hypoglycemia and pulmonary edema: a forgotten association

1018 DIABETES CARE, VOLUME 23, NUMBER 7, JULY 2000 OBSERVATIONS Ketosis-Onset Diabetes Without Islet-Associated Autoantibodies in a Patient With MELAS I t has been reported that excessive intake of sugar-containing soft drinks can result in diabetic ketoacidosis or ketosis in obese patients with type 2 diabetes (1). We describe herein soft drink ketosis–onset diabetes in a nonobese patient with mito- chondrial myopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes (MELAS). A 27-year-old Japanese man consulted a local otolaryngeal clinic with a history of tinnitus lasting for 3 weeks and a weight loss of 5 kg in 1 month. He was diagnosed as having sensorineural and apoplectiform deafness and was administered 15 mg prednisolone a day, after which he devel- oped thirst and polydipsia and started drinking 1–3 l of sugar-containing soft drinks a day. After 1 week of prednisolone therapy, he was referred and admitted to our hospital with severe malaise on 6 December 1999. His mother also had diabetes, which was effectively controlled with nateglinide, and sensorineural deaf- ness. The patient’s height was 165 cm, and his weight was 44 kg (BMI 16.2 kg/m 2 ). He was lucid and of normal mental clarity. His urine was glucose positive, his blood glu- cose level was 28.2 mmol/l, and his HbA 1c was 8.6%. Blood gas analysis revealed metabolic acidosis (pH = 7.337, base excess = 3.0 mmol/l, and HCO 3 = 22.8 mmol/l). His urine was strongly positive for ketones, and the serum level of total ketone bodies was 2,232 μmol/l, of 3-hydroxybutylic acid 1,774 μmol/l, and of acetoacetate 458 μmol/l. Serum levels of lactate and pyruvate were 3.0 mmol/l and 167 μmol/l, respectively. The patient was negative for islet-associated autoantibodies, including anti-GAD antibody, anti–IA-2 antibody, islet cell antibody, and insulin autoantibody, and specific HLAs for type 1 diabetes in Japanese people. We diagnosed the patient as having diabetic ketoacidosis and treated him with continuous insulin infusion. After good glycemic control was achieved with intensive insulin therapy (38 U/day), urinary excretion of C-peptide was 8.28 μmol/day, and basal serum level of C-peptide was 0.46 nmol/l. His serum levels of C-peptide responded well to glucagon and arginine challenges, which achieved 1.08 and 2.81 nmol/l, respec- tively. The maternal transmission of his sensorineural deafness and diabetes prompted us to examine him for mito- chondrial diabetes. A fragment of mito- chondrial DNA containing nucleotide 3243 was amplified by means of a poly- merase chain reaction using a rhodamine- labeled primer and the product was digested with ApaI. The digested product was then separated by acrylamide gel elec- trophoresis and each product was quanti- tated with the aid of a fluorescence ana- lyzer. The ratios of heteroplasmic A-to-G mutation of the mitochondrial tRNA Leu(UUR) gene at position 3243 were 26% in the leukocytes and 66% in the biceps brachii muscle. Systemic skeletal muscle atrophy was evident and his gripping power was weak (right 24 kg, left 22 kg). Exercise at 15W for 15 min, as measured with an ergometer, increased serum lactate and pyruvate levels from 2.2 mmol/l and 158 μmol/l to 4.4 mmol/l and 183 μmol/l, respectively. Histological examination with Gomori-trichrome staining of a biopsy specimen from the biceps brachii muscle showed a moderate variation in fiber size and ragged red fibers (5–10%), indicating mitochondrial myopathy. On the 26th day of admission and just after lunch, the patient experienced a stroke-like episode, consisting of a sudden convulsion followed by syncope for 10 min. Blood gas analysis showed severe metabolic acidosis (pH = 7.108, base excess = 15.1 mmol/l, and HCO 3 = 14.2 mmol/l). Slow waves at 5 Hz were scattered in an electroencephalo- gram obtained while the patient was con- scious. Brain atrophy and calcification of the basal ganglia were not evident on com- puted tomography scan of the brain. Sin- gle-photon emission computed tomogra- phy showed a paradoxical increase in the cerebellar blood flow, even though the mean cerebral blood flow was normal. On the basis of these findings, we diagnosed the patient as having MELAS. Soft drink–induced ketosis is often associated with obesity or a history of obe- sity (1,2). Such patients can recover endogenous insulin secretion after initial intensive insulin therapy, after which their blood glucose can be effectively controlled with diet therapy only. Our patient, how- ever, had a slim build and no history of obesity. He needed intensive insulin ther- apy to maintain good glycemic control even after the initial treatment, whereas insulin responses to nonglucose secreta- gogues, such as glucagon and arginine, were comparatively well maintained, as reported previously (3). Islet-associated autoantibodies and specific HLAs for type 1 diabetes in Japanese people, which are reported to be occasionally associated with mitochondrial diabetes (4,5), were not observed in our patient. Glucose toxicity caused by steroid therapy and excessive intake of sugar-containing soft drinks and the impaired insulin secreting ability caused by mitochondrial 3243 mutation seem to have caused ketoacidosis-onset diabetes in this case. Nonobese patients with diabetic ketoacidosis caused by exces- sive intake of sugar-containing soft drinks should, therefore, be examined for the presence of mitochondrial gene mutation. TOSHINARI TAKAMURA, MD, PHD YUKIHIRO NAGAI, MD, PHD MUNEYOSHI TORITA, MD HARUHISA YAMASHITA, MD TOSHIO KAHARA, MD YOSHITAKA KOSHINO, MD, PHD KEN-ICHI KOBAYASHI, MD, PHD From the First Department of Internal Medicine (T.T., Y.N., M.T., H.Y., T.K., K.K.), School of Medi- cine, Kanazawa University; and the Koshino Hospi- tal (Y.K.), Ishikawa, Japan. Address correspondence to Toshinari Takamura, MD, PhD, the First Department of Internal Medi- cine, School of Medicine, Kanazawa University, 13-1 Takara-machi, Kanazawa, Ishikawa 920-8641, Japan. E-mail: [email protected]. References 1. Yamada K, Nonaka K: Diabetic ketoacido- sis in young obese Japanese men: atypical diabetes induced by sugar-containing soft drinks (Letter). Diabetes Care 19:671, 1996 2. Tanaka K, Moriya T, Kanamori A, Yajima Y: Analysis and a long-term follow up of ketosis-onset Japanese NIDDM patients. Diabetes Res Clin Pract 44:137–146, 1999 3. Suzuki Y, Iizuka T, Kobayashi T, Nishikawa T, Atsumi Y, Kadowaki T, Oka Y, Kadowaki H, Taniyama M, Hosokawa K, Asahina T, Matsuoka K: Diabetes mellitus associated with the 3243 mitochondrial tRNA(Leu) (UUR) mutation: insulin secretion and sen- sitivity. Metabolism 46:1019–1023, 1997 4. Oka Y, Katagiri H, Yazaki Y, Murase T, Kobayashi T: Mitochondrial gene muta- tion in islet-cell-antibody-positive patients who were initially non-insulin-dependent diabetics. Lancet 342:527–528, 1993 5. Kobayashi T, Oka Y, Katagiri H, Falorni A, Kasuga A, Takei I, Nakanishi K, Murase T, LETTERS

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Ketosis-Onset Diabetes WithoutIslet-AssociatedAutoantibodies in aPatient With MELAS

It has been reported that excessive intakeof sugar-containing soft drinks can resultin diabetic ketoacidosis or ketosis in

obese patients with type 2 diabetes (1). Wedescribe herein soft drink ketosis–onsetdiabetes in a nonobese patient with mito-chondrial myopathy, lactic acidosis, andstroke-like episodes (MELAS).

A 27-year-old Japanese man consulteda local otolaryngeal clinic with a history oftinnitus lasting for 3 weeks and a weightloss of 5 kg in 1 month. He was diagnosedas having sensorineural and apoplectiformdeafness and was administered 15 mgprednisolone a day, after which he devel-oped thirst and polydipsia and starteddrinking 1–3 l of sugar-containing softdrinks a day. After 1 week of prednisolonetherapy, he was referred and admitted toour hospital with severe malaise on6 December 1999. His mother also haddiabetes, which was effectively controlledwith nateglinide, and sensorineural deaf-ness. The patient’s height was 165 cm, andhis weight was 44 kg (BMI 16.2 kg/m2). Hewas lucid and of normal mental clarity. Hisurine was glucose positive, his blood glu-cose level was 28.2 mmol/l, and his HbA1c

was 8.6%. Blood gas analysis revealedmetabolic acidosis (pH = 7.337, baseexcess = �3.0 mmol/l, and HCO3 = 22.8mmol/l). His urine was strongly positivefor ketones, and the serum level of totalketone bodies was 2,232 µmol/l, of3-hydroxybutylic acid 1,774 µmol/l, andof acetoacetate 458 µmol/l. Serum levels oflactate and pyruvate were 3.0 mmol/l and167 µmol/l, respectively. The patient wasnegative for islet-associated autoantibodies,including anti-GAD antibody, anti–IA-2antibody, islet cell antibody, and insulinautoantibody, and specific HLAs for type 1diabetes in Japanese people. We diagnosedthe patient as having diabetic ketoacidosisand treated him with continuous insulininfusion. After good glycemic control wasachieved with intensive insulin therapy(38 U/day), urinary excretion of C-peptidewas 8.28 µmol/day, and basal serum level

of C-peptide was 0.46 nmol/l. His serumlevels of C-peptide responded well toglucagon and arginine challenges, whichachieved 1.08 and 2.81 nmol/l, respec-tively. The maternal transmission of hissensorineural deafness and diabetesprompted us to examine him for mito-chondrial diabetes. A fragment of mito-chondrial DNA containing nucleotide3243 was amplified by means of a poly-merase chain reaction using a rhodamine-labeled primer and the product wasdigested with ApaI. The digested productwas then separated by acrylamide gel elec-trophoresis and each product was quanti-tated with the aid of a fluorescence ana-lyzer. The ratios of heteroplasmic A-to-Gmutation of the mitochondrial tRNALeu(UUR)

gene at position 3243 were 26% in theleukocytes and 66% in the biceps brachiimuscle. Systemic skeletal muscle atrophywas evident and his gripping power wasweak (right 24 kg, left 22 kg). Exercise at15W for 15 min, as measured with anergometer, increased serum lactate andpyruvate levels from 2.2 mmol/l and 158µmol/l to 4.4 mmol/l and 183 µmol/l,respectively. Histological examination withGomori-trichrome staining of a biopsyspecimen from the biceps brachii muscleshowed a moderate variation in fiber sizeand ragged red fibers (5–10%), indicatingmitochondrial myopathy. On the 26th dayof admission and just after lunch, thepatient experienced a stroke-like episode,consisting of a sudden convulsion followedby syncope for 10 min. Blood gas analysisshowed severe metabolic acidosis (pH =7.108, base excess = �15.1 mmol/l, andHCO3 = 14.2 mmol/l). Slow waves at �5Hz were scattered in an electroencephalo-gram obtained while the patient was con-scious. Brain atrophy and calcification ofthe basal ganglia were not evident on com-puted tomography scan of the brain. Sin-gle-photon emission computed tomogra-phy showed a paradoxical increase in thecerebellar blood flow, even though themean cerebral blood flow was normal. Onthe basis of these findings, we diagnosedthe patient as having MELAS.

Soft drink–induced ketosis is oftenassociated with obesity or a history of obe-sity (1,2). Such patients can recoverendogenous insulin secretion after initialintensive insulin therapy, after which theirblood glucose can be effectively controlledwith diet therapy only. Our patient, how-ever, had a slim build and no history ofobesity. He needed intensive insulin ther-

apy to maintain good glycemic controleven after the initial treatment, whereasinsulin responses to nonglucose secreta-gogues, such as glucagon and arginine,were comparatively well maintained, asreported previously (3). Islet-associatedautoantibodies and specific HLAs for type 1diabetes in Japanese people, which arereported to be occasionally associated withmitochondrial diabetes (4,5), were notobserved in our patient. Glucose toxicitycaused by steroid therapy and excessiveintake of sugar-containing soft drinks andthe impaired insulin secreting abilitycaused by mitochondrial 3243 mutationseem to have caused ketoacidosis-onsetdiabetes in this case. Nonobese patientswith diabetic ketoacidosis caused by exces-sive intake of sugar-containing soft drinksshould, therefore, be examined for thepresence of mitochondrial gene mutation.








From the First Department of Internal Medicine(T.T., Y.N., M.T., H.Y., T.K., K.K.), School of Medi-cine, Kanazawa University; and the Koshino Hospi-tal (Y.K.), Ishikawa, Japan.

Address correspondence to Toshinari Takamura,MD, PhD, the First Department of Internal Medi-cine, School of Medicine, Kanazawa University,13-1 Takara-machi, Kanazawa, Ishikawa 920-8641,Japan. E-mail: [email protected].

References1. Yamada K, Nonaka K: Diabetic ketoacido-

sis in young obese Japanese men: atypicaldiabetes induced by sugar-containing softdrinks (Letter). Diabetes Care 19:671, 1996

2. Tanaka K, Moriya T, Kanamori A, YajimaY: Analysis and a long-term follow up ofketosis-onset Japanese NIDDM patients.Diabetes Res Clin Pract 44:137–146, 1999

3. Suzuki Y, Iizuka T, Kobayashi T, NishikawaT, Atsumi Y, Kadowaki T, Oka Y, KadowakiH, Taniyama M, Hosokawa K, Asahina T,Matsuoka K: Diabetes mellitus associatedwith the 3243 mitochondrial tRNA(Leu)(UUR) mutation: insulin secretion and sen-sitivity. Metabolism 46:1019–1023, 1997

4. Oka Y, Katagiri H, Yazaki Y, Murase T,Kobayashi T: Mitochondrial gene muta-tion in islet-cell-antibody-positive patientswho were initially non-insulin-dependentdiabetics. Lancet 342:527–528, 1993

5. Kobayashi T, Oka Y, Katagiri H, Falorni A,Kasuga A, Takei I, Nakanishi K, Murase T,




Kosaka K, Lernmark A: Associationbetween HLA and islet cell antibodies inpatients with a mitochondrial DNA muta-tion at base pair 3243. Diabetologia 39:1196–1200, 1996

Stability of Disease-AssociatedAntibody Titers in Pregnant WomenWith Type 1 DiabetesWith or WithoutResidual �-Cell Function

Pregnancy has wide-ranging effects onmaternal metabolism and the mater-nal immune system to facilitate the

growth of the semiallogenic fetus. Changesin the immune system appear to affectautoimmune processes, and a number ofstudies have documented clinical changesin autoimmune diseases during preg-nancy, including rheumatoid arthritis,multiple sclerosis, and systemic lupus ery-thematosus (1). Earlier studies have shownan increased incidence of type 1 diabetesonset with pregnancy (2). We wished todetermine whether changes in the immunesystem, secondary to pregnancy, couldmediate �-cell destruction. Therefore, weselected pregnant women with type 1 dia-betes and residual �-cell function and fol-lowed them throughout their pregnancies,hypothesizing that changes in C-peptidelevels and humoral autoantibody levelscould reflect changes in �-cell–destructiveactivity. �-Cell proliferation and growth arepart of the normal adaptive changes associ-ated with pregnancy (3), and the increasedinsulin secretion induced by pregnancycould increase the vulnerability of theremaining �-cells to autoimmune attack.

The study enrolled 97 pairs consistingof mothers and their newborns, whichincluded 40 mothers with type 1 diabetes,21 of whom had detectable C-peptide lev-els, and 57 healthy control subjects. Serumsamples and clinical data were collectedduring gestation, at delivery, and postpar-tum. C-peptide levels and antibody titersagainst the 65kD isoform of GAD65, insuli-noma antigen 2 (IA-2), and insulin weremeasured at weeks 7–10, 25–28, and34–36 of gestation, at delivery, and 6 weeksand 6 months postpartum using techniques

previously described (4–6). Antibody levelswere expressed as an index related to a pos-itive and negative internal standard, andcutoff values for positivity were based on the99th percentile indexes of the pregnantnondiabetic control group. Antibody posi-tivity was determined using the serum sam-ple obtained at delivery; when not available,the next available time point was used. Dif-ferences in mean values between groupswere compared using either a 2-sample Stu-dent’s t test or the Wilcoxon rank-sum test,and correlations were determined using theSpearman rank-correlation coefficient.

As shown in Table 1, the median dis-ease duration in the group of type 1 dia-betic mothers with residual C-peptidewas significantly lower than in mothers

without C-peptide. At the first- and sec-ond-trimester time points, women withC-peptide had significantly lower averageinsulin requirements and HbA1c valuescompared with women without C-peptide(Table 1). However, these differences wereno longer significant at delivery. The find-ings are in agreement with previousreports and confirm that the residualinsulin secretion in these individualsmaintained biological activity (7,8).

Antibody indexes and the frequencyof antibody positivity at delivery for thegroups are shown in Table 1. There wereno significant differences at deliverybetween the groups positive and nega-tive for C-peptide. As expected, therewas a significant negative correlation

Table 1—Maternal and newborn characteristics

Type 1 diabetic subjects Healthy C-peptide positive C-peptide negative control subjects

n 21 19 23*Age at inclusion (years) 27.0 (18–33) 29.0 (19–37) 31.0 (21–41)Diabetes duration (years) 11.0 (2–28)† 18.0 (6–33) N/AC-peptide (ng/ml)

First 0.30 ± 0.38 0 0.71 ± 0.45Second 0.32 ± 0.41 0 1.7 ± 0.59Third 0.39 ± 0.55 0 1.3 ± 0.74Delivery 0.22 ± 0.18 0.1 ± 0.03 1.2 ± 0.62

B-glucose (mmol/l)First 6.5 ± 2.3 7.1 ± 0.5 4.8 ± 0.6Second 6.9 ± 2.6 8.0 ± 2.9 4.8 ± 1.0Third 6.4 ± 2.9 7.6 ± 2.9 4.9 ± 0.7Delivery 7.4 ± 2.3 6.2 ± 2.0 5.1 ± 0.9

HbA1c (%)First 5.5 ± 0.7‡ 6.1 ± 0.9 N/ASecond 5.0 ± 1.1‡ 5.6 ± 0.9 N/AThird 5.2 ± 0.7 5.5 ± 0.8 N/ADelivery 5.1 ± 0.7 5.8 ± 1.4 N/A

Insulin dose IE/kg BW (24 h)First 0.61 ± 0.31‡ 0.84 ± 0.22 N/ASecond 0.77 ± 0.24§ 1.1 ± 0.28 N/AThird 0.98 ± 0.33 1.3 ± 0.47 N/ADelivery 0.97 ± 0.43 1.0 ± 0.5 N/A

GADAbIndex 0.21 ± 0.06 0.21 ± 0.05 0.00 ± 0.002% Positive 48 42 1.8

IA-2AbIndex 0.14 ± 0.05 0.05 ± 0.04 �0.004 ± 0.0004% Positive 40 26 0.0

InsAbIndex 11.9 ± 6.5 7.6 ± 2.9 1.0 ± 0.04% Positive 52 68 1.8

Data are n or means ± SD, except for age at inclusion and diabetes duration, which are expressed as medi-ans (ranges), and antibody indexes, which are expressed as means ± SEM. Test points refer to first (weeks7–22), second (weeks 18–33), and third (weeks 28–39) trimesters, and delivery. *For antibody studies,the control group also included individuals studied only at delivery with a total n = 57. †P � 0.01, ‡P �0.05, §P � 0.001 when compared with type 1 diabetic mothers who were negative for C-peptide.



between the GAD antibody index atdelivery and diabetes duration (r =�0.35, P = 0.03).

Longitudinal measurements of anti-body levels for individual mothers classi-fied as antibody positive are shown foreach of the 3 antibodies in Fig. 1. Therewas no difference in mean antibody levelsat any of the time points between the C-peptide–positive group and the C-pep-tide–negative group for any of the anti-bodies. Individual antibody levels for

GAD65, IA-2, and insulin generallyremained constant during pregnancy, andthere were no significant differences inmean values between time points for anyof the antibodies for either of the C-pep-tide groups. There appeared to be a smalldecrease in antibody titers at the thirdtrimester, perhaps as a result of hemodilu-tion during pregnancy.

This general stability in antibody lev-els throughout pregnancy and postpartumsuggests that the mechanisms by which

autoantibodies are produced continueunabated, despite the significant immuno-logical changes occurring as pregnancydevelops. Interestingly, there does notappear to be any effect of residual �-cellfunction on autoantibody levels in ourstudy. The generation of autoantibodiesmay be independent of antigen levels inindividuals with a long history of diabetes.Alternatively, these low levels of �-cellsecretion, though biologically active, maynot be sufficient to significantly alter thechronic autoimmune processes generatingautoantibodies.

In the C-peptide–positive mothers, weexamined the changes in C-peptide levelsduring gestation. Of the 21 mothers, 11showed increases in C-peptide levels fromthe first to third trimester, whereas theremaining 10 showed decreases. The meanchange in C-peptide levels for the 2 groupswas �0.32 ± 0.15 ng/ml and �0.19 ± 0.08ng/ml, respectively. Comparing antibodyindexes in mothers from the 2 groups founda higher mean insulin antibody index inwomen with decreasing C-peptide levelsduring pregnancy. This difference was statis-tically significant at partus (P = 0.04).

The absence of a generalized increasein C-peptide levels during pregnancy sug-gests that residual �-cell function in anumber of these women does not followtraditional regulation. Moreover, in manypatients the changes were small, puttinginto question their clinical significance.The significance of increased insulin anti-bodies in a subgroup of these women isunclear but may suggest that insulin anti-bodies at sufficiently high levels can beassociated with impaired �-cell function.

In conclusion, this study demonstratesa general stability of autoantibody titersduring pregnancy in women with type 1diabetes. In women with residual �-cellfunction, pregnancy had varying effects on�-cell output, with approximately equalnumbers of women showing increases anddecreases in C-peptide levels from the firstto third trimesters. We found no relation-ship between residual �-cell function dur-ing pregnancy and changes in autoanti-body titers. This suggests that the increasedrisk of developing type 1 diabetes duringpregnancy is not likely to be explained byenhanced autoimmune �-cell destructionbut rather by an increased insulin demandcaused by insulin resistance.



Figure 1—Longitudinal measurements of diabetes antibody markers during pregnancy in womenwith type 1 diabetes.









From the Molecular and Cellular Biology Program(E.J.N.) and the Department of Medicine (E.J.N.,C.S.H., L.B., Å.L.), University of Washington, Seat-tle, Washington; the Department of Pediatrics(E.Ö., B.E.P.), Astrid Lindgren Childrens Hospital,the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology(E.N.), Karolinska Hospital, and the Department ofObstetrics and Gynecology (L.E.), Huddinge Hospi-tal, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden.

