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EVERETTS lEVE. Cash Grocery

You will find at Leverotl's Grocery for Xnuis, llio following good things

IfiMiils anil Vonetaliles Oranges, Baniuuis, Swool, PotaLoca,

Irisli I'olatoos, Turnips, Carrots, On­ions, Cabbage, Celery, I^e'ttucc, Cran-oorrios.


I'oas, Corn, Beans, Tomatoes, Saur Kraut, lloniiny, Lima Ueans, Spin-nage, Peaclies, Plums, Pears, Appri-c'oLs, Cliorrlos, Bliick Itaspberrles.

OaiulicM Cliocalotes oC every kind, IlroUen

'I'iilTy, Peanut Crisp, I\Iixo(l Candy, Candy Corn, Candy Peanuts, Candy Clierrics, Kisses, Gum Drops, .Stick, .Mini, Wlnlei' Oroou, I'opcorn Halls, Pt.'anuts Saitod, Peanuts in sliiick.


Keady (<i lOut Clioese, IJried Ueel', Veal Loat, Pot-

'.ed Ham, Potted Cliiekon, 'I'una Fisli, .Salmon, Sarciinos, and in price will sell as iiiicap as anyone, quality being .•onsidorud, come and see mo.


|uj)iiiuu(?5ouutij & Entered nt tlio Poat Ofllco, Mimon,

110 aocoDd-vluaa rnnttor.

Pulilislicd every Thumdiiy hy

A. h. HOSK

TKItMS. Our Vciir, 11.00; nix niuiitlin, CO c e n t i ;

lUuiilliH, ;t5 CCIUH. tkre i


Our iidvertiKtiiK riUeH iiiiule known iit nflieo. MuubiGHH ciirdR $1 ii line per yenr. liiiHinoHB luciila livo ccnta ;>or line cncli nnd

ttvery InHorllnn. MnrrliiKe, Idrlh nnil deiitli nutiuea free. licHohiUont) of rcHpeel, card uf thiinkn, etc. ,

five I'ontH n Ibie.

Business Cards. ATTOKXHVS

A. A. IlKKOMAN, Attorney and CounBolor at I.inv, Maeon, MiclilKun,

i:<El,UUY & KELMCY, Lawyer*. 500-2 Oak­land IluildlnK. l-anaiMK, MlohlKUii. •'iO-lS

1)11. .JOS. S. llAWliBY DENTIST

Sueceunur tu Dr, SiiauldlnK and Ur. Unaloy. Lawrence MInck.


G. M. n U T T , M . I ) . , M. E.. Maaon, Mich. Gen­eral prnctico Riven lirat attent ion. Nervous ami clironic cliscaxea, electric troatmenta and consultatlona Klvcn the liencfit of over 30 years exncricnce. Ollitc iioura, I to 3 p. in., liotli iilioncB.

O. 11. PRKKLAND, M. D. General prnetice, wltli siiccifti attention to diieaaea of women and children. Ofllce South Main Btreet, Kround floor. Houra—8 lOO to 9 M)0 n. m., 1;00 to 3i00 and 7:00 to 8:00 p. m. Doth lihonea.

DIt. C. S. I IAtLAIt l ) , i loineonathlc Fhyni-clan and SurKcon. blaeaacs of the Eye, Ear, Noae and Throat a apecialty. Olllce in N e a r Block. Iioura 8 to 0 a. m., 2 to Ti and 7 to 9 p. ni.

mi. KKANK E. THOMAS, Physician and SurKoon. Odice over Webli &, Whitman's clothini; atore.


ham count)*. Safeat, choapeal, best. I'or Information write to V. H. l''iold, secretary. Mason. Prank Soeloy, Pres . , Maaon. • Ollieo on third lloor of court liouae.


Dlt . GEOKGE C. MOODY, Veterinary Sur. Kcon. Onice and residence corner A and Aah atreeta. Mason, MichiKnn.

mi. A. G. H0EK7.EMA, Veter inary physi-elan and aurKcon, Mason, Mich.


A . W. & W, h. JEWETT. General auctioneers. Sntlsfnction Ruaranteed. Mason, Michlxan.

C. W. C I J A K K , General Auctioneer. Cit izens flhone line G-4 rinRS, Dnnsville,

U E N K Y KUUTZ, expert EnRllah and Gor­man auctioneer. Satiafnction guaranteed. Addrols Leslie Park, . LanainK, Ci t izen! phone.

W. A . M U R R A Y , expert auctioneer. Sot l i -faction mmranteoil. Terms teaaonable. P . 0 . Wobborvllle. Both phones. /


HOMEU 8. "FOWLE~R7 Wr R? REEVES, JAY M. SMITH—KIO a Renoral RcnI. Estate B U B I . ncsB. Onice 321 'Eas t Mich. Ave . , LanainK, CitiamB phone >2.16L Bell 290.

One hears many reasons. for the i i lghrate of taxes this year, but. the TOostt astonishing one that has yet come 'to hand was one given a few days ago by a man who was com­plaining about the amount of his taxesV "No wonder taxes are high" he saiid, "for therlaw has increased tlio pensiohB of> soldiers' widows and Ave have to'payjit all,'! in ' the flrm;be-1 ief that he paid a "direct tax to! the TJ. S, gbvernmient, and no arguiment-'coiild conTihcey:lilm ;td the contrary.; To ,be/8urei.It he Is addicted to.the: iiae of tobacco, llq.uor or pl|ylhg,card8 or has fVprbperty enough 80; that his, poiys.a;h' incbme tax, then he;does help Tay'the pensions:^of all,soldlerB! wid­ows "in" i • rbund'^iftbputvvjayii' bUt^ that

. • has'^iip-ehlect: pni^'lb^al'^taxes; liyl'H ^ ^


No. 2 rod fiO lb wboat $1.55, No. 1 wbite wbeat $1.50, No. 2 rye ?1.25, oals 50c, corn Dllc, clover seed $7 to $0.25, l;3aiis $5.25, new potatoes $1.70, ogKS 35c, butler ;!2c. Cattle, prime .steers 7c, llgbt butchers 5 ViiC, best tat cows 5c, common cows 2c to -I'/jC, veal calves :iOc, lambs 11 Vic, sheep 2c to 5c, bogs $0,50.

about fixing up that oyolon* policy b«-(ore It'i. too lata. OiBeiB bVer Htf>

;riibia't;drttgj<tore^;f6raierl]r Occupied

John, the little son of Lonnie Dean is very ill with diphtheria.

Anotlier l.ogan party Monday even­ing, .lauuary S, at Dausville.

Sheriff Ciino lias purcliasod tlic El­lon l'''ield I'arm in Aiaiedon.

0\ir .lanuary tliaw arrived ahead of time, reacliing us 'i'uesday evening.

Gar potatoes on track now. Phone ilayner's coal ollice. K. W. Potter. *

P.. T. Royston of Rdeu and B. 1.1. Wriglit. of Leslie have pnrcliasod Ford louring cars of P. 0. i:!arr the past week,

'I'he Misses Mary and Wynniia Ivuscli are the proud possessors of a i now Scliumann piano, as a Ciiristinas present, fi'uui tlioir parents.

Slieriff Ciino Is very much elated ov(!r a Christmas present he rocoivoii fi'om iiis Lansing depiil.ies—a solid gold star and sheriff's Iwdge.

yV Cliristmas tree was provided by !•;. A. Iteedy at liis second band stoi-e last ii'i'lday afternoon and 55 yoiiiw;-sters of the ciiy were rememl)erud with gifts.

The storm of Tuesday caused a brilliant display of lU'eworks along tlie line of the electric road, but made it vui-y (IKIlcult to keep car service auywlioi'e near schedule lime.

Woi'd l\as 1)0011 rcneived here that Ai'thiir Oellor, wlio spiMil some lime in tills city a tew years ago, is now serving-in the lS7tb Canailian troops and is stationed at Amhorst, Nova Scotia.

Mrs. Fogleson, who has been ill for some lime, was Thursday takoii to tlie home of lier daugliler, Mrs. Ur. Alexander in llolt, wberi! she will be cared for tliis winter. Her liusband also expecis to siiend most of the win­ter Ibore.

Last Friday < the Lansing State .ioiirnal contained an account of the confession of Clioster Wliite, a lad of 17 years, to the.murder of the Italian Alex. Somogyi in that city .lune i). I^ator it is sliowii the boy was not in tliai vicinity on the night of the mur­der, and also that tiie lad is weak mentally.

Picture framing. We are at your service witii tlie latest ideas in mould­ing and frames. Tamlyn Studio. *

On Saturday, Dec. Ifi, Miss Bur-dene Parish, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James I'arish of Aurelius was united in marriage to Mr. Alfred G. Smith of Onondaga. After visiting with the former's parents they will leave for an extended visit with the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Smith, of .lonesboro, Ind. They ex­pect to make their future home west of Mason.

To accommodate students who may enter the i\lt. Pleasant Normal ,Jan. 2, five courses are offei'ed in the fol­lowing: lines of work; Arithmetic, Algebra, Agriculture, Botany, Book­keeping, Drawing, lilnglish, Litei'a-ture. Grammar, Geometry, History, Hygiene, Jlanual Arts, IMnsic, l^hysi-cal Training, Physics, Physiology, Pedagogy, Psycliology, Penmansliip, Reading, Tlhetoric, and Rural Sociol­ogy, .liuuiary 2, :1017, will be a good timo to enter the Central State Noi'-nial School at Mt. Pleasant, Mich.

Andrew Mesco is again acting as night llreman at the court house. Mr. Mesco did this work last winter also.

Arthur Loo, the three-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Kenffeld of this city, died of bronchial trouble last Saturday night. Funeral services were held at the home Tuesday^ Rev. A. G. Newberry ofllciatlng. Burial in Maple Grove cemetery. The mother was very ill at the time, but is now somewhat improved.

All persons owing us are requested to call and settle before Jan, 1, 1917, as ,we need tSe money. Dean & Cross, \ • • •

Friday afternoon at the Baptist parsonage in this city Rev. A. G. Newberry performed the jiiarriage ceremony for Herbert Norris and MissJ Ina Bolster, both of North Aurelius. The young people have lived in that vicinity for years and have a host of wairm friends who wish them God-, speed on their journey of life. Mr. Norris, is a young farmer who has been atteqidlng school a.t Big Rapids; while Miss Bolster has been teaching in a district hear her home, and will finish but the year as per her con­tract. \;-;; v ': •„ ,_,..: .:;:,;,• '' •' ,:,

' A Lansing company^ h leased i;-ObO acres of land near Albion and has cbmmehced;the mining- ot coal, 'the •same being conveyed tb tAns ing by autombbile; { The coal is said to; be; a verygpbdqtiiiality for Bteam purposed,

The'iiiuestion or wages of motor-men and-cbnductors^ohftheMi^tJ.T; llneB,;«rhlch,,waB stibiriitted tb a board of:arbitKitlbn;lha8;lbeeh'decided in ..faypi^iflf^tlie^j/emplbyeeB 'V^Tlrtr-j^^ ncfW tb receive;28c per hbur for flrBt' :^lx.-t mohtlifl/;.'%i29ic;;;\5the •;!;8bcbh4|;^^ 'irionths; :,3 Ix! \ the Ksecohdi: •: yealri iiJ aiW^ thfereaf(;er;32i^per Jlibiir ijtt/clty llneB; On: interurban:\llnefctKe;iflrj(g^

NOTICE Do not throw your ashes in the

street. Put them in a pile and they will be taken caro of in the spring. Parker Orr, City iMarshal.


Isiali P. Rathburn died very sud­denly at bis homo on Itaudolpli street, Cliristmas morning.

lie liad just returned to the house from feeding his chickens and was suddenly stricken with a prickling sensation in his back. This increas­ed and a pliysician summoned but be passed away before help arrived.

Me was a highly respected citizen and will be missed as lie was a fami­liar diaracter, being street sweeper for a number of years.

Funeral services will bo held at the liomo Thursday afternoon at o'clock, Itev. Newlierry ofllciatlng.

\vi;i)i>i\(J iu;iii/.s.

_ ,, Giraejwd'JtebkjjtIw

A very pretty homo wedding ocour-ru'd Tliursdny evening. Doc, 21, at the liomo of tlie lirido on west Maple U.i'eet, wlien Tiioinas Fletcher of Ma­son led Caroline A. Jewett to tlio al­tar. The room was prettily decorat­ed in lavender and white and tlio bridal couple stood' under a large wliite hell.

'I'he ceremony was performed by Kev, A. G. Newberry of llie Baptist ciiiirch. Tlio ring service iieing used.

Tlie bride was gowned in brown satin trimmed in cream lace.

Only a few relatives and friends wore iirosent. After congratulations tlio bride and groom preceded their guests to tlio dining room, whore luncheon was served. Mr. and Mrs. Flolclier will bo at home on west Maple street. Mason.

RAisii'; IV suiLsoinniox rmci;

On account of the increase in cost of paper, and in tact ev­erything entering into the pub­lishing of a newspaper, we feol obliged to raise the price of subscription to $1.25 per year on .January 1st, 1917. Up to tlillt date wo will receive sub­scriptions at the usual price of $1.00 per year.


l.SAAr SWA.V 0 , \ I'AltOIJO.

'I'he following despatch comes from Jackson:

Isaac Swan, a life convict from Ing­ham county, was released from prison on parole Saturday morning. Swan, wlio had been Warden Simpson's cliaulTeiir the jiast two years, came to prison Feb. 20, 1905.

The Swan-Joslyn murder case occu­pied tlie Ingham county court nearly a month and in the end resulted in Isaac Swan being sentenced to Jack­son and Mrs. Carrie Joslyn to the De­troit House of Correction tor life for tlie murder of lier husband, Williain Joslyn. • Tlie parties lived In Wheat-Held and Swan worked for the Jos-lyns.

The defendants in one ot tlie coun­try's most .sensational murder cases were shown to be in love with each other and Judge Wiest, in Ills sen­tences, bitterly arraigned them, Swan was alleged to have provided arsenic which Mrs. Joslyn put in her hus­band's coffee the night of Dec. 10, 1904.

Mrs. Joslyn confessed her part in the murder.

The trial of Swan was one of' the first cases tried in the new court house.

Don't forget the family group on New Years day. Settings by appoint­ment only. Phone early. Tamlyn Studio. *

Joseph Youmans by his attorney, A. D. .Tones, has brouglit action in the circuit court for damages amountin,? to $10,000, naining Fred G. Rouser, Earl D. Rouser and Pearl S. Rouser as defendants. The complaint allegoa that on September I'l, about 7:30 p. 111., owing to the careless driving of Earl D. Rouser, whom the other de­fendants permitted tp,drive tlieif'car, the plaintiff was stnfck and injured while crossing Washtenaw st. at Wal­nut;

The sugar production ot the Lan­sing branch of the Owossp Sugar com­pany was much below normal this year as indicated in the nuniber ot car loads of beets received during the campaign just closed. This year but 765 car loads ot beets were delivered to the local factory against nearly 3,-000 car loads a year ago. The supply ot beets;Was limited, owing to weath­er conditions. The company is now shipping about 400 sacks of sugar a day or one car load of 40,000 pounds.

Death called another one of Les-ilie's pioneers Christmas morning. jMrs. Emma J. Wood, wife ot Charles H. Wood. She had been a resident of Leslie village many years, coniiiig from Leslie township. Mrs. Wood suffered a stroke of paralysis .several years ago, suffering \another shock last, week, causing her death. She was 75 years of age. There survives a husband, tour sons and one daugh­ter. Funeral from the late home Wednesday at 1 o'clock. Rev. Thomp­son of the M. E. church officiatiiig; burial at Woodlawn cemetery.



^Mesdames J. D. Waggpner and CyifusiField were.ln Lansing Tuesday. ''T-^e.lPieldB family were at Enoch

Pieids' hear, Eden for 3fmas, -b,PrMk,,iBirckner and,wife; PaiUiM Math;ahdtanilly of near Leslie,'Chas; Barnes^ wife and daiighter. of Big Rapld^ spent Xnias at W.elU; Click-ner'sV '\J:'' ;••" •^" i . /D'': •--'••'•••..,' '• f '-v-'-

^AIglrl bab'ycanie to liyeiw Kendall artd'w;ifei/ThurBday rlast; ,{>: ;: Miss Clara^Snpw ,iB!tibme frbni'^^ Bchoolrin Ja,ck8bhjfbr:thef,hblldays.i; ::;vHaJ;oldi?iC)ollihB:'has Jjgbne ;to hettr DehyeJ*, ;Cblbradb;':v^tby^\wbrkVon ;• i a rahchji:;\: '<tu.!'f\iM::^^--^^i:m-'uy--^'-:';'-p::,

l-:";-\\Jic-A'i/jBarne8y^and'wilefentertalhed'^ j'^bAi^;i;t^.,rtlat|ws'i^

i v;i»ay jrbu»i;8Ubacrlpitlbh^bwl"^ iB;the*lapt^w;eek\4to:,secute The New^ |br;;fiiOfl;'ifcvyeari:l«V|'sv:*;|f'

Mr, and i\Irs. Artliur Fockler and family spent Xmas witli Mr. and Mrs. Milton Kendrick and family.

Tlie ilinkley school bad their Xmas tree and exercises Friday afternoon.

Gladys ICondrick of Ypsllanti is homo for lier holiday vacation.

Mr. and iMrs, Ernest llolilies visit­ed i\Ir, and Mrs, Allen Eaton ot near Lansing, AVednesday.

Little Opiievieve Ivinklo is on the sick list.

Aivali Mary, wife and cliildron of Tjansing, spent Cliislnias witli bor parents, Sam Kolb and wife.



from Tuos-

I'Jveryone is cordially invited to at­tend the watch-meeting at the M. 1' . church next Sunday evening, begin­ning at 8 o'clock, li'astors from away are expected to assist in the services.

Dr, Milborn Rice of Detroit and Dr. Cliarles Rice of St, Charles spent Cliristmas witli their mother, Flora Rice.

Howard Porter was homo Ann Arbor from Sunday until day morning.

Howard Porter and Cemila Glasler sang the midnight carols at St. i\lary's chu.rch in Fowlorvllle, and at •I a. 111. at the Williafiiston church Christmas.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parker en­tertained Mr. and Mrs. l..ewis Johnson anad Mrs. Inez C. White at dinner Christmas.

A letter from Mrs. Waldon Ayers, who wont to Flint about two weeks ago to remain for tlie winter, states slie scalded one of her hands badly, but is able to be about the house.

riNi-; I J A K E I ' A K K .

William Sneeberger, wife and son, Henry FerrLs, wife and son' of Lan­sing, Harry Blucher, wife, son and daughter of South Bend, Basil Peter­son and friend of Detroit, Guy Peter­son, wife and three children, Floyd Peterson and wife', and Owie Peter­son, wife and son ot Haslett spent Christmas with their parents, Chas. Peterson and wife.

Roy Fletcher of Detroit was at the home of his parents for Xmas.

Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Wever were at Powlerville from Monday to Wednes­day called there by tlie death of an aunt of IVIrs. Wever.

Mr. and Mrs. James Fletcher en­tertained their children from Detroit, Jackson and Lansing Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. Newman Annis enter­tained their children and grandchil­dren Xmas.

Mrs. W. i\[. James entertained vis­itors from Monday until Wednesday.

!\liss Viola Hasbrook, who has been sick for the past week, is better,

R. N. Watkins is layed up with a very bad foot,

We hear that Frank Morrisky and Mrs. Stella Hasbrook Browson are married,

Ed Hardy got two S-pound lish last Friday through the ice.

Seldon Peterson, who has been working for ills brother since spring, returned home last Thursday.


The two December' issues of Farm and Fireside will contain many things of interest and profit to the farmer, "Where Brush Became Coin" tells how a hill was changed from foul thicket to rich pasture; "Care of Brood Sows" informs how a feeding

^schedule brings strong, healthy lit­ters; "Thrift and a Future" tells something about dairying. "Top-Notch Achievements" is about the city man on the farm; "The Porker's Last Squeal" is an article on but.chr ering; and other good features arc "Buying a Typewriter for the Farm," "Making Insect Models," "Delivering a Mule'.' and "A Rolling Stone."

In addition to the articles, there is a tale of Christmas called "Kidnap­ping a Cook," and in the December 16th issue, "The Blue Envelope," a noviel by Sophie Kerr that has been made into a moving picture as well, will begin.

t h e short, snappy editorials, the health talks, and the many sugges­tions to farmers and. their wives which . are lacattered . through the page^, will be found helpful and in­teresting.'';;'"

,, Dr. Ballard; was in.Flint Tuesdayi

Miss Martha TUayer visited friends in Detroit over ChriBtmas., ' M r . aiid Mrs; b . •?. Whitniore via-Ited friends in' Detroit a few days the -liast-jweek.,,'•'•;:••'••;;,':"•/ '••.'V;"".' '-'•• ''•''•• •,i'Mayor-LJ; Kellogg andJwife spent .ChHstmasy-Svith; J their/- daughter i n •JackBbn.vi3i;i -;ii,i;V:;fy ;l; |iWord;;Was'receiveii frbmj^Winnepeg^;

:ye'BterdayMb;;the'"effect;that/Ma,x, the HtUevgrandBohVot iMr.vandgilra. D. P. .Wliitnibre waBirecbveringtniiselyJrom; '8icftHet;Jfever;;«'C';R;'i ;i''; --5r§r'. ^^ '


| . , f t . . tM»..«-«H«Ht. . t - t . .* . .9-*- t«t-*M*M«-*. .*- tM«..* . . t -«.4

Mrs. James Lang and Mrs, Mac Vaughn will entertain the Pink Com­munity club for dinner Thursday, Jan. 4, at the home of the latter,

Mason Entampmcnt No. 110 will have an oyster supper Dec, 28. All members urged to bo present.

Regular meeting O. E. S, 'I'uesday evening, Jan. 2, 1917. The county association meets hero Jan. 9 for af­ternoon and evening session.

Phil McKernan Post and W. R. C. will liold a joint installation at 0, A. R. hall on Jan. 9. Theo. Bortlo will install the Post olllcers and I'Catlier-Ine E. Miller of Kalama'/.oo, Depart­ment President of the Mich. W. R. C. will perform that olTice for the corps.

A Now Years sermon at the liap-lisl churcli Sunday morning. A spec­ial program is planned for next Sun­day ev.oning, Service beginning at 7 instead of 6 p. m. Each hour will 1)0 in charge of a diJ'ferenl loader. From 9 to .10 will be a social hour. The progi'am will close witli the com­ing in of tlie .N'ew Year, i'lvoryhody especially tlio young people ai'e in­vited.

TEACH Kits' PE.N'SIO.V li'l.VI).

A teachers' pension fund for which hundreds,of Michigan school teachers have been religiously working for years, is now an assured fact.

'i'lie supreme court late 'I'hiir.'Sday, in an opinion written by Justice Flav­ins L. Brooko, of Detroit hold that the pension fund act passed by the logislalui'O of 1915 is constitutional and should be |)Ut Into effect.

As a result, the board, wlilcli was appointed by Governor Ferris to put tlie act into offect, will, it is expected, at once adopt plans for the-collection of the payments from the teachers. This board is headed by Judge Wil­liam F. Connolly, of Detroit.

Tlie law was placed before tho court for construction in a peculiar way. Attorney Ifellows, in wliat Is known in law as a QUO warranto, at­tacked the right of this hoard to make a movo, alleging tliat the act was unconstitutional for several rea­sons. The board answered, through William L. Carpenter of Detroit, for­mer supreme court justice.

Tlie case was assigned for decision to Justice Russell C. Ostrandor ot Lansing, and he wrote an opinion knocking the law out, and agreeing in the most part, with the contentions of the attorney general.

'I'he rest of the court, liowever, signed the opinion of Justice Brooke and his opinion rules.

Justice Ostrander said the law was bad because in the exemption it makes of the city of Detroit, it be-caine a local and not a general law, and that it was bad because it gave to a state servant extra compensation for .services already performed— something expressly forbidden by the constitution.

In the opinion of Justice Brooke, liowever, these points are completely cleared up. The fact, that Detroit already has a local teachers' pension fund arrangement, in Justice Brooke's opinion, shows conclusively that the act is general. It does not need to repeal tho Detroit law to make itself a general law.



In the December Farm and Fire­side there is an important sugges­tion about wrapping packages; The writer says;

" 'I needed tliose things for this evening,' groaned Mrs. Blank when the box returning from the mall box a hundred rods from the house, hand­ed her a slip on which the rural car­rier had written; 'Have package that will not go in box. As you told me never to trouble to drive in, will bring again tomorrow,'

"That package contained articles much desired for that evening, when the eighteenth birthday of the daugh­ter of the hoijse was to be fittingly celebrated.

" 'They were things I had asked my cousin in the next county to send over,' explained Mrs. Blank. 'She lives on a rural route and I supposed she would wrap them so they could be left in the box. I suppose she did not thing.'

"That is the trouble with a lot of us when we are wrapping packages for delivery on rural routes,

'.'If we are wrapping a parcel that will contain perhaps a little over 600 cubic Inches, the chances are that we will wrap it as a square parcel or as one a;bout 8x8x10 inches. In either case It will not enter the average R. P. D. box.

"If the package for Mrs. Blank had been wrapped so it was six Inches square at the ends, giving it length rather than thlckne.'^s, she would have received it on time,"

FOR SALE—-Gasoline engine and buzz saw outfit, all mounted on truck. Riha M. Dell, Bell phone Holt, Cit. Mason. Y/'.'//' •'• „':''';',^,•'•-;'.;

P O R M L E T W. Jewett.

-Two milch cows; A.

WANTED—Men , who • desire to earn over il2B.00 per month write us today- .fbr/poBitibh as salesman; every yOppjartunitjrvfbrlyady'iEmcement.. CentiralPetrbleuinCb.i: Cleveland! 0;':


PGR'iSiVIiB-^A coW-piove.yirhich la ineirlyinew;?, Burns hardoriBoft^bbal or -iU* WbOdl;,''' BnQulre>i| bf;'':''MrB;")P;;';H.' San^eraoni over. Webb;•&,Whitman's.;


Our biggest asset is tlie good wiii of our custormers, and wc surely appreciate your share in this business friendship.

Accept our hearty wishes for a happy and very pros­perous New Year.


WI T H sixteen ycar.s of c.\-aciinu service


Paroid Roofing shows it.sclf till* most economical roof you can buy. A.'ik u.s for tlie proofs of this claim before j'ou buy roofing.


FARM FOR SALE Ciillioiiii County, Michigan

200 Acres with buildings,'or will divide. A post card will bring an interesting, print­ed, detailed description of one of the best farms in JlicUigan.

E. I. VAN SICKLE Adniiiii.slratoi'

Albion, .Micliigan

N0TIC13 OF ANNUAL iMir-ETlNG —The annual meeting ol' the Farm­ers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co. will be held on Monday, .Ian. 1,';, 1017, at 10 o'clock, a. ni. F. H. Field, Sec-rotary. 51w't

FUR COAT AND UOBK for sale. Call at ollice over Whiting's grocery .Saturdays. H. O. Halstead. 51w3

AUCTIONlil 13R—When in need ot an auctioneer call on F. E. Stoves, Leslie, n. F. D. 2. Bell phone Eden 211 2L 2S. 51w8p

FOn SALE—17 acres of land on Barnes street within city limits. For prices and terms see Kate Mead or Elizabeth Sevine, 51 w3

FOR SALE—Power washing ma­chine, nearly new at your own price. .1. Carl Jewett.

WILL SELL MY FARM of 80 acres located 3% miles south, % mile west of Mason, 2 miles from Edon, % mile from electric line, 2 basement barns, 7 room house and otlier small build­ings, good fences, A bargain It sold soon; terms reasonable. It interest­ed call or see Clarence Ellison, Ma­son, Mich, Bell phone No. 1-19.

FOR SALE—Five room cottage,'on east Ash street, Itnown as tho D. 11. li'rench property. ' Good cistern, city water, small barn, and good, garden spot. Must be sold at once to close estate, F. E, Densmore, Ex'r,

SEE ASELTINE before you sell your furs, hides, pelts and junk. Cash paid for old horses and cattle, dead or alive. 51w2

WHITE OAK TAXPAYERS—I will be at the following places to collect taxes at one per cent until January 10, 1917: Town hall December 13 and January 3; at Millville store December 20; at Van town store De­cember 27; at home Saturday, De­cember 9 and the following Friday of each week. Hours 9 a. m. to 4 p. ni. P. E. Gauss, Treasurer.

MASON TAXPAYERS—I will bo at tho Farmers' Bank Dec, 5, and ev­ery Tuesday until January 10, 1917, to receive taxes. Geo. Kellogg, city treasurer.

INGHAM TAXPAYERS—I will Ije at the town hall in Dansville on Tuesdays and Fridays until 3 o'clock p. m., during December, 1916, and until January 10, 1917, to receive, taxes at 1 per cent. Lloyd Hayhoe, Treasurer.

Buy her an Arionola Phonograph for Xmas and bring the best talent of the world into your home at small e.x-pense. Price $15, easy terms, 'free trial, written guarantee. Mason E. Reynolds. ' *

FOB SALE—-About 45 shocks of. corn. J. L. Kelly, 213 3L IS Bell..•

• • ' « & ' ; ; '

VBVAY TAXPAYERS-1 will beM . • ; S^ at the PahnerB': Bank; of Mason ba i', Saturday, December 2, 1916, and'ey-?:; ery Saturday following uiitil January;'; 10, 1917; at Rolte & Son's; storo at;!!; Eden bh Friday, Dec. 16, .IB'l 6, ind:! ; bnvJaiiuairjrxB, 1917,;to receive),taxe»; • 'at;one per "centj ^YLee; SniaUey,vtr!Ba^'|''

i|::-i;|,Bett««f^ i &;'A:. pWiciirl iu:;!the''Mictiigan3,;,-Aiiuti^^ Oyolone.^Wlnd8tbrm and^Tornadb ;JCb ; of''HMtlhfji,' MlcbiiMs^gobcl: a8 a |Mn(l:i:pi 'i7 |>;g<)l{ ;iMitbtMiphedV?;by:;jbhn>tDee,sR6cklM55:»;^ fener;&OtIl!rtte'^bjr;^;Cltlmrvpliotf^;iS^;^ll^i^

mm '.'•'<!•; vt;;';'.';'fj;|



?ubllBhed at Mftson every TlmrHday morning by

AL«i:UT L. nosK

W A S I I I V f i T O N r / i ;TT i ; i ! .


Wnahingtoii, Dec. 2'.\.—The rresi-(lent'.s note to llie British and German governnicntB Is a rlietorlcal moanK of Haying wliat Inis already hoon said In Europe. r.,loyd floorgc lias told his people that tlicro will he no conl'or-enee—at the ilagnc or anywhere else —before the Kaiser luis fornmlated (lie terms upon whioli he is willing to nialco i)eaco.

The Britisli I'roinier wont furtlier than this, lie exposed llio termS' npon whicli tlio Allle.s are willing to make peace—and there are tliree points involved. One, complete resti­tution; two, complete reparation; three, aderinale guaranties t'or tlie future. Uussin and Franco liad al­ready said I ills hefore Lloyd fleorge made his speecli; and lliey said it more ompiiatically—especially lUis-sia, where (lie Czar, llio l)nnia and the Conncii of lOnipire spolto in iden­tical lerniK.

All this may he readily Iranslnted into terms of aclion. Complelu resti-tuilon means tlnit nelgium goes liacic to tlie Belgians, tlini Serbia goes l)aek to 11)0 Soi'l)s, tiiat Montenegro goes hack to tiie .Mnntenegrins, iliat Ko-manla goes i)ack lo tlie llouinans, that i foliind and Lithuania go hack to llie Itnsslnns, tliat tlie Balkan hnund-nries remain as tliey were traced by the treaty of Bncliarest. 'I'o this sliould be added a furtlier roslilntlon, the rigliting of an ancient wrong: Al­sace and Lorraine go hack lo France.

Complete reparalion moans that Belgium Is to he re'conslilnted at Oernuin expense, lluit .N'orlliern France is similarly to be set in order ;iK it was in llli 'l, that devastated Serliia is to be reconstructed, that overridden .Montenegro is lo lie re­stored lo llie i'^etrovilches, lliat the money wrung from nolglniii iiy lier Oernian eonciuerors is to be paid hack, and that every atonement wliicli is materially possible is lo lie made lo the suffering peoples wiiose riglit lo aulonomy and in nentralily lias been beaten down.

Adequate guaranties for I lie future mean that German disarmaineiit is a condllion iirocedent to even a discus­sion of peace, lliat somoMiing more liian "a scrap of paper" musi be had to safeguard the days tliat are to come. Germany cannot accept I hose terms—now. The Allies cannot'lake loss—now. And there can lie no peacO'—now.

l'"'urtliormore, tlie Tact of London foriiids a separate peace on liio jiarl of any of the Ailios. Giu'iuany lias tried before lo lireak this pact. Siie made a very deliiiite offer of peace to li''rance a year ago, hinting at the re­storation of Alsace-Lorraine and the evacuation of Belgium except for An­twerp. Franco rejected those tern.is, as slie has now ro,)ecled the more nebulous terms of IfllC.

No peace can he made witliout Ru.s-sla; and Unssia cannot make peace on' German terms. Unssia is the only great empire in the world which has no open window on the sea, which she must have in order to develop her enormous and untouched agricultural nnd other natural rcso\irces. Ger­man ierms would bar Russia from both the Baltic and the iMcditorran-ean. The Entente terms will unti-mately give her the Dardanelles. And lUiRsia, in man-power and in capacity to command it, holds the whip-hand in the conlrovor.sy. There is a new Trime Minister in England, the Vrench Premier has been granted new and wider powers, a new Minis­ter for Foreign Affairs serves the Czar. All three of these men have spoken for their imperial and their popular musters. Their words range all within the same octave. There -•will he no peace formulated in Berlin as the seat of victory in this war.

Consequently, neither the hysteria of the stock market nor the rhetoric of the President is thought here, by diplomats, by military experts or by students of world history, to reflect anything or to indicate anything which looks to an ending of the Euro­pean war within eighteen months at the earliest.


Itcct Gi'owii's to Meet lit Sngiiiaw Jan­uary », 1017.

The sugar beet situation in Mich­igan has becopie an acute one owing to the generally unsatisfactory condi­tions surrounding the growing of the crop for the past two years. As a re­sult there are reports from various parts of the State of a demand to make the price $8 per ton on a flat rate basis. The'unsottlod conditions are detrimental to growers, are de­laying the making of contracts, and some action needs to be taken.

The Executive Committee of the Michigan State Grange has become satisfled by its investigations that the beet growers of Michigan are not re­ceiving their just share of the pro­ceeds from this important farm crop. I t therefore is taking the Initiative In the matter by calling a masis meeting of the beet growers of the Statel at the'Auditorium-in Saginaw oh Tues­day, January 2,i 1917,'at 11 a. m. to consider the ' whole situation and adopt such measures as will secure to the beet growers the price per ton

; that they ought to receive consider­ing the higher Qost of productjon. In

i, the meantime all beet growers are 4 :: advised,not to contract until \ this '•imeetln'g is held. Air beet growers are,

; i; iiviirg^a; to-watch for.'the;date of this ' ' 'meet i^ to rep-

:; Hresent^tholr respectlysiIbcalltles.^^,;j^^-i^ i;.^;•i:"':i;;?AUhough••the:,State•'•G^«nge•:l8.:'tak-; •'i'ii •iiijngjl tlie lead; in' hls • rabvehifent;;^ : : y>eryviiiaiyiaiuai;farmer; anS(e^ ^ ;;;": vbrganiiii;tibn;;li>bm;:: IbjB ^ i;;i4:':;ied;ln\ttite'rgi^ilrlng'.qt if f';; S»lted'ito!!,t»ke'part: liai'tKiilineetlng;";;: v-'

Dean Taylor, Willy.s-Overland deal­er in this city, who is one of the 5,000 dealers visiting the great Toledo plant in connection with the immense convention now in progress, recounts his flxperlences In this ontcrtHlnIng letter to the editor;

Some action! Nothing was ever so impressive as

our tour of the great plant that tnriis out Willys-Overland cars.

Our I'ullmana all parked In the company yards. Tliere was room enougli, for arc seven and threo-ciuar-tor miles of track within (ho plant.

ICacli man got a card containing a I picture of Mr. Willys and an auto-graphod message of welcome from him. Next thing I knew we were lined up on the stops of the .stunning now administration building getting pliotographed.

lOiovalors shot us lo tlio company's own rostaiirant on thd sixtli floor. There wo hud a corking breakfast. At each plalo was a copy of tiic live

I now Wiliys-Ovoriand liou.so organ, i "Tlio Starter." It mapped tho day's program.

Then wo started our tour of tho plant.

Our guides wor(! carefully picked men. 'i'hoy knew tho plant from ond lo ond, and tlio parties wore small .so tliat each mouibor of Iho party could have ills (luestions answered.

Nnliody ouglit to try to soil Wiliys-Ovorland product without kliowing this plant. Vou can't grip tho im-monsity of tiio proposition till you do.

It is no pikor business. ififj.OOCOOO aro tied up in land,

buildings and maciiinery, not to say a word about tho stock of parts and raw matorlal.

From tho roof of the wonderful adiuinlsti'ation building, which stands out like a state capital, you got a groat panorunia of the plant. You can ilion readily believe tliat It occu­pies l(i;5 acres, witli •I,48fi,fi80 square foot of Moor space in daily use and a pi'oduclion capacity of jiearly IflflO cars per day.

Von cim appreciate tho growth from 2r,{) onipioyoos in lOOS t.o .17,-;!00 in 1(11(1.

l.dOU persons, more than the entire iiiaiuifacluring force of many a com­pany, work In Iho administration iiiiiiding alone. Tills structure, ;i7ri fool long, lias every facility for rapid work, including diclaplionos, its own Udograpli and telephone system and a mall handling dopartmont (hat does alimit evorything hut write tho loi­ters,

ILS.S persons can bo fed in the ros-lauraiil. at one lime.

But tills is notiiing lo what hits wlion you cross Into the shops. It is a wiiiri of aclion, yet all is system.

Parts by tho untold thousand aro liore, Willi a vuiuo Into tho millions of dollars. 'I'lioro are lines of motors. 1 novor saw so many crank .shafts 1o-golhor. Our guide .said G,000—I'd have holiovod 00,0 00.

There is slock in bins, slock in yards, stock along the walls, connect­ing rods, frames, fenders, mudguards, lioods, rims, springs, axles, torsion tubes, transmission gear shafts, brake parts, steering rods, pedals—it is an unending procession.

Every thirty days sees an average of 1,000 tons of steel come in. It Is luindled by a magnetic crane that en­ables two men to do a work that for­merly required thirty.

There are amazing machines. Tlie toggle press, for example, held

us all. This monster, with its pres­sure of 1,000 tons, shapes cold steel like cardboard. A piece of metal fed to it comes out as a side frame. It can make 2,000 of these in an eight hour day.

Other mighty machines stamp out radiiitor shells, fenders, cowl dashes and doors.

You take off your hat lo the drop forging machines. Down comes tlie hammer and the fiery piece of iron is beaten into shape. The complete drop forging of the front axle can be accomplished with one heat. "

Every kind of part requiring strength was drop forged while we looked on, axles, crank shafts, brake assembly rods, brake and control rods, spring shackles, gear blanks and brake rod sectors.

We saw the company's accurate system of die making. It calls for a special workman on each detail. One works on the shaper, another on the planer and a third on die sinking.

The multiple spindle drill in one operation drills all the holes in the front axle. This is a guarantee that each will be in right relation to the other.

It was hard to drag us away from the automatic turret lathe that sur­faces and finishes fly wheels. It works as though somewhere within its metalvltals a brain was concealed. The workman has only to put on the rough fly wheel, adjust the flrst set of tools, push the lever, and let the machine do the rest.

The cast iron Is peeled off as read­ily as wax. Sometimes four or five operations are performed at once. When one set of cuttings is done, the machine stops automatically, and the next set of tools comes automatically into place. Twenty operations are peirformed in fourteen minutes. 2 6 pounds of metal are removed fronv the wheel. One man can watch'three of these machines. , ' ,

The vertical cutter of gears on fly wheels almost matches the turret lathe In interest. , S

Moving up and down, the- cutter at the sameitlme slowly revolves, the fly wheel tiirhlng. In the opposite direc­tion. I Bjr. the time ,a complete revo­lution of the fly wheel has beenl ac-coihpllshed, all the gears a r e c u t ; , '

XWe all. (ell for :/tlie : aluminum foundry and for ;theSmachlh6si that finish the alumlhtiini'piarts; a;; The multiple Bplhdie drill bores 81 'holes lii thie craiik casein one'opera-^tioh;;\'thlBls a proof bt the superior-^ ('Uy of ma^shlrieprbcesBea, for the holes' n»ist;bbjln^the; right relatlon-tb'each

I Anotlrtrpiiachihe Binobtttr ^

difference In the wet grinding room. Placed in small tools they are used to true tho emery wheels on which are ground the bearing surfaces of the crank shafts.

They are l)ought in if.l 5,000 lots. We.looked on while whole forests

of lumber were being turned Into bodies in the wood work department. This lumber comes in hy carloads. As 2M feet of wood is required on a small touring car, we could readily see wiiy so much was required.

You can make this round and you can understand this company's Im­mense consumption of material—18, 000,000 pounds of solder annually, 2, 500,000 pounds of tin and load for smoldering, 10,000,000 pounds of brass and copper, 12,000,000 feel of stool lulling and 1 25,000 tons of steel.

But what Impressed mo more than all was tlio department in which ma­terials aro tested. 'i'hoy have lo know a thing is right before it goes into a Willys-Overland car. That's how they safeguard tho public. ,

Tests in tiie physical and chemical luboralorlos aro made in two ways. Comp'letod steel parts aro suljjoclod lo (errillc tests. Axles aro twisted like rolls of taffy candy. Small bits of stool, six inches long, cut from compiotod axles, aro attached at both ends and literally pulled apart. The registering maciilno shows 200,000 pounds to liio square inch necessary lo accomplish tiiis, wiioroas a resist­ance up to 125,000 pounds would ho liroof of aiiiplo loiisilo slreiigth. Springs aro tried for their rosistanco.

Stool articles uro also put through both iioai and cliomicai tests. Tho former dolorminos liio amount of car­bon, an imiiortant factor; tho oilier dolorminos tlio cliomicai composition of the stool.

Naturally every operation in all tho plants lends linully toward tho essem-bly conveyor tracks. There aro four of tiioni, oacii (i'lo fool long.

We followed tho wliolc oporallon. We began at one ond wliero llie frames and roar systems are put in place. By liio 11 mo the other ond of tho conveyor is readied the frame has grown into tiio (inisliod car.

From overhead parts are lowered by chains. Along tlie way men are iittacliing tlio parts. The frame Is not in motion all tlie time, but can bo inslanlly connected witli the links of an oiuiiess chain and sent on its way wiioiiovor desired.

Top quality of workniansliip is as­sured liy liuving each man do work on which lio is an export, if it be only to lighlou a iioll.

Linos of motors, alroudy tested, wait on both sides of tlie conveyor. 'I'liose aro put into jilaco, cantilever springs aro put on, steering mocliun-ism and ligliting and starting sys­tems aro adjusted. Gnulually liio car takes form.

Instead of painting the cliassl« Willi a hrusli, u sprayer is used. It does (ho work more rapidly, more uni­formly and at a lower cost.

The tracks of the assembly lead di­rectly through ovens in whicli the paint is baked. Fenders and run­ning lioards come into their places.

Wheels with the tires on them are brought along u runway. Kirst comes a front wheel, then a rear wheel. You ought to see them put on the tires. It is like ligiitning. By a spec­ial device, invented by one of the men in the department, the tire can be put on a wheel in three seconds.

From overhead bodies are dropped down on to the chassis and soon made fast.

The car is now ready for its tests. Rapidly revolving wheels in the floor engage the wheels of the car, and send them at high speed to make sure that they are operating freely. This is not a test under the power of the car.

Gasoline and water are then put into the car. It is pushed off the track into another room, till its wheels are in contact with wheels in the floor.

With the use of the self starter, the machine gets its first ciiance to prove the success of its construction.

It surprised me the way the motors started. They were, off with a rush. There was no hitch or delay, All the work had been done right. In a few minutes the motor was working ap­parently almost as smoothly as if it had been a year on the road.

We saw how the cars were shipped. The export department has a big feature in this line. The finished car undergoes preparation by having Its wheels taken off and fastened on the under side of the frame which forms the top covering for the car.

The top is covered with tar paper as a protective against the elements, and all is securely boxed.

Along comes a big crane running in an overhead grobve a quarter of a mile long. The operator sits in a small cab not unlike that of a rail­road engineer. Chains grab the box containing tho car, and within forty-five seconds have carried it outside the building and placed it on the flat freight car.

It is processes like these, all that I havie described, that explain why every car in the Willys-Overland line is what it is at so low a cost. Making so many^ls the answer, making them to go all*over the world and having profited by the experiences of users everywhere. Quantity production, immense and costly machines, skilled designing, carefiil Inspection, accur­ate tests of material',, efflclorit factory methods, rapid assem^)ly and advanc­ed methods of handling, all these we saw; >dll these tell why the Willys-Overland company; lives lip to Its Ideals of a car for every need or taste,, price, class and service right.

We saw the line. It Is quality from the lowest priced to the' headllher. It ,wlU;be the marvel of the;autbmobile _shows.'- •••' ••;•;•••••, .-.•'•..•••i ,•,:;••:v.• - . V ' :;} The; t^o :day'8 program Includes a rollicking beefsteak dinner, a more formal banquet, a minstrel show, a concert by the famous Gyerland^Band and a;concert by the Glee;Club, • . ; 'PInalljrlthere will he a speech by

the^ moyings genius of; I t ' ' a l l , ' M r ; •^Uly8.:hlmBel(,.i i-;v^-V:; vi MV•;i;•;; , u: .viy; /

You^wilt»g^ee with me that;thlsli^ put:;:byer the^'peb*^



Only Way to Meet Emergeocles of Naiion, Says A. P, TJioni,


Principles Which Railways Hold Should

Govern Regulatory System In Inter­

ests of Public and the Roads—Com­

pulsory System of Fodoral Incorpo­

ration Favored.

Waslilngioii, Dec. 4 . -Tl int the Inter­ests of natlniial dcfonso reiiiiiro that control of railway lines siiould rest witli tlio foiloral goverumont and not wltii the statoH was liio claim ml-vaiiccd by Alfred f. TIKIIII. counsel (0 the Itailwiiy Exociitivos' Advisory Onmmilloo, in concluding IU« prelim­inary statement of tlie case for ,tlio railways before liic Nowlaiiils .lotnt Coiiimllfoo on Inlerslalo Commerce.

"We must be elllclout as a nation If we are lo deal siiocossfully wKli our national eiiicrgencios," said .Mr. Tliom, "mid \ . • must iiiiprociatc timt ellloiont trans|iortalloii Is an essential condition of national olllclency. If wo are to halt and wonken onr tninsportatlon syaiems l)y state linos, iiy (lie perma­nent iiii|iusltion of liurdons by imwisu rogiiintion, wo will make nntlomii clU-eiency iinposslljie."

States' Rights Would Not Suffer.

Mr. '.riuim citod many instiincos In which sliipiioi'S in one state were In­juriously affected iiy sollisli rogulii-llons Imposed on the railroads liy noighhoring slntos. l ie pointed ou( that federal regulation would be no In­vasion of (ho.riglits of Iho states Imt would be the moans of preserving llie rights wlilch they acquired when lliey ontorod liie JJnInn, one of which was tlie right to tlio free movement of their products across stale bonndiirios.

Wh.it the Railroads Advocate.

The prlncl|jios wiilch tlie raiironds believe sliould ho Incorporalod In any jus t system of regulalloii were sum-niarii'.od iiy .Mr. Tlioni as follows;

1. The entire power and duty of reg­ulation sliould be 111 the hands of the national government, except as to mat-tors so cssenllaliy local and InoidoiKal that they cannot bo used (o interfere witli tho ollioiency of the service or the Just rights of tlie curriers.

2. As one of tlie moans of ticeoni-pllslilng this, a system of compulsory federiil Incorporation should be iidopt-od, Into which sliould be brought all railroad coriwrations engaged In inter­s ta te or foreign comnierce.

a. The Inlersdi lc Commerce Commis­sion under existing laws has too much lo do nnd is charged with contlloting functions, Including the Investigntlon. prosecntion and decision of cases. The latter duties should be placed In tho bands of ii new body which might be called tho Federal Itallroad Commis­sion. Hegionai Comniisslons should bo established in different par ts of the conntJ-y to assist tiie Interstale Commerce Conunlssion by liandiiiig lo­cal cases.

'I. The power of the Commission sliould he extended to enable It lo jire-scrlbo minimum rates uiid not merely maximum rates as nt present. This would Increase their power to prevent unjust dlsfrlniinations.

Justice to Public and Roads.

fi. It-should be made the duty of the Interstate ComuiCrce Commission, In tho exercise of Its powers to fi.v ren-sonuble rates, to so adjust these rates that they shall be Just nt once to the public and to the carriers. To this end tho Commission, In determining rates, should consider tho necessity of main­taining cfllcicnt transportation and ex­tensions of facilities, the relation of expenses to rates and the r ights of shippers, stockholders and creditors of the roads.

0. The Inters ta te Commerce Commis­sion should be Invested with the pow­er to fix the rates for carrying njalls.

7.. The federal government should have exclusive power to super\'lse the issue of stocks and bonds by railroad carriers cnguged In Interstate and for­eign conii..jire..

8. Tlio Ijuv should recpgnliie the es­sential difforoiice between things whicli restrain trade In tho case of ordinary morcnntlle concerns and those whlfcli restrain trade in the case of common carriers. The question of competition . is not the only fair criterion.

0. The law should expressly provide for the meeting nnd agreement of traf­fic or otlier officers of railroads in re­spect of rates or practices. This should, however, be safeguarded by requiring the agreements to be filed with the Inters tate CbmriiercoCommlBv slon and to be siibjcct to be cUsapprb'v-ed by I t . . -\>-:--' ':• •'',•'•;;:'.•;•

"My; legal proposition." Mr. Thom said,; "IB tha t the Constitution i as it now Is gives full outhorlty to CbhgreBS to regulate the Instrumentalities of In-terBtate c o m m e ^ e In all their-' parts. If the power of regnlntlon is to reach the pubilc 'requirements, It must be co-extenslyeiwitb the InstnimontailtleBbf cqminerce.'^,;',;',';|.,,, •]-'~S'\ .•:jV::,''.;i .,ji;jJ';;';-'>'

iilr., Thom 'explained I t ha t the ^ are hot asking e i the r of the Cpinmlttee'^ pi* of Congress any lifbrensO;jtn'jrbye; iiuesi but tliat' they are' ihereiy/'aslclhg the peffectloii of 'a system;.'which jji^ll belreipbhilbte^ to any^ n ^ /tha^Vn*y airlM! 'i-''Ur'- • •, >• • "''•'' '••••f'"^'=i'''f-'Ji^'r:'M^i'''-''': ^ • * • • • • • - I ' . ' . [ ' . > : - , ' • , ' • > , • • • . , " • . • • . . > •:• i . 1 - / ! . - . r , l l i . / » . t •.•

'•'.'I V)-n'v ',-•-



Postpoiiameiit Forcad by Prass of GoDgrBssioflil Business.

Shippers, Investors and Representa­

tives of All Branches of Business De­

mand Unification of System of Rail­

way Regulation—Roads Ask Fewer


Washlnglon, Dw. IS.—'I'lie Congres­sional .liiiiii. Commitleo on Intorslale Coiiiinorco, wliicii lias boon eondiioliiig the Inquiry iiKo Kovornmont regulation iiiid coiilrol of transporlatloii, last week ilocid(!(l to siispoiid its lion rings on (lie siilijoct anil adjournod, suhjoct to the call of tin; i-liairiiiun, bocaiise of llio pressure of other work bof^'o Con-gross. According to the ri'soliitioii cre-litliig (lie comnilllee, il Is roipiirod to Hiibmit a rcporl by .laiiiiiiry .Slli next, it is uiidorstdocl thai bol'oro that lime [\u\ committeo will ask for an oxion-slon of limo and Unit liio hoiiriiigs will be rciiiiiiod al a laiur dale, wiioii some of tlioKO who alroudy iiuvo nppourcd before (be commltioe will lie rpiestlon-od furlhor and a groat many others will be liourd. It. Is pi'obablo, howev­er, that tho iK.'iirings will not be resum­ed until afior iidjoiiriimoiil of t^oiigrcss on March -lib. in ud<li(ioii lo regular roiilinn Inisirmss tlio commorce com-milloos of ilin two houses uro charged with llie liniinrtaiit duty of preparing nnd prosoiiliiiK (lie logislalloii asked for iiy rresldonl Wilson to make Im­possible a riiilroad siriko wilhoiil pre­vious iiivesligulloii. This will leave little or no lime for llio consid(M'iili(in ol' tlio gpiii'ral (piesiioiis of raiiwiiy reguialion.

Country Wants Something Done. Alombors of Congress and otlu'i's

who aro iiilerosiod in (IK! Impiiry iiii-dorliikcii by (ho Ncwliiiids t'oiiiniKloo insist lliMt there is no inloiilioii of ublll lddlll l lK' it-

it socni.s diiiiiilfiil. iiidocd. if Iho cnliiilry would pormll the. iiiaKor (ii bo droppoil if Iboro wore cvidi'iici! of ii desire on tiio pari of V'oiigrcss to do so. 'I.'iio Million-wide (ivldoiici's of in-loresl OVOIKMI by Iho iyiliadoii of llio .Newliiiid;) inquiry sliow iliut the poo-Iile of the coiinlry—shippers, coiisiiin-ers uiid invostors, as well as railway men llieniseives—are alive to the fact tiiat the railway situalion is iiigiily iin-suli-sfactory and lliat slops must be taken without iiniiecossai;y delay to make it possible for the railroads to meet tlin growing ne(!ils of the nation.

From reports rocoivod iiere it seems us though almost every coinniereiul or­ganization and 'hnsinoss interest in the country wore engaged in studying (ho railrond question. I'lio Chamlier of Commerce of thi! UnitiMl Statcjs has been conducting an elaborate inquiry into various pha.ses of tiie subject foi' many niontiis past. JIuiiy local uiid stuto commerciiil bodies in every part of tiio country iiave coiiiniittoes en­gaged in study of tiio prolilein anil liave indicated a desire to come hero and pre.sent their view.s. National or­ganizations of nianufucliirors, liimbor-iiieii, coal oiierators, wholesale and re­tail dealers, • have expressed through resolutions their desire foi' the unilica-tlwi of the syslein of railway reguia­lion. The Nallonnl Industrial Tralllc League, speaking from the viewpoinl of shippers using tlie railways, has Indorsed exclusive federal reguhttioii providing it is nccompiisiiod in such a way as to give full protection and prompt nd.justnient in mutters relating III transportation within the states .

Many Interests Studying Problem.

All these organi/atlons represent pri­marily tiie shipiiors of tiie country, but liioy lire not the only ones who aro laUiiig a hand in the discussion. The Invoslors of the niilion, through their own iissoi'lations nnd through commlt-toos lepresenting the savings banks and other linunclal nrgunlzations, a r e ' p r e -puring to siiow tiie necessity of improv­ing rnili'oud credit nnd protecting the rights of tliose whose money is invest­ed in rnllwuy securities. Finally the railroads thein.solves, being vitally con­cerned In the Improvement of existing conditions, are planning to submit their views throiigli tiicir executives, oper­ating oilicinls and traffic experts nnd to assert their willingness to accept far-reaching federal regulntion nlong lliies that, will eniible them to ut t rnctcapi tal and to provide tlie facilities needed for the prompt and edlcient liandiing of the eoun(;ry,'s trunsportutlon business.

Main Trouble Is Too litany Mat te r i .

Not all of these Interests are In ac-, cord us to the remedies ' that should, be adopted. There seems to be a general ngreeraenti howeVer, that many of the rtliilcultieswhlbb confront tho railroads nnd wliicli make It impossible for thein to meet the requirements of tho na­tion's commerce promptly and satlsfoc-torlly arise from t h e hnphazdrd .and; often: conlllcting measures of regulation that> have! beeii udoptod from ;time:t(»,; tlitte by the federal government and-the i foVfy-Wght stateii and t h a t . whjttt is needed is a well ' ordeiipd,i systematic Bchehie of federal regulation that shall cbyW'the, whole'country,niid; make It poBBlble for the rallroadH to provide tlie' extensions and; Improvct} facilities HO badiy;headed,;while a t tlfesam ^ ^ ^ ^ prot€ictlibg;vfully t N R"h '^ l i^^

'^y.:''''' "' ' " " • • ' •"• • ' " ' • ' • ' ' " ' '


CASTORIA The Kind You Have Always Bought has borne the signature of Chas. H.. Fletcher, and has been made under his personal supervision for over 30 years. Allow no one to deceive you. in this. Counterfeits,Imitationsand "just-as-good"are but experiments, and endanger the health of Children.

What h eASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitutc for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It (wntains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its fige is its guarantee. It destroys Worms andallaysFeverishness. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Con­stipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend.

The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of



R.B.RiCE Gradiiato of Jonos

Nalional School ol Auclionoerino

LESLIE, MICHIGAN Phono at my oxponsei






Will Win Your Heart


P.J. Greve Mason, Mich.


S O U T H l l O t l X I )



,\. M. 1'. .M.

lOM).") •2:ii> •1 ;0.-, il;n.-)

I.IMJ.U.S A. M. 1'. .M.

liUT -Mi K;4;; 4:1:;

10:42 ll:4'.' .•i 41

:0:07 II;;M

.Noiri'ii i io i iNO LANSING


^. .\i. f. .M. r:w l:r,2 !i;rrj ;i;ri;'

11 ::•.:; WiM

I.IKJAI.S A. .\l, !• .M. 5:41* 1:01 II::MI ;i:01 ii:OI • 5:01

"^"'•- V^ 10:17 I:;: 111

ral ly u.\ij(j|)l Siiiuliiy.


This Is the Famous

, "Apex I Temple j


We will Guarantee THAT THE


They can be applied to your lenses wtiile you wait


^ ^ y ^k^^

0. S. B U S H ; Optometrist All work guaranteed or no pay

Open Monday, Wednesday and Saturday ' bveir Neely'8 Clbthlns Store.


QUKKQROVTH In brnllcni nnd pnllotn lif InB you uiirb iinitlU

' llol|iymiri.)ilcki<lniil(l r<tv B iiono mil l niiiaolo liy

- „ . »•«•*'iintUmi 11 llttlo ,. "COSKBVa rOUL'fllY lONIO

In (Ii'dr mush.' SKi'. » o . Tall S l U O O N K K Y ; B n B A B U I O B O I N l M * N l ,

T,It'l'n''IXi XIOM I'OWUrn nnl U O B LIQUID illRpoao of lico anil m l u s unil holp liinlj Rrow. lOo. flSo, dOo

11 KMiaJV nnil, OONKKy^S GAl'l, llhlMI'lUyimthenvouliioltH KcCOo

AUviiynj hiivo OONKl'lWS UC)1}V .• It K.M KUV' ro»ilT.„ 26(1. aVi)

(lonhi'V lllillt.. ,^0II)V«IM»1. 0

, • ' ^ 3 ^ -



Increase ft 5 cents weekly

Xmiis dinner with his father, L. Bartlett,

iMr. and Mrs, Lew Biirtlett and I'amily spent Xnias with lior sister In Wlioatdeld.

Mr, and Mrs. Franic Warflold enter­tained liis father and mother Christ­mas.

Bruce Davis of Ijansing visited at George Koll'e's last woe): and attend­ed tlie ontertainniont at tlio scliool house li'rliiay.

I I K A I J U S T A T H T H A N S F K I W .

