batch 31 - ngo branch

1 BATCH 31 United Nations E/C.2/2013/R.2/Add.30 Economic and Social Council Distr.: Restricted 08 April 2013 Original: English Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations 2013 Resumed Session New applications received from non-governmental organizations for consultative status with the Economic and Social Council Memorandum by the Secretary-General Contents 1. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Family Violence Prevention and Legal Service (Victoria) 2. Alsalam Foundation 3. Asociación Internacional de Juristas por el Sáhara Occidental 4. Eastern Alliance for Safe and Sustainable Transport 5. Inter-Faith Vision Foundation Cameroon 6. International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges (IAAI) 7. Merciful Assistance Foundation 8. Sadguru Sadafaldeo Vihangam Yoga Sansthan 9. The World Association for al-Azhar Graduates (WAAG) 10. Youth of European Nationalities

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United Nations E/C.2/2013/R.2/Add.30

Economic and Social Council Distr.: Restricted 08 April 2013 Original: English

Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations 2013 Resumed Session

New applications received from non-governmental organizations for consultative status with the Economic and Social Council Memorandum by the Secretary-General


1. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Family Violence Prevention and Legal Service (Victoria)

2. Alsalam Foundation

3. Asociación Internacional de Juristas por el Sáhara Occidental

4. Eastern Alliance for Safe and Sustainable Transport

5. Inter-Faith Vision Foundation Cameroon

6. International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges (IAAI)

7. Merciful Assistance Foundation

8. Sadguru Sadafaldeo Vihangam Yoga Sansthan

9. The World Association for al-Azhar Graduates (WAAG)

10. Youth of European Nationalities


1. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Family ViolencePrevention and Legal Service (Victoria)


1. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Family Violence Prevention and Legal Service (Victoria) PART I 2. Contact Information 2. a) Permanent headquarters address. Suite 18, 70-80 Wellington Street Collingwood Victoria 3066 Australia 2. b) Postal address, if different from headquarters address. 2. c) Contact phone and fax number. Tel : +61 3 92443333 Fax :+61 3 94160147 2. d) Name and position of contact person. Antoinette Braybrook -- Chief Executive Officer 2. e) E-mail address. [email protected] 2. f) Website, if any. 3. Summarize the aims and purposes of your organization. The objectives of the corporation are: 3.1 (a) to provide assistance to victims of family violence; (b) to reduce the incidence of violence and abuse in communities through community education and advocacy; (c) to increase the recognition of the problem of violence and abuse in communities through community education and advocacy; (d) to facilitate long-term solutions to violence and abuse in communities; (e) to operate and maintain a Gift Fund entitled "Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Family Violence Prevention and Legal Service Victoria Gift Fund" in accordance with requirements of the Australian Taxation Office. 3.2 The corporation will seek to advance these objects by: (a) addressing the causal effects of family violence and the extreme disadvantage of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people;


1. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Family ViolencePrevention and Legal Service (Victoria)


(b) working towards the elimination of family violence and the effects of family violence in the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and to particularly empower Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to live in families and communities free from family violence; (c) promoting awareness, understanding and acknowledgment of the issues of family violence; (d) providing legal advice, representation, referral and other related support services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander victims of family violence; (e) coordinating with, seeking to improve the accessibility of, and increasing the effectiveness of, other legal and related support services working to assist Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander victims of family violence; (f) liaising and coordinating with key agencies, including State and Federal bodies, to ensure the availability of culturally appropriate service provision to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander victims of family violence; and (g) promoting and undertaking community education and awareness initiatives, and relevant research. 4. a) Explain how you carry out these aims. FVPLS Victoria is funded to assist Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander victims/survivors of family violence and sexual assault. We do not provide assistance to perpetrators of family violence or sexual assault. FVPLS Victoria provides free legal advice, referral, ongoing casework and court representation. The main legal problems we assist with are: - family violence intervention orders - family law - child protection - victims' compensation - other legal problems related to family violence issues. FVPLS Victoria is funded to arrange counselling sessions. FVPLS Victoria works with communities and organisations to develop local initiatives to reduce family violence and sexual assault. FVPLS Victoria recognises the need to ensure that the legal/justice system is accessible and responsive to the Aboriginal community and particularly to victims/survivors of family violence and sexual assault. FVPLS Victoria is committed to actively advocating for long-term system change. 4. b) Please give examples of recent projects and activities. The Sisters Day Out workshop program was developed in 2007 by the Aboriginal Family Violence Prevention and Legal Service (FVPLS Victoria). More than 5000 Aboriginal


1. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Family ViolencePrevention and Legal Service (Victoria)


women have participated state-wide including Elders, young women, mothers and aunties. Each event aims to reinforce Koori women’s sense of identity and the importance of their various roles within the family and wider community. FVPLS Victoria has now conducted over 70 workshops. Each workshop includes a range of wellbeing activities such as hairdressing, massage, manicures and other forms of pampering that enhance and promote self esteem. Dance and exercise activities also help to establish a tone of supportive informality that unites women across the generations. Each workshop includes a presentation and general discussion about family violence issues. Women who are experiencing difficulties can privately consult FVPLS Victoria lawyers and counsellors during the day to exercise their right to feel safe and secure in their home and community. The workshops also provide an opportunity for local community agencies, both mainstream and Indigenous, to set up information booths and engage with participants in a relaxed and supportive environment. This interaction assists to break down some of the barriers that prevent Koori women from accessing services. As an innovative and affirming way of celebrating Koori culture while addressing family violence issues, the workshops have gained enthusiastic support from Koori communities all across Victoria with some workshops attracting close to or over 200 Aboriginal women. 5. a) How do you intend to contribute to the work of ECOSOC and/or its subsidiary bodies? FVPLS Victoria intends to contribute to the work of ECOSOC by providing the perspectives and viewpoints of our major client base, Aboriginal women and children who are victims of family violence and sexual assault. We will also advocate for and encourage respect for human rights and the fundamental freedoms of our client group. 5. b) Please give details on planned activities and projects. FVPLS Victoria will be hosting a national conference November 21-23, 2012. The conference aims to raise awareness of the barriers to justice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and children, enhance communication between community leaders and policy makers and ultimately generate resolutions to influence government policy to reduce social disadvantage.


1. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Family ViolencePrevention and Legal Service (Victoria)


6. a) Has your organization participated in any UN-conference(s)? If yes, explain in detail No. 6. b) Has your organization contributed to any areas with substantive UN concern and participated in any activities of the United Nations? If yes, explain in detail Yes, FVPLS Victoria contributed to a joint-NGO submission to the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women in 2009. 7. Would you broadly categorize your organization as a research organization, an advocacy/lobbying organization, a grass-roots project implementation organization or any other? Other. A specialist legal service which engages in community education and development as well as law reform, policy development and systemic change advocacy. PART II 8. Date of registration or date of establishment 29 October 2002 9. Country (or countries) of registration/establishment and nature and title of authorities with which registered FVPLS Victoria is incorporated under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 - Commonwealth of Australia legislation. The CATSI Act is administered by the Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations. FVPLS Victoria fulfils ORIC reporting requirements. 10. Registered/established as Aboriginal Corporation 11. Do you consider your organization to be Regional. FVPLS Victoria was established to provide assistance to victims of family violence and sexual assault and to work with families and communities affected by violence primary in the State of Victoria.


1. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Family ViolencePrevention and Legal Service (Victoria)


12. Describe the structure and the decision making process of your organization, including all administrative bodies. Membership to FVPLS Victoria is open to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander members of the community. It is managed by an elected board of directors. The board appoints the Chief Executive Officer. 13. a) List the names and nationalities of current members of your executive bodies and describe how they are elected/nominated. FVPLS Victoria Directors are elected in accordance with its rules of incorporation. An Annual General Meeting is held and members are asked to nominate a member who can serve a two year team as a Director. The Rules allow up to seven Directors. Currently five Directors serve on the Board. 13. b) Are any government officials members of your board or executive staff? No. 14. How many members does your organization have and in which countries are they located? Please list the number of members by country and continent. All members are resident in Australia. Current membership = 54 15. Do the membership rules of your organization allow both individuals and organizations to be members? Membership rules allow individual members only. 16. Does the organization charge membership fees? Is the fee the same for all members and charged to all members? If not, please explain No membership fees are required. 17. a) Does your membership include organizations that have ECOSOC consultative status? If so, please list them Not applicable. 17. b) Is your organization a member of one or several organization(s) that are applying for or already have ECOSOC consultative status? If so, please provide name(s) Not applicable.


1. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Family ViolencePrevention and Legal Service (Victoria)


18. Are other organizations affiliated with your organization? If yes, please provide a list of these organizations FVPLS Victoria is a member of the National Association of Community Legal Centres, an accrediting body for the operation of community legal centres in Australia. FVPLS Victoria is a member of the National FVPLS Forum which comprises 14 organisations funded under the Commonwealth of Australia FVPLS program, servicing 31 rural and remote locations. FVPLS Victoria is a member of the Victorian Council of Social Service. 19. a) Does your organization have any relationship to a government? If yes, please describe the nature of this relationship. FVPLS Victoria is an independent organisation. It receives its principal funding from government sources. 19. b) In the past five years, did your organization receive money or other contributions from a government? If yes, please specify and provide the dates and amounts received, as well as an explanation of how the funds were used. The primary source of funding in recent years has been from the Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department which administers the FVPLS program. Funding has been received from other Commonwealth and State Government departments and philanthropic sources. 20. Has your organization previously applied for ECOSOC consultative status? If yes, please indicate year of previous application No 21. a) Does your organization already hold accreditation with any organs, funds, programmes or specialized agencies of the United Nations? If so, please specify No 21. b) Was your organization's accreditation with any organs, funds, programmes or specialized agencies of the United Nations ever withdrawn or suspended? If so, please specify No


1. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Family ViolencePrevention and Legal Service (Victoria)


PART III Please summarize the income and expenditure from the last calendar or fiscal year of your organization using the following table: (Home currency: Australian dollar | Rate to 1$ US: 1.02) Source of Income Income in home currency Income in USD

Income generated from contracts

Interest & Fees 102 855 100 838

Other sources (eg. philantropic contributions)

William Buckland Foundation

158 336 155 231

Other philanthropy 75 534 74 053

Funding from governments

Commonwealth and State 2 397 548 2 350 537

Total income 2 734 273 2 680 659 Source of Expenditure Expenditure in home

currency Expenditure in home currency


Project expenses 876 468 859 282

Administration (If administrative expenditures exceed 30% of the total, please provide details)

Salaries and on costs (legal and administrative support)

1 060 771 1 039 972

Other expenditure

Operational Expenses 631 330 618 951

Total expenditure 2 568 569 2 518 205


1. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Family ViolencePrevention and Legal Service (Victoria)


Summary of Application for Consultative Status

Name: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Family Violence Prevention and Legal Service (Victoria) (Officially registered or established name)

Permanent headquarters address:

Suite 18, 70-80 Wellington Street Collingwood Victoria 3066 Australia (P.O. boxes are not accepted as headquarters address)

Date of registration or date of establishment: (See item B on front page of

main application form)

29 October 2002


National organization

with 54 individual members and 0 organizations members

Summarize the aims and purposes of your organization. The objectives of the corporation are: 3.1 (a) to provide assistance to victims of family violence; (b) to reduce the incidence of violence and abuse in communities through community education and advocacy; (c) to increase the recognition of the problem of violence and abuse in communities through community education and advocacy; (d) to facilitate long-term solutions to violence and abuse in communities; (e) to operate and maintain a Gift Fund entitled "Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Family Violence Prevention and Legal Service Victoria Gift Fund" in accordance with requirements of the Australian Taxation Office. 3.2 The corporation will seek to advance these objects by: (a) addressing the causal effects of family violence and the extreme disadvantage of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people; (b) working towards the elimination of family violence and the effects of family violence in the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and to particularly empower Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to live in families and communities free from family violence; (c) promoting awareness, understanding and acknowledgment of the issues of family violence; (d) providing legal advice, representation, referral and other related support services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander victims of family violence; (e) coordinating with, seeking to improve the accessibility of, and increasing the effectiveness of, other legal and related support services working to assist Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander victims of family violence; (f) liaising and coordinating with key agencies, including State and Federal bodies, to


1. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporation Family ViolencePrevention and Legal Service (Victoria)


ensure the availability of culturally appropriate service provision to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander victims of family violence; and (g) promoting and undertaking community education and awareness initiatives, and relevant research. How do you intend to contribute to the work of ECOSOC and/or its subsidiary bodies? FVPLS Victoria intends to contribute to the work of ECOSOC by providing the perspectives and viewpoints of our major client base, Aboriginal women and children who are victims of family violence and sexual assault. We will also advocate for and encourage respect for human rights and the fundamental freedoms of our client group.


2. Alsalam Foundation


2. Alsalam Foundation PART I 2. Contact Information 2. a) Permanent headquarters address. 247 High Road Willesden London NW10 2RY United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2. b) Postal address, if different from headquarters address. 2. c) Contact phone and fax number. Tel : 02084513322 Fax : 2. d) Name and position of contact person. Sajad Jiyad 2. e) E-mail address. [email protected] 2. f) Website, if any. 3. Summarize the aims and purposes of your organization. To serve the local community in London with regards to welfare, education, leisure, social development and employment. To serve the needs of society in Iraq generally through eradication of poverty, provision of primary services, aid, education and care of underprivileged societal minorities such as orphans, mentally ill, disabled and widows. 4. a) Explain how you carry out these aims. The Foundation operates through several sub-organisations that deliver projects for the intended communities. These sub-organisations are managed by professional and qualified staff who operate according to a project plan and budget that is agreed upon with the senior general manager on behalf of the Trustees. The Foundation raises funds for each project individually and has a sustainability plan to ensure that projects will continue to run and grow successfully over many years.


2. Alsalam Foundation


4. b) Please give examples of recent projects and activities. In London, educational work is delivered through the operation of schools such as Harrow Primary School, Al-Ridha Saturday Schools, after-school club, evening adult classes and summer and winter holiday schemes. The Foundation also supports training for various groups to provide employment opportunities and provides subsidized leisure facilities, in addition to running weekly and seasonal programs involving lectures and workshops for the youth. In Iraq, the Iraqi Development Organisation (IDO) which is a sub-organisation of the Foundation runs a school for autistic children, has a physiotherapy and disability rehabilitation clinic, has a mental health clinic, operates a women's crafts workshop and distributes aid to orphans and widows. 5. a) How do you intend to contribute to the work of ECOSOC and/or its subsidiary bodies? We aim to work with the Commission on the Status of Women to deliver work that is in line with recognized recommendations. We are also keen to contribute to the work of the Commission for Social Development and by partnering with other NGOs and ECOSCOC/other UN bodies to input on policy matters and deliver implementation of practices and goals. Our intended audience. This work will consist of research, deliverable projects, policy, and evaluation. 5. b) Please give details on planned activities and projects. 1. English language library - Baghdad 2013 - Provide reading material for students and graduates to improve their knowledge and language ability. 2. Capacity building - London 2013 - Provide training to various other NGOs in Iraq by arranging for staff to be put in professional training courses. 3. Medical laboratory and day clinic - Najaf 2014 - To provide diagnosis for patients needing urgent results and treat/manage ongoing conditions such as diabetes, blood pressure, asthma, etc. 4. Secondary school - London 2015 - Provide a school with exemplary academic, technical and sporting facilities to alleviate the problem of insufficient school places in NW London. 5. Football and other sports facility - Iraq 2016 - Provide high standard and weather-proof sports arena for use by youth. 6. Girls's school and college - Baghdad 2016 - Provide high quality education for girls to develop training for life and employment opportunities. 7. Doctor swap and training - London/Baghdad 2017 - A program to send specialists from London to Iraq to train local doctors and provide patient care in short stays, while also bringing doctors from Iraq to London for training and evaluation.


