appendix a. matrix algebra

APPENDIX A. MATRIX ALGEBRA We present the basic concepts of matrix algebra needed for the study of the book. A.1 DEFINITION OF MATRIX The linear relationship between a system of variables x i and b i a 11 x 1 + a 12 x 2 + a 13 x 3 + a 14 x 4 = b 1 a 21 x 1 + a 22 x 2 + a 23 x 3 + a 24 x 4 = b 2 a 31 x 1 + a 32 x 2 + a 33 x 3 + a 34 x 4 = b 3 (A.1) can be written in abbreviated form as Ax = b (A.2) where A = a 11 a 12 a 13 a 14 a 21 a 22 a 23 a 24 a 31 a 32 a 33 a 34 , x = x 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 , b = b 1 b 2 b 3 (A.3) Eq.(A.1) contains the definition of matrix and the multiplication pro- cess. Matrices are defined as sets of numbers organized in rows and columns as in Eq.(A.3). Thus, matrix A has twelve elements organized in three rows and four columns. A matrix of order m × n has m rows and n columns. A vector, or a column matrix, is a particular case of a matrix where all numbers are grouped in a column (i.e. the matrix is of order m × 1). Hence x and b in Eq.(A.2) are vectors containing 4 and 3 elements, respectively.

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We present the basic concepts of matrix algebra needed for the study ofthe book.


The linear relationship between a system of variables xi and bi

a11x1 + a12x2 + a13x3 + a14x4 = b1

a21x1 + a22x2 + a23x3 + a24x4 = b2

a31x1 + a32x2 + a33x3 + a34x4 = b3


can be written in abbreviated form as

Ax = b (A.2)


A =

a11 a12 a13 a14

a21 a22 a23 a24

a31 a32 a33 a34

, x =





, b =





Eq.(A.1) contains the definition of matrix and the multiplication pro-cess. Matrices are defined as sets of numbers organized in rows andcolumns as in Eq.(A.3). Thus, matrix A has twelve elements organizedin three rows and four columns. A matrix of order m× n has m rows andn columns.

A vector, or a column matrix, is a particular case of a matrix where allnumbers are grouped in a column (i.e. the matrix is of order m×1). Hencex and b in Eq.(A.2) are vectors containing 4 and 3 elements, respectively.

Definition of matrix 415

In the book we denote matrices by bold capital letters and vectors by boldlower case letters.

A row matrix of order n is a matrix containing a single row and ncolumns. Hence

cT = [c11, c12, · · · , cin] (A.4a)

where cT is the “transpose” of vector c

c =





A.1.1 Transpose of a matrix

The transpose of a matrix A of order (m × n) (denoted by AT ) has therows equal to the columns of the original matrix. Thus

AT =

a11 a12 · · · a1n

a21 a22 · · · a2n

...... · · · ...

am1 am2 · · · amn



a11 a21 · · · am1

a12 a22 · · · am2

...... · · · ...

a1n a2n · · · amn


A.1.2 Square matrix

A matrix is square if it has as many rows as columns. The square matrixof order 3 is

A =

a11 a12 a13

a21 a22 a23

a31 a32 a33


As an example, the stiffness matrix of an element or of the wholestructure is always a square matrix.

A.1.3 Symmetric and antisymmetric matrix

A matrix is symmetric if is square and

aij = aji (A.7)

416 Appendix A. Matrix algebra


A =

a11 a12 a13

a12 a22 a23

a13 a23 a33

The transpose of a symmetric matrix coincides with itself. Hence

AT = A (A.8)

As an example, the stiffness matrix of an element (or of the structure)is always square and symmetric.

A matrix is antisymmetric if it is square and its elements satisfy theconditions

aii = 0 and aij = −aji (A.9)

A.1.4 Null matrix

A null matrix has all its elements equal to zero, i.e. aij = 0 for i =1, 2, · · · ,m and j = 1, 2, · · · , n.

A.1.5 Diagonal matrix

It is a square matrix which elements satisfy

aij = 0 for i 6= jaij 6= 0 for i = j


A.1.6 Identity matrix

It is a diagonal matrix with aij = 1 for i = 1, 2, · · · , n. In the book it isrepresented as I. The unit matrix of order 3× 3 is

I =

1 0 00 1 00 0 1


A.1.7 Triangular matrix

It is a square matrix which elements satisfy the conditions

aij = 0 for i > j (A.12a)

oraji 6= 0 for j > i (A.12b)

Operation with matrices 417


A.2.1 Multiplication of matrices

Let us assume that a relationship similar to (A.1) exists for a set of vari-ables x′i and b′i as

a11x′1 + a12x

′2 + a13x

′3 + a14x

′4 = b′1

a21x′1 + a22x

′2 + a23x

′3 + a24x

′4 = b′2

a31x′1 + a32x

′2 + a33x

′3 + a34x

′4 = b′3


We can therefore write

AX = B (A.14)


X =

x1 x′1x2 x′2x3 x′3x4 x′4

, B =

b1 b′1b2 b′2b3 b′3b4 b′4


which implies grouping expressions (A.1) and (A.13) as

a11x1 + · · ·+ a14x4 , a11x′1 + · · ·+ a11x


a21x1 + · · ·+ a24x4 , a21x′1 + · · ·+ a24x


a31x1 + · · ·+ a34x4 , a31x′1 + · · ·+ a34x



b1 b′1b2 b′2b4 b′3


Expression (A.14) defines the multiplication of matrices and it obvi-ously has a meaning only if the number of columns of A is equal to thenumber of rows of X.

More generally we can define the multiplication of a matrix A of ordern ×m by a matrix X of order m × r, as a new matrix B of order n × rwhich elements are obtained as

bij =m∑


aikxkji = 1, 2, · · · , nj = 1, 2, · · · , r


The multiplication of matrices is not commutative, this means that

AB 6= BA (A.18)

The following rules are however satisfied.

418 Appendix A. Matrix algebra

A.2.2 Associative rule

(AB)C = A(BC) = ABC (A.19)

A.2.3 Distributive rule

A(B + C) = AB + AC (A.20)

The product of the identity matrix by a matrix A gives the same matrixA, i.e.

IA = AI = A (A.21)

The product of the transpose of two matrices AT and BT is

ATBT = (BA)T (A.22a)

Obviously it is also satisfied

(AB)T = BTAT (A.22b)

A.2.4 Product of a matrix by a vector and a scalar

As shown in Eq.(A.2), the product of matrix A of order n×m and a vectorx of order m× 1 is a vector b of order n× 1 defined by the expression

b = Ax con bi =m∑


aikxk , i = 1, 2, · · · ,m (A.23)

The product of a matrix A by a scalar α is another matrix B obtainedby multiplying all the elements of A by α, i.e.

B = αA con bij = αaij (A.24)

We finally note that the product of a file vector and a column vectorof equal order is a scalar number. Thus

aTb = [a11, a12, · · · , a1n]




= a11b11 + a12b12 + · · ·+ a1nb1n = c (A.25)

Operation with matrices 419

This type of product appears frequently in the book. An example isthe expression of the virtual work principle.

A.2.5 Sum and subtraction of matrices

The sum or subtraction of two matrices A and B is a new matrix C whichterms are the sum or the subtraction of matrices A and B. Thus

A + B = C with cij = aij + bij

A−B = C with cij = aij − bij(A.26)

Obviously, these operations are only possible if A and B are of equalorder.

A.2.6 Partition of a matrix

A matrix can be partitioned into submatrices. For example we can write

A =

a11 a12 a13 | a14 · · · a15

a21 a22 a23 | a24 · · · a25— — — — — — — —a31 a32 a33 | a34 · · · a35


[A11 | A12— — — — —A21 | A22


where matrices A11,A12,A21 and A22 have the elements contained withineach of the four partitions marked in Eq.(A.27). Thus

A11 =[a11 a12 a13

a21 a22 a23

]etc. (A.28)

The partition of a matrix is useful in order to simplify to product oftwo matrices. Thus the product of matrix A of Eq.(A.27) and matrix Bdefined as

B =

b11 b12

b21 b22

b31 b32— — —b41 b42

b51 b52




can be obtained by

AB =[A11 A12

A21 A22

] [B1



[A11B1 + A12B2

A21B1 + A22B2


420 Appendix A. Matrix algebra

The identity in expression (A.30) requires that the products AijBj arecomputable, which means that the number of columns of Aij is equal tothe number of rows of Bj . If this condition holds then the product of Aand B can be computed in terms of the submatrices AijBi, treating eachone of them as an scalar number.

