social mobilization campaign proposal

Lina Fe Simoy Franilyn Sendiong-Dacono Joanne Rivera-Vilda Joy Anne Bragais 1 I. Proponents: Section A, Group 2 Lina Fe Simoy Franilyn Sendiong-Dacono Joanne Rivera-Vilda Joy Anne Bragais II. PROJECT PROFILE 1. Project title: #ProjectSelfTree: The 40-day challenge. “SocMar/SocMob Program in response to an MDG addressing Climate Change” 2. Project Background: One of the most pressing issues of the world is climate change. Climate change has been talked about in several decades. It is a significant time variation in weather patterns occurring over periods ranging from decades to millions of years. 1 In several researches, certain human activities have been identified as significant causes of recent climate change, often referred to as "global warming" – although it is not solely the reason. 2 One of those identified human influences in global warming is deforestation. 3 However, the project aims at encouraging the public that baby steps can be done to help in lessening its aggravation and to somehow advocate that people should stop denuding our forests, tell the people to take care of the environment, and tell the world that we are saying “no” to carbon emissions. Climate Change is something that could no longer be prevented. We cannot totally address all of the factors related to it but there is something that we can do. According to scientists and conservationists, the Philippines sits at the #3 spot on the most vulnerable locations affected by climate change being at the western edge of the Pacific Ocean where sea level rises greater than any other 1 2 3

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Lina Fe Simoy Franilyn Sendiong-Dacono Joanne Rivera-Vilda Joy Anne Bragais  



I. Proponents: Section A, Group 2 Lina Fe Simoy Franilyn Sendiong-Dacono

Joanne Rivera-Vilda

Joy Anne Bragais


1. Project title: #ProjectSelfTree: The 40-day challenge.

“SocMar/SocMob Program in response to an MDG addressing Climate Change”

2. Project Background:

One of the most pressing issues of the world is climate change. Climate

change has been talked about in several decades. It is a significant time variation

in weather patterns occurring over periods ranging from decades to millions of

years.1 In several researches, certain human activities have been identified as

significant causes of recent climate change, often referred to as "global warming"

– although it is not solely the reason.2 One of those identified human influences

in global warming is deforestation.3 However, the project aims at encouraging the

public that baby steps can be done to help in lessening its aggravation and to

somehow advocate that people should stop denuding our forests, tell the people

to take care of the environment, and tell the world that we are saying “no” to

carbon emissions. Climate Change is something that could no longer be

prevented. We cannot totally address all of the factors related to it but there is

something that we can do.

According to scientists and conservationists, the Philippines sits at the #3

spot on the most vulnerable locations affected by climate change being at the

western edge of the Pacific Ocean where sea level rises greater than any other

                                                                                                               1 2 3


Lina Fe Simoy Franilyn Sendiong-Dacono Joanne Rivera-Vilda Joy Anne Bragais  



places in the world. We can expect more Super typhoons as the effects of

climate change aggravates. The Philippines holds the record of the fastest wind

speeds in the history every decade and it gets higher through time. 4 This holds

true with the recent experience of the Super Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) in 2013

killing thousands of people in the Philippines. This year, the Philippines were

again threatened by the coming of Super Typhoon Neoguri (Florita), Category 4

Typhoon Rammasun (Glenda) and Category 5 Vongfong (Ompong).

With the emerging trends of “selfies” and using hashtags (#) in the social

media space, it is with no doubt that Internet and the social media have been

proven to be effective tools to show our worldwide connectivity. The social media

has further merged the ‘reading’ and ‘non-reading’ public into one market through

the social networking sites. One example is the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. Not

all people knew what ALS was until this trend #ALSIceBucketChallenge arose.

The non-reading public started to read more about ALS when Ice Bucket

Challenge trended worldwide. Thus, with the desire to utilize the social media for

promoting an environmental advocacy addressing climate change through

tackling deforestation issues, thus, the conception of #ProjectSelfTree. #ProjectSelfTree aims to address an environmental issue using the new

media where all eyes are focusing at currently with the use of today’s trends such

as “selfies” and hashtags (#). The mechanics is a simplified act of a Planting a

tree or any plant, taking a picture of one’s self (‘selfie’) during and/or after

planting the tree/plant and sharing it in the social networking sites (Facebook,

Twitter, Etc.) with the hashtag #ProjectSelfTree while tagging their social media

network in order to encourage them to do what he/she just did. The goal of the

activity is for the public to participate. However, it aims not only for the people

who participated to simply plant a tree/plant but to educate them that the

trees/environment should be taken care of, to educate them about climate

change and its effects, and encourage them to tell their friends about it.



Lina Fe Simoy Franilyn Sendiong-Dacono Joanne Rivera-Vilda Joy Anne Bragais  



#ProjectSelfTree is in response to the call of American Conservationist M.

Sanjayan to action climate change. Please watch this 4-min video:

3. Project Description:

• Date of implementation: October 25, 2014

o Timing: 2 weeks before the Yolanda Anniversary (November 8).

o Duration: 40 days

Signifying a 40-day memorial service for the dead as a

sign of subtle protest against the capitalists who continue

logging (legally and illegally) and industrial organizations

that bring about carbon emissions like factories, etc.

