constitution and bylaws - ifmsa kurdistan

Kurdistan Medical Students [email protected] International Federation for Medical Students' Associations - Kurdistan CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS Adopted by the IFMSA-Kurdistan National Assembly on the 4th of September 2016 in Duhok, Kurdistan region, Iraq. Content Constitution & Bylaws IFMSA-Kurdistan Constitution Chapter 6: Support Division 6.1 General 6.2 The Publications Support Division 6.3 The Capacity building support division 6.4 The Alumni Relations Support Division Chapter 7: Local Committee Voting Rights and Voters' List Chapter 8: National Assembly Meetings 8.1 General 8.2 Time and Venue of the Meeting and Calling for the Meeting 8.3 Extraordinary Meetings 8.4 Agenda of the Meeting Chapter 9: Procedures at the National Assembly Meetings 9.1 General 9.2 Participants and Observers in the Meeting 9.3 Chair Person 9.4 Meeting Secretary 9.5 Constitution Credential Committee 9.6 Voting Process 9.7 Roll Call and Voting Cards 9.8 Motion and Debate 9.9 Point of Order 9.10 Point of Information 9.11 Procedural Motion 9.12 Voting 9.13 Minutes 9.14 Reports Chapter 10: Elections 10.1 General 10.2 Candidates Debate Chapter 11: General Assembly (GA) and Regional meetings(RM) 11.1 GA preparations 11.2 During General Assembly 11.3 After General Assembly 11.4 General Assembly Final Report 11.5 Regional Meetings (RMs) Chapter 12: Scoring System 12.1 General 12.2 Candidate Member 12.3 Full Member 12.4 Local Board 12.5 Officials Team 12.6 Other Activities 12.7 Score subtraction 12.8 National Projects & Bonus Score 12.9 Projects' Manual Chapter 13: SCOPE Exchange System 13.1 General 13.2 Exchange Conditions 13.3 Hosting exchange students Chapter 14: Financial System 14.1 General Chapter 1: Name/Seat Chapter 2: Affiliation Chapter 3: Nature Chapter 4: Principles Chapter 5: Objectives Chapter 6: Member Local Committees Chapter 7: National Assembly Chapter 8: Managing Board Chapter 9: Officials Chapter 10: Standing Committees & Divisions Chapter 11: The Supervising Council Chapter 12: Finances Chapter 13: Amendments and Additions to the Constitution & Bylaws Chapter 14: Bylaws Chapter 15: Dissolution IFMSA-Kurdistan Bylaws Chapter 1: General Regulation 1.1 Name and Seat of the Organization 1.2 Languages 1.3 Status 1.4 Mission Statement 1.5 Objectives 1.6 Constitution & Bylaws 1.7 Corporate Identity 1.8 Publications 1.9 IFMSA-Kurdistan Stamp Chapter 2: Members 2.1 Member Local Committee 2.2 Local Committee Application 2.3 Membership within Local Committee 2.4 Obtaining Membership for Several Organizations within the same University Chapter 3: Team of Officials 3.1 General 3.2 Regulations for Team of Officials Meetings 3.3 Suspension and Removal of Team of Officials Members 3.4 Resignation of Team of Officials Members 3.5 Handover Chapter 4: Managing Board 4.1 General 4.2 Tasks 4.2.1 President 4.2.2 Secretary General 4.2.3 Vice President for External Affairs 4.2.4 Vice President for Internal Affairs 4.2.5 Vice President for Financial Affairs Chapter 5: Standing Committees 5.1 General 5.2 Creation, Changes and Dissolution 5.3 Standing Committee Officers 5.4 Standing Committee Meetings

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Kurdistan Medical Students [email protected]

International Federation for Medical Students' Associations - Kurdistan

CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS Adopted by the IFMSA-Kurdistan National Assembly on the 4th of September 2016 in Duhok,

Kurdistan region, Iraq.


Constitution & Bylaws

IFMSA-Kurdistan Constitution Chapter 6: Support Division 6.1 General 6.2 The Publications Support Division 6.3 The Capacity building support division 6.4 The Alumni Relations Support Division Chapter 7: Local Committee Voting Rights and Voters' List Chapter 8: National Assembly Meetings 8.1 General 8.2 Time and Venue of the Meeting and Calling for the Meeting 8.3 Extraordinary Meetings 8.4 Agenda of the Meeting Chapter 9: Procedures at the National Assembly Meetings 9.1 General 9.2 Participants and Observers in the Meeting 9.3 Chair Person 9.4 Meeting Secretary 9.5 Constitution Credential Committee 9.6 Voting Process 9.7 Roll Call and Voting Cards 9.8 Motion and Debate 9.9 Point of Order 9.10 Point of Information 9.11 Procedural Motion 9.12 Voting 9.13 Minutes 9.14 Reports Chapter 10: Elections 10.1 General 10.2 Candidates Debate

Chapter 11: General Assembly (GA) and Regional meetings(RM)

11.1 GA preparations 11.2 During General Assembly 11.3 After General Assembly 11.4 General Assembly Final Report 11.5 Regional Meetings (RMs) Chapter 12: Scoring System 12.1 General 12.2 Candidate Member 12.3 Full Member 12.4 Local Board 12.5 Officials Team 12.6 Other Activities 12.7 Score subtraction 12.8 National Projects & Bonus Score 12.9 Projects' Manual Chapter 13: SCOPE Exchange System 13.1 General 13.2 Exchange Conditions 13.3 Hosting exchange students Chapter 14: Financial System 14.1 General

Chapter 1: Name/Seat Chapter 2: Affiliation Chapter 3: Nature Chapter 4: Principles Chapter 5: Objectives Chapter 6: Member Local Committees Chapter 7: National Assembly Chapter 8: Managing Board Chapter 9: Officials Chapter 10: Standing Committees & Divisions Chapter 11: The Supervising Council Chapter 12: Finances Chapter 13: Amendments and Additions to the Constitution & Bylaws Chapter 14: Bylaws Chapter 15: Dissolution

IFMSA-Kurdistan Bylaws

Chapter 1: General Regulation 1.1 Name and Seat of the Organization 1.2 Languages 1.3 Status 1.4 Mission Statement 1.5 Objectives 1.6 Constitution & Bylaws 1.7 Corporate Identity 1.8 Publications 1.9 IFMSA-Kurdistan Stamp Chapter 2: Members 2.1 Member Local Committee 2.2 Local Committee Application 2.3 Membership within Local Committee 2.4 Obtaining Membership for Several Organizations within the same University Chapter 3: Team of Officials 3.1 General 3.2 Regulations for Team of Officials Meetings 3.3 Suspension and Removal of Team of Officials Members 3.4 Resignation of Team of Officials Members 3.5 Handover Chapter 4: Managing Board 4.1 General 4.2 Tasks 4.2.1 President 4.2.2 Secretary General 4.2.3 Vice President for External Affairs 4.2.4 Vice President for Internal Affairs 4.2.5 Vice President for Financial Affairs Chapter 5: Standing Committees 5.1 General 5.2 Creation, Changes and Dissolution 5.3 Standing Committee Officers 5.4 Standing Committee Meetings

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International Federation for Medical Students' Associations - Kurdistan

14.2 Fundraising 14.3 Financial System 14.4 Bank Account 14.5 Awards

Chapter 15: Honorary life members

Kurdistan Medical Students [email protected]

International Federation for Medical Students' Associations - Kurdistan


Chapter 1: Name/Seat 1.1 The official name of the organization is

International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations –Kurdistan

1.2 The association is hereinafter also referred to as “the organization” or " IFMSA- Kurdistan".

Chapter 2: Affiliation 2.1 IFMSA-Kurdistan is a member in the

International Federation of Medical Students' Associations, abbreviated as "IFMSA".

2.2 IFMSA is hereinafter also referred to as: the International Federation.

Chapter 3: Nature 3.1 IFMSA- Kurdistan is an independent

organization of medical students in Kurdistan region of Iraq.

Chapter 4: Principles 4.1 IFMSA- Kurdistan pursues its aims without

political, religious, social, racial, sexual or any other discriminations

4.2 The use of the organization’s name, initials or logo is strictly prohibited in political or religious media under any circumstances

4.3 IFMSA- Kurdistan promotes humanitarian ideals among medical students and so seeks to contribute to the creation of responsible future physicians

4.4 IFMSA- Kurdistan respects the autonomy of its members.

4.5 All IFMSA-Kurdistan activities and decisions shall be based on IFMSA- Kurdistan values which are: Transparency a) Honesty b) Cooperation c) Respecting different cultures d) Equality f) Tolerance

Chapter 5: Objects 5.1 The goal of the organization is to serve society

and medical students all over Kurdistan region of Iraq through its Local Committees by: a) Empowering medical students in using their knowledge and capacities for the benefit of society. b) Providing a forum for medical students throughout Kurdistan/Iraq to discuss topics related to individual and community health, education and science and to formulate policies from such discussions. c) Promoting and facilitating professional and scientific exchanges as well as projects and extracurricular training for medical students, thereby sensitizing them to other cultures and societies and their health problems.

d) Providing a link between members, medical students’ associations and international organizations, and to encourage the cooperation between them for the ultimate benefit of society.

Chapter 6: Member Local Committees 6.1 The organization is composed of Local

Committees, hereinafter also referred to as: full member LC and candidate member LC.

6.2 The local committee shall be affiliated to a medical school in Kurdistan region of Iraq.

6.3 The National Assembly (NA) decides upon accepting and refusing members.

6.4 All LC members, including the full members and the candidate members, shall act according to the Constitution and Bylaws of the federation and of IFMSA-Kurdistan.

6.5 No member LC can lose its membership except in one of the following cases: a) Failure to pay the debts for 3 consecutive NAs (in this case they lose membership automatically) b) Failure to attend 3 consecutive IFMSA-Kurdistan NAs (in this case they lose membership automatically) c) Failing to obtain full membership after five NAs of the acceptance of the LC as candidate member. d) Upon official request from the Local Committee, signed and stamped by its president and its faculty Administration. This decision needs to be approved by the National Assembly with 2/3rd Majority e) Failure to regain the membership status of the organization after 1 year of being suspended.

Chapter 7: National Assembly (NA) 7.1 The National Assembly is composed of all

members of the organization. It is the highest authority and decision making body of the organization. Candidate members are admitted to the meeting with all rights except voting rights.

7.2 In case it was not possible to hold the NA in the first 2 weeks of September, it can be extended but not exceeding 20th of September.

Chapter 8: Managing Board 8.1 The organization shall be managed by the MB. 8.2 The MB is elected by the National Assembly for

a one year period. 8.3 The MB is entitled to officially represent the

organization. 8.4 The MB can delegate tasks to other persons, but

it will remain responsible for these tasks at all times.

8.5 The MB member will cease to hold office: a) At the end of his term;

Kurdistan Medical Students [email protected]

International Federation for Medical Students' Associations - Kurdistan

b) By a written resignation; c) By his death; d) By removal from office by court in cases provided for in law; e) By removal from office by a decision of the National Assembly.

Chapter 9: Officials 9.1 An IFMSA-Kurdistan Official is a person elected

by the National Assembly to manage a specific area of the activities of the organization.

9.2 All IFMSA-Kurdistan Officials have to work according to the IFMSA-Kurdistan Constitution and Bylaws and have to promote the principles and objectives of the organization.

9.3 All IFMSA-Kurdistan Officials have to present activity reports to the National Assembly.

9.4 An IFMSA-Kurdistan Official will cease to hold office as described in 8.5, subsections a up to and including e.

Chapter 10: Standing Committees and Divisions 10.1 To execute, co-ordinate and support the

activities of the organization, Standing Committees and Divisions can be formed by the National Assembly with simple majority.

10.2 The work of these committees and divisions is coordinated by an Official elected by the National Assembly.

10.3 A Standing Committee works to benefit a specific field of interest. The activities of a Standing Committee shall be continuous.

Chapter 11: The Supervising Council (SupCo) 11.1 The Supervising Council is the advisory and

reference body of issues related to the interpretation of the Constitution and Bylaws of IFMSA-Kurdistan. It shall be the decision-making body when controversies in the interpretation of IFMSA- Kurdistan Constitution and Bylaws arise and as otherwise stated in this constitution and bylaws.

11.2 The Supervising Council has a maximum of three members. The two founders of IFMSA-Kurdistan, and a third member that is elected in the NA. The founders of IFMSA-Kurdistan, as stated in the prologue (introductory section) of this constitution and bylaws, are members of SupCo with the aim of supervising what they have founded, making sure the organization continues to progress towards the objectives and according to the principles stated in this constitution and bylaws.

11.3 The third electable position in SupCo is provided to a member during NA for a two terms period and according to regulations in this constitution. Election for that SupCo position requires a three-fourth majority in which at least three/fourth of voters are present during voting.

11.4 Applicant for the SupCo position shall send his/her application to the secretary general at the latest July 31st. The Secretary General shall review the application(s) to ensure that it meets the criteria mentioned in point number 11.5 and then forward the application(s) to MB, SupCo and LCs.

11.5 Candidate for SupCo shall fulfill these requirements upon election: a) Must have attended at least 4 IFMSA-Kurdistan NA meetings, 2 of them in the last 3 NA Meetings. b) Must be a member of IFMSA-Kurdistan Alumni. c) Must have proved its loyalty to the organization and must have a mature way of thinking free from any discrimination or special conflicts with any LC(s) during his/her work in the executive position(s). Must have had a record with no violations of IFMSA-Kurdistan constitution and bylaws d) Can be an intern, resident or a senior doctor. e) Must have attended at least one GA f) Must have held one of these highly executive and sensitive positions for at least one term: President, VPI or VPE. g) Shall be against and must have proved during his/her work in executive position(s) to be against any sort of unwanted external interventions in the organization (political, religious...etc).

11.6 Tasks of Supervising Council: a) Makes the final decision when disagreements in the interpretation of the Constitution and Bylaws arise. b) Supervises the organization, NA and specifically the process of voting during elections. c) Has the right to open investigation on decisions, rule and regulations, behaviors and actions that are: extremely critical and have directly related to the future of the organization, making the organization under considerable threat, point of conflict among members of IFMSA-Kurdistan or against/breaks IFMSA-Kurdistan Constitution and bylaws. Results and decisions made by SupCo at the end of investigation are valid and must be applied with no further debate. d) Has the right to open investigations upon claims from any member of IFMSA-Kurdistan. e) Tasks that are stated elsewhere in this constitution and bylaws.

