a third industrial revolution

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ffiwmre wffiW.

W@t ^,;


f r* p m rt nry f*,r =* tt' W.S,S{,f, Hxv x..,*+i* stj ** g

abn*t y*L?r curr*ni pr*gran"rme?

The n*w Wt'tirfu Mffef f*rllm *qlnn**tsy*a: w'!th f*i"L*w ffiffi& enndid*fl*s,

stud*rlt**nd"$**=ru xt,:*g'E6i1$*:s,',

Wkeffi wwmww


AfKI',IOWLTOSFlENTI,4r itnll at l!* lecpln H$ntiortrJ irtlli$ tp*r*xl rrir*rt, tis a{iJ*}l 'ttl,ri:i!s la th#rir th+ i*lltr*;ieg iar iitti;h*lp; !1xrh Axrr:iega*,' Ale<

Aittidl;e. taviLj i.Nlst {;nx 3rtti0, '-ilar k {Iev*ttr:r, {iqiiarii ;}*i:Srcil,Ar:il li'-rgg:|,'$i*11 firtn,.6r*griy .

6ibhrxtt !z l\*r:u ijs,:r*;ir?. Kerirgirwail.,l3iiirflj Leete{, Fnui ily}r}.Pr*lt)sternax, llisslljlth Hr."$rllt5.

lrrmx $rsli*rl*. Ji;r ltruii. SnftjaiS:rsi*, Jelf iirr;hir. ld Si*i*iietd,.?;wirl ?fiilial:tt ;rtrl $anj;lxril ?Jrrr:il.

Th* faeilo:':':i!l AFril f lsl c012

tu %M&w & &m&wffiw6 ffiW w ww w%wffi ww

fuxmanw{attut4*ggv*esd45ita{, it enilt *fuang* out a$ a[t r***gntt{cx"

*ay x W a,,}L t&:erdtg#*, A** **ffi* *f tb{ b'*stra*a* ffi xtxfu st t'*lmgs v&LE

v *t*vw Ett r{c}r cs* ntri*s

{3\}1frT;}r.:3}V.g?p,kWLI,*& Fr-,*zsktnrt t"f^*s*r- }:*n:.e r:f \xn1zttt'|]'ja* * 'f*NlIti15

fi*rv"a,aiia,iif#i:x, $tanrls{h e"14amtzt*ring?,ian",it?i-melr* Jai:a*{ic sl:rt

n*that::t*;rql!lyr;li*er**Jlo**t*itt alrylr-ls&*lRpiec**f vxt;;tlwilfu;t & f**{*r{*s x*&3*fux

,lrrii*ii,liiith*n norofu# tl* *uiiri **r* luu 1hi1,x;atSr;1i,ix at*l*hrati*n Saclt ia *iaki*g stx{f

i{ *, "*iirhu, ta*i*ghls rclii:rJ i}:nd lza*itrs lr: *eatr thr w'*d{l wx liv* iar" v t*nwar*rive ildvnn{ag*iiili,*atu*llzatxlitry,lStzc.notrlh*{rrtkxre.ch;r:rgirs.gixaxttr';z*w*tr*- 'fi;tr;;;ld,g"ii;"twta'tt"x*1*wN7r;t1rctwtT'llrtr:tliiirnrt1rctz*urcvtrn*tluf;lr:t*'l.iteg.

*xr* *{ r}** hig r*J* io;rr tr*irl in *,rar:r}efur t t*T.*r*\4itrdu'"+s,ht<h r* tr4et**e*

xbrrv* ::r;rrhin **f*r rngligp|iiua"yp,** uf prrsdtsris,lkt:t*r:is ns*d*ti t* lorgirrg alea;l

pllt llrr:r* ilrkr gr,i*t* prtt&uititsx at:ii all*t'"4*n'lr (lf fiahtr xta*ufilclltrir:: fi U& Addifive pr*duati*ni<ir. {"rt<J,crhool enginerrr wurk*d.with l*tlttr. dli-lls. tlu*lfi11_l1t1i:?: -'.soLit

prt'itatrd filciui,ling. rnaihincn. jl:rse stili uxiti' but Itrr*h{uld rYhibils n{'! ollv

;;;;;;;;;';;;i*.fJ,v "i*'i;,, *serillls..uall ;:fr*r hall i* lirll *f srl*raky 1,5 3* print*rs :

cl*;rn,4nreri*i;rrr, A$i$n un* fut*p*un r::r**?rine {*l:rlx, lall }:ighly tat*mat- Laye I by l*y*r

*4. h4*st *f tlreir {}peratafs"men a*Cl ro,.(1*r*r, rit in fr*i}t c}f cft"*trlt'lt*r ls *rtlab*rat{s*waxxt*t*wrt*qtrr**t:r. f{*.a'*ltere will yr:ir {itrtl i* havnm*r' Atl trge ther rr':rw

And alt["re rnost r:ir;e:rl f]rlr*&4old fair'la$t Nt]verrrb*t $n*thtt gl{xlF

of n iilrin*r *oi .rn *i*iiiiy' ihrcc-elirne n:ignal {:}r.;) privrisf*. {n*tead rlf }'? &*t*Hiation

rr--iii"s.6;"r{ing a*d ililg^;;;,;r"rl iil ;ry it *lkays 1'urs been, ir:i. l"leliing ih* future

pti-i-ii'u,';iJ irtingt t"v clcpositing material' laver ttv laye r' That is rvhy

ih* prnc*ss is rn*re pitrp*r15' <iesr:rii:r:tl as additive 'aanufa{'turing'

An - ''.CinJriirn firm,3u Systenis, used oni: ttl'it* 3n priniers to prirrt;r ltatnnter . ^:: - i:ftrr your corresponrlent. conrplcfr: wiih anatty wuod-efler:t ltandlc and ,, . -., 'ji -;-i

+n1ill,Y; rnaniiri+ciurin!*iif'ri**,1,F'i* rlr{1iit*ru, t* " f*lly ':'' "

todav io *uk* tnu a'siligle hamine r tt' your qwn deiign and toir"will be

il;;;i;';:i;f.,h1lli;;;;i;.;iiiii'aluraltrar:"s'The.rnajierswtluldhavela:.,.{;;fi;;;;;"-i,L *"'''r.-:ii**ii, *r'a,i;e it to itsuitatr}e finish' rurn ir

ir';;;; il;;6 ;;;i;i*" ir'.*i,r* the pauts.'tb ikr rhar fnr onc hatnnrer ' .' a,,., ol ,n,,,0,,,.,,;;;i{;il"ikftiii"** ex'en-rrve. 1f yuu iuf p-tbd*ring thousaritis,r:f . 1.""*r'i.*l'p-ciar'epurt.rt***ti, ltai, qttto ai itrcm ivill be iuri,:lr ch e-ape r' thatr l<rr t*:'et"onornies i,', i,jdio :nri'*i.{ *iii,clt: gcale, For a ]*printer, though, euonrrnries *f scale mil1ter nruth lesr' lis ,,,-r",f ,", ;, *isoit*arc can bE ,,ndlesitv twianea anri it can make just aborrt arlything. eronomist.comfnsdisuideol

'Lhe cgst r:l settinU r"rp tlie maCftirrr iS t]te sante \yhether it makes one ]F speciaktpo't5





t thi*t, f\f il,itrL*.f.v rhitrg,l; ag rarn it;1.,i{i* rlr* rtlachif c: lilif a lr"t'-'':"''b *" --'";-''/ :lierrh;,ipushesotr{*n*l*tteri)rt.t1zftyilll-ttrrLY\nrJ*1#Y\ill tllllLd iJt t {tr

T;:,T&.:,i;t[;i:@.,ffi, "1p1'i|'tp."r"*=*W#r 11ce*,.8 Lery,,g,:e

wi ll k* ep g*rn*, a t ab^.r ut thb *m* r **zt*t r*\k t'*.Y..r, - *. rr* r

a&#nw ek wr*$a&mng ii na't ve t so** s lt"!'t qh I lTi5f;.l.uu ot nti irft**t' but rt is *lrlar'iy bein6 rise* lrt w;tJtt: spef it'llJ$t

trz+zt* ttsr.**; .&n* r'rt zt*wii, xifu6w'!#t"ffU*n*n" &1&W'*&,ffi

l'-ii- i-tii"-r;;;; &;;;k;;t*sv-'n*u1 rq*qie pr*bablv atreadv

i\ii,wtr..;;ffii4,iffi;;;' "^ l2 rne,*i:e. ilt:4 p,ggv1x:t4\;rt

*a"iri lr- a *air"of oh.,el. prinre d iyr srtrig fi:rm as e &sfii*Ptrlt€3"

'?A &i lt't' r' f\ t"{ t} ?'1"7) Q ; B' ?tr',}

;;;;#H#ffi*' - *u,1yu1" in*zl<l made bv a:?,ti*i::3:f'-i,rg numl,sr o f Pr*:rai:-ie m at*r;als':td[e'git *niy-*xa $f a nr^rrnbei

*x€*e'.&4;iduw!-44,# w,w,,ffi&*{'s.t*.'-..p,flllv,.ffii?"';411,:,,:

t{illl{ni *i;n:i;i#,* xh{,ex;*i.''!te&,lx,s#&,f@rn a* .t.Wi W_q:: :l:i'i'i' n.f.dn-n*r* rrt&wi*d in bulk' ir c*uld be a hi

;ii ;idllt?t ;-iffitf to tl'e sh a p e o f th e use rrs et t' ot lt-t3 g :::


', . *A*i;;;ii W,l-ulltiLp,.e .Qnu-*, gi' W-* *#,a7'

n, *, * *il**li"Tnh"*i inttus*l'st re.votianr:p' lh e. ft*;t \e.ea ri irt

hrxi,* * tft-larr**th cenir:ry wlththe rneciraxahatian*ithe tex-

;ilil;ti;.1; d.,* rott*l*ds dccadeE the use- of machines t*

ffi r*ilffi ;i, ;;'*;;;i;, rf-g lli** b]' hf nd: :qread


;;;;e;#, t*"lili,g;* r***u*o*i+*v*i r*'ii*'r: b-e,gq-:r ir: e.w3*rtxu, iw'

;1'i#ffi th,-Hil:i,.*.x#t .tnit*mblvlidi'Qiln:{f\Ls\&sw*ir"the cra 0f Hlass Production' . - o

As mratlufactueing goer *dgt' a itrir* grcat ehilnge is naw'*tn-i,,ii*l.tq:; Jril [ii'.* thfus tu be made econcirnitaliv in

nruch srnallernumner*'iiore fiexibly and with alnuch l*werin"

;-;ii;b# ;h-;d * new rnateriais' complet*lv $ew pr$cess-

#ilt J##;--s;ea*v:to-use robots and new collaborative

il#;;;;fitig i**i'**u *iiuitable online' rh1-yli*el is alnrosr

romins fulI circle, lu.ming arnary fl*n, qass.malula"cturirtg *wd

ffi;1il;',r;;;'il;#dualiscd productioft' nnd ihat in tunn

,lllriiii#J,;;;&;*;j.]i*l}$u=t.kl&r***ttntri*sthi:tl*ng'*s*i"J,l't-* ti ttte ern*rying warld' w




ra** *w*xd$mfu!*

ffi ffig'x*xx#..a:::.:,i)i,!t:;.:,::, 1,t.,' .... | ,:. :, ,.:r.li .,.,,,. ==:',':f: :rl , l

tl: :r;-r-r ,

=,:. .::'- -

-. Malullctun*gstiftlntq,.fqq*,bu*t?r*j*ksar* :

' ehan*inqI ;lrlnino.oo Y#IRS America was the world's leading

h il#;:,l"* i.i""* iiis qeuk-and;peck with china

*uu'&#*r,il&'iiil'i r" the decade to :orc-the rru*rber od

ft;trJr,}i.siorit i't a#uiit" i*inv ul*r a thrd"rhe rise of

:iiilffi;il;i ortrtoti"fund the sirxpth of ssphi$ieat-9 ryp

,--ffiffiI" Hiffi ?,' - dd,lfi ;

" *eiil***i t'iu*1ti to making itufi- i n

";&;;;d;l "i;

;d+iil* oi *o * * "n

ufa *u rin g sk ills fro m

ffiig ;;;;d. rn* *ii[p"t*t t*c things: that man*lheurin$is

im portant tn a *u,,on *'ii ii i *con o*y' *Iia ih et the*e' n e w forms

of manufactufing will *bats new itltls' '' "' I'Ct;il;ri--"pi**v of reiearch io shcw'ikaf'rt:anu c'

dgbi 6e cell e l*,*scial manul'seturin g'

The fcenomi$t AP{ii {lEi t*x


?h* new wsr{d *rdcr".l4;trrriirLuring, ?'J0i piire'. r ol lviltd urrtpui

* ll9 .* {hine "^*,, l;'izr ** dtlr:,:ii.; ,.* ?,ii*l

,"1r1t: i::t? i'11ini! '.ii l: r"::iz t.1t f tt. Iittfi.t:ti;:j iL'11;,:,i12i21g

:\tit 'lttt,:ii ,\l;s t::.li.i:tt.:?.s: t.riL l:tltt iit:tti1i!.., ii!\::r rrij ]t:t.t,l.t ::t .i1, .5!.ls hr: rt ...r,,r..,1 .r ,ir.,r;iiti, . 1t .: .,)li,;,i*b';;,nd t. ,,,,.

, i,i.!i iilli ijjl{.'f...Tfut: " 1:t';tztss:t.s.t.rt i !1.!il ?:1, *r:1" t: it.1t-t\r.* r.1

::l:*1*.2tfii iA tx r t}t"r: 1;i*tjt ttl 3 T \tt t*t-i* t:.t^1]ritry.

f,*r1l,rt".rtr'ri'. *s'tti* i.,, il't,: t1.:vr.il4t..tiw*71r3 "'.,jitt*|'i t::liitrzj';1i3:t *1+{8, f*tI'}:rty'it.*+z'ri 1*tJ t*,; t:z{lt1x. fr**n} tb:t*rt i: 4. "'$kt} tt:;.t:; '4e ,:ilie* hl+tkr :l*,:t{:V ;rrt}. t';:11 t.'l' l*'*gtztlr ti, \T "x,llt:tiet r,tt, ;z{tt}t1:1lerutj, t{iyi:i-r.t*n *x?t:ytt, r*iltkqtitr* tI:zl{, t:itft.rxtzt:,zr*T*.liitr**s t::'::itt3i.. V,eyh ry.t*k/i .\sz* tSzfrTi*:fr,',:1.1 +f r.', lr*i,r i':t.,;ilri.r:utjr;1.vii] t c{ltlrihiitr 1trht lti{*r'*:.11:'l r,,.rlli,ie rh* giJtf! ?fiJ}l\m*r* pr*y1t xrc irsrslvt,J i* *ilT*r;:t:Z: t:>r-

ut'trtw-itt** tlzxt heXp t* ntrVply \t ^ Tlsr: Ir:{:t-nil} r: s t:r *$ a yn:ty wfe;twrrly, 3 *b is h * r r* ntir, gini:reasir rq!.1 irlurrcd.

