dockits}ifft -

GUJARAT POIIUTION CONTROL BOARD JAMNAGAR DOCKITS}IffT File No. : GPCB /RO.JMN-PH- 34/c1 Sub.iectr PUBLIC HEARING OF M/S, PMBHUDAS VITHALDAS - II 6u?l!d Oqrr ixa riEol ,,{"<ra {Oaq c. staqdl "{l st{" { u{e Astqtr r{[}.i qL r4d rtl€r ?!. 31c1 0, 9*e YLtr.rc{i } 1(l( qRqlc..u "0 rtrtr s3{l qql.r-qqRL de{ ,iv{l @+.ala5 ureRs aosl{l

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Page 1: DOCKITS}IffT - Hearing... · Gujarat Pollution Control Board Sardar Patel Comrercial Complex, Rameshwariagar,





6u?l!d Oqrr ixa riEol ,,{"<ra {Oaq

c. staqdl "{l st{" { u{e Astqtr r{[}.i qL

r4d rtl€r ?!. 31c1 0,


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rtrtr s3{l qql.r-qqRL de{ ,iv{l

@+.ala5ureRs aosl{l

Page 2: DOCKITS}IffT - Hearing... · Gujarat Pollution Control Board Sardar Patel Comrercial Complex, Rameshwariagar,

Gujarat Pollution Control Board

Sardar Patel Comrercial Complex, Rameshwariagar,Bedi Bandar Road, Jamnaqar-361 008,Website: www.gpcb.qov,in

Ar advertisement In Gujaratiwas publlshed in "Sandesh"dtd. 25,02.2016 and rtsconigendum rn Gula6ti News papet \sandesh" dated 27/0212016 and in English waspoblished in the "Indlan Express Edttons'dtd.25.02.2016,


as per the Ministry of Environment, Forests & climate change, Govemment ofindiar New oelhi, vide its Noflftcation No, s,0,1533 dated september 14,2006and as amended public Hearing was conducted for the foltowing prcjects coveredLnder Category'A'. M/s. Prabludas Vthatdas- (Virpur & Keneoy Baulire Mine)Produdion cap.cry a,39,398 TPA (A-ea 7O,a2t6 ha), (ReoJced area: 56,657jha), at Village- Virpur & Kenedy , Ta. -Kalyanpurr Dist, Devbhumi Dwarka, ThePublic Hearhg was scheduled on 29th t{arch 2016 at 15:30 h6, at M/s.Prabhudas Vithaldas-Il, Ghanghra Btock Mine Otrice, Survey No, 1to/p, Vilage ,Vlrpur, Virpur-Mewasa Road, Taluka: (atyanpur, Dist. Oevbhoomi Dwarka,Pincode: 361315 as mentioned ln their requesr appticauon received.

A copy of the Draft Envlronment Impact Assessment Report and the summary ofEnvrronment Impact Assessment Report were sent to rhe fo|owing authoritiesand offces to make available the draft EIA Report for the inspec(on to ihe publlcduring normal otrlce houE, tillthe Public Hearing is overl

1, The Dlsrict Colledor Otrlce, Devbhumi Dwarka,2. District Development office, Devbhumi owarka,3. Distrlct hdustry Cenke/ Oevbhumi Dwarka.4. Taluka Development Offlcer Tat. kalyanpur, Dasr. DevbhumiDwarka,5. The Chief Conseruator of Forestsr Mtnlstry of Envircnment, Forests &

Climate Changer GOI, Regionat Office (West Zone), KendriyaParyavaran Ehavan, E-5, Arera Colony, Unk Road-3, RavisankarColony, Bhopal-462016.

6. Regional Office, Gujarat Pollution Controt Board, Sardar patetCommerclal Complex, Rameshwarnagar, Kasturba candht Vikas Gruht4a19, Bedi Bandar Road, Jamnagar-368008,

other concerned persons having plausible stake tn the environmentat aspectswere reqLes1€d to eno thek response ir wnting ro the concemed regLiro-yautlorities, They {ere .equesred to send their conments ro U-e regLtaroi

The rublic Hearing was scheduted on 29th March 2016 at 15:30 h6r at M/s.PEbhudas Vithatdas-Il, changhE Btock Mine Omcer Slrv€y No. 110/p, Vi aga _Virpur, VrpuFrlewasa Road, Talukar Katyanpu., Disr, Devbnoomi Owa;kd,


Page 3: DOCKITS}IffT - Hearing... · Gujarat Pollution Control Board Sardar Patel Comrercial Complex, Rameshwariagar,

A statenenr snowhg participants presenr durinq the pubt,c Hearjng ts eFc,osedAS ANNEXUre A

a statemenr showtng salent points higntighting tssues raised by fl_e participalrsand re-sponded by ihe represenrarive;r the aipt-cant du-ins rhe pudtic seari;;rn EnsiBh dnd cujaratj ransuaqes is enctosei le.ewith .;"d;;;; i ;;';iresDectivelv, along with the Eoceedhgs ot$e hear;ng,

Tne Copy ot response received ;n writing from orher peBon havhq p,ausiblestake in envircnmentat aspecr.' i5 encrose; herewith a,,r_*,i" t, irli?.*iiirts reply asAnnexure o, respecflvety.

shrr R.R.Ravar (G.A.s.), oistricrDwarka, superuised and presided

Dlsr.: Devbhunl Dw.rka

UEglstrate and Oistrict Colector Devbhoomtoverthe enu.€ pubtic hearhg process.

.. R€pre...tEtive of theM.hbe. S.crct..y, CPCB


A, B,81, C, and D, asabove.of Publlc Heartng - 1CD

Page 4: DOCKITS}IffT - Hearing... · Gujarat Pollution Control Board Sardar Patel Comrercial Complex, Rameshwariagar,



A slaGment showlng participants present during the PUBLIC HEARING

Ar per the Mini.rry or Envircnmeni FoEsls & Climaie Chanqe, Govemmenr ol lndia, NdDelh, vide iiE Notilicaiion No. S.o'1533dared 14.09.2006and ir. amendment S.O.3067 (E),

dated 0111212009, Public Hearlng is @nduored for the foll@ing prcject @reEd under

Calegory'A. Mb. PEbhudas Vitha da6- ll ryipur & Kenedy Bauxite Mine) Prodlction

capacity I39,398 TPA (Aea 70.8216 ha), (REduced area:56.6573 ha), .nvihg6-Mlpur& Kenedy , Ta. -Kalyanpur,, Disl. Oevbhumi Dwafta. The Pub,ic H6anns i. beinq h€ld on

29b March 2016at 15:30 hrs, at M/s. P€bhld.s Vilherdas-rr, GhanqhE Btock Mine Otti@,

Suney No. 110/P, Mllage - MDUi, MrpuFirMsa Road Tauka: Kalyanpur, Dist.

D6!4rhoofri Owerks, Pincodor 361315. lhe Ji.i ol participanis pee.i dudng the public

a{?d tL?sr?qt qarlcl?E,qot {a t4{ti qaicrd.t )i1a?r.rdl Elc{l{i ma?"lt{r 5qG

{{. r41. 1'133 (€r), .{r.1i.o€.?oos ?,{a a.{ qdl4r ql{d1 qudor {tu?t uq.ra }a!L{l(I){i {r.r{i aqra<{ L yq€r{ OscrEri{- ?, (O?rJ? r4a }aJI qlsr{toe

'{,vlsreLa !qr{A a,3c,3ca a{Q, (oo.a?le A), (qaBq fdrrn? qs.sqo3 A) 6.!u6qr

ft"{i ,!uq, Q?!? r{a }agl, .r. sce{qr!?, O. tqq{l (?s( r{}"{l qQalyd(dl

qql.r?drr c-rls {drqq0 dr, ?c/o3l?ols .ri iv oluf} lqio s({G I yqe({

OreLeL ?, in,q o{i]s ,{ro4 ql{i{, a[.i. 110/q., A?!? - l{t( is, .n{,Ai!?,dlsce{q!?, O, lqq{l (?sr, O4sfs .i. 39131q ?rqc{{i rxlaa.4 als qdclqt{i a!r? ?Aa( a]r1"ll 44 dlia }!{G(,ri ?y s}ar A.

Sr. Name & Designation

'n{ qa o}1



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Page 5: DOCKITS}IffT - Hearing... · Gujarat Pollution Control Board Sardar Patel Comrercial Complex, Rameshwariagar,


Sr, Name & Designationt,dl

'3ru rn, 1.0,,tt\ yitt*t/

.9,r (1 I rll?) r-yfa.. 2^,t dlr4l-

o.t R, **1,. Kl,4kl.' 'o '?*',er!u*.Ku"-*

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Page 6: DOCKITS}IffT - Hearing... · Gujarat Pollution Control Board Sardar Patel Comrercial Complex, Rameshwariagar,


Sr. Nahe & Designation

"1r{ ua .ia t{a

tL-rr 0^72,1 >i., rtv\ c(I" k a

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Page 7: DOCKITS}IffT - Hearing... · Gujarat Pollution Control Board Sardar Patel Comrercial Complex, Rameshwariagar,


uaNahe & Designation

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Page 8: DOCKITS}IffT - Hearing... · Gujarat Pollution Control Board Sardar Patel Comrercial Complex, Rameshwariagar,


As der tne M'nr.try o'l v,rcn.e't Fore<ts a-d clrrate change, Governre_t orlndia Ne

o. "r

,ra" 'tt -ir'*uo" -, s o. 1533 d.reo latn septerber, 2006 a_d its s_bieq'e_'

amena.ent, cuuric n"urinq rus Rxed forvircur & Kenedv baurite mines of I'4ls Prabhudas

vithaldasIlforproductloncapacltv3,39,394TPAinLeaseAEa70a216Na(ReducedaE:si.eiz: t'ul, u, v,nus., vnpur & Kenedv, Tatuka: Kalvanpur, Dlstrict: Devbhooml Dwarka'

"" zglo:lzi,lo " rs-,:o r'", ut r'4ls Prabhudas vithaldas_I! Ghanshra Block Mine ofier

i,."v n". [olp, vi,pr.rl""asa Road, villaser v]rpur, Ta' K.lvanpur, Dlst: Devbhooml

Dwad<a Pin code_361315. whlch is covered undercategory A'

sha P. U. Dave, Regional officr, Gularat Pollution @ntrcl Board (GPCB), lamnagar and

..-"."nt",iu" or m Merber se.'eury, cujarat Pol-lion co-tol Boad, weromed the

Dr'.ri(! l,aqrstrate and Disrd colle.ror ol Devbhoom Dharka o tk'cl and all presenr at rhe

,,0,. r,",i,*. r," ourrned r-e various prcvl<rons ol the \otil@ron ano oneled rhe

l,***r aeiar. ro .onducr.ns rhE o-ol,c Feanns rncl-drns actio_t tcren bv cuJcrat

L,Ji* c-o" Board _or wde dub'icitY o' t1s puDlrc hea' -9 ana a'so abo-t rhe

"ar"ii*."* gr""" in,n" t".alGujaratl News paper"sandesh" dated 2sl02l2016 and its

comaerdrm in cuiarou Ne s psper "scndesn' dated 2//02/7016 dnd EnglEh rews pdper

_i"'ino". e*p*.." daled 2sl07/7016. rle 'nformed

that exec'lre s_nra-v _o'ths

prcject was dBubuted in sudolndinq 24 vlllages and aio lnformed the forum that prior to

ih;Public Hea is rhrce wrltten representatlons were received rbm 1) Mt' Bhanubhai N

odedo AdvoGt;, Guja_dt I's'courr, Porban'ar' 2) Yr' c's t _andhdr' ('nedv' Ta'

i"*.-. o"-o*"r,io., o*a,la, 3) M'. Maresh Panovc, Paryava_cn v'tra, Ahredabcd

"iior'M,. r,""o_".-.* e"o"rb\d' Pater' a_kr'<hwar whose reo'esFnrat ons were 'nclud'd

- ir," p.*"o,nst uno "_.

ot"d as Anre/u'e c_1 to c_4 dlonq wt- the' replig subm lted

by the prcJectproponent asAnnexure D_1to 4.