2. Alsalam Foundation


6. a) Has your organization participated in any UN-conference(s)? If yes, explain in detail Through a previous working relationship with Alulbayt Foundation we participated in various annual meetings at ECOSOC and issued statements that were distributed reflecting our policies and work. Representatives of the IDO have attended several UN conferences in the past two years including CSW, CSoD, High level segment, General Assembly and Civil Society Forum. 6. b) Has your organization contributed to any areas with substantive UN concern and participated in any activities of the United Nations? If yes, explain in detail Iraq as a whole is an area of substantive concern with regards to all fields such as aid, education, health, human rights, etc. Our work in Iraq addresses several of these areas, specifically goals 1-5 of the MDGs focusing on eradication of poverty, child care and education, and women's equality. 7. Would you broadly categorize your organization as a research organization, an advocacy/lobbying organization, a grass-roots project implementation organization or any other? Grass-roots project implementation organization. NA PART II 8. Date of registration or date of establishment 10 May 2010 9. Country (or countries) of registration/establishment and nature and title of authorities with which registered United Kingdom - Companies House and Charity Commission Iraq - NGO Secretariat of Council of Ministers United States 10. Registered/established as UK - Company limited by guarantee (non-profit) and Charity (NGO) Iraq - NGO USA - Non-profit and NGO


2. Alsalam Foundation


11. Do you consider your organization to be International. Operate in three different countries, do substantial work in at least two of them. 12. Describe the structure and the decision making process of your organization, including all administrative bodies. The trustees appoint a senior general manager to work on their behalf and implement the aims of the Foundation. The general manager implements the objectives by overseeing the work of the project managers and appoints staff to the various roles. Project managers make recommendations for decisions to the senior manager who commits a decision and then reports regularly to the trustees who evaluate the work and decisions made. 13. a) List the names and nationalities of current members of your executive bodies and describe how they are elected/nominated. Fadhil Mehdi - UK Citizen Anwar Abdul Hadi Hamodi - UK Citizen Shatha Mehdi - UK Citizen Trustees of the organisation, who founded it and provide oversight and support to the work. 13. b) Are any government officials members of your board or executive staff? NA 14. How many members does your organization have and in which countries are they located? Please list the number of members by country and continent. Fadhil Mehdi - UK Anwar Abdul Hadi Hamodi - UK Shatha Mehdi - UK 15. Do the membership rules of your organization allow both individuals and organizations to be members? NA 16. Does the organization charge membership fees? Is the fee the same for all members and charged to all members? If not, please explain NA


2. Alsalam Foundation


17. a) Does your membership include organizations that have ECOSOC consultative status? If so, please list them NA 17. b) Is your organization a member of one or several organization(s) that are applying for or already have ECOSOC consultative status? If so, please provide name(s) NA 18. Are other organizations affiliated with your organization? If yes, please provide a list of these organizations Iraqi Development Organisation 19. a) Does your organization have any relationship to a government? If yes, please describe the nature of this relationship. NA 19. b) In the past five years, did your organization receive money or other contributions from a government? If yes, please specify and provide the dates and amounts received, as well as an explanation of how the funds were used. NA 20. Has your organization previously applied for ECOSOC consultative status? If yes, please indicate year of previous application NA 21. a) Does your organization already hold accreditation with any organs, funds, programmes or specialized agencies of the United Nations? If so, please specify NA 21. b) Was your organization's accreditation with any organs, funds, programmes or specialized agencies of the United Nations ever withdrawn or suspended? If so, please specify NA


2. Alsalam Foundation


PART III Please summarize the income and expenditure from the last calendar or fiscal year of your organization using the following table: (Home currency: British pound | Rate to 1$ US: 0.63) Source of Income Income in home currency Income in USD

Income generated from contracts

School Fees 60 000 95 238

Other sources (eg. philantropic contributions)

Donations 290 000 460 317

Total income 350 000 555 555 Source of Expenditure Expenditure in home

currency Expenditure in home currency


General project costs 190 700 302 698

Administration (If administrative expenditures exceed 30% of the total, please provide details)

Legal and Office costs 70 500 111 905

Total expenditure 261 200 414 603


2. Alsalam Foundation


Summary of Application for Consultative Status

Name: Alsalam Foundation (Officially registered or established name)

Permanent headquarters address:

247 High Road Willesden London NW10 2RY United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (P.O. boxes are not accepted as headquarters address)

Date of registration or date of establishment: (See item B on front page of

main application form)

09 May 2010


International organization

with 3 individual members and 0 organizations members and 3 countries

Summarize the aims and purposes of your organization. To serve the local community in London with regards to welfare, education, leisure, social development and employment. To serve the needs of society in Iraq generally through eradication of poverty, provision of primary services, aid, education and care of underprivileged societal minorities such as orphans, mentally ill, disabled and widows. How do you intend to contribute to the work of ECOSOC and/or its subsidiary bodies? We aim to work with the Commission on the Status of Women to deliver work that is in line with recognized recommendations. We are also keen to contribute to the work of the Commission for Social Development and by partnering with other NGOs and ECOSCOC/other UN bodies to input on policy matters and deliver implementation of practices and goals. Our intended audience. This work will consist of research, deliverable projects, policy, and evaluation.


3. Asociación Internacional de Juristas por el Sáhara Occidental


3. Asociación Internacional de Juristas por el Sáhara Occidental, IAJUWS PART I 2. Contact Information 2. a) Permanent headquarters address. c/ Moll nº 13 03110 Mutxamel Alicante (Spain) Spain 2. b) Postal address, if different from headquarters address. 2. c) Contact phone and fax number. Tel : 0034-965950905 Fax :0034 965844328 2. d) Name and position of contact person. JOSE REVERT -- Administración 2. e) E-mail address. [email protected] 2. f) Website, if any. 3. Summarize the aims and purposes of your organization. The objectives of the International Association of Jurists for Western Sahara are as follows: a) Supporting the peace process and the implementation of the Peace Plan of the UN and the AU, resolutions 658 and 690 of the Security Council of UN on Western Sahara. b) Supporting the claims of the Sahrawi people in achieving their right to self determination. c) Defending human rights in Western Sahara and the cause of Saharawi prisoners, denouncing violations by Morocco in the occupied areas and investigating disappearances of hundreds of Sahrawis since the start of the war in 1975. d) Denouncing the adoption of third-country economic agreements with Morocco on Western Sahara's natural wealth during the conflict. e) Promoting activities aimed at achieving the above objectives and recognition of the Saharawi State by the states of the international community, and friendship and cooperation


3. Asociación Internacional de Juristas por el Sáhara Occidental


between them. 4. a) Explain how you carry out these aims. To achieve its objectives, shall Jurists for SAHARA: a) Developing the teaching on the content and application of the principles of International Law, especially the right to self-determination of peoples and the UN resolutions consistent. b) Driving the creation of any court, to appreciate, trying and convicting those responsible for violations of International Law or Human Rights in Western Sahara, and its perpetrators. c) Promoting and supporting the study of legal issues related to the Conflict in Western Sahara. d) Encouraging publication of periodicals for keeping the information and the union between the partners and the jurists community. e) Developing relationships with organizations whose aims are similar or closely resembling the scope of their activities. f) Making available to the media reference materials suitable for the proper handling of the case concerning the Western Sahara Conflict. g) Exercising appropriate legal action. h) And through all activities within existing legislation, tending directly or indirectly, to better achieve its objectives. 4. b) Please give examples of recent projects and activities. Amongst the IAJUWS activities we remark the following: International Juridical Observation of Courtcases against the Saharaui human right defenders and against Political Prisoners initiated by the Moroccan administration. Since 2002, IAJUWS has organized and performed the task of Independent Juridical Observation in court cases of the Moroccan administration carried out against the Saharaui population which try to defend the human rights and the self-determination right. The presence has been constant, having the organization an important number of lawyers of different nationalities following its own organization guideline to control an amount of over 200 court cases. To produce Technical Reports of each court case to show what happened and the reiterated violations of the Saharui people human rights at the Not Autonomous Territory of West Sahara occupied by Morocco.


3. Asociación Internacional de Juristas por el Sáhara Occidental


Conferences-Courses-Seminars. IAJUWS has organized and made several Meetings and Seminars about its goals, and from those events, we may remark the I & II International Conference of Lawyers which took place in Gran Canaria (2008) and Altea-Alicante (2011). Participation in Supranational forums. Since its constitution, the IAJUWS is constantly assisting the “IV Committee of Special Politics and Decolonization of United Nations! And the “United Nations Board of Human Rights” and the “United Nations Committee of Human Rights”, lefting testimony and denouncing the violation of the Saharui population human rights in the Not Autonomous Territory of West Sahara, and the failure of the legality from Morocco with the West Sahara. Participation in national forums IAJUWS participates in the Assembly and Parliaments of various European countries (Spain, France, Italy) showing denounces about of violations of Saharaui People human rights, and taking part in spreading the juridical reports concerning the conflict in the West Sahara. Participation in Juridical and university forums. Presence in Seminars, Meetings and Courses about Human Rights and the West Sahara made in Madrid University, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria University, Alicante University, Balearic University, La Laguna University, Professional Colleges of Spanish Lawyers, International Conference about Saharaui Women made in Nigeria in 2011… Denounces asking for the fulfilment of the Spanish legality concerning exportations of defence stuff, and other products and technologies of double use to Morocco (2010 and 2011) IAJUWS attended, as invited, the XIII Conference of the Frente Polisario which took place at Tifariti, West Sahara (2011) 5. a) How do you intend to contribute to the work of ECOSOC and/or its subsidiary bodies? Participating in the Fourth Committee of United Nations General Assembly and in the Human Rights Council, reporting latest violations of human rights against Sahrawi people, monitoring the fulfilment of the right to have a fair trial. Furthermore, we will inform about the exploitation of the natural resources of Western Sahara.


3. Asociación Internacional de Juristas por el Sáhara Occidental


5. b) Please give details on planned activities and projects. Participation in next Human Right Council at Geneva. Participation in the IV Commission of the United Nations General Assembly by October 2012. Organization of an International Congress of Jurists at Gijon (Spain) in November 2012. Assistance in Court Cases against Saharian people to take place in the NAT of Western Sahara. 6. a) Has your organization participated in any UN-conference(s)? If yes, explain in detail Yes, during the past 10 years in every "IV Commission of United Nations General Assembly" 6. b) Has your organization contributed to any areas with substantive UN concern and participated in any activities of the United Nations? If yes, explain in detail Yes, by denouncing and protecting the human rights in the Western Sahara. By investigating and denouncing the decolonization of the Western Sahara. 7. Would you broadly categorize your organization as a research organization, an advocacy/lobbying organization, a grass-roots project implementation organization or any other? Advocacy/lobbying organization. We are an organization composed by Jurist intending to promote and defend the Human Rights in the Western Sahara. PART II 8. Date of registration or date of establishment 16 November 1996 9. Country (or countries) of registration/establishment and nature and title of authorities with which registered Spain 10. Registered/established as Association registered in Spain in front of Interior Ministry, whose inscription details are:


3. Asociación Internacional de Juristas por el Sáhara Occidental


Group 1 Section 1 National number 162469 11. Do you consider your organization to be International. Due to have international jurists in our Association. 12. Describe the structure and the decision making process of your organization, including all administrative bodies. The structure and decision taking process is defined in the Statutes, as follows: Article ten The bodies of JURISTS FOR SAHARA are the General Assembly (Asamblea General), the International Council (Consejo Internacional) and the Council Auditor (Consejo Auditor). Article eleven One. The General Assembly, composed of all members, is the highest organ of Jurists for SAHARA, each partner singular vote, regardless of how many members it represents. Two. Shall normally meet once a year to: a) To approve the general plan of action of Jurists for SAHARA. b) Adopt, where appropriate, managing the International Council and Tax. c) Adopt, where appropriate, annual budgets of income and expenditure and statement of accounts for the previous year. d) Give an account of work done, share experiences and information and strengthen the bonds between partners. e) Design the following year's activities. Three. Its President is appointed at the beginning of the session and remains in office until replaced. Four. The General Assembly shall meet in extraordinary session when so resolved by the International Council in regard to the matters to be discussed. Five. Notice of ordinary or extraordinary General Assemblies shall be in writing, stating the place, date and time of the meeting and the Agenda Six. General Assemblies, both ordinary and extraordinary, shall be validly constituted on


3. Asociación Internacional de Juristas por el Sáhara Occidental


first call to them where there are present or represented, the majority of partners and, on second call, irrespective of the number of concurrent partners. Seven. The resolutions of the General Assembly adopted by majority vote and be reflected in the Minutes of Meetings. Article twelve The International Council is the executive body of Jurists for SAHARA, and consists of at least five individual members and always in odd number, of whom one shall be President, one Secretary General and others, Vocals. 13. a) List the names and nationalities of current members of your executive bodies and describe how they are elected/nominated. Felipe Briones Vives General Secretary Spain Dolors Claramunt Secretary Spain Inés Miranda Navarro Vocal Spain Sr. Abba Salek Heissan Vocal Algerien Sr. Pedro Pinto Leite Portuguese Article Thirteen One. The International Council is elected from the list submitted to the General Assembly, which will refer specifically to the candidate for Secretary General. The President of the International Council is the president of Jurists for SAHARA, and is elected by the remaining members of Council. 13. b) Are any government officials members of your board or executive staff? No 14. How many members does your organization have and in which countries are they located? Please list the number of members by country and continent. Members 52. Europe 37 Africa 9 Australia 1 America 5 15. Do the membership rules of your organization allow both individuals and organizations to be members? Yes. The list is:


3. Asociación Internacional de Juristas por el Sáhara Occidental


Andalucian Association of Jurists for Western Sahara. Observatory from Castilla La Mancha for Western Sahara. Observatory from Aragón for Human Rights. 16. Does the organization charge membership fees? Is the fee the same for all members and charged to all members? If not, please explain yes, every member pay the same contribution. 17. a) Does your membership include organizations that have ECOSOC consultative status? If so, please list them No. 17. b) Is your organization a member of one or several organization(s) that are applying for or already have ECOSOC consultative status? If so, please provide name(s) No. 18. Are other organizations affiliated with your organization? If yes, please provide a list of these organizations Yes. Andalucian Association of Jurists for Western Sahara. Observatory from Castilla La Mancha for Western Sahara. Observatory from Aragón for Human Rights. 19. a) Does your organization have any relationship to a government? If yes, please describe the nature of this relationship. No 19. b) In the past five years, did your organization receive money or other contributions from a government? If yes, please specify and provide the dates and amounts received, as well as an explanation of how the funds were used. No 20. Has your organization previously applied for ECOSOC consultative status? If yes, please indicate year of previous application No


3. Asociación Internacional de Juristas por el Sáhara Occidental


21. a) Does your organization already hold accreditation with any organs, funds, programmes or specialized agencies of the United Nations? If so, please specify NO 21. b) Was your organization's accreditation with any organs, funds, programmes or specialized agencies of the United Nations ever withdrawn or suspended? If so, please specify NO PART III Please summarize the income and expenditure from the last calendar or fiscal year of your organization using the following table: (Home currency: European euro | Rate to 1$ US: 0.8) Source of Income Income in home currency Income in USD

Funding from private sector

Contribution 4 130 5 163

Other sources (eg. philantropic contributions)

Contribution 6 000 7 500

Funding from other NGOs

contribution 13 277 16 596

Contribution from members

Contribution 2 500 3 125

Total income 25 907 32 384 Source of Expenditure Expenditure in home

currency Expenditure in home currency


International Conference 25 000 31 250

Total expenditure 25 000 31 250


3. Asociación Internacional de Juristas por el Sáhara Occidental


Summary of Application for Consultative Status

Name: Asociación Internacional de Juristas por el Sáhara Occidental (Officially registered or established name)

Permanent headquarters address:

c/ Moll nº 13 03110 Mutxamel Alicante (Spain) Spain (P.O. boxes are not accepted as headquarters address)

Date of registration or date of establishment: (See item B on front page of

main application form)

16 November 1996


International organization

with 55 individual members and 58 organizations members and 0 countries

Summarize the aims and purposes of your organization. The objectives of the International Association of Jurists for Western Sahara are as follows: a) Supporting the peace process and the implementation of the Peace Plan of the UN and the AU, resolutions 658 and 690 of the Security Council of UN on Western Sahara. b) Supporting the claims of the Sahrawi people in achieving their right to self determination. c) Defending human rights in Western Sahara and the cause of Saharawi prisoners, denouncing violations by Morocco in the occupied areas and investigating disappearances of hundreds of Sahrawis since the start of the war in 1975. d) Denouncing the adoption of third-country economic agreements with Morocco on Western Sahara's natural wealth during the conflict. e) Promoting activities aimed at achieving the above objectives and recognition of the Saharawi State by the states of the international community, and friendship and cooperation between them. How do you intend to contribute to the work of ECOSOC and/or its subsidiary bodies? Participating in the Fourth Committee of United Nations General Assembly and in the Human Rights Council, reporting latest violations of human rights against Sahrawi people, monitoring the fulfilment of the right to have a fair trial. Furthermore, we will inform about the exploitation of the natural resources of Western Sahara.


4. Eastern Alliance for Safe and Sustainable Transport


4. Eastern Alliance for Safe and Sustainable Transport PART I 2. Contact Information 2. a) Permanent headquarters address. Ransley Oast, Ashford Road High Halden Kent, TN26 3LL United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2. b) Postal address, if different from headquarters address. 2. c) Contact phone and fax number. Tel : 01233 850 057 Fax : 2. d) Name and position of contact person. Julie Utting -- Communications Coordinator Emma MacLennan -- Director 2. e) E-mail address. [email protected] 2. f) Website, if any. 3. Summarize the aims and purposes of your organization. Safe roads play a vital role in economic and social development, allowing the safe movement of people and vehicles for investment, public access, trade and tourism. But in many countries road casualties are imposing an increasingly unbearable burden on health and other services. Unsafe road transport is costing lives and inhibiting development. EASST’s mission is to save lives, prevent injuries, and enable development by making road transport safer, greener and more sustainable for future generations. EASST concentrates its efforts in countries with high road casualty rates, particularly the South Caucasus and Eastern Partnership region. Much of the money being invested by the donor community in Eastern Europe and Central Asia is intended for road rehabilitation. Unfortunately, an emphasis on quick results in the past has meant that some roads built with donor money have not been safe roads. Increased motorisation, increased speed and poor road design have, in some cases, produced new


4. Eastern Alliance for Safe and Sustainable Transport


roads which are far more lethal than the old roads they replaced. EASST is working to ensure a proportion of the finance planned for road improvements is used to promote safe road design and safe road use. Our charity objectives are promotion of public safety and public health for the protection and preservation of human life by: 1. Promoting research and providing information on road safety and sustainable transport with special reference to the following issues: The protection and preservation of human life and public health for drivers, passengers, motorcyclists, cyclists, pedestrians and other road users; The adequacy of regulation, enforcement, vehicle road-worthiness inspection, insurance coverage, driver training and licensing; Safe road design and construction; Safe and sustainable practice in road haulage and public transport and safe public mobility; Automobile technology designed to enhance safety and fuel economy; The promotion of fuel economy through eco-driving and other policies. 2. Promoting the improvement of national road safety councils and facilitating the establishment of new councils. 3. Promoting and assisting cooperation between road safety councils and/or other organisations working to promote safe roads and sustainable transport for all road users. 4. Promoting improvement in the safety of motor sport and links to the promotion of safe driving. 5. Co-operating with other charities, voluntary bodies and statutory authorities, particularly in EASST partner countries, who are working towards the same aims. 4. a) Explain how you carry out these aims. EASST is an independent UK-registered charity working in Eastern Europe and South Caucasus to facilitate cross-border projects on sustainable transport and road safety. We work with local partner organizations in seven countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, and Ukraine) to make their efforts more effective by sharing know-how, best practice, and resources. We cooperate in regional and cross-border projects, leveraging support and expertise from around the world to save lives and prevent injuries on the roads. EASST supports, initiates, and funds projects which: - reduce the toll of road deaths and injuries - improve road safety governance and public policy


