bob hughes vice president, supplier relations & expositions

March 30, 2018 Dear Members of the Nominating Committee: I am looking forward to our Nominating Committee during the NACS State of the Industry Summit and working with you to populate the board with qualified and diversified candidates. In the April meeting, we will select new, eager suppliers for the NACS Supplier Board. Along with deciding who the new members will be, we will have some challenges as you decide who moves up, who doesn’t and who, unfortunately, will rotate off. Decision One We promote Dave Riser to the chair. I would hope that is obvious, but we still need to vote him up. Decision Two Vice chairs in their 2 nd (last term) are Tim Quinn and Drew Mize. Tim recently announced his retirement from Mars Wrigley (May 2018). With this information, we should consider promoting Drew to chair-elect. The other Vice Chair is Rick Brindle, who will be finishing just his first term and can remain Vice Chair for another year. Decision Three We currently have 21 of our allowed 25 supplier seats open (due to retirements or role changes). We like to have 1 or 2 seats open to give the supplier board flexibility to adjust and add a major CPG company or manpower if we are struggling on an initiative. We should also have two available Vice Chair seats, unless we promoted Rick which would give us three openings. The 2015 class that will term off in October 2018 are Brent Cotten and Frank Squilla. Both are very strong contributors that will hopefully find their way up to Vice Chair. Decision Four There are a lot of variables depending on how the leadership positions are populated, but we should be filling up to 6 board positions. Again, I encourage us to keep 1 or 2 open. We have several critical and tough decisions to make at the upcoming nominating committee meeting next month. Please review the enclosed application materials and do not hesitate to contact me with any questions at 703-518-4270. Thank you again for all that you do for NACS! Bob Hughes Vice President, Supplier Relations & Expositions Advancing Convenience and Fuel Retailing 1600 Duke Street Suite 600 Alexandria, VA 22314 USA Office | 703.518.4270 Mobile | 703.624-8805

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March 30, 2018 Dear Members of the Nominating Committee: I am looking forward to our Nominating Committee during the NACS State of the Industry Summit and working with you to populate the board with qualified and diversified candidates. In the April meeting, we will select new, eager suppliers for the NACS Supplier Board. Along with deciding who the new members will be, we will have some challenges as you decide who moves up, who doesn’t and who, unfortunately, will rotate off. Decision One We promote Dave Riser to the chair. I would hope that is obvious, but we still need to vote him up. Decision Two Vice chairs in their 2nd (last term) are Tim Quinn and Drew Mize. Tim recently announced his retirement from Mars Wrigley (May 2018). With this information, we should consider promoting Drew to chair-elect. The other Vice Chair is Rick Brindle, who will be finishing just his first term and can remain Vice Chair for another year. Decision Three We currently have 21 of our allowed 25 supplier seats open (due to retirements or role changes). We like to have 1 or 2 seats open to give the supplier board flexibility to adjust and add a major CPG company or manpower if we are struggling on an initiative. We should also have two available Vice Chair seats, unless we promoted Rick which would give us three openings. The 2015 class that will term off in October 2018 are Brent Cotten and Frank Squilla. Both are very strong contributors that will hopefully find their way up to Vice Chair. Decision Four There are a lot of variables depending on how the leadership positions are populated, but we should be filling up to 6 board positions. Again, I encourage us to keep 1 or 2 open. We have several critical and tough decisions to make at the upcoming nominating committee meeting next month. Please review the enclosed application materials and do not hesitate to contact me with any questions at 703-518-4270. Thank you again for all that you do for NACS!

Bob Hughes

Vice President, Supplier Relations & Expositions

Advancing Convenience and Fuel Retailing 1600 Duke Street Suite 600 Alexandria, VA 22314 USA Office | 703.518.4270 Mobile | 703.624-8805

Supplier Board Nominating Committee Agenda Thursday, April 12th/11:45pm – 3:00pm

DaVinci Agenda items:

11:45am ALL Vice Chairs attend start of the meeting Call to order/Chairman’s remarks Bob Sears • Conflict of Interest • Vice Chairs recommendations • Vice Chairs are dismissed

12:15pm Review contents of your packet Bob Hughes • Supplier Board Org chart • Supplier Board Terms • Applicants overview, applications and cover letters • Committee rosters

12:25pm Supplier Board Leadership for 2019 ALL • Chair • Chair –Elect • Vice Chairs

12:25pm New Supplier Board Members for 2019 ALL Review and Recommend Candidates

2:30pm Review Communication Plan Bob Hughes • Riser to contact new officers and members by 4/12/18, COB • Riser to contact members that rotate off by 4/12/18, COB • Riser to contact applicants non-selected by 4/20/18, COB • NACS to send letters to non-selected by 4/23/18 • Bob to contact members that rotated off by 4/23/18 • Bob to contact new members for expectations at the next meeting

2:55pm Other business

3:00pm Adjourn Bob Sears

Antitrust Statement and Summary This text was prepared by R. Timothy Columbus, Esquire, with Collier Shannon Scott, PLLC, legal counsel to the National Association of Convenience Stores. Introduction The purpose of this document is to assist the staff and Board of Directors of the National Association of Convenience Stores in understanding how the federal antitrust and trade regulation laws apply to NACS. It is the policy of NACS to comply fully with the antitrust laws. This document has been prepared to remind NACS staff, Board members, and any other individuals who have occasion to conduct programs sponsored by NACS of the Association’s commitment to antitrust compliance and to provide general guidelines for conducting NACS meetings in a manner that minimizes antitrust risks. This is not intended to make you an antitrust law expert, but to point out the danger areas of antitrust as well as situations that may require you to seek advice from NACS legal counsel. The antitrust laws seek to preserve a free competitive economy in the United States and in commerce with foreign nations. The penalties for violating the antitrust laws are severe; engaging in anticompetitive activities exposes NACS members, their companies, and employees to criminal prosecution, as well as government and private civil suits for treble damages. Trade associations must be particularly concerned with the antitrust laws because a trade association inevitably brings competitors together for meetings and other activities. When competitors meet or work together through a trade association, there may be opportunities to reach unlawful agreements. It would be wrong, however, to conclude that all trade association activities carry antitrust risks. To the contrary, when properly conducted, trade association activities play a valuable role in promoting free and open competition within industries and present very few antitrust problems. It is not possible to provide a complete list of antitrust rules that would cover every situation that you, as a NACS member or employee, might encounter. You should bear in mind, however, that the antitrust laws are concerned not with preventing discussions and meetings among competitors, but with agreements that unreasonably restrict competition among competitors. Thus, while there are no “bad” words, the mere mention of which violates the antitrust laws, there are topics and situations that potentially may lead to illegal agreements or may appear to do so. Responsibility for Antitrust Compliance Although NACS carefully designs and reviews its programs to ensure their conformity with antitrust standards, each NACS member is individually responsible for complying with both the letter and spirit of the antitrust laws. NACS staff is expected to intervene in situations where it may be necessary to remind members to use their good judgment to avoid discussions or activities that give even the appearance of involving impermissible subjects or improper procedures. Since anticompetitive agreements may be inferred from circumstantial evidence, NACS staff must see to it that discussions at NACS meetings and functions do not stray into subjects that may have troublesome implications. Basic Antitrust Principles One of the most important antitrust laws relating to NACS activities is Section 1 of the Sherman Antitrust Act, which prohibits “contracts, combinations, or conspiracies... in restraint of trade.” Section 2 of the Act prohibits monopolization, attempts to monopolize, and conspiracies to monopolize and is, therefore, less relevant to trade association activities. Section 1 of the Sherman Act prohibits competitors from restraining competition among themselves by agreeing to take common action regarding, for example, the price, production, or distribution of their products. Price-fixing agreements are always illegal. Any agreement among competitors to raise, lower, or stabilize prices is unlawful even if the price agreed upon is reasonable or beneficial to consumers and even if the agreement is never put into effect. Unlawful pricing agreements may be inferred from circumstantial evidence, such as an exchange of price lists between competitors. This does not mean, however, that the word “price” may never be spoken at NACS meetings. For example, a presentation by an outside speaker on how economic trends might affect members’ prices would not in itself raise any antitrust risk. It would not, of course, be appropriate for the members to discuss a joint price-related response to what may be perceived as a common problem. Because many price-related topics can be of value to NACS, and present no antitrust risks if presented properly, NACS legal counsel should be consulted whenever the members are interested in discussing such topics so that proper limits for the presentation may be established in advance. It is only the express or implied agreement among competitors restricting their freedom to establish prices that is prohibited. The Sherman Act also prohibits agreements among competitors to harm, through trade boycotts or similar means, the competitive capabilities of their suppliers, customers, or other competitors. Trade associations are also subject to Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act. Under Section 5, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) may challenge actions or commercial practices that, although perhaps not rising to the level of an antitrust violation, are deemed “unfair methods of competition” or “deceptive acts or practices.” Thus, FTC may challenge not only agreements that restrain competition, but also such practices as false advertising.

NACS Meeting Guidelines Because the existence of unlawful agreements may be inferred from circumstantial evidence, the following topics carry antitrust risks and must be avoided at NACS meetings, seminars, and other functions:

• Members’ current or future prices or components thereof, including discounts, rebates, and credit terms; • The possibility or desirability of members’ limiting their sales of any product in any geographic area; • Allocation or division of customers or territories among competing retailers; • Reasons why NACS members should refuse to deal with a particular supplier or customer; • Whether the pricing or distribution practices of a competitor are “unethical” or constitute an unfair trade practice; • Efforts to influence suppliers’ prices; • What constitutes a “fair” profit margin; • Price lists or procedures for coordinating price changes.

Conflicts of Interest Statement A statement of policy regarding conflicts of interest with respect to members of the Board of Directors and committees, staff, counsel, and other providers. Background NACS’ mission is to represent the industry and to assist retail members in increasing their current and future effectiveness and profitability. Thus, the central interest upon which NACS’ efforts are focused is that of retail convenience store operators as a class. Promoting this interest is the means by which the channel of distribution is most likely to be benefited. NACS has sought, and obtained, the participation of many entities that are active at multiple levels of distribution within the channel of trade that comprises the industry. Moreover, NACS seeks the services of vendors and professionals whose clientele may include more than just retail convenience store operators. The availability of input from diverse points of view is of enormous value to NACS. However, on occasion, an individual’s obligation to advance interests not in concert with the interests of retail convenience store operators as a class, or NACS, may arise. The policy delineated below sets forth NACS’ expectations of members of the Board of Directors, NACS’ committees and task forces, the Supplier Board and its committees, staff, counsel, and all other providers of services to NACS. By accepting the opportunity for service in any of these capacities, an individual agrees to fulfill NACS’ expectations and behave in a manner that comports with this policy. Policy By accepting the opportunity to serve NACS as a member of its Board of Directors or Supplier Board, a NACS committee or task force, staff, counsel or other provider of services, an individual acknowledges that the central interest upon which NACS’ efforts are focused is that of retail convenience store operators as a class. Under any circumstances in which an individual, serving in the previously described capacities is:

1. Obliged, by employment, investment, or other duty, to protect or promote an interest other than the interests of retail convenience store operators, as a class or NACS, and

2. Involved in the development of a position or policy to be advocated by NACS, then, that individual shall: a. Promptly disclose his or her actual or potential conflict of interest, and b. Recuse himself or herself from voting or other action which can result in the formulation of that policy or position.

Upon the disclosure of an actual or potential conflict, the other members of the Board, committee or task force shall determine whether that individual may participate in any relevant exchange of views relating to the issue that gives rise to that conflict.

Principles of Engagement The lessons learned from debate several years ago led NACS to institutionalize policies to determine how NACS addresses contentious issues. Since the Association represents the convenience and petroleum retailing industry and not any sub-set of the industry, the Board agreed that NACS’ decisions will continue to be driven by the input from all members, and that it is also important to have principles in place to guide decisions. The “Principles of Engagement” on divisive or contentious issues like “below cost” are: NACS will abstain from taking a position on an issue where its members are on both sides of the issue and one that would

“rip the association apart,” For state-specific issues in general, NACS:

• Will not provide funding for any state issues • Will take no position on any state issue where members are significantly divided • Will be a neutral resource • Will work with state associations on mutual business opportunities

Travel Expenses The Board of Directors meets during the Congress of Committees, SOI Summit and the NACS Show. NACS’ policy does not reimburse travel expenses for the latter two meetings, as it is assumed that Board members would travel to these programs in their normal course of business. All other committee travel, including Board orientations and the Congress of Committees, are reimbursed by NACS at coach class fares. Financial Strategy One of the strategic objectives of NACS is to maintain “financial independence,” defined in three ways:

1. The Association can withstand a significant financial setback or disaster that befalls the industry for sufficient time to regroup.

2. There is no single organization that provides so much funding that NACS cannot afford to lose that customer. 3. The Association will maintain net current assets plus fifty percent of the debt-free value of the building at a level

equal to one year’s operating expenses.

Acceptance By accepting below, you are, without limitation or qualification, attesting to your current and ongoing compliance with the above policies of NACS.

Constitution & Bylaws Supplier Board



Section 1: The Association shall be known as the National Association of Convenience Stores (NACS).

Purpose of the NACS Supplier Board of Directors

Section 2: The purpose of the Supplier Board will be as follows:

a. To represent NACS' Supplier members.

b. To represent mutual concerns of the NACS' Retail and Supplier members.

c. To serve as an organized voice for the suppliers in the affairs of NACS.

d. To be a resource as called upon by NACS' Staff or the NACS Board of Directors.

e. To collaborate with NACS and its Retail members towards the achievement of its strategic initiatives. ARTICLE II

Supplier Board of Directors

Section 1: Powers. It is hereby expressly declared that the Supplier Board will have the following powers:

a. To lead the association activities of NACS' Supplier members.

b. To participate in planning and operation of the NACS annual convention and exposition.

c. To conduct Supplier Board meetings:

1. At the NACS convention and Exposition.

2. At the direction of the Chairman or at the request of eight (8) of the members of the Supplier Board.

d. To assist and participate in the recruitment and retention of the Supplier Board members for NACS.

e. To provide information to supplier members regarding the activities and accomplishments of NACS.

f. To develop initiatives for the benefit of NACS Retail and Supplier members.

g. The Supplier Board shall exercise its authority in the manner which it deems most fit and efficient, including

by the express delegation of its authority over particular matters to committees which it creates. All authority

not expressly granted by these bylaws to an entity other than the Board, or to such entity by the Board itself

shall be retained by the Board of Directors.

h. To have the appropriate Supplier Board Members sit on the standing Retail Board Committees. This power

does not include a right to choose the number or which Supplier Board Members will sit on which of the

Retail Board Committees, such right residing with the NACS Retail Nominating Committee.

Election of the Members of the Board of Directors

Section 2:

a. The Supplier Board of Directors shall consist of up to 25 supplier members in good standing including the

Chairman, the Chair-Elect, the Vice Chairs of the supplier board standing committees and the three most

immediate past chairmen still active in the industry.

b. A slate of Supplier Board candidates will be nominated by the Supplier Board Nominating Committee and

presented to the NACS Board of Directors at their annual meeting held at the NACS Annual Convention for

approval. The Supplier Board will be elected by the majority vote of the directors present and voting.


d. All newly elected Supplier Board Members will take office immediately.

e. All members of the Supplier Board (except the three Retail Members selected by the NACS Retail

Nominating Committee) must be employed by a supplier member in good standing of the Association at the

time of their election to the Supplier Board of Directors. A Board member who ceases employment with a

supplier member, and who is not re-employed within one hundred and twenty (120) days by any supplier

member or, subject to the approval of the NACS board of directors, becomes a consultant to their former

employer, shall be removed from the Supplier Board by operation of this provision, unless their voluntary

resignation has been submitted prior to the expiration of such one hundred and twenty (120) days.

f. If two (2) or more Board members are employed by the same supplier member, all but one (1) must leave

the Supplier Board at the next supplier member meeting. In the event that one Supplier member company

purchases another Supplier member company or in the event that two or more Supplier member companies

merge, the employees of the original Supplier member companies may each serve the remainder of their

current terms.

g. A Supplier Board member shall be removed from office if he or she fails to attend two consecutive meetings

of the Supplier Board without an excuse acceptable to the Supplier Nominating Committee.

h. A Board member may be removed from the Supplier Board by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Supplier Board

at a duly held meeting for cause only after charges have been presented to the Supplier Board and the

Board member in question has been given an opportunity to defend against the charges before the Supplier


i. Members of the Supplier Board of Directors shall personally serve on at least one standing committee. Terms of the Members of the Board of Directors

Section 3:

a. The term for each Supplier Board Member will be as follows: Supplier Board members on standing

committees are eligible to serve up to four consecutive one year terms; the Vice-Chairs may additionally

serve up to two consecutive one year terms; the Chair-Elect and the Chairman will additionally serve a one

year term each; the past Chairman will additionally serve for three consecutive years; the Retail members of

the Supplier Board are eligible to serve up to three consecutive one year terms; and the Supplier Board

Members serving on the Retail Board standing committees will serve on those committees in accordance

with the committee guidelines. Partial terms resulting from vacancy appointments shall not count towards

the term limitations outlined above.

b. Former Supplier Board Members are eligible for re-election for the Board. Vacancies

Section 4:

a. Any Board Member may resign effective upon giving written notice to the Chairman of the Supplier Board,

unless the notice specifies a later time for the effectiveness of such resignation. Vacancies of a Supplier

Board Member position may be filled by appointment by the Chairman subject to the approval by the NACS

Board of Directors. If a Supplier Board Member vacancy is created for greater than six months prior to the

expiration of a term, then the Chairman will appoint a Supplier Board Member replacement chosen from

three (3) recommendations of the Supplier Board Nominating Committee. If a Supplier Board Member

vacancy is created for less than six months prior to the expiration of a term, then the Chairman may, but is

not obligated to, appoint a replacement. In the case of a Retail Board Member vacancy on the Supplier

Board, the NACS Nominating Committee will appoint a replacement Retail Board Member. In the case of a

Supplier Board member vacancy on a standing Retail Board committee, the replacement Supplier Board

Member will be chosen by the Retail Nominating Committee.

b. A vacancy or vacancies on the Supplier Board will exist when any authorized position on the Supplier Board

is not then filled, whether the vacancy is caused by death, resignation, removal, increase in the authorized

number of Board Members, or otherwise.

c. No reduction of the authorized number of Board Members will have the effect of removing any Board

Member prior to the expiration of the Board Member's term of office. Meetings

Section 5:

a. Annual Meetings. The Supplier Board will hold an annual meeting for the purposes of organization, election

of Supplier Board officers and the transaction of other business, on the same day as the Supplier Board's

Annual Business Meeting at the NACS Annual Convention, unless a different date and time is established by

the Supplier Board.

b. Regular Meetings. Regular meetings of the Supplier Board may be held with notice on such date and at

such times as may be fixed by the Supplier Board.

c. Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Supplier Board for any purpose or purposes may be called at

any time by the Chairman of the Supplier Board or two-thirds (2/3) of the Supplier Board Members.

d. Notice of Meetings. Meetings of the Supplier Board will be held upon not less than seven (7) days' notice

by first class mail or not less than three (3) days' notice given personally or by courier service, telephone,

telegraph, telex, email, or other similar means of communication. Any such notice will be addressed or

delivered to each Board Member at such Board Member's address as it is shown upon the records of NACS

or as may have been given to the NACS by the Board Member for the purposes of notice. A notice of

meeting will specify the place, day and hour of the meeting.

e. Notice by mail will be deemed to have been given at the time a written notice is deposited in the United

States mails, postage prepaid. Any other written notice will be deemed to have been given at the time it is

personally delivered to the recipient or is delivered to a common carrier for transmission, or actually

transmitted by the person giving the notice by electronic means, to the recipient. Oral notice will be deemed

to have been given at the time it is communicated, in person or by telephone or wireless, to the recipient or

to a person at the office of the recipient who the person giving the notice has reason to believe will promptly

communicate it to the receiver.

f. Quorum; Manner of Acting. Nine (9) members of the Supplier Board then holding office will constitute a

quorum of the Supplier Board for the transaction of business, except to adjourn as provided in Section 2.13.

Except as provided in Section 2.12, every act or decision done or made by a majority of the Board Members

present at a meeting duly held at which a quorum is present will be regarded as the act of the Supplier

Board, except as provided in the next sentence. A meeting at which a quorum is initially present may

continue to transact business notwithstanding the withdrawal of Board Members, if any action taken is

approved by at least a majority of the required quorum for such meeting.

g. Participation in Meetings by Conference Telephone. Board Members may participate in a meeting of the

Supplier Board, or in a committee meeting, through use of conference telephone or similar communications

equipment, so long as all Board Members participating in such meetings can hear one another.

h. Waiver of Notice. Notice of a meeting need not be given to any Board Member who signs a waiver of notice

or a written consent to holding the meeting or an approval of the minutes thereof, whether before or after the

meeting, or who attends the meeting without protesting, prior thereto or at its commencement, the lack of

notice to such Board Member. All such waivers, consents and approvals will be filed with the corporate

records or made a part of the minutes of the meetings.

i. Adjournment. A majority of the Board Members present, whether or not a quorum is present, may adjourn

any Supplier Board meeting to another time and place. Notice of the time and place of holding an adjourned

meeting need not be given to absent Board Members if the time and place be fixed at the meeting

adjourned, except as provided in the next sentence. If the meeting is adjourned for more than twenty-four

(24) hours, reasonable notice of any adjournment to another time or place will be given prior to the time of

the adjourned meeting to the Board Members who were not present at the time of the adjournment.

j. Action without Meeting. Any action required or permitted to be taken by the Supplier Board may be taken

without a meeting if a majority of the members of the Supplier Board will individually or collectively consent

in writing to such action. Such consent or consents will have the same effect as a vote of the Supplier Board

and will be filed with the minutes of the proceedings of the Supplier Board.

k. Compensation. Board Members will not receive any stated salaries or other compensation for their services

as Board Members. Nothing contained herein will be construed to preclude the reimbursement of Board

Members by NACS for the Board Members' reasonable expenses incurred in connection with their services

as Board Members as provided by NACS policies. Further, nothing herein contained will preclude any Board

Member from serving NACS in anyother capacity and receiving compensation therefore.