A.2.7 Determinant of a matrix

The determinant of a square matrix A of order n is denoted as |A| andcan be obtained by [Ral]

|A| =n∑


(−1)i+1a1i|A1i| (A.31)

where A1i is the matrix of order (n − 1)(n − 1) resulting from the eli-mination of the first row and the ith column of A. The computation ofthe determinants |A1i| can be performed by the recusive application ofEq.(A.31).

A.2.8 Inverse of a matrix

If A is a square matrix in Eq.(A.2), i.e. the number of unknowns xi isequal to that of the number of simultaneous equations, then it is possibleto compute the elements of the unknown vector x in terms of those ofvector b. This operation can be written as

x = A−1b (A.32)

where A−1 is the inverse of the square matrix A. Clearly A−1 is also asquare matrix and has the same order as A.

The obvious property of the inverse matrix is

AA−1 = A−1A = I (A.33)

where I is the identity matrix.The necessary conditions for the existence of the inverse of a square

matrix of A is that its determinant has a non zero value.Eq.(A.32) can be obtained by multiplying both sides of Eq.(A.2) by

A−1. This givesA−1Ax = A−1b (A.34)

and since A−1A = I, then x = A−1b (as Ix = x).

Operation with matrices 421

A =

[a11 a12

a21 a22


A−1 =1


a22 −a12

−a21 a11


con |A| = a11a22 − a12a21

A =

a11 a12 a13

a21 a22 a23

a31 a32 a33

A−1 =1


A11 A12 A13

A21 A22 A23

A31 A32 A33

A11 = a22a33 − a32a23 A23 = −(a11a23 − a21a13)A12 = −(a12a33 − a13a32) A31 = a21a32 − a31a22)A13 = a12a23 − a22a13 A32 = −(a11a32 − a31a12)A21 = −(a21a33 − a31a23) A33 = a11a22 − a12a21

A22 = a11a33 − a13a31

|A| = a11a22a33 + a13a21a32 + a31a12a23 − a31a22a13 − a33a12a21 − a11a23a32

Box A.1 Inverse of 2× 2 and 3× 3 matrices

Other properties of the inverse matrix are

• the inverse of a product of two matrices is

(AB)−1 = B−1A−1 (A.35)

• the inverse of a symmetric matrix is also symmetric• the inverse of the transpose of a matrix is the transpose of the inverse

of the original matrix, i.e.




]T (A.36)

The general expression of the inverse of a matrix is quite elaborateand it is not given here. On the other hand the solution of systems ofequations such as that of Eq.(A.2) is performed in practice by numericaltechniques such as the Gauss elimination method, which does not requirethe knowledge of the inverse matrix (Appendix B). Box A.1 shows theexpression for the inverse of the Jacobian matrix for 2D and 3D solidelements. The readers interested in the general expression for the inverseof a matrix are addressed to references [Ral,PFTW].

422 Appendix A. Matrix algebra


An eigenvalue of a symmetric matrix A of size n× n is a scalar λi whichallows the solution of

(A− λi I) φφφi = 0 and det | A− λi I |= 0 (A.37)

where φi is called the eigenvector.There are, of course, n such eigenvalues λi to each of which corresponds

an eigenvector φi. Such vectors can be shown to be orthonormal and wewrite

φTi φj = δij =

1 for i = j0 for i 6= j


The full set of eigenvalues and eigenvectors can be written as

Λ =

λ1 0. . .

0 λn

Φ =

[φ1, . . . φn


Using these the matrix A may be written in its spectral form by notingfrom the orthonormality conditions on the eigenvectors that

Φ−1 = ΦT

then fromAΦ = ΦΛ

it follows immediately that

A = ΦΛ ΦT . (A.38)

The condition number of A which is related to the equation solutionroundoff error (Section 3.13.4) is defined as

cond(A) =| λmax || λmin | . (A.39)


A finite element problem leads to a large set of simultaneous linear alge-braic equations whose solution provides the nodal and element parametersin the formulation. In this section methods to solve the simultaneous alge-braic equations are summarized. We consider both direct methods wherean a priori calculation of the number of numerical operations can be made,and indirect or iterative methods where no such estimate can be made.


Consider first the general problem of direct solution of a set of algebraicequations given by

Ka = f (B.1)

where K is a square coefficient matrix, a is a vector of unknown parametersand f is a vector of known values. The reader can associate these with thequantities described previously: namely, the stiffness matrix, the nodaldisplacement unknowns and the equivalent nodal forces.

In the discussion to follow it is assumed that the coefficient matrix Khas properties such that row and/or column interchanges are unnecessaryto achieve an accurate solution. This is true in cases where K is symmetricpositive (or negative) definite. Pivoting may or may not be required withunsymmetric, or indefinite, conditions which can occur when the finiteelement formulation is based on some weighted residual methods [ZTZ].In these cases some checks or modifications may be necessary to ensurethat the equations can be solved accurately.

Let us assume that the coefficient matrix can be written as the productof a lower triangular matrix with unit diagonals and an upper triangular

424 Appendix B. Solution of simultaneous linear algebraic equations

matrix. Accordingly,K = LU (B.2)


L =

1 0 · · · 0L21 1 · · · 0...

. . ....

Ln1 Ln2 · · · 1



U =

U11 U12 · · · U1n

0 U22 · · · U2n...

. . ....

0 0 · · · Unn


This form is called a triangular decomposition of K. The solution to theequations can now be obtained by solving the pair of equations

Ly = f (B.5)

andUa = y (B.6)

where y is introduced to facilitate the separation [Ral,ZTZ].The reader can easily observe that the solution to these equations is

trivial. In terms of the individual equations the solution is given by

y1 = f1

yi = fi −i−1∑


Lijyj i = 2, 3, . . . , n(B.7)

andan =



ai =1


yi −




i = n− 1, n− 2, · · · , 1


Equation (B.7) is commonly called forward elimination, while Eq. (B.8)is called back substitution.

The problem remains to construct the triangular decomposition of thecoefficient matrix. This step is accomplished using variations on the Gaus-sian elimination method. In practice, the operations necessary for the tri-angular decomposition are performed directly in the coefficient array. De-tails on this step may be found in [ZTZ].

Direct solution 425

Once the triangular decomposition of the coefficient matrix is com-puted, several solutions for different right-hand sides f can be obtainedusing Eqs (B.7) and (B.8). This process is often called a resolution since itis not necessary to recompute the L and U arrays. For large size coefficientmatrices the triangular decomposition step is very costly while a resolutionis relatively cheap; consequently, a resolution capability is necessary in anyfinite element solution system using a direct method [Dem,Str,Tay,WR].

The above discussion considered the general case of equation solving(without row or column interchanges). In coefficient matrices resultingfrom a finite element formulation some special properties are usuallypresent. Typically the coefficient matrix is symmetric (Kij = Kji) andit is easy to verify in this case that

Uij = LjiUii (B.9)

For this problem class it is not necessary to store the entire coefficientmatrix. It is sufficient to store only the coefficients above (or below) theprincipal diagonal and the diagonal coefficients. This reduces by almosthalf the required storage for the coefficient array as well as the computa-tional effort to compute the triangular decomposition.

The required storage can be further reduced by storing only thoserows and columns which lie within the region of non-zero entries of thecoefficient array. Structural problems formulated by the finite elementmethod normally have a symmetric profile which further simplifies thestorage form [Tay].

In 2D formulations, problems with many thousand DOFs can be solvedon today’s personal computers. In 3D however problems are restricted toseveral hundred thousand equations. To solve larger size problems thereare several options. The first is to retain only part of the coefficient matrixin the main array with the rest saved on backing store (e.g., hard disk).This can be quite easily achieved but the size of problem is not greatlyincreased due to the very large solve times required and the rapid growthin the size of the profile-stored coefficient matrix in 3D problems.

A second option is to use sparse solution schemes. These lead to sig-nificant program complexity over the procedure discussed above but canlead to significant savings in storage demands and computing time – spe-cially for 3D problems [Dem,Ral,WR]. Nevertheless, capacity limitationsin terms of storage and computing time are again rapidly encountered andalternatives are needed.

