board of trustees - cuyahoga county public library

Board of Trustees Meeting Tuesday, July 26, 2022 / 5 PM Administration Building 2111 Snow Road, Parma, OH 44134

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Board of Trustees


Tu e s d ay, J u l y 2 6, 20 2 2 / 5 P M

Administrat ion Bui ld ing2111 Snow Road, Parma, OH 44134



5:00 p.m.


1. Call to Order: Dean DePiero, President ROLL-CALL

2. Approval of Minutes: June 28, 2022, Board Meeting 1-8 ACTION

3. Retiree Recognition 9-14 INFORMATION

4. Public Comment

5. Report of the Board President INFORMATION

6. Report of the Chief Executive Officer

Terrance Echols, Director, Adult Education Serviceso ASPIRE

Strategic Plan Quarterly Updateo Pam Jankowski, Chief Public Services Officero Scott Morgan, Chief Operations Officero Hallie Rich, Chief Communications & External

Relations Officero Monique Good, Chief Human Resources Officer


7. Human Resources Report 27-34 ACTION

8. Finance Committee Report: Financial Statement Review – Fiscal 2022 – June Investments: Fiscal 2022 – June Purchase Approval List Gift Report Voucher List Review



9. New Business Resolution to Negotiate an Agreement for Construction

Manager at Risk Services in Connection with the New Construction of the Brooklyn Branch

Resolution Authorizing the Board to Approve Change Order One for Crown Commercial Construction Regarding the Chagrin Falls Façade Replacement Project

Resolution Authorizing the Library to Advertise for Bidsfor the Construction of an Innovation Center at the Fairview Park Branch







10. Adjourn ACTION

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MINUTES 28 June 2022

The June 28, 2022, meeting of the Cuyahoga County Public Library Board of Trustees was held at the Cuyahoga County Public Library Administration Building Auditorium, 2111 Snow Road, Parma, Ohio. With a quorum of six (6) Board members present, President DePiero called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.

Roll-Call: Present: Edward H. Blakemore; Allyn Davies; Dean E. DePiero; William J. Leonard; Patricia A. Shlonsky; Maria L. Spangler; – 6.

Absent: Amira Thomas –1.

Also present: Chief Executive Officer Tracy Strobel; Scott Morgan, Chief Operations Officer; Pamela Jankowski, Chief Public Services Officer, Hallie Rich, Chief Communications & External Relations Officer, Monique Good, Chief Human Resources Officer, Rebecca Ranallo, Literacy and Learning Division Director, Daniel Barden, Technical Services Director, Jim Haprian, IT Director, Enda Bracken, Branch Services Director – East, Caroline Vicchiarelli, Branch Services Director – West, Lane Edwards, Branch Services – South, Robert Rua, Marketing & Communications Director, Bridget Hawes, Development Director, and other interested observers.

Approval of Minutes: President DePiero asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the April 26, 2022, Board meeting that were sent to the Board members in advance of this meeting.

01-06/2022Trustee Blakemore moved to approve the minutes, seconded by Trustee Shlonsky. Seeing no corrections, omissions or additions, the minutes of the April 26, 2022, Board Meeting were approved by unanimous vote of the Board members present.

Amendment to the Agenda: President DePiero requested a motion to approve an amendment to the agenda, immediately following the approval of the minutes. Under New Business after the Resolution for Alternate Tax Budget, added Resolution Authorizing the Library to Ener into Agreement with Panzica Construction for the Orange Library Branch Stone Façade Replacement.

02-06/2022Trustee Blakemore moved to approve, the amendment to the agenda, seconded by Trustee Davies. Seeing no additional discussion, the amendment to the agenda was approved by unanimous vote of the Board members present.

Retiree Recognition: President DePiero acknowledged and thanked Barbara Byram, and Linda Tuckosh for their many years of service to Cuyahoga County Public Library (CCPL) and wished them the best on their retirement. Ms. Byram and Ms. Linda Tuckosh was not present at the meeting.

Director Haprian introduced retiree Kevin Cottrill and read the resolution into the record.

Mr. Cottrill smiling, commented that he had asked that the Blue Angels fly over CCPL to celebrate his retirement. He stated everything was nice and thanked everyone. (See pages 185-187)


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President DePiero thanked Mr. Cottrill for his many years of service to Cuyahoga County Public Library (CCPL) and wished him the best on his retirement and we appreciate his service and his dedication and that he not forgets about us. President DePiero commented that we always love when the retirees are present at Board meetings it is great.

Public Comment: There was no public comment.

Report of the Board President: President DePiero stated he has no report for the month.

Report of the Chief Executive Officer: Chief Executive Officer Strobel stated we had a successful zoo event celebrating one hundred years. We had a wonderful turnout from staff with many reporting they had an enjoyable time. This was a wonderful opportunity for staff to get together and it was a great morale boost. Chief Executive Strobel thanked the Board for their support of this event.

Chief Executive Officer Strobel mentioned she returned yesterday from the first in person Annual American Library Association (ALA) Conference since 2019. It was great to see colleagues from around the country. She congratulated Chief Rich for doing an excellent presentation yesterday at the conference, and Cathy Schultis, Branch Manager, CCPL Berea Branch also presented at the conference. Chief Executive Strobel stated we were well represented nationally, and proud of their efforts and recognition brought to the system.

Chief Executive Officer Strobel stated the Urban Libraries Council (ULC) Conference came to Cleveland last month, and many of us participated in that. She stated she had a chance to do a presentation with Steve Potash, CEO OverDrive at the conference and she took some Directors from around the country to see CCPL’s new Bay Village Branch.

Chief Executive Officer Strobel stated we continue to work on a number of major projects; Facilities Master Plan, Strategic Planning for the Foundation, search for an Integrated Library System (ILS), and the new CCPL Brooklyn Branch. She will provide an update on the second quarter activities around our strategic plan in July.

Chief Executive Officer welcomed Director Barden who will present on Material Selection and Intellectual Freedom which supports the policies presented at the Policy, Planning & External Relations (PPER) Committee meeting prior to this meeting.

Director Barden stated the mission of the Cuyahoga County Public Library is to empower individuals and communities by providing opportunities for all to read, learn, create, and connect. He stated Wendy Bartlett, Collection Development & ACQ Manager, supports this mission and the goals of the strategic plan by purchasing appropriate materials for the collection.

Director Barden stated this team relies on the Materials Selection and Access Policy as well as the Intellectual Freedom Policies adopted by the Board to support and potentially defend their selections.

Director Barden stated Cuyahoga County Public Library serves a diverse population across forty-seven communities including persons of various ages, races, cultures, spiritual beliefs, genders, lifestyles, sexual orientation, and physical and mental abilities. The needs, interests, and points of view of these populations reflect the variety inherent in contemporary society.

Director Barden stated to meet the needs of this diverse and changing population, collection development librarians consider such factors as neighborhood and county demographics. Collection development librarians communicate with branch staff and customers by inviting suggestions for purchase, monitoring


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requests, and evaluating the diversity of the collections on an ongoing basis to ensure that they reflect the demographics of the communities they serve. Director Barden stated to support an informed public, the collection reflects diverse points of view, and may include materials that some members of the public may find controversial in nature. He stated the interests and beliefs of one group are not placed above those of another. Director Barden stated while budgetary and space considerations limit material selection for all libraries, CCPL assumes a responsibility to provide free and equitable access to a broad range of materials that reflect diverse points of view. Director Barden stated selection decisions are based primarily on professional and commercial reviews; popularity and community demand are among the major criteria for selection. He stated under a statewide cooperative program, CCPL can obtain materials owned by other public and academic libraries. Director Barden stated each branch provides material which promotes continuing independent learning across age levels. The library has separate collections for teens ages twelve through eighteen, and children ages birth through eleven years. He stated the library does not act in loco parentis regarding selection of library materials. Instead, the library encourages caregivers to have an active and responsible role in their children’s selection of materials. Director Barden stated should a customer have concerns about a title in the collection, staff are encouraged, if they are comfortable, to have a conversation with them about CCPL’s philosophy regarding building a diverse collection that has something for everyone in our community. Should a staff person not feel comfortable, we encourage them to contact the person in charge of their branch at the time to have that conversation. Director Barden reiterated that we provide a wide range of materials to serve our diverse customer base and that we realize not every item will be right for every customer. Director Barden stated if a customer is still upset, we provide a mechanism for them to share their concerns and have the material reevaluated. The customer can fill out a Customer Statement of Concern About Library Material. Chief Executive Officer Strobel mentioned a quote from librarian Jo Godwin; “A truly great library contains something in it to offend everyone.” President DePiero and Chief Executive Officer Strobel thanked Director Barden for a great presentation. Human Resources Report: Human Resources Chief Good summarized the HR report. There are twenty-four (24) new hires, three (3) rehires, four (4) resignations, two (2) promotions, one (1) BSAl to BSAll, five (5) added second rate, and three (3) retirees. 03-06/2022 Trustee Davies moved approval, seconded by Trustee Leonard. Seeing no discussion, the Human Resources Report dated June 28, 2022, was approved as presented by unanimous vote of the Board members present. (See pages 188-195) Finance Committee Report: Finance Chair Davies stated Finance Committee did not meet today and Chief Morgan will give a full financial report. Chief Morgan stated the budget presented on this report is the Permanent Appropriations and Estimated Revenues as adopted by the Board for the beginning of 2022.


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Chief Morgan stated we received a small amount for our 2.5 mills levy in the amount of $70. With this settlement we have received 54% of our budget for the year. Chief Morgan stated we will monitor the second half advances and settlement to see if we will receive more than what we have budgeted for the year. Chief Morgan stated in the Public Library Fund (PLF) our April distribution for the PLF was $3,201,827. Based on a comparison to last year, this distribution was larger than the amount received in May 2021. Our year-to-date comparisons are also more than last year. The amount received year-to-date is 47.9% of the budget. Chief Morgan stated fines and fees collected in April were less than what was collected last year. With going fine free in May, the amounts received was for fees only. The total of fines and fees collected this year does exceed the total amount collected last year. The amount collected for passport processing and photos exceeded what was collected last year for May. Chief Morgan stated the remainder of the revenue accounts are where we would expect them to be for the month of April. Chief Morgan stated the salaries and benefits accounts are within budget. Chief Morgan stated the library materials accounts reflect an overall expense of 52%. This is typical because of the larger expenditures in the beginning of the year. We have also encumbered funds to pay for preordered publications. Chief Morgan stated many of the other expense accounts show a larger percentage expensed and encumbered. This would account for standing order encumbrances for the year. (See Under FINANCE Investments - May Chief Morgan stated there were several purchases of investments for the month of May. Three (3) pieces of Commercial Paper purchased with higher yields and shorter maturities:

Standard Chartered Bank - $250,000 with a yield of 2.52% Toyota Motor Credit - $500,000 with a yield of 2.14% Bank Montreal Chicago - $765,000 with a yield of 2.49%

Two (2) agency securities with higher yields and longer maturities:

Federal Farm Credit Bank - $250,000 with a yield of 3.37% Federal Home Loan Mortgage Company - $205,000 with a yield of 3.12%

Transfers and Advances Chief Morgan stated there was one transfer for the month. A transfer of $4,449,855.85 to the Note Retirement Fund for the first half payment of principal and interest on our notes. 04-06/2022 Trustee Blakemore moved approval, seconded by Trustee Leonard. Seeing no additional discussion, the Investment Report Fiscal 2022 – May listing all Money Market Funds, Star Ohio Accounts, U.S. Treasury Investments, Certificates of Deposit and Agency Securities was approved as presented by roll-call vote. (See Under FINANCE)

Roll-Call: Yea: Edward H. Blakemore; Allyn Davies; Dean E. DePiero; William J. Leonard; Patricia A. Shlonsky; Maria L. Spangler – 6.

Nea: – 0.