C'on.stipallon C'aii.so.s Kiid .Skin. A dull and pimply ,slcin Is due to a

slufe'gisli bowel movement. Correct this condition and clear your com­plexion Willi Dr. King's New Life Pills. This mild ia.\ativo taken at bedtime will assure you a full, free, non-griping movement in tlio niorn-ng. Drive out the dull, listless feei­ng resulting from overloaded intes­

tines and sluggish liver. Get a bot­tle today. At all druggists, 25c.

ACKOS.S TIIK (iAI{l>i;.\.


Jj^andhave ^ ^ ^ .^^ < r next Christmas.

You can also begin w i th I or 2 or 10 cents the first week and increase your deposit the same amount each week.

In 50 weeks: l-cent club pays $12.75 2-cent club pays $25,50 5 - c e n t c l u b p a y s $ 6 3 . 7 5

l O - c e n t c l u b p a y s $ 1 2 7 . 5 0

You can put in $1.00 or $2.00 or $5.00 each week and, i in 50 weeks, have $50 or $100 or $250. We add 3 per cent interest.

Come in, ask about it and get a "Christmas Banking Club" Book FREE. You can start today—start.


J s. CORRESPONDENCE Items Giithered by NEWS Stall abnut the County

^ : r

Prank Shopbell and family enter­tained on Christmas day in honor of Mrs. Mary Williams of New York State.

Mr, and Mrs, A. It, AVatkins si)ent Xmas with Dan lOckhart and family.

I"!crnlce Bateman is home for the holiday vacation.

Merman Bnllen and family, E. A. Haynos and family and Clark llaynes and family spent Xmas at .lames Ifaynos.

V\. H. Mallison and family spent Xmas In Lansing with Otis VVheaton | ;iu(l family. |

Mrs. Mary Fountain entertained her children and families at a Xmas I dinner. j

Mr, n i n e s and daughter of Ma,son i spent Xmas with li;. .1, Topliff and family, I

^[lss Leola Otis is spending her va- I cation with her mother In Mason, |

Frank Shopbell and D, N. Bateman were in Mason Tuesday to attend the 'funeral of Mr. Kenliold's little child who died from croup.

\V. G. Brown and wife to R. U. Luppen and wife, lot 1.1, blk 5, Mfg's Add, Lansing, $3,200.

C. T. Bramble and wife to Reno DeSnicdt and wife, pt of lot 4, blk 2-17, Lansing, ;?2,000,

K, V. Kinney and wife to Kdw, Dunn, lot (IS, 2d Add to Fairvlew, E. Lansing, .flLOOO,

Nicholas Pesyk and wife to Ale.v IDanoloWjsky and wife, pt of lot 3,.blk :I8«, Lansing, $1,500,

It. W. Kennedy and wife to C. L, Cady, lot l!2, Phiglewood Park, Lan­sing, $1,000,

Klla 10, Shank to Fred Wood and wife, lot 27, .folinson's Add, Lansing, $2,100.

Etta Gray to Roy N. Shns and wife, pt NW '/, and pt NE y, of Sec, 27, Wheatdold, $0,000.

Chas. I'owles ,to Fred Ecker, pt S\V i/i of See. in , Locke, $1,950.

C. A. Bennett and wife to ,T, F. .Johnson and wife, pel com 258.GO ft. S of Baker St. on 10 lino of Lyons A v., Lansing, $500,

J. M. iMoores and wife to Wm. An-(ler,son, pt of lot fi, blk M, Park Place, Lansing, $(100.

0 . 11. Morgan and wife to G. F. Blackston and wife, lots 21! and 2'l, Highland Park, Lansing, $1,100,

American Savings Bank of Lansins:

Common Council Procoediugs.

(L.AKKI'i <;i;.\TKIL

4 Dfl i;i (lu

18 00

i i o i / r ri u-


Dncenibor 27, lOKi. , Berl C.illet spent Christmas at Fow-i

ler. .Mrs. Chris. Parker and Len Parker

spent Monday at Alfred Parker's in Lansing.

Mrs. Geo, it, Pryor and Ituby Pryor visited in Lansing from .Satur­day until Tuesday.

Miss Emma Lett of Lansing spent .Monday at .1, B. Thorbnrn's.

Miss Edith BIckett of Detroit is homo for the holidays.

The Ijanquet at the Presbyterian <'l)urch parlors last Saturday evening was a line success. About 125 were in attendance. The exercises at the other churches wore well attended.

Ray Potter spent Christmas at Mrs. Hart's in DansviUe.

wias r cowv.w. Mrs. W. W. VanAlstino is visiting

her parents, G. W. Brewer and wife, of Locke.

Helen Oakley is visiting in Fowler-viiie for a few days.

Miss .lulla Kiel is visiting friends in Lansing this week. '

Mr. and Mrs. S, R. llickett were in Fowierviile on business last week.

Neva Sleaford is visiting lier sister this week at Webborvllle.

Clayton White of .lackson and Ivan Wordon of Flint spent Christmas at the home of W. A. Wordon.

AVarron VanAlstine is . staying in Wehberville at present.

Martha Oakley spent Christmas with her aunt, Mrs, Clyde Nicholas of ii'owlerville.

Pearl Rickett visited the County Lino school last week.

Miss Nellie Brewer is visiting her sister, Mrs, Kimball, of Webberville.


nist. No. ,S were well attended consld-oring I ho epidemic of whooping cough among tli(! pupils.

Mrs. J. M. Taylor have returned liom(> I'roni hor vislt«al Farmlngton, where she went (o visit her aged falhor.

iMr. and Airs. l'''red Loiion of T^an-shig are visiting Mr. and Mrs. King.

Alvin Williams has nmved luear Lansing on the Cooloy farm.

llubo Lenoii was operated on tor appendicitis last week. The last re­port ho was doing fine.

Mrs, Arthur Williams spent Sunday at Lansing.

Geo. Miller and four sons spent Xmas with his father at Dillwood.

i\Ir. and Mrs. Henry Redflold and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Redfield spent Xmas at the Cooley home at Ea­ton Rapids.

Clirislmas was spent as follows Wesley, Walter and Raymond Clark with their families attended tlio re- , union of the Nelson Clark family at Arthur Clark's near Eaton Rapids; ' George Clark, George Bullon and ; Cortez Swift and family wore at Mrs. I Harriott Clark's in Eaton Rapids to attend the Simpson reunion; Floyd Bullon and family were with Mrs. Builon's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Purdy, James Clarke and family ate dinner at his son's, Wm. Clarke's; George Mutton and family were with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. .las. Mut­ton; S. 15. Markley and family had the Markley reunion.

Tlio Christmas tree at tlie cluircli was well attended. A line program was given. The school liere closed Friday to begin again .Tan. 2. The tree and o.vercises held Thursday ev- C. I'.MiokuiHon.HupplUis ening at the school house were enjoy- "• '»• tii'lpiien, frelKliiiinrt oaitim'i) ed by nearly the whole district. . (i. J-, iVck.Nov.siiiarj.i.osiaKa.oic ;iii i(i

Bert Bunker is an Ohio visitor. "i'>'"«'' N"""". lid)»r sooo . Little Donna Mutton o t L a n s i n g National Motor Co.. supplies •-'-;w

has been visiting her grandparents,! Moved and supported thai, there -Mr. and Mrs. James Mutton, for a port, of the tlniince cotmnlttee be ac-short time. copied and adopled and orders drawn

Mr. and IVIrs. Raymond Clark and , , Gy,xx\^A. Yeas, Lon«-Baby Donald were guests of Mr. and r , i , r. i n u r i i . i . , . Mrs. P. J. Free in Lansing. Sunday. : >'e«f' ^ee ly , Parker, Randall, Wliilln«

Floyd Bullen and family spent Sun- and Willtmorc. day at his brother's, George Bullen. | On motion council adjourned until

Lloyd Avery is spending his holl- Jinmary 2d, 1917.

MASON, MICH., Dec. IS, UllU.

Council met and was called to order Ijy Mayor Kellown.

I'resetit, Aid. Lonjiycar, Neely, Parker, Randall, Wliiiing and Whlt-miire.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

KlCrOUT OF COMJIITTKH, Tlieolhiunce ciim:nlttee report the

followiuK claims and recommend tilielr allowance: .IllllKiS 'I'llOl'ljIM'll, '.' WCCliS US lll|;lllWllll!ll .1, T, Kowlor, •.! wiiiiks (or hinid liistiiiclor I.I', Riithl)oi-n,'l (lays (!leaiilii(! piu'iimuni I'arkur OiT iiiKl imin, liilior mi Ktruiiis,,,, 0 , r. Miuiiuisdii, y , or MS n.. curDinu' I', K, Woodhousu, ;..i of 111 fl, OIU-IIIIIK,.. Hoaril (it (.'enuitury TnisU'es, lalior Xtt 07 M.(J, .SMillli, lahor on .suwiir IS 00 ,las, (irinv, liiliorou suwur 18 (K) Tlios, TlioiliiM'ii, tllii ;).l 00 A, I,, Uoiie, s(!rvici'sassnpi!rvisor T.'i 00

\. A, llowliitl, siirvlccs us supui'Visoi- 7.1 10 M. U, 11, H, Co„frL'lKlit()n(ioal -Ill 84 (lavhi |i'i.'Mows, drawing coal '.i(i 81 Collins, l lal in& DHIZIDI, ciml l;iii III TiK! lJniloi--l'"i!eil .SluKur Co,, supplies 07 04 MluhlKan Supply Co,, sopplltis 0,'i SO (iarlock I'auKlogtlo,, siippUus s fil Slaiiilard UIIOo., suppllos 4 no Viicuoni Oil Co , supplliis i!ll fc4 Dunn it Cross, supplloa 'JO 18 1„ IC, .Salisbury, suppllos ;i 81 Uiouit Co,, suppllos . 2 0(1 C I . hllsclier Kl(!(arl(! Co., suppllos 'Jill 7'i Aiimrlcan l':ie(!lrlt'al Supply Co., suppllos. 47 ns The K. Iflssoll Co., suppllos '.'.'JO 44 UonorHl Hlc(;lrl(!(>'o,,siu'l'llos I.'l" "t-

. n 00 (ifii


Capita! $1011,000JO Surf9Si3r.$2§,


.1. W , B a i l e y , P r e s . J. W . B a i l e y & Co.

W i n . B r o g a n , P r e s . Dai icer-BroKan Co.

D, E. B a t e s , T r e a s . Reo Motor Car Co.

l i . F . Harper, S e c . - T r e a s . VV. K. Pri idden & Co.

M. R. Carrier , N o r t h r o p , Robert son & Carrier Co.

R. C. R u e s c h a w , VV. S. Fos ter , A t t o r n e y

VV. K. Pr iuk len , [ 'resident

Clia.s. R. T o m s . Cash ier


SI H E d irec tora te of thin b a n k | i r i t : - d i rec tora te ci tni3 oani-c is composed i ^ of men w h o s e indiv idual prominence in tiic

bus iness field enab le s t h e m t o l<cep in t h e c losest possible t o u c h w i t h c h a n g i n g bus iness condi t ions . The ir k n o w l e d g e a n d exper ience i s of inest imable va lue t o our c l i en t s everywhere .


CouRlied Fifteen Years.

Gonghs that hang on and grow worse ill the night are relieved by Foley's Honey and Tar. R. F. Hall, i\labe, Va., writes; "For 15 years ' l was aflllctod with a troublesome bronchial cough and irritation of the throat, Foley's Honey and Tar re­lieved me; and after taking one tjot-tlo, the cough ceased," Sold by L. H, Harrison and Longyear Bros.


Charles Taylor is very sick with bronchitis, whooping cough and grip combined. -•

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Redfield of South AVlndsor visited her parents Friday. .

Mrs. Grace Lonsberry and daugh­ters Irma and Leila are on the sick list. . ,

The Xmas tree and exercises in


usually stppi a shib^ C O U g K p F ^ l ^

It hdps i t r e n ^ ^ ' ?» " " '"


Mrs. F. Updyko lias gone to Detroit to spend the.holidays with her chil­dren.

Frank Stid and wife spent Sunday with his parents.

Sidney Speer and family spent Sun­day with their parents.

Miss Nina Howery and Mrs. Geo. Stid spent Thursday in Lansing.

Geo. Stid and family and Frank Stid and wife and S. J. Hanna and family spent Xmas with their par­ents.

B. Baldwin and family of Mason Mrs. J. Winn and son of Jackson spent Xmas at R. H. Royston's.

Miss Alzlna Stid is visiting hei' grandparents,

A. J. Scoflold and family . spent Xmas with his parents. .

Wm. Holt and wife spent Xmas with Wm. Doan and wife.

Win. Eto called Wednesday on R. Howery.

N O i m i l 1A.ST AURBL1IT,S.

day vacation at home.


.1. E, WKLSir, City Clerk.

MOLTING I'l/LLET-S. Wm, Swaim and family spent Xmas

witli his sister, Mrs. J. W. Manning, and family.

IJy « . K. Conkey. 'Why do pullets molt'/" This is a

.system. This results In a loosening of the feathers and instead of a nice lot of pullets producing higii pri(;eil eggs, we have them on our hands for several montlis as a bill of expense.

Sometimes pullets are started off on a molt by nothing more than a cliange in the food at a critical per­iod in their devolopmont. This change may bo too abrupt or riullcal or the new feed may he strange to thorn rofjulring severiil days for I hem to get accustomed to It, tlinir system being Improperly nourished In the meantime. These seemingly little mistakes often result in much harm and can o;ily t)e guarded against when given the intelligent thqught necessary to locate the cause, for there Is a reason for all tliese troubles and it is not protltable to have them repeated. i

Variety in feeding is very essential but this does not mean that you '• should give one or two kinds of grains for a tew days or weeks, and then something different for a like ^ period. Variety should come thru the use of mixtures or by making sys- ' tematic changes In the different meals or in their arrangement for the dif-' ferent days of the week, |

It doesn't pay to make radical changes in the feeding of either hens \ or pullets. If there is to be a decld-1 ed change mix a very little of the new

[hi ilipened if the promises liad been really tidy.

As a matter of fact, we Americans rather vaunt our frequent baths and well scrubbed kitchen lloors. Yet wo are, on the whole, a scandalously slovenly race—decidedly untidier than i.he Frencli, to many of whom a batli is an event. We are always lit­tering up the premises. The average American country town Is a night-iiiiire of slovenliness. That cleanli­ness which is next to godliness does not stop at a batli and wasliing the front windows.—Saturday Evening Post.


'SReviUoJi /feres LargMt Fur MBnufacl'iircri In th* World


RAW FURS Ship your furi to ui . We pty all

exprcM and mail charges Write for our price list

453 West 28th St. New York

G. H. Collar entertained his chil- question that is frequently asked for feed with the old for a couple of days it is not an uncommon occurence to and then gradually increase the quan-have a poultry raisers fond hopes of tity so that when finally the new feed numerous winter eggs suddenly go is used entirely the hens will not re-glimmering when his pullets on | allze what has been done and no 111 reaching maturity, and perhaps after effects will be noticable In tlie egg laying a few eggs, .suddenly go into a yield or otherwise, molt without any apparent cause. I t ; When the days shorten and the is a most discouraging situation for nights get cold and long try to help! it means that the birds will not pro- your pullets along in every way pos-duce during the next 2 or 3 months, sible in their development and prep-.lust wlien they should really be doing aration for a season of heavy laying, their most profitable 'work of the , They need plenty of feed of tlie right year. I variety and the cold nights will add

According to all rules pullets to the demand of the fowl's system. should not molt, and handled rlglit, Feed is fuel and whore this is lacking

the system must give up some of its

dren and grandcliildren for Xmas, Mrs, S. Sltts returned homo from

Mason last Friday where she has been caring for her daughter and new grandaughter.

Mrs, Katherine Potter and family spent Xin.as with tlie family of her daughter, Mrs. .Tud Smith,

Mr, and Mrs, Lowell of .Jackson visited the hitter's brother, Chas. Lett, and family Xmas.

Mrs. Ray Watkins and children vis­ited her parents last week.

Sheriff Cline has purchased the late Ellen Field farnif"

Here's Speedy Relief from Kidney Troubles

Elvin Linn and family from near they will not. First of all. bear in Williamstou visited at Chas. Collar's mind that pullets hatched early in the. own resources. Make sure your birds Xmas. year say before March, arc quite are getting every morsel of nourlsh-

Grover Sltts is on the sick list. liable to molt in late fall, and this es- j nient out of the feed. Tone up their Henry Palen and wife were in this peclally true with the early maturing' system with some good poultry tonic.

vicinity Xmas.

i^lARRrAGK filCENKEiii.

George U. Denipton, Jjansing 33 Myrtle Hazel Terrylf, L a n s i n g . . . . 2 4 .Toiin Bohnet, Lansing 46 birds you can bring on the molt

breeds like the leghorn. Therefore, ; and strengthen their organs so that we shall not here refer so much to you can get winter eggs when egg these as to the later hatched birds I prices are soaring, that ordinarily should not molt till Lengthen the short days as much the following summer. ' a s you can by whitewashing the in-

You know of course, that with old ! aide of the house to make it l ight and at I keep the windows clean, A good dls-

Mr. and , Mrs, Page Sanders of Aurelius vi.sited at the Freshour's last Thursday, :

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Evens entertain­ed Mr. Evens father and mother and family froni Leslie Xmas.'

Miss Cora Hiker of Canandagua', wiio has been in California the past year, is visiting her old schoolmate, Mrs, Martha Freshour, and will re­turn to her home in Canandagua, frc)m.herevi''•^^.;:^ . * , - _ . . - , , :':•••&•v;r:v i. Mr. 'ariil'Mrs. Jay Hulse met witli ^he Hulse fahilljri with; Mr. and,Mrs. Arlo ^^Hlpple "and family In 'Mason for.;; Xraas; A pbtluck dinner was seiviBd; and the-joitei was t i ia teac l i , fa^jljr,^ camei with; a :|)lg ciiiclcehple, /^utepoughfgoodies: to; fill ;the> tables' ;t0; overflpjirlng.; f^Tliere was;;,;twenty-tsix preseptiand no need,:to say a jolly, gqQd.tln»e;*i,,All aria ,wlBhlhg foir more] suohvChristhias dinners;::;' ; V A ;:'':3;V V'Mr;;:8nd?;Mra; B ; £ T . ; Eliibttn and Qraiidmatlililipttand Mr;, and .'Mrs.

' Clyde lEpkhart, and, daughter Mucine were with Mr. and Mrs. James Eclt-.

'^l^jMi^'ahaiiMrs^Di'i'Li'^Iloife-iiiiH'^Arina^ 'MayjRoIfe]8pent;XmiM{,with Mr,'i and: MrsiOlehnVChapmad'iuiLahsing:.

Mrs. Gail W. .Schmidt, Lansing 38 Wycllfte A. Knight, Lansing 20 Ethel A. Smith, Lansing 16 L. Roy W. Skinner, Lansing 23 Helen Spring, Owosso 18 Albert-Smith, Onondaga 'I'p 25 Burdene Parish, Aurelius Tp 18 Glenn E. Letherman, Wibaux, Mon,29 Aurelia E. Abbott, Lansing. . . . . . 28

most any time in the summer or tall that you desire by a certain method of feeding. To induce early molt you put the birds on short rations for a couple of weeks giving them only a small portion of the food they would eat, perhaps confining the diet of only one or two articles that do not make a complete ration. Naturally, this stops all laying and draws heavily on

Arlo R Roid Lanslne " "' " s f i ^^^ ^°^''^ system, and then when you A l i o i t . Ue iQ , l i a n s i n g . . ^ b „ „ „ , „ „ o a „ , „ o l , o n w foAHInir thfi Margaret Anderson, Traverse City. 24 Berton C. Butler, L a n s i n g . . . . . Naomi I. Baridowln, L a n s i n g . . Walter W. Miller, L a n s i n g . . . . H a z e l H u l l , L a n s i n g . . . . . . . . . . Ernest L, Gouchen, L a n s i n g . . . . Hazel May Wolfe, S h e p h e r d . . . . liester Gibson, L a n s i n g , . , i . . . , Rena Merrett; L a n s i n g ; . . , . . . . :;:Harold J, RoweU; L a n s i n g . . . Helen A. Oakleyj L a n s i n g . . . . . Ronald W . H i g g i n s , L a n s i n g . . . .Lqralne M. Diaz, L a i ) s l n g . . . . . . Bert i). Shdebridge, L a n s i n g . . ;

r^lolet, Ranshaw, Barryton. V . , . WWllamP. Buck, l i a n s l n g ; . ; ; . ,Ai»na;;Ellzai Corey, I ^ n s l n g ; ; ^

•Robei^;''i:',Parici:Lansing/;'.;.'^ FrajiceajBaker; L a n s i n g . , ; ^. ; , . James KT'; Mitchell, Lainsingi'..A iClaiiidlaM^: Hatch, L a n s i n g r i \ . Danie l MoQueen;;Larisihg ; • . . ; ; ; lva:0lvX51ar)t,Laiislng;:'/ . .;:, . .; . Cari;eli^i^;:ipagey':tansing,:-.;' '

again resume heavy feeding the change causes the feathers to loosen and the bird is soon in full molt. This method, when it first became known was practiced considerably, but today its: supporters are few and it is us­ually considered best to allow.nature, to take its own time in regard to

.•:'-mbUing.;-.", ' Now causes very similar to the

forced molt in hens causes the raolt-Ihg of puiletsi A t the time when the pullets are making their best gro^yth and nearihg maturity, their owner fails to.recognize;that their increased size calls for a greater 'quantity of feed! from time: to time; ' br, . he may not haye/changed the,ration to meet the ne.eds of the birds and the lack pit

; certain elements upsets the natural balana'ce ihjthe blijd's ;system.^' T^^

; may happen with birds oh: range dB' well as with those that are;yardedii fofj in the: fall there ip; far less food;;tb'

y b^;picked up;thandurihg:the;BUihmer 19^! atidUhe'changed conditions may:nbt^

. 4 2

. 3 5

. 27

. 23

. 28

. 2 1

Mi . 18 . 23 . 2 2 . 2 2 . 2 0 . 3 1 . 2 0 .35: ;31 . 29. . 26 . 2 1 . 2 1 v20

_. , ,,,,, .^ w... „ . . , . . . . . . . 1 9 •••be: oohsidered i n t h e f ^ d i i i g ; , . • Georgia A. Foote, Traverse City. . 18 Where the feed to meet t h e ' in-

!Charies(;KjYaughn/;LansIng;vv:.i;; 22:^0^ : lS.'}\fbrtliir^ominir: ^t.hHitoullAt'driiwai'nn'fUn'

infectaut mixed in will keep mites from sucking away the bird's energy. If you can't get around to feed your birds at day light then put their breakfast of grain in the litter at night after they have gone to roost and no time will be lost,

Watching the little things is what makes for success with poultry and with the prevailing high prices In both teed and poultry products, and the consequent widening range in the possible profits or losses, it becomes more than ever necessary to stop all the leaks.


The Lumber Trade Journal says the fire loss in the United States amounts to two hundred and fifty thoi^sand dollars a day, and a great deal of it is due simply to untidiness. Analysis of stiitistlcs shows that six­ty-five per cent of all fires occur in dwellings, and that much the greater number of fires in dwellings .would hot lhave happened If the household­ers: had not been slovenly. ' y/ ^'Rubbish is the .chief cause"—^ whichldbes not necessarily mean ac-cumiilatiisidsi of old raj;s or unsivept. l iv ihp: rbbiiis ahd\S|bedrobms. The i h b u s e m a y lopk.yideat ehbugh to a caBual'%eahd:'stiil^cbhtain: heaps! of: bid olqtbes,ipld/pape'rsi'brpkehiip:fur> hlture, and so bh; in attic: or cellar or' back clbsets, A greatiihariyi busih68BrpreiniBesr'|alab;^i;arq/;;dUbiitdr BloyenlinesBi oi wotildii^:aevitriVihairtt:

•' •''--'• •""•"• y;-'^:f!:!):';i'il]^':'i^;'0;::i\:^i:ii;^ft''

: ,„.,^ J "X'oloy Kidney Tilla liuvo (lono ma a

]ioap of crooa." A. S. JBartlett, ]2roc!i:-ton, Vlaea.

Soma days It Ecenis as If yon can n i longer hour tlio pain and misery yoii KufCor from kWney and l)ln'.lclor trouble. The aoho across youi- back Krows worsa with every movo you inako, and wllIi every step you talco. It not only rob.: you of all your strentrtli and energy, but it affects tho other important organs oi tho body as v/oll. Nervousnesa, head­ache, disordered stomach, liver troublo, badjcyoslght, are only sorao of tho con-ditlSns that follow Iddncy troubla.

Poloy Kidney Pills help tho siek weak kidneys to regain their normal lio.aUliy Etnto and activity. Vfiien tliny aro again nble to do tholr -work ctteotlvoly, your system Is no longer cboUed and blooked with poisonous waato matter. 'Vour symptoms clear up, your weariness, pain, misery and weaUneaa go av/ay. Foley Kidney Pills can do yea alao "a heap of good." For Sale by Longyear BroB. and L. U.


J.C.FINGERLE Plumbers and Tinners

Supply House! B a t h T u b s , L a v a t o r i e s , S i n k s (a l l

k i n d s ) , W a t e r C l o s e t s , W a t e r

H e a t e r s , Rang;es , B o i l e r s , B a t h .

R o o m SundrieE, W r o i x g h t airci

S t e e l W a t e r P i p e and F i t t i n j f s ,

( a l l s i z e s a n d k i n d s ) .


Rooifing, E a v e , Troiif i fhing, , tJai--;^

v a n i z e d ; a n d B l a c k Shecft^Iroti , v;

S h e e t 'TinV S h e e t Copper , JSKeet^^

Zinc; S h e e t I ron; S t i v e anid Puirr;

nace P i p e arid E l b o w s ( a l l s i z e s ) ; ^

S|M My Display (Df ^ ;:•''''• •• •',:'; They: • areAi•iiB:VitiV; •;; ^



i^a, i i i - r i i ^ i r ^^'t ^ ^ i V MiiiV KifcV fMnMi I

Till', <i()ifOi;x « i i i i J ) .

Logondary 01' Tliu Chrisl. Clilld,

By ICmmii I'liliuan IIOHO.

Thou woiKlorl'ul gift, of God! Rmbloiu of light and love;

'I'lie pathways Thy feot. have ti'o<l Wort, guarded by One Above.

Thoy oft led through stress and pain, And sorrow of heart,—untold.

Thy tears, like the dow and rain, Sliail flowers of beauty unfold,

Thou Child of the Golden Quest Tlion I' lower of l.ove Divine!

lOnier now into Thy rest,— The hearts of tlie world are l i ino .

rfflCfllGlP i&mk


a-ivld 0. Smith, resident !n thfl elgl'.'.y-ora> years, died IE :ounty !a

bis hen;c- ::i;M: ii-.i\vc-;i


Mrs. Wni. l..axlon visited Mrs. G. .1. Miteliell in Leslie last Monday.

Chas. Puvis and wil'o are entertain­ing her brother, .lanies .Tonnings, and I'lrlde on their way home from spend­ing tlieir honeymoon in Ohio and Ponnsyivania.

Mrs. A. 0. Sanders lias rel\irned from an extended visit with her eliil-(Iren in Grand liaplds ami Lansing.

".Mrs. Carrie Chapin nxpecls to en­tertain all of her iiliildreii for the hol­idays, Julius of Cliieago, Alice o" " Iroil, ir,tliel of St.. .lolms, and Mi of Olivet.

imily to Xmas



The p\ipils at the Sandhill are en-joving a week's vacation.

"Mrs. Ira Tliorluirn and eliildren are vi.siting relatives in Williamston.

Mr. and Mrs. F. 10. Liveranee are entertaining their daugiiter and little granddaughter of Chicago.

Mr. and Mrs. Manford i'otts and daught.er Laura attended tlie family reunion ut the home of Philip Hiebe-sheimer, Sr., Christmas.

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Wieland ont.er-tainod Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Gifford of Lansing and Mr. and Mrs. A. 1). Wil­son and daughter Alien of William­ston Christmas.

Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Liverance of Grand Rapids wlio have been visiting liis parents returned to tlieir home Friday.

The Christmas exercises at the Sandhill Tluirsday evening were well jittended. A very interesting program wa.s given by the pupils under tlio di­rection of our teacher. Miss Dora Welch.

:Mr. and I\lrs. George Ward enter­tained their children and grandchil­dren Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Kraiik Ward and daughter of Lansing, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Franklin of Lansing and Mr. and Mrs. George Clark and daughter of Aurclius.


' Mrs. Ries is very sick at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Albert Whoat-on, with grip and erysipelas.

Leo Olynn and wife entertained at Christmas dinner Dotorosl Glynn,

Bert Hanna and family and Mr, and Mrs. Nathan Weston, Fred Ack-]ey went to BUsshold Saturday, whore he will visit relatives and acquaint­ances,

George Weston and wife spent Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scott and family of Et-chcU Corners.

Charlie Lott.'s family arc cutcrlain-,'ing his sister and husband, Mr. and

Mrs. Lowell, of .Tackson. The Christmas at the Douglas was

a success with many praises to the teacher, Miss Pollok, for her splendid program.

There will be no school at the Douglas this week as there will be vacation.

Quite a number from this vicinity attended the Pollok exercises Friday evening,


Miss Cynthia Wilklns is spending the winter with her sister, Mrs. Lons-berry, who is in poor health;

The saw mill at the Clements camp has not been running the past two weeks, owing to a defective engine. Another engine has been secured iind sawing will begin again in a few days.

John Beckton underwent a serious operation at the University hospital in Ann Arbor last week. His condi­tion while somewhat improved Is .still critical.

Karl Lott of Albion college spent Christmas with his sister, Mrs. Ben Guenther,

School at the Phillips closed Fri­day for a two weeks vacation.

Miss Gladys Beckton, teacher of art and music in the Ishpeming schools,

.is at home. Myron Hancock of Ypsilantl nor­

mal is home for the holidays. • Harry and Olive Taylor and uncle Prank of Detroit and Mrs. Mayme Greve and daughteir Ethel of Lansing •were Christmas , guests dt Eugene

.^Tyler's.,;.':-:;^'; ,,-': v "•'•'.•• ' ' ' Mrs. Wellington Hiintley arid, son

of Lowell aresvlaitirig her parents, ;:Mr;.!ahd Mrs.-S; Henry's. , :::':--''p''-

'mx% •m^y, WEST WHITE OAK.'

!.t^i:i,Sfi5:'S'Ji:H.;;Rlielnhai;t;and;fairin j^rt;> ti-j jyilsliott'i?8m ; family- speioit; ChrlBtmas Ji;i: |;;s^£Jiir?tfie;;^oirie;6t';De^^^^

:li: Vi-^iJ*iamlUe8):^hdi FJrahk;^Miihh: .ute }:Xina;S'


tainod their son and dinnor. , „ ,

Chas. Monn'of StocUbndge called on his old fricmds, Mr. and Mrs. H. Horrid;, Saturday. •

Howard l-hM'rlck will have an auc­tion .sah^ ill Hie niiar future.

Mrs. Win, Carl was a Saturday ciilliT on Musdaiiios Frod and Howard l-lGrrick. ' , ,

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ferguson had 11 family Xiiias true Monday.

Kny Glover ontortainod his sister rroiii 'northuru •Micliigan for Xmas.

Lavandcr 1''nster was homo from Lansing Xmas.

lOI/.ie Milnor and family spent i Xmas with lu'r parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. .1. Swan, in Dansville.

Forest Mllner is visiting his cous­ins, Russell and Clarence Potter, and Guv Ferris, this week.

Commodore Davis spent Xmas with his parents, .John Davis and wife.

Loo Challengor untor.t.alnod com­pany for Xmas.

.Tohn Dutchor and wife visited their diuightor, Mrs. Howard Herrick, Tuesday. , ,_,

Bon Taylor and wife are visiting in this viciiiity for Xmas.





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» M;cir.gan V, .laciison.

in'.y-nr.e. of -.0 ol liis Ncsb'.tt, a I

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ocK MO, lunl at ilioy year?

.Del ?G. old, n|- nil-'


• Alva CamphoU and family wore In Lansing Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Wlllard Upton, Mr. and Mrs. 11. Fvory, Mr. and Mrs. l{oy Drossor, Floyd Otis and family and Karl Otis spent Christmas at Wourt Fvery's.

Roy Thurhor and family, Airs. Mary Parker and Sidney Spoor and family spent Christmas with R. D. Spoor.

The following on.)nyod Christmas ovc at Rollio Spoor's; Wourt Kvery and family, Mr. and Mrs. H. Kvery, Roy Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dress­er, FJoyd Otis and family, Mr. and Mrs. Mi Speer, Sidney Speor and fam­ily, Mr. and Mrs. Floy Warlle, Lee Warflo aiid family, Mrs. irvin Speer and daughter Ifazol and Miss Zolma Pi cell.

A. Bygravo and family and Arthur Williams spent Christmas with Sam McMann.

Miss Bessie Hayner closed her school Friday afternoon with a Xmas tree and successful exercises. All en-.ioyod Santa Claus who was very jolly and full of fun. We hear that he made his next journey at the Pollok school house. In the evening, whore he was fully as jolly.

,Tess Curtis and family and Floyd Baldwin and family spent Chri.stiuas with Gilford Baldwin and familyT

A number from Mason attended the oxercLses at the DuBois school.

Mr. and Mrs. lOd Stoinhofr spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Baldwin of Lansing.

Ruth Every and Leola Parkhurst aro enjoying their vacation from Ma­son high' school.

Fred Collar and family and Ed Steinhoft and family spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. .Tames Hyde.

Uoy Roberts spent Sunday with his parents of Mason.

isfisses Jane and Sophie Copenhag­en of Pennsylvania, are spending the week with relatives In this vicinity.


December 26, 191G. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wauvle and son

Ivan spent Xmas at 'Elmer Braveud-er's.

Mr. and Mrs. David Hurlburt are entertaining friends and relatives from Stockbrldge, Plymouth, Howell, Ann Arbor,. Pontlac and Mason this week,

Mr. and Mns, C, C. King of Leslie spent Sunday at Geo. A. Ward's.

Lennah, Chauncey and Kenneth Robinson of Mason spent Saturday at their grandfather's; M, D. Robinson's.

Mrs. Agnes Davidson, George Dav­idson and Miss Anna Davidson spent Xmas at Clayton Collar's of Wheat-fleld.

Ami Terrlll and family were with Lansing friends Xmas;

Miss Iva Diivldson Is home from Vpsllantl for holiday vacation.

Roy; Rae and family were at Elmer Bravender's for Xmas. ' M r . and Mrs. Jack Davldison arid daughter. Miss Ivai Davidson, were guests at Clayton Collar's Xmas.

Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rae were in Lan­sing Thursday; the i r little daughter staying -with their grandriibther, Mrs. Mary Rae,':at'Maspri;-' • ^1:.';;::. ,;•;: ';;';•;•'-'

Harold Ward 1B spending ithe'holt-days with his grandmother and aunt at;Masohiis;.'•%: ••'•,•;'>'.•':::>• - '^-i*?}-'^.

i^rank Osborne-arid family sjjerit Xmas athDans^tlleivand'also., JanieB Paddock arid: family;spent; Xmaa with PansyiUe/relatlveaiiV^v'•••••';'.'.,:<':<iiMi. '

' . • * ' . ; ' . - . '

;?;V|p;'^i'fNoTreiir'vite:ipresideHti^o^ Bank ,of iCbttonwoodi-•;^Tex/^; w !'I;;Kdvei\ivB(!elve(^;?reUet V Und"t i^cbiri^ mVhd;Ppley-Kidriey .plUs to any. one

/ •4

lluii',:.:- ia;r,ci ;?lon':i I'l'.'-ir. li.(-Uinch if)(i;;:., i!;oy Mici;(r> (iiiitly sio

William Boll, sixty year: minghiim, a carponioi, dropped dead In Royal Oak jusi after loaving the liuilding on which he was ;o wiirlt.

With iirppiiralinns complolod for an Dlioi'iilion at Nicholas Isn.-piial at l-laitlo Crook, Mrs. Burr 1-.. Weoks, toriy yours old, .shot horsolf through tho lioail.

.Mrs. I' rancis noilrnsli and her six yi.'iir old ilaiighloi' Mary wore hiirnod to doaih \y\wn tlioir homo, one and a half luilos north of Wayno, was dostroyod.

(.ine of I ho old hind marks of Bir­mingham was almost dostroyodcWhon an ovorhoatod stnvo sot tiro to the .liimos Woosior st<iro, built sovonty-six years ago.

DoLacourt Northup, olghty-two years old, a veteran of the oivil war, dropjiod dead in tho store of Arthur Fllzslinmons S: Co., as ho was iiliout to jiay tor a newspaper.

While attempting to tlunv a pipe with a blow torch. Rev. Mr. M;iynanl sot tiro to the ii.-irsonagi* of tho.Meth­odist churcli at VioUsbnrg^ and the striiotiiro was destroyed.

Mrs. Winnlfrod Sobrlng Clark, for uino years soclnty editor of a Kala-ma/.no n(>wsi)apnr and iirominont Michigan siitTrago worker, was lilt by an antnniohllo and seriously Injured.

Tliiovos onterod the 1 '. C. Emmoltch machlno shop at Kalamazoo in broad day light and carried off' aboni fjOO poHUds of loot in whoolharrows. Kosl-de:iiH<noar by wiliio.'iseil (ho burglary, but tlionght nothing of il. •

t;olloglato aluninae of Ann Arbor school have petitioned the school board to give credits to high Echool girls tor the care of babies. They also asked a. course of instruction in the care of babies bo instituted.

Allen D. Sanders, forty-llirsp, of the firm of Gibbs & Sanders, coal and wood dealers at Albion, died at his home. John Woodllffe, sovenly-lhree. well known farmer of Parma town­ship, died at his home east of Albion.

Tho Michigan State Grange re-elect-od ,lohn C. Keteliam of Hastings to the otiico of master, indorsed the Tor-rens land tax bill and adopted resolu­tions providing for a study nf the In­come tax as worked out in other states.

James Schermerhorn, Jr., of De­troit, a junior in the literary college, has won the university peace contest and the right to represent the Uni­versity of Michigan in tho state peace contest, to be hold nt Hillsdale this winter.

Vincent Blomstrom was given a sentence of life imprisonment in Jack­son prison in circuit court at Jackson on conviction of assault with intent to murder. He shot and wounded Tony Bozaconeki during a light in Little Poland recently;

James Couzens and David Gray of Detroit, minority stockholders In the Ford Motor company, who were named with Henry Ford as defendants in the Injunction suit started by John F. bodge and Horace E. Dodge, filed a pro-confess order, withdrawing from the suit.

Mrs. George Francis, of Bentley, who was accidentally shot at her home near there, is dead. Mr. Francis in passing out of their house to hunt rabbits caught one of the hamiviers of his shotgun on the edge of the door, the charge of shot shattering his wife's knee.

William Clonture, twenty-eight years old, well known Plnconning far­mer, was shot In the buckj while driv­ing his automobile on the Standlsh road, a few miles north of Plnconning. Henry Otto, sixteen years old, an Indian, was arrested by Dr. Monroe Porter, deputy sheriff.

Stirred by the $,500 reward offered by Mayor Arnt Eliffson'for informa­tion leading to' the arrest and conylc-tlon of the firebug who has fired six barns In Muskegon recently, the po­lice department and sheriff's force are scoarlrig the :city, Six horses were burned in Uie fires and property losses (totaled;?6.0ft0.,,;,. "v , • .'•;,•• )• On , evidence Avhlch has boon se­cured by the prosecuting,, attorney within the last three weekfl,..the ar­rest, of Jbnn.thnri.O, Strong, o'{.Eagle, ;haa' been made upon the- charge of .murdering his; nephew. The coinplalnt Was: hiade'.by.'^prlando L.Eddy, 'the •father of •William;Eddy, who WJIH shot iDiifilalloween by Strong, , nj;Wlth'th^,thermometer at.five below^ •zorb...membera ,of the.'family ,of Jolin ;'H'a'inilt6n !of,\Tawas • City were- driven lputi;Jof,.ihelr home into 'the- BnbW;;in^ •their.'hight.clolhes by flre early in tho-inornlng ah'dVMrs, Hamilton and

A serious blizzard held the copper country and all the south shore of Lake Superior in its grip Dec. 19.

An ice boat has been kept busy breaking the ice In the Mouomineu river. The cnr ferries aro still operat­ing.

Attorney General Follows announces tho appointment of Thomas j . Bailie,' of Saginaw, as an assistant attorney general,

Sixipon below zero was registered at the governmoni station ai llciigh-ton, selling u new low record (or De­cember.

Mlchlcun In mi l produced L2r,;-1,-03'i short tons of coal, valued at $'2,-55').786, un Inoroaso of ^AM^ tons and »101,5r)3 in value over 1913.

BuiToied by heavy seas, created by a sUff northeast nalo. tho Hloanier Hutchin.«oii was forced to glv.< up an ationipt to got to Fort WHIIMUI lor a final rriiL-n nf grain.

Mii.'--koi:on coal dealers mot wllli Mayor Arnt ICillfson and presented ar-gnments why the mayor sl'.ould not O's-lablish a nninicipal coal yard, such as Mayor Balcli, of Kalamazoo, has es-lahlishei.

Li-ss tl«n one week after his ar-resi. l.U.Konry A. l.ounr;lnirg Is await­ing spiitMi'M^ inr having caused tho death of Mrs. Madeline Kramer, nine­teen years old, by means nf an illegal operalinn.

Thomas If. Janios, mine Insiieelor of llouijiitnn county, was liilled while ascending ih(> Redja(du.'l shaft of tlie Caluniei and ll(>cla mine. A section nf a broken piiio penotraied the ;;a!;o and killed ,lanies.

The stati> siijireme eonri will soon be asked to rule uiion di-'-'iniled iiolnis In the injniiciion suit brought against Henry Ford by .lolin F. Dod.je and Horace 1 . Oiidge, local motor car manufaoliirei's.

All of the canals and locks at Sault Sto. Mario are closed for thr) winter. Tho last steamer through vas tho freighter diaries TJ. Huiehinson, which will lay up for tlie winter at the head of St. Mary's ship canal.

The order'nf General Fnn^-ron send­ing homo Ifi.OnO national guardsmen from tho border include the Thirty-first and 'I'liirty-second inl'antrv regi­ments of Michigan and tlie brigade heachnmrters comiiany of Jiflchlgan.

Tho Ypslhintl Reed I'^'iirniluro com­pany of Ionia has declared a five jior cent bonus for all its omplnyo.s who qualify. Unnecessary absence and tar-liness both figure in n"alify'.ng. 'I'lie bonus will add amiroxlmately yifl.nOO a year to tho present iiay roll.

Suit for divorce was filed 'ii circuit court by Kate Ev;;us against Jack Evans, alias Jack Harrison, confessed highwayman and desiiorado, who was arrested at Grand Riiinds last winter by the federal authorities charged with holding up a train in West Vir­ginia.

Jvalamazoo's first organized drive against poverty will be made Decem­ber 31, when nearly 700 volunteer workers plan to raise in a single day sulllcient money to finance all char­ities of the city for the year. No other appeals for charity will be made dur­ing 1917.

The first action In Kent county to be taken under the Straight law was taken In the superior court by Prose­cuting Attorney Barnard, when Grace Cumminga was summoned to appear to shovv' cause why her furniture should not be confiscated and • her house closed.

Doris Powell, Munising, is the win­ner of the ossay writing contest held under direction of tho lJi>p'.!r Penin­sula Development bureau and will re­ceive ipin as a Christmas awiU'd. Mary Simpson, of Menominee, wins $10 as second, while George Chase, of Houghton, gets third place and ?5.

Charles H. Whlttum, of i aton Rapids, who will retire January 1, 1917, after fourteen years of service as Inheritance tax examiner, says that he resigned his office In connection with the auditor geHfc'al's department to be able to give his time to his thir­ty-five acre orchard In the suburbs of Eaton Rapids, and to his blooded stock raising.

The city of Manlstique alone has secured more than $1,000,000 worth of factories this year, while there have been nearly $500,000 worth of resi­dential property improvements. The city has voted to. spend $30,000 for park purposes. Marquette and Me­nominee, as well as other,, cities, have secured manufacturing plant's, with the result that they are booming.

With the burial of Peter yiahos, at Ann Arbor killed during a fig'at among Hoover Steel Ball factory employes. It became known that Viahos lost his lite while trying to dissuade some of the most radical of the strikers among his countrymen to get rid of t.helr re­volvers and their knives and do all in their power, as he was doing, to bring about peace by ret\irnlng to worlc.

. As a' riieans of relieving the railroad congestion now threatening alt Indus­tries of Detroit, the. Ford,Motor com­pany suspended operations completer ly arid will remain closed nni 11 .Tan. 3., 'l he arinouncemerit' was niade: by Fraiik'L,"Kingensiiitth, general .man-, ager. 'Forty-two thousand employes probably will be affected by'the.brder None' will receiver pay diirin^, the pe­riod'of suspension. ; .'. ; , '

East Lani3lng has goneithrough' one. of the biggest bulldin'g; booms >in tlie, history *o£'. the; city • duringl, ^the'j^' last• year. Tlie oillciai,co'untshows that'for-ty-flve;''resldences costing irom:;;?2,000 to $ifi;0Op\hayiB'beenicpiistt^cit^d be-Bides'Wo; business block's', avnew'fo'ur^ story Miisonlc ^temple;costing' ?23,000, a-new, fire-proof grade and hlgh;'sohool costlrig; $'4'0,00'o',;, a riew,;gymnia'sru^^^ ' t ie ;;Miclilgans;,AgribHlturel ' campws-cbatirig . , $226,660 :x:and ; ' i ^ buiidlnKB coiitiiDs;at)but;t2iO,O0V: I '


Fireless cookers are unneces­sary it you have a thermos tight range. One good fire brings a Copper-Clad range to the bak­ing point In loss than 15 min­utes. If the flre is not wanted later, you simply close up tight iind you have a steady heat for a long time, long enough to bake bread, to finish a roast, to cook most anything.

This is because of the ther­mos construction of the Copper-

Clad range. 'I'he Copper-Clad range has four walla and an air space. The dooi's have two walls and an air space.

Holding the heat created is the secret of the malleable range and the Copper-Clad is the most scientific range known. It has no competition as a heat retainer, and like a piano in a parlor, Is good to see. You will never be Range Happy until you have a Copper-Clad.


A SHOE is known by tho way it fits. It fre­quently happens that tho shoe doo.s not fit because the salesman did not know his business and sold you the wrong size. Our sales force is train­ed In the scientific fitting of shoes. Here you will bo properly and quick­ly fitted. Come in and get a pair for tho Now Year, it is a liabit you will ho glad to form.


Slopped Children's Croup Counh. '"I'hree weeks ago two of my chil­

dren began choking and coughing, and T saw they were having an attack nt croup," writes Bllllo i\layherry, Eckert, Ga. "I got a botHo of Foley's Honev and Tar and gave them a dose before bodUme. Next morning thnir cough and all sign of croup was gone." Sold by L. H. Harrison and Longyear Bros. (adv)

t TWl ' l .VTV V K A R S A G O . T

. . ^ . • . . ^ . . • - ^ • . . • - • - • . . • - • - • - • . . ^ • • " • • ' • " • • • • ' • • • • • • ' • • ' • " *

Extracts from files of the News 20 years ago;

Last Saturday the Vandorcook gro­cery purchased over liOO rabbits.

Born, to .Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Tltiis of Alaiedon, Doc. 1(1, an S ••'/, lb, boy.

A daughter was born to .Mr. and Mrs. l''rod Gay of Detroit, Doc. :I7, weight 7VJ pounds.

The Colo brothers of Aurollus this week sold six April pigs to W. W. Smith which collectively weighed 1,-SIO lbs.

Friends to the number of about 35 gathered at the home of Miss Nettie GrKfin last Tuesday evening and gave her a leap year surprise visit.

Fred C. Moody and Henry H. Park­er have been drawn as jurors from this city for the January term of the circuit court, which convenes Jan. 11.

A very pleasant surprise was given at the residence of W. 'M. Pratt last Saturday evening In honor of Miss Lelah Goodrich, their nioce.

George G. Mattoon and Miss Anna D. Crahu, both of Locke, were mar­ried last Sunday evening at tho resi­dence of Richard Pierce liy Justice Sqtiiers.

Mr. A. M. Cumniings of this city has formed a iiarlnershlp with Lou McArthur of Leslie, to take effect .Tan, 1, 1807. The name of the new Law firm will be Cnminins & McAr­thur.

Only 30 saloons paid tax in Ingham county this year. Wlien we say "only" we mean that the number is consid­erably reduced from what it was. As many as 50 have sometimes paid. Of the 30 in 1806 the two at Dansville have since been closed.

.Tames W. Edlck died at his home In this city last Monday of pneu­monia, aged 52 years. He was a civil war veteran and served in the l l t h Mlclilgan J cavalry during the war, being crippled in the service.

AIM'. ADMI!. IIUCKINCIIAM—.IAN. !'.» .Sliilu of Micliiitun. 'riic rnilinla Ciiui'l for

Uii! Ccmnty nf InKliani. At a HOiision of Hjiiii Com't, lield iiL the Fri)-

Imli; OlliM in Uic city nf Miisoii, In xnld ijonii-ty, on tliu 22n(l ilny nf Ducomliur, A. 13. tlllli.

PrcKoiit: Iloti. b. U. McArtluir, .IU(IKU of I'l'olmU'.

In Uiu Mnttor of tlio Eslalu nf MAUY .1. IIUCKINOIIAM. DeceiiBeil.

liny HucltinKliiini liuvinK (bed in Huid Court hi« pc'litinn in-nyinK tliat tlic ndniinixlralinn of Haid cslali! lio Knmlod In Haywood W. llalwy nr tn unnio otiior suitaldo iioi'Hna:

II is Onlui'od, 'I'hat llin llltli diiy "f .liiniiiiry, A. t). 11117, at Inn o'clock in tiic fornnonn, ill: said Prolmlo Ollicc. Iin and in haroliy appoiiili^l for lioai'iiiK «aid poUlion ;

11 IH Furthur Ordered. Tlial pnlitic notifo tlierunf lie nivnn by luililiciitinn nt a copy of thin order, for throe sueceBsivn wcel;s previous to said (iay of lieariuK, in llie Inidinni County News, a newspaper printed and einiilMli'il in said eiainty. • I... II. McAVtTII I'lt. (A true copy) .ludre of I'rolinl.,-. 0. A. CI.TNTON. Proliale ItoKisl'.'r. Kvf,



In the December Farm and Fire­side some facts about tractors in Kan­sas are printed. The writer says;

"The Kansas State Board of Agri­culture has taken a tractor census, and announces these results ' up to March 1, 1916, Wichita county Is the only one of 105 counties of the State which contains no farm trac­tors. Counties having the largest numbers are Pawnee with 113, Ford and Sedgwick with 108 eiich, Reno 10.7, and Barton 106.

"Altogether there are 3,932. trac­tors' in the State, an increase of 60 per cent over the previous year. They are most numerous in the wheat-growing counties, which are relative­ly free from stones and stumps."

GIvos a brll.lnnt r 'osn; ' shl'io Mint docs not rulj oft or duat off—iliac nnnonls to llio i ron- l l ia l Instu tout-timos as lonir «a any otlior.

la in n cInKS by i(.".elf, U'a moro «;>•<•.'«//.»'T:uuton::c!r.iado [roni bcUcr iiialcric.h.

Try it on ymir parlor , ^ Btova,yourco,.;:s.ovu ^-^CZ- •*«i,.\ nr yoiu' jfafl ri!n;:u.

Wards Off Nervous Break Down : Alburtis, Pa.-^ifl am a teacher in tho public Bohools, and I got into a very nor-'

, vou's,, run-down condition. • I could nob Bleep and had no appetite., I was tired all the time.' Mjr, sister asked mo to try •Vini l. I did BO, and within a week my appetite improved and I could Bleep all night and now I feel well' and etrong,',' —RosA:M.;KEi.LEB;:Alburtia,'^Pa; \" "

W[e guarantee iViiiol, whioli containo beef and cod llvur'pbptbneB^iiiron atid' inaiigahoBo pcptonatca, and? glycoro-phospliatba for run-down conditions.

Longyear Bros,, Mason, also at the leading ^ dfug atoresA In all VMlichlgan towne. , ' ? " ' ' ^ .••-' ' . ' / '

3Forfiathet «nd Son 3 6 0 PICTURES 3 6 0 ARTICLES



25 Cents



WIUnCN so YOU CAN UNDEMTAND IT All the Crc'at Events in Mechanics,

Engineering and Invention throughout the World, are described in an interest­ing manner, as they occuv. 3,000.(100 readers each month. IhBB Main "0 pnneii cnch iHue tnlloflnKy """• ' """"" nmlbottorwnyBtoilothlnRHiii the Bhop, Rna how to nnko roiailrs ut hnmu.

nportii nnd pluy. LnreolycoiiHtnictlvoi tolix how to buUd bonti. motorcycles.wiriilou, etc

rOR s u e lY 11,000 NIWS OULIRS Atii your dunlor to nhow you « copy; IF not convift,, .^. to news iland, eond tt.50 (or • ycsr|ii oubttcriptjon. or (tftcon cents for currsnt-llsue to thu publishurs. CutolDKUo ofMochanlcsl Books frst on toquiiit. POPULAR MICHANICS MAGAZINE

• North MIchliM A«*nuo,CHIcwa

Popular Meehanlet: o/feri no "prcmiunn,-mloot not Join In "etuMlnie offtrt," arid' mmplojuno tollctter» tt ifliurii tubtcrlvtioni.

Kill If You Insltad kll! your Cough with DR. KING'S NEW DISCOVERY. It Jioala irrliatfd Throat and Lungs. Thousands in last 40,years benelitod by ^

:,S:Pt,'Ktag's:;J NewDiscoyery ; Money, Back:If It FaiU J AU Drngtfiata; BOc. and $1.00 :

a ^1*





=9i' •('if.'f


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•LiKSgrvingl :*:-;v^>i;


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! . . • . . • . . • • • # . . • . . • . . •

PIOUSOiVAL—• Vniu'c MrTiilyiv! was lionin rroiu De-

trnil, I'oi' Olii'islniiis.

Olio fJloHser ol' Lansing was a Clirisdiias K'H'SI, ol' Ills pariMils on easl. Ash slreol.

Ion OnrlriKhl canui home from col-If'Ko at. f'incinnati jiisl: in time to colo-hralo ('iirislnias Willi Ills puronls.

I'rcd Soarl is honio'l'roni Ann Ar-lior I'oi' llio holidays.

:\1. D, Oraliani of Jackson was in the cily over Siuiday.

^Irs. Allif! PiM'i'in and Iwo hoys spciil, Chrislnias in Lansing.

Mrs. Coral Nooly siioiiL Chrislnias Willi frii'iids in Tiansing.

Mr. and Mrs. C. A. IJios woro willi lii'iroil, friends Chrislnias.

Hoy 'Porrando is sponding IIio wooK Willi I'olalivrs al, fli'and Lcidgo.

K'li-si'll l.'aiidall was ").'i roil ovor Chrislnias.

Dr. l iaroid frdin Di'iroil, S

homo from

Fred Orayson weal, to Chicago to spend Chrislnias witli his inotlior, who was :iO:i years old that day.

.Mr. and Mrs. John T. i^owler and son Uoherl of I'ontiac vi.sitod tlie for­mer's parenis, ?dr. and .Mrs. J. 'I'. l''owler, Sunday.

.Mrs. i' va M. Campholl left Wednes­day for Los Angdles, California, to siioiid a few weeks with her iiephow, I'l-eseott S. 1-llliitiilgton.

Mr. and Mrs. Merle Bensniore of Delroit and .Mr. and Mrs. Hail Dens-more of Anil Arhor woro Christinas guests of their paront.s in iMasoii.

Miss lone Orr is spending the holi­d a y s at her lioiiie in this city. Miss I Orr is lakiiig a nurse's training

lieiidersoii was Iionie /'"•"•so at the Ann Arhor liospilal. inday and Monday. j ji,.;. j , Artliiir Brooks of iiniiUer-

r.nil ftrown is home from Do.s ' hill Conler, who is earing for Mrs. IMoines, Vowa, for the holidays. i Lorenda lUitler, was in Jackson at

I the lioiiio of lier dangliter for Clirist-I I I U S .

Oyster Cocktuil.5. Consomme, Popped Corn,

Roast StuA'ed Turkey, Brown .Gravy. Sweet Potatoes. Boiled Onions,

Turnip Croquettes, Cranberry Con­serve,

Dressed Lettuce. Apple Pudding:, Mince Pie.

Nuts and Raisins. Pruit, Coffee.

Cream of Corn Soup With Popcorn Croutons,

Celery Sticks Stuffed With Seasoned Cream Cheese.

Roast Turkey, Spiced Cranberries, Parsnip Fritters,

Apple, Orang'e and Wliite Grape Salad.

Mince Pie. Dates Stuffed With Futs .


Clear Tomato Soup. Celery,

Roast Turkey, Cranberry Sauce. Boiled Hominy. Escaloped Onions.

Coleslaw, Pumpkin Pie. " Bread and Butter. Fruit.


Oyster Cocktail. Consomme. Soup Sticks.

Olives. Celery. Salted Almonds. Roast Turkey, Chesthut Filling,

Giblet Gravy, Sweet Potato Puffs.

Escaloped Cauliilower, Rolls. Grapefruit Salad.

Cheese and Crackers. Pumpkin Pie.

Fruit or Maple Mousse. Fruit. Nuts. Raisins. * Coffee.

After Dinner Mints.

mi Twelve Hundred Are Now Employ­

ed In London.


Benefit In Physique and Complexion by Open Air Life—All Under Care of Lady Doctor—Their Averaso Earn­ings Run to Aljout $10 a Week, Every Class Represented,

Lonilon.-'rwelvo iiinidred riris are employe:! iis LOIKIOII liiis i-iiiidiieiors. anil iimi'e are wiiiileil. Ail sorts of in-diieenieiils are offered to tlieiii. liieiiid iiig tlie assnranee tiiiit ti:e work is liealiliy and ev'eii iiatriotie.

The inaniiger of tiie London (Jeiienil Oinniiiiis eoinpany s.-iys;

"We have iiail to eontradiet sovcnil roperts that Ihe girls on^oiir hiisses are imaiile lo staiiil I he si rain of Ihe work and Unit in eoiisetjiieiiee lliey are leiu'-lug our oniiiloy.

"I'jvory week we [uit. on iihoiit eighty now eoiidiietrcsso.s ami would liicrouse

WE THANK YOU One and All

for your patronage the past year and hope you wi l l keep the habit the corning year and that it w i l l be a Happy and Prosperous year for all.

U o i i l e

; n ' i ^ I i n g VVliilnny of Lawrence was

Mason friends .Saturday. Mi.ss Marguerite Kerns is liomfi

from 'RIvej- Uonge for the holidays.

0. A. Clinlon and family spent Chrislnias with relatives in Bunkor-hill.

Miss Miittio Kerns, a teacher in llio Delroit school, is homo for the winter vaca,tion.

Miss Gertrude Scarlett is homo from Lansing for the holiday vaca­tion.

i\nss liattie Ehlred spent; Christ­mas at lior parents home in Onon­daga.

* i\!iss Nora Ooslow has boon visiting

relatives and friends in northern ]\Iicliigan.

Mr. ami Mrs. Geo. I\r. Wehb spent, Christinas with their children at Gary, Ind.

{ Dr. and Mrs. A. i\L Darling of De­troit spent Chrisimas at Rev. F. G. iKUett's.

J. A. Cortright and wife spent Sun­day and Monday with relatives at Charlotte. { H. B. Longyear and daughter Mar-iani were with Detroit friends over bhristmas,

j Miss Esther McKinfey of Detroit is the guest of Mls.s Gertrude Scarlett this week.

I AV. E. Zimnier and family spent a few days the past week with his par­ents at Sebewning.

I Mrs. Martha Hoyt of Lansing spent Christmas with Mr. and'Mrs. L. M. Dubois and family.

Mr. and Mrs. William Sears enter-ained their d.aughter Minnie and her

son Harris Christmas day.