"''{cl Ans:ricit'* #{*.3Ltt1i.;i1v sirllJ,efrr'&i** t;t;rsZt4:$ni &fu*Ltt 72fi* tnar:y rus&t-zu-

{a"r.txr|rzg i*ls*, p*rzir:zzlarl:! *{ rltr:',vtrtit *-t*Kxr i;'eri*ty, s'till- ?:e {r*etr'&, &"rrd r;**zr.*t qkA mn*u{*{tilr;srfi t* rzakttz r *tzgfuv n*wiw I?t* pi lt *li sz * w i1,1 lsri yt g r1 *wrr ih.* nulx'htr, *t gt*\ttrrt *e*tls* *vetl {fi{ty}et. "tt. i*tn*: t?:*1 if yr: ztfusrit *:t t)tz* xttfrT *{ lr*r\\t-lxiruqing t*{kztttl*gi*s tk al xr.* t{}rziiltg,,r:ttl tlt ,raii:,rma:rp $i them ;nrc j*ls*-**,*,rsrj*h*-\it4ht,"' say-s &i{* {{*r:kli*ld. '?at t}r*r l*x1* rt&s1.tt1r)ot tr) },4".'ilnr 1* t|l* tht* tgp* rifrnas:ufar-:llrrin g i* hm*ri *a, i:rscnr;** fc*d-ing iiltil jfib${ight prr.rcessc* is a huge rup-ply *hain in a'hir:h lh*tr are lrtl; rrf jsba* rltl l*rg* *rr:a*rnis ilrst *fi i$;1'

{l<rnrp;anricu ilt{r *ls* $l}linli*titabo$l e l,z1anilfa{.t€rir'r€ rrx?ifi?l. "We art:tancli:igin fn:r:t *i: a p*1*ntiai rev*k:ti*nin n:;lnuf*c{urir"tg," sayx &,1irh*:el ld ehhik.hxa* tsl adv*nc*ri ter*r"r*l*gi** at cr *lc]-?:;nl Ress*rrir" the s.&t: *rffl *f *lre *f th*wurld"* bigg*s: rn;,rslulbrt$rers. The id*xsl!":;*t r.qi ll r$ahc this }:app*n cul: *r:ms{n:r::iinyrvhere, rvhich is rvhy his lahorelorghasetl i* buculic Niskayr*na irr ulstar*Hew Y*rk, *ls* hi:s rrs*arcix ffintr{* ir}S*ngalore, tulunich, Slia de Ja*eir* *ndSkanghai. &s fnr rhe j*bs lik*iy i* ber:re*ted- &il.r ldekhik thinks per:ple i:av'e arn3"*pic vi*w *f m*nufactrrring e*rpltly-mentr 1'If y*u l*ak al dvsry$rle q,ko rsn-tribuies,it is a very large occupatir:n."

&h*st!il t*e Bnect?ins

A lert uf the jabs thar rernain on ihelactory {luor--will.requiie a high level eifskill, says Mr Sn:ith. Rolls-Royce's rnanrr-lactirri ng [:oss. "lf manpfa ctu iing nrai tcrs.lheil;,ve need to inake sure.lh$* fiece$gkry,'buikling blucks ar* th€re jn th'r edgrrtii:n'*ystern;" His c$nc*rn gaierrrJs ti'r the {irm'ssuppliers, bccause 'ccrnFanie$ in rrany*ountries hags cnt daws an trainir:g ii:the ecanomic dorvnturn. Tu get the peo- sF

ln *t * #zr'.,;t t* t:,{.|,:'j

"r'1''<J*' 1i:r-.---^,-t.,-4 "-:--,

tJr)'tttt1 .1)i:i t.;. t:.,:)i.jlj-'r.t:, i

ryM'' ia\s i

z t\.r' i''"'E d*'\t ::i ll

t:t tlri.:ial .1

/:: ,{*":. := i,i W%'

qast izt

t1c' 1*Y*:fi**ric:*ix,rs*i7\

ttlry tttN*rix-r$cfti$-)rali1.gllll11t !51

1fi fr{!tlir'r ll^riYr

,n{ s€*

'o ttty2Zl* i.* pt:rstJ {*r ***ytr:n**t. bVl ix t****t y7XTIt ,tr}c;y}1e. {tt{}T1",J-

t:*it;tt::, h;av*. argu** t"?t*t- lh*r* i* nttth,i*g ,epi:ti;t1 ah*uz ns;thi*gthix#s ; *& lfuitt tt*r'ri*e i**ra*tri*s,;:*rz Ti* iit*+: at: pr*d*rl.ia * nniJifln€v;tti:,ts, kis p**pl* anrt *rnr,wi:ii,"t * ixi"t ir*,tbt*t &r,-*;igr*o r*axt*t*r,tur* an* s*11 pr*ti.zzrz*, irnf. ih*.* ar* g*rs * azz& badittlrc in brs\lt tyvztztttunturi*g **d t;ervic**, ilrzt r*n rz1lrmg* t*;t t?ti-iartztrix& tyt*rl*erc &t* *a*t wt*Tt. &t*4)t&1rlH t* i1 ttptsrl foy guu*n?1*1p*r *t {:a** W**trrx ft*rrryv* l}zttv*e*ity, {:lxi*lttri<3, {*r llt*ft rr:*kirrg* {n* liluliryn, a tfulnk*:.arsk i* W*shiztgttttz, * t: \*q*. {hllrt:. righU.

!&e{rut**turit}$ firr$s ar* a1** ss*rrlik*1y ibarz *l**r c*m-panies tr) intr*ducs new an* ix*t*val*te prcrlucir. fuiar:ufactur-i1g mak*i; up *nly ab**i ri'i, of Alrrerir*'s fi r"rr. but itis r*sp*nsi-ble {*r 68'1. r':f cio*:estic spe nding *n rcrcarc?r *nc{ dsErl$$ffif }11.

Acc*rdi*g t* &.t* i{*lper it provid*s bettcr-paicijo}: s,** wwagt:,tkan seryic* i*r*::slriet, i* lt big ***rcr nl i*nuvation" ir*lps t* re-duce tracie d*ficigs anrl *taiu *pp*rlu*iti*l in the gn:rving"*l$rn".e*#n$my, 9l1ci? ;:t# ffi:tytliti and gr*ri: *ne rg3.. ?h*u* ari*11 gr:adl rras*ns f*r a cuuntry t* r*gage iit ti.

gs+#ite illeixa's r*pid rise, 4merica re rnnins a f*rlr:idsh}*{3yt:*u{1:i*i1p*1;v4*r. lts ffianufacrrlring outpui in doli*r lrrms is::*w abcul lhe .s*:::e a* frhina'$, brat it achieves this q.iih s*trvio'?, #f {b* lq{}rl*f*rce d*pl*yr:cl by ilhixa, mys $r::s*n },iE:ck**k1.3r**idrnt r:f the &*i5isachuEetts ;,rr*iitute *ri 1'**hnr:lt:g5r {**:r}

{;--"-!{t Ifl" .Jflr w: .j1*

* ffiil ;; "] r+ffi#*JWiilllliri:t;: i :L


ffiffiffi a&s"d#{.F K*#nNan-manufarflwi*g ovg,

j4: w''"" j. ' ,r*F': r i: { 4&ry\ }

1 ii,,l: ;,,.r, '.:r:r:i',t ili:,r:,:


'iilli:iil;:1 :';a !:,,]:rt:t i! i:

l**dingr *hinari**r *[::rise $f:*{s3p-: {,htl'}4,

. :trl}pted' its rlillxlIst*ffir:.Lisk**ri*ring is,a forrns

L*nUf;ft:' ff :i+iJr;t,ir i.:ri: ti,t', :

a1!t ?012 The Fri}r,rr*ist April zlstz'*t?


"* rl " * ;*TtEii\),?,:,'!',''; ffiffi

fl* ,, *.w""

r *T1 ^ffi"- *rr-- 'ffi tft!'.:::::::t: q '

,rl 3 "-l l**,i. 1ry:\M:iN":_ ._; "d**..;en

fu 11 ; *ffi*:..1,.j rti :a :, t'1 |jltt,,

* ,,,',:; "-g4q$: .r Ei:.

tl* ;r;,i 1, ',.

:,',,,.,1,, r

##ffi d-6 {S ^# M.d;i;#

,4' h l.; 1J T k tr"\ 1S 7.; 1; i: e q * I 14 li {: \i tr7's. t} *

F 1:X*itra,za:tts; i:f'js'F';tt1l:r.ktes*tpr*tt#l|tr**tvAppr*tlii**.*isfr*wiy"tt:

rL*t#1vchr. nltrab*r. $t{ ys*t4:i7t-it r&vtlzxit* ';*tt:*1i:€'}'tt1* 4{}{:t' "

.. , ,irrtiktq'6:tix.Erm* k*te t*t b.*sfu-** 111l*lflSlti rn";er6*iy tlrar;*-ptsl+tt*'ir'n.;fiirii' w*y: w;*)1 b*' *nd,*: re'tb"tt*s fitsx*x*t: 8*tgx4

*xi* zk*,1*U$s'.4:*t " a. m*w a'x. lr:, sax*lh p,l+j ii:*il V, u e>**ta*r' in


itiwivili.,W*"y {*** f**t**t i1:1fr'rlui::'3#t:b{t&'i::et' litt$$xlzt;fi*'z{iiuy "ar*'liU*4'i*,X*av*{x1p h'ik t*r s*r*wsrr* *'fu,*, ?'$rt *xt6*t *rz4

h a r' r*lic*guts lh i lr k on* pr*ttris:itt g *lte' nttti's x^ tt: appr#-rtf t c*"

;lri*;;; ; ;.it iiiu *rt*n ;, ii*o u o r*in m u*.itv r:o I I as*s an d ia cal

{riiui r*ciqvelo-p erainir"tg.pr<:' Y,i&r**:x-#*ry*ttsx* ;tk*'*trm*,&*:

8::,:;l::ru:t'trbi*:f ** 1*6y clLtlter ;**l; L:i : of 1:, r x rrx****'*i*a]

rnur,t**iro-Li* "ai "rn*]1, 'iilr**:**i4ftzi'*.,at11sN":th* njr4$iA'*.'

::*i*g;,rr:it,l i,tti*|3*r*.qi{}lr;th**pit*lsanduniv*rrrtit:'lntflt'iritrf ,re,if 5t:1#ntt'trhe ctcvelr,pinerrt uf rnanufa*t*ting i-ap*bi 1i

ii*r tJr:ou*i:r" linked t* lSat *f tlie prerduci, u*vs l'hiJlip -tharp-- ;r

ront**l oilt*l*ist:'rer amd co-fbutrder +f rvltai is rl*w ialie'4 Bi*-g€,'r lJ.,c* a &4assachuselvs b*sc{l biatechnol*gy iirm witb a*t+zt

a: rror*atugs *f $: bilij'itt' wh#{ tltrrelltiy flxrt{es tlw tfi{lt$ir}it

si*s Mr Slrar#, is natr,:techn*lsgy "lhis takes lis nfil:rt tts?ll N?*t

;;;ri;r; b,]Ti;;;lr*#- ;;u ii,"#t u"mat*ialsrru rn*asir*g:i at

th;il;il ta*y nr,*n l,oi'* **lqu* pr*ptt|ies' sor*e of wh;elt ,

ran lr*uEed beneficial rq*vi' ,""" -rlunc't*l', **lvgy ,nak,ls ii $os*ble ta nranuf;rcrurb' an ii*;* #xxzxtx€ii&t,ix** qa+i$:"rrex: * Efu**11 *gwi: ;,,nanutacf ilr$19 eEtilpnlenl l|] {xt# turrtHse

['i*e digiii$tii;ffi *f ru*nr:facturing will*rake rrairring easi-ritrv .rcai*, n;*w therapeutic subs

th*ltr ffirfucesthatca.:t be uaed t** rr:.i*d$ffi,!t&

the bcdy- The drugs delivereel by .such $ub${S"x}e€s c$uto rlr vaIil'

al:]e is idtins slsenrfs?il;, Jal,;;; $t-3- ?ry, be;ngm*dd in

their surlbcesthat ca-n he uaed t$ Slaefthe bsciv. fhe drugs delivered by .su*tri h

,i;iliil rffi**iid*,;i iu&t #i sharp; the e[ralieng*'r'vi11h*:rto

ffi;# iit;;; iito.**t*n in* rii*ic*l t tials ;tre ceirn pl eter*' And

*i*t, t*it, f"t* **ds, wili depcnd on b*th pr*dut:t itr:d manrrfecfur-

er. Cnrnr:at1l.e$ calln{rt jre$t ity ha3ttwg proe$uctkrti equip*r**t*i,iiit *uo Ae runtd,is :e i?c:,lass a day s* ihat traii:ees can play

;wt:und. with ir. gut comr.**ttiv*.tl*x*;x:*}stn,p**a*lipg'x$st*a*t*;;;t*;t;;uiu*n**nt,a**l:p'rd*l'F:i*'tr*,&}*/ar*ttkfi ni**r;iit" in Sr;tui*, a to,:rn w*h giant high'r**olutr+n $cYe*'&s is us*d

*ui, u i*uut t*alig eh* rrh*rio li*iuiae * pr,:ducts under dev*]ap-

lliil?-:ff:XT,*iffi:-esh a sitrican

#sw *,rrs*srfs$s #ns p#* T"$$f# #d$#-#sxd *S* eraw*fifmeJsdd *f'""*u#;;;';'*'#t'ilfuq::1":',""1i::

**ne*" ss#ts" &s$rs sstd sferrr"smf*s* *x*dp$d{s ff#P #drf s$

ffi ff r-'.##fr ;n'1':',-#H'-Jr ffiT1# *mu bsm*/** *;'il;ruilr6i ,ii,r ;" til ;;L- * f *ero i.*,"

lner:L such as cars, itt ihret dinrensi*n*-k nec*r vihick t*&ay is likefu ta be

dvawnup as a three"dimensi*nal "digitalp*r*tvpeqtrqng befor* i{,is acrualfu built'it can be walfued arcund, sat ive' test'driven;n* gi*ulutoatak*n apart altd plar:ed'in a

virtual fact*ryto wasksut h$w to hilild it.*qaad the sarne sqftwat'e ean i:e used llyolhers ih the ccnrpi**y. includi*f; advertisr'ing *t€ff who want to nrarkel the vehicle'Tlie i*ne*s eeneiitertl&o* digital proto-typeu ardno* so good *rey arc often rrsed

ttr produee brochures ar"rd lelevision atls

before a new car is builL;xaYs Crant {i*-

sivi Kumac Jlhartachartrya, chaisma* of -

ifri W*i-iit* nn"nut*t*iit4 *roun* *t warwick University' ittrf

tro.r i*ll i car with a ten w*i *artanty you need to rnake sure it

*itl la* fot ten yeilrs *ntl that y*lr have the serqicer in-ph*r* tr:

look after it-" tlespite high tlnempl*ym*nt, $tllrle manutacn$€r$

iav,iha,rtoofewp.eaBleire,tb # fiisr*e :Iq $ ';I1

i.irrtl-"-ii, b;i''e; {*tLnoi*si*l l!# :rn priitins will hilp'nreCilts lotA Bhattacharyyi. fl y,2u can build something, peo-

ple gq1 excite d about malit*t{il$iS$r ry}isn'lhey L$o axt*;*er'xpa rn$ $iestil'=' ,t=::'. tt!til.a,::

=i E' tti

Ceme slsser ,

One eif the nrost succes$fuI incubaton ftrr new hrrns are in-

no;* t;d; ine*;t i iV.alt*v':ixth* t-kn*rvnandmosl itnitate * exanrple. Firrn: cluster ttlgetlier iar a variety *freJ;il, th* skills thit are available in a $tttticuiar area, the con-

.entiation of sirecialist servicessnd the vent*e iapltal trom *-ve*tbrs with a itose understanding of llaeir market- Usually there

are univenities and tesearch lab*rato*es nearby.'so the process

"i **ios un -wirh ne*'l**A*lirl**:lheirfies::s' ttf tlryni$$*hsseiJ-;;;;p;,lurt* a* closely tlnked;'lhis relatic&thip is set to

U*J*u even mor€ iiltinlam with new rnqnuhcturing technol-

ogics. rWe havi iechnologies ncw wc are ctnly abie to exploit ifiJ. fr*t* *i"r"riacturing dpabiliries in same $roximity to those

i"nooatians," says nns $erger. You do not have to mave far fronr

her office tqr find exatnPles

in* i nrr *v*tion workin g't*$ether.-' "-"nq;kiln ds*es fnt-i*u m*$t pari re*r*ins ar' a'l#fashian*s:l

u*torrl*u*#"itu,ii*g pt.*te*' ?]tis lnvolves assernbling ingre dl'