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Purchase Approval List Chief Morgan stated Item #1 thru Item #4 are encumbrance increases. Director Ranallo spoke to Item #1. This is an increase amount from $65,008.00 to $68,208 for Baby Club consulting to add Baby Club services in addition to Kindergarten Club. Director Mori stated Item #2 is an increase amount from $471,672.00 to $536,970.00 for parking lot repairs at CCPL Maple Heights and North Olmsted Branches due to cost escalations and an increased scope of work at Maple Heights for a drive thru window. Chief Morgan stated Item #3 is an increase amount from $230,000.00 to $301,818.00 due to a monthly increase in cost for 2022 delivery service for Search Ohio & Ohio Link. Director Haprian stated Item #4 is an increase from $82,067.00 to $101,246.00 due to an increase in cost for security software subscriptions for FireEye software renewal. Chief Morgan stated Item #5 thru Item #11 are new purchases. He stated Item #5 is to install walk off carpeting at CCPL Parma-Powers Branch by Northern Flooring cost $14,998.00. Director Mori stated Item #6 is to expand the study areas at CCPL Garfield Heights Branch as part of CCPL’s 100th anniversary gift. DRO Inc., cost $33,810. Director Mori stated Item #7 is for the new study areas at CCPL Bedford Branch as part of CCPL’s 100th anniversary gift. DRO Inc., cost $41,055.00. Director Haprian spoke to Item #8. This is to install back drops for passports in branches system wide. Installation by Wire Men LLC, cost $20,000.00. Director Haprian stated Item #9 is to refresh meeting room audio/video equipment in the Administration Building. iVideo, cost $149,352.00. Director Rua stated Item #10 is a continuation from last year Board approved services to design and standardize signage systemwide. Guide Studio Inc., cost $22,650.00. Item #11 Chief Morgan stated Item #11 is for carpet replacement throughout entire CCPL North Royalton Branch. Northern Flooring, cost $204,124.00. 05-06/2022 Trustee Blakemore moved approval of Purchase Approval List, seconded by Trustee Davies. Seeing no additional discussion, the Purchase Approval List dated June 28, 2022, was approved as presented by unanimous vote of the Board members present. (See pages 196-197) Gift Report Chief Morgan stated the report includes Friends gifts for branch programming supplies. Director Hawes gave highlights of the gift report. Arby’s Foundation gifted $4,500.00 for 2022 Summer Learning. Ford Motor Company gifted $10,000.00 split between 123 Read and Homework Center. Parker Hannifin Foundation donated $20,000.00 for Summer Learning/STEAM increased from other years. The Stocker Foundation donated $15,000.00 for 123 Read. 06-06/2022 Trustee Blakemore moved approval of the Gift Report, seconded by Trustee Shlonsky. The gift report was approved by unanimous vote of the Board members present. (See page 198)

Resolution to Amend Official Certificate of Estimated Resources and Amend Appropriations

Chief Morgan stated this resolution is to amend our budget both the certificate and estimated resources and appropriations. We have two amendments to our official certificate of estimated resources one for $500.00 for Warrensville Heights Garden, and $1,666,630.00 for Adult Education Services. We are also asking for an appropriation adjustment in each one of those special revenue funds for the same amount. Chief Morgan stated in the Agency Fund for Flex Spend Reimbursement is an additional $35,000.00. Those are FSA funds collected from employees and what they do not spend, comes back to library. We donated these funds back to staff since it is their money and added it to CCPL Foundation for the cost of our 100th anniversary zoo event. 07-06/2022 Trustee Blakemore moved approval, seconded by Trustee Davies. Seeing no additional discussion, the Resolution to Amend Official Certificate of Estimated Resources and Amend Appropriations was approved by unanimous vote of the Board members present by roll-call vote. (See page 199)


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Roll-Call: Yea: Edward Blakemore; Allyn Davies; Dean E. DePiero; William J.

Leonard; Patricia A. Shlonsky; Maria L. Spangler; – 6.

Nea: – 0.

Resolution Alternate Tax Budget Chief Morgan stated this is a request for the Board to approve our Alternate Tax Budget that will go to the County. This is the first information that we send to the county, called the tax budget they want us to fill out this form. On page 48, you will see our continuing 2.5 mill levy we passed in 2008, and the new money we started receiving, which was passed in November 2020. We are asking for that first Levy in the amount of $45 million, and the second one an additional $18,750.00 million. This request is for the two tax levies for a total of $63,750.00 million. 08-06/2022 Trustee Leonard moved approval, seconded by Trustee Blakemore. Seeing no additional discussion, the Resolution Alternate Tax Budget was approved by unanimous vote of the Board members present by roll-call vote. (See pages 200-206)

Roll-Call: Yea: Edward Blakemore; Allyn Davies; Dean E. DePiero; William J. Leonard; Patricia A. Shlonsky; Maria L. Spangler; – 6.

Nea: – 0.

Resolution Authorizing the Library to Enter into Agreement with Panzica Stone Façade Replacement

Director Mori stated the Board previously approved a resolution declaring that a case of urgent necessity exists authorizing the procuring of proposals and entering a contract without competitive bidding and have approved the selection of Panzica Construction for the Orange Branch Stone Façade Replacement contract in the amount of $553,262.00. Director Mori mentioned that the stone have been ordered and with Board approval tonight project will commence quickly. 09-06/2022 Trustee Leonard moved approval, seconded by Trustee Blakemore. Seeing no additional discussion, the Resolution Authorizing the Library to Enter into Agreement with Panzica Stone Façade Replacement was approved by unanimous vote of the Board members present. (See pages 207)

Resolution Authorizing the Library to Advertise for Bids to Expand the Teen Area at the North Olmsted Branch Library

Director Mori commented this is a 100th anniversary gift for CCPL’s North Olmsted Branch. We are asking permission to advertise for bids to expand the teen area. He stated we have about 90% of the documents ready with Matt Ross Architects to add another seven hundred square feet to the existing small meeting rooms. The estimated construction cost is $559,953.00. 10-06/2022 Trustee Blakemore moved approval, seconded by Trustee Davies. Seeing no additional discussion, the Resolution Authorizing the Library to Advertise for Bids to Expand the Teen Area at the North Olmsted Branch Library was approved by unanimous vote of the Board members present. (See pages 208-209)


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Resolution Authorizing the Library to Advertise for Bids to add a Drive Thru at the Brecksville Branch Library

Director Mori commented this is a 100th anniversary gift for CCPL’s Brecksville Branch. We are asking permission to advertise for bids to create a drive thru window which will require us to do both interior and exterior work. The estimated cost to construct a drive thru is $292,640.00. 11-06/2022 Trustee Blakemore moved approval, seconded by Trustee Davies. Seeing no additional discussion, the Resolution Authorizing the Library to Advertise for Bids to add a Drive Thru at the Brecksville Branch Library was approved by unanimous vote of the Board members present. (See pages 210-211)

Resolution to Approve Change Order Number Two for Donley’s Independence LLC for GMP/CMAR Services Relating to the New Construction of the Bay Village Branch Library

Chief Morgan stated he and Director Mori met with Donley’s Independence LLC and he is asking the Board to approved change order number two. The Board have already approved change order number one. Director Mori stated we needed some additions due to a lot of utility challenges on this project because of the existing building being there. The previous change order has brought the total combined GMP/CMAR contract amounts from $9,306,038.00 to $9,562,274.00 and the final change order number two in the total amount of $290,063.23 bringing the total combined GMP/CMAR contract amounts to $9,852,437.23. 12-06/2022 Trustee Blakemore moved approval, seconded by Trustee Davies. Seeing no additional discussion, the Resolution to Approve Change Order Number Two for Donley’s Independence LLC for GMP/CMAR Services Relating to the New Construction of the Bay Village Branch Library was approved by unanimous vote of the Board members present. (See pages 212-213)

Approval of Materials Selection and Access Policy Director Barden stated we are asking Board approval of the Materials Selection and Access Policy. This policy was reviewed in detail at the Policy, Planning & External Relations (PPER) Committee meeting held prior to this meeting. This policy was also presented in detail at this meeting. 13-06/2022 Trustee Leonard moved approval, seconded by Trustee Blakemore. Seeing no additional discussion, the approval of the Materials Selection and Access Policy was approved by unanimous vote of the Board members present. (See pages 214-215)

Approval of Intellectual Freedom Policy Director Barden stated we are asking Board approval of the Intellectual Freedom Policy. This policy was reviewed in detail at the Policy, Planning & External Relations (PPER) Committee meeting held prior to this meeting. This policy was also presented in detail at this meeting. 14-06/2022 Trustee Shlonsky moved approval, seconded by Trustee Davies. Seeing no additional discussion, the approval of the Intellectual Freedom Policy was approved by unanimous vote of the Board members present. (See page 216)

Approval of Meeting Room Policy Director Edwards stated we are asking Board approval of the Meeting Room Policy allowing commercial entities to use our meeting rooms. This policy was reviewed in detail at the Policy, Planning & External Relations (PPER) Committee meeting held prior to this meeting.


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15-06/2022 Trustee Leonard moved approval, seconded by Trustee Blakemore. Seeing no additional discussion, the approval of the Meeting Room Policy was approved by unanimous vote of the Board members present. (See pages 217-218)

Approval of Nepotism Policy Chief Good stated we are asking Board approval of the Nepotism Policy. This policy was reviewed in detail at the Policy, Planning & External Relations (PPER) Committee meeting held prior to this meeting. 16-06/2022 Trustee Davies moved approval, seconded by Trustee Leonard. Seeing no additional discussion, the approval of the Nepotism Policy was approved by unanimous vote of the Board members present. (See pages 219-220)

Approval of Anti-Workplace Violence Policy Chief Good stated we are asking Board approval of the Anti-Workplace Violence Policy. This policy was reviewed in detail at the Policy, Planning & External Relations (PPER) Committee meeting held prior to this meeting. 17-06/2022 Trustee Shlonsky moved approval, seconded by Trustee Blakemore. Seeing no additional discussion, the approval of the Anti-Workplace Violence Policy was approved by unanimous vote of the Board members present. (See pages 221-226)

Approval of Outside Employment for Managers Policy Chief Good stated we are asking Board approval of the Outside Employment for Managers Policy. This policy was reviewed in detail at the Policy, Planning & External Relations (PPER) Committee meeting held prior to this meeting. 18-06/2022 Trustee Leonard moved approval, seconded by Trustee Shlonsky. Seeing no additional discussion, the approval of the Outside Employment for Managers Policy was approved by unanimous vote of the Board members present. (See pages 227-230) Motion to Adjourn. Seeing no other business under consideration for vote, President DePiero asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. 19-06/2022 Upon motion of Trustee Leonard, seconded by Trustee Blakemore, the June 28, 2022, meeting of the Cuyahoga County Public Library adjourned at 5:55 p.m. Approved 26 July 2022 X________________________ Dean E. DePiero President X________________________ Maria L. Spangler Secretary


Resolution of Appreciation for

Cynthia (Cindy) Chimes

WHEREAS, Cynthia Chimes has served with great loyalty as an employee of Cuyahoga County Public Library since her hire on August 3, 1995, as a Regional Magazine Clerk at the Mayfield Heights Branch; on July 3, 2006, her title changed to Magazine Clerk; on September 21, 2009, she transferred to the Orange Branch and her title changed to Branch Clerk; on February 6, 2011, she transferred to the South Euclid-Lyndhurst Branch; on March 29, 2015, her title was changed to Branch Services Clerk, a position she held until her retirement on June 30, 2022; and,

WHEREAS, Cynthia was hard working and efficient, often anticipating a job that needed to be done. She never liked to leave work unfinished and was always looking for tasks to complete. Cynthia was very diligent in searching out solutions to problems. She was also a go to person for job related problem solving; and

WHEREAS, Cynthia was a team player, helping others out and volunteering her time. Many years ago, she participated in the South Euclid-Lyndhurst library’s many Medieval Faires, creating decorations and dressing in costume to mingle with fire eaters and jousters; not to forget the annual Halloween Haunted Tunnels, where staff dressed in costume created a spooky tour of the dank, dark corridors and coal bin in the basement of the old building; and

WHEREAS, Cynthia was well known and liked by her colleagues systemwide. She made friends easily, and often patrons would stop to chat with her. Cindy set an example to be followed in the future by those of us fortunate enough to have experienced it for ourselves.

OW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Library Trustees records its appreciation to Cynthia Chimes for all the years of service she has rendered to the Library and the public and extends to her all good wishes for a happy, healthy and rewarding life.

Dean E. DePiero, President Board of Trustees Cuyahoga County Public Library Date: July 26, 2022



Resolution of Appreciation for

Jean Kasperek

WHEREAS, Jean Kasperek has served with great loyalty as an employee of Cuyahoga County Public Library since her hire on June 4, 2001, as a Branch Regional Clerk at the Bay Village Branch; on August 21, 2006, her title changed to Branch Clerk; on July 21, 2013, she added the role of Branch Services Assistant Substitute and on March 7, 2001, her title changed to Branch Services Clerk, both positions were held until her retirement on June 30 2022; and,

WHEREAS, Jean developed great relationships with customers that would come to see her specifically. She maintained a down to earth approachable nature with customers and staff. She was a valued member of the Bay Village community. She knew how to joke around with customers and make them feel comfortable; and,

WHEREAS, Jean had excellent judgment and used this to take decisive action. She always answered the phones the day of a floating holiday to let people know that we were in fact open. Jean had great organizational skills, attention to detail, initiative, and a strong work ethic. She was a team player who went out of her way to help her colleagues however possible; and,

WHEREAS, Jean was a great Branch Services Clerk who was ready to help and encourage others. She always took pride in her work at CCPL.

OW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Library Trustees records its appreciation to Jean Kasperek for all the years of service she has rendered to the Library and the public and extends to her all good wishes for a happy, healthy, and rewarding life.

