fundamentals of genetics and plant breeding

By Md. Mahfuz Ur Rahman Email: [email protected]

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Md. Mahfuz Ur Rahman

Email: [email protected]


Genetics can be defined as the study of heredity, the process in which a parent passes certain

genes onto their offspring. Heredity describes how some traits are passed from parents to their

children. The traits are expressed by genes, which are small sections of DNA that are coded for

specific traits. Genes are found on chromosomes. Genetic material (genes, chromosomes, DNA)

is found inside the nucleus of a cell.

Gene: Genes are segments of DNA located on chromosomes. Genes exist in alternative forms

called alleles. Alleles determine distinct traits that can be passed on from parents to offspring.

Chromosome: Chromosome is thin, thread-like structure present in the nucleus showing

physic-chemical changes in the morphology during cell division. They become dark coloured

when stained with basic dye, hence the name Chromosome. Chromosome is an organized structure of DNA and protein, found in cells. It is a single piece of

coiled DNA containing many genes, regulatory elements and other nucleotide sequences.

Chromosomes also contain DNA-bound proteins, which serve to package the DNA and control

its functions. Chromosomes vary widely between different organisms.

Crop Center of Origin Chromosome

Wheat Near East and Ethiopian



Rice Asia 2n=24

Maize North America 2n=20

Millets West Africa 2n=18

Sugarcane New Guinea & North India 2n=80, 126

Cotton Africa 2n=52

Potato South America 2n=42

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA): DNA is a nucleic acid containing the genetic instructions

used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms (with the exception of

RNA viruses).

Gregor Mendel • Austrian Monk.

• Experimented with ―pea plants‖.

• Used pea plants because:

• They were available

• They reproduced quickly

• They showed obvious differences in the traits

Understood that there was something that carried traits from one generation to the next- known


Mendelian Genetics • Dominant traits- traits that are expressed.

• Recessive traits- traits that are covered up.

• Alleles- alternative form of a gene

• Punnett Squares- show how crosses are made.

• Probability- the chances/ percentages that something will occur.

• Genotype- the types of genes (Alleles) present.

• Phenotype- what it looks like.

• Homozygous- two of the same alleles.

• Heterozygous- two different alleles.

Mendel’s Laws:

1. Law of Segregations: - During the formation of gametes (eggs or sperm), the two alleles (hereditary units)

responsible for a trait separate from each other.

- Alleles for a trait are then "recombined" at fertilization, producing the genotype for the

traits of the offspring.

P generation (parental generation) F1 generation (first filial generation, the word filial from the

Latin word for "son") are the hybrid offspring.Allowing these F1 hybrids to self-pollinate

produces:F2 generation (second filial generation).It is the analysis of this that lead to an

understanding of genetic crosses.

2. Law of Independent Assortment:

- Each factor (gene) is distributed (assorted) randomly and independently of one another in

the formation of gametes.

Phenotypic ratio:- 9:3:3:1

Genotypic ratio:- 1:2:1:2:4:2:1:2:1

Some exception ratio-

Dominant epistasis - 12:3:1

Recessive epistasis- 9:3:4

Complementary gene or Duplicate recessive gene- 9:7

Dominant and recessive interaction- 13:3

Duplicate dominant gene- 15:1

Polymeric Genes - 9:6:1

Phenotype vs. Genotype:

𝑷 = 𝑮+ 𝑬+ (𝑮 × 𝑬) P is called the phenotypic value, i.e., the measurement associated with a particular individual.

G is the genotypic value, the effect of the genotype (averaged across all environments) .

E is the effect of environments (averaged across all genotypes).

Plant breeding: Plant breeding can be defined as the art and science of changing the genetic

combination of plants in order to produce desired characteristics.

Objective of plant breeding: Higher yield Improved quality Abiotic resistance Biotic resistance Change in maturity Duration / Earliness Desirable Agronomic Characteristics Elimination of Toxic Substances Varieties for New Seasons

Requirements for plant breeding:

1. Scissors: It is used for removing of any plant materials such as extra buds, leaves and

awn, etc. sharp-edged scissors of small and medium size are necessary.

2. Needles: Needles are used to open the small buds and also to emasculate the flower buds

and make holes in the butter-paper bags.