Address correspondence to Åke Lernmark, PhD,Department of Medicine, R.H. Williams Laboratory,University of Washington, Box 357710, Seattle, WA98195. E-mail: [email protected].

References1. Wilder RL: Hormones, pregnancy, and

autoimmune diseases. Ann N Y Acad Sci840:45–50, 1998

2. Buschard K, Buch I, Molsted-Pedersen L,Hougaard P, Kuhl C: Increased incidenceof true type I diabetes acquired duringpregnancy. Br Med J (Clin Res Ed) 294:275–279, 1987

3. Sorenson RL, Brelje TC: Adaptation ofislets of Langerhans to pregnancy: beta-cell growth, enhanced insulin secretionand the role of lactogenic hormones. HormMetab Res 29:301–307, 1997

4. Heding LG: Radioimmunological determi-nation of human C-peptide in serum. Dia-betologia 11:541–548, 1975

5. Grubin CE, Daniels T, Toivola B, Landin-Olsson M, Hagopian WA, Li L, KarlsenAE, Boel E, Michelsen B, Lernmark A: Anovel radioligand binding assay to deter-mine diagnostic accuracy of isoform-spe-cific glutamic acid decarboxylase antibod-ies in childhood IDDM. Diabetologia 37:344–350, 1994

6. Williams AJ, Bingley PJ, Bonifacio E,Palmer JP, Gale EA: A novel micro-assayfor insulin autoantibodies. J Autoimmun10:473–478, 1997

7. Stangenberg M, Persson B, Fredholm BB,Lunell NO: Profiles of intermediarymetabolites in insulin-dependent pregnantdiabetic women with or without endoge-nous insulin production. Diabetes Care 5:409–413, 1982

8. Dahlquist G, Blom L, Bolme P, HagenfeldtL, Lindgren F, Persson B, Thalme B, Theo-rell M, Westin S: Metabolic control in 131juvenile-onset diabetic patients as mea-sured by HbA1c: relation to age, duration,C-peptide, insulin dose, and one or twoinsulin injections. Diabetes Care 5:399–403, 1982

Coxsackie BVirus–InducedAutoimmunity toGAD Does Not Leadto Type 1 Diabetes

Long-suspected environmental causesof insulin-dependent diabetes includea number of viruses. Among these

viruses, Coxsackie B viruses are thought toplay a prominent role (1) because of thestriking sequence similarity between theirP2-C protein and the �-cell autoantigenGAD65 (2), which is essential for the devel-opment of autoimmune diabetes in NODmice (3,4) and antibodies and cellularimmune reactions, which are among theearliest and most reliable predictive mark-ers of type 1 diabetes in humans (5,6).

Cellular and humoral immunity todeterminants common to GAD and Cox-sackie B virus have been demonstrated insubjects with, or at increased risk for, type 1diabetes (7,8). However, prospective inves-tigation in people with Coxsackie B virusinfections, although crucial to prove or dis-prove the hypothesis that molecular mim-icry between viral antigens and autoanti-gens induces type 1 diabetes, are lacking.

We have prospectively followed 18patients with acute Coxsackie B virusinfections and evaluated humoral and cel-lular immunity to GAD peptides in rela-tion to the eventual development of glu-cose intolerance or overt diabetes.

Thirteen subjects (5 girls, aged 5–14years, mean age 9 years) had Coxsackie B4virus–induced pharingitis (IgM anti-Cox-sackie B4-positive) and 5 (1 girl, aged9–15 years, mean age 13 years) had Cox-sackie B1 virus–related meningitis (IgManti-Coxsackie B1-positive).

Anti–GAD65 antibodies were deter-mined by enzyme-linked immunoassay andradioimmunoassay (Nuclear Laser Medi-cine, Settala, Italy); T-cell proliferation (lym-phocyte transformation) assays were per-formed as previously described (9) using asantigens the synthetic GAD peptides247–266 and 260–279, which at positions257, 260–265, 270, and 272–273 haveidentity with aminoacids 35, 38–43, 47,and 49–50 of Coxsackie virus P2-C protein.Anti-GAD antibodies were detected in 8subjects with Coxsackie B4 and in 3 sub-jects with Coxsackie B1 infections. Cellularimmunity to GAD peptides 247–266 wasfound in 6 individuals with Coxsackie B4

and in 2 with Coxsackie B1 infections,whereas T-cell reactivity to GAD peptides260–279 was demonstrated in 3 subjectswith Coxsackie B4 and in 3 with CoxsackieB1 infections. No individuals showed cellu-lar immunity to both of the antigens, andall of the subjects with T-cells reactive toGAD peptides had anti-GAD antibodies.

Within 1 year after Coxsackie B virusinfection, all of the subjects lost antibodiesto GAD, and no one showed cellular immu-nity to GAD peptides. After a mean follow-up of 28 months (range 20–47 months), noindividual has developed glucose intoler-ance or overt type 1 diabetes.

Our findings demonstrate that Cox-sackie B virus infections are frequently asso-ciated with immune reactions to GAD, butsuch reactions are transient, and type 1 dia-betes does not follow. Therefore, molecularmimicry between viral antigens and GAD isnot involved per se in the immuno-pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes in humans,which is similar to recent suggestions in ananimal model (10). For type 1 diabetes todevelop, additional mechanisms (e.g.,defects in the control of immune responsesto GAD leading to perpetuation of suchautoimmune reactions, autoimmune reactiv-ity to other crucial pancreatic �-cell anti-gens) must, therefore, operate.







From the Department of Infectious Diseases (F.Cai.,E.C., S.V.), University of Verona, Verona, Italy; andthe Internal Medicine (D.M., C.R.) and Central Lab-oratory (F.Cas.), San Marino State Hospital,Cailungo, Republic of San Marino.

Address correspondence to Sandro Vento, MD,Department of Infectious Diseases, University ofVerona, via Locchi 12, Verona 37124, Italy. E-mail:[email protected].

References1. Barrett-Connor E: Is insulin-dependent

diabetes mellitus caused by coxsackievirus B infection? A review of the epidemi-ologic evidence. Rev Infect Dis 7:207–215,1985

2. Kaufman DL, Erlander MG, Clare-SalzlerM, Atkinson MA, Maclaren NK, Tobin AJ:Autoimmunity to two forms of glutamatedecarboxylase in insulin-dependent dia-betes mellitus. J Clin Invest 89:283–292,1992

3. Yoon JW, Yoon CS, Lim HW, Huang QQ,



Kang Y, Pyun KH, Hirasawa K, SherwinRS, Jun HS: Control of autoimmune dia-betes in NOD mice by GAD expression orsuppression in beta cells. Science 284:1183–1187, 1999

4. von Boehmer H, Sarukhan A: GAD, a sin-gle autoantigen for diabetes. Science 284:1135–1137, 1999

5. Greenbaum CJ, Sears KL, Kahn SE, PalmerJP: Relationship of �-cell function andautoantibodies to progression and non-progression of subclinical type 1 diabetes:follow-up of the Seattle Family Study. Dia-betes 48:170–175, 1999

6. Strebelow M, Schlosser M, Ziegler B,Rjasanowski I, Ziegler M: Karlsburg type Idiabetes risk study of a general popula-tion: frequencies and interactions of thefour major type I diabetes-associatedautoantibodies studied in 9419 school-children. Diabetologia 42:661–670, 1999

7. Atkinson MA, Bowman MA, Campbell L,Darrow BL, Kaufman DL, Maclaren NK:Cellular immunity to a determinant com-mon to glutamate decarboxylase and cox-sackie virus in insulin-dependent diabetes.J Clin Invest 94:2125–2129, 1994

8. Karlsson MG, Ludvigsson J: Peptide fromglutamic acid decarboxylase similar toCoxsackie B virus stimulates IFN-gammamRNA expression in Th1-like lympho-cytes from children with recent-onsetinsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. ActaDiabetol 35:137–144, 1998

9. Atkinson MA, Kaufman DL, Campbell L,Gibbs KA, Shah SC, Bu DF, Erlander MG,Tobin AJ, Maclaren NK: Response ofperipheral-blood mononuclear cells toglutamate decarboxylase in insulin-depen-dent diabetes. Lancet 339:458–459, 1992

10. Horwitz MS, Bradley LM, Harbertson J,Krahl T, Lee J, Sarvetnick N: Diabetesinduced by Coxsackie virus: initiation bybystander damage and not molecularmimicry. Nat Med 4:781–785, 1998

Does the Choice ofTreatment for Type 2 DiabetesAffect the PhysiologicalResponse to Hypoglycemia?

The risk of severe hypoglycemia is lessin patients with type 2 diabetes com-pared with those with type 1 dia-

betes (1), but those treated with insulinsuffer more severe hypoglycemic episodesthan those treated with sulfonylureas (2).

This may be related to the more variableinsulin levels of those on insulin, in con-trast to the lower and more stable profilesof those on sulfonylureas (3). Alterna-tively, the risks may be related to theintegrity of the physiological defenses tohypoglycemia. Because high insulin con-centrations are associated with reducedendocrine responses to hypoglycemia (4),patients on insulin may acquire impairedcounterregulatory defenses. We havetested the hypothesis that patients withtype 2 diabetes treated with insulin have adiminished physiological response tohypoglycemia compared with those onsulfonylureas.

We approached patients participatingin the U.K. Prospective Diabetes Study at 4centers. None had ketonuria at diagnosisand all had been randomized within3 months of diagnosis to receive either sul-fonylurea or insulin therapy (2). Fifteenagreed to participate: 8 (2 women) sul-fonylurea-treated (group S) and 7 (1 wo-man) insulin-treated patients (group I),age (mean ± SEM, S vs. I) 54 ± 2 vs. 48 ± 2years, P = 0.10; duration of diabetes 7 ± 1vs. 7 ± 1 years, P = 0.85; BMI, 28.1 ± 0.9vs. 25.4 ± 1.4 kg/m2, P = 0.09; and HbA1,8.3 ± 0.6 vs. 9.2 ± 0.5%, P = 0.24 (HbA1

nondiabetic range �4.5 to 8.5%). We alsorecruited matched healthy control subjects(group C; n = 9), all men, age (mean ±SEM) 50 ± 4 years (P = 0.41), BMI 25.6 ±1.3 kg/m2 (P = 0.13).

All subjects underwent a stepwisehyperinsulinemic-hypoglycemic glucoseclamp after overnight glucose control (5).Soluble insulin was infused at 120 mU �m�2 � min�1 with blood glucose main-tained at 5.0, 4.0, 3.5, and 3.0 mmol/l for40 min and 2.5 mmol/l for 20 min.

The mean arterialized venous whole-blood glucose concentrations, glucoseinfusion rates, and insulin concentrationswere not significantly different between the2 groups. Mean peak hormone responsesabove baseline (S vs. I) were as follows:glucagon 41 ± 7 vs. 54 ± 23 ng/l, P = 0.56;and epinephrine 4.9 ± 1.1 vs. 4.1 ± 1.2nmol/l, P = 0.65. Glycemic thresholds forrises in glucagon were 2.6 ± 0.1 vs. 2.7 ±0.1 mmol/l, P = 0.53; and epinephrine 3.9± 0.2 vs. 3.4 ± 0.1 mmol/l, P = 0.07. Meanpeak tremor response (6) (S vs. I) was 0.33± 0.06 vs. 0.14 ± 0.04 V, P � 0.02 (Fig. 1);and sweating (7) (median [range]) was 171(20 to 376) vs. 16 (�2 to 157) g � m�2 �h�1, P = 0.02. Glycemic thresholds forincreases in tremor or sweating were notdifferent. There was a significant negativecorrelation between frequency of hypogly-cemic episodes and peak tremor (r = 0.6,95% CI, �0.11 to �0.86; P � 0.02) andsweating (r = �0.51, 95% CI, �0.82 to0.02; P = 0.05). There was no difference inglucose threshold for deterioration in reac-tion time or symptom scores. No differ-ences were found between control and dia-betic subjects except for the threshold forepinephrine release (C vs. S) 3.2 ± 0.1 vs.3.9 ± 0.2 mmol/l, P � 0.05; and areaunder the curve sweating response (C vs. I)157 ± 55 vs. 10 ± 16 g/m2; P � 0.05.

Our data show that counterregulatoryresponses were similar in type 2 diabetespatients randomized to either insulin orsulfonylureas, with comparable glycemiccontrol. We found lower tremor andsweating response in those treated withinsulin compared with both sulfonylurea-treated patients and control subjects. Wealso observed an inverse relationshipbetween the frequency of reported hypo-

Figure 1—Individual peak tremor responses (P � 0.02) and peak sweating responses (P � 0.02).Bar = median. S, sulfonylurea group; I, insulin group.



glycemia and tremor with a similar trendfor sweating. Because symptomatic hypo-glycemia was more frequent in thosetreated with insulin, these alterations inperipheral responses may relate toantecedent hypoglycemia in the periodbefore the study (8). A differential impair-ment in the physiological response tohypoglycemia has been described previ-ously and peripheral autonomic responsesmay be particularly sensitive to the effectsof antecedent hypoglycemia (9).

Our data indicate that insulin-treatedpatients with type 2 diabetes do not havesubstantial impairments in counterregula-tory responses, compared with sulfonyl-urea-treated patients, even when theirglycemic control is good. The relativelysmall number of subjects limits the cer-tainty of our conclusions. For example,although the glycemic thresholds for epi-nephrine release were not statistically dif-ferent, the mean values were 3.9 and 3.4mmol/l for those treated with sulfonyl-ureas and insulin, respectively. However,although a true difference might have beenestablished by studying more subjects, thecontrol data indicate a high value for thoseon sulfonylureas rather than an impairedresponse for those taking insulin.

Previous studies examining the gluca-gon response in type 2 diabetes have foundnormal (10) and reduced responses (11).Glucagon responses were no different ineither the 2 diabetes groups or controlgroup. The somewhat attenuated glucagonresponse might be due to the high insulinlevels, which were necessary to achievehypoglycemia in insulin-resistant subjects.Insulin concentrations were �200 mU/l,which have been associated with reducedglucagon response to hypoglycemia inother studies (4). The 2 diabetic groupswere not perfectly matched in terms ofBMI or HbA1, although we do not believethat this had a major effect on the data.

We conclude that the choice of treat-ment has no major impact on the physio-logical responses to hypoglycemia inpatients with relatively well-controlledtype 2 diabetes. Our data suggest thatantecedent hypoglycemia might attenuatesome physiological responses in patientswith type 2 diabetes, although thishypothesis needs to be tested in a differ-ent study design.








From the Department of Medicine (S.R.P., R.R.,S.R.H.), University of Sheffield; Diabetes Centre(C.B.), Northern General Hospital, Sheffield; theDepartment of Medical Physics (N.D.H.), RoyalHallamshire Hospital, Sheffield; the UniversityDepartment of Physiology (I.A.M.), Queen’s Med-ical Centre, Nottingham; and the Diabetes ResearchLaboratories (R.R.H.), University of Oxford,Oxford, U.K.

Address correspondence to Simon R. Heller,DM, FRCP, Department of Medicine, Clinical Sci-ences Centre, Northern General Hospital, Sheffield,S5 7AU, U.K. E-mail: [email protected].

References1. Heller SR: Diabetic hypoglycaemia. Bail-

lieres Clin Endocrinol Metab 13:279–294,1999

2. U.K. Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS)Group: Intensive blood-glucose controlwith sulphonylureas or insulin comparedwith conventional treatment and risk ofcomplications in patients with type 2 dia-betes (UKPDS 33). Lancet 352:837–853,1998

3. Jackson WPU, Van Mieghem W, Keller P:Observations of the mechanisms of actionof the sulfonylureas under clinical condi-tions. Metabolism 22:1155–1162, 1973

4. Diamond MP, Hallerman L, Starick-ZychK, Jones TW, Connolly-Howard M, Tam-borlane WV, Sherwin RS: Suppression ofcounterregulatory hormone response tohypoglycemia by insulin per se. J ClinEndocrinol Metab 72:1388–1390, 1991

5. Amiel SA, Simonson DC, Tamborlane WV,DeFronzo RA, Sherwin RS: Rate of glucosefall does not affect counterregulatory hor-mone responses to hypoglycemia in nor-mal and diabetic humans. Diabetes 36:518–522, 1987

6. Birmingham AT, Wharrad HJ, Williams EJ,Wilson CG: Accelerometric measurementsof finger tremor: analysis of the analoguesignal. J Physiol 361:12P, 1985

7. Smallwood RH, Thomas SE: An inexpen-sive portable monitor for measuring evap-orative water loss. Clin Phys Physiol Meas 6:147–154, 1985

8. Heller SR, Cryer PE: Reduced neuroen-docrine and symptomatic responses tosubsequent hypoglycemia after 1 episodeof hypoglycemia in nondiabetic humans.Diabetes 40:223–226, 1991

9. George E, Harris N, Bedford C, MacdonaldIA, Hardisty CA, Heller SR: Prolonged butpartial impairment of the hypoglycaemicphysiological response following shortterm hypoglycaemia in normal subjects.Diabetologia 38:1183–1190, 1995

10. Heller SR, Macdonald IA, Tattersall RB:

Counterregulation in type 2 (non-insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus: normalendocrine and glycaemic responses, up toten years after diagnosis. Diabetologia 30:924–929, 1987

11. Meneilly GS, Cheung E, Tuokko H: Coun-terregulatory hormone responses to hypo-glycemia in the elderly patient with dia-betes. Diabetes 43:403–410, 1994

Hypoglycemia andPulmonary Edema

A forgotten association

The association between hypoglycemiaand pulmonary edema is well known,with a clear cause-and-effect relation-

ship (1,2). However, only a few reports ofthis association have been published dur-ing the last few decades, so that thedescription of a new case may be relevant.

A 19-year-old woman was brought tothe emergency room after an episode of gen-eralized seizures. Diabetes had been diag-nosed 4 years before. She was on a multipleinsulin dose regimen, her metabolic controlwas poor (HbA1c 8.1%, n � 5.8), and shehad had an episode of severe hypoglycemia3 years before; otherwise, the patient was ingood health. On the day of admission, thepatient had performed more physical activ-ity than usual, had reduced the carbohy-drate content of her dinner, but had notchanged her insulin dose. At 2 A.M., hermother found her diaphoretic andcomatose. A few seconds after being givensome juice, the patient suffered a general-ized seizure. Upon admission to the emer-gency room, the patient remainedcomatose, her plasma glucose level was 60mg/dl, her blood pressure was 150/80mmHg, her pulse was 160 bpm, and herrespirations were 32/min. Physical examina-tion revealed a bitten bleeding tongue, butthe examination was otherwise unremark-able. The electrocardiogram showed a sinusrhythm. Arterial blood gases measurementswere as follows: pH 7.36, PaO2 46 mmHg,PaCO2 43.5 mmHg, and HCO3 24.5 mEq/lwith a saturation of 80% at room tempera-ture. The chest X-ray showed typical signsof pulmonary edema and a normal heartshape and size. The patient was admitted tothe intensive care unit where she improvedsteadily under oxygen therapy. There wereneither symptoms nor clinical or analyticalsigns of infection. The patient left the inten-



sive care unit 24 h later with normal chestX-ray and blood gases.

The association of severe hypogly-cemia and adult respiratory distress syn-drome in a young woman with diabetesbut otherwise in good health, in additionto the time course of the events, suggesteda causal relationship. A search of the entireMedline database using the terms “hypo-glycemia,” “respiratory distress syndrome,”and “pulmonary edema” provided 37 arti-cles, of which only 6 were relevant and 5were dated before 1976. However, thesearticles and some of their referencesrevealed that pulmonary edema was a well-known complication of insulin shock ther-apy for psychiatric conditions, with aknown presentation rate (�12%) and amortality that was responsible for 16% ofthe deaths associated with this therapy(1,2). Pulmonary edema was an importantitem 34 years ago in the differential diagno-sis of a patient with hypoglycemia and “ablood-pouring mouth” (3), but some yearslater, the association was described as“nearly forgotten” (4).

In this setting, pulmonary edema hasbeen attributed to neurogenic mechanisms:sympathetic hyperstimulation induces lym-phatic vasoconstriction and platelet aggre-gation, which causes microemboli (5,6).Both would lead to increased hydrostaticpressure in the pulmonary capillaries. Inaddition, because the integrity of the alve-olocapillary membrane depends on glucosemetabolism, in long-lasting hypoglycemias,its disruption could also contribute to thedevelopment of pulmonary edema (7).






Departments of Endocrinology (E.O., A.W., A.C.,R.C.) and Intensive Care (M.B.), Hospital de SantPau, Autonomous University of Barcelona,Barcelona, Spain.

Address correspondence to Rosa Corcoy, MD,PhD, Servei d’Endocrinologia i Nutrició, Hospitalde Sant Pau, San Antoni Mª Claret 167, Barcelona08025, Spain. E-mail: [email protected].

References1. Nielsen JM, Ingham SD, Von Hagen DO:

Pulmonary edema and embolism as com-plication of insulin shock in treatment ofschizophrenia. JAMA 3:2455–2458, 1938

2. Maclay WS: Death due to treatment. ProcRoy Soc Med 46:13–20, 1953

3. Dougherty J: Hypoglycemia stupor caused

by acetohexamide. N Engl J Med 274:1236–1237, 1966

4. Baruh S, Sherman L: Hypoglycemia, acause of pulmonary edema: progressive,fatal pulmonary edema complicating hypo-glycemia induced by alcohol and insulin. JNatl Med Assoc 67:200–204, 1975

5. Arem R, Zoghibi W: Insulin overdose ineight patients: insulin pharmacokineticsand review of the literature. Medicine 64:323–332, 1985

6. Weber FP, Blum K: Acute pulmonaryoedema with hypoglycemic coma: an exam-ple of acute pulmonary oedema of nervousorigin. J Neurol Psychiat 5:37–39, 1942

7. Goodale RL, Goetzman B, Visscher MB:Hypoxia and iodoacetic acid and alveolo-capillary barrier permeability to albumin.Am J Physiol 219:1226–1230, 1970

Hyperinsulinemiaand Central Adiposity

Influence of chronic insulin therapy in type 1 diabetes

Obesity is well known to be associatedwith insulin resistance and conse-quential hyperinsulinemia (1,2).

Moreover, further worsening of insulinresistance and greater degree of hyperinsu-linemia are noted to be present in obesesubjects with central fat distribution, asassessed by waist-to-hip ratio measurements�0.9 in men and �0.84 in women (1–3).The data in the literature suggest that centralobesity may be responsible for hyperinsu-linemia via the induction of insulin resis-tance (1–3). However, it is also conceivablethat hyperinsulinemia itself may be respon-sible for central fat deposition, becauseinsulin is known to inhibit lipolysis andfacilitate lipogenesis. Therefore, to examinethis hypothesis of the role of insulin in caus-ing central fat deposition, we studied sub-jects with type 1 diabetes who have beenreceiving insulin exogenously for the man-agement of their disease for several years.