Dean E. DePiero, President Board of Trustees Cuyahoga County Public Library Date: July 26, 2022



Resolution of Appreciation for

Kathleen (Kathy) Kocar

WHEREAS, Kathy Kocar has served with great loyalty as an employee of Cuyahoga County Public Library at the Bay Village Branch since her hire on July, 9, 1990, as a Branch Regional Clerk; on July 3, 2006, her title changed to Branch Clerk; on March 29, 2015, her title changed to Branch Services Clerk, a position she held until her retirement on June 30, 2022; and,

WHEREAS, Kathy had amazing customer service skills creating a strong rapport with many customers. She was a valued member of the Bay Village community. She often received compliments from staff and customers alike on all the plants she took care of at the branch; and,

WHEREAS, Kathy was a thoughtful, practical, and detailed oriented employee who was dedicated to finding the most efficient way to complete her tasks. She displayed great organizational skills, attention to detail, good judgement, initiative, and a strong work ethic. She was a team player who went out of her way to help her colleagues however possible; and,

WHEREAS, Kathy welcomed change and always had great ideas to help further progress in the circulation department. She always took pride in her work at CCPL.

OW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Library Trustees records its appreciation to Kathleen Kocar for all the years of service she has rendered to the Library and the public and extends to her all good wishes for a happy, healthy and rewarding life.

Dean E. DePiero, President Board of Trustees Cuyahoga County Public Library Date: July 26, 2022



Resolution of Appreciation for

Gail Kovacs

WHEREAS, Gail Kovacs has served with great loyalty as an employee of Cuyahoga County Public Library since her hire on April 1, 2013, as a Non-Bargaining Unit Page at the Strongsville Branch, a position she held until her retirement on June 22, 2022; and,

WHEREAS, Gail displayed continuous dedication as a page, always helping with whatever was needed in the branch. She came to know everyone as more than fellow staff members, rather as friends. She attended many programs throughout the years either by herself or with her husband, always becoming more involved with what the library does daily; and,

WHEREAS, Gail demonstrated a great attention to detail, willingness to go above and beyond the call of duty, admirable work ethic, and flexibility to fulfill duties and in the branch as needed; and,

WHEREAS, Gail exhibited pride in her work here at CCPL, acted as a supportive team player with all her fellow staff and always had a positive attitude when coming into work at CCPL.

OW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Library Trustees records its appreciation to Gail Kovacs for all the years of service she has rendered to the Library and the public and extends to her all good wishes for a happy, healthy, and rewarding life.

Dean E. DePiero, President Board of Trustees Cuyahoga County Public Library Date: July 26, 2022



Resolution of Appreciation for

Patricia Umstead

WHEREAS, Patricia Umstead has served with great loyalty as an employee of Cuyahoga County Public Library since her hire on October 10, 2007, as a Non-Bargaining Unit Page at the Fairview Park Branch; on April 29, 2012, she added the role of Branch Services Clerk Substitute; she served as an acting Branch Services Clerk at the Fairview Park Branch from June 21, 2015, through July 3, 2016; she continued to serve as a Branch Services Clerk Substitute and a Page; on October 24, 2016, her title changed to Branch Services Clerk and she transferred to the North Olmstead Branch, a position she held until her retirement on June 30 2022; and,

WHEREAS, Patricia enthusiastically approached the job and had excellent problem-solving skills, always had a pleasant attitude, displayed a strong work ethic, fantastic organizational and planning of job duties; and,

WHEREAS, Patricia provided excellent customer service and built a great relationship with the customers and co-workers, finding common ground anywhere from discussing classic cars, movies, or children's books; and,

WHEREAS, Patricia was dependable, well organized, motivated, and she led by example, met all deadlines, and showed respect to peers and supervisors alike.

OW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Library Trustees records its appreciation to Patricia Umstead for all the years of service she has rendered to the Library and the public and extends to her all good wishes for a happy, healthy and rewarding life.

Dean E. DePiero, President Board of Trustees Cuyahoga County Public Library Date: July 26, 2022



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Executive Director’s


Tracy R. Strobel

Executive Director

Summer Reading, Then and Now

At Cuyahoga County Public Library (CCPL) one of our strategic goals is to advance literacy and lifelong learning through innovative programs

and services that meet the diverse needs and interests of our communities. We aim to achieve that goal, in part, by supporting student success

through partnerships with families, school districts and other community agencies; and by providing out-of-school time (OST) experiences that

inspire curiosity and support educational outcomes. The OST experiences we provide during the summer months are critical because students risk

learning loss when they are away from school. It’s a phenomenon commonly referred to as “the summer slide.”

According to the American Library Association (ALA), libraries began holding summer reading programs back in the 1890s as a way to encourage

school children – particularly those in urban areas who were not needed to help out around the farm – to read during their summer vacation,

and to use their local library to develop the habit of reading. The ALA credits Ohio librarian Linda Eastman with the creation of the fi rst children’s

reading program in 1895. That program, which was called the Cleveland Children’s Library League, was a precursor to and model for summer reading

programs that later cropped up all over the world. Eastman started the League by distributing a list of book recommendations through local

schools who in turn encouraged students to get as far down the list as they could during summer vacation. Each year the number of participants in

the League grew, which eventually led to reading logs for children to keep track of the books they read.

A lot has changed in the past century or so, but many of the original aspects of summer reading programs remain the same. Participants still log

how much time they’ve spent reading (either on printed or online reading logs) and record which books they’ve read. So far this year, our summer

reading program participants have logged more than 107,500 hours of reading, earning prizes like free scoops of Mitchell’s Ice Cream (my personal

favorite), books and raffl e entries to win grand prizes provided by the Cleveland Monsters, Lake Erie Crushers, Playhouse Square and other

sponsors. The most popular titles among this year’s participants include some familiar favorites, like Dav Pilkey’s Dogman books, the Harry Potter

series (naturally) and the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series.

It’s always fun to see which books kids are reading each summer. I’m reminded of my own childhood favorites and how they inspired me to

become a librarian. It also reminds me that summer reading programs are important not just because they help build the reading skills that are the

foundation of all learning, but because books have a unique power to inspire. I hope all of our summer readers fi nd at least one book this summer

that inspires them, whether it’s to pursue a dream or simply to pick up another book.

Happy reading!


Seventeen participants came into the Gates Mills Branch to create their own summer screen-printed T-shirts. The participants were broken up into groups to peel the vinyl, place the vinyl on the boards and then peel the extra vinyl off the boards. Each participant made two T-shirts—one with a pair of aviator glasses and one that said

“Hello Summer” out of popsicle sticks.

Orange Branch BSL Supervisor Kate Merlene made a connection with a patron who moved to the country recently from India and wanted to know what kinds of services the library had to off er. The patron was surprised when Merlene asked her what part of India she was from. The two had a nice conversation and it turns out Merlene visited the area where the patron lived. Merlene gave the patron an overview of what CCPL had to off er and she was thrilled! A few days later, the patron came in with another new American and her three boys from Pakistan to acclimate them to the library. The mother was able to get referrals for ESOL classes, programming and all three kids checked out books with their new library cards.

Chagrin Falls/Gates Mills Branch Manager Maryann Penzvalto attended a “Lunch and Learn” event with the Chagrin Valley Chamber of Commerce on June 17 featuring a Mayor’s Roundtable with Chagrin Falls mayor Bill Tomko.

There was plenty of STEAM fun at the Mayfi eld and Richmond

branches in June! Six customers attended the virtual “3D Design Basics” program facilitated by BSA Allyson Filippi at the Mayfi eld branch where attendees learned the basics of the Tinkercad software and applied their skills to create a 3D printed keychain, as well as gaining more information on the 3D printing process at CCPL. BSL Robin Pandya hosted a screen-printing class at RCH. Eight attendees had fun weeding precut vinyl patterns and printing shirts, bags and tea towels with the CCPL 100th anniversary logo. The participants were glad to create a take home printed souvenir of the event.

Beachwood Branch Manager Amia Wheatley and Adult BSA Sarah Iammarino, along with Adult Librarian Supervisor Kate Merlene from the Orange Branch, presented a Virtual Book Buzz program on June 27. Each staff person presented 10 upcoming books that they liked on the CCPL Facebook Live page. Merlene moderated and everyone mentioned upcoming author events. So far, the online presentation has 297 views.

Social Media

Facebook Fans: 34,094

Twitter Followers: 11,534

Instagram Followers: 6,390

Just reserved my seats to see @SlaughterKarin @CuyahogaLib!! I could cry I’m so excited@Mad_Manny619

July 11, 2022

Getting oriented with the Innovation Center at @CuyahogaLib Mayfi eld branch today! @Leah440B

July 8, 2022

Thanks, @CuyahogaLib, for providing me #library #WiFi access today so I could watch @TheCityClub’s “A Fresh Perspective on City Planning” with @ssmithwhigham interviewing @jopanese, and also watch the January6th Cmte hearing.@sos_jr

June 28, 2022

More #CampBrilliance Fun: We took our 1st grade campers to visit @CuyahogaLib last week. They did a scavenger hunt around the building to get to know the library, got books, and enjoyed a story time! Thank you so much to the #Garfi eldHeights branch for hosting us@BrillianceOhio

June 27, 2022

@GlobalCleveland 1st Legal/Community aid for our #Ukrainian sisters, brothers=amazing, collaboration is the only way for this to work & because of @ParmaMayor @CleFoodBank @metrohealthCLE @LegalAidCLE @CuyahogaCounty @CuyahogaLib we helped individuals and b/c of the partnership@joecimperman

June 24, 2022

Thanks to Joe and Joanna from @CuyahogaLib for delivering STEM kits to @Cleveland_PL they picked up for our systems in Columbus. Best two Library systems in the nation in one County #Collaboration #libraries@SkrticX

June 23, 2022

System Highlights


In honor of Pride Month, Maple Heights Branch Teen Services Librarian Elyssa Freedman created a beautiful display with book covers arranged in the color of the Pride fl ag. Many Maple Heights patrons have stopped to look and admire the display, with titles fl ying off the shelves by eager readers. One grandmother took the time to write and thank Freedman for the joy the display gave her granddaughters who “didn’t know there were that many books with ‘queer’ black people in it or writing it!”

South Euclid-Lyndhurst Branch BSL-II Julie Gabb, BSL-I Carly Garinger, BSA-II Jamie Sedlacko, and Branch Manager Steve Haynie coordinated and led World Environment Day outdoors in the South Euclid-Lyndhurst Branch parking lot on June 4. South Euclid-Lyndhurst library workers taught children how to upcycle old paper into new paper sheets with a blender, water and screens. In addition, community partners hosted various nature/environment activities such as composting demonstrations with Rust Belt Riders, a bike obstacle course by Bike Cleveland, plant giveaways by Sustainable Cleveland, a Cuyahoga Valley National Park ranger meet and greet and an animal appearance from the Cleveland Metroparks’ EcoTracks vehicle. Over 140 attendees enjoyed this outdoor event!

On June 18, Branch Manager Ali Boyd led the Warrensville

Heights Branch’s Annual Juneteenth Celebration before a crowd of 51 customers. The event was a collaboration between the Friends of the Warrensville Library, Uplyff , Inc and library staff . It opened with jazz selections from Hashtag Virgo Swing Quartet and continued with arts, poetry and engaging discussions amongst the community participants focused on the history of struggles and triumphs of African Americans and also the infl uences of social media. One grandfather was alarmed at the things his 8-year-old granddaughter knew of social media and promised to take a more active role in her daily activities. It was a very touching moment. The historic event ended with the Warrensville Branch Chess Club joining in and a tournament commenced!

Bedford Branch BSL I Stephanie Johnson hosted nine teens for “Board Game Geeks” camp from June 6 – June 9. In addition to learning about the art of board game design, the teens also had the opportunity to design their own custom board game pieces in Tinkercad, which they incorporated into their board games.

Fourteen patriotic customers came to the Cricut Celebration Banners program on June 28 at the Brecksville Branch. BSA-II Noelle Tagliarini showed them how to produce ideas and how to use the Cricut to make banners for any celebration. Each participant got to make and take home a banner for the 4th of July with supplies provided by the Friends of the Brecksville Branch.

Garfi eld Heights Branch Adult BSA Emily Gaff ney and Children’s BSA Tameka Comer co-facilitated a screen-printing program for the quarterly “Families Innovate” session for 15 customers on June 18. Several families came to make summer-themed screen-printed tote bags. After they were done screen printing, staff helped participants make pom-pom accessories to decorate their bags.

Children’s BSL Kathy Roach hosted a STEM Math Puzzles program on June 29 at the Independence Branch. Activities included folding 3D shapes from pieces of paper, deciphering codes and creating their own code, creating patterned paper chains and bead bracelets and playing various math games from the Toy Collection. Eighteen students and parents enjoyed the various stations.

As part of the North Royalton Branch’s summerlong history-themed docket of programs celebrating CCPL’s 100th Birthday, the branch hosted “Euclid Beach Park - Cleveland’s Most Beloved Amusement Park” on June 14. Ninety-nine people joined John Frato, the President of Euclid Beach Park.

Parma Heights Branch BSA Janet Haverman noticed reserved materials for one of our most prolifi c readers, a 93-year old fan of spy fi ction and mysteries, were not being picked up. After following up, staff discovered the customer was in the hospital and without anything to read. Staff put together and delivered a blue library logo bag and four withdrawn mystery books from the ongoing book sale. To say that she was joyful would be an understatement.

