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The l .. nghclm C:ouhty --------------------------------

7c Pay No More

Nlnoty-Eighth Yoar- No, 17 M.:~son, Michig11n, Thursd.:~y,·April25, 1957

Civil Defense Director Can Npt Lease Building ·

Ralph Stt•ope, Ingham's defense chief, lacl<s·lty to rent qum·tet•s, Even the civil defense committee lacks authm·~ lty to lease space without first' getting the app1·oval of the county board. ·

Cleanup Week · Begin·s Monday

By proclamation of Mayor Paul Richards, Mason's annual ciennup wce,lt bl;lg!ns Monday,

' Cily street crews will haul away without churgc ull rub· blsh and trnsh plied at cu1·bs or alongside alleys. Ashes will not he hauled,

Pl'Dsecutor Jack Wm•t•cn, In a written opinion, lnfot·med supervisors Wednesday that while the dl1·ector is responsible fm· m·ganizalion, administration and operation, the direction f

and control, togethet' with the -

Not only should outsld':! premises be sllclted up tor the sal<f! of appearance, the m·ayor pointed out, but cellars and attics should al~o he cleaned In the Interests of fire safety,

power t.o make contmcts, is reserved t.o the board of SLI·

pel'ViHOl'S. '1'111.' Issue nrose whon It wus

revPnleri hprli 12 thnt Strope had marie arrangements to move the dvll rlefense office from Holt to one of .John Angeli's buildings on I he IJS-127 hypass at Mason. He was orrlererl to halt worl< on the Angell huildlng. 'l'hc order was is~:ucd by the board F'rlday after· noon. Angell, who said he be· lleverl Sli'Ope had authority to r!xecutc the lease, reported that Strope worl<erl Sa turrlay anrl Sun· rlay nn remodeling the Angeli huilrling and didn't cease until

East Lansing Annexation· Again Goes Before. Board

Monrlay of last week.

Annexation of the F'rnndor_area and other lands In .Lansing town­ship adjacent. to East Lansing Js again before the count.y hoard of supervisors.

The area includes the Frnnrlor shopping center nnri land ~;n which some unlvcrslly housing I~ located ..

Proposerl· annexation of about the same area was ruler! out scv· era! months ago when It was be· ing. considered for a decision ::tt the April election. In l!J55 a pro· pos'ed annexation of much of the same area lo Lansing was rle· feated at the polls.

In their resolution adopted Wcrlnesrlay afternoon SUJlervlsors provided that the county will not pny more than $175 per month (with utilities furnished) for ll There was no debate on pre~en­mlnlinum of 2,000 square feet; tatlon of th_e annexatlo~ petitions 'l'hl! location mu~t be ncar the Wednesday, · Supervisor John ct~ntcr of the county. Supervisor Patriarche of East Lansing sug. Jr,Jm P11triarche of East· Lansing w;os the only su)lervisor to vote ngainsl. the resolution. There was no debate on the floCii· whatever. The old civil defense' committee <•nd the new were closeted· with Strope anrl Leo Farhat, assistant prosecutor, for an hour and n half before the resolution was presenter! to the board.

----------. -------------· ---

McMann Is Held On Murder Count At the conclusion of examlna·

tlon In Lansing Wednesday, .Judge Earl E. McDonald bound Donald Lewis McMann, 28, of Holt over to the May term of circuit court for trial.

gestcd that 11 special committee to which the p!!tltlons would be rcfcrrqd ·not Include any super visors from the areas affected. Chah·man Earl Leeman chose Su· pervlsors· Dean Taylor, Mason, Phillip Millis, Leroy, and John B. Fay, Deihl, to serve on the special committee.

Chairman Leeman also named standing committees Wednesday. Chairmen of the various commit· tees are Watkins, agricultur.:!; Ruthlg, apportionment; . Pletz, bonds and contracts; Wilcox, clvll defense; Jewett, county park farm; Bement, county buildings; Taylor; drains; McClure, educa­tion; Durk~e, ,equalization; Puf. fenbe~ger,· ,county fair;

Sanderson, general claims; Pn· trlarche, .health; Fay, .Justice ami coroner claims; Belen, juvenile court; Cavanaugh, labor rela· tlons; Broolts,. legislation; Woods, livestocl<; Putnam, mileage and PICTURE 1\IE in this pie­per diem; ·Bradshaw, rejecter! ture. hat. Connie Sue Perrine, taxes; Millis, roads and bridges; Potter, salaries; Cronkhlt.l!, sher· 3, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Iff and constable claims; Lester Perrine of Mason, holds

Murnlnghan, steering commit· this hat like it ·was real, It's tee;. Pressley, jail supplies; La- actually a decorated cake vey, county building supplies; Kircher, soldiers and sailors re· which was entered in Dens-

County Bases Valuation At Figure Set by State

7c Pay No More

4 Sections- 28 PIICJDl

Plan Commission Ends 3-year Task· On Zone Pattern

Mason moved a step closer to a completely new city zon·

1 ing code Monday night. The city planning commission pt·e- , sented the new ordinance to the council and interested tnx·

I payet·s at a joint council-planning commission meeting and public hearing.

I The pi'Oposed ordinance, If adopted by the council, wi!~ replace the existing ordinance --------------..... ~which was adopted In June of :1948.

I "The proposed zonl ng code is tallol'·madc to Mnson, Its geo­graphical situation and the cur­rent and future growth ex·

' pected," Dr. D. R. Lethbridge, chairman of the planning com. mission, stated In presenting the ordinance to the council,

I "We too]t 3 years to develop this plan and the zoning map, present use map, future use map and major street plan," he added.

I Accor·ding to the chairman, one of the greatest differences be· tween the ordinance now In US"!

·and the one proposed is the more ~complete hrealtdown of land uses ! and the individual zoning of the>e uses.

I The new proposnl creates 12 different zoning classifications.

, The old ordinance called for "A" residence, "B" residence, "C" lo· cal business district, "D" com-mercial district and "E" Indus­trial.

Jury Disagrees In Murder Trial Of Leslie Man After a week of hearing testl·

mony and a day of deiiherntlon, the jury disagreed over the guilt or Innocence of Manuel Vasque~. Leslie. He Is back In .lull to await another trial at the May term of circuit court.

Vasquez went on trial Monday of last week, charged with the slaying of his wife, Ehmnor, 32, last December 22. She was shot with a .22-calibr·e rifle in tha home. Vasquez claimed the shoot· ing was an accident, and resulted when his wife attempted to wmst the rifle fmm his grasp, He In· slsted she objected to his going hunting with the rifle.

.Tur!ge•Louis E. Coash presided at the trial. He instructed the jury It could flnd Vasquez gu'Uty of murder In either the first or second degree, or manslaughter, or could acquit the man.

Supervisor Raymond A. Wilcox, Lansing township, new chairman of the clvll defense committee; snid that any building which meets specifications will be con­sirlcred if It becomes necessary to move from tho present Holt location. He said no J=Ommltment has been marie hy the committee to lease the Angell building. The Angell building will be given con­sideration, though, if th~ owner submits a· proposal to the com· mlttee, the chairman said. He elso said the abandoned Walters school had been mentioned as a

lief; Card, ways and means; mor·e's IGA hosp!'tal fund con- Ingham supervisors Wednesday equalized valuations on McMann Is charged· with the slaying of •Benjamin Lee Bennett, Stone, welfare; and Heller, zon· test. (Ing. Co. News photo.) the state survey figures. That is 47% more than they

Undar ihe zoning code pre­sented Monday night, Mason Js dlvirlcd Into R-1, single family residential; R-1-~, rural resldcn· tin!; R·1·M, minimum residen­tial; R-2, general residential; R-3, multiple residential; 0·1, profes· slonal and office; M, motel; S. C .. shopping center; G. B., general business; L. I., light industrial; G. I., general Industrial; and A·I, agricultural.

The jury of 8 women and 4 men' deliberated from 4:30 to 9:30 Monday afternoon and evening and from 9:30 Tuesday forenoon to 4:30 in the afternoon· before reporting that agreement upon any verdict was hopeless,

25, Mason, from ambush April 28. ing. ' · assessed. McMann, former fiance •of Carol With Supervisor Carl G. Card, Th l' d I t' t t $536 912 797 Th

East Lansing, on· the. \vays anri Off" . I D e equa IZe va ua !On was se a • , , . e Jean Slll<y, 17, shot Bennett from · d b · ambush behind- the garage at the means. committee, are Supcrvi· I Cia s raw valuatiOn as assesse y city assessors and township super-Silky home In Lansing. He used sors Jewett, Vevay; Robert visors was $365,865,545- made up of $257,718,525 in real a rifle .. The girl was also shot Brooks, Lansing; John B. Fay, Nam.:ls of Jur_ors estate and $108,147,020 in personal property, The equalized in the arm, 1Delhi; and ·Hugh W.SIIsby, Ma· ..- .

It Was t ·,.e first time Bennett son. . . F M T figure is rnade up of $392,726,-

Howard Seibert, member of the Prosecutor Jack Warren sal~ planning commission, also spolw that. the case will probably be In favor of the proposed ordi-

. · 752 1 ·d $144 mark that such a report could and the Lansing Eastern senior Serving with Supervisor Phil· Of ay erm ' on rea estate an ' ,. not satisfy everybody. He said had been out together. They had liP.. Mlllls 011 the roads and _ . 1·:18f,i 045 on personal property~ that former committees had

nance. brought on for trial again at the "In arriving at a final decision May term of court. Fred Newman

on this ordinance the. planning .defended Vasquez.

possible location ..... : . A member of the new .commit·

tee, who also sei'v'ed on tile- oid, declared that the Angell site Is still his preference for the civil defense headquarters. Another member indicated that head· quarters mny remain in Holt.

attended a· movie and Bennett bridges committee arc- Sup.e~vl: At Mason Tuesday Sheil.foA • L~t year the stale ·equnli7.ed laclted nerve to raise valuations to \iras escorting the'glrl home wheri sors ·Fred ,I;: 'Kirqhe~·and Max E. Willard P. Barnes and County valuation of Ingham was $443,· their P[opcr levei. He pointed out he'.wns -l!lio't ·down. The girl Is a Ml.lrnJn·ghan, "Lansing;: Raym~nd Clc~k C. Ross Hilliard drew the 906,552. that most units will·.not he hurt sister of.Bennett's slster-ln-law. A. Wilcox, Lansing towns\llp; and names of 50 men and women for The decision to equalize ori the as much as might be assumed.

comfllission based Its. decisions ·Although the balloting In- the on the ·present use of the la,ml, jury room Is supposed to remain topography, railroad ~nd major a secret, the rumor around the streets," Seibert said. Lansing city hall was that the

Sherwood Oats Are Up

The girl testified Wednesday Charles Woods, Ingham, jury duty at the May .term of state basis came after long dis· "The state tax commission has that· she and McMann had been With .Super\llsor Mui'nlnghan court. The May term w11l be in eusslon and the voting ·down of shoved these figures at us and we engaged but she had returned the on. the steerh{g committee are Mason. Court w111 . be opened an amerrdment to equali?.e at a are being asked to swallow ring at the Insistence of her fa· Supervisors John Patriarche and Mon~ay, May 13, w1th the .Ju· fixed 80 ,;,. of the state figures. them," Supervisor Jewett de· ther. 'fhe 'father had insisted that Carl G. Card, East Lansing; Dean rors summoned to report the next

1 f ciared In opening I he attack

011 the girl not become engaaed to Taylor •. Mnson; ·and. Ph.lllip Mil· day . . Supervisor James McC urc o . "' ' - M 'd' t d f th a rJ the committee's report. There 1s marry: until she finished high lis, Leroy. - . It was the last time Lansmg ert tar~ vo e - or · e men ·

'II h j f 8 d ment and -then against adoption no justification for using state sl'ltool, ·the daughter testified. At Wednesday's board meeting W,l, .. a~e urors rom war s. of the report. He declared his in·· figures $93,000,000 more than last

Clarenc:e Sherwood has 7 acres Prosecutor .Jack Warren rcpre- Frank Perrin took the place· of Lansmg,s new charter cut thH 1 1 1

year, 11e inst'stecl. •-Je Jlointecl to d t 4 d dl f th tent on to.appea to t 1e state tax r of oats up above ground, · an1l sen ted the people at .the examina- Supervisor: Kircher and Mrs. Eel· war s o , an regar ess o e .

1 H . . t

1 th t tl , valuations of. the state game

they're nice and green. He pla!lt· tlon In Lansing municipal court ric Findsen took the place of Su· slze·only one juror Is drawn from comm1ss 011 • .e 1 ~ 51s er a . 1e farm property as assessed by the cd the field March 29. ll Is on VIctor C. Anderson, former p1·ose: perv.isor Mary Black in the Lan. a ward-each time around. county equal1zat on · committe? state as being out of line. He as­Columbia road, a mile east of c1itor,.' has been. retained as de- sing delegation. Don ·R. Beatty , Justic~s 'of the Peace Wllliam • ~adbnot acted on its own ~utho;- sessed it at $


, he said, the Mason. - fense counsel. was introduced as the permanent S. Seelye and Roy W. Adams in· 1~Y · ut had m~reiy accepte sta e state conservation department - ....... ---------....:....:..,..;;·;_,.;;;· ·:.-.;.....:·:.-.-,...-----'--- replacement for Supervisor Clar· scribed the names. Those whose fl1gurelsd. He Wlhll bhais ehlufsl appeal, submitted an appraisal. of $6,40~ Th ' L • · ' . • ··.·"d. · ence Clark. of Wililamston, . names. were drawn were: 1e: sa ' on t e g . g~re at ere $ ·Ji1g new~ ·~iJ$,1 e. o. • • , 1 1 The boa'rd 'decided to· return William Swift and Mrs. Charles wh1ch Meridian was equalized.- ~ri~t t;~1.~~~-e tax commission set

(JO~m IN off the front por~h and see. what's inside. Tuesday, ·May 7, consider the Clipper,. ¥ason; Miss Flossie A. Supervisors John B. -Fay of. "It is time the supervisors did county· budget at)d transact other Brown. and. Aubur_n A. Avery, Deihl: ~nd Wilfred J~wett of Ve· .

JlOilSY news a'nd views are·on Page 3, along with some timely business .. Supervisor. Card said Williamston;.· Wilham. McCann vay J~med the Me~1dian su~er· their own husincss," Supervisor stories. . . ·. ':· ·' . · · the "county tax allocution .. boa~d and H. C. Grimes, East Lansing; visor 111 voting agatnst. adopt10n Jewett declared, in urging his

. SAI\1 S'l'Rim'r IIUGIU:S and some:of hi~ family arc shown In 11 wlll.begln Its labors May 16 im.d Bert M. Foote, Allie Wlcl<er, of the motion to equahze at the colleagues to trim 20'X. off the picture gracing Page 1, Part 2: · 1 • the county ·budget' must be Merle R. Pulver, Richard P. state figures. The same 3, plus state's figures.

UO~m 1'AU.;NT is llowerlrig this week. Holt I<lwanlans are adopted before then. Letts, Louise M. Barrett, Theo· Supervisors A. R. Allen of Wheat- Supervisor Durlwc conceded staging their annual talent show Friday night and the 4-H boys and Supervisor Brooks was pre.' dpre Terwilliger, Leonard Passa- field and Delmar Carr of White that there appears to be a scheme girls arc completing eliminations for their May 11 show. The new3 sented with a memorial gavel tor neau, Claud Teachout, Beatrice Oa~<, voted for Supervlso\ Jew· by schools and other pressure Is on Page 1, Part 2, and Page 1, Part 3. his services as board chairman Britton, Florence Speerlng, How· ett ~ amendment to equahze at groups to have assessments

last year. Supervisor ,Patriarche ard A. Adams and Margaret 80%. Supervlsor Carr seconded hilled. EDITORIALS are on Page 1, Part 4, with farm. news coming adopted before then. The tax at'· Whftecraft, Lansing; the amendment but aslted to have Supervisor Dean Taylor of Ma·

after, ' location board divides the limited Albert Fry and Alice Hyde, his support withdrawn because of son, a member of I he equaliza. WAN'l' ADS are on Pages 6, 7 and 8, Part 1, with classified di· 15·mllls tax·· rate between the Alniedon; Cleora Miller and Or· doubtful legality. Supervisor Jew- tlon com·mlttee and Mason's city

rectory on Page 6, Part 4. county and schools. hea Hanna, Aurelius; Dorothy ett would not consent. Supervisor assessor, pointed out that equal· Barber and· Anna Mcintee, Bunlt· McClure tried unsuccessfully to ization is regulated by statute

~~--~~~~~~~~~~==~=~~~=~~~n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;&~~ls~~~~~ ~mwtiqoo ilie~~rels!Me~~~ Potter, Delhi; Mrs. Nanie A. amendment. It was ruled that a done about it. Magner and Mrs. Gladys Sprague, supervisor can not abstain with· The road to appeal from the Ingham; Vera L: Meyer and Leon out consent of the board. Upon equalization report is always E. Cross, Lansing township; that ruling Supervisor McClure open, Sup!!rvisor Lester Pressley

Joseph Martin and Clarence cast his vote for the amendment. of Lansing pointed out, but there Odell, Leroy; Norman Cuff and In voicing his objections to the Is not much ch11nce of an appeal

. John Mitchell, Sr., Leslie; Crys. report presented by the equaliza· being upheld, he added. Proof tal A. Nell and Beatrice L. Walle, tlon committee, Supervisor Me· must be presented that the state's Locke; Verna E. Hecltert and Clure said. that sampling made figures are wrong, he said. He Mary, H. Linn, Meridian; Erma by the state tax commlss·ion crew Is Lansing's city assess·or.

· · . ':.! Baldwin and Katie Schultz, On· In his township might have been Meridian has little reason to ·: ondaga; Doris Turner and Clara out of line. He protested accept- complain, insisted Supervisor

.. · Hudson, Stockbridge; Mrs. Max ance of the state figures by the Lawrence Heller of Lansing, a . ~~ Bassett and Mrs, J. A. Quin~, county equalization committee. former city assessor. He pointed ·: Vevay; Wayne Runciman and "Instead of the county commit· to new subdivisions In which ex-. Howard Biggs, Wheatfield; Ralph tee equalizing Vllluatlons and then pensive homes have been bullt.

Hayner. and John Ward, .White permitting the state to, equalize In other townships there has Oak; and Lula B. Lockwood and between counties," Supervisor been no building, he said. Merid· Innes P. Neller, Williamstown. McClure said, "the process is be· ian must expect to have its valu­

Dairy ·Unit -chief Will Visit Mason

ing reversed In this county. The allons raised, he continued, be­state Is equalizing before the cause that's where the most and county does." best bulldlng In the county, is

Supervisor Maurice L. Durl<ee being done. Meridian people must of Locke, chairman of the equal· conClude they'll have to pay, Su­lzatlon committee, prefaced pres· pcrvlsor Heller said. entation of the report with the re· The valuations as equalized


Pcrr~onal Total of Total 2H,OH a,n:!7,fi:!O .731611 318,694 :1,104.7:16 .60002

One requirement which Is a final ballots showed a preponder· new one for all business and In- ance of opinion for acquittal ,on dustrial area zones, except the both the murder charges and general business district area lo· manslaughter. cated around the court house Six Vasque:~: children were square, Is· for, the Insistence on orphaned by the shooting. They off-street parking. are with relatives in Eaton .Rap·

The p I a n n i n g commission Ids, . · pointed out that the new code

Boy Skywatcher.s . Receive Medals' ·

represents protection both ways. The commission tried to protect residential areas from' encroach­ment of business and industry and lnrlustrlai and business zones will be protected from encroach· men t by residential building; it was set forth.' Ten Explorer Scouts are wear·

Tiiere Is 110 spot zoning In the , l~g wings received from the army new plan, according to. Seibert. a1r force Wednesday night. They Spot zoning , for one par.tlcular earned the wings by standing case leaves the door open for \yatch at the Mason ground ob­other requests 'and In time there server corps station for qualify. is no zoning, he added. lng periods.

The industrial zones as recom· Sgt. Robert Horton· of the mended by the commission com- Grand Rapids air force filter cen­prlse almost one-sixth of Mason's ter presented wings to Blll Camp­area, according to Dr. Leth- bell, Don Haviland, Douglas Hll· bridge. Major areas which are ton, Blll Jacobs, Dale I(ennedy, presently zoned residential and Dick Raymond, David Robbins, are Industrial In the new pro· Harold Sm~th and John and J~­posal Include the old Smith rome Tomhan. gravel pit on south along Jeffer- Mrs. Lee Sanborn, supervisor son to the city limits. The Alton of the Mason GOC unit, told the Jewett farm Is the biggest chunlt Explorers their services are ap· of this area. preclated, An air force film was

On the north new Industrial zoning would Include Dr, M. J. Green's property, the old Ocobock farm now owned by Arthur W. Jewett and the Mason street area east of the New York Central tracks.

After the planning commission


Fund Solicitors Plan for Kickoff·

presented Its recommendations Worlters on the advance com· Monday night the council ac- mittecs of the Mason hospital cepted the maps and propost!d campaign wlll meet for a klck-olf zoning code and turned them dinner next Wednesday evenhir; over to Councilman Alfred For- at 6:30 in the Methodist church • che's committee on zoning. About 75 men and women mem·

According to the time table -dis· bers of the 3 sollcltlng groups In cussed Monday night, the pro· the advance phase of the $500,000 posal wlll come before: the full campaign wlll be present and will council for action Monday night, start their work after the dlnner:­May 6. If the council votes ap. Included In the groups arc the proval, a publie hearing on the ordinance is necessary. after the business and Industry committee, .

A. L. Rice, chairman; special · eou~~il has given Its stamp of ap· gifts, ,T; B, Dean and Dr. D. R. pro I. Lethbridge, eo-chairmen; and '

The Z?ning m~p Is on dlspla~· clubs and organizations, Mrs. · at the l!lty council chambers, William E.· Clark and Nels· C.

Planning commission members Ferrlby co-chairmen. . who worked on the zoning Pl'O· · ' 1 ' . ·

:J22,3t<i l,OUH,OOU 2,1 !HJ,2G2 2:!,023,fHiO 255,~52 2,189,006

10,708,078 72,1 DfJ,n22 782,690 3,7U4,83';! 726,07~ r.,oa~.a:I4

.37224 ~.26!153 .40787

13.44707 .711670 • 03761

posal' are·· Dr. Lethbridge, Seibert, In addition to informat on per· . Ralph Swinehart Glen ·Coon taining to the campaign, workers Clairmont Everitt', Mayor Rich: at the dinner will receive copies, ards, City Engineer Waltet' Zhn· of the _ campaig!l booklet an~ .· mer and .Councilman· Nels Ferri· other material. .

520,137 2,886,:1·15 1,368,370 31,420,0·12

310,215 2,220,160 790,070 ,4.272,612 ~04,470 3,11411,360 2711,031 2,1104,8·15 475,:133 2,6114,520

1,11:1,1611 4,fi20,olo

1,2011,3110 28,832,7:!8 111,015,401 328,560,821

1,317,367 7,314,176 636,057 3,8H,I!4-1

;:m~~ • 41356 .70577 .56627 .:1111117 .48/illU ,R1l86

5.:17010 61.111612

1.36227 -7~.166

by, ·Former mayor Forche, Coun­cilman DuWayne Evans;· Dr. L. p. ancaLe Sup' peflhursd·a;y . A. Wlleden and Bill Cummings II are not on the committee 'now but Mason Kiwanis club .Is sponsor· have served during the last 3 lng a pancake supper "''h-...... .~a . ., years, · · night at &he American

Martin Frissel of E)listLanslng building with pro~its Is the consultant_ hired. by · the the -hospital campaign planning. commission ·to· handle Densmore's· lGA store· Is ··pl'Ovld· the technical aspects of the job. · ·ins. the food .without ch!U"ae., '<•.

I '' ' ·~·: • : •' ,' 1.!?:'

April 25, 1951 ~----------------------------------------------

Grovenburg News Mrs. Hownrd North

ScoutR Cnmp Out· Twelve members of Scout troop

No. 42 and Explore!' post. No, 3•12 camped overnight nt the Euglcs Nest by the rivet· on the Nnt·tli farm Friday night. 'l'hcy wem ac­companied by Cecil CJ'ntllt, Scoutmaster.

Mrs. Clarence Leonard and Slanley Leonard were dlnnor guests· on gaster of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hill of Eaton Rapids.

Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Doerr nncl children were nt tho home or his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Christian Doerr, for cUnner Sunday,

Mt·. and Mrs .• Jerry Papp were Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Swift nnd guests of his parcnts, Mt•, and

children, Steven anrl Shnrnn Mrs. Louis Pupp, for dinner Rose, of Woouland wcro at tlw s .1 111 · 1 1 M r • ununy. · s s s et•, yra • o, was hom!! of Mt•, nnrl Mrs. Clnh· Swift theh· guest F'rldny night. Saturday night unci Surulay. Both Mt•, nml Mrs. Clarence Leon-families were entertained· nt. diu· ner at the home of Mrs. Swlft'H nrd IVI'l'C Sunday evening RUppet· sister, Mrs. Alhcrt Hurnpht·r.y, of guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hobel't. Mason. Rled,

Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Rens, •'saturday evening Pfe. Richard J1•,, entertained relatives nt din· Leonard called Ills parents froiTI n~t· .Sttrlrlny. Gtt"."IP \VC!t'e his Onklnnd, Cnllfornln. He re· . S II C lit

' - ~o o 1 l f II II 11 I 1 :SITE 'OF· 1t>"O WINTER. OLYMPICS-Grent changes are In stm·e !or quaw Vn ey, a ., bl·ollters, Lnve.t·n at1cl Charles, ut·ner rom · awn 1e prev ot H 7" 1 l I I ltallzed fol• t1·e· t I. nbove,• betot·e It becomes the focal point for worldwide sports Interest In lDOO. Site of the 1000 and· their families and th~lr sis· cay am s Josp · '1 • l 1 t 1 1 h b !ld

terl Ml·s, As II 'l'owsley, ., 1111 11"1. nHmt on his feet. They nlso had ll j Winter 'Olympics, Squaw Valley Lodge, center background, will be supp emen ec JY at cr u • · u •· 11 r 1 1 1 Rl 1 d • lrigs ·and facilities to house and care tor the many participants and thousands of visitors who

family and Mr. nnd Mrs. M .. 1. ca rom 1 w 1, ucp ww, c wr : .... will llDCII the "OliUiar resort area," · R~s ~ IR~.~~~d~~uM~toron·-~L~~~~~~~~---------------~-----------~

' d. M 0 11 B 11 f tuct Ius parents by telephone. • , Mr. an rs. onn t arrc o ward .brenlifast was served at I dersen nml Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred

East Lansing and Douglas' Lamlw Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wllllnms Grovenburg -church .. At the serv- Bailey, ull or Lansing. Of Mason Wel·e rlltln~t· guests Still· from Bloomlngllnle were dinner·

1 D Rl

1 1 " t t th 1 r 1 Is 1 t Ice nt .Grov'enburg, Pnu and Mr. anrl· Mrs. on ce 111r rlriy. of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bar· guess a· e lomg 0 1' 8 s er, Mnry.Swlft·nnd Daniel Ell'swonh thelt• aunt, Mrs. Evelyn Cady.

II ·· Mrs .• James Hart, .• unday, In the r~ · afternoon the Hnrls culled on Mr. were· received Into church mem· from DetJ'oit as n guest. on Ensl'·

Scouts Will Help In Cancer Drive

M.r. and Mr.q, Gr.orge Connrlon and Mrs. Gordon Clarl•, Lamb bershlp. er. and lwt· 2 sl~ters, Mrs. Donald road, and on Mr. and Mrs. Wll· Mrs. Robert Cooper and Steven Thr. May family nlghl nml an- Mason Boy Scouts will r.lo the Bollsler ami. M1·s. ~~!·nest Sand~t·· !lam Clm·lc, Mason. and Mr .. Cooper's mother from nual tribal dinner will he ut. th2 leg)'l'orlc in n cancer fund ,coil· son, and tlwu· famthes hatl a pw· Httddleston left Snturclny for church Friday evening, May 3. vass scheduled fnt' Monday n.lgllt, ni'r~ dluner by the river Sttndny Mrs. Hn7.el Strobel, Miss Iva San Fran'clsco and San Diego, There will he a shower of uel'ded April 29. Plans, as annouucl'd by afternoon. May Strobel ancl Mrs. Lily .Tnrvls Call!ornln, for· n visit with her· articles for· the church kitchen. Rollin Dart, Mason fund chair·

· Mr. nml Mrs. Charles Fronk· werl' ulnner guests Sunday after- brother nnd s·lsler. Mrs. Percy Barrett: mny be con· man, include a door·lo·door ;tp· lin attended church at tile Meth· noon 1ll the. home of Mr. and Mr. arid Mrs. Wayne Young !acted for furthl'r information. peal be[(lnnlng at 7 and cnntlnu· Q(llst church of Dimqnclnle Sun· Mrs·. Leo Rehlll in Lansing. Later spent l.he weelt end wllh her par· Two needed items aro dish· ing through 10. dny.nnd witncss!!d tlw lmptlsm of they culled on Mr. and Mrs. Gar· ents, Mr: and Mrs. Earl O'Beny, towels and large vegetable rllshe:;, A refroshmcnl. hour .for Scouts a greo.t..grandson, Michael Smith, don Warren, who were celehral· o.f Sheridan. Mt·. nnd Mrs. Clair Rlnltle spent. Is being planned following the !;on of Mr. onrl Mrs. .JameH ing their GOth wedding annlver· Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Andersen last Wednesday nfternorm ami Smith, Jr. Later they were rlin-' sary. . had as guests lust weelc their par· were sup pet• guesls at. Ill!! J.eon· ,canvass, ho ~ald. . ncr gttests of Mr. and Mrs. Don At the Easter morning sunrise ents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Audrew An, nrd 110m!'. Dart explamccl that. Scouts Will J\ing . servir~e at Columbia Creel< pari\: give particular attention to home~

' thcJ'e were 80 in attendance from II' k with porcllllghts turned on. How: Mrs. Mlldrerl North was a rlln- · o f D M t 1 ner gue~t on Easter at the honw Rohhins aud Grovenhurg. After· wner 0 . arre s ar e eve1·, he said, pans include the

· canvassing of all homes. of ·Mr. and Mrs. Clet us· St rlclding. Their daughters, Mrs. Gordon B I' o· Af . L s· k Funds collected Monday night Clarlt anrl Mrs. Harold Laridns, ow •ng ter o·ng IC ness will be channeled to the slaw and .. their families were also program and money will he ttsed

I !Uuson Nirrht lluwlu; for both research and [or local gues s. .. Mr. ami Mrs. Arthur Geisen· Tuesday night Wayne Miller, DatTell 0. Gavin, 5G, died at I He was a member o[ the Rob· can cor pnlients, Dnrl explained.

hav~r, Marirl and Frank of '!'0· Sales and AI Rice Chevrolet split his home. at. 21 North Onondaga bins Methodist chnrroh. . cyrflseh spent Easter at. the home with 2 points each. Ware's Drug road Monday. Mr. Gavin come to Besides the widow, sm·vtvors of Mr. nnd Mrs .. Tames Hurt. Store and Dart National Banlt Mason 12 years agp anu had since Include sons, Al'llolu S. of Holt

Mr. and Mrs. Wolter Leseney also divitled with each winning ownei:l Darrl'll's Food Murket at and William D. nt home; tlaugh· nmf Roger and Mrs. Leseney's 2 points. IGA took 3 poiniR from the corhe.r C)f Columbia and Aure- ters, Mrs. Lois Moe Z~erdin of mother, Mrs. A. Silas, from Pia- Dancer Co. while dropping one. llus ·roads. He· had been sick for Aurelius and Irene Eileen nt n~r, Ohio, called Sunday on Mr. Wayne Miller Soles took high the post. 2 years. home; n step-son, ,Tomes H. Blnu· and· Mrs. Charles Leseney. Sal· team series w.itil 2114. High learn Mr. Gavin ~as born at Catlin, velt of Mason; step-father anr~ urday evening Mr. anrl Mrs. Har· game went to Dart National Ill., on ·July. :J, 1~00, the .son of mother, .Mr. and !Wrs. W. H.. Coo], ry Leseney of Eaton Rapids vis· Bani< witll 7;)8. William ·and Jessie~ !Gavm. For of Lanst~g;· a s1ster,. Mrs. Paul lte.d his pat·enls. 25 years hefore movmg to Mason G. Schm1dt of Lansmg; and 7 Bowlers with high individual .1 1 lid 'Mr.· nne! Mrs. Gtty McCtte pl·a 11 . he was employed nt Schmidt's granuc 1 ren.

games and sertes were: Jerry F F 1 · '111 F '1 to leave Arizona for Michigan Cl 48 6 202 Food Mnrlcets. in Lansing. Ie • unera services WI Je. • rit ay thiS Weel'. ~ l!luncy, 1 • 1 I, ·5I 1; Clara was married to Lyla M. Moore of at 2:.30 nt Gorsline-Runciman fu·

• Chandler, 158, 189-492; Marion 1 1 i L · 'th R ·M· r .. an·' Mrs. I·•tt"lt Allgell, Mt·. M 171 201 Ago J WI 1 Lansing Jn 193!1. nero 1ome n ansmg WI I'V.

u - • , urrny, . ' -·•· ; ann 1ee · Francis Johnnnides o.f Robbins arid ·M1~s. Marvin I-Ioslcins, Linda er, .151, 170·462; Bea Badura, 170· Methodist church officiatiug. Bur·

Builders Hear the Latest Bob Coon nnrl Dlclc WoodJleld

of Midcelson-Balcet· lumber com· pany were hosts Ia 28 builders ami contractors Monday night at a sales promotion program o.nd buffet supper in the showrooms at the yard. Les Palmer of An· dcrson Window corporation nnrl Bob Gleason· of Wood Conversion corporation demonstrated new produels.

legislative leader Wams of Battle BpC!nlcep Oeot'!(C! M. Vnn Pem·· lmow Is lhnt luxes nre high, thnl 'rhC!sll .1nhs t•cpreMentrlrl Heeurlty

scm of the house of represenln· !hoy huve· Jw!!n nnrl lcenp nn t•ls· tn lhousnntls of wuge £llll'net'S nnr.l tlvcs Is wnrnlng tnxpnyers that lng,· and that there Is n llmll to 011Jit• ramilles-lhls ~~~r.ut·lly hu!i t)wy ore nhout to he nssnulled In !heir ahlllty to !lilY. tmglcnlly lieen lnst, ' · the "haiti!'' of the· hl!rlget," "Somellmcs these clmslle apd "The fuels ot' govornment nm

"I say the·pMplo' nre nhoul to drumntlc remedles-npplled In n I hut peopl!! enn hOVe! us much 01' 11e nssnulted," the Zeeland legis· taxpayers' revolt-do not serve us llltle lHthlle service ns they nrC! lptor snlrl, "heenuse they will ·bo the !Jest lnl(!rests of the people 01' willing lrfpny for. There musl·ht• ljarrug!!d by reams of propaganrln theh· govel'l1ment, But. unlt•ss nn nc('eptnnc•a UIHI ugremnenl on -hot olr press ngcntH' typewrlt· someone, somewhere In govern· tlw pnrt nt' both the oxerutlve ors-by masses of figures, stalls· ment gives careful nttentlon In unrl legislative IH·nnr•hes of· th!H lies, eompnrlsons, tubles, nnuly· lite plight of the tnxpaym·, these government, tlmt rertuln Heg· Hes, Indexes, and anything elsl' taxpayers' revolts develop, ments of tiH! c!cotwmy eannot lte that cnn he thought of t[) prove "The mnjorlly of 11w Loglsln· Hln~lerl out fo1· undue tnx hurdmtH ol' d]Sjll'ove n point, 'l'IH!t'e Will be tunJ this yem· IR determluerl In kst the Plllire ei'Onomy suft'et•, In nharges, counlet··chnrges, pessi· give heed to the poslllon of the nrlrlltlnn, lltct'l' mu~t he HPI'('PI· mlstlc pi'Ophecles of lnevilnhle ti!Xpoyet·. . nnr•e of thP fal't tltut tnxes mllHt doom, unrl attempts will he mode "We have hel'n otYt!rml hy the' he! levier! equltulily, I hut govrm· In rnnlw It appear us though nil executive depnt·tment of govern· mrnt s!'t'VIr·rs nn! nnt frPe, a111l nf the stnte ngenPies, Institutions, menl n hudgel whiP!! would cull that !herr I;; n l'l'sponsllllllty on unci sm·vlces have been torpedoed, for $7fi,OOO,IJOO In new taxes. The the ]:m:t,.or. 1~11 tl;e pe~IJll? for 'l'he. governor hus uh·eady l'e· executive department of govern· ]Hthlh. sm vkes. Wr. must terap. lensed a stream of Invectives ment- proposes that this be col· turtl the rt•ullwtlon thul tux dnl· against the budget-and lw hns ler.ted by taxing the pronts of nne lnrs nro pt·r.dous things, not to promised much' more. segment of our eeonomy, Hpeelfie· lm tnii<Prl ot nor hnncllerl rnp!·

"I cnn't estimate what the cost ully coi:POt'ntl[)ns, · lessly. of conducting lhe battle will be-· "'l'he majority of the leglsln· "Miehlgun Is In u pri•Pnrlnus but. It will he plenty, nnd It will turr. has not ndopted 11 'hold the jlosltlon torlay. II' our taxation comt! oul of lnxpnyers' pocl<et· line' policy on spenrllng and tax· unrl spPmlln,; Jll'Oi:l'nms m·e re· boo!<~. 'l'hey will Jlnance the us· utlon simply foJ' the Hal<e of 'lwltl· g-arded only In lhP li~-:ht of po· sault on themselves, whether they lng the line.' lltlenl lWhlr!V!!ment, mn· Staff• know 11. Jmc,llllle It .or not.'.' "We feol'vm·y strongly thnt the rnuld be ·~r!t· bndc seriously In Its

1 ' 1 h 1 1 ecnnomie dPvl'inprnl'lll. If com· •r 1ls nnnunl.hall e of. I e Ill! g~ only to.xution. program )ll'OfHlHed mon sense anci r·alm jmlgment et _lines: up very slmply-U1ose to us, ·und, apparenlly, the only ut·e uppllerl, 0111 • stair! Pan meet:

· who :w~nt .to ·~pend 1J1C)~e mo_ney, program acceptable to the I!Xecu· the neerls of ltH Jll'r>plr!, nnd out· nnd .those 'who still hellove In tlve department of government, ecnnomir! futurP will Ill' unim· prudence and· thrift,. Vnn Peur· segment of out· economy, spccln- ]Jnit·ed.'' sem said. . · . cally corporations ..

"Generally sp_ea1tlng, those in "It would put the- brul~es on ····-·--·-----------charge. of spending tax dollars business expansion In Mlchlgnn, lead the! charge for. more lax dol· create unemployment', nml put a lars-whlch, I suppose, Is only staggering burden of tnxutlon on natlll'n]," the legislator said. "It's the people as o. whole.'' always "The governm· has not chosen TJ1~se who are .spending always to publlcl7.e the fact that in Mlch· want more. lgnn we are taxing corporation

"Taxpayers, , who· are being profits now," the .speal{er salt!. to foot the bllli· comprise "They are n majoJ' hose of I he the·leudet·ship of those who wont business receipts tux wblch, to to hold government spenrling quote the governor's own ligures, within reasonable and prudent should amount to $70,000,000 !his limits. year and $75,000,000 next year,

"The governor, wbo 'claims un· Business profits alreo.dy arc a usual dalrvoyance~ Insists that sout·ce of revenul' for stall' oper· the people of the state have given allons. The question is how heav· him a "clear manclnte" to'pr·opose ily business can he ta"xed fairly the spend ingest program in· his· nnd equitably before I here is a tm·y, However,. objective evi· taxpayer's revolt. dences fra·m:· Michigan . citizens, ·'fhet·e is some evidence that u wlio recently· tur;ned clown $35,· taxpayer's revolt, on the part of . 757,0011' worth Of· bond issues, business, may be setting ln. Ford, seem to give:.leglslators n much Chris-Craft, and the Welhilt Cor· clearer mandate-through their po.ralion~~ arl' but· a few of the Innumerable letters and telephone Mlchlg-1,1n corporations that have calls-:-to economize and· protect chosen to operate o.nd P,Xpand in taxpayers from further taxation. economic climates more cnndu·

A nest of ihe.·~~!! SUtJ8' quiet & Srnw•u

de with Smallcal motor ma bi motor feature • • •

every hift g eeparatc fuel tank gca.nli d. f~r remote controb. ... me

6~ hp Ashettnan


TERMS "The taxpayers -aren't. as well clve to industria) growth unci

organized·or as voclferous as tlie progress. Union lenders of Loeal tax spenders.· They. don't spend UAW 600 are becomiug more and the· time -and.-elfort•: compiling rpore alarmed. nt the esllmuted slntlstlcs, . charts, and· tables In loss of 1000 jobs per month nut hPhnlf of, their, position. :All they of. the Ford Ro11ge plant nlone.

1360 S. JoHefson Ph. Mason OR 6·~31 t·

PERKINS Hardware

and Jill and Mrs. Leta Hosldns 4591 Margaret Harkness, 150·436; Extension Clubs lal will be in Glendale cemetery, of" Limsing were dinner guests Dorothy Inghram, 157·434; Sue Okem'os. Sunday of Mt·. and Mrs. ·red Bat· Parsons, 155·423; Donna Stark, '~ Southwest WhPalfield * Otto Schmidt, Dale Griffin, tin: 9! Holt. 1564l2; Mary Jane Morse, 403; Mrs. Carl' Hull recently enter· I Jack Stein, Glen Ganisot~, Al . Mi·. and Mrs. Hugh Angell and Isabelle Whyte, 401. talned 9 members of Southwest Purtal and Harold Benn Will be

were Tuesday evening supper Team standings:. · Wheatfield extension group at het• pallbearers. guests at the home of her sister. W L home in Fenton. Mrs. Harold -----Mt's. Clyde Copp, S1·., Washing· Wayne Miller Sales ..... .84% 35% Huffine conducted the business ton road. AI Rice Chevrolet ........ 6511:! 54\·il meel!ng. Members answered t•oll Stone Leads

Mason Past Eaton Rapids.

I ' . ~m·•·· ·' • y· t S riChiC·. ·I me Mr.· and Mrs. A. L. Tool<er, Ware's Drug Store ........ 65 55 call by telling or the most un-

Mt;s: Emma Thompson nncl M1':<. IGA .................................... 64% 55% usttal plriilt or JlO\Ver they !!VPt' Lottie Hoehn attended churc:1 Dart National Bank ...... 60 GO had. services, at. Oneida Cetiter Easter Dancer Co, .... : ................. 20% 99 !1:! .

It was voted to give $10 to the morning nud were dinner guest.q Mat·lene Beaumont" fund. Marlene ~~. Mt•. and Mr~. Aubrey Tonlccr, The Ma.·n Drag. had polio and i~ confined to a

wheel chair. . Plans. were dis· .A L. Toolccr, his son, Lavere; cussed for the exhibit at home

~f~~~~~6~d~~~· g~~~ial~~tr ~0~~~]:~ By the Ad Staff demonstration week. Mason made it 3 in a row 'rues· vocation. Mrs. Franlt Everett and Mrs. day afternoon over at Eaton Hnp·

Winston Dancer, president ·of Weudell Johnson proseuted the lds. Conch Bob Cone's e1·ew posted 1 Callers Ins I. week at the home the Mason Cham bel" 'of Com· lesson on meal planniug. Mrs. a 15·1 viciory behind lite onr-hit of_Mr.-. and Mrs. A. L. Tooker merce,·nud·Franlc Guerriet·o were Ever·ett and Mrs. Wallace John· pitching of Dart ~lone. were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fronk· in Ionia Monday attending a 1 1 1 f St almost pitc'let" !lawless lin, Mrs. Arm a Wroolc and Mr. . 1 son gave n esson onl'ivi c e ense. ono . ' 1 ' •• 1 nnd Mrs. Donald Wroolc from ~~f~~~~er o~i~~~!~\h0:.M~~~h~~~ Mrs. Earl Smith and Mrs. Mar· bull. He. sent 14 Gr~yl~ount! bat-, Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Tooker · Ion Pollok assisted· the hostess in i!!r~ bad< to the bench wrth 3

called Sa .on Mrs. Lillinn ~~T~~:~~e~e~~9(0f11~n~~~~~~~h~~~ serving .the noon meal. Mrs. llu!.· -~~~l~~~ t~~~~~~e~\~~~~~l 01~~~~p~~~: .: .. <•··\" ;:,::·i· ;~,,~· .. , :<<> .,~;-.... , .IH. ·i~·:~ ;~ · I ~ll\ :p;:~ t.~?~ ~fr~j,~~~~~~~i~~:rre~no~~gJ;.t £ec·t gi~e :Witfi'-'tr ·ao~·flfe'1!ii&t(J~~· rt9·;~!?.f.~~~:,;;t'i%.fft._ ·

~~-----~-;,;,;,.~~~---~.;.:....;.._.;._:-~-~.;;,.~;;:_. ban Pati'ick MI'S, Wallace Jojm· fourth mnmg. ·. Th~ smnsh fql·· .. ;, :: .... '.·,:.··~1.,.> .··.:::·' .. ~~.:t .. ~ .. ::;·:··.:.;,···.··,·,.:,:.·.·.: .. ~.

A' 'u··c· y· i,l, 0:.,•_;,; . N' . son, Mk;~,.;~~··~~;~~;~ei·~~~h a;~~ ·~:.<;edi~~P~I;~~~reofr~nrll~]~~;er;~l~~ ... •' ·.· ~ ·.

. . ; , ·. . ·.· ceived a gift from their secret Eaton. Ra~lds run .. - . , _ . pal. Mrs. Wendell Johnson re· Wlule gaton Rapids wa~ sit ug-

celved .the guest prize. Mrs. Earl son hatter~ were. p?undn~ the ' Smith. had charge of recreo.tlon. Eaton Rapids hmlet s at. ,1 fnst

clip. At the farm llf2 miles north of Eaton Rapids on M-99.

·s·at. Afternoon. Apr. 27 Time: 4 P. M.

Twin' Hohtein Calves, 10 days old

International H Tractor 3-section Spike Drag,

. ~-ft. 3-section Drag Iron Age Potato-Planter

Montgomery-Ward Garden Tractor with snow plo~, ·cutter b~r: . . . cultivator and 2-wheel wagon, complete

10-ft. Tandem Axle Stock Trailer· Hog Feeder

. 2•w~eel)inplement Trailer 2 Portable c'hic~e" Coop1

' Por.t.,ble Belt Sander 3;000 feet of New Lumber'

Sm~JJ Arc Welder 2 Chest-type Freezers

· .. Cj>ilantity·of C1rpenter Tools

.· ~22 'Pump, 4-power Scope Skill Saw

Plans were mode 1o attend The 11 Mason safeties incluued achievement day May 7 at the a home ru11, triple and 3 doutllcs. Civic Cente1·. Mrs. Leo Glynn will Duane Clark was the top man in entertain for the club at the next the long ball department. With 2 meeting Wednesday, Mo.y 22. s!rilces ori him in the third inning * : Alaledon Center * he· poled out a homer with the

Fourteen membors attended sncl{s empty. In the sixth inning the Alaiedon Ceuter extension he smashed a triple with 2 on meeting at the home of Mrs. Mnr· base. vln Lott, Corsages were presented Besides handcuffing Eaton. Rap· to 4 members, in houor of their ids Stone also hit the ball well. birthday anniversaries which oc· He clipped the Greyhounds for 3·

during the month. hits in 4 trips to the plate, in· I f eluding 2 doubles.

Alice· Coo c, a member o the Tom Clipper hit the other don· group, Is able to ·be up and around 'the house with the aid of ble.

l~rldny afternoon Mason will braces. play at Charlotte and on Tuesday

J'v!.'rs. Harold R~dman, assisted Holt will journey to Mason for a by Mrs. Ray Lott, presented the game. lesson on up·to·date meals. Salad and cookie bars from these menus S · • and teo. an'd COffee were served erv1cemen I

by the hostess and her co-hostess, Mrs:· Ned Donne.


A Better Table at Less· Cost

Sturdily Constructed,, of~ Steer Frames and Douglas. Filr or· Hemlock

. We have other plans ond all the material necitssarl·for' outdoor tables, lawn chair'$,' benchln,· lawn t~bles ancf•all · ·kinds ~f patio furniture.. ·

3 2 2

20 :12

You Can Have a Picnic Table in Your Own . Back Yard

Here•s ·What You Get! 2"xiO"xb' Planks for To.p 2"xl0'.'x6' Planks for Seats 2!'x4"x4' Planks for Connecting Frames V4x2V.o~ Carriage Bolts for Top and Seats 5/ibx% Stove Bolts to Secure Braces to Frames·

. 2 Steel Frames

Stop in, look them over. · Lc't us· help in making this summer an outdoor· living fot· you and your f.;mily.

' ' I .


.. ' ·: PoYfer Grind Stone 30.06 Rifle, .2V2-power ·scope·

: 2· A'utomatic Pistols, both Spanish Guns , ..

· Dunlap·Band:Siw and:Table Lathe, like new.· ; . ··,' . , ~ ' . , Quantity-of Furniture

The next meeting on May 16 at toe home. of Mrs. Glen Watldns y,iJU' in'clude, a· movie concerning the. need for ~he community has· pita!. Mrs. N~llye"Russell will.·be

Richard ·E. Halstead, son of Mrs. Floreuce E. Halstead of 4509 Lal{e Lansing road, East Lansing, has been appointed platoon lead· er of ·his recruit company at the Great Lal{es Naval '!'raining Cen· ter. As a rect·uit petty officm· llrJ cq;hostess.

~. Coliege. Crossroads . 11 will wear a miniature l'\t1'lng in· slgne ns a bndgl' of authority

College Crossroads extension during the r!!mnincler of. his !l met at· the home of Mrs. weel\s of "Boot Camp." He was

Mason's C~mplete Building,' Center ·: N~m-ero~s Small Artic .. les

TERMS: Cash ...,. No goods removed until aettlad. for .. Gates Tuesday,· In the chosen fot· the position in l;ecog­

nbsence of. the chairman,· Mrs.· n!Uou of leadership qualities dis· R'nlplr Drumm, t~e. meeting \vas played while undergoing t:ecrult called· to order by the vlce·chnh·· training. He ls scheduled to grad· : 'lfJ_''I'b (J' H' · · ·· · - man, Mrs .. P.q.ul H: Axline. There uate April 27. •

.. -.. \1.1 : .er_,.f;, ·,nL ·; .... u.·n·. ·~lt .. ~ ... :P. 'r.o.·p:'·~·~ :,· wel·e~r;~u~!~i-~dr:d·~~~~:d~lemn·"· -T~he-.. 1-ng~h.;·-co-u-nt-v-Ne....;w_s_ · ,. · · 'Members.,decl e t.o or er ma· , .·. . : . · ,

, I Mifkelsoil.•Bak:er Lum.ber ·Co. . . ' ' . . . ' '· : \ ' .


WAYNE.'G; FEIG.HNER, Autt. ionter ., · 'I 'terlill for I>u·· to be made· at' PUBLISHED THURsDAY AFTERNooNs the next meeting on May 14 nt IN THE CITY OF MASON, MICHIGAN

'Phj,ne'Maicin:OR•6;;&682--:-'Eoton Rapida 982'1 · · the''home of ·.Mrs. Nielnlln. . voLUME oa, NO. t7 352. w .. Colil,nbia1· · ·'' Phone. OR· 7.;J75l · I ' >.' I ' '

HUNTINGTON, Clerk, ··HARRY·ALLEN, Cashier ' The lesson for the day.was up· ·~:\· .. ~ .... ~--.·· .... -,.,·...o·------•--·_.._._ •. ..;·-..o.'JI tp·date, meal planning,·


• I <

' . '•

' • •


. ,

Council Grants Farm Bureau Zoning Change ri1ghnm Cmmty fi'nrm Durenu

plans for converting tho Anna Hiusser· pmpcrty nt the Jnlel·sec­tlon of .Teffer·Hon nnd Otwmns ~trer!ls the green light fr•om counelhnf.!n Monday nigh!.

The C'llllndl supported tlw rer!· ommentlullnn of llw pin nni nr; cmnmlsslon to change 11 Jots running norlh on .Jefferson nnd norllwcu;t on Olwmos ns fill' ns llnyner creelt nn lmlh streets Irom "A" reslclential to "B" resl­clcntlal.

Under the zoning coclr. !he nc!W dnssiC!cntlnn will allow Fnrm Bureau to convert the co!'IICI' house Into space fnr tlw eounty Fnrm Bureau lnsumnce. ol'flcn,

'l'ho F'urm Bureau Is now con·

i ,...,... .. , ..... :"···. "''''''"""""' .... , .•. ""''' ---:···"'!'\"'-·•· "'(f"~:: ~- ... , tROO· .. ,.,.. .. ,_ ..... I··~·· ..... , ...... ·~··"' •·····~·-···

dueling its lnsuraneo business in SIGNS OF SPRING are romping at the Cllly Hulett farm on Pryor road where Hulett is raising office spnce nhnvc Mills store. h 1 C No lmmedlutc .major remodel· standardb1·ed h{lrses. Two pacing mares foaled last week. Miss Blue G est's new cot· is ottontop

lng Is plnnnecl, nccor1llng to Farm that will turn out to be a chestnut with flashy white mane and tail. Celia Ellen, an aged raci11g rna· Hm·cwu officials. tron, foaled chestnut Tiger lvioon, Both these babies were sired by Direct Moon, son of the world·

A parltlng lot wlli lw con· famous record holder for the mile in I :55, Billy Direct, Hulett plans on selling the foal.s as stnrcterl nl tho rear of llw build· Another marc, Jan Goshen, will foal in 3 weeks, . lng nne! a few changes will be Hulett is getting into h.uness horse breeding at the right time, he said, as 19511 set new records in n11trl1! iliside. attendance with some 20 million spectators. .

Besides hnmlling llw fi'nrm Bu· Michigan now ranks sixth among the n11tion's producers of harness foals with 195 sold last year. · rrau Insurance business 1 he Fourteen thousand horses raced at fairs and on the Grand Circuit for some of the

huilcling will hnnclle all county in history-over $20 million worth. Jo'nrm Bureau reeorrls. A meet· ===:,...,..========-==-=~ lng rriom will also he pmvirlerl for committee worl< ..

Lions Complete Plans for Sale Of: Light Bulbs Mason Lions ch1b members

completed plans for their light I bulb sale Wednesday evening at the TOOF hall. A dinner prececlcc! the b.uslness meeting.

The club cllvided in 2 teams fol' the sale, with Dr. Ted Vander Boll ·and Leslie Pnlmer as cap· tnins. The team selling I he most light hulhs will he treated to clin· ncr hy the loser•s.

Frlrlay, May 3, from ~-9 p. m.

Mrs. Surateauxf s Sister,· Passes

Kiwaniarls Learn· lesson· O·n F.,eed:i:ng.! of the Blind

Tornado warnings )lave heen on f!ncl off mnny times rlm:ing 1 ho past wee!(, 'rhe sud£!rm tu t·n t u hot, humid went her• hns r'ntiEecl the concllHons.

'!'here wns min. on Monrlay t uiul ngC1ih on •ruescl'IY nntl

l'lfi!Cillesrlay, 'l'otnl rnlnfuiJ for. the wt•el< as recor!lecl nt Mnson ciiR· po'~al plunt was 1 Y. Inches, .

At Farm ·Home Mason Klwnnianw'l'tlesdny eve- pnrlmH'o pf Gcnm·pl Motor::. wilh '" ning nlc na blind penplo must do, blind Jll'll[liP mnplr1yerl i11 (Ill!

Mrs, Vernon Bellows, ~istor of gi'O(ling and fl!ollng for.tlwh· food Lansing Olrlsmohlln t'lwtnry, tell· nnrl U(l!ll~lls, eating without see- lng how tlw nr:eident rate fot' t'iw

Mrs, .Tune Surntenux .of Mnson, ing. blinrl Is less· thnn .thut ol' thosn

'I'Ije average l.empcr·nture for the v.;eel< waR 61, compared with a 39·r~gr•ee IIV!!rnge n year• ago.

died nt lwr· homo on Dimonrlule rom! 'l'hlll'srlay, April18. She \vos At·cnch.ploto wos n tiJwcl, userl with good vision, 04 yours of nge. Mrs. Belli1ws wa~ lo bllndfoltl Mnson rrien lwfo!·e In n question nnrl nnswcr:·

Tempornhu·es for the weelc

n Mason l'esl!lent fol' muny yours, tho rlinner wa~ served. The blind· perlorl, Perrine declar·erl Jhnt, .In.:: allenrllng hoth Gunn nncl Hinldey folds were not removec\ unlil doH· his opinion, n blind person Is··" rum! .schools und . the Ingham· sert wos served, , sufer and cnn live a more normal . ·: hnm counly norrnc11, .'l'he experiPnce, expllllned Wll- life If he l'clies upon him~eH nncl ,.,, wet·c liS follows:


Low High Services were nt the Pmy fu· lnrd W. Perrine of the Michigan not upon a seeing-eye clog, '!'il'1 ._., April 18· ......................... 49 Apr·ll 19 :.. ........................ 52

57 . 1 . , i welfnre co'!nmlssjon, was to glvl! [ICJCiestr·ir.n ncr!ldent mle Is gronl· . .'l 78 nernl wml'!, Chmlolle, w th bur- I<lwnnluns the ·ex(Jerlcnce lhnt er· with the blind who rely on lnl In Enlon Rnpicls cemetery. . 80 MI'H, Bellows wos 11 clnughter blind peotJie must go through dogs thu;1 with those who rely' 7ll of Samuel and Dollie Beal. She. contlnuouAJy. upon tiwrnselvr.s, PclTine said, ,, ;

April 20 .~ ...................... 50 April 21 ... - ..................... il7

70 was horn In Delhi township De- Perrine Is chief employment P1·ohnte Judge Robert S. Dral<e •'", 81 eemllCr 12, 1892. specialist for the Michigan wei· wag gr·ceted us n new memhet·. ; .•

April 22 ..... ' ..................... 50 April. 2.'3 ...... ~ .................. GO

80 She was married to Vernon fure comml~slon. He told how J 'l'ucsday night. AI a recent: meet·"'~ . ' - , Bellows Octo her ~. 1912, nfter· blind people nre trulncd to fill lng Muyor Pill! I 11lchnrrls hecamo' ·• DOG Nil'S S~fAr.r. cnn.n tenchlng In Ingham rurnl schools. industr·lnl jqbs. He cited tho ex· n member. · • "'

Ap111 21 ....... : .................. riB

When· Sheri II' Bebee, 2, lin ugh- They HI' tiled at the Bellows home· let· of Mr. nml Mr·s. Rlchnrd De· $ R f 1 Pf bee, trlecl to' pet fl penned clog, lie slend on Dlmondnlc mall where ummer e·crea IOn ans nipped her. She was given n tel· they mnr.le their home for 45 nnus shot at. Mason General ho~· years. Two chllc.lmn, Maxine Olive W'll' s· r· d ' • T . • pita! and tho dog was pincer! lin· and Bel'llarll Beal, were bom Into I ' .. e ues ay s Op1C cler observation for rabies, the family, During Mrs. Bellow's

--------- early rnmTied life, she cured for Summer recreation plans fur elected Tuesday night, Slrlbley ·:::: ed not gtJllty Mo11lay to " 1 several children ft•orn the Michl· · c "c wrge Mason will he discussed Tuesclny snld. The meeting will hi! tn·Ortrl of drunk driving. gun· Children's Aiel Society. . F 11 1 11 1 ti t o 30 It

night at. the annllnl meeting of 'C OWH lC1 • S !II' ng El o: • ·. •• i. Mrs. Margaret Rife, Mnson, Mrs. Bellows was a member of will he cnlled lmmecllntely after .

nne and costs of $20 Tues- the N. I. club and the Eaton Rap· the Ma'son Community Council, ndjoul'llmenl. of the clubs nnd Ol'· . A stnte bonrcl of ngrlculturo ids Rug Hookers club. She wns a Rex c.'-~trlhley announced. He Is gnniY.atlons commitlee of. the hoH· '·,'.

pector signed n romplnlnl that m'ember of. the Seventh Day Ad· president. · · · pita! eampnlgn. Mrs. Rife served oleo In her Mn· ventisl church o[ En ton Rapids Three: directors will also hi:! The Community Council Is ·:~; son ,restaurant without having and ser·vorl as a Sabbath school -first posted proper notlco.s. teacher nne! missionary worlwr. · · made up of representatives from· ·. Traffic vlolutiotl tickets setlled Surviving is the husband, Vel'· lunch Pr.ogram Ends nil Mason churdws, scrvko clubs'·"· In Judge Adams' court during non; the daughter, Mnxinc Bel· Friday, April 26, IH the last day unci patriotic rrncl civic organi~.1.· ·" the (>nst'.. week were repor'tecl by lows Harten berg nncl the son, hot luncheq will be served at Ce- lions. him ns fullows: Bernard Beal Bellows, both o! dar Street' and Steele Street ele·

Eaton Rapids; 6 grandchlldrcn; l'\lentnry schools, according to -----------­Robert r.. Clarlt, Mason, no op- nncl the sisters, Mrs. Mabel Moclt Mrs. Howlett. The mille

erator's lice~se, $2. of Snringport and Mrs. Suru· program wlll continue, she Otto Drovlon, Hi:!miOclt, rtln· t'eaux. stated.

nlng stop sign, $4. -------------------------$1~onald I<iersey, Hall, speerling, Lansing GiriiDies _in Fire,

Mnr.Jol'le.Kiersey, Lnnsing, 1;un- Burn· S Fatal to Bro,fher nlng reel light, $4. . on expired license, $2. (Not Ken· neth Betcher of Mason.) · Wlllium Bernal, Mason, speer]. lng, $10.

Edwin Hancock, Mason, run-ning red light, $5. '

Arthur Kieln, East Lansing, Improper passing, $5.

Mildred McPhee, D a n s vII l c, speeding, $10.

Rlchnrd Henn, Jncl<son, execs· slve speed, $5. . Ward Fairchild, Howell, speed·

An exploding oil space heater The !other wns worlting at caused the death of n 5-yenr-old Lawrence Bnklng Co. when the girl last Friday morning. A oil heater at the family home brother died from burns Tuesday explocled shortly after 7 o'clock. and another brother is in a critl· A m!ighbm·, Robert Gilbert, as­cal condition. sisted by Donald Dikeman, helped

VAN•s Sinclair Service

Ill S. Ccdor Phone OR 6-4641 In the opening of tho sale in the

downtown· area. 'Tuesday, May 7, the house-to-house selling cam· palgn will hogin. The followinr;, Lions will canvnss tho rural areas with ligllt bulbs.

.ELECTE~ AS 1957:58 OFFICERS for .+he .Campus 4-H club. at Michiga~ Stat.e university are; (left 111~1J~:~d Bedore, .Tacltson, spec;]. to rrght) Elarne Fr?der1ck, !"Jas.on, recordmg secretaryj D.on W~ssman, !"larme Coty, treasurerj R!chard ing, $5.

Flames took the life of Lillian Mrs. Wnrd away from the porch Marie, 5, and .Tack Dean, 7 from where she had fallen after months, children of Mr. nnd trying vainly to rescue her chll· Mrs. Russell Ward, 2600 East dren. The men brolte n window Cuvnnaugh road. In Sparrow hos· nnd groped through the heat and pita! with first, second and third smol<e to get ·Jack und Russell. degree burns is Russell, Jr., 3, .Mei·rlll stumbled out without ns: Another brother, Merrill, 2, ww;; slstance. Cillbert went hack Into less seriously burned. The moth· the flumes in an attempt to get er, also burned in the fire, was the girl but' was unable to reach

During the third wecik in Ma~·. they will contact local business places ancl take orders for bulhs.

Allen Hayner, parilamentarulnj Suzanne Thompson, Dansvrlle, vrce-presrdent .and program cha1rmanj Eugene Joslin, Perry speeding Arnold Girbach, Ann Arbor, presidenti Joyce Wilson, Mason, social chairmanj and Evelyn Joyce Carl- $8. · ' ·' son, White Cloud, agricul'ture council representative. Not pictured is Carol Nelson, .La Grange, llli- Donald Brodsky, Brighton, -------------------------

able to leave the hospital Sunday. her. ·

nois, corresponding secretary. (MSU photo.) speeding, $10, and running stop ~ * * * ~· " "' "' 0!< sign, $5. Ingham County. News April 25, 1957 . Page 3 FRANCHISED DEAlER

In lheit· light bulb selection, they have fluores·cent tubes, and outdoor llood, spot, nnd service bulbs; :uHI others .

At Wcclnesclny evening's mrcr-Campus Club· Picks Ingham Leaders

ing it. wns decided to soncl .Tudr ·When Mlchlgnn State univer· Suzanne Thompson, ;Dansville, congress in 1954. He i~ a sopho· Leonard to Girls State. Shc .. ls t~!) sit.y, students m;ganizcd a campus Is vice·president and program more nt MSU. · daughter of Mr. ond ·Mrs. Robert' ·HI club they found expenenced chnirman. She is the daughter of Evelyn Joyce Carlson, While Leonard. · · • leadership close by. They chose Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson,, Cloud, Is the agriculture council

~: young women. from Ingham and is a junior at MSU. She was representative. Daughter of Mr·. county for important positions. the recipient of the· .T. C. Penny and Mrs. Frank Carlson, Sr., her R·ing Unites

Two Parsnips A ring united 2 parsnips 01~

Mason street this winter. Charles Sha\v uncovered the parsnips· in his garden Monday and brought them Into the Ingham County News office for verification. Tho parsnips, 2 or n ltincl, had grown through a steel t·ing. The roots protruded through one encl while the heads Jooltod out the other.

"I cot!ldn't. have made the par· snips gmw thnt way If I'd tried,'' salcl Sllaw.

The 3 from Ingham are Su· nwurd nnd is n past county dnh·y tJ-H record shows that she hns zanne Thompson, Dansville, and princess. co.rnpleted G5 projects, was a dele· Elaine fi'rcderick nnd Joyce Wil- Newly-elected recording secre- gate to the 4-H club congress in son of Mason. tary is Elaine Frederick, Mason, Hl54 nnd wns the state winner of

There are 90 members in the daughter of Mr. nncl Mrs. Allen the clothing and textiles contest campus , club with the rna- Frederick. She! is n freshman nt ior a national scholarship. She is jnrily having heen nctive In coun· MSU. She has been a member of a sophomore at MSU. ty 4·H wori' before enrolling nt 4-H Ior 10 years and was n dele· .Joyce Wilson is social chair· Michigan State. gate to the National 4-H club con· man. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

gress in 1955. Lewis Wilson, Mason, she is a Officers were elected by tho Carol Nelson, daughter of Mr. freshman at MSU and is a past

new club 1~t Michigan Stnte. and Mrs. Alfred S. Nelson, La secretary of tlte Cotmty Service Arn?.ld Gn·b~ch, son of MI'. and Grange, Ill.; was elected corre· club.

~1rs. S~mon Gn·hach, Ann Arbor, spending secretary. She is a Richard Allen Haynor was IS pre~tdent; Al·no!d, n sop!wmo:e sophomore at MSU. elected parliamentarian. He is the ~t. M_SU: w,ls l~atl~nnl 4-H dnhy Don Wissman, Marine City, is son of Mr. nncl Mrs. Albert Hay. JUdgmg chnmpmn 111 19!13. treasurer. He is the son of Mr. (nor of Hart, and n junior at MSU. ·

-~~~-:-:~-:-r~T':'":---:-"'~-i-_:..,~.,.......---,.----..,.--..,.... and ~rs. ~elwin Wissman, is an- His tJ.I·r experience includes 2

Last Days of This ·Price ·Riot

PX MOVING. SALE Hurry! - Last Chance! ~Choice Bargains!

Moving to New Location ·Soon! AU Old Stocl' to Be Sol!l at Cost an<l Below! Nothing to Be lloved - New Spl'ing and Summer Ooolls Coming Soon!

Household Items ffiONING PAD AND COVER- $4.95 Value- Now Just ............ $1 each IIEAVY CANNON TOWELS- 20x40 ............................................ :.each S9c FACE WASH CLOTHS, Cannon, 1Zx12, elsewhere 15c .............. just 9c


Dish Towels New Style Turkish - No Limit

Twice As Absorbant

Price Elsewhere 69c Ea.

PX Price 39c eo. , . .COLORED. .... •


c"f•;l'(:(p;.;.u;',.~ 9.~).1~!. ~{l;~~~'-'.:!'J_ell111C!l~ ;~m.d.,\l(~.s .• ;:t iq.\l~t¥.' 'trips .. to ._.(;!hi,cago· with . delegfite to tl1e National 4-H club ncluevcment booths. · .~;}~~ .. ~. ' 1 .~ :'' :;(It~.~~~~(),~;~: ,i '

. Sheets~P.illow~~-tr: 1.1·, ·e·· - ' ...... f··

. ~A~,:. r;~. PX Speciclls .FQf.:,.c89yS.:;~.t<·:).:.,.:·::1~.t~;;~ 'l

''~~:E~P~~ BAGS, CAMPIN~ ~QmPMENT, s~d~~· EQU~~~T,: 1 J r~ ' . •. '·


AFTER OUR. • Q .· \ n

c;;;Q ~ .· .. INCLUDING:

Drafn ana flush radiator. ·


"' Check water pump, fan belt, hose and hose connections, repl~cinOJ where necessary with factory new Chevrolet parts.