11.7 Procedure of Sup Co investigations: a) Anyone working in IFMSA-Kurdistan/ (including SupCo itself) has the right to make a claim and forward it to Sup Co. for the

Kurdistan Medical Students [email protected]

International Federation for Medical Students' Associations - Kurdistan

important reasons listed in the Bylaw article (3.3.1) or if included in the tasks of SupCo (section 11 of constitution). b) In the event that SupCo will investigate any claims and complaints and determines that a member has carried out violations as described in the bylaw article (3.3.1). SupCo shall make a final decision within the time limits mentioned in bylaw article (3.3.1). c) SupCo must have at least 1 meeting with MB and 1 meeting with relevant LC as part of its investigation process. d) SupCo decisions need simple majority within SupCo members to be valid. The decision of SupCo shall be respected by the organization and applied from the date of issue.

Chapter 12: Finances 12.1 IFMSA-Kurdistan is non-profit organization and

its income is composed of membership fees, exchange fees, contributions of subsidies, gifts, legacies and other contributions.

12.2 The membership fees shall be decided by the National Assembly yearly.

12.3 The financial year of the organization runs from 1st October up to and including 30th September of the next year.

12.4 The MB and specifically Treasurer is responsible for all financial issues of the organization.

Chapter 13: Amendments and Additions to the Constitution and Bylaw 13.1 Amendments and additions to the constitution

and bylaws shall be submitted to MB and Sup Co by a full member LC or TO member prior to August 1st 23:59 if proposed by a LC and July 25th 23:59 if proposed by TO member. In case submitted by LC, the motion must be signed and stamped by the LP and seconded by another full member LC in order to be valid. Decisions of both LCs (submitting and seconding) need 2/3rd majority within LB in order to be valid. In case submitted by a TO member, the motion is valid only if it has been voted upon by 2/3rd majority (and needs no seconder) in an official MB meeting (if proposed by an MB member) or Official meeting between NO and his/her LOs (if proposed by NO) or official meeting between SDD and his/her LDs (if proposed by SDD). These official meetings have to be held at any time between july 26th and August 1st.

13.2 Amendments and additions to the Constitutional points have to be checked for validity by SecGen prior to August 7th 23:59 and then forwarded to SupCo in order to be accepted by Sup Co at the latest two weeks prior to NA due date. Then, forwarded to TO members and LCs by SecGen at the latest 1 week prior to NA in order to be voted upon by the National Assembly by a 3/4

majority in which at least 3/4 of the voters are present at the time of voting..

13.3 Amendments and additions to the Bylaws does not need to be accepted by SupCo, once submitted, the proposed amendments and additions will be checked by SecGen for validity and forwarded to TO members and LCs prior to August 14th 23:59. These amendments and additions to Bylaws will be voted up on in NA by 2/3rd majority in which at least 3/4 of the voters are present at the time of the voting.

13.4 Amendments and Additions to the Constitution 13.4.1 Amendments and additions to the constitution

can be voted upon during any National Assembly meeting in the term.

13.4.2 Once a change to the Constitution has been proposed, no further amendments to that proposal may be submitted at any time.

13.4.3 Proposed changes not fulfilling the constitutional requirements cannot be voted upon by the National Assembly.

13.4.4 In order to be approved, changes to the Constitution require a 3/4th majority at a national meeting in which at least 3/4 of the voters are present.

13.4.5 Amendments and additions to the Constitution will take effect once adopted by the National Assembly

13.4.6 Any amendment or addition to the Constitution shall be exclusively discussed and voted on under the point of the agenda “Amendments and additions to the Constitution" This point cannot be reopened during the same National assembly Meeting.

13.4.7 Amendments and additions to the Constitutional points have to be checked for validity by SecGen prior to August 7th 23:59 and then forwarded to SupCo in order to be accepted by Sup Co at the latest two weeks prior to NA due date. Then, forwarded to TO members and LCs by SecGen at the latest 1 week prior to NA in order to be voted upon by the National Assembly by a 3/4 majority in which at least 3/4 of the voters are present at the time of voting.

13.4.8 Once an amendment or addition to constitution fails, such an amendment or addition cannot be proposed again for three consecutive NAs

13.4.9 Points in constitution cannot be suspended under any circumstances.

13.5 Amendments and Additions to the Bylaws 13.5.1 Points 13.4.1, 13.4.3, and 13.4.5 are also valid

here in regards to bylaws. 13.5.2 Changes to the Bylaws require a 2/3 majority at

a national meeting in which at least 3/4 of the voters are present.

13.5.3 Amendments and additions to the Bylaws does not need to be accepted by Sup Co, once

Kurdistan Medical Students [email protected]

International Federation for Medical Students' Associations - Kurdistan

submitted, the proposed amendments and additions will be checked by SecGen for validity and forwarded to TO members and LCs prior to August 14th 23:59. These amendments and additions to Bylaws will be voted up on in NA by 2/3rd majority in which at least 3/4 of the voters are present at the time of the voting.

13.5.4 Amendment to a submitted Bylaw change can be done only during voting process in plenary. This amendment can be proposed by a voter only and in order to be valid it needs to be accepted by at least 2/3rd of all the voters from the same LC of the proposer of the amendment, otherwise it immediately fails. If accepted by 2/3rd of the voters of that LC then

13.5.5 Any amendment or addition to the Bylaws shall be exclusively discussed and voted on under the point of the agenda “Amendments and additions to the Bylaws" .This point cannot be reopened during the same National assembly Meeting.

13.5.6 Once an amendment or addition to bylaws fails, such an amendment or addition cannot be proposed again in the next NA.

Chapter 14: Bylaws 14.1 To regulate matters not described in this

Constitution the organization has Bylaws. The Bylaws have to comply with this Constitution. Amendments and additions to the Bylaws have to be decided upon by the National Assembly by a two third majority.

Chapter 15: Dissolution 15.1 The dissolution of IFMSA-Kurdistan shall be

decided by the National Assembly by a two thirds majority of all full members and this decision needs to be accepted by Sup Co in order to be valid. A proposal for dissolution shall be sent out to all members at least 1 month before the beginning of the National Assembly meeting. Any funds remaining at dissolution will be spent according to the objectives of the federation to an institution of general benefit.

Kurdistan Medical Students [email protected]

International Federation for Medical Students' Associations - Kurdistan

IFMSA-Kurdistan Bylaws Chapter 1: General Regulation 1.1 Name of the Organization: 1.1.1 The official name of the organization is:

International Federation of Medical Students’ Associations – Kurdistan

1.1.2 The only abbreviation recognized is “IFMSA-Kurdistan”

1.2 Languages: 1.2.1 The official languages of IFMSA-Kurdistan is

English and Kurdish. 1.3 Status: 1.3.1 IFMSA-Kurdistan is a non-governmental non-

profit medical students' organization. 1.4 Mission Statement: 1.4.1 Our mission is to offer future physicians a

comprehensive introduction to global health issues. Through our programming and opportunities, we develop active, efficient and culturally sensitive students of medicine, intent on influencing the transnational inequalities that shape the health of our planet.

1.5 Our Objective: 1.5.1 The goal of the organization is to serve society

and medical students all over Kurdistan through its member organizations by: a) Empowering medical students in using their knowledge and capacities for the benefit of society. b) Providing a forum for medical students throughout Kurdistan to discuss topics related to individual and community health, education and science and to formulate policies from such discussions. c) Promoting and facilitating professional and scientific exchanges as well as projects and extracurricular training for medical students, thereby sensitizing them to other cultures and societies and their health problems. d) Providing a link between members, medical students’ associations within Kurdistan and international organizations, and to encourage the cooperation between them for the ultimate benefit of society.

1.6 Constitution and Bylaws: 1.6.1 IFMSA-Kurdistan shall be governed by its

Constitution and Bylaws. 1.6.2 The Constitution is the highest law of the

organization. 1.6.3 The Bylaws regulate the practical internal

management of IFMSA-Kurdistan. 1.7 Corporate Identity: 1.7.1 The official IFMSA-Kurdistan corporate identity

is defined in the IFMSA- Kurdistan corporate identity manual

1.7.2 Only the IFMSA-Kurdistan corporate identity can be used. Changes in layout or any other additions are not allowed after being adopted at the National Assembly.

1.7.3 The official IFMSA-Kurdistan corporate identity can only be used by the Local committees and Officials of IFMSA-Kurdistan.

1.7.4 The PSDD shall present an updated corporate identity manual at the National Assembly for Adoption.

1.8 Publications: 1.8.1 All printed material (e.g., leaflets, pamphlets,

booklets and external correspondence) written in the name of IFMSA-Kurdistan must be approved by the PSDD before being distributed.

1.8.2 Advertisements can occur in any printed IFMSA-Kurdistan material.

1.8.3 Advertisements in any printed material shall be approved by the MB.

1.9 IFMSA-Kurdistan Stamp: 1.9.1 IFMSA-Kurdistan shall have one official stamp

only. This stamp will be kept by the SecGen and should use under supervision of the MB, unless there's an emergency situation in which case an MB member (at least 1 more) can allow the use of the stamp, if SecGen isn't available.

1.9.2 Any LC member needs the usage of the stamp; he/she shall ask for the stamp through his/her LP at least 3 days before the time needed.

Kurdistan Medical Students [email protected]

International Federation for Medical Students' Associations - Kurdistan

Chapter 2: Members 2.1 Member LC 2.1.1 Each local committee represents a single

medical school within Iraqi Kurdistan Region 2.1.2 LC is managed by Local Board (LB) 2.1.3 LB is comprised of; LP, local Secretary, SC and SD

local leaders 2.1.4 LB shall meet at least once a month; meeting

date and time is set by local Secretary and LB members are notified at least five days in advance

2.1.5 Urgent meetings can be held at any time when LP or simple majority of LB asks for that

2.1.6 Minutes of the meeting are documented by local secretary and sent out to LB members and SecGen within five days

2.1.7 local secretary is responsible for secretarial work and LC financial management

2.1.8 local secretary has the right to substitute LP’s place in the absence of LP

2.1.9 local secretary shall be informed about any payment or fund raising in the LC.

2.1.10 local secretary shall send a detailed financial report of the LC to VPF every month.

2.1.11 LP is the responsible person and official representative of LC

2.1.12 LP prepares agenda for next LB meeting that must be sent out to LB members five days in advance of the meeting due date

2.1.13 LP is responsible of external relations of LC; this shall be done in collaboration with VPE

2.1.14 LP must send LC report to MB before deadline 2.1.15 LP is responsible of the works related to LC

members 2.1.16 LP must be in continuous contact with VPI 2.1.17 All LC official documents must be signed and

stamped by LP to be regarded official 2.1.18 LP has the right to give the final decision in case

of equal votes within LB 2.1.19 LB members are elected for one year period

during LC elections that must be held anytime between October 1st to 15th. Date can be postponed only one time by simple majority of full members and must not exceed October 31st

2.1.20 Current LB is responsible for preparations for the election

2.1.21 Each current LB member is allowed to candidate himself/herself for only one other consecutive term for the same position in which he/she is currently holding the post.

2.1.22 Only full members have voting rights as well as the right to candidate themselves for LB posts

2.1.23 application for LB posts is open from 20th to 30th

23:59 of September.

2.1.24 Each candidate shall fill application form and motivational letter by the deadline (September 30th).

2.1.25 All full members shall have the access to application forms and motivational letters of the candidates

2.1.26 Each candidate shall give a two minute presentation on election day

2.1.27 The new LB team must be assisted by the previous LB team for the first two months (handover period)

2.1.28 Each full member has a single vote. The candidate getting highest votes is elected for the corresponding post

2.1.29 Old LP must provide MB a report about the elections.

2.1.30 All member LCs are free to submit a resignation letter to MB and Sup Co two months prior to NA due date, signed and stamped by LP and 2/3rd majority of full members in that LC must agree on resignation (cancelation of their membership in IFMSA-Kurdistan). In order to be valid, this resignation letter must be approved by Sup Co within two weeks of submitting the letter. Once approved, all debts and commitments of the LC must be fulfilled prior to NA.