Shri P. ll, oave, Regiona offlcen cujaEt Pollunon co'trol Board, Jamnagar 'nd

;epresentatlve orthe r\4;mber secretary, Gujarat PoLution control Board invited the POectp;ponent to the pr€sent uon ol thek prole'r in lool vernacular Lanouace i e'

ReDre<€nEtNe of Grass Root consultan(v tnvronmenr co_sulta_t 01

o;alf ol t_e Ptie.t oropone_! present€o power point presentaL'on - G-latn lalsuase

c;veinq intrcduciion ot the companv, Prcduct PrcfiLe, Techni'al Inrormatiof' Details or

.-*..- r".."""'L"t Ma aqenenr svste,, rts Impact on envro'menr Ao-q wrh

i.'o".la e".-"."" Yeas-€i cnd rndu>try'< adivres towcror @rporare solidl

Responslbllities was presented

Afterthe completion of power point pre*ntation, ShriP U' Dave, ReglonalOffl'er' Gujarat

Polluton cmiol eoara, -ramnaqar ana representatlve or the lr4ember secretary' Gujarat'poiirtri"

cont.r eou,a a*ru.d rorum open ror representations/susqestions rrom the loGl

The statement showinq lssues ralsed bv the paruclpants and response given bv the

repr€sentatives ofthe applicant during the public hearing are as under:

Page 9: DOCKITS}IffT - Hearing... · Gujarat Pollution Control Board Sardar Patel Comrercial Complex, Rameshwariagar,

Vehicles aE Passing from ourvlLlage, that road s ufmetalledand dust flew to the crops upto2 km, that crops Is eaten byaninals 50, lt is harmful to thehealth of human and animals,Likewlse the.roos ofcralns andveqetables eaten by humans, is

villaoe rcad to be conskuctedstrung with double layer tarrcad and on either sde of theroadrplant 50 feet tall trees ikeNlgln and sharu to Prevent

vllage rcads, whete farmeE,crts, $actoE and your vehlclesaE passing provlde the speedbreaker so vehicle speed Gn beredu.ed and no damage to

water sprinklno ls lrreqular andless and after h6lf hour unableto know that water spnnkled ornot. You have never donesp nkling and wLll not do, so,our suggestion ls to make

The fund provlded by you isgrven to whom? How s lt glven?

Given for villaqe development orrellgLous work? How is lt elven?The v lage road at present iswith more pot holes, more dustqenerated, which damages the

so far the hearlng.ondu.tedhee, give its Xerox, so we alsoknow whlch works did? Whl.hlmplement€d or underimolementatronl that we Gn

lf you are qivins tund to vlllagedevelopment then give to highschool or school so thatchildren's future willbe bright or

manalement for watersprinklng and will

The work to be done byall ompanies together

Page 10: DOCKITS}IffT - Hearing... · Gujarat Pollution Control Board Sardar Patel Comrercial Complex, Rameshwariagar,

ttqiee tor any rellglous adivilybut don'i glve to anybody

Health, Social,Infrasbudure, etc andEdu@uonal tEini.g are

. Rs,3,75 lakh@ntnbution is

P@Posed for varlouspurposes, which wrll betaken up by the

since t st two yeaB there wasno 6ln and all nearby vlllagesget employment, it was saldthatdlstlng on c@p but there lsno crops, then how the dust

r Company continus thei we

Here everybody5 employmentdepends on rain, living conditionls based on AgricultuE, If raindoesn't come then how wll get

If company ls cosed, then dustgeneraton will be stopped, butthere wlll be no employmentthen how do we live, hencecompany should continue andeverybody should set

3 Pe6on fmm Ran, said exactlyabout polLuton and recently thepeMn who gave speech was

This pograme is not about

porrution, ln prevrous meeungmy afternoon speech wasstopped. Thls spe*h is aboutempoymeit then why .o!ldn'tyou stop hrm? I have noobjection for what the peenfrom Ran village said, butSayins about emF oyment thencompany will definitely provideempLoyme.t becuse rtt thek.eouirefrent as thev iequlre

whatever s yourEpresentation will belncluded ln the mlnutes.villaqs from locaL 10km radius can given

objectlons and thlspublic hea.inq is neantfor rt, so that whatev€rrepEentation qivenshould be related toP6bhudas vrthaldas-2

Page 11: DOCKITS}IffT - Hearing... · Gujarat Pollution Control Board Sardar Patel Comrercial Complex, Rameshwariagar,

Company vehlcles are golng tovrrpur too and also to Mewasa,generEts dusting on peopleand they are sprinkling wat€r,then when we travel wlthHonda, we fEce inconv€nience,The people wlth four wheelers@n move anwhere. How can

Assocratron formed road, therearc few pot holes they @n't fillthEr, if machinery work then

1f we talk about pollution, thenhave no oblecuon but not totak about employment, as inprevlous meet nq of orient

application to the Colle.tor S r,I am obiectinc, Don't sav aboutemployment in pub ic, sayabout

Your representation wilbe included In the

. I am worklng in the company/ ifcomoanv conurue then w€ oetlivelihood, Company shallcontlnue and sprlnkles water

5 . If ths company mines.oitinue,then I wrLl get job, vilagepeople get work and vilagesituation will become qood.

. If cohpany .ontinue then takeme for job, poor people,labourcwill get livelhood, If companystops then poor Peopel labouuwlll not!et llvellhood.

r Gven representation in writns,

. Reply in writino fromP.ojed proponent isenclosed as aniexure

. My submission is neitherageinstthe @mrany, nor the matterforclos ng the @mpany, ifcomp.ny @nunue, coopany€arn much, do more pofit andprovlde llvellhood to al butI4ewasa, Virpur, Asota all have

. Representative of theprcl€ct pbponent hasinformed that the roadyou are ta kng aboutwas @nstructed by thecompany assoclatonso. the place, where itwas decided by

Page 12: DOCKITS}IffT - Hearing... · Gujarat Pollution Control Board Sardar Patel Comrercial Complex, Rameshwariagar,

! Impbve road,environmeit, prevent pollutionand the bypa$ road povrdedat Present lt Pas*s throughfams and foretully. 50 thatfarm people have losses,

t Nocompensation is gllen to anyfamers and land acquisitiondone forc€fully as lt's sald by

Panchayat. Solution willbe qive. for your

. It is not lrke that theCompany is onlyprovldin! €mployment,company has prcposedvarious budget forplantat on and for othera.uvrtres and is rryingso that €nvlonmentwlll not be damagedand everybody gets

, I6n workrng rn thrs company, ifcompany stops then wlll not qetlrvelihood, so cohpany should

. comranv ls oivlnq me lrvelrhoodhence my family ives,

. Chldren are studylng, need notqo to far. so company sho! dcontinue, that rs my best

t Through these mines all Peoplefrom thls and otheriearby villaces eet llvellhood.

r village people have e@nomicalbenefit. shopkeeper, Hotel, tyrePuncture oeens, lorrv peens,everybody have beneit either

. If transport @ntinue then ku.kowne6 of nearby vlllages .rebenefitted, The cont nuation ofthls mlne wlll b€ beneficia fo.

. Glven representution in writingien.losed as Annerure c 6.

. Reply in wrtrng fromPoject proponeit isenclosed as Annexure

r I am workins rn thrs ompanyand if the company .oitinuesthen I and the vilagers will get

. second time requestnq thatthrs is environmental publichea.inq, you are talklng aboutemploYment, we are oppos nq

t Repr€sentatrve of theprcject proponent haslnformed that thiscompany is aleady

Page 13: DOCKITS}IffT - Hearing... · Gujarat Pollution Control Board Sardar Patel Comrercial Complex, Rameshwariagar,

for that- Also sent applicaton tothe Co ector Sr, we have thalcopyi that we wrrr show to the

In short, this public hearing rsrelat€d to env ronment a.d youarc talklng about employment,we are frmly oppos ng. None ofour men are present, our men

fte soeech relates toemployment/ that you .rewritrnq, you are not doi.ganlthing for environment

Page 14: DOCKITS}IffT - Hearing... · Gujarat Pollution Control Board Sardar Patel Comrercial Complex, Rameshwariagar,

. Here nearby area is dependlngon egriculture and rain s less n

3 4 year, then if such prcjectcontinues then everybody qetsLveLhood, If ComPanY

cont nues then lts beneflts are

Minlnq work is continue in areaof Prabhudas v'thaldas 2,whPre'n plantation worlG aretaken ln that area and wll be

continued. And in ths vilLaqe,

after comlng ths companyi3fter commencement, there areots of changes. Utlity runs,Rikshaw runs, truck runs, shopscont nues, there are 2000labou6 and x500 trucks. Due topresence of the company,everybody get llvelihood, elseoppos ig fa seLY then itG wrongthing. Presence of prabhudas

vitha das-2 compeny is b€st andeverybodyqets lvelhood,

. I am working in thls companyand company provdes m€

iveihood in the best way, lfcompany .ontinues th€n t wilbe good for everybody,

15 These all ar€ d scussing to saysomethln9 about envlrcnment,the companY s doing forenv rcnment, If any phone ca s

that, dust generaton is here,then mmedlateY water kactor

Today I am saying that lf I haveprcbLems then I shout, it has nomeaninq, f hvo Pe6ons haveprobl€m then comp:ny hasalredy cred out plantationsfor environment. Roads arewiden, when€ver lnrormedwater tanke. aiiives durns 24

lf permlsslon giveh to thecompany, then al will set

Page 15: DOCKITS}IffT - Hearing... · Gujarat Pollution Control Board Sardar Patel Comrercial Complex, Rameshwariagar,

done by the company, is being

t If a phone @ll ls made atmidnght 12 otlock resadlngproblems, the @mPanYsupetuisor or repesentatlves