I Frank Halleck, who has been' in ^Praverso City tor some months, is vis­iting his mother, Mrs. .Tohn Marshall.

Mr. and Mrs. Prank Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Holley of Lansing spent Cliristmns at W. E. McCo'wan's.

I Mrs, Emma 0. Reed and W. J. Hoot left yesterday for Ontario, Cali­fornia, to vistt Mr. and Mrs. Ben May. ,.,,. • :

1 Mr. and Mrs. Garry E. Sanders of Detroit spent .Christmas with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. David Sanders in Mason,

Mrs. FredjHall was in Kalamazoo ^vith the family of her dniighter, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kitchen, and children, for 'Christmas^- -, ' '•0^:X':.:;^h^^\'"'''-': I Miss Estelle A. Shllieo; who is now teaching music in: Chicago,, is spend­ing the holiday vacation; with her. itar-ents and friends in,Mason, • • •; •/^i^''

jii'Us«;l<a!jr)0^ Alwaya?jteiufi|

N. B. Corey of Driimniond, Chip­pewa county is visiting his sister, Mrs. Harriet Garn. Tliey are tlic only two now living of the .lames Corey family.

Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Bishop and son Haskell of.Mt. Pleasant and Mr. and Mrs. Arnot Moody of Detroit spent Christina's with their parents. Dr. and Mrs. Geo. C. Moody.

-Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ward and dangliter I,?ernadine, Mr. and Mrs. Al­bert Scarlett, Harry and Arthur.Scar­lett of Lansing spent Christmas with Ihoir parent.s, Mr, and Mrs. Win. Scarlett.

Will Doane's people celebrated Christmas with the following people as" their guests: Mr. and Mrs. Will Holt and Mr. and Mrs. Den Hall and children of Eden, and the family of F. E. Searl of Mason.

^flss Merle Madden, Miss^ Irene Henderson, .Miss Ruth Grow, Kent Spink, Chas. Heinan i, Jay Thorburn, Fred Searl, Clayton'' Mattison and Norman Philleo are homo from the U. of M. during the Xmas vacation.

Miss Ollie Panson spent Christmas at her father's home here. Miss Fan-son has fof some'time been nursing near Lansing. She expects soon to go south with her patient, to spend the remainder of the winter there.

Mrs. W. J. Williams and daughters. Misses Ruth and Emily Williams of Grand Ledge; niother and sisters of Mrs. A. J. Torrance, spent Christmas at the Torraneei'home.

Christmas was celebrated at the home of H. 0, Call and family with the following guests, present; Dr. and Mrs. 0. A. Tooker and sort, William Whitney, wife and son, all of Lansing, and (Tudge Clay C. Call of Willlam-ston and his goii and daughter. The latter is a teacher in the Grand Haven schools.

George Hollister and family of Stockbridge spent Christmas with Frank Perrin and wife on east Ash street, and brought along a fine sup­ply of "goodies," •

Mr. and'Mrs. H. A. Benjamin, De­troit, Mr. and Mrs. George Gotts, Le-roy, Mr. and Mrs. E. Braman and family, Dapsville, M r . F . E. Posdick, Vantowni "Miss Olive Posdick, Lan­sing, spent'Xmas with Mr. and Mrs, VV,.A. Posdick.

Mrs. Geb.'Erlce,entertai^ed at her home ChristihasdayiMrB.'Carrle Mill­er arid daiigthiei-'Faye, Mr; -ahaiMrs; Bert Truefahd''four daii'ghteirs of East Lansing, Mrs;jjNellie,»Thorpe' of 'Jack-' son andcMKfahdjMra.j'Chas.'Price and^

;daiighterMprle.of V0iSiy; -'5;-v|;j(;

; •••^Mr.,'arii|prs;^D;';&<''Hurtle ' of' Inghhnv ;eht(a;rtiBlhed;lhe'fblldwihg;at

;ah;byer>^Xnii^;5houseparty Mrsi^G; E;;fl^leW?aiiid;;iabh;N6wvbod of Stockbrldgg^>plihj;fcaiid'i;iMrfeFrarilt-Field ^aiiidi^^RUihterB^^i'DorisffiJEstheir andjMiirJorl'PaqfoPlymbuthi-tMrtf ^^^^^^

Thanl<sglving In Venezuela. Ill a big anncliair In a iar.ne Now

York hotel sat a tall, dislingulshed looking man.

"This is the best Thanksgiving 1 ever bad," he said, fairly glowing Willi ooiitenlnient. "It makes me think In contrast of the worst I ever spoilt I was In Ln Guayrii. Venezuela, sent flown by a Now York newsiiaper lo wait for a war tliat never hapiieiieil. 1 was forced (o spend Thursday there, and the prospect of n dinner al the ho­tel there was nau.seiitliig. I had been there before, niid L know iho meal would li(! odds and ends Moating In grease. Willi sueh tlioughls In my mind i strolhid down Ihe miiiii sti-eet of the lowii. Ahead of, me I saw a man, tall, thin, unmistakalily Ameri­can, Ho went Into a building. 1 i|iiiekoiied my pace and found II was •|lie Aiiierlcaii coiisiihito. I rappod, 'I'lio gontlehiiin oiieiied Iho door liim-Kclf and, seeing 1 was an American, its'Uod mo to i.'onie in and Inive Tluinks-givlng dinner with him.

"The mail was Tlioinas Moffal. then consul. A ijo.v from I.trooklyn con­tained tiirlvcy, pumpkin pie. slightly Ihe worse for Avear, to be sure, and oven cranberry sauce."—Now York "J'rlbune.

G. J. DU'l i

Nearing the Year's Clote. A famous English novelist tells of a

liillslde Scotch village with no special beauty, but Avhich once every tweiity-four hours nt the close of day becomes transfigured. The kirk and cot stand bathed in sunset glory. So the year's doings and linppenings, though com­monplace they seem, llnd their trans­figuration. It is when toil is requited. Imrvests garnered and fireside reun­ions are enjoyed and memories record God's unfailing goodness in his House. Such transflgnrntloh is Thanksgiving day.



liiiiL iiii.'i co.N'iujrroi!.

the number if wo could. We can deal with iuindnls more at once.

'•ICach pupil receives not only free tuition for ji peri(jd of two or throe weeks, but is paid "JO cents a day for her lime, .\fler they have <|ualilled the average carnhigs run to about MHO a week.

"Tiiere is no abnorm.-il sickness among (.lie girls. They like the work and beiKslitiii physUiue and coniiilciioii by Hie open air life. They are all un­der the care of n hidy doclor.

"Since March we have interviewed 10.000 apiillcants luul are very careful in our selection. .Vnioiig our ranl;s al­most every ela.ss Is represented. Quite 10 per cent of the girls have never worked before and t.'ike up the v.-ork from juu'cly patriotic motives. There is not tlie sliglilest reason lo siiiiposc that tiiey will lie imahio to stand the work during tlie winter, and 'stair work' fs not so trying as tlio iiubllc Imagines."



Groceries Oranges, navels, do/,.;«), «5 * JOc

Grape Fruil, :iOc a for 2,'>c

New crop Prunes, largo size, lb.15c

3 11) pkg. Rice, Carolina head.22c

Macaroni, Spaghetti or Vor-

micello, per pkg .1 Oc,. ..'5 for 250

Raisins, seeded or seedless. . .;l5c

Rod Sun .Tapaii Tea, per l b . . . .50c

Rod Ribbon Coffee, per lb !15c

Sky Line or Old Crop Santos

Coffees, no better value

for the money, per lb ;jOc

Yours to Serve




Misting Locomotives Disturb Rest In Oakland, Pa.

Pittsburgh.—Onlchind, the acropolis of Pittsburgh, with Its great halls of art and learning, is marred by a nui­sance worse by far than the venders whose presence desecrated the Coli­seum in Rome or the RIalto bridge in Venice, according to meinbors' of the Oakland board of trade. This nuisance is declared to be the night long and day long hissing and fuming of loco­motives. This, John Dimling, a mem­ber of the board, pointed out, is not «nly detrlmontai to Oakland as a cen­ter of art, but It robs mortnls, both art­ists and business men, of their sleep.

Mr. DimlIng in an Impassioned .speech told of locomotives, huge moiisters, which seemed to take a demoniacal de­light in standing for hours spouting In­fernal fnmes and hissing fiendishly tbrough their pop valves. Repeated protests to the railroad company, ho said, wore of no avail. A corandttee was'dhwted to ask the courts to grant an injunction agaiiist the railroad coni-|)any similar to the one gi'unteu souui years ago by the supreme court to ii Junction Hollaw resident now dead,

< J > < J > < ^ ( ^ x j * <S>>^<5> <i><i> •$> ^ < i > « • <!>><5><g>.{> • » . <S> ^ GIRL, FOLLOWING FASHION, <S> <» CHARGED WITH INSANITY <$>

.<S> , . ; : ; . . • . • : — ' <^

<?> Kansas City.—"If ail young •$> <S> women followed tile dictates of <?> <S> fashion . i to :. tlio . letter there <S> ;$> would bo few but of the asy- <?> <S> lum," was the way a sanity :<5! •» commission ' put It wlieh' it; or- - <J> ^ .dered the liberation of Mai-- <^

:^ ;'garot;^ya•gnel•, severiteon years '4 ;; v ;oid. who was held on complnlht •;^ 3'.^Silicr ;• inbthor;;: The hitter; (Si'; :^;v'tlJU)Ught/itije:l^ii'l;^ .:^i::direijlte;(opic|^5'v^eBtl^^ j'^rdocciljoto gpwnsSnd;sh()rt s^ '< :: The7 .diiiiglitcr's^iiaefeiiiseV wns,';^; < il'All the; other; ilrlsv^dress:,that <8>j

A MIQHTV anthem, rising to the sicies,

Joined in on every hand Where men worl< out the pur*

poses of life, Resounds throtij^hout the land.

We greet the boundless store of ripened fields,

The wealth of mill and mart, But all too often naught but

these give out Song's keynote to the heart.

FOR truest praise is in the soul of prayer,

A hope of heaven's grace. Continued love in which mere

worldly thought Can have no foremost place.

So, while the organs swell and voices rise ,

In music's varied tongue, .Thanks even truer may go up to

Qod Unspoken ana unsuQg.

•Peter A. Doyle in Baltimore American.

Bring in Your


If you want it ground.

iVIason Milling Co.

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( • thCNNcw ica^r-Brincl?

New. I'iuy a iilBlit from old lo now; Only a Bleep from ninl\t to morn.

Tlio now la biu tlio oUi come li'uo; Each suni'lao sooa ii now yoar born.

—lleluii llunl Jackson,

The Woman s New Year

THE recent yeui's Imvobrought to women a siiiio knowledge of lioaltli .contlltions and

dt pure food requirements. They have brought the groat prize oH ou awakened feminine con­science and a sense of responsi­bility wljlch has resulted Ifl bet­ter school conditions and lu mothers' clubs and societies which have to do with the wel­fare of, the young.

And, lis It Is fitting that all New Year's meditation shall have to do somewhat with reso-luilona, it would sooin that the modern woman's outlook should include the detcrmi'nation to seek new paths of effectiveness and ac'lilevon^ont. And since berallcgiaiico is to her husband, her children, iter liome, her friands, her v.'ork. to the world, slie shoulil resolve that the now year' shall bring tlip broader viewpoint, the wider sympathy, the receptive mind, which shall make her respond to' the needs of those whom she lovca and shall make her a gracious and nseful member of society; •;,'

•;-,Por, myself;; I \(>ni; Kinfli: tKat bopie lOiid ' tieait^

Vhaviexcoine ;tq'>me~Jn my:; New-;;-TC]ear*r;iBljlpi8;'/bUt'' l;;i;'gO;i?b^ ;;;tWB:;io;.:be';;gratei ;;dierfui'.tfe8aures^0fei(leat)ii^^

New Year's Day In Qrandfatlier's Time ^"^0^


'W'HAT tills shall bo iv botlor year • Tlian any pa.ssQcl away

I cliii'o not at its open door To wish or hopo or pray.

Not that tlio years alroady gone Woro woavLsoino and lono,

That so with liopo too long doCorrod My heart ha.s timid grown.

Nay, rather that thoy all liavo boon So Hwoot to mo and good

That if lor bettor I HIIOUUI ask I 'Twould seem ingrntit,iKlc.

And.so with tilings Car oiVand strange I do not oaro to cope,

But look in Memory's I'aco and learn What largosa I uiay hopo,

Another year of Hotting sun.T, Ol'e'cara by ni.'ilit rovoalod,

Orspringini; grass, of lender buda By winter's snow conooalud.

.Anotlior yoar orsainmor'.s glow Of nutmnn's gold and brown,

Of waiting tloldn and ruddy I'ruits Tiio branehoH weighing down.

Another yoar of happy work, Which bettor is«thaa play;

Of aimijlo cavos and lovo that grows Mora Bwect IVoin day to day.

Anotiier year of baby mirth And childhood's blessed ways;

Of tliinker's thought, and prophet's dream.

And poet's tender lays.

Another year at beauty's feaat, At ovory moment spread;

Of silent hours when grow distinot, Tlio voioaa of the dead,

Anotiior year to follow hard Where bettor souls have trod,

Another year of life's delight. Another year olGod,

- J o h n Wliite Chadwiok.

.N iiiir griiiulf.Mtlu'r's liimi-iinil I'oro liiin for a scoi'o ni' gyni'ra lloiis—N'ow Vc'ir'.s day was cdc-liniloil in a most (lollslufiil niiin

;ior. it WII.S roall.v a Held day for ro iiiancu, .\liiiiy ii Irolli liii.s been liiistlly Iiliglilod as a result of n sodiiiliigly ujriiiiil New Year's ciill, ninny a.nmiv and nnild have seen oiifli mlu^r for tlic llrst lime on tills day.

'I'lio old fii.slildiiod New V^ir'.si cole Ijratlnn-tlie nernial, lioalthy, happy, sane aiid ilellghl:- , ,„,„^,_ till oli.serviiiicos of ilie going of the old Miul com­ing of (III! IILMV iwelvo iiioiuli al­ways sinrteil off with an informal social gallicring on N'(;w Vi.'iir's eve.

Pcoplo dlvldcil thcni.selvca Into groupsof friends. One year tlicy would all go 10 the liouse of one, tile nl'Xt year to the lioii.so of aa-otluM'. They used to giillior iibont 9 o'clock. 'I'liore


Many a Troth Has B e e n t H a s t l l y Plighted.

was nothing formal about these par-tics. Thoy were there for a good old fasliloncd social time. 'J'he women chntlod togetticr of linnii' and babies. The glrla chattered togotlior of bcau.'c and liiills. and (he incii sat over mugs of toddy and, coniforlable with tlicir pipes, told stories.

JusL before midnight the harpsichord was nioveil into the center of the room

The gURSts gntli-erod about and s a n g s o n g s . Hymns, liallads and old f o I soiifjs were en­joyed. T h e n wlion midnight came tlic liosi:, unless a clergy-aiau was pres­ent, repeated a short pniyer, giv. lag tliauUs for favors of tlie past year and a.sking Provi-(Iciico to slipwer blessings u p o n them all during t h e CO m i n g twelvemontii "in iiccordniico with

rh« Guests Gather- t|,y fHvino will." ed About and Sang ^^„„i„^^, g„„^,

^""'S' ' another drink lu whicli all stood and drank to each oth-er, and they dispersed.

And when they awakened on the fol­lowing morning their heads were clear ond their hearts glad, for they had greeted the New Year and tliey had i;iven thaidcs at the midnight hour to Providence.

Tlio celebration bad then only bcgim. As early as 0 o'clock In the morning serv ices were held In the churches , and every,one went. It was a sliort service—a hymn, a prayer, a ten niiiuite talk oa making the most of the now year —and then the people iloclseil lionicward.

After tiiat came the round of New Year calls. Peo­ple went afoot, on horseback. In their carriages, and some In conches. The women rcwahi-cd In the home. They served the c a l l e r s wi th cakes and wine. By nightfall ev-ery one In town or city had called upon his friends and rclutlves.

In the evening there were balls and parties, luid a great Now Year's cake, baked especially for the occasion, was always served.

Today the paper boy does your paper up Into a wad and tosses It up beside your front door. That Is all, ,The let-

tor carrier makes his single holi­day trip and hur­ries on, anxious to complete his work! But In the

, good old days, In the days when rpmanceand san­ity and real Joy all went to make up nh; enjoyable New Year's day,

,. the newsbpya ' used :;tb/fleilvei^

';;,,,ari;'attract}Ye''' H;:C;a'r'r,l|e'r's;",,ad:' :i;rdripss -''5Chl8';WaB

;i|<ij*j;>Iew;;Ytfar!8' ^k;|jbepi ;;; of;:'greet" MnigvfcisBbmetlmes^ **li;?>M |V(fromrt av ''ii^rieM^;^kn'oJwn;^

l)ip6m^-;1)utSniprev frequently It'was written fop ::th(5

Nayv:'.bccasipni,/ And

Ev«ry On* Want to Church.


The overcoat of our hSOO dnndy was of several fashions. lil;e our own day. The box coat was affocteil by horse­men and sporting characters—the long tailed sliort waisted surtout by the more fashlunabic.

In tile midst of the excitement at­tending Kossuth's visit to America the soft felt hat worn by 1dm was affected by a few even with tlio feather, hut it never attalued the dignity of a fashion.

The wide tlowing cloaks, called the Taliua, were also worn.

Thus-attired, the caller sallied forth for ills day's work.

The dress of the ladles was as rich as pos.sible as for dinner, an c\'ouliig party or the opera, and for the fashion 1 must beg them to turn to a maga-' zlne or fashion book of tlie day. Many gentlemen proceeded in carriages from call to call, thus saving time and pre-Borvlng their attire from rain, .snow or dust.

Upon entering the parlor the caller advanced gayly toward the hostess or a lady he knew, saying, "I wish you a Happy New Year," or ho extended his wish to all the Indies by saying, "1 wish you all a Happy New Year." The old or elderly gentlemen \yho were on Intimate terms with the family or were relations were often permitted to sa-. lute the young ladies or all the ladles they were safe In honoring. Some old gentlemen, iudcod, claimed it as a rite or ceremony descended from colonial times. The caller then seated himself and exchanged a few remarks;

In a few moments the caller arose luid said he must go. Ho was then asked to take some refreshment, \yhlch ho generally did, more or less accord­ing to the circnmstanccs of ills being more or less devUcd to the table, his Intimacy with tlie family or the num­ber of tables at which he had al­ready partaken. Relatives and intimate friends having soon the table spread and kaowtng the strength of it in cer­tain delicacies tlioy might bo fond of made vigorous, assaults on it, which the ladies frequently saw with regret, not being able to renew the supply and fearing there would be none for fa­vorite callers. Others, more frugal and circumspect, kept these choice matters for the latter part of the day, when the "partlciildr''cnlicrs came.

The clergymen of that day kept open 'iiause, not only ifor their congregation; hut; when famous., like Boecher, Dr. Stores, pr .Bethuno and others, were accessible ataUliours to air who might

Vii -" ' : : 'V"; ' ' ' 'V' ; ' ; ' '^ ' : • • . • : / , • ' '^• • ' . • ' • • • ' •••';••

Theii.'came the Ayor that did away with inbre than one delightful old cua-

.tom. But .neither ^the, war: hoi' any-: ^tilingvsbcnuscdl. the'ciistom'of Ybar's calls' to dpoiiyijas'/thiEi:: rai^^ growth of the, city, the {sharply dravsTn lines of 'the different: cesses and the

'dw:elilhgs,' became

So excelleut is the German New Year's cake that It cannot be used for n charm, llko the New Year's eve cake of Ireland, for this was tiirown against the wall and was broken into pieces. The first fragment to touch the ground was eagerly sought, for ho who ate It was siu'o of a year's happiness. Tlioro was much pleasure In the baking of the cake. It was placed on n gridiron before the open (ire, and inciintntions were sung to secure the success of the charm, lu many countries tlie linking and eating of New Year's cake have been attended l>y qunint customa and bellots.—New York Times.

i lKDBAN to be ia,ll through the year As good as good can be

And list'en to the voice inaids That softly apeaka to me.

Bometimea it U a happy voioa; . SometimeB it's very sad.

It tcli^ me that some things are good And ptiiarij—very bad!

If I ^on ' t listen through the day,: r, y I t talks out ;loud at night;' • •:"; •' \ ;(i. And niakesma iteel BO niuoh^ ' ' / i 'wahi ' to :db->(rhat'8 Tigliti'Vv-:?'-• .:\''•'

Bb this Now Year I'll t ry my', best/, As all •gbod^jnonhavo tried; » A '

Tolla^eh biird-withaU my might; ;^' riLnid mtad'the voice inaidoli; ':

A NeW Year's Allegory

A" CROSS the'snowbound earth the

Now Year stepped buoyantl.V. A siilendld youth he was, with radiant eyes, full red lips aiui

the star of liopo set aliove lil.s brows. Life ciilli'il to lilin, called with a

IhousMiid eiiiier voices, and lie smiled lis he llsrenwl, reineinboriiig that for a whole year the world and the men thereon v/ero his.

i'"iir away iimlor tlio frozen sky a ila/.o of light shone like a jewel, and

ho (luickoneil Ills step.s as ho turned toward the city.

Ami, though llio lights shone iiokliy wlicii ho (iiilercil it, most of the streets wore einpiy. Only a few men were aliout, and ns tlio wind swirled at cor­ners they rail for sliellcr.

In one of the streets the New Year met a woman. A dark veil llultered around her, so that ho could not dis­tinguish her form, but her face was very sweet iis she bent and clasped a child to her heart. Tli" Now Year gave her greeilng.

"You aro Charity, 1 know," ho said. Ciiarlty laid her hand In his and

Kmiled. .Viid, for all his youth, her Biuilo sot Iilm dreiuningot grocu woods and goUlon sinislilno, of vagno, sweet things tliat were still imUnowu to him. Indeed, so deeply did ho droam that as he walked he collided with another woman.

Another woman! A gilllcrlng gas moth tills, with a

pert, powdered face, carmlncd lips and hard, bright eyes.

"All hail!" she cried mockingly. "1 Hhnll be your constant companion, for I am Sin. ami where men aro thoroyou will always tiiid mo."


ut link back, and his Sin pressed close

The New Year \ face darkened. 1' to hliii, laughed loudly and, tear­ing a rose from those at her breast, tossed It to aim, as with a rustle of sill; siie passed (Ml. The rose fell on liie snow powdered walk, and when tlio New Veiir would have pick­ed it up, lo, it WHS scentless, and as Its crimson petals fell asnmier lie saw that a worm was hid In its loa rt. Another form

camo in sigiit—In the 'giirl) of a monk witiiadark "All hall!" eho cried hood aliont his mockingly, tranquil face, ilia eyes were upon tlie ground, and hl.H lips moved in prayer Cor all mankiud. So tender and pitiful was Ills face that even before he cried, "Miserere Domino!" the New Year guessed thot h's name was Mercy.

Very cold it grow as tho New Year turned Into a moan street, so cold that ho sougiit refuge in the porch of u i]arkoued liouse. Yet there provaiiod sncli a grateful warmth that he press­ed back to learn Its causo and so brnshod against a iioy—a boy with a wan, beautiful face, tangled hair and rapt eyes. Siiahhy, dcsoiate and tired ho looked, yet tiio New Your was won­derfully attracted io him.

"Why are you hero alone?" ho asked. "I am never alone," corrected tho

boy, and ho, stepped aside so thai tho New Year caught the fragrance of his b r e a t h y . •and saw tha t two groat wings woro furled lie-hind him, and In tho shadow of his wings an old man and an old woman crouched together . How tired, how poor, they looked! But an expression of ineffable tender­ness shone on their p inched faces us they lay, white head a g a i n s t ^rhlto head, chi l led hroast a g a i n s t chlllod breast.

"I am all thoy have," whisper­ed Lovo as toar.s fliledhls wonder­ful eyes. "Thoy have never fail­ed mo, and I shall stay with tliem un­til the ond."

"I am the End!'; called another voice, and a grim figure mounted the steps.

"Not yet," begged Lovo; and he tried to bar tho strangor's w-ay, But at sight of the scythe tho other bore Love's great wings drooped. ,

"Mine Is |hc best gift df.|a!|,''' whis­pered the, newcomer as lie- bent over the fprlorucoupie,-^^; • ;^ '

silently the; New Year: walked alone with the: night and the stars and the scurrying SUOTV. 'And as;he-hnrrled on the darkness fadedlntq the eerie palibr of, dawn, , Ho', ^retched ;0i>t;|;hl8 oriijs anld weicbnaed hlsJfirstsdVj'^}; \ 'I

'fCharity,;vSlnirMercy,"-l-pve aiid Dentii,'!olie orled-i-Vail mliiel;i^Hbw sbi ll< 'l.ciiopse;frbni inMug:;yp«!;'.;:^;'- V- V,i|:::' ', A,Bhadow>fell across bini';i4here viWs a' sound i its ;bf wlfii?8:;iM>atln ';the^«lr;i «jid Ix)ver-rosy, (ti;lumiihiint|ftnd; etbr-^ nnl. ciiiii^ht his :lj'ahd3i /i|lij|t ra^ go with; j;pii ;ail; ypuc: da5js,!|^:^l^

..''fbr^mtna-Js/thiS;-!^^ V dharUyilTViijiuls^elj'airiiv^ '• cy •tnd"rtaralnbtVDeath.'';i'V"'i'5S''!! x:yfi{

APPY NEW YEAH, mon and womon!

Ilapijy Now Yoar, girls and boysl Lot mo wish you all sincoroly

Twolvo months brimming full of joys.

May new hopes and asiilrations Stir within your hearts today.

Scaring last year's disappointments From your memories away.

Turn around and face tho sunsliine With its constant warmth and

olieor. Firm roBolvlng you will sook it

Every day tiiroughout tho yoar. Clouds which davlcon your horizon,

Wliilo you'ro gazing towa.rd the light,

Aro collootiona of thin vapor Whicli will soon drift out of sight.

Lot unsolfish lovo for others Prompt you oft to noblo doods;

ITlowors blooming by tho roadaido Aro nioro boautifiil than woods.

Througli iiib'a mazoa wa all wandor. Many stuii\bio as though blind.

So a helping hand bo oltiin Stroteiiing forth to lift mankind.

May tills Now Yoar be mvioli better Than tlio otlior years you'vo passed;

Lot it bo a strong foundation. Built to hold your luturo fast.

tJsQ onouuli good briolts and mortar So your odi lloo won't shaico

Should tho earth bogln to tvomblo Witli a war or giant qualis.

—Graoo Soronaon in Omaha World. Herald,

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

^ A New Year's Day | Reflection

Tenderness Shon* on Their Faces,

ALL years are not alike in viiluo to tlie race or tho individual; neither arc all

days. There are black days and white days, weeks that are bur­densome and weeks that are like a Jiiorry chime of bells, months that rumble with the tliunder of defeat and months that resound with tiio siiouts of victory.

There is no nionotouy in time. It varies as does tiio landscape. In one period it is as level as a western prairie, with no spe-ciiil experiences to mark its pas-sago; in another changes come and events occur which make the weeks resemble the Alio-ghonies, monutnin lieights gath­ered together like a grout com­pany of giants whoso shining hel­mets aro visible though you have traveled far away and stand on your horizon line; in still another some day or week with Us won­drous happeidngs rises from the plain of memory like,a veritable Mont Blanc, and though seven­ty years iie counted In your cal­endar you still see Its summit and say, "That was tho hour when uiy new life began."

New Year's Eve Among the Rayahs. Tho Greeks who dwell In Turkish

territory and are suljects of tho sul- , tan are known as Greek Riiyahs. They follow tho Greek calendar, according , to whicli .Ian. 1 conies on our .Ian. H. New Year's ovc Is a great time for thv> Unyah boys. As soon as thoy ring the , boll of a house the door is tlirown'open and tho voice of tho master is licard, saying, "Lot tho boys in at once! Give , them money, fruit and ail that tlicy,,can carry of St, .Basil's ciiko. Come" on, servants; fill their pockets while they give us their song!"

Then the poor children, delighted by the warm welcome of the host and the profusion of dainty things given them, sing with froii'/.y tlio romantic little ,, tale of; St, Basil, patron saint of tho , home and of the young, and end with j ; the icpUlng down of numcrpus .bless- ':\, Ihgs ;pn; the genprous family during tii6 / ' riewyear.T^Youth's: Companion. ; , ; / ,

;••:,'•••; .On ths'.Pint Morning." ., .•..-..•/•,•-,„•'.•,',••'•; Jit Is curious to find the Puritan, >t i i

Judge Seweil a hateriiof all hblldays^!^' and ; set days, recording; with ..much ,;,: pleasiire, Idsi holng awaketied pii NoAv ^ •Year's raoniliig in s6ber"Bpkon^in^'j(ll)f!t';;v: -by a loTCt'or blast of trumpefs,'nnd;liiK;''^^ celebrated Jail. Ip 1700, whicli; h(•^:v;; thought ^yos the : otienhig f of: a >ucwi: ^|; , cptltur^^ by writing,a very pppivppeimi qiid; causing'It :tb:bbVcrled^,(ii''<rkitc^

rtiinjiiBliiliptown hy .tiieitb i'ri^ •?^';:.r';;'•..!•'"•• ..;.^;'^ v . i ' ; :• ''•:^:'.:'.;M''\'': ;:> '1:' '^'V''- '^VV,


•^- cr

SittiiaiiiiiiM^iiiiii^^ itHlik


^owQ^vme By

Earl Derr iggen

Copyright, 1914, by th- Bobbi-Merrill Co.

A KHOMCO wliilo .Mls.s (•iiilii'li'llo Host' 'I'll, In lu!i' sU'i've I'D:- Iicr IwiiulkiM'clili'i'.

"I siipiiiisL'," MliiDt; siit'fit'sr.LMl, "ymi

.• Ill i i l iaii i loM lli(i ( i i i i l"—'

Hlic lo(il<('(l Ml liiiii. Oil, llio piillins iif I •ml Imliy 'M:\iv'. i

"Villi iii'c iirliiiK III I Ills mill 1.(11' silli­ly lis Hiiri'iiwliy's friend?" slie iislcwl "Sli.u|ily iis Ills I'rli.'iid." "And -sii l';ii'--iiiily ynii Uiniw (if my (n----('x-liii.sliiindV" "(inly I liiiuw 111' liim," siiilled Miiinl,.

I lie siiilli! died rnnii Ids I'lH'c. l''oi' lio • lU- lirinlit, tciii's (III lliu liiiiK iiislios 111'

lO (iaicly Indy. Slic Iciiiicd clnsu. •Mr. MiiKil." slio siild, "it Is I who

ir,l 11 I'l'li'i ! Niil Iliiri'dwliy. I nil)

II ri' in 11 s;raii;,'() I'oiiiilry, wil.lioiit

"Mr. Mlnot," she aald, " i t is a friend."

wlio need

liinds, Mimu?, Iiel|il(.',ss. Mr. Mliiot, j-ou ciMilil iKit. lie so cruel."

"1—I—I'm sorry," siiid Minot uneoiii-lorlahly.

'IMio liidy was an actress, iiiiil slioiict-I'd mnv, bcniuil'ully.

"i—I I'oc'l S(i dcsiilato," silo nnmiuMl, daliiiinK daintily at licr (!.vus. "Yoii will licili inc. I t cannot lie I am iiilstiil;cii ifi yon. I tliow.ulit-dlil I iiiuifjluc It— iljls iiuirnlii!,' wlicn 1 saii.t; for you—yon liked iiio-jtist a litlioV '

.N'ervousiy .'\tliiot rose from Ids clmii' :iiid stood iooidiiK down nt lior. l ie iricd to aiiRWor, lint Ills voice sticincd lo'st.

"Just a very littiuV" She, too, rose aiid placed tier Iiuttorlly lituids on lii.s uiuuldcr. "You do liiio ino—Just a lit-i1', don't youT'

licr pleading eyes gnzod Into Ids. It was a touching scone. To be boaought llus tenderly by a famous beauty In l ie (jcciuded iiarlor of a soutbcru hotel! liie touch of her hands on his slioul-djirsi thrilled lilm. The odor of .Tockey


It was at this histant that Mr. Mlnot, Icoiclng past the Gaiety lady's beautiful gilden coiffure, beheld Miss Cynthia >lcyrlclc standing lii the doorway of ihiit parlor, a snillo on her face, She dlsiippearod on the Instant, but Gabri-eliu Rose's "big scene" was ruined be­yond repair,

|"Jly dear lady"—gently Mlnot slipped from beneath her lovely hiinds—"I ns-siro you I do like you—tiiore than a liitlo. But unfortunately ray loyalty to

I- '

tliat ; l "

"To put yoiirseri' (iiii ding niay lie a siiccc: siirciisni, Mlnot wondin'cd. Kind to l;iiow about ll. .Mr,

our wod-Was this

"I'm so .Minot. It

siinws inc :ii Inst—Just what yon lliliii! Is"—SIM! ionlii'il away—"hi'st for me."

"Host for yonV Wiiat do yon nican'.'" "Can't yon nndcrsiand'; l'"roni some

lliln^ts you've said 1 have lluiiight— perliaiis—yon didii'! just ap|irove of my—iiiarriii.i.;(i. .\iiil now I see I mis-constriii'd yon—iitlcrly. Yon want me to iiiarry llarrowby. Von'rc worl;liig for it. I slioiridn't lie surprised If yon wore on iliat train last .Monday Just (0 nialic sure—I'd—trel here—siil'oly."

"Itoaliy. It was Inlmniiui. l')ld slio rcall7.e iiow Inliiiniiin It was'.' One glaiK.'o at Minot niiKht have told licr. lint slio was slili limlclng away.

"So I want to iliaiil; ymi, Mr. Minot," she went on. "I sliall always rciiiem-lier y/iiir—Uiiidiiess. I cinildn t under-stand at lirsl. lint now—1 wonder? You Iciiow, it's an old ilieory tliiit as soon as one liiis one's own affair of tlie heart arranged one begins lo plan for oth­ers?"

Mlnot iiiiule a lillle wlilslliiig sound tlirniigli Ills cleiiclied leetli. Tile girl stood up.

"Your liiouglitftilness lias made mo very happy," slic langlied. "It siinws that perhaps yon ciirii for me-jiist a llttk.'-too."

She wa.s gonol Mlnot sal swearing softly to lilniseif, liangliig the arm of Ills cliair Willi ills list, lie raged at 'i'liiielicr, .lephson. the solar s.vstoni. (-iradiially Ills aii(:er cooled. Under­neath tile raillery In (.'yiilliln .Meyrli.'U's tone he liiid tlionglii ho detected some­thing of a serious note, as tlKiiigli she were a lit;tle wistful, a little luirt.

Did she care? i'dlter-sweet llionglit! In tlie midst of ail tills I'lircc and melo­drama liiid she come to care Just a little?

.Inst a little! liah!

.Mlnot rose and wont out on the ave-mio.

I'rlnce Nevin I!cy Imuo was accus­tomed to give lectures twice daily on the te.Ktures of his precious rugs at his shop In the Alameda courtyard. Mis afternoon lecture was Just llidshcd as Mr. Mlnot stepped Into the sliop. A dozen awed housewives from tlio mid­dle west were hurrying away to write home on the liotel stationery tliat they had met n prince. When the last one had gone out jriiiot,steiipod forward.

"Prince, I've dropped in to warn you. A very angry woman wjji lie here shortly to see you."

Tlio liandsomo young Poi'slan shrug-god his shoulders and look olT the jacket of the native uniform with whlcli lie einlielllslied ilia talks.,

"Wliy is slio imgry? All my rugs— they are what 1 say tlicy arc. In this town arc niiiiiy liars selling oriental rugs. Oriental! Ugh! In Now Jersey Uioy were made. But not my rugs. See! Only In my native couiitr.v. where I was a prlnc« of the"—

"Yes, yes. But this lady Is not com­ing about rugs. I refer to your ex-wife."

"Ah! You are mistaken. I have never married."

"Oh, yes, you have. I know all about It. There's no need to Ho. The whole story is out and the liuly's game In Sun Marco Is qticercdl She thinks you told. That's why she'll he here for a chat." >

"But I did riot tell. Only this morn­ing did i see hor first I could not tell —so soon. Who could I tell—so soon?"

"I know you didn't tell. But can you prove it to an agitated lady? No. You'd better close up for tlio evening."

"Ah, yes—you are right. I am in­nocent—but what does Gabrlelle care irrowby—no, I won't say that—clr-

^mstimces are such that I tmnnot bo ; £o7lnnoc~e"nce?''Wenre n'olo.iger mar j,otir friend In this instance. Though If , , „ j _ 3 t „ , ^ , , ,„„,j „„^ , ,„„t to meet

her now. I will clo.se. But flrst—my friend—ray benefactor—could I interest ypu in th|s rug? See! Only in niy na­tive country, where"—

"Prince," said Mlnot. "I couldn't use a rug if you gave me one."

"That Is exactly what I would do. You uro my friend. You servo me. I BIVO you this. Fiftj; dollars. 'That Is giving it to yoii. Note; thbweave. Onljr

•.In'iny"— '. >J:•••;/''i'„:,•••''• r::-,i-.'r.:-.i'^':-^'':': :''Gpod;. • night*^!ifintewupteii M^^

il^Ahii^takeniy^ndvlce;- Hun^!!l;; '"vi • iGloomy,! discouraged;: he turned: bock toward; his'f6f?n-'hotd;''!^ pioibvlelliJ'Rdsip'B husbi ^ ^ tho;;lbtt:cvs^wi8;:in- Sain;;Marco;- TKef emlsB6ry; pif.',;'.Teii)'lison;'.w^^ caiiseittiai; cipu •nobn^ iio liiid hoped! ^V^slpierean^^ ithtngidiahonoralilp in tbat?iip Jephsbn^ apd^iiaCker cou1d;Comiiianq |b^

ll could serve yon In any other way"— pabricllo Hose snapped her lingers., ['Very well." Her voice had a nietail-

li< ring now. "Wo shall see what we Tiljall see.", ;/

'Undoubtedly. I bid you good day." JAs Minot, somewhat dazed, walked

nlpng the yeianda of tho.De la Pax be Jiift Miss Moyrlck. There was a mls-«l|evous;gleamln iicr eye. . j Really, It was.so tactless of ino, Mr.

MJnot," .she wild;- - r','A; tbousand apol-

lie pietcnded iiot to understa!nd.|f;'; t ily ;untitnely <lesceiit;:on thte parloif.''| " " " tncd ;oii:; lilm. ;"l/pre8ijm6vlt

ibecaiisij romaiice draws ini^-iiet ; Eyeii otlier peoplo'8.V trilled ;iwiinly, "aiid for once

fv^»;en|fl-their.talk.';*;;j,;|;j;;?:/';' "::^^^ ^'pW*P.Hlt'dpwn justa jnortieut^^


i)': gireat|^M|vice^ypu ^ ^ IsU me-Iast uight"

•Ice, tbcy could riot ccmimand^iit

•He;hrid''hoped~Vui4;np^ r:--..''kif'iti' nAmiAM 'fi- nflitrWA'mi'va-Mtn'Wjhan^.'


.Mr. Mlnot tossed the bill Into the street. Into his eyes came the ghost­like semblance of a smile. .After nil. the fiinious llarrowliy wedding had not ypt taken place.

Tlie next d.iy the Clalety girl left town. ller cheerful mood was e.\'-plained when Lord ITarcdiirt. In groat distress, told Mlnot that she had sold her love lott((rs lo the owner of the .Mall who thriMitniied to publish them If lie wasn't paid ,<'.Ui,ii.iii. •.Mlnot limit­ed \ip .lack I'addocii and told lilm tlic wluile story of his mission in San !\Iai'co. Together tlioy went t:o llie Mali ottlce.


Hard Lines For Gonialo, XKlli l , sat iieliind a desk, the

encycloiiedla before liliii, seek­ing lively material for the mor­row's issue, Mr, Howe iiani-

iiiei'ed a t a tyiiewrller. Itotli of tlie newspaper men looked up at the Intru­sion.

".•Vli, gentlemen," siild O'.Xelli, com­ing forward. "What can I do for you?"

"AVIio are yon?" Mlnot asked. "W'liiit? Can It lie? la my name net

a lioiiseliold word In San .Marco? 1 am managing editor of the Mali." Ili.' eyes llgliled on .Mr. Paddock'.s giddy attire, "We can't iiossllily let yoii givci a hall here tonight. If t.liiit'a what yon want."

"A'ery linmorons." said Mlnot. " l int our wants are far different. I won't heat iiroiiiid the liusli. Yon have some letters here written liy a friend of mine

'You—you liar—are you going to take that back?"

to u lady ho adored—at the uuiment Y'ou are going to print them In tomor­row's Mall unless my friend Is easy enough to |i;iy you $10,000. lie Isn't going to ' pay you anytiiing. NYe'vo come for those letters, and we'll get them or run you and your boss out of town in twenty-four hours, you raw lit:tlo blackmailers!"

"Blackmailers!" Mr. O'Neill's eyes seemed to catch fire from his iialr.. Ills face paled. "I've been In the iiews|>a-per husinoss seventeen years, and no­body ever called m n blackmailer and got away wltii It. I'm In (» generous lu'ood. I'll give you one chance to take that back"—

"Nonscu&o. It liappeus to be true"— put iu Paddock.

"I'm talking to your friend here." O'NelU's breath came fast. "I'll attend to you, you lily of the field, in a min­ute. You—you liar—are you going to take that back?"

"No!" cried Mlnot. Ho saw a wild Irishman coming for

blin, breathing lire. He squared him­self to meet the attack. But the inau nt the typewriter leaped up and seized O'NeiU from behind.

"Steady, Bob!" he shouted. "How do you know this fellow isn't right?"

Unaccountably the warilke'ono col­lapsed into a chair.

"Hang -it, I know he's right," bo groaned. "That's what makes mo rave. \Vhy didn't you let nie punch bim? It would liave been some satisfaction. Of course he's right. 1 had a hunch this was n blackmailing sheet from the moment my liot fingers closed on Gon-zale's money.' But so long as nobody told us, we were all right."

He glared angrily at Minot. "You-vou killjoy," ho cried. "You

.skeleton at the feast You've put us In a lovely tlx."

"Well, I'm sorry," said Jlinot, "but I don't understand these beroics,'

"Its all lip now, Hari^." moaned p'Neill. "The free trial Is over and we've got to send the miittrcss back to the factory. Here in this hollow lotus land,'eyer to live and lie rbcllned-T-r was' putting welcome on the mat for a fate like thatii; Back to the road foi? us. That hiinmn flsh oyer In the Obroniclo- ofllce was a propIiotr-'You; look ,uhlucky:-^iniiybethey'U: give you Jobs oil the Mail,^? RemcnibeK''^;,:" •?• , 'Cppl: (offi Bob."; Howe; saidi^; ; Ho

Jturnediitp Mibiot arid ;Piidd6(;kv^^ /; ^ ;coui«e;);3^ori^dpn;t' understand!^, Ypui •8e«f*^o^re'';iitrarii?era;vbero;'*' JMt?rilgfet!vbrpltejarid b^ fOT;^bs.i;'We'iw^ uriusualiclrcumstarices.^';^ iusplcioufl-the' itroprletor parted with



THE FARMERS BANK Q£5eAtSkk%cuilli .ri9iiri!ri6imtif

Know— "I nnderstiuid," said Mitiot. smiling.

".•\nd I'm sorry I ('all*'!! yon what I did. 1 adologi/,(!. .And I hate to be a—cr—11 killjoy, lint as a mailer of fact, your enijiloyer is a hlacl-.mailer, and It's liest yon slinnld know It."

"Yes." put in i'addock. "Do you gentlemon linppen to linve heard wliere the cdllor of Mr. finnxaie's into news paper, jiulillshed In Havana, la now?"

"We do not," said O'Xeill. "but may be you'll toil us."

(To be continued)


SUili! of iMichiKiin. 'Pliu Prolmli! Court fur Iho Ciiunly of InKhiiiil. •

At II Hi'ssiiiii (if siilil Cniirt, hold lit the Vro-liiiti! Olliri! in llio cily of Mimoii, in siiiil cniin-t;-, on tlio 'J'.in(l iliiy of ni'(!oml)cr, A. IX 1(11(1.

l'n.'»onl: l ion . L. U. McArthiir, .IIKIKU (if t^riilinli.'.

In IIK; Mattor of Iho I' stnto of ALI''ni':n MASON, DocuiiHod.

Ilolon Klliolil liiivinK filoil in Biiid Cnio't her rotitlon pniyinK thiit Iho iidminlsili-ntlnn of siiid oKliito ho Ki'iintcd to Unhurt W. l''iiy or to snino (itlior unitiihlo porHoii:

II Is finlcroil. 'I'hiit thn Hllli diiy of .Iiiniiiiry, A. II. l!in. lit ton n'eliwl; in tho foronoiin, lit SMIII I'rohnlo Oflioo, ho mid i« hurohy iippninlod for honrinj: sold potilinn :

It IK I'lirtlior Orilonid, That piihlic nntii'u thoToof Ito uivcn hy puhliontian of a copy of lliis order, for throe SIICOOHHIVQ weeks proviouH to s.iid d.-.y of hciirins; in llio Inirhiini County News, II newspiipor printed niui cirouliitod in mud county. I.. li. .McARTUUU, (A true ropy) .Tudne of Prnlmto. C. A. CIJNTON, Ti-ohiite Hoicistcr. ri'iwl

I'ltKNCH—JAN. 5 Prohiite Court for the

1,IC1';\.SK TO SUM.. .State of Michliian.

County of luKhaiii. At 11 soHsion of sail! Court, held nt tho Pro-

liato Odice in the City of Mnsnn, in naiil County on tho Sth day of noceinhor, A. P. lUHl.

ProHoiit; Hon. L. 11. MoArthiir, ,liidKe of Prohato.

In tho Mailer of the Katalo of OIANA U. FItKNClI, Doconned.

Friinois E, PonHnioro liiivlnR filed in mild ooiirl his potitioa, prayinK for llfoaso to soli tlie intoroal of said ostiilc In certain real es­tate therein ilescrihed,

It Is Ordeiod, 'I'hat Iho Sth day cif Jiiauary, A. I). I'.in, al ten o'clock in the forenoon, at said prohato ollice, he iind is hcroliy appointed for hearing said potilinn, and that all persons interested In said estate appear liofrye said court, at said time and place, to show cause why a license to sell tho intorost of said ostiito ill said real estate should not he Kranled;

It Is l''urthor Ordered, That piihlic notice thereof ho Kivon hy pulilicntion .of a copy of tills order, for throe successive weeks iirevloiia to said day of hoiirink', in the InKliam County New.s, a nowspaiicr printed and circulated In said county, I.. It. McAU'rilUlt, (A true copy) ,IudKe of Proliate. C. A, CLINTON, Prohato UoKlstor. .'•.nwl

IIKAUING CLAIMS. LINCOLN—AI'KII, 20 State of MichiKan. Tho Proliate Court for

the County of InKhain. In tho Matter of .the Estate of I.UCrtKTIA

LINCOLN, Deceased, Notice is hcrohy uiven that four months from

the iiltli day of Deceniher, A. D. 19 Hi, have lieen alinwcd for creditors to present their claims iiKainst said deceased to said court for o.\aniina(ion and adjiistniont, and that all cred­itors of said doi'oiiscd are reipilrod to present Iheir claims to said court, at tho prohato odice, in tlio city of Mason, in said county, on or lio-foro the 2nth day of April, A. U. H1I7, and that said claims will he hoard hy said court on the 2ntli day of April, A, ll. 1917, at ten o'clock in the forenoon.

Dated Decomher lOtli, A. D. 101 li. L. n. McAlVI'ITUR,

ri2w'l .ludRo of Prohato.

OO.MMISSIONUUS' NOTICH. SMITH—FKIl. Ill Slate of Mlchluan. Tho i'rohato Court for

the county of Ingham. In tho Matter of tho Estate of WILI..IAM

li. SMITH, Deceased. llavlniT iieeii appointed commissioners to re­

ceive, e.\ainiae and adjust all claims and ilu-iiiands of all persons anainat siilil deceased, we do liorehy KIVO notice tliat four months from the fith day of Deconihor, A. D. lilHl, wore allowed hy said court for creditors to iiresent their claiins to us for.examination and adjust­ment, anil that we will moot at tho I' armors Ihmk in tlie city of Manon, MichiKaii, la said county, on the IHth day of Fohriiary, A. D. 11117, and on the Kith day of April, A. 11. Ii)l7, at ton o'clock in tiie forenoon of each of siiiil days, for the purpose of oNnmininK and ad-justhiK said claims.

Dated Dccemher 12, .\ . D. lOHi, .lOIiN nUNSMORE, CLAUDE HILL,

fillW't Comniissioners,

COMirS. NOTICE. HOLMES—KKn. 20 State of MIclilKan. 'i'he Prohato Court for

the County of Iniihani. In tho Matter of the Estate of LOVINA A.

HOLMES, Doceasod, HiivinB lieen appointed commissioners to re­

ceive, cxnmine and adjust all claims and dc-miinilH of all persons against said dcconseii, we do liereliy KIVC notice tliat tour months from tho 18th day of Decemlier. A, D. Hllfi, were iil-lowod by said court tor creditors to present their claims to us for oxnminntion and adjust-mont, and that wo will meet «t tho otlico of G, L. Pock in tho City of Mason, in said county, on tho 20lh day of Fi'brunry, A. D. 1917, and on tiic 20th tiny of April, A. D. 1917, at ton o'clock in the forenoon of each of said days, for the DurpoBO of c.xnmininR and iidJustlnR said cinims.

Dated Deceniher 18th, A. D. 19H!. CHAS. FIELD, N. N. ROUSE,

51 wl CommlSBlonerB.

DETER. HEIRS. ARNOLD—JAN. 12 Stnto of MichiKnn. Tho Frobntc Court for

the County of InRhiim. , At ll session of aaid court, held at tho Pro­

hato Oflice in tho City of Mason, in said coun­ty, on the inth day of December, A. D. 1916.

Present! Hon. L. D. McArthur, Judge of Probate.

In tlie Mutter of tho Estiito of STEPHEN ARNOLD, Deceased.

EmmoKeno Tuttle hnvinic filed in aaid court her jictition prnyinR that said court niljudicato nnd determine who were at the time of his dcntlt tho legal heirs of snid deccHSod nnd en­titled to inherit .the real estate of which snid deceased died seized.

It is ordered, that the 12lh dny of January, A. D. 1917, at ten o'clock in tho forenoon, at said Probate Oflice, be and is hcrchy iipiiointod for henrinK said petition;

It is Further Ordered, That public notice thereof be Riven by piibilcntion of n copy of this order, for three siiccessivo wcolis previous to said day of henring, in tho InRliam County News, a newspaper printed nnd circulated in said county. - L. 11. MoARTHUR, (A true copy) Judge of Probate, C. A. CLINTON, Proliate RoKlstcr. lilwl

DETER. HEIRS. ARNOLD-JAN. 12 State of MlchiKiin. "riie Probate Court for

tho County of Ingham. At n session of aaid court, held nt tho Pro­

bate Oflice in tho-City of Mnion; in said coun­ty, on the 16th day of December, A.,D. 1916.

Present: Hon. IJ. B . McArthur, Judge of ErobRto. ,' '

In the Matter of the Estate of HENRY ARNOLPi,Deceased. • , : !

EnimoKene Tuttle having filed in snid court her. petition.praying that laid court adjudicate and i;determlno who were at the t i m o o f h l s death' the legal heirs of laid deceasedand en­titled to,-inherit tlio, real estate of which'said deceiiBcd died Boized.' . • ', -•It la ordere'd; that j h o l l l h day of January, A. D,,19I7, atlten o'clockin tho forenoon,at said Probatc.Ofllce, he arid isherebjr appointed for. hohring'Bald'petltlpn';'-;';"•;",;/%" ,"•'. •• • 'ir-r'-'t^'

ItvlBl'Purther':Ordertd,:':That:publlc: notice thereof'bei'giveri'i br'-iiub)leatlon|.of a :eopr, o( this order, for.three, (raceeutvawaeki prevloua to',|ald;dn]r at hearlnB,;in:tha;inithRm County News/'a"newapaper prthtMtand;ctrculat«a-:ln •Bld:county.'.»l;':..viv.Vfeii;I«!BfMeAKTHtJ*;i;:t7;r,| (A-' trua -copy)..''.';. S.i^ ''•''syiSik^Sviin •at-'Vtmtiaif

ORDER OF PUKLICATION. State of Michigan. The Circuit Court for

tlio County of Ingham. In Chancery, liachol E. Uouniph, Plaintiir,

vs. William E. Koiimph, Defendant.

Suit pending in Circuit Court for the Coun­ty of Ingham in Chancery, nt tho City of Lan­sing, in said county, on tlio l lth day of Do-coinher, 'A. D. IllHi.

In this cause it appearing from allidavit on file, that tlic Defendant William E. Uouniph, is not a resident of this state, liut resides at Thodford, ia tho Providence of Ontario, Canada.

On motion of Keiley, Ilrown & Hoice, attor­neys for tho plaintiir, it is ordered that tho saiil non-resident defendant William K, Koiimph cause his apponrnnco to ho entered In tills caiiso witliin throe inonlha from the ilato of this order; and in case of his appearance lie cause his answer to tho Plaintilf'a ilill of Complaint to ho filed, and a copy thereof ho served on said attorneys for the Plaintiir, with­in fiftoon days after service on said non-resi­dent Defendant of n copy of said hill and no­tice of this order; nnd that In default thereof, said bill bo takon as confessed by said non­resident Defendant,

And it ia Furtlier Ordered, That within twenty days tho plaintiir cause a notice of this order to ho puhlishod in tho Ingham County News, n nowapapor printed. Duliiishcd nnd cir-ouintlng in saiil county, nnd that such publicii-tion bo continued therein at least once in each week for alx weeks in succession, or that he cause n copy of this order to be personally served on aaid non-resident defendant nt least twenty days before the time nhovo proscribed for his nppoarnnce.


KELLEY, BROWN & BOICE, Attorneys for Plaintiir, Business Address: Lansing, Michigan. Ii0w7

MORTGAGE SALE. AVherons, default has hocn made in the pny-

mehta of the money, socured by n mortgage, dated the I7th dny of April, in the year nine­teen hundred thirteen, executed'by Frank A. Wnitcrsdorf, of Potterville, Michigan, to Lidin Van Veizor, of Lunaing, Michigan, which said mortgage was recorded in the ofllco of the reg­ister of deeda of the county of Ingham, in Liber Ifi'l of Mortgages, on Pago 3SA, on tho 2'lth diiy of Mny, in tho year nineteen hundred thirteen, at two o'clock p. m.

And, whorons, the snid mortgago has iioon duly assigned by the said Lidin Van Voizor, to Stephen W, Ilompy, of Lansing, Michigan, by assignment, hearing ditto, the nth dny of Jan­uary, 191 d, and recorded in tho ofllco of tho Register of Deeds of said county of Ingham, on tho fith day of Janunry, In tho year nineteen hundred fourtoon, nt 8 o'clock a, m. in Lihor 151 of Mortgngcs nt Page 205, and the sumo is now owned by him, tho said Stephen W. Hompy. I

And; whereas; tiiVi amount cinlmcd to he duo on snid mortgage, nt tho date of this notice, is tho sum of one hundred-cighly-scvon dollars, ot princlpnl nnd IntercBt.nncl the further sum ot five dollars, ns an attorney fee, stipulated for-in tlio said mortgage nnd which is the wholo amount clnimed to bo unpaid on anid mortgage nnd'no suit or proceeding having been insti* tutod at law, to recover'the debt now romnln-ing ,aequrcd by;,anid mortgage, or any part thereof, whereby,'the power of sale contnlned In said mortgage' has become opcrfitive, -

Now, therefore, notice is hereby i?Ivcn' thnt by; virtue of the .snid power.of:Bale;nnd In pur-sn'nnco of the statute in. such .cnao made and provided, tlie snid mortgage, will be foreclosi^r-cd by n aale' of the premiseBl therein described, at public souction to the higHest bldderi'.'at ,the north frontdoor of the city,hHlI,,ln;the<(!lty.6f Lnhsing', Ingham' county, Michl|tan, that'being ond/of the places'where; the Clrciilt.Coiirt for tho'.county of Ingham IsVhoIden, ion . ' the lethvday of.March, A. D. .1917, at.tell.o'clock In:the forenoon,.on thnt day, Avhtch'aaid prem< ise'i;itre:doBcrlbed<in.aald mbrtgage, as followa;: tbsijlt: All those; certain'plecea,or parcelB of' iland.'i'^ltiifiteUIn > theAtownshlp^; (now City) •bti Laihilnsiin the^dbnhty. df;ihBham lind'Statcott Mtbhlsatni,-and'deibribed\ai'followi:iLbti nuni<i. hot; ona'huiidradKtwenty'.flve'-(WB) and one

.'hundred twent]r<alx;<(126)'iyafy, Columbia;]Park. Addition,' ilnl'tahatn'B' townahlp; coiinty (ofilnB'* ham,'In the atat* of Mlohlganv -r''-'- • ?*•!'^,

fDatedLaiiilngiHlehlRan,' December 18, 19iei!

ORDER PUBLICATION. POLER—DEC. 29 State of Michigan. Tho Prohato Court for

tho County of Ingham. At a session of said court, hold at tho pro­

hato otlico, in tho city of Mason, in said county, on tho 'Ith day uf IJocomhor, A. D. HIHi.

Prosnnt: Hon. I.. U. McArthur, .liidge of Prohato,

In the Matter ot tho Estate of CIIAULES FOLI'iit, Docoased.

Julia Turner having filed in said court iior petition pruylng that Harrison O. Call ho »|i-pointed 'rriistoe In said estate.

It Is Orderod, 'fhat tho 29lh day of Doci'nihi'r, A. I). 1910, at ton o'clock in tlio forenoon, at said proliate oHIco, lie anil Is iierehy iippolntod for hearing said petition;

It is Further Ordorod, That puhllc notice tliereof he given iiy luiiiiicatlrin of n copy of this iirdor, for throe siiccessivo weeks previous 111 said day of iioaring, in tho Ingham County News, a ne\vspa|)or printed ami oirciilatod In said county. L. it. McARTHUlt, (A true copy) Jiidgo of I'roliato. C. A. CLINTON, Prohato Uogistor, .lllw-l

APPT. ADMK. WINFIELD—KEC. ' 9 State of Michigim. Tlio Prohale Court for

tho County of Iniitliiim. At a sost'lon of ji;iid (I'oiirt, lieid at the Pro-

liiito Dllico in llio city of Mason, in said coun­ty, on tho 'Ith clay of Hecomiior, A. D. Kllli.

Present; Hon. L. It. McArthur, .luitgo ot Prohato.

In tlio Matter of the Kslato of lIKItilKKT K. WINflELD, Docoasoil.

Emory I). Winlioiil iiaving filed In snid Court Ills petition praying that tho admlnistnition of said estate lio grunted to Orrin K. Hell or to some other siiitiiiilo person :

It Is Oriiorod, Thnt the 29lh day of Pi'ccinlu'r, A. I). Ill Hi, at ton u'clociv in tlie forenoon, at said Proliale Ollice, ho and is licrehy appoint-oil for Iioaring said potilinn :

It is Furtlier Ordorod, That piiiili'o aotico tliereof ho given hy puhlicatioa of a copy of this order, for tlireo sticcossive weeks previous til snid day of hearing, in tlio Ingham (bounty News, a iiowspiiper prinlpii nnd I'irciitiitcd in said counly. L. II. McAUTHlH!. (A Iriio i'o|iyl .luiUvo of Prnlialo. C. A. CLINTON, Priiliale liogister. 'I'.lw.l

IIEAKINC CLAIMS. UATTENI'IELD-APR. It State of Jlicliigan. 'I'liu Proliate Court for

the (Jiiunty of liiKliaiii. In tho Matter of the Kstato of WILLIAM D.