2.2 Local Committee Application 2.2.1 Any medical school in Kurdistan Region of Iraq

can apply for membership in IFMSA-Kurdistan 2.2.2 Applicant LC must submit the followings before

August 1st 23:59: * LC candidate membership Application Form, signed and stamped (or finger printed by the current representative) *Motivational letter *Structure of the LC *List of active members with their positions in the LC *Activities and Projects done

2.2.3 During NA, the applicant LC must give a five minutes presentation about their LC

2.2.4 Application is voted upon with simple majority in NA according to constitutional bylaws and regulations. If the new LC is accepted into IFMSA-Kurdistan family, LC will be awarded Candidate Membership for one year during which the candidate LC; *Has the same obligations of full member LCs except that annual membership fees of its members shall be half of that of full members *Does not have the right to participate in GAs, RMs, Exchange programs and other international occasions *Does not have voting rights

2.2.5 Once candidate membership period is over, and if candidate LC has conformed to IFMSA-Kurdistan constitutional bylaws and regulation

Kurdistan Medical Students [email protected]

International Federation for Medical Students' Associations - Kurdistan

during the candidate membership period, the LC can apply for full membership before August 1st 23:59. Application must include: *LC full membership Application Form signed and stamped (or finger printed by the current LP) *Motivational letter *Structure of the LC *List of active members with their positions in the LC *Activities and Projects done

2.2.6 During NA, the applicant LC must give a five minutes presentation about their LC

2.2.7 Application is voted upon with simple majority in NA according to constitutional bylaws and regulations and he LC will be awarded full membership

2.3 Membership within LC 2.3.1 A new applicant for membership in a LC must

agree on and sign the form “Membership Rights and Obligations”

2.3.2 Applicant shall submit a motivational letter to LB 2.3.3 Applicant shall submit a report to LB about

his/her personal skills, activities and experiences as well as the SC he/she would like to be active In

2.3.4 Once application is approved by LB by simple majority, applicant will be awarded “Candidate Membership “, signed and stamped by LP

2.3.5 LB gives the final decision with simple majority on the SC that the applicant shall be active in

2.3.6 LB shall notify MB of the new member and send them all the documents

2.3.7 Once candidate membership interval is completed according to points mentioned in “Membership Rights and Obligations”, LB shall send MB a detailed report about activities of the candidate member in the last six months and ask MB for full membership approval

2.3.8 MB shall review LB report and award full membership status to the member according to constitutional bylaws and regulations, signed and stamped by President or VPinternal (VPI). If application is rejected, MB shall provide LB a report clarifying the reasons for rejection

2.3.9 Membership Rights and Obligations Candidate Membership

a) Candidate membership period is six months from the date application approved by LB b) Has the right to participate in meetings and activities c) Has the right to participate in NAs and other occasions on the national level d) Does not have the voting right e) Does not have the right to participate in GAs, RMs, Exchange programs and other occasions on the international level unless vacant seats are

available with no any full member applicant and upon absolute majority voting of MB. f) Shall pay annual membership fee during LCM which is defined in financial system bylaw. g) Does not have the right to apply for any posts during candidate membership period h) Must participate in at least three projects/activities in his/her LC during candidate membership period. i) Must obey IFMSA-Kurdistan Constitutional Bylaws and Regulations j) Must work for the goals of IFMSA-Kurdistan k) Must not behave or act in a way that counteracts with IFMSA-Kurdistan interests l) Must obey decisions made by higher authorities in IFMSA-Kurdistan m) Must respect other members within IFMSA-Kurdistan and must not work for creating conflicts within IFMSA-Kurdistan n) Failing to comply to the above points and/or if full membership application is rejected by MB, applicant stays as candidate member for another three months, during which he/she needs to fulfill all points mentioned above and any further points mentioned in MB rejection report Full Membership a) Membership shall be renewed annually during the LCM by paying annual membership fee which is defined in financial system bylaw. b) Has all the rights of a candidate member c) Has the right to vote d) Has the right to participate in GAs, RMs, Exchange programs and other occasions on the international level. e) Has the right to apply for any posts within IFMSA-Kurdistan according to constitutional Bylaws and Regulations f) Must obey the rights and obligations stated in the corresponding manual g) Must obey IFMSA-Kurdistan Constitutional Bylaws and Regulations h) Must work for the goals of IFMSA-Kurdistan i) Must not behave or act in a way that counteracts with IFMSA-Kurdistan interests j) Must obey decisions made by higher authorities in IFMSA-Kurdistan k) Must respect other members within IFMSA-Kurdistan and must not work for creating conflicts within IFMSA-Kurdistan l) Failing to comply to any of the above points, he/she loses full membership and has to reapply for candidate membership after MB declares loss of full membership in a report

2.4 Obtaining Membership for Several Organizations within the Same University

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2.4.1 IFMSA-Kurdistan has as a guiding principle that one University should be represented by only one member LC in IFMSA-Kurdistan

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Chapter 3: Team of Officials (TO) 3.1 General 3.1.1 The Team of Officials is the body responsible for

the work of IFMSA-Kurdistan between the National Assembly Meetings, they are elected in NA for one year period and work within the mandate, guidelines and decisions provided by the National Assembly.

3.1.2 The Team of Officials will be composed of the following members: a) MB members b) SC National officers c) Support Division Directors

3.1.3 The official term of all TO members is one year. Starting 2 weeks after the National Assembly of the outgoing term and ending 2 weeks after the National Assembly of their term in position.

3.1.4 All Team of Officials members have representation authority in the name of IFMSA-Kurdistan in the specific field of their task.

3.1.5 A TO member is allowed to candidate himself/herself for only one other consecutive term for the same position in which he/she is currently holding the post.

3.1.6 Application for TO posts is announced and opened by Sec Gen on July 1st till August 15th 23:59. Extending the deadline can only be done if a post or more is still vacant, extension shall not exceed August 31st. Extending the deadline can only be done if a position or more is still vacant, extension shall not exceed August 31st.

3.1.7 Candidature form and a motivational letter must be submitted by the candidate to SecGen before August 15th 23:59.

3.1.8 A TO member should fulfill the following requirements at time of candidature: a) Be a medical student or have not graduated more than 6 months before the time of candidature. b) Be a full member c) Have a good understanding of IFMSA-Kurdistan work, structure, external relations and procedures d) Meets the requirements of the position he is candidate for e) For the position of Capacity building support division director, each candidate should be a certified IFMSA trainer, in case there is no certified IFMSA trainer candidate for the position, any IFMSA-member who is a certified trainer can apply for the position f) should have had a local positoin within IFMSA-Kurdistan. g) For the position of Director of Alumni relations support division, the candidate should

be medical school graduate for more than 6 months at the time of NA.

3.1.9 A Team of Officials member shall: a) Abide by the Constitution and Bylaws. b) Fulfill the described tasks of the appointed positions as specified in the Bylaws. c) Apply strategic and operational planning, execution control/monitoring/ evaluation and project management standards. d) Present a timed plan for the tasks he'll be doing during his/her term in the National Assembly Meeting e) Send a report to the IFMSA-Kurdistan Secretary General at the latest one week before each ordinary National Assembly meeting. f) Maintain regular communication with IFMSA-Kurdistan Local Committees and other TOs. g) Do efforts to make sure that the Local Committees are aware of their rights & duties stated by the bylaws h) Send a report to the SecGen regarding any local, regional and international meeting, that he/she attends in person or online in his/her respective field within one week of the end of the meeting.

3.2 Regulations for Team of Officials Meetings 3.2.1 The Team of Officials shall meet at least three

times every year either online or in person. No more than three and a half months shall pass without a TO meeting

3.2.2 The Team of Officials has the right to hold online meetings whenever needed. These meetings follow the same rules of ordinary meetings.

3.2.3 The quorum for a Team of Officials meeting is 2/3 of the Team of Officials members provided that the President, VPI or the Secretary General is present.

3.2.4 All Team of Officials members have speaking, proposing and voting rights at the Team of Officials meeting and each of them have one vote.

3.2.5 Team of Officials members who cannot attend have to inform the SecGen and submit their activity report in writing in advance.

3.2.6 Time and place of the Team of Officials meeting is decided by simple majority within MB. Each TO member should be informed of the exact date and time at least one week in advance.

3.2.7 The Team of Officials takes decisions with simple majority.

3.2.8 An agenda for the Team of Officials meeting is prepared by VPI and shall be sent out to the Team of Officials members and LCs by SecGen at least one week before the meeting. The agenda for the Team of Officials meeting shall contain at least the following points: activity reports by

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NOs and SD directors, financial report by the Treasurer.

3.2.9 Team of Officials members who are not present can submit written proposals in advance

3.2.10 Minutes shall be taken which comprise a summary of discussions, decisions taken, and reports presented. These minutes should be prepared by the Secgen and to be made available to the Team of Officials members and LCs within one week of the end of the meeting.

3.3 Suspension and Removal of Team of Officials Members

3.3.1 Officials can be suspended from (his/her) functions for the following important reasons: a) Fraud b) Committing a criminal offense c) Inability to fulfill his duties d) Breaking the Constitution or Bylaws e) Deliberately working against Team of Officials or National Assembly decisions g) Refusing to report h) Abusing his authorities Suspension is done as following: a suspension request regarding any TO member shall be raised to Sup Co by any one of the TO members, clarifying the reasons for suspension. Sup Co shall start investigation within one week of submission of the request and has at maximum another two weeks to reach a final decision regarding the TO member status.

3.3.2 Upon suspension of a member, he/she shall return all fund allocated by the IFMSA-Kurdistan to him/her which have not been used at this moment. Furthermore he/she shall not receive any more reimbursements or be given further funding.

3.3.3 Once Sup Co suspends a member; it shall also clarify the solution and mechanism for filling the empty position. Also a Letter shall be sent out by MB to any external relation, institution or person, with whom the member has been in contact, introducing the new officer.

3.4 Resignation of Team of Officials Members 3.4.1 In case of presenting a written resignation from

any Team of Officials member to MB, the resigning member can withdraw his/her resignation within 3 days and will return to his/her functions automatically. If the resignation is not withdrawn the Team of Officials should hold an extraordinary meeting within two weeks of submission and in the presence of the resigning member to discuss the reasons of the resignation. Otherwise the resignation is considered invalid. MB shall vote with simple majority on whether to accept or reject the resignation within one week of TO meeting. And in case that the resigning official

didn't attend the meeting, his resignation is accepted automatically.

3.4.2 MB is allowed to allocate the vacant NO or SD director position to any other eligible member upon simple majority voting within one week of TO meeting. For vacant MB position, Sup Co shall allocate the position and tasks of resigned MB member to another MB or no MB member within two weeks of resignation acceptance by MB. This point is also valid for situations in which a TO member passed away.

3.4.3 A Letter should be sent out to any external relation, institution or person, with whom the outgoing Team of Officials member has been in contact, introducing the new officer.

3.5 Handover 3.5.1 The resigning/leaving or suspended member

must complete handover to his/her substitute within two weeks

3.5.2 The outgoing Official member after ending his/her term (after National Assembly) must complete handover to his/her newly elected Official member of same position in duration of 2 months for MB members and 1 month for the rest of TO members . In which the outgoing Official member has the full responsibility of his/her position until the end of the handovering period.

3.5.3 Handover includes: a) Handing in all official papers and passing all information related to the Federation b) Handing in the stamps (if available) c) Handing in all needed information regarding the electronic presence of the Federation including and not limited to; website access, official emails, mailing lists and social media channels...etc. and The outgoing TO member should provide a report to the TO member elect. The report should include (details about any incompleted task, difficulties that the TO member has faced during his/her term, any suggestion and advice for the next term) d) Handing over all financial information

3.5.4 An official form signed by the outgoing and the elected officials that the handover process took place should be present and each of the officials should have an original copy of that paper.

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Chapter 4: Managing Board (MB) 4.1 General 4.1.1 The MB will be composed of 5 members as

follows: 1) President 2) Secretary General (SecGen) 3) Vice-President for External affairs (VPE) 4) Vice-President for Internal affairs (VPI) 5) Vice-President for Financial affairs (VPF)

4.1.2 MB members are members of IFMSA-Kurdistan Team of Officials and all points mentioned in Chapter 3 of the bylaws apply to them also.

4.1.3 MB members are not allowed to hold any other concurrent posts in IFMSA- Kurdistan except in case of suspension, resignation, Vacancies after extended period for vacancies after the election in the national assembly or death of a member according to Constitution and Bylaws.

4.1.4 All MB members have representation authority in the name of IFMSA-Kurdistan according to Constitution and Bylaws in the specific field of their task.

4.1.5 Members of the MB must participate in the National Assembly Meeting of their term except in special circumstances for which MB shall vote with absolute majority and provide the rational reasons behind MB member’s absence.

4.1.6 Any grant application or contract involving IFMSA-Kurdistan shall be signed by the President of IFMSA-Kurdistan

4.1.7 MB shall meet at least once a week. SecGen is responsible for setting the date, time and agenda of the meeting in collaboration with the rest of MB members and informs MB at least 48 hrs before the appointed time.

4.2 Tasks 4.2.1 President:

a) Coordinates the MB and the National Officers and SD directors b) Can call for meetings of the MB other than regular ones. C) Heads IFMSA-Kurdistan delegation to IFMSA General Assembly meetings and he has the right to vote on behalf of IFMSA-Kurdistan in IFMSA General Assembly meetings after consulting with the rest of the delegates and respective Officer(s). d) Representing IFMSA-Kurdistan to external relations and maintaining contacts, in coordination with the Vice President for external affairs. e) Develops short- and long-term strategies for the work and structure of IFMSA-Kurdistan, especially in relation to external organizations in conjunction with the relevant officials

f) Assists the VPs in supporting the LCs and IFMSA-Kurdistan’s external relations g) Works with Treasurer in setting up and maintaining financial strategic plan h) Submits NMO reports, and together with SecGen is responsible for following emails sent out on the server. i) President has the right to accept or refuse voting process to go on in MB regarding an issue that is not otherwise stated in this constitution and bylaws. If voting to be performed, it shall pass with simple majority between President, VPI and VPE only. If the issue to be voted on is directly related to SecGen or Treasurer then anyone of them is included in the voting process accordingly. In case of equal votes, president has the right to make final decision. j) Heads and Coordinates the MB meetings. If he/she is unavailable, then VPI, if not the VPE shall coordinate the meeting. k) Tasks that are elsewhere stated in this constitution and bylaws.

4.2.2 Secretary General: a) Responsible of the administration, correspondence and archives of IFMSA-Kurdistan b) Calls for MB meetings and makes minutes of the meetings that he/she must attend and forwards them to TOs, Sup Co. members, and LCs c) Calling for the periodical reports from the officials and reminding them to submit them within the deadline. He/She is also responsible for keeping them and notifying the National Assembly about the officials who didn't send the reports within deadline. d) Prior to making an action, apart from tasks that are otherwise stated in this constitution and bylaws or that is the routine work of his/her field, he/she shall inform the president and his/her (president’s) acceptance must be sought. e) Reminds LCs and TOs of the upcoming deadlines f) Does the secretarial work of MB g) Responsible for producing the annual guide of the organization including: 1) Names and contacts of IFMSA-Kurdistan Team of officials 2) Names and contacts of the local board members of all LCs this guide is to be distributed in the LCs within 1 month from the beginning of the term. h) Keeping IFMSA-Kurdistan Stamp and issuing the official papers in the name of IFMSA-Kurdistan after consultation with the MB

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i) Updating the Constitution and Bylaws with the changes decided upon in the National Assembly and sending the latest version within one month of the end of NA j) He/she is the only person to have the right to submit emails and respond to emails (secretarial work) sent out on the server under the supervision of the president. The SecGen shall also forward emails to corresponding TO member or LCs in the organization. The president and Sup Co have the right to access the server for the purpose of supervision only. Through SecGen, emails can be sent on behalf or under the name of an MB member. k) Tasks that are elsewhere stated in this constitution and bylaws.