The height, body weight, and waist andhip measurements were determined in 100randomly chosen men with type 1 diabetesattending the Diabetes Clinic at the VeteransAffairs Medical Center in Phoenix, Arizona,during a 12-month period from July 1995to June 1996. Their ages ranged between 22and 70 years, and their duration of diabetesranged between 2 and 37 years. The diagno-sis of type 1 diabetes was established by

documentation of several episodes of dia-betic ketoacidosis during each subject’s dia-betes duration. All of the patients hadreceived insulin throughout the duration oftheir diabetes since diagnosis, also confirm-ing the presence of type 1 diabetes.Therewere 100 healthy nonobese male employeesof the medical center who volunteered ascontrol subjects, and they ranged in agefrom 20 to 60 years. They were nonobese,as established by a BMI of �27 kg/m2. Allwaist, hip, and body weight measurementswere conducted at the clinic by the samehealthcare provider for all of the 200 sub-jects to reduce interpersonal technique vari-ability and error. The waist circumferencewas measured at the level of the anteriorsuperior iliac spine, and the hip circumfer-ence was measured at the widest part whenviewed laterally, as described previously(1–3). Body weight and height were mea-sured using a standard integrated portablescale. BMIs were determined in all of thesubjects, and obesity was defined as a BMI�27 kg/m2. Statistical analyses were con-ducted by Student’s t test for comparisonbetween subjects with type 1 diabetes andhealthy volunteers. Simultaneously, rela-tionships were assessed between obesityand central fat distribution on one hand andinsulin therapy on the other by conductinga linear regression analyses. All data areexpressed as means ± SEM.

Of the 100 subjects with type 1 dia-betes, 43 were obese. Significantly higher(P � 0.001) waist-to-hip ratios were notedin subjects with type 1 diabetes (0.96 ±0.012) in comparison with the acceptedstandard (�0.90) as well as the healthyvolunteers (0.86 ± 0.007). Moreover, thewaist-to-hip ratio was 0.98 ± 0.012 inobese subjects with a BMI of 34 ± 2 kg/m2,whereas the waist-to-hip ratio was 0.93 ±0.011 in lean subjects with a BMI of 24 ± 1kg/m2; both waist-to-hip ratio values weresignificantly greater (P � 0.001) in com-parison with healthy volunteers. Thus,this pattern persisted in all type 1 diabeticpatients irrespective of the presence orabsence of obesity as reflected by BMIs.The daily insulin dose at the time of thesemeasurements ranged between 15 and 70U and was not significantly correlatedwith either BMIs or waist-to-hip ratios.However, a significant positive correlationwas noted between BMIs and the durationof diabetes (i.e., duration of insulin ther-apy [r = 0.46, P � 0.01]). A similar,though even more significant relationshipwas noted between the waist-to-hip ratios



and duration of insulin therapy (r = 0.61,P � 0.001).

In conclusion, this study demonstratesthat insulin therapy not only causes obesityin several subjects with type 1 diabetes, butalso induces central fat deposition asreflected by rising waist-to-hip ratios even inthe absence of obesity, as reflected by BMI.This finding is consistent with Diabetes Con-trol and Complications Trial (4,5). A similarobservation is also documented in subjectswith type 2 diabetes receiving insulin ther-apy, especially in terms of weight gain, in therecently concluded U.K. Prospective Dia-betes Study (6,7). Therefore, it is likely thatinsulin itself may be responsible not only forweight gain, but is also likely to induce cen-tral fat deposition in subjects with type 1 dia-betes. Finally, it is likely that the central fatdeposition after long-term insulin therapymay also be responsible for the insulin resis-tance noted in the later stages of the diseasein subjects with type 1 diabetes.




From the Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Phoenix;and the University of Arizona College of Medicine,Tucson, Arizona.

Address correspondence to Udaya M. Kabadi,MD, FRCP, FACP, FACE, University of Iowa Hospi-tals and Clinics, 6W27 VAMC, Iowa City, IA 52246.E-mail: [email protected].

References1. Ferrannini E, Camastra S: Relationship

between impaired glucose tolerance, non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus andobesity. Eur J Clin Invest 28 (Suppl. 2):3–6,1998

2. Karter AJ, Mayer-Davis EJ, Selby JV,D’Agostino RB Jr, Haffner SM, Sholinsky P,Bergman R, Saad MF, Hamman RF: Insulinsensitivity and abdominal obesity inAfrican-American, Hispanic, and non-His-panic white men and women: the InsulinResistance and Atherosclerosis Study. Dia-betes 45:1547–1555, 1996

3. Brunner EJ, Marmot MG, Nanchahal K,Shipley MJ, Stansfeld SA, Juneja M, AlbertiKG: Social inequality in coronary risk:central: obesity and the metabolic syn-drome. evidence from the Whitehall IIstudy. Diabetologia 40:1341–1349, 1997

4. Diabetes Control and Complications TrialResearch Group: Adverse events and theirassociation with treatment regimens in theDiabetes Control and Complications Trial.Diabetes Care 18:1415–1427, 1995

5. Purnell JQ, Hokanson JE, Marcovina SM,Steffes MW, Cleary PA, Brunzell JD: Effect

of excessive weight gain with intensivetherapy of type 1 diabetes on lipid levelsand blood pressure: results from theDCCT: Diabetes Control and Complica-tions Trial. JAMA 280:140–161, 1998

6. U.K. Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS)Group: Intensive blood-glucose control withsulfonylureas or insulin compared with con-ventional treatment and risk of complica-tions in patients with type 2 diabetes(UKPDS 33). Lancet 352:837–853, 1998

7. U.K. Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS)Group: Effect of intensive blood-glucosecontrol with metformin on complicationsin overweight patients with type 2 diabetes(UKPDS 34). Lancet 352:854–865, 1998

High Total SerumRenin ConcentrationsAre Associated Withthe Development ofBackgroundRetinopathy in Adolescents WithType 1 Diabetes

Serum total renin (1) and prorenin(2,3) have recently been proposed tobe markers for identifying patients

with type 1 diabetes who are at risk for

developing diabetic nephropathy. How-ever, the prognostic relevance of these fac-tors for the development of diabeticretinopathy is still controversial (1,2,4). Aspart of the ongoing Berlin RetinopathyStudy (5), we measured serum total reninconcentrations in 21 adolescents andyoung adults with diabetes (mean age 20.1± 2.9 [SD] years; diabetes duration 12.3 ±2.8 years) at the onset of early backgroundretinopathy (11–50 microaneurysms or�25 leakages in fluoresceine angiography).Serum total renin represents both activerenin and inactive prorenin, with the inac-tive prorenin component comprising at�90% of total renin in normal subjects (6).We used a direct immunoradiometric assay(Nichols Institute Diagnostics; intra- andinterassay coefficients of variation 2.8 and5.8%, respectively), where total renin wasmeasured after enhancement of immunore-activity of prorenin by preincubation withthe renin inhibitor remikren (7). Total reninconcentrations were compared with thoseof 21 other patients without retinopathy,carefully matched one-by-one by age, sex,and diabetes duration (matched pairs).None of the patients had microalbuminuria(albumin excretion �20 µg/min). Theannual means of HbA1c (high-performanceliquid chromotography, Diamat) and ofblood pressure (measurements byDYNAMAP [Johnson & Johnson Medical,

Figure 1—Mean ± SD of total serum renin concentrations of 22 adolescents followed annually for thedevelopment of retinopathy. Patients developing background retinopathy (�) have significantly highertotal serum renin concentrations than those remaining with normal retinal status (�) matched forage, sex, and diabetes duration up to 4 years before the detection of retinal changes.

p > 0.05p = 0.004 p = 0.036

p = 0.012



Norderstedt, Germany] in sitting position)were used for statistical evaluations. Serumtotal renin concentrations were significantlyhigher in patients developing early back-ground retinopathy (482.6 ± 312.6 vs.340.8 ± 115.9 µU/ml, P = 0.012,Wilcoxon’s signed-rank test) comparedwith those without retinal changes. Therewas no correlation between serum totalrenin concentrations and age, duration ofdiabetes or glycemic control, or systolic anddiastolic blood pressure before the develop-ment of retinopathy. Retrospective longitu-dinal follow-up was possible in 11 matchedpairs. Total renin levels were significantlyelevated up to 4 years before onset ofretinopathy in patients developing thiscomplication (Fig. 1).

In contrast to previous studies (1,2),we demonstrated that elevations in totalrenin concentrations could also precedethe development of retinopathy in diabetespatients without microalbuminuria. Theseresults support and extend the findings byFranken et al. (4), who reported an associ-ation between elevated prorenin levels andthe development of proliferative retinopa-thy. Wilson and Luetscher (8) had alsoshown that elevated plasma prorenin levelsprecede the development of overt renaldisease and retinopathy in adolescents,but they were not able to separate thedevelopment of renal or retinal disease inindividual patients. The underlying expla-nation for the early rise of total serumrenin, mostly without an elevation of activerenin, in patients with diabetes developinglate complications still remains unknown.Possibly it reflects a generalized alterationin the control of secretion and processingof renin in terms of a defect in intracellularprocessing with a consecutive increase ofprorenin from the kidneys and other tis-sues expressing renin (9). Thus, serial mea-surements of serum total renin concentra-tions may serve as an additional noninva-sive early marker for screening not only fornephropathy, but also for retinopathy inyoung patients with diabetes.




From the Otto-Heubner-Centre for Pediatric and Ado-lescent Medicine, Charité, Campus Virchow-Klinikum,Humboldt University Berlin, Berlin, Germany.

Address correspondence to PD Thomas Danne,MD, Klinik für Allgemeine Pädiatrie, Charité, Cam-pus Virchow-Klinikum, Augustenburger Platz 1,13353 Berlin, Germany. E-mail: [email protected].

References1. Allen TJ, Cooper ME, Gilbert RE, Winikoff

J, Skinni SL, Jerums G: Serum total reninis increased before microalbuminuria indiabetes. Kidney Int 50:902–907, 1996

2. Deinum J, Ronn B, Mathiesen E, DerkxFH, Hop WC, Schalekamp MA: Increasein serum prorenin precedes onset ofmicroalbuminuria in patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Diabetologia42:1006–1010, 1999

3. Daneman D, Crompton CH, Balfe JW,Sochett EB, Chatzilias A, Cotter BR,Osmond DH: Plasma prorenin as an earlymarker of nephropathy in diabetic (IDDM)adolescents. Kidney Int 46:1154–1159,1994

4. Franken AA, Derkx FH, Man in’t Veld AJ,Hop WC, van Rens GH, Peperkamp E, deJong PT, Schalekamp MA: High plasmaprorenin in diabetes mellitus and its corre-lation with some complications. J ClinEndocrinol Metab 71:1008–1115, 1990

5. Danne T, Weber B, Hartmann R, Enders I,Burger W, Hovener G: Long-term glycemiccontrol has a nonlinear association to thefrequency of background retinopathy inadolescents with diabetes: follow-up of theBerlin Retinopathy Study. Diabetes Care17:1390–1396, 1994

6. Sealfy JF: Plasma renin activity and plasmaprorenin assays. Clin Chem 37:1811–1819,1991

7. Derkx FH, de Bruin RJ, van Gool JM, vanden Hoek MJ, Beerendonk CC, RosmalenF, Haima P, Schalekamp MA: Clinical vali-dation of renin monoclonal antibody-basedsandwich assays of renin and prorenin, anduse of renin inhibitor to enhance proreninimmunoreactivity. Clin Chem 42:1051–1063, 1996

8. Wilson DM, Luetscher JA: Plasma proreninactivity and complications in children withinsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.N Engl J Med 323:1101–1116, 1990

9. Rong P, Berka JL, Kelly DJ, Alcorn D, Skin-ner SL: Renin processing and secretion inadrenal and retina of transgenic(mREN-2)27 rats. Kidney Int 46:1583–1587, 1994

Plasma Homocysteine andIts Determinants inDiabetic Retinopathy

Whether hyperhomocysteinemiacontributes to the development ofdiabetic microangiopathy is still

debated. Most of the older studies are dif-ficult to interpret because of the insuffi-

cient characterization of the type of dia-betes and status of complications. Morerecent works conducted on better-charac-terized patients are fairly consistent inshowing a relation between hyperhomo-cysteinemia and diabetic nephropathy;however, it still remains unclear whetherthis association is causal (1–3). Further-more, the relationship of plasma homo-cysteine with retinopathy is little exploredto date. We contribute data on the relationof retinopathy with fasting plasma homo-cysteine and also explore some of thepotential mechanisms of this association.

Sixty-nine patients with type 1 dia-betes of �10 years’ duration, consecu-tively seen on an outpatient basis, partici-pated in the study. All of the patients werenormotensive (blood pressure �140/90)and free from cardiovascular diseases asevaluated by the World Health Organiza-tion questionnaire, an electrocardiogram,and ankle/brachial pressure. To reduce tothe minimum the confounding effect ofrenal injury, patients with macroalbumin-uria and/or serum creatinine �1.3 mg/dlwere excluded from the study. Accordingto 45° fundus photography performedand evaluated following a standard proto-col, participants were assigned to 1 of 3groups: no retinopathy (n = 34), nonpro-liferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR) (n =20), or proliferative diabetic retinopathy(PDR) (n = 10). Plasma homocysteine wasmeasured together with vitamin B12 andfolate, the major environmentally deter-mined factors influencing homocysteinemetabolism. Furthermore, the C677Tmutation in the methylenetetrahydrofolatereductase (MTHFR) gene, the most com-mon genetic determinant of moderatehyperhomocysteinemia in the generalpopulation, was also studied (4).

Plasma homocysteine progressivelyincreased with a significant linear trend(P � 0.03) from the stage of no retinopathyto the stage of PDR (7.3 ± 3.0 vs. 8.2 ± 2.6vs. 9.5 ± 2.6 µmol/l, respectively). Post hocDuncan’s test indicated significantly (P �0.05) higher levels of fasting plasma homo-cysteine in patients with PDR as comparedwith those without any sign of retinopathy.The 3 groups were not significantly differ-ent in terms of sex distribution, age, andsmoking habits; blood pressure was alsocomparable (118 ± 14 vs. 118 ± 16 vs. 122± 11 mmHg, respectively) as were serumcreatinine (0.8 ± 0.1 vs. 0.9 ± 0.1 vs. 0.9 ±0.2 mg/dl) and creatinine clearance, evalu-ated by the Cockroft formula (98 ± 16 vs.



105 ± 21 vs. 91 ± 12). Furthermore, plasmaconcentrations of vitamin B12 and folatewere also comparable in the 3 groups (405± 102 vs. 449 ± 141 vs. 430 ± 105 pmol/land 14.5 ± 4.5 vs. 16.8 ± 5.6 vs. 13.8 ± 3.6nmol/l, respectively).

The allelic frequency of the C667Tmutation in MTHFR gene was similar inthe group of patients with no retinopathyand NPDR (38 vs. 33%) but was signifi-cantly higher in the patients with PDR ascompared with those with no retinopathy(75 vs. 38%, P � 0.01). Accordingly, thegenotype distribution of the mutated genewas significantly different in the 2 groupswith PDR or no retinopathy with a signifi-cantly higher frequency of homozygosityin patients with PDR (70 vs. 18%, oddsratio 10.3, 95% CI 1.7–69.8)

The data reported indicate a relation-ship between PDR and plasma homocys-teine levels independent of some obviousconfounders and coexisting conditionsassociated with the elevation of plasmahomocysteine or retinopathy (i.e., cardio-vascular disease, impaired renal function,vitamin status, and blood pressure). Anassociation of diabetic retinopathy with theC677T mutation in the gene coding for theMTHFR, a key enzyme in the homocys-teine catabolism, has been reported previ-ously by Neugebauer et al. (5) in type 2 dia-betic patients; in this study, however,plasma homocysteine was not measured.We subsequently reported moderate hyper-homocysteinemia in a small group of type 1diabetic patients with retinopathy and nor-mal serum creatinine, but the major deter-minants of homocysteine metabolism werenot measured (6). To our knowledge, this isthe first report that explores the relation-ship of plasma homocysteine and some ofits major determinants with retinopathy.

Based on these data, a role for homo-cysteine in the development of PDR can behypothesized, at least in selected groups ofpatients. This hypothesis is also supportedby the results of in vitro experiments show-ing a synergistic effect of plasma homocys-teine and hyperglycemia in inducing celldamage in the vascular endothelium (2).This study is also relevant inasmuch as itsingles out a possible genetic marker forPDR. A genetic predisposition to retinopa-thy is not well documented; however, it isknown that although almost the all of type1 diabetic patients with longstanding dia-betes develop some degree of retinopathy,relatively few progress toward PDR (7). Toexplain this finding, among others, genetic

differences in response to hyperglycemiahave been hypothesized, and according toemerging knowledge, homocysteine mayalso play a role. Of course, the cross-sec-tional nature of the study makes resultscompatible with the alternative hypothesisthat higher plasma homocysteine levelsmay be a marker rather than a determinantof tissue damage in diabetic retinopathy,similar to what has been hypothesized inischemia because of large vessels occlu-sions (8). However, it would be more diffi-cult to explain on this basis the associationof PDR with the C677T mutation in theMTHFR gene.










From the Departments of Clinical and ExperimentalMedicine (O.V., V.C., M.S., A.A.R., G.R.) and Bio-chemistry and Medical Biotechnologies (F.P.M.,A.T.), School of Medicine, Federico II University;and the Institute of Biochemistry of Macromole-cules (A.F.P., D.I.), School of Medicine, Second Uni-versity of Naples, Naples, Italy.

Address correspondence to Olga Vaccaro,Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine,Policlinico dell’Università degli Studi “Federico II,”via S. Pansini 5, 80131 Napoli, Italy. E-mail:[email protected].

Acknowledgments — This work was sup-ported by a grant from the Italian Associationfor the Study of Diabetes (SID).

References1. Chico A, Perez A, Cordoba A, Arcelus R,

Carreras G, de Leiva A, Gonzalez-Sastre F,Blanco-Vaca F: Plasma homocysteine isrelated to albumin excretion rate in patientswith diabetes mellitus: a new link betweendiabetic nephropathy and cardiovasculardisease? Diabetologia 41:684–693, 1998

2. Hofmann MA, Kohl B, Zubach MS, BorceaV, Bierhaus A, Henkels M, Amiral J, FiehnW, Ziegler R, Wahl P, Nawroth PP: Hyper-homocysteinemia and endothelial dys-function in IDDM. Diabetes Care 21:841–848, 1998

3. Cronin CC, McPartlin JM, Barry DG, FerrissJB, Scott JM, Weir DG: Plasma homocysteineconcentrations in patients with type 1 dia-betes. Diabetes Care 21:1843–1847, 1998

4. Lentz SR: Mechanism of thrombosis in

hyperhomocysteinemia. Curr Opin Hema-tol 5:343–349, 1998

5. Neugebauer S, Tsuneharu B, KurokawaK, Watanabe T: Defective homocysteinemetabolism as a risk factor for diabeticretinopathy. Lancet 349:473–474, 1997

6. Vaccaro O, Ingrosso D, Rivellese A, GrecoG, Riccardi G: Moderate hyperhomocys-teinemia and retinopathy in insulin-depen-dent diabetes. Lancet 349:1102–1103,1997

7. Klein R: Hyperglycemia and microvascularand macrovascular disease in diabetes.Diabetes Care 18:258–268, 1995

8. Dudman NPB: An alternative view of homo-cysteine. Lancet 354:2072–2074, 1999

Risk for Silent CeliacDisease Is Higher InDiabetic ChildrenWith a Diabetic Sibling Than in Sporadic Cases

Since the development of specific andsensitive markers of screening forceliac disease, such as IgA anti-

endomisium antibodies (EMA), increasingfrequencies of typical and silent forms ofthe disorder have been reported in childrenand adolescents with type 1 diabetes (1,2).Recently, it has been estimated that theprevalence of celiac disease in diabetic Ital-ian children is 5.5–6.7% (3,4), with respectto previous estimates of 2–3% based on theuse of IgA-IgG antigliadin antibodies (AGA)(5,6). A possible explanation for the associ-ation between type 1 diabetes and celiacdisease could be the involvement of thesame susceptibility genotypes in theetiopathogenesis of these diseases. Indeed,it has been demonstrated that the geneticpredisposition to increased immunity todietary proteins is associated with HLAhaplotype A1-B8-DR3 DQA1*0501/DQB1*0201 (2,6). Abnormal intestinalpermeability in subjects with silent celiacdisease could increase the absorption ofdietary antigens, which could induce anautoimmune reaction in subjects withgenetic susceptibility to diabetes. Thishypothesis is consistent with the clinicalobservation that, in most patients, type 1diabetes either precedes silent celiac diseaseor is diagnosed at the same time as celiacdisease (1,7,8). If celiac disease and type 1diabetes share a common genetic suscepti-bility, the prevalence of silent celiac disease



would be higher in diabetic siblings of type1 diabetic patients than in nondiabetic sib-lings. To test this hypothesis, we examineda clinic-based cohort of 329 patients withchildhood-onset type 1 diabetes (mean age9.6 ± 5.2 years, range 1–17; diabetes dura-tion 7.1 ± 4.3 years). All of the patientswere cared for by the University of TurinDepartment of Pediatric, which treats�90% of childhood-onset diabetes patientsin the area (9). A screening program of allpatients with type 1 diabetes was per-formed using indirect immunofluorescenceassay with a commercial kit (The BindingSite Ltd., Birmingham, U.K.). Threepatients were diagnosed as celiac andtreated with gluten-free diet for 3, 14, and20 months before the onset of diabetes,respectively, whereas 22 were found posi-tive at the EMA screening on 2 separatedeterminations; most of the patients wereasymptomatic or complained only of mildgastrointestinal symptoms. The diagnosis ofceliac disease was confirmed by jejunalbiopsy in all but 1 adolescent patient whorefused the test; in 2 patients, however, theresults were doubtful. All patients revertedto antibody negativity after removal ofgluten from the diet. Therefore, of thiscohort of diabetic patients, celiac diseasewas diagnosed in 25 patients (6 boys, 19girls), showing a prevalence of 7.6% (95%CI 4.8–10.4), which is consistent with pre-vious estimates obtained in diabetic Italianchildren and adults (3,4,10). Consistentwith previous data (1,2,5), the group ofpatients with both diseases had a higherfemale-to-male ratio and were of a youngerage at onset than the group of patients withdiabetes only (3:1 vs. 1:1.2, P � 0.001, and5.3 ± 3.8 vs. 9.3 ± 4.5 years, P � 0.001,respectively).