HATTi':Ni''IELi), Docoasoil. Notice is horciiy given that four inoniha from

tlio 2nd day of Deceniher, A, D. Hllfi, have been allowud for creditorH to present tiioir claims against said deceiisod to said court for oNamination and adjustmont, and that all creditors of said docoased are roipiirod to pre­sent their claims lo said court, at tlio prohato ollice, in tiio city of Mason, in said county, on or lioforo the lird dny of April, A, D. 1(117, and that said claiins will lie lioard liy said court on tlio llrd dny of April, A. I). 1917, at ton o'clock ill the foroanoii.

Dated Decemlier 2ad, A. D. 191(1. L. II. McAimiUR,

•tOw-l .luilge ot Proliato.

KAI'I'KLLAK—APR. .I The Proliate Court for

IIEAKINC CLAIMS. State of Miclilgaa.

the County of Ingham. In tlio Matter of tho Estate of WILHEL-

MINA KAPPHLLAIi, Docoasoil. Notice is licroiiy given that four mniilhs from

the 1st day of llocemhor, A. D. 1910, have Iieen allowed for evoditors to present their claims against said decoasod to aaid court for exami­nation and adjustment, nnd that all creditors of said dece.'isod are rofiuircd to iirosont tlioir claims to said court, at the prohato ollice, in tlio city of Mason, in said county, on or liofore tho llrd day of April, A. D. 1917, and thnt said claims will ho hoard by said court on tliu llrd day of April, A. I), 1917, al ten o'clock in die forenoon.

Dated Decemiior ist, A. D. lOUi. L. H. McAKTHUR.

•lOw't .luilgo of Proliate.


Stale of Micliigan.


J'rohate Court for The llio County of Ingham.

At a session of said Court, iioiil at the Pro-hate Otlico in tho city of Mason, in said coun­ty, on tlio 12tli day of Dccemher, A. D. 1910.

P r e s e n t : Hon. L. H. McArthur, .ludgo of Prolmte.

In tho Matter of tho Estate of MKLVIN lIAICliri', Doceasod.

Eniilio M. Hall nnd Mary E. Ilrnwn having' tiled in said court their final administration ac­count, and their petition praying for tlio allow­ance thereof, and for tho asslgiimoiit and dis-trihiition of tlio residue of said estate,

It Is Onloroil, That tlio 5th day of January, . A. D. 1917, at ton o'clock in tiio forenoon, at snid Prohato Ofhco. he and is hereliy apiiointed for examining anil a l lowing said account and hearing said petition ;

It Is Further Ordorod, That piihlic notice thereof ho given by puhllcation of a copy of tills order, for tliroo successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. In tiio Ingham County News , a newBpaper printed and circulatod in said county. L. H. McAftTIIUR, (A true copy) Judge of Prohato. C, A. CLINTON, Probate Register. 50w.|


THIS AGREEMENT, Mnde ami entered this l l t h day of Docomiior, 1910, hy and iictweon the City of Detroit, rcpresonted hy liornhardt •lacoh. Suporlnlondont of tho Detroit Houiie of Ciirroclloa, duly authorizod Agent for and in liolialf of said C i t y , \ ) a r l y of the first p a r t ; and the county of Ingham, Michigan, ropreaont-ed iiy VV. D. Hyriim, Chairman Hoard of Super­visors iiad Win. H. Graham, Clerk, duly auth­orized Agents for and in Iiohalf of Said County, party of the second part,

Witnossoth, Whereas, tlio party of the first part, for and in consideration hereafter men­tioned, agrees to receive into tho Detroit House of Correction, safely keep, hoard, clotlio, and oaro for, any and all persons who may he' sen­tenced to confinement in tho said Detroit House ot Corroction. hy nny Court or Magistrate in the County of Ingham, Michigan, to-wit ; For ail persons sonlencod for any period not leas than sixty days, Bovonty centa per diiy cacli. or any part of day. It is hereby agreed hy nnd hotwoon the partioH hereto, that this ngrecinont does not cover any person or persons wlio may be sentenced to oonfinoment by any Court or Magistrate in said County fur nny term less than s ixty days, and such person or iicrsons so Hontcncod aliall not bo committed to, confined, received or kept in the said Detroit House of Correction under tlic terms of this agreement. Provided thnt all persons sentenced and deiiv-ored ns aforesaid, upon iioing discharged, may, in the discretion of the Superintendent of tlio Detroit House of Correction, he furniahod with transportntion to the placb from whence ro-ceivod, or gi'i'en the ciiuivhiont in money, nnd the nmount so expended shall ho repaid by the party of the'''second part nunrtcrly as horcin-nftor spocified.

The party ot the second part, In considera­tion of tho before mentioned Btipulntlona to he performed to tho party of tho first part, agrees thnt ail persons convicted In tho County ot Ingham, Michigan, of oITcnses under tho Dis-' orderly Act or of crimes not punished hy i in - ' prisonmont in the Stnto Prison or Reform Scliool, and who nro sontoncod Iiy any Court or Magistrate, HIUIII bo seplcncod to impr i sonment ' in tho Detroit House of Correction, and shal t bo forthwith convoyed to and delivered Into tho custody of tho Superintendent thereof; and to ,-|iay all lawful drafts drawn upon tho Tronaurer;;; of tho County of Ingiinm, Michigan, for board;';:';; care, disciplino and money expondod for njlurrtj '; transportntion, etc. , of persona BO aontcnced.'i; nnd delivered, according to the terms of t h i s ' ngreomont, quarter-yearly viz: on the first day of Janunry, April, Ju ly and Ootohor of each year of tha continuance of this agreement.

Tho party of tho second part further iigrooa \ to furniHi the p a r t y of tho first part nn nlTi-diivit of tho duo puhllcntion of pulillc notice o t . this agreement in . . some newspaper p u b l i s h e d . , within Bald,County, nnd in case no piipcr ia , published In Bald Coimty then nn nflldnvlt of the duo publication of such notice In" some .; new.apnper published within the Judicial d i s t r i c t ; . to which snid coimty is attached for a pcr iodoC not loss than four.wcoka, and such notice ahnll ' stnto the period of t ime for which this agree- . mont will remain in force,' as provided for in Section 2162, Mich. Compiled Lawa 1897. ' i; :

. I t ' IB Further Agreed , by . arid; between :th'e p'artlea hereto, that thiB;.agireement aiiall coh-^ 'A t inus for. 2.ye^rB froni theLilUh'day of •De'cehi-j, >; ber,'A..;D, .1916,"and >hail'.>beblnding:;ond>:in':;,'; full force iri;n1l-lti:;polhtr to; the-end.i' Prdi--;•;-; .vided that .the, partlea hereto? oir either; of, them'i/•> h^vo''and, haB;by";theBe;.pr««enta the,;'rlghtit6iiV; annul; this'^agr'oomehti itt; any: time during!, the ;iti; contlhuancetthereof^.wKori; written'notice Aof •':;';

itho I .Intention 'itb;:ao''.«iin(ial 'Bh'all ;have been .;;,;; •arved by; one pa^tyjuiibh ijthe, other party^ at''a ">>:';v '} ^ dato'•;not:le••:thaniOn•Ji|« 6hth•'h «vlona,';. ';•"•••'•.:• :/•'l•ii'.';.i'•::l•.:'!• •' In",WMnaMi;Whei;«q|f&:W(li

i ' t t ' l i a H j l M ' ' n M : i ^ l t ^ r ( l i > * a ' V M j l ' ' M A H M ' ' i l l i > a * ' ' M U ^ ; . ' * - ' , . ^ - ' > i . HI

bur •handir'on''th»\dir>Sn(^W«ri tlohed;i»t'I)«trolti'8t»tii:bf^'Mlshlfanf:.;5;i|i'f;';;';Mv';^^:'<?;l

, ^By; Bernhardt'J^Mah.vSnporjritahda'ht :of'',tha^^ - ^ ''' ''' Ditroltj HTOkyJpf CorractloBi Ws;''''•'•--'•''•




The ladies of the Fliiptist Aid wisli lo lliank tlie mercliiints of Mason, wlio conl.ril)iitcd so llbenilly at tlieir fair liold recently,

'I'lie following either spent Xnias or a few days before and after as fol­lows: Mrs. l'\ ,1. Bullen at Lansins; U. L. IDayton at Holt; S. S, Iloll, wife iind daugliter at Jas, hlgsloston's near Stockhridgo; C. B. Gilbert and wife at Holt; Mr. and Mrs. Willis Dwight at .laclfson, Mrs. Dwiglit remaining; .1. Keono and daughter at Lansing; .lohn Warllo and wife, Mrs. A. 1 ICininons and Mrs. H. Wodllclc at han-sing; C. W. Clark and wife at Jack­son.

Since last writing . the following have boon or are still visitors at this place; Jiryoii Jlorton and wife of Has-lotl; ii^dniiind Young is home for the holiday vacation; Mrs. ,1. C. Avery and cliiidren of Ann Arbor; Mrs. M. .1. Weeks and danghtor Lena of Al­bion at W. ,1. I'assniore's; Leo lOast-nian of .lackson, Clark Passinoro of Albion, 1''. A. Osborne and Mrs. JOtta Sawyer of Lansing at C. Osborne's;' •'•"rank Hicks and wife of Lansing iit C. A. Diehl's, Goo. Allen and family at .lohii Curry's, 10. li. Thompson and family at Mason Xmas day.

.1. II. Ifaslifoi'd and wife of Mason, Prank Osborne and family and iMr. and Mrs. Doles Caton of Bath spent (jlii'istnias witli Wirt, Milnor and fam­ily.

Chas. Shaw has bought the '10 acres of land belonging to tlie estate of Mrs. S. A. Sli'ong iind your corres­pondent and sister have bought the liouse and int.

Henry G. Marshall writes that, he was coming lo visit ills parents over -Xmas and was to arrive Saturday, ills folks went after 1:1m to William-ston but ho was not HKM'O. T.lio fact that ho (lid not phone or write wliy lie did not come is causing his people lu-'re some worry thinking something has happened to him, as on previous occasions wlion for any reasons he did not come, lie always phoned or wi'oto why he could not come,

C, W. Clark requests that the per­son who borrowed his horse blanket to return it.

The Free Methodist society will bold their Xnias exercises and tree at llie rosidonce of ,Tas. Harnhart Friday evonlnii of tills week.

Isaac Swan, wlio was recently par­oled from .Jackson, lias been visiting his parents at this iiiaco tlie past few days. Ho lias gone to Lansing in searcli of a job.

Saturday niglit Win. Conirow slip-lied and fell In front of the town hall, breaking both bones in Ills right arm. Dr. Lemon set it.

1'. C. McCanii of Bunkerhlll was in lijwn Satiirday to have Dr. Lemon dress a wound on liis head Indicted by a young man whoso folks work a farm for a deceased brother. Mr. McCanii was there looking after things when the young nian hit him on the heart with a club.

Mrs. Aggie Smith died at horhome In Fowlorville Friday, Dec. 22. She win bo reiiieniberod as a fornior resi­dent and known as Aggie Bakewoll, youngest sister of i\Irs. D, M, Woods, deceased.

Mrs. Wirt Milner and daughter Gladys were in Lansing last Thurs­day.

Will. Miller was in town the other day to have Dr. Lemon dross a wound Inflicted by a dog biting him quite badly on the wrist,

Last Thursday an alarm of lire was turned in, it proving to bo at tho liome of W. S. JMorriani whicli was put out with siigiit damages. Tho liouse is occupied by Chas. Conirow.

' The funeral of K. V. .loslin, whose death was announced last week, was held lust Saturday iiit his late homo with burial in tills village.

The Xnias exercises at the. M. K. and J3npti.st cliurelies and the one by the school at the town hall were largely attended and the exercises greatly en.joyed. Tlio children were well Tonienibered wlt.)i presents.

Will, Mullen, who lias been away for several years, recently visited his parents, lirothers and sisters.

By permission of the poslodlce de­partment the postolhce at this place •will close at G or (1:30 p. m. and re­main closed until 7 a. m, the next day provided there is no serious objec­tion. Anyone in tho village Apposing this arrangement will please (lie their protest, with the postmaster. All the postofflces in the county close at be­tween C and 7 p. m, Why should this office be an exception?

Gladys and lone Milner are spend­ing the holidays with their sister, Mrs. Deles Caton of Bath.

Glen of Stockbrldge spent Sunday at lOiirl Walker's.

Mr. and Mrs. WoUs Walker and son Vera, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hedgelin and family, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Art'/, and Glenn and Arthur Wemple and Mr. and Mrs. Leo lOastman ate Christ­mas dinner with Mr. and Mrs, Karl Walker.

Mrs. Ida Shults and Mrs. Will Brott of Charlotte and Mr. and iMrs. Wm. Cleaves of Lansing and Mr. and iVIrs, Andrew Kceder of Mason visited at it. II. Lee's, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Kleinsmith were in' Mason Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. 10. ,1. Howe and moth­er spent Christmas with their daugh­ter, Mrs. 10. Galloway, and family in tho Iloiisel district and report a line time.

Bert Holtz has a very sick cow at tills writing.

Leo .lackson of .lackson and Glenn Wemple of Stockbrldge are spending the week at lOarl Walker's.

Mr. and Mrs. Kollin West and danghtor of Leslie spent Xmas at the home of Ills parents here.


Wui'ins Mnko Chililroii Fictfiil. If your child cries out In sleep, is

nervous, puny and listless, he may be a victim oi worms. Begin treatment at once with Kickapoo Worm Killer. This candy laxative, in tablet form kills the worm and removes it quick­ly and easily. Don't permit your child's development to be retarded by

: the continued draining of his vitality by worms. GetKlckapoo Worm Kill­er at your druggist; 25c. (adv)



Mrs. Ida Shults and Mrs, Will Brott of Charlotte, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cleaves of Lansing, Mr. and Mrs. An­drew Keeder of Mason and R. V. Keeder of Stockbrldge, Mr. and Mrs. Bert HoltB and daughter Murrlel, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lee and family and Mr. and Mrs. Jerome: Wllber and family and ; B ; ; H ; Lee; and wife, Mrs.

; Mary •HolraeiT'an'disMra.i; Jennie! Saylias were • vail VerrS'Wcely^;^^

"Christmas iwdltri^BtedtbSrbast/duck by;Mi".''and:Mrp.vPred'Lee/and f ily. ;' ; Ail enJoyed"a;Yeipy^nlce,tln^ proniuhce^ Mr.;aiid'MrBil'tee; a^ iiost and hostess and the Lee family as-'av:jQlljf^;bu|c|i;^$|||;v|ii^^^^^ -.'Mrp; 'libulM^Hoard (WesChrlfltraas

': • dlnner;^yrlUti5Mrf.;:and^:Mi^|7Fi^^ ;vYorceXi«|;0g!g#fiP®MS':'tS%S^^^ v '• ;; M^8s^AnK^WIlblrJW*^!Sp^ ;•: l i an^ lngrWII i iXin lp


Mr, and Mrs. P, 10. Lacy spent Mon­day in Lansing.

Mr. and Mrs. . Miko Hendorsliolt spent Christmas with hor parents. Mrs. Hendorshott, Sr., spent tlic day Willi Mrs. Fred Lankin.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Koslor spent W.odiiosday in .lackson.

iMiss ' lOdltli Ivanklii and nephew, Ralph Osborii,. visited In .lackson Wednesday.

Lon Sliorman spent Sunday and ; .Monday with Battle ('rook friends.

L. B. McArthur and family spent Sunday witli bis parents.

lOllis Terry and wife and Alfred llaiina and family of Lansing, Bert Place and raiiilly of Holt, and TOli I'erry and wife spent Xmas witli C. R. Ilasbrouck and family.

Mrs. 10. 0. Wetzel of Dexter spent last week with lior mother, Mrs. F. Lankhi.

Mr. and Mrs. Carey Morgan spent li'rulay in I\lason.

Mrs. Sarah Morgan, who suffered a stroke of paralysis some tliiio ago, is slowlyfailing.

Wayne Kosler of l^aiising spent the week end with bis parents.

wiirrio OAK. iMlss Lucy .Mead visited at the homo

of her uncle, lOarl .Mead, last Satur­day.

Mrs, Hattii; l'\illows spent several days last week with hor sister in Laii-si n g;

Mrs. Ann Gifford has been nuito 111 with a throat trouble.

lOzra P. .Tosliii, an old resident, passed away at his home last Wednes­day morning after a lingering illness. Funeral services were held Saturday with burial at Falrviow, Dansville.

School closed Friday at the Cady for the holiday vacation with a Xmas tree and exercises in the afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. H. Dewltt visited rel­atives in Mason last Wednesday.

Nathan Laiitis has been quite sick with rheumatism the past week.

School closed at the Williams for a two weeks vacation last Friday with exercises and a .Tack Horner pie, in which the pupils received their gifts,

Miss Frances Kendrick who is at­tending school at Mason, is spending her vacation with her parents here,

Mrs, Fred Holland and daughter Alice were shopping in Williamston last Friday.

Mrs. Ida Cady of Lansing visited her mother, Mrs. William Bunker, the week end and remained over Xmas.

Will Cullcn and family of Bunker-hill spent Christmas with his sister, Mrs. Mary Dayton.

Miss Olga Showers spent last Sun­day at A. Brinlnstool's.

KlXOSIiA.Xn. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Bellows spent

Xmas in Springport with her grand-father.

Mr. and iMrs. C. Denison entertain­ed hor people, the Royslon families, Xmas.

P. A. Winslow and family were en­tertained at C. Arnold's, Lansing road, Xmas. A bountiful dinner was served to about thirty friends.

Mrs. Carrie Barrett was here from Lansing to spend Xmas with her fath­er and family. .,

Mrs. W. Menser as she was driving home had the misfortune to lose her pocketbook with nearly six dollars in it. She went right back but could not find it and next morning a little school girl found the pocketbook in the road but the money was gone, Mrs, Menser was very thankful for the pocketbook inot saying anything about the money loss.

P. A. Winslow was in Lansing Tuesday on business.


Siicii Uvidcuco Out' 'Readers Cunn<>t Dispute.

As we -tako up thesNews week by week, we aria struck by the' hearty, unmistakable way In which witness after witness speaks out-as Mr. Pen-berthy does he^e. If these people were strangers living miles away, we might take little notice of them. But they are not. They are our neigh­bors, living among us. Their word Is too easily proven to admit of any doubt.: They speak out In the hope that their experience, may be a guide tovotheirs^ ;;•;:...:,.,;," • 'i ''..••:••••:.:=-.' Ifiis !

John Penberthy, barhess maker, Main St., Mason; s a y s : " I had pains Inniy b^ck and lot'na arid felt in heed o r a k t d h e r m e d l c l n e . ' I 'took Dean's Kidney PlllB'andithey helped mh at' (mce;>;;Ivhaveh^tvhaa to/ use a kidney ;'ihediclnB';Blnce,V';:t.':::,,/ '\ri'v:;-::-^.-'f'-C''-'i''fii. :;£Pri]ee*60bi a t airMejrterB.|,v:Ddh!t; iiniplyv ask for! a:kidney;rembdy--7^€(i Ddan'a ;Kldhey]'PiUB^the'aahie: tlu^^ Mr; rPenberthyvibadU :?^Foiiter-Milburii:, ;Cp.^;;Prop8,;:;Buftalb,'-N;:T.:y;::i:-:^^^

riVva^here:i'8tiilvwreflBbme'^.!parei^ don't-mind their., children; as they BhbuMi'';bttjgohildreh^

Harry Hulsc and family attended a family dinner held at Arlo Whipple's In Mason Xmas. There wore 27 relatives present.

Mrs. Glenn Jones and son Colon spent Sunday and Monday with rela­tives In St. Johns.

The meetings, which have been in progress at the school house for tho past throe weeks, dosed Sunday night. Sunday/ school will bo held next Sunday afternoon at 2;;)0, fol­lowed by preaching.

Nelson Hoover and wife of Lansing spent the week end and Xmas with his brother, John Hoover and family.

lOrnost Bartlott and family ate Xmas dinner with his parents, Lor­enzo Bartlett and wife, west of Ma­son,

Sidney Spoor and family from oast of Dansville and Bert Hanna and family spent Sunday at S. J. Hanna's.

School closed Friday for the holi­day vacation of two weeks.

As Mrs. L. A. Hendoe was examin­ing her Christmas catcus the other day, she found concealed in tho jard­iniere a tree toad. It Is thought to have been in there since last fall when the plant was on the porch. Mrs. Hondeo was at a loss to know what it had lived on, so she gave it a Xmas dinner of broad crumbs, and It still remains to be seen wliethor It en­joyed Its dinner or not.

The following onjoyod Xmas at lOlmor Bravendar's; Itoy Rao and family, John Waiivel and family, Ira Howes and family and Mrs. Alary Rae.

Miss Adele Hunt is liome for a two week's vacation.

Chas. Kelloy and wife spent Friday at Clifford Bates.

Moore Hnnt.aiul wife spent Kmas al Dennis Walton's In lOdeii.

I' rank Doyo and family spent Christmas at ClilTord Bates.

Henry XMO and family, Joroma Wll­ber and wife, Bert Leo and wife, An­drew Keeder and wife. Win. Cloves and wife, Mesdamos Ida Sliultz and Win. Broat of Charlotlo and Bert Holtz and family spent Cliristmas at Fred I.,oo's in Bunkerhlll.

lOlza King and family spent Xmas, with his parents, J, H. King, at Ifoit.

Leo Briggs spent the Xmas holi­days with ills parents, Frank Briggs and wife.

i\lrs. Eva Hondeo- returnod home Tuesday from an extended visit with l'~'owlerville relatives.

Frank Dakiii and family entertain­ed a family reunion Monday.

iMrs. Alice Taylor entertained her son, Floyd Taylor and wife, Mrs. 1 . Dunham and Jas. Hathaway and son Dorr for Christmas diiinor.

Mrs. Jas, Hathaway and daughter, Marian are spending tlie holidays with relatives at Grass Lake.

Miss iMarian Hathaway was award­ed the prize offered by tho Gleaner paper for the best children's story.

The following were entertained at the Bush and Neunian homes for the Xmas dinner and tree: Lee Garrison and family, Hersliall Dewltt and fam­ily of Eden, Mrs. J. C. Neunian of Ea­ton Rapids and Mr. and Mrs. Conklln of Detroit.

Karl Flagg and wife of Lansing spent the week end with their par­ents, Jas. Cavendar and wife.

Horace Miller spent the week end with his grandparents. Burton Miller, and wife.


Wm. Fortman and wife of Pinck-ney have been spending a few days with Peter Cole and family.

Maurice Fleming has been out of school the past two weeks 111 with the grip.

Mrs. Alice Call, who has been in poor health for some time. Is now in a very critical condition.

Berney Densmore spent Christmas with relatives in Bunkerhlll and at­tended services at St. Cornelius cluirch.

John Wooster, whose condition of liealth has been extremely grave dur­ing the past four weeks, is reported to be considerably Improved.

The ladies of the Helping Hand so­ciety gave a Christmas card shower to Miss Mable Densmore, who Is spending the winter at Muskegon Freights.

Philip Fleming and wife, Mrs. Uhoda Fleming and Mrs. Mary Jang Mclntee visited at Thomas Fleming's in Waterloo Friday.

The Munith M. E. Sunday school held a Christmas tree and exercises Friday evening. The church was well filled and a splendid program was rendered.

Miss Minnie Marsh and pupils of the Reed observed Christmas at the school hou.se' Friday afternoon. A merry time was spent in distributing the gifts and dainty sweets provided (or each.

Casper Knauff, who died at his home west of Fitchburg, Tuesday, December 19, was a brother of Mrs. Rhoda Fleming and ah uncle of Mrs. Philip Fleming of this place. The tuneriil was held Thursday morning at the Catholic church in Bunkerhlll.

Arthur Kinch died at his home in this township Saturday morning, Dec. 16, aged 43 years. Deceased had been III one week with pneumonia. He leaves a mother, Mrs. Mary Kinch, and one brother, Charles Kinch. The funeral was held at the home Mon­day, Dec. 18, with interment in the Kinch family cemetery. : Moses Lhntls! passed a,way at the city hospital, Jackson, Friday night, Dec. 15, as the result of ah operation.. Deceased has lived In,the vicinity; of Munith all his lifetime. Besides his wife arid three; children, a ; mother Bind :bhe'brother, Aaron Lantis., sur-; ylve him.,} His father, John Lantls; died'about three years ago; vFuneral, Beryices were held> at the home of his mother^ sbuth'^^bf;:Mtlhlth;;"?.'Mondaj^ Dec. 18. Burlara t the Pixley ccme-;tery;Sil?'4':f ifi;S?::v;::;; ^

<I The'; f uiheral, bf j.MerrittriAckerBon^-ari old'resident//^a8:held at his late home :Friday,'i;pe(!;;; 22; • andviUe: bodyi taken to LeslleVf or! burial.'vDecettsed passed away <Wedne8day^vDec;i'20;7af-ter^a;feyr;:day8;illheflB; vHe is survived

Thanksgiving In ' Ye Olde

Colonial Dayes"

H ISTORV tells ii.s ihat in the ear­ly days In some of Iho colonies lliere wa.s a purltanlenl hatred of Christmas, and when a day

of thiinks wan set a|mrt such "super­stitious inciUH" as baron of lieof, boar's" head, plum pudding and niliico pie, all redolent of inuniories of the ancient feast, were eschewed in favor of tur­key and pumpkin pie. The colonists wore so pleased to celebrate Thanks-giving In 'this fashion uf feasting, es­pecially after they were compelled to listen lo a long sermon, that they be­gan to appoint froquoiit Thanksgiving days—sometimes for reason of victory over the Indians, then for the arrival of a supply ship or a bounllfiil har­vest, Kiiys the Washington Star.

Usually the day sei: occurred hi Au­gust, espeeliilly If it was In thanks for the harvest, li'liiiilly. In lli.Sl, Massa-ehusclls deelnreil It to be an anfiual and legal luiriilay, and all the New En.ylaiid culoiiles followed her (>xiim-lile. In llidsc (lays Thanksgiving In Its rell.u'lous cliiiracler was rather (!Url-(uis. (.In one side was the minisler whose duty seemed to bo lo predict the most direful things, and his sennniis consisted uf warning to Hie people of the awful thln.ys lo coiim. while, mi the oilier liiiiid, the peniile W(>re told to rejoice and give ihanks on that day, evoii tlioiigh the pit yawned on tlie day iioforo iind the day to come. The whole lliiiig was ii pai'iidox. for tlie wives wore comiielled to stay home and profiaro the dinner, yet they wore soundly bonil(Ml by the ministers for boi.eg absent.

Many of the sermons alnu'd at the lireferonce for the llcsh pots over spir­itual things, but after tho discourse the preacher fre(|Ucntly went to (liue with one of bis parishioners and oii-Joycd the dinner prepnr('d by the mis­tress of tlie bouse, whoso absence ho had commented on in the puliilt a'li hour before. The sermons seliloin touched on fasting, but thoy Included tho political topics of the day, wheth­er local, state or liatlomil. On one oc­casion at a 'I'liaiiksgivlng service ii Federalist pastor In Coniiecllcut pni.v-ed, "And, 0 Um\, endow President 'Jefferson with a goodly portion of thy grace, for thou, O Lord, knowest thai he needs it!"

The festal (rait of the day at that time seems to have boon entirely In the hands of the women of the fam­ily, who for days before worked quiet­ly to prepare a feast, and the deep re­ligious gloom which pervaded tlio household during those years was In a measure lightened by the suiillght of tho well cooked 'iMiaiiksgiviiig dinner. A well fattened turkey at one end of the tabic and chicken pie at tho other were the principal articles on the menu of the well to do man's Thanksgiving fea.'st. The middle cin.ss bad the chick­en pic and a small turkey, while the poor feasted on the plo nlonc. But every table, rich or poor, had a fowl of some kind and us.4ally a pltehcr of cider to wash it down. A pie made of pigeons, too, was a favorite Tlianks-glving dish. Strangers were made wel­come, and not even a tramp was turn­ed away. Unfortunately, this hospi­tality seems to have been based on a superstitious fear of liad luck I'atlier than a genuine case of charity.

Woman Who "Made" Thanksgiving. It was a woman, Mrs. Sarah J. Hale,

editress of Godoy's Lady's Book and well known as a writer, wlio cbampioii-ed tho cau.se of a national Thanksgiv­ing. Year after year she patiently fought for a national observance of Thanksgiving day, publisliing endless articles on the subject. In various ways she caused an agitation of the subject that (Inally resulted in 1850 in tile governors of most of the states of the Union annually issuing proclama­tions for Tlmnksglving. .\t her sug­gestion President Abraham Lincoln is­sued a proclamation for a national Thanksgiving for Aug. ti, ISGii, about a mouth after the battle of Gettysburg.



Picture Framing IS AN ART

That is the kind o9 Framing which embodies the BEST in selection and execution.

We Claim This Distinction Bring in those Picturesyoii received for Christmas and have them Framed now be­fore they get soiled.



Mr. and .Mi's, John BeiuK.'tt and family mid Mr. and Mrs. Fred Goelz and family took Chrlsliuas dinner with. Mrs. lOliza noiinelt.

Tho Cliristmas exorcises at tlie Sandhill Tliursday evening were well attended. Through the efforts of Miss Welch, toachnr, tlio children gave an excellent program which was thoroughly enjoyed by all.

Lewis Lott and family spent Christ­mas with his brother, Clias. Lott, of lOast Alaiedon.

Henry Gootz and family spent Sun­day with Ills son Fred.

Danlol and Peter Waggoner took Christmas dinner witli Mr. and Mrs. lioiiry Ferloy,

A sleigh load from Saiulliill went to Jjaiising Monday evening, inakiiig a tour of all the local theaters.

George Ward colobralod Christmas Sunday. iMr. and Mrs. Geo. Clark and family, Mr. and Mrs. Kay Frank­lin and Mr. and i\lrs. I' raiik Ward spent Iho day with Mr. Ward and a bounteous Christmas dinner was served.


Sloan's Ijiiiinient lOases Vain. Sloan's Liniment is first tliought of

motliers for bumps, bruises and sprains tliat are continually happen­ing to cliildron. It quickly penetrates and soothes without rubbing. Clean­er and more effective than niussy plasters or ointments. For rheuma­tic aches, neuralgia pain and that grippy soreness after colds, Sloan's Liniment gives prompt relief, Have a botllo handy for bruises, strains, sprains and all external pain. For the thousands whoso work calls them outdoors, the pains and aclies follow­ing exposure are relieved by Sloan's Liniment. At the druggists, 250. .


As a result of prolonged oxperi-^ moots, a Detroit inventor has de-' voloped a steam-power automobile whlcii seems to obviate most of the : objections usually presented by ve­hicles of its typo. In a general way it embodies many of tho best features of botli gas and steam cars. By turn­ing a switch and opening tho throttle, tho car Is started almost instantly. There are no gears, levers, or clutch to operate! while unlimited flexibility is afforded. From a snail's pace to a speed of 80 miles an hour, the car is said to run practically without en­gine vibration. There is no noise, and notliing to watch but the road. So far as appearance is concerned, the machine would ordinarily be mistak­en for a gasoline car. Fourteen miles can bo covered with a gallon of kcro" seno. The steam is condensed, after being used, and saved. This makes it possible to travel from 1,300 to 2, 000 miles without replenishing th& water supply. The fuel Is vaporizedl mixed with air in a carburetor, heat-' cd, and burned In a specially design­ed combustion cliamber. A small electric blower supplies the necessary volume of air, while the ignition is accomplished electrically. The latter is the striking feature of the system, for it relievos the driver of the nec­essity of giving attention or labor to the matter of firing the boiler. In case the car stands inactive for sovr , oral days, about a minute and a lialf,. is required in starting it. It, how)-



Railroads Turn Tnble,s on the Care­less Driver of Autoiu()l>iles.

(From Railway Age Gazette.) At a time when grade crossing ac­

cidents are the source of ever-increas­ing expenditures by the railroads to cover the cost of damage suits; of further protection of cros.sings by grade .separation, gates, watchmen, warning devices, lighting, signs, etc., and unremlttent "Safety First" cam­paigns among employes and the pub­lic alike, it is refreshing to be re­minded that some responsibility rests on the public, and, furthermore, that the responsibility may be translated into dollars and cents. On June 3d a passenger train on the Chesapeake and Eastern Illinois was approaching a crossing in open country near Dan­ville,' III,, at its usual speed. Tho view was unobstructed and the whistles sounded soon enough for the driver of a vehicle near the crossing to have ample time to stop to let the train pass. A man, who was driving an automobile toward the crossing at the time, paid no heed to the warn­ings, It Is alleged, and was struck and killed. His automobile derailed and wrecked the locomotive and baggage car and caused injuries to the engi­neer, which later resulted In his death.

Mrs. Chas. Everhart, wife of the englneman, has filed sult-against Dan­iel's estate for ?5,000, and W. J. Jackson, receiver for the 0. & E. I. has begun suit for ?10,000 to cover the material damage to the train. Should these suits prove successful, they will serve as a wholesome deter­rent to carelessness by automobile drivers. Disregard of one's personal safety seems to be a common and in­curable trait of motorists. Observa­tions by the railroads in California at 34 crossings disclosed the startling fact that out of 17,000 drivers of mo­tor vehicles noted, 69 % per cent looked neither way before crossing triiskB, 2.7 per cent looked In one di-. ,!rection only, and but. 27.8 per cent Iboked both ways.' Three thousand three hundred drivers obBervedvran; ,over' the; crossings a t a reckless rate bfj speed. The prospect of a consider-able manetary loss as the result ot care^esiT .drivings, will, it la hoped, cauee autboioblle drivers to stop, look and listen to; a more appreciable extent than' they have done hereio-

ever, it has merely been idle over^ night, or during a corresponding per­iod, it starts at one. The car Is de­scribed in tho November Popular Me­chanics Magazine

Our .lilney 0(Vc!'—'liils and 5c. DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out thi..

slip, enclose with live cents to Folei' & Co., 2S35 Shoflield Ave., Chiciigq, HI., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive in retur|i a trial package containing Foley's j Honey and Tar Compound for coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pillfl and li'oley Cathartic Tablets. Sold b;'~v L. 11. Harrison and Ijongydar Bros. ; ^


Wt WMU Bke to dwv 70a ^ e MW UMMCMf StftsdlfdnDd

Red Cedar Shingles M to thickndM,

gnia, and OMMains no MP. Year roof tad walls, cofwed with

Blte^irade Bed Gedar SUiupM, if psaMHyMdnitHpaKinmariuMcov-ena aukb « U Uk 6tf jieani or aoie.

C/P. Stfiickelsorj

11. I

•\:.:' •. i •:

Z^: / !


m . Cc(pvnioflis,'p'4tSjL.,j,.j,„.,

AiiTone nondln'ff •iWtitcli niid doBcrliiliintnMPim'!' niildiiiy luioortuln our oiiliilaii froa'ffuiitlwr(WK%fv laveiiMon l.n prolinbly pmoiitiitilp. ' .—n , ,T. .,1

I ilomHirlolljronnfltloutlul. HAMOBOL.. - . - .—-,, eoiitfroo. Oldest naoiioy for uoaiirrnii patcnt.i..>!f . t*at<int3 taUon tlirnuvli Munn &i Co. nootT<i' tpecUilnotleei wIMioiit ohnmo. In ihe :;;;V,;:j;^gj|

CommunloH?iiff«4' fnii patont.V!!iJ'5'..Wi-i

nRANn., VMtkotjUr't l»l»mond Briind/ ~ III* in Rtd >nd Uold metalllcV


biKi«; Hileil will) Dlue RIMwn, Take no other.: B'yr «ltJtpntJ UlA^OONn IIRANU l>ll.l.ivrar



A JiiindBomeir lllimtrntod w«eWf. sLiin ciilatlr-i cfT-ynclon'U" l""-rB; H'o't font four monUin, lU SolabyMlniini{

^^k CtTil 'v^


f k^%


Mason, Thursday, December 28, 1916


to rcprownt the Bth ward In rinco of Aider- highway running ertst from IhB Pink'.chm. SuPP iV' ^ °LT," rZmlilonJ^sic 0 A^^^ fflili''"' ' mnn Frank I. Young and on motion of Sup, houM,'nocnllod. on Columhla Road and ono and AgrlcuUural Fair CommlHlo ^ ^ Chrl.lophor. A»BOB»or Hlnmnii waa Malod In ono-K.lf milei. of iitata highway wont from tha g ^ l ° ' J i ° l S ^?Ji i ^ ^ o f S«nnt7S ^ ^ " nccordnnco with tho mnyor'r rcqucKt. '- ro.tlcornora nocallcH. being on A.h utrcot e.int SalHrloa and J«ci>on»cs Socy of Sonato nnd Clerk oC Houiw-

On motion of Sup. Chrlntonhcr all commuiJl- and on the Manon and DannvlJlo roi\d, oiich of hoc. o, {»"„»"•,'",'''•' cHtlons In tho hands of tho clerk wore'pre- Bald/ploccn nf roiid comprlHliiR onc-hnlf mile In ,?,''''«,"°''"V°'-u'J!)''"/"^^^^ aentod and rend. •- •. [ tlie'clty of Manon and ono mile In Vevay town- lax for Prto^^^

Tho clerk then read n communication from ihlp, and In tho event that auch road U hulW Tax for State llaapjtala Current fcxpenac^ bee.

the board of BUpervlBOrs of tho County of Ing­ham, and hold in and for anld County on Mon-

Sec. 9, Act •M, 19U Ixpensc—Sec. 2, Act 12fi, IDlli rrent Expenao—Sec. 2, Act 20, 1911!.

Auditor'GencVid" 6 : ' B , Oilier Wtal'ning'fn- durlng'tho preMnt Bummer and fall, then tho Tax for General PurpoBoa-Scc. . 1, Act 214, 1915 BtructionB to the committee on Kqunlljatlon and City of Mason will pay nil interest on tho ' lotal '*'"'" .^"7'•,•••,:;,''ji'•'^'''"V/i''^ i.y Sfi-tlon .in on motion same w«. referred to Bald committee, amount nece..ary to b« ' '""- - f '<>••. »"^;,,r,- - ,1 V'Z.^1 ^ 'l9 I > ne paid" prior ' to^Ocobe^r?, ' « in ebrednoss oF youfemnft'^

The clerk then read two communlcntlonB pose, such intcroBt to continue and be paUl liy ACID, j awo 01 ' J""^ 'Ji'",_..'„, ,•„,„ ,„,,, „„„ . . _ _ . . , " ' _ " . e

Hi i;» nt nn nii n? 08 (19 (ill

.1 ,112.50 1,112.(>0


nn,5.i 2(1.70

2,71-1,50 2S,9U:i,llli S'l,189.111



fro,n M T. Murray, socrotary of the commls- the City until the next tax shall he levied and • to tl»^St.j.e on . . e flrat day »'„^„>|;^j^-„tj{«{;„'-™;;tln/, , |» i , , , , , , „ , Hlon to Investigato public relief and on motion collfectod, ""^ inui.mcuin.ii»,"i v' . • ' •_,, L , „ _ I . , " . ! : " "; ". , . i _ .

day, tho 3rd day of April, A, D, 19IC, under same was received and placed on file. Above resolution pasnod by the unanimous tho provisions of Act. No. 207 of the Public Similar action was had on a communication vote of the Common Council of the City of Ma-Acts of 1889, as amended, to ascertain tho will from Cheater H, Chubb, secretary of the Mich- son on Monday, .June 20th, 1918, of the quallflod electors of said County, wheth- igan AflBoclation of Reglstors' of Deeds. ' J . E. WELSH, City Clerk, e r or not the manufacture of liquors and the A communication from Doublcdny Bros. & ij-he committees on ABBOBsmont Bolls then Mason, Michigan, Monday, April 10th, 191C. „ . / , , , , , , , , . , , . , 0 1 > >• , ^ . . . , - . , .

Board met pursuant to statute and called to "fl"<"" ' f i l l c should be prohibited within the Co. enclosing blue print of proposed extension nresentod the following report! which same on order by County Clerk, Wm, H, Graham, . limits of Bald County; and . , « , . - . . . . , - . u . „ m . . . , , . . . . _ . . . « „ . . . . . . . . .

On roll call the following members respond- Whereas, ,Sufllolont returns and stntementa

You will cause tho above to be laid before'tho Board of Supervisors of your County at their Session In October, 1910. , . „ , .

Please acknowledge Immediately the receipt of this notice. Very rospeotfuliy,

0 B. FULLER, Auditor General.

ed to their names! Allen, Brogan^SohalVor, of votes cast in the several townships, vlllnKes, .j.,,0 cieru tnon roan a c< Bullen, Byrum, Cntlln, Clement, McKlnloy, eltlea and oluotlun .lintrlpta In uniil rmintv hnvn n „ , r i"i I r ,, . . , . . noblnson Hull Howlolt ICiiliu.i' Krnnt,.! llDrW P'"*" " " " " ' " ' I " " * " " ' " " » ' ' ' " " i " "-"""ly n''™ Folix 11, I'lynn, secretary of the Michigan As- . . . . . . iiomnson. Mill, iiowicu, n-aiscr, ivreniei, tecic, i,oon made to the said board, as requ red by „nnifitlnn of Oniintv CAoUtu imklmr Ihn nonnl AInledon . I;asenby,Lehnian, Miller, PIcknrd.Plnokney, the act aforesaid : and "° , " " ° " . ° . > . „ , ? " l l , . ."i?;...".^^^^^^^ ,


of file cases n the offlco of .ludgo of Probate notion wore received and adopted and referred from Jacob Bernhardt, Supt. of the Detroit Ja $2i,S.,«. was received and on motion referred to the H t c^mml"«« «" EqL^^^^^^^ House of Correction, Incloaing duplicate copies The n,„ount expended in Com. on Supplies. "• " ' " ?„ " . n„„i Pnrsonal of an agreement between Ingham County and Stutc Piiaona, Ho"»f, "f

Beeves, Kose, Decke, Clomenta, Taylor, Young and Christopher,

'I'lie clerk then road a communication from

to Instruct their clerk to attend the state meet-

Clement for temporary chairman, and he was

Whereas, Said atatemonts of votes have boon in^. jo to held at Marquette, Michigan, July 18th and 19th, 19IC, and on motion of Sup. Mc-Klnley tho clerk was thereupon authorized and

Sun Christonher nroaented the name of Sun F,""^""""' '"; fl'" «''I<1 l>""'-d and tho result lath an(ri9tir"l9To,'«n7on motlon'orSup. Mi- S"'!! ' , • • • , „ ' bup. uirlstoplier proaentetl the name of hup. thereof ascertained; and KI. , I„V II,« ninrk v«L ti,o,.«>,.,„n n„(i,«ri,„,i „^,i East Lansing

Acres Aasesscd -

22,8S0,GG 23,058.10 21,027.30 22,70,1,00

186,00 20,350,08

The clerk presented a copy of tho prin od ty the numufacture of liquors and tho Ihpior ?^ . „ nJ •oceedlnga of the Board, which same Included traffic tho majority of tho votes of tho qual- tH. , . wl,l,° 0 minutes of the proceodlngs of the Inatday |fi„,l electors of said County, voting thereon, f„i n'lvlni?

proceed tlie of the January sesalon, anil on motion of Sui

Board for his actual exiiensos of the l"?,^ h motion iircvailod on roll call by tho j 'L

following vote: Yens, 21, nays none. Meridian

, , , , . , , , , ,, „ , Whereas, Said result waa In the afllrmatlvo in,i-,,„t„,i in nttcml «n<-h mi>nHn» KH n rnnri.- Ingham, «„,».....»-elected by .the unanimous vote of the Board. of the pronnaltlon to nrohlbil within sal.l coun- i'^t.live of thrBoard^,„JTo render"hl^ f??."!"''^ T"" J«;^>«;j»

22,'r49.'50 22,956.30 21,181.84 22,795.22 22,158.07 20,082.81 19,179.02 23,029.59 19,780.00


w The clerk then rend a communication from upon the JournnI of their proccedinRa'for that of .,,\Ti"n„"ri ' "-"•••-• ]v,„,on_ 2d w

J. M. llelneke, auditor and accountant and on ,l„y; now, therefore l>e It An I o n notion of Sun Plncknoy it was do- Lansing, 1 motion of Sup. Plncknoy same wna p ncei on liesolvod. Bv tho Board of Sunerviaors of 1 1 ,1 " ' " " o " , ' , ? ' " ' ; , " " ° " " 1 [l ^™",,"" Lunndiir " nil., iiluo u ,.nmMiiin(/.,iiin,i f«„„ ii„. Bfiii,, T '^f-'"'^"'' , ' ' , „ , ' . " ' " " : " " ' •poiiorv i»or» 01 clarod the sense of tho Board that the acton t,i'nB "g, -mo, alao a communication from tho .',tnto Ingham County, That by virtue of tho authority tiiknn at tho January session empowered the Lansing, 3 Journal relntlvo to compensntlon for printing conferred upon them under the provisions of commit L ^ PriirmUldi.8^10^^^^^^^^^^^ Lansing, .1 the proceodlngaof tho llonrd na pmvldu.l for In «ald Act No. 207 of the public acta of IS.SO. na ^ , ,Cv a n V a d Z PPII In .. ^ ^ ^ Lansing, 0 the report of tho cnnunltteo on printing, at tho amended, entitled "An act to prohibit the man- '"'• " " ' ' ' " " ' " " ' " '"^"^o""'"™ with the i an»> K. January aeaalun, and on motion of Sup. Young ufacluro, sale, keeping for sale, giving away tlie same waa referred to tho following com- or furnlahing of vinous, nuilt, brewed, for-niittee of three nionibera mipointed by tho mentoil, splrltuoua or Intoxlcntlng Ihiuora or chnlrmnn with Inatructinns to report to tho any mixed Ikiuor or beverage, any part of Bouril at this aeaalon. Suporvlsora Young, By- wliioh is Intoxionting, anrl to prohibit tho koep-rurn and Koao. ing of any anioon or other pinco for the mnnu-

Siip. llnll then addreaaoil tho Itoani relntlvo facture, anie, storing for anie, giving away or

pinna aa outlined In their report, Tho chairman then named the following com

nilttooa on assessment rolls: Allen and Illnman, Brogan and Beeves, Cle- SherKf H, O, Cllno then addressed tho Bonrd

raont and Kaiser, Cbrlatophor and Plncknoy, on the matter of, working prisoners on tho I t . . ,1 1 t r . _ , r :. 1 ._ , »»__ « • ' T r . . • , . . « T , . ' —-"j* . . . ^ * l . - . . . . « . . » » . . . . f

Ijmsing, 6 w Annexed Territory, City Lanaing

Real Estate

$1(270,000 1,284,<IC0

8.12,210 1,030,660 1,120,800

987,220 2,168,650 1,402,920 1,894,360 1,140,740 1,693,070 1,180,370 1,284,020 1,242,290 1,074,050

979,000 1,604,735

477,600 540,840

2,271,645 8,028,030 0,003,840 4,760,860 0,936,900 0,122,400

Personal Estate

147,020 93,820

107,010 187,385 64,300 98,700


rhe clerk tlion iireaented a communlcntion Incurred In arresting and taking priaonera to

taking prisoners to Correction and In­

dustrial '.Schools, $177,50 (ieacral Condilinn of the Jail.

Dini(.n.slon of Jnll, 00x60, Mnlerial of which jail Is built, brick, wood,

steel ami iron. Manner of henting the Jail, atcam. Manner of ventilating the Jnll, windows. Condition of aowernge, fnir. Number of cells, 1'

said Institution, for the care and keep of pris­oners, and on motion of Sui), Taylor the nmt-tor waa referred to a special comndttee to bo appointeil by the chair, and as such committee, the chairman aiipointud the following Supervis­ors: Tnylor, Bullen and Hall.

Tho clerk then presented a communlcntlon from C. G. Saundora, manager of tho auditing ilepartment of tho Michigan Truat Company, ^r,A Din uepartineui UL mu ..i.^,,,»,•,, . . . ."« —...,......,, -. «, i,,. . .v,. . . , .- .

.1.0,rn and on motion of Sup. Clement was received .Size of colla, 0x7x7,, ii''o.r and placed on fde. Malerlaia of which cells are made, wood ami

101'rrr The clerk then rend n communication from aleel. }n,7,r ' the Michigan Stale Tax Asaoclation, requesting Siieclnl provisions for female nnd Iray prls-oni'rrn him to place in the himds of each momber of oners, aoparalo apartments. Trr'flin the Board, a copy of an addreas on the aubject Special provisions for insane and idiotic per-nS'rrn of tax limitntlonB, and thereupon tho clerk pro- sona, under conatructlon. h'arn ccedod to furnlah each memlier with n copy. la your Jail used aa a city or village lookuiiV

oiS'o,! The clerk then prcaontod to tho Board tho Yea. If m, how many iirlaonera have boon cnn-flo'ii?" report of Insiiectors of .fnila, and same on mo- lined under city or vlllago ordinnncesV None.

i?r'77ft ' ' o " "f S"" ' ""^ " '"" '•oforrod . to the com-" " ' mittco on County Onicers'Accounts. ,

To Hon. Board of Suiiervisors, and Tho Stale Hoard of Corrections and Charities:

487,800 2,297,280 1,190,700

209,060 1,808,510 3,109,110

511,340 10,400

Tho undersigned Inspectors of Jails for the county of Ingham, in compliance with tho pro-vlalona of law (.Sections 2665-2670, Compiled Laws 1897), respectfully reiiort:

That on the fifteenth day of Septomher, 101C, thoy visited and carefully inapecled tho County Jnll of aald county, nnd found aa fnlinwa:

I, Thnt during the period since the last re-Hall nnd Krentel, Lnsenby nnd Kose, McKinley highways of Inghnnrcounty for the purpose of ^.^^^^^,,^ report and the date of this exnmination, nnd RoblnHon, Hullen and Clemonts, Byrum conatrueting nnd repairing roads, and olfcred ^^^^^,^ |,|^g ,,^g„ confined a t dllforcnt timen 301

riaoners charged with otfonaea na followa: In ,.i„i,n Mn 1111 c„. tr.t un ,„...»...,i.„i i„, n..„ r 111 J 1 . " i " "1 7 ""'I Miller, Catlln nnd Reck, Docko and Pick- the services of his turnkey to accompnny pris-ntv S ln r l . ^ r . N^^ f , i . n ; . k h S ,.1* ,1 n ' f""''"'' ".« " ' "'"-''' [""'"''' "? f ^'""K""' " " ' . ' " ard, llowlclt and Schalfer, Lehnmn and Taylor, oners when so employed under tho supervision

im. r 1 t\;;,,^rv « L^„,?, ,f , i ™f, ^ ^ ^ auspond the genera laws 0 the slato relative ,i.|,„ chnlrmnn then np lointed tho following of tho county road commlasionors or township ^ Ofi'enae inoe at the ,January aeaalon. and referred back to the taxation nnd regulntlon of the mnnu- committee on Enual i /n ton ' Sons Pini-I-nov hlirhwnv commlaaioners Vngrnnccs

I for the ren_son thnt sn 1,1 claim was fnctnre and sale of,such Ilquora in,the aevcral C , r n b y Miller, ' L e h m « r ' M d " l , l y ^ ^ ^ a ' s i p . R o s T . T r e s e S Iho following resolution Drunk .ind intoxicntod topher nnd Allen. which same on his own motion was on roll .llpler, 1st oltense . . .

On motion of Sup. Rose the Bonrd then took call adopted by the following vote: Yens 24, •'"•'f'''; !' • , ' • " , " • ; , naya none. , Violating locn 0|itlon .

Roaolved by the Bonrd of Supervisors of Cominnn proatltule . . . Ingham county thnt the county clerk Iw nnd Statutory rniie hereby la Instructed to draw an order for $0.00 Adultery for his BorviccB as clerk of tho Bonrd and lire- Nonaupimrt paring copies of tho proceedings for tho Assault nnd battery

declared to be Indefinite, nnd thereupon pro- counties of the stnte under cortnin circnni-sented n bill covering the snmo Items niiule nut atnnces; to ni^liorizn tho qunllfiod electors of In duo form, nnd moveil tliat Ihia cliilm he re- tho several counties in this state to exproaa ferieil to the old coininlttee on .Sberlll's nnd their will In regnrd to such prohibition by nn CMnatabios CIniina, with instnictiona to rojiort election nnd to nuthorb.e and emiiowor tlie snino back to the Hoard at this aeaalon, which bonrd of auperviaors of tbo several counties, motion iirevniled, after such election, If they shnll determine tlie

On motion of Sup. MclClnley tho hour of two result to be In fnvnr of such iirobiblthm, to o'clock |), 111. was decided u|ioii for tlie election proliiblt the mnniifncture, sale, keeping for of H perinnnenl cbnlriiinn. sale, giving nwiiy or furnlaliing of any auch

On motion uf Su|i. Young the nintler of tiie Iliiuors, or the kueiilng of nny anioon or any allowance of bills iiresented wna deferred until other pince for llic mnnufncture, sniu, Hloring nfter the eleellon of n iiermiiiienl cliainiinn, fir snie, giving nwny or furnishing of the anme



a receaa until 1:30 o'clock.


Meeting called to order by Chnlrmnn Byrum Roll enll. All members present exceiit Sup.

Tnylor. County Trenaiiror Solon C. I.nne, reported to printer. Grand larceny,

the Bonrd tho amount of monies in lila hands On motion of Sup, Reck tho chair then ap- Obscene picture . from the Deer I.Icenae Fund nvnilablo to rolm- pointed the following comnilttcq on Mileage I'Wec'.mt language

On motion of Sup. Clirlaloiiiier tlie chninnan appeinted the fulliiwliig iiioiiibera on iiiiiengu mill pur diem; Supa. Cliriatophfr, l.nsiMiliy and Hullen,

On iiiolidii of Sup. Ilrognn llio Hiienl (IKMI look a I'ccesa until I ;30 p. 111.

AI'TEUNOON SKSKION. Su|i. Cntlln, chnlrmnn of the cniiiinltleo on

canvaaa of vole on Local Option, preaenled the following reiiort of liie cnmmiUee nnd iiio\'ed lis udoiition, and same wna mloiilod on roll cnll by the following vole: yeas M, nay.i iioiie. COUNTY CANVA.SS AND DKCLARATION


Tabular atntement of all voioa cast in the several townsiiips and wards of tbo county of Ingham at the election held on Monday, the 3rd day of April, A. D. 1910, on the priiposl-tlon of county proliibltlon. (Shall the mnnu­fncture of Ilquora nnd the liquor trnlllc be |iro-hiblted within the county of Ingham).

Tot. Yea No Bla'k Alaiedon 212 130 82

within their respuellve counties; anil to pro­vide for penalties and rights of nctinn In case of Ha viointlnn." It is hereby ordered thnt on and nfter tliu first ilny of Mny, one tlioiisnnil nine biindrcd and sLxloeii, the iiiniiilfncture, anie, keeiiliig for siilo, giving iiwiiy or furnlali­ing of nny vinous, malt, lirewed, feriiienteil, aplrlttious or Intoxicating Iltiuora, or any iiiixeil liquor or beverage, any imrt of which la Intox­lcntlng, and the keeping iif n anioon or nny other filnce where such liquors lire riinmifiu:-tiireil, sold, alorod for siile, given nwny or furn-ialied, ahnll bo nnd is iirohibited within the limits of the said County of Ingbnm; and this

burau tho Contingent Fund for sums paid and Per Diem: Supa, Christopher, . r , thorefi-Din for services of Deputy Game War- and Bullen, , • , j;"™'})' °' " " ' " den, and on motion of Sui>. Plncknoy tho treas- On motion of Sup, Christopher tho Board Hoaortlon , . . . . , . . . iire'r wna niitbnrlzod to niako the trnnafer to then ndjourned until tomorrow morning at 10 ''"'"lonK Ijonru mil the Contingent li'und all of the Deer License o'clock. V,- " : "^ """f, ",i^ " ' , • • •

. Violntlag prohlliltion law June 27, 1916. DIaorderly houae . ;

Meeting called to order by Sup. Byrum. Perjury Itoll call of members. AH present except Aaaault, intent to k i l l . . . .

Supa. Tnylor and Oatlln. Resisting oHicer

iiionlea In Ida hnnilH that would otberwlav re vert to the atate after the lapse of one year.

Sup. Kose then iiddreaaed the Board in the interest uf llie Mason Baptist chureli nnd upon Ills own motion the society was granted the uso of tile court room for holding church services The minutes of the previous day's aossion not Bastardy and Sunilny school during tbe'tlme their church having been transcriiwd to the supervisors' Contempt of court edifice was being remodeled. Journal, on motion of Sup. Chrlatopher same Breaking and entering

Alderman 11. B, l/mgyear of the city of Ma- were considered road. Breaking jail . . . . son, then iiddreaaed the Bonrd and preaonteil On motlon-of Sup, Clement tho chair appoint- Indecent lilicrty with tbo following reanlutlon adopted by tho Council ed Sup, McKinley to represent the Board of female child

:";^!!l!'Z, t^±!i}l:'"^"l!:^!r.'"!lj'J^^ r the cUrSf M a ^ n nnd t i . a .^o on motion Spo;;; i iora tofo^^ th i S U ^ Boarii'i^f EqualUa-

Bunkerhlli Delhi

I.analng Tuwnahlp— lat Prec 2nd Prec

Lnnsing City— lat wd, 1st Prec, . lat wd, 2d I'rec. ,

2d wd, 2d Prec. . 3il wd, 1st Prec. . 3d wd, 2d Prec. . 3d wd, 3d Prec. . 4th wd, tat Prec. . 4 lb wd, 2d Prec. . 4th wd, !)d Prec. . Otli wd, lat Prec. . 5th wd, 2d Proo. . 5th wd, 3d Prec. . 0th wd, 4th Prec. . 6th wd, 1st Prec. . 6th wd, 2d Prec. . 6th wd, 3d Prec. .

Mason City—






. . 3S9



.533 ..453 ..591 ..572 ..040 .. 06,S ..526 ..047 ..694 ..044 ..473 ..510 ..043 .808



..182 22''

241 124 250 174

159 237

204 143 487 336 279 337 340 3011 322 294 253 296 325 300 268 307

• 456 . 277 200 304 1'28

203 170 208 100 226 154 94

137 343

90 91

153 110

68 152

3I>3 282 2S2 247 174 254 232 239 237 232 39.1 298 216 173 247 236 352

39 122 226


63 64

138 121 121 92 88 81



7 0 .1



1 1


9217 6684 42 10943 Majority for 2,033 Wherean, from the return of the votes given

within the nnid county of Ingham on the first day of May, one thousiind nine hundred nnd sixteen aforesaid, that being the firat ,dny of May after Its adoption; thnt on nnd after said liny it ahnll lie unlnwful within snid county of Ingbnm for nny person, directly or Indirectly, hiinacif or liy Ida clerk, agent, or omjiloyeo, to mnnu facta re, aoli, keep for sale, give away or furnlah any vlnoiia, malt, brewed, fernionted, apirituous or Intoxicating Ilquora, or any'mixed liquor or beverage, nny part of which la in­toxicating, or to keep a saloon or nny other lilnce where nny auch lliiunrs are mnnufnctiir-eii, snid, stored for anie, given nwny or fiirn-iaiiod wltliln tho limits of the said county of Iiighniu so long aa this reaniiilion of proliibltlon remains unrepealed; nnd thnt on nnd nfter the s:ilii first dny of Mny, one thouannd nine hun­dred •Mu\ sixteen, the provlsinns of the general liiwB of this atnto for tlie tnxniion nnd ivguhi-tloii of the bualness of mnniifiu'lurlng, selling, keiqilng for sale, furnishing, giving nwny or lUdlveriiig s|iirltiiouB nnd Inliixlenting lliinoni, nnd iiinit, brewed or fernienled anil vinous Ihi­uora shall lie and are siisponded and supersed­ed, so far na related to the territory and miinlclpnlltiea within the llmlta of the aalil county of Ingliaiii so long as this resolution of prohibition romnins unrepealed; Provided, however. That nil snlos of liquor In said county by druggista or registered pbarmnclsta ahnll be under tho restrictions and requirements Im­posed upon them by the general laws of this State, and the provisions of this act.