;;;; t,ft;; tom difffri*r c,:untties. pr*c**srng the m in a shemi"

.Jtii**ii*u* * Uitclu oi cingg sub*t*nce. than turnirrg that sui:

iiorfi* inuo pifis, liquids or eream+in *nothtr f*ct*ry' wltich;;;hiil;; #tx;;,i;;."untrv. All tliis inv*n'e E a lot of

'n*virrgi*iilna of *iurnr a*d &i" wfiw*nt*t3'*i'mi:fr9ictrlc. It is {ime^c*nsuminganrl expensive'*'- -;;;;;

luiaratutyln n*st*n frn*ther way uf maki*gcirugs

*.t eixs'**"*iosed, nl* rnx*i'i :art.Fut'*x*rr<:'nnd *f'*ilJ#i;ilt,4l tii*l*" css*;hex(sea* t{tr'+vqr*lirn;end'pil}s *g

*,*t *,1th*l u bn*'*.]...iq";iiot pr*due tiotr line, a jninl':v'e;:*ure

Uetsreen rr'rrr and }$*vartis, a giant $wis*baset$ tlrugs c*!npa!11i

;r;;";;;"d a i r*rinn** minufacturing ptocew for the phar

mnceuticaisintiustry It is praducing aca$y ni a smndard N*var"

iir ,ii*" tlir,-ugh not for ;; ;;; b;;;;';e'the svstern is still livt to

i;;ffiil;v?ro*.*nttt'tercial operati*n' lt relies on a c*mbi-

nati,,rn of chemistry and e ngineering, -rpceding up some prfices*

"**** sto*ing *own$theqlto mitf r-hqrp. wort to$eli

The resrits are enctluraging, says Stephen Sofen' the pro-

i*.t'* Jit..iui. it'te numner ni aiicrire operatians involved in

;;;-;;";;il drtrs has been cut frorrl 2'l to 13: thr processing time

i;;;;;;;T;;il iilthe '*aving

arouncl cf materials) h1s.bee1

;il;1i"ft;$io,' ursro +o. .{nd instead of le*ti gg$cq'p*ic1*f rnateti*:;d's,ry.Bill being made is rnonitored ra ensuq'g il meeit*

the reuuired sPecilication."'-' t""it""[ui *inur**ruring. could tr*n$rm;t&e phaqrya-

..uo*lt indnstry.':Instead of a grant, purpose-built plant to,sup-

plvtheglobalularket,youcouldinragineunaller'regionalisecliiiinii"li-lt r"ri sol*o- i**$,,f*wr;*-**or:'ld-rb:$6*d rn*r* rq id-,S, iI *ii^r .l**andi'espe*aity if *'pa:":**rnia$-erc t$ l{.6ith sr,.it*;

*.g pibt fr in xqs16.n$11-&tixi*a.ship$insi{sali*i$sr'' it*"ii ne'dept*t-iX'iintlihera.'It cairi $l&ks :tslllr{sL&y€it:'

il;kJ;;;;nd ile ell,.h It might also be used to make custo-

misetl {rises of drugs for piuticular patients' Contittuous manu:

il;ilg;;irt rna{e rnoie treatmenls cornme rcially vi*blc' m

Th* f*ryn*$ltst,Aprih *tr.i 8tl1l

itl tt i4,,i i lt i- l 1,1 1,1 A * n 14 lt \ ?: ll lj'; hT i t") ?t


fit*311 t?1f;



* tix*

t{1 "-?t

-;.-",itl.*.tniel*:df*be t*





X drxgx**f*lig sr$n



l+ $\ irui.u, /,*t:::;;;',r,t:l iu#. zl liii q*

VfuwWwwwmwewffi wffiwwW,

FE* {Ezlw*s;* uu &fr*& ri*,* , ***z* WTe&*#lvt\ in m*wng

fu ***. ** 22zx ritfu w * r X.rJ

T! ltftTY YIRR$ ,4{ i'# 5h*nrlrr: n v:a":;tir,1* (tl)rf tt};l:ri il vi1

!xg*, m*txiii.n'p, zh* 1zt:r&m *{ Tl.tt*#F.*ng"t N*:w 'krvlt*tLts-

\zi"rzt:';27:hir**:* {ir*t S*iclal {**tturtic Z,tn* w*s r:tt*t?':}iah*di tth* *xr*; t**,*s. w*vktt*pt s,ar:t** t{t #t*w a**. glLtt;r:n!.ng *ky'a *rap*rs b * ga* t* r ** ztp. Itr p 1pulatit id iu * r:vs *t r*su* txttt' itt -

r.Lu$znyp*?zay:s{smvtigrar* w*tkxxs.'*tY *tl*rzL?";eira illt:ttrant^ts-

rl*x r]*sn t* dt * S*r1ovi$tt tht*Lkt*.vt:!tt:ISs** mak*t?zis tity- t.rt:t.* dlir* riche *r in Chin*.

t-3x* ssf lh <sx* t a*rn its :z*krt*"*; rz *.zs { *utrt*r: *ily" {}"*s **:&@T1*n.tlaiPr**i*jlrn l*&*"srrgn"tar'rsxxr,s**tlrtl#i\r"ty'zrt*ar**t:tt4n;?t*l;*ry.txi.xtaxz$arttzxi*grtsi::rp1*xe* iar {}zl*a,*r*p9.ttytxgst:snt*.23{},t3t}t} tpt*tspfu,,$*zxv tst kppl*'*lYSetttt** avzs iYa&x ilrc a*s{1111-

kl * *1** rn, w wnr*tz &p1s1* a$rx** t* impr*v * w *rkiz's g t <txt$:itirsnx

ai :iii {:hinrse tu{;u}ri{* at]':*r an *xqst*e a**t{*w*t1a}:r-r**s *f la-h+erc rodeg, ittciudixg *xcessivr *ve rti#xf"

flrrtrrrttic* lhat xxek* thingx rzt*re cilr*ttply lh*n rl1?:*rs *r**{i*n accr-irqd *f rcr:lllng *ra:e.al*i:*ptr tsxilSwlbxtxr }n *}:is:a wan

r:*drruhtedly thei*p; that waswky 1*{*::g!{*ng1* c}a{hing and r*3'-

f6.tsi.js$ rtl#q*d t* tltil rn*ivli;lnd; Il*l with iner*a*i*g lir*$prrlty#hi**se $/* i{ *Tt" w&nt fttttrt p;.g; s}"l*st*r h*r** ;lnd mrrife ls*n*'fits, just as Taiv;;lnese.,fap;in*se an*.%*trth K*rtaxwurktsi; tli*Lref*rt the m. Lubour co$gt ifi flkiflis hav* rcrn:rtl1i b*err gr*wi*ghy *rr:*v:d **%i! y**r-''-

,, .$$n:* lal aur.i*r*tr*ive lr*nin**xes ilrt ;'ltl15.'n:*eing fr*n:the cs**t*1]rtgi*ns, t* i:rla:r*'ilhina,'w |rt* **sts are k:w*r,lh**gh *:* inhastrue{u:*.,r:lxy rl*1b* $p t(} ih* m*rk' A numb*r

i::)* 1ir.r"i:!"';,.,.,trtitt. &i1,t;z1t':"u; 'tsi. +t\iit?; ai*ts:;':trtl* *r' ti i:iiil] :;r4 tr "';r'*r'lt''

iir{,irin*}"1}r;, !i:::i.t,trthtt:;i:t!t1:Ttnlt:t3l1t*i.tslal^vt*iltii:xiti+:l:t^t::::::ut**2tlisr t.!tt:i'r"a* *l;.*'f i,rst w*it;j;t i.''i"ti*a't:th:;z*t.v'ttz:;it-ttl$*" hp;;1*

i* t*t::*l:'2*.11r1 ?.wt:*1t"t*t; ii;.:t {lttt4.tlt:rt::; r* l}t* fignr*l :thi{I tll th*tiii**. lr-r: t:*t hri :ttttt'.Yr.

ti (.lrinu aile '-,'"tt'ttc i*r ttstlz a ttzzzv'l.1 ;,h*r* *{ \fu+: ts's*r*1l Ia-

ii*ur ***t*,*ttrt*):'; &ppn* ttsztl&4.ftt'it;tr tt: rtj:;*r,117u**i''t /axzt:ri;a'/ iltttrrs* *at;zFtxt l*w wxg*.u ,lro:, t"1*t'irt* *TElv itjttvLt*t]* 'What"2)?tertzfuesh*:. 1r. r:t{et *ttt*pi*3t: y*i:"ff| *e?*ri*Yitt: *l yt t ';tL tt:irtgt'1*c:liiiii*" it k;rg, a **t"st:ri ril {srmxivil* xrspbt:*rir';zt*tl xtzpfil";

*mrr*. r*sltiyil * eh*d gn a*rl #t^:##exri{t& fiitill* "

sx\amxt* k !:w'l*&6x t:{ tfu titii 1:tx> dtz*li*rz pr* t*stxt* "xxd' tkr w{z\inw'*** i* 7##P

'i:rlrr **titr* i4 *vktti t* .{;a1* wp ;srt-z*: ;*t*x''t-', Wrta\ th*nxh*x pr*viL*i, in *tfurr w*rd*, ix x su****:,€*1 i*"

*;:*fria1 *l*sl* t"ltw*rlev,lt*:t fzppileb*t;*za** in**y nl 1!L* t*trrj.r: 3'"3-

if F*rtt 't\ us,";*i 'tzrx *ttr*t'*r:r&:tLi*.*.'l'1;z* t*al i*rau;it!.i:tsrs litx tx't3*"

r*S*ng *:* prndx*t *x4. rr*alirtg, $rs*rt vtttwarc, wlzi*h is t'?*


&1sfi*i*ba*e .

Wher* Ckfuz* sc*r*s

li & ?:unx. a l it>nq Ktrr:g firni lhat h*lps ccinrpeniert finii ;uJr

pliers irr A:;ii*. savs in-a r*teul r*search r*pntt lhal el*rl*rg ljl<c

Sh e r r'* i r e n arc. " a i i tl t c g ral p itrl *t *74:*a' x ira* "lffiX:r1#f;te *c* in rnunufacturi*f;". tt tollnlg i,"fius* than]'r]tl i

itrrs in {*hin:r-incluclirig +ns. iti lhujt'trt Zh*iiang pr*vin;*' thatju€arxi*fueb*tlr.l<s.l1urr+ii*ts*{rxtxN:rh*:tt3,**;:rsral} x**'rrz*tli^rn::r-xised €rlilcpfi$ts ir: {h* pr**}**ti*n r?sal*ft"rr sr':rlt*- S* irlirgar Chixa * *fuisier'$ filai* txkr llt*ir e*ge, *hes* j*?:s, rr'* {:lhm p'7q'

rlu*i*g ir**s *r s**ks, rv ill n*t g* b;itlt t* A:&j *ti ! ti *r Eu r* p e'

fet sc:nt j*b* xr* ret*r*i*g 1* riev*krp*d t*uxllris$"'Wilhilhin*** w*g* r#.tx$ rlsing" Arn*ri*ars prcr*xctivitSr impr*vx-m*r:t* can heip tip t!:r i:alairt*. *specinlly when Ar;t*ric;tn {lrryg

inrregti* m*ra *,-ilumilti{:t'}. Y*1 fi}btrts cll* be u**d anyv'**r* t*r*elrrcrlal]fiut c{:sl{, s'*r exxmple, Sbrry #*ri- Hcln'l'l*i's hsss,

* f lirrn*,.*ripetiil{:lg, 1fu ssry r:n*}ri;:g cl *t ?t*s

a:rd shs*:i, hil!.i) iltr:F*d sti{:ks and nr:v*dtu'saxglad**h" fl a*rbtdia, lxd*:re*ia andfieh:*r'sr" liiJr*, f*r ins{ar:ce, irs**'tc} ffiaken'e**t *{ ils traineru itr ilhiliix,bui rrr;*ny *fi,ts big sr:ppli*rs h*vry i:r*v*d :*l*swher*,'and in 2o:.fr Vi*tnaffi ber*trr* the c*rn-p*ny'r bigg*st pr$du*|1*n hase rv*rld-wi*e" lh'rlesr s$ffie !4/ily *l raaking sh*+*u

and cl*thing' $ithi)fii m$rtxal l*}:{}ut*msrges {which, a$,th ls }eporl rt,ill,$ilS8*$i1at*qis entire\r p*ssihlt), *r*x* i:usinesseslvill rllcte.*g*irr,ir: the fttur*; Myanmarl*tks,.rempting, pr*rrid** .that r*f*rrusthere rontinue.

Yer for some martufacturers lo'*v

wage cests are b*c*rning ltss itapor:ant&***use. labi:ur: r*prsscnls tnly a: .slnlill.part *f the cverallcr;rst *frnaking and *ell-r*grh*ir pn:duqt$. Reseaffhers f$r the Per-

x*nal.fi*mputing Ind*strv Csntre at th*tjtltvsrsit}r cf {glif'r}rnia,, lrvine; {t*kapart nr: iF*d and wnrksd rui wherg alltir*.,,,virri**$ bitn inside can'rs {r{inr and$rlxst"it lr*d. ccsl {* make and awemblttbi*xrr {s** ehart }}, They faund that ar6-,gi.gah5"te.:oro iPad pricedat $499 ccrrEained$r54-wor!h.of .rrraterials and parts fromAlxterl*;rn, J*F*neri€,' South. Korean'andsurupea;r suppliers i,tpple lia* *rare th*n

lke fts*srxist Apr'it 2r* ?01t

5['lcing ttro &ppt**iitribltjan +fvar,rr i+r is {iu yjirfr :pld-. alj,-1

Prafit/casi &wttklJriprti. .9 ' ,r.,': : : :''r "" ,;irei


i*:'itu{*lllFiln}l1,e ptr*r-l{al'ar'

ll {ir"e tscurxl:i'lr*re$s-f.

ih* pir'rlvetl inlngtimeas been:h batehitxi*ett

:hsrma.rtts sttp-)r:xlisedr*l rapid"leali aut.

.x*r, so its il year,ke custtr-

-ls$lanu-lble. m

?Bt 2012


. $+1*ri+l* S


l*5tr*r;i! ri ;liii'i:: i,r'l'r:.j

"'""""": $ i::.ai.l


'-: &rei*ih

'li.f ii,i;::

:::i ri!1i1it ;::i !: ::+i',r '.. ':_'

r iiiiiril, iJlil:i;i.: il r,l i,iiii:r':,: 1,,.ri:r,:r:I,. i;r j,.?r1,,J::iJ,

T$r tftfiTA;tpg:f4i54v!