We then assessed the prevalence ofceliac disease in sporadic cases of type 1diabetes (n = 229) and in patients with adiabetic sibling (n = 16), after excludingfrom the analysis 84 cases of only children.The prevalence of having both diabetesand celiac disease was 37.5% (95% CI13.8–61.2) in patients with a diabetic sib-ling and 6.1% (3.1–9.1) in sporadic cases.The odds ratio for having both diseaseswas 9.21 (2.92–29.03), in diabetic patientswith a diabetic sibling with respect topatients with nondiabetic siblings.

To our knowledge, this is the firstreport showing that the risk for silent celiacdisease is higher in type 1 diabetic patientswho have a diabetic sibling than in thosewith a nondiabetic sibling. It is likely that in

families with multiple cases of type 1 dia-betes, there is an increased prevalence ofHLA-linked susceptibility genotypes and asnon-HLA genes, which diabetes and celiacdisease have in common. For instance, theprevalence of transglutaminase antibodieshas been reported to be as high as 32% intype 1 diabetic patients with HLA DQA1*0501/DQB1*0201 or DQA1*0301/DQB1*0302, as compared with 2% in patientswithout these haplotypes (11). Environ-mental factors, however, could also beinvolved in this association. Screening forceliac disease in larger groups of familieswith multiple diabetic patients, coupledwith the assessment of their HLA geneticsusceptibility and nutritional habits mightprovide interesting clues on the etiopatho-genesis of both celiac disease and type 1diabetes.







From the Departments of Pediatrics (F.C., C.S., I.R.,N.A.), Internal Medicine (G.B.), and Public Health andMicrobiology (F.C.), University of Turin, Turin, Italy.

Address correspondence to Franco Cerutti, MD,Dipartimento di Scienze, Pediatriche e dell’Ado-lescenza, Università di Torino, Piazza Polonia 94,10126 Torino, Italy. E-mail: [email protected].

Acknowledgments — This work was sup-ported partially by a grant from M.U.R.S.T.(Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca Sci-entifica e Tecnologica).

References1. Cronin CC, Shanahan F: Insulin-depen-

dent diabetes mellitus and coeliac disease.Lancet 349:1096–1097, 1997

2. Saukkonen T, Savilahti E, Rijonen H, Ilo-nen J, Tumiletho-Wolf E, Åkerblom HK,the Childhood Diabetes in Finland StudyGroup: Coeliac disease: frequent occur-rence after clinical onset of insulin-depen-dent diabetes mellitus. Childhood Dia-betes in Finland Study Group. Diabet Med13:464–470, 1996

3. Iafusco D, Rea F, Prisco F: Hypoglycemiaand reduction of the insulin requirementas a sign of celiac disease in children withIDDM (Letter). Diabetes Care 21:1379–1380, 1998

4. Valletta EA, Gonfiantini E, Piccoli R,Pinelli L: Diabete mellito insulino-dipen-dente e celiachia: approccio per screening

e follow-up clinico. Riv Ital Pediatr 25:1066–1072, 1999

5. Lorini R, Scaramuzza A, Vitali L, d’Annun-zio G, Avanzini MA, de Giacomo C, SeveriF: Clinical aspects of coeliac disease inchildren with insulin-dependent diabetesmellitus. J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab 9(Suppl. 1):101–111, 1996

6. Catino M, Tumini S, Mezzetti A, ChiarelliF: Coeliac disease and diabetes mellitus inchildren: a non casual association. DiabetesNutr Metab 11:296–302, 1998

7. Pocecco M, Ventura A: Coeliac disease andinsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus: acasual association? Acta Paediatr 84:1432–1433, 1995

8. Vitoria JC, Castano L, Rica I, Bilbao JR,Arrieta A, Garcia-Masdevall MD: Associa-tion of insulin-dependent diabetes melli-tus and celiac disease: a study based onserologic markers. J Pediatr GastroenterolNutr 27:47–52, 1998

9. Bruno G, Merletti F, De Salvia A, Lezo A,Arcari R, Pagano G, the Piedmont StudyGroup for Diabetes Epidemiology: Com-parison of incidence of insulin-dependentdiabetes mellitus in childhood and youngadults in the province of Turin, Italy,1984–91: Piedmont Study Group for Dia-betes Epidemiology. Diabet Med 12:964–969, 1997

10. De Vitis I, Ghirlanda G, Gasbarrini G:Prevalence of coeliac disease in type 1 dia-betes: a multicentre study. Acta Paediatr 85(Suppl. 412):56–57, 1996

11. Bao F, Yu L, Babu S, Wang T, HoffenbergEJ, Rewers M, Eisenbarth GS: One third ofHLA DQ2 homozygous patients withtype 1 diabetes express celiac disease-asso-ciated transglutaminase autoantibodies.J Autoimmun 13:143–148, 1999

Laboratory Testingfor Microalbuminuriain the General Community

Most authorities recommend routinescreening for microalbuminuria(MA) to guide and monitor clinical

efforts to delay the progression ofnephropathy (1–2). For MA screening, theAmerican Diabetes Association (ADA) rec-ommends measuring urinary albuminexcretion rates with timed and 24-h urinespecimens or measuring albumin-to-creati-nine ratios on random or spot urine speci-mens (1). The defined cutoff values for MAfor each of these tests are �20 µg/min,�30 mg/24 h, and �30 µg/mg creatinine,respectively. Currently, no single method



has emerged as the community standard.Although the recommendations for MAscreening were first published by the ADAin 1996, few studies have examined whichtests for MA are offered in community lab-oratories and how the results are reportedin relation to the ADA’s clinical recommen-dations. In 1999, the Montana Departmentof Public Health and Human Services sur-veyed laboratories in Montana to assessavailable forms of screening for MA andhow the results were reported.

All 65 clinical and hospital-based lab-oratories in Montana were surveyed bymail in August 1999 to ascertain if theirlaboratory provided testing for MA and, ifso, the methodology and units and cutoffsthey used to report their results. Each lab-oratory was asked if it performed urinealbumin testing on random or spot sam-ples, timed collection, and 24-h collectionand if they performed and reported albu-min-to-creatinine ratios. They were alsoasked to indicate the units used to reportresults for each of these measures and thecutoff values used to report concentrationsof albumin in the MA range. Laboratoriesthat sent urine samples to a reference labo-ratory were asked to provide contact infor-mation; these reference laboratories werealso surveyed. Responding laboratorieswere given the opportunity to verify theirinitial responses; 3 laboratories amendedtheir responses.

Of the 65 clinical and hospital-basedlaboratories in Montana, 52 (80%)responded to the survey. Of the 52responding laboratories, 13 (25%) pro-vided quantitative testing for MA on site, 4(8%) screened using qualitative reagentstrips only, and 35 (67%) did not performon-site quantitative assays. Of the 39 labo-ratories that did not test quantitatively, 30sent specimens to a reference laboratorywithin or outside of Montana, and 9 labo-ratories neither tested nor referred speci-mens to a reference laboratory. In addition,4 out-of-state reference laboratories were

identified and completed the survey. Thesereference laboratories provided MA testingservices to 17 of the 30 (57%) laboratoriesthat sent specimens to outside laboratories.In total, 17 laboratories (13 in Montanaand 4 out-of-state) performed at least oneform of quantitative MA testing for Mon-tanans with diabetes.

Table 1 displays the frequency withwhich the laboratories performed each ofthe 3 tests for MA by using the units andcutoffs recommended by the ADA. Overall,10 of the 17 (59%) laboratories offered atleast one of the tests recommended by theADA and reported their results using unitsand cutoffs consistent with the ADA’s rec-ommendations. However, only 5 of the 17(29%) laboratories offered these tests exclu-sively and reported the values using unitsand cutoffs recommended by the ADA.

Of the 17 laboratories that providedquantitative testing for MA, all 17 per-formed random or spot testing. Addition-ally, 13 reported results as milligrams perliter and used the following cutoffs forMA: �18.0 (n = 1), �18.9 (n = 2), �19.0(n = 2), �20.0 (n = 3), �30 (n = 1), and�37.0 (n = 1); 3 laboratories did notreport values for randomly collected spec-imens. Three laboratories reported theresults of random tests as milligrams perdecaliter with cutoffs of �1.9 (n = 1) and�2.0 (n = 1), and one laboratory statedthat they did not report values for ran-domly collected specimens. One labora-tory reported results for random tests inmicrograms per milliliter and did notreport a cutoff value.

Of the 17 laboratories, 15 performedalbumin-to-creatinine ratios for MA. All15 reported results as milligrams per gramof creatinine and reported the followingcutoffs for MA: �13.2 (n = 3), �15.0 (n = 1),�16.0 (n = 1), and �30.0 (n = 10).

Of the 17 laboratories, 10 performedtesting for MA from timed urine samples.Of those 10 laboratories, 5 reported resultsas micrograms per minute with the follow-

ing cutoffs for MA: �20.0 (n = 1), �20.3(n = 3), and �25.0 (n = 1). Two laborato-ries reported results as milligrams per literand used cutoffs of �20.0 and �30.0.Three laboratories reported results usingthe following cutoffs and units: �11.2mg/min, �20.0 µg/ml, and no cutoff withvalues reported as milligrams per decaliter.

Of the 17 laboratories, 12 performedtesting for MA from a 24-h collection ofurine samples. Eight of these laboratoriesreported results as milligrams per 24 hwith the following cutoffs for MA: �11.2(n = 1), �15.0 (n = 1), �25.0 (n = 1),�30.0 (n = 1), �30.0 (n = 4), �31.0 (n =1), and �42.0 (n = 1). One laboratoryreported results as milligrams per literwith a cutoff of �37.0, and 1 laboratoryreported results as micrograms per gramwith a cutoff of �30.0.

Our survey of laboratories in Montanaindicates that MA testing is not yet pro-vided in all laboratories and that a varietyof units and cutoffs are reported. Thus,primary care physicians face challenges inobtaining and interpreting tests for MA.These findings suggest that strategies areneeded to increase the availability of MAtesting and to promote consistency inreporting of results and recommendedcutoffs. Promoting the availability andconsistency of MA testing through labora-tory regulatory agencies, manufacturers,and laboratory associations can help pri-mary care physicians and their patientsbenefit from MA screening, interpret thelaboratory findings according to publishedrecommendations, and implement appro-priate measures to prevent the progressionof diabetic nephropathy.







From the Montana Diabetes Project (T.S.H., J.M.M.,N.E., S.D.H., D.G.), Montana Department of PublicHealth and Human Services, Helena, Montana; andthe School of Medicine (R.R.L.), University of Mis-souri-Columbia, Columbia, Missouri.

Address correspondence to Todd S. Harwell,MPH, Montana Department of Public Health andHuman Services, Cogswell Bldg., C-317, P.O. Box202951, Helena, MT 59620-2951. E-mail: [email protected].

Acknowledgments — This project was sup-ported through a cooperative agreement

Table 1—Use of the 3 microalbuminuria screening tests by Montana laboratories in 1999and their corresponding values recommended by the American Diabetes Association

Use of test Use of units and cutoffs

ADA recommendations24-h collection (�30 mg/24 h) 12 of 17 (71) 4 of 12 (33)Timed collection (�20 µg/min) 10 of 17 (59) 4 of 10 (40)Albumin-to-creatinine ratio (�30 µg/mg 15 of 17 (88) 10 of 15 (67)creatinine)

Data are n (%).



(U32/CCU815663–02) with the Centers forDisease Control and Prevention (CDC), Divi-sion of Diabetes Translation. Its contents aresolely the responsibility of the authors and donot necessarily represent the official views ofthe CDC.

We would like to thank Ruth Whitish fromthe Montana Diabetes Project and LindaPriest and Abbie Pence from NorthwestResource Consultants for their work on thisproject. We would also like to thank themembers of the Montana Diabetes AdvisoryCoalition for their thoughtful feedback andsupport of this project.

References1. American Diabetes Association: Diabetic

nephropathy (Position Statement). Dia-betes Care 23 (Suppl. 1):S69–S72, 2000

2. Bennett PH, Haffner S, Kasiske BL, KeaneWF, Mogensen CE, Parving HH, SteffesMW, Striker GE: Screening and manage-ment of microalbuminuria in patients withdiabetes mellitus: recommendations to theScientific Advisory Board of the NationalKidney Foundation from an ad hoc com-mittee of the Council on Diabetes Mellitusof the National Kidney Foundation. Am JKidney Dis 25:107–112, 1995

Elevated PlasmaLevels of Proinsulinin Adult PatientsWith Down’s Syndrome

Previous studies have reportedincreased prevalence of diabetes inpatients with Down’s syndrome (1).

However, these studies concentrated onyoung people with Down’s syndrome.Recently, the mortality rate of Down’s syn-drome has declined and life expectancyhas improved. It is important to examinepancreatic �-cell function and insulinresistance in adult patients with Down’ssyndrome to prevent diabetes.

In this study, we measured fastingplasma levels of glucose, insulin, andproinsulin, and calculated the proinsulin-to-insulin ratio (PI/I ratio) and insulinresistance index assessed by homeostasismodel assessment (HOMA) (2) in adultpatients with Down’s syndrome. A total of19 patients with Down’s syndrome werestudied. They were in a residential homefor adult patients with mental and physicalhandicaps, and were identified as havingDown’s syndrome by chromosome analy-

sis (15 patients with regular trisomy 21and 4 patients with mosaic trisomy 21). Ascontrol subjects, 10 patients with mentalretardation caused by other diseasesincluding indistinct disorders were stud-ied, all of whom were in the same residen-tial home. None of the subjects was previ-ously diagnosed with diabetes. The directmeasurement of immunoreactive proin-sulin was performed using a sensitiveenzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(Yuka Medias, Ibaraki, Japan) (3). Datafrom control subjects and patients withDown’s syndrome were expressed as mean± SD, and compared by nonparametricMann-Whitney U test. P � 0.05 was con-sidered statistically significant.

Mean age of patients with Down’s syn-drome was 48.3 ± 4.2 years (range 45–59years), and mean BMI of the patients was21.1 ± 2.9 kg/m2. Mean age of control sub-jects was 51.4 ± 9.3 years (range 44–73),and the mean BMI was 22.1 ± 2.6 kg/m2.Mean fasting plasma levels of glucose(FPG) for the patients and the control sub-jects were 5.1 ± 0.4 mmol/l, and 5.1 ± 0.4mmol/l, respectively. There were nosignificant differences in age and BMI, andin plasma levels of glucose between in thecontrols and the patients. FPG for eachsubject was no more than 6.0 mmol/l.Mean fasting plasma levels of insulin werenot significantly different between thecontrol subjects (38.6 ± 20.0 pmol/l) andthe patients (35.7 ± 12.8 pmol/l). Meanfasting plasma levels of proinsulin weresignificantly higher in patients withDown’s syndrome (10.85 ± 2.96 pmol/l)than in the control subjects (8.0 ± 3.51pmol/l; P � 0.05). The PI/I ratio was alsosignificantly higher in the patients (0.325± 0.097) than in the controls (0.236 ±0.087; P � 0.05). There were no signifi-cant differences in HOMA between thecontrol subjects (1.49 ± 0.87) and theexperimental subjects (1.35 ± 0.51).

Elevated levels of plasma proinsulinand PI/I ratio have been reported to be oneof indicators of �-cell dysfunction in type 2diabetes and nonobese elderly subjects(4,5). The present study demonstrates thatplasma levels of proinsulin and PI/I ratiowere elevated in patients with Down’s syn-drome, whereas insulin resistance assessedby HOMA in the experimental subjectswas not significantly different from that inthe control subjects. These observationssuggest that function of pancreatic �-cellsin patients with Down’s syndrome may beimpaired, resulting in high incidence of

diabetes. The elevated levels of plasmaproinsulin and PI/I ratio in patients withDown’s syndrome seem to be caused notby environmental factors, but by geneticfactors (trisomy 21), because both thepatients and control subjects live in thesame residential home and share a similarlifestyle. Previous studies suggested thatneurons of patients with Down’s syndromehave a defect in the metabolism of reactiveoxygen species that causes neuronal apo-ptosis, and that this defect may contributeto mental retardation and predispose toAlzheimer’s disease (6). On the other hand,expression of antioxidant enzymes in thepancreatic islets is reportedly very low (7).These studies suspect that pancreatic �-cellsof patients with Down’s syndrome areoxidatively stressed, resulting in elevatedlevels of plasma proinsulin and PI/I ratio.In conclusion, the present study demon-strates that plasma levels of proinsulin andPI/I ratio were elevated in patients withDown’s syndrome, suggesting that functionof pancreatic �-cells may be impaired.







From the Second Department of Internal Medicine(Y.O., T.U., H.I., M.K.), and Health Science (S.T.),Gunma University School of Medicine; and theAssociation for the Welfare of the Mentally andPhysically Handicapped (T.H.), Gunma, Japan.

Address correspondence to Yoshio Ohyama,MD, the Second Department of Internal Medicine,Gunma University School of Medicine, 3-39-22,Showa, Maebashi Gunma, 371-8511 Japan. E-mail:[email protected].

References1. Milunsky A, Neurath PW: Diabetes melli-

tus in Down’s syndrome. Arch EnvironHealth 17:372–376, 1968

2. Matthews DR, Hosker JP, Rudenski AS,Naylor BA, Treacher DF, Turner RC:Homeostasis model assessment: insulinresistance and �-cell function from fastingplasma glucose and insulin concentrationsin man. Diabetologia 28:412–419, 1985

3. Emura M, Nakanome H, Ito A: Immunore-active proinsulin detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Biomed Res(Tokyo) 18:389–393, 1997

4. Williams DRR, Borne C, Clark PMS: Raisedproinsulin concentration as early indicatorof �-cell dysfunction. BMJ 303:95–96, 1991

5. Shimizu M, Kawazu S, Tomono S, Ohno T,Utsugi T, Kato N, Ishii C, Ito Y, Murata K:



Age-related alteration of pancreatic �-cellfunction: increased proinsulin and proin-sulin-to-insulin molar ratio in elderly, butnot in obese, subjects without glucoseintolerance. Diabetes Care 19:8–11, 1996

6. Busciglio J, Yankner BA: Apoptosis andincreased generation of reactive oxygenspecies in Down’s syndrome neurons invitro. Nature 378:776–779, 1995

7. Lenzen S, Drinkgern J, Tiedge M: Lowantioxidant enzyme gene expression inpancreatic islets compared with variousother mouse tissues. Free Radic Biol Med20:463–466, 1996

Angiotensin IIBlockade Is Associated WithDecreased PlasmaLeukocyte AdhesionMolecule Levels inDiabetic Nephropathy

The effects of blockade of the renin-angiotensin (RAS) system on levelsof circulating adhesion molecules in

type 1 diabetic patients with diabeticnephropathy were assessed. ACE-inhibi-tion and angiotensin II receptor blockadereduced plasma concentrations of soluble(s) vascular cell adhesion molecule 1(VCAM-1) and sE-selectin in type 1 dia-betic patients with diabetic nephropathy,suggesting that interfering with the effectsof angiotensin II decreases proatherogenicendothelial-leukocyte adhesion in diabeticnephropathy.

Type 1 diabetic patients with diabeticnephropathy are at extremely high risk ofatherothrombotic disease. Increasedadhesion of leukocytes to endothelial cellsis an early feature of atherogenesis and ismediated by increased expression on cel-

lular membranes of adhesion molecules,such as intercellular adhesion molecule-1(ICAM-1), VCAM-1, and E-selectin. Solu-ble adhesion molecules have beendetected in plasma and are thought toreflect shedding of membrane-boundforms. Increased plasma levels may thusindicate progressive atherogenesis, andthey have in fact been shown to predictatherothrombotic events (1). AngiotensinII stimulates the synthesis of adhesionmolecules and thus leukocyte-endothe-lium adhesion (2), but there are no dataon the effects of interference with the RASin diabetic nephropathy.

In view of these considerations, we per-formed a study on soluble adhesion mole-cules and renal function in type 1 diabeticpatients with diabetic nephropathy duringintervention in the RAS by blockade of theangiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1) com-pared with the effect of ACE inhibition(renal data published elsewhere [3]).

The study was designed as a crossovertrial with 5 treatment periods, each lasting2 months. Sixteen patients were included.Clinical data during treatment withplacebo were as follows: glomerular filtra-tion rate (GFR) 90 ± 6 l ? min21 ? 1.73 m22

(means ± SEM), albuminuria 1,156mg/24 h (643–2080, geometric mean; CI95%), mean arterial blood pressure(MABP) 104 ± 2 mmHg (means ± SEM),and HbA1c 8.8 ± 0.3% (mean ± SEM). Thepatients received the AT1 receptor antago-nist losartan (50 and 100 mg), the ACEinhibitor enalapril (10 and 20 mg), andplacebo in random order. Laboratoryexaminations were performed at the end ofeach treatment period and included assess-ment of plasma sVCAM-1; sICAM-1; sE-selection (adhesion molecules) by using anenzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(R&D Systems, Oxon, U.K.); von Wille-brand factor (vWF), a general marker of

endothelial function; and C-reactive pro-tein (CRP), a marker of inflammatoryactivity. These markers, except sICAM-1,were also examined in a control group of29 healthy subjects. The reduction inMABP and albuminuria ranged from 6 to11 mmHg and 33 to 59%, respectively,during the different drug treatment periodscompared with placebo, whereas GFR andmetabolic control remained unchanged.There were no significant differencesregarding the antihypertensive andantiproteinuric effects of the 2 drugs (3).

Plasma levels of sVCAM-1, sE-selectin, and vWF during the placeboperiod were higher than those in healthycontrol subjects (Table 1). The increasedconcentrations of sVCAM-1 and sE-selectin in the patients with diabeticnephropathy were significantly reducedby blockade of RAS, except for sE-selectinin the losartan-treated patients (P = 0.08)(Table 1). The relative reductions insVCAM-1 and sE-selectin obtained dur-ing treatment with the AT1 receptorantagonist tended to be less pronouncedthan the reduction obtained with the ACEinhibitor (P . 0.09). The concentration ofsICAM-1 remained unchanged in all 5treatment periods. None of the drugs low-ered the elevated level of vWF or the con-centration of CRP.

Our study is the first to demonstratethat blockade of the activity of angiotensinII in diabetic nephropathy lowers the levelsof some, but not all, adhesion molecules.These results suggest that interfering withthe effects of angiotensin II decreasesproatherogenic endothelial-leukocyteadhesion in diabetic nephropathy. Levels ofvWF and CRP did not change, which sug-gests that a general improvement inendothelial function or a decrease in sys-temic inflammatory activity did not causethe decreases in sVCAM-1 and sE-selectin.

