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ING·H.AM Elghty-IICCOIHI yc.11, No.

Shortage of Tank Cars Slows up R'oad Program

OIL A Nil 'l'Ait :SIIIl'MI~N'I'H AltJQ - -- - - ---- -----

DIGLAYEJ), PQUNTY 4-H EXHIBIT0°S Ingham c ounty'll 10 J 1 blacktop I.J [ (\ Hill J'11elng program iH being lmndl-

capped by 11 ~hortngc of tank ClllH PQMPETING IN nETDOIT rm Hhlpping- uHphultic oiiH and llull, lJ U[ (\ mnglncCI .J G. H.nltoWHky ll'jlOt'tcd W••thH"lUILY He Hnid timt tho [ll o- <JA'l"I'J,E, 8JIJG1W, JIOR:'UGS AND , g11un called for the HUI'fnclng' of 72 JIOG:S 'J'AI\I~N. j miles thl11 yen! but tim~ r.mly Jr. miles have been completed. Ingham 1-II boyH nnd g-h Is and·

Cmnplotion of the 1011 prog-1 nm thcll' animals wlll he much In cvl-/ iH now c•nthcly dc1wndcnt on tiw dcncc rtt the Mlchignn stulc fair in I ., .. ·-,o .. ,, .•..• ,

wcnthm·, HnlmwHlry Hnid He cxplrtin- llolt·oit, which opcnH this wcclc, 'rho 1 cd that HlllpmcntH n! nuttl'tlniH nrc liveHtoclr will be tulccn to Dctt'Olt

now arriving- tel,'lllru·Jy but that the Satutday and judged the forc1)[11l of HcaHon IH ao fu1 mlvnnced thnt rnln next weclr. nnrl cold wcnthct• rnrty p1 event full HolstclnH will be shown nt the time worlr by the blncictop crews. Htnb• fait by H.oiJct t Oesterle and

rum·licr In the scnHnll wiwn the Mur·vm Glynn of Webber ville und wrnthct· wns hot nnd the days wctc mtwln Asquith nne! Jnck H.unclc of long·, hlnclctop t•r ewH IV<'J c held up Stoclrhrlugc .1. B Hoai'CI, .11 ol hPfllliR<' mn tellnls clid not nr tlvc 011 Mason llllfl Bcuuml Simons cof Wll­full He hcd!llc Hlncldop can he placed llumston will <'xhiblt Guernseys .TJwlc most enslly and .tt lc tst cusL dm1ng- g Newman ru1d Hlchatd 'l'mvm of hnl and· dry weather I Wiillnnmton llnd Martin Pollok of

City Wculr JJnhluu~ I Mason have cntCicd .Jerseys Slum t In fm mll' scnsnnH, nftPI comple- Mom c of Olrcmos has a B10wn Swiss

tlon of the county hlghwny ptogrnm, :'!'te1ed Don Bn11 of MaHon ruul the county crews hnve Lnlrcn r•ntc of I lhco Bullet• of Wlllimnston will t,tlce the sru·faclng- of city nnd vlllrtgc ShotthcHns to the frtlr. H.oscoc L1tW­strects Sevmal l'equests for such rock of Pm1y will exhibit his AnguH worlc have been llled with the com- heifer mission this yell! Mason was to hn vc Roylyn Miller o1' Dllnsvillc will ex­Lansing and North slt cots surf need lublt blnclrtop sheep. Other sheep by the county Now thnt the county Will be cntctcd as follows· Oxfotrl pJOgl'nm Is delayed the city and vtl- by Charles nnd Lynn B10wn of luge progrnm Is entirely dependent Mason, and William Puffcnbmgcr of on wcn.thcr conditions If warm, dry Onondaga, SouU1down by Gtant Put­weather continues through Scptem- mnn of Williamston, and Humpshh e her and Into October the county road by Darwin W11llnms of Webberville. rtnd sttect programs may both be .Joyce Ellison of Mason will cxhlbtt completed. Tf the wenther turns wet n marlrct hog and Dlclc Wolf of nnd cold the c1ty nnd village st1cct Mason and OnondagrL has entered a pt og-rrrms will be nhnndoncd, the I yearling colt. rand commissioners snid ,Jtulglng Team l'lc•lrccl

T .valve of the 1'i nulcs of grrrdlng The Ingham 1-H club judging team on the county's 1011 program have Wtll be composed of Donvm Wilhams been completed rrrul all of the wmlc and Grunt Putm.lll of the Vantown will be done within another month, club and Wtlllam Puffenbetger of the Ralrowsky tcpm ted The Onondaga Plains club. budge w.Js complctecl in the spung DelpiM Voss and Mmcln Wcbstet and a 30-fnot spnn budge is being of the Vuntown •1-II club a1c reprc­bwlt on the Green road southeast of senting Ingham county ut the state Stoclcln idgc Rebuilding of the fnir in poultry dernonst1 alton wmlc. hl'idg-c was made necessary after the L.LVecln Box of the Island club and dram wl!lr.h tt spans was dredged. Honmu Dalbec of the Malblc club

Two n.ncl onr -half miles of conc1 etc arc Inglum delegates to the style SUI f tc1ng, all 111 the defense f.tctmy revue area west of Lansing, Will he com- In <~ddltlon to the 4-Il and l•'lCA pletcd ahead of schedule exhibits from Ingham county to be

Right of \\'ay lllol'lcecl shown in Detroit arc man~ open class For severn! ycam real estate pro- exhibits m livestock, gram, fttllts nnd

motels In Lansing's southeast subur- othet• departments ban sector hnvc been trying- to se­ume the extension of South Pennsyl­vania avenue south to connect with US 127 at a point about a mile south of the Delhl-Lnnsing- township line A gl'ude sepamtlon with the Michl· A"•lll Centml is also involved. The project was consldmed for WPA



Here are some of the champions crowned at the county fair last week. In the top picture Clark Rockwell is shown holding the lead chain on Prince Bonny Bijou, grand champion Jersey bull owned by George Ries. Rockwell is employed on the Ries farm. In his left hand is the grand champion's badge. In the middle panel is J. B. Hoard, Jr., and Aloha's Dawn, grand champion two-year-old Guernsey. Robert Eifert and Miss Dorothy K are shown in the low­er picture. Miss Dorothy K IS a champion Browtt Swiss cow owned by i\~ a· .. Eifert 8r Son All of the pictures were taken in the area north of the livestock buildings. In the background of two of the pictures may be seen part of the 4-H club building.

construction for severn! years but FAILS 'J'O RECOVER FOLLOWING the right of way wns never secured. Ol'ERA'fiON. The board of supervisors au thorlzcd the procurement of right of wny op­tions. The rig-ht of way or options have been secured on all the land needed fm· highway purposes In Lan­sing township. Lucldng tS the right of way across threr; or four parcels of land In Delhi township.

Demand for the Pennsylvania ex­tension has grown wl th the defense boom in Lansing but nothing can he clone until the right of way 1s secur­ed The Michigan Central rmlrond has not committed itself on sharing the costs of the grade separation.



Mrs. Irene Palmer, 37, 210 Ea.~t Cherty street, Mason, widow of Gar-net E. Palmer, who died April 6 after '

suffering burns in a gas explosion at PEAPH GROWERS RUSHEn Aurelius Center on Aptil1, died in the I.J [ U

r~~~:?t;~~~::~!.~o~!,"!~~~~~1~~~~?ai!~ WITH BUMPER HARVfST She 1s survived by n son, Harty J I

Smith, Mason high school student, PALMER ORCI~ARD PRODUCING hct• mother, Mrs. Flora Turner of 1000 BUSHELS A DAY. Mason, two sisters Mrs. Gladys Fell, Mason, Q.nd Mrs. Emmagcne Pearce, East Lansmg, and five brothers, Fred Turner of East Lnnsmg, Ervm Turner of Traverse City, and John, Edward and Charles TUI'nCI' of Mason

Services will be held at the Ball funeral home in Mason at two o'clock Fridlly afternoon with buual In Mnple Grove. The H.ev Clarence A. Law­

RUCCUllffiS AF1'ER LINGERING ton, pastot of the Mason Baptist ILLNESS. chmch, Will officiate

Ingham county peach growers ate working duy and night handling the biggest and juiciest crop in the coun­ty's lastory. In the big orchards along US-127, seven m1les south of Mason, men and women ar~ worldng around the clock plcldng, gtaclmg, pncldng and loading the crop. At certain pcrwds traffic is tangled by the hund1·eds of cars being parlrcd at the roadside marlcets

Ac·tlve In Churc•h South Havens arc now being hur-AI tit ill' L Buck, 68, died at his Mts Palmer was born Ill Antrim vested with ElbeJ·tus, Hales nnd Ban-

home In Mason Tuesday nftet a long county Jnnuaty 19, 100 1. Tlle family ners next in order.

Parking Violators Escape· Penalties

Threatened craclrdowns on city traffic and parlclng- otcllnances ate bmng held up until pntlcing signs have been etected, .Justice Wtlham B Hartzog stated Thursday.

Milson's arnendecl parldng and traf­fic otdlnances became elfectlve Mon­day and officers begun to 1ssue tickets to viola.tols Because the present signa and the p1 csent parking 01 dlnance conflict, JustiCe Hartzog s,ud it would be unfmr to Impose fines until all the new s1gns nrc et ectcd The signs at c bemg changed over tilts week and then the JUdge says he will have to 1mpose fines

The ttalllc ordmance is in full effect unci violators at 1t can not hope to escape heavy fines, the JUdge de­clared

Another Local Teacher Asks Contract Release

siclmcss In fn1hng health he went to came to Mason wltlnn a few years The Palmer Otchnrds have been Floucla last wmter for a rest Hts At the age of 16 Mrs Palmer joined producing an average of 1000 bushels condltwn grew wot·se nnd he had the Bn,ptlst chm ell and had been an a day this week. Besides caring for to retmn ftom the south by tlllln active worlrcr up until the time of het incllvtdunl retail ordms for cunning curly in the spt ing Since U1cn he death In January of 1027 she was many truclcloacls have been sent to steadily failed marrwd to Mr. Palmer. She was n Lansing, Jaclcson, Detlolt ancl Toledo Masons school faculty is chang-

For a number of years Mr. Buclr membet of the Baptist Woman's markets At the Palmer orchards ing week by weelc as tenchcrs aslt to was the star mail route carr1er be- U 1 ld t f tl S buyers ure also allowed to talte their be released from contracts to accept tween Mason ancl Dansville and also n °11

' was pt es en ° le em per t 1 d i • ._ 1 positions in other schools and in de-had the contract for carrying mrul to Fldelts cdlnss of the Sfuntdhuy sci hoohl and ofwnlt colfn ~._nersdanl p cicd uoe r owtfl fense tt•runing. Douglas Watson, In-and ft•om the Mason postoffice and was a eaconness 0 e c mrc thru • ""tcyl cs r~, ant manfy tho struetor in junior and senior high the railroad station. He operated a She had not been in good health em are a nng a van uge 0 0 school English and dramatic and pub-small farm on North Jefferson street the past year and her condition grew offer. In severn! Instances men and lie spealdng conch, has 11Biced to be in Mason until he disposed of It a more serious after the tragic death women, employed during the day, released to accept a posttlon In the year ago Mr. and Mrs Buck came of her husband 1n April. have plcltecl peaches at night. Pontiac schools. The board of educa-to Mason In 1908. Mr. Palmer, an employee of the Shortage Occurs bon will grant the 1 equest although

Mr. Buclr WO.'l born June 20, 1873, Consumers Power company, wns sent On Monday and Tuesday some Ma· it leaves a vacancy to be filled be-in Bowling Green, Ohio He Is sur- to the Emil Scutt home in Aurelius son merchants were temporarily out fore next weelc.

COUNTY fAIR OffiCERS !Warrants Are Issued

A., .•.• ~~~~\~~~~~~ .. ~~~~!! In Gambling Swindle All hough hlllH puynhlo nn<I n<'­

l'OllnLH 1 Pcclvnhlo hnvc not y!'[ been l'h<'I'I<NI and lmlancecl, Pl'cHlrlcnt mmc1 y W .. Jewett, Vice President 0<'01 go McAI·lhm•, mxccutlve St1c r'£'­truy .Joy 0, DrLvls flJI(I 'l'l·cn•nu ct David C Bently n1e nrpced thnl the 1041 fall pnlcl Its own way nncl Jell Hmncthlng- to be applied on past ln­d<>htcdtWHH A meeting of the homd of dlr·cctoi'S Is to he held within a few days at which time a r•mnpl<•tc filmnclnl l'cpm t will be nvnllrLhlc, tiw trcnsurcr st:ltcd

Attendance nt the 10•11 fail· wns the gi'Cntcst of nny fnh·, nn<l the nt­tcnclancc WnH stmtdy during- lhl' five !LftcrnoonR .tnd nights. The hm sc 1nccs on tl11 co rlnys wm e well n t­tended, nnd the hoi'Jc-pulllng contPst on Sr1turduy rtftct noon all! rwtcd a hlg- crowd Tlw woathct• wn11 oxc cl­Ient. 'rhc1c wns only one spell of min ancl it came clmlng the night and eru ly morning- of Thursdny.

l'nltlclo WaH Fcnlure One of the features of the fnh wns

Lhc llvestoclc and fn1·m mnchlncry pnraclc on the trnck In f10nt of the gmnclstand Thut sdny nig-ht. Mom­bets of •l-II and FFA org-nnlzatlons rrncl many of the men with livestock exhibits led or ch ovc their nnimnls. Others wcte displayed on trnclrs

WILLIAM J BARBER Exhibits nt the fnlr hit n new high mm·Jc nnd more premium money will be pnid out this yenr than in the On Saturday afternoon nt 4::10 prrst The county nnd state share In postal inspcctot' will he In Mason to the premium llWnrcls. effect the transfer of the postma~tm-

Fer!,'11Hon 'feum StnrH ship f1 om Et nest B Kelly to William Darn Ferguson's team, and his ex- .I Barber There will he no fo1mnl

pert handling of the pulr, g-ave him cewmonics, mctcly the tran~fe1· of first in the light team pulling con- ru ticlcs of custodianship from the test nne! second In the heavy event rcth lng postmastct to the new poHt­Aftcl' winning- the light event he master entered them ngninst the heavy- Postmaster !{clly is JCth mg- from Weights, whmc they won second the olflce because of 111 hc.tlth liL' money. In the light class the Fer- Intends to talco a long rest 'l'hc new guson team marched off with a postmastct rcth cd last wee I< as stoncbortt loaded with fi500 pounds chah man of the Ingham County and pulled the lond the full dtstance Democratlc comnultce unci fwm l1is of 27';~ feet. Ftrman Hcnd of Web- Jlnsitlon with the state lugimay dc­bm·vllle won second, Lester McClure's pat tment Erban B Paxton of Lan­Lanslng- team placed third and Ea1t sing succeeds B[l!Jwr as r·h lllllwn of Clulstlan's Lansing team won fourth the Ing-ham County Democratic com-



Split teams Wei c allowed to com- nuttec. B.u her holds n life appotnt-1 pete in the heavy-.vclght class I~n st mcnt uncle!' clvtl sm \'Icc .ts postrnas-1 place Wlls won by a team entered by tc1·.

E~~~~!L~;:~c~~~l rS~~~;;i~7::,{1~ [Ull HnliDAY nnoNOAY I IJ\h Um;t \\'lls Net L,mslng- and W!llh;m Shel·mnn of r u 1~1 Fall' boUld daecto!R s.ty tilat they Lansing won thhd, E. E. Hartig's do not frtvot g.unbllng but that many Michlgana Fallns team won fomth, AS SUMnnER nwiNOlES midway pattons clcm.ll!cl g.tmes ol and Ray Reed's Bunlcer Hill pair lVI U that kind The conccsslontl.lllcs \'.etc plncecl fifth. H.olhc Speer had chatgc let in wtth the nndctsl.!nchng t11.1t of the pulling contests 11\IASON S'l'OJms AND OFFICES S1 00 was to be the loss limit on .<ny

There WC!e only two cntucs 111 the '1'0 UE CJ,OSED. plnycJ Sh< nff Allan A MncDnn rid farm wagon 1 ace A Stoclcbrtdgc closed clown the games one aftclnooll team, owned by Flank T1.1pp of Monday wtll be n full hohdny nl- when he found the lrn11t w.1s bcmg Stoclrbrldgc, outwn Slim Gtlchllst's though thm e m c no events In this I exceeded .lll<l w.uncd thnt all the Leslie steeds section of the county to mark tltc games would be <'loscd tf the fnn·

d11y fwm any othe1 Most or the I boatel 1nstntct10ns on the hnut wetc stores and offices wlli be closed Mon- dtsrcgmdcd '.file games wctc closed dny Is n legal holiday for banks and I by the shctt!f at 10 o cioeic Salut clay public offices. There will he no ma•' nigl1t just as the grandstand show deliveries either in the City ot on wn., ending when complmnts wctc

Explains Finn Ties With Nazi Cermat.y

M. A. Waldo of Lansing, for scv- rmal routes The S M A and .fohn /made that the limit ho~d been rc­eral years engaged In relief work In Wyeth and Bro., Inc, fllctorles will moved The conccsswnnaues wet c to Flnlancl and Russin uncl a man who be closed except fot mmnten~ncc g1vc out bll ds, shawls .md other has traveled widely in Europe, told forces and nn S. M A mille hnn<lllng mel chand1sc to w1nne1 s but In most ot Finnish tics with Germany und crew cases the playc1s gambled fm cash Russia in nn address delivered to the Althoug-h the crrlcndnr g1ves sum- ms~end of metchanchs; Mason Kiwanis club members and mer three mm·e wcclrs, the sens<Jn Is 'l he shellfl srud he and his guests Tuesday night. Waldo cleclar- officially ended on Labor Day Ncm·ly deputies went to the opewtms sev­ed that Finland is being used by birr- all the tural school~ will op.en Sop- ctlr.ll Lmttcs duftm

1g the \tveevl'



" t 1J • 2 lth tl M 1 1 1c re mn o asses o . ger powers us a pawn, and that Ger- em et , w 1c nson sc 100 0 D t y f tl f•tll boa!"' d i s t b 3 ,LVlfi, seer c ar o w £ {_ u, many un oubtedly consented to H. us-, open ng on cp em er ' · s~ld thnt when the concession spncc

sla launching war on the little north· Stnte and city pollee and she1lffs' was rented th,1t the operators pronus­ern nation.two years ago. That Fin- departments arc coopetating to cut, cd to make good on all "squawlcs," land fears Russia worse than Gcr- clown the highway death toll W1th land that the p1·om1ses wme cattlcd many was the statement made by --- - - ----- ---- out 111 ;nnny cases. Waldo He so.lcl that thousands of NEWSI'AI'ER OJcFJCE CJ,OSED There was no "squawlc" mncle by Fin.nlsh officers have been trained In With other Muson business the Lnns1ng- man who sought to Fe~~nl an~ lthutbthe German influence places the Ingham County News brenlc the bunk and recoup his losses. n • nan las een strong for many will J;ot he open for tiuslness Losses can mount rapidly. The stalres ye~rs: h . Monday. Cmresponclents a1·e double with every turn of the wheel . Ol undreds of yems Finland was asked to coo crate b malliJJg and the pi.Lym· must put up the ~ u~~~ ~y t S~edcp and the Luthet·an all items to Ow omc/ on Tues- pylllmldlng staltes to win, and win he a ns ea o Greek Cuthollclsm day might if the wheel dtdn't have a huh1t

was adopted by the Finns, Waldo · __ _ of playing agarnst him. Stat t1ng at salcl. In the last century when Rus- tmffic C!lSUnltiCs 011 Michigan high- 25c, a player would hnvc to chance sin wrested Finland from Sweden ways far in excess of the toll JLt this 50c on the second turn ol the wheel, ~1c F1nns cllcl not remain content un- time last year officers ate wat·ning $100 on the tlurcl, $2 00 on the fomth, er H.usslan rule ancl did not become congestion ave{· Labor Day will Bend s 1 00 on the fifth, !ji8 00 on the stxth,

~ussianized The struggles against 1 the toll even higher unless extra $1G on the seventh, S32 on the ctghth, e forces of the czars and the cuutlon Is used by drivers. ' $61 011 the mnth and $128 on the

battles 25 years ago with the Rus- I tenth Most of the plnycrs had enough sian Reds to establish Finnish lnde- With thousands of V!lcatloncrs rc- at th~ second and third tmn but Home pendence has built up a Finnish ha· turmng to. their homes ftom ,resorts o£ them stayed wtth the game until trcd of H.ussla, Waldo explrunecl. The in the not th and with othm thou- the were brolcc As 1t so happened recent bloody war waged by Russill sands from the city tuldng week·end I th/ Lansing man foolishly had too put the Finns In a frame of mind to drives over the week end, the trafftc much ~oncy. sign up with Gel'lllany, Wnldo srud. congestion is expected to set a new The Lanmng man was not the only

Waldo praised the progressive, co- high for the year. Last Sunday. there victim of the swindlers. It is re­operatlve government and the high were 17 fntal automobile acmdcnts pm·led that 11 numbel' of Mason and culture of the Finnish people. In the state and the toll this week

1 Holt men were also talccn for much

PEACHES-JuKt light fnt• cnnnlng 'l'Iuc· tlllCncd, dellcloutt fruit You cnn nlso l1rlng contnlncl K nnd Jllcl( your own frmt, if you 111cfct Pnlmer OrchntdH, 7 miii.!H Houth o( Mutton on US 127. LtHillc tclcJihone, 3liw1tl

end will exceed that, officct•s warn, r smaller sums. unless speeds arc reduced and driVII)g regulations are heeded. Sur(Jrbed at GnmeM

The state pollee plans to hnve evet·y Several memoers of the board of available trooper assigned to high- directors were aghast at the 1eport way patrol duty over the three-day that gambling was being countenanc-

Dollght, 100 nil 1 holiday in an effort to properly con· ed at the fair. They said that they next I trol traffic. devoted their time to the exhibits and

vlved by his wife, Luella; a foster- Center April 4 to repair a gus lealc. of can rubbers und certain types of Miss Helen Horning of Leslie, son, Joseph Buck of H.ogers City; two He was malnng rcpalts when a pipe cans and tops. Supplies were replcn- daughter of the Rev. Lnwrence Horn­grandchild! en; a sister, Mrs. Jennie connection loosened. The gas from the !shed Tuesday Merchants believe ing, pastor of the Leslie Congrcga­Ward of Pemberville, Ohio; and a main rushad mto the house and while that more peaches nrc being paclcecl tiona! and the Onondaga Commu


brother, Hal Buck, of Caro Mr. and Mr. Palmer was attempting to plug by home-canners this year than ever churches, hns been engugccl to teach Mrs. Buclc were mauled July 1, 1894 the lealc w1th hts hands the gas-filled before, judging from the amount of the first and second grade comblna·

Funeral services will be held at the house exploded. Mr Palmet• unci Mr canning supplies sold. tlon room at Mason. She Is a graduate A R I u d A Cl Jewett chapel at two o'clock Friday and Mrs Scutt and their young son The tislng cost of foods and the of Michigan State college and last rmy e eases n er ge ause afternoon with burial In Maple Gtove were nil burned by the flames. The apparent shortage of rubber and tin, year served us a substitute teacher cemetery. T11e Rev. Wallace Manning Scutts recovered but Mr. Palmer lived 1 d 1 h th b In the county system. A • • 27 F L I D

to the grandstand nnd entrance gates and had heard nothmg about gamb­hng opcwtions on the midway.

Directors a,re agreed that in fu­ture fairs there will be no gambling for money tolerated. Officers of the fair association are aiding the state pollee In searching for the swindlers by notifying other fau· managements of the operations ut Mason.

of Albion, retired Methodist minis- only two days. ~~~~ eca:S~cl ho~se~r:e~r foe~~~ ~~~r~ Because of the draft nnd the boom wa1bng rom oca istrict ter, will officiate. Mr. Manning and jars with peaches and with other 111 Industry nil school systems are Mr Buclc became acquainted in Flori- Deadline August 31 fruita having mnny vacancies to fill this 1 U cl d ft