426 Appendix B. Solution of simultaneous linear algebraic equations


One of the main problems in direct solution methods is that terms withinthe stiffness matrix which are zero from a finite element formulation be-come non-zero during the triangular decomposition step. This leads to avery large increase in the number of non-zero terms in the factored coef-ficient matrix. To be more specific consider the case of a 3D linear elasticproblem solved using 8-noded isoparametric hexahedron elements. In aregular mesh each interior node is associated with 26 other nodes, thus,the equation of such a node has 81 non-zero coefficients – three for eachof the 27 associated nodes. On the other hand, for a rectangular block ofelements with n nodes on each of the sides the typical column height inthe stiffness matrix is approximately proportional to n2 and the numberof equations to n3.

Typically, the demands for a direct solution grow very rapidly (storageis approximately proportional to n5) while at the same time the demandsfor storing the non-zero terms in the stiffness matrix grows proportionalto the number of equations (i.e., proportional to n3 for the block).

Iterative solution methods use the terms in the stiffness matrix directlyand thus for large problems have the potential to be very efficient for large3D problems. On the other hand, iterative methods require the resolutionof a set of equations until the residual of the linear equations, given by

ΨΨΨ (i) = f −Ka(i) (B.10)

becomes less than a specified tolerance [Dem,Ral,WR]. Index i in Eq.(B.10)denotes the number of iterations in the iterative solution process.

In order to be effective the number of iterations i to achieve a solutionmust be quite small – generally no larger than a few hundred. Otherwise,excessive solution costs will result. The subject of iterative solution forgeneral finite element problems remains a topic of intense research. Thereare some impressive results available for the case where K is symme-tric positive (or negative) definite; however, those for other classes (e.g.,unsymmetric or indefinite forms) are generally not efficient enough forreliable use of iterative methods in the solution of general problems.

For the symmetric positive definite case methods based on a precondi-tioned conjugate gradient method are particularly effective [Dem,Ral,ZTZ].The convergence of the method depends on the condition number of thematrix K (Eq.(A.39)) – the larger the condition number, the slower theconvergence [Ral].

Iterative solution 427

Usually, the condition number for an elasticity problem modelled bythe finite element method is too large to achieve rapid convergence anda preconditioned conjugate gradient method (PCG) is used. A symmetricform of preconditioned system for Eq.(B.1) is written as

Kpz = PKPTz = Pf (B.11)

where P is the preconditioner matrix, and

PTz = a (B.12)

The convergence of the PCG algorithm depends on the condition num-ber of Kp. The problem remains to construct a preconditioner matrixwhich adequately reduces the condition number of Kp. The simplest op-tion is to use the diagonal of K. More efficient schemes are discussed in[Dem,Fe2,Ral,Str].


The discretization error in energy norm is (Section 9.9.1)

‖eσ‖ =






where N is the actual number of elements in the mesh where the error iscomputed and

‖eσ‖(e) =∫


[e(e)σ ]TD−1e(e)

σ dΩ (C.2)


σ = σσσs − σσσ (C.3)

where σσσs are the smoothed stresses (Section (9.8)).We will assume that the optimal mesh satisfies the criterion of equal

distribution of the global error.Let us call Nopt the number of elements in the optimal refined mesh,

‖epσ‖ the prescribed (global) discretization error for the optimal mesh and

‖eσ‖uni the uniform value of the discretization error for each element ofthe optimal mesh. Then

‖epσ‖ = N

1/2opt ‖eσ‖uni (C.4)

Typically ‖epσ‖ ≡ η‖U‖ where is user defined global error parameter

and ‖U‖ is the strain energy norm (see Eq.(9.78)).

C Appendix C. Computation of the element refinement parameter for an equal distribution 429

The optimal number of elements can be estimated as

Nopt =n∑






where h(e) and h(e) are the actual and optimal element sizes, respectivelyand d is the number of space dimensions of the problem (i.e. d = 2 for 2Dproblems, etc.).

Clearly for a single element

‖eoptσ ‖(e) =




‖eσ‖uni (C.6)

where ‖eoptσ ‖(e) is the error on the element e (belonging to the initial mesh)

after refinement. From (C.2) and (C.4)

‖epσ‖ = ‖eσ‖uni











σ ‖(e))2



The convergence ratio of the element error norm is (Eq.(9.90)) ‖eσ‖(e) =O(hp)(Ω(e))1/2 ' O(hp+d/2). This gives

‖eoptσ ‖(e)






Combining Eqs.(C.6) and (C.8) gives







and hence

h(e) = h(e)



) 1p+d


From Eq.(C.7)

‖eσ‖uni = ‖epσ‖






= ‖epσ‖





) dp+d



430 Appendix C. Computation of the element refinement parameter for an equal distribution


‖eσ‖uni = ‖epσ‖





) dp+d

]− p+d2p+d


Substituting (C.12) into (C.10) gives

h(e) =h(e)



β(e) = ‖epσ‖−



) 1p+d




) dp+d

] 12p+d


Expression (C.14) can be written in terms of the global and local errorparameters. From Eqs.(9.77) and (9.89)

‖epσ‖ = η‖U‖ = ξ−1

g ‖eσ‖‖eσ‖(e) = ξ(e)‖eσ‖N−1/2


Substituting (C.13) and (C.15) into (C.12) gives

β(e) = ξ2

2p+dg ‖eσ‖−

22p+d [ξ(e)]

1p+d N

− 12(p+d)




p+d ‖eσ‖d

p+d N− d


] 12p+d

= ξ2

2p+dg ‖eσ‖−

d(2p+d)(p+d) [ξ(e)]

1p+d N− 1

2p+d ‖eσ‖d

(2p+d)(p+d) N− d





] 12p+d

= ξ2

2p+dg [ξ(e)]

1p+d N− 1






] 12p+d

(C.16)which coincides with Eq.(9.92). Accepting that ξ(e) is constant gives

β(e) = ξ2

2p+dg [ξ(e)]

1p+d N− 1

2p+d N1

2p+d [ξ(e)]d

(2p+d)(p+d) = ξ2

2p+dg [ξ(e)]

22p+d = [ξ(e)]



ξ(e) = ξg ξ(e) (C.18)

Eq.(C.17) coincides with Eq.(9.93a).Above derivation is based on the ideas presented in [Fu].



Extensive research has been carried out in the last twenty years at theInternational Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE, in the development of advanced mathematical and nu-merical methods and software tools for: (a) the adaptation of geometricalmodels to the need of computer simulation codes, (b) the user-friendlydefinition of analysis data for the numerical solution of problems in sci-ence and engineering, (c) the interfacing of the analysis data with anyacademic or commercial computer simulation code, and (d) the graphicvisualization of the results from the computation.

The outcome of this research has lead to software tools which wereprogressively integrated over the years into an innovative computer systemnamed GiD (for Geometry Integration with Data) [GiD,OPSE]. GiD isdownloadable from

GiD is a pre/postprocessing system which incorporates all the func-tionalities for the user-friendly generation of finite element analysis data,for the simple linking to any FEM code and for the fast visualization ofnumerical results from finite element computations (Figure D.1).

A good pre/post processing system should invariably provide the ana-lyst with a fast overview of the simulation data: geometry, material proper-ties, boundary and loading conditions and numerical results at a glimpse,thus allowing its integration in critical decision loops and systems.

Until GiD was created, research teams around the world were groupedin the following categories: the ones that developed its own pre and post-processing tools because the programs available on the market were expen-sive and hard, if ever possible, to personalize, and the ones who developedinterfaces between its analysis programs and the existing professional pre

432 Appendix D

Fig. D.1 From geometry to results with GiD. From above: Aerodynamic analysisof a large telescope building [CMOS]. Aerodynamic and structural analysis of anairplane [FO,FO2,REMFI]. Aerodynamic analysis of a racing car

The GiD pre/postprocessing system 433

and postprocessors. And there is yet a third group: the undergraduate andgraduate students who want to learn about computer simulation methods(such as FEM) but can not afford costly pre and postprocessing products.

For a research center such as CIMNE, employing some 180 scientistsworking in the development of new numerical methods and software, therewas no such altruist philosophy, but the urgency to solve a practical need.

In any research centre involved in computer simulation, the develop-ment of state of the art simulation techniques requires innovative datamanagement and visualization tools that generally are not available incommercial codes until several years later. These techniques are easily in-corporated into GiD, as a software product in constant evolution, whichcan be customized by the user. The development of GiD is therefore feedby the comments and suggestions from its users.

