% c· ot

Dt 2% rt O~


s: C%


014323601 TST=2 014323101 TST-l Fl,sY SP:l LP=2 RES::!! I fNo,:: 1


1 lor", o ot o ("I! (l (,1,

o Ot

{\ Ct 1 10et o o. " Ct o cr

o "t. 1 10Ct o 0% {l n: n C1:

1 ICC. o (It

o Ot o Ot o 0. o Ot o (Ot o Ot o Ot I 10~t

o Ot o ~t

o 0'" o 0% I Irn

o Ot 1 IC{lt o 0'" o o~ ('I ('1:

o Ot {\ ct o Ot I lOOT. (\ rt

1 lOOt (I rt o Ot o 01: o 0:

F r=y SP=l tP= R ESc 44 ENR= 55


9 20~ 29 67~

5 11~ C C~ o O~

21 H% 23 52'1:

o o~ (l ('~

o at

11 25t 30 68:

3 6~ <' C% o O~

11 29'1: 23 52t

1 15>: I 2~ o Cl

C e~ o C!! o 0'1: o p~

42 100;

19 431: 22 5C~

3 6~ o 0'1; {' V'J;

7 16X 31 73~

-4 9: o Ot ~ C~

o nl: () C'II:

33 75% 10 22~

I 2::

1'1 43: 14 3tJ: 10 22t

1 2l1: o ('I:



~ 50t 3 30t 2. 20X r n o o~

~ 5C~ 4 401 1 101: C r~ o 0':

2 2r~ 8 BO~ o O~ {l {l~

o cr

3 3r~

7 7C~ o Ot r r: o {I%

o 01: 2 22':! I 11'= o 01: 6 66~

2 20X 1 71''1: I 101: o 01: (' (\~

4 441: 5 551: o 01: o 0': C ('1:

o 0; c ('1: 6 61'% 4 40" {l ct

7 701: I lC~ I lC~ 1 10: o D~

OOU&L"'':'~ ELEMENTS OF POL !TTCAL THfORY 1'143117C 2 TST-2 FI='f SPrc(l LP==O RES=lOq ENR.=136

rm. 1: OF oES

11 33

2 2 o

20 78

8 o 2

46 6~

I I 1

51 52 2 2 o

1 2 I I


'12 16

1 o o

35 65

4 1 o

I 3

57 43 5

70 30

7 I V


65% 30:

n Il Ot

16% 72~

H 0% n

84t 141:

r'" 0% 0%


NO. " O~ RES

4 3)t 6 sot 1 e"t 1 EI'l: o ot

9 75t 3 25: o o~

o C"! o Ot

3 25~ 6 501: 2 16% o rt 1 8;

{\ (':!;

1 8'1: o 0; o ro:

II 9\;

I' CO: o {'I; o 0: o Ot

12 100':

I 8; 'I 751: 2 16; o ox o O~

o 0;

" 3M': o 01: o 02: 7 61~

o 01: ~ 331: 1 81: 3 25: 4 33"1:

1 8~ 6 50X ~ 33; 1 81: o D%






~11151'lOI TST-l 011156301 TST- 0141rCIOI TST-3 F I-Y SP-O tp.o RfS= 19 ENQ,.. 90ft

014300102 TST.- 014300103 TST-Flay SP-l lP-t RES- 7 ENR- 9

Ft- SP. lP" A:ES- 7 fNn. 7

F t:a h SP-" LP-" RfS::I: 61 ENFh: 72

Ft= C;P- U'· RES: 46 ENP,=- 50\>

NO. ~ OF PES NO. 1 OF RES NO. % OF PfS NO. 1: OF ~"s NO. ~ OF ~ES

I. INTELLECTUAllY STIHULATINC COURSE STRONGLY AGR EE •••••••••••••••••••• AG"EF .............................. . OISAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STDONGl Y 01 SAGRFE ••••••••••••••••• onFS NnT 'P~L Y ••••••••••••••••••••

2. INSTRurrOR AVA ILABlE TO STUOENTS Srnm'GlY AGRfE ••••••••••••••••••••

. AGllrE •• oo .... oo ........................ .

n I SAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• SrnONGL Y DISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• Dne:S NOT APply ..................... .

3. ASS IGN"ENTS "ELPFUL S T ttr.Nf.l Y AGnfr ......................... . IIGP rf .............................. oo ..... .

01 ~AGOrE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• C;TR{"'NGl Y OISAGPEE .................. .

4 511 3 421 o 01 o rl o 01

6 100X o ~: o 0: o 00: o ~I

4 57'( 3 421 o 0"(

o 0:

I lU

" 5H 2 2RI C r'l; o C~

1 141 6 8S!! o 0% (\ rt o 01

1 141: 6 85% o ot o 01:

onES NOT APPly •••••••••••••••••••• o ('I·' o CI 4. TESTS oEnHT IDEAS OF COURSE

STPONGlY AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• 1'1 (';0 EE ................................... . or SACO'Ef .............................. . ST.OUGLY DIS.GREE ••••••••••••••••• nOES NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

5. LASS O. LANGU.r,E OOIlLS HELPFUL C; fRONGl Y Ar.RFF ....................... .. AllrtEE .............................. . OIS.GPH •••••••••••••••••••••••••• sr.rtlGLY OIS.GREE ••••••••••••••••• OOfS tinT APPL V ••••••••••••••••••••

6. INST.UCTOP·S P.ESENTATION EFFFCTIVE srQ.('1NGl Y AGREE- ....................... . AGRFE ............................. . nt-:;AGRfE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGLY 01 SII.GREf .................. . ODFS f:nT APPly ...................... .

T. GQM}ECi FI'!.IR HRONGl Y AGOEE •••••••••••••••••••• AGRFF .............................. . OIS.GOH •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRnNRY DISAG~ee ••••••••••••••••• DOES NOT .PPLV ••••••••••••••••••••

8. WOPKLOAn Cr".AHD WITH OTHFP COURSES MUCH LIGHTER ........................ . l tr.HTFR' ................................ . ARrUT THE SAME •••••••••••••••••••• ~FAVIEn ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MUCH HEAV1ER ••••••••••••••••••••••

9. INn_UCTOR COMPARED WITH OTt<EPS ONE Of THE VERY REST •••••••••••••• OfTTE=R Tt~/HJ I-IOS1 •••••••••••••••••• ASrUT AVFRAGF ••••••••••••••••••••• W~OSE T~AN MOST ••••••••••••••••••• ONE OF THE VERY WORST ............. .

S 7n 2 281 o C'X o 01 I' 1'1

o 01 ~ CI o 01 o 0': 6 lr~1

6 85t I 141 o Ot o 0% r CI

4 661 2 331 o 0: o OX o 01

o ot o 0: 6 85t I 141 o 01

(, 8511 1 14% C ex o 0% o o~


I. INTELLECTUALlY STIMULATING COURSE STRONG( Y ACRfE ••••• '" •••••••••••• AGOI=E ............................... .. 01 SAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• S TPONGl Y f)( SAGRF€ ................ .. onES Nnr APDlY ••••••••••••••••••••

2. INSTRUCTOR AVA ILABLE TO STUOENTS STRONGLY AGRFf •••••••••••••••••••• rGRt:E ............................... . CIS,'GREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• <;TRr.rH';lY nI5f1GREf .................. . DOtS NOT ,aPPly .................... .

1. ASS IGNMEt:T5 HEl PFUl • S TAONCL Y AGR Ef .................... . I!.GPFF ................................ . DIS' CREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STR;ONr.LV OTSflGRE=F ................... . l"I(,fS NOT ArPLy ...................... .

4. TE"S RHlHT 10£AS OF counSE STRONGLY .r.qFE •••••••••••••••••••• 'GRfE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OIS.GREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• sronNr.t Y DISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• Does I':OT ApPly ..................... .

5. LABS OR l."GUAGE DR ILLS HELPFUL STRONGLY AGPFf ..................... . AGPrE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OTSAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGLY 01 ~'GREF ••••••••••••••••• nnFS .1OT .PPLY ••••••••••••••••••••

6. INSTRUCTCR'S PRESENTATION £rFECTIVE STRnrJfjl Y AGRFf .................... . aGREE ................................ . 01 SAGRFF ••••••••••••••••••••••• '" STRnNr.lY OISACRFF .................... . on ES NOT APPLy ..................... .

7. GR.OES FAlp STPnNGLY .GREE •••••••••••••••••••• ",r,PEE ............................. . O(SAIiREE •• e .......................... .

STRONGL Y nl SAGRFF ••••••••••••••••• DOES NOT .PPLY ••••••••••••••••••••

B. WOOKLO.D COMP.RCO wITH OTHE~ COURSES ~UCH llGHTfR •••••••••••••••••••••• LIGHHo ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• AP.r.UT THE SA,..f .................... . JlFAVIFR ............................ . MUCH HE.\lIF ••••••••• ' ••••••••••••••

9. INS TRUC Tnp CO"PAREO WITH OTHERS Of~F OF n~E Vfrt Y BE Sl •••••••••••••• P,ETT£P TH'N HnST •••••••••••••••••• ARoUT AVF •• GE ••••••••••••••••••••• 1I0RSE TI'AN MnST ••••••••••••••••••• m:F OF THF VERY WORST •••••••••••••

C H 11l7C4 TST-2 Fr~Y Sp-o lP-O RES- 65 ENR- 19


15 22

1 1 o

27 32

2 C 3

31 27

5 I o

38 2~ o o o 2 (I

o o


1~ 30 15

• 1

25 34

2 C o

o 2

11 31 15

21 18 18

7 1

611 38: 0: 0% o~

31 {l,=

0: 0:



I. INTELL£CTUALlY STtMUUTING COURSE STPONGlY AG~E'E •••••••••••••••• _ ••• AGctEE .................................. . a I SAGPEE •••••••••••••••••• '" ••••• STPnNGLY DISAGREE ................... . DOF~ NOT APPl Y ••••••••••••••••••••

z. INSTRUCTnp AVAILABLE TO STUDENTS ST~nNGl Y AGPEE ....................... .. AGRfE .................................... . o rStiGRE'f ........................... . STRONGL Y DISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• oor~ "OT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

3. ASS IG""FNTS HELPFUL ST['Ior~(';l Y AGREE ••••••••••••••••• _ ... AGRFf ............................... . otSaGRfE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• S TOnNGL Y nl S.GREE ••••••••••••••••• onES NOT APPly .................... .

4. TFSTS REFLECT IOEAS OF COURSE StRONGLY'GREE •••••••••••••••••••• t..r.~Ff .............................. . nto;AGRE( .......................... . stR("]~.;r;l Y nrSAGREE .................. . onES NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

5. lABS OR LANGUAGE ORILLS HELPFUL S TQCNGl 'f AG~[E ..................... . !.r.R1=F. ............................... . OISAGR(r: ............................. . "RnNGl Y DI SAGREE ••••••••••••••••• ~OFS NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

6. INSTRUr.rOR·S PRESENTATION EFFECTIVE HOONGLY AGRrE .................. .. Ar.RFF ............................. ."F. ............................. . SliH1NCLY nrSAGREE .................. . DOES ~:nT APPly ..................... .

1. GPA~~S FAIR STRnNGLY ACREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGPfE ................................. . OISAGREE .......................... . STRONGLY 01 s.GREE ••••••••••••••••• nnES NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

8. WOPKLOAn COMPA.EO WITH OTHER COURSES MtlCH lIG'iTER •••••••••••••••••••••• L IGtlTER ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ABOIJT THE SAME .................... . HI=AV1EFt •••• .............. ~ .......... . HUC" ~EAVIER ••••••••••••••••••••••

9. INSTRUCTOR CO~PAREO WITH OTI'ERS ONE OF THE VfRY REST •••••••••••••• ~ETTfQ r.'AN ~OST .................. . A.nUT AVERAGE ••••••••••••••••••••• WOpSF THAN MOST .................... . ONE OF THE VERY WORST •••••••••••••

SHTE t LOCAL P OUTICS C14324301 TST-2 FI=V SP=O LP·l RES= 16 ENR~ 23


5 3\X II 68~ o 0: o Ol o ('1:

2 131: 12 8r;

I 6~ o 0'1; o C''I:

5 311 10 62>:

I 6% o 0% o 0:

7 431: 9 56t (\ ('~

o 0"( o Ot

o O~ I 6t o (''I; o 0;

15 93%

7 ~3l: 9 56~ (I ('% Q C; o 01:

8 531: 1 '6~ r C% o 0% o ot

I 61: ... 25%

10 62~ I 6: o 01:

3 18~ 8 50~ 5 311: (I ~:

o c:

o ot ... 57'1; o 01 o o~ 3 471

o 01 o r~ o 1'1 o ox 1 Irrx

o ox 7 Irrl o 0: o 0% C rI

o 0"( 5 7U {l C% o 01: 2 28t

o 01: o 0% 6 e~1 I 14: o Ot

3 421: 3 421 1 14'1; o 01 o 0%

HAWKt;S~RTH Et:E"ENTS OF POL I TI CAL T~EO.Y 01431171'5 TST-] F I-V SP=Q lP-O RES- 52 ENP' 57

NO. t Of RES

21 .r~

78 5~= 3 5~ ~ r~ (1 0:

19 3b~ 3D 5a

1 It o r% 2 n

6 In 37 7a

7 13: c r'" 1 n

15 29% 32 62'=

4 n (' r~

o Ct

2 3~ o 0% o 0% o r%

49 q6:

I~ 34% 23, 4.t

9 In 2 1% o O~

11 271: 29 5'11

8 16: 1 2: o Ot

" [% 1 I~

36 69% 14 261:

1 1%

13 2~1: 17 321: 17 3H

5 91: C' rt



9 90X 1 lr% o O~

o 0'= I' r:

8 80t 2 2r" o 0: o Ot {I ro:

8 ~ot 2 20,,= o 01: o 0% o Ot

1 10" 5 50~ o 0% o 0; " 40%

o O~ o 0% ~ r% o ot

10 100l

5 5at 1 10~ C r1: o Ct 4 40t

7 70t 3 30~ () p~

o ot o Ot

(' ct o Ot I' rt I lot 'I 90X

9 qC~

I 101: o 0' o 1'1: o 0%


18 41 12 r o

2r 5b

2 o I

19 56

2 o i

19 52

3 o 1

I 2 o o


16 53

8 I o

12 "''1 13

2 o

1 'I

,,4 22


8 33 32

5 o

21~ 611: 15~ ro: n:

15t 64t 111: 2t (,7

1~ lit 56t 2Rt 2~

I!OOERN fOREIGN GOVTS I 014312101 TST=3 Flz'( SP1ll0 lP-O RES- 79 ENR= 96



n 40 12

2 o

28 4q o C (I

32 45

2 I' o


38 2 I o

o I I I'


19 50

1 3 o

21 45

I 2 o

o 7

109 19 1

12 29 28

8 I

r.: 11 1'1: rt


AMERICAN PRESIO ENCY 1'143255rl TSTs FI- SPa LP, R£S= 52 ENO. 56

NO. t OF R~S

30 57~ 11 121:

2 3X 3 5'" r e:

15 2~" 36 69% o ('%

o 0: I n

19 ?i6';· 31 6'7-o ro: o ot I' C'I:

22 431: 27 ~27!

2 3% o Ot o 00:

1 1:<: o 0': D C~ o 0%

51 981:

25 4qJ: 21 ioU:

4 n o ot I U

12 25'>: 33 bA%

3 6~

o (= o 0;

o (I:!;

1 11: 2'" 47% 23 .5;

3 5~

21 52~ 9 17;

10 1'1>: 5 q'l: o 1';

21 32

2 C o

13 38

4 C 4

19 38

2 o 2

27 30

3 o 1

IX 11:

I I I o 8

It ot


3 r 7 J r

.1 o I {'

~O 15


18 25 13

5 o


26': 11t ct it ('1:

ot It

65t 24:


29t 40% ?It At 0%

.COERN FORE ION GOV1~ I OI",llI02 TST-2 Fl'Y SP=O V-I RES-- 78 ENR~112

NO. t OF R£S

'Sf' 64J: 2S n ..

'2 ]'F. I I~

o 0"

37 41'" 40 SI'" o 0'" r r~ I 1%

3C H1: 4C ~12:

I 1% 2 n '3 31:

34 45% 36 '>8t

I n 2 ,,7; I It

o rt 3 H I It o 1'''

13 94"(

55 72% 19 25T

I 1"( 1 1'1; o 0%

21 1n ~6 50't a 11" I' rr. 1 I ~

I' I'~ 2 2%

33 1,31: 35 ~6"

6 7%

52 68% 17 22 ..

1 0% (I CI o C'<

t<ERZAERC HONORS ~EM:US P OL sysr REnTAL r 14326101 TST=O FI"Y S;t=O lP:::l f:lE5= 8 ENR", 10


5 62% 2 251: o 0; I U; I' rt

6 751: 1 12'1: o 0-; I 12% o n ,. "50~

3 ~7~ I 12l o 0'1; o I'l

4 50t I IZ~ I) at o Ot 3 37%

o Ot c Ct t' I)' o at 8 100%

5 62; 2 25; I Ilf a ot o o.

o Ot 2 25t o C'% o O. 6 75~

o C't o 0% ... srt • 50t o ot

5 62' 2 25% 1 In a 01 o Ot

11 21

1 r o

14 30

I ~


11 27 o 1 I

14 2q

3 o 1

o 1 o o


~ 31 e 1 I'

It 29

6 o t'

1 2

27 14


5 18 1'1

• o

241: 60t 15: rl o~

KA~SU ' .. OO~." FOREIGN GOVTS I 014')1210'3 TST.· F!,.... sP""w lP=" Re~ .. 81 ENR'E q7


'3Q .t.f''!: 33 40:

1 1: 6 71: o 0%

41 50 .. "'0 4qt o 0" C C% o O~

31 38%

" ~'!;"' 2 2% ~ r'l: 3 1 ..

3t. 45% 4~ 5J~ . 0 O'r.

I I~

o 0%

o 0% 2 2% o 0 .. o ('~

76 97%

'35 It')'!: 34 4\'l:

5 6'" 6 77: 1 U:

37 421: '0 52%

2 2'" I 11: I n

C' 0 .. 14 17'1: 45 56t 21 761: o 0 ..

37 45>: 15 18~

23 78l 5 6T. I 1%

ERNST OYNAMICS Of tNT L ~HATfONS 1'1432b9(,1 TST=2 FI .. y spzO lP=O OES= 25 ENO· 29

NO. 1: nF Rr:S.

7 29; 8 331: 9 37~ o ot r C~

14 56~

11 44t Q ClI: o 0'1: o r~

q 36!; 1{1 4('~

5 2(1'X a ot I 4%

11 44"; 13 52~ o ex 1 4% o C ..

o 01: o 1''1; o r; o 0=

25 10C;

9 3bX 110 56: ~ H o O~ o 01:

9 371: 15 62% (\ Ct o 0% o ot

o 0% <I 8%

15 6r~ 6 241' 2 8%

? 36~ 1 281: e 3?t 1 lot o 0;


I. INTELLECTUALLY STI~ULATING COURSE ST.ONGlY AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• AC.FE •••••••••••• ••• •• • •••• ••••••• OISAGRr.E ••••••••••••••••••••••• • •• SIPQNGlV DISAG.eE •••••••••••••• • •• nOES NOT APPLy .................. •••

2. INSTQUCH). AVAILAnlE TO STUDFNTS STPnNr,lY aCoFF ••••••••••••••••• • •• Ar.REE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OISAGf.tfF ........................ • •• STRONCLY DIS.GRH •••••••••••••• • •• DnES Not APPl Y ..................... .

3. ASSIGNMFNTS HfLPFUL S T PI1'tt";t 'f lr.Fl FE ............................. .. ~GPF( .............. •• ••••••• ••••••• O[-c;t"GRf-F .......................... . SIPONr.LY DiSAGREE •••••••••••••• ••• DOES NOT .PPLY ••••••••••••••••••••

4. TESTS RfrlFCT IOEAS OF COURSE ST~tll'HjLY AGREE ......................... .

ft.GRl:f •••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••• 01 SACRFF •••••••••••••• ; ••••••••••• t;Tnr:rJGLY nt'iI\GRtE ••••••••••••• •• •• OO(S NOT APPL't .............. •••••••

5. lOBS OR l.NGUAr.E DRILLS HELPFUL STAONGtY AGREE ................ •• •• • "CREE .............................. . 01 SbCRf.E .......................... . ST'PnN('jl't 01 'S~(jR'E'E •••••••••••••••••

OCFS ~~OT APPly ............. • .. ••• .. • ...... ••• 6. INSTP/JCTCR'S PRESENTHIDN EFFECT IVE

STPONGlY ~r.RCf ••••••••••••• ••••••• ~GREE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Of SAGREE .......................... . SnONCLY DISAGPEE ••••••••••••••••• nOES NOT APPly .......... • ••• ••••••••

1. CRAnES FAI' 'STP'r':'NGl Y hGRf'E ........................ .

I1r,tlff •••••••••••• •••••••••••••• .. •• 01 S'CRFf ••••••••• , •••••••••••••••• STOONe.lY DiSAGREE ••••••••••••••••• nOE S NOT APPly •••• • •• •••••••••••••


011,321101 TST-3 FI-Y SP-t' LP~ RES- 41 ENR- 59


30 631: 17 361 r 1'1 o (11 o O~

22 47'-• 21 451

I 2t o rt 2 41

21 5U 1'1 ... o~

1 21 o o~ o Oll:

21 .... ~ 23 49:

3 6~ o C~ o Ot

o 0: o Oll: o Ot l' C~

45 1001

20 422: 23 ,,~:

3 6t o (It' 1 2~

11 25~ 2A 63t

5 1l~ r c: o 0:

8. WORKlCAO CO~PAPED WITH OTHE' COURSfS MUCH L rr,HTFP ........................ . 1_ tGHlE" ............................ . J\ROUT TlfE SAME ..................... . HF.&.Vlf.R ........................... . MUCH HfAVlfR ...................... .

9. INSTRUCTOR COMPARED WITH OTHERS ONF OF T~F VERY ~FST •••••••••••••• "ETTFR THA N ~OST •••••••••••••••••• ARnlJT AVFRAr.r- ..................... . ;.,'cnsr rH~l'I MOST ................... . ONF OF THE VFRY WORST •••• '" •• , •••

r (It 1 2~ 'I Iqt

23 108>: 14 297;

21 ~71: 15 31t

5 10~ r Cit o 0:


RES- 2'1 ENR- 30 NO. ~ Of RES

H \3

2 o o

1'1 9 o o 1

15 14 I' o o

23 6 (l (I


1 2 o (!


8 20

I o o

11 9 o I.' o

I 1

16 5 o

1 1&

6 p



FOREIGN POLICY 014327901 TST=1 f.[.Y SP.O LP·O RoES" sq EN"= R'9


19 31

3 o o

5 37

6 2 ]

B n

2 1 1

51 32 12

'3 I

o I (l ()


21 34 ,


o 5

38 7 3 o

o o

3'1 2~ o

\1 20 22


ERNST US FORFtGN POll CY PROCfSS 014328101 TST=2 F t::llY SP-O lP-l RES- 2'1 ENR= 34


to 21

1 o o

II 15

C o 3

'I 18


o 2

110 13 o o I

o a (l

o 26

q 1'1 (l

o 1

8 11

3 I o


3 19

1 I

5 12 12 o ()

21l 757;

3t 0: 07(



7 1 3 I o

4 10

3 o o ~

12 (I

o 1

... 10

4 o o

1 o (l

o 11

2 9 5 I I

1 12

I I o

o o 6

1(1 2

3 I,

5 5 I

38' 38t 16t 5: 07;

23~ 5et 17-'; ot Of

lJf 70~ C~

Ot 5t

22'1: 55'1: 22~

()'!: ot

5: ot c: t'l:


In 41'= 29~ 5: 5~

1. INTEllECTUAllY STlMUlATINr. COURSE STI:lONfilV AG~fE •••• ~~ ............... . Ar.PE=E ................................. . OISI\Gf1FF ........................... .. SToONGlY OIS.GREE ••••••••••••••••• OOft; NOT .aPPl v ...................... .

2. "'STAUno' AVAILABLE TO STUOFNTS ST.rfIGlY Ar,qEE •••••••••••••••••••• A,r,flr:E .................................. . r I c;.Af.!' (f ......................... _ .......... .. c)TQONra Y 01 c;.~CRFE ..................... . nOES NnT ,rPl Y ••••••••••••••••••••

3. ASS IGNf1ffITS ~FlPFUL STflONClY At;PEE •••• " ••••••••••••••• AGRFF ..................................... . ors!.GnFF ............................ . STJl(1NGt Y 01 Ci,'\GQ£E ................. . nr.FS NOT ApPLy ...................... .

4. Tf~TS .rFLFCT IDEAS OF COURSE STRONGLY AGREE ..................... . Ai.PFf ............................. . 01 ~'GRFF •••••••••••••••••••••••••• q'OflGl Y 01 SAGREE ••••••••••••••••• nnrc:; UCT APPl Y ......... ............. .

5. LABS r. t A"GIIAGE o..QlllS HElPFUL STIJONGt Y A(;REE •• :" ................... . AGRFF ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OlsAr.flrE •• ", ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~HOflGlY OIS.GRfE ••••••••••••••••• OC"FS NOT APPLy ...................... .

6. IN~T"UClr.·S PRESFNTATICN FfFfCTlVF STrnNr.l Y AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• .1t;(rff ...................................... . or SAGRfr ................................ . S TRONr.l Y 01 S AGREE ••••••••••••••••• onFS flOT APPLY ••••••••••••••••••••

1. GnADrS HIR 5iPrNr:LY AGPFE ................... .. AGIlEF ................................. . nrsrs.r.r.rf .......................... . STROfIGl Y OIS.G.EE ••••••••••••••••• DOFS NOT APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

8. WORKlOAf) CCMP.REO WIT~ OTHFR COURSFS "'UCH llr.HTfP •••••••••••••••••••••• L rr,f.lTEn .......... ..................... . A~OIlT T"'F SAHE .................... . H1=AVrrr ........................... . ~urp IlfAVlfR ........................ .

q. INSTRUCTO' fO"PAREO WITH OTHE'S ONf nF Tt<E Vf" Y BEST •••••••••••••• RETTEP T"f-IAN MOST .................... . ABOUT AVF~!.Gf ••••••••••••••••••••• wnrlS~ T~AN Mn'ST ................... . ONE OF THF VfRY WOOST •••••••••••••


OI~335301 TST·­F(=" SP·" lP-" RfS~ I ~ ENR- 7.1


10 Io6t 4 26~ 1 61: a ot a at

6 100" q 60'1; r rt a O~ o ot

" 261 II 71t r r~ o Ot o O~

6 Io0~ 9 60t o rt o o~ o Ot

o 0: o o~ (l ~t o r:

14 100%

10 66~ 5 33~ o C:!: o r: o 0:

7 46% A 53~ o O~ o OT, o O~

(1 O~

o Ot 5 33t " 51~ Z In

9 60~

" 26t Z 11% o C~ o ox

LYONS AMEUCAN CONST! TUrlONAL law I 014335501 TST-f r- SP~ lP. RES,.: lq 'fNP.]C


4 12

Z o o

9 10

I.' o o

5 14

I.' o o

2 H o I I


o o o


1 II

6 I o 2

10 2 ('


o Z

11 6 o

I 5 1 5 1

2n: 66~ lit: 0: Of

n 0: rt 02


lEIfGlE lEG IStATtYe PRO CF.~S 0110335101 TST-3 Fr.y SP.O lP-O RES- 27 ENR- 35


12 13 2 o o 6

16 I o 2

8 1'1 V o o

9 17

I o o

o I o o


IZ 12

3 o o

2 20

5 o o

o I

15 9 Z

7 10

7 3 o

1~ 14>: 18" r~ o~

25t 37l 7~~

\I~ O~

CERII., WEST eUROPEAN C; DVTS'G~Q"ANY OH136001 TST-l fl-., SP-O LP-t RES- 12 ENR- 15


1 5 o o r

'I ~ o o o

6 4 o o I

3 8 1 o o

1 o (>

o 10

10 Z r o a 2

10 C' a o

o o 5 6 1

7 4 1 (I


581: Ion el ot ff

751: 2'5t

I't; 0: Ot

542 36~ ('t 0: SI'l:

FERUSS POl DEVELOPING NITlD"~ 014316301 TST-2 F I-Y SP30 lP-l RES- 32 E~h 52


5 2? , o o

6 23

C o 2

7 20

3 o (I

13 18

I o o o 2 I o


~ 16

'1 2 o

A 18 I I I

2 8

2l ~ o

1 12 IS 3 o

....................................................................................................... eAIlEY cn'RORATI SM' C 'A UTHORITA-LAT AM H~3366()1 TST-l F I=Y sp=o tP.a:: "ES- 2a f~R~ 32

1. INTEllECTUALLY STIMULATING COURSE ST"ONGLY AGRFE ••••••••••••••••• • •• ~r,R~E ........................... _ •• OIS.GQFE ••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• ST.ONC,l Y 01 ~'CR~F ••••••••••••••••• orES unT APPl Y ...................... .

2. INSIRuoe. AVAllAalE TO STUDFNTS STR~NGl'f ACQ,EE ...................... . AG .. E ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DtljflCRff ........................... • •• • nrc;A(,~Ef ................. . nrEot) rlrT !\PPlY' ••••••••••••••••••••

3 • .aSS, O~"'fNl S H(l PFUl 'S Tnr.~~r.t Y AGRFE ..................... . ~GRfF ............................. . nIS.GREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRrNr.t'( Ot 'It\.r,Rf:E .................. . OCt.'5 t:OT ~ppl'i ..................... .

10. res 1, .Hl FeT lOFAS OF COUR5E C;TqONGlY Ar,PFE •••••••••••••••••••• Ar.~FF ............................. . DISAGOFF •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRnNr.l'f ntsAGREE ••••••••••••••••• onrs fiaT APPI f ••••••••••••••••••••

S. L.BS OR lM:<;UhCE O.ILlS HelPFUL STRONGLY .GRFE •••••••••••••••••••• AGRFF ................ ••••• ••• • •• ••••• OISI!.GP€E •••••••••••••••••••••• •••• STPCNCL Y DIS.GnfE ••••••••••••••••• nOFS NOT APPl Y ••••••••••••••••••••

6. INSTPUCTOR'S pnESHITATlON EFfEtTlVE STOCNGL Y AGREf •••••••••••••••••••• ACRFE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OI~.GOEE •••••••••• • •• • •••• • •• ••••• STRr.f:r.l Y DIS.GREf ................ . nCEC; r:or APply ..................... .

7. GRAOES HIP ST'ONr.l Y AGRfE •••••••••••••••••••• Ar.nFE ................................... . Dt S~~\lf1: .......................... . ST.eNr.lY DIS.G.Ef ••••••••••••••••• cnES rlnT APPl v ...................... .

9. WO •• LO'O cn~PAREO WITH OTHER tlJURSES MUCH l Jr.'~T(R ...................... . LIGHTER .......................... . Ar.nUT T~E SAMf •••••••••••••••• , ••• ,",f.ll/1Ft' ••••••• "' ••••••••••••••••••• r-'11C~ IIFAvtEP ...................... .

'I. INSTRUCTOR COMPARED WHit OTHEFS ONE OF TPf VFR Y 8E ST •••••••••••••• AFTTFP T~AN MnsT •••••••••••••••••• I\BnUT :'vrfl.AGE ••••••••••••••••••••• WOR~E TH'N MOST ••••••••••••••••••• ONE OF THE VERY WORST •••••••••••••


11 II o o I.'

12 14 o o ()

12 14

1 o 1

15 9 I o o

o I o o


13 \4 ~ o o

11 IS

2 o o

o I

14 13 o

H 8 6 o o

60~ 39t o~ Ot o~

0'= n

sr'l; 461:


50'1; 281: 21t ot 0'1;


IN US·WRlO POL N43311~1 lST·Z Fl:Y SP~O lP-O f:lfS~ 34 eNR~ 37


12 3~'" 2() 5~~

2 5~ o o~

r r~

10 2QK 2~ 5'~

I 2' o o'!.' 3 .~

e 24'" 17 SIT

5 1~~ o O~ 1 9~

13 :!JJt: 19 55~

1 2~ o ot I 2~

o Ot r ct o ~t o Ot

34 I()e t

12 35X 18 ')'~

3 8t I 2t o O~

10 30r 18 5't~

4 12t I 3r o o~

1 2t 7 20:

14 41% 9 26; 3 at

10 2'1~ 11 32~ 12 35t

I 7% o ot

ELLO' SOVIET FOREIGN POLICY 014337701 1ST=2 Ft • .,. SP=(J lP':O RfS= 25 ENR= 34-


19 7 o r a

8 11

I 2 o


1 I c

15 1 3 o o

o I o o


15 8 2 o r

B 11

2 4 o

o 3 9 q ...

11 12

I o I

O'SQIEN "ll INSTRUM FOR EIGN POL 014337901 TST-2 F r=y sp=() lpe-l RES. 12 ENR= 16


II 'II" t P" o O~

r r" o ~~,

7 58~ 5 41t o ot r rr c cr

5 41t 1 5ex o Ot o CT o ~~

4 3"'\"( 8 66% o Ot o 07; o ('r

o Or I.' or o 0% o Dr

12 Icor

I 58! 4 33! I 8t o Dr c ~X

4 33% 1 5St o r. I Sf. r rr

o or 2 I~t 6 ~or 4 33% C Ot

q 75% 2 16t I 8t o ot o or

WTNTFELO INnOD TD puall C POL ANALYSIS 014l38QOI T5T=2 F l=,( SP::rl lP:: RES' Ir ENR= 12

NO. ~ O' RES

~ 5 o ('>


1 3 o C ()

4 6 o (1


'1 I o (1


o ()

I o ~

6 3 C o c

7 3 ~ o (

o l' I,

5 I

3 5 2 o o

ot (T.

lot ot


66': 3l~

C% O~ ot

70t 3r"

r1: O~ 1.'1.

O'i: r~

4Ct 50t Irf

30~ srt 20t O~ 0':

I. INTEllECTUAllY STlMUL.TlNC COURSf ~ TRnNCl Y AGRfE •••••••••••••••••••• AG~r£ ............................. . DIS.G.EE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• t;TRI1~:r.t Y 01 "iAGRFf ................. . I1i'FS fJnr APPly ...................... .

2. INS TRUCTOO 'V'lLARLE TO STIJDFNTS t; TPnNr.l y t\r,Rf( ............................. • .. Ar.ctfF .................................. . OISAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STPPNr;l y nl Sl\GFlEE ................... . orES r;Or "":>t y ...................... .

'3 • .ll.SSIG~.'·.FNrS HELPFUL '; TPCtlGl Y hGR.fE ........................ . Ar.QFr .............................. • ..... . OI$Af."EE ......................... . STRnNGlY ntl:iAr;PFE .................. . f'ln'FC) tlOT APfllY ••••••••••••••••••••

.... TESTS p(FLfCT lOEAS OF cnURSE C;TR('Nr.l y .\~nfE ....................... . Ar.nrr: ......................................... . f'}rs'\r,l1ff ............................. . STAr.rH;t y nl<jAGPEE ••••••••••••••••• fiefS NOT .APPly ................. ••••

5. LAOS OR lANr.IIAGE DRillS HElPFUL STnnNGl Y AGI1€E ..................... . ~r;QE~ ............................... . OIS.GREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STpr:r.;GlY n'c;.aG~Ef ••••••••••••••••• Oc,:S N.nT APPl Y ...................... .

6. I~SI.UCTOP·S PRESENTATION EFFECTIVE STPONGlY ACqeE •••••••••••••••••••• 'GofF •••••••• • ., •••••••••••••••••• nl~AGPfE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRr.~J::;tV nlt;AGREE ................... . nDrS ~OT APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

7. CRf.OFS F.\!Q ST~nNGlY AGREE ....................... . AGOff ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DISAG.ff ..................... •• •• • SfP~Nr.lV OIS!'lCREE ..................... . OOF" NOT APPLy ................. •• ..... •

8. WOPKlCAO CQ!'o'PARED \<jtn' OTHER COUPSES ~UCH LIGHTER ..................... . lIGHTER .......................... . ABOUT THE S.ME •••••••••••••••••••• HfAVIFR ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MUCH HfAVlfR ••••••••••••••••••••••

'I. HIS HUCT OR CO"PARED WITH OWER S r:~F CF lHF VERY Af ST ................. .. fl':::TTfR TPlrJ fJOST ................... . ArOlJT AVfR/lr,Gf ....................... ••••• WORSf Tlf.'Hl ~10ST ..................... . ONf OF WE VFRY WORST •••••••••••••


INTERGOVT AFF rI433'19Cl TST= Fl= Sp:=o LP= PES= Q F.NR= 9


I ll~ 8 6~~ C O~ o O~ r O~

8 88t I lit o Ot (1 Ot I' or.

I \It 6 66t 2 ?2~ o Ot (l r~

7 17~ 2 22~ o Ot o Ot C rt

o Ot C 1'1: o Ot o Ot 110ft

I lit 7 17>: 1 lit o ot r rt

1 lit 7 77>: I lit o Ot (l 0>:

(1 C: o Ot 1 1T1: 2 22>: o r7.

I II >: 3 317 4 'o4t o Oll: I lit

BOllE" LATIN .M GOnS & POLITICS 01434ZtCl TST:cl FI=Y SP~I l~'O RES= 40 J=~R~ 42

NO. ': OF R~S

11 19

2 o 2

1B 21

I o ()

13 25

I o o

o ('

o o


19 n

6 2 (1

15 IS

2 4 o

r o

20 18


19 IJ

6 2 o

3B~ 4U 5:



Of rf;

sot 45T. 5t


NO. 'l: OF RFS

6 6 5 o 1

5 9 3 1 (1

3 a 6 2 ~

I o o o

n 5 9 Z 3 o

4 9 ~ o 2

Z 3

11 3 o

4 6 6 I Z

26~ 41t 10'; 1St r,;

2ft "'7~ Zit O~



IS!! 5n 1~~ r.;

21" 31" 3U ~~


SCHAll CLASSICAl POUT -ICAL T~OUGHT 01"'34~qOl TShl F I=Y SP=O LP=l R'~= 1 ~ ENR=?r

NO. " OF .es

10 .h" 5 ll\: o 0" o Ot o rt

7 46t 7 46: 1 61: o Ot o ('t

10 7n ... ZPI: o Ot o Ot (l Of;

... 28t I n o Ot o Ot 9 64~

I' n; (} t''' a Ot r rt

1 ~ I(,Ot

... 30t 6 461: 1 71'; I n I 7>:

3 30t I I<'F-o 0: o O~ 6 6(1:

r ('t o CIt 6 40: 1 ... ",: 2 13:

6 4Ct 5 Br-Io 26: o r: o 0"

SCHALL FUNOAIfTS POLITI C '''EORY 0141'0501 TST-l Fl::o:Y ~P=O lD=l p!?'s=?q ENR.:= 3l

NO. ~ OF qES


12 o I o

15 IZ 1 r I

15 110 o o o 8 3 o o


I o I r


12 11 Z 2 1


6 o o



1 1

16 5

11 II 5 I I


lC~ 0: 0:


.. --------.......... --.. --.. --.... ----.. --------------.. --------~------------------------...... --.............. .. I. INT~lLECTU.llY STIMULATING COU.SE

STRPNGL Y ACREE ..................... . I\GREf ........................... _ ••• OJ~AGR~E .......................... . I}T~ONGlY otS,\GP:EE ••••••••••••••••• OOF'S UOT ApPLy .................... .

2. I~S'"lJCTno AVlILABlE TO STUDENTS SiRrt'Gl y AGR FE ...................... . "r,p~E .................................... . o I~AGR~F. ••••••••••••••••• '" •••••• ST~ONGLY OIS.GREF. ••••••••••••••••• onFS rlor APPl Y ...................... .

l. AS~ l~"'~r1'lTS HflP'fUt c;iDrr;,ar;n'!:E ...................... .. AGf'oC:E ................................. . OJ>.'GOH •••••••••••••••••••••••••• <;lpntlr.LY nt SI\GRfE ................... . 0('1:"5 NOT APPly ..................... .

4. Tf~T~ ~ErlECT IDEAS OF COURSE Sl~rt~GlV Al;flEE ...................... . AIJPFF ............................. . OIS'COFF •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~TI:lr:r:r;ty OrSAGtt(F ................. . onES flnT APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

5. LADS OR lAtlGIJMiE DRIll S HELPFUL SlI:l:ONr.l Y AGRFE ...................... . Ai.hEF .............................. . DIS.G.fE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STOCNCoLY OISAGOff ••••••••••••••••• no<s W)T .PPL Y •••••••• ••••••••••••

6. INStOUCTOP'S pOESEUTATION EffECHVE ~TRcr;Gl Y Ar.nFE .................... . AtjPEE ............................. . OJSAG~Ef ........................... . STRCNr.LY Dl<;AGtoE'E ••••••••••••••••• onFS NCT APpLy ...................... .

1. GR~n"s HIR S TPOtJGt Y AGREE ..................... ,.. AGnrF ................................. . OIS.C.fE ••••••••••••• • •••••••••• •• STRCNGl Y DiSAGREE ................ . DOES Nor APPly ..................... .

8. WORKlnAD COMPO.ED wITH OT~FR COURSFS pAlJCH l Tr.HTI:'P ....................... . l lr,PTEQ •••• _ ....................... . AACUT THE SAME •••••••••••••••••••• ~fAvtER ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MUCH ... EAVIFR ....................... .

'I. INS tRU(TOR CO"PA~ED \11TH OTI1£RS O~f OF n"''': V~R'1 OEST .............. . RFTTER. TI-I&N MI'lST ....................... . ABr,UT AVf~Ar.E ..................... . WClP <;E THAN MOST ................ "' ••• O'-:E OF THE VER't WORST .............. .



19 651: IC 341: o 0: o 01: o r1:

18 621: 9 3U: I 3'l: o n 1 3t

16 551: 13 44~ o Ot (l rt o 01;

'1 32~ 10 35~ o o~ ~ rl 9 32:

o 00: o Ot o 01; o 01

25 100ll:

19 101; 7 25t; o 0: o O~ 1 1'1:

5 20: I~ 4CI;

Q 01; o 01:

10 401

(I Ot 4 13'1:

19 65t 5 In: I 3~

26 eQ: 2 6: 1 3'; (I ~ ..

o Ot



6 M1: 2 221: I In o 01: r ot

6 66' 3 3~t o o~

Q '·X o rt

6 M~ 3 )3~

o Ot ~ r t o (II;

4 5rt I III o O~ r ('>~

1 37:

o rf o at o 0; C' rt '1 lCrt

5 SSt 10 44'; o 0: o 0; o 01:

5 55t I lit o at c rt 3 33%

o Ot o 07; 2 221: 2 22t 5 551:

~ 44~

It "4t 1 lit o ot o a~

MCOONOUGH TfCH INTE~NAT OllT 8EH.VIOR c\43551~2 TlT­F 1='1 sp=o lP~ RES=-= 7.l ENRo:: 31

NO. 'l OF R~S

9 1q~

8 34t 5 21 '= I 4~ V r:

6 76~ 14 60l

2 B~ 1 41: o ot

3 n~. 1& 6Q~

2 13~ 1 4~ I 4~

~ rt 2 let o nt ~ r%

18 '10:

o r1: o O!! o Ot I 5r

1'1 '1St

8 341: 7 3(1t 6 261: C f'lt 2 Rt

3 141: 4 19'1: 1 41: o r;

13 61t

I 4'l: 4 ITt q 39~

1 30t 2 Rt

6 26; 4 In

10 43; 2 8t I 41:

£lLO I": APPLIED THE DR & apPROACHFS (l14,3552CI TST= I F I'Y SP.o LP= I RES= 16 fNR= 2'5


4 25t 'I 56~

3 IRt o Ot c rt

17; 50'

0 .. 0%


3 21t 9 64~ 1 7t o n t n

C' (If,

I lOt o Ot r C't q qOt

r Of I 1 .. 1 7X l' C'r

12 SSt

4 26. 10 661: o Ot r rr. I 6~

I 7~

2 IS" o O~ o Cf

10 76.