After complet on of above representations, Reglonal ofl cer, Gujarat Pollution conkol Board

and rcpresentatve of the M€mber secretary, Gujarat PoLuton contro Board, again

r€auested all oresent to qive the roralor written epiesentation / ssues, ifanv- as none ofthe or€sent otrered any sussestions/comments, Regional ofcer, Gularat Poluuoi con$ol

Board and r€presentetive of the i4ember secretary, Gujarat Pollution contro Board

nformed the villagers present, about the written rcpresentatlons received duinc publ.hea nc from (1) shri Girishbha Bhimabhal l4akwasa, village Nandana, raluka Kalvanpur,

Districr oevbhoom Dwarka and (2) shrl Nathubhal M.tangi viLaqe BhatLa, raukaKayanpur, District Devbhoomi Dwarka, The same are enclosed as Annexure c-5 to c_6 and

replies submitted by the proje.t pmponentare en.losed as Annexure o 5toD6

The publlc hearing was concluded with the vote ofthanksto the digntaries and vilLagers,

Dist: Devbhoomi DwarkaR€gional offlc..r GPCB,

as represe.iativc of the

Page 16: DOCKITS}IffT - Hearing... · Gujarat Pollution Control Board Sardar Patel Comrercial Complex, Rameshwariagar,

qaer?o{l-r( r?rA)

qtd tllRnt {d4rqL, q{qa toq{ \{qdd,iatqq. n{L tldtd {a?n({r,{G: rt{.ti. rq!3d.rvoa.ooe qa Anr qdl{ cadl qqdd x{.1 r{4i 3}n{lt,{ q(q{l a{aalqduqa{46@t{., u: Ar'{un }a3ld.a5l !@rqi1rr.!rqA, }Aor0rlu ( Arvi qi }ajlolsd. {da ulse'a 1q{4 .,3e.3e.d1riLi, (s...rraso (qakl Adr {e.eq!3 E) 6eed {}4 qQq]!{ c0.( as {nrcc.l d.?c,or/rore a ns q{l rd,t{dlq.uLas.r.rq Idu6ar cdn qlQ{, {{.1. rlodL AilrlqL{L ils, jr4 Ar!1, dL. scr{eq?, e. tqo(d rl?a{4 isrer3r{ uaArcrriuraa

,l 't q. .q, uQAr5 qQ{{iqa tloq {Ocdt x!{d uelq A.iaq dr, a uRAO d{t} s.<{a{tt

'dl {A lr<tl ,ae?r{, aqq{ d?3l qa d5 {arqq0 r?an €L& raa {a qrqaql {a

dL.r,.oe.?oo! 4 {* i}rqu{ dddd cqlq?q0a {r{l t4qqL 4 i!{lad dqL qr !aa{a! 4q'{qLr ra{ .]1{? d64 4 dia qr uQdvnr {.iod ltrqL+ eqr air qq ,uGdu sql nao l/ltq], na'q{I.( qa'(l uQql,ue rua3 tar {,u{? c{ xr{.tt' d{q .c.o?.?olr4 nal{t Aa {{il !.r! dl.dln, ,{i d{lq r!.or.ror!n( ?tr qa {)! lA, u{? ql "q lBqaAR!{ {i dr{l',r r\.o?.rore ar r'1r {}i4qi qM a rcL{ 4Ecr tl d i/in t{tG{ uq( (itri+\\id! &d Aq]li qrt( 3 {e? !Rqlr(4 a:ta{l u{!r ?ort{i qR!t{41 .s .(Ui qLcqr}Lt

arA( cq{i tq(q } { ale {nr4tfl {ar6 aq aod i!{dt tr) dt q4qLt rid. .11.4 q4l((rrr?Ld crdrlt), d?ore? 1?) ,{l qr.a*wqrr8 cra: } t djqqx?, 9.aqo(o 4sr F) ,lt {&rqq, cdcrq Ri. q{4q6 {a (,) 4 rad3{? qa(!{lr, !}c1, !ira!. d!!{l cdt a. tnt uraqel{t(Q{i IQEIE f-.t dl dL-r da \Aqlr,(nL qrq\} arqq iqq cAtltE 3Li dl { s ({} qL.l{L

^1r{. q ea, uc&rs qae{ qa {o.r aQqr{L 1{{d !r\q( R,ias ors, { uRAAa lAEtvnr a

aalr5a A{4 trQ( c{qlt An*{45({{.4}{i aUL i!{rra{ yqr.ii.

aa4r jrndi{Lni qrqlte { {crr6rk rn{tz sa@{ lldaa Ana!{ yAAA (n orcrat !ll\l{i!rc? ql6d iraalu d cQarnr4 i{ qM i{i ic44 dae rGdL c.ued didl a&dlt(Od {{dtaL4 {84 {dq?q4 erciln1r4 qaa, ael q{n qa {Ad A?iaq , 6!LA d{ {L{r!ttaqr({ 'r?a4 anRoli {A !B! ?k{ eaa {!6dqa 5qr

\Aai4 Q! 6cnn !r.)!r4 \d qqL .{r ,0 r{. q. ea, lruis qQn{ qa {q tLoqr& xeLd!r\qr eziaE .i3{ IRAO cat 4 .ns {{Lqq{t {i Erli uar stst ( rr{tuqiqq_U{q4t rua iq

Page 17: DOCKITS}IffT - Hearing... · Gujarat Pollution Control Board Sardar Patel Comrercial Complex, Rameshwariagar,

A! {ar<dl R,ad aG dA (L{ s6{ciltqLa ({llr lrra?4 UAAO d?' qLqqi4l

q4( u&{qa/qiu{ri,lauu a{Y rt srqL{l ua(

Uidr{r, !r)44J ql a0{{

4r un {$ q€rqi{ &q d t &ian 0 ni gq isrtr 6Il q !L'{. gd cultisq 0.) oud qs qi;i6\d uql al0 ii ql qc d ea aurii q.l {g{{dqi $${ {'{ 0. {4 t {i nq }eqLdr qu 3\ A {qd Ai * 0 Ad

{an r* cd qi 38 \A sad q{sqi {s{ qqq! @ !a 6t l{ }{q"ll{ {i q r $n {E 4i t€lq

u{ ru{ sl{ !i.rri, .ur, i!.i qidQ {sii \*{ u {\ {i {tu 44n { i{L {6a{ qnr rid 1{ d qi

qrq0n d4( qhc'{d qi {@'l M!tr63'{ {q d qi $O

'@ cdl $t r Q

] ire( sI 0 , r,ll dn ldn 6aL{qi{ it r{ 4i e{i ci 1o 4{ s1

adi 5L.t{ul0 iiiq"id ? 16 {ieun d ? tuq{ A4{ rL? wn 0 } tu{,ndcd q$tB ?.6{iiq*{0 ?

{4{ di {ad i *i d a !q ur sL{{ii d rlr gq s4{ 61 0 illl {qtii

ni @a d !rc{ q 4{ , a{ Ail{{.n fil u{.t cd qa {iq } .u .u nii,ql 0 ? ,ci q{(

'qI d , qkt lrh ui i

an {a{ ce {: n! {$ da,i!$B-q ] se{ {ca iil 31r{+iottaq {gl. qq tu{r qh{ 4a cE

cttqlsr r0{4r&t fiutq }4c{ gr Xsq hdh {e u{L.i!i6Lq ,{q @l cq .&t &t

* ui +i[ C&,{ u rA d.l \qqn nidr ui {i r{ rq i?e

{qn i {a {ccL{ *n qrL{tAli qd d"ir aq( 0 {i $0rrdel{i qB dq.rit i {{ .{s {iqO h.!,trd ol.! {t4i 4'c dtslq ni qd i\.$i ollua.ti iqq 6! uq{n {lc i'tr{4rirA:t. 6ir rq 'il!k si @ r{it {a e&d u{. qq 0 i {{d

u?AB nlEd{ln nf{d &\$h.uq .iX qa tri?1i.l i.ll*rdri {c{ @i4 it {c{4n ql .&i, qNn B i .u ndRrli q'c{{i qFI I q.l e.i rioqaqu !i d i{ Ai{i {o{lallrfl riu( d{l} uu q1

a1{ aa qaq+qq !th{l' cdd ep+ u{r 6.rrqrqr{q!p qqt aar qq{.n d41r{q 0, AA{ ilA iL n,e\ 4q.i&liiioaa d i ri\.! q{ !?cs

. dq I <{4 eu r{ ni 4!h!t qtu

{uri qr'u{l aE d qi 49 !g4ci 4{ql qE{ {rdol0 !q qB t n &i Aq,i

Page 18: DOCKITS}IffT - Hearing... · Gujarat Pollution Control Board Sardar Patel Comrercial Complex, Rameshwariagar,


. a{t a.u.l rl$uil a$6 {tu{d 0 q,lua{i n( dt 0. st qo { 6ri

. ic.l {e qd tlq d q4 tu{ qs \qclrl i8{ii id qd A d<r rd {a Xr{!jw[ l\.I {g 13{ i6rl qi qqi

n {e <La cd {( r{ q{ i.rnat lscqCn q ,{ qi n ss q6 Nlq .6n

a irq nr!u{ {in r{ \q$ Ann r0. 4qd {4rqi qq {rU q{qq6L{ Ag €c. q {M{ Rn qjq n aidi ?c r,'{ r u{ ? {q lR oL6qlq in Rii ro

^d as ?ir{{ An

{i ,t 0 ttr nuii A ,q.0 {rcn r n {:tl {rg{ d la } qi {eai{ ${ wl

icl{ u i hl$ cn Bc I q.l i{sqq sq 0 d4 .iii qq 6l d qi aE[ eild {rl {1 i\a1a6.1*6d n ud drdscl d *.irrlidq q6i.tryl,i q q\,u {co rd d. ds !r A{ {4!i s$

lilll[*F n r8,i q{a d n{ tu q$ur d n {'s' ,a{ uu r} {[{4 jq d

!g!q Ri e ,1 A 4{ Ar}r {{ c$ir{{ Rn {d !t B ar{ qd

'laqct<'.i! !i4a€ iqilq,{ ll{wi !&at

E A,iq !i d rt{i aE {{ Al1{ iO cq

!'th4 q&,'{I{ thri t(qlxnnaB ql{ qn dq{li {t{ }qrdqld a{A * i6 rrui d t {dn'rqai rildr rl{ri uL; irt u"0td'il qQue e-U .{ A'{Ll{!Ni au u8.tr1 \'H{suj {itual rr{n i$ qD dtg{a{ d +.I.} ci jd {qH $lq{ xq({ R.qiR* { \RqLr

q\.{1llu i{.i.Ri {r,0 A{ci

. { i\.{i { i!{I !3 !r ic.l {s { ,iil{ia c!0 r! i!.n {g rt qt qrl

. q' lc{,l a6{ aA A ci n { c4Jrc{ drli {c ta \l ur.{l d{ ra

. iq,1l {{,i \.1 { cr {"1n{tr {$ti,qgii ,MiiA ta 0, !c,n t{q ulc,i a{qqqtl, r!+i n{ia qq{.iq a6 bq.

c{lqlru !hA4 qR qqAqrqd{ \ltQre-{ 1lll{lqo.