I .

"' Drain crankcase and replace oil filter ela-. ment. · · ·

"' Add Chevrolet high detergency concen• trate. tC\ cran~case to free valve ·lifters and •o resist engine rust and corr{lsion.. ·

Justice ·court Actions· Roy W. Adams, Justice of Peace

Frank Duggar of Stockbridge eel not guilty when he went he­pleaded not. guilty Monday to a fore Judge Adams lust Thursday charge of drunlt driving . .Tt!stlce on twin charges of recl<)ess driv· of the Peace Roy W. Adnms said ing and driving while license was he wlll'set the trial date later. suspended. ·.

Orbie Dolbee, Mason, pleaded Keith Long. Lansing, appealed guilty Monday to being clrunl<: his conviction of recltless driving and disorderly. Judge Adams in Mason justice court Thursday sent him tci jail for '10 clays, forenoon immedintely after . he ordered him to pny $12 fine and hoard the verdict. Judge. Adams costs ami put him on probation said, "Thirty days in jail, $50.00

. for 3 months. fine, costs of $26.95, with another Garth Ho~~e, Leslie, pleaded 30 days to be nc.lded if fine and

guilty Monday to being drunk cos'ts are not paid. Long wns re· and disorderly. Judge Adnms as· !'eased on bond pending trial In sessed fine and costs of $15, sent circuit court. Howe to jail for 2 clays nnd plnced him on probation for 3 Long was tried before Judge mqnths, Adams without a jury Tuesday,

Edward M. Hoey, again ar· with Howard A. McCowan, as· rested for driving on revolted li· sistant prosecutor, rep cense, went before Justice of the people and .Bernard Pierce Pence W. Robert Wood of Wil· Lni1sing defending Long. llumston Monday. Judge Wood . Early Sunday morning, Apt'll: Imposed a sentence of 3 days in 14, Mason police and sheriff's . jail with another 90 days added fleers chased a Clj!' they clalmedl should Hoey not pay· n fine of was driven by Long. Officers' $10o:oo plus costs of $4.90. Hoey's testified, they cloclted Long doing; license was revolted. ' from 105 to 120 miles per hour In

Wlllls Brown, Bunker I-1111, his special souped-up Oidsmobile. pleaded· guilty Friday to u charge Robert Snow, Mason officer, first of blasphemy (swearing at a law tooit up the chnse on North Cc· officet•) and· was ordered to pny dar. He testified that he caught $15 fine and costs or serve 7-days up with Long when Long· slowed In juil. fo~ the red light at ,Holt. But

Salyers, Stocltbridge, from then on, Snow trailed. ·'"""'""' guilty Friday to a drunlt had radioed ahead and · Curl

disorderly charge. Judge Acker had a sheriff's car par· Adams ordered him ·to pay $15 tlally blocldng the Intersection fine and costs, plus 2 clays in jail of US·127 and Pennsylvanlu. Qf. and a· months .of probation. fleers said Long shot around the

Kenneth ·Brown, Aurelius, ar· bl'oclmde, sped north Into La·n· COME IN TOM Y, l'csted by Conservaflon Officer sing ·ahd eventually reached ·

;' .. : ' Walter Mutchlet·, for fishing with· Waverly roacl. He distanced hlil

ETC ..... ~ ................ ; .................................................................. 25% Discount ·ARMY WOOL BLANKETS for campers, Scouts, etc ............. Now. $4.98

Specials For Men Big White Hankys, P. X. Steal, 12 for $1, Big Red Bandana

Hankys Save 10c - Only 19c . ·\.,. ..

SWEAa' SHIRTS - Heavy ............ Save 70c .... ..................................... $L29 CHAMBRAY SHffiTS - Reg. $1.49 ................................................ now 99c liEN'S T-SIDRTS - S·M-L .................... .' ........................ : ............. 2of r $1.00

·SPORTSMEN SPECIALS SJ.UELT DIP NETS Larg~-wire Mesh .......... ; .............................................. $2.98 PLASTIC WADERS Reg. $7.95 ................................................................ $4!.98 FOLDING ARMY COTS ............................................................................ $4~98 COLEMAN LANTERNS ....................................................... : .................. $12;95 GAS STOVES 2-burner ............................................................................... $9:95 GAS STOVES 8-bun1er ............................................................................. $16.95· AIR MATTRESSES .................................. , ............. ; .... · ................................ $2~98 HIP BOOTS Sportsman gum rubber ..... , .................................................. $9.95 . . '

MISCELLANEOUS PAINT BRUSHES ............................................ , ............................. 25% DIScount .. PAINT ROLLERS AND PANS ~Save 70c ...................................... : .... : 89tl· LUGGAGE- Low Price ........................... ;., ....... , ...................... 25% Dliic~unt ALL JEWELRY, Watches, Clocks, Batteries, Fl118hllghts,. LanterliS;;·. ·

Cameras, Ice Fishing Equipment; Tools, Tackle· Boxes, lfniVe&, .. · : · - Wallets, Novelties, Lighters, etc ....................... : ............... 25% Dl8coiult

T~PS-~D TENTS .. ~ .... : ........................................ · ............................ ~. ~FJ.l:·. TABPS, 10-oun~- Fann nml Ge~eral Use ......... : ......................... Save 25% PAINT - Inside and Outside - Water Base or Oil .................... Gal. $2:88 BINOCULARS .......................................................................................... :W, OFF ALL ~UGGAGE ........... 1 .................... ~ .............. ! ....................................... :W, OFF FOA:M RUBBER ........................................................................... , ................ lbr$1

' . .,

I •

Cases. I .. '.:, .• ~,. , .: ... ·:. '•

To 'Match

81 x99 Sheets

B I xI 08 Cannon Shoots

. Pillow Coscs ffor


Paint Flat-En~~,;,el

Varnish ALL COLORS $5.98 Values

99c Qt.

!. ;

52.88 Gal. RUBBER

KNEE BOOTS Save $1.18


SHIRTS s1.29 & 99c

Soma Others, T aol


NYLONS First Quality Reg. $1.49

68c. p

; '

. · · • · , . out a license, pleaded guilty Sat· pursuers. Long dlcl not take the

··:''At R'ICE' C'H EVRQ:~E.T :;~~~ t~~~~~~ fi~~ln~~ c~~~~l'~~ r~:r~fl{f~a~~a~ ~\~c~~~ed~!.~~~~e: Jefferson· Avenue, just north of. Maple ·open Friday Nights

: •.. Mu~:~~~~~.~~~P~~ F~~~~~~~~oo~~--~--~·~~~·~~--~-·-~-~~~~~~~~~---~---~-~-~~--·-·---~~~·-~.


. "

* • • •I p 10


' .,

SoClal 6Venb. anJ Personilh ''

. ' Open House Is Plan11ed for Orva Harmons

~ . • ¥ * • • • • • • + ••.

Clarlc-Rowe Nuptials Are Solemnized Cin;le· Members~ Stage Regular:·. April· Meetings

Mt•. nnd MrH. Orva Harmon will >elchrnle thnh· 5nth wedding nn· ulvcr8nry, whkh Ol!eurrwl April 3, ntnn open houHc Sunliny nfler· noon, April 28, from . 2 to 5 1'cln£!l<, '!'he Hlll'monH' Hnn·ln·lnw anrl rlnughter, Mr. nnd Mrs. Chel· lfH llnll, will he hosts nt thciJ· home, .'l!JBB W~Ht Columbia road.

Miss Agnes Luellle llowc he· · came tho bride of .fohn Nelson

11 ''" Clarl{ of BIIITyton In u pretty "'", weddlnr~ Saturday, April 1:i, at

.... : Pennway Church of God, Lan· . ·<~ '." ~lng. The hrlde Is the daughter of ::;"I' Mr. and Mrs. Pnul C. Rowe. Mr. .,,J .. and Mrs. John S. Clarl< of !larry·

ton nrc parents of tl1c bl·ldc· !:room.

n.ev. V. J. Grlt~macher off!· elated at. the douhle·!'lng nuptials

;;.~ ut 7:30 In the evening. Ilouquet~ '!"' of plnl< and white snapdragons - decorated the altnr for the nup--:.J lin! ceremony. Two hundred rcla·

lives and frlcndli of the couple at· tended the wedding. Mrs. Grit~· mac her played t radltlonal wed·

"' ding · music, and accompunlcd William Butterworth of Perry as "IH! sung "Because," "I Love You Truly" and "The Lord's Prayer."

Given In marriage by he1· fa· thct•, the bride ·wore a princess· style gnwn, which she made fm· her wedding. The bodice of her d1·css, styled with an empire waistline of lace ovm· net, was made of lialln featuring a V·neclt. Her gown had long fitted sleeves, and a sldrt of sllppm· satin ex· t.cncllng In u full train. She wore a crown of white seed pearls with n veil of tulle, anrl r•arrlerl a while Bible topped with red roses and white ribbon streamers lied In lovers knol!i',

Mrs. Russr.ll Rowe, sister-In· law of the bride, donned a dress of blue lace over taffeta with :1

·net pleat insert for her duties u5

matron of honor. Miss Joyce Wll· son and Miss Margie Feighner, friends ol the bride, were brides­maids. '!'heir gowns were yellow and plnl<, respectively, fashioned ali the matron of honor's. They all wore headdresses of seed

~ pearls, net and taffeta matching .. their dresses, and carried cor-


Mason Methodist chu~ch clr· . · cles had their A)irll melithli;S thll! wccl<, Mrs. James Inghram enter· talncrl members o! Prlscl\la clr· clc Monday evening. 'Mrs. Rex Strlbley and Mrs. Eth'el Newmlln were co· hostesses. Mrs,' W. J, .Me: Ilquham gave on llli.tstratc<l tallt on foreign missionary· wor)f, !or ~~~··;;-;mK~~~ t.he program. Mrs. Ahe' Cohn had

1chargc of devotionals. · . . . Mary Martha circle ·members

gathered at the hom!! of ·Mrs. Rich ani Surnto· Tuesday evening. Mrs. Doyle Burgess gavq devp. tlons. Mrs. Henry· Methner! prP· scntccl the program on mental health. Mrs. Milan Waters. and Mrs. Elmer Schofield· assisted Jliiii,.,Surato In s~rv!ng sprfng '!!lf.'id. . .

·. SETTING A TABLE correctly isn't as eosy c1s it looks. These girls, all students in Mrs, Helene Howlett'~ home-milking class, fut their school /ess~ns to praciice in ., table-setting cpntost ·at Zim­mormiln's .+hi{ week, Each gir planned a menu and arrongod il suitable table service for the occtl5ion. Liricn, china and glassware, all supplied by Zimmerman's, were coordinated by the contestants.

- Mrs. Robert Walker open·ed her responding bouquets, which were I domasl<. The girls wore corsages home to Electa circle • Tue'sday designed and mndc by the bride. of wlilte carnations. Mrs. Wlllh1m evening. Co-hostesses were Mrs.

William I. n.ountrec wus his Rountree of Lansing, sister of Robert Tear and Mrs. 'Robert hrothcr·ln·law's be~'t man. Ushers the hrldcgmom, had charge of Droscha. Sixteen members at· and groomsmen were Alpha the guest register. tended the meeting. For the pt•o.

·: Helen Watkins won gr11nd prize with tho table setting in tho picture. It's a committee brunch set. tlng; Other winners and table settings were Eunice Crippen, stork shower luncheon; Jan LoVette, Sun. day night supper; Marilyn Dol bee, "Shelly's" I bth birthday party; Marie Brown, f11mily Eoster break. fast; Betty Palmer, springtime buffet su~pcr; Jc11n McKenzie, dessert bridge; and Marilyn Do/bee, p11tio b11rbecue. The t11ble-setting contest will ,be an annual project, Mrs. K. 'A, Zimmerm11n said, The gr11nd prize t11ble ·is on Zimmermon's siorc window this weak end. (lng. Co. News photo.)

Clarl<, Jr., llllli Clydp Clarlt, COUS· For her daughter's wedding, gram, Mrs. Rlchard'Ferrls'ga've a PTA c F I PI BABY IS CI!RISTI~NED Ins of the bridegroom. Mrs. Rowe selected n light gr·ay !Jool< re)JOrt. Mrs. Lawrenc.e·Bur- ountry a1r ar1s M 'A 1 I , I II eo· I ' ary nn Vanr crVeen, !laugh· • ecept. on OJJOI'S up e suit Willl black accessories. Mrs. gess led dcvotlbnals.' ·' ·, • .: 1 f M 1 M D [

A II I tl I 1 CJ' o r·. anr rs. . T". Vun· reccp on n 1c c lUre 1 par· Clari< wore a navv blue dress ·Miriam an<l Racl1.el ·clr'cle" lta'cl · · N I I V J I h h ' ~ A • c 1 c er ccn, . r., was c Irislmwrl at tors onored t e newlyweds im· with mfttching ac~essorles. Both j 1 1 W d d ttl" ·,.·. .r.e · ea rrng amp et1on c• J mediately · a'ftcr the· cercmon". a 0 nt meet ng c nes ay a lC .,t, ames Catholic church Ensl

,1•1 b ld 1 h ddl ' mothers wore corsages of pink home of Mrs. J. B. Dean: Mrs. cr Sunrlay morning with l•'r. Paul 1kc r c marl c d cr we 1ngl roses. Claude Perrin,' Mrs. William Part · · .J. DeRose official in g. Dr. anrl

ca c. It was 5-t ere • topped w 11 1 1 M "' p 1 1 · •. ·Wltl1 tl1c Ma•.·rJI1 P1' • fair· only d ttl II I I f 11" N 1 M Rl h W II sugar bells centered with pink Honeymoon In North am . rs. :;ay· .crt ns ·';Vere .CO· ,, " gra c, w , 1 w w p o .rs. e · rs. c ard a <cr of Kalamu-

roscs, nnrl encircled with hucl{ie· The bride wore a steel blue hostesses. Tht.:ty were ln.attend- a. week from Friday, on May :3, lis Bateman and Mrs. ·1~arl ~ou are Mury Ann's gorlparcnts·.

N!!ltlc Ingn Is Booth and Orva llnrmon were married a( .Tncl!son April 3, 191!7. Thr.y hav<~ lived for the past cJfi yenrs on their fnrm 'Hst of Erlen. The first fi!W years they lived In Lnnslng. '!'he Hnr· mons hnve spl!lll the pn~l 11 win· \r:rs nl Fori Meyers and Tampa, Flnrlcln. 'J'he HurmonH hnvc n r!;Iughter, Mrs. llall, anrl 4 J:'l'llll<l· l'hlldrcn, .Jny,!e, .roan, Nolan and Philip Hall.

Ali neighbors flllci friends of Mr. ami Mrs. Hm;mon nre Invited lo attend the open house. They have nskcd thai no gifts he tnlwn or sent.

Rainbow Girls Initiate Two Shirley ClmpmHn Hnrl Harhal'll

Laxton were lnlllnli!rl into Mflson Asscmllly No. :lH Ordc1· of the Hnlnhow for Girls Monday eve. nlng at. the Mnsonlc temple .

AI the clnse of Installation, Blll'iJam .Powelson, worthy ad· visor, lhanl;cd the J:"lrls for their l'onperatlon, 11s It was her lust inlllatlon.

Barbara also nHmed mmmlt· tees for the polluei( dlnne1· Fri­day, May 17, for Rainbow Girls and their parents at the Masonlr temi1le.

berry and pink carnations. Plnlt suit for her wedcllng trip to once at the me.ctlng. ll:frs. (\!bert pfans for the many projects arc Eifert. The pony rides·, whi<:l1 The Wallters wen! dinner guests tapers nanlted the ·calte. ·Groom's northern Michigan. She com pie- Fry gave d\)votlonals. Probate rapidly. being complclcd. were nlso on I he program, have at the VanderVeen home sunday. cake and punch were ·also served. mented her ensemble with hh1ck Judge Robert Dralte tallted to the .·:.'. ~rs. Royal Webster and her been camellcd. 1 The m•r·aslnn also honored David Mrs. Kenneth Smith of Lansing accessories and pinned a pull·out ~:troup .~n "Rel!gl~n and. Mcnt!!-1 committee, Mt·s. Kenneth Belch· While the "40 ct 8" engine is Wallwr's thirrl birthday annlvcr· was hostess. Those who served corsage from her wedding bou- Health. Mrs. Charles .Lnwt~n t>r, .Mrs. Howard Stark, Mrs. De- not new at the MaMn PTA fair, sary. Mrs. Rieharrl Mills and hcl' were Miss. Sharon Shaffer of quet to the shoulder of her suit. was program chairman. Wayne Evans, and Mrs. Donald it Is one of the favorite aUrae· • '' • molhl:l', Mrs. Hallie Bailey, visit-Temperance, Mrs. James Wilkins She is a graduate o~ Mason high Deborah circle had", 8 dessl!rt Oesterle, representing Mrs. Letha lions with the children. The "•10 el Mr. and Mrs. Jaek Eames n~- ed Mts .. Llbtile·· Bailey In Belding of Springfield, Ohio, Miss Pat school' with the class of 1D:i6 and luncheon Wednesday at tl.le.homl! <::remer's ··.Cedar Street third 8," whicl1 originated In France turned home Salmclay nftcr S;ilurday. The latter 2 women arc Clark and Miss Madge Clark of attended Michigan State univcr- of Mrs. Arthur Zlc~gr~! .with · Mrs. Phyllis Cl\crry's during World Wm· I, also has a spending tile winter months In sl~t~rs.


Af WARE'S Barryton, sisters of the bride- sity for a short time. Her hus. Mrs. Franlt Nethaway. as ~0 • Street third grade and Mrs. box car on a trailer chassis that.! Palmetto, Florida. Mr. and Mrs Mrs, James Hulett entertained groom; Miss Carol Garnant of band graduated from Barryton hostess. Miss Jean Fnrr .gave the ·.Fausey's morning !tinder- will hold <10 men and 8 llorscs, John Er.mcs drove to Florida· to Ilk and Mrs. Clayton I·iulctt, (' Flint, cousin of the bride; and high school in 1953 and is. a stu- program, "An .Airplane Island gitrten at the Cedar Street school. hut only the engine, with the bring his parents home. During 1\athy and .Jim, Mr. and Mrs. Miss Betty Hayward of Grand dent at MSU. He .is empl(j,ed by '!'our.:• Mrs. Clara Dickman gaw '111ve decided upon the menu !or capacity of up to 100 chilrlrcn, Is the winter, Mt·. Eames planted Gaylord Hulett, Hazel and Georr:c Ledge. Mrs. Wilkins cut the caltc, the Greater Lansing special devotions. Fifteen, attended ~he .the buffet supper. It will consist usually tftl{en out. In case of bad :3700 trees on a new 60-acrc ami Mrs. Norma Jewett and Rod·

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to· Serve You

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Skirts Drip Dry Cotton•, Polished Cat•

tans, Linens - 22 to 32

· $3.98 Up


Blouses Sleovo!m - Shari and Long


. $2.98 Up , Shorts Pushers


.Cord .Coordinates

Slim Sl.scks

Weatern Je~ns

and Miss Garnant presided at the pollee department. 1'he newly- meeting. ,, o~ ·:hotdogs, baked beans, chile, weather, there Is a canvas cover grove. ncy for .dinner on Easter. punch howl. The table was cov- weds reside at 4047 West Colum· "Ways to Happlne~s . was the egg salad sandwiches, pie ala for the baclt ol the engine anrl -----:------:--.:.._----...,...---------cred with a lace cloth over plnl< 1 hi a road, MaRon. program given by ·Mrs. Montie mode,· potato chips, mill< and cor. the interior can be lighted. 'I' he ,

Woodard at Orpha Ellen circle !ee. engine and the services of 4 men Ingham Cou'nty New• A 'J 25 7

Ladies Auxiliary Installs Officers for Coming Year

meeting Wednesday · at the 1 1 1 I • pr1 . , ·195 church. Eleven ottcni:Ie'd ·the · .Bal{ed goods for the meal will arc < onalcr for wort 1y causes. meeting. Mrs. Sterling MosesJed ·bt'· suggested as donatlonH from It has been suggested hy the ~--;;:;;::-:--:~-::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:--~

Page 4

the devotionals. A short business the 'seventh and eighth grades. committee that anyone having· meeting was conducted. , Other mothers from the 3 rooms donations of used comic hool<s.l

Ruth circle .met Tuesday eve· ~vlll'help with the supper, which white elephants, r1r _potted plants I ning at the I1ome of Mrs. Oren ready· when the fair doors for the country store, m· prizes 1


Hall. Chairman, Mrs. Donald Edg· open at 5:30. · for the midway attractions, can Ladies "Auxiliary of VFW post Howard Roberts; musician, Mrs. Jngton, opened the meeflng with · Some of the 'favorite booths arc Sf'nd them viii h'· the children to

No; 7309 had Installation of new LeRoy Saelens; colorhearers, a poem, "No Strangers," ·by be.lng repeated this year. These thr,lr rooms wlwrc. they will he 1 officers Monday evening at St. Mrs. Donald Strickland, Mrs. Ralph Rhea. After a short busl· will ,Include the sale of used picked tl p hy the Girl ScoLtls for I

James church. Mrs. Mable Fav- Frank Schmidt, .Mrs. Robert Pal· ness meeting, devotions were comic bool<s, baited goods, candy, distribution. · , · rcau of Lansing. did the Install· mer. of Holt; and Mrs. Francis ~:tlven by. Mrs. Edgingt_on· white elephants and potted plants There 1VIU "also be mothers ami i

ing work. Olney; flagbearer, Mrs. Marilyn fore a worship center of tit 'the country store.. Girl Sco~ts .at , the h~gh. school! Officers Installed are: Pres!· Higbie; ·.and banner bearer, . Mrs. lilies and. a flgure·heod · 'the lhlh pond. silhouette booth from 3:30 on the day of the fair, j

dent, Mrs. Jerry Surateaux; sen· Floyd Watson. of Christ. Mrs. 'Rdssell· ~nd cake walk, which have been to J'Ccelve baked goods donations,! ior vice-president, ll:frs. William Delegates were elected for the program . chalrrpan, we"ll received in tile past, will for the. meal and conces~ions. Parsons; junior vtcc.presldent, district encampment Sunday, May musical, assisted by . ·Fran riga in 'be used as part of the mid· The studenL council will .again· Mrs. LeRoy Saelens; ·treasurer, 26, at Ypsilanti. They arc Mrs. Evans playing ·the violin, and .. attractions. sponsor fl dance, the· "Country

i Mrs. Perry Days of Lansing; sec- Church and Mrs. Parsons. Mrs. Mrs. Geneva chadwlclt at ihe - New""projccts will Include . 2 Frolic," in the gymnasium later 'retnry, Mrs. Darwin Church; Bergcon and Mrs. Olney arc a!· piano. Several "semi-classical ~y·an~ering "pocket Ia riles" wear- In tre evening. Everyone may al-l chaplain, Mrs. Duane Barr; con· ternatcs. Mrs. Surateaux will duel's were played. Poems were ln·g . big dresses covered with t~nc · ·· • .,_ ,, J

ductresr., Mrs .. John Bergeon; also be attending the encamp· read by Mrs. Doris Whipple, Mrs. 1 1

• guard, Mrs. Raymond Ban·; orie- mcnt. William Schwarzwaelder and Mrs. JMc 1. poe •ets which may be REV. ·RODD AT CONFEHENCE year trustee, Miss Wilma Town· E• velyll Sllaffer. mlle lllstory . of .pi cited!> for a prize. There will also Rev. Clarence Rodrl left Mon· The next re,ular meeting will - •· be a uncl1 b ar 1 th · • send; 2-ycar trustee, Mrs. Jamc~ "' several Easter hymns were given · 0 < • e concession day morning to attend the Mich· Stub bert; 3·year trustee, Mrs. be Monday evening, May 27, at after which there - was 'group o{ Mrs. Caroline Ward's sixth igan Baptist ministers' council Ivan Opdyke;. historian, Mt·s. St. Jameschqt:ch. singing,. Refreshments of jello grade .under the supervision of post Easter conference at First ___ ..:_;:_...:..;, ___ _.:. __ ~---...:..........:..;__;_ __ ....;_ __ salad, assorted crackers, :.tE~n an~ Mrs.H.Cha

1rles Zanger and Mrs. Baptist church in Cadillac. "The

MARRIAGE IS TOLD I coffee were served by fi1'rs·. Filr· ~ex · a~r s. A1 prize will be given Wort< of the Church" Is the con·,

M M H Soror,Jty· p ans rest Fry and Mrs. Chester·Fietch· for.:e{lc puncl, With a big plush fcrenco theme. Dr. Hyman J.,' r. and Mrs. yron ancocl< er. .. . . . , .. . . spqtty. clog, 2 plush. sleepy dogs Appelman of Kansas City, Kan·

of Holt entertained at an op£!11 Founder's Day • " * anti :3 !?en and pencil sets us the sas, Is one of the main spca!wrs.' house recently to" announce the J .. 9-rge~ prizes. . . . Rev. Rodd Jllans lo return home marriage of their daughter, H • 1 0 Elaine, to Don Valentine; son ·or b OSplta S .:: ... ther new· projects Will be the I Wednesday evenin'g. i 0 :;a,le p!. ·used good toys at the · . . · • • • ! Floyd Valentine of Holt. The Serv a nee Mrs. Albert Newman under· co.unfry .stoi·c, and on tile mid· Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Harvath and. couple plans to make their home s · In Lansing. They were wed went surgery at parrow hospital, \Viiy dhere will he a ping pong

1 family, were, g,uests Easler Sun·

March 18. Members of Eta Alpha chapter Lansing Saturday. Slie'expects· ball. toss, ring·thc-cane game, tar-' day of Mr;·.and Mrs. Howard Kel·' of Beta Sigma Phi sorority matlo:! return 'home Friday.. · get' range with ping pon'g halls I Jog g. · · plans for theh' founder's day din- Mrs. Lawreni..e Whltlilg.llod her as the ammunition and a balloon~~-----------, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hays and

sons, Billie and Jimmie, and Mrs. Lois Davidson and son, Rleky, were Easter guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harvard Porlts of Renssel· aer, Ind., and visited relatives at Valparaiso and Rensselaer. They returned home Sunday night.

ncr Wednesday evening at the tonsils removed last Thursday at aiid dart concession. Mrs. Roy Af . WARE'S home of Mrs. Frank Young. a doetor's .o(f.lce .In ~nslng. . Hart Is lending the clown suit for .

The dinner will be Tuesday, Mrs. Glen Watkins· returned a. wandering. clown that will be

Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Henson re­turned home Monday after spend· lng a month In Arizona.

Mr. and Mt•s·. Bet·nard Wilson and I<athy went to Rives Sunday to visit Mrs. Wilson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Phelps.

Apl'il 30, at 6 p. m. in the ,Worn· home from Mercy hospital'; Jaclt· se111ng balloons while Mrs. Mere­en's club house, Lansing. The son, Saturday.·. . • dlth Lopet·, Mrs. Howard Oesterle ritual for new pladgcs will also Patients In Mason General hos· al)d Mrs. Tom Roshcr will super· he given. Archie TarpoJT's res- pltal this week are Mrs. Fred vise the balloon concessions and tuurant will cater the meal. Shepard and Mrb Dale Rles of Loper and Mr. Oesterle will

Mrs. Young gave the program Dansville, Mrs. Edna· .Miner of blow up. the balloons. 1 in the theme "Tools for the ·Art L 11 d M H ld s 1

es e an rs.,, aro · m t!1, C!!lle, Ice "ream and cot'fec will of Life," after which Mrs. Joe M 1 Ott d M H B 'k -De orv n an rs. arry a • agal~ be served J'n the sewt'ng an assisted the hostess In "" serving refreshments: . erAmong . patl~nts. ro·om throughout the evening, and

The Famous Grill in Lansing f 11 1 11 1 d · 1 ll'opcorn, mill> and soft drinks III b I t•om 1e Josp a ur ng will also be sold In tl1e building. I w · e t 1e scene of the sorot·· k M WI

wee were rs. · :The. outside attractlo11 will be lty's· Mother's' Day breakfast Dansville, Connie Saturday, May 11, at 10 a. m. let• of Mr. and Mrs. Don . rl<jes on the "40 et 8" engine from

• • * tlg of Holt; Emerson Sheil111'd. 'Lansing as the concession of Mrs .. I win Ammerman, H. Hazel Box's Cedar Street second '

Baptist Women Have Meeting .Baptist Women's Society met

Tuesday at the church with 21 members present. Mrs .. Clarence Rodd, · vlce.presldent, conducted the meeting In the absence of the president, Mrs. Lyma'n ·Freshour.

Annual reports were given, and tile nominating committee announced the" o1Ticers: · Pres I· dent, ·Mrs.· Freshour; ·first vice· president, Mrs. · OI!ve Brown; second vlee.presldent of 'Christian service, Mt•s. Chilrles Turner; third, vlce·presldent. o! social nc· tlvltlcs, Mrs. Robert Sturman; treasurer, Mrs~ Ellsworth Brown: sec·retai'y, · 'Mrs. Hugh Bartley: and new member of the nomlnnt· lng committee, Mrs. Howard Coy',

Serving on the nominating committee arc Mrs. Ralph Hall, Mrs. Harry Smith and Mrs. Ivan Helncelman. :

Orville Shaw, , Glen Rice, Karen ter of Mr. and Mrs. : Pamel<~ Tiffany, .daughter· · .M1:.· and Mrs. John Culham or and Mrs. Fred Tiffany: ~tid Cilailsvlll~ are parents of a son, gy Le.e Densmore,· daughter . Brian ·Arthur, born Wedhesday, Mr. and Mrs. Don Densmore.· Aprll17, at St. Lawrmicc hospital,

·• • *. · · ·: ' Lanslng:"The Culhams have an-Eas.ter guests of' Mr. and Mrs.· otliet• son, Alan, a year old, ·

Clifford Petty W\)re·r~k iini:l Mrs.. ·A soli was born to Mt•, and Malcolm Petty .and family and Mrs'. Russell Weldon Thursaay, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wlieden: of April 25, ·at Mason General hos· Lansing. Malcolm Petty and Mrs. pltal. · , . Wlleden are so11 and .datlghter .. of ... ·Mt\' and M1·s. George Burkman the Cljfford Pettys~ · , · · , . · . East Lan·slng. are the parents

Mrs. Frank· VanderVoort. of ·:a·,. daughter born at Mason East Lansing .was .·a·. ·week end · hospital on Wednesday, guest of Mr. :and Mrs .. Ilerber.t April· 24.. · Howe. Theil• sol). and da\ighter·ln· >Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Now. law, Mr. and, Mrs·. Larry. Howe, Ill'! of Dansville announce the and sons were .. sunday guests at birth of,a daughter on Thursday, the Howe home. . . : : · · · ,·. \. Ap'rll 25, at Mason General llos·

Mr. and Mrs. Eber "J.: Robinson pi tal: .. . · spent the E_astcr week :·en·d· wl,tli .. · ;,:, daught~r, Susan Marie, was their 4 grandchildren .. Jn: PahjeS· born ··to Mr. and Mrs. · Robert ville, Ohio.· Their pai't!nts, .Mr. Scam on Friday, April· 19; at Ma-lnd Mrs. Chon Robinson are· on son .General hospital: · · · a 10·doy vacation In Florida. The . ·banlel Eot;l· Stolz was born to Robln.s'cin~.: 'left'.· T!tlii.'sday Mr;:and .Mrs .. Stanley Stolz of 'lnd · retm;ned, liome Moridily; . : :' Alma·. 9n ·Sunday, April 21; nt . · Mr. an~ ¥rs. Walter .C.· .Hin~le Masol) General hospital. · ,




CAMERA ;i:~h . .

$'·&.so·· · N,thing .. D.~wn

SOc p,r, week

Your Dealer


to. Sfal' in you,;·:$pr,ing;;. wal'dl'obe

Gabardines ... .) Flannels ' .

· Tropicals. Lustrous . ..


See, our. cye-t.sking' .srroy of .the. ~ewest f.sbrics, colors, p~t. terns t.o help you "sla'cker1'.up" for and r~laxing, , .·•. . . . . . . . :r . !j , • . . . ·'

this spring' and summer •. •'



Mrs. Ivan Helncelman · had charge of the. program','"! Have Seen the Lord." Letters were read from missionaries In Cuba, Indln, Japan and Oklahoma. ¥rs. Rus· sell Slee gave devotions.

Lunch. Was served at the close

<J( Streeter,. Illinois, SJ'!d' Ru~IK!l.l : .. ,On Monday, April 22, a son fiinide Of the .U~ly~rslty of ~lch· wofl:·borri· to· Mr. and Mrs. Jnck lgan spent .,the week end•' with Wlllhims:.of. Holt at Mason Gen. theh· parents, .. Mr; 'and· Mrs •. , . .r. ~r'al)iosp!toJ •. He has been named

I ,


Edward.Hinkle. · . ·; Mark David. "•"'<"\'"''""~·,• ~ ........... ...;... ......... ::.. . ..:..: .. ,..,.•~ ... 1.,_.'.·,,-- .. , I '•''-' '' ' •. ••• ~ '

·• ';;!l~~~...,. ... ..,..., .... lllllll~""'"'"""~~,....~""""''"!!!"'~~ ....... of the meeting. :;.;;. ' .. ,.,.,, "",'.,-;··.'•.''•: . . ·

·,I I I



Mrs. Silyder Is ·President of Woman's Club

:.,i j

.. , '.

... -. ..

Warm Weather- L~'nch·

Egg 1 '. •

.Sandwich·' . . ' ., '.


Rich Malted ... ...

A SOc Value· ·' •, .·

Soe Our Big Bulk Ice Cream Display.Feitturincj Harvin's Finest! · ' · ·

Mason Dairy· ... Jic;~.r·,., 142 W. Maple

. . .

-L~---a··n·: .. ~~-·-: :~·~'n.'::~ ·~ .. -g>. --~)~p:1lle:;:.;i~.h-w;,;i:;~,::;;,:: J;~ .: .. ": · ~u·, 1~ .·.l .... ·l~.· .. : .. i· .. ,.

OPEN HdUSE ·Sunday, Apr;l ~8

. . : . ' . '

f ~ ·,: .

''i ·; :·:··

Come on oUt~ If'* i ~REE , · ' : ' ' I ' ,' ' ,' ' • :' ' ,1 • ~ ' 'I 'I ' ~ ' : ' \ ': ,' •' ''' • '

Sunday aft~rno~n th~ top dri~~rt i~ tlli,ltii'tJ; ;wilt b,~,.~ut'·g~~in!Hhe_ f~~i:of t~; ·: ·· i, · track ar:~d their cars. Watch the action, Jeol- th~. ~,xcitimerit.: ·. Ltrisin'g Speedway of. fers you the best modified stock car enteiiainment'iri th~ ~+ett ·: · · · · · · · · ..

OHicial. Raci~g :;$,&~sd,~ Sta~S ·. · · . . ' . '. . ,._·: : ' : :·' > . ': . '. . . : :. \: .. . • ·.: : ' '; : ~· -: .

Friday Nigh_t_·.)~~~i :·~ay_· 3 ·_:. ··.-; , ." . \ . I . . :· , .· .

• • ' '. ·.• !

Sunday. N.ig~t · .... IM,ay .5 ' '' ': ; ,: ' '' '\.(' j·~ ::, '' :' ,:•: .. :, ;, I~~ > :• /j,:' ; •

AND EVERY FRIDA-Y AND SUNDAY.N'I~HT tHERE~~TER ... '. ', !:• ,-i• ... ' • '·! .: ... ·

Fast :·cars ·' ..

. . '

·Death Clai-ms · .Alic-e ·.corw:ih

•\', ' 1 •' 0

',• I; I, I'' 1 '

.. Mrs ... Aile~ ,A,' C9rwln, ·SO,. of Onpndaga, dle.d: Tties<Ja'y ,m,o~;n­lng at .the·'Keeney rest:home:on US·f27-utter a ·Jpnt siCiuies~:-.:Mrs. Coi'wln. was th:e- .dailgllte~ .ot M1i. and ... Jay,. B!ildwln;. ,pJqnee~:s of the area~ She was.'i(niember ot Onoricjagii· congr~gatfonat 'church, Ladles.· Atd, ·aM the· 'Federated K1iowl~dge Seekerii· ·e:iii~.'- .... ·.

April Showers Continu~ For 3 dnyl:l In n row the Muson

Jr.ctor hnH heon mfJ•eshed With . 1\Pl'll showm·s, 'l'hoy r.rtme T11es·

·- __ , >lny, Werlnesdny nncl Thurs!j~y, wlt.h tl1e showers nnrl warm wenthnr, lrocl!;· nm hnglnnlng to ~enf out. ·

liMN (!IIANGI':i'i 1-i'I'A'I'LJS Dcnn llnrmnn .r. Wyngnrden of

he mlle!ie nf hccslness nncl puh·. lc sc!I'VIr!o nt Mlehlgan F;tate IIIII· 1crslty, hns hcc~n nppolnterl denn 1merllus cffeelivc July l, A WI~·· :onsln native, .hr. Is c·omplctlng 10 yours In the tr.nchlng prate~· ;ion, 33 of them nt MSU.



. ·Buy From ·George! You·u· Enioy Yourself!

cu .. cu

.c -~ c



Sweet Rasher Bacon La49c SWIFT'S

Canned Chic.ken 3% LB 99C SWIFT'S SELECT



-Tomatoes LB 39c Car Polish· Wax· Cleaners We've Got 'Em!

... ··-.. ·celery Large Stalks '19C Try Our •Mac's It' Gl.aze

. "Do,'t W/Jx It- Mac'$ It!"

, .. ' Minute-Maid Frozen Blue· Dot Duz Giont 77c Econo. Sizo

·· Oronge Juice . I

Instant Manor ~ouse 2.o,. 49c . '

BIG TOP ... · '·. ... · ,. .. •'. 6~Fiuid Ounce Cans Peanut· · Butter

:.3 Cans 59c .. Including Attracti~e ·sherbet Glass

FfiR mtN'r .. _ Ifou~c, II iftflim' auul lmU1, llnl'lllll llaunhill, llhllllll lHIU'i!lll Ofl, IHI7li6,

Ingham County News BAl"ED STRAW - 200 halos oo ACRES oF ALFALFA HAY farm Tools DUMP TRUCKS·-1!154, lPill and FOR. SALE OR TRADI~ - ,Jcop ENOUGH NU·WOOD ncnustlrnl April 25, 1957 · Page 6

Hols. tein Sale bright wheat straw. Firat cut· fol' :anle hy the tlelrl or put up , tl If If I I PI on shares-4 fields, 14.5 acres, Internnllonnl Fnrmall 300 dem· 8 lwnd high grnrlo Holstein ng n 8 a· Jrome Jay. JOWl t

1 1 II 1 1:1,5 ar.reA, acres and 17,0 onst ra or rae or

1P50 Chevrolets, 2·ton, In good running condition, Also .JoiiTl Deere loader ami Oliver Crawler tractor, wide gauge, Phone Holt ox !l·27!lO, nwtf

p)ci(Up, 4·whcel rlrlvc, hunllng bow nnd accessories, 2 good oil he!ltr!l's, one small nnd one large, 14-rt. ecrlar st1·ip boat, pony mure, 3 ycnrs old, .22 l'l!le, .22 Colt woodsmnn, garden trnctor, nearly new with atluclunents; lnrge lnwn rc>ller nnd 1 !l1l!J J?orrl, n good one. C. L. Johnson, 1125 E. Ash, phone MIISOII 6·5786, 17w1p

I lle ceiling for 10x20 morn, 40· Inch woorl lnthe unrl He! nf wond tul'nlng chiHels, 24-lawh cut .llH ~nw, Easy Ironer, lllw new, rcn· sonnhle; fi·rh-nwr.I' mnplr. ehest, and ncr•nslonnl ehnh· with nrms. MI'H, Rt1ssr.l1 Whipple, 1211 W. Dnnsvlllf' rorul, phmw Masnn OTt ,

---------·------- cows, fresh or close RTII'irlgers, Leslle ,JU fl·3744 or AUI'C liS 3 03. neres, 3 fields of Rnnger and one Fnrmall Cub 'rrnctor with plow, ,------------1'1· wlll be sold In the 133J•rl Wolvcr. 12wtt ol Vernal 11 trulfn, Call Clarence hlnde nnd disc


• • • The Ingham Countv News Phone Mason OR 7-9011

• • :IJ

Wm)llf'R!Iny nflf'rnoon liellli· linn, l~orty words for flOc. Ad· diUuuul words In mu:h. Clussl· lied diHJIIIIY llliH file !lei' llwh. DIKIIIIIY ndvertlslng on firHt 2 IIIIJ:I'H of r'lau;slll!•d uds $1.21i

JWr. Inch. Dux umniwr otis lliJc 1'xtr11.



Artificial Breeders

Co-op TOP' BULLS of nil breeds, Mem· · bers' breed their cows for $5. ·Learn how you cnn become a member, too,

Charles E. Brown Phon<! Mnson OR 7-1521

-------------We have frm.P.n semen for n

1ew of' the vrry hesl top· proved slreR from eaeh of the !luiry breeds. We nlso hnve Hereford and Angus.

Inc Holstein Snlc, Snltu·dny, Aprllj·---·---------- M. Boles, OR 7·23U1, first fnrm Ford Ferguson Tractor, goorl ron· 27, ut the Wolverine Purehrcrl MR. FARM!m . , , Huulh of Mnson rin US·12713R. dillon Llvestoclt Sales l'nvlllon, 2% J 1 Deere B Trn 1 r

· •nile" wnst of Wllllnmslon, Mleh· Now Is the time to top-dress 17wlp 0 111 · c 0 , ~ ~..: ------------- -- --- ----·------ Internn1ionnl 2·row 'I'rnetor null· lgnn, on US-Hi, your wheat mc!ndows- and pas· 500 BUSHEL CORN - Also :l type corn planter

'l'lwse cows with outstutullng ture with- Shetlnnrl pony coils. ArdJic John Deere 2-row Tractor pull· prodtll!llon rccorrls nrc mlll<lng- d Cochrane, '' miles east of Dnns· .IYI>C corn plantar on ruhher up to n can of mlllt per clay. liqui vlile on M-36. 17wl Used Moline 3-holtom Plow

T. 13. and Bangs lester!. Mllltlng I .. -· --------- - -----·-·------cows Mastitis tes·terl, ferti izer BALED HAY - Clover nnrl tim· S'l b 1 I t C fl!!liM't":i~· · -~

Bnnlt terms-Sec l~loyrl J(ehrl, othy mixer!, :me 11 hnle, Also I s y mp emen 0, SPRING Nnllonal Banl< of Detmlt, Plym. Every dollar spent for proper Red Pontine pnlutoes, ,J. E. Mitch· State Street Maspn outh, Mlchlgnn. ferllllznllon will return at lcnst c·ll, 2072 Rolfe! rnncl, phone Muson Phone OR 7·0141 SPECIA,LS

Also nne of the hest ~1'01111 nr $3, Consult. us about soil tl!stlng OR ll·47H4. 17wl --------- -·- --- -----reglslr!red Hf!lfers to hP seen any·· fnr sprlpg fertilizer needs. our -·- -- ------ FORAGE HARVESTER-1955 de· STATION WAGONS' whcr·e this year. prices are r.ompetltlve. luxe, Excellent for shredding

Farm Tools , corn stall<s, green chopped hny Hl5u FORD Country Sedan For· C. B. Smith

Sales Manager nnrl Auctioneer Williamston, Michigan


, nnd sft·aw. Phone Lansing IV I rlor. Sr!nfoam green, .~pot less. ------- 7·5880. 12wtf Rndlo, heatm·, many extras, LIQUID FERTILIZER CO, N t B I

Dnnsvllle Phone MA 3·2363 FARM BUILDINGS - Pole de· cw ear gulll·nn ce, an< rnlcs. Blissfield Phone 239 farm signed buildings by Trl·County lfl;jfi PONTIAC !l-passr!nger. Slln

-----,--- ·- Farm Service arc efficiently en· green nnd white. Rnrllo, lwntm·,


7-1112, 17Wl

CASH TALKS - 8-tn, concrete l!l51 LINCOLN - 11lncl<, 4·door, blO!'i<s nt yurrl, 1Gc, rlellvcrcd,

white sidewalls, runs goorl, will 20c; 12·111. illol'l<s nt ynrrl, 2~1c, sell on time. Floyd Weldon, li!iO dellvm·ed :JOe: 11·lwg HPrii·Mix con· South Meridian I'Ond, phone Mil· crete rlellvererl to Mnsnn, $12.fitl son OR 7·4033, 17w2 per yard; !i-bn~, $13.7;j (11!1' yard; ---------·-"-' -- steel hnscment snHh, $:!.25 eneh; l9il1J(AISER, hydmmntlc, In 111<1! mortar, $1.25 pm· bag, r!PIIvr!l'(!rl

new condition. Don Clarl<, 7 $1.30; a cornplcto line of hunlmr, miles west of Mason, llrst house doors nnd windows at the same south on Gnle !'oad on enst .~lrlc, low mte, CIHJI'J.(f! U!'eounts nre Call evenings after u. l7wl avnllnhle, Wilson Brothel·.~. Rives ------~- Jtmctlon, or !i miles south of Les· 1!130 FORD, low mileage, 35,000, lie, phone Rives .Juncllnn 23-1~·13.

hydraulic hrul<cs. Also Interna· Hwtl tlonnl plow, 2 l<l's on ruhhm·, $50. ----------·----

IHEGJS'l'E:RED Holstein Bull, one CLINTLAND SEED ::lATS, one Equipme.nt glneercd to meet your Individual white wall tires, low mileage, year old, sired by Pabst Romer · .year from certlfl~atlon, nnd needs. •rrulnecl farmstead plan· Snv~ rlollars on this onb. CIIEVROLET-1!l4H, goorl comll· DIRKSE BABY CIJ(CKS, Dnrhy

Mont from u24 lh butlerf~;~t (lam. Abegwelt S('l!d outs, $1 per hush· NEW . ners to serve you. Ask us before linn. Phone Mason OR 7·81!11. strain, hold lllll!fJurtlPd reenrrls Lewis Wilson, ·2 mile:;. noi·th of_p cii.JoFn•.e·DC~nsAvlnllde!!rMsoA~'3·2D28nln .. s,vllle.: 'Fox Field Choppers nnd Blowers you build. 4629 N. East St,, Lan·, l!liJO POMilD Ctilstoml Ranch Wng·, . l7wl ngnlnst nny stmln ('!'llss m· Jay.

Robert warner, 134 11 s. Aurelius Poultry marl, phone Aurelius 1510. 17wl


M 01 em 1 ond llrs1 " sing, 40wtf on. nunta n m sl green. !J. nson on . < .. os: ' ' . :, . . . . llwtf 'Special on Grass Seeders ------------. . tube rmllo, 'heater, power steer· OLDSMOBILE-19,18. Wltll l'!l.lllo, hrld in the history of ]Joullry. place west. on Hnr per rond. Phone · . . 1 b

1 Lll

1 11 This Is why morP nnd more egg

Ma'fion OR 7·8794_. . . 17wl' :AI.;WAYS . l!'IRS'r ·wltli'·. Wirth-': PTO.nnd electric MAYTAG washer lll<e new ng, rn ws, {!! new ns r e tienter nnd . hyilrnmntlc tmns· producers ehoose Dlrl<se Super· --------·---------·--· .d .. R .... f . d' ·Baby'• Weed Sprayers STEEL f t. 7ft anrl out. Hul't'y ~~~ ~his buy, mission. Motor I'ecen't(y over· ior Layers. 'rill's !· ••• \VIly 'V!•.'ll nJvn. REGIS1'ERED ana· gi·ade Yorlt·· ' mot'? an ' owena c~ ... • · · · "' ence pos s, . · · · t 1 1 PI M OR 7 778 " ' " "

shires from Michigan state !illr' _chlcl<s, $~5.00 ·per hundred .. Also Dow Spray Matf!rlal STEEL clech·lc fence posts, ~ 'h· 1!154 CHEVROLET 210 4-door 'IIlli ec · lOIII! ason · 6· you 1,000 ehkks frc!e If you cnn gt·and champion boor, true mcnt· ilucldlngs. J?l~ld .~ml garden seeds. Fertilizer Spreaders !t. Ha

1 nllymnn. Glnclf.'r hlue and . ____ 17w2 give us heller cnnslstPnt ~'<>nscc\1·

type Yorl,shll'e boars· and bp~n. and ~e!•tllizer ·and seed potatoes, I\longade Products w 1lte. White wall tires, above -- · tlvc 10-ycnr records than the bred gilts. W. E. J{ranz and Son, at Tomllnsol)~. Phillip 66 S~rvl~e. N w PTO Bal STEI!:L gates 3'hx5-ft. nn!l 1x!i-ft. nverngc. eonclltlon. Come out l!J;I~ FORF h t:ldor custom, ~e~ Darby records. Bahy pullets only 3188 Tomlinson road Mason anrl Feed, Holt. Hwtf; c b 1 erss J. V, WIGLE nnd 1h·lvc this beauty.

1re,s ami n 11 e~Y10, 0rupnsl gnomM. $3;j pe1· 100. Ym1 rlon't have to

. ' . ' ·---- -·· - . --~-- Lorn ard C Jain , aws rea mrgu n a ~~ , 10 c a· ilay up to 60c for ehld<s. Save Phone Mason OR ll-1787. 1!J~3 PI YMOU'I1I S I 1 01' 7 8071 17 tf 12wtf ·· 1 bl Cover Boards for Most Plows 14~ Stocl<hrlt\ge road · ·' J • • UIUI' Jan. son • · • ~~ _ -~~-- the middleman's profits of up to

Avai a . e Now Lincoln Welders&. s upplir!S 2 miles north of Dansville rond Pearl grny ami maroon. WPJI ----------·---- -- 20c nnd buy direct from Dirkse equipped excellent rondltlon AXLES, WHEELS, th·cs and PONIES-Welsh gelding spotted, AMMONIUM SULFATE l~irestone Tires 17w1aJ 1 • 1 · · 1 f

11 f

1 C ll Leghorn Farm. Visitors welcome

. Ill I. 1 C 1 · Pr ced to It that hurlgnt pocl\· ongue Ol' tra m· or sn e. a 111 our new laying houses on M·21 • real gentle for any c 1 1 : a so 21.5'7n Nlti•ogen arr cr Chore-Boy Mlllcer Parts ethool<. Mason OR 6·49G2, Don Horton, !Jypa.".". Also Westlirln. No. 702

a Shetland pony. Quarter horse, : UREA · McCORMICK-DEERING m:>.nurc 17


·'" _ " mare and gelding. Wlll trade. Thr> 15o/~ Nitrogen Carrier Mayrath Elevator spreader, 4-whecl, with stub ALSO -------·-· ______ --·-·--·- _ strain !'ross. Egg producers from Johnstones. The barn Is at 2630 · Wagons & Unloaders tongue. II. M. Silsby, 1066 South Just received severn! new Sta- . 20 s·tates have vislled our breed· Enst State road. Phone Lansing Mason' El.evator Co. '!' J(Jng-Wyse Elevators J;:dgnr rom!, phone Aurelius 1311. lion Wa~ons, Tudors nnrl For· Frul"ts' Foodstuffs lng farm in the last year, Tele· IV 31 2 I I ]

r. f 10wtf 1 tl - Jlhone PR 2·fiG!Il. Dlrltse I ngl1orn 9· 0 ~tc even ngs. .JWt -----------·- · 1 ors for yoU!' se~ec on. ~ ----·--- -·- .. ___ -·-- Farm, Zeeland, Miehlgan.

30 PIGS, 8 wecl's ~ld, Yorllshlre · 345 W. Columi]In SPECIAL TRACTOR - Fonl Ferguson. Roy Chrl'stensen l?RESII ROLLS. Hot !rom the l!iwtr and Hampshire cross. L. E. . · Phone OR 6·5734 Goocl condition. Phone Mason oven. Order. them for your ______ ,___ _ _ _ _ -~·---


No association to Join or any stall fees or· r•harge for !'epcats. We welcome you to breed Just n few of your best cows to our top sires. We averag-e RO',!, conception on first service.

You don't. have to tnlw only thr. hull that Is shipped on a single day. We lwve semen from all of our sires with us at all times.

Wheeler, 2 miles south and 1.% I·H· A·Y.:...Alfalf nne! hrom· n . 40c· a We have just purchased 14 new OR 7·8191. 17w1' parties or .Just plain good eating. ROMWALTER LI~GIIOHNS for miles west of Mason on Tomlin· a "• 10-ft. Minneapolis-Moline ___ .. ____ - -- Your Ii'rlenrlly Ford Dealer Valerie Brown, phone Mason OR top egg prmluctton plus early . ,. s n mad Phone Mason OR 6·1788. hale. Leo Stone, first place west . DISC HARROWS 195 ~ FERGUSON TRACTOR, just 210 State St. Phone OR·7·96ll 1 6·5528. 45wtf large egg size, exeellenl llvnhllily, 0

• ' 17w·l o[ Ol<emos road at 232!3 Harper 1 1 i overhauled; 1950 Ferguson Mason . Michigan u. s. approved, pullo'r-• rond; phone Mason OR 7·1331. nt very spec a pr res tractor, good condition; 1951 New Open Evenings Till 9 - POTATOES, Katahdin, for. seed urn typhoid clean. Phone Lansing

H 0 L STEIN HEIFERS, high · · 16w2 Reg. price $420 Holland 77 hay haler; Interna· 17w1· or eating, $1.50 per bushel. FE 9·89,15, 63 Bnrry mad, Haslett. gmde. Have 22, will selllO .. You. ----- . SPECIAL- $340 tlonal PTO hay haler, good con· ~ -------·- --.Phone Mason OR 7·646!1. 17w1p 7wtr• Call

can take your choice. Henry lOOO··BALES OF OAT- ·STRAW, dltion; New Holland 66 baler with TWO 15-INCH TIRES and lubes . ----------- .. --·---Brumm 2384 Grimes'road Dans· 40c per bale. Farm trailer In motor. Price Tractor Co., phone and Maste1· electric motor. 417 POTATOES- Also tractor 1lres RABI3I'l'S-Does anrl hud1H. Also ville, Phone Stockbridge ULysses, {;'ood' condition. ':>:.G. Campbell, USED EQUIPMENT Mason OR 6·575'.1. 17w1p North St., Mason1 phone ORchard 14·30 G·ply. Jarred Austin, 52331 fryers. 13oys' sLIII, brown tweed,

George D. Harris

1·3546. 17w.l .5· miles east of Mason, corner of - -·--------- 7·41131. 17w1 W. Curtice road, phone Aurelius si7.e 10. Harry .Johnslon, 101 Ivcs Ph; MA 3·3541 Dansville · ·. Meridian Road and M·36. Phone 1951 Ollvcr 88 FERGUSON TRACTOR-With a --------------------- 3714. 17w1p road. phone Mason OR 7-riHS!i.

85 CROS!H3REb Weanling Pigs. :Mason OR 7·7194. · 1Gwtf John Deere H with loader and Scout bacl(·hoe ·and grader 1947 WILLYS STATION WAGON - - ---··--·---·------------1 17


REGISTI~RED HAMPSHIRE - L.:W. Cheney, 2 miles west nnd cultlvntor blade, A·1 condition. Cnll Holt -$75, 227 W. Elm, Mason, call EARLY ROSE sweet potatoes, ______ ·--·- ____ _ 'Yearling boar. Russell H. Loclc, one mile south of Mason nt 427 s. BALED 'ALFALJi'A HAY_.:. First New Hollancl Baler OX 9·21!14. 17w2 OR 7·9041. 17wl $1.80 per bushel. Clyde Fifer, BABY CHICKS- Yes, the spring

call qR 7-8114. llwtf I College road. 71\vl and second cutting and linled M. M. Stationary Sheller 195

OL _____ --------- first. house north of Gunn school has sprung for hn!Jy chicks.• ---- ---·----------- timothy hay, 50c and 60c per Case Elevator CORN PLANTER, "Blacl< Hawlt" • · u DSMOBILE Supet• 88 4· on Washington road. No Sunday Gulliver's chicks arr! ROP sired,

It Stanley ]{ranz will stop In 9 HAMP8HIRE feeding pigs, 8, bole. Il<e Piper, east of OliP.mos Grain Drill mounted; "Century" weed door Holiday, full power, I'll· calls. • 17wl first generation and guaranteed at the Ingham County News, he weel<s old, Also 200 bales sec· on· US·l6 to VanAtta road north Plows spraye1·, hay ral<e, an(! two wag· dlo, heater and other accessories, . Ghostley White Leghorns, IIoll.r.· cQn receive 2 .free t!cllets to Crest and cutting ·alfalfa hay .. n. n. to Piper road, turn right to flr~;~t Disc Harrows . ons hoth with grain boxes, Call excellent condition. C. S. I(yser, EATING POTATOES, $1 busliel. apple White Rocks nn!l genuine Drive-In theatre. Anderson, 5. miles west and 1i):J farm house. Phone Lansing ·FE I t1ftcr 5 p. m, or weel< ends. Phone phone Aurelius 2902, corner ot Robert Sturman, 23•18 S. Ives Hy-Llne chicks. Gulliver's Hatch·

· W-olverine Heifer


m!les south· at 854 s. Eifert road. 9_8677. · 15w3p francis Platt Mrs. Freel Brown, OR 7·0286. Barnes and Aurelius roads. road, Leslie, Route 2. Phone Ma· ery, phone Eaton Rapids 538

1. .. · .l,7w1 · · . 17w1p . 17wl' son OR u-4580, 17w2 llwtf . ' . . . ~----- -----

BRED YORKSHIR::E::-, -='=:-' Finest In Farni'Machlnery MANURE SPREADER - ·1· @)~ T "I . Some dile to. farrow In .M'riy. M·M ll.nd Oliver ' wbeel John Deere. Good COO· ral ers

$65 each. 1292 East· Holt road, -~mile north of Mason on US·127 clition. Also John Deere 14-ln. 2· ~----- -------·-------Mason, %. mjle west of Ev~ry ':wln. ever/.iear with Pioneer. ' ' Phone OR·7·5971 15w1 bottom plow. W!lllam Worltman, SEE THE NEW PLASTIC~fr-o-nt D d. p t

GOSLINGS to sell. Pilone Lnn· s'ing ED 2·1241. 17wl

1.33rd Holstein Sale

road. ~cslle Morse; phone Muso,n Complete' stbcll now available at · 5 miles north of Mason on Olm· Champion tra!Icr homes. Out· . ogs an . e $ Salut:day, April 27, at 11 OR 7 0489 17 1 mos road and 2 miles· cast on FOR THE BEST In a used cnr stamllng beau lie~. Also a wonder· , . o'clocl<, a. m., in the Wolverine · · · Y'- any time. · · · · · ·. . ' Du:J;>ONT explosives (dynamite) . ·

Ptirebred Livestoc}( Sales Pavll· RED ROAN Wcish stnlllim·,,, .4 . ·.AVoid the rush,,get yours now;. I and supplies. Stephen Donnell, Willoughby. Phone Williamston POR THE BEST in price ful line of W:lltman's renewed, BOARDING -- P~lvate outdoor · 1 'l f Willi ·· ·' ·· . · tlealer. Blasting (stumps, roe)<s, 618·F·12·_, 17W2P used trnllers. Buy from Whit· runs for each dog Green Ac~es on, 2% ml es west

0 ams· .. years old, extra good, very·well . · · · · · · FOR THE BEST In value man's and be sttrc Whitman's · ·

ton, Michigan, on US-16. trained, $125. Also 2· western· sn''· . ; c .. t' ·a· 'WI. ht 'ditches, etc.)· done by the hour. INTERNATIONAL H 'tractor il. ' . ' Kennels. Phone OR·7·97!ll. Still• .,u . ur IS . ng PI n' . II It ox A 7441 Call froln . . I . I • ' Tra cr Sales, one mile east of clay hours 1';•,00·7·.00 p. m. Featuring the very outstand· dies, bridle~ .and blanl~ets, ne1Y. ' -. ' ·' 10 e · 0 ,.. • New Idea manure onder, cu II· AN OJ{ USED CAR is the answer. East Lansing on US-16. Phone u

lng herd of Elmer Kern of Reese, last year, ,$50 a set. Rby·D. Doi1· .. ·. Rot;'tc '2, Leslie, Miclilgan 5'p: m. to 7 p. m., 8·5 Saturdays. vato'rs, Little.Gem 2 14-inch plow, Lansing ED 2·181.7. 8wtr• Michigan. 29 head of good type, old, 1287 Lamh roau, Route. 3, 3220 Wright· Roiul 17wtf tractor fully "equipped .with re· 19~6 CHEVROLET 210 4,door. An BEAGLE PUPS-Half-grown, to


high producing, well bred cows·, Mason, Phone Mason OR 7·0582. · ' . Phone JU 9·2334 · · . mote control. Call Les!le JUstice 1 '1

• ~ • 1 1 HOUSE TRAILER- Richardson give away. Phone Lansing ED heifers and hull. 4-year herd 1'7wl 17wtf GARDEN TRACTOR and MOW· 9·2021' · · 17w1 e.conomical 6 Wit 1 standarc h.ouse. trnller for sale, 29·ft., overage:· '17.!3 lb fat. Many of : .. . E~·SERVICE-Now is.the tlme , , tr;nsmlss\on. ~ shn~plcar wit!~ modern. Will sellreasonnble. May _7_·7_40_0_. ___ . _____ 1_7\_vl these cows have re<!ords from 600 3 HOLSTEIN' COWS: All 3 year~ 'ALFALFA HAY, first and secane! to have your garcten tractors and NEW IDEA stall• shredder :.... ml es aru ml es 0 ow cos be seen at

4000 East Frost road, PUPPY _ Toy Manchester,

4 to 7r. 1 lb fat, 21 ,11 5 lb m!lk on old, One fresh .5 days, calf• by ':cutting .. Wlll deliver.·. B!!tler )awn mowers serviced and rend· Model" 60, 3 years old, good motoring. Webberville. Phone Webberville months old, healthy and house 2x, under ordinary farm care. side. One fresh 6 weelts and one -Bros;; phone Mason OR 7·1'786. · lee! for a worry-free season of condition. Bob ·Rhines, first house SOJll.


2p broken. Phone Lansing ED


. Choice heifers, heifer calves, rlue soon. Price :S125 ea.:!IJ, or'wlll :. '! lwtf ·operation. Hove your garden north of bridge' In Onondaga, 1955 BUICI{ Super 2-door Riviera


1 fresh and springing cows aml trade for other livestock Will tractors and mowers serviced at 17w1p ·hardtop. This sharp car has HOUSE TRAILER--28-ft. house heifers and () outstanding yotmg deliver. Cows have 90 days BangH JUNE C.."LOV.E:~ HAY - 2,000 .Miller's Fnrm Home and Garden . . power steering· and hrakes. tra!ler with bath. 1949 model. 5 COCKER SPANIAL puppies· bulls including a son of Zimmer- test papers. Roy Q. Donald, 1287 bales In good.condltion. Claude Supply, 457 N. US-127, Mason, MOWER-J·It. mower,' tralle.r· Loaded with extras and priced Good condition. Will sell for from extra good hunting stoclc. man Dell Boy from high record Lamb road, phone Mason OR Smith, ·~outc · 2• Box 2• Leslie. ·phone OR 6·5519. 12wtf type, 19;)2 model. Used very to sell. $1000. Kenneth Baker, 1359 Sco- $5 each. Also one registered fe· daughte1· of Zimmerman Prlncr. 7-0582. · 17wl Phone Leslie ~U 9·8211• . 5Wtf ' .· _ . little, :$150· .162 1-~anna road, '., ·, , ·' :' :, . field road, :Leslie. phone JUstice. male Beagle with papers, one Star Royalist. 10 BRED GILTS Dtae 1·n Mav FI-R-ST_C_U_TI_'I_N_G_ -;;i-ra_Jf_a-an-d POULTRY EQUIPdMENT. Btro.od· llhone D,nnsvrlle MA; 3'3!l21i7w1p 1955·· CHEVf!,OLET·,~~l0··'4;~!od~ · o·'.l!:1:t2~,-~j! : ·J I; l,I~7W .y;ear olfl.)!i~Q .. R?Y, Q.(ponald, 1287

from some of the leading herd~ and June. Yorl(shire and Hamp· IInson road phone Mason OR founts, nests, roosts, feed barrels, JOHN DEERE Model B tractor. vo ~ , There· will be 100 head in all " - • straw. ':Laxton farm, 1858 Tom· er house, fee crs, wa ermg,OPnoe·'\voc\rvgJJieictl·e;a.,.l,Jac-lcllost,laP'ne·~rl:·dc,lo ... ,l',,h,~l·n. g ;,·;'.-:r~J L7· .. ao'm12r.·r&n:~(:P~~~w,\";mason17o\v~ of Michigan, Indiana anrl Ontar·io. shire. Extm good· ones. Weights, 7 2906 '· 10wtf* ,growing battery, egg scales, 1942, good condition. No extras.

T .. B. and Bangs tested. Mostly 200 lbs, 250 lbs and ~25 lbs .. Price . . candler, large Iron l<cttle, and. Be seen at 146 North Rayner St., FOUR DEAGLE PUPS. George calf vaccinated. Mllldng cows $

40, $

50 and $60, Wtll dello,:er. or ·BALED HAY, 'first and second !'gg cartons. Also 8 ft. car-top ll M OR 7 4623 H 11 I•'ORMALS _ White, size

8, and Goddard, 701 E. Rolfe road,

MastitiS testncl. trade for other livestock. Ro~. D. cutting "lfalfa and bronie·,. nlso bon f. Reasonable, 1777 Aurelius or ca . ason · · aro 1 1954 PLYMOUTH Savoy, 4-door, east of Howley road. Call after ~ ~ Donald 1287 Lamb road phone , " . . L F. Heri'lcll. 17w2p Gas saving overdrive. A sharp one blue, size 9. Margaret Su d y 1U 2p Bank terms-See Floyd J(ehrl. ' ' baliid · Jurie. clover hay. Allen road, phone Holt OX 4·2361. . H. BI'ady, 2965 Heeney' road; Sto'ck· or n a · w

National' Bani' of Detroit,· Plym. ;Mason OR 7·0582

·· 17


Frederick, 1 mile south of Mason Van Euen. 16w2 OLIV)!:R · RADEX PLOW, 2-bot· car in every way. bridge, phone UL 1·4851. 17w1p outlf, Michigan. ori US-127,· phone Mason OR I' tom 12-inch. Also oats ami DAVENPORT and 2 chairs, $15.

H F d G , . 7·0111. . lwtf ·LOST-Wheel barrow. Five dol· straw. Lovern J(osler, 2661 W. 1954 CHEVROLET 2·0 4-door. Has Ed Brady, 2965, Heeney road, ay- ee - ·raJn, Iars reward ·for return ~r In· Tomlinson road. Phone Mason Powcrgllclc. Nice one. Stockbrlclge, phone· UL 1.48

51, C. B. Smith

. Sales Manager and Auctioneer . I Williamston, Michigan ALFALFA HAY, gootl quality,

' 17w1 300 bales left. Milton Larsen, -~---------- 856 Columbia road, phone Mason BRED GILTS-$55; sows with 9 OR 7-5904. 10wt!

N ·forma'tlon as to whereabouts. C. OR 7-5461. 17wlp 17wlp itrogen L. Lamphere, 1770 W. Dexter 1953 DODGE 4-door. If you are

82% Anhydrous Ammon in CUSTOM APPLIED

Phone Lansing ED 7-727!1

Trail, phone Mason OR 6-4751. FIELD-CULTIVA'rOR, lll'e new, Jooldng fol' a good ear at low GIRLS' NAVY BLUE SUIT -16wtf ttsed one season. Doc!tter's Or· Cl 1 h 'rti d 1

Price-This is it. 1cc { s o e coat an severA -------::--~-:::---:::---:- chard, 1 'h miles south of Dans· Jr s tt 1 ·t 1 'd 1 SPRING CLEARANCE. Chal'n . 1 cs es,. co on pr n s, p a1 s anr : pigs, $100; large sows, due, $80. Lynn Hammond, phone Dimon· dale. NI 6·3212. 17wl

vllle. 17w1 one pink nylon, all in· good con· C L snws. Phone Lansing TU 1953 CHEVROLET 2-door. Pow- dltl s· 10

O I .,10

b AGRICO fertilizer. Order yours 00K 2·2961. 17wtf CHICKEN EQUIPMENT - 5·ft. ergllde. on. IZe · n Y ·P u.vs

today. Same analysis· available N S metal feeder, $1.00; waterers, them all. Mrs. Joe Harvath, 2% at 111Y home. Wilson Force, Route . itrogen. er:vic~ ALLIS-CHALMERS m-ount e c1 50c; 500-chlck A. R. Wood gas miles cast of Mason at 1150 'co.