14 it \ 1 ] { l', :- I t I ql 1.1 i,,i i! I I I l tu * V Ai I {-} f;

Kry.$W'&:.\!:::::;::1 &ffit 1 ::, ,M.h:zffisffi1v M,;sMAffi

**^ "W NFMWtu@F

ffi#& qffi-**

s sa:re}x*l$rp}e$#{iwg,,,!AtaUyw*x*r*t-4.1*fur ft*# q t Wl&f:;.t)3x"w,*,,,I$,q.,i:u,@w,fi.1*filaxti[]l.tp w*erlaxix,x@*e{,*t?4.i }a$d fttovlnget,,)ll:)iie.d*t*we*ti**axx.*?jke*xly,q *i*eiafi anintreinsf *i;*i*:.*:+ *trcti.e*',{g- ,Chix* ck {* $ vic*".dhesapea.kc sey

,'*.*dt*,u*cd*,shtpitn'x**C+*lffrneedl.qs,fer-e:1e..&ffi *earl:*r.l{#t, ':fyffilt:fihri*X&.A:]dr*r*s,-fr*gfi VietBt**tivhe*,,&,rX*r.i*a Wid$ft4tri1

f$d t+r;! ;'ffi6!#nmnar,**# r$s$l*llera x the,company#p*.** g t#}4,w,*,xqiqe- vlw.qlt$fi,kame,i ff4.c,.y.l?paiffie,Pd$*aM,,:, 9,1.*It c*.t14i11:'l nla ?ss:$,*F*F-V:Wflifikpgie?iibr:{. ;*l**.:b. ause h.**.{ $,a **, *.*--"*-F,*d: i*e#61*p'ffi$#k#,1{ t{airh*i rar1&;**i5a,trl* ;{}ie c*-ntpany to re'sprxd to new tcends muchfa$er,

= '.-::f|w ss{r ne"*;*k*r,,i.*'fu*pfux* its. trlyy:i,p.Ckb:a rx#!'}f,*. .&e vast'**me$ririfn&t lrrt.h*rc,,&{a$y,,. lirrx*-xr*:r* *p-ri*i$..-{.la$r

r-fi?.rltr,s*l*s *p*t *tcale''gin rur*e.11tF*tttffiH'{}x} add:tip,fi$l p ;:r-#,ih 'l*.#tlc.curst *.*:.,*l=*..11g inA*i4:..3h* id# 9$ &*wr ei*g

ryTg-! to repatriaijng1x1at *u:{1.g facili*itf 1$: riv}ua"{ri*n fftaig,g$ c aaves ce-*x$*xiex fr-*.m.}i*vi*g *11 , e"*.a.gg*.jn q:ne

be$ r..r$i+ttihe.tf.xal*aa1 rllsa*.t**s,* r.e1q,q1Es,'}t *il#*wnefilg $ump.ty **Ur*r*.u.ur*:641**ei*$lp,- i' r Pe.s.ti** v. a.r:s*p y.ha*ed=ir:,&:rr*ra {lli::,r:r'u;ii,,}, {}. ,.

ing producti*n back from China began with wr.rrries ebcut pr*-l*g pf*dutji*& bar* f,r-q *ilir:a b*gf;lrecrins .its intellectual p{operlyr }bql$u

*e*rzai*i, gt'**rztxixer*'ar* *r"p$rt*:*wvtsxt3stxff,ke,\i#.t*fu* ryy!1:'t:xltzw&rt ihig/.*';t:*utttilas,t* xn3&age the cSleratic,n:t-t,,i$q.ls*..q.&"

t*tr't"&,&1s&ickly*rhg,marke{qh-enges.ryp1c9.ary',tk*:t-9'v&be,t*'*ays*;;**:#tiqVer't+*zry,ai.*Ezhstm&gs{.,t*x=xft p.$:chryiel:

the stock hehJ by &e srry*fim t* lbe'*hita6s* faet*,1- tlta{,|*'e:{orv'sinv*nl*rg,theccntent* slaillp-itlt *e$t*iner.#e t ff1$#t*,4nierica, aqd so *n: e &wryfe# axge,s+lx&l i*ke',xi l*.x*'1ixs&ffi***p ix*l*:xext' m**.';1fttt **xrpany * * Sst* prolsty?* to

a cust+rner in a ccupie rlf w*ek.,i , l*r,g pgg*! ***t* l ,nppi**r,,i{ * *c*m*r#y',wqr,*brt*tnA&t rd*s t}:al*aking ,f ft *f, *s p.t*.*'urls {n Amerita in'*tead*?'6i sh*r$fsrtn*d,tke,Sr*lliai|ragi*ess-"ihe crlinp*nyx*edta hag* ;A*n wxxker*,, : Am*rieil and;4**..ix..*hi xx:1**w ithas l5o in &n:leriea and iobcts dcing hot and diny jtbs, likepauring s:roltei alurninium ;md las*r-eutting stce[.'fhe new &r^

i*g**&*t" mi cumpagna rsckons, "makw us veiy- nimble".*r*1: .*ptg'np*,.s,..{* *pth,* v* *qtiwft {}{.*u*tor:lised bs*rket*,*liia'%d#,*'i&n lt*"aiara,rst*rffi .'3'lr*: *cm$*ury:* stru:dardp-;aaii,:#g'*l$.al.tr:**v*.4@:gq,qq,lifa.ryq*,b.qtwirhncvrtele,,'i:#rcdp#t$lti*$ *r a" enni6,&4ntffi i#,x-"d*nd tu*it *tt n**

Sanshine and siffiasn

*an i[pat*s*oa {xt$r]r fm cctrnrriailitised go*d:,t*# L}ntil adecade or so ago most af the worl<i's-sr:kr panels we re made byArnerican Suiopean and J*panese firms. Then Chinese manu-fa*rl*crs,p.i, ir:t*,thebus'in*s.-?r *dhyvarjat!$ovelll{ry1i-ti**ked :dce*s1+.e$- *kilr**a* n*wiaptrlrgd n:i*re han twlf,sh*world market fi:r the most widely used solar panels, which relybn ptr@o!$,$ iell5' **d**rtt, crystalii*re *ilican' sut thatcould change again*

Pank be;au$e of Cl*na'sri:rnslew$*$e,b* tlrX dr*,,pp**<rut of the markel: the price *f silicon-based solarpanels lell from$l8o per wattatthe startaf zmrto po centsby the endof the yeata..oriing ro crM Research a market'rclparch firm. This clob-bered some firms that used different solar technologres. One tl*

those casualtres wai Solyntlra, a (xlifomian firm, which manu-factured photqvrltaic pa$els in the form of thin'film coai.ings in-side arrays of lranspaient tutrls. Althcugh more e-tpensive thanthe siiica-n-ba"sed pa nel!n the-tt$es w-ere able,to eaplttl* gunllgkt

otn* t*u.rivtlV atl differ*::trungl*q t'hrn11fuut the day. Bul SSlyndra-eouid nli,{e}.nrp*:le ageinit,lhe gltrl,nf Chinese plnel$. $ifi led fo. Cha pter u bankrltp*cyrlaslye*r- desp.ite.,h.eFing{*.*$tr*rversiallvlreceived$s3sr$infederail*xlr,g*1piilltees..,;':, r i

a***rsand slands far all sorts uf televisions. ratglei*Jffi}4rcerliliungln.aJRce$ lc.:ilx{h*}i ti #}. # 1,' ffi i*tii $s',m-*ffiagiartr ihidd*.$. $i*il*'l rl$a.Sldt *r.tsic 4nq g$ortlng eve, t$ijfrq.. ak*ligh ier, beiler-looking $W#.,

i i rll e,!tl1tl1*-el #.*.E€r 1$Brvr*mins- the comnanv decidg$iid:silttdbljfd,r* **-* # Sdec*#**ilhecnrnp*$-y.,,dgi $ifram xluxinium' iail**qi###

ligh ier, betrer-looking $W#., i i rll e,!tl1tl1*-el #.*.E€r 1$Bul

coming, the campanydeffi$iffiffihffi *&amxluxiniunriadiexgi#f_;W$llffiA$. nfirm to supp\r suitable e6ifi3fo&s and R$ingp at the right trii'igeii iuised,.i$ CI,!$$*, ].t$qd{t{t+ ti& sk h...o f",qnles**.*ed:bul n * ffi; rafiiip*


:*-ared;buX,rken!1r*dn i,?Iffi; .,l 6t S-dqqr$tilm1.qeippstri*veiN.$}6i;;ij,ilit, jfni$ai*.-8F,.1

==,It,pryp",thrsb, $q|qffi **$ifi$S1it :${,#SEil*41.€:obrinsp,io-fuc{ip.s,b hto m.eqtc## R 1$.g$$r$1tffifikd$p'tpteti-d€:r."*tkef,be'r1e*It**.: sllBBsl ..$ d's:a=+ ffi$F,yiiadgr:e,ia $n*na*S",*9-"Egp.lp.n*ytasab,iet. q

d&q1$filrni.qsitrr,p .s-vertrt $+eis,these $els


#{fi#s$tuf in$e**nnrqffi#*d#itiiitittffiit{$$i&ffi i,tl}*iits,{rark,delwn.peopJ$..lry$$}iff,#., ffi#lil . eit@;:gpr

iiad.g{1r:eja $n*na* ##"* ' pi*k,u$".$*

#{ fingsft#pffisffi#9#$ffd{ it$*** edtb,{rnCk.der#*iips*pJ$., ffi &i ii$rsttime.sinteltskr:nohi$*s$h(ffi1 ffi Ui$i{*[email protected].# t*time.$nrqi{s1&rinohi!}'9fiilifif; $ ii*bii * ...w.effit*bxild and,gq1r1p, a *ew faet$i$l, S *n*.d,ix+CI:*:t*,.1 rt*e alli1snpef*iion*unrlern11*r$-a*.,.,,, .,",

, ,'t::he t ial$qr*t rrf ffieturirq in,China is nat as chrlaB es

it might app*a:t* be,rtsays Mr Campagna. $hipping costs have


ut l'ta


:f, . r,Y,

*€,&,, t W1&'i'W' ffi * *' I8$g #fiffi#&# $g$

i $i&l # '3 ,*,* ? ft,,fi,,N, &:w

' Y ffi .,,,|fr,&jj& t.#, ,.. .*,.

The E$no*rilt Asril a,!rt,e&t*

i|t1t?!{:::.1:.i i..;l ;.1.:t4, i,t\r:l

r.----.r.^^ rni-. i1....rLl^ ",.,.,!- "i-. 1.. ;**-,..----n-...1

\ tr* ll : t: 1zt;<:at *utt::;i- :h." ,i!,, r.". . -, r

ntr,,t"#!xtit$ t:n*':.15.*?,,5" .

:7 I --.

' 'tt;a?:**1:tti

' tlz{{:.r*t11&

i4$yt$*1 si,i,w*.\t3


:F*nyr*w it$r tit{{?W:.iX{"






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The lcanornist Apr'll 3151 ?f12

,t /A ri I I t'1. i: T i : R iA t t 14 ii 7 t:i i:j i|\i Ai I ij I

"Th': ts.Li:zt t;;ttt*} tr:tr*r:',',.tt.:+:T:, ;1t* 'i{}*tlit:tg

il **1, "tltr:':z


t3u.T1+ial1i!} i|fi.1iliIla"Li{1\t;:j{ *.1;r.:';tt:. r',1;:,}:;t1'.:i" i.tt t":.r)1nt \};T1{.:t-t **}ar ;-ru;l-- -"r, "y,'lii,Sa:trv"*'',3ta:1"a'.'tfov i1\si.lit'; "';ttvxilr.t:?:"tts:;v-t\{*t':l"o;i t

r,utrtt"tll;ing'p*,wtl l;: *#titlt'a1 ';,ri'itt, t'ith*ui ttzlttttly"-fb*utgr**y'

Ll"u,;,tltt b*i:; .ri {lltir,;r'l Sult:t:t.tl Fr)l'. rir' !tuhiih 'r',ath*t:*rrtt: tkt*' i'Z*) ii1ggrtu\ pr*t1ur.*r *6 *xl*r sta";*.iti', thinl;s,xhat tlz* tna*et it;;;; -k;:;i;'; i;g** t:t pir&ing 'sp x*&'zL*:t thi*a r'ottl* *ttair:t

1ri11 parity r'vilhir'r ihrec :){ f*w year4;"'' wttat cl, ttttr*" th*rt, f*r t;t":1ir-p*tz*trp tltt**rs in *''*t<s7* xnt1

hm*ri*df f*r aslart,it.is "].*t a$'&li-*r-t1i:tlIs|*gt**it*'Tttszabt zz

:'rs\ar *a*e\.lh* :ilirrr)?l is *ttli{rt* wettrs *nt} v;hir'It phr;st*vdt"a'

ic celis ar* firbrttare rl ' Ttrz* rxllx xrc, tketv witxtl xp, ttz';ax** ix '

{rame* *x* r*ui*rett wilh glas*,'Yurrzing ,ls* t*** ir:l pax*1+

rnialri he dcln* lrlisx* *wn*mt*rtl\v itz th* **rtW-rY wlwr* \1x*1

r*riii i'r **e& z* saulr on *lripping cfist$. Afid fitti*g th* Iliettrle.Iolt**rlits.gx,v,shittt'at:.tt:z*r*s{*rzv,tt*t*t,.tht,t}xi*{Flrttiisgitt"stl.larpt>'a *a7s' a3v't r*y s g*kt$' t* Tt * a 1*r# b*7itw$7 €h* irsr;: e*\a1i*rt

priq:* ir':,qmeriia i* **{r erxl.E xt*ux* && "s* yt *r w att t* ab*u**';;; w;;;;;; *r i*',tiii :Lrl**trir, rctt{tr*wt{klrta*w*rx*kt tz

iini ttii"t, i"*.s*sl1i;rg rtlex4, iSui,th;1e xrc. m'si*tx';turtttY x{r'i un ru |* lke gtiTs *lizti ziat. r*ight l ev c ] t he cost o f pr*d:'r*i r: g sil

ic$n-bas*d tdls urt xtr",ixiix'' iiirL {i\titsa, *xyx Tts$* &u*'tz**sisi'

?wa* *t lh* F'ttl{tt#v t}1t^&is.Keseat th Lahatattlr y a t M1T'* lti*'St*rxilsl*t* wsrrk trul {roppub};cif autliifule &atath,'t

tix * {*$t *ii. r* atkir1ua c*m p } ete s t: la.r p a n e l in -t rnnrk a i s av **rz*:5% higl:er tl:ur:: :**ki*g it;n Cirini, and thipping it t* {be €'e$i

ti"o*t it Amerira. Mxcl; *{ t}L**a"E t{}tl advar'tsg* i* th*ughl t*cr:rm* lrr;ru rh*ap*r raw mal*nal*, k:wxr w*get.arttl the lnq'*rer:*t *f capit*l .Ti,rt*g**we11, a resear*?r*r *tihc Fhcll{}s{:ltair

'*e "

starrhilx?stsr;ttcry i} uncl*rtalting * d*iai1*d *xalysi* *{ prtrduc-

li*xt crsxtx i:nbq:th c+ultrieE. ^4

li*iiact*ring in ths man*.f**t*ringadv**c** alr*ady in *re pipeline, tl:re c*st *f an Am*r:ic*n-m*dtserlar pa*el ra:ill fall l.ry lnarr* th*n half to arr:un<i Su lrnts pcr

ts,ett ;ilhin i} sl*cade i*ee chart 41' $ohrr Fan*ls f]lat lan b* marl*tnr 4ts-75 tent$ per w;itt $rc *xpected to prnvide grid pi*rity.i*arf:erica.' l'h* vilriati*rr rsfle.:ts reginnnl differenc*s in the

amr:uni *f lunshin* *nd th* pric* *f electrici{y.?};er* is n*rl:i::g t* st*p ilhina fr*m ad*pting th* &affie

marrul'*cturing breakihr*uglx, **& !'v7r Ftw*ll jE inte'g:l$atingthe elTe{ts of tfrag t*r:. $ut it is alr*aiiy *lear that n':ar:lg of th*-'pr*-

dutticrn innr:vatia:rs nr:rru nr:d*r rviiS w*uld chip xway. *t'fr*l'i:na's aelvant;lgs*" F*r insl*nce, n*w pr*ducti*:l ffi:eth$d$ i;iv*lvethinn*r *afd:r, r*drtc!*g the er$$$*l *t silit*n requir*t1' {l*1}*

rr-ill h*cc*r* m*r* efficjent. rimplifieil prurhrc{i*n $rill re*uce

capitai cutt* and m*t# automatir:n wiii cut l*b$ur costs' "t"ui"l

only re aliy nee d *ne br*akthrough in each area of inl:r*v;eti0n t$

w'fiih andwe are bacl in brl*ine$s," says MrBu*nussisi'