Section 1:

a. Officers. The officers of the Supplier Board will be a Chairman of the Supplier Board, a Chair-elect, and

Vice Chairs of the standing committees of the Supplier Board.

b. Election and Term of Office. The Chairman, the Chairman-elect, and the Vice-Chairmen will be nominated

by the Supplier Board Nominating Committee and elected by the Supplier Board at the Suppliers' Annual

Business Meeting held at the NACS Annual Convention. The Chair-elect will automatically become

Chairman if the current Chairman is unable to complete his/her term in office.

c. Removal and Resignation. Any officer may be removed, either with or without cause, by a vote of two-

thirds (2/3) of the Board Members then holding office. Any officer may resign at any time by giving written

notice to the Chairman of the Supplier Board, but the resignation will be without prejudice to the rights, if

any, of NACS under any contract or agreement to which the officer is a party. Any resignation will take effect

at the date of the receipt of the notice or at any later time specified therein and, unless otherwise

specified therein, the acceptance of such resignation will not be necessary to make it effective.

d. Vacancies. A vacancy in any office because of death, resignation, removal, disqualification or any other

cause will be filled in the manner prescribed in these Bylaws for regular appointment to such office, provided

that such vacancies will be filled as they occur and not on an annual basis.

e. Chairman of the Supplier Board. The Chairman of the Supplier Board will preside at all meetings of the

Supplier Board, will prepare an annual report to be presented at NACS Board of Directors meetings, and will

perform such other duties as may be prescribed from time to time by the Supplier Board or by the Bylaws.

f. Chairman-Elect of the Supplier Board. In the event of absence or disability of the Chairman of the

Supplier Board, the Chairman-Elect of the Supplier Board will perform all the duties of the Chairman of the

Supplier Board and, when so acting, will have all the powers of, and be subject to all the restrictions upon,

the Chairman of the Supplier Board. Current and former Vice Chairs who are still active in the industry are

eligible for nomination to the Chair-Elect.



Section 1:

a. Nominating Committee. The Supplier Board will have a Supplier Board Nominating Committee consisting

of the Supplier Board Chairman, the Supplier Board Chair-elect, the three (3) most recent active past

Chairmen serving on the Supplier Board of Directors, the immediate past chair that rotated off the Supplier

Board, the Chairman of the NACS Board of Directors and the three (3) members of NACS' Retail Board who

serve as liaisons to the Supplier Board. The immediate past chair that rotated off the Supplier Board will

serve as the Chairman of the Nominating Committee. In the event of a vote by the Nominating Committee

that results in a tie, the Chairman of the Nominating Committee will cast the decisive vote, which vote shall

be final. The purpose of the Nominating Committee will be to nominate and present a slate of candidates to

serve on the Supplier Board for approval by the NACS Board of Directors and

to nominate and present a slate of candidate to serve as board officers for approval by the Supplier Board at

its Annual Meeting. The Supplier Board Officer positions for nomination include the Supplier Board

Chairman, the Supplier Board Chair-elect, and the Vice-Chairs of Supplier Board standing committee.

b. Executive Committee. The Supplier Board will have a Supplier Board Executive Committee consisting of

the Chairman, the Chair-elect, the three (3) most recent past Chairman that are still active in the industry

and serving on the Supplier Board of Directors, the Vice Chairs of the Supplier Board standing committees,

and the three (3) members of the NACS Retail Board who serve on the Supplier Board. The purpose of the

Executive Committee is to (a) provide oversight and direction to Supplier Board Committees; (b) serve as a

liaison with NACS leadership in identifying areas where Suppliers can contribute to projects; (c) provide

ongoing review of the structure of the Supplier Board

and recommend adjustments as necessary; and (d) serve a visionary role to help identify challenges and

needs of the convenience store channel of trade.

c. Standing Committees. The Supplier Board Executive Committee may establish any standing committees

as it claims necessary and appropriate to fulfill the purposes of the Supplier Board. Each standing committee

shall be chaired by a Vice Chair of the Supplier Board of Directors. Membership on the Supplier Board of

Directors shall not be a requirement for serving on a standing committee.


Other Provisions

Section 1:

a. Agenda, Minutes and Compliance with Guidelines. An agenda will be prepared for each and every

meeting of the Supplier Board and minutes consisting of a summary of the actions will be recorded thereof

and distributed to each Board Member.

b. Amendments. These Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote of the NACS Supplier Board and by a

majority vote of the NACS Retail Board. ARTICLE VI

Conflict of Interest

Section 1:

a. Any Board Member, officer, committee member or employee of NACS must comply with the official NACS

Conflict of Interest Policy.

2017-2018 NACS Supplier Board

2017-2018 NACS Supplier Board Org Chart – March 2018

Chair: Jay Ard, The Coca-Cola Company* Retail Liaison: _ Steve Loehr, Kwik Trip, Inc* Chair-Elect:Dave Riser, RAI Trade Marketing Services* Retail Liaison: _ Chuck McDaniel, Quik Trip Corporation* Retail Liaison:_ _Art Stawski, Loaf ‘N Jug.*

Vice Chair: Drew Mize PDI

Vice Chair: Tim Quinn Mars Wrigley Confectionery

Chair-Elect: Dave Riser RAI Trade Marketing Services Co

Vice Chair: Rick Brindle Mondelez Int’l

Vice Chair Role to Mentor Special Advisors and Chairs – Not necessary to attend Committee Meetings NACSPAC (R) Manpower (S) NACS Member

Services Board Committee (R)

Exhibitor Advisory (S)

Membership(S) NACS Research Board Committee (R)

Conexxus (R)

NACS Convention Committee (R)

Supplier Rep: David Charles Cash Depot

Chair: Brent Cotten The Hershey Company

Supplier Rep: Sharon Porter Kerry Convenience

Chair: Wendy Redmond S&D Coffee & Tea

Chair: Frank Squilla, InComm

Supplier Rep: Tom Blair MillerCoors

Supplier Rep: Drew Mize PDI

Supplier Rep: Drew Mize PDI

Supplier Rep: Tony Gaines Advantage Solutions

Sub Chair: George Ubing E&J Gallo Winery

Supplier Rep: CJ Watson JUUL Labs

Sub Chair: Kevin Farley GSP

Sub Chair: Vito Maurici McLane Co.

Supplier Rep: Blake Benefiel Altria Group Distribution

Supplier Rep: Brad McGuinness VeriFone, Inc.

Supplier Rep: Kevin Martello Dr Pepper Snapple Group

Sub Chair: TJ Powers Stryve Foods

Supplier Rep: Jay Ard The Coca-Cola Company

Past Chairs Mentor Vice Chairs Past Chair: Brad McGuiness, Verifone, Inc* (Rick Brindle)

Past Chair: Kevin Martello, Dr Pepper Snapple (Tim Quinn)

Past Chair: Joe Vonder Haar, iSEE Innovations (Dave Riser)

*Member of the NACS Board of Directors (S) – Supplier Committee (R) – Retailer Committee

April 2018 NACS Supplier Board Nomination Committee

Page 1

NACS Supplier Board Nomination Process

NACS believes that the success of our organization depends upon robust and dynamic engagement by the supplier community. At the core of such engagement is an active supplier board. We also believe in the importance of a nominating process that is transparent and well known to all stakeholders.

The supplier board nominating committee is comprised of the following ten (10) individuals:

• The past supplier board chairman who just rotated off the supplier executive committee • The three past supplier board chairmen currently on the supplier executive committee • The current supplier board chairman • The current supplier board chair-elect • The three past retail board chairmen currently on the retailer nominating committee • The current retail board chairman

While there are few bylaw restrictions on who can serve on the supplier board, the nominating committee relies upon some well-developed guidelines to present slates of new board members and officers each year. The principles embedded in the guidelines include:

• The board should have diverse representation across the various categories sold or used in convenience stores; • The board should have adequate representation of firms that provide on-going and substantial financial support of the association; • The board should have diversity with respect to the size of firms; • The officers of the board should have firm size diversity; and • All individuals serving on the board and the firms they represent must be actively engaged.

Supplier board members can serve up to four 1-year terms and may serve additional terms if they become officers. Officers can serve up to 7 years (Vice Chair -2yrs, elect – 1yr, chair – 1 yr, Past Chair – 3 yrs). The three most immediate past supplier board chairmen and three retailers from the retail board also serve on the supplier board. The supplier nominating committee meets in April and new members and officers are elected at the Retail Board of Directors meeting in October.

April 2018 NACS Supplier Board Nomination Committee

Page 2

NACS 2016 - 2018 Supplier Board terms - 4 consecutive 1-year terms

= up or out year NAME



Board Member Frank Squilla • Supplier Membership

InComm 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 Prepaid phone-gift cards

Board Member Brent Cotten • Manpower

The Hershey Company 2015 2016 2017 2018 2018 Candy Cookies

Board Member CJ Watson • Member Services

Pax Labs, Inc. 2016 2017 2018 2019 2019 e-cig/OTP

Board Member Tom Blair • Research

MillerCoors 2016 2017 2018 2019 2019 Beer

Board Member Kevin Farley • EAC

GSP 2016 2017 2018 2019 2019 Products/ Service/ Equipment

Board Member Wendy Redmond • EAC

S&D Coffee and Tea 2016 2017 2018 2019 2019 Hot/Cold dispensed

Board Member George Ubing • Manpower

E&J Gallo Winery 2017 2018 2019 2020 2020 Wine

Board Member David Charles • NACSPEC

Cash Depot 2017 2018 2019 2020 2020 ATM

April 2018 NACS Supplier Board Nomination Committee

Page 3



Board Member Blake Benefiel • Research

Altria Group Distribution

2018 2019 2020 2021 2021 Tobacco e-cigs OTP

Board Member Tony Gaines • NACSPEC

Advantage Solutions 2018 2019 2020 2021 2021 Broker

Board Member Vito Maurici • Supplier Membership

McLane Company, Inc. 2018 2019 2020 2021 2021 Wholesale/distributor

Board Member Sharon Porter • Member Services/CCC

Kerry Convenience 2018 2019 2020 2021 2021 Foodservice/beverage

Board Member TJ Powers • EAC

n/a 2018 2019 2020 2021 2021 n/a

April 2018 NACS Supplier Board Nomination Committee

Page 4




Chair Jay Ard

The Coco-Cola Company

2018 Past Chair (2019)

Past Chair (2020)

Past Chair (2021)

2021 PAC Bev Sport drink

Chair-Elect Dave Riser

RAI Trade Marketing Services

2018 2017 TBD TBD TBD Tobacco e-cigs OTP

Vice Chair (term 1) Tim Quinn

Mars-Wrigley 2017 2018 TBD TBD TBD Candy Energy bars Salty snacks

Vice Chair (term 1) Drew Mize

PDI 2017 2018 TBD TBD TBD Technology

Vice Chair (term 1) Rick Brindle

Mondelez 2018 2019 TBD TBD TBD

Past Chair Brad McGuinness

VeriFone, Inc.

2017 Past Chair (2018)

Past Chair (2019)

Past chair (2020)

2021 Technology POS Loyalty

Past Chair Kevin Martello

Dr Pepper-Snapple Group 2016 Past Chair (2017)

Past Chair (2018)

Past Chair (2019)

NC Chair (2020)


Past Chair Joe Vonder Haar

iSEE Store Innovations, LLC 2015 Past Chair (2016)

Past Chair (2017)

Past Chair (2018)

NC Chair (2019)

Products/ Service/ Equipment

Nominating Committee Chairman Bob Sears

Altria Group Distribution 2018 2018

= up or out year

April 2018 NACS Supplier Board Nomination Committee

Page 5

Distribution Guidelines (Maximum board size: 25 Suppliers)

Category Minimum Desired On Supplier Board Currently Alternative Snacks/Nutrition 1 0 Beer 2 1 Candy 2 3 Cigarettes 2 2 Distributor/Broker 1 2 Equipment Shelving, pumps, carwash

2 0

Foodservice (non-BEV) Prepared food/ingredients

2 1

Hot-cold-frozen dispensed 2 1 OTP 1 1 Other 2 4 PAC Bev 2 2 Salty snacks 1 0 Technology 1 2

Our by-laws say we can have 25 supplier members in good standing. Currently, the NACS Supplier Board has 21 seats filled (4 open)




Member (class) Member (class) Member (class) Frank Squilla (2018) Brent Cotten (2018) CJ Watson (2019) Tom Blair (2019) Kevin Farley (2019) Wendy Redmond (2019) George Ubing (2020) David Charles (2020) Blake Benefiel (2021) Tony Gaines (2021) Vito Maurici (2021) Sharon Porter (2021) TJ Powers (2021)

If you checked any of the boxes above, please provide a summary of your recommendations:








Please check any committees you attended from below:








Supplier Board

ChairmanChairman-ElectVice ChairmanPast Chairman

IndFullName Title CompanyFullName AddressLine1AddressL

ine2CityStateZip Phone Email

Mr. Jay Ard VP National Sales CR The Coca-Cola Company 1316 Soundview TrlGulf Breeze, FL 32561-

4717(813) 363-3933 [email protected]

Mr. David Riser VP External RelationsRAI Trade Marketing

Services Company401 N Main St Fl 8

Winston Salem, NC 27101-3804

(336) 741-0727 [email protected]

Mr. Richard A. BrindleVP Industry

DevelopmentMondelez International 12641 Donegal Dr

Chesterfield, VA 23832-3111

(804) 614-5560 [email protected]

Mr. Drew MizeSVP and General Manager, Global

RetailPDI 4207 Trowbridge DR

Arlington, TX 76013-5516

(254) 410-7791 [email protected]

Mr. Tim QuinnVP Trade

DevelopmentMars Wrigley

Confectionery US, LLC110 Cascades CT

Blue Bell, PA 19422-1276

(908) 230-1038 [email protected]

Mr. Kevin Scott Martello

VP & General Manager National

Accounts Convenience

Dr Pepper Snapple Group 5301 Legacy Dr Plano, TX 75024-3109 (813) 748-4999 [email protected]

Mr. Brad McGuinnessSVP, Global

Petroleum SystemsVerifone, Inc.

300 Park Place Blvd Ste 100

Clearwater, FL 33759-4933

(727) 953-4014 [email protected]

Mr. Joseph Frank Vonder Haar CEO iSEE Store Innovations, LLC 139 W Monroe AveSaint Louis, MO 63122-

5815(888) 417-2457 (512)

Ext [email protected]

Mr. Blake F. BenefielDirector, Trade &

State RelationsAltria Group Distribution

Company6601 W Broad St

Richmond, VA 23230-1723

(804) 484-8924 [email protected]

Mr. Thomas Blair VP National Accounts MillerCoors 7800 Dallas Pkwy Ste 400 Plano, TX 75024-0025 (214) 618-7411 [email protected]

Mr. David R. Charles, Sr. President & CEO Cash Depot 1740 Cofrin Dr Ste 2Green Bay, WI 54302-

2086(920) 432-5777 [email protected]

Mr. Brent CottenSr. Director Global

Customer & Industry Affairs

The Hershey Company 68 Valley Brook DrHendersonville, TN

37075-5208(717) 534-3660 [email protected]

Mr. Kevin FarleyChief Operating

OfficerGSP 5400 140th Ave N

Clearwater, FL 33760-3763

(727) 437-5868 [email protected]

Mr. Tony GainesExecutive Vice President Sales

Advantage Solutions 10484 E Quartz Rock RDScottsdale, AZ 85255-

8014(602) 410-4533 [email protected]

Mr. Vito MauriciSenior Vice President

of SalesMcLane Company, Inc.

6201 NW H K Dodgen Loop

Temple, TX 76502-7403 (254) 771-7571 [email protected]

Mrs. Sharon PorterSr. Director, Marketing

Kerry Convenience 3400 Millington RD Beloit, WI 53511-9554 (630) 461-1393 [email protected]

Supplier Board

IndFullName Title CompanyFullName AddressLine1AddressL

ine2CityStateZip Phone Email

Mr. TJ Powers 263 Johnson Woods DR Batavia, IL 60510-3094 (630) 618-9546 [email protected]

Mrs. Wendy RedmondDirector of Sales, C-

StoreS & D Coffee & Tea 307 Ariel Farm RD

Greensboro, NC 27455-8248

(336) 337-2162 [email protected]

Mr. Frank SquillaEVP, Industry & Trade Relations

InComm 4 Caveson Trl Sewell, NJ 08080-3147 (856) 290-0191 [email protected]

Mr. George Ubing Director of Sales E&J Gallo Winery9111 Cypress Waters

Blvd Ste 120Coppell, TX 75019-4796 (214) 387-4000 [email protected]

Mr. C.J. Watson VP of Sales JUUL Labs 19 Clara Ave Saint Louis, MO 63119 (314) 540-3394 [email protected]

Mr. Stephen D. LoehrVP Operations

SupportKwik Trip, Inc. 1626 Oak ST

La Crosse, WI 54603-2308

(608) 793-6286 [email protected]

Mr. Chuck McDaniel VP of Facilities QuikTrip Corporation 4705 S 129th East AvePO Box 3475

Tulsa, OK 74134-7005 (918) 615-7700 [email protected]

Mr. Arthur Stawski, Sr. President Loaf 'N Jug 442 Keeler Pkwy Pueblo, CO 81001-4813 (719) 948-5968 [email protected]

Mr. Robert F. Sears Director of AccountsAltria Group Distribution

Company4680 Parkway DR Ste 450 Mason, OH 45040-7979 (513) 336-5260 [email protected]

Mr. Bob HughesV.P., Supplier Relations & Expositions

NACS 1600 Duke StAlexandria, VA 22314-

3466(703) 518-4270 [email protected]

Supplier Board Nominating Committee

IndFullName Title CompanyFullName AddressLine1 CityStateZip Phone Email

Mr. Robert F. Sears Director of AccountsAltria Group Distribution

Company4680 Parkway DR Ste

450Mason, OH 45040-7979 (513) 336-5260 [email protected]

Mr. Jay Ard VP National Sales CR The Coca-Cola Company 1316 Soundview TrlGulf Breeze, FL 32561-

4717(813) 363-3933 [email protected]

Mr. Kevin Scott MartelloVP & General Manager National

Accounts ConvenienceDr Pepper Snapple Group 5301 Legacy Dr Plano, TX 75024-3109 (813) 748-4999 [email protected]

Mr. Brad McGuinness SVP, Global Petroleum Systems Verifone, Inc.300 Park Place Blvd

Ste 100Clearwater, FL 33759-

4933(727) 953-4014 [email protected]

Mr. David Riser VP External RelationsRAI Trade Marketing Services

Company401 N Main St Fl 8

Winston Salem, NC 27101-3804

(336) 741-0727 [email protected]

Mr. Joseph Frank Vonder Haar CEO iSEE Store Innovations, LLC 139 W Monroe AveSaint Louis, MO 63122-

5815(888) 417-2457 (512) Ext 512 [email protected]

Mr. Rahim Budhwani CEO 6040, LLC 3945 Lorna Rd Birmingham, AL 35244 (888) 623-6040 [email protected]

Mr. Jack Kofdarali President J&T Management 139 Radio Rd Corona, CA 92879-1724 (714) 231-8942 [email protected]

Mr. Stephen D. Loehr VP Operations Support Kwik Trip, Inc. 1626 Oak ST La Crosse, WI 54603-2308 (608) 793-6286 [email protected]

Mr. Joseph S. Sheetz President & CEO Sheetz, Inc. 5700 6Th Ave Altoona, PA 16602-1111 (814) 941-5252 [email protected]

Dr. Henry Armour President and CEO NACS PO BOX 607Teton Village, WY 83025-

0607(703) 518-4282 [email protected]

Mr. Bob HughesV.P., Supplier Relations &

ExpositionsNACS 1600 Duke St

Alexandria, VA 22314-3466

(703) 518-4270 [email protected]

Convention Content Committee

IndFullName Title CompanyFullName AddressLine1AddressLine

2CityStateZip Phone Email

Ms. Wendy Chronister CEOChronister Oil Company dba Qik-n-

EZ2026 N Republic ST FL 6

Springfield, IL 62702-1850

(312) 401-9836 [email protected]

Mr. Joseph Bona President Bona Design Lab Inc.304 Park Avenue South

7th FloorNew York, NY 10010 (917) 664-4418 [email protected]

Mr. Joshua Bradstreet Business Director Cumberland Farms, Inc. 100 Crossing BlvdFramingham, MA