System Highlights


Parma-Powers Branch manager Holly Camino was contacted by a local group that wanted to host a summer ESL camp for Ukrainian refugee children at the branch. Branch staff have worked hard to order books, toys, and resources for the camp. It is heartwarming to welcome these children into our library and support their learning.

The Parma-Snow Branch “Teen Stress Camp” ran from June 27 – June 30. Total attendance for the camp was six over four sessions. Aside from learning about stress, journaling and how breathing impacts stress, the attendees created a lotus fl ower on canvas using pointillism, decorated a journal, made a few painted rocks and created a mandala on a tote bag using the direct-to-garment printer. One teen surprised staff by presenting them each with a rock that was painted with, “Thanks for everything! I’ll miss you!”

Solon Branch BSA-I Jen Johnson hosted the Solon’s Little Laboratory program on June 16 that featured 32 preschool scientists and caregivers conducting a real-world science experiment to see how diff erent paper products do—and don’t—break down in water. As they waited for the test results, the families explored science and sensory themed toys from the toy collection.

The Fairview Park Branch has had three visits this month from Fairview Park school district summer day camps. One hundred six kids have attended so far with several more visits planned for July. Storytimes with toddler/preschool visits and Lego building with students from Garde 1 – 5 as well as a paint program for special education students have been held.

The North Olmsted Branch hosted an author event with Riley Sager on June 23. One hundred fi fty people attended, including a number of avid fans who drove over 3 hours for this event (from Michigan, Indiana, and Pennsylvania). The book signing lasted past 10 p.m., with this having been the fi rst book signing experience for many of the attendees.

To celebrate the 100th Anniversary of CCPL, Olmsted Falls

Branch BSL Jodi Carlson planned a “Mini Canvas Event.” During the month of June, more than 100 canvases were given out to patrons to paint and bring back to the library. The branch also hosted four painting days when people could come into the library to paint canvas with 14 people attending. The branch has had a lot of positive feedback, including an article in Westlife, about the program and has so far received 38 canvases back to display in the library through August.

The Strongsville Branch Friends of the Library purchased two touch Play Tables for the branch, one for Children’s and one for the Teen area. Each has 16 games available and children, teens and adults alike are sitting down and playing these games! Currently, the branch is the fi rst library in the Northeast Ohio area to have them available in their community. Families have described them as

“awesome” and “cool” and are enjoying these unique, fun tables.

On June 4, the Brooklyn Branch Children’s Department facilitated the “Happy 100th Birthday, Library!” Summer Reading Kickoff . Families from our community, totaling 249 attendees, enjoyed live music from Erin Nicole Neale & the Chill Factors, indoor and outdoor games and activities, a birthday-themed storytime, photo booth sessions, scavenger hunts, and mini cupcakes. It was the perfect summer event and showcased the variety of activities and opportunities off ered for children and families at CCPL.

Seventeen customers attended the Adapted Program for Adults on June 13 at the Brook Park Branch. BSL-II Liza Kahoe Arthur led an art program on Vincent Van Gogh. Participants learned about the painter’s life, his most famous paintings and painting techniques. Then the group painted their own “Starry Night” with acrylics and a template.

System Highlights


System Highlights

The Bay Village Branch held its Annual “Friends of the Library Ice Cream Social” for the fi rst time since 2019 and it was a blast! More than 245 community members came out to listen to the soothing samba sounds of Brazilian musician Luca Mundaca, chalk the walk, meet the Fairytale Foundation princesses, and have a scoop of ice cream from local Bay Village food truck Smokin’ Rock n’ Roll on Ice.

BSL Supervisor Children’s Rebecca Price-Donahue and BSA-II Kelly Bickley of the Middleburg Heights Branch received the Berea City School District’s “Be a Titan” award! They were nominated by Gayle Brusk, media specialist at Big Creek Elementary School, in Middleburg Heights. Bickley attended the District’s “Be a Titan” ceremony. Administrators from each school in the district honored individuals and groups from their student body, staff , and community.

During the month of June, Berea Branch Teen Librarian Gail Toth hosted a 4-part STEAM series on Forensic Science. During the series, nine students learned about types of print evidence (fi ngerprints, shoe prints, and tire tracks), blood type identifi cation and compatibility, DNA, and eyewitness reliability. During program, three students solved a mystery in a box using fi ber evidence, fi ngerprints, and handwriting analysis. Students were interested in the topics but they had the most fun solving the hands on mysteries. The fi nal week included a visit from veteran Berea Police Offi ce Charles Gute, who shared his experiences and took insightful questions from the group.

System Highlights



JULY 26, 2022


Met and toured CCPL Maple Heights Childcare Facility with Lauren Hagan, Chief Financial Officer, Columbus Metropolitan Library (CML), Charlie Hansen, Chief Customer Experience Officer, CML, and Donna Zuiderweg, Chief Community Engagement Officer, CML, and Scott Morgan, CCPL Chief Operations Officer, Pamela Jankowski, CCPL Chief Public Services Officer, Hallie Rich, CCPL Chief Communications & External Relations Officer, and Deva Walker, Branch Manager, CCPL Maple Heights Branch

Met with Monique Good, CCPL Chief Human Resources Officer June 30

Meeting with CCPL Executive Leadership Team, Scott Morgan, CCPL Chief Operations Officer, Pamela Jankowski, CCPL Chief Public Services Officer, Hallie Rich, CCPL Chief Communications & External Relations Officer, and Monique Good, CCPL Chief Human Resources Officer

Addressed CCPL Volunteers and Friends of the Library at the Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon and introduced Author Dr. Stephen Trzeciak, the author of Compassionomics: The Scientific Evidence that Caring Makes a Difference and Wonder Drug: 7 Scientifically Proven Ways That Serving Others Is the Best Medicine for Yourself CCPL Parma-Snow Branch Auditorium

July 1 Met with George Sample, Vice President, People & Culture, Federal Reserve Bank

Participated in Construction Manager at Risk (CMR) interviews for the new CCPL Brooklyn Branch, with Scott Morgan, CCPL Chief Operations Officer, Jeffrey Mori, CCPL Facilities Director, Pamela Jankowski, CCPL Chief Public Services Officer, Jim Haprian, CCPL IT Director, James McLaughlin, CCPL Special Projects and Maintenance Manager, Kelly Daily, CCPL Project Superintendent, Gus Dionisos, Project Superintendent, and Terri Thompson, CCPL Operations Assistant, Projects

July 5 Met with Monique Good, CCPL Chief Human Resources Officer Met with Hallie Rich, CCPL Chief Communications & External Relations Officer, and

Bridget Hawes, CCPL Development Director July 6-8

Vacation July 6

Participated in Metro Directors monthly conference call July 11

Met with Pamela Jankowski, CCPL Chief Public Services Officer, and Daniel Barden, CCPL TSD Director, to discuss ILS and Discovery products

Attended CCPL Reading the Green Annual Golf outing, Lakewood Country Club


July 12

Meeting with Scott Crawford, Vice President, Digital & Software Products, Baker & Taylor, and James Smith, Vice President and Administration, Baker & Taylor, and Pamela Jankowski, CCPL Chief Public Services Officer, and Daniel Barden, CCPL TSD Director

Met with Pamela Jankowski, CCPL Chief Public Services Officer, Enda Bracken, CCPL Branch Services Director-East, Caroline Vicchiarelli, CCPL Branch Services Director-West, and Lane Edwards, CCPL Branch Services Director-South

Met with Sari Feldman, Former CCPL Executive Director, and Hallie Rich, CCPL Chief Communications & External Relations Officer, and Scott Morgan, CCPL Chief Operations Officer

July 13

Meeting Working Group 4 with David Schnee, Principal, Group 4 Architecture Research, Jill Eyres, Senior Associate, Group 4 Architecture Research, and Daniel LaRossa, Architect, Group 4, and Scott Morgan, CCPL Chief Operations Officer, Jeffrey Mori, CCPL Facilities Director, Pamela Jankowski, CCPL Chief Public Services Officer, Robert Rua, CCPL Marketing & Communications Director, Jim Haprian, CCPL IT Director, Wendy Bartlett, CCPL Collection Development & ACQ Manager, and Lane Edwards, CCPL Branch Services Director

Presented Quarterly CCPL Update to staff

Met with Monique Good, CCPL Chief Human Resources Officer

Met with Hallie Rich, CCPL Chief Communications & External Relations Officer July 14

Meeting to discuss CCPL Brooklyn Branch Design with Ben Crabtree, Senior Associate, Bialosky Cleveland, Jill Christoff, Senior Associate, Bialosky Cleveland, Aaron Hill, Principal, Bialosky Cleveland, Kelly Deak, Architectural Designer, Bialosky Cleveland, Scott Morgan, CCPL Chief Operations Officer, Jeffrey Mori, CCPL Facilities Director, Pamela Jankowski, CCPL Chief Public Services Officer, Kathleen Sullivan, Branch Manager, CCPL Brooklyn Branch, and Terri Thompson, CCPL Operations Assistant, Projects

Meeting with CCPL Executive Leadership Team, Scott Morgan, CCPL Chief Operations Officer, Pamela Jankowski, CCPL Chief Public Services Officer, Hallie Rich, CCPL Chief Communications & External Relations Officer, Monique Good, CCPL Chief Human Resources Officer, and Bertha Arrington, Executive Division Manager

CCPL Middleburg Heights Branch Visit and Staff Meeting, with Enda Bracken, Branch Services Director-East, Caroline Vicchiarelli, Branch Services Director-West, and CCPL Ron Block, Branch Manager, CCPL Middleburg Branch, and staff

July 18

Attended CCPL Foundation Special Events Committee Meeting with Nicole Daily Jones, Mayor, City of North Olmsted, Chuck Massarolo,

Clerk of Council, City of North Olmsted, and Scott Morgan, CCPL Chief Operations Officer

July 19

Attended Youth Opportunities Unlimited (Y.O.U.) Board Retreat Participated in CCPL Foundation Board Meeting Participated in Public Library Fund (PLF) Joint Committee Meeting


July 20

Met with Sondra Hardis, Donor, and Nancy Pearl, Author, American Librarian, with Bill Kelly, CCPL Adult Services Manager, and Bridget Hawes, CCPL Development Director

Hosted Press Conference with County Executive Armond Budish and Lt. Governor Husted, at CCPL Brooklyn Branch, to announce new State Funding for Broadband in Cuyahoga County

Attended Collection HQ software training, with Halie Rich, CCPL Chief Communications & External Relations Officer, Wendy Bartlett, CCPL Collection Development & ACQ Manager, Mary Schreiber, CCPL TSD Specialist, Collection Development, and Joseph Salamon, CCPL TSD Specialist, Digital Access

Met with Monique Good, CCPL Chief Human Resources Officer July 21

Meeting with CCPL Leadership Team, includes CCPL Executive Leadership Team, and Enda Bracken, CCPL Branch Services Director - East, Caroline Vicchiarelli, CCPL Branch Services Director – West, and Lane Edwards, CCPL Branch Services Director – South, Jim Haprian, IT Director, Jeffrey Mori, CCPL Facilities Director, and Rebecca Ranallo, CCPL Literacy and Learning Director, Robert Rua, CCPL Marketing Director, Robert Dolan, CCPL Finance Director, and Terrence Echols, CCPL Director, Adult Education Services

Hosted a donor luncheon with Nancy Pearl, Author, American Librarian, and Hallie Rich, CCPL Chief Communications & External Relations Officer, Bridget Hawes, CCPL Development Director, Bill Kelly, CCPL Adult Services Manager

CCPL Berea Branch Visit and Staff Meeting, with Enda Bracken, Branch Services Director-East, Caroline Vicchiarelli, Branch Services Director-West, and CCPL Cathy Schultis Branch Manager, CCPL Berea Branch, and staff

July 22 Vacation

July 25-28

Attended the 87th International Federation of Library Association and Institutions (IFLA) World Library and Information Congress Conference (WLIC), Dublin, Ireland

July 26 Attended IFLA Opening and IFLA Library of the Year Ceremony Presented Case Study Session with Amandeep Kochar, President & Group CEO,

Baker & Taylor July 27

Attended Keynote on Reimagining the Iconic Trinity College Library Attended Presidents Session Attended EDI Issues in Libraries

Chief Executive Officer


Visits | June 2022



Year to Date


Year-over-Year Growth


Circulation | June 2022

Year to Date Total Circulation

Monthly Total Circulation

Year to Date Digital Circulation

Year-over-Year Growth Total Circulation


Computer Use | June 2022

Year to Date


Public Computer VS. WiFi Usage



Programs | June 2022

Year to Date Programs Off ered

Year to Date Program Attendance

Monthly Program Attendance

Average Program Attendance







Cox, Christopher NBU Page OEP $12.00 12 BAY113 $12.00 New Hire 12 7/18/2022

Cross, Toni Branch Services Assistant I 207 $21.00 20 STH111Amber Horton ‐ Transfer to 