4.2.3 Vice President for External affairs: a) Heads IFMSA-Kurdistan delegation to IFMSA General Assembly meetings in case of absence of the president and in this case he/she has the right to vote on behalf of IFMSA-Kurdistan in IFMSA General Assembly meetings after consulting with the rest of the delegates and respective Officer whenever possible b) Responsible for the public relations and mass media contacts of IFMSA-Kurdistan. c) Be responsible for initiating and maintaining relations between IFMSA-Kurdistan and other NMOs, external organizations and personnel. d) Initiating and maintaining contact with IFMSA-Kurdistan Alumni. e) Establish contacts with non-member organizations to stimulate them to join and participate in IFMSA-Kurdistan activities. f) Prior to making an action, apart from tasks that are otherwise stated in this constitution and bylaws or that is the routine work of his/her field, he/she shall inform the president and his/her (president’s) acceptance must be sought. g) Tasks that are elsewhere stated in this constitution and bylaws. h) Responsible to update the Official NGO department during the handover period.

4.2.4 Vice President for Internal Affairs: a) Emphasizes sufficient support to the Local Committee to ensure keeping their membership in IFMSA-Kurdistan. b) Develops an annual evaluation procedure and assessment for the local committees and working with the rest of the Team of Officials on the basis of results gained from these evaluations. c) Surveys the opinions of the Local Committees presidents and the level of their satisfaction and ideas for improvement of the organization at least once each year

d) Prior to making an action, apart from tasks that are otherwise stated in this constitution and bylaws or that is the routine work of his/her field, he/she shall inform the president and his/her (president’s) acceptance must be sought. e) Tasks that are elsewhere stated in this constitution and bylaws. f) He/she is the point of connection between members(LCs, NOs) and the managing board, and when a member raises an issue related to MB; VPI should be the first one to be contacted. g) Coordinates LC elections. h) works with LPs to establish strategic plans for their LCs

4.2.5 Vice President for Financial Affairs: a) Responsible for the financial administration and bookkeeping of IFMSA-Kurdistan b) Collects membership fees from the LCs c) Responsible for annual NMO membership fee payment d) Responsible for the official bank accounts of the IFMSA-Kurdistan, under supervision of the president. e) Proposes the budget of the next financial year to the National Assembly f) Responsible for fund raising strategies of the organization g) Responsible for submitting financial reports before deadline for NA and TO meetings h) Keeps the documentations for all the payments made by IFMSA-Kurdistan and to keep the receipts for payments done by IFMSA-Kurdistan i) Allocating funds for activities, projects, NAs, GAs, external representations, financial support of members and other money demanding issues needs approval by both Treasurer and President. If anyone of the two didn’t approve it, then it shall be voted upon in MB according to constitution and bylaws. j) Prior to making an action, apart from tasks that are otherwise stated in this constitution and bylaws or that is the routine work of his/her field, he/she shall inform the president and his/her (president’s) acceptance must be sought. k) Tasks that are elsewhere stated in this constitution and bylaws. l) During the handover period, he/she is responsible to provide a translated version of the adopted financial report of the year in the NA to update the Official NGO department financial report.

4.2.6 Any MB member can propose to delegate one of his/her personal tasks to another MB member. The MB has to take a decision about this with

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2/3rd majority. The MB member to whom this task belonged (in the first place) will remain responsible this task at all times.

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Chapter 5: Standing Committees 5.1 General 5.1.1 A Standing Committee consists of the national

officer, the local officers and the medical students working in the fields of interest related to the standing committee.

5.1.2 IFMSA-Kurdistan Standing Committees are: a) The Standing Committee on Human Rights and Peace (SCORP) b) The Standing Committee on Medical Education (SCOME) c) The Standing Committee on Professional Exchange (SCOPE) d) The Standing Committee on Public Health (SCOPH) e) The Standing Committee on Reproductive health and AIDS (SCORA) f) The Standing Committee on Research Exchange (SCORE)

5.1.3 In order to regulate their practical internal management, a Standing Committee can have internal Standing Committee Guidelines (SC Manuals). The Standing Committee Guidelines have to comply with the Constitution and Bylaws of IFMSA-Kurdistan. Manuals are amended in NA according to bylaws in the manual. These manuals and bylaw amendments should be adopted by the National Assembly with simple majority in order to be valid. The file containing the internal Standing Committee Guidelines shall be attached to the General Bylaws of IFMSA-Kurdistan.

5.1.4 During the first Standing Committee meeting in the term, a general plan of activities for the whole term should be prepared by NO and adopted by the Local officers with simple majority; this plan should be compatible with the strategic plan of the committee.

5.2 Creation, Changes and Dissolution 5.2.1 To create a Standing Committee of IFMSA-

Kurdistan, a proposal to establish a Standing Committee must be submitted to NA. At least three full Members must announce, in this proposal, their interest and active participation in the Standing Committee in question. The National Assembly will decide about this proposal with a two-thirds majority.

5.2.2 The National Assembly can decide to dissolve, change the activities, or change the name of a Standing Committee. Such a decision needs at least two-thirds majority.

5.3 Standing Committee Officers 5.3.1 The standing committee National Officers shall:

a) Represent IFMSA-Kurdistan in the corresponding committee’s field of work on national, regional & international levels.

b) Represent the corresponding committee on the different electronic mailing lists. The officer is the official representative & everyone should ask him/her before sending on the international mailing list c) Motivate members on the national level & monitor, supervises and coordinates their works. d) Responsible for monitoring the corresponding standing committees work on the IFMSA-Kurdistan level. e) Must inform the Team of Officials and the National Assembly of any updates related to their standing committee. f) Have the non-exclusive right to become the project coordinator of projects related to his committee. g) The Standing Committee officer should be able to create a solid team for his committee & make sure that the experience gained is being passed from more experienced members to others & to guarantee a competent second line in the committee h) Is responsible for establishing and keeping relations with SC directors of IFMSA and EMR as well as other of other NMOs. i) Is responsible for submitting any periodical SC reports as required by IFMSA and EMR or IFMSA-Kurdistan MB according to this constitution and bylaws.

5.4 Standing Committee Meetings 5.4.1 The National officers must have at least one

meeting per month with thier local officers. 5.4.2 The Standing Committee meeting and the

meeting of NO with LOs are the decision making body of the respective Standing Committee and regulated by SC manual bylaws.

5.4.3 Standing commitee meeting minutes must be taken and sent out to SecGen, VPI and Local officers within one week of the meeting.

5.4.4 The objectives of a Standing Committee meeting are: a) To run activities with concrete plans of action, co-ordination and working strategies. b) To have trainings and gather wider experience about their SC c) To share ideas and activities and plan for the future of the SC

5.4.5 The Natoinal officers must have at least one meeting with his/her standing committee members in each local committee in person during his/her term.

5.5 Standing Committee manuals:

5.5.1 SC manuals should contain all the information regading the SC, including: Its history, aim and goals, structure of the SC, responsibilities of the

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NOs and the LOs and any articles related to the field of the SC.

5.5.2 National officer of each standing committee is responsible to prepare and update the manual within the first month of his/her term.

5.5.3 SC manuals should be updated one month before the NA and adopted during the NA. Standing committee manual should be adopted anually during NA.

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Chapter 6: Support Division

6.1 General 6.1.1 Support Divisions are designed to carry out a

general task, which is of permanent importance for the internal management of IFMSA-Kurdistan.

6.1.2 IFMSA-Kurdistan Support Divisions are: a) The Publications Support Division b) The Capacity building support division c) The Alumni Relations Support Division

6.1.3 All Support Divisions work under the direct jurisdiction of the Managing Board. Decisions of the Support Divisions shall be approved by the Managing Board.

6.1.4 A Support Division Director is elected by the National Assembly. The Support Division Director shall be considered an IFMSA-Kurdistan Team of Official member. No other members of the Support Division shall be considered IFMSA-Kurdistan Team of Officials.

6.1.5 The Director of a Support Division shall a) Co-ordinate the activities of IFMSA-Kurdistan within his/her specific field b) Collect relevant information c) Inform and support the Organization, Officials and Project Coordinators of IFMSA-Kurdistan on issues related to his/her activities

6.2 The Publications Support Division 6.2.1 The Publications Support Division is responsible

for producing the IFMSA publications, including: Kurdistan Medical Students, the IFMSA-Kurdistan Annual Report, E-Newsletters and Meeting Reports. It's also responsible for promoting the use of new technology among medical students, membership application forms, storing the database of all activities and projects, usage of the homepage and other Internet services of IFMSA-Kurdistan.

6.2.2 The Publications Support Division consists of a National Director and Local Directors. The Directors may appoint other persons (IFMSA-Kurdistan members and alumni) to the Publications Support Division as needed to fulfill the tasks of the Publications Support Division. The National Director is elected by the National Assembly. The Local Director is elected by the Local Committee Meeting. The official IFMSA-Kurdistan internet portals include: a. The website: b. Facebook official page: c. Official Twitter account: d. Instagram account:

f. ISSUU account: e. Official publications G-mail account: [email protected] Kurdistan Medical Students KMS a. Kurdistan Medical Students (KMS) is a national thematic magazine for medical students published in print and online by the IFMSA-Kurdistan. Kurdistan Medical Students (KMS) serves to highlight specific issues related to community and global health of special interest to IFMSA-Kurdistan members. b. Kurdistan Medical Students (KMS) is published at least annually with topic similar to the theme of the National Assembly. c. Kurdistan Medical Students (KMS) Editorial Board is responsible for the structure, layout, content, editing, web updating, and fundraising for the magazine. Any IFMSA member or alumnus can be member of the Kurdistan Medical Students (KMS) Editorial Board. d. The National Director of Publications Support Division initiates the recruitment of the Editorial Board of Kurdistan Medical Students (KMS) every year. The National Director of the Publications Support Division serves as coordinator of the Editorial Board to ensure the timely production and distribution of Kurdistan Medical Students (KMS) and it is possible to appoint another Editorial Board member to carry out this task. IFMSA-Kurdistan Annual Report a. The IFMSA-Kurdistan Annual Report highlights the most important activities of IFMSA-Kurdistan each year. It is published once annually. Contributions to the Annual Report are collected by 15th July, and the final Annual Report is produced no later than 30th August or before National Assembly of each year. b. The National Director of the Publications Support Division is primarily responsible for the full production of the Annual Report, including the structure, layout, content, articles, and editing of the Annual Report. c. The National Director of the Publications Support Division may request that specific Officials submit a written contribution to the Annual Report. If an Officer is requested to submit a written contribution to the Annual Report, the request must be made no later than 15th June, and the written contribution must be submitted no later than 15th July. If an Official (excluding the Treasurer) fails to meet a request for a written contribution by 15th July, the matter will be referred to the Supervising Council for review. The Treasurer should finish his/her contribution maximum two weeks after

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the acceptance of the financial report by the National Assembly.

6.3 The Capacity Building Support Division 6.3.1 The Capacity building support division co-

ordinates initiatives in leadership and skills training and the development of human resources in IFMSA-Kurdistan.

6.3.2 The Capacity building support division works towards organizing skills training sessions in conjunction with IFMSA-Kurdistan activities.

6.3.3 The Capacity building support division functions as a resource for the Organization, in that it recommends trainers, training material and training methods, and in that it advises and supports training programs organized by Local Committee members.

6.3.4 Events by the capacity building Support Division is open to all IFMSA-Kurdistan members and invited persons.

6.3.5 The Capacity building support division is run by its Director which is elected during the National assembly.

6.3.6 The director should conduct at least one national or individual training event in each LC.

6.3.7 The director can invite external trainers to conduct IFMSA trainings, but the traingins should be according to IFMSA capacity building manual.

6.4 The Alumni Relations Support Division 6.4.1 IFMSA-Kurdistan alumni are defined as former

member of the Organization who has graduated from the University until 3 years after graduation and its run by alumni support division director.

6.4.2 The Alumni Relations Support Division consists of the Alumni Director and the Alumni Relations Support Division members of IFMSA-Kurdistan.

6.4.3 Any former IFMSA-Kurdistan member who meets the following criteria can apply for Alumni membership: a) Should be an IFMSA-Kurdistan member for at least 2 years, confirmed by his/her LC president. b) Should have attended at least 2 NA s. c) Should be a medical school graduate, not more than 3 years.

6.4.4 The Alumni Director coordinates the Alumni Relations Support Division and is elected by the National Assembly.

6.4.5 The Alumni Relations Support Division shall: a) Identify persons formerly involved in IFMSA-Kurdistan, and encourage them to become involved in the Alumni Relations Support Division. b) Provide regular communication with the alumni of IFMSA-Kurdistan, informing them of important proceedings within the Organization.

c) Pursue mechanisms through which alumni might facilitate the development of IFMSA-Kurdistan. d) Integrate the resources provided by IFMSA-Kurdistan alumni with the activities of the IFMSA-Kurdistan Officials and Local Committees.

e) The Alumni Relations Support Division maintains consistent communication and positive relationships with the alumni of IFMSA-Kurdistan. f ) Alumni membership continues for 3 years g) Alumni members can apply for GAs and regional meetings, and their selection should be based on their scores and the number of available seats.

h) Alumni members can participate in SC activities when they are asked for, and scores will be counted as other IFMSA members.

6.4.6 The Director of Alumni Relations Support Division: a) Shall be a former IFMSA-Kurdistan member with work experience of at least 2 years. b) Have had a position in IFMSA-Kurdistan locally or nationally. c) Must be a graduate of College of Medicine. d) The term for the Director is 2 years, and has the right to candidate himself/herself for one other term only. e) Shall have attended 2 National Assemblies at least. f) The member applying for the Director of Alumni Relations Support Division shall have not been suspended by MB or SupCo due to any reason. g) The Alumni Director maintains the IFMSA-Kurdistan Alumni database. h) The director of Alumni relations support division is responsible to prepare and conduct Alumni sessions during the NA.

6.4.7 The local assistant of the Alumni Relations Support Division: a) shall be elected in Local Committee Meeting of each Local Committee for a term of 2 years. b) only alumni members can vote for him/her during the Local Committee Meeting. c) should facilitate the relations between local alumni members and the Director of Alumni Relations Support Division.