01702-5401(508) 270-1526 [email protected]

Mr. Richard A. Brindle VP Industry Development Mondelez International 12641 Donegal DrChesterfield, VA 23832-

3111(804) 614-5560 [email protected]

Mr. Daniel Scott Coffin AVP of Culinary Development Sheetz, Inc. 242 Sheetz WayClaysburg, PA 16625-

8345(814) 239-1317 [email protected]

Mr. Edward Collupy Executive Consultant W. Capra Consulting Group 15 Scorton Marsh RDEast Sandwich, MA

02537-1257(919) 775-9696 [email protected]

Ms. Lisa Dell'Alba President/CEO Square One Markets, Inc. 2432 Emrick BlvdBethlehem, PA 18020-

8006(610) 317-9432 (14)

Ext [email protected]

Mr. Bhagdeep S. Dhaliwal President Dhaliwal & Associates, Inc. 1039 Serpentine Ln Ste APleasanton, CA 94566-

4770(925) 931-9000 [email protected]

Mr. John Eichberger Executive Director, Fuels Institute Fuels Institute 1600 Duke StAlexandria, VA 22314-

3466(703) 518-7971 [email protected]

Mr. Brian Ferguson Chief Merchant Pilot Travel Centers LLC PO BOX 101465508 Lonas

DrKnoxville, TN 37939-

0146(614) 353-7989 [email protected]

Mr. Derek Gaskins Chief Customer Officer Rutter's2295 N Susquehanna Trl

Ste CYork, PA 17404-8495 (717) 771-5924 [email protected]

Mrs. Anne Gauthier CFO/Co-CEO St. Romain Oil Company, LLC PO Box 98Mansura, LA 71350-

0098(318) 240-9494 (117)

Ext [email protected]

Mr. Robert J. Graczyk VP of Human Resources QuickChek Corporation PO Box 6003 Old

HighwayWhitehouse Station,

NJ 08889-0600(908) 534-2200 [email protected]

Mr. Josh Halpern Chief Sales Officer North American Breweries 50 Fountain Plz Ste 900Buffalo, NY 14202-

2214(917) 657-7719 [email protected]

Mr. Ernie Harker Executive Director of CREATE Maverik, Inc. 185 S State St Ste 800Salt Lake City, UT

84111-1549(801) 335-3814 [email protected]

Mr. Larry Jackson Managing DirectorGTG Business Resources, LLC dba

Good To Go Markets5006 Durham RD E

Columbia, MD 21044-1421

(443) 864-2987 [email protected]

Ms. Joanne LoceManaging Partner, Fortify

Leadership GroupFortify Leadership Group 9838 Roseland Court

Mechanicsville, VA 23116

(804) 836-9131 [email protected]

Mr. James Maxey SVP & CIO Circle K Texas 19500 Bulverde RDSan Antonio, TX 78259-

3707(210) 692-2191 [email protected]

Ms. Rachel Mehl Category Manager Wallis Companies 106 E Washington St Cuba, MO 65453-1827 (573) 241-7716 [email protected]

Convention Content Committee

IndFullName Title CompanyFullName AddressLine1AddressLine

2CityStateZip Phone Email

Mr. Scott MintonDirector of Real Estate

DevelopmentOnCue Marketing 916 N Main St

Stillwater, OK 74075-3621

(405) 338-8552 [email protected]

Mr. Drew MizeSVP and General Manager, Global

RetailPDI 4207 Trowbridge DR

Arlington, TX 76013-5516

(254) 410-7791 [email protected]

Mr. Richard Parry President & CEO, AlohaAloha Petroleum, Ltd. dba Aloha

Island Mart1132 Bishop St Ste 1700

Honolulu, HI 96813-2820

(808) 522-9751 [email protected]

Mr. Jigar Patel President SAASOA1956 S University Blvd

Ste 266Mobile, AL 36609-

2929(251) 644-0401 [email protected]

Ms. Barbara Poremba VP, NRS II The Coca-Cola Company 1 Coca Cola Plz NwAtlanta, GA 30313-

2420(203) 520-1599 [email protected]

Mrs. Sharon Porter Sr. Director, Marketing Kerry Convenience 3400 Millington RD Beloit, WI 53511-9554 (630) 461-1393 [email protected]

Mr. Ted RoccagliDirector of Preferred Vendor

ProgramsEmpire Petroleum Partners, LLC 8350 N Central Expy Dallas, TX 75206-1600 (214) 379-7063 [email protected]

Mr. Rick Sams Operations Manager Speedway LLC3480 W Market ST Ste

201Fairlawn, OH 44333-

3316(330) 835-1701 [email protected]

Ms. Lisa Stewart President Impact 212700 Old Rosebud Rd Ste

240Lexington, KY 40509-

8625(859) 396-1144 [email protected]

Mrs. Cindi Summers SVP Human Resources Casey's General Stores, Inc. PO Box 3001 Ankeny, IA 50021-8045 (515) 965-6577 [email protected]

Mr. Gray O. Taylor Executive Director Conexxus 1600 Duke St Alexandria, VA 22314-3466

(512) 508-3469 [email protected]

Mr. Mike Thompson Chief Executive OfficerGreater Houston Retailers

Cooperative Association, Inc.12790 S Kirkwood Rd

Stafford, TX 77477-3864

(281) 295-5300 [email protected]

Mr. Josh Tuck Corporate Purchasing Supervisor QuikTrip Corporation 4705 S 129th East Ave PO Box 3475 Tulsa, OK 74134-7005 (918) 615-7700 [email protected]

Mrs. Nichole Upshaw Executive Director of HR RaceTrac Petroleum, Inc.200 Galleria Pkwy SE Ste

900Atlanta, GA 30339-

5945(770) 431-7600 [email protected]

Mrs. Melissa Vonder Haar

Senior Account Manager iSEE Store Innovations, LLC 292 E 8th STBrooklyn, NY 11218-

4206(314) 306-1980 [email protected]

Mr. Hubert Williams CIO, VP of CONNECT Maverik, Inc. 185 S State St Ste 800Salt Lake City, UT

84111-1549(385) 888-4410 [email protected]

Mr. Mark ZietlowOwner & Real Estate Development

ManagerKwik Trip, Inc. 1626 Oak ST

La Crosse, WI 54603-2308

(608) 793-5966 [email protected]

Mr. Dean Michael Zurliene

Vice President Sales – National Convenience

Monster Beverage Company 13 Fox HolwEdwardsville, IL 62025-

5703(618) 578-6174 [email protected]

Mr. Bob HughesV.P., Supplier Relations &

ExpositionsNACS 1600 Duke St

Alexandria, VA 22314-3466

(703) 518-4270 [email protected]

Convention Content Committee

IndFullName Title CompanyFullName AddressLine1AddressLine

2CityStateZip Phone Email

Ms. Erin Pressley Vice President, Education & Media NACS 1600 Duke StAlexandria, VA 22314-

3466(703) 518-4208 [email protected]

Exhibitor Advisory Committee

IndFullName Title CompanyFullName AddressLine1 AddressLine2

CityStateZip Phone Email

Mrs. Wendy Redmond Director of Sales, C-Store S & D Coffee & Tea 307 Ariel Farm RD Greensboro, NC 27455-8248

(336) 337-2162 [email protected]

Mr. Kevin Farley Chief Operating Officer GSP 5400 140th Ave N Clearwater, FL 33760-3763

(727) 437-5868 [email protected]

Mr. TJ Powers 263 Johnson Woods DR

Batavia, IL 60510-3094

(630) 618-9546 [email protected]

Mr. Eric Bray National Sales Goya Foods, Inc. 350 County RdJersey City, NJ 07307-

4503(201) 553-4964 [email protected]

Mr. Jim Briggs VITAMIX 8615 Usher Rd Cleveland, OH 44138-2103

(800) 437-4654 [email protected]

Mrs. Dawn Brooks General Manager Purpora Engineering Inc. 658 N Progress Dr PO Box 80265

Saukville, WI 53080-1612

(262) 536-4081 [email protected]

Ms. Sarah Dunn Meeting/Event ManagerMars Wrigley

Confectionery US, LLC600 W Chicago Ave Ste

500Chicago, IL 60654-

2282(312) 212-7957 [email protected]

Mr. Derek Epps Event Marketing Specialist E&J Gallo Winery 600 Yosemite Blvd Apt 4

Modesto, CA 95354-2760

(954) 547-7364 [email protected]

Mr. Jeff Fikany Director of Sales Chobani 200 Lafayette St Fl 6Th New York, NY 10012-4079

(313) 289-5333 [email protected]

Mrs. Melissa Hadley VP, Marketing & Innovation Pinnacle Corporation 201 E Abram ST Ste 100

Arlington, TX 76010-1146

(817) 795-5555 [email protected]

Mr. Krister A. Hampton Manager, Trade Relations Altria Group Distribution Company

6601 W Broad St Richmond, VA 23230-1723

(804) 519-9244 [email protected]

Mr. John Knapp Director Customer Solutions, Conv.

MillerCoors 3100 SW Regency Pkwy

Bentonville, AR 72712-7753

(312) 496-5824 [email protected]

Ms. Angela Krejchik Account Manager Consolidated Sales Network

1433 Silver Lake Road New Brighton, Minnesota 55112

(612) 259-8848 [email protected]

Mr. Tommy Lee Director of Sales: C Store/Retail Channel

Gonnella Baking Company

1117 Wiley RD Schaumburg, IL 60173-4337

(800) 262-3442 [email protected]

Ms. Desiree D. Logsdon SVP Bunn-O-Matic Corporation

5020 Ash Grove Dr Springfield, IL 62711-6329

(217) 585-7764 [email protected]

Ms. Kelly A. Mulligan Marketing Director Morrison Brothers Company

570 E 7th St Dubuque, IA 52001-2378

(563) 583-5701 (211) Ext 211

[email protected]

Mr. Deepesh Nayanar Marketing Director, Dispensers & AMO

Gilbarco Veeder-Root 7300 W Friendly Ave Greensboro, NC 27410-6232

(336) 547-5000 [email protected]

Mr. Nick Redwine VP Convenience Channel Snyder's-Lance, Inc. 13515 Ballantyne Corporate Pl

Charlotte, NC 28277-2706

(704) 557-8143 [email protected]

Exhibitor Advisory Committee

IndFullName Title CompanyFullName AddressLine1 AddressLine2

CityStateZip Phone Email

Mr. Fabricio Sacchi Commercial Director RSP Technology do BrasilRua Dr. Cintra

Gordinho, 156 - Alto da Lapa

São Paulo 05083001 5.51138E+11 [email protected]

Mr. Dan Shapiro Executive Vice President Krispy Krunchy Foods, LLC

123 Blue Heron DR Mandeville, LA 70471-8205

(504) 481-1938 [email protected]

Mr. Austin Skaggs VP Professional Services PDI 4001 Central Pointe Pkwy Bldg 200

Temple, TX 76504-2608

(254) 410-7600 (7601) Ext 7601

[email protected]

Mr. Doug Wagner Vice President of Air Sales CSC ServiceWorks, Inc. 605 Taft St.Minneapolis, MN

55113(651) 783-5500 [email protected]

Ms. Kathy Williams Vice President The Coca-Cola Company 4780 Miami Road Cincinnati, OH 45243 (913) 915-8486 [email protected]

Mr. Bob Young Director of Industry Relations Petroleum Equipment Institute

PO Box 2380 Tulsa, OK 74101-2380 (918) 236-3966 [email protected]

Mr. Jeff McQuilkinExhibit Sales & Services

ManagerNACS 1600 Duke St

Alexandria, VA 22314-3466

(703) 518-4273 [email protected]

Ms. Leigh Walls Director, Exhibit Sales & Services

NACS 1600 Duke St Alexandria, VA 22314-3466

(703) 518-4215 [email protected]

Mr. Steve Loerwald Freeman Companies 8801 Ambassador Row Dallas, TX 75247-4622 (214) 670-9166 [email protected]

Fuels Institute Board of Advisors

IndFullName Title CompanyFullName AddressLine1 CityStateZip Phone Email

Mr. Andy Austin SVP Specialty Products Mansfield Oil Company 1025 Airport Pkwy Gainesville, GA 30501-6813

(678) 450-2283 [email protected]

Mr. Chris Biellier VP Environmental Seneca Companies 4140 E 14th St Des Moines, IA 50313-3804

(563) 332-8000 [email protected]

Mr. David H. Fialkov VP Government Affairs, Counsel NATSO, Inc. 1330 Braddock Pl Ste 501

Alexandria, VA 22314-1650

(703) 739-8501 [email protected]

Mr. Wayne Geyer Executive Vice President STI/SPFA 944 Donata Ct Lake Zurich, IL 60047-5025

(847) 550-3829 [email protected]

Mr. Homer Hogg Manager of Technical Developments Travel Centers of America 3226 Bayou Bay DR

Lakeland, FL 33811-2842

(520) 252-2731 [email protected]

Mr. Joel Huguley Procurement Energy Manager Vulcan Materials Company 1200 Urban Center Dr

Vestavia, AL 35242-2545

(205) 298-3823 [email protected]

Mr. Paul Klick Global Sales Manager Donaldson Company Inc. 2001 W 94Th St Bloomington, MN 55431-2340

(612) 834-5301 [email protected]

Mr. Shailesh Lopes Sr. Fuels Engineer General Motors 823 Joslyn Ave Pontiac, MI 48340-2920 (248) 891-8827 [email protected]

Mr. Jason Martin Manager, Fuel Systems Detroit Diesel Corporation dba OEM Engine Supplier

13400 W Outer Dr Detroit, MI 48239-1309 (313) 592-7427 [email protected]

Dr. Andrew McKnight Director of Technology Performance Fuel Additives

Innospec Fuel Specialties 200 Executive Drive

Newark, DE 19702 (302) 451-1388 [email protected]

Mr. Scott Menke Global Product Manager Veeder-Root Company 125 Powder Forest Drive

Simsbury, CT 06070 (888) 561-7942 [email protected]

Mr. Derek Regal Sr. Manager Fuels & Regulatory Issues Andeavor 19100 Ridgewood Pkwy

San Antonio, TX 78259-1834

(210) 626-7317 [email protected]

Mr. Justin Richmond Director Fuel Quality Seneca Companies 4140 E 14th St Des Moines, IA 50313-3804

(515) 264-4376 [email protected]

Mr. James Risewick President Seneca Companies 4140 E 14th St Des Moines, IA 50313-3804

(515) 264-4352 [email protected]

Mrs. Laurie Strasser Sr. Marketing Manager Afton Chemical Corporation 500 Spring St Richmond, VA 23219-4300

(804) 788-5380 [email protected]

Mr. Jim Vrzak VP Sales Innospec Fuel Specialties 200 Executive Drive

Newark, DE 19702 (302) 451-1388 [email protected]

International Board of Directors

IndFullName Title CompanyFullName AddressLine1 AddressLine2 CityStateZip Country Phone Email

Mr. Frank Gleeson President Aramark Northern Europe Northern Cross Malahide Road Dublin IRELAND 353862590496 [email protected]

Mr. Carlos Arenas, Sr. Director Cadena Comercial OXXO S.A. de C.V. Edison Norte 1235 Col/ TalleresMonterrrey N.L.

64480MEXICO 528183892121 [email protected]

Mr. Joseph Barrett Director Petrogas Group Ltd. dba Applegreen 353015124807 [email protected]

Mr. Joseph Boyle, Sr. Director FreshStopFruit & Veg City, London

CircleBrackengate Business

park, BrackenfellCape Town, cape


828019233 [email protected]

Mr. Brian Donaldson CEO Maxol Limited3 Custom House Plaza,

IFSCDublin 1 IRELAND 35316076800 [email protected]

Mr. Jeronimo Jose Merlo Dos Santos

Retail Director Ipiranga Produtos de Petroleo S/ARua Francisco Eugenio,

329 - Sao CristovaoRio De Janeiro,

20941-900BRAZIL 552125745256 [email protected]

Mr. Gary Harris Head of Brand SPAR International Rokin 101Amsterdam, 1012


S31206266749 [email protected]

Mr. Markus Laenzlinger CEO Migrolino AG Wynenfeld Postfach Suhr 5034SWITZERLAN

D41585774100 [email protected]

Mr. Julio Lizarzaburu DirectorTiendas de Conveniencia SA dba Zaz

Food StoreCalle 50 final Ed. BMW

Plaza, piso 6Panama, 507 PANAMA 5073953486 [email protected]

Mr. Leonardo Ljubetic, Sr.Corporate Development &

Strategy OfficerCopec S.A. Agustinas 1382 Piso 8

Santiago Centro, 7580113

CHILE 56226907305 [email protected]

Mr. Klaas MantelGM Global Conv. Retail &

LubricantsShell International Petroleum

Company Limited10 Soonthornkosa Road Klongtoey Bangkok, 10110 THAILAND 66 2 2625 6995 [email protected]

Mr. Tomoyasu Marutani President Secoma Co., Ltd.Park 9.5 Building West-5

South-9Chuo-ku Sapporo 064-8620 JAPAN 81-11-511-2870 [email protected]

Mr. Jose victor Pardo PaternoPresident & Chief Executive

OfficerPhilippine Seven Corp. dba 7-Eleven

Convenience Store7th Floor Columbia Tower Ortigas Avenue

Mandaluyong, 1501

PHILIPPINES 6327211502 [email protected]

Mr. Johannes Sangnes CEO Reitan Convenience AS PO Box 6219 Etterstad Oslo 0603 NORWAY 4781500909 [email protected]

Mr. Jacob SchramGroup President, European

OperationsCircle K Europe Torkel Knutssonsgatan 24 Stockholm 118 88 SWEDEN 4684296082 [email protected]

Mr. Yasser Shahin Executive Chairman Shahin Enterprises 270 The ParadeKensington Park

5068AUSTRALIA 61883339770 [email protected]

Mr. Rodrigo Zavala COO Puma Energy Services (LATAM) LLC PO Box 11961San Juan, PR 00922-1961

(786) 221-8361 [email protected]

Mr. Richard A. Brindle VP Industry Development Mondelez International 12641 Donegal DrChesterfield, VA

23832-3111(804) 614-5560 [email protected]

Mr. Brent CottenSr. Director Global Customer &

Industry AffairsThe Hershey Company 68 Valley Brook Dr

Hendersonville, TN 37075-5208

(717) 534-3660 [email protected]

Mr. Cary G. Crook VP/GM International Sales PepsiCo, Inc. 7701 Legacy Dr Ste 2A-48Plano, TX 75024-

4002(972) 334-2408 [email protected]

Mr. Stephen FilotasGroup Head of Route to Market

& Customer ManagementBritish American Tobacco Holdings

Ltd.Globe House, 4 Temple

PlaceLondon WC2R


KINGDOM44 7730 912 092 [email protected]

Mr. Brad McGuinness SVP, Global Petroleum Systems Verifone, Inc.300 Park Place Blvd Ste

100Clearwater, FL

33759-4933(727) 953-4014 [email protected]

Mr. Magnar Mokkelgard Consultant NACS Sundveien 23a Nesoeya, N-1397 NORWAY 47 98 22 30 65 [email protected]

Mr. Daniel Munford Managing Director Insight Research 2 Severn StreetWelshpool,


KINGDOM441938556090 [email protected]

International Board of Directors

IndFullName Title CompanyFullName AddressLine1 AddressLine2 CityStateZip Country Phone Email

Mr. Jeff Murphy Managing Director TMG Consultancy19897 Naples Lakes

TerraceAshburn, VA

20147(703) 919-4845 [email protected]

Mr. Craig PanterChief Business Development

OfficerInvenco Group Limited Level 2, 7-11 Kawana St Northcote 0627


+649905 5600 [email protected]

Mr. Ern L Sherman VP Retail Industry Affairs The Coca-Cola Company 1 Coca Cola Plz NwAtlanta, GA 30313-

2420(678) 628-2182 [email protected]

Mr. Christian Warning Convenience Specialist The Retail Marketeers Heimhuder Straße 70 Hamburg 20148 GERMANY 4916097442730 [email protected]

Dr. Henry Armour President and CEO NACS PO BOX 607Teton Village, WY

83025-0607(703) 518-4282 [email protected]

Mr. Michael Davis Vice President, Member Services NACS 1600 Duke StAlexandria, VA

22314-3466(703) 518-4246 [email protected]

Mr. Mark Wohltmann Director, NACS Europe NACS 10 Teasel Bank Harwell Didcot, OX11 0FHGREAT

BRITAIN447718645544 [email protected]

Manpower Committee

IndFullName Title CompanyFullName AddressLine1 CityStateZip Phone Email

Mr. Brent Cotten

Customer & Industry

Affairs The Hershey Company 68 Valley Brook DrHendersonville, TN

37075-5208 (717) 534-3660 [email protected]

Mr. George Ubing Director of Sales E&J Gallo Winery9111 Cypress Waters Blvd

Ste 120 Coppell, TX 75019-4796 (214) 387-4000 [email protected]

Mr. Thomas Bagnara Director of Petroleum SalesInnovative Control Systems,

Inc. 1349 Jacobsburg RdWind Gap, PA 18091-

9716(610) 881-8000 (8231)

Ext 8231 [email protected]

Mr. Jerry Cutler VP, Sales InComm 37 Glencoe DRNewark, DE 19702-

2061 (302) 345-0480 [email protected]