Wwwry&wg mM*mffi

Wx*tx#at{.*txtgar*irztrwa*lzsg@w*t&r*g'*sztfu**'w, i

gax* **rfu a *g1 *g i*gr *di wnts

t;l:iSk4uLL**r:wgltv;th*1zx1*t*'y*tcr"*etr'dan*1tt*l''*1il;*xn',"r"*t;;"ft"'rh,l; ti'"ii:t' rtl ixul's*i*x*tt'J with tiny h*le :r, hct

itis**wrlisxtzy- *grtS t.cl Wzak*.'Ths2isls*t'*tt*e il j]xlr.nt *pi]r:tzz'*rtrs

xmirs a vNirtitze *xd**rhigh p rcss ll re -a

t i* I er!: li I ra t ti re *{ z "**ts" {:'

ioii'f, *t our z?ti *'*Xtfu:i4p*inr cf the *tatr:rtal '1

;p 7*sSq tt*\'n'

l*i i *riut stlr,:ivt thatiwislirig irrl'crno l':trg *n*righ ttt 1::t<ttrt*.1

*:r airliner for z4rut knr il5rx miles) befarr b*ing rtlilaced" [n *ll'Ii'#t*i*it*ttby ?tlad,r:iuart x;ert i.m lh* r*ar rurbitre *t ;t'31tsl1t-

r;;;;;*;;;;;;it"insrou,antlt?tt:&tit:i*ht<ttztla'rrynsxlt*s*wt'&rqtA* *t tfu*userzrlrt.*t th***k\a*x* u y **r't:'"'"-- iin*rioa* &zxi|"Erlr*8x*:* hrmr havx xttu'$tt sztlv"zlittts izt

lrlelx"t;J ;inrefacr*rin g fi* r* th* *nslatqbl af l*w-c**i ;: r*duc-

*ii. rn*t tn*taxi,igly ifu*lr*s brt*r*ing *t*re utvt'ntivt'wilhtfir*e*m1x.T?ci* xrtiili wtlll*crk ilt a *ul'lbe r *t *u*ltinuuvalittn*'i"if"rfiiru th* sp*cial cirffA$tg*ilxt*Tx f*r thc Ealls"ft'*yt* *stTsirt*

ili-**. *l *-rl as the use t f?ilrb,m kbrr,t*t:yrltdplaut2c na:astt'

rr*rv lratiuy techn*l*gy a** *th*:ts." at **i'ul *}irrg,;6ix*rie*h*c*rnttir'h*r altd m{r* sxplzltiti'

cslrd, th*y tsa lvti;t t$ make things like i*irc*di, jrt rugin*t; it*tl1**h"vert*mtff ncr $porti! {il t:;. l* s]:,rr,x *;**tE Wes'*rn futr';'s ntlls-

cuirtrae:l part erf rhc prod*ctiein wr:rk t*: {irrrrs i::t ctuntrj** tryi}}*;;'b;fi';t thr caiabili*es ${ thei.r industrirs, usuallv whe:r

Nh*st countries are placing big *rdei-s. Bul strm* thing$ ar* :rl;li

}'t:r sharing l:erilus* th*y ;trt tcrl: i:}p$rtant to pres*tv* a pr*-

d ucr's cr:nrpetiiivt: *clvarttage'Fpr fr.irl1s-Rc:yct, turhiire blircles are on* ni th*se kty tcr:h-

*ol,:rll*s.'rhc rnagic rh*t *r*at*$ th*m dcptnds rin a- rle tp *ncl*r-

ii*r,ii'ine of *;l'teiiuls sci*nr* and pn:duttior: l*chn*logy. lvh*r*otiir *kiaify aftcr rasti*g-they n*rmally cr:ntair: k:{s cf rllicr*-

liopii,iuv*t*it. ?hat r'vr:*id stii! leav*r {}revn slre*rg e1rytg} flt*oii iftirig*, *ret il is a patwrtial w*akn*ss in a turbine hlade ' $*

ffil; g;y;; irter * uniquc sysr*r* which cnsls lhe1'l€ds i* a nictr*-

*tlfr*r"*' **rp*r-nllay *i th a c'nl i n uo us a trd ttrr bruken -cr'stal-lin* nituttui.. 'Ihis eil5t: res thrre wiJl bs nu 5truct{Yal d*fe*s'

Air circulate* through thc hlad*'s hullow r*ntre and c*{thr*ugh prer:is*ly prlsitior{nd hule*, lormed Lry a speci*l electr*n-

ic r:roiexs beca*sJ no conventi*ilal drill is actuEate ex*ugh' The

lt,ii*r tt**t* a &lm cf air ro'hicli l1*ws acrcss the surf;lce t*;rr*-;;;; ti* blade fr*rn rn*lting. The hlnde is alsei s$v*red with aire ilt-resililant ceramic r:oating' The makers go tn such lengths be-

cause a ruggt<i and htat-registant bladt allows a jet engine ta ru:t

tr*it"t, l"tii ;ting comhustit:n ;r*<1 reducing fnelr:*nsuenptiu*'

S*n'tjust sit tl*re. ielv*xt sor**thingThe trilw fautorvinOerhy, wh*re Rolls-RoJ-ce $r*k*s thetur-

bine hlades, is i*s*'satnewhat unusual' Oesigners" enginetrs

and orot{ucriutt staff are hottsed ttnder one rool rathtr tha* trt

di'd;i;;;;;;l;;;$' ;; -;;n- ai*u'*u' coutrtrics' "Ihev nere

fri"*"irr rogerlter'because Ralls-R*yce btlieves that proxintilv*irfi.^* ri u bett., unclrrstanding of each other's rolcs ilnd

lireater inverrtfrrEfeis. That will be cnrcial in the vears to colfle'' Iiv.r t+limitl Mugiial, Rr:lls*R*yce's hsad r:tf ;nanul'acturing engi-

n.'*tlue, "Prodirct tcchnologyis the key io survival' and ntanu'

ia,crutlig e*.ellcnce providei one ol the biggest opportunilies in t

ffi Stenypr**pect*tiort nl making lular pan*l;:ti? f,r*nnt*, $ i)tr N*ll

"r*ttr, .---":::

i i,, 1 x'e

.* ilt *d,".i w'$ ,: .; .- US advdnced

manrtiacturinrl\.:.1 ". ....

? .i..*,1 --.1......-.i ......i...- --i i .

f l-: i1.,1 ii.6 iJ.g .i.t ll.:l' trrs]litnti*

i:: ::tijixl:iri:r:':i-:r:it;t. 1i::i;:r':.,:i.:t: _:::i:rirlar

a:i1;1ii j

iti:tltlr,j l{iril:i :rrlir::i:i;l iil lili ::\

Although $olYndra and*thers have slumbl*d, thc thin-film techn*lngy theY used ie-

mairis atrractive. t;e, for one, is

bettirrg on il. As Parl rtf a

$6r:r:m investment in soll*rbusinesses it is camtr'rletingArnerica's bigge*t solar'Paneifacteirv near *enver, fiolorado'It will usethin'film technoitgyta make larger and light*r Pa*-e ls whirh it retkons will cut in-stallation c*sts b3 abnut half.EmploYing jtrst 35o PeoPle. the

cri fircility; witl be caPable r:fpn:ducing eni:ugh Paneis ev''try year io Powfr a;ound8o,ooohome"s. N

l1 i i:; i:)ii'tl &i' i{i i,

1_ - .,-_llti dl I



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il*.rd *utri:tr$n"tl. t l1c

lil pte-

"rith ithrbvtr) r$rlrfion.


ii11cershiin in

wfre: xirnitr*' 35 andcr:tfi:e.

g engi-m&ntl-iriei in

lct 381?

ili. l::--, t. ,i:,r r. :'i'i,:. ':., .1; Ltt:,i: '. ,i'f*i. .t'r' ,.;;i'".r;!1; lt..j 1ti:tJrri c;,,;?it:tt z:y: "'t;it.it ;:tti'.::;tltiltr*t:g'iit: "t:tt::r,:i.t:i,:i':'r;jl i.!:'

..:t; i: at;tt:'1''\u lltf i lJt:i 1.j.-"

?:';n.',:tcj: l1t* s*t"tir: Llr:{i;i.y:t'ti.; li}.fi l}* {t.tnix: ;}t i:iy,. ii ttlt;r: tz'li:lt+:l

itt. *l:gi"*** a** !.1frFis\s";i:r-t:..":t:r,,,. i?zyit,its;:j"t:::i,t *tlttl',:!.1!filrit:r:,&, ti:-i1-,xily'* a*i7iz*.xItk t;,t:tr:, "{i i|t:;.,i.r\tt: ;1':::r t s *} a riil.t}}h*i' ::s{ '1+;sr,t

;tyt:t ll+;lt. ',,rie ntzt.i:1.{:t}. t.r., ?,;\{:,;il{: tt zttl:iitl* ";*rn:t}::t:i} itftt} #",ilnuilta-t;ltl:ir'+l r*rTrts.tt|tt6it:t;," t-ii1TL; ,'..d.t ltit::ita'k, i.* rest:;.tr:t1.2 t\sie|i. ?ie',2;

l:jy**\.3.t:,:t ts*** t* ?::*<i,;t ",ss...t!t tltr.ii.g*, ?t'J{.41{:{i ltt .}''*"ttti&7!t a;*i*tt-t.irtr, ;t*tlfu*.*-t'{t r*art',$*r:tt}:;e,"'Nr;u :ti"it; *t}T1t: ?"|{t1Li.1li}i}et t91y."

Llr:t:Vr's:.Tut:t. rsi t.lsl:::,tt: t:.t!',.srtli.") t1#rt"!v ifr*lzlil.rir.tl?t;:tl!.*ry"'12i*1:*gta:* uvitx Tst;*a{tTl i*it:; r*aktzzy &bir\ltry t';}udrt ,:nt}""g11i{} *t1,yaiti.{} in a 1tyltrit1"t*r;sr;t:s:t.i:":';:, & r:1::;:rzi,t;1r,i lst*s** ;s* *i;L+1 anr}tall pxlt*"*4 tlzt: x:4uit*d tr\*tfrv rl**r?ty ilir,ItS tt)7)ltil{t€:rfr. Tt}I.

zn{{ear21, it ,urstlt. its, r,?tt' Utstzr;zt*ry is rsztt: t;:l*rr.fr" xt*v**rt;i;sli'tznl:,t1s.*, ltirltT Ti{rtt:(ri;t:t} ir;rt;t:1vtv,} t* rz.tisk)'pr*t}tlr:r: ';1''r: ha:.|*ry t1u"it *.

#n*st:\t*y" {its ,*Z:,:*tlsxV pi1*iprt.z*vt::\.irt*"1i#-t:'ittslrear*ut*vt "ttt 1S'tN

7tw:,rr:vttzgi*t&&ifi.t{i #tlit}*'\s*ktrcl:t;i1tli*gut*tt*ry,'i)ttt'x:eilrarf.r i I ir t th it s la{*. q: t it r'r; il 1:

l''h,.iyrrr,"rr.;..;:'.-rl1g{}1;lrraiiurrnl,Fr.ririrshVhriil irrtirlltris alus:sz;i,i:t*t1t:{:+r tssh*rhyl>ri*.,,r1:idr:.x,ttztr?' zzs{rtrklilt: , ti! v;titrl,t* *frFlis;a\it:rtt1i?"r. pr*';i{ti*g\*ittk-up,ptlw* ftsr: **tit r*rtit*r;sntl ttsTl*w*r t*l*tt:rr1::i t:*'*:;l*i:tt*zn#te p\a*ex. ii ln.il1}:*:::ad* ini:t *tw furt*'frl fucilii3, rr*tht Ni.tjlti{ltzt a.5* t?$+l r9fr*nff}r}t}t'i i7ry. *r3?mn,|t"rs tz*tin*r, Sw*les?rz*.tt.'{he hattr,ry ils*lt tryrss.irt* *{ a

r*1 #i. sl:i*d{rs t1t:*,ltltt ';i,ittit,tr2 grs trtztt rzt*tl*ltfl t }iti t'"ttL!tq: t*n*er,L-et1l.t>t4*th*r lbr: riiff*rrnl applit:iei.i**s;.Tlzerut:stJult:Elaln *VlzitJl1?i* $t:riice t:{ ar, *t4u1':sai.s"ai 1ea4^ac:i4.lsglt{yrir iart: r:nly i|hl*Lt\ e

l{}.t,t,ir .:. li:. t. r:irii ,1:o 1}1 ;:1,, ir.'I }il .: , .r . i'.:t.tl 11 :: .,3.; ; .':i,'zt't:, 't;:::lit; .itr t:..:?t:'s.i|tt t;t: t::\l:t';:t:tt:'t,i i1a3t ,117v11;11i:-1'11Jri,, ,i::'"'i {}i+t.:'t:;1r::.rf+lti, *', i:1:,;:,,:.r';-it:: :::,{ t.,t.,+,:t!:n:':,\t}:i:il,ij ,\tfrl{:rr.'; itt' t:.; t'."t 1#\.t<s';;it'..tt1,

{-}t:* rixil*ritl tlz*t.7:trii{.r:s\;'tritl |1:.tr::rt+it',.-it frfit1 t:}'irt{:t:

,t;s;st "'rll:tt\u.:tt'rri'" ;::+rl:tt|t.lt*r,:: ^-TLlit;:.:l *21:r***V /sr:it:t t:l**t* :t't;:,ttt

i.ilr: t;'try4x\Nrtbladt::* xrt\t"t {*r*i::,{ l;ttri''t:.i:i? *r}.frari*'i.I1.iti*.*:<i*lt l+.''.

it t:it'., *1&1:{:t:tit1, #:,2 ";;ht:* '*. r;:zzr?:tsz"r-i:l:t*, t:1r.s'}: t,,, it'ti-,1gg4,11{j,:

*:iih. t:y*xy ":tri';1, t \;ir;?t3 a.** r:t:.r*r|.. i"1 *vt lst: i:)5 slr{}rtl1 i:i::i lit*t:t;:..r:ti tt*1:"tr haL!' fh+ tutt:,i!*';.. l'lztt'. ttt*",tt!z t:*t'tlsslv*"tY''!"?"1t, pr:v; *rlzt|i:.1t*ty:ir::tt "?:r*s,i*t"h*t t*n*.lsttl:s.;,j{n t*rls** rst.tntti.T?zs.!:1s'';{:E ti*t1i:* *1it:t:t*iii* s:|il{w*nt tiivr:r.r.i.t}t3r" fr11{}wir}.F,t'Jrtgizt**r ,'t t t,u}rs: r.T.t:

!,r"r* t rg*\ en <1 lt*v.ihility,;tt * *{31x}:trtt;}ti.t * *t:{trltoittt *'r}Y e*?gtv"7"*,t1xr*t-*t:alt-t,.stt: tst r:+*srsrt ill:'rrbtgaxirt it:*tt;'it>*t:*"F'*z!t

&L*s*'; s** ffii:ttirtr, *ir:t*t:, *tx: i *v"lt:'*slt;a!"1 izz*xea* rtt alttr*i'r:iurrr. ld*? *aly * itlig*l';:t,1:ls+:rt i:* itT*tt ;slsi';" r';'a*ttt;ztt*ri:r"f" *ti:'v;x:t";lg*.:lxrgc.httti*rrr,rt**t.?tt:t.ts*ivt i.et:e* *l u tN;tYj{,tI.ftTtl;'* rn;+"*t

in*w2 4rs r"4llitv lita*b*iztfrriu*tt:*ttly,t::1.1?t:T li\.r1t\*ts ttl i't;:'j'i","'td"

ni1t {ft?t:}*r1{1$t$.