3. Forceps: Fine pointed and long forceps are used for the removal of anthers and holdings

anther, during transfer of pollen grains to the stigma.

4. Brushes: Camel-hair brushes of various sizes are used. More commonly these brushes

can be found useful to collect pollen from the anthers, particularly where the anthers

produced in small quantity.

5. Rectified spirit: A tube or vial with alcohol or rectified spirit is used to sterilize the

instruments together with hands which are used during hybridization programme.

6. Magnifying lens: It is used to observe the small flowers (buds) on a large scale, in order

to carry out emasculation successfully and also to ensure that stigma does not carry

foreign pollen grains.

7. Bags: Bags are used according to size of flower buds to protect them after emasculation

and pollination. Different kinds of materials are used to prepare the bags such as butter-

paper, bamboo, khakhi-paper, muslin-cloth and plastic sheets.

8. Tags: Proper size of tags made up of thick paper or ply-board tags which have been

waxed after labeling can be used. Now a days aluminium bags are commonly used. On

bags, information like name of parents, date of emasculation and cross pollination, etc.,

written with a pencil.

9. Meter tape: Meter scale or meter tape is used for measuring various morphological

parameters of plants during recording the experimental data.

10. Weighing balance: Small-size balance is needed by which large number of samples can

be weighed immediately.

11. Field notebook: Field notebook is used to note the following observations at the time of


Basis of selection of parents.

Nature of the cross—intervarietal / interspecific / intergeneric.

Purpose of crossing.

Number of crosses made.

Name of the parents to be used for crossing.

Date of emasculation and pollination.

Other points of interest, such as sowing-date, germination %, date of maturity, etc.

Name of the breeder.

Reproduction: Reproduction refers to the process by which living organism give rise to the

offspring of similar kind (species).In other words, reproduction is the process of multiplication of

living being. In crop plants, the mode of reproduction is of two types: viz. 1. Asexual reproduction and

2. Sexual reproduction

Asexual reproduction: A sexual reproduction does not involve fusion of male and female

gametes. New plants may develop from vegetative parts of the plant (vegetative reproduction) or

may arise from embryos that develop without fertilization (apomixis).

Sexual reproduction: Multiplication of plants through embryos which have developed by

fusion of male and female gametes is known as sexual reproduction.

Pollination: pollination is the process by which pollen grains are transferred from anthers to

stigma. Pollination is of two types viz.

Autogamy/self pollination and

Allogamy /cross pollination

Self-Pollination: Pollen is transferred from the anther to the stigma of the same flower or to

the stigma of another flower of same plant.

Cross-Pollination: In this process, the pollen from one flower is transferred to the stigma of

another flower on a different plant of the same kind.

Self-Pollinated crops Cross-Pollinated crops

Oat =2n=42 Millet = 2n=18

Lettuce =2n=18 Onions = 2n=16

Wheat = 2n=42 Corn =2n=20

Rice =2n=24 Carrot =2n=18

Tomato =2n=24 Rye=2n=14

Barley =2n=14 Maize =2n=20

Sorghum =2n=20 Mustard =2n=36

Pea =2n=22 Sunflower =2n=34

Cowpea =2n=24 Cotton =2n=52

Cotton =2n=52

Gram =2n=16

Groundnut =2n=40

Soybean =2n=40

Sesame =2n=26

Jute =2n=14

Tobacco =2n=48

Mechanism of self pollination:

Bisexuality : Male and female organ present in the same flower is called bisexuality.

Homogamy: Anther and stigma of a flower mature at the same time is called homogamy.

Cleistogamy: Pollination and fertilization take place in unopened (flower do not open at

all) flower bud is known as cleistogamy. E.g. wheat.

Chasmogamy: Flowers open only after the completion of pollination is called

chasmogamy. E.g. Rice.

Mechanism followed cross pollination: Dicliny: It refers to unisexual flowers. This is two types:

a. Monoecious plants

– female flowers and males are found in separate flowers on the same plant

– no perfect flowers

– E.g. Mango, maize, cucurbits, grapes, strawberry, rubber etc.

b. Dioecious plants

–female flowers (pistillate) and males flowers (staminate) are found on different


–no perfect flowers

– E.g. Papaya, date palm, spinach, asparagus etc

Dichogamy :

– ♀ and ♂ flowers are both found on the same plant but mature at different times

–pollen shed when pistil is not receptive.