Mr. David B. Ezell Principal Software Architect Verifone, Inc. 300 Park Place Blvd Ste 100Clearwater, FL 33759-

4933 (727) 953-4080 [email protected]

Mr. Tom FieldTeam Leader Convenience

West BIC Corporation 5 Barlby LNBella Vista, AR 72714-

2830 (417) 435-2120 [email protected]

Ms. Anna Gryce VP of Sales Prairie City Bakery 2112 Blakemore LNLa Grange, KY 40031-

9061 (847) 573-9640 [email protected]

Ms. Suzie Hall Tradeshow Manager Advantage Solutions 4401 West Gate Blvd Ste 200 Austin, TX 78745-1493 (512) 437-4863 [email protected]

Mr. David JeffcoVice President of National

Accounts Krispy Krunchy Foods, LLC RR 1 Box 392Nowata, Oklahoma

74048 (918) 273-7335 [email protected]

Mr. David L. Jones Director National Accounts Dr Pepper Snapple Group 5301 Legacy Dr Plano, TX 75024-3109 (801) 560-8354 [email protected]

Mr. John KimberlyVP Convenience Store

Division Royal Cup Coffee and Tea 160 Cleage DrBirmingham, AL 35217-

1461 (205) 271-6005 [email protected]

Mr. Scott KolatSr. Vice President Business

Development Eby-Brown Company LLC 1415 W Diehl Rd Ste 300NNaperville, IL 60563-

1197 (630) 536-3968 [email protected]

Mr. Steve KottakDirector of Legislative

SupportRAI Trade Marketing Services

Company 401 N Main StWinston Salem, NC

27101-3804 (336) 741-5000 [email protected]

Mr. Kevin MillerSenior Manager Channel

Marketing Tyson Foods, Inc. 2200 W Don Tyson PkwySpringdale, AR 72762-

6901 (479) 290-1405 [email protected]

Mr. Shaun O'Brien President Access Strategies650 Willowbrook Center

Parkway, Ste 108 Willowbrook, IL 60527 (630) 216-8340 [email protected]

Mr. Nick PaichSr. Director, Retailer

RelationsDestination Media, Inc. dba

Gas Station TV (GSTV) 1201 Woodward Ave Detroit, MI 48226-2006 (248) 330-6911 [email protected]

Mr. Jeff ParsonsSenior Manager, Sales

Strategy & Planning Keurig Green Mountain 360 E 72Nd St Apt B303New York, NY 10021-

4759 (917) 432-2908 [email protected]

Mr. Jim PhillipsVice President, Central

Zone Bunn-O-Matic Corporation 4924 Wildrose TrlDuluth, MN 55811-

3781 217-306-0498 [email protected]

Mrs. Sharon Porter Sr. Director, Marketing Kerry Convenience 3400 Millington RD Beloit, WI 53511-9554 (630) 461-1393 [email protected]

Manpower Committee

IndFullName Title CompanyFullName AddressLine1 CityStateZip Phone Email

Mr. Bradley Runnels Regional Sales ManagerFlowers Foods Snack Group

LLC 418 Ponce DE Leon PLDecatur, GA 30030-

5124 (404) 354-4085 [email protected]

Ms. Lesley D. Saitta CEO Impact 21 2700 Old Rosebud Rd Ste 240Lexington, KY 40509-

8625 (859) 396-1133 [email protected]

Ms. Yvette Spears Vice President The Coca-Cola Company2500 Windy Ridge Pkwy SE

Ste 700 Atlanta, GA 30339-8429 (404) 676-1105 [email protected]

Mrs. Karin Thrift Director of Sales Clif Bar & Company 2314 Brookside DrArlington, TX 76012-

4140 (817) 538-5947 [email protected]

Mr. Tim Voyles VP of Sales, ConvenienceInsignia Brands dba Truco

Enterprises 1701 Millhouse RunMarietta, GA 30066-

8004 (303) 829-7818 [email protected]

Mrs. Julie WhittingtonMarketing Relations

Manager Hunt Brothers Pizza 4020 Jordonia Station RdNashville, TN 37218-

2400 (615) 627-1767 [email protected]

Ed Wogan VP of Sales TempAlert 186 Lincoln STBoston, MA 02111-

2403 (866) 524-3540 [email protected]

Ms. Kym SelphExhibit Sales & Services

Manager NACS 1600 Duke StAlexandria, VA 22314-

3466 (703) 518-4267 [email protected]

Member Services Committee

IndFullName Title CompanyFullName AddressLine1 CityStateZip Phone Email

Mr. Jared Scheeler CEOThe Hub Convenience

Stores, Inc.191 40th St W

Dickinson, ND 58601-8594

(701) 483-3835 [email protected]

Mr. Jamison Balousek Chief Operating Officer Marine View Ventures1409 Alexander

Ave EFife, WA 98424-1109 (253) 306-1714 [email protected]

Mrs. Kim E. Canna Marketing DirectorDelta Sonic Car Wash

Systems570 Delaware Ave

Buffalo, NY 14202-1206

(716) 541-2376 [email protected]

Ms. Lisa Dell'Alba President/CEO Square One Markets, Inc. 2432 Emrick BlvdBethlehem, PA 18020-

8006(610) 317-9432

(14) Ext [email protected]

Mr. Bhagdeep S. Dhaliwal PresidentDhaliwal & Associates,

Inc.1039 Serpentine

Ln Ste APleasanton, CA 94566-

4770(925) 931-9000 [email protected]

Mrs. Christine Hogan PresidentWheels Convenience

Stores204 Spring Hill Rd

Trumbull, CT 06611-1356

(203) 261-3123 [email protected]

Mr. Clay S. Lambert Managing Director Metro Petro PO Box 141078Minneapolis, MN

55414-6078(612) 298-8983 [email protected]

Mrs. Rachel Wallis-Andreasson Board of Directors Wallis Companies106 E Washington

StCuba, MO 65453-

1827(636) 549-1504 [email protected]

Mr. C.J. Watson VP of Sales JUUL Labs 19 Clara Ave Saint Louis, MO 63119 (314) 540-3394 [email protected]

Mr. John A. Zikias Chief Operating Officer Holmes Oil Company, Inc.100 Europa Dr Ste

550Chapel Hill, NC 27517-

2394(919) 904-7947 [email protected]

Mr. Jason GroffVP, Digital Commerce

SolutionsFirst Data Corporation

3925 Brookside Pkwy

Alpharetta, GA 30022-4429

(404) 890-2757 [email protected]

Mr. Ern L Sherman VP Retail Industry Affairs The Coca-Cola Company 1 Coca Cola Plz NwAtlanta, GA 30313-

2420(678) 628-2182 [email protected]

Mrs. Sharon Porter Sr. Director, Marketing Kerry Convenience 3400 Millington RDBeloit, WI 53511-

9554(630) 461-1393 [email protected]

Mr. Michael DavisVice President, Member

ServicesNACS 1600 Duke St

Alexandria, VA 22314-3466

(703) 518-4246 [email protected]

Political Engagement Committee

IndFullName Title CompanyFullName AddressLine1AddressL

ine2CityStateZip Phone Email

Mr. Joseph S. Sheetz President & CEO Sheetz, Inc. 5700 6Th AveAltoona, PA 16602-

1111(814) 941-5252 [email protected]

Mr. Chris Bambury Vice President Bambury, Inc. 23003 Arnold DrSonoma, CA 95476-9204

707-280-5550 [email protected]

Mr. Rahim Budhwani CEO 6040, LLC 3945 Lorna RdBirmingham, AL

35244(888) 623-6040 [email protected]

Mr. Edward S. Holmes, Jr. President/CEO Holmes Oil Company, Inc. 100 Europa Dr Ste 550Chapel Hill, NC

27517-2394(919) 929-9979 [email protected]

Ms. Sonja Yates Hubbard Chief Executive Officer E-Z Mart Stores, Inc. PO BOX 1426602 W Falvey

Texarkana, TX 75504-1426

(903) 255-1401 [email protected]

Mr. Larry Jackson Managing DirectorGTG Business Resources, LLC dba

Good To Go Markets5006 Durham RD E

Columbia, MD 21044-1421

(443) 864-2987 [email protected]

Mr. Jack Kofdarali President J&T Management 139 Radio RdCorona, CA 92879-

1724(714) 231-8942 [email protected]

Mr. Stephen D. Loehr VP Operations Support Kwik Trip, Inc. 1626 Oak STLa Crosse, WI 54603-2308

(608) 793-6286 [email protected]

Mr. Donald Richard Rhoads President/CEO The Convenience Group, LLC PO Box 5889Vancouver, WA

98668-5889(360) 892-2878 [email protected]

Mr. Jared Scheeler CEO The Hub Convenience Stores, Inc. 191 40th St WDickinson, ND 58601-8594

(701) 483-3835 [email protected]

Mr. David R. Charles, Sr. President & CEO Cash Depot 1740 Cofrin Dr Ste 2Green Bay, WI

54302-2086(920) 432-5777 [email protected]

Mr. Kevin Scott MartelloVP & General Manager

National Accounts Convenience

Dr Pepper Snapple Group 5301 Legacy DrPlano, TX 75024-

3109(813) 748-4999 [email protected]

Mr. Patrick Cordle VP Field Sales-Convenience BIC Corporation 1 Bic Way Ste 1Shelton, CT 06484-

6299(203) 783-2460 [email protected]

Mr. Tony GainesExecutive Vice President

SalesAdvantage Solutions 10484 E Quartz Rock RD

Scottsdale, AZ 85255-8014

(602) 410-4533 [email protected]

Mr. Shultz Hartgrove President Naughty Chile Taqueria 2200 Ivanhoe STDenver, CO 80207-

3905(303) 887-9956 [email protected]

Mr. William HenrySr. Director of NA & Industry Relations

Kellogg Company 5349 Longleaf CTLakeland, FL 33810-8257

(630) 235-6900 [email protected]

Mr. Scott Hill Director C-Store Jack Link's Protein Snacks One Snack food LanePO Box

397Minong, WI 54859-

9463(612) 819-4586 [email protected]

Mr. Andrew Sokolski EVP, Sales & MarketingWhirley Industries, Inc. dba Whirley-

DrinkWorks!618 4Th Ave

Warren, PA 16365-4923

(814) 723-7600 (1649) Ext 1649

[email protected]

Mr. Doug Wagner Vice President of Air Sales CSC ServiceWorks, Inc. 605 Taft St.Minneapolis, MN

55113(651) 783-5500 [email protected]

Mrs. Paige AndersonDirector, Government

RelationsNACS 1600 Duke St

Alexandria, VA 22314-3466

(703) 518-4221 [email protected]

Political Engagement Committee

IndFullName Title CompanyFullName AddressLine1AddressL

ine2CityStateZip Phone Email

Dr. Henry Armour President and CEO NACS PO BOX 607Teton Village, WY

83025-0607(703) 518-4282 [email protected]

Mr. Lyle BeckwithSr. V.P., Government

RelationsNACS 1600 Duke St

Alexandria, VA 22314-3466

(703) 518-4220 [email protected]

Ms. Anna ReadyDirector, Government

RelationsNACS 1600 Duke St

Alexandria, VA 22314-3466

(703) 518-4227 [email protected]

Mr. Jon TaetsDirector, Government

RelationsNACS 1600 Duke St

Alexandria, VA 22314-3466

(703) 518-4224 [email protected]

Mr. R. Timothy Columbus General Counsel Steptoe & Johnson LLP1330 Connecticut Ave

NW Ste 1CWashington, DC

20036-1724(202) 429-6222 [email protected]

Mr. Doug Kantor Partner Steptoe & Johnson LLP1330 Connecticut Ave

NW Ste 1CWashington, DC

20036-1724(202) 429-3775 [email protected]

Mr. Scott Sinder Partner Steptoe & Johnson LLP1330 Connecticut Ave

NW Ste 1CWashington, DC

20036-1724(202) 429-6280 [email protected]

Research Committee

IndFullName Title CompanyFullName AddressLine1AddressL

ine2 CityStateZip Phone Email

Mr. Kevin Smartt President & CEOKwik Chek Food Stores,

Inc.21018 State Highway 71

W Unit 300Spicewood, TX 78669-

6808 (512) 355-1181 [email protected]

Mr. Alan Beach SVP Merchandising 7-Eleven, Inc. 3200 Hackberry Rd Irving, TX 75063-0131 (972) 828-2734 [email protected]

Dr. Varish Goyal PresidentLoop Neighborhood

Markets 41805 Albrae StFremont, CA 94538-

3120 (510) 270-3402 [email protected]

Mr. Andy Jones President & CEO Sprint Food Stores, Inc. 402 E Broad STWrens, GA 30833-

1113 (706) 261-2525 [email protected]

Mr. Chuck Maggelet CEO Maverik, Inc. 185 S State ST Ste 800Salt Lake City, UT

84111-1549 (801) 201-7362 [email protected]

Mr. Charles C. McIlvaine Chairman/CEO Coen Oil Company 1000 Philadelphia StCanonsburg, PA

15317-1700 (724) 225-1300 [email protected]

Mr. William C. Milam, III President RaceTrac Petroleum, Inc.200 Galleria Pkwy SE Ste

900Atlanta, GA 30339-

5945(770) 431-7600 (1231)

Ext 1231 [email protected]

Mr. Glenn M. PlumbySenior Vice President and

Chief Operating Officer Speedway LLC 500 Speedway DR Enon, OH 45323-1056 (937) 863-7106 [email protected]

Mr. Quinn Ricker President & CEO Ricker's 30 W 11Th StPo Box

150Anderson, IN 46016-

1402 (765) 643-3016 [email protected]

Mr. Stephen Christopher Spinks CEO The Spinx Company, Inc. 1414 E Washington ST

Greenville, SC 29607-1864 (864) 451-6636 [email protected]

Mr. Arthur Stawski, Sr. President Loaf 'N Jug 442 Keeler PkwyPueblo, CO 81001-

4813 (719) 948-5968 [email protected]

Mr. Jay Ard VP National Sales CR The Coca-Cola Company 1316 Soundview TrlGulf Breeze, FL 32561-

4717 (813) 363-3933 [email protected]

Mr. Blake F. BenefielDirector, Trade & State

RelationsAltria Group Distribution

Company 6601 W Broad StRichmond, VA 23230-

1723 (804) 484-8924 [email protected]

Mr. Thomas Blair VP National Accounts MillerCoors7800 Dallas Pkwy Ste

400 Plano, TX 75024-0025 (214) 618-7411 [email protected]

Mr. Josh Halpern Chief Sales Officer North American Breweries 50 Fountain Plz Ste 900Buffalo, NY 14202-

2214 (917) 657-7719 [email protected]

Mr. Dae Kim V.P., Research NACS 1600 Duke StAlexandria, VA 22314-

3466 (703) 518-4242 [email protected]

Supplier Membership Committee

IndFullName Title CompanyFullName AddressLine1Address

Line2 CityStateZip Phone Email

Mr. Frank SquillaEVP, Industry & Trade

Relations InComm 4 Caveson TrlSewell, NJ 08080-

3147 (856) 290-0191 [email protected]

Mr. Vito Maurici Senior Vice President of Sales McLane Company, Inc.6201 NW H K Dodgen

LoopTemple, TX 76502-

7403 (254) 771-7571 [email protected]

Mr. Wynne Barrett VP Business Development Jera Concepts 17 Fruit StHopkinton, MA 01748-

1003 (508) 686-8786 [email protected]

Mr. Jon Bratta VP of MarketingCore-Mark International,

Inc.23201 Lake Center DR

Ste 207Lake Forest, CA 92630-

6808 (650) 589-9445 [email protected]

Ms. Kathleen Byrd VP of Sales - FAFH Home Market Foods, Inc. 140 Morgan DrNorwood, MA 02062-

5013 (847) 274-2903 [email protected]

Mr. Jamie Cavallo Customer Vice President Mondelez International 100 Deforest AveEast Hanover, NJ

07936-2813 (973) 503-2000 [email protected]

Mr. Joseph G. Chiovera President Buddy's Kitchen, Inc. 12105 Nicollet AveBurnsville, MN 55337-

1648 (214) 908-0679 [email protected]

Ms. Alicia Cleary Director, Trade Relations Anheuser-Busch InBev 1 Busch PLSaint Louis, MO 63118-

1849 (339) 227-2509 [email protected]

Mr. Mark FalconiVice President Sales C-Store &

Specialty Oberto Brands 7060 S 238Th St Kent, WA 98032-2914 (717) 315-8189 [email protected]

Ms. Amy Fattori Channel Marketing Manager Nestle400 N Tampa ST Ste

1500Tampa, FL 33602-

4716 (813) 301-4718 [email protected]

Ms. Deb Frullo-Butson Trade Manager CROSSMARK Convenience 5100 Legacy Dr Plano, TX 75024-3104 (469) 814-1708 [email protected]

Mr. Scott Hill Director C-Store Jack Link's Protein Snacks One Snack food LanePO Box

397Minong, WI 54859-

9463 (612) 819-4586 [email protected]

Mr. Tim KnightTeam Leader Convenience

North BIC Corporation 4562 Quarry Point Cir Clay, NY 13041-8747 (315) 622-0873 [email protected]

Mr. Kevin Michael Lemoyne Vice President The Coca-Cola Company 1 Coca Cola Plz NwAtlanta, GA 30313-

2420 (404) 676-1176 [email protected]

Mr. TJ Lynch VP - C Store KeyImpact Sales & Systems 652 Prosperity WayChesapeake, VA

23320 (757) 647-7506 [email protected]

Mr. Bryan Morrow Sr. Director C&G Sales PepsiCo, Inc. 1111 Westchester AveWhite Plains, NY

10604 (513) 948-5103 [email protected]

Mr. Vinnie Rinaldo Customer Events DirectorMars Wrigley

Confectionery US, LLC 800 High StHackettstown, NJ

07840-1552 (908) 850-2055 [email protected]

Mr. Jeff W. RobertsonBusiness Develpment Mgr

Small Format Hussmann Corporation12999 Saint Charles

Rock RdBridgeton, MO 63044-

2419 (314) 298-4871 [email protected]

Mr. Joe RoennaExecutive Vice President of

Sales and Marketing Eby-Brown Company LLC1415 W Diehl Rd Ste

300NNaperville, IL 60563-

1197 (630) 536-3764 [email protected]

Supplier Membership Committee

IndFullName Title CompanyFullName AddressLine1Address

Line2 CityStateZip Phone Email

Mrs. Nadine Routhier Chief Marketing Officer PDI11675 Rainwater DR

Ste 350Alpharetta, GA 30009-

8693 (254) 410-7600 [email protected]

Mr. Keith Solsvig Director of Channel Marketing Dawn Food Products, Inc. 3333 Sargent RdJackson, MI 49201-

8847 (571) 841-7049 [email protected]

Mr. John ThomasVice President, Industry

Development iSEE Store Innovations, LLC 139 W Monroe AveSaint Louis, MO 63122-

5815 (888) 417-2457 [email protected]

Ms. Sarah Vilim Director Dr Pepper Snapple Group 433 Blair RD Ste 1Avenel, NJ 07001-

2215 (972) 673-7000 [email protected]

Mr. Dean Michael ZurlieneVice President Sales – National

ConvenienceMonster Beverage

Company 13 Fox HolwEdwardsville, IL 62025-

5703 (618) [email protected]


Mr. Nat KellerDirector, Supplier Relations &

Hunter Club Liaison NACS 1600 Duke StAlexandria, VA 22314-

3466 (202) 510-7727 [email protected]

Mrs. Nicole WalbeMembership Manager,

Supplier Relations NACS 1600 Duke StAlexandria, VA 22314-

3466 (703) 518-4229 [email protected]

Last Name First Name Title Company CommitteeCurrent


Supporting Materials

Hunter Club (Y/N)

Ambassador Volunteer

Year Joined NACS

# Years of Individual Service City State Email Phone Applied for 2018


Your Ranking

Bradley SteveCorporate Vice

President of SalesWilbur Curtis

Manpower (rotated off in

12/17)No Bio Y/Bronze Y 1983 Manpower (1/2014 - 12/17) Naperville IL [email protected] 630-291-4160 N

Ezell DavidPrincipal Software Architect

Verifone Manpower Yes/2-Star Personal Info Doc Y/Bronze N 1992 Manpower (12/2017 - Present) Clearwater FL [email protected] 727-953-4080 N

Halpern JoshChief Sales

OfficerNorth American

BreweriesCCC; Research Yes/1-Star

Resume; Recommendation; Presentation (sent

via email)


Y (according to

spreadsheet did not check


2009CCC (8/2017 - Present); Research (10/2017 - Present); Membership

(12/2016-12/2017)Westfield NJ [email protected] 917-657-7719 N

Kimberly JackVice President Convenience


Royal Cup Coffee and Tea

Manpower Yes/2-StarPersonal Info Doc; Recommendation

N N 2010 Manpower (12/2014 - Present Birmingham AL [email protected] 205-271-6005 Y

Knight TimothyTeam Leader Convenience

NorthBIC USA, Inc. Membership Yes/Booster None Yes/Gold Y pre-1980 Membership (12/2016 - Present) Clay NY [email protected] 315-622-0873 N

Lee TommyDirector of

Convenience Sales

Gonnella EAC NoResume;

RecommendationN N 2011 EAC (12/2016 - Present) Schaumburg IL [email protected] 800-262-3442 x1145 N

Logsdon DesireeSVP Corporate

CitizenshipBunn-O-Matic EAC Yes/1-Star Resume Y/Bronze N pre-1980

EAC (1/2014 - Present); SB (10/2013-10/2017); Manpower

(1/2008-1/2014)Springfield IL [email protected] 217-585-7764 N

Routhier Nadine

Chief Marketing Officer, SVP Data Aggregation and

Business Development

PDI Membership NoResume;

Recommendation; Cover Letter

Y/Gold N pre-1980 Membership (12/2017 - Present) Alpharetta GA [email protected] 678-521-0462 N

Skaggs AustinVice President -

Professional Services

PDI EAC No Personal Info Doc Y/Gold Y pre-1980 EAC (12/2016 - Present) Temple TX [email protected] 254-410-7601 N

Thomas JohnVice President of

Industry Development

iSee Store Innovations, LLC.