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International Federation for Medical Students' Associations - Kurdistan

Chapter 7: LC Voting Rights and LC Voters’ List 7.1 Each full member LC primarily has seven votes 7.2 A LC loses part or all of its votes as following:

a) Fails to pay back debts to IFMSA-Kurdistan before August 31st 23:59 (loses all votes) b) Fails to send a LC report before deadline (which is August 21st 23:59) (loses 2 votes). LC report shall include: 1. Members list with ranking and Scores. 2. Standing Committee activities. 3. Finance status and budget. 4. Local Board status. c) Fails to pay membership fee before August 31st 23:59 (loses all votes) d) Harms or works against IFMSA-Kurdistan and its constitution and bylaws or disrespects/breaks the rules and regulations that are officially issued within the organization (number of votes lost will be decided by SupCo after an official investigation, unless otherwise stated in the constitution and bylaws) e) Fails to carry out the required number of SC projects (as clarified below) in one term period until before August 20th 23:59, will make the LC lose votes in each SC as follows: SCOPH: 0-2 projects (loses 2 votes) 3-5 projects (loses 1 vote) SCOME: 0-2 projects (loses 2 votes) 3-4 projects (loses 1 vote) SCORA: 0-1 projects (loses 2 votes) 2-3 projects (loses 1 vote) SCORP: 0-1 projects (loses 2 votes) 2-3 projects (loses 1 vote) The projects for each SC shall not be repeated. Repeated projects are counted as one project. The projects have to be approved by LC, SC NO, Project SDD (if any) and VPI to be valid. In case a LC failed to carry out the minimum required number of projects in all SCs ( at least one project for each standing committee ), there has to be a detailed investigation by MB and SupCo regarding the reasons behind there inactivity. If lack of support from NO and the related MB member are thought to be the reason, it has to be dealt with accordingly. If the LC has failed despite of the support of the MB and NO, they have to be warned as failing to carry out the minimum required number of projects in all SC for 2 consecutive terms makes them lose their membership.

f) Fails to carry out LC election according to regulations in constitution and bylaws (loses 3 votes) g) The LC hosting NA will be gained with 1 extra

vote not exceeding the maximum of 7 votes. 7.3 As regulated in Ranking and Scoring manual,

each LC shall send the Ranking and Scoring list of all of its members to MB before August 21st 23:59. That list shall be signed and stamped by LP and VPI after which no scores can be added to any member for that term but can be counted for next term. A number of Voters (according to number votes that LC has) are selected by MB in sequence starting from the highest score down.

7.4 If a selected voter is unavailable, the member following him/her on the ranking and scoring list will automatically be a voter in his/her place.

Kurdistan Medical Students [email protected]

International Federation for Medical Students' Associations - Kurdistan

Chapter 8: National Assembly Meetings 8.1 General 8.1.1 The National Assembly Meeting is the highest

decision making body within IFMSA- Kurdistan and it's concerned with discussing all internal and external issues related to IFMSA-Kurdistan.

8.1.2 The National Assembly Meeting should be held at least once per year.

8.1.3 At the end of NA, Head of the OC with the aid of VPF shall provide a report of NA budget which shall contain; the fundraising process, its source, amount, amount levels that is written in the fundraising part, amount and the way of spending it, and overall remaining fund from the event. The report shall be sent to VPF no more than 2 week after NA.

8.2 Time and Venue of the Meeting and Calling for Meetings

8.2.1 Application for hosting the NA of the following year shall be announced open by SecGen on March 1st and application shall be received until April 20th 23:59

8.2.2 Proposal for hosting the NA meeting should fulfill the following criteria: a) Specify the details of the venue available for the meeting and its capacity b) Specify the registration fees c) Present the OC and the allocated tasks to each OC member d) Specify the deadlines for registration e) Specify the suggested exact date and time of the NA meeting in the first two weeks of September f) Motivation letter (+ a promotional video is optional)

8.2.3 Failure to fulfill any of these points should make the proposal invalid immediately.

8.2.4 Both Candidate and Full member LCs can apply for hosting of NA

8.2.5 Voted up on by MB, NOs and LPs in an online poll with simple majority between April 20th and May 10th

8.2.6 In case no LC has applied for hosting of NA, current MB shall allocate this task to one of the LCs after voting with simple majority before May 10th

8.2.7 After hosting a National Assembly meeting, the Local committee should not be eligible for applying to host another consecutive National Assembly meeting unless no other LCs has applied for hosting NA and MB has decided to allocate this task to that LC.

8.2.8 In case there were equal votes for 2 different hosts for the GA, the MB shall give final decision with simple majority

8.2.9 Postponing NA can be done once and upon approval of MB and shall not exceed September.

8.3 Extraordinary Meetings 8.3.1 The MB has the right to call for an extraordinary

meeting of the National Assembly on one condition that the Local Committees will be informed about the suggested time and venue of the meeting at least 2 weeks before the suggested time of the meeting.

8.3.2 If 50%+1 of the MB + NOs + LPs agreed upon the necessity of an extraordinary meeting of the NATIONAL Assembly, it must be arranged following the bylaws.

8.4 Agenda of the Meeting 8.4.1 The National Assembly meeting agenda shall

include: (items a – e must occur in order) a) Opening b) Adoption of the agenda c) Presentation and adoption of Team of Officials members' reports d) Presentation and adoption of LC reports e) Presentation and adoption of GA & Regional meeting reports f) Presentation and adoption of the Financial Report of the year g) Any other processes h) Amendments and Addition to the Constitution & Bylaw i) Presentation and adoption of the proposed budget for the term j) Presentation and adoption of the timed Plan of Each Team of Officials member for the whole term k) Presentation of Candidature for Team of Officials members positions l) Elections for the Team of Officials positions for the coming term m) Adoption of the amended IFMSA-Kurdistan Constitution & Bylaw n) Closure

Kurdistan Medical Students [email protected]

International Federation for Medical Students' Associations - Kurdistan

Chapter 9: Procedures at National Meetings 9.1 General 9.1.1 Quorum: 50+1 of all full members shall form a

quorum. (Providing that at least an MB member and 2/3rd of voters are present)

9.1.2 In case of not reaching a quorum by the appointed time for the opening of the meeting, only point (a) of section 7.4.1. can be proceeded until the quorum is reached (provided that not exceeding 24 hours after the appointed opening time).

9.1.3 Language: The official working language during National Meetings is English and Kurdish.

9.1.4 Smoking shall be prohibited indoors within the meeting halls of the facilities hosting the National Meetings regardless of the facilities’ smoking policy.

9.1.5 Breaks: There will be breaks according to the OC s agenda, but there may be breaks upon request of the Chair or a full member with voting right. Such a request must be followed by the agreement of the majority of the voters.

9.1.6 For the national officers or SDDs whom cannot attend the meeting MB shall assign a person instead of them, that person shall be very capable with all the knowledge that it takes to manage the meetings and decisions.

9.1.7 During NA no decision is valid if it doesn’t match or is against the constitution and bylaws.

9.2 Participants and Observers: 9.2.1 Participants in National Meetings can be:

a) Members with full membership. b) Members with Candidate membership c) IFMSA-Kurdistan Team of Officials members f) The members of the Supervising Council. e) Honorary life members and Alumni a-e shall follow registration instructions set by OC in order that their participation becomes valid.

9.2.2 Observers in National Meetings can be: a) Any medical student b) Invited guests c) Delegates of organizations in which IFMSA-Kurdistan is in official partnership. d) External advisors and speakers Observers must be approved by the MB of IFMSA-Kurdistan and the Organizing Committee of the National Meeting.

9.2.3 Speaking rights: All participants have speaking rights during National Meetings. Observers may have speaking right after the approval of the MB or the Chair person.

9.2.4 Proposing rights: All participants have proposing rights during National Meetings.

9.3 Chair Person 9.3.1 The president of Organization is the Plenary

Chair automatically, in case the president is absent or unavailable the VPI will be the chair of the Plenary. In case both are absent or unavailable the VPE if not the SecGen will be the plenary chair. if all these four members of MB are unavailable or refuse to be the chair, then SupCo shall make a decision to allocate a chair choosing between any full member in the organization.

9.3.2 The Chairperson is responsible for the conduct of the meeting and for interpreting and giving her/his ruling on all matters of procedure, order and relevancy, as stated in the Constitution and the Bylaws. And he/she should have a printed copy of the bylaws with Him/her.

9.3.3 The Chair can decide the following procedures. To do so, he/she needs an oral agreement from the plenary: a) The speakers list to be reopened. b) Observers must leave the room. c) The National Meeting to take a break for certain minutes If the Chair decides that he/she has reached an oral agreement about a procedure but a Local Committee wishes to contest, the Local Committee can ask for a vote with a 2/3 majority during 1 minute following the Chair’s result announcement.

9.3.4 To overrule a decision of the Chairperson a procedural motion to “Overrule the decision of the Chairperson” has to be passed. When the motion passes with 2/3 majority, the Chairperson shall reverse the ruling in question.

9.3.5 To remove the Chairperson a procedural motion of “No confidence in the Chair” has to be passed. When the motion passes with 2/3rd majority the Chairperson shall immediately leave the Chair. In this case, the chair will be the MB member who follows in order according to point number 8.3.1.

9.4 Meeting Secretary 9.4.1 Meeting Secretary is the SecGen. If the SecGen

is not available, the president can allocate another full member to do that task (provided that the new person is capable of such a task).

9.4.2 Meeting Secretary should document what is happening in plenaries and send the minutes of the meeting to the next (elected) Secretary General the latest 1 week after the end of the meeting.

9.4.3 Meeting Secretary helps the chair person in preparing the speaker list and giving floor to speakers accordingly.

Kurdistan Medical Students [email protected]

International Federation for Medical Students' Associations - Kurdistan

9.5 Constitution Credential Committee: The remaining members of MB; the VPI, VPE and Treasurer (provided that president is the chair and SecGen is the meeting secretary) will automatically become CCC for the plenaries and can consult SupCo if they need to at any time.

9.6 Voting Process 9.6.1 Only the voters who have been chosen based on

the ranking process and number of votes each LC has, have the right to vote.

9.6.2 Each voter has one vote. 9.6.3 A voter will automatically lose its right to vote

only in one of the following cases: a) Leaving the voting room without handing the voting card to the chair or not attending the NA (in this case the member who follows him/her in the LC ranking list will automatically replaces him/her) b) In case that the full member has some unpaid debts its voting right is lost till paying the debts. c) A full member can lose its voting right after a decision of SupCo which must be preceded by a formal investigation of SupCo.

9.7 Roll Call and Voting Cards 9.7.1 At the start of each Meeting, the chair must do a

roll call. All Members with voting rights will be called to see if they are present. Official voting cards will be handed out to them. The results of the roll call will be recorded and incorporated in the minutes.

9.7.2 If any voter subsequently joins or leaves the Meeting hall, they have to inform the Chair who is handing out or taking back the voting card.

9.7.3 The voter who fails to return the voting card before leaving the Meeting hall will lose voting right for the rest of that plenary.

9.8 Motion and Debate 9.8.1 A written motion must be tabled before debate

is undertaken on a subject unless otherwise stated in this constitution and bylaws.

9.8.2 Only full member LCs and TO members have the right to table motions according to the regulations in this constitution and bylaws. A TO member can only table motions that are concerned with his/her field of work and tasks specified in this constitution and bylaws.

9.8.3 Apart from motions that is concerned with amendments and additions to constitution and bylaws, all other motions can be tabled and handed to the chair in written by a full member LC (simple majority) and seconded by another full member LC (simple majority) until one hour before the appointed start time of the plenary concerned with voting on motions. For these kinds of motions, the chair shall give 1 minute chance to the proposer to explain the motion unless it has already been discussed in the

earlier president's session. Then Chair shall ask if there are any questions to the proposer. If there are questions, the Chair shall open a speaker’s list and the discussion on the motion shall be opened. The proposer of the motion shall have the right to speak last before the closure of the discussion. These motions need absolute majority to pass.

9.8.4 All motions will be evaluated by the CCC (and the Supervising Council if needed) to ensure that the motions do not contradict the Constitution or Bylaws. If any contradiction is found, the motion will fail immediately.

9.8.5 During any debate in the plenaries the speakers shall address the Chair. The Chair shall decide when a speaker gets the floor according to the speakers’ list.

9.8.6 A motion can only be withdrawn with the consent of both the proposer and the seconder. If only the proposer withdraws, the seconder automatically becomes proposer of the motion and another seconder needs to be found. In this case and in a case that the seconder withdraws, voting on the motion is postponed for the next plenary session during which the motion shall be seconded in order to be valid. In case that the proposer and the seconder withdraw at the same time the motion fails immediately. In case the proposer withdraws before a seconder is found, then the motion fails.

9.8.7 After the discussions have been closed and the Chair has announced to proceed to the vote, a motion can no longer be withdrawn.

9.8.8 After the discussion is closed, for any motion the Chair shall ask voters for amendments. In the case an amendment is proposed by a voter, the proposer of the amendment may briefly explain the amendment. After this, 2/3rd of voters from the same LC of the proposer of the amendment shall accept the amendment otherwise the amendment fails immediately. Then proposer of the original motion (TO member or the LP) shall be asked if he/she accepts the amendment. If the proposer (TO member) of the original motion accepts the amendment, then 2/3rd of the voters must also accept the amendment in order that the amendment is incorporated into the original motion otherwise the amendment fails immediately. If the proposer (LP) of the original motion accepts the amendment then seconder of the original motion, LP (in case the motion is proposed by a LC), shall be asked if he/she accepts the amendment. If both the proposer and seconder of the original motion accept the amendment, it shall be incorporated in the original motion. If the seconder of the original motion does not accept the

Kurdistan Medical Students [email protected]

International Federation for Medical Students' Associations - Kurdistan

amendment, a new seconder has to be found. In this case the original motion and the amendment are postponed for the next plenary. By the next plenary if a seconder (a full member LC) for the amendment is not found, then the amendment fails immediately. If the proposer of the original motion didn't accept the amendment the chair should give him/her the floor to explain why he/she refused the amendment and then voting should be done either to add the amendment to the original motion or not, and this needs 2/3rd majority among the voters. If it is not incorporated in to the original motion then voting must proceed on the original motion only and the amendment fails.