(I ('t

o ot 1 46. 7 46t I 6t

o Ot 'I 567; 1 43. o r .. o 07;

O'~R tEN I NTERf/AT LEGAL PHllOS (l143S62(11 TST=2 FI='( sp=o LP'l RES= 15 ENR' 23


12 80~

3 2r~

o 0" o O~ ~ Ct

9 6r<:: 6 40: o o~

o r" o 0" Q 6r% 6 40T. o Ot o r" o Ot

8 57~ 4 2~~ I n 1 7': o a~

1 6% o 0: o O~ o 0:

14 '13~

~ 53~ 6 40t o Dt r r~

1 6~

2 18t 2 1~~ o 01: (' ('~

1 631:

o Ct o OT. I 7" 9 51% 5 35t

8 5lf 5 33'1: 2 n>: o C~ o or

I. INTHLFCTUAll Y STIMULATING COURSE STQCNf.l Y r.r.Rf( .................... . t.CQ.~f ......................................... . ntc;'\r,aFF ................................ . STprNr.l Y Of SAGRFF ••••••••••••••••• nnrs NOT ",PPl 'f ................ •••••

2. INSHHICTCIl. AVAILARlE TO STlJDFt:TS STPrNr.l Y 4{';R.Ff ....................... . A",rq=F ..................................... . DIS./\r.r:rF ............................... .. ~Tr..nNr., Y oJ SAGRrE ................... . nOfc;. r~(lT APPLy ..................... ..

J. Ac;') 1 G~~tlfNTS HFt.PFUl STprNr.L'f hf.RFE.\ .................... . Ar.QFF .................................. . nr~~r.RfF ................................... . ST~Ct.;GlV orC;hGn(E .................... . ODfS tlr,T Jl.PI'L V .......................... .

.... nSTS OFrIFCI 10['S OF cau'S[ <;TAnNr.l Y Af'jRFE ........................ . .Gpff ............................ . nlsAr,nFF ................................ . ST~nr~r;lY f'ISI\r.PFE .................. . nnrs ~:'1T ".PPL Y ........................... .

5. lAf\<; O~ ll\r~r;tJ~r;E OPIllS HFlPFUL <;TQr~GLY Ar;nrf ..................... . I\GQfF ..................................... . OI~Ar,REf •••••••••••••••••••••••••• S Ttlr,Nr.l Y f')[ SAGRFr ...................... .. n("l~c; tlnT APl'L y ....................... .





12 2 2 (l

I> 15

1 1 1

4 18

5 2 2

3 1 2 I


2 I I o


ST?GrJr.t y Ar.~FF ......................... .. 10 12

4 I 2

At;rtrr: ..................... ............... . 01 CjAr;Pff ............................ . STPONr.tY OJSAGRFf ................... . DOfS NnT IIPPl Y ........... _ ........... .

7. CRAfl('S fA ITt STDn~:r.l y AGrtFf ....................... . tGI'~~ ................................ . nrsJ\r;R[E •••••••••••••• '1 ........... .

STRnNGlY DIS.GPEE ................ . nnrs NOT APPly ......................... .

8. WORKLnAD Cn"p •• EO WITH OTHER COURSES MUCH lIGHTER. ........................ . l TGI/TEQ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• h ~rUT T"E SAMF .................. .. t-4I;AVIER ............................ . ~UCH Hr.vIEP ..................... .

9. INSTRUCTOo COMPARED WITH OTH~'S ONE or THE VFRY BFST •••••••••••••• OfTTER TH'N MOST •••••••••••••••••• ABOUT AV[PJI,r.f ...................... . .:(11<'')[ THAN Moc)T .................... . ONE nF TltE VFP'f 'rIOQST •••••••••••••

I 3 o I


3 1

16 6 5

6 14 10 f I

MCDONOUGH SFM'INTERNAT CO NFLlCT 0143H701 TST-F [='1' sP'-=r lP" R ES~ 9 ENR= 11


6 1 o o ~

5 2 2 o c

5 2 o o I

o 1 o C 5

o I o (l


2 3 o r 3

I.' I 2 r 5

I (l

B ~ o

4 4 I C o

PI: 14~ O~

.. 9~~ 2'~ 3n o~ rt



FOLEY EUROPEA'" CIV: T o N.POLEO'" 014400301 TST-l Ft-v SP-2 LP­RES= 56 E~R= 78

"'0. 1: OF RES

44 7a~ 10 17t

1 U I I: o O~

30 53~ 25 44~ o D~ o 01: 1 1~

2T 49Y,. 26 41~ 1 .. I I ~ ~ r~

29 ~2X B 4n

2 ~~ (l ('

1 It

I I~ I U o Ot I It

5) CJ4";

4r 12' " 1~'

I U o r~ o 0%

24 44~

26 4Q" 3 5: I It o 0:

(I (l%

I 1% 10 In 27 ~8' 18 321

46 82t 8 14% 2 3'1: C r. o rt



40 ':;5~

30 "'1'1; 2 2~ o r. o Ot

18 25'!; 53 1H o O~ o O~ I U

23 3U 44 61.

4 5t I U o n

42 59T 25 35"

2 2% C C. 1 21:

I It I U o Oll: c r%

69 'l71:

53 73~ lR 25%

I u: C C'% o 01

22 3(17( 45 631:

• 5t; () r: o 0:

1 u: 1 n

38 52: 3r 4'"

2 2:

~1 512 263M: 'lIZ' o 1': o Ot

MAGERQVSKY EUOOPEIN CIV: T o N'POLECN ~144C{>3( 3 TST-) Fl*=Y 511-2' lPsO R~S. 33 ENs:t,. 59


3 q~

13 ~'l' I? 36'

5 15% () ('T.

9 2n 2C ~ot

1 3'1; o r: 3 ,,~

4 In 18 64.

I 3t :0 OX r N

2 6; 24 12.

6 181 I 3~ o O~

(' c. o ot 1 3r I 3'

30 9H

I "1: 5 15~

15 ~6!

II 3H o ot

T 2n 2~ 72~

1 3% 1 31: a 01

(I (I': 5 1~!

20 62~ 6 let 1 3~

1 3t 3 'It

10 )O~ 13 ,q~

6 lRl

1. INTELlECTUAllY STIMUlATIIIG COU1lSE STFtONGL'f AGReE •••••••••••••••••••• AGREe •••• e ............. • ••••••••• ••

nrSACRFF •••••••• " ••••••••••••••••• ~TAnNr.l Y DfSllGREF •••••••••••••• "" .. . DOE S NOT APPLY ... "' ........................... .

7. INSTRUCTOII AVAlLABlF. TO STUDENTS STRONGLY AGREE ..................... . AGItFF ...... " •••• " ••• " ................ . nrSI\GPEE"' •••••••••• " •• •••••••••• .. • STRr.NGlY DI SAGREE ••••••••••••••••• noes tlnr APPLy ..................... ..

J. ASS IGNHfNTS HEl PFUl S TRONGt. 'I AGREE .............. ·." ............. .. AGJtFf •••• " ........................ .

nJSAGREE ••••••••••• ••••••••••••••• ~TPQNGl Y DtSAGAr-E ••••••••••••••••• nrFS t~nT APPL., ••••••••••••••••••••

4. TF.STS PfFLECT I DEAS OF COURSE STitnNGl'i AGRff •••••••••••••••••••• 4CtlEe •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

01 SAGftEE •••• • •• • .. • •• •••••••••••••• STQONGl'" DrSAGREf ••••• ,.. •••••••••• DOfS NOT APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

,. LARS OR lANGUAGE DR III S HELPFUL STRONr.l., AGAH •••••••••••••••••••• At;RrE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

DISAGREE ••••••• • •• •••••••••••••••• STAONGl1 DISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• ODES NOf APPLY •••••• o •••••••••••••

6. INSTRur.rOR's PRESENTATION EFFECTIVE STP:ONGl Y ""CREE .................... . Ar,Pt=E •• ., •••••••••••••••••••••••••• n(SA('!REE ........................... . STRONr.l Y DiSAGREE ••••••••••••••••• OOFS NOT APPLY ••••••••••••••••••••

7. GRAOES fAIR STRnNGLY AGREE ••••••• • ••••••••••••

Ar.RrE •••••••••• • •••• •• .. ••••••••••• OISAGRH ....... • •• ••• ••••••••••••• STRONGl Y n t SAGREE ••••••••••••••••• nOES NOT APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

8. WORKLOAD COMPARED WITH OTHER COURSES IIUC" lIGHtER •••••••••••••••••••••• lIGHTER ••••••• 0 •••••••••••••••••••

ARnUT THE StME •••••••••••••••••••• ... EAVIEA: •••••••••••••••• •• •• • .... ••• ~uc ... HfAVlfR ••••••••••••••••••••••

9. I"ST.UCTOP COMPARED WITH OTHERS ONE ClF T~E VeRY REST •••••••••••••• RfTTER TI16,N MOST .................. . .ARnUT AVERAGE ..................... . WORSE T,..A .. MOST ................... . ONE OF THE VERY WORST •••••••••••••

_AN' fUIIO'fAH"CIVI'T o NAPOLEON 0144C0304 lStaz n-., SP-Z V-O RES- 27 EN.- 31

NO. 11 01' RES

12 4~~ lit Slit 1 3'11 o O~ o o~

1 25' '18 66'

I ~~ o 0' 1 3~

8 29' 11 621

I 'n o ot 1 l~

12 44' 13 4811 o ot o 0' 2 n

1 3% 1 3! I 31 o ot

23 881:

10 381: 14 5J~

2 n o 01 ~ ~.

6 25'li 16 66~

2 ~I: o 01 ~ C~

o 0' o D~

n 5~% II 42% 2 11:

10 3Bt 8 30~ 1 261: 1 3'1: o 01:

.10HIISOtf " US HISTOn'1

014400502 Tsr-l FI-Y $p. lPIIl RES- 51 EN~- 56


21 4a 2~ 581 C It o n (l rl

10 20t: 36 12'

2 4" o 0'1:

, 2 4'

28 54': 22 431: I! ~11 o Oll 1 n

2'1 59'1: 2(' 40ll a 01: a 01: ~ ~t

a Ot 2 "1 o 0'11 o 0'

48 96~

29 ~61

21 41' I 1'1: o 0% (' (l'

25 54' 21 451: o ~" o 01: C C,

o 01: 3 ",

3T 14'1: 9 I~' 1 2'1:

19 361 13 46%

" IU a ot: o ot:


1. INTELLECTUALLY STt~UlATING tOU1lSE STPONGl Y AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• I\GREE .............................. . ot SAGRff ........... - ................ . SrOONGl Y nH4GREE ••••••••••••••••• D('I~S ~nT 6PPl v ••••• ., ••••••••••••••

2. INnOliCTOO AVAIlAAlE TO STUnEIiTS STPnr.:GLY AGIt'EF .................... .. I.CAEf .............................. . 01 SAtACr ............................. .. STPf'lNGLY 01 SACPEf ................... . DOfS NOT APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

,3. A~qGNME'lTS HrtPFUl SlPnNGLY ~r.pef .................... .. Ar,~FE. e •••••••••••••••••••••••• , ••

nISlCREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• S'lRnNCLY otS.AGtlef ...................... . DOeS NOT lPPl v ••••• •••••••••••••••

4. Tf~TS OfF! fe T 10f.S OF COURSE STRr:tICL't AGPfE •••••••••••••••••••• ftCrtEf •••••••••••••••• •••• ••••• • •• • n J $ .. \GREE' •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~T,..~NCL'( DISAGP~E ................. . ones PI or APPl '( .................... .

5. UR~ "R l.Nr.UAGE llRlllS ~ElPFUl STRONCLY AcReE •••••••••••••••••••• A(;DEf ............................. . DlSAGRFE ••••••••••••• ••••••• •• • ••• 'i TQOt:CLY fHSAcnef .................. . DnFS NOT APPly .................... .

6. H"TAUCTOR'S ppeS~NTAHON EFFECTIVE S TnnNCLY ~GRf£ •••••••••••••••••••• AG~fE ............................. . n r SAGR.f.E •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STQOtlGLY ntCiAr.REf ••••••••••••••••• rnfS NOT APPlY ••••••••••••• o ••••••

7. GRMES FAIR STflr.Nr.lY .GRFf •••••••••••••••••••• AGRf.E ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• n t SAGQ(E ............................ . STRONGLY 0ISAGREF ................. . I"JOS:S Nnr ~PPl Y ..................... .

8. IeORKUlAf' COMPAREO WITH eTHER COURSES HUC'" l tr.~fTfR •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 IGHTfR ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• AROIIT THE SA~e •••••••••••••••••••• HEAVIEP ............................ . PlUCH HEAVIFR ••••••••••••••••••••••

9. INSTRUCTOR CO"PAREO WITH OTHERS nNf or THf VfRY 8fST •••••••••••••• '11=TT[O TH,;,N MOST ••••• ., ............. . A(\CUT AVEAht;E ••••••••••••••••••••• WOASf THAN "'OST ................... .

IIIST l!QDEM HID RE~ PROC£SS 1N OLE eaST LILT A!'ER ('14"131'1 TST->3 N~HZ901 TST-2 FI-Y SPa(' lP-O FI-., SP-C lP-l RES- 78 ENR- 38 RESs ZI EN-. 14

NO. 1: Of RES NO. : {Jr RES

16 6.1: 10 35'1: r ~,

o 1.': o 0:

13 .. ~11 13 4R~ r el o O~ 1 3~

12 44~ 14 51~

1 3' o 01

o 0' 18 6'"

8 301: o 0' I' ~t o 0'1

l' ~,

o 0" o 0'1 [' n

28 loot

15 5" 'I 3n 4 14' ~ Ct a Ot

1(1 3n I" 5~~ 3 10'1 1 n o 0, (l fl o (', 6 21:

17 61''1 5 11'

15 53' 1 25t 6 2U o ' O~

17 85~ 1 IS" [) {''I:

o 01: o ~"

2C Q~2: o nt 1 4-: o 01: o 0:

12 57: 1 31'1:

1 .. " o 011: 1 4'1:

16 8C' " 20'1: o 0' o CI o Ot

(1 0'(

o 0' o 0'11 o ~t

21 100"

17 81''1 4 1'12:

a 0" [l ct o 0'1

13 611: 8 38' n 01 (I 1" o 0'1

c r: 1, 41:

19 901 I 4' o O~

11 ect ,. 19~

o 011 C 1'%

ONE- OF ntf. "ifR.'i' WORST ••••••••••••• r t'~ ( 1'1:

1. INHlleCTUAll Y SlJl1UlATlNG COURSE STPONGl Y ACR£E .................... . AtR.(J: ............................. . DISACREE .............................. .. STQr.NCL't OIS4GREE ................ .. DOES ",OT APPly ................... ..

2. INST'UCTO~ AVAILABLE Til STunEIiTS STPONCL't 6CP EE ...................... .. to.fE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ntSA~RF.£ ....................... _ ••• STr.r.NGl Y 01 ~AGPEf ••••••••••••••••• OOfC; rIOT APPL Y .................... .

3. ASS I r.r:~ENTS HClPFUl ST~nr~Cl" ACREE ..................... . AC·H ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• f) t S~r,f.lEE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• srrC'f..:CL't 01 SAr,"ff .................. . nr:es r:or APPl '( ••••••••••••••••••••

"'. TESTS ~EFlEt~ I!lEAS OF COURse STPnNGLV ACREf •••••••••••••••••••• AGREE ............................... . o I SAG~EE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STR"NGlY IJISAGPfE ................ . onES r:or A PPL Y ..................... .

5. LA8S n. LA~GU'GE DRILLS t'ElPFlIl STRnNGLY ACRfE .................... . ACI:'EE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0' sa (';PEF ........................... . STRONCI.V 1)1~AGRFE ••••••••••••••••• OOfS NOT APPl Y ••••••••••••••••••••

6. INSTPUCTnR'S PPESFNTATtON EFFfCrlVE STRntJGt Y ACRC'F .................... . "r.t:Ef= •••••••• ' ...................... . DiSAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STPn,,,jLY nts4CREE ••••••••••••••••• DOES NOT APPLY .................... .

7. GRAnfS FAIR C;TPr.Nr.lY A(jpee ..................... . AGRff ................................ . n I ~AGRE:F ........................... . S,tP:Cf>,:filY OISACRE-f: .................. . onFS NOT APPLY ••••••••••••••••••••

s. 1I0R_lOAD CO~PARED W IfH OTHER COURSES MUCH IoIGtlreR ...................... . l tGHTEA. ............................. . AROUT THE SAME .................... . Hf:AVIFJt ............................ .. HUC>! HfAVleQ ••••••••••••••••••••••

9. INSTRUCTOR COlIPAREO WITIl OTtoeRS ONE OF THE VfRY REST •••••••••••••• RJ:TTER THAN MOST ................... . ABOUT AVERAGE ...................... . WORSF ftiAN "CST ................... . ONE OF THE VE~Y IeORST •••••••••••••

MftGeAOVSKY TOPS RUSS DOMES T HST 1'121-1'179 014455~CI TST-O Ft-? SP-O lP-l AfS. T £NR- 13


6 100~ o <'t o Ot (' ct o Ot

4 66~ 1 H,: o O~ o 0": I 16t

5 7\: 2 2A~ o 0" o r. o ot

C' 1''1: o ot o 01: (l 1'1 6 lOOt

C' r'l a 0'-o 0'1 () f'i 5 10(11:

6 lrr .. o ot o ot (\ O~ a 01

3 51'1 I 161 a ot o t't 2 3311

o (1'1 o 01 3 ~ot 3 5r't o 1)'1:

6 l~rt o (It o 00: C I'~ o ot

~rCKS' PEAS REVOLT C l 18 PlOV IN II-EST 0I4r.S77tl TS'T30 f I-V ~P.l lP-O RES- 4 fliRs 5

110. 11 OF RES

3 7~~ (I C''! l 2~t [I 0"1: o 0: 3 l~I o 0'1: I ?~'!;

o "" o ot

3 7St I 2511 o 01: (1 (I~

o 01;

2 66t o O't o Ot (1 C''t

I J~"

C (,,, o Ot

o '" o C! 3 lOOt

3 75t o Ot 1 25" o 0'1: o O~

2 66" o 0'1 o 0'1: [) ~~

1 331

o Ct o 0% ~ 100l( (I 1''11 [) Oll:

2 ~r1: I 25t o 0: I 2So: o Ot

0000 MODERN WORt 0 HI STORY 014401303 iST­FI_ SP. lPw ~ES. 52 ENR- 72

ti~. " OF RfS

15 ?~I: 21 51%

9 In I u: ~ ro:

14 261 34 68't

I 2'1: I 2'1: C (I~

4 n. 36 (,91:

8 151: " 7~ [) ~'=

3 5'1: 36 691 11 2llt

2 3% o ('I

o 01: o O~ o O!\: o 0'

51 10(11

14 26t 18 147; 16 lot 4 n c C't

3 5~ 361ft 10 19' 2 ~t C ('I:

o 01 4 n

28 53t 19 36'1: 1 n

5 9~ n 4211 19 36t

5 'II 1 n

WITEK lUST ASIAN cnt lIlAT I CI44451{11 TSl-2 Fl=Y SP-2 lP=O ~ES3 49 Ellq- 63

, NO. 1: OF nES

12 24" 31 611

4 8~ 2 4~ o Ot

11 ,26~

32 60;; 2 4: 1 z: 1 21:

13 260:. "34- 6qt

1 Z' I 2: o ot

n 27. 34 70'

I 2! D O~ o O~

a (II

o 01 2 ,,0: l' O. 4' Q~%

\I 1M: 25 51'1 12 24t

4 at a 0%

S 11= 31 70t

8 let o C! o ot

Il r~ 3 6'&

32 65% 13 26'"

1 2;

.. 8% 1(' 20% 2S 51~

8 16" 2 "'I

SESES GDVT-PCl TTl C S N FAST ASIA I.'H"619C'1 'TST' Ft;:,; SPa lP::a RESs 8 ENR= 9


4 5r" 1 'l7~ I IZ'( o rO! D 0'11

6 75t 2 2~!I: o {O! o r~ D 0:

1 ~7t. 3 42t I 14~ o C't o 0"

3 421 I 14~ I 14~ o r'll 2 2""

1 14'11 I I"~ o O~ (' [,'II

5 11'11

3 4'-'11 • 3 4?t (I (,'II 1 14'11 a ot

4 57t 3 41'11 D 00: o 1''11 o ot

1 14~ 1 14'11 4 ~7'11 1 14t o 0%

5 62'11 I 121: I 127; 1 12" o 07;

"'1\0.,,:> HDOE~N WORLD HI STORY 01",,,01304 TST-)3 F 12V SPEO tP=O RES- 86 eMIt,. 98

!l0. ~ OF RES

31 4n 45 52~

4 4~ o o~ (' 01

1'1 22~ 5q 68~

1 ij'!t o o~ I I~

13 t5~ M 691

1 nt o DO: 6 60:

38 461: 38 460:

6 11: o 0" o ~1:

I 11: D O~ I II: o co:

83 Q7'i:

35 4111 40 4n

8 97; I U: o 00:

17 2l~ sr 62'1

7 B'; 6 7:l o (1';

o 00: 4 47;

57 660: 24 n~

I 1'1

25 290: 26 leo; Zq n1:

6 6~ C co:

WITEK HtStORY (If J~PA H I 01"'445'01 TST=2


tlO. 1: OF liES

7 361: II 51l

1 ~'l: o O~ C' ~~

10 52'1< P 41~ o o~ a O~ 1 5~

'I 471 1(1 527; o Ot o 00: (' CO:

13 68: 5 260: 1 St o 0: (I r:

o 00: o Ot o 0: o (\t

1'1 100:

8 440: 'I 500: I 5: o 07; o 0:

9 ~O" e 44'!: o Ot I 50: (\ (It

o 00: 2 1(1';

11 S'"It 6 310: C co:

S 26% 12 6~t:

2 I~O: o 0: c til:


ASIA I 014445S01 TST=

Fl='I" SP=2 l~· RES- 7 ENP:= 9-

1=1$ SP- ll'= 'RES- 18 EN~= 29



2 330: 4 66" ~ ct: o 011: o 02:

7 10D>: o 0% r C'I o ot' o ot

2 330: 4 66'" (0 (% o 0'1: o 0;

5 71t 2 28. (, r. o Ot o 0:

I 141: 1 14% o ex ~ co; 5 111;

1 161: 3 50t 1 16; 1 1M o ot

2 2St ,. 5n o Ot c o. I 14%

" ('~ a O! 4 661 2 33l a Ot

3 5C~ 2 33~ 1 16l (' ('t (' C)t

SE>lINA~' R~VOlU T!ON~RY RUSS fA Cl"?I'ICl TST=O n·y SP= LP= I RES= 5 FNR= 5

NO. " OF qES

3 6('~ 1 2C~ 1 20~ C r~ o 0'11

2 40," 2 40" (I r1, o 0'11 1 ZOt,

2 4CO: 1 ZO'll 1 2rx o 0'11 I 20t

o Ot o Ot (' at I! 0 .. 5 100'

o (I~

o 0'11 o 0% o 0'11 5 100%

1 20: 1 20Y 1 2f% o 0'1 2 40'11

I 2~: I 2SO: (I r'(

I) ~'II

2 SOt

o 0'1: o ot 2 40'11 I 20X 2 ~Ot

I 20: 3 60~ o 00: o rt I 20t


5 297; 11 64"

I 5' o o~ o O~

9 5Q~

'J SOt {I N: o at o Ot

2 121: 6 31': C (': 1 'It 7 411:

I 7" 6 4Z~ (' (''t o O~ 1 50t

z 12% I 6: e r? o O~

13 81'"

.. 3(,'r. 6 46% 3 ~3% o o~ o 0",

o 1''1: 5 Jat o O~ o D'!: 8 61t

o C"= 5 "'It S ~1~ 2 16' o ot

5 41~ 4 ,J~

3 2S~ I' C'~

o r'lt

UUIJU "exlco C CARIR8 EON SINce INDEP 01447%01 1ST= FI= 'SP~ lP::: RES= 7 EN~= 1


6 ~5~ 1 14"'; o O~ C (Of o O~

4 571: 3 42~ r f% o 0>; o 0'1:

6 a5% I 141: r r~

o rt o O~

I 16~ o Ot (1 C% o 1''1: 5 83~

o eT-o 01 (1 ('II o ot 7 loot

5 TU 2 28~ C at o ~t o ot

3 6rt 2 40t C' C~ o 0'1; o Ot

2 2n o Ot 2 2St 2 2e~ 1 J4%

5 7n I 14t 1 14': o c: a 0':

I~ INTFllECTUAllY STIMULATING COURSE STPCNGL'" AGREE ..................... . A~RrE .................................... . OIS~GOrE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STOCNr.l Y I)IS.GPfE ••••••••••••••••• nnE~ NOT APPly ..................... .

Z. INSTOUCTnR \V'ILA~lE TO STUnENTS C;TPnrHil Y AGREE .................... . Al,~ rF .................................... . 01 SftC~rf .......................... .. STPnNGlV I)IS.GREE ••••••••••••••••• I"n'ES tlOT APPly .................... .

3. ASS Ir,~M[,lTS HEl?FUl SlPO,,:r,l'1 Ar,R'€E ........................ . Af":RfF .............................. . OIS~GR[E •••••••••••••••••••••••••• SnONGl Y 01 S.GPEE ••••••••••••••••• oprs NOT APP'LY ••••••••••••••••••••

4. TESTS HFlfCT 10EAS OF COURSE STPCNGl Y AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• t\Grt~f .................................. . OTSA(;prf .......................... . ~T.nNGlY 11ISAGPEE ••••••••••••••••• oofS tlOT APPly ..................... .

5. LAa S OR l ANGUACE OR III S I<flPFUl ~TllrNGlY .aCREE .................... . At;IlFF ............................. . nl~~GR[r •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STR£"INGlY OISACRfE .................... . nOES NOT APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

6. INSTRUCToR'S PRESENTATION EFFECTIVe S TRONr.U AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• ~GREE ............................... . f)ISACnfF ........................... . S TOONGl Y O/SAGREE. '" •••••••••••••; t\OT AfI'Ply ........... ~ ••••• • ... .

1. G~AOES FAIR STRONGI Y AG"EE •••••••••••••••••••• Ar.REE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DISAGPH •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONClY otS/lr,Rff ................. . DOES NOT APrl Y ••••••••••••••••••••

DUNKLEY (IICLI SH HIST, 689-1861 C 14"'l1QU TST-2 FI=N Sp-o lP-l RESs 37 FN~~ 38

Nn. : OF PES

17 53~ 15 4610 o o~ o D: o r:

n 40t 18 561: o 00: o 0: 1 n

12 31't 19 5QO:

I ~'I:

o 0" (' C,;

24 751 II 25t: o O~ o 011 (' r:

o 0 .. 1 n (I 00: o 0:

30 96:

11 53': IS 46~

o O~ o 0'1: o o'.t

11 3~" 21 65'1:

('I (l~

o o~ o o~

8. WnOKlOAO cn_PAREO WitH 01HER CnUR~ES MUfH l IGttTEIl •••••••••••••••••••••• lICttTfR ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• AanUT THF SAME ••••••••••••••••••••

o 0: I n

26 81'1: HFAVIFR ............................ . "'UCH .. 'EAVlrq; ...................... .

9. INSTOUCTOR rOMPAPEn IItTH OTHERS CNE or T~E VERY BHT ............. . eFTTfR TIIAt: MOST ....................... . A80UT AVJ:"RdGt: ..................... . WOQse THAN MOST ...................... . ONE or Tllf Vf.Y WO~ST ............ .

5 15: o Ot

II 34: 1'1 SQl

2 61: o Ot o 0%

eROWN US I N 20TH CENT URY 01~447101 TST=I Fl= SP- LP::Il RES-.f,.4 ENRz 63

I. INTELLECTUAllY STIMUlATING COUPSE ST1>ONCl Y AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGttfE ....... _ ........................ . 01 SAcnFE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGLY DI SAGRfE ••••••••••••••••• onES NOT APply •••••• • •••••••••••••

2. INSTPIJCTO~ .VAllABLE TO STUOENTS STnONCl Y AGOff •• , ••••••••••••••••• ar.ttfE .............................. . 01 SAr.oFE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STPONClY nISAGREF ••••••••••••••••• Or.ES ueT APH Y •• , •••••••••••••••••

3. 'SS I GN"rNTS fiFt HUl • STRONGLY AGREE ..................... . ... GQEF ................................... . orS~GPEr •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONCl Y ot SAGRFf ................. . OClfS t-:nT APpLy ......................... .

4. TESlS RernCT ToeAS OF ccuns£ SToO>lGlY AGRfE •••••••••••••••••••• Ar,oFF .............................. . ntsACR'rE ............................. . STQONr.t.Y nISAc~r:F ................. . nll!S NnT IIPPl'f ..................... .

5. lARS nR L'NGUAGE DR IllS HELPFUL ST~r.Nr.l Y AG~EE ••••• , •••••••••••••• AGOFf ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• nIS.GREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 5TOO.lGlY nISlGREE ••••••••••••••••• OO'/;S NOT 4PPl Y .................... .

6. IN~TRUCTOR·S PPESFNTATION FFFfCTlVE STRONr.t Y AGR FE ........................ . Ar;~FE ............................... . DIS.GREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• StRONGLY nIS.GRFf ................ . DOfS .mT APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

7. GR'O[S F'IR s"pnt~Cl y At;RFF ........................ . 'CofE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 01 ~.r,PE[ •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Sl"ONClY ntctAGRfE ............ ., ••••• onES ~lOT APPly ................... .

8. Wn"~LO'D CCMPA"EO wl1H OT~ER COUoSES ~UCH ltr.HTER ........................ . l tGHTf~ ........................... . ~"r.\lt THf '$At'te •••••••••••••••••••• Hf: AvrFR ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MUCH HEr. VI ER ....................... .

9. IN~TRUr.TIl" COMPARED WITH OTHER S ONf OF T~F VFRY 8r~T •••••••••••••• '3'ETTfR THaN MnST .................. . AP.OUT Avr~.~C( ..................... .. \olURS:: THAr: MOC'.l ....................... . O~lf nF TilE VERy ;lORSt •••••••••••••

Liberal Arts

NO. % OF nES

'3A,. 77: 10 22l r r% o r% o 0%

'36 en ~ IB~

o o~ o r% o 0%

18 4(,% 25 S6~

I 2% r r( o 0'1

26 59t 17 let o 0: r 0= 1 1%

(I (': (1 Ot o 0% (' r:

41 Ir~%

27 6a t1 38: o 0: r r% o 0%

16 38~ 26 61~ o ox I' r~ o CO:

o 02: o O~

12 21'l: 26 60%

5 11:

15 nx q 2~"'!

C O~ o OZ o 0%


I. INTELL ECTUAll. Y STI !'!UlATI NG COU"SE STRCNGl y AG~EE •••••••••••••••••••• aGn,:F ................................ . Dt""AGREE ............................ . S TPCf.;(;t Y OI5AGREE ................. . onfS NOT APr'lLY ..................... .

2. INSTDUCT~P AV.ILAeLE TO STUDENTS STQONGL Y AGREE ..................... . At.q~F ............................. . nl s.r,oH •••••••••••••••••••••••••• S1RO~~r.\ y Ol~AGREF ................... . nf"lfS rJOl' APPly ..................... .

3. A~SIGW'HHS HFIPFUl srRr~r.I.Y ACORcE .................... . ",r;R1=f ............................. . ~IS.GREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• "TP{1Nr.1 y Ot(j~r.PEE .................. . flr'F$ ~!r.T !o.~~l y ......................... ..

... TESTS "FrlErT IneAS OF cnU~SE 5TPr;r.Gl't" '.CP'(E .................... . af. D 1=r ................................ . OISAGf!fF:- ........................... . STI?ONGtY DISAGAEE ••••••••••••••••• nOES ~CT A PPl Y ••••••••••••••••••••

5. LAP,,) (1R lAtJ(;UAGE OPIllS HFlPFUl S TPrH:GLY A'iPEE ....................... . to r.ll r r ................................ . n\ S.G"fE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• C:;Tpr~JGLY DtSACREf ...................... . onES NOT APPl Y ....................... .

6. tNSlQnr:TnJt l <; PPfSEfHAT(ON fFFECfrVE STr'lO~':Gl y Ar;Q[f •••••••••••••••••••• t.r.r-fF ••••• _ .......................... .. nl~AGrrE ••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• C;T~r.NGI v nlSACRFf ................. . OnFS r.nT APPl V ...................... .

1. GPAne> FAIR STRONGLY ACREE .................... •• Ar;Rf( ............................... .. nlSfl.G~fE .............................. . STnONr.lY nYSACR(E ................... .. nr.FS ~~OT APPl v .................... ••

8. WOPKlrAn cn.,p.REn ~!TH OTHER COUPSES MUCH lICHTFR ••••••••••••••• _ ....... .. llGI4TCR ............................. . AnOUT T>lE SA"E •••••••••••••••••••• HfAVtEq ........................... •••• IlUCIl I'EAVIFR •••••• ; •••••••••••••••

9. INS TOUCTIlP COMP 'PEO WITH OTHERS nNf or T~E VEny BEST •••••••••••••• "fTtfn Tt-'hN "'lasT •••••••••••••••••• • ... RnUT l.VfQAGF ..................... . ~OR~e T~AlI MOST .................. . ONE OF THE VERY WORST •••••••••••••

ClqQCCI~l TST3 f=J= SP~ lP= RES= n FN'= 29

NO • .; OF RES

16 76% 5 73: o o~ o O~ o r~

18 BU

" 18~ o O~ o (l~

c r~

15 71% 6 28t r t: a O~ (> ~~

2 q~

I 4% (> r~

o O~

18 8~'

t 4'.: 2 q~

C 0% o o~

Ie 85l:

11 A5~

3 l~' o e. o 0: o O~

II sn q 421: (' f!. o 0: 1 4~

o o~ o 00: 2 11:

4.X 4H

\1 85'-3 15~ (' ~.

o ox o 0%



Nn. : (IF ReS

J BH 1 1211 o O~ o 0'1: I' rx

5 62t 3 11t (1 Ot o 0" o r:

f> 1SO: 2 75t o CO: o 0: (' ex

2 2St 2 2<'1: o ~t Q Ot

" ~r1l

o 0% o rt o 01: o 011 8 ICC"

7 87" I HO: Q rY-o O~

o 0"

I \U 3 SOl o CY-o 00: l 1J~

o ot o ot o ot 7 870: I In

7 R1: I 120: o r: o 0" o ot

JOHNSON ~FRo-A"ER ICAN H I~TORY 014 ... 7601 TSTel fl.:Y SP-=O lP=l PES= b ENR- 7


5 PH I 16' I' 1''1; o r~ a 0'1;

6 ICC: Q at c Co: C C% a 01:

b IDa: o O~ o O'r. o eX

.0 O't

5 B~% I 16~ o ot I' ro: o 0%

I' rx o r: o 01: e' I: 6 IQO~

6 JrC'l; (1 ~~

o 01: o r% o C'f.

6 Ire ... o r~ o ot r r: o DO:

o r'f. o r. c. b~~ 2 33~ C C'f.

6 loot o r: o O~

o n" o 0:

STITES HISTORY OF 1>USS IA I 01H395D? TST w 2 F1=Y SP-2 lP=O R.fli- 40 fNQ.~ T4


210 60% 16 4('0: o Ot o ot r 1'%

18 HI: 16 Ion o Ot o ot " 1ft

23 51:. 17 47" o ot o 01: (1 n

71 sn 16 lor" o Ct

o 0" I 7"

I 22: 1 21: o fO: o al:

35 9'"

25 6S1 12 31" o a" a 01: 1 a

15 47~ 11 4R1:

'3 8't; o 0':': o 0'9;

o 0:0: 1 2'1:

73 S8" II 280:

4 Ir"

18 4H: If\ 41'1:

2 'I: o 0" o 0"

tU.RAN MINO 1"1 US,PU"I Tl\N TO POP'!~NT te 014,. ... 8701 TST .. ) Ft=Y SP'Sll)3 lP=O RESz 6 ENP'" 6


5 fn1: I 16: o r: o r: o 0:

31: .,. 6M~

I' r. o r ... o 0 ..

2 31 ... 3 SO" lIb" o ('. o O'lt

3 ~t'''' 2 33% o 0>: I 160: o O'!;;

(' ('~

I 16% o 00: C (~

5 R1%

,. fJ(.'T,

2 JH o ro: o 0: o 0'" 3 c;r~

3 ~('~

o ox (' r .. o co:

(' r'!!'! o C% 1 16>: 7 3~" 3 ~O'"

2 1'~ 4 66% o 0% o ('r. o 0':.

STITES WOMEN & MOO REV OlUTION 01443'1601 TST~O Ft:llN SPs 1 lP=t ~E'S=. it' ENRc t 5

NO. : or RES

1 7r" 3 leo: o ot o ot C ('

2 20t 5 SOt 2 20: o at I Ie'

6 60l 4 ~c~ o 0% o ot c (':

o at C' rt o OX o OX


o ot I lex e rr. o 01: 9 90

6 60: 4 4rt (' f~

o 0':.: (> rl:

I 1\: 8 981: C' or. o o~ C' rt

Q ot (' r~

1 Ie: 5 50'!'


3 3'X 3 3JX 1 13X o 0% o 0:

JOHNSON SOCI'L HISTnRY OF THf U. S. 0,"4"'9301 T5T""'1 F I·N SP=I lP'I Res- 33 EN'R~)9


1'1 (,C~

15 46'! 4 17~ o 011 o 0%

70 6C~ \3 3Q't

r 0'" Q a% o 0%

1 ~ 4~%

IA 54l (\ C'f,

o r ... a 0":

16 4Ror:' I~ 48t

1 IT o r. o o.

o (I'll

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31 96~

12 36~

11 SI~,

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23 11~ q 2?': o o~ (l [1~

o 1':

I 3>-c C!

22 6/,~ q 27'1': I It

II 3)' 14 42~

S ISl 3 q. o n

International Affairs G'RONFR ASI' .NO A 014"IC501 TST= Fts Sl'= l'P~

Rt=S= If! EN~= 18 NO. ~ Cf .es

14 87% 2 \7% o D! o n' ~ C~

a sot 8 sr t o O. o o. I' , ..

12 7S~ 41St C O. o 0: (> {'I:

12 ". 4 7'. (> rt o nt r rt

o O. I 6t c 0" o 0':

15 91"

q 56" 1 43. C r~

o ot Q 0. 6 00. 9 60. Q rt o 0: o n.

., ... ': 8 'jo't';

I 6. o DO: o r:


CLIMe ST~.ATeCIC INTfl L t \lcntn 9n'"~~

C\'BtlIOI TST=>3014 0 377n TShO FI=Y SP=I lP=O FI= ,\P= l.=1 RFIi= A E'tH~:: 9 RC')~ 23 qjO= 23

NO •• OF Res NO. % OF PES

7 el! 1 I~' o C. o o. r C<

7 81~

I I~' o n' o ~ .. ~ ~.

~ 62'. 2 15t I 120: o O. (> r~

4 so. 4 "ie'''!!;

o rr o 0% (> 1''11

o O~ r r. o c.: o ot 7 lrr'lt

3 In ,. S{~

(1 r. 1 12' o C.

6 7~'II

2 ?s. o ('~

o ot o 0%

o ot r r. 3 17t Z ?s. 3 31'

A 10(,": o 01 o co: o O~ o O!

tS bS~ B '34'1, C O~

r r' (' r-.:

Il 21'" 12 ~7~

'3 1 ,'!: o r. 3 n'


a 36~ o Ot

at 4., 7 St 2 e. o et n o.

19 82.

o O. I •• D r~ o Ot

21 q,~

I' S6. \f 1,3l:

(\ Ct o e. a n

"\ 16. 11 61~

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a O. 4 2Zf;

1 4% 7 31'.

12 52~ 3 Dt C r~

12 52X tr 4,\~

I ~;

o at o ox

RUEDY ISl"MIC CIVIl!l ATION I CI444l1CI TShZ F t,.Y sP=O lP,.O R~C;. 46 ENlh f)1

'10. l OF RES

3~ 6~'" 11 7l~

3 6~ Z 4t o C~

13 7QX 29 65l

I zt I 2~ o r~

16 34' 24 57t

3 6: I 2~ 2 4X

21 51~ 21 46~

1 7 .. o Ot a cx

1 n I 7' o c~ o OT

4) 95X

2S S4: I~ '9' I n 2 47 ~ r~

15 34: 24 54X ~ q,: I 2t e C·

o 0: I 7X

21 46: 20 44:

3 6 ..

1R 3Q,. 18 39:

8 IH o Ot 2 4X

fl'AG'=Q.(NSKY tNTRn TO AOV PU S filST 01~'55101 TST-O Ft""y 5P=" lP,,{\ RES- 10 ENR--. 22

NO. : nF PES

Q 100~

o O~ (l ~x

o Ot o O~

R e~'" o nt ~ ro: c Ot I 1\0:

7 7~~

3 J01: r r~ o o. o o~

o Ct o ox I' r. c r' q 10Ct

o O~

1 "' o 0% o et 8 eet

3 33: 6 66t o 0'% D Ot o ot

6 6!J· 2 ?Z~ o H p (.~

I 11%

HUDSOPII ~A.AB wn'lO TN ! N'l~PU~" ArFh~Q~ Ctr.e3QeCl T5T=" Ft.:::" s~=" l?:" Rr:S= 2(' F"'J P = 10\

NO. ~ OF PfS

11 -;"1; q 41)'[

o r"'r. r C¥ r r~

11' Sr~ l~ ~r~

Q o~

r t"!! o n

a 4{'~

12 6rt o ax o O' (' C ..

h 31' 1'3 6P": o (11 o ox C l'-:

o cx r (,or, o o· o o.

18 Ir~.

5 1SO: q "'~"!

~ 25' 1 ,,", r r.

5 76' 12 630:

1 5: o 0% I 5~

o 0'1: r r: 3 15~ e 41"': q 45~

7 35~

4 2r~ q 45,!; o ox o O~

1. INTELlEC:TUALlI' STlMULOTING COURSE STRONGLY AGREE ............................... .. ~GRfE_ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• nIS.CRfE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~TRONGlY DISAGReE ................. . r.OfS NOt APPlV .................... .

2. INSTQUCTO. AVAILASLf TO STunFNTS STRl"'l'\r.ty Ar.REE ••••••••••• ~ •••••••• AGRFE ..................................... . OISAGPEE ••••••••••••• •• ••• • •• ••••• STRON('jl Y DI SAGREF. ................... . "(1FS NflT APPly ................................... ..

]. AS~Ir,N~[NTS HELPFUL srpCNC'.t.Y AGREF •••••••••••••••••••• .Ar.Jl'r:E ................................ . OJS.1CI;'i:F •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONr,LY DISAGRfE ••••••••••••••••• nOFS NOT APPLy ........................... .

4. TESTS REflECT IDEAS OF COURSE STOONGLY AGREE ............................. . AGnFF ................ _ .......................... .

OlS.G~H •••••••••••• •••••••••••••• STRONGLY OfSAGRFE ••••••••••••••••• DOfS NOT APPLy •••••••••••• • ....... .