GiD has become nowadays an indispensable tool for the widespreaddevelopment and use of computer simulation codes in many research or-ganizations and universities worldwide, as well as in industry. GiD hasalso proven to be the ideal partner for software developers in academicand industrial environments. A unique advantage of GiD is its capabi-lity for providing the indispensable pre and postprocessing modules toexisting and emerging software codes in order to create integrated com-puter simulation packages in a simple and user-friendly manner. GiD hasbeen successfully applied to a wide range of problems in science and engi-neering including civil, mechanical, aerospace, naval, telecommunications,bio-medical and food processing engineering, architecture, computationalphysics and chemistry, computational biology and others.

D.1.1 General features of GiD

The key features of GiD can be summarized as being: universal, adap-tive, user friendly, product generator and a tool for engineering practice,teaching and research.

UniversalUniversal. GiD is ideal for generating all the information (structured andunstructured meshes, boundary and loading conditions, material parame-ters, visualisation of results, computational parameters etc.) required forthe analysis of any problem in science and engineering using numericalmethods. Typical problems that can be successfully tackled with GiD in-clude most situations in solid and structural mechanics, fluid dynamics,electromagnetics, heat transfer, geomechanics, etc. using finite element, fi-

434 Appendix D

Fig. D.2 GiD can be linked to any numerical simulation code

nite volume, boundary element, finite difference or point-based (meshless)numerical procedures (Figure D.2).

AdaptiveAdaptive. GiD is extremely easy to adapt to any numerical simulationcode. In fact, GiD can be customized by the user to read and write datain an unlimited number of formats. GiD’s input and output formats can bemade compatible with any existing in-house software. The different menusfor data input and results visualisation can be tailored to the specific needsof the user.

User friendlyUser friendly. The development of GiD has been focused on the needs ofthe user and on the simplicity, speed, effectiveness and accuracy he or shedemands at input data preparation and results visualisation levels. GiDcan read and write data accordingly to the specific needs of each individualcode. The GiD environment can therefore support an unlimited numberof numerical simulation codes.

Product generatorProduct generator. GiD is the ideal complement to any software code inorder to create a new integrated computer simulation package with full

The GiD pre/postprocessing system 435

pre and postprocessing facilities. An example of this facility is the diffe-rent simulation packages developed by industrial partners containing “GiDinside” (see

AA tooltool forfor engineeringengineering practicepractice. GiD is the ideal tool for interfacing allanalysis codes typically used in a company. This enables the unification ofthe pre and postprocessing tasks in a common environment (GiD) whilethe analysis can be performed in different software codes launched fromGiD (Figure D.2).

A uniqueA unique tooltool forfor teachingteaching andand researchresearch. GiD allows research and under-graduate students to introduce themselves in the solution of practicalproblems of any complexity level. This indeed simplifies enormously theteaching process in computational science and engineering in a simplemanner (Figure D.3). The capability of using GiD via internet facilitatesthe work for multi-site organizations, as well as the academic and researchtasks (Figure D.4).

The many features of GiD help students to enter into the fascinatingworld of computer simulation beyond the simple academic examples.

Fig. D.3 GiD is a multidisciplinary tool

436 Appendix D

Fig. D.4 GiD allows computing via internet

D.1.2 More features of GiD

GiD is easy to adapt to any calculation code, including those developedby students, research centers and indeed commercial codes like NE NAS-TRAN, BEASY, TDYN, RAM-SERIES, STAMPACK, VULCAN, etc [ for details]. The adaptation reaches so far that the usercan run the code from within GiD. This code can be executed locally orremotely in a manner fully transparent to the users. The transferred dataare protected by an encryption system. This remote data export featureallows running multiple problems on several machines in a distributedmode using grid computing facilities via intranet or internet [Figure D.4].This utility is essential for optimisation processes involving massive largescale computations. The user can also group several frequent used actionsinto macros, which can be executed just by clicking a button.

GiD implements the idea of a C++/OpenGL kernel together with aTcl/Tk GUI interface which has become a standard for the customizationof FEM interfaces.

One of the advantages of GiD is that it runs on a simple PC. Thereforeit does not need a sophisticated computer and can exploit the continuousadvances in computer technology, such as GPU’s (Graphical ProcessingUnits) which incorporate the latest technology in parallelism into graphi-cal cards.

Special effort has been invested in making of GiD a multi-platformtool. As such it runs on PCs equipped with Linux, Microsoft Windows,

The GiD pre/postprocessing system 437

SGI, Sun Hp workstations, each machine running UNIX and OpenGL.GiD is also available on a PDA, so that, for instance, a user can verify thecomputational results remotely.

The use of innovative tools and macros allows the translation of GiDin several languages (english, spanish, japanese, french and russian arealready available). The advanced customization tools have made of GiD a‘product generator’. Moreover, the ‘look and feel’ of GiD can be changedto create, when linked to an analysis code, a completely new softwarepackage.

This approach for developing GiD via OpenGL, a C++ kernel anda Tcl/Tk GUI interface has allowed GiD to be cross-platform. GiD nowruns on every UNIX/Linux + OpenGL machines like Sun, SGI, Macintosh,Hewlett Packard, PC’s and on Microsoft Windows.

D.1.3 The handling of geometrical data with GiD

One of the main problems in industry is to prepare/adapt the geometricalmodels from the design room to the simulation stage. This process needsspecific tools to sew (join) surfaces and simplify the model.

Among other tools, GiD incorporates several facilities for geometri-cal model discretizations using NURBS technology (Chapter 10). Its ownNURBS modelling library is the basis of the internal powerful geometri-cal modelling engine which enables GiD to communicate with the mostwidespread CAD and CAE programs on the market. This allows GiD tobe used in state of the art research fields of numerical simulation dealingwith standard mesh-based method (finite element, finite volume, finitedifferences, etc.), as well as with meshless methods, particle methods, dis-crete element methods and others.

Within its own NURBS library, GiD uses a hierarchical model of enti-ties, so that a volume is a closed group of surfaces, and each surface is aclosed group of lines. This hierarchy is automatically reflected in the meshused for the numerical simulation.

The internal library also allows the intersection, trimming and joiningof surfaces, and all other necessary geometrical management operationsneeded for the preparation of analysis data. User-friendly connectivitywith geometrical data emanating from existing CAD system is an essentialfeature of GiD. GiD can import and export in the most common usedgeometry interchange formats (IGES, ACIS, VDA, Parasolid, DXF,STL,VRML, Shapefile, etc.).

438 Appendix D

Generally the designers of new products, like cars, airplanes or shipsdo not work thinking on the subsequent simulation step. Therefore thegeometrical models created in CAD systems are too detailed and too fo-cused on visualization rather than in a correct spatial specification. Severalhours (days or months in some cases) must be spent to prepare the geo-metrical models for the simulation to allow a proper generation of meshes.GiD incorporates several innovative tools that simplify and automate thegeometry preparation process and, if the process fails, the problematicgeometrical areas can be easily and graphically localized and corrected.

GiD also incorporates the latest technology in mesh generation basedon state of the art advancing front and Delaunay meshing algorithms(Chapter 10). Specially focused on automatic mesh generation, GiD in-cludes several element types, detailed size control and innovative methodsto create adaptive structured and unstructured meshes, also incorporatingpossibilities for element re-generation over a previous mesh (Figures D.5and D.6).

The research on mesh edition tools includes the control of coherentorientations, mesh smoothing to optimise an specific objective function,edge collapse, split, mapping over a geometry, element check and correc-tion determinant check and tools to display the mesh quality graphically.

D.1.4 Generation of analysis data and interfacing with computersimulation codes via GiD

The adaptation of GiD to a code in order to create the data for a computersimulation run, is as easy as just filling a couple of text files. Specificalgorithms have been developed to create automatically the boundaryand loading conditions, material properties and problem data windows,so that they can be directly applied to the geometry. When meshing,these properties are automatically transferred to the mesh used for thecomputations. A template file provides the format to write the data tobe exported to the simulation code. With this approach the data insideGiD can be exported to an infinite number of data input formats, just byproviding the appropriate template.