1 gi

1 tl

11 h

~~~ ~~~~ ~~:;t;1~·~ ~~~a~~~~g ~~e~p~~fi Def~nse authorities are urging II ~ear •. Superintendent Edwin M. Boyne leuv~s e~1f~\~on~·~anJin; ~ff~~e~~ ~~e :~~~~et~~~~~~nca~~~~~~~~~ci'aur~t~~~~ ~~ ill For Half-year Tags utilization of the peaches and other l epm ted I granting of army releases to soldiers war Selectees more than 28 nrc not

Mr. Buck hud long been an active fruits. They say that there is noth-~ HAS GRADING CONTRACT marc than 28 years of nge inducted fot·cecl to aslc for releases hut nrc Contagious Disease Now at Record Low

member of the Mason Methodist Automobile ownms who have been lng In sight to halt the spiraling of tl dl under the selective service law there given permission to aslc for them if church Pnllbcnrets at the last rites operating their cars on half-year food prices and that not only national I Rollle Speer has le g{'a '1 con- arc 27 men from Ingham District they desire.

lll !J E A D R B tl 1 plates must procure full-year plates I defense but indlvldunl pocltetboolc tract on Parlcvlew Bo1

tt evar • Ath1e No. 1 entitled to apply for releases. Fil f I h D f Di t

1 t N

' ' ' ' • ly operate their cars. August 31, canning. bert J. Hall The gra ng was s 111 te than 28 from the draft and provides 1• which includes the county out~ldc 1 cnts were wot·ried ovm· the infantile -:!new e •F.ra1'11,



11'e, Wouyltet·a.k~~t before September 1 In order to legal· defense will be advanced by home-, subdivision being declv

1e oped bty . d. The amended lnw defers men more ' es 0 ng am rn t s r e 0 Last year at this time mnny par·

Ernest B. Kelly nnd W. E. !{insey. Sunday, is the last duy on which 1041 last week and as soon as It Is com· for tile transfer to reserv status of the cities of Lansing and East Lan· parnlysls epidemic and many of them

II' If I t ill b 1 1 M 'lk p d T'l pleted water and sewer service wlll e sing nnd the township of Lunslng, kept their children out of the schools D . Ch PI Ill -year p a es w e ega . I ro ucers I t b I I h f those over 28 who have already been disclose the names and Induction ad- for tile fir·st t\VO 01' tllree wcelcs. Tllls riVer angeS ea, George Grahnm local brllnch mnn· e nstal ed and t e stl•eet SUI' aced I inducted. f th 27 !dl 1 Gets Jal'l Sentence I ager fat· the sedretary of state in Detro1't Market Pr1'ce with gravel. The Jaw provides that selectees who dresses. 0 0 so e~s more t lan year a.ll contagious diseuses appears

Himm Ward, 40, Mason, is do(ng 10 days in the county jail unless he mlses $53.35 in fine and costs. He was tn,lcen into custody last Friday night at nine o'cloclc at Sevlne's corners, the Intersection of the Olcemos and Howell roads, after his car collided with the car driven by Mrs. Mattie Holey. Ward was charged with drunlt driving.

On arraignment before Justice William S. Seelye, Ward pleaded not guilty and a trial was set for Thurs­day afternoon. He changed his mind Monday und pleaded guilty, T11e judge gavo Ward the choice between paying tine and costs or serving 10 days in, jail.

PEACIIES-Juot riKhL !or cnnnlng. rhwnetJ, dellclouA fruit. You cnn nino contRlnurs nnd pick :vour own fruit, 11reft!r. Pnlmer Orchnrde, '7 mllcn HO Manon on US 127. Lc•llo t~lcphune.

,. 28 yea1s of age sent ftom this dis- to be at low ebb There is not a !mown Ingham county, has recel\'ed orders BUY 1\IASON HOlliE I more than 28 years of age may ttlct They are Clifford E. Smith, case of infanti'tc pmnlysls in the to lceep the agency open Saturday Ingham dairymen who sell on the M d M E Fl " 11 h malce application through ml!ltury Kenneth White, George M Dunwoody county outside of Lansing, Dr. C. D. uftemoon hut not to Issue licenses Detroit mille marl"et are atltlclpati11g r. an rs. 'mary ' zzc ave 1 channels for transfer to the reserve nd He1culnno Cerbontez Mna~ .

' purchased from Porter Field the res!· 11 • , ' "'::'~n, Barrett, county health director, re-on either Sunday or Mond11y. an lnm·ease of 10 per cent in their dence at 224 West Sycamore, now - Clyde A. Bau nnd Hownrcl W. Oa.•ley, ported Wednesday Tlterc is one sus-

The plates secured fm· 1041 will September mille checlrs as a result of occupied by Mr. and Mrs. B. Russell CALL STILL MISSING Dansville; Norris E Binding, Wayne peeled cllBe in La~slng, he said. he honored until March \1, 1942. The the Increase from $2.40 to $2.76 per Franlclln und children. Mr. Flzzell Is The official call for the six men ' L Hammond, Russell D. Runciman, Whooping cough Is tho most pre· 1942 plates for new cars will prob-

100 pounds in the price of Class 1 the new mllnager of the Mason demanded In n tentative call for Ralph L. Sinclair, Henry A. TolJins valent contagious disease In the coun-

ably not he lssuea until the middle mille to distributors. The price of Kroger store!'Thc Flzzclls will talco Induction during the first wcelc and Roy Turner, Wllllmnston; ty, Dr. Barrett sn.ld, although there of October. Class II mille Wlll also be raised from pos~esslon of their new home as soon in September has not been re· Harry J. Fillion and Donald S. arc comparatively few cases. Most

ATTENDS CONVENTION Mrs. Claude Post left Thursday to

attcl)d the national W. C. T. U. con· ventlon at Grand Rapids being held from August 28 to September 3. Among the noted speakers will be Dr. E. Stanley Jones of India: Dr. T. C. Gardner, who wlll tell the story of the Texas Youth Cavalcade; Dr, Carl s. Winters; Jessie F. Blndford and the Hon. Chl\rlcs P. Taft.

$1~e t~e~.Dp~ice scale hus not been as the Franldlns find other quarters. celved by the Ingham board. Tomlinson, Holt; Hiram J. Hull and of the whooping cough is in Mason, State draft headquarters an· Hnrry E. Tlmpf, Leslie; Albert J. Leslie and the Lansing suburban area. a<'~epted by Detroit dealers. Tl1e pres- JOIN KIW:ANIS OLUD nounccd two weeks ago thnt six Melln•llc, AleXIUlder H. Morley, Lewis Tl1ere ure a few c!lllcs of mumps near

ent ·retail price In Detroit Is 12c Lowell Robinson and Norman Da.rt men would be sent from Ing· T. Summers and Ralph H. Webster, Lansing and there is one case of sc)\r· per quart. Anotller Increase In the were welcomed as members of the ham No. 1 the week of Labor Lllnslng RFD; Walter E. Briggs and Jet fever in Onondaga, Dr. Barrett t·etall price Is expected. Day, but 110 call has been made Wayne T. Riggs, Stoclchrldgc,· Mlch- said.

GET NYAJORS .Ks of August 13 there are 317

Ingham county boys and girls be· tween the ages of 16 and 24 t·eceiv· lng NYA ald. The !)Umber is expect· cd to Increase when school opens.

Mason Kiwanis club Tuesday night. and, of course, no Induction llCl E. Sullwwskl, East Lansing RFD; "All in all," said Dr. Barrett, "the

Several boyo file olferinK Mn•on pco1,10 orders have been written by the Bernard J. AndrellB, Eaton Ra]llds opening of school next week will find oam1>1e copies of the Snturdny i••uo of tho locnl board. Whether or not R1; Norman A. Simpson, UnloltVIlle; the county In the best health sltua-Chri•tlnn Stlencc Monltot·, includlnK mntm· there Is a September call, the John Henry Swan, Albion: and tlon of several years." ~Inc t~cctlon. Whmc dctdre1l they will de· 0 t b t 1 t b 11e vy George Whltlltg Gra11d Ledge llvci· on Mondny• lot• Ge n eopy, 'l'hl• Inter·· c O er quo 0. s O C a • , . nntlonnl dnlly 1ncoent• eonHtructlvc new• sta.te headquarters warns. Three of the men In the list, Hlmm

Include women'• 'netlvltloo, finnnelrtl, chll· and that If their services can be neth White, were married men wltcn from n Chrlollnn viewpoint. l'enture lmK••I J. Hull, Ralph L. Sinclair and Ken·

Delight, IDe all next Speeln.l Freohmnn's Delight, 10c nil next dren'o •port•, cducntlon, home building nnd II .. t d 1 d t d week at Wnre'o, ' furniohins and nrt, muolc nnd drnmn. Adv. spared the transfers W I uc gran c , 11 UC C •

PEACIIEB-Ju•t riKht !or cnnnlng. •rruc· rlvoncd, dcllclouo fruit. You can nl•o bring contnlncr!! nnd 1llck your own frult, if you jl_rcfcr. l1 nlmct• Orehnrdtt, 7 mllcn HOUth or Mn•on on US 127. Lc•llc tclcllhonc. 3uwlv


·~-·~~~-~-~~--.. 11-11-W_oj_,1 _111!118l~--~-~~-~~-~~-~~-~~l!i!llti-</WMII-If..,.tlef!JtiiWP'IW•IMIII/IIIIf_



CITY OF Mf1SON, MICI-l!GAN 'J'ho r:nunly J'tth• hounl eo11ltln't have plelrod lwl:tr.l' fail• W<~ttlhol' tlllln Iaiit weolr. 'J'hm•o WllH nn11 l'ltln hut It Ctllllll In the mm·nlnJ:: ancl tho HldcH nloru·ccl h,v llflOII, • • • 01•cat thlngll

V. J. BllOWN I] Sell!, Puhli:;h~ra

----------· ru'tl (!XJHH~l:nrl of J{elldnll Mel'lll,ll In ADVERTISING RATllS lllllllln nl; Murton lhiH yCill', l!e 111111 ro-

lllul>lny n>IVJ,.·Liulnu rntu' on "111111""" llll'nccl flftOI' iil.llclying eight wcclcH Ill ttn 11 : n1ud!llllm Jcu:ulu und rnrulln1r notiiHIH tlw Nallonnl Munlc Camp nl Intct'R

011 llr11L und locul JII~Hu, lGn n llnu; Nn ~~~1~~;~nli~~lrS1 ;~r.(~![lld/:::il~~. ~~~~::~~·~0~,~~~(l: rruullnJ! or huulnvu11 nilvorllnloJr loml thnn ·100 atudcnlH n.t the unmp nnd they 2ti11; Curd ur 'J1lwnk1t, l e 11 worilJ Ohlt- were ft•om •11 Hlnlr.H, I-Iuwnii and Can-11111.y rwti1~<HI or J2ti wordK, f1'utJ, more uda, HO no nHtttcl' where 1\.cndnll

~UIISCitll''flON IIATE.'i (I'"Y"hlo In Ad· VUIICD)

Onn ymu· In fn"lnun nnd udJulnlnn Cu1111Lioll .......................................... $} ,fiO

Jt:!!rht Moulhu '""""'"""'''"''"'"'"'"" 1,011 HI:~~: Mnut.l111 In Jn1rl111rn nnd udJulnlnJC

(Juunl.luit "'"'"'""'""'""""''""""''"' .'Tti 'f1hruo MIHttlut .................................... ,411,n ~~~. ton wont, AnnuunccmcntK of tr•nvc)H he Hhouhl Jlo n.hJc to t1nd HDJnc of tho frlendH hn mrule thiH summer·. I

out.orlnlnnwntn whu•·o nclmluHlon In nhnrt~· Lenore Smith HtaycU four wcclUJ ut (Jfl or uf n••Y 1ilnn_ to rnlno (undn mawL the cnmp,

HI/tRio Cuilli!ll ,.,.,,,,,,,,,,........................ ,Oii cfuti!ld1J lrq;hnmnnd ndjrliiiiiiJ{ coun-

tluu .................................................. All )!tl/1111'11 mnllod uuLt~ldn thtJ TJ, S,

01111 Yflfll' ,,,,.,,.,,.,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.,., ......... 2.fi0 ho Jllll1l In ndvmtco nt ru1culnr rntaa, Albert .T. I-Inll foun<l " tree of hcu-

., vcn In bloom ncn.r Ann A rbot• lltHt ·-~~-n-~~-~~-~~-~~-~~-~~~·-~~-·-··-·~"-11-"-''-n-u-n-•r-"-''-"-o-•. \Veclt. I-Ic brought Hotnc hrunchcH

Army Morale home with lrlm. • * * Mrs . .John Kelly preRcntcrl tho Ingham County News

1 J't' · ns with 11 ft•enlt cucumhot·; n Bllcer with Washington and New York columnists, get~cra s, po l·lcla ' a smttll pl<!ltlct· growing out of it. actors, preachers and scores of men and women 111 other walks of • ,,, " Wllllum Hill, tho st11te auditor life have had a good deal to say the past week. about army. mor~lc, who ferreted out the rond commission or the Jack of it. Many of them know somethmg about a1my life, scttndal two yenrs ago, Is now Lllldit·

II I t e than lug U. S. government trunsuctions In Wl11.1c some of them know nothing at a , or at cas no mar · 1 1 tho Philipp ncs.

many buck privates or ex-privates of this army or any ot 1er. 1

. 'l'hm'tl'H " nuulwt t'or cltlt:rbm·rl.cH.



We believe that there arc many outfits with excellent mora e 'J'htl l~nu11nns Clcler ami Vlnega•· just as there arc many others where. morale is lacking. Thc~e are eont111my or ~t. iJ~>hml will buy thcm.J a number of things which go to build. up morale and there are See elu.s~lfictl ntl, • '' '' An hnne..t.

I Vevay fnrmor com11laincd to tho even more things which work to tear It c own. . Khtwllf thnt he hnd bcon Jl~ctl of

John Paul Jones

A/tor llaurs of luriollJ ~shtlnt in a navnl battle orJ SCJitombcr 2J, 177tJ, tho British commmtdr:n t!Jlnk/ng tllt Am~ricnll shit' un• dor tiJ" command of I Ofl~s, lamoU$ U, S, nsvnl lclfdc•, ~110111 don to lot shouttd ,• "I/ ave you ~ ...

~ strucki'" Jontls litmt back tht L -~ latiiOU! reply quoted abc;re. ln .. ~ ~~ tht} lUld tllo Amcricnnl \VOn. r -·¥• •. ~-·· ••• '

The ideal military camp, from our own personal ?xpenenc~, ~;2.fitl nt IL county l'alr !:.VII .Joint. 'l'hc is one isolated from civil life. Parris Island, the mannc r~crUtt •lmrllr twcolllllnnlctl the vldlm to the

. h t t t ~tltnd nnd got tho money IHwlr. ~l'lw B camp, is an island prison and the rec~·mts ave no oppor Lilli Y .' 0 next night the Hlterlff Htrollcd clown k leave it for three months. At West Pomt the cadets hav.c to remam the midway nntl Haw tho Ilu.y-beforo 0 0 behind the walls, except for brief excursi.ons in formatiOn, for the viethn ILgaln playing tho stLmo gmne. first year. Visiting privileges at West Po1nt are r.arc enough to be 'l'he farmer sttltl ho had lcu.rnecl how s

'ld d d a to hoot the gumc anti WtUI plnylng h lf fully appreciated. Such isolation blll s up an cspnt e corps, an uguln, thln'ldng he eoulti neecc tho e _ sort of contempt for the civilian way of life. . . . uperatm·. However, tho operntor

Too many privileges, most week ends off, VISitors contmual!y didn't llle any complaint. in camp, post dances, camp beer parlors, lac.k of close order dnll I Haw Miss Alice Chapin beut the -INGHAM COUNTY LIBRARY and inefficient 30-day officers have resulted 111 the lack of morale LLge-guessing cxper~ at lt~c f~~~ieJl~~ Houra open to the public at Hall or the lack of discipline which is now plaguing the army. If t~c .rc- c~pot~~t~l~~9 f~~d :~ar~9e0~0 rr;_ p~rson's Memorial Library, M!ljlon: Every cruits were drilled five hours a d~y an~ the.n put ~o work btuldmg ~~tc, \mt he missed with Miss Chapin day except .sundays and lrolldays, 2 roads for another five hours and 111 their leisure ttmc had to wash 1 has been drlnldng of the Los to 5 P. M., Mondays, Wednendays, out their own clothing there wouldn't be much time or energy left ~~!~elcs fountain of youth for mLLny and Saturdays, 7 to !l P. M.

· I I ' I · I 1• fit f ' ili n life and 'l'hc expert guessed 46 11nd • • •

One of the notable achievements in the in­

terest of National Defense has been the unity

of labor in industry. We take time out on this

Labor Day to commend each and every man

who has put his shoulder to the wheel to in­

vigorate our military, air and naval strength.

to reflect on gtr s, mot JCr s coo nng, t le uene I s ° Cl.v .a. ' I yc.rll'S. . In cheerfully told him he "PI'Ofound Hinccdly in tho only l>tiHIH of I the hardshij)S of army life. A bunk would feel too 111VItmg. After MISS c.hap d l"fet·ed to produce a jtulent, "" ur chnl'nctcr·." .

1 . d f . . tl . . t uld was WI ong an o . Sl -Emer·Hun two or three months of that nn o trammg 1C rectlll wo birth cortllicl1te to prove It JC * * ., have discipline so ingrained that only the guardhouse type would I didn't have to _produce it because tlhe j A I 1 tl h I . ~ 71ft h

'b II t bl · 1 · amp ny id tl t any woman w 10 g unce a ong 1e s e vcs. • _.,/ • , e get into trouble on II erty, or wou c cause rou em 115 c a · guesser sa 111 1 guessed "The Fun I've Had" by nayurd 1/l.;ton, tC. f/ACff/l

All decent women and gir)s. should be .kept .ou.t of camps claimed to be 1~~~1~~tth:~d 1~0 would Vclller,. is a c!lsual uutdbiogrnphy but ::7 • e~e~~cood~~d~unor~~ata~~clb~ilingor~n~ m a~~~cl~ ~~hln~ e~~~n~Ini~goo~a~~W~=====================~===========~==~======== · 1 d . · Tl · d' up of young talco her WOl on _ nbout well-lmown people anti Its or to Witness parae es an rcvtews. us roun mg . 0 Davis, secretary of the stories of tho theatrical world. The of county health director for Iron women to descend upon army camps for post dances IS not only Joy f. 1 thought he brolcc his reminiscences which emphasize the county. fraught with danger for the young women but is d~maging to ~ot~!fhu;~J·~y night when he ~te(p~ good time the nuthot· has had us Miss Maxine Rouse and Robert P. army morale. A real soldier wants to do his romancmg off the 00 ·tone in front of the gran~ a~1 ~ newspaperman unci drnmatlst are Ritter were m11rrlcd ut the Presby·

f 011 ~rd 't huve time to go to u oc1 ° breezy und humorous. terlan church Mondo,y afternoon. rcserva lon. . . II · b He n t r ping ax·ound, believ ng "Help Wanted F male" by M·u· A lot of ruin has fallen the past . Athletics, yoker, blackjack, pitch, readmg, b~l ses~IDns, OX• and ltj(~r t:;.: fair was over he ':'ould gurctta By~rs. T"i;~ e m;tll~r of "De: few duys. Sundfly morning's rain mg, a few mov1es and camp .stage shows offer a Wide vanety of en- that 1~ wear a cast and usc a ct utch. signing Women" gives information in amounted to 2.45 inches. Anothm· tertainmcnt. From my own observation, and borne out by army ~~v1~i~g past tho grandsta~r s:!:~~ her new boo!{ on how to nnaly.ze one,'s 2.03 inches fell Monday. There w11s records there should be no liquor or beer sold or legally con- d 111y nlght Joy stepped on t t~c bone talents and what jobs are uv1ulablc 111 .10 of an inch on Tuesday and on

' · · · f 1 · h'b't' be 11

d fell The fall pu 1e the fashion world. She discusses com- Wednesday night .66 of an Inch fell to sumed on m1htary rcservatwns, not rom any mora 111 1 1 wns, • stone un · d the pain and swell- parlson shoJlping selling buying malcc u tota.l of 5.2•1 inches for four cause army morals run rather free, but because liquor causes too bacltln pladc1·1e1taelny subsided. So rW\\

1' · styllng ctesh

1ing' clothes ~ounsellng' d11ys.

The Sunday school cxcm·sion to Grund Ledge was u success even though tho rnin cnmc down most of the dn,y. Thirteen coaches were used to haul the travelers. Muson sent 618, Holt had H5, Eden sent 126 and Leslie tourists numbered un even 100.

Wurrcn Pierson hns purchased Lew Acker's lntet·est in the barber shop.

Two girls, Idu Smith, 1!!, Pearl Schooly, 11,. were di'Owncd nt Pine Lalte Saturday. 'l'he g-irls were row-

lng on the lnlw when their boat overturned. Thcit• parents were at­tending the Spiritualist camp meet· in g.

The court house l11wn Is again cov­ered with white tents ns the G. A. Il.. meets in encampment. A fcntHrc of Thursday's prog1·am will he a sham buttlc between forces led by Cap­tains Snook and Cheney. 'l'hc Barnum & Bailey circus Wll.'l in Jaeltson Fri­

· 1 d · 1 · 1'1 ing tmme h S ottrs 1 • ' " ' • ' many arguments and too many brawls 111 camp. T 1e nn nng, I <e J is a firm believer in t 0 c d u1e fashion art, copywrlting, fa>hlon re- Ten Yenrl! Ago

the romancing, should be done outside of camp. a~;gc of applying to t~c ~~un pnrting and modeling, and she docs It The Lunslng township relief roll .------------------------------. Then comes the matter of officers They should be thoroughly hair of the dog that bi y · in the same brisk style. now numbers 1150. The township has

I · ' - ff d 1 th 1 . no eomplalnt "Barren. Ground," by E. G. Glus-competent. They should know t 1c1r stu an 1ave some o er muo!tl nell • uu; ew car to gow. Agamst a bacl,ground of pol'· openel a store and is setting those on


reasons for holding commissions than the fact that they graduated about hi~ Jucl,. 11~ 11~1\: ~1 * * J. c. erty in rural Vlrginlu of the last rellef to cutting wood and raising from the R. 0. T. C. or studied law or engineering. They should Hhuw fur the~~~·:~~~ ~1,j,. employee, century, is truccd the development of crops. · .. ;• be well disciplined and able to discipline their men able to com- Ell-"ltcrmnn, t~ · ltT1 a county fair Dorinda Onlclcy. After a betrayal In Yvonne H11nson, 19, of .Jackson was

. ' I ld b wns pre~en w J 1 Powell, love, she finds 11 new purpose In fatally lnjut•ed August 26 on Phillips mand the respect of the1r men. Then the first sergeant s 1ou .e cur Saturtlny night. ~~~tcr eoon llfe, and the nobility of her character ro11d, four miles north of Mason, when the first soldier in the company, not the best handshaker, and, If Aurcllus fanner a~ul mt 1111 Icc this emerges as she learns the joy of the car In which she und throo·frlends possible the mess sergeant should be and remain an honest man. hunter, won't have 0

. 1 tetl with an creative work. At the same time she 1 were riding collided with o, cur dt·lven Th' t' s ar iven to army authorities without charge winter. lie was tpres~~hn now btl- Insures her own Inner enrichment. by Morris ~rntt of Alaledon. Prntt

ese sugges wn e g electric refrlgcru or. 1 that * • • was not seriOusly hurt and the three and without any hopes that they will be adopted. Because the army Uevcs .his Juclc Is turning 1L111~ntlng Jaclcson young people lnjured ure ex· command knows what's wrong with morale, and knows how to there wUI bo excellent coon t Sir Rl1bindranath Tugore, who was pected to recover. 'l'he three compun-cure the trouble without calling on teachers, preachers, psycholo- tills fall. 11 poet, died on August 7th at Calcutta, Ions of the glr who was lc led were considered India's greatest modern 1 il

· · · · ·· 'b d' Tl L erstwhile Les e . Sum Singer 25 Jean Hanson 17 11nd g1sts, theatncal promoters or pobt1c1ans to prescn e reme tes. 1e Donna Me ~~uduate of the county after a long Illness. He was sq years Edward Ha~tlc~, 22

. ' ' army command has so far lacked the courage to act, probably be- graduate und g duute of West· old. Tagore .won the Nobel l'rJZe for Sheriff's officers raided a. brewery cause of fear of temporary reaction on the folks back home, because 11?r~~l ~n~~~0'{;'0~d::ted to teuch at ~~;~~!~~ee ~~th~~.1;f 0~~~ 81~~~~ po~~~ located In a, tenant house on the the easy way appeared to be the pampering of the new soldiers, the ~~ n Cl~r ·u,is coming yenr. Mlssd Mh c- cal works and numerous prose wnrlcs Dlngml an fudrm lnt Adlatlhedobnt F• rldduy I · d f · h h f"'l' d h d · 1 · h t she wanted an as · 1 dl 1 h t ,- ' ,morn ng an 11rres e; e ur en cr same nn o pampenng t at as a " 1cte t e e ucatlona system, Lean lmew w a 1 teaching mc u ng nove s, s or stories, essays, 1 Jaclc Davis and

11 woman who guv~

the kind of pampering that has been recommended to sorry mothers plugged awEly utd l'tlwra stern St11t~ sermons and dramll.'l, but ~c was 11 :her nume u~ Mrs. Gertrude Nash. The " · · I' " summer school an e composer us well, huvlng written and and fathers by too many ch1ld spec1a 1sts. til she has the qualifications now set to music over 3 000 songs At the Dingmans recently died and the place

If a man would command he must first learn to obey, is the ~~1manded of high school teuchersf age of 68 he toolt' up painting and w~s bel~g ~~~nt~d. 1

d bid t military rule handed down from before Alexander. An undisciplined She needs only a few mo~e .monti~~r~s his pictures were exhibited in Mos· att;~d t~~ ~e:~e~~cest~te afootba~ army is one where losses in battle will be heavy. Poor morale study untll she wins el . must cow, Berlln, Purls, Birmingham and camp. . . . . . degree the budge of learmng 0 a New York He was lmlghtcd by J{lng ts nothmg more than poor d!SCiphne and the cowardly acceptance t che;. Miss McLean a forthright George v In 1915. by army authorities of the foolish theories of well-meaning civilians l~dlvldt;al, told me sh~ actually felt · • " • who think that a soldier should have civilian entertainment provided she lmew more after all the study. Isabel P11tterson tells us that Van for him. A soldier should be so trained that he can find his own. She stayed at our house down by Wyck Mason Is tultlng 11, busman's

the Sycamore while she wns attend- holiday in Vermont, trout llslilng und -o- lng normal and we had many friend· writing a mystery yarn, which he

ly arguments over spending so much alternates with historical novels; and tlme In class rooms. I tried to con- to give himself scope, he places the vlnce her that she would !mow more scene In Rio Junelro, with n Nazi plot

Delayed Nine Years British statesmen have been nine years making up their mil1ds

ro support the United States in strong measures against Japan. ·Churchill, speaking for Great Britain and the United States, so he said, Sunday told Japan that Britain wiJI back the United States in a war against Japan. That statement was not surprising in view of the fact that it is the British interest that the United States is guarding in the Orient. That statement, had it been made nine years ago when Japan started its conquest of China would have done good. It will be remembered at that time that the United States was all set to apply sanctions against Japan but Great Britain refused to go along,

if she didn't study so hard, If she for excitement. would talce on u few extra-currlcl:'lar • • • courses such as square·dancmg, "Have you brought many people buggy-riding and strolling In the to your way of thlnldng ?" twilight. She wouldn't llsten to me "No," answered the grea.t polltlclan. and bus been busy with boolts year "Public opinion Is something lllte a In und yeur out. She called on me mule I owned when I wus a boy. In Monday to tell me I was all wrong. order to lceep up the 11ppeurance of She is an unusual yoWlg woman. I being the drivel" I hnd to watch the never !mew a girl with more am- way he was going und follow on be­bltlon and more determination. I am hind." glad to leurn that she still thlnl's * * • she Is on the right tl·aclt. It Isn't difficult to understand why

William Slrer reports he does not expect to return to Berlin at pres­ent.

'l'wonty Years Ago As a result of the first Inspection

mude by Cleveland health 11uthorltles of the dulrles selling mlllt to the Laboratory Products company, which sends cream to Cleveland, 4!! herds containing 245 cows were shut off untU Improvements In sunit11tion arc

Jerome Bambelmndelee, worldng with a construction crew on the Les­lie paving job, wus killed September 1 when he attempted to shove a live wire out of the path of the steam shovel on which he was riding.

Claud Post hus been to the school bourd vucuncy caused by the removal of Alva Bell to Callfornla.

William Southwlclc, Lee Ware, Joy Davia, Jaclc Hculy, Ray Bullen, Hugh Doolittle, Olivet· Clipper, Mr. and Mrs. Hallie Ha.rkness, Miss Lena Harlc­ness and J ee Hm·Imcss were In De· trolt Sunduy to see the Tigers tnlce New York 7 to 3.

British statesmanship would have rung more .sincerely had it not condoned the plundering of China by Japan, as long as British interests were not imperiled. And now that British interests are imperiled the United States is being talked by Churchm into a war that neither Japan nor the United States wants. It might have been just as well for the United States if the British and American diploma.tic fleets hadn't kept their historic rendezvous.

Wllllum J. • Barber, who re!llgned from the chalrmallBhlll of the Demo­cratic county commlttoo In order to OeCO)lt tho 1\fll.'lon )JO!ItJDILBters.IUJI, 1\'ll.'l presented with a handsome wrilltwateh by the committee. After Saturday afternoon no one Bhould at· tem 11t to tallt polltlcs with Blll. There wll) he only two thillg'll to remind BUI that he has been In I'Olltles. One of tho thing~ Is tho watch, and tho other will be tho non-political, llfo-aiJPolnt­

lPlfty Yoal'!l Ago National best sellers, July, FubliBh· James Roach of Plnclmcy drove his

ers' Wceldy: young stallion, Dov Wheeler, to Ma-


There Should Be No Surplus With food prices climbing, with a shortage looming in tin,

there should be no surplus of Michigan peaches this fall, The 1941 peach crop in Ingham county is the best in history. Prices are low, Never have they been so low for quality peaches, Not one bushel of peaches should go to waste. Every housewife should fill her jars with the golden fruit and have it next winter and the next winter, or any other time. Peaches will never be better or be cheap­er. They will never taste better than they will this coming winter, or the next winter. Canning peaches now is one way to beat the high cost of living; it is one way to make sure that members of the family have a supply of fruit.

mont job as JIOijtmastor.

So let's fill the empty jars with peaches while there can rubbers and can tops enough to· go around.

Robert Whipple, 5, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whipple, Is due baclt at the Blodgett hospital in Grund ~aplds this weelt for another graft· lng operation. When he was born he was shortchanged one ear. Lost May mother and son went to the hospital and the mother surrendered the frontal Interior bony structure and the face of the lobe of her right ear to her son. Doctors grafted sltln from another hospital patient onto Mrs.

• Whipple's car so her loss Is unnotlce­are still able. Then from Ute side Md shoulder


Back to School

of the boy strips of skin were cut and are being grafted onto the piece of ear tnlten from Mrs. Whipple Md now adorning her son. When the grafting, operations are complete

Where has the summer gone? It seems as though only a few both moUter and son wlllllave··~·egu-lation ears, Ute doctors guarantee. days have flown since the graduates appeared in their caps and

gowns in June, and here it is time for classes, to start again, That'R I have been waiting confirmation of the report that o. Plymouth Roclt a way that time has of passing. Amidst the din of propaganda and pullet In the Lou Sherman fioclt at

Flctlon: son In one hour and 52 minutes Tues-"Thls Above All," by Eric Knight; d11y. The distance Is 21 miles.

"Random Hm·vest," by Jumes Hilton; ...,=============~ "Kuys of the Kingdom," by 11.. J. ~ Cronin; "Cnptnln f1·om Connecticut," by C. S. Forester; "They Cante to u River," by Allis McKay; "Mr. and Mrs. Cugat," by Isabel Scott Horlclc; "Captain Puul," by Edward Ellsberg; "H. M. Pulham, Esquh·e,'.' by John P. M11,rquand. Non-Fiction:

"Berlin Diury," by William L. Shirer; "White Cliffs," by Allee Duer Miller; "You Can't Do Buslne~s with Hitler," by Douglas Miller; "The Time Is Now," by Pierre VunPaassen; "Blood, Sweat 1111d Tears," by Wins· ton S. Churchill; 'Out of tho Night," by Jan Val tin; "Exit Laughing," by Irvin S. Cobb; "Amazone Tlrrone," by Bertlta Harding.

• • • Lukewarm Wnhr won't tn.ko n locomo• tlvo nnywboro.

-AUuntlo Lotr.

•••••••••••••••••••••••••• J Ancient History l _,

Gleaned from Newa Files of Yean PCIIIt '







Fund! may be withdrawn at

maturity plus lnterut and wttb-the fanfare of arguments for defense, for intervention, for fighting Leslie goea to a certain place on the ftere, there and yon throughout the world, it is easy to jump at the baclt porch every afternoon and lays co I ' th t th ld '11 d h 'II d h an egg. • • • Why doesn't Lou teach nc uston a e wor WI never men , t at we WI spen t e her to put the egg In the refrlgern· One Year Ago

out noUce.

DART rest of our days reddened with gore. Yclt, who knows, another six tor? • • • Jim ond I have purged our The United States senate adopted

j months or six weeks and the world may be at peace, Daylight al· fiock of Columbian Wyandottes Md the-compulsory military training bill ways follows the dark. Peace will come and with it will come the ore now in the market for Plymouth yesterday, with tho guarantee that need for trai:ted boys and girls for educated e d B Rocks. • • • Will the party who told service would be limited to cnc year. N

J m n an women, oys Carollne that he would pa.y 25¢ per Because of the cold weather and the ati'onal Com· pany and gir18 and :young men and women may be serving themselves· 100 for crickets call and pick lnfa.ntlle paralysis epidemic the fair and their country best by continuing their schooling during these up tho first 1100? I don't mind my board Ia viewing a red Ink bala


days of confusion. Back to school carrif:s even a greater meaning daughter's financial lo58 but I do Dr. L. E. Kerr, assistant medl~at and a greater promise this ycu. hate to have her lose faith tn human director of the Ingham county health ·

nature so early In life. department, baa accepted the position ~-------------1 Maeon, 'Michipa

BACK TO SCHOOL In Style eWe'1·e sure of what

the otber fellows arc

wearing back to

higb • , • because we've

been outfitting tbem

with t h c 11 e rugged,

comfortable, k c e n I y

colorful clothes I


Fall Felt Hats Dobba _ _ _ $5-$630 Berg __ ~ _ _ _ $3°3

Sinton __ $295-$303

SLACKS in Gabardine

and covert. The trouser

that is nearly perfect for

ucbool wear.


.If' 1.1~ JJ![ NJEWtSY

run !Jy ,John Hntton, IIIII. ,lllllfl (C!II.I'IIH 111111'" l.ltfln how lo rlrlnlr Ina uwl tlltlllflil l't'!llllJII!IH, A twomt. ""t'llllh" on flllliOII 11111! fill i'fjllllily !li!f'l'f!l ltllill i'I'OIII Hlr,hnrrl Cluylon, Otlfl ul' llw )JOY/I 1'1-run llw millllli'Y llnllri"IIIY IH!I'Oflfl l.lw l'flllrl, 11lnw:!l. llul11l1 .lntw'n Jlnllllllng lldlfcol ed!lt'ul.iou, .111111\ ltm'L flolcln, 11.'1! only 111111. lovn UJI!H!I.II lim•, 'l'lu: ttynljlf(­t.ho'ttr' nrlvl"" ol' I"''' IHliiUIII'ul ''""i'"'r, Nnnny Kc!lly, who nlrto lrr Hf!<Ol'"i.IY In lovn with l'rlndpnl .foil11 Hnt.t.on, nwlw:1 lilnt. ndvic" rlouht.v ol'feellvo, 'PIHH'n Ul'n tniii'H nml Jnught.m•1 lwul't~ l.hl'flh:1 ruul mnontlli'IWlc [lun"ell 1111 Jt\lhl fl'l'OWH up. Hut. lt.'li honn wol'ilt waiting fnr, I!HJlr.dnlly lo wnteh ,fane malcn 11 gmnd mtl.t•nnce In her new evonlng gnwn with n Clli'Augo of orr:hldH, '' '' • In udolltlon l.n the <Jr>Uhle fcnlm·e lltcl'c will he "Pltlto'H Drcnm HniiHe" nnd on I~rlday night nnd Hnturdny n.flcmoon chnptm· 8 of Cnplnln Mllrvcl will he He:·ecned.

AI1My' Glolli'NG Bill IIIII lli'IIIY lll'!l C:Oi.l.1111 lllllolrll frO!' IHIIII-1111'1' W"lll' 1111d light. 111111 IWIIV,V WOIIl llfiC:lrll to hn Wlll'll when l.ho tliUI'-

INt•'AN'I' llllltllr:JI Ilr•l'n Huntn1111, l.hl'r'tl w""'!li nlcl

rluuglllrll' ol' Mr, 111111 Ml'/1, ·"'"" 'l'ro­vlno, cllnrl In m. Li<WI'I'III'I! lllii! flundny, I•'IIIWI'nl tilll'Vir'r•ll '"lllrilldo"l hy llt', W, H. llurt~nl(, w"r" lrt~lrl ul. tho ,lowol.l. flilllpfll Mmrrtuy nl'l"l'llflflll u,l. ru1n n'dru•tc, wllh hlll'i;ll In Mupl" Ol'nvn ennHd.t~I',Y,

• 1\lflllllli.llt' di'Ojlfl,

l fJ TOTAl HUG[ SUM ~~~·~.~~~:~::~ '"~:;~:\"~·:~~~~~:. 't':::~;~lJ'(!~t::::~\1'/,11 : -----FOX TIIEATICE ----

li'l'idny HIHI flnl.lll'rlny nlghl.ll on" ol' I htl Jltri.-JIInKing, gun-lllnglng­<11'1!11\tllt ol' t lw old wwrt. will hn uhown at. t.l1o l•'ox '!'how I.J·"· t !lwrlnH Hliil'l'nt I. will hnvll l.lw lnudlng role In '"I'Itc Mcdlron ol' J>nlnl.t!rl flpl'lngH," 'I'Iw Hlory lnlws plrwn In l.ho wilt! 11nrl wrwlly woml. during !.he rlayH when 'l'edr!y finnHevelt WitH flnllllt.IIIJi cow­]Joys lo servn with hl:t l'unmiiH Honr:h Hltlci'H, Htlll'l'ol.t i1r snm1 1111 young Don Mom•nn, who huH hntm Homt weal l.o mmmlno tltc volunlcl!I'H, Tiowcvet•, Llw merllt:n runfl Into lrll.l! of ll'Ouhlc !11 the !.own of Painted Sprln[H whon wru• ilrcnltH filii. hctwncn lhc f!iiltlo!­nwn and lho Hhcephcl'<lci'H, Hofusln[ to aide with either type l'flllchel', Monme lrlml his bent lo rcnlllln jtmt u, [lhytrlclun, Finally though, when he l'callzcs thrtt the trouble hns nil been atarled lly 1m outlrtw chief who WIUllH to rustle flrtttle, the doe oils up his slx-gunH nnd stru·tA shnntln[. Be­fol'e the smolre of llnttle has com­pletely clcurcd away, mnst of the bnncllt.s have been filled with hot lcrul CUHI the othcrH nrc begging- for pence,

. / puh'll, A l'"w nf IJ111n1 wtll lw lln•·d I Ji'Oitl\11111t J,ANHINU M1\N '1'!1lJ.I,H 01' n1dln••d IHll'tlohtrlll m· IIOWhld" riel-

OF Alt~l\' NICJ•JIIH, lng glnvc•H 11111! l.ho l'"lrlllindfll' will j)(l

"' ~· ~~ 'l'ho mi:·whievow; tnmboy of !ant ycnr lm.~ bccomn the glamorotiH young lady nf today, .Jane WllhcrH hnH l'cally [l'nwn liJl nud IH pr'cHcnted in lwr 27th sln,rrlng picture, "A Very Young Lady," Blue dcnlmH [lvc wny to full-lcnglh organdy <lnnce l'roeltH in thltl 111m, ccnlcreclabnutu fnHhionablc girl'H ~whool. .Tanc'H father, who wants to malcc r.L wcll-nmuuercd lady of her, haH sent hoi' to the hoarding ,school

'rile Mtu·x llrotlwrs :u·o hade! Sun­day and Mnndrty the Mcu·x Brotlwt'R retum to the Ioclll lll\l'ecn in "Tho Big Store," rt play filled with the funny nntleH of tho bmthers nnd the suHpenHc nf 11. rlctcetlve myHlcry, '!'he Htm·y findH Groucho nn Wolf .J. l•'lywhcel, prlV!tle dctelltlvc, n:miHted by !Iarpo and Chico, trying' to pro­teet Mnrtln from un unlcnown lclller In a dcplll'lmcnt store, selling' for mosl. of t110 111m. After nlmo11t dc­moliHhin[ the rrtorc and Rcnl'ing the life out of cuHlomcrs 11nd snlcllgil'lR, tho Mai'XCH finnlly "get their ntnn." nroueho uiHo gets hlH woman, the wealthy owner or the Htorc, whom he woos und wins In typlcttl Gmucho fnHillon, Virginia Grey Is fcatmeol in the mmantic lead opposite Ma1·tln, while Mnrgrtrel Dumont res11mes her tradltlonnl· role ns foil fot• GI'Oucho's mad !ovc-mnldn[. Do11glass Dum­brlllc, Mn,rlrm Martin, Henry Armettll






i10HH B, 'Muy<ll', fm•nwt• Jioll unrl Lr11111lng ro:~ldnnl. nnrl now In Wutlh­lng Inn, D. C!, wll.h 11 IIHI,Int''ll nom­mh;nlrm, l'llJlOI'lll t.lmt. lho elothln[ IUHI Hlcrce lllltnul'nduror:l have hit; johtl nhoud 11f I hem lo Hhod lliHI clnl:ltc; thn II, S. ar111y, '!'he following

l lnful'llllltlon Wllll HUJlpllccl to tho ln[-hitnl County NcwA hy Major Mnyer:

j 'l'u provide every Holdlcr In the a1my Wilh nil Lim arllclcs of cloth­Ing ho will nee~ durin[ hln pcrlo1l of fWI'Vlcc, whleh will be In nil ldndA of Weltthm· and undm· nll posRiblo condltlonn, ill n gigantic taH!c. 'l'o curry out this work, the CJU!Lrtcr­mltsler cm·pn hnR pm·cluuicd ot• hnH made plttnH to proc11re more Limn :123 million of tho lncllvlcltml ltemn of clotlling which the wcll-ch·e"scd sol­dier will wear.

In this huge procummcnt pmgram · m·c Included hntn and cnpn; nhlrtn;

trousers; underwcttr; nhocH u n d boots; cottts, jnclcel.n, mlncnntH ttnd OVlWConts; !:IOcltH; glovcH; ncelttic:J; he! ts; leggi:ws unci hnncllwrchlefs,

AJiproxlmrttely 17 million capn and , hats me !win[ procured under tlw I prenent pl'rlgram. They include cups

I to b~ Wot'n by lmlwrs nnd coolts, "ot-1 ton Jthald fluid caps, serge llcld cnpH,

I heiTingbonc Lwlll worlclng cups unci winter CILPII. Hat~l being JH'oeurU(I in­chlcl<J cotton 11eld hats, herrlcwbonc

I twill working huts and olive clmh service hats.

I' 'rhe soldier Is supplied with only two lth1ds of nhirts to wear, but more

FOX THEATRE I than 20 millions of these arc being proctlt'cd under the present progmm, 'l'l1es e shh'ls will be made of cotton

I lchalcl nr of flannel or wool.

Six dllfcl'Cnt lclnds of trousers arc --------------------------------~ being worn by soldiers, dcpcndi11[ and Willlum Tannen UI'C included in B {' I . s· I upon the duties they have to per-

c . ore .JluOS ll1b!f. U!. 1 t fotm' •ro pmvldc enOU[h to meet the cast. • ''' '' Another big nctlon u cun·cnt needs, some :18 million pnh·H

~ ...... · :YORK, N. Y.-"lT'S TRUE I that the Marx Brothers don roller slmtes in a wild cllasc with a trio of killers," says Wiley Padan. "Their daffy trail lends through a department store, up and down aisles and in and out of elevators!"


I Mntlnccs-lOc und 20o NlghtH-Chllol. 1 Oc, Adults 2Bc


Evening ShowK llegln at 7 Jl. m. f Cnutlnuous Show Sun., 3 p. m.

Friday and Saturday, August 29-30 MATINEE SATURDAY AT 2 P.M.

picture, "The OHicm· nne! the Lady" arc llcin[ procured. Belildcs a Jew will also be on the screen Sunday and . hundred thousand pairs of wool Monday nights, Hochcllc Hudson, · · · breeches fot• cavalry men and tmus-Bruce and fiogm· Pryor play . I et·s for bnlwrs and coolts, the other the featured parts In the thriller. Miss Hudson is seen ns the lovely daugh- · I so!die1·s will be provided with trous-

1 tcr of 11 retired police oflicer, honor- ·., I crs made of cotton khaki, olive drab ably dischat·gcd ft·om the service after l serge and herringbone twill. he had been lnvallded In the perform- '' I Un<lerwcar for the soldiers, with rtncc of his duty, She finds it difficult · I some 01 million items included in

f:IIIVflll of hiiiLVy il'lli.hlll' 0[' 11f nlivo rlrnl1 wonL

Appmxtmut.nly 12 million llildttlo:l, nlllwr flolt.on ltlwlc! ol' l•lu.elc tllllt nncl wool, lll'll lndurlml In Uw ll11l. Ollicl' li.IJIIHI ol' <:lot.hlng t.o fill out thn Hoi·· rllrn·.~ wardi'O)Jo lnclurle IWarJy flvu million well lwl111, Homo HI i11llllon white c:otton hn.IHllwrehlllfH ltml mm·" !.linn 7 mllllrm CllllVIIH logging-A,.

------------· IIAH'riNOH !\UN IH'I'IIJJt lll•lltJ•J

Hcv, S. Conger I InthrLwny of llw PreHhylel'lnn eillll'r!h nt IfuHlingH will he tho g'lWHt. mlnluter ut lite PreHhy­lcrlrtn church Sunc!ny mm·nln[ u.t 11 o'cloc!c,

WI NH ACOCOitlliON <:ON'l'l•lH'J' IUI'lllfl llnllo llnrlth, <11111/ihlot• nl'

Mt•, nwl Mnr. I•J, ,I, Hmilh ol' Atll'lllillll, WIIH nne oJ' 2fl tnll.t~J't•d In t hn ll.t'<!OJ'dlnn eonl.eHI. HJlfiiHIOI'IIrl (Jy <ll'iallf!ll Bl'flll. nf Lrnwlng lrwt. \'l!t!t•lc. Hho wuu wlu~ nut' of fll'lll pl'izo, 11 l'oUI'-duy ll'ip 011 the GJ'eat Lnlwu, 11topu lldng mnrlu nt. Chlto!!Jifl, Hnull. Hl.c. Mul'ie nu<l MnclchlllCl, While 1111 the !.rip Hllll WuH cnlltled ln c:ompctc In a tlltllonul ttr:­l!OI'dlon uonlrmt.

'l'hcy usctl l.o nny "nli line n.~ Hillr." Pretty soon Utcy wlll h" Hnylng "nil rare 111'1 Hille."




We have mnny good friends who

live miles and miles away-and

who lmow that our sea-vice is Etill

always available, promptly, and

without additional chm·ge. Any­

where you may be, our sm·vicc is

at yout· command,

A.B.BALL home for


OF 111( OOUlllf llliLI


almost impossible, to accept the ro: I the present pmcurcmcnt program, Is

mantic tlttcntions of the young cop, by ftu· lhc most widely used nrliclo ""'=======-"'-"'-"'-"'-"'-"'-""-========="'-"'-"'-,__..__..__=-="'-=="'-"'-"'-="""-plnycd by Bennett; she will not face 1 of clothing on the llst. For summer I"•••••••••••••••••••••••••••··~ a future of uncertainty as to his wei- l wear the soldier will have cotton

D~AL: Day, 5231-Night, 3221, 7911 or 21911

Pluto's Dt-cat1;J House

Friday Night and

Sunday and Monday, August 31- Sept. 1 Big Holiday Fun and Action Double Bill

Continuous Sunday and Labor Day fa·om 3 p. m.


ACTION! ACTION! Rochelle Hudson-Bruce Bennett


"The Officer And The Lady"



GEORGE SANDERS John Carradlno • Roddy McDowaii•Ludwlg Stouol Frodorlck Warlock • Rogor Imhof • Hoathtr Thatchor

DI"Eiod ... ''~110011 A lOt~ COOUIT-101 PICMI

and cartoon 14Dance of the Weed"

Gene Autry in "Sunset In Wyoming," "They Met In Bombay," · 14Moo~ Over Miami"

fare, Bennett, in the gusty eagerness j' Shotts and slccvclcss undershirts and of his youth and In his prnfound for winter usc wool undershirts ancl belief tht\t he can take cnrc of himself wool drawers nrc provided for him. no mattet· how great the odds, tulles I Th" nearly 18 mil!lon pairs of foot-~ chance after desperate chance while wear being procm·cd for the Army on duty. Pryor, to whom Mia:; I-Iudson / by the Quartermaster Corps consist turns, Is not the lilwblc young man primarily of service shoes, Legging-

1 ~he believes him to be; in rcallly, he . . i top lcltther boots, rubber hip boots,· 1s the well-dmsscd "fl'ont" for a ruth- .. . , . · ·: ·: .... , . , /rubbci' lmcc boots and m·ctic over-less gang. The Inevitable clnsh be- · · .. · · · · · · · · · · shoes acid " few more to the total tween Pryor and Bennett, first, as Haltilw it:l(Jor!an! codcrcnces, the lnumhet• o.f items being- procured, personalities and n.s individuals in " c t [ b 1 1 1 1 love with the same girl, anrl second- President gratiilctl !he ambition of , oa s or a tcr~ an< coots, nu~e t-

a 75-•·ear-o~d "'l'UI:<~molh<!l' to sec llnaws, ~vool scrvlcc con ts, hctTtng­. ly, as enemies on opposite sides of the . ·' . ~ . , I bone tw111 wot·long coats, wool over-law, results in a tenseness and a ' h!lll befot·~ ~osmg. her fa11J~f .eye- co.ats ami mincoats ncld about

27 hrcathtaldng· movement of action 51g!Jt, , Sh" Is !\Its, L. ~o!L,a,l _of nHlllon more items of clothing being which lifts "The Ollicct' nncl tl10 Reulsv!lle, Ga., shown anov~ wtth purchascct Jor the army. Lady" into one of the more important Itep, Hugh Pclct·son of Gcorgm, r1icltidcd In the ·Iii million pr·


01· films of the month, • "

.. ___ -- ----· soc!;s Wllich are being procm·ecl for When the perfect detective. runs In ant romance, a chase that cui min- .. ------·------.. --~- .. - ... _ ~cross the perfect cru.~c, anytht!~g Is~ ates in a sensational climnx. * * ·'·

habl? to h(\ppen. the ~nytl~lng n_c .. Also cartoon "Dance of the Weeds." (t-,~-~~-.,-~~-~~-"-i'-~~-~~-.. -..._ .. :, cordmg to advance prmsc ol "Imlery ' I Wh t Q h Ed' !

I Queen and the Perfect Crime" is VAN TOWN a t er Itors I , about tops in excitement, suspense I H T S I :and thrills, 'l'he new film, which is Mrs. L. r. Williams I ave 0 ay I the feature scheduled for family The On,ldcy family llelua reunion at • • night, Tuesday, is another in the pop- the hon1e of }i"'ranlc and EJlis Nemer ···-"-''-"-··-.. - .. -~~-.,-~~-"-"-''•' ulnr series bused upon the deductive Sunday. Authority Limited exploits of the. famous fiction and Severn! fmm here attended the radio sleuth, Thu·d of Columbia's mi- Farm Bureau picnic at the Mason Ml!Jions of Americans who listened lery Queen films, "Ellery Queen and, park Thursday both e:xpectnntly nllCl apprehensively I the Perfect Crime," again presents 11 Mrs, Basil Stowe nnd twice, Mrs. on n recent Thursday morning to • Ill bl R !pi B 11 y 1 u the first radio report of the se£rct ·r ca e a l c .am n le maJor I Wayne Chaffee, of Lansing spent conference at sea between 'President role, Others fmmllar to mystery the week end with relutivcs at More-! movie fans are Margaret Lindsay, as nci. Roosevelt and British Prime Minister : Nilllci Por.ter, Ellery's lovely secre- Dorwm Williams IS attending Farm Churchll! heard nothing but mcanin[-1 tary and rt\'nl sleuth; Charley Gmpe-J Bureau camp at Waldenwoods. less platitudes, I

I win, as blutf, tough Inspector Queen, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Glynn and Hcra.!ded as an "ln1pmtnnt an-unci James Burlte as Serg·eant Velie. daughter, Eileen, were In Ann Arbor nouncell!ent," the broadcast from I Lo\m~ng the featured players are Tuesday. Londo11 by Maj. Clement R Altice, i

1 Sprmg Bying-ton, H. B. Warner, John Mr. and Mrs. R. Bartig- and family lord privy seal, enunciating "eigllt- · · Beal, Linda Hayes, Douglas Dum- of Webberville were Monday evening point pence aims," had t!'te familiar bri!le, Sidney Blaclcmcr and Walter visitors at L, P. Williams', ring of a "fireside chat" from Wa,sh-Klngsforcl, as cast of deserved repu- ington, It contained nothing new, tation. * • * "Music a Ia King" and a nothing more than reiteration of the Cf\rtoon.complete the pmgrmn. PHILLIPS DISTRICT idealism that has been loudly shouted

Thrust off a fifty foot cliff, relent- Mrs. George Grlllm but little practiced in our own nallon-lcssly pursued from the Bavarian Mll,rylue Gobel spent last weelt In al affairs. Alps to the Notth Sea, across the Grand Ledge visiting het· aunt and The "Important announcement from



Channel to England, then from ,Lon- uncle, Mr. and J\ofJ•s. Vern Smith. Washington to follow," for which ex-don to the British countryside-that's Mrs, Edna Doolittle of East Lan- pectant millions "stood by," was even Walter Pidgeon's fate In the new 20th sing spent Wednesday and Thursday more meaningless. I Century-Fox thriller, "Man Hunt." with Mrs, Grace Green. Together. they formed a thin cnmo-~1 Tensely exciting, dramatic, and Mr. and Mrs, Harold Dean of Kv.l- flage for the real purposes, the real

I breath-tulting-, at the Fox Theatre amazoo spent tile weelt end with Mr. commitlllents that may have been Wednesday and Thursday offers Pid- and Mrs. Arthur Gobel. made during a. momentous, unprece-1 geon and Joan Bennett (Who is star- Mt•, a,nd Mrs. Don Moore of Lan- dented and purportedly secret ron­red with him) the finest roles of their sing spent Sunday evening with Mr. dezvous

011 the high seas at which

careers. Based on the novel "Rogue and Mrs. Ar~lmr Gobel. men in the highest positions of auth­Male" by Geoffrey Household, "Man Mrs. Emclla Brown and son, Har- ority In America and England welgh­Huqt" is preeminently an adventure old, and Mr. and Mrs. Art!JUt' Gruhn ed the fate of nations In a world en­story, filmed against the swift-mov- and family, all of Lansing called Sun- I gaged in the most savage struggle of ing- panorama of recent history. As day afternoon and evening on Mr. and 1 all time, n. highly mechanized war Captain Alan Thorndike, worltl-re- Mrs, George Gruhn. that has destroyed the boundary lines nowned hunter and sharp-shooter, Mr. and Mrs. Ft·ed Snyder enter- of Europe, converted former allies Waltet• Pidgeon Is subjected to bar- ta.ined the Macldln reunion Sunday. into enemies, and may yet eng11lf rrll baric tortures by a cruel foe when Those present were from Indian Lalce, nations m1d entail the destruction he slips up in stallcing the biggest Davison, Lansing, Everett, Okemos, of civlll:za,tlon itself. game of all. He becomes the quarry Detroit and Howell. The Amel'ican people and their and lends his pursuers in a thrll!- .The ladws Birthday club will meet duly constituted representatives, the puclwd cha.qe interwoven with a poig-- w1th Mrs. Bert Green September ·l. member~ of congress, had no voice In

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that parley. They were not apprased of its objectives or its probable con­sequences. But one by one those ob-jectives and their Impending conse­quences nr~ being revealed, despite the gauzy secrecy and the veneer of words that combined with the mists of the sen to obscure the vision of AmericaJIS.

One of the first disclosures reveals the United States and Britain more definitely committed to all·out aid to Russia, which places among our un­declared enemies little Finland, the one natl<1n in Europe thnt has con­sistently met it obligations to Ameri­ca and to which we were recently extending sympathetic aid when the !<inns were subjected to Russian ag­gression. Only the sequence of events will unveil ot11er objectives to which America, may have been conunitted I at that cunfcrcnce, and they may con-~ tain incongruities comparable to our embrace of Russia and our implied at· tltude toward l<lnlnnd,

Days, weelcs or even months may 1

pass befure the full Import of the


historic Jnecting at sea is revealed to the peoJlle of the United States. Meanwhile, to bot·row a phrase from , the Get•mans, we appear to be "pro-~ cceding according to plan."

It must be l'cmcmbered, however, I that neitl1er Mr. Roosevelt or Mr. , Churchill are pledgor~ of unlimited I authority, 'l'heil• commitments nrc subject to review and approval or rejection by the congress of the United States and t11e British parlia­mel}t, The congress declined to go along 1vith President Woodrow Wil­son In his world court and other Idea­listic commitments of World War days,







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MMION l'ltn(lltfll\f,

'J'Ii11t lil<l Jlllhlln Hl.ill JIIWII to IIIlO I{IIOd hnJ'IWHII J'llnlJJg· Wll,'l Jll'oved rflll'­

llllf tho l.lll'llf:-clrty l'llf:o progmlll nl. 1.111! lngiHIIll f!OIIIIt.y filii'. On 1111 lill'flll fliiYII l.lill l{l'rlllriHtnrul WIIB llllml nnd l.lio l'llllrl Wllro llnml )Jy hnl'llo fnllnw­Cll'll.

L, K llnllcn'H Dnl.mlt Htu.hle hrul 11 lilr: <lily lrwt 'J'hm·rHJny whrm l•'l'lm:o Mr:Kny won Uw l.hroc-ymn•-nlrl llfWe In Htrnlght honlH nnd Don Betwln, 11 illllhlmnflln, tnolt thn 2:Hl trot lly plllelng J\1'111: In tho lnHt two horllH art"r lwlng fl poor llrth In the fii'Ht heat,

A Jcor'l Wu,yno, Inrllrum, hm'HC, Little l'l'lnne, won the thlr·d r·rwo on 'l'lllrrHrlfly,

.llmmy Rr:otl:, hmwn gelding owned liy Ml'll. K W. !(nil of Detrnll., won the 2:2'1 tmt Jcrldlly nfternoon In Htralghl. IJerltH. llcllrt Brook, owned lly H. D. A linn of Gmnd finpldH, wnn the 2 :2•1 paee, while Sandy Slgnrll, owned lly 0. n. Mool'e of OWOHHO, won lhe hrLudlcrlp.

Thunday'a Rncea Thrcc-Ynttr-Oid l 1uco-l'uno $;15U

And Addlld Mnncy

Mtuwn Plz~ycr11 Sluu·e State Bv.Behull Title

Mllw Hlttllllll! uttd '1'. .r. ! ... uug- of Murtrm W<H'Il two nl' t.lto mnln fiO[{II lu lito NY A l.onm l'fl]tt'llflfllll.lng ltlnllt. [,u.nHittg whlc:h WOII IJHJ lll:td.n llUJH:­]lllll nhnnlplrlllllltlp lnttl. W<llll!. HlllHIIHl 1t1111 ]HII>tl doing· ror~nlvlnl{ on Mlllll>tl high rwhool t.nrunH tho prutt l.wo yorli'H, LUI/If hnu pllelwcl, plrLyml till! ont.ll•dd uttd hutt plnyncl Hhm·l.­ul.op 111111 third. [loth lli'O Ju,n.vy hll.­let'll nttrl goorl' flc!lrlm'H. Lrutg plttyorl l<~l't llnlrl nttd fllmotte }llnynrl Hhori.­ lu tho c:lwmplottuhlp lfHmeH.

LnnJ.( nnrl Blnwtw lmve playocl reg­ulnrly with !CnHt r.n.nHing ever Hlncn Uw NY A hrliHiilflll /HliiHOJl ope nod.



Stun).{ .by " boomm•flng clmllenge IHtrled by the nevcr·-srw-dlc S. M. A. team, the PrcHbytcrlnns nrc unxlous to get Into thn county parlt nr·cna r1t elg-ht o'cloclt Thm•sd11y night to hnve nt the brLhy food boys. LrLst week tho PresbyterlnnR lRsued a

J•'l'llieu Md{ny, r.. ((. llullPII, He-tnl!t. (I fnrviu) ................................ 1

Mlw1 \V11yll1l f:rutlfln, IJ. It. Hulllvnn, LaprJoll', ( 1\niJ.Chl) .......................... 2

Jlmmltl Jfud~~t!wuntl, 1~:. Jl•·nilidd, Clio, (NUIJHel) ................................. {

Htdilll McKny, J.'. Jl, HlftlrL, Mn-uon. (~lftJI'I.) .................................... :! 'J'inu~ ·~:U!I%.: ~:11!1: 2;101,.'1 ,

2:Hl Pru:L'-$2511 Adrlcd Munoy Don Il•dwln, L, 1{. llullun, fll!truiL.

1 scot·nfttl challenge to the S. M. A. to organize n.n rLll-star team nnd meet tho PrcsbytcrlrlllH In a game tlmt

a a woulrl nount In the lengue standings. 'rho S .M. A. tenm uccepted only part

·I ·I of the challenge. '!'hey will meet the PrcHbylet'lnns hut will not tnlte on any outside htlen t for• the job.

( Jl ILI'V it!) , , , , , .. , ""'"'""'"'"',, .. , .......... fi AI-HIWI Jlrndfnnl, Clyrlt! Burt, Mntwn.

Clllll'vlrJ) .......................................... ~ ,Jo•J l'Hln11IW, ~<:, B. 'l'hon, tirnud

Hapidtl. ( WllliHrnH) ........................ 1 P1·ln•~·~ liny, M1·u. It. A. Ilnnnm•,

llllhHiuh!, ( llnnnm·) ........................ :! Jay l':it~IJtl, II,' W. 'l'yt•on, llrlmlul'IL

('l'yr11nl ........................................... ..1 'J'l!tHJ----~ :II '.'! : :! :U\l: ~ :1 ll 1.-~,

The S. M. A. acdeptance of the challenge Implies that the Prcsby­tut'lnns nmy be blinded by the bright lights; tlmt they are all such good elmrchmen that their eyes are unus-

a r. ml to lhc mazd£Ls. The chflllenge also .1 4 catTies the lmpllclltlon that the Pres­

hylcrlnns In the dnrlmess might 2:1!J J•nco-$300 Addad Monoy

Lllllu Pl'illllt:, I•!url PeurCI!, J;'urt Wuyn•1, Jut!. (Swnr'twond) ........ 1

Hob r:mtlnn, s. r~. Juhruwn, IInHt.· ln~(ti. (I I urvl•1) , .............................. ,:!

Willlnm II., 0, GruLtuu!!tH'ICCI', Okc· rnrllt. ( BtHIInnn) .............................. :!

Dl•UJI H1111, Jt'. Sifurl, Mttnon. ( ~1-ft!I'L) .................... , ............................. ·1

Pludy Mt~Kinny, J. Chnffln, Mn-uun. (r!huffln) ................................ G 'J'Iuw ·-·2 :Ill; :! :I o; 2:1 I 'A.

Frldny'11 Rcsultts 2:24 Trol-$250 Added Money

,Jimrnil! Seott, Mr·u, K. W. Kull, Jlc~ Lroi L. I I.lnt!) .................................... 1

II. Jo:xpJ'f'IL'I, R ll. 'l'hon, nmrul JtnpitiM, (\Villinmn) ........................ ri

he llbove smugg-ling In a few plt1yers who nrc not parishioners.

Wording of the S. M. A, challenge accept11nce is as follows:

"It IH very ldnd of the Presbyter­Inns to extend to us the privilege of picldng a tenm from the vnrlmm tenms to play them. However, It comes to our attention thnt we have n postponed game to play with the mighty churchmen. This being the case, we would not consent to allow outsiders to play on our team but wlll use the players who normally mnltc up our team.

Mi."'!l Anrthell, K VnnBinl'ium, Culd-wntrJI', (VunBlnt•ltlln) , ................... 2 r. 3 "The wager which Manager Mills

presented has been accepted by us 3 " and will he the prize for tho winning ,1 r. team, donntccl by the loser.

Cla1·ent't! Bl!!wln, t-.11-s. Allctl How-lin, Lan11in)(. {lJowlinl ................. ..!

Il'iuh Lzultlit!, H. J. HtiHhturr, LtHIHin~~. (Sii't•rl) ............................................ :1 'l'lrnt~·---:.::t:l',.l i 2:to: 2:12.

' 2:2·1 Pact.-$250 Added Mon~y ll•~lla Jll'()oi,;H, :-;, 11• Allen, <:rnnd

1Lupid11. (Bunt) ................................ !

"Thumday has been selected ns the night to pllly this postponed game. It Is hoped that the bright lights will not hnndlcnp the mighty Presbyter-Hullywnud J•Hiirl!l', 1•'. lJ. Johntwn,

llnHtirwM. ((:nl'l!) ............................ :! lftd C., Miln l'rl\\'1.11'~, lllcl.;Mvillu, 0.

(!JCI,\'CI'H) ........................................... 3 fi

3 inns to the extent that they wlll have to get outside help."

Boh Lifl, Tim H. Illmkinu, Ilnat. (Sifcl't) ............................................ fi

Henne Scutt, K. W. Kull, Dt:Lt•olt. (!.Inc) """'""'"'""'""""'""""""'""·! 'l'inH~--:.!:11; :.!:llJl,.f.; ~:IU,

Feature Handlca)l-$250 Added Money Snfldy :)ignnl, 0. H. Moore, OwoMI'O.

(~>\'lll'l\VOUd) "'""''"""""'"'""""""'2 Captain J•:tawHh, Mt·:;. C, AuHlin,

Kunt CiLy. (\Villianu,) .................. 1 ~ 3 Lee Bl~I'I'Y, 1•', L. Johm;on, IInHliHJ.:'B.

( 1\nig-hl J ......................................... :J :l Human Hnl. Mn;. 0. g, JlJ'iVE~t·, Lnn-

tting. I llrivt•r) ............................... ..! ·I •I Tirut~ -'.!:o.~J~: ~:H!II,;!; '.!:H!Jl . .'1•



, .......................................................................... , t LESLIE l i By Florence Freeman t ............................................................................ , Blackmo1·es Celebrate

Silvel' Annive1·sary

Mr/1, John Mll:nlwll, l'twoiV(III IL III!VCII'Il• Mr. tlltrl Ml'fl. (), lJ, L11ltrw r•r ,Jur:lt­ly nut hntrd, tHH,r•mtlt.rd.lng (J·J uUtdu•n rmn Will'" 1-luttfltty fl'llfllll.ll ol' M1•. uwl wltllo rd. wowlc Hnturf!u.y llVt:nlntr rd. M t'fl, ll<ll'l. DI•IH, Ol.lio1' gtu•nl.n rLt Ut11 l•'r•otrl fln111' frwl.m•,y nl. ,'lnr:lwon. Oltl'ct hntnll lito [Hllrt Wllnlc W(li'<l Mi'H, Mlt.fllwll !11 r1t llw l•'ontu lwupll:tll in Mculfiu l!tu'i., Ml'll, Mlnnln Lnlttlfl, .lrwlwon. Ml'll. Lydltl OldH, Ml'fl, A l'linn· l'tWily,

t.IIU tifH.t.h _ol'. ~.l-ltty_l ... "ll Mh.;ur, -/10.-.. 11;,;;1---lh•;;~~~-.~lll;,· ••• ,_llll[llt•i'Cillillll·l-111-(]····y_ or l r·t I • l' M 1 M 1, Ml t "' • n" tllll, rrmu. rrt·umlrlnughllw ul' n t', llllt 1'11, i<lWI' tlfll' IL. I hn I tlllfllnr•· ('IIi. w II 1

ITniVIII'HIJ.y hrlllpll.ul tll Attn Al'lllll' ' '' " Ill u .. fll'll, II lfi'ILIH HUll, Mt'rl. Auhllly, jll'Ctllllll.tlll hill' With ll

Mr, nntl Mt'/1, W. ll . .foltntrl.on wm•fl Ml'll, Htu•r·lnl.l. Crmlc unrl Andy Coole, Hunflny f{Unut:u of Mnt. Mrunn Pnlmt tlll of .Jnolwon, ·

whom ho hml lwnn tL pul.lnnl ror und Ml'tt, Wul.lllrH, M1·. uurl Ml'll, l{nn- lwHut.ll'ul hlt·t.lulny r:uJH,, Ifill <ll'flllltl Jllllll. t.wn Wtii!IW, Ml', MltWI' Willi IIIL ltfli.h ftfltlh ll,llrl Ml', lltld Ml'll, Otll'ih lltUI nul{fl WOI'Il IIIII'VIld u,l'lt!l' whloh nil nmploym• nf tho r.nnHing Wrtlnr tlil<l lli'OWnlno or lilclnn worn cmllm·rr Uw d"tllu'l.l"l wlHhlng hu1• muny hllllllY 1 • .,_ Light. <loprtrtmnnt:. fltu•vlvlnr.r J~<mldnrl llfll'ly Jlllt't of tho ovonlng·, Mt'll, Mtlll- tlll'lliJ or J.Jw dny.

~,~~~~: l~:~:;•,mt;\,~;;:1~1 :1111:11, w~:~· ~~h;l1~,·~~~~~~'t',~~ ..,,....,...,.__, ___ --·-"'-~"-"-"'-"'-"''"'==..,.,...,...,... __ -=_.,.. __ ,; __ ., __ -._ .. ,_ ., __ ..,_ .. ,_-.. __ ,,, .. _,.,_,... ___ .,_=_,... __ =_, .. _,... __ ,., . .,....--_ '"'--""-'"'·=---ol~ Yprrllrlllll, lftJ.J't'Y J•'oJ.:g ruul .John Dlsnurnth l'<l·

M1•, nn<l Mt•tt, Lloyd llhtdtlllfll'n nncl l.lll'nflfl fJrll.llt'dJty nl'lnr II[IOndlng 11 Ml'll. M11lllll l.llrwltmm•o Jot:t Mottdrty Wtl<\lt 1.ournlng llw not•J.Itcll'll pnl'l. ol' I'm• IL YIHll wll.h M1•, rurrl Mt'll, 0fiOI'J.(Il lilfl Htato, Arlitlrtll r1f Hru•]JOl' Hprlngn. Mt•. tuul MI'H, Jlnrnld l'!tflVIIIlH ol'

Mr. rLnrl MrH, M .• T. Coc:lo•rlttll wm·o Dnl.roll., M1·. cutcl Mt'll, .ftLnH>H fJtnwttH Hundny g11011tH of thoh· HlHtor ruul unrl M1•, rlllrl MrH, .Tr1nw11 Sluven11 , .lr., hu~thnJul, Mt•, rtncl Mr:r. Cll'flhnm nl' WllllrtmHtnn WIII'O Mondrty evotthtg Monger or Dotrolt. gtleHI.II or Mr. fllld MI'IJ, lllrnerrt flhm·-

MI'II, lcrcd DlHtnli'OI.h rotumml to lllflll nnd l'runlly, , hoi' home Sllnflrty from 11 trip In w I" IHH't.hurn Mlchlgnn. , · 1'• ltunmny nf Vrln Nuyrr, Cnll-

Dnvlcl r ... ntter, .Jr., H)lOnt [L COII[llll lornln, ru•rlvecl I'I'Oill Wllllhlngtou, D. C., to VlHit hiH JHu·ontrr, Mr. llnd Mr:1.

of tltlYH the Jlllfll wcelc with hiH pur- Lym 11.11 Hunllley, entH, Mr. nml Mrs. Dllvld Lttttor. A Illltnher of Lct~lle fnnH HILW "Drtve" Mr. nnrl Mr11. Phil IcogJ.(, .!1·., nn­plteh the Mu111tcgon Hods fl ylctoi'Y IIOllllCe the hlrl.h ot ll flrlllJ.(hter• ll,t over the LrLnalng SenfltorH •rucHdtLy Hoot hrlHplttLI TuoHdny mol'lllng. evening. Mt'H, Bcmko Whllttey left 'l'ueHC!ny

Mrs. D. JD, Cl11y received word Mon- morning for '1 viHil with her siHlet• drty' of the serlolm !lines~ of her rlnd hurrlmnd, M1·. nnd Mt·11. n. H. IH'olhcl'-ln-lllw, Humid Bishop ol' Sun- HnUJ.(h of Chlcngo, Illinois. field. Mr. and Mrs. George Blnclt enter-

M 1 M Ch 1 ,..,. talned Sunday morning at rt IJI'enlt· r. nn< I'S. tlr 08 n.tmney were l'r~9t nt thcll' home neat• Hives .Jut1c-

Sunduy dinner guests of Mr. mlf/ M1·s. Benn Hnmmrtclt of 'l'ecumHeh lion. 'l'hrmc JH'CHent wore Mr. nnd Their sister, Miss Amelia Httmmrtel\ MrH. G. Schwablrtn!l of BllsHflclll, Mls11 of Callfornlfl, was also a guest. Dorothy Klump of .Jncltson and

'J'Ite Ladles of tho Methodist George Vlcury or Leslie. Later the church will sponsor a balted "'Dads gmup motored to Icmnlwnmuth to

" .dinner. Hflle S11tnrday rtt the Inllztlbeth Shop- F pe. 'l'flnlt lcogg and dtLUghter, .Joyce, of Prlvule Henry Foote, son of Mr. Lcsllc rmd Mr. nnd Mm. WlllllrcJ Mc-d . Coy of Albion !crt Friday mornlrig to

nn Mrs. Rollo Foote, who hrw been visit their daughter and sister nnd HltLtloncd at Ft. Leon!lrd Wood, Mls- lnwbancl, Mt·. and Mrs. Joseph Lee'or sour!, hns been tmnsferred to the Washington, D. c. Philippine Islands. Mlas Rcwhel Dormldson of LcHlle

mnrl'lng·u. IP1llll!J'III f~tlt'Vi(~l!tJ WlWH held Wfltlttt1H<lny nl; tho lt1rrl:ou-Lmulloy l'tt­ttut·nl hnnw Itt LttttHlng, with lmrlnl In Woo<llllWll nt LoHIIn,

A en~· rh•lvon hy Wr>lllnJ.(ton Chnp­llllln nl. Dni'IIIH! m•rurlwd htln n t.rno OlJO-Illllf llllln Honlh oJ: LeHIIo 'Ptte:rrluy nlOI'Itlng Wil<lll tlw di'IVIll' l'oll cHJieolp. Chlllllllllll rueoiVtlrl minor cut:u flllfl ln·uiHmJ nttd n poHfllhlo hottc l'mel:urnl of tho hnnd. Ho IH rt pr1t.lcnt at the T•'ooto horrpltnl flt .TnultHon, whm·c he 1

wns trLiwn In tho BnlncnH run huln.nen.l Mr. nncl Ml'H, Dnnnlrl Allen or Jonlrti

Bpent the weelc end with their moth-' er, Mt·rr. Minnie Allen. On Sunrlny l.hey were gueatH of Mr. rmd Mrs. Lou Allen of .Jn.clwon.

Mr. nncl Mrrr. B. P. O'Neil nncl Hon, Jrty, of JnckHon, Mr. cmd MrH. Hnr-; old Zimmerman nnd dr1ughtcr, !Pmn- 1

ceH, rmd Mrs. Ardlrt 'l'odd of LeHII<l! were Sund£Ly dlnnel' gueHts of Mr. und Mrs. Mrlhlon BelswlnJ.(er.

Mrs. Johtuum Hnnls Ia spending a weelt in northern Michigan. MlHH Eleanore Steves Is employer! In her Rhop at Leslie. '

Mrs. Myra Fenthcrstone of De-! trolt waH the paAt week end guest of: he1· brother unci wife, Mr. nnd Mr.9. G. W. Troman. 1




Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Wiley of underwent an nppCiidcctomy Tuesday Chlcugo, Illinois, and Mrs. Herb nt the Spn.rrow hospitnl nt Lruming. MrH. n. 11. Field Royston of Jncltson were Snturdny Mrs. Bernice Schram and Miss evening callers at the George Mitchell Florence Freeman were In 'l'oledo, Mrs. Yorlt of Portlrmd Is visiting! hoMme. 1 Ohio, on business Wcdnesdo,y. her sister, Mrs. Percy VanSicltle. '1· rs. George Owens s spending Mrs. Wllllllm Cowles broltc " hnne B the week with her sister "t Wood- In her unltle last week while on a en Mm·shall and bride, who hrwe 1

land. Mrs. Deletha Updylte Is caring trip In northern Mlchigrm. been visiting hls brother and family for Mrs. Florence Loacl1 during her Mrs. Marian Fogg wlll entertllln the nt Sherldlan, Wyoming, nrc at tlwlr; absence. Kacltle club at her home Thursday farm home now. I

Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Clay and evening. Mr. and Mrs. Pcrey Vt\nSlckle at- . dnughter of Leslie and Mr. nnd Mm. Mr. 11nd Mr·s. Gcorn-e Rumney celc- t d 1 th w 1

II ld I, 1 f L 1 t d " en c< e lllclns reunion at Lnnsln,.. . - nro ~re ger o ans ng re urne bmted their birthday annlversnrles nt Sunday. 'rhere were •10 present and 1 after spending a weelt at Muslwgon. their home Tucsdt1,y. Those present d •·· d 1

M d M R b t t goo err.:H an program were enjoyed , 1', nn rs. o er S unrt are on were their daughters and husbands, b

their vnc11tlon at Springer Lalw. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd True 11nd Mr. y all. · I Mr. nnd Mrs .. lohn Neustifter and nnd Mrs. C11rl Robinson, both of Lea- Mr. and Mrs. John Hemans, two!

son, Jan, and C. Sprult spent Sun- lie. daughters, .lnnett nnd Margaret, and: day with the former's parents, Mr. Dr. and Mrs. Wesley Balely of Los mother, Mrs, Minnie Hcm!lns, visited. and Mrs. John Neustifter 11t Ionl11. Angeles, California, and Mr. flnd rclfltives at Mass, Michigan, the past I

Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Fisher· are Mrs. Elton Balely of Riverside, Cull- weelt. · spending the week In northern Mlch- fornla, nrc guests at the E. P. Arch- Mr, and Mrs. 13. H. Field visited his: l,ra:t. er home. brother, Mr. llnd Mrs. Art Field, at 1

Mr. and Mrs. George Mitchell were Mr. and Mrs. Homer Snyder of their camp at Patterson Lalte the : ::Junduy dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rives Junction, Mr. and Mrs. Frank weelc end. Cy Young at Dnnsvllle. Banister of Tomplclns Center 11nd 'Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sauers of Lnn-

Mr. nnd Mrs. William Herzig re- Mrs. Ursula Snyder of Leslie left sing were Sunday guests of Mrs. turned home Sunday after spending Wednesday morning for a trip to Lavina IPield, Mrs. Adah Canfield and the weelc nt Copper Harbor. Vlrglnla. daughter, Elizabeth, of Eaton Haplds,

Mr. and Mrs. Herman Omness were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Howard of Lea- Mr. and Mrs .. lalte Sterile of Okemos, Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and lie announce the birth of a slx pound Mr. and Mrs. Vern Palmer of Felt Mr·s. Arthur Rabold at Flint. eight ounce daughter born at Root Plains, Mrs. Ford Lenon of Mason

Mr. and Mrs. Earl DeBarr enter- hospital Friday. wer·e visitors of Mrs. l•'ie!d during the I tnlned Sunday Mrs. DeBarr's brother Mrs. Ford Southworth of Rives past weelc and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frnnlt Junction underwent a tonsllectomy The 87th birthday of M1·s. Delln [ Bossbach of Bay City. nt Root hospital Monday morning. Hall-Ashley was celebrated August

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fogg, Jr., Monday night Ellen Sherman, 2•1 al the home of her daughter,


Seldom have a people been faced with a win·

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The winter may be extremely severe. Eve1·y ef­

fort to economize on fuel and still enjoy the

maximum amount of comfort must be expended. '

One of the best methods of obtaining comfort

and economizing on fuel is the installing of

storm doors and windows on you1· home. The

results will surprise you by contributing to a

saving on fuel and adding to the wat·mth of the


MICKELSON-BAKER LUMBER CO. entertained Mr. and Mrs. Jnmes daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Stella Shultz, of Jncltson. She recelv­Adnms and family of Jacltson and Sherman, underwent an appendecto- cd many cards, letters 11nd other gll'ts Mrs. Lucy Dlsenroth and son, John, my at the Root hospital. among which was a gorgeous bouquet Leslie-Phone S

~S~u~n~da~Y~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~VV~o~r~·d~h~n~s~b~e~en~r~e~c~e~lv~e~d~h~e~re~o~f~o~f~g~la:d:l~ol:l~n:n~d~a:s:t:er~·s~g~iv~e~n~h:e:r~by~~============-===========================================:! Mason-Dial 9521





Though It now appears that last year's rules will generally prevail, the sportsmnn who is not a lawyer may well l<eep an eye on newspapers this fall and winter to lcnrn what legal changes are going to affect his hunt­ing nnd fishing, conservation depart­ment officials said today.

llfl'. and Mrs. Ed Blucltmore were pleasantly surprised Sunday at their home by their family in celebration of their silvet• wedding nnnlversary. The 22 guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Blackmore nnd daughter, Mnrilln, Mrs. Mabel Bl11ckmore, Howard l<rceman and daughter, Flor­ence, Mrs. Bernice Schram of Leslie, Mrs. Verna Hunn, Mr. and Mrs. Yore Wilcox, Jim, Shirley and Joan of Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Blaclt· more of Eaton Rapids, Mr. and Mrs.