5. U~S OR lANGUAGE DRIllS HELPFUL 5T~ON(';l Y AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• .aG~FF .............................. . OIS.GPF,E •••••••••••• ••••••• •• ••••• STRONGlY Dt'SACREE ••••••••••••••••• nOB IIOT APPL Y ••••••••••••••••••••

6. tNSTouCTOR'S PRESENTATION EFFECTIVE STRnNr.t Y aGREE •••••••••••••••••••• Ar;~FF ............................. . OISAGR~E •••••••••••••• • •••••• • •••• STT\ONr.L y nl SAGREIO ••••••••••••••••• noF'C\ Nor iSPPl Y ••••••••••••••••••••

7. GRA"ES rAIR STRONGLY .CRH ••••••• •• ••••••••••• ACRFf ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OlsACrEE •••••••••••• ••• •• ••••••••• ST.ONGl Y 0 I SAGREE ••• , ••••••••••••• OOFS NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

8. WORKlOAO cnMPAREO WITH OTHER COIJRSES MilCH L IGHTFR •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 J(';HTE't ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• AnOUT THF SAME •••••••••••••••••••• I'EAVIER ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• "UCH f-fEAV(fR ••••••••••••••••••••••

'I. INSTPUCTOR COHP'REO WITH OTHERS ONF OF THE VERY RfST •••••••••••••• flFTTfR TH'\tl ,.lOST ••••••••••••••••••

·A ROUT AV[P hCF ••••••••••••••••••••• wn,,"SF" TH"\N 140Sf ................... . ON. OF THE VFPY WORST ~ ••••••••••••


IN INT'L AFF 01~83~~Ol TST_] FJ-Y sp .. o lP-l PES- 17 ENR- 20


4 2)>: 'I 521: 3 17'1: 1 5! ~ C'I:

4 23'1: '12 7~'I:

I 5= o O~ !' r'l:

4 23'1: 12 70'1:

I 51; o ot (' !'l

1 5~ 13 76~

3 17~ o o~ o C~

o 0'1: I.' 1''1: o 1'= o 01:

17 lcr>:

I 5t 11 Ht

4 13:1: 1 S'I:

" Cot 2 In

14 81'1: 1 ~l! o Ot o ,,= o 0>: o 0=

11 64'1: 6 35t (' ('l

1 5t 4 23=

10 58= 2 lit o 0=

sneRINO ITALIAN CIII. TURE -tIVtLTlATICN 012647101 TST-l FI~1 SP-:>3 LP-\ RES- 11 ENR- 11

t. INTElL£CTUAllY STIMULATING COURSE snONr,l Y ACREE •••••••••••••••••••• .r-.Ff ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• D1 S.CPff ••••••••••••••••••••••••••. S T.O~GL Y 01 SAGREE ................ . onFIii NOT APPLY ...................... .

2. INST~IJCTOR AV.ILABLE TO STUDENTS ST"CNGl"f ACREE ..................... . ~r.tlFF .................. •••••••••••• t' (st.c~r( ............................ . "TQC~.t;.LY otSACREE .................... . nr.ES ~Ji)T APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

3. A~S I GNI'ftlTS ~~LPFUL ST~O~;GLY ACREE •••••••••••••••••••• Ar.RfF ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• nlsl\cp~E •••••••••••••••••••••••••• t;TPnNr.1 Y ntSAGPfF ••••••••••••••••• rH1ES NOT t,PPLV ..................... .

4. TF.S'$ HrL[Cl 10£.S OF COU'SE SlnCNClY Ar,PFE .................... . Ar;Rr€ .............................. . Dl"iAr,PCF .......................... . STPr,NGLY DIS.GR£E ••••••••••••••••• OP.FS IIOT APPL Y ••••••••••••••••••••

5. LA~S nR LAt'GU'GE DRILLS ~HPFUL ST.ONGL Y AC.ff •••••••••••••••••••• AGPrF ................................. . OISAGPeE •••••••••••••• ~ ••••••••••• STRONGLY nISAGREF ................ . onES rlOT APPI Y .................... .

6. INSTPuCTOR'S PRESFNTAlION EFF~CTlVE <;YROf':CLY AGREF ..................... . Ar.r:rE ............................. . nIS'\(;R(£ ............................... .. STRCNGLY D1SAGREE ................. . OOE~ NOT APPLy ••••••••• ••• •• •••• ••

7. GR.tI.DES fAr" STPcr~('LY ACnEf .................... . AGPEF ................................ .. OISAr,OFF •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STPONGLY Ol~AGq~E ••••••••••••••••• onfS NOT APPly •••••••••••••• •• •• ••

e. WOPKLOAO COMPAPEO )oITH OTHER COURSFS ,.UCII lIGf'TER ••••••••••••••••••••• , l IGHlfR ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• tLAf'lUT TtJ'r SAMf ...................... . tlf.VI FR ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• !l4U(H t~EAVlfR ...................... .

'I. INS TqlJtTOR COMPMfO WI TH OT~F.RS ONE OF THE VERY REST •••••••••••••• BFTTfP THAN fo40ST ................... . ~nOuT AVFPAr.F ..................... . WORS~ TH'N MOH ••••••••••••••••••• OtlE OF THF VrRY WO~ST •••••••••••••

NO. I OF Res

6 54~ 4 36~ I q~

o O~ l' ~~

~ 45~ 5 4~l 1 ~I o O~ l' rt

4 36l 7 63'1; ~ t'~ o O~ o ~~

o 011 1 Il'l o (11: o 0,.. ~ 9r·:

o O~ o e1l; o Ot o O~

10 1~~1:

.. 36~ 6 54~ 1 ~,;

o Ot o Ot

3 30: 7 70~ o O~ o 01 o 0=

o 0'1: 3 2U 7 6n 1 q~

o 01

3 271: .. 36t: 4 36t

" 0: o O~


1. INHLlfCTU.LLY STIMULATING COURSE STRflNCLY AcRee •••••••••••••••••••• ACREF ............................. . OIS!tjRFE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• stRr~;r::LY nlShGl'1EE ••••••••••••••••• r:"FS r~r.r APP\ Y ••••••••••••••••••••

2. tN~,pl}r,r.t) A.'J'\tt.Ar.Lf.. TO 'STUDENTS "l rRflNI'jL Y 1!,GRff ...................... . Acpr r .................................. . Dl S·'\CRfE .............................. .

INTPO TO GENERA l LTNG ~ \ 5~QO'CI TSTz)3 fl=Y SP=<)3 LP=O RFS= 12 ENR2 17


2 1(1 o o C

161 83,.. ~Z 0: 1'1:

15: 66'1:

Ot _ STrtljtJr,tV DISACREE .................. -

3 e o o 1

0'" 8~ rH"fS r:'1T APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

3~ as 0; fr.·~~·rr:TS yet prUl STP('r:r.LY Ar.r.:rE •••••••••••••••••••• Af;RFE ............................. . OlS.r.~rf •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRCNr.l't OlSAGflrf ••••••••••••••••• nnFS NOT APPl 't •• ••••••••••••••••••

4. TESTS RfFI FeT IDfhS QF CDURS£ STo('!rJr.t't AGPFF .................... . 1-car F ................................ . 01 ~.G"(E •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STArr~rt Y r'JICj.\r,RFE ................. . Dr.eS hOT APPl Y .................... .

5. lABS nR 1 <"GUOGt DRILL~ HelPFUL ST"ONC·LV AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• .a.r.RE"r .. " ............................ . OICj.'\G!'~F •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STIH}·'GI Y Ot<;.Ar,RFE ••••••••••••••••• Dr.rS t:nT APply ••••••••• ••• •• • •••••

6. IN~TRUC10P·S PRfSt'NTATlON EFFECT IVt' srOCNr,l V .GOEE •••••••••••••••••••• .Ar.n[E ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OlS\Gr.Ff ........................... . STf'rt:r.lY 1'>1C)t.CREE ................. . Dr:FS r:nT Af'PLY .................... .

1. GPAnFS FAIP STpr.NCLY ACREE •••••••••••••••••••• .aGnrE ............................... . 01 SAGPfE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STP(lNGl Y OtSAC~EE ................. . {"Ires t~OT ftPl'lY .................... .

8. weRKl C'O COMP.RF.D WIT~ OTHER COURSES fo'IUCH L lCttTER ........... " ............ . \ (C ... TER ............................... . APOUT Ttif SA~f ...................... . ... EAvtFR ••••••••••••••• " ........... . >'UfH lIrA VI £R ••••••••••••••••••••••

9. INS Truero. COI<PARFD WITH OTHO;RS ONE CF THE VFRY BEH •••••••••••••• BE rTf!' T ,4", tol ""OST .................. . .ACOUT AVFOACf ••••••••••••••••••••• WORSE TIIAII MOST •••• '" •••••••••••• ONE OF Tt~F. VERY WORST ............. ..

2 A o o 2

7 5 o o r

I I o o


4 7 1 o o

5 7 (\

o o

1 5 3 2 1

1 7 3 I (I

161: 66%

01 01


591: 41' O~ O~ r~

RAVENAI. t ssues tN US 01 PlOMATlC IIIST. 014850101 TST-I Ft-V SP-O lP-O ~'Es· 16 fNR- 43

NO. >: OF RfS

e ~~~ 6 ~~~ 1 6~ o O~ c 1'1:

1 6% It' 62~ o O~ o 011 ~ 3U

1 70~ 12 PO: o Ol: o (l~

o O~

6 40'1: ~ 33% o 01 o O~ 4 2~~

1 n 1 n o t't o O~

lZ p~r

6 17% q 56. o O~ 1 61 o C"

2 IS% 2 15~ o or a o~ 9 69r

a 0% 3 2~t 7 46= ~ 26'f I 6f.

6 42~ 7 'lr~

1 7l a or o Ot


012659701 TST­Fr-? SP-Z lP-l RES- 9 ENR- 10


5 55~ ~ 44'1; r ell: o or r 0=

6 66: 3 3J:I: o 0'1: o 0: r rt

5 55: .. 4~1:

o O~ o 0: l' ('l

3 3''; 1 In o or o ot ~ 55:

1 12'1; ~ ('I: o r~ o 0'1;

7 61'1

5 55'1: 4 44'1; o ot o 01 o ot

5 55t 4 44: o C'l; o 01 o ot

o 01 o 0'1: 5 6Z: 3 37!C o 0:

3 3n "3 33'1 3 3'~ o o~

o O~

KRElOlEII ENGll SH STRUCTU Re 0154021Cl TST-3 FI-Y SP-O lPzO R'ES~ q ENR:r 12


1 11t B 88'1: o Ct o Ot (\ c~

3 3J' 6 66'1; C' • ~t o Oll t' ct

3 31X 6 M~ o Ot o 0% (I rt

4 1I)O~

4 ~Co: o 01: o o. (I f~

o n,; 1 lit " (It o nt 8 88t

() 01: 'I tOOt ~ r~ o ot o Ol

J 372: '5 62. () r:r: (l r~

o ot

o rt .. ..," '5 5~t o 0: o Ot

1 lit 3 33t 5 551 o Ol l' OS

S~" US'LATI N A"ER Ie a POLICY ISSUfS t'1"866ICl TST-O F l-N sp-o lPsl RfS- 13 fNR- 15


10 T6~ 2 15% I 7~

o 0' r ~~

8 61t 5 38~ o o~ o or ~ ('I:

6 461(. 6 46~ 1 711; o rr o O!l:

o 011 () ('I: o Dell o O~

11 lOaf

o or o c·s o o~ o ot:

12 1('011

5 3~t: 1 51'! o ot: o or 1 711

1 'III 3 2?:Ii o (':Ii o O:li 7 63t:

1 8'1 2 16% e 66% o os I 8f

5 41%

" 33" 3 2~"1:

a 0"" o 0%


lEVEL ttl l'1~8213fl TST-:>3 FI-., SP-O lP-O RES- 12 ellR- 13

NO. ~ Of RES

o 0'1; 5 41: 5 411: 2 tn o os 1 8"1:

10 83" 1 8'1 o os o (II

1 8~. 6 661: 3 15t o o~ C r~

I Bt 1(1 831:

t 8t o 0; o ~t

21St 3 27'1; 3 27'1; 1 9'l 2 18>:

1 6: 4 33'1: 4 3lt 3 15': o ('~

3 2n 6 54'1; 2 leI: o 0'1; (' r:l:

o ot 5 41: 6 sr't. I At o n~

o 0: 2 16'1: 6 5COt 3 251:· 1 6t



5 71'1: 2 18:11 o 0'1; o ot C CO;

~ ~,.~

3 Ion o O~ o ot o "1:

I' n:. 5 83" o Dt o O~ 1 16"1:

2 2B~ '" ~7= o Ot o ot 1 14'l

o 0:11 D 0; o O~ o 01 7 un:

6 85t 1 14~ o ('1: o O~ o O~

5 711: 2 211% (' (\t o O~ o 01:

Z lilt 2 281: 3 4n 0. ot o 01

6 85t o (Ill 1 14': o Ot o 01

HOUSE COOOMAN WKSHP, Nil-SO ts TACTlCS IN INTE SUES ~ DIPlOM t RNAT NEGOTIATNS rt~8T(l5(,1 TST-l (,14871.'9l'l TST-O flllllN SPat lP-' Ft-N SP.O lpsl PES- 14 FNP- 1~·· PES- lr eNq- 17


7, 50! 'l ".15% 2 141: o o~ (I C1

3 23! 8 6n 1 n o Ot I 71

2 1~~ 8 6U 1 7t ., n 2 15%

5 35% 8 57'1: o Ot o ('f 1 7%

o 01 o Ot o 0= o O~

13 loot

5 350: 6 42r 2 1~~ o 0'1: I 11:

3 2n 5 35r o Or o Ot: 6 421:

a or 3 23t:

10 76% o 01 o ~t

5 38: 4 3rt: ~ 30r o Olli o O:li

6 6r"l: 3 3cr I 10% (' rt: c t't

6 601: 3 3C'I: o 0% I 10,.. (l r~

2 2r1: 8 ar~ o o~ t' C~ o I.'t

~ c: I I~= o v~ r c~ q ~ct

(I ('t o Oil o 0'\ o 01:

10 lOot

2 2et: 1 71.'t 1 lell o o~ o ell

1 11% 2 11% o 0% o or 6 66:

o 0" 5 5Ct 5 50t. o 01: (' 01:

4 40~

4 "C'!:: 2 20~ o os o Ot

Latin Amencan Studies C01T~k LAT A!OI OEVEU " UHAII DIMENSION l'153575~1 TST-I FI-' SP-O lP-C I\ES- 15 F.NR- 20


flO. 'I; OF PES

9 60'1; (, 4r~ o ot: t' ('1: o Ot

6 421: 6 42f: o 01 o ft 2 141:

2 );1:

'I 60~ 1 6>: o ot 3 2C'l

5 33: "3 20", o Ot o 0: 1 461:

o O~ r 1'1 o 0% o O'l

15 Il'r:ll

~ 60>: 6 4rt o O~ o 0'1;

r ~"' 7 46~ 2 13:1: o cr o 0: 6 4Ct

4 26'1: 9 6C~ 2 13'1; o o~ o ~I

9 60! .. ?6! 2 13'1; o 0'1; o ot

LANG LEARNC t T EACHING 01540'570\ TST-2 Fl=Y' SP1I:l lP-O RE$c 9 ENR:t: 11


4 44'1: 5 55t: o Ot o 0% r (1:

'5 '55~ , 331: o O~ o or I 11'1:

'5 55t " 4~t o ot ~ n o 0%

3 3'" 4 44~

o (It

o O~ 2 22t

1 liT. ~ (I: 0. 0: o ot 8 ABt

3 In 5 55'1: 1 Ill: o 0= o 1:'1:

6 1'5t 2 2'iT o 1.'% o 01: o Ot

I 11: 4 "41: 4 44t o Ot o ~l:

I In 4 'I4t 4 44F. o Ot: o t't:

LANDAU tAT AM oev: STR A T.POL t eXT FIN 015362501 TSTet' FJ-N SP:aO lP=-1 liES- 14 ENRa 18


2 151: 6 46~

4 3C~ 1 n o 0:

2 1611: 7 5e>: 2 16= C C'I: I e ..

2 1511: 'I 69':: 1 n 1 7" (I ~o:

o 0% 2 1~' o Ot o 00:

11 84~

o Ot 1 7'" o 0; o 0:

12 92;

2 16'1: " 33% 2 16" 4 33~ ~ 1.';

o 0; t' rz o ~t o ot 9 lCC;

2 14~ 5 350: 1 ~c;

o 0= o (1%

2 In 3 2U 4 lP~ 2 J4~ ~ 21=

KftEIDLeR PHONETI CS AND P HONeMICS 01542131'1 T5T-3 F I=-Y SP-O lP-O RES- 33 eNR- 37


o ot 26 78t

6 la% I 3~ f' Cl

8 2~t 23 6~t o ot o ot: 2 6:

1 3~ n 11"1: 3 ~~ 1 3t .. 12~

If' 31~ 2(1 6?~

I 3~ (I (It

1 3%

2 6% 17 53~

3 .,~

o ot Ie 311

:3 9% 22 66%

7 2U

1 '" D C'~

9 291 23 711

C c~ o 0% o 0:

2 61: \It 42r 16 48'" I ,1: ~ (I~

3 '1% 8 2H

22 66~ o ot o ct


I. INT~llECTUALL" STIHULATTNC COURSE S TRCNCl Y AGPEe •••••••••••••••••••• ,sCRFF-............................. . OISACP£f •••••••• ••• •••••••• ••••••• STPnNGLI' DiSAGREE ................ . nOFS NnT APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

2. illS TRUCTOR AVA II.A8LE TO STUDENTS STQnt~Gtv AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• Ar.Rrf ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OlS.GPFf •••••••••••••••••••••••••• S TRnNCL Y DISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• OOES NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

,. "S~ ICN>'F.NTS HFLPFUl STAnNr.lY Ar;~EE •••••••••••••••••••• A(';f:!:rE .................................. . 01'SAGRF.( ........................... . ST~ruC;ty DISACREE ••••••••••••••••• nOFS Nnr APPl Y .................... .

4. TESTS RrFler.r IDF.AS OF COURSE S TRO"Cl Y A(';RFE ........................ . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OfSA(';Rff .......................... . STPr.:NGlY OtSAGREE ••••••••••••••••• nnES NOT APPl Y ....................... .

S. lA1l~ OR lANG\IAG~ D'IllS HUPI'Ul STPONClY ACAfE •••••••••••••••••••• Ar.~FF ..................................... . DJSAGREE ....................... • ••• STl~Cr\HjlV DISAGREE ••••• " ••••••••••• nnes t:nr lI;PPL Y ...................... .

6. INST.'ICm.·s P~~SfNTATlOII EFFECTIVE STRONGLY AGAFE •••••••••••••••••••• "r;RF'f ••• ~ ......................... . DISACQEE ....................... • •• •• 51RONGl Y OJ SACPEE .................. . DOE S NOT 4PPl Y ........................ .

T. C~AnES FAlq STRONf';l,( ACPFE .................... . 1oGRJ:E ............................. . DiSAGREE ...................... •••••

-STRnNGl,( 01 SAGRFE ................. . OOFS NaT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

8. WORKLOAD CO"PAPEO WITH OTHER CnUqSES Hue .... \ lCH1EA. ...................... . L JCHrf'-" ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ABOUT THE SAME •••••••••••••••••••• HfAVten ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• HUC~ HFAV1ER ••••••••••••••••••••••

9. INSTRUCTOR CO~PAPED WiTH OTHERS ONE OF THE VERY ftEST •••••••••••••• Rf:TTE~ THAN ~OST •••••••••••••••••• ARnUT AvFRAGE ..................... . W("lRSE T~IAN MOST ••••••••••••••••••• ONE OF THE VERY WORST •••••••••••••

STAFF aov RUSS-ENC TR MISlATlON 015038QOl TST-­Fl.- Sp:." lP.· RF.S- 13 ENR- 16


2 15; 1(' 76t

I n o Ot o c;

53ft'! 8 611: o (1'1 o 0'1 o 0;

~ 30t 9 69t o at o Ot (I rll

1 n 7 5'3~ o Ot 1 71: ~: 3C''!:

1 n " rt o O~ o 0'

12 921:

I 7~ Q 691: 2 15t 1 11: (' fr

o Ot ~ 38'1 6 46t 2 15'1 t' (''I

o Ol (I r~

2 t5t 5 381: 6 46~

t n 5 18'1 ~ )e~

1 11: 1 n


1. INTF.lJ.eCTUALlY S1"II'IUlATlHG CIl\J1tSE STRONr.lY ACREE •••••••••••••••••••• Ar.~EE ............................. .. otsaCQEE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ST~("NGlY OrSAGAFE ••••••••••••••••• nr.fS NOT APPl Y ••••••••••••••••••••

2. INS TRUCTOR AV. ILABLE Tn STUDENTS STRONGl Y Ar.RfE .................... . ACPFE ............................. . OI~AC~ff •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ TOCNr.L Y 01 ShCREE ••••••••••••••••• nr-:s I':OT APPl Y ••••••••••••••••••••

3. ASS I GN"EUTS ~n PFUL STRr.Nr.I.Y Ar,nlEE .................... . AGRFF .............................. . OtSAGPEE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGLY OISAG~EE ••••••••••••••••• onES NOT tttPlY •••••••• : .............. .

4. TESTS '£fUCT ID£'~ OF COURSE srnO',GL1 AG.EE ••••• : •••••••••••••• Ar.R£E •••••••••••••••• ' ••••••••••••• orsACPEf •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRnNGLY DISAGREE ••••• ~ ........... . nOES NOT APPL Y ..................... .

5. LABS no L'NGU\G( OPIlLS fOElPFUL C;T~nNGl Y AGQEr .................... . ftGRrr ............................... . ntSAGPs:e •••••••••••••••••••••• • ••• Cj rpOt~Gt Y 01 SAGRee .................. . OOFS NOT APPly ...................... .

6. IN~TnUCTon·S PRESENTATION EFFECTIVE STRONfit Y AGRfE •••••••••••••••••••• hr.QFE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I"IISA{';Q(E •••••••••••••••••••••• • ••• STR-flNGlY nlsACPEe ................. . OOfS fIICT APPl Y ••••••••••••••••••••

7. GRAnes FAIP STI::CtlCLV AGREe .................... . Ar.RFf ........................... • .. •• • OlsAcrFE .......................... . S TPOt:f.t Y OJ C; I\GflEE ................... .. nnes NOT APPtY ••••••••••••••••••••

8. wonKLrM C""P'REO WITH OTHfR COUIIS£S MUCH L ICt<TE~ •••••••••••••••••••••• L Ir.I'TER ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ARPUT THE SAME •••••••••••••••••••• ... EAVIEA ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MIJCH tlfAvtER ••••••••••••••••••••••

9. U<STo\:CTN> COMPaRED WITH OlH~RS I1"F CF THf VEOY REST •••••••••••••• "FTTFR THAN MCST •••••••••••••••••• AenUT AVFRAGF ....................... . wnRSE JUAN ",05T ................... . ONF (IF Tl-iF VFRY .. ORST •••••••••••••


(l1517~l(11 TST-2 Fl-V SP- lP. RES. 8 £NR- 11


7 871 I 12~ o O~ o Ot ~ f1:

2 251: 5 611 o 1.'; o 01: 1 121

3 3n 4 5C1: 1 12t o 01 (' r1

5 -62~ , '370: o O~ o 0%

. C Ot

o or o rt (I 01: o Ot 1 1001

4 50t 4 501l o 01 o Ot o or

2 2Rr ~ 57: l' ~~ o Ot 1 14t

o Ot 2 251: 4 5£'1 2 25; o at

5 62T. 2 1.5t I 121 o t'r I.' C%


1. INTfl.lECTUAI.lY STIMULATING COURSE STRcr~C;lY ACREE ..................... . AGPff .............................. . OJS!\CREE •••••••••••••••••••••• •••• STflC'NGL Y 111 SAGPE..E ................. . t')rl"'S tlOT J\1>f\l Y ••••••••••••••••••••

2. INS ":tIr.TCR 'VA I UBLE TO STUDF.NTS ST"rr~r.lY t.r;IlF(,. .................... . r.r;~ F- F ............................. .

OJSAr.RrE .......... ••• •• •• •• •• •• •••••• C)Tnnt~Gl t OI~AGfleF ••••••••••••••••• nOf~ NnT APply .................... .

3. ASSIr,N~ruTS "El prUL STnr.r:r.lY t.GIlE"E ..................... . flr.Rr-F •••••••••••••••• : •••••••••••• f'to;~fj~rE ........................... .. S Tt:r,uGL Y OfSA(;PEE ••••••••••••••••• OOFS NCT APPly •••••••••••••••••• ••

4. TESTS 0Ert fCT IDEAS OF COURSE STRONGl V Ar.REE •••••••••••••••••••• Af';RJ:F ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OJ SAr.RCE ........................ ••• STAr:r:nlV n(';hCr.EE ••••••••••••••••• orH::S NOT APPl V ...................... .

5. I.AB~ OR LA"GlIM~E O.lllS HELPFUL STRnNt.LY AGREE ...................... . AGRCF. .............................. . O(<;.AG~FE •••••••••••••••••••• •• .. ••• STRn~Jr.l" OtSAGPEf ••••••••••••••••• nr~C) NOT APPL Y ..................... .

6. INSTRUCrno'S p~~seNTATlON EFFECTIVE STRONGI Y .GRFE •••••••••••••••••• •• AGn[F ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• o I ~'GR[E •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRI')NCll Y ntSIlGRt=E ................ .. oars NOT A·PLY ••••••••••••••••• •••

1. GRantS FAtR ~T~r"JCl't AGREE ••••••••••••••••• •• • AGJlFE ............................. . DISAGnEf ••••••••••••• • ••••••• ••••• STRONGLY DtSA(;REE .................. . noes NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

e. VOPKLO'O r.O~P'REO H ITH OTHER COU.SES ""UCH L lC ... T(=R ...................... . lIGHTf't •••••••••••••• • •• •• •• •• •••• ,Ap;nUT THe: SAME .................... . HFAVIEr. ........................... . MUCII IiEAVIER ••••••••••••••••••••••

9. INSTRUCTOR COMPAREO WITH OTHERS ONF OF T~E VF.RY REST •••••••••••••• RFTT~~ THAN !lOST •••••••••••••••••• ~aOUT AVERAGE ••••••••••••••••••••• WOJPi'; THM'~ MOST ••••••••••••••••••• ONF nF THE VE'R't WO'RS1 •••••••••••••

01 5~22501 TST-O Ft=N SPa)] lP=O RES= 19 FNA- 24


II 5n 7 36t I 5'1 o Ot (' C'I

6 no: Ir ~~t

1 51: o 0: 1 5'1

13 72" 3 Ib1: 1 5'1: 1 5'1: (I Ole

o ot 1 511: o 0% o 0%

18 ~4%

o 01 1 ,,.. o c; o OT.

18 '141:

10 52:1: 5 16t 2 lor 2 10~ ~ 01

~ HIl 9 ioU 1 ~: o 01 ~ ~t

I 51 7 36l 1 36; 3 15~ 1 5%

10 52t b 3U I 5; I 51 1 5-':





ITAlIAN I 012601101 TST->l FI-Y SP-») lP-" RES-)O £Nq- 35

01260U02 TST-:>] 012611101 TST-)] FI-.,. sp-r lP." , FI-Y SP->l lP-O RES- 15 ENq- 19 Res- 26 ENR' 32


IT , STUE 012621301 IST-:>] fl-Y SP-)3 lP-l RES- 15 EN.' 1ft

NO. r o~ RfS NO. 1: OF OFS

3 12~ 15 6Zt 6 251 o 01 o ~t:

q ~6l1

16 f:/tt o (I~

o ot (' fl

6 20~ 23 76~

1 ~I o O~ o Ot

a 3~. 15 65:11 o 0= o nt ~ rt

5 20'1 1. 56t

S 20% o OT I 4~

6 20t 1& ~5f

7 2H o 0= o rt

5 ?U 18 7n o OT o 01 o {OI

5 \U 1(' 3Jt 13 ~lt

I 31 I 31

2 11: ~ 29t

t7 60'1: 1 n o 0'1

B 6 o I Il

" 6 o o C

11 3 1 o o

11 3 I o o

6 S 2 1 1

11 4 o o C

9 6 o o o

o 1

10 ]


11 3 1 o o

o~ 6'1

661: 20~ 6t

731: 2f"

61: ot 01:

Linguistics "CC.U.UII-~&YlI S lNTRO TO lANGUA GE C154CI'\~1 TST-Ft,. SP~ lP­rtES. 43 EIIII- 50


5 IU 12 ~I'I: ~ 20; 6 IJt 1 21:

9 20r '31 76"

o o~ o Ot I 2~

7 l~~ 35 Bit

I n o 0'" r 1'1

, 110 32~

',28 Mt o rt 1 2t I' rt:

a ot 1 2'-I 2~ o ot

39 '151

10 21: 29 67';

2 ~t 2 41 o O~

13 Jot 2q 69~

o r! o Ot o 0%

2 41 12 271 2B 651

1 2t o ot

1 16'1 1~ ~4t 17 39t o 0: (' C~

OINIIEEN GF.NEUL llNCUlS TICS 0154~0101 TST->3 Flay C;P-O LP-O RES- 9 EN~2 'I

NO. ~ OF ~ES

3 3H 6 ~6t o Ot o Ot I' r~

4 ~tf'f

• 44'1: o ot o ot 1 In

3 3~O: 6 Mt o 0'1 o ot o l':

4 '~f 4 44~

1 11 t o Ot I.' rt o 0'1 1 In o O~ o ot 8 8R~

o ot 7 T7% 1 In 1 \It C £'1:

1 141: 6 85: o ct o 01 (I 1.'.

1 In o c~ 1 II: 4 4U 3 331

1 lit: 4 44% 3 31>: 1 11'1: (\ Ct

HAUlS tHIRD TO LANGUA GE 015~()0IOZ TST-3 Ft-? SP-? lP-O RES- 6~ ENR-"5


6 ~~

~9 6C1: 13 20t

6 ~~ r Dt

26 4~~ 32 51'!:

1 ll: o 00: '5 7~

37 5n~. 25 39~

1 11: o 00: t, f 0:

··46 n~

15 no: o rl o n,.. 2 3'"

4 6~ 2 31: o ~.

o os 53 8qt:

25 40t: 35 567;

1 It: 1 11: o n:

4~ 771: I~ 21'1 o CI; o O~ o 0-':

18 2~O: 31 50~ 11 17'1; 2 3~ o O~

\3 201: 30 461: 18 29t

1 It: t' C1:


NO. ~ OF .~S

n ~6t:

15 36~ 2 41: I 11: a C~

1~ M~ 13 ~I~

2 ~t: o ot: 1 2~

26 61~. 15 l~~

1 2>: o 0" o O~

26 630: 15 36~ o 00: o ot: o nt:

3 8~ 5 no: o 0'1 o O~

2~ 7A'1:

24 55t: 14 3~'t

3 6t 2 n (I (I"

21 511: 16 ~I" 2 5t o Ot (I 01:

o O~ 3 Tt

lQ ~51:

1~ 351: '5 lit

25 ~q,

6 \41: 10 23"

1 11: (I Ot


It 12

2 o o

17 9 o o o

11 15 o o o

13 12 o o o o

13 10

2 I

17 9 o o o

H 11 o o D

o ('

11 13


15 8 3 o o

57'! 'ct: lU ot: 0:

TNTRO TO LANGUA GE 0154001~3 TSY-2 F I-N ~P-I LP-O Rf'S- ';7 ENI~. 68


12 21" 32 561:

7 121: ~ 71: o C1:

36 65t: 19 34" o 01: (I O~ r n:

28 ~9" Z9 5r" o ~t o Ot r r-.:

25 4n 26 4~'l;

(I or 1 U: 1 1-.:

o 00:

3 ~" o 0-.: o 0'1:

52 ~"Il

14 251: 31 55't 10 I7T

I II: r n

24 4U 29 5)1: o rT I It r f1:

2 3T 18 3Z7. 32 5~t

3 57; o 0-.:

14 251: 2~ 4ZT 15 26~

3 51: r O~


015"3101 TST23 F '.1 SP=c lP.: RF.So 17 ENR- 22

NO. 't OF RH

,. '6,,-e 511: 2 111: I 60; ~ {\"t

11 nl; 4 25~ (I ox o ro: (I c't

q ~?>:

7 41t: (I Ot o 01: I 51:

14 821: 3 17~ o 01: o rl: ~ 0:0;

2 14= (I a: o Ot o C~

12 8S':

T 41" 8 47'1: o O~ '- In o fro

IZ AO~ , 7.0," o 01: o or o 0'1:

o O~ 5 3n

" 56" t 61: 1 6t:

~ 33t: 3 2r= 5 33~ I 61 1 61

8 5J~ 7 ~61: o O~ o 0'1 I' Ct

7 ~6~ 8 53~ o ot o 0'1 ~ I.'~

5 :n~ 'I 61': I 6t. o 01: o ot

., 461: 8 53~ o ot ~ (\~

o C~

o rt 5 331: 2 nt o (.~

(I 53~

'I 60%

" 4t'~ o 01: (\ C't o 0':

4 26t: 10 66~

1 6~ o Ol II Ot

/) Ot 1 6~ 'I 60t 4 26'1 1 61

4 zet 'I 64t I· 1l o ot o ot


G" ~I ~4rCI ~4 TST=2 1=1"'''' ";1'.1 lP-O RfS" 31 fNP" 3S

NO. 1: OF oES

7 21' ZI 6ft

2 6= I 3% (' ~l

18 60~ 10 ~3:

1 J! 1 31 C r%

12 40: 17 561: o ot o o. 1 1"

1.... "'9~ I' ~et

o ot I 3' t' "t

o 0: 5 16~

o 0" 1 3:

2.. en (\ 20t

21 7£" 2 6: I 3~ o (I:

9 3U 19 65~

1 J' o ~= l' 1'=

2 61: 8 261: I~ 63:

1 31: (I r:

R Zit 7 247

12 4U 2 6~

o n


015445101 TST-2 Ft#lV SP.el lP~('

RES::.- 22 EN:t= lC' NO. :t: OF OfS

f( ':I.ilI'!

13 ~q~

1 40: ~ I.'t o 1'1:

6 2n 15 68! 1 4~ o (I~

o C~

3 14~ 15 1l~ .. .,~

~ r~ 1 4~

11 ~2: ., 4l" I 4~

C" r~ o 1."

l' rt I 5~ 2 lit o r;

15 83!

'; ??7. I'" 631:

3 In t' r' o C~

8 16' 13 5~1:

I H o 0:11 o O~

1 ~~

" 1St H 63~

3 III (l C%

3 H~ I~ 47l:

7 3," 1 41 o n



015""5501 T5T-2 FI-Y SPa] LP-~ RES- n EN.- 29

AUTOII PROCESS 0 F lANG DATA 1l1544MOI 1ST.] Ft-? SP- l.P. RES- e EN.- 10

PSVCHO\.: CHilO ACQUISIT 015'47701 TST-I FI-Y SP-O 11>001 Res- B eMit- to

015'48101 TST-I FI-" SPot LP-O RES- 23 ENIII- '31

tNTRO TO TAGMEM IC AN'L TSIS 015452~OI TSh2 F .-Y SP.. LP-O litES- 28 ENR- 2'9


ST~ONr.lY AGR€E ••••••••••••••••••••

lir,REE .......... •• .. •• ... • .. •••••••••••• ntSAGJtEE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ST"ONGLY DISACR.EE ................... . OOES NOT APPL 't •• ••••••••••••••••••

2. INS T~Ur.l(IR AVAILABI.E to STUOENTS STRONCLY AC.FF •••••••••••••••••••• ~GREE •••••••• ••• •••••••••••••••••• C IS~t.REE ............................... . ~TAONr,LY rlfSI\GItEf ••••••••••••••••• nOFS NOT ""PPl Y ................................ .

,. ASS rr.m'ENTS IiHPFlIL ~ TROr.:Gl Y AGREF ...................... . .ACREE ............................. . DtSAGREE ................. •••••••••• STPONGlY OI'SAGRfE ••••••••••••••••• OOFS NOT APPLY ••••••••••••••••••••

~. TESTS RfFLECT IDEAS CF CO\IRSE STRr.Nf.l Y AGReE .................... . o!ICRf€ ................... ~· ••••••••• OrSAG(.(fE •••••••••••••••• ••• •• ••••• SfPCflGL Y 01 s.GREE ••••••• , ••••••••• OO,=S NOT APPl v ••••••••••••••••••••

~. lA8~ no LANGUAGE DRILLS "flPFUL STRONCl v AGRFE .................... . JfiRf'f .............................. . DtSACQIEE .............................. . STP:ONr.LY Ot SAGIlEE ••••••••••••••••• onES ~'OT APPl v ••••••••••••••••••••

6. INSf.llnOR'S PRESENtATION EFFECTIVE STt:!llNGl Y AGREe •••••••••••••••••••• ~GRH ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OIS·'\GREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONtil Y 01 SAGQE'E ••••••••••••••••• DOES NOT 'PPl v ••••••••••••••••••••

7. GRADES FAI. STrtf1tlCt v ACREE •••••••••••••••••••• ACJflt"l: ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DISAtREE .......................... . STIU'NGl'f 0 r SAGhFf .................. . nOES NOT APPly ................... ..

a. I/OR~lOAO CO"PAREO WITH OTHER COURSES MUCH L IGHTEit •••••••••••••••••••••• l IGHTF'R .............................. . a.P;O\JT TH'E SAME •••••••••••••••••••• HJ:AVtEtt ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ","UGH "EAVIFR ...................... .

9. INST~UCTOR tOMPARED ~ITH OTHERS ONf OF T~E VERY BEST •••••••••••••• BfTT£Ft: THAN MOST .................. . A80l1T AVFR ar;'E ••••••••••••••••••••• "'OR SE THAN MOST ................... . nNf OF T~E VfRY WORST •••••••••••••

2 10

8 1 o


" o o 2

'" l~

~ 1 {\

7 12

I 1 {\

1 1 I II


Z It

B Z ~

1 1~ o 1 ('


'" 17 I o

" .. I~ o 2

I'll 60% In "1 ('I

33. ~11 41 41 01

41 ~I ~I 01


8f 4U 341

81 rt

131 ~n 01 u n


1. INTElLEtlUALLY STIMULATING tOURSE ST~ONClY I!.GoEE ................. ' ..... .. trI(",peE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• orS.G"EE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• S'fQC.Jr.lY DISI\GREE ...................... . DOFS NCT 8.PPly .................... .

2. INST.UClO. AVAILABLE TO SlUDENTS SlqQUfilV "'~~'Et: •••••••••••••• ~ ...... . ACRff ............................. . OrSAGr:tFE' .......................... . Sl"Ofl:ClY flTSAIjREE ................. . nr!=:s Nnr APPl'f ....................... ..

3 •• S~ rr:>.;~~FNTS Hr-loFUl STRONGLY AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• f'!;t;J'lEf ................................ ... OTS,\CPEE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Sl.O"GL V 01 S'GRF.E ••••••••••••••••• (lars lI:or .a"PlV ............. _ ........ .

4. TESTS c.cnfCT 10EAS OF COUR"iE STRONt.l'f AG'RfF ....................... . AG'lft: ................................. . 01SAG"fE .............................. . STROr.ot,.1 y nl~AGREe ......... _ .......... .. ones tlOT 'APPLV ••••••••••••••.••••••

5. LABS oq lANGUAGE DRILLS HFLPFUl C;Tf1l1Nt;lr' ~r.REE ........................ . A{jctrF ............................. . DtS~G.[f •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRor.:r;l'f niSAGREE ................... . nOES Nor APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

6. INSTRorrOR'S PRESfNTATlO~ eFFECTIVE STJrONt;l'f AGRFE ................... .. Ar,P ff. ............................... . OtS.G"EF •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 5 TFI'rr-.:r.l y 01 SAGF£e ••••••••••••••••• nnrs Nnr ~PPl Y_ .................... .

T. GqaDes rAIR SHIIJNGLY AGR~E •••••••••••••••••••• AGRFF ...................................... . OISAGIlEE .......................... . <;1RONr.LY fltShC!l'F'F ..................... ;Io. OUES NOT APPly ..................... .

B. WOPHCao COM.4.ED ~1TH OTHE. COUIISES MUe"" lrCHTFR ....................... . l fGt-fTER ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 'SOUT THE S."E •••••••••••••••••••• HfAVtER .............................. . MUCH HEAVIER .................... ..

9. IN~TflIUCTon CO~"P.ARED WITH OTtl£f:lS nNE OF Ttif VERY BfST •••••••••••••• R£TTEIl T~AN MOS.T ....... ~ ................ . ABCUT ,D.VrRAr.F ••••••••••••••••••••• lin. Sf TIl AN HnsT ••••••••••••••••••• ONF" OF THE V£Ry WDItST .............. .

01551 BOOI T5T-2 Ff-v sp-r LP-O RESt 3 EMil" 5


, IOO~ o ot o C~

" O~ o O~

2 661 I 331

C! ~t o O~ o 0:

Z 66~ 1 33~ o ot o Ot c o. I ~3t

'2 66t o ot

'''0 ',01 C! ~~

o ot r r: o 0% o 01 :3 lcrt

2 661 I 33t o 0': o 01 () rl

I 331 :z 66t o 01 o 0' C' rt"

o ot C' CI o o~ Cl 01 3 loor

2 661 1 331 C' rl (I 01 () U


1. INTELLECTUALLY STIMUlATING CCURse 'STJlONGLY ~GREE .................... . 4GIle:'f ..................................... . ntSACFl:fF •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~T~nrtGLY DISacREE .................. .. DOES Nf'lT A PPl yo .................... .

2. IN~T"urtoR AVAILABLE TO STunfNTS STn(lNr,LY ACRF:J:: .................... ~ ....... . A(';I)FE ............................... .. nJSAfrREr .................................. . SfPr,Nr.LY ()1SIl\CRF.E ................. . Ones NOT A.PPLY ....................... .

3. ASS[G~"FNTS HELPFUL STQONGL'f AGR.~f •••••••••••••••••••• :..r;~FE ............................... . nr$t.r.~£E' ................................ . C;f~ONClY f'l!SAGRfE ••••••••••••••••• rrFS Nnr APPLy .......................... .

4. TESTS REFLfCT IDeAS OF COURSf SrRnN[';lY AGREf •••••••••••• _ ••••••• AG.~E ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• or SI\CI:IEE' •••••••••••••••••••••••••• !\ TRr.NGl Y OtSAr.nfF .................. . nOFS NOT APfiL 't ... .................. .

5. LAB, nR LANGUAGE DRILLS ~ELPFUl STRONGLY .6.CAF:~ ••• _ ................ . .lCPFF ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OISAGREE .............................. . ~ TQnNGl y t)1 SA GRfE ••••••••••••••••• ones NOT APPly ...................... .

6. n~STQUCTCq.S PR£:SENTAT1CN EFFECTIve ~1~r.PH":LY A.r.R,FE .................... . ACPEf: .................................. . OISAGREE ............................ . SfRONf;lY f)ISAGREf ••••••••••••••••• orES NOT API)LV ....................... .

1. G'lADES r.atfl STRr:rHilT Ar.RFE ....................... . Ar.P~E .......................... " ....... . Or5AG~EE ••••• 4 ..................... .

~fQaNG.L~ n'5lc~EE .......... " ••••••• (lOJ=S NOT A~PLT .................... .

8. VORKLOAO COMPARED WITH OTHE~ COU~SES MUCH LiCHTER •••••••••••••••••••••• L IGliTfA ........................... . ABI)UT THE SAME ••••••••••••••••••••

• t-fFAVrER ........................... . p'ur:!-f r-lFJ\VI FR ....................... .

9. INSTRUCTOR COMPARED \11TH OlH~.S ONE OF THE VF.RY 8EST •••••••••••••• !'ErTEFI: Tt-t"N ,",OST •••••••••••••••••• AeOUT AVErtAce •••••••••••••••••••••

OtIlO~SF TH'N MnST ••••••••••••••••••• IE Cf THf: VERY )fOPST ............. .


01552~303 TShO fl-N SP->3 LP.t RES- 31 f:NR- 13


1 22t 17 5_'

6 Iqr 1 3t o O~

1"3 ~l~ 17 5't

1 n C r: o 0:

.. 29: 16 51:

'5 16: 1 3< (l O'

2 n " 14~ o ot (l rt

11 77:

I 4: o cr o 0% o r~

2" 96S

13 H~ \4 45:

3 q" I 3'1 o C't

11 36'1 IT 56::

2 6: c O' ~ n

o O\' 6 In

1.. ~5: 'I 29lt 2 6E

.. 291 16 51; ~ 121 2 6t o C~

~ ~ o o Il

7 I Il o o

5 3 o o I'

~ 3 o ()


I o o o 6

, 3 2 o o


" D o I'

o I 1 o o

3 2 3 o o

en 12T

0'11 0'11 01:

62"1 3U OC 01 rl

51:" 17'1

DC 1'1:


IH o. 01 0'1 8~"

I'lCCA!E PklNCtPLES OF M Aru.GEMENT 01551~002 TSTu2 flay SP.(.'t lptrO RES- 14 E'NR_ 16

NO. , OF ReS

5 35' 5 3S. 4 2P~

o 01 o 01

3 2U 10 711 I n o o~ o 01

o I,r 14 I~~f; o 01 o 0'1 o 0%

I 1~

~ 3~' 5 3'" 3 23t t' "0%

o O~ C r~ o Ot o 01 I~ ICOI

3 2n 8 57t 3 Zl~ o 01 r rt

o ot 10 Tit ~ 28t o o~ ~ (~

o Ol " r~ 2 14~ e ~1't .. 28~

6 ~2l

6 4''1: 2 Hl C' C~ C ['I:

NOlLEN" ".ltlGEo.IA\ !;tON OMICS Ol5S2MSOI TStae Ft-" S~.>'3 u"-o RES_ 15 EfrlR- IS


6 4Ct 9 60: ~ rt o 0: o Ot

" 4Ct 9 60~ o 0'1: o 0: o 0:

• 26; 9 6rt 1 n r ft I 6:

1 6'!: 6 4n:t I 61 r rt T 46:

C (''I: o Ot I 6t ~ ~l

14 93!