This adaptation is called problem type. This concept allows creating theinput data for almost every existent simulation code and the future ones.Typically each research student involved in code development can generatea problem type for his/her own code in a matter of few hours (sometimesminutes). Although widely used by code developers and research organi-zations, the problem type concept is not restricted to research codes. It

The GiD pre/postprocessing system 439

Fig. D.5 Meshes generated with GiD. Courtesy of Quantech ATZ S.A.(, Compass Ingenierıa y Sistemas S.A. ( the GiD team at CIMNE

can also be implemented into commercial codes, such as the NASTRANproblemtype which interfaces GiD with the commercial code NASTRAN.Some of the GiD “problemtypes” are available on-line and can be down-loaded directly from

440 Appendix D

Fig. D.5 Cont. Meshes generated with GiD for analysis of casting and sheet stam-ping processes and aerodynamic and structural analysis of helicopter and air-plane. Courtesy of Quantech ATZ S.A. (, Compass Ingenierıay Sistemas S.A. ( and the GiD team at CIMNE

The customisation tools in GiD go even further by allowing the creationof new windows and macros. These options allow the user to automaticallycreate the geometry in a parametric form.

The appearance (look and feel) of GiD can also be completely changedto create the image for a new computer simulation package.

The GiD pre/postprocessing system 441

The success of this customisation approach is demonstrated by the bigacceptance of GiD around the world: from South America to Japan, manyuniversities, research centres and small, medium and large size companiesuse GiD as their favourite pre/postprocessing system for a wide numberof applications.

GiD is a code in constant evolution and is a bridge between the re-search and the industrial world. The GiD RTD team is happy to receivecomments, suggestions and feedback from the users and tries to incorpo-rate these into the future versions of GiD. The GiD team can be reachedvia

D.1.5 Visualization of numerical results with GiD

Easy to use, easy to see. Special emphasis has been put in making GiDpractical for educational purposes. Students interested in computer simu-lation using GiD do not need to read voluminous handbooks, nor haveto click on several windows to visualize their results. The visualizationoptions available in GiD like contour fill, animations, isosurfaces, streamlines, etc. are one or two clicks away. Much research work was invested sothat the visualization facilities do not decrease the performance of GiDwhen handling huge amount of data (over 5 Gigabytes), like the oneswhich are typical in industrial applications such as aerospace or metalforming processes. Powerful options to customize the visualization stepwith specific tools suitable for each problem have been developed. GiDincorporates state of the art 3D techniques to visualize complex results,like gluing a texture to a surface so that a deformed metal sheet can becompared with experimental data obtained in laboratory.

Other specific visualization facilities developed within GiD include: de-formed shapes, vector and contour plots, beam diagrams and isosurfacesfrom static and dynamic analyses; animated sequences; graphs of quan-tities along geometrical lines; particle line flow diagrams; user-definableinterfaces; import of neutral files containing results produced by othercodes; customisable menus, etc. (Figure D.6).

D.1.6 Who can benefit from using GiD?

GiD is an extremely useful tool for:

• Engineering companies wanting to unify their input data and resultsvisualisation environment for a variety of numerical simulation codes.

442 Appendix D

Fig. D.6 Visualization of FEM results with GiD of ship hydrodynamic analysis andaerodynamic analysis of sailing boat, telescope building, aircraft, racing car andmotorbike. Images in first three rows taken from [OGI,CMOS,FO,FO2,REMFI]

The GiD pre/postprocessing system 443

Fig. D.6 Cont. Visualization of FEM results with GiD for casting and sheet stamp-ing process analyses. Courtesy of Quantech ATZ S.A. (

• Universities and RTD centers wishing to provide a multi-user envi-ronment for pre/post processing allowing the development and appli-cation of a diversity of software in computational science and engi-neering by students and RTD staff. The availability of such a “per-sonal” pre/postprocessing system will invariantly help universities andresearch centres for the widespread use of numerical methods by un-dergraduate and graduate students wanting to solve practical problemsusing commercial or in-house software tools.

• Engineers and scientists wanting to have individual access from home orthe office to a powerful pre and post processing system for research andapplications of numerical simulation codes in either UNIX workstationsor the simplest PC. The possibility of e-work is becoming for many en-gineers and scientists a habit. This invariably increases the need for newpowerful and economical distributed computing procedures (generallyvia internet) for preparation of analysis data for complex geometries,probably generated via CAD elsewhere, and for handling the analysisresults with support from visualisation tools for preparation of highquality reports in written or electronic form. GiD is the ideal tool forsolving these problems.

444 Appendix D

D.1.7 Which are the advantages of using GiD?

• Reduces time and cost associated with numerical analysis through highperformance data input and post processing in the simplest computerenvironment.

• High speed, high quality meshing and data input definition reduces theanalysis time for complex geometries and large models.

• Direct use of CAD data combined with GiD geometric modelling facili-ties reduces redundancy and costs associated with model development.

• Allows easy interface with in-house software codes and CAD systems.• Reduces learning time and improves efficiency with an intuitive graph-

ical interface.

D.1.8 Why is it worth using GiD?

The GiD system incorporate a comprehensive collection of methods andsoftware tools which solve the three main bottlenecks for the practicalsolution of complex problems using computer simulation: the user friendlypreparation of analysis data, the easy link to any computer simulation codeand the graphic visualisation of numerical results using either windows,Linux and Unix in a single computer, in an intranet or via internet.

This will help to change the order of magnitude of problems in sci-ence and engineering to be solved from office and/or home using com-puter simulation tools either in PC’s, or supercomputers with the helpfast communication networking tools and internet.

D.1.9 How can one learn to use GiD?

A number of tutorials with the aim of introducing newcomers to the useof GiD are available in the GiD web page ( Questionson the use of GiD can also be addressed to the GiD developing team viathe GiD web page.

D.1.10 How can one access GiD?

GiD is freely downloadable from Internet ( An aca-demic version of GiD suitable for research and university type projectscan be freely used for an unlimited period.

The professional version of GiD requires a permanent password whichcan be purchased for the web page. It is the policy of GiD that passwords

The GiD pre/postprocessing system 445

Fig. D.7 Version 9.0 of GiD available from

have an unlimited duration and have an affordable prize for individualsand organizations. For details visit

D.1.11 The GiD team

The GiD team is formed by the following group of researchers and engi-neers from CIMNE. In alphabetic order:

Abel CollEnrique EscolanoSergio GonzalezAdria MelendoAnna MonrosMiguel PasenauJorge Suit

External adviser: Dr. Ramon Ribo (Compass Ingenierıa y Sistemas,S.A.,

You are welcomed to contact the GiD team at [email protected]


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Author index

Aguerri, F. 303, 305, 382, 458Aguerri, J.I. 303, 305, 382, 458Ahmad, S. 85, 189, 453Alonso, E. 223, 450, 452Argyris, J.H. 40, 132, 146, 447ASME 10, 12, 13, 447Atamaz-Sibai, W. 344, 447Baaijens, F.P.T. 372, 461Babuska, I. 338, 346, 448, 453Bachrach, W.E. 211, 217, 447Baehmann, P.L. 363, 449Baker, T.J. 362, 376, 447Barbat, A. 302, 303, 304, 305, 447, 456Bathe, K.-J. 116, 194, 447, 454Batoz, J.L. 122, 124, 447Bazilevs, Y. 356, 357, 358, 452Bedrosian, G. 291, 295, 448Bellenger, E. 354, 449Belytschko, T. 211, 217, 447Benzley, S.E. 372, 449Beresford, P.J. 153, 460Bettes, P. 338, 344, 345, 454Beyer, W.H. 256, 448Blacker, T.D. 363, 372, 448, 449, 460Boissonnat, J.D. 357, 449Bond, T. 344, 345, 454Bonet, J. 265, 364, 448Boroomand, B. 335, 449Borouchaki, H. 338, 361, 363, 364, 452Botello, S. 299, 300, 454Bousseta, R. 354, 447Bowyer, A. 376, 378, 448Brekelmans, W.A.M. 372, 461Brenner S.C. 346, 448

Brokken, D. 372, 461Bugeda, G. 220, 344, 345, 347, 348, 350,

354, 448, 449, 455, 456Buil, J. 299, 300, 454Bull, J. 344, 345, 454Cacho, M. 303, 459Calvo, N.A. 363, 449Cambell, J.S. 331, 334, 452Canann, S.A. 372, 448, 456Cantin, G. 336, 450Carey, G.F. 361, 365, 449Casarin, F. 303, 382, 457Cass, R.J. 372, 449Casteleiro, M. 223, 450, 452Castro, J. 345, 455Cavendish, J.C. 376, 449Celentano, D. 307, 449, 450, 455Cervera, M. 220, 297, 298, 302, 304, 447,

450, 455Cirauqui, C. 302, 304, 447Cheng, B. 363, 372, 460Clough, R.W. 40, 132, 296, 297, 363, 449,460Codina, R. 307, 432, 442, 450, 455Cook, R.D. 108, 115, 123, 151, 153, 182,