Page 19: DOCKITS}IffT - Hearing... · Gujarat Pollution Control Board Sardar Patel Comrercial Complex, Rameshwariagar,

. 4',{dqi u{4qt{ d * cRRy -ll+

. {i i !i{j sd r lc,$ Anq i{ ic,1ltiq !1{.1qqd i{- ,!{ {A !q.t !c,{{, !.r ri rl qi q{i idla X{l qLl

\s d<Br 8r$ Ni4 qtui {*r,{

. r$ !tui cciq{ qaA, l!\q q?!dai @l d {u{qq ir aia d a dia,€"I{qi et6\l.8ad. t{ q(' @i

. dni i,6n qqr {1,1q {{ qi 6{ii\6i sr.*Nl ltq 0 d! d,i:i riid.

. cQiir{ i{ONld reliq }4c {u{ e ri i *i !q,I{dtiRd{.l (@d ui q.{r {4,ta s{ A s{lt r { ?*i c{iq0. .uc.0 qqh .@,1 \a 6lq

! !\.[ ih rl"{{ r qd & icl!1.1 q.onq qtr {{ {l} cq qaqlqq qna flqaq D q.l :i{ {trh !i 0 8{i !qtc{s.t n6 $uar qlq qi iiFu{ !q qoA a.a ri

. !i a :ic{{ al I d a\{ lilL an ,i,irdliA rJt li ndl i\.il {g ri{ !i6d.

. \t ,c.{L ildi4 {'1 D ii{ {n \R@

. ,llrql orl D gr r4 '3

ca{ {4 !c{

! 4 {6{ q4 tuk' du .rsQrn{ qqr

. u{ dni a{i, eudr qq d. $rac,{i,e, itqpu i{[email protected] & } .{d,tr

. ir{u {g rt ,i u!.ug{ {cli {a{t, {r0ii cq u[, {c!] B q' ql6q

. iq{ 4a al0d t@d qrts 0 t

\aalra{ sAn4 a{ q\qq*{i?\Roe-ll rliqdqo,

. u ic ltqi nq ji 'i

ql { ic.l {'g riilnl \.1{i ,r{rili i,{rl, ,!$ )1,

. ,{d qqd A.i,l I {r , a !q{q?q &!{{ 0 d nr{{,[ {,i }] bi 4.i aiIti'r !1s 0, ,arzi &iai qr!fl e&as 0 i.{ q{{ qd r< !B i} i !d

. liii a d! !r!c!n qcl*! An-[ d q.lir{{ Rd dd {i &l ri qd iei a:lodt l q{{ al6 {q{ \q rO rLa qr{

. itlu{n Qi.{ qli 11 O t at on ,i

ccdr{{ !ft.ldl4d crua(-q i\.li &'.!ii i irrtr{ g{i !nr d ii' Rqq q inr {at ni!,1 a., {spi iqa ql rori i{u,l {€ {iL acr jlt{Lrz

{i{a ,i! 34.1 .0ca d n {urlqq j\.{ q{ d( dlari iLi 4i! {{r rl.i {ui. * akrEa{ qra r{ ci. a1r hlt{ A{aqil ls rn! qq {sRn ao q{

Page 20: DOCKITS}IffT - Hearing... · Gujarat Pollution Control Board Sardar Patel Comrercial Complex, Rameshwariagar,

{{t{1l C{d{ q ad id rd .& r{,. qd !o q{E qq d i iru{l {a qq

0. \qI{r Rd,ii6d & r{r r{.

4 sn ic.0 qr Atuq @{ iq.osn lgti qNu {i \ql{{xcD <tu ie d {c{a q&l&,lq 0 t{ qi2 i\.il qs tL la

. ic.l ft hal{ an i0.l nqd{fl t nrE rllJ.i d a{ {a

.4Si!.lqnlndflqaq0iqi{d r":tr io c{ ca qrrseR {nrdtl d Aqn !4{ r a .rqr llt3&ci qRl+{i ia{ t{.i at{ul ul {'I{o a{ Ed& ka,

qdl {!{!.l R{r qqa \$l lla \.ullili d {i qO i i <{t al$r du1\l d n {d !''&z {q,n {ln n qq,r

idilil ad r!. !\{ {9 d dl qtu qn

!ga{ A6<.a r ci {6{i' rq {q 0:t i{$n 1d iq{ {s r 0 q.} {d "r&I qq { rrc.0 .irl qL i{,{ {acdl, ag q{ \dl qli qg q{i{,h q6 q{0, gA{4 {4 {bu 1!a, i.{a'il {A,lnii {A ic&i &@ qll r}, r&o a,B i!{ d{4 .rt1 xs{r aA, !u,1lizlRiq ed shq i] i .iI4 G d. Nla{R.<.4{ ic.ild isaqi ai d i$ia

. !i { r\.nqi aq '1

!i 4\,{ {{ {a qllfin cd 0 ic{ 1A 1l}n d 4.d q2

! 4 '{tu

ad d B } \ch{r Rd cs i6r !Aq{eq Ai { r\.[ d ri r 0 d, \s tiiral{dgq610,tri rudii llal

. 4id d13Ed ] cq&.1!ddt D A !i?{ 4 i il il6 qd.{a ril } dti 4 e'l6{q alc a !\.Id \ql{rq {a t&iq,.U d. M \irq ,qI B ?, ,u qd eten dt cLSi 24 qE qf rq 0.

. si ,c.0.1 irq {cd ,i di'ut ircliaaqll !\'ni d e{i d i !1, d.

Page 21: DOCKITS}IffT - Hearing... · Gujarat Pollution Control Board Sardar Patel Comrercial Complex, Rameshwariagar,

r nt e {!l c$rlihq iqd4tr 0 d q{ai ,\.0ri Bcqd}r I qk d'si c6

6qnk {Os ?tqL.l \{ {e qr..vrt€lr qO!{ qn {oi1 {Oqr(, rrrrLd xrlq Aieq dS nL

!R,({ d GqQd slsli qa Ad ?rq.1 } {aa da a iluq{ y4 sAqr{ qraq. 6q&d drldred @ {&e rqqd d ndi.Ar ldrqdl aqrd l{a.r oii aod rlqLa q45t 6) dt 6l{ur,o({@d crdgt, {ra : .16re( dr@1 sqqLli, 9<i: aqo{R (Lu d,tt t?) 11 {q(ilo {dr[ J({:o{0{. {qr-L !.{rqqi, !0.<i: lqqo (?d ar {A( D a di x(to, qO{{ qA {@ {Aq{rrt?rd xqtqr Aias qlldr ua4tll il?r a!? rl< qrarili iA3 cLG<q( re{i q@ qa anl{cLa{ ${nlqci q{Ln€ dl c rl t{L-, d{} qrq{l.t{cL qrt( O qi ll{arda qqty} lnqq ac,ui{q {{{0E +\ r{ 31., d{l qrc{l aqr{ uaa .\

!id{ tu !dq{l{ 6nr rl( {{ u\ta du {6qqLqk qqr?{6 1r <nr{dcdl urk aa( ta?

lcttlr q0a{, xsrld !q\qR{aei 43. ra@r ui

{@ {[iq. wad ,rq\q A&'. {aAO

Page 22: DOCKITS}IffT - Hearing... · Gujarat Pollution Control Board Sardar Patel Comrercial Complex, Rameshwariagar,


A Statement showing response and comments r€ceived in writing from otherconcerned peBons in the environment aspects and replied by the PrcjedPrcponent M/s, Prabhudas vlthaldas-[, for v]rplr & Kenedy Bauxlte MlneGpacity 4,39r39a TPA, (Area 70.8216 ha) (Reduced area: 56.6573 ha) atVillage- Vi.pur & Kenedy, 'ta,-Kalyanpur, Dlst. Oevbhoomi Dwarka, which washeld on 29/03/2016 at 15:30 hrs, at M/s. Prabhudas vlthaldas-rl, Ghangh.aBlock, Mhe Omce, Suruey No, 110/P, Virpur-l'4ewasa Road, Villager Virpur,Taluka: Kalyanpur, Dist. oevbhooml Dwarka-361315 as per the Mlnlstry ofEnvironment, Forests and Climate Change, Governmenl of Indiar New Delhi vid€rts notlRcatTon no. s.o. 1533 dated 14th september, 2006 and lts subsequent

Sr. comments recelved ln wrltlns fromcon.erned P€Eons

Mr, ahanubhai N. Odedra, Advocate(Gujarat Hlgh court), Slsodla r,4ansion,

Gopnath Plot, B/h, Old Court Bunglows,

2 Mr, R.S.(handhar, Village: Kenedy,Taluka: Kalyanpur, District: Devbhoomi

Mr. Mahesh Pandya, Paryavaran Mltra,502, Raj Avenue, Bhaikakanagar Road,Thatlej, Ahmedabad - 380059M.. litendrakumar Babalbhai Patel,A-4, Gajanan park soclety, B/h. R.B.L.School, GIDC, Ankleshwar, Dist-Bharuch- 3q3002Shrl Girlshbhai Bhimabhal Makwasa,village Nandana, Tal0ka Kalyanpur,District Devbhoomi DwarkaShri Nathubhai Matdng, Village Bhatia,Taluka kalyanpur/ DBHct oevbhooml

Page 23: DOCKITS}IffT - Hearing... · Gujarat Pollution Control Board Sardar Patel Comrercial Complex, Rameshwariagar,

i-_Blunubhri N. Odednr

6,A., L'-8,ADVOCATE tGularai Hiqh Count

Ofl. : sisodia Manslon, GoDn.rh PtoLBrh. OId Court SrnqtoBiPORBANDAR . 360 575

i"..,..'" - cr

@rgCJIld ii"t. irr)}€udsq)ie (.Jr .r 6dslr)

,r'1. ! crrso r.ror??n. : l<nz.i. ier, or6diq t<])2,

e.:irrr.$.?n., ql+z : 6irlqorq?.v)?ci€?. - 3ro !ro.