2 131 12 eot

I 61 (I t. o (11

3 2n 11 1ft o 0: o 01 o C1

o O~ 2 13. T 46t 5 331 I 6t

(, 40. 6 .. r~ , 201 o "~ o r~

3 37~

" ~o~ I' n 1 121 o C1

8 Itt1 o 1''1: o at C' n: o 1''1

I H'I. 6 1'51: I 12'1 o O~ o ~'1

1 10'1 o 01 o 0'1 o Nt 6 85'1

,0 I'll o (>'1 o Oll o O'llt 6 ICoVT

I 14'11 , 4211 2 2"1: 1 I~I: o Oll

I 161: 2 33'11t D 0'1 o Oll ;3 50"

I 12!r 3 37'11 4 50'1 o Oll o Cll

2 251 I 12!C 3 371: a 00: 2 25t:

11 11 r r o

12 q 2 C ~

16 6 1 o


5 S I ~


o I o C


T 16 o o o

15 5 o " 3

o Z

12 8 o

8 10

" 1 o

15 9 2 1 o

2t' T o C I

17 11

, 0 ~ o

19 6 I o I

2 1 o ~


14 10

2 I o

n 9 5 o o


17 7 2

15 7 5 o 1

IItcaa~ P~INCIPLES OF " AN.GE~HT 015518003 TST-Z Flay SP-O LP-O R~S. 16 ENR- 16


flO. t OF Rt::S NO. 1: QF RES NO. 1: OF PES

2 12% 8 5r% 5 3U: I 6'1: o r%

3 I~'I: 13 8n: o 0" o 0% o 00:

3 18>:. 10 6211 2 \2% 1 61: o r~

1 60: 8 5(1.~

5 31" 2 -120:

'0 0'1

o 00; o ('% o 0% o 00:

l~ lOr::

~ 25~ 6 3T!: 4 25\' 2 12~ o I'f

I 61 9 6~T

" 261 1 b'!: o Ct

o 0: C' ex 1 6'1: It 21l~

11 6U

3 IAt '5 31t: 5 31' I &\' 2 12\'


4 16

1 I 1

8 15 I o I

9 15

I «' o

10 .\2

I ~


o I o o


9 13 2 o I

.. 14 1 o (I

o 3

I. 3 o

12 7 4 2 r

36: .o~

41 rr 01

41~ ojc~ '''4,''

r" 4"

LANG TELLER mno TO tOLt. ~ 1 NTRO ~o sun S E ~ATH TICS 015100101 TST->J 015-:'0050~ T~T.3 Fl-' SP .. O lP-L' F I-Y SP-<' LP=(l RES- 29 ENR_ -;0 Res- 22 ENR. 35


6 2C'!: 1ft 621 ~ 131 a 01 1 3:

21 75: 7 7.5~

o 0" o O~ a 0:

Z3 82". 5 In o 01 (I C~

o Ot

21 7U 6 211 o ~l 0' rt o 0:

I' Oll 1 Itt o 01 (l rt

24 </6t

24 821:

" 111 1 ~t (I 1'1 o (l~

22 7e. 6 Zl~ o Ot o Ot o (11

o or 5 nl

20 111 2 n 1 3"

15 511 12 4\1:

1 31 1 3' C (1%

2 91 13 59"

7 31% o ~~ o ot·

5 22~ 16 T2~

1 4t o ot o O!

6 Z7~ 12 51t1!

) In I 4~ o U

5 231 16 161 o 0% C r~ o Ot

1 ~t 3 U: 2 9t C! r;

15 7n

Z 91 16 121: ~ IS! o C! o C!

6 ~11 16 12~

o 01 o CI o 01

o O~ 4 18~

\3 59! 5 22~ o 01

o 01 ~ 18'1:

, 15 6~t

3 13'1 o os

5 IT\' 22 7U

I If: o o~ r c.

e 281: 21' 71t o oS o 0'1 C' C.

1«' 37~ 16 Sq,(

I 3~ o 1'% o 01

,11 39% 15, 5,"

2 7'1 l' r:r: o ot

C H I 3l o 0'" (> co:

26 96%

11 "C: 15 55%

1 -,% C C'T. o 00:

11 68t 8 3ZlI o 0: o rt C' c:

o 0:;-2 n

25 89% 1 ~" o 0'1:

10 35" 15 53~ 3 let o 0'1: C Q'

SULLIVAN INTRO TO STAllS TICS 015700504 TST-:>] FI-=Y SP-O lP-O RES- 21 EN_' 29

NO. 1: OF .es

2 q= Il 52~

5 231 , 14% o 0'S

H 52"= 10 47%

Il C'l: o c:: o O't

, 201: 13 65't o 01: o CS 3 IS:r

9 45~ 11 5511 o 0<: C 01 o 0:

I n 2 9% o 01

" C" 19 "5~

4 19t ~ ~21 6 281 1 91 o (II

') ,4n 8 ~2f 2 lOt o C't o ~I

3 141 5 2n

10 411 3 141 o 01

3 141 4 191 8 3n .. . 19~ 2 9~

I. INfULECTUALLY STlMlJ1.ATlNG COURSE STRQNCl v ACJlEE ......................... . A(jf{FF .............................. .. CltSAGJ.lfe: ................................ . 'STR('INGLY OlSAGREE ••••••••••••••••• OOES NOT APPl v .................... .

2. INSTRUClOR >VAlLaSLE TO s,unE.,S STRf]NGl Y AGQE'E .................... . ACREE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DISi\(jPEF .......................... . STQCNr.l'f DIStl.~REE ••••••••••••••••• onES I';OT APPly .................... .

3 • .ASStGNMENTS Hfl~FUl STRONCLY AC.EE •••••••••••••••••••• AC!lft: .................................. . OISIlCPff •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRn~!ClY OISAGRfE ................. .. Cr.fS NOT APPLY ..................... .

4. TESTS OFfl rCT IDEAS O~ COURS" ST~(HiC.\.'f ACQ,EE ..................... . AGR:fE .................. : ••••••••••• tl t S.CREE •••••••••••••••••• " •••••• Sf,lu:f'{GtV OISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• onFS Nor APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

5. lAt'S r.R: • .!I.r>:CUAGE DRILLS HELPFUL SIPOrlGLY AGREE ..................... . A!';A:r.t: ..................................... . nr S.Ar,RfE' •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRn~jGlY DJSr.GR[E ••••••••••••••••• onFS Nor .PPL Y •••••••• ••••••••••••

6. INSTRUCTOR'S PRESENTATION EFFECTiVE STA:O~Cl" AGRFE ........................ . r.i..ll;fr .............................. . 01 SAf;~fE .......................... . ST9r1Nr.LY nIS8.CREE ...................... . ones r~oT lI,PPl V ..................... .

7. GRAnfS FAIR SfP(1fU,LY aCREf .................... . .aGIlFE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DrS~CrrE ............................... .. S TPnfllGL Y OISll,GRFE •••••••••• 4 ...... .

OOfS flnT .IIppty ••• "' ................... . S. WOflKlOAO CONPAREO wI TH OTHER COU~Sf~

I'tUC'"' L IGtlTER ...................... .. ll(,I-ITfR ................................. .. "" Pl(\UT tHf'f ............................ . Ht:,.vtf.., .. ~ ................................. . ""IlCP ~f~VIER ....................... .

9. INSTRUCTOR COMP'.EO WITH OTHERS ONt: OF THE VEf!Y 9E!).T ................... . !)ETTER' THAN MOST •••••••••••••••••• .aROIlT AVfp'Ar.F ............................... . ",OP5F THIIN MnSf ••••••••••••••••••• ONr OF THE VfJl'Y 'WORST ............... .

NA.POL1' GeNERATI YE' SVHT AX rlH52Tri fST-~ F I=-N SP->3 LP-O II£S- 1'5 ENR- 2t


13 B6~ 2 1l~ o ('I:

o n o n

1) B6~ 1 6~ C n o at I 6~

11 86: 2 13~ C n o 0% o 0' ~ 20t o 0' r n I' 0%

12 BO=

C Ot o O~ I' ro o c:

14 100"

I~ qn I n r r: o 0% o 0%

14 q31: I 6: o 0: o co: o 0:

o 0: I 6% 9 6f: 5 31% o 0%

14 q1t 1 6: o 0% o ct C r:

'CCAB~ PRINCIpLES OJ: fill '-NAGf;HENT 01551B006 TST-Z Fie't SP .. O U'-O RES" II, E'Nf~- 11

I. INtElLECTUAU Y Str~ULAT IN(; COURSE S TPflNGlY AG~EE .................... . ACr:tFF ....................................... . 01SAG~EE' •••••••••••••••••••••••••• S'TPONr.L"f DISAG.f:lEf ••••••••••••••••• nOF$ NOT APPl., ................. ~ ... ..

2. INSlfWCTOR AV~Tl~6LE TO STlJOF.NTS STRCtJr,lY ACREE .......................... .. AGRF'f ............................... . 01S,e.GRFE ................................ . c:ilPnNGlY OJSAGREE- ................ ~ .... . 001=5 NOT APPl'f ..................... ..

l. &Sc:i H:'~MErlTS !-fELPFUL ~lQr.~~GtV Ac;.~e~ ......................... .. AGPEE .............................. . nIS.c.H •••••••••••••••• ,. ~ ••••••• SlRC~'Gt Y DI 'iACREf .................... . nOES NOT APPL V ••••••••••••••••••••

4. n=srs ~EFl.ccr IOfAS OF COl}RSE S tR(lNGt y AG~EE ...................... ... II.r.R'El? ..................................... _ ntsACrFF .............. ,"' ............... . STRn~~GlY (J1SAGREE ....... .; ••••••••••• ~ OOfS NOT .,APPly ........................ .:

5. LAf'-; OP I ANGUAGr DRrLLS HELPfUL STRONGl'f AGQEE ...................... . .ACtffl: ......................................... ... f)(SAGRf"F .......................... ... 'S TQr~r.l y flY ')lICREE .................. ;10 .... .

o,.,rs Nor APPl.y ..................... . 6. [H'5T~UCTOR·5 PRFSHHATtON EFFFCTlVE

STRot~r.tV AcREe ............................ . AGRFF .............................. . OIS.CREF •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STROtltlY nISAGREE .................. . DOE S f:or apPly ••••••••••••••••••••

7. CPAf")ES F~(1l

STRr,r:CLY AGREE .................... . AGflEE ...................................... . O(S4(;RrF ............................. . STPONGLY DI~AGRH ••••••••••••••••• nOES rlO," APPLy ................... ~ •••

8. WOQKLnhn CD"'PflREO wn ... eTHER COU~SES ~tJ('H l fGHTEP ................................. .. l rr,HTrR ............................. . AAOUT THF SAMF •••••••••••••••••••• HEAVlf" •••••••• _ ..................... . MUCH liEAVlfR ....................... .

Q. INC;rnU(TOR (O~PARl=n wITH on-4FRS ONF r.r THE VFqy Be.=ST ............... . PETTtn r,..,,,," f'O~T ..................... . AROUT AvF!'AGF ...................... . wrq~E TH,'N MasT ......................... .. ONF OF THI; V£R Y "'OpST ................. .


Z 14$ In lIt:

2 HZ o os l' r!

3 21~ q 64'1: 2 14X o OS ~ r>r

~ 21S 10 1U

1 1'!: o 0: o OS

2 .. ~ 10 n~

2 \'" '0 'Ol

o 0%

o ot J 7: r pt o rs

12 9Z!

2 14t 10 71 t

2 14t l'X 0<

I n 10 76t

2 I Sf o Ot o ot

o l't o O~ r rt 7 5~~ 7 50:

1 14% R S7~

2 14~ 7 l47: o Ct

~~SolD"" VaRIAnON THEa_ Y CIH58101 TST-2 FI~N sp-o LP-O RES- 1 EN"- q


5 71 t 2 2~: o Ct o Ot o It

5 TI t I 141 I 141 o O. o Ot

6 "5t I 141 o Ot o Ot o 01

T lOOt o ot I' et o Ot o 01

57t o Ot ~ rt o Ot "3 421

6 Rill 1 lit! o n o rt o 0.

7 IrCIt o Ol

" ". o Ot o Dt

o ~: o or 1 141: ~ ~Tt

2 28;

6 85t 1 14' ~ r~ o or c 01

tGLtUtS,", JIIIANACt;JIIIENT svsr [MS 015~2Rl01 1ST .. f=J.. 'SPa. lPa RESa. ~It !NR:- 4$


o ot Iq 5'~ q 2" 6 I1t l' rt

o O~ 16 41t 10 ,.t

" 231 ~ r~

5 1'~ 2'" 70~

4 Itt I 2~ o rt

" 111: 27 lq~

2 <~ H'I ?~

n 0'1

o OS 3 9~

I n o Of

29 8n

5t 18 '52t It' 29t

.0\ 111: o Ot

3 9t 19 5,.

8 l.t,.l:' 3 '1 o Ot

I' O~ o Ot

lq '5t 12 35,

J 8~

2. 21t

1.0\ 41 ~ fI 17t! 5 14t

lU.Ol.t SEMI SH.lLt.OW Cq A""AR I: F IL TEAS ('154121{'1 TST-a FI-H SP-I L'-I RES- 6 ENR- 8

Ito. 1 OF RES

6 lOOX {' co o Ot o Ot

r ". 6 100X

" '" " "X o o. r rt

2 n. o Or o rx o or It 66~

o Ot o 0< o n o 0< 6 10b'l:

100. Q'

o r. o 01 o ot

5 1~01 o or " u o 01 o Ol

I 16. o O. " r~ 4 66. 1 16.

6 tCOl Q O! " r. o O! o f~

tGL.RS~ "'MUCEM'E'NT SY~T E"~ 0155l810l T~T­FI_ SOP. lP­RES- '3) EHP" 38

pm. t OF RES

l '" 15 4'5'f 1'" "'2~

3 q~

C l'~

o n~

15 4'5." 15 '5~

3 q~

(> P'I:

6 \"1:. 2(' 6:!~

4 1,!:

2 ~" r n

5 151: 2~ ,,~~

3 .,

2 6~ o 0%

o ot o n~ I ,~

2 6% 28 QO'l;

2 6'1: 19 5'"

b tRt 6 lA~

o O~

3 I~~

13 4''= 9 3(,,'-':

5 .. " o O.

o nt o O~

18 5~~

15 '5~ o o~

o ~%

5 15' 16 't6~

7 ?I~ 5 \5.

COO~ SEM' CASE et<AM" OR C't547')5C'1 T5,T.(I FI'N S"3 LP·I IlES- 19 FNRJI lCJ



" I o o

15 3 o o c

" • " o I

4 ~ o o 9

I o o o



'" o o 1

6 4 ~ o 2

o 2

15 I I

II 5 ~ ~ o


01'552"301 TSY-O F leN SPs) lP-l Res")1 FNlh 3~


7 2)1: '1"1 71'!:

I J% o O. c r.

lq 61t 12 ]Jl'c;

o O. o ot r rt

q 2~~

2c 64~ 2 ,6' o O. I 3'(

I ,. 6 21'1; o O~ o ot

.?] 16'!

2 6~ I )7;

" c· o 0% 2'1 9n'!'

11 351: 18 S81:

2 It"-o o. o Ol

8 2P7; 20 71.

[I 07: o Ot o O.

o O'!': 4 tZl'

,16 ~It q 21)'l 2 or

q 251: 1-4 o\olj"

9 ;t~'f

C Ct o Ot

Management )II"~t:R. rNTRO TO .UAtlC !"IA~AGfKfNT

l'I15~17rr"1 fSh2 FI-., SPOIl lP-l ItFIS. 18 fNJ .. 1 q



33< 'lP' n, ~< r:

3e' .. .. 5f 5. 5'

• l2' 11 611

2 lit o Ol I 5'

5 27< 11 61t

1 II' o Of o C?

o 0: ~ r' o rt o 0<

18 Ire:

ZZI 39t \It 21t


f. 3St ~ 51r \ ,t I St o 0;

o 0; 6 3S.

tl 64~

o O' o OX

1ft 5'

311 n. lit


015528"102 T'ST-O F I-N SP-3 lP.:l ~es· 26 'EN"" '3.5

Nr.. 'II; OF PES

6 21% 1P &,.T

'" 1"" o Ot o C%

IT 60~ 11 31'1 o ot o ot o (' 1 ~'3~

HI ~4~ 3 trt (l o~

o 0'1:

o ot ~ l'~ r ". Of)';

21 Rr"C'

o 0% J Jf C e% o at

26 '96",

8 2At ·16 51;

4 '4-: o c.


, 20t 17 70t

2 P' o ot o ot

ot n at

B 64' 10 35: o Ot

a 2r't 10 35% ~ 3n I 3% o ot

SAILLUUl SlNOE~Ut\ TnLt~ Tl[;" Olt~O

I. INTRlECTUALL Y STlMUUlIlIG CQURSE IiTpnNC:L'f ACREe ............................. ~ Ac~rf .............................. . OIShGPFf ............................... . STI'Hl~GL't OISAGREE .................. . oaFS r~OT APPl'f' .................... .

~. INSTRUCTOR &YAflABLE TO STUDENTS Sll!:ONGlr AGREE ..................... . "r,PFE ................................ . OlS~GJ"EF •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 5 rqr.~~r;t l' r.ISA~~EE ................. . Oafs. NOT ApPl'( ........................ ~.

3. ASS t GW1'('NTS I-'Flfl'FUl 'SolR('II'jGLT AGPE'i:: .................... . Ar.RFF ..................................... . OlSAC,RFE .......................... . STIH~~(,tY I)r~A(;PEF .................... ... DClFS ,.~nr APPLy .................... .

ft.. lFST'S rrFlf(T 10'E:'S OF C(1UPSE STRCNGLY ACRft ..................... .. AI"iRFE .............................. . Dts~r:RfE ............................. . STRn"lClY OlC;AGREE ................. . nOFS fjnr .IIPPL 'f •••• ..................

5 .. LAPS CP la.~:GIJAr; ORlllS HflPFlIl 5TRI"NCLY AGPrE ..................... . ~GR.l:f .................................. . OrS~CRE'e: .................................. . S TPnNr.l r Of SAGRfE ................... . orES NOT apPlv4 ............... ~ ........... .

6. INSrpI!CTon ' S p~eSENTATH1N EfFECTIVf; STPCNfjl'l" AGnFE ...................... . tG"rt ••• ~ ............... ~ ................... . DISACflfE ........................... . SHH'lNCLY OISaCRFF .................... . DOES rlOT APPl"( .................... .

1. GPADES FAIP ST~O~~r.lY AGRE-E ............................. _. ... r.~FF" ................................. . ot $~Crl~~ ................................... . STr'lONCl'f OISflCREE ••••••••••••••••• O(lFS NOT APPly ..................... .

8. WOflKLOAO C(1MPAPEO wtTtl OTHE~ COURSES fI'IUCH t (CHTER ....................... .. LICHTE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• AP(1UT THE SAME ................... .. ~FAVI £:R: ............................. .. ~UCH H('A\llf~ ...................... .

9. INSTRIJCTOR COI-IPIIRE[1 WITH OTHERS ONE Or. THf VERY BEST ................. . oETTEIt TI-IAN MOST .................... . AROUT AVE •• CE ••••••••••••••••••••• .,.r.ASt=- iHAti ~OST ••••••••••••••••••• ONE OF Tt-IE VEflY WORST ............. .

IIITRO TO CALCUl US W/APPl S C11) 7('(\ 7f2 TST-' FI'II SPa lP~

RfS- 21 ENRa)1 NO. 2: OF PES

o O~

t1 t!5'! 2 H'1: I 5: C ~=

I 4: 19 90"

1 4~ o C~

o 0%

5 23": 15 711:

1 4~ o ot o 01:

It 20t 14 70~ 2 10% o 0'1:


e 0= 2 q": C 01: o 0%

Iq qn

o 0'" 1(1 47~

1 ~)1; 4 19% o <= 2 9~

18 85% I 4: o 0: o o~

o 0% I 4\'

11 52: 9 ~2l o O~

o 0% ) 14~

10 47% b 2e~ 2 9t

TNTRO TO tAlCUL US W/APPlS <'157('("1[4 TST_? FI~ Sp.,. lPaO RES: 25 FHR'" 31)


8 )'~ l'3 5"=: 4 16% o 0 ..


10 ~c~

n 5't 2 P' o 0% o o~

" 56' 11 44~

o Cl o ot o o.

16 6r.~ A 3n o rt I " C q

o ot 1 ., o Ot o ot

23 9S1

9 36~ 15 6l't

I 4t o Ot c et

12 4S~

11 ~" o rt o ot o Ot

Z at 4 16t

15 6el 4 Ibt o 01

" 2~l 13 5>: 6 2 .. o O~ D 01

ItfT~O TO ClLCUL US W/APPLS 0157('('7(7 TST--3 FI-Y SPao LP-O ~e5. 1~ eN!). 26

~O. t DF RES

I 7t 1(' 7b't

'1 115! o O. V ('It

~ ZAt It fit o ~.

o 0: ~ p.

1 5(}:l. 7 SCI! o rt o O. o O.

• 30. e 61 "I! o o. I " (l (7;

o O. 1 n o 0'1: o O.

13 q2t

1 ,. 7 !'c~

3 21: 3 21% o C%

21% q ,.,,.~

2 v."t o Ot o r.

o 0" 2 .... 9 Mt 3 21% o c::

~ ~. 5 35X 7 50' 1 11 I Tl

tNTP..O TO CALr.Ul U5 W/A9Pl ~ (llS1C"C1(1e T5T"'3 F I=Y SPsO LP:Q RES,. lq £N~=- 36

NO. ox OF ~ES

I 5' lC' 5;'1;

1 3At o O. ~ et

7 '6% 1(: 52~ C C7:

I " I 5.

6 33t 8 441 Z lit o 0% Z lit

11< 14 IH1 o O. o o. C r.

o o~

I 5. o 01 o ot

11 94'1:

o a~

B "'47; 5 27t ,. 2,%;

1 5'

2 111 9 '56" 5 31' o Ol o C\'

o ot I 5.

11 61" 6 33t o C. I' ~t

2 11. 10 55%

0; zn I 5t

I ftlRO TO CALeut U4l W/A"ptS C't57C(\TrQ TST" FI- SPa lP'" RE5s 12 fN~ .. 15

NO. , OF Jl.ES

• O. '5 ~1~

~ 51): s· (t

2 l6' 1 58'% 3 2St o ~.

r rt

2 16~

6 'S('~

4 33~

o fl~

C' C'=

3 ~5' 9 75t

o .' o 01';

" c r? o ~.

o O. o Q'

12 100'

o O. 2 167: 3 2H 1 '5st ~ rt

2 161 Ir 83' o t. o 01 o C. 3 25% 3 25. 6 50: o 1" o ot

r CI I at 3 25S .. :33l ~ 33'


1. INTEll£CTUALU STIMUlATING COURse ST~1JNGl Y ACREE .................... . ACctt:E ............................. . DISAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STOONGlY DISAGRff ••••••••••••••••• DOE S NOT APPl Y ••••••••••••••••••••

2. INSTRUCTO~ AVAllAOLF TO STUOe'-lTS STRONGl Y ACREf ...................... . AGREE •••••••••••••••••• •••• ••••••• 01 SACPFf ........................... . 5TPONClor orsACRfE ••••••••••••••••• COtES NOT APPl.Y ••••••••••••••••••••

3. A5S IGNfoIENTS HELPFUL STRONGl Y AGREE ••••••••••••••••••••

ACRff •••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••• 01 SAGAFE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONroL Y DISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• DOES NOT APPLY ••••••••••••••••••••

4. TEHS RFFUCT IDEAS DF COURSE 'SlRONGl Y AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGREE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DISAGRFF. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STROP.:GLY DISACREE ••••••••••••••••• DO~S NOT APPLY ••••••••••••••••••••

5. LAOS 01' LANGUAGE DRILLS HELPFUL STRONGLY AGREE ••••••••••• •• •••• ••• AGREE ............................ . DISAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONCLY orsAcREE ••••••••••••••••• OOES NOT APpl T ••••••••••••••••••••

6. INSTRUCTORoS PRESENTATION EFFECT lYE HRONGl Y AGRFE •••••••••••••••••••• AGRfE .............................. . DISAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGL Y 01 SAGREE ••••••••••••••••• onES NOT APPLY ••••••••••••••••••••

7. GUOES FAtR S TRONGl Y AGREE ......................... . AGRFE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DISAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGLY DISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• DOES NOT I.PPl Y ..................... .

8. WORKLOAD COMPARED WITH OTHER COURSES JIIUCH l tGHTER •••••••••••••••••••••• l ICHTER ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• AOOUT THE SAME •••••••••••••••••••• HEAVIER ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MUCH ttfAvtEP ••••••••••••••••••••••

9. nISTRUCTO~ COMPARED WITH OTHERS DNF OF THF VE.Y BFST •••••••••••••• BEn EA T>i"1 MnST •••••••••••••••••• ABOUT AVERAGE ••••••••••••••••••••• WOR SE THAN MOST ................................ .. IltIE OF THE VERY WORST •••••••••••••

'NTRO TO catCut liS "'APpU Cl5100110 TST­Ft- sp- L"­RES- 8 ENA- 14


1 3 3 o 1

5 , 3

l' o o 4 4 (I

o o 4 .. l' o o o o 1 o T

1 3 4 ('


.. ')

o l' o

o l 4 2 o

1 1

" 2 o

FINN' t NTAO TO CO"pUT ERS/FORTRAN 0157011D1 TST-2 'f1.Y SP-O lP-O RES- 42 ENP- 60

t. INTELt.ECTUALLY STIMULATING COURSE ST.ONGl Y AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGREE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DISAGPEE •••••••• · •••••••••••••••••• STRONCLT DISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• DOE S NOT Appl Y ••••••••••••••••••••

2. INHRUCTOR AVAilABLE TO STUOFNTS STRCNCLY AGf!FE ...... , •••••••••••••• AGRFE ................................ . DISI\CttFF ........................... . STRONGLY OISACREE ................. . DOE f:j, NOT APPLy ........................ .

3. ASSIGNMrNTS HfLPFUl STIlONCL'f AGqeE .................... . Af.P[f ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• "YSIlr.REF •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STPONGl't DiSAGREE ................. . Doe S NOT APPLy ..................... .

4. TESTS RFFLECT 10EAS OF COURse STRONGLY .CREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGQ:1:e.~ ..................... ~ ......... . nt'S~GRE'= ••••••••••••••••••••••••••

·ST.ONGLY DISAGREE~.' ••••••••••••••• OOFS NOT APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

5. UAS OR LANGUAGE ORrLLS HELPFUL 'STRCNCl Y ACq:EE ••• ~ •••••••••••••••• AGPfE •••••••••••• ~ ................ .. nl SAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STP.ONCL"t or SAGPFE ................. . onF ~ NOT APPL 't ..... .................... ..

6. INSTRUCTOR' S PR ESE'iIATlCN EFFECTIVe STJ:lCP.:Cl'l A(jREf ••••••••••••••••••••

. A[;Af=F ................................. .. DiSAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGLY DISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• ODE'S NOT APJ:Iol T .................... .

1. GRADF~ FAIR STJU~NC;l 'f AGRfE •••••••••••••••••••• AC.RFE ............................. . I'ISAGR£E ••.•••••••••••••••• · •••••••• STRONGLY OISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• Does NOT Appl Y ••••••••••••••••••••

II. 1I0R~lOAn COMPARED WITH OTHER COURSES ~(JCH t rGHTF't •••••••••••••••••••••• ltr,I-4TFR ............................ . ,aRnIlT Tt-IF SAf.'E .................... . ... EAvrep ............................ . MutH IlUVIER ••••••••••••••••••••••

9. INHRUCTOR CO~PAREO WITH OTHERS nr..JE OF THE VERY ReST ................ .. ~FTTfP THAN MOST •••••••••••••••••• ABOUT AVE~AGf ..................... . WORc;f Tf-I"N MOST ••••••••••••••••••• (lNE OF THE VERY WORST •••••••••••••


2 2S 12 :I o 5

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n 171 50~ 14'! ~t;

"QQt' " STATISTICS 'C' ea lCUlUS I 015703101 UT-3 FI-., 51'-0 lP-O RES-" EHR- n


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2 S~ 25 731

7 20'1: o O~ o 01

13 38t 19 5st

1 n 1 21 o O~

15 4~t 17 50~

2 51: o Oll o 01

9 ~7t: 2L nl

2 6t; 1 r· '3t o nt;

11 3?t 20 50t ~ ee o 0'1: 3 fl!l

2 5~ 20 58~

8 2U 4 III o O~

9 2n 23 67~

I 2t: 1 211

o 0' 2 Sf: (> In

16 4n 10 29!l o 0'11:

o I't 7 20t;

21 611 6 In (I rt

IIOSIE!! STATISTICS I' ca· LCULUS I 01570')102 TST-3 FI-Y SP-O lPaO RES- 25 E""- 36

NO •• OF liES

2 8. 18 12_

3 121: I 4. I 4.

3 12. 20 80C o c. I 41 1 411

l3 521. 12 48_ o I). o 011

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6 20

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.OSliR V!IGT" STATlSTlCS'C CA ST"'ISTICS' C' ca LCI,Il.US I LCUlUS I 015703103 1St-3 015703104 TST-3 Fl-Y SP.O lP-O FI-Y SP-O Lp-O RES~ 16 ENR-:n· ,liES- 12 ENR- 11

NO •• OF RI'S ' NIl •• OF RES

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4 26C 10 66t: o D~ 1 6lC o 01

" 60lC OJ 33% I 6lI o 01 o O~

I> 371 6 31'1: 3 181 1 6' o O~

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015121)2(11 TST-l FI-Y SPa)] LP-O RES- 5 E'IRa 6


o 5 o o I'

o 5 o o o

I 4 o o o

1 _ 3

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o o o o 5

o 4 1 o o

o 4 I o o

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201 01'11 0: Oll ot

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20t 40~ 4C1l 0: CI

1. INTELleCTUAlLY STIMULATING COURSE STRONGLY AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• .GFfEf ............................... . OISACREf ••••••••••••••••••••••••• • STPONGL Y 01 SAGREE ............... .. ones NOT APPl Y ................................ .

2. INS TRUCTn. AVA IUBLE TO STUDENTS STPONGLY AGRF.F •••••••••••••••••••• AG~EE ............................. . DISACREE .......................... . STPONGLY 01 SAGRfE ................ . DOES NOT APPLy .................. " ••••

!I. ASS IGNHENTS HElPFUL STRONGLY AC.EE •••••••••••••••••••• AGOEf ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OISAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• S TRnNGL Y OT SAGREf ••••••••••••••••• DOES NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

4. TESTS q[FlECT IDEAS OF COIIRSE STAONCl Y AGRFE •••••••••••••••••••• aGREE" ............................ . OISAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONr.LY or SAGRFE ................ . onES NOT APpl Y ••••••••••••••••••••

5. LABS O~ lANGUACE ORllLS HELPFUL STRONGLY AC.EE •••••••••••••••••••• AG.CF •••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 01S!\CREE .......................... . STRONCLY nrSAGPEE ••••••••••••••••• ooes NOT APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

6. INSTRUCTOR'S PRESENTATION EFFECTIVE STRONGLY AGREE .................... . Ar.RFE" ............................... . DI~Ar.REE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRIlNGLY DISAGREe ................ . oaf S NOT APply ..................... .

1. GRADES FA'. S TRONGl Y AGR EE ..................... . AGREE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OISACRFE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGLY DISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• DOES riOT APPLY ••••••••••••••••••••

8. NORKLOAO COMP~REO IIITH OTHF.R cnURSES MUCH l rGHTfJt ...................... . l rCHTER • ........................... A~OIlT THE SAME •••••••••••••••••••• HEAVIER ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MurH HfAVtFR ...................... .

9. INSTRUCTOR COMPARED WITH OTHERS ONE OF T"E VfRY BEST •••••••••••••• BFTTER THAN MOST •••••••••••••••••• AAOUT AVFRAGE ••••••••••••••••••••• WOR~e THAN MOST ••••••••••••••••••• ONE OF THE VERY WORST •••••••••••••

BAIlUEVl onll.o CALCUlOS 'ANAL CALCUlUS' ANAL TTIC GED"ETRY I TTIC GEO""T.1I1 01570')504 TST-' ~15103701 TSf­Fr- SP. lP. Fr!!---~p. (p­RES- 17 ENR.30~ES- 19 EHP- 30,


4 11

2 o 0'

3 14 o o o

" 12 I o (I

3 11

3 o o

o o I o


o 11

4 2 o

3 13 o o o

o 1

11 3 1

I 5 7 4 o


It 2111 5 26~ 8 42C 2 Irll o ot

4 21t 9 4n 4 21'11: 2 10'11 o II'll:

5 26~ 14 nt o 01 o 01 l' ~t

6 31'11: 12 63'&

I 51 o Oll D (I!l

o 01 (I ~I

o O~ o 01

19 lCCt

3 1511 4 211 5 261 7 3611 (I ~I

~ 221 8 441 5 271 1 5~ o Ot

o 01 2 1~1 6 3U ,9 47~

2 101

2 10l: 2 I~I 2 1011

" 2U 9 4U


OH723ICI TST-2 015725101 TST-

I. INTELLECTUALLY STIMULATING COURSE ST.ONGlY AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGREE ............................. . OrSACREE ........................... . STRONGlY OISACREE ••••••••••••••••• OOES NOT ApPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

2. INSTRUCTOR AVAILABLE "TO STUDENTS STRONrol y AG~FE •••••••••••••••••••• AGREr ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OISAGPfF •••••••••••••••••••••••••• HRONr.1 V 01 SAGRfE ••••••••••••••••• OOES NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

3. ASSIGNMENTS I'ElPFUL STRONGLY ACREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGRtE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OIS.G.FE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• S TRONGl Y 01 ShGREF ••••••••••••••••• ooes rlOT ~PPl Y ...................... .


FI=", 'SP=O LP':II:O RESz 4 ENRz 6


3 75~ 1 25t o 0' o o~ o ct

4 lOOt I C rt

o ot o r>: o Ot

3 75~ 1 25~ o 01 ~ r~ o (It·

Fr- SPa lP­RESz 9 EN"· 13


Z 6 o o I

o 7 o C' 1

3 6 o C o

22t 66>: ot 0'1


ot 6n:

Ol: rt;


STRO"r.~Y ~GREF ••••• : ••••••••••••••• _ . AGPfE •••••••••••• :,. •••••••••••••••• ,.

3 75t 1 251:


3 c 1 ~ ~~:~~~[~·oiS:C;rE·:I:':::::.:::::::::: ~ .

OOFS rIOT APPly •••••••••••••••••••• 5. LABS CR LA~GUAGE optLLS HElPFUL

S TA:rr~CL Y AGP Ff ............................. .. A"nfC ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 01 SAG.EE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STAO~:r.l Y OJ SACREE' ••••••••••••••••• OOFS NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

6. INHPUCTOR'~ pRESENTHION EFFECTIVE ST.ONGlY AG.FE •••••••••••••••••••• hGRn ••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• orsllcREf ........................... . STRONGLY OISAGRFf ••••••••••••••••• nOES NOT APPLy ..................... .

7. GRAOES FAI' STRCNGLY ACRFf •••••••••••••••••••• AGRF.E ............................ .. O'SAG~FE ........................... . STRCNGl Y DISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• onfS NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

B. IIORnOAO CO~PAREO IIITH OTI'FR COURSfS MUCH lIGHTFR ........................ . l tGHT£R .......................... .. ABOUT Tt'E SAME •••••••••••••••••••• HFAVlfR ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~UCH HF,WIER ••••••••••••••••••••••

'I. INSTRUCTOR COMPARED WITH OTIlERS ONf OF THE VrRY 6FST .................. .. BETTER THAN MOST •••••••••••••••••• ABOUT AVfQAr.E ......................... . W~RSE TII~N MOST ••••••••••••••••••• ONE OF TJ-tE VfRY WORst ................ ..

o O~ o "\ C'~

o 00:

~ ('% {I Cf o Ot ~ (Ot 4 10(lt

4 Ir~t o a!: o ot o O~ o Ot

3 lOOt t' l't o Ot o 0% {I (It

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o C1: 2 50t 1 Z51; 1 2St

3 75~ 1 25t o Ot o ot o Ot

o 4

o o o (I


1 8 o o o

1 7 o o (I


o 1 4 4

2 :I 4 P o

liDS teR IIGUY1!II CAlCUlUS CANAL' INTRO TO "'"PUT "IC CEO"ET.III· ERSIFORTIUIN 015103702 TST->3 on107101 TST-3 Fr-y SPaO lp-O FI-Y sp.>!1 LP-J Res- 25 ENA- 39 ReS-"1 em- 50


11 IJ 2 o o

11 13

I I)


13 10

1 o 1

Il 11 o o o

1 o o o


14 U o o o

7 16 o o o

o 1

12 9 3

10 11 2 o o

401 52'! 81 0: O~

6 ;25

II Z o

11 21 1 (I


III . 30

1 o o

14 ~5

1 1 o

14 23

I o 2

5 26

8 2 (I

2 26 12

I ('

I 1

14 20


o 16 19

5 1

GNUGNOlI NGUYEN COlIOl PRDC. & I CCMPUTER ORG t NFO SYSTEMS ASSe~BLY LANG 015727rOl TST-)') 015727301 TST-3 FrzY SP-O lP-O Fr.y $P-O lP-O RES- 18 EN"'- 37 RES- 'I ENR- 1~



13 14

I o o

7 16

2 ('


16 II

1 l' o

1 16

2 (' " 2

15 6 o (l


o 19

1 C o

4 24 o ~ o ('

o 5

IZ 10

10 10

6 o o


~911 " n rl n

53!! 1 I!!

Oil ~I


5 4 a (' (I

3 5 1 (I


6 3 o (I


2 2~t .. L>. ... 75%..,

0.. Ot ... '" ,~,. -- ("~,

! Or ~ O~·

5 3 I (I


4 4 1 (I

o 3 5 1 ~ o

o o o 3 6

3 3 2 1 o

Ot Oll 011

33t 66.

3n 3n 2n: IU: Ol

IIWYI!" I NTIIO .TO COMPUl ERS/FCJtTUH 015701102 '5T-3 1'1-., SP->l LPaI tiES- 32 E"~- 46



'" 5 2 o 2

2'1 I 2 !I


6 o 1

6 22

3 I o 1

17 5 o 3

4 2D

5 3 C

2 20

5 2 o I 4 9

1'" 4

o 11 1'1'

3 o

Nursing H.CItEt DESIGN OF IIUqSI NG SYSTE"S 1 016605101 TST­Ft·Y SP-O lP. RES- '* ENR.- 9


l' ., 5 I C


B 1 o o I 6 2 I)

o o 7 2 ('


1 3 o (I



3 5 i o

o l 1 l' o

1 6 2 (I o l' 3 3 3 o

------------------......... -----_______ .... _________ ",i

I. INTEllECTUALLY STlMUlutNG COURSE StRONGl" AG~EE •••••••••••••••••••• AGRFE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 01 SAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGLY OISAG~EF ••••••••••••••••• ODES flOT APPl '( ....................... .

2. INS TRUCTOq AVA IlABlE TO STUDENTS srpONGLY AGflFE •••••••••••••••••••• AGREF ............................. . OISAGRFE ............................ . st'R.t\NC\''f t",~,.r.ft'C£ ••••••••••••••••• 0('-:$ NOT APPt y .................... .

OJ. ASSIGNMnnS ~ElPFUL STPQNr.lY ACJlEE •••••••••••••••••••• AGREE ............................... . OISAGREe •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STPONCl Y 01 SAGREE .................. . ODfS NOT APPL Y ••••••••••••••••••••

4. teSTS oEFlfCT 10F.AS OF COURSe STSl.Ct:Gl '1 A('.~t:f •••••••••••••••••••• AGRFE ••••••••• ~ ...................... . OISAG~EE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• srRONr.LY DISAGREE .................. . OOFS NOT APPl Y ••••••••••••••••••••

5. LABS OR lANGU4GE DRILLS HELPFUL STPCNGl y AGQEF •••••••••••••••••••• AGRFe ............................. . OrSAGRFE .......................... . STSl.ONGL"f O.SACQEE ................... .. ODES NOT ApPl Y ••••••••••••••••••••

6. INSTRUCTOR'S PRESENTATION eFFECTIVE STRONGLY AGREE .................... . AG~ff ....... <Io ••••••••••••••••••••••

OISAGPF.E •••••••••••••••••••••••••• SfAnNGLY DISAGREE .................. . DOES NOT APPlY ••••••••••••••••••••

1. GRAOfS FAIP STRONClY a&stEE .................... . Ar.RfE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DISACREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGl Y OTSAGRfE ••••••••••••••••• DOfS NOT APPl Y ••••••••••••••••••••

II. WORKLIJAO COMPARED IIITI! OTt4ER COUPSES ,",UeH L1GHTEA •••••••••••••••••••••• LICHTER .............................. . ABOUT THf. SAME ..................... . HEAVIER ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• _UCH HEAVIER ••••••••••••••••••••••

9. INSTPUCTOR CO~PAREO WITH OTHER S ONE Of THE Vfay BEST •••••••••••••• B"ETtER Tttl\N MOST •••••••••••••••••• ASOUT AVfRAGf ..................... . WORSE THAN MOST ••••••••••••••••••• OMF. OF THE VERY WORST •••••••••••••



C I 2 I o o I 3 II ~

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o 2 o 2 o I 1 o o 1

o 2 I 1 o

o 2 2 o o

1 o 3 1 o

I o 3 , (I

r'll:. 25~ 50~ 25'(


Oll 2511 75'11:

lilt; o~

0'( 5~~

Oll SOt


33t n" o~ 0'11:


ot 501 ?~~ 251 01

0'( 50: 5('~

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20ll O~

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zot 0'11: •

6l''II: 2~t 01

HACREL DeSIGN OF'1IUA51 NG SYSTEMS I l'166r5IC') 15T­fl- SP. lP­PES- 7 ENR. 1

NO. 1: OF ~ES

o o 5 2 o

o 5 2 o o (I

5 I I o o 3 1 3 o o 2 1 I 2

o o 4 , o

o 2 4 I o

o 3 ')

1 o o 2 3 2 I)

~'! C~

71~ 2A'( 01

~I 71'1 2et 01 r~


lIt IU 1411


O~ O. 571 421


0'11: 28!l 5T1t l~lI


Oil 421 4211 lU


0' 28!l 4211 . 2et ~!l

HACKEL' DESIGN DF HURSt He SYSTE"S I 016605104 TST-2 fl.Y sp." LPoO RES- 8 ENA- /I


o ~lI 2 2011 ~ 71'11: ~ ~I o 0:1

(\ . CI 6 15t: I In \ \21: o C1l

() rt:. 6 1S1 o 01 2 251 o (\~

o rll 2 289; 4 51~ 1 Iltl o 0' o 1''11: 5 62~ o Oill 1 12'11: 2 251

o 01 1 121 ~ 62t: 2 2S,( l" O~

o '01 3 3111 3 311 1 12t 1 121

1 121 2 :!5!l 4 51'1 1 Izt o ot:

o 0'( 4 ~Ol 3 37e o OC· 1 I2t

CONNELLY OEStGN OF' NURSt NG SYSTEMS I 016605107 TST-2 F Izy Sp-:>3 Lp-O RES- 9 ENR- 9

~O. '( OF RES

.. 5C'( 2 25~ I 12l!: I 121 (I Ct

8 081 I In o 01 l' U o r~

5 551 1 331 o Oil 1 Itt; o O~

6 6('~

3 3lt o Oil o (It o C~

6 661: 1 lit o 0'( 1 11. t Illr

4 441 4 Itt,; I 11'( o OE O. (I!l

6 66'(

" 33~ a cc o 0: o Ot

o 01

4 "", 5 5S1 o OC o 0:

4 It" 3 13C 2 22t o 0: o Oil

CONNelLY' DESteH OF NURSt NG SYSTEI'IS I 0166051 (10 TST-2 FI=Y SPs>3 LP=O RES- 9 ENR- 9·


2 7 o ('


" 5 o l' l'

4 S o (I

o 4 4 o C o 6 1 o (I


2 1 o o o .. 50 o o I)

1 1 7 o o

3 .. 2 o o

66'( III Oll ('I 22~

22' 771 01 0'1: (I~

4411 55~

0'11: 01 011

lit; lit 1n ot ('~

33!l 44'C 22t O~ el

1. INTEllFCTUAllY STIMULATING COURSE STRONCl Y ACREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGR~E' ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OISAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STPONr.lY OISACREE ................. . Or.FS f:OT APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

2. INSTRUtTeR AVAILABLE TO STUDENTS S TPrNCl Y AGPEE •••••••••••••••••••• At:R[E ..... ......................... . OISAG~EE· •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRnNGlY OtC;ACftff ................. . onES NOT APPl Y ................... ..

l. ASS IGNMEtlTS f'ElPFUL STPCNCl Y ACREE .................... . Ar.RFF ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OISA(:RfE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGLY 01 SACREE ••••••••••••••••• DOES NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

4. TESTS .fFLfCT fDEAS OF COURSE STAONGl Y ~GRFF •••••••••••••••••••• AGRFE ............................... . OISAGREF. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGl Y OIShGREE ••••••••••••••••• DOES NOT APPl Y ••••••••• •••••••••••

5. LABS OR LANGUAGE DR ILl S HELPFUL S TRCNCLY AGqEE •••••••••••••••••••• At;R.Ff: ••••••• :. .............. ••••••••• OJSACPEf •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGLY OTSAGREE ••••••••••••••••• orFS NOT APPLY .................... .