199, 214, 270, 312, 313, 315, 325,326, 327, 450

Cookson, R.A. 291, 295, 458Coorevits, P. 354, 449Cottrell, J.A. 356, 357, 358, 452Coupez, T. 354, 447Courant, R. 40, 132, 450Courtney, T.H. 124, 450

464 Author index

Cowper, G.R. 199, 450Crisfield, M.A. 152, 450Dabir, A. 307, 449Dardati, P. 307, 450Dattaguru, B. 310, 455Davies, G.A.O. 26, 408, 452Davis, P.J. 358, 450de Arantes Oliveira, E.R. 103, 450De Borst, R. 42, 459De S.R. Gago, J.P. 338, 453Delaunay, B. 373, 450Demkowicz, L. 338, 458Demmel, J. 425, 426, 427, 450Dhatt, G. 122, 124, 447Dhondt, G. 363, 451Dıez, A. 338, 450Dumavanet, D.A. 199, 451Dvorkin, E.N. 153, 154, 451Ergatoudis, J.G. 168, 451Escolano, E. 355, 456Farin, G. 357, 358, 359, 451Faux, I.D. 357, 358, 359, 451Ferencz, R.M. 427, 451Ferrers, N.M. 174, 451Field, D.A. 376, 449Fix, G.J. 111, 112, 188, 459Flannery, B.P. 35, 89, 91, 457Flores, R. 432, 442, 451Foces, A. 303, 452, 459Formaggio, L. 363, 457Fourment, L. 354, 430, 451Fraeijs de Veubeke, B. 103, 451Frasier, G.A. 217, 453Frey, P.J. 338, 361, 363, 452Frey, W.H. 376, 449Fried, I. 132, 447Froier, M. 153, 451Galindo, M. 297, 450Gallagher, R.H. 183, 452Gangaraj, S.K. 346, 448Garay, A. 303, 382, 457Garcıa, J. 442, 455Garrido, J.A. 303, 452, 456Geller, M. 291, 296, 452George, P.L. 338, 361, 362, 363, 364, 376,

452Georges, M.K. 111, 112, 113, 188, 459Gethin, D.T. 378, 454GiD 361, 371, 381, 431, 452

Ginisburg, T.A. 116, 457Gloudemann, J.F. 116, 458Gonzalez, J.L. 303, 305, 382, 458Gonzalez, J.M. 299, 300, 301, 459Goodier, J.N. 26, 120, 121, 122, 126, 150,227, 229, 249, 250, 251, 460Gordon, W.J. 361, 452Graichen, C.M. 378, 457Grice, K.R. 363, 449Haghighi, K. 364, 453Hall, C.A. 361, 452Hanganu, A. 299, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305,

447, 456, 458, 459Hansbo P. 363, 364, 455Harbord, R. 291, 296, 452Hassan, O. 363, 376, 378, 461Hathaway, A.F. 378, 457Hearmon, R.F.S. 122, 124, 127, 452Hecht, F. 376, 452Herrero, E. 220, 297, 298, 450, 455Hersch, R. 358, 450Hibbert, P.D. 184, 452Hinton, E. 23, 35, , 40, 41, 96, 97, 133,

206, 245, 331, 334, 344, 370, 447,453, 462

Hitchings, D. 26, 408, 452Hooley, R.F. 184, 452Hrenikoff, A. 40, 453Huerta, A. 223, 338, 450, 452Hughes, T.J.R. 23, 42, 96, 206, 245, 356,357, 358, 453, 459Idelsohn, S.R. 363, 442, 449, 455Ipplegarth, I. 344, 345, 454Irons, B.M. 85, 103, 168, 189, 451, 453Ivanyi, P. 363, 372, 460Jin, H. 362, 364, 453Joe, B. 363, 378, 453Johnston, B.P. 363, 370, 378, 453Johnston, P.R. 182, 461Jordan, W.B. 188, 453Kamoulakos, A. 26, 408, 452Kang, E. 364, 453Kelly, D.W. 338, 453Kelsey, S. 40, 134, 146, 447Kerr, R.I. 85, 189, 460Khan, A.I. 364, 460King, I.P. 221, 462Knupp, P. 361, 454Kosloff, D. 217, 453

Author index 465

Kreiner, R. 345, 455Kwasnik, A. 363, 370, 453Kwok, W. 364, 453Ladeveze, P. 338, 354, 454Laug, P. 338, 363, 452Lee, N.-S. 194, 454Lekhnitskii, S.G. 122, 124, 127, 454Levy, S. 116, 458Lewis, R.W. 378, 454Li, L.Y. 338, 344, 345, 454Li, X.D. 335, 454, 461Lin, R. 335, 461Liu, A. 378, 454Livesley, R.K. 14, 32, 75, 96, 133, 454Lo, S.H. 362, 363, 454Lober, R.R. 372, 454Lohner, R. 362, 363, 454Loubignac, G. 336, 450Lourenco, P.B. 303, 458Malkus, D.S. 108, 115, 123, 151, 153, 182,

199, 214, 270, 312, 313, 315, 325,326, 327, 450

Mangalgiri, P.D. 310, 455Marcum, D.L. 376, 455Mari, A.R. 303, 458Martel, E. 220, 306, 459Martin C.W. 362, 460Martin, H. 40, 132, 460Mc. Henry, D. 40, 455Meyers, R.J. 363, 372, 448, 449Miquel, J. 299, 301, 303, 454, 459Mitchell, S.A. 363, 460Modena, C. 303, 382, 457Molins, C. 303, 305, 458Moller, P. 363, 364, 455Morgan, K.J. 265, 362, 363, 364, 370, 457Morton, C. 432, 442, 450Muylle, J. 363, 372, 460Narayanaswani, R. 106, 455Nguyen, V.P. 265, 455Nilsson, L. 153, 451Noor, A. 42, 455O´Rourke, J. 357, 456Oden, J.T. 338, 458Ohnimus, S. 338, 459Oliver, J. 220, 297, 298, 345, 448, 450,456Oller, S. 303, 305, 307, 449, 450, 456

Onate, E. 12, 34, 38, 82, 106, 124, 151,152, 185, 220, 223, 225, 250, 297,298, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305,307, 320, 324, 329, 344, 345, 350,355, 431, 432, 442, 447, 448, 449,450, 454, 455, 456, 458

Ortega, E. 432, 442, 451Owen, D.R.J. 23, 35, , 40, 41, 96, 97, 133,

206, 245, 372, 452, 453, 456Owen, S.J. 372, 456Parikh, P. 362, 363, 454Parthasarathy, V.N. 378, 457Pasenau, M. 355, 456Peiro, J. 265, 362, 363, 364, 370, 457Pelle, J.P. 338, 354, 454Pellegrini, L. 303, 305, 458Peraire, J. 265, 363, 364, 370, 448, 457,Pereda, J. 303, 452, 459Phillips, D.V. 361, 462Piegl, L. 8, 357, 358, 457Pissanetzky, S. 265, 457Plesha, M.E. 108, 115, 123, 151, 153, 182,

199, 214, 270, 312, 313, 315, 325,326, 327, 450

Pratt, M.J. 357, 358, 359, 451Preparata, F.P. 357, 358, 457Pres, W.H. 35, 89, 91, 457Prinja, N.K. 124, 457Przemienieck, J.S. 14, 32, 75, 316, 457Puri, A.K. 124, 457Putanowicz, R. 363, 372, 460Rachowicz, W. 338, 458Radau, 91, 457Ralston, A. 35, 69, 89, 90, 91, 97, 107,114, 116, 181, 316, 318, 331, 420, 421,424, 425, 426, 427, 457Rammamurthy, T.S. 310, 455Rank, E. 363, 370, 458Razzaque, A. 103, 453Rebay, S. 363, 376, 457Reinsch, C. 425, 426, 461REMFI 432, 442, 457Roache, P.J. 13, 458Roca, P. 303, 305, 382, 457, 458Rodrıguez, I. 303, 382, 457Roig, J. 223, 450Rosanoff, R.A. 116, 458Ruter, M. 338, 459Saetta, A. 30, 305, 456