Membership Yes/3-StarProfile;

Recommendations (4)

Y/Bronze Y 2011 Membership (12/2014 - Present) St. Louis MO [email protected] 314-605-7220 Y

Thrift Karin Director of Sales Clif Bar & Company Manpower Yes/3-Star Resume Y/Bronze N 1997

Manpower (12/2014 - Present); Member Services (10/2006-

12/2009); SB (11/2005 - 10/2010); Exec (11/2009 - 10/2010); MP

(3/2003 - 12/2005); EAC (12/2009 - 1/2011); EAC (12/2005 -

10/2006); NACStech EAC (12/2009 - 11/2010)

Arlington TX [email protected] 817-538-5947 N

Wagner DougVice President of

Sales - AIRCSC ServiceWorks EAC; PEC Y/5-Star

Resume; Recommendations

(7)N N 2006

PEC (7/2014-Present); EAC (12/2014 -Present)

Rosemount MN [email protected] 651-783-5520/ c


Zurliene DeanVP National


Membership; CCC

Y/1-Star Resume Y/Bronze N 1993Membership (1/2016 - Present);

CCC (8/2017 - Present)Edwardsville IL [email protected] 618-578-6174 Y



I am applying for a position on the 2019 NACS Supplier Board. DATE:








What is the percentage of your company’s business in the convenience channel?

Are you the person within your company who has overall responsibility for the convenience channel? If not, do you have direct access to the person that does?

What is the product or service that your company offers?



Please attach information to contribute more about your industry and personal experience (resumes and letters of recommendations are welcome):

• Personal History/Information• Education• Career History• Affiliations• Honors/Award

Please email to Jessica Rowe: [email protected].

*** Applications and supporting materials must be received by March 21, 2018 ***

What contributions have you made to the convenience industry (include NACS activities or other industry activities)?

Describe your NACS committee experience (include years served, positions held, projects worked on)?

Personal BIO

Steve Bradley - Wilbur Curtis Company


Western Illinois University – Graduated 1978 Bachelor of Business / Marketing

Employment History:

1978 – 1982 Clairol, Inc. – Territory Manager with sales responsibilities in a Central Illinois territory and was promoted to a larger territory in the Chicago market

1982 – 1987 Dart Container Corporation – Regional Sales Manager position leading to National Sales responsibilities for the newly created Consumer Products Division. I had responsibilities for managing a broker network as well as National Account responsibilities.

1987 – 1995 Bloomfield Industries – District Manager position in various positions in the Midwest selling to Office Coffee companies, Roasters and Chains.

1995 – Present – Wilbur Curtis Company:

• 1995 – 2001 Regional Sales Manager – managed Midwest sales territory – IL, WI, MI, IN • 2001 – 2006 Regional Vice President of Sales – managed Curtis Central Region with

responsibilities for 7 sales territories. Maintained direct sales responsibilities for the top 3 Curtis National Account customers.

• 2006 – Present Corporate Vice President of Sales – promoted to Corporate VP position with responsibility for management of overall sales for Curtis. Led the process to transform the sales team from a broker dominant sales team to a Direct Sales team currently consisting of 16 territories and 4 Regional Vice Presidents. Current position reports directly to COO. The current Wilbur Curtis sales team has had 5 straight years of record sales growth.

LinkedIn Recommendation:

Mitchell Winick / Regional Merchandise Manager NE at Walgreens

Steve has been a leader in providing outstanding support for his organization and in helping me meet and exceed my goals through his dedication, knowledge of the category and overall desire. He represents his company well and continues to be a valued business partner.

LinkedIn Profile URL:*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1_*1&trk=spm_pic

Hank's Lunch Tour Participation

Year Location

2015 Chicago, IL - Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Event Participation

Event Registration Type

2014 NACS Show Exhibitor Attendee

2015 NACS Show Full Conference Exhibitor

2017 NACS Show Booth Personnel

2018 NACS Leadership Forum Hunter Club Bronze

2018 NACS State of the Industry Summit Hunter Club Member

Committee Meeting Attendance

Committee Meeting Date Invited Attended

Supplier Board Manpower Committee

06/27/2017 Invited Attended

Supplier Board Manpower Committee

02/14/2017 Invited Attended

Friends of NACS

Expire Date


Individual Profile Report as of: Mar 21, 2018

Mr. Steve Bradley

Corporate VP Sales, CURTIS

518 Braemar Ave

Naperville, IL 60563-1373

(630) 300-0360Phone:

0 - UnknownPrimary Role:

349294NACS ID:

(323) 832-1103Fax:

[email protected]:



I am applying for a position on the 2019 NACS Supplier Board. DATE:








What is the percentage of your company’s business in the convenience channel?

Are you the person within your company who has overall responsibility for the convenience channel? If not, do you have direct access to the person that does?

What is the product or service that your company offers?


David B. Ezell

Principal Software Architect


Conexxus Board of Advisors, Manpower

300 Park Place Blvd. Suite 100, Clearwater, FL 33759

727 953 4080 [email protected]

For Fiscal Year 2017 that number was about 14%.

I don't have overall responsibility for the channel - that person is Brad McGuiness. I have directaccess to Brad.

We offer a number “forecourt” POS products. Legacy products from Verifone include Ruby POSterminals and Sapphire site server; more recent products include Commander site server, Topaz,Ruby 2, and RubyCI POS terminals, as well as a new line of specialty POS offerings and Cloudofferings.



Please attach information to contribute more about your industry and personal experience (resumes and letters of recommendations are welcome):

• Personal History/Information• Education• Career History• Affiliations• Honors/Award

Please email to Jessica Rowe: [email protected].

*** Applications and supporting materials must be received by March 21, 2018 ***

What contributions have you made to the convenience industry (include NACS activities or other industry activities)?

Describe your NACS committee experience (include years served, positions held, projects worked on)?

In 2015 I participated in the Supplier Advocacy sub-committee (Jay Ard, Chair) which producedmaterials and talking points for effective supplier outreach.

I have participated in giving and producing educational sessions for NACStech and later at theNACS Show and TechEdge. A few highlights:• 2017 - Software Testing (moderator)• 2015 - Contextualized Web (moderator)• 2014 - Cloud Computing, two participants (moderator)• 2012 - "Game Changer" EMV presentation (speaker)• 2010 - What is PCATS doing next (speaker)

Also set up the first cloud computing sessions at NACStech in 2010

I have chaired the PCATS and (later) Conexxus POS/Back Office committee since 2002, andbeen on the Board of Advisors for Conexxus since 2011. I have represented NACS at the WorldWide Web Consortium (W3C) since 2003 promoting XML technologies, and most recently havebeen co-chair of the Web Payments Interest Group on behalf of NACS - that group is now theW3C Web Commerce Interest Group.

Summary of information on David Ezell:

• Personal History/Information I was born in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, and spent my childhood in Atlanta, Georgia. After finishing college, I lived for a while in Muskegon, Michigan and Lexington, Kentucky before moving to Tampa to work for Verifone in 1998.

• Education

High school – graduated from Southwest Dekalb Highschool (Atlanta). Undergraduate – graduated from Jacksonville State University (Alabama) Bachelor of Science in Education with a major and minor in Music. Graduate – graduated from Ithaca College (New York) Master of Music, with emphasis in music theory.

• Career History

1983 – programmer for DigiSoft, Inc. (Atlanta) 1985 – director of development for Retail Automation, Inc. (Atlanta) 1992 – director of POS systems development for Bennett Pump Company (Muskegon) 1997 – POS systems specialist (IT) for SuperAmerica Stores (Lexington) 1998-present – Software Architect for POS Systems at Verifone (Tampa/Clearwater)

• Affiliations

Beta Club (High school) – honor society. Phi Kappa Phi – honor society. IEEE – Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. ACM – Association for Computing Machinery (computer science and engineering association).

• Honors/Award

2002- present – elected chair of PCATS (now Conexxus) POS/Back Office committee. 2002-2011 – selected to chair the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) XML Schema Working Group by W3C management. 2002 – present – represented NACS as advisory committee representative at W3C. 2015 – present – selected to co-chair W3C Web Payments steering committee (Interest Group) on behalf of NACS by W3C management. 2014 –U.S. Patent 8,671,454 B2 Awarded for Web based technology (Ezell et al). 2017 –U.S. Patent 9,691,866 B2 Awarded for Location based verification (McGuinness et al).

Event Participation

Event Registration Type

2013 NACS Show Exhibitor Attendee

2013 PCATS Summer Strategy Meeting Supplier-Member

2013 THE Tech EVENT Manufacturer for Resale

2014 Conexxus Annual Strategy Planning, Board Meeting and Technology Field Trip

Conexxus Member

2014 NACS Show Manufacturer for Resale

2014 PCATS Annual Conference Member

2015 Conexxus Annual Conference Member

2015 Conexxus Annual Strategy Planning, Board Meeting & Technology Field Trip

Conexxus Member

2016 Conexxus Annual Conference Conexxus Member

2016 Conexxus Annual Strategy Planning, Board Meeting and Technology Field Trip

Conexxus Member

2016 NACS Show Full Conference Exhibitor

2017 Conexxus Annual Conference Conexxus Member

2017 Conexxus Annual Strategy Conference, Board Meeting and Technology Innovations Presentations

Conexxus Member

2017 NACS Show Full Conference Exhibitor

2018 Conexxus Annual Conference Conexxus Member

Committee Participation

Committee Committee Position

Supplier Board Manpower Committee Members

Committee Meeting Attendance

Committee Meeting Date Invited Attended

Supplier Board Manpower Committee

02/06/2018 Invited Did Not Attend

Friends of NACS

Expire Date


PAC Contributions

Expire Date Level

10/31/2018 2 Star

10/31/2016 2 Star

Individual Profile Report as of: Mar 21, 2018

Mr. David B. Ezell

Principal Software Architect, Verifone, Inc.

300 Park Place Blvd Ste 100

Clearwater, FL 33759-4933

(727) 953-4080Phone:

0 - UnknownPrimary Role:

303381NACS ID:

(727) 953-4001Fax:

[email protected]:

PAC Contributions

Expire Date Level

10/17/2015 2 Star

10/17/2014 2 Star

10/17/2017 2 Star

Individual Profile Report as of: Mar 21, 2018

Mr. David B. Ezell

Principal Software Architect, Verifone, Inc.

300 Park Place Blvd Ste 100

Clearwater, FL 33759-4933

(727) 953-4080Phone:

0 - UnknownPrimary Role:

303381NACS ID:

(727) 953-4001Fax:

[email protected]:



I am applying for a position on the 2019 NACS Supplier Board. DATE:








What is the percentage of your company’s business in the convenience channel?

Are you the person within your company who has overall responsibility for the convenience channel? If not, do you have direct access to the person that does?

What is the product or service that your company offers?

Yes. We have a channel lead who reports to me.

March 14, 2018

[email protected]

Chief Sales Officer

Josh Halpern

Convention Content, Research

652 Nottingham Pl, Westfield, NJ, 07090


North American Breweries


We sell domestic and imported beer, as well as, flavored malt beverages



Please attach information to contribute more about your industry and personal experience (resumes and letters of recommendations are welcome):

• Personal History/Information• Education• Career History• Affiliations• Honors/Award

Please email to Jessica Rowe: [email protected].

*** Applications and supporting materials must be received by March 21, 2018 ***

What contributions have you made to the convenience industry (include NACS activities or other industry activities)?

Describe your NACS committee experience (include years served, positions held, projects worked on)? In 2017, I served on the Membership committee, and for 2018 I serve on both the Convention Content Committee and on the Research Committee. At the Convention Content Committee meeting, I was on the group that targeted mid-size retailers, working to create a handful of modules that will be a part of the 2018 NACS show. As part of the Membership committee in 2017, I welcomed new members into the organization and called a few prior to the show. As part of the Research Committee, I have brought provocation and insights into the discussion on driving traffic and foodservice sales in a way that bolsters the materials that Dae and Leroy produce.

Josh Halpern 652 Nottingham Pl, Westfield, NJ, 07090

Ph: 917-657-7719 e-mail: [email protected] Summary: Energetic senior leader who has led several business turnarounds, while concurrently driving sustained team engagement and increased margin contribution Experience: February 2018-Present - North American Breweries Chief Sales Officer • Responsible for a 210 person direct team, accountable for sales, trade marketing, sales operations,

revenue management, category leadership, and wholesaler development for all channels

June 2012-February 2018 – Anheuser-Busch InBev Vice President / General Manager – Small Format, US BU (6/16-Present) • Responsible for a 120 person direct team (sales, trade marketing, category leadership,

pricing/performance mgmt.) that sells $7.3B in Net Revenue and $2.5B in EBITDA to the C-Store and Liquor Store classes of trade

• Reduced market share loss by 50% within first 4 months through a targeted pareto approach • Developed several new strategies to get closer to store archetypes, with focus on urban, college

town, tourist destination, foodservice-heavy archetypes Vice President / General Manager – On-Premise (Foodservice), US BU (8/13-12/16) • Responsibility for $2.1B in Net Revenue and $700MM in EBITDA • Led a 75 person direct team (sales, trade marketing, category leadership, pricing/performance

mgmt), for all On-Premise / Foodservice segments • In 2015, led A-B On-Premise team to its first market share gain in over 20 years, +33 bps vs PY. • Had the highest engagement scores, and lowest voluntary turnover in the entire A-B sales

department, resulting in 2x Team of the Year honors Global Director, Trade Marketing (Off-Premise) (6/12-8/13) • Was responsible for ensuring fulfillment of the 1YP and 3YP Off-Trade Marketing objectives for all

Zones/BU’s (a $21B business including US, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Europe, & Asia) • Global leader for the Store Activation/Execution, and Category Leadership Processes/Results • Responsibility for building the global trade activation toolkit for the 2014 FIFA World Cup™, and led

the first ever Global trade programming at Walmart and Carrefour • Established the business case and orchestrated the US Category Leadership re-launch through a

qualitative and quantitative data approach. • Developed 12 global in-store execution Levers, launched to 22 countries • Brought the “Shopper” into Global negotiations with Walmart and Carrefour, resulting in stronger

JBP collaboration with Walmart, and increased working dollars towards counterparts at Carrefour May 2011-June 2012 – Reckitt Benckiser National Sales Director, Food Division (5/11-6/12) • Responsibility for the Mass, Club, Dollar, C-Store, Grocery Deli and Military Channels • Grew Net Revenue by 12.4% in 2011, while increasing share by 240bps • Sold Target on changing their shelf flow to improve market basket with higher degree of

mustard/ketchup cross-purchase, leading to +4% overall category gains • Successfully upsized the Dollar Channel off the $1 price point on French’s Mustard, which led to a

300bps reduction in trade spending, and a 16% increase in Net Revenue • Created the Grocery and C-Store Foodservice strategies, to penetrate the roller grill and prepared

foods area of the store. Tested at Cumberland Farms, Wawa, Publix

December 2008 – April 2011 – Just Born Inc. (Makers of Peeps®, Mike and Ike®, Hot Tamales®) Director of US Sales (12/08-4/11) • Managed a staff of 22 Full-Time Sales and Customer Service employees across all channels, and led Just

Born’s multi-functional Strategic Customer Team. Managed the broker network, while giving laser-focused assortment and merchandising goals through a simplified business approach called the “4 Go-Do’s.”

• Led team reorganization and expansion to increase customer connectivity and customer depth, while implementing customer segmentations practices.

• Expanded relationships with Walmart and Target past Category Manager to include Global Sourcing, IT, Design, Licensing, Marketing, and Replenishment

• Served as Walmart National Acct Manager (in addition to current role) from May 2009 to October 2010 resulting in 27% increased orders for Easter 2011, and doubling our everyday assortment

November 2003 – December 2008 - The Clorox Company Team Leader – Category Development – (10/07-12/08) - Eastern Region and West Coast. • Responsible for leading, training, and developing plans with 16 Regional Sales Managers, NAMs, Category

Managers, and Customer Marketers (and their brokers) in Grocery/Drug for our Glad and Cat Litter brands. Customers included Meijer, Safeway, Publix, Ahold, Del Haize, Wakefern, Drug and more, growing Sales 6% over quota (12% vs. Prior Year) focusing on assortment and shelving gains.

National Brand Partnerships and Licensing Manager (8/07-9/07) – Specialty Division • Led special project to develop external partnerships with other CPG companies for Kingsford, KC

Masterpiece and Hidden Valley behind the Backyard Tailgate Marketing Platform National Sales Merchandising Manager (7/05-9/07) – Glad Food Storage, Glad Innovation • Led several internal teams in addition to my role including: Glad Trade Funds Efficiency Team, Glad GO

Walmart Team, Glad GO Dollar Channel Team, Glad Shopper Insights Team • Created Glad Customer Strategy for Glad Food Storage Division ($330MM Retail Sales) – led team in FY

2007 to first growth in 11 years – +9%, while driving +17% trade fund efficiency. New England Region Manager – Glad and Brita Brands (11/03-6/05) Responsible for all sales, broker management, marketing, financial, and logistical activities in New England -

Earned 2004 Region Manager of the Year, and 2005 Region of the Year Honors

January 2001- November 2003 - Procter and Gamble Company

Account Executive – Business Development & Operations – CVS Team (4/03-11/03) Launched successful new items (i.e. Crest Night Effects, Prilosec, Cover Girl Outlast, Tampax Pearl, Olay

Regenerist, Olay Daily Facials) that grew sales by over $300MM Worked on multi-manufacturer team to launch CVS Shopper Segmentation work, and CVS Extracare Portal

Upgrade Sub-Team Leader, and Account Manager Fabric and Home Care – Supervalu New England (02/01-4/03), • Grew Fabric and Home Care sales 19.7%, the fastest growth of any wholesaler in US.


2003-2005 Babson College Wellesley, MA - MBA - Summa Cum Laude – 3.76 GPA Concentrated in Corporate Entrepreneurship and Management

1997–2000 Cornell University Ithaca, NY - BS in Policy Analysis and Management Was President of the Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity, and elected member of the University Assembly Boards: NACS Membership Committee (2016-2017) NACS Research Committee (2017-Present) NACS Convention Content Committee (2017-Present) International Foodservice Manufacturers Association (IFMA) (2014-Present) VFW Foundation (2013-2015), Restaurant Leadership Conference (2014-2016) National Restaurant Association Military Foundation (2014-2016) Key Awards & Certifications:

• Anheuser Busch – Best Commercial New Practice, North America Zone: 2014 • Clorox Corporate Sales Achievement Award (2007) – given to only 1% of employees each year • Six-Sigma Green Belt Certification

Event Participation

Event Registration Type

2017 NACS Government Relations Conference Supplier-Member

2017 NACS Show Full Conference Exhibitor

2017 NACS State of the Industry Summit Hunter Club Member

2018 NACS Leadership Forum Hunter Club Gold

2018 NACS State of the Industry Summit Hunter Club Member

Committee Participation

Committee Committee Position

Research Committee Supplier Members

Convention Content Committee Members

Committee Meeting Attendance

Committee Meeting Date Invited Attended

Convention Content Committee 11/29/2017 Invited Attended

Research Committee 09/07/2017 Invited Did Not Attend

Research Committee 02/07/2018 Invited Attended

Supplier Membership Committee 06/27/2017 Invited Attended

Supplier Membership Committee 02/14/2017 Invited Did Not Attend

Friends of NACS

Expire Date



PAC Contributions

Expire Date Level

03/31/2018 1 Star

Individual Profile Report as of: Mar 21, 2018

Mr. Josh Halpern

Chief Sales Officer, North American Breweries

50 Fountain Plz Ste 900

Buffalo, NY 14202-2214

(917) 657-7719Phone:

0 - UnknownPrimary Role:

466864NACS ID:


[email protected]:



I am applying for a position on the 2019 NACS Supplier Board. DATE:








What is the percentage of your company’s business in the convenience channel?

Are you the person within your company who has overall responsibility for the convenience channel? If not, do you have direct access to the person that does?

What is the product or service that your company offers?


Jack Kimberly

Vice President Convenience Stores

Royal Cup Coffee and Tea


160 Cleage Dr. Birmingham AL 35217

205-271-6005 [email protected]

Royal Cup Coffee and Tea has four distinct operating divisions, Foodservice, Office Coffee,Commercial and Convenience Store. The convenience channel represents approximately 12% ofthe companies total sales.