4. Eastern Alliance for Safe and Sustainable Transport


- improve enforcement - ensure safe road design and construction - influence road user behaviour - promote fuel efficiency and sustainable transport - improve driver training - encourage safe motorsport - develop road safety education - build capacity for national road safety strategies. Examples of our activities are provided throughout the remainder of this application. 4. b) Please give examples of recent projects and activities. Details of all EASST’s activities are published regularly on the EASST website. Recent news items can be found via: Two examples are listed below. 1. Road Safety Enforcement and Traffic Policing in Moldova: Report of the Moldova/Georgia/UK Police Exchange Programme (May/June 2010) An important area of EASST’s work has been road policing and road safety enforcement. In May/June 2010, at the request of the Moldovan Government, a series of exchange visits were organized between specialists on road policing from Moldova, the UK and the Republic of Georgia. The Moldovan government viewed the operation of the Road Police – and in particular problems of corruption and poor enforcement – as a major obstacle to implementing an effective National Road Safety Strategy. They hoped to identify ways to reform and professionalize road policing in Moldova and tackle endemic police corruption. The Road Police themselves were closely involved in this project, supported by the World Bank. In December 2010 EASST published its report on the initiative, summarizing key areas where attention is needed to improve road policing. EASST’s report has had a lasting impact: the driver licensing centre in Chisinau has been revamped to prevent cheating, with new corruption-free testing vehicles. A broad programme of reform is now in the pipeline. This should include properly trained and equipped road police as a core part of the Government’s anti-corruption and road safety strategies. You can download the full report here: View a video news report of the exchange here: 3. Eurovision Singers Support EASST and Road Safety (April 2012) Recent research conducted by EASST’s partner in Azerbaijan indicates that only 9% of taxi


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drivers in Baku wear seat belts, with only 24% of male drivers using seat belts. EASST is planning to increase this number with a series of events. This began in 2012 with the use of EASST’s Celebrity Road Safety Ambassadors in its campaigning efforts. Eurovision Song Contest winner and EASST Ambassador Nikki launched a new campaign in Baku on 23rd April 2012, organized by EASST and its Azerbaijani partner HAYAT, to save lives in Azerbaijan in support of the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety. At the Hilton Hotel Baku, Nikki spoke about her commitment to road safety in Azerbaijan and released a clip of her new music video ‘Can’t Let You Go’. The 2011 Eurovision champion’s new song and video (funded by EASST), with a powerful road safety message, will be released later in 2012 as part of EASST’s campaign to increase the levels of seat belt wearing in Azerbaijan. To further emphasize her message, Nikki unveiled a ‘Seatbelt Slide’ at the event. The slide, which will be open to the public, is a simulator which demonstrates the importance of wearing a seatbelt even at low speeds. The Slide was donated to Azerbaijan by EASST and the FIA Foundation. Nikki was joined at the launch event by Anri Jokhadze, the Georgian entrant of the 2012 Eurovision contest who has been working to raise awareness for road safety in his country. In collaboration with Georgian Public Broadcasting, Anri promoted a video at the event calling for parents to use child safety restraints. Anri’s trip and participation at the event were funded by EASST who are enormously proud to have enlisted both Nikki and Anri as their road safety ambassadors. The event guests and media representatives also heard from Colonel Lieutenant Aliyev Head of the Department of the Traffic Police of Azerbaijan, who called for greater road safety awareness and a unification of efforts. The successful event, which received a great deal of media attention, was organized by EASST and its partner, HAYAT, who will continue to hold seat belt awareness events via use of the Seat Belt Slide. 5. a) How do you intend to contribute to the work of ECOSOC and/or its subsidiary bodies? As a road safety charity, EASST has a particular interest in the work of the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and its Working Party 29 and Working Party 1. EASST is able to contribute its wealth of knowledge on road safety issues in the South Caucasus and Eastern Europe. It has access to and good working relationships with a large pool of experts, local organizations, municipalities, government representatives and diplomatic missions in the region. EASST has proven project success in its countries of operation, as demonstrated throughout this application. 5. b) Please give details on planned activities and projects. Kyrgyzstan: EASST has been invited to explore several new geographical areas. EASST is proud to provide support to the first NGO of the Kyrgyz Republic dedicated to promoting road safety and reducing road casualties. Founded with a grant from EASST, Road Safety NGO will address the issue of building capacity for national road safety through education, advocacy and national awareness. Through campaigning and education it will aim to reduce


4. Eastern Alliance for Safe and Sustainable Transport


the toll of road deaths and injuries, improve road safety governance and public policy, influence road user behaviour, encourage improvements in driver training and promote sustainable mobility. The road safety situation in the Kyrgyz Republic requires serious attention. Based on the Asian Development Bank formula for costing road casualties, the scale of death and injury on the roads of Kyrgyzstan cost the economy around $250 million in 2011, or 4.3% of GDP. At 2,190 deaths per million vehicles the road safety problem in the Kyrgyz Republic is one of the worst in the world. The primary victims of crashes in the Kyrgyz Republic are pedestrians, who account for 44% of crashes and 34.5% of deaths – among the highest proportions in the UNECE area. The scale of the problem varies by region with particularly high road casualties in Chuy oblast, Issyk-Kul oblast and Talas oblast. The new NGO will work to achieve the aims of the UN Decade of Action on Road Safety – a reduction in predicted road casualties by 50% by 2020. There are plans for regional and cross-border initiatives, bringing the best examples of EASST’s partner countries to Kyrgyzstan – for example making use of the Georgian experience in reducing road deaths. Ukraine: EASST is facilitating the delivery of two UK fire engines and 58 fire suits to a village near Chernobyl where equipment and training is desperately need. Sponsored by EASST and local donations, eight UK firefighters will travel to Ukraine in July 2012 to donate the much-needed fire suits and equipment. They will train Ukrainian fire fighters in techniques for rescuing road crash victims. Post-crash care is one of the ‘Five Pillars’ of the UN Decade of Action, along with safer roads, safer vehicles, safer road users and effective road safety management. EASST, with Ashford Fire Service, is addressing an area often overlooked, but absolutely vital to casualty reduction. Azerbaijan: EASST and its partner HAYAT plan to build on the success of the events of April 2012 (see Q4b). In cooperation with the Baku Traffic Police, further public events using the Seat Belt Slide will be organized to encourage seat belt usage among vehicle users in Azerbaijan. The launch of Nikki’s road safety themed music video will take place over the summer in conjunction with a seat belt slide demonstration. A seat belt slide will also be donated to the Yerevan Traffic Police to assist EASST Armenia partner the National Road Safety Council NGO and the Traffic Police with their efforts in seat belt campaigning. An EASST Trustee will travel to Yerevan to officially hand over the Seat Belt Slide to the Traffic Police. Moldova: EASST is working with the Moldovan authorities to establish a video surveillance system in the Moldovan capital and other key road routes in the country. Negotiations are currently taken place with the Moldovan Traffic Police, the Ministry for the Interior, the UK Embassy in Moldova and UK company Capita Symonds following a positive meeting in Moldova with the Interior Minister. Further information regarding the meeting can be viewed here: In addition, at the invitation of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development


4. Eastern Alliance for Safe and Sustainable Transport


(EBRD), EASST is working with the office of the Mayor of Chisinau to establish a Driving for Better Business campaign in order to halt the increasing number of crashes occurring in the city. The campaign will target municipal and public sector drivers. 6. a) Has your organization participated in any UN-conference(s)? If yes, explain in detail EASST was represented in the Moscow Ministerial conference pre-dating the UN resolution on the Decade of Action on Road Safety in November 2009. Emma MacLennan (EASST Director) and EASST’s Armenia partner Poghos Shahinyan (Head of the Secretariat of the National Road Safety Council Armenia) attended the UNECE conference ‘Improving Road Safety in the BSEC Region’ held in Ioannina, Greece, on 18-19th November 2010. On the 18th November, Emma MacLennan featured in the panel ‘The 7th decade of road safety dedicated to global action, context and dynamics’. On the 19th November, Poghos Shahinyan featured in the panel ‘Improving road safety in the BSEC region’. 6. b) Has your organization contributed to any areas with substantive UN concern and participated in any activities of the United Nations? If yes, explain in detail EASST is a supporter of the UN Decade of Action on Road Safety 2011 – 20. Via its activities (as demonstrated by this application) EASST actively works to address the Decade’s five pillars. With EASST support, the Georgian Partnership for Road Safety has been a key partner in the Auto Fuel Efficiency Programme in Georgia and the development of a new Caucasus Fuel Economy Initiative launched in 2011 and supported by UNEP. 7. Would you broadly categorize your organization as a research organization, an advocacy/lobbying organization, a grass-roots project implementation organization or any other? Advocacy/lobbying organization. EASST is achieving its aims through a variety of methods – from working with local partners on grass-root projects and campaigns, to lobbying national governments to amend their road safety agenda. We have produced an influential report on ‘Road Safety Enforcement and Traffic Policing in Moldova’ with support of the World Bank, but we are not primarily a research organization. Our work at a grass-roots level with local partner organizations enables them to lobby governments for specific reforms (for example, legislative change on the use of seat belts or child restraints). We also implement training and directly fund projects through small grants. We are therefore difficult to categorize – but are mostly a mix of advocacy and implementation.


4. Eastern Alliance for Safe and Sustainable Transport


PART II 8. Date of registration or date of establishment 19 January 2010 9. Country (or countries) of registration/establishment and nature and title of authorities with which registered EASST is a UK registered charity with Charity Commission no. 1133552 10. Registered/established as EASST is a UK registered charity with Charity Commission no. 1133552 11. Do you consider your organization to be International. EASST is registered in the UK but has an operational focus in the South Caucasus and Eastern Europe. 12. Describe the structure and the decision making process of your organization, including all administrative bodies. EASST is a UK-registered charity with a small Board of Trustees and an Advisory Board of partner organisations all active in promoting road safety. We remain bound by the laws of the UK, including the Charities Act 1993 (as amended by the Charities Act 2006) and Bribery Act 2010. We take a zero tolerance approach to bribery and this is set out in our Anti-bribery and Corruption Policy adopted by the Board of Trustees in March 2012. EASST has a small staff team consisting of a Director, a Regional Coordinator and Communications Coordinator. Decisions are made by both the staff team and Board of Trustees. Our Patron is the Rt Hon Lord Robertson of Port Ellen KT, GCMG, PC, Chairman of the Commission for Global Road Safety and our Chairman is Lord Dubs of Battersea , Chair of the APPGs on EU Enlargement and Moldova. The Advisory Board has no decision making function. 13. a) List the names and nationalities of current members of your executive bodies and describe how they are elected/nominated. Board of Trustees: Lord Dubs of Battersea (Czech) Emma MacLennan (USA)


4. Eastern Alliance for Safe and Sustainable Transport


Lawrence Sherwin (German) Anne Marie Penny (UK) Jorgo Chatzimarkakis MEP (German) Trustees stand for re-election every three years. 13. b) Are any government officials members of your board or executive staff? Lord Dubs of Battersea is a Czech-born British Labour Party politician and former Member of Parliament. In 1994 he was appointed a Labour working peer as Baron Dubs of Battersea. Georgios ("Jorgo") Chatzimarkakis is a German politician of Greek descent. He is a Member of the European Parliament. 14. How many members does your organization have and in which countries are they located? Please list the number of members by country and continent. EASST does not have any members. 15. Do the membership rules of your organization allow both individuals and organizations to be members? N/A 16. Does the organization charge membership fees? Is the fee the same for all members and charged to all members? If not, please explain No. 17. a) Does your membership include organizations that have ECOSOC consultative status? If so, please list them No. 17. b) Is your organization a member of one or several organization(s) that are applying for or already have ECOSOC consultative status? If so, please provide name(s) No. 18. Are other organizations affiliated with your organization? If yes, please provide a list of these organizations EASST provides grants to: National Road Safety Council NGO (Armenia)


4. Eastern Alliance for Safe and Sustainable Transport


HAYAT NGO (Azerbaijan) Belarusian Auto Motor Club (Belarus) Partnership for Road Safety (Georgia) Road Safety NGO (Kyrgyzstan) Automobile Club of Moldova (Moldova) Road Safety Support NGO (Ukraine) EASST considers these organisations to be within its network. 19. a) Does your organization have any relationship to a government? If yes, please describe the nature of this relationship. EASST has working relationships with many MPs, peers, mayors, ministers, MEPs, local governments etc in the UK and abroad. It does not have a defined relationship with any specific government. 19. b) In the past five years, did your organization receive money or other contributions from a government? If yes, please specify and provide the dates and amounts received, as well as an explanation of how the funds were used. No. 20. Has your organization previously applied for ECOSOC consultative status? If yes, please indicate year of previous application No 21. a) Does your organization already hold accreditation with any organs, funds, programmes or specialized agencies of the United Nations? If so, please specify No 21. b) Was your organization's accreditation with any organs, funds, programmes or specialized agencies of the United Nations ever withdrawn or suspended? If so, please specify No


4. Eastern Alliance for Safe and Sustainable Transport


PART III Please summarize the income and expenditure from the last calendar or fiscal year of your organization using the following table: (Home currency: British pound | Rate to 1$ US: 0.62) Source of Income Income in home currency Income in USD

Funding from international organizations

FIA Foundation Grant 178 914 288 571

Other sources (eg. philantropic contributions)

Donation, University of Chichester

815 1 315

Total income 179 729 289 886 Source of Expenditure Expenditure in home

currency Expenditure in home currency


Programme Support Costs 66 879 107 869

Administration (If administrative expenditures exceed 30% of the total, please provide details)

Fees etc 27 054 43 635

Total expenditure 93 933 151 504


4. Eastern Alliance for Safe and Sustainable Transport


Summary of Application for Consultative Status

Name: Eastern Alliance for Safe and Sustainable Transport (Officially registered or established name)

Permanent headquarters address:

Ransley Oast, Ashford Road High Halden Kent, TN26 3LL United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (P.O. boxes are not accepted as headquarters address)

Date of registration or date of establishment: (See item B on front page of

main application form)

19 January 2010


International organization

with 0 individual members and 0 organizations members and 8 countries

Summarize the aims and purposes of your organization. Safe roads play a vital role in economic and social development, allowing the safe movement of people and vehicles for investment, public access, trade and tourism. But in many countries road casualties are imposing an increasingly unbearable burden on health and other services. Unsafe road transport is costing lives and inhibiting development. EASST’s mission is to save lives, prevent injuries, and enable development by making road transport safer, greener and more sustainable for future generations. EASST concentrates its efforts in countries with high road casualty rates, particularly the South Caucasus and Eastern Partnership region. Much of the money being invested by the donor community in Eastern Europe and Central Asia is intended for road rehabilitation. Unfortunately, an emphasis on quick results in the past has meant that some roads built with donor money have not been safe roads. Increased motorisation, increased speed and poor road design have, in some cases, produced new roads which are far more lethal than the old roads they replaced. EASST is working to ensure a proportion of the finance planned for road improvements is used to promote safe road design and safe road use. Our charity objectives are promotion of public safety and public health for the protection and preservation of human life by: 1. Promoting research and providing information on road safety and sustainable transport with special reference to the following issues: The protection and preservation of human life and public health for drivers, passengers, motorcyclists, cyclists, pedestrians and other road users;


4. Eastern Alliance for Safe and Sustainable Transport


The adequacy of regulation, enforcement, vehicle road-worthiness inspection, insurance coverage, driver training and licensing; Safe road design and construction; Safe and sustainable practice in road haulage and public transport and safe public mobility; Automobile technology designed to enhance safety and fuel economy; The promotion of fuel economy through eco-driving and other policies. 2. Promoting the improvement of national road safety councils and facilitating the establishment of new councils. 3. Promoting and assisting cooperation between road safety councils and/or other organisations working to promote safe roads and sustainable transport for all road users. 4. Promoting improvement in the safety of motor sport and links to the promotion of safe driving. 5. Co-operating with other charities, voluntary bodies and statutory authorities, particularly in EASST partner countries, who are working towards the same aims. How do you intend to contribute to the work of ECOSOC and/or its subsidiary bodies? As a road safety charity, EASST has a particular interest in the work of the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and its Working Party 29 and Working Party 1. EASST is able to contribute its wealth of knowledge on road safety issues in the South Caucasus and Eastern Europe. It has access to and good working relationships with a large pool of experts, local organizations, municipalities, government representatives and diplomatic missions in the region. EASST has proven project success in its countries of operation, as demonstrated throughout this application.


5. Inter-Faith Vision Foundation Cameroon


5. Inter-Faith Vision Foundation Cameroon, IVFCam PART I 2. Contact Information 2. a) Permanent headquarters address. Second Floor of the Lone Story Building Brasserries Junction, Che Street - Bamenda P.O Box 915 - North West Region Cameroon 2. b) Postal address, if different from headquarters address. 2. c) Contact phone and fax number. Tel : (237) 99 06 52 59 Fax :N/A 2. d) Name and position of contact person. Fomumbod Anne Stella -- Board Chairperson 2. e) E-mail address. [email protected] 2. f) Website, if any. 3. Summarize the aims and purposes of your organization. Mission: IVFCam's mission is to access wealth and health to the needy and vulnerable, as a form of worship by feasible and realistic actions of charity and human development IVFCam's goal is to contribute to improving the wealth and health of needy and vulnerable people, especially those in grassroots communities through sustainable interventions for the alleviation of poverty and misery, and for the promotion gender equity and education. IVFCam has the following strategic objectives: - Facilitate the establishment and development of a network for grassroots organisations (FBOs), Community Based Organisations (CBOs) and support groups of People Living with HIV/AIDS. - Promote and defend the rights and freedoms of the disadvantaged at the grassroots, especially orphans, widows and people living with HIV/AIDS - Help to halt the spread of HIV and other pandemic diseases and mitigate their impacts on the population.