466 Author index

Saigal, S. 372, 456Saltel, E. 338, 363, 376, 452Samuelsson, A. 103, 458Schroeder, W. 363, 376, 381, 459Schweingeruber, M. 363, 370, 458Schwer, L.E. 10, 12, 13, 458Scott L.R. 346, 448Scott, F.C. 325, 326, 327, 462Scotta, R. 303, 305, 456Selman, A. 344, 447Seveno, E. 362, 452Shamos, M.I. 357, 358, 457Shephard, M.S. 111, 112, 113, 188, 363,376, 381, 449, 459, 461Sommer, M. 363, 370, 458Soni, B.K. 361, 460Soto, O. 307, 432, 442, 450, 455Staten, M.L. 372, 456Stein, E. 42, 338, 459Steinberg, S. 361, 454Stephenson, M.B. 372, 448Strang, G. 425, 427, 459Strang, S. 111, 112, 188, 459Stroubolis, T. 346, 448Suarez, B. 220, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303,

305, 452, 459Suit, J. 355, 431, 456Sullivan, J.M. 363, 370, 453Sunder, K.S. 291, 295, 458Taig, O.C. 85, 146, 189, 460Tanner, R.I. 362, 364, 453Tautges, T.J. 363, 372, 454, 460Taylor, R.L. 24, 42, 44, 53, 60, 97, 102,

103, 109, 110, 124, 125, 126, 131,132, 153, 168, 185, 194, 195, 199,206, 210, 211, 215, 216, 217, 218,219, 229, 238, 256, 318, 320, 332,334, 335, 336, 337, 338, 340, 341,343, 344, 349, 354, 365, 375, 378,423, 424, 425, 426, 460, 462

Teukolsky, S.A. 35, 89, 91, 457Thames, F.C. 362, 460Thompson, J.F. 361, 362, 460Tiller, W. 8, 357, 358, 457Timoshenko, S.P. 12, 15, 24, 26, 32, 44,

52, 120, 121, 122, 126, 150, 220, 227,229, 249, 250, 251, 460

Topp, L.J. 40, 132, 460Topping, B.H.V. 363, 364, 372, 460Touzot, G. 336, 450Turner, M.J. 40, 132, 460

Upadhyay, C.S. 346, 448Utku, S. 235, 236, 460Vahdati, M. 265, 362, 363, 457Valliappan, S. 221, 462Vaugham, C.T. 372, 454van Rens, B.J.E. 372, 461Vassolo, S.I. 153, 154, 451Verfurth, R. 338, 461Vetterling, W.T. 35, 89, 91, 457Visconte, D. 307, 450Vitaliani, R. 303, 305, 456Voronoi, G. 373, 461Warsi, Z.U.A. 361, 362, 460Washizu, K. 24, 44, 131, 256, 461Watson, D.F. 376, 378, 461Weatherill, N.P. 361, 363, 376, 378, 455,

461Weaver, W., Jr. 182, 461Wiberg, N.-E. 335, 363, 453, 454, 461Wilkinson, J.H. 425, 426, 461Wilson, E.L. 153, 460Witt, R.J. 108, 115, 123, 151, 153, 182,

199, 214, 270, 312, 313, 315, 325,326, 327, 450

Wittchen, S.L. 363, 449Wu, J. 370, 462Yamaguchi, F. 357, 358, 359, 461Yang, T.Y. 183, 235, 237, 296, 297, 461Yerry, M.A. 363, 449, 461Young, D.M. 32, 460Yvinec, M. 357, 449Zhang, Z. 335, 461Zheng, Y. 378, 454Zhu, J.Z. 24, 42, 53, 60, 97, 102, 103, 109,

110, 124, 125, 131, 132, 168, 194,195, 199, 206, 210, 211, 215, 216,217, 218, 219, 229, 238, 318, 320,332, 334, 335, 336, 337, 338, 340,341, 343, 344, 349, 354, 365, 370,375, 378, 423, 424, 426, 462

Zienkiewicz, O.C. 24, 42, 44, 53, 60, 97,102, 103, 109, 110, 124, 125, 126,131, 132, 168, 185, 194, 195, 199,206, 210, 211, 215, 216, 217, 218,219, 221, 229, 238, 256, 265, 318,320, 325, 326, 327, , 332, 334, 335,336, 337, 338, 340, 341, 343, 344,349, 354, 361, 362, 363, 365, 370,375, 378, 423, 424, 426, 449, 451,453, 457, 462

Subject index

Adaptive mesh refinement, 342, 348Advancing front method, 363Analytic computation of integrals

hexahedra and tetrahedra, 284, 285rectangles and triangles, 178

Analytical methods, 1, 10Analytical solution, 10Anisotropic elasticity, 253Antisymmetric loading, 324Applications

of 2D solid elements, 219of axisymmetric solid elements, 245of 3D solid elements, 296

Approximate solution, 42, 45Approximation, 2Arch dam analysis, 299Area coordinates, 173Aspect ratio of an element, 113Assembly process, 17, 22, 51Axial force, 15, 43, 52Axial strain, 52Axially loaded rod, 43, 46, 56, 63Axisymmetric solids

introduction, 225constitutive equations, 228displacement field, 226principle of virtual work, 230strain field, 227stratified material, 229stress field, 228

Axisymmetric solid elements3-noded triangle, 2314-noded rectangle, 240

analogy with 2D solid elements, 244examples of application, 245isoparametric elements, 243

B-splines, 357Background mesh, 363, 364Bandwith, 23Beam model, 6Bezier, curves, 357Buble shape function, 152

CAD 356, 359Calculation verification, 10, 12Cantilever beams, 297Cathedral of Barcelona analysis, 305Co continuous element, 78, 102C1 continuous element, 82Ck continuous element, 78, 102Code verification, 10, 12Compatibility conditions, 105Compatible solution, 108Complete polynomial, 107, 158Computational method, 2Computational model, 3,5Computer aided design (CAD), 356, 359Computer FEM program

1D rod element, 96, 972D solid elements, 203–205

Conceptual model, 3Condensation of DOF, 320Condition number of a matrix, 116, 422Constant strain condition, 103Constitutive matrix

2D solids, 121

468 Subject index

axisymmetric solids, 2283D solids, 253rod element, 71

Constrained displacement, 314Continuity conditions, 101Continuous structure, 36Convergence requirement, 101, 110Crankshaft analysis, 306Cylindrical tank under internal pressure,


Data files, 386Delaunay method, 373, 375Derivativity condition, 101Deviatoric stress invariants, 255Deviatoric stress tensor, 254Discrete system, 14Discretization, 39Double curvature arch dam analysis, 298Drilling rotation, 185

Earth dam analysis, 221Eigenvalues of a matrix, 107, 116, 422Eigenvectors of a matrix, 107, 422Elastic foundations, 327Electric network, 18Element refinement parameter, 343, 429Elongation, 43Equilibrium

of forces, 109of stresses, 109

Equivalent nodal force vector, 72, 201axially loaded rod, 45, 502D solid elements, 1433D solid elements, 263axisymmetric elements, 235, 238

Equivalent stress, 256Error

discretization error, 111, 338error in constitutive equations, 116error in solving the global equations,

114error of the computational method, 8error types, 111geometry approximation error, 113ill-conditioning error, 114integration error, 113modelling error, 8numerical error, 8

round-off error, 114truncation error, 114

Error estimationbasic concepts, 338error measures, 339estimation techniques, 339global error conditions, 341

Euler-Bernouilli beam, 12Exact integration, 209, 211Exact quadrature, 211Experimental data, 9Extrapolation of stresses

global extrapolation, 330local extrapolation, 332

Failure criteria2D solids, 125, 1263D solids, 254, 256

Flat in building analysis, 301Four-noded rectangle (for 2D solids)

academic examples, 155, 156assumed strain field, 153formulation, 146general behaviour, 149, 154incompatible modes, 153internal modes, 152reduced integration, 151

Four-noded axisymmetric rectangle, 240Four-noded tetrahedron

displacement field, 257equivalent nodal force vector, 263” for body forces, 263” for initial strains, 264” for initial stresses, 265” for surface tractions, 263general performance, 265shape functions, 258stiffness matrix, 262strain matrix, 259

Fragile materials, 126Full integration, 209

Gauss quadrature1D elements, 90, 912D elements, 1973D elements, 291

Generation front, 364Generation of analysis data, 356Geometric description, 5

Subject index 469

Geometric-invariance conditions, 108Geometry interpolation functions, 83GiD pre-postprocessing system, 431–445Global equilibrium equations, 17, 55, 63Global stiffness matrix, 17, 22Graphical user interface, 403Gravity dam analysis, 219, 297, 298

h-method, 112, 338h-p method, 338Hencky-Mises elastoplasticity, 256Higher order 2D solid elements, 158Historical constructions analysis, 302, 305Hollow dam analysis, 351Hydrostatic stress, 254