Sub Status$21.00 Re‐hire 20 6/27/2022






Corum, Emily NBU Page PAS113 OEP $13.00 15 6/16/2022

Eichman, Gail 1‐2‐3 Read Site Coordinator 504113 OSR $22.24 10 6/28/2022

Gurko, Shi Ann 1‐2‐3 Read Site Coordinator 504113 OSR $22.24 10 2/15/2022

Harnak, Sharon NBU Page SUB PAR113 OEP $13.00 1 7/12/2022

Huffman, Celia Youth Education Coodinator 505112 20 $36.06 24 6/30/2022

Jumba, JenniferBranch Services Librarian Supervisor

PAR111 209 $28.83 40 6/20/2022

Krysiak, Jennifer 1‐2‐3 Read Site Coordinator 504113 OSR $22.24 15 6/20/2022

Laser, JeffreyBranch Services Librarian I Generalist

FPR111 208 $23.69 40 7/21/2022

McLellan, Heaven Branch Services Clerk BCH111 205 $16.64 16 6/27/2022

Nagy, Lydia Branch Services Clerk STV111 205 $17.83  24 6/29/2022

Smith, Maureen NBU Page SUB PAR113 OEP $13.00 1 7/12/2022

Yaecker, Pamela Branch Services Assistant I SUB 450114 207 $20.09 1 7/15/2022










Cangemi, ClaudiaNBU PageBranch Services Clerk SUB








Dean, KevinNBU PageBranch Services Clerk SUB








Rezaee, Parisa NBU Page SLN113 OEP OEP 15 $12.00 $12.50 6/26/2022






Chimes, Cynthia Branch Services Clerk SEU111 205 $22.63 40 8/3/1995 6/30/2022

Kasperek, JeanBranch Services ClerkBranch Services Assistant SUB




6/4/2001 6/30/2022

Kocar, Kathleen Branch Services Clerk BAY111  205 $22.63 40 7/9/1990 6/30/2022

Kovacs, Gail NBU Page SUB STV113 OEP $13.00 1 4/1/2013 6/22/2022

Sledz, Cinthia Branch Services Librarian PAH111 208 $32.72 40 6/20/1988 7/9/2022

Umstead, Patricia Branch Services Clerk NOL111 205 $18.35 24 10/10/2007 7/8/2022















Auerback, MarkTutorBranch Services Assistant I SUB

504113 504113 OSTOST207



Adding Second Rate101


Battista, Marie Acting HRIS Coordinator NOL111 800112 207 20 40 40 $22.21 $24.04Wendy Sanderfer ‐ 

ResignedActing Assignment Begins 40 7/11/2022

Bibyk, NoelleBranch Services ClerkBranch Services Assistant I SUB





Adding Second Rate161


Cawley, Ian Branch Services Clerk BAY111 BAY111 205 205 20 40 $16.64 $16.64 Increased Hours 40 7/10/2022

Clark, Crestian Branch Services Clerk SEU111 SEU111 205 205 16 24 $18.26 $18.26 Increased Hours 24 7/10/2022

Clayton, A'lyce Branch Services Assistant I SUB WVH111 450114 207 207 20 1 $22.16 $20.09 Transfer to Sub Status 1 6/26/2022

Duke, Denise Branch Services Clerk SUB   PAR113 450114 OEP 205 15 1 $13.00 $16.16 Transfer to Sub Status 1 7/10/2022

Fenell, Zachary Branch Services Clerk SEU111 SEU111 205 205 16 24 $16.64 $16.64 Increased Hours 24 7/10/2022

Hammond, NicholasBranch Services ClerkBranch Services Librarian SUB





Adding Second Rate201


Kazimir, BrandonBranch Services ClerkBranch Services Assistant I SUB

450114 BPK111 205205207



New Role and Adding Second Rate



Koo, Young Branch Services Librarian I Generalist GFH111 GFH111 208 208 40 40 $23.94 $24.66 Pay Correction 40 4/3/2022

Koustis, Lisa Branch Services Clerk BAY111 BAY111 205 205 24 32 $21.40 $21.40 Increased Hours 32 7/10/2022

Kowalski, Zachary Branch Services Clerk STV111 STV111 205 205 20 28 $16.16 $16.16 Increased Hours 28 7/11/2022

Lippi, SarahNBU PageBranch Services Assistant I SUB





Adding Second Rate111


Rak, Kathleen Branch Services Librarian Supervisor NOL111 NOL111 207 209 40 40 $24.66 $26.23 Promotion 40 7/11/2022

Rezaee, ParisaNBU PageBranch Services Clerk SUB





Adding Second Rate 15 6/26/2022
















Schroeder, Emily Branch Services Assistant I    SLN111 BCH111 207 207 16 16 $22.17 $22.17 Transfer  16 6/26/2022

Shafer, Janelle Branch Services Clerk SEU111 SEU111 205 205 36 40 $20.18 $20.18 Increased Hours 40 7/10/2022

Simmons, MalloryBranch Services Clerk SUBBranch Services Assistant I SUB

450114 450114 205205207

1 1 $16.16$16.16$20.09

Adding Second Rate 1 7/10/2022

Voroselo, KevinBranch Services Assistant SUBNBU Page SUBBranch Services Clerk SUB





1 1$20.09$13.00


Adding Third Rate 1 7/10/2022

Wendeln, Rebecca Branch Manager GFH111 NRY112 209 40 40 40 $30.26 $38.46Lane Edwards ‐ Promotion

Promotion 40 7/11/2022

Wirfel, CharlesBranch Services ClerkBranch Services Assistant I SUB





Adding Second Rate161





Bartik, Ericableu 5/24/2022 $0.00   $           ‐    U.S. Book Show/Publishers Weekly/Virtual

Beleske, Nicole 10/19/2022 $20.00   $           ‐    Council for Certification in Volunteer Administration/Volunteer Management Hybrid Conference/Virtual

Booth, Kaitlin 5/24/2022 $0.00   $           ‐    U.S. Book Show/Publishers Weekly/Virtual

Echols, Terrance 6/8/2022 ‐ 6/10/2022 $32.00   $           ‐    Urban Libraries Council Conference/Cleveland, OH

Fabian, Joey

10/20/2022, 11/17/2022, 12/07/2022, 1/18/2023, 2/8/23, 3/30/23, 4/20/23, 


$174.08   $    94.08  Leadership Academy/Northeast Ohio Regional Library System/Twinsburg, OH and Virtual

Froliklong, William

9/22/2022, 9/23/2022, 9/29/2022, 9/30/2022, 10/6/2022, 10/7/2022, 

10/13/2022, 10/14/2022, 10/20/2022, 10/21/2022, 10/27/2022, 10/28/2022

$0.00   $           ‐    Family Place Libraries Training/Family Place Libraries/Virtual

Furino, Stephanie

9/22/2022, 9/23/2022, 9/29/2022, 9/30/2022, 10/6/2022, 10/7/2022, 

10/13/2022, 10/14/2022, 10/20/2022, 10/21/2022, 10/27/2022, 10/28/2022

$0.00   $           ‐    Family Place Libraries Training/Family Place Libraries/Virtual




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Financial Statement Analysis

June 2022

The budget presented on this report is the Permanent Appropriations and Estimated Revenues as adopted by the Board for the beginning of 2022.


We received no distributions for either of our two tax levies. We will see some advance money for the month of July. We are currently above 50% on both levies. We will monitor the second half advances and settlement to see if we will receive more than what we have budgeted for the year.

Our June distribution for the PLF was $2,314,840. Based on a comparison to last year, this distribution was smaller than the amount received in June 2021. Our YTD comparisons is still substantially more than last year. The amount received YTD is 56.3% of the budget.

Fines and Fees collected in June were less than what was collected last year. The amount is showing red because of an accounting adjustment to move the money to the proper account. Although, looking at the total of Patron Fines and Fees the total amount collected this year does exceed the total amount collected last year. The amount collected for passport processing and photos greatly exceeded what was collected last year for June.

The remainder of the revenue accounts are where we would expect them to be for the month of June.


The Salaries and Benefits accounts are right on budget.

The Library Materials accounts reflect an overall expense of 59%. This is typical as the first couple of months are larger buying months for materials and we also have encumbered funds to pay for preordered publications.

Some of the expense accounts show a larger percentage expensed and encumbered. This reflects the blanket purchase orders for the year, which increases the encumbrances.



There were several purchases of investments for the month of June.

7 pieces of Commercial Paper purchased with higher yields and shorter maturities:

4 pieces from JP Morgan Securities LLC - $1,340,000 total with yields of 2.69%-3.33%

2 pieces from MUFG Bank Ltd. - $1,250,000 with yields of 2.35%-3.24%

Toronto Dominion Bank - $250,000 - 3.32%

5 Certificates of Deposit:

Beal Bank, USA - $244,000 – 2.10%

John Marshall Bank - $89,000 – 2.30%

Goldman Sachs Bank, USA - $246,000 – 2.50%

Capital One Bank - $246,000 – 2.85%

The Dart Bank - $250,000 – 3.10%

Transfers and Advances

There were two transfers for the month. A transfer of $57,559.50 to ASPIRE and a transfer of $2,234.92 to SNAP. Both programs are within the Special Revenue Fund – Adult Educations Services.


CUYAHOGA COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY General FundREVENUE Fiscal 2022 -June 50% of Year

Acct. General Fund 2022 2021 Final 2022 MTD 2021 MTD 2022 YTD 2021 YTD 2022 % 2022No. Line Item Description Revenue Revenue Received Received Received Received Received Balance Notes1200 General Property Taxes $58,147,036.00 $57,769,729.82 $0.00 $0.00 $31,655,406.58 $30,617,282.03 54.4% ($26,491,629.42)

Gen Prop Taxes-Rel Estate 2.5 Mills $39,397,036.00 $39,163,998.70 $0.00 $0.00 $21,511,468.10 $20,790,463.51 54.6% ($17,885,567.90) Gen Prop Taxes-Rel Estate 1.0 Mills $18,750,000.00 $18,605,731.12 $0.00 $0.00 $10,143,938.48 $9,826,818.52 54.1% ($8,606,061.52)

1250 Intergovernmental $27,726,855.02 $29,279,275.86 $2,314,839.70 $2,662,290.89 $15,618,386.09 $14,364,005.04 56.3% ($12,108,468.93) Public Library Fund $22,801,055.02 $24,353,461.58 $2,314,839.70 $2,662,290.89 $13,246,991.92 $11,912,687.00 58.1% ($9,554,063.10) Property Taxes $4,925,800.00 $4,925,814.28 $0.00 $0.00 $2,371,394.17 $2,451,318.04 48.1% ($2,554,405.83)

2200 Grants $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.0% $0.002300 Local Government $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.0% $0.003100 Patron Fines & Fees $525,000.00 $657,617.11 $72,803.56 $59,206.35 $460,671.24 $238,707.98 87.7% ($64,328.76)

Fines and Fees Income $50,000.00 $189,105.86 ($245.90) $23,356.35 $27,948.03 $84,717.98 55.9% ($22,051.97) Passport Fee $390,000.00 $390,705.00 $53,865.00 $35,840.00 $320,110.00 $153,930.00 82.1% ($69,890.00) Passport Photo Fee $75,000.00 $75,150.00 $18,990.00 $10.00 $108,300.00 $60.00 144.4% $33,300.00 Electric Vehicle Charging $0.00 $0.00 $56.96 $0.00 $56.96 $0.00 0.0% $56.96 Meeting Room Rental Fees $10,000.00 $2,656.25 $137.50 $0.00 $4,256.25 $0.00 42.6% ($5,743.75)

4000 Interest $20,000.00 $12,621.84 $9,734.31 $858.18 $31,788.23 $5,096.30 158.9% $11,788.235500 Services Provided Other Entities $5,000.00 $5,015.62 $17.00 $9.00 $5,116.00 $1,009.90 102.3% $116.006100 Restricted Gifts $0.00 $63,048.55 $0.00 $0.00 $6,654.22 $38,020.31 0.0% $6,654.226500 Unrestricted Gifts $45,000.00 $609.81 $0.00 $0.00 $226.49 $293.72 0.5% ($44,773.51)8100 Sale of Property $37,000.00 $38,025.93 $2,802.77 $7,220.00 $2,922.77 $16,156.00 7.9% ($34,077.23)8200 Sale of Resale Supplies $64,520.00 $63,212.39 $6,911.62 $5,298.39 $37,517.18 $21,963.07 58.1% ($27,002.82)8300 Rental of Real Property $23,110.00 $23,106.00 $1,925.50 $3,851.00 $9,627.50 $11,553.00 0.0% ($13,482.50)8700 Refunds and Reimbursements $263,370.00 $884,793.48 $1,982.69 $2,207.16 $15,881.05 $758,427.07 6.0% ($247,488.95)8900 Miscellaneous $12,000.00 $12,543.18 $10,173.32 $144.00 $12,709.65 $10,993.39 105.9% $709.659800 Advances In $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.0% $0.009900 Transfers In $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $653.47 $0.00 0.0% $653.47

Carryover $500,000.00 $947,747.99 $0.00 $0.00 $500,000.00 $947,747.99 100.0% $0.00

TOTAL -- General Fund $87,368,891.02 $89,757,347.58 $2,421,190.47 $2,741,084.97 $48,357,560.47 $47,031,255.80 55.3% ($39,011,330.55)