L*ufu.n*fuan*sIt sE th* slr*.*gtb,1ig1zt1l*1s i]rr1, y*l:*t*ti*lsijliirl1 \,n tn:u1tllll

1a?s*tsr ,*$trxt|'fuy uzr*v**lsrc 1?:;llrt*tk** llw tzsttl.*:xitl t4tttt',t:!-ivir

klt * 'trtri*tv t){ pr.}tLt*l#. k1*1.,*rt:::a, x *r*ivb f*rrx::,1a 11fi} a:.t#:tfr.,

r"r,ral 11r* {rcr,tatz ttst a!\, Tjx.r;itr wilk a tar?:stsx-{ltr*. savtttt*tr,t. }ts?*tWalx***r*',t*it,tttwi*i:ltt:tts*.tii,ritznh*r*nrSzl ivm',;f;\1v*rr,trtrz*.l.al.*r ltr*}ytitr,in t3raw;tiirtn*hitvvt.ls: titxr*tlzl*iritttf* its t?:i1ity t;sw it ?rslesrrl t:{&sI}* s rvh *s he * tz2 t {g* 41 rl t}hi, 11 11 ** {:r *r* a pil* t"tpitlr,&*n'ril,Wllhiz; itl):w ,feav* flv*ry ;.T !r;2t1'1 :irial r;l+:ir:g r.:;x?vtn-



.,-*-** 13*sr,F 1;/-1.4..*V"ffi\$S.:rus+*rffi*fffifrWj jf\

..r\ "l


Th* frt*0sfiist Ailr,tl tlli f*13

,\4 h!+ li { k':."i 1 } f, 1 ?+, * t4,,,4 * :,'} t$ #'t AT3 * li

hnr;** qars. '*lsz fu"'atlsiiz:g !l**xt , iurqt:1:1,' ?*V '

l'ran LJ, c,: u1 il I JT c 1,{}'} n : t-, a t t }.?oitl I l.l4*lr"i ii ia}**** J l:l{it ttyty. k**ra **'fuuij.rl

t1tr: t:a tl:l,.*t.- t s|: rc ;h r,li E an d undr:rl:,:# v*{ lh"*,, Mtg &'i{zt:

" . a,#H:i,fr o#rs*.',*Wn}#&

: {,aY

wkii*b *&*|.#iwn *x*x kte"&tm a*7t tt* {xt:#1"

pet* "a;.i*t;a:rtls-x,'t-a1,$cn*ii *ts*,:!t*:s*ad ac

w*Tc nx ** tbe' We|&" Tb*.t&::P &rtx* i* bui;ztiw' w *ixttxti,y X,*&r: rs**t: :3a,t;l:t;t:;,*x*x. L*v"t

t *:h&*-air{v! *fu a** ir'Vl {fu#t&' w * st &f tL#zt::

dsrn. liventually the *srmpatry, wiXi rnhnu-ta*ts{* & raxgx'*#:mp& txt -rx.*2ffi;;rxrb*


6br* .q##t der *i:er* fe$ter,11*xs?A*'t***rirv*l*pmeni *l a panly a*tornated tecl"l-y,&tl:t1*,t*rlrt:*sil:g.th.e xtnri;al:i:** M, tf**ztt*:tixlexlrlf,.*p*5:,r* ;171L6''iF:ip$e*pressune. this was p;cn*ered.!ointlv wriah

Cartro fech, a* Arlstl ian firl* that sp*cial-ises irt c*mp*sitcs.'- I ;ejl{s' *txwt t*iiwtr**w*,ejpi*x*sqqdhg,. rn***e.*$**?r Bsrhr:** x#$q,s*sr.{ai.*lin*-:.*#44/,gr, f.r<rg::::$aitlx}.igr*a+,:' tstwi1xz*t*eEgfYd#Y,'. s$nifr*,I &,*,,,'fuN:;tt.:,gr;st r,&

#ff $ff-?ffiT':fffl:f *tff"iffr|5" E*rr*r,srr,s {Y'

*ffi.Th';;:;d;;;i;'#;il;;; ;;' ffi{*dw{tc*Ilrd the *mwi3. will bry assemtrled *t a #{t #f F3W8{f &V&new fac{orv ic} leiasis frorn'ntxt vrer. A *"1f,'"; - - - - #carbon-fib# iar, beldg lightireight wiLl W{& ffigMVtgg.e{ msrr rnileage ct*t of its banery than a ffi *k*heavier stsel $ne. it ;:right even prove . , . & -*o,rg.ilno*sht*sts. f?#ffi#Sg#g#.

apg$er surprisen$y slrong rnateri- ffgp3pfgg#-al csuld be.;lrade ffom,,w:ltat pe$pleihtow oul n*hur Huang,tiue .,r foundet 'F?Ol#ffip Fffi

*f Miniwiz susta*ruble r:itr *i{."q_ mfuC*#y df$#dment- baseci in Tln.iwan, irained s$ an ar- : * -ahitecl in Aneerica. He is making building f# #tr FF#$?ggmaterials fiorn re-eneineered rubbish. rc?*s'p6

r**t::.: wiifu >xn1ight- a;, \st:r.n|/, tlttwtt 'st:"4:*r:sit *iYL" Tli* rr:J;ti{l1:iit'l i'

;tii1rs t+y;1r4p?t*i*" *ttrat:iit'',g,t;s)rt aY n *1t**1 r)t vdttt*l: lYtitl ":';*t:|t+*** tl*i: ,**tXr;*^'*i1fu"i{1&t{t;, a *rilivth 'i<}1}iP&r1yi t;stts iht f"r'ti i't}

l*sr#r $t#*# u'tixg $la*:*.'"ttiing i:hi* t*rl'ri'r*i* gv irz :tt t tt'.. & tw"rt .ifur*uitrt:t?ix t***Nr*t lahr*rxxti*e '":;i",&rx 'T' tlr't**e

*mn*ry:r,r*i*ex ;tw1pi*x wf tx*+sua pix$w*tx thal'l, Ji$tcuse na n* L)a I'tlclei. &rnc*g therhii:g* Kripa Varanasi iirad hi$ colie*gr:e"t ;r*I*t:kilru a\ aie r**terials th;rt at* cxw*,r**ly '51ar'gt*:p*11en1"Thesc ia* be r.rse ti lc *take uuperhyelrtph'rbic rtratirrgs #alr;er**ki grearlv irrrpr*vethe effie'i*ntv *nej duraiJility ol nrnthine-s

Lkt,s.r&*.:fgt* t*s tt:?{1.*f*e}irYeti }1 ylani:x; xa?'*'b&r \,!xtan**i'

*zztb.*r*a,r:t t&*ntisr{&'t*b*..applicct ts trsl$ttflg st**tr:t:'xzt&ifi fi,

;t ;t'6**rai*ril*staf. tlee *ara*'o electricity' Tl\ettfrr,*d fu*'

r.*llk?,; **#*gthw*x+st'lr*4kwl'"!&z:; av&rtast "-.'' :::"::..,"',',&a{r&*.Akext3y,texes.xlglg;J;.pN+x!xwirbnxln*x*:d!c&qrw,*Enexfi{tgr*at eJ*'eci. Atre f*s$:is 1h&tt,at:r.rsi&w&"*lx''isrt*rectl&?:g*14Ealeb er srere f,*rnrEd s*tnt: s* on y e arc ago when cofrbudi*d o r-

Nanisms i*;th***lbe,#ii using rni*eral$ t$ gr$w *:w,tAwstzt*tialx

Is the l*vrn of sh*lls and h*xso?ke**.**tarlcl':'pttt'6"t,c1$ *#fr}tail:

exr: nisite n*n *structu$es;':$1***'iri*ns**{}t *}ie {l{ &a!*n*,sd- vt* $eIcher. tI ere+lLtr*$'.hei.,e*e'' *liryJ*'mak* *zeiriai*

like that in th*ir ::x*. itie.*t:t etr$d ;11x3:*utrd'h*. ar*t*i*'*tclezzz:'

r:i#ry ir rylr*,t isrm.hxt. r. rut*.*rs&.yjp*t*p,,azt,zxz*i*'rtrtw'sry.twl*rlo,r.mir:igg*s:l*dcengineering''

O*'* rii*ugh it r*ay seelvr, one trf F5x ffBelq:her's ploject* in-

v&tr:*s*sleg lftl*ex:ta xnake h.atrerie* Viruses*e*s:r*1Iy:&*^sq$thar inf.ee* Lacteria.asd :ar*ifui*lrq"Llq*:#:i'**:'h!.4f1:*fi*;*?* 'ar l'lycomrntm locl in genetic etrg*m** ' g;r'rr h*gi:: with' &llu's*lch*rand her c*tlsag*$s genetisatly*llgin*er'** g-vir**ee tal.r:t*wa+3:*r

bind rv-irh maierrali they, lrt*1ntercst*{i ix" Ax they da n*lYtuv*:nilii* crg'* ** t* w*ii; ffuey'*alplqy-iwhaL #xn*$ntx t* * higlt.x* l,u,er*llriaap{r:t**s; nllking a billiein- viruse*' *J at t!qt, L*:ie ctr*g thcse with pronrise and repeating the process uxtil they

sctas;rein capalrl* of daing whar the5' want.- the teaft }riu developed viruees that {an produce thc el*

me&ts {,f a Laftery, su*:h as the cath*dC and anade' *nd rised

them rr: make srwiil burton-cells,liki those that porver a watcli'

but the process has the potential'to b9 icaied up. Whatarake* the

ie*trnoiow so attr*ctiv-e, sayi nns netctrer, is that it is chea $, uses

nr:n-toxiin:aieii als and is environnrenmlly {riendly.twc, ctxnria*es founded by lus Selcher are already making

thins$ *ith viruses" Car*brios Techn$l$gies is piaducing trans"

nadt co"*nss fsr'tuuch sereens qnd Siluria Technaiogits {Msirekhlr likes to nante h€r'eompanies after geelogical time spans]

is:uxing viruses ta develop caialysts fu* tuming natural gm intr:

oil and plastics. Tirere are als*r pctential applications. in"solarcel.}S,. nni$irai dragq{}itics *xd,*ancer. tislttt:}e}}t;" &$d all ar

materials :fiorn re-epgineered rubbish. lmggpg{}ne prcduct Fa&-rrick-is a Uo&-rt**m- -*"':;bling isq;are bortle *rade from recycl*d Pfl##€psr nlasdc.rxhi*h is widelv used to niakelsod and trinft cotttaltldii recause of







{,blinc t sqtare bortle mad*{rorn rdby;*dr"=: fl.Fffipsr nlasdc.rxhi*h is widelv used to niakefsod and trinft contaiddii recause oflvuu ilru st[r^ Lvrrr*tnf

their shape, tat ti"nr*ct<s c-atrL* 'li:scihsr w::hrlut *ng kq*.iv*-rr

An*ihef sf:.i${r.agfilt pstracted fr otr. di


to farm strucrures sueh as walls. These, says Mr Huang' are

strcing ennugh to withstand a hurrjcane, but greatiy reduce the

ca*'CIil,'frlpdr:si.'d.{,,n=5*iiding a*d a[t.a,b*ut*,f;* *r r:f t&eprice of naditional buil&:rg r*arcr* xi'&{$retver, a* 1h*y"areiransiucent they car: havelen ligh*xg iacrrgrltatcd'ift ,thel:l,,


Aconcrete advantage il: -n :rrl ,r,

to help set concrete. The ideeitmpot wae,points out, something simiiiil#as addedbuild the fireat Wall sf Cltbaffithirdqp mbuiiding boom could$r:ee agetritbe a big n

A similar mat*rial can l

over'fho4 brcwing*${r, idl&.*ffi* b€

r:--a'gig rh ints *seful pf*d*cg+,, . ,willbegiil a1.4he neno-

'vill hegin a1_"lhe neno-to,eil'h*nce same Pib-

ducti. riuniurn diw.iite. f#instanlld is uscd to prcduce self'cleaning gtass ur bffilaings. A lilm af-it only a fru' niihornetresthick isihin enough ta be seen iliio$Eh yet pcwerful enough ta

Ylr* t{snami$t April *tst 2s1I

ll"lliii:s !t: i.ii nfi h. lit:tj { !,;t7 l} ? i k t

&&%.%%.ffi&%ffiww wv@ w&w w&ww







'' .ffiaffiwryt*t*,6a&iwa3ffi puiwter r:ha';m#*nt**vwl,ft**9','

'""''@M*ffi$',,F :::::

izusrDr A L*\& {t{:if, huildi*g i* a hx:i.ness lt&r* et tl*t'h

H]ll. Stiut): Cax*l*utw.ic a 1' iii,)* of t!it fat'tc13'3l tli* lt:tgqir*-

Ui**r#ci+aen rnachin*q as* hrirnr:ring awtrl riotii*rcd frtl'Ir ;t

glast4rwnr:&collirol iuilrn hy t"j,;il tlt+p\P 1+*tring ai e*mput*r

Ierse*s. st:me *t ine mr+e tiin*5 i,,rc: t;'!8 sizt cl it r*r' crhe ts slai nl

;r *riciowiu* t't:*tlb*ith*ry allhave wi*dow{iltat y#tt iiir"t,pr*?

iiltn. {-}ffif i* tlt*l*irlg.3*v*elltry, *iltert Rrt pr''idrtctng.tli* pl;rstic

trip loru* r:le,:qri,;*ei-11.rhe t+nstrb*&teJrsi tc:at'alrinlricat*iarilg:"sn;t*n anct * besp*kt artifit:ia! leg' *ne ir evcn nrakil'tg p;ir15 io

lirhc6r*phy". tr worked bv {rsinu a be *ryt c}f u}tffivit,l*l ligh I tu sc" , bv .qno*r,,io-.} ;,,;;;r, :n her**s * 3 o p,.,nre, *rrn d*

iicr#*fuJ lav,::rcrliquii nlasdi. anirtit eistL, an{i;-#fil?1*1 li?1,*11r;ir;;o, - ari*il, ri*,',n-loii*o*,i,r,:ii*il *-i-,Jt;;"

;;;J-;; *r' **hins *,)re !rl1*id plastic' *ther f*imi.l,l:"t:'"T: :::1i3Y:::-ill;lii3.l,'"*';;;Tffi;;T;'ffu;;;;il;tr*ilr#ffi#s* ffi #J,T;*#ffiTii;;''-v

-rr*I' t -' tr1 ffi ? lrnt*4:r4'q, :Yit1lffi **lm*#:

._l#ru;:l*'J;'r*xk*?,HffiT'*ffitn:l-m !;?i.*T:Tfr:.trit:"1$ilHt##r,?i:;,;;;.i;;;-:il.;;;;

spcl! CInprinrirrgthingri, lor-n,Jefr"r:ducil,roror,li,rg,*-{*rry W"tgh;;;;B'\-ar€-Si!fi of the atrratti*n ':l 3r'''prirrh:d

\hr*lgeru who runs *,*u;#;rfrifr,t;-*#;;i*tT*$: l*'*nll**:[Xt:*ll;n;?i;trfr:#Jli,Til?,il:prediiru thar this will risr: l* iurt r:r:cr 5o?o by ::1 {irion*l fucrnr1, r*quircs -ilJ;lir;;;i'*nJ-nroiL*,r i,

ihan say, bv :*ao. $rrr ir.w$ nc5,e r reach ri:ro?u, hr thi*lts, be " in a triidilion*tE.'lTl*T,1$t:,1:5'::j'*'*i:;rT,l"#ffi;causeth*al,gffi,***r*'p[i*-*r*!,{Jffi##;n;-ffi1;ir,l iii,ij;66**"'* nJ"Jila, mined nnd

'up*taea hv*'Lathinu

H:'tr;:i,1#ffi#lrffi:!i;;;tu:--'" '""*l{ ,,iil:',ffiit'#J'fitH['ftffi*';l'fr-q:,mf,*i;j.fiiil. {pe*u,*rn#."*" *,*,, ue l*:rs*".*ynux_gr" *liffi;l]gi'il il;Jffi ffi;::#$s*{T pi*totYPq

f;,:-;HIIJJJffi lffiJffi *f ?trJffi :tr3J'ry:l:i*::*-tr-,twg'pf**ki,ffi imode li iio* appe.gq in*Tn-printed iut* iulnppiaisal bv erigi: cif


:*#*rirmr?$,lf:rmt* *:.t.;*ri;**lll Flfii#whereas waiting fbx,a qew prot$type t$ em*rg*troir-,;'*n;ttil; bracket {*r an qiferaii du*r ur part cf ;i satefiiie' These can be us

!:hnn r"Rrrrd take vreeks' serme cl&slsne,, u,* u#u!$;il; ;t't;-{ J; **iii;oey p*tl}]::!'::]t"1:-^nf.L}:*Y*T ,l*:

Xffil;H:'iffi;u*r;x,t*t*mn:j* ffiW"t, ,Wf 'o##:;#,i,F ffiW: Wi6A:"tit.tli!',,,t 1ffi4tfi-=


readV-tr:l:weii Shut$ $nd dres$es ffSlS piaslls ifirt* rryr$II IIrdrctd ,""'Y:*"'u. '"' ;'#:i-ffi;;";;;;;;' ft;*"h ii'irid'*' t'-ieii*i' t'is p rryltiiid " sunium v#h f

il']-ifr ;;rp;ili;,i;;rls'ti;ry i-iti* 1i'*,iir-'so c#"ion v*r -*-", .3:"fj

lf*[1]'ffi:*;:t .,[:1,#fililiil;,i'Joii" llJ,*r 'i';-ii,';;;;;;;, ii^ii-"i i'., :,*{$yf :iill:::]f : i;*':,':il3;ffi,t;f ,iiJ.Iil:;;;;i;;;ri. ,ilifi.ult ro r,,f.* *u.f., .i*nnels inride a sirlicl nretaI nirrrri jarv ftrr a womatr sutlenrlg rI - -

;,ffiilf-if;l'{il;i" ;*"**i1i "-

,r,. " -'-*'.