And provided further. That nothing herein contained ahnll bo ao conatrited as to prohibit the sale of wine for ancramental purpoaes, nor the sale of wine or cider from homo grown fruits In quantities of not leas t h w five gnl-lona.

Provided further. That n copy of thia pre-nmhlc and rcaolutlon be published without de­lay once in each week until the first dny of Mny next In tho Ingham County News,- n news-pn|ier published and circiilated In snid county.


-Chalrmnn Board of Supervisors for tho Coun­ty of Ingbnm.

WILLIAM H. GUAHAM, Clerk of snid Bonrd.

The committee on Sheriffs nnd Constables Claims reported back for allowance the claim

of Sup. Rose was received nnd Inid on the tlon nt their coming session. table. Sup. Plncknoy then prcBonted the following II. Tliero nro now

Resolved, by the Common Council of the City report of the committee on Equalization and trial, 7 of Mnson thnt in tho event thnt the County same on his own motion was received and ""• - ' Road Commissioners of the County of Ingham ndopled nnd referred to the committee on Ap-sliall construct ono and one-half miles of stnte iinriinnment:

The Committee on Euqnlizatlon to whom was of Inglinm respectfully report thnt thoy have coi rolls of tho several townslilpa and

Townalilps and Wards

Aurollua lliinkerhill Delhi

Ingham Lansing Tow'nship Leroy

Locke Meridian Onondaga Stockbrldge Vevay Wheatfield White Oak Willinmston Mnson, 1st wnrd. . Mason, 2nd ward . . banning, lat wnrd. Lansing, 2nd ward. Lansing, 3rd ward. Lansing, 4th wnrd. Lansing, 0th wnrd. Lnnsing, 6th ward. Annexed Territory,

Acres Assessed

, 22,830.06 . 23,058.10

21,027.30 . 22,703.011

18(1,(10 , 20,300.58 . 16,410.20 . 21,240.14

22,149.00 . 22,900.30 . 21,181.84 . 22,795,22 . 22,108,07 , 20,582.81 . 19,179.02 . 23,029.09 . 19,785.00 , , , , , , , , City

referred the Assessment Rolls of tho County sidcrcd tho sumo and recommend that tho

wards be equalized as fallows; Real RonI Estate na

Estate $1,270,500 1,284,460

832,215 1,030,660 1,120,800

987,220 2,168,650 1,452,920 1,894,365 1,140,740 1,693,070 I,I80„170 1,284,0'20 1,242,290 1,074,550

979,500 1,604,730

477,000 040,840

2,271,645 8,028,035 0,553,840 4,700,860 0,936,900 5,122,405



Equnlized $1,270,000 1,284,400

832,210 1,530,660 1,120,850

987,220 2,168,650 1,452,920 1,894,360 1,140,740 1,693,070 1,180,370 1,'284,02» 1,'242,290 1,074,050

979,500 1,654,730

477,600 040,340

2,271,046 8,028,030 5,003,840 4,760,860 0,936,900 0,122,406

, 011„340


Personal T Estate $ 147,020

93,820 107,010 187,380

64,300 98,700

376,760 104,030 348,400 78,240

184,600 107,026 261,000 156,910 92,500 70,800

317,260 99,472

176,770 487,800

2,297,280 - 1,190.700

209,660 1,808,010 3,109,115



otnl Equalized Valuation

$1,418,020 1,378,286

93'9,226 1,718,050 1,185,106 1,085,920 2,040,410 1,606,906 2,242,810 1,'2'23,9S6 1,877,730 1,287,890 1,045,670 I,;l99,200 1,167,100 1,066,350 1,971,995

677,072 717,615

2,769,445 10.326,310 6,744,090 4,970,420 7,740,415 8,281,020



Amount received for board, etc., of city or village prisoners, nothing.

On mollon of Sup. Taylor, the rules govern­ing the notion of tho Bonrd heretofore ndopled, were nilopted for the government of the pro-coeillnga of tho session.

Chalrinnn Hyrum thou announced the a|i-polntnient of the following stnadlng com-niitlooa:

Wnys nnd Menns—ICrontel, Cntlln, Docko. Kqunllzstion—Pinckpoy, I^nsenby, Miller,

Lebimin, McKinley, Allen, Chrlaloplior. Justice Dockets, Coroner and WHneaa Claims

— Ueevea, lioae, ICnisor, SchaelVer, Roiiinson. County, lownshlii and ward poor accounta—

Young, Howlett, Clements. County Fiirm and Buildings—Hrognn, Cle­

ments, Knlaor, Appertioniuent of tnxca nnd asBoaament rolls

—McKinley, Reeves, Ilnll, PIcknrd, SchneH'or. Public llulldlngs, exce|it county farm—Knae,

Decke, Tnylor. Drains—Kniaer, Clement, Riihlnson. I'rinling—Allen, Sehnen'or, llowlutt. Salnrica—Miller, Brogiin,. Robinson. Cenenil Claims—'i'uylor, Bullen, Decke. Contagious DIaoaae CInlins—Clement, Miller,

Brogan. County onicera' Accounts—Bullen, Cntlln,

Young, Clement, Bonnott. County Suiierlntendents of pour nccounlu—

Reck, Lasonby, Christopher, Supplies—Picknrd, Chrlatopher. Rose. County onicers' Bonda—Howlett, Lehman,

Reeves. ShurilV and Constable Claims—Leiimnn, Ben­

nett, Hail, PIckard, Rock, Ciomonts. County Roads nnd Bridges—Cntlln, Allen,

Reck, Krentel, McKinley, ' Auxiliary Cuniniidccs.

Juatico Dockets, coroner and witness cinima —Lnsenby, llnll,

Sherllt and Constable Clnlm.i—Robinson, Taylor.

(ienerni CInlms—McKlnloy, Schncfi'er. Contiigious Dlsenso Cluiina—Christopher,

Clemenla. On motion of Sup. Clement, Dr. Tumor, ex-

for County Pbyalcian, wna invited to address, the Hoard oa the sulijoct of contagious diaeiiaes,

rbcrc nro now in Jnll serving sentence, 21. etc. There are now In jnll nwalting sentence, 3, Supervisor McKinley presented tho following Numlier now In Jnll—innio 30, fcmnle I ; communication from Dr, Charles P, Lynch,

totnl 31, hoalth olficer of tho city of Lansing, and on Prisoners detained for trial have been held bis own motion the communication and tbo

in jail tho following number of days each; question regarding contagious diaonae clalnia

Male . . 70 ..109 . . 5

. . . 7 . . 24

4 0

13 1 1 3

Lnsenby Larceny 14



Total 70

III 6 7

24 1

7 0

16 I I 3

14 7 3 1 I 6 1 I 1 1

294 Jail

10 detained


One 61, one 48, one 38, ono 9, one 9, one 10, one 13,

III. Numlicr usually confined In one room by day, I to 40,

IV. Employment, .working on farms. In county Imlldlnga, iiinking cement blocks nnd brick, working on highwny,

V. Condition of bedding, good. Condition of cells, good. Condition of halls, good. Condition of wnter-cloaets, good. VI. What distinction, if nny, is mndo In the

trentineiit of priaonera'/ (Between those only held for trial and those nerving aontonce, etc.) Not nny,

VII. Are pri.soncrs uniler .alxteen yenra of nge nt nny time, dny or night, permitted to mingle or nssoclnte with nilult prisoners In vio-Intlon of Section 0506, Complied Lnwa 1897'; No,

VIII. Are prisoners arrested on civil pro­cess kept in rooms sopnrnto and distinct from prisoners held on crimlnni charge or convic­tion, "and on no pretense whatever put or kojit in tho snmo room," as required by Section 10634, Compiled Lnws 1897? Yes.

IX. Are mnle and female prisoners confined In separate rooms as required by Section 10536, Compiled Laws 1897'/ Yea,

K. Is there n proper Jail record kept nnd Is

waa referred to a apodal committee of throe, to be aiipnlnted by tho chnir,

Sept. 30, 1916. Aid. 0. L. McKinley, Lnnsing, Mich.

My Dear Ahleriiinn: I would like to cnil your nltentlon to the fnct tlint tho nnminl mooting of the Bonrd of Suporvlsora of Inglinm county will be held enrly In October and na n Senior Alilerinuu of your ward, you nro a mein-i bur'of Ihnt board,

Aa you are no doubt nwnro tho Lansing Iluallli Department has been reorganized In the past few months nnd 1 nm engnged by thnt lionrd, na a full time health olllcer. In pre-vloua years Lansing had only n part timo man, umpioyeii by the city nnd tho county lins biul only n inirt time innn, the county physicinn, whuae duties aro to look after the. contagious cnaes in Lnnsing township.

Under Hie now management I iieraonnlly visit and quarantine all contagious cnaes and It would aeoin that tho roiiuiromcnts of tho county nnd city aa well as tho needs of tho patient could lie taken care of much better if the one . tliousnnd. dollars, now npproprinted annually to employ a county physicinn for Lnn-townslilp, were paid to tho Board of Health on the condition that they assume tho roslionsi-blllty of medical euro of all indigent contagious

It kept properly posted and doea it com,dy with '"??" T"l^"'^ '"J ^!\""'n" 'T?,!''"!, "i"""'} Section 2680, Compiled Lnws 1897 7 Yes. '''="?;i '%'»'r" "f? "'I,,'^'""'''' ""o Board of

.VI. What if any evils eithoV n rnn»(r»« Health of thIa city will engage a physician, F. C. Pinckncy, A. J. Miller, F. J. Cliristophor, 0. L. McKinley, Martin Leomnn„L. T. tlon or management of Jnii a o found to exist'? ^ '"' ""' ""' "" " '"O'"'!''' nttondant for the

Laaonby, Fred R. Allon, Committee. Luoka padded cell for insane but s under con- """'"KI"™ <"''"' ""'' ^l will nlao inciuilo in structlon. Management is good. <»"' '«'" •° » '1'<>™'K1' investigation in every

Sup. Christopher, chairman of the committee lowing report which same on roll cnll was Rocommendationa: The roaults of working ""^' "? " "HHtuf'', ?' «„„„ ?„?""?! ,S° ?"ir' on Mileage and Per Diem, then made tho fol- adopted by the following vote i yenB-24, nays 0. prisoners at different employmonta about the "","' "'' n/?uJ i l . ; ""?i" '„ 1 "„;„i„„ i t l ,

county property nnd in gonorni nro very pleas- """" V' , t 'i''" '"'' "">""""«< ""Vl™ I '™' ing and satisfnctory and we recommend that """"''""t 'l"' Y" Jr"" ^^°y' 'i' "•" "T'""

Mr, 'Chairman: Your committee on Mileage nnd Por Diem would reipectfully iiubmit tho following report:


AInledon H. R. Taylor Absent In the Bevorai townahipB and wards In anid Presented by C. J. Nott, which had been declar-county of Ingbnm at the election held In nnd «'' I'xleflnlta at a former meeting of the Board for said county on Monday, the 3rd dny of '">'l ""w PreHpnto'l i" tVPo wrl""" i«"^' '"» April. A. D. 1916, on tho propoaltlon whether recommended Ita allowance in full at $69.80 and or not the manufacture of liquor and the liquor Jho snnie on roll cnll was allowed by tho fol-tramc should bo prohibited within the limits of lowing voto, yeas 2(i, nays nono. snid county. It appears that tho whole number „ S»l<. McKinley offered the following resolu-of voteB caat on auch proposition Is 15,943; and *'?>' which same on his own motion wna adopt-it further appearing thnt tho whole number of "'l »" roll call by tho toHowinK vote: yens 26, votcB eait (yea) In tho nflirmativo of auch iirop- ""y" ",""''•, „ „ , , „ , , •, oaltion Is 9,217 and the whole number of votes , K^nlved by the Board of Siipervlaora of Ing- „. . „„ .. ,. „,..^ „ cnat (no) In tho negative of auch propoaltlon is hamfomity, that the acHon of tlio clerk of tida Onondaga , . . . .W. D. Byrumr. 20 ' '"" " "'•*" " " " " . . . ."«». . « . . « . . . . - . . . g | .

4 18 34 60 28 28 28

ATT'DANCE Days Amount Total

AuroIIus H. R. Bullon... Bunkcrhlll Jas. Brogan. , . . Delhi J. W. Robinson. East Lansing C. M. Krentel., Ingham A. J. Miller. . . , Lansing Townahip C. A. Clement.. Leroy A. H. Catl ln. . , . Leslie I^ R. Allen Locke O. N. PIckard.. Meridian F. N. Kaiser.

12 40 12 32 18 32 64 16 <0 40

6,684, blank! 42. Board in paying bill No. 112 presented by the stockbrldge Now, therefore, it IB hereby determined and p"y "f Lansing, for tho total sum of $12,1.98 Vevay L. T.

.declared by the Bonrd of Supervisors of Ingham ' ^ ".'^.l'' '""" i"' "^ P''.' '' n"" ^ i'''. '""?""' Wheatfield W. S, county aa the roBult of said election thnt u nm- '^e •>"• "'"» "llowod by tlio Board at Its Jan- white Oak C. J.

' inntlvo of said proposition in 2,033. Committee: A. H. Cntlln. V, C. Pinckney. Chas. W. Reek, A. L. Kose and C. M. Krentel.

Sup, Catlln then presented the following res­olution ordering prohibition, which same on his own motion on roll call was adopted by tho following vote, yeua 26. naya none. RESOLUTION ORDERING rRO.IilDn'ION,

.A. A. Hnll Lnsenby Reeves

L'i'uiivy us me runuit ui biuu uieciiuii iimi, u mn- — ' ; " - ", "- — • ; :; , ., ' »? iiiw v/»iv ,\j, u. Clements Jorlly of the votes of the quuiiftcd electors, of ">"y "esalon, upon the recommondntlon of tho wHliamston Martin Lehman anid county voting on suid proposition has been fonimltjoe on SherHls and Coiiatnbles CInims, Lansing, Firat Ward. . . . J . Shalfer cuBt In tho Bdirmative of said proposition nnd }"> rntified and confirmed, the Pros. Att y. hnv- Lmiajng, Second Ward.. , O. L, McKinley that the majority of votc» BO cnst in tho nfllr- '"K "?'?'' "'i'J ,"'", ?"'"' '" " •'""' """ """ Lansing./Third Ward,. . .Geo. Decke - ahould be paid in full. - . ( _ . . , . _ . _ .

On motion of Sup. Pinckney the clerk was instructed to draw an order in payment of all long distance telephone toll bills each month, upon the 0 . K. of tho monthly auditing coni-mittoe.

Sup. Christopher presented tho following re­port of tho committee on Mileage and Per Diem nnd same was ndopted on roll call by the

Lansing, 'Tourth Ward.. . Chaa, Reck 28 Lansing, Fifth Ward, ' '" iMmlng, Sixth Ward.' Lansing. Assessor . . . Mason, First Ward... Mason, Second Ward.

.Wm. Ilinnian.

.P. J. Christopher.

.P . C. Pinckney...

.A. L. Rose

.A. A. Howlett . . . .

28 28 28

$ .72 2.40

.72 1.92 1.08 1.92 3.48

.96 3.60 2.40 1.20 6.16

.24 1.08 2.04 3.00 1.68 1.G8 1.68 1.68 1.68 1.68 1.G8

.12 :i2

$8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8,00 8.00

• 4.00 8.0Q 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00. 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.0U 8.00

$8.72 10.40 8.72 9.92 9.08 9.92

8.96 n.GO 10.40 9.20

13.16 8.24 9.08

10.04 11.00 9.68 9.68 9.68 9.G8

9.68 8.12 8.12

year, a snving to tho county of several hun­dred dnilnra. Aa tliero aro undoubtedly many, under tbo present management, who receive county aid thnt aro not Juatly entitled to the same. I also feel that with nrrongcments auch na I hnvo outlined wo will bo able to render moro elliciont service to the contagious cases, than la |)os8ible under the present numago-ment.


Whoroaa, An election was duly cnllod by following vote, yeas 26, naya none.

Mr, Chairman; Your Committee on Mileage and Per Diem would respectfully submit tlie following report:


material and equipment be furnished by tho county aa is needed to profitably continue tho employment of the prisoners.

' JASON E. NICHOLS, Judge of Probate. C. D. BLACK, County Agent. JAY M. SMITH, C. C. FOSTER, WALTER S. ROOT,

Tho followiot"«'nmi?tn!!',.°'„f''^S''' 1 •« If the contagious cases are properly qunran-"•"' was then nroaonted an, nn" n,„.fn/''n/'«"'^ """'J '"«' ' o Patient kept carefully isolated. ''S'' S n o t thp Jmi l . « !nn ?„„ I i r ?' ."f' fumigation of the premiaoa at tho termination " " • tho e l m itt/„ on ^Tn*„ n<ni''"/^'°'"" '" "f '!"= «"»» '» "nnoceaaary, in a inrc, maiority

the committee on County Omcers' Accounts. „f ,,„„,„. „ „,« county Boarii win allow tho Sheriff B Annual Report. Lansing health department to nasume full

Tile SherKf of tho County of Ingham, In com- charge of all contagloua cases occuring In the plianco with tho provialona of Sectiona 1173, township wo will be able to secure the desired 1174 and 2681, Compiled Laws of 1897, respect- degree of isolation and will bo able to reduce fiilly submits the following report for the year '•I"' nmount of fumigation by nt least 00 per ending Juno 30, 1916. cent. This alone will mean an appreciable sav-

The number of prisoners in tho Jail at the '"K "nd In various other departments of con-beginning of the year, 10. tagious dlsoaao, I am confident wo can reduce

The whole number of prlaoners received In 'h* annual cxiionae to the county by a largo the Jnil within the year, 684. . • percontngo.

The whole number of days prisoners have Briefiy stated, wo are prepared to offer to 9.68 been confined In the Jnll during the year, 11104. Ingham county a more careful medical care of 9.68 The whole number of males committed to contuglous cases, at a much reduced cost. If

the jail within the year, 667. it is convenient I would be glad to have you The whole number of females committed to "=«" "' 'h'" "^'^ any time that you are In the

the jail within the year, 17. city hall. In the next fow days nnd I will be The number of males under elghtoen years of bind to dlacuss those points with you porson-

age committed to the jalL within tlie year, 2. nHy nnd..iiaAw.er. any questions that may arise The number of females under eighteen yeara 'n your mind. On. motion of Sup. Clement the Board then man. Miller. McKinley. PIckard, Reck. Reeves, of Z ; eoSte"d lo'th^"lfli'l"wUhli"?hTS„IS"«' *" '""' "" Dr'"ci>fS"F T/n^h

P.-'iTJ,:'"'.,.*?,: """'' «""" "'" -•"' """""^ '" 'SK°^L„,«'""""''"' «"'"'"«'•' ''''""»'•• ^'"""- The nu"5bl,r°of ^ulei" ehtgid with High On motion of Sup. Ch° » r . " tho'.Board

WARDS Miles Alaiedon H. R. Taylor 8 AurelluB H. R. Bullen 12 Bunkerhlli Jas. .Brogan 40 Delhi J, W, Robinson 12

,C, M. Krentel. 32 A, J, Miller 18 C, A, Clement 32 A, H. Catlln 64 F, R, Allen IG O. N. PIckard , , 60 P, W. Kaiser . . . . . . 40 W. D. Byrum...,; ;, 20 A, A. Holl , . 40 •

Eait Lansing Ingham Laniing Tp , , . Leroy Leille.,.,': Locke..,...,' Meridian,...' Onondaga Stockbrldge Vevay . . , . . . , Wheatneld. White Oak. Wililamitan., Lanalng, ririt Ward, . Lanilng, Second'Wd,..0, L. McKinley.. LanilnB, Third Ward.. Geo, Decke, Lanilng, Fourth Wd.. .Chaa. Reck...... Lanilng, Fifth Ward.. Frank Young.... Lanilng. Sixth Ward; ,F. J, Chrlitopher Maioh, Pint Ward...,A. Li ,RoBa...,,,. Maaon, Second Ward,. A. A. Howlett.,', Lanalng Alienor,,. , , ,'P, G, F|nckney,.

. .L, T, Laaenby....

. W. a. Reovea,,... , ,C. J.'Clement.,,,. . Martin Lehman... .L SchafTer,..

. 4

. 18

. 34

. 60

. 28.

. 26

. 26

. 28 , . 2 6 , 28 , 2 i 2 . 20

Amt. .48

' .72 2.49

.72 1.92 1.08 1.92 3.84

.96 3.60 2,40 ' 1.20 3,78

.24 1.08 2.64 3.00

'1,68 1,6G 1,6C 1,68 1,66 1,66


.12 .1,08


October, 1916. W. D, BYRUM, Chairman,

WM. H. GRAHAM, Clerk.

I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I'/j 1 1 . 1 I I 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I I .

4.00 4.0U 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 G.OO 4.00 4,00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00

Tot 4.48 4.72 6.40 4.72 6.92 6.08 6.92 7.84 4.96 9.60 6.40 C.20 6.40 4.24

, 5.08 6,04 7,00 5,08 6,66 6,66 6.GS ,6,06

' 6.66 4.12 4.12 G.66

OCTOBER SESSION Mnson, Mich., October 9th, 1916.

Chnlrmnn. The clerk then presented each member of the

Bonrd with a printed copy of tho minutes of the June aeaalon, and on motion of Sup. Chrla­topher, the same waa conaldered read.

Tlio clerk then presented a_ communication from Auditor General

during the then adjourned until 1 p. m.

Afternoon Seaaion.

Crimea committed to tho jnll year, 44.

The number of femalea charged with High „ „ „ „ ... Crimea committed to the jail during the year. ''''" """• "" membBra present except Sup. 4. . • " • • " Young.

The number of males charged with Minor ,. County Trpauror Solon C. Lane, presented to , - . •„ \ .. -, „ , . . ..**',"o.^^'m''' ''"''°'""'' Olfenses committed to the juii' during the *'"' Board;tho charge buck tax'lists, and on Regular meeting of the Inghnin Countj the following statement of State Taxca aa up- ^^^^^ jjl. UU.IHK uie j j,o„ „( g ^ ciemont the same wan referred

Board of Suiiervisors. ' portioned by the Auditor General September Tlie number of females charged with Minor ,to « "' '=1"'""nimlttea of three, to bo appointed . Mooting called to order by Chairman W. D. 30, 1916, and also a atatement of the tax ap. oireUFcornmltted to the jail • during tl»''by tho chair, , '"""' "' ""'"""' Byrum. portioned to the „veralcountlea of tho atate, , „ „ , 13, " ' • ' " ' " ' • ' ' " ^•" " ' " " " ' ' " * . The clerk then preaented numerous petitiona

Rol call, the follow'ing members responded according to the last return of the aggregate ^he whole number detained at the Jail aa »'«"«"' ' * resldenta and electora of the city of to their names: Allen,.Brogan, Bullen, Bennett, valuation of taxable property, and aame on witresaea within the year, none. • Lansing,and townahip of Lanalng, praying for Catlln, Clement, Clements, Christopher Decke, motion of Sup. Chrlatopher wore received and rf,, ^^ jg „un,i,er detained as debtora with- *'"> annexation to the city of Lansing of cer-Hall, Ilowlott, Knlaor. Krentel. Lusenby, Lee- referred to the committee on Ways and Menna, In the yeor, .none,'



Lanilng, Mich., September SO, 1916. To the Clerk of the Board of Supervlanra of the County of Ingham s ,

Sir—You are hereby notified that a State Tax hai been apportioned to the leveral Coun> tiei of the State according to the last returni of the aggregate'valuation of taxable, prbi)' erty,therein made to this offlco, and ai equalized and determined by the: State Board,, of Eiiualiaatlon at their »eas|on-In, August, 1916. ,. . , ., , ,

The amount of State Tax apportioned to your CoimtH under vartoua acta of the Legla-.laturo la ai. followi, to wltji „ „ „ „ „ . , „ ; „ . „ „ „ „ „ _


Unlveralty of Michigan—See. 1, Act 808,; 1907.. , . . . . , . . 2 Univerilty of Michigan—Sec. 2, Act 208, 1897 8 Univeriity of Michigan—Sec 29, Act 105,' 1916.. Univerilty of Miohigan—Seo: 8, Act 190, 1916 Michigan Agricultural College—Sec, 1, Act 114, 1916.... . . . Michigan Agricultural College—Sec, 6, Act 246, 18l»6......... Michigan State Normal Collegs-Seo, 6, Act 204, 1«18...... Michigan State Normal College—Sec. 3, Act 168, 1916.. . . . . . . Central Michigan:Normal School—Sec. 6, Act 263, 1916.... Northern rS^te Normal School—See. 4, Act 206, 1916. ; . . , . . .

tain territory In Lanalng township lying ad-

' Upon the luggeatlori, of-Sup.': Taylor of,'the the Board of Supervlibri at their: October lea, _ , commltteton,PMblleBulldlnga Mr. A 'R. Bill aion, giving In complete ditati an eitlmatiB of Weitorn State Normal School—Sic. 6, Act 107,, 1916..

' eami'bifori.thi .Boird; to .explain'; the plani the: amount .of addltl6hal.;rooin;'nieded, what Michigan' (^lli'gi'of Mtnei^Seor4, Act:291, 1916..^ . drawn'for tthi building to ebhtaihapaddad cell' thir,'dN'mid'%idviMbl«;:wh«thi ^^ to'HlchiganState Library—S«e; 6, Act 166, 1916t.'..v'....';...; ;; and'aroom forjuvinileoifindiri;':'.Onmatton -thi;buUdlhg:or.thteMctlonotcott8gei;'andthe, Mlehl ^ .:.ot,;8up.' Byrum tht^matterwaiMf«nfd.baek:to;..iitlmatodtCoit of of Llbrary:CdmmtMl6'iMr«- S«e..•i!:Aetr:96i': 1916 ;<,ttt:eonimUtMi'on';pubUeV:bulldlnjn to'awalt.'a'i^.'i.Coun^^^ '

4 6

V 6 ^ ' 7 8

',» 10 11

'lai-••18^-::14-M ::16:;., •'16.i


123,862.60 66.76

.800.88 8,808,76

12,460.00 22,26

2,226.00 4,460.00 ,2,118,76 1,486,12

. 4,788.76 1,44«,28

. ; 822,60 : •y.]': •MM';: :-;;,'l22;8r'^ : 4;46o,oo:

,640.28: ' .'rdMlilfiiQ:ait to ,whiUMri,lt would l U ... c:.th«,pn>irtiloni;itf ttha'itatutei'to hw^ -i*4n«,«ttittH«d'1»;''Wan'aniiixi te^threbtinty jBllr>H . , . Public

On motion of Sup,'McKinley the/Board then to the committee on Suppllea,' i ' Michigan Schoopfor the Deaf—Sec, 6, Act 180,U916.. proceeded'tb the election o f a iiermanent.clmir- . Sup, ROBO then prcaonted the following reaa- Michigan School.for the Blind—Sec; 6, Act, 200, 1 9 1 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . ' ; . . man.i; \ lutlon which aame on''roll call waii adopted by Michigan Employment Inatltutlon for the Blind—Sec. §, Act 99, 1916

On'motion' of Sup. Rock the chairman hp-. the: following vote, yeas 26, naya'none, < state Sanatorium—Sao, 4, Act 206, 1 9 1 6 . . . ' . . ; . , . ' . . . . . . . . . pointed Supi. , PIckard and Miller; to act as Reaolved, by the Board of Supervisora of Ing- stato'^Houae of Correction and Branch Friaon, U. P.—Sec. 6, Act 236, 1916 telleri.'V , . ' • ' , • . ; ; : ham County that, the county clerk ,be: and la Tho Induatrlal School for Boya—Sec{ 4, Act 108, 1 9 1 6 , , , . ; . . ; , , , . , . . . . . . ,

On motion of Sup, Reck the Bonrd then pro. hereby: Inatructed to draw an order for .$6 for' The State Induatrlal Home for Glrl^Sec. 4, Act 292, 1916. . . . ceedad to an Informal .ballot.. The ballot waa hia aervlcei aa clerk'of the .Board and prepar- Dairy and Food Commlaaioner-Sec! 12, Act 12, 1 0 0 6 . . . , ; , . ; ipread and the reaiiltannounced aa followa:,- ing coplea of the proceedlnga for the printer. Michigan' National' Guard—Sec. 78, Act.i 167, , ,1916. . , . . V . . . . . . . . .

Whole,-number, of votea caat'26, ,of• which On motion of Sup., Clement the Board ad-: Michigan National Guard—-Sec, 2, Act 7, 2nd Extra Seialon, 1 9 1 2 . . . . . . . . . Sup, Byrum received 17 and Sup. Clement 9,- . Journed to meet on the 4th Monday in June in Michigah Naval Brigade—See. 86, Act 90, 1 9 0 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . <

On motion: of Sup.. McKinley, the. informal accordance with the provalona of See. 6, .Act State Board of','Flih Comroiuloneri,, Sec, 6, Act 186,, 1916, . . .

21 22 23 241 20 26 27 28 29

.'ballot w u declared formal and the. clerk'wBi 44, P; A; 1911.. ,':inatructed to c i i t t h e entire vote-of,.the^ Board'

for:Sup; ;Byrum:for 'chalrmBn,': The clerk an-i nourieed.thiruult of thi ballot and the:cHilr-.

min:deeUNd Slip..Byriim'duly elected. , ;(,,#' .-<::.', Tht ehatrman then ,' appointed-Sup.,' Roae to: -:>ieo»t-8up;.Byrum.to^th»'.ohalr..;;',,:.:'Vf''^:;';: ":;,",•':::;

;;-Sup'.;'Bynim,<:aftor,Miuming';the: office- of: ehalrmmi' viryi fielingly •xpriBiied.ihli' grati-,

:: ,tude'to thi fflimberi forithi'jhbnor: of hii eleo>' : ; : . t lon;:; ; ' - : ' '^- ' - . - : - ' - ' - ' ; ' .^' : .•'.^:••'>'-'^-:-''-:"*-l•>''•',:'••'••

W . n . ; BYRUM, Chairman. WM,H. GRAHAM, Clerk. ;^ , :


82 83 84 86

State Highway ' Department—Sec; 2, Act 806, 1916.. State 'Highway Department-rSec. 2, Act 244, 1916.1.. State Board of Geolagtcal Survey^SeiJ. 4, Act 84, 1916 State Board of Health—Sec; 6, Act 122, 1909. 00 Stato Board of Hialth^See.6i Act 298, 1909 . . . . , ; . . . . . . . .w . . . i^ M Bacteriological Uboratory,Upiier'Penlniul*7-Seo. 6;; Art 164, 1 ^ ^ ^

: ;:Maflon,' Mich,; June 26, '1916; v Salary of Deputy Supt. of PubHcInitructlon.»nfAMt--SM 197,;1918 ,89 Juneieiilonof the Ingham County Board Salary of Supt. of Public rnitructlon.7-Seo. 2, Aot:9,.^

of Superviaori. • •: . • ;; ; Salary^of Supreme Court Crier; and Aialitant-Stc.^^^^ .Meeting called to order by Chairman Wi'.D. County Schooli of-Agriculture—Sec. 10, Act 12, .191l,_,jl.....2. Byrum,:^ rv ^ r : : ^ Salariei and;Kxpeniei of Inheritance Tax:Examlner%-Sto.:l»i Act 44,,1909:4»l

8UD; ; Hill thenVaddreiiid the; Board Mg•rd.^,: Roll call; of,, m inf'the^urMnt'iiHd of>«dditlon»lroonvt<fao- SUP; Taylor,,^,; ' ^ ^ . . ^ comodattj.fte'wtlentifof. the Ingham: Couhtyi J ^ Sanitorlum •llhei; by Iheftreetlbn ;of m^;^

;< tlon .to the: pNient ..buUding,'or-1^^ ;'tim:of witt«f«ii:;*djMent/thei«to^-:rD:'''^^ , . , , / ,„ il^vPaJmotN. «(Vtflap. vYoung^^t, mambe ^ ;jlw:);Board^o(;;Contnrof::the,!ln|hgm County;: J,:(kttllebS^^

44 46 46 47 :48 49

lin(MtiBt:tttN n«ueit«d;to iMto a^nport'to:: ilni,:ap^ '!i:«5Ti>e'-Cif' f,!'VS''V>:4'':>:-i!!;»:'.;ei'; j;:SSs:;5^

mgl m' mm, . . . , • • • • , , : • , , <,v.

2,118,76 2,880,76

623,00 623.00

: 1,112,60 2,614,26 1,869,00

778,76 4,064.22.

667,60 626,26:

1,014 46 12,237.60

667.60 666,26 111.26 281.77

89.00 96.68 80,00 64.68

178.00 227.18

1,001.26 2,226.00 1,001.86

188.60 180,82 44.60



The whole number of inaane persona confined Jacent to the western and aouthorn city limits. In the jail within the year, 2, «nd on motion of Sup. Clement the aame were

Tho whole number of idiotic iieraona con- 'p^'v™ ""''•''Morred to a aiieclai committee of fined within tho year, nono. . ,throo menibera to bo appointed by the ,chair->. Total numlier received in.the Jail during the 'n'"i- ,1. ...>'i, . year—all cauBca'(the total of 8 to .10 Inclua- , On mo'ipn of Sup; McKlnloy the chair waa ive), 684. , directed to. appoint a committee of live Instead

The whole number under eighteen years of "f three mombera of the Board to act upon the ago charged with High. Crimes committed to communication of Dr. Chariea P. Lynch reia-the Jail diiring the year, 2. t'vo to contagloua diaeaae claims, which motion

The whole number tinder eighteen' yeara of '5'" ''' .."'"""'"nfnt of three membera prevail-age charged with Minor OlTenaca committed to Jd nt the 'mornlng'aeaaiori. The chairman the jail during, the year; none, . 'hereupon appointed as aiich committee. Super-

The number of priaonera confined to the Jail jjaora Reck, Clement, Krentel, McKinley aiid within the year who have been convicted and "'lller. • ; > ' ' ., , ' aentto State'Priaona,,!!, . On motion of Sup, Hall the chair waa em-

The number of priaonera confined in the Jail powerou to appoint a monthly auditing com-, within the year who have.been'convicted' and 'mitteo conilitlng of three membera of', the aentto the State Houae of flbrrectlon at. "onrd. „ • r ; , . Ionia. 12. i / , ' Sup, Bennett then preaented'a report of the

The number' of .priaoneri: ebnflned In 'the Jail , monthly auditing- committee, and.' on motion of withln'ths year':who have.been, convicted' and :°UP- R°i!°''tae;report. was received-and;adopt-': aentto the Detroit Houae pf Correction; 16. : . Jd. , ' •''i;^-'::•.'•"••'•''•.'.•.::',-_,: i'.':,:';:.:::-yir;:':

The number,of prlabhera"<'onnned:in the Jail', Report or Monthly Audit.Com--, i'

' iient' to the- State Industrial Home for Olrii; 0.";'eiited bytitfei' leveral' county^ bfnders for the , The number of priaonora confined In'the'Jail nionthi': el'. January, February, March, April,

within the year who havu'mnde'their eacaiie.O., Hay, vuneiJiily,Auguat and Sep^mber, 1916.: . The number'of inaane Soldiera'or Marinei The'follb,nlng feea have been,turned,over to confined'In the. juii wlthln4he year who have '|'>l*.eeminittoe, and by them paid to the coun-boen transferred to the Aayliim for the I l i - -" .^eai l irer: anhe. none. ^ : ; F o b . l.iCo.jClerk, flnei,;.......,.,.

The whole number of priaonera remaining in '•'•n. ,ieei,,;ilo. Clerk Huntora' iicenae the jail at the clbae of the'year for which thia i ^ :::,Co.''Cterk court and Steii, feea'; report la miide, 30,

, Of the whole number of prliionera received.in the jail .within the year the number.who coiild: not read; 29,'' ' '• '

Of the whole number of priaonera received in the Jail within 'the year the number who could not write, SO. \ 1

The total aum received from the availa of the labor of the priaonora during the year, 8376.00,

The total aalarlea or feea received by the iherlfl' and deputiei and the sum received for board and keeping of priaonera; Including "at­tending court" and "locka and unlocka" dur­ing the year, I779I 60,

The amount paid for medical attendince, 8844 26.

The amount paid for clothing, $26, ,The amount paid for repairs to the Jail dur­

ing the year, 160. , The amount paid for all other neceaiary lup-

pilea for the Jail during the year, 186, The total coat of maintaining the Jail during

the year, 18296.86. 1 The amount of traveling and other expenMi

I'cCbl'; ,Treaa„/ fees. :;iSherid f e e s ; . . . . . ; . . . ; i V . , . , .

., :'V:,8HerlfI cement b l o c k s . . . ; . ; ; ; . ' D e p ; Sheriff Cook, f e e i . . . . . . . .

Dep. Sheriff Burchfleld, fees . ; . Dep, Sheriff Hurts, f e e s . . . . . .

Total for January; . . . ' . . . . . ; , . . ; . ; . Mar.,l,-Co, Clerk, fines:;.;;;.;.;...... Feb. fees, Co. Clerk;:Hunters' license;.

Co. Clerk, court and Stenfees;'i " 'Co.Treaa,, f e e s , ; . . . . , . . ; . . . " . . - .

Sheriff, f e e s . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . , . Sheriff, cement blocks,,; , '; , ,; , . Dep; Sheriff Cook, f ees ; . , ' , . ; . ; v Dep. Shepift Burchfleld, f e e t . . . .

tl60,00 16,30 17.00 43.37 10,10

, 14,70 12,06;

, 9 . 8 6 , 2 . 1 0


7.20 46.00, (48.41. I8.6O:; 13,86 14.66 7.16

Total for February;;; . . Anrii I, Co Clerkjflnee,,; Mar. fMii Co, Clerki Htinteri' Iteenie

Co, Clerk, court' and Stan: feei ; . Co, Treaiiffsei;;;;>';,'•'•

„ ,1 8h«?iffi cement blookt flbtflfft fMle ' i I'* t'i,'f'•*.'*'•'•• • M'f • I t * .'

. .....;;v..n$246.16 ....i:76.00: - " " • ' ' , ' v ' . 90 '

44.00, .68.61 17.88!

;; J.70


/; 1

Dep. Shtriir Cook. foes. . . \it.?.r< Dop. ShnrilT Burchfleld, fees 10.66 Dop. Shorllf Kurtz; feoa 1,20

Totnl for Mnroh .-$219.06 Mny 1, Co. Clerk, (incB $ 00.00 , Apr. foes, Co. Clerk, clerk nnd Ston feea 36.00

Shorlir, cement* blockB... 49,C.'l SherllT, fees 1.10 Dop. Shorlir Cook, focB 8.S0 Dop. Sherllt Burchvold, feea 7.70

Totnl for April S1C2.23' Juno 1, Co. Clerk, fines ^199.00 Mny fees, Co. Clerk, court •& Ston, fees 38.00

Co. Trens., foes 07.10 SherllT, cement blocks 64.04 Shcrlir, fees 6.90 Dop. Sherllt Cook, foes 9.00 Dep. Shorilt Kurtz, fees 1.60

Totnl for Mny $270.29 •July 1, Co. Clerk, fees r$ 27.00 Juno fees, Co. Trens., fees 06.06

Shorlir, cement blooko 47.90 Shoriir, feea 8.00 Dop. Sherllt Cook, feon . 1S,90 Dop. Shorilt Kurh, feea U.IO

Totnl for .Tune S1C1.20 Aug. 1, Co. Clerk, fines $030.00 July feofl, Co. Cleric, fees 10.00

Co. Trens., foes 46.66 Shorlir, cement blocks 4,80 Sherllt, prisoner to lonin 12,09 Sheriff, work of prisoners 70,26 .Shorlir, fees 4,10 Dop, Shorilt Cook, feea. 10.70 Dop. Shorilt Eatoa, fees 2.10

Total for July $802.00 ,'^eiit. I. Aug. fees, Co. Clerk, fines '..$190.00

Co. Clerk, Hunters' licenao 18.90 Co. Clerk, feea .ll.OO Co. Trens., fees 61.0.'! Sherllt, foes 1.00 Shorilt, coinont hlocka 14.9!) Shorilt, work of prisoners 48.06 Dop. .Shorlir Cook, fees 28.00 Dop. Shorlir Ealea, fees 4.09

Total for August $209.80 0(!i. 2. Sept. fees, Co, Clerk, fines $200,00

Co, Cleric, llunlora' licenao 40:1.60 Co. Clerk, fees 20.00 Co. Ti'ono., feea 06,S9 Sheriff, fees 6,00 Sheriff, cement hlocka 14.01 Sheriff, work ot priaonora 09.60 Don. .Sheriff Cook, foes 2;i.;!2 Dep. Sheriff Estes, foes 11.112

Tolnl for Septomher $802.64 We have alao chocked the lelenliono toll bllhi

o[ llio several county oIliceB preaented to us li.v tlie tolephono coniininiua iiml lileil Llin aniiiu with the county dork. Reaiiectfully auhmltted,

I'\ C. Pinckney, II . R. Taylor, I„ T. Laaenby, J. S. Bennett, Commlttoo,

The chairman then announced tlie anpolnt-inent of the following coiniiiitleea ; On chnrired buck liuc Hats: Supa. Ileiinett, I'lcicni'd nnd Mc­Kinley; nnne.vntlon: Supa. Decke, Clement nnd Chrlatopher; county niidillni; coniiiiittee: Mull, YounB and Lnaenliy.

On motion oC Sup. Clirlaloiiher. tho llonrd thereupon adjournoil until toiiiurrow niorniiiK nt 10 o'clock.

W. D, HYRUM, Chnlrmnn, WM, 11. CRAllAM, Clei-lc.

Tuesday, Ocluber 10, 1U10. . Morning aeaalon.

MeetInK called to ni-iler hy Chnlrmnn Byrum. Roll cnll, nil members present except Sup.

Youni,'. Minutes of the previous dny'a session rend

nnd npprovod. The dork then rend a communlcntlon from

Chnrlea Sidniller, city naaeaaor oC the city oC Sniiinnw, together with tho following roaolu-tlons, nnd on motion of Su|). Cntlln, tho snmo were received nnd the clerk Inalructeil to fur­nlah a copy of the rcauliitlnn lo our aenntor nnd reprcaenlntives in the iMichlKnn leKlalnttire.

SiiKlnaw, Mich., Ocluher li, 1910. Denr Sir: Wo ai'o oncloaing herewltli copy

of resolution which will ho inti-nilucod nt tho npiiroiichlng session of tho Bonrd ot Super­visora of tliia county nnd on wlilcii wo ni'u eertnin to cet fnvornlilo action.

We seek tho co-o|)ei'nllon of every county which mny he nimilnrly sitiinteil nnd would iirmo Hint you or aonieone eiiually (iiinlilleil pni-sent this siiiiie nintler lo your Board of .Sup­ervisora and recunuiiend It to tlieir fnvurahle altenllun.

'I'hnnklng you for glvInK thia mnttcr your nl­tentlon, 1 heu to reiiinin, Very truly yolra,

Chnrlea ,S|iindler, City Asseaaor. By .Sujiervinor Spindler—

Wlierena, Tliero wna removed from tho tii.x rolln of the aeveral townaliipa in tho county of Sauinnw for 1910 moro than four hundrod thouannd doiiara of tiiNiihle property horetofoi-e aaaeasahio hy the local asaoaaing nlllcers and made subject to naseaanieut by the State Board of AsHossora uniler the provision of Act No. 282 of the Public Acts of 1900 nnd,

Wherens, Tliero la n atrong probnblllty thnt further notion will ho sought or tnken looking to tho romovnl of all electric traction company proiiertlos from tho Jurisdiction ot the local nsaeasors and idacing same under the authority of the Slnto Bonrd of Asacssurs, thereby de­priving townships, villngcs nnd cities of the largo nmount of property now locally asaoaaod in the several localities.

Therefore, Be It Resolved, That this Board protest ngnlnat tho pnaaago ot nny legislation permitting this to ho done and that wo rocom-mend to our State Senators and Represcnta-tivos from this district the Initiation of legls-Intlon amending said Act No. 282 and tho pro­vialona of auch other Acta an may como within tho scope of thIa intention aa will positively prevent the shifting of tho assessment ot such properties from local aaaoasing olllcora to the State Board of Assoaaora, and

Be It Further Resolved, Thnt other counties in the State similnrly sltuntod with respect to electric trnctlon conipnny property bo ndvlied of the nctlon of this Bonrd and bo urged to co-oporato with their Senators and Roprosonta-tivoa In the legialntion herein recommended.

Tlio clork then presented a communication from R. L. Polk & Company of Detroit, Mlch-ignn, together witii a blank form of applica­tion for a copy of tho State Gazetteer, and on motion of Sup. McKinley the mnttor wns re­ferred to tho committee on aupiilios.

Suii. Chrlatopher then presented tho follow­ing roiiort ot County Phyalcinn Dr. J . Enrl Mclntyre, nnd on his own motion aamo waa re­ceived nnd placed on file: To the Honorable Board of Supervisors, of Ing­

hnin County, Michigan. . - , Gentlemen! Following la tho report of Dr.

J. Earl Mclntyro, County Pliyslcian for Ingham county, for tlie period from January 1, 1910, until Dr. Mclntyro was called away with the troops on Juno 20, 1010: 8 cases contagious conaultntlon nt $0 . . .$ 40.00 , 12 cnsea typhoid fever, 240 calla at $1.60 369.00 3 case typhoid pneumonia, 60 cnila $1.60 90.00 12 cases scarlet fbvor, 80 calls at $ 3 . . . , 240.00 15 cases pneumonia, 160 calls at $1.00.. 226.00 18 cases diphtlicria, 69 calls at $3 177.00 12 cases smalipo.x, 110 calls at $0 660.00 10 caEca measles, 80 calls at $1.00. . . . 129.00

$1802.00 Walter S. Root, secretary of tho Board ot

Supta. of the Poor, then presented the follow- -ing report of tho Bonrd, which report contain­ed an invitation to tho Bonrd members to visit tho County Farm on Thursday, October 12, nnd oil motion, ot Sup. Christopher, tho report wns received and referred to tho commlttoo on County, Township and Ward Poor Accounts, and the invitntion accepted,


To the Honorable, The Bonrd of Supervisors of Ingham County 1

Gentlemen! The Superintendents of the Poor of your county respectfully submit for your consideration the following report of the fin­ances and other cohditiona of tho care of the poor of the county:

Reeelpis Balance October 1,1916., . . . $1141.09:. Charged to Cities and Town- . . ships October 1, 1916.... £000,67 Appropriation 6000,00

Sale ot Farm Products HogS'..... ......1884.66 Veali . . . . ; . 122.40 : Buttoir . ^ . . . ; . 212.46$ 669.41 Cement and sacks . . . . . . . . . . 64.00 Incidentals, old iron; gas, tol 13,96 Ceo. Hammond, nbat*' oii. . ' . „

potatoes'.. 61.00 t 788.36 •••: ''Outslds,Relief'' •.':•-."

MisiaukiMCorAnnaShadd.t 90.96 Bay^Co., Rose BIrcb..;.;... , 19.08 Mich; Ref'atory, Rose: Pryor 96.87 : Fttd Fanion,,burlal'W. Cady;: 17i00 ; : , •B.:.,B,:Tieflpy,-'Henry'''Town.''i.M6;00'.:'..'.'.•;•..'V '•,".:• Chai;Websteri'BdnaWebrter ;96.00;V;V ; : 1 :' Burtol,,<rf,iB;';i,ft';Nkhpls;y;.;',::':8l).pO:'; j:18n

^IcMniiii^ itelr;tiie^iw»:;«22.9^ .••;ffi':'|'':.'.';'.'iv'.;,'.'i'-.:iMswrteiBeBts'..',',:.'i.:''V'. ^ keeper 'and Matron; 'salary .'.$ 860i0()' •''; '•'' ' ' ' Labor in CO. houM.$449.48.. Labor on Co. farm. 467.42, 906,90 Fuel at county house 998.44 . Gasoline and o i l . . . . . . . . . . . . 694.80 Soap and dis infectant . . . . . . 702.68 Medical attend, ft medicine. . 269.39 , Postage, telep. ft stationery. 97.31 Incidentals . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . 67.47: Repairs, b1aoksmlthtng,:ete. 281.86. Clothing and b e d d i n g . . . . . . . 606.89 Provisions, grocerles,$1484.oe ;: Meat and butter . . . . .697.05 TobBC^o,V...;.......y 46,02 2176.18 ; ;

' Total keep of Ihmatei....$7661.88 ;; Permanent repairs '..,.....$1066.16 ; . . ; : , . / . Tools and fumltura ,,,.,i,, :246;88 . Stack,\ seed, feed, e to . . . . . . 274.78 , : ; Superliitendenti;expenses ,.'183.27. ', TTansi)ortatlon,:of Ininates., 1.71, ', / :

y'''!T(:V' v' ,• .:••S•,.•;:•' .''' ' J .'••'•-•::;,:''.\;"'". aUlde;Belief •' : ':.';;: ^"^>:••::'•• •\\.': Medical attandi.ftnurainff.'.l 760.46 . '

:'Fiiel';.v,...-'.iiiv..'.;,-...;'.;'vl09,28 ;;;•':•';:•" :.. '• ;Fbod, clothing,;* shelter;^.;V, 872,671: ; : Traiisportatlon,: >;. i ;;•.; > i •;. 1. i A ; .80.64';v,-!,.,.i,;;,,;;\,..A.-:

;>- i:>;''W;i'. /i¥l"';Ai£l t:*:;''': *!';H' ;::, 'J'Vi;'


m II

mi 1

Tntnl expoDM lit Co.;hoinoi.$7r>BI,R(l Lou rccoi|iti ot /arm 788.36 •

rnivliiK In tlio tnxpnyor! t w pMPer placo Is |„ Smodlny-CoolldRo, Drn ln -

The homo l8 oiion for .7"; '"KJ""" ,"» nil „ ^ Lnmilnu townnhip Not kcflp of lnmrito«,...,..$6763,Sfi tlnioB, Onr. Kocpor aiid Mnlfn"' »•'•, nm Mrfl. Ordom imiod £1 | 428.08

with nnil Kivo UH nny IdciiB >'""'""'' "".vo thnt AiBOBumont ordered: will 1)0 of heneflt In «'"''"h' . ."Mr. '"/'"rtu- Loroy townBhlp

Brnnch No, ,1 Romoy-Chnndlor Drnlii (.Tnlnt)— by tlio noiinty moro oxponiilvo,

m m <

Uio your WHS 74,. 62 mnle iind 22'fcmulo, Totnl. iniiiilHir-Hnyii minporlud I'i.t'll. miikluK

nn nvcrnico number ot InmiitoB UAI at nn «v-criiKe coat per day ot 40,(i.l36c which hn« been churxed to the Citloa and Towaiihlpa with other outnlde relief ua followa:

Limine City— Tim Coffee 3CC diiya Chai.Elllott 3«C duya Fannie DirlinK 366 dnya Ix>uiie Foote 366 diiya John Rutter SCO dnya Paul Faux . , . , 366 days ]{, B. NIchola 232 duya Lucy. Llndney 366 daya Marry D. Mlllor 366 daya William Grimth 366 daya rinrmnii Miithor 304 diiyii Mildred James 162 daya Grace King 0 dnya Rose Phillip 32S dnya ironrctto. Miller 860 dnya Hugh McCutcheon 360 duya 'J'liomaB Hall 366 dnya Chna. Bauorlo , 350 daya Lydia Webb . , „ 136 days CaUiorIno Sweet 283 dnya Kbenoior Hall 360 dnya J. W. Barker 209 daya Uewellyn Green , IlC dnya Kdle E. Loyd 366 daya Maud Uhl . . . . ^ 360 dnya Wlllinm Wright 108 daya Nlcholls Smith H 306 dnya Myrtle Ault 102 dnya \ Chas. Burchnm 120 dnya Cttlvin H. Anderaon 122 dnya UB Mnaalo » 78 dnya .Tohn Jcaaop in4 daya Roflo HInton 00 'Inya Albert Lntho 15 dnya Clina. W. Lcmni 165 dnya Alex Procbonin 2 daya Benjamin T. Yerka 01 dnya Dewlttht 0. Pnraon 3 daya Wlllnrd Glllott U dnya Nolllo McMnrtin 41 dnya

40 Inmnloa 9273 dnya ?3768.88 Jnckaon Co., Mrs, L, Wlloa. ,$ 273.35 liny Co., Geo, Dny fnmily.. 28.01

Total chnrgo City Lnnalng $.1070.24 City of Mniion—

Uolicrt Richie 366 days Inn HnwUlna 306 dnya William Cndy 15 dnya Jacob WliHmcr 07 ilnyu

4 Inmnlcs 814 daya ? 330.84 Townihip of Aurelius—

•Sarah Young 300 dnya John A. Denlaon 172 daya

2 Inmntci 538 dnya $ 218.60 Tuwiialiip nf Uelhl—

Theodore Forlo 270 dnys Aninan Turner 26 dnya

Bnl. of fund (Inghnm Co.) $3036.00 • Bal. nf fund (Clinton Co.)

Aascaamont ordered, both 1 1 . i, countioB (1916) . . . . . . . Contractfl Inoidontala impnld.$2584.8?'. Unlanco in filnd 156.00


Hoping our ofTorta In '"l» " 7 " ""ve your Contrncta, Incidentnla unpnid 50.30 hourly npproval nnd co-oponillni. We rcapect- Balance in fund 106.90


$1073.15 Tho weather condltlona thia year ns fa f na 403.83 being able to work hnB'heon concerned, hav,o

been ideni; but on account of tho dryness of U74.no the ground and tho coat to brcnk this ground.

It hna mndo tho work idkubly cxpenaive^Kln aumo cnnoB, wo Imvo bebniinablo to brcuKT ie

— — — ronda with a rooter and tliroe tcania. Here wo bnvu' bnd to use a atonni or gnaollne trnctor, and then only ninking a very narrow furrow. Also, the grnvul being dry, did not linck woll and hud to lie floated almost continually, oa-

5 cnaca dlptbcriii;. 30 ICIIIB' at | 3 OO.OA' 3 cnaca infantilo pir*lyil>> i* calls nl $5,^46. 1 caao tubercular,l«i'operation, $ 6 0 , . , , "BOl 6 cnaas acnrlot favA 30 cnila at $ 3 , , , , ^ 00,1



$2741.48 $2741.48 Tlio total amount of tho computation ot

2168.00 drnlna lot ainco the Inat annual report la $138,-946.00.

Surveys bavo been mnde and right of waya poclally on our trunk linea, in order thnt it partially secured on the following drains, viz: might bo kept in tho road and not thrown out


Superintendents of the Poor, Inghnm County. On motion of Sup. ClirlHlnpher. J, M. Smith,

« member of the Honnl of S;il');»',of the Poor,

$2108,00 Crnndnll Drain—

Asaossment ordered: White Onk townahip . . . Lcroy townahip

Orders iaaued , , , $1768.02 Contracts, incidentals unpaid 84.05

Stimor Drain, In Onondaga township 1 Goritz $2168.00 Drain, in Lanaing townahip; Stowo and Wy-

gant Drains in Leroy townahip: Chnpln Drain in Vcvay township and WMlmnrth Drnin in

$1008.20 Meridian townsbli), 891.80 Surveys hnvo boon made but no further pro­

ceedings had on the following drnlna, vh

In tho gutters. Of course thia expense cornea under tlie coat of mnlntcnnnco of roads.

This brings up another Item which we have mentioned before in our report—the appropria­tion ot money to be used as a repair fund. As Btatcd before, wo now iinve api)ro.\imatcly 80 milea ot road on the county road system which

hnngca c'onloniplnlcil. and °". f',"" of Sup. IcICInloy, tho nintler wan rcfi'iau 10 the com- $1900.00

Hopkins Drnin— Aesesament ordered;

Aur«tliua township Orders issued ,,...$1548,35 Contrncta, incidentnla unpnid 44.87 Bnlanco In fund 91.78

was I n X l to n.ldrc.s the Hoard, relative to ""'"n^ 'n fund ^ 0 7 . 0 3 nh . . . " WclClnloy, mitteu on milarlea. ,i„ n , ,

On mntion of Sup. Ho.si.. IM Hoard there­upon.adjourned until 1 p. "1.

.lUlcrnooji Si'.«lon. Roll ciill, all nienilicrs present except Sup.

Kdw'anI J. Doioio iireBontcd the following re-IKirt of the County Un'in Conimlsfilonor, and Colo Drain— (Ml motion of Sup. Ontlin tie aarno was Aaaeasment ordered; niforrod to tho coniinlttw! on ilrnlna. Wlioatilold township . . . HKPORTOP DRAIN COMMISSIONER, 1915 Ordora isuued $ 178.55 To the Honoralilo Hminl of Supervlsora ot tho f.^ntfacta, inoidontala unpnid 7731.76

County of InKJinrn; '^''I'lnce In fund 380.69 Gontlomon: In nccorilnnco with Section 4316

of the Compiled Lnws, I hnvo tlie honor to Biib- „ „ , , , „ „ . mit herewith my nnnuni report for the yenr ^"'"l"'"!' Drain—-ending October 7lh, A. I). 1916, as County Aaacssmont ordered: Drain Commissioner In and for the County of Inghnm, Stale ot Jllchignn. '

The following nnnieil drnlna nnve been com-muNced, coiiHlructed anil coniiiliitod aince my List nnnuiil ropnrt, vly.; Bntemnn Drnin—

Aaaosamont ordered; Aurelius Townshii).

Orders lasiicd Contrnct unpnid Bnlanco In fund

Deer Crook Drain In Wheatfiold and Ingham we will have to keep In repair ne.xt yenr and townslilpa; Eidred, Bnldwin and Rosaman the years to come. Thia number grows every Drnins in Onondnga township! Mlllor Drain in yenr nnd therefore our cost of mnlntcnanco iu-

$1900.00 • Inghnm township: Mnllory Drnin nnd West creaaea with the number ot milea ot road. Branch of tho Mnllory Drain In Lansing town- Since the lirat of January, we have spent about ship; Reeves Drain in Whontflold and AInlodon $8349,29 on mnlntonnnco nnd we atill hnvo sev-

$1086.00 townabipa. ^ oral miles of rond which needs rcsurfncing nnd Surveys have bocn made nncl nil the right ot nil of It hna to he attended to all of the time,

ways secured on tho following drains and con- .Section 80 ot Chapter IV ot the laws re­tracts for tho construction ot tho sumo will be Intlng to lllghwnys nnd Bridges ot tho Stnto let in tho nonr future, viz: of Miehlgnn nnd tho pnrngraph relating to the

$1086,00 $1685.00 Bogua_ Swamp Drain In Lansing t^ownahip; repair fund.ronds aa follovys; It ahull be the duly of the board ot supervlsora to raise n auincient tax to keep any county roads or bridgea already built In reasonable repair, and in cnnditlon reasonably sate and fit for public

$8300.00 $8300.00

Loslio township Vevay townahip

Orders Issued $.327.77 Contracts, Incidentals unpnid 8153.93 Bnlnnce in fund 4I8.3U

.$ 336.90 .1.00

. 20.10

$ 300.00

Holler Drnin— A«««aanient Ordered:

Delhi Township . Orders iosucd Coiilrnctn unpaid Balance In fund

$ 360.00 $ 360.00

$8900.00 llolley nnd Day Drain—

Assessment ordered: Aurelius towniihip Delhi township

Orders issued $2224.91 Contracts, incidentnla unpaid 7570.48 Bulunco'ln fund 605.61

$6401.40 2438.60

$2207.92 8102.08

628.00 .S 518.41 , 4.25


$ 628,00 $ 5.28.00

2 Inmntc 206 dnys Townihip of Inghnm—

James West 366 days Township of Lansing—

Olive Nlhart 76 days Newago Co, C. W. Plttonger. Sparrow lioapital, Cutherino

Perry Trans, from Holland, Fred


Total charge to Lansing tp Tuwiiihip of Locke—

licvi Pnrsoni 300 daya Tuwnahip of Meridian—

Paulino Albright 300 dnys Township iif StociibridgL—

Oliver Ackley .166 daya Gilbert Jacobs 360 days

$ 120.31

$ 148.76

$ 30.89 22.20



$ 77.10

$ 148.76

$ 148.75

Bush Drain— AsBeasniont Ordered:

City ot Mason . . . Vevay Township

Ordora isauod S 6"6.00 Contracts and liicldcnlnla un­

paid 00.00

$ 676.00 Dlngmnn Drnin—

Asseaamont Orilored; Alaledon TownHliii) Balance in old turul

Ordora iaaued ..5 Ii7.04 Contracts, Incidentals unpnid 0.00 Balance In fund I2.7L

$10400.00 $10400.00 Kingman Drnin—

Asaeasmont ordered: Auroliua townahip Bnlnncu of old fund . . . .