TOTAL -- Capital Fund - 402 $585,000.00 $19,359,859.84 $17,555.99 $11,873.89 $613,604.26 $193,927.69 104.9% $28,604.26TOTAL -- Note Retirement Fund - 301 $4,449,855.85 $51,974,457.00 $0.00 $0.00 $4,449,855.85 $4,584,457.00 100.0% $0.00TOTAL -- Trust Fund (Regular) - 701 $2,000.00 $24,649.48 $5,543.02 $969.34 $50,855.80 $15,403.42 2542.8% $48,855.80TOTAL -- Trust Fund (Special) - 702 $900.00 $628,480.44 $1,310.90 ($335.25) $49,619.89 $370.01 5513.3% $48,719.89TOTAL -- Endowment Fund - 801 $100.00 $15.76 $18.23 $1.27 $46.10 $8.06 46.1% ($53.90)TOTAL -- Agency Fund (FSA) - 901 $80,000.00 $81,606.87 $7,151.42 $6,859.26 $43,169.78 $41,066.92 54.0% ($36,830.22)TOTAL -- Project Build - 223 $0.00 $40,632.59 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.0% $0.00TOTAL -- Entrepreneruships Adult & Youth - 232 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.0% $0.00TOTAL -- Cleve Found Encore Initiative - 236 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.0% $0.00TOTAL -- My Com Neighborhood - 242 $32,500.00 $292,500.36 $0.00 $10,833.37 $32,499.67 $97,500.14 100.0% ($0.33)TOTAL -- Memory Lab Grant - 243 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.0% $0.00TOTAL -- WVH Garden Grant - 244 $2,000.00 $1,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,000.00 $1,500.00 100.0% $0.00TOTAL -- Adult Education Services - 247 $2,559,909.26 $1,670,135.25 $120,923.71 $248,815.60 $722,051.29 $739,653.78 28.2% ($1,837,857.97)TOTAL -- Family Engagement - 249 $107,000.00 $77,500.00 $20,000.00 $0.00 $52,000.00 $22,500.00 0.0% ($55,000.00)TOTAL -- IPAD Lab - 253 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.0% $0.00TOTAL -- Food & Culinary Literacy Program $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.0% $0.00TOTAL -- Hotspot Lending Program $245,000.00 $135,520.00 $0.00 $0.00 $125,000.00 $0.00 0.0% ($120,000.00)TOTAL -- Poetry Out Loud - 261 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.0% $0.00TOTAL --Digital Literacy- 265 $0.00 $237,450.00 $0.00 $0.00 $33,250.00 $10,000.00 0.0% $33,250.00TOTAL --OH EPA Charging Station- 266 $28,576.00 $10,876.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.0% ($28,576.00)TOTAL -- Homework Centers - 270 $377,315.55 $203,000.00 $0.00 $10,000.00 $65,000.00 $68,500.00 17.2% ($312,315.55)TOTAL -- Summer Camps - 280 $45,000.00 $23,172.09 $5,000.00 $15,000.00 $39,500.00 $15,000.00 87.8% ($5,500.00)TOTAL -- Kindergarten & Baby Kits - 290 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.0% $0.00TOTAL -- Special School Program. - 293 $249,362.42 $254,750.55 $10,000.00 $25,000.00 $42,962.63 $90,536.74 17.2% ($206,399.79)

GRAND TOTAL -- All Funds $96,133,410.10 $164,773,453.81 $2,608,693.74 $3,070,102.45 $54,678,975.74 $52,911,679.56 56.9% ($41,454,434.36)



Acct. General Fund 2022 2021 C/O 2021 Final 2022 MTD 2021 MTD 2022 YTD 2021 YTD 2022 Enc + 2022 2022% 2022No. Line Item Description Appropriation Encumbrance Expended Expended Expended Expended Expended PY Enc Exp+Enc Exp+Enc Balance

1000s SALARIES & BENEFITS 47.6%1110 Salaries $29,500,000.00 $0.00 $27,721,271.74 $2,234,923.88 $2,103,611.34 $14,497,061.96 $13,614,913.58 $0.00 $14,497,061.96 49.1% $15,002,938.041400 Retirement Benefits-Employer $4,130,046.00 $0.00 $3,833,569.75 $311,782.85 $297,520.34 $2,042,608.57 $1,888,883.46 $0.00 $2,042,608.57 49.5% $2,087,437.431600 Insurance Benefits-Employer $7,927,516.00 $0.00 $6,899,059.74 $517,023.82 $545,858.86 $3,519,160.15 $3,635,017.21 $0.00 $3,519,160.15 44.4% $4,408,355.851900 Other Employee Benefits $72,438.00 $0.00 $71,300.61 $342.99 $0.00 $4,836.57 $5,588.24 $0.00 $4,836.57 6.7% $67,601.43

SUBTOTAL -- SALARIES & BENEFITS $41,630,000.00 $0.00 $38,525,201.84 $3,064,073.54 $2,946,990.54 $20,063,667.25 $19,144,402.49 $0.00 $20,063,667.25 48.2% $21,566,332.75

2000s SUPPLIES 1.5%2100 General Administrative Supplies $744,121.00 $93,947.63 $566,154.10 $58,957.54 $30,261.25 $310,419.11 $150,856.01 $309,297.02 $619,716.13 73.9% $218,352.502200 Property Maintenance & Repair Supplies $387,484.00 $4,701.13 $301,424.31 $16,675.28 $29,522.42 $167,747.78 $164,971.76 $220,316.56 $388,064.34 98.9% $4,120.792300 Motor Equipment Fuel & Supplies $123,395.00 $0.00 $102,397.52 $8,560.60 $6,451.63 $46,028.41 $53,725.29 $19,412.38 $65,440.79 53.0% $57,954.212500 Supplies for Resale $45,000.00 $0.00 $31,595.00 $4,640.00 $0.00 $24,330.00 $7,550.00 $20,670.00 $45,000.00 100.0% $0.00

SUBTOTAL -- SUPPLIES $1,300,000.00 $98,648.76 $1,001,570.93 $88,833.42 $66,235.30 $548,525.30 $377,103.06 $569,695.96 $1,118,221.26 80.0% $280,427.50

3000s PURCHASED & CONTRACTED SERVICES 16.6%3100 Travel & Meeting Expenses $178,555.00 $0.00 $44,986.28 $5,027.75 $1,112.71 $33,229.22 $12,150.12 $0.00 $33,229.22 18.6% $145,325.783200 Communications-Printing & Publications $1,304,080.00 $515.84 $1,108,783.05 $146,724.46 $175,846.55 $674,760.32 $510,370.18 $624,759.54 $1,299,519.86 99.6% $5,075.983300 Property Maintenance & Repair Service $5,672,395.00 $1,103,684.61 $5,437,855.84 $602,941.75 $617,435.28 $2,264,285.95 $2,788,987.51 $3,255,055.00 $5,519,340.95 81.5% $1,256,738.663400 Insurance $352,300.00 $0.00 $313,740.34 $0.00 $0.00 $59,071.00 $52,320.00 $293,229.00 $352,300.00 100.0% $0.003500 Rents and Leases $627,455.00 $87,425.68 $610,145.51 $60,480.51 $13,343.72 $334,620.02 $299,203.28 $347,202.14 $681,822.16 95.4% $33,058.523600 Utilities $1,693,625.00 $0.00 $1,529,944.20 $102,161.14 $144,969.66 $717,692.51 $762,899.06 $0.00 $717,692.51 42.4% $975,932.493700 Professional Services $2,394,315.00 $451,958.64 $1,985,577.86 $170,515.00 $240,689.06 $1,257,053.34 $1,012,218.17 $1,586,464.27 $2,843,517.61 99.9% $2,756.033900 Other Contracted Services $2,277,275.00 $12,526.36 $2,256,526.08 $110,228.57 $91,093.50 $1,286,677.74 $1,445,742.46 $932,431.55 $2,219,109.29 96.9% $70,692.07

SUBTOTAL -- CONTRACTED SERVICES $14,500,000.00 $1,656,111.13 $13,287,559.16 $1,198,079.18 $1,284,490.48 $6,627,390.10 $6,883,890.78 $7,039,141.50 $13,666,531.60 84.6% $2,489,579.53

4000s LIBRARY MATERIALS & INFORMATION 11.4%4100 Books & Pamphlets $7,205,000.00 $440,573.47 $7,227,986.18 $759,358.81 $859,485.31 $4,051,021.84 $4,057,933.29 $779,930.90 $4,830,952.74 63.2% $2,814,620.734200 Periodicals $195,000.00 $0.00 $194,257.15 $1,965.83 $2,721.30 $5,340.73 $15,684.11 $0.00 $5,340.73 2.7% $189,659.274300 Audiovisual Material $1,150,000.00 $136,911.10 $1,114,238.63 $93,061.05 $72,395.03 $542,166.49 $671,113.15 $197,408.58 $739,575.07 57.5% $547,336.034500 Computer Services & Information $1,398,000.00 $0.00 $1,295,945.72 $44,471.69 $120,776.39 $629,190.11 $639,969.09 $33,669.23 $662,859.34 47.4% $735,140.664700 Library Material Repair & Restoration $2,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.0% $2,000.004900 Library Materials-Other $50,000.00 $1,093.74 $30,653.07 $6,080.33 $946.83 $20,782.01 $12,283.54 $4,814.07 $25,596.08 50.1% $25,497.66

SUBTOTAL -- LIBRARY MATERIALS $10,000,000.00 $578,578.31 $9,863,080.75 $904,937.71 $1,056,324.86 $5,248,501.18 $5,396,983.18 $1,015,822.78 $6,264,323.96 59.2% $4,314,254.35

5000s CAPITAL OUTLAY 8.0%5100 Purchase of Land $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.0% $0.005400 Building Improvements $5,000,000.00 $5,500.00 $441,312.77 $0.00 $0.00 $5,500.00 $201,340.41 $204,123.93 $209,623.93 4.2% $4,795,876.075500 Furniture & Equipment $2,000,000.00 $721,703.33 $1,143,941.60 $157,097.35 $342,572.89 $623,372.58 $517,444.72 $704,326.97 $1,327,699.55 48.8% $1,394,003.785700 Motor Vehicles $0.00 $89,087.00 $200,855.00 $0.00 $0.00 $45,002.00 $200,855.00 $38,085.00 $83,087.00 0.0% $6,000.00

SUBTOTAL -- CAPITAL OUTLAY $7,000,000.00 $816,290.33 $1,786,109.37 $157,097.35 $342,572.89 $673,874.58 $919,640.13 $946,535.90 $1,620,410.48 20.7% $6,195,879.85

7000s OTHER OBJECTS 0.1%7100 Dues and Memberships $64,235.00 $0.00 $60,919.00 $451.00 $0.00 $48,566.92 $41,127.00 $15,500.00 $64,066.92 99.7% $168.087200 Taxes and Assessments $29,110.00 $0.00 $17,465.00 $1,486.27 $84.73 $14,278.77 $6,171.73 $0.00 $14,278.77 49.1% $14,831.237500 Refunds and Reimbursements $3,545.00 $0.00 $2,864.58 $123.30 $87.90 $1,878.71 $1,312.95 $0.00 $1,878.71 53.0% $1,666.297900 Other Miscellaneous Expenses $3,110.00 $235.00 $1,965.04 $62.43 $0.00 $1,110.64 $590.50 $2,215.00 $3,325.64 99.4% $19.36

SUBTOTAL -- OTHER OBJECTS $100,000.00 $235.00 $83,213.62 $2,123.00 $172.63 $65,835.04 $49,202.18 $17,715.00 $83,550.04 83.4% $16,684.96

8000s CONTINGENCY 0.3%8999 Contingency $238,891.02 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.0% $238,891.02

SUBTOTAL -- CONTINGENCY $238,891.02 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.0% $238,891.02

9000s TRANSFERS OUT 14.4%9899 Advances to Other Funds $0.00 $0.00 $146,396.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.0% $0.009999 Transfers to Other Funds $12,600,000.00 $0.00 $24,041,621.14 $59,794.42 $64,120.87 $4,606,569.71 $4,756,032.14 $0.00 $4,606,569.71 36.6% $7,993,430.29

SUBTOTAL -- TRANSFERS OUT $12,600,000.00 $0.00 $24,188,017.14 $59,794.42 $64,120.87 $4,606,569.71 $4,756,032.14 $0.00 $4,606,569.71 36.6% $7,993,430.29

GRAND TOTAL -- General Fund $87,368,891.02 $3,149,863.53 $88,734,752.81 $5,474,938.62 $5,760,907.57 $37,834,363.16 $37,527,253.96 $9,588,911.14 $47,423,274.30 52.4% $43,095,480.25