BRED GILTS, 40 head, to farrow 3, Mason, phone Mason OR 7-4914. . AL COOl{ plow, 3-bottom 14-lnch, with brooders, $20 each. George Vogt, 1952 CHEVROLET 2-door. lumbia road. Call after 5 p. m, '. In latter pat·t of Junc.1 Yorl(· 14wtf 2186 E. Cavanaugh cover boards. A. G. Campbell, 5 Jr., 1290 Mason st., Dansvllle, 17w1p shires, Polands, Durocs, Land· 4 M miles east of Mason at corner of phone MA 3·2392. 17w1 1951 CADILLAC Coupe DeV!Il!J. CLOTHING-Woman'~~;;:-, pow· race· nne! Hampshlrcs, all bred to Route ' ason Meridian ronrl and M·36, Phone· Sharp.

' . Be Smart der blue, !uli-Iength, size 10; Landracc boars. George E. Moul· , , , · ·BALED STRAW, wire tied. Phone Mason OR 7·7194. 17w2p A t 1-. boy's spring coat and cap set,

Radio & Television TV ANTENNAS-Complete In·

stallatlon Including TV towers . Also Insurance · repairs. Henr;v .i'rles, 127 N. Lansing street, phone Mason OR 6·1201.


RADIO - Now you can have a Ph!lco radio. Was priced nt $15

but now cut down to $10 if you call now. Here's your chance to have a· barn radio you have ai· ways wanted. Bob Regis, 422 E. Columhia, phone Mason OH. 7-8981. 17w1

ton,·Route 3' Mason,

3787 E. Holt BUY . DIRECT FROM THE Mason OR 7·3621. , 17wl i953 MINNEAPOLIS. MOLINE U omo JYe 1951 FORD 2-door. size 4X, gray tweed. Phone Ma·

road, phone Holt OX 9·23!17. MANUFACTURER AND SAVE . . t t t 11 ht' •. OR 7 5091 17w1p OVER $10 00 PER TON ON ALFALFA HAY ·FOR SALE.- rae or, s arter, g s, pow~t ------ , son . , 17wlp TV SERVICE on nll mal<es of '

------------1 · trol ext d shape o 1<: m DODGE _:_ 1953, 2-door Coronet, '1951 CHEVROLET 4-!loor. Pow· -::::-:=:::::'-::-:::=:--=--:--~-SEVEN HOLSTEIN HEIFERS, 3 Y:0UR SPRING-FERTILIZER The price been reduced ' ra goo ' · · completely equipped. Excellent · erglldc. We have done the fol· WOMEN'S SUITS- Plaid tweed

f I tl d l I Reg April again 300 hales of lli·st cutting elvery way, Also 3·bolttlom rubber- cond. ltlon. By owner. Best offer : lowing to car. Overhauled suil, navy unci red houndstooth rrs t, o Jers ue r g lt away. p I . P I' at onJy' 3r.c pe' r bale 100 bales of t red plow, 2·row cu t vator, 7'h· chcclt suit and navy lcccloth

F. C. Ande'rson, first farm east of Analysis r ce r ce , " · ft. power mower on rubber, 2-row accepted. Call Mason OR 6·1031. , engine, overhauled transmis· Dnnl!VIlle, phone Dansville MA 12·12·12 $80.20 $70;50 second cutting .at only 40C! per International cultivator with hy· 15wtf': sion and fixed body.'· Better suit, all· size 20'1.:. Also Union rug 3·2281. 16w2 10·20-10 86.20 75.60 bale. These are large bales. CQll draullc lift, 2.bottom Internatlon· _ than new now. loom,· weaves up to· 36 Inches.

· 8·16·16 80.90 70.82 ~larence M. Boles, OR .7:~361, 1st al.14 on rubber. Sell separate or 19.49 FORD, 6, . ovcr~rlve, $7": Good condition. Also quantity of BRED GILTS, Duroc Jersey due .. 6·24-12 85.95· 74.35 ~arm,.so~th of Ma~on. 17w1p together or trade for livestock 01,1 takes lt. Better hurry on this -TRUCKS- tom rags, some sewed. 4227 Wat·

television. Also radio, phono· grnph and amplltler repair. Com· plcte service. Hemy Fries, 127 J:{. Lansing street, phone Mason 'OR 6·1201. . 16wtf

ROSS' R'ADIO 8i TV SERVICE. Is your TV antenna In good

shape? Service on nil · mal<eil. · , tD farrow June 1. LaVern Ei;, . 5·20·20 . 82.60 70.50 185 -B~LES .OF. ALFALFA and grain· or what have you? Wllll one. 124 High street, Leslie. , . , son, Holt, Phone OX 4·6976. ilred, 21,4. miles northwest of Les- · These are the SPOT .CASH b, N · t 48r.7 Bl k finance Roy D Donald 1287 .17wl. 1956 CHEVROLET 'h·ton plclmp. : 17wP . Jie, 3790 Tuttle road, phone I:.cslie' prices . . ·o! Kl.EIN'S PLAN1: rn :~m:. t~;-:,~ 'n Old . ac d Lnmb ~and pho~e Masdn OR: RELY ON BUD'S . . GIRL'S BROWN and white JU 9·2748. · 16wtf FOODS delivered to your farm In ° oa[ · e . · D an 7 0582 ' 17 :2' '956 FORD I' - 1 'k

Ross Richmond, 1960 Chestnut,- ! 1

Holt, phone Holt OX 9·2428 .

· SO·lb bogs. Bulk prices are $3.50 Bellevue. D. Winchell. 17w1p · · w · :AUTO PARTS FOR: THE ·' ~ ' .._,l:·ton P c up. check coat, s!ze 8, very go~d USED 1'V _ 21-ln. Admiral tab\~ 'less per ton.. ENSILAGE-...:..~ ·doors of corn FORD_ 2·14 ln. plow. used 1' FINEST NEW,ANO USED , condition; boys ~·ple~c. ,brown mod,el. 17·1n Sllvertone table

You can deduct at lea·st $2.00 ensllaee. o. D. Crowell; .174-s. ycnr $100 Phone Lansing EDI AUT0MOBinE·EQUIPMENT , 1954 CHEYROLET %·ton,plckup. ga.~ar;:dlne suit with. a ~rown n:nd ·model with ·new picture tube.


·., .Shorthorn Cattle

Sale · more per tdn 'If you plclc up your Meridian road, Mason,. phone Ma· 7·9126' ' 16wl!, . AT THE.LEAST · : : Hydramatlc. · , tan'checlc jnc~et, size 6.''Also gh·l~s. Harold Lavis, 655· N. Cedar, Ma· fertilizer at our .plant . . son. OR 7·1485.: · . 17wl ' . , .. POSSIBLE COST!. I: ' size. 8 dresses. P)tone Mason OR s~n. 1· 17wl

. , We also' have 5·10-30, .. 4·24·12,,' _ DISK, 10 ft;, recmlditloned 'since: 'TRANSMISS,IpNS ..._ Automa·l ~953 FORD. Sedan Delivery. This 6·1394. . · 16wtfp .--.---. ----,-------:-•. Purebreds and Grad"S. 0·28·U, 4·16·16, 0·20·20, '. 0·12·36, CHICKEN· MANURE - Reason· used. l{enneth Graham, 3787/ • '*o' sotansdard Mnnd ovlerdrlve I' Is .a sharp one. Bu."ld' •"ng' M··, 'ate' r'l; a''l''s". Ho' us· ·e· 'hold Goods ; " - 6-24·24, 7·28·14,' 14·14-14, and any . able. Excellent for gardens and Edgar road, phone U!slle JUstice! M T R - any ate models,. ·

s t M 4 1 fertlllzcr material at LOW, LOW lawns. ~Ill deliver In large qUa!l• 9·3749. . 13wtft.• BATTERIES : a951 CHEVROLET COE long I :

a'' ay ' P: m., PRICES.· · . . Utles. John Chilson, phone Mason '''NEW MUFfLERS , h b I t1 . -~ SEWING MACHINES--Convert Fairgrounds-: Charlotte , SATISFACTION GUARANTEED· Olt 7·0508. 17wi 3·UNI'),'. CHORE ·BOY 'milker,, ' NEW TAILPIPES , w eel ase p a orm. REDI·MIX CEMEN!l' and' mortar. · yo~r treadle·ln'to ~an electrip



, : ... •. · . complete with pipe line, glass I . · ' · Just the thing 'for small 'jol)s, portable, $29.50 All mnl•es rq. Klein< Soil Se~v·ce ALFAL'I\'A HAY:-Flrst and ~e.c· jugs_ and a· can heads. This, Uilitl' a· d~ A 'tO p ·f ·. I I AI Rice Chevrolet Add' water only and It's ready to paired nnd serviced. Also usea

I, . . ond cuttings. Al!lo Bonda seed complete for milking parlor, use(tl U . 5 U ar 5 . · use. Thorburn Lumber & Coni portable machines ·for sal~. Fowlervlllc, Michigan oats. Willard Foote, 3122 Phlllips 8 months. Sam Conway, 20781 · .I : Open Friday Nl,liti- Co.; 2. lilockil· nor.tlt· dN!:olQmbhi: Wor)d'nrd Sewing . Machine SerV· Phone CAstle 3·8732 road, phone Lnnshig ED 7·7703. Fitchburg . road •. Phone· Stock- 1 2 miles s~utli of Holt· on US·127i l Phone OR·7·3061 street on Mason street. Phone Ma· Ice, phone Holt OX 9·2245, ,4665

16w2 . .17\Vl bridge LO 5-3065. . l5w~r:· Ph~ile ox o:2154 'I: . MBIOU ' ~~n-~~-.:~~~1. ' ' 17wl I~t·ental .. A~~:·-.:~~.~~~· 33wtt •"•' ' I ' '

1 • I • 1 '• 1" • •• • ~ • I ', '

I ll i


.NeWs Wallt m.OTJIINO - Dress In Ellstel" (ll'.Sl Willa' thl8 hlun 1'111'1'(1 K(aj'hiJl' th'I'SH, sl:r.11 12, wnm nnly 'man HI'IIHOII, l'hmu• IV IHIII77,

' .


Ingham County News April ·25, 1957


Page 7 ADMIRAL 3Q·Inc•h electric rangr.,

$17!1.95; Admiral 10-ft, freez. e1·, $1R9.!lfi; Admll'lll 20·fl. cheat freezer, $373.!15; Mnytng rn1to· math• washer and 1Jryer, $13!1,!15 and old waHher. SIIAIJ~· Irnple· ment Co., State strcwt, Mason, phon1• MnRon OR 7-01,11, 17wl

MAY'l'AG WASHI~H., GE portnhle lronm·, twin laundry tuhs, ex·

rellent f'OJHIItlon, nearly new, Best offer accepted. Mrs, ,J. V. Wigle, 145 Stoclcbrlclge road, 2 miles uorth of DnnsvJJJe roue!.


EASY WASHER, Wl'lnger type, runs and worlcs good, used

ahottt 0 months, will sell for·$50 or trade for rug. Also utility table nnd cabinet, Phone Mason OR 6·55:!3. !lwtr

Furniture For Better Buys at LPss

Bun!< Becls .... ......... . .. .... ~20 11 p Living Room Suites ......... $30 up Chests .................................... $~ up

LIVING ROOM .'3UITE-2.plei'C, WILLIAMSTON MEMORIALS-tm·quolse, excellent value, first Monuments ami marlters In the

$25 talces Jt. Mrs, Osca1· Van finest granites, Memorial Day ric· Steeland, 451 W. Maple St., Mn· livery, Try us for economy, qual· aon, phone OR 6·5ti3fl. 17w1p ty nnd service. Roy Btlfflngton, ·--------------- 1428 West Grand River, Wll· HOLLAND FURNACE - 22 ln., llamston, phone Wllllnmslon 464.

gas water healer, nenrly new, 14w8 $'75 for hoth if tnlwn nt OJH'I'. ---------- --IIIldlng Olson, 387 West Dextel' SAFES ·- All rnrJKes, types IUJh Trail, phone Mnson OR 7·D501, sizes. Bought, sold, opened nnrl

17w1 repaired. Vault doors, money chests, stPCI deslcs, tiling ~nbl· nets, tear gns and comblnu tlon service. Murphy Safe Co., 5961 South Cedar street, LanNing. One·qUUit~r mile south oJ Pennsylvtmll\ lntm·serllon on US 127 or 1 mile nort IJ ot , II!Jit Phone OX-1-3241. ?3wlf

ANTIQUES - Onk rommode, :J dmwers, IPflnlsl!Pcl, $20; heech

commode, $8; latlclm··Jmclc Phair, $3; 2 ltel'osene lumps, $5 cuPh; enne-hottom l'lli'IICI', $5; pie •·ase, :li5. Mrs. ,Jim Bmwn, phone Mn· t;on OR 7·5091. 17w1 p

ABEL Real Estate

Phon!! on. £!-1101 Mason

120 ACRES, !JG tlllnble, some muck, modern 9-room house, 32x82 basument hurn and silo. llns 15 acres of wheat. $14,000, terms.

53 ACHES Ul5 tlllnhle), Only NEW 2·bed1·oom house, paved' WANTED- Young woman with $11,000 for this fnrm on hnr1l street, near town, aluminum ~orne training m· experiPnre In road, driving distance of Lan· storm windows, Priced under hoolclcecplng, Jnh Is In 'Mason, sing, Has 3-bedroom morlllrn $8,fi00 with small down payment, lmmecllate opilJ1lng. Must ho neat home With full hnsemllnt, oil rmmerllntll possession, Phone un1l nccurute, State quniiOcnt!onfl furnace, dining room, etc, Dullt Mason OR 7·8071, 15wtf In first letter, pleaHc, Write Box In J!lfi~. AIRo 2 good harnt1 nml --- - ---------- --- HI, Ingham County News. 17w1 silo. Renaonnhle rlown pny· 5-ROOM MODimN HOUSE In -------- --- ·---mer,(. Holt, house In excllllent l'cpnlr, WANTfo;D - Girl or woman to

40 ACREFJ 128 tlllahlc) close In, hlncl<lop road, a heclmomH, din· lng room, utility room, flll'nacll, Iull hath. A Jot nf living with excellent farm land at only

2 ln·ACRE farm, Hill acres under $8,:100 lnrlttdlng somo out hulltl· the plow, halunce In llmh!!l' nnrl lng~.

full hnsement, new oil fumnce, IIVIl In nt modern home In large 2 acres plus lots, garage country. Pleasant smTourullngs, nncl workshop, well lnn!lscnpl!d, light worlc, fair wages. No l'hll· mature shade, bearing fruit !Iron In fnmlly hut 2 ml!mherH are tri'I.!B, strawlwrrles and ruspber· not In good lwn!lh. Write Box 18, rles. Phone owner Holt OX Ingham County News. 17wlp 9·275~. 3wtf - - -- -

JlUSt II I'll lnruJ, a2x8•1 IJ:Il'll, ~~

]'[)(Jill <(.Jwdroom rnndPI'II house. I Whipp Farm Agency This rurm I'Ull he lmught with u small down puyrnent. Call

------ -- ·-----:J80·ACRE DAinY FARM- Pl'll·

WANTED-Gurden plowing. Any size gnrtiPn. Phone Mnsnn 011

G·51i5•1. lOw If

FURNITURE - Dressing tnbll! nnd stool,' $8; utility rnhlnet,

flw• slwlves, $10; end tnhle, $a; pail' of hlgh-hnl'ic hend1r.s, ~Hi; chest with 3 drawers, $5; !l (•ln·omc ltltclwn Phnlrs, $5 each. Phone Mason OR 7-50!lt. 17wlp

SAFES-Small safes for orfli'e ot 80-ACRTC f,"J'm, 72 UC'Ins tlnt)nr AI. STAf;ER I AI I d tll l ' "' " " " Lansing IV 4·1<164 - Ev£'nh1gs wme. so n ex es. ,eep the plow, 1-lwdmom modern · Lansing ED 2·0214

type hal'll, Surge mlll<lng pnr· 1m·, :J hoUHPH, 200 acres 1~n n Jrp sold scpurn1ely. Call Glenn Oes· 1erle, phone Mnson OR 7·8552. Paul JJ . .Cheney Real Estate,

CARPENTER WOnK-RI'pnll'ing nntl any type of hullcllng con·

truetlng. I!Pm·y Fries, 127 North Lansing street, phone Mnson OR O·l20l. lGwtf

YOIII' business records In order hotiSI!, 10xGfJ hlproor basement 17w1 nnd protected from fire, Harold hal'll with Hi stnnd11nns, cc· _ _____ __ _______ _ Neal sure Co. Phone Mason OR

menl stnvl' Hilo anti other huil•f· FARMS-From one acre to ]20 FARM LOANS-Long term, low 7·0701. 7wtf 1 11 W --------------- lngs. Lul'uted •m hlncl<top ruacl, nm·es. Also vnmnt 40's, ~,()000. lnli!rcst, for reflnunc ng, ll ng, ANTI~D--To do llouselweplng

17wlp ----------

Wool Tnlwn In everyday

Ono blocl< cnst or jnl! In nlley

• I

James Thorburn j.

Ph. OR 7-fl~IJI Ph. on. 7-nmn Mnson •

11wtf ' ---------~---- ----------

WAN'mD -- A Clirl~llan nntl stat!'·II[Jpa oved home for n 12·

YI'HI'·old girl. Will puy hoard ol' $10 rr WPP!C. Woul1l lllw 11 In v1 .. :: l'inlly or either So\lth Lansing,"" Mrrson Ill' rr farm. Cull Mrs, Sell· ·" hol'll, Jl.tll11•t· !toad Blhle church,; •• Lnnslng 'l'U 2·1112. Hiw2p"''

WAN'l'ED 'J'O HEN;!'- :10 n;r~~;;:: for eoi'Jl. Pho1w Wehhei'VIlle 1

:JJ.J~.:I. Hoy •rullilll, 200 Haywood . • roue!, HoUIP I, Weblwrvllle. ..-,

1Gw2p· ·-12·F'I'. METAL BOATS for sale $15,000 with ~<l,fiOO down. One-ncre hulldlng lots, close 1o building lmpmvements, purclms· fo1· one udult. Nke home. Prac· T~LECTRIC RANG!~, full size, nt Doble lnlw. We are replacing 30·ACRE farm, good hulldlng /Mason, $1ii0 down: 30 acres vn· lng lnml, etc. Farm must he 80 or Ileal nursing. Wlll travel tillY· WANTED --FurnlshPtl apm·tment

$25. Phone Webhervllle 81·F·3, with Jnt•ger boa1s. W. n. Dudley S(Jul locntP•I helwcen Mason cant Inside Mason city limits. Sec more acres. Write or sr.e Paul n. where. Phone Dansville MA1!1sun with 1,11 nlllng prlvlh•ges 101• man 818 Searls rond. 17wlp at Doble !alee, l5wtf ' , . . . this and mnlte me an ofl'er. c. L. Cheney, Fnrm Loan Service, 119 a-2()ii9, 2<15 Flelils roacl, Rot1te 2, and wlrl'. N!•Prl April 28, Contact

. _ _ · - -- and Ltslw on the p.lvernenl, Johnson Agency,', phone Mason S .. rerrerson, Mnllon. Phone OR M~son. _ 1G\~2p Pc•tc1· Cnvnnm1gh, Hospital Cnm·. nEF'RIG8RA'l'O.fl. -- Frigidaire. USED 500 GALL9N gm;ollne $•l,OOO with $I,OOO clown. OR 0-578[i, 17wlp ti-555B. or Glen Oesterle, Mason ,

Pe1•feet I'Unnlng rond!tlon. nen· tnnlt nml electric gas pump. WILLIAMSTON, nenr, 25-acre . -- ---1 OR. 7-8552, 17w1p WANTED- cr.rpenter worlt and 1 pnlgn offil'c, Mnson OR 7'38:31. ' II 220 E A I M D II J I I Jl Tu !l "200 t ' MASON I I --'- rnpn!r WOI'i'. I·Ier1ry l~t·les, Sr., J(]w2 sona 1 e; ~ust s 1, nson, onu c • en ts, .es e, .,. ll farm, good building spot. New • - Attract ve 2-Jedroom i.ci1\<i'- --T-- 1, 1 -11 -11- 1~js " ' -

phonl! OR 7·8451. 17w1 t'he corner. of EdP.n and Ingalls rock well, $1,200, term~. home, .full bnsempnt, 2-c·nr ga- · ·I· wo.1n ce ;u ~ W

1 t 132 Rayner street, Mnson, phono POULTRY WANTlm _ Ileavy,, ,,.

· -- - ·-- l'oad J 'lwtr rage 12K17 llv!ng 'room $12 000 for sa e at t 1e enc 0 a nu Mason OR 7·1151. 5wtf springers and frye1·s, custom , FOR QlJICI< SALE Misccllu· - : - ---·-------- ---- : ---' WILLIAMSTON near 31;!-ncre Cull' Glenn Oesterll! M~;on 'OR Court. Each lot 73 ~'" ft. long by ---------·------- dressing. Will plc·lt·Up. W. ,X,

Credit Available

Foote Furniture !1:30-G:OO neous householtl, Including 1955 WINDOW SCREENS macle and fnrm, 5.roorn ~mlern 'housuc, gn· 7-8552; Paul B.· Chdney Agency, 132 and has s~wcr, wa~er and WANTED- Woman with prnctl· Steadman, n2o s. Edgar road,;':.:

Westinghouse Laundromat, $150; repaired. Let us replace your rage, small barn and poultry Mason OR .6.5558. 17wlp gus. Lawrence Simpson, h27 Hull cal nursing experience to 11ld phone OH. 7.8174 . 45wtf 1439 W. Grand River, Williamston

5wtf 1919 Frigidaire, $90; 195ii Jiolldav rusted out screens with rust· 1 u $1" 000 $" 000 down Blvd., Masorl, phone Mason on In care of aged Invalid. IImn·s • 18-lnch rotary mower, $35; olrl proof aluminum, 'l'horhum LUm·

10 se, ' :J, ' ' '

1' ' INCOME PROPERTY ln Mason, G·4281. 17wl 11:00 p.m. to 7:00a.m. Live ln. WAN1·6o--=-1ooj~ln1< ~s-tor)

----- ---------------- gas stove, ~10. 'l'ahle>~, chair;;, her & Coul, 208 N. Mason stre!'t, 6 MILES southeast of Lansing, 1· nets $130 per month, 5 rooms ITA·V~--D-U_Y_I~R·---for -3~1-Jecl-r·om~ No meals to prepare except purls. JI!glwst prices paid. Also Good Bargains llP."i<, etc:, mnlce nn offer·. Tledlce, phone Mason OR 7·3381. 17w1 ycur-old modern 3-bedroom uml hath on each side. Location Is ho.';;e In or~ ncar Mason. Can breakfast. Good wages. Write W. tvnnt f:urn mal'hincry, wh·eQUnd

606 E. Elm, Mason. Phone Mason EVINRUDE outhoaal motors, a home, automatic oll furnace, A·1. New gns furna.ce. Owners pay $3,000 down. N. B. I<eltncr, L. Arnold, 80!l Insurance! Ex ~l"ni~.Gco,"olcll Du·~~~vii~I~A ~~~~~~4 f~~ In Appll'ances R 7·1602. l7w1p' com)Jlete selection of them, nrc full basement, on one acre, w. Ill trac.Jc equity for good 3·hed· re"ltol', 11110110 Lan."in"' IV chnnge l3ullrllng, .Tacl<son, Mich. .... " "

$17850 t 11 11 c L " ' " '10wtf wrlle me n mnl. .Taml's Whit· ",, NORGE 30-lnch Gas Range, fully TRADE OR SELL- Bath tuhs, nt Perldns Hardware, mnglng ' ' erms. toom Ol se rensonn J y. . . 5·7229, evenings Lansing IV ------ nlmr, 1738 Murray road, Route 1, nutornutle, waH $299.!15 3 modern cast !ron; Singer from a h. p. to 3ii h. p. We trade MASON, li·room, modem house, ~-~~~~~~n Agency, cnJI Mns~~\~~ 5·7595. 17w1 HELP WANTED - Help us Stocl\br!dge. 5wl!

NOW $21 9,.95 feather weight portable, l4 ln. nnd offer hest of terms. Perldns attached garage, extra good ---------- serve Mason's young people by .- __ _ __ _ __ ""' REVCO Chest-Type F'ree~er, 8 cu. ilr•lll, 5 IIJ ln. Sid II saw, 7 in. Hardware, Mason. lGw:i location on paved street' $10,. 2 ACRES, nearly new home, 3 TRADES - 2-bellroom moc!crn contributing your d I s c n I'd e d I WANTED - J•'resJ; eggs. Top. .

.t: $32" bench saw, sofa, dinette set and --· . -- -----;-1 5!10 with $3,000 down. bedrooms and den, large !<Itch· modern home fol' bouse 1l'aller. clothes, furniture nnd ~thor sale· I prices pat:: for eggs on the'", . .. , was NO~ $l49.95 hundreds of other items. Ex· B~~~~e;!~11N r:~l ghr~~~~r~n!~1; en and living room, full bath, Trn1le 2 hedro?~ home f.or 3 bed· able articles to the Mason J\i-1 grade. see Lawrence Hyatt, 30fl • ;;

AMERICAN 6G·lnch Cabinet Slnlc, change Center, 2324 W. Main, Gravel Co., Francis Slusser. MASON, 2-bcdroom home, 4-piece plastered wnlls, oalt floors up and l'o~m h~me-1wd~ Lansmg hom~ wnnls club. We'll pick up S. Main St., Eaton Rapids. Phone """ double comparlment, 2 drain· Lansing, phone Lansing IV PI M OR 71111 16 vtf bath, full basement, 2-car gn· down, fl11l basement, oil heat, at· rm .. M~son home--:-frnde_ 80 nc~es throughout the year for the an· Eaton Rapids '1·4521. 19wtf .

5-<1063. 17wl[ -~-n~ -~s~n - -- _' - ·---'- mge, located on paved street, tacl1ed aarage, mattlre ~.h"de. A fol lntome propelty-Traclc falrn ntlal community sale In tile fall. -----------·----hoards, was $189·95 • $8 500 t b ., u t I I h me Wanted listings LIVESTOCK WAN 'fED-All'' ''" NOW "'139 9~ --- - --- - - OUTDO AnD MOTOR 3'1:· h P '' ' erms. very attractive· l1ome, Au miles 00 s or 0 - - Phone Mason OR 6·5534. 5wtf

·• · · ,J WE NEED PLAYER PIANO - ' ' • ' ·• ., 12 - on homes nml farms near Mason. • . ltlmls of llvestoclt of any age. " f'ROSLEY 40-lnch fully autorna· Hirle·a·hecl, chef! of drawers, good %1~u,pP. U!ll'cl vm•y few EDGE OF MASON, modern 4 from Mason. Terms. C.}:... John· CnJJ Clarence M. Boles, OR 7·23Gl. ---------- - - - Marlwt price paid. Also will do ..... r

tlr. Hange, wns· $34!l.!lfi powe1· tools, r~nrden tools, sport· h. ours, $G.J.,;119 S. ,Jefferson, M1a1• rooms nnd bath, flreplnce, fuJJ son Agency, r.nJJ Mason OR M 1 A 17 1 W d M llvcstoclt truclclng at all times. -'• ,,

Now $249 !lr: "' son 17w 1 r: al' ett gency. w pI ante - anagers ·" •1 lng goods, nppllanccs, and furni· · basement, gas furnace, breeze· 6-,J786. 17wlp Roy D. Donald, 1287 Lnrnh rond, l<RLVINATOR 30-inch Automatic ture. We trade, buy anrl sell. Ex· BTNOCUIJAR.S .. _ ,Actofar 10x50, way and garage, $8200 with - -- -------------- 3-BEDROOM fwmc home with This Is not 11 snles .foh. It Is a Mason. Houle 3. Phone OH. 7·0582.

Range was $249 9'J $1200 1 FARMS By Clarence M. Boles, 1 t R 1 t f II Now' $189:95. and. ~ld range l'lmngP. Center, 2all1 W. Main St., con ted lenses with leuthel' car- ' 'own. 80 acres, modern hulldlngs. City stone ron . unc ~ ype, u job fol' men who have rna nag•·· 27wtt

NORGE Washer and Dryer, de· Lansing. 17wtr rylng cnse; Clna J{odnx 8 mill!· NEAR MASON-New ultra-mod· of Mason for subdlvld!ng. 80 ba~ement. CPment drive on large ment ability and who want a WANTED --Clc;thing~i;;-r;;lture,: .: ---- ---------1 nleter camera, lil(e ne\v; Roper ern 6-room house, 1-plece bath, acre.•, Inclll~. trial site wltltt'al'lt·oacl lot near .new school. Loc€11cd Jn position with n future. If you 1 l

. luxe pair, were $!i49.9!1 for set LIVING ROOM SUI'fE, wine anc " . Ill h 1 o o new subdivl~lon. For sale by own· have eX(Jerfn11ce we \Vant YOtT. hour.cho_lcl terns and nil ot wr Now $439 9" d ld 1 1 1 1 11 gus .range, ;:>0 m., <e new: an 2 bedrooms "nd utility room " d J I h frottt ge 80 1~ ~ • 1 1 11 f 1 I<I ' ... ,J an o was Jer gray mo Ia r, n exce ent con- maple 8-clrnwer. cleoslc, chair, and ~ ,. un 1 g wny a . nc c er, $15,500. Phono Mason OR If you wnnt to learn, we want mer~ mmllsc su tu J ~ or t Je ' . • .·'

fiCA Whirlpool Freezer, 20 cu. ft. clition. c. s. Kyser, comer of deslc lamp·, 'ami u hlnrlc planter Tlmldn all heat, fireplace with retirement' farm close to Mason. 7.8503. 17w1 YOU. You must he under 3!i years ~DillS club commumty sale. We II . ·~ ,JUST $389.95 Barnes and Aurelius roads, phone heatolator, attached garage, Bullders attention. 30 and 40 or

11 e Thl.• Is NOT a commis·l ptclt up throughout the year. All ,,,

Exreptlonal trade-In offers Aurelius 2902. 17w1 table lamp. Clare Elliott, 13!10 located on blaclttop road on acres of vacant land to build n VACANT LOT in Mason, full g_ · ,, proceeds support Mason youth· • · Phllco Refl'igerntors · ------ ------------- Onondaga road, south of Colum· 'h·acre land, $12,000. new home on. 30 acres drive-In size. Inquire a1 Mason Cafe, slon Joh. It pays wages. activities. For plclt·Up service· ,; ..

UP TO $200 D~~~~Tc~!~E~J!d~~e·t~o~~~ hin. l7W1P APPROXIMATELY one-acre lot theatre loc¥tlon, 25 acre traller 148 E. Ash St., Mason. Ray Write today for details to: phone Mason OR G-5531. 5wtf ,

M C I II h M DlllT--=-:-ar;~;;J~~~~r-iety. 1 ld ·t 11 't 0 1 $U'oo park location. 30 acres, modern Squires. 17w1 I I -~-- ----- - ·- ----, -.. a son 'o33R4 G~~.~J210. urn 1 n, p one 1n7~ovn1 . Spocinlly I renter! . for flower ns e CJ y ml s. n y • lll'icl< ho~pe. 80 acres pasture . A. gricu tura For Rent

u • cash. ground close to Mdson, good HOLT-MASON AREA-Arc you . Home. Appliance beds, etc, Marquerite Cave, phone f d t W t d d I Interested in huylng or selling M D'

120 Maple, Mason Phnne OR 7-ii911

LIVING ROOM SUITE,> wine mo· Mason OR u-5716, ' 17wlo HOLT, near, modern 4-bedroom ences nn wa er. nne a ry t ? WI ut h 11 what anagement I rector -------------1 Q · · , · and livestock farms. Call Clarence proper Y · 1 ave yo or . AIJAR'fMTcN'I' - SeccJI111 floor hair $40· Spee1 ueen wrmger· --------,------ home and gmage, large lot, 1 d? 20 s tl -

type ~ash~r, $25; 2 table lamps A'lpRO<';RAF''fi20;r~ut· guarantee, 110x320, $7,500 with $2,000 M. Boles, OR 7·2361,' Marlett co you nee . acres on ou_1 2845.West 19th _St~eet apartment, furnished, 4 rooms,·


:o,t $2·, SuniJeam dry Iron, $5•, 6 : alummurn hoat, c:tUtboard mo· ~ .;Agency. 17w1p Washington road, sultahle for Ch1cago 23, Ilhnms and bath. No c:hililrcn of schopl • t t Ill t llf • down. ' · platting. Low down payment and

A'UCTJON·-=._ Satur·:'ay, 7 n. m. throw rugs, 2 llOx:-16, 2 27x48 a nil or, wa er s t s, ' .o\y rope, c SUBURBAN 2-bedroom horne, onC! .. $74 per moitth Including taxes YOUNG. MAN WANTED - Me· age or pels. Located a l 308% W. u ,. 4 18x3G, nil for $12. Phone Aure· jncl<ets,' c?rlo~ ..... ~arr!e~s, etc. We have severn! good farms, aere lot behv,een Holt arid Ma·· and insurance talces this nice chnnionlly incllnetl. Illgll school Columbia. Immediately availnole ..

011a~~~~:n~a~f;~0r~~e.F~~~t~~-~ ~)-~s ~822·___ 17w'l• ~~~~~1~~- s.,;~tt L~~~~i.50~1~o~~~ ~~~:~~~~ ~~~t;l~~~~~~~~~':::!~es son on blacktop road. Close to 3-bedroom ranch house In I-Iolt. graduate, for general garage Inquire of Minnie Tlwrburn, 410

'l~ed merchandise of all ldnds. MISCELLANEOUS -.Used slip 'Lansing TU 2-2961. We trade. Lansing. Lnrge·llvlng room with ,3·bedroom house on corner lot, work. Good starting salary for W. Muple. 1GW\f Consignments accepted. 15wtf'' 1 cove•· for davenp?rt, $2; has· '· J7wtf OR 6-1161 picture windows. Practically new. north of Holt, $11,500. Contact neat, ambitious man interested in FOR RENT-5-room house, wired . for llving room, $2; Regent -.------- ---- - Only $4,500. Call Cla1·ence M. George William Parlcer, rcprc· learning auto btlsiness. Roy for electric stove, has running· ....

MAYTAG LAUNDRY equipment 'FV hooste1·, $10; used clothing, '. . Boles, phone Mason OR 7·2361, senting VnnAntwerp-D u n h n m Christensen Ford Sales, Mason. wa!et'. Garden ~pol avnilahle, sales and service. Silsby Im· also 4 burials in ·Chapel Hill ftla· nts•Shrubs· INCOME PROPEI~TY of 3 aport· Marlett Agimcy. 17w1p Realty, phone Holt OX 9-2110 or 17w1 Middle-aged couple rn· small fam· ,,,;,

plement Co., State street, Mason, cemetery, $225; 2 throw rugs, $2 r: ments, electric and oil heat. - Lansing IV 9·5681. 17w1 - ily prcfet'I'Cd. Elmer Fro<:t, 2J;I.i . phone OR 7·0141. 9wtf each. Otis Schnrtzer, 4909 West 'rwo units completely furnished TO BUY TO SELL - W:A!'/TED -.Saleslady at Mas~n miles nollh or Dansville. Phone '"' ~IOUSE-;-I_I_O_L_D-GO-ODS _ 21_t'nch Willoughby, Holt, phone Holt OX NOW'S THE TIME to get pansies plus nice owner's apartment. Ex· HOMES . FARMS


HOLT HOME-By owner, 3-hed- Ctty halcery. Must appear 111 Williamslun G02·F·J. 17wt p .... , • 17 1 - 25c per box nnd you dig cellent tenants, good gross and ~~ , , 1 R 1 E room ranch home, 1'/o years person before 8 n. m. ___ _ _ _ _____ _ __

GE television, lilte new, $115; 9"2249· w them. Jewett Greenhouse, 1020 near schools, churches and down· 01 F nc en .state Call Us old. Well Insulated, nice large lot, · 17w11 FOR RENT - Unfurnished,· 4, ;~ ... : 2 lamps, r.hicl>en fryer, calce GOOD USED FURNITURE - 4· East Ash, Mason. ·17wtf town Mason. Terms to suit a gas, rndlnnt heat, gas hot water, . . - -~ large rooms and bath. Very saver, w~ll . can opener, carv~ng piece mahogany bedroom suite, ----~- -- ------ good Investment. Call Clarence 868 S. Barnes, Mason washer und· dryer Included. Low WANTED-Grrl or mu1dle-nged nice. Lot of cupboards. Private sets, whtstlmg ten l\ettle, PH!S· Berk·loclt chair and ottoman, EVERGREENS 1 Largest selec· M. Boles, OR ,7-2361; Marlett 3-bedroom honie, lias 3-plece monthly payments, $500 down woman Ior. cook's' helper or I cntrane••, p.trl<ing space, ym:c(. "::

• •' sure coo!ter, bathroom scales, aU porcelain top cabinet typewriter tloh of choice evergreens, flow· Agency. 17w1p batli, ldtclien and dinette, dining will huy. 2052 Dean Avenue, Holt. ldtchen h~lp at IInlcy sLog Cab· I privilegcr·. Cnlln[ler 3 Jl. m. Lan· . new. Also 12'/::·lnch television, stand, clothes hars, ~tep ladder, ~~!~~. ~~r~bys'·n·:.Sadg~np:ndpl!~l:~t' ----.., room, full basement, gas heat. 17w1p" I::!_PPI~~~~~:~on. ___ _ 2_7:~ sing IV 5·9005. 17wl,, \"-hloncl, French fryer, 2 cameras, lawn mower and floor lamp. Also . MASON SPECIALS- ;~-bedroom New roof o'n !tome. P!·lce 011ly INCOME PROP-El'1'I;;, S-Douhle WANTED fl n lym I t i I l . - -- - - -- -- --------·-' . il I 'I b f roses, iris, etc., In central Michl· · • "' ' - !1 1 a 1 0 Je 1 Ill FOR HENT-3-room upstaii'S fur· ,' cal' s lllll cr, power oats or full-size gas stove and refrlgera· , , . home, modern, $1,000 down; 2 $6,900 will! $1 000 down. 1 h Mu t 1 11 to boys, age 7 to 15, Zenith Trans· tor. All reasonably priced. Phone gn~. Barg~!n ,Prices. Foerch Nlll· bedroom home, 4 years old, full • stnre building with four apart- s gn s op. s Je 11 1 c ni:,;hcd apartment. Garage. Lo-'" "' Oceanic radio, few antique Items, Mason OR 6.4741, 17wlp se1y, 7 m1les e11st, 2 miles north price, $7,950; small modern home, ments above in Mason, terms. dlmb ladtlers. Dodge Signs, 311 en led one bloek from court house.""·' clock ami many other items too of St. Johns. 13w6 full price, $4,950; 2-bedroom, full /742 W. Center, Ma~on Five rental units of oJTtces and N. Cedar, Mas~-~--- 17wl' Not suitable fm· children. Mrs."'"" n•1meroi1s to mention. Corne and INNERSPRING MATTRESS, f_ull price, $3,450, c. L. Johnson apartments downtown Mason, SALESWOMEN WAN'l'ED for CliiTord Allen, 29G N. Clarlc roar!,''.'.'':::

, Attractive 3·hedroom home, t c · 1 b 111 maltei'an olfer. Moving reason for "size, $51 priced for quicl> sale. •·' Agency, phone Mason OR G-5786. hardwood floors, nttractive Ieitch·

1erms.ill om

1 mel rcwf cor

1n_er u c · rcta!J sales worl\. Apply In per· Dansville, phone MA 3-2341.

4 tf

sellfitg, .J24.I:Iigh street, Leslie. Clean, just the thing for your Stark Bro's. Nurser·teS 17w1p en, full bnsemen1, 3.piece. bath, ng w 1 pen Y ~ pnnmg areu, son. Ware's Drug store, Mason. 1 w ,,:,, 17w1 extra bed or cottage. 211 W. Ash, terms. T111'ee.famlly Income close 17wl ------ --- - -----

--'----·-----~-- Mason. Phone OR 7-7102. 17w1p 22 ACRES, nearly new 3-bedroom automatic he:lt, one-car garage. to downtown Mason, terms. For FOR RENT·- Furnished 3-room" ' Since 181G mnch home, one mile from Ma· Home Is In A-1 condition. Cnll Income Properties call Clarence d nparlment with shower. One '

HOLLYWOOD BED, complete. Specialists In Growing son. Large carpeted living room us for appointment. M. Boles, OR 7·2361, Marlett Wante - hloclc from stores. No chlldrcn or "r" Also child's electric phono· " Fruit Trees ' Berries and dining nren, sandstone fire· ~ Agency. 17w1p pets. 129 South Jefferwn, phone

1 •• :.:

gl'aJJh, nea1·Jy new. Phnne Lan· "' Dwarf Fruit Trees * Vine~ il 1 In 1-Iolt at 4192 Watson ·------------- Mason OR 7·4652. 17W111 1


Appliances '' Sh 1 T •' II 1 place, full basement, o 1eat, $ WANTED All ldnd~ of scrap , ,, sing ED 7·7659." ' 17wl me rees . . ec gPs , 500 DOWN BUYS THIS newly - ~ · • -- - ----' " ,, Shrubs ~ Roses large breezeway and 2-car garage, Attractive 2-bedroom home, 3· built 2.bedroom, modern home tin, wire, Iron, farm machinery, FOR RENT-GO acres of goml. ""'



9x12 RUG AND PAD, $20; baby Local Reprcsentai!VI! aluminum storms and screens. C. piece hath, handy ldtchcn, fire· in Mason In new subdivision. also old cars nnd truclcs. 'I'ry me corn land on n 50/:10 basis. 0. bassinet and teeter-babe frame. Phone .Ju 9 9360 Leslie L. Johnson Agency, call Mason place, hardwood Jloor~ full haS('· Hardwood floors, picture window, before you sell. Write or call Ed E. Clurl\, mile south of Ol<emos

Phone Lansing 'J'U 2-2664. 17wlf OR G·578G. 17W1P ment, 2-cnr gnrnge, 2 Jots. Price automatic heat, plastered walls, Bradley, Dansvllle MA 3-2952. at Pine Ridge farm. 17w1

17wl Alg' en A-. Ewers MODERN 3-beclroom home:-;-~ $13,250, FHA nnnnce. 91 ft. wide lot, nlumlnum storms 45wtf FOR RENT- 3-room furnished '''• Conventional nnd Automatic ----- -- --- gas furnace, new roof, base· ' and screens. Immediate posses· KIWANIS CLUB- WJJJ p!clt up aparlment, private bath and en· 1

\ MI.SCellaneOUS ment, garage, storms and screens. Ncar Pleasant Lalw sian. Call Clarence M. Doles, OR articles for Community sale trance, utili lies furnished. Inquire , Silsby Implement Co. ___:... GLADIOLUS-BULBS_ 5c each Terms. c. L. Johnson Agency, 3-bcrlroom home with modern i·2361• Marlett Agency. 17w1p anytime during the yenr. Pro· at 41G w. Ash, Mason. 17w1"'''

USED POWER LAWN MOWER, or 20 for $1. From prize-win· call Mason OR 6·5786. 17wlp kitchen, 2 baths, wall-to-wnll car· 80 OR 11iO·ACRE FARM near ceeds used for boys and girls. "'' Mason Phone OR 7-0141 Phone Mason OR G 5534 4wtf FOR RENT - Approximately 50 . .-.; $20 PI M OR 7 7082 I t 1 G R Pearsall 331 peting, fireplnce, 2-car gnrarre. Wl,lllamston, good Janel and · · ' · 1one uson · · 1 n ng s oc '· · ' ' ' - JUST LISTED - 9G acres north· "' acres of g1·ound for share crop-•"·"

17w1 17w2 East Elm, Mason. 17wtf Very good year al'Ouncl home. good bulldlngs, dairy setup, mod· WANTED TO BUY_ Building 11 t S dllll

·Wonderful-Mason Home






,.• SPACIOUS DINING- ROOM All this end located- on 21/2 heavily" wooded landscaped.

lots. Outdo~r area includes flagstone' 'patio and lots of won· derful ' spdce· for' active' _youngsters, Blacktop.· street in nice neighborhood and within 5 blocks of both ·elementary end high schools. Low taxes, too. ·


----·--------- east of Mason. 3-bedroom home, ·ern 9 room !to use good terms 1 bl 1 1 on College rom Je ween nn 1 ,1 "<r STRAWBERRY PLANTS - large barn, live creel<, good pro· · ' ' su ta e to louse n pony · n. and W111oughby roads. Phone

331/J acres near' Leslie with good location. Good farm tools Raymond Collar, 150 South Ives L · ED 2 4959 17 1 Robinson. Get thrifty fresh-dug ductlve lnnd. Full price only $14,. ·r d 1 d ansmg • · • . w ,:,·,·,,,. good 2-berlroom home. I es re · By owner, 805 Linn road, phone Mason OR 7·6889. -plants of this excellent variety. !JOO. All farm tools if desired at a . · rond,•W!IIIamston. 17w~p



Motlwr patches produced at· rate real bargain. Tnlms $5,000. to of 5,000 ami 7,000 quarts per acre handle or w!Jl trade for good 2· lust 2 rears. Also few Catsltlll and bedroom home in Mason. C. L. Red Rich plants. Nights nfer 5:00 Johnson Agency, phone Mason or Saturdays only. Place order by OR G·5786. 17w1p telephone in advance. No deliver- -~--------­les. All plants Inspected and guar· 3-BEDROOM HOME, hvlng room, anteed, 25-$1, 5~1.50, 100- large modern ldtchen, 4-p!ece $2.50,· 500-$9, 1,()1)(}--$17. Pren· bath, large utility room. All new tlce Acres, 2767 East Mt. Hope interior, just 3 years old. Full road, mile west of Okemos school. price only $6,000 with $1,000 Phone'Lnnslng· ED 2·8127. 16w4p down. C. L. Johnson Ag~ncy, ,cal}

1---'----- --- Mason OR 6·5786. 17wlp

Five 2· and 3-hedroom homes In Leslie. W k d Ul k WANTED TO BUY-Part Coclter or an !J;Or ers pupptes or nny nice puppies 5

or 6 weelts old, by the Jitter. 40 acres locate'ct at n3~4 S. Eclen ---~-----.....:....-'-- 13098 A I d h B tl

" u GARDEN, LAWNS and berries ng e ron , P one a 1 rood,• lias attractive 4-bedroom 2643 '· 17w1 rototllled by experienced wovlt· · home, good land and fences. N j b

m~n. o o too small. Better. WANTED - 4 . good Holstein

68 acres neal' Mason, 4-bed· rooQ'I horne, 2-plece·bnth, modern ldtchen, hot nlr furnace, 30x21 hlproof barn with 14 stanchions, silo, 40 acres of. worlt land, price, $12.750 wltli $5,7(50 down,

C. L •. JOHNSON Agency

than plowing as It brings the. heifers, 400-800 lb. Gerald Im· roots up on top where the sun hoff, 866 Gulieh road, phone Wil· wlll ldll them. Cotton seed fer· llamston 656-R. · 17w1 tlllzer for flowers and shrubs. Mulches nnd holds moisture, W A NT ED - Trucking, new lteeps ground soft. Call Lansing' ' ground plowing; bulldozing and TU 2·1775. 17w4 chain saw worlt. Floyd Weldon,

WANTED - Gardens to plow, by experienced mnn with Ford

G50 South Meridian road, phone Mason OR 7·4033. 17wtf

tractor, near Mason or Holt. Rea· WANTED- Logs and standing sonnble rates. Burt Warner, Jr., timber, Howe Snw Mill, Rives phone Mason OR 6·5636 or Mason Junction. Phone Mason OR 7·6651 OR 7·8112. 17wtf o~ Les!Je JU 9·2326. 12wtf

FOR RENT-3-room unfurnished" ·-apartment, n e w I y-decornted1• • ... •

utilities furnished. Avnllnble in ''M about n weelc, No children oti ... pets. Phone Mason OR 7·7322.'

17wlp,.,~ ...

"LOOR SANDERS tor rent,. • Perltlns Hardware, phone Ma· ' '•1

son OR G-4311. 24wtf " ~---~-.,..------,---~··

FOR RENT - Desirable store building In excellent location In·"'''

Mnson, oil furnace heat. Phone.: Leslie JU 9·3543 or write Mrs. B,, . .,,, F. Wh!ttalcer, Route 1, Mnson, · '!'

lOwtt ..;,,

FOR RENT - Modern furnished apartment with private · b!lth

and entrance, oil furnace heat, lo· cnted above Mason shoe store, Mason. Phone Leslie JU 9·3543 or write Mrs. B. F. Wh!ttalter, Route 1, Mason. . 16Wtf

Want Ads Ingham Countv News Apr~l18, 1957 Paoe 8

40 ACRES FOR REN I AIHo an ap 11 tment for an offlc o 01 n

couple no cltllrllcn uml no pi Is See Ent I Dunsmorr. OR h 'ih2fi


APAR rMEN r !01 rent 4 rooms nnd hnth rlownlown foe tllnn

Heal fm nlshed Call Mason OR 7 0411 lGwl

FOR REN r- Unfurnished front apnrtmr.nt over Hltr hens rh ug

store In Holt Cnl! Mr llltclwns Holt OX 4 5121 17wl

FOR RENT-Unfurnished north east apartment ovet D lllCet Co

stme facing Jefferson Ave Mrs L D MeAl thur phone Mnson OR 61271 J7wl

FOR REN r - Partly flu nlshed apartment 2 rooms and bath

Phone Mason OR 6 5511 12wtf

FOR RENT - L 1wn rollers and grass seedm s Perltlns Hard

ware Mason phone Mason OH 6 4311 12wtt•

FOR RENT-1 room apartment prlvnte bnth anrl entr tncc Utll

!ties furnisher! Inquire t 416 W Ash St Mason l6w1 "---APARTMENTS FOR REN I - 3

rooms and h tl h one herh oom avnllablc lmmccllttely mel 5 rooms tnrl bath 2 hcdiOoms utilities furnished rwr tnd .t halt blocl<s from com t house Gerald W Dt own 1 37 N JetTer son, Mason phone OR 7 2621


FOR RENT - 3 room house nnrl garage Running w tier clec

trlcity fine g mien spot close t J

good fishing small town 38 miles norlh of Lansmg Phone Lansmg I U 2 2961 17wlf --- - ----FOR RENT- Duplex 6 Iooms

and bath Nrce garage Ga<; Heat E 1rl D Whipple 324 W Elm street Mason Phone Mason OR 7 2271 17wlp


W F W1se

JEANS BEAUTY SHOP- Spr clallzlng In permanent waving

for the sptlng benufontasle 1904 Maple sti eet Holt Phone Holt OX 4 8762 llw7•

I WILL HAUL ashes and tlash for weekly or montblv r tics

Reasonable I Will also do odd jobs Phone Mason OR 7 0912


EVERYTHING in ptmuolng fix

BICYCJE: REJP MJW'fG - Oel your hlcyclo replllfCQ

iprlng rarts nnrl ~ervJce Motor Snles 2160 Cedl\r, Phone Holt OX 4 6021 ~.~, _......,,~.~~·~·..,.,,.,.,._._.,.,....,"I

SHOE REPAIRING - WhlleU Walt Lncnterl tight on Cednr Personals

street In Holt one hloclt north of TUniCEY SUPPER _ Come to I he light Pn1lt by door Open the Onondaga 0 E S nnnlllll R 5 30 Spec tal training In ort11o turl1ey supper at tho Onondag11 pectic shoes Nothing nut b~st town hnll Frlrlny Apt II 26 Adulta CJUnllty mnte1 luis Wm It gun' nn $150 nnrl children 12 years nr cecl 100 If I eels Shoe Rep tlr • under, B'ic, country style Serving

lOwtf starts at 5 p m 16W2p~ WILLIAM DAVIS ROOFING and

siding specialist since 19J7 Home and barn roofing Latest In aluminum stone Insulated lnp and nsbestos siding Free c~:~tl mates A pleasure to serve yo1.1 Wtlte or phone William Davis 515fi E Grund IUver Howell phone Howell 717 llw7p

WELL DRILLING - Irn Dally Also repair worlt and In

stall water systems All worll "llnrnnteerl Dally R Well Drllling 2763 Aurelius road Lansin!; phone Lansing TU 21710


Button Hol~s Mason phone


Cards of Thanks WILCOX-! wish to thnnlt my

many neighbors friends and relatives for the ca1 ds I received wh lie In the hospital Dicit Wll cox Stocltbrldge 17M

AMMERMAN-I want to thank the Mason General hospital

staff and Dr A V Smith for theh good care Mr nnd Mrs Bnrltway for use of their rv, and nelghboJS nnrl frlenrls tor till! cnrrls flowers and gifts Elwin Ammerman 17wl

In Memoriam GENERAL CONTRACTORS ~ WEBER-In loving memory of

Yes we nrc still in buRiness Hcmy J Weber who passed Only we are located at 95'i W away five years ago April 26 Columbia St For your plumbing We watched him suffer day by he ttlng and electrical needs e tll day us We sell Amm lean Standard It caused us blttC'r giiet an 1 Luxalre heating equipment To sec him slowly fade mel we nrc Masons only author anrl lzed General Elcr trlc appliance dealer We service what we sell' Could not get relle! We are Mnson s oldest clectrlcill God saw the road was very contractm s with 40 years cxpcu rough ence G L Bailey & Son 51wt1 The hlll too steep to climb

lie gently closed his weary eyes And wluspcred "Peace Be HEATING SALES and Servtce

Lennox furnaces Cndy Hard Thine 17wl and Heating

12wtl IN MEMORIAM-In memory of -------'-----'-- our dear mother, Nina Kelley DIGGING FOOTINGS - Install

lng sewer tiling and bullclhig septic tnnlts complete IIave power digger and do~cr Phone 1ft 71973 Glenn Starr 30wt1

CARPENTER-General remodd lng gar ages repair cabinet

.vm lt recreation rooms a special ty H E Marqutrdt 111 Everett dale Lansmg phone Lansing TU 2 2932 14w4

BUILT UP ROOFS and roofing tepalr FrP.c estimates Call col

lect Holt OX 9 2351 Don Potter 10wtt•

who passed nway rme ye~r nt;:o April 24 1956

We are lonely since our mother hns ~one

The friends and kJndr.ed gnthgr ncar

We cannot chcclt the rising sigh

Or stay the silent heartfelt tear

Of earthly friends, she wall the best

Our erring youthful steps to guide

0 do not smile because we

tures material for plumbln~ and sheet metal Do your owtl Installing and save C J Perrin

Lost and found 113 State street, Mason 19wtJ NOTICE-All stray dogs picked

up by the Ingham County Hu HAULING-Rubbish cans, ashes mane Society or by Clayton Hu

etc Low rates and promp1 lett county dog warden arc held service In M tson Holt and Olte a full 7 days at the Animal Sllel

Keith Otis 1lw3p*tf

:,.;.:.=,...:.___:__ ___ ------

DO YOU NEED plumbing heat ' lng or electrical work done' Call Cady Hardware, Heating ancJ Plumbing 141 W Ash, pho~ Mason OR 71241 33wtl

Dr:lhi Township Proceedings

"I Boys Adm1t Theft I Dr pUll Shc1 tff Don tid Haynes r f I csltc has taken 3 boys all 13 ;l u olds mto custody for the brc tk tn mel robbery of Manley D tvts Ford s tics last I hursday llghl The 3 mlm lied brcaldng a gl ss out of a rear window of

"n the g trnge and stealing $29 62 ftr 11 I he cash regtster sheriffs r ff1 crs sa c1 Fingerprints and [ otpt inls were secured by Cap tt n Vctstle B 1bcocl< of the sher tfJ s lcptr tment but Haynes clc ucd up th() case bef01e they \\ ez e checked

Scores of Uses -THE YEAR AROUND

The Orrgmal -Tho One and Only

ROTOTILLER The 1 ROTOTILLER 1s NOT 1ust the best gardentng machtne on the market! It 15 that all r1ght, as practu:ally everyone knows, but, wrth both tts gasoltno and cloctrtc power and tfs many low. cost lrghtnrng·change attachments tt can do dozens of other jobs equally well,

Prices Start at $109.95

We Take Trado 1ns Ask for Demonstration

MILLER•s Farm. Home & Garden Supply

Phone OR 6·5519

' .

The ln9ham County ·News Part 2 ' ~

April 25, 1957

Area · Leaders . Lay Plans for Hospital ·Drive 'J'hlrty-five memhers

area . committee of the $500,000 Mason hospital ·campaign nl· tended an orgnnlzat(on meethig of the committee nt the PreshY· terlnn church jn !Yiason Monday

, night and saw the first showing c,· of· the slide film "The Mason Gen'

era! Hospital Story· ... The slide film, which Is donal

In lull color, takes. the viewer on n tour of the present hospital through a surios ol color slides made especially for the purpose, and also through a running com· mentary which gives the audlene~ the bacltground and principal fncts of the necessity for the building of the new 36-bed has· plt~tl.

'rhe slide film will be avnilabli) for showing to clubs, organiza·l tlons and other groups upon re· quest. . '!'he commentftry, which was given at Monday night's meeting­by Rex c. Striblcy, vice-general · chairman of the campaign, wilt he supplied by a speal<ers bureau headed by Glen Dunn.

David D. Diehl, Dansville, chairman of the area committee, who presided at Monday night's meeting, rC]Jortcd ·that the follow· lng have been enlisted to date to aid in sccldng · 30-month pledge~ !rom all of the families in til~ hospital's service area outside of the city of Mason: I

Area 1, Deihl township chair· man, Harold Spin it; district chair· men, Henry Slegl'ist, Ralph G.l

t( Hart and Robert Remat'. I Area 2, Alniedon township

chairman, Ralph Stillman: dis· trict chairmen, Fran!< T. Parma· Icc, Leonard Martineau and Roy W. Knopf. . · '

Area 3, Wheatfield township . chairman, Burton ·Johnson; dis· trlct chairmen, Harold Glynn. Wallace .Johnson, Kenneth Myers and A. R. Allen.

Area 4, Aurellus township

WITH HIS WIFE AND SQNS WATCHING, S~m Street Hughes took his oath as circuit judge in Lansing Monday, County Cl~rk C. Ross Hilliard gave the ooth. Standing beside his mother is Sam Street Hughes II. At the right is John A. L. Hughes. Sam Street Hughes II, former Michigan State student, is now employed in Lansing. The other son was recently discharged from the navy ond is now enrolled at Michigan State. A daughter, Tempa Elizabeth, attends school at FairfaK Hall, Waynes­boro, Virginia. (Photo by Babs.)

*** ***

Circuit Judge Takes Oath of Office

OASOUNJ~ 18 STOU~N Auditions Start for 4-H Show I Cleo Palmer of Aurelius awolw

about. 2:15 Saturday morning, In time to .catch the llccnsn number of a car being driven out of his yard, after the driver had !lllctl the tanlt with Palmar's gasoline. Sheriff's officers were given the license number.

Boys and Girls Try Show Business District eliminations are being llnmston; and Jean Acldey and

conducterlthls week to slim down ·Allee l"aye, Millville. '

Cancer (laims Mother of 13

the number of acts for the 1957 Acts competing tn the dlstr!ot 4-H youth talent show. It wlll he contests lnclurlcrl Snrulrn Hodge, presented May 11 at Mason high bnllet clnncc; Idn Webster, Plano school. solo; Ken Waite and .Jerilyn

Elimination contests were at Thompson, plano duct; We;;t Locltc 9-plece band; Eleanor Foreman, pin no solo; Van town Square Dancers; Whcnlflelrl Dancers; Nancy Haight, plano solo; Rosa-Lee Young, solo; at Yfllliamston.

Wllllnrnston Monday night nnrl at the Mll.Jvllle hall Wednesday

Mrs. Janie King, 40, died of night. On Thursday night one cancnr nt the Lilly llUI'sing home will be in the Mason school nu· In Mason Thursday. Mrs. I<lng, who hnd llved 'at Stocltbrldgc for dltorlum. 9 years, was tal<en to the Mason About 75 boys and girls· will he nursing home Monday of last participating in the district con-

weelt from University hospital tests, appearing in 40 different oi Ann Arbor. nets. 0! this group, 20 nets will

Mrs. King was the mother of be chosen to pnrtlclpnte In the 13 children. The 4 older ones live county-wide show on May 11. In Kcntucl<y. She had 7 children "Broadway B·aund" will he the by her first husband and 6 by the li1eme of this years'. show. second. The 9 children still at Phyllls Webster is the general home were made wards of the chairman of the show which is court April 8, and the father of sponsored by the Ingham Cot~nty ll and stepfather of the older 3 ·1-H Service club. District chair· was arrested on a morals charge. men nrc: Lee Thorburn and Jo· The family occupied' u shaclt on ellen Bullen, Mason: Dolph Radl· Shepper mad. doux and Helen Watkins, WI!·

For several months Mrs. I<lng had been bedridden and was in University hospital frequently.

Services for Mrs. l<ing were at the Casltey funeral home in Stocltbrldge Saturday with burial In Oaltlawn cemetery. Rev. Ed· ward Craft, pastor of the Bunl<er Hlll Church of God, officiated.

Worker Switches Job

Change Is Made For Mayors Day

Robert Hudson, guitar ~olo; Jeanne Dnmnn, plano solo; Ar· lene ami Ronnie KalscJ', uceonilon duet; Cloteal Proctol' and I<lrl< Curtis, vocal duet; and '!'om Noll· Ingham, vocal solo, at Mlllvlllc.

'!'om Iinson flag drill team; Jo· anne Porter, plano solo: Barbara Andrews and Mary K. Hui](lr, pi·

uno nnd trumpet duel.; Donnie and Laura Rhodes, vocal ducti Murein Gletzel and Margaret Oates, vocal duet; Dnvlrl, Stanley :• anrl .Tanlce Kleis, , plano trio; Thomas L. Howery, cornet solo; Linrln SU!cs, plnno solo; John nml Rosemary Kn!s·er, tup dunce; Mnry Ann Fredrlck, vocnl solo; Carole Hyde, accordion solo; Mary Ann Robinson, accordion solo; Robert Vncelt, vocal solo: Lynn Sharlrluck, ncrobnllc dunce; Wanda Shadduclt, tap dance; Carol Daft, plano solo; Dorothy Rohertson, vocal solo; Carollne S. Topliff, f\CCoi'CJion solo; Shlr; ley Drumm, vocal solo; Sandra Bibbins, guitar solo; Ruben Dro• schn, plano solo; .June Loldwn, vocal solo; and Tommy Dillon; vocal solo.

Mrs. Ruth Kennedy ,of Mason has accepted a stenographic posi­tion with the office of informa· tlon and education of the conser· vatlon department in Lansing. Mrs. Kennedy had previously been employed by the soclnl wei· fare department. Mrs. Kennedy's family includes her son, John, and 3 daughters, Margaret, Mary and Katherine.

Presidents of Dansville and Morrice wlll trade positions on Monday, May 20, of the fourth an· nual Michigan Week celebration, lt was 'announced by Mayqr An· thony Bailee, Ionia, chairman of the mayor exchange committee, after the withdrawal of communi· ties originally paired with them.

In the annual drawing at Lan· sing, Dansville was paired with Huntington Woods and Morrice rlrew Bingham Farms. Both of these communities have Informed the state committee they wlll !Jc unable to participate.


6-5534 ONONDAGA WOIHAN nms In a second pairing, Dansvlll~

Mrs. Allee A. Corwin, 80, of was matched with Morrice .

209 W. ASH

FRANK GUERRIE'RO INSURANCE chairman, Wayne Bullen; district chairmen. Clarence Fry, Edwl:1 Eifert. Howard L. Smith and Lynn Sam Street Hughes tnnk office

as one of Ingham's 3 circuit judges Monday. In a court room in Lansing's city l1all, ·a room crowded with friends, the new judge subscribed to the oath of office · administered by County Clcrlt C. Ross Hilliard.

Onondaga died Tuesday In the More communities than ever Keeney nursing home. Services before will take part in the ex­were Thursday afternoon at change of mayors and village Luecht funeral home In Leslie presidents this year, Balice said, with burial in Onondaga ceme· but circumstances prevent a num· tery. Mrs. Corwin was a member ber from 'participating and this of the Onondaga Community necessitate~ a rearrangement of I church, Ladies Aid society and communities that lose their orig·

nor G. Mennen Williams ap· efforts to the serious tasks that Knowledge Seekers club. ina! exchange city.

'~ I '

. '

. Area 5, Vevay township chair· man, Wilfred L. Jewett; district chairmen, E. D. Barr, Walter Car· ven, l"ranlt R. Nethaway and R.

tmintcd Theodore P. Ryan as lie ahead. .------------....:.------------...;.-------------------------•

V .. Abel. Area 6, Ingham . township

chairman, F. C. Anderson;· dis· trlct chairmen, · Jearl McCabe, Clifford W. Allen, Gilbert Glover. and Glen Sharland.' Dansville vll· !age chairman, Roscoe Arnold; chairmen, Searl Briggs, Harold R. Wing, Leland Perrine, Sr., Lawton Gauss and Dorn Diehl.

Judge Hughes was elected to the unexpired term o[ circuit judge April 1. The election was called to fill out the term remain· lng when Judge Charles H. Hay­den· rclireri in December. Govc1··

Area 7, White Oal' township chairman. Orla Sheathelm: rlls· l R h Q t trlct chairmen, Cnrt•oll Glynn and aw eac es U Lon! 'J'ownscnd. F Ed M

Area 8 •. Onondaga township .' or en an chairman, Charles J. Davis. · Area 9. Leslie township chair· , Sheriff Willard P. Barnes of man, 0. G. Chambe.rlaln: district I Ingham, accompanied by Mrs. chairmen, Mrs. Rex Wood and Burnes took off for Tampa .Fior­Mrs. LaVern Eldred. · . · ' ' · . Area 10, Bunker :Hill chairman, 1 Ida, Monday to return Thomas Au~tln, Cavanaugh; district chair· Vernon Hurley to Mason. men, .Philip Cavender and Henry -, Hurley was arrested by Tam-Lippert. pa officers on a warrant charging

· theft of $852.97 from the home of llir. and Mrs. Warren Galloway heai: Eden January 19. The money was in a briefcase. The Gnlloways own the Eden elevator and they took the elevator receipts home

judge. .fudge Ryan and .fudge "I have had some very inter-Hughes emerged as the nominees esting experiences with the in the February primary, and in judges on the bench In this cir· the election Judge Hughes was cult. Judge Hayden and I the ~inner. : , . : . · of the candidates when he

Judge Ryan showed magnanhn· elected. Now I will try fo fill his iry over the election outcome. He shoes as best I can. I am happy presented his successor to the that he Is here today. court. stating that there is no "Judge Salmon and I ran when question about the confidence the he was first elected to this bench. p~ople have In .fudge Hughes. He won. I will enjoy working

Judge Hayden and .fudge Louis with him. E. Coash were in court. Judge "The first Iwur I was mayor Jl.!arvln J. Salmon was on vaca- of Lansing I appointed Judge tion. . Coash to fill my own unexpired

After expressing thanlts to· term on the municipal bench. Judge Coash and Judge Ryan for "Judge Ryan and r were candi· conducting the special session of elates at the recent election. No court for his induclion, Judge one has ever had finer gentlemen Hughes publicly thanlteci those as opponents than I have had. I who worlted for his election and want to say to Judge Ryan that who voted for him. many of nur mutual friends have

"I am grateful," said the new told me that they wished there judge, "to the people of Ingham had been 2 positions to fill so that rounty for giving me the oppor· we could both serve. I am pleased tunlty of serving them as a cir· that he is here today and I thank cuit judge. I accept the gt·avc him for presenting me to the responsibility with a humble court." spirit, a resolve to give my best The new judge set forth his

·tiackground, he said, to indica,te

Inghram Transfers Boy Gets . Blame For Scho.ol Fire Robert Inghram, Sr., a Mason

with them. That was Saturday residen 1 for 22 years, has been night and on Supday night- the .

what may be expected from his services and so his philosophy and sentiments may be under· stood.

"I thoroughly believe· in the freedom, independence and worth of the individual," Judge Hughes said. "I try never to be mad at anyone-! am a non-conformist and I desire the same freedom

Sheriti's officers stated their belief. that. a 14·year·old boy Is to blame for fire· damage at the Herrick school In Leroy township south of Webberville Saturday. The state fire marshal also as· signed an Investigator to the case.

The boy Is charged with shoot· lng rna tches in to the building.

Webb e r v Ill e firemen extln· gulshed the blaze.

briefcase was left in· the house. transferred by Miller Brewmg Co. to become sales representa·

when the Galloways went to tive for the northern half of church. Upon their return they southern Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. discovered the money missing. Inghram will malte their home in Hurley had been employed at the Saginaw at 1707 s.. Michigan elevator. avenue after the· first of the

Hurley waived. extradition.· month. Inghram is the father of The sheriff and the prisoner are Robert Inghram, Jr., James

expected to reach Mason by l"rl· Inghram and Mrs. Jay Spurgeon, day or Saturday. all of Mason.

To People in M·ason



Free Pick-Up ·Service

Thursday, May.l ..... ·•• ,. t.

;' ,: ·:.· ' '' \ ~· '': ·:. !·:,, .'. ,! < '. I ' ' .