~~~:~~;~t ~ft:o~~d· M~:~~::~~~~ .---:B:--o=--=y:-:~,:-:s:---s-::-:u-=--=l:-:1::-_-s-:--""ir--S--T--U--R--D--Y-~--S--H--0--E--S---;:-------------------·' Blaelmwre were presented a. gift of DRESSES silver from the group, also n gift of flowers from the Sherwin-Williams An attorney general's opinion that

Inclusion of the effective dnte of Jan­uary 1, 19•12, In Public Act 356 wlll not malte this act law on that date unless the legislature adjourns 90 day beforehand adds another to the more than a score of new conserva­tion lnws whose effective dnte Is still In doubt.

The act affected by the opinion con­tains amendments to 16 sections of the inland fishing law, and among the changes is the stoppage of winter bluegill fishing, a controversial pro­vision included In the closing hours of the legislative session.

The prohibition of winter bluegill fishing Incited approval of the con­servation department, whose sclenti­tlc Investigators In the Institute for fisheries research have found that generally more rather than less fish­Ing would Improve blueglll fi~hlng in certain laltes.

Unless the legislature should re­convene and adjourn within the next few weelts, which appem·s unllltely, the 1941 hunting season will be sub­ject to essentially the same regula­tions as were In effect Just year. Un­affected by the legislative delay Is the extension of gray squirrel hunt­ing to all counties of the lower penin­sula except Emmet and Cheboygan, where last year gr11y squirrels were hunted only In putt or all of 12 counties in the northwestern quarter of the lower peninsula.

Because of the legislative recess, deer hunters wlll be unable to talte a doe for camp here, ll.'l the act now delayed provides. Other changes are llltely to become effective too late to Influence the coming hunt­Ing season are: Reduction of non­resident nrchm• fee from $25 to $5; retention by dealer of five cents for each hunting or trapping license sold; the requirement that small game hunters get written permission to hunt on farms; reduction of dally cottontail l'abblt limit from five to three; and extension of time limit for possession of game to talte advantage of freezer loclrers.

Gladiolus Festival At Ovid This \Veek

Ovid's third annual gladiolus festi­val will be held on Saturday, Sunday and Monday, August 30, 31 and Sep­tember 1. Thousands of .gorgeous gladioli will be on exhibition In special displays and In large fields.

store of Jacltson of which Mr. Blnclt- ,.,, ...... , •• , .. 69c and Ww;.hable FOR SCHOOL mot•e Is manager.

$1.00 Mnrrled 50 Years Mr. and Mrs. George Wilcox of

L.eslle celebrated their golden wed­ding anniversary at their home Sun­dny. Many gifts were presented the couple by their friends and children. Those present were their children and famllles, Dr. and Mrs. Rex Wil­cox and family of Alma, Mrs. Lila Kennedy and daughter of Mason, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Covert, Mr. and Mrs. George Covert of Leslie and Mr. and Mrs. I~ranlt Little of J acltson.

Editor's Wife Dill.'! Mrs. Nellle Allee Mlller, 63, wife

of W. N. Mlller, died suddenly early Friday morning at her home here. Surviving besides the husband Is one, daughter, Frances. Mr. Miller is the publisher of the Local Republican paper and before coming to Leslie was editor of the Blissfield Advnnce nt Blissfield and the Farmington En­terprise at Farmington. Funeral services were held at the Edwards funeral home Monday at 2:30 o'cloclc, with burial Itt Woodlawn at Leslie.

Mrs. Edith Stowe of Howell was the week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Shmv. On Sunday, tiw Shaws and their guest were guests of their daughter nnd son-In-law, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Lloyd of Kalamazoo.

Miss Blanche Dlll of Detroit was the wcelt end guest of her cousins at the Boyle-Dennis home, and on Sunday they were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Sherman. Also guests of the Shermans were, :Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Simpson of Sagi­naw.

Mrs. Melinda Hines wo.s a Sunday guest of her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Evans of Onondaga.

Mrs. Russell Shaw entertained the contract bridge club at he!' home Friday afternoon.

Private Lance Aldrich of Scotts Field, Illinois, spent the weelt end with his mother, Mrs. Nino. Aldrich.

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pixley return­ed home Saturday from a northern Michigan and Wisconsin vnco.tlon trip._

Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Carter are U1e parents of o. abc pound and four ounce son, born at Mercy Hospital at Jackson Sunday morning.


Trousers $1,.19 to $2.49





SHORTS 15c&25c

Good Quality .


Rugged Leathers Styled for

Adequate Support


$1.29 TO

$3.45 SKIRTS



$2.29 to to

$2.19 $2.98

See The Ladies New Fall Shoes

PRINTS That Will Make

Smart Back-to·

School Dresses

19c & 22c


39c yd.

Plains and Plaids

Slips and



29c and·


Good Quallty

4 to 14

Other attractions consist of band concerts, flog raising, ldddle parade, special Sunday services, beautiful flower show, pageant and a grand display of flreworlts Monday night.

:Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Schram of Ripon, Wisconsin, left Sund11y morn­Ing for their home after sp,encHnlr I the two weelts lr----------~--------~--.a--------------------------.JL ________ J ____ ..:::_~!::: __ J mother, Mrs. Bernice Schram.

School Hose 15¢ to 35¢

Rey Scott, l'eturnlng from Chinn, says the Chinese think freedom Is moro Important than life. There Is a heavy surplus of life In Chino.; pro· claus little freedom.-Dilnols State Journal.

:Mrs. Ruby Browne returned home Friday after spendlng a. week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. c. Wilcoxen at Fayetteville, Arkansas.

Mr. o.nd Mrs. Wendale True and daughter of Ithaca. are SP~J,ndllng vacation with their parents, Mrs. Lloyd True, and Mrs. Aldrich. .






Richard Mitchell, son of Mr. and III••••••~•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••J



Ag·gie rreaelWJ'S to Meet on Labot· Day





The Boy Scouts from this place attended the Ingham county fair for Uw five days.

F'red Asquith spent Wednesday at Ute home of his daughter, Mrs. Leon Longnecltet•, of Plainfield.

The school board has purchased a new bus for the school to be used for the coming year.

Rev. Edwin Stephens and family returned from St. Ignace Monday where they had been camping for a week.

Mrs. Clyde Buchanan and Mt•s, Howard Wllliams were Jackson visit· ors Tuesday. ·

Mrs. Stroud entertained at a birth­day party fot• Barbara recently.

Joyce Smitlt is visiting her sister, Mrs. Henry Smith and family, of Mason for a few days.

P;q;e ]live

"""lillllo ill Vfll'llhl" In liln Jll'ndw!,~J'. l'OIIIIlllltl'l' dt~tnnncl lllllo lt1 nXp!!dl!d In hold IIJI dnh·y Jll'll't:/l ill. fL f<IVIII'tlhlt: 111\'1'1.

A IIANIIHJ,\1' 'J1Jw liWYOI' of a l.ot~glt llm•dtn• !.own

wur1 ulwut. t.o <'11/j'll/f" 11. p1'1'treh!!l' fm· l.htl nl!\11 dllll'"h.

111!1111 Jli'll!!'/1 111'1! lwro t'<•till! II Jl(JIIIH! ltlJ:IltH' lllll.n II ;\'Ioiii' llf:'O, In I! Jill Cl or " IH>Ii:llhlo l'm'ol'd t'I'IIJl In Mldil· Ji'llll, 0111111 li!W~I I{IIVI'I'IIIJIO)l(. J'I'Olfl·· J:ro OJ' IHIJlllrll'l.!!d JH'IIII 111'11'1111 /Ill llll lndl"ullon lho 111·11 lll'op will filtdilltl.e llt'onrul t.h" llnJll""'l"d '"''•!!, whli!h 111 $f1 It iiiiiHh't:d 1111 HI~ f!llflft•J'Jl ~fUl­lllllll'd JliiHIH, <II' lliHtlll. .~·1.0:·, lo JIJC Mlt!ltlgrlll J;l'O\Vt'i',

"Pill'tHlll, you III'Hll'l. by lillY dlllllC'n II llttpll:ll., II I'll YO II 'I"

"N". Why'!" "Woll, I Willi j1111l golnfr to Hll,Y lhul

wn have to hnul mu• watn1· :12 mlh~H." ·-Minew' .Journal.

Mlchlfftlii'H .,,•rllllllll.!!d Ill r," Hillllrm­ltwrlwl Jlltl.lllo cmp In I!J.II !:1 i!><podotl l.o hl'lng 11 hlglwl' l.ol.lll l'lli.lii'JI to l{l'OWCl'H,· ()CIJJH111Hl!l' d('llllllllf off:icl.­t.Jng rL HnHtlltor• Mlt!lrlgun 111111 nallrmul "I'IIJl.

P1·ices Range Higher For Michigan Farmea·s --· ====-----,.,..=..,



Wrltn nr Call

M. M. Lovejoy Jnd•Hon, llfld1, l'hono ~n.n (J


Olt SIGNA'rmm


1.07 E. \Vn.llhtmULW, LIIIIHIIIg, l\lkh. Wnyno OU11, lllnnngcr



" Canned ~~egettJIJies Conned Fruits GREEN GIANT Pr:M c•n 15c CRt\PEFRUIT WHOLE SECTIONS 2 ~~;,2 25c REUADlE PEAS 2 ~~:.! ?fie A&P APRICOTS WHOLE PEELED 2 ~:~~·· 23c 1\&P TINY PEAS 15c IONA BARTLETT PEARS ~~~~ 1 Oc IONA TOMJ\TO~S 3 ~~;.2 25c OREGON PRUNES 2 ~~;; 25c AC(P TOMATOES N,~·/ 13c IONA summ PEAGHES N~~~·;, 17c IO~lA CUT GREEN D~~~~S '"" 1 Oc APPLESAUCE 2 ~~~/ 1 9c PdMJ GOLDEN BANTAM CDrW N,o~/ 1 Oc RED SOUR PITTED CHERRIES ~~~.2 15c A&P SAUERKIUWT 3 ~~;.2 25c StJt TANA FRUIT COCI<TAIL 2 ';~~:· 25c MIXED V~GETNUES 8 ~;~;/ 25c DOLE SliCED PINEAPPLE N~;~"~· ?.1 c ION A SPHM.CI-1 N,~·. 2 1 Oc lOti A PEARS N~;~'1• 17 c CUT IONA Ji~HS ~~·.z 1 Oc ROYAL ANN CHERRIES ~~~~ 15c ASPARAGUS <od.~00 19c "11\ APRICOTS HALVES ~~~ 17 c SEASiDE UM!\ BEAi11S con 1 n'lc SLICED ELBERTA PEACHES ~~~· 21 c DICED~ CARROTS ·~0d/ 9c

liuJp$ -l~ap Powder# CmPSO FLAKES or GRANULES tgo. 21 c WHITE SAIL SOAP FLAKES 2 pkgs. 25c GOLD DUST · '9•· l~c LUX FLAKES 's•· 22c RINSO ytent 59c Is•· 21 c SILVER DUST 19 •• 23c SWEETHEART SOAP lc SALE 4 bors 19c SWAN SOAP MEDIUM ond LARGE bf~~h 11 C


lgo. 23c lgo. 17c lgo, 21 C





2 ls·ol, 19c pl~··


lgo. 45c lgo. 23c pk9• 23c

lpr~tttls- Condlmtnls SALAD DRESSING ANN PAGE qt.




pt. 14-ot. bot. 8·0!, bot, 2-lb. l•r


31c 25c 27c 19c 23c 18c 12c 31c


24~~~b. $1.07 2t'!~b. 75c ~!~· 25c

2 lbs. 13c 2~~~· $1.47

lb. 6c b•~

Houseltoltl lt!pp/les C!JnUTE WAX PAPER SCOT TiSSUE

125-ft, roll 15c





2 rolls



4 rolls 440


50 It,


···" · , Mticelltmefius tinned



4 cans

4 cons 4-oz, tin


CtiOI 11·01, con ARMOUR'S

5c ?.7c ?.lc ?.5<: 25c 6c


?.9c 17c

5c 19c 19c 25c 19c 17c 10c

,lcltles- lllres - Rellsltes ANN PACE PLAIN OLIVES 2 36~t~~· 23c ANN PACE STUFFED OLIVES 4i:~· 25c DILL PICKLES PLAIN 41~~1' 27 c SWEET PICKLES qt. 27c SWEET PICKLES 2 1 r;~.~- ?.3c DILL PICKLES . , qt. 17 c HOT FINGER PEPPERS qt. 17c Kl.EIN'S PONY DILL PICKLES 21~~·· 17c DERBY SWEET RELISH ~; 27c




2 ~~'l':: 6 bois,

4 bois,

3 26-os, boll,

2 1-qt, boll.

15c 25c 19c 25c 15c

•N •' ·-:·~' ••.• !.••.••.••,u,• '·' ·~ '·' '·' •-: '·'" '·' ' ':-• :·: H:·::·: :·: :-;;-::·::·::·::·: ~: :: t::::: :·: ;{ ;-;;.j :·: ;~ ~ :·::·::·::·::-::·::~ :~ :~ :·: :·: :·: :·: :; :·:;.: :·: :·: :·::·::·::·::·:;~

lr:; ··aEEF""iol\'st ;. CHOICE CHUCK CUTS lb. 25c !:! I WHOLE OR 30 PERCH FILLETS POLE 19 ~ ~ SMOKED ~AMSsHANK HALF lb. C STAR lb. C !t

::: Fresh Hamburg lb. l9c HADDOCK FILLETS ~~~~ lb. 20c H ~ ~

n ' -. .' BACON SQUARES SUGAR CURED lb. 17c jj i·: CNICS SMALL LEAN 25 :.: ~ •. SINII .. P.KE.Il .... P.1 .... ··::·::1t·::::·:t·::·::-::.::-:}:t·:t-:;~::~~::·;:~~~~}lt{}l}ll;}l})t·:~~-;,.::::~11:·=:·=~~~» ~••i'n ,.,., , .. ,.,,. .. ,., ... , ................... "''

Classified Advertising f<ATES-Advcrtiucmcntu In t:hiu department: 25 centu for 25 wo.JH or leu~ tor cnch innertlon. For more than 25 wordn, one cent a word for each inHcrtion. Advertising rnrty be mailed or telephoned. Dial Mauon 9011.

---------------------~---~------------~-~------· --··------I Livestoc_I!-To_o_ls / i\N'I'_IQIJI!! WAI,NIJ'J' Jwclroom ."'_'flo,_

--- ·- --·---·-·-----·· _________ . lnl'iutlltlg' HJit'lng-11. Mt'll, (,c"'rge CI!ICIC·l, CI!fC!Cf-1--1 itLT.c:ltlng" now, 'l'fl<>t'htlt'll, Houl.e •I, Ml<llnll, ,l!liiHI.

WAN'l'!ilD •ro BUY-Old or rtlunblcctj Pcnonal I horHcH. High cut prlcou pnlrl. Ht.y ~------------------Fottler, Stoclnmagn, R1, 1.7tf Ci\HD OJ•' 'I'I!ANKfl-···1 wiHit tr>'l'lltl Htwlm, Whllo Hoclw, l"og- WIJI<>IIghlly road, hollflo No. ,! 17·1. -------------- ·-------- tlwnl< my lllll,liY frlnllclH, llcfgltlmr:J itnl'lllt nncl HhmJn IHinnd Hecln. 11<>11: J."I"Jihcllm 21lilll. :lf>wl P WAN'l'JUD-AII ltlndu or llonr (~0\VH nncl I'Ohtl:lv"~'· fell' thelt• lovoly (~llt'dH, ':1c;Klld Jlllllolll nnd c:oelwroll!, 11. 0, P. hrontlor. Wt•ltc, phruw or vlnlt Lnwclcn l•'ctt'mll. Phone .Tnclwon 2·18011, Lomttlnn, 4fi20 Plmwnnt Lnlw rrmd. f'rmtol!lcc, !1lvo11 .TIInc-tlon, Michig-an. 101!

A UC'I'ION SALI~---Snl.nrdny, Scp­tr>rlllll't' I a. '"ivcHtoclc ll.llci farm t.ooiH. Or·vlllo c. 'l1hlllllll, a 1,~ nlile::; enHI: nl' Mrwon on ColllmbirL ronrl l.o DiiLJIHllul rond, Jlt'Hl JJOI(HO Houlh.