FUND Line Item Description2022

Appropriation2021 C/O

Encumbrance2021 Final Expended

2022 MTD Expended

2021 MTD Expended

2022 YTD Expended

2021 YTD Expended

2022 ENC + PY Enc

2022 Exp+Enc

2022 % Exp+Enc 2022 Balance

223 TOTAL -- Project Build $40,613.09 $0.00 $6,002.93 $0.00 $0.00 $14,965.50 $5,958.43 $0.00 $14,965.50 36.8% $25,647.59232 TOTAL -- Entrepreneurships Adult & Youth $0.00 $0.00 $3,882.09 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 #DIV/0! $0.00236 TOTAL -- Cleveland Foundation Encore Initiative $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.0% $0.00242 TOTAL -- MyCom Neighborhood $81,506.45 $0.00 $259,075.04 $0.00 $20,405.90 $80,351.51 $141,772.75 $0.00 $80,351.51 98.6% $1,154.94244 TOTAL -- WVH Garden Grant $3,046.67 $0.00 $873.09 $847.61 $335.53 $1,047.32 $755.29 $0.00 $1,047.32 34.4% $1,999.35247 TOTAL -- Adult Education Services $2,752,823.86 $0.00 $1,483,936.95 $190,121.44 $154,786.71 $795,385.85 $739,874.08 $13,737.37 $809,123.22 29.4% $1,943,700.64249 TOTAL -- Family Engagement $162,000.00 $0.00 $23,327.15 $20,921.95 $1,300.00 $59,098.56 $8,752.26 $40,513.42 $99,611.98 0.0% $62,388.02253 TOTAL -- IPAD Lab $33.73 $0.00 $1,604.63 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,604.63 $0.00 $0.00 0.0% $33.73256 TOTAL -- Food & Culinary Literacy Programs $33,065.43 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.0% $33,065.43257 TOTAL -- Hotspot Lending Program $245,000.00 $0.00 $171,440.00 $29,960.78 $0.00 $58,580.38 $35,920.00 $50,899.62 $109,480.00 44.7% $135,520.00261 TOTAL -- Poetry Out Loud $0.00 $0.00 $2,300.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,300.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.0% $0.00265 TOTAL --Digital Literacy $233,477.36 $0.00 $3,972.64 $31,476.75 $0.00 $167,392.11 $0.00 $0.00 $167,392.11 71.7% $66,085.25266 TOTAL --OH EPA Charging Station Grant $28,576.00 $0.00 $10,876.00 $0.00 $0.00 $15,930.00 $0.00 $1,770.00 $17,700.00 $10,876.00270 TOTAL -- Homework Centers $381,292.94 $0.00 $209,509.18 $7,460.80 $13,137.70 $116,936.24 $78,106.77 $1,800.00 $118,736.24 31.1% $262,556.70280 TOTAL -- Summer Camps $45,000.00 $0.00 $23,172.09 $6,770.88 $863.00 $29,957.68 $14,727.09 $12,126.40 $42,084.08 0.0% $2,915.92290 TOTAL -- Kindergarten & Baby Kits $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 0.0% $0.00293 TOTAL -- Special School Programming $313,559.64 $0.00 $208,505.41 $18,604.00 $10,224.45 $79,302.47 $76,852.62 $451.65 $79,754.12 25.4% $233,805.52301 TOTAL -- Note Retirement Fund $4,497,750.00 $0.00 $51,926,982.03 $500.00 $0.00 $511,874.73 $987,228.13 $0.00 $511,874.73 11.4% $3,985,875.27402 TOTAL -- Capital Fund $10,000,000.00 $3,351,341.87 $7,584,939.19 $833,690.73 $771,383.20 $3,070,200.62 $2,061,559.18 $1,918,174.26 $4,988,374.88 37.4% $8,362,966.99701 TOTAL -- Trust Fund (Regular) $385,000.00 $2,618.07 $39,898.33 $7,538.55 $2,442.37 $257,878.74 $17,409.39 $3,920.48 $261,799.22 67.5% $125,818.85702 TOTAL -- Trust Fund (Special) $190,000.00 $0.00 $64,973.42 $0.00 $2,634.78 $138,982.76 $63,192.81 $0.00 $138,982.76 73.1% $51,017.24801 TOTAL -- Endowment Fund $2,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $10.50 $0.00 $1,017.12 $0.00 $1,409.62 $2,426.74 97.1% $73.26901 TOTAL -- Agency Fund (FSA) $100,000.00 $0.00 $77,501.94 $8,393.05 $8,710.68 $44,330.52 $48,542.72 $0.00 $44,330.52 44.3% $55,669.48

GRAND TOTAL -- All Funds $19,495,245.17 $3,353,959.94 $62,102,772.11 $1,156,297.04 $986,224.32 $5,443,232.11 $4,284,556.15 $2,044,802.82 $7,488,034.93 32.8% $15,361,170.18


CUYAHOGA COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARYCapital Fund BalancesFiscal 2022 -June

Project 2022 Expenditures Encumbered Project STATUSFUND CC Budget Expenditures To Date (1) & Unpaid (2) Balance (3)

Capital Fund - 402Bay 004 $10,943,360.00 $2,937,315.12 $10,539,396.32 $739,074.03 ($335,110.35)Brooklyn 019 $17,500,000.00 $32,089.77 $32,089.77 $1,177,910.23 $16,290,000.00Richmond 070 $1,500,000.00 $27,353.02 $1,453,902.57 $0.00 $46,097.43 COMPLETE

Total Capital Fund - 402 $29,943,360.00 $2,996,757.91 $12,025,388.66 $1,916,984.26 $16,000,987.08


CUYAHOGA COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARYAll Funds Cash BalanceFiscal 2022 --June

Beginning Receipts Expenditures CashFund Cash Balance To Date To Date Balance

General Fund $3,649,863.53 $47,857,560.47 $37,834,363.16 $13,673,060.84Debt Service $47,894.15 $4,449,855.85 $511,874.73 $3,985,875.27Capital Fund - 402 $33,790,210.11 $613,604.26 $3,070,200.62 $31,333,613.75Trust Fund - Regular $493,911.56 $50,855.80 $257,878.74 $286,888.62Trust Fund - Special $1,478,455.14 $49,619.89 $138,982.76 $1,389,092.27Endowment Fund $19,271.11 $46.10 $1,017.12 $18,300.09Agency Fund $52,282.34 $43,169.78 $44,330.52 $51,121.60Project Build $40,613.09 $0.00 $14,965.50 $25,647.59Keybank FNDTH College Prep/Entrepreneurship ($0.00) $0.00 $0.00 ($0.00)MyCom Neighborhood $49,006.45 $32,499.67 $80,351.51 $1,154.61Memory Lab Grant $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00WVH Garden Grant $1,046.67 $2,000.00 $1,047.32 $1,999.35Adult Education Services (AES) $192,914.60 $722,051.29 $795,385.85 $119,580.04Family Engagement $55,000.00 $52,000.00 $59,098.56 $47,901.44IPAD Lab $33.73 $0.00 $0.00 $33.73Food & Culinary Literacy Programs $33,065.43 $0.00 $0.00 $33,065.43Hotspot Lending Program $0.00 $125,000.00 $58,580.38 $66,419.62Poetry Out Loud $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00Digital Literacy $233,477.36 $33,250.00 $167,392.11 $99,335.25OH EPA Charging Station Grant $0.00 $0.00 $15,930.00 ($15,930.00)Homework Centers $3,977.39 $65,000.00 $116,936.24 ($47,958.85)Summer Camps ($0.00) $39,500.00 $29,957.68 $9,542.32Kindergarten and Baby Kits $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00Special School Programming $64,197.22 $42,962.63 $79,302.47 $27,857.38

SUBTOTAL $40,205,219.88 $54,178,975.74 $43,277,595.27 $51,106,600.35


CUYAHOGA COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARYInvestments ApprovalFiscal 2022 - June

Institution Purchase Purchase MaturityDescription of Deposit Par Value/Qty. Yield Date Date % of Assets

Money Market FundsSweep Account Key Bank $12,551,038.69 0.01% n/a n/a 24.13%Money Market Fund Northwest Bank $0.00 0.00% n/a n/a 0.00%Money Market Fund US Bank $394,736.57 1.29% n/a n/a 0.76%Money Market Fund Fifth Third $981.12 1.37% n/a n/a 0.00%ICS Account TriState Capital $0.00 0.00% n/a n/a 0.00%

Star Ohio AccountsStar Ohio Accounts Star Ohio $14,682,402.62 1.15% n/a n/a 28.23%

US Treasury NotesUS Treasury Wells Fargo Securities, LLC $570,000.00 0.42% June 30, 2021 April 15, 2024 1.10%

US Treasury Bills

Municipal BondsCity of Columbus, OH BofA Securities, Inc. $500,000.00 2.96% May 17, 2022 April 1, 2025 0.96%

Commercial PaperBank Montreal Chicago Bank of Montreal Chicago Brnch $500,000.00 0.18% October 6, 2021 July 1, 2022 0.96%Collaterized Coml Paper JP Morgan Securities LLC $500,000.00 0.23% October 18, 2021 July 12, 2022 0.96%Toronto Dominion Bank Td Securities $250,000.00 0.22% October 21, 2021 July 18, 2022 0.48%Mufg Bank Ltd NY BRA Usbna/Cp $290,000.00 0.22% October 26, 2021 July 22, 2022 0.56%Toyota Motor Credit Citibank $500,000.00 0.31% November 22, 2021 August 19, 2022 0.96%Royal Bk Cda Disc Coml Rbc Capital Markets LLC $1,070,000.00 0.62% January 26, 2022 October 20, 2022 2.06%Toronto Dominion Bank BofA Securities, Inc. $1,250,000.00 0.65% January 26, 2022 October 21, 2022 2.40%Societe Generale 4 A2 BofA Securities, Inc. $1,500,000.00 0.58% January 27, 2022 August 31, 2022 2.88%Royal Bk Canada Ny Rbc Capital Markets LLC $600,000.00 0.59% January 31, 2022 August 22, 2022 1.15%Toyota Motor Credit Citibank $1,000,000.00 0.75% January 31, 2022 October 28, 2022 1.92%Lloyds Bk Corporate JP Morgan Securities LLC $1,000,000.00 0.78% February 2, 2022 October 21, 2022 1.92%Citigroup Global Mkts Citigroup Global Markets, Inc $1,500,000.00 0.78% February 7, 2022 November 2, 2022 2.88%Citigroup Global Mkts Citigroup Global Markets, Inc $300,000.00 0.80% February 15, 2022 August 8, 2022 0.58%Standard Chartered Bk Citigroup Global Markets, Inc $1,000,000.00 0.86% February 16, 2022 August 15, 2022 1.92%JP Morgan Secs LLC JP Morgan Securities LLC $400,000.00 0.82% February 17, 2022 August 16, 2022 0.77%Standard Chartered Bk JP Morgan Securities LLC $250,000.00 2.52% May 23, 2022 February 13, 2023 0.48%Toyota Motor Credit Citibank $500,000.00 2.14% May 24, 2022 December 20, 2022 0.96%Bank Montreal Chicago Montreal Chicago Brnch $765,000.00 2.49% May 27, 2022 February 21, 2023 1.47%JP Morgan Secs LLC JP Morgan Securities LLC $590,000.00 2.69% June 6, 2022 February 28, 2023 1.13%Mufg Bank Ltd NY BRA Usbna/Cp $1,000,000.00 2.35% June 13, 2022 December 13, 2022 1.92%JP Morgan Secs LLC JP Morgan Securities LLC $250,000.00 3.05% June 21, 2022 January 17, 2023 0.48%JP Morgan Secs LLC JP Morgan Securities LLC $250,000.00 3.22% June 21, 2022 February 16, 2023 0.48%JP Morgan Secs LLC JP Morgan Securities LLC $250,000.00 3.33% June 21, 2022 March 13, 2023 0.48%Mufg Bank Ltd NY BRA Usbna/Cp $250,000.00 3.24% June 27, 2022 March 20, 2023 0.48%Toronto Dominion Bank JP Morgan Securities LLC $250,000.00 3.32% June 27, 2022 March 22, 2023 0.48%

Certificate of DepositCertificate of Deposit Multi-Bank Securities Inc $249,000.00 2.65% May 22, 2019 May 15, 2023 0.48%Certificate of Deposit Bankwell Bk New $249,000.00 0.49% July 6, 2020 July 6, 2023 0.48%Certificate of Deposit Beal Bank, USA $244,000.00 2.10% June 15, 2022 June 14, 2023 0.47%Certificate of Deposit John Marshall Bank $89,000.00 2.30% June 17, 2022 October 17, 2023 0.17%Certificate of Deposit Goldman Sachs Bank, USA $246,000.00 2.50% June 15, 2022 December 15, 2023 0.47%Certificate of Deposit Capital One Bank (USA) National Assoc $246,000.00 2.85% June 15, 2022 June 17, 2024 0.47%Certificate of Deposit The Dart Bank $250,000.00 3.10% June 21, 2022 December 22, 2025 0.48%