Have your tin cans and rub.bish (no ashes) in containers on curbs or in alleys EARLY

Th~rsdk~~!~l~g:·~ City c~ews will: pic~ it up free.. . .

· •. ·M~~e:·.:Mpso·n. ~ .1 CLEANER ·City . . •. , . . . ' . ' GEORGE KELLO.GG,

· : ' · . >1 . · City Clerk

myself that I am willing to grant to others. ·

"We are a part of all we have touched and experienced. I was born on a small farm in western North Carolina-one of 9 chi!· dren. Of the people of that· re· gion it has been said that they arc American in language, ideals and religion: American In their love of freedom. American in their fearlessness of the future. American In their resourcefulness and adaptability. American most of ali, perhaps, in their unspoiled neighborliness and hospitality.

"I have been Influenced In my thinking by. the schools I have attended. Berea college, and Har· vllrd university, and the· Univer· sity of Chicago law school-con· ccrning which President Theodore Roosevelt, us he laid the corner· stone Aprll 2, 1903, said: 'We need to produce, not genius, not bril· Iinney, but the homely, common, place elemental virtues. Yo·u need courage, and you need common sense.' ·

"I shall try to keep a sense of humor, arid a rea'sonable portion of sentiment. We need humor to remain sane: we need sentiment to l'eep us from· becoming effl· clent ~o the point of cruelty.

"I am proud of our courts: I feel honored at being elected us one of your circuit judges. I have climbed the ladders In this city hall in a slow and laborious man· ner. It took me 10 years, until 1941, to move from the.Orst floor to the second floor. It has taken

. .. . me 16 years to move on up to the ~..-..i..i..:...,;;,;,ioii,;,o.o; ... ..;.o..-..;_llllllio.•' .;;:,;._ ...-...:.._..,.;._-~----------~~·,;.' ~, .. _._~-~ tlilrd·lloor." · '·

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L£dlt!J'S To the Edilot Bible Mission Afler rending ymu· Inghnm

Cnunty Nnws for so m11ny yenrs ·nnd .Jmowlng thnt you c•er·tnlnly wouldn't he printing things not 11'11C It really hm·ts I he renderR of surh 11 goocl paper to have tlwlr ~dltol' necuseil nnclattuclcr.d as he wns In the Jetter by Mnrgnrel J, Lott this pust weel\. It: \vns so good reudlng that Superintendent Vnndm·.Ven snlcl lw wns not. mis· q(rotecl ns Mrs. Loti snld he hncl l.lel!n.

:Now gelling clown In tlw main subject. o[ the Jrtler, I thlnlt It is n very lmpul'tant stthjeot: In this day 11nd age 11s II has been In tlw cloys throughout t lw JHIHI yc!ars,

. whllo the Rev. Clntrles Urmli<'s I'ljj'll'e~enls the Rurul l:lillle Mls· ~>llln In Jnghum county.

··rhe writer put all tire hlnme nn the person m· JlC!J'sons who guvr. Rev. Broolts of the Hum! Bible! MIRslon permission lo go among jl~. ruml sclmnls. In the Jlrst pince, the Hum! Blhle Mission is not. ltuown ns a "snl'lc!ty" :111d iu tliil ·second plnee II IH ohv ious thttl ... lhe wrller tlm!sn'l lcnow. the njaln purpose nf tlw lluml Bible Mission.

","lhe stnlr.s thul for the past () oi·.· 7 yenJ'S parents IHIVl' he(!n protesting tlw uctlvltlm; or Hev. B,roolcs In the rural schools hut Him c.loesn't sePm to realize that for many more Yl?ars t11an li nr 7 h'iuulr't•ds ur l'llllllren ami their tt!achers lwve heen waiting with great 11ntldpation for the regular v!slt' of Rev. Bmnks, m· lll<e men.

•It. was quite amusing In see how the wrltc!J' poinH'd nut.thr dl!Timmrc lwtwec!n "tills" and tlw regplnr rhapPI se1·vic•p in the high s¢11ool. As a college student I'd Ill\!! to say that lill'rc is quilt! a diJTerenee lictween our c!ollcgP [•1\apel and our· high sl'hnul chapel ton, but are the parPnts 111' cqllege. students trying to do nw11y with them'! Them is a rc!a· sari for sueh sl'rviees In every btaneh of life so let tis male!' it our llltsiness to st~lve to get this reason out of the servlee.


:·Getting Along with Others"

wu.s APRIL 20

7i\iiicr,~ tiit: ~;~1 :t..:i~ sai,~ H rt!~iras "Jlltlo HillY to mulntnln thut. the Hcv. Bnml<s spcniiH nrm-denmn· lnnllnnnlly, I see nothing silly llhout II, Right, the world does rcc!ognlzo 3 dlffcront. fAiths hut tho Blhln rncognlzcs only one fnlth and It's lmport11111' thnl we're more ucqunlntcd with this o1w fulth thnn nil 3 of the fnlihs she mentloner], I'm sure that If sho Is nr.qunlnted with the re· llglous actlvllles thnl Rev, Brool\s Is conrlucllng In the nu·nl schools In· Jnglwl'n county she'll see fm· rncdlnlely that they nm from the Blhle whose nulhor we ns human helngs In so·cnlled "Christian Amcrlc!a" cunnot question, The WJ'Iter was so qulcl' to point. oul the difference bot.ween the chupel srrvke In 1111! high school niHI B.ev. Brool\s' service' In the rurul sehnol, J'm wondering If she'll In· vPstlgal•• nne! point. out: to the l'earlers of this newnpupet• the cliiTtm•nc•n helwecn !lev .• Bmo!u;' lradJ!ngs and the teochlngs of lite• Lurd .Tesus In thr. Bible.

" ... , .•• ____ ,,,,.1,.:": ... -~ ...... -, ••.••• -.-....

5Qjli~~u ieMv 1\h'H, lllul'lmt Hr,,,.,

'J'ho l11st qunrlnrly meuting uf l.ho Dunsvllln nnd .Vnntown Meth· orllsl. cllllrclws will he hnlclnt the Vnntown Molhocllst c!lllll'ch Sat·· urrlny night with n supper nt 7:30 nncl meeting nftmwnrds. 'J'hosn utllmrllng urn nslwd to tnlw n hot vegetable OJ' n relish dish nnd own rllslws tlnless they have been solicited. ·

.i 1 •·~ :~·;iii~;.· •. i • .:: ·A~1i:i·. ~·r.t'i ·.;·ere .l'IU', i::IJJU :iYILi,, 'd1'1.h'•'!' t\Uh•H' r1I1Ci

lillitfi,Y, i';\1', llltcl i'ltth, lJllii lSwUII· son unit lamily, Mr, unci Mn;, rtuymond Bulwr nnd Murin unci Mi', anrl Mrs, Chnrles McCul· Iough.

Dlcl~ Wilcox who undmwcml ;;urgnry on his l!YC! IR lmprnvlnr:,

Ingham-Vevay Mr. nnd Mrs. Merton Rlr•l' lllrR, Punl Call'l

culled on relatives In Enlon Rnp· Ids Sundny nfternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Burgess

Mr·. nncl Mrs. Pnul Bowen IIlli! und family ent.ertnlnnd at.· EnstL>r family we1·e Sunclny dinner dinner Mr. nncl Mrs. William Call gunsts of het· slstc!Jo nnil fnmtly, nnd family, Mr. a1id' Mrs. Clnr­north or Wllllnmstnn. r.nce But·ges!l nnd fnmlly nnrl Mr.

Wilbur ,Jncnbs nnd fnmlly of and Mrs, GeorgP Burgess. Bellnlro spent t.he wee!\ oncl with Mrs. fi'r•ecl Burgess, Sr., is slr•Jc his mot lwl', Mrs. Mlnnlr! .Taeohs, nt. the home of Mr. nne! Mrs. Ji'J'ecl ami sister, Mrs. Ellis Nemer, and BuJ·gess, .JJ', family. M L I I G I I Mr. nnrl Mrs. Ernie! 'Pit us en· rs, u a "11 u re nnc clnugh-

ler, Mrs. W • .T. Mcllquhnm, vi~­leJ·tuinecl their daughter· III'HI fam· Iter! relnllves In Leslie sunclay.

1 lly of St.. Clair Slllll'f!S nVC!I' till! Mt•. unci Mrs. LeHoy Solem ol

\ wee!\ encl. Owosso I'Ul!Prl o'n Mrs. LnGulrr.

More than 15 yenrs ngo when 'l'hl~ new four-wheel eh·lve Chevrolet tnech plowH through huh- Milo ,Cinrhb of Howell, Dnn I Wll.'l n student Inn rlll'lll schnol ,deep mud with powet•nnd ta·ncllon to ~pure. (Note the othet front Chuhh of Pol'l Hm·on nncl Bill Monday. In Jnglwm eotlnty I remember 'drlve;nxle under the bumper ut the left.) Jleslgncd !'or dltllcull Chubb of Fowt 111·vii!P culled on Mr. Dlld Mrs. Alex Carl nncl clearly having n mnn come Into 1 off-road opct·a(ionB nn 6leeJl grnde6, rough termin, nnd in clee1l Mr-. nncl Mrs. L. P. Williams Sun· family were Easter· dinner gttcst'; 1 he sd10ol, exactly ns Rev. Brooks snnd und mud, this all-wheel dl'lvc unit now IM In llruduct Inn. It iH ilay. • of Ml'. nnd Mrs. Paul Cnrl. Is doing. 'J'Ile childrPn looked fm•· luvullnhle In 12 moclcl8 Including the Buburhnu cun·ynll; 1.;-tou, Jncl\ nncl .Till Marshall or Greg. Mr·. and Mrs. Hownrc! Burge~r; wnrcl to his r·egulm· visit. nnd they l 1~·ton and l·ton Jllclwl'; l-Ion JlUnel; *·loll unci !·loll Htulw,' ory ;;pent pnrt uf lnst. week with nnd fnmlly werc! Sntnrclny eve· loulwd forward to nttendlng tile theh· gl'llndparents, Mt·. unci MrH. nlng guests nf Mr. unci Mr·~. Daily Vaentlon Bible school in the Mertoi1 Hlce, and Kennell!. Aethen Witt. summer, unci since Hcv. Brool<s Thanks Expressed noon she vlsltec! Mrs. VIvian Donnil! MllhmtJ'nc of Buy City Mt·. nnd Mrs. Ami Terrill. Dt'· hus been In this worl1 they huve , . Stowe and her mother at. Munith. is spending this wcel\ with his rived home Mondny from Ti'lorllln. frH' mnny years been iool<lng for- 1 he ·1957 Tnglmm county 1·H Mr. unci Mr·s. Carl Hllc! nnd [!OUsln, I\ennetlt THee. Mr. ond .Mrs. Freel Thomas of ward tu attending the summer spring .uehlevemenl. llay wus· very fnmily of Stoelchrldge nnd Mr. Bill nnc! Bob Sly nncl Don WI I· Holt, Mr. ·nnd. M1·s. Dale Burges~: youth training cump under the successful. II. ~as successful be· and Mrs. Russell Sl robe! visllc!cl linms spent. the weelo; enrl of Lansing, . Mrs. William Curl Jeac!ershlp of. this "Society" ns cause people ]Ike you were so their parents, Mr. nnrl Mm. Hoscommon. ' nnd Ruth .Jnnet. of Mason were Mr~. Lott cnlled it. At these Bible willing to help. It was n wonder· Chnrles Slrohel, Sunday. Mr. und Mrs. Stnn!ey Rlsc·h or callers at the ·home of Mr. ami sclwols and summer camps· I ful program fDI' our 4-H mem· Putty Nemer ·hns lll'cn nul of Williamston called on [rirnds In Mrs.· fi'rnd I:itu·gess Sunduy. !mow fo1· a foci, us I've wilnesserl hers oncl t.he othe!' young people school tills WPck with the men· this vlf'lnity Monday. M1·. and Mr~. Howarcl Glllettl' It with my own eyes, many boys viewing the c;!Xhlhlls nnd Jll'O· sles. nnd M1·s; Anna Corhln werr Jl:usl· ami girls accept the Lord ,Jesus grarn.·From I he comments of our M 1 M F 1 .., 11 er '£1inner ·guests of Mrs. Alice Christ. as their own Jlersonai 4-H'ers, we lwow thut they ex· r. nm rs. , ores. ~·n ows Ml'llvl'lle BraWl! an'·' inm' lly.

I I tl I tl 1 t spent Easte1· Dny with thch· son, u Saviour. Certainly there is no em If! r 11111 <s 0 you. G 1 Mr .. UJJd Mr.s·.· W11llar." .Jn!JJJSoll rant Fel ows, nnd family. " harm In this, is thern·r M11ny o[ Our 4-H exhibits were tops I his I~nnlc!r. UJ~I!I'I' of Wlllhimst.on. were Sunclay

·· 'll 11 f J J 4 II Hex Odell, who lives In the these children arc now grown year WJ 1 a o our oca · · . guests .of Mr. and Mrs. Eclwln adults voting for· the lenders of leaders· pitching In to make this Charles Strobel tenant house, wn:; Won;hlp service nt Millville Ct·dndllll ond .family. !ills wuntry nncl truly they'll a pr·ogrum to remembm·. We lalcen lo Gru!1d Hnpltls Monday church is nt 10:15 n. m. with MJ•. ailll Mrs. Richard Wileox never he able to thank Rev. would appreciate your comments, Jot• an operulron. Sunday school at 11 · were Saturday dinner guests of Bmolts as . well as the many nnd suggestions for next year's Mt·. ami Mm. Howarcl Wald, Mr. ami Mrs. Cl11rence Minnis Mr. ancl Mrs . .Jny· c. Sprague. CJthers, ,iust like him, in the state progrnm. .Joyce nnd Ruth were Sunday ancl fllmily were Easter dinneJ' Mr. und Mrs. Rollir. Speer hacl of Mic'hlgan for the guidance. they We wish to lh:ml' you on bCJ· dlnnm· guests of thel1· clnughter, guests of Mt·. unci Mrs. Lloycl as Sunday guests Mr. ond Mrs. h:tvl' given. Asl< me, I Icnow! half of the 4·H club members ior Mrs. Dnle SniH!I'S, and family of Curtis. Richard Thurber, Miss Helen

T'm glad thnt the writer, Mrs. your help with the publicity for Lansing. 'l'he annual meeting of lhe Holmes. nnd Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lot.t, does realize that religious this project.

1 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hayner North St{JCI<bridge Cemetery liS· Loge! ami family fmrn Williams·

PdUI'atlon should begin with the MAC McDOWELL, called on Dicl< Wilcox Sunday. f;oclatlon will be Saturday eve· ton ·and ·Mr. and Mrs. Herhcrt tnotheJ' having prnyc>J' with he1· County 4·H Club Agent Mr·. Wilcox ;lust hnd n cntm'act ning, April 27, at. Millville WSCS Norris. ehildren and I hope t.hat she removed from his Pye. lmll. All wllo are interesled may Mrs. Gnrnet· Brown telephrmcrl takes time daily to follow this Mr·. and Mrs. Ezra Wileox at.· attend. her.parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rollie

T d I T Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Balmr and Spen1• Enster s 1 I tenclalng In he1· own fnmily. But 0 ay S eenagerS tended a family gathering ul thn · ~ • ~.. ..unc ny rom loo many of our motliers tri~n" home of thch· "randson, Melville family were dinner guests of Mr. Phoenix, Arizona. .

J Todayeveryonels1allcr'nga1Jotrt " and Mrs. Loren Stowe Enstet· M ·' M R Jl'A 1 haven't realized this ond th e-' . · Titus, and family Sunday. r. anu rs. usse nr erson fore we have such places liS de- how bad the, teenagers are. Per- The WSCS will hwe n re"ular Sunday. . of Lansing were Sunday callers tenllrJn homes and vonlltlorJui sonally I cant sec as they act any dl •

1 v' ' .,.. 1 11 Nancy Wtlcox spent the Easter o! Mr. and ·Mrs. Lawrence Oc>s·

. ~ lilT t tl I I th I nner at I w ant.own Ja wee! enl ol II e I orne f h sdwo!s. This is just another o[ c eren Jan w 1en was e r Thursday May 2 ' c : 1 1 o er terle. Mrs. Elwin McCreery nf the many reasons we have to be age. I! we older per;1le wo~ld • ' · , gramlparents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Die!' Detroit is spen~ n few days nt thn lhnnlcful for the worlc of the allow ourselves to thin!\ blldc, I rn Mr. ond Mrs. Charles Gauss I Wilcox. Oesterle home. Hural Bible Mission, meeting the sure we ali could remember our visited Mr. and Mrs. Clmrles Mr. and Mrs. Rex Bal<er ami Mr. 11nd Mrs. Clnude Cnrnphell missed ehild with prayer and the own fnults too. Hair al Grnnll Ledge Sunday. family of Stevensville were weelc and Hurley C11mpbell were ·call·

. n , ..

Uti·iii.~.: ;,,H viih; fire tiClllti tmrmt i<ll ivlll'l ltlict cxJingui~lwcl tlw lllm~e lwfora

it'fr 1. i ,;·,. :· • ;, ,,, ,·~ ,1' ·, .. much clnrmige wns clone,

Ml'~. Mlnnli! J~rorlnnht 11·~ nwl Mr; Jmd Mrs, .Tnenh Slrolwl nncl son nr Dr.troll nnrl Mr. nnrl Mt'R. chllrlt'nn vlsllml rolntlves Ill' ,Jnhn Humwnltr.r vtsltr•rl nt llw Wnllerl Lalw EnRtlll' Hunrluy, Vl!!trll' Cheney home Jnst Sunclny, 1 Mt•, un!l Mr·:;. Dnn WPst of New

Mrs. Gr·nc'll Strolwl rr.ttn·nocl to HtHIHon nncl Mr. nnrl Mrs. F.rl Cc!rnl'lll City lnHI fi'l'lduy to cure lllnlngstnll of Ann Ar·hm· werr. ·rnr Mrs. Clyrln Wutts, whn Is Alfll ·r~nslet' Sunrluy guests ut tlw Clur· qultr. side r•ru•11 M<'Lnughlln hnme.

Mt•. nnd Mrs, Clnrenr.e Me· Mt•. unci Mrs. fi'ranlt White nne! Lnughlln uncl fumlly nttend!.'d tlw 11-!t•, nnd Mr:;. Ti'mnl• White, ,JJ',, 5Rth werlcllng nnnlver:;nry of thnh· spent Sunday nt the home of hl'l' gl'llndpnt·ents nt the home of M1· . .'lfln·ln·luw Jlllfl rlnughler, Mr. unci unci Mrs. ,J. D. West nt New i-Iurl, Mrs, Fred Coons of Onlt Grove. son recently. Mr·. nnd Mrs. GPr·nlcl Dally unci

Mr. nnn Mrs. 'Piu111 Mnrgnn family we•re weelc PIHI guests nf Wl!rl! sup[WI' gtwsls Ill' the CIIIJ'· Mr. nnrl Mrs. Archln House. Mr. eonc·c? MeLaughlln hnnw Tl!ePntly. anrl Mrs. AI Smn!cP and fnmlly

Mrs. Steiln Knoch vlsltrrl re1ntlws nn Enst11r. friPnds In Hash! It lnst weelt. 'Mr. nnd M1·s. Len V. GPrhnrcl·

M1·. nnd Mrs. .Jneoh Strohel, sl£•1n nncl c·ltllrlrcm, M1·. nnrl Mrs. Betsy Ann nnrl Dnnnle vlalterl Huhen Hohdd nne! Knthy, Mrs. relutlves In Dntr·olt lust Sunduy. llnrold GrPc•n nnrl ,JPrry, unci Mr.

Mrs. Dm·otiJY House 11nrl Mrs. and Mrs. Wil!l:tJn Dunuvln, .Tohn Huth House caller! on Mr•s. Loyrtl unci N<lll Ann WPrr? Sunday vlsl· !'lliepler 'J'uescluy. tors nt tlw LPc! ClrrhllrrlstPin

HeJ'rldc Hustlers I!XIenslon eluiJ hD1111'. met with M1·s. J. C, Bohnet lnst Tuesday evening.

.John Smith of Lnnslng retumecl horne Sunclny night nfl£!1' spnnrl· lng n few rlnys at 11w Elrlrc!cl House hnmc?.

Mr. ancl Mrs. Harold Smith mHl dJ!Ic!J•cn vlsltPcl Mr·. and Mr·s, Y.:lclred HousP WPdnPsclay night.

Ahout H'l\ Satunlny night fire! was dlsi·nvnrecl in the fUI'Illlf!l' room n t t lw sdwolhouse. Wcoil·

Ingham County News

SIJH'C! most of llw wenr or heel slwr!ls c•nJni'S 1111der lhP shmthlers of lhl! :;)PP.)IC'r, rPgUiaJ'Iy l'l'W'rsn yolll' slu'c•ls and put till! top lu!rn ul tlw fool of tltr! IH!d unci thn !Jottom ill'm at tlw top. This will fllHlll'l' Jongc•J', lll!)J'C'·I'Vl'll Wl'lll'.

Solltucle is an exrellent rom· pnnic;n fell' tliose wlio ure ut JWaee with IIH•msPIVPs.

April 25. 1957 Page 2

li holding the biggest Selling Spree in history I

>~ Biggest buys ever

j iC Top-dollar trades

Lawrence Welk 30-DAY

Selling Spree! '-

Comt in and go I a lorrifle c/o a fan a


iC Eostost terms anywhoro

·Now going on I SO days onlyl Como in today I

Philp Motor s·ales . . D:41i u. m •

1820 on your dial

Bible. To get along with teenagers end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ora ers- at the home of Mr. ond Mrs. HAYMOND E. HOLMES, parents have to start with their Plal'nfl'eld Baker. Other callers nt the Balcer A. G: Cnmpbell Friday evening. Mason Williorn~Min~Bry~ ~M~n w~n lliey~e v~y fr~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-t

227 N. Cedar

University young. Each child has his own ~lr·s. nazcl Stephens Dayton, Tenn. personality and has to lte dealt

.-~~~~~~~-~-~..;..~~-~~~~-~~~- with accordingly. '!'he children in the children's· Lots o.f parents will rlis11gree day program will meet. al tile

·. \\ -1.

.. i




with me, but a few spats on some Plulnfield chun•r from 2:00 till children work wonders while 3:00 Saturday afternoon, April other children have to ·be pun· 27, I or practice. ished other ways. All parents . '!'he Plainfielcl rnmmission on should go .places with their chil· education met. 111· the homo o( dren from hables 1o teenage. Bernice Miller Mond~y evening, When they're old enough to date, April 22, at 8:00. of cotirse, that's different. One Mina J{leinschmiclt and Et.ta mistalce parents often malco is Allen nf Parlcers Corners callr!<l not being able to see their chil· on Florence Dutton Tllursclay dren are grown up nnd are able afternoon: to malle their own life's worl,, .Josie Dyer spent. last. Tuesday and. not be pushed into things and Wednesday in Holt. visiting they don't enjoy doing. A very I her daught~r, Margm·ct Reason·

.. · Important fact is to have both er, nnd fam>ly. . parents be the boss of their chi!· Mr. and Mrs. Chnrlcs K1llam dr(m. You often hear a mother entertained relatives at. Easter say, "Walt till your father gets dinner Sunday, Mr. and. Mrs .. home and he'll tend to you." Glenn Randolph and eluldren,

P~t'yu·,rr ·rv in top t;ln)'?ing c,pndition-NOW/ -~ . .! C~LL. US-=-:-for n pre-game TV "'~~~~np.~' .,

... '/ ',

" ~·I ' .. ..

• i .

·.' ; . . . j . ~

Moson Hiights- North of Mason on US-127 Phone OR 6-1762

New. Muiti~Strain Brand Alfalfa .~~1 . To Aid State Farmers \fi:J._,· Ne~ly developed ~ta,na formula

1 can grow more ~iry or you . .., lit , Heavier-yielding, more profituble hay c:fqps 'l!"" . can· now be yours, thlmks to development. of \~ new Badger Multi-Strain Brnnd Alfalfa.

, ~p:-~, ' This scientificnlly formulated seed co.:Obines .. , the best characteristics of 4 specially lielecied " .. ~ strains of Montana-grown alfalfa. The result:

i ·an improved winter-hardy~ more wilt-resistant ulfalfa. Sow Multi-Strain Brand. See the

1 dramatic difference in your field. FiU out the toupon below - bring it in and save 50¢ on this special introductory offer. A prorlud of lhe I, ftwtlll Sood Co., 5/nct IIIIJ, Mllwawb~ 1, WJ•·

\ .... ~omparlsons aro" with common alfal&a tnmlnnmmnutmmuumnmtulmnnummttmnutmmumuumuntmtuJJtuuuuutmnmuullllnit. •

. SOc IIITRODUCTORY OFFiR SOc Thla cou11011 Ia worth ro coota on 11111. puldtMO of 1 buobel Cllllll of a.w Budiftf Mlllli·Siralll Bra11d Allalla. Fill in iDionullllll boln end Jake wupon lo your loc:al ~ dtlllor. No' eoupon 1111-.1 dlrtal bll Tl'llllw.

, Your Full NIIIIIL._, --· ---·-··-··---;._-•rown. • .;__:_~. ~~--.;._--,--.Btate... ___ _

Doolor'a Nalllt..-:----.....;----··-··~-·...;.--;....

lllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllll-tlftlllllilllllllllllllllll-·11111111-11.

. :



E[)EN ELEVATOR. · . · '· · ·!'

F~R~~r~~t~:~~ose, · ··

This is wrong and should never Mr. and Mrs. Howard Titus, Mr. be snld to a child. My husband nnd Mrs. Robert T!tus, Mr. an:I suys a blld thing to do is to argue Mrs. Robert McCiinchey, John about ·things with children. Toll Hut tenlocl<~r and Inn Randolph, them what to do and then if they all of. Mumth, were guests. tul11 back; or argue t11!1e more . Mr. nnll Mrs. Raymond Sic· . drastic· m!:ns·ur<i!s;. . . . , '· ·P.hens, .. Clyd~ ,J.~cQ~t> unci l~rner- •. ;j i

Boyll::ar~ rio 1i11raer'tb bl·hui tih s~m ~~msey ati.~J!11¢tedjl,he funem\ : t'fii than glrls .. .Ifs just. thq method~ of._Dale Sw~et ~t SWarthout fu-. \~1 pnrents us.e that counts. · new! home m ~enckney Sat.urd:•Y . Our home hns 11Jways been afternoon. Burtal was nt. .Plaut·

open to all children hut they have field. . to respect tiS and behave when Florence Holmes or ~ans111g they're here. We nil hnve to worl\ spent the we~l< end WJI.h her hut we hnve pnrtles for each daug!Jter, Marton Glaclstone. other and enjoy life too. I-In7;e1 St.~ph:ns nncl,

My teenage children wnnted ~hylh~ Oshmno, and, ch~lch en me to write this ns it might help called on Mr. n!1cl Mts. Elmer othei·s in their problems with Jacl\son and fam11;y nnd Mr. ~nd teenagers. I still .reel we could Mrs. K. .Jaclcson m Wehbervllle all help by understanding. Sunday. . . .

MRS HERBERT SOUTHWICK Mr. and Mrs. ~rcha1 d .Jack~ on · nnd Ellen Lmuse of Lansmg

Mason called on their grandmother,

North White Oak ~Irs. FDl'est Fellows

Hnzel Stephens, Sum!uy evening. Mr. and Mrs. Max Cosgray nfe

Easter dinner with their parents, Mi·. ami Mrs. Orville Cosgrny, near Stoclcbridge.

Mrs. Harlow Sly visited her -----------­!nther, P.orter Shaw, at the Os· teopathlc hospital In Jackson Sat· urdny. Mr. Shaw has been con· fined at the hospllol 5 weelts ilfter sutTerlng an nttoclc of gall trou)lle. ·

Mr. nnd Mrs. Cnrroll Glynn we1;e Sunday dinner guests of

· their parents, Mr. and Mrs .. Ralph Glynn. .

Mr. nnd Mrs. Wilber Jacobs nnd family of Bellaire were East· er Day guests of Mr. nnd .Mrs. Ellis Nemer nnd of their mother, Mrs. Minnie Jacobs. ·

. Miss Dawn Bettel'ley of Hunt· ington college spent last weelt with her parents, !\oft'· and Mrs. Burl Betterley •.

' · Mr .. and Mrs. George Cleslaclt of Redford spent the weelc end

•:· with thelr.-parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rnlph Glynn. ,

.Mr;·and Mrs. J. v. Wigle spent ·· Easter SundaY' with their daugh·

ters, Mrs: Jack Fuller and fnmlly nnd Mrs. Robert Walters · nnd; family, at Lnnslng. ·. .

Eda Bondle of Ann Arbor visit· ed Mrs·. Minnie Jacobs Sundny. .... Mrs. Bl.isll. Stowe hnd . lunch

. with Mr. and.Mrs. Lon Richards nt Mnsori. Thursday, In the nfter· . . ' .

takes you over rocka · and mags ..• through wccdl

and rccdal ...,,,.., .. de



PERKINS. ·Hardware

360 S. Jefferson Ph. Maron OR 6-4311

'· , .


Cooler Regular $11 ,95

Now $10.8.9

99c Regular $1.49

Corn Broom

98c 5-Foot o

Step Ladder Regular $4.89

Just $3.99

Phone. OR 7·1241

lighten Washday Chores

with a Beacon Bath: Scale'·

Laundry Basket

' 20" diame·ler·

10" high

6-ft. Wood Rule Just 99c

Spring ·Shower of Bargains ·

·Plumbing · .aind Heating ·:' . I


Lawn Chairs

$2.99. Each ' .

' J\ i ... •,

1•'·1 '.'· .. . . . · VA'GABOND


JUG 0 Regular $3.98

$1.99 50-Foot

Plastic ·Hose Regular $3.90

$2.89 Swivel Base

~VISE·· ·, . :'Regular $5.95

' ~ : .

., '


'· '


' .

. I (

,. ·I

" :ij :.


inghliiil CuiJilly Nc!Wt April 25, 1957 Page J

Fitchburg liii'H, I.yll• Cli'OW

Orhy Dolhr.y s[Jr!nl Ins! wr~:l1 with Mr. and Mrs. S, V. Lnw renr·e.

Mrs. Charles Wehtl Is n pnllrmt nt tlw Ostr!opnthle hospital, ,lurk ROll. , ,

,Johnny Jiemslrerl of Lrsllr! spc!nt thr. IVI'rl< enrlwlth Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mnrehousl!.

Mel'I'Y llnncl1 of Detroit sp~nt 1!11! Wl'l'll l!lld With IJI!l' JlflrPiltH, Mr·. nnrl Mrs. ClnreJH'r. n.nnd<.

MI:H, E:rlnn Erlwnrrls or DeiJ'r>ll wns nn Enstrr gue~;l or Mr. and Mrs. Almon Lnt trrop nnd family.

Dlnnrr gursts of Mr. nnrl Mt'li, William Wilson, Dnuf.(lns nnd

,, Knye Ensler Hunclny wrm Mr. nnrl Mrs. Petr! '.l'omlln nnrl family, Mr. nncl Mrs. George Stephrms nncl family, Mr. nne! MI'S. Tiohrrt Wilson nml Jnmlly nJHI Mrs. Kate! Hawley.

Mrs. Llcln Mears Is stnylng at the Clnrr.nce n.nncl< home nnw.

Mr·s. Wellford Call, Mrs. Wen· dell Gee :ual Mrs. Walle!' Casslcly Jeff lasl Thursday with a group of other teachers on n tour of Washington, D. C., nml New Yorl1 City. 'J'hcy returned home Mon· day n flcrnoon.

Mrs. Lucy Grow last 'I'hursclay with Mrs. Nellie Me· Crcery of ,Jad<son.

Mrs. Forrest Hnrlley !!Iller· , talned the Meny-Go-RoliJHl dub

' 'ot lwr !tome Snturrlny aftf'rncHin. Mrs. Harold Morehouse wns hon· orccl with n shower.

Mr. nncl Mrs .. Joseph Rnrlhor· sl<l and Mt·. unci Mrs. Harold Morehouse spent Easter with Mr. nnd Mt·s. Hugh Morehouse unci Frank .Morehouse.

MrR. Aggie Thut·lby, n.ose Ann Asquith nml Alice Craig H]ll'nt the week end with Mr. anrl Mrs. S. V. Lnwrcnce.

Lee Titus arHl Mrs. Lloyd Price nrc still patients nt: Foote hns]lilnl, .Jocl<son. I3olh nrc im]lmvinJ.:.

· •' Childs School 1\olrs. J,eorw ,Johnston

Mr. nncl Mrs. Earl Iverson nncl son were Easier dinner guests of het• mother, Mrs. ~1arie Straub nnd family.

Mr. nne! Mrs. Armine Finrh of Mtlnith were Saturday evenin::: supper J.:Ucsls of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clnri,,

Mr. nml M1·s. FrnnJ( Clark nnd Mrs. .lnilnston were Easier dinner J.:Uesls of Mr. and Mrs. Eel Croley anrl family of Holt.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Croley nml family were Sunday £•vc•ning sup· ]let• guests nf Mr. and Mrs. Fnmk Clark anrl Mrs. Leone Johnston.

• Mt·. anrLMrs. William Comstock I sncnt I lie 'week end visit in[( their

' rh(ughter,')3cvcrly, .· nnd family, nml 1heir son, John Comgtocl<, n!lCl family In Hillsdale.

Mr. nnrl Mrs. Donald Jacobs nnd dauf.(htcr were Easter guests of her parrmts, Mr. nnd Mrs. D. E:· Abbott, nnd sons.

South, Aurelius and . North Onondaga ]\It'S, II. ][, Jlichl

Pnrlwr Orr of Mason was nn Easter day guest of his hrotllct·· ln·law and sister, Mr. ami Mrs.

• 'i I3. H. Field. • Mrs. gJsie Walline of Alaicclon, Mi·. nml Mt•s. Lcnnurrl Wallin!! micl family of Hall, .Janet Hemans of Jncl1snn nncl Mnrgnrct He· mans of Detroit were Easll!r gt!e~!~. ~·f)\'! I!. i11.tW )\1r?;: .~i~hn Ht!· In 'all~!' ' :Jr I :: :f·> .': '' ' . ,!'; '.\ 0~ . !:

Mr. nild Mt'R> Erwin Bench family 'of Milson ' n1\d Mr. a net Mrs. Stanley Alston of Detroit were Easter guests of 1\It'. mul Mrs. John Powell.

Mr. nntl Mrs. Mel Swanson en, tertained Easter clay Mr. an" Ml·s. Anthony Goris nml family of Jacl~son, Mr. and Mrs. Law· renee Dolbee and family and his m~ther, Mrs. Maude Dolhcc.

'When we collect good hooks, we collect happiness fot• the fu·

\ ture.



i· .·... ''

It's super·sweet- 99.9% , pure sugar.

Made in Mlchjgan £rona Michigan producta by Michigan people. . .

Two brand&-'-Pioneer and•Big Chief. Both carry the red eeal mal'kl,ld "Michisan Mmdo". · ·,,

Whole· Frying· or Stewing

CHICKENS Only lb 31c· •,

Cut-Up- Only· 39c :Lb

Frying Chicken ·Parts, Legs and Thighs Wings

. Livers

LD 59C ·LB 29C

Breasts · Backs Necks

Lo 49c Gizzards

LD 69C Lo .lOc LB 29C

Sliced Bacon .

Ends-Pieces 4 1-lb Pkgs.. 9 8( WILSON 1S CORN KING ,,


Thick Sliced Bacon 2-lb Pkgs. 99c HERRUD'S PARTY ASSORTMENT

Cold Meats Spare Ribs Small-Meaty


t-lb Pkg. 5 9c lb 49c LB33C L~ 79c



Grade 1 Skinless Franks SLICE:D BOLOGNA

3·Lb Pkg.



' Round Sirloin

T-Bone lb 65c

.Beef Roasts·. Ri'b Steaks

lb 35c lb 43c

PRIZE-WINNING CAKE DECORATORS 1st, $25 in trade - Mrs. Clarence Wheeler, 327 E. Elm, Mason 2nd, $10 in trade..:._ Mrs, Velma Jones, R. I, Mason 3rd, $5 in trade- Mrs. Mel bourns Sealy, R. 2, Grand Ledge 4th, $5 in trade -,Mrs. E. R. Zimmerman, 2198 Park Lane, Holt 5th, $5 in trade -:- Mrs. Lawrence Burgess, R. 3, Box 20-A, Mason

Thanks to ~II the Rest . . "Th•nks to •ll.of you who. entered tho contost. Tho judges said it was most difficult to

c~i • .. ~-.~~·~~!~j,i /iit11~~~~;!.~~1;+.{~.~.~~~~~~~·~Q~_:' ~~-v.:.::~-r·~~:·.~ ~.~~~~~~ !-.. ;~~;d~.f~.: r_}~~.~.~~f ~J,_WJo_t.t~ :~=~~ . .. ~r~~: ~ J.t ~I?~: ~~~~.n .. :.~:~.~. _ \:. 'c· ,'; ... ,,•: · ''"ll~oC:I >~r::'tPd,9crsr:~nq ,f~{[e~fer' ·'Johnson, w11o"·.conducled.:'thn' ~·k·o II'Lle'tion. ·'Their services wera ::::. '( ' •. . ' d<ln.te{ :i P(o~cio~i )T'the. ~iik~~ ;.,o. wcr~ '$I 71 .35. The: money has· o~c'n t~rncd over ~~ tho''' ,, _,~,··•··'" ···~'iiion Hospit'a('FunH.'" .. · · · ·· · · ·

;'• ,_: ..


:Bananas [Deliciou~\ .--, tslicecl OQ \ :

· tvour fo.v~ (~ieolsl~.

Radishes Green· Onions

Sc Sc

l1b l9c

Cello Bag

Fancy Bunch


' .. ·

So· Iandor, tho,v will

. )UII melt · in your

,.,·nuthl •

, 'I'Ril'LC BlitAS1'ED or .---..-~.,. 'I'HRCE LEGGED FRYINC Cll!CKF.f{


Pork Steak LB 49C


Perch 3 p~~~b $1

6 FQR 89C


Tomato s~oup.

10 Cans 99c


•'" '!\ ··-


100 BAGS ,.";/ ,;r

Tetley Tea 89c

Maxwell-House - 6-0z. Jar

hastant Coffee $1.39

FREE Popsicles for the KIDS \~

.Manor House



Sunshine Springtime


Reg. or Drig

Take Your Pick . •

29c ·


\WI~ed 'riPaper ..

100' Roll

lSc ·e·· ' '

1/2 PRICE on one group 6f~oy~,, Dolls1 Di~h~s, etc. -.We wantto reduce our invimtory. · . . . ... . '

A dllf~r~nl prlct ln IYII'f •' packoJtl


Swans Down

CAKE.MIX Yellow- Devils Food - Lemon Flake

· White - Butterscotch I ~.

l for s·sc COOKIES ...

2~Lb Sack \ r L, • .. • Fig Bar.~ Sandwich Cremes '

,n:,. . ..,. Gingersnaps ~~

.. Only·49c

O:EN'SMORE'S .. IGA FOODLI·N·ER Open • 9 to 9 Every Day· Including Sunday

,, .,


j . l • • l'


I. \-

SMillLT FIW IS :PLANNED Socltll 6venb· anJ ·PersoriBlj·· - • u

Music Through the Year Is Vocal Concert Title

. . ,, Easter Sunday

• + •

Visits .. ' .

Sh G. Mnfl. ~MITH rs DELEQATE 1 t · 1 a·· 1. . . ower IVen' . MJ'I!, A. v, Smith will leave wo .oca . lr s ' ' ' . Frldny . for. '{:!oluml)LISr 'Ohio, In a'roadw' ay H't At R. d ('t where she wlll nttend tho hlenrilnl . I . ee I y r.onventlon of the Nntlonnl Fed· Two local girls nre appeat•ing

F M II m•ntlon of Music Clubs, She Is to In the Lansing Civic Plnyers or iss . Mi s nttend ns II delegate with Mrs, presentation of "Annie Get YoLJr J, H, Rhodes of Lansing, Gun," starting M11y 1 for a 11m

Miss I<eltha Mills of Almn 111• ~ * • of <I nights nt Sexi.Dn qudltorlum, • tended n mlscellnnpous shower Easter Sunriny guest~ of Mr. Lnnslng.

. Hnslctt·Oicomns mwnni~ club wl.ll sponsor !Is nnnual smelt fry Frld~!y, April 26, 5·8 p. m; 'rlcltcls llHIY he purchasccl at Joe's Food· J I lnnd and Haslett Drug or fmm l<lwa nls rncrnbors, Proceeds will bc used to equip boys In tho sum· mer hnschail league In the Has. lott·Oitemoa nren.

. Mr, and Mt·s. Hal Hull Qf Chicago visited their son-In· law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs, Jim Bl'Dwn, and family ovet• the Easter holiday. Miss Gertrude Ludwlclc of Lansing and

"Away In 11 Man,.,er," "Men'Y M d M N 1 B d M . . "' r. an rs, e son rown an argaret, g-yel!ts of ·the ~hrlst~fl~, Tny~>" llJlfJ "Up on the Jim Browns at a· Sunday night supper. * .: ~~' !' ·Mr. and Mrs~

in her hDI1or MDndny given hy nnd Mrs, Mnurlce Briggs were The girls· nrc ,Jnnct Every, Mrl!, G, George,' Mrs. E. Messner Mr. and Mr7. Fl'!!d Briggs nnd daughter of Mr. nnri Mrs. Glen and Mrs: E. Simon of Reed City aon, Ed, of Stocltbrldge, Mr. nnri Evr.ry of Mason, and Lois Ann lit the latter's h~me, · Mrs. Theo Merlndorf of Lansing, Wedge, daughter of Mr. nnd1 MI'S,

· · , · Mr. and Mrs .. Terry McLaughlin Edwnrd Wedge of Holt. The girls .The 3-course, orye o clDclt lunch· of Battle Creek, unrt Mr. nnr! Mt·s. graduated from Mason high

• • • Dr. nnrt Ml'H. A. V. Smith spent

Easter Sundny with her sister, Mrs. gflwl Kuhn, nt Musltcgon Heights. MJ'l!. I\uhn visiter! the Smiths from Tuesday, till FrlrJny D[ lnst week, enroute home fmm Florida,

"Music 'l'hrough the Yenr" Is the title Di Cedar Street elemcn· tury school's vocal' cDnccrt which will be presented Friday evening, April 2G, In the school nudltorl· urn. Miss .To Ann Menoch Is director of the performance, with Nnncy Bmy assisting us pianist.. The program hegins at 7:30.

The concet•t, ns the title aug· gesls, feuturcs songs of nil the sensons through the year. The fourth grade will open the prn· gram with 'fhe Sensons by Sl· hclius, and 3 !Dik songs, "Long Summer Day" "HIIdng Song" and "Dancing Through the Corn." Repres10nting stnllts of corn will be Huth Phillips, Ramona Gar· cia, Karen DeKett, Marsha Lnm· pherc, Robctt Mahllch, Hobert Donley, Dennis White and Gary Curtis. Danee1•s are Sharon De· l\ett and Kenneth Mull..

~~! ~lrlrd gradp portion of the Edwin Wentland ~nd Ban: entertained a~ dinner Mr, .and concert will consist. Dt a German Mrs. Charles Van Every, Jt., and so.ns, Chatle!J 1~1 and Todd, tDllt SDng, Jnnunry nnd Febru· of Novl, M1· .. and M;s. Charles V~~:n .Every, Sr., o~ Northville nry; de Haven's Two VII Ientine~, lJ,nd Miss Ltnda Clinton. Afternoon cqllers . wet·e Mr.' IJ.Il4 and George Washington by Wol· Mrs. William Hlel<s, Polly and Roger of Bay City' •. ~ · ~ · ~ Mr. verton. A Russian follt donee, and Mrs. James Aseltine and chlld1·en cimie~from Howell to "Trolkn," will conclude their spend the day with Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Mason. · Mr. Aseltine pet•formnnoo. Dnncer11 nrc . Jlll Is Mrs. Mason's son. ·, · ~ ' · . Chriutensen, P.eter Shaw, Mnr· . Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Alston of Detroit and Mr. nnd Mrs. gnret B~:~lley, · Rebecca palmer, Wallace Bailey and daughters were dinner guests of Mr.· and

I.'Dl1 wns ~erved .!It tables deco· Charles Merlnrlorf, Miss Mar· sphoDI with the class of 1956, mted In the hrldul motif with garet Munger, · Mrs, Flossie They both nppenred In class white lace umbrellns on place· Lamphere, Marcia and l{e!th plnys during their junior und sen· cards, Whjte bells tDpped the In· Lamphere and Fonda Merlndorf. lor yenr. dlvldunl ca,ltcs. · · Donnld Woodard of .Tacltson Janet lll'ld Lois are seen In a ··The group plnyed cards In the nnd William McGinn spent Sun· spcclnl dance and ·singing num· altern Don, .n!ter which the honor rlny with Mr. and Mrs. Montie her In Irving Berlin's hrondwny guest opened her gifts. She was Woodard. hit. assisted by Mrs. G. T. Normnn Mrs.' Dnro Anderson of Colum· • • •

Mr. nne! Mrs. Hownrd Scrlpter entertainer! nt Enster.cilnner Sun· dny evening. Guests were Mr. nnd Mrs. Marvin Scrlpte1·, Vlcl<ie nnd . Dawn, Mrs. Edith Clnrl{ anrl Mr. and Mrs. Enr·i Lnmb nnd fnml!y.

Dr. m,ui Mrs. Charles J. Huh· bnrd and fnmlly were week cnr1

1 guests of Mrs. Huhbnrrl's parents, Mt·. nnd Mrs. Arthur Olson of Detroit.

nnd Sue Mills. .., bus, Indiana, Is visiting 2 weel<s Mrs, Alford Powelson and Mrs. · . .Mrs, ntchnrd .Mills and Sue nt· llt the home of her son·ln·lnw and I.Tuseph Fo. ntana visited Mrs. tended the shower nnd were rlnughter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hulda PD!glase of Allegnn Mon· David . /ll.drlch, B~thnoy S!arr, M G L B 11 ~ .., f• M. d M El Otl · f L II'

Eunice Howe, I<urt Fc!gliner rs. · · 11• ey. . I. an rs. - mer . s o · es e Mary. J&ne Schofield, Jenneil had dinne1· With Mr. ·and Mrf:!. H.ol;>ert Bali!J.rd !111~ family; Cappo, Ross Ginter qnd Therlsa ~ ~ • Mr. and Mrs: Russell Bartlett entertained at dmner Mr. Derntta. · and Mrs. Robert Stillman, Mr. and Mrs. Lowell McKenzie and

gUejlts of Mr. nnd Mt·s. G. 1', NDI'· Hllderbrandt.. · , dny lnan nt d!n'ner In the evening. · · i ' -. Miss Milia, the dnughtcr of Mr. and· Mrs. Richard Mills, will wed Charll!s· Norman, son Df the G. T. Normans, on .(l.ugust 31.

• • • • The concert will conc!u!le with Lowell Russell and Miss Verna Favorite. • • · .. Mr. an(l Mrs~

sDngs by the !lith grade. They E1'Win Beach and family had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. John will sing Hall to W11shlngton, by Powell of Aureli'us. " "' ~ Miss Janet Campbell spent her Glbb, . Bl!rlin's E11s.t'~r Pornde, Easter va,cation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Pre·N~p· tial Shower Battle Hymn of the Republic hy ward· Campbell. She is a student at Centml Michigan college Steffe, nnd an ·Ir,lsh folk· song; Mt Pleasant . . ~ :' Fetes. Ml'ss Chapman "Coc)tles 11nd Mussels." . · · · ·

Songs of the fall season will be Decornt!Dn·s for the various . Mr. and M1·s. John J. Clark a.n~ David of Ann Arbor r.Jrs:, Russell Crowl ,and Mrs. , :;ung by second grade pupils. seasons consist of a Christmas dinner guests of D1•. a.nd Mrs. W1lllam Clark. ~ * ~ Mr. and Lawrence . Schoen entertained

. Their select!DnS are "Columbus," ~ree, jaci>·O·Iantern, snowman, Mr. s. Abe Cohn were dmner guest.s of Mrs. Cohn's nephew and Friday evenlnn 'nt H pr_e·nllptlal "Halloween Is Comhi"," "Gobble! M d M L C f B ttl C I 0 I "'

h picket .fence, valentine, ship, tur· 111ece, r. an rs. eon arrter o a e ree '·. t ll!r shower ltonDring Miss Anne Gobble!". and "Over the River." · · d d d 1 d · l<ey, Easter egg tree, tiDwers nnd guests mclu e Mr. an Mrs. Car Topliff an Mr. 'and. Mrs. Chapmnn of Leslie, who tcache~ .,._. Chrlstrnastlme I~ dcplctcrl by flowering bushes, aUtumn tree, Gerald Topliff and family of Eat,on Rapids. ~ ~W ~ Mr:. ~nd in Sari J?lego, California. The

•... the first gmrle as they sing l1atchet nnd shamroclc. M1·s. Glen Coon were guests at dinner of their son-In-law and pnrty •wus g!v~n nt the Schoen . . ' · daughter, Mr. and Mrs.· Clifford Sible, and family of Hitb- home.· . ·

• .,

Ch h G ·t M b · barst'on.· "'· ~- .jO Mr. and Mrs. Winston Dancer and family ·~h~ .group played ·g;Jmes w!th urc es ree em ers were guests at the home of Mr. and MI'S. William Dancer of prizes g?lng to ~rs. Ford Chap· · · · . Stockbridge.·· They all went out for dinner. ~> •· " Guests· man, Mts. !?.au! Simpson and tl_w

E · 'd F · F' d d . dl . honor guest. On. . te ·


Mr. an M1·s. rancts •1e ler an ~amtly for nn~r ~ere ~r. : -Mrs.· Crowl and Mrs. Schoen as r . and Mt·s. DuWayne Howe and family and MI'S, Romam. D. aVIS, served refreshments In the Easter ~. · Mr.. and Mrs. Alfred Forche entertained Mrs. Doyle theme at the close of the eve-

At church services Sunday ter o~ Mr. and Mrs. Robet't J. Spring ·and son Qf Lansing, Mr. and Mrs. William Tea]-arid n~ng. · many people became members ~lflghram, Jr.; and Terry J., son family, .Wesley Pulver and L. R. White at dinner. " +> '~ Mr: · · • • • and baptizing was done. Mr. and Mrs. James BlauveH. and Mrs , Wayne Engle and family and Mr and Mrs Wayne Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sheffer

· Mason Methodist church , re· · . . ' · , · w 1 1 t f II New members welcomed hy celved new member~$· o'n Palm Every and chtldren were dmner guests of Mrs. Engles and . ere wee c em guess o , s par·

At Services

Rev: Paul. c. Al'll~id at. Mason Sunday and again• Dfl Euster. Mr. Every's pal·e~ts, Mr. and ~t·s. Glen Every. ~. " • Dl:." q.nq ents, 'Mr. nrid Mrs: William Shef. PI rlelsbMyterlas't1 iclhlurc.~ weJc fi<Mim· Joining by letter· of transfct· or MI'S. George R. Clinton entertamed at brealcfast. Guests were fe~rosf. TJuascmo!~· 1-l. v,·,nclnr Vcn

·-- m ax , r c' llllu, son o r. f . ·I f f I I . . M d M. C P Cl' t Sl d p tt f H 'l.t ~~ " and Mrs. Gemld Strickland; pro ess Dn o at 1 were Mr .. <~nd r: an rs. . . m. on, 1aron an a y o ·; am1 on, s·pimt last week with Mr. and · · Kathryn Ellen Seyfarth, daugh· Mrs. John Prlnclng,. Mrs. ·Jay Ohio, and Mrs. C. fl:.· Clmton and Mr. and .Mrs. (itlson Pear- ~1rs.' Wflllam Schuring and fain­

ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sey- Coffey, Mrs. Leslie Brun~, Les· sal!. Mrs. ~·. A. Clmton returned home wtth the C .. :r. Clin· ily' of :Portage. The Vander Yens !arth; Mrs. Joyce Yeuttcr, a!1d lie Br~no; Jr., M11rie .and Linda tons for a VISit. . , were guests at dinner Easter

'" Mrs. JDyce Saelens, all of whom Reyes, Paul Bateman, Joe Miller, 'Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Brown and Margaret and Sunday of. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd ~;.: were baptized that morning. ~~~~ ~~~s~~~ :;;~r1J1'111e "~eet~t~· BI'Dwn's siste1·, Miss Gertrude Ludwick of Lansing, din" Longycar, who recently' moved ..1 Others who had previously been ori Palm Sunday baptisms wet·~ ner.wlth Mr. and Mrs. Vernon J. Brown and Dorothy. " ., .. ~ to Bear hilte, Muskegon. '" baptized and were admitted on made at th . M tl dl t I I. Mr. and Mrs. LaVern Balmer and family were dinner m•est. i; Mt•. and Mrs. Ronald Stolz and

confession or reaffirmation of . e. e 10 5 c mrc 1• · · · · , · • p- · Stanley Stolz oLAima, Mr. anrl faith or by letter from other Inadvertently left off the list ns Sunday of Mrs. Balmer s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dee Wtlcox of Mrs. Dennis Stolz of Lansing and

;;: churches were Mr. and Mrs. published last we~k was the name Millville.. Ot~er guests incl.uded Mr. and Mrs. Howard.1'own- Mr. and. Mrs. Tim Stolz, Tommy ;;;: Homer Potter, Barbara Laxton, of Kim Duannb 1 homson, SQn of send and famtly of Stockbridge, Mr. and Mrs. Charles WIIC!JX and Marlene were guests at din· - Roger . Harlwess, Vernon J. Mr. nnd Mrs~ :m•~ne Thomson. and _family. of Dansville, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bott of ncr Easter sunday of Mr. and ::; Brown, Brian Saelens, Miss .. · · . . . Mumth and Mrs. Mary Clar·t; and Dean from Grass Lake~ Mrs. Milton Swarthout. Mr. and

EVANGELISTIC SERVICE r .. 7 .......... "" .. " .. ·:·-·. Gillespie

Evangelistic Party '

Wednesday. April 24 through

Sunday. May 5 Each Evening ot 7:30

* Special Music

* Rev. George Gillespie Speaking

MASON CHU.RCH of the NAZARENE -· I{athy Dart, Harold Neal, Brian Dr. and Mt·s. Merlin J. Green and family were dinner Mrs. Jack Canfield of Jacltson ~ ~~~~cyR~HIII,M~~d Nutrition.iM p~ts~Mn.lli~n~~re~~M~andMmWill~m.TI~*lt~~s-rt~~~~~~~-~-------------------------------~ : M~.~~~ri~ M~ and . ~Man~~~~*·M~~MmC~~H~~~h~~-------------~--~------~----------------------~

Corner M11ple and Steele

Rev. Roy Mum11u, Pastor

_, Mrs. Rrchard Nicolen, Mr. anct S · AI · • · 'ily ·of Drayton Plains and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Holwig and =~ ~~~~~ ~~fb):'cutter and Mrs·. Ed· a ys u mIn u m daughter of Eaton Rapids we~e ,?v~ming luncheonguests of '·'"'· Young chllrlren who were bap· 1 N ,.·.t H ·· . f J Mr. and Mrs •. stanle:,: Hazel. . .Mr. and Mrs. Eme~~on ~~- tlzerl were Robert Douglas, SOil s . 0 a r,m u . SheJ?ard had dmner Wit~ Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Kauffman· and :_r. of Mr. and Mrs. William 'rhor- family. · · . . · . . . · · ...

burn; Carol Linn and Jacquelin~! Contrary to the 'beliefs .. of! M1·. and ·Mrs. Charles Kuhn and family of Lansing, Mr: :~·~A Rae, children of Mr.· and Ml'£. m.any, ~lu~lnum coo~~ng .. utens~Is .a~d Mrs. Harold Barnhill and Merritt and Mrs. Mable ·collar

LeRoy Saelens; . Wendy Marie, me no.t bad for t~e hqalth. of were entertained at dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin daughter of· Mr. and Mrs. Louis ~fsu·~r~:~~Y ·~:;~ sho~ld.n~~ ~~Linn. Kil'lc Kuhn is spendiT)g the week with his grandpar· Lee; Steven Ray, son of Mr. and 1 ct D Dor · C~deasQnl,.acclqr 1 ents Mr and 'Mrs Linn "' * * James Barwick·of L"nsing M. R s 'd . v . · . L ng o r.. en a e erqu st, 1eac , ' · , · · "'

-· ts. ay 111 er, etomc.t ynn f u • f d. d tIt! d · t· was a dinner pest of Mr. anq M1·s. Herschel Jewett and fam· .. - and Steven Ira, children of Mr. 0

H! 00 ~ an . nu f ~n epa,r . 'I ~ ll * M d M 1 ,; R d f 'I · ·

..... and Mrs. HDmer Potter; Connie ':"ent at Michlgap State unlver. I y, . r. an rs. Ne son o~se an ~- ~~!. ywere guests

.. ~: ... ~·· ,,, '

..... · ... ......... ' ..... ~ .



Sue, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. slty. - ···. · ._. .. · . . of M1·. and Mrs. Clarence Bole~ at dm,ner. ·. · Dr. and Mps. 11ester Perrine; Kathleen, daugh· . Dr. Cederquist , !ltates ... : that F. J. Kellogg spent the day wtth thetr son-m-law and daugh~ -----------=- aluminum Is a natural constftiJ. ter, 'Mr. and M1·s. C. A. Plumb of Flint.· ~>. '; · ~· Mr. and Mt·s .

'ent of ordinary· water· 'lllld of Ray Kh·kpatrick and daughter, Eileen, spent Surid~J.Y with many (oods,, t~C!ugh prese~t only Mrs. Kirkpatrick's parents, Mr. and Mrs. JosePh Bozu'ng, SI'., c·hief Wapous

Calls Meeting Of Chippewas

in traces. 1 he aluminum that of Dansville. . . . . '· • · '· ... passes lnt.o a food from ·a cook· ·M d M • G M • h d .. ' · • · " !rig ute11sn Is ncit thought of as r. an ~s. eorge . essne1 a . as .guests, M1. an,d foreign .to nat.11ral tDDQ ~f to the Mrs. ~olland Wmg and fa!J1tly ?f Dansv11le. S)lerry Wlng..JS borJy, she., s.tatect. 1" fact she spendmg her Easter vacatwn With her grandpnrents,.Mr,. .and said,' some aluminum·'. 'com· Mrs. ·Messner. ~ * ~- Mr·.'·_and Mrs. ·Glenn Neff1 .Phillip and pounds are, Important and' use· 'S.haron of Jackson were dinner guests"of Mr. arid Mrs. James I

Chief Wapous !Richard Ferris! ful. therapeutic ~~~nts. ,. . . Neff. '' ~ * Mrs. Temple Christian, ·Celeste. an.d. Gregqry, called his tribe to council last Aluminum pots· and pans are Dorr Bateman and Mrs. Ruth Bateman visited lit the · Clar­Monday night at their Longhouse easily darl~enqd by some ... foods ence. Davis home in Union City. . '· on West Ash street He was aided anddlfate{'h but e

1an ·be polished "Mr. and Mrs. Rollin Dart and family ,spent the· week

in council by Sit;!n<T Eagle as fr!Cl! yl w ~I meta dwoolD.or .aCvdery end in Port Huron as guests of Mrs. Dart's parents, Mr. and . ., ne c eans ng pow er. r. e er· M S b' C b' * * * W 1 d t f M · ·d· M tally keeper; Blazing Arr·ow as qulst emphasizes that the dark· rs. a 111 or Ill. · • ee t en gues s o . 1\ an rs.

Indian runner, and Little Bear as enlng. of aluminum has no harm· Donald Edgington and family were Mrs. Edgington s pa.-ents, tom tom beater. · ful effect on food and that alu· Mr. and MI'S. Luther R. Cook, who just returned fi•oin Flor~

Mason's tr!Iie of Chippewas min urn has no harmful errect bn .Jaa. ~ ~ 41 Dr. and Mrs. Charles J. Hubbard and family s~nt came Into being during the last health. Rubbing with. ordinary the Easter week end as guests of Mrs. Hubba,rd's· parents, Indian summer, sponsored by the household acids s~ch as vinegar, Mr. and Mr:;;. Arthur Olson of Detroit. ; !MCA Indian Guide program. lemon juice and cream of tartar Meeting every 2 weeks, the tribe will brighten darkene(l areas. An:' Mr. and Mt·s. Lawrence' Schoen Dennl's Sherw' ood

,._ Is made up of father and SDn other way Is to cools: an acid food d d h t t 1 d E ..,; · comblnntlons of bl"' and 11ittle such as rhubarb or tomatoes· In an aug ters. en er a ne 'aster d ·

.. Sunday In honor of Mrs. Schoen's Ba' ptl'ze ,·n Texas· : braves. At each meeting, little the pans. , parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell braves report In cou~1ell how they She says not to leave salty Crowl. Others present were Mr. On Easter sunday, Dennl's Al'· camed wumpums smce the last foods or liquids standing in a\U· and Mrs. Paul Clark and Linda len. Sherwood, S·month·old son of mele.tlng,daldnd what they and their mlnum pans ·but not because of of Lincoln Park .and Mrs. Jane Mr. !tnd Mrs. Carl. Sherwood, was


fat lei'S togethct• during that d f ' ·. ·11 1 1 · limbs and Mrs Mary Schoen of baptized at the Parl<er Memorial . time. anger 0 s~·ca ecj "a urn num Leslie. · · · Methodist church. In Houston

.. ;;. -... After Monday lll"ht's scoutln" poisoning." 'fhe daJiger is to your M d M L t B t 'fexas Rev Chester R Steele ot·' · "' . . " · · ., · . · r. an rs. aw on e111cn · · · . · ;: : reports, the little bt·aves learned J)ans; these foods can cause pit· entertained Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur ficlated. Denny was. als.o enrolled • ·some Indian games, including the tlng of the met~,tl. ·- · :Singer· and· Mr. ;ind Mrs. Russell In the cradle set nursery school,. := Flying Eagle Dance. Council was. . * ~· • Crowl Saturday evening at a The Sher.woods; ft?r!llerly ot '"' closed ";\th the Omaha tribal Easter week encj>gUests of Mr. birthday dinner honorlpg Mr. and Mason, mo~ed to Texa.s ,In Fe~~ .;., pt·ayer: Father-a needy. one and Mrs .. Joseph Fontana, Sr., ilfrs. ·Crowl. The Crowls at· ruary. Denny Is the_ grandson of :: ~lands .~e!ore thee. I, who speak, were their SOILan~ dallghter·ln· tended an Euster brealdast lit Mr. ana ~rs. <:;hnrle_s· La.xton .o~ .. am he.. · - ·· law, Mr. and Mr~. •Joseph Fon· the home ·of Mr. and Mrs. Fmd Larslng and 'Mr. al)d Mrs. Clu· .,.. Big and little braves In attend· . tana, Jr., and ~allliiY . 0~ New ~mbs of Leslie. Other guests ence Sherwood. of Mason. . ~ .· .

ance were: .Tomahawk and Long Baltimore. Other g~Jests for 'din· were Mr. and Mrs. Lark Ambs A/2c Richard Laxton of .Elling· I\nlfe, 1 Rain Cloud and White ner Sunday were arid :Mrs; of· Leslie and Mr. and Mrs. Paul ton field, Texas, witnessed the

· Cloud, Wapous·a·nd Thunderbird, Alford Powelson, Allee Gilchrist Chirk'and Linda of Lincoln Park. baptismal of his nephew. · "'· · Big Hawk a~d ·Little H11-wk, Sit· and Barbara1 Powelson·. Mrs. Dpnald Siefert and chll~ * * •

.. : ,tlng Eagle and Screaming Eugle, Mt•, and Mr;. ·Robet;t Den'smore dreh, ~au!, Marie and Joel, of Rev. s. a: Wenger ·and ·~on 'Big Bear ;and·Bear,"Golden mid chlldi'en spent the week end Gre.envrile, who have been visit· called on · Mt·s. · Mlmile Hall Feather. and Blazing Arrow, at Mullett lal<e. · ~.. lng ',her parents, · Mt•; nnd. Mts. Wednesday afterno.on. Rev. Wei)· Crazy Horse and. Littl~ 'Thund~r. Mr. and Mrs. John Geni:o. and 'Ait~n· Jewett, returned .home t::er Is minister of .tl\e f" Con. Lost Al'l'ow at)d .. Found 4rrow Tony visited Mr. and MrJi. Ralph .Sa.~IJFday. g_regatlonal l)hurch In ~1dle. wet•e absent. . . , · ·· · . Cascarilla of . Lansing .Sunday Mr. and' Mrs. LeRoy Saelens , Mr. an~ Mt•s. Claren~ IncU!\ns lnterestlld:ln afternoon. · . . · entertained Mrs. Mnry Saelens of :p;!oyd,.~Biadman and Mrs. tribal aft' Illation's are to contact Easter. dinner· 'gue~u; : of' Mr.' I.,a~slng ·.and Mrs. !v,[able .Every, ~l!er~. ~ent .Efs~eM:

. . Chief Wapous. and Mrs. sam cotton and family ~r. and Mrs: Earl O~ls a.nd Mrs. vJ1r1~ . ~g~k w. t r. • ... • ·• . , · , ... .were Capt: ... a.nd·.•Mrs. James .Cot· M11ggle; Ot!s a,t . dinner Enst!!l' . am a e1... . . . .

Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Sterle of ton nnd sons, ~hil, Joe, .Jon and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. LaVei'n · Mlss·Ellzabeth Fox; a senior !it' Lansing .. entertained· .at dlnne1• Davis, of: Niagara .·F:alls, ~New Burley. of. Eaton ~I!Pids visited Ce~tral Michigan college,. Mt·. Sunday 'In hDnor· of hl8' sister, York, an!l Mr. :and ·,Mrs;·.!Donald ~fr .. and M~~· Sael!!ns Saturday Pleasant~ is ,5pendlng,Uie Mrs. Ralph Rles .of Fontana; Call· Shinevar .and . ·~aughterst .. Julie, ·evening. · · · • , , . . vacation with her parents,'

. fornla. !hose' present were Mt". Jane and,.Joann11, ;of Ypsllantt~ ·. 'Satur.da~ .e.v~ning guests of dM H Iiet R F · · ; ·and Mrs. Joseph Sterle, Mr .. and Guests at dlnn!!r. Sund11y o~ Mr. and: 'Mrs. Mac.· Dean 'were an . rs.. er., r . · . 0."· . . ·, Mrs. George Sterle; Mr. and MrH. Mr. and .Mrs;· .. F:red' :A;· Carrle1•; Mr and 'Mrs Claren~ lSklatky ~f Mr. and Mrs. Dee Bray had. as

Paul Drumm and Cpf .. Richard Jr., were.:Pilh~ld-:~n~·.~vt·WII· ·.· .. - '· · ·· cnll~rs'·Sunday Mr •. ~and ·Mrs. .. Ries. Mrs. Rles. came· through son of Lansl!lg,,brothers of .Mrs. ~ra11~ Ledge. ..·~ Daniel Pierce and famlly of· Eil; _.

from California to drive home Carrier, and Mr.,C!lrrler's mother, -~rs. Olive B~own retumed ton Rapids Mr and Mrs ··' with .her son, Cpl. Rles, wh'o was Mrs •. Florence. B. ·carrier •. In the home Saturday from Gt•and- Rap· ·' · - . . · · released from the ariny .after be~ late aft~rnoo11;; Mr, :carrier left Ids· after visiting n week with her Housel and family of Lansing



Mason's .. N'ewest

Wom.en's Appa~el

Shop •

·Friday-Saturday April 26-27 ·

0 ·t\. 0

Brand ~ew Apparel.

. , o. \n~ bs\i~'r'.~

.~ .· i

' .

are ~eiuijfu~ . •'

More Than

$150.00 Free Gifts!

Marce Coat C~.

Bloomfield Dress

Shroyer Dress

W11rner's Found11tion

Gossard's Found11tion

Strutweer Hose,./) pair

Barbette Dress

·:carol Rodgers Dress

Kay Noble Duster

Top Mode Dress

'Wonder Maid .Taffeta Slip

$50 Coat or Suit

$25.98 Value

$14.98 Value

$12.50 Value

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$5.98 V11lue .