2fi l•'INI•l WOOL ht•cedlng eweH for Hille .. $fi pel' hc11d, E:ntut'y .Jowdt, Ma:-um. :mw1

HIWIS'J'J•Jltfol!J HOLS1'f•JIN hull, H months okl, for Hale, Dnm 'H record, lf•:tl2 IIJH. mill<; ofl8 li!H. bultm·. nnynwnd Elfct'l, Phone OtJOl. :tGw1p

100 PLYMOU'l'H HOCK yearling hcnH, laying, for snle. Also two ox­l'nrtl buclw. Luman SlilcH, Leslie.

:t!iwlp ·---

cr.ovmn SI,mD bunclwr !'or fi-fl. mower, !'or snlc. Vnughn & Waltz, :l006 West Columbia l'Oad. Phone


HOOli'JNG, SIDING, J.UMlmR. No down pnymont. Cnll LnnHing 2-00:H J'nt• J'rnc cHtlnmto where prlccH tell rmd quality sells . .TI\tnCH McKane, OlwmrlH. :JOw22p-tr

un<l duy old cnlvett. Hobert Shout- l't•ullH nnd cn11!1y while I WHii Ill al. holm, 1:121 'l'uttlo ronrl, Muson route tho llllllnl.ot•lllm un<l 111 nty lton1<1, 1, 24wtf Onoo ag-uln I Hay thanlt yo11, MrH,

·-------------- Waltm· !-~Clllln. anwJp WAN'l'f~D-Dny-olrl t0 thrco-cluy-old

cnlvca nnd rlnlry cown. A. I. IT'elgh­ncr, Mosnn. Pltonc 7280. 2:Jtl'

NOTICIU---Ailel' l.hiH dale T will not he !'(!ftpnnHiblo fill' rlohtH contrnctecl by my wil'n, li't·ruweH Cogswdl.

~-=ogHwcll, :mwlp I WAN'rrr:D-I-IouHchccpcr, full time, nTTCi-IE!HS~--Pil;PJNS-~·;,-;d~raln~pplcH to enrc for children while Jnntluw

f'nr snle; will hrtve elder bcg·innlng- worlcH, Sundays off. Inqult·e nfter Lout nnd Found Hn turrlay. Otto Lwllclco, junction of 1\ve o'clock Mrs. Luelle Wilcox, US-127 iuul South .Tclfcl'Hon, Mason. 810 S. Burnes, Mnson, 33w3p INGHAM COUN'l'Y Humllne Soclet.)l

:l3wlplf urges you to loolt for your lost clog _______ MAN AND WIFE Wllnterl for nil or cut llt the Animal Shelter, 1713

1-o:w~I..As•r1m·· DJ~LUXID tudor coach yellr worlc on farm. No mllltlng. Sunset uveuuc, Lllnslng, open 8 to In excellent meclHLnlcal condition; Good living quarters well furnish· 5 weclc days, phone 26218. All dogs g-ood apperu·nncc, low mileage. Wll- ed, S. S. Gould, R. 1, Stoclcbrldge. picked up by county dog wnrrlcn limn Fountuln, 2 i~ milcH west of 31w2p uru brought to Shelter dully. 12tr Mrtson on Columbln rourl. Phone 6783. 35w1 WANTJUD-1-Iousclwcper, full time, LOST·-·Rcd Cncltcr Spaniel, cor1wr

_____ . ___ --------------- child In school, mother worldng. Columbia and Wlllhcmslon road. Clll•lVHOLg'J' 'l'HUCI<, 1030, for sale., Sundays off, ~an stay or go home/ Lrtwrcnce Kuhns. Dansville plwnc

Good tires and In good running con- nlght.s. Mrs. Mllcs Holley, Ct~ll U011 2-172. 35w1p clition. $!flO. Gale Bagley, nne nnle _ 01' 6611. ·15Wl I !\JASON IUAJUm;•s south and three mllcs wcHt of Ma-

070" Wi\N'l'<nD-Mrll'l'lc<l tnnn IJctwocn 25 W.hunL ... A ................ _ .................. $.1.1,'," $ .on HOil 011 l{ipp l'flfHl. rfclephnnc •1• '!J llcnll!l 1 wt I ~ •I, I r1 35wlp and 10 with cur. IntereBt In future. llool Illolno~ 'jj;;;;;;;;, .. ;j;;;:j, .. ·:::::: '"' 11.1111

....... -·-. ----- --- --·····-- ---------····-·· Deprcsslon-pl'Oof job. Willing to Uool l(lolnuy u,,.n·,, lluht ...... 7.fi11J


IJ807. :JfJwlp

J~rvm o. I. c. sows fm· sale. Due Lo fat'l'IIW nlmuL Seplemhct· 1, TDmer·y .Jewett, telephone 2·1:l82, Mason. 35wl

AUC'riON SALE-Saturday, Sop- Btm'l at about $2li week Cull at R"t" ····· .................... :~~ ;;:~ lcmiiJcJ' 1:1. Llvcostoclt £1,1lcl farm 1125 So. Washhig-ton, Lansing. Jo'~o~ui;;~"i'r',;·;.j~~ ·:::::::::::::::::::::::: 1.1111 tools. OJ·villc c. 'rhttma, a 1/, miles a:.wtr Mod LinK llm·l.,y ........................ 1.011 cast nf Mrrson on Columblu I'OUd c,.,,.m ......... ................ .:t7

to Diamond roar!, first house south. WANTTIJD-JiJxperlenced waitress nt l1~~1:,":::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :f~ 35wl Adnms Rcstuura.nt. No others need l.ughonoH .................................. , t :t

Manning the machines of local industry are the men of Labor, whose production makes possible the

WILL have nnothcr shipment of steer and heifer enlvcs Sunday or Monday nt the Mason Sloelcylll·ds. LcHIIc Colcg't'ove. :J5w1p

SOWS with pigs for sale. nlchunl Aseltine, a miles cast of MnHon on EaRL ColLtmhlu. 35wlp ·- - . ---.

BRIDD GTL'rs nnrl sows for snlo.

------·------------·-----·· apply. :JGw1 IRISH SETTER-0 monihs olrl. Elllgl-

blc to register·. W. R. Tietz. Phone 5011, 117 E. South stl·cct, Mason.


PEACHES-Hrrlc Hn.vcns will last another wool<. Picldng Sun-glows now. J?crguson-Dobie Orcltnl'<l, 1 11~ miles south, 1,~ mile cast of Dans·

WANTED TO RJiJNT-80 to 120 nct•c farm, good lund und buildings. Box 20. Ingham County News. 35wlp I

ELDERLY WOMAN WANTED for worlt in family of two. Mrs. Will Nichols, Mason. Phone 168-1. 35wl

Your Lifc?s Your Own

manning of ships, tanks, guns and planes for National Defense. Beca~se their brawn will make America strong, we ;.a!Lti:e this community's army in overalls!

E. A. Marshall, 1 miles south and 1 \" mlle,s west of Mason on Burnes

ville on Dexter •rrnil. 3fiw1 WANTED-EJlrlerherricH. We puy ily BETSY SHARPLESS I McClure Syndlcate-WNU Service, I The Farmers Bank road. :~5wlp

lG IMPORTED registered Holstein.

CHOICE ELBERTA anrl Hale peach­es ut King's farm, one mile north of Leslie on Tilden rond. :J5w1

2-year-old heifers due to freshen ii1Tf.>oiln-;runoRwlth hcat~;-f~r

cash on delivery for freshly plclted ripe berries. For further particulars write or phone Emmons Cider & Vinegar Co., St. .Johns, Mlchlgnn.


"1 F YOU cao get an Interview with Hurman, you're on the pay-

roll. Nobody can get him. He won't ' The Oldest Bani, in Ingham County Member F. D. I. C. and Federal Reserve System

th_ls fall. Ft·t~nk Thompson, 2'.~. sale. Your 1935 or 1936 Ford will ----------::--nules north ol Mason on Dl,<emos mal<o a down payment with 21 WANTED-Woman for light house­

work and companion. Write Mrs.j Rny Holloway, box 90, route 1,

mad. Phone fi•l89 Mason. 3tiw1 months on balance. Mrs. Thomas LARG]i: -JERSI~Y-CO~V---,-;;-;dHolstein Mcintyre, 870 Tuttle road. Phone

tall~ I've given you a tough job, but ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ it's only people who can do tough jobs who win out these days. This ---­bird Harmon says a man's private Waitfng fill' somclTiing that would In 2,000 Uet'CS of Hartwick Pines Surviving nrc throe daughters, Mrs. life is his own. You gotla show him make him happy; as if she were state park and 1,000 acres of Wilrlm·-1 Gm,cc McDougal of Baypor·t, Mrs.

Lansing. 35w1p cow, both due soon, for sale. Top I 070·1 after 7 p. m. 3G\v1p cows. Also 20 wood strrve si!o;Y· S. GRA_PES for jelly or juice will be _,\,Laxto~~~l:r>h_o~Jc_2:~7-~~·- ,J,~~~~ll ready September 1. W. 0, Gregg,

EXPJiJlUTIJNCED-Young single man with reliable references desires job aH carctalcer for small estate or farm, Write IT'red Lung, Fowler-SIDVEN DUROC PIGS six weelts old. Phone 3l:ll. 35wlp

Floyd Collar, 2 miles north and live CANNINClTQ;'\fAT-OE_s_.::.:P}101~~y~~~~· miles .cast of Mason on the Waldo ville, Michigan. 35wlp I'Oacl. 35w1p orders. JiJrvin Neal, Ha.rpcr road,

telephone :!382. 35w1 ROAN MARE cour, 13 months old,

for sale; Also Guernsey hull, 10 months old. C. G. OwenH, on Ivcs I'Oild 2 milcH cast of MaHon between M-:lG a.1d Columbia road. :Jfiwlp

-------·------- ----- ----BEJ\ N PULLER and cultivator for

G. P . .John Deere tractor. A. L. Reeves, % mile cast of :Mason­Oitcmos road on Cavanaugh road.

PEACH lilS-Trce-rlpenod Prolific peaches for sale rrt Schutt's orchard September 2 unci a.fter. We have several hundred bushels of quality spmycd fJ'Uit, reasonably priced. Visitors welcome. No Sundn.y sales please. Shutt's Orchards and Nurs­eries, one-half mile west of Web-berville. 3fiwl


G-YEAR-OLD family cow for sale, reasonable, a good one; Also 20 Barred Roclt cockerels, 3% to 4 pounds . .T. H. Fruchey, 112 West Race street, Leslie. Phone 28.

WOOD for snle, $1.50 to $2.00 cord at farm. Holden Stiles, 11,:, miles enst of Leslie on IT'Itchburg road.

35tf ·------·-----·--- ---DRY WOOD for sale. Bettm· get It

now while getting is good. !'hone 4171. Inquire ill. .T. l~lelchet·.



1-1 SHOATS, weighing about 125 lbs. each, for sale. Clarence Hill, west of Leslie stoplight to Blaclcmore road, the11 south three-fourths mlle.


PIGS, 10-wcelcs-olrl for sale, or will exchange for hay. L. R. Chndrloclt; 3031 Pine Tree rand, 2% miles north of Holt. 35w1p

---------COW, for sale, j;t~t freshened. Good

size, good test. Mrs. Catherine Owen, 6% miles east of Mason n.t 570 Dexter Trull, 35w1p

TWO BROOD SOWS due to farrow in September, also 8 pigs six wcelcs old. Inquire Lyle Palmer, 1569 Edgar roud, 3 miles west and 3 miles south of Mason. 35w2p

THREE COWS FOR SALE, one Brown Swiss with calf by side; one .Jersey, one Guernsey, fresh soon. Ralph Champion, Alalodon Center, four miles north of Mason. 35w1p

Real Estate-Farms

FOR SALE-120 ncre farm, good productive lund, two houses, one remodelled yem• ago-good furrn buildings. One mile west of US-127 on Columbln roud, Mason, Michl· gnn. Write owner, Paul B. Cheney, 912 illdgewood Place, Ann Arbor.


HOUSE AND LOT East of Delhi street ut Holt for sale. Fred Frye, arlmr. Inquire at Ingham county jail or of Mrs. R. S. Pt·utt, Holt,

33w4 -----------------------IT'OR SALITI-110 acre fm•m In Bun-Iter Hill township, to close estate. Buildings, See R. :McLean, Mason. Telephone 3751. 34w3

FOR SALE-75 acres and eight roam house, basement burn, on Tuttle road. Gladys 'Mcintyre, telephone 3781. 35wl

FARMS WANTED-To exchange for Lansing homes, Income or suburban property or to sell on terms. Sut­toil Real Estate, 503 Hnle St., illuton Rapids. 35w2p

Household Goods

IHTCHEN CABINE'l' with top, for snle. $2.00. Mrs. Burt Green. Phone 0607. 35w1

USED SPARTON electric refrigera­tor with clock, for sule. Used two years. Gerald A. Parsons at Ford

---------------------LADY'S SPORT COAT, ull wool, for

sale. In good condition, size 12. Telephone 3691. 35w1

For Rent

SLEEPING ROOMS for reRt, close ln. Comfortable beds. Hot V/ater. Mrs. Lennagene Swearingen, 426 Parlt street. 25tf

SLEEPING ROOMS for rent, close­in. Comfortable beds, hot V/ater, and if wanted. Mrs. Ola Brown, 502 South Lansing street.


FOR RTIJNT-'l'hree rooms with p!·l­vute bath, front and rcur entrances, garage. 415 West Ash street. 35w1

FOR RTIJNT-I?urnlshcd five J•oom house, newly decorated 225 ill. Elm street. 35w1p

FOR REJNT-IT'urnlshcd or unfurnish­ed apartment. Avulluble September 15. Mrs. Harry E. Neely, 326 mast Onk. 35\Vl

2 APARTMENTS for rent, three rooms anrl' bath, continuous hot water, furnished or partly furnish­ed. Also four-room ground floor npnrtment unfumlshed. Adults only. 306 West Columbia. 35wl

SMALL HOUSE In Leslie for l'ent, wa.ter, lights, electricity, wlt·cd for electric stove. Newly decorated. Adults. Inquire 306 West Columbia, Mnson. 35w1

------==::::c===----=-=-MODTIJRN IT'URNISHED. APART· ment, steam heat, for rent. 127 East Oak. Phone 7331, 35w1p

FOR RENT-Seven mom house, full basement, soft water, wired for electric stove . .Julius Dorn, 7 miles Cji.St of Holt on Holt road. 35w1p_

FOR RTIJNT-Two sleeping rooms, one with three-piece bath, steam heut, close-in. Mrs, L. H. Minnis, 210 South .Jefferson. Phone 6301. lp

IT'OR RENT-House four miles from Mason. Inquire James IT'Inch, cor­ner Pryor nnd Edgar roud or at 5006 South Cedar street, Laming.



WANTED-Custom plowing und cul­tivating. George R. Davis, 1100 Dansville rond. Telephone Mason

WANTED-A wood rtnrl calli rnngc In good condition, reasonably priced. Mrs. IT'red Fuller, 1811 mast Columbia, Dansville P. 0. 35wlp.

W ANTTIJD-A good used piano, for use in the Wheatfield Center Sun­rlav school. Mrs. V. m. Birds, Wil­liamston, Route 1. 35w1p

W AN'l'ED-Glrl to rio houseworlt; good wages, no general tmlnlng. Call after September 1. Mrs. D. C. Durt, 322 JiJust Oal1. 35w1

-WANTED WAI'l'RESS-Expcriencc

not neecsHary, one willing to leam. E. & ill. Oafe, 125 N. Cedar s~., Mason. 35w1p

GIRL WANTED, exper·ienced in housewor·lt and pluln coolting. Pre­fer one Interested In being trained as a malcl. $5 ut start anrl $8 when able to take full charge of a small household In Lansing. No children In family. State age, references as to exper·lcnce and character refer­ences In your reply. Box 21, Ing-ham County News. 35w1

Business Locals

WELL DRILLING-Men with over 20 y(lara' experience and fully Insured against accidents while working on your premises at no extrn charge. Two all-Rteel drilling machines. A Sanford, !Jhonc 63Dl, Eaton Rapfds.


CHEMICAL AND SEPTiC TANn:s. and cesspools cleaned; cisterns cleaned and repaired; septic tanlts sold und Installed. Worlt guaran­teed. L. W. Coe, 238 Hun!~ street, telephone 2-7647, Lansing. 23tf

ELECTRIC iBillWER CLEM"lNG­We now have one of the latest de­vices for cleaning sewer and dro.ln outlets. It eliminates the usual dig· glng up of the drnln thereby ell· minuting a costly job. The 100-foot electric cable Is equipped with a special geur for cutting roots und other obstructions. Mason Plumb­Ing & Heating company. 21tt

LIVESTOCK TRUCKING to De­troit. Llconsed by M. P. S. C., every load lnsw·ed. Will do custom field balling of hay or straw. ~· C. Anderson, telephone Dansville 2595.


SUMMER furnace cleaning uod re­pairing. Summer stolcer service. Adams Ellectric Shop, dlul Mason 11oll. 29wtf

HAY AND STRAW baled In field, will bale second cutting ulfulfa on shares. C. I. Richner, 1135 Dexter Trull, Dansville, Phone 2487. 30wtf

HARMON'S CIDER MILL will run Mondays nnd Fridays tintll further notice. 35w2p

FORTMAN CIDER MILL will be open for business every Thursday nnd Friday beginning September 4. Elmet• Fortman. 35w1p

It isn't." everything in the world he wanted. ness state park In the full hunting' Edith Schezzcnlous of Flint._nnd Mrs. She turned away without a word, That was the expression she sur- and tmpplng seasons. Wood of Leslie: tht·cc sons, Henry,

I d I · H pr1'sea' on ill·s face as sl1e lool'cd at The ban on blnclt squii'I'Cl shootinrr Morris and Frank, all of Baypot't ·, a a rea y rna ong plans to get to ar- · ' "' man. him from behind the door and then, In any purt of Michigan continues in sister, Mrs. Ellen Jasper of Munls-

cffcct, while fox anrl gray squirrels ing: and a br·othcr, George 'l'uyloJ' of For the next three days Betty as she left its shelter, when_ he may be hunted In the lower peninsula Munising. Duane spent most of her time at caught sight of her and sprang to October 15-November u. The upper ..,=============""" Harmon's offices, trying to cajole the ground to help her in beside peninsula is closer! to squirrel hunt- ~ somebody into letting her past the him. ing·, and Emmet anrl Cheboygan barriers that led to his private do- In Fairyland-that is miles and counties may he closed to fox squir­main. But to ho avail. Harmon, the minutes away from the city, along rei hunting ngaln If Conservation uninlerviewed, intended to maintain a beautiful road that neither of Director P . .T. Hoffmnster finds such his aloofness. ·them saw-"Betty," said Charles uetlon warranter!. ON VACATION

His rise to prominence hud been Harmon, "you know how I feel quiclc und spectacular. Two months about you, don't you?" ago he was just a· highly intelligent, "I suppose I do," said Betty, seri­thoroughly ambitious young lnwyer, ously, a little troubled. "Because with political ambitions. Then, be- that is the way I feel about you." cause of his worlt on a stale invcs- Charles put one hand over her two ligating committee, appointed by I smaller ones, and drove adequately the governor,' he had suddenly be· along for minutes and miles with­come ooc of the most famous char- out further speech. acters in the -city where he lived. Then Betty said: "Charles, I've , Whether it .was modesty or affec- written a story about you-·an arti·

tation Betty did not know. But Har- cle, you know. I've been trying to mon refused any sort of personal in- get a job as a reporter on the Flare. terview. They said if I got an interview with

Betty was discouraged the third you I could have the job. I cheated. day after the start of her attempt I wrote the article after that dinner. to see Harmon. She decided to give I was going to send it in Monday herself an afternoon off. Perhaps morning, But I decided I wouldn't an afternoon off would make her as soon as I saw you today-before feel more conildent. you told me-"

So she ran in to see a young mar- Charles drew the car up at the ried friend. And Celia, as luck and curb. One hand wasn't enough. coincidence would have it, was in "Betty," he said, "I knew who you quite a flutter .of excitement about were. I'm new enough to this game Harmon, ' of being famous to be curious about

"Bob and I are going to dinner it. I peel\ed out my door to see the with Aunt Virginia tonight to meet girl they said stuck around all the Charles Hai·mon. Isn't that fun, time trying to interview me, So I Betty?" she asked. knew you at the dinner that night.

Betty's heart thumped, She felt I had a feeling my private life was like a starving man with only a pane my own-didn't want to tall\ about of glass between himself und food. myself. But I don't cm·e now. It's

"Oh, Celia," she said, "aren't you different. I want everybody to know the luckiest girl living, Meet how-well, how wonderful e\·ery-Charles Harmon! Why, I'd give my thing is." soul to meet him." "Oh, Charles," said Betty, "let's

Celia looked· up in mild surprise. keep it all to ourselves. It'.s too "Well-1'11 telephone Aunt Vir- sweet. And when you come to

ginia. Cousin Mary's got a sore think of it-why be interviewed? throat, and I !mow she feels sicker Isn't a man's private life his own?" than a cat and doesn't want to go tonight. Maybe Aunt Virginia will ask you instead. Want to have me?"

At the end of the week Betty had seen Charles Harmon three times. First, at the dinner party given in his honor, when she, a picture of young charm in white chiffon, de­mure and sweet, golden-haired und pansy-eyed, had so impressed him that he had asked her to meet him at lunch the next day.

Second, at lunch, Betty dizzy with suspense and the feeling of success. Still young and sweet, but not so demure. Excited, snappy tailored in dar!\ wool. Charles Harmon charming-interested.

Third, on Saturday afternoon, Charles Hm·mon driving her for endless miles into the country-for endless miles into Fairyland.

Locked in her desk at home was an interview with Charles Harmon. It was a swell interview, Betty knew. It would get her the coveted place on the Flare's payroll. And, honestly, until Betty saw Charles Harmon sitting at the wheel, waiting for her, as she glanced at him from the shelter of the door, she had meant to take it to Perry Smith on Monday morning.

Few Season Changes Under Hunting Rules

Hu11ters will comb woods and fields for grouse, pheasants, rabbits, ~q ulrrels and raccoons, and trappers will talte musltruts unrl mink this fall In sensons vlttuully identical with seasons In 1040 as the conser­vation commission, acting on game division reports of good gume crops, hM continued most existing regula· tlons in effect.

Waterfowl shooting regulations have yet to be fixed In detull, pend· lng announcement of federnl regula­tions, but the commission ha.s indi­cated It would protect woodduclcs whether federal rules do or not. The 2 p. m. closing hour for waterfowl shooting wus renewed on Houghton lake, but allowed to expire on Mus­l\egon Lake.

Heart Attack Fatal To Leslie Visitor

Delmar •raylot·, 78, of Bayport, was stricltcn with a fatal heart selzm·e on Leslie's Main street Thursday fore­noon, He died on the street.

I will be absent from my of·

fice on vacation h·om

Sept. 7 to Sept. 28

During that time my office will be_ open.

Geo. R. Clinton, M. D.

Mr. Taylor was visiting his daugh­ter, Mrs. 0. B. Wood. The body was talccn to Edwards' . funeral home. It will be tulcen to Bayport Sunrluy morning-. Funeral services will be I held ln. Bayport Sunday afternoon. '---------------'



Used Cars May Be Scarce-


1940 :~!?, ~e~;~~~ ~~~~~~ .. ~~~~~ .. :~~~ ............ $650 1940 ~~l~n?c~JY~ ~!J"~!~ .~~~~~~~ .. ~~.~ ............ $595

garage. 35wl 2-1281. 17wtf

PICKUP SERVICE for your cream, poultry and eggs; Farm Burenu seed and salt. Our price Is best, give us a try and we'll do the rest. Dnnsvllle Crea.m Stntlon, P. L. Hcdglen, proprietor. 35w4p But when Betty saw him waiting

fm:. hm:--:insL IL ~- slm thou!Jh!,

The area open to deer hunting continues us before, except that hunting for deer of both sexes will be allowed under proper restrictions In pat'ts of Allegan county when the new law nuthorlzlng this hunting be· comes effect! ve. . Delayed effcctl ve date of another new law Is ull that will prevent hunting and trapping

1940 ~~~~ .~.~.~~'~';"~~~~~~:.~~~.~~ .. ~.~.~.~ .................... $5 75 1938 ~~~~ .. ~~.~~~.~ .. ~.~.~.~.~.~.~~~~ .. ~~·~·i·~~ .............. $375 1937 ~~!D .~~~.~~~~ .. ~~.~.~~~~.~.~.~~~~~ ................... $300 1936 ~~~~.~~~~~.~ .. ~~~~.~.~.~~~.~~~~.~.~~~ ............... $225 THE INGHAM COUNTY NEWS 1936 ~~!?r ~.~.~.~~.:.~~.~ .. ~.~.~.~.~~~ .. ~.~~~.~~~ .. ~~.~~: ....... $225 1935 ~~~~rR~~.~~.~.~.~~~~ .................................... $145


J. B. DEAN By Advertising In The Cla$sified 1\d Columns

.Social News and Personals Mills Mulllyu DltVIH will lllll<ll' /,llll•

lling Bllllill(HIII IIJJ!VO!'Hity 'l'lllli!Cllly M I'll, Cllll'orrl Wuh'oll vltlil<•d hor

tillllt!l', Ml'll C'hlll'il'll lllulr, Ill .1111 II/HIII Moud1ty,

'J'hlltJHiuy, {\Ufillflt ~~~. IIJJitl lin II llllli gllllill HI onlllrly !1111'1<, l't'llllhylmlanll

Richnnl Grcllon iH Mnrricd

At LcHii<• Ceremony Monday

MIHH flhil'lny A l'lllHII'Ollg, dJJugh I <'I' nl' M1·. und Mill l•'J<'<l AlmHIJong of L<•Hil••, lliHI ilir•lwnl On•llon, Hnn of Ml'H. C lt~r'LIIJIIP {JJ'I'I ton of .A III'Pllllll, W<'l'O llllliTit•c] M11llrillY ulght Ill l.hc hnnw ol' I!Jn !lev. 0, B. 'l'huml 011 nt LPHilP 'PhP Hillgh• Iiiii{ fiPl'Vino WH/1 t'mHi hy !he H<•v 'l'ltnr>Jtou 111. eight o'l'!nclr in I he pl<'ill'lH n ol' Mr. nnd M1•u. Vlo i<ll' I rill ol' fJI'llncl I,cdge, I he ouly niiJ•mlnnls. f•'ollowing llw Cf'I'C­mnny n W<'rirllng RllppPI' was HCJ vcd 11t the homo of the brldc'H Jlltt'OnlH MI'S, ClJ'<'ll on iH l'mploycd 11 l the i'PilpiP'H bank nl Leslie, Mr. G1cttnn hnH lwPn In the (•mploy of I h<• IInw· lott fmph•m<•nt compnny at Mason for n llllmbor nf ycJtrfl.

• Mrs. Richard Mills Honored at

Farewell Party by Friends

Ml', nlul Mill, Wuyn!l Mnyel' llll· I••JIJJin<•d 1•1 gti<'Hill nl. 11 )lui t'lll Hnp· pm· ltl. I Jwl1· homo Hnllll'dJJy uiuhl lwurll'lng r••r•CJII hirlluiJJy JllllJIVol'· llllt'io•ll 11t' IL nltlll!JeJ' ol' tlwh• f(lWHIH, 'l'hoH•· wholh' hil'i hciltys Wl'l'n houot'l'ri Wl'l'<' Mr· nud MJH. WIJIIJJm .1 llnPif· ly, .r. Jil. Hln111o, All'rwl t.lppineoll unrl Ml'H. I•llwoorl Miii!Jtrd

* * Attorney General Employees

Dinner Guests at Dunn Home

AIJoul 7fl nwmbtli'H of lito Hlnll' of A ttotney Gencwl Herbel t J. IluHh· Inn's tlupnJinwnt nl LJLJJfling nne! 11 number l'mm !he Dettnit bmnch llt-1 t•JJci<'ci llw lmrrtcHfl l'lll'ing nt the Ing­hnm county fair I•'J!rlrty nftcinnnn, 1\fr IluHhtou'H hOI'Sl1, IJ!sh r.uddic, Willi ontl'l'ed in tho 2:2•1 trot.

At six o'cloelc 'nil were g~tcHlH of , M1·. nnrl Mt•s. Il. Glen Dttnn nt n ple­nle dinner served on the lnwn at the Dunn homo dircl'tly nci'OHH from the county pMic. 'J'hc occa:llon wn~ !111·. Dunn'H blrlhduy JUUtivetsary. Bcfmc Jenviuu lol' thc!t· homes, tho guests prcHcntcd Mr. Dunn with tt lovely tmvellnu cuse.

'foclri-IIallme:lll Mnrriagc

RitcH l'crfmmccl at W oodhury

'l'l'll Wllllll'll momhcl'll or I ho MnHnu golt' l'inh plny••d I ho r•our·rw W••cilu•H· day nl'lni'IHHJn 111 lho wonl!ly g'lllf­Jn·idf(<' llll'"l ing'. At ii<>ll' Mltl, H, A. Muni<H'I! n1ul Mt·s: HliHHilll Brown li••rl lm· low lll'OJ'<', Ml H. Bt·nwn win­ning 011 llw dmw. In lhe Jtftl'l'nnnJJ I~ WOllll'll pJuyt•rJ hl'idg<', ll<lllOHJ going In MI'H. Haymond MC'I<illlll, MI'H, 11\IH­HOII 111<>\Vll lliJCI Ml'll, W. A, Ucrgin.

" ' lluHIJJCHH 11nd ft'Hlet'nrtl llHflclf'inl <'ll

nnrl formm· mn]lloycws of Didc Mlllll honol!'li !tim Jtt 11 JIILI'ty giv<•n in the ({nights of PythlnH l'luh roomH Wed·

lnesdlly night. A HllJlJlCI' WIIH Hel'V<'rl, utter whif'i1 fnrewells W<'ro sctld to tlw guest of honor. Mr. MIIIH, mH,n­Jtgm ol' tho MaHon Krouor RtOJ o fm• nine yeniH, hrts plll'ehnHed 11 Htme of hiH own in LanRing unu the family will move next wcclc

Mm, 1•1, ,J Dnnun lllifl Hlltn, 1 o­lill'n<•d Wndn•·~dlly night I'I'Olll It t lip lluongh nm•lh••tu Mit hlgnu

Mt•, lllld Ml'll. Clnud Mill<'l' ••nllr•d on Mt•, IIIHI Ml'll, l•'l'l'f! Dwight ol .lilt l<sou Hnll!loy,

Ml'll, I{, l,lllllll or 'J'OI'OIIto, OJLilltdll, ill viHillng h••t' IIIHtcJ, Ml'll. l'n,ul Mcid· gett.

M1•, lllHI Ml"l, .lollll I•Jvm y of Jll•ar r •• mlle viHiti'JI Ml', llJHI MrH. Clttil'IJIJIJ 1•1111HmJ this wcelt

Miss .ll'llll Ooillu· of Wefli I!JuJwh nnd IInrlnn Co lint· of A un Arbor were wee!< end g'UI'Hls nl' lh<'il pnJ­cnlll, Mr. Jtncl Mt•s W 1!, Collnl',

Mt•. llnd Mt'll. VJcoto1' SheJuln 11nd lwo slstei'H of CJtlif<ll'ltilt have been visiting at the home ol' M1· Jutd MrH. H.. Cm·bcll.

IIn1ry Cm Uss nl' AI< ron, Ohio, is visiting Mt·. and M1 H Iltll'I'Y lfllllliJg-

• " lnn nnd M1· l\nd M1 H. Leroy llaZill of Geot•ge McArthur hn~ been ill ttl Lttnsing for twn weclts,

his home this wuolc with liu Ancltn Kay and Vcnes11n Mnrshttll Illcluml Bullen nnd 'l'ommy of of Lu,nsing- visilcd their gwndprn•­

Clnrl<ston wm·e Sundlly gucHlH of ents, Mr. nnd MtH. SlJtnlcy MnrshJtll M1·. nnd Mrs. Wru u Bullen. and attended lhe fnir !nat wc<'l<

Mr. and M1s Wnyne spcnny nnd Mr. and Mm. Richllrd Mills wore Announcement Is made of the mar· Mr. nne! Mr.i. B. 13, Bll.ldwln spent honmeci nt lt dinner nt the hnme of

VH, H M II, ' fluluJduy, Allglltll :Ill, ,Junim• Auvillury

hnl(['d goods Hal" ltl ZhJmJm'man'tl 'f'llti/HIIIy, Hti[Jh•IIIIH•J' 2, l'llJ~Illlll' lllt!tll~

ing MaHon Lodgr• No. Ifill, 0, l•l. H a! '1::111 o'l'lrH'I<.

'ftwmlny, HPpltuHlwt• ~~ .lwllunwl't' l'iuh llll'l'iln~ with Mlli. l•llll<lHt 'l'ripp.

'l'IIPtHIILy, f-\Ppli 1 JldH•J 2, Hihltl HI lldy l'ialls nwoling wlllt MJ a,nd Mt"l, Ll·lnnd Anhtln al elgiJL n'o:lor:i<.

W< riuoHrln,y, Heplemh<'l' :1, li'J:lilllt' nte<'ilng• ,IIIJJim• Auxiliary ILl L<•giiHI Momm·Jal hmldlng

WeriiJI'HtlHY, Hepl<•mh<•J' :!, l'lllfllluJ' I'OlllllJllnir•Hliou ol' Maf!on Lodgu No. 70, I~ & A.M.

'l'hlll'Hdny, Sl'ptl'ntllf'l' •1, Webh Sr•Jwol Imp!'OV<mwut eluh mt•eling wllh M1•. nnd MrH CIJll'lllH'll Copp,

'l'hl!rllrlny, Seplemher ·1, l'lnlc Com­munliy <'lull meeting with MrH. Halph Stld

'l'hur11day, September ·I, Birthday l!luh potilll'l< d!uncr wllh Mt'H, Bell G!'ccn.

'J'htu·sdny, September •I, Community Aid dlnnet with M1·. nnu MI'H. Geor~:c Gllmou nl Dnnsvillc.


llonrn lnr, Mm. Iliehnrd Mills, who wili I<•Jt ve early In Scpti'Jlllwr for !Jet• new honJC in Lansing', Miss Tndn Du­BniH <'nlct tnhwcl rt numbm· nl' frlcnciH at dinner rtt her home Tucsrl.ty night. Liverpool rum was plnyetl during the evening, Jli'IZcll going to Mrs. Nelson Brown nnrl Mt 11 Henry Adnnm of Upper Dnrby, Pr.nnsylvnnln, who Is VIsiting Mason rcllltives lhis wcolt. A g'ift of linuc11e Willi presented Mrs. Mills by her frien•ls.

ringc of Mtss Rita IInrlmcss, daugh- the woelc end rtt Lalw George. Mr. und M1 s. 0 .. r. Hood Wedncsdrty D Rl tl t f M t f M N ni"ht A daughter, Shcrlcynn Mnry, waH anny us WllH lC giles o I', er 0 I'H, Ol'll ITm•lmcils of Mn- Mary Jnnc !Iultfurlh Is vis! ling hCI' " 1 t M 1 M Vi 11 II 1 i

nnd Mrs, Ciul'mwc Hnugh lust wcclc. son, to Donald 'rodd ot Ononc!Jtg'a, g'lnndpurent.~. Mr. nnd MIH. l•'lcd Mr. nnd M1s. Amos VrtnStcclnml Jon; 0 r. nn< rs. rg aw c ns ann of Glen 'l'odd of EatOJl RU[licl.". B 1 r 11 moved to Juclcson this wecic. Mr. va11• ·0,,/

3 Bun leer Ifill SaturdJty, September F.llzrtbeth Seeley and .Tnnc Hughes ., >rown ng, at I owe . •

111 c spending the wee!( nt must Tawas. The mnrllltge took pince at Wood· Mt·. nnd Mrs. ChnrleH Kuhn of Steclrtnd is employed by the l•"rost A son wa l r t Mr and Mrs bury Wednesday, August 20, with the Gctu' company s 10 n ° · • · Mr and M1s. !loy LnyPoclc of Lan- Lansing and Mts. Alvin Linn visited · IInrrison Carlot• of Leslie at lhc

sing werl' guests of Mr. and Mrs L, !lev . .John I. Bntdorrr performing the in BlisBficld Sundny. Mrs. lDnrl Jones nncl son have re- Mercy hospital at .Jucl<son Sundny, • " . J!Jmery Bm·r waH in

huHiness Monday,

r~inglc ring ceremony. The hridc wm•e turned to their hom• at Ilockfcnd A C Bush Thursday night. Herbert Emciy of Muslccgon cnlled . e ' ugust 2•1. Chlcngo on Mr. ctn·' MI." Jtty (',, Wli."Oll of nisttllcctl lllcngth dtl'SS of pinlc bcmbcrg on Mr. und Mrs. Don Densmore Fl'i- Illinois, after VIsiting a wecl< ill Mr. und Mrs. Virgil Hawlcins of

CoiPen Bnltcr of Lnnslng is a guest of Nancy Spcnny this wcclc.

u " .. w 1 w 1 c ncecssnries and a cm•sngc Mason ami Lanslll"' L 11 tl 1 tl f 1 1 'l'oledo, Ohio, wc1 c wcclc end guests of white roses, duy night. ,. cs c nnnouncc 1c b r 1 o a m JY or D1·. and Mrs. ,/. c. Cmr.aut After rt short wcddin"' trip Mr. and M1. ttnd Mrs. Gus Kcnn ate spend- L M

1I1•1s. LodrcBttn w

1 h!Wte

1 ~md the Miss~s girit,l Shcltlcy Anne Mary, August 23

Mrs. Woodrow Post nnd Sharon arc vislttng Mrs. PnHt's parents, Mr nne! M1 a lcfnyd Mnrlwvic Itt Ht. LouiH

Clarl< Bullen of Unionvtllo was 11 guest of hls parents, Mr. nnd Mts llnt'I'IH Bullen, Sunday.

Mr ,'tlld M1·s. Ptl."."cil Blll<ctt wet 0 " in"' the weclc with Ml unci Mrs. Floyd uc e llll ern cc ntc were gucs s ,, 1c orsaut hospital. Sundu,y guests ol' M1·. and Mrs Dnle fl'icnds ut their L1rm ncrn• Onondag,1. IIarlmess ut Iligglns ,Lnlcc. day, Olwmos announce the birth of a · • "" Mrs. Todd wtll be at home to their " or Mrs. Sadie White at Albion Sun· Mr. and Mrs. Hobert Moeller of I Pe.1slcy nt LIUlSing. • • Pr\tty Wnlcolt is visiting her g1and- Mr. and Mrs. Ct:J,rlyle Waltz nnd daughter, Glot!u Faye, at Ponton

Mr. and M1·s 0. V. Best of .Jncicson Entertains Young Friends on parents. Dr. G. Walcott und M1s, sons attended the wedding of Miss hospital Sundlly, August 2 L I were guests of Mrs. C. G. H1mlcnburg Walcott, at Jonesville. Julia Waltz of Lansing and Maurice Mr. und Mrs. Paul Ilowurd of Lcs-

Miss Virginia Lee Lnnnin of Hoi· lnncl Purlc was a wcclr 3JH1 guest of Miss Beverly Jewett.

F!lday. Sixteenth Birthday Anniversary MIS. Lena Emmert was a guest Bevier of Battle c1·ccll nt McCune he announce tl1e birth of a daughter Dr. and Mrs. I·l: P :rnnBm;n of Miss Elaine I<mnlson cntet tuincd of Mr. and Mia. Forest Dunl(cl at chupel at Eust Lunsing Saturday. at Root hospital at Lcshc l•'rldny, Au-

Ln,nslng visited M1s. COla M. Collie1 , 2,1 young fl'lcnds nt her home Mon- Dctrmt lust wccl1. Mrs. w. A. Bergin, Mrs. H. D. g~t ~2. 1

t r n b l M 1 Sunday. I duy night, the occo.sion being hor six- Miss Harriet Steinhoff of Detroit Henderson und Mrs. J B. Dean were aug 1 c w, s om 0 r nne

Mr. l\nd Mrs. Guy Nicholson of tcenth birthday anniversary The eve- rtnd Miss !Diulnc Mussman of Lun- in Lansing Thursday to attend u Mrs. Phillip Fogg, .Tr., of Leslie at f ~st R~c~·~ 1 Sqt.ticfsd ~nd chl!dr~n 1 Flint were week end guests of Dr. ning was enjoyably spent w;th a tren- sing nrc visiting their aunt, Mrs. Hed Cross stuff meeting in prcpuru· ~~e Hoot hospital Tncmlny, August

~r."r~n3nMt:p ~.sP~~~U~ltct~c~lft~liH~~~: und Mrs. F. J. I<ellogg. sure hunt, after which chili dinner Fred Colla!, this weelc twn of the fuli work. Mr. and Mrs Gonion Clilf of Lcs· ' Mr nnd Mrs Mum ice Peele unu wus served by Miss Kinnison's moth- Ml'fl. Kenneth Mix of Lansing' and Miss Lena. Drnlcc of Aleron, Ohio, lie announce the birth of a son at Mr and Mrs. C. H. Carter of Dray- Mat Jiyn of Flint were Sunday "'Ucsts Cl', Mrs. l~lossie I<innlson. Mrs. C. R. Beebe left Tuesday to d Ml c th 1 R c1 11 I' Il h

" un ss u cr nc un a o · oc • Foote hospital, .JncJ(son, August 21. ton Plains nrc vimting M1·. and Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Peele spend the 1emalncler of the week ut t Ml 1 · M c1 t cs er, c ugnn, were on ay gues s A daughter was bmn to Mr. and M li' Carter this wccl<. B·triMill FJ'[lnlciin is visltmg rclll.- Mrs Josie Gignac of Lansmg was ,1 Pleasant Lnlw of Mrs. H. C. Wurd and Miss Altu MI·s. Howard Langham of Leslie Au-

Mr and Mrs Eric Spcnny and ttvcs at Pleasant Laltc 1n Barry coun- guest of Mrs. c. p Hunter Fllduy Dr. and Mrs. B. J. Hobson and Ward nnd Mrs. W. H. Collur. gust 2

6 at Foote hospitnl, .Jackson. Carol Ann nnd Vivian Shufcr are ty. Betsy and Johnnie of Eust Lansing Mrs. F. L Brad man visited Mrs. Mr. and M1·s. J oscph Price ol Les-spendtng the wcclc at Lake George. Mr. uflcl Mrs Harley Gibson of Mrs. Inez Cln.rlc of Alll'el!us is vis- were Sunduy guests of Dr. and Mrs. Hattie Webb ut the home of Mrs. lie announce the birth of a son, born M I M H P tt I tmg MJ'H, Elizabeth Collur Potter. G 1·, R Cll t r. nne rs. omer o er were Detroit were guests of Mr. and Mrs. co ge · n on. Leo Ruggles in Lunsmg Tuesday. August 2'1. Sunday guests of their son, Elwyn II. B. Chisholm Sunday. Mr. and Mrs L. C Bush VIsited M1s T .. T. Sweeney of Btunt and Wednesday Mrs. Bradmun entertu1n- -------Potter, and Mrs. Potter ut Mendon. Mr. ancl MIS Ha!Old Gcphui t of Mrs Wilham D. Bush at Onondaga Mr. und Mrs. A. J. Cowun of Cbesun- ed Mrs. Clayton Mntttson and Mrs.