Enrohent No. GBos3/2oto

J€ol i. .2/ a1,

clzlr.t yg441 p1>1y16t oi$,

i)a oQ,r o,Zu.. ",


".tr",,-/Lt rL: r:tu t1 471111-t uzfuAU ,<t-t? atlpl-r, ,E /s )iq,a,j.

? /41q4 @Q4q:d,



6fi-r.rPsesJl 4f,*

- (e-tz14t+* ?a(4t zdc/f /!t,,V-, ""' r>, yt. ;,,,, ) t- ;3 d, t ) ; D, elr'-. t;2,. ./ /. trz'(,,



"t,.tt t:]z j,ba io ji,<-e\2'4fl 24 ra,a oa-A 'n '; ',QG?gA ) s2 B^?! /2!t-<-t/L,1tG,Ocvv 0 &Zt1 €@/1-Ly,,2dl 4d-/taoQ €.rr-eru< 64? u t azrcti - c/iE) Ee/iaalrit t.tE atn| rl- tr(4.r wi,. 2,,Lr.o' i ru7.rdQ ) c. or

-d) >r-q* yutt<,t- O)tA€/q-.rtM.- /2tly{ a"rta"X7 d/,5(.2//a Ut. D.?./q,r4 &QAt.

dadoz >tt:l"z gtssa a .5'i;a4Q s 96,gc{ A r_rl.u),ft+trt ;.8)-4,/a a-r-,J q4J.or,, i.,r:s 1, ,)A ,.-,r:: t ,Jgo .-/a ) j_. ..2,,^ , _ , -,/ ,61 dq4r,1 d,a-!"e ( ) nL (4 ) cltj.Ht:tz al_)tt{nn'; } t>at.

",i)rrl.c!€tq,a€(/t/t1 i cDts"ttl,Z ut!i1)t ]li .4/ n-:t t ) T.& e/ ., r'tEn t14 -S )t , ;,.bt.t :i "i,, t),-j\/ .1) .121

",." ..,;,t,:. ,t.,1... ,.


'e/1,. /c-\

':'i . .1.

Page 24: DOCKITS}IffT - Hearing... · Gujarat Pollution Control Board Sardar Patel Comrercial Complex, Rameshwariagar,

hrnubkri N. Odedm8.4., LL.B.

ADVocAiE (cujarat Hlgh courr)

(,lg(, d Aot.du)"}€{rOsqla. (li?kr 6rds)r)

xl. : c-rreo rororOfi, : sisodla M.n3ion, Goonarh ptorB/h. Old Court aunglow3,PORBANDAR-16' 575

?rn. : l{])a.i. rci, 6r6?fiq (na,e.ud.3l.{|., }z : 6.rlq.rn?.

,r)?d€r. ' 3ro !e.Enrolment No c/3!93/2010

-/3q4d bt I,.

t, )lxcqt I a>21)l"4 +*-.t) ?qoZi

,Ftx3t,d, tJ2,2t.1-t t {1!\l

Q a.t a, i | 1)

i>rrtu,c*tvfrr,Y,3t I,t t1r11t *,aO,,

!t1td yq>tLj i>)t>/U A Lt'

a])r "1./!


"ott""l .<4 a1ttri tuul [email protected] ")t/.!t./)'yc?l


Bhanubhai N. Odedra(G!irr,r r: ^.,..|l

-{-'lt aib uA Or4\ "t 2./td i 1/n.1Qa+t t)"e,l' *gr|, "r*:' .\Lt / eEr4 .4. rOtirQ,Ar c,7"1

at',E Nt,ctat j-: @7,c,, ,-; ,'[,li! :,i' 'dt<r ta,?

aqut,tltt)t a,y,,, 7'n^'.

nt..'4 ;.2-,..,t.?it) u''t t 4,1Li '.

ti t,<)to, cttl-t 2,)5r.-r atlptt2 :,) ,.i,2 .,r46vt - ,r-.'li,6ir.,)d t',,8 aet &,*,r 11 v'titt.:,uet,.-rL zDfla, uta& ruu+L ,4atd 2..t,)tL,. tut irdt )AU,q.Dt'z'hua .t,j ,7 ) -p,7-,,1 2,C,r-., )!4,o)/?' ,^,'r4 4b/e:,, at2,-7 a,'.t"-6.11 fl zt, -,s,tct.'!,

1..1'":':-^"4 ?-. ")'tn zrt "r,1.p4. *, t)rlr11 .,t,11:.:.,* :,, th,t-u,oZ fr,2t.4 6);,,./ i,r"t ;,,'ra/b,41 2,^/J )4qttrct,u) t ..1 . ,, a-f .r.rad*))dou; d, EE a,'dl to,,- " . ,, , _ _^

Page 25: DOCKITS}IffT - Hearing... · Gujarat Pollution Control Board Sardar Patel Comrercial Complex, Rameshwariagar,

sler ds'rr{,ln,nl xi,q!l!{!;Brt

rc'rl,'.' ar 6$ rruqrd,lrtgNd4<,n.x.m,G!.!n'a)G&hatr!r.ra a).dkr[. Qfi. (Nr){{ {',ri.k iin!suNrr4nr.n{drLn$fl {riniJ.,lHr Ei i!4Fd na{i.m &L iF a

* ody.t rr,nlrs' lrd {radd4 N* jsri*)

li&'6 r.6d.nrni,hqnau3 Ra &ilr |,r, hqo.',r{ d{,otrnio,n.ll!,i'.RLr$stq0i'.'5 y{ir*d!fts,q.i)r.q!!ft!,{iir'fi qdr.*

srnrdaGft!'\<),l,lk{.lqtqe.44rn nd4,dld).:-rdnE Lql!e {tr.

6 uil[l ri{,:iird x!$ AH.ila, ruA{q rnn Jlqurh{, .l,,c' {.n G!'! { {,i. {Fl. tFF na(

rn idfir.h{rned&{i!ni.q4


q|E ?Nrdr

s. !,.rr rur i{i r, ceo;,nr rn. d,x'c{|' ,, qn

-ui,n 64 rii-- nn r. !i' rs tuL,(,xqtuirt.-vnnrdi6nd( o(ii)r etrriM

i,,-;.i.--" -^..,*,k,i!,&Hr!.[\d{6,.d{s1."!i{".e'kr-.M.'Jar

!&@+( h na{n{oi+,;n+

I n{'d&lrl.!ir,lc1!du'r.iid6.irotd46ir,l{4A' tI .qr G.n rnifi d0,.'rR's!i !-rrq8.ntr

rrrlll i0 {Lftr,L), !&r.q i !, ru

6 ltirEd.,]r ,lt5 46. {t. !& Q. q tun 4l?*84'lql{oGjd{n'f,clldn'd.n{d}&(

rdiaft!6s rrlld& ihiidr.idin{c!n, de ,/s^s' { v.x !n, Nr L6!.

'" ' ;'-" _

6'lt' !!''

Page 26: DOCKITS}IffT - Hearing... · Gujarat Pollution Control Board Sardar Patel Comrercial Complex, Rameshwariagar,

PRABHUDASVITHALDASMaY[ Pbnkh Smilly, 0!p. Cnc Villa, Chopar Boad, Podandar


Rerractory Unil Ca cimtior


6!nh lalq {a {Ed4L uldra qqLn yqnr .nt rliq o,

{td'0q Ai rc$ ri ilr qiq nr {, g.n \d.01 trs } t{ trerl oo..r1! ireludr ni , .ll z {Lzr osLd {r0 4 B, A{ 3{d nid d.

Ac{ { !sa{ A6qa+n.0 .n5 lnLqdt lirU r0 e,jqLr, iid qtkl{.d ; ,li q{d rtn. qta qn r, ird.r, 4t dL ro.or.rore4t \a.

illil nh{d d&n i. cLr iz aq@r[ ar Aq,r &qL{ e'q le 4 h*ir \{qrq Aia{ qi{ rL liptd,'{' 0r1i6i{ d.r\4 (r qq' a,{ 1D eL.]L1 arirfBqL{ r -lq aLqr q.{ d


xe ,! 31qni {E d. ni lRidl {r hkr ri

qldt tuR { cq 6!rio[ ra

qe ,{ n'i qioE {[r{ a1 qr{ d.6 ErA/EMp{ u& d. * q! NABET 4r x{qk ayall i ,i,,{ !B {i u! ,i{s .rL RIa {i a. n\ rHL dr ii@{ a'!q'{ qrt i!. t nrg qr! { 6*raa* siri aD

q'a 3d *s' Xe lu{ {r& r} qi aqr\il {i 'Arsld.{ql {R{t {) {t {Sl& lql q!i"{ {ari qrt i}

,\.n 6d!h {k! qq!& {D idt {ir rd d i {att { tqdr .[

a0 ad{!, ,tn. q1l{, q4( (jlrnd 6rd j1O, RtAq( !Ld{q,

qar nlQ ;Iil 4 rd tilcrc arq t hi{ {q{ q4 iJ d. {q} qrq !r( .0 q4 q{ q,q,{d A

rnc{q (na fl 51, !inq14 !Loo. irri.}

Page 27: DOCKITS}IffT - Hearing... · Gujarat Pollution Control Board Sardar Patel Comrercial Complex, Rameshwariagar,

A0vo6rE {cujaiar Hish coud)


o) Dr*irt co redor ofrce, D.vbhooh 0w ka

{2) chietconseN or or Foren and c(3) Reion al oriei c ujaiar Portu rion

eit,toresEivLonfienl,Newoelh'cno. s.o.1s33 dated 14l0el2006, this h to nrorm rhat

l1) M/' Pr.bhudasvith,rd6

pro 5,99j00 r.P.a (57.1327 Ha.) .eobjedroc durns he ng 14 dhs, so, obiedions Grei rctating to env

l4 M/!.tGbhud.svitharda

saurita nine prcdudroi 6p&ity &3e,$ r.pA krea $.sB Ha.l prcjeobled ons in wdrinc ii pubtche hc.

as per above menroned t1) and {2)B,u{!e n nins re*es ol M6 pEbhud



.onidor ^c

these objed on re ared to

Page 28: DOCKITS}IffT - Hearing... · Gujarat Pollution Control Board Sardar Patel Comrercial Complex, Rameshwariagar,