Ordora iBsucd $ 657.00 Contrncts, incidentnls unpaid 2218.70 Balance in fund 80.86

$2966.00 .50

, $ 232.876 ¥ 342.126


86.00 .76

$2066.60 Langford Drain (.Joint)—

Assessment ordered; Livingston county Leroy twp (Ingham Co.) Hal. In old fund Ing. Co,

Orders issued $ 112.05 Contracts, Incidentals unpaid 6127.86 Balance In fund 276.10

S 85,75 $ 85.75 Darling nnd Christie Drain (Joint)—

A-ssesament ordered: Onon<lnga township . . . . Juckson county

Orders Issued (Ingham Co...$ 083.15 Ordora issued (Jackson Co.) 919.73 Contrncts, incidentals unpnid 48.61

836,04 906.30

Balance in fund 91.61

2 Inmatoa 732 days $207,51 Township of Onondnga—

Chaa. Armstrong 228 dnys Viola Aabby 121 dnys '

2 inmates 319 duya ? 141.85 Township of Willinnislon—

Orin Allen .301 days ? 146.73 Outside relief, Bedford fnm'y 74.21

Tot. charge Willinmston tP 220.94

Tot. cbnrge cit. nnii t p s . . , . County—

Arthur Gntes 366 dnya Henry Snow 306 dnys Florn Plorco 15 dnys John lloyt .366 dnys Josopli Loor 242 days Elsie Brock 29 days L. D. Brock (baby) 28 duya William H. Purdy 300 dnys Henry Belmoro 284 daya M. L Burnett 100 dnya Emett Beach 21 daya William Soitcrn 85 days William Butlor 20 days Henry Town .$66 daya Edna Wcbator 312 daya Howard Wobstcr (baby).. ..180 days Frank Ilortzsick 12 daya


$1743.00 Cretton Drain-

Assessment ordered: Aurelius township By balance of old fund

Orders issued $MI,0.03 Contrncta, incidentals uniuild 88.80

$1660.07 Hnrris Dra in-

Assessment ordered:

Ordora Issued $ 709.10 Contracts, Incidentals unpnid 682.84 Bnlnnce In fund 63.06


$1660.00 10.57



$6616.00 Millville Dra in -

Assessment ordered; Wliitc Onk township . . .

Ordora iaaued $25.35.97 Contrncta, Incidentnla unpuld 1030,68 Balance in fund 158.36

$3725,00 Mud Creek Drain—

Assesamcnt ordered; Vevay township (1910). Vevay township (1917). AInlodon tow'ship (1916) Alaledon towns'ip (1917) City of Mason (1916)..

.City ot Mason (1017).. l,oalle townshii) (1016. Leslie township (1917)., Wheatficld twp (1916),. Whontneld twp (1917),. Ingham township (1916) Inghnm township (1917) Bunkerblll twp (1910),. Bunkerhill twp (1917) County Ingham (1916)

Orders issued $1110.39 Contracts incldontals unpaid.39795.07 Bnlanco in fund 2094.54

$43000.00 $43000.00 $1416.00 $1416.00

Hector Drain— AasQBsmont ordered;

Lansing townsliln $1140.00 Orders issued $1069.56 Contracts, lacldeptnls unpaid 33.85 Bnlnnce in fund 36.59

Vettor Drnin— Assessment ordered;

Ijansing City Lnnsing townahip

Ordora issued $102.00 Contracts, incidentnls unpaid 6317.94 Balance in fund 320.06

Mlnar Drnin in Vevay township; Spaulding Drnin in Woodhull nnd Perry townships, Shiii-

$8300.00 wassco county nnd Willinmston townshii), Ing­hnm county.

The proposed Walter Drain in Lansing town- travel. Heretofore we have used the general ship, upon Burvcy, was found impracticable on fund for the mnlntennnce of ronda, account of insufliclent outlet nnd ail further ],iiat October wo asked tor a tax of 2 mills proceedlnga wore dlamisBod. to provide for tho building of n numl)or of

Appllcntions bnve boon rocolvod for tho fol- pieces of rond in tho county nnd n fund for lowing drains and they have been determined tho maintenance of ronda. The lionrd. of aup-neeeaanry by mo, viz: ervlaora rocommon<Ied, on the atrength of a

Wygnnt Extenalon Drain in Lcroy township; petition brought in l)y some property owners Alton Drain, Wcigmnn Drain in Delhi town- near the city ot Mason, tho building ot an ship; Duck Ponk Drain in Auroliua township ; extra jiicco of rond north nnd cnsl of Mnson, Furrell Drnin, Hector Extenalon Drnin, Jcasop wlilcli wns not contained In our estlmnle. The Druln, .Tohnaon Drnin, Knight Drnin nnd Mnr- tux voted was I'Yi mllla. Tliua, we were cotn-

$8000.00 fltt Drain in Lanaing townahip: Ivocko Drain pDllod to use nn amount smaller than our estl-No, 4 in Locke township; McCrcory Drain, niuto to bullii one more mile ot rond than we Shearer Drain and Shepliord Drain In Bunker- estimated and at the same time keeri in repair bill township; Slater Drnin nnd Thomas Drain the roads which we had already completed. in Alaledon townahip; Povey Drain in Wil- This was nn Imponslblo task along with tho llnmston nnd Merldinn townships; Rayner higher coal of labor and materials, thoretore Creek Drain In Vevny township nnd tlio City of wo have a few milea of road that were liild Mnaon! Huntoon Lnko Drnin In Leallo town- out Inat .voar that wo diil not fiulah. The law ahip; Mud Creek Extension Drnin in Vevny states that if the bonrd of supervisors accept and Leslie townships; Forebnck Druln and the eallmnles of the rond commissioners, they Moore Drnin in Lnnsing township and Dewitt shall apiiroprlnle tho nmoiint ot money nsked lownshlp, Clinton Co.: n joint county drnin in for up to the limit, which in this county is 2 I^sIlo townslilp and Rives township, Jackson milla. Hut, If they want to cut tho apiiroprla-Co.; Vanderhoot and liobinaon Drain In Ing- lion, they ahull (hi so by rejecting soriie of the bum township. Ilema which hnve been estininted and innkc the

An npplicntlon baa been filed for the Lowe approi)rlnlion accordingly. Lake Drain In Stockbrldgo township, Inghnm Annlli(.r mutter which has been discussed by Co., Lyndon township, Washtenaw Co., nnd the bonrd Hovei'al times Is that ot a building

$2966.56 Unadllln township, Livingston Co. At the in which to keep the tools and machinery useii hearing hold to detormino the necessity, tho by the county lu the construction of roads. commlsslonora of tho three countlea could not 'I'hls alioulil he centrally located and In somo

$ 827.25 njfree and made application to tho State High- vlllngo or city where it would bavo fire pro-4687.76 way Commlsalonor na provided for by the tectloii. A building of this kind would save

14.45 Btatutes, Ho determined tho snmo to be neces- tho I'ounty a conaiderable amount of money on anry as appears from bis opinion on file in my uccoiinl of the loss caused by stolon tools ami olticc.

An application hna been filed for the pro-posed Scarlos Drain in Loroy township and at

$5515.00 „ hearing held to determine tho necessity there­for, it was determined unnecessary on account of inBUdiciont outlet,

$3726,00 Applicationa hnve been filed for the Looking GInaa River Drain, tlie South Looking Glass Drain nnd tho Three Lukes Drain, all joint county drains with Ingham, Shiawassee, Liv-

— ingston nnd Clinton counties interested. All $3720,00 three drains have been determined necessary

and survoya nrc now under way on tho Look­ing Glass River Drain, which is tho outlet for

$6505.04 the other two. 4786.04 An application wns filed for the proposed

K1240.24 Dolbee Drnin in Aurelius township nnd at the 10220,24 bearing to determine the necessity therefor, the

48.59 purtles interested agree to construct the aame 48.69 privately nnd all further proceedings were dla-

586.735 missed. ] 66.735 Surveys have been completed, the right ot

77.185 ways partially secured, nnd npplicntlon made to 77,185 tho Jackson County Probate Court in the mnt-79.66 tcr of tho Grand River Drain. At the bearing 79,55 in the court hold on the 28th dny ot .September, 58.696 a demand for a jury wns made by one ot the 68.095 parties who bad not released tho right of way

3977.93 nnd the Judge bns the matter of appointing tho jury nndor ndviaoment. Tho following coun­tlea are interoatod in thia drain; Ingham, Jackaon, Washtenaw and Hillsdnle. '

Appllcntions have been received for tho fol­lowing drnins nnd benrlngs to determine the nbcoaaity thereof will behold in tho nonr future viz;

$6168,448 Cubo'ogon Drnin, Punkerbill townahip, Ing-571.662 hum county and Henrietta township, Jackson

county; West Branch o.« tho Haze Dniln, in Lanaing township, IngliLm county and Dewitt "nil Wntortnivii towns'.Ins in Clinton county ; Reinhnrt Drnin In White Onk and Inghnm

• ' $1065,00 The clerk then presented tlio oxponso nccount

of Drain Comnilssioner E, J, Doauc, nnd tho sumu wus referred on motion of Sup, Rosa to the comniitteu on Drnins,

On motion of Sup. Schairer, the mombcra of the Bonrd were Invited to,meet at the city hall in Lnnsing at 9 a. m. Thursday, October 12, to accompany the Board of Good Roads Conimla-aioners over several lines of state reward roada nnd later to assemble at the county farm.

Sup, Dccke then addressed the Bonrd relative to claim No. 246, in the sum of $11,25 present­ed by the West Side Fuel Co., nnd on motion of Sup. Christopher, the bill was allowed, an order paid out ot the general fund, with the understanding that tlio Ways nnd Moans Com-mlttvo, when making an appropriation for tho Soldiers' Relief Fund, deduct this umount from the amount of tlio appropriation, and tho clerk was Instructed to so notify the Waya and Means Committee,

On motion ot Sup. Reck, time wns grunted to ex-chairman ot the Board ot Sups, B, J. Bnkcr nnd Dr, J, P. I yncb to oxplnin to tho Bonrd members the workings ot the Bonrd ot Health ot the city of Lansing, and make sug­gestions regarding a change lu the work of the county physician. Both gentlemen gave very interesting talks.

Tho committee on General Cluims reiiorled back tor allowance, the following bills, and sumo were allowed on roll cnll aa follows;

Name Amt, Claimed Allowed ].'. E, .Searl • $ 67.34 Arlo C. Whipiile 3,50 Daniel S. Mevis 2,00 Donn.A Cross 76,18 Ingham Co. News 124.60 Inghnm Co. News 35,50 J, M. Smith 10,36 J. H. Skater 12,00

$ 67.34 3.60 2.00

76.18 124.50 ;i6.60 10.36 12.00 3.00 2.60

22.90 4,40

97.48 56.00 55.00 65.00 66.00 56.00 66.00 05.00 66.00

. County TroHsuror Sol«nV C. Lani/^iihcn rciul the following report t q J | | | Board, and on mo­tion of Sup. Chrlatopffl^ftjamo was' ncceptcd and adopted;' i ^ M . t o tlio Iloiiornblo ItonrflMKoupervisurn of Ing­

hnm County. '"' Gontlomon: I siiiimit licrewltli n statement

ot receipts nnd disbursements for the past nine months of tho fiacal year, beginning January 1, 1916, to October I, 1916)

liccelpti Ollice cbargea and collection foea.,.$ 1645.01 Dollnuuont county tax and intereat,, 4518.15 Costs court of record 26.00 Coats not court ot record 20,30 Circuit court fees 118.00 Juror and atenographer foes 135.00 Mortgage and specific tax 18668.86 Interest on depoalts 2696,42 Dclinciuont atato tax and Intereat.... 1402.02 Exiicnao ot sale 200.41 Redcniptioua ,. 127.77 Delinquent county (Irnin tnx nnii hit, 1163,89 County druln tux of 1915 62926.04 Dollmiuont county druln tiuc returned 319.91 Delinquent other tnx and interest,. 20099.67 Refunded other tnx 270.26 State and county ta.x ot 1015 367642.54 Delinquent state & Co. tnx relumed 6975.63 GeuernI nccount state ot Miehlgnn.. 3315,67 Touchers' Institute 93.00 Finos court of record , , 1211.00 Flues not court ot record 1400.70 Inlierituncn tnx 30580.90 Primary school fund 104419.70 County poor 808.49 Hunters' license Act 108 3,'13.00 Ollice rent ', 75.00 County ruiul 48060.611

tlio depreciatlou on macliiiiery standing out in the wontlier.

The following are the coats nnd the ainoiinta spent on the (llll'urent roads since the first of, Juniiary, 1916:

Jason E. Nichols 3.00 L'etha Palmer 2.50 W. 1.. Clurk 22.90 Uttle. Ilrown & Co 4.40 EllznbelJi A. Mahonoy 97,48 A, McDonald 65.00 A. McDonald 56,00 M, J, & B. M. Buck 56,00 I'Moyd bastes 55.00 M. J, .t B. M. Buck 65.00 It. A, Davis 56,00 I. W. Moo 55.00 L. M. Milner 55.00

On motion ot Sup. Chrlstophor the Board ad­journed to meet at the city hull In Lansing at 0 o'clock tomorrow morning.

W. 11. IIVUUM, Chulrrnnn. WM. H, GltAIIAM, Clerk,

Thursday, October 12, IU16. Purauant to nn ndjournmout on the nfler-

noon of October II, and lu compliance with an Invitation from'vtliu lionrd of County Rond Commissioners, the Bonrd met nt the city bull In tho city of l^ansing ut 9 o'clock, from which point tours were made over sections of the state reward roads, llnishcd nnd under con­struction, nnd thereutter tho Honrd nsaembled nt the county poor fnrm nt II ;30 n. m., where­upon tlio roll wns enlled, nnd all mcmbera re-aiioiiiled to their mimea except Sups. Allen, l.asenby and Rose.

Total Receipts $069258.80 DIshuracinents

Miscollunoous $ 32180.50 Witness script 262.10 Jury script 6115,40 Detroit House of Correction 1467.68 Oflicors salaries 26216.74 Sheriir and constables 7231.06 Witness nnd Juror fees juatice court 292.32 Return ot deatlis nnd births 1188.75 Mothers' pension 3050.00 Inheritance Tax to tho stnto of Mich 30589.90 County poor 04,'10,70 Indigent soldiers 718,74 County drain 63606.34 Dellnciuenl other tn.v to towns, cities 157O0.9.S Unt bounty 214,66 Teachers' institute 200,29 Library fund 3648,24 Justice and coroners ' 2420,40 Prininry school fund 104410.70 Contagious disoiise 1144,00 Sparrow bounty 180,36 Ceniet<..ry truat., • ||).50 Anglers' license 5.40 DiMU' lluntcra' llconS(. 70.00 lluntora' license Act 108 P. A. 1013 314.10 ' TiLxea of 1016 to statu 170468.08 Genurul account to atiite 8805.28 Expense of sale to state 264.98 DelhKiuent stale lax and interest.. 1920.09 Tuberculosis sanitorium' maintenance 6675.98 County roads I!i9773.84 County normni ,'100.00 Statu and cminty tax returned 6075.63 Drain tax returned 310.01 Redemptions j).30

Total Disbursements ..$634188.34 ItOADS

Genernl Expense Miiaon-Wllllnmaton . . . . Maaon-Aurellua Mason-Onondiign Lanalng-Lealle Mnsuu-Dansville Liinalng-l.oalie Wllliamston-Durand . . . Onniliy-I.ocke (I'amby-Locke Reo Way S'-iickbrliLge-Webberville atockbrlilge-Webhcrville Mnson-Danavlllo Dnnsvillu-Wllllamston . Ueo Way Laiisipg-Lesli


Alaledon, Vevny.. 1. Aurelius I. Aurelius 2, ilelbl 4.-Ingham 2. I.nnsing 3.

.Locke 2. Locke 2. Locke

. Stockbrldgo

.White Ouk ,Vevny ,Whontneld , , Lcroy . Vevny

.3 . .

.3 . .


$ 312.00

48.00 516.00




Grading Pluc, Mat. Muterlal Tools $3 '190 8''

.?2,'.>34.2I .$2,249.40 $ 685.61 '" ].{M

108.50 63.40 1,78.1.58 4,940.00 1,481.07

90.45 17.75 10.60 40.60 320.00

1,014.70 092.63 110.06

664.91 1,662.26

. 1 . .

. 3 . .

. 5 , .

. 7 , . Reo Way Leroy Lansing-Leslie Leslie I.

. 8 . .

. 0 . . . 5 . .

Reo Way Lunslug-Leslio Reo Way Mnson-Okemos Leslio-llun'hlll-Stu'kb'e Reo Wiiy Holt-Dimondnle Uslie Bh. Strge nunkorhlll 3.


.Leslie , Meridian . . .

.llunkorhin'.'.' -Lansing . . . . .Delhi

. 1 . .

. 1 .

17 Inmntes 3104 dnys $1261.58 Permanent rcpuira, tools,

stock, seed not chargeaiile to keep of Inmate ?1712.25

Outaido rcliof nut rclnburaed or charged clticg or towna 868.S'l

Tot. coat to county for year Receipts credited

$3842.20 1311.26


Havens Drain— Assessment onlorod:

Aurelius townshlii Vevay townshii) Bnlnnce in old fund.., .

Orders issued ?i056.10 Contracts, incidentnls unpaM 6,00 Bnlanco in fund ,, ,J0,61

$1092.61 Lnntis Drnin—

Assessment ordered: White Oak township , , .

Orders Issued $ 342.S6 liontracts, incld'intals unpaid ,'t.OO Balance in fund 14,16

$1140,00 $1140.00 $6740.00 $0740,00 townships: Two (2) brandies to tho Wygant

? 212.56 877.45


Tho following named drains wore under pro-ceaa of conatruction at the time of my Inat an-niml report and are now completed, viz: Hnrhneas Drain—

Balance of fund .'. I 26.67 Contrncta incidentnla un|)ald,$ 00.00 Balance in fund 26.67

t 26.67 $1092.61 Okemoa Drnin—

Balnnce of fund . . . . . . . . Contrncta incidentals unpaid.$ 00,00

$ 300.00 Bulnnco in fund 7.71



Drain in Leroy township; a drain on sections 32 nnd 33, White Ouk township; Clurk Drain in Delhi and Aurelius townships; Holmes Drain in LanBlng townahip; Oilman Drain in White Oak townshii).

Tho total length of draina for which con­trncta hnvo been let since my last annual re­port is 54.4 miles.

Tho totnl length of draina which havo boon

Dnnavillc-Whito Onk. Lanslng-Cliarlotto Stlige-Webborvlllo Sthgt-Webbervillo Lamiing-I.eslie . . . Lealle-Onoudagn . . Leslie-Onondaga . . Dansvlllo-Willlamston



.Lansing . . . . Stockbrldgo .While Oak . I.A.alle ,Onondaga . , .Onondaga . . Wheatficld

. 1 . . . . . 1 . . . . . . 3 . . . . . . 5 . .

bridges, M resurfacing.

. 1 . .

. 3 . . , 3 . .

64.80 268.50

423,27 343,20 70,00

229,60 231,53 754.30 269.00 207.00

06.00 41.50

123.15 138.00 48,00 .'18.40

108.00 46.50

.307.10 793.74

225.00 3,624.81 1,086,90

222.00 1,407.73 1,243..|8' 2,837.06

915.99 1,202.41

730.74 412.08

1,971.07 1,323.77 373.04 I97..'J7


6,951.63 6,464.86

768.12 2,,'127,95 1,372,07 2,211.47 2,129,59



1,547.00 1,278,80 533.11 112,50

231,10 96.36 30.04 5.20


3,376.88 1,467,08 .

79.88 1,214.16 2,446,29 1,803,18

276,00 409,46


68.00 1.'10.36




77.00 3.70

1,107.54 •>

Expense $4,742.92


30,00 533.87 23.96 14.16

906.23 60.00


9.34 14.52 34.88


672.72 83.60

Fuel Repair., Sup. 'i'otal 67.30 $ 480.22


.'17.23* 241,06


39.80 71.60

2,733.04 18.,'I7

3.75 2.08 1.02

3.38 28,05 10.00




22.09 0.50



183,78 7.60





$8,677.20 5,600.72

164.70 249.90

9,206.42 160.66 375.66

3,231.98 50.00

3,757.02 95.36 40.28

481.02 3,821.63


14,358!53 0,442,23 1,140,00 5„'i70,88 6,364,87

11,332.02 3,613.31 3,918.33 6,002.98

1.92 790.74 626.86

2,290.77 1,012.15

431.84 384.15

3.50 3,206,54


Last year's npprnprintlon'amounted lo $114,-40-1,30 nnd the first of January we were over­drawn something like $42,037.91, leaving $71,-466,37 of the appropriation for this year's worlc. Since then we havo received reward to the umount of $25,411,00 ; repair reward $50.88 ; autoniobilo tiux $22,591.37, mnking a total ot

let, constructed nnd completed ainco my last ,<il 19,619.64. Our expenditures since the first nnnuni report Is 7.67 "miles. of .lunuary have been appruxlmntoly $114,-

Tho totnl length of drnlna now under process 111,70, which lonvoa ua n bnlnnce In the fund

A liounllful dinner w.ia served to tho mem- To cuah on bund, Jun, 1, 1916.. . . $ 03^-;,, .

l e n l „ boil"'"''' "'"' ""•''•' ''"'"•"' •""•""" " '''"""«'' '•'»•'••!«"' ','"" ' "' O^' 1. iltiti 6(l9258:i tho noon hour A curoful Inspection ot the fnrm nnd ita $603238.04


? 360.00 Okomos Tile Drnin—

Assessment ordered; Merldinn township

Orders issued $360.18 Bnlnnce In fund 25.82

White Oak townahip . , Ordora issued .,..•.$ 001.26 Contracts, incidentals unpaid 8,00 Bnlnnco In fund 47.74

Making totnl disbursements Our fnmily numbered nt the Home Octol)er

1, 1016, 30; 25 male nnd 14 femnlc, being eight less thnn n yenr ngo.

Wo have had two births nt the homo during tho year, L, D, Brock October 2, 1915, wlio loft with bis mother, Elsie Brock, the 29th,anil Smith and Conklin Drain-Howard Webster January ,30, 1910, who was Asseaamont ordered placed in tho school at Coldwatcr Auguat 2, 1916.

There lias boon three placed In tho Miehlgnn Homo and Training School at Lapeer, Grace King October 9, 1916, Mildred Jamca and Myrtle Ault March 10.

Ton of our number have pnssod away during Gnult Drnin— the year: , , , - . , .„ , „ . , ,„ Asaeaamont ordered;

Frank Hortiaick, October 12, 1916, age 52, Lanaing townsliln Wlllinm D, Cady. October IE. 1010, ate 69. Menuimi taw nam 1,

Lydia Webb, February 13,- X91fi. ago 84, Ordera iaaued Amasa Turner, March 16, 1916, age 75,

Dowollyn Green, April 9, 1016, age 44, Roy B. NIchola, May 19, 1916, age 74.

Theodore Ferlr, Juno 26, 1016, age S7. Herman Mather, July 30, 1916, age 71. William H. Purdy, August 1, 1916, age 40. Jacob Whitmer, August 26, 1S16, age 83. While tho average number of inmates la

rracticalljr tho same aa laat year you will notice ^ that the cost ot keeping hai advanced about 4c Ordora iaaued < 17/) s i per day; the total number of Inmatei for the Contracta. incldentliia unliniii 10550 year was nine leia than last year, ahowlng Balance in fund (both coiin-

Haywood Drain— Balance of fund

300.00 f^nntrants. in(.|dn')lals unpaid.$ 00.0(1 Bnlnnce in fund 74.32



$ 386.00 $ 74.32

$ 385,00 $ 386,00

iKcoler Drain— Bnlnnace of fund

Contracta incidentals unpnid.$ 2,00 Balnnce in fund 1.42

I 3.42 $ 667.00 Clulcoy D r a i n -

Balance of fund Contracts incidentals unpaid,$ 170,00 Balance in fund 14.48




$ 067.00 $ 667.00

, $ 274 10 Contracts, incidoniais "linimiii i.'oo Balance In fund 14.90

$ 121,075 108.025

$ 184.48 Patrick County Drain—

Balance of fund Contrncts Incidentals unpaid,! 00,00 Balance in fund 46,06

I t 184.48

t 184.48

t 46.06

Bnrnea Drain— AaaoBsmont order(>d;

Eaton county Delhi twp (Inghnm Co.) By balance ot old fund.

• $ 46.0G Cook nnd Thorburn Drain—

^ „»-„„ Balance of fund $ 290.00 $ 290.00 Contracts Incidentnla unpaid.$ 00.00

Balance in fund 169.34

of construction is 66.05 milea. The total length of drnlna which were nnfin-

Ished nt the time ot my last nnnuni report nnd are now completed is 27.13 miles..

All of which la roapoctfully submitted,. E, J. DOANE,

County Drnin Commissioner ot Inghnm County On motion ot Sup, Hull, Tuesduy, October

17, nt 2 o'clock p. m., election ot oliicers was mndo a aiieelal ordoi- or biislnoaa.

Sup. PIckard, chairman ot tlie committee on supplies then presented the following report, wliicli same was received and adopted on roll cnll by tho following vote; yeas 25, nays none;

Tiie committee on Supplies to wliom was re­ferred tho matter of purchasing a copy ot tho Michigan State Gazotcor for use in the court bouse in Mason, licgs leave to report that wo have Investigated same and find thnt nn order was given by the Judgo of probate for a copy in Lnnsing. It is our l)ollef thnt one copy ot the nl)Ove nnmod book should 1)C In posaossion of some county ollice. We theroforo recom­mend thnt the county clerk bo nnd la hereby authorized to sign order for sumo nt a cost not to exceed eight dollars, providing tho order

$ 46,06 given by the judgo ot probate lie oiincelod and Dnnsvllle East 1 ml. $50t thnt aalfl copy be kept in tho ollice.of tho Judge VEVAY: 1 inj. B-O-SB

t 169.34

21.60 408.60


ties) 101.57 that the inmates are leas able to care for them aelvea; this with the advance in coat of pro­visions, sasollne and aoap which will bo no­ticed by comporiaon with laat yoar'a report la the cause of the advance in coat of keeping,

We have retained tho aervicea of Mr, and Mrs; Fuller aa keeper and matron for the yenr April 1, 1016, to April 1, 1917, at a aaltry ot $1000,00 per year, and Mra, Bell Haakin hna charge of the inmatea' kitchen at $6,00 per week. Aa other help bai been very hard to get Orders.issued , , . sor(infl8 •i-id verv iinaatlafnctory we feel to compliment Contracta, inoldentiiis "linnliiii IiJn'iK \l, . .«.< M M WHIIOI. •Hit M M tTa.t, n tnr th„ n . . l „ „ - . l_ V.."j "'" ""PaUl 480,11)

t 169.34 $ 169.34 Hnncook Drnin—

Balance of fund Contracta Incidentala unpnid.l 00.00 Balance in fund 15.78

t 16.78

W , „ , $ .137.88 $ 487.88 1 he following named draina bavo been com­

menced ainco my Inat nnnuid'report, and are now under process ot construction, viz; Marvin Drain— :

Assessment ordered: Lnnsing township To be rcnssessed in 1917

,» 15,78 t 16.78 Branch No, 2 of Remoy-Chandler (Joint)—

Bal, of fund (Ingham Co,) | 139.60 Bal. of fund (Clinton Co.) 206.92

Contracta Incidentala unpatd.$ 211.77 Balance in fund $ 133.7E

$2930,00 200.00

Mr. and Mra. Fuller and Mra. Haakin for the Balance In fund way they have conducted the work.

The heatins plant haa again given ua trouble, Ave aecttona having broken, which will have to Puflcnberger Drain-be replaced with new onea. The plant ia not Assessment ordered-of proper capacity for the building and aome Onondaga township arrangement ahould be made for a new heating Ordera Issued


$3130.00 $3130.00

.$2876.08 $,5960.00

I 346.52 Auctioneer Drain—

AsBoaament ordered Leror townahip (1916)

Aaaeaament ordered Lerojr ' townahip (1916)

Ordera iaaued 14130.44 Contracta Incidentala unpaid, 107.2S Balance in'^und 142.81

plant. Wo have purcliaaed aaphalt ahingloa Contracta, incidoiitais unniiid S M S ' J and are having the houae reroofed. Balance in fund . . oAn'an

We havs no changea in our farming toola and ^ cau.ou equipmenta except repaira and • new mowing machine, eatimated value $600.00. Redman Drain—

Tha hpuaehpid furniture ,and .heddlpg we Aaaeaament ordered: keep replaced aa needed, which with the pump< Vevay townahip

'ing and lighting equipment, valued at $2600.00. Ordera Iaaued . . . . . ' • 999 00

$5960.00 $69.60.00

M«adville D r a i n -Balance of fund

Contracta Incidentala unpaid.$ 1.00 Balance In fund 1.71

$ $.71

$4380.00 $4380.00

$ , 9.71

We have about 100 ton of R, M, Pocahontas Contracts, incidentala urinnid QOH JB coal at $8.36, and 30 ton of chestnut Anthracite Balance In fund ^^ ' at $6.90, valued at $600.00. . t »unu . . . .

Sugar, aoap. diainfectanti oil, groceriea'and .proviaiona about $600.00. Stid Drain—

860 quarU canned fruit 810 qnarta canned Aaaeaament ordered: picklea, 170 quart! canned tomatoea, 46 cupa ' Aurellua townahin jelly and 20 gal,, cucumber picklea, eatimated Ordera iaaued . , . , . ' ' " ' " $ ' s i 30 • ' ^ J ; , . e about 80 toy of h . , . U ,c,ea of S f i ' - ^ n ' ^ ' r l ^ ^ T r ! ^ "^^^^ corn, filling the alio and leaving about 6 acrea 4u.uu In the ihook; 16 aerea of wheat, threahing 247 biiahela, 16 aerea of oata threahing 701 buihela, Silaby Drain— which la aaeded to wheat. Eatimated value of Aaaeaament'ordered: , i ,, hay, fodder and graina, $1600.00. ' Locke townahip . . . T '

The live itoek conalata of 12 cowi, 8 calvea, Ordera Iaaued . " " l i i i i i o 6 1 bull, one team of geldinga, one team of Contracta, Incidentala unpaid,£1986 marea, I torn jtu old colt, two two-rear-old Balance in fund , . ; . , . . . . . V - ^ ' B B 6 0 colta and one yearling and on* lucker, $1200. ^. »"•<•

Seven brood aowa, 1 boar, 1 hog, 24 ahoata, SO pigi, $660.00; and about 100 fowla, $60.00. Suttell Drain—

Total eatimated valua equipment, luppllea,. Aaaeaament ordered: 'if? grain and stock, $8,860.00. . ; / ; . Wllllamatori to<vnahlp . i:;';)i


$1360.00 : $1360.00

$1360.00 Fowler D r a i n -Balance of fund ; .

Contracta incidentala unpald.$ . Balance in fund . . . . . . . ; . .

00.00 1.00

• $ l.OO Wllliamaton-Locke & Perry 'Draln^-

Bal. of'fund (Ingham Co.) $726.00 Bal. of fund, Shiawaaae Co

Contracta incidentala unpaid.$ 20R.E0 ' Balance in fund 86.45


.BHdj MiJihilV hm:itpj*ujt;w'!rh«lbWin*''ofS

».>_Counti: ,of . Ingham -. '50r<taM>'law«d:ii.^,.v/..;ivVillV'864B;

$ 241.91 $241.96 $726.00 $ 726.00 The following named draina w e n ander pro-

.ceaa of conatruction at the:time of mr lait an-iv'.,; ' . ^ ' nual report and are atill unflnlahed, v l i i : ? ' . : ; , $ 740.00 Lealie Drain (Joint)—

Bal. of fund (Ingham ,Co,) Bal, of fund (Jackaon Co,)

' Reaaaeaament ordered Lealie townahip (1916) . . .

'-i$\740.06-$ 740.00': Jackaon county (1916) . . . . f Contracta Incidentala unpald.$ Balance In fund . . . . . . . . . . .

ot approximately $6,407.94. This ia up to tho first ot Octoher, 1016.

Tho following ia a list of the roads and their estimated costs as proposed to lie built next year;

LOCKE; 1 mi. B-O-E'/i cor. Sec. 26 to E l/l cor. sec. 23. $4600.00.

1 ml. B-9-Cen. 33.Cen. 28. $4500.00. WILLIAMSTON: 1'/a nil. B-lO-East thru

village. $0000.00. MERIDIAN; 1 mi. B-O-West line Sec. 6-SE

and E to SE cor. 6, .$4000.00. LANSING; I mi. H-10-Turner St. N to

county lino. ,$6000.00. 2 mi. B-O-West line Sec, 2-ii: to K una Sec,

1. $9000.00. DELHI: 1 ml. B-16-,Socs, 16 &14. $6000.00.

,ALAIEDON; 2 mi. B-O-Cen. See, 21, N to Cen. Sec. 0. $8000.00.

WHEATFIELD; 1 mi. B-9-Ei/i Sec. 14-E y. Sec. 2,'i. $4000.00.

LEllOY: I'/j mi. B-IO-W limits Wol)bervilie oast to county lino. $l{00O.OO.

WHITE OAK: 1 ml. U-9-Cen, sec. 15-north In con. sec. 10. $4500.00.

INGHAM: 1 mi, B-16-W limits villuge of $5000.00.

"S cor. see. 10-NW to city limits. $4000.00.

1 mi. B-9-SW cor. aoc. 6-enst to city limits of Miiaon. $4600,00.

AUUELIUS:' I'A mi. B-9-S 'A Sec. E-wo»t to county lino, $6500,00. /

ONONDAGA: 1'/. mi. B-O-NW cor, sec, 27-onst to N '/i cor. sec.' 26. $5260.00.

LESLIE; 1'/i ml. B-lO-E >/i sec. 8-S to meet now rond. $7500.00.

BUNKEUIIILL: I ml. B-9-Btwn sees, 14-23 and 2;i-24. $4000,00,

•STOCKBRIDOE: 1 Vi ml. B-16-S Vi W-'e. 22 easterly thru vlllngo. $7600.00.

Totnl. $112750.00. ' Estimated coat to finish roads now building,

$26000,00, Maintenance fund for next year, ostlmnted,

$20000,00. Totnl nmount to bo rnlnod, $167,760.00, A tax ot 2 mills would amount to $130,747.77

„ „ , r „ oo.niier . . , .„ , eoK.neur .... uie . . . . . . . .,. nn.l that.wifh the nutomobllo tax of next year $2737.60 County Road Commissioners, preaontod the fol- ''"<' " ' « « rewards which wo have coming from

- tlio ..state would probably lake care of all of those roads as ostlmnted and provide for a re­pair fund US deslgnatod Iti tho law.

Therefore we would recommend a 2 mill tux, for rond puriiosea. Respectfully submitted,


Board of County Rond Commissioners. NO'I'E;—Lnst yenr there was aoine talk of

tlie board of sui)crviBara taking a day or part of a day tor the purpose ot looking over the county roads now finished. We certainly would

inn « 1..I • r i i .v .. i . '» Klad to havo you lilk them over and see 1.00 of this years fund and that we expected to y, „t we hnve boon doing to the mud-holes of

finish this year approximately 24 miles ot road, inuhnm county part ot which was stnrtcd'Inat year. The total „ ,, l „ 1 n 1 ,1 ij„. .1 number of miles of stnto rond In the county .^On motion of Suporviai^r Reck the Board would then be 72, 16 of which wns built by thcrenpiin adjourned until tomorrow morning tho townships. ^ ut t o n e clock, n'vniTM ri,„i,..„„n

'At the present time wo havo completed 45 N W . D , B Y R U M , Chairman, miles ot road under the County Bond System, which mnkes a total of .13 n]i.'ea of road com­pleted since the firat ot. January, 1910. There nre'now under conatruction about 14 miles of road,, which will bo completed yet thia fall, making 27' milea of rond built ,thia year, anil a total of approximately 80 mlJes of rond on tho couiity system, 20 miles nf which have been built by tlie townships.

Counting the 16 or moro miles which the townships hnvo built off of the county system of roads, wc hnvo between 06 and lOO miles of state reward road in. Ingham county nt tho

$ 12.24

products and the farm bulldinga was made by By cash diuliiiraed ,Ian. 1 to . O.is-.IK.OJ the members ot the Board under tho very Oct. 1, I'lhi ^I'.iiios .ii cmirteous superviai,)n of the mombers ot tho By cash on hand O.'t'.'L'iiiio,'::;' r^ow'io Bonrd ot Supta. of the Poor and Warden Full- ' "•'"•'»•'" or, after which the Hoard adjourned to meet Si'ipf'ts ai at tlie Sups, room In tho court liouse in tlio Bnlnnce in Ingham County Funds Sen ilo" I'iifi city ot Mason, on tlio following morning at Contingent «""'" ^'"'"'>' •'"" ," »"•'• J". '••>l» 10 o'clock a. m. County poor . , ; ; ; ; , ' , ' ; . ' ; , •2678;i6

Expression of complete satisfaction and ap- County drain , . , , I7225!i7 proval were given by the memiiers of tlio Soldiers' relief i. 600,47 Board upon the very elllelent manner in which t>elin(|uent other tnx , . . , 8910.17 tho duties ot their respective oflicoa bnve been ^tute ot Mich (ovordrnwn) nnd are now licing performed iiy Warden Full- ''''ate and Co. tax tund.. 300.48 or and his catlmnblo wife, the matron. Library fund 1062.79

At the close ot the session, nearly all of the 'I'eacliers' inalltuto tuml.. I2.'I.15 meml)ers ot the Board continued their inspec- Hunters' license Act 108. 18,90 lion of county roads, under the supervision nnd I'-stntes truat direction of the Board ot County Road Com- Cemulory truat mlasionora, 'I'uh. San. Mant

The greater part of the day was pleasant as County rond to wonther. conditions, and n moat onjoynble -time bad by all. Cuah on hand $60049 70

Among tho giieata of the Board ot Supa. and S. C, LANE, Warden Fuller were the Honorable Mayor ot County Trouaurcr of Ingham Coui'ity the city of Lansing, tho city clerk, nnd a On motion of Sup, Reck, tlie Ways nn.i

2730.83 142.00 324.07

17871.41 69001.94

$ 346.52




2.10 289.86

ot probate nt Mnson, O, N. PIckard, F, J, Christoplier, A. L. Rose. John Gnylord then presented a iiotition sign­

ed by residents of the townships ot Wheatfiold, Lcroy, Ingliam nnd White Oak, asking the Board to make certain recommendations to the Board ot County Rond Commissioners, nnd on motion of Sup. Catlln, hearing wns grnnted to n dclegntion from tlie enstern luirt ot the county.

A lengthy discussion /ollowed, nftcr which on motion of Sup. Ruse, tlie petition wns received and referred to the commlttco on County Itoads and Bridges.

Tho clerk then presented n communlcntlon from G, L. Sumner, miking to bo Informed ot the hour when the speclni committee on the Charged Bnck Tnx List would be in session, and on motion ot Sup. Hall the communlcntlon was retorred to the committee.

Sumner Hnii, engineer for tho Board ot

lowing report of tho Board, which same on mo-tion ot Sup, Reeves,waa referred to tho com­mittee on County Bonds nnd Bridges;

To the Ilonornble Bonrd ot Supervisors ot the County of Ingham.

Gentlemen: We, tho Bonrd of County Rond Commissioners of Ingham county, resiicctfully submit tlio following report;

In tho report of January, 1916, we reported that work which we had done from^tho begin­ning of the County Road System to tho first of January, 1916, had completed n total of 32,0 milea, Thnt we had used about $42,937.91 out

Friday. October .3, 1916, .S^^^ , t fa'-rwln^'^jpo^r:'"""""'"'""'"''

Meeting called to order by Chairman Byrum. N o . ' ' ; "rbut ion^iy ,r '?r"916 68 Roll call, all members present. Mo i.l.i,. .,1 m, i.lni,,..L, 7.2

an?i":;i;!rr.S,'"" "'''""" ""'' "«"""•""""' N^'^^^i^ld^ ^vtsf lr t^w ot,\;;^ The clerk presented a communication from ~

Judge Wiest, roriuesling the Board to purchaao No Discharim.l , i for hlo office, a copy of tho Statu GaMtecr, and No roarreatSd f(l '>'>;;i,;,;r,.'.; 'vi,.';;.;; '^ '. on motion of Sup. Christopher anmo waa ro- No' a S o l for , , iu. . rm,..i '" " i fcrred to the committee on Supplies. v,"' ,^,,1** ,* . , f "'"•' "ironces , , , , |

Tho clerk then presented a communication ^"' "''"f"''"'!' '>""«'< wnm.nta .lasuod 3 from County Druln Commiaaloner E, J, Donne, • —

r m l & r r ; X " " '""' ""•""' '° "-^ l ^ o f J d M ' r n t y ileVkVh^ The clork then prssontod a number of pro. '^^f^'^th't"'' ""''' °"' """"•• '"'"'""'"" . . . oversight 846.00 grama for tho mooting of the State Aasocintlon

of SupervisorH and waa direclcd by tho chair •v^,,., r„„„iv„,i „„,• ,,„i,i ,„„„,„ ,",,„, „"

{h«'"Btrd;""'"'"""'" "' "'""" '° "'•""'*" "' My" ~ ^ ^ ^ H. F, Grey, roproaontlng tho Michigan Chll- "otl, l».il,.l.jr'ru.',..!?.""^*^' '''''''"'"'"' O f w -

dron's Home aociety, having wint to the clerk. On motion of K?,.' n.n„ »f .1. . llternture regarding the Home and requesting receive. «n,? fnLi^?i;. «f"-f"i ,"l f '*.''3''5 T " thnt ho be given time to be heard at a later JSrmnL S L l ,Vt?,i *i' ? directed to In-session of (ho Board, his roguoat waa granted fnTs ,'nd th^ .n,?..„r,,"„l'r'^'?„'''.'''?u'''^f"'''-and the clerk was Instructed to diatrlbute the i f the oftlc..- ™f,"•! ".'^''1 "" *" Hj"'^'"' literntura to the membors of the Board. Saiario. rQteitmi to the committee on

The clerk, then presented tho following re- Thn niorlr »!•«« ,„,.j „ „ . / ' o . port of SherifT Harvey O. Cllne, and on mo- , | I e r P P ^ „ i f ^,.„",."""'" '>:!"" Commls-tion of Sup. Rose, same waa accepted and K V " , ' „ ^ . " ' i ^ u .1 " i""!""". "' I,""' niioptod: 1 m ^u' K""* " ?.* reco v. d nnd placed on file.

' ' To the Honorable Board of Superviaori, To. the Honorable Board ot Suiiervisora ot Meaara: I have examined the aeverai achool

Ingham County; , directora'annual reporta for 1916 on file in my Your Honorable Bonrd last June having ??'«' B""! And 'hfttr'n accordance with aectlon

nuthorljod the employment ot county Jail in- ir?,°: '"f compiled lawa, the followipg achool matea upon the highwaya or otherwise and »'««cta»houlcl have no one-mill tax naaeased. that plan having now been in operation for over three montha, it acema desirable to adviae you of the reaulta.

Some inmatea have been employed in the making of cement blocks since early spring;

School district No. 1. fr„ Bunkerhill. School diatrict No. 1 fr., Lanaing and Delta

and No. 8, Lanaing, School diatrict No. 8, Meridian. School diatrict No. 12, Onondaga.

the work ahop at the rear of the jail, which . School dlBtrict No. 4, Stockbridge.

$ 872.31' COOiOO

27.69 ' 00.00

8(0.00 ,40.00

WM. H. GRAHAM, Clerk.

Wcdneadny, October 11, 1916. Meeting called to order by Chairman Byrum. Roll cull, all mombers present except Sup,

Young. On motion of Sup. Bennett, Sup Neller wns

seated, in pinco of Sup. Young. Tho clerk then prcaonted to the Board, the

matter of compensation for the members of tho Board to examine plnta, and on motion of Sup. Beniiett tho matter was refon'ed to n special cominitteo of three members, to bo appointed

School diatrict No, 4 fr„ Vevay. School diatrict No. 2 fr. and No. 6, Wheat-

Biuie rowarn ronii in. ingnam oouniy at lao i,„ ;u„ „i,„i» ,,„ui, innti-iintlnna to ronort at tho presont time, or will have by the time winter L a u ^ r ' y t J o ^ l M h e Board" n y a 8 ' ' s u S h aOin in . nnn..«lffnn fl.n #fll.nlHtvi<in nrtnnlnfad .Ctiliin Dnn.

Before giving the coats of the roads, we would lii<e to explain a few things which have

:,Pw,''.fniida';'feom'.,owtdnft.':': ,..,.,..• -,.,.•,„. -•, •, • • •

.$1442,08 ;^ • 1088;62"'


Contracta Inetdantala unpaid.! 1144.28, Balanea In: fund ' . . v . . . i i v •• -«8.4«

S?ii?'^j|S?"?'?''r Sandaraon Drain (Joint). . Bal, of fund.'dniham Co.) Bal.:ot >fund; (Clinton Co.)

• t ( • ' * I • * (0.19.: «%JS^iStt!"^^^*'5^S*''^^'»»'';^'*»^^^''^ Contracta Incidentala unpaliii$1967.(»

Burklar ;D»»ln-^' >; .'•Balance-of',fundvr. Contracta inetdantali unpaid.! 268,4$ Uaianc»ilnvfund;.;;>;v.v.v. 121.8I;

committee tbo/cliairmnn appointed Sups. Ben-, .„i.>«>. ,.„.,.. nctt, Clement and Rose.,

»hi«ih2i-.^.vTho,,clBrk.,then ftddreBBed,„the.,Bpard„qn^thp„ l;Xii^fetei,?mattofco|;"providlng-;^ i"^AOT'™rVa\ilt«df,th•>ountr'olBrk•a office, fpr'flilnf.chM

oaloand ;Suii;%Catllii>theraupon'; moved..' matter b< referied to thecommlttetionv

Buliaihga;;?;v=:i;fi':ii:^;;;v-i;";i;;.:;.;:/;;.:;fift/0 kiHhen'iladdreaiMd.tlie;Board -on,the:, additional..file;caMa^inJthe office of,

, ^ . 1 1 iL ^,1-11.' -..> ino'tfuuKo of'Probate, andJahelf room ln;the , ivpalng.of ralalngrthe wagea.of/toth, men .

; i v ;•.;,-to«ma In ortterto^getenwHrt f r j r r : :Uama $ U 0 per^day;-Thia;year, we have.been . ^ ^ „«^.tl«Ktwb.offlcermentionid.i'v^ )s

;,10$.«9.TT,, coat of;material.haa;alwralaed to a g r e a t : ^ ^ j ^ ^ » : • : or • x t e n t a n d i n o a a e a , w h e r e we were only " " r " ™ " ^ ' ^ ^ ^

v^v':".-K;'paying.:iOe;per,;yard>,for:gravel,:we::'are''.novj.,'>;;::,:•;/> ,---i\-A'»«'n">n.!'^"™';,:-.. v;-:^.v'-'•.,;.; i;;7iS"^ .T iTTIT PWlng 20 to JOcper yard. In the aouthern / .Meeting called to order by Chairman Byruin, $2027.84 . $2087.84 p , , t ojf (h^cotinty we have been compelled to : Roll M^ ail membora preaenti; ^ v ^^ : U line roada at The clerk then'pi-oaented the report of acting

£ . : • *79.74 , („ , t of 77J pg, Jon on the cara at the deati" County Phyaiclan, Dr. J. A. Humphrey, and • : • : . ' n a t i o n , Thia, on account of.Uheacarcity.of 'on motion of Sup,^C , ^ . . v .gravel in that aectlon. i^Infactj nearly air of,Vreceived;and placed onfl la with the report.of •

the'gravel pita are'becomiiigaodoplet«d..tbat County Phyalelan Dr.;J, E, Molntyre, which;

I 253,74

you |uve doubtleaa aeen, was conatructed from auchnbiocka; some blocka have been aold at a aatiafactory profit and tlie proceeda turned into ncld. the county treaaury. .. Reapectfully,

Other Inmatea have been employed by. the _ F. E. SGARL. highway commiaaioners and still othera by In- „ Sheriff Harvey 0 . Cllne then adureaaou tho dividuala at varioua kinda of labor. The tak- "onrd relative to pinna for working prisoners, ing, conveying to work and returning of auch and the manufacture of cement blocks, nnd the Inmatea haa been "without expenae to the coun- ">««" contained in bis verbal report and aug-ty. The county haa'been anved the expenae of Kestluns made were referred to the committee the noon meal and at tlniea the evening meal o" Supplies, with instructions to report to the also. During tho three montha of July, Aug- Board at some future time during this scsaion. uat and September the anving on this Item On motion of .Sup. Young, the Bonrd took alone waa 1088 meala or $144,00. n recess until 1:30 o'clock.

The wagea received by the men varied aome- *«».„„__'a.. , . .— what, but from the pay ao received there haa „ , Afternoon Seaslon. been deducted the aum of EOc-per day for the • Meeting called to order by Ohuirman Byrum. benefit of the county.: In July thia item waa' "oH call, all tnemborBpresent, •

.j|7«.M,7-Jii;jAu«uat, ,'$«8i80;;i»itoal paid ' traaaurtir'froiii-thil;. 1. rNona. havii;. aacaipca, to'-tht eouhty;for.',!!lu....... . - . . . . . » . . . , . . - . , , . . ' , - . . ; - - . — — . . - — . - . — ~ ~ - - . — - . r 1—• -. from January 1; to October 1,'1915,/waa $888, nua; written rapor t to thCrB^ 1916 waa but $277.00. Ivballava thia aavlni of I. ,On'motion of. Slip.,. Kalaer,^t $PU.OO la Jargaly^tracaablt to^tba, factithatv Br'nta^^^racaaai ;<luring::tt ^^^ t«mpiiavold:«.county wharo:jail lhroato#aI».n^llndF.\8we•t,vpandida^ »auliidto'worki-t.'.Vr"';-'..v,;;-',.;;', •,-,•;,.,.•,•,;•••.',;•:.''•,•• ••;,;'.•.'':•: ThB;committe•;on'Contagloua^Diaa«a•,;Olalma,|-,^;fe%'/T

1%«rt can te no quaatlonbitt what tha man n^rtad back for allawanea,the following • " • • • " • " • • " - . - - . . - - •-- - paidtSv-y' i i i^te*


«M battor oil morailr iwdphyalcally by;Maaon ,«n,<l;

thia yaartha number .»nt to:" tho!'I^ Houao of Cdrrtctlon haa roatorlallr;*craaatd Ohaa,;Wr_Reck_.,V5, and now that aoma form of amploymant la pro* '• Cantral'Olty Chemical Co. vidad at tha oountrJallthar* aMma to b«.;a CentralOlty OHitmical Co, tandaner to aond paraona rtetlving Miitencaa up .Chaffeo awKwry .; to 60 or OOidayi to th* county Jail tnataad of H. Li I Knickerbocker :; v.,;

• •flttffj've e.io ffi' *ne gravel .piiB:nrw wtiuu.iiii.a •«, uHificwu..n,R*: i uuiiky. * .lyo.tJiRi, j^* • ,«• •-. ..."•..-*--. .••• , V*'",;" ,'*',*• ;Wd ;expeot to aoon have to acreen a|lr-of the! aamewaa ;pwMnted;at,«,prpvloua aoaalon.i

tht Detroit houat of, corraotlon, ,Th«' raporta, ' W.;HJ Faat . . . . . . ' . from tha houa* of eorrtctlon art; mada guar.; W.,_H.NPaat ..;'., torl^ It liflotlcaabla that from January; 1,'F..S.,Wimble ';-...', to Juir 1. 1916;: tha county .paid; tha Datrolt A. D. Olin'...;,'..;. hoiiat ofiCorractlon $1462.54 and from January'Comer A.WIntera,. 1 to Juir liMlO^Jwt $820,84; ;;,^:V^^

I tharafoN rtipaetfnllr Ncommand that tha E., E, Larrabea H':'.. ipraaant 'amploifmant; plan !ba eontlnuad, :/nd, W, H, Horton ;,v; that four honorablafaodr.intkaiult«bl« plana :PrankvMeConnali)', for tha fmplo»mant:,of• InmaUi: durlnr, tho;, Hanka Brpa.:i.,;..'.,..

, % V; Raipactfullr aubmlttad, •;.;;, Itor fA, Elehar V. .^.; '' 'nARVBY^D.; OUNEV Bharlfr X}ampb«ll * Darling,


i;'48,67'. :tl9,99v


.220)00; .;;•., -•v.8;56';'-:'; i '?;48.67-;' $i ! 10.99;':



VrtlBjOO,/ '••»? 77:24 '7.77' •3;. :7;77l 10,58 IO,l( |

,42,28 , 41.811




. 8 .00 6.25

.16.00 2.fil

12.00 20.00

«.7,'i in.iiri 18. no >i.riO (i.r>o 7.00

24.00 2.50

Ciiliill Colli Co 5.00

Willlamii Coal Co. , Younc Bros. & Dniy Kriink E.'riTomiiD . I''. 11. Lowo . . . K. h. Smedlcy C. IC. Willmlm U. 1.1. HoburtHon & Son C. J. Uouwr DruK Co. . W. Muyiiiird Wlwi . . . . . Womiin'H Iloapitiil AHHII. LIIIIHIIIK l' lC!l & Can Co. IiOiiKyunr Bran Cuhlll Colli Co Giihlll Colli Co.

fi.OO ' •Hcrotoforo wc Imvo ui ri.2fi JKoiiurcr'a offlco but; we.'

Ki.OO' wh'isn )vo want to use It ii a.fil'WC'"'' tho ofllco U cloiwd,

«.75 I5.il5 18.no •1.50 t;.50 7.00

2.1.00 2.50

_ 5.00 The committee on GenornI ClnimB reported

l i i i i ^ ' f o r liny lonKtii of timo, 'ftii^JImvo to carry it tliorouiion carrloil upon roll call by the follow. .20.00. down utnirii and Imck aKnIn!'.'which la no mnnll lnB;Votei VeiiH 20,;'jhilyH «.

matter of ponstnictInK n work houiio, with in Thoinot ion to ndlopt;thO report .of "lo com- jtructlona to report to this lioiird. at thia Boa- hnljot^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ two yonni,

II! 0 , Call, ncerotary of tho • Soldiora . and Snilora comriilBaion, tlien read thdtfoliowlnn re­port to tno Hoard, and upon motion, of Sup. llock, thelSame waa referred to tlit.- Waya and Meaiia

Haffnadilnoln tho following vote; Nays 24, Venn 2, tJlMhat Bonoraliy Tho motion to adopt the ropor

po'filHo i» uainR mlttoQ on County Roudii and BrldRCB and ro> wo do use It forrod to committee on Waya and Moana, waa

taak and endanRera the machine. Wip. Christopher then moved that parnitraph On account of tiiu Kreat amount of pioncy 4 in the report of the committee on County - , , o i

expendoil each year by our departments, about Koada and llridKca. provldlnic that the number 'lo the Hun. Hoard of buporylaora.^ $800,000.00, wo feel that one adding machine of road commlaaionera Us reduced to ono lie ^ ^ , r .? o'l'iiH"' for whole court house Is not onouith, and that eliminated from the report, and after consid- " ~ " an expenditure of this kind would be an eriiblu discuneion the motion waa withdrawn on economic move. If a wheel stand was pro- consent of the second. vUled for It, it could he moved from one oHlce Sup. Rose, chnirinnn of tho committee on to anotlier without dantjer of broakinit It, Public Uuildinga prcaented tlio followlnit re

We do not, however, believe that it would bo port, and same waa adopted on back for allowance the following bills and the ncceasary to purchaae a new machine for this the following votes Yeas 26, Naya same were allowed as follows and ordered paid i

Name Amt. Claimed • Allowed Illrnm Godfrey » 2.00 A. A. Hall 10.25 Dludean & Slehert 15.00 T. .1. Corner 75.70 c;. W. Troman 58.80

roll call by sn d county, it waa estimated that the aum of ponded and the clerk ^ -i« " f " f » ' '" "">•' I none seven hundred dollara ($700.00) In addition to uniinlmous vote of the '"'"•'l f"' "/Vi?^ 1 n

the amount now on hand would bo re.iulred to The clerk announced the f«-«ult "t theJ^"

Tho dork then announced tho rcault of tho and that said phyalclnn be a mondicr' of tho fully recommend tlio fo l lowing: , illot and t}io chalrnum declared him duly county aanitormm board. ' That the'chairman of this Board appoint n

for n period of two years. Bo It furllier resolved that tho county treas- special commlttco of three mombors to whom Sup. Catlin then presonted tlic name nC .Tolin urer of the county of Ingham Iw inslructoil to shall be referred tho matter o> t|iu advisability

C. Slioatholm for tho third niombcr of llio pay lo the city of Lansing tho sum of flOOO.OO of coiistructiiiK a liospltal and^i.-Airnlshlng-.'^tt Hoard of Counly Canvassers, and the rules ' pur your for the aforesaid Borvlcoa. practical nurse; and the nuittor of tho preserft were auspcnded and tho clerk inatnieled lo cast Ho II further resnivod that this reaululion condition of lite lioatinK plant at tliu" poor tiie unanimous volo of the Hoard fiu' Mr. shall conliiuiu In oiioratlon for one year only, fann, whieli in our opinion la entirely inndu-Sh'cathelm, On motion of Sup. Hall the matler of (ixing iiuate for the huildinK, and that thia coinmilleu

riie clerk announced the reault of tlie bal-- the rental for the Abstract odloe, which was bo reiiulred, after careful and thorough inves­tigation of the maltors referred to thom, roiiort

" 1017. cdnimon-mciiibura avo per­

ns instructed to cast the Sup. Keck then moved that the sherilf bo ni- formed their olllclai duties, and it Is with a 8. lowed an nddltlonal aum of 6c |ier day for the feollng of aatistaction and personal pride, in Hot, malnlaluiince of priiioners on nil bills rendered view of the uniclont service of this Hoard, that

J. G. Plngerle . . Walter S. Hoot . . . Win. O, l..ongyear Wm. U. Longyear Win. I). Longyear Frank Shepard Co.

8.,10 0.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 5.00

A. MeDoiiaid 50.00 Ingham Co. News '11)5.25 Ingham Co. News 1112.-10 Harry E. Neely 20.85 I.. II. Harrison 12.00 ./. A. Cortright 0.7(! Klar Crystal Laundry 72 Star Crystal Laundry .'12 Star Crystal Laundry O.UI Callaghan & Co t.OO C. A. Parkbursl . . . . ' . . 12.15 I). W. Rol)ertB 10.00 I. 1). MacUnwull 1.50 & ,'t.fiO City of Mason M.M I'". C. P l i i ckney ,')il.25 .1. S. Honuett 0.50 The Wil l lamatoi i Now 2.K0 The l lr igga Ci 4.50 Clias. Kiulds 25.00 llui'hert W. Liindon 5.00 Karl H. Hrucker 5.00 W m . A. Price 10.11,'i K. P. North 0.00 The State .lournal 1.115 The l''rank ShepanI C. 5.00 Ira I I . f^lark 20.00 Dr. A. 1). l l i igadoni 15.110 Allen OeKloino .MiO Midland CheiTi. C CO.OO I). H. Grimes 2.00 II. A. IJavlH 55.no Dr. .1. G. V n n / .wa lurvenh i i rK. . 5.50 Dr. Geo. K. Muehl ig 5.15 Dr. G. I'', l lnucli 5.00 Mathi'W Hi'iider & ('( 7.110 I'lllict, l''llu & Huiider Co i;i.70 l)liii|..-nii & S lehert 45.HO G. A. Gllntoi i 10.00 .hil ia A. S m i t h 7.iHi .1. A. Hoice 22.;M Ghllaon, MeKln ley & Go 10.00 Hiram Godfrey 2.00 M. .1. & H. M. Buck 11.75 M, .1. &. H. M. Buck 55.00 W m . II. . loy 55.00 Will . II. . loy 55.00 W m . II. . loy 55.00 G. A. Gorsliiiu & Son . . ' 55.00 O, ,1. Edwards 55.00 O. .1. Edwards 55.00 Hall! k P e e l 55.00

The c o m m i t t e e on Sheri l f and Gonstali le Glaima reported back for a l lowance the fii l low-iiig lillls and same were a l lowed as fo l lows and

2.00 10.26 15.00 08.29 58.S0

8.»0 COO 2.00 2.00 2.00 5.00

60.00 4,'l5.2n 102.40

20.85 12.00 0.70


.,'12 0.01 4.00

12.15 10.00 5.00

14.14 li;i.25

9.50 2.80 4.50

25.00 5.00 5.00

lO.O.'l 0.00 1.95 5.00

20.00 15,00 4,;i0

00.00 2.00

56.00 • 5.00

5.00 6.00 7.00

I.'1.70 45.80 10.00 7.00

22.04 10.00

2.00 0.76

65.00 55.00 66.00 65.00 56.00 66.00 65.00 66.00

- „ ' ,".; n ,n i„ n„ i i , i i„„ . „,m,i,i m«.it (hr\Vr\"«IltlnV'oV'"«ii7d7ndrffenr'BotdlerB" and the eliarrman declared him duly elected. ' by the sherilf since tho January, 1916, session wo recommend that this course bo taken, to Your committee on Public Buildings would meet "''';, J'»J^'7„»J|'^,»'';;',„3^^^^^^ Sup Catlin presonted the name of Claude of tlie Hoard, said bills now In the handa of the end, that this Hourd of SuporvlsorB may ho

lloor, as a second-hand machine, discarded by To tlio Board of SuiJcrvlaors: some bank on account of Increased buainoss. Your committee on Public _ and turned into the factory in ^exchange, would respectfully recommend that the work of build- ?; '"Xri; '""r. ,rnmmend''"thnrtro'^aUrsum of Edgar' for ' lhe second alternalo on tho Board tiio committee on'sherlir and Constable Claims: Informed of the true conditions and act wisely answer tho mirpoao for some time to come. Or, Ing cement blocl<a and brick by the prisonw ' ' ' « ' f ".".. . '"fj^S'T,'"' be raised b ^ y o u r Hon of County Canvassers, whereupon Sup. Kron- On motion of SiTp. Catlin the matter was rel and generously In meeling tho wanta and needs

bo continued during the win- ^ 1 ' ' i ' " ' 5 , | ' ' f „ 7 ^ ^ ^ ^ °„i p„aented the name of Wm. McKale. ferred to the committee on Constables and of the Institution-orabic lioard for ™ ' ''"°^,'"^^jf™j[°'""'' """' '"Vallota wore diatrihuted and collected by tho Sherilf Claims and llie prosecuting attorney. Signed by tlie full coinmltloo: Loula Nollor,

W L MOSHER Chairman tellers, and the result of tho ballot was an- llonorahle Howard .WIest then apiiearod be- A. A. Mowlott, C. ,1. Cloinnnla. l l ' o ' C A L L Secretary ' pounced as follows; Clmide Edgar 19; William fore tho Hoard and made a very earnest ad- On molion' of Suii, Catlin tho report waa

ei„,„. , i . „„,. „f ,„„„, . . „ „,„,,,i,„, „f .i,„ n„ii , i i„„ m m M ' I L O V A N N E T T E R " MoKale 0 ; Krod C. Pinckney 1. dress on llio auhjoct of the duties of tho Chief amendod by roferrinit to tho commltteu pro-Uoad Commh. on'er'a Olllcc nitlee Wo °.l o re o nmend U Oct, 1, 1915, BaianJe r i m n d in Sol- Claude Edgar having received a majority of Probation Odlcer, . , . „ , Bent ing same the mattera therein reconimond-uonu i^ommisaioiRr a u Mice. »""';'- " " , 1 , , , ,|J^,,, T ' j i , diers' relief fund $ 389.71 all of the votes cast, the chairman thereupon Ex-Sup, MclCule being present, on molion of ed hy them to he referred to a special com-Dndn C o m m i ; r i o K Ollk A. l'. R o « r G c n ' . V^^. 11? n T„vl„r. Aniironrlatlon avi l labi ; Jan. i i i t i i t! . ! 12oi):(lo declared him duly elected aa an allorni.tc.. Sup. Pinckney he waa invited to a seal inside mittee of three moiuhors lo be appointed by the

E. ,1. B O A N E . Sup. Bennett, chnirm'an of the

a new machine could bo purchased for the at the counly Jul troaaurer and that machine cleaned uii and ter, and that Hie ahoritt bo authorisied to pur-brought down here. cliiiae comenl and gravel needed In Buch work, needs.