Mr. and Mt·s. 01·son l{cl!y and Mr. B.1y Ctty, who have been visiting Mn- Sunday. ing wct·c guests of MI·. and M1s. Myrtie Mattison of Jaclcson. :mel M1·s. Owen O'Noli of .Jaclcson J son lciattvcs, returned to their home Mr. and Mrs. R E. Bullen and Cia I ence Boles last week. Mrs. Frunlc Cliclmer of Mt. Pleas· were callers at the C. E. Ellison and Tuesday. .Junct of F'ilnt were Sundny guests of Mrs. Veronica Rose und M1as Sura ant ts u guest tins week of M1 unci Floyd Otis homes Sunduy. I G. A Drnl<e nnu son, lcrcd, at Mr. und Mrs. Ray Hcmclwr of Holt. Rose of Vestaberg, mother and siste1 Mrs. Fran!< Miner. Wednesday Mr.

MI·s. Alice Bell nnd hm sister, Mrs Po1.tland, . Indwna, were guests of Mr and Mrs. David Bennett and of Ira Rose, arc VISiting Mr. and Mrs and Mrs. Miner and Mrs Cllclmcl' .John Anderson, of Chicago, Illinois, then· cous111, A. A Bergman, und Mrs. Harvey were 'J'uesduy guests of Mrs. Hose unci family this wee!{, were guests of Mr. und Mrs. Jacl< have returned from n trip In north- Bergman Saturday. H. L. Bennett at Olccmos. Mr. and M1s Hany Spenny nnd Schwark at Ovtd ern MJChtgan. Mt·s. Minmc Hcmans and Mr. and Mr and Mrs. Howard Scuptcr en- children were Sunduy guests of Mr. I Mr. and Mrs Russell Marshall spent

Mr. and M1s Vruwe Mcintyre and Mrs. John Hcmans und family of tcrt,nned lc!atives fl'om Iiltnois nnd Mrs .. John Sbarpe ut their cot-~ Wednesday evening With his par-M:u y were week end guests of Mr Aurelius arc spendmg the wcelc 111 Thursday night. tagc at Middle Lake. ents, Mr. nne! Mrs Stanley Ma,rshull and Mrs. Floyd H.n·lme~s at Higgms northern Michigan. Mtss Fnnmc Lindsay of Cleveland, Miss Harriett. Lay un~ Leo Lu,Y at Edc!1, bcrm:c leav111g lor then· ne;' Lfll<e. Mrs. Vern Robinson and Mrs J Ohto, vtsltcd Dr. und Mrs. Haioid spent th.e weelc encltn, Chteago,,";'hCie home m. Sngmaw, Michigan, wh~1e

Mt· and Mrs. Zelte Morgan of Parl<hurst of the DuBms dtstrlct Henderson thiS wee!<. they v1s1ted Miss La,y s gtandpUJents, I Mr. ~a~ shall hus a federal pomt10n Columbus Ohio returned to their were guests of Mr and Mrs Charles Mr. und Mrs. Lorenzo Luy, undei CIVil se1 vice.

, , · · · Mr. and Mrs. D F. Morey and Mr. . 1 M. L · H•, I f L home last week uf!er visiting their Menndorf Sunday night. ancl Mrs. William Finch of Lnnstng Mr. and. M1~, Elmer .H. Halloway . M1. un~. 1s .. moy .tze. o nn· coustn, Mrs. Mary Hmldcy. Hichard Somme1s, 11 stute pollee were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Claude mturned Satmday aftetnoon from a/ stng, Hauy Cm,tlss_ o~. Akton: Ohw,

Cleo Bailey of Ft Custer visited I olliccr attached to the Wnl<efleld Post Sunday. , vacation ut Atlunta, Michigan, and and Mr. and M1s. IIauy Ha11mgt~n 1 M t' · it d M 1 D 'IJ I other nmthcin pluces of Interest enjoyed a few duys scenic tnp ~~ purenls, r and Mrs. G. L. Bmiey, ~tn lon, VIS 0 uson nne ansvi c Mrs. Ethel B10wne and her father, · thi'Ough the upper peninsula, Wls-FrJclny anu Saturday. He Wll.'l trans· lrtcnds Tuesday. Charles Cromley of Detroit we1e week Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Wici<cnburg consm,

1111 ts UJ d othet· interesting

ferrcd to Camp Robinson, Arkansas, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Childs of end guests of M1. unci Mrs. Charles und Virgtniu and Billy of Duluth, places. no 1 -

Monday. Hemet, Cahrmma, who arc vtsiting w. Bl·ownc. Minn, visited Mr. and Mrs. Curl ' Mrs. Gertrude Launstein and ltttlc Mrs. Charles Redn:_nn and .M1ss Mason frienus t\nd relat1ves, wme Wayne Barirer of the Modem Greve unu fam1ly the past wee!<. dd

1 t B b

1 ht f

Hospital Notes I Ronnie Bullllrd, four year old son

of Mr. and Mrs. Robct t Ballrucl, was trcrttccl FJ'iday, August 22, at Cm·­saut hospital J'm a budly lncel'lttcd !me e.

Gc1 uld Cart• was treated Monday, Aug~tst 2iJ, nt Cm·saut hospital for I u lacerated anl<lc. :

Clinton Sheran was cllscluu·gccl' Saturduy, AugtJsl 2:l, lt om the Cm­suut hospital. l

Arthur Stone returned to his honl!' Wcdncsduy, August 27, !tom Ctll l saut hospitul. 1

\Vard Bullen rclumed to Ius home l Friday from the Ford hospital, whm c be had undergone an operation on an eye.

Mrs. Lawrence Webb has been a

Jllll ionl Jtl pnHI. Wl•llil,

Mill, LJJWlt'll''" fl11rlon unci NJJlll'Y ll111~ulil'lh lollii'JJlld t11 lh••lr l1onw 'l'illllllilty l'rnm l'onlon h1>11pllui,

n. (' (\( Jch•,V liJU]l'l'Wl'lll 11 IJJllj!JI' fiJllll ation ut l'nnl1>1t h"III>Ilal W1Jd· lll'llclny,

Vmm llnJnHll'lllllll, llllll ol' M1·. nucl Ml'll, Ill. ll, Anlllll'l'lllllll, llli<li'JW<'nl n IOIJHili'l'[omy 111 !'onion houpillli Hnn­rlny,

Wnynr• llowot'll, 1111n 111' Ml', llllli Ml'll, I•'Joycl llnWI'I'II or LHn:ilnJ[, lutd lnnsllll lPil\fJVPd ul lhP l 1ontonlwupltul 'J'llciJ~ day,

M uJ. .John 'l'lii'IH'I' nnciet'W<'IIi n llliiiOJ' O]ll'l nliou ut Oor,mul lwllpltnl WPcilll'lldny nl'l<'l'IWon.

Dorothy lleugiJIPling, duug-llt••r or Mr. nne! Mr11. 1•'. ll. Ilought .. l!ng 11f Ononclagn, llli<lr•I'W<'JJI n lonlll!cl'tomy nt Ponton hcmpilltl Tlmt'Hday nJOJ'It­lnif

Tim {aya Ht<b0111 Fmrk 11

Sl)led tnlb t:\rllllll ~ d•rJI•

m rkmc rlrtoJill mrlmlt11g -

'(': WIOI': HHtS TO l"i.RMIT


OTHERS AT $2°8 up

Pari style Shoppe For Inexpemdvo Snta.rtnc~~

Mann Redman of Clncngo, Illtnois,l Sunday guests of Mr. and Mt·s. Bert Cleaners is a new member of the MIS. Hester Collar of'Jacl<son visit- ~:nu.n~ut.r~.;r,AI~I~ 11{~~~s~~fn, ~~~e were wee]( end guests or Mr and, Rowe. I Standard 011 bowhng team of Lan- ed her SISter, Mrs. F. H. Harnson returned fiom Jamestown, New York, Mrs. Wllfi eel Jewett. Murtlyn Sulns- Miss Ruth Satterlee and Albert sing last wee!{. 'l'lns week Mrs. Harrison Sugurgrove, Pennsylvania, and Kane, lea of Lansing IS spendtng the wee!< at Mandigo. of Detrmt, Robert and Vir- M;·s. Lulu Jewett of Mason and and Mrs. Collar are visiting relatives Pennsylvania. While away they at­the Jewett home. gl!na Crist of Jacltson, Bernard Cady Julius Chnpln of Detrmt were guests ut Vicl<sburg. tended the Barlow reunion ut Stowe,

nnd Jimnuc Young Weic guest~ of of Miss Altce Chapm and Almon M. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Dart of Battle New Yorl<. Mrs. Launstein's motber, Miller's More Dresses

and Hats For Saturday Selling 40 Styles To Choose From­Make Your Selection Now!

Mtss Beverly Jewett Saturday mght. Chupin of Eden Saturday. Creel< and Mr and Mrs. James Cook· Mrs. s. J. Barlow, returned home Mr. and Mrs. Stunle;y: Mursho.ll Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bond of De- son unu Mary Ann of Jucl<son were with them to spend the winter here.

spent Sunday in Jacl<son With Mr. and witt, Mr. nnd Mrs. Arden Cressman I guests of Mis. Mary Lasenby Sun· Mrs. Gcmge r-:rlcho1s and also called. und daughter, Rutb, and Mary Otis day. Organizations on Mrs. Algm Nichols a,nd baby in of St. Johns were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jaclt Snyder and • Foote hospitul. Mr. and Mrs Floyd Otis. Jucine of Lnnsmg and Mr. and Mrs. The newly organized Bible Study

Mr. and Mrs. ~lvln ~i.nn enter- Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Lee of Athens Don Snyde~· and cbtldre~ o~ Mus.on class of the Methodist church will tained Mr. and M1s. Cha1Ies Kuhn, were guests of Mrs. Mary Lasenby spent the v.ecl< end mnolthctn Mlch· meet with Mr. nnd Mrs. Leland Aus­Miss Elaine Massman of Lansing and Fuduy night. They were returning !gun. tin Tuesday night at mght o'cloclt. Barbara Wallace of Mason ut dinner from a vacation trip In northern


Walter Zimmer, ,gl'\llld scribe of Monduy night. Michigan. M10higan Grand Chapter of R. A. M., Mason Townsend club No. 1 will

Miss Alice C. Chapin left Thurs· Major Marshall Barr of Fort Rob-j was In J?urand Satu_rday afternoon to serve fried cakes and coffee at its day for her home at .Los Angeles, lnson, Prescott, Arllunsas, an'IVed in , attend funeral serviCes for Harry L. regular meetmg 'I'hursdny night. Cnllformn, after spendmg the sum- Mason Monday uftcrnoon to visit his Izor, editor of the Durand Expiess. The Pinlt Community club wlllmeet mer montlls nt het farm home nt parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Bun. He Mr. and Mrs. I•'. B. Wonch retumed with Mrs. Ralph Slid September 4. Eden. left early Tucsdo,y morning for camp. Sunday evenmg from a two weeks Response to roll call "My Pet Ex·

Hul'l'y Richardson of St. Peters- 1 1'1 vucatton nt MoiTiHon Lulw, whete travagance." burg' Flol•ida, called on Mrs. Eliza· Wells Wull<er of Bun <er H I was f th

1 L G

I d t f II' d M they were guests o e r son, . . beth Collar Pottei, lust week. Mr. and a wee ' en gues o .r. an rs. W h f L I f I M B hf d d Wonch, and Mrs. one , o ans ng. Mrs. EI'VIn Sanford were Monday C. L. Bash ore. r. us or an

callers at the Potter home Mr. Wallter were Sunday guests of Mrs. Trent Sawyer, Mrs. Lyle Mt·s. Elizabeth Collar Potter ac- MLarl.,en. nd Mrs. D C. Dart at Duclt Osterberg and the State Journal car-

companied Mr. and Mrs. Clayton ' t·!ers attended t11e annual State Jour· Kent and Mrs. Eunice Kent to PetTy Miss Bee Scribner of Lansing, Mrs. nnl picnic at Lnlte Lansing Wednes-Sunday where they were cntertamed E. R. Jucobi and Mrs. m. L. Jnclcson day. at dinner by I\11·. and Mrs. Jesse Kent. of Detroit and Mrs. S. R. Newcomer Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Lofberg unci

H of Charleston, West Virginin, were family and Prof. G. E. Densmore and Mrs. Harold Dieter and sons, ar· guests last weelt of Mrs. Jennie Bark- b old, Jr., and John, of Long Island, Mrs. Densmore of Ann Ar or were N. Y., w111 return to their home Fri- cr. guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. day. They were called here last weelt Mr. and Mrs. John Kelly nnd Jim E. A. Densmore, Sunday. by the death of thetr grandfut11er, Patterson will leave Saturday for a Mr. and Mrs. John Walton and Robert s. Riggs. vacation at Philadelphia, Pa., New Jacquelyn of Detroit and Mrs.

Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Reed of Bat· Yorl< City and New Jersey. While George E. Laws and Ruymond of tic creek were culled he1•e Saturday away they i will visit Mr. d a~ ~rs. Onondaga were guests of Mr. and by the illness of their sister, Mrs. Puul Mung 11 at Lcdgcwoo • · · Mrs. Lyle Karr Sunday.

The Semper Fidclis class party to hu ve been held Friday has been postponed indetlnitely.

Mrs. Burt Green will entertD,tn the Birthday club at n potluc!( dinner at her home Thm·sduy, September 4.

The Junior Auxiliary members of the American Legion will hold at baited goods sale nt Zimmcrmnn"s store Saturday morning at 10 o'clocl,.

The regular meeting of the junior members of the Woman's Auxiliary will be held at the Legion Memorial buildmg Wednesd11y night, Septem­ber 3, ut seven o'cloclt. Ref1·eshments


BOYS Boy~ l\re CSJlCI'llllly fond of !Ulller's

rlch-ln-foml lee cream. They lllm It just hecrmse it tn.o;tes so good ami is refre~hing. '!'heir mothers, though, like to lmve them llko it becaul'le It Is full of vitumins an<! is goo<! for them. Tlmt'M why !\Iiller's Is In such demand in families where them are children.

MILLER DAIRY FARMS Eaton Rapids, Michigan

Clara Mcrlndorf. Mrs. Merindorf Mr. and Mrs. Tom Doyle a:1d fam- Mrs. Gordon Dawson and Phillip underwent tt·eatment for u throat ily of Clio nnd Mrs. Fred Dlse~l·oth spent the weelt end with Mrs. Daw-

will be served. =~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~=~~~~~~~====

Dresses $4.95 to $7.95 Hats . $1.98 to $3.95


WASH FROCKS Sizes 12 to li2

$1.39 & $1.69

Shop For Your SWEATER het·e. We have a fine stock. Priced

$1.98 to $3 All Sizes


We Have A Good Selection


We have not raised our prices on hose as yet. New stocks will cost more.

Mills Store

nilment nt Lansing last weelt. I of Leslie were Sunday guests of Mr. son's mothet·, Mrs. Scott Falconer, ut , nnd Mrs. Harold Bell and family. Mr. c 11 M D ' th Mrs Roy Rue and dnughtet, Ethelyn, and Mrs. Doyle und famtly und Mrs. roswe . r. uwson s mo er, .

Mrs. Martha. Wnuvle and Mrs. Mina Dlsenroth hnd just returned from a Charlotte Dawson, returned home Bruvender have been vacationing in vacation ut Loss Luke woods. with them. the northern purt of the stutc nnd Mr. and Mrs, Richard Mllls have also visiting relatives during the past Dr. and Mrs. D. R. Lethbridge and rented a home at 214 South Clem· wcelt. Dickie will attend the wedding of ens street in Lansing and will move

M W C b II d Sl their cousin, Lloyd Woodburne of ea,rly in September Their Mason rs. ayne nmp e un mron A A ·b t Ml Ell b tl A I · S f G II L I ts f nn t or, o ss za e 1 nn home will be occup1ed by Mr. and uc o u a 1e were gues 0 O'Dell of Bloomfield Hills Saturday M· w . Gl Mr. and Mrs. Orla Cn!llpbcll last at high noon. 'l'hc wedding will be IS. arle~ es. wee!(, Mr. Campbell visited at t11e at Ute Cranbroolt Christ church. Mrs. Nettle Lane of Lunslng w~s n home of his parents the Iutter part of weelt end guest of Mrs. Hattie FlCe· the weclt. Mrs. Myrtle Gillespie, who has been lund and Mr. and Mrs. John Shepard

M St I L I t d J d spending the summer at Jose Lulw, Is und family Sunday they attended the M rs.d Mal~ eyG a~H own unl oadnKan now at Houghton La!(c. Mrs. David Flanigan 1:eunlon at Baldwin's pari<

r. an Is. em ge ee (S an ay Powell and sons of Lo,nsing spent the 0

d and David of Lansing were Thursday summer with Mrs. Gillespie nnd het• at non ugu. night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don grandson Richard Gillespie of Ma· Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cot'Win of Dans· Densmore. Kay o,nd David arc vlslt· son hns 'been with her for' the last ville and Mr. and Mt·s. James Pitcher lng at the Densmore home until Sat· two weelcs und daughter., Mildred, of Newcastle, urduy night. · Indiana, were entertained at the

M • d M. 1.. .1 Mill d Mr. and M1·s. Stuart L. Demorest of home of Mr. and Mrs. c. J. Rey-1. an . ts. .at an s an Lansing have purchased the Mason

Buddy and Jill visited Mr. and Mrs. E. Reynolds property, 216 Cherry nolds Friday .. Kenneth Qual! and fam1ly at De· street and will tulte possession ut Dr. and Mts. Wesley Bailey of Los trait Sunday. This weelt Mrs. Mllls once 'Mr Demorest Is employed ut Angeles, Co,lifornia, and Mr. and Mrs. and Buddy and Jill and Jaclt, who Michigo,n' State college. Mrs. Demorest Elton Bailey of Riverside, California, hnd been spending three weelts at was formerly Miss Elsie Shuw sis· were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Claud St. ~lair Shores, are guests of Mr. ter of George Shaw of Holt, and was Post Monday. Mrs. Sara Clickner, a Mills sistel' at Big Lake. employed In the office of the county guest of Mr. and Mrs. Claud Miner,

Mr. and Mrs. Owen Mills and Miss clerlt. visited at the Post home Tuesdl\y. Florence Mills of Ashley were Sun· The Misses Maude and Catherine Mrs, Roy Stuclty and Mr. and Mrs. day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rlchn.rd Barber and their aunts, Mrs. Etta Dick Hl\rtmun of El Paso, Illlnois, Mil!R. Miss Mllls l'emnlned for a visit Bunlter of Jackson, Mrs. Mary Bar· were guests of Mrs. Joe Cappo at with the Mllls family. Mrs. Eliza ber of Grass Lalw and Mrs. Eda the home of Mr. l\nd Mrs. S. A. Mar· Scott and Mr. and Mrs. Nim Gardner Hyedloff of Munith, l\Ccompanled by rison several days last week. Mrs. of Lansing were Monday guests at Miss Florence Lathrop, returned Cappo left with them to join her hus· the Mills home. Mondl\y evening from a four-day band now playing nt the Wa·Co pa•

Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Brown and trip up the Luke Michigan shore vlllon at Saranac, Indll\na. Dorothy and Mrs. Nelson Brown of from South 'Hl\ven to Northport on Mr. and Mrs. Henry Adams and Mason, accompanied by Mrs. Hugh the Leelanau pen!nsull\, daughter, Alice, of Upper Darby, Pa.,

The Men's Fellowship club of the Baptist church will meet at the church Tuesday night. The spea!1er will be the Rev. Theodore Bubeclt, returned missionary from the Bel· gmn-Congo.

The Webb School Improvement club will meet with Mrs. CID,rence Copp Thursday, September 4.

Olllcers and teachers of the Bnp­tlst Sunday school enjoyed a picnic dinner nnd conference at Camp I{iro· !lex following Sunday school Sunday. There were 25 present.

The Justumere club will meet with Mrs. Ernest Tripp Tuesday afternoon.

The Community Aid society will meet with Mr. and MI'S. Wllbur Gib· son at Dansville Thursday, Septcm­ber 4, for dinner.

Mason Townsend club No. 2 will hold Its regular meeting Thursday night, September 4, ut the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Irish. Each member is requested to bring some· thing for the grab bag. Everybody Is Invited.

').'he meeting of the Mizpah class of the Methodist church to have been held with Mrs. W. E. Kinsey has been lndctlnltcly postponed.


J. Brown of Detroit, will leave Thurs· Mrs. Cora Riggs and Lyle, Mrs. Idl\ are visiting Mr. Adams' broth· dl\y night' on a trip east. They ex- Riggs and Mrs. Carrie Riggs of Alo,ie- ers, Ralph s. Adams u.nd Roy W. pcct to re(lch West Point Sa.turdl\y. don l\ttended funeral services for a. Adams, and sister, Miss Ethel Adams. From ·there the party, with the ex- cousin, George Riggs, at Merrill Mon· Mrs. Adom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. ceptlon of Mrs. Nelson Brown, will day. He was a cousin of the late Ro· Elmer Nimtz, and Wesley, and Mrs. Mrs. Herbert earn, cl\pto,in of the go on to Dlxv!lle Notch, N. H., where bert s. Riggs, who died August 18. Chester Roberts of South Bend, In· degree staff of Ml\son Rebekl\h Lodge, Mr, Brown will attend a. meeting of Others who attended the funeral ser· diana, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph S. will hold a. drill practice hnmedil\tely auditor generals. Mrs. Nelson Brown vices Monday were Mr. and Mrs. Jalte Adams and family were. Sundl\y following lodge meeting Wednesday will remain at West Point over Labor Riggs and daughter, Mrs. Wlls(ln· guests of R!Jy W. Adams and Mlas night. All members arc expected to Day with her son. Force, and Mrs. Roy Evans. Ethel Adams. " be 'present:

Mason Cho,pter 150, Q, E. S., will hold its next regular meeting Tues· day, September 2, at 7:30 o'clock,

Regular communication of Mason Lodge No. 70, F. & A. M., will be held Wednesday night ut eight o'clock.



Registration August 28, 29 and 30


Pupils should enroll with P1•incipul Walcott nt the school Thursday and Friday (all day) and Saturday (morning only), August 28, 29 and 30. Parents are urged to consult the principal about clussificu· tion problems. Confusion and mistaltcs, which might hamper the pu· pll's progress und Interfere with other pupils, can be eliminated by proper clusslficl\tlon before the beginning of class worl,.

Transportation Tho Wllson·DuBois district pupils w:ill be transported to and from

school by bus. The first bus trip will be made over the usual route and at the usual time Wednesday, September 3.

Employment Students who are anxious to secure after-school work or homes

where they ml\y pay for board and room by worldng should notify Mr. Paul DeVette l\t the school. Mason residents who hl\ve homes to offer students, or who arc interested in employing students nre asl1cd to notify Mr. DeVette.

Book Store Now Open

New and used textboolts for Ml\san and !'ural schools ns well aro handled a.t the school book store,

Wo'll llll. llo11 f!o<'ill'llll.,, udlloJ' ril' I hn llnrl.l'"l'd lill,V lilll'itlf( In VIlli lllll'l!IJ l!IIIIIII.,V, I HII 11111 ollllt!r'Villlonll ul111111. n lilllll.lltHlllltll'll Minhig1111 low11 ot 1,1111-1 pnplllullrlll.

"'!'hill l!lllillllllllli,V h1111 IIICII'll 1111111 litdd lin 1111'11 in ui., 'hull.lo Ill' fllllll.ll t.oww;,' 1•11Jllh t:lilltlllli IIIII<'" 11100 (ulld lud'om, fm• I hu I. l\IHIIIH') 11how1J tlwl. ll11rl.l'ot'd 1'11r:rll'<lillll{i', llurl11g lllll lr111l. r:ewmH pt•t•lnd, 111:10 lo lfl•lO, thul. f(l'riWih Willi Hll(lllilllllilll, IIIli. 1111ly In populnllo11 gl'.ln hul ill 1ww httlld,l~lg' ""lllll.r'll"l.lon Hllrl rww onlnr'JII'illllH, J n­dny Lh"rn ill tll!lll'ellly fill <HHpl.y httilrl-111~, tmHIJwsu m• J'e:;ldcntlu,l, In t.he lnwn,

Ji' yn11 haven't. cllm·ovrormi II. ul- '"J'r•utJ, Jlurlfrml nt one limo hnd !'fmdy, wmwlhinf( hn:; hllflllt'IW<I t.o two hnl1erlc11, holh muull enntparml to Main f!Lreot In MlcltlgJui dni'IIIJ~ Lim Llw ww jliHL elnHerl. II. ni~Jo hnd Jl pant. J'ew ynnr'H, Jmmdry, n1HI If nwntory Hm·vcs lhe

I•'OI'OillOHt IH !.he fnr:L !.hal Mnln writer aright, LWrl lull!HII'ieH opernlml Street IHlll been r:-mwlug ftwler• [han here J'or " l.lmc. But l111tt waH hetm'B Br·oadwrw, nceordln[{ to l.lw 10·10 cen- H1utford hn,d a f(arnp;e m· llll oil Sllil, Hlnllon. II' wa:J lwfm·c the dnys of Llw

'!'llo IO:J0-10•10 dcproHHinn decade nwdm·u Lheatm, alwut the time that nlllrlwd Lito flrHt hren({ In J.IO ycnt•s !.he first fiO<ill fountnln cnn1e to town. of c:mmlant tt·crHI lowanl m·lmniza- It wns 'WILY !melt when' one rBstuur­tlon of America. or· lhc llrst time Ill ant. Instead of four Clltcrccl to the a century flJl(i Jl hall', more foii<H have public's appclltc. been moving into ruml and Hllhnrlmn "A mnjorily of towns l<mt their 11reaH limn into lite eitlcH. hnlwries, laundries nat! !Ivery hnrnH

'l'hiH trend lowardH mnu.ll lowns heJ'orc Hmtford did. But new enter­and rnml nrenH has hcen nolleeahle, priHeH, ereatecl by the changing Limes for· tlw riLle of rum! gt·owlh hnH been nnd affor'tllng employment to more almoHt three Llnws as great In nrhru1 JlllOjJlc, Imve talten lheil• places, llH In rum! rer:-lons. More and more '"!'he future of the smullcr lownH city dwcllct'H luwc been going "to Is by no nHmnH dnrlc Indeed, wllh the country" for their homes. Many the persiHlcnt trend ttwny f1·om tho snmli tnwnH at tho fl'ing-c oJ' htrge eonge~ted mclrorolltall 1\l'Cns, which clUes have boomed clming the depreH- ia due ill part to tmnsportation fucll­slnn, lnq;cly heenuse ol' this humnn !tics, !.he future of the less populous quust fm• hnprlneHH In a more peace- eommunllics--whem life IH worth llv-ful 111111 lcs:; crow!lccl environment. lng--is llrightc£' us compared to the

lllghwayH, AutoH cities Umn at any time in history," Rum! living hnH become nw1'e m- 'file Hartford editor quote~ Wlllinm

ban In clmmclct• heea,use of the ttuto- H. Berlwy, editor ut Cassopolis, us nwhlle, rarllo, and mollon pieltii'I!S Hnylrig tlmt the "business readjust­and the advc11t of good roads and ment which followed In the waite of electricity. the automobile unci good roads has

Mnln str·cct hns the same tcchni- mbbed the small town of some of Its color pietures In Its movie houses ns enterprises," but Cochrane makes the Broadway; the price Is 25 cents Ia- the point that "it has Jn·ought it other stead of 50 or 75. and newer enterprises and is continu-

Small town girls wea,r latest Holly- Jug to hrlng It newer forms of uctlvl­wood dt·csse~; they read the same ty, new residents, new a,9scts. Life In style news 111 Vogue as their city 1 the small town is Jess drub, less clr­couslns. And while the small town cumscribed limn befm·e that 'business stores do not carry sueh It complete readjustment.' " !Inc, lhe prices arc "In line" with the customer's Jmcketbooi{, and if the Deecntrallzatlrm merchant is not enterprising enough "Problems of Small Business," a

ml In Vlll'iollll llnr:l.itlllll of lhn r:mllll.t·y · llr'o l'oUI'·I'nlil, fU:I!ording lo I ll'u 'l'NWJ r'Cifllll'l.: ":laving In frr:ighl. huullnJ{, hw1 <lniii,V lu !lllipphq{, l<•tfll illljlllllrl"'u:" ol' lll'llaH llflllll 11i11glo l.ypm ol' lilllnlll'll,r:illl'll, 111111 lnllH viol""( dr•­JII'i'tllllnml 111111 II!IIJI exdlell lH'OIIjll:l'l­tlml,u

lurhljHUHhmt (lrolll\l'H A Hllr'pt•IIJo In J'nocl will IH:

found In l.iw l'ac:l llutl. gmr:nr·.v t:lmlnn rtllwhml a ll11'11ing point. in ·wa2-aa wlt.h :111,·1 pm· c<m!. or tllli<Hl, f!inen Llmt tlnw t.he relntive (li'OIIOJ'llon hun fallen to 3:1, L (Jet' ennl.

'fhl11 :mtumt.lon pnlnl. prompted lrlllllll!l'emonl:; of food chalnn l.o Lul'l! Lowr\rd IJU'ger stm·cH, nmny or llwm In eompelit.lon with ghtnl food uuu·­lcetH, JlOJlUinrly cnllec! "HIIIler sloreR" which have manmwth utoclw of gnociR priced low and henvlly udvcrtiHed to effect qulelt-tUl'llOVCl'H,

Competition of the grocery ehulns haR led to rttrlllntlon of mnr1y ludcpun­dent grocot'H wllh eoopemtlve ehuhw, somctlmcH fl]lOnHorcc! by wholcsulcrH and Homctlmes Rtt·ietly c~ retnller's cnopemtlvc effort. Combination HtorcH hnndle groeericH, meats "n<l vcge­tttblcH-Itenm which nt one time were solcl In scpm•atc storeH.

'1'hc old genom! store type of mer­chandising, In contrast to specialty shopB, Is having a significant revival. Consumer coopcru,tlvcs, hu conlL·uHt, hav~ not thrived.

C!tleulaUom; What the 11J.IO census means In

long-runge calculations was the sub­ject of o. recent Kiplinger service let­ter in Washington to Its clients, Here arc ~ome forecasts:

MICIIIG/\N, 'l'IIIJIWD/\Y, 1\UGlJS'!' 211, l!Hl

·--------"Aim the Plane-

will talco cnro of itacli.'' A r.oorl clcnl bno been wa·itton of "divo bombinr." by nirplnno but it ia not r.cncrally realized tbnt thia mc:ho<l of ottnclc wno developed in America. Above, Air Col'po FlyinG' Cadcto nt Rnnclolph Field, Tcxnr., nrc nhown by nn inutructor (lcncelinr.) how tho lino of fli~ht of n lUvinrr pinna controlJS the bomb'a nim. Here, dummy planes, a toy ::';!p nnd n. piece of oh·ing suffice. Lntcr, nt nt!vauccd trnininr:

·'·ado, the embryo pilola will try tl1o a•cnl thin~ n• their ohip• -· n:'!l" a tnrgct tu·c.'l. Un('1o Snm ncr•11 ,..~rn F!:·;,.,'1' Cttdeh.

Onrmhtut!n CJI'OWI

Mr'H, £ lm·ll'llclc: Lllllllllloiu und f:l'nlulclnughlm•, llurllllr'll Mno J,uun­HI.r!ln, r•ohll'n<!<l l•'l'iduy l'mlll It lwo Wt:olt'ti Vllt:JI,IIflll In Now Yol'l(.

ltolnlivetl J't•om 'J'l'llVOI'Hll Clly 11ponl. lnlll. Wt:ll]{ wil.ll Mr. and Mr·11. V<'l'non Mnnlug-1111 111111 fnn11ly,

Ht~llflol lwginH 'L'twwJrty, Hoptemher 2, wllh Ml1111 Vlt•glnltt fll'ic:o nil lt~nr:h-l:l'.

Col'lll ar11i M'lli'Vin I•'I'UHr:r Rlntdll,V wilh Mr. tlllll Mr•fl, LltllnHlr:ln nurl J'umily,

Apnnl. l•'l'll,lli(


mmmel Mmpl1y from Detroit spent tl10 wcelt end with his purentn.

MrH. VIncent Heeney cnl.ertalnorl the BIJnltct' Hill Clttlwllc clrclo Wed­lteHday artm·noon, Cm·ds were played, High sr:ot·c wns won hy MrH. Bcrtlm McCmm. Potluck supper wns served.

Mr. unci Mt'S, 1~ylo Miller nne! daughter, Rosnlyn, of LanHing wct'c supper guestn of .James Quinn and family WcdnesdJty evening,

Mt•, and Mrs, li'rrmk Mm·t·ay of Detroit were weclt end gucstH at tho ,John Mm•t•ay home,

Betty Quinn of Stneltbt•ldge wus u weclt end guest of her parents,

Arthur Llcnluart, who lms been In pom· health for the paRt ycnr, died nt the University hoHpltnl in Ann Arbor last week Sunday. He WJlA brought t." his home Tuesday, His funct'll! was held We1lneHdtty morn­Ing nt the Catholic church with In­terment In the Catholic cemetery.

LABERTEAUX DISTRICT 1\lrs, l.Ua.hlon HolHwlngor

The number of people between 20 and 05 years of age Increased 13 per cent In the last ten ycn,rs, Age limits for employees arc ltlte!y to go up; "Jlrcd rLt forty" may become a forgot-ten expression, F' • h' f L b . Mrs. Emmet Woods Is spending a

'l'he bigger the army grows, the InlS Ing 0 am S week end vlsllmg her· grandparents, weclc with her daughter Mrs Otmer more potential fathers will be tal<cn H' d d b D h Mr. and Mrs. LrJl'enzo Lay. Glasscl, In Trenton. ' · out or circulation. Postponed mur- In ere Y rout Mrs. Inez Clo.rlc spent lhe week end Mr. rmd Mrs. Merton Mizer and r·luges and smaller families, both due with hct• daughter·, Mrs. C!o.yton I Bonnie, Judy anrl Dick of Mason and to the depression, arc resulting in Lo.mbs in muny sections of Michl- Kl'nt. 1 Mr·. and Mrs. Clarence Tennison and

/illn fulled to thrive In the recent hot M d B tt ·'I smaller classes today ut public t'. nn Mrs. Jack Hatfield und I e y were u nner guests of Mr. und dry weather prevuillng In July and f 11 ' J 1 d M Fl d Vi schools, Elementary school enroll- o.m Y ot ac cson an Mr. and Mrs, rs. • oy cary Sunday evening,

ments declined one million from 1030 August. Lambs that would have been David Watkins of Hillsdale were Mr. and Mrs. Stun.rt Diem of Dc-rcndy for murltet on grass ure much 1 1 l f M M itt 1 It d th 1 to 1038; tho.t means fewer teuchet·s, wee t em guess o t'. and rs. Don w v s c c r parents, Mr. and

as In the case of Cleveland where too thin ut present to be sold pro- Baker, Mrs. Frank Balluff, Sunday. faculties have been reduced 600. fltubly. Mrs. Arthur Williams Is staying at Mr. and Mrs. Carl Grosshans and

to tell the customer what he hns, then monograph prepared for the Tem­there'H always a neut·by progressive porury Nntlonni Economic Committee city with mcrehunts who do, and the at Washington, hails the development V -8 doesn't to,kc long to get you of rural seCtions as un industrial

Figure that out in terms of de- Pmperly, these lumbs should get the home of Mr. and Mr·s. Sam Me- Mr·, and Mrs, Fred Grosshans were mund for milk, perrtmbu!ators, bl- some bettm· pasture and some grain Mann while the McMunn's arc vucu- dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd cycles, toys o.nd other Items used by before going to mn.rltct, comments tlonlng at Birch Lu!{c ncar Ellt Rap- Wheaton of Addison Sunday.

'l'ltll'l.y-l.wo lllt:lllilllr'll of tlw L11rlinu Aid ol' l.lto Collllnnnlly nhlll'l'il In llo­witl. lwlcl n pol htr:lt tllnu~:~· I11HI. 'l'hln'll­duy ul. lho homo ol' Mr'll, l•'l'lllllt llnl­htl'l', Willi Willi ll. for'nllll' nWili)H:r.

Mltlll llonnin Lou Miztn· nl' Mu­ftnn tiponl. tlovm•ul dii,VIi lu:d. wrwlc wilh Het.l.y '!'onnl:wn, who rrolut·nc:d Iwr to spnn<l llw WtH·I1 onri, On flun<lny t.lwy nl.l.oiHiiHI tho Ifl<:lw-Dor­hy wr:rl<ling· ttl l~aton Hnplil:J,


DOROTHY 0. DART, M. D. LANRING OFFICE: 22~ ll. lllllodnlo ul

Cherry, Tclophono 5-tiOtlO MASON OFFICI~< •127 S. Jollaronn, Talo­


THIS SERVICE TO ~~illrt!j-\l;ai.'t,' ' i'. • ·:· ....... tt


nntl point~ beyou!l

UMVI'~ FOJt JACI{SON-10:00 n. m,, 2:10 p, m., ii:flO p. m.

8:20 p. m., 12:10 o.. m."'

LEAVIG FOR J,AN81NG-7:GO n. m., 12:00 m., •1:•15 p.

7:20 p, m., 10:15 p. m.• • Sundays and Holidays.


C:llEYIIOUND '!'ERMINA!, Pctcru lh·ug Store, 330 S. Jnrfcmnn St.

Phone 0131

there. boom. 'rhe old livery stable has been rc- American industry is becoming

placed by an aittomoblle garage, and more diffused nne! diversified. Chica­if the Reader's Dlr:-cst is right, small go, for example, hu.s cleclinccl as a town gllrngcs give the customer the meat pucldng center· from 35.6 per most for his money. The col'llcr drug- cent of the national tolal in 1800 store has neon lights in the window, to 18.8 rer cent in 10·10. Philadelphia's and the juke box plays the latest rug and carpet manufacture has

young people. And conversely re- C. L. Cole of the animal husbandry Ids. School opens next Tuesday with member that we will have more aids- department at Michigan State college. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Merinclorf and Ar- Miss Emogene Parsons returning ns tcrs thn.n ever before-more demand I Pointers he offers Inc lucie weaning thm· DeForest and sons of Fowler- teacher. ~ R E y H a u N D for hcarinr:- devices, optical lenses, the Jambs and turning them into a ville called on Mr .. and Mrs, Lyle Mr. and Mm. Carroll Brines and U golf clubs, booi{S, and mltguzines. The comparatively mature second growth 1-Iuyhoc Sunday cvcmng. Joyce and Jimmy of Round Lalte ••••ll/ N E 5 ••••• undertaker can't lose! legume or legume and grass mixture Mr. and Mrs. Fred Collm· spent ""'==============================~ , , . for fattening. Then before the final Sund[l,y evening with Mr. and Mrs.

Nutlunul Defense period of "Jiush" feeding the lambs John Lay. The experience of England In mov- should be treated for internal po.ra- Miss Norma .Tcnn Omncss of Leslle

lng many defense plants into small sites. spent 'ruesday night with Miss Doris comn~unitles In order to minln:ize The Jambs can be hurried along to Baldwin, . ' . tunes for a nlcltcl, Life Isn't so brtd. slumped from ·lfi.G per cent to 27.8

1~mpty HnuseH Scarce per ec11t, although doubling the num-As any Michigan country editor her of employees.

will tell you, empty houses are pretty The advantages of such industrial scarce in small towns. diversilicatiun-branches being local-

bomb111g losses has prompted offictuls top grade by feeding a gmin mixture The 1-H club g~rls of. this nmg~­at Waslungton to advocate :;. "farm- of equal parts corn und oats with the borho.ocl won second prtzc on ~hC!r il1g-out process" for our nuttonal de- pasture feeding, exlnbtt ut the Ingham county fmr. GUNS

Don't be fooled by the cool weather-keep your Refrigerator filled!

