border surveillance systems

Page | 1 THE EXISTING BORDER SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM ABSTRACT: The paper addresses the different aspects of the existing Border Surveillance System. National borders are a security issue for all governments. Permeable borders can prompt pirating of individuals, medications, weapons and stash, which help store criminal movement and can prompt serious social issues over the globe. Frail Borders can likewise prompt more serious issues, for example, insurrection, incursion and terrorist activity. With the end goal, governments should ensure the country state and their nationals it is essentially vital that they control their borders viably. Notwithstanding, this can frequently show truly a test as borders may keep running for hundreds if not a great many kilometers through differing and infrequently unfriendly territory. There exists number of various items, manufacturers and solution providers who help to develop a fully developed and integrated monitoring system so that this illegal movement of individuals can be minimized. The paper provides a brief overview of different surveillance technologies in border control applications, especially those used for controlling cross-border traffic, etc. In a broader context, the paper presents the result of the research carried out for the existing border surveillance systems that are available across the globe. 1. INTRODUCTION Illegal movement is an activity conducted by individuals who want to relocate themselves over the national borders. Illicit intersection of the international borders has high concern of numerous nations to secure their native and to stop any potential danger to country security, particularly because of the unfaltering increment in sorted out wrongdoing, terrorist dangers, sneaking exercises, and so on. [1], [2] and [3]. Terrorists, runners and unlawful workers are the genuine risk when they cross the international borders, along these lines, this intriguing issue and major issue for some nations. Any crevice or observing free inside of the borders may bring about an extreme harm to the security of that nation. These days, border reconnaissance is a test and requires the high level of precision.

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The paper addresses the different aspects of the existing Border Surveillance System.

National borders are a security issue for all governments. Permeable borders can prompt pirating

of individuals, medications, weapons and stash, which help store criminal movement and can

prompt serious social issues over the globe. Frail Borders can likewise prompt more serious

issues, for example, insurrection, incursion and terrorist activity. With the end goal, governments

should ensure the country state and their nationals it is essentially vital that they control their

borders viably.

Notwithstanding, this can frequently show truly a test as borders may keep running for

hundreds if not a great many kilometers through differing and infrequently unfriendly territory.

There exists number of various items, manufacturers and solution providers who help to develop

a fully developed and integrated monitoring system so that this illegal movement of individuals

can be minimized. The paper provides a brief overview of different surveillance technologies in

border control applications, especially those used for controlling cross-border traffic, etc. In a

broader context, the paper presents the result of the research carried out for the existing border

surveillance systems that are available across the globe.


Illegal movement is an activity conducted by individuals who want to relocate themselves

over the national borders. Illicit intersection of the international borders has high concern of

numerous nations to secure their native and to stop any potential danger to country security,

particularly because of the unfaltering increment in sorted out wrongdoing, terrorist dangers,

sneaking exercises, and so on. [1], [2] and [3]. Terrorists, runners and unlawful workers are the

genuine risk when they cross the international borders, along these lines, this intriguing issue and

major issue for some nations. Any crevice or observing free inside of the borders may bring

about an extreme harm to the security of that nation. These days, border reconnaissance is a test

and requires the high level of precision.

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The new statistics demonstrates an increment in the quantity of dangers brought on by

unlawful action on the eastern border of Europe Union (EU). That incorporates tobacco pirating,

vehicle carrying, petroleum item sneaking, medications sneaking, and illicit border crossing. One

rate of tobacco pirating was found in the Belarus-shine outskirt worth of 15 million euro.

Additionally in one operation, 4 million cigarettes were pirated over the Russian-Finnish border.

In 2012, there was 77.437 illicit intersections in the EU, 1.597 were on the eastern border. These

intersections were led between Check Points. Latest figures demonstrate that 45% of the

distinguished area intersection of the Eastern Mediterranean side of the EU is in the Bulgarian-

Turkish border.