9.8.9 In the event of no amendment or after an amendment is incorporated in to the original motion with no further amendments; the Chairperson shall call for any direct negatives to the motion. Should no voter give a direct negative to the motion, the motion passes nemo contra without further debate if the motion needs simple majority to pass, but if it needs absolute majority, 2/3rd or 3/4th majority, then voting must be performed even if there is no direct negative. If a voter gives direct negative to a motion that needs simple majority to pass then voting has to be done.

9.8.10 If there is a direct negative among the voters, the Chairperson shall ask the voter with direct negative for the reason, he/she in turn is free to give explanation or not. Then, the chair shall call for voting to start.

9.8.11 After the closure of debate, no withdrawal of motions is acceptable.

9.8.12 Only one motion is to be discussed at a time. 9.9 Point of Order 9.9.1 A point of order shall be concerned with the

enforcement or interpretations of the Constitution and Bylaws of IFMSA-Kurdistan

9.9.2 A point of order shall take precedence over all other terms of and shall require the Chair immediately to allow the delegate to make his/her point of order.

9.9.3 In the event of any full or candidate member using the point of order to make statements which are not directly related to the enforcement or interpretations, it shall be called to order by the Chairperson. In the event of a full or candidate member being so warned on three occasions during a National Meeting it shall lose the right to use the point of order for the rest of that Plenary.

9.10 Point of Information 9.10.1 A point of information TO somebody shall be a

brief fact that is of value and relevance at this

moment to the current speaker or to the meeting as a whole. It can in no case be used to express a personal point of view.

9.10.2 A point of information FROM somebody serves to put a brief question to the current speaker or the meeting at large, which is relevant to the particular debate.

9.10.3 When a point of information is indicated to the Chairperson while a speaker is speaking, the Chairperson will ask the speaker whether he/she will accept the point of information. In the event of the speaker refusing it, the Chairperson must make it as soon as the speaker has finished.

9.10.4 In the event of any full or candidate member using the point of information to make statements which are not directly related to the defined concern, it shall be called to order by the Chairperson. In the event of a full or candidate member being so warned on three occasions during a National Meeting it shall lose the right to use the point of order or information for the rest of that Plenary.

9.11 Procedural Motion 9.11.1 A procedural motion shall take precedence over

all terms of address to the Chair apart from points of order, but shall not carry the right of interrupting the current speaker or a voting procedure.

9.11.2 In the event of a procedural motion being proposed by a voter, the Chairperson shall after a brief introduction by the proposer ask for a seconder among the voters. A seconder in this case shall be all voters from a LC other than the LC of the proposing voter. If the motion is seconded, the Chairperson shall immediately put the procedural motion to a vote.

9.11.3 All procedural motions require a two-thirds majority

9.11.4 In the event of a procedural motion passing it shall be put into effect immediately

9.11.5 The following motions shall constitute procedural motions: a) To suspend a bylaw until the end of the National Meeting or until it will be resumed by the National Meeting. b) To resume a bylaw that has been suspended. c) A discussion not to be recorded in the minutes. d) The meeting to be postponed. e) The meeting to proceed immediately to a vote. f)The meeting to proceed to the next business g) Consideration of present motion to be postponed. h) The debate on a motion to be reopened. i) The speakers’ list to be reopened. j) Calling for informal voting on a certain point.

Kurdistan Medical Students [email protected]

International Federation for Medical Students' Associations - Kurdistan

k) Overrule the decision the Chairperson. l) No confidence in the Chair. m) Observers must leave the room. n) To change the Agenda.

9.12 Voting 9.12.1 Decisions will be taken with a simple majority in

cases of a single motion and relative majority in case of several motions, unless otherwise specified in the Constitution or Bylaws

9.12.2 Majorities will be defined as follows: a) Simple Majority: more votes IN FAVOUR than AGAINST. ABSTENTIONS do not count. b) Absolute Majority: more than 50% of all the votes IN FAVOUR. ABSTENTIONS do count. c) Relative Majority: the proposal receiving the most votes carries. ABSTENTIONS do not count. In case there are more votes "against both of them' than in favor of any of the proposals, all proposals fail. d) Two-thirds majority: The number of votes IN FAVOUR is at least the double of the number of votes AGAINST. ABSTENTIONS do not count. e) Three-fourth majority: The number of votes IN FAVOUR is at least the triple of the number of votes AGAINST. ABSTENTIONS do not count.

9.12.3 In case of voting by ballot papers, the ballot papers should be signed and stamped by the Chair. The Chair will hand out the ballots to the full members with voting rights. They have to write their vote on the ballot paper after which it has to be returned to the Chair. The Chair will count the votes. Before voting by ballot papers all observers have to leave the hall. During the voting by ballot the doors of the hall will be closed and nobody will be allowed to enter or leave the room. After the votes have been counted and before the results are announced, the doors will be opened again and observers are allowed to enter the room.

9.12.4 All ballot papers must be kept for archiving until the minutes of the General Assembly Meeting have been adopted.

9.13 Minutes 9.13.1 Minutes have to be taken during the whole

meeting. Minutes should contain: a) Name, date and venue of the session. b) Time of opening, breaks and closure of the session. c) The name of the Chairperson d) The names of the Supervising Council. e) The items on the agenda. f) The results of the roll calls. g) The names of the Speakers and their Local Committees. h) All motions and amendments, including the number, the name of the proposer and seconder and the full text.

i) All decisions. j) The results of the voting and elections. k) The most important points of discussions.

9.13.2 Meeting Secretary is responsible for the production of the minutes.

9.13.3 The Secretary General is responsible for the publication and distribution of the minutes to all the Local Committees, not later than 10 days after the meeting.

9.14 Reports 9.14.1 All reports shall include:

a) The title of the report. b) The author of the report. c) The date of the report. d) The meeting for which the report was written. e) The report itself.

9.14.2 For all reports, including periodic reports of Team of Officials members, a motion shall be tabled to adopt the report. The motion shall be handled as described in the section “Motion and debate”.

9.14.3 In case 2 reports of a Team of Officials member are not adopted, the National Meeting then has the right to remove her/him from office following the procedures specified in this constitution and bylaws

9.14.4 All reports and project proposals, accepted or not accepted, shall be attached to the minutes as annexes. Above the report or the proposal shall be mentioned if the report was accepted or not.

9.14.5 IFMSA-Kurdistan Team of Officials members' Reports a) Shall always include a list of the tasks fulfilled. b) Shall be distributed to the Local Committees at least two weeks prior to the beginning of the IFMSA-Kurdistan National Meeting for reading.

9.14.6 Any IFMSA-Kurdistan Team of Officials member who attended any external meeting related to his tasks should present a detailed report, away from periodic reports, to the following National Meeting about his/her activities in this meeting; this report should be sent out to the National Meeting at least two weeks before the meeting.

9.14.7 Each IFMSA-Kurdistan Team of Officials member should present a final report at the National Meeting. This report should be sent to the National Meeting at least one week before the National Meeting. This Report should be adopted by absolute majority during the meeting. If this report is not adopted, this Team of Officials Member will not be eligible for applying for any official position in IFMSA-Kurdistan for the upcoming term.

Kurdistan Medical Students [email protected]

International Federation for Medical Students' Associations - Kurdistan

9.14.8 In case that a certain Team of Officials member didn't present that TO member will not be able to apply for an official position in the organization for next term.

Kurdistan Medical Students [email protected]

International Federation for Medical Students' Associations - Kurdistan

Chapter 10: Elections 10.1 General 10.1.1 Elections are to be held during the National

Meeting, followed by a period of handover for 2 months for MB and 1 month for the rest of TO members during which new Team of Officials members go through a handover period with the old Team of Officials members in their respective fields.

10.1.2 Candidates may run for only one IFMSA-Kurdistan Official position in any given National Meeting.

10.1.3 There cannot be co-candidatures. 10.1.4 If no candidatures were received for a certain

position in the Team of Officials, the deadline for candidature for this position should be extended until one hour before the appointed start time of elections.

10.1.5 The MB revises the documents of all the candidates to ensure that the candidates meet the requirements for candidature. A list of all applicants and the positions they are applying for is to be sent at least two weeks before the National Meeting including which candidatures are valid and which are not, stating why invalid candidatures are declared invalid. in case of vacancies after NA voting will be an online process arranged by old MB. The voters will be those who have selected to vote during NA according to the scorring system.

10.1.6 All candidates for official positions should send the following documents to the Secretary General before the doors for candidature are closed (failing to submit any of these documents will make the candidature invalid): a) A filled out candidature form, signed and stamped by the President of the candidate’s Local Committee b) Curriculum Vitae: providing documents as possible. c) Motivation letter. d) Preliminary Plan of action.

10.1.7 Candidates must give an oral presentation in front of the National Meeting for five minutes followed by another three minutes for answering the questions of the Local Committees

10.1.8 If there is more than one candidate for a position the order of presentations will be decided by the Chair through a lottery and during the presentation of the candidate, the other candidates for the same position have to leave the room.

10.1.9 Presentations and elections will be done in the following order: a) MB members.

b) Standing Committee National Officers. c) Support Division Director d) Third electable position of SupCo (if any)

10.1.10 The election will be done by ballot. 10.1.11 All IFMSA-Kurdistan Team of Officials Positions

will be elected with absolute majority, apart from what is stated otherwise in Constitution and Bylaws.

10.1.12 If there is more than one candidate for a position and no candidate gained absolute majority there will be a second round. Only the 2 candidates with the highest number of votes in the first round will continue to the second round where the candidate who gains relative majority will be elected.

10.2 Candidates Debate: 10.2.1 In positions for which there is more than one

candidate, a debate should be held. 10.2.2 The debate for all positions should be for a

maximum of one hour. 10.2.3 The debate shall be moderated by the Chair of

the meeting and if the chair is one of the candidates, another MB member should moderate the debate.

10.2.4 The Chair should decide upon the procedures of posting questions and managing time during the Debate.

Kurdistan Medical Students [email protected]

International Federation for Medical Students' Associations - Kurdistan

Chapter 11: General Assembly (GA) and Regional meetings(RM) 11.1 GA preparations

a) Secretary General should announce opening of registration for the August meeting on March 20th and for the March meeting on September 20th. b) Secretary General sends out the application form to all LCs. c) Deadline for submitting the application form to LB is April 20th 23:59 and September 20th 23:59. d) MB should review the list of delegates from all LCs and finalize the delegation list of IFMSA-Kurdistan for the August meeting by April 20th 23:59 and for the March meeting by October 20th 23:59 e) There are 8 seats available for early registration; 3 of them are fixed for the president, VPE (if not available VPI) and the NEO. The other MB members and NOs have priority for the other 5 seats based on their scores, based on their plans and projects for the GA, which will be decided upon by President and VPE after interviewing the applicants. f) Vacant early seats and late registrations will be decided upon by the MB according to the number of applicants, scoring system, their motivation letter, after being interviewed by the president and the VPE. g) each local committee is provided with one seat for their delegate as a delegation if TO has fulfilled the early delegation , in case seats are available in the early registration period and no TO member has applied for, they will automatically become early delegate. Local board and full member of the local board have the chance to gain fixed seats this is decided by the members scoring system . In case there are equally divided vacant seats between the local committees it should be divided between members of the local committee decided by the Managing board. h) President automatically becomes head of delegate; if not present, VPE or VPI replaces president. If none are present, one is selected as the head of delegates by MB. i) The head of Delegation should list the needs for GA and together the delegates should work on the preparations. Any amount of money spent on the preparations should be documented with official invoices and should be paid back from the national budget. j) VPE with the help of head of delegation is responsible of the whole registration process for

GA including: preparation of all documents, collection and transfer of the registration fees k) After announcing the delegation, the accepted delegates will have 2 weeks to decide whether they can proceed with the process or not. Within these 2 weeks if they decided to proceed they must pay the registration fee and consider their work, school, family and finances because anyone who decides to proceed then changes his/her decision after the deadline, the registration fee will not be refundable except for urgent situations, which will be decided by MB. Anyone who does not pay within 2 weeks after announcing the delegation his/her application will be canceled. l) Each LC should start fund raising for its delegates under supervision of VPF. In case a LC failed to collect financial support for the delegates; they should attend the GA on their own expenses and they should not get financial support from the national budget before the GA as stated in the financial system bylaws except if the MB has received fund that is only allocated for the GA and Covers all the expenses for the GA.In case when no one confirmed to attend the GA only the president (and the NEO for August meeting) should be sponsored with up to 100% (According to the Nation al Budget status ) Which should not exceed 25 % of National Budget ) to attend the GA. m) In case of March Meeting, if the newly elected president has never been to Plenaries and president's session in previous GAs, he/she must be accompanied by a member of previous MB who has already been in the plenary & president's session. In this case the handovering President and then the VPE have the priority. n) A printed copy of “rules and regulations during GA” shall be signed by each delegate prior to departure.

11.2 During GA: a) All delegates must follow instructions provided by head of delegation. b) Each individual delegate must provide daily reports & feedback to head of delegation and SecGen within 7 days after the end of GA. Failing to provide this report will let the delegate to lose 20 scores. c) It is a must that each individual delegate attends sessions and NMO hour on time. d) The head of delegation in this case (president) & accompanied MB members should attend all plenaries during the GA and shall not leave Kurdistan seat empty without any reason.

11.3 After GA: a) Within two weeks post GA, head of delegates and each individual delegate shall provide MB

Kurdistan Medical Students [email protected]

International Federation for Medical Students' Associations - Kurdistan

with a detailed final report including his/her experience in GA, possible notices about other delegates and recommendations for future of IFMSA-Kurdistan. b) after GA the Head of delegation report should include his/her opinion and feedback on each delegate during the GA and this report should be reviewed and confirmed by the MB. Then used to reward the best two delegates ranging from rewarding the delegates with 10 scores or with a refund up to 50% of the GA expenses depending on the status of the national budget and punishing any delegate who deserves to be punished with up to 10 scores. c) MB must review all reports and take necessary action regarding recommendations, send the reports to corresponding SCs. d) Within four weeks post GA, MB shall prepare a final report about GA, send it out to all sponsors with regards.