LANSING ICE & FUEL CO. John Taylor, Manager Dial6001









Right now, while fuel conservauon i! vitally tmportnm, is the 1ime to replace ineffici­cm, fuel·Wa51ing home hearing equipment.

Tbe famous General Motors-Delco Stoker conserves fuel, yet gives more unifor'!l, heahh·preservmg heat. Low· cost, buumanous stOker coal is fed auto• malically from below-the reverse of hand f~ring. This 'Otllrolled Nllderfiri>~& gets the most out of the coal, because both gases and smoke are htmtt<J , , , suppll' b~al ,instead of soot. Impulse Fuel Feed dumbutes coal for best combustion Automatic Air Control prevents fuel!~;; from blasting .• , Delco Thermostal con. trois temperature withrn one degree­stops fuel waste, in addition there's the t>·tra economy of Delco's 'fucl-savins Gold Seal Installation. *A ne~ book, packed with ~ractlcal ~us~estaons (or conserving fuel1n home

eatang, has just been isaued A copy ia yours for the asking,


l LELAND AUSTIN lo0 <::: .... without ol•llaollo'!! 111o ...,, ohecb<17' ..!!!.""' laool, •n w..,, roeon,... '""' ,_, ·

......... wllhoolh"lllceot"- t:o"""" • 0 Pull -111 of how ~ -..W.J' ,..._....,, ~- I ._ I Located Rt Silsby lrnJI. Co,

L·- ------Cllr. 11111t I ----------~tl

fcnsc orders. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Brnvender and One of the problems of the present Cole advises a slow sturt on the VIvian and Gordon and Mr·. and Mrs.

in defense situation, which culls for gr·, but n.fter 10 clays Lo t\~o Jumea Corner and Esther were dinner haste in manufacture of munitions, is wcelts the lambs can ~e ull

1owcd .. 0 guests of Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Cornet·

the efficient utilization of industrial self-feed, although llmltmg tIe .gt::Cllll Sunday. facilities in the small cities and towns will Induce greatc,r JlUSt~tre grazmg Mr. and Mrs, Floyd Baldwin nnd of 10,000 populalon and under. Big


with more cconomtcdl gums. . Doris spent Sunday. evening visiting business has bcc11 getting most of the Gains easily can runge from a thtrclj Roy Evans and fnnuly of Mason. deCensn orders: 'l'hurman W. Am old, I to a. half a pound daily on u lamb Mr. and Mrs. Jalcc. ~amscy and assistant U. S. attorney-genera!, re- with these practices, accordu~g to Joyce of Hazel P~rlt vtsttcd Mr. and ccntly declared that 'the large con- Cole. Breed und quality deter~mc to Mrs. Paul cn:rl Fnduy n.ftcrnoon. cems were not farming out orders some degr·ce the rate of gam. B~t Mrs. Bermce yv'urfle was hostess to small business as they should be- t.hc lambs should be ready befme nt a party hono.rmg Mrs. Hugh Cor­cause "letting the little fellow In the pasture season ends so that no ncr, o. recent lmd~, Wednesday. means future competition and lower barn feeding at extm cost and extra Mrs. Loris Curbs cntertru.necl o.t a prices." labor will be necessary. miscellaneous shower honormg ~rs.

This charge has been repeated, in Stanley !-"roedtcrt Monday. evemng. substance by a number of Washing· RVILLE The cvemng was spent playmg "Help I ton corrc~pondents, The White House WEBBE Your Neighbor." Refreshments were itself has come in for severe cr·iticism, I Fred Holland served aiter the bnde had opened Big business has a ready answer: . . Hosie of her package~ and dtspluyed them, I Smull conccms Jaclt equipment, ex-j :Mr. and Mrs. Willmn; , Y ,_ The D.uBots school beg~ns Seplcm-pcrience and personnel to handle I Detroit spc~.t Sunday Wtth. her pm ber 2, wtth Mrs. Hugh Corner as the orders In any quantities, Taite your ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Stlsby., teacher. 1

If you intend to purchase a new gun this fall, do not delay. Guns are not too

plentiful on the marltet and

with gun factories wol'lting

on government orders the supply will soon become ex­hausted.

We talte used· guns m trade on new guns. Bring in your- old gun and we will

make you an offer- on it.

choice I Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snoke retutned I · Wednesday from a few days fishing

l'eacc Economy trip. Harry landed one that tipped FELT PLAINS Stuart Chase, author of many boolml the scales over 20 pounds and show- Ml'B, Norris HRrt

Winchester or Remington Pump ____ $49.30 on economics, recently pointed out; ed the fish to prove his claim, .

"The better the defense progrum Miss Merna Fear Is employed 111 Annabelle Kelley of Dansville spent Remington 3-Shot Automatic ______ 59.25 succeeds in shifting arms production Howell. tbe week end with Mrs. Nora and to the small town villages, the easier Mr. and Mrs. Gus Smith will soon Miss Mury Burr·. It will be to go back to a peace move Into Mrs. Mary Smith's house Mr. and Mrs. George Higdon at-economy." on north Main street. tended the Pierce reunion last 'l'hurs-

1-Ie believes that the bombing of Minor VnnOrtwlclc is making re- day,

Winchester Model 94, .32 or .30-.30 _ 35.65 Krag .30-.40 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 35.95

L d ill b bl It I 1 ildl upi d Mr. and Mrs. Norris Hart and on on w pro a y resu . n urger pairs on his bu ng now oce e daughtet·s accompanied Mr. and Mrs, I open air spo.ccs and nn actual re- by the Snolte bo.rber shop. duction In the size of the metropolis. Edd Hath nncl Howard McComb Lew Hart to the Cunningham reun-

Single Shot Shotguns ___________ _ 10.10 "Picasanter, smaller cities, better are building a new garo.gc. ion at Potter park ut ~ansing Sun-~

houses, more efficient farms and Harvey Shutt has the frame up for day. I stores, new muchiner·y in the mllis; his fruit and apple storage just west Mrs. Gus Foess and children spent , all these arc !iltely in the future," of town. last Thursday in Owosso. I . Such Is a happy prospect, If It can Ronnie Floyd, the Lansing Journal Callers ut the home of Miss Mary' only be reo.llzed. news boy, was severely bitten by a Burr Sunday wet·c Mr. and Mrs. W.

1-1 It W. Wheaton, Mr. and Mrs. Ja,mes dog belonging to Perry aze on Kelley of Dansville, Mr. and Mrs,

.22 Single Shot ________________ _ 6.25


NORTHWEST INGHAM while delivering papers lust Friday. Floyd Rice and family, Cha.rles•Salt-Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Butterfield arc

Mrs. Ami Terrill visiting friends In and nem· Petoslwy. ers and Mr. und Mrs. Lew Hurt and

I William Eby, Mrs. Lydia Adlof of Mason was a Mr. Butterfield will return in a few Mrs. Agnes Cogsdill of Mason and

Monday evening dinner guest of Mr. days but Mrs, Butterfield will re- Mrs. Her·bert Treadwell and son of and Mrs. Franlt Osborne .. Jimmie main for several weelts. East Lo,nsing were guests of Mr. and

MICKELSON HARDWARE Barnes of Leslie Is spending the Mrs. Archie Silsby Is on the sick Mrs. Norris Hart and Miss Mary weelt there. list. Barr Ute first of the wcelt,

Headquarter& for Hunters and Fishennen Sunday cullers ut the J, A. David- C. F. Monroe and Fred Holland

son Ami '£errili and Ray Cavender have finished siding the home of Mr. bo~es were Mrs. Charles Hunt and and Mrs, W. S. 1-Io.dley of Meridian great gmndduughter, also he\• daugh- with stone. ter, Mrs. Lloyd Vail and son, Junior, Mrs, ~alter Ostcrle and children of Chicago, Mrs. Hunt and daughter, uccompamed her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vo.ll, were residents here at one Mrs. Daniel Har'L'Is, of White Oalc, time. They also called ut the Irvin to Musltegon lust weelt, returning Sherwood and Gowing homes while in home Monday. this vicinity. · Mt•s, J. F. Peters entertained Mrs.

' Mrs, c. L, Bo,shford of Mason was William Miller of Lansing Sunday. a Sunday caller at the Osborne home. ~r. and Mrs. Glesson Dingman and

A miscellaneous shower for Mr·s. chrldt'en were at Howard City to at­Hugh Corner was held ut the Haynes tend a family reunion. home Wednesday afternoon. James Harding Is building n new

Nearly everyone in this neighbor- chimney on his house. hood attended the Ingham county Curs driven by Howard Gould of fair last weelt. Williamston and Howard Butt of

Guy Maivllle of Dearborn spent the Handy township crushed together weclc end ut the Davidson home and near the Silver Bell dunce hall Sun­also attended the fair Friday eve· do.y evening. Mr. Hatt wus severely nlng unci Suturduy. Injured, BoU1 curs were badly

Robert Rae accompanied several smashed up. boys on a trip to northern Michigan Mrs, Hattie Godley hus bought tlte last weelt, home recently occupied by the Coaly

NORTH HOLT Mrs. wm. mckott



John and Lal!rena Ruttman, sections 22 .and 27, Iosco Township, Livingston County were the owners of th1s property, destroyed Apnl 1?, 1941. The loss was over $5,000, promptly paid

by thts company,

NO MICHIGAN PROPERTY SAFE FROM WINDSTORM! Owners of Farm Buildings, Livestock, Implements, Feed, City Residences, House­hold Goods and other personal property are liable to suffer heavy loss when wind-storms come. •

A_ Vfindstorm insurance policy with this c:o~pany gives the needed protection at mmtmum cost.

Since the Armistice Day storm last year 30,484 claims have been paid, which total loss amounts to $1,190,755,20, all of which has been paid from the reserve fund on hand, and the regular assessment for 1941 will remain at only 15c per $100 insurance. Don't be sorry - Be safe I Insure in the Hastings Company.


MICHIGAN MUTUAL WINDSTORM INSURANCE COMPANY Harrison Dodds, President • Guy E. Crook, Vice-President • M. E. Cota, Sccretary-Treaaurcr

Established r 885 Homo ORico- HASTINGS, MICHIGAN "The Largest Insurance Company of Its Kind in Michigan"


1 J'ol' IICJJII~> tluw, lu u,hlu 1.11 lw out ug11ln. li!IJ llllllllt litll' h(iil<l, illll ~~~t!ll_ ~."!~'-lllllllilllf ..

,:,:::.~ .. , .. , .. ; .. ,.1.:,:., .. , .. , .. , .. , .. ,:., .. , .. ,.1., .. ,.,. .. , .. , .. ~ f ~1'1;, 1•'1'1111 I ;I;,,:,:, who I IIlii )oui!n Ill

I (-J 0 J. .. T 'J'Iw lloll. Jim tli!lllll'llllfllll. Willi null-••rl to lll!lhlllllltili II /llllllil )!)11~11 111. Uw

lly MI'H, ,J, M. IUihll•by 1'1!111' Jllll'llh ol' Uw [,.,H ICI'IlllH/1 hulllll Wllllllutlclay tiVfllllllf{. 'l'lw fltmlly wm1 ........ , .. , .. , .. , ..... , .. , .. , .. , .. , .. , .. , .. , ..... , .. , .. ,.,, .. , ........ ,H 111•l. llt. llflllln )Jill tllil lllltZ(I WitH lllllin~



",TuHt Jhw, Wllllum," lli!O nn­uwrH'r•d, "Yo11'vn IH'Illl nwny r1111tu u long thuo, nh1't you'/"

llltl!l WIJJ 1111111t .llli'IY MundiLy llllll'fliiiJr Ul. 1 htl j'UI••unnuu lo luy II fluul' In Lhu !riii'Hl(u '1'111 11 'fllllrl)~ lwu" will lut In oluU'I(II or r.lurtln lfnhruti und muny IH11ldf1 will hal1qr tllu Wfll'li. In 1L tlpt•ttdy 111111, 'J'hu Jud[,,,, h11 y 11 liHirl thuy lllno WHIIItl lw 011 hHIItl, 'J'hlllu­dny/ ,!uplumlwl' •J, l hu Wnuwn'11 llntdd y ,,f C:hr utlun llt•rvlt·u will l1nltl l!'u U1ul full llltttt!IUH ut llw yunr nt twu u'«'l!il'li ul th 11 Muthodlut t•hunh, 'l'hlu ttlwuld 1!11 n 1u1J:y lllt•ulhur. '1'/i,, Mlttuutlvu IHIHJd will lllt•c·l lll'tlf'l!t'dlnu thu tnuullnl{ 11!. emu ll'j·l~u·l,, 'J'llu Jil'llj(l'lllll c•nmmltlw1 h1111 Ull'llllt(ud fnl' 11 UJwc•lul trunt, In lhu fn1m 11f n Jllll{ttllll!. lt will lut Wo!lh wlillu feu· all IUI!IU)IIJIII unci lllllft ful' ftlonclu whu will wunt Ju IHI1. IUliJHIIII!ImJ With I ho IJnJI liiHII•ht,

Legionnail'es Plan Fall li,csti val

orl h.V a Mruwn motnrlut., who r:nllml llw dllpll,l'illWIII.. 'J'hll lllii/1 WllH tiiJghJ,. By JOliN C, UAYMONJ)

"Ynp ... I , , . 1 gumw I'IIIIIIVD omnu m1ppor,"

Ml', 111111 MrH, Hl!l'tllll'd Q11nnlly noovwl Hnllll'dtty Into l.lwll' 11owly nomplotorl honw llil Hd1nnlra·ufl. Hull­day they 111111 lltl f{IWtltll, M1·. tmd MI'H. ,/nnlc 'l'rowhrldg-c unrl Hldmrrl 'J'nylm• nf Omnd Ledge nnrl .ln1111110 I I,n,ngli'Y of Uuylonl,

"All right. I'll Ox It rl1tht uway." An<! Hhn wont l11wk In llw rnngn nt tho ol.hor c•ncl of Jlu, nni'I'OW room.

.!olin Jlur:Jt I'<Hil., Holt., ol' tho Amnrl<Jiln Lorrlon will fiJlOiliiOI' thn full J'nHI.ivnl, to he lwld in Tlnll. Olllo­lwr 0-ll, lndnHlvo. G1tll Relworu•J' In g'nnoml cllllh'mlln, wllh onmmitl.oeH 1111 J'ollnwH: Spori.H--·Art Buelc, Merl HiehnrdH lllid Cllll'<mno Byrne; l•'rerl 'l'homml iH In chru·gn of the merchu.n­diHo; Hpm:lal evontH, I•'l'flnlc O'Con­nor; Hnru1Cn, A rl. TJuvol', Lor> Mooro, ft,J'(l(( 'Phmnft:J und r .... I~H Pnelc. '!,he Dnrlmnt: ~howH will furnish l.he rlclen und ml<lwny. 'I'hm·c will be n. c:rdce lmltlng contest anrl VILI'iouH nwrchnn­rliHn displnyu, In lllmrgc ol' t.hc gcn­cml committee, a. ncmwnr.r, rurnic Mtd.hlull and A1·t Huver, [.,oH Poole is In ehal'lic of puhllclty.

ClutrleH Connm· I'<"Jolvcrl wnrcl Moll­tiny of the rlcrtth of hln hmlhcr, IPI'IliiiC Connoa·, In Clnrlun, PlllliiHylvunla 111111 di'OVc through to nttend tho funornl liuld them 'J'hiii'H<hty.

'fhn Ocrtrmlo dull will meet 'l'htll'H­cllly, Scptmnlwr •1, with Mrll. Muynw IJohen ut tho Hollen collage nt f:lau­bn<J Llllte IIU!~t' Hunllelrl for pntluclc dluncl' nncl n aoclal nftllrnoor,.

MI'H, Chnrlca Connor received WOI'll flllti/J'Ihly or I he !lentil of II HiHLCI', Mrs, .leanne Hall, in MlnnoltpoliH, Minnesota. MrH. Connor, who IHLs been under the doctor'H C!irc fot• sev­ern! weelts, iH crmflned to her llcd nguln.

Alii, I,, E. ConJllln of St, Lou!~ 16 Ondlng real wnrlt Jllcasant, IJccauso he had grown flnhby, ConJllin went bucl( to h·on worltiug, his trade be­foro entering Jlolltics, and Is male. lng $70 n weclt. lie s!lll holds his nlclcrmanlo job nt $1,800 ncr year,

(MCJC!ur£l fiyndhmtu-WNU t:iurvlr.o,J

I, IS mother cullr.c! him Willie: hia tcuchr.t• cnllccl him Wil­lillln; his flrnt boss called him Ilnrrlaon; cvci·ybr>dy

now culled him utuh-nnrl ho culled himself u fool. That's the whole his­tory of Wllllurn U. IInl'rlson-ul­most. Why he culled himself u tool make::~ the rest of 11.

Utah was muldng one of his on­tries Into lied Cow. Reel Cow Is n town; and his entry wasn't greeted with uny displa~ of enthusiasm-nor wns It noticed with any fooling v£ resentment, unless you can cull tho cemetery part of the town. Some­body turned over In his grnve and muttered curses. The bones of Sum Blnlcc resented Utnh's rc-intrusion Into Red Cow.

Soon sho IH'III!ght him n fine mertl. Utuh docirlod to wnll tmtii the other mnn hucl gmw hul'on: he aho11ld con· verAo with his lnl•:ncled, no wna in agony UH ho llstt•mrl to the wny the aentlr.ll11111 tnllml nnd lnllccll to hor. 1t only ho could upenlc in auch nn orgnnizod mnnnm·l Fin1.1lly tho vol­uble one left, Lilly cnme to stand before Utah us he liniBhcd his meal. She tullcod r>! inconrwqucntil.l! things, and he tried to, l~vcrythlng gone at last, he cncleav01'cd to give his speech.

"Lilly, I . . . Well . . . " Ilia face grew redder. He felt his will slipping; his lumd storted I'eoching for his hot. Miss llcnrlettu Kh1iher, who Iuw

lleeu HpeiHiing her vncntion in Holt ltnd Gmml napidH, returned to her wm·lt at University hospital, Ann Arbor, thiH weelc.

Mrs, Lllliun Og-le gvcloth and her former roommntc from Corunna, Hpcnt Monday night nt Lhe Ogle home here 1111rl drove to Cmwford 'l'lmHtlrty momlng.

---------~~----- But Utah hod no thoughts of Sam Bhikc. He trudged down the dusty wngon trucks of tho winding roud that lends to Red Cow, following his three burros, the least of which­which wns the last-he prodded now and then philosophically. Utah was rather short, red-faced, gi'Oy-whls­kcred, and faintly blue-eyed. He wore traditional blue denim cloth­ing, traditionally faded. He was thinking about himself and he called

"Mr. Harrison, you stny rlr:ht hero till I come! baclc." She fixed him with her eyes, and went quickly back to her room. In u moment she! returned, carrying a heavy canvas bag. Her eyes were firm and her lips grim as she set the bFJg on the! counter before Utah, untied the string, and poured Its contents forth upon the counter. Out there came paper money, silver _money, gold money.

A I'CIInion of the Schepp nnd Mn.n­ley frunlllcs of Michigan, Ohio rmd rndiuna will be held Sunday, August :n, ut PottoJ' purlc in Lunslng, Amund 200 11ro expected to attend. 'fhe tllblc committee will he Mrs. Lena Schepp and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Quenby of Holt.

over Lnbo1· Day ut their collage at Lake Odessa.

William Clark, M. D. l'hyalelan ancl Burgoon

GI11116CH Flttod

22•1 S. Jcffcrnon-Tclcpltono DWl

IJUessoline 'I

Why trust

to Luck?

You know what

you·re getting with


Give your car the "Tankful

Test11 and see why midwest motorists choose Red Crown gasoline over any other

brand by a margin of ••••

Hev. I•'. 1!1. Ogle, who In 1017 per­formed the wedding ceremony for Mt•. and Mrs. Chuunccy WnltcriJ of Charlotte, f:ln.turday "t Lwo o'cloclc cnmlucted the ceremony uniting In

Mrs. Ira Cole, who hus been n patient in the St. LIIWI'Cncc hospital fo1· Home U me following an opera­lion, wns rctuJ·nocl to he1· home here the lust of the wcclc.

marriugc their duug-htcJ•, Ell'ma, to Paul Shnit, ulso of Charlotte, nt the

New budges for members of the Holt tire department arrived this week. 'l'heHe nrc expected to bo of use ns lclcntlllcatlou, and uiHo In tmlllc when the depnrtmcnt Is HnSWel'ing an nlurm.

homo nf the hrluo's purcnts in the PJ'escnco of tho lmmecllutc fumllles. 'rhc young couple wm·e nttcnrled hy Mr. and Mn1. Guy Walters, uncle and nun t of the bride.

Lleutct111nt Fritz BaJ•mtrd of Ann Arbor, who Is nn Instructor at Ran­dolph I~leld, 'l'cxns, wus In Holt Frl­clny to vlHlt his cousins, Mr. and Ml'R. D. P. Barnard. '!'he son of Mr. and Mrs. Church of North Ccdur street, Holt, came with him to visit his pnr­cnta for the day,

MlHs Ruth Adele Klnillm· will go to Owosso the first of the weclc to re­sume her tcuchlng posl tlon In the OwosHo schools, which tJpcn 'l'uoscluy, September 2.

Mr. und Mrs, Kenneth Davis mov­ed to the Mary McDowell house on Mnplc street 'l'uesday.

'!'he Aluleclon Home Circle club will meet 'l'hursduy, September 4, with Mrs, Bert Green on Phillips rand for potluclc dinner and a social afternoon.

Members of the Holt Garden club arc planning to uttond the horticul­tural, all ot'llamentul field dny at Michigan State college on Wcdncs­duy, September 3. A picnic potluclc dinner will be enjoyed hy the group. '!'hose Intending to drive unci those wishing tmnsportntion will please cull Mrs. Leo Beclnarlc. '!'he Lott Birthday club wlJJ picnic

nt the county parlt Thursday of this weelc. The hostess Is Mrs. Dlclc Surn­tcnux.

Mrs. Vernon Sheldon nnd Frances Ruth und Lester Sheldon returned Friday. from n visit with relatives ut Shelbyville In 'l'cnnesscc. '!'hey nlso visited tim mllitary camp nt Fort Forrest, Tennessee.

The Ln,dles Auxlllflry of the Ameri­cun Legion will meet at the home of Florence Hardwiclt, Kingston road 'l'hursdny, September 4, to nlloV.: members to attend the lnltiutory ser­vices of the officers of the legion which will be held at the Holt school Friday nt eight o'cloclc, '!'he auxiliary will continue their benefit parties ut the town I1nll Saturday night, Sep­tember 6.

Some nf the work of tho 9,310 units of the Auxiliary include 22 iron lungs, one x-rn,y machine, three inhalators two bally incubators, three fractur~ beds nnci two oxygen tents. In addi-

1 Lion two tmnsfuslon machines were sent to England and Lwo seeing eye dogs were purchased for blind persons.

Miss Frunces Sheldon is at Mar­lon this weelt, where she will teach horn~ economics this coming- year, starttng September 2. She will J'e­tum to Holt for the week end.

Rev. F. E. Ogle and daughter, Eloise, were home this week end fol­lowing- n vacation spent in Declter­ville, Ubley, Marlette and Pleasant Luke,

Stanley Jennings of Great Laltes '!'raining station, is expected home to spend the week end with his mother, Mrs. James .T ennings.

Mrs. Eve•·ott Scarlett and daugh­ter, Phyllis, have been visiting rela· tlves In Buffalo, New York, and Long Islund for the past wcelc. They are expected home the last of this week,

Mrs. John Fay, who has been In '!'aledo since the !Ieath of her moth­er, returned home Mond[\y. Her father, Herman Parman, retw•ned with her for a visit here.

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Surntoaux arc moving thlH wcelc to 1860 Chest­nut street, the house recently va­cated by Ml'. and Mrs. Stanley Mil­ler.

'!'he men of the Methodist church nrc planning a "bee" to place n iioor in the garuge at the parsonage on Labor Day. The wot·lc will be direct­ed by Martin Kahrcs,

Mrs. Earl Jones is In Flint for two wcclcs, caring for her sister.

_Holt Garden club members and frtends have been invited to attend a Jlower show sponsored by the Delta township Garden club at Grn,ndwoocls I parlc, West Willow street opening at 3 p. m. September 6 and closing at 9 p. m. on Septembm· 7. ·,

Mr. and Mrs. Die!{ Adcoclc wet·e in Benton Hurbor unci at Fort Custer Sunday,

A daughter, Nola Jean, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Fn111lc Blunl• of 221:1 Vine. street Lansing, 'it the Sparrow hospital on August 16. Mrs, Blunlt was Miss Eileen Schnenhals of Holt bcfot·e her marriage.

Mr. and Mt·s. Clarence Hudson and family hnvo moved from .J.!Sl De­Camp street in Holt to Dimondale.

Mrs. J. M. Ellerby and Mrs. Leo­nard Davis drove to Fort Custer Monday to meet Private Leona,a·d Davis, who drove up In a convoy of truclcs from l~ort Leonard Wood. l?ri­vate Duvls returned home witl1 them to spend the afternoon and night ut his home in Holt, returning to Fort Custer 'l'uesday from where he ex­pected to go to Louisiana, returning to Fort Leonurcl Wood in about a week.

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Davis anrl chllclren und Mr. and Mrs. Robert Davis and ~hildren of Lansing and Kenneth Davis and Joann of Holt called on Mr. and Mrs. Leonurd Davis Monday evening.

Holt Sportsmen defeated St.

Poor Utah shrnnlt back as she leaned forward nt l1im.

himself a fool. Whnt reason has n "William Hnrriso11, I've been suv­mon of fort.y-flvo with thoughts of lng this money for fifteen yc11rs! marriage In his hcnd? He had no Right there is nil tho money we'd reason-that's why he wns a fool. ever need. For !wo years I've been But he didn't core. He wns going waiting, nncl you ain't got the cour­to n~k the widow Blake to marry nge yet." him. All his drenms were going to Utah had his new hnt crumpled in be fullfilled. They would be mar· his hands. He begnn slippinr: bock ried and have a little house with olr the stool. This was terrible. He roses flnd n garden and tall trees. could never ask her now. (Of course, they would have to go Her eyes held him. "Mr. Wil· somewhere where there were trees Ham Harrison," she pronounced, -Red Cow lacked the requisite ro- "will you do me the honor of be­mantic and beautiful for n young. coming my husband?" married couple.) The fulfillment of his dreams rested on seven little sacks of gold grains and nuggets, which his three burros carried se­creted in their pack saddles, nnd a diamond engagement ring, which he hod carried for 15 years In a little metal box in the watch pocket of his trousers.

Old Utah hfld finally struck a short stretch of gold snnd in a forgotten gulch, and he estimated he had close to five thousand dollars worth of the shining stuli. Then, that drunk­ard, Snm Blake, had been cloud for almost two years now.

.......................................................... , l Church Notices 1 1 ........................................................................ ! North AurcJiua Clmrch-3unt'lay ncllool nt 10 o'cloclc, church nervJccn nt 11 o'clock. rn!l .. tor Rev. Cot'ncll. Young pco1>lo'u r~m·vlcc nt H o'clocl~.

Wllllamaton Free Muhodi&t-Vf. H. Cau· well, JlllHLor. Sunday tt~lwol, lO n, m., Arr•hl~ Chnmbcl'luln, HU(Ict'lnten,Jent, KnthiPun De­Witt, Junio1· Hll)lerintent.lllnL. Momingo woc·~ Khlx1, 11 u. m. Subject of Hermon, "JuHlilicn· tion by F'alth." l~vcr1inu Hl!I'Vicl!, 7 p, m. Suhject of Hermon, "lltLPIIY AJ•c rrhe IIUIIUIY And rrhil•sty." Prnyel' ml.!etinl-{, 'l'hurHdllY nl 8 Jl, m,

Utah organized his plans ns he entered the dusty Mnin nnd only street. He would have himself re- S. S. Cornollua nnd Cyprlnn Church, Dunkco decorated at Blimmcr's Toggery, Hill. Rev. Fr. John M. nuffy, l>ntitor. Sum­refinished at the Acme barber shop, mer nchodulc, mnll~.:.:_o nnd K:an. and installed at the Golden West ho-j M Cl 1 r

1 tel. That night he would go have K~~~rr':Unn, n~~~ A.,0 1 ~,u,tt~~·. ~~.~~~·~~~~~Su! 1r~ supper at Lilly Bloke's American <lny, Au"UHL :II: Sund/ly Kchnol, II! :11/1 ll. Ill.

C f d L l C Mnrnlnl-!' woJ•cdllt,, I I :Ill) a. rn. N, Y. P. S .. a e an unc 1 ounter nnd ask H::liJ p, rn. l<;veninl{ HCI'Vicc, 7::10 I•· m. '1'111' I

her to marry him. He would be Sunclny ~:chool altt•rHlnne(• lwld UJI wondt·l'-asldng her the Second time fully ,dllt'IJI~ the HUillmC'I', It HVl'l'll).:'t•d nLout

• I l!i ng-ht through lllf' moatlnt when a Hlum1• The first time he had token the Kl'llfll'ally occur~. Now that vacullorm a1·"

• f h 1 . . , . ovea, let \HI wor•k fnl' thn autumn huild-cn 1,

rmg or t e lUnd of Lllltan 0 Neil, [f WI! will, \Vl' cnn, lf wo can, tlwn wr. OUI . .dll

he had been jUSt OflC day and an ln clo it.. 'J',he PllHlOI' _Ill hnel< from hitt vnen-h t 1 t • b · · h' Linn. II(• will Jll'l'JH'h 111 lhf' Sunday Ht'l'\'ii'Ni.

OUr 00 a e lll l'Inglllg lS blun .. 'J'Jw HUhj!!cl ill the mo1·nfng WOI':ihip hout· dering, half-concealed courtship to a will he "A Holy !.if ... " In the OV<'nin~ ,,,.,.,._ l, S! 1 c1 t ld 1 • • I ice it wlll ho "Why lloy:; L~:nvP Hnnw.''

C lmaX, 1e 13 0 1lffi Stmp y, <lnmt \nlt.:l'CHt WnH tnkl•n in thl' luiil ml•:-;-but With tears in her CYCS 1 that She Hllg~ Which lfw )IIUilOI' i>I'IIIH-:hl llll the Jll'llh­

had promised herself tO the rrallant /(•n1H of ,Lho hom; llnd fnmi\y 1'>•/ntionHhlj•H. M b Hen!' thiH one. I· ricnd, mlond church next

r. Blalte the evening before. So Sunduy. William U. Harrison had put the ring, which he had offered with his Hnnltcrd'a Puvlllon, l'lcnonnt Lnlte - Rev. words of proposal, baclc into III's l'athcl' John Duffy, PIL.<tOl', bin•••• 8:30 n. m. nnd 10:30 a, m. pocket, and had gone o!I again to continue his activities as a cow­puncher on the Cross Bar ranch with a secret sorrow. From a dis­tance he had suffered with Lilly as she worked with her little restau­rant for support of herself and her drinlling, gambling husband. In his later years Utah had turned to pros­pecting, registering as one of Red Cow's vagrant citizens. Now that Sam Blake had been dead two years and Lilly lcept on with her little cafe, William U. Harrison was go­ing to offer himself, his five thou-

Dnnovlllo Methodist-Rev. Mnrjol"ic Ilnw­ldna, IHIHtor. 10:30, Churah tschoo), Al'thuc· Pollok, Hll!1cl'intendcnt, Let UH lnct"cllHe our nVCI'IlR'C nttcndnnce fo1' AuguHl by ntlcntl. ing Sundny school thiH Sundny. 11 :30, War~ Hhln Hct·vlce with n mct~Httf.:'e by Dr. Wni'I'Cn C. Mcintire nnU Hrtcclnl muHic by the mixed f!lllll'tCt, 8:00, f.h~ cJoHinft' IICI'Vlcc o( the ~:~cries of cvungellstic mectlnJ.m, with Dl'. Me· Intire nrcuching. Mid-week devotlonnl Hct·v­lcc Wednesday evening, 8:00 o'clock.

Who11tficld Mcthodlot-Rev, Marjo1·ie M. HnwldnH, pnutor. 0:30, Wortlidp Rervicc, l0:30, Chut·ch school, Clnrencc ltumbaugh, uunerintcndent. Let liB lncrenHc ou1· nvc1·ngc

Mncwn Cluh!ltlnn !ir.lf'nt:o .'incl.oty holclr~ 1t111·v· J,•tut nt lhu tdlltt·c:b nt. thu tllllllUI' of Out< unrl Jlul'l\ utt'111Jf1t uV11I'Y Hunduy nJot'llln" nt lor:lfl, HutulnJI ltcdwul lu ltultl ci1ulnlr ll11; llfii'VIc•tl. WmlrHHulu,v ''voul111r nwPtlnt{ nt. u :I! II llll'itl!luu LtJJillnHHilllll nf Cht htt.lun Hnlunc• 11 hunllntc. 11'/w Jlllldlr• !11 f'OIIIiully lnvltud to nttuntl fhmttt Utti'Vlc•ttrt, ••c:trl'lut ,Jontut" will hu thu HUhJuuL 11f th11 lcJIWUII•tiUI'IIIOII In nil CIHiitLinn Hnlont•u l'iHII'niHtll llli'IIIIHhnut lhu Wul'ld 011 Hunduy, AIIHIItd :J I, 'l'lw lluldPu 'l'ttxt. (JltJII\BII/1 J rill) i111 ''l 11111 unt nt~ltnmml nf t hu l(f)UJIUI nf Cht'illll fol' IL 111 lilt• IIOWI'I' of Ontl untn un/vutlrm Ln uvu1·y fillEt thnt hP· llovoth," Arnun1c Um Jllhlc~ uit.ntlont~ lu thlu 11nmmuu (,Tnhn J :It~) 1 "Nn 1111111 hnth uuun fintl ut uny llnH•; lhtl unly lwHfJilt•n Hllll whlt·h Ju lu t hv iHliiOIIl or t h11 F1LI he I' h.; hnt.h dt~nlnrutl him,'' t!tl/'l'ttlutlvtt jlllftiiUJJ:t,'ll It• bt! l'ond !1om thu <:hl'iltllnn Htdunnu text~ ()()oli, "Ht•lmwn unci llmllt.h with l{c•y to t ilu t-iPt"h•tunta," by Mat·y llnl1111' Jt:dtly, lnd11dlt lhu rnJiuwJrur {Jl, :ta:!) l "Chtilll I'XIJI'I'Ihii•H (lud'n II)I]I'Jluni, t:lul'llHI IIULIII'tt, 'J'h.u lllllllt' bt IIY!InnynwutJ with M,•,wlnh, nnd nlluclt•tt tu 1 hu IIJilriLIIIIilly whlt•h lu fllllh'ht, llltiHI r11 t 111 J nnd dumuntdt•ntud In lhu llftt 11f whldl Cht·lut .Jmnlll Wlltl tht• tnnhcullmullt.,"

lcallo Mctlwdltlt-'l'hnt'on Jt•nlw, JllltlltH', Hnlllluy liei'VIc!tlti 1 Chul't!h ilt•hnul I 11 :!ln. Mornlntr wurHhln 11 ::w. Ill'. C. (), Sulhc•J'U will ho tllll' III'I!Udwt• rwxt Sunday mcll'nlnH. IIIH tlurvlcuH WIIH much f'ldoJit•cl l1y l.lw I!Uil~OHKIIllnn of IL l'tHV Wllt!I\H UIW. 1J1·. Hnlllt'n: lu fL Ltililll!'ILU mlnlntu1· unci ~~clllr'Ul· c~l', Tho Wulll/LII 1H Hudot.y fur Chrlt~tlnt! Hul'vltm iH I!JfnnlllH'ing u 1111lc• of horntJ hulwd l(uodu nt the giJy,nJJPth Hhc•Jt ~nlllt'dny mm·n~ InK, J•~ndt mnmhur l•t t!Xllt'f'ltlll lc1 nwlw n t!ont.rlhutlon, Church uchoul I'UIIy tiny, HPJI· tumhut• 21'1.

Folt 1:1nlus Metbodlat-'J'hut•un .TE!rlllll, IIIli\• tot•, Htnuluy t!I.!J'VIcen: Mnl'nfn~t wnJ'Hhlrl I 0 :OO.,, C:ltut·ch tu•honl I 0 ::JU. Pc·uyel' t~rot·· vim~, J uc•Hdny nt. uhdtL. HPI'Vit•"u III.!Xl Sun· cluy In chnnw n( Uov. Unit! Wnrd,

Lealia Froo Mothodf&t-lf, ,J. MHYUI', Jllltllnt·, Sunday tH•hnol Ill :on u, rn. Murnln~r wo 1 •

Hhl1• 11 :on JL, m, J•;v .. nlng twrvlt·~~: Soru: nntl II I'll I HI' 7 :!\II Jl, m, l!;viLIIKfliJHtll' OltHIIIII~~~· ~.:I r.. p, m. Pl,'ILYl!t' llll~elint(tt 'l'ucuulny nnd lhutHdny uven!n~n nl 7:•15 )1, m, C:nmt• und enjoy out· llvtJiy Sundny m•honl wlu•l'u WI!

undtmvor lo Lcnch Ch rint nnrl l ll11 IICJWt•r to HILV~. Wu nre nflcl'inK clnHtltJfi fn1· nil uguu fi'Om lhu ndultu down to lhu lll'illlnt•it•H "'J'hll Church Whe1·e you ff!l•l nt Home,"'

Holt Methodlot-Huv. ~\. W. Klullwl', JIUII~ lor. Sundny, AumJ:It at, lllvlnll lll!I'Vie·~ nt I IJ n. m. SJiecinl lllliHic. Sermon by thu IIILHlor, lu11ic "Whnt if! You1· WPi~rhL '~" A cheery welcome nwnltH vlultorK nntl nlrnnK .. N'li 110 thnl they will fN•I at cnHe nnd ul home. 11 ::!fi n, m, Sunday tiL:hnol, n plm•t• fut• eVNY UJ.(u grnup, lnt:ludinJ..t purunb. LcHtton will lw "Tho TeRt of n Chrl11tinn." Jo'nll ncllvltltm huHill with Set•tr•mher, 'I'lw

llnlt llrCJabytorlnn-Uuv, F. N. Otdn, Jllllllfll•, IU n. m. tlliiiiJiutr woi'Hhit•· Hpm·lul mtutlu, In tho uhtwrtc'lt of ll111 lllltJIIII', Al'nolll Co1 11 u I~ mlulidnt'lul I'UIIclhlntu nf lh11 1•'11'111 l'r111 11 ~ hyltJI'Inn c•lllm·h In ldtllllitH(, will hu lt!lont. !lllillli>tll', II ::lll 11. m, Htllldny IH'hunl, Wnltc•r ICnowluu, tl\iJindntundtiiiL 'J'hu fJI'IIt!l'nl 1\ld Honluty will moc1l nt. thu c•hu1·clh 'l'hlll'llflny HIIJiltlmhnt· •I, fnr rmll11C'I; tllnllt'l' und 111; nflunaunn mcll'Litnf, M1•, 'I'IHIIWlll, ndnlniHI'Inl muulldnto fl'um W••utmlnlitlttl' t•luu·dt 1.1111· tthi!C llJiulw ln1tt Hund~oy lllitluutl uf Hc~v. Kunlwl, whr~ Will\ c·ulhHl U\11 ur tnwn hy t hn lllnurm of ltlu fnthul',

'l'hn provltilon Clllllng for 11 cut In non-<lefon:Jo ol!pr.mlltnrc:J Wall voted out Of the tiLX J>ill, JlrCHIIIllllhly lUI il'­l'CiUVItllt, lmmitl.erlnl nnd pnlillcnlly unneceHRaa·y,-Ncw Ynrlt Sun.

S-whlfl lo RoUer rndiu rcr.t!plimr ••• Enjoy "Tru-Tone" tram the lowest nato o1 liH! brrum h1hn to hlah C on the flute, It your !let J11 not up to pnr, let one of our tcchntclnnn ndjml it nnd then -Uslen to the dHTcrcncc,

BRYCE F. HILL Phone llOill

For 11Ttu•TDraJ" R1upllon Jf'• Rullommend



The tires that have been removed from new cars when white sidewall

tires were installed are offered for sale

at reduced prices. They do not show any

wear as our new cars are trucked from

t:he factory and have an average of two

miles showing on the speedometer.

See These Tires Today


The Women's Society of Christian Service wm hold Its first fall meet­Ing of the year Thursday, September 1, at two o'clock at the church. The program committee has arranged a special treat In the form of a pageant, "Women in the Changing World." It is hoped that this wlll be 11 rully meeting and that all mem­bers and also friends will enjoy this meeting. A short business meeting will precede the progmm.