The EU-Ukraine border is the real risk permitting illicit intersection to the EU, as

indicated by the most recent FRONTEX report [2] it is "The focal travel and root of sporadic

movement at the basic border". The low wages is the principle driver for movement, and the

Ukraine normal wages is EUR 075 in the year 2012. Moreover, Ukraine is the fundamental

travel for Afghanistan, Eritrea, and Somalia illicit vagrants. The EU-Ukraine outskirt is around

24 000 square kilometers of area. The border is perplexing and extraordinary in land terms. An

area of this border is situated in the middle of Poland and Ukraine has 535 kilometers, figure 2

demonstrates the EU-Ukraine verge on the guide. It is Bug Stream in the north piece of the limit

encompassing by plain land while its mountains and woodland in the south. There are six rails

and six street checkpoints. Customarily, border checking is directed through manual method for

physical checkpoints or the putting of a whole military unit to screen the certain segment of the

border. The best type of border observation includes insignificant human intercession, which

comes as introducing of remote sensor arranges that recognize the movement in the region and

react as needs be. Numerous current frameworks intended to be for outskirt observing beginning

from wall and divider to extremely complex frameworks. There is rising enthusiasm for creating

canny border reconnaissance frameworks to build the proficiency and diminish the expense.

Modern surveillance systems have much more demanding requirements such as large,

busy and complex landscape, the use of heterogeneous technologies, the real-time acquisition

and interpretation of the evolving landscape, instantaneous flagging of potentially critical

situations in any weather and illumination conditions. Real-time monitoring of a landscape is

taking into account variable topography: coastal plains, high mountains, dune, and vast deserts.

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In the later sections we portrayed the characteristics of border monitoring, the present border

perception systems, the imperative of the present systems, the challenges standing up to border

observation systems, the prerequisite for new system, and conclusion of this paper.


Border Monitoring can be characterized as precise action particularly went for watching

and archiving the progressions with outsiders and exile at the border.

Right when checking outskirts the people routinely don't ask raise concerning

unobtrusive components, techniques, practices or other specific information, the key request

would eventually be what periphery is weighing regardless . The thought of checking routinely

has a long tradition. This concerns watching distinctive conditions in confinement offices, and

imprisonment canters prisons and different workplaces where people are not permitted to move.

Five focuses are to be considered in term of border monitoring [1] which are

2.1 There are a potential high number of dangers / threats, and that could be unpredictable.

2.2 The surveillance operation happens amid peace condition.

2.3 Many natural/ environmental elements can make disarray and reason diversion.

2.4 The risk discovery and distinguishing proof can be made more convoluted by the

utilization of disguising methods.

Fig. 1. Demonstrates the EU border with Ukraine

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2.5 The observed territory is ordinarily wide and obliges a substantial heterogeneous sensor

system. The greater parts of these attributes are normal in the majority of LWSNs


Those perspectives if considered can guarantee a superior checking system and thus more

secure borders. Those viewpoints address the conceivable vulnerabilities and additionally the

recognizable proof of segments of the system. A region of significance is highlighted in the study

and states that these reconnaissance operations typically happen amid typical circumstances over

the borders and the data so accumulated amid the periods of regularity are being utilized against

the nations as a part of a more drawn out run.

The use of insidious methods for detection and surveillance makes this task further intriguing.

The installation of monitoring devices on the ground or in a hidden manner can make these

devices more efficient and can keep them away from the naked eye. Usually, the borders

constitute a large geographical area that is combination of both rough and plain terrain and use of

those devices is preferred that are more robust, long lasting, efficient and compatible with rest of

the devices in place. Linear Wireless Sensor Networks, if added to the border monitoring setup,

can take the surveillance process to another level because the sensor networks directly reduce the

human dependency and work on embed artificial neural network. A fully embedded Linear

Wireless Sensor Network normally possesses all the essential components that are needed for a

successful border monitoring process.

3. The Existing Border Surveillance Systems

This section discusses the current systems used to monitor international borders. There

are lack of the resources to find detailed information about the current systems due to the

sensitive nature of these systems, we present the relevant systems based on the best available


The first system called Helios created by the British company called Fotech Solutions [4].

It is a Distributed Acoustic Sensor (DAS) consists of fibre-optic cables, lasers & detectors.

Helios is being implemented and proposed for surveillance across Southern Arizona borders in

concrete and other parts of America as well. It has number of features that separate it from the

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other existing border surveillance devices. It minimizes the hassle of wires, has the considerably

larger scale and accuracy along with synchronization with the G.P.S.