We would ho glad to have your commlttco In- and tliat tlie county clerk draw ordera for pay. voHtigato thia matter and see what can be done ment thereof uiion bills certified by the ahorilf for us

Poor Commissioner's Ofllce, WALTER S. HOOT, Secretary.

Troiisurer'a Olllce. S. C. LANE.

Sup. Bennett tlien presented the following report of the committee on Eiiualization, ami same on his own molion was received and re­ferred to tho committee on Apiiortionment;

mittee to recommend to the comiiensalion to the meinliers of tho board to examine plats presented the following resolu­tion which same on roll call, was adopted by the following vole: Yeas 20, Naya" none:

We, your upecial committee to whom was rc-fcrreii the matter of recommencing to this

work. dlers' relief fund ? ;i»9.Yi all oi iiie voien cimi, ^„u ^ •• ..... ^,., ( , ,"":; II. R. Taylor. Appropriation available Jan. 1, 1910 . . 1200,00 declared him duly eloctod aa an a lorniite. oup. 1 he a oci 1 com- On motion of Sup. Hall, the election of Coun- the nil Board suitable Total . . . . . $ 1 6 8 9 . 7 1 ty Physician was lndellnltelypo«t| .onod i h c ^

Total of orders drawn on said f u n d . . . . 1040.'28

Hon. Board o( Suporvieora of Ingham County: Gentlemen: Tho Commltteo on Eaualliiation, to whom was referred tho asaeBamcnt of

the County of Ingham, rcipcctfully report that they hnvo considered tho inmc and recommend that the rolls of tho several townships and wards bo ciiuaiizcd aa follawB

Bnlanco on hand $ 549.411 Su|i. Catlin then presented tho following res­

olution and moved Its adoption: Whereas, the number of county road com-

Boiird, Buitable com))onaation for the mombora misBlonora for the county of Ingham has here­tofore boon fixed by tho Board of Siiiiervisora

SUII. Rose tjion presonted the name of Dr. George C. Moody for County Votorlnnrlan.

On motion of Sup. Bennett the rules were Biianondod and tlio clerk inalructod lo east the unanimous volo of the Board for Dr. Moody.

Tho clerk then announced the result of the ballot, and tlio chairman thereupon declared him duly olecled. , , , , , ,

On molion of Su|i. Kiilsor, the Board ad-

i. cliairinan, wiiereupon the report as amended comnilllco on General Claims reported was adopted,

back for aliuwaiice tiio following bills, and the Suii. Clemont then moved that tho mntlcra siiino wove allowed as follows, Sand ordered under consideration In regard lo building at tho

A int.

""^An'd' wTomis,' \t ' ' is°' '( ieemed desirable to re- Jou'r'ned'LnUi l ' '"'' \^;'p';'7;^.'^&j'j^ C h a i m a n ;

Townships' and Wards

Alalcdon Aureliua Bunkcrhill Delhi Eas t Lans ing Ingham Lanaing T o w n s h i p . . Laroy Leslie I.ocko Meridian Onondaga Slockbrldgo Vevay Whcatfleld White Oak Wlil iamston Mason, la t w a r d . . . . Mason, 2nd w a r d . . , Lans ing , lat w a r d . . Lansing , 2nd w a r d . . T.ansing, 3rd w a r d . . Lansing, 4th w a r d . . Lansing , 5th w a r d . , Lansing , Glh w a r d , , Annexed Territory,

City of L a n s i n g . .

.T. S. Bennett , L. topher, Coinmittee.

Acres AsHoHsed 22(830.56 23,058.10 21,027.36 22,703.00

180.00 20,366.68 10,410.20 21,240.14 22,149.50 22,950.30 21.181.84 22,795.22 22,168.07 20,582.81 19,179.02 23,0'29.59 19,786.00

T. Lnaenby,

Real Real Ealate as Estate

$1,270,500 1,284,406

832,215 1,530,605 LI 20,856

987,220 2,108,650 1,452,925 1,894,305 1,145,740 1,093,076 1,I80„'170 1,284,020 1,242,200 1,074,650

979,500 1,654,735

477,600 540.845

2,271,645 8,028,035 6,553,845 4,765,860 6,930,900 6,122,406


$50,004,015 A. ,1. Miller,

Eiiii'ill'cd $1,270,600

1,284,406 832,216

1,530,666 1,120,855

987,220 2,108,060 1,462,926 1,894,365 1,146,740 1,093,076 1,180,370

« 1,284,020 1,242,290 1,074,550

979,600 1,654,736

477,000 640,846

2,271,045 8,028,036 5,663,845 4,706,800 6,936,900 5,122,405


$60,004,616 l lartin Leeman,

Personal Total Equalized Estate i 147,626

93.820 107,010 187,385

64,300 98,700

370,700 154,030 .•!4a,450

78,245 184,656 107,625 261,660 156,910

92,560 70,850

317,260 99,472

170,770 487,800

2,297,280 1,190,750

/ 209,660 / 1,808,515



$12,293,187 Fred 11. A l i en .

Valuation $1,418,026

1,378,285 039,225

1,718,050 1,186,155 1,086,920 2,645,410 1,006,965 2,'242.816 1,223,986

. 1,877,730 1,287,895 1,645,670 1,399,200 1.107,100 1,060,350 1,971,996

677,072 717,015

2,769,446 10„^26,316

0,744,596 4,976,420 7,745,415 8,281,620


$68,297,802 A. J . Chris-

ducc the numlicr of said county road coniinis slonors to ono, be it hereliy resolved:

That tho number of county road commission­ers for tlio county of Ingham lie reduced to the niiinber of ono, and that no successor bo elect­ed to the present county road commissioner, whoso term of ollice expires ,)anuary lat, 1017; and that no auccoasor be elected to the county road commissioner, whosf term expires ,Ian- jj^,, - ,,|„,, „„,„„, „nn adopted oa roll uary 1, 1919; and that a successor lie elected °" ' f j |n„ , | „^ vote: Xim 23. nays no to tho iireiient counly roml comnilasioner whoae "' - - - » - - -

WM. H. GRAHAM, Clerk. Wcdncmlay, October 18, 1916.

Mooting called to order by Clinlrman Byrum. Boil call, all niembora present. MInuloa of the provloua day'a session read, L. T. Lnaenliy 32.00

corrected and approved. . Dr. J. G. Rullaon 5.00

paid: Name

V..Ji. Oorslino . , Frank E. Thomiis L. E. Sallshiiry . H. R. Taylor . , . , C. D. Black Co. , .1. C. EinKorlo . . . Thomas Thorlmrn C. W. Randall 11.25 Mallhow Itender & Co 7.00 W. H. .Toy 65.00 W. C. Brown 100.00 Uludean, Siolmrt & Galea . . . . 30,00

Claimed . . , $ 70.00 . . . 3.00 . . . ' «4.;i7 . . . 3S.70 . . . 60.59 . . . .98.59


term of ulHce oxiilres .lanuary 1, 1921 ; and that said succoasor be elected for a term of two years as iirovided by law; and the county elork is hereby ordered lo present tho election commissioners witii a coiiy of this rosoiullon.

After a considerable discussion, Su|i. Docke moved to lay tlio rosoliilUin on the table, wlioro-iipon the motion lo adjourn until 1 o'clock li, in. pruvailod.

Aflernoun Session. Mooting called to order hy Chairman Byrum. .Sup. Reck moved that Sup. Neller be soiited

in place of Sup. Young, which motion pre­vailed.

The dork thereupon called the roll, several niembora lioing absent. Sup. Hall moved a call of the iiouso which molion prevallod on roll call by the following vole: Yeas 26, nays none.

The chair appointed Sups. Catlli) and Plek-ard lo bring In the absent members, which same was done speedily.

Yeas 23. Resolved by the Board of Supervisors of Ing-

Suii. Kaiser presented the following reaolu- Solon C. Lnue • • • •• call by S. H. Culver

none. 0 . A. Clinton Tho RIchiiioiiil Hiickua Co.

ham county: That the dork be and Is hereby G. L. Peck Instructed to draw nn order on the county Ihling Hro«, >ii Hveriird Co treasurer, againat tlie contingent fund, for tho Stale .lournal sum of twenty dol lwa ($20.00) In favor of L, 11, Mnrrlsoii ,', school district No, fl. Meridian township, for C. W. Riiiidull tho renaon that tho county farm Is located in F. E. Sciui said school district. G. P. Mlckelann ',.

Sup. Hall then moved lliat tho annual rental G. S. Hnlliird hy tho counly to tho Taylor Ahatrael Cii. of tho Oliilson McKiiiloyGo.' Abstract olllce oa the lower lloor of tho court S. C. Parker house lio raised, from $75.00 |ior year lo $100 lier year.

On motion of Sup. Young llie inallor waa made a siioclnl order of business at tho hoKln-iiliig of the attornuon session.

In pursuance of a motion at tho previous day's session InstructInK the cliairman to a|i-point a apediii comiiiiltoo lo Investigate tiie _ foasihillly of constructing a work house for Chjlson. McKliiloy^ii Go Ingham county, the chairman announced the The cdnimiltee on Sheri

S. II. Harlholomew (). II.' l''reoliiiiil V. B. i''leld Will. C, Hniwa C. 1). Black Callaghan & Co F. K. Searl Doiibleday, liiinl, Dolaii & Co. 511.21 " 6.00

7.34 7.00 5.04

137,40 0.00

42.57 1.96

35.80 36.00 10.36

302.82 38.50 10.00 2.00

85.00 121.76

14.74 32.S7 70.00 24.00


sanitarium lie referred lo the Board of Control, Allowed with tho request that said Board aocuro bids for

$ 01.00 same and report (it the .Tanunry session, which ' 3.00 motion was duly curried.

64.37 On motion of Sup. Docko tho cnminittco on .'18.70 Puiillc HulldinKs other than county hulldings, 00.59 was instructed lo Invcatigate tlio iidvisablllty of 98.59 conatrucling n tool house for tho alioller of tho

4.48 oquipinent of llio hoard of county road coin-11.26 misaioncrs liy prison labor, and report at tho 7.00 .lanuary sessioa, which motion prevailed.

65.00 Sup. Taylor prosenlod tho following opinion 100.00 of the prosecuting attorney on the matter of

30.00 biirini of Indigent soldiers, and upon his own 32.00 motion the same waa received luul ordered

6.00 Hiiread upon llio minutes, and a copy sent to 7.34 each of the conimlssionora niipointod hy the 7.00 Hoard to invosllgato and report on iiidigent 6.04 auldlors, \VliIch molion nrovallod.

'''"••I" Lansing, Mich., October 18, 1910. 0.00 H. R. Taylor,

42.57 Chairman of Commllloo on General Claims, 1.96 Mason, Michigan.

36.80 Dear Sir: RcpIylnB to your Vocont Inquiry 35.00 concerning claims for exiionsos incurred for the 10.36 burial of bodies of soldiora, sailors and nurses

302.85 and tholr wives, would say that tlie alalule 3S.50 provides that honorable discharged union aol-10.00 diora, iiai!.orB, or marines having aervod In the 2.00 army or'navy of the Unitod Slates during the

86.00 civil war or the war with Spain or tho wife or 121.75 widow of auch floldlors, sailors or marine, or

14.74 any army nurso wlio was employed by author-32.87 i ly recognized hy tho war depurtniont and ron-70.00 derod aclual servlco for a period of six months. 24.00 and was honorably relieved from such services

4.89 who shall die not posBossed of an oBlalo both 511.21 real and personal exceeding $1600.00, nnd is a

6.00 resident of tho state, i t shall be llio duty of and Comilahloa tho Board of

A. .1. 1 111 roll field ii . 0 . Cllao . . . . 11. 0 . GIlue . . . . 11. O. Gline . . . . II. 0 . Glliio . . . . 11. 0 . Gliiio . . . Hugh Sllsheo . . l l i igh Silshee . . A. .1. Hurclifioid G. S. Ghamliorla 10. E. lOsloB . . . . E. E. Estes . . . . Edwin Link . . . .1. E. Boucher . . Honry Kurtz . . . Henry Kurtz . . Henry Kurtz . . . E. E. Estes . . . .

On motion of adjourned until


Sup. tonior

. . . $ 3.40

. . . 36.80

. . . 38.84

. . . 42.30

. . . 57.59 . . . 34.74

. . .90 . . . 8.72 . . , 2,40 . . . 24.70 . . . 20.95 . . . 12.26 . . . 3.05 . . . 0.10 . . . 6.98 . . . 6.40

. . 2.00 . . . 6.71

'(. • •

'! ••

•' ' >y, ••y,

% ••y,


% % % r.

row mornlii

Pd Pd pd pd pd pd

pd pd

pd pd

pd pd pd pd tho


$ 3.40 ;I5,80 38.84 42.30 67.69 84.74

.90 8.72 2,40

24.70 20.96 12.25

3.05 6,10 5.98 5.40 2.00 5.71

Board lit 10

leave to reiiort Hull, after conBUltatlon with the drain cumiiilssloner and exiiminatloii of Hie stalulo hearing on llio case, we find that the drain comiiilssloiior is given the power (sec. 4344 Com. laws of 1897 aa aiiionded hy act 202 1 . A. of 1916) lo assess a drain tax on the ciHinty 111 large in cases wlioro a county drain ospecially honofils a highway wiilch Is under tiio control of the county road commissionors; anil further, that the hoard of suiiervlsors, at its Oclohor session, slinll jirovlde for the iiiiy-nient of the lax.

Wo tlioreforo recommend that tlic two spec­ial drain asHossiiient roils be referred' lo the committee on Ways and Means and the pay-

le plats at $3.00 for each ami every iilnt examined, and that each memhor llieroof receive $1.00 of such com­pensation for every plat examined, and that Hie counly clerk, who is liy law designated as elork of said Boaril, be instructed to draw war

Miller, Pinckney, Pickai'il, Reck, Reeves, .Sliaf. fer, Taylor, Neller, Byrum—22. Nays, Bullon, Bennett, Rose, Robinson—4. '•

Alliert H. .Sloneman, Suiit. of tho Michigan Children's Homo at SI. Joseph, then addressed the Board and presented a blank form of con

riint.s 111 payment of such compensaUon, upon tract which lie desired to submit lo the Board certi lcallon liy the audiUng committee. f„r their approval, and on motion of .Sup.

Ihia resolution Is intended to cover com- Reck, the chair was Instructed to appoint a

adopted on roll call by the following volo: Voas 23, nays none: To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of the

County of Ingham: Gentlemen: Your committee to whom was

referred the petition for the annexation of cer­tain dcacribcd property In the township of Lan­sing, to bo annexed to the City of Lansing docs report that tliey liavc examined Bald poll-

J, J . Cook 13. J. HIakiily JiimeH,Merrick Carl B. Hniiciier

. . . . .'13.75 ••}:, 32.00

0.50 1.60

pd 33.76 32.00

0.50 1.60

Tho coiiiniillee on Contagloua Disease Claims

presented and allowed under this slntule, it Is rocossary tliat the deceasod ho a bona fide resi­dent of this county, Tliat means that this county miiat hnvo been at tho time of liis dcatii his permanent rosldonco. Tho clalnia whicli

roporled hack for allowance the following iilila, were submitted to mo all contain a sworn and tho same were allowed as follows, and Hlalonient that the deceasod waa a resident of

l •nnrnl^; l^f^M,u^w. ' '" ' ' ' l"^ "'" f . ,"' i ' '" "1"'="''' '-•«">mittee of throe memliers, to confer Uon i n d " t h a T " i \ ' S o V l n V ir'alT;',i;irti''c'i;rar7 All'ort Ii' approved hy llils Board up to date, and that a with the prosecuting attorney as lo the ' • - "loori. ii report be ronderod at each meeting of thia of executing such a contract and aa such com '"'"'''• ,, ,. „ . mlUee, the chair appointed Sups. Reck, Chris

. J. S. Honnotl, C. A. Clement. A. L. Rose. topher nnd Robinson. Sup. Kaiser, chairman of Hie committee on O'^I-" 13—OCTOBER SESSION-

nt of the asseasnient ho provided for out of '^ndns presented the report of the committee, Tho-hour for the apeclni order of business.

o'clock a. m. W. D. BYRUM, Chairman.

WM. II. GRAHAM, Clerk,

Hie oontlngent fund of the counly. F. W. Kaii;er, C. A. Clement, J. W. Uohiiison. On molion of .Sup. Christopher tiie Board

then look a recess until 1:30 o'clock.

and same on motion was referred lo the com- Hint of electing county odlcora having arrived, miltoe nn Ways and RIeanB. .- on motion of .Sup. Cloinont tho Board took ro-

Itcporl of Committee on Drains, 1916. """ "' '" '"'"»'««•

Afternoon Session. Mcelin.v: called lo order hy Chairman Byrum. Roll call, all memhers present. Sup. Kaiser, chairman of the coinmilleo on _ .„_

Drains then presonted Hio exiionso account of year. A, D. lUlO, and-thc drain filea in tho of-Draln Commissioner E. J. Doane, and on his hco of tho counly clerk npiierlaining to said own molion siiino was received and filed. drains, and find the files in tho fol-

A delegation of electoi-a and taxpayera from lowing drains to he in accordance with Soc-Hio lowmihlps of Alalodon, Vevay and Wheat- tions 6, 0 and 7, of Chapter 2 of Act No. 264

Hyriiin was dosigniiled lo repreaenl the Board Ceiii aiipoarud before the Hoard and on motion of the I'ublli! ActB of 1897, and would recom-iil the 18th annual meeting of the Stale Assn- ,|f >5i,|,. li^ck, llioy were granted Uie fioor for mend that the amount of tuxca reported for elation of Supervisors, to lie hold February 13, t|,i, aisciission of good roads, urging the nee- assoBament on such drains lie spread upon the 14 and 15, 1917, at the council chambers In the essity for an additional iiiilo of good roads In rolla of tho respective townBhipa for the above city liall at Lanaing, Michigan. tlie leapocllvo lowiishiiia. On motion of Suii. named year a i fol lows:

On motion of Sup. Howlolt, the Board took Taylor the mailer was referreil lo the com- I j ins lng Townsldp:

tho alntute for tho annexation of said describ­ed property; therefore wo olfer the following preamble und resolution Xor your conaidora-t lon:

Geo. E . Decke, A. J . Clirlstophor, C. A . Clement. To the Honorable Board of Supervisors for tho

County of I n g h a m ; Wliereaa, there w a s on the 7lh day of Sep­

tember, 1910, duly and legally filed with the clerk of tho Board of Supervisors of tho County

Saturday, Oclober U , 1916. Meeting called lo order hy Chairman Byrum. Roll call, all mciiibora iiresenl. The minutes of tho previous day's aession

went road, corrected and approved. On motion of Suii. Hall. Chairman W. D.

, , , , , - , , , r, . . „ Upon tho reconvening of tho Board, uiion i o the Honorable Board of SupervlBors of Ing- motion of Sup. Hall tho rules wore suspended,

n ..,1!!"! iP"''r- 1 . . , , . , and Dr. L. W. Toles, president of the Hoard of Ingham u petition, signed by tho requislto ,. .:\„„m 1, ' J . ? T ' l u * ° T " """'"" T'' ^ »f Control of the Ingham counly aanitarium number of qualKIed electors of tho townaliip reapectrully report that they hnvo examined waa Invited to address the Board, after which of Lansing, in Bald county of Ingham and tho llio aoyerni amounla of drain taxea for the ho presented tho following report o£ llio city of Lansing, in said county of Ingham,

Board, which on motion of Sup. Hall was ac- praying that there may be dotnclied from tho copied and referred to tho committee on Waya townBhip of Lansing nnd annexed to tho City and Means:

iteiiort of Sanitarium Hoard of Control. Eiiuipmenl groiinda, liulldlngs, furn­

ishings, etc $12680.08 Balance on liand, county treasury,... 16.74 Gush balance 6.11 0. A. Clement (Iroaa.) gift of $1000 '

and interest 1030.00 a recess until one o'clock

Aflrrnuun Session. Mooting called to order liy Chairman Byrum. itoli call, all memliers iiresonl. Sup. Reck, chairman-of the special coininilleo

of five-mombora apiiolnted to invoatlgato the propusition suhniltted to the Board by tho Hoard of Health and the Health OHieer of the oily of Lansing, looking lo greater economy and ellicioncy In handling contagious disease cases In the city of Lansing and Lansing town­ship, preaenled the following report of the com­mittee, and same nn hia own motion was adopt­ed:

Honorable Board of Suporvlaors of Ingham County:

The siiecial comnilllco a|i|iolnted on tlio

niitlee on Good Roads and Bridges. The comiiiiltee on General Glaima reported

back for allowance the following bills, and the Hiiiiie were allowed and ordered iiaid:

Name Anil. Claimed Allowed Wm. 11. Graham $ 14.49 $ I4.-19 Wm. H. Graham 41.82 41.82 Mylea F. Gray 1.76 M. L. Holm, M. D 10.00 Bludoan & Sicliort 16.00

Hector Drain $1140.00 Marvin Drain 2930.00 Smedloy-Cooledgo^aJrnin 3686.00 Gnult Drain <'.\\,, 121.076 Taylor Drain 203.90

$13631.63 Liabilities

Endowmenla and gifts $ 3709.99 Appropriations account 9861.54

Wm. L. Rohinson Fred S. Drake . . . . Oscar 11. Bruegol . 11. A. Barlholomow L. I. Botlsford A. M. Emory Cnrklns Choinical Co.

proposition submitted to your honoridilo body Corkiiis Clienilcal Co. by the president and health olficer of tlic City of Lanaing, liegs leave to report aa follows: That It is our oiiinlon that the county of Ing-hain'a contagious disoases can lie hotter taken care of by accepting their proposition. We would therefore rocoinincnd that the iirosocnt-Ing attorney be instructed to draft a suitable W. B. Moore resolution and present at this regular session of the Board of Supervisors.

Chaa. W. Reck, C. M. Krcntcl, O. L. Me­Klnley, A. J. Miller, C. A. Clement. -

On motion of Sup. Decke tho chairman was inulructed to niipoint a committee conalsting of three iiiomliera, on the aelection of depositories

J. F. Grove 08.87 Tlio commlltee on Sherilf and Conslablo

Claims reiiortod back for allowance tho follow­ing bllla, and tlio aaiiio wore allowed and or­dered paid ; H. 0. Cllno $ 33,43 $ 33.43

3.00 3.00 D. D. Lewis 46.64 46.54

Tlie committee on Contagloua Disenso Claims reiHirted back for allowance the following bllla, iinil the Biinie wore allowed and ordered paid:

Name Anil. Claimed

- x^'l'n •••.•-• • • • • ; ; $8139.976 1.75 Meridian Township:

10,00 Oault Drain $108,925 10.00 Taylor Drain 761.10

2.00 2.00 Okemos TIlo Drain 386.00 6,50 5.50 Branch No 3 licmcy-Chnndler Drain 704.70 5>,0 6]oO Total $2009 726 •'Average number pationta per day.9 '/j 6.60 5.00 Wliliamston Township: *—'""^ -""..i"-! f — -5.00 5.00 Suttell Drain $1643,60

42.00 42.00 „ , : 30.00 30.00 Total $1543.60

08.87 I'OcVe Township:

$13631.53 Kecapitulaliun

Cost of equlpinont und grounds, etc. .$12680.08 Number of patients treated during

the year . . . , . - . ' . . . . 28 Number of days service rendered

patients 3642

Amount received from^-patlonts Amount reeoived from sale of hay

and vegetabiea Amount drawn from the county troaa.


of Lansing. In said county of Ingham, tho territory dcacribcd a s : The west one half of section eight (8) tho west ono-hnlf of section Bovcnleen (17) the west one-half of Bectlon twenty (20) tho west one-half of tho northeast iiunrter und the northwcat quarter of Eoction twenty-seven (27) tho north iiulf of section twenty-eight (28) und that portion of Kcola Park SubdivlBlon In said Lanaing Township lying within the south half of said section twenty-elglit (28) und the northeast iiuartcr of Bectlon twenty-nine ( 2 9 ) ,

Wliereaa said iietition waa duly and legally filed with tho clerk of the Board of Super­visors of said county, not loss Uiun thirty days before the convening of said Board ut its reg­ular October, 1016 session, and

Whercna. said petition was signed by the requislto within Lunsine, all . . . qualified electors whoso signutures appear upon Buid petition constituting more than one per

ordered iiald Grleat Grocery Co $ 10.90

Griest 41.04 Leo A. l.aralieo 70.36 A. M. Diirllag Coal Co 30.95 i.ouls .liiilge 120.06 W. E. Stoclter 0.01 Towar & Corwl 8.83 IJOUIS Neller 10.20 Mrs. H. D. Pnilt 48.00 I... J. Hildohriiiidt 0.38 Mrs. Rowona llendorson . . . . 21.00 E. E. Larraheo 69.50

W. FIdd 10.09 W. Field 11.11 0 . Call 177..'!9 S. Ballard 89.00 M. McCarrIck 8.90 M. Wells 21.08


0 . C. H. C. F. E. E. P. North Chaa. A. Iliiynes C. T. Spencer . C. W. lloiidioy . J. F. Johnson . C. J. Rouser Drug Co,

4.66 1.60 4.60

12.75 116.27

this county, that of course Is prima f a d e ia $ 10.00 . evidonco of hia rosldonco nnd would justify al-

41.04 lowing tho claims. However, if there is any question about tho rosldonco of ono of tlioso parties or tlio Board or Commltteo la in any doubt as to tho roaldonco tlioy have tho right to requlro wltnoasoa to como In and take teatl-niony as to that question; tho sanio thing ia true in case you aro in doubt as to whether the Borvicos wore actually furnished.

Aa I said tho question of roBldonco is a quos-21.00 tion of wliotlior Ingham county was tho por-09.60 nianent and last residence of tho deceasod.

This does not dopond upon the length of timo that tho deceased might have lived in this county provided ho had In good faith come to reside in this county intending to mako it hia permanent homo. Very truly yours,

WM. C. BROWN. On molion of Sup. Hall Hie prosocuting at­

torney waa instructed to examine tho blank 1.60 forma furnished liy the slate on which llio coiii-4.60 nilssionors aro lo make their report of tiio

12.75 burial of indigent aoldiera, with u view lo ilu-116.27 lormlno whethor same is correct and

70.30 30.95

120.06 0.01 8.83

10.20 48.00


10.09 11.11

177.39 66.50

8.90 21.08

8.00 4.66

, ^, ,^ , . ^ - - - - -" in coin-'Ihe commltteo on Justice Dockets, Coroner plianco willi tlio slaluloa, -which motiun pro-

and Witiioas Claiina reported back for allow- vailed, ance the following hills: and the samo wore al- Sup,,-Miller, clialrmnn of Hie commltloo on owed- as follows and ordered paid: Saliiriea then presented Hie followlnt' report.

Freeman .vSiihslmrs.. $60.66 $ «0.6C and moved Its adoption: T. R. Palmer . . . ' 09.17 «9.17J- l |o„. Board of Supervisors:

3.00 Your commlltee on Salaries would rocom-rn'p,I "" '"' ^'"'' '' following salaries bo adopted for 59,00 tlio ensuing term:

130,40 Sherilf, 1600 per year, togothor with all foes

G. L. Pock 3.60 A. J. Boyce 17.66 J. H. Sliafer . . ; ; 69.60 G. L. Peck 130.40 J. H. Shafor : . , . 190.20 City .of Lansing 137.96

lUislto number of qualiflcd elcctor» residing ^ 7 °\. ''""«!"« •••• ^ 3 . 6 0 thin tho township of Lansing und City of ^ ' ^ °l l/'naiiiK 140.80 nslng. in said county, tho aaene constituting ^ y °J -""aiiig os.or. of tho territory cirected tiiereby; and tho ^\y ot Liiiialng 90.80

City of LaasiuB 170.35 City ot Lansing 81.16

o.)or, centum ot tho population of said township and City ot Laos nt, 88.uO 88.30 Lansing 48M'4r ""y according to tho Inst preceding United City of Lansing . . . . . . . . . . . . 147.10 147.10 borville, "'"•^" States conaua. and constituting not icsa than On molion of .Sup, Hull, the Board there- diiga.

liia'on "'''"''"f oulaido of county for civil cases, and ioS'<'n '"'''y-'lve cenla per day tor hoarding iirisonera. h'.'oA ' ' " deputloa at $850 each per year, at Lansing, i-o'Sr '-"•'''''"y "t Mason, $600 por year, four addi-58.05 iloiiui deputies $50 per year wilii $2.50 por 96.80 liny while attending court, ono at Lealio, ono nt

170.35 Mason, ono at Wliliamston, one nt Slockbrldgo ; 80.66 1111(1 four deputloa at $25 each per year, ono in

or Lanaing townahii), ono at Wob-ono at Dansvillo, and ono at Onon-

Siisby Drain $ 740,00

Total < 740.00 Delhi Township:

Holloy & Day Drain $8192.08 West Town Drain 3600.00 Bolter Drain B28.00 Barncg Drain 408.60

Towiir & Cnrwin Lee J. Gampeau A. C. Roller'

for County Funds, und the chair thereupon a|i- c|',,f|i' Grocer Co. Iiolnled Sups. Decke, Young und Catlin.

Tho committee on General CluiniB reported hack for allowance the following bills lind tlie same wore allowed as follows und ordera paid: Name Amt, Claimed Aliowod

W. D. Ungyoar $ 2,00 W,'L, Robson J, 1. Ilolcomb Mfg. Co. . . Knluinuzoo Multicopy Co. 'I'ho Corkins Chemical Co, Bludean & .Seibcrt Dudley Puiier Co 5;03 Daniel S. Mevis 2.00 J. H. Scliulls 1.90 Wm. H. Gildnrt 19.63 J. B.Mills D.3G C, H, Kurd 2,92 W, S, Schultz & Co. '.. Doubleday Bros. & Co. Ihling Bros. & Everard Ed S. Tookor Tho State Journal Geo. H. Leverctt J. n. Mills . . . . ; . R. A. Densmore M. J. & B. M. Buck

8.83 7.68 4.fl4

33.20 12.37 0,04

2.00 10.80 20.60 30.00 16.00

2.50 162.60

35.00 26.00 30,00

7.90 .60

n.l i l 66.00

C. A. GorBlino 66,00

2.00 2.00

10.80 20.50 30.00 16.00

6.08 2.00 1.96

19.63 . 6.30

2.02 2.60

162.60 .36.00 26.00 30.00

7.90 .60

6.13 66.00 66.00

Albert - R. Griest W . Maynard Wlao W . Maynard W i s e 6.65 Chas . A. Schaible . . . i 8.11 F . N . Rounavil lo 26 W . II. J o y & Co G.OO W. H. Joy & Co. 30.00 E . L. Uolierlaon & Son 76 Chas. McGlniey 20.20 Robert Schrani 8.39 F . - P . Vanburen 43.79 Mrs. Blanche Roborta 14.00 A. E. Wllheim 6.16 Lansing Fuel & Gaa Co 7.46 Woman'a Hospital Asa'n 99.00 •Floyd B. Mixter ; 13.01 J. S. Brlgga 15.20 Cuhlll Coal Co 2,50 Chaa, Sheldon 44.84 P . S. Wimble 58.63 Orin Ilonesbergor : . . 14.90 H. L. Kniokbocker 36.42 P . B. VunBuron Co .SO.JIB . T o h n . L MutthewB , 30,79

Total $12728.68 Al lowed AIniedon T o w n s h i p :

$ 8.83 Mud Creek Drain ; $16240,24 7.(18 , D i n g m a n Drain 85,00

•t.r>i -'™ . . 33,19 Total $10326,24 1') 37 Wheatflold Township:

Cost of maintenance $ 6287.,30 Cost per day of each patient.,, .$1.49 Cost per week of each patient. .10.43 Subacriptlons fund, furnlahlng.239.99 As Compared With Previous Twelve Months Number of pntlenta treated during . years

1914-16, 31. . • Number of patients treated during years

:9I5-10. -

two hundred In number und not less than "."?" ,"''J""'"nod until tomorrow morning at 10 Prosecuting Attorney $1600 por year, tho » i.. «.._ _» »i.. _ i — • _„ —L - ._ . i . ,— oclock a. Ill- - . twenty-fivo of tho signatures of such petitions having been obtained from each city or town­ship ellocted by the proposed change, . -•

And whereas, said iictitions conform In all respects with the provisions of Act Mo. 27!) of Michigan Public Acts of 1909, us amended, and itatemonts therein contained are true:

Su|i. DocKc then moved the adoption of the wiilcii "diimonstratea a slate of incroasod con- rcaolution contained in the report ot the com- "<",;'<"• '" l|'"' f °' Sup. Young. -l o n c o n m l a S a c t i o n 0.1 tie nart of the '"'«<»••• ^ ''l«'' "'"n" »" '•"'I <=«" waa adopted by , . T''« "'"'•I' t'"-'" '"C' « communication roots tLv 1, n . w IMn. L Zl.,.^,t, the following Vote: Yeas 23, naya none: «>«> State^ Journal relative to printing,pro

6.04 6.56 8.11

.26 6.00

30.00 .76

20.26 11.63

Mud Creole Drain $ 77.185

Total $ 77.185 Loroy Township:

Crandall Drain $ 8 9 1 . 8 0 Mead Drain 2168.00 Auctioneer Drain 1G42.60

fidoncc pat ients ; they being willing to remain until discharged.

Number of days service for 1914-16, 2760. Number of days aervleo tor l»16-l'6, 3542. An increase of 720 days or of more than 25

IHir cent over tlie previous year. Tlio per capita cost for 1914-15, $1.42. The per capita coat for 1916-10, $1.49. An increase of seven cents per day duo to

Total . . , i $4702.30 ,);)]7i) Aureliua Townshir

Dr, R, H, Nichols Rork & Price W, H. PuBt

The committee on Shoriir & Constable Claims G. W. Bailey, M. D reported back for allowance-tho fallowing bills 'Northrop, Robinson, Carrier. und same were allowed aa follows and ordered V, J, Brown puid; A, S. Burchfiold . . . . . . . . . $ 1 2 . 0 0 % pd A. J, Burchfleld , 11,60 % pd W. H, Joy . . . . . . . ; . 10,00 H. b . Cllne . . . . . . . . . . : ; . 46.81 54 p<l H, O, Cllne , . 10,98 % P<1 H, O, Cllne . , . 27,64 % pd H. 0 . Cllne , 44.49 % pd A. M, Putman . . ; . . . . . . . 4.22

12,00-3.60 7..30

46.60 17.00 41.46

14.00 0.16 7.46

99.00 13.01 14.80

2.60 - 1.39 68.53 14.96 84.42 30.36 30.69 12.00

S.GO 7.30

48.50 17.00 41.46

Kingman Drain $2966.00 Hopkins Drain 1686,00 Uavena Drain 212,66 Bateman Drain 360,00 Gretton Drain 1660.00 Stid Drain • 726.00 Holler & Day 2207.92'

Total-Vevay Township:

Havens Drain , , ,$ 877,4B Redman Drain 1360,00 Buah Drain ; 842,12l> Mud Creek Drain 6606,04 ' Campbell Drain 2438.00

$0706.47 fullest appreciation for the generous und con tinuod .interest dlajilayed by those and otiioi societies nnd individuals during tiio your, which

iir r. n.,r.,,.> «, , couoty to pay rent at Lanaing not lo exceed W, D, BYRUM, Chairman, $20 por month.

WRL H. GRAHAM, Clerk, Assistant Proscci)ting Attorney $800 per Thumduy, October 19, 1916. ''"S!;' „ • , „ ,• A,I "' , m

„ ., ,, , , , , ' ' , „ Stenographer In Prosecuting Attorney's ofilco Meeting called lo order by Chairman Byrum, $350 iior year. Roll call, all members present. County Clerk $1500 por year; doputy county OnmoHon of Sim. Decke^Sup. Neller waa dork at Mason $500; deputy at Lansing $840

""" por year and all fo«B turned over to county; an from aaalstant dork nt $40.00 por month. In case

.. ._ „ . . . . . . .^.... _„, nays none: ""= omiu uuni,,,,. .UIUI-IYII lu prnmnK proceed- fees aro retained by the clerk the salary for Therefore be it resolved by the Board of Sup- '""B of tho Hoard, nnd B»mo on motion waa aaid.odico shall he $800 ixsr year and no allow-

erviflors of tho County of Ingham and it ia referred to the coinmittee on Printing. nance for deputy at Mason, hereby determined and declared that such petl- Sup. Krcntcl then presonted the following County Treasurer $1600 per year with dork tion haa been sighed by tho requisite number report ot the committee on Waya and Means, hire not to exceed $600 per year, orders to bo of qualified electors towit: by qualified electors ""'' '*"""' on roll call was adopted and referred drawn by county dork to person or persona constituting more than one per centum of the t° 'he cominlltee on Apportionment by the fol- performing tho work and for tho actual salary population of said township and city according lowing vote: Yeas 23, nays none: tliey are to receive. In case the troaaurer re-to the last preceding United States cenaus, and To the Honorable Board of Supervisors: tains fees of tho ofiice the salary shall bo $1200 by Qualified electors constituting not Icaa than Yo"' commlltee on Waya und Means begs per year.

• ' 1 i-.i^ —- > Commissioner ot Schools $2000 per year. Court house Janitor $720 per year. Court house Janitor at Lousing $260 per year. Superintendents ot Poor: Lansing, $300 por

year; Mason, $400 por your; outside member $226 per year.

We would recommend that the committee on Siipiilios purchase a suitable desk for the Sup-crlntondont of Poor In Lansing, to be placed in the ollico ot tho city poor commissioner ut Lansing.

Probation odlcer for Inghnm county $720 per your. '

Wo recommend that $50.00 por year bo paid for Borvicea on elevator in city hall at Lansing.

Wo also recommend that $500 bo ullowed to

' " T h T o \ r ' l ^ l n "coL'tribl,tZa''"d..ring • "the MoTn-numbeyand-noiTeia'Thun 26 of"the".Tg: lc«vo to report that wo have conBulted with tiio year f e r t i l e sale of Red Cross stum """"•'• "' the qualified electors and auch petl- county treasurer as to the amount of money Laiica' T u x Inry of the SanitarUim from the "»"» having been obtained from each citj or on hand in tho several funds and believe tho LIdea' of t ie &ialern S t i ^ from the iZlle ^ ^ township ellocted by tSe proposed change, amounts^nocesHury to be raised by taxation for

Auxmar°y'ot'u.o''un1t"nv;.';olVnT^^^^^^^ mullnU t t ' to 'no3 ' ' /o ' iJ ;^ ' 'M'"' ' ' T ' T "' StSto'T^"" ""'"• '" '" "" '"""""' $100 603 49 and others totallnir auverHl himdrnil fl,>lli».u making the propoBOd conaoiidution and change btato tiux ...$100,603.49 which has •bee.fjudiclolVy'^l .Sed «« boundarle. by detachlngjhe aforesaid terrl. Contingent fuiid , , . . . 85,011.25 od furnlBhinga auch aa stoves, linoleum, linens, | " / , { T t h S V * S r „ " i ' ^ ^ l i n ^ " K " * "i^'^ifiTf SoTdl'ra'''i;enof"fin.*-"'"'' " • • '''[C'?!! blankets food aniinn<,i Bti- Thuun nmni,nf« ing It »o the City of Lanaing, be aubmltted to. ooltliera reiiei laiw 688.76 d not ;.aas™Lo lil ou; hands and no account ^^« »^MMd electora of tho township of U n - Co. normal training c ass 300.00 is mTdc on our boSka " •'"« ""<> "' *••« City of Lansing in aild county T. B. aanitorlum malntonance fund 6,000.00

In'lhis connectlo,?' the Superintendent and i»h,S„' l '„"'L*''b" l!J"'^'?' K 1 T'^"^^ "J c i V a d " fund'"• . ^ n « " " ' - ' ' - .i;'ro"?-?!i Board of Control wish to publicly express tholr ^'^.^|**,'l°^ *° ^ ''^'^ ° " *'"" " " ' M°»<^W °* ^''- ' " ^ ' ' April, 1917.

.mills 130,596.00

tinuod ..interest displayed by" those and otlior J'?, " i'fi!i""lh ""°!l^*'' ""?*' *''?.*''"'"*' *"«'$

I m f contXt"d' lSr la l l i ' ' l"o ' ' Z eolnfoK'ot thiaVe^olSuon tr lnsmTa certlfled%o';"^^ assessment of $1,1.19,43. that.the driln eoninds: the .fudge of Probate for a stenographer. nua contriuuttu matejially lo the comfort of petition and of aald reaolution to the clerk of aioner apreiid on Ingham county at largo for Police Matron 20 coiils por hour slralKht,

$395,259.09 We would recommend that tho speciul drain


Total $11628.216 Ingham Township;

Mud Creek Drain $ 79,65

Geo. Falrbanka Henry Kurla . . . . " N.,JIaulton , . . . . Clarence J, Nott John R. Bli)ckle . . A. A. Wilcox . . . . E. E. Eatea

S.GO 2.00 % pd 6.00 .6.00 2.80 B.OO

16.62 % pd On motion of Sup. Hall, the Board adjourned ty Rouda und Bridges.

On motion of Sup. Reck the Board adjourned $12.00 until tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock a. m.

11.50 W. D. BYRUM, Chairman, 10,00 WM, H. GRAHAM, Clerk. ,

]o[98 Tuesday, October 17, 1916. 27,54 Mooting culled to order by Chairman Byrum.

'44.49 Roll call, all members present. 4.22 . MInutos. of the previous day's sosBlon rend 3.60 nnd approved. r\~vi'j~~"m c ."

' 2.00 Sup. Robinson presented a petition signed by " 'K?«»5£ .J i" !"n '"1 6,00 Guy McCue and UG other Free Holders of the , h^2?"» #';S!f..P"j!; 6.00 township of Delhi, asking that the Mud.Lake Oanlng-thriat io D 2.80 road be rebuilt, on the section line between iPof.i 5.00 acction 10 nnd 21, and on his own motion the- T...IIO'fPAm«JiIi'J.""

15.62 matter was referred to the commltteo on Coun- i . t . i . r i . . i _

Total $ 79,|i5 White Oak Township:

Crandall Drain $1068,20 Smith ft Conklln Drain 667100 Wilson Drain . . . ; .' 8900.00 Mlllvllle Drain Lantia Drain


Harria Drain Mud Creek Drain Oumnbcil Drain , . Lealio Drain

Sup. Catlin preaonted the following report of. the-committee on County Roada and;Bridgea and inovcd ita adoption; .

.'Gentlemen: vVour. committee on County Total . . . : . . . . . . , . . , . . . , . Roads arid Bridgea beg leove-to report aa fol- Bunkerhtll Townihtp t lowai,-' , ,•-.,'••, .•,-•.'•. i.; ''•,.•.•;.•'•,.•. . .Mud Crtek Ori ln . . ; ' . . . • i Pirat, We recommend the. road between old. V and new'eaat city' l lmlta on Michigan avenue,,^ Total • . . . . . . , . . . . . ' . . . . , ; ' ; city of.Lanaing,' be added . t o i t h e e o i i n t y . r o a d ' C l t y . . o t . H i B o h : ' ' - o < commlasionera'. report a t . «h .utiniated- coat of;, ;V Mud .OrMk Drain, , ; . 'v . $7500 to! Ingham',county,' .aain«vto:bi.'of:,aame'>-:-iBuihi:OraIii'<.i . .V,;.;' , material'and-cdhitrubtlan'iaa, road-n6wx;nnd«r/''-'-/,\ :;i.'


until Monday',morning, October IG, at nine o'clock a. m, ;•

W, D, BYRUM, Chairman. WM. H; GRAHAM, Clerk. ;

Monday, Oelobcr 1$; 1916. Meeting called to order by Chairman Byrum.-Roll call, a i r membera present. The clerk read a' communication from J. G.'.

Ruetter, mayor of the city of Lanaing, appoint­ing Fred 0, Pinckney to act aa' supervisor 'in place of Sup. McKinlajri and on mation:of'Sup. Bennett, tlie'. requeat waa^ granted, ' and Bup,-.~ 'Plnokntyw 'HjaBKi-imhw read and «

Edward ,and Ch'arlea. ..... Chamber ot'ComnMrct'and .thaPavadV^aytoo* abclatlon," appeartd bttore ;tht'.''Boarili'''''and.;oii' motion; of Sup.' ^ek- thsy. ware' glvanntha ;floori and addreaaed tht'Board ralatlva-to ben^^ ^ i . . MT . . . i. » i t u i ; - - : -.-be darlvad frbni good roada, ;. •^•A-A;-j(i:f::.if.:: '/J.i;y Fourth, We recommend that the rnumbera the Journal,

The Clark ththproaaflttd^thoifollbwlhiieom-^'of iOTunti road .coming munlcatlon from M M . H,;M. Gardner and :a6n::»r;^,w^^^ Earl,.and;oni'mptlp«;of.;Sup."Roie.'^^t^^^^^ ' .- . , . — . . ,. ,- . ^ , . -. o — » _ _ . _ _ , _ . . , .

3726.00 ... 360.00



... 836.64


. . .$1416.00

. . . S8S.73S

. . . ' 6461 ,40

. , . 860,00

" " w r ' w o i w rcBiioctfuHv ri.niiost fimf »n,„ Mch clty"and"tWnahip"Tn'Vhe'diatricV"to S benefit derived by roads on county rond'ayalom", care ot Juvenile oltendora, HoLruW™body S o . " r ute he au.n of $MM «"«'=»«'> ' " '^o proposed change, and that each bo paid out of tho county road fund. A. J. Miller, J. W. Robinson, Jnmes Brogan, for t h r c o m i n g ye r's ex eraos * <>' »»''' « " ' «•»* township clerks give notice of Respoc fully aul'mlttpd, _ Sup. Rock moved to amend the report by in-

It is desired to agiiTn calf i t l , n t l o n »n fh„ ^^^ date and purpose of the election provided C « • Ktonlol, A. IL Catlin, Goo. E. Decke. creasing the allowanco to tho flhoriff for tho urgent need for Added can cltv an. Z w ' M ^ O ' »"'"'''> w ^ l u t i o n by publication in one or On motion of bup. Clement, the question of malntainanco of prisoners from 46o to 60c por ?est«ctfully' renuest tlmt von n n n r „ , , T „ t r » i ^ ""»" P » P e " published within aald diatrict a t nnv probable dencloncy in any of the vnrious day which motion prevailed on roll call by tho sum of $'500 to be added to th„ Di^klr, f,!i^ ' « » " •""=« '« e*"'' week for four weeks pre- funds bo referred to the committee on Ways following voto: Nays, Brogan, Hewlett, Lason-for the erection of nnaiWit^on or pMt„»„Y„ "'^^^' " ' ^ «''"="'"» """l ^y posting a like no- and Moans, wlilcii motion was duly carried, by, Miller, Robinson. Taylor, 0 ; Yoaa Allen, be known'as the '°Diik"n" StL.rf"'' «„?! """KH-V^ «"» '" " ' '"«'* ' e " P'a™" «" »M district, not On motion ot Sup, Hnil the chair was direct- Bullon, Bennett, Catlin, Clement, Clemonta,

lesa than ton daya prior to aald election and ed to appoint a aiieciai committee of three Chriotophor, Docko, Hall, Knisor, Krentol, Leo-Be i t further reaolved that the form of the momliora to look lo the passago of certain bills, man, Pinckney, Reck, Reeves, Schnffer, Neller,

ballot shall be aa followa; "Shall'there be de- In the'Intoreat ot tiie people of this county nt Byrum—18. tached.from the township ot Lansing and an- the coming sosaion of the legislature, tho sub- Sup. Christopher moved that the report be nexed to the city of Lans ing In said county ot Ject of the coiiatruetion of a work house for amended so us to provide a salary for each ot Ingham, the territory describad aa: The weat Ingham county being.one of the matters to re- the two deputy shcrilTs at Lansing of $1000 half of Motion eight (8) the west half of aec- ceive special attention. each per year in lieu of the amount of $860 (ion aeventeeri (17) the weat half of aectlon On motion ot Sup. Bullen the Board took a recommended by tho committee on Salaries.

recess until 1 o'clock;" ' This motion was lost on roll cull by tho fol-Afternoon Session. lowing voto; Nays, Brogan, Bullon, Clements,

Mooting called to order by Chairman Byrum. Hull, Hewlett, Knisor, Lnsenby, Leoman, Mili­t i a - „» a . . - i i „ . u - r T» •j-l—;-; - — —cw,-t T — - . ^--'.z-i- —•?- •• -^—•- • — Ro" c'l- "" •""moera present. or. Reeves, Robinson, Taylor, 12 ; Yeas Bennett, i n L . n f . L i S f f i l ' n l ^ i ' }* ' '^1'°J ' ' '""5*"^^K*'^^^^ Lansing^ township lying The clerk then preaented a communication ICIemont, ChrlBtopher, Decke, Krentol, Pinck-Inside of the rail and mingle with the membera within _tho south half of said aectlon twenty, from Rcgiflter of Deeds E. A, Densmore, and ney. Reck, Rose, Schaffer, Neller, Byrum.

eight.(28) and the northeast quarter of.iectlon on motion tho cominunicatlon was referred to Oh motion of Sup. Pinckney the report of

be known as tho "Dakin Cottniie" and we have the nasuranco of outside friends that the same will be furnished without , oxpenae to the county. 1 , M, .

All ot which IB rcBpectfully subniittod. L. W. TOLES, Pros. MAE BROWN, Asst. Sec. and Supt. C. A. CLEMENT, TreuB. A. A. HALL, C. M. KRENTEL, '

• Board of Control. Ex-Sup. John Brogan being present, on mO'

of the Board.

twenty (20) the west half of the -northeast quarter, and the northwest quarter of, aectlon twenty-seven (27) the north half ot aectlon twenty-eight (28) and that part of Reola Pork

On motion of Sup. Bullen, the Board then twenty-nine (29). proceeded to the election of county officers. "FOB ANNEXATION "YES" ( )

On motion of Sup, Clement, the chairman "FOB ANNEXATION "NO" ( ) was directed to appoint two members as tellers, ~ ••

the committee on Siippliea, the committoe on salaries was amended BO as Sup. PIckard thon presented the following to provide.a salary,of $900 por year for each

report of the committse on Supplies, and samo of, tho deputy sherlfT^ in lieu of the amount .$8828,36 3 t h ^ X i r t r Z n „ r i S r r V " ' * " , S r ' ' 1^^^ w»«ftdoptedonrol lc»Ubythefo o w n g v o t e j fixed i.y; the commitSje on Salaries and th s

and the chair thereupon appointed Sups. Cle- he, and he-la hereby.directed to.tako the nac- Yeaa 26, nays none',- . ? , r motiofl on roll call prevailed by the following I SSAflK menta and Christopher. ' , > eaaary itopa to eauae aald proposition to be To the Honorable Boiitd of 9iinirvl«,r«'! vote-Yeas 23 navsnonB

. . . I 58.696. Sup. Krentol pre«nted the nam. ot Clifford placed on the w ^ ^ ^

',.TKIWii:\.We';.recommend,:that two :mll|8 be, .Total M.r,v,'l'niroi;'»ve".recommena,,ina».iwo, mills oe, .Toiai . . . . . . . . ; . . . . , . . . , ; . . 1 4 1 4 9 . 4 8 """""fi »""'"lonjuiion'DUP, uiemenia, movea run cuii uy vne.iunuwmK voie: leaa 10 uajra i : tne aame.i - rhHof/inh.. no C i t i T V ' i --"v—-.. . . . . . ,

^|:ss:sjj|pi?^^^d.:t^^^ malng,iand'»tructed to'draw'ah order not to exceed $8.00 °'!'.,.".''l"''. %.'"''''"y <>' the Janitor ot tho

. ,-r . „„ - . . I , - . ^ . . . - - ^ -:--.—•- - - — — ••— .. . .—... . . . . . and attend- In payment of the Bnme, V v . v « ° " « . " , o > » w «t;W40 per year," which amount „ „ . , , - _ _ , . , . , . . , . - _,,,^ ,._i^^,^.^,,xii v ^ : j ^ All btwhiclTia respectfully aubmltted, :- , fr'"»\I"''l!''S "" Jo"'*?' wrork except that of

•mun«atlon'.waa'recelyed'and:an!order:ipraad^,..,.F ruleawere.ilnneed of auch care, treatment and attendance O.'N.PIckardi A, L. Rose, P, J; Chrlatdpher.M"' *''«""''«'» ™'Winter nighta 'n lieu of upon the Journal: i' ';;;;* :;' ^ ^ ^ ^ "•Your kind exprtiilbMot-iymnathy-Vwere county and w ^ »«. n i i„ . . :« . i . . .v«,i:.:.;......i. . _ „ „ . . .u-.'..^_,-,j „»l_. . .1..'...^ ^"".v""" „ . , _ " " » . . " •». nn a.i.-io. »ki.u -,„.i . . _.....,._j

japly^apprtelatedvfand • igraUfulir' iekno^.' ro [•died;;- MM.'H,;M.'Gartnerandion Earl. ;,It w i«".» . ..•..._..—-..--- ." ..-'-j8.-Boot,\;B«tiqn«;*"q«Mt ^^^^ .. . . ,. ,,„,, __ . . . „ - . . „ ..., —..„„„„, i„„,...».. «. .... ....n,..,. ,- .. - - . ,.. .— -. .».„. ,

" " " "" - - ' - - apiwint a competent phyalcian to • • County Boards of Supervlaora, ^ ' ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ icare;; treatment and attendance Gentlemen; .Your committee on County, ,°V*"^''«»„l'™*™o.'>y the report of the com-as a member of the-county, sani- Townahlp.:>and Ward Poor Accounts, to whom '"'™»;,"" °"'"J6.«> which motloh^prevalled on

, A coromunleiitlon alinid^byiWalter

, ,JJthr'Boirtf{o!;pUMhMt 4 i i oddlnit iroi i -V/«8up^ fir the :u ie io f i . the •offlcaa;on ; th ( i ' l ower ; '^

, y . .;waa referred the report o f t h e Superintehdenta"''''=*"„h5;.*he. following vote; Yoaa 26, naya 0. after the flrat' of! the Poor,.beB>leavo to report a i t o l l o w a ; . o ' J f ' " " ' ' « n then moved to amend the report

jal c a r e , H r e a t - r We have carettilly cheeked every Item I n t h e h y . ! ' ' ' " ' " '"a: county treaaurer'a salary at $1,-

Allen, BroRRn, Biillcn, Bonnott, Cntlln, Clom-ent, Clomonti , Chrl i tofhcr , Docko, Hnwlott, KaiMr, Laionby, Lcoman, Miller, Plncknoy, rir.karil. Reck, Reovcp, R O M , Robinson, Schnt-<cr, Taylor, Nellor, Byrum i Yoiia, lliill, Krcn-t«l,

Tho clerk then cnllod the roll on Sup. Ilull-en ' i motion to nniend tho report, which nnmo wsB curried by tho followlnft vote: Niiys, ilroK-an, Cet l in , Clements, Itowlett , KniBer, Luaonby, Miller, Reeves, Roblnaon, Tiiylor; Yena, Allen, Bullen, Bennett, Clement, Chrlatoplier, Dccke, Hall, Krentel, Leemun, PInckney, Pickurd, Reck, Roie, SchafTcr, Neller, Byrum,

Sup, Decke then moved to amend the report by flxlns the chief probation officer'a aulury nt $1000 per year In lieu of $720 ns provided by the committee on Sniarlea, which motion wiia loat on roll call by the followlnic vote: Nnya, Al len , Brognn, Bullen, Cntlln, Clement, Clom-ent i , Chriatopher, Hall, Hewlett , Kniuer, Las-enby, Ivoeman, Miller, PIcknrd, Rcovca, Uoao, Robinaon, Tnylor, Nellor, Byrum—20, Vena, Bennett, Decke, Krentel , PInckney, Reck, SchBirer—C,

Sup, Schiiffcr moved to amend tho report by flxlnic the clcrk'a aiilnry at $1800 atnilKht aul­ury, or $10110 and feca in lieu of $iriOO atraJKht •alary and $800 and fcea na fixed by the report of the committee on Salarlea, which motion on roll coll wna loat by the followinK vote: Niiya, BroRan, Cntlln, Clementa, Chriatopher, Hall, Hewlett , Kalaor, Lnaenby, U'emnn, Miller, PIckard. Roevea, Taylor—1,'I. YonH, Allen, Bennett , Bullen, Clement, Decke, Krentel, Pinokney, Rock, Roae, Robinson, SchnlTor, Nell­er, Byrum—13.