Table 1—Concentrations of circulating adhesion molecules, von Willebrand factor, and C-reactive protein in healthy control subjects andduring RAS blockade in diabetic nephropathy

Healthy control Losartan Enalapril

subjects (n = 29) Placebo 50 mg 100 mg 10 mg 20 mg

sVCAM-1 (ng/ml) 512 (484–541) 652 (599–709)* 629 (591–668)† 620 (570–674)‡ 597 (553–645)§ 595 (555–638)§sICAM-1 (ng/ml) � 256 (225–292) 265 (228–307) 261 (229–297) 263 (231–300) 266 (235–301)sE-selectin (ng/ml) 35 (30–41) 58 (47–71)* 55 (45–68)† 55 (44–68)¶ 52 (43–64)§ 53 (43–65)§vWF (U/ml) 0.90 (0.74–1.11) 1.3 (1.04–1.47)* 1.30 (1.06–1.57) 1.29 (105–1.58) 1.18 (0.93–1.49) 1.15 (0.97–1.36)CRP (ng/ml) 0.57 (0.40–0.81) 0.86 (0.48–1.54) 1.00 (0.54–1.82) 0.95 (0.48–1.87) 1.00 (0.50–2.00) 0.84 (0.45–1.55)

Data are geometric means (95% CI). *P � 0.05 vs. healthy control subjects; †P = 0.15 vs. placebo; ‡P � 0.05; §P � 0.01 vs. placebo; �no value from healthycontrol subjects; ¶P = 0.08 vs. placebo.



Our study cannot exclude the possibilitythat ACE inhibition implies a vasculopro-tective effect in addition to those generatedby angiotensin II blockade, e.g., throughbradykinin accumulation.

Blockade of RAS has been described asexerting several nonhemodynamic vascu-loprotective effects, such as an antiprolifer-ative and antimigratory effect on smoothmuscle cells and an improvement inendothelial function (4). Studies investigat-ing the effect of blockade in RAS on expres-sion of adhesion molecules in vivo arescanty. A reduction in abnormally elevatedlevels of adhesion molecules by ACEinhibitor treatment has recently beendemonstrated in an open nonrandomizedstudy in type 2 diabetic patients withmicroalbuminuria and borderline hyper-tension (5). Similar results have beenfound by Ferri et al. (6) in nondiabetichypertensive patients.

The reduction in sVCAM-1 and sE-selectin in our study may reflect anantiatherogenic effect of blockade of theRAS. Therefore, further studies should beperformed to investigate the pathophysio-logical significance of increased expressionof adhesion molecules in diabetic nephropa-thy and the potentially beneficial effect ofintervention in the RAS.





From the Steno Diabetes Centre (S.A., H.H.P.),Copenhagen, Denmark; and the Department ofClinical Chemistry and Internal Medicine(C.D.A.S., C.G.S.), Institute for CardiovascularResearch, Academic Hospital Vrije UniversiteitAmsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Address correspondence to Steen Andersen,MD, Steno Diabetes Center, Niels Steensensvej 2,2820 Gentofte, Copenhagen, Denmark. E-mail:[email protected].

References1. Jager A, van Hindsbergh VWM, Kostense

PJ, Emeis JJ, Nijpels G, Dekker JM, HeineRJ, Bouter LM, Stehouwer CDA: Increasedlevels of soluble vascular cell adhesion mol-ecule 1 are associated with risk of cardio-vascular mortality in type 2 diabetes: theHoorn Study. Diabetes 49:485–491, 2000

2. Tummala PE, Chen XL, Sundell CL,Laursen JB, Hammes CP, Alexander RW,Harrison DG, Medford RM: Angiotensin IIinduces vascular cell adhesion molecule-1expression in rat vasculature: a potentiallink between the renin-angiotensin systemand atherosclerosis. Circulation 100:1223–

1229, 19993. Andersen S, Tarnow L, Rossing P, Hansen

BV, Parving H: Renoprotective effects ofangiotensin II receptor blockade in type 1diabetic patients with diabetic nephropa-thy. Kidney Int 57:601–606, 2000

4. Lonn EM, Yusuf S, Jha P, Montague TJ, TeoKK, Benedict CR, Pitt B: Emerging role ofangiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitorsin cardiac and vascular protection. Circula-tion 90:2056–2069, 1994

5. Gasic S, Wagner OF, Fasching P, Ludwig C,Veitl M, Kapiotis S, Jilma B: Fosinoprildecreases levels of soluble vascular celladhesion molecule-1 in borderline hyper-tensive type II diabetic patients withmicroalbuminuria. Am J Hypertens 12:217–222, 1999

6. Ferri C, Desideri G, Baldoncini R, BelliniC, Angelis CD, Mazzocchi C, Santucci A:Early activation of vascular endothelium innonobese nondiabetic essential hyperten-sive patients with multiple metabolicabnormalities. Diabetes 47:660–667, 1998

Castration and Diabetes

Prostate cancer is the most commonmalignancy among American men,and the number of men with

prostate cancer, as well as the number ofmen with diabetes, is progressivelyincreasing in Japan. Various hormonetherapies are performed to treat advancedprostate cancer. Recently, we examined 6patients (mean age 78.5 ± 4.0 years) inwhom diabetes control was remarkablyworsened by either surgical (orchiec-tomy) or medical castration (administra-tion of gonadotropin-releasing hormoneanalog), which was used in addition toantiandrogen drugs given to treatadvanced prostate cancer.

Laboratory data relating to diabetes andsex hormones were as follows: levels ofHbA1c (normal 3.4–5.8%) before castrationwere 6.5, 6.5, 7.3, 6.0, 5.2, and 6.5% andseveral months after castration were 9.9,13.0, 11.0, 8.3, 8.2, and 11.0%, the meansof which were 6.3 ± 0.6 and 10.2 ± 1.7%,respectively (P � 0.005 by paired Student’st test). All but 1 case had increased insulinsecretion. Fasting serum C-peptides were1.4, 0.6, 1.5, 1.3, 1.5, and 1.2 nmol/l (nor-mal 0.3–0.8), respectively. Patients whounderwent surgical castration had high lev-els of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicu-lar stimulating hormone (FSH), in compar-ison with patients who underwent medical

castration, in whom levels of LH and FSHwere low. Serum levels of progesteronewere within normal limits (�0.4 ng/ml),and testosterone decreased to undetectablelevels (�0.2 ng/ml, normal 2.7–10.7) in allpatients. All patients required more inten-sive antidiabetic therapy after castrationand antiandrogen therapy. No significantchanges occurred in diet, exercise, or BMIin any of the patients.

Previous reports concerning sex hor-mones and glucose metabolism have beencontroversial. In women who are in theluteal phase or are pregnant, progesteroneis 1 of the sex hormones associated withinsulin resistance. Some studies demon-strated that higher levels of testosteroneare associated with insulin resistance inwomen, especially in patients with poly-cystic ovarian syndrome (1). In contrast,decreased testosterone and dehydroepi-androsterone sulfate were reported to beassociated with insulin resistance andhyperinsulinemia in men (2). Serum con-centrations of testosterone were also lowerin men with type 2 diabetes than in nor-moglycemic men (3). Castrated male ratsshowed increased insulin resistance,which improved after administration oftestosterone (4). A few studies demon-strated that antiandrogen therapy itselfcaused diabetic ketoacidosis in type 2 dia-betic patients. Therefore, decreased levelsof testosterone as a result of castrationmight play an important role in insulinresistance in our subjects.

Taken together, these findings con-tribute to the understanding of the rela-tionship between sex hormones and glu-cose metabolism, and urologists andphysicians should pay close attention toglucose metabolism when treatingprostate cancer with castration and antian-drogen therapy.







From the Department of Medicine and Endocrine Unit(M.F.) and the Department of Urology (M.K., Y.N.,Y.I.), Ayabe Municipal Hospital; and the First Depart-ment of Internal Medicine (M.F., N.N., M.K.), KyotoPrefectural University of Medicine, Kyoto, Japan.

Address correspondence to Michiaki Fukui, MD,the Department of Medicine and Endocrine Unit,Ayabe Municipal Hospital, 20-1 Otsuka Aono-cho,Ayabe City, Kyoto 623-0011, Japan.



References1. Burghen GA, Givens JR, Kitabchi AE: Cor-

relation of hyperandrogenism with hyper-insulinism in polycystic ovarian disease.J Clin Endocrinol Metab 50:113–116, 1980

2. Haffner SM, Valdez RA, Mykkanen L, SteinMP, Katz MS: Decreased testosterone anddehydroepiandrosterone sulfate concentra-tions are associated with increased insulinand glucose concentrations in nondiabeticmen. Metabolism 43:599–603, 1994

3. Andersson B, Marin P, Lissner L, Ver-meulen A, Bjorntorp P: Testosterone con-centrations in women and men withNIDDM. Diabetes Care 17:405–411, 1994

4. Holmang A, Bjorntorp P: The effects oftestosterone on insulin sensitivity in malerats. Acta Physiol Scand 146:505–510, 1992

Decompensation ofLeucine NitrogenKinetics in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

Fetal and neonatal morbidity, specifi-cally macrosomia or large-for-gesta-tional-age infant, remains a persistent

problem in pregnant women with gesta-tional diabetes mellitus (GDM) (1,2). Anumber of studies have shown that rigor-ous management of maternal metabolismby diet or insulin therapy can normalizematernal plasma glucose concentrations,HbA1c levels, and rates of glucoseturnover (3,4). However, fetal macroso-mia and related perinatal maternal andneonatal morbidity persist. Data from pre-vious studies have shown an increase inmaternal plasma concentrations of alphaamino nitrogen in women with GDM anda correlation between certain specificamino acid levels in the mother and fetalbirth weight (6). In particular, there was astrong correlation between maternal lev-els of serine, proline, threonine, andornithine, and the infant’s birth weight.

Because all of these are nonessentialamino acids, we speculated that theincreased levels of these amino acids maybe related to changes in whole-bodynitrogen turnover. Studies of whole-bodyprotein turnover, as measured by [1-13C]leucine or phenylalanine tracers, havenot shown any significant impact of GDMin well-compensated subjects (6,7).Transamination of leucine and otherbranched-chain amino acids is an impor-tant nitrogen source for nonessentialamino acids. In the present study, we havequantified the rate of leucine N turnoverand its transamination in metabolicallycompensated women with GDM beforeany intervention. Our data show a higherrate of leucine N turnover in the presenceof unchanged rate of urea synthesis inwomen with GDM.

Leucine and urea kinetics were quan-tified in 6 women with GDM between 21and 32 weeks’ gestation. Their data werecompared with those of 8 normal healthypregnant women studied during the thirdtrimester using a similar protocol, whichwas reported previously (8). All subjectswere healthy, had no other medical com-plications related to pregnancy, and werenot receiving any medications other thanvitamin supplements. Written informedconsent was obtained from each subjectafter the procedure was fully explained.The protocol was approved by the insti-tutional review board for investigation inhumans.

Subjects were studied in the GeneralClinical Research Center during the morn-ing after an overnight fast of 10 h. Thedetails of the tracer isotope infusion proto-col have been reported (8). After the basalstudies, the response to a mixed-nutrientload was evaluated by giving oral EnsurePlus (Ross Laboratories, Columbus, OH) ata rate of 35 ml every 30 min (101 kcal and3.7 g protein per hour) for the next 3 h.

The women with GDM were signifi-cantly older (38 ± 2.7 vs. 28 ± 3.4 years)and were studied earlier in gestation (28.5

± 4.3 vs. 34.0 ± 2.0 weeks). There was nodifference in weight, BMI, total body water(TBW) (TBW/wt: GDM, 58.8 ± 3.4%; nor-mal, 55.8 ± 6.2%), weight gain duringpregnancy, or the daily calorie intakebetween the normal and the GDMwomen. Their glycosylated hemoglobinlevels were 5.36 ± 0.2%. The birth weightof infants born to mothers with GDM wasnot different from those of the infants bornto normal mothers (normal, 3,183 ± 609 g;GDM, 3,426 ± 586 g).

The plasma glucose (GDM, 4.4 ± 0.5;normal, 4.1 ± 0.4 mmol � l�1), urea nitro-gen (GDM, 2.2 ± 0.7; normal, 2.9 ± 0.7mmol � l�1), and leucine (GDM, 89.5 ±9.2: normal, 80.9 ± 18.7 µmol/l) concen-trations during fasting were similar in thenormal and GDM groups. In response toEnsure Plus feeding, the GDM groupshowed a significantly higher level ofplasma glucose and leucine. There wasno difference in the plasma insulin con-centration during fasting or in responseto feeding.

The rate of leucine nitrogen turnover(QN) was significantly higher during fast-ing in the GDM subjects (Table 1). Theleucine carbon flux, fraction of leucine C-1 decarboxylated, and rate of urea synthe-sis during fasting was not significantly dif-ferent in the GDM group when comparedwith the normal group. In response tofeeding, there was a greater increase inleucine C flux in the GDM group (P �0.01). The leucine QN during feeding,though higher in GDM subjects, was notsignificantly different between the 2groups. Although the rates of deamina-tion and reamination of leucine werehigher in the GDM subjects, none of thesedifferences were statistically significant.The fraction of leucine C oxidized and thefraction of leucine reaminated wasunchanged in the GDM group. The ratesof oxygen consumption, CO2 production,and the respiratory exchange ratio werenot significantly different between normaland GDM subjects.

Table 1—Leucine and urea kinetics in pregnancy

QN (µmol � kg�1 � hr�1) QC (µmol � kg�1 � hr�1) C/QC (%) SU (µmol � kg�1 � min�1)

n Fasting Fed Fasting Fed Fasting Fed Fasting Fed

Subjects without GDM 8 135 ± 16 155 ± 34 109 ± 19 124 ± 17 15.7 ± 2.5 20.8 ± 4.7 2.59 ± 0.82 2.49 ± 0.76Subjects with GDM 6 166 ± 8* 203 ± 39 124 ± 19 174 ± 31† 14.8 ± 2.6 21.3 ± 5.0 2.11 ± 0.87 2.35 ± 0.94

Data are n or means ± SD. QN, leucine nitrogen turnover ([1-13C,15N]leucine dilution); QC, leucine carbon turnover ([13C]leucine dilution in ketoisocaproicacid); C/QC, fraction of leucine C-1 oxidized; SU, rate of urea synthesis. Compared with normal group, *P � 0.003, †P � 0.01.



Diabetes in pregnancy, both type 1diabetes as well as GDM, is associated withfetal and neonatal morbidity, specificallyrelated to macrosomia (1,2,9,10). In spiteof the rigorous control of maternal glucosemetabolism, as demonstrated by normalglycosylated hemoglobin and plasma glu-cose levels and glucose kinetics, themacrosomia remains a persistent problem(3,4,9,10). Therefore, it has been postu-lated that fetal macrosomia may be relatedto the excessive transfer of other nutrients(i.e., amino acids and fatty acids) from themother to the fetus. However, an excessivetransfer of nitrogen to the fetus has notbeen demonstrated.

Studies of urea synthesis and ureanitrogen excretion in well-compensatedwomen with GDM, whether treated bydietary regulation or by insulin, haveshown no change in urea kinetics whencompared with normal subjects (4,6). Inaddition, estimates of leucine C andphenylalanine kinetics, even in the pres-ence of mildly elevated glucose andinsulin levels, were unchanged in GDMwomen when compared with normalwomen (4,7). Only in the insulin-treatedGDM subjects, who also had higher HbA1c

levels, was there an evidence of higher rateof leucine C turnover and a higher rate ofleucine C-1 decarboxylation (4).

The present data are the first todemonstrate an increase in leucine QN inGDM. Of significance, the increase in QN

was not associated with an increase in ureasynthesis. The calculated rates of deamina-tion and reamination of leucine in thewomen with GDM, though higher, werenot significantly different when comparedwith the rates in the normal subjects. Nev-ertheless, a higher rate of leucine Nturnover would be expected to result in ahigher rate of whole-body nitrogenturnover. Whether such an increase actu-ally occurs or is a direct contributor to fetalmacrosomia remains to be examined. Wespeculate that a higher rate of leucine Nturnover in GDM could result in anincreased rate of whole-body nitrogenturnover, and could contribute to fetalmacrosomia. Such a hypothesis needs tobe examined in further studies.




From the Robert Schwartz, M.D., Center for Metab-olism and Nutrition, MetroHealth Medical Center,Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio.

Address correspondence to Satish Kalhan, MD,Schwartz Center, Bell Greve Bldg., Room G-735,MetroHealth Medical Center, 2500 MetroHealthDr., Cleveland, OH 44109-1998. E-mail: [email protected].

Acknowledgments — These studies weresupported by National Institutes of HealthGrants HD11089 and RR00080.

The authors gratefully acknowledge theassistance of the staff of the General ClinicalResearch Center at University Hospitals ofCleveland, Ohio. The secretarial support ofMrs. Joyce Nolan is gratefully appreciated.

References1. Philipson EH, Kalhan SC, Rosen MG, Edel-

berg SC, Williams TG, Riha MM: Gesta-tional diabetes mellitus: is further improve-ment necessary? Diabetes 34:55–60, 1985

2. Persson B, Hanson U: Neonatal morbidi-ties in gestational diabetes mellitus. Dia-betes Care 21 (Suppl. 2):B79–B84, 1998

3. Kalhan SC, Hertz RH, Rossi KQ, Savin SM:Glucose-alanine relationship in diabetes inhuman pregnancy. Metabolism 40:629–633, 1991

4. Kalhan SC, Denne SC, Patel DM, NuamahIF, Savin SM: Leucine kinetics during abrief fast in diabetes in pregnancy. Metabo-lism 43:378–384, 1994

5. Kalkhoff RK, Kandaraki E, Morrow PG,Mitchell TH, Kelber S, Borkowf HI: Rela-tionship between neonatal birth weightand maternal plasma amino acid profilesin lean and obese nondiabetic women andin type I diabetic pregnant women. Metab-olism 37:234–239, 1988

6. Kalhan SC: Protein and nitrogen metabo-lism in gestational diabetes. Diabetes Care21 (Suppl. 2):B75–B78, 1998

7. Zimmer DM, Golichowska AM, Karn CA,Brechtel G, Baron AD, Denne SC: Glucoseand amino acid turnover in untreated ges-tational diabetes. Diabetes Care 19:591–596, 1996

8. Kalhan SC, Rossi KQ, Gruca LL, SuperDM, Savin SM: Relation between transam-ination of branched-chain amino acidsand urea synthesis: evidence from humanpregnancy. Am J Physiol 275:E423–E431,1998

9. Hawthorne G, Robson S, Ryall EA, Sen D,Roberts SH, Ward Platt MP: Prospectivepopulation based survey of outcome ofpregnancy in diabetic women: results ofthe Northern Diabetic Pregnancy Audit,1994. BMJ 315:279–281, 1997

10. Casson IF, Clarke CA, Howard CV, McK-endrick O, Pennycook S, Pharoah POD,Platt MJ, Stanisstreet M, van Velszen D,Walkinshaw S: Outcomes of pregnancy ininsulin dependent diabetic women: results

of a five year population cohort study. BMJ315:275–278, 1997


Response to Glasgow and Anderson

We were pleased by Glasgow andAnderson’s recent letter (1), whichresponded to our earlier article on

compliance and adherence (2). It is clearthat we share the perspective that tradi-tional usage of “compliance” as a conceptfor understanding patient behavior andaccounting for failures in medical treat-ment is both unjust for patients and limit-ing. Despite this common perspective,however, our opinions diverge regardinghow best to proceed from the current stateof affairs. In the spirit of moving thisimportant debate forward and identifyingnuances to arguments that have been pre-viously underacknowledged, we take thisopportunity to identify some of the con-straints we see as acting on Glasgow andAnderson’s recommendations.

First, we wish to acknowledge thebody of work done by Anderson and hiscolleagues (3–6), as well as other workthat has addressed the limitations of“adherence” (6–8) and has proposed alter-natives, such as “self-care” and “self-man-agement” (9–11). At the same time, wefind that Glasgow and Anderson’s presen-tation of this literature as “a large body ofwork” is misleading when considered inthe larger context of the totality of publica-tions in this area. Even though this work isindeed critical, it is utterly dwarfed by thenumber of publications that orient tocompliance and adherence as a problemwith individual patient behavior. Giventhe dominance of this perspective, wecontinue to advocate the relatively simplemove to the alternative term “adherence”as a maximally parsimonious strategy forstriking the term “compliance” from thera-peutic vocabulary and moving away fromits pejorative implications. This point isintertwined with Glasgow and Anderson’scriticism that our previous argument does“not go far enough.” We agree that none ofthese proposals will go far enough until we



can enact truly collaborative and dialogicdoctor-patient relationships. This mustbegin with the elimination of a “compli-ance” paradigm.

When we consider closely the litany ofalternatives that have been suggested for“compliance” (“adherence,” “self-care,”“self-management,” “empowerment,” and“autonomy motivation”), we find underly-ing similarities that not only implicateconstraints acting on the reformulation ofthe concept of “compliance” within themedical system, but that also may helpaccount for the ongoing nature of thisdebate. To varying degrees, each of theseterms ultimately focuses on shortcomingsin patient behavior as an explanation forsuboptimal treatment outcomes, therebyresiding conceptually in the same camp as“compliance.” Even “self-management”creates a situation in which poor self-carecan be dismissed as noncompliance—words still heard almost daily in trainingprograms and diabetes clinics.

Glasgow and Anderson’s commentsinvite examination of the more fundamen-tal issues underlying the compliance/adher-ence debates: In the context of our modernmedical system, is it really possible to oper-ationalize the phenomenon of patients notfollowing treatment recommendationswithout implicating practitioners’ author-ity? Do we overstate or romanticize theextent to which doctor-patient relationshipscan be equalized when we suggest alterna-tives to “compliance”? Perhaps Wagner’sproposed term “collaborative management”(12) will indeed encourage us to movetoward these goals by helping us to rethinkthe nature of these relationships. As wecontinue to consider these issues, it isimportant to remember that even thoughpatients are indeed responsible for theirdiabetes management, practitioners are alsoinescapably invested in these processes inways that will not disappear with changesin terminology. They are responsible forprescribing regimens that patients cansafely execute, and, moreover, for oversee-ing this self-management process in a waythat maximizes glucose control while pro-tecting themselves and patients from liabil-ity and the negative consequences ofuncontrolled diabetes. Shifting to a termi-nological focus on patients’ autonomy mayonly mask the underlying causes of practi-tioners’ concerns with compliance andsome of the ways in which the phenome-non is inherently authoritative. To theextent that these issues give shape to

patient-practitioner relationships, then, wecontinue to share Glasgow and Anderson’sconcern with moving away from “compli-ance.” We propose beginning with the sim-pler step of replacing “compliance” with“adherence” as an approach that is moresensitive to the current organization ofmedical care in the U.S.



From the School of Medicine, Indiana University,Indianapolis, Indiana.

Address correspondence to William J. Wishner,MD, Takeda Pharmaceuticals America, 475 HalfDay St., Suite 500, Lincolnshire, IL 60069. E-mail:[email protected].

W.J.W. is currently employed by Takeda Pharma-ceuticals America.