5. Inter-Faith Vision Foundation Cameroon


- Empower disadvantaged communities with skills, knowledge and resources for sustainable self reliance. - Promote Unity in Faith, and Faith in Action for Development. 4. a) Explain how you carry out these aims. The aims of IVFCam are carried out by conceiving and implementing innovative projects under her four program areas. The programs, their target groups and activities carried out are the following: 1. Health and HIV/AIDS program: This program targets children infected and affected by HIV/AIDS, and single women with dependent children living with the disease. Under this program, we carry out the following interventions: - Promoting the Empowerment and Involvement of People Living with HIV/AIDS (GIEPA) - Care and support (community and home based) - Positive living and positive prevention - Anti-stigma and discrimination awareness - Socio-economic impact mitigation and coping mechanisms - Nutrition and psychosocial support - Human Rights, Advocacy and Networking - Education, information dissemination and education Our method and approach of implementing this program is through the following: - Sensitization, skills building and education - Lobbying, advocacy, networking and experience sharing - Community volunteering and direct support - Economic empowerment - Entertainment (edutainment) - VCT. 2. Human Rights and Good Governance Program: The direct target groups of this program are Faith Based Organisations, Community Based Organisations and Support Groups of PLWHA, vulnerable women with focus on widows, Orphans and other Vulnerable Children (OVC), foster parents, youths and kid clubs of infected and affected children. We carry out the following intervention services: - Information and Communication - Lobbying and advocacy - Legal Aid - Education and sensitisation - Clustering and Networking Our intervention methods are the following:


5. Inter-Faith Vision Foundation Cameroon


- Training and sensitisation - Facilitating the acquisition of legal documents like birth certificates, wills, etc. - Information development and dissemination - Legal education, advice and support - Lobbying and Advocacy. 3. Socio-economic empowerment and sustainable environmental management. The target groups of this program are PLWHA, youths, teenage OVC, destitute foster parents, and Grassroots Implementing Partners (GIPS) The intervention methods are: - Skills building in operating Income Generating Activities (IGAs) - Offering financial and material seed grants - Micro-credit schemes revolving funds, Pass On the Gift. - Counselling and guidance, information development and dissemination 4. b) Please give examples of recent projects and activities. 1. Grassroots Widows Empowerment Program: This program was piloted in 08 villages since 2005, and is still ongoing in 35 villages with full sponsorship from the Women's World Day of Prayer (WWDP), Germany. The aim of the program is to improve the livelihoods of grassroots widows and their orphans through economic strengthening, gender empowerment and promotion of human rights. The activities include, but not limited to the following: - Research and development (baseline surveys) - Training Community Trainers on Human Rights, including the Execution of Wills - Mobilising and sensitising/educating Communities on Human Rights - Lobby and advocacy with traditional rulers and councillors for the revision of obnoxious traditional practices and laws that violate widows' and orphans' rights - Training traditional councils on policy review/ development, and traditional legislation - Conducting consensus building workshops/seminars for 33 traditional rulers and councillors on the harmonisation of village traditional laws on widowhood, - Guiding the traditional rulers and councillors in the process of legislating and publication of a "Traditional Charter on Widowhood" for their clans


5. Inter-Faith Vision Foundation Cameroon


2. Women's Leadership Schools Project This project that is fully sponsored by the UNDEF through the Women's Democracy Network (WDN) USA has as objective to increase the number of women on leadership positions (especially political positions) in Cameroon. The following activities are carried out: - Mobilise and recruit 150 female aspiring leaders all over the national territory; - Running Women's Leadership Schools (leadership trainings) in different locations in the country - Writing and submitting quarterly reports to WDN; - Carrying out Monitoring and Evaluation of the trainees; 3. Setting Up and Running a Community Center on Education for Democracy and Development (CCEDD) "Holding Conferences on 04 Relevant UN and AU Days". This project that is sponsored by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) USA has as main objective to promote human rights and democracy; and gender participation in Cameroon through the organising and running of conferences on marking a selected number of international advocacy days. The project has the following activities: - Holding planning and consultative meetings with stakeholders; - Community mobilisation; identifying and inviting participants; - Developing and disseminating write ups; flyers and other sensitization materials; - Identifying and contracting conference speakers - Running Conferences; - Disseminating conference resolutions through mass media; - Monitoring and evaluating the implementation of resolutions in communities; 4. Tools for Prevention of Mother To Child Transmission of HIV: Sponsored by the Positive Action for Children's Fund (PACF), this project with objective to prevent the transmission of HIV from mothers to children has the following activities: - Sensitizing communities on PMTCT


5. Inter-Faith Vision Foundation Cameroon


- Training Women's group members on PMTCT as ToTs - Providing equipped First Aid boxes to women (widows') groups for primary prevention of HIV - Carrying out Monitoring and Evaluation - Writing and submitting quarterly reports 5. Improving the Income of Poor Rural Widows through Micro Credits for Income Generating Activities (IGAs). This project that is sponsored by the National Employment Fund (NEF) Cameroon has the following activities: - Identifying and selecting beneficiaries (200 women) - Training beneficiaries on IGA, including simple book-keeping; - Assisting beneficiaries to draw business plans; - Providing soft loans for IGAs - Monitoring and Evaluation - Loan Recovery; - Reporting 5. a) How do you intend to contribute to the work of ECOSOC and/or its subsidiary bodies? Generally, IVFCam will contribute in promoting the objectives of ECOSOC, through the elaboration and implementation of projects aimed at improving the socio-economic status of grassroots communities. All activities and achievements, including lessons learned will be shared with the Council through the writing and submission of quadrennial reports. Similarly, through IVFCam's Participation in conferences and meetings organised by the UN, statements will be made and experiences / lessons learned shared with other members to help in the advancement of socio-economic development. IVFcam targets mainly women and children for support. This therefore means that she will have much to contribute to ECOSOC's Commission on the Status of Women. This


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contribution will be enormous in the area of gender equality and socio-economic empowerment/advancement of women. IVFCam already boasts of main achievements in the empowerment of marginalized grassroots women, especially widows, and their communities. These are as a result of the implementation of past and current programs/projects with sponsorship from the Global Fund for Women USA, Women's World Day of Prayer Germany and OSIWA Senegal. As an organisation that promotes gender equity, social justice and development, IVCam's activities of social development, especially at the grassroots will make genuine contributions to the Commission for Social Development of ECOSOC in the implementation of the Copenhagen Declaration and Program of Action. These contributions will be made possible through implementation and reporting of project activities aimed at promoting health, education, human rights and security and the fight against poverty, all of which constitute the UN Millennium Development Goals. 5. b) Please give details on planned activities and projects. IVFcam, within her four program areas carryout activities that are aimed at improving the health and wealth of the needy and vulnerable people at the grassroots. I. PLANNED ACTIVITIES 1. Lobbying and Advocacy: This activity is aimed at enabling some targeted Traditional Councils of the North West Region of Cameroon revise their obnoxious traditional practices that violate the rights of widows and orphans. The main expected output of this activity is the formulation of traditional laws and policies that protect and promote the rights of these target groups. 2. Massive Community Mobilization and awareness raising: This activity is carried out in all projects implemented by IVFCam. Through IEC material, we sensitize and educate our target population on cross-cutting issues on human rights, safe environmental management, socio-economic empowerment etc; all aimed at improving and sustaining livelihoods. 3. Capacity Building: We organise and carry out trainings for our target beneficiaries and their communities to improve on prevailing situations, especially in the areas of Human Rights, Gender Equality, Socio-Economic Empowerment and other cross-cutting issues for poverty alleviation. 4. Care and Support: This mainly targets people living with HIV/AIDS and Orphans and Vulnerable Children. They types include financial, material, psychosocial and spiritual, to enable them lead improved and sustainable livelihoods.


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5. Monitoring and Evaluation: This is planned for all projects, with the aim of tracking progress and measuring the impacts of the projects on our beneficiaries and their communities. II. PLANNED PROJECTS: These are classified into internally sponsored and externally sponsored project. i) Planned Internally Sponsored Projects: This is the "OVC Care and Support Project" that is sponsored with focal members' contributions. The project is aimed at improving the lives of OVC in target project areas. The project activities are on a rolling basis and include, but not limited to home visits, donation of material and financial support and monitoring of OVC in foster homes. ii) Planned Externally Sponsored Projects a)Promoting Gender Equality through Grassroots Democracy Education, sponsored by NED, USA: The objective of this project is to promote gender equality at the grassroots and increase citizen knowledge of the significance of widely observed AU and UN international human rights conventions and protocols. IVFCam plans to organise conferences on International Advocacy Days based on their themes. This includes the following: - The International Human Rights Day (10th December) - The International Women's Day (8th March) - The International Widows' Day (23rd June) - The Day of the African Child (26th June) Etc. IVFCam will create opportunities for grassroots youth participation, particularly for young men by creating drama and debate clubs to change any negative attitudes that cause human rights violations against women. IVFCam also plans to strengthen its community partnerships and initiate the development of a community-based centre for democracy education that will provide trainings and workshops to strengthen democratic practices at the grassroots. b)GENDER AND GOOD GOVERNANCE PROGRAM; Implementing Conventional Laws and Practices at the Grassroots for Increased Female Participation in upcoming Elections in Cameroon, 2012-2013, sponsored by GFW, USA. This project targets 15 villages of Santa Sub Division of Cameroon with the following activities: - Massive Community Education and awareness on the existence of Conventional Laws/Practice for Women’s protection/participation; - Trainings on the interpretation and adaptation of the Conventions; - Running seminars and workshops on Human Rights and Democracy - Monitoring, Evaluating and reporting.


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N.B: These include those mentioned in 4b above. 6. a) Has your organization participated in any UN-conference(s)? If yes, explain in detail No. This is because we have never been given an opportunity. The consideration of our application for consultative status is awaited with enthusiasm as this will open up opportunities for us to apply and participate in UN-conferences 6. b) Has your organization contributed to any areas with substantive UN concern and participated in any activities of the United Nations? If yes, explain in detail Yes. IVFcam has contributed a lot to the work of the UN, especially in the area of gender equity, human rights and socio-economic empowerment. IVFCam is presently implementing a project "The Women's Leadership Schools" funded by UNDEF through WDN, USA. Significant contribution is made in this area to promote gender participation by training women on leadership to vie for, and occupy leadership positions, especially political positions. Generally, the organization has made, and is still making enormous contributions to the promotion of the Millennium Development Goals. Through her Grassroots Widows Empowerment Program that began in 2005, IVFCam has been carrying out activities aimed at advancing the rights of women and children in grassroots communities. Main activities include the following: - Community mobilization and sensitization through IEC materials - Lobbying and advocating for the revision of obnoxious traditional laws and practices - Organizing and carrying out trainings in human rights and Income Generating Activities. As concerns participation in activities of the United Nations, IVFCam has not formally participated though her enormous participation has been done informally/indirectly. She had been participating in the commemoration of important international advocacy days like the 16 days Campaign on violence against women, including the international Human Rights Day. 7. Would you broadly categorize your organization as a research organization, an advocacy/lobbying organization, a grass-roots project implementation organization or any other? Grass-roots project implementation organization. IVFcam is a grassroots project implementation organization that also integrates lobbying and Advocacy activities in most of her projects.


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PART II 8. Date of registration or date of establishment 29 September 2001 9. Country (or countries) of registration/establishment and nature and title of authorities with which registered IVFCam is registered in Cameroon under Law No. 90/053 of 19th December, 1990, governing Associations. The Legalization was done by the Senior Divisional Officer of the North West Region, who is the only authority charged with the responsibility of approving associations at the regional (Provincial) level. 10. Registered/established as Association (non-Governmental Organisation) 11. Do you consider your organization to be National. The Organization is a National Organization because its geographic scope of operation (for now) is the entire territory of Cameroon. However, IVFCam's constitution spells out that the organization can go international if need arises. 12. Describe the structure and the decision making process of your organization, including all administrative bodies. 1. The General Assembly: Highest Decision-making body. Made up of representatives of all the stakeholders, including the beneficiaries. 2. The Executive Board: Second highest decision-making organ. Has the responsibilities of proposing policies and other laws to the GA for final decision. Made up of the Founders, elected representatives of Focal members, Beneficiaries, and members of related government services. 3. The Advisory Board: Made up of Focal members who interact/live with the public and beneficiaries. Collect baseline information, and advise the Executive Board, and Management committee on appropriate programs/projects and strategies of interventions.


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4. The Management Committee: Made up of Key Staff and members. Responsible for the day to day running of the activities of the organisation. 5. The Staff / Volunteers: The Implementers of the Organisation's programs and policies. 6. The Grassroots Implementing Partners: A Coalition of constituted-groups existing within IVFcam's Project communities. Responsible for implementing projects within their localities. Also advise directly or indirectly on realistic interventions that can best address the problems and needs of IVFCam's target groups within specific communities. 7. The Beneficiaries: Are both individuals and communities who directly enjoy from IVFcam's services. They form coalitions at subdivisional levels, and networks at regional levels. Propose the interventions that can best address their needs. Participate in programming, implementation, and evaluation of all projects. 13. a) List the names and nationalities of current members of your executive bodies and describe how they are elected/nominated. A) Administrative Board members: 1. Rebecca Nanfuka Kalule--------------Ugandan 2. Olufemi Ben-------------------------Nigerian 3. Fomumbod Anne Stella----------------Cameroonian. 4. Acha Felecia Ngwe-------------------Cameroonian 5. Judith Angah Tayoh------------------Cameroonian 6. Amouh Anthony Sunday----------------Cameroonian. 7. Bih Gaspard-------------------------Cameroonian 8. Kanjo Stephen-----------------------Cameroonian 9. Enni Nina---------------------------Cameroonian 13. b) Are any government officials members of your board or executive staff? YES. We have the following government officials as members of our board: 1. Delegate of Social Affairs for Mezam Division. 2. Delegate of Women Empowerment and the Family for Mezam Division. 3. District Medical Officer of the Bamenda Health


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District. 4. Divisional Delegate of Vocational Training 14. How many members does your organization have and in which countries are they located? Please list the number of members by country and continent. Twenty-six (26) 1. 01-------------------USA--------------America 2. 02-------------------Holland----------Europe 3. 01-------------------Uganda-----------Africa 4. 01-------------------Nigeria----------Africa 5. 21-------------------Cameroon---------Africa 15. Do the membership rules of your organization allow both individuals and organizations to be members? Yes. The constitution allows for individuals and cooperate bodies within and out of Cameroon to be members. 16. Does the organization charge membership fees? Is the fee the same for all members and charged to all members? If not, please explain Yes the Organisation charges membership fees. No! The annual fee is not the same, but the registration fee is the same. The Focal members pay in a specific amount for annual dues, while the General members pay in just any amount as they pleas. Worthy to note that "General members are considered: Sympathizers or well-wishers. However, the founders and Administrative Board members pay in amounts that can be rated as above 100% that of focal members. 17. a) Does your membership include organizations that have ECOSOC consultative status? If so, please list them No. 17. b) Is your organization a member of one or several organization(s) that are applying for or already have ECOSOC consultative status? If so, please provide name(s) No.


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18. Are other organizations affiliated with your organization? If yes, please provide a list of these organizations Yes, two for now. We have received applications for affiliation from Community Based Organizations in the North West Region. We are still studying the files of these applicants to determine their affiliation status with IVFCam 19. a) Does your organization have any relationship to a government? If yes, please describe the nature of this relationship. Yes. Technically, IVFCam has a relationship with related Technical Services of the Government of Cameroon (GoC) Financially, IVFCam has had support from two governments: 1. The Government of Australia through the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) 2. The Government of Cameroon. 19. b) In the past five years, did your organization receive money or other contributions from a government? If yes, please specify and provide the dates and amounts received, as well as an explanation of how the funds were used. Yes. IVFCam received money from the government of Cameroon and the Australian government A) From the Government of Cameroon for the National Program for the Care and Support to Orphans and other Vulnerable Children (PNS/OEV). 1. PNS/OEV-----------2006--------CFAF 11,304,348 2. PNS/OEV-----------2007--------CFAF 18,032,560 3. PNS/OEV-----------2008--------CFAF 21,493,710 4. Minister of Social Affairs Cameroon-------2010-----1,200,000FCFA Used for educational, nutritional, health, legal support to OVC B) Cameroon's Ministry of Social Affairs 1. Award for hard work----2006---FCFA 400,000 2. Award of Excellence----2009---FCFA 1,400,000 Use to boost support to beneficiaries through institutional strengthening. c)From the Government of Australia for a project to protect and promote the Rights of Widows and Orphans and, through Capacity Building, Awareness Raising and Lobbying & Advocacy 75,000 Australian dollars: Used for project implementation.