Yes, all convenience personnel and activities report up to me.

Royal Cup Coffee and Tea is a producer of world class coffee and teas. As a part of ourprograms with our customers we also offer full marketing programs, equipment set up andmaintenance and a wide variety of support such as store level training.



Please attach information to contribute more about your industry and personal experience (resumes and letters of recommendations are welcome):

• Personal History/Information• Education• Career History• Affiliations• Honors/Award

Please email to Jessica Rowe: [email protected].

*** Applications and supporting materials must be received by March 21, 2018 ***

What contributions have you made to the convenience industry (include NACS activities or other industry activities)?

Describe your NACS committee experience (include years served, positions held, projects worked on)?

I have been a member of the manpower committee for four years serving as the head of theeducation committee for the past two years. I have also served as a Day Chairperson at theNACS Show for the past three years.

With in Royal Cup I have been able to move us from a southeast regional supplier to theconvenience channel to one who now works with convenience stores across the country. Also,previous to my taking over the division Royal Cup did not participate at the NACS show. We havenow participated in the past 6 shows and have increased our booth size as well. Royal Cup isalso now attending a variety of industry shows, conventions and seminars such as SOI and HotDispensed Beverage. All of these activities have raised the level of awareness and importanceof the C-store channel within Royal Cup Coffee. Because of our increased activity within thechannel I believe we have been able to bring our industry knowledge and insight to a wide varietyof retailers and have helped them to grow their business.

NACS Supplier Board Application Jack Kimberly Vice President Convenience Stores Royal Cup Coffee and Tea Personal History/Information * Married 27 years to Nancy, two children * First Southerner in the family. Raised in Atlanta, GA (the rest are from Wisconsin) * Hobbies include golf and Green Bay Packer and Alabama Crimson Tide football games * Member of Birmingham Sunrise Rotary * Board of Directors member for the Birmingham Boys Choir Education * Graduated Furman University 1985, Business Degree Career History * Began my 23rd year with Royal Cup Coffee and Tea on Feb. 11th. - 15 years as the Director of National Accounts - 7 years as Vice President Convenience Stores Affiliations * NACPAC Member * Specialty Coffee Association of America Member

Flowers Foods Snack Group Jeff Blalock 5087 South Royal Atlanta Drive Vice President, Convenience Store Channel Tucker, Georgia 30084 t 770.723.9028 t 770.723.0173 f 770.496.1664

March 20, 2018 To the NACS Supplier board review committee Jack Kimberly is applying for one of the upcoming vacancy positions on the NACS supplier board. I have personally known and worked with Jack for about 6 years within our industry and on several of the supplier committees. Jack is always very engaged in the topics that are being discussed and willing to share his ideas to the group. Jack is a quality contributor in our industry and a team player. Jack has been a loyal member of the Manpower volunteers and has continued to help and support the NACS Shows for many years. Additionally, I have known Jack in both events inside our industry and personal venues outside and would say Jack is the type of individual people want to surround themselves with both from an integrity and honesty standpoint. Please contact me if you would like me to answer any further questions about Jack Kimberly. Jeff Blalock Jeff Blalock

Hank's Lunch Tour Participation

Year Location

2013 Greenville, SC - Thursday, February 28, 2013

2015 Birmingham, AL - Thursday, January 29, 2015

Event Participation

Event Registration Type

2016 NACS Show Full Conference Exhibitor

2017 NACS Show Full Conference Exhibitor

2017 NACS State of the Industry Summit Supplier-Member

2018 NACS State of the Industry Summit Supplier-Member

Committee Participation

Committee Committee Position

Supplier Board Manpower Committee Members

Committee Meeting Attendance

Committee Meeting Date Invited Attended

Supplier Board Manpower Committee

02/14/2017 Invited Attended

Supplier Board Manpower Committee

06/27/2017 Invited Attended

Supplier Board Manpower Committee

02/06/2018 Invited Did Not Attend

Friends of NACS

Expire Date




PAC Contributions

Expire Date Level

01/20/2015 1 Star

10/31/2016 2 Star

10/17/2017 3 Star

10/31/2018 2 Star

Individual Profile Report as of: Mar 21, 2018

Mr. John Kimberly

VP Convenience Store Division, Royal Cup Coffee and Tea

160 Cleage Dr

Birmingham, AL 35217-1461

(205) 271-6005Phone:

0 - UnknownPrimary Role:

416106NACS ID:


[email protected]:

Individual Profile Report as of: Mar 21, 2018

(205) 271-6005Phone:

Primary Role:



[email protected]:



I am applying for a position on the 2019 NACS Supplier Board. DATE:








What is the percentage of your company’s business in the convenience channel?

Are you the person within your company who has overall responsibility for the convenience channel? If not, do you have direct access to the person that does?

What is the product or service that your company offers?

March 23, 2018

Timothy J Knight

Team Leader Convenience North


Membership Comittee

4562 Quarry Point Circle Clay, NY 13041

315 622-0873 [email protected]

Approximately 25% of our companies annual sales come from the Convenience Channel.Although most of our Lighter Sales come from Convenience Customers majority of our Stationeryand Shavers are sold to FOOD, DRUG, and MASS.

Patrick Cordle is the VP of Sales for Convenience and I report directly to him.

Although the majority of our sales in Convenience come from lighters we also offer full line ofstationery products and disposable shavers.



Please attach information to contribute more about your industry and personal experience (resumes and letters of recommendations are welcome):

• Personal History/Information• Education• Career History• Affiliations• Honors/Award

Please email to Jessica Rowe: [email protected].

*** Applications and supporting materials must be received by March 21, 2018 ***

What contributions have you made to the convenience industry (include NACS activities or other industry activities)?

Describe your NACS committee experience (include years served, positions held, projects worked on)?

I'm currently enjoying my 2nd year as a member of the NACS Membership Committee. In thisrole I have worked specifically on contributing ideas to improve & strengthen the SupplierEducation Sessions offered at the NACS Show. In addition to attending committee meetings andthe annual trade show I've also attended other NACS events including Leadership and SOI. Inaddition to all the wonderful people that I've met I've also gained a lot of industry knowledge that Iwould not have been exposed to otherwise.

I've had the pleasure of working for BIC for 21 years; in addition to calling on ConvenienceCustomers I've gained valuable experience calling on Food and Drug Chains like Price Chopper,Wegmans and Kinney Drugs. In my current role as Team Leader - Convenience North I have 5Business Mangers who report to me; combined we're responsible for $45M dollars in sales 98%of which is convenience store related. The primary goal for my team is to secure distribution forBIC Products in convenience stores and the wholesalers who supply them. We meet directly withconvenience stores (both large and small) to share best practices, negotiate placement &marketing programs to grow BIC Sales. Currently my team calls on and services conveniencestores and wholesalers in approx. 10 states. Some of our direct customers include Sheetz,Rutter's, Pilot Flying J, Mapco, QuickChek, and WaWa etc. In addition to my role with NACS Ialso serve as an Associate Board Member for the New York Association of Convenience Stores(NYACS) since 2012. As a board member I actively participate in NYACS events includingconferences and trade shows.

Event Participation

Event Registration Type

2016 NACS Show Full Conference Exhibitor

2017 NACS Leadership Forum Hunter Club Gold

2017 NACS Show Full Conference Exhibitor

2017 NACS State of the Industry Summit Hunter Club Member

2018 NACS Leadership Forum Hunter Club Gold

2018 NACS State of the Industry Summit Hunter Club Member

Committee Participation

Committee Committee Position

Supplier Membership Committee Members

Committee Meeting Attendance

Committee Meeting Date Invited Attended

Supplier Membership Committee 02/06/2018 Invited Attended

Supplier Membership Committee 02/14/2017 Invited Attended

Supplier Membership Committee 06/27/2017 Invited Attended

Friends of NACS

Expire Date


PAC Contributions

Expire Date Level

09/30/2018 Booster

Individual Profile Report as of: Mar 23, 2018

Mr. Tim Knight

Team Leader Convenience North, BIC Corporation

4562 Quarry Point Cir

Clay, NY 13041-8747

(315) 622-0873Phone:

0 - UnknownPrimary Role:

629254NACS ID:


[email protected]:



I am applying for a position on the 2019 NACS Supplier Board. DATE:








What is the percentage of your company’s business in the convenience channel?

Are you the person within your company who has overall responsibility for the convenience channel? If not, do you have direct access to the person that does?

What is the product or service that your company offers?


Tommy Lee

Director of Convenience Sales


Exhibitor Supplier Committee

1117 Wiley Road, Schaumburg, IL 60173

800-262-3442 x1145 [email protected]


I oversee all convenience channel operations for Gonnella.

Bakery: Breads, Rolls, Doughs.



Please attach information to contribute more about your industry and personal experience (resumes and letters of recommendations are welcome):

• Personal History/Information• Education• Career History• Affiliations• Honors/Award

Please email to Jessica Rowe: [email protected].

*** Applications and supporting materials must be received by March 21, 2018 ***

What contributions have you made to the convenience industry (include NACS activities or other industry activities)?

Describe your NACS committee experience (include years served, positions held, projects worked on)?

I am in my second year on the Exhibitor Advisory Committee. The most recent project we workedon is addressing space concerns for 2nd year exhibitors and general flow patterns for the showas a whole.

I was the founder of the Individually Wrapped Hot Dog bun which revolutionized the roller grillprocess for buns.

TOMMY LEE 17911 Bronk Road Plainfield, IL 60586 Cell: 312.296.3385 [email protected]

Sales Executive Envision, execute, and deliver profitable growth

Comprehensive experience in strategy formulation, marketing, and execution of sales programs. Excel in identifying and seizing new opportunities to produce significant returns and cost efficiencies with sustainable revenue growth. Accomplished in turning mediocre initiatives into high-performance programs; consistently earned top ranks in performance by bringing revenues, market share and profits to new heights. Management of a sales team to achieve company goals and aspirations.


PROGRAMS AND CHANNELS - Co-marketing - Partner marketing - Sales collateral - Product messaging - Demand generation programs - Integrated marketing programs - Competitive analysis - Nurturing - Market research - Value proposition creation - Product messaging - Client relationships –Demand Forecasting - Market launch - Channel marketing programs - Development-Execution - Project management – Product Development-Launch Protocols- Staff Management - Sales Forecasting - Sales Development: Both end users and distributors - Sales Team Management - Key Client Relations - Product Development - Sales Program Development - Broker Management & Development - Vendor Coalition Development


10/14/2014-Present: Director of Sales- Gonnella 10/14/2005-10/13/2014: National Sales Manager- Gonnella 10/14/1997-10/13/2005: Business Development Manager- Gonnella 10/14/1994-10/13/1997: District Sales Manager- Gonnella 01/05/1989- 10/13/1994: District Manager- National Baking Company 01/05/1987- 01/04/1989: Route Salesman- National Baking Company Prior experience includes:

Dispatcher with SURFSIDE TRANSPORT in Burr Ridge, IL. Electrical Engineering Apprentice with CHICAGO CONDENSER CORPORATION in Chicago, IL.


Science of Baking- American Institute of Baking, Manhattan, KS. Just In Time Manufacturing, M.R.P., Oakton Community College, Des Plaines, IL

Various seminars related to the baking industry/sales

To Whom it may concern: I am writing to you to endorse Tommy Lee from Gonnella Baking company as a member of the NACS Supplier Board. I have known Tommy for many years, and his work to better the convenience channel has been superior. Tommy led the way for innovation on the roller grill by being the first vendor to provide an individually wrapped hot dog bun. Although this may seem insignificant as the industry has matured and there are multiple suppliers in the market, at the time it was introduced Gonnella was the first provider of a product that revolutionized the roller grill area. They fulfilled a need for the industry to offer a product that was needed for many retailers to function safely in the foodservice environment. Tommy was relentless in his passion for the product and need for it in our industry which has led to the product being in many stores throughout the US. In addition to this product, Tommy has worked to understand the needs of foodservice in convenience and develop other items which fulfill the needs of our consumers. I have worked with him on projects for our commissary, which included innovative product development on carriers for unique sandwiches for our industry. In each instance Tommy has shown a passion for the business and a willingness to assist in an effort to find items that best fit our channel. I recommend Tommy for the NACS supplier board for the passion, integrity, and innovation he brings to the convenience industry. Sincerely,

Sharon Kuncl Eby-Brown Co LLC VP Foodservice

Event Participation

Event Registration Type

2014 NACS Show Exhibitor Attendee

2017 NACS Show Booth Personnel

Committee Participation

Committee Committee Position

Supplier Exhibitor Advisory Committee Members

Committee Meeting Attendance

Committee Meeting Date Invited Attended

Supplier Exhibitor Advisory Committee

02/14/2017 Invited Did Not Attend

Supplier Exhibitor Advisory Committee

10/19/2017 Invited Attended

Supplier Exhibitor Advisory Committee

02/06/2018 Invited Attended

Individual Profile Report as of: Mar 21, 2018

Mr. Tommy Lee

Director of Sales: C Store/Retail Channel, Gonnella Baking Company

1117 Wiley RD

Schaumburg, IL 60173-4337

(800) 262-3442Phone:

0 - UnknownPrimary Role:

482586NACS ID:


[email protected]:



I am applying for a position on the 2019 NACS Supplier Board. DATE:








What is the percentage of your company’s business in the convenience channel?

Are you the person within your company who has overall responsibility for the convenience channel? If not, do you have direct access to the person that does?

What is the product or service that your company offers?

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Desiree Logsdon

SVP Corporate Citizenship


Exhibitor Advisory

5020 Ash Grove, Springfield, IL 62711

217-585-7764 [email protected]

Approximately 25% of our commercial equipment and service business is done through theconvenience store channel.

As the SVP of Corporate Citizenship for BUNN’s global business, my role is to ensure that BUNN isacting as a socially responsible business in the channels and communities where we live and work.I coordinate a team of over sixty employees who lend their time, talents and resources to industryassociations and committees around the globe. I work directly with our Director of Trade Shows,making sure we have the right sponsorships and volunteer engagement at industry events.

BUNN offers a complete line of dispensed beverage equipment. We manufacture coffee brewersand grinders; liquid coffee dispensers; iced tea brewers; cappuccino, frozen beverage machines,and juice machines; super automatic espresso systems; precise temperature water qualitysystems and paper filters. BUNNserve, the managed service arm of the business, providescontractual service support and project management services for all types of commercialaccounts.



Please attach information to contribute more about your industry and personal experience (resumes and letters of recommendations are welcome):

• Personal History/Information• Education• Career History• Affiliations• Honors/Award

Please email to Jessica Rowe: [email protected].

*** Applications and supporting materials must be received by March 21, 2018 ***

What contributions have you made to the convenience industry (include NACS activities or other industry activities)?

Describe your NACS committee experience (include years served, positions held, projects worked on)?

2008 Manpower Committee, Convention Day Chair2009 Manpower Committee, Recruitment Team Chair2010 Manpower Committee, Recruitment Team Chair2011 Manpower Committee, Recruitment Team Chair2012 Manpower Committee, Recruitment Team Chair and Convention Day Chair2013 Manpower Committee, Recruitment Team Chair and Convention Day Chair2014-18 Supplier Board:-Chair of Exhibitor Advisory Committee-Co-Chair of Manpower Committee-Project ReFRESH-New Exhibitor Mentor-Supplier Advocacy Committee

1984-1986 Store Counselor, Central IL Region, White Hen Pantry Corporation2007 Developed “Brewing the New Coffee Consumer” workshop for the NACs conference2008 Developed and provided C-store marketing support for dispensed beverage programs

including Beverage Bar design tools and profit calculators.

2019 NACS Supplier Board Application Personal History-Education-Career History-Affiliations-Honors/Awards

Desiree Logsdon Cell Phone 217-971-3996 4400 Foxhall Lane Springfield, IL 62711 Business Phone 217-585-7764 [email protected] Career Summary In my 38 years of experience in the business, I have developed a variety of professional skills. I am proficient in areas such as communication, strategic thinking, public speaking, event planning and marketing products and services. I am creative, enthusiastic and have strong organizational skills. Professional Experience 2014-Present Senior Vice President, Corporate Social Responsibility Bunn-O-Matic Corporation, Springfield, IL Bunn-O-Matic is the leading manufacturer of beverage equipment worldwide. -Member of the Executive Management and Strategic Marketing Teams providing strategic direction for the organization -Represent the company at key events, trade organizations and associations -Design and oversee the company’s Corporate Citizenship Program -Represent the company at key events, trade organizations and associations -Drive marketing strategy for the BUNN Gourmet business unit 2006-2014 Vice President, Marketing Bunn-O-Matic Corporation -Member of the Executive Management Team providing strategic direction for the organization -Responsible for marketing communications and brand strategies -Incorporate industry trends into the company business plan -Represent the company at key events, trade organizations and associations 1986-2006 Director of Marketing Bunn Capitol Company, Springfield, IL Bunn Capitol was a full-line food service distributor serving Illinois and Missouri. The company was sold to SYSCO in 2006. -Served as member of the Senior Management Team providing direction for the organization -Negotiated annual budget of $1.6 million dollars in marketing dollars from suppliers -Designed and managed the annual marketing program -Oversaw the design and production of company marketing materials -Managed five professionals providing value-added services to the customer base including menu development, health care programs and software placement, food demonstrations, product analysis and sanitation certification classes -Managed eight customer service professionals including the Will Call operation -Planned and managed sales promotions, special events, trade shows and incentive travel -Organized semi-monthly sales meetings -Handled specific human resource issues including employee orientation and policy violations 1984-1986 Merchandiser and Store Counselor White Hen Pantry Corporation, Decatur, IL White Hen Pantry is a convenience store chain, which franchises stores to individual operators. -Served as a liaison between convenience store owners and the franchising corporation

-Responsible for implementing new corporate programs, monitoring store operations, overseeing store sets ensuring compliance to franchise agreements 1980-1984 Food Service Specialist Illinois State Board of Education, Food and Nutrition Department, Springfield, IL The Food and Nutrition Department is a state organization that oversees state and federally subsidized food service programs. -Served as a consultant to state and federally-funded food service programs -Analyzed menus, cost control, food service operations and compliance to government standards -Responsible for training and in-service programs throughout the state Education B.S. with High Honors, Western IL University, Home Economics Education, 1980 Professional Affiliations International Women’s Coffee Alliance, Past President Specialty Coffee Association of America, Sustainability Committee Illinois Women in Leadership Symposium, Past Chair Women’s Foodservice Forum, Ambassador Committee National Coffee Association, Member National Restaurant Association, Exhibitor Advisory Committee National Association of Convenience Stores, Exhibitor Advisory Committee Community Involvement Greater Springfield Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, 2007 Board Chair United Way of Central IL, Past Board Member Local First, Vice President Central IL Chapter of the National Association of Customer Service, Board Member Mentor, Big Brother Big Sister Springfield School District Foundation, Board Member LPGA State Farm Classic Executive Board, 2009 & 2010 Tournament Chair Sangamon Menard County Crime Stoppers Board of Directors, Past President Chaine des Rotisseurs, Board of Directors Recognition and Accomplishments 1992 Women in Management Women of Achievement Award 1997 Springfield Business Journal Forty under 40 Award Recipient 1997 Brenda Edgar Illinois Reaches Out Award Recipient 1998 Greater Springfield of Commerce Spirit of the Ambassador 1999 Athena Award Recipient for Community Leadership 2002 Small Business Advocate Award 2002 Greater Springfield Chamber of Commerce Ambassador Gold Level 2004 Board Member of the Year for Illinois Crime Stoppers 2006 Security Bank Women of Influence Nominee 2007 IL Women in Leadership Emerald Award for Business Innovation 2009 Women of Influence Award 2010 Greater Springfield Chamber of Commerce President’s Award 2012 and 2014 Springfield First Citizen Finalist

Event Participation

Event Registration Type

2013 NACS Show Exhibitor Attendee

2014 NACS Show Exhibitor Attendee

2015 NACS Show Full Conference Exhibitor

2016 NACS Leadership Forum Hunter Club Bronze

2016 NACS Show Full Conference Exhibitor

2016 NACS State of the Industry Summit Hunter Club Member

2017 NACS Leadership Forum Hunter Club Bronze

2017 NACS Show HC Full Conference Exhibitor

2017 NACS State of the Industry Summit Hunter Club Member

2018 NACS Leadership Forum Hunter Club Bronze

2018 NACS State of the Industry Summit Hunter Club Member

Committee Participation

Committee Committee Position

Supplier Exhibitor Advisory Committee Members

Committee Meeting Attendance

Committee Meeting Date Invited Attended

Supplier Exhibitor Advisory Committee

02/14/2017 Invited Attended

Supplier Board 02/14/2017 Invited Attended

Friends of NACS

Expire Date





PAC Contributions

Expire Date Level

09/30/2018 1 Star

09/30/2016 1 Star

06/28/2014 1 Star

09/05/2017 1 Star

Individual Profile Report as of: Mar 14, 2018

Ms. Desiree D. Logsdon

SVP, Bunn-O-Matic Corporation

5020 Ash Grove Dr

Springfield, IL 62711-6329

(217) 585-7764Phone:

0 - UnknownPrimary Role:

448002NACS ID:

(217) 529-6622Fax:

[email protected]:

PAC Contributions

Expire Date Level

09/09/2015 1 Star

Individual Profile Report as of: Mar 14, 2018

Ms. Desiree D. Logsdon

SVP, Bunn-O-Matic Corporation

5020 Ash Grove Dr

Springfield, IL 62711-6329

(217) 585-7764Phone:

0 - UnknownPrimary Role:

448002NACS ID:

(217) 529-6622Fax:

[email protected]:


I am applying for a position on the 2019 NACS Supplier Board. DATE:








What is the percentage of your company’s business in the convenience channel?