References1. Glasgow RE, Anderson RM: In diabetes

care, moving from compliance to adher-ence is not enough: something entirely dif-ferent is needed (Letter). Diabetes Care 22:2090–2091, 1999

2. Lutfey KE, Wishner WJ: Beyond “compli-ance” is “adherence.” Diabetes Care 22:635–639, 1999

3. Anderson RM: Patient empowerment andthe traditional medical model. DiabetesCare 18:412–415, 1995

4. Anderson RM, Funnell MM, Barr PA,Dedrick RF, Davis WK: Learning toempower patients: results of a patient edu-cation program for diabetes educators.Diabetes Care 14:584–590, 1991

5. Anderson RM, Funnell MM, Butler PM,Arnold MS, Fitzgerald JT, Feste CC:Patient empowerment: results of a ran-domized controlled trial. Diabetes Care 18:943–949, 1995

6. Johnson SB, Silverstein J, Rosenbloom A,Carter R, Cunningham W: Assessing dailymanagement in childhood diabetes. HealthPsychol 5:545–564, 1986

7. Johnson SB: Methodological issues in dia-betes research: measuring adherence. Dia-betes Care 15:1658-1667, 1992

8. Glasgow RE, Wilson W, McCaul KD: Regi-men adherence: a problematic construct indiabetes research. Diabetes Care 8:300–301, 1985

9. Clement S: Diabetes self-management edu-cation. Diabetes Care 18:1204–1214, 1995

10. American Diabetes Association Task Forceto Revise the National Standards: NationalStandards for Diabetes Self-ManagementEducation Programs. Diabetes Care 18:737–741, 1995

11. American Diabetes Association: NationalStandards for Diabetes Self-ManagementEducation Programs and American Dia-betes Association review criteria. Diabetes

Care 21 (Suppl. 1):95–S98, 199812. Wagner EH: Population-based manage-

ment of diabetes care. Patient Educ Couns26:225–230, 1995

Increased PlasmaPlasminogen Activator Inhibitor 1in Relatives of Type 2 DiabeticPatients

In a recent study published in DiabetesCare, Gürlek et al. (1) presented datashowing increased plasminogen activator

inhibitor 1 (PAI-1) levels in the offspring ofpatients with type 2 diabetes, which is pre-dicted by the clustering of anthropometricand metabolic features in patients withinsulin resistance. In fact, increased levels ofPAI-1 in the first-degree relatives of type 2diabetic patients have been described previ-ously (2,3). We published data from 132first-degree relatives (5 parents, 81 offspring,and 46 siblings [unrelated to each other]) oftype 2 diabetic patients showing increasedlevels of PAI-1 compared with age-matchedcontrol subjects (geometric mean values;12.7 vs. 7.7 ng/ml). This finding was notaccounted for by adjustment for other mark-ers of insulin resistance (2).

Unlike the data from Gürlek et al. (1),but in common with many other largecross-sectional studies, we found levels ofPAI-1 to show a strong correlation with fast-ing plasma insulin levels (2), as would beexpected given the strong association ofboth with dynamically measured insulinresistance (4,5). It is possible that Gürlek etal. failed to demonstrate this associationbecause of a smaller sample size and greatercoefficient of variability of measures of PAI-1and insulin. It is of interest that the PAI-1antigen values cited by Gürlek et al. are�20-fold higher than those that we andothers have found in similar subjects. Thismay reflect the release of the platelet pool ofPAI-1 into plasma during processing. Inthis context, the absence of correlation maynot justify the subtitle “Lack of associationwith plasma insulin levels.”

Suppressed fibrinolysis due toincreased plasma levels of PAI-1 is now anestablished feature of the syndrome ofinsulin resistance (6). The mechanismlinking insulin resistance to increased PAI-1remains unclear, although it may be medi-



ated by more than one of the metabolicconsequences of insulin resistance. Just asboth insulin and VLDL triglyceride stimu-late PAI-1 expression in vitro (7,8), sosimultaneously elevated levels of insulin,glucose, and triglyceride have been shownto increase circulating PAI-1 levels inhuman subjects (9).

We agree with Gürlek et al. that cau-tion is still required in attributing a causalrole for elevated PAI-1 levels in the athero-genic process.


From the Academic Unit of Molecular VascularMedicine, General Infirmary at Leeds, University ofLeeds, Leeds, U.K.

Address correspondence to Michael W. Mans-field, DM, MRCP, Academic Unit of Molecular Vas-cular Medicine, G-Floor, Martin Wing, GeneralInfirmary at Leeds, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS13EX, U.K. E-mail: [email protected].

References1. Gürlek A, Bayraktar M, Kirazli S: Increased

plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 activityin offspring of type 2 diabetic patients:lack of association with plasma insulin lev-els. Diabetes Care 23:88–92, 2000

2. Mansfield MW, Stickland MH, Grant PJ:PAI-1 concentrations in first-degree rela-tives of patients with non-insulin-depen-dent diabetes: metabolic and genetic associ-ations. Thromb Haemost 77:357–361, 1997

3. Medvescek M, Keber D, Stegnar M:Impaired fibrinolysis in offspring ofparental pairs with type 2 diabetes mellitus(Abstract). Diabetologia 38 (Suppl. 1):A52,1995

4. Landin K, Tengborn L, Smith U: Elevatedfibrinogen and plasminogen activatorinhibitor (PAI-1) in hypertension are relatedto metabolic risk factors for cardiovasculardisease. J Intern Med 227:273–278, 1990

5. Potter van Loon BJ, Kluft K, Radder JK,Blankenstein MA, Meinders AE: The car-diovascular risk factor plasminogen activa-tor inhibitor type 1 is related to insulinresistance. Metabolism 42:945–949, 1993

6. Juhan-Vague I, Alessi MC: Plasminogenactivator inhibitor 1 and atherothrombo-sis. Thromb Haemost 70:138–143, 1993

7. Stiko-Rahm A, Wiman B, Hamsten A,Nilsson J: Secretion of plasminogen activa-tor inhibitor-1 from cultured humanumbilical vein endothelial cells is inducedby very low density lipoprotein. Arte-riosclerosis 10:1067–1073, 1990

8. Grant PJ, Rüegg M, Medcalf RL: Basalexpression and insulin-mediated induc-tion of PAI-1 mRNA in Hep G2 cells. Fibri-nolysis 5:81–86, 1991

9. Calles-Escandon J, Mirza SA, Sobel BE,

Schneider DJ: Induction of hyperinsuline-mia combined with hyperglycemia andhypertriglyceridemia increases plasmino-gen activator inhibitor 1 in blood in normalhuman subjects. Diabetes 47:290–293,1998

Increased PlasmaPAI-1 in Relatives ofType 2 DiabeticPatients

It is obvious that the observations ofMansfield et al. (1) concerning theincreased PAI-1 activity in first-degree

relatives of type 2 diabetes patients are inaccordance with our results (2). Indeed,our reason for not citing their study in ourarticle is our lack of awareness of its pres-ence according to our Medline searchresults. This may be caused by the discrep-ancy between the keywords assigned totheir article and the keywords we have usedwhile searching for the related articles inthis field. In fact, in the discussion sectionof our article (2), we have used the phrase“to the best of our knowledge,” whichshows that we consider our study to be thefirst one about increased PAI-1 activity infirst-degree relatives of diabetic subjects.

In this issue, Mansfield (3) claims thatour failure to demonstrate the correlationbetween PAI-1 activity and fasting plasmainsulin concentration might be due to thesmall sample size and greater coefficient ofvariation concerning PAI-1 and insulin.We think that this argument is not validbased on the Spearman’s rank correlationanalyses we have performed. Although notmentioned in detail in our article, theSpearman’s correlation coefficient (r value)between PAI-1 activity and fasting plasmainsulin concentration was �0.14, corre-sponding to a P value of 0.44. So, even ifwe had a greater sample size, we wouldhave failed to demonstrate the expectedpositive correlation between these 2parameters. In our opinion, the phrase“lack of association with plasma insulinlevels” as a subtitle for our article is suit-able because of the lack of any correlationbetween PAI-1 activity and insulin. Asstressed by Mansfield (3), there are studiesthat have demonstrated a positive correla-tion between PAI-1 and insulin levels.However, it should also be noted that nei-ther insulin nor proinsulin levels are pre-dictive of PAI-1 activity in healthy subjects

as assessed in multivariate linear regres-sion analyses (4).

Mansfield (3) has stressed that ourabsolute PAI-1 antigen concentrations arerelatively higher than cited in the study byMansfield et al. (1). We would like toemphasize that we strictly followed theinstructions of the manufacturer of PAI-1assays (Diagnostica Stago, Asnières-Sur-Seine, France). The discrepancy regardingthe absolute values of plasma PAI-1 anti-gen concentrations may be multifactorial.First, it may be related to ethnic differ-ences. For instance, in a previous study ina Turkish population (5), the median PAI-1 antigen level has been cited as 41 ng/ml,and this value seems considerably higherthan the value cited (7.7 ng/ml) by Mans-field et al. (1). Also, the contribution ofplatelets to PAI-1 concentration is a well-defined phenomenon. For instance, ele-vated plasma PAI-1 antigen concentrationshave been reported in patients with pri-mary and secondary thrombocytosis (6).So, the platelet counts of our study popu-lation might have accounted for, at least inpart, the aforementioned discrepancy.

Unfortunately, we have not assessedthe platelet counts of our subjects. Even ifwe assume that, as suggested by Mans-field, the activation of platelets and theresultant release of intraplatelet pool ofPAI-1 during sampling have contributedto our plasma PAI-1 antigen concentra-tions, the plasma PAI-1 activity has notbeen affected by this situation. It has previ-ously been shown that plasma mainly con-tains active PAI-1, whereas the plateletPAI-1 occurs as an inactive form (7). Asreflected by the title of our study (2), wehave primarily evaluated the plasma PAI-1activity in our subjects.

We agree with Mansfield (3) concern-ing the causal role of PAI-1 in the athero-genic process in the prediabetic period.This issue can be solved by prospectivelarge-scale studies conducted in both nor-mal and impaired glucose tolerant first-degree relatives of diabetic subjects.




From the Divisions of Endocrinology (A.G., M.B.)and Hematology (S.K.), Department of Medicine,Hacettepe University School of Medicine, Ankara,Turkey.

Address correspondence to Alper Gürlek, MD,29 Sokak 36/3, 06490 Bahcelievler Ankara, Turkey.E-mail: [email protected].



References1. Mansfield MW, Stickland MH, Grant PJ:

PAI-1 concentrations in first-degree rela-tives of patients with non-insulin-depen-dent diabetes: metabolic and genetic associ-ations. Thromb Haemost 77:357–361, 1997

2. Gürlek A, Bayraktar M, Kirazli S: Increasedplasminogen activator inhibitor-1 activityin offspring of type 2 diabetic patients:lack of association with plasma insulin lev-els. Diabetes Care 23:88–92, 2000

3. Mansfield MW: Increased plasma plas-minogen activator inhibitor 1 in relativesof type 2 diabetic patients (Letter). Dia-betes Care 23:1035–1036, 2000

4. Eliasson M, Roder ME, Dinesen B, EvrinP-E, Lindahl B: Proinsulin, intact insulin,and fibrinolytic variables and fibrinogen inhealthy subjects: a population study. Dia-betes Care 20:1252–1255, 1997

5. Haznedaroglu IC, Ozcebe OI, Ozdemir O,Celik I, Dundar SV, Kirazli S: Impairedhaemostatic kinetics and endothelial func-tion in Behcet’s disease. J Intern Med 240:181–187, 1996

6. Patrassi GM, Sartori MT, Randi ML,Zerbinati P, Theodoridis P, Pontarollo S,Danesin C, Girolami A: Contribution ofplatelets to PAI-1 concentration in plasma ofpatients with primary and secondary throm-bocytosis. Fibrinolysis 11:85–90, 1997

7. Declerck P: Plasminogen activator-inhibitor-1: biochemical, structural and functionalstudies. Verh K Acad Geneeskd Belg 55:457–473, 1993

Homeostasis ModelAssessment andRelated SimplifiedEvaluations ofInsulin SensitivityFrom Fasting Insulinand GlucoseNo need for log transformation butbeware of limits of validity

In recent issues of Diabetes Care, 2 arti-cles confirm the concordance betweenthe homeostasis model assessment

insulin resistance index (HOMA-IR) andinsulin sensitivity (SI) measured witheither the glucose clamp (1) or the mini-mal model (2). In addition, both indicatethat the relationship between HOMA-IRand SI is nonlinear and fits better with anexponential curve (1,2). Accordingly,Fukushima et al. (2) propose to useln(HOMA-IR) rather than HOMA itselfas a measurement of insulin resistance.Evidence supporting the accuracy ofthese alternative evaluations of SI frombaseline insulin (I) and glucose (G) levels(1–4) appears to be more and more con-vincing. However, a recent large-scalestudy shows that such methods are notprecise enough to be recommended forthe clinical assessment of SI in individualsubjects (5). In addition, it is very sur-prising that, besides G I expressedeither as a HOMA-IR equal to G I/22.5(3) or a fasting insulin resistance index,which is equal to G I/25 and thusalmost equivalent (4), other indexesbased on the ratio G:I are also reportedto fairly correlate with SI (6). The physi-ological basis for these indexes is thefeedback homeostatic loop between SIand I (7) that is described by the rela-tionship: SI I = a (constant). Thisimplies that, unless this homeostaticloop is broken, there is a simple hyper-bolic relationship between SI and I asfollows: SI = a/I. Therefore, SI is propor-tional to I�1. It is logical to assume that Gshould also be included in the formulafor predicting SI, but whether the bestpredictor of SI is I/G, I G, or anotherformula with the general form SI = aIbGc

is not clear. After testing differentempiric relationships (general form SI =aIbGc) in 7 distinct samples of subjects incomparison with the minimal model, wefound that an index SI = a/I based on theconcept of Si I = constant (with a = 40if SI units are min�1/(µU/ml) 10�4)was actually the best predictor of SI (8).Thus, we proposed SI = 40/I as a simpli-fied evaluation of SI (9).

Two things remain unclear: 1) whichindex (HOMA-IR, ln[HOMA-IR], G/I, or40/I) fits better with minimal model SI,and 2) what are the limits of validity of thisalternative measurement of SI?

We measured SI with the minimalmodel in 68 obese patients (36.25 ± 1.66years, BMI 34.8 ± 0.7); 44 with type 2 dia-betes (53.7 ± 1.8 years, BMI 28.2 ± 0.87);27 patients explored for reactive hypogly-cemia (37.1 ± 3.3 years, BMI 23.1 ± 1.3);57 athletes (28.6 ± 1.6 years, BMI 22.5 ±0.28); and 20 lean control subjects (25.73± 2.6 years, BMI 20.9 ± 0.6). Correlationsof SI with these indexes are shown onTable 1. A step-wise regression analysischose 40/I as the best correlate of SI inobese and type 2 diabetic patients. Meandifferences between SI and 40/I were asfollows: 1.8 ± 0.12 min�1 10�4 (µU/ml)(obese), 2.15 ± 0.34 (type 2 diabeticpatients), 6.9 ± 0.97 (athletes), and 8.38 ±3.3 (hypoglycemic patients). These resultsshow that 1) log-transformed HOMA-IRcorrelates well to SI, but not better thanthe simpler indexes 40/I or G/I; 2) thesesimple indexes calculated from I and Gpoorly correlate with SI in type 2 diabeticpatients and do not correlate at all inhypoglycemic patients and athletes.

Therefore, we agree with Bonora et al.(1) and Fukushima et al. (2) that HOMA-IRmay provide a good prediction of SI, but wewant to point out that log transformation isnot necessary because the exponential-likeshape of the relationship between SI and I islikely to reflect the homeostatic relationship(SI = a/I) rather than an until-now-unre-ported exponential law. As shown onTable 1, 1/(HOMA-IR) correlates at least aswell as ln(HOMA-IR). In addition, in all ofthe series we have studied, G does notimprove the prediction of SI, so that wesuggest the index SI = 40/SI as a simple andaccurate prediction of SI. It is also veryimportant to emphasize that all of theseindexes lose their validity when the feed-back loop between SI and I is disturbed(i.e., in major �-cell defects such as overt

Table 1—Correlation coefficients between SI (minimal model) and alternative indexes of insulin sensitivity

40/I HOMA-IR I/G G/I ln(HOMA) 1/HOMA 1/ln(HOMA)

Obese 0.668* �0.435* �0.510* 0.639* �0.580* 0.659* 0.251Obese + lean 0.343* �0.277* �0.342* 0.346* �0.491* 0.516* 0.189Type 2 diabetic patients 0.363† �0.13 (NS) �0.16 (NS) 0.24 (NS) �0.177 (NS) 0.213 (NS) 0.083 (NS)Hypoglycemic patients �0.02 (NS) �0.13 (NS) �0.03 (NS) 0.07 (NS) 0.074 (NS) �0.069 (NS) 0.075 (NS)Athletes 0.11 (NS) �0.20 (NS) �0.08 (NS) 0.07 (NS) �0.218 (NS) 0.221 (NS) �0.257 (NS)

*P � 0.001; †P � 0.05.



diabetes or when SI values are high [ath-letes and reactive hypoglycemia]). Thus,these indexes should be used only in popu-lations in whom their validity has beendemonstrated (e.g., nondiabetic obesepatients). Outside of these conditions, cau-tion is surely required (5) and there remainsa need for other simple validated indexes.




From the Service Central de Physiologie Clinique,Centre d’Exploration et de Réadaptation des Anom-alies du Métabolisme Musculaire (CERAMM), Mont-pellier, France.

Address correspondence to Jean-Frèdèric Brun,MD, PhD, Service Central de Physiologie Clinique(CERAMM), CHU Lapeyronie 34295, Montpelliercédex 5, France. E-mail: [email protected].

References1. Bonora E, Targher G, Alberiche M,

Bonadonna RC, Saggiani F, Zenere MB,Monauni T, Muggeo M: Homeostasismodel assessment closely mirrors the glu-cose clamp technique in the assessment ofinsulin sensitivity: studies in variousdegrees of glucose tolerance and insulinsensitivity. Diabetes Care 23:57–63, 2000

2. Fukushima M, Taniguchi A, Sakai M, DoiK, Nagasaka S, Tanaka H, Tokuyama K,Nakai Y: Homeostasis model assessment asa clinical index of insulin resistance: com-parison with the minimal model analysis.Diabetes Care 22:1911–1912, 1999

3. Matthews DR, Hosker JP, Rudenski AS,Naylor BA, Treacher DF, Turner RC: Home-ostasis model assessment: insulin resis-tance and beta-cell function from fastingplasma glucose and insulin concentrationsin man. Diabetologia 28:412–419, 1985

4. Raynaud E, Pérez-Martin A, Khaled S,Mercier J, Brun JF: Concerning the validityof the “FIRI” insulin resistance index. Dia-betes Metab 23:160–161, 1998

5. Howard G, Bergman R, Wagenknecht LE,Haffner SM, Savage PJ, Saad MF, Laws A,D’Agostino RB Jr: Ability of alternativeindices of insulin sensitivity to predict car-diovascular risk: comparison with the“minimal model”: Insulin Resistance Ath-erosclerosis Study (IRAS) Investigators.Ann Epidemiol 8:358–369, 1998

6. Legro RS, Finegood D, Dunaif A: A fastingglucose to insulin ratio is a useful measureof insulin sensitivity in women with poly-cystic ovary syndrome. J Clin EndocrinolMetab 83:2694–2698, 1998

7. Kahn SE, Prigeon RL, McCulloch DK,Boyko EJ, Bergman RN, Schwartz MW,Neifing JL, Ward WK, Beard JC, Palmer JP,Porte DJ Jr: Quantification of the relation-ship between insulin sensitivity and �-cell

function in human subjects: evidence forhyperbolic function Diabetes 42:1163–1672, 1993

8. Brun JF, Fédou C, Raynaud E, Pérez-MartinA, Benhaddad AA, Mercier J: Evaluation ofinsulin sensitivity from a single sample:insulinemia, insulin/glucose ratio, orinsulin glucose product? (Abstract) AnnEndocrinol 59:247, 1998

9. Raynaud E, Pérez-Martin A, Brun JF, Ben-haddad AA, Mercier J: Revised concept forthe estimation of insulin sensitivity from asingle sample. Diabetes Care 22:1003–1004, 1999

Assessment ofInsulin Sensitivity

Comparison between simplifiedevaluations and minimal modelanalysis

There is a need to have a simple indexof insulin sensitivity that provides agood correlation with the standard

methods as glucose clamp or minimalmodel analysis (MINMOD) for diabeticpatient clinics and large population studies.Fasting insulin (I) and insulin-resistanceindex assessed by homeostasis modelassessment (HOMA-IR), defined as theproduct of fasting plasma insulin and glu-cose divided by 22.5, are simplified tools toestimate insulin sensitivity (1–3). Raynaudet al. (4) clarified 40/I as a good evaluation.Emoto et al. (5) and Bonora et al. (6)demonstrated that HOMA-IR and log-transformed HOMA (ln[HOMA]) providedgood correlations with the insulin sensitiv-ity index in recent clamp studies. In thepresent study, we applied MINMOD tocompare the estimates of insulin sensitivity

(SI) with various simplified evaluations(7,8). The statistical analysis was performedwith the StatView 5 system (Berkeley, CA).

We examined 71 Japanese subjectswith normal glucose tolerance (NGT)and type 2 diabetic subjects to assessinsulin sensitivity (33.5 ± 1.6 years ofage, BMI 20.3 ± 0.33 kg/m2). There were46 subjects with normal glucose toler-ance (27.7 ± 1.3 years of age, BMI 19.9 ±0.42 kg/m2) and 25 patients with type 2diabetes (44.4 ± 2.6 years of age, BMI21.1 ± 0.49). Correlation coefficients andP values of the simplified evaluationswith MINMOD-derived SI are shown inTable 1. There was a significant correla-tion between SI in 40/I, HOMA-IR,ln(HOMA), I, 1/HOMA, the ratio of fast-ing insulin to glucose (I/G), and the ratioof fasting glucose to insulin (G/I). Amongthem, 40/I, HOMA-IR, ln(HOMA), and Icorrelated well with MINMOD SI in bothNGT and type 2 diabetic subjects. Thesesimple indexes are considered good surro-gates for insulin sensitivity estimation.Correlation coefficients of HOMA-IR andln(HOMA) were higher than 40/I and I inNGT, type 2 diabetes, and all subjects inthis study (Table 1). Raynaud et al. (4)demonstrated that 40/I is the best evalua-tion compared with I, I/G, and HOMA-IR. The reason for the differencebetween the studies is not known, but itmay be in the ethnic differences or clini-cal characteristics of the subjects exam-ined. Banerji and Lebovitz (9) described2 subpopulations of type 2 diabeticpatients: one with normal insulin sensitiv-ity, and the other with insulin resistance.Arner et al. (10) reported that type 2 dia-betic patients with abdominal obesity dis-played peripheral insulin resistance,whereas nonobese diabetic patients

Table 1—Comparison of simple indexes with MINMOD-derived SI


Allr 0.509 0.529 0.577 0.487 0.558 0.311 0.283P �0.0001 �0.0001 �0.0001 �0.0001 �0.0001 �0.01 �0.05

NGTr 0.518 0.531 0.541 0.507 0.523 0.449 0.471P �0.0005 �0.0001 �0.0001 �0.0005 �0.0005 �0.005 �0.005

Type 2diabetes

r 0.516 0.557 0.547 0.523 0.483 0.391 0.412P �0.01 �0.005 �0.005 �0.01 �0.05 0.053 (NS) �0.05

Data are correlation coefficients and P values.



showed only a secretory defect. We previ-ously described a population of normalinsulin sensitivity in nonobese type 2 dia-betic patients (7). In the present study, theBMIs of NGT and type 2 diabetic subjectswere 19.9 ± 0.42 and 21.1 ± 0.49 kg/m2,respectively. Haffner et al. (11) describedthe insulin-sensitive and insulin-resistanttype 2 diabetic populations and theimportance of dyslipidemia on insulinresistance. The racial differences of insulinsensitivity are well documented in theInsulin Resistance Atherosclerosis Study(12). Further studies are necessary to char-acterize the validity of simplified evalua-tions in terms of the factors responsible forinsulin sensitivity.