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20. Has your organization previously applied for ECOSOC consultative status? If yes, please indicate year of previous application No. This is the first time IVFCam is applying for ECOSOC Consultative status. 21. a) Does your organization already hold accreditation with any organs, funds, programmes or specialized agencies of the United Nations? If so, please specify No. 21. b) Was your organization's accreditation with any organs, funds, programmes or specialized agencies of the United Nations ever withdrawn or suspended? If so, please specify No. PART III Please summarize the income and expenditure from the last calendar or fiscal year of your organization using the following table: (Home currency: Central African CFA franc | Rate to 1$ US: 500.0) Source of Income Income in home currency Income in USD

Funding from international organizations

Programs/projects implementation

61 487 884 122 976

Membership dues

Annual Registration 180 000 360

Annual Levies 1 200 000 2 400

Income generated from contracts

Consultancy 1 050 000 2 100

Chairs and audio visual equipment hiring

592 500 1 185

Vehicle Hiring 3 758 000 7 516

Lease of Land 1 800 000 3 600

Goodwill donations from non-members

887 000 1 774


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Other sources (eg. philantropic contributions)

Vision Bearer's Contribution 4 620 000 9 240

Interest from Banking 418 659 837

Interest from Micro-Financing

2 238 500 4 477

Contribution from members

Goodwill donations 1 802 000 3 604

Funding from governments

Support to OVC 1 200 000 2 400

Total income 81 234 543 162 469 Source of Expenditure Expenditure in home

currency Expenditure in home currency


Monitoring and Evaluation 18 446 365 36 893

Implementation 42 101 519 84 203

Administration (If administrative expenditures exceed 30% of the total, please provide details)

Travels 3 913 700 7 827

Salaries 8 296 500 16 593

Insurance / staff welfare 1 590 000 3 180

Office Expenses 433 800 868

Maintenance and Repairs 1 124 300 2 249

Occupancy 4 182 000 8 364

Other expenditure

Advocacy and goodwill donations

297 800 596

Total expenditure 80 385 984 160 773


5. Inter-Faith Vision Foundation Cameroon


Summary of Application for Consultative Status

Name: Inter-Faith Vision Foundation Cameroon (Officially registered or established name)

Permanent headquarters address:

Second Floor of the Lone Story Building Brasserries Junction, Che Street - Bamenda P.O Box 915 - North West Region Cameroon (P.O. boxes are not accepted as headquarters address)

Date of registration or date of establishment: (See item B on front page of

main application form)

28 September 2001


National organization

with 26 individual members and 1 organizations members

Summarize the aims and purposes of your organization. Mission: IVFCam's mission is to access wealth and health to the needy and vulnerable, as a form of worship by feasible and realistic actions of charity and human development IVFCam's goal is to contribute to improving the wealth and health of needy and vulnerable people, especially those in grassroots communities through sustainable interventions for the alleviation of poverty and misery, and for the promotion gender equity and education. IVFCam has the following strategic objectives: - Facilitate the establishment and development of a network for grassroots organisations (FBOs), Community Based Organisations (CBOs) and support groups of People Living with HIV/AIDS. - Promote and defend the rights and freedoms of the disadvantaged at the grassroots, especially orphans, widows and people living with HIV/AIDS - Help to halt the spread of HIV and other pandemic diseases and mitigate their impacts on the population. - Empower disadvantaged communities with skills, knowledge and resources for sustainable self reliance. - Promote Unity in Faith, and Faith in Action for Development. How do you intend to contribute to the work of ECOSOC and/or its subsidiary bodies? Generally, IVFCam will Contribute in promoting the objectives of ECOSOC, through the elaboration and implementation of projects aimed at improving the socio-economic status of grassroots communities. All activities and achievements, including lessons learned will be shared with the Council through the writing and submission of quadrennial reports.


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Similarly, through IVFCam's Participation in conferences and meetings organised by the UN, statements will be made and experiences / lessons learned shared with other members to help in the advancement of socio-economic development. IVFcam targets mainly women and children for support. This therefore means that she will have much to contribute to ECOSOC's Commission on the Status of Women. This contribution will be enormous in the area of gender equality and socio-economic empowerment/advancement of women. IVFCam already boasts of main achievements in the empowerment of marginalized grassroots women, especially widows, and their communities. These are as a result of the implementation of past and current programs/projects with sponsorship from the Global Fund for Women USA, Women's World Day of Prayer Germany and OSIWA Senegal. As an organisation that promotes gender equity, social justice and development, IVCam's activities of social development, especially at the grassroots will make genuine contributions to the Commission for Social Development of ECOSOC in the implementation of the Copenhagen Declaration and Program of Action. These contributions will be made possible through implementation and reporting of project activities aimed at promoting health, education, human rights and security and the fight against poverty, all of which constitute the UN Millennium Development Goals.


6. International Association for the Advancement of InnovativeApproaches to Global Challenges (IAAI)


6. International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges (IAAI) PART I 2. Contact Information 2. a) Permanent headquarters address. Neuer Platz 10 9020 Klagenfurt Austria 2. b) Postal address, if different from headquarters address. Feistritz/Bistrica 39; At 9143 St.Michael ob Bleiburg Austria 2. c) Contact phone and fax number. Tel : +43 664 4203648 Fax :+386 1 568 4169 2. d) Name and position of contact person. Miroslav Polzer Jerome Glenn -- chair of IAAI advisory board Blaz Golob -- vice president Gill Anam Brian Kaufman Jean Paul Brice Affana Affana Nadja Polzer Radu Marian Popescu Gabriela-Milena Paraschiv Maxwell Adew Adeo Bijaya Raj Poudel Oliver Haruna Ochai Pamela Acher Preye J. Ketebu-Brown Rasine Brown Ubom Palmeiro Susana Sofia Andersen Francesca Giannotti Beatriz Patrício Yara Gutkin de Freitas Joana Paião


6. International Association for the Advancement of InnovativeApproaches to Global Challenges (IAAI)


Madalena Marques Leonor Marques Filipa Ferreira Mafalda Chavez Clara Tomás 2. e) E-mail address. [email protected] 2. f) Website, if any. 3. Summarize the aims and purposes of your organization. The overall aim of IAAI is to promote innovative mobilization of global civil society resources for effective global governance in support of the United Nations system. Purpose according to Art. 2 of IAAI bylaws: - Promotion of international cooperation in science, technology, innovation, development cooperation, politics, culture, economy and sports with the aim to contribute to the work of the United Nations system and other national and international actors working for the public well-being. - To promote and co-ordinate globally the discussion and exchange of ideas and results regarding innovative approaches to global challenges. IAAI aims to inspire new thinking about global challenges and the (global social responsibility based) role that each global citizen is supposed to play if we want global governance to be effective. IAAI guiding principle: "every individual must act as if the whole future of the world, of humanity itself, depends on him". (Joseph Weizenbaum) 4. a) Explain how you carry out these aims. There is an important role for philanthropy and global civic engagement to play in addressing global challenges and in building capacity for global societal change towards more sustainability. In order for positive systemic integration of philanthropy in global governance to function in a coherent way, a shared vision of a range of stakeholders is needed as well as there are needed new structures and processes for global cross-sectoral coordination in a multilevel governance context. New institutional and legal frameworks for mobilization of resources of global civil society for global (especially environmental and economic) governance are needed and the UN Conference on Sustainable Development in Rio 2012 might be the window of opportunity of women kind to achieve this paradigm shift.


6. International Association for the Advancement of InnovativeApproaches to Global Challenges (IAAI)


IAAI works – with a geographic focus on Southeast Europe - on specific governance innovations with a view to feeding into the process of UNCSD Rio 2012 preparations. 4. b) Please give examples of recent projects and activities. Main initiatives (see Annual report for details): - Global Youth Music Contest - 15/15/15 UN Civil Society Resource Mobilization Partnership - Rio+20 Issues Cluster on Innovation - Global Challenges Centers Network 5. a) How do you intend to contribute to the work of ECOSOC and/or its subsidiary bodies? IAAI initiatives can inspire the United Nations system reform towards more civil society (and especially youth) participation. The basic rationale of our global governance innovation concepts has been presented in the "Informal Issues brief 'Innovation for Sustainable Development'" developed by Rio+20 Issues Cluster on Innovation which is being facilitated by IAAI secretary general Miroslav Polzer. Our main instrument to support ECOSOC is the 15/15/15 initiative. For our work, the well established links of IAAI with Academic Council on the United Nations System and its office in Vienna are very important, inspiring and valuable. We are convinced that we can help inspire discussions on ECOSOC reform in the context of the Rio+20 outcome implementation (SDGs, etc.) and invigorate the United Nations system resource mobilization efforts, as it is obvious that the United Nations system is under-resourced, and responses to our 15/15/15 initiative among philanthropic organizations, CSO networks and youth networks show that implementation potentials for our initiatives are very high. 5. b) Please give details on planned activities and projects. next rounds of Global Youth Music Contest in the context of UNFCCC COP 18 Establishment of Global Challenges Centers around the world High Profile Fundraising events in Austria, US, India, China


6. International Association for the Advancement of InnovativeApproaches to Global Challenges (IAAI)


6. a) Has your organization participated in any UN-conference(s)? If yes, explain in detail UN GA Thematic debate on Disaster Risk Reduction, Feb 2011 UN HLM on Youth, NY, July 2011 UN DPI NGo Conf, Bonn, Sept 2011 Second Rio+20 Intercessional Meeting, NY, Dec 2011 UNAoC Annual Forum in Doha, Dec 2011 6. b) Has your organization contributed to any areas with substantive UN concern and participated in any activities of the United Nations? If yes, explain in detail yes, - public awareness raising on Rio+20 conference with Rio+20 Global Youth Music Contest - contribution to the work of UN Academic Impact initiative - facilitation of Rio+20 Issues Cluster on Innovation by IAAI sec gen Miroslav Polzer 7. Would you broadly categorize your organization as a research organization, an advocacy/lobbying organization, a grass-roots project implementation organization or any other? Grass-roots project implementation organization. Our specific characteristics is that we combine - concept development activities (in cooperation with academic institutions like e.g. (ACUNS)) - advocacy activities (with youth networks in the context of Global Youth Music Contest) and - resource mobilization for knowledge based global governance systems innovation PART II 8. Date of registration or date of establishment 03 March 2007 9. Country (or countries) of registration/establishment and nature and title of authorities with which registered Austria Ministry of Interior - Federal Police Administration (Bundespolizeidirektion)


6. International Association for the Advancement of InnovativeApproaches to Global Challenges (IAAI)


10. Registered/established as association based on Austrian Federal Law on Associations 11. Do you consider your organization to be International, according to mission statement and demonstrated global reach of our initiatives (see e.g. info on Rio+20 Global Youth Music Contest in IAAI Annual Report 2011) 12. Describe the structure and the decision making process of your organization, including all administrative bodies. Art 8: Administrative bodies of the association Administrative bodies of IAAI are 1. General Assembly, 2. Executive Committee, 3. Auditors, 4. Advisory Board 5. Secretariat Art 9: General Assembly (1) The General Assembly is the “Member’s Assembly” (German “Mitgliederversammlung”) according to Austrian law of Associations 2002. Art 10: Tasks of the General Assembly The General Assembly has the following tasks: a. Decision over proposed annual budget b. Receiving and approving the Annual Report of activities and the annual financial report in cooperation with the auditors. c. Voting and dismissal of individual members of the Executive Committee. d. Exoneration of the executive committee e. To discuss the general policy put forward by the Executive Committee and recommendations of Advisory Board. f. To approve the Rules of procedure of Advisory Board g. Subject to a detailed recommendation from the Executive Committee, to approve the delegates to the Programme and Fund Management Board. h. To be informed of the admission of members. i. To vote on changes in the By-laws or dissolution of the association j. To discuss and pass resolutions on further items that are on the agenda


6. International Association for the Advancement of InnovativeApproaches to Global Challenges (IAAI)


Art 11: Executive Committee (1) The Executive Committee shall be composed of the President, Vice President, Secretary General, Deputy Secretary General and potential additional members (up to 12) as elected by General Assembly (2) The members of the executive committee are being elected by the general assembly. Art 12: Tasks of the Executive Committee The executive committee is managing the work of the association. It is the “executive organ” (German “Leitungsorgan”) according to the Austrian law on associations 2002. The executive board is responsible for all the affairs of the association unless they are assigned by the bylaws to another institution. In particular the executive board has following tasks: a) Establishing a financial reporting system that fits the requirements of the association and that keeps current record of income/expenditure as well as assets of the association b) Preparing a proposal for the annual budget, an annual activity report and an annual financial report c) Preparing and calling the general assembly d) Informing the members of the association about activities opf the association, its financial situation and the audited annual financial report e) Administration of assets of the association f) Approving of new members and dismissing of members of the association (in line with Art 7 (5) of the bylaws) g) Hiring and dismissal of employees of the association Art 13: Specific Tasks of individual members of the Executive Committee (1) The President as well as the Secretary general act as official representatives of the association. The president signs with the Secretary General jointly contracts for the association. Contracts between members of the executive committee and the association require the approval of the general assembly. (2) The Secretary General manages the current affairs of the association and acts as the official representative of the IAAI in areas agreed upon with IAAI president. Art 14: Auditors Art 15: The Advisory Board Art 16: Court of Arbitration see bylaws for further details:


6. International Association for the Advancement of InnovativeApproaches to Global Challenges (IAAI)


13. a) List the names and nationalities of current members of your executive bodies and describe how they are elected/nominated. IAAI board members and key management team members as elected at IAAI extraordinary general assembly 15 September 2011 in Klagenfurt/Austria - Ms. Francesca Giannotti (Multistakeholder Strategist, Advisor & Advocate – Geneva/Switzerland) - president of IAAI. - Mr. Blaž Golob (director of Center for eGovernance Development in Southeast Europe – Ljubljana/Slovenia), vice-president - Miroslav Polzer (till 31 december 2011 head of Austrian Science and Research Liaison Office Ljubljana, Klagenfurt/Austria), secretary general - Biljana Apostolova (project manager, Policy expert/researcher, Skopje/FYR of Macedonia), deputy secretary general - Gorazd Weiss (program manager Slovenia & Austria) - Jean Paul Brice Affana, Cameroon, Youth affairs, Rio+20 Global Youth Music Contest coordinator - Anam Gill, Pakistan, Rio+20 Global Youth Music Contest outreach coordinator - Billy Batware, Rwanda, NGO networking issues - Jessica Kennedy White, UK & Austria & Sandra Antonovic Croatia, Education for Sustainable Development experts/adviser - Michael Platzer, Austria, link to Academic Council on the United Nations System ACUNS - Ivana Vujovic (Juventas, Montenegro), science communication expert/adviser - Ivana Savic, Blegrade/Serbia, expert on the rights of the child & Rio+20 (UNCSD Major Group for Children and Youth organizing partner) - Ninad Penava (freelance journalist, Sarajevo/Bosnia and Herzegovina) PR - Priti Rajagopalan, India, knowledge commons epxert/adviser 13. b) Are any government officials members of your board or executive staff? No. 14. How many members does your organization have and in which countries are they located? Please list the number of members by country and continent. 86 members total 41 Europe: 12 Austria 10 Slovenia 4 Croatia 4 Serbia


6. International Association for the Advancement of InnovativeApproaches to Global Challenges (IAAI)


2 FYR of Macedonia 1 Montenegro 2 Albania 1 Switzerland 1 Netherlands 1 UK 2 Portugal 1 Hungary North America 15: 11 United States 3 Mexico 1 Trinidad and Tobago Africa 8: Cameroon 2 Ghana 1 Burkina Faso 1 South Africa 2 Kenya 2 Asia 20: India 7 China 3 Japan 2 Indonesia 3 Qatar 1 Jordan 1 Pakistan 3 South America 2: Brazil 1 Colombia 1 15. Do the membership rules of your organization allow both individuals and organizations to be members? Both types of membership are possible, but no organizations are members yet


6. International Association for the Advancement of InnovativeApproaches to Global Challenges (IAAI)


16. Does the organization charge membership fees? Is the fee the same for all members and charged to all members? If not, please explain Membership fees collection system is work in progress. 17. a) Does your membership include organizations that have ECOSOC consultative status? If so, please list them No. 17. b) Is your organization a member of one or several organization(s) that are applying for or already have ECOSOC consultative status? If so, please provide name(s) No. 18. Are other organizations affiliated with your organization? If yes, please provide a list of these organizations Earth Charter Youth network. Mobilize US. 19. a) Does your organization have any relationship to a government? If yes, please describe the nature of this relationship. We are convinced that partnership of governmental and non-governmental organizations is needed to effectively address global challenges. So good working relations with governments are sought for but there is no formalized relationship of IAAI with any particular government 19. b) In the past five years, did your organization receive money or other contributions from a government? If yes, please specify and provide the dates and amounts received, as well as an explanation of how the funds were used. No. 20. Has your organization previously applied for ECOSOC consultative status? If yes, please indicate year of previous application No. 21. a) Does your organization already hold accreditation with any organs, funds, programmes or specialized agencies of the United Nations? If so, please specify Yes, UN DPI and UN Academic Impact Initiative.


6. International Association for the Advancement of InnovativeApproaches to Global Challenges (IAAI)


21. b) Was your organization's accreditation with any organs, funds, programmes or specialized agencies of the United Nations ever withdrawn or suspended? If so, please specify Yes, UN DPI and UN Academic Impact Initiative. PART III Please summarize the income and expenditure from the last calendar or fiscal year of your organization using the following table: (Home currency: European euro | Rate to 1$ US: 0.8) Source of Income Income in home currency Income in USD

Membership dues

membership fee 50 63

Contribution from members

contributions of IAAI founder and secretary general

20 000 25 000

Total income 20 050 25 063 Source of Expenditure Expenditure in home

currency Expenditure in home currency


Rio+20 Global Youth Music Contest

10 000 12 500

Other expenditure

organization of events 10 000 12 500

Total expenditure 20 000 25 000


6. International Association for the Advancement of InnovativeApproaches to Global Challenges (IAAI)


Summary of Application for Consultative Status

Name: International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges (IAAI) (Officially registered or established name)

Permanent headquarters address:

Neuer Platz 10 9020 Klagenfurt Austria (P.O. boxes are not accepted as headquarters address)

Date of registration or date of establishment: (See item B on front page of

main application form)

03 March 2007


International organization

with 86 individual members and 0 organizations members and 41 countries

Summarize the aims and purposes of your organization. The overall aim of IAAI is to promote innovative mobilization of global civil society resources for effective global governance in support of the United Nations system. Purpose according to Art. 2 of IAAI bylaws: - Promotion of international cooperation in science, technology, innovation, development cooperation, politics, culture, economy and sports with the aim to contribute to the work of the United Nations system and other national and international actors working for the public well-being. - To promote and co-ordinate globally the discussion and exchange of ideas and results regarding innovative approaches to global challenges. IAAI aims to inspire new thinking about global challenges and the (global social responsibility based) role that each global citizen is supposed to play if we want global governance to be effective. IAAI guiding principle: "every individual must act as if the whole future of the world, of humanity itself, depends on him". (Joseph Weizenbaum) How do you intend to contribute to the work of ECOSOC and/or its subsidiary bodies? IAAI initiatives can inspire the United Nations system reform towards more civil society (and especially youth) participation. The basic rationale of our global governance innovation concepts has been presented in the "Informal Issues brief 'Innovation for Sustainable Development'" developed by Rio+20 Issues Cluster on Innovation which is being facilitated by IAAI secretary general Miroslav Polzer.