Joseph's of St. Johns In the softbull tournl).lllen t prellmennrles on Sunday evening by a score of 10-4. Friday night t11ey will play the college em­ployes, who defeated Hastings 12-4, to remuln in the tournament.

Mr. and Mrs. Willlum Blcltett went to Pleasant Lnlte Tuesday to stay ut their cottage there for u short time.

The general o,id of the PresbyteJ•Ian church wlll meet Thursday, Septem­bel' 1 for a potlucl{ dinner and a bus­Iness session at the church.

sand dollars Included, to the widow and lift her forever from the toll and hardships that wer~ .hers.

The three burros and Utah came almost unnoticed up the sleepy

. street. A blaclc and white dog came out to bark at them, but he returned to his shade without even a sniff at the heels of the traveling twelve­legged savings bank. The caravan stopped before the plate-glass win­dow of the Golden West hotel.

* The Company's new Ccnlrnl Office building on Capitol Avc­mm, Lansing, ns il appeared in !\loy. It is being rushed to cornplctiou •

•naned onl ate11t uvalla~lc ntutl.! t:uumd lnupec:tJondlta

TUNE IN on AUCTION· QUIZ ovory Friday nlghl NBC Blua Nalwork

SWISS STEA-K 28c lb.

A nine and one-half pound son was born Sunday morning ut the Sparrow hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Potter of Holt. Mrs, Potter before he•· marriage was Miss Clarl· belle Weed of Holt.

Miss Nettle Green spent Sunday and Monday In Detroit uml Green­field VIllage. Wednesday she went to Lunslng to cure for Myron Robinson for two wcelts,

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Menhinlck and Delores are spending this weelc

Veal Shoulder Roast ______________ lb. 2Sc

Mt·s. C. B. Davis has traded her farm on the West Holt roud near Dimondale for the Clarence Hudson home on DeCamp avenue in Holt und wlll move here this weel1.

LOTT DISTRICT N ellye J. Russell

'!'he Lott Community club will meet at the Lott school Friday eve­ning, September 5. C. W. Otto, sccre­tnry-manngcr of the Lansing Cham­ber of Commerce, will be the guest spealwr. The meeting will convene ut 8:30 o'cloelt.

FITCHBURG !\Irs. I. S. Batdorlf

Rev. nnd Mrs. James will show pic­tures of the northern Michigan n,nd the late wedding, Tuesday evening, August 26 at the Fitchburg church.

Mr. and Mrs. S. V .Lawrence nncl Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Ranclc and Men·y Lou Avon are vacationing in the upper peninsula,

In the past weelt Donna Wilson, Gerald Lawrence, Thelma. Mildred and Edna Campbell, Rolland Batdorff and Jaclc Ranck enjoyed a stny at the Ingham county fair.

OhoiQil cuts 0111-fashlonC!l boneless

Corned Beef ____________________ }b. 19c

Salt Pork in brine ----------------lb. 19c

Mr. and Mrs. William Stringer, Jim and Patsy of. Battle Creelc and

. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Webb are en­joying a vacatl':ln.

Pork Shoulder Roast ______________ }b. 25c


LARD 4 lbs. 45c

MILLERLILE MKT. Aero• from Do;yle'1 Service Slatlou

Jaclt Ranck Is tnlctng his 1-H cow to the State fair at Detroit.

John Winterrowd stayed wlth Jacl( Ranclt over the week end.

Fitchburg school will reopen Sep­tember 2 with Miss Pauline Wild as teacher.

WANTS FOURTH TERM It Is talcen for granted that Presl·

dent Roosevelt deflnltel:lf" Is aiming for a fourth term In tho White House and the political fraternity sees the entire plan shaping to that end In the event thnt the war continues. The politicians reached that conclu· slon when the tlp-otf came In the

I administration's handling of the re· L--------------------------1 lief bill In Congress.-Georgc Van Slyko In The New York Sun.

Utah was n busy man that after­noon. He transformed himself from a grizzle-bearded, sunburned pros­pector in fflcled blue and dusty den­im into a regular dandy with a red face, sartorially elegant, if not per­fect, in new yellow shoes, black and gray trousers, lavender shirt, and essential Stetson. He visited the bank, and the news service of the post office loiterers. With real grandness he drove his three sleepy­eyed ones to the edge of the town and its tin cans, and turned them free, not without a moment of sad­ness and regret when his faint blue eyes dimmed with the sorrow of parting.

Then he prepared himself for the business of the evening. He made sure his attire was correct and that the ring reposed in the box in his pocket. Then he bought two ten­cent cigars from the only box of ten~cent cigars In the community. He~ felt very nervous and had to walk around tho vicinity of the cafe several minutes before his courage was strengthened by the Increasing emptiness of his mid-region.

He entered the door of the little frame bulldina which served Red Cow with a cufslne par excellence­and good at that. There was one customer 1 In the Cafe American,

1eated on the last high stool at the· lunch counter. Lilly saw Utah en· ter and smiled at hlm-and went on aerving the customer with her gen­erous portions of her generous menu. Utah sat uneasily on the stool farthest away from them and· chewed on toothpicks. Finally she came to him with a glass of water and a Bll).lle.

"Hello, William." "Howdy, Lilly. Uh , , , How are

you?" he managed as he looked at; the tired woman before him. Her; hair had weary wisps of ar.ay st~p;y~:

* *


* *


Defense Moves Fast in Michigan W11en a big industrinJ state goes "all out for defense," it moves in n hurry.

One of tho first things it calls for is

more telephones, It takes a lot of tele·

phone calls to build a tank or an air·

plane- an Army camp or a factory.

.Lansing, capital city of Michigan, ie setting a dynamic pace in defense

activity. And today, Lansing has 2,500 more telephones thoo a year ngo.

.To take care of Lansing's incrcnsing

telephone nceda, we hnvc undcrtnken

aprogrnmof expnnsion that will amount

to mearly $1,2501000 in 1941.

What is happening in Lousing is being'

duplicated in many other parts of Michigan. $H,OOO,OOO is programmed

to serve camps, ursennls, factories, nnd others engnged directly in defense

work. Backed hy the l'esourccs of the

Dell System, Michigan Bell is spending ;

more thnn $26,000,000 tllis yenr to mct:t i. new telephone needs throughout the state,

The telephone has· n little part in almost evfJry N ntional Defense effort, :;.

A11d a little port in every effort add& up to pretty big figures,

Michigaa ~~~~ Telephone Co•paay DIFIIIII _.COMI$ llltr ..


MJ'H, ;rny lloyln

M1', untl Ml'/1, All'l't•tl Jlurl, ill t:Oill· (lltllY with M1'1l. \llru·l.'ll nlm:t:, '"'" lliOI.Ili'itlg l.hi'OIIt;h Utn Hlll/tiWJ'JI Sllli"H. '!'hoy hil'l. Mo11rlny nl't.lll'lliHIIl, t:>qwnl· lng Ln hn gnno nhrlllt a Wl!!!lc.

Ml', lliHI Ml'll .. John l{fnJ{ nnd /lOll, nlong- tho IH!Illdl 1111 Boll, Ill'!! tljlt:1llling t.lwiJ• Vlll'UI.inn Hloug lho iliiiWII Oil Lnlw Ilill'on,

Mr. 1\tHI Ml'll. l•'rml llayhtm or Dtuwvlllo 11pont Hlllidny wll:li UwiJ· dlllll-(hlm• IUHI J'nmlly, Mr, lind Mrll, ;rny lloyln,

Mr. lliHI Ml'tl. Nell 'l'oerl,. of fJwm'lz CJ• wm·e weel< end guo·1it11 of their (lltrentll hero.

WILLIAMSTON luoz 0. White

.Tohn LccrhleJ', Sr., who hrlll been nlllllg' for some Umo at tho homo of hiH ann, FJ•·neHt, on mnHt Gmnd Hlvor ut.rcet, 111 now confined to hlH bed. His d!lllghtct··ln·lnw, Mrll. .T. F. I~echler of Mrt~on, IH IIRHisllng In hill Clll'C,

:•~~;:;I1l·~;,'l:'.r:;;:~,;~·:~~;~;,:~.~~~:: 1 ~\~r;l-::~~:~:~\l~;~;~l·--· --.. --,-,v-,.-.. 1-i.J'_S_.·-,r-.1-T-11-,1.-J.-{-.-N-. ---,

lliHi Ml'fl. l!lill','t:IH' C!iJI.onuJuil.oulH until VV mf li1 llll-t Nlll'lcHl, nt '11Cll' lh•ti1 -·opJ)fi.I'M .1····-~~~~~-~~-~~-~~-·~--~~..." .. -.u...,.,~~~~~.,:_-,~,,-,,~~~~u-.-,:,:~::,...: . ..,. 11 ~,~:_ .. _.,~""' !unity. '

'l'lw oppol'lllltll.y eunw thron dU,Yil I lull!!', Koill1 Wll~ In town on !Hiiil· 1

JWm;, 'l'lw !!OWilllylt W<'l'l! 11111. 011 tlw 1

r1111go, M11rlunnn, who ll.v thin 1.\nw · hud \1'""1 lllinlled u moro gentlo lj

Notes and Conunents frorn ...

Ml', llllti Mt'll, nltlll'ill:l ~i!ll/lllt:y ol' s.·I.-.. (('.')WI h:den, \Y

W ASHI'NGTON ····--·------------ --- ---- --- ~


Ml'li. Uhlllo Blgg-11 tl]ltlllt Juri!. WCH'i! 11,!: Clmyllng 111111 Hlggluu Lnlcn.

GtiOI'dnn I11I'O:it c:unw lwnw Aaltu·~ rlll.Y night fnr n. wncl,'ll vlwnt!on. nn<l Htuuhty lw nnrl !'nul Woll' Jolt. 1111' 11 wenl1 itt Wnldnuwoo<IH to ull.cml tho .Junior Ji'm·m l!UJ'Oilll twhonl nJ' In· HtJ'lil!tlon.

Mm. '1' . .T. ShlnhiH of LnnHing rutrl MrH. Olenn Merrlllelcl spent 'l'htJJ'trdn,y wll.h M1·s. George Sneller.

Mr.Y. lPlom Wchslcr WUH 11 rllnncJ' gtwHt nf Mru. Col'll llenjrunln Sunday,

Mm Wllllln' Wilson r111d chllclrcn of BJ'Ighlrm and Mr. n.nd MI'H, Ben BctlwJ' · Hpent lPrlclay evening with Mr. und Mr11. George Pl'lltl.

Mrs . .John Scott nnd children of .Jaclwon Hpent lPrldny afternoon with hml HIHtm·, MrH. Doll Wolf.

MIHS Mn,rthlt Donal IH spending II

part of the weelt ttl Breclumrldgo with her cousin, LolH Greening.


(A1mnc:lnf1ul N'c!WtliJIIIWI'tJ,) WNll Hurvlr:u,

lllond by lwr hrotltlll', HIHidli•d liP I n c W'll' w Ill I und hnn;Jed dlrootl,v fnr lhc.' SIJ.Ig!o '1'. I Y Ollfii'CHHmun 1 lmn • uc IIley

'l'ho Slnl(ln '!' J'llJWh hllildlnt~H, she Si"th Michigan Diulrict

dl~cov~rod, wernn'L U!l weHI.ern-Jonlt .. •:·-~~-~~-·~-~~-~~-~~- .. -~~-~~-·'-·'-"-"-"-"-"-~~-~~-~~-~·-·•-~~-~~-~~-tl-I{ml'i'II DUNCAN lc!nrned that ln1~ llll Keith's, nor ns mmt, Beat F'llnt Norton nnd his outfit l~llnt hnd pl'llsporucl, CIJ1IHII', In Dmrt: m<lmlfllrm hill now IL lnw. 'l'lw flunul:or Vtutdun!Jm·g or Mlllhlgu were, on Uw very duy ot n mnntry whei'O ollwrH fnl!ed, hill floJ'lululng to tho "xt:waHion ol' huu (IJ'o(WHO!I a gmaorul J'crlorul molt

.... ,II IS

Murlnnnn's urriVE.Ii ached· '1'1 11 M lllnn fm• riJ·urte"H h"r•amn a law whnll ttLX to ho paid h.Y nHlnUI'netJu·m·11 1 I 10 rsl flOI'/iDil fll'iunnu rnnt l'i'IIHichml ltool't'"t'IL ftl"t1r•.cl ll1o !Jill It II lilt U ed to be In town, Norton'" cow- FJ' 1 N • 1 1 If A 1 1 '-•- n n eon11noc on oxeopt food, elnl:hln ~ WWJ ' m or.on ' 111Hc • JH I wt 1'11w ll"o, 'l'hiH !•Ill IIJ'ovlrlc.•• t.IJitl I II I '1'1 t boyn, Keith lconwd, were to encl u J 11 ·1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n • lll\C me• c llC. lfl would l"'l'lll

ln g It !n

IH VIC ua, sea"' on 1 s voranr n l:ho drltfl: pr,1·lod, lnHt,ad or lmlllg· 12 tho nlwlltlon of the new "llUiHillte< 30-mllc drive of cnttlc on thnt duy smoldng u brown pnpor clgnrettc, nwntlm, nn orlglnull.v phtnued, ex· liLXeH In the hollHe hill lllld Hl:lll l'fllr at the ft•eight yut•du, nnd would un- gavo n tremendous slur! at sluht of lcndH 11ow to n period nl' ao mnullw $1,21iO,OOO,OOO of 11ew revenue. Senntr doubtcclly spend the night cele- tho girl nnd disnppcared inside the mal pcJ'lalns to nil ill'fliWhos of the Vnndenhcrr~ llHilCI'tH that the "mJ

111 Jt'

broting. house, He came out u moment lot- mllitnry HOJ'VIce, '!.'his hill llJ'OIIHed Hrtncc" tuxes um ciiHcrhnlnutory, Thnt meant trouble. Norton's er, currying n rille. bitter diHCIIHHlnn thrnnghnut the thnl they upply to only n sclodcd 11

I· In Ht Single T crew and the Dar X oulllt "Hello, neighbor," Marinnn 11 said, Unitml Stntcs, us well llfl In con· or eommodllleH und services .

had been lit sword'rl points for more "wonted to congratulate you on the gress. PeJ'Hnnnlly, I wus opposed lo 'l'ho fcclcJ'Itl 1111c tnx. In the hous than a year. Tmul>lc over water port you played in the show the oth- the extension of the draft period, pmposerl tux hill, 11 tn.x oJ' $~.00 w1


rights. And usually when they I cr night." Fccleml cenHDJ'Hhlp pJ•opoHcd. PJ•csl· lmpoHcd Oil the ownc1· 11f every nutr mel in town there was 0 nght. "Show?" Norton's iow opened, <lent Roosevelt luw II,Jlprovccl a rc· mobile fm· the prlvllego of UHing t1

It wns partly because of this ond


. 1 1 d 1 commend11tlon nf the nrmy and llflVY same. '!'his bill lws been vm·y vlgo nne t JCn snappc s 1Ul. "Come up high commnncl rm· JH'ompt 01111ct 111 ".III ously criticized. Ir this flnt .•ii.O partly because Keith wanlccl to wel- nn' s l · t I'll b 'tl · " '1' e I SIS cr. c Wl 1 yon Ill or II l!tw Imposing war-lllcc federal "usc" tux Is C/liiiCtcd, the fllrn1CI' goln

come Marianna in true western jig time," . censorship Oil Ute III'CHH, mdlo, motion to mnrlcct lliHl the factory worl<e

tH I· IC I'· 0 g I'

I~ I

lll'lvll"[{o ol' 1\olng·uo In 11.11 nulonwhlh•, 1111 tho l'inh 1111111 Ill' Wfljllllll JlllYII fn1• ]lillllllll1'n d1•lv1Hg. M11ny thllllt fhlti itl 1111 \111,111111. JII'OV!niol!,

fJtm·{ Monday, A ugunt 111, J.lw hoiiHil It! ill Ull'oll-day I'lll'<llltl, IIHIIllJHg 011 Mrllldll,Y lllld 'l'illll'litlay ol' 1111 r.:h wool<, 1111 l.h" <'OIItcl.ll.lll.lon lll'ovlcleu. HnwnV"'', no lnl:IIHtlllH 111 "IHlling he· fOJ'!I tho IJOIHio at. llw preH<'HI. Unw llll we arn nlwnd of I he In 1 he jliiiiHngn of hlllu. 'l'ho tlt'IH!Itl 111 now CJIIii:\IHIIJI!g thtl tnx hill IIIII] lhll iiii!IIIP. iH Wllitlng I'm· lliCl eomplollon of t.hnt hill.

r wnuld IIIJI(If11AI. to my 1'e11derr1 that any '"1111111 !Ill len Uon llddreH.Yod t.o 1111~ for llw noxt few dnys Ahonld hr, flout to my l•'llnt olllr:o, rnl.lwt• lhnn tn JH,Y Wm1hlngton oJilcc,

I hopu lrt hllVC the plenH\11'0 or Alii!· Ing 1111\llY nr you during thiH hrh1f rcccsH ol' tho honse.

- ~--·---· -· ------·-

Eyes Exn.mined-Glnsacs Fitted

DR. KATE E. LAMB 01"£01'o1Jll'l'RIS'r

Houn Dlul 7161 1 to 5 except Cor

Tlmnsduya AJIJiointment

'!'he anntllll llowm· show, sponsored hy lhc Reel Ce<ltLI' Gm·den club, will b., held In the Golden 1:tore building September r; nnd 0. It IH expected them will be more lhnn 200 vnrlctlcs of cut Jlowcra nncl polled plnntH. PrlzeH will be llWilrded for the most or them.

Mr. nnd Mrs. Hownrd Gould and daughter, who umlwH hm· home with them, nnd nnothcr womn11 were In nn llUtornoblle ncclclent Sunday three milcH west or I<'owlervillc, They nre all In IL hospftnf. Both CILrH WCJ'C to­tnl wrccltH. '!'he driver of the other em• was unhurt. Mt'. Gould Is n. purt· ncr In the lumber company hci'C.

Mt·. and Mrs. George Frost and family, Mr. unci M1·s. n. B. Fro,Yt and fttmily, Ml'. nnd Ml'H. Arthur l<'mHt, MJ', llnd Mrs. Cm·J Anwny, Mt•. nncl Ma·fi. Allwrt Backus, M1·. nnd Mrs. Cnrlton Anwuy unci Ml'. n.ncl Mrs. F'loyd Drmal nnd Mart1111 nltcnded the J<'rost reunion ut Potters pari< Sun­clay.

fashion that be rode into town on Marianna dismounted aud seated picture Industries and nil foJ·m of going to and f1·om his labors, wl the evening of Marianna's arrival, herself on the vcrnnclu, Norton dis- <!ommunlc!ttlons In nnd out of the ••on-~ have to pny the sumo nmount for th surrounded by six of his best riders, appeared. Minutes Inter Marianna tenmttnl United StatoH. Under the men who were equally hnndy with sow him coming across the ranch Jlln.n, nlrcarly 11pprovcd h.Y the p•·csl- "-============================= six-shooters. But os he stood on t11e yard. At the some instant she ltcnrd rlent! un army man would be nnmcd ~-----------------------------, tiny stntion platform and watched footsteps behind her and turned in , chic! of nil po~tul lltld wire censor­the westbound draw ncar, Keith time to glimpse two ugly faces be-~ ship; while II nnv.v mnn would be np· frowned to himself as thoughts of fore a ben was tl1rust 0 • 1 : 1• d pointed chief of all rarilo nnd l'ablc

EDEN II-II'S, Charles Small!ly

Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Underwood nnd Hope nnd Mrs. Raymond Unclenvoocl wore Sunday dinner guests of Mr. ancl Mr.Y. George Soule.

Mr. nne! Mrs. Wnrren G:L!Iaway nnd Jerry ~pent Saturday night nnd Sun­lilly w1th Mr. nnd Mrs. Ronnld Smul­ley nncl Nannette of Wyandotte.

Ellen Sherman Is coi11lned to the Root hospilnl, where an appendec­tomy was perfo1·mecl Monday night.

A family gathering wnrJ held nt the homo of Mr. and Mrs. John J. HnJllnc of Fitchburg. About 10 were pJ·csent, Those present were MI'. and MrH. Elmer Hutnne of Custnr, Ohio, M1·. nncl Mrs. Homer Niswander n.nd family of Deshler, Ohio, Mr. ancl Mrs. William Hn!line and Detty of Toledo Ohio, Mr. and MrH. Milo Sherwood and family of Mmmn, Mr. :md Mrs. Har­old HuJiine and family, Mr·. n nd Mrs. JD!mer Hufllne, Mr. and Mrs. E. A.

Mr. 11nc! MrH. R. 13, Frost 11nd family went to Ohio 'l'uestlny to spend the remainder of the week with their 11nele, Roln11d Underwood, and expect lo bring llH.clc Mr~. Winifred l<'rost, who hns been Hpemllng several wcelcs in Ohio with rclntlvcs.

AKERS SCHOOL DISTRICT 1\frs. 0. W. 1\Iaynurd

"h VCI lCJ wa · censor~hlp. Marianna flitted through his mind. Marianna was held captive two Marianna had always· ridiculed his I days. 'l'hen n distracted Keith unci Speeinl PJ'OVIslons are written Into letters, letters in which he told of 1 b 1 the plan to conli'Ol the use of hom-

o unc 1 of Bar X riders located her lng pigeons. One 111·0110s11,J would rc· rustler wars, siX·".'lln fights, lyncl1- 1'n a deserted CDITI!l up · tl 1 'II

" Ill 1e 11 s. quire the rcgistmtlon nnd llcerming• ing pu.rtics and what not. She i1acl In tl1 fi I t tl t f II I s· 1 e g 1 10 o owec one mg e of nil pe•·sons m· agencies ow11 1ng, never taken him seriously. T eowiJOy wns killed, another wound- possesmng or using Clll'l'ier pigeons.

"'l'ao much like the days of the eel. And n Bar X boy slopped u Anolhm· would requiJ·c snlc of all lust frontier," she'd written him, bullet with his forearm. Imming pigeons to the government "'l'wcnty:llve years ago we eastern- "Norton wanted ransom," Keith if ancl as desired. ' 1 ers might have swallowed that sort explained, when Marianna had been The program would give the ccn-

Mr. nnd Mrs. Clnudc Ca·oopc called of stuff, Keith denr. But not in placed nslriclc one of the Single T's sorshlp unit power to ccnsm·. all mall, on Mr. und Mrs. Chnrles Croope of horses nnd they were en route home. niJ· mnll, cable, rndio, telephone, telc-Lanslng Monday evening. ~~~~~ ~~~~~ "Bul I called his b!LJ!f. I knew he gt•nph ancl teletype nwssn,gcs, and nil

Mrs. James Williams and daughter r "'' . :H·l~\~ wouldn't dare harm you, nne! I hod other means . of communication be-of Lrmslng visited Mrs. C!ttude Croopc f. •1•1 ...,.... },:·',

1, n hunch they'd hide you up here tween the United Stutes ancl its pos-

Wcdnesdn,y. \ ·' N , . · sessions of any foreign land MJ'H. Clnude Croope spent Titmsday ' :'f' ' orion and Ills gang quJt nf,t,cr the '111ls bill has drnstlc po.:Vcr ami,

with Mrs. Altn Webber In Lansing. ...._ i! first fi~c ml,nutcs of flghtmg. . . I nuturully, wlli arouse considcrnble Mr. and Mrs. Fmnl< Petteys and ..,_ Marionna s eyes were shmmg.! controversy. The clnnge1· of the bill

girls attended the Mason fnit·. "It was perfectly swell, Keith. 'lies In the fact thnt ·an unwise [ld· Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Petteys and J:. Real western stu!I and oil tlwl! But minlstrator might nttempt to cur-

family atlenclcd the Hcnd•·.vx reunion }< -~ I must say your hired actors nrc 0 lull the constitutional rights given at the Howell pn.rk Sunday. bit rough at times." to every individual of freedom of

Mr. and Mrs. Claude Mnynnrd nnd Kcitlllooked at her in amazement. speech and liberty of the press. Mr. and Mrs. Hiclmrd Leu and baby "Good heavens, Marinnnn 1 Don't I l~lnk we will ali ugree that a of Alaledon Center spent Saturday sit lhcl'e and tell me you th 1 t 't c.cnsoaslup bill protectmg the Umtocl evening with Mr. n,nd Mrs. Otis Mon- t . b 1, oug 1 1 States against tho revelation of mill· tuven. was a. pu ·UP l.0 · . tnry nne! naval scc•·cts would be wise,

Mrs. George Maynard and her• Marwnno smJ!ed ·at lum, "Dear hut that tho encmachment on private mother, Mrs. Place, spent Monday eve- old Ke1Lh, you always were the best rights on othm· mutters than that ning with relatives in Lowell, Port- of brothers, always trying to show pertaining to naval and milita1·y af-land nnd Ionia. me a good time, the :cal thing II fairs .would llc unwise a.nd unjust.

Mr. and Mrs. John Dn1'l'lcy enter· But always, as now, o b1t rough on Amet'JCa has always boasted of the laincd eight friends fmm Bancroft a girl." I fact that each citizen has a right to ancl Lansing Sun clay evening fn; Keith tried to speak nne! found freely. express their opinion, provid· dinner. that \Vords wouldn't come. He mg, of cour~e •. that they do not con-n 0 K • h p l I M1·. and Mrs. Vern Dillinglmm n,nrl l 1 ,1 1 1 'd' Jhct With ex1st1ug luws. r. . eit au ey I girls visited Gl·eenfielrl villngc Thurs· s 0 c 0 ~ U;'CC at t 1C cow JOYS_ rJ rn.g A federal sales tax. You will recall

Marianna, who by this time had along behmd and snw tha fhe1r tl t h Ostcllpathlc day. b 11 tt 1 f 11•11 1 : . · ' · · 1a t e house of reproscntn,ti ves, a I I Mr. and Mrs. M,"rrm Roberts and een a o Cl a more gentle steed by ac~s were 1 cc wrth lhsgust, cs- few days ago, ]Jassed the tax bill

l' 1Y~ clan ami Surgeon I ·' IIet• b otl d II ·' d 1 d 1 II tl b I f 1 d Mr. and Mrs. Vcl'!l Dillingham spent I' ler, sa < cu Ull an lea ec peeaa Y '" o.v w wsc orcnrm w which will provide for the mising of Telephone •1001 360V, S. JcUmon St. Friday evening in Detroit. directly for the Single T. stopped a bullet. npproximatcly $:!,:lOO,OOO,OOO. '!'his bill

Are Your Boys Ready? In ~'~"fltcmhel' tho boys will be going hudt to sehool. Gootl dur·

nhle cloUJ!ug will ho needed, Are ynur lmyH properly tlf]nlpped fnr d:tyH of study null hard play? If not, talco them to Bcelnvll.h'11, We have a large Htocl1 of boy~' l'lothlng and can HliJI)IIy you with ex 11 cl· lent merdmndiHc at low Cll.,t.

* IloyH' Long P1Lnls

• IloyN' Spm·t Shirt..'

• Worl1 ShlrtH

* Sox mad i'lcs

" Ilelts, SUHften!lerH

'' Polo Shirts

" SweaterH and ,JacketH

• Tallor-mrule Suits


·BECKWITH CLOTHES SHOP The Storo for !lien nn'l Buys

0"Y or Niaht (nbovc Millo Store) I Mrs. K 0. Pla"e, who has been The next clay Keith drove Marl· now has gone to the senate and hns

.._ ____ M_'_"_"_"'_MJ_c_hl_a·_""----~ spending a few weel{s with her dauglt- these days. So don't try to frighten anna to the station in the big touring been referred. tr~ the senate finf~nce I tcr, Mrs. George Maynard, returned me, brother. I'm coming out to visit car and pul; her aboard the cast· C?mmlttee fm stt[cly and 1nvcstJgn- ,

===========---=, ... llto0

heErRhBo,ylte ri~nEPIIyGnH1o8utOh R\\_'Hcd



0Iay. you anyhow." bound. twn. , '----------------------------l

MaMaMawullie~y~~~~ ·~~~.~. ~~o~ag~~~~~==========='~============================= to alight from the west-bound. For sometime. Hope you enjoyed it." _

I 1\lrs, G. W. Sprlngnmn nn instant she stood on the pull- "You bet I did, Keith. Couldn't man's steps and surveyed the group have enjoyed it more. Swell time.

Don't go thl'Ough another

wintet• of personal furnace

tending. It's downright dt·udg.

ery and 'doesn't pay. Own a

Stokol-Mercury and let it take

charge of you1· ful'l1ace.


, A lnrge number from this com- of six serious-faced punchers who You couldn't have made it seem munity attended Mason county fair surroundeclller brother. more real, though a bit rough. You last week.

Mr. nncl Mrs. Robert Titus of ' "Whoopee," she cried, rushing bet I'll come again. It's the real Munith called at the George Worden into Keith's arms. "Durling, this life. Good-by, Keith dear, and home last Thursday. Janet Sayer rc- IS a real western welcome. Cow- thanl<s!" I turned home with them. boys here to meet me with guns, Keith watched the eastbound out

Gladys Smith is spending the wecl< chaps, ten-gallon hats and every- of sight. "A bit rough," he repeat· in the Roscoe Arnold home in Dans- thing. Do we ride out to the ranch ed. "And she thought we were ville. in an old-fashioned stage-coach, or kidding her all the time. Well, I'll

Herman Martin was in Mason on am I scheduled to ride astride a be-!" And he turned away, feel· business lo,st Friday afternoon. bucl1~ng brpnco?" ing, for the first time in a weel1,

I Frank Kimmell of Detroit came Keith grmned in spite of himself. quite relieved and at peace.

~~\~1~~Y to spend the week at Beryl If he had entertained thoughts of I I Mrs. Fmnk Frinlde and daughter, trying to impress Marianna with the Ch p t t G

Mrs. William-Lcelw, of Rives June· fact that these men were armed for amp 0 a 0 rOWCr ti.on crrllecl on relatives Saturday eve- a purpose, he promptly dismissed! Reveals, His Methods mng. the thought. Followed by the cow-~

Mr. and Mrs. S. T. O'Brien of boys he led the way to the big When . the man who grew 615 Pinclmey nrc staying o.t the farm ranch touring car. He laughed at bushels of U .. S. No. 1 potatoes to the while Mr. and Mrs. Howard o•n1·ien her expressi f d · . t . acre In Mlclugan l'eveals some of his are visiting the latter's parents In t b · ' on ° Jsnppom ment at I methods, over Michigan potato grow-the uppe1· peninsula. no emg conveyed m at least a ers ilsten. J. D. Robinson, Pellston,

Mr. and Mrs. Oland Stanfield en- buckboard, gr~sped t!le wheel n~d made tha.t record two years ago. tertaincd their sons and families wheeled the big cur mto the mumj He's competing again this yeur in Sunduy. street the Northern Michigan Potato and

"My 5 Children and I

. Ma.rwnnu prom~tly forgot her dis- Apple Show at Cheboygan November appomlment at s1ght of the truly 5, 6 and 7. Other shows scheduled story-book looking buildings. False- In the state will include the tipper fronted saloons and everything. Michigan Potuto Show nt Marquette, They had, in fact, come to a stop October 21, 22 and 23; the South­before the very door of a saloon to western Michigan Potato Show at allow the passage of a slow-moving Edmore and the Southeastern Michi-

usc ADLERIKA when needed; have kept it on hand for 20 years." (C. C.-Muss.) ADLERIKA with its 3 lnxatlve and 5 carmlnutlve ingi·cdi-


, ents Is just right for gus and lazy bowels. Get ADLERIKA today. '--------------! WARE'S DRUG S'rORE

130 Ingham Court Diu! 4-141 wagon Laugh'ng d · tl' gan Potato Show at Buy City, both - • · . 1. an JOS mg men on the dutes'of November 3 4 and 5 were movmg m and out of the . ' · swinging doors. One of ·them ~obl!tsorl this y~ar •s. gl'O\~Ing 37 slopped to stare at tl A d uct es of potatoes meludmg lo acres

. • Ie car. n of Russet Rurals, 8 of Irish Cobblers,

There is a homely adage which

runs: Speak softly and carry a big

stick; you will go far.

-Theodore Roosevelt

Jewett Funeral Home "The Home of Friendly Service"

Ambulance Service Phono Ollll

PEACHES! South Havens, the best canning p~ach, arc at the peak

of the season, Come to our orchards, brin~: your baskets,

and have them filled with the finest tree·ripened fruit. All

- peaches are s~orn of fuzz.

WHILE THEY LAST-Starting Saturday, August 2a, you may come to the orchards and pick your own fruit at

. I lower prices.

PALMER ORCHARD , Two Milea North of Lealie on US-127

Lealie Telephone. 131F13

~arwnna, all mn~~~nt, shouted a B of Chippewas and 6 of Pontiacs. He whoopee, cowboy, m gay fashion. recently completed his fifth a,pplicn­~{eith groaned. '.!'_be man was tion of rotary sprinlder watering of

Flmt Norton himself, and he was one and one-half Inches of water. Ten already within two paces of the car. sprlnltlers at u time each cover u

"Hello, girlie. That's terrible circle 90 feet in diameter. Water Is company you're with." He leered pumped through a four-inch boiler c!I·unkenly, and Marianna, assum- flue main Into one-mch ~ose c.onnec­ing that it was ull u part of the show tlons 50 feet to the sptlnltlets. being staged by her brother, smiled Seed Is planted at the rate of 30 into his face and winked broadly bushels to the acre, twlCe n~ much u.s

Norton reached out 0 hand g . · . many growers use, u~cordmg to R. in 1 . • 1 asp S. Lincoln, county ngr!Culturnl agent

g 1er atm. Inst~ntly. one of U;e ut Petoskey. Fifteen hundred pounds CO\~boys who had p1led mto the b1g of fertilizer an acre are applied, half ear s tonneau, was out and had at time of planting and the rest with grasped Norton by the shoulder, an attachment on n cultivator. whirling him about. The Single T An eight-row spray boom of his owner turned with a snarl one hand own design operates from the side of darting to his hip. Ther~ was sud· the truck on which is mounted. u 300-denly a roar of six-guns. Norton gallon spt·ayer. The sade spraYing re­staggered back one hand clut 1 • g duces by half the amount of vines the arm of the 'ther f. 1 . cl 1t1hn run over by the trucl1 wheels. Spray

• 0

• l om W 11c 1 e applications number 8 to 10 a season. gun h~d diOpped. For a rotation, Robinson uses barley

Mananna clapped her hands in (n. cosh crop) nlfalfu two or three glee. "Bravo!" she shouted gaily, years unci potatoes.

The car leaped ahead at a terrific Show stocl1 potatoes are picltcd up puce. Behind them could be heard behind the digger whenever Robinson angry shouts, a fusillade of shots. finds time. The seed plot stock, how-

Keith tried to explain that the fight ever, Is dug by hand and thls adcl@ to was in all se.riousness, the result of the show stoclt supply. her own nchons-and was laughed nt.

Marianna liked the ranch from ihe first. She was up at daybreak the morning after her arrival lind per­suaded one of the hands to saddle her mount. He complied almost too readily. Mm·ianna climbed aboard and five 'seconds later found herself sailing through the atmosphere, en route to a haystack. (Fortunately a haystack.) . But the girl was game. She knew It was all a part of Keith's way to show her what u tenderfoot she was, But she declined to ride again that day. Keith drove he I' around the place in the car, and took advan· tage of the opportunity to explain that the Single T range bordered on his own and it would be exceed­ingly dungerous for Marianna ever to ride in that direction alone.

SOUTH LEROY Mrs. 1.\lerton Rice

Miss Reba Rice Is spending the weelt with relatives ut Charlotte.

Mr. ond Mrs. Albert Nelson und Doris visited Ills sister, Mrs. Arlo Bennett 1111d fumlly ut T1•enton Sun-~ day.

Mt•. and Mrs. Vern Tunnery culled on relutlyes at Lansing one day weelt.

Mt·s. Edward Parish and son of Charlotte spent last week with her slstet•, Mrs. Merton Rice and. family.

Mrs. Stanley Risch und children spent the weclt end with her pm·­ents at. Brighton.

Mr. und Mrs, Graham Gleglcr n.nd sons spent Sunday ut Royal Oalt.

Mt•, and Mrs, Ed Stroliel toured the norU1ern part of the stute lnst weclt and called on Mr. and Mrs. Vern Strobel and family, who are camping ne[\r Traverse.


Thousands of readel'S of this newspape1·, every yen.t·,

use ou1· Classified Columns to g1·eat advantage. The ser-

vices it gives a1·e many: use of its space costs little. Wanl

to Buy or Sell? Loolting for Employment ot· Employee?

Something Lost or Found? Want to buy or rent Real


Phone 9011


Marianna promised, secretly tell· ina .lw:self.:lhe'd l'.ill.e ov&:r pnd call

Mrs. Merton Rice visited her sis-1 ters at Charlotte two days last week • ._ _______________________________________ .J


---------ROSTER or COUN fY orriCERSi-------­cJouwr

'J llh Untlt .rudll Ia! lllHtrll t Clllk (' notiH Ifllllitlcl MtlHOil l'<tmll Tnmuuy, 2nd Monday itt Ttutllluy at MnAon,

Mnt 1 h, 211(1 Mnnt111y in MnH It at Lu11Hing, Mtty, ~nd Mnntlny In Mtty 11t MuRon, Septembr t, 2nd Mnndlly In Septomhct nt LnnHing

LIU!Hing' Chief Dr puty I lot r> G ll1 woy, Lruwlng 'r1onmnet Lylo B Au1tln, Mnrton

Ilcg'illot of D< Pel I lnUtcl L PhlllljtS, Mrwon

Dwln CommiHHlonet Gcotge GrtLIUl Manon

School CommiHRionot I• ted m Senti, MnHnn fudgr 1 linn Ldand W CtLJt nnd Iron Chutlcn

II Ifnytlr n

11icluu d B l~o 1lc1, Ami!Bt­ Dlti ut01 of Health. Dt C D Bmtclt Mason

County Sut vcyot LtLVmnc Hundt yx, Lrmslng Uo(l(l Commission Tj D Dunclml, cltnh man, Wil-

Ametlcan State

Allan A MacDmmld, M1won liamston Wlllm d N Swconoy, I,rtnilng, Guy C

Lal1 d 1 Hull, Leslie

'J'1 oyet, Lansing County IJighwny mngincct Jack Ilnlwwsky, Mason Ch cui t Court CommiHslon< 1 s Clfly Cnmpilell and

C LaVmnc 11oilmt 1, Lilnslng Dog Willden Ben Voigt Holt

Social Welfare Commission Malcolm Milhs Lan


Judr:e Tohn McClellan Mnson

sing DILVId Be tlty Muson D D lltlrrls Tjan­ning

Soldiots and Sallms Heller Commission m nay Pottm, M1won; Thomas Illgglns, Lnnslng Tames n DaviH, Lansing

P1 ohntc ncgl~tct David Beatty, MaBon Juvenile Pwlmtlon Olllcct Mt H Betty Lawton,


Claude PoHt, County Wei fmc Agent Cout t House, MtLSOII

State C01mm vat! on Olllcct E1ncst Blohm, Mason Hcsidcncc !20 East Elm

Agticultutal Agent II II Batntun, Mnson

, ........................................................................ , J New Court Cnses

Marriage Licenses

l Chancery and Law Cllllllll llilgun lu Ingham county circuit court dur­Ing weolt ending Monrlny bolorc

::~:0. ::. l::b~l:~.~:l~-~·-···-~ ........ ~·

HEALTH AND HYGIENE I lJ11lln l'lnrgCly

1'01 nMny yems physlclans have been attempting to tJeat cct taln forms of Insanity by opetntlons on the bwln It hiLS been thought that lf the 1eellngs of the patient could be seputatecl ftom his intellect in

MJSs Verntce I{nnuss, 17, daughter of Mr ond Mrs Elmer l(nnuss, Branch County fnrmcro, has been nelccted ns the "1 yp<cnl Mtclur,nn Farm G1rl for the 1941 State Fatr wluch opens at Detrmt August 27 Mtss Knauss n vetcrnn 4 H Club member, IS able to do every JOb on her father's cxtcnstve farm, was chosen for her vcrsntthty She w•ll nssJSt tn Fmr opcnmg ccrcrnomes Tl c State Fntr Will conttnuc throl)gh September 7

Circuit Court Proceedings

Tnkcn from Journal EntrlCII of tho Circuit Oourt

HfMfMt fn ............................................... ........