From the Medical Department (M.F.), Fair Interna-tional, Osaka; the First Department of Internal Med-icine (A.T., M.S., I.N.), Kansai-Denryoku Hospital,Osaka; the Second Department of Internal Medicine(K.D.), Kyoto University School of Medicine, Kyoto;the Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism(S.N.), Jichi Medical School; the Laboratory of Bio-chemistry of Exercise and Nutrition (K.T.), Instituteof Health and Sports Science, University of Tsukuba,Ibaragi; and the College of Medical Technology(Y.N.), Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan.

Address correspondence to Mitsuo Fukushima,MD, Fair International, 3-29-38-702, Kita-ku,Nakatsu, Osaka 531-0071, Japan. E-mail: [email protected].

References1. Olefsky J, Farquhar JW, Reaven G: Relation-

ship between fasting plasma insulin leveland resistance to insulin-mediated glucoseuptake in normal and diabetic subjects.Diabetes 22:507–513, 1973

2. Raynaud E, Perez-Martin A, Khaled S,Mercier J, Brun JF: Concerning the validityof the “FIRI” insulin resistance index. Dia-betes Metab 23:160–161, 1998

3. Matthews DR, Hosker JP, Rudenski AS,Naylor BA, Treacher DF, Turner RC: Home-ostasis model assessment: insulin resistanceand �-cell function from fasting plasma glu-cose and insulin concentrations in man.Diabetologia 28:412–419, 1985

4. Raynaud E, Perez-Martin A, Brun JF, Ben-haddad AA, Mercier J: Revised concept forthe estimation of insulin sensitivity from asingle sample. Diabetes Care 22:1003–1004, 1999

5. Emoto M, Nishizawa Y, Maekawa K, HiuraY, Kanda H, Kawagishi T, Shoji T, Okuno Y,Morii H: Homeostasis model assessment asa clinical index of insulin resistance in type 2diabetic patients treated with sulfonylureas.Diabetes Care 22:818–822, 1999

6. Bonora E, Targher G, Alberiche M,Bonadonna RC, Saggiani F, Zenere M,Monauni T, Muggeo M: Homeostasis modelassessment closely mirrors the glucoseclamp technique in the assessment ofinsulin sensitivity. Diabetes Care 23:57–63,2000

7. Taniguchi A, Nakai Y, Fukushima M, Kawa-mura H, Imura H, Nagata I, Tokuyama K:Pathogenic factors responsible for glucoseintolerance in patients with NIDDM. Dia-betes 41:1540–1546, 1992

8. Fukushima M, Nakai Y, Taniguchi A, ImuraH, Nagata I, Tokuyama K: Insulin sensitiv-ity, insulin secretion, and glucose effective-ness in anorexia nervosa: a minimal modelanalysis. Metabolism 42:1164–1168, 1993

9. Banerji MA, Lebovitz HE: Insulin-sensitiveand insulin-resistant variants in NIDDM.Diabetes 38:784–792, 1989

10. Arner P, Pollare T, Lithell H: Different aeti-ologies of type 2 (non-insulin-dependent)diabetes mellitus in obese and non-obesesubjects. Diabetologia 34:483–487, 1991

11. Haffner SM, D’Agostino R Jr, Mykkanen L,Tracy R, Howard B, Rewers M, Selby J, Sav-age PJ, Saad MF: Insulin sensitivity in sub-jects with type 2 diabetes: relationship tocardiovascular risk factors. The InsulinResistance Atherosclerosis Study. DiabetesCare 22:562–568, 1999

12. Haffner SM, Howard G, Mayer E, BergmanRN, Savage PJ, Rewers M, Mykkanen L,Karter AJ, Hamman R, Saad MF: Insulinsensitivity and acute insulin response inAfrican-Americans, non-Hispanic whites,and Hispanics with NIDDM: the InsulinResistance Atherosclerosis Study. Diabetes46:63–69, 1997

Lack of Evidence forBromocriptine Effecton Glucose Tolerance, InsulinResistance, andBody Fat Stores inObese Type 2 Diabetic Patients

Bromocriptine, a potent dopamine D2

receptor agonist, has been shown toreduce glucose intolerance, insulin

resistance, and body fat stores in an obeserodent model of type 2 diabetes (1). These

effects of bromocriptine were associatedwith strong inhibition of basal lipolysis,hepatic lipogenesis, and hepatic glucoseoutput, because bromocriptine also acts asan 1-adrenergic receptor antagonist in liverand adipose tissue (1–3). However, suchpromising effects were reported in only afew human studies by the same group ofinvestigators (4–6). To confirm this hypoth-esis, we examined the effect of bromocrip-tine in 13 (9 men and 4 women) obese (BMI30.5 ± 1.6 kg/m2, mean ± SEM) type 2 dia-betic patients aged 51.0 ± 4.9 years, using arelatively higher dosage (5.0 mg/day) andlonger duration (6–8 months) of treatmentthan reported previously (4–6). This studywas approved by the institutional reviewboard, and all participants gave theirinformed consent. They were instructed notto alter their usual eating patterns and exer-cise habits. Their preexisting medications (ifany) remained unchanged during the treat-ment period. Bromocriptine (2.5 mg) wasadministered orally once daily at dinner for1 month and then was increased to twicedaily at breakfast and dinner for the remain-ing period (in 1 patient the dosage was fur-ther increased to 3 times daily). No adverseeffects of the drug were noted except mildand transient nausea and nasal congestion,which occurred in 3 patients. Percent bodyfat was measured using bioelectrical imped-ance analysis. Abdominal visceral and sub-cutaneous fat mass were measured at theheight of umbilicus by planimeter-assistedcomputed tomography. The responses ofplasma glucose and insulin were deter-mined during a 3-h standardized meal tol-erance test before and after bromocriptinetherapy. Basal plasma concentrations ofleptin, insulin-like growth factor bindingprotein-1 as an index of hepatic insulinresistance (7,8), and tumor necrosisfactor- were measured using respectiveimmunoassays. Drug compliance was con-sidered good because periodically deter-mined plasma concentrations of prolactinwere suppressed to �l ng/ml (P � 0.001vs. baseline) in all cases. Compared withbaseline values, bromocriptine neitherinduced any reduction in mean percentbody fat (32.4 ± 3.3 vs. 30.9 ± 3.2%, beforevs. after treatment, respectively), visceral fatmass (225.4 ± 18.9 vs. 224.4 ± 24.7 cm2),nor subcutaneous fat mass (251.9 ± 36.6 vs.283.1 ± 34.4 cm2). Moreover, bromocrip-tine did not improve metabolic variablesrelating to insulin resistance, such as thehomeostasis model assessment (9) index(7.8 ± 3.2 vs. 5.9 ± 1.3), the recently pro-



posed composite insulin sensitivity index(10) obtained from our standard meal toler-ance test (4.8 ± 1.3 vs. 3.8 ± 0.7), plasmaconcentrations of insulin-like growth factorbinding protein-1 (3.5 ± 1.3 vs. 2.3 ± 0.7ng/ml), tumor necrosis factor- (0.9 ± 0.2vs. 1.2 ± 0.2 pg/ml), and leptin (9.8 ± 2.2 vs.10.3 ± 2.4 ng/ml). In addition, plasma levelsof epinephrine, norepinephrine, dopamine,triglyceride, and HDL cholesterol remainedunaltered (data not shown). However, itshould be noted that 1 woman showed aconsiderable improvement in insulin resis-tance (21.6% reduction in area under theglucose curve in the face of 40.5% reductionin area under the curve of insulin), and 1man reduced his visceral fat mass by �25%.From these results, we conclude thatbromocriptine has no consistent beneficialeffects on adiposity or insulin resistance inobese type 2 diabetic patients. The reasonfor the discrepancy between previous stud-ies and our study remains to be clarified, butit may depend, in part, on the differences inthe drug formulation of bromocriptine.




From the Diabetes Center, Tokyo Women’s MedicalUniversity, School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan.

Address correspondence to Taro Wasada, MD,Diabetes Center, Tokyo Women’s Medical Univer-sity, School of Medicine, 8-1 Kawada-cho, Shin-juku-ku, Tokyo 162-8666, Japan.

References1. Cincotta AH, Schiller BC, Meier AH:

Bromocriptine inhibits the seasonallyoccurring obesity, hyperinsulinemia,insulin resistance, and impaired glucose tol-erance in the Syrian hamster, Mesocricetusauratus. Metabolism 40:639–644, 1991

2. Cincotta AH, MacEachern TA, Meier AH:Bromocriptine redirects metabolism andprevents seasonal onset of obese hyperin-sulinemic state in Syrian hamsters. Am JPhysiol 264:E285–E293, 1993

3. Cincotta AH, Meier AH: Bromocriptineinhibits in vivo free fatty acid oxidationand hepatic glucose output in seasonallyobese hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus).Metabolism 44:1349–1355, 1995

4. Meier AH, Cincotta AH, Lovell WC: Timedbromocriptine administration reduces bodyfat stores in obese subjects and hypergly-cemia in type 2 diabetics. Experientia 48:248–253, 1992

5. Cincotta AH, Meier AH: Bromocriptine(Ergosef) reduces body weight andimproves glucose intolerance in obesesubjects. Diabetes Care 19:667–670, 1996

6. Kamath V, Jones CN, Yip JC, Varasteh BB,Cincotta AH, Reaven GM, Chen Y-DI:Effects of a quick-release form ofbromocriptine (Ergoset) on fasting andpostprandial plasma glucose, insulin, lipid,and lipoprotein concentrations in obesenondiabetic hyperinsulinemic women.Diabetes Care 20:1697–1701, 1997

7. Lee PD, Giudice LC, Conover CA, PowellDR: Insulin-like growth factor binding pro-tein-1: recent findings and new directions.Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 216:319–357, 1997

8. Mogul HR, Marshall M, Frey M, Burke HB,Wynn PS, Wilker S, Southren AL, GambertSR: Insulin like growth factor-binding pro-tein-1 as a marker for hyperinsulinemia inobese menopausal women. J Clin EndocrinolMetab 81:4492–4495, 1996

9. Matthews DR, Hosker JP, Rudenski AS,Naylor BA, Treacher DF, Turner RC:Homeostasis model assessment: insulinresistance and �-cell function from fastingplasma glucose and insulin concentrationsin man. Diabetologia 28:412–419, 1985

10. Matsuda M, DeFronzo RA: Insulin sensi-tivity indices obtained from oral glucosetolerance testing: comparison with theeuglycemic insulin clamp. Diabetes Care22:1462–1470, 1999

Are the ResultsReally Different?

I’m somewhat surprised to see that, inthis issue, Wasada et al. (1) cited thefindings of our study (2) as being dis-

crepant to their recent findings concerningbromocriptine use in obese male type 2diabetic patients. Indeed, given the factthat the patient populations could hardlyhave been more different (we studied theeffects of bromocriptine in obese femalenondiabetic volunteers), the results of the 2studies were much more similar thanimplied by Wasada et al. For example, byusing nonspecific methods to measureinsulin resistance, Wasada et al. concludedthat bromocriptine did not improve insulinsensitivity in their obese male patients withtype 2 diabetes. We used a specific methodfor assessing insulin-mediated glucose dis-posal in our population of obese femalenondiabetic subjects. We also found nochange in insulin action. Furthermore, wedemonstrated that plasma insulin concen-trations measured at hourly intervals for 24 hdid not change with bromocriptine ther-apy. Finally, body weight was constant inboth studies. Where, then, is the conflict?

Additionally, we found fasting concen-trations of LDL and HDL cholesterol to be

similar before and after bromocriptinetreatment. Wasada et al. (1) also statedthat HDL cholesterol concentrations didnot change with bromocriptine treatment.The only significant metabolic changes weobserved in our population of glucose-tol-erant individuals in association withbromocriptine treatment were in plasmatriglyceride and free fatty acid concentra-tions measured hourly for 24 h. BecauseWasada et al. did not make these measure-ments, it is particularly confusing to readthat their results were considered to be inconflict with ours.

In fact, the only potential disparitybetween the results of the 2 studies wasour finding of somewhat lower values forplasma glucose concentrations in bromo-criptine-treated patients after eating lunch.For inexplicable reasons, Wasada et al. (1)did not present data on changes in eitherfasting glucose or glycated hemoglobinlevels after 6–8 months of treatment withbromocriptine in patients with type 2 dia-betes. Moreover, they did not report theplasma glucose concentrations observedduring the oral glucose tolerance tests.

We have no argument with the conclu-sion of Wasada et al. (1) that bromocriptinetreatment has no effect on insulin resistancein obese type 2 diabetic patients. However,we are disappointed by their decision to notdescribe the results of treatment withbromocriptine on glycemic control; to notdo so, though, was their prerogative. Nev-ertheless, I think their decision to explicitlystate that their results are in conflict withours, with the further implication that ourresults are misleading, was inappropriate.


From Shaman Pharmaceuticals, South San Fran-cisco, California.

Address correspondence to Gerald M. Reaven,MD, 213 E. Grand Ave., South San Francisco, CA94080. E-mail: [email protected].

References1. Wasada T, Kawahara R, Iwamoto Y: Lack of

evidence for bromocriptine effect on glu-cose tolerance, insulin resistance, and bodyfat stores in obese type 2 diabetic patients(Letter). Diabetes Care 23:1039–1040, 2000

2. Kamath V, Jones CN, Yip JC, Varasteh BB,Cincotta AH, Reaven GM, Chen Y-DI:Effects of a quick-release form of bromocrip-tine (Ergoset) on fasting and postprandialplasma glucose, insulin, lipid, and lipopro-tein concentrations in obese nondiabetichyperinsulinemic women. Diabetes Care 20:1697–1701, 1997



Homocysteine andInsulin Levels inType 2 DiabeticPatients

Drzewoski et al. (1) recently reportedon the inverse relationship betweenplasma insulin levels and homocys-

teine concentrations in type 2 diabeticpatients. They found that plasma homo-cysteine concentrations were significantlyhigher in poorly controlled (HbA1c 9.8 ±1.6%) type 2 diabetic patients on “maxi-mum doses of oral hypoglycemic agents”compared with well-controlled (6.6 ±0.7%) type 2 diabetic patients and nondia-betic subjects (1).

However, their results should be inter-preted with caution, because several fac-tors that could potentially affect plasmahomocysteine concentrations in type 2diabetes were not considered (2). Thera-peutic agents frequently used in the man-agement of the insulin resistance syn-drome, such as fibrates and biguanide,have been implicated as a cause of elevatedplasma homocysteine concentrations.Both bezafibrate and fenofibrate have beenshown to be associated with raised plasmahomocysteine concentrations, which mayoccur as early as 6–12 weeks after druginitiation (3,4). Although the mechanismwhereby short-term fibrate therapy causeshyperhomocysteinemia is unclear, there isevidence that long-term metformin ther-apy may cause hyperhomocysteinemia intype 2 diabetes through the reduction ofvitamin B12 and folate concentrations (notmeasured in their study) (5). Both vitaminB12 and folate are important coenzymes forhomocysteine remethylation to methion-ine. Therefore, deficiency of these coen-zymes may lead to reduced remethylationresulting in homocysteine accumulation.Hence, inclusion of types of oral hypogly-cemic agents as well as lipid-loweringdrugs in each patient group is essential. Itis possible that more poorly controlledtype 2 diabetic patients were taking met-formin than the well-controlled group,which may have contributed to higherplasma homocysteine concentrations.

No information was given regarding theprevalence of diabetic complications, suchas nephropathy, in their patient groups. Ithas been shown that an increased urinaryalbumin excretion rate is associated withraised plasma homocysteine concentrations

in type 2 diabetes (5). If diabetic nephropa-thy was more prevalent in the patients’ poorglycemic control, this may also act as a con-tributory factor for the raised plasma homo-cysteine concentrations.

Lastly, the authors concluded fromtheir study that elevation of plasma homo-cysteine concentrations is inversely corre-lated with endogenous insulin levels (1).This conclusion may not hold true with-out assessing the degree of insulin resis-tance. In type 2 diabetes, the relationshipbetween insulin levels and plasma homo-cysteine concentrations is unclear becausethe limited studies performed were onnondiabetic subjects. In healthy nondia-betic subjects, acute (exogenous) hyperin-sulinemia using a hyperinsulinemic-eugly-cemic clamp decreases plasma homo-cysteine concentrations (6,7), whereasinsulin resistance (and thus endogenoushyperinsulinemia) has been shown to beassociated with elevated plasma homocys-teine concentrations (8). Further studiesare required to determine the complexrelationship between insulin levels, insulinresistance, and plasma homocysteine con-centrations in type 2 diabetes.


From EURODIAB, the Department of Epidemiologyand Public Health, University College London, Lon-don, U.K.

Address correspondence to Nor Norman Chan,MB, ChB, MRCP, DCH, EURODIAB, Department ofEpidemiology and Public Health, University Col-lege London, 1-19 Torrington Pl., London WC1E6BT, U.K. E-mail: [email protected].

References1. Drzewoski J, Czupryniak L, Chwatko G,

Bald E: Total plasma homocysteine andinsulin levels in type 2 diabetic patients withsecondary failure to oral agents. DiabetesCare 22:2097–2098, 1999

2. Chan N, Chan JC: Implication of fibratetherapy for homocysteine (Letter). Lancet354:1208–1209, 1999

3. Dierkes J, Westphal S, Luley C: Serumhomocysteine increases after therapy withfenofibrate or bezafibrate (Letter). Lancet354:219–220, 1999

4. de Logeril M, Salen P, Paillard F, Lacan P,Richard G: Lipid-lowering drugs and homo-cysteine (Letter). Lancet 353:209–210, 1999

5. Aarsand AK, Carlsen SM: Folate adminis-tration reduces circulating homocysteinelevels in NIDDM patients on long-termmetformin treatment. J Intern Med 244:169–174, 1998

6. Fonseca VA, Mudaliar S, Schmidt B, FinkLM, Kern PA, Henry RR: Plasma homocys-

teine concentrations are regulated by acutehyperinsulinemia in nondiabetic but nottype 2 diabetic subjects. Metabolism 47:686–689, 1998

7. Nagai Y, Takamura T, Nohara E, YamashitaH, Kobayashi K-I: Acute hyperinsulinemiareduces plasma concentrations of homo-cysteine in healthy men (Letter). DiabetesCare 22:1004, 1999

8. Giltay EJ, Hoogeveen EK, Elbers JMH,Gooren LJG, Asscheman H, StehouwerCDA: Insulin resistance is associated withelevated plasma total homocysteine levelsin healthy, non-obese subjects (Letter).Atherosclerosis 139:197–198, 1998

Homocysteine andInsulin Levels inType 2 DiabeticPatients

Response to Chan

The interest of Chan (1) in our obser-vation of the inverse correlationbetween plasma insulin and homo-

cysteine concentrations in type 2 diabeticpatients (2) is highly appreciated. Hemakes 3 points. The first is that oralantidiabetic medication, particularly met-formin, and concomitant lipid-loweringmedication, with special reference tofibrates, may unfavorably influence homo-cysteine levels in our study group ofpatients with poorly controlled type 2 dia-betes (2). It has been suggested that fibratetherapy may lead to the elevation ofplasma homocysteine concentrations (3).However, in the group of 26 poorly con-trolled type 2 diabetic patients we studied,only 1 patient was treated with fenofibrate(200 mg once a day) and his plasmahomocysteine was 13.6 nmol/l, which wasnot the highest value found in this group.Therefore, it is unlikely that fibrate admin-istration will cause hyperhomocysteine-mia in our patients.

The impact of metformin treatment onhomocysteine levels has been previouslystudied by Hoogeveen et al. (4), who foundthat high doses of metformin had no impacton blood homocysteine levels. Moreover,the proportions of metformin users in bothgroups of poorly and well-controlledpatients were similar: 20 of 26 (77%) and13 of 18 (72%) patients, respectively. It ishighly unlikely that the metformin treat-ment used in our patients may corroboratean interpretation of our study results.



The second point is that diabeticnephropathy, which may be expected to bemore prevalent in the poor-control group,is a contributing factor for elevated plasmahomocysteine concentrations. Because wecould not agree more with this opinion, weassumed the following exclusion criteriafor this study: hypertension and any otherovert cardiovascular disease, any cardio-vascular or cerebrovascular event in thepast, microalbuminuria (albumin excretionrate �30 mg/24 h) and macroalbuminuria,proliferative retinopathy, any symptoms ofmalabsorption, malnutrition or other gas-trointestinal dysfunction, autonomic neu-ropathy, and smoking. To our reckoning,such strict criteria were necessary toexclude most, if not all, of the factors thatare believed to be implicated in homocys-teine metabolism impairment.

Lastly, Chan (1) rightly raises the issueof the yet unclear role of insulin in thehomocysteine metabolism in diabetic andnondiabetic subjects. He argues thatinsulin resistance, which is associated withendogenous hyperinsulinemia, is also asso-ciated with elevated plasma homocysteineconcentrations (5). However, hyperinsu-linemia found in insulin resistance is theresult of the ineffective insulin action (i.e.,constitutes a sign of a relative insulin defi-ciency). This seems to be in agreementwith our findings (2).

Recently published animal studiesconfirm that the role insulin plays in aminoacid metabolism is directly involved in theregulation of homocysteine metabolism(6). Therefore, absolute or relative insulindeficiency may be implicated in plasmahomocysteine elevation, and, although themetabolism of homocysteine seems to bealtered in diabetes, insulin may play asignificant yet unclear role.