-*" . .: ; ' -fut cornpr*'ter softqare antl tuin thefi i$to far obie$$ *,T

i?s$ *fere are l*r*rv]ofiffiiJno*i** or scale in ilddirive prr*.tin{ ii creating a *ew desig$ language' 3r+printed item

manufuertrri*g. rhe rechnoloiy i$ idsdry,*f,** roiu*iljn** i*e rtr"g il "te"ftC"tt.iit ii$k "i'ueiti; tlas ccnre $p with

nroduerjo$ Ii al$b ailo{v$ it,e,*ass cusrsrmlrerjon:; d;irh-d *,i"1* u*q, *liident Ce's1gqt. adtl often ii ii a eu.,didea to rnimic

l i*i*ffilr,$.ffi iii'6i,gtrSll{iffiffi:'pfinrodruetI$n" II a$o ailo$':Jffl:;&:tw;fr:l;,*iqffilji

$-wffi,.$ggffi];-Tffi|,lrr:;ffiu?nxri1ffilnuts,.l'*lintx.-ftr f d e n t at'i

iu.'lT-1i'i,T#$:ffiffi:-J'Ti*itl#lXP"**, additisc - fu*ou'1*;;;"jl'&]&""-s#[ur o**eiH l"lo'p*'r'r'io'e trie-ntre'

manutacturi*s*lie*o*;i;llr:ilffiil;fiffid*,Hililrc"' i;fti.;"iid tnr{btnui st*fititte of iiatural.bt}ne inia a trretal irn'

vi.'sLv considetdd tur trrc e'rnpltx to mak€,erono;tr#i* d-X il;ii;;l";t*ie' it tuttle made ilehii# than a nmChined ane

ccurd be for acsrhe-ricrrasons, burengineer, ** n .,imep;.1,;;i *ittrn* ;;;1--*;i ti;*$sii, int*gdt* more easi{} with the pit-

*pplications too. r*sr example,.fluids flow ry",';'Tffi;"'k ::1i::*::::-,--*:**;ft-.1'm:$J;*iJn'$il*t

fha [es**mis] Alitil ar"'i zou

;..;ltrltl.Ai't,. tlrtf iri , ll "i.;:;t:i:.

'r :&o$.itzty 1:*T:zr::ztrier :tr* n*w ,+;*;z;1*ri*g *|.>*ist; \?z!:: *#t*t r_t*:,tt,ttl,:itiut rti;iri,.ir;tf,flir;i ;, lvi. i:.;ur ,.r; j,;;'i;,;;;,,.," ill;l';lj

;*;i'i lffi};' ,',':::;:Io,:r',i,.'r;' ,,,rv,1., ';' JI; i., ; ;;;,;,xl:

** e prc,,]#,' i ; ;, ;,,ilii,: : # ;j: il,T T: :-n;i ll*ll*l:?-il:il,:T1:r,Tj,ffi

-#::1;'f j,r j$*:,:i;i;i;:;i'ry:':.w':ri6h? and rrs*t- *{ tlx* +rfi:ag*:,t: ,;xzts*l*n,h*x s,nyr*rzb4at tlx*

$l?,?Ti,i :d;fJ;,,7,,\il ; i *,ia' i* i o*, # i,il ;

"h ;; ; ;';;,; ;;

; *X rAi ilTill tr#1; nni#i; H'?.,'- J,{i ft ,{*nteiy\tt,W.$, pi*x**l *#ri* sii:r, iti"i; it' i, ii:I}"73:.*;#,K:ii:#w::ffi

i;iiyit;4x,rf :x#f #::;,.i,:;;;:r*r+, * ?il i;T*i{'wfr*:;ffi{a;yx;_ffi *r::nel'.: i*expr*sive nqlrtab


tlt|rl*.1hti't;i*:r.::f alar:tt:,.y*fuig*:t*r.t;,r:,i.t.itt:it*aL.tit:t.>...**tlt,r:ti*!r*-::..fi""*;r,i at1,li,...,cii,r,,r,i,*,"rlrii,rg,,*r, '*i;;;,'t,no*.,

.l,rto!;rii..t:ti'!et"r":'xit* *ui14 a h*ru;* *hrii:'i .;;.;;, *;;;;;iz. tsy m*n::*itzix,4.'Ttu*ks:;ii+rsrrsr_;rs

l:t*Jtts rrn r,r,:,,*, ;u"*irr, ,'ii_ii; _, ytz. t:r,* r:*ti-3,3|iu Jy rrf|:'f fl$#iJ i' : i : f

- * o rri i'' i i*ii i t

" "ii r i;';' "i;;:'

:{ht: tx*t,i * ptxri*.. I 11' j1' n t:v a t I r r vl t t *

x*,iaiy,ii,{i';r';;;ii,:y!&,{:{t:H{ifr.!.*,,,:,{,::,",;*;;ip3au: *zn* t*-ll aq'th,*r,*iutiii irr"iti;itli;;"rT;* t:;I ttw zxr:rj.It*rv t* biril.J * c*py. l'har,,,o**u. i"i;__,,*r_,,fr')irrrr.o*rly ure*-rd sp&re: rruis:f he nrrid*ced i* o***i"pl*i*u'"i,fr*,,u hryini, tt:s.[ip anvihrng. [.oeu par

1rrtz*xt**,,kf *;";*y,;'#.ffX&:#fr ,mffiyft;,X**tfit** *rirtiiti16, it xi*; ne..rh * rr, r r,ry r' yii, riiat\h4tkx diwrp,l lr*rarirs .w:4if|*pp*ar.*;wlilt*. jr:.r

Baxt,t" ;tnd {}yo*trctatlix+.*ti,,x*.lttx-**rauailaLsl*,Jux:tx*thr*,xz*.trgry*r*of *,n**f ri****;u;*;;;;rl*vsr sfl our nf rrrjnL .***J,r",,,*"..,,1*1i:""ji'.I* r, r o. s il* io * il, ;;ilT,,1i?-jiT ;; r, $, #yii,, li il,f i_ll?lv;rnr. i*r haydrvare s{sres cout d.rs_i #ii,'i"i;#J;;;;:l;il:, ",",'j* p rin rr r s w *uld al,, o b e i rzvakt atsle ;n r*#o" * r* Lr. n. onj

:. T,:,:. :lt !* I I rn i v * rs:i rs,+1,r-i1,,,ir.gr n # i,.i,* u * oush u rs i swc'rr*r]g un a yr*jict called lhe td*a t'fr.*rr[,t:it:-*1, **lo* ul*"l *w "r*r r 3 r ;:ri n r e rr f*r tiai;iling an * to spirt;; ; ;_r_" ;;i#ig;and manuf*cruring, arrrnng studerlt$, When se{r:?nq up n tjil?ili}rl: y.:.:y

?e s l ti..u co nesc,r,ur * fit* ca,np ;;;;;q;;;,3, on, a iarse"ry rurari*"ra in rhe llordrerrn cupe, *isae;em i_#ditrlrr_r;;;;?;

par r t.i c u tar ey p e c t flar spa n n er.'** { hi ; A; ;; ;; ;, i"; irri i,rl "i, lcctrrect to*l to lre daliv*ied. i? $rrinfed *nr e*ef c*m pleted *.ls job.

ry{*:s'}-#* thii io*roi r,"*#"il;"ffi,#j*iif"ii *lxs




Tire€co$urni*t AFri{ gxst€sitE

F,t, t t4 1 j i. &il l,t g.

1. tn * A ?; l) l f 4 lr tS\,! p;1' i. * fr

ffi ,. tt:al ,,t,;:.;ne;:t*", n";1tt:tta112 iz, ,.';lrrlsit:frrtal da:'tign yat:.L,aV:ingatttiv.'u'ffiffi r*atr re gionl. trr,et'',x';, utul h*lp set :e prt*c lttr it, Q*i*'yW ' - - l;;;;

- pc*ple al:t:arJ'y tk,in''la*,lt.o ior rrii:nhi* wanu{ait'sret*":::':: f###E -:

'.::...:,'=-.- lri;:,1 ffi,8,, l:;rl"c !u txi*E*r* at h,*r*. l*- ,:T-lZdriW***4,i .wsE&**t?z*;1$z*:itk?.W1!fn#'f

,"'.. =,,,/,!rll;l

:: :: .!1 Llrfil

:':.,., ' l)))l:E:l

ffi-"* &.

:: :: ut: it%.r .: j:=::, a: a:ilnl!,l:.::.::::::: :::::. rlt t:ii: ::.:::::.:::l- ' :.4: )klbi'a.::,1!::,=.

| ):,.itii '.:i

:l:l ::t:li: tj&


+ ?his i., sfiade up of ltublryisrs, d*"ir"Vtiurself sn{hijsia#e. ti&k*r- lar ls caliedjruw}t?t}wyr.ft is a $:9.9q tle{'-*rs, i4ventors, rcc**r,:herg and *ntr*preneurs. S*r'rre 3*-prinl:x* lvitalrxt*.*sicl le ad n'itliad;ustafu{e$'*tk"

3n $vstcmi,*t'.,1.;tr prr:di;ices uroria*l*{protutypifig afid r#tne uP "xtttke

th*.idea rvhrn hi atls at

ind*striai-rEracfuin**, is nrr"*t launchi*g a c*nsunter r*nge af hig?r rchtol, subrni,**<j it tri $u:rky avrd,"ma1). y> ,.5*rtA*:iv, callcd rhe Cube, which ian rnake thingi LiI<e wal help*d by t** p*+plr {tl hrtt'"6 ii tot*yi, .i'r-ri trsi*t*,s a**srnajxirnts. They hav* beer, tieveiop*d m*rk*t. Ay *arly aptil, wi{h tiver 2t}*,*4}u

feir *icnim,anlry ol usrru. tiviryd at$lzgry, the Cube prinr,s by ele $l*4,ucin frr:m hi"c iiie ntiorr.

riiff*r*,ir ccl*r*rs. fhi* cur€s as a hard pJaEfic]'lhey can produce ir:g buard, frrirky can quickly tstebtrish iilpans *S {* g.5 irrchtls {r."4om:nl cul-recl aia rvpieal tost ln rnaterials the re is s rnark*t fcr a pr*dilct arrd set thcof nlout g:io. Thc qualirv ;s not r.rp tc ilia-rbf industrial printe rs. right prirt h*f*rt eosnmitting itsell lobut it i$ good enerugh for mariy peopl*. Hig:fier-quality rreadon$ r*akirtg it. .fdsch cf tlii fi"rsl's Oiafuetilncari!:eu-njoadedt*"CubilgnanlinesrinUltsservice, is qarrjed *r,li by sub-orltractors iq,A*ia'

Ch* n** r'*nge is *6t iurt itroui ti*"ii"g things. says Abe 6rarticularly China' fh* spced *ttrwh*elrneicl'ienrnl, tn $r"ry6ms'ciiief exei$tir'* lt is atio abuut simplify- they can rurn deilgrls into pr*ducts is

ingihe p*$iess #rfiaking pr*etrr*cts and l*tritrgpecjlle u*c the lritrd to rnarch ieny3vhere e{se" "sa3n Sen

o&eu rtirhu *ea io inar* rtlr:as.*"rhis is a:pers,;ffi-'i*i:#* $i**r= , g*pffi*urr:#gd t#.*.6i#ex?rn-?iv€' t=i::ggevo!uti{.,il"*hesav$. ffi tine manufacfi.lring is not ye t capall-}* *rfl

. ; butiJrat cciuldiirartge,c**E ffu*nit*o* m+'ec,vuf**tmflt$+ff

:::. @&€,effig# '',*c ::_ = *LY

- *- ssffi* Kg ffiffi" ,t tt;yratabour-$lg,**(",entigt)#!) quiil<y al*ry harzdl*u f.1#1ftr3{h atld sl*11-

ws*hlw*^ ht;*;*fu*xpxi.&izxx<tr:? -1h.*dr4,VtpffiE**fuwr41rcc1sale1to t!;e !t:vp;

p*n.= ii 'yiid a#dri $E4*i{rs 4.s*ae.€+Eet**t:$',*1&ffi ilru$*ti l*T:,t&*u;

iands of things is rn*ctr grcatcr than.w&eA=ar* a!$ :. p"] i $,,;41*.#itit,r,$4*u

?headva*tegesof {rowdscurci*g , Si,,ii,,re i, i;;ilruil y-;;;.;;-,s-l\fiW YORK,CITY wias on{.e the capital af rnanuft*,cniring in ior ihe maihrns tt: en$k-e." ' _

idea*into prodsc$]With rhe heip of a growing ontine community, Quirky also sell their goods anline, t;€lting their pp

in rqro. fo*arr tlrat nuruber has stirunk io'a mere Eo,q-{jo, and focruring cornmuflity, specialises in 3n:titev are emuioved layselv bv speeiallst producers in drcas such pri*ting services. f$unded ilr a*oi inas iumishing, {ood pr-ueissing and thg eluster that nrdrkes up . iindireen in the I'letherlands. where itNranhartanfdvibrani'gaiment Jistrict Wtnou*stre* [y *e city;s maint$ns a Suropean production centre,

efruepieneurial sprit, a,ne* induiW is ernerging. Ii might,he the co:$rrpany moved its headquarteis tocalledsor:ialnranufa*urins. i.'I - -' i ;NewYorkCity,whereitisseltingup8$ec^

Oneoflhefirrr*sinvoivedisQuirky,whichisgstrendyasits and 3nprinti.ng operatron. Last -year .

namesuggests. Itsnewdesisnstudioinaconverredrvarehouse Shspe*uys shipped ?sb.oaq prodgcls"n.", theHudron river inclutesa smal] fastorv complele with a- : and the numbirs are $o-Igi$g rapddly"

coupie:of 3n printgrs, a laier zutter, rnilling *u.hiou*, a spmy- Shapeways'usbrs uplrad ihe-ii desigas?opairitins boorh ang CIthe; bi$ 6f equipme-nt. This proratfuing' gef insiant autoniated qriotes for $rinting : '-strop,ir