6. International Association for the Advancement of InnovativeApproaches to Global Challenges (IAAI)


Our main instrument to support ECOSOC is the 15/15/15 initiative. For our work, the well established links of IAAI with Academic Council on the United Nations System and its office in Vienna are very important, inspiring and valuable. We are convinced that we can help inspire discussions on ECOSOC reform in the context of the Rio+20 outcome implementation (SDGs, etc.) and invigorate the United Nations system resource mobilization efforts, as it is obvious that the United Nations system is under-resourced, and responses to our 15/15/15 initiative among philanthropic organizations, CSO networks and youth networks show that implementation potentials for our initiatives are very high.


7. Merciful Assistance Foundation


7. Merciful Assistance Foundation PART I 2. Contact Information 2. a) Permanent headquarters address. Fiwakeshin Hall, Beside LBIC Mortgage Bank School Bus Stop Jakande Estate Oke-Afa Isolo Lagos State Nigeria Nigeria 2. b) Postal address, if different from headquarters address. 2. c) Contact phone and fax number. Tel : Fax : 2. d) Name and position of contact person. IDOWU OLUGBEMIRO JOSHUA AHMED SEGUN SAKA ISMAIL OLUKAYODE BARUWA 2. e) E-mail address. [email protected] 2. f) Website, if any. 3. Summarize the aims and purposes of your organization. To provide free medical/health services to Nigerians mostly at the grassroots level. To provide non formal education and technical support for the less privileged at the grassroots in Nigeria. To achieve developmental goal on social and sustainable development, amongst other. 4. a) Explain how you carry out these aims. By organizing conferences/seminar or events whereby people are lectured or advised on how to achieve the above. By giving or organizing free medical check up, screening, treatment, advises and empowering support to the impoverish in our communities. By providing technical support to schools. By visiting schools, places of worship and market places to give free medical assistance on eye, Malaria, diabetics screening, high blood pressure, HIV counselling and testing.


7. Merciful Assistance Foundation


4. b) Please give examples of recent projects and activities. 1. Visit to Oke-Afa Primary school, Ejigbo Lagos for free health talk, checks and treatment plus free eye glass. 2. Visit to churches and Central Mosque, Jakande Estate for free medical checks and treatment. 3. Organizing of free eye test with giving out free eye glasses at the Land Lord association ground, Oke-Afa Estate, Isolo Lagos 4. interested people always on daily basis visit our office for free medical advises, checks, HIV counselling and testing, Hypertension, stress management, diabetes etc. and giving free eye glasses 5. a) How do you intend to contribute to the work of ECOSOC and/or its subsidiary bodies? on anyhow or way it is demanded, giving advises when need be and organizing events or conferences and by participating in different conferences organize by the ECOSOC 5. b) Please give details on planned activities and projects. 1. HIV Counselling and Testing and screening for Malaria at the Isolo Civic center. 2. Mobile counselling and testing on HIV tagged: Merciful Assistance Walk for Good Living. 3. Organizing free medical check up at the palace of Osolo of Isolo kingdom for the public. 4. Mapping and upgrading the HIV (Human Immune Virus) Counselling and Testing (HCT) centers in the community. The above was called for due to the recent publication on Punch newspaper of 24/05/2012 that only 30% married men use condoms with prostitute, 30.5% married engaged in penetration sex workers use condoms declared by the director general of the National Agency for Control Of AIDS (NACA) - prof John Idoko, he declare also that about 62% of new infection occurred among persons perceived as practicing "LOW RISK SEX" including married sexual partners. 6. a) Has your organization participated in any UN-conference(s)? If yes, explain in detail No 6. b) Has your organization contributed to any areas with substantive UN concern and participated in any activities of the United Nations? If yes, explain in detail No


7. Merciful Assistance Foundation


7. Would you broadly categorize your organization as a research organization, an advocacy/lobbying organization, a grass-roots project implementation organization or any other? Grass-roots project implementation organization. We are always at the service of humanity to the impoverished at the grassroots on health, non-formal education provision amongst other PART II 8. Date of registration or date of establishment 29 August 2005 9. Country (or countries) of registration/establishment and nature and title of authorities with which registered Nigeria Registered with Cooperate Affairs Commission, Abuja, Nigeria as an NGO on Health and Non Formal Education. AND Registered with Lagos State AIDS Control Agency as an HCT provider (HIV counselling and testing). and Ejigbo Local Council Development Area as an NGO on Health and Non formal Education. 10. Registered/established as 1. As a Non Governmental Organization on Health and Non Formal Education 11. Do you consider your organization to be National. In order to perform and achieve well in view of our resources. 12. Describe the structure and the decision making process of your organization, including all administrative bodies. Board of Trustee Operational Executives Field Workers Members. We have the following offices in running the foundation effectively: 1. The board


7. Merciful Assistance Foundation


2. Project office 3. Administrative Office 4. Legal Office 5. National/Regional Office 6. Account Office While we have the following structure under the above: 7. Protocol Office 8. Logistic Office 9. Health Coordinator Office 10 Education Coordinator Office 11. Livelihood Coordinator office And the following under the National/Regional Director 12. South West Zone Office 13. North Central Zone Office 14. South East Zone office 15. North East Zone office 16. South Zone Office 17 North West Zone Office 18. Executive Secretary Office 13. a) List the names and nationalities of current members of your executive bodies and describe how they are elected/nominated. All the below are elected by election Mr. Saheed Adewale Oduyoye - President (Nigerian) Mr. Ahmed Segun Saka - Project Director (Nigerian) Mr. Tajudden Ogunbanke - Executive Secretary (Nigerian) Mr. Saula Bamidele Jimoh - National Coordinator (Nigerian) Mr. Idowu Olugbemiro Joshu - Administrative Director (Nigerian) Mrs. Risikat Olabisi Emida - Health Coordinator (Nigerian) Mrs.Kudirat Amope Olusanya - Education Coordinator (Nigerian) Mr. Kolawole Raji Livelihood Coordinator (Nigerian) Mr. Jimoh Famakinwa - Finance Director (Nigerian) Barrister Abideen Ibidunni - Legal Officer (Nigerian) Mr. Adejola - Logistic Officer (Nigerian) Mr. Abdulahi Afolabi - Protocol Officer (Nigerian) Mr. Ganiyu Osanyintola - South West Zone Coordinator (Nigerian) Mrs. Sulaimon - North Central Zone Coordinator (Nigerian) Mr. Ola Rafiu - South East Zone Coordinator (Nigerian) Mr. Odukoya - North East Zone (Nigerian) Mr. Sulaimon Taiwo - South Zone (Nigerian) Mrs. Fausat Muritala - North West Zone Coordinator (Nigerian)


7. Merciful Assistance Foundation


13. b) Are any government officials members of your board or executive staff? No. 14. How many members does your organization have and in which countries are they located? Please list the number of members by country and continent. 29 and all from Nigeria 15. Do the membership rules of your organization allow both individuals and organizations to be members? Yes Gbemiro Liberation Initiative 16. Does the organization charge membership fees? Is the fee the same for all members and charged to all members? If not, please explain Yes. and yes to all members 17. a) Does your membership include organizations that have ECOSOC consultative status? If so, please list them No. 17. b) Is your organization a member of one or several organization(s) that are applying for or already have ECOSOC consultative status? If so, please provide name(s) No. 18. Are other organizations affiliated with your organization? If yes, please provide a list of these organizations Yes. Gbemiro Liberation Initiative 19. a) Does your organization have any relationship to a government? If yes, please describe the nature of this relationship. Yes In partnership with Lagos State Aids Control Agency.


7. Merciful Assistance Foundation


19. b) In the past five years, did your organization receive money or other contributions from a government? If yes, please specify and provide the dates and amounts received, as well as an explanation of how the funds were used. Yes. Only technical support from Lagos State AIDS control Agency. 20. Has your organization previously applied for ECOSOC consultative status? If yes, please indicate year of previous application No. 21. a) Does your organization already hold accreditation with any organs, funds, programmes or specialized agencies of the United Nations? If so, please specify No. 21. b) Was your organization's accreditation with any organs, funds, programmes or specialized agencies of the United Nations ever withdrawn or suspended? If so, please specify No.


7. Merciful Assistance Foundation


PART III Please summarize the income and expenditure from the last calendar or fiscal year of your organization using the following table: (Home currency: Nigerian naira | Rate to 1$ US: 150.0) Source of Income Income in home currency Income in USD

Membership dues

Once in Lifetime 145 000 967

Other sources (eg. philantropic contributions)

Philantropic and donation from members

390 000 2 600

Contribution from members

Monthly 14 500 97

Total income 549 500 3 664 Source of Expenditure Expenditure in home

currency Expenditure in home currency


Health and non formal education

350 000 2 333

Other expenditure

administrative 180 000 1 200

Total expenditure 530 000 3 533


7. Merciful Assistance Foundation


Summary of Application for Consultative Status

Name: Merciful Assistance Foundation (Officially registered or established name)

Permanent headquarters address:

Fiwakeshin Hall, Beside LBIC Mortgage Bank School Bus Stop Jakande Estate Oke-Afa Isolo Lagos State Nigeria Nigeria (P.O. boxes are not accepted as headquarters address)

Date of registration or date of establishment: (See item B on front page of

main application form)

28 August 2005


National organization

with 28 individual members and 1 organizations members

Summarize the aims and purposes of your organization. To provide free medical/health services to Nigerians mostly at the grassroots level. To provide non formal education and technical support for the less privileged at the grassroots in Nigeria. To achieve developmental goal on social and sustainable development, amongst other. How do you intend to contribute to the work of ECOSOC and/or its subsidiary bodies? on anyhow or way it is demanded, giving advises when need be and organizing events or conferences and by participating in different conferences organize by the ECOSOC


8. Sadguru Sadafaldeo Vihangam Yoga Sansthan


8. Sadguru Sadafaldeo Vihangam Yoga Sansthan , VY PART I 2. Contact Information 2. a) Permanent headquarters address. Maharshi Sadafaldeo Ashram Chhatnag Road Jhunsi, Allahabad India 2. b) Postal address, if different from headquarters address. 2. c) Contact phone and fax number. Tel : +91 9350903484 Fax : 2. d) Name and position of contact person. Naamdeo Singh -- International operations head 2. e) E-mail address. [email protected] 2. f) Website, if any. 3. Summarize the aims and purposes of your organization. 1.) Object of the Sansthan is to propagate Vihangam Yoga philosophy propounded by His Holiness Sadguru Sadafaldeo Ji Maharaj, aimed at establishing universal peace and well-being. 2.) To control, supervise, guide and run branches established by Sadguru Sadafaldeo Ji Maharaj and his successors within and outside India. 3.) With the consent of present Sadguru to publish, sell, distribute (free of cost) books, magazines, articles, commentary, Translation of books written by Sadguru Sadafaldeo Ji Maharaj, his successors and other high level practitioners of Vihangam Yoga. 4.) To establish or help libraries and Institutions to organize programs or acquire institution for achievement of objects of the Sansthan within and outside India. 5.) To establish, assist and acquire branches, yoga training centres, Meditation Centres, Development Centres, Schools, Colleges, Research Centres, University, etc. for imparting education, Yoga training and cultural development programmes. 6.) To establish, run, organize, assist or acquire care centres, help centres, medical centres of different therapies, Ayurvedic hospitals and Research centres.


8. Sadguru Sadafaldeo Vihangam Yoga Sansthan


7.) To affiliate such institutions in India and abroad, whose objects are similar to that of Vihangam Yoga Sansthan. 8.) To establish centres at Vrittikut Ashram or other suitable places for imparting training to men and women for undertaking different projects by Sansthan in India and abroad. 9.) To work towards all-round growth of mankind, and hence execute social support programs, educational projects, projects for capacity building and help for the underprivileged. 10.) To promote universal brotherhood and harmony, which has been a prime focus of Sadguru Sadafaldeo Ji Maharaj’s teachings. 4. a) Explain how you carry out these aims. 1) To organize mega training camps at main centres of Sansthan or other places of importance to impart improvement in personal, economical and social level. 2) To organize health and de-addiction camps at rural, tribal and other places including institutions and organizations, specially taking care of the underprivileged. 3) To run awareness campaigns on meditation, health and alternate therapies of treatment like Naturopathy and Ayurveda. 4) To support and run research and development projects in the fields of health, meditation and alternate therapies of treatment like Naturopathy and Ayurveda. 5) To impart vocational training to woman and other weaker sections of society to help them grow economically as a skilled labour. 6) To create platforms for universal social gatherings without any discrimination, for raising collective consciousness to ensure social harmony and universal peace. To accept gifts from members or any other individuals, Institutions, Trusts, Companies, Business establishments, etc. within and outside India for fund of the Sansthan. 7) To accept gifts of movable and immovable properties from any person. 8) To purchase movable or immovable properties, to acquire on patta or lease, to take or give on rent, to exchange, acquire, modify, expand, regulate, or take on bail for the benefit of Sansthan. 9) To incur expenses out of movable or immovable properties for the benefit of Sansthan. 10) To construct building and to renovate structures as and when necessary. 11) To regulate, control and give financial assistance to branch (es) and units in India and abroad. 12) To partner with and take support from other global or local social organizations with similar values and objectives. 13) For publication of books and magazines mentioned in sub-para (3) of organization objects to undertake printing works, to establish printing press, to acquire printing press or to provide financial assistance. 4. b) Please give examples of recent projects and activities. 1. In Uhuru Mchanganyiko Primary School, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Vihangam Yoga volunteers take care of computer education to the visually impaired children and help create


8. Sadguru Sadafaldeo Vihangam Yoga Sansthan


computer teachers among the existing staff. Kindly refer to the document 'Educational_Projects' under appendix category. 2. Tribal, underprivileged children who used to engage in cattle grazing and to sell trifles roadside were empowered to the extent that today they are studying ancient literature and imparting the message of world peace, harmony and De-addiction. Please refer to "Capacity_Building" under appendix category. 3. Vihangam Yoga had conducted an intervention outreach program in the rural areas of Jharkhand state of India, in collaboration with Ranchi Institute of Neuropsychiatry and Allied Sciences, Ranchi, India (a state govt hospital), which was aimed at helping patients suffering from addictions. 70% of the Nicotine abusers, 65% of alcohol and 54% of Opioid dependent patients remained abstinent from their respective intoxicants after 3 months of regular Vihangam Yoga meditation. Kindly refer to the "Deaddiction_and_Reduction_in_Aggression" document under appendix category. 4. Jail inmates of Jagdalpur, Chhattisgarh (India) were given training on Vihangam Yoga Meditation. This resulted in immense growth of their moral and psychological state. Kindly refer to the "Deaddiction_and_Reduction_in_Aggression" document under appendix category. 5. A research work on Dementia and Depression was conducted in Guandong 999 Brain Hospital, Guanzhou, China revealed that practitioners of Vihangam Yoga Meditation had highly significant improvement in cognitive functions and it can improve mild to moderate depression faster. Kindly refer to the document 'Aging' under appendix category. 5. a) How do you intend to contribute to the work of ECOSOC and/or its subsidiary bodies? Since Vihangam Yoga works at very grass root level with similar objective as the UN ECOSOC, such as to bring equality, peace and harmony through its different methods of operational wings like capacity building, aging, education, de-addiction and health, with the help of our widespread network of volunteers in the remotest villages of India; the accreditation of UN ECOSOC will help us achieve the same objectives at a larger scale. Our ground level experience will help UN ECOSOC and its consultative partners to enhance their own projects in terms of know-how and materialization of their projects. 5. b) Please give details on planned activities and projects. Education: present facility of 700-student residential schools to expanded to 2000 by year 2015 Aging: No. of elderly people living at Vihangam Yoga old age homes to be increased from current 250 to 500 by year 2016 with help of a dedicated old age home in Varanasi.


8. Sadguru Sadafaldeo Vihangam Yoga Sansthan


De-addiction: to implement meditation and de-addiction camps in every state of India and beyond, to help at least 1,000 come out of their addiction every year by 2014. 6. a) Has your organization participated in any UN-conference(s)? If yes, explain in detail No 6. b) Has your organization contributed to any areas with substantive UN concern and participated in any activities of the United Nations? If yes, explain in detail No 7. Would you broadly categorize your organization as a research organization, an advocacy/lobbying organization, a grass-roots project implementation organization or any other? Grass-roots project implementation organization. Several grass root operations, like education for the underprivileged to Sustainable Development in the rural and tribal areas, old age care, social harmony, De-addiction, health, and many other areas. Kindly refer to the projects document. PART II 8. Date of registration or date of establishment 27 December 1985 9. Country (or countries) of registration/establishment and nature and title of authorities with which registered Country of registration: India Registered with the Society Registrar, Uttar Pradesh, India. 10. Registered/established as Society 11. Do you consider your organization to be National. Ongoing operations in 20 states within India through more than 100 local wings.