$3.98 Value

$3.00 V11lue

FREE Flowers

·for the·

Ladies! ·. ~ .. f . . . 1.\

keht·shdp LADIES' APPAREL . .' . · -:1~ . · i':':_f.otmorly,~arlityl~· Shoppo


Moion .lng statlone~ In Det{OI~. for 18 f~r Indlariapoii~,·.W~~~~.~e}tl,em· son ~nd da~ghter.l~-l~w, Mr .. and Mr .. and. Mrs. ~obert Leonard

~., 1 ·~0-M~~;:~·'·?'~~;j~. ~~~~~n~q~~4fum~ ~dfu~~ ~~~~-~-~----~--~-~~--~~~~---~-------~~~-----~--~ . •,,


' ' '



'.'How and Where to Enjoy Yourself"


~~~~~~~~~-~~~-~-==~=l~-v~-~~-~~,.'\-~~~s-~m-~~~~-.a-ppe-ars~-~~~~(C~---------~----~~~--~.~,A~n-n~i-e-G-~e-t.-Y-o-.u-r--G-u-n-,--0-p-e-n-s--W-·-ed-n-e-s-d-a-y--THEATRE HITS The tiny man battles a hugCl

spicier with 11 needle for his 0 t tl 1 t

I<'OX Oim-Chn·Cha llnmn J•'rlcluy.t~atu•·duy

humnn being, nn nm1tlgam of connl.cting and sometimes almost pnrarloxlcal motivations, anrl the flhn delves fnr heneath their sur·· fueCl rtcllons to mu lw them under· stnndahlc and credible?,

America's newcsr dilllCil r·Jryrhm ls horn out of the Cuban juni(ics nnrl onl.o the screen In "Cha-Cllll· C'Jm Boom!" Many of the lop­rated Interpreters of the Latin American dance rlrythm nrc to be seen and henrri In the film

MacMurray Js. magnll!ccnt as u toll-worn cattleman who has de­voted himself with almost fa­natical zen! to malting a paying proposition of his family's ranch after the dClnth of his father anrl with equal clcdlcntlon to serving as a father to his 2 youngC?r hr•.thers.

FOX Gun for· n Cnwnrd I•'r.ldny-Suhu·iluy ·

IrOX l~motlnnal crlse:; a!temnte with violent, hr·utal 11etlon to mnlcc "GJtll for a Coward," sl.11rrlng Freri MllcMurr11y, ,Jeffr·ey Hunt· er nnrl .T11nicc Rule.

'fho lncl'lldlhltl Shrlnldng JUan Sun.·l\lOJ!,·TIICM,

Universal, which introducer! Acl.ion-padwri though this pic·

lure is, lis c:hief dHu·acf('J's are by no means the sloc:l' figures of frontier elrama, Endr o[ these characters Clmcrges as a genulirc

"Dr·aculn," "Frnnlwnslcln" nnri \'llrlous monster and creature films now brings the tn!C? of a man who gradually shrinlts until he Is only 2 lnr.hcs tall, when

Mon. 'tne. Wed. T~ur 2 5howa from 1 P. M. Fridny.Snturd11y .. ehowa lrom 0;30 P. M.

Sunday ahowa contlnuoua frnm 3 P. M.

fl'iday & 'Saturday, April 26-27 UNIVERSAI:INTERNATIONAL presents

fred MacMURRAY Jeffrey HUNTER Janice RUlE Chill WIU.S


·~ ... JOSEPHiNE ttUTCHtN50N • IEnY_ L~NH • .IOHN LA~H "1ft , ~ r;- ; ~ . ,,


Perez Prado and His Orchestra-Mary'Koye Trio-Helen Grayco. Luis Arcaraz

Cha·Cha-Cha Boom Sun.·Mon.-Tu·e., April 28-29-30

One of the m05t interesting pictures in many months .••• As his size shrinks a house ·cat and then a spider become· ter. ; rible ,enemies. · ' :

..... .,, •...

·~,L.~~nm.~ .; '· ... '• .......... . •• "' . ·~o;o;·.

Every-hour he gets smaller· .and smaller ancl 1m1Uer!

· and.~very mol!lent· the ten-or mounts!'



Plus Cartoon _, News'....:..· Musicol Featurctte ' .

NEXT WEEK:~Tony ¢urtis-IV1artha Hyer in 'MISTER CORY and Bruce Bennett-Len Ch11ney in DANIEL BOONE, TRAIL BLAZER both in color: Al11n Ladd-Virginia M11yo in BIG LAND •. in color. ,.

FRI.·SAT. . . APR; .ze.a7 ~ 4-Big · Altractlcino.;:.oi · · '·

·, t. CARTOON CARNIVAL 6--Color Cartoons-a

2 • .'"PILLARS OF THE SKY" ' Jeff. Cbnrodlor-Dorothr,Molona

3. "BUNDLE OF ~OY'' . Eddie Fl•h•r·Dobblo Roynoldo,'

'4, "NIGHTMARE" Edward o: Robln~9n

. SUN •• MON;. \APR. 28·20 -}l Foaturoo and 3 Cartoon•' '

"THE RAINMAKER" . Knlh~lne Hopburn-Burt. Loncaator

"KELLY ·AND ME" Va11 Johll&Oil•Phtor Laurlo .

.>word nnd tnl<es n morsel of · . na 0 !? ongc~ · runs on South Pnclnc of last season will my J(ecler, n young mnn with cheese fmm n deadly (to hlml Brou~~way, · ArmiCl, Get Your be seCln ns Charl!Cl Dnvenport, thr. r·nm/uJee on'llis mind, mousctmp, Gu~, the hit Irving Berlin musl· humorous and elgar·shewlng man· Tlel\ets for· the show which will

cal thut starred Ethel Merman, ugf!l' of tlw wild west show. Wll- play May 1·2-:J .. J c:; 1n he sectll'ccl and was also her start to fnme, liam Kelsey, wllh the road com- at the Jiox ofller~ In Arbaugh's opens next WClelc In ~nnslng for pnny of Oltlnhomu for almost 11 i or at. the Pnmmnunt News s·hop 11 run of 1 nights, at Sexton audl·l yclil' nnd undcrsturly foJ' the lead' nr· hy calling IV ·1-ii:l:ll or IV

ARCI\DK llundle of ,Juy Stuulny-!Horuluy

torlum. In that show, will be seen us 'l'om.l•l·l1<1.2.

Ingham County News April25, 1957 Page 5

Lll 'I I: I : t I] ~ [:_INN Ecldle P'lslwr, hitherto heard or

sr.C?n only on rarllo, TV, nlghtduhs nnd rClcordlngs, mnltes an nuspJ. cluus film debut in a merry and tuneful farce-comedy, He Is co­~tarred with his wife?, Debbie Rey .. nolds, The? story revolves ar·ound an nhundoncd hnhy, plnyccl bY. a ~unning Infant who w!JI hnvC? the ladies squealing with delight. And Director Norman Tnurog gets a high qtiota of hilarity nut of the sure-nrc comedy scenes. F.dcllc Is always Ingratiating and, of C'oursC?, warbles "I Never Felt 'I'his Way Before," and "All About

'fhC? show hns been clcscrlbr.d by the New Yorlt drnma critic~ us one of 1 he most delightful and entertaining bits of AmClrlcnna evClr performed on the leg! tlmate stage, Irving Berlin's music and lyrics nrc as haunting and benu­tlful as cnn he found, In fact, :Jl lilts were written lnt.o this show,

A MOUSE TRAP becomes both a weapon and a danger to Such numbers us "They Say It's Gront Willi11ms os he shrinks to a ho(ght of 2 inches in the Incredible Wonderful," "My Defenses Arc Shrinking M11n coming to the Fox Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Down," "TherC?'s No Business


Slout Players Get Ready for Summer Show 'Activity Is afoot at the Ledges

Playhouse? In Grand Ledge, home base of the Slout players.

BUNDLE OF JOY will be shown in 2 theatres this week, Starring ~ddie Fisher ·and Debbie Reyn­olds, the film will be at the Ar­~ade in Leslie Sunday and Mon. day ond at the Lansing drive-in theatre Friday and $aturday.

Cave men and Swiss lalte dwellers, 5,000 years ago, ate peas -and remains of peas have been

Lll<c Show Business," "Who Do

Lansing Speedway Opens· Its Gates

You Love? I Hnpe," "The Sun In Dancin'g Every Saturday The Morning," just to name 11 few, The story mixes ~omcrty Night · and elrama in highly sl\lllful !ash- ii.""""";:;a.::~o,o~;;.....:tJ'------------'CD:.:.....::C:::::..::.£.~W.. !on, No Ona Undor 21 Yoors of Ag~ Admitted . '

Playing the role of Annie Oal<- "AA••••••••IIIil•-•••••••••••r R. G. Atwoorl will throw open Icy, the famous mal'ltsman, will 1----_--------------.....,-------.

the gates at· his Lansing Speed· be Carmi'? II Decker, veteran of Sexton way traclt Sunday aftClrnoon, The many hits, anri appcarances In Auditorium open house will her'ald the? open· \;ummcr stock. F.rl Emerson wil

ling of the 1957 car racing season play the Rny Mlrldleton part. Both at tlw traclt, · · haVCl appeared In numerous Civic

4 Nights Beginning

Rodgers' & Hammerstc,in's

Wednesday, May I

Fabulous Musical · · From noon until 5 o'clock Players productions, Melvin l·IC?rr,

drivers will bCl testing their cars a vetC?ran of over 62 appearancC?s, 11 ftcr the winter layoff. and who ciiri Luther Hillis in

"Annie Get Your Gun" will be no ·charge at the. .

L~riel & Mu1ie h~ Irving Berlin BooA by Herberl·li Dorothy Field•

Sunday, ac:corcling to Atwood. ; Edru S. kating. Parties CAST OF 75 Lansing Speedway will TICI<ETS $1.75

its first night of racing •··r•"~'J · : Sun cia Y . night-7:30·10:30- Box Office Opens Or Call May 3, There wlli also be Adults only, April 22. Arbaugh's ·& · IV 4-1142- IV 4-9115 Sunday night, M on ria y ·nIgh t-7-10-f!~A Paramount News Shop IV 5-6613

Atwood plans to have the mod groups from E<llon Rapids, Ma- ·-----------------------~ ned stock cars In action ever son and Leslie. ·· Friday and Sunday night Tuesday night-7:30·10:30-the summet·. Holt Baptist church sponsored by

He added that some of the? Rev. Pasma. drivers in the midwest have · Thursday nlght-7:30-10:30-c&tcd.they will be in action at Leslie· -Methodist church spon-quarter-mile oval this summer. . sarod by Rev, Bullock.

found in the ruins of ancient Happy . humans have? Troy. .many years thC?ir junlor.

·smiles Home Made

According to Bill Slout., casting for t.hc yC?nr has been completed. Returning from last summer are Ruth Whitworth, the group's di­rector, Ralph Kerns, )3cvcrly Nor­berry, Carnien Becl,cr and .Terry Bishop. In addition, 6 new faces to .the company nrc being Im­ported from New York. Incluclerl fs·. the company's leading lady, Jean Christopher. The entire en-semble? is loaded with talent nnrl r---------------..;,;. ________ 1

Clxpcrlencc, and should rcpnsenl Chisholm ·Hills . Baked Goods Free Autographed

Baseball Star Pictures a grC?at summC?r of entertain-ment, according to Slout. . . Golf Course Now· Open' He added that he Is arranging . for the summer stock season, 11· 2397 S. Washington Road, Lansing · calendar of 13 plays with his New York play broltcr, including 6 Half-mile North Off of West Holt Road .new 1957 Broadway releases.

,The? summC?r schedule opens at tf1C? Ledges Playhouse? on Junt:' 18 with the''~'I{Ing of 'H()iitts" ·anrl eon'tinues'-'through SC?ptember 1<1.

. A ·windmill in · Bldston, Eng­

GRE~~ FE~.- 50c

Public Invite~

land,, was set afire and burned '-:======================~ on December 21, 1821, by friction, i• as a gale?. rcvolvC?d the blades so rapidly. · · · ·

KELLY ,A.ND _ME will be lit the L4nsing · ari'd" ' Crest drive-in theatres on Sunday ond Monday. The film features Van Johnson and Piper Laurie.


Country Sty!r.

Country Kitchen 1003 N. Lansing ;Mason

Phone OR 7 ·270.1


Steaks and Chicken ChJps a~d Spare Ribs

Lindy's Drive·ln

2 Feature• and Cartoon·


F•t• Domlno·A.nlta Roy

I -

EDRU ROLLER SKATING ARENA South of Tr11ffic Light at Holt

Wednesday- 7:30-10:30 P.M •. Friday-Soturday - 8-11 P. M.

Saturday-Sunday - 2-4:30 P. M.


We're Op~n for Portios on Sunday, Monday, Tuosday •nd Thursd•y Nights , ·.

Colt Holt OX 9·243& for Closs Schodules

DANCING At Its Best!


Music by Bill Sova and His Ranch Boys


Browne-Covender Post No. 148

AMERICAN LEGION Refreshments Av~tilable

North of Mason off us:127 Admission 75c

ARCADE The Frient!ly Tlwalre.


At All Times

Chiclten - Stcalts - Chops

Barbecued Ribs and Chlclten to Taite Out

BILL'S BAKERY AND GRILL Bloc!'· North of Light in· Holt

Phone OX 4'3351

For ~ Tosto Troot in G1~cious Dining

TURNEY'S Dining Room At ·.'he Village Square

. Stockbridge

Speci~iizing in Chickon Dinnora Stoob - Chops · · ·

Soo Foods

Opon Evory Day 8·8

.CREST Drive-In Theatre

· us.t& - s East of


Procured C'1'rectly from Players By Ted Gray of Baseball Fame

Asso~iatc Owner of Lunsing Drive-in




Just Clip This Ad and Bring it Friday or Saturday

. They're Free - Nothing to Pay

3 Hits-4 Hits-

Friday· Saturday


np1 LLARS OF THE SKY"· Cmem~Scope "THE BEST THINGS IN LIFE ARE FREE" At 7:42 . At 9:36

,No.3 No.4·


Sunday.~ Monday ·- Outstanding· Twin Bill - . No.: l No.2

Burl \aucastec Kalha11ne Hepburn "THE RAINMAKER" lechmcoior '"KElly AND ME"- VAN JOHNSON ·lECHNICOLOR.

T uesday-Wednesd~y-Thursday Sensational '

Mid-Week Bill

~---------------SOUTH CEDAR ST. ON U;S;t27 • Tei .. TUrner ·. _ '· ~f!Ni~Wil• .... _ Sunday Shows at s.7.9 p.m.

. Frt~l I'IIIYii~mnd · Frtotl Mll~ry-Qo .ICmni~l· ft.nd : lilwrl!l . Wlu.,.;l. J'lci~!S ·. Monday at7:30 Only ·

Ingham County News Page 6 ,,

Mrs. Robert B. Welch Woh!J He hoot cluh will meet nt nnrl George :cm·pontr.r, nll of Lnn·

lhr! i]oml! of Mr·r.. Collins Hunting· Hlng. Ilev, ·unci Mrs, Eltrer·t Mnrsh inrr' 'l'ltui'Nclay, May :l. of Plinl nlso c•nllccl Monclny uftr.r··

Ml'. and Mrs. Cllurlr.s Illf'i1 nnci noon. frunlly W!!rc! Enstm· S11nrhry clln· M1•, nnrl Mr·s. Charles Rich nilcl tl£'1' g'III!His ut thr! llomc! of tho M1·. nml Mrs. Davlrl Br.nnetl visit· lat'lnl''s pri!'l!lliH, Mr·. artrl Mr·s. 1!11 Mr·. nncl Mrs, J!:ldr·erl Ycrlc~ In .Dnvlcl lJc•nnrt t. flt orilill'iclge Sumlny n [temoon,

Mr. n ncl Mr·s. Gl'orgn flu lien Mr. nne I M1•s, Herbert Hnrllg wqrr. guesls of llwlt· Hllll·in·law nncl cluughters culled on Mr. nncl nnrl clnur.:htel', Mr·. ancl Mrs. WI!· Mrs. Dnnnlcl ,Jnr·rtnl In Eaton Rnp· lcll'li Fc!I'nhurr.:, uncl fnmlly /or iris We1Inesc!ny evening. f.:cisle1· rilnnr•r. Hev, nncl Mrs. Elbert Marsh of

Mr. nnri MrH. Clmerwc Jr·islt Flinl wcm. rlinner guests of Mt·. rnlcrtninocl 1111'11' Hnll·ln·lnw unri ancl Mrs. Kenneth Eifert Monclay. rlu',1lghtm·, Mr. nncl Mrs. Dmwlrl Ml', nne] Mrs. Hussell Hunting· Urrll'!f'us, nrrrl fnmlly nt riirmr•r ton nncl fnmlly vlsilecl the lattor·'s gliHtt•r· Sunday. IJrollwr·ln·lnw anci sister, Mt·. nncl

Mr·. nnrl M1·s. Clyde I!ill iJOrl Mrs. Eugene Duling nncl fnmlly their chlirll'l!ll unci fumillf'H home In Holt Sunday uflci'IHmn. . for' Easter. Guests WPre Mr·. anrl M1•, ancl Mrs. Alvin Hartig were MrH. Churll's Il1111HI' ancl ~nn of Sunday cUnner guests of their· Mrlson nnd Mr. and Mrs. llr!rlll!rl ~on·ln·lnw and clnughter, Mr. nncl Hnrllg nnrl c\nughlcrs of Jlo\1. Mrs. Cleo Greenlee. Mrs, Millie Pnlnle1· ami Hon, Ben Kinyon of Eaton Rapids Clyrle Pnintm·, mr1tlw1' nne\ hi'Iltll· wns a Sunday dinner guest of his m· ()[ Mrs. Hill wc•rc ni~o gtll'His. son nnrl rlaughtet··ill·law, Mr. and

Mr·. nnrl Mrs. GPorge Wilt'eler· Mrs. Lyle J<irlyon, anrl family. enl!ncl on Mr. nne! MrH. Wnltm· To'nvetle nncl Delorcs·Rich ~nn~ Gll\lnwny Sunday a ftrrnoon. 1 a rllwt at Gnocl Friday set·vlces in

Mr. nncl Mrs. Holu!I'I Srrilt h nne I Mason. snn, Claude, WPre Sunclii.Y dinner Mr, nncl.Mrs. Delos Hanna of guefllli of Mrs. Smilll's sister, J!opllills · WCI'I' · Stindny clinner Mr~. William Yc!nr.:le in Ac\1·1nn. guests of Mr. nnrl Mrs. Collins It·was nlso tiw hirlhclay nnnlvc!r· Huntington. . . sa'rie~ of Mrs. Smilll IIIHI Mrs. Mrs. VIrginia Brown of Bntlle Yerrgle. , Creel1 !'allerl on Mr. anrl MrR. · Mr·. nnrl Mrs. Clarence Irish Arthur Hartig Snltmlny after· cnllr.rl on tiw former's mother, noon. ' Mrn. Harricll Wine, in Lansing Mrs. Ji'rancls Lee visited her Stllidny aflcrnoon. , sisler, Mrs. Charles Irian In Hucl·

·Mr. and Mrs. Ralph fo'urtncy, Hon JaHt weel1. On lhe way home Sr~: lrnrl EnHter clinner with their· fo'riday afternoon, she was in· son·in·law and rlaur.:lltcr·, Mr. nnel volvcrl in nn automobile acciclent Mll!l, Richnl'rl Ferris, anrl family. In .Jncl1son. She suslainerl a Jn·oit· They wera also Sunday night en rih and several bruises. 1n1pper guests of their son·ln·law Miss Nancy Thayer and James and daughter, Mr. anrl Mrs. Vie· Wilson of Lansing called on the tor.: Thomas, at}rl family in Holt. former's brother·ln·lnw and sis·

Callers at the home of Mr. and ter, M1·. and Mrs.· Arthur Hal'tig, Mrs. Francis Lee Easter Sunday Saturday evening. Wllre Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ross, Mr. and Mrs .• Toe Peters nnd Mt·. and Mrs. nauhen Mylander family were Sunday rllnner

· of big· Perfect combindat~Po~ed !mall·

•or·powcr an " , dl' !DO> t'lily han mg

· motor versa 1 ' wonder·

oa!O and economy. fully quiet and !moolb.

guests of . their son·ln·law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Klrllpntrlclt, and family In Oke· mos. ·

Last week callers at the home of Mrs. Millie Painter and son, Clyde, were Mt·. and Mrs. IlniTy Kellerman of Lansing, Mrs. Em: mn Allen anil son, Ji'rancls, of Dimondale and Mrs. Anna Wl'Oolt.

Sunrlay dinner guests of Mt·. and Mrs. J{cnneth Eifert and !am· ily were Rev. and Mrs. Waylan Cummings of Spring Arbor and Eiden Cummings ancl Miss Ruby Schultz of Lansing.

Mr. aml Mrs. Delbert Barnhart or Lansing callccl on her brother and sister·in·law, Mr. anrl Mrs. Donald Broc!cus, nml family Sun·

gh r: sfwin ~ , rlny afternoon. I ~ ra ~ I Mr. and MFS. Hobert Baise! en·

See It n~t!f

tertnined his parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Dnvis; Mrs. Baisel's hrnthcr·ln·law and sister, Mr. nncl Mrs. bonalrl Newsom; ancl Mrs1 Paul Slaght, nil of Lansing, ae ·. Z1.,.-.._ ~•• -ile Easter rUnner Sunday. Mrs.

~llv•·~•·-&CI Slaght is the mother of' Mrs.


Baisel anrl Mrs. Newsom. Ml', and Mrs. Clyde Hill callerl

on l1ls brother and ·sister·in·law, Mr. aml Mrs. Clifford Hill, .'l'ues· clay evening. · · PERKINS

Hardware M1·. and . Mrs. Arthur. Hartig

nnrl family, hail as Easter Sun· clay dinner guests her brother-In·

Ph. Ma<on OR 1>·4311 law and sister, . Mr. ancl Mrs.

What's YOUR Hobby??

Whatever it iS-:-chances are you use some kind of equipment to pursue that hobby. Providing the needed pr.otection for this hobby equipment is part of our business;

But BOATING is no longer just a hobby· in this grand country ·of ours. It's .a way of life I It includes several hobbies I Fishing, w~ter skiing, swimming, diving, or just "cruising down the river on a Su'riday afternoon." · ·

Last;....but not lec1st;....BOATING is an Investment, And inv~st- . ments need. pr.ofe~tion.. .

' ·\ ' .

Our reiisonoble full marine .insur~.nce will give you n~eded pro- ·.· tection on your boat, motor' and trailer,' and give you the peace''' of mind ypuneed to r~ally enjoy.your leisu~e tlme. · ·

',I I '\

: ~· . ., . ; . '

D,art l.ns-.rance Agency . . ' . . ;

.Tames VPl!cenhm•g, ntld fnmlly I 1111ct Mrs, Hnrllg'~ mothc;ll', Mrs, Vern 'l'rflyar,

M1·. unrl Mrs, !'lanry Althm hnrt nn Entile!' egg hunt fm• 1110 ehll· clren of Mt•, unrl Mrll, Donnhl Droclatts Monday evening,

'fwelve girls from the Br·ownie tmop met ut lhr. home of MI'H, Helen Hnrrly lnst Thill'sllny niter sdwol. 'I'Iwy mnclo flower·s fl'Om J\lecmex ns gifl s for t hrh· moth· ers.

Mr. nnrl Mrs, .Tullnn Lyon nnrl son werr. Easlet· Sunrlny cllnnm• I guest11 of Mr. nml MI'H, .Ridwrrl Lyon nncl fnmlly, ·

Mt·. 'nnrl Mrs. Cleo Greonll!e nnrl fnmlly called on Mt•, nncl· Mrs. Her•hert Hnrllg nnrl fnmlly Frlrlny

' evening, · Hohcrt Oshorn, who hn~ heen

In Ji'onle hospital, .Jnr.l1son, for surgc!t'Y on his nrm, returned home last Ji'riclny nfternoon.

ROY CHRISTENSEN, Mason Ford dealer, will sponsor an illustra.ted safety .lecture at 3 Mason schools Thursday, May 2, Wayne Fernelius ~~nd his dummy, Jerry McS~fety, will present the progrom. Fernelius is 11 former Detroit policemRn.

• 0 Q ~ ~ '

Mr·. nile! Mrs. Wllllnm· Hardy Jerry McSafety Is Coming anrl family had as guests Easter Runclny his mother, Mr·s. Jessie Taylor, of East Lansing nnrl Iris hrot her·ln·lnw and sister, Mr. nncl Mrs. Ronald Aleo, Mr. and Mrs, Ar·t hur Brown, pnrcnts of Mrs. Hnrrly, were also gul'sts.

Ford Dealer Presents· Safety PrOgram A3/e nncl Mr·s. Richard Smiley

and family or Denver, Colormlo, ritTivccl nt the home of 1 he for· mr>r's pnrenls, Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Smiley, for a IO·rlny fur· lou~:h. Airman Smiley left Thurs· dr1y to retun) to. his base. Mi·s. Smiley nne! the children will re· main f.or· an extcmlerl visit. Sat· urday evening Mr. and Mrs, Hnr· r.v Smiley enlertajnccl severn! of their son's friends nnd former

.Tcny McSnrety and his master, nt ]0;30 In the morning nne! thosr. ing charts ancl prnctlcnl, common· Wayne Ji'ernellus, will present nl Steele Street sd10ol will he sense safc!ty l'ulcs for chilclren or snfety tallrs at 8 Mnson schnOJls entertained £11 2::in. YoungH(ers every HgP., 'fhm·sday, May 2, nccor·cllng to In grades 6, 7 and 8 at the .Teffrr· Rny Christensen, sponsor of the son Slrccl school will sec the .Tel'l'y Mc•Snfely nnrl Wayne program. ChrlstrnHPn, MaHon ,Jerry McSnfely, show nt J2:30, FernelltiS hnve . api1cared nt Fm:rl clca!er, sai£1 the prcsrntation J~e!'Ilellus ami· his · \~oodcn schools, tmlges, churclteH nncl both rmtcrtnins and instrtte!s fr·lcnd will be' at the Ford garaga mnny other groups to clrnmatlze In safety techniques. · I following the school appearances. I , , , . ,

Youngstei'H ut Ccclnr Slrcet . · ,Jerry McSafety demmmlrntos the need fot c.awrul ohservnnte school will see 1 he vent rlloquisl with songs, stories· and fascinnt· of approved safety l'Ules.

elassmates at n party. Mr. and Mrs. Collli1s Hunting·

ton were Sunday evening dinner guests at. the home of their son qnd duughter-ln·law, Mr. nncl Mrs. Darrell Huntington, and family in Enton ijaplds. Other members of the family were .also guests in honor or Mrs. Collins Hunting· Inn's hirthrlay nnnlversnry.

Llttla;" Su111!ny evening, 7:30, cleacons·rlcnconesses will meet at the parsonage; Tuesrlny, April 30, .Tacl<son Association congre·

gntional churches wl11 meet nl i Dunrlee; Wednesday, May l, Hoy· al DJlllghtm·s meet at Ji'r•!lowship hall.

Sees Double Flying Saucer It wnsn'l u flying saucer, hut

It sure lool<ecl liltc it. Mrs. Eliza. beth Stevens of Holt loolced out her wlnrlow nt 4 a. m. Tuesday morning aml saw a stellar spec· tacle larger and brighteJ' than the moon itseH. It resemhlccl a pair or overlapping saucers, she said, and strea!1s of li11ht passed through them into outer space. A star seem eel to twlnlde out of the maHs of clark reel. Mrs. Stevens would like to l1enr from anyone who might have seen the big light In the sl1y.

Mr. anrl M1·s. George Wheeler of Saranac visltecl Mr. and Mrs. Julian Lyon and Dennis Sunday. Dennis returned home with the Wheelers for a •Jew days visit.

Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Bullen and

Holt News Mrs. Alton Kinney - Phone OX 9-2721

PTSA Elects New Officers

Play Glwm at Bt'l'.allfast A play entitled "The Challenge

of the Cross," was given at thr. prc·Ea~ter hrealdast last Werlncs· day at Holt Methodist church. The cast Included Mrs. Scotlie

ramlly of Kalamazoo spent the Mrs. Burlrly Gilbert was elected wee!' end at the home of the for- president of Holt PTSA Monday mer's parents, Mr: anrl Mrs. Hnr· evening nt. the school. ·

Tillman, Mrs. Lydia Millhlsler, Tenl'hm• Is SJJealwr· Mrs. Margaret Turner, Mrs. Dora Robert Amundsen, teacher at Hocldng, Mrs. Betty Griffin, Mrs. Holt school, was guest . ut thll James Lund a111l Mrs. Opul Flulw. Holt Kiwanis meeting Tuesday The women's quartet, accom· evening nt Holt Bakery a1111 Grill. pnnicd hy Mrs. Marie Miller, pro· He dlscnHsed science nncl space

rls Bullen. Other offlcer·s elected were: Saturday aftarnoon Mr. and Mrs. Frnnl' Landers, mother

Mrs. Stuart Bullen and family vice· president; Robert. Bnlsel, fa· visited the latter's parents, Mr. ther vice.president; Mrs. Robert and Mrs. Robert Welch. Knight, secretary; Mrs. Marshall

vicled music. Members of the · Women's Association of Holt. flight. Presbyterian church were guests. Tecl Welch and Marjorie Ji'letch· Hartig aml Howard Bliss, teacher

er were Sunclay dinner guests of representatives; Miss Pat. Clever, the latter's brother·ln·law and student representative; Mrs. Har· 1'ahmt Show Seliedulcd sister, Mr. and . Mrs. Rus~ell ry Ammon, pmliamcntarian; a111l 'The sixtll annual youth talent Rowe, and family, delegates, Mr~. Carl Clarl1 and slww sponsored by Holt I<iwanis


Ernest Walkers To Mark 50th Anniversary

Mrs. Maxine Dropping. club wl11 he Ji'riday night in the The speech clnss, uncler the ell- high school gym at 8 o'clock. Trrl

rection or Mrs. Shirley Maul, Baur will he the mastel' of cere· presented a piny. Teachers con· monies, and Miss Kay Kreiner Is dueled a· panel discussion on th•! pianist. Special feature will he subject of spi1·itual nml moral an Indian dance by Cub Scout values, · . . . pack No. 240.

Eighth grade room mother,s were hostesses. I:Iot1se guests at the Elige·,·

Rockwoods this past. week were OrT Infant Ilies Mrs. Rocl,woml's parents, Mr. and · Funernl services were ron· Mrs. Edwarrl Prevo!, of Alpena duct.erl Tuesday afternoon Jor the ancl M/Sgt. Richarrl Prevo] of infant: daughte1· of Mr. and Mrs. Selfl'idge field.

· Mr. and Mrs. Ernest s. Walltcr Kenneth OtT, 452,1 Sycamore Mr. and Mrs. Thurlow Weed of of 406 Meel<er street, Leslie, will· street. The baby was born Sun· Alpena and Mrs. Mamie Gre~ory celehmte their 50th wedding an· day in a Lansing hospital and of Charlevoix Wf!re wcelt end niversary at an opan house at died the same rlny. Surviving he· guests of Mr. and Mrs. Durwanl the home of their sari and daugh· sides the pnrrmts nrc the grand· Gilmore. Mr. and Weed and ter·ln·law, Mr. arid Mrs. Harold I parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Paul Orr Mrs. Grc~?rY had :lust rettn·nctl Wall1er, Covert street, from 2·5 of Holt and Mr. and Mrs. L. G. 1 from Ji'iOJida, whet e l~JCY. sp~n.t

The Easter story was told In recitation and vocal nml lnstrn· mental music In the Sunday school at Holt Nazarene church Sunday morning. The young pen· pie gave a pantomine of thr! rcs­un·cct ion story in the garden,· ami pantomlnes on the theme of the cr·oss rluring the youth hour Sunday evening. ·

Mrs. Mayne Coy of Alden vis· ited her sisters, Mrs. Maud Clyde nncl Miss Eva Young, the paf.t \Veek. Miss Young left Saturday l with Mrs. Coy, whom she will visit for several wccl,s.

Mrs. Rina LoU is in Sparrow hospital for treatment of a ft·ac· turerl leg, which she sustained in an accident at her home.

The .iunior cla~s of Holt school will sponsor a hnlwd goods Mle Saturday from 9·12 noon nt the Holt bani,,

· · s ·1 A ··1 28 B1·own of Lansing. Services were the winter. The Weeds me· Jl. m., UIH ay, PII . t f M . G'lmol'C Mr aJlrl I 1 1 M w 11 b R. sa Mac at Palmer·Busil chapel with Rev. en s o · 1s. I · · ·. More humnns greet fr ems >Y I\ell~~g tl~e -~~'ug~[e~ 0r

0Mr. and Walter Creason officiating. Bur· Mrs. Thurlow ~eed, .Jr., an~! Jam· nose-ruhhing than hy llandshal'·

M F ' d · 1 I( 11 · f PI · . in! was in Evergreen cemetery. lly. were also dmne~ guests East· ing aml ldssing combined. rs. re enc t e ogg o am ~c.:.,r .,;;S:,;;u~n::;:d:,:,ay~o:,;,f.,:t,:,:h,:;,e.,:G~I:,:,:lm~ot:,:'c;:s,;,. _...,,;,.,; ..... .._...,...,_...,~-----; field, met her husband at a farm· -.--. 1, ·

ers picnic at Pleasant !alee. They I.ot1ge Ilns Iml.lutJon were married the next spring, Four new members of the I-Inlt April 27, 1907, In Mason. Justice !'1-~belmhs und Odd _.Fcll~ws were of the Peace Wl111am .r. Adams, lllttiatcd Tuesday .mght 111 a cere. fathet· of the present Mason jus· mony at t!w Caprtnl loclge, Lan· tlce of the pcare, Hoy w. Adams, sing. The degree. team of the offiriated. Holt Rebekah!'! were guests. New

Mrs. Walker says tiHlt she members are .,,,Doroth_Y· Em~t, . ll wore a maroon velvet and wor· Raymond Bnrlow, Clms McGm· sled dress mar:Je with long sleeves nls and Amos Graves. for . her wedding. )\'!Iss Maude Clnh Ilns Anni\'ersilry Ryan of .Hives .htnetlon ahrl Ray Holt Woman's club met TuP.s· Haltz of ·Leslie, who later. mar-rieci each other, attended them. day evening ?t the Sycamoi'C

'Ti Walkers made their home school for p1cnic supper a!1d In ~~ns;l11e where Mr. Wal!ter n:,eetlng !~1 observance of tts

THANKS' For Participating

• 1n

M·ason · - 1 ed t that ti e 5~>th an}liVersary. Mrs. Harl'y

was emp 0 Y a ' m · Chapman conducterJ' inslallatio;, :W:he~l aslcedwhat wns the dar!<· of new officers for the coming

est pmlod of their 50 year;;, Mrs. year. They are: President, Mrs .. Wallwr. answered unlwsltantly, Rex Smith; vicc·president, Miss It was lil 1?20 when 3 of their 10 Enid Lewis; treasurer, Mrs. Nelle children rhed with the m.easles. Relf; recording secretary, .Mrs.

Easter Greeting Days

~hen aslced for the lll'lght?st Gerald Winters; corresponding period, Mrs. ~all1er n~s~ctcd secretary, Mrs. Maurice Rich· equally as readtly !hnt Its nll mond; and parliamentarian, Mrs. been pretty good excep~ for that Frank Landers. Hostesses were time .. We h,~ve hnd a happy and Mrs. Harry Chapman, Mrs. Franl< a good life.. Landers, Mrs. Williarrl Miller and

.Mrs. Wallcer l.s proud of the Mrs. Archie Lewis. Thirty.eight different types of worlt her hus· were present. · · . band has done. She said he had . __ heen a good carpenter,. had lalci · Music Boosters will have a tile,· was lmowli as n specialist In balled goods sale Friday from 9 fence mnldng an.d had been a n. m. to 5 p. m. at the American bl.ttehei' for 25 years. The last 5 state bani< In Holt. of those years wer~ d,urlng th.e Allc Melton Brnmell Is visiting last war when Rlehmd Schm1t his parents, Mr. and Mi·s. Orval was In the armed services. Mr. Brumell. Bramell has been In Wallmr wasn't very. well, sp Mrs. ,Japan . .At the end of his furlough Wnl11er worlced with him, -assist: he will be stationed In Texas. lng him In· !!very phase of the Sport ·.events 'schedt1led fol' worlc; . . Friday are: Baseball at Howell:

Since ·fhen, Mr. Wnllcer hns trnCJc at Grand Ledge: anrl golf been conOni!d to a wheel chah• at· Mason. · most. of ·the' time. Mrs. Wallcer The spring ldndergarten round· tnices him everywhere, down to up will be. Wednesday, ·May 8, the village, throtigh the pnrlc, and for registration of chlldren enter·· wher:ev.!!t' he WI~hcs. to go. . lng kindergarten next faJI. . At.tending till!, .reception .. on Mrs. Jack Slattet•y and claugh· Sunday.,wlll be their ,7 ·children, tell, Nancy, of Rochester, Naw 32 grandchildren, 2-sl:ep-grandehll· Yorlt, are visiting the Archie dren and ·11 grent·grartdchll'clren. Lewis family this weel1. Mr. Slat~ 'l'helr . Soi)S and '!laughters are: tel'y will join his· fam!ly Thurs· Harold M., Mrs .. Truman Whit· day to continue the visit for the ney, Mrs .. John Wright,· and Mrs. week end. Mr. Slattery Is a rndfo. Morris Lnrigham, .nil ·of .. the IRs· announcer and was formerly with lie nren; iind Raymond and Clilr· the WILS radio station· of Lnn. endi>n of the Mason area. sing. ·

CONTES"f WINNERS BICYCLE - S. S. Goulding, Mason

TRICYCLE ...:.. Dr. Charles Henderson, Holt


Mrs,· Nancy Higbie

Mrs. Mamie Akers

Mrs. Sherman Campbell

Ralph Ried

Joseph Rodriquez

Mrs. Howard McCow.~n

· Larry Dent. .

L. J. Tierney

Mrs. Irene Laxton

Mrs, Mary Rich

·George Carpenter

Mrs. Irene Whipple

Frank· Nemer .

Mrs. Velma Holmes

Mrs, Richard Smith

Members of the




East Lansing












. -· Past Noble Grands club had Its . Le!ille ·cm•gretatlonal, .Samuel April meeting, last weelt at the M Ch 'b . f c' . . B •. Wehger, - inlnlster. Sunday, home of Mrs. Raymond Barlow G50ft Gm er 0 Ommer'C8

l.;"!""ooiio-.~liooil-ilililo---~-~~~---~----·•l Apr.ll 28, !'Life Is toil Short to be ~lth a potluc~~ .dinner ~t n~on, •.';.;·-.·--------~---'------·· .... ._·----""I

Ii't'l•lllt Wantor were Snndny r'lin• tllll' guost'!i of Ml·~; Ella Ihlrlwirl~,

nr!V, Chnrles llt•or,JcH vlsJJec\ Hr'hrlf)] 'l'iltlrwla~' anrl told 1 hu

, Mr, lliHl MI'R, ,Jimmy 1\nuffmnn f~rwter· ~tory, \V(!J'e Sntunlny gum;tH or 1\11'. nnrl PupliH !'l!r!elvlng A In spoiling Mt'H. C,Yl'IIH l<nllf'l'mnn nncl lnm· are 'l'r!rlci.Y f:lynn, Donnn Ynger, lly, Marilyn IIIIIH, Dennis Curnph!!ll1 . Mt·. nncl Mr·s. Lyle Cnm!Jill!ll Le•t~ Ann Hlndllelse~h. Dnrlunu vlslled Mr. nnrl Mrs. A. C. llt!rf-lc!l' IJII!s, .furly Glynn, llnhhy Cooley, Stuulny, Dnnny Jlnrtwlr!lt, Curl Knuff·

Mr. nncl Mrs, Hell~ Glynn nnrl mnn, Sonny Ililis, Lyn11 D. fnmlly unci r.nlertnlned Mr. nnrl Bowrll!, Nrl!H'Y Cooluy, Sundy Mrs. AI Mor·cJenHicl ancl Ron, •rony, Ilnrtwidc nnrl .Tullr! HlnrlllPlsf'ir, nn£1 Mrs. Mnrgurc•t Gnulrl of Hills· Pollok sf'iurol Jlllpils hurl· limit•

· clulu nt ciinlll!l' l~astl?r Sunclny. Jumring tc•sls 'l'hul·srluy mol'nhlf.:, ,John Melush of Carl!ilae wns uiso Mr·, and 1\lrs. Hoy Shlt'tmnn n guest. wern rllnrwr· gtw.~IH of Mr. nrHI

Mr. nml Mrs. Heuel Hnrtwlcic MrH. E!rwln Coolc•y · anrl family nncl family nncl Mr. anrl Mrs. 1 Sunday.


Aff.lfiuut4o;rg GAs· RANGE ' with AUTOMATIC


R.EGo 1219. 9S liT'fJj~ '

:NlY $11.9.95 With


!' v~~$2'.95a~(,,.i)J • "ty\atchless" Automatic Lighting in Oven, Broiler

and Top Burners. e Giant, 2411 Balanced"Heat Oven, gray porcelain

enamel interior with silicone heat seal door. • Electric Clock automatically signals wnen se·

lected cooking lime has elapsed ••• easy to set! e 2 Handy Appliance Outlets built in mantel. • Hi-Lo Simmer Burners,· 2 giant size and 2 stand·. ' · ard size with "click" settings. · • 5-Position, Roii-Oul Broiler adjusts to perf1ct

broilins level , ,_,_and is smol1eless!



; ..

.MA,s·oN· .. . •'

Hc>.rne. ~ppliarace .I~Q W. M,ep_le · · ; Phone OR 7-5911



, t


. '

E. 0. M. S.ALE



Spring pastels, in wool fleece& and mircalo fabrics Values to $17.98


SPRING DRESSES· $0.98-$10.98-$12.98 values 2 big groups



.BERMUDAS Sizes I 0 io 18 Close Outs


Calgray Ensembles Jackets Skirts

Pastel Plaid or. Pluins

Wuo $14.9fi

w.,. $10.98 Sizes 7 to 15



$11.88 sa.88

WOMEN•s BLOUSE.s· I Lot- Value to $3,98 Sizes 32 to 40

$1.00 WOMEN'S



SPORT SHIRTS· One Group- Value to $2.98

$1.37 '· ... --


JACKETS One Group- Value Jo $4.98

$3.44 On a Lot'- Odds

CANNO.N TOWELS Reg. 59c Each




~ ~:'f:~z1,_:,'::;.)·t ,·s~PECIAL.Ai·~] .7.7. ·".;. ~,:·._ .. ,,. ~.-,:,: ..... : ?..";.•.>'"-··'.'.·, -~. ·~ ..... -.;~ .. · '·-·.,)·U.· ." -. ........ -~·

.... ;




WORK SHIRTS Shes 8-18 - Perfect Quality


o•ALL JACKETS Reg. $2.29 While They Last



~iris' Spring Dresses 3 to bX and 7 to 14 ·

··; $1~44 Values to $3:98

lngliam County News ·• Apri.l 25, 1957 Page 7

STVL.EO FAR AWAY-De'slgne·r George Oltn ls n Japaneso but his fashions cxhihit n .~trong Western influence. This outnt is called "The Hamon," or· "Ripple." The plnccment of the narrow stripes simulates the ever widening pnllern of ripples

i liS when 11 pebble (s dropped In water, The model exhibits tha '·coat's striped lining which reverses the striped accent o! the sheath dress worn beneath.

' 1- -· ~~~ •

Stockb~.idge News Mrs. Helen Beeman

Conwntion Date Fir.t I<ings Daughters will entertain

tlw county convention May 1 at the Methodist chur·ch. Morninr, session is at. 10 o'clocl\, with din· ncr at noor1 by the WSCS. Re· servations may he made willr Mrs. Daisy· Hardt. Rev. Davie! Hills will he guest spC!al<er nt tire nflernoon session. A progmrn is plannrll hy the committee.

Mr. anrl Mrs. William Mr.Gien· non of .Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Lambert and children of Pleas· ane lalw and Boh Lamhert spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. AI Lamhert.

Mr. and Mrs. .Toe Southwell entertained Sunrlny his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Southwell of Hanover, and Mr. and Mrs. Duane Winrlght of Onondaga.

Mrs. Dorothy S,chrecr treated Gue.~ts ·or 1-Iar.en Stowes for the girls Qf the D & C office b

Easter were the Ilenry Thelana cheese cnlw and coffee al. her family ami Mr·s. Martha Millette home'Friday afternoon. of Ja!'kson ami the AIIJcr·t Mal· Mr. ami Mrs. Ray Hardt and rhos. CharieR Hardt were Sunday din·

Mr. and Mrs .. Art· Nelson en· ner gtws1s of Mr. and Mrs. Rol· tertained nt n family dinner East· land Hardt and family. er. Gue!;ls were Mr .. and Mr.,. Mr. nnrl Mrs. Dunne· McCann Gene Strerts and family, Mr. and

Wscs Stages Regular Meet Snrn Cnsl<ey wns hosless ]nsl

Wetlnesduy evening to 30 mem· hers of I he WSCS, nntl OIW giWHI, Nom Kistler the wor· ship service, the focal point of which was n randle·llt cmw; hnnitecl 'with red rosebuds, Mnr· gat·et llills song n solo nnd Emmn Smlt h presented the prognun, which lncludecl u J•eadlng nnrl n sltit. Pnrllcipnnts in the sldt were Chnrlntte Cllmp, Mar~:Jaret Ifllls, Marjorie Abbott, Beverly Cnslwy, Jean Marshall, Margn1·et Collins, Mavis Simonds and Elsie nr·nrl· show. 'I' he prologue wna rencl h)' Hazel Ostrander.

Ruth Howard hod charge of the business meeting, The dnlr. of the mother·daughter hunqul'! at the church Is Friday, Mny ·10. Hazel Ostrander and Lenore Mil· ner will have charge of the tiel\· rt snle.

The group voted to serve the alumni banquet nt the gmmn L. Smith' l'lemcntn.ry school SJrtuJ·· day, JLIIJe 1.

gf11ma· Smith, Ruth Hownrd, Ilazcl Ostrttnrler, Sara· Cusl{ey nnd.Maebclle I1owlet't 'gave hrlef repm·ts of the district meeting nt Milnn recently.

Rtlth · Ann Cranrjall, chnlrmnil of 'the nominating ·commltlet•, gave of new officers nncl committee chairmen for the com· lng ·y(mr. The· re[10rt wns nc· cepted. and a unanimous vote was cast for the election o·r the nomi· nel:!s.- 'The new .slat.~ CO!islsls of: Presld('nl, Ru(!t · )-Iowm·rl; vlcr.­prdsiclent, Gertrude· Cnmburn; rc· cording secretary; Uaicl Ostrancl· er; .. treasurer, ·:Lenora Mlhll!r; secretary of pr,oinot.liJn,. Bi'!nl rieP Wllde; missionary education nnrl service, Emma' Smith; Christian social relatlons, Beulah .Jacobs and .Teari Marshall; student work, Marie Mills; youth · worl<, .Joy Prudon; chlldren's work, Mary Louise Boyce;· spiritual life, Myrtle Price; llteralure and pub· llca.tlons; Ruth · ,1\'nn Cran<lull; supply. worl1, Opal Shacl•leford; status of women,- Nellie Pickell'; memberShip, publicity and print· ing, Marjorie Abbott; and .nomi· natlng.:commlttee; Evndene Sorn· mer ...

Assorted cal\es were served hy the· hostess and her commit.tee, Emma .Dicldnson, Jean Marshall, Allce-Kator, Anna McArthur anrl L\lella . Durlme:

Mr. and Mrs. James Knenle and.chlldren of lonia spent Sntur· cll\Y · wlth hls . pnrents, Mr. and Mrs.· Charles 'Kneale. Mr. nnd Mrs.·o'rla Oaldey' ami sons· were nfternoon vlsltrJrs.: ·

Gttests rif Mr, nnll M'r~. · 'l'on\ Hownrd Ea~tm• SttndiJY wcro l•'rnnl< Lantlnr~ nnrl fumlly nml Mt•, nnrl Mr~. ~ Hnlwrl Lowia llf,1 Holt and 1-lnm!d Spr·inumJtn rit• Juck~rm. ' ;;1

Mr. ami Mrs,· Anrlor LlttdiJC?I'ti entertnhwd 20 rnemhr:r·u of tho Cohh fnmlly nl 1m gnatot• C!VPning ltnrrh. " ... ,.

Mrs. Gnrdnn Ashmore spont · thr. Easll!l' WPt!l\ lHttl with Ml'. 111/rJ"' MrH. Halph nret!don ami fnml y at .Jnl'l\son, ' • •' •·I

.ruc•ldr. '!lose sprnt pnrl or Ia HI.,., we(•l< with IWI' POUR In, Bonni.t? :; !lose, at iJPimit.

!lex Ginver· nllrmrlerl n hnlwr,(,, r•oJtVPnl ion In Gr·mrcl llaphls lust wcr•l<. "

Mrs. Leone !~elton entcrtalmlrl: ~ Iter·. l'hllrlnm roncl grnndchlldl'l!ll ' al. nn Easter dinner·, ·: .....

Mr. nnrl Mrs. Pnul Rnmsdell nnrl rnmily and Ml', nnrl Mrs. Ar,(: Smllh nnd Sidney spent fmm.,

''HARD WORK SUITS HER-Mnl'lnnna Lul\ncs, 22-ycor-old • 'l'lllll'srlny In Sunday nl the Hums· dell r·ntlagC! nl Ml'Collom. ·.: ·,.

\llungnl'lnr1 rcfullec, hr~s n busy srhedula ns the only girl ln the A danghtm• wns hol'll

10 Mr.

undm•grudunte ,chool nt Case Institute or 'rer.hnology in Clove- nnd Mrs. Larry Mills of Gl'Uijt,.,: ·land, Ohio, Mi~s Lulmcs escaped with he!' parents to Austr·la Hnpicls on April 20 , She iR the." ·lu~t November, cnml! to Clevcluncl and entet·cd till! school whcro. fornwr Burham Roher! A. •· she's studying mcchanicnl anginccring. The worl\ Is hnrd but, ,,, ,

,'11s she. says, "1 do not·mi~Jd. I am happy f~.·~--; · · ···· -... · · Marle1w rrnrl Mnry .Jean Ihu!,. •. , -~-.:.._.:.._:_:_ _ __:_.:.._.:..__::.:=======..:.:....-----~ lllns stH'Ill Wedrwsrlny unrl1'hllrR· · J•:t•tmnmy Unn Is Cuul'dl«•rl Stm:l!ln·lllt~·r! 1\ll•lhoclist, Duvlrl rlny with Mr·. nnd Mrs. IJowndi,,.

The economy run rlrivlng con· W. JTills, mlnlslr•r. MorttillJ.t ww·· AslmHH'I\ and so11 in .Jud<son. test originally plannc:rl for· Apr·il ship, 10::111; C'IHrreh sr•lwol, II :•Ill; M:trda I flldlllns spent. Werln~,~~ ... 27 hus hnnn c•mwellerl. Lnel\ nf Jntcrmedinll' MY I•', 7; Sc!nlor dny unci 'l'hur•sclay with her siS•· · lime marie II lmpossihln to wru·lt MYI~, l-l; choir• r·elwnrsul, 'f'hlll's· tcr, Murgarl'l Mr•Cnnn, nt Bllnl<· out nil details. Wl1ilr: Cane week clay, H. Willing Worlwrs Snnrlny 1!1' filii. "· Is April 2H to May •1. During this school elass will meet al tlw honw For·ty·lwo memhers of the fnm· .. time Lions will ho sellihg min· of Ganlrwr ancl .TeHIJC!IIr! Olio ily nr Mn;. ,Jennie Mnddnrler· met ... iatur·e while C':tlli!S l'«!J!I'Pscnting M111Hiay, April 20. Co-ho.~ls ar·e at tlw AmerlcHn Legion hull SUI!·" aid to the hlinrl, wltil'il is lhr• MHrjor·ie nnrl Wtmrlall Ahholl. dHy for· a polltll!l\ dinner. Most Pt .. Lions main ohjectlvr. 'f'hl' JH'ogr·nm Is in dwr·gr! of Neil llrc gl'<lUJl aiiPndt•rl the Pre~b,y,·,

SltwldJrltlgr! llaltt·lst., .Tnmi'H 8. Lomh:n:rl, pns 1 ur. Ill ::m, wnrsll ip service, "Dn.vs. AI'IPI' Calvary;" ll:ao, drurr:h sdwol, Gnrclnn l<t!Cpi!J', superinlc:nrlcnl; 7:1:1, .Junior BYF · witll Mrs. Marie Hudtwell, Sl'niot• BYJ",. Maynar·ri 13arher, counsc:lrH', adult union, Parker Mlll'rny, spealwr, subject, "Neighbors From Afm•;" 8, eve· nlng servic•c, "Tiw Latter Times;" Thursday, 7::lO, mirl·wcek service, study from lite hook of Acis; 8:30, choir pr·aelir·c; Friday, fl:'l;,, the annual meclin;:: of lire .Tack· son Associ at ion Woman's Ill is· sionary Society will convene in the Baplist elntreiJ. Lunl'i1 will be s·ervcrl at noon by lite Eings Dattghlcrs In the Metlwrlisl church. '~'he afternoon sPssion will he in the Bapli~l: church; Monday, 4, junior ch'oit· practice.

Mills. Ml'lhorlisl rnr•n will meet terian dnrrr·h for• Ensler· servlec, nl the: church 'l'ut•.';rlay t•vrning, A hi til! and pinl\ shower was gi:.;:,. Apr·ll :Jo, for sttppc!r nnrl pro· en for Mrs. llnnnld · Prentlco, gram. Tile mr•n ar·r• asker! to wear Gtll'sls were present from De.·". fishing dollws. A prir.e will hr! lrnit, Waynl', llc!llevlllc, Lnnslljg, mvarderl for the: most original Grand .Ttnwllnn, Lrslie nne! Stork.·.· clotlws. A film fPalur·ing Kr~n bridge!, Tfarrle~ly, national hail r•astim: A daughter wns horn tn Mtru. chnmpion, nnnnlr:d by 'J'erl Hm;· anrl Mrs. Lr•Hoy McCllnchy on" in1:. will he shown. The :mnual April 20. .1, .. motlwt' anrl dnttghlcr banquet, spnnsm·erl hy I he WSCS, will he Frirlny, May 10. Miss Tone Pal· mer, a former SlncldJrlrlge resi· chml, anrl at prrsent n teadwr in Northville will tic! spenltcr. Tick· ets may he securer! Irom Lenora

_'The first per·mancnl. Rettie· • mcnls were made nt Snult Ste. Marie, in 1GG8, and at Saini IgiJt nacc, in Hl71, hy Fnther· Dnhlon. and Fat her Marquette. ·w,

Milner nt· Hazel Ostrnnrler. Res- ~-------------. crvntlons shoulrl lle made cm·lv hcemtse of the llmllerl 11Untht!.t' I av:tilnhle. , Archy's. Photo's. I.r!~lon Vh~ws JIJim Dovoloping • Enlarging • Printing ,,

A film, "'lom· Community," Portraih n Spociolly .. ...

M ·1 M 0 C 1 was shown to Legion mcmhers ,11 r. anr n;. mer orey nne . Mrs . .Jim noai\C and ~o'ns nf lllw mceiing Monday. Refresh· Pinl'kncy, Lnvon Huclldns nwtlmr.nts were served hy Ray Mnr· Milw of ChclsC!a nnd Mr. and Mr:;.jgnn. 'l'hursrlay night, April 2:i, Howard Ashmqre and son o[ )was work night. After the wor·k .r acl<son were Saturrlay ca llcr·s of detail, the rifle squad practiced, Mr. ancl Mrs. Cecil Hudkins nnrl 'tunrler the direction of Scrgr.anl-

Archy Ammerman ·~

235 Meehonic Street Mason

Mrs. Dan Owens and family Hl\11 were Easter dinner guests· of her· Mr. and Mrs. William .Johnson parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hud· .:..;;...;..,.. ___ ___, ___________________ --------------------...;_-----i and son. · !<ins.

family. ai·At·ms Dill Barber. !----------..... -..~ Mrs. Glarly!-1 Wilson and Mrs. Bobby and .rudy Winterrowd

Echo Younglove were Sunrluy 'spent la~t wee!\ with their gran.d~ guests of Mr. ar.:I Mrs. Charier. parents ln Detroit. T\nenlr.. . Dr. and Mr·s. Leach of Granrl·

Orla Orll\ley anrl Cllffol'll were vlll?: Ohio, have hcen visitln~ Saturday rollers or Mrs .. TcnniP I hell daughter,. MrR. Robet, Oakley of Fowlerville. Gary O:tk· Pl'llllon and famrly. ley has the measles. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Glover and

W. H. Thorn and family or children ancl Floris Glover ot Dear·horn spent Sotur(lay with Ann Arbor unci Richard Campbell the Charles Potts ··family. of Pinclmey were Easter dinner

Sixty attended Easter hreak· guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rex Glov· fast at 'l'urney'R after t lte sun· er ancl Mrs. Tim Isham of Plain· rise services. Twenty-live had lleld. Afternoon callers were Mrs. breal\fast at the Baptist clnrrl'h Howard Candfield of Fowlerville and many families joined to· and Mrs. Howard Wilson. ge'ttter at homes. Mrs. William Wright suh·

·Mr. aJ1d Mrs. Alvn Bcemnn en· milted to .emergency surgery n.t tertaine!l their children, the or .. Foote hospltnl, .Jar.l\~on, late FrJ· son Beeman and Kenneth Carty day. families· at Easter dinner. Mr. nnd Mrs. J{enneth DeWitt

Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Hollis hml of Dearborn spent Easter with as guests Sunday Mrs. Sarah the Art Wildes. · Budd, the. ,Ogle Bmlds of Mr. and Mrs. Rob Brown, Jr., and the Tunis Higdons of Leslie. and children spent Sunday with

Mr. and Mrs. Graydon Simond;; Mrs. R. Chesney of Munith. and famlly of Grand Rapids and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Flack, Sr., Mr. and .Mr·s. Ray Spencer ancl and Mr. ami Mrs .• Jacl< Flacl<, Jr., sons of Trenton spent Easter with spent Easter with the Charlr.s their . parents, Mr. aml Mrs. Flacl<s. H. Spencer of Pincl\ney. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sunday

.Mr. and Mrs. Dan Patricl< of announce t.he hirlh of a daughter Dansville spent Easter evening on April 20.

lh the John Tnylors. Mr. unci Mrs. Clifford Sharp of Mr. and Mrs. Wilhur Tisch nnrl Michigan Center and Mrs. Dnr·

daughter~ spent Sunclny with his hara Carris ami children spent parents, Mr. nml Mrs. E. C. Easter with the Glenn Runcl· 'risch. mans.

jMr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stan' Mrs. H. Kerns and daughter of field, Beverly and D!>lorcr. and Snginaw spent. last. week at the Mr. ami Mrs. Wayne Maiello anrl Harold Ward home. Sunday the Cindy were at the home of Mr. Wards entertained t.hc Archie Me; and Mrs. Lyle Wnl·t., Waterloo, I{ay family of St. Clair Shores. for Easter. Mr. nncl Mrs. Gary Kellogg of

.Cilfford Oaltley slayer! Weclnes- Ypsilanti are parents of a daugh· day ni.q-ht nnd Thursday with tcr horn at Beyer hospital April Lynn Owen. 18.

Caslteys ambulance took Mrs. Guests of the John Taylors Wllliam Wright to Foote hoS'pital, Easter were the June Taylor .Tacltson, last· . Friday and also family nncl Mrs. Grnce Blauvelt tool< William Schultz to Footr. and daughter of Flint. , hospital for treatment and hom~ Mr. ami Mrs. Winston Dancer again Friday. , and family of Mason spent Sun·

Chlld Study club hnrl a lunch· clay at the Gurn Dancers. eon for 15 at. Turney's last Tues· Mr. 'and Mrs. Harley Miller of day. Pontiac spent Sunday with the

Marsden Brown of Jncl<son hns Loren Collins .family. purchn~ed Powells Snr.clwlc:h Mr. ami Mrs. ·Emerson Patter· shop, nnd toolt possession Mon- son,. e·nroute home from Florida, !lay; spent Saturday night at the John

Mr. and Mrs. Lacy Wntson Mnlchos. Sunday they all spent spent Sunday al the Lognn Wnt· the day at Wendall Doylcs· in son· home, Fitchburg. Lansing.

Guests. of Mr. and Mrs. David Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wil· Collins ~unday were Mr. and llam Cnsltey Easter were Mr. Mrs. Norwood Field ami family and Mrs. Lloyd Gee nnd Wendall of Detroit ami ; Mr. and Mrs. Gee, Gary and Susan of Fitch-' Clarence Field. , hurg and Mrs. Sara Cnsltey · and

Mr. and Mrs .. John Usher nncl Mrs. Blanch Peach of .Tacl\son. Mr. and Mrs.' Copeland of Dear· Walter Barbour and family born spent Su!ldny with Mr. nncl spent Eastm· with· the Laveys at Mrs. Harry Wrlllams of Lansing. Gregory. · . Mrs. Clyde Howlett has been Mr. and M1·s. Chet Holt nnd

named chairman of Stocltbrldge children and Mrs. Pauline Barth Cancer Crusade. · and family went to Fayette, Ohio,

Mr. nnd Mrs. Ernest Call<ins Sunday, · , nnd daughter of Haslett were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parldn·. Easter guests of her parents, Mr. son and son were week erid and Mrs. Wayne Ellsworth.' · guests or'Mr. and Mrs. Ralph. An·:

Mrs. Rex Glow~ and .Mrs. Tiril !lerson. ' .: ·.,. · attm]ded '·funeral services · Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bt1rton·

.Sweet at Plnclmcy Sat· nrc parents of a daughter horn . A~Ul~ .

..... .. ·'

\ ~,~deCision ·of Arthur Maxwell



III~jhere once.was an intelligent young man named . . . A'rthur Maxwell. He thought he would like to ;'step. up"~

• •• 1

·to a "medium-priced" car. So he went and looked at a model just ~'a few dollars more''~than a Ford. At first glance . -··

it looked good. But when he got inside he exclaimed, jJ: "No radio?9.b No heater?;;~ No automatic :ransmission? ~

You call this .Lzixll/fg??"He soon saw that a ~JrJ~~:. Cal' ..

·with equipment he wanted became a HIGH-priced car .. -' ' \•·'tl .

. So, ~eing an intelligenti@fyoung man he dashed

·off to his Fm·d Dealer ®'and bought a

8(frr.l.F/aitrlh4te500-the true luxury car iii the

low-price field-with all the equipment he wa11ted . oo , .

·tor less moneyq;]than the stripped-down model -----he had thought he wanted. . . "·' ,.,,.. Why don't you do as A~'thur did?lr}

Action Test the new·kiild of: FORD for '57



--~· ...



. ..... j

. j

I I I 4 l.

lnoham County News April 25, 1957 Pe~oe 8

Onondaga Mrs, Burton Baldwin

lll'lla;v overnight guests of theh· pnrents, Mr, nnd Mrs, U1.1rton Bqlc!win, nnd f!lmlly, On E11ster Sundny they were RI.H~sts of }tle)J. ni'd Nowlin nnrt Dora nncl Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mohr, j\1rs, rt\lby Booth of Michignn Center was ~!so. a guest,

Hownrd Smith, son of Mr. unci

·williamston Mrs. Rcah lforstman

~. CllJb Stages 4-H Iris and ltlVI!rsldn c!l~trlc'ts has !wen Hel for· J?r·!day, April 26, at

~ .AchJ'evement Night I OnonrlagEt town hall, Mrs. Alher·tu

Mrs, Alden Smith, nnd 3 friends of Springport spent sevoml dnys at Bny City and Saginaw smelt

Paulins"Botsford Vows Are. Spoken

Mr·. 111111 1\Jr·li, Conrad 'l'u.~chner lm've 11 rliiiiJ:IItr!l' horn Sunday, A pr·ll f·l, at Spnrr·ow hnHjlltul, Sho Is llillllml .ranicn Ann,

fishing, Miss Lucille Bnlsfnrd 1111rl . (Purr Is ·generul chairman. ; About 60 parents, friends nnci Mr·. unci Mrs. Rueben Crites, tnembers of tho Onnnrlagn Com· .Jr., and Birrry of ,Juckson were inunlty Fa1·mers 4·!1 c!uh at· Sunday !(uests· of Mr. and Mrs. tended local nchlcvemcnt nl!(ht Larry ~oyle and sons. ~t Onondaga town lull! Moncfuy Mr·. and Mrs. Ralph Jerald nnd

Mr, nnd Mrs. DeWnine Blenz nnil daughters were Easter Sun· rlny guests of Mrs. Nina Fut•gn­son of Jaclrson,

Riverside Community club wtll meet at the school house Tuesday evening, April 30. Election of o!!lcers for the coming year will

Mr·. and MrH. llnllls Guenther lu•ve 11 new daughter·, ~lxlo Lee, born Sal Ul'rlny, Apl'll (i, at Spar· row ltosplllll.

Dl'. GPr't 1'11d1• Tlladc ·and dtll· dr·r>n, c:arl and llarhurn, ancl her

mnny ~us performPd hy. ltev. pal'enls, Mr. and Mrs. K. Klel· Delos 1unncr. The hrldc! IS Uw lrol'll, have reiiLI'IWcl from

11 2

daughter of Mr. and Mr·s. Bell I! \VI't!l<~ Vilmllon Ill J•'lorlrla. notsford of Wllllnmston, illHI tiH' Mr·. 111111 iv!rs. Ilownrr! Liver· hridegmom, the son n[ Mr. iHHII ;rrwe of flinnlnglmm enlled on Mr:;. Clarl< Pnullns of llr!ll Oal<., Mr. and Ml's. F. C. Bennett last

.Inmes Paullns were unllc!rl in marriage nt Wc!sl. Locke Wesii!Yilll Met. hod I:; t chur·.,h SEttl.mln,v, ~!ar•el1 30. 'l'hc rlouhlf!·rltt~ l'l!l'f'·

evening. Mrs, Pearl ~out! of Jacl<son were ~ The progmm wns presented lry Sunrlny morning callers of Mrs. Richard CS!wet.l Byrum ns Esther Bodell. master of ceremonies, Rexanne Jerry ~ultc of Adrian and Tom Beaumont g-ave the- welcome. Lawton of East Lansing were Group sln!(lng wus !Pel hy Dora Snlurclny guests of Mr·. and Mrs. Nowlin, nnrl the iJ.Il pled!(e by H. A. DLllw nne! Bel'llell. Tom Emens, president. lllll ll,l'· Ml·. nne! Mrs. ~on narr nne! tum gave a summary of tlw sum· Nell wnre Easter rllnner guests mer war!<, and Tom Emens sum· of Mr. and Mrs. Don Phillips and mni'lzcd the winter worlc. Rnx· son of Mnson. anna McMichael anrl George About 30 children of the com· Benum~nt gnve short IHII<s on •J.I-I munlty part.iclpntml·ln the- Grace ~orlc. Township supervisor com· nnptlst dnrrch Eastm• e!(g hunt mentecl on the r•ommunlty's 1'!.!· at Balrlwin pari( Saturday. After sponslhlllty to 4·H work Tile the hunt, games wcr·e played. jlllrents' Ideas of 'l·II worl\ was Mr. and Mrs. Rohert. Ballard of given by l.lernncllne MeMidliwl. Mason wc!re !o'l'irlny evening vis· ll!!cognl!lon was given lo all ItcH'S of Mr. nnd Mrs. Gem!d first·year members. Mrs. ~0111111 Mnt•tln nnd son~. Moh1· presented the pins nne! er.l'· A Young Peoples par·ty will b<1 tlflcal.e awards. Spec:lal awnrdc: (.(iven at Grace Baptist church given by the CnnsLIIncJrs Power Saturday, April 27, at 7:3Cl p. m. Co. were pr·esented by Burton J~astrr guests of. Mr. am! Mrs. !Ja!clwln .. Judy Amhs rendered Ora Ruthruff Wf'rc Mr. ancl Mrs. ~eveml accordion selections. WI!· Chct Wnorlnnl nne! M1•. ami Mrs. {llOt Mc~owel!, county HI c:lllh ,John Ill•lrll'l< and family of Dl· 1,1gent, gave severn! remarl<s. HHIIH!ale, Mr. nnrl Mrs. Clitrorrl ! Refreshments of cookies, milk Wilson and family of Eaton Rap· imrl coffee were serve1I. There Ids, Mt·s. Sadie Sc:hwlnfurth of were 32 members who eompletecl Clwlsen and Mr. anrl Mrs. Enrl the winter projects, and 8 mem- Woodard of Charlo~tc. bers placed on the county honor Mr. and Mrs. nohert Page were roll. Easler guests of Mrs. Page's ;. -- ·mother, Mrs. Agatha Gray, and , Casper Gay of Lansing Is other relatives of Detroit. ~pe-nding the weeic visiting Mr·. Mrs. 1~stlwr Bodell was a Sun· 11nd Mrs. Harnld Barton. rlay dinner guest of her son, • D11le Bodell, ami family. Glen ·, A clinic for salk polio shots Norton ol Leslie was a Sunday !or Plains, Aurelius, Wilcox, Fer· caller at. tlw Bodells.

Excavating and installation of footings, drain tile, septic t11nks, water pipe, plumbing, drain fields.

OOZING - LOADING Free Estimates

Donald Jenks Leslie JU 9-2200

Cornor Edon ond lngolls Roods

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bush and Carollc> and. Mrs. Jessie Bush were Easter Sunday guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas Austin and Curolyn of Fort Wayne, Indiana.

Mr. anrl Mrs. Ford Keeler and Mrs. Jim Maxey and daughter, Sarah, of Eaton Rapids were Easler Sunday guests of Mrs. Be-rgie Keeler.

Mrs. Bergie Keeler and Mr;;. Effie Townley were Friday eve· ning !(Liests of Mrs. Ellen Smith of Eaton Rapids.

he conducted, plans will be mada for the annual picnic.

Thursday evening Mrs. Do!-is Blenz, Emma Moyer nnd Rose Barton attended the Childs· Com· munlty cluh meeting at Mrs.

Miss Lois Brigham of Car:o \ViiS 1 f.:urulay ·evening.

mairl of honor and Miss Sandra I Mr. nnrl !\Irs. I Inward Gorsline Paullns, sister of tlw lrrlrlt! lf'fl I•'rldny for· Berlfnrc! Pa, wns a hrldr.srllillrl. ,fr>IT,i' Paulrn~;, WIH'm they nwt tlwlr so;t anri twin hrollwr of the I ht• hrlrlr!·. rlnughlel'·in·law, Mr. and Mrs. groom, server! as lwst man. Ush·l Da vir! Cor•sllne, and Melnnle- of ers were Russell Botsford, brother Jlkhmond, Va. They spent the

Helen Smith's, Mr. nnd Mrs. Harold Barton

nnd their mother, Mrs. Emma Moyer, entertained relatives ovm· the Easter weelc end. On Friday

cr{ tho hrlcle, A1'!10ld Andr·ows, nnrl' week end togctlwr. Kenneth Perrin, hmtlH'I'.'i·ln·law of the bride. Patty Paulins, enu:;. in of the bridegroom was !lower girl, and Teny Andr·ews, rwplww ot the brlrle, ringhc!arer.

n ftcrnoon Mr. and Mrs. Jim "' t 1 Chlh h d bl Montnomery of Bav Cltv rrrlved, . YOU FE~:.L A THINO (MAYBE)-Pedro, a u l•arown ua uo, seems u ous

" ' ' '' r about needle. But lt'a tor hh own good. Pedro happens to live Jn Memphis, Tenn., and on Friday evcnln!( Mrs. Lee .and Memphla blppt!U to bt in the ml.dat ot a drive to have all canine residents Inoculated Carpenter nnd 3 sons came from 'IP.IIII .. & ra.blH,, '!'he c•nuple 1.~ residing ill Jlifill

Ingersoll roar!, Lansing. Mahome~ Ullnols. Mrs. ~on Pat ~~~~-~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ terson and son, .Toe, of Bay City · · i · · and Lloyd Christian of Flint ar- Lego No, tic'e rived Saturday, Saturday evening the Bartons entertained 22 guests for rllnner. Other guests· werll Mr. anrl Mrs. Eat·! Moyer of Tnmpldns, Mrs. VIvian Steffey of Eaton Rapids nnd Mr. and Mrs. ~eWalne Blenz and daughters. <iaturday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Glen Collier of Allen were call· Mrs. Lee- Carpenter, Mrs: Vivian Steffey and Mrs. Emma Moyer spent Saturday In Kalama· 7.00.

Mrs. Allee Corwin, a lifelong resident of Onondaga, died Tues: rlay morning at Keeney rest home. Sr.rvlces were- at Luecht funeral home- In -Leslie Thursday with Rev. Mal Hoyt officiating. Burial was In Onondaga ceme· !cry.

Russell Page returned homl! Monr:lay from Sparrow hospital; Lansing.

Easter guests of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hawley and Janice were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hawley and family of Kankal<ee, Illinois, and Mr .. and Mrs. Myrl Hawley and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Mohr and family of Eaton Rapids.

West Aurelius Luel ht 1\llnlc

·night unci Easter dinner• guests Hoytvl'lle of their mother, Mrs. Pe11rl Leon·

ORDER APPOINTING TIME Hl'd, Mr·. nnd Mrs, Ferris Leon· Nunuy l'm•c•.el! ' FOR HEARING CLAIMS 1 SliARLAND-Mo)' to, 1057 II I'd and lEI mlly of HlllsriR r> nnd

Str~te of Mlchl~nn. 1'hu Probntu Cmu·t Mr.· and Mrs. Gordon Le-onard Mrs. Rose Wny was n Saturday In Installation cerr.moni1•s rr•-tor tho County qt lnrmum. · were also dinner guests on Sun· eenlly, the V!o'\'V HPrl CPrlar·

At." •mlun of •nld Cou<·t, held ut I evening guest at the Osc:ar A 'II N 'Jnr. . t II I ~1

Auxiliary Installs . 1957-58 Officers

lhll ProiiPltu OR'Icc, In lfio City of MnH«n; . ay. Lavan home. ..,. UXI m·y (), . ' I IllS II ('( . rs. In tho nnld County, on'.tho dny. of Mrs. Gale Pierce- was called In ' Bessh: 1·Iorstman liS presirlc>nl for M h A D I 7 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Eastman · 1 nrc • · · ur. • Hastings. on Satul'Ciay because o[ 1!157·:iH. Other ol'frcers an•: llr• <•n Prc•ont, liON. ROIJE!IT L. DRAKE, cnllerl on Mr. and Mrs. Harvey F I I · i I JudKc of Prohnte, · · · ' · the slclcness of her mother, Mrs. • oreman, sen nr v rl!·presiC en ;

ln. the Mutter .of r.ho E•tntc of LE. Zole Bowser. Clingpeel at Battle Creel< Friday Nellie Wlcldlilm, chnplaln; Mill'· ~~~~ct~~Y SHA.RLAND, Mentally· In· Mr. and Mrs. Roy Shank were afternoon. garet Ley,·ctar·y; .Jesst! Clr.n·

It. nPPcnrlng to the' court thnt· the Easter dinner guests of Mr. ancl Mrs. Anna Lewis and children net, colorhcarcr:· Irene Galvin, time .. for ·lorc•cntntlon of clnim• nknlnst M G SJ ·I 1 f 11 t were- Sundav dinner guests al 1 t 1 ]> tl I' t Hnld cnlnte Rhimld he')lmifcol, nnd thnl n rs, liS Jan~ anc am Y a J COil( LIC I'()SS; lin( dl 1 ',il IPII, time nnd '11inco Jw· nfltmlnted· to recclvo, Woodland. the home- of her parents, Mr. and treasurer. · oxnmhro .nnd. ndlu•l nil clnlma 11nd de· Mr. and Mrs. Clarence- HOWl! Mrs. John Purcell. 1 i 1 f I I mnnd• nmdnnt •n!d mcntnlly lncomJ1c· Mrs. Ga v n, wsless or I w tent hy Plnd before snid'court: · and Gary spcmt Easter In Lalw Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pantera meelln!(, nlso acted as inslallinr~

It. I• Ordered, Tlmt crcrtitor• of •uld Odessa. Loren Bas~ett, father of were Stmcluy dinner guests of Mr.'ficer. mentn!ly lncomiJCt(!nt nrc rrHtulred to I • nre•ent tholi· ·elnlms to •nld court 11 t the Mrs. Howe, returned ilome W ln anrl Mrs. Paul Way and family. Gtwsl for tlw lllt!l'l ing Wlls ~Irs. Prohuto OETicc, In tho city of Muson. the Howes to speml 2 weeks. Mr·. and Mrs . .Tames Vance oi Mf.,hlgun, on or berr>r·e the 16th day or Rev, ani! Mrs. Paul Olmstead d M M Lucille Gries fl'ol11 lluxiliiii'Y No. Muy, A, u. ror.7, ut ten o'cln<:k In Lhn Sunfiel called on r. and rs. 11 5(; Oxbow Lal<e. ShC' eontr·lbutc•rl forenoon, •uld time nnd r•luce lwlnK of Lake Odessa were Easter din· Bruce Eastman Saturday after-hereby RPI10intcd for tho exnmlnntloo ner gue-sts of Mr. ancl Mrs. Claud many suggestions to llw f'ililplr'l', nnd udlu•tment of nil clulm• nnd de· . noon. Refreshments were SI'I'VCrl ll,Y mnndo against oulrl mentnlly lncom1••· Howe. Mr. and Mrs. DuWaync Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Eastman, G . I M n 1 I (' 1 tent. Howe and family of Mason ·and Mrs. ,aJvm am rs. lr JCI' oil ·

It I• Further Ordered, 1'hnt touhllo no- Fallnda and Terry were Sunday vin riming the soda! hour· a[lr:r tlco thereof he .,rvcn by nubllcution or u Mr. nnd Mrs. Max McCullough eveninrr. guests of his parents, · · COllY or thiH order tor thrcu KtiCCCHHivo and Rosemary of Lansing were ... the- husrness mcetrng. >reek·· orevlou• tn Hllld dny or henrln~. In I Mr. and Mrs. Lcnnls Eastman Next meeting will he at. liLC' the lnrrhum County New,, " ncwsnnt,cr Sunday afternoon ca lers. d 'I G I L d I I M 8 nrintcd nnd circulntcrl In snld county, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Causle ami an famr Y at ranc c ge. Gavin wme on ay . ''"d thut Hnld petltlonor ·J.Cive known f 11 d Ml E Jy Glllct't lnterented , •• ,.u .. urldltlonul notice "" nm y an ss ve n . d I f W'IJ' M 1 I c• ' I required by lnw. . were Easter dinner guests of Mr. Hoeft an mot Jer o. I rams· Mr·. and rs. "y e .-,c·,H·ay are

ROBERT L. DRAICE, and Mrs. llferi VanDorn at Par· ton were Sunday after·noon call· parents of a daugl!ter horn Sun· A True Cnnv: Judge of Probntu m,o, ers of Mr. and Mrs. Warren day, April 7, at Spnrrow hospital.! Hl!l'trude Tellier rc. II I 1 "' llu1•uty ReRIKtcr ,,r l'rohnte 16w:lp Mr. and Mrs. John Causie and Ga away. She has been namer "ynn •. ,C0.

·--o-R_D_EROF PUBL_I_C_A_T-IO_N __ Sheryl Ann were Easter dinnl!r Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hayhoe and A daughter was hom to Mr·. St••te of Mlchi~nn, 'l'ho Circuit Court guests of Mr. and Mrs. H, S. Pul· family of Mason, Mrs. Laum nnd Mrs. Malon Pulling nn M~1reh


4-H Scholarshipsl I ncr eased to $400

f'••lrnlnl'elilltH In lhn nntlnnnl 4-J I awr11'dK programR hnvo boon lilr'l'f!IIH!HI fi'Olll $:1110 to $•100, Rll• llllllll<'"ri n. J,, Nohlo, •llroc!or, Nallnnnl r!rrmmll.tro on noys nnd UlriK l:l1rh Wrrt•lc, Chlr:ago.

Apprrrxlmatoly 170 cntlogo HdiOfllt'HhilPH oJ $·1111) eueh wffl be

llll'rLI"dmt nt tho uul.lonnl level to 1·1! Club

.. 'l 111 o m b o r 11 whose 1957

. ; ro~orda of nchlovomont In their chosen projects aro l111l"od beet by tho Coollorn­l.lvo mxtonslolt Service, Tho

s•·hni:JI'HhlpH will bo proaonted to 'II"' natl>'nill champions noxt n .. r·rontlrr!l' dm·ln" tho annual HI Ghth Cnnr;rosH, Nnhlo Hnld.

Amon" lho Hi activities otter· In!( a ll'm·da of scholnrshlps ns W<!ll ;1a tri11R l.o tho Club Con· gi'<JSH aro tho noya' Agricultural, l'onllry, Gardou, and El11ctrlc lll'o!(rarnH. Dnnni'H of tho nwnrda 1'11Hltlldil'oly arc: Internntlonnl llarveatm·, Soara·fioohuclc !~olin• du I ioit, AIIIH·Chnlmors, and tho \\'estingllouac Jo;rlucntlnnnl Foun· dalton, All h:tvo supported 4·H wort• for many yours through Jll'ogrants nri'nng-cd and an• llrtllllccr! hy tho National Commit• ton 111111 !.he Extension Service,

G. L. Noblo

·----------------------·1 Mr. and Mrs. Dale Nowlin and

Linda of Three Rivers were Sat· The Robbins choir, ).lncler the

direction of ~ean Avery, and with Mrs. Paul Notestine presented the cantata, "The First Easter," at the church Sunday evening; The WSCS served lunch after the singing. There were· 21 members tal<cn into church membership Sunday morning. Included In thl;;; number were 3 father arid son teams,

for th• County nr lni!hnm. In Chnnccry. ver and family at Mason. Wri!(ht and Mr. and Mrs. Enn;; 26 at St. Lawrence hospilal. BARnARA .JEAN HlCK&Y, Plnlntlll. M d I h R I C l I C t! E t I' Mr·s. .Jerome Barr" has re· .,. CH 1\lll.f.S n. HICKF.Y, ll•'•nrlnnt. r. an Mrs·. {en net . aa J ar am a 1y were • as er c Ill· J

LaHI. yoar Hf uwnrds nnd lrmtlnr tminln" fundH diAtrlbuted·rrtl~h the National Committee amomii<Hl tn $·tli!I,:HJ.7. A Rlmllnr HIII/I h:rs hccn HHRUI'fl~ &gall! this year l)•rrrn nnn-govornmen tal snm·cr,A, acc<H'dln~; tn ~1r. Noble.



Confentme·nf c·o$fS Less - -

in a Brick Home

A Distinctive Size and Color

For Every Home!

Basement Plan

The Home of Distinction ''.GREATER VALUE FOR HOME BU.YERS, because· of these ad. ., vantages:-



EASIER FINANCING bec~use of quality a~d proven con-struction practice. . · ·.

MANY MODELS A~D DESIGNS to choose from. DELIVERY right to your building sight.

6; . ALL PERtviABILT HOMES are FHA and VA approved.


JOHN THO·M·S'EN Aufhori~~d Builder and Deale~

Phone OR 7~4181

ORDER FOR APPEARANCE and family and Mrs. Clam Wa· ncr guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ken· turned from a 2·monlh vaeatinn Court nn ·tho 7Lh dn.y of Mnrch, 1 !Hi7. Suit. 1•en•lln~ In the nhovc cnl.ll.lool ters of E<len and Miss Donna

1neth Balter. in Mexico. I

In thlt! t'IIUAc it· llniH!nrlntr from nffl,. ·------------..!..----------...;-----------------------------~ rlrLv(t on fllc, thnt' Chnrlc~o~ n. Hickey lfl a· nnt n rc~thh~nt nf t.hiH Stnlc hut rcKidcrc nt. 1 R2. EnHt Third Avenue, ColumbuM.

T/Sgt. Roy Logan, accorn· panlecl by his mother and sister from Grosse lie naval base, vis· !ted S/Sgt. and Mrs. William I<Iinl< Saturday afternoon.

Wayne Jeffery received word Monday morning of the death of his mother In Quincy where she made her home with a daughter,

William Klink and family .had Easter dinner with Mr. nne! Mrs. Ray Serreis· In Eaton Rapids •.

Mrs. Mary Buclclngham anrl the Henry Buckingham fam'ily

ned with the- Clair Swift lam· ly of Nichols road, the. Clayton

Swift family of Woodland, D'onna Hausch of Eaton Rapids and Ronnie Rled of Holt to enjoy Easter dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Humphrey. near Mason. ·

The children and grandchildren of the Luman Kllnks gathered at the home of their parents Satur· day , evening in honor of their brother, S/Sgt. William Klink, who recently returned · from Japan, for a goo11 visit and re· freshments of strawberry short cake and home-made Ice cream. ·

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Topliff and Mr. and Mrs. Jerold Topliff and family spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. Leon Carrier and family ln Battle Creelc.

Joanne and Janice . Williams, Helen and Regena Johnson of Lansing and Mr. and Mrs. Alan Wiley of Detroit spent Easter w.ith the Glenn Willlams f(UlliJy,

Ohio. On motion of Thom/lK n. SinnH, At·

torncy for the Plnlntlff, it IH ordt•recl thut the !lltld Dcfcndunt. ChurlcR 0. Hlclr .. ey cnu11e hiR ttllflenrnncc t.o he cnle1•ed in thll\ t!IIUtlc Within three month11 (rom· the dnt(! or th!K nrrlcr nnd thut In dt•· fnult thereof HHid Dill of Complnlnt will he tnken fll! con(cnHed, nnd thut within fqrty (10) dnYH the Plulntllr Hhnll cntPHc this Orde:r to be llUhlitdtcd in. the In,...hnm Cpunt.v New11, a newsrnutur puhi!Hhod nnrl clrculittl!d with suid County, Rnld JIUhli· · ct1tlon to hl! continued. once cnch week rrir six (fi) week! in KliCCt:Htdon. I

Dnte·d Murch 7, 1957. . MARVIN J .. SALMON, i

' . · Clrc.utt, Judge~ A Trt.ic 'Comr: Inez L. Swnnlnger, De11· '

ut.v :County. Clerk. · ·• · I Sfm.ts, llmmfs· nnd .. DrnlH!, Dy ThomnH

G, SlnnM. AttorneYH for ·PJLiintflf, BuHI· neftn. ·Ad.l~real-4: 60U P":"ucldtm Duildin.Lt, 1 Lnn•!nst~·:l>flchlgnn. . . . . . .t7w7


. .. BETTIS-July· 3, 1957 Stutc of Mh:hlunn. 'fhc Probute Coul't

tor 'tho County or lnghnm. At 0 · HCIIHion ·of Hnld ·.cnuJ:t, h!!ld nt

the Probi•te Office ln. the City or Lnn­MinJr, In· the· auld Co'unly. on. the 1Oth dnJ .of April, A. D. 1057, ..

Present,. HON. RODERT L. DRAKE, J.urhce of· Pro~utc. . In the'Mnttcr of the E•tntc of ANNA L. BET'l'IS, Decen•crl. · · It UllllCIIrlrlK to the court. thnt lhu

time fo1•~ JlrCHentutioh of clnims 11.1Win~t HUid estntc ~hould bo limited, nnrl thnt n time nnd plt~cc be 1\flJJDinterJ to ruccive, e~nmine and ndJuHt nil clnlmH nnd de .. mundH IHcnlnMt tmld dccenl:!ed ·by und Le .. tore su.ld court: · ·

It 'te Ordtm~d. 'l'hnt cr1Hlltors of rmid dece.nscd, nrc rcttulrcd' to· l'ltC:HHtt their clnim6 to Hidd court nt l1hc Prohntc Olflc'• nt ~OM Hoii!Ht"r Bqilrllng, 'Lnn­t!lntt. MichiJ.cun, on or hllforc the ard day of July; A. D. 1957, nt 2:·15 o'eloek In the ufternoon, t~nld time und plucc bclnK hereby, appointed, fo1· the cxu.mlnu.tlan nnrl urlju•tmcnt of ull clulm• and de. mundH uguint~L s1dd decen~cd,

It. h Further Orderud, 'l'hnt 11Uhlic no* tlcc thereof be gl~cn by publlcutlon of A COJIY o£ thf:.s Ol'dcr [Ol' thi'CC IIUCCt:HtilVc weeks IJ~uvlous to tmid dny of hcnrlnlo(, in the lnKhnm County Ncwtlt .11 neWHJIUliCr Jlrlnte'd .nnd clrculnted In snid county, and thut tudd,. Jlctitloncr known lnterct~te~ IHlrtlcs udlJ,itionnl notice n& rcuulrod bv law, , ·

. ·' RODER'!' L, DRAKE, A True Copy: · Judge or Probate Clcrtrudo Tellier Deputy Re~l•ter of Probutu

Dougl~s Bexiite Glynn

Mr .. and Mrs. Ralph Glynn1 of Vantown visited Mr. and Mrs. Leo. Glynn Sunday,.

Wheatfield Wlgwallcers at· tended tl~c 4·H talent show try. out ·Monday· evening at Williams' ton. Dallas Thornton had his arm In a sling,. but was .still able to participate. · · . · . ·. ·

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gl~nn and family spent Easter with Mr. and· Mrs •. Rex .Gortori at· Lansing. .

Mrs. Gle-n·.Watkhis .Is convales· clng. after her recent operations at Mercy hl)spital, .. Jackson.· ; ·

.Mr. and.Mrs. ·Bob Foreman and tamlly·spenfEaster:with Mr. and

Sale! Save! Sale! Save! Sale!


remen ous avin s! * Stoves * Refrigerators * * Freezers * TV * Radio * * Mixers * Coffee Makers * * Metal Cabinets * Clocks *



Mrs·. ·c1ey Foreman.'"<:,.,.:·" · . . . Open Thursday-Friday- Saturday Nights. Till 9

· · . . . or by ·~ppointment Any Time! . . . I ) .... <·" Housel··.:.: ·. · .~· .

I!Jalln:._. •. · SALE$ & SERVICE .



. : Hardware... . .. 360 s. Jifferion · . ~. M11on' Oft 6;43 1 1

Mrs; Keim~t.h Baker'' · ··, .. · :·· .... .. : : :.,.:. ';~·.;:·,,:'/. /'


Mr: and· ·Mrs: La'wrenCil Oes·. terle ·:and ·fimilly :ot'Mason, :Roy' Lantz·.:and ··Mrs; Margar!!t·. M&ys. of Lesllejvere Friday: "~evenhig' slipjJcr: guests o{'..Mr;. ·and . Mi's. Warri!n:.Gailawny.: ·,·, .. ' .. · ·. '.·.;: · ' : Mr.;andMrs. f!:~r.mli.ii:,i:~ol'\ari!J

and'.fnm!Jy .of A,lmll: and Mr.· nndt

SUBURBAN SUPPLY . ;:• ... : . . . . :West. ~f. ~top Light~ Holt Phone OX :9·2229

. ·.··'

Mrs:·i'Ke!lttetl~ : Vhi~< a.ild' 'i!o" : ofi ... , .. , Middleton. f.rere. •· Sat11rdny ·. over·; I•·.;.· ;.;,· ·,.;;.;~;.;..:...,.....;;~;....;..._-..._-...;,.;;..;;_ ___ ...;. _____ .._ __ ~~-----~~_......,_~_,~'!-~~

' : ,_; ... '. <:~:.\'.<~,'~ ':< :~.·' ... j ,' '


i (


April 25, 1957

VocaHonalSchooiBatHe Confinue_s in Legislature

ny J•a,~um 1•:, WIII'I'I•: . Midllg"ILil l'J"IlNII As.~odaUrm

Cnntlnur.d resistance on . t.hc pa1·t of Whitmore Lalm rcHidents unci continued frustrntlon In the Michigan department uf social wclfnr!l points up an Issue which must be soon resolved.

The fangled problem Involves a new locn11on for the sli11e Boys Vocational school. ·

• • • Points of view rllffer rnrlically.

The social wclfnm department rc· ceiverl a leglslnllve appropriation last year to purchase 320 acres of land at Whitmore Lalw for a nmv IJVS horne--a training school for rlt>llnquent boys. According to Soda! Welfare Dlrectoi' W. J. Maxey the site is Ideally Jocatcrl, ncar rneclical facilities at Ann Arbor and also near Detroit, hnme of a majorlt.y of the boys.

At that time It loolwrl lllle the department's goal of moving BVS nut of cramped qunrters in

Lnnslng would he necompllsl1cd without any difficulty, . .. ~~

The violent: reaction of Whit· more Lnlw residents was not ex· pected. Some n5 percent of them organized to fight the relocation of BVS within their midst. They point nut thnl pollee protection Is Inadequate; that building costs nrc high In their expanding, re· sort area; that the populntlon growl h In the area Is so great that the problems encountered In Lnnsin~ would qulcldy ric· vclop at Whl1more Lalw. They restate the U·M position that Its merlical school Is nlrearly so over· tnxert It cannot provide medical care to BVS lnmutcs.

More impot•tant-reslrlents lool1 the cause to their legislators. Residents then engaged In a leg· islalive duel with the social wei· fare dcpnrtm~nt to stop the np· proprlation of· further funds. If successful, thl~' would effectively

• For brick, concrete, stucco, asbestos siding, c_ement bloclc:


• Not aflec:ted by molsturo \

• Lap marks do not ihow

• 8 Durable colors

.THORBURN Lumber & Coal Co~~

{ .

har clevclopmcnt of the Whitmore Lal1e alte, ·

A new approach wus talmn by Whitmore Lalte people last weel1. They pmposed that serious con· alc!emt!on be given to the estab· llshment of BVS on state-owned Jnnds at Northville, These! are now partially occupied by n hos· pita! for mentally Ill patients and a clinic for emotionally disturbed children.

At Northville, Whitmore res!· 1lcnts believe, there Is suitable land. They point out that psychl· atrlc and mr:!dlcal staff is avalla· ble there;· a power plant and laundry facilities are already buill and can be enlarged If neces· snry, The site Is even closer to Detroit.

• • • At present, the state owns 502

acres of lands at Northville. The Michigan department of mental health directs the operation of 1 hese Institutions.

Part 3

Salk Shots Are the First for 600fo Wore It not for the lrnrnunizn·

tJon campnign lnuncherl in Ing· . hum by the Inghum County Mcdl·

leu] society In cooperation wit 11 public lwnlth n g en c I c s nnd school, no•;,, of the youngsters would be without protection 'rtgalnsl paralytic polio. At lens!, that's what the flr·st figures !nell· cnte,

At the Leslie clinic for young· sters, fUl' instance, 22£1 of the 323 children who appeared frll' lm· munlzutlon had never hart Sal!t

pl'rltecl irm previously. 'I'll!! same percentage devoloporl nt the I-Inll clh1lcs. -

Ncnrly 20,()00 children are now gelling their Immunization nt clinics, reported Mrs. Mona Cut­ler, coordinator of. the campaign.

Mrs. Cutlci' also emphnslwrl that ndults should take advantnge of the elinics now being organ· lwrl In offices, chLJrches, stores, schools unrl other poln t~. These grnups of !iD or rnnre persons arP scheduled through her office, 518

Hollister llllllrling. She will .aid uny inclivlriual or gl'OUJI In set· ling liJl 11 clinic at whleh a $3 lee per llfnneulat ion will he charged to cover oxpcnsos. Doctors will donute tllcll· scrvkcs,

Clinks nrc scheduled !OI' River· sld(! ~chou I at Ormmiaga Frldny morning at fl::m, nnrl at Meridian No. 7 school at 1:00 Frlrlny after· unnn. There were clinics at Holt Sycamore nnrl Holt Elliott ~chools Wcdne~day 111111 at Holt Midway anrl the Jslanr! school 'rhursday,

. Holt Talent Performs Friday Night ns master of ceremonies.

Holl Klwanluns arc selling liciwts,

According to Charles F. Wagg, department director, there are facilities available for 2,300 pa· tients In the Northville state hos· pltal. Future plans cull for en· Jr,rglng these accommodations to 3,340.

HIDDEN MINE EXPLODES-A soldier of the United Nations Emergency Force sits In a hole blasted In the middle of the Danish UNEF camp In the Gaza Strip by an undetected mine. 'fhe weapon exploded when the trucl1's front wheel passed over It, No U.N. pe1·sonnel were Injured In the first sucij inci­dent since U.N. troops toolt over the area.

Youth talent at Holt will corn-, chance for promising youngsters pete !oi' cn~h prizes In the Holt to display their Laicnts anrl to Echool nudll.orlum Friday night. l'llise funds fo1· local pruject~. Sixteen acts have survived the This year the pmceerls fl'Drn preliminaries to go for the $G5 the home talent show will again In cash ttwards In the finals. he devoted to worl< for under-

Holt Klwanluns stage the horne privileged children and to lrn· talent show annually, to give a pmvement of Holt. playgrounds. --·-·--~-------~---------- Ernie Hunt anrl Orville Ilitch·

WAI/fON ,JOINS OUlSJHOIIII.I~ Harold R. Walton hus .Joined

the public relations staff of Otds· mobile cllvl~lon. Wnlton has he<'n a reporlei' for the Lansing State J OLII'illll for 5 years. He I~ a llfl· ·

t!VC! of Quincy, Mnss., where ha altenr!erl high school. l-Ie server! 8 years in the U. S. navy during and after World War II.

In addition, Hawthom Center Clinic provides highly specialized facilities for the care of 80 chll· dren.

• • • Several outstatc' communities

Community Chest Plans Campaign Har·oltl Bell and Fran!' Schmidt

Sunrise Service Speaker Dies WIJile Using Phone

of Mason and Duane Baldwin or evangelistic services ln Lansing, Stocl1bridge attenrled a corr .. mi­substltuted at the Mason serv- nlty chest budget conference in Ices·. Lansl ng Thursday. '::'he budget

have Indicated they would· wei- Mason churches had · to cali come the establishment of BVS upon a substitute spea'l<er .for in their area. Ionia, Mecosta county !Big Rapids), Beaver Is· Easter sunrise services. Dr. 1-I~r­land anrl Grayling all contacted old R. Seelye, 50, of Stanton In·

the social welfare department teniled to come to Mason to con· with requests for BVS. duct the services. While using a

Maxcy turned "thumbs down" telephone In Stanton Thursd<IY in each· case _on the basis that night he fell dead. these commumtles are Jocated..too · ·far· fmm Detroit anrl lack ade· Dr. Seelye W«s an osteopathic quate medical and social care. physician and surgeon. 1-I.e began

• ,, • his practice In Mason In 1932. The Northville locatio~ '"fulfills

Maxey's requirements according to Whitmore Lalte residents. In addition, they stress the state wready owns this land; that since some f«cllltles nrc installed, costs would be lower for Michigan tax· payers.

At week's end, both sides re· mained uncompromlsed.

* * •