11.4 GA final report: 11.4.1 Content of the report shall include:

a) Introduction to the GA and Theme event b) Delegates participated in the GA and their positions at the GA c) Parts of Agenda participated with brief notes d) President and SC sessions attended and notes from each e) Detailed information about budget & fee income for GA fundraising f) Detailed information about budget & fees spent for GA, including: Registration fees, Transportation fees, fees for Materials and IFMSA General NMO fee if present g) Any other information

11.4.2 Adoption of GA final reports during NA shall be by simple majority

11.5 Regional Meetings (RMs): 11.5.1 IFMSA-Kurdistan is located in eastern

medeterenian region (EMR region) according to IFMSA regions.

11.5.2 EMR meeting is an annual meeting for the EMR NMOs, which will be held in late January.

11.5.3 IFMSA-Kurdistan as a member of the region should attend the meeting to show the active presence of the NMO in the region and update the region regarding IFMSA-Kurdistan status.

11.5.4 Application form will be opened from November 1st until 10th of Novermber. In case no applications recieved, it can be extended until Novermber 20th.

11.5.5 MB should announce the Delegation by November 25th.

11.5.6 In case no one confirmed to attend the meeting after the deadline, a member can be sponsered to attend the meeting. In this case President and VPE have priority and then other TO members, if

not any other member can be sponserd decided by MB.

11.5.7 preparations for RMs are the same for GAs. 11.5.8 Any member who attend the RM should provide

detailed report within 2 weeks after the RM.

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International Federation for Medical Students' Associations - Kurdistan

Chapter 12: Scoring System

12.1 General

12.1.1 Scoring is a system by which IFMSA-Kurdistan

evaluates its members based on their activities.

12.1.2 The scoring system is used to:

a) Choose the voters of each LC for the NA.

b) Choose members for international

opportunities (GAs, Regional meetings and

Exchange programs).

12.1.3 For each level of membership a different

mechanism for scoring applies on. Maximum

score is 120 per term for one member.

a) Candidate member

b) Full member

c) Local Board

d) Officials team

12.2 Candidate member

12.2.1 Candidate members can participate in any

Standing Committee project.

12.2.2 A candidate member's score equals 80% of a Full

member for a project.

12.3 Full member

12.3.1 Full member (Projects):

a) Promotion from Candidate member to a Full

member has 10 score.

b) Each Standing Committee project and activity

has a certain score in the Projects’ Manual.

c) Project leader (one member) has 100% of

Project’s score. The assistant (one or more

members) has 80% of Project’s score. The

participant (one or more members) has 50% of

Project’s score.

12.3.2 Full members (SCOPE & SCORE)

a) Promotion from Candidate member to a Full

member has 10 score.

b) A SCOPE or SCORE member can participate in

other Standing Committee projects as an

assistant or participant, but not a manager and

the scores will be counted as for the other SC


c) She/he can get National Project bonus score

of that Standing Committee he/she assigns to.

d) SCOPE or SCORE Activities Manual includes

certain activities which are defined by the NEO

or NORE.

e) Score is given to the activities in SCOPE or

SCORE Activities Manual by the National

Officer’s evaluation and Managing Board.

12.4 Local Board

12.4.1 Local President:

a) He/she has a certain maximum score that is

equal to 50 in which:-

1- At the start 50% is fixed and given.

2- At the end term 50% is given according to

constitution & bylaw job description to Local

President, by the Managing Board.

b) Scores given in any project they participate. In


1- He/she can participate in any Standing

Committee project as an assistant or a

participant, but not a leader.

2- He/she cannot get the National Project bonus


c) He/she is allowed in attending SCOPE &

SCORE exchanges in his/her term.

12.4.2 Vice president:

a) They have a certain maximum point that is

equal to 40 in which:-

1- At the start 50% is fixed and given.

2- At the end term 50% is given according to

constitution & bylaw job description to Local

President, by the Managing Board.

b) Scores given in any project they participate.

1- He/she can participate in any Standing

Committee project as an assistant or a

participant, but not a leader.

2- He/she cannot get the National Project bonus


c) He/she is allowed attending SCOPE & SCORE

exchanges in his/her term.

12.4.3 Local Officers:

a) They have a certain maximum score that is

equal to 30 in which:-

1- At the start 50% is fixed and given.

2- At the end term 50% is given according to

constitution & bylaw job description to Local

Officers, by the National Officer and Managing


b) Scores given in any project they participate:-

1- He/she can participate in the Standing

Committee projects as a leader, assistant or a


2- He/she can get the National Project bonus


3- He/she is allowed to attend SCOPE & SCORE

exchanges in their term.

12.4.4 LEO & LORE:

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International Federation for Medical Students' Associations - Kurdistan

a) A LEO or LORE member can become a

member of one other Standing Committee.

He/she can participate in Standing Committee

projects as an assistant or a participant, but not

a leader.

b) A LEO or LORE member can get National

Project bonus score of that Standing Committee

he/she assigns to.

12.4.5 Local Support Division Director:

a) He/she has a certain maximum score that is

equal to 30 in which:-

1- In the start 50% is fixed and given.

2- At the end term 50% is given according to

constitution & bylaw job description to Local

Support Division Directors, by the National

Support Division Director and Managing Board.

b) Scores given in any activity they participate:-

1- He/she can participate in any Standing

Committee project as an assistant or a

participant, but not a leader.

2- He/she cannot get the National Project bonus


c) He/she is allowed to attend SCOPE & SCORE

exchanges in their term.

12.5 Officials Team

12.5.1 Managing Board:

a) They have a certain maximum score, in


- President gets 100

- Others (VPE, VPI, VPF & SecGen) get 90.

b) They are not allowed to attend SCOPE &

SCORE exchanges in their term.

c) Score is not given in any Standing Committee

project they participate.

12.5.2 National Officers:

a) They have a certain maximum score that is

equal to 80, in which:-

1- At the start 50% is fixed and given.

2- At the end term 50% is given according to

constitution & bylaw job description to National

Officers, by the Managing Board.

b) They are allowed to attend SCOPE & SCORE

exchanges in their term.

c) Score is not given in any Standing Committee

project they participate.

12.5.3 National Support Division Director:

a) They have a certain maximum score that is

equal to 80, in which:-

1- At the start 50% is fixed and given.

2- At the end term 50% is given according to

constitution & bylaw job description to National

Support Division Directors, by the Managing


b) They are allowed to attend SCOPE & SCORE

exchanges in their term.

c) Score is not given in any Standing Committee

project they participate

12.6 Other activities: other activities are included in

scoring mechanism for all members except

Candidate members.

12.6.1 National Assembly Organizing Committee:

Members of Organizing Committee are included

in the scoring system according to follows:-

a) OC head, has 25 score

b) OC head assistant, has 20 score

c) OC member, has 10 score

12.6.2 Article:

a) Project article writer gets 2 score, each

project have 1 project article.

b) General article writer gets 2 score, each

member can have maximum of 5 general articles

in a term.

12.6.3 Kurd Medical Student magazine Editorial Board:

The overall Editorial Board team gets 45 score,

which is distributed equally among team


12.6.4 Professional video making: For professional

video making of a project, each member in the

video making team gets +3 score.

12.6.5 Publication tools at projects: The member who

is in charge of designing of the project’s

brochures, posters and other publication tools

will be regarded as an assistant for that project

and will have the same score of the project


12.6.6 GA, Project Fair & Project Presentation: The

member in Project Fair & Project Presentation at

General Assembly gets 10 scores.

12.6.7 Fund raising team: a credit of 1 score is given for

every team member (maximum three members

/ team ) for every 100 $ raised.

12.7 Score subtraction:

12.7.1 SCOPE & SCORE exchanges

a) SCOPE & SCORE exchanges lead to score

subtraction ranging from (50-100) according to


b) Score subtract for an exchange contract

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International Federation for Medical Students' Associations - Kurdistan

within the given range is determined by the

National Exchange Officer with Managing Board.

12.7.2 General Assembly (GA) and Regional meetings


a) General Delegate: score subtraction by 50

scores by which he/she has been selected for

the GA.

b) Fixed seats: score subtraction by 40 of total

score after the GA.

c) Other TO members: score subtraction by 50 of

the total score after the GA.

d) Anyone who attend RMs: score subtraction by

10 of the total score after the RM.

e) in case the total amount of scores of a

member is less than the subtracted amount the

score becomes zero after the subtraction.

12.8 National Projects & Bonus Score

a) A National Project for any Standing

Committee has +8 Bonus score.

b) National Project Bonus score is given for Full

members and Local Officers, but not Candidate


c) National Project Bonus score for a Full

member and a Local Officer is given if only

he/she participate in his/her Standing

Committee Project.

d) National Project bonus score is given for the

project done in the first time. If the project is

been repeated for the second time or more,

only those members will get the bonus score

whom haven’t been participated in the previous

times of that project.

e) Each Standing Committee has a maximum of

6 National Projects in a term.

f) National Projects of a Standing Committee are

decided on each term during National Assembly

Standing Committee sessions.

12.9 Projects’ Manual

a) Projects’ Manual of a Standing Committee is a

booklet that includes all projects of that

Standing Committee within IFMSA-Kurdistan

with its defined score.

b) Projects will be added to Projects’ Manual

either: during Standing Committee session in the

National Assembly or any member’s proposal

that is been accepted by the National Officer.

c) Maximum score for a project is 12; minimum

score for a project is 5.

d) Score is given to the projects in Projects’

Manual by Project’s evaluation into 7 categories.

e) Every project will be categorized to one of the


1- Presentation, score: 5

2- Training presentation, score: 6

3- Campaign, score: 8

4- Festival, score: 10

5- unclassified projects:

-Simple activity, score: 5

- Big activity, score: 8

- Huge activity, score: 12

f) Project categorization of unclassified projects

is done by National Officer of that Standing

Committee , local president and Managing


g) If the same member repeated a project in a

term, he/she will get 50% of the given score for

that project.

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International Federation for Medical Students' Associations - Kurdistan

Chapter 13: SCOPE exchange bylaw

13.1 General

13.1.1 SCOPE is led by the National Exchange Officer

(NEO) whom is elected during the NA.

13.1.2 Each LC should have at least 2 LEOs whom are

elected during LCM.

13.1.3 NEO is responsible to follow up on LEOs.

13.1.4 SCOPE is a standing committee of IFMSA-

Kurdistan standing committees and all points

mentioned in Chapter 5 of the bylaws apply to

them also.

13.1.5 SCOPE stamp shall be used only by the NEO or

his/her representative during GAs.

13.1.6 NEO has the right to propose to suspend any

LEO that is not doing their work properly, and

the decision of suspension should be made by

MB after investigation with the LB

13.1.7 In case of not enough funding for host for the

incoming students. SCOPE has rights to request

fund from MB.

13.1.8 At the end of the term, NEO shall provide a

detailed report about SCOPE budget including

incoming and outgoing budget from overall

student exchanges. The report shall be send to

the VPF two weeks before NA.

13.1.9 NEO must return any amount of money that

he/she has collected from exchange program

students 2 weeks before the NA.

13.1.10 NEO must not use any amount of money that

he/she has collected from the exchange

students before gaining approval from the MB.

After gaining approval from MB, NEO must

provide bills for any amount of money that

he/she has spent.

13.2 Exchange conditions

a) Application for exchange programs:

The application form will open from 1st of

October, and it lasts till 20th of October. In case

contracts are still available after closing the

application form, the deadline can be extended

until 1st of November. In case even after

extension of the deadline, exchange contracts

are still available, MB with the NEO can decide

on the remained contracts. MB and NEO must

review the application forms and finalize the list

of accepted exchange students within 2 weeks

after closing the application form. Accepted

students will have 3 weeks to decide whether

they can proceed or not with the process.

Within these 3 weeks they have to consider

their work, family, finances, exchange conditions

they have been accepted for, visa requirements

and preparation and they have to pay the

exchange fee. Any member who decides to

proceed and pays the exchange fee then after

the deadline cancels his/her exchange the fee

will not be refundable and the member will be

suspended from the exchange programs for the

next term, except for situations like; (proved

visa refusal, any situations which were not

predicted during the 3 weeks period. These

situations will be decided upon by NEO and MB

whether can get partial or full refund).

b) Priority is for full members in applying for the


c) Selection of the students is according to

scoring system bylaw.

d) Medical students from 4th year until

graduation, plus Alumni have the right to apply

for the exchange programs.

e) Priorities are for those whom have had no

previous exchange.

f) Bilateral contract Fee is 400$.

g) For Unilateral contracts, the contract fee will

be decided by the NMO in which the student has

applied for, a fee of 50$ is given to IFMSA-


h) If a member has had a previous exchange and

is applying for the second one, he/she is not

able to apply in the term next to the previous

one in which he/she had the exchange.

i) If the student came back from an exchange

without the certificate, he/she will not be able

to apply for any other exchange.

j) Candidate members can apply only if there is an available contract which no more applications have received by full members. Same conditions of exchange are applied on as listed above. k) Other Medical students (non IFMSA-Kurdistan member) can apply only if there is an available contract which no more applications have received by ifmsa-Kurdistan members. In this situation the NEO and MB will decide on the amount of the exchange fee which should be 250$ For unilateral contracts and 500$ for bilateral cotratcts. l) After finishing the exchange period, the student shall send a report of his/her exchange

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International Federation for Medical Students' Associations - Kurdistan

course, including financial part and IFMSA-Kurdistan exchange fee payment.

13.3 Hosting exchange students:

13.3.1 All LCs should be available to host students.

13.3.2 NEO is responsible to accept the incoming

exchange students after evaluating the hosting

conditions of the LCs.

13.3.3 Local exchange officers (LEO) are responsible for

receiving incoming students and providing

accomodation and helping the student with the

staying permit.

13.3.4 LEO is responsible to form a team from

members of his/her LC to provide social

program for incoming student.

13.3.5 Scores will be counted for the LEO and the

members who help with the incoming student

inquiries according to the scoring system


Kurdistan Medical Students [email protected]

International Federation for Medical Students' Associations - Kurdistan

Chapter 14: Financial System Bylaw

14.1 General

14.1.1 Vice president for financial affairs (VPF) is the

responsible person for Financial System.

14.1.2 VPF is one of the MB members.

14.1.3 In case of urgent meeting, the VPF shall inform

the SecGen, and SecGen shall inform the

President immediately.

14.1.4 Has the right to suspend the local secretary after

full investigation with MB & LB.