8. Sadguru Sadafaldeo Vihangam Yoga Sansthan


12. Describe the structure and the decision making process of your organization, including all administrative bodies. The central organization is led by Sadguru Shri Swatantradeo Ji Maharaj. He leads the Board of Trustees which takes the operational decisions according to majority. Then follow the state heads, chosen by the central trustees who in turn lead a set of state level committee members. The same structure follows to the district level. The district heads are also elected by the central organization under the recommendation of state heads. A volunteer is free to join the local or central operations. 13. a) List the names and nationalities of current members of your executive bodies and describe how they are elected/nominated. Shri Sawatantradeo ji (President)- Indian, Shri Vigyan Deo - Indian, Shri Triloki Nath Pandey- Indian, Shri Suresh Kumar Sharma (Secretary) - Indian, Shri Muralidhar Sharma (Treasurer) - Indian, Shri Ram Suresh Tiwari - Indian, Dr. Krishandev Sinha - Indian, Shri Sukhnandan Singh - Indian, Shri Ashnarayan Singh – Indian The Board of Trustees decides any elected or dominated person with the consent of the President. 13. b) Are any government officials members of your board or executive staff? No. 14. How many members does your organization have and in which countries are they located? Please list the number of members by country and continent. Vihangam Yoga is an open membership organization hence the numbers are only indicative. India, Asia - 500 thousand (estimated) USA, North America - 800 Australia - 500 South Africa, Africa - 400 Tanzania, Africa - 200 Apart from these, there is small number of volunteers and members spread across 20 nations.


8. Sadguru Sadafaldeo Vihangam Yoga Sansthan


15. Do the membership rules of your organization allow both individuals and organizations to be members? No, only individuals can join as a member. However, there are affiliations from/with various organizations too. 16. Does the organization charge membership fees? Is the fee the same for all members and charged to all members? If not, please explain No. 17. a) Does your membership include organizations that have ECOSOC consultative status? If so, please list them NA 17. b) Is your organization a member of one or several organization(s) that are applying for or already have ECOSOC consultative status? If so, please provide name(s) NA 18. Are other organizations affiliated with your organization? If yes, please provide a list of these organizations Yes. 1. Swarved Mahamandir Trust; 2. Acharya Dharmachandradeo Medical & Research Trust; 3. North American Institute of Vihangam Yoga; 4. South Pacific Institute of Vihangam Yoga 19. a) Does your organization have any relationship to a government? If yes, please describe the nature of this relationship. No. 19. b) In the past five years, did your organization receive money or other contributions from a government? If yes, please specify and provide the dates and amounts received, as well as an explanation of how the funds were used. No. 20. Has your organization previously applied for ECOSOC consultative status? If yes, please indicate year of previous application No.


8. Sadguru Sadafaldeo Vihangam Yoga Sansthan


21. a) Does your organization already hold accreditation with any organs, funds, programmes or specialized agencies of the United Nations? If so, please specify Affiliated with UN Habitat Program, the formal ad hoc accreditation will be given in the next governing council meeting in year 2013. Supporting documents available on request. 21. b) Was your organization's accreditation with any organs, funds, programmes or specialized agencies of the United Nations ever withdrawn or suspended? If so, please specify Affiliated with UN Habitat Program, the formal ad hoc accreditation will be given in the next governing council meeting in year 2013. Supporting documents available on request. PART III Please summarize the income and expenditure from the last calendar or fiscal year of your organization using the following table: (Home currency: Indian Rupee | Rate to 1$ US: 45.0) Source of Income Income in home currency Income in USD

Other sources (eg. philantropic contributions)

Donations from Individuals, Interest income, rental income and school fees

24 113 889 535 864

Total income 24 113 889 535 864 Source of Expenditure Expenditure in home

currency Expenditure in home currency


Expenses incurred towards Meditation and social support programs

18 009 926 400 221

Administration (If administrative expenditures exceed 30% of the total, please provide details)

General administrative expenses

458 595 10 191

Other expenditure

Establishment expenses primarily comprising of depreciation

7 185 124 159 669

Total expenditure 25 653 645 570 081


8. Sadguru Sadafaldeo Vihangam Yoga Sansthan


Summary of Application for Consultative Status

Name: Sadguru Sadafaldeo Vihangam Yoga Sansthan (Officially registered or established name)

Permanent headquarters address:

Maharshi Sadafaldeo Ashram Chhatnag Road Jhunsi, Allahabad India (P.O. boxes are not accepted as headquarters address)

Date of registration or date of establishment: (See item B on front page of

main application form)

27 December 1985


National organization

with 500000 individual members and 0 organizations members

Summarize the aims and purposes of your organization. 1.) Object of the Sansthan is to propagate Vihangam Yoga philosophy propounded by His Holiness Sadguru Sadafaldeo Ji Maharaj, aimed at establishing universal peace and well-being. 2.) To control, supervise, guide and run branches established by Sadguru Sadafaldeo Ji Maharaj and his successors within and outside India. 3.) With the consent of present Sadguru to publish, sell, distribute (free of cost) books, magazines, articles, commentary, Translation of books written by Sadguru Sadafaldeo Ji Maharaj, his successors and other high level practitioners of Vihangam Yoga. 4.) To establish or help libraries and Institutions to organize programs or acquire institution for achievement of objects of the Sansthan within and outside India. 5.) To establish, assist and acquire branches, yoga training centres, Meditation Centres, Development Centres, Schools, Colleges, Research Centres, University, etc. for imparting education, Yoga training and cultural development programmes. 6.) To establish, run, organize, assist or acquire care centres, help centres, medical centres of different therapies, Ayurvedic hospitals and Research centres. 7.) To affiliate such institutions in India and abroad, whose objects are similar to that of Vihangam Yoga Sansthan. 8.) To establish centres at Vrittikut Ashram or other suitable places for imparting training to men and women for undertaking different projects by Sansthan in India and abroad. 9.) To work towards all-round growth of mankind, and hence execute social support programs, educational projects, projects for capacity building and help for the underprivileged. 10.) To promote universal brotherhood and harmony, which has been a prime focus of


8. Sadguru Sadafaldeo Vihangam Yoga Sansthan


Sadguru Sadafaldeo Ji Maharaj’s teachings. How do you intend to contribute to the work of ECOSOC and/or its subsidiary bodies? Since Vihangam Yoga works at very grass root level with similar objective as the UN ECOSOC, such as to bring equality, peace and harmony through its different methods of operational wings like capacity building, aging, education, de-addiction and health, with the help of our widespread network of volunteers in the remotest villages of India; the accreditation of UN ECOSOC will help us achieve the same objectives at a larger scale. Our ground level experience will help UN ECOSOC and its consultative partners to enhance their own projects in terms of know-how and materialization of their projects.


9. The World Association for al-Azhar Graduates (WAAG)


9. The World Association for al-Azhar Graduates (WAAG) PART I 2. Contact Information 2. a) Permanent headquarters address. Al-Azhar University , 6th District - Nasr City Egypt 2. b) Postal address, if different from headquarters address. 2. c) Contact phone and fax number. Tel : +2 02 240 52 767 Fax :+2 02 240 52 737 2. d) Name and position of contact person. marwan ahmed -- assistant manager Sayed Abdel-Lateef 2. e) E-mail address. [email protected] 2. f) Website, if any. 3. Summarize the aims and purposes of your organization. - Laying the foundation for the moderate Azhari approach through exchanging ideas and visions in the fields of academics, Fiqh and education; - Gathering Azharis worldwide, as they are representatives of the moderate Islam they studied at al-Azhar; - Confronting extremist ideas spread by hardliners; - Challenging terrorism and violence through intellectual and educational progress that is achieved through the activities and events carried out by WAAG worldwide. 4. a) Explain how you carry out these aims. 1. Establishing an information center on its graduates. 2. Establishing a website on the internet. 3. Establishing specialized workshops. 4. Establishing an annual symposium to review the status of its graduates. 5. Providing scholarships for international students to study at al-Azhar University. 6. Making Muslim communities familiar with authentic Islam.


9. The World Association for al-Azhar Graduates (WAAG)


4. b) Please give examples of recent projects and activities. 1- Supporting International Students from 106 Different Countries. 2- E-Learning project. 3- Training courses for Imams and Preachers. 4- Conferences and seminars. 5- Ar-Ruwaq Magazine in Different Languages. 6- WAAG's website. 7- Islamic Library. 8- Office of al-Azhar Message. 9- Supervising of Arabic language institute for non- natives. 5. a) How do you intend to contribute to the work of ECOSOC and/or its subsidiary bodies? Cooperation with the branches of the ECOSOC to strengthen moderation and balance, to confront extremism and violence and to conduct outreach campaigns for the poor. WAAG discussed channels of cooperation with the World Food Program and it planned to arrange some meetings with subsidiary bodies of the ECOSOC in Egypt for mutual cooperation. 5. b) Please give details on planned activities and projects. 1- Gathering all Azhar graduates in a database 2- Increasing number of scholarships for incapable students from all over the world. 3- Expanding in establishing branches for WAAG all over the world. 4- Cooperating with governments and non- governmental organizations from different countries in order to spread the moderate concept of Islam. 5- Publishing scientific research magazine 6. a) Has your organization participated in any UN-conference(s)? If yes, explain in detail No 6. b) Has your organization contributed to any areas with substantive UN concern and participated in any activities of the United Nations? If yes, explain in detail 1. A meeting was held with United Nations WFP Country Director in Egypt, to discuss the methods of mutual cooperation between the World Association for al-Azhar Graduates WAAG, along with its branches abroad, and the offices of the United Nations World Food Program WFP, in order to facilitate their mission in the countries concerned. The World Association for al-Azhar Graduates WAAG suggested to cooperate with this organization in the following fields: a. Providing al-Azhar students (either Egyptian or international students) with food supplies,


9. The World Association for al-Azhar Graduates (WAAG)


via WAAG's local branches in Egypt. b. Providing al-Azhar students' abroad where WAAG has established its branches, with food supplies. c. Organizing common seminars and conferences to discuss food security and its impact on improving communities. d. Providing poor villages with supplies and aid, via WAAG's branches abroad. e. Investigating the possibility of financially supporting international students, (who could be included in Dropout Prevention Program). 2. Since its establishment, the World Association for al-Azhar Graduates WAAG has held several international conferences aimed at spreading peace and security, including in April, 2006, April, 2007, February, 2008, June, 2009, May, 2010, and January, 2011. 3. The World Association for al-Azhar Graduates WAAG holds several training courses for al-Azhar students, university professors and Imams from all over the world, aimed at promoting al-Azhar’s moderate approach and way of thinking, apart from extremism and fanaticism. The World Association for al-Azhar Graduates WAAG has held as well, training courses for Imams, preachers, new Muslims, and academic staff from UK, Indonesia, Kenya, Afghanistan, Yemen, Pakistan, USA, Colombia, Chile, Mexico and Iraq. 4.The World Association for al-Azhar Graduates WAAG has established several offices in: Indonesia, Malaysia, Kuwait, Britain, United States of America, State of Palestine, India, Sudan, Somalia, Pakistan and Chad. 7. Would you broadly categorize your organization as a research organization, an advocacy/lobbying organization, a grass-roots project implementation organization or any other? Other. Non Governmental Social Organization PART II 8. Date of registration or date of establishment 15 November 2007 9. Country (or countries) of registration/establishment and nature and title of authorities with which registered Country of registration Egypt. Ministry of Social Solidarity


9. The World Association for al-Azhar Graduates (WAAG)


10. Registered/established as Non Governmental Organization 11. Do you consider your organization to be International. Due to the good relations between different governments of foreign countries and the organization in the field of spreading the correct concept of Islam and fighting the strict ideas and terrorism according to the moderate symbol of Al-Azhar idea . The executive body and management board includes several members of different nationalities sharing the same culture of Al-Azhar. 12. Describe the structure and the decision making process of your organization, including all administrative bodies. The decision making process takes place through voting of the general assembly members , and after voting it takes place in the management board regular meeting in order to be approved . 13. a) List the names and nationalities of current members of your executive bodies and describe how they are elected/nominated. -The Grand Imam of al-Azhar, Prof. Ahmad Muhammad at-Tayyeb, WAAG Chairman of the Board of Directors.(Egyptian) -Prof. Abdul Fadeel al-Qousy, Egyptian Minister of Endowments.(Egyptian). -Mr. Osama Yaseen, Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors. (Egyptian). -Prof. Abdul Dayyem Nosseir, the Educational Consultant of the Grand Imam and WAAG Secretary General. (Egyptian). In addition, the WAAG Board of Directors comprises of distinguished scholars and Azhari figures, such as: -Prof. Osama al-Abd, President of al-Azhar University. (Egyptian). -Prof. Salah Sadeq, Vice-President for Educational Affairs. (Egyptian). -Prof. Mahmoud Hamdy Zaqzouq, former Minister of Endowments. (Egyptian). -Prof. Abdullah al-Hoseiny, former Minister of Endowments. (Egyptian). -Prof. Muhammad as-Soleimany, Professor of History. (Moroccan) .


9. The World Association for al-Azhar Graduates (WAAG)


-Prof. Omar Abdullah Kamel, Islamic Thinker. (Saudi) -Prof. Maryam Sherif, Islamic Thinker. (Sudan) . 13. b) Are any government officials members of your board or executive staff? -The Grand Imam of al-Azhar, Prof. Ahmad Muhammad at-Tayyeb, WAAG Chairman of the Board of Directors.(Egyptian). -Prof. Abdul Fadeel al-Qousy, Egyptian Minister of Endowments.(Egyptian). -Prof. Osama al-Abd, President of al-Azhar University. (Egyptian). 14. How many members does your organization have and in which countries are they located? Please list the number of members by country and continent. Nationality No. Egypt 1698 Indonesia 303 Bangladesh 48 Pakistan 47 India 30 Iraq 24 Morocco 24 Somalia 16 Thailand 11 Philippines 11 Afghanistan 9 Central African Republic 7 Cameroon 7 Netherlands 6 Kuwait 6 State of Palestine 6 Oman 5 Sudan 4 China 4 Tanzania 4 Maldives 4 Malaysia 4 Qatar 4 Republic of Korea 4 Kenya 3


9. The World Association for al-Azhar Graduates (WAAG)


Yemen 3 Tunisia3 Syria 3 Burkina Faso 3 Lebanon 3 Senegal 2 Niger 2 Myanmar 2 Jordan 2 United Arab Emirates (UAE) 2 Japan 2 Comoros 2 Chad 2 Uganda 1 Togo 1 Gambia 1 Singapore 1 Congo 1 Argentina 1 Bahrain 1 Turkey 1 Sri Lanka 1 Saudi Arabia 1 Libya 1 Cambodia 1 Ethiopia 1 United Kingdom (UK) 1 France 1 Total No.: 2331 15. Do the membership rules of your organization allow both individuals and organizations to be members? Only individuals are allowed to be members 16. Does the organization charge membership fees? Is the fee the same for all members and charged to all members? If not, please explain Yes. 17. a) Does your membership include organizations that have ECOSOC consultative status? If so, please list them No.


9. The World Association for al-Azhar Graduates (WAAG)


17. b) Is your organization a member of one or several organization(s) that are applying for or already have ECOSOC consultative status? If so, please provide name(s) No. 18. Are other organizations affiliated with your organization? If yes, please provide a list of these organizations No 19. a) Does your organization have any relationship to a government? If yes, please describe the nature of this relationship. The Organization is registered to the Ministry of Social Solidarity list of Non- governmental association IN Egypt. 19. b) In the past five years, did your organization receive money or other contributions from a government? If yes, please specify and provide the dates and amounts received, as well as an explanation of how the funds were used. No. 20. Has your organization previously applied for ECOSOC consultative status? If yes, please indicate year of previous application No. 21. a) Does your organization already hold accreditation with any organs, funds, programmes or specialized agencies of the United Nations? If so, please specify No. 21. b) Was your organization's accreditation with any organs, funds, programmes or specialized agencies of the United Nations ever withdrawn or suspended? If so, please specify No.


9. The World Association for al-Azhar Graduates (WAAG)


PART III Please summarize the income and expenditure from the last calendar or fiscal year of your organization using the following table: (Home currency: Egyptian pound | Rate to 1$ US: 6.03) Source of Income Income in home currency Income in USD

Membership dues

For renewing the membership every year

50 8

The membership fees 150 25

Other sources (eg. philantropic contributions)

Membership Fees Revenue and Subscriptions Revenue

30 256 5 018

Zayed Language Institute for teaching arabic for non- natives

1 448 080 240 146

Credit Interests 171 410 28 426

Contributions Revenue 2 541 416 421 462

Other Revenues 41 486 6 880

Training Courses Revenue 35 050 5 813

Exchange Differences Profits 26 508 4 396

Funding from other NGOs

Eqraa’ Charitable Organization Donation

73 417 12 175

Contribution from members

Members Donations 7 000 1 161

Total income 4 374 823 725 510


9. The World Association for al-Azhar Graduates (WAAG)


Source of Expenditure Expenditure in home currency

Expenditure in home currency


E - Learning 924 770 153 362

Zayed Language Institute for teaching arabic for non- natives

952 197 157 910

International Students Care 472 198 78 308

Sub-offices Department 3 862 640

Total expenditure 2 353 027 390 220 Summary of Application for Consultative Status

Name: The World Association for al-Azhar Graduates (WAAG) (Officially registered or established name)

Permanent headquarters address:

Al-Azhar University , 6th District - Nasr City Egypt (P.O. boxes are not accepted as headquarters address)

Date of registration or date of establishment: (See item B on front page of

main application form)

15 November 2007


International organization

with 2331 individual members and 0 organizations members and 11 countries

Summarize the aims and purposes of your organization. - Laying the foundation for the moderate Azhari approach through exchanging ideas and visions in the fields of academics, Fiqh and education; - Gathering Azharis worldwide, as they are representatives of the moderate Islam they studied at al-Azhar; - Confronting extremist ideas spread by hardliners; - Challenging terrorism and violence through intellectual and educational progress that is achieved through the activities and events carried out by WAAG worldwide. How do you intend to contribute to the work of ECOSOC and/or its subsidiary bodies? Cooperation with the branches of the ECOSOC to strengthen moderation and balance, to confront extremism and violence and to conduct outreach campaigns for the poor. WAAG discussed channels of cooperation with the World Food Program and it planned to arrange some meetings with subsidiary bodies of the ECOSOC in Egypt for mutual cooperation.