After a few months in Mason he closed his office and for a while was engaged in practice with his father, the late Dr. E. H. Seelyf of Lansing. For 20 years Dr. Harold R. Seelye had been en· gaged In practice at Stanton. I-I~ had accompanied Dr. Billy Gra· ham on several evangelistic tours, serving as team phyr;i. cian. He was a member of the Stanton Baptist church, the

Births and deaths _In Michigan Christian Business Men's asso· during 195_6 are providing records elation of Grand Rapids and of . at the Michigan department of the Gideons. health. .1 1 d' · eet

For example, In 1956: Wlu e at en mg a prayer m -1. A new all-time high was set ing ·In the Baptist church <l,t

for the state's birth rate. Stanton Thursday night Dt. bli 1 d Seelye was· summoned to a house

2. A new low was esta s tc nearby to talk by telephone with for the death rate. tt d nt at the Sheridan hos·

It adds up to the fact that for ;rta~. ~h~le using the 'telephone every 5 deaths recorded In Mlch· he suffered a heart at_tack and igan, :!-6 babies were Increasing d' d \ lthout reg· aining . eon· the slate's. population-a rate of iCi 'I better than 3 to 1. sc ousness. .

• • * Rev. R. I. Humberrl, who cam~ Well .ahead of the national from Flora, Indiana, to conduct

'n was the most pleasant morn· conference pa~ses on the dist rl· butlon of chest funds to member ing of any Easter sunrise servic~ agencies. In recent years. The grandstand

at the fairgrounds was well Along with 150 other· t'tlpresen· filled. A section of the Mason tatives from Eaton, Ingham aiul band accompanier! the singing of Clinton counties they will review hymns. Forrest Rinehart, high the budgets of each of the local school principal, directed the chest agencies. This spring hurlg­singing. Tl1e senior girls quartet, et conference Is in J>l"CJlaratlon made up of Karen Knudstrup, for. the , :July ~1udgct . m_celings Patricia Adams, · Anna Holmes Which Will establish the 19;,8 cam-and Sue Mills, sang. . I paign goal for the chest.

Explorer Scouts helped Mason , W!lllam C. Searl :viii_ head this Kiwanians usher. Walter E. Zlm· ~ eqr s budgC!t meetmgs.

mer opened the service, span- The u. s. army spends 39',/,, o( sored by the Mason Ministerial its budget on salarias and pay, association uml ihe Kiwanis club. plus clothing and food.

ins ttrc co·chalrman nf the youth tulcnt committee,

'l'tHI B;nwr, f!oach nf Everett high school anrl former enach at llolt, will preside over the show


Light Bulldozing and Digging * Field Tiling

* Water Lines

* Septic 1'anhs

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* Uasement ami Founda­


FRANCIS MENTINK <JfJ88 W. Urllle\'IW ltmul

Onomlag·a l."hnnc J,A 8-3266


average, the Michigan birth rate. figures Issued by the health de· 208 N. Mason Phone OR 7-3381 I was 27.4 for every 1,000 popula· partmcnt, this rate accounts for

._ _______ ...,. _______________ __. lion. According to provisional some. 205,650 new babies.






Only Gas combines aucomati• top-burner lighting, automatic oven and broiler lighting, au· wmatic timing and·top·burner tcmpcrarurc coiurots with

· amazing ~peed and dexibiiity. This means automatic cooking ac irs bl!n , , , cooking rhat's ea~ier, quicker ••• c:uc cookin1 automatioa. ·

Michigan's record low -death rn te was B.!i persons for every 1,000 population.

Around the nation the average for births was 24.9 per 1,000 ( 2 '!. less than In Michigan). Deaths averaged 9.4, or almost one more per 1,000.

Previous records were estab· Jished in 1951. All were hrolten by the new figures. The 1056 rates give Michigan a "Vital Index" of 320. According .to health depart· ment officials, this means that there were 320 births for every 100 deaths. Nationally, the vital index Is 266-some 5<1 points low· cr.

The vital index will be referred to many times in the years ahead by educators planning school fa· cJlities; by towns and cities chart· ing growth; by manufacturers whmi estimating the size of their marl1et. In view of the high birth rate, all are planning for a "big" future.

Insurance Firm Makes Promotion Promotion of Lynn D. Brown

to staff manager In the Lansing district office of the Prudential Insurance company has'been an· nouncecl. ·In his new position, Brown will supervise sales and services operation of a group of agents, .

Brown was graduated from Ma· . son high school. He joined .. the Prudential· in 1952 as an

agent In the Lansing district of· flee. He is a member of the Life Underwriters association and was awarded ·, the· national q uall ty award ln. 1954-1955.. \' . Brown Is - a member of the

YMCA: and has been · active on C om m u ·n I t y Chest campaign drives ·locally._ He and his wife, the form'er Ellene Vosler, and their 3 children live at 1407 Pon· tlac.

CADET GETS FIRST WINGS Cadet Col •. Gary R. Farrer,

Michigan State university senior · from Salt·Lal(e City, Utah, Is the

first army cadet·· to earn his flying· wings f the '13·state "Filth' Army, ·araa. . Is one of 15 army. · · to u~det·titke

Listen to What Its Silence Says l Ever hear a motor car 'tell its own story? It will tell you oftha s~nius of Cadillac engineer•

Well, just get behind the wheel of a new 195/ ing. Fot• every aspect of the car's b1•illiant pet•fm·m· Cadillac-head fot• your favorite stretch of high- a~ce goes ·about its work in soundless harmony,

way-and listen] . And it will reveal the ca1·e and the sl1ill of

Of course, the truth of the matter is that you ' Cadillac craftsmanship. For even when it. travels

won't actually hear anything. For a 1957 Cadillac the most neglected of byways, the ·car remains

in operation is as quiet as human skill and \vo~derfully sile-nt*. \_ · ... · _., •. 'ingenuity can malte it. . . .,.

_ But inuigin~, if you will, all the wonderful If .you have yet to sit wheel of a 1957 · things the cat• will be telling you through _the .voice Cadillac and hear _this wondet•ful story for yourself,

of its o~~n silr:!nc~ I then we ur·ge you to delay no ·longer ~n doing so,

First of all, it will speak-and most eloquently . We hope you will visit your Ciulil!ac deale.: so-of the soundness of Cadillac styling. Fo1• the · ·.· soon-spend an hou1· on the_ highway.:.:.and Iistc;;n

car is so sdcntilically designed that even the · to tlie most eloquent messase a motoL' car eve~· ' om·ushins ,vind is reduced to a sentle whisper. ·· .. delivered on it~ own behalf!. · -. ··· · .~

' · .....

;J'ISIT' YOUR- AUTllORIZED CADILLAC DEALER,·. ' !, • ' ,; ' . • ; • • • . ' • ' .~. • ••


J;l!l'~Y Atlcml Sfll'~i~s ,r·-.-E ... ('" a~. U S ..Jchedr.lles

'.·~;·Dansville News WSCS Elects New Officers Rogulnt• weetlng of Jho Worn·

an'l!' SocleJy of.Cin•lstln!l Servlm wns Wellneadny nt thll hom!l o.f

/'ll?<ty uttend~rl the Good Fl'iria;y service !lt the Ii't•eu ,Mot.twtliht church Ji'rlclny aftornoon, ~c~pon· rmrcnl ll,Y )loth churches of Jilo community, '!'he progt·nm con· alated of r.ongmgatlonnl ~lnglng, a song, "'l'he Old Rugged Cross" by tho ·Dansville nml Vnntown churoh choirs; soriptui'C rending and pruyer hy Rov, ChnrleH Gross, 111111 the mesHngc for thr. occasion hy Rev, Charles J(lngs· ley of Spring Arhor, ~l'he offering will be 11sed towm·d the e'!J!_Pnses of thn dully vacation Blhla sehrrol which will he the weelc of June 17.

t~ew Honor Roll Is Announced Dansville Agricultural achnol

t~{r;, r\enn.1t;, Sln~~s,~~': j: ~ f~.i;~" ... ~liCIJl Wclll•c>Clof Willi 111"1' 1'~1' cnt~. Mr, iti1CI Mr . .;, 'P.I\ Ill. H,,h<!l' MriJ, Floyrj 13acttl1~ iilJd rluu~::hlot• ot WilliQmston. were Friday vlsl· tnrfl of the Bnlccrs·,

Annual Banquet

iVfi'. nncl Mr~. Bui:r I~IIIB Allc7' !VIi~~ i\1.11rhmj · Klllll' pf H()Well wem cllnnm• _guusts E•1;;tuL' of ll,,.~. Gllznheth l3acltus nnd Miss ,1, Hmwm,nnrl BrwlttiH, ~·. nmJ Mrll, .Tuell: War)e of

LnnHing spunt Frlriny eVOlllng with the lnt.tot·'s mother•, Mrs, Br.ssie 'l'tlrnhull, ...

Helen Young MA 3·3931

Aggies Win· At Track Meet

FnemHy Qlvlll'l s1wvlllrl Mr•a, Allie Thompson. A potluc!c

Ill The Aggles eollec!ccl 05~!. point!> to Wllllumston1R '13')J and Fow)r.rvllle's 28 nt tlw tmclt meot

,., pt Dansville Wednesclny after· noon.

'rhui·sdn;y morning tho regular dinner was Rerved at noon ancl monthly ohapnl scr•vlce ·was pre·l the birthday anniversary of Mrs, sented In the school assembly, M~rgarat Cun·y wns honored, Miss Dorothy Dunsmore, chapel l'he business meeting was eommlt tee chairman, Introduced opened with devotions hy Mrs, Searl BJ•Iggs, who presided. "'I'he Iva Landrum f?llowed hy elec· Old Rugged cross" waR sung by tlon of officers, rhe ni!W officers tlw high school fnculty, .followed are: Mrs. Ivn Landrum, pres!· hy scJ•Ipture r£>aellng hy Mrs, dent; Mr~. William ~usolff, vlcn· Helen Young and n tallc entltlml president, Mrs. Gem ge Vogt, Sr,, "What Enstet· Means to You" hy r·ecorcllng secretary; Mrs. Luther M y f G

Orville Emerson Wil!l 11 triple ·Wilmet• with :1 llrsts In the high _itut:llles, low hurdles und hmml

"'' jump. Lnrry Soqle was a clouillc wlnn£>r In the 100 and 220·YIII'Il dnslws.

David Bl'ewcr. 'I'hiH wns followetl Chelf, treaRurer; Mrs. Forest An· • • • rou ps by tlw· cjunrte!t. composed of Miss rlerson, secretary of promotion; d II · Elsie Cobh, Mrs. Louise Munnlng, Mrs. Elmer Ft·ost, Recretury of T 0 Af~en Ra Y G. E. Manning- unci Fred Swegles· sph·lluul life; Mr~. Averon Aclt· • singing "Nenr tl1e Cmss" nr)el ley, secretary of supplies; Mrs. Next Sunday, April 28, the prnycr· hy Mrs. Allee Hunt. Allie Thompson, secretary of 111.· memhor" of t11n Dansv,llle ,"ntl , ..

Otlwr Aggie nrst place wlnnet·a were Gordon R.les In th£> 4•10· yard run unci ,John PhelpH In the 880·yard -run, Willie Gaffner won the shot put. Gene Tracy nnel Gene Montgomery tied fot• !lrst In tho pole vault for Williamston. Joe Coolt won the high ,lump and llodncy Line llw mllr• r•ttn for l~owlr.rvill£>,

Mr. and Mrs, Don Anderson _rmd daughter of Ann Arhor were En~ter dinner guests of the foa·· mer:s mollwr, Mrs .. Rosa Ander· sr,n. Miss Irma Bellman and Dr. unci Mrs. G£>orge Bc•llmnn nnd family of Lansing WI'J'e evening lunchcrm guPsts of Mrs. Ander­son,

Mr. and M1·s. Donnlrl Sites ami famUy of Perry unci M1·. and Mrs. James Norlon .. aml family of Lan· sing were E:u;tcr dinner guests of their moth£>r, Mrs. Hobert Smith.

Mrs. Flora .l!'nscn of Greenvllle spent the week £>nd willa 1\lr. anti Mrs. Myron Corwin.

Scripters Mark Anniversary

erature and Jlllhlicatlons; Mrs. " ~ " Gary Briggs, secretary of Chris· Vnntown MYP groups are t Ian social relnllons; planning to the Ann Ar·

Mrs. Forrest Wnll<er, sccrolary bor dlstrlcl MYF spring rally, of local church actlvilies; Mrs. This will he ut the Plymouth Dnvld Diehl, secretary of student Methodist church nnd -tlw pro·

gmm will he fmm 3 to 8 p. m. worl<; Mrs. Wayne Taylor, secre· Curs will leave the' Dmtsvlllc tnry of youth work; Mrs, Lewis churr:h nt l:4l'i p. m. ntJel tt·,n 11 ,". Open iJOuse was heir! Sunday Woocls· snct'Cl("I'Y or clllleli'eJl'" ,

·' • ~ " ,, portatlon will he ftiJ'nlshed Jot· afternoon nncl evening nt the worlc; Mrs. Roscoe Arnold, secre· . home of M1·. nnd Mrs. Edgat• tary of missionary ctlucatlon; .all who desh·e to at.tend. Scriptcr in honor of tJwlr iiiith Mrs. Roy Hartshorn, secretary of The nnnunl chtlrch steward· weddlnl{ anniversary. status of women; Mrs. Lnum slup loyally Sunday and the

Relatives nml fi'lencls were Buchman and MI'S, Grace l{innc, every mamher cnnvnsH will he prcs£>nl fa•om. Chicago, Ill.; Co· llowet· committee;- ami nominal· Sunday, May 5, nt. both the lum!Jia City, Ind.; Jncl<son, Lnn· lng committee, Mrs. Forest ~An· Dansville ami Vnntown chuJ•ches, sing, Dhnomlnlc, Ionia, Lnl<o derson, Mrs. Wlllium Musolff and Last Wednesclny ev£>ning at. 8 Odessa, Willinmston; Detroit. nml Mrs. Donal Paries. o'clock the candlelight. cnm-Lalngsburr:. After the !Jus·lness meeling munion S!'t'VIce wns at. the Dans·

Refreshments or Ice crenm, Mrs. Roscoe Arnold presenter] the ville Methodist church. '!'he scrv· I I l ff W •· )>rogr~m 011 t.lle tlJemn, "Ot!r Pitt.~ ice was conducted In the mnnner en ce, JHtiiC 1 ant co !'i e.:c " ~ ,,

1 t ti g tte"ls Becomes a Cross." of the ·"Upper Room" nne! tiw servet

0 1e ,, · · choir of the church )Jarliclpated. '!'he May meeting will be at the

home of Mrs. Al'llold with Mrs. Easter Sunday members were Mr. and Mrs. Paris Witt and Janice and ·Beth Woods have been spending s£>vernl days the past w£>elt with the former's sis· let·, M1·~. Hattie Mixer of Camp Point, Ill.

Thompson, co·hostess. received Into the fellowship of

What we anticipate seldom occurs; whai we le.Jd expect generally happens,

-Benjamin Disraeli

Polio Shots To Be Given

both Dansville and Vnntown churches. At Vnnlown Jeanne Daman and Dorothy Dunsmore joined on profession of faith. At Dansville Rebecca Diehl, David Diehl and David Manning were taken In on profes·sion of faith and MrR. Wayne Chelf hy trans.

The second polio clinic will be fer by letter. at the school Wednesday, Mny 1.


SAL AYOUBEE Sun Life Assurance Co, of Canada

113 W. Michigon, Lominp Phone IVanhoe 9-9031




Set'n-Forget Automatic GAS Top


Doctors will be at the school at Mr. and Mt·s. James Bail£>y nml 9 a. m. family of Mason were dinner

Any others who are lnt£>rested guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ira in the vaccine, adults or pre: Bailey on East£>r, · school ·children, who have not Miss Louise Showers wns n previously made ,arrangements, week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. may do so by calling the school, Francis Richmond of Unadilla, Mrs. Jearl McCabe or Mrs. David Mr. and Mrs. Reiilholclt Peter· Diehl. son and Mr. and Mrs. Bud Doug­

las and daughter of Fowlerville were dinner guests Easter of Mr.

Churches PI : and Mrs. Lawrenc£> Swan. Mt·.and . ' , , an Mt·s. Arthur Peterson nnd daugil·

Q I M ter of Lansing visited the Swans I uarter y . eel ,during the evening,

~ · · ·.., Mrs. Arthur Lange of Webber· . The fqurth quarterly confer· ville visited Mt•, ami Mrs. Charles

e!lce .;md .congregational meeting Woods Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. of the Dansville and Vantown David Woods and Kenneth and Methodist churches will be Satur- Franl> Woods of Kinross were day, April 27, at the Vnntown dinner guests of the Charles church, A creamed chicken dinner Woods on Easter. will be served at 7:30. ·All per· Mr. and Mrs. I{(~nne~h Rlchn,er sons attending should talce thell;' .and daughters of N1les were own table service and those not weelt end·· guests or the latter's solicited mny take a relish plate parents, Mr. and Mrs. James or hot vegetable dish. Ridgway. '

A business :;ession will follow Mr. and Mrs. Walter Soule of nne! will be presided over hy Dr. Lansing, George Soule, Linda L. LaVerne Finch, district supr.r· and Lart•y nnrl Mr.'and Mrs. Lar· lntendent of the Ann Arbor dis· ry Flannery and family of Leslie trict. The highlight of the husi· were Easter dinner guests of Mr. ness· session will he voting on the and- Mrs, Earl Ris£>h. architectural plans for the addi· Mr. and Mrs. Glen Sharlnnd t!on to the Dansville church. and family were guests oJ the There will also be a discussion of Iutter's pa1·ents, Mr. and Mrs, the church·wide self study whicll Donal Paries, of Williams! on on is .the first phase of this qundren· Easter Sunday for dinner. nial program, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Aseltine,

Mr. and Mrs. Don Horstman and Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hartung and f<tmily and Mrs. Irvin Holmes of

family of Springport, Mr. and Mason were dinner guests of Mrs. Mrs .. D::tnell Brown of Okemos,· Effie West on Easter Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Manning and Mr. and Mt's. George H. Mitch· Mr. and Mrs. Walter Yerlte .of oil and family spent the weQlt

has nnnoUIH!ed the honrJt' .,.o:i fm Mr. nnrl Mrs, Ji'r·orl Stondmnn nnd fnmlly, Mr, nnrl Mrs, nurly

the pnst 6·weelc period, Husl<ll rmd family of Webberville Seniors on the hnnot• roll wero unrl Ml', nnd Mrs, Robert F£>llon

Shirley Blnnchnrd, .. Jnn Briggs, und fpmlly were Ens tor dinner Bnrhnrn Conln'nne, Dorothy Duns· guests of Mr•, nnrl Mrs. Jedson more, Evelyn 'rownsond nncl Roy. l~elt!Jn. lyn Voss. M I M M I I B I I Juniors mnltlng the honor list r, nne rs, C! v n enc' nm nre .John Dol'l1, Dian!! ]~elton, fnmlly nnd Mr. nn!l Mrs. Rny Hlchnrcl Lampman, Gury Mny. Pm•ltlns of Williamston, and Miss nnrrl, Bevorly Ocstorlo, ,Jud~· Orrene Freer and Miss VIolet· Cmft and Morvin Bontrnger. Cl'fllg of Lansing were Easter

Sophomores lnducled carol dinner gue~ts of Mr, and Mrs. Gmf, Allee Hart, Dunne Lininger, Lewis F.reer In honor of the Mary Shent helm nne'! Snll:'r' fourth birthday anniVL~rsnry of 'rhompson. Jaclc Free!', Mr. nnd Mrs. Merle

Freshmen were Margaret cav· l~t·eer• nnd dnughtm·s of North· annugh, Fr·ccl Cox, ,Jenne Duman, west Stocl>hrldge were uftemoon CIJCryl Grundy, Lee Hurford, guests of the Lew!:; Frecrs. Shu ron Lininger, Pntrlcln Lip· Mr. nncl Mrs. William· Wnrd pert, Ralph Oal<ley, Mut•garet nnrl family of Mason spent Enster Phelps, Florenc£> Suplrnn, Mar· with his mother, Mrs. Golclle lene Swan nnd Mamlyn Voss. Wat•cl.

Eighth grndcrs· on the honor> MJ•, nnd Mrs. Lewis Woods and list Included Mary Bissell, l{irk family were dinner guests of her Curtis, David Dl£>hl, Roger Gl'llf, parents, Mr. ami- Ma·s. John Pier· Wllmu Felton, Ber•nnrd Grun· son of St .• Johns on Eastet•, Wllld, Lyle Heclglen, Jenn John· Mr. anrl Mrs. Freel Wilson nnd son, Nancy Kys£>r, Dean Law. Splice, Mr. nml Mrs. Don Galley rene£>, Mnry Nottingham, Shlrluy and sons nnd Mr. and Mt'H. !~rani• Welch, Elizabeth Woods and Gees of Eaton Rnplcls attendee] Aclelucrt: Anway. Easter services at 'the Mcthrrrllst

S£>vent.h grade honor· students <•iuu;ch al Howell Sunday mm·n· arc Jcrt·y Aclcley, Roger Bisel, Jng. Linda Bissell, I{at·cn Briggs, Wil· L. H. Ji'ostr.t· nf Hoi! visil£>c1 his mn Crart., Rebecca Diehl, Mnry mother, Mrs, Olive Fost£>r Sattn·· .Jane EmcrHon, Linda EnglislJ, day, Lila H.nll, .Judith King, .Tert·y Mr. and Mr:;, George Cieslak Knauf!, Carol Mayn~rd, Carl nnd family of Deii'Oit and Mr. Oakley,, Wesley Rmdflelsr~h, and Mrs. Cm·t·oll Glynn were Lloyd Suplrnn, Dallas 'rhornlon, Easler Sunday dinner gu£>sts of Diane 'l'ownscml, .Joann Town· Mr. und Mrs, Ralph Glynn. ~~ml, L£>Roy Townsend and Miss Gloria Ott and Ross J ommy Voss. Green of Michigan State univer­

Former Shepherd Is Speaker Pupils of Dansville Agricultur·

nl school from grades 4 through 12 heard a 20th c£>ntury Galilean shepherd 'l'hursclay morning. Stcpll['n A Habonsh,, former shepherd hoy of Galilee, shared his shepherd experiences nncl ex· plnined the customs and Jmbit3 of life of lh£> people of the Holy Land.

Mrs. Haboush accompanied· her husband and sh£> showed several pieces of tapestry and hnndiworlt made hy natives of Palestine. Both app!'lll'ed in Galilean cos· tume.

This was one of the school as· scmbly programs sponsored ·hy the student council.

Miss Jean Braman 11nrl .Toe Braman spent the week end with Ivan Crawford at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri.

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Vander­bush and family of Britton, M1•, and Mrs. Jess Slants and family o( Britton, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Staats and family of Jacltson, Mr. and Mrs. Leonnrd Brooks and fnmily and Mr. and ·Mrs. Robert Brooks and son of Mason, Mr. and Mrs. Mllce Cosgray and family of Stockhriclge and Miss Beverly Henseleit of Wehhervillc were Easter dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Broolts.

0 ;

sity spent Sunday evening with Mt·. nnd Mrs. Carroll Glynn.

Miss Janice Marquedant or Les. lie spent seveml days last wcel< wlth Miss Connie West. ,

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weiricl< nne! grandson of. Hoggy ·Falls, Ohio, and Mr. and Mrs. Jedson F£>ltop visited Mr. and Mrs. Ken· neti'I'"Siusser of Leslie Saturday.

Mr. nnd Mrs. George Vogt, J1·., and Douglass were Easter dinner guests of Mt·. and Mrs. LeHlle Palmer of Mason,

Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Vande· bogart and Nancy of Battle Creole were luncheon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Curtis Sunday evening, Mt·. and Mrs. Jack Curtis nnd son of Oltemos and Mt·. and Mrs. Dicit Curtis of East Lansing were dinner guests at the Cm·tis home on Easter Sunday.

Mr·. and Mrs. Harry Welt·lck nnd grandson of Hoggy Falls, Ohio, have been spending several days with Mt·. and Mrs. David Bai<er. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fall and family of North Adams were Sunday dinner guests of the Bal<ers. Mrs ... Lois Balcer and children of Williamstol), Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Huskc. and Mr. nnd Mrs. FJ'!'d Steadman of Webber· ville and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Jedson Felton visited the Bnl(['rS in the afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Card were Easter guests of the former's mother, Mrs. Mabel Card, ami Mt·. and Mrs. Harold Marshall or Caseville. ·

Tho nrtllllfll mot hm• nnrl 'clnugh. ter· IJI'enldnst :;ponGorer.l hy tho OES w!ll he un event nf S11111lny morning, May. 5. '!'he hrenlcfnt~l. will' be served In the town hnll at fl o'cloclt. On the committee mult· lng nnnngements are Mr~·. Law· renee 13nlwt·, Mrs. Duvlel Woncls nnrl Mrs. Clinton Dunsmnl'l~. Hescrvntlons should be mucin to any memher of tlw committee! he· Iom May l.

Dnnsville OES chnphll', No, !lO, will he r.o·lwstesses with Stoclt· in·ldge chnptm· nt county night nt Stocltbrlrige Wedneselny ev£>nlng, May 1. ·

Mr. nncl Mrs. Weslr.y Shophcil visited Mrs. Mertle OwenR of Leslie Sunclny.

Mrs. Alfrerl Sl1ermnn nm\ V£>rnnn spent Monclny nml ~·ues· rlny with her• father, Mort Iieenr. or Ypsllnnt I.

MJ', nncl Mrs. Bennetl. 'l'uylnt• yiHitcrl tlwlt· fllllll, Mrs, f...(~fll! f-lmlth, nt the honw of Mr·, nne! MrH, George Smith ol Ann .Arbor Sunclny.

Mr. nnd Mr·s. Wlihur Stetler nnd fnmlly nf Masnn Wi!I'C l!:llsler• dinner guestH of his Jlll!'ents, Mr, nnrl Mr~. l~rnust Stetler.

Mrs, MattlC' Laclcl wns nn Enst· ct' ellnnea· guPsts of Ma·s, Dor·is Osbornr. anrl Mr. anrl Mrs, Gllhert Glover. In tlw aftemoon they all' visited Ma·. and Mrs. Hnh!!l'l An·

Mrs, Icla •rurnhull of Mason is clerson of Bilsslleld. spcnrllnr: tlw wee!> nt. the 'l'urn·l bull home. (Contlrml'd 1m Pu~!l :J)

aJn.i!y steps out sn1artly ... ..

Every member of the family looks fresh and smart when we clean their clothes! We give everything from Dad's suits to little sister's dainty dresses that "like new" sparkle . , . and all at modest pa·icesl

You con always count on us for prompt p:ck-ups and deliveries/

Free Mothproofing

MODERN CLEANERS Phone OR 7 .. 1511

• Tllr lll'l Air c,;;ll'l.'l'ti!Jll·-ona of 20 naN Chevi••l

:. 'tJENos: 1· -t~E-Sl; · ·., ~i~-~~~ . . .: ''ANo. JI'C 0ME;V("' .... · , . Foo· Wf\ITWG WH~~CHING

.. Perry vl~!):ed l\1r. and Mrs. Wil· end with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Niclt· li.U!ll·:l'ylu~olff. Sunday... . elan«:~ family _of :eay City. .

•1• ,; ~~;. -~ll.i:Y,:!¥rs. _rrancjs· qappaet:t. ''Mr:· ami· Mrs., Paul Ba!J~r·: ot li.~~/J;._,~ ::lJ :(;\ and family &pent the Easter hall·· Mason. and Mr. ami· Mrs. Walmer ~~~~-~~'!.~)~'!'~In";.·· itnyS 1W!th· Dr. A.' J. Dai~ko and "Mason of Webberville visltetl MI'. r 'j -:~-:. I- :j"•,· . DS ·COol( ILE


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FREI--1NSfAlLA'TJON . . . . '

Dr. F .. F. Dalnlto of Chiqngo and and Mrs. William Muench Sun·, Indiana. clay. . •

·Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cavanaugh Sr., and -Christine and Mr. and oL East Lansing · and Mt·. and Mrs. David Higbie were Sunday .Mrs. Vern Gray were week end guests of Miss Barbara Anderson guests of Mr. and Mrs, Bud Ire· and Miss Ruth Ann Anderson of land of Bl!ssflelcl.-Detroit. l\'lr. and Mrs. 'Leonard English

Mr. and ~rs, Nolan Wemple and daughters of Mason were unci family of Laingsburg, Mrs. Easter dinner guests of Miss Pat Slullser of Mason, Mrs. Sadie Ruth Gray, . · Behm and Mrs. Doris Bachman· Mr. and ·Mrs; ·Robert Greenough and sons were Easter dinner and family of Chelsea, Mrs, R. ryr. giwsts of Mr. and Mrs. Artinat, Laughlin, Mr. and Mrs. Orin Wemple. Voss, Jr., and family, Mr. and

Mr. ·and· Mrs. 'Lloyd Hayho_e Mrs. A.· 0'. Greenough and Mr. were Easter dinner guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Edward Eldred EJnd fam. mjd Mr.s. ;Lloyd Hayhoe, Jr., of ily of Pon~iac were Easter dinner Mnscm. · · . guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles

Mrs, Dale Harrison and daugh· Greenough of Lansing. ' ters o! .Malliln and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Dol'li Diehl ami Hugh Titus of Fowlerville visited daughters were guests of Mrs. Mr. -.und Mrs. Roy Glo~er apd Diehl:s .parents, Mr. ami Mrs. J. Mr!l, .Olive Fost_et• S_unday. ,1,3 • .Del!-11 ,of. Mpson, for cl!nner on

· ··Mr. and ·Mrs, ·Loren, Stld and Eastet•. family called on Mr. and, Mt·s.~ -Mr. ·and Mri. James Cl'Owner . Andre.w Ji7oote of 1\fason .Frig!lY· ond daughter of' Lansing an(l

. Mr. ap_d Mrs. Stidand,famlly and; Lynd,sey peclter and sons of East Mr. -and . ,Mrs . .Fran!.- •Stld .. were• Lansing -wm·e Easter (llnner. .E~st~r,diq~l'.t!l\lests ~f .~r .. and. guQsts Qf :~r; and Mrs, Warren Mrs. Russell Frisell In hO!l9l' ;Qf, Mu!!llet·. . , · the birthday ana\ivet•sat'Y of Mt·s: Mr. and Mt·s. Howard Gauss .F;t:ank ~tid. . 11nd son .Qf Stocl~bl'idge' were , · ¥r. :an~ .1\rrl!: . $11~ WO~i(lrps "I:hursdflY .evening dinnfr guests and Mr. and·Mrs;Howard·Merln· of Mr. and Mrs: Lawton Gauss dorf and !amlly were·Easter din·- -and ·Ft:ect Gauss ln honor of the per .1~1.1ests .of .l'tfr. and :Mt:s., lat~er's Blst blt•thday nnnlv!Jr·

· George ·Merindorf Qf ·~den. Sam sary. ·Wllllains of·,East,Lanslng·.vislted: >Mr. and --Mrs: Russell Hayhoe Ns .P~t~nts ,~tu~llay .cveniJ1g. . 111ld rairi!ly qf.,Lansing visited the

Mt·s. , ~lm9nd Wing and Mrs . .J.attet·'s ';parents, Mr. and Mns. Mlna .Otis were ··Easter dinnet• men: Coolt, ·Sunday. Mrs.· Coo~ guests of Mr. and· Mrs. Harold and Shirley were Fioiday gues_ts, Wing. . . . . , . · of Mrs. Bessie 'Lake of Saginaw. "'Mr •. and :Mrs. -Aethen · Wl~t en· . Mr: and Mrs, Dewey Craft

.• 1 ttlr:~lpi:(Lflt , dinper ~~lister, ,M"r·: ·llll!l family. were Sunday dinnm· . and <•Mcs. Rex .·Townsend ,and. guests of Mt•, nnd Mrs, 'William

fnmuy; Mr. and Mrs. Owen Bach· Yaeger cif Mnson. m'nn of Lansing, Mrs. Laura Miss Linea Bostt•um of Holt, Baehinan, ivk. ·and· Mrs. Fre~ Mrs. Allie Thompson, Mrs. Emily_

, A\llit'!_t:!XIJl.~ .Qf)',>l)~.v.:a.t:lF9!t\o, JIJI.~, .I~~~!!ler J\I'!II .. JI4t:s. ·.¥Yt;tlc. Briggs . . . Rev. Charles Gross· and William ~ere Easter dinner gue11ts of ~r. ·

, . · · :. · Ainslie. : · and Mrs., Gary ·Briggs, · ·•·:, MG.5556·24T , , . . , · · · ·


. '' . !

•. J,

ThereS more to be proud qfin this one I ' ' ' ' • ' • - ---- .I '

You 'II be prouci of Qhevy's sweet, smooth and sassy way ,of gQing. ;1\nd you'll take

. extra·pride in:c::;heViy's look of substance and character,i its careful construction, ·its .fine finish in% touches yo~ do~l fi11d in other low-p~iced cars. FQr 9ne 1t!li11g, .the others don't· have· Body :by :F,isher. For anothe~,1t,~ey ~n't hold_ a

. '

.Chevy when it conies to performance. Chevrolet, you know, won the Pure.Oil Performance Trophy at Daytona .Beach as ,"best U. S. automobile."

·Automotive experts decided that. Bet ybu agree with them once you stop by your dealer's and drive a new Che~rolet yourself! Soon maybe? . ' ' ',

. - -1 USA

t HI!VItlll l: I

A.lJt:hoti;,fJil· Chevrol'et> .. , '. '' .. ·: \ ·.'' ·:,.,. ·,. • '' :.•' ' ', ',1, • ' I;: .,L, ... , )\'( ' • ' '

., .


f ·~


. -~

I I.



'1 . ·.Dansville ( Conllmwd fi'Dm Pllfl'll 2)

'feel Miller of LoCJ!tport, II), wna a wcelc end gue~t ot Mr, ami Mr~. nob, Mr. and Mt•s, Rodney Felton nnd family, M1·, and Mrs, Hess and daughter and Mr. Miller were Easter dioner guests of Mr. nnd Mrs, , Ccrnl Underwood of Wllllamston,

1 Annual Spring Band-Chorus

Leslie News WQman Long Sick Derby Neighborhood Merrill sponl Sllndny with Georgi! Springman ami lnmlly, ·

Dies at· Farm Home lUi'S, O, w, Spi'lllgJIUlll Ml', unrl Mrs, Erl Ottomnn anr.l Mrs. Lee I-Ialndel and chllclrcn

and Mrs. Lyle Campbell nnrl Den· nis of Mason Mra. Maurice Mon· rnc ancl children of Wchl11!rvlllc vlslterl their parents, Mr. and Mr·s, A. c. Borger Sunday. Mrs, Lloyd BI'Dol1s wns n 'J'uesrlay visitor of Mrs, Berger, who Is slr.l,l nl her hnmc,

Mrs. Beverly J{nrgcr· nncl rlnu,::htcr of Lansing vlslterl her grandmother, Mrs. nosa Ander· son, Sunday,

On Snt:urrlay Mr. nnd Mrs. Geot•ge Vog!, Sr'., were cllnner guests of the latter's sistet·, Mrs. Anna Bell of I~owlcrvllle.

Mr. nncl Mrs. Clmrles Getz ancl Ron of New York City and Mr·s. Mylo Stewart of Lansing callccl on Mr. Frncl Mrs. Aetlwo Witt

'Tucsclny, Vernon Shm·man nne! Neale

Emcrsrm Hjlent Fl'irla.v nnrl Sa I· tmiay with Mr·. and Mrs. Hubert Thompson of Morrice.

Miss Vernice Sherman of Sprln,:: Arbor spent tlw wee!< cncl with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Shcrmnn.

Mrs. Herbert Wllllirwon of So'uth Haven was a Saturday guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. C. Nr.l· son.

Mr. nnd Mrs. Nathan Lantis nf Mason were dinner guests of Mr. unrl Mrs. William Niswonger nnd Lloyd Sunday evening.

Mr. unci Mrs. Arvin Powell ancl family of Lansing visltecl Mr. and 1\Irs. Bob Price Srtnclny.

Mrs. Mabel Hess and George Dutlwrs Ct1artcs Asam to his home In Monroe last 'J'ucHclay. Mr. As<rm spent 2 wecl<s at the Hess home. Miss Margaret 1\IcCarthy was an Easter guest of Mrs. Hess.

Mr. nncl Mrs, Jnmes Wright


·ts Presented nne! fumily of Lansing were week The annual spring hand and cncl guests of the's parents, c])orus COI\CCrt was prcs'cntccl Mr. and Mrs. Lawton Gauss, Thursday evening In the Dans·

Mr. nnd Mrs, Clifford Wieand ville school auditorium. The pro· of Jacl1son and Mr. and Mrs, gram opened with several sclec· Lawton Gauss were Frlrlny eve· tlons hy the senior band. ning guests o! Mr. unci Mrs. Afterwa!'rl there were 3 songs Eugene Gauss· of Bllsstlclcl. by the junior chorus with snlo

Mr. and Mrs .. C. A. Diehl were paris 1

by Karen Felton, .Janice Easter dinner guests of Mr. and Witt nnd Dale Wa!lcer. The cadet Mrs. Louis Slid of Mason. band played numbers, after which

Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Dalton were the grade r.hor·us sung. Mrs. WI!· !~aster clinncr· guests of Mr. and llnm Stansell pluycd u violin ob· Mr·s, Lawrence Balter, Dr. and llgnto. Mrs, I-I. T. Fullcl' of Mt. Morris The junior band then player! were also dinner guests of the nfter which the sixth grncle saxo· Bulters. Mr. and Mrs. Ford Asci phone quartet. played "Buttlc tine of Mason, Dr. ancl Mrs, Lyle Hymn of the nepubllc." Thosr Aseltine and !amlly of Ann Ar- tnldng part were Janice Sheath· hor and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne elm, Patty Nemer, Kay Momn Dalton anrl family of Webberville and Dunne Wnllccr. The senior were n!tcr·noon visitors of the chorus then sang severn! selcc· Daltons. tions with Marvin Bontrager Uf

Mr. ;rnd Mrs. Arthur Dowling soloist ln "01 Man River." The were Easter dinner guests of Mr. ~catch Dancers presented an act. ar1d Mrs. Leland Perrine. fhcy are Barbara Cool~. Jill

Mr. and Mrs. Carl Echnoncls Briggs, Sally Thompson and De and family of Grand Rapids onnn Dockter. The dance wa~ visited Mrs. Lilly Sisson Sunday. directed by Mrs. Stansell. Ac-

Mrs. Vesta Covell of Granrl companlsts were Martha Snyder, naplds and Mrs. Barbara Daw- Jean .Johnson and Lucille Wheel· son and children of Alma were cr. Saturday visitors of Mrs. Lilly Sisson.

Mr. and Mrs. Warren Page of Eaton Rapids called on Mrs. Mabel Powelson Saturday.

nussell Cool\ of Holt, Miss Shirley Cook of Lansing, , Jaclt anrl Larry Cooit and Miss Monte! Emerson attended the Detroit· Cleveland ball game at Detroit Saturday.

Mrs. Marlon Davis and Miss Margaret Curl is of Detroit nnci Miss Myrnetta Curtis of Mus: lwgon spent their Easter vacation with their sister, Mrs. Edna Ray· monel.

Ward Chase of North To~awan· cia, N. Y., is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hartshorn and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bush.

Ingham County News April 25, 1957 Page 3

Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Mitchell at tended an Easter gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Culham of Mason Sunday. Mr. 11nd Mrs. Asahcl Washburn and sons of West Branch were hon· orecl guests. Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted

Vent-Air Contact Lenses A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Culham Wednesday, Aprll17, at St. Lawrence hospital. Lansing. The bahy has been named Bt·ian Arthur. They have another boy, Alan, 1 year old.

Pixley Names Committees for Coming Year Villnge President Marvin L.

Pixley has announced his commit· ·ces for the coming year. 'I'hey ll'e: Street, Ralph J(ciJey' and .VIIIinm Durfee; curb nnd side· .vall<, I<cnneth Brool<s and Harry #ala Ice; property, Otto Hecl1scl -,ncJ Henry Mlzgn; pollee, William Ourfee nnd Harry Wallace; water 1 nd. sewer, Kenneth Brool1s nncl Otto I-Ieckscl; 1 and alley, Ralph i(elley and Henry Mlzga,

The village council will have plans drawn up fot• the extension J! the sewer beyond the elemen· 'nry school on Pennsylvania ave· .me and north of the school prop· Jrty.

The engineering firm of Ayers Lewis, Norris and May, retained to advise on technical matters pertnlnlng to the village, suggests Immediate work on the water supply system. The council has moved to have the water commit· tee study to sec if the existing wnter pumps and clectt·lcal sys. :.em can be repaired.

The tlrm also suggested that 'he village immediately consider :cttlng an auxiliary water supply [or needs during August and 'lther m o n t h s when g r c n t e r tmounts will be needed.

VIllage President Pixley told '.he council other commitments would not permit him to go. to Harbor Beach on May 20. Hence,

tl10 -council vntcd not to purtlcl· Jlate In mayor exchnngo duy of Miehlgnn Weelt.

Mrs. Annie Jemima Northrup, Mrs, nessle Ft·lnlllo Is cnnvnl- fumily visited the lormcr'a fEI· 85, of Rives township, the widow csclng at lhr! home of her son thcr nnrl brother in Chelsea Sun· of Erlwln E. Northt·up, riled early nnrl In Jncltsotl. r!ny. Saturday cvcnln'g they toolc Srmctny niornlng In the Jog cahln She was recently discharged ,Jimmie McGee, who has been' built on the Northrup homcstcnrl from the Fonte hospltnl. in 18<11, Her hr1sbnnrl wus horn Onle Ackley, who recently su(· helping with lhe f11rm worlt, to In the some cabin nnd died in It rered scconrl nnd third degree his home In Gregory,

llamllf(ln LmuiH C•·usudll on Mny 1, 1046. 1 hurns on his leg wlwn ho got too ---~---

Harold Hamilton lms heen Mrs. Northrup was horn In dose to a honllro is rccnvcl'lng, NJ•:w c:oumm ANNOUNCJ~n numcd Leslie chairman of the Staffordshire, Eng In n II, the lnll lw~ to see the doctor lwieu Dcslgnccl In assist the student 1057 Cancer Crusade. Vincent Me· rioughter of Mr. unci Mrs, .John each wccl1 fo1· medication. who may ilCl r~oing into Industrial Kcoun, ovcr·nll Ingham county Hooper, who came to Rives .June· Mr. and Mrs. 1-Ierbcrt Moninger hospital pharmacy, n course li1 director for the drive and Sheriff lion In 1881. Shr. was married to nnd HOI! of Lnnslng called on manufacturing phnr·mncy has Willard Dnrnes In cl;nrge of out Edwin E. Northr·up, the son of Mr. nncl Mrs. Orin Acl1lcy Sunday bucn lnnuguratcrl nl Ferris In· county worlcc~s, point o•Jt thn; William ami .Jane Northrup, .Jul~ nftcrnoon. The11 they all went to stitutc this term. Shnllnr courses 60 percent o(thc funds raised will 'J, 1900. The senior Northrup' Willow Run nlrpot•t and watched nrc fnund only In nhout 25 PN' remain in the county to maintain had n grindstone factory there the plrrnes come in, cent of the phrrrrnncy schools In the cancer detection center and on the banl1s· of,fhc Grand river. Mrs. Mildred Ackley spent Mon. the Unlt.ccl Stntcs, Hospital phlll'· provide tree slcllroom supplies fhc gondstonc for the grlnrl· clay with her cousin, Mrs. Donald n]at~y is rapidly becoming an area , stones was tnlwn from nn In· Schultz ill Owossn, which otTers gnod employment ror cnllcer victims ~nd oth:: dian dam farther up t11c river. Mr. unci Mrs. S. Hartman anrl possibllllles because m1my states needs, Providing necessary fun Is The Indlnns were cooperative, ~~~ Stanley spent. Enster with rcla·l now are requiring registered for rcscurch nnd other needed historians reported In return· fm• tlvcs ncar Detroit. , phnrmadsts to Ire nn duty to work tn be done in detection nnrl ncrmission tn have their lral<e Mr. and Mrs. A. J, Walter of dispense medicines In hospitals·. t1·entment of the liisense is the ovens on the Northrup hom<!· goa~ of the drive. stead.

-- .f\.1rs. Northrup \Vns the super VFW Vo~ to Aid Jrnnd lntcnclent of the community Sun

Veterans of l"orelgn Wars day school for rnany years. Shr Auxlilnry has voted to participate became crippled with nrthrJtJ, In the Marlene Beaumont telr.· nncl hod been bedfast 6 years. Sh.­phonc fund, Mrs. Mary Bell Sy- was n mcmher nf Gleaner Arbflr monds o! Jacl1son Caldwell Clarl< 'lf Jacl<son and the Gnlrlenrort Auxiilnry No. 823 Inspected the Camp of fl,oyal Nclghhors, Jac·k ..york of the Leslie Auxiliary. son.

I,udles Aiel Hus Ohme•• Ladles Aid No. 9 met at the

home of Mrs. Norman Simpson Thursday for a potluclt dinner and regular meeting.

Tlcl~cts for the Jacl1son district nurses· smorgasbord Tuesday, April 30, are avaliuble at the Les· lle CoJiec Shop. Funds raised will be used· !or equipping the new emergency departments of the proposed expansion of both Mercy and Foote hospitals.

She is survlvrnl by 2 dmrghler!' Miss Mary Nnrthrup and Mim Ethel Nnrtlmrp, lmth nt. home Funeral services were at the Luccht funeral home, Tuesday ncv. Dan Perrine, retlrccl, offi elating. Burial was in East Rivef cemetery.·

Reeves District J~dn!i Gem•

Stockbridge News Mr. nnd Mrs. Wayne Geet• and

family were Enslcr Sunday din ncr guests of Mt·. and Mrs. He~· bert Gccr of Howqll.

The Fricnrlly Bible Sunrlar sehrml class held its monthly meeting with Mrs. JcJnrencc Dill· Mrs. Helen Beeman

FFA Schedules Economy Run

teacher, advisot•. The prcsidcr1t, vice-president, 8ecrclary ami treasurer will participate in the leadership school at 1-Iiggins Jal'e conservation training camp May 3, 4 nnd 5,

ton. Square Deal Farm Bureau mel

Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shepard.

Ray Hadley was surpriscrl by friends and neighhors last

The1e Oliver IS'• are new 1957 nulllcls. Bm we

h;n·c only a limiwl nu111hcr 10 offer

Dr. Harold A. Shnider Optometrist Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Fitzsim·

mons and family of Sault Ste. Marie were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Braman. Sun­day they all were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Blough of Lowell.

Saturday, April 27, will be a lUI'S, Howlett Heads Drive Wednesday on his GSth birthday

.H 1his special low price! YcJU ju•l can't lind a hcllcr clc:d !1 Includes 6-J;allon fuel tank, full shifl, WiUcr11roof magncln, cnnccnlric·hnwJ non·stall carhun.:lor, 5Cif·

dcaning spark plugs and many other sp"cial features. We abo have rhcsc 15's with electric starting at an unusual

savings, roo. Dcsl rinre 10 buy is right now! MALL COURT, FRANDOR CENTER

No Appointmonf Noodod

hlg day for FFA boys in Stoclt· Mrs. Clyde Howlett he;1ds the anniversary. bridge. Beginning in the morning, Stocltbrldge drive fot• funds for

the 1957 Cancer Crusade. Sheriff Willard Barnes of Mason and Mrs. John Borg of Lansing are heading the out:county group of worlters. VIncent McKeoun is over-all chairman for the county of Ingham.

MILLER•s Opon Evonings Monday, Thursd•y, Fridoy


Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Gillett

will be an economy run co-spon· sorcd by ag teacher, Donovan Cronl1hite, and his FFA boys and the Stocl<bridge Lions club. Phone Offico IV 7-5358 Roside~c• IV 5·3998

WAYNE and LUXAIRE Home Heating Equipment * Furnace Cleaning - A Specialty * Summer Sorvicin~ - On All Makos


and family and Mr. and Mrs. Vic· tor Gillett nnd family of Novi visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Miller, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Roylyn Miller and family nnd the Gilletts wefe Easter dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Yuhasz of Holt.

TOWEit AFI•'ORDS VIEW Mrs. J. C. Nelson of

Covering all driving conditions over 120 miles of roads, the test \VIII be based on a ton-mileage per gallon run so that all cars will be equal at the start.

The race will be open to. all licensed drivers of high school age. An a(tUit will accompany each contestant.

At 4:30 on the same day, the annual barbecued chiel1en dinner will be served~ by FF A boys a~d their mothers. Serving will con· tinue until 7:30 p. m.


was a visitor recently at the Clermont Citrus Tower enroute­to Lakeland, Florida, With her was Mrs. Herbert Wilkinson of Lakeland. The Citrus Tower, lo· catecl on Highway US-27, opened this past summer as a monument to the multi·miilldn dollar Flor· ida citrus Industry. From the tower observation dcclts, 525 feet

. April 29 was incorre_ctly re· ported to the Ingham County News last weelc A[Jrll 27 Is the correct date. 2202 Borth• Streot, Holt above sea level, the millions of

WILBERT REYNOLDS, Owner citrus trees, hundreds of Jal1es I Phono OX 4.2421 and dozens of towns are all vis· Child Study Club .

Installs Officers ~----------------------' ible.

AUCTIO I will sell at public auction 11t the farm 7 miles west of Mason on Columbia· to

Gale road, south 21fl miles, or 4 miles east of Eaton Rapids on Plains road to Gillie road 2112 miles north-, on · ·

Saturday, APrill7 Time: 1 :00 P. M.

FARM E9UIPMENT lnternationllll 1H Tractor and Cultivllltor 2-bottom 14 lnternation11l Plows 4-section Drag Hay Loader

' 500-chick Brooder Land Roller Platform Scales I l-hole Thomas Drill with fertilizer and grain

attlllchment .5-ft. Allis-Chalmers Combine with scour clelllner 7-ft. John Deere Mower 1 . ··

4-blllr Side Delivery Rake New Idea One-Row Corn Picker 8-ft. John Deere Disc New Idea Manure Spreader Wood Wheel W11gon 2-row John Deere corn plinter .

Wheelbarrow . Rubber-tired Wagon and Rack Milk Clllns · 2-wheel Clllmping Trailer 2 Chore Boy Milker Units Power Table Saw · I 100 Bemis Grain Blllgs, good ones 2 Grain Tlllnks · · Steel Wlllter Tank Ho9-lo11ding Chute Dinner Bell and Chain Numerous Small Items This equipment has alwlllys been housed ;_ some : nearly new. All..· in excellent condition.

' . I '

Hay-Straw Approximately I ;000 ~lllles of Alfalflll brome Qulllntity of Straw -.

TERMS:-:-Cash. All 9oods to be settled' for day of slllle before removal. Not responsible)or accidents, · , , ·


Mrs. Lenore Milner will head the Stocltbridge Child 'study club for the coming year. Other oi· ficers arc Mrs. Wilma Hutrg1~ss, 1

vice-president; Mrs. Wilma M. Kaiser, secretary.treasurer; and Mrs. Rena Porzsolt, parllamen· tarian: ·

The new of!lcers were installed with an impressive candlelight ~ercmony performed by Mrs. Lu­:!lla Patterson with Mrs. Marian 8larlt and Mrs. Jeanette Otto In ~harge of the program. Corsages '1! spring fio~vers were presentetl ~o each member present.

'I'he club will participate In :1 tour of homes on May 3 In Ann Arbor. Those who plan to. attend

. should notify Mrs. Wilma BUr· gess. Those interested in attend· 'ng· the spring planning pi'Dgrum at Jacltson, May 4, should call Mrs.; Milner.

FF A· Picks Officers Newly-elected officers of , the

Stockbridge FF A · to take office .July 1 nrc: Duane Carley, pres!· dent; Joe Taylor, vice:president; Larry Wild, secretary; Georgi! Lee, treasurer; Dan Carley, sen· tine!; Douglas Wilson, reporter; George Frymuth .and Donald Me· Arthur, conductors; Robert' Car. ley, parlinmentarlnn; George ;Lee 1nd Douglas Wilson, chaplains; and Donovan G. Cronlchl~e, . lig

Whitedog District 1\lrH. 1\1. v. Butler

Mr. and Mr8. L. T. Smith spent the Easter holiday ncar Hale. ·

Mr. and Mrs. Russell , Stover and family entertained the Bap· ' tlst Union Wednesday evening h) their new home. It was clectlort of officers and Edna Hill's birth•

anniversary was aJso cele<

CAmiEit INFORIUA'l'ION Eighty o.f the nation's leading

employers will offer tlrst hand career informatinn to Michigan State 1 university students at the ninth annual MSU career carnl· val October 7-8.

Farm. Home & Garden Supply On North End of Mason By-Pass .

Phone OR 6.5519

• •

It crsckecl the /OW-priCe Held /Mde Open with-

40 to 67 . 4to71nches More More


. ·~ _A_ -


~ \

· This handsome husky breaks all the rules on how ci low-priced J car should actl Get on the driving end and see for yourself .

,) Feel the splil·smd response of its kinq·sized 347 cu. in., 10 to 1 compression ratio Sti-ato-Streak v:s-the same basic power plant .

·-: thai shellacked 'em all in the Daytona Grand National.* · (At a little exira cost you can <idd Tri-Power Carburetion, ·

[combining proved championship' power and award-winning .Conolny, on. all Chieftain models!) Head for the' roughest road in · ·i

. town and see how Pontiac's extra length, ils exclusive Level-Line . · · Ride and safe, solid bulk sm~th out the washboards like ..

.. · maqic. Corner il. , . park il . , . maneuver itto your heart's . · dellqht and discover Precision" Touch Control. Look around at .the ; atretch-~ut space for more than half an All-American squad. ·

.l'low the budqet-Iovin' price on this big-time invader in the 1mall-car field that sells for less than 30 models of the ·

• low·price three! Ever hear. of a better springtime lift? • + "f) Pontiac

· , ·. C~,e~i,,n\ ~ ',_ ;;):: • ' ,· I , I o

•• i ~ciuiii'A~-ttu)·R.I IZ.~,P:PN.1'1A.C .. : .,> •••

MORE EVERYTHING- . Vet Prices Start Be,ow 30 Mod~la ·

of the Low·price Three . _._, __ .. -... ~ .. -- ...... -··-··-·-·-


Drive the Champ · Contest , Here's all you do • ·: ; .

1 .. Go to your authorized Pontiac · dealer during April and tolt drive

tho 1957 Pontiac •

2 Fill out tho official ontiy blank and dopotlt It with· your dealer , , • that' a all there Ia to U I


I " lngham Collntv News April 25, 1957

I ~·~ .... ~~~ ........................ ~~ ........................................ --............ ~

Legal Notices


MILLER-Juno 27, I 057 Stntc of Mlchlgnn I Ito Pt ohntc Com t

fo\• the County of Tnglu m At n Hei'IH\on of tmld Col t lu:d 1 nt

tho Probntc Oil lee In tl e City of M tHon In the Hll I County on the lftth lny or Aillll A l1 lfln7

PleHont HON RODER1' JudKc of P obt to

In thu Mnttct of the EHtnte o( (]RACE A MILlER n COl Ked

It 111110 tt lng to tho Court t1111t the Umo fm )lrcBCI tntlon or ell lmH nl(nlnHt onld ••tnto •l o til I e llmltod nnd th t n time Ill d 1lnce l1c nnuolntc,t to receive tl~nmht€! nnd n IJ htt nil clnlms nnd de· mnn1l11 ng 1 Ht tmld dcce1 Hcd by 111 d btl fmo onld Court nntl thnt the legnl helr• of Hnld tleconoed entitled to lnhet It the o•tnto of whloh Anhl lecet Hod 1\lod •olzed ohould bo ndjudlcntud nnd tlcto mined

It h Orde cd Th 1t nil the c1edltoto of snld dccenHml me HHJuhcd to JlCHent tholr clnlmo In wtl\lllf.l nnd undc1 ontlt no 1 rovhlcd hy •tntuto to onll Coutt nt the Prob 1to Olflcc nt 208 llolll•tol Did~ Lnn•lnH Michl~ m on ot bc~01c the 27th dny of J11no A D I On7 nt ten o'clock In tho lotetiOon •nld time nnd phtco bolng hctcby llll•olnted lor the exnrnlntllon nnd ndluotmcnt of nil clnlmH and demnntls nKnlnot Knhl dcccnocd ~nd for tho ndJ ullcntlon nttd detormJnntlon of the holts nt law of onld decennod at tho time of her ctentlt entitled to Inherit tho ,ootalo ol which the decouoed died ltlltd,

It to Further Orclorod That 1111lillc no. tlco thereof bo given by ll\lbllcntlon of n coltf of thl~ ~·dot onco cnch week tor threo oucccsolvc weoka 1orovlous to snlcl clay Qf heutltlll In thn lnghnm C9unty Nowo 11 ncWHllllllot tlllQted nntl ellen• latod In onld county 111111 thnt the ftduel• ary of ould oKtntc HIVe known Inlet oR loti

r.artloH nddltlonnl notleo no tequ!•ed by RW

ROBERT L DRAKE, Judflo of 1'10hnto


nommr r nnAM.:, J Jl~n nr p, ohnle

or Prohnlc



Stntc of Mtehlgnn rho Probntn Comt fot the County of Jnghnrn

At n HUHslon of R d Co lit held nt the Prohnle Office in the Caty of Mnson In sn I County on the 17th dny of Atll I A n tD'7

P•e•ont HON RODERT L DRAICE J 1 I go of Pt obute

Jn Ute Mutte of the Eslntc of MABEL L PIERCE lleee Ked

llt vld C Beutty hnvlng flied In Hnld com t hall Jletltlon r rnylng thnt 1 cert l n nHt ument rn wr Lmg 1 flOrllng lo be

tho I •t will 1 n I toHtl me t o( •Pld ~e ccnHetl "owfon Ole In tmld cou t be nd mltled to )I olu to 1 nil thnt the ntlmfn IKt 'tlon or ~lid cl'\t tte I e ~llllllcd to l\etnul R Pierce or to KOme oU c !IU l nl.JJe lllrHOil l!tO I UYIIlH: f01 n dctet mlnntlon of I ell• nt lnw of Hill! de Cl! lHCd

It •• Ordeted Thnt the 14th they o! Mny A l1 I 1 7 1t ten o clocl< In the forenoon nt thi! 11rnllnte office In tl e City of M Hon Mlclugnn be nnd • hctoby RJ pointed rot J CUI inK M lid I ctl !lot

It lA Further 0 dcted Thnt llllhl c no· tlco thc1cof be given I y [tUbllcnt 01 of n COl y of tl :1 a relet fot tl1 ce KUCCCKHIVc wecJ~g JliCVIous to twll duy or homing In the hu~hnm County News n neY.:!tJlRfllH rnantcd nn l chculnte1 1n Hnld count;y nnd thnt tutld petlttonet give !mown 1nt 1 tlHLI.!d JHu LioH ad II twnnl notice ns re 1 tiled b~ lnw

o! Probnto


HOOD-Jul:r 2, 1957 Stnto o! M chlHnn 11 c P ohnte Cou t

fo tl Co tnty of ln~hnm At n ••••ion of Hnlcl Cout t hold nt

tho P1 ol to Olflce In the C ty of Mnson In tl o on hi County on the l Stl dt y o[ A11ll A 0 1Dfi7

l!~ont liON nonERT L llRAl\E Jud~u of Prob11tc

In the Mntlot of the E<tnte oC OSCAR J IIOOD DeccnKCd

It 1111 cntll g to the Co 11 t thnt the limo fn1 IIICHe~tnt on of clulm• ngnlnHt Hllld oot1 to Hhould 1 c limited tllul thnt n t\mo IIIli !>lneu bo a)opolntocl to eeulve oxnmlnc ntul ndJI Kt nil clnlmo nnd de mau d~t U~CRhlHt HILid deccu.tlcHI by nnd he· fote Hlllil Cout I nnd thnt tho leul huh a of "' 1<1 dccenKod entltlod to lnhetll the ••Into of which •nhl dccenKtd died aelzed Hhoulcl be nilJudlentcd nncl dctmmlnod

It 1K Ordmed 1h 1t nil tho etcdlto•• of tmld dc('t}RHt!d arc tcqul ell t,o IJ&elltlllt tlteh clnlmu In wrltlntr nnd under oath "' 111ovldod bY Kt 1tute to unld Cnut t nt the P1obnto Olf co In tho City of MnKon, Mlchlgnn on 01 bofot o the ~1111 dny oC July A D I 037 nt U 30 o'elock In the fo1onoon auld time nnd ltln~o being hcroby R!l olntc I fot tho e•nmlnntlon Rl\d noljuKtrnent of nil cl1im• 111111 de• rnnndo RKIIIn•t snld doce11••d nnd fo1 the ndJudlcntlon nnd do!etmlnntlon of tho hold !',t law of •aid deccnocd at tho time of hlo tlonth entitled to Inherit the otnto of Whlol\ tho deeoaaed died aclzod II h Futlhor Ordered That tlubllc no·

tlco 11\eteor be given by publlcutlon or a COllY of this order once eneh week for three 8UOC081IVI week• [>reYIOUB to anld dt\r of honrlnl{ In tho Inghnm County l,'lows, n newoiniPOI printed nne! clrcu­htt<<\ In •nlcl county, and that the fiduci­ary of ••hi ••tate RIVe known lntcrostc•l Jtnt !len ndclltlonnl not leo "" required by lnw.

o( P1 ol nte


DAFT DRAIN Stnto ol Mlcllg n Offlcu o! ln1 hnm

Co ty Drntn Commlssione1 In lhc MnttCl of DAI~I DRAIN Notlco I• Hereby Given thnt the nnnrd

of Tlete mlnr tlon con)l OHC I of Denn T tylor Au• tin Cnvn nuRI 1 n I L H llnrrlKnn will meet on Mny 7 I Dfi7 t J o 30 n m nt lntClKectlon of Miller ~ \Ville UondH to henr nil intere11le 1 1 er

sc 1 H uru.l to Uuhu ml a whulhcr tho d zln lmown 1 s Durt D1 nln lUI nr IYOd fo In the Pat!Lion to cleanout rolocute nnd cnclo•e Intel J o 18 19'0 I• 111 cetuuuy nncl non 1 c1vo lo the )luhhc he1 lth convcr lencc tind wr!lrmc In netmdnnco with Section 2 of Ct Rl te IV Sectton l of Chn1 tor VII of Act No 316 P A lfl23 n• nmenduol

GERALD I r.llAIIAM lnuhnm County D nin Comm HHione1


of P•obnte lawn


JOLLEY-May IJ 1957 Stnto oC Mleltlgnn The Ptobute Court

for tho County o! Ingham At 11 •e••lon of ~nhl Cou1 t hehl nt

lhe Pt obnte Olrtce lri t~e Ctty of Mtuon m "' ul li!au \ly on ,t;he ~7tb •I!•Y ol April A ll !Ofi7 ~

Pt Kent HON Jutlgc ol r obnte

In tho Mntto of the E•t to of HENRY ISAAC JOLLEY Ooecnsed

Allen J Smith und Mtll c I I reno Jolley Smith I •• OH filed Ill •••d coutl thch 1 clition 1 nyinl( lhnt a. cczlzlln lrtHtl umunt 1 w it!nJ.r Jill II 01 t ng t.o l1c the InK I will nnd toHtnmcnt of • tid do cemwd now on f lc In Htlld cou1 t. be nd m Ued to 11 obnte nnd thnl the aulmln l•trnt on of Rnld ootnte be Krt nted tn Gco Ke R rhornton us ndmllliRttntol wlt.h "111 unnc:<ed or to some othea Hill nile nertton

It • 01 dot cd Thnt the 13th dny of Muy A 0 I Ou7 nt two fifteen o cloclc In tho nftetnoan nt thP 111ol 1lc olrlce nt .OH Holll•tet Dulg L m•lnK Mlch lr.nn he n11d I• h01oby IIJtllolntotl fot ll"t InK •nld not lion

It I• l'u1 thet Ot lete I rhnt publle no t}ce tlot OOf bo ~!von by publici tlon Of II coJ•Y uf thiK otllct fo1 tlnee succcHHIVC wecl<l1 11cvlou11 to aaud dny of ben Ing 1 the InJ:d nm CoufJt)' NewH l IUJWKIII 1 or 1 intcd \1 d eire Ill tell II ll dtl county nnd thnt •nld nctltlonct give lnown Into eKte•l 111rtlo• ullltlonnl notice nH ICrtliled by hw

Read I 1\inp;s 10:9-13 o~ Homuns 5.1-8. And, b1•hohl, the Loul (MSscd h~, and u gt eat and strong

\\hill rc•nt tho mouuhuus, and brulw In (li<'c!'s the IOcl•s beloro tile Lord; but tlw Lord w.u1 not in Uw wind: and aftot the wuul an t•urthqttalu•; hut tiH' I,ord was not m tht• l'urth­I)Uillw: and after tho carthqualw IL firt•; hut tlw J,ord was not m till' 1m: and altt•r the Inc a still small \OICC, (I mngs 11):11, 12.)

While m Fmland, an Enghsh-spealnng chmch leader was puzzled when he he<ttd the Fmnlsh wo1d for·' wmsh1p set v­Ice" He could not Jmagmc what the wmd meant, but he saw m 1t the expt esswn lot God "I knew nothmg about the wmd except that God was 111 Jt," he! commented

Need we f!VCl know mote? Need we ask of any move­mf!nt mote than the qucstwn <tbout God's bcmg 111 Jt? Need we tnqtme fmthct of .my plt~n 01 prog1 dtn than to fmd out about God's presence? What of om own che.tms? H God h 111 1 hem, we cannot go wrong If God Js not thm c, they m c clestmed !01 fa lime

The tlll bulent EhJah had sometlung to lcam about God's quwt, spn1tual teRotnces So do we

l'ICAYLit 0111 lnlhm, h1•IJl us to malu IIH ou1 own tiHJ lnslAhls of ilu

S!tl(lilll! \Vt• hliW\1 lhlt Augustuu luul IIIII lnHif.:'hls IOIIC! lnlng­llu n uud us wlu n Ju saul, "\\ Jthout God, WI' C'llnnot, without Uti,

Gml \1111 not " \\ 1 JHIIY in ( Iuisi's uanw. Amen. TIIOUGIII FOR TilE DAY

"God mo\c!-l 111 .1 mystcuous way IIts wonclCJ s to petlm m "

T Otto Nail (Mmnesotn)

Webberville Mrs Myrl Graham - Phone 66-F-2

Advance Club Has Programs Members of the Woman s Ad

vnnce club have had 2 outst,md mg progtams In Ap11l Mts Or v11le r,mmr entct t tined the dub at which time Mt s Fran], West moreland gave a Jll ogtam on the cr <tft of glass mal\lng

A program app1 opuatc to the East1:n se<~son was ptesented hy Mrs Arthur Cha"e Mrs Amos Smith <tnd Mrs William Crossley at the home oi Mt s Myron Mil let with M1s h.enneth rannar a~ co hostess last Monday evening Mrs Chase mtroduced a local trio, the Case sisters w)1o pie sented the p1ogram

The 0 E S had a regulrti meetmg last Wcdne<day evenmg Imtlatwn was conducted wtth han Wtlcox and Edna rannar as cancltdates lll o tcl!'l

Mr nntl Mrs Ronald Parlwt en tel tamed Mr and Mt s Howard Wolverton nnd Mt and Mts Dav11l Ltllywhtle last Sunday

( uninin Is Gi\'1'11 An E tsler c mtnla was pre

'Cntcci II Wchbcrvtlle cinnch I 11 city evemng en! Itlcrl Memmtes o( Eastet Mmn fhose patllct p tting' wcte Ruth West hennelh Nelson At t Nelson JoAnne Nel son Jurtnttrt Nelson, Elmet Nel sun and the choir

Junior Class Presents Play

Strtctly Fm mal ' was sented by the jumor class Tuesday and Wednesday

The cast of chat acters were Jane Karen Emmons, Sally To)cc WaHl Agness MJ!IJe L mg, Amhew Cutter J\.etth IItcl<s, Nellie Cutter Jolene Whitford, l\11 Ahern Kenneth no<s J1m Roy Ilamiin,

Rose rtlton Anna Marte West mmel:md Mts Ttllon Not rna Jenn Preston Joste Ttlton Rose mary Slatl<y Ehoy Kenneth Cool George Wendell West Mar

Joyce Schuchas)(]c, Cmdy

YO-HO-SEW - German nc- / tress Ingeborg Schoener on Ia· cntlon near Flot cnec, Italy, treasures n nent nppcmnncc rhe tiny pirntc-chcst COl ring I she's modeling holds three tiny spcHJis of !hrend, n thlmbl(!, needles and several pins fat us!!/ in making cme1 gcncy repairs to hut costume

Mr nnd Mt s hf'nnie Pntton anrl sono were in Ohio because of the dertth of theh glrtndftiiH!i 'Ihey left last finn sci lY and te Ltnncd Momlay

M1 s 13eiie Shet man was tnlwn to the hospital Stmday nflcrnoon

Marriage Applications Tnyco

ll WlllltmH

VK flonn}} W

I loyd ntgler A 1>rll

I rr C'!it Richie

AuHlln nwh ht

nnvll E

nnnnll F••l·

J cl Clnullo

\1 llhu I PeletAnn

This is the car and NOW IS THE TIME! ----------------------------------

New Swept Wmg Dodge IS takmg country by storm 1 Jom the swing to Swept Wmg I

Lawrence Welk ~~Selling Spree!.

What a car' What a buy I What a value you'll get on a new Swept-Wmg Dodge dUtmg thrs sensatiOnal Selhng Spree We're out to break all sales records to mark Lawrence Welk's 4th Anmversury wtth Dodge , , • and we're gJVmg the finest deals m town to make thJA n real celebration I Come in and see for yourself!


i( 30 days only ... Aprii15·May 15th!

i( Volume sales, volume savings!

i( Now is the time to buy!

Eaton .Supervisors Attack MEA Lobby over Fund Bill

Ily ETHELYN PU'rNJ~Y I drew Cobb ami CarmlJ'Nowlon of One hundred twenty-five Eaton Eaton county. After rcarling the

county school board memberR and I bill Representative Folks r1f Hor· admlnistmlors· mel at the court I ton askecl to be a cn-Hponsnr:··::r'he hmtse in Chm:Jottr. to pass . a I bill passed the house by a tmatl.L· resolution favormg House Bill mous vote. However, when 1t 111. · came up for discussion on the

Herbert Van Allen of Eaton floor of thr. senate it was sent Rapirls, chairman or the county bacl1 to committee. II seems that. board o[ education, opener! the schonl aclminislralors and the c\lscussion by explaining the hill MEA hnd been lobbying again!it which woulrl allow taxpayers ,at the bill, and· Senator Smith of l'egular or special elections ··lo I~alon r'OUnly ami other senators authorize their hoards of suppr· gained thr. 'impression thai llw visors to appropriate or transfer bill would hr. harmful to eclucn­unexpenrled sums nf money, at 1ion. tile end of tile year, from the gen- Dr. w. A. Deppn, spenldng fol' e1•nl funrl to some specific fund the supervisors, stressed that -such as the building und site this bl11 would be beneficial for fund, for tlw h_uilcling of a county all coun1ies-not. just Eaton coun­hospllal or ja~l. . ty .and he could see no reason So~e counties, tl!rough WI~C for the alarm being shown hy the

plannlllg and sp.cnchng by the1r MEA aml school administrators. supervis?rs, . have a libe:ai George Lear, a member of lh(! am?unt m th_etr ge_neral f_und, fur county board of education, salri WhiCh there IS no nnmedJatc use. he had had a cail from A. .r; With this bi11 ar~d the consent of Phillips, MEA secretary, saying­the taxpayers: _II could be used he had written to Senator Smith for s?me. sp~c1f1~ purpose. . abou~ the bill. i :Th1s in11 ;w.i's · pllro~p~ed ,m tl}e. :, .QtJwr • . superintendents· . snirl ~~~ysr..·.~f t!'!)J.fCSI!n!allv,es by '.AT!· they had been· at~PJ;oachecl by the

MEA ancl were askecl to speak against the bll1, but·· had de· clined.l .

It was brought out in the· dis· cussion that sr.I')Ool- boards al· ready have the power to transfer moJ:ICY from their general ftuids to the building and site fund and all the supervisors want is the same privilege.

The supervisors felt that the senators were misinformed as to

. the pttrpose of the bi1!, and so with the help of Wenden Ander­son, Eaton county superintendent of schools, the county school boards were ca11ed together 1<J discuss and form a resolution In favor of the bill.

Glenn Green presented .a reso· Itljion that the county board of education he nttthorized to draft a resolution in .favor of House Bl11 111, and presented it 'to the committee in charge .of that bill.

Seventy-five of the school b.oard members present approved ·th1~ resolution and only 5 dissented.

Anothet• resolution was ,pre­sented that Dr. W .. A. Deppa as· slst ··the county board of educa·· tlon In drafting the resolution .. This also ,passeq.

Democrats Sell Dinner Tickets

1 Among thoAe n1tcn1ling the nn· nunl ,Jcf'for~on·.Jaol<srip Day din­I!Cr ·111 Dot !'Oil's Masonic 'i'emplll, Muy 18, will bn MJ', nnd Mm. 'l'hnl]lllH C. Wal~h and Llnyd D. Pnrl·, of LunHing.

of tho C\HTent. yen1·. The at111e . DPnnt nltenrlerl flllJerpt IIIHI llllliPmll DemocrAUc eommlt. S!lt'vice~; .fnl' WHI · Frost ]uHI. toes will rceelvo mJltnl ~hnres o! Weclncsrlny nt St. .Johns, · tlw fnnrlll ru!Hcrl~ Mrs. Qe;l!'ge .Frost utlcnderl 1 Jw

Governor G. 'Mennen Wililnms, Ji'nrm Bllt'Oiltl women's curnrnlt· Scnnlor Prlll'ic:k V. MeNnmnru, lt1e nweling nl Mnson lnsl. ~l'ne~­Domonrnlic r:ongJ·ossmon, nnd rlny, r,lher pm·ly lurnlnnrles will he Mr. nnd Ml'S, Qoorge Vnn De· with lho Oregon scnutor nt the murlt nnrl sons, Mr, nnrl Mr·s. P, sponlwrs' Iailie, C, Weavol' n11d Diane nnd Mrs.

Wheatfield Center Berton Johnson nnrl ,Jean nl.· tenrlerl llw spring cmH:r!l'l nl Dansvlllo lnsl 1'hLll'srluy l!Vr•ninJ:.

Cnmrnunlly i\lrl will

Snturrlfly, April 27, [)11 tho 0~1\lliJD ;illl'll. .

Mr. unrl MrH .. IJurtnn ,Jn)jr)aon vlsllcrl MJ', nnri J\11·~. ,lume~ John· son Sunrluy r.vonlng, ·

Nevrll' yr1111t slwota In ,puli!IJCI'll from lliHICJ• I he llllll.ti'~RR IIQI' In loosr.n lhcn1 frorn sevcJ't\l lnyar~ nf oll1er IJCr!rllng which 'you .flnVI! tu\wn oJT tngrllwJ·. Slwels mny lear with sueh treatment whlia lhl'y nrc sill! quite serviccal1le, l~ollowing tiHlll' $2fi 11 ]llntc

chlcl>cn rllnnor, thr!Y will lwar Sellfllor Wayne Mm·se, Demn­

l\IJ'H, JJrH·fon ,Johnson

crntle senntor from Orognn, out- Mrs, Mlnnlo Bnclm~ cllr.d last line the Jllll'ly':; view on currcnl: Snturduy morning nl llw home of

'fhursrlny, Mny 2, with Mr. IIJHi Use mnllrt•ss-pntls 1111 your bed~ Mrs. Hurry Rimlllejsch for clln· In rn·otr!el tiro und nlsn

nalionul IHiiliCS, Mr. nnd MrH. Floyd Drn1111. Pmcccds of the nffail' will he Mr. nnd MJ's. R. B. Frost', Mr.

userl to help •Iorray the party's nnd Mrs. Fln~·d i3acJw;;, Mr. nn·.l expenses rlurlng the remninrlcir Mrs·. George Frost and· M1·,o;,

1101'. · lo jll'lllect your. sheets from nhi·li· The Grange nucllon will he sl11n ugalnsl .the mntlress.


c ·ROUND or




Smoked Picnics Patti-Pak Steaks FROZEN

Boiling B.eef lEAN, MEATY. ·

l LB, .PKG,





couNTRY Bacon 1 STYLE 2 Fryer Parts· Cod Fillets


FROZEN (5·LB. BOX $1.39'



~~·· .. ·:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= ~~ ~~~~ ~~·~·FLORIDA~ SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT OR FRESH. FllOZEN FOODS. ~1/h~


Sweet Coro. ·: . \

·,5 1:.' ..


e;~s 49c

· FRESHt · ~RIJ.P.·.


l :.:Gl9c

.. ·¥ ., GREEN PEAS

2 10-0Z~· 29c PKGS~

Orange Juice Strawberries



., •I

i, i:

SIZE 2~ OR 3Q, FLORID)l~ 'Pascal Celert · . STALK··19c- ·walnufs1 r' ., ... ·LB.

BAG· 49c Green Beans :A&P, ·cuT oR FRENCH sme 2 ~~~;,· 33c A&P Potatoes · . FRENCH FRIED 2 ~;~;: 29c

' .:=:tr.

.IONAI. REG. 3rt ~ ,.

Barilett· Pears 3 A&P, . OUR ~I NEST' QUALITY

Sauerkra·ut · Soft Balls ·. IT's TIME To PLAY BALLII




D• SOUTH PACIFIC, 5-PC. 111erware PLACE SETIING, $2.50 VAL.·· EA.

69c ·99c 99c


29-0Z. CANS


. Pork 'N Beans 4 , VINYL PLASTIC, 50 · FEET LONG

16-0Z~ CANS


tlARGE 33c GIANT 78c . Ch.eer~ ... (lRANULATED 32c '7. 5c. . . . DET~RGENT . · · LARGE . . · .. GIANT '.' . . ' '. ~. '

···Drefl· ...


GitANULATED / \ M DETERGENt _ .. _LARGE ·.-,,c. ._GIANT 7.5c



.22-oz. 850 i· CAN I . . ·. '·

1~11~ . .)ROLL

... \ ;.w•----------------------------------... ---------- lnoham Countv.Nows April25, 1957 Paue6._ ... -~ ...

Go To Church Th • IS Sunday Following Firms and Individuals This Message Is Brought to You

as a Public Service by the

This Message Is Brought to You as a P11blic Service by the

Following Firms and Individuals

Morse's Restaurant M11scn

C. W. Glenn & Sons CHEVROLET & DUICK


Wilde's Super Food Market Stockbridge

Da;t Manufacturing Co. M11son

George's Food Market M11s«1n

Holt Bowling Lanes Holt

Mason Dairy Mason

Consumers Power Co.

Lindy's Drive-In Mason Heights

The Peoples Bank of Leslie


Bement Feed & Supply Service Mason

Van's Service - Sinclair Mason

Dart National Bank Mason

The Farmers Bank Mason

Robart Nursing Home Mason

Collins Electric Stockbridge

Ace Propane Gas South Cedar Streot


Mitchells' Dept. Store Le~lio

The Ferris Company Mason

Estes·Leadley Funeral Home Holt - Lansing

Ken's Marathon Service South Cedar Street and Eifert Road

Lansing Yes, we all have our dr.eams.

Wolverine Engineering Co. Mason

* 1\lason BuptiHl, Clarence Roell!,

pastor. Worship service begins promptly at 10 a. m., message by the pastor, special music by the youth choir; 11:15 a. m., Sunday school under the superintendent, Paul Richards; 6:30 p. m., Baptist Youth Fellow~hip; 7:30 p. m., evening service; 8:30, youth sing· splration at the Olivet Baptist church, Lansing. Wednesday, 6:30 p. m .. youth choir rehearsal; 7:30 p. m .. prayer and 13lblc study; 8:30 p. m., board of Christian education meeting.

Gl'llvenhtit•g Methodil;t, Grov· enburg road, Rev. Francis C. Jo· hannidcs, pastor. Saturday~· 7::10 p. m., Youth Fellowship social at Robbins; Sunday, 9:45, worship, message, "Thomas, An Honest Doubter;" 10:45, church school, Asll Towsley, superintende-nt; 5:45, Youth Fellowship wlll leave for district rally at Albion; Wednesday, May 1, 8 p, m., Bible study at Mildred North's.

Robbins 1\lcthotllst, Bunl<er · road, Rev. Francis C. Johannidcs, pastor. Friday, 8 p. m., Paccmal<· ers· class meeting at Henry Buck· Ingham's; Saturday, 7:30 p. m., Youth Fellowship social at the church; Sunday, 10 a. m., church school, Lute Hartenburg, super· lntendent; 11 a. m., worship, meg. sage, "Thomas, An Honest Doubter;'1 6 p. m., Youth Fellow· ship will leave for district rally at Albion; Wednesday, May· 1,

· Women's Society of Christhin Service dessert luncheon at Mrs. Edna Topliff's, 1 p. m.

llouMel United Brtitlll'en, Ver· non H. Beardsley, minister. Church school1 10 a. m.; worship, sermon subject, "On_ the Road to Emma4s;" Christian Endeavor, 7; Bible study from the book of Genesis', 8; Wednesday evening

· prayer meeting, 8.

Comtnur1lty 1\letholllst of Dans· : ville and Vaiit.own, Rev. Chat·les R.' Gross,· pastor. Church school,

. 10, G. E. Manning, superlnten· · dent, Dansville; worship service, 11:15. Dansvllle, with ·a message by the pastor; . worship service, ·

!10, at Vantown; church school,· 11, Mrs. Carroll Glynn, superln·: · tendent;. M. Y. F. spring rally, 3 o'i:locli :at ~lymouth.: \ .. '

.... Dansville Free,MethOdlst, .Rev. ·H. E. Moore, · pastor. Sunday

· : . school, 10,; Gez:ievleve Freer, . su· . perlntendent; preaching service, 11; F. M .. Y. fjervlce, 6:45; eve·· . nlng message, 7i30; prayer meet·. ·

, ing We4nesday evening, 7:30. at the chur~h. ·' · ... · .. · . ,

Ingham Circuit 1\1 c tho d Is t, Fnnl~ ,B. 'Cowick, minister. North· west, morning worship, 9 a. m.; church school, 10:15 .a. m. 1\1111· ville, morning worship; 10:15 a. m.; church school, 11:15 a. m.; M. Y. F., 7:30 p. m.

Assembly or God, W. B. Kolen· da, pastor. Services at the Vevay town hall, Mason. Sunday school, 10 a. m.;,mornlng worship, 11 a. m.; cven1ng evangelistic service, 7:30.

Grace Baptist of Ononda~:a, next door to town hall, Rev. Mal Hoyt, pastor .. Sunday school, 10 a.m.; morning worship, 11 a.m.; evimgellstic service, 8 p. m.; prayer meeting and Bible class, Wednesday morning 10 to 11. ·

Holt Naztuene, Rev. William Kelley, pastor. Sunday school, 10

Perhaps sometimes, they are mere projections·· of our selfishness .•• hopes unfair to others • , , '. ambitiOI,lS dangerous to ourselves.

But often, they are healthy, honest aspiratio11s ., i, •• opportunities which zeal deserve.s •.. victories 'which.justice demands.

Is it wrong to dream such dreams.? .Does God frown on honest hope and love?

Of .course not! Rather, God has given us m.inds able to dream, and souls courageous enough to seek the difficult-· even the impossible.

But the Divine Architect helps man to model his castles in the air, and provides the tools for their building. With faith al)d·th~ guidance of the _Ch~rch a man may rea.lize hopes and aims .which ·a cynical world calls futile •. -· ·

71-IE: CHuac ALL FOB ~~B ALL I • I

Tho Church 1 CHURCH . the building o/ the greatest fact

It Is a store he character. and or en earth for strong Church use. of spiritual v~Ood citizenship can survive T ne,ther demccrac ues. Withcu I ~ ev~ry Perso.n :~e l~re, four sou~dn~r civilizalion ~wn support the ~h ah,ltcnd service esasons why

n ·saJ::e (Z) urc Th regul 1 acike of his co Fer his chiidren ;; sat ( 1) For 'hi; sa.l:e of the Cn:munity .and nau~ e. (3) F'or the and material ch llself, which . n. (4) For the larly and r ~upport. . Plan t lleedll his mor I

Day .ea_ Your B!b!o d~~~~ to church rug~ Sundoy Book . !f•nday.',',',','' "•'" • • J••l•ua Chapter w"••day,;.,,',:"·"""M•tUoow·· . I Th•dneodoy, .. ....... Matthew · ·25 F ,Urad•y "•" .... Luko 25 .

s:;~:r.;{:: ·.::: :·.:: ·:.J!~•tlan• 1g :; ........ : ... IJoi~ . Z ·


A. A. Howlett & Company Mason

* 1•11·~1. Chureh of Chl'i~t. Sclfln·

liNt., Mason, lws services nt the ehurell, corner of Oak and Barnes streets, every Suncl~y at 11 a. m. Sunday sehool is during the serv. ke for pupils up to the flge of 20. Wednesday evening meeting at. 8 include testimonies of Chris· t.ian Sdcncc healing. A pullllr reaclln.r.: room is open at the C'hurd1 Wednesday and Saturday from 2 to 'I p. m. "Probation Aft· er· Death" will he the subjcet of the lesson-sermon in ali Christian Science c:hurchcs throughout the world Sunday, April 28.

1\lnsou l'l'l'iibyh~.rlan, Paul L. Arnold, minister. Sunday, 10 a. m., worship service, sermon, "The Two Kingdoms;" 11 :15 a. m.,

What the Churches Are Doing·., ' church school; 3:30 p. m., Presby·

1ery men's eouncll at Adrian; 5:30 p. m., .Tunior High WF; 6 p. m., Senior High WI~; Wcdnes· day, 7:~0 p. m., s·enior choir; Thursday, G:•l!'i p. m., junior choir, Aurelius Bniltist, Rev. Robert ·

Worgul, minister. Church scrv· Icc, 9:45; Sunday school, 10:4~.

St. 1\liclmel's Episcopal 1\lls· sion, Rev. N. ·F. Kinzie, Ph. D., vicar. Services Sunday at 10 a. m., North Elementary school, Curry lane, off Miller road. Prayer and sermon with Sunday · school and nursery.

Willl!lmston ·West Locke, Well· leyun 1\Iethodist, Rev. Delos Tan· ner, pastor. Church school, 10 a. m.; worship service, 11 a. m. and 8 p. m.; Wesleyan youth service, 7:15 p. m.; prayer service, Wednesday, 8 p. m.; missionary meeting every second Tliursday,'

Ascension Evangelical Luther· nn, services at Bailey school, 300 Bailey street, East Lansing. Rev. George W. E. Nlcl<elsburg, pas· tor. Sunday school, 9:15; worship .service, 10:30.

Bunker IIlii NlLZUJ'CJIIl, Rev, Carl Barnes, minister. Sunday school, 10:30; morning worship service, 11.:30 a. m.; Young Pco· pic's service, 7:30 p. m.; evening evangelistic service, 8 p. m.

Williamston' Free Methodist, Rev, A. D. Hockaday, pastor. Church scliool, 10 a. m.'; worship service; 11 a. m.; FMY, 7:30 p. m,; worship service, 8:15 p. m.; prayer meeting, Thursday, 7:30 p.m. ,.

1\lnson Church of the Nuztuene, Roy. Mumau, . pastor. Sunday school, !0 o'clocl<; preaching serv. ice, 11 o'clock; N. Y. P. S. serv· Icc, 6:45 o'clock, song and praise. ·

·Evangelistic message, 7:30. Pra} cr · meeting Wednesday evening

. at 7:30.

Leslie Free Metitodlst, Rev. Harry Cummlngs,.pastor. Sunday school, .10 a. m.; morning wor· ship, 11' a. m.; F'MY service, 7:30 p: m.; evening service, 8 p. m.; Wednesday, prayer service, 8 p.m. .

Wllllnmston Naza•·ene, Rev. H. L. Woods, pastor. Church school, 10 a. m.; worship service, 11 a. m.; Young Peoples service, 7:30 p. m.; evangelism, 8 p. m.; prayer meeting, Wednesday, 8 ·r:m.

Uunl'"'' Hill SevenUJ·Uuy Ad· Vl\lltist, L. H. Sicl1les, pastor. Sabbath school, 10; worship hour, 11. Riel1arcl Hutchinson will speak Saturday, April 27.

Williamston Communit-y 1\leth· !Uuson 1\lethollist, Raymond L. mlist, Rev. Louis Elllngcr, pastor. Norton, minister. Sunday wor· Church school, 9:45 a. m.; wor· ship, 1.0, sermon, "Reconversion ship service, 11 a. m.; supervised of Christians;" supervised nur·

. _ nursery during services; Inter· sery; Sunday school, 11:15, mediate M. Y. F., 4 p. m.; Senior classes for all ages; Junior High M. Y. F., 5:30 p. m.; Wednesday, Fellowsi1ip, 5; Senior Youth Fel· 7:30, senior choir; Thursday, 3:15 lowship, 6:30, lenders·, Judith p. m., chancel choir practice. Hanna and Sally Schofield; sixth

annual tribal dinner, Monday, .llolt .Bilptist, Rev.' C .. 'James· Dansville Free 1\[etbmllst, Rev.· 6:30; youth membership classes,

Pasma, pastor. Morning worship, H. E. Moore, pastor. Sunday Wednesday and Thursday, 4; 10 o'clocl<; Sunday school,.l1:15; · school, 10:00, Genevieve Freer, adult membership class, Wedncs·

· youtl~ ·groups, 6 .p. m.; evening superintendent; preaching service day, 7:30; prayer groups, Wednes· service, ·7·:30; Mld·weel~ ·service, 11:00; Young Peoples service, day, at 7, and Thursday morning Wednesday, 7:30 p. m.; choir 6:45; evening message, 7:30. at 6:15 and 9; choir rehearsals1

a. m.; morning worship, 11 a. m.;' · N. Y. P. S., 6:45 p. m,; evening evangelistic service at 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting each ,Wednes· ' day at the church. at 7:30 p.,m •.

St. 1\utberlne's Chapel (Epis· eopul), Rev. Derwent A. Suthers, vicar. Meridian road, half-mile north· of US·16. Sunday services: · 9:15 family morning prayer and· ·i'nstru'ction, followed by Sunday· school and adlJit Bible class; 11:00 a. m., morning prayer and ·

·'sermon, followed ·by coffee hour. · Wednesday,_7:30 p .. m.~ evening'


Wheatfiehl 1\[ e t h o d I s t, Cecil Pollocl<, pastor. Worship ·service, 10 o.'_clock; ~unday school, 11.

practice, Thursday, 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday eve· Thursday, 6:45 and 8. _ .nlng at 7:30. at church. I .. --.

w II t'l it. in ·s t 0 n 1\lemorllll Lu· Okemos Baptist, John Bool<o, . Holt Presbytet·lan; Rev. Vernon tlterau, 1022 West. Grand River, Leslie First Bltptlst, Rev. Rob· pastor. Sunday morning service,

~· Smith and RE)V. Ralph Millj!r, .Rev. I<:. F." I\oeplin, ,pastor. sun· ert Worgul, pastor. sunday 10 o'cloclt; Sunday school, 11:15, pastors. Morning worship, 10 a. day school, 10 a. rh.;· worship school, 10 a. m.; divine worship, classes for all ages; beginners m. and 11:30 a. m.:; nursery and service, 11 a. m. Nursery during . , 11:15 a. m.; BYF, 6:30 p. m.; eve· church for children 2·6, and jun·

t ' ' ' ' • ' . \ Wllllllmliton GOs~;el. Jlall,: 4021

Burl;dey road; Breaking .of' Bread, 10 a. m.; Sunday school ancJ · : -. Lansing. ~lo~ Llttherl'n, ... Rev .. Bible class·, 11:30; Go5pel and .F. P .. Zimmerman, pastor. One ministry; S\lnday 8:30 p. m. . · block ·north· of Cavanau·gh road

· · on ,~outh Pennsylvania avenue.· ·,Sunday schoQ1,.9:30 a. m;; ehu11ch

service, -10:30 a •.. m. ·--

church school during both serv· the service· for small' children. nlng worship, 7:30 p. m.; mid· lot• church for children, 7:11, dur· ices; Young People's meeting, ·week prayer service, Wednesday, 1 lng the. ~ornlng service; Chris· 7:.30 P· m. 7:30 p. m., junior choir practice tlan Youth Fellowship at. 6:30;

Williamston Center Methodllit, at 4 p. m.·and senior choir prac· evening service,, 7i30; junior st. James Catholl~,. 1020 S. Rev. Louis Ellinger, pnstclr. Wor· . .tlce, 8:30 p. m. church during the· service. · i

Lansing. street, Fr,'· Paul De~ose, ship .. service, 9:30 a. m.; church 1 · __ pastor; 235 W. ··Elm -street. school, 10:30. a. m.; Yo,upg,Peo· ·North :Aurelius, Rev. ·John 1~1len United B••e.thren, Rev:·

· Masses:_ Sunday, ·8:30. and 10:30 ples .meeting, 7:30 P· m. · Pruden, pastor. Sundny school, Herbert Cherry, pastor. Sunday a: m., Holy Day, 8:30 a. m. and .. . ._.., 10:15 a. m.; · morning worsh.lp, school, lQ; morning worship, mcs. 1:30 p. rir.'; dallf, 7:15 a .. m.; aevo· ; Wlllbirnston Wesleyan )lethOd· 11:15 a. m.; young peoples meet· sage by the pastor, 11; Christian· tlons, Thursday,· 8 p., m.,' .First 1st, Rowley, ~eir. Carl A. Coffey, ing, 7 p, evening worship, 8 · Endeavor, children, young people Frlda-y,c 7:30 .p. m.; confessions,.,: pastor/ Church school, ·10 a. m.;· '· ·p,,m.; 'choir · · .Wednesday,· and· aaults;.,7:45;: evenl!lg. servlc~, Thursday after services,· Satur· ' worship services, 11 a. m. and 8 · J p. m.; .Prayer Wednes· .' _' 8~15; choir, and ·orchestra prac·

:30·9; 'baptisms. by·· appoint· p .. nt; W.-.Y .. P .. S., 7:30; •prayer . ;· 8 P• in the;:· tlce, Tuesday, ·s; 'Bible 'study and · scr\ricn, 'Thursday~.$ p .. m· · · J>~·~~er nicc~.h~~~ . .Wedne~~ny,. ~;

' . Editm·ials

The Sahara Needs Dams The Ingham CoUnty News Part.4 April. 25, 1957

. . I

Those who attended· a meeting of the Grand Valley ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;~;;;;:;:-;::;:;:~--~--_;_------------:-------_,.:_-_: _____ _:_ ___ _

