health psychology proposal

MODULE TITLE: THE - 5PS511 - The Psychology of Health MODULE LEADER: Evaggelia Nakopoulou Research Proposal The association between self efficacy, locus of control, the demographic characteristics and major depression in adopting physical activities among Coronary Heart Disease patients, in Greece. Digka Antonia BSc (Hons) in Applied Psychology 1

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MODULE TITLE: THE - 5PS511 - The Psychology of Health

MODULE LEADER: Evaggelia Nakopoulou

Research Proposal

The association between self efficacy, locus of control,

the demographic characteristics and major depression in

adopting physical activities among Coronary Heart Disease

patients, in Greece.

Digka Antonia

BSc (Hons) in Applied Psychology


Mediterranean College

23 February 2014



Coronary heart disease (CDH) is defined as a significant

built up of plague, with calcium and cholesterol

deposits, specifically in the coronary arteries of the

heart (Ogden, 2004). It has been reported that more than

16 million Americans suffer from CDH and 500.000 people

lose their lives annually (Kivimäki, 2012). However,

studies have indicated that regular exercise makes the

heart work harder, therefore that means that with the

appropriate daily exercise someone can prevent from the

risk factors that are associated with CDH (Wankel, 1993).

In order to prevent death and heart attack among patients

who are diagnosed with CDH it is recommended necessarily

physical exercise 4-5 times per week for 30-60 minutes

(Wankel, 1993). However, it is difficult for someone who

suffers from CDH to change his/her lifestyle and adopt

daily exercise and new habits. Only the 30% of people who

suffer from CDH seem to comply and start exercise daily

(Finegold et al. 2012). Specifically, older patients tend

to not to follow the doctors instructions for adopting

physical exercise in their everyday life and it is more


possible for young patients to comply with the doctor’s

given advices (Stratton et al. 1994).

A factor associated with adoption of physical exercise is

locus of control. Locus of control is defined as

individual’s beliefs about how they control events in

their life that may affect them (Woolfe et al 2003). The

concept of locus of control is divided to external and

internal locus of control: External locus of control is

defined as the outcomes of a action that are associated

with the chance or with powerful others, while internal

locus of control is defined as the results of an action

that are associated with someone’s personal attitude-

behavior (Rotter, 1966). Also having higher levels of

locus of control is associated with reduced levels of

stress and anxiety, whereas lower levels of locus of

control may increase the possibility of anxiety even

depression (Flowers, 1994). Moreover the research has

indicated that the locus of control and the type of

personality (A or B or C) plays a significant role in

adopting physical exercise when someone suffers from CDH

(Carlson, 2007). Therefore is more possible for someone

who has higher levels of locus of control to adopt the

physical exercise in his/ her daily life even suffering

from CDH.

Self efficacy is defined as someone’s ability to succeed

in specific situations in his/her life (Omrod, 2006).

Also self efficacy is the main characteristic of

Bandura’s social cognitive theory that highlights the3

fact that social experience and observational learning

play an important role in the personality development

(Bandura, 1988; Luszczynska & Schwarzer, 2005).There is a

plethora of studies that confirm that self efficacy plays

a significant role in adopting physical activity. It has

been found that perceived self efficacy is a major

instigating force in forming intentions in order to adopt

daily physical exercise and to maintain the given

prescriptions for an extended time. (Dzewaltowski, Noble,

& Shaw, 1990; Feltz & Riessinger, 1990; Shaw,

Dzewaltowski, & McElroy, 1992). Also a study indicated

that patients, who were recovering from heart disease and

had high levels of self efficacy, were characterized from

overexertion during the programmed exercise (Schwarzer &

Renner, 2000). Also self efficacy has been characterized

as one of the most important factors in order to maintain

and have an effective physical exercise (Omrod, 2006).