Finally, we fully agree with Chan’s con-clusion that more interventional andcohort studies are needed to elucidate therole of insulin and insulin supplementationon plasma homocysteine level in humans.





From the Metabolic Diseases and GastroenterologyDepartment, Barlickiego University Hospital No. 1,Medical University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland.

Address correspondence to Leszek Czupryniak,MD, PhD, Metabolic Diseases and GastroenterologyDepartment, Balickiego University Hospital No. 1,Medical University of Lodz, Ul. Kopcinskiego 22, 90-153 Lodz, Poland. E-mail: [email protected].

Acknowledgments — This study was sup-ported by the Mayor of Lodz City Grant No.G-4/98(AM 240-99) and Medical Universityof Lodz 502-11-498.


References1. Chan NN: Homocysteine and insulin lev-

els in type 2 diabetic patients (Letter). Dia-betes Care 23:1041, 2000

2. Drzewoski J, Czupryniak L, Chwatko G,Bald E: Total plasma homocysteine levelsin type 2 diabetic patients with secondaryfailure to oral drugs. Diabetes Care 22:2097–2099, 1999

3. Chan N, Chan JCN: Implications forfibrate therapy for homocysteine (Letter).Lancet 354:1208–1209, 1999

4. Hoogeveen EK, Kostense PJ, Jakobs C,Bouter LM, Heine RJ, Stehouwer CD: Doesmetformin increase the serum total homo-cysteine level in non-insulin-dependentdiabetes mellitus? J Intern Med 242:389–394, 1997

5. Giltay EJ, Hoogeveen EK, Elbers JMH,Gooren LJG, Asscheman H, StehouwerCD: Insulin resistance is associated withelevated plasma total homocysteine levelsin healthy non-obese subjects (Letter).Atherosclerosis 139:197–198, 1998

6. Jacobs RL, House JD, Brosnan ME, Bros-nan JT: Effects of streptozotocin-induceddiabetes and of insulin treatment onhomocysteine metabolism in the rat. Dia-betes 47:1967–1970, 1998

ComparisonBetween 2 InsulinSensitivity Indexesin Obese Patients

Matsuda and De Fronzo (1) haverecently described a new insulinsensitivity index (ISI) calculated

from blood glucose and insulin after anoral glucose load, which is highly corre-lated to the glucose clearance rate duringeuglycemic-hyperinsulinemic clamp andto the homeostasis model assessmentinsulin resistance index (HOMA-IR). Theauthors claim that ISI, which takes intoaccount both hepatic and peripheralinsulin sensitivity, should represent a moreaccurate measure of insulin resistancethan HOMA-IR.

We evaluated the correlation betweenHOMA-IR (2) and ISI in a consecutiveseries of 767 (141 men, 626 women)obese (BMI �30 kg/m2) outpatients, withan age of 46.4 ± 13.9 years, a BMI of 36.3± 7.1, and a waist circumference of 118.6

± 15.9 in men and 108.2 ± 12.5 cm inwomen, with no known history of dia-betes or treatments for hyperlipidemia.However, 146 (19%) of them were cur-rently treated for hypertension. Of thepatients studied, 82 (10.7%) had fastingplasma glucose (FPG) �7 mmol/l and153 (20%) had FPG between 6.1 and 7mmol/l; 162 (21.1%) had diabetes, and179 (23.3%) had impaired glucose toler-ance (IGT) following proposed WorldHealth Organization diagnostic criteria(3). Mean total cholesterol was 5.6 ± 1.2mmol/l, HDL cholesterol 1.2 ± 0.3mmol/l, tryglicerides (median [25th–75th percentile]) 1.93 (1.14–2.12)mmol/l, and uric acid 254.8 ± 119.4µmol/l. Insulin was measured with anenzymatic immunoassay (Roche Diagnos-tics, Milan, Italy) in the fasting state and30, 60, 90, and 120 min after a 75-g oralglucose load.

Median values (25th�75th per-centile) for HOMA-IR were 4.42 (2.65–5.30), and for ISI 3.11 (2.04–4.90).Patients with IGT or diabetes showedsignificantly higher HOMA-IR and lowerISI than normotolerant subjects, in bothsexes (data not shown). The Spearman’scorrelation between HOMA-IR and ISIwas r = 0.88 in women and 0.87 in men.Both indexes showed significant correla-tions with triglycerides (r = 0.30 and�0.30 in women, and 0.43 and �0.44 inmen, for HOMA-IR and ISI, respectively),HDL cholesterol (r = �0.30 and 0.30 inwomen, and �0.25 and 0.23 in men,respectively), and uric acid (r = 0.31 and�0.34 in women, and 0.36 and �0.39 inmen, respectively).

The newly proposed ISI had been val-idated in a small population of subjectswith different degrees of obesity and glu-cose tolerance (1). In a much wider sam-ple of obese subjects, the correlation of ISIwith clinical parameters related to insulinresistance, such as low HDL cholesterol,hypertriglyceridemia, and hyperuricemia,is similar to that of HOMA-IR, suggestingthat the 2 indexes could be similarly usefulfor the identification of subjects withmetabolic syndrome.

Considering its high correlation withclamp-derived measures, the new indexhas been proposed as a method for assess-ment of insulin sensitivity in epidemiolog-ical studies (1). Although glucose toler-ance is often studied in epidemiologicalstudies, standard OGTT requires only 2venous blood samples (at 0 and 120 min),



and HOMA-IR is calculated from fastingglucose and insulin only. On the otherhand, ISI requires the determination ofboth glucose and insulin in 5 venousblood samples, implying much highercosts. For this reason, further evidenceabout the sensitivity and specificity of thisindex should be collected before its usecan be recommended in large-scale epi-demiological studies.





From the Division of Endocrinology (E.M., G.B.,C.M.R.), Department of Clinical Pathophysiology,University of Florence Medical School; and the Lab-oratory of Endocrinology and Toxicology (A.O.),Careggi Hospital, Florence, Italy.

Address correspondence to Carlo Maria Rotella,MD, Division of Endocrinology, Department ofClinical Pathophysiology, University of FlorenceMedical School, Viale Pieraccini 6, 50134 Firenze,Italy. E-mail: [email protected].

References1. Matsuda M, De Fronzo RA: Insulin sensi-

tivity indices obtained from oral glucosetolerance testing. Diabetes Care 22:1462–1470, 1999

2. Matthews D, Hosker J, Rudenski A, NaylorB, Treacher D, Turner R: Homeostasismodel assessment: insulin resistance and�-cell function from fasting plasma glu-cose and insulin concentrations in man.Diabetologia 28:412–419, 1985

3. Alberti KGMM, Zimmet PZ: Definition,diagnosis and classification of diabetesmellitus and its complications. I. Diagnosisand classification of diabetes mellitus: pro-visional report of a WHO consultation.Diabet Med 15:539–553, 1998

Type 1 Diabetes inSardinia Is NotLinked to NitrateLevels in DrinkingWater

Several environmental factors, mainlydietary and viral (1,2), have beenassociated with the etiopathogenesis

of type 1 diabetes. Although 2 ecologicalinvestigations found a positive associationbetween the risk of type 1 diabetes and the

intake of nitrates from drinking water (3,4),no correlation between nitrite and nitrateintakes from food and drinking water andthe disease was reported in Finland (5).Similarly, no association was foundbetween nitrate content in drinking waterand risk for type 1 diabetes in the Nether-lands (6). In view of these conflicting data,we examined nitrate intake in Sardinia, theMediterranean island with a risk for type 1diabetes that approximates that of Finland(7), by studying variations in levels ofnitrates in tap water and bottled water inrelation to the incidence of the disease.

Data about the nitrate concentration oftap water in Sardinia during 1993 wereobtained from the Environmental Labora-tory of the Hygiene Department of CagliariUniversity and from the databases of the22 local health authorities. The samples(5,541) of tap water from 353 of 375municipalities across Sardinia were ana-lyzed. The median value of nitrate level inthe water was calculated for each of the 22local health authorities. Data regardingsales (at the provincial level) of the 11 Sar-dinian bottled waters in 1994 were madeavailable by Sarda Acque Minerali SpA, themajor company supplying the local mar-ket. These data cover 75% of local sales.Data on nitrate concentrations of bottledwater in 1993–1994 have been published(8). We aggregated the 11 brands in 2groups according to the nitrate concentra-tion as follows: �10 mg/l (8 brands �3mg/l) and �10 mg/l (3 brands).

The incidences of type 1 diabetes forthe age-groups 0–29 and 0–14 years of age

were obtained from the Sardinian EURO-DIAB Register. A description of the reg-istry’s method has been reported previ-ously (7). During the period 1989–1998, atotal of 1,975 newly diagnosed patients0–29 years of age were identified, ofwhom 1,142 were �15 years of age. Themale-to-female ratio was 1.55 in both age-groups. The register is estimated to be87% complete. The crude incidence ratioswere calculated using the demographicdata of the 1991 census obtained from theNational Institute of Statistics and werepooled for the 22 local health authoritiesand for each of the 4 Sardinian provinces.

The simple correlation (rp) betweentype 1 diabetes incidences and the nitratelevels in tap water of the 22 local healthauthorities shows no effect of increasednitrate concentrations in these waters andthe incidence of type 1 diabetes either inthe 0–14 years of age (rp �0.06, P = N.S.)or in the group 0–29 years of age (rp

�0.17, P = NS) (Fig. 1). There was noeffect from sex in the same age-groups(males 0–14: rp �0.20, P = NS; males0–29: rp �0.20, P = NS; females 0–14: rp

0.13, P = NS; females 0–29: rp �0.10, P =NS). A negative trend between nitrate lev-els and type 1 diabetes was noted, in con-trast with previous reports (3,4).

Similarly, no correlation was found atthe provincial level between the consump-tion of bottled water and the incidence oftype 1 diabetes. In fact, the Oristanoprovince, with the highest risk (diabetesincidence 0–14 years of age: 35 of100,000), has a consumption of bottled

Figure 1—Correlation between type 1 diabetes incidences and nitrate levels in tap water among the22 local health authorities. rP = –0.17; P = NS.



waters with nitrate level �10 mg/l of 60%(expressed as percentage of the total con-sumption). In the other provinces, listedby decreasing risk for type 1 diabetes, theconsumption of nitrate level �10 mg/lwas 73% in the Cagliari province (inci-dence 0–14 years of age: 28 of 100,000),61% in the Nuoro province (incidence0–14 years of age: 25 of 100,000) and82% in the Sassari province (incidence0–14 years of age: 21 of 100,000).

From our data, it can be noted thatnitrate levels for both tap and bottledwaters in Sardinia are well within theacceptable maximal concentration of 50mg/l established by the European Com-munity and also under the recommendedlevels of 25 mg/l.

We are the first to realize that the expo-sure estimates used in this study are lim-ited to the content of nitrates in drinkingwater and that an ideal assessment ofwhole nitrate exposure would record mea-surements of individual nitrate intake,including nitrate content in foods and therelevant timing of exposure. For these rea-sons, even though we cannot exclude apossible role of nitrates in the etiopatho-genesis of type 1 diabetes, in Sardinia as inFinland, this role seems not to be related tothe nitrate content in the drinking water.






From the Department of Internal Medicine (A.Ca.,M.S.), Azienda Ospedaliera “G. Brotzu”; the Depart-ment of Hygiene and Public Health (M.C., A.Co.),University of Cagliari, Cagliari; and the BambinoGesù Hospital Scientific Institute (G.F.B.), IRCCS,Rome, Italy.

Address correspondence to Marco Songini, MD,Department of Internal Medicine, AziendaOspedaliera “G. Brotzu,” via Peretti, 09134 Cagliari,Italy. E-mail: [email protected].

Acknowledgments — We gratefully acknowl-edge Rag. Gian Franco Meloni from SardaAcque Minerali SpA for the data regarding thesales of bottled waters in Sardinia. We also wishto thank Prof. Edwin A.M. Gale from the Uni-versity of Bristol (U.K.) and Prof. Luisa Bernar-dinelli from the University of Pavia (Italy) fortheir helpful comments and suggestions.

References1. Dahlquist GG, Blom LG, Persson LA, Sand-

strom AIM, Wall SGI: Dietary factors and

the risk of developing insulin dependentdiabetes in childhood. BMJ 300:1302–1306, 1990

2. Åkerblom HK, Knip M: Putative environ-mental factors in type 1 diabetes. DiabetesMetab Rev 14:31–67, 1998

3. Kostaba JN, Gay EC, Rewers M, HammanRF: Nitrate levels in community drinkingwaters and risk of IDDM: an ecologicalanalysis. Diabetes Care 15:1505–1508,1992

4. Parslow RC, McKinney PA, Law GR, StainesA, Williams R, Bodansky HJ: Incidence ofchildhood diabetes mellitus in Yorkshire,northern England, is associated with nitratein drinking water: an ecological analysis.Diabetologia 40:550–556, 1997

5. Virtanen SM, Jaakkola L, Rasanen L, Ylo-nen K, Aro A, Lounamaa R, Åkerblom HK,Tuomilehto J, and the Childhood Diabetesin Finland Study Group: Nitrate andnitrite intake and the risk for type 1 dia-betes in Finnish children. Diabet Med 11:656–662, 1994

6. Van Maanen JMS, Albering HJ, Van BredaSGJ, Curfs DMJ, Ambergen AW, Wolffen-buttel BHR, Kleinjians JCS, Reeser HM:Nitrate in drinking water and risk of child-hood diabetes in the Netherlands (Letter).Diabetes Care 22:1750, 1999

7. Songini M, Bernardinelli L, Clayton D, Mon-tomoli C, Pascutto C, Ghislandi M, FaddaD, Bottazzo GF, and the Sardinian IDDMStudy Groups: The Sardinian IDDM Study.1. Epidemiology and geographical distribu-tion of IDDM in Sardinia during 1989 to1994. Diabetologia 41:221–227, 1998

8. Contu A, Pala A: Le acque minerali dellaSardegna. In Igiene, Geologia e Idrogeologia.Cagliari, Italy, Coedisar, 1998, p. 1–72

Puberty as a RiskFactor for DiabeticNeuropathy

In a recent study by Massin et al. (1), car-diac autonomic neuropathy wasassessed by heart rate variability (HRV)

using 24-h Holter recordings in a cohortof diabetic children and adolescents. Itwas demonstrated that despite goodmetabolic control, HRV was reduced indiabetic patients and that abnormalities ofthe Holter parameters were commonfindings. Poor long-term metabolic con-trol, diabetes duration, puberty, andmicroalbuminuria were risk factors forreduced HRV. This is the first study todemonstrate that puberty is an indepen-dent risk factor for cardiac autonomicneuropathy.

Recently, we investigated 112 childrenand adolescents with type 1 diabetes forperipheral and autonomic nerve function.We used the Neurometer (Neurotron, Bal-timore, MD) measuring the current per-ception threshold (CPT) to perform quan-titative sensory nerve testing. CPT wasdetermined for 5, 250, and 2,000 Hz fre-quencies on the left index finger and theleft great toe (median and peroneal nerves,respectively). Autonomic nerve functionwas assessed by cardiovascular reflex testsmeasuring resting heart rate, heart ratevariation to deep breathing, heart rate, andblood pressure responses to standing andto sustained handgrip. Pediatric referenceranges for these methods were previouslyestablished in our laboratory (2,3). Abnor-mal CPT results were observed in 21.3%of the patients and abnormal cardiovascu-lar tests were found in 22.0% of thepatients. To assess which factors wereassociated with peripheral and autonomicdysfunction, multiple logistic regressionanalysis was performed using the presenceof abnormal nerve test results as depen-dent variables. The initial model includeddiabetes duration, mean HbA1c level over1 year, pubertal stages, sex, daily dose ofinsulin, cholesterol level, triglyceride level,systolic and diastolic blood pressure, andheight as independent variables. Diabetesduration, HbA1c level, and pubertyremained in a model that was highly pre-dictive of both peripheral and autonomicdysfunction (P = 0.001). In this multivari-ate analysis, late puberty (Tanner stages4–5) represented an independent risk ofperipheral sensory dysfunction (odds ratio2.5, 95% CI 1.2–5.0, P = 0.02), but not forcardiovascular autonomic abnormality.

In the study by Massin et al. (1),Holter assessments were used to detectautonomic dysfunction, which could bemore sensitive than cardiovascular reflextests to demonstrate subtle abnormali-ties. Their findings extend our knowl-edge on the effect of puberty on diabeticcomplications and provide further evi-dence that pubertal changes may con-tribute to the development of bothperipheral and autonomic neuropathy. Inconclusion, puberty should be taken intoaccount as a risk factor for diabetic neu-ropathy, and screening for nerve dys-function should be performed in adoles-cent patients.





From the Department of Pediatrics (L.B.), Facultyfor Health Sciences, Semmelweis University, BorsodCounty Hospital, Miskolc; and the Department ofInternal Medicine (P.K.), Semmelweis University,Budapest, Hungary.

Address correspondence to László Barkai, MD,PhD, Department of Pediatrics, Faculty for HealthSciences, Semmelweis University, Borsod CountyHospital, 3501 Miskolc, Szentpéteri kapu 76, Hun-gary. E-mail: [email protected].

References1. Massin MM, Derkenne B, Tallsund M,

Rocour-Brumioul D, Ernould C, LebrethonMC, Bourguignon JP: Cardiac autonomicdysfunction in diabetic children. DiabetesCare 22:1845–1850, 1999

2. Barkai L, Madácsy L: Cardiovascular auto-nomic dysfunction in diabetes mellitus.Arch Dis Child 73:515–518, 1995

3. Barkai L, Kempler P, Vámosi I, Lukács K,Marton A, Keresztes K: Peripheral sensorynerve dysfunction in children and adoles-cents with type 1 diabetes mellitus. DiabetMed 15:228–233, 1998

No RelationshipBetween Antibodiesto GAD andMicroangiopathicComplications inYoung Chinese Diabetic Patients

Ahigher level of antibodies to GADhas been reported in type 1 diabeticpatients with peripheral neuropathy

than in those without it (1). However,other researchers (2,3) have not confirmedthis finding. We have previously reportedthe preponderance of type 2 diabetesamong Chinese patients with early onsetof the disease (4). We have also found alow prevalence of antibodies to GAD, evenin patients with acute onset of diabetes(5). In this study, we examined the rela-tionship between antibodies to GAD anddiabetic microangiopathic complicationsin 150 young Chinese diabetic patients.

The prevalence of microangiopathiccomplications in these 150 diabetic patientshas been reported previously (6). Allpatients were �40 years of age and experi-enced onset of diabetes before 35 years ofage. They were recruited irrespective oftheir modes of presentation during an18-month period between 1995 and 1996from the Prince of Wales Hospital DiabetesCentre in Hong Kong. There were 65 men

(mean age ± SD: 30.5 ± 6.1 years) and 85women (30.8 ± 6.1 years, P = 0.709). TheClinical Research Ethics Committee of theChinese University of Hong Kong approvedthe study design.

Peripheral sensory neuropathy wasassessed using both monofilament andgraduated tuning forks. Fundoscopicexamination was performed by a diabetol-ogist through dilated pupils. Albuminuriawas assessed using both a random spoturine sample for measurement of albumin-to-creatinine ratio (ACR) and a 4-h timedurine collection for measurement of albu-min excretion rate (AER). Urinary tractinfection was excluded by a midstreamurine sample. Albuminuria was defined asa random spot urine ACR �3.5 mg/mmoland a 4-h AER �20 µg/min in sterile urine.Peripheral neuropathy was considered tobe present if 2 of the following were posi-tive: reduced sensation to monofilamentexamination in any part of the sole withnormal skin, a score �7/8 by graduatedtuning fork, or symptoms of numbnessover both lower limbs. Retinopathy wasdefined as hemorrhages, exudates, lasermarks, or history of vitrectomy. Fastingblood was taken for antibodies to GAD. Itwas measured by a radioimmunoprecipita-tion (RIP) assay as previously described(7). The normal upper limit for antibodiesto GAD using the RIP assay was 18 U inboth healthy Caucasian and Asian subjects(4). A level of antibodies to GAD �18 Uwas considered to be positive.

Of these 150 patients, 50 (33.3%) hadmicroangiopathic complications, 11 (7.3%)had peripheral neuropathy, 34 (22.7%) hadalbuminuria, and 21 (14%) had retinopa-thy (6). The anti-GAD–positive (n = 18)and anti-GAD–negative patients (n = 132)had similar prevalence of microangiopathiccomplications (peripheral neuropathy: 5.6vs. 7.6%; albuminuria: 11.2 vs. 24.2%;retinopathy: 16.7 vs. 13.6%, respectively;P � 0.05 for all). Patients with or withoutdiabetic complications had similar levels ofantibodies to GAD and prevalence of anti-GAD positivity (with neuropathy vs. with-out: 8.5 ± 4.9 vs. 14.5 ± 22.2 U and 9.1 vs.12.2%; with albuminuria vs. without: 12.2± 20.1 vs. 14.6 ± 21.9 U and 5.9 vs. 13.8%;with retinopathy vs. without: 15.4 ± 24.5vs. 13.8 ± 21.0 U and 14.3 vs. 11.6%,respectively; P � 0.05 for all).

Some studies have recently shown anincreased level of antibodies to GAD intype 1 diabetic patients with sensoryneuropathy (1). GAD synthesizes the

inhibitory neurotransmitter �-aminobu-tyric acid (GABA) and it appears that boththe pancreatic �-cells and GABA-secretingneurones share a protein that is unusuallysusceptible to becoming an autoantigen(8). Some researchers have suggested thatdiabetic neuropathy might allow the leak-age of GAD from the damaged peripheralnerves that helped to sustain or reactivatethe antibody response (9). However, thisfinding has not been confirmed by otherresearchers (2,3).

We have previously reported that inyoung Chinese diabetic patients, nearly50% of patients were insulin deficient, butantibodies to GAD were present in only12% (4). These findings suggest thatcauses other than autoimmunity mightaccount for the insulin deficiency in thesepatients. Furthermore, we were unable todemonstrate a difference in the prevalenceof anti-GAD positivity between patientswith and without neuropathy. There wasalso no association between the prevalenceof anti-GAD positivity or its level andretinopathy or albuminuria. In conclusion,there was no association between microan-giopathic complications and antibodies toGAD in young Chinese diabetic patients.






From the Department of Medicine and Therapeu-tics, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Prince ofWales Hospital, Shatin, Hong Kong, China.

Address correspondence to Gary T.C. Ko,MRCPI, Department of Medicine, Chinese Univer-sity of Hong Kong, Prince of Wales Hospital, Shatin,Hong Kong, China. E-mail: [email protected].

References1. Kaufman DL, Erlander MG, Clare-Salzler M,

Atkinson MA, Maclaren NK, Tobin AJ:Autoimmunity to two forms of glutamatedecarboxylase in insulin-dependent diabetesmellitus. J Clin Invest 89:283–292, 1992

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