The second system is Global Positioning System (GPS) based surveillance system. GPS

can operate either independently or in collaboration with the sensor networks. In the first case,

through the satellites, the motion can be detected, and traced into forward positions, and in the

event of sensor networks, the alarms are being sent through the nodes that are tracked through

the GPS devices and they enable further tracking of material across the no-go areas. The use of

GPS-based surveillance system can be extended to the Internet and HTTP protocol that will

allow finding the record in the database and hence reach the exact details of individuals. A

general characteristic of GPS-based surveillance system is the ability to detect weapons and

other metal based material which might not be traced through conventional forms of surveillance

devices. They enable identifying and detecting the movement done from the starting point and

hence and tell what might be hidden in the vehicles and other covered parts of the caravans in

form of the business and trade goods that normally go pass the borders [5].

The third system is change detection phenomena based monitoring [6]. This mode of the

border monitoring system involves capturing and recording of image and information of a

particular place at two different instances, mostly done through a satellite that monitors the

activity and location constantly and records any difference that has occurred in a fixed time slot.

This model is under the recommendation of European Union across the border of Ukraine for

preventing any illegal movement across the border territory. The working principle is to entail

capturing the images of a particular area at different intervals. The instruments calibration and

the resolution of the imaging device must be kept constant while taking images over two distinct

time frames. Image processing and voice signal threshold and modulation activities must be

performed to refine the image and voice that is recorded [7]. The system has been designed with

consideration of monitoring different geographical area. One challenge is differentiating the

change that may occur due to the natural reasons and change that might occur due to the humans

crossing the border threshold. This system is susceptible to the natural conditions such as the

cloud cover and other weather changes that can affect the accuracy of the results.

A new approach is being adopted in the name of BorderSense [8], which is a hybrid

system and makes use of the technologies and facilities available. One of the features being

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tagged to this system is the minimum human involvement. The technologies embedded in the

entire system constitute the multimedia and sensing systems, under the surface sensing devices,

and mobile nodes. The system provides beyond the line of sight detection; also, if some material

it can be detected through its effective detection covers the target ability it enables tracking and

reaching the target. Underground sensing ability offers an extra plus because visibility

considered the weakness in many cases. The architecture of Border Sense monitoring system is

slightly different from the existing monitoring techniques that are available. Heterogeneous

nodes as assortments are proposed in this form of a surveillance system, which increases the

range as well as the accuracy and reducing the degree of false alarm at the same time. A major

advantage of this system is the compatibility with the aerial surveillance system. Since it is a

hybrid system, therefore it can absorb other systems features into itself. Therefore, this is the

most capable of recent systems [8].

Another Border Surveillance System is given by Thales [9] that is perfectly customized

according to the necessity got from the national security of distinctive nations. This System

serves to lead hazard appraisal, association change, and idea of operation and utilization

definition. It comprises of System configuration, mastering of key innovations (sensors,

information transfers, C2), reconciliation of legacy Systems and arrangement execution. Thales

additionally gives an operational and specialized preparing to the customers alongside long haul

bolster administrations. The customers get an advantage of enhanced marginal observing,

effective mediation through fruitful interferences and fortified control through better and faster

screening of individuals and products. Additionally, serves to reach snappier choice procedure.

Its observation System comprises of different identification instruments and ID sensors, for

example, radars, UGS, dynamic wall, electro-optical cameras.

OptaSense [10] is a greatly practical and hearty answer for border observation, checking and

security. It has been demonstrated in overall operations, in an assortment of commercial

ventures, more than five years, including border arrangements on different main lands. It lives up

to expectations working together with existing outskirt reconnaissance advances (e.g. radars,

EO/IR, UAVs, wall/boundaries). It screens the full border keeping in mind the end goal to

prompt the high esteem resources, and to advise security faculty about advancing outskirt danger

examples so resources can be sent and redeployed where required, subsequently lessening

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expenses. This System additionally screens the entrance courses, screens a border zone or may

influence the current fibre structure.

Cassidian arrangements (Border observation Solution) [11]are taking into account an

extensive variety of stages and best in class advancements: radars (Synthetic Aperture Radar

Image), altered or versatile war rooms and data Systems, secure correspondences (TETRAPOL,

TETRA), database administration for security insight, satellite, air, waterfront, oceanic and land

abilities (light flying machine, helicopters, UAVs). In light of overall perceived skill in safeguard

and security Systems, Cassidian outlines and develops exhaustive and exceptionally incorporated

Green & Blue border security answers for suit its clients' necessities.