In addition, a study has indicated that depression is

associated with treatment non adherence, not following

the doctor’s direction and not adopting new health

nutrition and physical exercise (Barefoot et al. 2000;

Blumenthal et al. 2000). The study explains that these

depressive patients with long term illness seem to have

given up on life (Yeung. 1996). Also physical exercise is

used as a treatment for depression, however the research

has shown that physical exercise can be an effective

treatment for depressive patients but often it is usually


characterized as an underused treatment for mild to

moderate depression (Veale et al. 1992).


This study will highlight influence between self

efficacy, locus of control, demographic characteristics

and major depression in adopting physical exercise among

CHD patients. Previous literature has indicated that

people who suffer from CHD usually do not comply with

adopting physical exercise daily (Carlson, 2007).

Additionally there are studies that support that locus of

control and self efficacy can predict the adoption of

physical exercise among CHD patients (Ogden, 2006).

Moreover, through extensive investigation it was noted

that in the countries of Southern Europe there is limited

research on that subject. More specifically in Greece

there is limited published research on Coronary heart

disease in general. Taking into account all the previous

information, this study could be quite useful.


The aim this current study is to investigate the

association between self efficacy, locus of control, the

demographic characteristics and major depression with

adopting physical exercise by patients who suffer from

CHD in Greece.


The purpose of this study is:


i. To research the relationship between locus of

control with adopting physical exercise among CDH


ii. To investigate the association between self efficacy

with adopting physical exercise among CDH patients.

iii. To research the effect of demographic

characteristics on adopting physical exercise among

CDH patients.

iv. To research the relationship between major

depression with adopting physical exercise among CDH


v. To research whether self efficacy, locus of control

and major depression can predict adoption of

physical exercise among CDH patients controlling for

demographic characteristics.



A mixed design will be used. A correlational design will

be used, in order to examine the interrelationship

between the predictors: self efficacy, locus of control,

the demographic characteristics, major depression and the


criterion variable: the adoption of physical activities.

An Independent samples design will be used with gender,

education and occupation as independent variables and

adoption of physical exercise as the dependent variable.


For the study, 85 volunteer participants, where r=0,80

medium effect size Cohen (1988) aged from 35-80, who

suffer from CHD, will be needed. Also the quota sample

will be recruited from Cardiology departments at public

hospitals in the area of Thessaloniki, Greece, after the

specific approve from the responsible manager. Also, in

order to participate the participants should: i) be

diagnosed for coronary heart disease for at least 3

months ii) not suffer from mental disorders.


A demographics form will be used that contains

information about age, gender, education, occupation and

marital status. The depression questionnaire (Kroenke et

al. 2009) with 8 items, where a=0,86, and a 4 point

Likert scale was used: 0 for ‘’not at all’’ till 3 for ‘’

every day’’. The locus of control scale (Ferraro et al.,

1987) has 18 items: 6 items measure the internal locus of

control, 6 measure the powerful others locus of control

and other 6 items measure the chance of locus of control.

A 6 point Likert scale will be used: from 1 (strongly

disagree) to 6 (strongly agree), where a=0,67-0,77. The

physical activity scale (Lorig et al. 1996) has 6 items


and a 5 point Likert scale where 0 for ‘’none’’ and 4 for

‘’more than 3 hours’’ and a=0,56-0,72. The Self efficacy

scale (Schwarzwer & Renner, 2000), contains 5 items and a

4 point Likert scale where 1 is very ‘’uncertain’’ and 4

‘’very certain and a=0,88. Finally the Daily activities

scale (Lorig et al. 1996) has 4 items and a 5 point

Likert scale where 0 means ‘’not at all’’ and 4 ‘’almost

totally’’ and a=0,91 (see Appendix 1).The questionnaires

will be translated in Greek.


After having the appropriate permission from the Health

Center in order to carry out the study the procedure will

start. The participants will get informed by leaflets in

the entrance of the hospitals. The procedure will take

place in the Health Center, in a comfortable environment

in a specific day and time. Firstly the appropriate

consent and briefing forms will be given to the

participants, in order to inform them about the

procedure. As the participants will agree with the terms

then they will start to fill in the demographics form and

questionnaires of Self efficacy and physical exercise,

Locus of control, Depression and Physical exercise in

order to complete them carefully in approximately 30

minutes. When the participants will complete all the

questionnaires they will be given a debriefing form (See

Appendix 2).

