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A guide to creating and managing a Google Ads display campaign

Google Ads account setup

Please refer to our Google Ads Search Campaign Guide for details on creating your account, setting up your billing details and connecting your account to Google Analytics.


Wonderfuly informed

Select your goal

As with paid search, you select one goal per campaign, based on the results you want.


Select campaign type

For this guide, we’re suggesting selecting ‘display:

Decide on your locations and languages

As with search campaigns, you can limit where your advertising appears to specific locations - simply click ‘enter another location’ followed by advanced search. You will then have the option to target by postcode, city, county or region and/or by a defined radius around your business.

Select the campaign subtype:



This will then reveal the total ‘weekly estimates’ for your available impressions, which will decrease as you restrict the reach with your final bid and budget amounts.

Then refine the languages that you want to target:

Set your bid strategy

There are a host of ‘bidding’ options available, according to what you want your campaign to achieve. These can vary based on a number of factors, such as your objective, whether you’re looking to lodge manual or automatic bids and what you want to pay for (e.g. clicks, conversions or impressions).

Set your budget

This is the amount you want to spend on each campaign per day.

When you’re starting out, it’s a good idea to spread your overall budget (i.e. the amount you want to pay for your whole account) evenly across your campaigns, until you get an idea of which works best for your business. You can change your budget and bids any time, so if something isn’t working, adjust it accordingly.

Find out more





Show more settings

Here, you can choose to track conversions from your campaigns (e.g. when a user completes a contact form), adapt your ad schedule (the days and times you’d like your ads to show), the rotation of your ads (how you want your ads to be rotated between impressions), plus what devices you want to show up on (computers, mobile phones and tablets).

Create your ad group and target your audience

After naming your ad group appropriately, you next make use of the targeting capabilities to refine your campaign’s reach and ensure you’re set up to effectively deliver on your objectives.

The targeting methods are where you can really work some magic. They give you the option to remarket to users who have already visited your site, appear before those who are actively looking for products that you can offer, and even place ads on relevant websites that your target audience are likely to be visiting (e.g. interior design sites – see example ‘kitchen design guide’ ad below).




Here’s a list and description of the targeting methods that can help to boost your campaign’s effectiveness:

Audience targeting:

Remarketing Show your ads on Display Network sites and apps to people who have previously visited your website or interacted with your business, with messages tailored to them. Find out more

Audience Allows you to reach people based on their interests, such as sports or travel, even when they visit a page related to a different subject on the Display Network

• Affinity audiences: Select from these audiences to reach potential customers and make them aware of your business (e.g. users who are ‘home décor enthusiasts’).

• In-market audiences: Select from these audiences to find consumers who are researching and actively considering buying the products or services you offer (e.g. those looking to purchase products for their ‘kitchen and dining room’).

These audiences are designed for advertisers focused on getting conversions from highly qualified customers. In-market audiences can help to drive remarketing performance and reach consumers close to completing a purchase.

Demographic Lets you reach people on the Display Network who are associated with certain demographic categories, like gender or age. Read more about demographics.


Contextual targeting:

Keywords Matches a web page’s concepts or central theme (e.g. a page that includes the keywords ‘kitchen refurbishment’ within its content), your ad is eligible to appear on that web page (also known as an automatic placement). Whether your ad actually appears there is determined by a number of factors, including your language and location targeting.

Topics When your topic matches a web page’s central theme, your ad is eligible to show on that web page. Whether your ad actually shows there is determined by a number of factors, such as your language and location targeting.

Placements Manage what websites or apps your ads appear on manually (e.g. interior design websites you know that your target audience visits). See here for more details on ‘managed placements’.

9. Create your responsive display ad

You are able to build and upload your own image ads (in Google Web Designer, for example) and upload them as a .zip file (learn more here and see example Franke ads below).

Thankfully, Google also provide the tools to create responsive display ads within the platform for free. You simply provide the images, headlines, logos and descriptions. See here for more details.

This video tutorial will walk you through all of the steps in creating responsive display ads.



Click ‘create campaign’

Once you’re happy with your campaign setup and the ads you’ve created, click ‘create campaign’ and, pending approval, you’re all set to launch.

Monitor performance and keep refining

Your display campaigns will have the scope to reach a far larger audience than any search activity you’re running. This, coupled with the greater targeting capabilities at your disposal, means you need to pay closer attention to how they perform over time.

Learn more about how to evaluate performance on the display network.

Ad rank: Helps determine where your ad will show up, relative to other ads, when it’s triggered to appear on Google. Your rank is determined using your bid, your Quality Score, and other factors.

Bid: This is the maximum amount you’re willing to pay when someone clicks on your ad. (Since, with Google Ads, you don’t pay to show up — only when someone clicks on your ad to visit your site or call you.)

Click-through rate Tells you how many people who’ve seen your ad end up clicking it. This metric can help you gauge how enticing your ad is and how closely it matches your keywords and other targeting settings.

Conversion: A conversion takes place when someone who has clicked your ad goes on to take another action you’ve designated as important — like making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or calling you.

CPC (cost-per-click): The actual amount you pay when someone clicks on your ad. (You don’t necessarily pay your entire bid price for every click — that just sets up a range of possible costs-per-click you might pay.)

Google Display Network: Can help you reach people while they’re browsing their favourite websites, showing a friend a YouTube video, checking their Gmail account or using mobile devices and apps.

Impressions: How often your ad is shown. An impression is counted each time your ad is shown on a search result page or other site on the Google Network.

Responsive display ads: When you create a responsive display ad by uploading different assets into Google Ads, Google uses a machine learning model to determine the optimal combination of assets for each ad slot based on predictions built from your performance history.


All content taken from Google, for full guides visit: