a late holocene deep-seated landslide in the northern french pyrenees

A Late Holocene deep-seated landslide in the northern French Pyrenees T. Lebourg a, , S. Zerathe a , R. Fabre b , J. Giuliano a,c , M. Vidal a a Univ. Nice Sophia Antipolis, CNRS, IRD, Observatoire de la Côte dAzur, Géoazur UMR 7329, 250 rue Albert Einstein, Sophia Antipolis 06560 Valbonne, France b UMR 5295, I2M-GCE, Avenue des facultés, 33405 Talence, France c Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS-IRD-Collège de France, UM 34 CEREGE, Technopôle de lEnvironnement Arbois-Méditerranée, BP80, 13545 Aix-en-Provence, France abstract article info Article history: Received 23 July 2012 Received in revised form 1 October 2013 Accepted 11 November 2013 Available online 23 November 2013 Keywords: Deep-seated landslide Pyrenees Cosmic ray exposure dating Climate change Coseismic triggering A very large deep-seated landslide (DSL) in the northern Pyrenees with over 1.4 × 10 9 m 3 was mapped and dated based on sedimentation rates and 10 Be terrestrial cosmogenic radionuclide surface exposure (CRE) dating. Our analysis on the landslide reveals the role of inherited structures in the landslide process, and highlighted typ- ical gravitational morpho-structures and a small lake trapped at the toe of the landslide head scarp. The rate of lake sedimentation (0.86 ± 0.57 mm yr 1 ) also provided us with the approximate age of the landslide: 1106 ± 540 yr. The CRE dating result highlights two main slope destabilization phases. Then we discussed the history of DSL activity and its controlling factors. Information related to historic markers and the absence of par- ticular climate markers and changes during the Medieval Dark Ages point to a single event in AD 1380 due to a major seismic event (Lavedan earthquake). © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Over the past decade, many researchers of gravitational mass move- ments have developed and improved the methods of morphological characterization, observation of dynamics, kinematic modeling, and geochronological dating, to better understand landslide processes. In mountain areas, large-scale landslide structures known as deep-seated landslides(DSLs) or deep-seated gravitational slope deformations(DSGSDs) often take place. DSGSDs are gravity-induced processes which evolve over a very long time and usually affect entire slopes, displacing rock volumes up to the order of 10 8 m 3 over areas of several km 2 with thicknesses of several 10 1 m. The main feature of these pro- cesses is the absence of a continuous surface of rupture and the presence of a deep zone where displacement takes place mostly through rock micro-fracturing (Radbruch-Hall, 1978). DSGSDs, dened by Malgot (1977), have been documented almost everywhere in the world but with different terms such as sackung, gravity faulting, deep-reaching gravitational deformation, deep-seated creep deformation, gravitational block-type movement, gravitational spreading and gravitational creep. In spite of the variety of terms used, the most frequently used terms are sackung and lateral spreading. Sackung can be described as a sagging of a slope due to visco-plastic deformations at depth which af- fect high and steep slopes made up of rocks with brittle behavior (Zischinsky, 1969; Crosta, 1996). Lateral spreading is the lateral expan- sion of a rock masse along shear or tensile fractures. Two main types of rock spreading, under different geological situations, can be distin- guished: (1) affecting brittle formations overlying ductile units, often due to the deformation of the underlying material, and (2) in homoge- neous rock masses (usually brittle) without a well-dened basal shear surface or a zone of visco-plastic ow (Pasuto and Soldati, 1996). Trig- gering and causal mechanisms of DSGSDs and DSLs (Gutiérrez et al., 2008; Agliardi et al., 2009) include: (1) postglacial debuttressing of oversteepened slopes and associated changes in groundwater ow (Bovis, 1982; Agliardi et al., 2001; Ballantyne, 2002), (2) topographic stresses (Radbruch-Hall, 1978; Varnes et al., 1989), (3) regional tectonic or locked-in stresses (Miller and Dunne, 1996), (4) earthquake ground shaking or co-seismic slip along faults (e.g. Beck, 1968; Harp and Jibson, 1996; McCalpin and Hart, 2003; Gutiérrez-Santolalla et al., 2005; Hippolyte et al., 2006; Guttiérrez et al., 2008), and (5) uvial ero- sion of the toe of slopes (Crosta and Zanchi, 2000). Recent studies on gravitational instabilities in the Southern European Alps (MercantourArgentera Massif and Subalpine chains) have allowed us to highlight large deep-seated landslides with specic morphologies and their relationships with geology (Jomard, 2006; El Bedoui et al., 2009; Zerathe and Lebourg, 2012). These studies have in- dicated that geological structures and weathering processes signicant- ly affect the development of the deep-seated landslides. However, the triggering factors of such large-scale instabilities often remain un- known, especially for those occurred in the Late or Middle Holocene (Zerathe and Lebourg, 2012). Most of the time large landslides undergo progressive rock degrada- tion, but sometimes affected by extreme events such as earthquakes, ice melt, and heavy precipitation (Crozier et al., 1995). This study aims to identify such triggering factors of a large landslide in the Pyrenees Geomorphology 208 (2014) 110 Corresponding author. Tel.: +33 4 83 61 86 70; fax: +33 4 83 61 86 10. E-mail address: [email protected] (T. Lebourg). 0169-555X/$ see front matter © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2013.11.008 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Geomorphology journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/geomorph

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Geomorphology 208 (2014) 1–10

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A Late Holocene deep-seated landslide in the northern French Pyrenees

T. Lebourg a,⁎, S. Zerathe a, R. Fabre b, J. Giuliano a,c, M. Vidal a

a Univ. Nice Sophia Antipolis, CNRS, IRD, Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur, Géoazur UMR 7329, 250 rue Albert Einstein, Sophia Antipolis 06560 Valbonne, Franceb UMR 5295, I2M-GCE, Avenue des facultés, 33405 Talence, Francec Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS-IRD-Collège de France, UM 34 CEREGE, Technopôle de l’Environnement Arbois-Méditerranée, BP80, 13545 Aix-en-Provence, France

⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +33 4 83 61 86 70; fax: +E-mail address: [email protected] (T. Lebourg)

0169-555X/$ – see front matter © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2013.11.008

a b s t r a c t

a r t i c l e i n f o

Article history:Received 23 July 2012Received in revised form 1 October 2013Accepted 11 November 2013Available online 23 November 2013

Keywords:Deep-seated landslidePyreneesCosmic ray exposure datingClimate changeCoseismic triggering

A very large deep-seated landslide (DSL) in the northern Pyrenees with over ∼1.4 × 109 m3 was mapped anddated based on sedimentation rates and 10Be terrestrial cosmogenic radionuclide surface exposure (CRE) dating.Our analysis on the landslide reveals the role of inherited structures in the landslide process, and highlighted typ-ical gravitational morpho-structures and a small lake trapped at the toe of the landslide head scarp. The rate oflake sedimentation (0.86 ± 0.57 mm yr−1) also provided us with the approximate age of the landslide:1106 ± 540 yr. The CRE dating result highlights two main slope destabilization phases. Then we discussed thehistory of DSL activity and its controlling factors. Information related to historic markers and the absence of par-ticular climate markers and changes during the Medieval Dark Ages point to a single event in AD 1380 due to amajor seismic event (Lavedan earthquake).

© 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

Over the past decade, many researchers of gravitational mass move-ments have developed and improved the methods of morphologicalcharacterization, observation of dynamics, kinematic modeling, andgeochronological dating, to better understand landslide processes. Inmountain areas, large-scale landslide structures known as “deep-seatedlandslides” (DSLs) or “deep-seated gravitational slope deformations”(DSGSDs) often take place. DSGSDs are gravity-induced processeswhich evolve over a very long time and usually affect entire slopes,displacing rock volumes up to the order of 108 m3 over areas of severalkm2 with thicknesses of several 101 m. The main feature of these pro-cesses is the absence of a continuous surface of rupture and the presenceof a deep zone where displacement takes place mostly through rockmicro-fracturing (Radbruch-Hall, 1978). DSGSDs, defined by Malgot(1977), have been documented almost everywhere in the world butwith different terms such as sackung, gravity faulting, deep-reachinggravitational deformation, deep-seated creep deformation, gravitationalblock-type movement, gravitational spreading and gravitational creep.In spite of the variety of terms used, the most frequently used termsare sackung and lateral spreading. Sackung can be described as asagging of a slope due to visco-plastic deformations at depth which af-fect high and steep slopes made up of rocks with brittle behavior(Zischinsky, 1969; Crosta, 1996). Lateral spreading is the lateral expan-sion of a rock masse along shear or tensile fractures. Two main types of

33 4 83 61 86 10..

ights reserved.

rock spreading, under different geological situations, can be distin-guished: (1) affecting brittle formations overlying ductile units, oftendue to the deformation of the underlying material, and (2) in homoge-neous rock masses (usually brittle) without a well-defined basal shearsurface or a zone of visco-plastic flow (Pasuto and Soldati, 1996). Trig-gering and causal mechanisms of DSGSDs and DSLs (Gutiérrez et al.,2008; Agliardi et al., 2009) include: (1) postglacial debuttressing ofoversteepened slopes and associated changes in groundwater flow(Bovis, 1982; Agliardi et al., 2001; Ballantyne, 2002), (2) topographicstresses (Radbruch-Hall, 1978; Varnes et al., 1989), (3) regional tectonicor locked-in stresses (Miller and Dunne, 1996), (4) earthquake groundshaking or co-seismic slip along faults (e.g. Beck, 1968; Harp andJibson, 1996; McCalpin and Hart, 2003; Gutiérrez-Santolalla et al.,2005; Hippolyte et al., 2006; Guttiérrez et al., 2008), and (5) fluvial ero-sion of the toe of slopes (Crosta and Zanchi, 2000).

Recent studies on gravitational instabilities in the SouthernEuropean Alps (Mercantour–Argentera Massif and Subalpine chains)have allowed us to highlight large deep-seated landslides with specificmorphologies and their relationships with geology (Jomard, 2006; ElBedoui et al., 2009; Zerathe and Lebourg, 2012). These studies have in-dicated that geological structures andweathering processes significant-ly affect the development of the deep-seated landslides. However, thetriggering factors of such large-scale instabilities often remain un-known, especially for those occurred in the Late or Middle Holocene(Zerathe and Lebourg, 2012).

Most of the time large landslides undergo progressive rock degrada-tion, but sometimes affected by extreme events such as earthquakes, icemelt, and heavy precipitation (Crozier et al., 1995). This study aims toidentify such triggering factors of a large landslide in the Pyrenees

2 T. Lebourg et al. / Geomorphology 208 (2014) 1–10

based on cosmic ray exposure (CRE) dating, sediment analysis, and geo-morphological observations.

Only a few DSLs or DSGSDs have been identified in the Pyreneanmountain chains (Gutiérrez-Santolalla et al., 2005; Hürlimann et al.,2006; Gutiérrez et al., 2008), although the Pyrenees are broad steepareas with active tectonics (Barnolas and Chiron, 1996) and erosionthatwould promote gravitational processes. In the northern French Pyr-enees, previous studies identified some shallow rockslides (Fabre et al.,2001, 2002; Lebourg et al., 2003a,b), and a few DSGSDs were also re-ported there (Gutiérrez et al., 2012) as well as in the central SpanishPyrenees (Gutiérrez-Santolalla et al., 2005; Hürlimann et al., 2006;Gutiérrez et al., 2008).

In the present study, we focus on the recognition and characteriza-tion of the largest deep-seated landslide ever identified in the FrenchPyrenees (Gutiérrez et al., 2012) located in the Aspe Valley (AtlanticPyrenees). This Cristallere DSL involved 1.2–1.6 × 109 m3 of rock in acomplex geological setting of various lithologies, affected by faults andfolds, past glacial processes, and surrounding steep slopes (Figs. 1Band 2A). To constrain the age of the Cristallere DSL, we applied CRE dat-ing and studied the sediment deposits of a small lake trapped within alarge gravitational morpho-structure associated with the landslide.We also discuss the triggering factors of the DSL.

2. Geological setting

The study area is located in the Aspe Valley (Fig. 1), which is an oldglacial valley of the Atlantic Pyrenees.We have been studying this valleyfor 15 years mainly in relation not only to numerous shallow landslidesdeveloped in tills but also to the Cristallere DSL. Since the beginning ofthe 20th century when railway tracks were installed, there have beennumerous signs of active deformation, particularly on railway tracks,tunnels and houses.

The Aspe Valleywas heavily affected by the LastGlaciation, as shownby numerous morphological markers along the entire valley (Debourleand Deloffre, 1977; Lebourg et al., 2004). On about 40% of the outcrops,we have found the deposits of glacial moraines, unsorted and heteroge-neous materials of “till”. These formations are older than 10 kyr BP(Taillefer, 1969), and their deformations occurred in the Holocene.After the glacier retreat, the Aspe River cut the glacial valley throughby about 200 m (Fabre et al., 2002), leaving an alluvial terrace at thebase of the Cristallere slope.

Geologically the Aspe Valley belongs to the Pyrenean Axial Zone(Barnolas and Chiron, 1996) composed of Palaeozoic rocks (Fig. 2A)




SW Baralet 2052 m a.s.l.

1 km




Fig. 1. Location of the studied area. (A) Location of theAspeValley in France. (B) Three-dimensioboundary of the deep-seated landslide.

that have been folded and faulted during the Variscan and the Alpineorogeny. On the slopewith the Cristallere DSL, the fold axes are orientedfrom 90°N to 140°N. These are recumbent folds that are overturned tothe south (Lebourg et al., 2003a), with their axes oriented east towest, with low westward axial plunge. The Cristallere slope consists ofthree Palaeozoic units (Ternet et al., 2004). From top to bottom:

(i) The Devonian units characterized by limestone, forming a glacialrock bar near the Baralet Peak. These constitute an anticline foldwith a 120°N axis that is bounded by two 130°N sub-verticalfaults;

(ii) The Carboniferous units characterized by alternating black shaleand blue-gray sandstone. This lithology constitutes the majorpart of the Cristallere slope, occupying between 700 and1400 m a.s.l., and;

(iii) The Permian units characterized by alternating sandstone andred shale. They outcrop at the top of the Cristallere slope(1854 m a.s.l.). The upper part of the units consists of limestonewith siliceous breccias and conglomerates. We collected thehydro-thermal quartz used for 10Be dating from this formation.

3. Materials and methods

Our study began with an analysis of high-resolution satellite imagesto identify lineaments and typical topographic anomalies. This wasfollowed by field surveys and geological analysis. During the field inves-tigations, we performed structural measurements of faults, fracturesand bedding planes, together with a precise analysis and mapping ofgravitational morpho-structures, to reveal the role of inherited struc-tures in landsliding (Margielewski, 2006). We paid particular attentionto gravitational morpho-structures to identify landslide boundaries. Toconstrain the timing of landsliding and to understand its kinematics,we used two dating methods: analysis of lake deposits and CRE datingusing 10Be.

3.1. Lake sediment analysis

Lake sediments have recorded climatic events (Appleby, 2000).Lakesmay be formed after a glacial retreat or a landslide, leading to sed-imentation (Wojciech, 2004). Analysis of lake sediments including theestimation of sedimentation rates may indicate when the lake wasformed. Table 1 gives some examples of sedimentation rates obtainedfor European and Canadian mountain lakes. For lakes close to





Cristallere 1874 m a.s.l.

nal viewof the Cristallere slope (fromGoogle Earth).White dashed line corresponds to the






m a.s.l.





m a.s.l. A A’W E

400 m

Fig. 3AC


e riv










Lac ofEstaens


e ri


0 1 km












Permian unit

Unconformable alluvium

Carboniferous unit

Devonian unit


Anticline axis

Syncline axisRiver

Cristalleredeep-seated landslide

Baralet 2052 m

Cristallere 1874 m

Arlet 2207 m


Baralet 2052 m

Cristallere 1874 m




-0.575° -0.560°

-0.575° -0.560°







Main scarp

Second scarp Fan

Counter slope scarp Studied lake

Scarp facet Sagging area

Cross sectionFig. 2C


500 m

Fig. 2.Morpho-structural settings of the studied area. (A) Geo-structural map around the Cristallere landslide. (B) Morpho-structural map of the Cristallere slope showing the main fea-tures of the gravitational slope deformation. (C) Simplified cross section of the Cristallere deep-seated landslide.

3T. Lebourg et al. / Geomorphology 208 (2014) 1–10

our study area, Appleby (2000) and Catalan et al. (2002) reported sed-imentation rates of 0.83 and 0.67 mm yr−1, respectively. Similarly, inSwitzerland, Appleby (2000) and Schimd et al. (2010) obtained valuesfrom 0.58 to 2.0 mm yr−1. To obtain the approximate age of theCristallere landslide lake sediments, we used a calculation based on sed-iment depth and sedimentation rate estimation considering a biblio-graphical review (Table 1).

3.2. Cosmic ray exposure dating

The main landslide scarp was dated using the CRE dating method.The method quantifies various geomorphological processes such aspaleo-landslide kinematics (Le Roux et al., 2009). It is based on the

accumulation of cosmogenic nuclides produced through nuclear reac-tions between high-energy cosmic radiation and stable isotope compo-nents of rock. As the in-situ production rate of cosmogenic nuclidesdecreases exponentially with depth, the concentration of cosmogenicnuclides in the rock can be linked to the history of near-surface rock ex-posure (see Gosse and Phillips, 2001 for a review).

To determine the initiation age and the kinematics of the Cristallereslope failure, five hydrothermal quartz samples were extracted follow-ing a vertical profile along the head-scarp surface (Figs. 4A and 5).Thesewere used for the 10Bemeasurements (Table 2). Three partial dis-solutions in 48% hydrofluoric acid were used to dissolve ~10% of eachsample, to decontaminate them from potential atmospheric 10Be, andthus to ensure that only the in-situ produced 10Be was considered.

Table 1Example of sedimentation rates recorded for some glacial lakes.

Lake Country Altitude(m a.s.l.)

Sedimentation rate(mm yr−1)

Core depth(mm)

Mean annual rainfall(mm yr−1)


Saanajarvi Finland 679 0.26 56 422 Appleby (2000)Barrancs Lake Spain 2360 1.85 700 ? Larrasoaña et al. (2010)Ovre Neadalsvatn Norway 728 0.55 118 1500 Appleby (2000)Nizne Terianske Slovakia 1941 0.36 60 1775 Appleby (2000)Gossenkôllesee Austria 2417 0.56 108 1300 Appleby (2000)Hagelsee Switzerland 2339 0.58 110 1820 Appleby (2000)Jezero v Ledvicah Spain 1830 0.83 190 2619 Appleby (2000)Redo Spain 2240 0.67 90 1328 Catalan et al. (2002)Engstlen Switzerland 1853 2.0 100 1456 Schimd et al. (2010)Stein Switzerland 1756 1.6 100 1456 Schimd et al. (2010)Tantare Canada 450 0.9–1.3 1500 ? Feyte et al. (2012)Bédard Canada 680 0.5–2.6 1000 ? Feyte et al. (2012)Holland Canada 475 0.5.4 1100 ? Feyte et al. (2012)

? = data not reported.

4 T. Lebourg et al. / Geomorphology 208 (2014) 1–10

After the addition of 100 μl of a 3.025 * 10−3 g 9Be·g−1 Be spiking so-lution (Merchel and Herpers, 1999; Merchel et al., 2008), the purifiedquartz was totally dissolved in an excess of 48% hydrofluoric acid, andthe beryllium was separated by two successive solvent extractions(Bourlès et al., 1989). The target purified beryllium oxide was preparedfor 10Bemeasurements at the ASTER (Accelerator for Earth Sciences, En-vironment and Risk) mass spectrometry accelerator National Facility inFrance, at the CEREGE laboratories (Aix en Provence, France).

The 10Be data were calibrated directly against the National Instituteof Standards and the Technology Standard Reference (material 4325)using an assigned 10Be/9Be ratio of 2.79 ± 0.03 × 10−11 (Nishiizumiet al., 2007) and a 10Be half-life (T1/2) of 1.387 ± 0.012 × 106 years;i.e. a decay constant of 4.997 ± 0.057 × 10−7 yr−1 (Chmeleff et al.,2010; Korschinek et al., 2010). The analytical uncertainties here includ-ed the counting statistics, themachine stability (ca. 0.5%), and the blankcorrection (10Be/9Be blank = 0.256 × 10−14).

A 10Be production rate at sea level and at high latitudes of 4.49 ±0.39 atoms g−1 yr−1 was computed using the Stone scaling scheme(Stone, 2000). The CRE ages were determined from the 10Be concentra-tions using the following equation:

C x;t;εð Þ ¼St � Pn � Snε∧n

þ λ� e− x

∧n � 1−e−t ε∧nþλ� �� �

þ Pμs � St � Sμsε∧μs

þ λ:e−

x∧μs : 1−e

−t ε∧μsþλ

� �" #

þ Pμf � St � Sμfε∧μf

þ λ:e

− x∧μf : 1−e

−t ε∧μf


� �" #


where C(x,t,ε) is the 10Be concentration as a function of the depthx (g cm−2), taking into account a rock density of 2.6 g cm−3, the expo-sure time t (yr) and the erosion rate ε (g cm−2 yr−1); St is the topo-graphic shielding (Dunne et al., 1999); Pn is the spallation; Pμs and Pμfare the spallation, slow and fast muon production rates, respectively,at sea level and high latitudes; Sn, Sμs and Sμf are the scaling factors forneutron, slow and fast muons, respectively; and ⋀n, ⋀μs and ⋀μf arethe attenuation lengths for neutrons (160 g cm−2), slow muons(1500 g cm−2) and fast muons (4320 g cm−2), respectively. Themuon schemes followed Braucher et al. (2011) and there scaling factorswere calculated for only for elevation. The sea-level and high-latitudespallogneic production rate (Pn) was scaled for the sampling altitudesand latitudes of the Cristallere head-scarp, using the scaling factors pro-posed by Stone (2000). The quartz erosion rate was assumed to be10 μm yr−1 (Ivy-Ochs et al., 2006), although erosion has little influenceover a time range of few thousand years. Indeed, assuming no erosioninstead of a 10 μm yr−1 erosion rate lowers the calculated CRE ages

by less than 1%. All analytical and chemical data for CRE dating are pre-sented in Table 2.

4. Results

The strategy of our study focused on three aspects: analysis of grav-itational slope deformation, deformation ‘clocks’, and time scale of trig-gering factors. The clocks we used are the comparative markers of themost recent gravitational deformations (landslide failure responsiblefor scarp exhumation) and the dating of scarps by the cosmonucleides10Be method.

4.1. Gravitational slope deformations

In the literature (Zischinsky, 1966; Beck, 1968; Bovis and Evans,1995), DSLs have similar morphological characteristics, withcounterslope, double ridges, escarpments and large extensions thatcan affect an entire slope (Varnes, 1978; El Bedoui et al., 2009). We lo-cated such morphostructures in the study area, including a doubleridge with a lake located 60 m below the Cristallere peak.

The recognition and mapping of the morphological structures of theCristallere landslide slope are based onfive particular geomorphologicalfeatures. Defined from the top to the bottom of the slope:

(i) At the top of the Cristallere slope, below the ridge line, there is asignificant main escarpment oriented from north to south, withan offset ranging from a few meters to more than 120 m belowthe Cristallere peak. At this level, there is a 1.6-km-long breakin the slope with a counter-slope, against which a lake is trapped(Figs. 2B and 3A,B).

(ii) The north-to-south oriented counter-scarp between theCristallere peak and the Courmette peak (1950 m a.s.l.) is associ-ated with fractures oriented from 10°N to 170°N, with a dip of45°E to 50°E. It corresponds to the upper part of the landslidefracture surface that affects the entire slope. The failure plane isdeeply eroded and stripped in the south near the peak of Baralet,where it has been feeding a 50-m-wide alluvial fan. The erosionreveals a series of listric faults that penetrate into the deeperside. These listric faults are associated with the main failure.

(iii) At the Cristallere peak, there is a north-to-south double crest.This double crest corresponds to the collapse of the easternside along the failure plane oriented north to south.

(iv) Immediately below the main escarpment and at the top of thehillside, there is a steep slope with several dihedral structureswith orientations of 50°N to 60°N, 90°N, and 120°N to 130°N,which correspond to fracturesmeasured in the Permian and Car-boniferous geological formations.

Baralet 2052 m EW

100 m



Fig. 4

Baralet 2052 m

Double ridge

40 m




Cristallere1874 m EW


Fig. 4

Fig. 5

50 m

Fig. 3. Interpretedfield photos illustrating themain gravitationalmorpho-structures of the Cristallere DSL. (A and B)Views of the Cristallere head-scarp, its associateddouble-ridge and thetrapped lake. Red dashed line in (A) highlights a benchmark level in the Permian layers and the white line in (A) shows a counter-slope scarp. (C) View of the southern part of theCristallere slope showing the main scarps and counter-slope scarp.

5T. Lebourg et al. / Geomorphology 208 (2014) 1–10

(v) Aflat area in the valley corresponds to the toe of the landslide. Thistoe is characterized by a Quaternary alluvial terrace that covers upto 200 m east of the Aspe River, corresponding to the maximumforward shift of the Cristallere landslide (Fig. 2B). This deformationaffects the Last Glacial (Würm) moraines and distorts the entireslope bottom (Barnolas and Chiron, 1996), indicating that the ageof this movement is younger than 10 kyr BP (Fabre et al., 2003).

The landslide analysis shows the external and internal structures ofthe Cristallere landslide:

a. The mass is largely fractured in decametric elements;b. The landslide front is not eroded by the glacial erosion, and there are

a topographic anomaly at the front and a lift against the slide top,with a release of more than 200 m;


? ?


m a.s.l.




m a.s.l.





Core X Gravitationalfault


Lake sediment

Permian substratum

2 m

20 m


1874 m Fig. 5Collapse

Fig. 4B



Fig. 4. Cristallere Lake. (A) Photo showing the drilled lake and the location of counter-slope scarps (or antithetic gravitational faults). (B) Cross-section of the lake, showing the locations ofthe sample cores taken in the lake.

6 T. Lebourg et al. / Geomorphology 208 (2014) 1–10

c. The interpolation of the lateral boundaries of the landslide, aswell asthe observed deep gravitational morpho-structures, led us to pro-pose a propagation of the gravitational failure until 300 to 400 mdeep (Fig. 2C).

Fig. 5. Hydrothermal quartz sampled for the cosmogenic 10Be dating (hammer size isabout 30 cm).

For the landslide length of about 3600 m, the width of 2200 m andthe thickness of about 350 m, the rock volume involved based on ap-proximation using a half ellipsoid is about 1.4 ± 0.2 × 109 m3.

4.2. Lake sediment benchmark

The Cristallere Lakewas formed after the slope collapse, so the age ofthe sediment will give a lower time limit. The lake is located on the topof the main scarp at an altitude of 1785 m a.s.l. The cumulated muddydeposits in the lake allowed us to determine their age and sedimenta-tion rate. Ten cores with a mean depth of 950 mmwere taken (Fig. 4B).

From some high mountain lakes in temperate zones, sedimentationrates between 0.75 and 1.9 mm yr−1 have been reported (Appleby,2000; Catalan et al., 2002; Morellón et al., 2009, 2011; Larrasoaña etal., 2010; Schimd et al., 2010; Feyte et al., 2012). Using this interval,we calculate an average sedimentation rate of 0.86 ± 0.57 mm yr−1.From this rate and amean sediments thickness of 950 mm, we estimat-ed the earliest formation of the lake at 1106 ± 540 yrs ago.

4.3. Cosmic ray exposure dating

Measuring the in-situ produced 10Be concentrations gave valuesranging from 1.32 × 104 to 2.44 × 104 atoms g−1. The 10Be CRE ages,calculated with the methods described in Section 3, are presented inthe Fig. 6. These ages are given according to the locations of the samplesalong the scarp. As we had only four age samples due to the lack of

Table 2Cosmogenic 10Be analytical data.

Sample Latitude(°)




(m)St P0

(atm g−1 yr−1)


10Be(×103 at g−1)

Exposure age(yr)

CR10Be-C 42.8536 0.5722 1850 27.9 0.79 18.63 3.401 ± 0.28 16.18 ± 1.16 1083 ± 78CR10Be-D 42.8536 0.5722 1852 25.7 0.79 18.63 3.178 ± 0.22 13.88 ± 0.96 929 ± 64CR10Be-E 42.8536 0.5722 1869 9.4 0.79 18.63 2.594 ± 0.2 13.19 ± 1.01 881 ± 68CR10Be-F 42.8536 0.5722 1875 3 0.95 18.63 5.266 ± 0.05 24.49 ± 1.16 1299 ± 62

Z: altitude; DT: distance from the top of the scarp; St: topographic shielding; P0: production rate.

7T. Lebourg et al. / Geomorphology 208 (2014) 1–10

quartzite outcrops, a classical approach using linear regression does notfit the data well (Fig. 6A). Nevertheless, the results provide interestingconstraints on the kinematics and the timing of the failure. First, theresults highlight the very young ages, ranging between ca. 880and 1300 yrs ago (Table 2). Second, according to the χ2 statistics(Ward andWilson, 1978),we found that the three 10Be CRE ages obtain-ed in the lower part of the scarp represent a single population(χ2

95% = 4.09), with a weighted mean of 960 ± 40 yrs ago (Fig. 6B).These data suggest two destabilization phases: (i) a failure around1300 ± 60 yrs ago whose kinematics remains speculative but mightbe progressive; and (ii) a second phase around 960 ± 40 yrs ago forwhich the10Be CRE age distribution (Fig. 6B) indicates the occurrenceof a single gravitational event with an instantaneous rupture.

5. Discussion

The age of a landslide can be constrained by morphological observa-tions as well as relative and absolute ages. Themainmorphological ele-ments in the study site onwhichwe base our analysis are: (i) preservedmorphology of the landslide (no glacial action); (ii) presence of the lakeat the top of the landslide with undisturbed sediments; and (iii) rapidmovement of a mass. In this study, we analyzed a very large DSL witha vertical offset of around 120 m at the top of the slope, and a horizontaldisplacement of over 200 m along the river.

The results from the CRE dating and the lake sediment analysis sug-gest the following two scenarios:

1. Landslide initiation around 1300 ± 60 yr, followed by a slow andprogressive deformation, and fast deposition around 960 ± 40 yrwith a new triggering factor (seismic or climatic).







00 500 1000 1500 2000

Exposure age (yr)



e fr

om th

e to

p of



p (m




Fig. 6. CRE results. (A) Plot of 10Be CRE ages versus distance along the scarp. (B) Gaussian analyssample F. The black curve corresponds to the summed probability of samples C, D and E.

2. A single landslide event around 1300 ± 60 yr, and erosion at thebase of the main scarp.

To examine these two scenarios, wemust analyze paleoclimatic andpaleoseismological data for the northern Pyrenees and analyze as possi-ble landslide triggering factors.

5.1. Seismological factor

Triggering factors of landslides include internal rockweathering andexternal seismic or climatic forcing. Most previous studies deal with theeffects of earthquakes and rainfall for recent shallow landslides (Keefer,1984, 2000, 2002; Stark and Hovius, 2001). However, such studies onlarge and older landslides have been limited.

Landslides induced by earthquakes have been studied for a longtime, using historical documents (e.g., Seed, 1968; Keefer, 2002;Malamud et al., 2004). Most of these studies have described shallowlandslides (less than 106 m3). Very large landslides such as DSLs causedby earthquakes have not been well described (Sing et al., 2008), exceptsome such as Jibson et al. (2004) on landslides in Alaska triggered in2002.

Rodriguez et al. (1999) and Keefer (2002) investigated relationshipsof the characteristics of shallow landslides with earthquakes, the areainfluenced (Keefer, 2002), the distance from the epicenter (Keefer,2002), and the intensity of shaking. However, as noted above, the influ-ence of seismic events on large and deep landslides remains uncertain.

The Pyrenean range is characterized bymoderate seismic activity, al-though there have been strong earthquakes (Fig. 7; Lambert and Levret-Albaret, 1996), including some with epicentral intensities greater thanVIII near the Aspe Valley during the last 1500 years (Lambert and

Exposure age (yr)



ty (









00 500 1000 1500


is of CRE ages. The solid blue lines show samples C, D and E, and the dashed blue line shows

M > 54 < M < 53 < M < 42 < M < 3 M < 2



Historical seismicity:

Instrumental seismicity:


without calculatedintensity







3 4

-2° -1° 0° 1° 2° 3°44°






-2° -1° 0° 1° 2° 3°

Fig. 7. Instrumental seismicity, historical seismicity and uncalculated seismicity of the Pyrenees range (modified fromHonoré et al., 2011) and other coseismic DSGSDs (sackungs and lat-eral spreading) in the Pyrenees range. 1: Zarroca et al. (2012); 2: Gutiérrez et al. (2012); 3: Gutiérrez-Santolalla et al. (2005); and 4: Gutiérrez et al. (2008).

8 T. Lebourg et al. / Geomorphology 208 (2014) 1–10

Levret-Albaret, 1996), and some other potentially relevant ones de-scribed by BRGM (2004). The most important examples are shown inTable 3.

The difficulty of working with such past events is the lack of infor-mation about events such as large earthquakes (Honoré et al., 2011).These are rarely identified clearly beyond the last millennium in non-populated mountain areas. Indeed, written and verbal memories rarelydate back to 1000 yrs ago except some exceptional events such as theLavedan earthquake 1380 yrs ago. A document related to this earth-quake (BRGM, 2004; www.sisfrance.net) states that: “The city ofBordeaux was severely shaken by the earthquake, leading to critical condi-tions of the city including its walls. Most peoplewere afraid of death and be-lieved that the city was opened in two. The same applied to many othercities. In the Pyrenees Mountains huge stones fell and many persons andcattle died….”

We have very little quantitative information on this event, and the“intensity” and the “evidence” in some historical records lead us tonote the positive correlation between this event and the landslide. It

Table 3Major earthquakes with epicentral intensities N VIII, occurred near the Aspe Valley duringthe last 1500 yrs.After BRGM (2004).

Date yr cal. AD Location in France Distance from Aspe Valley(km)


580 Lavedan 45 N 81302 Bigorre 50 ± 5 N 81518 Bigorre 50 ± 5 N 81543 Mauleon 48 ± 5 N 81660 Bigorre 50 ± 5 8.51750 Bigorre 50 ± 5 7.51854 Lavedan 45 7.51967 Arette (Bearn) 29 8

would be presumptuous to directly link this earthquake to the trigger-ing factor of the Cristallere landslide. However, this cannot be totally ex-cluded because this area, ca. 50 km from Aspe Valley, has been the siteof many large earthquakes (Table 3).

5.2. Climatic factor

It is also important to examine other possible triggering factors oflandslides such as climatic events. Indeed, many studies such asBorgatti and Soldati (2002) and Soldati et al. (2004) have found positivecorrelations between changes inweather patterns that can cause distur-bances of the hydraulic system and major slip failures (Bigot-Cormieret al., 2005; El Bedoui et al., 2009).

The impact of climate change since the Last Glacial Maximum(18 kyr) on hydrological processes can be significant, and the literatureoffers many interpretations in relation to both temperature and rainfall.Throughout the world, most landslides are caused by rainfall. However,unlike shallow landslides, DSLs need more than heavy rainfall over ashort period such as specific climate change. If a landslide depth ismore than 300 m, particular conditions are needed (Van Beck, 2002).Hydrological processes that trigger landslides significantly vary withtime and affect weathering processes (Lebourg et al., 2011). Potentiallandslide activitymust be assessed in terms of its spatial extent, tempo-ral frequency, and weathering conditions (Van Beck, 2002). For timescales of less than 100 years, environmental conditions controllinglandslide activity are associated with the power law of landslide sizeand frequency (Dai and Lee, 2001; Guzzetti et al., 2002). On longertime scales, the activity of larger landslides may be more influencedby climate change (Borgatti and Soldati, 2002; Soldati et al., 2004).

Previous studies in mountain regions using cosmogenic dating haveshown the impact of Holocene climate change on landslides (Bigot-Cormier et al., 2005; El Bedoui et al., 2009). The largest slope move-ments in the Alps (e.g. Clapière, Séchilienne, and Marbrière (Zerathe

Table 4Climate change periods of the Late Holocene epochs (modified afterDesprat et al., 2003; Morellón et al., 2009, 2011). Bold periods correspondto the potential timing of the Cristallere landslide initiation.

Late Holocene epoch Time period(yr)

Recent Warming 100Little Ice Age 100 to 550/600Medieval Warm Epoch 550/600 to 1000Dark Ages 1000 to 1500Romain Warm Epoch 1500 to 2500

9T. Lebourg et al. / Geomorphology 208 (2014) 1–10

and Lebourg, 2012) have been linked with the melting and retreat ofglaciers that initiated DSLs due to decompression relaxation. However,even for slopes that were not covered by glaciers, increased waterflow in the rock has also related to landslide initiation (e.g., in the Mar-itime Alps; Zerathe and Lebourg, 2012).

Our literature review on climatic changes in the Pyrenees providesinformation related to temperature evolution, but that directly relatedto the Late Holocene rainfall has been limited. The most propitioustimes related to the Cristallere landslide, however, appear to be theMe-dieval Warm Epoch and the Dark Ages (Table 4). The Medieval WarmEpoch was first defined by Lamb (1965) based on historic informationand paleoclimatic data from western Europe. He found evidence forwarm, dry summers and mild winters around 1100 to 1200 yr BP.This epoch or Medieval Climate Anomaly (Moreno et al., 2012) wasalso associated with widespread hydrological anomalies from 1150 to700 yr BP (Stine, 1994; Moreno et al., 2012). For this epoch, Bradleyand Jones (1993) indicatedprolongeddrought in some areas and excep-tional rains in other areas, suggesting widespread changes in the watercirculation regimes. Recent studies on global warming (Mann et al.,1998, 1999; Goosse et al., 2006) related these changes in precipitationand hydrologic conditions to the temperature rise. Furthermore, severalstudies have suggested that such global warming will be associatedwith abrupt changes in precipitation or temperature rather than slow-phase transitions (Alley et al., 1997; Anderson et al., 1998; Campbellet al., 1998). Bradley and Jones (1993) and Mann et al. (1998) indicatethat reconstructing such hydrological changes is more difficult thanreconstructing paleo-temperatures, because the former is more geo-graphically restricted. Consequently, precipitation and the associatedhydrological variability must be considered on a regional scale. This isproblematic for us because information on regional climate changes islimited.

6. Conclusions

The Cristallere DSLwas a landslide of about 1.4 × 109 m3, and one ofthe largest in the French Pyrenees. This landslide is characterized byspecific gravitational morphostructures including counter slopes anddouble ridges partly under the lake. This lake is located near the top ofCristallere Mountain, and was created after the landslide event.

Chronological markers such as CRE dating and lake sediments haveprovided two possible scenarios for the occurrence of the Cristallerelandslide: (i) landslide initiation at 1300 ± 60 yrs ago, with slow andprogressive deformation, then around 960 ± 40 yrs ago faster move-ment triggered by an earthquake or a climatic factor; and (ii) a singlelandslide event around 1300 ± 60 yr, and subsequent erosion at thebase of the landslide.

Information related to historicmarkers and the absence of particularclimatemarkers suggest a higher probability of the second scenario. Thesecond scenario can also be supported by a major seismic event around1380 yr (the Lavedan earthquake). By contrast, the absence of a largewatershed above the landslide and the lack of major climatic changebetween 1000 and 1500 yrs ago indicate a limited impact of climatechange.


We would like to thank Régis Braucher and Didier Bourlès at theCEREGE for their help with the CRE ages calculation. We also thankFrançoise Courboulex, Anne Deschamp, Laetitia Honoré, MatthieuSylvander, and Alexis Rigaud for fruitful discussion and information onseismological data and historical earthquakes.


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