instructional psychology

Presentation By Vishal Varia Roll No.: 38 1916-2002 1916-2002

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Presentation By Vishal VariaRoll No.: 38


Born 1916 in North Andover, Massachusetts After high school, Gagné received a scholarship to attend Yale University

Gagné received a B.A. from Yale in 1937 After completing his undergraduate degree, Gagné went on to Brown University to begin his graduate study

Gagné receive his Ph.D. in Psychology from Brown University in 1940

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Although Gagné's earlier work reflected behaviorist thought, he is considered to be an experimental psychologist who was concerned with learning and instruction.

In 1965, Gagné published The Conditions of Learning which outlined the relation of learning objectives to appropriate instructional designs.

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Gagné believed that an external observer could recognize learning by noting behavioral changes that remains persistent over time (Gagné, 1974)

He also stated that maturation is not learning because the individual does not receive stimulation from the outside environment (Gagné, 1974).

Learning has two parts, one that is external to the learner and one that is internal (Gagné, Briggs, & Wager, 1992)

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Gagné described learning as a series of 8 phases that the learner goes through but is unaware of (Gagné, 1974)

Motivation Phase – Expectancy Apprehending Phase – Attention Selective Perception

Acquisition Phase – Coding: Storage Entry

Retention Phase – Memory Storage Recall Phase – Retrieval Generalization Phase – Transfer Performance Phase – Responding Feedback Phase -- Reinforcement

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Contiguity◦The stimulus situation must be presented simultaneously with the desired response.

Repetition◦Learning is improved with repetition and retention is more certain

Reinforcement◦Learning is strengthened when it is followed by a reward

(Gagné, Briggs, & Wager, 1992)

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Gagné identifies five categories of learning:◦ Verbal Information◦ Intellectual Skills◦ Cognitive Strategies◦ Attitudes◦ Motor Skills

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Stating previously learned materials such as facts, concepts, principles, and procedures

Draw attention to distinctive features by variations in print or speech.

Present information so that it can be made into chunks.

This can be accomplished in the class by teaching History and Linguistic Subjects like English, Guj., Hindi.,

In History the student gets awareness with facts and figures.

In Linguistic subjects the student gets awareness with pronunciations and literature and Art.

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Discriminations: Distinguishing objects, features, or symbols, e.g., hearing different pitches played on a musical instrument in the class of music and knowing basic shapes in the class of maths.

Concrete Concepts: Identifying classes of concrete objects, features, or events, e.g., learning facts of historical events in the class of History and civil codes in the class of Civics.

Defined Concepts: classifying new examples of events or ideas by their definition, e.g., learning length and breadth of a country and its geographical dimensions in the class of geography

Rules: Applying a single relationship to solve a class of problems, e.g., calculating the factors and solving algebraic equations. Learning the concept of photosynthesis in the class of science.

Higher Order Rules: Applying a new combination of rules to solve a complex problem, e.g., generating a balanced budget for a state organization

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Employing personal ways to guide learning, thinking, acting, and feeling

Describe or demonstrate the strategy. Eg. Show the students to hold the pencil and rounder.

Provide a variety of occasions for practice using the strategy. Eg. Asking students to solve a set of arithmetical problems.

Provide informative feedback as to the creativity or originality of the strategy or outcome. E.g. To properly check the assignments and giving the students clues to attain more marks in next assignments

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Choosing personal actions based on internal states of understanding and feeling

Establish an expectancy of success associated with the desired attitude.

Assure student identification with an admired human model.

Arrange for communication or demonstration of choice of personal action.

Give feedback for successful performance; or allow observation of feedback in the human model.

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Executing performances involving the use muscles

Present verbal or other guidance to cue the executive subroutine. E.g. To teach students different phonetics and exclamatory signs in language.

Arrange repeated practice. Eg. Give classroom recitation and group speaking skills

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Thank You!!!

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