6. INSTRUCTOR'S PRCSENTATION EFFECTIVE STRONCl Y AGREE ..................... . AGREE ............................. . nISAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGLY DISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• DOES NOT APPly .................... .

1. GR~DE5 FAIR STRONGLY ACREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGREE ............................. . OISAGREE .......................... . STRONGLY DISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• nOES NOT APPLY ••••••••••••••••••••

e. WORKLOAO CO:lPAReD !filM OTHFR COURSES ,",UCH l tGHTFR •••••••••••••••••••••• LIGHTER ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ABOUT THE SAME •••••••••••••••••••• HUVIEP ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~UCH HEAVIER ••••••••••••••••••••••

9. INSTRUCTOR COMPARED WITH OTHERS ONE OF T""e VERY Bt:ST ............... . HETTER THAN MOST •••••••••••••••••• ABOUT AVeR~GE ••••••••••••••••••••• WOP SE THA N MOST ..................... .. ONE OF THE VERY I<ORST •••••••••••••

CONNELLY OE';IGN OF NURSI NG SYSTeMS I 016605109 TST-2 FI=Y SP~>:3 lp~t' PES" a ENR... e


5 I 2 o t'

3 5 o o ('

2 6 o o o

3 5 o o (\

4 Z I o I

3 4 1 o C

2 6 o o (I

o 3 5 o I)

2 :3 3 o o

62'1: IZ~ 25': ot ('%

2St 751

0'( 0:: 01

3n 6211

Ot Ot l":

501 25t 12~

O'l 121:

3n SCI 12'1: 01 (I:

251 75~ 01 0'(


Oll 3n 621:

Of: C~

251 37ll 3n

0'11: D~

CONNELLY DESIGN OF NURSI NG SYSTEMS I 016605110 TST-2 flay SP-='») lP=-('I ReS~ q ENRz: 9


:3 6 o o (I

6 3 o o o

7 '7 o o o 8 1 o o o 5 3 o o I

3 6 o o o 5 4 o o l'

1 I 7 o I)

5 I 3 o


3311 66t 0: 01 0'1

66t; 331

0'11: 01 C'II:

77'C ~21

0'11: O~ 0'11:

08~ 1lO; at ct 0'1:

5~'II: 3311 0: 0'(


331 66~

Oll r~ 0:

S5t 441

0'11: 0: l'~

11'11: ll'l 77t

01 (0' 55~ 111 33'11: 01 oe



3 2 3 o o

3 5 o o o

2 5 1 o o

I 4 2 r o 3 2 1 o 2

2 5 1 o o o 6 1 1 o

o o 3 5 (\

I 3 4 o o

3n: ZSI 3n:

0'1: (\1;

~7" 6Z~ O~ 01: ~~

011: 75t 12t In


SHAll DESIGN OF NURSI NG SYSTE"S I 016605112 TST-l FI:lY SP=2 lP==-(' RES= 6 eN~~ 6


4 2 o ('


3 3 o D o

I 5 o o (\


• o ~


1 JI 2 C o 2 4 o C o (I

3 I o o o o 11 2 I

2 2 2 o o

5(\'11: ~Ol ot Oll 011:

16~ on

Ot 0% Ot

1611 66'11:

01 (''II:


161 5l''I 33'1: (\t


13t 66t ot i

rll Ot

r!l 7~t 25t


ot ot 0'11:

50S 3n 161

8UAKe DESIGN OF rtUASI NG SYSTEMS' 016605113 TST-2 FI~Y sP-' lP-O RES'" 7 ENq. T

NO. ~ OF ~f;S

1 6 o ('

o 2 5 o o o

2 3 1 1 o

JI 4 o l' o

2 o o I' 5

2 5 o (I

o 3 4 o t' o

o 1 6 o o

Z 3 2 o o

~1I£1O!ItA .. o DESICH OJ! III111SI NG SVSTI!IIS r 01660'114 ,TST­fI- 51'" ll", liES- 6 Ell" •

1. tllTULECTUALLY STI"ULATfMl COUi'SIf STRONGLY AGReE .......................... . AGREE ••••••••••••••••••••• iloilo ••••• G

015 .. GIt££ .......................... •• S,AONGl'f or SaGJtEe ....... iloilo .......... .

DOES Nn, A"LY ......... • ••• •••••••• z. INSflIUCTOtI AVUU8LI! TO STUDl!lIrs

S1«ONGLY AGReE ••• •• •• ••••••••••••• &G·EE ••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••• OJSAGAEE •••••••• -···.············· STRONGLY 01 SAGIlEE ••••••••••••••••• noES NOT APPly ••••••••••••••••••••


ST'ONGlY ~CR:fE ••• ••••••••••••••••• .. CRfE ••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••• n I SAGR£E •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STPDIlGLY OIS.GPEE •••••••••••••••••

DOfS ~Ol APl-ly •• ••• .. •••••• ... ••• .. ••• 4. TI!STS ItEFLI!CT lOUS OF CCUIISI!

STRONGLY AGRtE .......................... .

AG.EE ............ •••••••••••••••••• 01 SAGPEE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STfI(t~l Y Ot SAGREE ••••••••••••••••• DOES NIlT .PPl Y ................... .

,. lABS Cit LAt!r.UACE O~IlLS HELPFUl STAOt~Cl Y AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGAfE' ............ • ••••••••••••••••• OISAGflEe .......................... . STRnNCl Y D1S.fiREE ••••••••••••••••• nnfS NOT APPly ••••••• •••••••••••••

6. INSTRUCTOR'S PAESENUTION EFF£CTI'I!! STPONCl,( ACctt;:E •••••••••••••••••••• .. (i.PF.E ............................ .. DISAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 'S,,,nMClY 01 ~AQlE£ ................ ..

Of!fS NOT APPly ••• •••••••••••• .. •••• 7. Gl'AOE<; FAIR

STRONCLY .. GREE •••••••• •••••••••••• 'CAfF ............................. .

nrSACR£f ••••••••• ••••••••••••••••• STAOHCI Y DIS.GREE ••••••••••••••••• DOE'S ~OT A.Pl T ••••••••••••••••••••

8. IIIlPK~n.1l COMPARED WIlt! OTHER COU1lSES MUCH l IGHTfct ..................... ••• LIG"TfR •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • A80lJT THe SAME ......... • ... ••••• .. "E.Vre ........ ~ ............... ••••• MUCH HEAyrfll ............ • •• ••••••••

•• INSTRUCTOIt COMPAItED IIITH OTHEItS nilE nF THE VEAY 8EST ............. . ftfff£A r .. AN MOST ••••••••••••••• ••• ABOUT AVFP .c~ .................... . IInQSf , MOST ................. .. ONE nf TilE VF.RY wnRST •••••••••••••

110. II OF III!S

z n. 4 6611 (' (III o 011 o 01

, !lOll , !lOll o 011

" 011 o 011

, 131 t 16:& o 011

" 01 o 1111

6 UCI( o III D 011 I' n o 1111

6 10011 o "II o 011 (' ~II o (Ill

2 nil 4 6611 o 011 C! (II o 011

4 661

2 ". o 011 D 011 a 011

o 111 , !JOy , ~Oll

a 01 o 01:

2 :JlII 4 66$ (! ~,

o O~ (' n

s_elltt' "C:E-1tOl.1! Al'PIIO, AlATE NUllS SYST 01661110q TST., FI-N S,.3 L","O Res- 12 f!N_· 12

1. INTELLECTUALLY STI"UlAUMI CII\IIISE SYRONGlY .CRfE .............. • ••••• • ACttt:E ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DISAGReE ......................... . STItOf'll'j,l Y Dt's.rJlEE ................. . ons:s Nnr APPly •••••••• •• ............ .

2. IlisnUCTOR .V.ILA81.f TO STUOENTS S'ROf.:GlT ItRFE •••••••• • ••••• • ••••• ACREE ............................. . DIsAGPeE ••••••••••••• ••••••••••••• STRnNGlY DIS.CREf ••••••••••••••••• ones Nor APPLy ••••••••• • •••• • •••• •

, •• S51Gt:MF.NTS HElPfUL STDnNr.lY ACqf'E ..................... • AGttFF ............................. . OrS"CREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STOONGlY DISAGREE ............... .. ooes r:nT APPL Y ....................... .

4. TESTS "EFlECT IDEAS CF COURSE STQr:~Gl y aCqFf .................... . Ar.RFf ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OISAGPEe .......................... • STctI')N(';lY nJSAGAEE ................. . DOES NOT APPLy ......... •• ..... • ••• ••

5. LA~S C .. lANGl/~r.e Il"ILLS HPLPFUl STQONl;lY .CqEE •••••••••••••••••••• ACqF'E ............................. . DISAcnFF ......................... . S'A"tlClY DIS .. CREE ••••••••••••••••• DOES NOT APPLy •••••• •• ••• •• •••• •••

6. INSTRUCTn~'~ PRESENTlTlON EFFECTIVE STRONGLY AGOee ................... . ACME ........................... •• I)ISAGRFF ......................... . STIICNGlY DISAGRfE ................ . Or'fS Fl:OT APPly ...................... .

:1. GUOES SlllONGlY lGAH ................... • Ar.REf ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ntSAt;R'fE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRr:WilY OrSAtiREf: ••••••••••••••••• OOFS NOT APPLy ••• " ••••••••••••••••

e. IIORKL"An CO~PAIIF.D IIITH OT"ER COURSES MUCH L IGHTfft •••••••••••••••••••••• LIGHTF.R .......................... • A~nUT TilE SAME ................... . t-4fAVrF.ft ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ,"UCH HFAVIFR ...................... .

9. INS'RUCTI)R CO!!PAREIl WITH OTHERS I)NE OF 'nlF. VEAV 8£5T .............. . OETTE~ THAN MIlST ................. . "BOUT AVFffACf ..................... . wnRSE THAN "OST ••••••••••••••••••• ONE OF THE YERY WORST ............ .

1. IttTELLECTUULY STIMULATING CDUIIS! STAt'lHGlT AGREE .................... . ASIIIEE ............................. . ors.CltEF. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• srRONCl T 01 SAGREE .................. .. DOES NOT APPly ................... .

z. I .. ~'R"CTn. AVAfLA8lF. TO STUDEN1S STRC'NGl'Y AGctFf .................... . Al;qF.I: ............................... . nlSAC;tEE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRCNCl Y 01 SAGAfE ................. . 1l0fS /lOT APPLY ................... .

). ASSIGN~£IITS HelPFUL STllOtiClY AGREE ................... .. At;!lEf ••••• _ ••••••••••••••••••••••• OlSAr..~F ......................... . STRr-lItLY .1IS.CUE ................ . onf'S .. or APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

~. TESTS RfFLECT IDEAS OF COURSE STAnNCLY .r.AfE •••••••••••••••••••• .lGRt::E ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Dt~AGtJtE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~Tprmcl Y OISAfjRfF. ••••••••••••••••• nnF.S NOT APPly .................... .

5. ues OR LAtlGU4GF DRillS IlElPFUl STRnllCl Y .GREE ................... . AGPEE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OlSAC.FE .......................... . STRC':rU';lY 0IS ... CRFE ••••••••••••••••• nn-:s 'oinT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

•• "'S'rRIJCTO~'~ PPESF.NTATION EFFECTIVE STRDUtLY A(;OF.E .................... . Ar,RR .............................. . OISAC·EE ......................... . SlRnr:CLY ntSAGRFF ................ .

. DOES NOT APPLY ................... . 7. GRADES !'AIR

STP(1NGLY AG"EE •••••••••••••••••••• AGRfE •••••••••••••••••• ~ ........... . DISAGAEE ......................... . STRONGLY DISACREE ••••••••••••••••• DOES frIOT .PPl Y ••••••••••••••••••••

a. IIORKLnAD COMPA_EO WITH OTHER COUIISfS ~ut: .. llc",elt •••••••••••••••••••••• lIC .. lfA ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• AenUl THE SA"E •••••••••••••••••••• IIEAVIER .......................... . MUCH MEAYlfR ••••••••••••••••••••••

•• INSTAUCTOR COMPAIIED ~nH OTHERS ONE (IF THf VERY REST ............. . RETTER TftAN MOST ................. . AnnUl AVr:PAGE ••••••••••••••••••••• 1I0'SE TII.'1 MOST .................. . ONE nF THE VERY IIOAST ............ .

NO. , OF liES

1 6 2 2 (\

1 9 o o ('

2 II I I o

2 9 o o o

1 3 (\

o II

2 II 2 o o

~ <}

" C o

o 3 6 1 o 1 3 , o o

0lM111O PATT!1t1l OF _eS' OMS'E-I1\, 1M S tTua C16613U6 TST.;r FI-Y S,.1 LP·I RES. 12 "HR. 12

NO. t OF .ES

1 n 6 5011 3 251( 2 1611 o 011

1 111 II 6611 2 16'JI ,I n o 01

1 8"1 8 661: 2 1611 I 611 o ell •

I n 9 7511 o 011 2 16. o 011

3 ;r" 3 ~,.

I n (' rt: 5 ~I'

1 .. e 6411 1 n 2 In o 0:

'I 101 1\ 6("( 1 lOll 2 2011 o (II

o 01 1 n 5 4111 !I ~I'C 1 n

2 16. 2 16"1 6 5ell I 81 1 811


NG SYSlEIiS I 01660"16 TST-Z I't-" speZ L,.O alS- , 1!1I't. ,

110. II Of' aES


1 lOll S 6011 I 2l'1I o 011 o 011

4 e~o: I 2011 o U ., 011 o or 1 6011 l 4011 o 011 (I ell o Oll

4 1011 1 2011 o 01 (! l't o 011

1 6(>11 1 2011 o 011 (I r. 1 20'1

3 6['11 ~ 4(1' o O. () I'll o 011

3 nil I In o ell o 011 o (I,

o O. D n: 4 1IC'f 1 20'f o 011

2 40= 2 40'1: 1 21:11 o 011 o (III

AIOE-'OI.f! A"IIOP 'UATE HUltS SYST 016611110 TST­FI- S"," V­IIE"S. 8 EN'" 12

110 ... OF ~es

I 7 o o (0

5 3 o o (I

, 'J o o ()

1 6 o o 1

2 3 o o :!I

J 5 o o o 4 4 C o o

o 1 4 2 o

2 4 2 o o

01"1111) 'ATTEIIN OF RES' ONSe-ltllM SnUA 01661 Jl01 TST.Z fl.' SP-l L ... I Res- • ENIt. 12

MD. t Of' lin

2 l''C .. 5t, 2 2'. (I C'II o 0'11

(0 ~1I

6 lS'C 2 25. I' (O'C o 011

I' fit 1 lilt: I 12'11 (0 I'll o Oll!

(I rl 6 15'11 \) ot: o rll 2 2'1

;r 2n 3 nil o 01( (I 1': 3 '1'1 o r. 6 151 2 25C (! ('C

o 011

(0 1'1 .. 1511 o ('II 2 2511 II Oil

o 011 o t''C 2 251 5 62C I 121(

1 12111 '3 31'11 2 2~' 2 25l1: (I l'1I

C"'TII!fIAS AOe-aoU UOPIIOf' "IATt! NUllS SYST 0"611101 TST.O I't-, $,-0 LP-l us- 14 EII't- 14

NO. II OF lies

o 01 1 .011 T fOil o 01 o 011

1 711 13 .111 o "II o CI( o 011

o (lC. u .. n

2 1411 o DC o 011

o CII 12 nil

1 TIl o Oil o 011

J 2111 , !!l1I 1 TIl (I 1'. , 15:

o r'l: lit 101111 o 011 o «II o Olt

1 TIl 12 9711 o ('II o 0111 o ('.

o 01( 2 14'

Il 8'S1I o 011 o n o 011 1 1111

11 filii o O~ o 011

tlMi .. : IIGE-ROlI! ""RO' RTATE _S SYST 016611111 TST.l Fl.' SP.I LP.l Res- 9 EIIII- 11

110 ... OF RES

2 2211 7 ll'!: o O. o Oll! o 1'''

6 661 , "1 o 0'1 o n o r'll!

, ~3 •• 6 66'1

o ". o 0" o (".,

2 ~5!t 6 l~'; o C~ o OS (l ell

1 14!t 4 511! o 0" o 011 2 zn 6 661 3 "1. o (\~

o ot o Ot

4 "." 'S ,n C! ("1: o (!"

o 0" o 011 o 01:

" 11111: 1 no: o Ot

4 ~"I( 1 33' Z 22" o Ill: o 0'

WILLIAMS ""'TEIIN III' lies' ONS!-Kl.T14 SITua 1!1661l10e TST­FI- s,. lP. RES. 14 ENII. 14'

,,0. II OF RES

2 IU 5 ,)~I 6 ~2t 1 It

, 0 01

'3 In 10 Tn

I 711 (! t'lil o O.

2 1"-':. 10 lU

1 71 l 7'1 o 00:

2 1411 8 5711

" 281 I' 1'1' o 011

~ 281 3 2111 o ot: (0 f" 7 50t

2 14' 4 2811 , 3511 '3 2n o 01

] 131: 9 6f1"1; 1 11: o 011 o 1'1:

o 01( (I (011

13 .n 1 TIl o c>1I

2 141 1 n 6 421: '3 2111 ~ 141

CClllTllIlIIA! • ACe-1I1lL I! 111'1'110" "IATI! Nun SYS1' OU61l1l'2 15T"O 1'1., 5'-1 LP.l It!S- 13 ENII- 13

NO. II OF lies o ot 6 46t 7 ,n (' ell o Ot

o 0" n toos: (). c!'( o os o O'C

o 01 11 au Z 151 o ('S: o 0111

0' (III 11 91" 1 fts: o 'DC o OS

2 15' 7 "C o 0'( o DC ~ 10C

o OS 12 100S o OS o 0" o 0" 1 71:

12 921! o Oil o 0'( l' 0'(

o Oll J 23'1;

10 T611 ° 0'( l', OS

1 111 2 15t

10 16" o O~

o 0'

SI'!IICI! NUll SING A'PIIO.C H TO BArrEllING 016612101 TST-O FI·N S'.1 lP-O lIE", 14 E .... "

NO. " OF liES

3 11 a o o

4 IC o o C


" o o ('


" o o



o I ()


" 7 2 o 1


• l' o o o • 5 I o

3 4 1

" o


111 2n os 0'1:


01( 111 (It all


2et: 51'11 \4~

0'11 ft

35'C 6411

011 01 01

"TTERN Of' liES' OIiSE-Itllt! SITU"' 0166\)109 TSf­Fl. $" LP. RES- 12 Ell" 12

NO. t OF liES

5 "Ui 5 ~111 2 1611 (I 011 o O. , 4511 6 541 o 07: o 011 o ot

" 3311 8 tiM: o 07: r. 011 o 01(

4 3311 6 501i Z lb.

r "" o 0111

, 2511 Z 1611 a all (' 1'1 1 ,n '" 3111 5 4111 2 1611 I 1111 (! COlli

4 33"1; T !ltllI: I !II o 011 (I ClII

o 011 1 ~ 8 en 1 25111 (I I'll

'3 2511 I till ., 5eo: 1 811 o ('I(

RAIITI!N AGf-IIOLE A"1I0P IIt.lTt NUltS SYST I! 1611111 I!' TST.­fl." s,.· lP·­lies- 12 EIIR. IZ



o Olt II' 83" 2 16" o at

'0 ;. 0"1'

2 16K 10 a31! c c: o 0'C o 0"

2 16'C 10 83: [' CI! ° ('I o 0'1

2 1St: 8 721 (' rlt o 0: 1 91:

o 011 It 36" (I t'" o l''f 7 63.

2 16" 9 15K o 01 o 0111 I 81

.. 3U II 66~ o 0: o OC o C!f

2 160: '8 66'1

2 16t o ot: (I (I.

1 n 1 ~8' .. ,)1t: o 011 o o.

CONTl!M" ISsueS' IN SfXIIAL ItY 916612501 TST. FI- SP. lP· IIE50 III EllA.· 20


I~ T11: .. 211: o at: o 01 I' 01

." 711 4 2n o Jt o ot: (I (It

10 5S1 8 4~~ o 01 a 01 t' ()t

2 111 I 5~ o 01 a 01

IS lilt:

o 01: C rt (I rt o O~

18 10(lt

15 83~ 3 In o COt o 01 C! 01

11 64. 6 3~t o cot o n o ot

o ot: 2 lit

12 &6t 3 16t 1 n

11 72l 1 161 2 Ilt o n o ot

.:OIIERY PATTERN OF IIESP OHSE-tll TM S nUA 016613111 TST·­Ft.· SPa- LP-­RES- 12 FN_. 11


1 e-: 'I 751 ~ 161: o O~ o Olt

2 16" .. 7~~ t' (I¥ o t!lt I n "I l5~ 'l 157; o O~ o c:: o O¥

~ 16" 6 501!C , \ 8' (! 0= 3 25~

~ ]3t 1 ell o 0' (I 0' 1 58-:

') 25'= tI 6411 1 n (I C .. o 01:

1 'I! II' alii o at 1 et o CI

o 01 I n , ~II

5 .. n 1 ell

o (III 1 58': , 4111 o 0'11 o 0=

1. INTELLECTUAllY STIMULATING COUIIS! STRONGLY AGREE ................... •• AGt:lf€ •••••••••••••••••••• •••• ••• •• DISAGPEE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STfiONGL' OfSAGRfE ................ .. DOES NOT APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

2. INSTRUCTOR AVUUftLE TO STUIlENTS STRCNl;lY AGREE ................... . ,.r.~ff .............................. . DIS4GPff ••••••••••••••• ••••••••••• STRONCLY Drs.CREE ••••••••••••••••• nOES NnT APPLY ••••••••••••••••••••

3. ASSlr.NM£NTS HHPFUL STRONGLY AGREE ••••••••••• •• ••••••• AGRFE .............................. . nlS~GR[e ............... •••• .. ••••• STRONGLY DISAGREe ................ . onFS NOT APPly ........... ••••••• ..

4. TESH ~FFUCT IDEAS OF COURse STRONGLV AGRfE .................... .

AGREe .................... •••• .. ••• 01 SACRFf ............................ . STACNGl v 01C;AGREE ................. . Or:fS tlOT APPly ........... •••••••••

,. LABS OR LANGUAGF DRilLS HFlPFUL STPON.Gl"f AGPEE ........................ . AGRfE ............................... . Ol5ACRFE ......................... . ST.ONGLY DISAGREe •••••••• • ....... • oafS '~nT APPLy ••••••••••••• • ••••••

6. tNSTRUr.TaR· 5 PQESENTATfON EFFfcnVE STPOUGLV At-REE •••••••••••• •• ••• ••• Ar;PfE ............................. . 01 5 Af:neE ......................... .

STl'n"'lGlY nlS"Gp.EE •••••••• ••••••••• DOH NOT APPly ............ • ..... ..

7. GR~OFS FAtIt STPONGLY AGREE ................... . .CAEf ................. ~ •••••••••••• OfSACRFf ••••••••••••••••••• • •••••• STRONGLY DISAGPEe ......... •• ••• ··~ O(1E S NnT APPl Y ................... .

8. II!IR~lOAD cnMPAREO WITH OTHER COURSES f4UCIi LIGHTER •••••••••••••••••••••• l fr;HTfR ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~RnUT TI'E SAME ................... .

... FAVrf.A: •••••••••••••••• ••••••••••• MUCH HfAvrFR ••••••••••••••••••••••

9. IN5T.UCTIlII COMPARED WITH nTHeRS ONE OF TilE VERY REST ............. . A~TTEP TtfAN "OST .................. ..

JOAnl!" AGf-ROU! A'~O' "UTE _S SYST 016611104 TST.­Fl.- S,.- LP.­lin- \I EN,.. 12


2 lSI 6 5411 , 2n o 01 o 011

~ 4'" 6 541 o 0" o 01 o OS

1 91 10 901 o (II o ot o 01

2 In q 811( o rll o 01 a 01

I lC~ 3 301

o ". o 01 6 601

1 271 1 .)1 I 9. o ~I o 01

6 ,~~

, ~'I o r'li o COt o 01

, 2ft 5 'In , 211 o 01 o all

2 18t 7 6n

A!\OU" AVE" A.CE .................... .. I 9~

\iOtlSf T"!\N "'O~T ................... .. I 9l C" r: ONF OF THE VFRY WORST •••••••••••••

I. INTELLECTUAllY STt!<llllTfNG COURSE STRONGLY ACREE ................... . I\GPEE= ................. •••••• .. ·····, OISAGRrE ................ •••••••••• STR("f~Gl'" DISAGREE' ••••••••••••••••• nnes' t~OT i\PPI. 'f ••• •••••••••••••••••

z. INSTRUr.tC~ AnllASlE TO STUOEItTS STRONr.LY AC~FE ................... ... ~C~FF ............................ . Ol5ACREF ................... ••• .. •• STRONGLY f)fSAGREF ••••••••••••••••• nnfS NOT APPl Y ....................... .

3. AS51r.NP·rNtS I'nPFUl STPCNCl Y i\r,nEE ................... ... Ar;PEF ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DIS.CREf ................... •• .. ••• STRONGLY DtSAtREE •••••• : •••••••••• OOl:S NOT APPL Y ••••••••••••••••••••

KAYeYRHf PATTE~N OF RES' CIISE-HL TH S nUll CI66l31(,1 TST-1 Fr-Y SP-O lP"l IlFS- 1'\ EN"- 14


6 7 o t' I.'

1 6 a I' o

It 9 o o o

~. TESTS PHlECt IDEAS IlF COURSE ST~CUr.lY ACs:tfE ••••••••••• ··,,· •• ••• "'G~fF. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OISlCPEE •••••••••••••••• •••••••••• STRONGLY 01SAGPFF. .................. . onFS NnT APPL 1 ...................... .

5 e o o t'

5. UAS OR LANGUAGE DRIllS HflPFUL STRONGLY AGREE ••••••• It .......... .o ... 4

1 o o 8

"'CRFE ................... ••• •••••••• OrSJlr,CftEE .......................... . S TRONr.l Y 01 SAGRE:E ................. . O{'1FS NOT APPl 't .... •••••••••••••••••

6. INSTRUCTOR'S PReSENTATION EFF£CTfVE STRONGLY AGRee ................... . .CRfE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OISAcReE .................. ••••• .. . STRONGL Y OISAGREE ................ . nnES NOT A PPL V •••••••• '" ........... .

1. GRAnES FAIR HRn~GL Y 'CReE .................. .. ~GRFE .............. ••• .. ••••••• .. • DI5ACREE ....................... ••• STRONGLY OISAGREE ................ . DOES Not APPly ................... .

8. 1I0AKLOAO r.O~PARED WTTH OTHER COURSES foIUCf-4 L lCH1ER ...................... . llGHTFR ........................... . A BOUT THE SAME ................... . tfF.VlfR ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MUCH .. eAvleR ...................... .

q. tNHRUCTCII CC~PAREIl WITH OT"FRS ONE t:f TI-'E VERY BFST ............. . arTTER Tt-4AN MOSf •••••••••••••••••• A~CU' AVFRAGE ••••••••••••••••••••• kORse Tt-tAN HOST ••••••••••••••••••• ONE OF THE VFRY \leORST •••••••••••••

10 INTEll~CTUAll Y STIMULATtllG COURse SlttONt:l Y AGflEE" ..................... . AGr:lEF •••••••••••••••• " ............ . 01 SACf"'EE ........................... .. ST.ONGlY DISAGREE ................ . ooe,,; NOT APPly .................... .

t. INSTRUCTOR .VAIUBlE TO STUDENTS So TPfl~C;l Y AGREE ..................... . ~GREE ............................ . DIS .. '\GPE'f: .......................... . STRONGL Y III SACPEE ................ . OOFS NOl APPLy .................... .

3. _SS lGNMEN1S IlElPFUl S TRCN~l 'If Ac;R'EE ............................. . ACqFF ............................... . CISAr.PEE .......................... . STnr.NGt Y otSAGREE ................. . nOJ!s t!nT APPly .................... .

4. TESTS HflEr.T fDE4S OF counSE SlRONGL Y ACREE ..................... . A(;RFf ................. lit ............ . DISACREIE .......................... . srr.!'lr-:CL Y 01 S4GREF .................... .. nCF<; NOT ~PPL Y .................... .

S. LABS ("R LArtGUAGf DP1LlS I'ELPFUL STQONGLY ACREE •••••••••••••••••••• AtiPff ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OISACREF ......................... . STRONGLY otSAGREE ••••••••••••••••• onES UOT APPly ..................... .

6. tNSTRUcTon'S P'ESENTATfON EfFECTIVE STr:l:r,'!GlY AGI{FE •••••••••••••••••••• AGRFF ................................ .. or ').4CflEE' ............................ . STRONGLY IJJSAGREf ................. . DOES NOT APPly ................... .

7. CUflfS FAIR, , STRONGLY ~G.EE .................. .. Ac;nff ............................. . OfSAC~EE .......................... . STROIlGLY DISaGREE ................ . nOE~ NOT APPly ................... .

8. IIORKlOAO COMP.REO WITH OTHE~ COURSES MUCH lfGHTFA ..................... . l fGHTFR ........................... . ABr.Ul ,"'e SAME ..................... . "'EAVtER .............................. . I'tUC,", HEAvrFR ••••••••••••••••••••••

9. INS lRUCTOP C()MPAREIl WITH OTII£RS ONE OF TilE VERY BEST ............. . 8fTTfR T~.N flCOST .................. . AMUT ~VFP~GF ................... .. WnqSE THAN Mns, ••••••••••••••••••• ONE Of THE VERY MOR~l •••••••••••••

6 1 o o o 7 6 o I' o (\

o , tI 1

7 5 1 (I



46r: ~llt I'r c~ 0'1:

r1: Ot

30t 6\'1; n

53t 3Sr: n C1: Ot


01661331'1 TST·l Ft.Y S ... I LP-O RES- 16 as.- 1'1


11 68t 5 3 It: o 0: o Oll o 0"

10 62: ~ 311:

o "'I: o (Ill 1 6"

8 501 8 Sf" o 01 o 01: (I CII

7 4:11 1 4'~ o COli o or: 2 1211

2 13t 1 6" o C't o 0'1:

1l art:

~ SOt: 8 5C'11 o (I" o 01 o 01

e 53: 6 40" o Oli o Oli I 611

o Olli 6 40f 5 3311 ~ 2611 o 01

• 5311 7 46r C Oll! o 011 o or

ALlI!RT ACe-ROll! .!'PIIOP "UTI! NUllS suT 01661110' TST.l F I.V S'-2 V·O Itn- 12 filii- 12

MO. " Of' III'S

o 01 Ir .n 1 16" o 01 l' C,(

, ~II

T 5111 a '!II o ot o 0'11

It '311 • SOli I ~. 0, O'C I 8"

I 911 S 4511 (I 1''( o Oll: S 45111

o 011 Z 16. P I'll o 011

10 8311

2 1611 10 81l1: o 1'1( o ('II o O~

21ft' 1 6~1( I ql( o 011 I qll

o 011 l 1611

II' 811 o 01 o Ot

I n , 41111

" 5t1l o 011 o r.t:

If.VIIUNf 'ATTeal! OF RES' ONSE-HL T11 SITua (>1661l1112 Tn-l FI-Y SP-O L,..I liES- 11 fNII. n

110. 'l OF RES


7 It o I' o 8 3 o CO o

8 2 \ o o .. 2 o o o

4 I o o S

6 ., (\

o o 6 5 o o o

I' o 5 ~


4 7 o (I


HUHAN OIIlEIISION S C166l]5CI TST." FI-N SI'-O l'.O • .::s- ,. E'NII- 8


2 5D~ 2 50lt o r~ o at o Dt

I 2n 3 75" o (It o 011 C' 1''' o ot t' ,'C (I (It o ot 4 Irr~

o 0" (I (\1:

o (I. o 011 4 tfl't

o Ot t (lr: o (It o 0'1 4 lcr~

o Ot 2 '5!'1i o C.: o 01 2 !It'll:

1 2n o Ot " (1'1 o 01 3 7S«

2 6611 I 311: l' ('Ii o 01: o o:r

2 50111 2 '501 (I (It o 01: o Ot

LUTICUS AGf-ROLf A'''''OP IIUTI! NUltS SYST CU611tr6 Tst·' FI'N s,.o LP-I liES- 10 EHII. IZ


o O~ II an 2 21'lI: o 011 o rt

4 .el 6 6n o n o 01

" rll:

1 101. 1 TCll: 2 2(l~ o o~ o ot:

1 101 8 801 I tell o (Ill o 02:

2 7.0~ 3 -.Oll: 1 lClI: o 01 4 4011:

I 10: 8 1101 1 tr: o Olt o ot

o Oll '9 loot (I c, o (Ill: o ot

o o. 1 10'1: a IIClI o 0: 1 10l!

1 lOt: 4 40~ 5 'Sco: o o~

° co:

CIlICNOlts 'IITTeRN Of' !lESP ONSI!-Hl T" 5 nUA 016611101 TST·2 FI-V S'-1 LP-O us- q EN"· 12


1 1 o (\


1 I 1 t' o

5 10 o (I


5 )

I C o

1 ~ I o 3

3 6 (\

o o 1 1 I o o

o 1 1 I o

~ 4 I o o

LUTIWS Ac:e-oOl.f ,"'Rn' II un HUltS SYST 111661110T TST.~ f1.N S"O LP·I aES- 12 UII- IZ


2 167: , 417: , ~u

o OY o 1'1:

• I> 501: • srI: c ('7: o DC o ("" 1 atr

If lilt: 1 ~t: o DY (' 1'0:

: 161 10 83~ o 011 o ot o 01

I It: .. 331 o 02: o 01 1 58'

Z 1&1i , 7~~

1 II~

o ot: o 01

1 l5'! • 75'1 C rt o 01: o O. o Oli , 4111 6 5011 I II:

" 1"

1 n 6 5C'. ~ 4\'11 o ot o (lY

CO!INOlIS PATT!ItN Of RFS,. ONSI!-"l TH SITU. 01661'31"4 TST-2 FI.Y S,,",I lP-O Res- n fN" 12

NO. ~ OF Res

~ lOt: q 6'1t o 0'1 o C'~ o ot:

12 92~ I n o O'C o I'll t' C" 2 1~" " 6'l-': 1 \'I~ t' ('I l' r11

9 f>'I~ 1 n~ I 1lt t' r:t o I.'t

5 18t: o ell o ot o 'r~ e 61~

7 501: 5 41~ t' ("II (' n o 0'1:

10 761 , 2)1

t' t't o or: o Oll

o (,t I 1t

11 84r: I 7S o 0'(

., 6'l~

~ lOt o r" o 0" D o~

S~"C'I! , aCe-aOl! ,'"0,.

R lATE HU1IS SYST 016101 \Ioe TST.') Fl." ~,-, LP.O an- I. E ... • 14



2 14~ 5 1S1 , 2111 It zet o 1''1:

1 21" 1 srt I 7l , 2U (I I'll

Z H. 8 5711 I n: 3 2U I.' 1''\

2 1511

e "'I o CI: 3 2)1: o <'I:

6 421 I' rT o 01: o Ot ft 571:

, 231 5 18~ l 151: 1 2ll o 0:

2 15" ~ 61t I' C'l 3 nt o at

o Ot 4 ,r:r: 1 5" 1 7t 1 n

2 lU 5 '5: 5 ,n o 01 Z 14t

,nna.. OF III;S, DIISf-1t. T~ sITua 016611105 TST.· Ft-- SP." LP.­RES- 11 fN'. 12


l' C't 8 80t: 2 1('t o I'll: o 0%

5 ~c~ ~ ~o~

O. 0" t "" o ot

) )~~

7 10~ o <!1: !' Ot

o 0" l 2r~ 1 7'='t o 01: t' (>:

1 Ir. 4 4Clt 1 ?COt o Ot " ('~ 4 4rl

I' l'1 6 601 .. 41't

o 0' o ot

o Ct 9 901· I ICt o ('I: o e~

t! l't o O~ 8 8rt 2 It't o Ot

2 I~t 3 1n 5 4~~ I q~

o ot

ATIIATER AlIIATEt' WINTf'Non-U-C:f Gt\_~_PI'EM LA'roe GIIPS-'HEN lUGE GRPS,PI";N O1II'/lON 1" NtlRSG QMEIiOH IN NIJIISG O~F.NC" IN HU'lSG \'1662('11'1 nT-') 01662t'11'2 TST_'] 01662rtl'] TST-C Fl. Sit- lP-t FI-' S,.l I.P-l ~J-N SPat lP-l Rf5- ., eN-' 12 • fS. 10 ENR· IS RES- 11 EtI1I· 13

NO. t OF RFS NO. ~ OF RES NO. 1 nF ReS

o r 2 3 \'

I , o I o

o 2 2 I r

o 3 I I (I

o I 1 2 I

o I I 3 (I

o 4 I o r

o (I

3 2 o

o o 2 I 2

o ct: 3 J~" , 31'l ~ 4fl' I' n

4 40'1: 5 ~n I lOt o or l' cr

o 01 6 6l't , 30~

1 IO~ C r1:

o Ot: 1 l(,~

I 101 2 20~ t' ('~

o 0'1: 4 4('%

1 1011 I lOt " ~~

o O~ 1 \('~

.. 4"11 5 5Dl o rt o 0'11: ft 8ftll: e Cl: o n I "" o 011 I In e fCt 1 lOll l' ("II

o O~ 2 2('t 2 1('11 4 loOt: 2 20:

3 25~ 6 e;("t I 8~ 2 1611 C (ll

1l lOOt (I f"t o Ol o Ct o t~

, 3111 e 66! o O~ o O~ r C~

I 8t 1 et o Ot o or

II.' S'3~

3 25~ I at o at o Ot 8 66~

5 ~U 1 5St o ot o Oll: (I rt

e lU 1 271 (\ (\~

o ot (I l'I

0, 0' S 4n 7 5n o O~ (I I'll

6 50: 5 411 1 I!~ a O~ o fll


LARGE GqPS-PHEII O"FNON rN NURSe t'16f>2r11l5 TST-tl Ff-fol SP-l lP-1 RES- 12 FNR- 14

SCHOlARIfOUC Of MENSION 01' _S 1)166203H TST-Ft. sp. lP. liES- 1(1 FNA- 13

oav SCHOlAR/rOUC Of· MENsr ON OF NURS 016620302 TST­FI- S.... LP-RES- 14 ENR- 14

va"_ SCIlOlM/I!DUC 01 . I'I£NS ION OF NURS 016620303 TSr­FI- SP- lP­liES- 9 ENR- 12


STRONGLY AGREe •••••••••••••••••••• AGReE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DISACREE ••••••••••••••••••• ••••••• SlRONCL Y DISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• Dors NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

:!. INSTRUr.rO. AVAILABLE TO STUDENTS STRONr.LV AGREe ......................... .. AGREE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OISAG.EE ••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• S TRnNCL Y 01 SAGRFE ••••••••••••••••• nOES NOT APPL Y ••••••••••••••••••••

3. ASSIGN~FNTS l'EtPFUl STPnrU;LY AGRFf •••••••••• o •••••••••

ACREE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DISAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGL Y 01 SAGREE ••••••••••••••••• DOES NOT APPl v ••••••••••••••••••••

4. TESTS RFflECT IDEAS OF COURSE STRnNGL Y AGRFE ......................... .. ,Ar,qFF ................................. . DISAC.EE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRnNCL Y DISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• (lOES NOT APPL Y •••• ••••••••••••••••

5. LABS OR LANGUAGE O.IlLS HElPFUL STRONCil Y AGREE ........................ .. "GRfE ............................. . nISAGREE ••• '" •••••••••••••••••••• SlRnNGl y nt~AGRfF ••••••••••••••••• onES NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

6. INS TRUCTO" S P'ESENTATTON EFFfCTlVE STRONr,l Y AGRFE' •••••••••••••••••••• AGREE .................................... .. DTSAGnEE •••••••••••••••••••••••• •• ST.ONCL Y nISAGHE ••••••••••••••••• onES NOT APPL Y ••••••••••••••••••••

7. GRADES FAIR S TRONGL Y AGRee •••••••••••••••••••• ACIlEE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OISAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••• •• STRONGt Y 01 S~GRFE ••••••••••••••••• DOlO'S N[1T APPL Y ••••••••••••••••••••

II. WORKLOAD CO~PAREO WITH OTHER COURSES MUCH LIGHTER •••••••••••••••••••••• LICHTER •••••••••••••••••••• , •••••• ABnUT THE SAME •••••••••••••••••••• ... EAvtER ............................ . I'fUCH HEAVIER ••••••••••••••••••••••

9. INSrRUCTOq ro~p'REIl WITH OT~ERS ONE OF TilE VFRY ~FST •••••••••••••• BETTEn TlI'N ~OST •••••••••••••••••• A AOI)T AVER AGE ...................................... .. wnRSE T"AN ~DST ••••••••••••••••••• ONf OF THE VFIt.Y WORST ................. ..

'3 501 3 50~ o O~

o 0' {' O~

'5 en • 1 In

o O~ o 01 (' f~

'3 501 '3 5~~ o 01 o 01 () U

1 161 () r~

o 01 o O~ '5 831

'3 50' C' fl o O! o 0' '3 5~1

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'3 5~' o 0' o or o ~,

6 1001 o 01 o Ot o 01 C O!