Dicogamy is of two types: viz. i) Protogyny and ii) Protoandry

protogyny: When female phase comes before the male phase

protandry: When male phase comes before the female phase.

Herkogamy: Hindrance to self-pollination due to some physical barriers such as presence

of hyline membrance around the anther is known as herkogamy. The spatial separation of

the anthers and stigmas within a flower. E.g. Alfaalfa.

Heterostyly :When styles and filaments in a flower are of different length is called

heterostyly. E.g. Linseed.Two (distyly) or three (tristyly) style morphs differ in the

reciprocal placement of anthers and stigmas.

Self-incompatibility: The ability of plant to reject its own pollen and that of closely

related individuals.

Male sterility: In some species, the pollen grains are non functional. Such condition is

known as male sterility.

Methods of Breeding Autogamous species: 1. Plant Introduction 2. Pureline selection

3. Mass selection 4. Pedigree method

5. Bulk method 6. Single seed descent method

7. Backcross method 8. Heterosis breeding

9. Mutation breeding 10. Polyploidy breeding

11. Distant hybridization 12.Transgenic breeding.

Methods or Breeding Allogamous species: (1) Plant introduction (2) Mass and progeny selection

(3) Backcross method (4) Heterosis breeding

(5) Synthetic breeding (6) Composite breeding

(7) Polyploidy breeding (8) Distant hybridization

(9) Transgenic breeding

Methods of Breeding Asexually Propagated Species: (1) Plant Introduction (2) Clonal selection

(3) Mass selection (4) Heterosis breeding

(5) Mutation breeding (6) Polyploidy breeding

(7) Distant hybridization (8) Transgenic breeding.

Plant introduction:

• It is introducing a plant into new regions from its growing locality. • It is the easiest and simplest method. • Proper management and acclimatization is very important to prevent losses. • Quarantine has to play an important role in introduction to ensure that the material which

is to be introduced should not carry pest& diseases with it. • It can be used in both self and crossed pollinated plants.

Procedure of plant introduction: Type of plant to be introduced.

Place of plant collection.

Medium of collection.


Procurement Quarantine. Cataloguing.

Multiplication and Distribution. Regional yield trail.

Evaluation Variety release.

Purpose of plant introduction:

To Obtain An Entirely New Crop Plant. To Serve as New Varieties. To Be Used in Crop Improvement. To Save the Crop from Diseases And Pests. For Scientific Studies. For Aesthetic Value. Varieties Selected from Introductions. Varieties Developed through Hybridization .

Pure Line: (Recount Johannsen. 1903) usually no hybridization

Initial parents (IPs) selected from a heterogeneous population (i.e. genetically variable)

procedure continues until homogeneity is achieved

last phase is field testing

A pure line consists of progeny descended solely by self-pollination from a single

homozygous plant

Pure line selection is therefore a procedure for isolating pure line(s) from a mixed


Pure line cultivars are more uniform than cultivars developed through mass selection (by

definition, a pure line cultivar will be composed of plants with a single genotype)

Progeny testing is an essential component of pure line selection

Improvement using pure line breeding is limited to the isolation of the ‗best‘ genotypes

present in the mixed population

More effective than MS in development of self-pollinated cultivars

However, leads to rapid depletion of genetic variation

Genetic variability can be managed through directed cross hybridizations

Essential to progeny test selections.

Pure-line Selection-Steps: Select desirable plants

• Number depends on variation of original population, space and resources for

following year progeny tests

• Selecting too few plants may risk losing superior genetic variation

• A genotype missed early is lost forever

Seed from each selection is harvested individually.