Are you the person within your company who has overall responsibility for the convenience channel? If not, do you have direct access to the person that does?

What is the product or service that your company offers?

March 20, 2018

Nadine Routhier

Chief Marketing Officer, SVP Data Aggregation and Business Development


Supplier Membership Committee

11675 Rainwater Drive, suite 350, Alpharetta, GA 3009

678.521.0462 [email protected]

PDI's core business is dedicated to serving the Convenience Retail including petroleum fuel supplychain. This represents over 90% of our business in over 50 countries, 70,000 locations and 1,200customers.

While the ultimate responsibility of PDI lies with our CEO, as Chief Marketing Officer reportingdirectly to the CEO, I have global responsibility for our go to market strategy, synthesizing marketand technology trends affecting our industry and customers representing the voice of the market tohelp shape and prioritize our investments. My role also extends to strategic alliances and growingPDI's data aggregation business.

PDI is a trusted partner to our customers. We provide software solutions that help convenienceretailer in over 50 countries thrive in a digital economy. Our comprehensive portfolio enterprisemanagement (ERP) and retail back office software including retail operations (accounting, retailoperations, workforce, inventory mgmt and pricing, food service etc.) and services enablesconvenience retailers and operators/marketers engaged with NACS to transform their businessthrough automation of processes and optimizing their workforce with actionable insights to runtheir business better and deliver exceptional experiences.


Please attach information to contribute more about your industry and personal experience (resumes and letters of recommendations are welcome):

• Personal History/Information• Education• Career History• Affiliations• Honors/Award

Please email to Jessica Rowe: [email protected].

*** Applications and supporting materials must be received by March 21, 2018 ***

What contributions have you made to the convenience industry (include NACS activities or other industry activities)?

Describe your NACS committee experience (include years served, positions held, projects worked on)?

Member of the NACS supplier member committee in 2018 supporting the new membersub-committee focused on improving webinar content and participation.

I am a supporter of NACS initiatives and strive to contribute in the industry by participating in theNACS show, various events/forums over the last 8+ years including NACS State of the Industry,NACS insight, as well as increased our contributions to NACS Hunter Club Gold, membership tothe global supplier council and advertising.Related industry affiliations include SIGMA, National Retail Federation, National RestaurantAssoc. and other industry assoc. I have contributed to a number of published articles and contentin CSP, NACS magazine and Petrol Plaza.

My career began in serving the retail industry in 1990. I have developed a passion for retail withthe last 7+ years focused on the convenience retail / petroleum channel. I have led teams thathave developed solutions to help operators remain relevant in and out of the store to improveprofitability and customer experience i.e. in-store automation (POS, loyalty, inventorymgmt,pricing, pre-order foodservice, self-service) as well as pay at the pump and engagement.

•• •

Nadine Routhier | Chief Marketing Officer 11675 Rainwater Drive, Suite 350. Alpharetta, GA 30009 Office 254.410.7600 Cell 678.521.0462 [email protected]








4001 Central Pointe Parkway Building 200

Temple, TX 76504

O: 254.410.7600 F: 254.410.7617

March 21, 2018

Bob Hughes NACS V.P., Supplier Relations & Expositions 1600 Duke Street Alexandria, VA 22314 Dear Bob,

Please accept this letter of recommendation for Nadine Routhier for a position on the NACS Supplier Board of Directors. I believe Nadine is a strong candidate to be considered to fill any current or upcoming vacancy.

I’ve had the pleasure of working with Nadine over the past decade both at NCR Corporation and PDI Software. During this time, I’ve witnessed her professionalism and commitment to the convenience retail industry. Nadine is an analytical and critical thinker who would leverage her 25+ year technology and convenience retail career to further the achievements of NACS and the NACS Supplier Board initiatives.

Nadine has a strong background in our industry. She is well versed on current and upcoming technologies that directly impact customers and their businesses. Nadine’s passionate to achieve the best outcomes for our business and our customers. She truly lives our mission of helping customers and employees thrive.

From her experience at multiple highly-regarded software companies, her specialization in the convenience retail industry, and her work on the NACS Supplier Membership Committee, Nadine has the knowledge and background to serve as a resource for NACS and represent a voice for our industry.

There are those that can always be called upon to address the task at hand, to take on additional leadership roles, and accomplish initiatives to the highest degree. Nadine embodies these traits and abilities. I urge you to strongly consider Nadine’s application.

Please feel free to reach out with any questions regarding Nadine’s qualifications.


Jimmy Frangis Chief Executive Officer PDI Software

Event Participation

Event Registration Type

2016 NACS Show Booth Personnel - Paid

2017 Convenience Summit Europe Supplier

2017 NACS Show HC Full Conference Exhibitor

2018 NACS State of the Industry Summit Hunter Club Member

Committee Participation

Committee Committee Position

Supplier Membership Committee Members

Committee Meeting Attendance

Committee Meeting Date Invited Attended

Supplier Membership Committee 02/06/2018 Invited Attended

Individual Profile Report as of: Mar 22, 2018

Mrs. Nadine Routhier

Chief Marketing Officer, PDI

11675 Rainwater DR Ste 350

Alpharetta, GA 30009-8693

(254) 410-7600Phone:

0 - UnknownPrimary Role:

679317NACS ID:


[email protected]:



I am applying for a position on the 2019 NACS Supplier Board. DATE:








What is the percentage of your company’s business in the convenience channel?

Are you the person within your company who has overall responsibility for the convenience channel? If not, do you have direct access to the person that does?

What is the product or service that your company offers?


Austin Skaggs

Vice President - Professional Services


Exhibitor Advisory Committee

4001 Central Pointe Pkwy

(254) 410-7601 [email protected]


No. Yes.

PDI’s market focus is 100% exclusive to the convenience store and petroleum channels. PDIoffers the widest footprint of software automation technology from any single supplier in theconvenience store and petroleum industries. Our solutions span from retail convenience toaccounting, encompassing back office, home office, business intelligence, food servicemanagement, and fuel supply logistics solutions focused on the same base of operators andmarketers engaged with NACS.



Please attach information to contribute more about your industry and personal experience (resumes and letters of recommendations are welcome):

• Personal History/Information• Education• Career History• Affiliations• Honors/Award

Please email to Jessica Rowe: [email protected].

*** Applications and supporting materials must be received by March 21, 2018 ***

What contributions have you made to the convenience industry (include NACS activities or other industry activities)?

Describe your NACS committee experience (include years served, positions held, projects worked on)?

NACS Exhibitor Advisory Committee (2 years)NACS Content Advisory Committee (1 year)Conexxus Marketing and Membership - Vice Chairman (1 year)

I am a regular presenter/attendee at c-store related trade shows, conventions, and events,including:- NACS Show (including 2018 TechEdge session)- NACS Leadership Forum- NACS SOI- Conexxus Annual Conference- Convenience Retail University- PACE- SIGMA Retail Share Group- SIGMA IT Share Group

Personal History/Information

• Charles Austin Skaggs, born January 1979 in Arlington, TX.

• Married to Jessica Schmieg Skaggs, May 2002

• 1 Daughter (Samantha – 11), 1 Son (Charlie – 8)


• Georgetown High School, Georgetown TX in 1989

• Bachelor of Arts from Baylor University, WacTX in 2001

• Masters of Science from Mercer University, Macon GA in 2005

Career History

Entire career with PDI

• 2002 – Hired as a Technical Writer

• 2004 – Promoted Professional Services Consultant

• 2007 – Promoted Customer Service Consultant

• 2010 – Promoted Community Manager

• 2012 – Promoted Manager of Community and Education

• 2014 – Promoted Vice President of Marketing

• 2016 – Promoted Vice President of Professional Services

Served last 7 years on PDI management team

Event Participation

Event Registration Type

2013 NACS Show Exhibitor Attendee

2014 NACS Show Exhibitor Attendee

2015 NACS Show Full Conference Exhibitor

2016 NACS Show Full Conference Exhibitor

2017 Conexxus Annual Conference Conexxus Member

2017 Conexxus Annual Strategy Conference, Board Meeting and Technology Innovations Presentations

Conexxus Member

2017 NACS Leadership Forum Hunter Club Silver

2017 NACS Show Full Conference Exhibitor

2017 NACS State of the Industry Summit Hunter Club Member

2018 Conexxus Annual Conference Conexxus Member

Committee Participation

Committee Committee Position

Supplier Exhibitor Advisory Committee Members

Committee Meeting Attendance

Committee Meeting Date Invited Attended

Convention Content Committee 11/29/2017 Invited Attended

Supplier Exhibitor Advisory Committee

02/06/2018 Invited Attended

Supplier Exhibitor Advisory Committee

02/14/2017 Invited Attended

Supplier Exhibitor Advisory Committee

10/19/2017 Invited Attended

Friends of NACS

Expire Date


Individual Profile Report as of: Mar 21, 2018

Mr. Austin Skaggs

VP Professional Services, PDI

4001 Central Pointe Pkwy Bldg 200

Temple, TX 76504-2608

(254) 410-7600Ext 7601Phone:

0 - UnknownPrimary Role:

415639NACS ID:

(254) 771-7117Fax:

[email protected]:



I am applying for a position on the 2019 NACS Supplier Board. DATE: 3/16/2018

NAME: John J. Thomas

TITLE: Vice President of Industry Development

COMPANY: iSee Store Innovations, LLC.



ADDRESS: 1224 Glenvista Place, St. Louis, Mo 63122

PHONE: 314 605-7220 EMAIL: [email protected]

What is the percentage of your company’s business in the convenience channel?

95% +

Are you the person within your company who has overall responsibility for the convenience channel? If not, do you have direct access to the person that does?

No – as VP of Industry Development I am responsible for new business and industry relations. I transitioned to this position in September 2017. Previously I was VP of Sales responsible for all C-Store sales since I started at iSee in 20I3. I report directly to Joe VonderHaar who is the CEO/ Partner of the company. We communicate daily...

What is the product or service that your company offers?

iSee is an Innovative merchandising company…SEE Store Innovations is a global design and manufacturing company that loves a challenge. We develop innovation retail solutions that maximize space productivity and announce brand presence. We do this with a deep understanding of both the brand and retailer objectives within an ever-increasing complexity of the marketplace. In short, we make stuff that really works! Our current product lines include the iSee: Roller Chill, Cooler, Double Play Cooler, Display Loc-Apex, K2, K6, Sherpa Display Gear and Cube...Our products are designed to increase sales, merchandise new space or more effectively use existing space of our convenience industry clients.



Describe your NACS committee experience (include years served, positions held, projects worked on)?

1) I have been on the Supplier Membership Committee for the past 3 years. 2 years ago, Ico-chaired and last year I chaired the subcommittee where for the first time we developed and Ihosted 3 webcasts for new supplier members in 2016 and 2017. The webinars covered planning and preparation to attend NACS the NACS show and then a follow up explaining NACS activities throughout the year. These webinars were well attended and the subcommittee is repeating for the third time in 2019.2) In 2018/2019 I volunteered to head a new sub-committee focused on improving the New Supplier Party at the NACS show.3) Attend and support other Membership Committee functions, including NACS Show seminars, “A Guide to Breaking into the C-Store Channel Guide” at both 2015, 2016, 2017 NACS shows.4) Attended 2018 GRC in Washington D.C. 5)Registered and plan on attending the SOI in April 2018

What contributions have you made to the convenience industry (include NACS activities or other industry activities)?

1) I have been active in the NACS organization for over 30 years. I have attended everyNACS show since starting with Anheuser-Busch, Inc in 1984. I have attended SOI, NACS Leadership and regional luncheons on numerous occasions.

2) Some of my most memorable experiences supporting NACS have been to serve as an Ambassador, at the NACS Trade Shows. I started this in approx. 2004 and enjoy helpingpeople and getting their day started with a smile…

3) Direct involvement in development of 2 #1 NACS Cool New Products, 2013 Ice LightCooler and 2016 Roller Chill with, my current employer, iSee Store Innovations. Currently working on numerous projects for convenience store retailers and/or suppliers of the convenience industry. Products are designed to increase sales, save space or use space more efficiently.

4) Researched and created the Natural Light 3 pack-24oz cans in 2008, which ranked as the second largest SKU at BP/ampm and a top 5 item in convenience stores in California;

5) Supplier Membership Board subcommittee 2015, 2016, 20176) Attended all required meeting and actively contribute to support the efforts

of our subcommittee, since my appointment.7) NACSPAC 3-Star 2018 2-Star in 2017, 1-Star in 2015 & 2016\8) Volunteered to assist Dave Charles 2017 NACSPAC efforts and to allow me a

new experience within NACS9) iSee Store Innovations is Hunter Club Member 2015, 2016 and 2017.10) 2016 attended Convenience Retailing University11) Volunteered for new Subcommittee “We Are Convenience”

Please attach information to contribute more about your industry and personal experience (resumes and letters of recommendations are welcome):

• Personal History/Information • Education • Career History



• Affiliations • Honors/Award

Please email to Jessica Rowe: [email protected].

*** Applications and supporting materials must be received by March 21, 2018 ***

Page 1

John ThomasVice President of Industry [email protected]

SummaryVICE PRESIDENT OF SALES AT ISEE STORE INNOVATIONSDriving Growth with Strong Leadership, Targeted Strategy, and Innovative Sales Solutions

Seasoned, highly-motivated and results-driven professional with extensive diversified experience leading sales operations for established and high-growth organizations of all sizes. Consistently delivered successful outcomes in a 20+ year career with Anheuser-Busch in multiple leadership capacities and diverse geographies culminating as National Retail Sales Director. Developed an advanced knowledge base of beverage industry dynamics with additional experience in as Director of National Sales for Joose energy drink, and as V.P. National Accounts for a leading brand representation provider. Demonstrated success in all retail channels by building and cultivating productive relationships with suppliers, on- and off-premise retailers, wholesalers, and consumers. Joined iSee Store Innovations LLC, a global design and manufacturing team who loves a challenge, in May 2013 as Vice President of Sales. Currently leads development of new business and capitalizes on sales opportunities by leveraging past relationships and industry knowledge. Assists customers with design and production of the next in-store solution that delivers results for brands and retailers.

• Respected for broad knowledge of the beverage industry, with a solid record of achievement growing sales, distribution and market share by utilizing consumer insights to identify category trends, and developing consultative sales plans.• Demonstrated success in proactively approaching account and business challenges with superior problem-solving skills, persistence, energy, and resourcefulness. • Excels at providing superior client service and effectively closing deals through a consultative sales approach by understanding customer needs, removing obstacles, and creating value propositions.

ExperienceVice President of Industry Development at iSee Store Innovations, LLCSeptember 2017  -  Present

Vice President of Sales at iSee Store Innovations, LLCMay 2013  -  September 2017 (4 years 5 months)

Page 2

Recruited to develop new business and increase business with existing customers in the sale of innovative retail product displays and point-of-purchase signs.

• Report directly to the CEO and develop and implement a sales plan with defined strategies that are executed across the organization to gain greater brand recognition and maximize profitable revenue opportunities in alignment with company goals.• Analyze and retain existing key accounts to identify opportunities to enhance account size and overall reach, and develop profitable new client relationships.• Coach, train, and mentor a Senior Sales Director and a Business Development Manager, and assist in problem solving to gain new opportunities.• Prepare and present professional sales proposals and presentations that align with client business goals and objectives.• Build and maintain excellent customer service with vendors and clients.• Travel extensively to meet decision makers at key accounts throughout the U.S., selling in the benefits of iSee products.• Identify and forecast future business opportunities and potential clients based on market and economic conditions.• Regularly attend trade shows to promote iSee offerings and identify new sales opportunities.• Cultivate and strengthen client relationships by providing exceptional service and immediately addressing issues.• Utilize a 3-D Development Process to DISCOVER, DESIGN, and DELIVER best-in-class finished products.

Vice President National Accounts at Coast Brands Group, LLCFebruary 2012  -  May 2013 (1 year 4 months)

Recruited to lead strategies and initiatives to grow volume and distribution at national convenience store chains for a start-up brand representation provider which enables clients' beverage brands to establish or expand sales and distribution.

• Developed strategic plans and executed programs to introduce and sell-in a diverse portfolio of beverage brands (alcohol and non-alcohol) to wholesale DSD distributors in 12 Midwestern states and retail accounts nationally.• Represented and developed brands within the CPG channel, which included OhYea! Nutrition Drinks, XING Tea Green Tea, Tweaker Energy Shots, Maui & Sons Coconut Water, Crazy Mountain Beer, and Good Head Beer.

Director of National Sales at United Brands Company

Page 3

November 2010  -  August 2011 (10 months)Recruited to sell-in Joose energy drink to national accounts, for a leading manufacturer of flavored malt beverage and beer products headquartered in San Diego, California.

• Developed and implemented strategic business plans, sales plans and marketing initiatives to grow sales and distribution at key national retailers in the grocery, mass and convenience channels.• Provided leadership and direction to 4 National Chain Account Managers who focused on the primary goals to regain distribution and increase sales; established new relationships for the re-formulated Joose, a malt beverage made with all-natural ingredients.

Sales Director, National Retail Sales at Anheuser-Busch1986  -  2010 (25 years)

Promoted and relocated to corporate headquarters to grow business with national retail chains.

• Built and cultivated relationships and managed business with National Chain accounts in the grocery, convenience, drug, and mass merchandising channels.• Created and implemented strategic business plans, sales plans, and marketing initiatives to grow sales volume and distribution through new product introductions, sell-in of new packages, targeted pricing plans, and off-premise sales promotions. • Utilized consumer insights and industry data from multiple sources including internal data, IRI and Nielsen to identify changing consumer trends, and suggested changes in product and package mix.• Provided leadership and direction to a team of 15 Key Account Managers, Category Managers, Space Planners, and Analysts, to sell-in new and existing brands, maintain aggressive call frequency, and grow distribution, sales volume and market share.

EducationUniversity of MissouriMBA, Marketing / Finance, 1981 - 1983University of Missouri-ColumbiaBachelor of Science (B.S.), Education K-12, 1974 - 1978

Honors and AwardsBronze Pelican ; The Bronze Pelican award, is a local dioceses award that recognizes adults for outstanding contribution to the spiritual development of the Catholic Youth in the program of the Boy Scouts of America.

Page 4

John ThomasVice President of Industry [email protected]

Contact John on LinkedIn

Date: 3/6/2018

NACs Supplier Board

2018 Supplier Board Committee Nomination.

Dear Supplier Board Representatives:

I am writing to recommend John Thomas to the NACS Supplier Board. John, while at Anheuser-Busch, Inc., managed my account while I was with bp/ampm. John was very professional and brought the necessary resources to help grow our business. John and his team were the Category Captain’s for over 10 years. I have known John now for over 12 years and have come to know him as one of my friends both personally and professedly in the Convenience industry. Of course, we discuss business opportunities, but frequently conversation’s start on how our children and families are doing.

John has been involved with the industry and NACS for over 20 years and has served on the NACS Supplier Sub-Committee John would be an excellent addition to the Supplier Board as he is knowledgeable of our industry, professional and most of all would be dedicated in working hard and doing the right things to build on NACS success and improve our industry. I’ve been working in the Convenience industry for over 30 years, I count John as one of the best I’ve worked with and I’m proud to indorse him for the Supplier Board.


Robert D Gulley Category Manager Circle K – Coastal Carolina/Southwest e: [email protected] t: 919-774-6700,

m: 919-909-5379 Circle K Stores, Inc. 1100 Situs Court, Suite 100 Raleigh, NC 27606


Subject: Supplier Board Recommendation

Who: John Thomas

I am pleased to have the opportunity to recommend John Thomas for the NACS Supplier Board. I have had the opportunity to get to know John while he was our Anheuser-Busch, Inc. representative while I was at ampm. He has stayed in touch for the past 8 years and we speak often at Convenience Industry events.

John has always been a strong advocate of the industry we work in and has a passion for the people in it. He has strong background in the industry, beverage business and was and early adopter of Category Management and brought great resources to our efforts at ampm and now Circle K. John, is a people person and has always been friendly to myself and co-workers. I know John currently volunteers for the NACS Board and I can’t imagine that his demeanor is anything but friendly and helpful in the work he does with you…

In the time I have known John, I could not think of anyone more capable to assist your efforts on the NACS Supplier board. I am confident that he will be a great asset to you board and the retailers you serve.

Joe Brumfield

Category Manager

March 2, 2018

NACS Supplier Board Nominating Committee

RE: John J. Thomas, iSee Store innovations, LLC.

Dear Committee:

I would like to take this opportunity to write a recommendation for John Thomas to join the NACS Supplier Board.

I have known John for more than 16 years and have always thought highly of him. When I first met John he was the Chevron account representative for Anheuser-Busch, Inc. John always took the time to truly understand our business and brought the insight and resources to help Chevron grow. John and I remained friends after he was moved off of our account.