I 1M: (l ~I , 83~

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'3 50r 2 33' J 161 (' n c r'l


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& S"ALL G~OUPS & SI1All GROUPS 016&21205 lSTa 0166~1~0" lST-O Ft: S.P=I lpa>3 FI-" 59=-'3 lP-O RES- 9 ENR- 'I RES- 10 ENR- to


STRONGLY AG.EE •••••••••••••••••••• AGREE ............................ .. nlSACneE .......................... . STROIlGL'f OlSAGRH ••••••••••••••••• onES NCT APPLY ••••••••••••••••••••

2. INSTRUCH'R AVAILABLE TO STUnfNTS ST.~NGLY AG.EE •••••••••••••••••••• 'GOrE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• o JS~r.REE .................................. . SrRONGl Y 01 SAGREE ••••••••••••••••• DOES "OT .PPLY ••••••••••••••••••••

3. ASS I GM'f1'<1 S l'ElPfUl STRr"NGLV AGPEE' ..................... . AGREC ............................. . Of5.'\f';REE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~lRCNGI Y (lISACRFF ••••••••••••••••• DOES NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

4. TESTS REflECT IDEAS OF COURSE stRONGLY AGRFF ••••••••••••••••••••

. ,a,r,'Rf'E ............................. . 01 'i.GPEE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••. STnrNGl. Y 01 S.aGREE .................. ~ )

.... ~nCES .NOT lIPPl Y ••• · .................. ~ S. LABS OR lA"GI/AGF ORnLS "ElPFUL

~TRONGL Y ACREE •••••••••••••••••••• ACREE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• "'SAGRF'F' •••••••••••••••••••••••••• StPONGtY OISAr..F~ •••••••••• o ••••••

DOES ,;oT APPLy ••••••••••••••• ••••• 6. INST.UCTCR'S PRESFNTATlCN £FFFCTlVE

S TRCNCL Y ~GREE •••••••••••••••••••• A(;IlEE ............................. . (lISAGRfE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STPONGL Y IlISAGREE ••••••••••••••• •• onES NOT A PPL Y ••••••••••••••••••••

7. GR.OES HI. STRONGLY AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGREE ••••••••••••••••• '" ••••••••• DIS6CRFF •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ST~nNGL Y OISAGPEE ••••••••••••••••• ~OES UOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

9. WORKlOAO CO"PA'EO WITH OTHER COURSES ,",UCH lIGf-ITfR •••••••••••••••••••••• LIGHTE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ABOUT THE SA"E •••••••••••••••••••• HFAVIE" ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• fo'IJCH tfEAVlfR ••••••••••••••••••••••

'I. INSfRUCTOR CO~PARED WITH OTHERS mlE OF THE VERY BEST •••••••••••••• BFTTER THAN MO~T •••••••••••••••••• A8GIJT AVFRAGE ••••••••••••••••••••• WO.SE TH'N ~OST ••••••••••••••••••• ONf nF THE VERY \lORST •••••••••••••

3 6 o C' o

3 S 1 f' o 2 7 o r c 1 1 ()o (I

6. , 2 ! o I

3 4 2 o o

3 3 Z

° ° o o Z 7

° 4 1 3 I a

33' 66" O~ C~ O~

33~ SSt; lit; f'~ O~

22~ 71~ O~ ('~


12' 12'1

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33~ H7; 227;

01: Ot


I. INTfll~CTUALl Y STIMULATING COURSE SlRONGt Y AGRfE •••••••••••••••••••• l1Gt:F€ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OISACnE-= .......................... . STRO",r.LY O1S.CREE ••••••••••••••••• OOfS NnT APPLY ••••••••••••••••••••

2. INSTRIJCmR AVAILABLE Til STUDFNT~ S TRONCl Y AGQfE ..................... . Il(.P[f .............................. . nl S~CRFf •••••••••••••••••••••••••• s r"r.I':GI Y OIS"GREf ••••••••••••••••• ores f'OT l\PPL Y ..................... .

3. ASSlr.NPrt:rS ~FLPFUL STRC>:r.LY AGREf •••••••••••••••••••• ,6t;RrF ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0ISAG~[E •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STR(,,~GlY Dls ... r;Rff ••••••••••••••••• f'(}(S NOT APPl Y ••••••••••••••••••••

4. TES TS PEFt ECT IDEAS OF COURSE STRr.NGtY AfjREE ..................... . Ar.RfF ............................. . OIS·CnFE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONr.LY DISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• OOFS NPT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

5 .. lA~C; r,p LAt:GUAr.f DTlIllS HElPFUL ST~C"H~lY Ar,REE •••••••••••••••••••• A(';prE' ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• nISACHF •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ST'ONGt Y DISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• DOfS NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

6. INST.'Jf.TO.'S PRESENTATION EFFfClIVE C;rnCNGlY AGREF •••••••••••••••••••• tl(;RfF ............................... . nIsI\CRff ........................... . STRnNGlY Dr"lAG~EE ••••••••••••••••• norc; NOT APPly ..................... .

7. CRAOES rAI. STRr::Nr:L Y ACREE .................... . /.r.nCF ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Ot~ACQr.E •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STPO,,"Gl Y DTC)AGRfF ••••••••••••••••• noes NOT APrl Y ••••••••••••••••••••

8. ~.KLDAO rO"PAREO WITH OTHER COURses ~ UC~ 1I GHTER •••••••••••••••••••••• lIGMfEn ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• AROUT TtlE S.ME •••••••••••••••••••• HFAV1ER ............................. . MUC~ HEAVIER ••••••••••••••••••••••

9. INST'UCTOR CO"PAREO IliTH OTHE'S om: OF THE VERY BEST •••••••••••••• RFTHR TtlAN I~OST •••••••••••••••••• 480UT AVfQACiE' ..................... . WORSE THAN '"'CST ••••••••••••••••••• CNE- OF THE VERY \-fORST _ ••••••••••••

NRSG IN SYST~DE llVRY HL TH CARE 01"621409 TSTaO FI-=N SP=)3 lP:.('I RES: 9 ENR,. q


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II a4t 2 15' o 01 o ~I o 01

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1 501 3 2n o Ot o O~ 4 281

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(I cis 6 751 o 01 t' 01 2 251

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, SMAll GROUPS , SMAll GllOUPS 0166212011 TST-O Ot6f>21211 TST->3 Fr-N SP->3 LP->, Fray SP->3 LP-O RF.S- 9 EtfIt- '9 RES- 6 'Et,R- 6


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5 55~ '3 331t o ('I o ot 1 1111

3 '33'1t 6 '66:1: o OJ: o 0:: II ~I

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'5 501 5 50'1: o 01 o 01 (I (II

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IIURSG C S"All G ROUP PH£NOMEN. 01"1.21605 TST-O n-N SP-3 lP-1 liES- 9 ENR- 'I


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UR. ~CHOL.R/Eoot· 01 HENSION OF NURS o 1662030~ TS-r­Fr- SP- LP­RES- 4 ENR- II

EVANS 5CHDlAA/EOUC' 01 HENS ION OF NUA 5 016620305 TST.O FJ-N SP-2 lP-l RES- 12 ENR. 14

, SMAll G~OUPS 016621201 TST­FI- SP- lP­RES_ 'I ENq- 9

, SMALL GROUPS 016f>11203 TST-O FI-N SP-») LP-C liES- 4 ENR. 'I

, SIIAL l GqOUPS 016"2120" TSl-O FI-N spot' LP-l qES- 10 EN" 10


I. INTEllECTUAllY STfNULATfNG COURSE STRONGLY AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGRff .............................. . DISAG.Ee •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGL Y 01 SAGREE ••••••••••••••••• Dn~s NOT l\PPlY ••••••••••••••••••••

2. INSTRlICTOR AVAILABLE TO STUDENTS STRONGLY AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGR~E ••••••••••••••••••.••••••••••• DrSAGREE ............... ~ •••••••••• STRCNGLV DISAGREE •••••• ' ••••••••••• DOF.~ 'JOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

31. Assrr,N~fNTS I'ElPFUL STJJONr,l Y AcnEE ......................... .. Af;R;rF ............................. . OISAGR£F •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGL V DISAGREF ••••••••••••••••• DilES NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

4. TESTS REFLECT rOEAS OF COURSE STR;ONCl't ACRFE •••••••••••••••••••• Ar,Qf=E ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 01 ShGQEE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRnNGLY OrSAGRFE ••••••••••••••••• DOES NOT APPLY ••••••••••••••••••••

!I. USS OR LANGUAGE DRIllS HELPFUL STRONGL Y AGHE •••••••••••••••••••• AGRE!=' ....................................... _ nIS'GQFE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRnNGLY 01SAGREE ••••••••••••••••• nOES NOT APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

6. INSTRUCTOR'S P'ESENTATION EFFECTlVF STRONGLY AGRFE •••••••••••••••••••• AC.H ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DISAGREF. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~T.DNGl Y DISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• OOES NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

7. GRAOF~ FATR STPONGl Y AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGR EE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 01 SAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• srRONCL Y OISAG'EE •••••••••••••••••

II. WC~~[6A~0~O~:=~~~·wi TH'OTHER 'COURses MUCH LIGHIER •••••••••••••••••••••• l rGHTFR ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MOUT THE SAME •••••••••••••••••••• HEAViER ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MUCH HEAVffR ••••••••••••••••••••••

9. INSTRUCTO' COMPARED WITH OTHFRS ONE OF THE VERY BEST •••••••••••••• BfTTrR TtlAN MOST •••••••••••••••••• ABOUT AVFRAGF. ••••••••••••••••••••• IOnR SE THAN HOST ••••••••••••••••••• ONE OF THF VfRY WORST •••••••••••••


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1. INTELLECTUALLY STIMULATING COURSE STPONGL Y AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• AG'EE •• , •••••••••••••••••••••••••• DISAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGLY DISAGPEE •••••••••••••• '" OCES NOT APPLY ••••••••••••••••••••

2. INSTRUCTO' AVAILABLE TO STUDENTS STRONr.L Y AG~EE •••••••••••••••••••• A r,fl: EE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• nIS.GREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGL Y OrSAGREE ................ . nOES NOT APPLy ................... .

3. ASS1C~MENTS HELPFUL STRONGLY AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• At;Re'E' ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 01 SACRfF •••••••••••••••••••••••••• SToDNr.LV nl SACRFE ............... .. DOF~ NOT APPLY ••••••••••••••••••••


01662HOI TSTa Fr- SP- lP­RES= q ENR= 10

NO. % OF .ES

2 , 3 1 o 5 3 I o o

21" 33:: 3n 11<: ot

55t 33~

11~ O~ o~

12~ 37; 3n 17% o~

STRONGLY Ar.~fE.............. •••••• 2 'ACQFF •• , ••••••••••• l •• ;. •••• ; •••••••• :,.; .. 11ft

Ot SACRfF •••••••••• ,.... •••.•••• ••••• '". 1

22>1: ... 44~ In 11'1: 1I~

ST.~NGt Y OISACRrE ., ............... '" 1 nOES NOT APPLy.................... 1

5. LARS OR L ANGUAC[ OR ILL S HFlPFUL S TRCNGL Y AGR EE •••••••••••••••••••• AGPE£ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DISACREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRCNGLY DISACREE ••••••••• · •••••••• DOl'S NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

6. INSTRUCTOR'S PPESFNTHrON FFFFCTlVE ST.ONGL Y ACRFE •••••••••••••••••••• M.EE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DISAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONCL Y OnAGRFE •••••• , •••••••••• DOES linT APPLY ••••••••••••••••••••

1. GRADES FAIR S mr.NGL Y AGREF. •••••••••••••••••••• AC'PFf ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OISAGPrE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ST.orIGL Y III S ACRFE ••••••••••••••••• ODES NOT 'PPL Y ••••••••••••••••• '"

II. 1I0RKLOAO COMPARED WITH OTHER COURSES MUCH LI GHTER •••••••••••••••••••••• LICHT FR ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• AAnUT THE SAp.!IE •••••••••••••••••••• l-4FAVIFR ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MUCH tlEAVIF" ••••••••••••••••••••••

9. INSTRUCTOR COMPARED WITH OTHERS ONE OF THE VFRY BEST •••••••••••••• ~FTT£R THAN HOST •••••••••••••••••• AROliT AVfRAGF ..................... . W~.SE TtlAN H(1ST ••••••••••••••••••• ON!' OF TIlE VFRY WORST •••••••••••••

I. INTFllECTUALLY STIMULATING COURSE STRONGLY AGRE£ ••••••••••••••••• '" AC.EE ., ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 01 SACREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONCLY DiSAGREE ••••••••••••••••• OOES NCT APPLy ••••••••••••••••• '"

2. INSTRUCTnR AVA ILABtE TO STUDENTS STP!,)NGLY AGPFE •••••••••••••••••••• ~GREE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• o fc:jAG~Ef •••••••••••••••••••••••••• <;T.m:r.L Y nrSAGRFF ••••••••••••••••• D(',ES NOT j\flP\..Y ..................... "'.

,. ASSIGNI'EmS ,..rlPFUL STR"Nr.lY ,sGDFF •••••••••••••••••••• Ar.RFF ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• n r SAC.FE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~TROflCL Y 01 SACREE ••••••••••••••• '. OnfS NnT APPLy ••••••••••••••••• '"

4. TfSTS RHLrCT InFAS OF 'COURSE STRONGLY 'GRFr •••••••••••••••••••• AGRfF ............................. . OI~AG"fE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRGrlGLY 01 SAGREE ••••••••••••••••• Ol1ES NOT APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

5. UBS DR LANGU~GE O~ ILL S HelPFUL STQO,:r.l Y AGnfE •••••••••••••••••••• ~CRF.f ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OJSI\CPEE .......................... . STQONGLY nISACREE ••••••••••••••••• OnES NOT APpLy ••••••••••••••••••••

6. INSTRUCTOQ'S PREseNTAHON EFFECTlVE STRnNr.l Y AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• A(jQFE ............................. . OISAG·eE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STOONGl Y DISAG.EE ••••••••••••••••• OnES NOT APPLY ••••••••••••••••••••

7. GRADES FAIR STRONGLY AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGRE=E ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OISAGRF.£ •••••••••••••••••••••••••• srnONr.LY DISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• on~s NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

II. IIIlPKLCAn f.OMPAREO WITH OTHE' COURSES MUCH ltGHTER •••••••••••••••••••••• LIGHTER ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ABOUT THE SAME •••••••••••••••••••• "fAVIr.R ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MUCH HEAVlfR ••••••••••••••••••••••

9. INSTRUCTOR COMPARED WITH OTHERS ONE nF T~E VERY BEST •••••••••••••• BFTTfR THAN MnST •••••••••••••••••• ABOUT .VERAC~ ••••••••••••••••••••• WORSE THAN MOST ••••••••••••••••••• ONE OF THE VERY WORST ••••••••• '0'.

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1. INTELl.ECTUALLY STIMULATING COURSE STRONGl Y AGREE ...................... . AGt:tfE ................................. . OISAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGL Y DISAGREF ••••••••••••••••• noE'S NOT APPt f ••••••••••••••••••••

2. INSTRUCTOR AVAILABLE TO STUDENTS STRONGt Y AGREE .................... . AGREE •••••••••• •• ••••••••••••••••• OISAGREF •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGLY DISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• noes NOT APPl Y ...................... .

3. ASSIGNMENTS HF.LPFUL STItONGt"( AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGPff ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• nJs~GPEe •••••••••••••••••••••••••• HRONGL Y DISACRFE ••••••••••••••••• ones NOT APPLy .................... .

4. TESTS REFLECT IDEAS OF COURSE STRONGl Y AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• ~GPef ................................ . nrSllcnr::f .......................... . CjTRota:.I.Y OtSIlGREE ................. . DOES NOT APPL Y ••••••••••••••••••••

5. LABS OR LANGUAGE DRIllS HELPFIIL S tRnNGL Y AGREE ••••••• '.' •••••••••• .I\(jqEE .............................. . DTSAGR(f. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGLY nrSAG"EE ••••••••••••••••• DOES NOT apPl Y ............................ ..

6. INSTRUCTOR'S PRESENTATION EFFFCTIV!; 'STROtIGL'f AGRFE •••••••••••••••••••• AGRfE ............................. . OISAGJlEE ................... • ••• •••• STRnNGL Y or 'iAGRFF .................... . nOfS NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

1. (jqADFS FA.IR STRONGL Y AGRFf •••••••••••••••••••• AGREF ....................................... . OtSAr-REf •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGL Y DISAGRFF ••••••••••••••••• OOES NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

8. WORKLOAD C~"PARED WITH OTHER COURses "IiCH I.IGHTFR •••••••••••••••••••••• L IGHT[R ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• "RnUT THE SAME •••••••••••••••••••• H[AVIFR ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MUCH IiFAVIER ••••••••••••••••••••••

"I. INSTRUCTOR COMPARED WITt! OTHERS ONF OF TIlr- VFRY RF.ST •••••••••••••• BETTER T"AN HnST •••••••••••••••••• AROUT ,\VE'RAGE ••••••••••••••••••••• wnR~f rt-'AN MOST ................... . ONE OF THE VERY WORST •••••••••••••

t'l725D3Cl TST-O FI-,. S"'2 LP-O ~ES- 2 ENA- 2


2 100~ ~ Cll o at r rt o elf

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1 5(1t o (''I 1 50t o Ot o Ot


1. INTELLECTUALLY STIMULATING COURSE STPONGl Y AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• ACQEE ............................. . DISACREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRCNGL'f DISAGREE ................. . DClfS NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

2. INSTRUCTOR AVAIlAHlE TO STUDENTS STPONClY AGPEE •••••••••••••••••••• ACnFE .............................. . 01 S.CREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STPrt,c,LY OIS.GHE ••••••••••••••••• OOfS NOT APPLy ................... .

3. ASStGNMf"'T~ "fLPFUL STPONGLY AG.EE •••••••••••••••••••• AGPEE ............................. . 01 SAGRH •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STPGNGLY 01 SAGREf ••••••••••••••••• DC!ES t~nr APPly ....................... .

'\>. TESTS RFr-UCT IDEAS Of COURSE SrnONGlY AGPEE ...................... . AC;QEE ............... -••••••• ~ ....... .. 01 SAC.PEE ••••••••• : ................. ..

INTRO TO PHllOS OPHV 017900109 TST-O F[sV SP">3 LP.~ R ES- 30 eNb 35


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STROt~CLY AGAEE .................... ... /:C;QFE ............................. . DtSI\.(';PFE .......................... .. -;TpnNGl Y 01 S""GftfF .................. . DOfS NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

6. INSTRIIC TOR'S PPESENTA TlON EFFECT IVE ST~ONGLY AC.Ff •••••••••••••••••••• 1\<;n.fE ....................................... . OISAGPcE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ST~Cr:GLY 01 SAGRF.f ••••••••••••••••• DOES NOT APPly .................... .

7. CRAnes FAIR STR.ONGlY AGRff •••••••••••••••••••• At;~e=E .............................. . DISAGReE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONr.l Y 01 ';"GRff ••••••••••••••••• onES Nnr A,PPt. V ..................... .

8. WO"nOAD COMP.REO WITH mlfFR COUASF.S ~UCH lICHTF.R •••••••••••••••••••••• LIGHTER ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• fJ. ROUT THE SAME •••••••••••••••••••• HFAVlfR ........................... . ,.,-Ur.H ,..fAVIER ...................... .

"I. INSTRUCTOP COMPARED WITH OTHERS ONF OF THF VfR Y REST •••••••••••••• P:FTTER THAN MOST ................... . ABOUT J\VERAGE ••••••••••••••••••••• WORSE THAN MOST ••••••••••••••••••• DNE Of THE VERY \lORST •••••••••••••

1. INTELLECTUAllV STIHUUTING couJtse STPnN~L Y AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGREE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Of S'\GrlEE .......................... . STO('~r;LY OISAGPEE ••••••••••••••••• DOES NOT APply ....................... .

2. INSYPUCTOR AVAILABLE TO STUDENTS STPm'GLY AG'Ef •••••••••••••••••••• .s.t;Q!=F. ............................... . OIS.r.~fE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRnNClY n[~AGREE ................. .

3. AS~~~~~~~'~s A~~t!FUL······· .. ·· .. ·····• ST~r.NGt Y AGqEE .................... . .ar.R~E .............................. . 01 S~GRfE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONr.lY D1SAGReE ................. . nOES NOT APPl Y .................... .

4. TFSTS REFLFCT IDEAS OF COURSE STR:CNr,lY AG~EE ...................... . Ar.RFE .............................. . ntst!.r.~E''= ............................ . STPONr.lY OJSAG~EE .................. . OOFS NOT APrL v .................... .

5. LABS CR LANGUACE OR ILL S HELPfUL STRONGLY' ACREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGREE ................................ . OISJ\CttEf .............................. . STPnNGl y O'~AGIlEE ................. . nOES NOT APPly ...................... .

6. INHRUCTDR'S P"FSfNTATION EFfFCTIVE STRDNGlV ACREE .................... . Af';REE ................................... .. DtSACPFE .......................... . STRrNGl y I')lSAG~ef ................. . onES NOT APPly ....................... .

1. CRAOE'S FAlq S TPONfil V AGPeE ..................... . AePEE .............................. . I)IS.\GRFf ........................... . STl~nrlr.lY OI';AGRff ................. . OnES NOT APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

8. WORKLOAO CO-PlRED \<[fH eTHER COURSES MUCH t tGHTEP ........................ . LIGHtER ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• AflOUT THF SAME •••••••••••••••••••• HEAVIER ............................ . MUCH HEAVIER ....................... .

"I. INS V.UCTOR COMPARED WITH OTHfRS ONE OF THE VERY BEST •••••••••••••• ~ETT Eq T~4t~ HOST ...................... . ARnUT AVFRAGF ...................... . 'WnRSE TI~AN- HOST ................... . ONE OF THE VERY WORST •••••••••••••

I' 3 a o


2 t3 10

" o

1 25

" ()


~ 11 15

3 o

1 6

1'1 3 I

CO"El-LOBO CIlNTEHPDRY £tHI till THEORY 01793T20 1 TST-3 Ft-Y SP-C lP.O RES- 18 ENIt=- 22

NO. , OF RfS

11 6 1 o r

7 11 o o C)

"I "I a o o

11 T a o o

o 1 (I

o 15

3 H 1 o o

~ "I I o o

o 1


4 o 3

12 3 o o

6\1 31~

5'1: at tt

3n 61~ O~ Ol ('I

SO~ 50t Ot Ot Ot

61t 36' Ot Ot 0:

Ot 6t I't O~


16~ 17t 5t 0'1: 0'

44t SOt 5t Ot Ot

Ot !It

l1t 27t


16~ 66t 161 Ot Ot

3ACIISON I!T At PHfSlCAL or.GNO srs 017251101 TST-O Fr-N SP-O lP-O AU- 2 ENR- 2

HO. t D1' RES

1 50s 1 511: o 011 c et o Ot

1 5et I 50t o Ot c C·l o Ot

1 51'1: t 5rl o Ot c r'l: o Ot

c ot 1 50t o r~ ('I 01 t 50t

I 50t o Ot o Ot C [I 1 50t

1 501 1 50t o ot (' et o at

1 5(1t I 50t o ot o (It o at

(1 (It'

o Ot 2 lOOt ('I I't o (It

1 5(\t I 50'! o ot (' rt o Ot


NO. " D1' RES


2 5 a I 1

3 13

1 o o

2 11

2 a 2

1 T 1 o 8

I 1 o (1


1 4 9 3 o

1 15

1 ['


o 5

11 <' o


I e 5 2

5t 231: 521 171: ot


C 119118('1 TST-2 fI-Y S ... >3 lP-O P£S- 31 ENR- 36

110. t Of RES

It 18

1 o ['

19 1Z o o C

12 17

1 o o

13 15

2 o o

o 3 1 o


7 18 5 1 o

10 Ie 1 o o


11 15

4 1

6 13 10 .2 o

3511 5a. lot 0: rt

43t 50'C 6~ O~ Ot

Ot 'It It Ot


KRUGER AOV ORAL SUIIG!1I Y SEN 01Ul1101 TST-I flay S,-, lP.O liES- 2 EHR- 2


1 50t 1 ~rll o Ot o (It

o Ot

I 5(\t I 50" o 0" (' e" o 0"

(' n;. I 5et o alii o rll 1 51lt

C rll 1 50'1 l' (It o Ot I *'Ot

o 0'11 I 50t o 0'1 (l I'll 1 50t

1 50t 1 501l o Ot l' r'l o Ot

1 o;rt 1 50t o Ot o et o Oll

o n: o r'l 1 50t (I L'lI 1 5et

1 5(1:1; o CI 1 50t (I 0" o Ot



017900111 TST-­FI-· SP .. - lP.· RES- · ... 1 EItR- 61


11 23

6 I o

e 35

2 o Z

10 30

5 1 o

13 27

2 1 2

o 2 o (I


18 22

5 1 1

6 22 14

3 I

1 9

32 5 o

T 14 23

3 o

ORUART HISTORY OF AIllCI ENT PHllOSOPI1Y (,11'14C5t'1 TST-2 FI-Y sp-o lP.O RES- 30 ENR_ 49


3 14

8 4 (I

2 !3 o o 3

4 23

3 o o T

16 4 o 2

o 1 o 1


o J4 '9 7 o 2

22 3 1 1

1 4

17 a o

o 2

15 a 5

at 46t 3<'t 2n ot

611 75t lOt n n

:n 13'1: 56t 26t Ot


611 '.>(,1 26t 16'


015801101 TST-O F I-N S P-o LP.O RES- 4 EN!!- 6


3 lOOt o 011 o Ot c 0" o Ot

4 l~r~ o O~ o ot C' "" o Ot

3 T~!;

1 251 o ot: (' (It o 0"

3 75!: 1 25t o r.; o (It o 01:

1 2511 1 251: ('I (It: o rt: 2 50t

2 50'1: 2 501 o at o 01 o Ot

2 5(11: 2 501: o O'C o 01: o 0;

(I rt o ot: 4 lOOt

(' "" o 01:

2 5(1'; 2 ~Ct o 0: (> n o Ot

Philosophy YEll EECKE INTlIO TO PHIlOS OPHY 01T900102 TST->' Ft-Y SPal lP-O RES- 42 fN~- 55

NO. 11 OF RF.S

1'1 45t Ie 4zt

4 "It 1 ;>~ o O~

12 28'1: 26 6U

4 'I~ (' (>~

o O~

3 11: 24 S7t 13 30~

(> I'~

2 4~

12 2et 21 5C%

"I 21" o C~ o 0:

o 0: o O~ l' ('1 C (,,,

4Z 100:

16 3'1t 25 60t r (It o (I: o Ot

"I 211: 28 68t ... 9~ o Ot o Ot

2 10" 10 23: 19 ~5:

9 Zit 2 U

I~ 38" I'> 331: '2 2Bl!: (\ el D 01

CIHNl£R PINKAAD ' PHILOSI)PtlY OF A ETI'ICS C I'UBLIC RT POLICY 011910301 TST- 011910601 TST~· FI- SPa lP- Ft-y SP.... LP.­RES- ·'\6 Eltq- 68·· RES- 82 eNq- 89


24 5Z: 21 451:

1 21: o 0'1 o 0"

12 26t '30 6~;

1 2~ 2 4~ 1 2:

16 34t 21 58;

2 41: 1 2t o 01

16 35t 24 531

3 6'1: Z. ,.41 o ot

c c: 1 2l1: o 01: o 0"

44 "In

17 261: 24 5211:

1 IS1: 2 10: 1 2t

12 26'; 2'1 63:

4 8'lt I Z1: o 011


4 8: 31 68:

"I ZOI I 2:

'I 1'1'1: 15 3n 18 3"1:

3 6" I 2:


1110. t Of RES

1 33!J 2 ~f,1

o 0'1 o Ot <' rt

2 66 1 33' o o~ o 0'11 () [

2 66' 1 33' o et o a: o ()~

1 33~ 2 M1: o 0' o Ot (I t't

o ot o 011 t' ell: o 011 3 100>:

o. 0" 3 loot C ot o O~ a ot

2 66t 1 33~ (' 1''= o 0' o 0'

o O~ I 33t 2 66t o ot o ot

o ('It:

1 3311 2 661! o 0'1 o ct

2S 30" loa 48'1 13 15"

4 4'1: o 0:

5 6t 57 72" 12 157:

3 3: 2 2t

12 14t 50 61'1: 14 11:1;

3 31 2 2"!'

14 Ilt 58 10:

(, ",. "1, I ~~ 2 2'1i

C e:r: o Ot e ('C o Ot

80 100'C

18 211 40 4nt: 12 HlI: 10 11'11 2 2~

2 1: 106 572: 24 30';

8 I~'= o O~

o t: 10 1211 55 6711 IT 2tt o 0:

II 13'1 2ft 3"" 28 3U 1(' 12!;

"" ~~

ReUSCHI:" K~NT: "AJO~ Tiff" ES IN CAlT PHIL (,1795f'1rJ TST-FI- SPa LP. ~ES- 15 ENR_ 15

NO. t OF R~S

12 80t 3 2rT. o Ot o Oll: o ot

11 T3t .. 26'1: o ot o 0'1 C) Ct

e 5n 5 33'= o 0: o D' 2 13t

5 35t () ('~

1 Tt o ot 8 5n

o 01 (> 1''1 o 1)'1: o ot

15 100ll

1 SOli 1 50t (I 0: o 011 a 01

1 C/~ 1 "I~ o Ot o 0: 9 an

a 0: o (17;

11' 66l1: 5 33t o Ot

6 40t 7 46'1: 2 13T o Ot o Oll

I. INTELLECTUALLY STI"ULIITING COURSE STPONGl Y AGRE1: ..................... . "GRfF .............................. . o ISAGREf .......................... . STPDNGLY DISAGREIl' ................ . DOES NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

2. INSTRUCTOQ AVAilABLE TO STUO~NTS STpr~GlY aGRfE •••••••••••••••••••• .aGREf .............................. . nISAGPFE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• S TPnNGL Y 01 SAGHF ................ . onfS NOT APplV ••••••••••••••••••••

3. ASSIGNMENTS HflPFUl S TPnrlCL Y ACPEE •••••••••••••••••••• Ar.REE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• D ISAGnEE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ST.O·IGL Y nISAGPEE ••••••••••••••••• onES NOT APPly ............................ .

4. TESTS PFFI.EeT IDEAS OF COU~SE STRONr.lY AGRfE •••••••••••••••••••• tCRre .................................... .. DIS.GRrE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STn(lIlCLY OI~AGREF ••••••••••••••••• OOfS NOT' APPt , ••••••••••••••••••••

5. LASS OR l.MIGII.GE D.ILLS "RPFUL STRONr.l Y ACPfE .................... . .a.r.~EE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• D I SAGPFE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRnNr.LY OISAGRfF ••••••••••••••••• OOF'i NCT APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

6. INS TRUCTO.'S pnESENTATIO~ EFFFCT IVE STnO"'lGlY AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• Ar.f'lEE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DtSA(jRfE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STnnNGLY nIS4GREE ••••••••••••••••• OOf.1). NOT AoPPt y .................... .

1. GRAOeS FAIR S TRnNf;l Y .ACR fE ...................... .. Ar.PE'= ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OI~AG~FF •••••••••••••••••••••••••• S rRONGL Y 01 SACAFE ••••••••••••••••• nnF='; NOT APPl Y ................... ..

II. 1I0"KLOAD COMPARED WITH OTHER COURSES MUCH l lGt-fTFR ....................... . L tGHTER ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• !"OIJT TH~ S"11I: •••••••••••••••••••• H~A\ltER. ............................ . """tH HEAVlfP ...................... .

9. INSTRUCTOR CClHPAREO WITH OTHERS ONE OF THE VERY REST •••••••••••••• BETTfR THAN MOST •••••••••••••••••• AP.~UT AVFPAGF ••••••••••••••••••••• wrRSE TIl~N MOST ••••••••••••••••••• emF OF THE VfRV WORST ............. .

1. INTELL ECTUALLY STIMULATING COU~SE STRONCl Y AGREE .................... . AGRe:F ............................. . OIS~G~EE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• S T~CUCl Y 01 S'"CRfF ................... . orES NOT APPLY ••••••••••••••••••••

2. INSTPUCTOR AVAHA8U' TO STUOENTS STRCNClY ACREE .................... . AGRff ............................... . DISAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• S TRONr.l Y 01 SaCR'EE ................. . orES 1'10T APPl V ...................... ..

3. ASStGNt'ENTS HFLPFUL STPnNGlY AGRff ..................... . AGREf .............................. . OISAGPFF ............................ . STRONr.l Y 01 SACRFF ................. . nOfS t:OT APPly ........................ .

~. TESTS RrrLECT InFAS OF COUPSE c;,TIIPNI';I Y ACRfF ..................... . j\t;9FE ................................. .

·ll1<,AGREE ••••••••••••••••••••••• • ••

... ~~;~~~~~ ~~~~~~:~~-:.::::::::::::::::: S. LAft S ro t ANGU AGE 0.1 LL S HELPFUL

~ fR nt~Cl Y Ar.R ff ....................... . ACPEE ................................. . orsAr.nfE ........................... . STl::nt:GLY OrSAGREE .................. .. OOFS NOT APPt V ...................... .

6. INStPIJCTOR·S PRESENIATlON EFF£CTIVf STROr:Gl v A(,;Rff .................... . Ar.arr .............................. . CJSJ\GQEE ........................... . STIJI"lUr.L Y Of SAGRff .................. . nr.s rmT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

1. GRAOES FAlq StRC'Nr.LY ACREE •••••••••••••••••••• IIGRFf ............................... . DISAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STPONCL Y OIS.GRFF ••••••••••••••••• OOFS NOT 4PPl Y .................... .

8. WORKLnAD caMPA.fD '.lITH OTHER counSES ,,-U( .... l tfiHTER ....................... . l IGt-tTfR ............................. . ABOUT THE SAME •••••••••••••••••••• .. EAVIER ••••••••••••••••••••••••• " MlJCH t-IEAVIFA. ....................... .

"I. rr:s tRUCTD" C(,MPAHO WITH OTIiERS ('~~E r.F TH( VF~V BFST .............. . errTER Tt-'''N "lOST •••••••••••••••••• ABOUT AVEPAt;F ..................... . WORSE THAN MOST ••••••••••••••••••• ONE OF THE VERY WORST •••••••••••••

GOf'IEl-lOIIO INTRO TO P"ILOS OPHY 011900103 TST-' n-Y SP-O lP-O IIU- 43 ENII- 61


1"1 45'; 20 'In

2 4~ 1 2~ o OS

"1- 2~~ 33 76~

1 2'1 I) (I~

o 0'11

n '~'11 16 3R~

? ~'l o ~~ I 1t

25 59t 11 '\o~ o o~ (I <''II o Oll

(> (Ill o O~ o 0'1[ (> rll:

42 100'lt

2~ 6~~

16 37t 1 2t <' rt o Oll

12 3e'll 24 6ell 'I lOll (I (Ill

o O'J:

1 2'1: 3 611

28 6~~ 11 2St o Oll

14 '32t 20 46t

q 2r7; o ot r [lI:


011910901 T5T-2 Ft·., SPa)] lP-O ~es- 2'1 EN'- 12


13 ~6t 11 3'1~

I 31 3 Ir7: o ct

14 5e~ • 12 421

2 n (> C7: (> ell

8 2R1: 19 677:

1 3:t o rt o O~ ~

12 4n 17 5Al

o O~ o (I't o c: I 3t o 071 o Ot 1 n

21 93l1:

1 24t 15 51~

5 In 2 6t (' r~

5 In 2~ 111:

2 7t 1 3% (' r~

1 3X 11 391 14 50t

2 7t (I rt

'I l't: 11 39~ "I 32: 3 lOll: 1 3t

V£q UC!l:E

1. INTELLECTUALLY STl"ULATlNG COURSE STl'tCNCLV AC~fE .................... . AGREF ............................... . OISACREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGLY DI SIGREE ••••••••••••••••• DOES NOT APPl V .................... .

2. INSTRIJCTO. AVAIL"aLE TO STUDENTS STRnr:r.lY AG~EE ..................... . AGPt;F .............................. .. 0IS4GQEE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRCNGLV or'SAGR.EE ••••••••••••••••• ones NCT A.PPl Y ..................... .

3. ASSIGNMENTS "ElPFUl StRCNGl Y AGREf •••••••••••••••••••• ACRFE ............................. . nISAGREE ............................ . STrONGl y nJ 5ACREE ................... . aCES NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

4. TESTS REFLECT IDEAS OF COURSE STRCNGl Y lCR.EE ••••••••••••••••••• -ACREE ............................. . D I SAGOEE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONCL Y DI SAGREE •••••••••••••••• ' DOES NOT APPly .................... .

5. LAn~ rR LANGUAGe DRtLLS HfLPFUL STRONGLY AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGREE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ntSAr,RF.E ••••••••••••••••••••••••• • STRrNGLY nISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• DCFS NOT APoL V ••••••••••••••••••••

6. INSTRUC10R'S PPESENTATION EFFECTIVE STRmlGLY ACRFE •••••••••••••••••••• AGf'FF. ............................. . DISAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• SrRnNGlY DISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• DOES NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••• •

7. GRMES FA IR SrnnNCl Y AGRFE ..................... . AtjPEE .................................. . DIS ACREE ....................... _ •••• StRONGLY DISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• DOES NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

8. WORkLOAD COMP_qED WITH OTHER COURSES HUC" lIGHT~R •••••••••••••• ' •••••• ' L IGHTFR ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• AROUT, WE SA~E •••••••••••••••••••• ""'EAVIEI:I: ........................... .. MUCIi HEAVIER ••••••••••••••••••••••

9. INSTRUCTOR COMPARED WITH OTHERS ONE OF THE VFRY 8EST •••••••••••••• P.ETTER THAN MOST •••••••••••••••••• AROUT AVE.ACE ••••••••••••••••• •• •• "'ORSE lHA~ MOST ••••••••••••••••••• CNE OF THE VERY WORST •••••••••••••

C()o!P.R SOC t PO L1TtCAL PHIL 011951701 TShl Fl- SPa lP-t RES- l~ £Nq. I'"


7 56' 4 33t o 0': 1 at o C~

5 'In 6 50ll: o Ot 1 Bt o 0' 2 In 1 63l1: o Ot 1 '11: 1 9'

2 In o 0' o at I) (''I 'I 8n

C (It o Ot o ot (I ~:

"I lOOt

6 46% 4 30t 2 1st 1 7t C Ot

1 lot 2 20t a O~ o Ot 1 70t

o 1''1; (l Ot 5 4U T 5n o at

OJ 3et 3 23t 3 23t 1 7t 1 n


liO. t OF PES

8 27'11 19 6~'It

1 n 1 3'11 o ot

12 'Ill I~ 5n

I 1'1t o r~ o o~

1t1 '" 17 5U I n (' r~ 1 ]I

1 n 2 n o Oll c et

2'1 ~8~

o ~t o 01 o 01 I) rt

2'1 lOot

7 2U 21 T2t

I 3t C rt o 01

11 '39t 11 39t o Ot (I el 6 2111

1 n 10 3'11 11 5n

I :n o ot

5 In H ~81: ~ 31'= 1 3~ e [~


01191C9('2 TST-2 FJ-Y 59->3 lP-O RES- 22 ENR- 12


12 SU 7 31'1: 2 'It 1 ~t o Oll

11 5r~ It sot o ot (I Ct" t) ot

11 srT 9 4rt 2 9~ <' rt D Ot

15 Mil 1 31t o 0" o et o ot

o I'~

o rl: o o. o OJ:

<'2 IrOt

1 311: 11 50t

3 nt I H (I O~

Il 50t Ie ~5'I:

I ~t o 0% o Q~

o o:t: 9 4rt

11 501: 2 9~ e rt

" let 13 5Q7;

5 22~ Q Ot o at

1(UHIII TOP ICS IP1 Pl<IL 0 SOPHICAl LOCIC 011951901 TST-O Fr-N SP-2 lP-l RES- ~ FNQ~ 1

NO. : Of' RES

6 Ife'l: o Oll o Ot o rt o r, 5 e3Y: o 0" o Ot a Ot I 161:

5 nt I 16'1: o ot [> ot o at

1 16t o O~ o 0>: e fl 5 83"

o (It 1 161: o ot (I ~'I:

5 en

4 66~ 2 ,n o Ot o [11 o at

4 66t 2 3311 o Oli: o Ot o 011

C Cll o Ot 6 100' (' e" o 011

3 5t't 3 5011 o ot o et

o 0"

ORUAIIT INTRO TO PHILOS OPHY OtT90010' TST-2 FJ-Y SP->1 u'-o liES- 46 ~"It- 60

110. " OF ~es

3 61 12 2611 71 ~~t 10 21t o ot

~ 8t H 1~t

4 tit o C. ] 6t

.. 8t. 31 6n 1(1 nt o C't o Ot

o (>t 4Z "lU

4 8t o C't o ot

o C~ o ot o ~t 1 2.

4~ "I"

o Ot 10 211 15 321 21 45t o Q~

2 4~ 21 ~6t 20 44.

2 4", o 0",

o ot 15 "32", 28 6t't

3 6t o 1''1:

o Ot 2 4.

10 2n 21 4~t 13 ZA",

IlEUSCHER PflIlOSopl1Y Il1' C "RISTIAN VALUES ('17911601 TST_ Ft- SPII tP. ~es. 20 f=N,1\ .. 21


10 S07: 'I 4~1:

I st o c>: o 0':

10 srt 9 45'1 1 ~1: o r7; o Ot

r rt. 6 302: a Ot (' ('I:

14 lOt

6 ~ell 10 SOl:

.. 201 o (I:

o 011

o 1''' o Ot o O~

o Ot 19 10NI

4 ZOI: 15 15: o Ot 1 51: o Ot

31St 12 60t 2 10lt 2 10; I 5'=

2 10'( 9 loSt 6 30t 2 lOt 1 51:

3 15t 11 55t

5 ;>s'" o Ot I 50;

tcUS"tro'/'F CCNTE~P PHIlOSO PIiE~S'FREGE 017971701 TST­f IaN SPllt LP­AES- 2 (HR- l

NO. t Of RES

I 5eo: I ~Ot o ot ~ r~ o at

I ~c:r: 1 ~O!; o 00: o rll o O'C

1 501:· 1 5r'l: o 01: o f'l: o Ot

o Ot o 01 o 011 r n: 2 lOOt

(I r'l: o 0: o Oil o n: 2 tOOt

1 5r-" I 50: o 0" o (It

o Q~

c r'l: o C'l o Ot o ~~

2 11)0'"

o rt o (I, 2 lOOt o (It

o 0:

o rl: 1 50t 1 ~Ot o t.; o 0'1:

OIlUA~T 'NTRO TO PHILOS· OPHY 01 "00106 TST-2 Fl-Y 5P->3 LP-O II £S-" ENR- 68

HO. , Of liES

~ 71: 23 43. n 4311

3 5. o 01:

4 n 41 77:

5 'It o Ole 3 511

I 1511 32 61t 11 211

1 11: o ot

12 22t )4 641

4 7t 2 311 I 1'1

(' ot I n I III I It

50 ~4t

I It 14 261: 2~ ~4.

.., 1611 o 011

2 31: 211 51'11 14 26t

8 15t o ot

1 n It 2("1; 36 67'1:

, 91: (' 011

o ot , 9'1

22 41'1: 11 32:1;

9 16'1:

ftROUGH MIST MODEIIN PHI LOSOPHY r I 7935qel TST-2 F J- SP-l lP-O P.ES- '5C fNQ;- 6~


24 Ion . 25 srI

I 27: C C: o ot

22 .. 4'1: 27 541: a 07: o ct I 2%

H 2Pt 3Z 6'"

2 41 ~ r~ 2 ~I

25 5('1: 25 50'

C 011 o ro: (I 0" o I'~ Z 4~ o 0& r r:

46 95:

n 66~

II> 37" I Zlt r ('I:

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24 4e: 22 44t

2 4t o o~ I 2'1:

I 2'1 \I <'2~ 14 6911

3 611 (0 ('t

25 51~ 21 ~2!:

3 6t o <'l a o~

V~II !e:K! IPITIIO TO PHIlOS OPHY OI7~OOI 01 TS T->3 FI-Y SP-l LI'-O us- ItO £Pla- 51


12 30~ 20 ~O.

1 11~ I 2'11 o 011

10 25. 21 6U

1 2'1 o ot. 2 51

2 5t 29 74'1:

5 12t I 2'1

2 " 10 25. 21 6'1t

2 5t (I (It o Ot

2 n o Ot e <'t I 2~

36 92t

'I 221: Z3 57t

6 15~ 2 5t o ot

4 let 25 64t 6 1" 4 lOt o O. o ot 4 In:

32 er~ 3 11: 1 2_

6 In 11 411:

" 15~ 2 57: I Zt

POUECO PH1l0SOPI1Y OF l! DIlr.ITIOH CJ lQl1>7C1 TST-(I Fl·~ sp,.>, lPl_" HSa n ~Nh 22

NO. 'II Of R£S

II' 58t 7 Ion o O. c C~ o O~

12 lCl 5 2'1t o ('I:

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1 5'1: 1 5" o !ll: (> f'l

15 ftell

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5 317; 10 62: o t't ~ r~ 1 6T

o 07; 5 2"~

12 70t o ot o c'!