Single plant progeny rows grown out

• Evaluate for desirable traits and uniformity

• Should use severe selection criteria (rogue out all poor, unpromising and variable


Selected progenies are harvested individually

In subsequent years, run replicated yield trials with selection of highest yielding plants

After 4-6 rounds, highest yielding plant is put forward as a new cultivar

Advantages of pure line selection: 1. The pure lines are extremely uniform since all the plants in the variety will have the same


2. Attractive and liked by the farmers and consumers.

3. Pure lines are stable and long test for many years.

4. Due to its extreme uniformity the variety can be easily identified in seed certification


Disadvantages of pure line selection: 1. New genotypes are not created by pure line selection

2. Improvement is limited to the isolation of the best genotype present in population. No

more improvement is possible after isolation of the best available genotype in the


3. Selection of pure lines require great skill and familiarity with the crop.

4. Difficult to detect small differences that exist between cultures

5. The breeder has to devote more time

6. Pure lines have limited adaptability hence can be recommended for cultivation in limited

area only.

Mass selection:

It is the oldest & easiest method of selection and is useful in self- pollinated species and rarely in

cross-pollinated species. It is based on the ability to recognize desirable or undesirable traits in

plants of a population.

Procedure of Mass Selection: First year: Large numbers of phenotypically similar plants having desirable characters are

selected. The range of number may vary from 500-1000 plants. The seeds from the selected

plants are composited to rise the next generation.

Second year: composited seed planted in a preliminary field trial along with standard checks.

The variety from which the selection was made should also be included as check. Phenotypic

characteristics of the variety are critically examined and evaluated.

Third to sixth year: The variety is evaluated in coordinated yield trials at several locations. It is

evaluated in an initial evaluation (IET) trial for one year. If founded superior it is promoted to

main yield trial for 2 or 3 years.

Seventh year: if the variety is proved superior in main yield trials it is multiplied and released

after giving a suitable name.

Modification of mass selection Mass selection is used for improving a local variety. Large number of plants are selected (I year) and

individual plant progenies are raised (II year). Inferior, segregating progenies are reflected. Uniform,

superior rows are selected and the seed is bulked. Preliminary yield trials are conducted in third year.

Fourth to seventh year multilocation tests are conducted and seed is multiplied in eight year and

distributed in ninth year. Many other modifications also are followed depending on the availability of

time and purpose for each it is used.

Objectives of Mass Selection: To increase the frequency of superior genotypes from a genetically variable population.

Purify a mixed population with differing phenotypes.

Develop a new cultivar by improving the average performance of the population.

Disadvantages of Mass selection: 1 To be most effective, the traits of interest should have high heritability.

2 Because selection is based on phenotypic values, optimal selection is achieved if it is

conducted in a uniform environment.

3 Phenotypic uniformity is less than in cultivars produced by pure-line selection.

4 With dominance, heterozygotes are indistinguishable from homozygous dominant genotypes.

Without progeny testing, the selected heterozygotes will segregate in the next generation.

Mass selection vs pure line selection:

Mass selection pure line selection

1. Used both in self and cross pollinated crops. 1. Practiced in self pollinated crops only.

2. Large number of plants are selected. 2. Comparatively less number of plants are


3. The produce of the selected plants is mixed

and sown as such in next year.

3. Produce of individual plants is kept separate

and progeny rows are raised next year.

4. No control of pollination. 4. Pollination is controlled.

Mass selection pure line selection

5. Variety developed is heterozygous and not


5. Variety is homozygous homogeneous and


6 Due to heterozygosity the variety deteriorates


6. Due to homozygosity the variety lasts long.

7. No knowledge of science is required. It is

more an art.

7. Knowledge of science and genetics is


8. Selection within a variety is effective. 8. Selection with in a pure line variety is not


9. The variety is relatively difficult to identify. 9. It is relatively easy to identify in seed

Certification programs.

10. The method has to be repeated once in 2-3

years to purify the variety.

10. No need to repeat

Pedigree method: It is a widely used method of breeding self-pollinated species (and even cross-pollinated species

such as crops produced as hybrids). Detailed records of the origin of the selected lines are

maintained. It produces new cultivars faster than mass selection. In self-pollinated crop, it is used

to release new varieties. In cross-pollinated crops, it is used to develop inbred lines.

Procedure of Pedigree method: Year 1 Identify desirable homozygous parents and make about 20–200 crosses.

Year 2 Grow 50–100 F1 plants including parents for comparison to authenticate its hybridity.