14.1.5 Shall be informed about any payment and fund


14.1.6 The detailed financial report of the organization

should be sent to the MB and LC every 3 months

by the VPF.

14.1.7 The VPF shall contact the OC treasurer of NA 2

months ahead to inform them about the

financial preparations of NA.

14.1.8 The VPF will have the access of IFMSA-Kurdistan

bank account and any budget transaction shall

be under supervision of the President and the

rest of MB.

14.1.9 President and SupCo can supervise bank account

transactions and financial actions within the

organization. VPF can make the transactions in

the bank account and he/she must approve the

financial action in order to be valid. If a conflict

arises regarding a financial issue between VPF

and all other members of MB (i.e if VPF has a

different opinion from all other members of MB)

then IFMSA-Kurdistan shall not consider the

decision/opinion of VPF valid and shall follow

the rest of MB.

14.1.10 Any financial activity shall be documented and

official support letter shall be provided in need.

14.1.11 The VPF has the right to investigate anything

which not clear regarding financial affairs.

14.1.12 Shall arrange a meeting every month with the

local secretary.

14.2 Fund Raising

14.2.1 Fund raising is any organized activity/attempt to

generate finical support for the organization.

14.2.2 The requirements for fundraising are:

a) Proposal

b) A written agreement (a contract)

c) Supporting letter (if needed)

14.2.3 Fund raising shall be performed by an

agreement (a contract), and there shall be an

official paper with stamp and signature of both


14.2.3 VPF shall be aware of all fund raisings, sign and

stamp it, otherwise the agreement will not be

accepted, and the other side of the agreement

will not get any benefit, at the same time the

member will be dealt accordingly.

14.2.4 Means of advertisement for the partner:

a) Website

b) Brochures & posters

c) Social network pages

d) Media partners

e) Publication at the site of project or event

14.2.5 Level of contracts for national projects or events

shall be based on the amount of payment given

by the sponsor, ie; Bronze, Silver, Gold or

Diamond sponsors. Sponsors should be classified

as below starting from diamond,diamond name

is given to the sponsors who covers all the

expenses of the event and those who cover less

as gold and so on for silver and bronze sponsors.

14.2.6 The rights of both sides shall be mentioned on

the agreement, and both of them shall have

their own copies in forms of written paper and

also electronic version via official email. VPF

shall have a copy of the contract and shall be

kept in IFMSA-Kurdistan archive.

14.2.7 Each standing committee can have its own

fundraising separately.

14.2.8 The members of the fund raising team at the

time of making the contract are: Local President

or local secretary and the local officer. The

affairs related to making the contract will be

managed by the local secretary.

14.2.9 The other side of the agreement shall be given

the project or event accomplishment report,

which shall include the following: name,

address, and brief information about the

project, and the number of the persons who

have had profit in the project.

14.2.10 The other side of the contract has rights to ask

to pay back the money, in case when the project

or event is not been accomplished.

14.2.11 At the time of making the contract, the other

side of the contract shall pay all the money to


14.2.12 The VPF shall be informed at the same day of

the contract, and VPF should mail the other side

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International Federation for Medical Students' Associations - Kurdistan

of the contract to confirm the delivery, and

appreciate their sponsorship.

14.2.13 IFMSA-Kurdistan shall let the other side of the

agreement know about and during conducting

any project or event by an official E-mail as


14.2.14 IFMSA-Kurdistan has rights to cancel the

agreement in case of violation at any point in

the agreement by the other side.

14.3 Financial System

14.3.1 Financial system manages the incomes and

outgoes of the organization.

1) Incomes:

a) The incomes should come only from the

following sources: (Annual membership fee,

grants, gifts and presents, Aids from NGO,

fundraising from companies, Exchange fees,

personal donations) and any aids from political

parties and what belongs to them are forbidden.

b) IFMSA-Kurdistan can use promotional

materials as a way of fundraising during the NA.

Promotional materials include T-shirts, cups,

flash cards or any other materials with IFMSA-

Kurdistan logo on them can be sold during the


c) All IFMSA-Kurdistan incomes go to the

national budget.

2) Outgoes:

a) MB is responsible to use the National budget

according to financial bylaws.

b) Fixed outgoes include: (IFMSA-Kurdistan

international membership fee, website annual

fee, any other fixed annual fee). The remaining

budget after calculating fixed outgoes can be

used as following depending on the national

budget status:

Support LC projects:

c) Up to 25% of the national budget can be used

to support the projects of the LCs upon their


d) National budget is equally distributed to all

three local committees and MB determines the

maximum amount given to each LC according to

the projects of the LC and availability of budget.

All three local committees can make proposals

for their projects to be supported by MB and

maximum number of projects supported by MB

is only 2 for each LC in one term.

e) Any local committee that need a financial

support for a project can ask for support from

the national budget by writing a detailed

proposal to the MB after gaining approval for

the project from the standing committee

national officer.

f) The proposal should include all the details of

the project including time, place, no. of

participants, target population, aim and goals,

all the materials needed and their costs and the

total amount of money needed for the project.

Financial support is given when the project is

weighed with its cost and its benefits to IFMS-

Kurdistan. Project gains financial support by the

absolute majority of MB votes, VPF cannot

decide alone.

g) After gaining financial support the local

secretary receives the fee and he/she is

responsible for spending the money.

h) Any amount of money spent for any reason

must have bills, any amount of money spent

without bills is counted as invalid and cannot be


i) In case the provided money remained, it must

be returned to MB by local secretary.

Financial support is done only when extra

money is available after calculated fixed

outgoings of IFMSA-Kurdistan; international

membership fee, annual website fee, any other

fixed annual fees.

j) The amount of money given to a project must

not exceed 300$

National Assembly:

k) Up to 50% in the preparations for the NA,

which will be decided upon by the MB after a

detailed proposal from the hosting LC.

l) The LC hosting NA can request financial

support from the national budget when the

fundraising process has not been successful to

collect enough money for the NA preparations.

The request should include all the details about

the need for money, the fundraising process and

the shortage of money.

General Assembly and regional meetings:

m) Up to 25% of the national budget can be

used for the GAs and regional meetings, also

GAs and regional meeting preparations.

n) Rewarding the delegates depending on the

head of delegation report after the GA.

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International Federation for Medical Students' Associations - Kurdistan

o) Sponsoring the president for GAs and

Regional meetings when there are no confirmed

applicants after the deadline.

p) MB with absolute majority will decide on the

amount of money to be spent for GAs and

regional meetings.

q) National budget can be used for hosting

exchange students upon NEO’s request which

will be decided upon by MB. And the maximum

amount allocated for an incoming exchange

student should not exceed 400 $ but in case

accommodation was available the amount

should not exceed 50 $ and the remaining

expenses need to be covered by the incoming


r) In case no money used to support the NA;

more money can be spent to support projects

and GAs accordingly decided by MB.

14.3.2 The amount of money remaining from any Local

project or event shall be given to the local

secretary, and from any National project or

event shall be given to the VPF.

14.3.3 Any fundraising for GAs, Regional Meeting and

NA is considered a national budget, and the

remaining shall be given to the VPF.

14.3.4 Any remaining fund at the end of the exchange

term from SCOPE/SCORE exchanges shall be

given to the VPF which is considered as a

National budget.

14.3.5 Annual membership fees shall be collected

during LCMs, and shall be given to the VPF.

14.3.6 Annual membership fee for full members is

15.000 ID, for candidate members is 20.000 ID..

14.3.7 Members of Team of Officials shall pay annual

membership fee as well as same amount of full

members. VPF is the one who is responsible for

collecting the fee.

14.3.8 IFMSA-Kurdistan shall have only one bank

account in which all National budget shall be

kept in this account.

14.3.9 Financial report of the year:

a) Before the end of the term, VPF shall create

the financial report of the year which is a

detailed document of incoming & outgoing

budget of the Organization and send it to the

SecGen one week before NA.

b) During the NA, the financial report of the year

is presented to the plenary and shall be adopted

after discussion and debate.

c) The financial report of the year shall include

detailed information of:

1) National incoming and outgoing budget

2) Local incoming and outgoing budget from

each LC

3) SCOPE/SCORE Exchange incoming and

outgoing budget

4) Previous NA incoming and outgoing budget

5) Both GAs & Regional meeting incoming and

outgoing budget

d) Adaption of financial report of the year during

the plenary shall be by 2/3rd majority.

14.4 Bank account

14.4.1 Bank account shall be supervised by VPF with

the help of President and SecGen.

14.4.2 The account shall be a trusted independent

International Kurdistan bank.

14.4.3 All the bank notes (bank bills) shall be kept and

they shall be given to the next VPF.

14.4.4 In case of changing the bank, SupCo shall be

notified and agree.

14.4.5 The bank account number shall be available on

the organization website and pages for the

purpose of helping.

14.5 Awards:

14.5.1 in each NA the most active LB member in each

LC is selected by TO and the most active

member in each local committee is selected by

that local committee's LB to be excused from

membership fee for the following term.

14.5.2 The two founders of IFMSA-Kurdistan (Leila

Amin and Zana Baban) provide a certain amount

of financial support to the "Best Local

Committee" and "Most Influential Event Leader"

they choose annually and that is declared in

National Assembly. This financial support shall

be personal and the fund shall not be drawn

from IFMSA-Kurdistan national or local budget.

It is comprised of awarding at least 300$ to the

best local committee of the term and at least

200$ to the leader (main person in charge) of an

event that has had a dramatic and positive

impact on IFMSA-Kurdistan. Any change to the

award amount shall have the approval of both

founders of IFMSA-Kurdistan.

14.5.3 The "Best Local Committee" may or may not be

the most active one, it depends on how

organized and active the LC is and how smooth

and less problematically that LC's work has

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International Federation for Medical Students' Associations - Kurdistan

passed. When choosing the best local

committee we would have a general look on

that LC and assess it from different points of

view. The award (at least 300$) is provided to

the local committee which they can use it only

for IFMSA work of their own local committee. LB

shall decide on how to spend that amount of

money. They are not allowed to use it for

personal purposes.

14.5.4 The "Most Influential Event Leader" award (at

least 200$) is provided to the main person(s)

(whom founders choose) in charge of an event

that has had a big positive impact on IFMSA-

Kurdistan and helped the organization move

much more forward in a specific field. The event

can be an influencing and fundamental project,

a great contract deal, an effective fund raising

action, an effective managing skill...etc. The

winner of the award shall have that amount

saved for him/her in IFMSA-Kurdistan account.

He/she is allowed to use it for his/her IFMSA

work such as when attending GA or exchange

programs or running another project...etc. It

shall not be used for personal needs outside

IFMSA. The amount shall be provided to him/her

by MB upon his/her request clarifying the

reason for which he/she wishes to use the fund.

MB shall make sure that the award is not used

for personal needs outside IFMSA. The winner is

allowed to provide the award to his/her own or

another local committee upon his/her request.

The winner is allowed to provide the award to

another IFMSA project or event.

14.5.5 The winners of the above two awards shall not

be excluded from any other financial support of

IFMSA-Kurdistan that they have right to receive

and allowed according to constitution and

bylaws. This award is personal and does not

interact with financial management of IFMSA-


Kurdistan Medical Students [email protected]

International Federation for Medical Students' Associations - Kurdistan

Chapter 15: Honorary life members 15.1 Honorary life member is a status granted to a

former member of IFMSA-Kurdistan after 3 years of graduation who has worked and contributed to the achievements and aims of IFMSA-Kurdistan.

15.2 The National Assembly can elect Honorary Life Members.

15.3 A motion must be submitted to elect a person for Honorary Life Membership.

15.4 Voting will be done by ballot and candidate shall be elected with the absolute majority.

15.5 Candidature for Honorary Life Membership must be sent to the SecGen 2 weeks before NA.

15.6 Only Alumni members after ending their period (3 years after graduation) can apply for Honorary Life Members.

15.7 Honorary Life Members shall be invited to IFMSA-Kurdistan meetings and events.

15.8 Honorary Life Members shall pay a membership fee of zero (0) ID to IFMSA-Kurdistan.

15.9 The names of the Honorary Life Members of IFMSA-Kurdistan shall be attached in a list to the IFMSA-Kurdistan Constitutions and Bylaws as an Annex 2, stating their period of membership and their positions within IFMSA-Kurdistan.

Kurdistan Medical Students [email protected]

International Federation for Medical Students' Associations - Kurdistan

Annex 1: Abbreviations -IFMSA: International Federation of Medical Students’

Associations -IFMSA-Kurdistan : International Federation of Medical

Students’ Associations –Kurdistan -NGO: non-governmental organization -NMO: National member organization

-NA: National Assembly

-SupCo: The Supervising Council

-MB: Managing board

-LC : Local Committee

-SC: Standing Committee

-SD: Support division

-GA: General Assembly

-RM: Regional Meeting

-MM: March meeting

-AM: August meeting

-EMR: eastern Mediterranean region

-LCM: Local committee meeting

-Kurdistan Medical Students (KMS)

-OC: Organizing committee

-CCC: Constitution Credential Committee

-TO: team of Official

-LB: Local Board

-NO: National Officer

-SDD: Support division director

-LO: Local Officer

-LD: Local director

-Secgen: Secretary General

-VPI: Vice-president for Internal affair

-VPE: Vice-president for external affair

-VPF: Vice-President for Financial affairs

-SCORP: The Standing Committee on Human Rights and


-SCOME: The Standing Committee on Medical Education

-SCOPE: The Standing Committee on Professional


-SCOPH: The Standing Committee on Public Health

-SCORA: The Standing Committee on Reproductive health

and AIDS

-SCORE: The Standing Committee on Research Exchange

-NEO: National Exchange Officer

-NORP: National Officer on Human Rights and Peace

-NOME: National Officer on Medical Education

-NPO: National Public health Officer

-NORA: National Officer on Reproductive health and AIDS

-NORE: National Officer on Research Exchange

-PSD: Publication Support Division

-ASD: Alumni support division

-PSDD: Publication Support Division director

-ASDD : Alumni support division director

-LP: Local President

-LEO: Local Exchange Officer

-LORP: Local Officer on Human Rights and Peace

-LOME: Local Officer on Medical Education

-LPO: Local Public health Officer

-LORA: Local Officer on Reproductive health and AIDS

-LORE: Local Officer on Research Exchange