Ethical considerations


For the conduction of this research the responsible

manager of the Health Center must give the appropriate

permission. Also the participants who want to participate

to this study will be given a consent form and a brief

form to get informed extensively about the procedure of

the study and about their rights to confidentiality and

anonymity. It is also important to mention that the

participants are free to leave the procedure whenever

they want or to withdraw their answers in one week.

Statistical analysis

Using the SPSS 19 software the data from the

questionnaires will be screened and analyzed. Descriptive

statistics will be used to describe sample’s

characteristics and summarize data collected through

scales. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test will be used to examine

normal distribution of all scale scores. A series of

Pearson’s correlation tests will be conducted to test for

the relationship between self efficacy, major depression,

locus of control and adoption of physical exercise.

Moreover in order to estimate if self efficacy, major

depression, locus of control, the demographic

characteristics and are good predictors of adopting

physical exercise a multiple regression analysis and the

forced entry method will be used. Independent samples t-

test and one-way ANOVAs will be used to test the

influence of demographics on the adoption of physical



Expected outcomes

Self efficacy, Locus of control, major depression,

demographic characteristics (age, gender, education

level, and occupation), and self-efficacy will influence

adoption of physical exercise among CHD patients. Also it

is expected it will be noted differences between younger

and older people in adopting physical exercise.

Implication of findings

This study aim is to investigate the relationship between

self efficacy, locus of control, demographic

characteristics, major depression and the adoption of

physical activities among CHD patients. Furthermore the

findings of this research may help Health psychologists,

physicians, counselors and even gymnasts who help people

with CHD and related health problems. So these experts

can help these people by choosing the appropriate

approach or therapy.

Also campaigns can be organized in order to inform the

citizens of every age about the positive outcomes of

physical exercise. Furthermore special seminars can be

conducted in Hospitals in order to inform further the

patients about the positive outcomes of physical exercise

and not only for CDH patients. Finally a psychologist can

create group with patients of CDH and try to guide and

motive them in order to adopt a healthier model of life

with daily physical exercise.



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Appendix 1


Α1. Gender Male [ ] Female [ ]

Α2. Age……………

Α3. Marital status

Married [ ] Single [ ] In a relationship [ ]

Divorced /Widowed [ ]

Α4. Educational level

Primary [ ] ΑΕΙ – ΤΕΙ

[ ]

Secondary [ ] Postgraduate

studies [ ]

Technical school/IEK [ ]


Α5. Occupation

Public Employee [ ] Private Employee [ ]

Self-employed [ ] Student [ ] Housekeeping [ ]

Retired [ ] Unemployed [ ]

Α5. Background information:

How long do you suffer from coronary heart disease? [ ]

Questionnaire 1

Multidimensional Health Locus of Control (Wallston,

Wallston, & DeVellis ,1978)

Each item below is a belief statement about your medical

condition with which you may agree or disagree.








If I get sick, it is my own behavior

which determines how soon I get well


1 2 3 4 5 6

2No matter what I do, if I am going to

get sick, I will get sick.1 2 3 4 5 6


Having regular contact with my

physician is the best way for me to

avoid illness.