Year 3 Grow about 2,000–5,000 F2 plants. Space plant is to allow individual plants to be

examined and documented. Include check cultivars for comparison. Desirable plants are selected

and harvested separately keeping records of their identities. In some cases, it may be

advantageous not to space plant F2s to encourage competition among plants.

Year 4 Seed from superior plants are progeny-rowed in the F3–F5 generations, making sure to

space plant the rows for easy record keeping. Selection at this stage is both within and between

rows by first identifying superior rows and selecting 3–5 plants from each progeny to plant the

next generation.

Year 5 By the end of the F4 generation, there should be between 25–50 rows with records of the

plant and row. Grow progeny of each selected F3.

Year 6 Family rows are planted in the F6 to produce experimental lines for preliminary yield

trials in the F7. The benchmark or check variety is a locally adapted cultivar. Several checks may

be included in the trial.

Year 7 Advanced yield trials over locations, regions, and years are conducted in the F8–F10

generations, advancing only superior experimental material to the next generation. Ultimately,

the goal is to identify one or two lines that are superior to the check cultivars for release as a new


Figure: Generalized steps in breeding by pedigree selection.

Advantages of pedigree selection: 1. Eliminates unpromising material at early stages;

2. Multi-year records allow good overview of inheritance, and more effective selection

through trials in different environments;

3. Multiple families (from different F2 individuals) are maintained yielding different gene

combinations with common phenotype

4. Allows for comparison to other breeding strategies

Disadvantages of pedigree selection:

1. Most labor, time and resource intensive method.

2. Very dependent on skill of breeder in recognizing promising material.

3. It is not effective for accumulating the number of minor genes needed to provide horizontal resistance.

4. Pedigree selection is a long procedure, requiring about 10–12 years or more to complete 5. Selecting in the F2 (early generation testing) on the basis of quantitative traits such as

yield may not be effective. Bulk Method: This method can handle segregating generations, in which F2 and subsequent generations are harvested in bulk to grow the next generation. At the end of bulking period, individual plant selection and evaluation is carried out in the similar way as in pedigree method. This method is used in self- pollinated plant species.

Procedure of bulk method: Year 1 Identify desirable parents and make a sufficient number of crosses between them

Year 2 Following a cross between appropriate parents, about 50–100 F1 plants are planted and

harvested as a bulk, after rouging out selfs.

Year 3 The seeds from the second year are used to plant a bulk plot of about 2,000–3,000 F2

plants. The F2 is bulk harvested.

Year 4–6 A sample of the F2 seed is planted in bulk plots, repeating the steps for year 2 and year

3 until the F4 is reached or when a desired level of homozygosity has been attained in the

population. Space plant about 3,000–5,000 F5 plants and select about 10% (300–500) superior

plants for planting F6 progeny rows.

Year 7 Select and harvest about 10% (30–50) progeny rows that exhibit genes for the desired

traits for planting preliminary yield trails in the F7.

Year 8 and later Conduct advanced yield trials from F8 through F10 at multiple locations and

regions, including adapted cultivars as checks. After identifying a superior line, it is put through

the customary cultivar release process.

Figure: Generalized steps in breeding by bulk selection.

Advantages of bulk selection: Less record keeping than pedigree Inexpensive Easy to handle more crosses Natural selection is primarily for competitive ability Large numbers of genotypes can be maintained Works well with unadapted germplasm Can be carried on for many years with little effort by the breeder

Disadvantages of bulk selection: Environmental changes from season to season so adaptive advantages shift

Most grow bulk seed lots in area of adaptation

Less efficient than pedigree method on highly heritable traits (because can purge non-

selections in early generations)

Not useful in selecting plant types at a competitive disadvantage (dwarf types)

Final genotypes may be able to withstand environmental stress, but may not be highest


If used with a cross pollinated species, inbreeding depression may be a problem.

Comparison between bulk and pedigree method:

Pedigree method Bulk method 1 Most widely used Breeding method. 1 Used only to a limited extent.

2 Individual plants are selected in F2 and

subsequent generations and individual plant

progenies are grown.

2 F2 and subsequent generations are grown in


3 Pedigree Records have to be maintained

which is often time consuming and laborious.

3 No pedigree records are maintained.

4 Generally it‘s taken 12-13 years to release a

new variety.