~~~~~hl~nProfu~oo~~~~~~m~fu~~~ ~IM~~rnclq~. · ~~-------~-----------------------~ Sahara deset1: has about the same need fOl', a dam as thr. D. own by· the' . The Bchedule at' the state gnmc

· d pheasnnt eggs this season, Grund and Saginaw valleys of Michigan, ' farm calls for setting 35,000

Federal engineers explained that the $12,000,000 floo · SYCAMORE , Richard .Jewett of Mason lws control project for Lansing is not based on any storm in the · been elected secretary of the 100-year history of Michigan. It is not based on the 1904, . Michigan division of FloristS' the 1907 m• the 1947 floods. It is based on the storm which · · -- Telegraph Delivery association. hit Missouri at Kansas City or one which struck the Miami During winter months real told her that her gas maslt wasn't Members of tpe Mason Ma~ter valley In Ohio, estate and resort promoters do u on straight. Seems she wasn't Painters association wlll raise

lot of talldng about the glades wearing one. their prices to 75c an hour, effec-There Is no f!C\od In Michigan's history that would call Mather Nature has waiting for tlvc Mny 1.

for such a flood control scheme at ~ansing or Saginaw, ThG tourists to Florida, Arizona nnd .An engineer ~t the recent gath· Charles A. Clinton Is retiring Great Lal<es shunt stOI'JTIS around Michigan, They travel Cnl!fornln. But In the springtime cling of the Gr,md Valley chapter as probate court register April south around the bottom of the laltes, following well beaten and in the fnll those promoters of. Prafcsslonnl Engineers told of 30, nfter 32 years or service. paths across northern Ohio and across New York to the At- are silent, They lmow they have his need to learn the saclnl graces David c. Beatty will hct,:ln ltl~ !antic or up the St. Lawrence river valley, . nothing to offer to compare wllh he had been denied during his 4 work as register Mny 1. ·

· d the season chnngcs In Michigan ycnrs of hurd study in college. He Miss Sarn Bullen teacher of But basing flood control needs on Michigan records woul and other northern states, enrolled in ~ Dnlc Camcglc music in the Dlmo~dale school.

make It plain that Lansing and Saginaw t•equire no such sys- course, being taught always to hns been awarded u Kellrwg terns as have been designed. So engineers and other experts Tuite Saturday and Sundny for find something complimentary to Foundation scholarship to Nortl·,. In the U. S. Corps of Engineers pad to bm·row storms from instance, when a bacl1wnrd spring say on every oqcaslon, A few western this summer. · I Mlssoul'i and Ohio, or borrow the figures from those stm·ms, turned qukldy nnd completely nights after completing .the so Ymus Ago-1027 and figut•atively dump that water here in Michigan. around. Suddenly under the blu· course he attended n dance and School Commissioner'- F'rcd E.

It sounds fantastic and could scarcely have been be~ est of sides lambs gamboled, was seized by a young women Searl has notified te11chers to ex-lleved !lad not the federal experts said so themselves In Lan- hil·ds furiously began to bullcl carrying n lot of cxtrn pounds. cuse from . classes nil hays· and

their summer homes and every He first thought he would run girls needed on farms to help sing Tuesday night of last week. vegetable and animal cell came out on he1•, Then he decided that burn stubble In the fight against

It would be scat•cely less fantastic to say that engineers alive. There's nothing anywhere here was u chnnce to help her as corn borers. should design a flood control program fOl' the Sahara desert. else In the world to compare with well as himself by saying some· Mrs, William Miers of Mnso:~ History doesn't reveal any heavy rains thel'e but there could I he change from winter to spring thing compllmentary. He thought was fatally injured In an auto· be one. Supposing one of the storms which drenches India In Michigan. hurd for the well turned phrase mobile nccldent 'on M-16 near

d h I Th h d ld b as he pushed anrl pulled the Ionln Sunday night. . shoul take t e wrong pat 1. en uge ams wou e Spring sent Ton! unci Deborah heavyweight around the dance Dr. Winfield Scott· Hall of needed on the Sahara, Yuhasz (nbout 4 llnd 31 charging floor. As the music ceased he Chicago Is coming to Mnson next

This pork-laden rivers and harbors bill which has passed through fields and orchnrds Sat· said, "You sweat less than any weclt to deliver a series of social the senate (helped along by the votes of both Senator Charles ~rdal~ I ;'~tcl}e~ ~h1~r ~~ they fat girl I ever danced· with." purity tall<s. He will spcEil< he· E. Pottm· and Patrick V. McNamara of Michigan) is the true cape an ·ro c m e e new fore high school boys and girls test of a senator's desire fm• economy. Both Michigan sena- lnmbs which raccc1 in front of I Be a bulb snatcher or sit In the separately, before the Klwnnis tors preach economy but they don't want it practiced in them. Toni and Deborah arc dark, ]VInson Lions urge, until club and then will address a pub·

daughters of Steve and Helen they open ~heir annual light bulb lie meeting. Michigan. Neither do the senators from the other 47 states Yuhasz. sale early 111 May. Hugh Corner is sick with ty· want to sacrifice pet projects for their states. 1 ld f

On Sunday morning at sunrise · The Ingham County News P 10 ever. · As was pointed out in Life magazine recently, "The pork services 2 cherubs sU!: right ahead turned down an advertising con· 50 YearN Ago-1907

barrel is the true test of a congressm2n's fiscal conscience- of me-the sweet daughters, Rosy tract Monday, a series offering The street sprinkler was out and most of them flunlt on this part of the exam." and I<eltha, of Mr. and Mrs. Keith tile services of a palmist. The ail Sat~rdny for the first time this

The Sahara needs a dam as much as tl}e Grand river Ingram of Lansing. Judy Gard· was turned down primarily be· sprmg. . valley does the dam designed to handle a storm which has net· (as pretty a girl as there ls cause it was thought to- be ln bad M. 0. Mead of ~urehus never struclt this area and probably never will. in Mason high. school) was with taste. Not until after the pro· brought a load of wool mto M<l·

the little girls. It was worth get· ri10tcr had left town was It son Monday, the year's· clip from For just a fraction of the cost of the $12,000,000 program tlng up early to see the au.nt and learned thnt running the ad 245 sheep. George R. •ray! or

proper safeguards could be taken to handle any flood that has her 2 nieces. together. would also hnve been Illegal.· bought It for $560.87. ever been experienced in Lansing. A Rescue Mission has been es·

Easter was within 4 dnys of be· Under Michigan law nny per· tabllshed in Mason. J. Ezra Welsh

Grass Roots Wear Thin . Michigan Republicans like to talk about grass roots cam-

paigns. · They have been doing well in areas where the g1·ass

grows best. They need to wage their campaigns in areas where the least grass grows.

inlf us lute u~ It cun be. J~ustet• son who shall pretend for money is the leader and Chester Dolbee didn't arrive until April 25 In or gain, to predict future events Is treasurer. 1943, It will full on April 25 aguln hy cards, tokens, trances, the A. B. Watkins is hullding a in 2038. I'm looldng fol'Wllrd to inspection of hands or the con· 40x50 plan!{ barn for Walter Lax· It because It's my Hister Until's formation of the slwll of any ton, south of town. · · !Jlrthduy. Next y_ear E11ster' will person, mind reading so·called, or On Sunda.y there were 3 auto· Ul'l'ive April 6. hy consulting the movements of mobiles wh1ch passed through

the hen venly bodies, shall be Dansville . guilty of a misdemeanor. A duly A. W. Whipple captured a 25· ordained minister 0~ any spirit· lb turtle at Hewes lake,


To enjoy

a harvest

you must first

plant the seed!

3~o Interest Paid on Savings Accounts

L LJ u

ICt~IRt1r I I





Democrats. captured every state office at the spring elec­tion. They hailed it as a great victory. Governor Williams claims it is a mandate from the grass roots.

. Many Mason people speculatetl whether It was fate or chance that the speal<cr secured for sun· rise services left this earth before the sun came up. Dr. Harold R. Seelye, 50, of Stanton was coming to Mason to preach the sunrise

unllst church incorporated In ----:-:~----------------------------------------....::==== Michigan is exempt. 'ill

The grass roots stayed Republican. The city pavements, the mining areas and the cut-over lands where little grass gt•ows gave the Democrats their victory.

Michigan has 83 counties. In only 15 of them did Demo­cratic candidates gain more votes than Republicans. Demo­crats won the election in Wayne county by piling up leads

•, of 100,000. Democratic candidates carried the industrial ' counties"of Macomb, Monroe, Muskegon, Genesee ansl Bay.

The other counties they carried were Alger, Delta, Dickinson, Gogebic, Iron, Keweenaw, Marquette, Menominee and. On­tonagon. Those last 9 counties are in the Upper Peninsula, where grass roots are shallow. ·

Canvass of the April 1 vote indicates that Republicans need to l<eep the grass growing but they need to devote more time to areas where grass doesn't grow.:_ such as Wayne and Genesee and Muskegon and Monroe, and even some once flourishing Republican pastures right here in Ingham.

A Good Start Mayor Pau! Richartls is to be commended for his efforts

to instill a parliamentary atmosr,here at city council sessions. At his first meeting as mayor last week, Richards made it clear that digression and idle talk would not be tolerated at the council table. Further, he announced his intention to rely heavily on committee study of many proposals before bringing them before the council.

These 2 steps have been needed in Mason city govern­ment. Council meetings which should have lasted but a couple of hou1·s have dragged on until after midnight. Pro­posals which should have required more study have often been squeezed off the agenda by inconsequential items.

Certainly, putting the council on a businesslike basis is the fil'st step toward better government and should come before a proposed city manager is hired. ·

Mason's councilmen have a lot of worl< to do. They must do it in a businesslike manner. It will talte the planning and cooperation of all 7 of them to handle city business wlth the attention and dispatch it deserves. ·

That the council recognizes its responsibilities and has the courage to face up to them is heartening.



Here at the Ingha!'ll County News Wednesday afteruoon we

If you lmvc an Interesting plllm ot· an - llllUSIIlll bump on your head, flgu1·c them out for your· self,

telephoned the doctor's residence 17 in Stanton to learn what manner ·.1. ester• ]ljear.o of doctor he was- PhD, DD, MD 0 or w.h~~· He was 1111. osteopathic 0 , y A,. phys1c1an. He had. recently com· te .. ear go pleted a tour .with the Billy Fire destroyed NortQ...Aurellus Graham evangelistic team, lteep· church last Friday. ing all inembers In good health . Equipment has· been moved in! during the tour. He was laol,lng to start construction of the Los· forward to the Mason service be· lie·Mason section of US·127 Man· cause it was In Mason that he day. first began practice 25 years ngo. ' D. C. Dart is retiring as pres!·

. dent of Dart National b11,nk May .Thursday night while at a BatJ· 1. He will continue as a director

tlst pruyer meeting Dr. Selllye and consultant: His son, Rollin, wus sununoned to a neighboring will be president and Albert A. house to answer a long dlstunce Humphrey will become executive call ft•om a hospitlll In Sheridun. vice-president. nut the call was from 1111 even ~orrcater distance, While talking on Members of the Mason Church the telephone he fell dcud with 1~ of t~e Nazarene are holding ft!1al l'Upturcd U.OI'f:u. services at the present bulldmg

Sunday. They'll be In their ne\~ Some people say chance Instead church the next Sunday.

at fate prevented Dr. Seelye from Mason's high school band won keeping his sunrise engagement a first division rating. In the state in Mason. Chance is something Class B finals. · that befalls a~ a result of un· 10 Years Ago-1947 !mown or unconsidered forces. In. . the cnse of Dr. Seelye, neither he ' It cost the Michigan Central nor the Mason Ministerial asso· $20,000 to ~epalr damage done t.o ciation knew the wealmess of Dr. Its tracks 111 Mnson by the April Seelye's aorta; and they didn't 12 flood. consider it. · Miss Elizabeth Adams of Almn

college was a co·wlnner In th11 To attribute the.nonappearance state lntercolleglnte speech tour·

of the spealter .to fate culls for a nnment at MSC'Saturday .. belief in divine foreordination, The council awarded the city the conception of the lmmuta· garbage collection contract to M billty of nature, the belief that it H. Patterson of Buni<er. Hill. ' was destined or. decreed that Dr: Mason dealers ure now getting Seelye would attend the Baptist household uppllimces, the ·first p~ayer meeting last Wednesday volume shipments since th mght, that a nurse at Sheridan . e would call ·him to the telephone Mrs. Wtlllam E. Clark has been and that his aorta would rupture elected president of Mason Worn·

·. · an's club for the coming year. 1\tllton would clulm that Dt•. ,.

Seelye was foreordained not to ~0 Years Ago-1937 Iteep his .1\Inson ·engagement;· He Spence •Bros. of. Saginaw sub·

T M d I d f d h I !ICt fOJ•tlt in Oile Of 'hiH poems f!lllted the lOW bid 'on COnstrUe• 0 i an or Goo s ooti ng (please tell me which one) this tJOn of the Mason postofflce. The

line: That Power Which erring bid was $40,300. Four ather bids Last week a Midland jury brought bacl< an amazing vPrmrr men call Chance.'' were filed. The purchase price of

the site has been announced as . as juries sometimes do. A Lansing woman has quit the $8,300. '

This jury of 12 men "deliberated," to usc a flat'tering term, for first aid plasses conducted In con· The WPA Is building .2 barns 71h hours and then acquitted Mrs. VIrginia Reagan for shooting junction with the disaster sur· nt the fairgrounds to house race and ldlllng Elmer Korth of Otter Lalte. vi val .·program. The lnstructo1· horses. Another WPA crew is

· 'You read the story, no doubt. • Haw 1Mrs. Reagan and a girl r----~· ---~--· ___ ;_ __ ..;.· __ . __ ,;.' ----. friend went late one night to the cottage near Midland where Elmer · We ~re offering for a li~ited time only K~rth nnd his employer, Erwin McArthur, were living. How Mrs. ~9 STAINLESS SYEEL SET

' Reagan got the brush·ciff from Korth and then how the wives of Pioco I , "t,'; the 2 men burst In on the fou1·some. ' At a :savings to you of $14

There was quite :a lot of unpleasantness then, as you can sss. 95 Imagine. It ended suddenly when Mrs. Reagnn. pulled her loaded revolver from her pock\!t, fired It 3 times and killed Elmer Korth. · Mrs. Reagan's· defense was that. Korth's wife (soon ·to "become his wldowl jerked her arm, and the .gun went off accidentally. She had her hand. In her packet and her gun.ln her ltimd when.Mrs. Korth tugged at her. · . ·It was an. 9dd s.ort ot jerk,· of course, fo~ Mrs. Reagan rn11n~ aged to keep her ·hand on the gun and · ~4lr finger on the trigger. Somehow the gun·. was pointed· at the ·man who had spurned her and told her to get out,\ · . · · .·. . · · · : ·. .· : . :· :

· ' Apj:mrently ;Mrs. I{orth 'must have given, a' triple jerk, for the gun went a·ff 3 times.· '. · ·.• . :. · · ·· ' · · • ·· : ... ·

Mrs. l{arth · that tlien Mrs·. J~eagnri. poln~ed the,gun at · her and pulled twiee but tile gun: didn't go off. · ·

· Was that \ · ·~ ' . c : . · · . . · . ·

· ·. We are. also offering

p·j!:o ·STAINLESS S·TEEL SET Regularly sells for $119.95

569.95 · T~~se s~ts ma·e· excellent gif,ti fo~ all occasi~ns such as wed. · . dmgs, b1rthdays, ·Christmas, etc, · · , · . . ~ . . ·I .sa~ve NOw - Give Later . , · .