1 2 3 4 5 6

4Most things that affect my health

happen to me by accident.1 2 3 4 5 6


Whenever I don't feel well, I should

consult a medically trained


1 2 3 4 5 6

6 I am in control of my health. 1 2 3 4 5 6

7My family has a lot to do with my

becoming sick or staying healthy.1 2 3 4 5 6

8 When I get sick, I am to blame. 1 2 3 4 5 6


Luck plays a big part in determining

how soon I will recover from an


1 2 3 4 5 6

10 Health professionals control my health. 1 2 3 4 5 6

11My good health is largely a matter of

good fortune.1 2 3 4 5 6

12The main thing which affects my health

is what I myself do.1 2 3 4 5 6


13If I take care of myself, I can avoid

illness.1 2 3 4 5 6


Whenever I recover from an illness,

it's usually because other people (for

example, doctors, nurses, family,

friends) have been taking good care of


1 2 3 4 5 6

15No matter what I do, I 'm likely to get

sick.1 2 3 4 5 6

16If it's meant to be, I will stay

healthy.1 2 3 4 5 6

17If I take the right actions, I can stay

healthy.1 2 3 4 5 6

18Regarding my health, I can only do what

my doctor tells me to do.1 2 3 4 5 6

Questionnaire 2

Personal Health Questionnaire Depression Scale (PHQ-8)

Over the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered

by any of the following problems?

(circle one number on each line)





1Little interest or pleasure in

doing things0 1 2 3

2 Feeling down, depressed, or hopeless 0 1 2 3

3Trouble falling or staying asleep, or

sleeping too much0 1 2 3

4 Feeling tired or having little energy 0 1 2 3

5 Poor appetite or overeating 0 1 2 3


Trouble concentrating on things, such


reading the newspaper or watching


0 1 2 3


Feeling bad about yourself, or that you

are a failure, or have let yourself or

your family down

0 1 2 3


Moving or speaking so slowly that other

people could have noticed. Or the

opposite –

being so fidgety or restless that you


been moving around a lot more than


0 1 2 3


If two consecutive numbers are circled, score the higher

(more distress) number. If the numbers are not

consecutive, do not score the item. Score is the sum of

the 8 items. If more than 1 item missing, set the value


of the scale to missing. A score of 10 or greater is

considered major depress

Questionnaire 3

Physical Activities

During the past week, even if it was not a typical week

for you, how much total time (for the entire week) did

you spend on each of the following? (Please circle one

number for each question.)






2=LESS THAN 30/60 MIN.

1Stretching or strengthening exercises

(range of motion, using weights, etc.)0 1 2 3 4

2 Walk for exercise 0 1 2 3 4

3 Swimming or aquatic exercise 0 1 2 3 4

4Bicycling (including stationary

exercise bikes)0 1 2 3 4


Other aerobic exercise equipment

(Stairmaster, rowing, skiing machine,


0 1 2 3 4


Other aerobic exercise


0 1 2 3 4

http :// med . stanford . edu / searchsm /?

numgm =0& searchid =& q = coronary + heart + disease & as _ oq = site

%3 Apatienteducation . stanford . edu

Questionaire 4

The Physical Exercise Self-Efficacy Scale


In the following section, the item wording is provided for the three measures. Responseformat is (1) very uncertain, (2) rather uncertain, (3)

rather certain, and (4) very certain.

“How certain are you that you could overcome the

following barriers?”

I can manage to carry out my exercise intentions, ...


1 ...even when I have worries and problems.

2 ...even if I feel depressed.

3 ...even when I feel tense.

4 ...even when I am tired.

5 ...even when I am busy.


Questionnaire 5

Daily Activities

During the past 2 weeks, how much...

(Circle one)






1Has your health interfered withyour normal social activities with family,friends, neighbors or groups?

0 1 2 3 4

2 Has your health interfered withyour hobbies or recreational activities? 0 1 2 3 4

3 Has your health interferedwith your household chores? 0 1 2 3 4

4 Has your health interfered withyour errands and shopping? 0 1 2 3 4


Appendix 2

To the manager of the Cardiology Department:

Dear sir or madam,

Within the Mediterranean College, a research is conducted

on dealing with longterm illnesses and how patients face

them and live with a longterm illness. More specifically,

the subject of my study is to investigate ‘’The

association between self efficacy, locus of control, the

demographic characteristics and major depression in

adopting physical activities among Coronary Heart Disease

patients, in Greece’’. Your participation in the

procedure in really important because in Greece there is

limited published research on Coronary heart disease in


The patients who will want to participate to the

procedure will be given a briefing form and a consent

form, where they will get informed about the purpose of

the study, the procedure and their rights to

confidentiality and anonymity. The participants have the

ability to withdraw their answers in one week or leave

the procedure whenever they want. When the procedure


starts they will be given a demographics form, a self

efficacy questionnaire, a locus of control questionnaire,

a depression questionnaire and a physical exercise

questionnaire with a form about their daily activities in

order to complete.

The manager of the Cardiology Department has the right to

check the questionnaires!!


The aim of this current study is to investigate the

association between self efficacy, locus of control, the

demographic characteristics (gender, age, education

level, and occupation) and major depression in adopting

physical activities among Coronary Heart Disease

patients, in Greece


Before starting the survey’s procedure, please sign the

particular contract document. According to that, whenever

you feel the necessity to leave as the investigation is


in process you will have the right to do so. Your

participation in this research is regarded as of great

and vital importance for the required completion of the

present study.

The procedure includes the careful completion of two

questionnaires: the Locus of Control Scale, the physical

exercise and Self efficacy scale, the Demographics form,

the Depression scale and the Physical exercise scale.

After having finished with the above form and

questionnaires at your own time frame, you will be


ACCESS TO THE DATA Apart from researchers who are to

conduct this survey, only the leader researcher of the

present study will have the right to access the data once

permission has been granted by the administrator of every

Cardiology departments that have attended at public

hospitals in the area of Thessaloniki. The above are

clauses of the terms of confidentiality and anonymity and

are applied by recording only the demographic

characteristics of the participants of the survey.


completion of the study, you will be given one week in

order to withdraw your answers that were given in this

study, in case of regretting your participation. In one

month you will be informed about the results of this

study from the Cardiology departments at public hospitals

in the area of Thessaloniki.


Thank you for your special interest as well as your

valuable time.


Investigating the association between self efficacy,

locus of control, the demographic characteristics

(gender, age, education level and occupation) and major

depression in adopting physical activities among Coronary

Heart Disease patients, in Greece.

I have already read and considered the Consent Form which

is given to me and to all the participants and it is

related with the above research for my acceptance to

participate in it. I am aware of the anonymity of the

data, as well as, researchers’ ultimate confidentiality.

Also, I have been explicitly informed that whenever I

would like to leave from this survey’s procedure, I have

the right to do it without misgivings and doubts.


Full Name ………………………………………………………………….

Signature: …………………………………………………………………

Date: ……………………………………………………………………….


Full Name ………………………………………………………………….

Signature: …………………………………………………………………


Date: ………………………………………………………………………..

I would like to receive a briefing form with the research

results upon completion (if you choose ‘’ yes’’, please

put a tick: V):



Thank you for participating in this study! The general

purpose of this research is to examine the association

between self efficacy, locus of control, the demographic

characteristics (gender, age, education level and

occupation) and major depression in adopting physical

activities among Coronary Heart Disease patients, in


Coronary heart disease (CDH) is defined as a significant

built up of plague, with calcium and cholesterol

deposits, specifically in the coronary arteries of the

heart. Furthermore through coronary arteries oxygen and

blood are transferred in order to supply the heart.

However, due to malnutrition, negative habits (smoking,

drinking) and absence of daily exercise, the coronary


arteries tend to block and the ‘’delivery’’ blood and

oxygen is reduced. It is scientifically proven that

physical exercise not only can prevent CDH but also helps

patients to overcome this long term illness. Also the

majority of scientific evidence proves that self

efficacy, locus of control, the demographic

characteristics and major depression are significant

factors that play an important role in adopting physical

exercise among CHD patients.

The participants were given 4 different questionnaires

and demographics form in order to complete them

carefully. The questionnaires were: The physical exercise

and Self efficacy scale, the Locus of control scale, the

Depression scale and the Physical exercise scale. Data

was rated for processing and then for analysis to verify

whether or not the hypothesis that the above factors of

self efficacy, locus of control, the demographic

characteristics, major depression will be significant

contributors in adopting physical exercise among CHD


Thank you for your participation in this study. In this

study you participate anonymously and your data will be

used in complete privacy.