The period is also positioned within the period where

most tropical cyclones develop. 5

• Demographics:

o Primary target audiences are male and female, age ranging

from 20-45 years old in the global scale.

o Secondary target audiences are male and female, age ranging

from 16-19 and 46- 50 years old in the global scale.

• Psychographics:

o People who are environmentally conscious, some involved in

previous tree planting activities, mostly interested to plant but

has little time to do it, and those who need to be revoked to join

the green movement.

• Objectives:

o Impact Objective:

By the end of November 2014, it aims to educate more

people advocate environmental conservation, and that at

least individual efforts of 200 people is tantamount to 200



Lina Fe Simoy Franilyn Sendiong-Dacono Joanne Rivera-Vilda Joy Anne Bragais  



trees multiplying it to at least 10 out of their thousands of


o Outcome Objective:

By the end of the campaign period, which is on the first

week of November 2014, at least 200 individuals and

group of people had planted trees.

o Process Objective:

#ProjectSelfTree campaign is commemorative to and will

be released two weeks before the Yolanda Anniversary

(November 8)

By November 2014, post-survey questionnaire will be

released to at least 500 respondents who were exposed

to the campaign to gather qualitative information for post

campaign evaluation

At the end of campaign period, staff will conduct focus

group discussion to at least 50 participants who joined for

campaign monitoring and evaluation

To utilize the social media channels in order to advocate

environmental conservation through today’s trend,

mobilizing people to do an act in helping through planting

a tree, and making them influence their network in a form

of a challenge

The campaign aims to reach at least 500 shared videos,

700 Facebook page likes, and 350 visitors in our website

to encourage more people to plant trees and help in

advocating it.

• Target Results/Outputs or Deliverables:

o Website - containing all the information about the project and

advocacy. It will be culmination of all the project contents.


Lina Fe Simoy Franilyn Sendiong-Dacono Joanne Rivera-Vilda Joy Anne Bragais  



o Facebook Page - containing all the information about the project

and advocacy. It will be the channel towards the website and

the YouTube Channel. It will be the easiest way people will see

more about the project and advocacy. It will also be the

connection of people who wishes to use other social networking

sites like Instagram (IG), Twitter, etc.

o YouTube Channel –containing all the videos related to the

project and advocacy. It will also connect people towards the

website and Facebook Page.

• Measurements of Success:

o The hashtag (#) counts will determine the reach of the project. It

will be an indicator how many people has eventually been

reached by the project. It could also be an indicator as to how

many participants has joined the activity.

o Pictures posted will indicate the number of trees/plants

contributed by the participants.

o The number of participants at the end of 40 days will indicate

the number of influencers of the advocacy. (e.g. if each of them

tags at least one person in their network, they would be able to

let one person know the existence of the advocacy)

o The number of likes in the Facebook Page will indicate the

number of people who were influenced by the advocacy.

o Random testimonials of participants.

• Social mobilization elements addressed

o Advocacy – ‘Yes’ to forest restoration and ‘No’ to deforestation

and carbon emission.

o Capacity Building – encouraging netizens, inviting organizations

and educational institutions to participate.


Lina Fe Simoy Franilyn Sendiong-Dacono Joanne Rivera-Vilda Joy Anne Bragais  



o IEC – Utilization of Social Media and Strengthening Information

Source (website and Google)

o Community Organizing – Netizens and Concerned Citizens.

o Networking and Alliance Building – Educational Institutions,

Different Private Organizations, NGOs with similar advocacies,

and our own Networks

o Monitoring & Evaluation – Making use of Hashtags and

Facebook Page as a way to monitor the participants and

number of people reached.


o Strength:

The timing is good using the Haiyan Anniversary

(November 8). Haiyan has brought worldwide attention.

Thus, project campaign is timely and commemorative,

thus, it easily gives immediate/good brand recall and

lasting impression for retention.

The major cause of many deaths is simply unawareness.

Thus, this campaign aiming to educate more people also

gives a more lasting impact.

o Weakness:

Pretesting of data is not available.

The people are more aware of typhoons and super

typhoons but do not understand how it is formed and that

each one is guilty and contribute to it.

o Opportunity:

Tie-ups and partnerships to existing private organizations

with green movement activities.

Consumers are increasingly becoming conscious of

environmental conservation


Lina Fe Simoy Franilyn Sendiong-Dacono Joanne Rivera-Vilda Joy Anne Bragais  



There are already many organizations on advocating

planting more trees but there have not been any social

media buzz about utilizing in the Internet similar to the

success as the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.

o Threat:

Holiday season is fast approaching; people’s attention is

on shopping, taking vacations, and other year-end


There are too many green movement organizations

people have the tendency to ignore.

Other References:










Lina Fe Simoy Franilyn Sendiong-Dacono Joanne Rivera-Vilda Joy Anne Bragais  



Appendix A: Teaser Video

Please click the box to see the video. For some computers, please double –click.

If it doesn’t work, please follow this YouTube Link:


Lina Fe Simoy Franilyn Sendiong-Dacono Joanne Rivera-Vilda Joy Anne Bragais  



Appendix B: Infographics


Lina Fe Simoy Franilyn Sendiong-Dacono Joanne Rivera-Vilda Joy Anne Bragais  



Appendix C: Memes


Lina Fe Simoy Franilyn Sendiong-Dacono Joanne Rivera-Vilda Joy Anne Bragais  



Appendix D: Sample Pictures that participants can post.