4 Takes more than 15 years.

5 Requires close attention of breeder from F2


5 It is quite simple and does not require much


6 Planting (spacing) the segregating

generations are space planted to permits

effective individual plant selection.

6 The bulk populations are generally planted at

commercial planting rates.

7 Population size is small in comparison to


7 The population size is large.

Back cross method: A cross between a hybrid (F 1 or a segregating generation) and one of its parents is known as

backcross. Same form whether self or cross pollinated species In the B.C. method, the hybrid

and the progenies in the subsequent generations are repeatedly back crossed to one of their

parents. To improve or correct one or two specific defects of a high yielding variety, which is

well adapted to the area and has other desirable characteristics.

Recipient parent: Well adapted, high yielding variety, lacking one or two characters and hence

receives these genes from other variety.

Donor parent: The variety which donates one or two useful genes.

Recurrent parent: Since the recipient parent is repeatedly used in the backcross program, it is

also known as the recurrent parent.

Non-recurrent parent: The donor parent, on the other hand, is known as the non-recurrent

parent because it is used only once in the breeding program (for producing the F1 hybrid).

Procedure of backcross:

Transfer of a Dominant Gene

Let us suppose that a high yielding and widely adapted variety A is susceptible to stem rust.

Another variety B is resistant to stem rust, and that resistance to stem rust is dominant to

susceptibility. A generalized scheme of the backcross program for the transfer of rust resistance

from variety B to variety A is given below.

Hybridization: Variety A is crossed to variety B. Generally, variety A should be used as the

female parent. This would facilitate the identification of self pollinated plants, if any.

F1 Generation: F1 plants are backcrossed to variety A. Since all the F1 plants will be

heterozygous for rust resistance, selection for rust resistance is not necessary.

First Backcross Generation (BC1): half of the plants would be resistant and the remaining half

would be susceptible to stem rust. Rust resistant plants are selected and backcrossed to variety A.

BC1 plants resistant to rust may be selected for their resemblance to variety A as well.

BC2-BC5 Generations: In each backcross generation, segregation would occur for rust

resistance. Rust resistant plants are selected and backcrossed to the recurrent parent A. Selection

for the plant type of variety A may be practiced, particularly in BC2 and BC3.

BC6- Generation: On an average, the plants will have 98.4 per cent genes from variety A.

Rust resistant plants are selected and self pollinated; their seeds are harvested separately.

BC6 F2 Generation: Individual plant progenies are grown. Progenies homozygous for rust

resistance and similar to the plant type of variety A are harvested in bulk. Several similar

progenies are mixed to constitute the new variety.

Yield Tests: The new variety is tested in a replicated yield trial along with the variety A as a

check. Plant type, date of flowering, date of maturity, quality etc. are critically evaluated.

Ordinarily, the new variety would be identical to the variety A in performance. Detailed yield

tests are, therefore, generally not required and the variety may directly be released for


Transfer of a Recessive Gene

When rust resistance is due to a recessive gene, all the backcrosses cannot be made one after the

other. After the first backcross, and after every two backcrosses, F2 must be grown to identify

rust resistant plants. The F1 and the backcross progenies are not inoculated with rust because

they would be susceptible to rust. Only the F2 is tested for rust resistance. A generalized scheme

for the transfer of a recessive gene for rust resistance is given below.

Hybridization: The recurrent parent is crossed with the rust resistant donor parent. The recurrent

parent is generally used as the female parent.

F1 Generation: F1 plants are backcrossed to the recurrent parent.

BC1 Generation: Since rust resistance is recessive, all the plants will be rust susceptible.

Therefore, there is no test for rust resistance. All the plants are self-pollinated.

BC1 F2 Generation: Plants are inoculated with rust spores. Rust resistant plants are selected

and backcrossed with the recurrent parent. Selection is done for the plant type and other

characteristics of the variety A.

BC2 Generation: There is no rust resistance test. Plants are selected for their resemblance to the

recurrent parent A, and backcrossed with the recurrent parent.

BC3 Generation: There is no disease test. The plants are self-pollinated to raise F2 selection is

usually done for the plant type of variety A.