AuguDt 10 Mlchlg tn I rust Co Vl:l Ml!ta Kni•lnmu

Mot1on to dJHntiHR U)lJletd Den cd Cnntomt•t Jlocccding l Bet t M ltnnl~

GUJ)ly of Contemtlt Remnmlud to custody of Hhcuf(

Contempt t•roccedlnrrn Clulr Huthuwny Cullty of contcmt•l Sentence HUI:IJ)(!hdcd

I'uoJIIc VII l"lcd Cntly Scntcncu, Stntc FIIRon of Sot thctn MlchJgnn J to 4 ycnrn

Augullt 19 Pclltlon of Plulllp J Iocca nJmiEH!lon to

bn1 Pear lu VH Clnrcncc Lnmblm Ar1nhmmcnt

Plcntlcd .rullty Plc1~ nccet•tcd llcrnnnded (Judge Cau)

l)eoJic VH Wnltm Wnllnce nnd Mncl< ThomuH Mot1on to qun~:~b, denied (Judge Cnr1)

Au&uot 21 Dot othy Cnm vtt Hnrold ICnlckcrbocl<er,

ct nl SutiRfactlon of JUdgment Imogene 1\.nlcl<el bocluH

Hulen Whittemore vs Donnld M Rowe Oulcl o( dl~:~mtljanl

A118'Uit 22 M & W PP-trolllum &: Txnru tt Co vu

Ft uehnuf Tulilor Co Judgment vncntcd und net nalclc 'Otder for rc .. triul (Jullgc Curr)

People VII Helbert Nell Emmer Ar1algn .. mcnt Plcndcd gullty Plea uccCiltcd ltc· mnn~o~ (Judge Curl)

Probate Hearings Tuo11dmy, September 2, 1941

MILtter of Dolcalnw Dunlcluwlcz, hcnrlng on chnngc of name, nt 10 u rn Lnnulng, MichiKnn

Mnttel of Murk Peter Schneider, hcnrlng on change of nnme, nt 10 n m, Lnnt~lng, MichiHnn

Wednesday, September a, lU H Et~tnte of Rogel Lnt~ulctc, hcurlng on

clnlmR, nt 10 n m Et~tntc of Evn M DHion hcnrlng on

clnlmR nt 10 n m Est!Ltc of Minnie Prudence Dutton lu~nr•

ing on clutm8 ut 10 n m 1~Htntc of Frank G Snndct, hcntlng on

clnimH nt 10 n m EHtnte of Julltt!:l Lcyrct, hcntlng on nc•

count nt 10 n m Eutnte or CILrhe Burch, hcnrlng on pro ..

Unto of wlll nt U n m Estnto of Lm'iio McHcs, lumrlng on np ..

polntmcnt or ndmlnlnttntor, nt u n m Mnttot of l\.cnncth McCn1 ty, hearing

chnngc o( nome nt 10 n m Motter of Louis 'rhcodoto llollJl, hearing

on chnnKo of nnme nt 10 n rn EHtntc of Ma~ry Ellu lfecknthorn, hearing

on ILllllDintmcnt of ndmlniHtt ntor nt 0 n m E~tntc of Jnmc8 lJ Rue!, heating on ac­

count nt 10 n m E!itntc of Charles L Hoover, hearing on

UllJlolntmcnt of ndmlniHtrntot nt 0 n m E1tnte of l"1nnk lloovo1 henrlng on np ..

t•ointmcnt of ndminiattntor, nt D u m Estate ot Delln Dnrlow, hearing on ne ..

count nt 10 n m

ISLAND CORNERS l'rlrM. Gcorgo 1\lcl{laney

, 0 othm wmcls II tite emollons could iH be scpmated f10m the JUdgment, by The I C C wtll meet with Mts 211 cutting the Jlbets In the buun which M utm Allen on Phillips 10nd instead 1 ~ cat ry subconscious influences some- of Mt s Ted Beaumont us pt evlously i•• thing might happc11 to the patient to announced ,J I nHtl<e him well again mentally M1 md Mts Robett Schultz Rkh-



"···1:··"··"· .. ,.·:1· ",' ~c Duung the past five years some atd Schultz and Mt and Mts Youngs 1 "" 1 , "" 80 insane pattentH have been sub have 10tmned ftom a vacation In the

I jected to a 1 elatlvcly minot opcrution up pet peninsula j~ on the bt ain tn which such Jlbets at c 1 'Fhc Island school wtll 1 copen Scp-211 seputatccl The tcsults of the opeta tembet 2

i\ I tlon as tcpottcd Iecently in a sym- The coucspondcnt as)(S that nnyonc l'' posium at the Clc\ eland session of having news fat Island Cot nm s cull l 1 Lhc Amctican Medical Association 71505 She 1s con em ned the news wlll ~~


have g1ven cncoUlagmg Jesuits lt become extinct due to lac!( of 111 tcr-2~ has been found m genetal that the est 1 R patients who have had Llwse opel a­~J / tlons do not contmuc their deluswns r, 7 I hallucmations and obsesswns, and r, t


they tend to lose intet est m theit li. pmcly pctsmml wouies 1 Dt Walter !?teem tn of Washmg-

1 ~ I ton, D C, says that ft om a social :) pomt of vww these patients show the l. muxanum change They at c a little 1 mote chcmful, a l!ttle mme out-

·f I spoken and sometimes tathcl tact­less But they lac!{ concetn about themsclvt!s unci In general m,my of them have been Jclt•t ned to home life without difflc\tl ty OccasiOnally a few of the ptcvtous symptoms of ms,Lmty seem to 1 clut n, but as a tulc they do not By two wecl(s after the ope1at10n the patients ate up and mound and ftcquently leave the men­tal hospital shot tly after that In one patient after the operation a blood pressure of over 200 was re­duced to nounal, probnbly because the emotional tcnsron was no longer reflected in the arteries causmg high

BUNKER HILL CENTER Mrs. Dull l'rlea!l

About 40 attended the annual Bunl(cr Hill Ccntet school reunion held at noon and a progtam followed Mr and Mt s Alton Bailey and Mt and Mrs Wesley Batley of Califorma attended the 1 eunion

Mr and Mts Cat! Lawrence, Sr and Mr and Mts Adam Puzan of Lansing drove to Albany New Yorlt, last Thursday to spend a week with Cat! Lawrence .rr

Thursday evening guests of and Mrs Dell Mend were Mt Mt s Jack Ft cnch of Lansmg Mts John Gldnet of Chicago and Sundny callet s were Mr and Mrs Ernie Potter Mr and Mts Charles McKinsey, Mt and M1s John Nichol­son of Lansing nnd Mrs John Nickol­son, S1 , and Mts Mnty Wtight of New York City

Mr and Mrs Chestet Langham have moved in the Smith apartment on Williamston rona

blood prcssutc The operation has been applled to

the schizophrenic and the various delusional Insanities and depressions, even those with suicidal tendencies

GROVENBURG 1\lrs. Howard North

School Wtll bcgm Wednesday, Scp tcmbcr 3, wtth Mtss Owen tco.chct

Mt and Mts Howmcl Norlh spent ftom Srrtmday till Monday along Lake Mtchlgan ft om Hollnnd to South Haven mel other pmnts of intctest

Mt and Mt s Ftcd Wm d and fam­Ily of Battle Cteclt called Sunday at the home of then ntccc, Mt s Leone North

Mrs Alnuna Gntzmukcr Jolly 1 oad spent Sunday w1th Llzzte Moon

Mts Robot t Jcntzcn rctmned the fit st of last week ft om a wcel• s va­ca twn at Long La )(e and had her two young gt ancldaughtcrs Gloria and LandJU Jean, as her guests last week


Mr and Mrs Fotd Hailey and children, Betty, Donna and Richatd Mrs Norn Holley and Lloyd Fah­banlcs 1 etm ned Sunday evening after a wee!• spent at Dct by Lnl(c ncar Sheudan

Mrs Lloyd Smith and two daugh· ters ate spending several wcclts with relatives In Canacln just across the straits

Mt and Mrs Roy B Moote left last Sun(jay motning fot a weelt at Richmond Virginia and other south­orn pomts

Sunday It says in noosepapet that n Shecnggo ha\c hitclc a girl whichcs job lssent nothing but tastclng lollicpops to See they arc llavet cd so ns to plccze pecpuls pallets If they happen to ncad a nothct 1 I know whcJC he is at and will Wotk for b01d £Lnd lodgelng

Monday I have got mm c tt ubbels and gtcefs and etc than nobody clts on et th I blecvc Ycstmdy I haft to go to S S & t cmunc fat p1 ccchtng and m the P M I got !lcl<t fot not putt111g off entll tomallaW what otto be done day and going flshlng And school will soon take up bool(s cnless the tccch­cts all get stc]( or some othm blesmg hapens

Tuesday I nught of got to be a hctoc this a m by 1 ushtng m and savelng a littel pig that got lult by a otto But I dtdclcnt tho Bccos I that I cltuther be n ltve cow,ud us a ded hc10c A ltttle pup might of been cllffrunt

Wednesday Come to thlnlt !]icbby life with me have got some ple'shets and indooccmints aftet all I Will soon be wareing shoes and won t haft to be hollered at 3 or 4 times evet mght to wmsh my ft befour I go to bed Of all sad wit cis of tung 01 pen I wlsht I ncvet heat them agen

Thursday I wete telling Janes that when I gt ow up I think I am agolng to be a. nclcter liltc Line! Bnuymom and Spentser Trasy and etc She sed she that I better go in for commcdey as she bleeves I will be funney enlest I change She sed I might get 1 leg in a cast ptevided I am unluckey sum time I thin!• she were ttying to get smat t w1th me Mt and Mrs Law1 once DeRemer

teturned Sunday ftom a weel• s trip to Buffalo and Nlagat a Fnlls, New Yorlt

Botn to Mt and Mts Vitgtl Hnwlt­ins Snturday, August 23, a daughter Shcrleyan Mary

Born Wednesday, August 26, at the Foote Memorial hospitnl Jacl(san to Mr and Mrs Howard Lnngham a, six pound gill

In Montt eat, 30 operations have been cart led out by srmply cutting the fibe1s and none of the btain is re­moved After the opctation one of these patients had an intelligence quotient of 152, wltich is extremely high Anx1ety and apptchenslon had been the chief symptom to disappear nftet this pt oceclur c In commenting on this pr occdure there seemed to be genet al ag1 cement that thctc is no qustion bu that this operation has a usefulness, but Its usefulness has not yet been dctcunlned and n method devised fm selecting the cases which Will show Improvement

The Rurul Misslonat y Gleaners held theil annunt picnic on the lawn at the home of Mr and Mrs Fredetic Selby, St last Satutday evening


Most of the pntlents who have been given this form of beatment have al­ready had a series of shoclt thernpy In an attempt to bring them bnclt Mr and Mts Leo Rogers spent to sanity, and this type of therapy several days the past weelt with rela­hEUi failed It Is quite possible that tives In Indiana

Ftldny Ma was a telling the fam­bly at dinner at supper time about a ladle witch can talk on any subjec Pa sed he lmows some that can tallt u plcntey with out no subjec I thinlc it would of been all right diddcnt he !colt at Mn and Ant Emmy But he


STOCKBRIDGE Mrs. Guerdon Usher

this operation will be extended to Mr and Mrs Perlie Beach and benefit more and mme pntients in famll drove to Royal Oalt Thursday the mental hospitals, as careful M/ and Mrs Rice of Detroit we1e study of each successful case Is car- Tuesday callers at cecil Wemple s rled on throughout the yem s j M ancl Mrs Remey Cramer and

Om 1 cEtBon for pt csenting this r article to the public is that r 1 ti daughter enjoyed a trip in northe111

Sunday school 10 a p m

e a ves I Michigan the past week of Insane persons may be nslted if Mr and Mrs John Ickes spent

m Church 8 they would consent to such a pro- S d y with their children In Jack· ccdure The answer should be ln the un a affit•mative because It seems to offer a so~rs w J sessions of East Lnn· grent deal ln selected cnses of hope- sing was a Wednesday evening guest

MILLVILLE Mra. Maggio Burden

Theda and Maxme Glenn, Fred Gtnff and Bill Flnlt spent Sunday in not the111 Michigan

Miss Roberta Glenn wns home fm the weelt end

lcssly Ins nne people of her sister, Mrs Edd Mullen

ONONDAGA Miss Lllas Frost of Caro spent the pWlt week with her parents and at· tended the fair at Mason

Preaching Sunday morning at 10 a m Sunday school at 11.

Mts. Jennie Pipet Is visiting 1eln· tlves a,t Hnle

Ned TaW11send and Mr and Mrs D S Townsend and family of On­ondaga spent Sunday With Mr and Mrs Fay Townsend

The Howlett school 1 cunion fm m­eriy lmown us the Reeves school, will be held Sntut dny August 30, at the school house Picnic lunch nt noon

Mr. and Mrs Archie Shatlo.nd and family and M1 and Mrs William Shatland attended the Sha1land re­union at Pleasant Laltc Thursdny

Mrs Wilson Reeder and son, Billie, spent Tucsdny ln Ann Arbor

Don IIIUllpton

Mrs Jasper Tcuy and daughter, Yvonne, and Mrs Mont Haywmd are spending n wee]{ in Cleveland

Miss June Washb111n of Jaclcson Is visiting her aunt, Mrs Fled Noble

Mrs Essie Swift celebrated her 80th bh thday anniver smy Sunday August 24 '

WilHam Atchison was a weelc end guest of Mr and Mrs H S. Pulver In Mason

Miss Francis Baldwin of St Louis Mo , is visiting hCl parents, Mr and Mts J. Baldwin

Mt and Mts Asher Brown at­tended a family t eunlon Sunday

Mrs Edd Mullen attended a Ma­son school reunion at the Inghnm county pnrlt Saturday afternoon

Miss Bernita Brown of Mason spent Friday afternoon with her par­ents

Mr and Mrs Clare Smith enter­tained ftlends from Detroit Sunday

WONDERLAND Mrs. W. J. Clnrko

Mrs Anson Nelson of South Leroy visited Mrs Charles Nlethammer Wednesday.

Mr and Mrs Thomas Kelley and Mr and Mrs Ralph Hayner visited M1 and Mrs. Renms at Mlchigllll Center Sunday

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hodge and Mr and Mrs Artz of Lansing called on their brotl1er, Charles Nlcthnm-mer, and family Sunday

About 100 attended the Sunday school picnic at Pleasant Lalm Sat­urday.

Mrs Edith Hudson Is l1l

Estntc of Frnnk W Shumway, hearing on account nt 10 n rn a

Estnto o[ Michncl 0 Connell, hc~ring on account, nt 10 n. m

Tburoday, September 4, 1041

Mt s Austin Batt a,nd sons were ln Jacl•son Saturday morning on busi­ness

Mr and Mrs Fr~d Rombeek of Dnytona, Florida, me visiting Mrs Ot ph a Simmons

Merton Andrews of Pittsburg, Pn, Is visiting his biotlter, Clyde, and Mm Andrews.

Rev and Mrs. George Cameron of Homer• spent v,n evening last weelt at William Clarice's

Mt and Mrs James Clarice enter­tained Mr and Mrs Howard Towns and Mildred, Mr and Mrs. William Clarke and fatnlly, Mrs Laurlnda Clarke and Mr and Mrs. Cecil Hart­enburg and baby Friday evening at a dinner, observing their wedding an­niversary.

Everitt Horwood and Mrs Burden visited their sister, Mrs Morgan of Webberville, Thursday

Mr and Mrs. Rlchnrd Wilcox and Gladys and Donald returned home Wednesday after spending several days In northern Michigan ERtnto of Hurry Lo\c hcnrlng on clnhno,

nt 10 n m Eotntc nf Idn M Coopor, hcnrin11: on

claimo nt 10 n m. E•tnto of Noro. C Wblpplc, llcnrlng on

elnlms nt 10 n rn Eotnto of Zona B Mendell, honrlng on

elnlms, at 10 n m Eotnto of Myrlu. Garfield, hcnrlng on ap­

pointment of ndmlnlatrntor, nt 10 n m.

Mr and Mrs Henry Elford of Dansville called on Frnnlt Walker last Tucsdny

Mr and Mrs Howard Gauss and family visited Fort Custer, Saturday.

Mr and Mrs William Miner have sold their !rome to Lansing parties and have moved to tlteir fnrm

Mr and Mrs Ray Dwight spent the weelt end with Mr and Mrs. Floyd Woodworth at Wall

Mrs Alta Wilcox spent Sunday afternoon with her parents, Mr. and Mrs Henry Ackley, and brother and sister and their families at Clear Lake.

l'rfrs C W Bcnjnmln

Cnt I Laxton w on vncatton his duties with the Michigan

DART DISTRICT Mrs. Ho.ttle Godley

Hawld Ktng a young man who lived With Myt tie Lantis fat a num­bet of yems, and who enlisted ln the Ill my and has since been stationed at Fot t Shettdnn Illinois has been pt o mated to cm pot al





The original company to pay for dead stook




Phone Collect Lanaing 46217

OSCAR MYERS RENDERING CO. Eotatc of Amolln Filion, hearing on ap­

amlntment of ndmlnlstrator, nt 10 a. m. E•tnto of Grnco A Smith, hearing on BP•

polntmcnt of administrator with will nnnox• cd nt 10 u m

Mr. and Mrs Earl Townsend and Lyle and Wilma spent last weelc In northern Michigan.

Mrs William T Bott of Concord Is visiting her son, Austin Bott, and fnmlly.

Mr and Mrs Burton Daldwin and family and Mr. and Mrs Clem Foster were Sunday guests of Mrs C Bush In Battle Creelt

Mr. and Mrs Herbert Du!te and Mr and Mrs. Garrett Simms and children plcnlclted at Plensant Lalce Sunday with some friends from La.n· sing

Mr. and Mrs R J. Stevens of White Oo.l1: and Mr. and Mrs Dallas

Jones of WiiUnmston left Wednesday -=~~======================== for Colorado to visit the former's e

Mattm• of Charlco Fry, hearing on ap­pointment of gunrdinn, at 10 n m

Saturdo:r, Soplombor o, 1941 Matter of M Allee Frnry, hearing on Oi>•

polntmont of guardlnn, nt I 0 a. m

ASSUMED NAME CERTIFICATES Eotlll o Catcrln11: Compan:r, Ruoooll F.

Eo till Eotlll'o Cafeteria Ruoooll F. Eotlll Shady Nook llcetaurant (chango of

ownorohlp) llarry Dolyard and Milton J, Hudoon

Capitol Conotructlon Co , Sponcor MoJol'l and Oy Mitchell J 6 9 Tool 6 Dlo Co Harold J, Jenkin• and Darlr W Bhortrldtro

Gtnora llod:r Sbop, John s. Gollaob.

Mr. and Mrs Ralph Smltir of Masl)­crvllle spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Lizzie Usher.

Callers at the Austin Bott home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bott and do,ughter of Eaton Rapids, Ross Norton and daughters of Stock­bridge, Mr. and Mrs Alba Norton and sons of Plainfield and Mr. and Mm. Bert Norton of Stockbridge It was tho first tlmo Mrs. Bert Norton had been out since her recent Illness.

The Swttzenberg boys returned home Thursday from visiting their snndparenta In Allegan for a week.

Mr. and Mm Loran Gardner of Lansing visited Mrs Mary Hnmpton Sunday.

Mr. and Mm. Cline Rosenbrook and son of Lansing spent Sunday with Ardell Rosenbrook.

Max Williams and Ray Bentley re· turned Sunday night from a vacation In northern Michigan.

Mrs Roy Slmot and daughter, Mrs Eva Tulclt and little girls returned early Monday morning from spending 10 days at Camp meeting in Grand Ledge

Then there was the man In the Misses Aletha and Llta Jannette beer parlor who hit a $7 jackpot and Clarke were supper guests ot Miss spent $11 35 to celebrate.-Portland Lucille Showerman Monday evening. Oregonian, School begins Tuesday, September

2. Mrs. Grace Jenning ot Eaton All the world loves a cheerful giver Rapids, will teach at the Wolcott,

and 09 9 per cent or It Will take ad· Myrna Haynes ot Mason u,t Kinney­vantage or hlm.-A.tlllnta ConsUtu· ville. Miss Aletha Clarke will teach tton. at Tompkins Center.

sister, Mr. a.nd Mrs Floyd Anderson They will como back to Do.kotu. and visit Lewis Stevens and family and Mr and Mrs Jones will visit his daughter and brother and family Mr. Jones formerly lived there

Mr and Mrs Elwood Walker and Rose Marie visited Rev. Terwilliger and family at Now Lothrop Sunday afternoon,

School will commence Tuesday, September 2, with Miss Isllll Town­send as teacher.

Mm. Anderson Is Improving from her recent Illness

Mra. Barber and granddaughter or Waterloo vlnlted Mra. Anderson Thurscla;y.

Horses $3.00, Cows $2.00 Farm Animal• collected promptly. Sunday Service

Phone Collect to Maaon 3151

LINN SINCLAIR STATION or Jack1011 2·7037


Pnr:c 'l'wclvc

y.: ........... ;·;·~·;~~~~~ ................. i P~OOU~E SAlES TilTED

I OBSERVATIONS I BY CHAIN-STOHf PI.AN L ..................................................................... ...l, (lAM I' A I (j N () I•' I':J I II ( li\'1' J( IN 1~1

'l'lilu l111.Y llllllll u,n,t.h"i' f{IIIHI frill' lii<JINCl C:ON'I"'NJJJi:JI, IV""''· ullllilllgll 111" nlgilt.H liuvo l>nnu II l.l'illo Oil !!IIIII <!l'!il'l'. 'I'III!I'U Willi ll

i'l'lflll nn lnw gJ'OIIJid Wt•dn<<Hdny nig-ht. Mot•u 1'11111 111111ld '"' IIH<Hi. Luul 'l'lilll'fl­drty night. l.ho 1'111111'1111 IIIWllllll'lld .lll iii' 1111 l1111h. On Hunrllty night: 11 dt·l~~l" ylclri<lll ,Oil 111' 1111 lndt 111111 1111 Mrutdu,y nnnl.heJ' .10 nl' llll ltu:h foil. lnghrun mllnl.y 111ifmcd 11. hnl'll Hlnrm Mnnclny night. 'l'hut•o wuH <:llilln llg-ht.nlng ln I.IIC .~nnlh lllld eaHt fot• RCVel'lli hoUI'H liut nv<m l.hc thunder co11ldn't lm hcrJI'(] in MIIHIII1. 'J'hc Htrll'ln Hll'ltek HOIIlil of ,TIW!tHOII 1111d on enHt inln Dc­tt•nll.

'J'Cm[ICI'I\tllrCH for Lilli )liiHi. WCC)C, ns recorded at the city di.Ypouul pllmt, were:

1\ flfl,•l JWI' IICIIt: liWI'CIIfl<l In ,Jlln'· dHHIII/1 nl' M lehlg-li,ll·g'I'OWII lroiih fntll:u und vt~gtil:uiJinti l'<ri' lillill In A & p rpnn (~nm puny Hf.uJ'Wl cltll'inl{ n 10-wncl< n~rtlnnnl "Nulrlllnn-for-lln­J'olllm'' .r~rtmrutlgu hnH hr:en t'Cl)JoJ'lcd, hy the l'rlflrl lliwln'H (ll'llrillee-IJnylng- ufilll­n te, llw A Unnl.le ClllllllJIHAion Clllll· Jl""Y·

'J'ho cxli'IL sn.lcu effllrt nnrl cmlHUm­t'l'-mhwnllnu nr:llvlllcri tllnt mnrlted l.ltc C!ll.lllpnlg-n will he eonttnncd 11!. lhc l'(~((IIOHl or J.p'nWei'H, Hnrvoy B!Ltllll, vlc"·ili'Cflidcnt nncl gnncml munng-tll' nJ' the eommiHmon ellmpnny, rmlcl In nnlmllnr:lng 1\nul fig-ureR fot· lite 1111.­tlon-wlclc dl'ivc.

AuguHt August August. August AuguHl Augtmt AuguHL

Min. Max. Vltrunln·lllmring- frllilH nnd vcge-21 ........ 6~ 82 lnhlcR ptu•chnRcd In Mlchlg-11n from 22 .......... fil 81 Uw opr:nlng of lhc cli'lvc Mrty 10 2:1 ...... fill 70 lfl 'itH cloric .lnly 26 totnled :162 enJ'-2·1 ............................ !i•l. 86 )OUUH, Blltlllt Haid. 'l'hiH rBpl'CHcntcd, II~ 2fi ... ...... . .. £10 8o1 t1w1·cnRc ol' 1-17 eurlo11dH over the 2 L1 20 ........................... .'1'1 7:1 enrlntH hont;llt rlnrlng the cmTcHpond· 27 .......... . ............. :n 70 In~ wcolt of 1040, lln added.

Three to Decide on 'J'hc pllt'contag-c lncrcnHc In Mlehl­

gun (liii'ChiiHOR wnH mom tlt11n three tlnlcH the 20.'1 per cent riRc fill' the

F P I L rmlirm IIH a whole, Baum ;;aiel ln ariU UrC laSe oanS pointing ont Umt lite COill(lflllY had )Ionghi. :!:!,20:! t:~HinmlH nf frullH and

Fnrmcr·H who Rlill wiAh to apply Vl!f{cln.llles In producing nrenH for n loan lo pm·citaHl! I'ar·nrs should lhJ•ougltnut the eollnti'Y dllrlng the do HO ril{ltt nwny, Wlll'nctl Purr La- ellmpalgn. 'l'hesc tlgm·es compared to mont, of the Mnson fi'nrm Security or- 27,:.7·1 enrloadH boug-ht during lhc flee. 'l'lw loan nppr·ovlng connHiltt•e,' , .. 11 rrcH(lOIHIIng period lnut year. eonsiHtlng of HaJTy fi'J'eshouJ', Ma- Michigan fruits and vegetables son; Lnll Shcrmrut, Leslie; and Cllf- moved to A & p stmcH during the ford Allen, Dwmvlllc; lnlmuls to go drive included npplcH, aHllrtmgus, over the appllcat.lons next week flltcl crtntaloupcs, caulillowcr, lcltuec, mix­decide who will receive lllfu1H. eel vegetables, onions, potatoes and

"Applictutts nruut be good farm- RlrawbenicH. ers, below middle age, aml own a "Th~ results achieved by the A & P g-o()(l line of stocl< and tnniH," Raid in its camprrlgn to cooperate in the LltMont. "'l'hosc lnlcncllng- to apply federal government's 'F'ood for Dc­siJoulcl leave their· npplicntionR at fense' pmgram inclicateR strongly tl1e l<'nrm Security ofllcc in Mason, whn t can be done to help get the before next wcc!t." proper nutritious fomls onto the din-

Above, Unitcrl Slates Mrwfnc Cn!'JJS pnrrtclmlisls plclt rm assembly point before ta.ldng lu U1c ail'. D~!uw, t\-I:~rjuc chutists UUUl 'l'holllll .. son submuchine ~;uns. 'i'!;c .,. , ... " l:·ained in all types of WCllfJons.

STOCKBRIDGE 1\Jrs. \V, s, Thompson


ing tables of the nation," Daum de­clared.

I Discussing plans to extend the mcrchancliRing cll'orts beyond the

Mru . .Tune Taylor has been ill the I campn.ign's close, the food chain of-p:l.qt wcolt. liclal said growers !tad requested lhat

Mr. and Mrs. Wylie U~hcr m·c the eiTnrtA. be continued in order to moving to Howell. [twlp them move their crops rapidly

Mr. and Mr·s. Hodge of Lansing inlo conRnmplinn duri1:g "PI!rnachlng called 011 her ,qistcr, MrR. William peal< productiOn penods Ill many Finl{, Sunday. m·eaR.

"'!'Ito drive was timed tn coincide Dr. Culver and fnmily arc Rpcnd- with peak production pcriodR dming

lng- some lime In the north. lhc early AUmmct·," Baum continuctl, Mr. am! Mrs. Harold Lnnlis arc "so that we could help growers while I

the parents or a baby bny. Molhel'j a.t the .time cncoumge l.l.'idcr t.tsc nnd son arc n.l Mercy hnApital, .Tacit- by the nation's housewives of lhe vit-son. amin-be:trlng foods lhal federal tlli-

Mr. and MrR. !~loyd Gibson held trilion experts srty arc essential lo the the !coree reunion at lhciJ· home Sun- rountt·y's health. . clay. Twenty-~cvcn pcr:<ons were pres- "'rhc urg-ent need for prornoltons of cnt. this ldncl iA sharply crnpha~izcd hy

Mrs. Mabel Havilanll has accepted government l'cpottR that ·lfi,OOO,OOO a position at Whitmore Lal<e and will AmericanA nrc getting dictA below the take up the worl\ Septumbct' 1. Rafcty line for tho protection of

-- ------- health. U. S. department of a,gricui-ALAIEDON CENTER Lure reports cAtimatc lhnl a 70 to 100

per cent increase in consumption of fruitA and vegetables is ncccsAary in order to meet minimum dietary standards~" he said.

Jean !''ogle

Mr. and Mrs. Ricl1ard Leu and baby son spent Sunday in Lansing visiting Mr. and Mrs. Hamiel Sullivan.

Miss Donna Shcathclm spent Tues- Federal Jobs Offered day with Miss Betty Williams at HclL I

Mr. and Mrs. Henry .Tager of Ot-sego were wee!\ end guests at the New cxnmlnations importrurt to the

Under Civil Service

Detroit, Mich. In the largest showing of dairy cattle ever entered in a Michigan Stale F~ir, Cnrnntion Ormsby Fayne Madcop, from the wc11-lcnown C:J.rnntionl\1ilk Fnrm, Seattle, Wash,, will be a prominent feature of this year's show at Detroit, August 27-Sept. 7. In n handsome throne stall of velvet and stainless steel in the main cattle pavilion, this dairy queen will be seen while un<ler~oinr, her mille production test which closes Jan. 25, 1942. A half sister of Carnation Ormsby Butter King, holder of both the world's milk and butter records since 1936, she has already tested close to 30,000 pounds of mille nnd 1500 poun<ls of butter in a previous official 365·day test period. In addition to Carnation Ormsby Fayne Madcap, th<: .Cornation M.ilk Form ie showin~ ri herd of seven bulls and eighteen females of oil n~es,

Fogle home. defense program arc announced by the U. S. civil service commission.

Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Gentner and In connection with the pilot training family of Lansing called at the Bie- program of the Civil Aeronautics ad­beshclmcr home Sunday evening. ministration, link trainer, operators

Auto Pmduction Slash REALLY Ilits Fanne1· ·~

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Brown and and instructors are needed. The !Ink family, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Miles of trnincr operator position pays $2900 Ol<emos, .Mr. and Mrs. Freel Miles a year and the Instructor position of Dimondale and Freel Lutz and pays $3200 a year. Ml's. Maud Wooley of mast Lansing


The commission has announced a spe11t Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. new examination for junior meteorolo­Frecl Ratzlaff. gist, paying $2000 n year. No written

Mrs. Alta Feler nnd Mrs. Matilda test wi11 be given. Applications wiU be Thorburn spent Sunday with the C. accepted until June 30, 1942. Sheathelm family. Two examinations have been added

1\{iss Lorenc Bacltus Is spending to the list of office machine positions thi~ week in Flint with the Harold for appointment In Washington, D. Ascltina family. C., only. They are: Undet· graphotype

Mrs. George Gerphledc, Miss Cyn- operator, $1260 a year and horizontal thin .Tones, Mrs. Mnrgarct Nesbit sorting mach111e operator, $1260 a nnd Mrs. Blnnchc Barcleen of Otsego year. called on Mrs. F. E. Fogle Tuesdri,y Script engravers are needed by t~e afternoon. bureau of engraving and prmtmg lll

Miss Roberta Potier of Ol<emos the treasury department. Pay Is the spent Friday night with Jean Fogle. rate of .$13.11 a day. .

The U. S. maritime commission has announced an examination for dealt anrl engineer cadets in the merchant

BEFOitE YOU BUY A l\ITLI[ER marine. The positions are not under

Sec anti 'l'ry tire


For frill lnformaltlon write or call

W.A.HALL !lfu.son, llflchlgu.n

civil service. Unmarried men of good moral character between the ages of 18 and 25 are eligible to compete for the examination. Application should be made to supervisor of cadet train­ing, U. S. Maritime Commission, Washington, D. C.

Further lnfot•mation may be ob­tained at the Civil Service Window in the ma,ln postoffice, Lansing.

While the loss from forest fit•es on state and private lands passed the 5,000-a,cre marlt late in the season­In Its 14th weel1-conservation de­partment forest fire fighters shy away from tall> of records, as the hazard Is growing serious now in both Ros­common and Marquett'C t•eglons. To date this year, 867 forest fires have been extinguished.


Sdtool will start next week and

we welcome the teachers and JlllJI­

IIs truck to their school work. Deli­

cious and aJIJletlzlng lunches are

serv1111 dally nt 1\latthews. Teach·

ers ami pupils find them economi­

cal substantial, Try llfatthews

noon lunches.

REUNIONS The 33rd unn ual reunion of the

Christian Binltley family was held at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. .Tames Binltley near Eaton Rapids Sunda,y. The weather was Ideal and by noon 56 members were gathered to do justice to the dinner prepared. The oldest member was Charles Stainer, 80, of Juckson, the youngest, little Juda Ann Price, 3 months old. After dinner a business meeting was held and pcrm'anen t officers were elected, President, James Blnltley; vice president, 0. E. Blnltley of. Lan­sing. The ·reunion will be held at the farm home ·of Walter Wilson near Eaton Ro,plds the 23rd . of August, 1012.


A family gathering was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs . .T ohn Huf­fine and Mrs. Jennie Carman. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Huffine of Custar, Ohio, Ml'. and Mrs. Hainer Niswander and family of Deshlet•, Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. Wi!llam Huffine and Betty of Toledo, Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Huffine, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Huffine and family, John Huffine and Roy and Mr. nnd Mrs. E. A. Brattain of Leslie, Mr. and Mrs. Milo Sherwood and family of Mason, lyir. , and Mrs. Eugene Caton and Louis, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smalley of Eden nnd Paul Lukenlch of Detroit. There wet•c 41 present.


Orange Pineapple --- __________ qt. 30c


The 21st annual reunion of the' and Croclcer families was held at the Aurelius school Au­gust 17. Stella Schultz of JaclU!on wos hostess. A bountlful·repast was serv­ed at 12 :30, Promptly at ·1:-15 o'clock the meeting was called to order by the · president, · Margaret Rathburn, nnd officers elected for the ensuing year. President, Mo.rgnret Rathburn; vice president, Thelma Mayne; sec­retary and treasurer, Pearl Posler;

entertainment committee, Hattie Puree! and Jennie Goucher. An un· expected pleasure of the day was the chance to celebrate the birthday anniversary of ·Mable Hall·Reece. Bert Marshall of Aurelius, uncle of Mrs. Reece, presented her with a beautiful birthday cnlte. It W!l.'l voted to hold the 1942 reunion the second Sunday in August at the Aurelius school. At the clo~e of the meeting a. number of relatives and friends motored to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles. Benton at Petrlevllle for a surprise on Mr. o.nd Mrs. Benton, malting the day a •triple celebmtlon. Ice cream and calce were served.

The Cunningham and Howery re­U11lon wus held at Potters parlt at Lansing .Sunday,- with 45 members present from Leslie, .Jackson, Mason, Dansville, Detroit and Lansing.


GOOD CARE Let Us Take Better Care

of Your Hair Speci~l For School Cirla

MACLAM·& CAMP ' Beauty Shop

'.l'elepbona 51Kl


By JOHN HAMLIN (ll.fllCiuro tiYIHIIc~nln·-·\VNIJ Hnrvlt'e,l

'I'IIl~ dull duck of lite r;lwnrs mulched llw cliucourngud look in

Dun Dnrry'H eyefJ. lie irnd oluqwrl curdbonrd to Ill tl1e Inner f;ole of iris Hhoc on ntltcr mol'llings; btil ycsler­dny lH' hncl wnllwrl u hole in lire thil! sole of his Hccond shoe. 'l'wn pieces of cnrdbonnl were ·needed II OW,

No money for n 1ww pnir, only a flve-dolha· bill rcmnininr( fmm his lost commission check-enough to ent on till lw made nnot.hct• snlc-If ever. But he'd worl<ed through his best list of pmspccls, Few IHtd bought-nobody cl~c wanted lhe set of books he wns o!Tering.

Awful, n book ngm1t's lot. "Oh, what's the usc I" Dan Berry

jammed the curdbon rd inln plaec nne! worked his foot into tlw ~lroc.

"A ditclt di!(ger's rnor·c independ­ent, makes better money."

llul he couldn't dig dilclws, couldn't get any kinrl of n job. No place open for u gm.v-hcaded man, with line~ in his face and Lired eyes. No use trying, no use striking oul this morning.

Thank the Lot·d, nobody looked lo him for support, fr·icnds avoided him of late. Nobody cared wltat hap­pened-he didn't, either.

His lancllmly had gone out for the day. No tl'ick to fasten down the window, tacit a blanket over Lhc door of his hall room, turn on lhe gas in Lhc heater.

Dan Berry carefully tied the bees of his worn shoes, stood up and winced. The cardboard hurl the bot­tom of his feet-well, what of it?

He limped across to his unmade bed, picked up a heavy blanket. It would cover tile door completely.

HaH-wny to tile door, the z-zing of a bell sounded. The blanket dropped from his nerveless lingers.

Again the bell sent its metallic peal echoing througil lhe house.

How often he had rung door bells, wailed expcctrmlly, hopefully; rung the second time, less cxpcclanlly; the third time all hope vanished. A wretched feeling - he preferred a curt dismissnl to an un:~nswercd door bell.

Berry hastily picked up the blan­ket, tossed it upon the bed and for­got to limp in ilurrying to Lhe front door. From the hallway he saw the head and shoulders of n man through the glass of the door. The shoulders drooped wearily, gray hair showed ubove the collnr; the hat was ill filling.

When the knob turned in Berry's grasp, the man wheeled.

oy(m, "C:oorl mnr·nlngl" Hnny'H neutt• <'Ill' cmught tltn un­

tlt'l·lmw or hnpelt•n:mt,:ili In thnl llllllllll-trJ-!Ju-mmT,Y grodlng; mom than lli,1l, It Wflll lllw nn ucl1o of lriH own vo!eo wlwn lw wnH lnwnrrll,Y pruying lhnt here, nl. ltHJt, Wllfl HOIIHJ­horly who'd Hlgn on lho rlntlod lin11.

'l'lten, wltilo Hlill In tiliH Hll'llngo menlul nwlrl, Der'l'y llllrlcienly ilc­cumu cormcious nf fnnrlllnt· words, pltru:wJJ tlt1tl hn hnd Ieumeci by huurl, rcpcutcd tlmo nnd agnin, mo~tly under just such odds nH this -himself s(omling outside tile door, trying lo melt cold resistance.

CurioHity swept uwny nil unlng­onism, He was intcrculud to learn how this ngcnt put over his selling lnlk.

"Come In!" Berry flung the door wide.

'l'hc mnn'l'l face lighted up In D way thnt brought a clomnoblc lump into Derry's throut. "Sit down," he gru!Ted,

'l'hc mnn opened his briefcnse to the uceompnnhncnt of the slcr·co­typcd srrles tulk. Derry sat down beside the ngont, scanning tile famil­iar pages of the prospectus. He ex­claimed over the fine illustrations, asked intelligent questions--heard the man dear up lo lite psychologi­cal point where he produced sam­ples nf bindings, look out n fountain I pen and ptt,lted lite conlr:tct invit­ingly towurt!" him.

"F'ivc dollars clown is all that's required. 'l'he books will be shipped to you immcdinlely. The balance paid in 20 monthly installments."

Berry took lhc fountain pen, rolled it between his fingers tentatively, He pressed down the nib, saw tlwt the ink was ready lo flow, then stole a glance at the agenl.

He was bending far forward, the tired lines l1ad vanished, his eyes glinting with an hypnotic expression.

Dan Berry lifted the pen from the paper, without signing and the man slumped, aging 20 ycms instantly.

That stTuck home. Dan BcrJ'Y un­derstood. He signed on the dolled line, arose unci wali<cd clown to his bedroom. Returning, he handed the agent the five-dollar bill.

He heard the man's tlwnks, bowed him out of the door and limped on back to· his mom. He picked up his own briefcase, put on his out-of-date hat and limped out of the house.

He had brought down upon him­self an urge to live. He had signed one of bis own firm's contracts, which bound him to go on stnrggling till those 20 monthly installments were paid in full.

Another thing the matter with l.his country Is thrt t too many foll<s insi~t ' upon the )l\ll'Stlit of hnppincsR nt 70 miles per· hour.-Wichita Eagle.

More than 3,•100 act·cs of clccryard · and other game country n.r·e being aclc!cc! to tlw state's stock of public hunting gTounds by pur·chases ap­proved by the conservation commis­~ion in l~ife Lal<e, Macldnac, Blaclt

Berry cnught sight of the briefcase the man was carrying. An agent! Here's where he could p2.y off a hundred scores, enact the role of a dominant householder-heap insults upon this pestering peddler.

Directly he noted the man Lalte and Alpena state forests and straightening his shoulders; smil- ! Ill Cusmo, Dead Stream and Ccclur ing off the lines of dejection. fore- : River stntc game areas.


Slack Suits

2 Suits, size 14, $1.59 1 Suit, size 16, $1.59 2 Suits, size 18, $1.59

Bath Towels Pastel calm· Cannon Turld~h


29c nr 1· fur $1.00

RUFFLED CURTAINS Sheer white cushion dotted

ruffied curlainu. Good width

and 21,4 yds. long.

$1.19 pr.

All Summer Hats

Lm·ge white hats and colm·ed


All one llrh'c


One Table Includes anlde sod's and

silk gloves



Dresses One racl{ better grade dresses

Values up to $10.Dil

Cholt·e 2 JJt·c.'iscs for



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