Westminster [12] can give an extensive variety of Border Security answers for the

reconnaissance, identification, and screening of persons intersection national land, ocean or air

Borders. Checkpoint screening of persons, merchandise and vehicles including Westminster's

remarkable ThruPort security arrangement. Westminster gives items that empower precise and

viable Vehicle Scanning and People Scanning to screen any movement intersection the Border.

By adding to a coordinated Border Security arrangement, Westminster can give nations capable

Border control capacities, paying little heed to length, multifaceted nature or territory.

Fig. 2.Border Surveillance and Control by Cassidian

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DOLPHIN organization [13] gives an enhanced identification of small or quick vessels

utilized for medications trafficking and unlawful movement. The organization point is to propose

Border Surveillance is to enhance the choice making and reaction abilities of prevailing voices

accountable for the control and checking of European oceanic bordes. By taking after the three

key destinations, for example, lessening the loss of life of illicit migrants adrift through expanded

salvage operations; decreasing the quantity of unlawful workers entering the EU undetected; and

expanding the inside security of the EU by adding to the counteractive action of cross-border


FLIR's border reconnaissance Systems [14] join execution, scope, and dependability to make

the most productive answers for outskirt assurance, waterfront observation, vessel movement

checking, airplane terminal security, and other extensive edge security applications available

today. It joins warm cameras, radars, and a large group of different sensors to make a genuinely

industrious 360-degree observation answer for the recognition, evaluation and following of

various targets all the while from high reaches. EVPUDefence is a Czech Republic organization

[15], built up in 2001, is the pro being developed, outline and generation of unique settled and

portable checking and reconnaissance Systems proposed for the security and control of the

outskirts, airplane terminals, harbours and different territories of high hobby. They give

Stationary and portable multi-tangible Systems, checking and reconnaissance vehicles and

SAMBA - border assurance Systems.

RADIOBARRIER [16] is securing more than 3500 km of state outskirts around the world.

Since its first arrangement in 2006 the System has demonstrated itself as an exceptionally

productive answer for outskirt observation in any land and atmosphere conditions. It gives

outskirt observation a security and additionally pipeline security, Parameter insurance, a

foundation security. ISIS, Integrated Surveillance Intelligence System [17] along with DHS

Bureau of country security in USA cooperates for the observation ability of Border Patrol home

office, remote feature reconnaissance cameras, and a mixed bag of physical sensors. Remote

feature reconnaissance (RVS) Systems, sensors (seismic, attractive, and warm identification),

and Integrated Computer Assisted Detection (ICAD) are parts of the congressionally supported

Integrated Surveillance Intelligence System (ISIS).

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The last application is the European outside outskirt reconnaissance System EUROSUR. The

system is proposed for reconnaissance over the Schengen border. The object is to diminish the

unlawful outsiders' development on the suburbs. It gives a typically specialized system needed to

defend participation and 24-hour correspondence between the Member States' powers and foster

the utilization of front line advancements for border observation. The primary point is to backing

the Member States in their endeavours to diminish the quantity of the unlawful outsiders. The

limit comes as intricacy as far as keeping up the coordination, and performing the specialized


Table of Summaries:


name/Technology Description Objective Limitation

Thales BSS – Border

Security Systems

Tailor made solution

for catering national

security needs by using


telecommunication, C2

To improve control

over borders as well

as improve security

of organizations by

providing customized


Difficult to cater

smaller size clients,

constraints due to



OptaSense – A Mature

and Proven

Technology for asset


This provides a cost-

effective and robust

solution for border


monitoring and

protection by using

radars, EO/IR, UAVs,


To detect border

security threats with

minimal nuisance,

includes personnel,

vehicles, tunnelling,

low-flying aircraft

(drone) and ultra-


Low humanitarian


Air Bus - Border

Surveillance systems

(cassidian solutions)

An integrated and

customised border

security provider that

utilizes IR and video

cameras, ground

surveillance radars,

maritime surveillance

radars including HF

surface wave radars,

airborne surveillance

systems) connected to

command and control


To ensure border

security efficiency

with platforms and


technologies like

radars (Synthetic

Aperture Radar

Image), fixed or

mobile command

centres and

information systems,




Superficial structure,

needs to adjust as

per climatic and

other changes

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TETRA), database

management for

security intelligence,

satellite, air, coastal,

maritime and land

capabilities (light

aircraft, helicopters,

UAVs , drones)


International – Border


The company offers

bespoke Border

crossing solutions

involving Checkpoint

Screening of persons,

goods and vehicles

including ThruPort

security solution

To provide a wide

range of Border

Security solutions for

the surveillance,

detection and

screening of persons

crossing national

land, sea or air


Limitation in

integrating all



Dolphin Border

Surveillance system

and technologies

The company utilizes


LRIT and remote

sensing observation

systems (radar / sonars)

to control border

security, drug

trafficking and illegal


To provide maritime

security for European

maritime (sea front)


Restricted only to

sea intrusions

FLIR Military and

Defence Border

Surveillance systems

It uses thermal

cameras, radars, and

other sensors to

conduct 360-degree

surveillance solution.