Mayu Panth So.iety,0D!. Circun!/ia, Clrooain@d, P bandd


Refractory Unit Cal.inalion


Annerure-I).1 tEmtkhl

GujaEt Por uion conilol aoad,

MA Pdbhud6vrhads n

wirh resard b ab emmtbed5ubi


fumpanyem,|oyes@aIo',Mthe ro.ars whkh re major sor6 ol I

ro i Mt. kabh u d*vithardai0


shriBh ubhaiN odedB, advoor.{cuiarurHrchcoud,ssod a Mansion,copn h proLB/h otd coud

Page 29: DOCKITS}IffT - Hearing... · Gujarat Pollution Control Board Sardar Patel Comrercial Complex, Rameshwariagar,

P'nna, la" C a

+BEflds\\ .fi,1^ \{\c\trl

.1r, fi4rtb\B L--.- tqnt<tt -ot+t

<1\ aC\3["1J

s\,3\s\ ssqcl \s{,!nb\b{/

.rrri\L^!ik\, .nBF<q igt\

.,rGz=an Prr.- g,'e(r'r'N{i

rrr+t1,tzt1rr\,'i("\ t'^''

C"r*lrl?.r<lt4o'aeta\ .*rtq:.:lYti) X(

,"'1ffi;s*:;:l'H-,:q;iv\\ ots-',.'1 fi :r.<r _-'

*\61\1- E\ 3.rd\ a:- 6lN.i1 sn$ .

g61 1-'.rr"\-tr^.st\tr\\\\-n-{

"J ** L.*q LEf\ 'r'cao'(b'N*- a""1 'rr 'c

pj\\.\ .)\\Jl rrq fiAf''\1l3\ ="t., n 1:-:S;' ;.*"; ;i T -,-.-:1*1T ;ffiT,::

-S,J\ .\g 14od!)_ _anq\L\ " )O,'1. _.q +.t1

+r\t\+ . <!'{\ a-ar\tr'a >t\6 ":r*r

:::, j-*^;i.i ^r+''q\ 'boq *q E\ +'\ A\t}('

i'X'"^l* **s\^ &$ .u''4&'t'ir**{ 6wr

:-T';, r-o.'.r".\ +n"i rG otat{cl<3" a\\

Page 30: DOCKITS}IffT - Hearing... · Gujarat Pollution Control Board Sardar Patel Comrercial Complex, Rameshwariagar,

-Gtal rt siq'";-G\(*\a'i1,,,.** -rv'-f"tfLu1i*.nFD-^a:(8p[;;',s@r or'1"\:, "t" ' '"'

zs 1oo( ".:@ """.-={*'Y1"):;

^$:"$-%\ r^'q/ 114"-

,,-,.rr"'r' - <fln .-,**r

6 sdcor { -szz aa"1

@, e5< t+\2-3b66 **t e*s4 "i" or5\"( s$les\t

- "rr *L{\ <'t^u s\s qi\r\6"'r"t

5.\"A a'\L-3<Lr &6

Page 31: DOCKITS}IffT - Hearing... · Gujarat Pollution Control Board Sardar Patel Comrercial Complex, Rameshwariagar,

,) al l 'lt tl'-rt, rl"fl

9{1 6\t4D pl12[

,.}fl '?tt!L/ .9ab.'nlf ) -

\.rJ rl

f, J/!l ^ \1--lrl, I i

- ./ l\\\\-\l!r!tr\

4 4e\\\Y tbt6t?1211

Cta! €{ l6^L S(G_'

4 f-e4 LprHrr J.bLmilr/

t L \'\"-L>q Pr )t1441rl (4\hl sgi:bLrlqi

7.wl sq,c;r.l"rt

i/ (t .-i 13 r'rl{(/o1

(/nr , ilrr-, i r..:h)qllin!'ni" r'{ 5 <.27./-r'e,fr\, \n{ }.:4)br1\ \.^ \\ S\c.r-rltr<t.-

-,",,^*1a ,, o," Lt) ,) 5,,",ii' "i' ; :t,,; t-6;y, aolEli s[ ({r oraq

r_,i, < i,.t-Ltr^ ric'ti,S, q,-m.*./

L fr{aa--k glfa',;'' "'3

i a.9 "ir's st6''>''".!-.I#il.-


Gjrr: o.rre<>r -._- " J^eAt, "t:., ^.,', ". 1,"/ri11- c,fi>tt .-,,i c_.,,talth CatAt Lr ut. '


fu,t :irt qorr z/-ori q r cr.,1-

:t^0 ziga i"1<!zIJif r,ll*1 6\;\,, \,i_-.,q,6, 6'- q2:a -si

W ti2z;Q



'l'\1.o;r,r.g..r4Pt t1 ,qt,{{{'ztr


61221 go\t2 31r*tL

Page 32: DOCKITS}IffT - Hearing... · Gujarat Pollution Control Board Sardar Patel Comrercial Complex, Rameshwariagar,


Mayur Panth society,000, cnoitvila, choDat B0ad, Potuanda.


&MinesOwne6Reiiactory unil ca cinalion


qQGllP 0 -?


{rrF !r( qqd, {dq? 4Jr,

A\q: !. !q { A6q { I 4 (n3 ld(qqll lijtdl rn qa A{.qLqrur, Ju }a3l dqsi 3@qw, v. aqqft44' d?!4 {A( qa41 rc!q.i(.d i ,li {?.a{.qrqu? nL{ taSI dqa !c{iqrt?, !. Lqq(t 4Rn .n dL, ? \.oj.iors a cl

6ailh lElq acr iL0lnr q.ti!ua, d }q.rr Q6( {{ d?!nt raq 4n ,$q B.sAdlagrra, ( uL0 qAqi ?006. dLe(3) !G& rdslnn, { 'l( (ii)1.1, {rq,

aeeqdu lu ht 6@trho mft^ at twt at!$kd @6"

L uclar O&{L{r .islLra {Ldd, lqqfi (nar s@rrq!? dLqflm @?!r qa !a{ rrrt{i V.r !,a <n3q E O. e{{ {aaphL (ils qa quLl GkR Q?!? nuqi qra }. yLtti! qer{trn,

'!4d W\qr Aziaqr.13, {{anr, (r *ra.ll ltuLd ada.a5 iarqe0 rrat ao \otit lcrq a.j a{r Aa AHaa una adi{t a qr r qde e?q{i 4qi qrqrL{ qja q( qiar {q4 ,€ crdar{l !i{{ {q B. E A/EMP {Aa N Bn{8932 qnqdL l. rnt3a ra@a{l an qdrqqr{ qLAa, {qU e{a O ! qaiq?gr4( {Lqd5 vtlqL A.i4 q1!

an {tid 5la {cas4 {& r E. 4qr{ qq4r yqR 4rdt kr.{ aar d5l iad }n?4 }.

!q,{l €aLd"il eLcd!{i qqRl r?qr dA O tqll {anL qll{! Qn{ {rdt vqQ{i lurn {d.

,l {r.A{.q!q!trr. rrr }ifl. dred 3@rqL!?.

Page 33: DOCKITS}IffT - Hearing... · Gujarat Pollution Control Board Sardar Patel Comrercial Complex, Rameshwariagar,

A,EqcE e2l!!!!E! a!!!


No. s05/P ooe and trc a,nkpt,:


sub: M/s.PBbhuda:vrth:eiPft .o.,srd4No.s06,vr4 knedi,rduk


1. GuiBat po (oi6iircr&ed,ed2. cujaniPo (oico rcr&e4 turya

im,uod1/7,udyqbh ai,Gmd Ger 3&010

Page 34: DOCKITS}IffT - Hearing... · Gujarat Pollution Control Board Sardar Patel Comrercial Complex, Rameshwariagar,

PRABHUDASVITHALDASMayr Pbrkh S0.hly, 000. Ciflir V la, Chdiali Foad, Pdb6fld.r


Reiiactory Un l Calc nat on

360 575,l6!hmll


Guja6t Ponutui conrorBo d,

0w; rka, fo r rh e pub ic heariis tocadoi of M/. pc bhud s vithrdas I rec dins.

with referen.ebtheabwEsbjedaid referen.4.eptyfrohM/l. pabhud

d rudr hq,.B at-.!@!n. o r n\.ndrn1 preydbed ir Appendk tu tar

^renokins @t{B aJ tdat dteded B6ans"

M^. Prabhud6vith,rd6{ eu{e M


for, M/s. Prubhud* vithddas.r ,


Page 35: DOCKITS}IffT - Hearing... · Gujarat Pollution Control Board Sardar Patel Comrercial Complex, Rameshwariagar,

ul A&r4Bor jlodilB o kqD(

c?[::1,,Fw: EPH of M/s.PrabhudasMthald.s-U at Mttage virpu.&Kenedy, Ta.Kalyanpur, Dbt DevbhumiDwarkato be sdEduted on 29th March,2016.

honr sd dr&.ridsan.@r IsdPbl46d4&ndr.(@lro, cEil.n; E e?rcir iwAiEr.H.d.3

nnraEyibo.@(i&o:p-y,i. Ditm&.hoo..o,

ror "pdLds.hmrb6Fa .@n<o<0drihedmspdei r.a(i. ro:E i([email protected]), 6EbpdLi!heid4isEbeslde-tuosn r. @(c roredpdiie cpgndl..@),

nr€pr *sor rurroryd raripsul *Eoh,5!6Je{: rPH or ur.rEsldavks

lMltEey:eo.enin. torFrydrEidba€y*oo,.o )

Guj{* Pdlrion .mrrcr Bod

rahlye4.]oGl,D€6h!nIr qf $e rovr o{t!red piejelt. toxormc e Nr

d4 ron<t d dmit EA eDo*.

Page 36: DOCKITS}IffT - Hearing... · Gujarat Pollution Control Board Sardar Patel Comrercial Complex, Rameshwariagar,


rh rel, Aiidib, , *6!rlir . F+4.darrily oo.rc rir-trqr&,.!o.!q,

Page 37: DOCKITS}IffT - Hearing... · Gujarat Pollution Control Board Sardar Patel Comrercial Complex, Rameshwariagar,


Mayu Panlh Sooery.0!D crM Villa. Clr0paliFmd, Poibandd


Refractory Unil ca cinaiion


Ann€rur€ p - 3 lEn.llshl

cujaEtPoriurione d b d,

6.dab.d for E nonm.nt Pubri. Neadn3 of M/s.I & Kendy, ra. Glyaipuri Dr5tdd Debhoomi ow:rk:

&be*heduhdmzthM ch2016.reft bner No. PM/MP/2559/2015 dated 2sl03/r015

n 29ir March 2o1t rhepoinr whe rcelv ror obFru{io./.ommeits/cueslons riom M6. P6bhuda3 Mrhaldd I 15 6 b. ow.

s en.los.d wrth s6nt o.der dat.d 3005,1963.

ued by 6Pc0 rs en.6ed.rGPcBlsaodnon.eundelAlrlPl4.ntionaidconiolorPolutionlk

a.y & ba6ed miia arc prcvrded lor safery poht ol !i*.5'Prcdudlondftilsgiv.ninTab

M&hrne elnransponarlonwl beoutsourcednom odlvilas.6.5. rherc wlrlbe chanse in aiduse duero mhhg. Mlned o( pn w be.

rl be usd for Grc.n B.n

mrntu:divtywn ior drsrulb lheEolnd wderrable. (P a4.2.1orEA).

naturc aid sfl not ous./eff6 8rcu.d wakr.for dohe. c purpose, whi.h

3. Asthe mhinswo iiswrllbe3 iou63hrftand 30zda,slnay. withater requkefr.nt for rhe

mrna dfing op.ranon ,age h6 bee

ror suppr$lion r5 5.r3 (L0 and lor p]

ihk14,33([email protected] ity, whth u[ be pro ded

nomrlyuedh:brhoter5lo@tedinne byu age5.[dungMarchioM,y2015.ftglh.g6ntofloR'

Page 38: DOCKITS}IffT - Hearing... · Gujarat Pollution Control Board Sardar Patel Comrercial Complex, Rameshwariagar,


Mayu Piakh S0. et,0p0. Circuii M t, Ch0paliBoad, Pubandal


RelGctory unit cal.ination

360 575,1G!lairll

sofl quarty: Dfi nsAp t 2015,D. rhe p6j.d win 8en€raie abo( s ilageMpar from indre.dy

on. rit date. Pon prcj.dmonnodnsoran,mter,noreandsoI$md** tbedme.6ixm rhtyomplr@repodl

14. 0.14 ha arca ts deelopen .s creenb. I aid 6 per ErA repon 0'39 ha area *iI be deveroped lnder

s.173 hrh arc prcpo*d

15' tol@ng:diviliesUidelcsRarcp6pos4a,spplyofodnkiBwdgduaigion.avahbiliiyorddnrhgw3terins

,nmsse on through taikeib. Dona on r*ards s e fodder rn

ioiratdsi.$hoolrd. ammemenr orv€rednary Dodor vkts rortnrghrty in dinerent i

ror,M/'P.abhudsvithard n,

shd Mahesh Pandy., ParyavaEn Mn.a, so2, Ra, avei!e Bha*aranasr Road, Nr, rhahaj cE$ Road, rhatt.j,

Page 39: DOCKITS}IffT - Hearing... · Gujarat Pollution Control Board Sardar Patel Comrercial Complex, Rameshwariagar,

Fwr vitlu Bouir€ nire pubiic h€rins relaled letter

Fw: virpur Bouxite mine public hearing related letter9p.tsjam

oiday, Mad 2& 2016 12;20 Pfr

16: pdhdaMa [email protected]

^khr*: botrb mhe v @uia (sr8 xs)

A$nex\rrc- C+

h onne.rion witir tEilinq mail and the aurdE6*t lelved arc he@lth foMded to you for turtherne@ary foll@ up acdo6.

..- Frem: rtflNAO UMESHOIANOM SMH(GoG-GP@ DepL)S.nt Monday, MaEh 23,2016 11:15 Alil

C.! [email protected] Fw: Meur 8.uite mine puuk he ng rdated letter

Plea* l6k in this mattEr,

Fm: TTTENDRA PATEL Dir$dEpatel16293@9mail,@fr1Sert Monday, l4ardr 23, 2016 10149 AMTO: II4INIC{ UII4ESHCHANDRA SHAH(GOG.GPCS DEPI,)$bl..t: Mrpur Bouxte mine publi. hearinq Ehted letter

Plse, find out attached she€t of viaur Bounte mlie publlc h6dng rclated letter. submlt dr letter ln mlnule of

hrps://*&tdltem&FlPM.No1€&id-RsAAAAAhQbxvuofA... 3D8l2016

Page 40: DOCKITS}IffT - Hearing... · Gujarat Pollution Control Board Sardar Patel Comrercial Complex, Rameshwariagar,

cld Ei-{tcF Trdciiq-Y, rrqrT{qr$ t${8,sR{.q{ Emi fi},{.qRd.d., si6+s{fffi-q6.q-iqi@t


,J rr rd!"r f{Cr"r +6.

fc_{itr r! ql#r t{AF {.{r ffi EEqrqg{ ntfsdr+ 4{5{ -riqt nRrl qr€rci Eqlq{Er qr4qi{nt-cri Affi A ffi E{to FqFdkn F{ dr{ tqrq }rt) qci tT+.r irffi ftiq dt i66 ic vfl6{ cr+sil €ltq E€r+ qR{ Tflqr fu eFrqi q< n'6 +sr

+i€ idq E{tu t' sF6r sErns {rE_f, 6aflrl erc+ qrffi f{<E{ qiq ++ qrfia {ftw q,rr 6r.? t di 6s6} q€ + q€ qrrqR ft& Es+ tucer qi< fic i qr fffi sll{i {it&:sftgc.{t tri) qlqi {incr t &i <r# fdc 6r{6 qfrdq":i I.{r qfu, .s+ tuq Er ffiFfi}rlr v€t }li) vs qrH d* qS T{ 614 E€r+ Fr ii'r aH liqrc-{r i'yt qd rs 6m. ff{q nqHFr#* qqq :fqr 614 f€qr rrqr tlrl

"16 f{.dr< rs1ffi{ # t E{f€I Ttr{Ia fiI tr

s) girFr{+€:E{r€{ NABET qrq t EFsr qf€FF+s {rF_f, +ir

Td r{16r r€d{ fi4l f<cr src fu etfi tr

fsi_dt{R qfi{6 ck

Page 41: DOCKITS}IffT - Hearing... · Gujarat Pollution Control Board Sardar Patel Comrercial Complex, Rameshwariagar,

PRABHUDASVITHALDASMayJ Pan[\ So.iory,0p!. Ci,uir Villa. CiopariFmd, Poitand 360575.(Griadrr


R6fGctory Unit Cal.inabon

+iqr - d -Y


frqc , * A-o ft+<Eqn r+ofi, ffifr' 3i64,{(

&. qsq+t, *,$r(fr8rqr( - ii ++{g s!fr+<itqt 4-I lFllil

rie{ , * ft+q$iqR isqqr{ Ai, *qr&fr, d}!{(,

fr. qFq+ fr{i6 tzli/?.{t 6r Fa

qr+c qtt{d*G+qgicriq{dqr{+.dF{i<qi6 r!qdr.{!dAi ++6${rs!fr+qlt

tgqsRrqtr<t. *eE<rqftf,{s1q - ii+Er{l+i3rgFRil

(i) ?fiqrir€*dqi{q*crufr +{r€+dqgkd3r+fi ftqtrrqltre<}argrrfr<ri

fti ri qrt{ 6r c.ft Ar> *€ Hq aqr*t qql iiqr qr+,n d( cr< e} t vnGnqa,nrrr€an+qn!fi-d1*qrqrtrqr++rtra<q 1f+&!:qrc1+{+Ysi. lv's +

wgslY.l.i.? Measur$ lor Minimiging Adverse lmpad i€qrncrtr

(f) qSrd ifr+i *E {r{a(nd G{irEdnicr{iE€\!3xqlqE tll.63cfi:rdA r++i qrcft * {qc * 1ic fitr rdi qrn qrEr ii ai qq q 3ir ;lc + {ls +6< *wRra Gi tr * qn qqR * {(q I qn rqii r +( ws I A lrqdrd +E?ir

(i) sdn3rfui,iii.qqlk,qld{6qrc1q(,ur(ori,iard{qii+frqqflrfntr cn I sfi +. tri ar€r al FEk d .d i r "ir A.+.*q.+{. ERr <r€h * d\cqfiFrqFrca sra6tr

Page 42: DOCKITS}IffT - Hearing... · Gujarat Pollution Control Board Sardar Patel Comrercial Complex, Rameshwariagar,

PRABHUDASVITHALDASV&" Panrt Sorierq opp. C,auirV a. tlopariF@4 Prtadd lB0575.lcrt ar,

... ?...

(i) arqE6+{wirqn116alrqr+6}{Es;rn+ar(IEarArqt+{dqE-{rrdir

r.3iE.+. fi+€+rfor etrllfi ni?r

(y) ffi.irrdffi ffia (c.s,R.) +Fqtrirfi eRrfi :qcr**grc+nfu , fi r gea*-*fr ft -€r, *i+ qFna1 Sfasr,.turFr t qIFsR + iiqF€rtrfl ii 6l{fr +lrqi l

-= .iqfi+.+q.q1i.r{fii*ainlhl.{<:<rqiifireqrtfrigEi.\qiic}6Erq+

liqq{qii+ fiqiqR iI ,it+ i.arE.}. + rfl:"r - q. t F<di r

(\) EqroqR+d{rE{'A't s.fu( t r+q+ftqr.err,n. t*€ n* wffiiaon<edfu ar,+rilefifr€wmmrtrsl !{r.d{.6R*{nqqk(ortilTsrgcR{dndffiq

r{ffii qrq fiqr crdr t r 6crQ qR+q{r {S!ft {req edr 3il sgq} it:qR"c + \f+.ql. + +di n (6tr+a1{alnFr+a+{?r

(e) NABETncFrc.4iE frcrlr4rel

' t. { xgsrq frt <ts - ii(ft{S{ qi +i* qlw)

t l^tr'(qfq$( T.dtrdD

3r1ft +rSqR {{dqltqld n y,.rqrrnqr+ M, am.*.}d. qn++},+.qr{.4.d., dq+,fi, fr. cb- ili".?


Reft actory Unit Calclnation

Page 43: DOCKITS}IffT - Hearing... · Gujarat Pollution Control Board Sardar Patel Comrercial Complex, Rameshwariagar,

Annexure C-4 (EnElhh Tanslationl

Member S..Etary,Guja6t Pollution contrcl Board,

Public hearing is goin8 to .ondu.l on dare 29 Ma(h at vitta8e Virpur of Katrinpur Tatuka ot- Ddb hoo m I Dwa *a di$ri.t tor that our q uestio ns lnd su€gestlons a3 below:

1. You said lor Rain Water h5fresting, small.h..k dams to be conslrucled for srorage ot water,Have you @nstructed such .heck da6? E.ctose phot%Eph.