4 1H 10 5H

3 17: o 0: o Oll:

Physics GO"Et-tO~o PLATO'S SOP"tST


Cl n73101 TST-O 1: '-N 5P-0 LP-2 liES- 1~ ENP- II


7 7r~ 3 3[: o 0: ~ 1" o r: 8 ac'l 2 ~~~ o Ot c (''I

o 0' 6 6r>: 3 3CI I 101; (I (,1

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lot lOll

Oil e'l:


t rt: o 01 o 0'1: r Cll

10 loot

6 6CI: 3 30t I lOt (I ('t o ct

(I t''I; 4 44'1: a 01: C rl '5 5511

C rt: 1 lC: 6 60~ ) 3(01 o ot

5 5(1~

3 3011 t 20t (l til o Ot

AUDIO REI'~OD\ICT ION 013100301 TST-2 'FI-Y 5P-0 LP.O ~ES- 16 EN":21


8 e o <' o

1<' 5 1 ~ o

"7 II 1 o o e 6 I (I


2 2 o o 2

9 6 a ('

o 4 9 1 <' o 2 6 1 1 o

6 7 3 o o

I. INTelLECTUALLY STI~ULATING COURSE ST~ONGl Y AGPEE •••••••••••••••••••• AGREe ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OISAGqee •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ST~ONGl Y 01 SAGREE ••••••••••••••••• DOFS NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

2. INnRUCTOR AV~ILABLE TO STUDENTS ST~ONGL Y AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• ACREE ................................ . or SAr,~rE' ........................... . STPONGlY DlSAGREE ••••••••••••••••• OOfS NOT flPPlY ••• · •••••••••••••••••

3. ASSIGNMENTS I'FLPFUL STRONGl Y ACREE •••••••••••••••••••• ACREE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• IlISAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~TRONr.L Y 01 SAGnE" ••••••••••••••••• DO"S NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

4. USTS REfLECT IDEAS OF COU~SE STRONGlY AGREE' •••••••••••••••••••• .AGR(E ..................................................... . 01 SAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGL Y 01 SAGREE ••••••••••••••••• ones NOT APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

5. LARS nR UNr.uAG" ORII.LS I'ELPFIJL STRrNCl Y AGRfE ............................... . AGRrE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 01 SAGRF.E •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGL Y DISAGRFE ••••••••••••••••• ones ~~OT APPly ........................ .

6. INSTRUCTO~'S PRESENTATION EFFECTIVe srRCNCl Y ACRFE' ••• ..., ................. . AGREE ............................ . DJSACREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRnt-JGl Y OJ SACREE ••••••••••••••••• onES NOT .PPLY ................... .

7. GR.OES FA IR STPONCl Y ACREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGP1=E ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DfS,o\GPEE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STROtlGL Y OISAGREE ................ . OOES NOT APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

8. 1I0RKLOAO COMPARED IIlTH OTHER COURSES "'UCH lICHTFR •••••••••••••••••••••• L IGHTfR ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ABOUT TttF SAME •••••••••••••••••••• .. EJlvtEI:t •••••••••••••••••••••••••••

,MUCH Hf.ftvtER •••••••••••••••••••••• 9. INST~UCT(lR COMPAQEO WITH OTHERS

ONE OF THF VERY BEST •••••••••••••• BETTER TH~N MOST •••••••••••••••••• .ROUT AVERAG" ••••••••••••••••••••• WORSE THAN MOST ••••••••••••••••••• OIlE OF TI'E VERY WORST •••••••••••••


PHYSICS C18140501 1ST-2 FJ:=II'I SP-O lP-O RES. 5 ENR- 15


4 80t I 20t o o~ o Ct o Ot

I 20. " 80~ o o~ o 0'1 o at

" le~= o 0= o ot e Ct o O~

" lOOt o 01: o n o Cit (\ Ot

l! r. o Ot o ot (\ rt 5 100=

4 8~1 I 20% o O. o e'l (1 0=

Z 4C= '3 6rt o o~ o C~ o 01;

o Oll o Oil: o Oll 3 6ro: Z 40'1:

4 8r~

1 201: o 0'1: o 01: o Ot


LANGUAG 012753301 TST-Z Fl=Y 5P-1 lP-l AfS- 6 ENR. 7

I. INTElLeCTUALLY STIMULATING COUOSE snmu;u AGREE ................... . ACREE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DiSAGREE .......................... . STRONGLY 01 SACREE .................. . onFS ~JflT j\oPlV ••••••••••••••••••••

2. INS TRUCTOR AVAILABLE TO STUDENTS STnONGLY Ar..FF ................... . AGPFE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DISAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGl Y 01 SAGRFE .................... ... onES unT !.PPLY ••••••••••••••••••••

'3. ASS tGNfo':[;NT'S IJFlPFUl S TRGr~r;L Y At;R. FE ...................... .. AG.F" ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OISAG·fE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRnPlGLY OISAGRfE ................ . OOFS "'OT APPl v ••••••••••••••••••••

4. TESTS REFlFCT IDEAS OF COURSE ~TpnfH';l '( Ar.REE •••••••••••••••••••• "GR:Ff .................................... . o,'E~~ ......................... . ~lP(lNr.I.'t. Ot SA.CRFE.~ •••••• ~ ......... . onF.S NOT APPLy ................... .

5. LABS O. lONGUACE DRIUS HELPFUL STRnNr.L'f ar.REE" ......................... .. ACQFF ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• orc;~c~E~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRr.NGLY IlISACREE ••••••••••••••••• onE~ NOT APPL Y ................... .

6. INsnucmR'S PRESENTATION EFFECTIVe STROi'lGLY AGHE ................... . AfiRFF ............................. . DISAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• srQCNGlY OJSAGFlFE ................. . onFS NOT APPl v ••••••••••••••••••••

1. CRAOES FAIR STPONGL Y ACReE •••••••••••••••••••• AGPEE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OISAGREf •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ST~mlGl Y DISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• r.rFS MOT ""fit y .... ' .................. .

8. IInPKlr:.o CDMPAnEn WIT'! OTHER COURSES ~1JCH l IC"'TE~ •••••••••••••••••••••• LIGHTER ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Af\('ltJf THE SAME •••••••••••••••••••• "EAV HR ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• "UCI' HEAVIER ..................... .

9. INSTOUI;,.TOR COMPA~En IIITH OTHERS m,e r:t' Tf'E VERY 8EST •••••••••••••• f\[lTf~ T"'~N .... (lST •••••••••••••••••• I\BnUT AVF.ctAGE ••••••••••••••••••• _. WORSE THAN MOST ••••••••••••••••••• Of':E OF THE VERY WORS r •••••••••••••


2 2 2 o o 4 2 o o (I

2 3 o o 1

3 3 o o ('

o r o o 6

2 4 o o o

I 5 o o o

o 4 2 o o

2 I 3 o o

501: ~r~ ()~

0" rlt

Ot c~ r% 0::


ot 66~ 33~ ot ot

33t 16% srt




1. INTELLECTUALLY STI~ULAT1NG COURSE S"fRONGt Y AGRFE •••••••••••••••••••• "ePEE ............................. . ot-;Ar,PEE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRGNGL Y 01 SAGREE ................ . on£s NOT APPly ..................... .

2. INSTRUCTOR AVA ILABLE TO STUDENTS STIlONGl Y Ar.REE •••••••••••••••••••• .aG~FE .............................. . DIS.G"E" •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRnrlGlY DI~AGR"E ................ . OOFS NOT APPLy ................... .

3. ASS IGNMENTS I'ELPFUL ST~ONr.L" Ar.RFF ..................... . ACIlFF ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 01 SM;.Ef ......................... . STnnNr.l Y O[";"::;REE ................. . nnES tJIlT APPl Y ••••••••••••••••••••

4. TESTS REFLECT IDEAS OF COURse CiTRn,.:r:t.y ACRFf .................... . ,ar;IlFE •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ OIS.'''GREf .......................... . STRnNGl Y Dr SAGREE ................. . on's ",OT APPL Y ................ ~ •••

5. LARS nQ LAr~GlIlGE OR ILLS HElPFUL STRO~~~l Y AGPEE •••••••••••••••••••• AGR:FF: ............................... . DISAG.FE ......................... . STRmlGLY OISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• onFS Nor APPl"( ••••••••••••••••••••

6 .. IN~ ~:~~~~~' !G:~~:~~:::~~~. :~~:~:~~:. ACrFF ............................. . nr SAGt:lEE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRGNGLY OIS.GREE ••••••••••••••••• OClfS NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

1. GUI'lES FAIP STRONGLY AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• .t.r,OfF ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DlShGREf:' ••••••••••••••••• , •••••••• STRONGLY OISAGREE ................ . OOF5 NOT APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

8. WORHOAO CO~PAPEO WITH OTHER COUPSES MUCH L tCHfER ...................... . l rCHTER ........................... . ABOUT THf SI\ME •••••••••••••••••••• I'EAVIFR ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• "'UCH .. EAvtFt:t ••••••••••••••••••••••

9. INSTRUCTOR COMPARED ~ITH OTHFRS ONE Of THE VfRY BeST •••••••••••••• BETTFR Tlt'N "OST •••••••••••••••••• Aer:UT AVfRAGE' ••••••••••••••••••••• WORSE THAN MOST ••••••••••••••••••• rUE Of THt; VERY WORST ............. .

SOCIAL PSYCHOLO GY ('19211.'1('1 TST-3 FI_", sp-o lP-l RES- 39 ENRa 53


16 21'

3 o ()

16 . 22

1 o (I

6 29

4 o I'

11 26

I 1 o

o 1 o o


11 25

Z o o 7

22 8 o 2

o I 9

17 9

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15t 14: 10~ ot r:

2R" 66:

Z% 2: r:

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2R~ 65~

5" 0" O~

26" 4U 26~

0" Clt






018210101 TST->3 01821C601 TST->3 019110602 TST->~ Ft-Y SPaO LPIlIO Fr-y SP-O lP-O FI-Y SP-O LP-O Rn-114 ENR.IZ" . RES- '86 ENR- 93 RES-I03 ERR-112'

01270CIOI TST-2 F I-Y SP=O lP-O RES· 10 ENR. 11 .


81 3D

'3 o o

12 17

3 2 o

'34 62

• o 13

47 46

" '3 o

44 "q 4 3

" ~9 48

5 C o

22 68 11

" o

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32 76

56 36 tB

2 2

61 23

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o 43 42

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27 54

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57 25

2 1 o

36 "5

4 (I


o ('

1 58 21

62 20

3 1 o

67:1: 2q~

21t n 0'1:

Psychology conES GENERAL PSYCHOl OGY 019200102 TST­Ft-Y SP->3 lP­RES= 94 fNbI21


51 38

1 Z o

2Z 69

1 o 2

26 51 o 1


37 51

3 1 2

! 3 I o


39 41 12


" 24 6(1

4 1 2

o 6

45 3~


34 35 22

I 2

26' 65'1:

4% IS 2~

0'1 61:

47. 40'1




26 '55t 18 3B~ 3 6t o 01 o C~

23 4Rt 18 38'

3 6~ 3 6t o rt

1 I4t 32 66%

ft 16'( 1 2~ r rt

14 29$ 27 571

5 lOt o Ot 1 2:

o Ot (I rt o Ot o ot

47 lC(\t

16 33t 20; 52~

'5 lot 2 4" o Ct

9 20t 29 64~

4 ~t 3 6t o ot

o ot o Ot

10 22~ 22 4At n 2At

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NO. " OF Jles

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31 6 o C I

19 17 o o 2

36 2 I)

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36 Z o o C'

31 I o o ('

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25 6 o

27 5 o o o

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811t 15"

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10 45t 10 45t

2 'If o Ot o O~

11 SOt 11 5et

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1 'lIt. 13 5qt

2 'I" o Ot o o~

9 40t 12 54!;

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o 0: (I rt o Ot o ot

Z2 lC(lt

14 63t 8 36t o Ot o at o rt

6 2A~ 14 66'1:

1 4" o ot o rt

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76 25 o I)


33 5~

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69 27

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GENERAL PSYCHDl OGY (119200107 TST=)3 F l=Y SP,.o t.pzO RES~ 98 FNR=121



43 45

3 1 o

3B 55

" 1 o

2B 56

4 1 4

)1 54

11 1 3

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36 49

5 I o

11 60 12 o 6

I 1

43 34


t7 23 12 2 I

39S B~

5% It r~

1711 63'1 12t

Ot: 6"

PSYCHOLOGY OF H UMAN S~XUAL1TY (l19212501 TST-3 F I:Y SP-O lP:cl RES- 30 ENR- 44


1(' 11

6 1 o 6

21 1 o I

15 l'3

2 o o

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2 20:1: 6 60ll: I H'I: o ~~ I lOll:

2 20:1: 8 OO~ (\ c~

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" 50t 4 50t II "t: (' t''' o Ot

4 400: 6 60~ o ot o DO: o 0:1:

" 4e: 6 60" o 0% o 01 o 1)1:

5 5C'i 5 501: o 01: (\ (''' o 0"

o ('l: 7 70'l 3 30~ (' r~

o 0"

o r~

" "o~ 6 60ll: {' I'~

o ot

ROBINSON GENERAL PSYCHOL OGY ('19200108 TST->3 Ft-=Y s'=o lP=O RES= 87 ENR=- q7


104 33

1 2 o

18 59

4 r 5

3'1 3~

I 2 4

35 31

q 6 o 3 4 2 o


53 21

4 1 o

28 44

4 3 8

o 7

13 38


36 13 2 7 o

3. 4"' 2" 01;


671; 26% 5~

1': n:

321: '5r.

41: 31: 9l

Ot n

31t 52" 6t

67% Z4t 3~

3~ Ot

RORINSDN I'ISTO~Y Of PSYC HOlOr;y 019215101 TST=>3 Ft:z=y sp-o LP:l RFSo 18 FNP= 3(\

NO. : OF ~ES

\1 Ir(\t (I C: () Ot (I rt o Of

13 711 5 27" o Ot r t't r 00:

13 761: 3 17: o Of I 5'" o r ..

13 72: 3 16: I 5= 1 5t o 0 ..

3 16t 1 5f D 0 .. o Ot

14 71"

17 lOOt e rt o o'!t o Of l' (':

1 30t 7 38" (I Ot I 5t 3 16t

o ot o (''' I 6!: 8 50" 7 43.

7 87t I 12t o Ct o ot () Ot




(\12701101 TST->3 012711101 TST·>3 0127251t'l TST-2 F I~ Y SP .. O lP-O RfS- 10 ENR- 13

FI-Y SPat lP-l FJ-Y 5p·0 lP-O RES- 43 EN A- 50 RES- 33 FHA· 34


SrAONGl Y AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGR:EI: •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

nIS.G.EE •••••• •••• ••• •••••••••• ••• STRONr'jlY OISAC;REE ••••••••••••••••• onES NOT APPl v ••••••••••••••••••••

2. INSTRUCTOR AVAILABLE TO STUDEHfS STRONGLY AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGRFE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DISACnrE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STnONf'ilY OrSAGREE ••••••••••••••••• orES NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

3. ASS IGNf'<ENTS "ELPFUL S rRONGl Y AGREF •••••••••••••••••••• At;RFE .................. .,. ••••••••••• OISAG.EE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGLY D1SAGREE ••••••••••••••••• OQFS NOT APPLy .................... .

4. TESTS REFLECT IOEAS OF COURSE STRONGLY Ar.RfE •••••••••••••••••••• ~G~F( .............................. . DISAcnEE •••••••••••••• • ••••••••••• STRONGLY D1SAGREE ••••••••••••••••• onES .JOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

5. LARS rQ LANGUACE DRILLS I'ELPFUL STRrNr.L Y AGPE( ................... . Ar,"FE ••••••••••• ••••• ••••••••••••• OISAGnFE •••••••••••••••• • ••••••••• STROl;<tLY OISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• DOES NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

6. INSTRUCTOR'S PRESENTATION EFFfCTIVE STRONGLY ~GREE ................... . AGRFF. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• nI SAGI1EE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STPONC,LY DISft,GRFE ••••••••••••••••• nnfS NOT APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

7. GR.nE~ rAIP STPONr.LY AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• ACPFE ............................. . r;:'.:;AGPEF •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STnr."GLV OI~AG.EE ••••••••••••••••• n"fS t:nT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

8. NOPKLOAO cm'PAREO WITH OTHER COURSES ,..IICH lIGf-lrfR. ...................... . lrcHTER ........................... . MnUT TI'E SAME •••••••••••••••••••• t<EAVI£R ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• "'urt' ~lFAvrFR ••••••••••••••••••••••

9. INS T~UCTC~ CO"PAREO WlTH OTHER S ONF OF THr: VFRY DEST •••••••••••••• RETTER THAN MOST ................. . ABOUT AV(RAGE ••••••••••••••••••••• 1I0R SE THAN MOS T .................. . ONE OF Tt4E VERY WORST •••••••••••••

Z2 Iq o o 1

20 21

I o 1

19 24 o o o

20 21

1 o o

28 I.

I o ('

26 1~

1 o ('

17 15

5 o )

2 17 19

3 I

26 10

1 o o

61t 35%

2% 0: ~"


I. INTELLECTUALLY STIMULATING COURSE S TRONCL Y AGREE ................... . ACq:Ef ............................. . DISAGREE ••••••••••••••• ••••••••••• STPONGL Y DiSAGREE ................ . OOFS NOT APPLY ••••••••••••••••••••

2. IN~T.UCTr.R AVAILABLE TO STUDE'US S TR n"Gl Y AGREE •••••••.••••••••••••• r.GRFF .......................... -••• OIS.'Gn(r ••••••••••••••••••• • ••• ••• ST.mlr.LY DISAGRfF ••••••••••••••••• oafS NOT APPL Y ••••••••••••••••••••

3. ASSIGNMF'lTS I'nrFUL s TROflGL Y ACREE ..................... . AGnn ............................ . DIS.GRfF. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~T.nNr;LY OIS.G~fF ••••••••••••••••• OOf~ "'OT..PPLY ••••••••••••••••••••

4. nslS PHl FCT IDEAS OF counSF S1ROUGLV .GR"E ................... . Ar.I>Ff ................................ . O['S~r,P['£ •••••••••••••••••••••••••• S Tq;ONGl Y 01 $!\CREE .................. .



23 47

I I I)

27 , 47

o o 1

32 35 o o 2

41 34 ·r

36% 61~

0" O~ n

~6% 50% ~~

O~ 2;

5~~ ·451:

~" O~

onES ':OT APPLy ................... . o o ot

5. LAR~ rR LAIlGUAGF ORIlLS I'F.LPFUL ST~nNGL Y AG~H •••••••••••••••••••• AGI:tEF •••••••••••••••••• • ••• ••• •••• IlISAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ST~CNr:lY DTS.!GREE ••••••••••••••••• onFS 'lOT APPL Y ................... .

6. INST"UnOR'S PRFSENTATICN EFFFCTlVE S TRr'lGl Y AGRFE •••••••••••••••••••• li liRFF ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OlSAGRFE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRnNGLY OI.,AGREf ................. . DOES NOT APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

7. GRAnE~ FAIR STPnNGlY AGRFE ................... . I\r:REE .............................. . OISAGRFf •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGLY D!SAGREE ................ . OOB NOT APPI. Y ••••••••••••••••••••

B. I/O.KLOAn CO~PAREIl NITI' omER COUPSFS >'UCH LIGHTER ..................... . l fG,.,.TEq •••••••••••••••• ••• ........ . A RCI)T THE "iAMf •••••••••••••••••••• HFAVtEP ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~UCI' HEAViER ..................... .

9. INSTRUCTOR COMPARFO WITH OTHFRS • ONF OF T"iE VFRY 6EST .............. . RETTE. It'~N MOST ................. . ABCUT AVF."AGE ••••••••••••••••••••• I<QRSE TH'N ~OST .................. . I1Nf OF Tt<F VFRY WORST ............ .

6 2 (I

o 68

14 53

2 1 1

28 3~

3 o 4

2 10 104 13


15 l6 16 r I

n 1~ ~% 0%


19,!; 74%

2'1: 1~ It

)U 52~

4" Ot: 5"


I. INTElLECTUALLY STIMULATING COURSE STRONGLY AGREE .................... . Ar;.REE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• nISAG.Ef •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRCNGL Y OISAGHF. ................ . OnfS NOT APPLy ................... .

2. INSTRUCTOR AVAILABLF TO STlJDENTS S TPONGl Y AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGQFE ........... ~ .................. . nt St\GREF .......................... . STorNr.LY OIS.GREE ................ . onr-~ I,m ApPLy ................... .

3. Asc;rCW"fNT$ HFLPFUl STflrNGlY ACRt:F •••••••••••••••••••• 'G·EE ............................ . OISAG~EE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• u.nNGL Y 01 S~GREE ................ . onfS Nor APPly .................... .

4. TESTS RfFI EeT 10EA~ OF ~nURSE STRO.:GLY AGnFE ................... . Ar;orE ............................... . 01 S'GPEE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRnNGLY OISAGPH ................ . Or.Ec) NOT APPLy .................... .

5. LAa~ nR LANr.U.Ge DRILLS HELPFUL STRrNr.LY AGI1FF .................... . AGQFf .............................. . ntSAr,REF .......................... . S TRM:r.1 Y 01 SAGREE ................ . OOES NnT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

6. INSTRUCTOR'S PRESENTATION EFFECTIVE ~TRCNClY Ar.RF.f .................... . Ar,OFE .............................. . nrsAr.I=:r.F .......................... . STRm;r.1 Y IlISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• onES NOT .pn Y ••••••••••••••••• •••

7. G~AOE5 FAIR STRONr,LY ACRFf •••••••••••••••••••• AGRFF ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DISAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRCNr.L Y 01 SAGR"E ••••••••••••••••• ones 'lOT APr!. Y ....... ; ••••••••••••

8. WO.KLOAD cn~PAPEO WITH OTHER COURSES MUCH 1I GHTF ••••••••••••••••••••••• l [GHTfR ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• AnnUl THE SAME •••••••••••••••• •••• H1=AVIFR ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MUCH HFftVI ER ••••••••••••••••••••••

9. INSTPUCTOR Cf]~PARED WITI' OTI'ERS ONF. nF TI-fE V!:RY BEST •••••••••••••• RETTER THA.l MST •••••••••••••••••• AAOtJT AVFRAGF ...................... . WORSE THAN MOST ••••••••••••••••••• ONE OF THE VERY WORS T •••••••••••••


3 7~' 1 25~ o r .. o C" o 0' 3 75t I 25t o 0; o ('~ o Ot

I 25t 3 15t a Ot r Ot o O~

3 6(1't 2 40~ o O~ o e~ o 01;

4 8r~

I 20~ o O~ (\ (''I: o o~

3 6r1: I 2(,. I 20t o C-" ~ Ot

1 2(,% 3 60t o 0'" 1 2r't o O~

o I't I 25'; I 25t I 25'1: 1 251'

2 1007; o 0'1; o Ot o Ot o 00:

12 20

I o o

17 16 o o o

13 18

1 o I

19 13 o o (I

8 22

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4 o o



13 2~

2 o (l

8 31 3 o I)

~ 28

3 o I

9 36

1 I 1

4 8 I o


~ 21

:3 o o

9 2R

1 I'


4 25

5 o

6 10 n I' o

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3 37% 5 6a r f'" o ('t o 0,;

8 10rt o 01 r r% ~ Ot o Ot

37'1; 50" 12t r .. 0>:

5 62>: 3 31t o Ot C f: o Ot

5 "21: 3 3n o Ot r rt o 0'1:

3 37>: 5 621: o n>: (\ 0% o at

1 1211 7 IITt o 01: o t'o: o Ot

(I 0:1: 1 121 1 12:1: 5 621: 1 121:

2 loOt ) 60!: o 02: C co: o 01:


6 6C. 2 20~ o 0'1: Z 2elt (' C ..

7 7(\1: 3 30'11 o 0= o O~ o C~

7 70S. Ill'S 2 20'1 o OS o (,'II

7 10= 2 20'1 o l'~ o 01 I 1(1.

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7 70: 3 3r~ o rt: o ·0= (I ('''

7 701: 3 'let: o (I~

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o 0" 3 30~ 7 101: o ot o Olt

1 10t: 3 30% o "'II o co: o 011



12 3~ o 2 (I

23 32

I o 1

17 35

1 2 2

10 ·34

q 3 I

I 3 o o


11 7.7 I~

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16 310

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I 6

29 14


4 16 11

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5" it

n 5" Ot: Ot:


2C~ ,>9t lBt 12" 0"



6 85t I 14'" r rt o r~ o ot

5 7n 2 2BO: (I rt o r,. o Ot

5 11t. 2 28'; (\ ro: o (I'" o ot

1 l('ot o 0>: o n, o (I'!t o ot

7 II)('t o O. o Ot (I C~

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" 81't I 200 o Of. (l ... >: o 0"

5 71% 2 2At o 0; o ct o 0"

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o 1''' 2 40>: 3 6rt o (I"

2 I('~~ (1 ~t o ot I) Olf o Ot

PAIVA PORTUGU!SE UTE RATURE 0127461 (II TST·l FI-" 5"'">3 Lp-l RES. 15 ENR. 16

NO ... OF liES

. KEllY

8 53. 7 46S o 00:

" n o (,S

12 ilr. 3. 201t o OS C co: o n 3 2n

11 73" o OS o e. 1 n

9 60 .. 6 4et o o. o OS o os

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8 53. 7 46" o os o 0'11 C C,"

o o. 1 611 A 53: 5 33. I' 6"

11 73= 4 26S (\ 0" o 0" o Ot

A6ND'lMAl PSYCHO LOGY 1'19211'3(,Z TST-3 Ft-y SP-O lP-t RE S- 2'1 ENR. 40


6 In: I~ 5U

B ZH o O~ l' rt

12 41: 16 ~ .. o 0% o 0% I 3t

8 27t 2(\ 6~'

I 3% o 0% (\ Cl

8 2Bt . 17 6rO

. 3 ·Iet" ., ...•. P. "," .ot

o r%

o ot 2 7t o Ol o Ot

26 92 ..

2 6t 15 51. lt 3.7t

1 3' o Ot

3 10. ZO 6~. ~ 17t 1 3. o ot

o Ol 8 2~.

17 6n 2 7t o Ot

1 5t ... 220

S H' 5 27. o Ot



2 10011 o 0: r (It

o 0" o 00:

2 1<'C'1: o ot C rt o rt o Ot

2 loot o 0'1: o rt \l (It o ot

I 5C" 1 501; o rt o 0" o ot

I 50~ I 50 .. a ot o ot: o ot

1 50'1: I 50'1: o ot: o 0" o ot:

o n 2 lOOt: o 01 I' CC o ot:

C CI o (1; o ot: 2 I~Ct: o C1:

() CI o Ot o ot o n o Ot

RIoIIEH PIJIITUGUESE STRU CTURf 012753101 TST-Z t: f-Y S P-l lP-t AFS- 5 E'Nst- 6

NO ... OF RU

(I ot 3 60" 2 40" I' r,= o 0'1:

, ll'rS o Ot o os (\ l'1I (I C~

I 2C'l 3 6Ct· 1 20t

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o ot o CI! I) ot o .OS 5 Il'r,=

I 20t 2 4r1: 2 ~O" o 0'1: l' r'l:

2 40= 2 4rt 1 2r" o 0lP;

" r'l: o ot 3 6rl: 2 "CS o 00: I.' r'l:

2 40: I' ('I: 3 6CO: o 01: C rt



14 63 13

3 (\

22 67

2 o 2

31 6C' ~ o 2

23 66 ~ I I'

2 6 o o


R 53 Iq

5 o

11 6? 3 t 5

5 10 65

9 o

o 1ft 39 10 o

15t 61t 13' 3t I't

23: 1n 2~ Ot 2t

5" II'!; 731 10'1;

0'1: •

CARTE., ftUSK1H GEN EXPER111FNTA l PSYC~OLDGY 01Q215506 TSr.3 F t=y SP:lC J.P-t RES- ~ ENq= 7


I 20t 4 80t C ct o 0: o ot

5 loot o 0' C ('t o C'I: o Ot

1 20t " eot l! ct: I' ct o ot

I 2l''' 4 ROt o (,I:

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3 6r~ 2 40~ o c: o (l~

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I 2(l~

4 80" o 0: o 0>: o Ot

l' (I:

o Ot 2 "O~ I 2r: 2 40"

, Il'rt o Ot o ot I' I't o 0:





CARTER. RUSKIIt Gelt EXPEIIlMENTA l PSYCHOLOCy 019215507 TST­Fr- s,.. tP. Res- n E"~.·n

019215701 TST->' 019216501 TST-3 Fr-y S .... O tP-o FI-N SP-O lP-t RES- 25 ENII.~" liES- t:J ENR- 15

0192221('1 TST"Z Fl·" S"'"O tP.o RES- 22 ENR. 24

RUSKIN/SASAT STRAT 8fHAV CHN G IN COMI'IUHltT ('192Z5~fl TST­ft- SP. lP­~es- 13 fNR- 23


STRONGLY AGREE .................. • ••

AGREE ••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••• nrSAiCREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• srRONClY DISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• ones NOT APPLY ••••••••••••••••••••

2. INSTRUCTO' AVAILABlE. TO STUDENTS ST~O.IGl't AGREE ••••••••••• • •• • •• • •• AG~EE •••••••••••••••••••• ••• •• •••• DiSAGReE ••••••••••••••••••••••• • •• srRO'IGlY OrSAGREE ............... • •• DnES NOT APPl V .................... .

1. ASSlGNMENrS I<Fll'FUl stROHGU ACREE ••••••••• • ••• ••••••• ACAlr-E" ............................. . nISAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Sf"ONCL'r DIS.GREE •••••••• • •••••••• Does NOT APPly •••••••••••• •• ••••••

4. tESTS P£flECT lOUIS Of COUl'SE STRONGLY AcReE ••••• ~ ••• •••• ••• ••• ACQfE" ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• orSACPF'E .......................... . STRONGLY OISAGRE~ ••••••••••••••••• OOES f,.'Of APPI.1 ......................... .

5. "ARS OR LANGUAGE DR ILL S HELPfUL stRONClY AGREE •••••••••• • •• • ••• • •• AG~~E .............................. . n.S"GRfE ••••••••••••••• •• ••••••••• st~C!:GU OISAGRee ••••••••• • ...... • OCFS NOT APPLy .............. • ••• •••

6. IIISlPUCTOR'S PRfSENTIITlON EFfECTIVE STRO~CL r .aGJtEE ....... • •• • .......... . ACRFE ............................. . ntSAGR~F •••••••••••••••••• ~ ••••••• STAONt';lY OISAGRfE •••••••••• • ••• ••• ooe S f\:OT I\PPl. V .................... .

7. GRAflF'S fAIR STRONGLY .CRfe .................... . ACRFE ••••••••••••••••••• • •• • ••• ••• 0ISAG~EE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• stRONGLY DISAGREE •••••••••• • •••••• DOES NOT APPlT ••••••••••••••••••••

e. IIIlR~lO"O CO~PARED III TH OTHEII COURSES "'tJeM , lCHTER •••••••••••••••••••••• liGHTER ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ABOVT 't4f SAME ................... .. HfAV1ER ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Mor:H HEAVIt=R ...................... .

9. IN~T~UCTOR CDMPARED WITH DTI'ERS ONE Of ntf;: VERY BEST .............. . rfTTE~ TIII\N ,",OST •••••••••••••••••• a1\nUT AVfAAr.f ••••••••••••••••••••• "O~SE TH .. 1t MOST ••••••••••••••••••• ONE OF THE VERY ~O'tST •••••••••••••

9 an I 'II 1 'It o 01 (' t'l

9 BIt 2 18t o ot o ot o 01

.. 31>t 7 6n o at o 0 .. o at

1 631 4 361: (I ot o 0'11 o Oill

9 aUI 1 'It (! (1% o 0'11 1 'It

6 ~u ~ .. 511 (I ('ill o O'lt o ot , 50t 5 50t o rt o Ot o Ot

o Ot o Ot I 9t

10 'lOt o Oll

~ 100ll o 0", (> COl o ot: o lI.

I 5 8 9 1

9 15 a I o 9

n 4 I o

6 II

3 5 o o 1 2 o


o 1

16 e o 6 9 7 3 o I 7

tl 4 o C)

o 1 6 o


I. 'NTet.t.I:CT\I~lt.'f STl"UlATI"G COURSE ~lRONCLY A~eE •••••••••••••••••••• aCRFF ............................ .. nISACREE .......................... . SlRnNr;l' DJSAGItEf ••••••••••••••••• OClTS NOT AIP?l'Y ....................... .

Z. 'NSTPUCTO~ AVAlLASlE TO STUIlEHTS STROll:r.l'Y AGPee .................... . I'Cqrf .............................. . OIS<C~Er •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 'ST~I"!r-:r:.1 ... IlISACREE ................. . OCfS tlOT ~PPl Y ••••••••••••••••••••

:'I. ASSIGNMENTS liELPFUl 'ln~.tGt.., .aCRFE •••••••••••••••••••• AGPFE .......................... o •••

nI5~r..CE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STQON(';L't ot<;f.CR.[E ••••••••••••••••• nrfS Not ApPly .................... .

4. tESTS Q(FI Eel IDEAS OF COURse STRONGLY "CAfE .................... . AGnEE ............................. . OrSA(;REE' •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STROtJGlY OtSAGFlFE •• ~:. ••••••••••••• O('!~S t:O't AP9l Y ...................... .

5. LAAS ~p lANCOIAGE CRlllS HELPFUL 5 rnONr':l Y ACi.AE'f ...................... . Ar.arF ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 01 S.a.GRE'F .......................... . STPOtlGLY OlSAG~fE ••••••••••••••••• OOf«; Nor APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

6. IN5TPUCTCQ'S PRESENTATION EFFECTIVe !tTJt~t:t.l'" Ar.RFE •••••••••••••••••••• ACAFF ............................. . OrS!iGRfE' .......................... . ST~ONGI '1 DtSaCREE ••••••••••••••••• nOFS NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

1. GRAD~S fAI" SfRONt;lY AcReE •••••••••••••••••••• AGRfF._ ........... ~ •••••••••••••••• nIS~G~H •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 'STRn~r.I.Y OISACRFf ••••••••••••••••• n{l~S tint A4IPll .................... .

8. NOPKlOAO COMPAPEO WITH nTHE~ COURseS P4uCtf t. tGHTI:R •••••••••••••••••••••• , tGHTFR ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • p.lJur T~E SAME •••••••••••••••••••• ~J:AV'EQ. ........................... . "'UCt'l H£Avtfn ...................... .

9. INn_UCTCR COMPARED WIT" OTHERS ONE OF Tl'F VERY flEST •••••••••••••• RF"TTFR THlN MOST •••••••••••••••••• ~I'nlll AVE~Ar,E ••••••••••••••••••••• wnR'Sf nfJ\N "'OS1 ••••••••••••••••••• ONE OF TIIF VERY WORSt •••••••••••••

RUSSIAN COIIP All BUSINESS RUSSfjl o STYLE N Cl162tl02 TST->3 r136Z5101 TST-l FI-T SP->3 lP-O FI-Y SP"O lP-O RES. 8 EIIR- III RES· t3 EMil- 14


I 12t ~ 621 1 In o Ot 1 12'

:3 3n '5 621 o O~ o Ot " ('t

~ 37'& 5 611: o Ot o O~ o I'~

2 2~" 6 15" o 01 o Ot (\ (Ot

1 12t 2 2n o O~ o ot; 5 621:

6 10;' 2 2~t o 0' o o:r (' rt

a ot 8 Irl't (I (I~

o 0$ (I ('t

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I. IHTElLfCTUA~lY liTlMULlTlNG elM'SE STAONCl' AGREE ................. # ••••

AGREE .............................. . I)IS4GRFE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• C;TRONC':l Y nT SAr';REE ••••••••••••••••• nnFS ~nT APPL v ........................ .

2. INST.UC rr,q AVA llAnlE TO STUDENTS STP'ONi.'-Y 4GR~f •••••••••••••••••••• AC;c\ff= ............................. . DISI\GRFE' ............................ . HPONGLY 01 SAGREF ••••••••••••••••• Dr.I=S ,.JOT "Pf)t v ..................... .

, •• ssrr.·IME'lTS HrLOFUl STrnt:GC" ACPF€ •••••••••••••••••••• Ar.qrf ............................. . DfSAGPEE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ST1\rmClY DISACREE ••••••••••••••••• nr.F'S ~OT APPl Y ...................... .

4. TESTS OEFlFCt rous O~ COUIISE srRnl\'ClY' AC17F.E' .................... . Ar.QF£ ...................... ~ ••••••• ntsnr,REI;' •••••••••••••••••••••••••• c;,'R(\~r.l Y Or'iItCREE ••••••••••••••••• Onr=s NOT APPly ..................... .

5. UOS 11~ LANGUAf;E O'ILlS liE~PFUl SrR .... ',Gt y AGREE .................... . il;-RFf' ............................. . I"tS.ftCPJ"F. .......................... . STRCNGl Y OJ Str,REf ••••••••••••••••• ODES t:I1T ~PPl Y ••••••••••••••••••••

6. INSTRucrnn's PPESENfAfJON EFfECHVf SI~ONGl' ~G.EE •••••••••••••••••••• ,sl':RFF ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DI SACRfF •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~T~nr:GlY DISACREE ••••••••••••••••• onfS Nnr .APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

7. GQ40H FAI~ STAONCl Y ACqEE .................... . AGREe ............................. . Dr SACRFE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRnNCit Y DISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• DOfS NOT APPLY ••••••••••••••••••••

6. MOqnOAO CO~PARED WIT" OTHER COURSES ffUCH lICHft:R •••••••••••••••••••••• , 1 CHT£Q ............................. . ABOUT rilE SAME •••••••••••••••••••• HfAVlfR ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I'fUC:H .. ['AylER ....................... .

9. INSTRUCTOR CIJ"PARFO NltH OTHfRS nNt' Of THE VFRY !lEST •••••••••••••• 8fTTER ' ... aN MOST .................. . AOOUT AVI=Q .. Ct=' ............... ,.- ••••••• NOR SE TftA... MOST ••••••••••••••••••• liNE Of THE VERY WORST •••••••••••••

CmPtElil OtIGAftlZ ATlOIiS 018'18301 TSt.2 J=f· sp- lP-O RES- 15 EIIR- 18

NO. r Of' Rf'S

10 66f ~ 33t (I (I"

o 0' (' rt

9 60t r. ~C'! o Ot o ot (\ ('"C

7 0\611 e ~3t o t't o ot (I "t

6 42' e 51~

o (I" o ot o 011

o ot o ot ~ (It

o ot 1~ 1001

7 46! 8 53! (' ('t o c:r o ot

1 461 7 46t I ", o ot o Oll

o Ot 2 13$

Ir 6". I 6$ 2 13~

1 46:r 6 "o:r \ 6'1; I 6f o Ot

SOC 10lOGT OF CR IMINAl JusrlCE 018"IQ301 'tSTs2 FI_Y sPa-O lP-(t RES· 47 ENR= 61

NO. ~ Of RfS

14 ~Ot 27 '.>8t

5 leI o 0'( C ~t

12 16t 28 6rt

3 6t o 01 3 6:r

10 22'11 26 57!

3 6t I 2:r 5 U'f

8 18t 18 6,.

6 13t 2 U C f'

3 6t I 2" o I'! o 0'

40 qot

11 37t 23 5U

5 \1'1: o ot o Of

It 25t 2~ 63t

5 In o Ot o ot

o ot 7 15t

30 Mt 9 !9:r o ot

7 14t 19 40f 18 38"

3 6t o ot

S 60 o o t'

1 6 o o (I

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1 3 o o 8

2 II 1 o o

4 6 1 o 2

o o o "l 4

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8ROUGliER SUIlYE" OF RUSSI AN ttl (1136253('\ Tsr-2 FI-Y SP.~ LP­RES- 9 ENR- '9


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IIOSCO SOCIOLOGICal TH E(lRY 018~20l('l TST-~ Ft-to{ Spo)l ll':=r{ p e:S- 2'" eNA~ 2'"


13 5~t II .5t o ~t D 00: o t'l

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10 4'1'1t 11 "51: :I 12t o (l1r o C$

8 42'& 10 52!!

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18 e~t 3 In o Ot o Ot o (''I

7 3bt 12 63'1 o ('t o ot: o (Ill

9 401 ., 59l! o ('0:

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9 4511 11 5511 o ()'! o 01 o Ot

.. In J4 631 o Ot o Ot " IS"

o Ot o Ot 2 lOll

12 f,3" 5 26l1:

II 6n 4 30~ t 7~ o 01 o 01:

ZARECHNAIC RUSSIAN 5TRUCTU liE 013635101 TST.3 F f-? 5p.1 I..P-, RES- 12 EIIR .. 15


1 n 6 50'1 " ~''I! 1 8~ o Ct

8 66'1 ~ 33~ o Olt o ct o ot:

3 25' 6 ~I'lt 3 25t: r rl o {l:!;

, 31t 8 6611 o Ot (' r, " C~ o Of o ct: o ot o Ut

12 II'''''

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6 ~ot ~ 411: I at o ot I' I)t

I at " 331: 6 50" I 8t o 01:

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"OSCO SOCIOLOGICAL TH EoAY t'l ~42(12r2 TST-2 Flsy sp-o I pet ~ES" 4 fNRs: •


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o O~ o o~ 5 62t: 3 3n o 01

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Sociology JOHNSON INTRO TO SOCIOl OGY 018400101 TST. fl- SP. l1'­RES- 36 ENR- ~ T


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I 161 5 831 (I (It o Of l' (It

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IlI10UGllfll RUSSIA" tll1'll' _If o STYl'

UIIBAN C ENVI"DH "NTl PSYCIIO~ 0192Z8101 TST .. 1 FI-T ~P.l RES. 10 EHR- 14

019233101 TS1'-> fl." s,.z v-o Res- 7 EHR- II

0\)611101 TST.>3 IHl6olno. tiT­Fl., ,,-0 ,-,-0 Fl- 5.. v­RES- 31 EllA- "'I liES- 12 I!III!. n

0136111 01 TSt.,1 Fl." so." l-.O 11£5. I' 'HR- 16


STPONGlY AGRee •••••••••••••••••••• Ac~eE ................................ . nlSJl,CRFf •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGLT DiSAGREE ••••••••••••••••• nOES Nor .IIPPl Y .................... .

Z. INSTRIJCTOR AV"ILARlE TO STUQENTS STRONGLY AGR.Ff .................... . f.ORF€ ............................. . O(<;AGPEF •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ST'ONGLY DISlr.Rf.E ••••••••••••••••• onFS 'lOT APPl Y ••••••••••••••••••••

3. ASS ICNMfNTS ~FlPfUl srROr~Gl't AGI~eE ..................... . 4CnFF ............................. . OIS~GRfe •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STROtJr.ty DISa.CREE ••••••••••••••••• onES NOT APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

". TESTS RFfLFCT IDEAS OF COURSE STRONCLY AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGIPfE ................................. . orSAcRfF •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STPONGlY DtSAGREE ••••••••••••••••• onES r,oT APPLY ••••••••••••••••••••

5. LARS O' LANGUAGf DR ILL S "ELPFUL SIRONGLY "GReE •••••••••••••••••••• AGt:tFf ............................. . f'lISACPfE ••••••••••••••••••• _ •••••• ST~r.N(jLY OI'SAcp~e ••••••••••••••••• OO~ S ~OT .. PPl Y ••••••••••••••••••••

6. I~ST"UCTOq·S P~fSENUTION EFffCIIVf ~TfJONGLY AG~FE' •••••••••••••••••••• .aCR:EE .............................. . DISACREf.: .......................... . STRnNCLY OISACPlJf ••••••••••••••••• ooes NOT APPl Y ....... ••••••••••••••

7. GOAOE5 FAIR STRONGLY AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• I\fi~ff ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• O'S~'CREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• slPm:cLY OISAGREE ................ . onfS ",aT APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

e. N~P"lOAO COMPAREO "nH Orl'EP COURSES MUf.'H l1r.U1't;:R ...................... . t rC""TFft ........................... . ARnlJT T.4E SAME •••••••••••••••••••• HEAvlrp ••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• "'UCH HEAViER ••••••••••••••••••••••

9. IIiSTRUCTOR COO'I?AREO IIITH OTl<fRS ONE OF THE VFRY REST •••••••••••••• RFTTER T ... .e.'~ MOST ~ .................. . ABOtlT J'VERAGF ...................... . waR Sf THAN MCS T ••••••••••••••••••• ONE or THE VeRY WO.ST •••••••••••••

3 5(l~ 3 50'1: (\ (I,

e (It o or

~ "2~ .. 571 (I (It

o ot: o O. 2 331: " 66~ (l C'It o O~ e 01

" 40$ 5 ~ot: (\ (I" o O~ I lOt

o or " .. o~ (I ('t: o 011 6 60S

o ,Ct: 9 lOOt! o tit o o~ o 0%

1 1(1" 6 60r 1 lor 1 101 I 10~

(l ot: I 161 3 50t 1 161 1 16t

o (Ill 1 50" 1 50'1 (I fl o ot


1. INTELLECTUALLY STIMULATING COURSE STRONCl" AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• ~G.FE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OISJ\GPFf •••••••••••••••••••••• • •• • C;Tn:Cl~:r.LY orS~CRFE ................. . OOFS NOT APPLY •• _ ..................... .