The products include

Ranger HDC

MultiSensor, Star

SAFIRE 380-HD etc.

To provide 360degree

coverage and 24/7

performance of the



systems, minimal

limitations for

security and


EVPU Defence


The company provides

customized solutions

either fixed or mobile

monitoring and

surveillance systems

that are intended for the

protection and control

of the borders, airports,

harbours and other

areas of high interest by

To provide security

ad monitoring

systems for borders

as well as other

smaller organizations

/ companies

Limited to Shallow

structure, needs to

alter as per

environmental and

other changes

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using Pans/ Tilts , CCD

TV camera, laser range

finder, GPS and/or

digital magnetic

compass, control

system containing

powerful software.

Radio Barrier Border


The company provides

border surveillance and

security of important

assets by using latest

technologies and

advancements such as

seismic sensors, multi-

sensors, RSL, etc .

The company aims to

provide border

surveillance, pipeline

security, perimeter

protection, and

critical infrastructure



solutions, very less


Integrated Surveillance

Intelligence System -


The company provides

border surveillance and

security along with

department of

homeland security DHS

for key assets and

border by using



To provide an

integrated security

system for American


Limited to USA

security and control

of illegal migrants.


Most of the current methods can just claim robustness and unwavering quality for constrained

situations: with restricted sensor system, with restricted feature footage, constrained adaptation

to internal failure and little variability of scenes [Ref]. Not every proposed method assembles

complex models of the monitored spatial and fleeting advancement of the scene. Another

restriction confronted in the current reconnaissance systems is the level of exactness and scope of

being given by each of them. Different issues being confronted through the advanced

reconnaissance systems incorporate the false alerts that get on because of the common variables,

for example, wind and creatures.


Current systems are subject to human intervention and physical presence. They employ

large numbers of capital and human resources. The need is to make them independent of physical

presence of human patrolling. Deploying WSNs in Border surveillance has significant

advantages over the current system while raising some challenges. An effective remote

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surveillance system must take into account these major issues toward successful WSNs

deployment for border surveillance [18]:

1. Reliability of the system.

2. Power efficiency

3. Appropriate maintenance to reduce downtime.

4. Deployment technique that is achievable in large unmanned area.

5. Architecture that limit the need of over constructor resources.

6. Efficient routing technique for effective data transmission [9].

7. Efficient MAC protocol that adopt duty-cycle technology.

Full coverage of the monitored area is important aspect of the surveillance system. The

coverage must combine with on time delivery, as late data delivery will result on losing the

surveillance mission of the system [MMSPEED]. On technical front MAC protocol is one of the

methods being employed to support border surveillance purpose. The vulnerability is faced in

form of each node’s ability to achieve its duty with lowest cost as possible. Maximising node life

span can be achieved in applying the suitable duty cycle MAC protocol while assuring prompt

data delivery and power conservation.

The line of sight factor limits the functioning to a greater degree, and it does not allow

monitoring behind the wall and any direction that has any obstacle. Many existing systems suffer

from this shortage and it reduces the performance not just in terms of long-range detection, but

also the expenditure incurred due to repetitive installation of surveillance elements. All these

factors do call up for an effective and dynamic surveillance system which will enable more

accurate monitoring that is less dependent on the human intervention and is relatively more

affective in terms of range and accuracy.


All there is a need to establish such a system that is compatible and versatile to variable

circumstances. It should have the feature of being scalable, its limit and access range should not

be limited. The system should be modelled in such a way that adjustments can be made without

cutting the entire project and surveillance device. The network must support heterogeneous node

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deployment that will result in connection of multiple heterogeneous nodes and increase the

functionality. The monitoring devices must be multi-hop communication enabled which support

network scalability. It should not over consume power hundred thousand of sensor nodes needed

for one deployment. Sensor nodes are energy dependent, which is serious constraints that impose

the need for such a monitoring system that can extend the lifetime of sensor nodes without

risking the overall throughput. The energy consumption is a hot topic in remote areas where

nodes cannot be maintained or replaced on regular intervals, for this purpose, the incumbent

devices should be energy efficient. LWSNs are the key to effective border surveillance system.