Sup, PInckney then moved to nmond the re­port by fixing the aalnry of tho proaocutlpK iit-torney at $1800 per year In lieu of $ir.00 na fixed by tho report of tho committee on Sni­arlea, which motion on roll call prcvnlled hy the followlnir v o t e : Yoaa 20, niiya none.

On motion of Sup. Kalaor the Bonrd then took an adjournment until 10 o'clock tomorrow morning.

« /M , , ' o M . . , . . . ^ ' ^' BYRUM, Chnlrmnn. WM. ir. GRAHAM, Clerk.

Friday, October 20, 1916. Meeting cnllod to order by Chnlrmnn Hyrum, Roll call, nil mcmbcra preaent,


state Tux

, $83811.37 . S242.1B , 2209,12 , .1042,29 , 2787,Bl , 205.1,5,1 , ^87,0.1 , !1780,4l

. ma.w

. 2879.09

. .M 16,01 , 3030.11 , 8(136,82

3291.99 2745,7.1

1357.61 1088,57 6't00,80

2.1289.11 15805.52 11704.34 18220.85 19480.45 1227.47

County Tax

• $4870.20 4734.14 3225.69 6902.43 4070.23 3730.07 8743.38

• 5520.03 7704.12 4203.95 6449.03 4424.47 6308.90 4800,87 4009,24 3029,20 6772.77 ;982.33 2465,00 9477.00

35466.10 23106,32 17090,29 26005.49 28444.72


Ch, Back



3.12 4.55

7.00 1.83 ,70




Ch, Back Ch. Back Ch. Back Drain Co, tax oth, tax




Drain tax I

$16325.25 9705.47

58,70 12728,58

79.55 8139.98 4702.30 2.361.73'/j 740.00

2612,921^ 6780,04

11523,22 77,19

14710,20 1543,55


Co, Poor Tax

$ 218,00


148.75 77.10

148.76 148.75 141.85 297.51



Town Tax

$ 800.00 1000.00 800.00 750.00

900.00 1000.00 1000.00 , 1000,00 1000.00 1200.00 1200.00 1600.00 600.00 000.00 850.00



Highway Imi Tax

$1800.00 6000.00

. 1000,00 2500,00

1585.92 1455.51 4000.00 4500.00 500,00 500,00

4507.63 8091.14 699.60 291.88

School Tox

$2450.00 2418.68 1700,00 4525.00

3055.00 4438.00 7086.95 E076.0O 1231.10 8983.00 2530,00 4050,00 E240,56 1075,00 1425,00 6000,00


Town Poor Tax

$ 50.00 000.00







Road re­pair tax

$2127.03 3745,71 3000,00 2500,00

1390,27 5822,14 2674,34 8100,00 80E9.«a 4000,00 1931,84 1474,98 2798.40 2334.20 2042.13

Gravel Tax



Bounty Tnx



Cemetery Town Hall Special Road Tax Tax Tax






Oonenil Clnlma reported

Cnitty llrnii ; Cnitty ltrn» ' ,lo«L.ph I'l'lco A. A. l lowloU • • . • ; • • • , • • • ; ; • ! Honrd of Watur & 101. \-\KU.. Marie T. Urliannlil '• C, 11, Murphy, M. 1'

- Lellin I'nlnior • • • • • Minutes ot tho previous dny'a seaaion rend Wynkoop, llallci-l;. Crawford.

Tliii coniMiittcii on ,, _ _ hnck for nllowancu the followinK hilla, nnd tho tnx 16c, school t ax 28c, total tax 58c, anino wore jillowcil na fci Iowa n u ordered paid: Tax of 1914. I-ot 262: State tax 14c, county

Name '™"- '-''^I'J'p" Allowed tax ICc, achool t ax 28c, total tax 68c. 5144.05 Tax of 1914. Lot 203 : State tnx $1.93, coun-

9.30 ty tax $2.08, Kchool tioc $3.07, city tnx $9.00, 7.25 ward anad h ighway tax 98c, penulty tnx COc,

,50 total tnx $18,32. 48,00 Tax of 1914. Lot 290: Sidewalk tax $1G.C3,

141.08 total tax $16.03. 10,00 T a x of 1914. Lot 291; Sidpwalk tax $16.03,

Cray I'rintiriK liouHo Alva M. Curniiilna . . l.oMKyoar llroa Waller .S. i^'oslcr . . . . Ci'cn. A. Turn hull . . . . C, II, Ilruclier CnllaKhnn .1 Co llLMiry T. Schfll . . . . Froil M, lluiillcy , . . . Thoniaa Palmcir Ollironl I'Visler Cliironl Fcisler KHMI S. nrako Kroil S. nraki!

(MM 9.30 7.25 . .50

48,00 141,08 15.00 4.20

10. 35.

Given under our hand and seal this Slit iiur ' o j October, A. D. 1016.


' By .Inaon E. Nichols, President. R, W, CooiSor, Clerk,

Sup. Pickard then preeontod the following-report of the committee on Supplies, recom­mending the purchase of a file desk for tho secretary of the Supta. of the Poor, .and same un roll call was adopted by the. unanimous vote of the Bonrd: To the Honorable Board of Suiiervlaors.

Gentlemen: Your committee on Supplies, to \ whom was referred, with power to aat, the matter of securing^ a file desk for secretary of Supts. of Poor office would recommend that the secretary be authorized to purchase a tile desk and the clerk be instructed to draw an order not to exceed $25.00 in payment of the same. All of which is respectfully submitted.

O. N. Pickard, P. J. Christopher. A. L, Rose. Sup. Rose then presented the following reso­

lution, which same on roil call was unanimous­ly adopted:

Resolved by the Board of Supervisors of Ing­ham county that the county clerk be and here­by Is Instructed to draw un order for $50.00, for his services as clerk of the Board and pro-paring copies of the |)roceedlnga for the printer.

Sup. PInckney, chairman of committee on Apportionment preaentod the following report, which same was received and adopted on roll call by tho unaninioua vote of tho Boaril:

SEE REPORT AT TOP OF PAGE Sup. PInckney then presented the following

resolution nnd on his own motion on roll cull wus unanimously carried.

• Resolved, by the Hoard of SuiHjrviaora of Ing-' Tax ot 1914. Lot 201: State tax 14c, county $2.39, city tax $5.89, ward nnd highway tnx tax $1.07, town tax $1,49, highway tax 80c, separately, which motion on roll cnii was lost bam county that the aevoral auperviaora nnd as-" •" • • • — • — ,„j_ penulty tax 38e, weeds tax 40c, total tux school tiLX $3,15, highway Improvement tax 58c. by the following vole: Nays, Allen, Brogan, sesalng oflicera of the county be and are here-'

$12.13. Tnx of 1914: State tax $1.54, county tax $1.68, Hulen, Cntlln, Clements, Hall, Howlett, Kalaor, by directed to apreud tliu auma oppoailo tlio Tax of 1914. W 37 ft. of E 47 ft. ot N 7VJ town tax 58c, highway tax 80c, achool tiux l-eemnn. Miller, Pickard, Rcevea, Robinson,, names oC the several wards nnd townahips in

ft. ot lot 2, bik 2: State tnx $2,32, county tnx $2.16, highway Improvement tax 63c, county Taylor, Byrum—15. Yeaa, Bennett, Clement, the achodulo given In the report of tho com-$2,50, achool tiLX $4.40, total tax $9.22. poor tax 16c, total tnx $15.89. Chriatopher, Decke, PInckney, Rock, Roae, mittee o:i npportionmcnt and uaaeaamont roiia,

Village of Stockbridge Roasaesaed tax of 1913. SW M except that S'^'!""''"'!,^™'?^-'"' , ,„ , . , , , , Clmirman Byrum then announced the np-' _ , . „, ,nio r- A , „ i . o „t nnrt of W V, of W >A of SW V Iviiiir' nnd S'"'' "onnett moved to amend the original pointmcnt of the following members aa a com-ReaaBoasod tax of 1912. Com. 4 roda S of J"'' "' /J ° ' W /J " V ' l l , / * , ' ' ' ' £ ? „ " j report of the committee on Sniarlea by fixing mitU'C to check up the recorda and accoi nta of

SE cor of M II and Water ata., thence E to beinif N of f | " 7 , "»''• „'^°«'«f. \°J-^J^-,7 the anlnry of the two deputy aherllTs at l.an- the county road commiaaionera and to ct for Tc'tl °rlgh"c't'wy"o"f G.'''rR.'R.'"o°'thence c S y to » 4 ' 6 9 , ' t o % " l « - $ l . l t rolS r ^ i ".'"«.!:^.*,»°.»:»l^''.'-!V,.-,':.'!:''.. •-"S!'.. .^-..!"".^ HL"^ i';^"!!''.'•'.",'1 »"^'«-^ -••"l-""" . «»•'" Cat'

Report of Committee on Apportionment and Assessment Rolls r Mr. Clinlrninn i—Yo^r Committee on Apportionment nnd Assessment Rolls, to whom was referred tho nmounts to bo raised for s ta le and county taxes , the atatcmonts of the township c lerki relative to the several amounta

ordered rniaod In their "»i';;P"ve 'ownsliips and cities for 1916, also county drnin reports as per Committee on Draina, also charged back t i a o s , bog leave to report nnd recommend that tho aevoral luperv l iors be and are hereby nrdercd and (llrcclod to ""J"?" ""! itovcrni sums oppoaite tho names ot tho townshifis and c i t ies In tho eehcriule here g iven. In a few cases o t fractional school districts It w a s impossible from data g i v e n t o determine e x a c t amounts to bo naBOSBod. 'J^; ""'""'"on full amount reported, leaving It to suiwrvlaora to aproad the proper amounta, Townahips nnd

Cities Alalcdon Aurollua liunkerhlll Delhi East Lnnalnx . . . . Inghnm ,•;•• Lanalng Townahip Leroy . , Loallo Locke Meridian Onondaga SlockhrUlKO Vovny ^,„„ Whentneld Sji" While Oak J™»'" Wllllnmalon '""' -Ili Mnaon, lat wnrJ • Mason, 2nd wnrd . Lnnalng, lat ward Lnnalng, 2nd wnrd Ijuiaing, 3rd ward Lnnalntf, 4tli wnri LnnaliiK, OH' w"" LnnBlni?, Oth ward Annoxeil Territory

Tolal 5100,603.49 $234,695.00

(Wr-:; W 5.02 82,46 4070.24 276650,00

All of which la respectfully aubmltted, F , C, PInckney, W. S. Rcevea, A. A . Hall , 0 , N . PIcknrd, J . D. Schnfor, Committee.

1H,2I 89, 61

G 4.1 I.:

10, 25.1 10,54 7..jfi

4.1.00 55.00

7.46 28.00 55.00

The coniinitlcw (ui (.'im.stalile's nnd Sheriff's Claima riMinrlorl hack fiir alliiwnnco the

nnd approved. Hup. Rock then moved the ndoptlon of tho

report of the committee on Snlnrlca na nniend-ed, which aame wna under conalderation at tho cloae of tho previoua dny'a acaalon, nnd the anme wua adopted on roll cnll by tho following vote: Nnya, Catlln, Howlett, PIcknrd, Tnylor; Yens, Allen, Brognn, Bullen, Clement, Clem­enta, Chriatopher, Decke, Hall, Knlaer, Kren­tel, Laaenby, Lcemnn, Miller, Keck, Uoao, Reeves, Robinson, SchnfTor, Neller, Dy-rum.

Sup, PIcknrd presented the report of the committee on Supplies recommending the i)ur-chnse of a typewriter for tho odlce ot the Drain Commiaaloner, and the same on hla own mo­tion wna adopted on roll cnll by tho followlnk' i"K b'H.''. ""'1 "'" '"'""' "'•''''' "ll"wed na follows vole: Yeaa, 23, nays none. ami nnli'roil imiih 'I'o the Honorable Hoard ot Supervianra. ,raii\(!B Smilh <•$ 7..11

Gentlemen: Your cnmmltleo on Suiiplioa, lo lliirnn.' Il(i(li!i' j . 10,00 whom wua retorrcd tho matter of rchindiuK M, 1,. f'airi|il«'Il ^ — " . 8.10 aome ot the recorda in tho roglalcr ot deoils of- ,lnnii'a Merrick 3S.0B flee, licg leave to recommend lliat thia bonril .Inmea Merrick 1. liO.OS take no action in thia matter nt this time. On ninlioa nf Kiip. Christopher tho Hoard

We would further recommend that the ROC- thon niljcairmid unlil tomorrmv morning nt 10 retnry of the Supt, ot the Poor be nuthori?xMl o'clcjck n. in. to purchused a deak tor uae In the city hjill nt W. 13. HYRUM, Chnlrmnn Lansing, nnd thnt the clerk be Inatnicleil lo WM. II "' draw an order not to exceed $25, in payment of the sumo.

We would further recommend thnt the old tyijewriter In the drain commiaaloncr'a odice ho sold fur not less than $20, and the pruueoda thereof be turned in lo tlie county trenaury.

All ot wliich is reaiwctfuliy auhniltlcd, O. N. PIcknrd, F. J. Christopher, A. L. HOBO. Sup. Reck then moved thnt the matter of

executing a contract for tlie care of dependent children with Michigan Home tor clilldren at St. Joseph, be deferred until the .Tununry aca­alon, which motion prevailed.

"'•Z doaorihed ns Out Lot B, Clear's Add: Stale tax aald R. R. right of way, NE'ly on SE line ot '"="««*-;"" $4.71, county tax $3.98, achool tax $10,76, city ««Id R. R, right ot way 100 ft,, thence SE'ly „ J»»-""h P »' ^"<>y- Iitefcat on state tax and tax $18,98, wnrd and highway tnx $1.52, pen- at right angles with anld R. R. right of way 60 '"'r?",^5,"l'''_„^.„.. , „ . „*„,„ .„» «i no „„„.,(„ ally tax $ .23, weeda tax $2.00, Toll Gate drain ft., thenco SW'ly to beg: .State tax $5.60, eoun- Meridian Township! Stnto tax $1 02, county tnx $20.00, total tnx $09,18. ty tiux $7,00, town tiux $2.00, achool nnd ono Jux $1.^8. other tnxea $3.30, interest on stnte

Tax ot 1913, Com 103 roda S of SW cor ot mill tax $11.60, highway Improvement tax $2.40 tax and expenao $3.98, expenaoa $2.00. Mich. nve. and Lnthrop at, W 25 rnda, S 19 drain tnx 00c. Renaaeaaod tnx ot 1912; Stnlo Township of Willlumston: Interoat on stnte rods, W 5 roda, S 38 roda, E 30 roda, N 5.| tax $3,00, .county tnx $2,55, town tnx $'i.44,

5 '.^1 roda, Sec. 15, otherwlao doacrllied as Out Iv)t achool nnd one mill tnx $10.84, highwny im-lO.no A, Clonr'a Add; .Stnte tnx $8.12, county tax iirovemont tax $1.26. Tnx ot 1914: Stnte tnx S.l" $0.16, achool tnx $13.97, city tnx $23.09, ward $1.94. county tnx $2.03, town tnx $1.05, achnol

38,05 and highway tax $1.60, penalty tax $1.48, and one mill tax $5.28, highway improvement ' ' ' ' tax $1.00, total tnx $61.19.

Township of Lcalie Tax of 1914. W 8-1-3 ncrea of N 30 acres

(IHAIIA.M. Clork Salunlay, Ocliihcr 21, 1910, ,

McolinK called lo onlcr by Chairman Hyrum. Uoll cnll, all iniMiilK-'ra prusont, Minuloa of Iho prcviiiua day's aession rend

and apin'iivcd, (In motion of Sup. (-'Iirislnnhcr tho chair wna

diri'clod lo nppoiiil a coniniitloe of three meni-l)ura on Mik'nuo and I'or Diem, anri thereupon Ihf chair niiintMl ,Supa, Chrisloplior, Uoao nnd Itcililnaun,

Hup, Hose, chiiirrnan of tho commllloe on rulillc lluIldlnKa Uicn oll'crcd the following

t l o t B of Cle»r'7Adrstn e nx °C NE '/. of NW V. nnd NW •/, ot NW >/, e.x-t .^ S5 c" a c Z l tn.x $ P 74 ci y <=«'" l" •«=''«» "' W aide, 35 1-3 ncrea; Stnte t.ux ,";Ti,f7,w'.'",?i M^l";^,f,;n'^ •?r.,64, county tax $6.09, town tax $3.10, road

05.13 weeda tnx $14,00, totnl tnx $68,42. Tax of 1913, Com. 103 rods S ot SE corner

of Mich. nve. nnd Lnthrop at., E 36 roda, S 54 roda, W 36' roda, N 54 roda, .Sec, 15, do­acrllied ns Out " $7.41, county tax $21,00, wnrd nnd highwny tnx $1,46, pen ally tux $1,35, total tnx $49.64.

White's Sub of Lots 1 nnd 4 of BIk I, and Lota 1, 2 and « of BIk 11 of Claypool's Sub of the E '/. of NE y, of Sec. 17, T 4 N, R 2 W.

Tax of 1909. N 37 ft, ot Lot 18: Stnte tnx 8.1c, county tnx $1.04, school nnd one mill tioc $1.83, city tnx $3.69, penalty tax 79c, 4th 1-5 ot Wienmnn Creek Sewer, intcreat from Sept 1, 1905, 0 per cent $5,40, total tiLX $13,54.

Holmes & Son's Sub of Lot 1, BIk 20 of port iirovlding addilicmal niing space In the of- Townscnd's Sub of N Frnc. of Sec. 20, T 4 N,

.Sup. Reck then moved that the memlicra of Uoca of .IUIIKU of Prohnlo, Ihb County Troaaur- K 2 W. the Hoard ot county rond commiaaionera ciidi lie ulluwed $200 a year for gnaollne nnd the uae ot their automobile on and after .lanunry, 1917,

Sup, Rose moved as an amendment to the motion thnt the shcriK bo included, whereupon Sup, Reck moved to include tho onginoor of the bonrd of rond commissioners aa well.

Sup, Young moved that the matlora bo coii-alderud acpnrately whereupon on motion of Sup. Cntlln the entire ninttorn were roforrod to tho committee on Salnrioa, which Inal mo­tion prevailed.

Tho chairman then announccii the following membera ot the Board to scrvq aa a apocliil committee on ioglalntion, Supa, Hail, Catlln and Chriatopher,

Sup, Sliafer then moved that tho mntlor re­garding the vacancy on tlio hoard of county road commiaaionera be referred to a apodal committee of tliree membera.

Sup, PIcknrd moved na an amendment to tlio motion that the matter lie roforrod to tl

or and tlio Cuuiily Clerk, and moved ila ndop­tlon ; To tho Hoard cf ,Superviarirf::

Your cdiniiilUcf on I'ubllo lluUdlnga. to whom was rufurrod the iiialler of llloa In the Prohalo and Ciuinly Clerk's iillico, and ahelvlng

Tnx of 1910. Lot 7 except S 60 ft, BIk 2: Stnto tnx 14c, county tax 18c, achool nnd ono mill tax 53c, totnl tnx 85c,

Potter's Sub on S pnrt of W Vi of SW % Sec. 22, T 2 N, R 2 W.

Tax of 1909. Com. 130 ft S of Bnker at, on

ropnir tnx $2,90, school nnd one mill tax $0.00, highwny improvement tiu\ $6,80, drain tax $2,32, totnl tax $32,71,

VILLAGE OF LESLIE Potter's Rcplat of BIks 1, 2 and 3, of Walker,

Rust and Gratiot's Add. Tax of 1914. Lois 1 and 62: Stale tax 23c,

county tax 26c, town tnx 13c, school nnd one mill tnx 02c, highway improvement tnx 24c, drnin tax 10c, total tnx $1.57.


tnx and expense $1.70 Township of Leslie: Interest on atnto tnx 74c, Onondnga: Stnte tax 8.1c, exfiense $1,00. Village of Leslie: Interest on stnte tax nnd

oxiienao $2,81, oxpenae $1.00, other taxes G2c, City of East Lansing: Intcreat on atutc tnx

nnd expense 2c, City of Mason: Interest on state tnx nnd

expense 87c, expense $2.00, Villnge of Stockbridge: Interoat on state tax

and expense 7l)c. j ; S. BENNETT, 0 . N. PICKARD, V. C. PINCKNEY,

Committee. Su|i, lliillen then moved thnt the report of

Miller, Keoves, Robinaon, Tnylor—13, Yeaa, To the Honornbio Bonrd ot Suiiervisora: Herinctt, Clement, Cliriatojiher, Decke. iCrcntel, Gentlemen; Your eonmilttee, lo whom was PInckney, PIcknrd, Reck, Roae, Sciinlfer, referred the matter ot taking care ot tho de-Young, Hyrum—12. "cit In the contingent fund, beg leave to report

Sup. Iteck moved to nmond tiie report ot the *l>ut they have conferred with tho Lansing committee on Salaries by allowing the aherilf State Savings Bank and tho City National 50c per day tor the malntnlnnnco of priaonera. Bunk of Lnnaing nnd that tlie banks will cash which motion prevailed on roll call hy the tol- the orders drawn upon the treasurer by the lowing vole: Nnya, Allen, Hrogan, Bullen, •'""nty elork to an amount not exceeding twen­

ty thousand dollars ($20,000) same to bo paid by the county treasurer us soon as sudlclent funds are received from tho tax with interest; Iheretore we olfer tiie following resolution and re'.omniend ila aooiition;

I|e_ It resolved, thnt the county trensurer; be and ia hereby directed to pay uil county orders

Catlln. Clemonla, llnll. Miller, PIcknrd, Rcevea, lUiliInaon." Taylor, Hyrum—12, Yena, Hen-noil, Clement, Chriatopher, Decko, Howlett, Kalaor, Krentel, I.rfemnn, PInckney, Reck, Roae, Schnll'er, Young—13,

Su|i. I'incknoy. moved to nmond the report of the committee on Sniarlea by fixing the aal- ^ . . . , _.. >_ , ...„t.„ nry of tlie deiiuty county clerk In the otiicc nt """'"1^ by the Lnnaing State Suvinga Bank nnd Lnnaing, at $1000, which molinn waa lost on tlie City Nutionnl Hunk of Lansing und pay In-roll call hy the following vole; Nays, Allen, '•'"••"'• ' •"" ' " Bnigaii, Hullen, Catlln, Clementa, Hall, How­lett, Kalaor. Miller, Pickard, Roovea, Robinaon, Taylor-13, Yeaa, Uonnelt, Clement, Chrlalop-

the apeclal or iilllee on the Detroit llouao ot her, Decke, Krentel, Ueman, PInckney, Rock, Corruolion contract wliich wna Inid on the tnblo Rose, Schnlter, Young, Hyrum—12. nt a iirovloua seaaion, bo taken from the table Decke. Krentel, U'oman, PInckney, Reek, i!o,se, which motion provniled. Schnlter, Young, Hyrum, . „ „.,-

Sup. Taylor moved thnt the report ot the .Sup. Keck moved to amend the report of the ""-ing (No aalonn policy of Ingham county) comniilteo he adopted and aproad upon the committoo on Snlnrles by fixing the aalnry ot '">' on 'notion of Sup. Reck the mutter wua minutoa, which motion provniled, the aaalatnnt deputy county clerk ut Lnnaing 1"'" on tlie tnblo hy tlie toilowing rlaing vote:

Sup. Taylor, chairman ot the apeclnl com- at $50.00 per month, which motion wna loat on ?•">'», '"• Yens II;

tereat thereon ut the rate of « per cent per annum to January 10, 1917, on all county or­ders cashed by snid bunks us soon m tliere are funds in his hands to pay the some.

C. M. Krentel, A. H. Catlln, Geo. E. Decke, Committee.

Sup. Young tlien iiresonted tho following resolution nijkiiiK the Honrd to endorse the ex-

mitteo on eontrnct od'ercd to Inghnni county by tho Detroit House of Correction, preaented the

Tnx of 1914. All thnt part of lot 79 ot Col- following report, nnd moved Ita ndoptlon lege Grove pint, except a parcel deacrlhed as which aame on roll call waa adopted unani-lieginning at a point 3 roda E and 8 roda N moualy: of SW cor poat thereof, thence N 9 rods, E The comniitleo appointed by this Bonrd upon 148,5 ft. S 9 roda, W 148,5 ft, to beg,, and ex- tho contract ot Detroit llouao ot Correction

..,.,, hy the following vole; Nays, Allen, ^" "'« Honorable Hoard ot Superviaora; • Brogan, Bullen, Catlln, Clemonla, Hall, How- ">-' Jt reaolved, that wo endorae the exiating lett, Kalaor, Leeman, Miller, Rcevea, Robinaon, "° «uloon policy ot Ingham county, and favor Hyrum-13. Yena, Hennett, Clement, Chriatop- the continuance of auch policy hy the adoption her, Decke, Krentel, PInckney, Pickard, Reek, "f 'be conBtitutional amendment providing for Roae, .Schaircr, Tnylor, Young—12. „'>?."'''" l"'p''lbitIon of the lliiuor trnfllo in

•Sup. Young thon moved that the report of W'chignn, nnd lie it furtlier

In County Treiiaiirer's dllice, lieg lonve to report W line ot Lyons Ave,, W 114 ft. S 42'/i ft,, E 114 ft,, N 42i/j ft., on lota 29, 30, 31, 32: Stnte tnx l ie, county tnx 14c, seliool nnd one mill tnx 24c, weeda tax 36c, totnl tax 84c,

Tnx of 1914, Com. 369 ft. N ot NE corner of Bnker st. nnd Lyons nve., N 47 ft., E to M. C. R. R. right of wny, S'ly along right ot way to a point duo E ot Iwg., W to bog.. Sec, 22; Stnte tnx $2.1,2, county tnx $2.29, school nnd one mill tnx $4.04, wnrd nnd highwny tax 81c,

Your coniniillee is ot the opinion thnt with city tax $9.97,'pennlty tax G5c, total tnx $19.88, thia work cumplelecl, a saving ot aevoral hun­dred dalliira can he niailo liy ddferrlng the purchase of alcel lile cases fur n tew yenra,

A, L. Hose, li - - - • Sup, Hennott iiinv

thnt wo have iiivesllKateil Ui.? nooda of the auv-eriil nllicea and ri.>coiniiioiid:

lat, 'I'hiit wooden shelving ho placed along the anulli end of vaiilL In trei-.auror'a ollico,

'ii\, That for e.siinilnhiK and ahlfUng files in tlie I'rohalo iillice nut lu exceed $50 he allowed nnd In clerk's ollicc not more than $80 be al­lowed, as It Is almost Imiiaaalhle to determine the amount of work roiiui 'ed

copt n parcel doacrllied aa Iwg, nt u point 13 rda recommend that the Chnlrmnn nnd County the Salaries committee na nniended, bo referred Reaolved, that wo oppoao the effort of the E of the NW ocr post of aald lot, thence E 9 Clerk ho authorized In make the lieat nrrange- buck to the committee, which motion with tho »o-caiieil Mlchlgiin llimio Rule League in aeek-rods, S 12 rods 10 ft, W 9 roda, N 12 roda 10 ft. raonts poaslble for keeping of Ingham county conaont of his aecond wna later withdrawn, '"" to bring aalonna liilo dry Icrrllnry by tho to beg,, nnd ulao excepting a parcel deacribed iiriaonora und that n committee of 3, conalating Sup, Uoao moved to amend tho report of tho uiinpuon ol the ai).callod Home Rule nmend-ua com, 34 roda N nnd 26 rods E ot SW cor of the Chnlrmnn, County Clerk and Proaecut- conimltlee on Salarlea by fixing the anlury of ",'.',, _ of anld lot, thence E 9 roda, tlience N niong ing Attorney lie aulhorUod to confer with other the deputy county clerk In the ofiice at Lun- , '^,,9?,"'"" o" .""r '"'' * '"'""' reported ulley line to tho right ot way ot the M. U. T. ndjolning coiintlea na to tlio advlaaliility ot in- sing at $900.00 per yeur, which motion on roll '"'CK uiil No. H in fuvor ol Wiliium 11, Joy Co,, thenco SW'ly niong tho uro of n circle, atitutlng a work houae In the vicinity ot Lan- cnll prevailed by the following vote: Nays, Al- IV''„'";,""",',"^ $•'5,00: Hill No, 82 in fuvor of anme iielng right of wny ot the M. U. T. Co., aing. . Ion, Cntlln, Clements, Hull, Howlett, Miller, ^,; ?• Miachler, for the aum of $35,00; Hill No, to a point where said curve intcrsocla with tho 11, R. Taylor, II. R. Hullon, A. A. Hail. Recvoa. Robinaon—H. Yeaa, Hrngun, Bullen, »;' ">'uvor ot Mra, M. 1'lint/., for the,aum ot

- • - • • • - ~choola, then Hennett, Christopher, Decke, Knlaer, Krentel, '-U.''". upd recommend thnt the conaiderntion ea ot town- Leeman, Clement. PInckney, PIcknrd, Reck, "' f",""-' "" deferred until tliu Junuary acaalon,

Becker's Addition. Tax ot 1914, Lots 10 to 22 inc., BIk 3: Stnte

Roae, Scliniror, Taylor, Young, Byrum—17, which wore unanimously oun-

motion as amended prevniled, the comniitleo, which amendment on roll cull and other Sup. Rose thon presented tho nnmo ot 11. 0. waa unaiilmoualy carried, $5,63, total tux $16,29.

Cull for appointment by the Honrd na Com- Tho clerk lliea cii.'leJ llKvral!'Ci'-lhe report Original Plat

E line of M. A, C. uve. it extended N, tlience b'red E, Soarl, coiiimiaaioncr ot Sc S along anld Inat deacrlhed Ijno to tho point, addieasod tlie Hoard relative to dullea ot beg; Highwny improvement tux $3,37, Eliza- slilp clerks, calling nllenlion to certain intor- ....nu, u,;.,....v., . . „ , .„ , ....,..,», . . , . . „ „ — , , , , , , -- •• -both atreet opening tnx $81,00, totnl tnx $84,37, matlon that he deaired from the clerka ot the Sup, Hennett thon moved thnt the report ot , f i , "y "'"' '™ '""" "" referred on motion

,, ,„ , „ ,- ,-„ , 1 , , „• , . ». no 1. 1 1 -11 Angcll's Subdivision of Lot 80 and Portions townahips of Delhi, Leroy nnd Moridiiin, tho committee on Snlnrles lie further ninended .,,„''„„„'l" ' »,r/,„ , li. liiylor,Coo |.„ Decke, tnx $1.01, county tiux $1.08, achool and one mill , j ^ ^ , , ^g ^„j „ f. ,, (,,„^^ ,,,„(_ Su|i. Krentel preaented tiie following reaolu- hy fixing the aalnry ot the jnnitor of tlie court ,„ "'" - f , 1°' ^l";"?, I" fuvor ot Dr. L. W. nod to aniond the report by tnxJIl.Ol, ward nnd highwny tux ,i4c, city tux ^ ^ jj,,,, ,j,, j j , ( , ^ ^j hounded lion, providing tor the appointment ot a com- house nt $65,00 por month, which motion on ^P'""- ,"''"=" ^ us Inid on the table ut a pre-„ ,.i„-i. o.. f„_ „..„i. ..1 ei 71 n„.„.u., fov <in„ i„t„r,.uf A\^ iof Rfii iii.v,". . ./ , . . . . . . 1 _ „ . _ . . . . ' . . . ' ' . . . ' . . . ; . . . . vious day a aeaalon, wua tuken from the table

on further motion allowed on roll cull by

„ the com­mittee on County Ronda and Hrldgea. nlliiwlng tho county dork 2o for euch chancery $4.71, penalty tax 30c, interoat 41c, lat Oth

Sup. Shafer accepted tho amendment and tho cnso insleaii of the nnioiinl rccoinmonded by aewer

miasionor of the let ward of the city ot Mnaon u" nnien.led nnd aame was .idopleil by tho fol-to look after tlio mutter of the burial of In- lowing vole: Yens 24, nays none, digent soldiers nnd on his own motion Mr, Call Sup, Rock, clialrinana of the committee on was so appointed. County Sujila. of the Tonr Accounts presented

Sup, Clement moved the nppolntment of liar- tiie followliig report relative to a file deak In riaon Moore ns commissioner for tlie township 'lie ollico of the socrelnry of the Supts, of the of Lansing, which snmo wus duly curried. ''""r. which anme on his invn motion wns

Sup. Lecmnn then moved the appointment by ndoptod, niul that portliin ' ot his report re-tho Board of W. L. Robinson of WiillnmBlon '''''''I"!-' t" ''"i puiTliase of. the fi.lo desk wns as commissioner of tho townahip ot Willinin- •'"f^nod lo Ihu coimnltlee on Supiiliea with ston, which motion provaile<l. power In net anil sniiio on roll cull wna ndopt-

Ths clerk then addressed tho Bonrd rolntivo *•''' '"' ""•' following vole; Yena 24, nays none, to notifying nil of the county olliciula elected '''' Chairinan; Your conimittoe on County by the Bonrd nnd ronueating tiiem to execute S'll'erlnlondenla of Poor Accounts beg leave to an oath of ofllco and qualify for the position lo ''•'il,',"; "" f""""'":

penally lax .iuc, mieresc i i c , lac uin j ; by nhit linca, S by Anna at., W hy Chnrlea mittee of three members to meet once ench roll culliprevailod by the following vote: Nnya, "'""* in Knowlwood, Roosevelt, Warner..Logun ^, „nd lot 79, College Grove pint, N by N line montii witii tlie Hoiird ot county rond cominia- Ciitlln ; Yena, Allen, Brognn, Bullen, Bennett, ''"•' " ther sts„ •»«• « Per cent Uec. 1, IJIJ, ^j ^^^ |jn,it„_ o.xccpt beg. at SW cor ot lot aionera to check over their nccounts nnd to act Clement, Clementa, Chriatopher, Decke, Hull, ' " l "

" " " ' • ' " ~ " - • -- - •• of lots us an advisory committee with the county rond Howlett, Kniser, Krentel, Laaenby, Leemun, ,.,,„[[, )t Enat commiaaionera, nnd snmoi/vna ndoiited on roil Miller, PInckney, PIcknrd, Reck, Reeves, Roae, *^''."'

39' E cull by the following vote; Yens 26, nnya none. Robinson,'Schnlter, Tnylor, Young, Byrum—24. ""'n'i V 177.8 To the Hon, Board ot Supervisors; Sup, Shafer then moved to furthcl- r.mend "">"' eel do- ,,e It reaolved, thnt the chnlrmnn ot thia the report of the committoo on Salarlea by fix- iZninZl'7oie"o! tiTuVS B 172,8 Hoard nppoint a committee of throe members l»tf the saury of the nssiatnnt deputy county ""oS ,not 01^0! Sun pPnckn. cor ot of thia Honrd to moot nnd net na un ndviaory clerk in the city ot Lnnaing at $49.00 per „r„?,,.r„ ° l n „ , , , S . , . , ' » , „

nunimoua vote of the Board. 51 AngeJI's Sub of lot 80 and portions of lots us an advisory committee with the county rond Howlett, Kniser, Krentel, Laaenby, Leemun, ~,,9}I„","'"?" "' ''!.'•',•,'^"t!''''P'| No. 318 for 78 nnd 79, Collogo Grove plat ot city ot Enat commiaaionera, nnd snmoiiwna ndoiited on roil Miller, PInckney, PIcknrd, Reck, Reeves, Roae, *''>•'"', in invor of Dr. O. W. Builey, which

Meeting culled to order by Chnlrmnn Hyrum. Roll call, all members present. Sup, Allen presented the following report ot

tho committee on Printing and same on his own motion was adopted by tho following vote: Yeaa 24, nays none. To tho Honorable Chairman and Board ot Sup­

ervisors: _ Your committee on Printing respectfully l^^' .i ' '""""" was uminlmously carried.

recommends that the proceedings of tho present »"li. Decke then iirosunlud the following re-

tliolr ollico lo likewise ngrou, 'I'liia committee would rocoiiimend n aloel filing case lie pur-chnaod nnd placed In thia (illice.

Chaa, W, Heck, L, T, Li.'abnby, F, J, Chris­topher,

Sup, Roae thon moved Hint the trensurer be inalructed lo procure ,$'.>5,050.00 additional in-aurnnce on llio court liuuse and permnnent fix-

Tax of 1913 E .19 ft of lot 11 and E 2Vj i7anBing. N 420,75 ft, E'603,2 f t , ' S .19' E cull by the following vote; Yens 26, nnya none. Robinson,'Schnlter, Tnylor, Young, Byrum—24. "i"'™ *""' '"•'" '»''' °" the tnble at the previous rods of lot 12,'blk 85: State tiLX $3,67, county 576,55 ft., N 70 dcgreca 5' W 457,6 ft,, W 177.8 To the Hon, Board ot Superviaora; Sup, Shafer then moved to furthcl- r.mend ','!'„>'.» .f™?l';_ ™", "I',.."'", " n motion taken tnx $2,71, school nnd one mill tnx $6,14, wnrd ft to a point of tho beg., except parcel do nnd highway tax 49c, city tax $10.10, jienalty acrilied aa following: lieg. at a Polnt E 172.i, ,u,ani appoini a commiiice 01 inree memiiera ••,•",•"r "••;•••' .-• - ; •: -.-•- -r'";r« „-,r ' On motion of Sun Plt,rl,n«v n.« fnii„,.,i„., tax 64c. sprinkling tiLX 35c, total tiux $24.06. ft, S 70 degrecB 5' E 38.24 ft. from SW cor ot of thia Hoard to moot and net na un ndviaory clerk in tlie city ot Lnnaing at $49.00 per „"i'„tion rMonim.mdi.,J »,„ . ^

Holmes & Son'. Suh nf I ot 1 Illk 20 nf ""i'' I"' 51, N 145.03 ft, E 65,48 ft, S 108.08 commlllee with tlio county road Mmmlaaionors, """"li which motion wns lost on roll call hy ! ?"n",! r JK„ qTi"'f„n fi """'"'"•^ «•"' "»« •rowniTd'. Sub of N ^^a'tlon of See 20 T4N "• N 70 degrees 6' W 69.76 ft. to a point of „i„„ to uu.llt ccounta in county road commis: the following vote: Nnya Allen. Brogan. Bui- "^ "J'n^^,?"alf m « ionti 1 u Z I m n L w ' " " " ' llownieud . Hub ol N Wacllon ot See. i«. UN, ^^^ _ „|B„ te^, „t „ point N 866.25 ft. from SW „|o„ers' olliee, once ouch month und auch other, 'c". Cntlln,___Clom^o;ita, Hall. Hewlett, Kalaor, ' Ue?orved, tharthia I loarr com.

cross seuls rge upon

glorious und pledge

promote the com-

2: State tnx ' 'ril '""" ^7re"on"roir c-uirthere-la-a diviaie.; r"iJ;i ,J, ' | '«' \X''"Na°Ji ALn"%Z"ai""Bil' '"'l1.o^'ommRter'm,"oenera. u, c, school and "f.^';^?,-'«' ^ "''=" '"»^"'" was unanimously {i-/?!,l?;^i7cC'nt';!,"^"iall,''Hiwl7t'!"Kai«i; '•««'' '" ' ''H-vance the followi

tax >5c, total gy|, i^iii^^ (IJJ.^ moved that tho action taken Leeman, Miller, Pickard, Reeves, Robinson, u c n i n i i v T n w v a i f i P I'y the Board on the previoua day's seaaion, Taylor, Byrum—16, Yena, Bennett, Clement,

$1.09, penalty tax 88c, sprinkling tax $1.20 and MfciauiAW I U H I V B I H I whereby tho report ot the committoo on Saiar- Chriatopher, Decko, Krentel, Pinckney, Reck, 76c, total tax $29.06. Tax of 1913. NE Vi see. 20: State tnx jcg g nniended wna ndoptod, lie reconsidered. Roae, Schufifer, Young—10,

Sparrow'! Sub of Lot 1, Blk 14 of Towniend's .$22.80, county tnx $12.24, achool tax $4.40, Sup, Pickard then moved a call of tiie house, The clerk then called the roll on the adop-Sub ot N Fr'l % of Sec, 20, T4N, R2W. highway tax $4,40, Bchool tnx ^$27.20,_ road re- which motion prevailed en roll call by the fol- tion of tho original report of the committeo

Tux of 1914. Lot 5, bIk 2 county tux $2.29, school tax

Tho committeo on General Cliiims reported ick for allowunce the following bills, and

same were allowed us follows, and ordered paid: Name Aint, Claimed

G. L. Peck $ 3,10 John S, Vogh 55,00 F, E. Searl 147.00 Dean &"Cross 7,75

$8.45. Lansing Really Co. Replai of HInman's Sub. Tax of 1914. Lot 31: State tax $2.70, county

Original Plat Tax of 1913, 60 ft, fronting A st, parallel

Ootoberand'awcVJ ae8BroM"orrhe"Bo'aVr i""' °' the apeclnl'conimrtloe on depoaitoriea taxT2,Vl,"city tax"$¥.i4rTo7niTax"$lo'.7"'5'."""' with Oak st,. lot 3. bIk 23: State tax $2,28, Suiwrvlsora be publlibed In the newspapers of '"1, '"'1',"^' '"'"'"' ,'""' ""'"c ^ns adopted on Tax of 1914. Und. %, com, at NE corner i;'J'i"ty l"^?.*'^''i''. S!!''"°' '"^ *'''''•'• *•'''" '" Ingham county as followa: roll cnll hy n iinnnimoua vote: Sheridan and Ballard sts,, N 668,68 ft,, W ^ ^ ^ total ta.x $10.29. The State Journal gsnn i o t l n Honorable Honrd of Suiiorvisors: 171,3 ft., S 668,58 ft,, E 164.1B ft. to E line lot Tux of 1914. 66 ft, fronting A st. parallel The Wllliamiton Enterprise "' "- .............^ ....- . . . - - . . - _ The Ingham County N e w s . . . The Ingham County Democrat HUM , ,. „,r . •.- —- - • , , -.-» —" »-. . - - , . . — -..-. ...» , •-" •,-•-, „ . , „ . , The Leslie Local-Republican 800 "» '<"l?wa; Ihat the hlda received were us tol- school tox $10.09, penalty tax $1,60, sidewalk Tax of 1914 The Stockbridge, Brief-Sun. ' " ' " '

. a(,!(« t„v' «o 10 I">'f tax $13,20, county tax $8,00, totnl tax lowing vote: Yens 25, nnys none, whereupon on SnlnrioB ns amended, nnd the anme on roll Pou-.f s,„|,i, vU^itl'J'r„" " «<>!, A ' l i f t ^ S , . l t .v '•S'S'i- . , . . . o „ „ lie wu« directed by the chnir to bring in the call prevailed by the following vote; Nuya, UnWrraltl Hoanitnl " 1?,'lfi

$4.04, total tux ciTV OP MASON abaont members. v Bennett, Clement, Christopher, Decke, Kreptel, AHen & DeKlim. ' ' ' i'nn

9500 i" t ,1 """'"'"''S ""'^"^ °' Suiiorvisors: 171.3 ft., s 668,68 ft,, E 164.1B ft. to E line lot .Tux^of i^}\ B It. rroniing A St. purniioi irise.. . . 1000 t'cntlomeni Your committee to whom wus 9 of James Seymour Sub of SW 'A Sec. 10, with Oak at, lot 3, blk 23: State tax $1.54, !W«.. ""1100 JC''"'''C" the matter ot doslKnatlng a depository T4N, R2W: State tax $5.31, county tax $5.72, ''"unty tux $1.80. aehool tax $4.86, city tnx "ocrat :;::::: i l0O ^^t^llZ.^'l^:^'!'^^' '•«''l"'.=""'Jr™'^'i';' o^\y »«=' »24..92,_ ward and highway tax $2.70, »6'»2. I";"' t*" »!:!:?:• , ,^ „ „ „ „ , « „ . . 100

800 800

The Webborvlfia Index..7,'!.".!.". Ton ^''t'onul Bank 3 per cent, American Savings The Wlilianiiton Newa "'"' 500 "'' " - '""' ' '-'"*' Slocklirldge Stnte Bunk 2 '/j

And. that the price to be paid not to'cxceed y ' l "?"''i.^y? , ''"oinmeiid that the county $2.25 per each 100 circulation in Ingham coun- a i '"'„'"y''lc'l hotwoen tlio Lansing State ty as above deilgnated, and upon proper pre- '"'V""" "'}"'',""'' tl"-' Cnpitni Nutionnl Bunk


OV..UV,, ,»^ ,.«.,.. V..O.. .« .»» .«„ »,u.,n.»n - Entire blk. except S 6 rode of AInlcdon Iowa: Lnnaing Slnie iinnk7'rier cent, CupituI t a x T 4 l 3 . VuttTn'g*'weeda tax $7.40,' toToTtax '"t" W, 17, 18, also except S 9 roda of lot 14, Aurclius.

Sup, Chriatopher, chulrmnn of the committee Pinckney, Reck, Schafter, Young—9, Yens, on Milenge and Per Diem, then presented tlio Allen, Hrogan, Bullen, Catlln, Clements, Hull, following report wliich wns unanimously Howlett, Knlaer, Leemun, Miller, Pickurd, ndoptod: Reeves, Rose, Robinson, Tnylor, Byrum—16.

Mr, Chairman: Your Committoo on Mileage and Por Diem tvouid resiioctfully submit the following report:


sentation of afiidavit In regard „ ... mnnce of labor and circulation the clerk is hereby authoriied and inetructcd to issue or­ders for aame. Respectfully submitted,

Fred R, Allen, J. D, Schafcr, A, A, Hew­lett, eommtttee on printing.

Sup. Miller, chairman of the committee on Salarlea, then presented tho following report, which lame on roll call was adopted by the fol­lowing vote: Yeai 25, nayi none.

Your committee on Salaries report that after

•9317 ' " entire lot 15 except N 4 rods, blk 34; State Bunkcrhill Tax of 1914. Com. on S line Mich. avo. 880 t«x $4.61. county tax $5,40, "chool tux $14,69, Delhi , . . , ,

ft. W of E lino of Sec. IB, S 132 ft,, W 41'/j .hlnhwoy tax $18.07, total tax $42.07. East Lansing ft., N 182 ft,, E 4 1 V J ft: State tax $7,14, coun- LEROY TOWNSHIP Ingham tytnx $7,70, city tax $33,62, wnrd nnd highwny Tax of, 1914. SW '/. of SW % of See, 9, Lansing Township u. A . wemeni ii; tux $2,29, school tax $13.58, penalty tax $2.19, g V/of SE U of Sec. 8. E % of SW U of p f p y A. H. Catlln « .prlnkllngtax.$2 07.1ntore. t tax2c.aewertax L ? 8 . State'*tax $18,82 county tax $19,40, Leslie P. R. A l e n . . , . , 73c, totnl tax $69,24. 4.„..,.. »„, tn on .v.n,i . . . . . i . t^^ «a on .nhnni Locke O. N, I'icKaru iii

.^,.,,, ^..ii.ii iiiuvuu iniK-^ne-jrousurer uo 111- BprinKiing i8x»s,UY, imoreii tax zc, sower tax sp,, a. stuta tax S18 S" county tax $19,40. ^••'""-Btructed lo nroouro from ouch ot the banks In 73c, total tax $69,24. fowii tkx «6 30 road roimlr tJx $9 80 schoo Locke , . , the city of Lanaing, -designated ns a depoaltory Tax of 1914. Com. 103 roda S of SW eor of {^"$0264 ' road Tenalr tax $25 28, total tux ""rid an f?''c?""ty funda,a personal bond in the aum Mich, ave. and Lathrop et.. W 25 rods, S 19 s ^ i , / ' ' ' " " ?.I. .JB, loiu. '"x ^ ^ ^ 1 ^ ^ of $25,000,00, which motion wna duly curried, roda, W 6 roda. S 38 rods, E 30 rods, N 54 " " ' • " ' . , , „ , . _ „ „ _ nxinKmrt^ .Stockbridge Sup. Bennett tiien presented the toilowing rods. Sec. 16, otherwlao described na Out Lot VILLAGE OP ONONDAGA report of tlie commlllee on Ciiarged Buck Tux A of Clear'a Add: State tax $6.60, county tux Baldwin*! Add, Sec. 29 Llat, and on motion of Sup. Pinckney the re- , $6.91, city tax $25.82, ward and highway tax T^X of 1910. Lots 3 and 4, also lot 1 run-port wns received nnd referred ' to tlie com- $1.76. ichoor tax $10.46, penalty tax $4,85. in- „ i i g duo E to Gnind river E of lots 3 and 4:

tereat tax $1.83, Toll Gate Drain tox $63.20, gtate tax $2.2B, county tax $2.81, town tax 40c, |mlttee on Anportionment: Charged Back Tax List.

we"c".nno"t nat theTx™!;?e.'"if"'«.7 J»"H' "'"»"' ^° '•-« """"Jbl'SoarTot'"upeiw'BorB of Ing. * ° T i x " WM-"com. 103 rod. S of SE eor of

i S v S S S H ^ S r ? ' ^ - r ^ v F U . a i eomt„.t.ee to whom ^ ^ t , '^.^t^jS^I^.XI&J.^

Miriii ui uiiico. recommend thiif ihr. *-ii t... *««». ' - - - . - _. . .. .

road repair tax $2.40, achool tax $4.26, high vray Improvement tax 80c, total tax $12,92.

PLAT OF AVONDALE Addltron to City of East Lansing

Vevny Wheutfield White Oak Wllliamston Lansing, 1st ward.. Lansing, 2nd ward.. Lansing, 2nd ward, Lansing, 3rd ward. Lansing, 4th ward.. Lansing, 5th ward.

Tax of 1914. Lot 66: State tax 12c, county Lana ng, 6th ward Thu hnnml at •hot* Tiin„n» .„..Un I . in,r I.IZ i' "",'. ""• 'oiiowmg laxeo uo ri.- waro nuo nignwuT lax *i.ui, icnooi tax «u.b4, tax 12c. town lax 4c. road repair tax 13c, Lansing, Assesaor

fixed t h e ^ M l e a of the r o X o ^ ^ f J l i I S j . " ' " ; ?hTf'!t'' """" ,""' •"verul.'dosorlptlonB 1 8 «o penalty tax $5,68. Interest tax $1.70, Toll Gate achdo | t ix3e . total tax 44e. " " ' " • ' " ' Maaon, Ist ward. I?000*td K * W r ' ' L l T h e h . ° r L " ' ° Z " " ' n".' j L - ' . i r ' l ' ' . ' ' * ' > »f .'h"."™'?':."]"!! draln.tax $67.81, Re«..e,«d.tax.of 1911:__St«te '"Zi ; r i914 . Lot 288:'State tax 12c, county Mason, 2nd ward. ttoflA Mill «hp« haul, oil TiT.r. « . . « _ . „ » _ . _ j " - ""--"'"K uincors.or ine BBvorm OIHBD drain tax VOT.SI. Keasicisea tax 01

official dutlei, {levei that by-ao dolnglvalld MMwment may

Miles ..If. R. Taylor 8 .. H. R, Bullen 12 ;. Jus, Brogan 40 ,. J. W. Robinson 12 ,. C. M. Krentel 32 . . A . J. Miller 18

C. A. Clement .12 4

16 60

P. W. Kaiser 40, W. D. Byrum 20

. A. A. HaU 05 ,L. T. Lasenby . . . , . , , , , , 4 < W. S, Roevea , , . . , , 18

• C. J, Clements,.., .-^... 34 .Martin Lehman 50 .L D. Schafer 28 . 0 , L, McKlnley 20 .Fred Pinckney 26 .Geo, Dccke 26 ,Chaa, Reck . : 28

.Frank Young, , , . 20 .F. J. Christopher 36 .J. S. Bennett ; . , . 26 .A, L. Rose 2 .A. A. Hewlett •.'.... 2

In regard to the.payment of the expenses of be made. . the other county offlciale we would recommend no change,

A, J. Milleri Jamei:Brogani:J. W. Robinson.

C I T Y O P U N S I N C IngetiollAdiilltion

Townund'a Sub of (hat part See, 30 in.T4N. RIW, adjaeent^lo City of Lanalng.

Reaaietied tax of 1912. E 3 rods of N Vj of lot 2, blk 1: State tax $1.63, county tax $1.36,

achool tax 3c, total tax 44c. CITY OP MASON

Original Flat

W E L Amt

$ .48 .72

2.40 .72

1.92 1.08 1.92 3.84 .96

3,60 2,40 1.20 3.90 .24

1.08 2.04 3.00 1.68 1.66 1.56 1.56 1.68 1.66 1.56 1,56 .12 .12

P. J. A, L, J. W.

ATTEND'NCE Days 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12

/12 12 12 6 6

12 12 11 12 12 12 12

Amt. $ .48 >-.48







.48 • .48









.24 ,24 .48 .48 .44 .48 ,48 .48 . .48,


Total $48.48 48.72 50.40 48.72 49.92 49.08 49.92 61,84 48,96 61,60 60,40 49,20 61.90 48.24 49,08 50,04 61.00 49.68 24.78 24,78 49.66 49.68 46.56 49.66 49.66 48,12 48.12

Allowed $ 3.10

55.00 147.00

7.75 337.40 35.35 9.76

56.00 7.76 2.00 2.00 5,01

65.01 6,90.;

'6-iOO Sheriff

Allen & DeKline , , , 9,75 Hale & Pett i t 56,00 L. C. Smltii Bros 7.75 D, S. Grimes 2.00 Wm. L. Mosher 2,00 J, G, Ruilaon 6,00 M, L, Holme, M. D 65.00 M. L. Holme, M. D 5,00 M. L. Holme, M. D 6.00

The committee on Constable and Claima reported buck for al lowance the follow ing bills, and the same were allowed as fol lows, und ordered paid: H. O. Cllne $2695.20 H. O. Cllne 273.00 Jolin Meagher 3.00 F. N. Turner 56.00 R. J. Lange , . . .30.00 A. M. Darling 6.05 V. J. Brown , . 24.22

, On motion of Sup. Shufer, the Board then a'djourned until the aecond Monday of Jan­uary, 1917.

W. D. BYRUM, Chairman. WM. H. GRAHAM, Clerk. '

$2695.20 273.00

3.00 40.70 30.00

' 6.05 24.22

Sup. Brogan then presented tlic following re- ' Jason E. Nichols, president of the Board of Rcaisesied tax of 1911, That portion of lot port of the committee on County Farm and Education of the city of Lanaing, then address-

1, blk 63, being S qf a line com. In the W lino Buildings, which aame was adopted by a unan- ed the Hoard, and preaented the foll6^ylrig re-Sup.;01«Uto^.r:«:t lng f6r\Sup.--piik«rd „ . ? } ? ; . ? ' J ? 1 2 - . W ^ ; M V ^ . : : o f '.lot. 10: ^ S h ^ l l ' t e x ' m r . l l J l n k l l n ? E^"56e '"Tj ; - '^ i ^ . S ! ? . ' S J . , } ' . i ? 3 ^ <" NW cor.of the fol. Imous voteof the Board: •"'" - - - - ' • -port and certiflcation of the amount of money

K ^ ' S b . S ^ l S r ^ S J S I ^ c f Sun.rvI»r.^I^^ *' * ' ' ¥ L r ^ l 9 M ' w ' vf O J ^ E I I A r«l . of N % a U ? h j / V i ^ i w ^ ^ t l a M N li;:^ Zd'eJer i?! ; ! ;?^! . A ^ ^ t S ^ ^ To^ho Board of Su,«rvl.on. of Ingham County^

- l .^JJj i^'V'JS?' . . .* ' ' '"'^.*'^ ?" •»?fi"" •» '°t.<' state tax $6.79. cfi'htrt«x 16.24, «:hool , Mhool tax IB.M. city tax 117.21. ward a n d - f ^ ^ e l f Khool lax $25 6 1 ^ 1 t t tax* $SriO^PoTAcceun"s h T a l r e i r C ^ ^ ^ "l«ned hoard of education of the achoSi district !^^«!?:''^j'?.'*»»?4.*h? »•t^f'<>^P"»^ an Md one mill tax,$U,01,ii„eral city tax $27.18, highway .tat JL8.8.. wn^'tr t8xJL68,;iprJnk. ™ »^}i' , , 'fg?°| .VJt K n i i g s matter wfhnve no recomLndatlons to make; of the City of Laming, doea hereby certify to

total tax The main building has been reshingled dur- your honorable body that the following is the, .ing the pust year; the stock is In good condl- amount of money,to be raised In said ichool

' tlon! and the crops were good for'the year, .dietrict of the City of Lansing for achool pur-following; Com. W* com|nend the innnngcment of the Instltu-. posea for the ensuing school year, vl i : $2f6,.

^I'^'vJI^l^. M ' ' « ^ ' . ' w 9 K ' 1 H . ' " S " « "TamiB Brognn, P. ,W. Kaiser, C, J.' Clement. -The "territory of •aid school district li com-^ ; - S t a V t a x 42c c o u A l ^ a c city tax Sup .Pickard 'who had been'directed, by the prised of the entire City of Lanaing and the ro<t». State tax 4ic, county tax jxc, ciiy tax , , bringin tiie absent members fo bw- following territory; e l f i ^ n a l t y "ax I s i S ta^ $ " M . °° & the c.UI of {he hou«, then reported to the ; Air of the , former achool district No. 6 of

efctatviiow.to OM In the tr»«wr»r'i Office he *|f,5^^^^ o f S 10 rods of N 20 roda of lot 1, blk 16: State tfMifawwI.WthtdriUn-commliiloner'i office * S tax $1.63. county tax $1.88. aohobl tax $3.76,

' Md'.tbgt'tht t n a m i t r be tuthoriiadto pur. T f " . . • ' ! ^ - . • * * .•,!!' *' !'' s'tT tax $6.67. ward and highway tax 8I0, pen. e h l M » M w n M h ! M , ' U d alwaii iandard for ' - ; Lanilng IrapiOT«ir..«iil Co, Add :, alty.tax 76c. ad of third aewer In Wtlliama st, ,»M^««tttatrt6 Utr«nif«rr«d,j and that u t h e ; ' T from 70 ft. E of Logan st. to Division at. $6,60.

wmmm mi Mi

sisiiiliii ptlon-.or;thr-::dl«trlct;NorJ6cannMfd'"-to;:th«!-elt»-of;;iAnilnf'f^i'Hiv.'W^ •!8tl»rlti,-";.;;. by 1 vota vof :^tot > •lMtoM;f ati; thi;'?:A|iril!«lio»loni oi , i y :v,'i^