.*noul to Quirkyb business of tur'nirng rrther peopie'y r*4th indusuial 3$-printing $aclihes in a


Th€ aco*smict April eist ?01?



tV ATllSt Al-T t:i1 i'if; .1 il n IN il!1 rr,;rn F.r

Eary aitlin* at*E6ettl1t ) r:r)*tr:int:'tuatrhice Xiiu i*p1.ica**r,x {*r rr, anutattzhmf.,wys

_Yete r trfu {ia^warstr"raule n, Shap*ways'

thie{ executive. Thc {tr*t t:. npe**'r* war-ke.t: Shape,,uays i:ati i*veru frrr jFadr orryatr* just f*ur dayE afier &i:,:'l* firsrIalanched &q devitt li:o:a. s*rbg:ej. rhcrisk of going ra m*rli*t lalls t* *lmost e*rr.itlerause cn{Teprendurs {efi test ideal be_frrre sraling ?"rJl ir{td W*ak the destv^vt* tni*$$oare rci fleedbac;k fr*xn buy,lrs" brme

,tw* pricts. Srsmt ti.:siir:s r:"til hi f .".:rrr,rnrse d i:i' l:rr-;ers, {ir *xamS,i* ttt V..tt*i1,i1tttrN inrti;zLs *n *sffJirsks,

th.ap*ways prodt*eis gu rhroug):l r* tJ;u-*{ itSt ans e y *er.,4 md #urd, h bewme,s p *t-sdb*y lo ?tyfrwte thi*gs thar e*nnci be

' ,fitade iz'r sther *ays, *sua{ly heca*se theyaz* tan rntdte bre te hn nrachined,

#rrlriir rrll tra,ll{lntt,?l t}1{t?tLiiatq*f1:t5 hr,.:l,lr:rvinq ilrt*t Lt, bu7p*xta x:zt& ;2,:,s*tx*ik:*:.isx* aZZ orrii t{ti.i*irSrl"'Syt* ,,",tiu,..o*no,nA t I enur - birEe cj M r; 4,.t#*1,p *i t,l *i r r,,r, "l;;; ;,; i,;*n;F-;; -i.ing sCr vir:e* witlz tn*ri than 2a;,a3,ooo::r*ffih*rs ln S" ooonai**.Firmt use ir L* ttstlyt** and coliab*rat*, *Seadt;tgdW*;J'J;.-.Et *Whgtiffii1q"4._ g :ari*s the 12*rui*e4 er.ri|an#*ii;Eii:*i"**wirys, *nlinr wauu{*#txring. {*raw*nw*e,ritriks tbeq n*rrli t"u,i:-, - ,a

rytY |.ftf,virruai *quiI'aJ*ret*{tmw,in&fi:*i.i 1 *t*r" = =.,,,

... "4s *nlins svrnstce.sand scitwar* spr*** d waxxe *,i*rjV"r*,rvwi* t*i* all$w u)\tr'Jttjtr_s t*1rlfu* part lm f he pro*r,cti*n pirrceii.

,.,.ffi.!yryrtxrrx".i}*s*ra}-*y*r,e, ,*pL,|6:Gi.{i..&+1ii\**iA-*;|:,, i6:.li,E'{eet*4*yx.q*Lixevif t:*d*nuirqremr*r@t*rt,r-"rlr}#*,n**L**Fplilp *rrri ffintuwtrfr til$w*iE:ilr nzw:=i&*e*,i*j*ryqttly.Zi !n*nprovid*slife.like r:.ranikins *n wlueh to trv *urlfiesft hi rrg s. ?h e wu y prt:rlu*** mi ght fai l. h rw tbr*V rtxJ rJ b ifry"e * i,ndhow rjrry can he takr*t aparr far airp"nal c*n als* he m*&*?ledfu' c*rn guters. S oft war* tu ms *+rl1 such * ;;;;*;6; -, i:, r*rTtle manag,enlenf' because they exlwttd r**p*r*u ,n*A**i"rig

t"M.e:;a,,#,#l,tri, tw,l'it*,w,:trt:.apre,duq.i miindera;s i+,,,{vnpk:*E E :,frmtan*wayrtrlng"

J+st as dlgitisaricn has fried scr$t.p1**pl* fnrrn wcrkins irr:1:ii:ffi*&41312*ryrmr l hap pntn rnaiifatt"riac, f$*;;?'di

11|ry and qirnulario.n c*.n n9w hg *un**r"r ; p-ii"iirt i-*prei*' aild ada€i$ed via the c.Isud wirhr devjecs euch as srn*.rtphpnes,

iays l$r Rcch*l{e *f .fu*tndesk, the Siii*on ?;rlle s*frway* *,*"p*ny. ft meare* deslgners and rngineer* wn wrtrk *" a n**u.t*$d sh&fe ideas wtth erhers fn:m anywFtere l&rhat d*es tA*$ dufcr mmarfacw',ng? Ths way mr n-dlr****--;;;T;;;-#,;;faetsry o{'the future cculd be n:er*irtinf * my home,rffice.;; w

.t ,',

,|ii @#|**asru;;Thqre'are pieruy cf surprise$ in

ir*: :3:,ffiY :.::: "Ye"-Yif,, ne ee11 er* p'

ples $*i#e curiuus#rabhk* ;{*hrw d€-vrc#s, so$?e propelled by a smafl wia:d.mill, designed by Theo ians*n, a *utctrartis"$$h* iSurrh seern to have a na&aral afl"trrdty wirh 3a prindng). Thele areprintedtul ons..6:!,.{smplere wirh ail the movingparfs. "lf jrnu give people *cn*ss to .rdativ* t*chnologyin ;qrruay thati$ not$qervihey witl find ways fa use it rhai vqu fti:noi imagine," s*ys &dr Weijmarshausen.Aar{ rhql rech:rri.loey is biiaming easierrCI uss qrJ lhe !@1I,vhen Shappways be-g4xt; half rhe Sfes uplo*ded edi.rtd not bepryqted because of mistake* nr f*r:ltc

gle. enat*gh fo1 children' lo u!q, gr5if; ;;. $nms ryrswmer serviae,,altco nrovidessn printidiieqd e-commerce" md isform-ing partnew$ips wirh organisations suchql Freedaffil$f Creati*nla &sign groupthat speeialiseE in 3n-piinted prn-dults. '

-Once inrdigital foinr, thiiigs become

ffi; half the ftXe$ uplo*ded eci:td not bep.riated bemuse of misteke* or faults.

' Flow the succeti rate has g$ne up t* **%,g {hanks tn scftware thafftautc,maricaltvt" fixesprEhlenia. . ,;'l. . R*je*u x;lka;sxi, #* ,*,, 3n $vs-: .Rajeev Xulkaryi, r*fter ru"ru 3n $ys-'Fl:' *ccnsrrrner fus*rcex; wants his

nrffi'$ rffst coilsuffieC lI"} triniai to be sim_pie enat*gh foi chil&en io ilse, Cuhifu. irs


*llliil,t,fr;|#.,{,Xtr1'E4*&*:*€ optetepmupganura***. ,i,

''f&,ings in nCvr w*ys

. {ACK lN ql-Iq lg-Sos, whsn An:enica's rarmakers fearetlqryy_ *iell bg overwhekned by *{apro*r* *.#ft-",

.;fr,#tffijffiiYt4;4ri't-l*. *riftggjffiff1$€##*ars w1111.;llgilr;jout" manufacruring. ?he idea was that faetbr*s *out*it *6C*so.li,$f-autgmared rhar the ligh* ceuld he ruro.A *ff #i"rh"robsis feft to build carscn theirbwn. Ir neoe, t app.n-*.i*p*-;*advanrage,it turned otit, Xay not in ?utomation but i" i*;pro:ductiontechniques,whicharenrostlypesp]e:ba;;d'''

. Mary af rh"e new,prcduction mettro*s in thi$ next rerr$lu-1io* yttt require feweq people working on rhe f".torv *lcor.r-hankS to smartei and moredexterous rcbots, some lights-autyanuegtuye $.no.w possible. ro*ve, a ais ilem;r";,ducer of rndustr@f rcbxns,-has automaied iorne of iriproduchanIines icrhe poini' w*rixe they"ean run *rupir"ir.A?-i;;il;iweeks. Many other {altorie-s u$e processes fu.h * t;;;;G;;and injection m*utdin$that opeiate without anv human inteiventioR; And aeldltive nunufacturing machines can be lefl alonetsp u$16:ll;1;;r111 ,.',,,,, , ",=.t:,,,,i,,, [I,i'I "*--',;-,'-. -

Yet rnanufatt{ii}ng will still need peop}e, if not so marrylntfie factofy i!! *:e*..***ilings teqrirre ssmc.eqiX Lfi* i lh- $:{gn*tr wrai+* i$ #$m;chiilCfra{€r,sr#,iJllh ebrtipCminders-,.whiit ancne*ji*f"f*broodnr,,[ffie$l*=$! n# a*1g*$*j'$UmS-sie,ry]ii;;

easy t€ cot; rhil;;*p;:.--:ffi;il;iecfuel propqity will be iust mhard as it is

f g$Sr *auuries.thaihave gone digtal.conre{rr willneed cheeking f;r rn-ent&:salni Mr Kulkarni, And &erescme ricky areas. Fo.r in$tance,ppqpsif a visitilrto.Dihrrev World

':'.::::::::::..=:' : :.ili :il;lii


ts*s$#*,{}s*i**iiiMot*i ii

's caitle, r-onverts thern into a 3nfile and us;s that to B*rrt and setloi,#i d&ie in*i,#i Md;lni

;r#ru iil;;;.*tili;

ft Io-.Yl,HTllx.-"F.--* **.r pur rtJrrwqru rrur uc'd IJu,uIe Iorr}novatign* -, :i: The intemei is aiready making life $



i{eartland R.aborics lc pnrciuce a r**gt of * m:q e r.'ars io nrcre w*rhlclay ntod*ls. the hug* stee}-slainp}ng pre:ses

machinesthatw*uldrlru.arrlre*qiliv;*- e ru'$th4 & androbatweldinglineswouldvanishlrcmc;lrlactories.lent cf the rc !n ruborics ;..@ffi .- e*,:itl"'u m.ixtufacturing, )ike anythin* .-9fi"q]d',T-_11

::ruiffi;liJtli:tlfr:T;'#':,'-111{i;;T,yl'l}:,iff,'#ii,f ll;t[i,,.T,i;.'];i:,,:j,'l:1i]x #"x@m&il,;;i"f i""r-*,iir, tii* frigg.rr -r*ii

"g stth ntat:hin,es. bt* *v** in" nt* ;mall arrii rrt*diurn ciz*d #ffi;*il@;.S;;;'

';y!:HnT:v;;f i:,y,*wy{,:,#ffi#k:##ag::r#;f ::{;Em#;,-YXm*r;Nx,ffidi\e$\tllv, 3ilu LU{ 5t}lir ::::ffi\^^-"&ffi 4,d

arr geneiully rcc,:.:srly ffrrri rilrr irflJ*.st*lx. rrtarLrr s*ft* are. *Yl &lj*rs' lffi:ffiWffi u

will tfu*y lse cfutaper and tasir:r ro set up. t*,*g wzli."nrl "t'ilh printeis that tan *rnncrnlically ";;iffid#*-"rl##

fi:fiT]ffir;,Y,W!:':fi;'?'f,.;l%;1lx,i,,!}}il,ix,::jffi#i;?jT:j-ffi'fi,,iff,x',xilil]Wrne{nse's*s [ifr*ru ! rn myriad *r]mr rzuays. le$s enlrcprenr$rs i.sx litt i* w*lrk"

. ilps4g.fuscs e"ft&'6#&vari*uselIcrtsareunderwavtc,prr'r3el*#grrclrr.:b*ts:*5w*.u*.,,'o.uT,t*;;iiil;lilj'1-llWW*

*ially lbr svcnuer cc;mpanlrs. $et*Le#ry'' Fraunit*{cr lnstitrrte, S*r*,u"rid;;ki';,;;;;;_;; Fr;.{*,tw,f*ffi,*

rfnt. most indusrriai *r't'rats s*li havr r* be taseri iu c;lse they ac' @#ry#sn*th6 ' 'cielerrtailv hit sffileon*j ;;;;;;;;i-;ri

"'.,ii"*-'.,Jing siri'ple gett{stgtir*re

*#*sW ,gf

.,,4,.+wtud,Wk;AwrryMiMtil&,|*{;:,,t&;;&;v**xz*lx,v,X 'r*i 'yprrx.x*"*t :p513 r;w*rryffir, , MW*uinfrurne cr:nu.p#un ;n *ffices, rer:k*crs Rodn*y 13r**ks, a cn^ but this <sn* t-t afu*arJy weii un- ffif@;ffifrru'

..t*e'Xg' ttu.,w, iii o** W;}]ix*,tw:*++i*'r*i&u*ry,i*k*ex, {yxlttfitts* t aqn&tw:,&xtx#,*xim ",.Y^;;-X .kthu:i*big'e'*pui*n'*.'e'i}$l:}veXpBrt$'al*rrgwayawaylrcrnthebiolngicalscienccsalidinffi


tr*ffi1fii,l*----'TffiT"T,ll'1X1-"iJ: trfd{rmrss mf snr*ff mmd *rrs#dexer*-srz*dgrws affidd &elr*$rcould get a nraiiufacruring-renaissance._ fln*gep #tr#*f f$?#fgdm{$. gfie*fffgf fm&g*S" S$f$#ffdf SSS"erySfl#,

Thatwouldmakethingseasierf*r '$'--'-.:r: , . -uo ;"-*,'.inliiirlliffiiinofu,icusrydir- mm s&];dr$d#$]rs *$merdrrae ssflw1#ss tr$?d## pevm**rsficulr beeause the iapital cr:sts of equip' i

ping a facrory are nften tao high fur invei" . i 'i,rrs"to rto**ch, sr rhe i;tff;;k p-;il is roo long. In some sadonpetssible.?hatwcuidallowthttechno.logytrt.takcoff

fanieil$;;6'ary,a*.,t*;;t! L,.**lMrni iensqrl. lte carc,,Xp|in a co*tinuous locp" ,4ryie,ty e{.'3:}..+,

ili*fitt#rt *lw dnd{rmn;*fipr*ettiar*uch:#vicesrxrightbe wc,utAdep*st$*ti$,re;a1so,1eei*mr:*sqii,t-[i..Ach=e,t.,S$f.as

;;;.d'ilp;i;p ';"" '-'

ursifig i*&d*ii$Mir##r* ** ,a lCIng' g*tl1 *l; ,,barhing-away a1 hj* pie_cq oi mttsli Bqt in I $5*X* r:r twc vixi

fu;,affi;#;isi.,i ,sealcd ab$,,r *"ffi1li ,r**l*l#x[***s*,*t)d*i *y.$arz*'yyfrl*r'x**we ]l4e,ttsbr,]13:

tflf){i#n ntg lylel*/_q &$f},}r

&* ii c*: pa*#r*$ w*l& dllual e- --;'r ., ,arilfJ /i{.f1 18;}fl }?taHltfi*f;^ ,. ; '.: ,*1 i;l$nrllne w$rKer*, fi}vsflc*gn*,,r+Il ir.B!,Sit**t$ #f--";;|-;;'di';"ffiib*.-:'*]:f1il.1l:,9}"--,:]?:j,:.':,:T:jf,j:::j:*,:}-j':,%::nrrrv* *rnductivitv. tf. sler

tp-fr ,ifi rlY'sr ia w*rk*h*l;ih;;;;,;-:;;;";;f#;;'i';;;; pq.-W==tll ;:?iitexn,*nr,*rl a':x'**na**gatr*tu,xrikiitry, rp-tcrxri:

The EcsnsfiiistA*rit ***t e*rl