BC3F2 Generation: Plants are inoculated with stem rust. Rust resistant plants resembling

variety A are selected and backcrossed to variety A. Selection for plant type of A is generally


BC4 Generation: There is no rust resistance test. Plants are back-crossed to variety A.

BC5 Generation: There is no rust test. Plants are self -pollinated to rise F2 generation.

BC5F2 Generation: Plants are subjected to rust epidemic. A rigid selection is done for rust

resistance and for the characteristics of variety A. Self pollinated seeds from the selected plants

are harvested separately.

BC5F3 Generation: individual plant progenies are grown and subjected to rust epiphytotic.

A rigid selection is done for resistance to stem rust and for the characteristics of variety A.

Seeds from several similar rust resistant homogeneous progenies are mixed to constitute the new


Yield Tests: It is the same as in the case of transfer of a dominant gene.

Genetics & Plant Breeding Related Terminology

Karyokinesis: A nuclear division is called karyokinesis.

Cytokinesis: Division of cytoplasam is called cytokinasis.

Mitosis: It is the division of somatic nucleus.

Meiosis: It may be defined as two nuclear divisions where chromosomes divide only once.

Synapsis: It is the pairing of homologous which leads to the formation of bivalents.

Genome: A haploid set of chromosomes of an organism.

Linkage: Described as presence of number of different gene of the same chromosome. They

are inherited together.

Crossing over: Exchange of segments between non-sister chromatids of homologous

chromosomes during synapsis. Crossing over breaks the linkage.

Map-unit: It is the unit which gives distance between two genes measured in terms of crossing

over percentage.

1 map-unit = 1% cross over (centimorgan)

1 morgan unit represents 100% crossing over.

Inversion: When a segment of chromosome breaks and reunites in the inverted order of gene

sequences, it is called inversion.

Allele: A member of the pair of a gene, situated at a particular locus on a pair of homozygous


Back cross/Test cross: The cross between F1 hybrid and homozygous recessive parent (test

cross) or a homozygous dominant parent (back cross). In test cross, the purpose is to test

heterozygosity of an organism.

Monohybrid cross: A cross between two organisms heterozygous for one pair of alleles.

Dihybrid cross: A cross between organisms heterozygous for two unlike pair of alleles.

Dominance: the complete expression of one allele over another allele in the pair of gene; the

suppressed allele is called recessive and the allele which expresses is called dominant.

Epistasis: The suppression of one gene by another gene on different locus is called epistass.

F1 generation: The first filial generation, usually the hybrid of two homozygous parents.

F2 generation: The second filial generation usually referred after the F1× F1 cross.

Genotype: The genetic constitution of an organism with respect to specific allele.

Phenotype: The appearance of an organism, i.e., its physical and chemical features.

Incomplete dominance: It refers to partial expression of an allele in the phenotype of a

heterozygous individual.

Lethal gene: A gene which causes death of the organism, bearing it, at any stage from the

zygote onwards.

Locus: The site occupied by a member of the gene on a chromosome.

Self-sterility gene: Multiple alleles which prevent pollen tube formation and self fertilization

in some species of flowering plants.

Male sterility: It is characterised by non-functional pollen grains. Male sterility is used in

hybrid seed production.

Plant breeding: plant breeding is an art and science of crop improvement in respect of yield

and quality.

Inbred line: It is a relatively true-breeding strain resulting from at least 3 successive

generations of controlled self-fertilization or back crossing.

Pure line: A strain in which all individuals have descended by self-fertilization from a single

homozygous individual. A pure line is genetically pure.

Hybrid: Product of hybridization. It can‘t store for the next year. It is heterozygous.

HYV: HYV can store for next year. It is homozygous.

References: Lessons from the Green Revolution. and the Green Revolution.

Interview with Norman Borlaug. History of plant breeding., P. 2002. The evolution of crop

plants. Plant breeding in the

USA. List of land grant institutions and seed companies. Synopsis on plant breeding and evolution. Website of National Germplasm Resources Lab. List of websites for plant

germplasm resource centers worldwide.–256a.htmlPaper on current status of biological

diversity by E. O. Wilson of Harvard University. Asexual

reproduction in plants.

illustrations and discussion of aspects of reproduction in flowering plants. htm Excellent slides on plant reproduction.