They incorporate all those methods, tools and techniques, which are almost security proof and

enable large percentage of decrease in the trespassing across the borders and all other undesired


New deployment strategy specific for LWSNs is needed to fill up the gap in existing knowledge

and technology. The aim of this deployment method is to support heterogeneous, scalability, and

it is energy and cost efficient. The network must adopt heterogeneous node deployments which

allow different nodes capabilities and functionality for instance some nodes will be sensing

emotions and others might sense temperature. The new system should be energy efficient,

scalable, reliable, cost efficient, and independent of human intervention.


The aforementioned applications are an example of linear infrastructure that is required to be

fully secured. Any distraction or interruption to these applications might affect the public and

national security. The interruption could cause high financial crises and lead to major

interruption. This could happen in the very secure country such as Britain, which indicates higher

probabilities in developing countries and even more such as a country under war or revolution.

For instance, in late April 2014 a gang of thieves managed to steal thousands of gallons of diesel

from Britain’s most important pipeline that runs 130 miles from Fawley refinery to the west

midlands. Similar incidence happened in Nigeria as some community members stole oil from the

nation oil pipeline. That has not only disturbed the security forces and energy prices, but also has

it is impacted on the environment and caused high pollution. Another example is the railway

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distraction can turn the busy nation into massive interruption when a cut on the main railway


These examples highlight the importance of having very secure infrastructures that can

prevent any distraction that might occur to keep it in the first place. They also highlight number

of challenges. The infrastructures mentioned are national property, and they are costly in the

development. However, such expensive properties are the vital spine of the public needs in any

modern society. Such critical systems require high-security monitoring system that allows one-

time watch with the minimum cost. This raises a necessity to develop a complete generic system

that can provide a satisfactory level of security.

Current system are solving the problem from different angle depend on the applications.

The focus is raised from applications perspective rather than developing the general solution that

suits the applications that share same deployments features. Developing an integrated System for

border monitoring, such a System will adaptively utilize various approaches to border

monitoring to maximize the amount and quality of surveillance information while minimizing

resource utilization. By providing this standardized System, we anticipate promoting

interoperability and information integration. The author believes that the best border monitoring

system should integrate various technologies to achieve high performance and accuracy.

Implementing LWSNs will assure systematic coverage that fills the gap in other monitoring

systems. It is worth to mention that LWSNs system can utilize various type of sensors to detect

different variable such as acoustic, vibration, chemical, environment, weather, humidity, flow,

position, angle, displacement, distance, speed, light, etc. Besides, LWSNs technology can be

deployed to give the early alarm to prevent the potential threat to a border rather than flagging

when it has already happened.

The new system can also be used in other LWSNs Application that can benefit more from

their topological layout. Namely: Borders monitoring, Pipelines monitoring, Railways

monitoring, Alternating Current (AC) link monitoring. We choose these applications, as they

have been the largest application that will raise more challenges for the research area. There are

many approaches to addressing these applications. However, they are rather expensive,

unreliable, and difficult to implement. We believe it is more feasible to deploy LWSNs in these

applications to achieve better quality and energy saving.

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There is no perfect technology; each technology has specific features that work well in

certain situations. The writer believes that right LWSNs can prevent risk to happen in border

surveillance system. It is also worth to mention that hybrid system that encompasses the features

of various systems that are available would serve the purpose of border monitoring more

efficiently. Taking the features of all and leaving behind the drawbacks of the respective system

will enable building a hybrid system which is not just efficient but according to the need of hour

in form of border surveillance.

The hybrid system should work independent of the natural changes in form of rain,

storms, compatibility in the deserts and other barren parts of the borders. While reliance is

directly on the sensor networks, the linear approach and accuracy measurement through the

linear aspect can help improving the entire process.

As this chapter proved the need for such a system, the rest of the research will start

studying the mechanisms of adopting WSNs to serve border-monitoring system. Therefore, the

following chapter will focus on communication schemes that designed for general WSNs to

study their applicability to serve LWSNs.


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