10. Youth of European Nationalities


10. Youth of European Nationalities, YEN PART I 2. Contact Information 2. a) Permanent headquarters address. Office 213, Am Festungsgraben 1, D-10117 Berlin, Postfach 640228, 10048 Berlin Germany 2. b) Postal address, if different from headquarters address. 2. c) Contact phone and fax number. Tel : Fax : 2. d) Name and position of contact person. Sebastian Seehauser -- President Fatma Resit -- Convenor for Politics 2. e) E-mail address. [email protected] 2. f) Website, if any. 3. Summarize the aims and purposes of your organization. YEN´s main aim is to work actively for the maintenance and further development of the language, culture, identity and rights of European autochthonous, national minorities. One particular focal point is the work with children, teenagers and young adults. YEN supports the endeavours of individuals and institutions in Europe, such as the United Nations, the Council of Europe and the European Union, that strive to guarantee human rights and fundamental freedoms on the basis of a unified Europe with a federal structure, granting autochthonous, national minorities the rights of self-administration and preservation of their distinctiveness. YEN is against racism, discrimination and assimilation of any kind of minority and, as a matter of principle, it is opposed violence in whatsoever form. 4. a) Explain how you carry out these aims. YEN sets out to achieve its purpose using, in particular the following means: 1. Establishment of a network of minority organisations and members of minorities throughout Europe; 2. International exchanges of young persons belonging to minorities;


10. Youth of European Nationalities


3. Organisation of regional conferences and activities; 4. Publication of printed material and other information regarding minority groups and matters of concern to them; 5. Cooperation with minority and youth organisations throughout Europe. 4. b) Please give examples of recent projects and activities. "Dare Identity", 31st March - 5th April 2012, Bozen, Italy; seminar for young members of autochthonous minorities in Europe. "Dare Identity" was a week long seminar with as the main theme the question of individual and collective identity of young people, specifically for young members of minorities. The goal of the seminar was to let the participants discover their own personal identity and strengthen it. Identity matters are particularly important for endangered communities, as the question of identity coincides also with the issue of the survival of the community itself. In todays' context of a globalised world, YEN wanted to enable youth leaders to confront such matters and strengthen their personal identity, which is in our view an important prerequisite to function successfully in the modern globalised society. Around 100 young people participated in the project and it had been a great success with a lot of media coverage. "The Streets of Voluntariness" 16th - 22nd April 2011, Christianslyst, Germany; and "VolunTear" 14th - 20th October 2011, Bautzen, Germany. 2011 had been the European Year of Volunteering and YEN wanted to explore this topic through two specific seminars. Starting from the point of view of European national minorities and ethnic groups, these two seminars explored the topic of voluntary work in a minority setting. Both projects were an attempt to put together volunteers from several countries in Europe and make them discuss and confront politicians on this topic. The goal of both seminars were to find ways to: motivate young people to engage in voluntary work; provide skills to youth leaders to manage efficiently volunteers; raise awareness in the wider European society of the importance of voluntary work for the survival of autochthonous minorities and provide practical skills and knowledge to the participants, which can be used by them in their own setting to achieve their goals more efficiently. The results of these 2 seminars were mixed: on one hand we managed to motivate the participants to engage more actively in their own community and gave them some practical skills they can make use of, but on the other hand we came to the conclusion that the general situation of volunteering in minority areas is shrinking and there is a negative trend which is difficult to stop, that young people apparently find volunteering in a minority context unattractive and prefer to divert their interest elsewhere.


10. Youth of European Nationalities


5. a) How do you intend to contribute to the work of ECOSOC and/or its subsidiary bodies? As the largest network of youth organizations of European minorities, YEN is the competent partner for all questions concerning youth minorities. Through constant communication with its member organizations, YEN analyzes current youth minority issues and develops possible solutions together with the civil population. Benefitting from the broad range of its member organizations, YEN intends to contribute to the work of ECOSOC, especially to the work of the Human Rights Council, by raising awareness of current human-, specifically minority rights violations, regarding different ethnic, cultural and linguistic minorities in Europe. Moreover, YEN intends to offer first-hand expertise on how the issues are perceived and also on youth-friendly strategies to address them. Furthermore YEN intends to share first-hand best practices, in order to contribute to the problem-solving process. 5. b) Please give details on planned activities and projects. "Voices of Europe", 5th -12th August 2012, Burgenland, Austria. Voices of Europe is a traditional project of the YEN, where young people come together for one week to sing songs in their own minority languages. "Voices of Europe" has been one of the most successful YEN side projects since its first edition in 1997. The project is a a very nice example of nurturing intercultural learning through the universal language of music. Aside from singing, the participants will have the opportunity to exchange during informal meetings and workshops and will learn about their hosting environment through visits to local institutions and associations. The 2012 "Voices of Europe" will take place in the Croatian speaking region of Austria, Burgenland. "Solidarity in Diversity", 9th - 14th October, Gdansk, Poland. In October YEN will organise the Youth Leader Seminar "Solidarity in diversity" together with its member organisation "Pomorania". The theme will be solidarity in a local, national and European context, starting from the experience of the 1980's Polish Solidarity movement of Lech Walesa. During this meeting the participants from different minorities will work together focusing on the role of solidarity, both inter-ethnic and international. Solidarity is here intended as a community action requiring a community of interests. The aims of the seminar are the following: 1. promotion of the Solidarity ideas as an important social value through tailor made activities with trainers specialized on this issue; 2.transmission of the achievements and heritage of "Solidarity" – the polish movement of the 1980s which contributed to all social and political changes in Poland, and a role model for human rights movements in Eastern Europe (like for example the Polish “Solidarity” in Ukraine); 3.development of the cooperation between the participants to build up a greater


10. Youth of European Nationalities


intercultural dialogue; 4. Develop tools to counteract cultural discrimination and inequality and develop strategies to reduce the social exclusion of ethnic minorities without ethnic assimilation. Furthermore, YEN will use this seminar to make the participants aware of the consequences of communism and hate speech in Poland, which occurred after WWII until the 1990s. The seminar will consist of a combination of workshops where the subjects are dealt with in greater detail, relying on the open-space method and practical tasks to be performed. The participants of the seminary will be divided into groups in which they will discuss and exchange their experiences about the idea of solidarity, social change, the leader’s role, social participation and education. 6. a) Has your organization participated in any UN-conference(s)? If yes, explain in detail NO 6. b) Has your organization contributed to any areas with substantive UN concern and participated in any activities of the United Nations? If yes, explain in detail NO 7. Would you broadly categorize your organization as a research organization, an advocacy/lobbying organization, a grass-roots project implementation organization or any other? Advocacy/lobbying organization. The Youth of European Nationalities is a European network of 40 minority organisation which advocates for the rights of European autochthonous minorities. The primary goals are to enable exchange between our member organisations and lobby on local, regional and European level in order to get a better recognition of minority rights as human rights. PART II 8. Date of registration or date of establishment 19 February 1998 9. Country (or countries) of registration/establishment and nature and title of authorities with which registered The YEN was founded in 1984 in Germany.


10. Youth of European Nationalities


Since 1998 the YEN is registered in the Netherlands, in the Chamber of Commerce for the North Netherlands (Kamer van Koophandel Noord Nederland). 10. Registered/established as According to Dutch law, the Youth of European Nationalities is a "Vereniging met volledige rechtsbevoegdheid" - Association with full legal capacity. It is fully independent and not a member of any governmental body. The scope of the association is officially socio-cultural work / youth and youth work. 11. Do you consider your organization to be International. The organisation is clearly international, as it is a network of 40 different youth organisations from 19 different countries that constitute the organisation. It operates on European level and its board members originate from different countries. Moreover, it does not represent the interests of a specific country or groups of persons in a specific country, but solely the rights of the autochthonous, national minorities in Europe. 12. Describe the structure and the decision making process of your organization, including all administrative bodies. The supreme organ of the Youth of European Nationalities is its General Assembly (GA), which is constituted by the member organisations of the YEN. The member organisations are divided into 2 categories: extraordinary members and ordinary members. At the General Assembly, which takes place once a year, only the ordinary members have the right to vote. The General Assembly elects the Board and discharges it, elects the Auditors, votes on motions and resolutions and it is the only organ which may accept new members or expel members, change the organisation's structure and the statutes and the rules of procedure. It also elects the members of the Working Groups. Likewise the General Assembly accept or refuses the yearly budget of the organisation. The YEN Board is the organ which is in charge of the daily functioning of the organisation. It consists of seven members: the President, 2 Vice-Presidents, 3 Working Group Convenors and the Chair of the Youth Leader Committee. All the Board members, except the Chair of the Youth Leader Committee, are elected by the General Assembly, each for a term of two years. The Chair is elected by the Youth Leader Committee (YLC). The Board as a whole is legally responsible for running the organisation and represent the organisation externally. The YLC consists of all Working Group members which deliberate 2 times a year. Each Working Group is presided by a Convenor. There are three Working Groups (WGs) with each a specific action scope: the WG on Politics, the WG on Communication and the WG on Enlargement. The Working Groups work independently from the Board, but are however meant to help the Board in fulfilling its tasks, may the Board ask for their cooperation. The Working Group members are elected for a one year mandate.


10. Youth of European Nationalities


Another organ of the YEN is the Office, which is constituted by the paid employees of the organisation. The Board is in charge of the Office and responsible for hiring and dismissing the personnel. 13. a) List the names and nationalities of current members of your executive bodies and describe how they are elected/nominated. Board members (elected by the General Assembly): President: Sebastian Seehauser, German speaking minority, South Tyrol - Italy, Vice President: Jenny Juergensen, North Frsian minority, Germany; Vice President: Kostika Poci, Vlach minority, Albania; Fatma Resit: Western Thrace Turk from Greece, Germany, Britta Bossen: German minority, Denmark Petra Toerteli, German minority, Hungary, Board member elected by the Youth Leader Committee: Madlena Kowar: Sorbian minority, Germany. 13. b) Are any government officials members of your board or executive staff? NO 14. How many members does your organization have and in which countries are they located? Please list the number of members by country and continent. The YEN has 40 member organisations, which have its own individual members, or other member organisations as members. Albania: -Vlach Youth Council of Albania Austria: -Klub slovenskih študentk in študentov na Dunaju -Hrvatski akademski klub -Kärntner Studentenverband/Koroška dijaška zveza -Mlada Enotna Lista Croatia / Serb Youth Forum Denmark -Deutscher Jugendverband für Nordschleswig -junge SPitzen


10. Youth of European Nationalities


Estonia -Noorteühendus SiiN France -Elsass-Lothringischer Volksbund Jugendgruppe -Conselh de Representacion Generala de la Joventut d'Óc -Ar Vretoned Yaouank / Les Jeunes Bretons Germany -Pawk - Sorbischer Jugendverein / Serbske mlodzinske towarstwo -Sydslesvigs danske Ungdomsforeninger -Rökefloose e.V. -Sudetendeutsche Jugend -Young ABTTF Hungary -Gemeinschaft Junger Ungarndeutschen -Društvo gradišcanskohrvatske mladine u Ugarskoj -Bolgár Ifjúsági Egyesület Italy -Grup dla minoranza ladina -Mladi v Odkivanju Skupnih Poti / Mladinska Sekcjia Slovenske Skupnosti -Südtiroler Jugendring Macedonia -SUMNAL -Vlach Youth Council of Macedonia Netherlands -FYK - Jongereinferiening Frysk Ynternasjonaal Kontakt Poland -Bund der Jugend der Deutschen Minderheit in der Republik Polen -Klub Studencki "Pomorania" Romania -MISZSZ - Union of Hungarian Youth Organizations of Romania -Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Jugendorganisationen in Rumänien -CTArm - Aromanian Youth Council


10. Youth of European Nationalities


Russia -Jugendring der Russlanddeutschen Serbia -CroV - Udruga hrvatske omladine u Vojvodini / Croatian Youth Organization in Vojvodina -Lunjina -Vajdasági Ifjúsági Fórum Slovakia -International Kontakte Jugendarbeit - Karpatendeutsche Jugend Sweden -Ruotsinsuomalaisten Nuorten Liitto Switzerland -Giuventetgna Rumantscha Ukraine -Deutsche Jugend in der Ukraine (DJU) 15. Do the membership rules of your organization allow both individuals and organizations to be members? No, the statutes only allow organisations as eligible members of the YEN. The organisations may either be a fully independent non-governmental organisation, or a youth section of a non-governmental organisation with a clear independent structure (board, etc.) and functioning from the mother organisation. 16. Does the organization charge membership fees? Is the fee the same for all members and charged to all members? If not, please explain Yes, we do charge membership fees. The fee is not the same for all members: ordinary and extraordinary members pay different amounts. Likewise the country of where the member organisation is situated also influences the amount of the membership fee, which is charged each year. A factor for determining the membership fee is also the size of the organisation (that is, the number of individual members). 17. a) Does your membership include organizations that have ECOSOC consultative status? If so, please list them Young ABTTF (the youth section of ABTTF, Federation of Western Thrace Turks in Europe).


10. Youth of European Nationalities


17. b) Is your organization a member of one or several organization(s) that are applying for or already have ECOSOC consultative status? If so, please provide name(s) Young ABTTF (the youth section of ABTTF, Federation of Western Thrace Turks in Europe). 18. Are other organizations affiliated with your organization? If yes, please provide a list of these organizations Except our own member organisations, no. 19. a) Does your organization have any relationship to a government? If yes, please describe the nature of this relationship. Not with a national government. Currently we only receive a grant from the Regional Government of the Autonomous Region South Tyrol (it. Regione Autonoma Trentino - Alto Adige/South Tyrol), Italy. 19. b) In the past five years, did your organization receive money or other contributions from a government? If yes, please specify and provide the dates and amounts received, as well as an explanation of how the funds were used. Not from a national government. As explained above, we currently only receive a grant from the Regional Government of the Autonomous Region South Tyrol in Italy. The first time we received this grant was in 2009 and we have been receiving it every year since. The amount of the grant amounts 10.000€ (Euros) per year and it is used for the day to day running of the organisations (salaries of the employees, travel costs, office costs, etc.) 20. Has your organization previously applied for ECOSOC consultative status? If yes, please indicate year of previous application NO 21. a) Does your organization already hold accreditation with any organs, funds, programmes or specialized agencies of the United Nations? If so, please specify NO 21. b) Was your organization's accreditation with any organs, funds, programmes or specialized agencies of the United Nations ever withdrawn or suspended? If so, please specify NO


10. Youth of European Nationalities


PART III Please summarize the income and expenditure from the last calendar or fiscal year of your organization using the following table: (Home currency: European euro | Rate to 1$ US: 0.75) Source of Income Income in home currency Income in USD

Funding from international organizations

European Youth Foundation 9 758 13 011

European Commission 50 000 66 667

Membership dues

Membership fees 8 500 11 333

Income generated from contracts

Income from projects 27 487 36 649

Funding from other NGOs

Contribution from partners, others

9 375 12 500

Funding from governments

Autonomous Region Trentino-Südtirol

10 000 13 333

Total income 115 120 153 493


10. Youth of European Nationalities


Source of Expenditure Expenditure in home currency

Expenditure in home currency

Administration (If administrative expenditures exceed 30% of the total, please provide details)

Travel / Accommodation 16 962 22 616

Personnel costs 45 013 60 017

Subcontracting 5 723 7 631

Meetings 995 1 327

Overheads 10 023 13 364

Other costs (bank charges, insurance, fees etc.)

9 928 13 237

Other expenditure

Project costs 25 810 34 413

Total expenditure 114 454 152 605


10. Youth of European Nationalities


Summary of Application for Consultative Status

Name: Youth of European Nationalities (Officially registered or established name)

Permanent headquarters address:

Office 213, Am Festungsgraben 1, D-10117 Berlin, Postfach 640228, 10048 Berlin Germany (P.O. boxes are not accepted as headquarters address)

Date of registration or date of establishment: (See item B on front page of

main application form)

19 February 1998


International organization

with 0 individual members and 40 organizations members and 19 countries

Summarize the aims and purposes of your organization. YEN´s main aim is to work actively for the maintenance and further development of the language, culture, identity and rights of European autochthonous, national minorities. One particular focal point is the work with children, teenagers and young adults. YEN supports the endeavours of individuals and institutions in Europe, such as the United Nations, the Council of Europe and the European Union, that strive to guarantee human rights and fundamental freedoms on the basis of a unified Europe with a federal structure, granting autochthonous, national minorities the rights of self-administration and preservation of their distinctiveness. YEN is against racism, discrimination and assimilation of any kind of minority and, as a matter of principle, it is opposed violence in whatsoever form. How do you intend to contribute to the work of ECOSOC and/or its subsidiary bodies? As the largest network of youth organizations of European minorities, YEN is the competent partner for all questions concerning youth minorities. Through constant communication with its member organizations, YEN analyzes current youth minority issues and develops possible solutions together with the civil population. Benefitting from the broad range of its member organizations, YEN intends to contribute to the work of ECOSOC, especially to the work of the Human Rights Council, by raising awareness of current human-, specifically minority rights violations, regarding different ethnic, cultural and linguistic minorities in Europe. Moreover, YEN intends to offer first-hand expertise on how the issues are perceived and also on youth-friendly strategies to address them. Furthermore YEN intends to share first-hand best practices, in order to contribute to the problem-solving process.