Agency SecuritiesFederal National Mortgage Assoc BofA Securities Inc/FXD Inc $350,000.00 0.25% May 28, 2020 May 22, 2023 0.67%Federal Home Loan Mortgage Company Keybanc Capital Markets, Inc. $305,000.00 0.57% September 30, 2020 September 24, 2025 0.59%Federal Home Loan Mortgage Company Wells Fargo Securities, LLC $300,000.00 0.27% October 8, 2020 August 24, 2023 0.58%Federal Farm Credit Bank Intl Fcstone Financial Inc $250,000.00 0.50% October 29, 2020 January 27, 2025 0.48%Federa Farm Credit Bank JP Morgan Securities LLC $250,000.00 0.40% November 19, 2020 May 16, 2024 0.48%Federal Home Loan Mortgage Company Multi-Bank Securities Inc. $390,000.00 0.25% December 4, 2020 December 4, 2023 0.75%Federal Home Loan Mortgage Company Citigroup Global Markets, Inc $500,000.00 0.27% January 22, 2021 March 28, 2024 0.96%Federal Home Loan Mortgage Company Intl Fcstone Financial Inc $500,000.00 0.65% January 28, 2021 January 28, 2026 0.96%Federal Farm Credit Bank Mizuho Securities USA Inc. $500,000.00 0.22% February 12, 2021 February 12, 2024 0.96%Federal Home Loan Mortgage Company Keybanc Capital Markets, Inc. $300,000.00 0.65% February 26, 2021 February 26, 2026 0.58%Federal Home Loan Mortgage Company Rbc Capital Markets, LLC $390,000.00 1.00% March 23, 2021 March 23, 2026 0.75%Federal Home Loan Mortgage Company Rbc Capital Markets, LLC $240,000.00 0.50% May 27, 2021 August 27, 2024 0.46%Federal Home Loan Mortgage Company Toronto Dominion Securities $250,000.00 0.63% May 28, 2021 November 27, 2024 0.48%Federal Home Loan Mortgage Company Wells Fargo Securities, LLC $140,000.00 0.33% July 29, 2021 December 29, 2023 0.27%Federal Home Loan Mortgage Company Great Pacific Securities $255,000.00 1.10% August 30, 2021 August 24, 2026 0.49%Federal Home Loan Mortgage Company Baird, Robert W. & Company In $200,000.00 0.60% October 8, 2021 January 7, 2025 0.38%Federal Home Loan Mortgage Company Stonex Financial Inc $150,000.00 1.50% February 28, 2022 February 23, 2024 0.29%Federal Farm Credit Bank Amherst Pierpont Securities $250,000.00 3.37% May 26, 2022 May 26, 2026 0.48%Federal Home Loan Mortgage Company First Tennessee Bank $205,000.00 3.12% May 27, 2022 May 23, 2025 0.39%

TOTAL PORTFOLIO $52,012,159.00 100.00%



Item Quantity Description Supplier Unit Cost Total Amount


1 Replacement for ADM Compaction System

SUMMARY: Necessary to increase amount from $33,430 to $36,930 to cover additional

costs associated with installation Precision Compaction

As requested by the Operations-Facilities Division. Services $3,500.00

2 Library Insurance Coverage

SUMMARY: Necessary to increase amount from $350,000 to $370,000 to cover increased

insurance costs Luce, Smith &

As requested by the Operations-Finance Division. Scott, Inc. $20,000.00

3 Lookout Security Antivirus and Malware

SUMMARY: Necessary to increase amount from $53,000 to $80,000 to cover cost of

added service.

As requested by the Information Technologies Division. Verizon Wireless $27,000.00


4 Warrensville Heights new Innovation Center

SUMMARY: Necessary Equipment for setting up Innovation Center Various Vendors

As requested by the Information Technologies Division. $65,000.00

5 Fairview Park new Innovation Center

SUMMARY: Necessary Equipment for setting up Innovation Center Various Vendors

As requested by the Information Technologies Division. $130,000.00

6 Innovation Center Refresh for existing centers system wide

SUMMARY: New Macs for IC, Memory Lab, A/V Studio Refresh Apple $35,000.00

New PCS for IC and Memory Lab Refresh Staples $45,305.00

As requested by the Information Technologies Division. $80,305.00

July 26, 2022



Item Quantity Description Supplier Unit Cost Total Amount

July 26, 2022

7 iPad Fleet Refresh

SUMMARY: Necessary to refresh LLD iPad Fleet. Apple $70,038.00

Amazon $16,125.00

As requested by the Information Technologies Division. $86,163.00

8 Mobile Print Solution

SUMMARY: Necessary for the purchase of PaperCut Base Library Print Management

Software, associated license, installation, configuration Today's Business

and Staff Training. Products, Inc.

As requested by the Information Technologies Division. $48,086.00

9 TMC Children's Furniture Packet - 100 Year Gift

SUMMARY: Necessary for the purchase of furniture for Chagrin Falls Branch Library Design

Children's Area Associates, Inc

As requested by the Operations-Facilities Division. $28,519.00

10 Workroom/Breakroom Furniture Purchase - 100 Year Gift

SUMMARY: Necessary for the purchase of furniture for Brecksville Branch

As requested by the Operations-Facilities Division. Contract Source, Inc $17,830.00

11 Replacement of Sidewalk

SUMMARY: Necessary for the replacement of the front sidewalk at the Solon Branch

As requested by the Operations-Facilities Division. Fit N Finish, LLC $22,950.00

12 Mill and Pave New Parking Lot

SUMMARY: Necessary for the Milling and Paving of the Parking Lot at the Brookpark


As requested by the Operations-Facilities Division. To be determined $242,169.00



Item Quantity Description Supplier Unit Cost Total Amount

July 26, 2022

13 Purchase Buyout of Leased Vehicle

SUMMARY: Necessary for the Purchase Buyout of Leased 2019 Ford Escape

As requested by the Operations-Facilities Division. Liberty Ford $18,705.00

14 Lighting and BAS Upgrades

SUMMARY: Necessary for the Upgrade of existing lighting panel and BAS Building Control

As requested by the Operations-Facilities Division. Integrators $114,395.00

15 Parma-Snow Auditorium Kitchen

SUMMARY: Necessary for Purchase of Equipment for the Parma-Snow Auditorium

As requested by the Operations-Facilities Division. TriMark SS Kemp $80,000.00

16 STV Children’s Play Learn and Grow Space-100 year gift

SUMMARY: Necessary for the purchase of large interactive structure and wall panels

with integrated interactives.

As requested by the Executive Division. Burgeon Group $50,000.00

17 Replacement of handrail at Brookpark Branch

SUMMARY: Necessary to replace outside handrail at entrance of building

As requested by the Operations-Facilities Division. DRO Ltd $26,875.00


Cuyahoga County Public LibraryGift Report / June 1‐30, 2022

Gift Amount Donor Recipient  Purpose 5,000.00$              Berea Elks Lodge No 1815 Berea Branch Trust Fund Storywalk5,000.00$              Cox Charities Northeast CCPL Summer Learning‐STEAM100.00$                 Phyllis Donnelly‐Ingold Mayfield Branch Trust Fund Programming and supplies

1,313.87$              Friends of the Bay Village Library Bay Village Branch Trust Fund Programming and supplies151.84$                 Friends of the Bedford Library Bedford Branch Trust Fund Programming and supplies421.34$                 Friends of the Berea Library Berea Branch Trust Fund Programming and supplies28.93$                   Friends of the Brecksville‐Broadview Heights LibraBrecksville Branch Trust Fund Programming and supplies55.74$                   Friends of the Brook Park Library Brook Park Branch Trust Fund Programming and supplies

385.07$                 Friends of the Brooklyn Library Brooklyn Branch Trust Fund Programming and supplies552.61$                 Friends of the Chagrin Falls Library Chagrin Falls Branch Trust Fund Programming and supplies178.52$                 Friends of the Garfield Heights Library Garfield Heightgs Branch Trust Fund Programming and supplies274.15$                 Friends of the Gates Mills Library Gates Mills Branch Trust Fund Programming and supplies72.02$                   Friends of the Independence Library Independence Branch Trust Fund Programming and supplies

127.12$                 Friends of the Mayfield Library Mayfield Branch Trust Fund Programming and supplies171.49$                 Friends of the North Royalton Library North Royalton Branch Trust Fund Programming and supplies61.08$                   Friends of the Parma Heights Library Parma Heights Branch Trust Fund Programming and supplies

9,500.00$              The Greater Cleveland Foodbank CCPL Bags for Food Distribution100.00$                 Marcia McGuire Bay Village Branch Trust Fund Programming and supplies150.00$                 MOMS Club of North Royalton Middleburg Heights Branch Trust Fund Early Childhood Success300.00$                 Kenneth N. Neuzil North Olmsted Branch Trust Fund Programming and supplies100.00$                 Donna Stankiewicz Brecksville Branch Trust Fund Programming and supplies300.00$                 Andrei Vermont CCPL Electronic titles library


BKL – CMAR Negotiation Board Date: 07/26/2022



2022 _______

WHEREAS the Cuyahoga County Public Library is a county library district and political subdivision of the State of Ohio organized under the Ohio Revised Code and this Board is a body politic organized and acting pursuant to relevant provisions of the Ohio Revised Code (ORC), including Sections 3375.22 and 3375.40 of the ORC; and,

WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees has determined that it is in the best interest of the library and the residents it serves to build a new library in the city of Brooklyn; and,

WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees previously authorized the Chief

Executive Officer, or designee, to advertise for proposals from professional Architectural firms for design services for the new construction of the Brooklyn Branch in accordance with the Request for Qualifications; and,

WHEREAS the Library staff has ranked three (3) Construction

Management at Risk companies under consideration for this work in accordance with the procedures and policies set forth in Chapter 153, ORC; and,

WHEREAS, this Board has determined that it is in the interest of the

library to proceed with negotiating a Construction Management at Risk Agreement for the new construction of the Brooklyn Branch.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF CUYAHOGA COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY, STATE OF OHIO, THAT: Section 1 The Board of Trustees has been advised that the rank of the three (3) Construction Management at Risk companies under consideration for this work are as follows:

1. Panzica Construction 2. Independence Construction 3. Ozanne Construction


BKL – CMAR Negotiation Board Date: 07/26/2022

Section 2 That the Board of Trustees hereby approves the ranking and authorizes the Chief Executive Officer, or designee, to negotiate a contract for Construction Management at Risk Services following the procedures set forth in Chapter 153, ORC, wherein the Chief Executive Officer, or designee, will attempt to negotiate an agreement with the top ranked consultant, proceeding next to the second ranked consultant if an agreement is unable to be reached with the first ranked consultant.

Section 3 That upon negotiation of an agreement with the ranked consultant, in accordance with the procedures set forth in Chapter 153, ORC, the Chief Executive Officer will present that negotiated agreement to the Board of Trustees for final approval.

Section 4 It is found and determined that all formal actions of this Board concerning and relating to this legislation were adopted in an open meeting of this Board and that all deliberations of this Board or any of its committees that resulted in this formal action were meetings open to the public in compliance with all legal requirements, including relevant provisions of the Ohio Revised Code (ORC).

Approved July 26, 2022

X Dean E. DePiero, President

X Maria L. Spangler, Secretary


Cuyahoga County Public Library

RESOLUTION 2022-_________



Whereas, Cuyahoga County Public Library is a political subdivision of the State of Ohioorganized under the Ohio Revised Code and this Board is acting under relevant provisions of the Revised Code including 3375.40; and,

Whereas, this Board has previously authorized the library to enter into a contract withCrown Commercial Construction for in the amount of seventy-six thousand, three hundred dollars ($76,300.00) for the Chagrin Falls Façade Replacement Project; and,

Whereas, it has been agreed upon by the Owner, Architect and Contractor to submitChange Order One in the amount of forty-two thousand, seven hundred ninety-two dollars, and one cent ($42,792.01) to cover unforeseen costs and additional work needed; and,

Whereas, Change Order One will increase the total contract amount from $76,300.00 to$119,092.01.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees hereby approve Change Order One for Crown Commercial Construction in the amount of $42,792.01.

SECTION 1 It is found and determined that all formal actions of the Board of Trustees concerning and relating to this legislation were adopted in an open meeting of this Board and that all deliberations of this Board in any of its committees that resulted in this formal action were meetings open to the public in compliance with all legal requirements, including relevant provisions of the Ohio Revised Code.








FPR Innovation Center Board Date: 07/26/2022



Resolution 2022



WHEREAS, the Cuyahoga County Public Library System is a political subdivision of the State of Ohio organized under the Ohio Revised Code and this Board is acting under relevant provisions of the Revised Code including 3375.40; and

WHEREAS, Cuyahoga County Public Library entered into an agreement with Matt Ross Architect to design an Innovation Center at the Fairview Park Branch; and

WHEREAS, it has been recommended by Matt Ross that Cuyahoga County Public Library advertise to request bids to obtain the lowest and most responsible bid to construct the Innovation Center; and

WHEREAS, the cost estimate to construct the Innovation Center at the Fairview Park Branch is Two Hundred Seventy-Five Thousand, Eight Hundred Fifty-Four Dollars ($275,854.00), and;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of Trustees of Cuyahoga County Public Library does hereby authorize the Operations Division to advertise for bids to construct the Innovation Center at the Fairview Park Branch.

Approved July 26, 2022 __________________________ Dean E. DePiero, President __________________________ Maria L. Spangler, Secretary