2. INsrpucmR ~V"'lA8LE TO STUOENTS STROI'\:GL'f Ac~eE .................... . Ar';PfE ............................. . O(SAGPff •••••••••••••••••••••••••• C)TRr.,.;r.t v OISt-.C'Qt;E ................. . Or.j:S NOT APPly ••• ., ................ .

3. ASS I Ct:MfNTS HS=lPfUL STPONGlV AGREf .................... . AGRr-F ••••••••••••••••• : ••••••••••• 0\ S~GrfE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STQONCLY OISACR:EE ••••••••••••••••• nr.fS tinT APPl Y .................... .

". TFSTS PfflFCT 10[>5 OF COU~S~ STR,CNGtV AGREE ..................... . A(".I:'EE ................................ .

INTRO TO' SOCIDl: OGY C IA4COIC2 TSTa FI-:s 509- lP­RfS- 42 ENIt- 44


\4 33t n 5~'

5 tl~ (\ O~ o 07:

15 35t '27 641:

o 01: o o:r: o 0'1:

f> 14$ 34 !!ot:

(\ (It

o 0' '! ~:r:

17 41 'It 2'\ '5~1t

OIS~C.fE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• (I ~11

STQONr.l't OtSAt;REF ••••••••••••••••• onfS t:OT APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

5. lAns n. UNCO)!G[ O~ILLS HELPFUL C;!I:~nNr;LY '\CREE ..................... • Ar.~rF ................................ . nts~CPfF. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• SlQf\W.,., 01 St\CRfE ................. . nnFS Nor APPly .................... ..

6. INSTqUCTOR'S pOESENTATION FFFFCTlYE ST.nNGlY ACRFE •••••••••••••••••••• Ar,RrF ............................... . OIS,.CRfE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• <: T'~n~:r.l 't I'H SAGREE .................. . nnfC; rIOT APPly ..................... .

7. GRAOES HIR ST~ONt;t'f ACRF.E •••••••••••••••••••• AGc:tff ............................... . nt<:Ar,Pff ............................. . ST':)r·HitY OlS'-CirlfJ: ................. . nnrs NOT APPl't ••••••••••••••••••••

8. 1I0."lr.~n CO"oARFO lilT'! OTHER COURSES ~UC.H l tGl"flF'R ........................ . ~ IC"TF •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .aL'OUT THE SA~F .................... . l"t':AvtER ........................... . r~uclt HFA'I1FQ ....................... .

q. n'STA"CTCO r,r."p<Rfn IItT>I OT"~RS nNF:" OF THE vr:PY BfST .............. . PfTTFP Tt'Afl t-InST •••••••••••••••••• ABOUl AV(RAGF ..................... . ",ORCif TH~N MOST ••••••••••••••••••• ONE CF T"E 'IFRY •••••••••••••

I 2% o 01:

o 0"= ;z ~~

(I "0: ° at 40 q~t

17 64' I~ '~:I: (\ ~t

I) Ot o Ot

15 3~t 2" '51'11

3 1t (! ~11

o O~

2 41 17 "Ot 13 541:

(' C" o ot

12 520: I" 33" 5 llt: 1 211 I) ~1:


I. INTELleCTUAllY' Snl'lUUTlNG COUIISE Slttnt.:r.LV Ar.Rf:E ....................... . ~CRfF ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OfSAGRE'E ........................... . S1Qr,Nf.l.Y D'S~G~EE ................. . f)CF~ t:CT Apply .................... .

2. INSTPI)crc]n AV"ILARtE TO STUOENTS ~ TPCt;i.t Y Ar,P r::e .................... . 'lGQ rE. w ........................... .

f)lSI\r;nF'r: ........................... . STReW'll Y OISl\CRFF ••••••••••••••••• nnFS "JnT APPl'( .................... .

'J. ASS IC~HfNTS HFlPFUl S Tnnr:Gl Y Ar.REE ...................... .. ACPt=t: ................................ . ntSJ\GnFr ........................... . STRn"CLY OIS"GR~E ••••• ~ ••••••••••• nOFS tlOT .\PPl Y ••••••••••••••••••••

". teSTS PEFlFcr IOE4S OF CnURSE ~ tAONGl 't t\GREe ...................... . !l.r.RFf ............................... . OIS·.CI'fF .......................... . <:l~r:r.r.LY OlS.;-.CRfE ...... , ••••••••••• oaFS NOT APPl v .... ' •••••••••••••••••

5. LABS O. LM,r,UAr,E OPIlLS ~F.lPFUl STRON(.tY AGREE ....................... . /J.(;RrE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• T')'S~GR'£E •••••••••••••••••••••••••• !;1 0 0f:ra., OrSJl:GRfE ••••••••••••••••• OOFS NOT APPt '1' .................... .

6. IN<TPO)rmo,'s POEStNTATlCN ~FFEtTiVE S TROf'!Gl Y AGo!lEf •••••••••••••••••••• ,t.<;P'E'F ................................ . OISAGRff .......................... . STOONCLY IllSACPfE ••••••••••••••••• OnF5 NOT APPl 'f ..... ••••••••••••••••

1. CRl'lnfS FAIR ' SlP:r.N.C;l'Y a.G.R.te .................... . Af;AFf .............................. . Df SACPFE ••••••••••••••••••••••• " •• STPONCLY 0IS6GRfE ••••••••••••••••• OOES NOT APf>lT ••••••••••••••••••••

8. 1I0 •• l0AO COMPllOeO WITH OTH(. COURses !'1UCU lIGUfFR •••••••••••••••••••••• lIGHTFf:!: ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• A BrUT THf SAMf .................... . t'tI;AV[(R ..................... "' •••••• fl'lICH HEAVlfR ........................ .

9. INS fRUCTO~ C0140AAFO WITH OTHE"S nNE OF THI? VFPY 8fST •••••••••••••• l'\(llER l}l.\N ~n~l .................. . APOUT AVEI:tAGE ..................... . wr~~E T'-tAN MasT ••••••••••••••••••• ONE Of THE VI:RY WORST •••••••••••••

FA~ILY ARAB "'0 lE r. OTHFR soc tl8422"N TST-I Ff-Y Spat l.P­RFS- 7 EN~. 10

NO. t:: OF RES

" ~n 3 ''It I' Ot o O~ (' C't

3 ~2t ~ "in o (\t o Ot C' "t:

5 7U 2 2R~ (l ('~

o Ot (' l't

.. 57t 3 ~2" I' C't: o Ot o ot:

o O~ o Ot a 0" o Ot 6 tOO!

2 2St " 51~ (\ ('~

o Ot I 14~

\ 14t 5 71" I I"" o (If o Ot

o (It

2 2~t 5 7U o (It o Ot

3 "2" 2 28lt 2 2Rt

" Ot o Ot

" 1001 o 0'11 (I O' o (II o or

1 501 3 5PI o 01: o 0' o 01

, tOOs o os c ("C o ot o ot

S lit I \4' o rt o (It: I 14t

2 zell o 011 c r" o I'll: ~ 71t

5 Bn I 16' 1\ 1''1 (.' ot: o O~

3 "1~ I 14e (I (It: o (It:

1 "n o Ot o 09 I ZOll " ~o~ o ot

2 66'11 I 'n_ o 01; r r't o o~

PAUlS RACE , ETHHIC'" fLATlOHS () 181,04401 TST-2 f I-Y $4'·0 \.P.Q ReS- 11 fNR- 2(\


NO. 11 Of' ~ES

" 3511 q ~1t \ ~11

1 5' r rt

2 lit 14 82t:

(' I't: o ot 1 Sit

1 ,." 'I 57.1: o 01; o Olr 1 ~t

13 "l6t 4 21t o 0 .. o Ot o Ot

o Ot o 011 I' O~ o 0'11

t7 loot

6 3~:t II 641: (\ rt o 0'11 o 0'1

10 5ft1l I> 3~t I ~t ~ r'll o Ot

2 1l1l 12 TOt

3 J7t C' C'~ o Olf

" 21' 3 11 It q 51'1 t ~1: C O~

SENIOR SOC lelOe; Y ~£M Illa4,o,ol lShO f'1-N 5P.>1 LP-' R ~S- 12 ~NOla 23


0; ... It 7 5RI o ot o ot (' C':

12 loot (I rt o ot o ot (\ (''i!

5 4U " 1",' I ~~ o o~ 2 161:

o ot (I rt: o rt o ot

It lfC'''

o ot I e. o ct o Of


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«12800101 TST->3 DI2sa0102 TST->3 FI-Y SP-O lP-O RES- 2(1 ENR- 27

012800301 TST->3 012"00302 TST->3 FI-Y , SPa>3 LP->3 "es- I~ EN .... 23

012800303 TST->3 fl-Y SP-O lP-O RF.S- 18 ENII- 21

1. INTELLECTUAllY STIMULATING COURSF. STRONGl Y AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGREE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DISAGREE ••••• '" •••••••••••••••••• STRONGLY OISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• DOF.S NOT APPly ....................... .

2. INSTRUCTOq AVAIlAALE TO STUDENTS STRONGLY AGRfF •••••••••••••••••••• l\.t;REI; ................................ . 01 S/lr,QEE ........................... .. 'iTtlr.NC;tV otsAGRFf ••••••••••••••••• ones NOT APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

3. 'SS IGN"ENrs ~FlPFUL STPONGlY AGRfE •••••••••••••••••••• ACRFE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DfS ... CftEE ............................ . srpr~:r.lY OrSAGREf ••••••••••••••••• cnrs NnT APPl 'f ••••••••••••••••••••

". TESTS PfFLFCT 10EAS OF COURSE STPC"'GlV AGREE .................... . Ar;IlFF ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DI~.r.RfE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGLY orsAcRFf ••••••••••••••••• nnf:S r:OT .6PPlY .................... .

5. L.AS O. LAr~r.U'~E D.ILlS "FLPFUL "\ TPnNr.l Y AGREE ................... .. Ar.~FF .............................. . OISAGnEE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• C)TFlONGlY OrSAGREE ••••••••••••••••• DOES "nT 4PPL Y ••••••••••••••••••••

6. INS T.lJCTn~'S P.ESENT'TlO>l EFFECTIVE S TPON(.l Y Ar.RFf ••••• _ •••••••••••••• AC.~fE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• D1SACt:t(f •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRC1Nr.t.Y DISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• DOES ~JOT JlPPl Y .......................... .

1. GRAnE'S FAIR SrnnNGLY AGRFE •••••••••••••••••••• 1\r.~FF ............................. . O!S,'GQCE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STPnNray nrSAGREE ••••••••••••••••• OOFS NOT APPLY ••••••••••••••••••••

8. WO.KLO.D COMPARED WITH OTHER COURSES ~UCH l rGHTE-R ............................... .. LIr.HTER ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• AflOUT Tt~E SAME; ................... . HE'VIE!> ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MilCH "e~V!FQ ••••••••••••••••••••••

9. IN~lRUCTr.R cnMPARED WITH OTHERS ONF CF TlfE VFRY REST •••••••••••••• RFTTFR T~AN MOST •••••••••••••••••• AAnUT AVFR~r.E ..................... . Wnj:fSE rl-lArJ "'lOST ................... . ONE OF T~I= VEPY WORS T .................. .

Ft:;ooy 5P->3 LP-O RF.S- 14 ENR .. 21


6 Itn 6 -.n I 11 C r~ 1 n

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8 5Tt 6 "l1: a ot o 0' C c'!;

11 780: 3 21" o 01: o ox (> rt

6 421: 6 42~ 1 n 1 1~ (' ('';

10 7U -. 28'1: o 0'1; o 01: (' ('~

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1 11 (' 01: n 571: 5 351: (> rt

10 7l~

" 281: o 0" o 01: o Cf


1. INTELLECTUALLY STtMULATI>lG COURSE STRONGl Y •••••••••••••••••••• AGRFf ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OISAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STl~ct:GlY 0ISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• onFS Nr.r /lPPl Y .................... .

2. INST""rT(,Q AVA1lA~LE Tn STUDFNTS STRONCl Y l'loGI'FE .................... . ~GRFE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DISAG·eE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• SlPr.r-:Gt'f nlsAcRFF ••••••••••••••••• orFC; NOT .!pPlY ••••••••••••••••••••

3. ASS tG~~rNTS ~FtT'FUL STPr:r;c,1 Y Ar.I::Ff •••••••••••••••••••• .At:;QFE ............................... . O!~'GREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STPONr.t Y 01 SAGREF ••••••••••••••••• onFS NOT APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

~. TFSTS RHlECT IDE.S (IF COU'SE C;TRO~GLY ACPfF ..................... . Ar.DFf .............................. . Ols ... r.RrE ............................ .

• STP.,":r.l-v DtSl\GREF •••••••• ,. ......... . nOFS ~:OT i\PPI. Y .......... ; ........... .

5. LABS ntl lA'IGUAGE DRIllS HELPFUL STRCN~tY AC;~fE ............ ' •••••••••• .dGRfF ................................ .. OIS~CH ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• O:;T~('NGLY OlSr..r.RfE ................. . orrs ":I'}T APPly ....................... .

6. INSTPUCTnR'S PRFSEllTAHON EFFECTlVE STRONGLY AGRFE •••••••••••••••••••• ACO~E ............................... . DIS'GOCE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• c;Tprr-~r.l Y DIShr.RfF ................. . oors I:nr APPL Y ••••••••••••••••••••

7. CQAn'E"'5 FAIR STRO~GLY .GReE •••••••••••••••••••• AroRFf ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ,. 01 SAGRCE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ rRONGL Y 01 SAGRfE ••••••••••••••••• on.s I:OT ~PPlY ••••••••••••••••••••

8. WOPKlChO r.r.r"PAl:'fO wITt-t Crt-fER (CURSES YllCH l [GHTFR ....................... . l ICHTfP ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Af'OU1 Ti-JE t;.4ME •••••••••••••••••••• HEAVlfR .............................. . "'UCH ,..,e II, V I EP ....................... .

9. INSTRUCTOR (G"P'.F.O WITH OT~ERS r.".:F r.F THf VFRY J\FST .............. . AFTT FIl TH':N '~nST .................. . ~~nUT .VF.AGE ••••••••••••••••••••• WnRSE THlI~ '~OST ••••••••••••••••••• ONE nF rOlF VF~Y WO"ST •••••••••••••


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I. INTELtECTUALL Y SlJ~ULATlNG COURSE STRrNGLY AG.eE •••••••••••••••••••• tr.or::F. .............................. . OI',"·(.OfE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STPC/1GLY OIS.r.RfE ••••••••••••••••• O ..... ~'5 r:CT hrPl Y ..................... .

1. HIST"tlrrr.R Av.n 'BlE TO STUDENTS STRr.NGLY AG.FF •••••••••••••••••••• AGar'=' ................................ ' .... . DJ ~'GPH •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ')T~r~~r.lY DISAr.RE'E ••••••••••••••••• nrFS t-.:f)T liP!"'\.. Y ........................ .

3. ASS H~~ .. "r·:TS PFlPrUl S TPr,NCl 'f AGR.FF ..................... . Ar.n:rc ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OISACRFF ........................... . STpn~:r;I.Y OISAGRFE .................. . I')OFS p:r.T APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

4. rESTS p[flFCl IOthS OF COURSE C;Tnc~;r:.ty Ar:QFE •••••••••••••••••••• l\t;R~r ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 111c:;.!I.GRFf •••••••••••••••••••••••••• SH(1NGlY OIS.".£< ••••••••••••••••• nOFS NeT APPly ...................... .

5. LAP,S rR lAt:rjU~GE DQIlLS HflPFlIl t;.rpr-:t;r Y I\GPFE .................... . AGPFf ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OIS'GrfF •••••••••••••••••••••••••• SIRr.NGL Y DIS.G.EE ••••••••••••••••• nrFS NnT APPl Y .................... .


f.GRFF ............................. . r"tS"r,RfF •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STL'ONr.l y ntSAC;PEE ••••••••••••••••• OCFS r:OT AflPl Y ........................ .

7. GP'OES FAIR STPI~N(jl Y ACREE .................... . 'GRrF ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• "f'SAt;f·FE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STPr.tlr.1 Y OISAG.EE ••••••••••••••••• ners I,OT 'PPL Y •••• ••••••••••••••••

8. WDP.LOAD cn~PAPEO WITH OTHe. COURSES "UCIl LI GHTE R •••••••••••••••••••••• lIG"TfR ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• IIROIJT THI? SAME .................... . t'EAVIER ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• :-'U(':K t4FJ\V[Fa ••••••••••••••••••••••

9. INST_IICTOR CO~r'PED WITH OTHERS ONE nF THE VFRY REST •••••••••••••• ~FTTER THAN ~OST •••••••••••••••••• ArH11'T AV,="RAGE ••••••••••••••••••••• WnRSE THAN MOST ••••••••••••••••••• ONE OF THE VFRY WOq~T •••••••••••••

INTRO TO SP.NIS H LI~CUI STICS I 1'128181(11 lST~2 f=1=Y SP~3 tPdO RES: 18 'fNi:ts. 23


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Theology CIOFFI THF PR08LEM Of' GOD 01 9SCOI ~3 TST-» F I=Y ~P.>3 lP-O RESs 38 ftl~= 4('1


22 681: ~ :Z~I:

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IeEINAHOY TIlF PR08LEM OF COO 019500105 TST-2 F ta,. SP.z2 lP=O RES- 46 ENPz 48


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012801101 TST->3 012810101 TST->3 012810102 TST->3 n-y SP->3 lP-O RES- 11 ENII- 22

012810103 TST-)3 Ft,y SP->3 LP-O RES- 11 ENR- 12

012810301 TST->] F lay $P-2 LP-O RES- 15 ENR. 11

FI-Y sPoor LP-(' F1-Y SP-)3 lP->3 RES- 26 ENII- 36 RES- 9 ENR- 10


STRONGLY AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGREE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OrSAGREE ............................ . SlRCNGLY OISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• OOFS PlnT APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

2. INS1RUCTOR AVAILAalE TO STUDENTS S TRONGl Y AGRFE •••••••••••••••••••• AGREE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DISAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• S'TPClNGtY O[SAGPfE ................. . DOFS NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

3. ASS IGNMENTS HFlPFUL S'TPI"Nr;l Y AGPEF. ................... .. ACRfF ••••••••••••••••••••• - ••••••• DISAGReE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRnNGLY OISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• onF S NOT APPL V .................... .

4. TESTS PFFLECT IDEAS OF COURse STP(,NGLY AGRee •••••••••••••••••••• ACRFF ............................. . OISAGPEE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGLY DISAGREE ............... .. DOFS Nor APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

'5. LAB~ OR LANGu.ce DRILLS HelPFUL STaCNGlY ACREE ..................... . Ar.'tFE .............................. . OrS4GJ?fE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STnC"NGl't OI";Ar.PEE ••••••••••••••••• onFS t:OT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

6. INSTPIJCTnR'S PPESeNTATlON EFFECTIVE STOnNClY ACqEE •••••••••••• -._ ••••• AIiRFC ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 0ISAGPE'E .......................... . C;TAOf:r.t't OISACftee ................. . OOFS NOT APPLY •••••••••••• _ •••••••

7. CRAnes HIR STRONGl Y AGREE ••••••••• ~ ••••••••••'F ............................. . 0IS4Ca (F .......................... . STRr~GLY DiSAGREE ••••••••••••••••• naFS NOT APPly .................... .

8. WORKLOAO CD~PAREO WITH OTHER COURSES 'MUCH l IGHrER •••••••••••••••••••••• LICHTER ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• A8DUT THE SAME •••••••••••••••••••• ,..(AVtfR ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• "'UCI-I tlfAV[ER ••••••••••••••••••••••

9. INH.UCTCR COMPARED WITH OTHEPS ONE OF T~E VFRY 8EST •••••••••••••• RETT£R Tl-fAN iW!OST .................. . ABnUT AVFRAGF ..................... . WCRSf Tt">1 HOST ••••••••••••••••••• ONE OF THE VERY I<ORST ••••• , •••••••

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AGRff ............................. . "ISAr;PfE .......................... . STRnNGL Y 01 SAGREE ••••••••••••••••• OOf5 NCT APPLY .................... .

2. IN~TRtJClnR AVA ILAALE TO STUDENTS ST~CtH;lY t..r.RI=E .................... . At;REE ............................. . D!S~GnEE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRDNGLY DIS.GREE ••••••••••••••••• OOFS NnT APPly .................... .

3. ASSIGI1HfNTS HFLPFUL 5TnI")NGl't AGAEE •••••••••••••••••••• AtiRFf ............................. .. OIS.I\GI"!FE .......................... . ST'ONGLY DISAG.EE ••••••••••••••••• onES NOT APjJlY ..................... .

~. TESTS REFI FCT IDEAS OF COURse S TRONGl Y AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• IlCREE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• f)ISAr;Jl:CF ............................ ..

012820101 TST­FI- SP. lP. RES- 18 FNR- 20


3 16: 14 7n o O~ I 5~ o 0"

6 33~ 12 66'!

(> ro: o O~ o 0'(

7 381 'I SO~ 2 lit o O~ o O~

8 41t. 7 38'1 2 In

SToCNr.l.Y DISAGREE ................... . 1 } 52: DOE"i NOT .'lPPL v •••.••••• •••••••••••• o 0"

5. LARS CR lANtiUAGF DRIllS HELPFUL STPnNGLY 4CRfE •••••••••••••••••••• AGReE .............................. . nlsl\cnrF ........................... . $ '.rN(.LY 01 SAGREE ••••••••••••••••• OOfS NOT APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

6. INSTRUCTOR'S OOFSENTATION EFF(CTIVE ST.ONGLY AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• "'GRff ........................ •••••• DIS.GRFE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGLV OISAGRfE ••••••••••••••••• DOE S Ncr APPl v ••••••••••••••••••••

7. GRADE'S FAIR' STPCf\:I;LV AGPEE •••••••••••••••••••• AGRH ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OlS!CnEF .......................... . STQor~GI.Y nIS~CPEE .................. . OOF~ NOT APPly ••••••••••••••••••••

8. WCR.LCAn cn~PARED WITH OTHER COURSES ,",UCH t Ir.HTFR •••••••••••••••••••••• l rr.HTFR ........................... . AACtJT THF 5AM[o ••••••••••••••••••• HFAVICR ............................ . potlJ(H HEAVIER ••••••••••••••••••••••

9. INSTRU(TCR C[lMPAREO WITH OTHfRS ONF OF T~F. VFR Y BEST ................ . P,FTTER T ..... '1N "'OST .................. . AAOUT AVCRAr.F ••••••••••••••••••••• wnpSE THAN Hf"IS1 ••••••••••••••••••• ONE OF THE VeRY WORST •••••••••••••

I. INTELLECTUALLY S"TIMULATlHG COUPSI' STR('IIGLY AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• '"ePEE .............................. . 01 SACnEE ..................... _ ........ .. STP('INGl Y or SA(;PFE ................. . OnFS Nnr APPly .................... .

2. INSTRIICTOR ~V"LAOLE TO STUOENTS 'iT~ONClY AGRFE •••••••••••••••••••• AGllfF ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 01 SAGRff ............................. . STRO~:r;l Y OrSAGPff ••••••••••••••••• Tlnf.~ \'lOT .PPlY ••••••••••••••••••••

3. ASSIGNMENTS HEI PFUL STRONG~Y ~GRrE •••••••••••••••••••• ACRFF ............................. . o I "iAG~EE .......................... . STRf:NCl Y nTSj\GnEE .................... .. nOf'S "tOT APPly ..................... .

It. TESTS OHLEI:T 10rAS OF COURSE STPr;Nr.LY AGREf .................... . AGaFf ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• n I SAGRfF ........................... . STRCNr.t Y DiSAGREE ••••••••••••••••• OOFC; NOT APPl Y .................... .

5. uns np lANr.UACe OR ILLS HELPFUL STReNG. v AGRfE ................... .. AGA'FE ............................. . nISAGREF •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGLY DISAGREE ................ . OCFS NOT APPI Y ••••••••••••••••••••

6. INST"UCTOP'S PPESENTATION EFFECTIVE STPOflGl Y '!.GRFE •••••••••••••••••••• .5.GRFF ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OI~AGReE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• C;TRONCl Y O[SACREE .................. .. nOES NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

7. CRAOES FAIR STRCNGL Y ACqee ••••••••••••••••••• , AGRff ............................... . IJISACREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRr.NGLY 01 SACREE ••••••••••••••••• OOES 'JOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

8. WOPKL04D COMPAREO wrTH OTHER COURSES MUCH LIGHTER •••••••••••••••••••••• l fCHTER ........................... . AAOUT TI.F SA~E •••••••••••••••••••• HFAVJf~ ........................... • ... "'Ur.H HE.AVIER ...................... .

9. INSTRUCTOR COHPARfO WITH OTHERS ONF OF THE VERY BEST •••••••••••••• RETTER r"'I\N MOST ................... . ABOUT AVFP4GE ..................... . WOPSE T"'AN MOST ••••••••••••••••••• O~F OF T~E VFRY WORST •••••••••••••

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BRE1NER-saNOEItS ADV ANCEO SPANI S M I 012820103 TST-2 Ft-Y sp.~ lP-O RES- 17 ENR, 20



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GOLDEN AGE SPAN ISH L1TEIIATURF (112826301 TST-2 Ffw:Y SP- lP=:l RES-?2 ENq. 30


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BLOUIN AOYANCfO SPANIS H I 012820302 TST_>] FJ-Y SP:::ll'3 lP-O RES- 12 eN"- 14


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ADV SPANISH CO .. P-STYlE 0128211 01 TST-O FI-N SP-)'] lP-C' RES- 18 E~Rc 20


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OJ95COI06 1ST-Z FI-" SP-Z v-a Res- 3& <NR- 4t'

01'1500110 TST-' Fr-y SP-I LP-" Res- 35 ENR- 39

01'1500111 TST-2 Ft.y 5P-l tP.O 'R1:S- ')~ ellll- 41

019500112 TST-2 01'1500113 TST-2 Fl." SP. lP. RES- 32 ,,"h 103

fl_Y SPa LP-RES_ 33 1:1111- 39


SfRONGlY AGREE ••••••••••••••• • ... •• AGRt=E ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• orSACPfE •••••••••••••••••• •••••••• ~TP!1NCLY OIS~GREE ••••••••••••••••• DDf.S NnT APPLY ••••••••••••••••••••

l. tN~T.UCTO. AVAIUBLF TO STUDENTS SfPf1NGL Y ACREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGREE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DISAGRFE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGLY OIS~GREE ••••••••••••••• •• ODES NOT APPLy •••••• • •• •••••••••••

3. ASSIGNMENTS I<ELP~Ul STRnNGlY ACq,ff .................... •

3 21 6 3 o

11 • 2'

1 (\ {I

5 23

'IS 6l'( 1811 'I" O~

3~. 6&1

2S ~1I Olt

1511 71t 12~

21 6n 'I 29:1 1 111 (l l't: o Ot

n '111 H 43t o Ot o 1'0: 1 371

n oKS 19 ,Q71 o 011

AG.eE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• D!SaC~'E1: •••• o ••• ~ ••••••••• ••••••••

ST.ONGLY nISAcRFF •••••••••••• • •• •• ones NOT ,APPly ........... • .......... ..

" o o

1'. O~ •

(I ~11


S TRCNGL Y AGREE •••••••• '" ••••••••• AGQI=E ............................... - ..... ..

DI~AGPEE ••••••••••••••••• ••••••••• STRONGLY nISAGR-fE ••••••••••• ••• •• • ODES riOT APPl Y ....................... .

5. LAOS OR LANGUAGE DR ILLS HELPFUL SToONGL Y AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGPEf •••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••• DISAGREE ••••••••••• • ••• ••••••••••• STRONGLY DiSAGREE ••••••••••••••••• OOFS 'lOT hPPL Y ••••••••••••••••••••

6. INST.UCTOR-S PRESENTATION EFfECTIVE STRDNGLY ACREE •••• ~ ••••••••••••••• "{;R~e ............................. . OiSar,REE ••••••••••• • •• • •• •••• ••••• SToONGlY DISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• nOFS NOT APPLy ..................... .

7. G ... DES FAin STflONGLY AGREE .................... . ACRff •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

OISACREE •••••••••••••• • •• ••••••••• t;TRO~Gl'" orSAGRfE ••••••••••• • ••••• nOES NOT APrl Y ••••••••••••••••••••

B. \IO.~LOAO CC~PARED WITH OTHER CO~RSES Muttl lICtlTFR ......................... . L rGHTEI1 ........................... . ASOUT THE SAME •••••••••••••••••••• ttEAVlER ••••••••••••••••••••• •• •• •• 1'40C" HFAV1ER ••••••••••••••••••••••

9. INSTRUCTOR COMPARED WITH OTHERS flNf OF ll-'e VfRY 8fST .............. . BFTTE'" T~\N ~OST ................... . AP.OUT AVr.Ar.E ............... • ••• •• WORse THAN MOST .................. .. ONE OF THE VERY WORST •••••••••••••

16 18

1 1 o

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13 10

I .. 3

11 16 o l'

1 6

12 .. (>


I. lNTFUECTU4LLY STIMUlATING COURSE STRONGLY AGREE ................... . AGREE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ot·SAGA:EE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STROflGl Y DiSAGREE ••••••••••••••••• OO~S NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

2. INSTRucrCR AV~ILABLE TO STUOENTS STftONGl Y AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGq;fF ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OlSAGRFF •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STR(lI4GL Y 01 SAGPEE ••••••••••••••••• DOES NOT APf'lY .................... .

]. ASS IGNMENTS I<FLPFUL ST~ONCl" I.GREE •••••••••••••••••••• IICQFf ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• n 1 SAGREF •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRnf:GL'( Of'S,,e,CPEE ••••••• , •••••••••• ODES NOT APPLy .................... .


~ ~!~01 ~~:3 ,T~~:~ RE'S- 30 ENR_ 35

NO. 0: OF .ES

13 52" A 32; 4 161 o t''C o 0' 9 3~~

17 65'1: o 01: t' l'~ o Ot

5 2et 17 68;

3 12'1: I' ('1; o 011.

4. TESTS A'FFlFCT fOF,AS OF C0WtSf. t" 1

STRONr.l Y Ar.RfE •••••••••••••••••••• 8" 26l ItGClFf ............................. . orS4(.RF( .......................... . S1Por;Cl'f OlS.aCREE ................. . ones NO)' A PPl Y ...................... .

5. LASS OP LAt,r.U'GE DRILLS HELPFUL "'TRONGl,( AGIlEE •••••••••••••••••••• .!I.CPff .............................. . OISA(jR"EE ........................... . STRONGLY DI SIlCRFE ••••••••••••••••• OOFS NCT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

6. INST.1lrTM'S P.ESENTATION EFFECTIVE 5 TPCf4:;t Y AGQF.E •••••••••••••••••••• ar;p!:F .............................. . OlsAionEE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• sn~o~r.lV DISAGRFE ••••••••••••••••• OOFS Nor APPLY ••••••••••••••••••••

7. G~AOE~ FAIR S TPON~l" Ar.RFE •••••••••••••••••••• AGtfFF ................................ . or~A~REE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ST.ONGl Y 01 SAGRFE ••••••••••••••••• ooee; NOT APPLy .................... .

e. WORKLOAD CO~PA'EO WitH OT"ER COURSES Mue .. t rGHrE~ •••••••••••••••••••••• l r.;HTfR ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• AqOTJT TH,= SAME .................... . t'FAVIEF!' ........................... . MUCH HFAV(ER ••••••••••••••••••••••

9. INSTRUCTOR CO~PAREO WITH OTHERS ONE OF THE VERY BFST •••••••••••••• AFTTEP THAN MOST. ~ •••••••••••••••• 61\0tlT AVFR:AGI= ..................... . wrR~E T".\N MOS T ••••••••••••••••••• ONE OF TH~ VEny \fOns T. '" •••••••••

21 10t 1 3:1: (> til D rl

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1 251: 16 51'"

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R1;OlN1lTOII .ElIGIOUS 1""0-INOJA & SE ASIA C 1950~ I (13 TST­Ft=: SP. lps Rf'Sz 9 £NR .. 1'3

1. INTELLECTUAllY STIMULATING COURSE STRONr.l Y ACrtff •••••••••••••••••••• a<;~fe ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OrSAGREE ••••••••••••••••••••• ,. •••• C;l'nONr.l y 01 SAGREE •••••••••••• ,. •••• neES NOT APPl Y ..................... .

2. INSTRIJCTOR AVAILABLE TO STUOENTS S r"r:~IGt Y AGRfE ••• It .................. . AC"R:Ff ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 01 SACPFf •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ST"n~~r;tY OISAGR:CE ........... __ ••••• or.r S NOT t!lPPt y .................... .

3. ASS ICm~F~T'i ~'EL PFUL STRr:~:r.L" ACt:tEE ..................... . ~r.rr.f ............................... . DtSJ\crff; •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGLY nftiAG~ff ................. . OI"FS nOT APPl V .......... _ ••••••••••

4. TF.SrS PF.HFCT 10EA~ OF COURSE stQ,~':I"',LY "CREE ..................... . 1if.~fF ............................. . nls/u';RI"'r: ........................... . SfRONi.lV I')T5A£;I:1(E ••••••••••••••••• OOF (j NOT APPl., ...................... .

5. lA~S I1R LANGU.GE DRILLS HFLPFUL STaONr.tY A(iREE .................... . Ar.OFE ............................. . nrSAr,pCF .......................... . S TorllGL Y OIS~GPEE ••••••••••••••••• OOFS Ncr APDLY ..................... .

6. INS;RUCTO.'S PRFSENUTION EFFECTIVE S RONt;l Y AGREE ..................... . af'lRFf ............................. . nrSftCR,.E ............................ . S TlU'~~Ir.l Y 01 SAGREE ••••••••••••••••• OOFS NOT APPLY .................... .

'T. <;~ADFS HI" STPONGLY AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGRFE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OISAGREf •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STPONGl Y DISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• O(!Ffi 'for APPLY .................... .

e. WO~KLCA" CO"PAPEO WITH OTHfR COURSES MUCH L rC;f-fTFR •••••••••••••••••••••• lIGf.4Tffl ........................... . ASOIIT THE S.-ME •••••••••••••••••••• H'lIVlFrP ........................... . "UCH HEAVtrq ••••••••••••••••••••••

9. INSTOUCTOR CO"PARED WrTH OT"ERS ONE OF THl' VERV nEST •••••••••••••• CETTFR TI-4AN ,.OST ................... . IlBOUT AVntAGE •••••••••• " •••••••••• WORSF fHAN MOST ................... .. ONE OF THE VERV WORST •••••••••••••


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01'150011' TST-] fl'" S .... 1 v-a ~ES- 30 ENP- 36

01'1500116 TST-Z F t"N SPat lP­RES-)7 Ell'· "1

01?500111 TST-Z fl-'" SP-l lP. ~ES. 19 fN'tl:ll It'!;

01950011'1 TST-2 Ft-Y 5P.l lP-n "ES-)1 en.· 3~

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NO. t OF RES NO.1 OF RES NO. 1: OF RES ~o.. 1: OF RES NO •• OF RES

10 INTELleCTUALLY STI~UlATING COURSE STRONGLY AGREE •••••••••••••••••••• AGJtEE .................................... . OISAGRfF. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRnNGL Y nI SAGREE ••••••••••••••••• ones 'IOT APPLY ••••••••••••••••••••

Z. INStRutTnR AVAllA8lE Tn STUDENTS STRnNCL Y ACREE ..................... . ftGr.tFE ............................. . OtSAGREE ........................... . STRONGLY OISACREE ••••••••••••••••• DOES NOT APPLy •••••••••••••••••• ".

]. ASSIGNMfNTS I<ElPFUL STPnNGL'f 'CqfE •••••••••••••••••••• .1r.GREf .................................. .

11 11 o o o

16 12 o o o 8

5n 42"

0'( 01: 0'(

36t 63.

23 12 o (\

o .,

01SA(",RtE ••••••••••••• •• •••• •• ••••• STRnNGLY nlsAcRFF ••••••••••••••••• ODES NOT APPt v ••••••••••••••••••••

" o o o


"S ot •

21 I l' a

,. TEST~ PEFLef.T IOEAS OF COURSE STP(,)NGl'f AGRfF •••••••••••••••••••• AGRFE ................................ . nls.\GREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ST.r.~·GlY nIS.GneE ••••••••••• • ••••• nnes flOT "PPL Y ••••••••••••••••••••

5. LARS OR lANGUAGE DRILLS HELPFUL STRONGLY AGReE •••••••••••••• • ••••• AGREE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• nISAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STOONGl'f OISAGREE ............ • ••••• nnFS NOT A PPl Y •••••••••••••• • •••••

6. TNST"UCTOR'S PRFSENTATION EFFECTIVE STPONGLY AGREE •••••••••••••• • ••••• AG"EE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OISAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STPONGl Y 01 SAGREE ••••••••••••••••• onES NOT APPl Y ••••••••••••••••••••

7. GRADES FAIP STrnNCl'f AGPEf •••••••••••••••••••• AC.Ee ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OISAr-REf •••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~TRONGL Y 01 SAGREE ••••••••••••••••• OnES Nor APPLy .................... .

8. WORKlOAO COMP.REO WITH OTHER COURSES ~UCH l r(';HTFR ..................... .. lIGIiT£'R.~~ .~ ••••••••••••••••••••••

'ABOUf THI; SAME •••••••••••••••••••• H[AVlfR ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MutH HEAVIER ••••••••••••••••••••••

'1. INStRUCTOR COMPARED WHH OTHERS n~e OF THE VFRY At'ST •••••••••••••• I\fTffR THAN "'OST .................... . A'\OUT AVE'RA(';f ..................... . WORSf TH.N M(1ST ••••••••••••••••••• ONE Of THE VEPY WOPST •••••••••••••

11 1'1 o o o , " o o


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I. IHTELUCTUALLY STIMULATING COUPSE STRONGt Y AGq;e:E •••••••••••••••••••• Ar.RFf •••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••• OtSAGr:!FE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STOONGlY OISAGIIEE ••••••••••••••••• DOES NCT ,e,PPl Y ••••••••••••••••••••

2. INSTRUCTOn AVAILAnLE TO ST~OeNTS STRONGt." AGqEE •••••••••••••••••••• AGRFE .............................. . nl~Ar,RFf .......................... . STRnNGl Y 01 "iACA.EE ................. . O~.S NOT .PPlY •••••••••• • ••••••••••

3. AS~ IGrl"Fllt~ HflPFUl S lRONGlV llG~ EE ..................... . ACQEE ••••••••••••••••••••• ••• ••• •• nt SAr.RFf •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGLY DtSA.GRfE ................. . ntoeS NOt lP'PLY ..................... .




8 1 ('


o 7 2 t' (I a

" 5 t' o o

STRntlGl Y AGREE .................... . 4 4 o o o

Ar,QfF. .............................. . OrSACREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRnNGL., 01 SAGREE ................. . onES NnT .APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

5. LA" ~R LANGUAGE DRILLS HELPFUL STr.nrJ(;L Y Af';RfE .................... . /It;;Il(E ............................. . I) IS.r..fE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STRONGLY DI~AGREE ••••••••••••••••• OOFS NOT APPl Y ....................... .

6. INSTRUCTOR'S PRESENTATlON EFFECTIVE STnnNCLY JGREF •••••••••••••••••••• ftCPff ............................. . "'SAf';nFF .......................... . S rROI;GL Y 01 S AGHE ••••••••••••••••• DOES NOT APPl V ..................... .

7. GRAOFS F~ln STRCNr.LY AGREf •••••••••••••••••••• ,1r,QEE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Ols ... r;PEE ••••••••• : •••••••••••••••• STRCIIGLY OISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• onFS NaT APPty ••••••••••••••••• •••

9. 1I0n~lC'0 r.O'1PAnEO WITH QT"ER COURses MUCH l (r.HTFR ....................... . t tGHTFR ............................ . aBout THF SAME •••••••••••••••••••• .... F.1VlER ............................ . ~IICH .... Ft. v t EQ ...................... .

9. INSTRUCTOR COMPAPro wlTII OTHERS (I~IF OF tt-tr VFRy Rf5r ............... . ~FTTEJl THa.~ MOST .................. . bOCUT lI.\lfRJ\GF ..................... . WORSE THAN MOST ••••••••••••••••••• (lIIE nF T~r VERY WCPH •••••••••••••

o I o (\

e 1 2 n C o

2 6 o I o (I

o 1 1 o

8 I o r o


1. INTELLECTUALLY STI~ULATING COURse STRONr.l Y AGR EE .................... . AGRFF ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OISAGREE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• STPCNr.t't_ Dt.S.IlGRF.f ................. . ['l,,~Cj ~:nT APPly ..................... .

2. INS TR"CT~R AVA ILMlE TO STUDENTS ST1:H"'!nr.lY AGREE .................... . :!crFf ............................. . O!S~C~'CE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• S rpONGL Y 1>1 SAGREE ••••••••••••••••• O(1I:S NOT APPl 'f ••••••••• ............

l. ASS IGNMrrlTS ~FlPFut STPr,:-.:r.lY Ar.RFE ..................... . lJr,oFf .............................. . ("II S.1CqEE .......................... . CiTPr,':GlY DISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• nnrs ~;OT APPly .................... .

4. TES TS REFLECT IDEAS OF COURSE 'STRONGLY I\C;PFE .................... . AIjQJ:F .............................. . "l~.'!.G"'FF .......................... . STPr:NGtY I)(SAGIlEF ••••••••••••••••• Or.F5 NnT APPl V ..................... .

5. LADS rR LAI:GUAGE DRIllS tiELPFUL STPr'lNC':L y AGREE .................... . AGRFE ............................. . OtS4CJ{fE .......................... . sTRn,.~GLY ntSAr.REF ................. . nOFS NOT APPl Y .................... .

6. INSTQUCTQR'S PRESENTATION EFFECTIVE ~ TRONCl Y -J\(';REF .................... . ACAFF ............................. . OISAGREE ••••••••••••••••••••• • •••• STROtlGl Y 01 SAG~EE .................... . OCfoe:. 1\:01 ~PPl Y ••••••••••••••••••••

1. G"0~5 FAIR STRCNGl Y A(,;PEE •••••••••••••••••••• ACAFF ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OISI\GPE'E .......................... . ST.nNGLY DISAGREE ••••••••••••••••• nOES NOT APPLy ••••••••••••••••••••

8. wnPKLOAO COMPARED WITH OTHER COURSES MUCto( tlr. ... TER •••••••••••••••••••••• l rc'4rrR ............................ . MoUT THE SAME •••••••• J •••••••••••

HEAVIER ........................... . JiIIlJctt ttFAvtER ••••••••••••••••••••••

9. INSTRUCTOR cn~PAPEO WITH OTHERS ONE nF T"E VERY BEST •••••••• '" ••• CltfTTf" TtiAN MOST •••••••••••••••••• A"nUT AVFRAGE ••••••••••••••••••••• 'r:OPSf Tt4~N MOST ................... . ONE nF T~F VERV WORST •••••••••••••

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