Ill-conditioning of algebraic equations,114

Inclined supports, 309Incompatible nodes, 153Initial strains, 124, 129, 229, 254Initial stresses, 124, 228, 253Integrability conditions, 101Isoparametric formulation

2-noded rod element, 853-noded rod element, 86, 951D rod elements, 82, 922D solid elements, 1873D solid elements, 286axisymmetric solid element, 243

Isoparametric solid elements2D solid elements, 187axisymmetric solid elements, 2433D solid elements, 286quadrilateral elements, 187triangular elements, 194performance of 2D solid elements, 213

Iterative enhancement of solution, 336

Jacobian matrix, 189Joining dissimilar elements, 311

Kinematic conditions, 44Knot vector, 358

Lagrange elements1D elements, 782D elements, 1613D elements, 265

general performance, 183rectangular elements, 161, 162triangular elements, 173

Lagrange multiplier, 318Lagrange polynomial

1D polynomial, 792D polynomial, 1593D polynomial, 267, 268

Laplacian smoothing, 365, 370Limit tensile stress, 42, 126, 256Long cylinder under external pressure,


Manufactured solution, 11Mathematical model, 5MAT-fem, 384MATLAB, 383Matrix, 414

antisymmetric matrix, 415determinant, 420diagonal matrix, 416eigenvalues and eigenvectors, 422identity matrix, 416inverse, 420multiplication of matrices, 417null matrix, 416partition, 419square matrix, 415symmetric matrix, 416sum and substraction, 419transpose matrix, 415triangular matrix, 416

Matrix algebra, 414Matrix analysis of bar structures, 14Matrix formulation of FEM, 69Mean stress, 254Mechanical part analysis, 306Mechanisms, internal, 211, 212Mesh adaption strategy, 341Mesh adaptivity, 338Mesh adaptivity, examples, 348Mesh generation, 361

advancing front method, 363Delaunay method, 373hexahedral mesh, 363, 370mapping method, 361paving method, 372quadrilateral mesh, 370, 372structured mesh, 361

470 Subject index

tetrahedral mesh, 363triangular mesh, 363unstructured mesh, 361

Mesh optimality criteriadensity of the energy error, 345global energy error, 343point-wise error in stresses, 346

Mesh quality enhancement, 365Minimum quadrature, 210Minimum total potential energy, 15, 26Multidisciplinary computations, 2

Natural coordinates1D elements, 80hexahedral elements, 266rectangular elements, 159tetrahedral elements, 279triangular elements, 178, 179

Nodal compatibility condition, 160Nodal condensation, 320Nodal displacement vector for axially

loaded rods, 45Nodal stresses, 329Nodeless DOFs, 153Nuclear containment building analysis,

302Numerical integration

1D element, 892D elements, 197in quadrilaterals, 198, 200in hexahedra, 290, 292in tetrahedra, 291in triangles, 199, 201minimum quadrature, 211optimal quadrature, 206selection of quadrature, 209

Numerical method, 1, 2, 5NURBS, 8, 357

Octaedric shear stress, 255Orthotropic material

axysimmetric solids, 2292D solids, 1233D solids, 253

Optimal points for computing stressesand strains, 206

p-method, 112, 338Parametric interpolation, 82

Pascal tetrahedron, 107, 267, 268, 277Pascal triangle, 107, 158, 159, 161, 173Patch test

1D rod elements, 103solid elements, 214, 216, 2173D solid elements, 296

Paving method, 372Penalty method, 319Physical model, 3Physical parameters, 5, 6Pin-jointed framework, 27Pipe network, 19Plane frameworks, 27, 29Plate model, 6Poisson’s ratio, 122, 125Postprocessing, 20, 39, 356, 406Preprocessing, 20, 39, 356, 403Prescribed displacement, 34Principal stresses

2D solids, 1253D solids, 254

Principle of virtual workaxially loaded bar, 24, 44, 712D solids, 138axisymmetric solids, 2303D solids, 260

Prismatic cellular caisson analysis, 301Problem type, 438

Quadrature, Gauss, 90Quadtree method, 363Quadrature, minimum, 210, 211

Reactions at prescribed nodes, 34, 51,141, 235, 261

Reduced integration, 151, 211, 212Refinement parameter, 343Richardson extrapolation, 69Rigid body conditions, 102, 161Rigid body mode, 107Rigid element, 313Rigid jointed frames, 29Rod elements, 44, 77

2-noded elements, 853-noded elements, 86

Roundoff error, 114, 422

Saint Mark’s Basilica analysis, 303, 305Selection of element type, 97

Subject index 471

Selective integration, 151Semi-infinite elastic space under point

load, 249Serendipity rectangles, 167Shape functions

1D elements, 45, 47, 80, 812D elements, 1583-noded triangle, 135, 174, 1754-noded rectangle, 1614-noded tetrahedron, 2586-noded triangle, 1768-noded rectangle, 1698-noded prism, 2679-noded rectangle, 16410-noded triangle, 17710-noded tetrahedron, 28112-noded rectangle, 17116-noded rectangle, 16617-noded rectangle, 17120-noded prism, 27120-noded tetrahedron, 28327-noded prism, 27032-noded prism, 274global shape functions, 53, 60rectangular elements, 159right prisms, 266shape function matrix, 70triangular elements, 173tetrahedral elements, 258, 277

Shell model, 6Singular stiffness matrix, 211Sliver elements, 378Slope-deflection equations, 32Smoothing of stresses, 330Solution of equations

direct solution, 423iterative solution, 426

Solid model, 6Spacial isotropy, 108Spectral form of a matrix, 422Splines, 357Stability condition for an element, 107Stiffness matrix

axially loaded rod, 45, 50, 72, 732D solid elements, 139, 142axisymmetric element, 234, 2353D solid elements, 262

Strain matrix, 70Stratified material, 229

Stress equilibrium, 109Stress invariants, 254Structural model, 3, 5, 38Structured mesh, 361Substructuring, 322Superconvergence patch recovery, 334Superconvergence property, 334Surface mesh generation, 369Symmetry

cyclic symmetry, 325symmetric loads, 324symmetric solution, 323

Temperature increment, 124Tetrahedral elements, shape functions

4-noded linear tetrahedron, 257, 25810-noded quadratic tetrahedron, 28120-noded cubic tetrahedron, 283

Thermal expansion coefficient, 124, 125Thermal strains, 124, 127, 229, 254Three-dimensional solids

constitutive equations, 253displacement field, 251failure criteria, 254, 256introduction, 250principal stresses, 254principle of virtual work, 256, 260strain field, 251strain matrix, 259stress field, 252stress invariants, 254

Three-dimensional solid elements4-noded tetrahedron, 2578-noded linear prism, 267, 27220-noded quadratic Serendipity prism,

27127-noded quadratic Lagrange prism,

27032-noded cubic Serendipity prism, 274applications, 296general performance, 296higher order Lagrange prisms, 271isoparametric formulation, 286Lagrange prisms, 266, 267Serendipity prisms, 271

Three-noded triangle (2D solids)academic examples, 154, 155, 156displacement field, 132equilibrium equations, 137

472 Subject index

equivalent nodal force vector, 140, 143

” for body forces, 143

” for initial strains, 144

” for initial stresses, 145

” for surface tractions, 143

general behaviour, 154

principle of virtual work, 138

practical examples, 219

Three-noded triangle (axisymmetricsolids)

displacement field, 231

equilibrium equations, 232

equivalent nodal force vector, 238

” for body forces, 238

” for initial strains, 239

” for initial stresses, 239

” for surface tractions, 238

principle of virtual work, 230

stiffness matrix, 235

strain field, 232

strain matrix, 233

stress field, 232

Tree method, 363Truncation error, 114Two-dimensional solids

2D elasticity theory, 119constitutive matrix, 121, 122, 124displacement field, 119introduction, 117principle of virtual work, 131strain field, 120stress field, 121

Underground tunnel analysis, 223Unstructured mesh, 361

Validation of computational model, 8, 13Verification of analysis code, 8, 10, 13Virtual displacement, 24, 44Virtual strain, 24, 44Visualization of FEM results, 378Volume coordinates, 277, 279von Mises stress, 256

Young modulus, 15, 43, 125