2. ln vour mine extent, poienoussnackEptrle, rfrhevbite lor immediatetBatmen! whatarethe aiEruemerts. hthisextentwhicharcthepokonous Eptiles,

3. You stated lor blastin& quallfled peEons will be ensa8ed, what qualtf.anoh is required,3. h lhrs mhe forlomwo*i.gpe od, what dkeas. are likely lo occur?4. So ln. under corpoEre so.r.l Espoaibirity, what wo*/acnvh, bken.6, Area isin Ecosnntkezone. whatdoetitmean,7. Enviro n m e nt co nsu lta nt NASET a pprcved, €nclos.d lheir ertifi@te tette r,

T'ir lener shallb€ given lh Hlndl, hrexpded.

JnendEkumar Bab:lbhal Patel,

-rit€ndEkumar Babalbhai Paret

Page 44: DOCKITS}IffT - Hearing... · Gujarat Pollution Control Board Sardar Patel Comrercial Complex, Rameshwariagar,

PRABHUDASVITHALDASMay[ Panth Smiary,00p. Cncuit Villa, Cioparin@d, Poftandar


&MinesOwnorsRelraclory Llnit Ca cinalio


Ann.xuE p -, ltn.ll$l

Guianr Poluflon co rotB.a'd,

tub: Repry ro rhe terer t6h sh'i paEt I tendEklmar Babatbhar, G Dc, ai(eshwar, or+Bh u.h for pubtiche hc of M/s. Prabhudas vnha d6rrner: Leder drd 23l03/2o$ non shi P

ron M/, p,Johud4virad r, e A

1. Propoql is made ror anifdar rec nroniie that Eh w .r *hi.h flowsfrontheaHastur.ofi dn b. .ered byotrrudonotsmati.he.rdam

headins meaures aor mtnimn2. so f, no su.h h.idenb ha€ o ificate holdeE e ,vauab e ror

emeBeicy purpose! equipped wr.h h d ieep rhrcu*h a, whoea,byh6pii,r5 e.vaibbra

au.Ified peEon. lire Miitng Ens neeB, pos*$es onp.te e^m6teo$es.omperenq.ediicte

is@dbyDrrd-cm atof Mhs satut to.ondud bh{ng ope6t .re no sucli dissses not.d. No p.$rbflity of due to thr. mini.BU.dercJR,.ompaiy

ppod.divites d the 6it of R5. 3.7

shr litendmkum BabalbhaiP,t., a+ Gajanan e.lksodeq,s/h. R.B.r.s.hoor, 6ff,ankrshw,otst-sharu.h

Page 45: DOCKITS}IffT - Hearing... · Gujarat Pollution Control Board Sardar Patel Comrercial Complex, Rameshwariagar,

o.ff',".:- Cjs8szd *rr&

& q5<'l 'rr a at

&.q\ ol,rtJi+r :rA [l dB fie<l atr clrq'] r olrr'\;rsz afr oqh orrno-fl *,flf] arl{l 411'.1 dq of srD fi*'o alrfl *i, ,rG }l. ' ftrag? -rld ^ir 'rvii't^*r'qr' .,,r7 dron .ll,-r r a\H b 6"t6t s'i fr ''ileqtr,lJl ?"({ "11n,

+ir fi 5rC l fl -G -f'0. m +qfou '"i"rf,Y.rflrrr .'irr"r+r "n 5\o i,fl 'nct ",,tf <sit,

o4ar .e1,gc.: I (,1 I V. \ attttt ttt--'t t

t\\'.- 2:q-3')( it A"r 'tt't ?qtq< it<U a1\rf'}f c1t O)s etfil.l VI I e1t

f".?"rfl sr e,r'l^rr .,ieq r ij,r

otrg 61\q cfl{\{ r

rJ ea- g a,ur.r

t\ej€rfi f49ri€l{4,,.r*ii {1,

Page 46: DOCKITS}IffT - Hearing... · Gujarat Pollution Control Board Sardar Patel Comrercial Complex, Rameshwariagar,

PRABHUDASVITHALDASMaru Panth Smiqy,0!p. Cn lv la, [hopar soad,Pdrhand8i


&MinosOwn66ReiEclory Unit Ca cinatior



O\+- *.i lq6ra A6q6R{ {6q,0 iar !rq{ riil{ cirl e{{ cA:r{4 .iqfn (\ {r{.1 {ri'{ car @ r iz€' Fl{ir qn i{ t{(k {u r qla {d i:llk

tn 0 rgA.i {n edl,t drl{ aql iq{ ar dl.rir@ {4L A&c rth.i fdi {d r4 t,

u${ Adrci 6{q.ll*c.rN{r {d c'dr atuqqi i.n q{ '[{j \l{ $ s3.

t&si { }.iil {qt q"+r aD,! q'\1

uwiE{ri$H L{:iAd*

- uuu AsR{ !6r !6r {iiri dtll4l@li\th

- A{{n R{idt !uq{ 1a{ u*qGrd( JL.1u{a !!A{ lnj qiz 6.{{,i, { sr-tx pAcE x'l] d{nqo.

(i) d@ t&er{, dcafl .aruL

G).rrk ni{r niler !i{, {r!R.(i) rs?rd r$s Rilsr "il, &a?-lo-i,

Page 47: DOCKITS}IffT - Hearing... · Gujarat Pollution Control Board Sardar Patel Comrercial Complex, Rameshwariagar,


thd nespect€d collecior Sir,

Distnd Devbhooml Dw.rlc

My .ame B Gh.h Bhima Makwa.a. I am r€sldinE ar Nandana vj0age. I .ane ai pub[. hearjrc inPrabhudas vithaldas mine5 todav on 29{3,16.

f tht mines onnnoes then I wttt gd job, ! tage6 wil gei Job and vilage @ndition wlt imprcve. J

will get €hrloyment tf.ompany .ohinu€. Comparry rs Bivin8 fund for Cow fodder i. Vaeur vltage, ,,company.onrlnu€ then p.or p@ple and tabouie wil get th4lihood, fompany doesdt mrkrh.nlivelihood to poo I psple a nd la bouu wltt be stopped.

Page 48: DOCKITS}IffT - Hearing... · Gujarat Pollution Control Board Sardar Patel Comrercial Complex, Rameshwariagar,

+PRABHUDASVITHALDASMaywPanliSo.ierv,oDD. cnrilvilla,cho[aliRoad,P0ibanda, 360

Relkctory Unit Calonaton



shri Gnishhhai Bhimabhai Makwana,


rhe pbjed win sen.nre about a5 emproymenr srt]l 90* fiom loe viflases apad,iom ind rcdryd vitiei rchred to minlig. company *{ atso br€n up hr ous adivltr6

noneirabitiiy or dr nkt.s watef i.5uroundhc.rctr in snner

Donation rNards 6tle todder tn !i a

is tunnishrty tn ditrerent vltas6 ii tu rcundins €ai

tor, M/e. PEbhudasv[hardas. ],

1. oistricl Collecror, Ddbhoomi D$rka_2. G Po llurion ContBt soard, h mnaga r.

3, GoJaEt Pullution contol B.ard, sedor 1Gt, Gandhtnasa.,

Page 49: DOCKITS}IffT - Hearing... · Gujarat Pollution Control Board Sardar Patel Comrercial Complex, Rameshwariagar,

N\?"w. - C661trl:- uLn\ | -rg., J 2 ro" r tl

>! at(zut 'dt tr'ut uz2,

fr'>u.'L,,&12&I-.1r. <3ld l1[

91 -1a,ttz+ 4ir zt "!1t21^,fuad.- Taptla Z La&(.

't|@.44 &dr22 e1tZ7'1

1't."ttl >tLnhl Zarhuo! 't 3'nuI t

"*,,v)v g, Vtjt *t fuga tt+' 't\f'bn; uufdLQt

i,t *j-lu4i xi Ettz ti. gl'

Y\|LH faSh LLa 2alG11't uett


€,)r\ ortr,li aut Gst2'ttr.t adtat ain

It .l {l1-l I \

g>+ i *.r



"2n19 GrSri



rf- \^g our14t ritti t1p r

atl a!fi


3rul6ehrQ/ Azq, "ia2"4 Suat iA.,t

2+ uu<i, -' ue, r_tfk\ StuA.>^t >ttI"n

"p1117 csi *1aa;


Page 50: DOCKITS}IffT - Hearing... · Gujarat Pollution Control Board Sardar Patel Comrercial Complex, Rameshwariagar,


Mayn Panth Sociery,0p!, CimuilVilla, Ci0pai nmd, Podand 360 5i5, {GujaB0


Retraclory Unil Ca cination

EcF Nn qR Q!6's{ {6{.{ nd! s{r{ rid{ \rnl !@

{ \Rd$"l {6dn z\ r{di rlr{{ {ql i{i @ , +ad s!!i .i i{ C{{c ,@r{.t c{I ild igejs{ lsh|iln cni{i {lFuit ul

k:r2h) dk{ 4a!alr{, ecor:fl.4R1r.

h) nrrl.t rq\q lrli'tq !iJ, mr.r'11.(n) :rr{d n8s B.iaq.n{, tuar lo rt, tI4rlrl.

Page 51: DOCKITS}IffT - Hearing... · Gujarat Pollution Control Board Sardar Patel Comrercial Complex, Rameshwariagar,


Name Mataru Nathobh.i oryabh5t,At Bhatia

ra. Katyanpur,

Dkt Ddbhoomi Dwarr.

Shn Resp€cted colle.tor Sn,

District Devbhooml Dwarka

l, Nalhobhai D€€bhal Mat & Esiding shada. I am presnt today in env,rchoent publcheariGat PEbhudasvithatdas mines.

ln PEbhldas viihaldas mines, many peopte fbm my viuase and nearbv vilag€s getlivelihood. Mlla8e6 are al$ [email protected] bener ed. shopkeeper, hotet, puncturc shop, tEnspori,ewryone are benefitied tf tEnspoturto. contanues then ttuck oM.E fron ny vilageand neElby v,lla8es will he benelifted.

lfrhi5 mineconnnues then itisin good tderestofafl,

Page 52: DOCKITS}IffT - Hearing... · Gujarat Pollution Control Board Sardar Patel Comrercial Complex, Rameshwariagar,


Mayu Fdnrhsouelr opp. C N[ v 3 ch0lalin0ad Pub dar 360

Reiraclory Unil Calclnat on


Shn Nathubhai D4abhai Matan&

s{br Reply to vour letter lor the publlc heanhg of M/s. Prabhudas Vithatda}l relardiis.

nre prcied win seneHb abod e5 e 5 apan nom irdnedlvemploynent rhrcush orhei 3ry a

Fon M/s, PE bhudas virha ldas- rL

conlDl Boad, secror 10-4 candhhasai