. W,e also .have complete line ~f 'electrical ~pplia~ces, Melmac. · Dinnerware and Helbros watches, · · · . .· . · · . ' ~ . '

.. ·Househqld Commodities \ .. / ,. ~. , · :· I~:~· .. Pennsy :Av~nu~:.,',. · .... : .'

·Buick! a . ., a • JtnJataD~,

to D_II:Jffb

T HE '!"o~e you look at a new Bu~~l': the ·mor-e you reahze what a spectacular car tfls. : ·

It has a suave new body, ingenious new frame, 150 · new fea~ures in its chassis alone; It's so low, you feel inches taller. And there's headroom, legroom, foot· r;oom galore.

·aut what you can't see-what you simply have to feel for yours~lf-is what. happens when you take this beauty to tHe: road. Any road. · .

' We came up ·witfi a ·new kind of steering, ri~w "nested" torque-tube rjde, new braking that's· smoother, surer, more powedul.

We poured our engineering skills into a completely new V8 engihe with. the "power-pack" built right in~ at no extra cost-a fire~breather, for fair~

And we capped the climax by building· a/ new. Yariable Pitch Dynaflow'11 . that can't be. beat for snap, sparkie, smoothness. · · · · · t . . . . ' '

Granted, you've heard about dream cars, ,a net maybe seen a few at Auto Shows. But here's the fit·st lto11est•

· to-greatness llr~am (iar to drive i · You can afford a Buick if you .can . afford any new.

. car. So drop in on your Buick dealer today. · . 'It New Advaitccd Variable Pitc& Dunaflow is tlto o11/y Dyita/low D11icl• builds

' is •tatldard o.n Roadmador, Sup or a11d Ccntlll'l!-optio.nal at modes~ · · 1111tra OCift oa t~e Spacla~.

Man f -·=:------~ u acturer's s forth' 2 uggested Pric:~ 6-P IS -Door SPECIAL

~ assenger Sedan

~~9583 Chcrges and; ~~ery and Handling

e era/ EKcise t Transportal' a)(es) I I •on charge . oca taKes, if an s, state and

Optional eq • y, accessories and D fJ U•pment · Yna owtransm· • , lnc/uding OncJ h' ISSIOO r d' w •te sidewall . ' a •o, heater ' tJtes, additional, .

·!liw. ~~tr.B~ h.m~

Cfo:l#w~! . I C/!tt4t ;tlew Z'"fl./ .

. l . Wblfd~ · . ~ ~·~~··lJuF;'·:~ \\ Sea your Buick dealer . . '

:.. for a sparkling . . . • · · ·.~<> . Spring tonlc.:.toda,v . · · . ' ~JJ... . • l:!db,48.

I '•"'.J'(P~~~·~ • ' . , •. WHEN BETTER AUTOMOBILES ARE lllftU'.

' . . BUICII t.,lll, IUILD 1Hiilll · " '

, ..

c '·,I

. : .• ... c '"


Scientists May Widen Farm Market Ingham Couutv New£ ·w ~

., 1, lly (JARJ. COJ,I.JN pain Is·, lntllrllng nnrl stt•ucllH'nl

~~.._,.~. ·--~--~·~· ... '

ll·•W 'iiil:tani to hUihiitl!; nrtti· an~· 111fiH1 itrtd ll HIIOrl tltne lD!fli'Val ,I,

I tmrw~:o11 ;t[lJiiltJallon nnd li•wve~t·, With mnlnihlon, !hero IH hotJB

A g1•eatly cxpanrlerl t•esearrh malnl'ialH, gilws, wuxes, Ill!· • progrum lo flnrl 11P.W IISP.S fill' JwsiVeH, [WS!irdr)es, )l!lper, S,Yll·

""' agrlculturul pt•orluC'Is Jn lnrluslt'Y lil<'tlr• fllwt·s, elwrnlcnls, lndustrlnl . hus been rc<•ommendr•d hy a fi. nils, l'rliillngs, lmprnvr•rl r'!ulhlng

... man rmmmlsslnn. 'I'hhr group wns mnterlnls, dntm·gnnts nnrl rit·u~~~;.

!wen high this spring. Vermont tll'ohnhly wl)l top I he olcl recoJ'Il nf li20,Il00 gallons set baclt In l!lfi1, Now Humpshlre, New York u nrl sout hem Canadn a lsn m'1 turning out morn syrup this yent• than lnsL Preliminary roports on I he Mlchl~nn run point to a gnod yield. 'I'he run was r· short In some nrens. Qunllty Is io!Uld to hr~ good.

Country & Town /-&

of e)tcel<ing tho arlvunce of the HJintlecl nlfulfn uphill, nnel Pl'll· Vlltltlng li1o t;llel;y mesH of rulnml nlfnlfn It ll!nV!!~ In lis wul<c. Co· O(tcrnllve prngl'llmH by gmwcrH gt'OIIPH hnvn boon hlgili,V SllCI'CH~· ful l11 Pllmlnntlng "lneuhator• flPlds." By pt•rmtpl npplh-nllnn of nmlnthlon dnRis nt• sprnys-al tlw lln;t sign of horwyrlew-.. gt·ownrs havr1 gnltwrl lmpnrlant benefit~ since! mnlathirm also c·nnlruls lcuf· hopper.c;, mliPH, spittlebug ndultH, nlfalfa weevil lnrvue, V!'tch hru· eirl lliHI gmsshnpru•rs. Slop[lillg the iltHnage of IIH'SP 11lher pc1sts, lwlps In furllwr lm·n·ll~t! I he ylntrl 1!1111 Cjllltllty nr tlw l'l'n)J •

authorized In congress nnrl UJl· .1, •I• * .... by the Jlrcsldr.nt. Chances of n greally expanclerl ... ,. The commission snys n $100 msr.m·c:h prngmm, lllw the one!

million a yenr progrnm Is twedr!rl. t'r•c·omrtH!nrlcrl hy· tit<! r-ommlsolnn, It snys, uftr.r stwlylng the farm pi'Oimhly has slim dwnecs of surplus prohlom for R months, making thr. gmtln ·In mngt'I!SH

.... that ovm·prmhwt ion Is lllwly lo rlt.:ht now. Efforts .nrc being ,,,,prevail In agriculturl' for many mud<! to r'lll IIIP USDA huriget

YMrs to mme. Fnnn outpul nvrm for the next CIJ'r•al )•car. Current· "" In l!l6ii will b~ 7'/n grPnler· 11wn ly llw agrir·ulltn·nl rlr.partmeml Is

detnand. Exports lintel 1111le S)JPtHllng nhntll $W million an· . promlsn as nn ollllet for this owr· mwlly on rcscarC'IL It.'s quite n supply. 'fhe alternntlvc Is to .lump fmm tlWI'P. ttp to $100 mil· booal domestic consumption hy Jlnn, much greater usc o! agrlculturnl "' ~~ *

JTcavy out(lut In the northenst hus wcultencll lho mnrl<et. !hom. Built buyers are sn!d to he offer- 1

lng uhout. a third less limn last year for· Vct·mont syrup.

~- * ltl

productH ln imlustl'Y· An lnct·cnsed emphasis nn re­

search should show wayR or c•on· verllng many form proclur·IR Into matorlnls for· mnl<ing plaslle~;,

Top gt•ade eggs· In Chkago lnR1. wct•k wm·c quoted at :!Or. to 32r. In wholesale channels. 'I'hut wns Be lower than a year ago. 'I'he gen·

Tlw prorlnrtlon outloolt for erally sluggish marlwts !Jnve had soutlwt·n peal'lws Is the ht·lghtest an ef!ccl on hatchery operations. since 1fl;,a, ncenrrllng lo USDA .re· The lola] hatch fm• ·the first pot·ls. As of Apt·ll I, the eonrllltlln quarter· of this year wns about of tlw, smttllf'rn crop ;vas r.Pi,t~r~e.d ;,R4/I million· chlcl<s. II. wns off

.-------------, al 7R;;' C'ompnrerl wtlh ·13 tr• u 7'/, from' the same period In


Soiling Since 1937 MAson Phone OR 6·5682 or

Eaton Rapids 9821

Federal Land B~nk Loans

Credit life Insurance Plan Available

Low Interest-long Term

130 W. Ash Stroot, Mason

Phone OR 1-6091

Moin Offico-415 S. Cochron

Chorlotto, Michigon

yr>a~~ <~go niJ(I tho lll·y<!ar average l!l5£i. The hatch of replacement of b-:'•'. All fl southc~rn producing chlcl<s was down 2!i% while broil· state'.~ exc!'pt 1111sslsslppl !'eport m· dtlcks were up ll'/r•. On Aprll br.ltet• lhan a year ago eonrltllons. 1 there were 1'/r• more bmller A hum~~r s.o~ttlwrt: _!l,l'iiC'Il r•rot~ e~gs, In iiJCubators than a year could he ,t prl~c·rl<'ptcsslng ·farlm ngo and 18% f<!Wer replacement to Pnrly Mwhlf~llll pPaf'ilros. r-l;idls.

A shnrl age of porl\ in storage, ahoul 180 million pounds lower in Marcil t hun a year ago, is an encouraging faC'lm· in tl1e out.· look frll' hog prices. Some marl<· et ing people figure prices of har· I'OWS anrl gill:; Will lJC SI1!1H]y to higher from nnw to .ruly. Prier!~

The total poult. hatch for tlw llrs·t quarter of the year was 12'/r· greate1· than a year ago. The hatch of heavy brcerl poults was up 13'/r, while the light breeds In· l'I'Cilsrrl 6'A1.

in tlw ~ummcr anrl fall arP lilwly. Scientists helicvc they may· be In hr. nhriVP thos£' of n Y<!ar ago. close lo n "brcal<through" In

In spite of all the S)Jrnying that's rlone In contml the rnm horer, this pest ~I ill does n trr.mell!lnus amounl of damage to the CIJI'n crop. Last yea!' the borer

ldcstroyecl about !l8 million hush· cls or corn, valuer! nt $110.5 mil· linn. The loss last year repre· ~enlcd <thou!. .1'/r· of the entire crop. One encouraging angle is that last year's lo~s was mu!'h less lhm1 the previous year's

their• efforts to find a way to de·

r;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;ij;ij""l $15!i million huslwls. !own, Iili· 1 no is and Indiana were llw states ·suffering the grnalcst losses last . year. Thr> mm borer has heen in the U. S. tww for over riO years.

By Jim Drown

This cnlw clecomting. coni est iclen of Mrs. Doriald De,nsmore at IGA will pmbably he an annual aU.mction, Nenrly 50 ca]{('!S wet•e entered in the event and the dec­omtions were something! Cr1lws weren't judged on flavm· or textm·e, but strictly on decornt ions ..

If Leone runs the event next year, I'll enter a calce myself. I was always g1•ent on dccomtion, but. not much on textut·e. Some said I was too cmt~·se,

Bill Pm·lcl', who doubles nR an MSU longhait· and an IGA butchet·, says J'pJiow workers Dick Mills and Don Densmore ai'C a little on the com·se side, too. The calce auction was Bill's first and the chunt. of Auctioneet• Les .Johnson Jured him out fl'Om behind the flOJ'I< chops for a closer look. Don bid $8 on one of the prize cakes and Dick stepped the bid ltfJ to $!l.

"Come on, Port:et·," suggested Don, "make it. $10 and maybe we can get. the bid up to $14m· $15."

Bill bid $Hl and wound up owning a cnke. Bill said it will take 2 more Srltlll'day wol'k dnys· to dimb out of his economic chnos,

Normally dandelions am nothing to brag about, hut it's somewhat of an orlclit.y to see one in full bloom on Easter. Melvin Stmud, of the soil conservation service, brought exhibit No. 1 into the office Monday. Can any­body beat Mel? I'm rated as quite a dandelion gt•ower in the summer mon1hs, but my cmp usually conserves its Rtrength this time of year so as to put on a prolific show unhampered by chemical or blade Inter on.

f/. :'i.l :'~1 IY,l

There's a free Ingham County News subscription for the fi1·st person to identify this boy. The pic1ut•e was tal<en near the turn of the century and the baby is now a Mason resident and his first name is Fmnk. He bet a ride on his bicycle no one would be able to identify the picture. We'll see.


Edgar Eisenhower, . the president's conservative bl'Dther ft·om the state of Washington, is getting a boost. for the presidency himself. Instead of the "I Like Ike" buttons, some Republicans in Chicago are sporting "I Like Edgar" tags.

And here's the happy bounding flea -You cannot tell 1 he he fmm she. 'fhe sexes look alilw, you see; But she can tell and so can he.

Roland Young -1887

DIXON Brothers

Mnplc SYI'llP supplios shot1ld he more am piP this year I han last. Prorluc:lion in New England has

salt . sen water economically enough for practical use. All of llw pror·esses up to now haw he!?n too expensive £ot• large scale usc in irrigation and indus· try .. But a new process· has pos· sibilitics of cutting costs much lower than before. The new way is based on heat. The basic equip· men!. is a rotary still In whi'ch jets of salt water are shot at high speed over a spinning heat unit. The new process, because it re· quires less heat, tends to cause less scaling of salt. This has been a major problem because it clogs up the machinery. Once a sue· cessful process can be found to rlesalt sea .water we may be ahle to use atomic power to pro1{ldc heat cheap. This can't. come too soon· because water supply Is rapidly becoming a serious prob· lem for many areas or tho coun­try.

Egg Market May Improve, Poultry Expe·rt Declares ·




Egg prices arc low at present, purchased their chlcl<s by Febru· MISCELLANY • • • Chees~ but they may raise to a more. ary 15. This apparently increased

mal<ei:s in ·the U. S. pro due~ more normal level by fall, according to total egg production. Also, it pro· than a billio.n p~unds of cheese K. T. ,Wright of. Michigan State vidcd good production when the eact! Y~ar.:'Stnce about 9 pounds university. He's ,an agricultural, Jall egg price peak came. The or ltqUICI whey are l~ft from ~aclt economist •. · ·~ · experiment ~howed' that sales to

Sl'IUCAH 011' '1'111~ RI'OT'rF:O AJ.Ii'AJ,PA APIIIU is shown on this mup. The llghl<'t' nrc•a lnrilcat<'s thr. orlglnnllnfestatlrm in 1!l:i'l. '!'he hlncl' area shows hnw fat• the pcr.t lwei mlgmlcrl hy 1fl:'i[i. 'l'lw cnlnrgcmr.nt In thr. rnt'llllr showH the wlng<!el (cwm of tlw pe.~l on an nlrnlfn shoot,

Spotted Aphid Moves Fasf Shwc lls first. n]lpcarunr.e in

New Mexico's Rio Gral)clc valley 1 yenrs ngo, a new aphid with a fanlnsllc reproduction rate nnrl a vornclous nppclilc for alfalfa has spread across the r~entml Unltecl Slates, fmm Callfomla · to Vir· glnl:~.

M:my. ngr)r.ulturnl aulhorilics now. consider· the spot led ·alfalfa nphid ·to he the nation's moHt serious· insect: threat to ngrlcul· turn! production. Its repid migl'11· lion has · caused widespread alarm. In 1954, the insect wns rc1· ported in New Mexico, Ol<lahoma and Nevada. By 1956, it harl moved into lii states, penetrating north in to Minnes-ota and Smil h Dakota, east into Maryland and Virginia, nne! south to Florida. Infesting only 7 southern coun. tics In Indiana in ,19!i6, it is ex· pected· to take over the entire state in 19!37. It migrates freely from field to field; travels great distances on the wind; and even "hitcll·hilws" from state tn sial•~ by cur, train or plane.

In northern climates the female aphid produces from 2 to 5 11'1· ing young per day without mal· ing. Cold winters arc not a bar to survival. It Is not eliminated by tcmpcratut·es as low as llve r]c. grees .

The damage caused by the spotted alfulfa aphid takes sev­eral forms .. S~edling plants ar·c

tent wiil dt'op. when an excess of nitrogen is ·applied.

'!'he coriperativc · extension or. fiee·•hns .. eo pies· ·of a new bulletin "Perti!iz&rs· ·'for Sugar ·neets" available .. It. ·.contains more de· tailetl lnformation about polas· sium ·.and :phosphorus recommcn· elations as· well as for nitrogen.

;. I , r • (I ~ J. ••'' 0

' ,

l<illcd t'a]Jirlly. TJcnvy htfnstallons muy completely rlcHtmy a ynunr, stand. Apltlcls feeding In a hm·· vcslerl liPid can prevent regrowth hy mmpletcly rnvPt'ing IIH' r)p. veloplng shoots.

Where Htlfflrole!nt alfalfa sur· vlvcis rm· r·utting', tlw slnnd is nftcn ruined hy the IHHH'ydew which aphids H<' while f<!l~rl· ing. A sooty fun.~us growing In this honoyclcw soon rcrlures tlw · Ieaveil und sterns to n hlack, st lcl<y mass. 'fills is unpnlalahl<!, and practically unharvestable with modern flclrl choppers nnrl hnlers·.

California's slnte clnpart men I of agriculture ostlmatcd that in ·195!3 the spotted alfnlfn aphid caused $13 million rlamngc to nl· !a !fa m·ops. IQ 1 !l~G. the aphid Ctll Oklahoma's alfalfa prorlur.· lion by 50'/r·, a loss of $16 million to the growers.

So fur, natural prcclitors such as ladyblrrl heclles, lacewing file~ and syrphid rtics, hnve not pm. vided any dcpcmlablc measure of contml. Researcltcrs feel there is promise in this line of allnck ami are working with a variety of predilors, including a fungus that ldlls aphids.

At present, the best. contt·ol methotl for nlfnlfa growers is still prevention. The mnsl cffcc· t ivc mot hod of contml is chem· ically, with malathion. Mnlathinn offers high aphid l<ill, extremely

Farm Tractors Imperil Youth Letting children start.' driving

a tractor at n too early age is u dangerous practice in Miehigan, reported Richard Pfislf'l', farm safety specialist. at Mic:higan Stale university. HELP? pound of cheese, that means W . ht I II. . r t' hatcheries anrl careful gradin"

some 12 billion pounds of. whey rJg J.ases us pr cc tc ton_ on . . "' p d. . G' t ( t'f'. t are produced. It's estimated that heavy cul.lmg and low hat clung can be P' of1tablc. .fO UCers .· e er I l(a e·s

In lhe past !i years, lw Haid, H Michigan children undl!r 14 years ·old have been ilillcll in tractor riccidcnls. 4

NEED REPAIR'? Expert repair service on

~II makes.

almost !l billion pounds are numbers m recent. months. ~ced .an(l lah~r costs ?Ius mo:;: Ingham. poultry prorlucers re-

If the youngsler can hc truslr.rl with trnclot· nwintcrWII!'C', lie is old enough to dl'ivr, hut not un­til, Pfislr.r wamcd.


DAVCO GOLD 15-15-15

Also new DAVCO 3-G I 0-20. I 0 and I 0-20-20.

These analyses aro highly rec­ommended by Michigan State university .Js · excellent CORN ferlil izcrs.

bch Granule in DAVCO 3-G Fertilizers contain~ the com­pleio plant food. according to the analysis on the bag. This assures even feeding and even maturity,

Av,lil~bl!? from your DAVCO aCJent.



104 S. Mason St. Phone OR ,7·570 I


207 N. Mo<on St. .... ~--


1708 Belden Road Jackson, Michigan Phone ST 4-1933

,NEED SALT? . Delivery service of proper

' salt tor your soltener .

wasted and present a disposal In cooperation Wlt.h MSU paul· tal tty a~d cu.llmg losses ~vm~ celved certificates for 'attending a problem ... The amount of whey try department, Wl'lght recently fully ~s lmpor.l<~nt as egg PI ices. series of 5 sessions on poultry wasted each year in the U. S. ~tudied records of 101 Michigan The lugh-proirt fat'j11ers received management and egg production. actually contains well over 550 laying fioclu; for a .~eriocl ot: fair· Ge more p~r .rlo~cr~ eg~s sold tha~ They are August Balzer, David million pounds of solids •.• The ly normal prices. I hP. year end· the low-ptofrt Iarmels. However, Bal;(er, Elsie Balzct· and George USDA.says that the mlll{man of ing in September, 19:J6, was they saved l!lc per llozen through of Onondaga, Mrs. Wayne the future may deliver mill< In 3· chosen as egg and feed lll'ices reduced cos~s. Cole of Ol<emos, Mrs. Maxin:~ . Michigun burrlcrs nn 1 of tlw Phone OR 7·1421

... .. ...



gallon containers to families then were ahout equal lo the High producing hens, especial·, Fay and Mrs. Vician Morrison uf ;, Great Lako.~. No plaer. in Micll· MASON 1952 55 1 I II II ht 1 1 I igan is more than 85 miles· fnnn E "V TO I' CO use the beverage in quantity. · · . average. Y rom 1e g Jrecc s, usee Mason and Alfred Shrepfcr of ·LLc A , .

Moro protl1: ia you becnunc of lens abrlnkage nnd lower hnulinrc costa. Donded for $50,000.00 nnd wo nrc AOW equipped to aell dairy anlmala1 Jus well na beef ctsttle, feeder piKa, hosa, a beep and cnl vea.


. Deception Island, Antarctica, has hot springs at 190 degrees springing up in its harbor-hot enough to blister the paint on ship bottoms.


Your Land· -' ~ ' ' . .

~e~p the. greedy hond o.f erosion' fr~m robbing y.our 'land ~f its viluable top soa.

Terrace ~nd ~o·~t~u~·plow to: provide' adequ~t': drainag& and prevent torrentS' of

water from gouging sterile votlleys in your acre~ge. ·. / I

·Our Land ·-


THE'· .. FARMERS '··BANK I ~ • J



The average hen in the study feed more cfficiently. Stockhr'idge. They attended all 5 an incxlwuslilllc supply nf fresh 345 W. Columbi,, I ·c1 206 1 J • F 1 t b ·' water for industry, recreation 1 R 3 at eggs· anr returnee an lll· ,. ecc costs were cu y goou of the meetings and answered ex· P 1one 0 6-51 4 come of $7.79 during the year. feeding practices ami the use of amination questions- on caC;h "a~n~cl~,s:n~n~it:a~li~o1~1·-------~===========:; Total cost of feeding, housing low·priced farm grains. One of plinse of the pOLtltry Industry di,:· r. and caring for her was $7.fi8. the cooperating farmers worlted cussed. · · leaving an llc profit. out: a new mash formula which

Egg sales ave1·aged 4:ic per shaved $20 from his weekly feed rlo7.en. With feed, culling and hill. mortality losses, and other costs Thr. larger tlocl<s tended to usc deducted, the lahnr ret urn was 9c• labor more efficiently, In the pet• dozen eggs or $1.24 per hour study a flock of 2,000 birds re· of labor. quired 50'/n less time per hr.m

Proiits v:~ric<l !rom than a floc]{ of 300. Good work rajl:n. tn:; ra~~() /!;h:rhW pot,~llry·!,w~th9;~ i¥~~~m~dcrntri~mi,JW1en,t meri \VIth ··: lughesf 1 .qet l'QtU);'JJS' 1)l~'O b1~'Y~~ J\11\ct;t··'' lf?.~~~4~:~;. l netted an av'ehigc, ;of $1.fl5 pl!r r;oss~s ·;tJtt,o!J'glt" C\JlliM 'IJ anli bird. The 10. fiocl1s with lowest death amounted to !lc" per llozcn ~eturns lost. $2.38 per bird. eggs produced in the low-return

Why this difference hetwcen tloci<s, 50'/n more than in the high flocks? return flocks. 'fhe secret. here Is

First, the high profit flocks a strong, healthy hircl that: pro· produced more eggs por hen ami duces· for a long time. sold them at higher prices. Pro· In fact, Wright said that chicle· duction was boosted hy 1 he usc ens with a 15·month laying of high producing strains. Also, period can hn profitable even lf the high rctum ·flocks leaned they require extra housing. toward Leghorns and other light Money can be snvod by filling breeds which out-produced ·the tl1e chicken house to capacity. heavy breeds by 25 eggs pet· hen Wright .said that· some producers per year. ovcr·invest in buildings ami

Owners of high-return Ilocl\s equipmcnt.

Beet Research Points Way To·Be$1 Use of Nilro:gen

sucrose creased as time of ,luirvest was delayed past Se]>tembet· 1. Beets lowest in sugar at 'that tlm<J showed more lnct·ease in. sucrose

JUSU·SAFWI'V AWAUn The National Safety Council

has named Michigan Slnlc uni· versity rarlio facilitieR WI<AR and WKAR·l~M to receive 1956 public interest awards for work

of and lm

Without courage 't he1·c Is no truth, and without truth, there· can he no other virtue.

MAKE·MORE MONEY with letter-Ired, letter-Fed


Buy . ability for lo•tlng tho•e· · extra eggs that mean extra· profit f~r you. Bo sura' of better feeding with the Wayne · · · Starting and Growing Program.

content. than did those that were :For m.oney-malting. pillion this: )1igh. Also, the rate of Increase , • . , . of 1-111gm· with the initially row ·faM-firtt, buy a.h1gh-producmg -test beets Wf!S gi'eatest at' the rate : drain.:..then, p~t .them· on·: 1' of npJ>li~atlon of 40 t.o ,50 lh of Wivncil · nitrogen. :

The resent·chcrs· also wnrn against. being misled' by the· ro·

r.::uJ1ou:;c of the 'tops to the appllca·

Registered & Grade


·UC·l·IO··. N:.:. ''; {t ' ~ • i .\ • 1

' I ' i r ~ •·i.l ,·,,'l;• !;; .:/(' ···i' • I • ! ,:':'!i•i.•~-;1

,.,,. '

Saturday* April 27 1 P. M.

Having decided to discontinue our d~iry operation, the un­dersigned will sell the tollowing described property, located 3 miles north of Ann Arbor on US-23 or 7 miles south ·of Whit. more lake on 23 at 4090 Whitmore Lake road.


12 HEAD OF REGISTERED HOLSTEINS E. T. 3096 8·yr.·old, bred March 1·57 E. T. 2673 2·yr,·old, bred. April 4·57

· E. T. F-17 6-yo•r·old, bred Sept. 30·56, E. T. 2672 1-yr.-old, open E. 21: 5 ~ 04530 B·yr.·o~d, bred Oct. E. r. 9959 l·yr.·old, open

E. T. 489 b·yr.•old, fresh March 21·56 E. T. 2935 7 months old E. T. 26t6 2·yr.·old, bred Jan. 20-57 E. T. 2936 7 months old E. T. 2674 2-yr.·old, bred J•n. 4-57 Halfor calf born March 21·57

21 HEAD OF GRAD!!: HOLSTEINS E. T. 2026 31/2:yr.·old, bred Feb. 3: E. T. bl043 6-yr.·old, brad Fob. 6 E. T. 273361 2t12·yr.·old, bred Aug. E. T. 9533 7·yr.-old, fresh Morch 22

25 ; E. T. 2617 2·yr.·old, brod Jan. 31 E. T. 2901 5-yr.-old, bred March 17 E. T. 2618 2·yr,.old, bred Feb, 3 E. T. 9009 S·yr.·old, brad M.uch 26 E. T. 900~ 2-yr.·old, brod Doc. 4 E. T. 213943 7-yr.-old, Jan. 3t E. T. 2625 2-yr.-old, open E. T. 2020 31f2.yr.•old, brod Morch 27':, E. T. 2675 11(2-yr.·old, open ~. T. 3051 5·yr.-old, bred July 12 , E. T. 99b0 15 months old, open E. T. 9008 5-yr.·old, bred. ·Aug. 25 E. T. 2933 20 months old, opon E; T. 61056 5·yr.·old, bred MArch t·56 E. T. 2934 20 mcnths old, open E. T. 3052 l·yr.-old, bred Feb; t6 Heifer Calf Bor11 M.uch 22 This is a good herd .of Holstein cottle.' All cd·lfhood.vaccinated

.:~nd neg.:~tive. ·

DAIRY EQUIPMENT 4·can Esco Cooler , 22 .Stanchions 11nJ Stalls .12 10-golton Milk Cans 2 Comfort Stnlts 2 StAinless Steel Dol•val Milkors · 10 Drinking Cups 2 D•L•••I Milker Units 'to Salt Cups DolovAI Miller Compressor 8·Can Can Rods Pipe Lino ond StAII·Cods .: Doublo Sol Wash TAnks

TERMS OF SALE are 6 to 12 months on good banka~le notes, . with Plymouth Branch of N&tional Bank .of Detroit. Not · · . ~esponsible for:·ciccidenh day of sale.. ·

' '\ . ·,' . . y

Chas •. & •·· D·a·vid. Braun,' -, . ' • • • I I '"I .. : ·.. .

) .•, .··

Feed & Fertilizer AnalySis " TagS Show What Farmer Gets for Money

lly l\1, 11, AVJI:It\' County Ag"nt

It Is lmJlrJJ·t.nnt during those tlrn1!~ nf · great cornpelltlnn he· tween various companies thai fru·rners rend tho analysis tng on seed, fcrt lliwr n nrl feed haJJ'S. 'fhose lugs give the correct 1111· nlysls of the product being solei. Sometimes lhc complete story is not. told hy the salesman.

Lust. week I vlsllccl a farm In Ingham county nt. the r·cqucsl of a neighbor to find out. the 1111·

alysls of n feed being used. 'l'hls feed hnrl been misrepresented as far as the feeding value Is con· ccrnecl, 'I'hls feed comparml !av· ornhly wllh nnothr.r feed hy a competitive company ami yet was being sold for· more than one· third more than the feed, I am sure that this feed had been misrepresented· tn this· farm· er nnd that he hnd not compared the with that of a similar analysis.

verslly pointed out lluit U, S, CP.ItSUS flgtlres lihllW lJ111t during I 054 Michigan farmers nppllcrl more I hnn 500,000 tons of ferll znr on oats, cortl anrl wheat grown on 4,300,000 acres of land. In lllllt same year only 4.3,000 tons of fertilizer were applied to almost the same number of ncrcs of hay nnd cropland pasture,

was 1,7 Ih higher pqt• cow than !ot' the mdturc hay. '!'he re· searchers estimated that the im· mature hay might. have the cqul· valent feeding valtie of 6 lb of gmln plus 1an equal amount of mature hay,

When the: cows were switched from matum hay to Immature hay the amount of grain feel was ,. · reduced by 6 lb per day. When the cows w~re switched baclt · to I mature hay the grain ration wns Increased by 6 lb. '!'he Immature hay nnd reduced grain still pro· duccd more milk,

The researchers then suggest using this standard of feedlllg about 6 lb less per dny of grain when on immnturc forage com· pared to matured f.orngc. How­ever, tim reduction should be based on the quality of the hay. In the Michigan experiment the prebud alfalfa was top qunllly. It contained some dandelions but was extra green and leafy when put In the mow.

VANTOWN 4-H CLUB BOYS won the top honor~ with a soil an·d w11tor conservation exhibit at 41H achievement day progr11m in Mason, M~rvin Heod, left, and Arlin Head stand beside the winning exhibit which suggests "Weigh Our We11lth." Other members of the Vantown club are Roger Pfiester, Ronnie Dieh, Mike Dietz, John Dietz and Steva Hitchcock. Robert Oesterle is the club leader. Lawrence Tripp, of the soil conservation service, assisted. the club 'with the soil and woter cons~rvation project. (Photo by Melvin Stroud)

Corn OYerplanting Increases Yield IIIgh plnnt populations nf eot·n rate It Is necessnry to overplnnt. lutlons per .mimi(O, Al this ru!n

on fertile land 1111d high yields per to uhoul 17,Cl00 plnnt~ per ncre, about l7,fl00 lwrni'IH urc plnntccl nrre run hand·ln lmnrl, hnt unless Overplanllng mnl<cs up fot' In 4()-lnch rows over 1111 nero, the planting ground speed Is · Bttt at 4 miles jllll' hour the limited to 3 miles per hottr f!tcrc loHsell IIlii! dovelop from poor plnntct· plaf!l turning rnte Is too 'viii he many sldp~. seed germlnnllon or emergence, high. A sf'r.dbnx t urbulonce Is

Aeconllng lo Robert ·a. While, Jrom Insect clnmagl!, nnd from too high. II semlhox turhnlcncc 111 ngrleultul'lllengincer nt Mkhlgan mechanical damage In eulllvutlng, clevcloJlCd sc} snmu seed cells will State university, the best wny tn he sulrl. fall to llll and some :-;curl cells gel hi"h planting rutes with corn pnss under the luwclwr so frtst

... White admlltccl llml cars will 1 f 11 d I~ io overplnnl by about 10 per t JOY n to r·op, cent. lw smnllcr when coi'Il Is p!anlcrl .This develops u slllp In the I'OW.

nt this high rate, but mnlntnlncd A tl 1 1 1 A l "1,00Cl·lllnrlt poptilntlor1 per s 1e groun1 SileO! ncr•cascs, u .. lltere will be lncrcnsccl numbers 11 1· 1 '1' 1 1 1 11ct·e ",'il!IWS In IO,"l". to be o'lllfllll s I ps n HO rwrcasr.. l' n s ·SlOW " - " ,, nf cars for n higher number of tl l 111 1 t 11 the best planting rate, In order Ill w l enc l ex t•a m c. pr.r

IJhcllcc! corn lnrshels pm· aero. hour above 3 mll1ls per hout• _to_b_c s_·u~e_o_rr;_e_lt_lr_lg_t~ls pia~~~!~~ 'J'o get this high planting rnle, spend, fllln·e Is llll nvcmge loss of

lwrnels should be S(Jitccd all800 plants pet· acre, White snld, slightly less than D Inches aport Brucellosis

Drive Needs in tho row, he said.

Extend thiH spadng by ns little More PURE as one·four~h Inch, he euutloncd, anrl yields will he reduced hy 11

Far. mer•s A··d bushel ancl a hnlf per· act•e, orl LIVE s ' population by us many us 500 EED

· plants, . The state department of ngrl· !Jo pointer! out even lhouglllhe I 1 1

Salesmen arc on the road tn sell their feed, fertilizer nr :;eeds In compet.ltlon with tlwlr com· pclitnr·. It is U[l tn the farmer to lwow what Is In fh1~ material he buys unci whether lt.. is the l<lnd that will rio him the most good.

'l'lli's means, or shows, that the hay crops and pastures received mtwlt Jess ~crtlllzer proportion· atcly nml, us Longnecltcr pointed out, In most cases· pasture nnrl hay will respond to better forti· llzatlon with much higher ylelcls. In this area a hay or ,rolntlon pasl.ur·e should receive about 200 lb of nn 0·20·20 analysis fertilizer on light soli and an 0·20·10 on heavy .>all each yenr. However, this fertilizer could be appllerl ()Very other year at double tlw amount. with approximately the same re~ults. With the pnstm·e HenHon almost here, this Is 11

good lime 1for the farmer to take stock of itl~ pasture aml hay fer· tlllzallon program.

In ar1 experiment conducted at Michigan State prelntd alfalf11 lwy and alfalfa rye grass ~llcage were compnr•ed to mnlure HlfalfH hay that was harvested at three· quartet• bloom.

If You're Like Me

Hugh Oesterle Holsteins Lead March IB,M Tests

culture Is mailing great strides !n right planter plates of Hi f'ells redudng the pe'rcenlngc nf ill'll· nrc used wllh coned sprocltct cellosls Infected callle In tile drives, the expected plant poJHila· 1:ounlry. However, until It Is en· lion Is sometimes not secure!], tirely ermllcatcd ll Is important This problem is oftei1 tr·acecl to thnt each farm do all It can lo a loo·lllgh grounrl speed at whldt iccep Infection out, said M. 1!. I he planter· Is operated. At 4 mile:-; Avery, county agrlcullural agent. pnr hour ground speed, n Hi·ecll

One of till! best melhmls is planter plate turns ubout :JO revo­cnlfho()(l vaccination, Avet·y said. ~------------.

Thirty registered Holsteins milk; Robr.rl Hunt, 13 registered The number• of official cnlfhoocl Green Vetllrinary llospital More fert.llizer Is needed Jor

pastures nnd hay, Most pastures aren't. prorluclng as well as they could, mainly because I hey don't gel enough fer•tlllwr. l~d Long· ner!lwr of t.he soli selcncc deparl· mcnl of the Michigan State unl·

Results confirmed previous. owned by Hugh Oesterle & Son' Holsteins, 061 lb mille; llug!J vaccination~ Is Increasing each

You've heur!l the tet•ms "as- were high wl!h 65.1 lb of fat ami Ellswot'lh, 33 registered Gtte~n· monll1. This offers goocl protec- Office Holll'li: 7·R ]}, m. Ilion.·

Profitable st.1mls! Clean flelcls I These arc your rewards fot planting pure-live seed. Thafs why we recommend and sell pure-live Badger Brand seed fat yo~r fart.n. Badger Brand proc• cssmg g1vcs you extra protcc· tion against dead seeds and weeds. Cuts down hard seeds. Supplies bright, heavy, even seeds that arc a pleasure to sow and grow. A f'roduct ()/. Tbe L. Tcwelcs Sect Co., i\!1/wauket: 1, Jl7is,

Ingham County News

sl udics thllt immature forage~ were supcrlnr fot· mill< produc· lion, Average dally mill< produc· lion from feeding the prebud hay

April 25, 1957 Page~



FOI\ :J/., ' .''Ta/;1111/H

HARRY C. llAlLE:Y 1111 E. Michigan Ave,

Lnneln~r, Mlchlgnn .. Phone: lVnnboCl. 9·3091

H!Lnlt un!l lmttct·y" hut you 1,550 Ib of mrlk among l)le herds . . r.: ,. • , , lion against cxposm·e a clean cow Fri. _ 1·3 p. 111

, Sat, didn't !mow Bxtwtly whnt producing <10 Ib and figurer! on seys, 77.J lh mrlk, Lyle Glenn, 10 might run Into, Avery added. · t.lwy mcunt. IBM machines, Other averages grade Holsteins, 1,085 lb mlll1; "If we are going to maintain

were: Stanley Voss, 22 registered Hoi- clean herds we must usc mom I looked this· up the other clay I At 55 8 lb 1.11 Kenneth Kurt7. 1 steins, 1,05·1 lb mll!1; C. Minnis, calfhood vaeeinatlnn," the InJl'·

nan~ was mighty surpri~ed at thc> 2,1 grad~ Ilolst,ei;Js, l.488 lb mil II·; 20 r:glslel.·ed. I-~ols;elns, 1 .0.51. Ib ham agent said. "There are alto· nswers. and w. c. Wright, 12 registered mille, L. ·Fosfet, ~0 rcg}stcrr.d get her too many cases of breaks The supreme court says that Holsteins, :1 ,42G lb milk Holsteins, 1,02~ lb mlllt; 1 hm!las occurlng In clean unvaccinated

"assnult" Is any lntentlonnl, un- Bell, 11 registered Hc1lstcms, herds. Official calfhood vnccina· lawful offer of corporal Injury to ? .At .:52·7 lb fat,, G.crald Diamond: 1,JJG lb milk; Lloyd Curtis, 17 lion will prevent these sporadic another hy force, or force un· ~7 gt.trtc, 1•178 lb mill<, grade Holsteins, 8.37 lh mlll1; H. outbreaks. Don't tnlcc nny lawfull/ directed toward the pet·· and. Lewts Wilson, ?2 registered O:~klcy & Sons, 3.3 grade Hoi· chances. Vncdnnle your calve•; son of another, under such clr· Hol:;tclns, 1•488 lh mrlll. steins, 1,054 lh milk; Howal'fl with strain Hl vaccine at 4 to ~ cumstanccs as create a well· At 40.6 Ib fat, Harold Powell, Burgess, 17 registered Holsteins, months of nge by an accredllerl founded fenr of Imminent peril, 28 grarle Holsteins, 1,33.3,lb mill~; 1,11G Jb mill1; Ray & Chic!<, :n veterinarian.

Dr. M. J. Green 752 N. Cednt·, 1\lnson

Phone 01~ 7-D71ll

coupled with the apparent pres- and D~1vls &, Ellsworth, 22 graue grade Holsteins, 1,054 lh milk; E. "Vaccinated animals can hr. ent ability to effectuate the al· Holstcms, 1,333 lb mUll. · Dlcl<erson, Jr., 19 grarle Hoi· solei from a clean herd up to 30 tempt If not prevented, At 46.5 lb fat, Raymond Pow· steins, 1,085 lb milk; Maurir.c months of age without a blooil

In nlltcr words the assault part ell, 27 grade Holsteins, 1,.302 lh Felton, 45 registered Holsteins. tesi. These animals also may he LOWDEN fARMS of the deal Is the "threat'' part. mlll1; Ralston &, 43 1,116 lb mill<; Duane Glen, lfl exhibited up to 30 months of age It's plain, of course, from the grade Holsteins, 1,210 lb milk; grade Holsteins, 1,051 lh milk; without a blood lest. This Is <'S· HATCHERY

Lending nrnr,ds Wlll'l'I~ ROCI\S

HatchlnR All Summar

above definition that It can't be Platt & Wilcox, 40 rr.gisterccl Harold Wilt, 45 grade Holsteins, pccially lmpor·tant lo the 1·H club

"Come in TODAY. Let's talk SEED!"

Stoddll'ldg-e J•:hJ\'IIIor

Olmmos J•:levntm• ncmum t l<'cetl & SUJilJIY

J~den Elevator just an Idle threat, It's got to Holsteins, 1,209 Ib milk; and J. 1,085 lb mill<; and Harold Glynn, boys nnrl girls. It also s·aves a Pbonci Jacl•••n sT 2.4809 have teeth In it-if you !mow H. Chamberlain, 20 registered 26 grndc Holsteins and registered lot of work in blood·lestlng lH 4G2o .;, !lorry Rd. at Hanrlotta Fat·mcrs Warehouse what 1 ·mean. Holsteins, 1,085 lb mille. Guernseys, 914 lb mil it. fnlr time." it. 1• Rivca Junction Euton Rlli}Ids

'I'he ~~r wo~-''hnttecy"-~ At~A lbfu~JerryJMgenm~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the willful touching of the person 55 grndc Holsteins, 1,178 lb millt; of another by the aggressor or Edgebrook F'arm, .31 grade Hoi·

.~~~---~----~IDI-~~---~~--~~~ by some substance put In motion steins, 1,116 lb mille; R. E. Bills, by him, and Is the consummation 20 grade Holsteins, 1,147 lb mill<; I

AUCTION Funds to be used for, pur~hasa of a hospital bod or wheel

ch11ir, to be l-oaned to those needing the services.

Saturdayi April 27. 1957 I :30 P .. M., Sharp

Wooden-wheel Wagon John Deere Hay Loader Beet and Bean Cultivator One-man Saw Spray Pump with barrel 20 Bales First Cutting Alfalfa

with Bromo 17 Windows Sink Overstuffed Chair Refrigerator Coal Water Hoator Milk Cart

'Desk Lamp

Table Lamp ,

Largo Covered Picnic B11sket Gallon of Rod P11int Piano Bench Library Table Aluminum Cookware Quantity of Dishes Sport Coat (man's) · Coffee Server Canned Fruit and Jolly Quantity of Baked Goods

TERMS: - Cash

Wheatfield. Grange. Hall CLARE BAKER, Auctioneer


Want a Bigger and Steadier

of an assault. 0. J. Smith & Son, 28 grade Hol- 1 So putting the 2 together to be steins, 1.,240 lb mill<; Chellis Ha1l,

guilty of both "assault and bat· 47 grade Holsteins, 1,178 lb mill<; tery" there has to be a threat or Charles Davis, 32 registered Hoi· offer to dn personal injury fol· steins, 1 ,11.6 lh mill<; Harry Co· lowed by the actual touching oi vert. & Son, 32 registered Hoi· another In the attempt to Injure. steins, 1,0fi4 lh mill<; C. A. Diehl.

One of the many interesting & Sons, 45 registered Hol~teins, things .Is the fact that you can 1,117 lh milk; ·Howard Coy, 16 be guilty of assault/without ac. registered Holsteins, 1,116 lh tually touching the person of the mill<; Don .Williams, 49 registered one assaulted. For instance, a Holsteins, 1,147 lb milk; Rae Col· person who fires a gun in the eli· lar. 26 grade Holsteins, 1,1.47 lh rection of a crowd of persons mille; Denzil Hill, ·.22 grade Hoi· may be guilty of an assault on steins, 1,178 lb milk; H. Lock· each one. wood & Son, .31 grade Holsteins,

Of course there are a lot of 1,116 lh milk; Donal Parlts, 16 variations In the l1ind of assault grade Holsteins, 1,085 lb millt; depending upon the circum- Dr. George Clinton, 49 registered· stances. For Instance there Is till" Holsteins, 1,178 lb mlllt; and charge of "assault and infliction Ernest Shaw, 23 grade Holsteins, of serious injury." If you'1·e 1,085 lb mille. found guilty of an assault In At 40.3 Jb fat, F'red Graf, [i0 which you racltcd up another per· registered Holsteins, 1,116 Jb son you can be punished by spending up to a year in the county jail or state prison or pay. lng $500 or both. And· depending on how had you work t.he othet• persnn over you could . get charged with· "felonious assault" or "assault with Intent to d9 great bodlly harm less than mur­der" in which case the years in prison and/or the fine go way up. .

So my suggestion to you is that the next 'time you get angry­don't threaten lo heat the other fellow up. Instead, stick your head under the cold water tap until you· cool off-It's cheaper.

Low Mainfena.nce . .

On ·Landscaping Home I~ndscaplng yields more

en,joyment. when they have._mlni­mum care requirements. ·

·Joseph T. Cox, extension spe· clallst In landscape ar.chltectur0 at Michigan State university, ad· vises home owners to curb their desires for a great variety of plants In their landscape design.

Too many types of plants com· plicate the care of the shrubbery I and do not contribute to the over· all effect of the landscape.

Other tips Cox offers In land· scape. planning nre: ·

, I will sell at public ~uction the following described (ll'O(IIlrty at the farm located 2 miltls west of Tompl,ins

Center on ~1-50 or 13 rmllls northwest of Jacl,son on ~1-50 (farm 30 rods north of M-50) watch for auction sign.

1:00 P.M. SATURDAY, APRIL 27 1:00 P.M.

Phone Mason Price Brothers Phone

Stockbridge UL 1-3342 OR 6-5754 Auctioneers

Household Goods llot(loint 8 cu. ft. Refrigerator, go01l coJl(lition Bottlc<l Gas 4-burner Stove, nice condition Speed Queen Washing Machine, lil'e new White 1\itehen Cabinet Wilson SHwing Machilie Kitchen Table 4 Dining Room Chairs 3·tJiece Mohair Living Room Suite 15x15 Wool Rug Occasional Chair End Table 1 Maga:dne Table

Farm Machinery-. Equipment

,John Dot~re H Tractor John DtlCJ'e 2-row Cultivator Bean Puller Attachment

.._Van. Brunt 13-dise Grain Drill with fertilizer attachment

International Side Ralw

Milk Check? Study your family's way of llv·

lng and plan your landscape to fit In with this pattern. Cox ac': vises changing the landscape to fit this pattcm-not change the living patterns to fit the land· scaplng. Types· of materials used, for instanc;_(), will depend on the amount of use tho at·ea gets.

3-wny Floor Lamp BHclnvith IIHating Stove Reading Lamtl Box SIII'ings and Mattress Duplex Jlcating Stove ·

Iron Bed

I?ootstool Oult Commodtl ·

· , Hoover Sweeller Electric Kitchen Clock

Oliver 16-inch Raydex Plow on rubber International 11-holll Gratin Drill Oliver 3-section llarrow 10-ft. Dum11 Rake Massey-Harris Grain Bhuler DeHring fi-ft. Mower . Rubber-tired Wagon ~leCormiel' 5-ft. ~lower

Find Out How You Can Get It at

Dairy Farmers Cooperative Meeting Ingham Lo~al

FRIDAY, APRIL 26-8 P. M. ' . ~

·Mason - Court House

·Hear . Ho-mer ··Martin . . .

and Sam. Bailo · Discuss Price· for ·:the.·. Produ~.t · · a~d .'ch~i~a.go, Mid.~est · ~eeting,

r ' • ·! . .

. ''

Select plant materials for their mature effect. Avoid substJtu. tlons for· temporary effects.

u'se ground cover plants where they can be controlccl and where they. will cover bare ground.· Orl· glnal planning with the use of ground covers will save time nnd effort. In later care.

Select slow-growing plant ma·· terlals; maintenance requlre-·ments are lower. · .. · ·

Use mulch materials such as compost, leaf mold, rotted SIIW dust, i·otted barnyard fertilizer, ground corncobs, rawn clippings and peat moss as a covering· for t.he soli-between plants In shrub beds. Mulches help hold moisture, . reduce cultivating and provide a background 'color to help unify the shrub pla~tlng. · ..

On a· good legume, or legume· grass, pasture, allow 6 to . 8 sows or· gilts ·and their' Il.tters per acre,

' ' . . \ ' .. ' •,

Oak Drt~sser 8-day Mantle Cloe), ~lcdieine Cabinet . ·Quantity of PiCJtures Odds and Ends of Dishes Cooldng utensils 22 Remington' Rifle Quantity other Household Articles

.Grain 700 Bushels Good Ear Com

Quantity White Beans

Electric Fan

lntermttionnl 1\llumre StJrcadnr 1\lilleJ• Bean Puller. 2-wlwel Stocl' Trailer Land Roller Traetor Buzz Saw Stone Boat, new hcatl 2 Walldng Plows Platfot•m Scales 16-ft. Row Boat J~vinrude Outboard Motor Small Stock Tanl• Quantity of Corn Crib Fence 2 20-rod Rolls of Fence 22-ft. Extension Ladder . Stc11 ( ... adder 18x24 Tar11 Quantity' 2x6I ... umber 2 Botti<' Gas Tanl•s Wheelbarrow 2 ~or~ls Oal' Wood . 50 Grain Bags · Quanttty Carpenter Tools · . . · other Small Articles Too Numerous to ~lention

. ' . l

TERMS:~Cash , N~t Responsibl•. for Accidents ,· . No Goods Re,.;,o~ed Until. Settled. F~r. · \ ·: · · ·. ·


roce dings of B ar~ of Supervisors lng nty News I TCR 11! VOrl!

1 I I 0 0 1 I II I

2 2 I 0 221 1000

125, 1 57 p y 5 umAt. N ems

egal Notic s


Boolt Tall~ Gardene•·s ·Should N·ot Use llnlll'' nrwn In ~~~. Jlllhlla nt llnll ·st.··mulator on' Some Crops PR·a· . FESS,IONAL Mamnrlal "'"""" l11gh11m Gnunty 1.1· ·

hrnrYl Mnnl!uy l.hrmuch Suturrlny, 2~fi ·

l'i ,'/lo!,~':lm:'"Y'r,lr.~i~:~·"·.~~~~.~.\1 ~··~:~,·:~t1· Glbhcrclllc ncld, the plan I. nlso Rpemj up tho growth of ·

Buturrlny, IO-I~ •· m. plunts grow 2 trl 5 times faster ornnmcntnls. · Tuoudny """ 1'hurodnv, 7·U r. m-111111

gmwth st.lmulator thnt mnlw~ young trr:es and slnw·growlnll' BUSINESS SERVICE Prospective .June brides mny than nnrrnnl, Js not recommended 'I'he mnterlnl Is usully np· •

ohtuin lnf(>rmnllon on nil nspeets for usc_ on edible crops. pllerlns n spray nnrl the commcr· of plunnlng a wcrlrllng Irom bnni\H l'inl products give dlrecilons for nt the Inghnm county··uhmry. But home gardeners who want usc. MSU speclnllsts recom· One of the most recent hool\s Is til do some experimenting with mend applying the material In GOOD HOUSEKEEPING'S COM· the growth promoter cnn use It commrvnllvc umounts. Ovc!r·np· PLE'fg WEDDING GUIDg, cd· on many hou~c plants nnrl flow- pllcrtl.lon cnn cause effects op·

er~. nccordln~ to horticulture d 1 l · llerl hy Elluthcth S. Weston. 'rho speelnllsts at Michigan State unl· poslte of lncrcnse s ze nnr 'manual covers all of t.lw questions curlier flqwerlng. · :the bride nnd her family might vm·s!ly. Glbb!!ri!lllc ncld Is not a plant aslt-frnm t.110se about showers 'J'hc clwmlcal will hasten flow- !oorl, point nul the spcclali~ts. If to werldlng music. crlng- nnd lncrense the size of you usc It on plants, you will

these plants nnrl flower·s. nlso necrl t.o Sll(lply extra plnnl Other prnct:lcal hool\s lndud~ :Mnn~ucrltc Bentley's WEDDING Avalluhlc commercially under food and water to tal\c cnre o! ·ETIQUETI'E COMPLETE, Mnr- severn! cllffr.r•ent trade nnme:;, the Increased growth and llow· ,jorle Woods' YOUR WEDDING, glhberelllc aeld or glhherellln can crlng, •Brides Magazines THE BRTDE'S 'BOOK OF ETIQUI~'!Tl~, and tlw :well-known GUIDE FOR THT~ BRIDE.

• The latest crlltlnn of Emll.v 'Post's ETIQUETTE rlr.scrllms •preparations for the most r.lah· ,orate as well as the simplest wed-· dings. Anollwr· excellent hand· ·book Is Amy Vanderbilt's COM· PLETE BOOK OF ETIQUETTE.

Prospective sct•vicc brides will do well to heed lite advice offerer! In Elizabeth Land's COMPLJO:'rg GUIDI~ J~on '11-IE srmvicE­MAN'S WIPE. Tltnt Is

·not just an exercise In mannerH Is stressed In hooks lil•c Ray Han· dolph's MARRIAGE IS A SERI· :ous BUSINESS, Frances Strain's MARRIAGE IS FOR TWO, I-Iar­rlet Pllpel's YOUR MARRIAGE AND 'I'I-IE LAW, und Beatrice


There nre some 40 million gar· dcners In America-almost one nut of every 4 persons, according to the estimate of one seed grow-er.

To meet lite need for lnformn­tlon on r.;nrrlcnlng, the Ingham county llbt•ary has bLJilt up an extensive collectirm of honl\s, magazines, and government pub· llcatlons that will help gardeners to learn more <tbout gr·owing lhln~s.

Tlie library has matel'ial on all phases of gardening-how to pre­pam the soil, whnl to plant, nccdcr! {!I]Uipmcnt, weeding, cul­livullng, harvesting, and how to combat Insect pests. Boul1s nnrl pamphlets on vegetable, fruit,

Ingham County News April 25, 1957 Page 6

ami nower growlnr.: suitable for both beginners and experience~!

~arrleners nrc avnllable. Some of the recent bool1s which

will he of lnl£~resl t·n gardeners lnclurle FLOWER GTWWING IN THE NORTH, 11 month by month gui!le, by George Luxton; ALL ABOUT 'l'HE PERENNIAL GAR· DEN by Montar.;uc Free, MOD· ERN GARDENING and WHAT'S Nl~W IN GARDENING by Pns· cal Pirone, MAJ(ING A GARDEN TO BLOOM THIS YEAR, by Grac:e Tahor, and TilE GARDEN· ER'S BUG BOK by Cynthia West· colt.

Bool\s which arc not owned h.V lhc Inglwm enLltllY library may be borrowed free through inter· library Jonn from the Michigan stale library,

Archery, n sport with a Jon~. Interesting history lncludln~ the fca ts of Robin Hood, Is becom· in~ extrc'mcly popular in the United Stales.

And judging from interest In archery ilnol\s at the Ingham county Jilmu·y, the sport must al· so he gaining more converts in this aren.

Especially useful bool\s Include GUIDE TO BETTER ARCHERY by Thomas Forbes and THE ARCHrmY HANDBOOK by Ed· munrl Burke. Both hooks cover


Have your stoclt truclted to the mnrltet thut·· mnlws the marltet

Beebe'S West Side by experienced truclters. . ALL ANIMALS INSURED

"Your Friendly Neighborhood Semi-Trucl\ Service now Avnllnble Grocery" Cnll us on any l1lnd ofdlvestoclt

you wish to sell at home. Open Evenings and SundfiYS See us tor your registered Hamp·

Texaco Gns-011 shire breeding stoclt, The best :n 204 N. Cedar Ph. OR 7-415l meat type .hogs. J

We Give Gold Stamps

"We Bnrbccue In the Store''

George's Market We deliver on orders of $2.00 or


424 S. Jefferson Mason

Phone OR 7·7151



Weddings Funerals · Parties Delivery Service

Clements Flower Shop 1982 Walnut- Ph. OX 4-1791


Bim Franklin Licensed Dealer, Mason

Phone Olt 7-8!141

Livestock Trucking Detroit, Ballle Creek and all .

local mnrkels 1

All Liveslocl< Insured Also Corn and Grain Hauling Your Agrlco Fertilizer Dealer

Walter Bruhn Plains Road, Route 1, Mason

Phone Leslie JU 9-3836 15wtf

Bottle Gas

Phil gas Bottled Gas


Perfect·ion the !tmdamcntals necessary to j acquire good shooting form. , Well

Other av<tilable manuals are: Drilling 20-lb Self-Service Cylinders 100-lb Delivered Cylinders

Both are automatic systems Lower rates for. dual appliance

users The average man-in-the-street

has almost no conception of the compleKity of a funeral director's professional work-only the vis­ible evidence of the accomplish­ment. Those . who have called us KNOW of the pride. we take in the creation of a beautiful mem. ~ry picture.


NOTICE Public Hearing

'rho clly~councll will mcttt Mnmlii:Y, Mny fi, 1057, ut, 8:00 o'uluck p, m ..

!:' 111 the t:ity COUIIC!iJ l'flOffi!i lo l"t~~·Jew thu fnJioWill!-{ Ht,cciul llH~t.!HI41n4.'Ul I'O[ls

und nt ISnid lime und Iiltwc nuy tnn·son intct'ctl~ctl !11 ot' ohjccUn~ tu Hni~l

· speclnl llHHL!aHrncut roiiK mny file hin opinlonH thcrclu in wl'iLhHf with the

clly clcl'i<.

1. An H-Inch snnitnt·y tHlWt~t· from the lntcr·cetllot• on WeAL Onk Stl'cot, wcut I riO linen! feet. Et~llmntml crmt $00o.on,

ARCHERY by Nntalle Reichert and Gilman Keasey, FIRST BOW AND ARROW by Carrol Colby, HOW TO MAKE MODERN ARCHERY TACKLE by Trncy Stalker, BUCKS AND BOWS by Waller Perry, HUNTING WITH THE BOW AND ARROW by Sax­ton Pope, anrl the OUTDOOR SPORTS MANUAL.

810 WHEELS-Members o! a field gun team ferry a pair o! heavy gun wheels over an ob­st~cle course by means of cable and pulley. The operation took ]ilncc at the Royal Naval Air Station . at Lee- on- So lent, Hampshire, England, during pt•actice for the forthcoming Royal Tournament at Eat·l's Court. This team won the field gun event last year~

Well Drilling a. arul 4-lnch for farm and home, 6· to 10-lnc.h for ulr conditioning and Irrigation.


'fo fit your needs Sold und Installed

Roy C. Hart 1:.128 S. Jefferi!Kin Phone OR 7·2231

S. W. Hart (at I!Kiuth city llmlf8)

1334 S. Jefferson Phone OR 7•0131


{Watches· Bulova - Elgin • Hamllton • Wyler

. . Rings'· .Bracelets . Orange Blossom Diamond Rings

William Fink ·JEWELER

Next to Fox Tb.catre Mason


Installation Conversion Bottled Gas Appliances

Mason Home Appliance

120.W. Maple Phone ORchard 7·5911

MASTERS BoHied Gas and Appliance

233 Brookfield Dr. EAST LANSING

Phone ED 2-3204 or IV 2·5861

Btl. Wlijif!M •.

Bottled Gas in

20-Ib Self-Serve Cylinders 60-lb


100-lb Delivered Cylinders Lower rates for dual appliance

users Inquire about

BULK today!

Clean, trouble-free and modern living at lower cost! You do not have to buy the tanl<. Built In· stallatlon of 500, 650 and 1000 gal_lon capacity.

Leslie Appliance 210 E. Bellevue


Loolcas smart as you urel

Elite Beauty Shop Tank Cleaner Upholstery

I We custom-hulld furniture to


115 S. Jefferson Ruby Campbell

Also concrete SCJllia tanl\s for Mason sale.

ynur tustc. IInvc lovely new :;amplcs of all type~ of frtbrlcs. Will call at your home to give est !mates. Wu plcl•up and de· liver.

Ph. OR 7·2331


3 V.1 miles east of Hoi t Phone OR 7-7615 Revlon Products Denuty Service

Wlllmlt Guaranteed Hosiery 7w4


Babs• ·Photos Complete Photogr•phy Sorvlco WEDD.JNGS A .<PECIALTY

634 S. Barnes Mason

Phone OR 7-4391

Farm Tools Minneapolis-Moline

Oliver Farm Implements

l{lng·Wisc Elevators Lincoln Welrlers

Chore-Boy Mlll<er Parts

FranCis Platt 1 mile north of Mason on US-127

Nursing Home

The E_. .R. Lilly Nursing Home

Corner of State and Park-Mason Phone OR 6-5552

• Fine Home-Coolted Meals • Registered Pr<1ctical Nurse • Fifteen Years of Experience

Information and References Gladly Given

SPECIALTY SPRAYING Multi-color Fleck Painting

Homes - Rooms - Offices Furniture

Free Estimates

Walt or Jack Hetzer OX 4-2861 OR 7-8701

Linoleum Floor.Tile

Linoleum and Floor. Coverings. Armstrong's Linoleum Expert Laying Service

Bigelow and Mohawl> Carpets

··Baii•Dunn Floor Coverings

Mason Phone OR 7·0231


Francis Sloan Williamston, Hollie 2

Phone 071-W

Pre~cri ptions "Prescr·lptlons Are Our


Hitchens Drug Store·

Courteous Service


Refrigeratio11 Domestic and Cornrnrrclal

Refrigeration Service

Lawrence Schnepp Phone Eaton Rapids

377'1 or 4·2fl14

Auctioneer a ------------------------

Glenn Casey Auctioneer

Williamston, Michigan

Phone Collect 559-J or 9-W

Mathias Upholstery Corner Collegr. rond and US-127

Pilotte OR 7-<1821

l<ean' s 5-10c-$1 Store Venr.t Jan Blinds

Paper, Plastl£1 and Cloth Window Shades

Repair Venetian Blinds Phone OH. 7-5491

Plumbing-Heating Eieet.rlcal

Sales - Service - Installations

RON LEWIS i:'ltoncs OH. G-1073 or OR 7·2580 ·-----------··-----

Luxaire Furnaces • Sheet Metal Work • Estimates Gladly Given

Wiljax Heating Co. Wilbert Hcynolds, Owner 2202 Bertha Street, Holt

PIJone Holt OX '1-2421


Rn•:IH!t Ahead with

Oldsmobile Home For Better Buys In New and Used Cars

Service see

-------j N.cCarn Oldsmobile

Available Every1v1tere

Phone OR 7-231.1 246 W. Maple Street


222 S. Cedar Phone OR 7-9681


Bud's Auto Parts "Ccntrnl Michi~nn's Largest

Dealer i 11 Late Model Salvage" Phone OX 9-2154

South of Holt · 2 Miles · NorUL ol '/vht6vu

Office and Home.


_ _.;;;s;.._,;;;:;_;;· u_pp=-=....;::1 ie:::..=...s _ LEDGERS -JOURNALS___: CASH BOOKS


Complete Office Supply System


We Deliver Phone Mason OR 7-9011

2. An 8~1uch twnilnry Hcwoa· ft·nm exislln~ Acwcl' ut the coi'IWt' o£ South I.nnt~ln~-: nnrl Wct~t Onl.; Sl.rul't.H, thence WcHt in Onk Stt·ecL to Mcfioh· urLK Stl'cct, Ulllli'UXImntcly 6411 linen! feet. Est.imutt!d coHt $•1,700.00.

Your cloth~s are 'safe Phone Leslie JU 9·2811 hands. We get them •n•ork·llnrr -----------------c- Hardware clean, beautifully Michigan Climate Conditioned

Lennox Furnaces

Air Condl dopers You Can·· Be

2u. An B-lnch Hnnliat·y lrwwm· in Wt!Ht Onk Sl.t'P-Cl butwmm McHoluwi.R ILhcl Cudnt• Sti'ccLH, HIJJlroxlmutcly UftO linenl, l~Htlinntcd coKl $!J,fillO.Ofl.

3. An 8-lnch tmniLUI'l-' tiCWCI' r.·um the inLcl'CCJltor HCWl!l' On c'hcr·i·y · Street, wcttL in Ohcrry Stl'cel UlllH'o~lmnt~ly 70U lineal feet. EHtintnted cot~L: ·. ·$3,470.111!- -

. 4. An 1-i·lnt~h HHnitnt·y tcnwor· ft•om tlw int.fH'Cl!f~f.ol' Huwcr on Mallie' : Cout·t, wcHL. in Mnblc Cuut·t IIIIProxlmnlcly :110 lincul fuet, Eatlmntetl cuHt: : $2.~011.00, . .

· 5. An 8·1nch Kunilut·y 1\0WCI' fa·om tho cnt•n.ct• of Willow nnd South Luut~iu.r Stt·vctH, wuHt ·In \Villow Street lilllll'oximntcly 700 llnL•al fcot. "Est.i· mnttJd co~t: $3,UOO.OU,

p tl. An 8·1nch tmnltUI'Y KCWCI' ra·orn. the intcl'r.CillOl' "nn South Stroot, wetlt ,ln South St1•cut to within 3•10 foot. of the EnHt line of McRobct·L~. , Sta·cet Ullllt'oxlmntdr 11!70 ltnL•nl feet. l~Htimntcd coHL: $6,1JOO.I/O. ,

.: .. 7. An s-lnch Hnnltnr•)• ,Hewer In 'VcML Sout.h· Stt·uct fi'Offi ll J!olnt. 200. feet CIUtt or tho Eutlt "llno of McRolJut•tK St.!'cct, then WCKt In South Stt•cct,' UIJJU'oxlmntcly ~20 llnuul (oct to McfloLol'tK Stl'ut!t, EHimi~tcd cmst: $1,ti00,U·o,

'• ·. 8,. An M·lnch ltllhitHI'Y KIJWOJ' h•om tho cnrnoa· or so{tth lind McRnhcr.tH StreuliS; not•th .ln.'McRubm·tH,Sll•ect. to. Otd< Sh·ccl lliiiU'o:«lmntcly 1,200 llnenl' feet; E•thnntod ·cout: $n,Muu.ou, · I

.. :·:' .' D. ·An S·lnch Hnnlt.tu·y Howca• fi·om tho lntea·coa,tor In South LnrutinJ.t .... Stt•ect, KOUth In. South Lnnt~lng Stl'Ol!l alllllroxlmutoly 7UO linunl rect. E~:~t( ..

rnntcd cost: ,5,000,00, · · ·

. to. An H-Inch 1mnlt1u'y H~woa• from thu 'cot•nca· of Muble Cout•t .a1rld South LnnHiRK StrcolH, no•·th · In South Lnnslng Street IIJ>t>roxllllntcly !j,UO lln'cul .rcct, Eollmutcd eoHt: M.uuo.uu. . ·

utmost care. No Point .rles either!

Modern Dry Cleaners . Phone op., 7-1511

The Sweeper Shop 2608 s: Logan, Lansing'

Phone ·rv 5·9005 Week Days - 5. p. m.-9 p. in.

· All Day. Saturdays Hoover and. G. E. Dealer

We Repair. All Makes Free Pickup and Delivery

Bottled· GC's Instnllatlon, conversion nnd ap· pllances. County-wide delivery.

Hill's Bottle Gas 3135 Ol<emos road, Olmmos . Phone La'nsing .ED 7·7849 .


·Mason · · Phone OR 6·5632

Sporting Goods

Cady Hardware Plumbing and Heating

141 W. Ash ._ Mason

DuPont Paint Evinrude Motors

Glass Glazing

· Tools Radios

Perkins Hardware·_


One· of the Family­


Just $2.50 WILL BUY .. ·


to t~e