In my opinion, John is dedicated, smart and objective and has a tremendous understanding of the convenience Industry. John remains very active in the industry as I see him at a variety of industry events (including NACS Show) and other competitive industry gatherings.

John has a genuine character and is highly regarded in both the beer business and the convenience industry and I strongly believe he would be a great addition to the NACS Supplier Board.

I’m sure you have several candidates for this Board and I would not hesitate to put John on top of your list.

If you have addition questions, don’t hesitate to contact me at (925) 842-0761 or email me at [email protected]


Paul Casadont

President – ExtraMile Convenience Stores LLC

[email protected]

Hank's Lunch Tour Participation

Year Location

2013 O'Fallon, MO - Tuesday, June 4th, 2013

Event Participation

Event Registration Type

2013 NACS Show Exhibitor Attendee

2014 NACS Show Exhibitor Attendee

2015 NACS Leadership Forum Supplier

2015 NACS Show Full Conference Exhibitor

2016 NACS Show Full Conference Exhibitor

2017 NACS Show Full Conference Exhibitor

2018 NACS Government Relations Conference Attendee

2018 NACS State of the Industry Summit Hunter Club Member

Committee Participation

Committee Committee Position

Supplier Membership Committee Members

Committee Meeting Attendance

Committee Meeting Date Invited Attended

Supplier Membership Committee 02/06/2018 Invited Attended

Supplier Membership Committee 02/14/2017 Invited Attended

Supplier Membership Committee 06/27/2017 Invited Attended

Friends of NACS

Expire Date





PAC Contributions

Expire Date Level

03/31/2018 2 Star

12/10/2014 1 Star

02/28/2016 1 Star

Individual Profile Report as of: Mar 21, 2018

Mr. John Thomas

Vice President, Industry Development, iSEE Store Innovations, LLC

139 W Monroe Ave

Saint Louis, MO 63122-5815

(888) 417-2457Phone:

0 - UnknownPrimary Role:

512689NACS ID:


[email protected]:

PAC Contributions

Expire Date Level

02/28/2017 1 Star

Individual Profile Report as of: Mar 21, 2018

Mr. John Thomas

Vice President, Industry Development, iSEE Store Innovations, LLC

139 W Monroe Ave

Saint Louis, MO 63122-5815

(888) 417-2457Phone:

0 - UnknownPrimary Role:

512689NACS ID:


[email protected]:



I am applying for a position on the 2019 NACS Supplier Board. DATE:








What is the percentage of your company’s business in the convenience channel?

Are you the person within your company who has overall responsibility for the convenience channel? If not, do you have direct access to the person that does?

What is the product or service that your company offers?


Karin Thrift

Director of Sales

Clif Bar & Company


2314 Brookside Drive

(817) 538-5947 (512) 656-5596 [email protected]

Because we are privately held, I'm not allowed to share exact numbers. I will say that it is between5-10%. However the numbers don't really tell the whole story. The convenience channel is crucialin our quest to "Be Everywhere" and to create trial and awareness of our brands and products.Because of that, we put a lot of focus on this channel.

I am directly responsible for the strategic planning and execution of that plan in the conveniencechannel.

We manufacture healthy nutritional snacks. Our brands include Clif, Clif Whey Protien, ClifBuilder's, Clif Nut Butter Filled, Luna, Mojo, and Z-Bar.



Please attach information to contribute more about your industry and personal experience (resumes and letters of recommendations are welcome):

• Personal History/Information• Education• Career History• Affiliations• Honors/Award

Please email to Jessica Rowe: [email protected].

*** Applications and supporting materials must be received by March 21, 2018 ***

What contributions have you made to the convenience industry (include NACS activities or other industry activities)?

Describe your NACS committee experience (include years served, positions held, projects worked on)?

I am currently serving on the Manpower Committee. I am currently leading the RecruitmentSub-Committee. I always volunteer to be a Day Chair occasionally offering to serve in thatcapacity for two segments if we need additional volunteers.

I have been on this committee for the last three years. I was also the Manpower CommitteeCo-Chair from 2002-2005. In addition, I previously served on the Supplier Board beginning in2005 and retiring as Vice-Chair in 2010. While on the Supplier Board, I served on severalcommittees: Manpower, Exhibit Advisory, and as one of the supplier liaisons to the MemberServices Committee.

In addition to my NACS service listed above, I've been active with the CDA group - back when itwas AWMA. I was the President of the Leadership Development Division and was granted a seaton their Board of Directors while serving in that capacity. I was chaired their MembershipCommittee.

I am currently an advisor to CSP for their annual CRU event. I have served on the editorialadvisory board for Distribution Channels magazine.

Beyond strictly convenience activities, I've been active with the Network of Executive Women(NEW). I recently completed a two year service as Logistics Chair for the North Texas Chapter. Inaddition, I've served as Silent Auction Co-Chair at the annual leadership summit for four years. Iwas a content advisor for the leadership summit as well as on the scholarship committee.


2314 Brookside Drive, Arlington, TX 76012 Home: (817) 538-5947 • Cell: (512) 656-5596

[email protected]


Sales Director driven to establish strategic, mutually beneficial partnerships and relationships with distributors and retailers. Creates strategic alliances with organization leaders to effectively align with and support key business initiatives. Builds and retains high performance teams by hiring, developing, and motivating skilled professionals.


Project management Budgeting expertise Leadership/communication skills Negotiations expert Client account management Self-motivated Customer-oriented Networking


• Launched well-received program of professional development courses for all staff. • Training included Building PowerPoint Decks, Presentation Skills, Negotiation Skills, DISC, and

Emotional Intelligence. Project Management:

• Initiated convenience retail sales team which resulted in approximately an additional $1 million in annual sales


Director of Sales / Corporate Accounts Manager 12/1998 to Current CLIF BAR, INC – Berkeley, CA

• Responsible for shaping strategic plans for Convenience. Set sales goals annually taking into consideration growth factors as well as gross and net costs. Revisit sales goals quarterly to revise and refine based on best current thinking.

• Annual double digit sales increases. • Created strategic plan to reach $100MM in the Convenience Store channel by 2020. • Guide and mentor sales team members for maximum effect. • Manage national broker team by establishing specific ACV and sales goals. • Prepare and conduct business reviews and new item presentations. • Worked with Retail Supervisor to develop specific retail program and exact coverage area. • Currently manage four direct reports. • Managed Vending and Foodservice team in addition to Convenience from 2010 to

2013 which added an additional three direct reports to my team. • Implemented new rebate and promotion programs. • Established original broker network for convenience and drug. • Direct account responsibility has included, among others, McLane, Core-Mark and Eby Brown

as well as retailers including 7/Eleven, Speedway, and Wawa. • Historic Corporate Account responsibility also included Target, Wal*Mart, Sam's, GNC,

Costco, Walgreens, and Rite Aid.

National Sales Manager, 02/1997 to 10/1998

SMILEY'S FOODS – Temple, TX • Generated $8.5 million in sales for foodservice division of McLane Grocery Company. • Managed national convenience broker network. • Direct reports included two region sales managers and two sales analysts. • Prepared sales projections on monthly, quarterly and annual basis. • Increased business unit sales 5.34% after three years of declining sales. • Negotiated and spearheaded foodservice launch to E-Z Serve. • Organized and managed Dairy Task Force to explore alternative distribution avenues. • Coordinated transition of Vending and DSD into distinct, separate business units.

National C-Store Coordinator / Southeast Division Manager, 09/1993 to 01/1997 CAMPFIRE / ANGELA MARIE'S – Kaysville, UT

• Produced $4.8 million of sales in the 16-market southeast region for confectionery snacks manufacturing company.

• Implementation of all national convenience store programs. • Negotiated and determined placement allowances for grocery and convenience. • Conducted year-end business reviews with all major accounts. • Promoted to Southeast Division Manager. • Promoted to National Convenience Store Coordinator with McLane, H.T.Hackney and Eli

Witt corporate responsibility. • Structured national McLane program resulting in being the exclusive marshmallow supplier. • Consistently achieved monthly sales quotas.

Southeast Region Manager, 10/1992 to 09/1993 ANDRE PROST, INC – Old Saybrook, CT

• Managed 18 brokers covering 12 states selling to Grocery, Specialty/Gourmet Foods, Military, Convenience and Mass Merchandiser Channels for specialty and gourmet foods importing company.

• Implemented successful roll out of new product line; A Taste of Thai. • Managed McKesson, Haddon House, Astor, Gourmet Award Foods, Tree of Life,

Neumann, Premium Foods, Specialty Foods and Fine Distributing as house accounts. Board Member / Director, Confection & Snack Division, 05/1989 to 10/1992

PIONEER FOOD BROKERS – Charlotte, NC Confectionery Account Executive managing eleven clients for food brokerage company. Managed sales comprising 17% of total company volume. Developed sales programs for North and South Carolina Markets.

Headquarter accountability for Harris Teeter, Family Dollar, Kerr Drug, and Roses. Convenience Store Specialist, 08/1987 to 05/1989 MONTGOMERY & ASSOCIATES - Charlotte, N C

• Account executive for three manufacturers within southeast confection brokerage company.

• Responsible for grocery surveys as well as distributor and convenience store headquarter calls. Retail Sales Merchandiser, 02/1985 to 08/1987

FERRERO USA, INC. – New York, NY Sold and merchandised products in convenience and grocery for a major confection company

• Contributed to launch of Tic Tac, Mon Cheri, and Rocher brands.


Bachelor of Arts

University of North Carolina - Charlotte


INDUSTRY PARTICIPATION National Association of Convenience Stores

Served as Vice-Chair in 2009 Member Services Committee Supplier Liaison 2007 to 2011 Exhibit Advisory committee Co-Chair 2007 Manpower Committee Co-Chair 2002-2005 Served as Team Leader Chair for NACS 2003 American Wholesale Marketers Association Leadership Development Division Board President Chairman of Membership Committee Editorial Advisory Board Network of Executive Women Executive Committee Logistics Chair 2015 to 2017 Co-Chair ImpromtNEW 2013 to 2015 Sponsorship Committee 2009-2011 Membership Committee 2008-2009 Texas Event Organization Committee 2006-2008

Co-Chair of Silent Auction 2009 to 2013 Content Adviser 2012 to 2015 Scholarship Committee 2010 to Present OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES Chapter Chair, Austin Alumni Chapter / University of North Carolina, Charlotte Community Advisory Board / The Georgetown Project (community service organization dedicated to raising awareness of drug and alcohol abuse among our local youth) Co-Founder / Discovery Y.O.U. (local teen leadership forum) Senior High Youth Leader / NewChurch, Georgetown, 2003 - 2006 Volunteer at Down Home Ranch, a group home for Down Syndrome Adults

S upp l i e r Boa r d 2005 t o 2010 Supp l i e r Boa r d 2005 t o 2010 Supp l i e r Boa r d 2005 t o 2010

M a n p o w e r C o m m i t t e e 2 0 0 2 - 2 0 0 5 M a n p o w e r C o m m i t t e e 2 0 0 2 - 2 0 0 5 M a n p o w e r C o m m i t t e e 2 0 0 2 - 2 0 0 5 M a n p o w e r C o m m i t t e e 2 0 0 2 - 2 0 0 5

R ound -Up Vo l un t e e r 1 997 -2003 R ound -Up Vo l un t e e r 1 997 -2003 R ound -Up Vo l un t e e r 1 997 -2003 R ound -Up Vo l un t e e r 1 997 -2003 Boa rd o f D i re c to rs Boa rd o f D i re c to rs Boa rd o f D i re c to rs Boa rd o f D i re c to rs

D i s t r ibut ion Channe l s Magaz ine D i s t r ibut ion Channe l s Magaz ine D i s t r ibut ion Channe l s Magaz ine D i s t r ibut ion Channe l s Magaz ine

NEW / DFW Board Member NEW / DFW Board Member NEW / DFW Board Member NEW / DFW Board Member

N E W / N a t i o n a l A n n u a l S u m m i t

Hank's Lunch Tour Participation

Year Location

2009 Las Vegas, NV

2013 Dallas, TX - Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Event Participation

Event Registration Type

2014 NACS Show Exhibitor Attendee

2014 NACS Show Manufacturer for Resale

2015 NACS Show Full Conference Exhibitor

2015 NACS State of the Industry Summit Hunter Club Member

2016 NACS State of the Industry Summit Hunter Club Member

2017 NACS State of the Industry Summit Hunter Club Member

2018 NACS Government Relations Conference Attendee

2018 NACS State of the Industry Summit Hunter Club Member

Committee Participation

Committee Committee Position

Supplier Board Manpower Committee Members

Committee Meeting Attendance

Committee Meeting Date Invited Attended

Supplier Board Manpower Committee

06/27/2017 Invited Attended

Supplier Board Manpower Committee

02/06/2018 Invited Attended

Supplier Board Manpower Committee

02/14/2017 Invited Did Not Attend

Friends of NACS

Expire Date








Individual Profile Report as of: Mar 22, 2018

Mrs. Karin Thrift

Director of Sales, Clif Bar & Company

2314 Brookside Dr

Arlington, TX 76012-4140

(817) 538-5947Phone:

0 - UnknownPrimary Role:

328808NACS ID:

(512) 868-2150Fax:

[email protected]:

Friends of NACS

Expire Date



PAC Contributions

Expire Date Level

10/17/2014 Booster

10/12/2013 Booster

04/30/2018 3 Star

04/30/2014 Booster

04/30/2017 Booster

04/30/2016 Booster

Individual Profile Report as of: Mar 22, 2018

Mrs. Karin Thrift

Director of Sales, Clif Bar & Company

2314 Brookside Dr

Arlington, TX 76012-4140

(817) 538-5947Phone:

0 - UnknownPrimary Role:

328808NACS ID:

(512) 868-2150Fax:

[email protected]:



I am applying for a position on the NACS Supplier Board 2018. DATE: 03/20/17

NAME: Douglas Wagner TITLE: VP of Sales - AIR COMPANY: CSC ServiceWorks COMPANY WEBSITE: I SIT ON THE FOLLOWING COMMITTEE: Exhibitor Advisory Committee & PEC ADDRESS: 16640 Flounder Ave. Rosemount, MN TELEPHONE: 651-783-5520 FAX: 651-783-5521

EMAIL: [email protected] CELL: 952-288-5745

What is the percentage of your company’s business in the Convenience Store Channel? 99.9% Are you the person within your company who has overall responsibility for the Convenience Store Channel? YES If not, do you have direct access to the person that does? What is the product or service that your company offers? AIR & VAC Services Describe your NACS Committee experience (include year’s served, positions held, projects worked on)?

1) Exhibitor Advisory Committee have served 3+ years- Committee Member, Projects worked on- Get NEW exhibitors access to more information and involved early and help clarify what to expect as a new exhibitor. Currently working on updating the New Exhibitor Portal to give easier access and make it more user friendly.

2) PEC – served 3+ years- Committee member, Actively pursuing fund raising from my peers in the industry by dialing for dollars. Also actively supporting and giving fund raising auctions items at every opportunity to raise additional monies.

What contributions have you made to the Convenience Store Industry (include NACS Activities



or other industry activities)? I am registered as a 5 Star contributor for 3+ years, I also actively get my sales team involved on volunteering as Ambassadors for NACS each year. I am an active member of over 20 industry associations. Please attach information (or use the below white space) to contribute more about your industry and personal experience (resumes and letters of recommendations are welcome):

• Personal History/Information • Education • Career History • Affiliations • Honors/Award

Please email to Nicole Walbe: [email protected].

*** Applications and supporting materials must be received by March 20, 2017 ***

Event Participation

Event Registration Type

2015 NACS Government Relations Conference Supplier-Member

2015 NACS State of the Industry Summit Supplier-Member

2016 NACS Government Relations Conference Supplier

2016 NACS State of the Industry Summit Supplier-Member

2017 NACS Show Booth Personnel

2017 NACS State of the Industry Summit Supplier-Member

2018 NACS Government Relations Conference PAC Contributor - 5 Star

2018 NACS State of the Industry Summit Supplier-Member

Committee Participation

Committee Committee Position

Political Engagement Committee Supplier Members

Supplier Exhibitor Advisory Committee Members

Committee Meeting Attendance

Committee Meeting Date Invited Attended

Supplier Exhibitor Advisory Committee

02/14/2017 Invited Attended

Friends of NACS

Expire Date



PAC Contributions

Expire Date Level

06/30/2017 5 Star

06/30/2016 5 Star

06/06/2015 5 Star

07/31/2018 5 Star

Individual Profile Report as of: Mar 14, 2018

Mr. Doug Wagner

Vice President of Air Sales, CSC ServiceWorks, Inc.

605 Taft St.

Minneapolis, MN 55113

(651) 783-5500Phone:

0 - UnknownPrimary Role:

502497NACS ID:


[email protected]:



I am applying for a position on the 2019 NACS Supplier Board. DATE:








What is the percentage of your company’s business in the convenience channel?

Are you the person within your company who has overall responsibility for the convenience channel? If not, do you have direct access to the person that does?

What is the product or service that your company offers?


Dean M. Zurliene

VP National Convience

Monster Energy Company

Membership and Convention Committee

13 Fox Holw Edwardsville, IL 62025

618-578-6174 [email protected]

The convenience channel represents 74% of all MEC sales in the United States.

Yes - Responsible for National C-Store customers including 7-Eleven, Circle K, Speedway, QT andPilotFlyingJ. Report to the Chief Customer Officer (Mark Brown.)

MEC offers products in the following Categories Energy, Ready-to-Drink Coffee, Enhanced Waterand Carbonated Soft Drinks.



Please attach information to contribute more about your industry and personal experience (resumes and letters of recommendations are welcome):

• Personal History/Information• Education• Career History• Affiliations• Honors/Award

Please email to Jessica Rowe: [email protected].

*** Applications and supporting materials must be received by March 21, 2018 ***

What contributions have you made to the convenience industry (include NACS activities or other industry activities)?

Describe your NACS committee experience (include years served, positions held, projects worked on)?

2018 will be my third year participating on the Membership Committee. In 2016 and 2017, Iworked closely on the sub-group to identify and secure content and speakers for the educationalsessions at NACS. My input and leadership helped identify relevant topics with engagingspeakers. In November of 2017, I participated on the Convention Committee for the first time andenjoyed brainstorming topics to help determine critical issues that would drive participation andattendance.

The Convenience Channel has been my primary responsibility for the last ten years with 20 yearsof experience in beverage. Currently the VP of National Convenience for Monster Energy, prior toleading the Convenience Channel for Monster Energy, I was responsible for leading the CategoryManagement group with Monster and AB-InBev before Monster.

Key Contributions include...1. Regular attendance/participation of NACS show for last ten years.2. Play an active role in attending key industry events including NACS Show, NACS Leadership,NACS SOI, CSP CRU and CSP Cold Vault.3. Key-note speaker on multiple occasions at different events, including NACS Show EducationalSessions, NACS SOI, CSP CRU, CSP Cold Vault and C-Store News Vault Summit. Focus on keyinitiatives to drive growth in the Convenience Channel across the Category.

Profile Proven leader with experience managing National Convenience Customer Teams for the last six years. Track record of developing and implementing successful strategies to grow customer’s categories. Twenty years experience in beverages with diverse background including Corporate Sales, Category Management, Field Sales and Marketing.





Responsibilities : Lead Monster Energy Top 5 National Convenience Customer Teams including 7-Eleven,

Circle K, Speedway, QuikTrip and Pilot FlyingJ.

: Develop Monster Energy convenience retail strategies and build plans to drive long-term, sustainable growth across multiple Non-Alc beverage categories.

: Monster Energy Convenience Channel SME responsible for developing and maintaining industry relationships.

Accomplishments 2018 Awarded 7-Eleven Vault Supplier of the Year

2017-Present NACS Convention Committee Member

2016-Present NACS Membership Committee Member

Interests Family, Travel, Running, Golf, Guitar, Baseball Coach, Outdoor Activities

Education Master of Business Administration : Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, IL 2004

B.B.A. Management : McKendree University, Lebanon, IL 2000

Dean M. [email protected] 618-578-6174

Event Participation

Event Registration Type

2013 NACS State of the Industry Summit Hunter Club Member

2014 NACS State of the Industry Summit Hunter Club Member

2016 NACS State of the Industry Summit Hunter Club Member

2017 NACS State of the Industry Summit Hunter Club Member

2018 NACS Leadership Forum Hunter Club Bronze

2018 NACS State of the Industry Summit Hunter Club Member

Committee Participation

Committee Committee Position

Supplier Membership Committee Members

Convention Content Committee Members

Committee Meeting Attendance

Committee Meeting Date Invited Attended

Supplier Membership Committee 06/27/2017 Invited Attended

Supplier Membership Committee 02/14/2017 Invited Attended

Convention Content Committee 11/29/2017 Invited Attended

Supplier Membership Committee 02/06/2018 Invited Attended

Friends of NACS

Expire Date




PAC Contributions

Expire Date Level

10/18/2017 1 Star

10/31/2018 1 Star

09/30/2016 1 Star

11/30/2015 Booster

Individual Profile Report as of: Mar 21, 2018

Mr. Dean Michael Zurliene

Vice President Sales – National Convenience, Monster Beverage Company

13 Fox Holw

Edwardsville, IL 62025-5703

(618) 578-6174Phone:

0 - UnknownPrimary Role:

486525NACS ID:


[email protected]: