dirty fact of anp

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Read Pakhtun history and Dirty act of Ghaffar Khan ANP in Pakistani Politics.


Awami National Party1. Geneology of Baccha khan.Many histories believe that pathans are Aryans many. They are from Bani Israel (children of Israel), Pathans trace back to Qais Abdul Rasheed, He was known as pioneer of Pakhtoons. Saifullah Khan Behram khan S/O Saifullah Khan Bacha khan S/O Behram Khan Dr khan saib S/O Behram Khan Wali khan S/O Baacha Khan Begum Naseem Wali W/O Wali Khan (Step Mother of Asfandyar Wali) Asfandyar wali S/O Wali Khan Nasreen (D/O Wali Khan) w/o Azam khan Hoti (S/O Ameer Muhammad Khan Hoti) Ameer Haider Hoti S/O Azam Khan Hoti

2. Ghaffar Khan & his policies about Pakistan movement said Bacha Khan to Gandhi after partition you have thrown us the wolves. 3. Detail of Wali Khan. 4. History of ANP/NAP First leftside party of Pakistan, NAP support Miss Jinnah in presidential election in 1967 divide in two parts Muzaffar Ahmad ( pro Moscow ) & Bhashani ( pro china ) NAP was brought by Moullana Hamid Bhashani in july 1957, NAP ( pro Moscow ) action divide in two part when Yahiya Khan announced L.F.O in 30th march 1970, Muzaffar Ahmad criticized on L.F.O but Wali Khan welcomed & support. 5. Khudai khidmat gar movement: Started by Bacha Khan Mullah were known to have told parents that if their children went to school they would go to Hell .

Bacha Khan stated that The real purpose of this propaganda was to keep pashtoons illiterate and uneducated & pashtoons are most backward in india with regard education. Movement started priors to Qissa khawani Bazar massacre hundred were fired by British troops in Peshawar. Khan Abdul Qayyum Khan banned movement and launched bruted cracked down which culminated as massacre of Babara Sharif massacre. 6. Referendum in ( NWFP ) On 27th june 1947 Ghaffar khan which will be independent state for all pathans let us all organized ourselves and work under the discipline & boycott the referendum. 7. Howard zinn favourite books passage A people history of united state. Pakhtoons territory has been a victim of this statist history which has served to further the imperialist goals in this region .First British Empire used it to divide pakhtoons and later American imperialism adopted the same policy. Why referendum at NWFP when congress agreed to NWFP will be part of Pakistan. 8. Ethnical history of pakhtoons. US foreign policy & Hazara history. He regin of Hazara came turks,Durranies such and British rule during defferent phase of morden History. In 1852 British sold Kashmiri to Gulab singh for 750,000 Nanak shahis Hazara was part of the Kashmiri state However the people of this regin after protest of peoples British change agreement and replace ponch from Hazara. 1901 British rule create the province NWFP and divide Hazara into three parts. Muree and 712 other villages upto kahouta were made of Punjab as its summer camp. The chhach region which included Allok,Hazro,fateh jung,textile,Hussainabad and was part of chhach Hazara and current Hazara was made part of newly created province NWFP. In 1947 NWFP had an elected govt with congress due to Hazara British were forced to carry out a referendum in the province to know the desire of peoples 99% Hazara vote for Pakistan. In 1962 swat state joined Pakistan based on geographical convience some portion of the Swat state kohistan were included in Hazara.

When the Pukhtun ethnic movement, Khudai Khidmatgar (servants of god), emerged in 1929, it had many interesting points to attract attention. It was an uncompromisingly anti-colonial ethnic movement that was opposed to the partition of India and creation of Pakistan. Pukhtuns, who were one of the least educated people of India, became the third most powerful partner in the Punjabi-Mohajir dominated civil and military bureaucracy of Pakistan within three decades. Pukhtuns6 are the people living in the southern parts of Afghanistan and northern parts of Pakistan, divided by the British imposed Durand Line of 1893. As the British had taken over the region from the Sikhs who had, during their 20-year rule, made it part of their Punjabi empire, initially the region was kept as part of Punjab Province. But in 1901, it was accorded the status of a separate province of the North West Frontier. Still, the tribal territory between the NWFP and Afghanistan, which consisted of two-thirds of the provinces territory, was excluded from the six settled districts of Peshawar, Mardan, Kohat, Bannu, Hazara and Dera Ismael Khan, and was given the special administrative status of political agencies of Malakand, Kurram, Khyber, North and South Waziristan. In 1849, when the British captured the southern part of Afghanistan and made it part of their Indian empire, Pukhtun tribes offered a bloody and protracted resistance to the colonial army. Geographical and economic conditions of the region in shaping Pukhtun psyche and has led Pukhtuns to live the myths created about them. The nationalists have, indeed, worked on those myths to create a sense of Pukhtun nation. The notions of bravery, honor, freedom and egalitarianism, all encompassed in Pukhtunwali, have been blown out of proportion. What these accounts of affectionate affectations and romantic notions have done is to make the Pukhtun reality stand as an eternal category larger than its material social conditions and relations. Despite indirect rule under the British, there were some significant developments that caused some far-reaching changes in the region. These were the introduction of new land revenue system, recruitment of Pukhtuns to the British army, market economy, modern education, and construction of roads and railway lines. The new revenue system imposed through the local khans and pirs, on the one hand, changed the landownertenant relationship by introducing permanent landownership, and on the other hand, led to the landlessness of peasants who were unable to pay the exceedingly high taxes. By the 1930s, over 60 per cent of all arable land had been taken over by the landlords. During the 191131 period the proportion of peasant owners dropped from 72.5 per cent to 42 percent.

The NWFP had two kinds of boundary: one that separated British India from Afghanistan and the other that distinguished the so-called settled areas from the tribal regions. The NWFP was also introduced to two kinds of economy: in the settled areas, the introduction of new revenue system created a few big landlords and a large number of landless peasants; the market economy gave birth to a Pukhtun bourgeoisie and an increasing number of pauperized artisans and other proletariat. The Pukhtun region was one of the most backward and underdeveloped in British India. Even today, the NWFP is one of the less industrialized and modernized provinces of Pakistan. The rise of Pukhtun nationalism can be explained as a result of the centralized bureaucratic state systems effort to replace the decentralized agro-illiterate semitribal system of control. For even in its indirect form, the Colonial state tried to expand its write through the extension of patronage and imposition of revenue. Nationalism thus became, on the one hand, the small khans protest against selective patronage and, on the other hand, the peasants opposition to the burden of revenue. And the discontent of the newly emerged status groups universalized and legitimized the nationalist sentiment. Pukhtun nationalism were related to the changes in the state system in neighboring Afghanistan. During the second half of the nineteenth century, the Afghan ruler, Abdurrehman Khan (18801901), made an attempt to modernize Afghanistan by devising a policy to make the state institutions efficient enough to penetrate society and to control tribalism. Habibullah Khan (190119) continued with the project of modernization and nation building by setting up the countrys first school of modern education, and by introducing the national anthem. Amanullah Khan (191929), who gave Afghanistan its first constitution that defined the country as a nation with equal citizenship rights for everyone regardless of their religion. The constitution was written in Pashto language which was later, in 1936, In 1929, a minor khan, Abdul Ghaffar Khan, launched a peasant movement, Khudai Khidmatgar. It was a reformist movement that proclaimed to struggle for social justice. In 1900, when the NWFP was still part of the Punjab Province, reforms in the form of Punjab Alienation of Land Act were introduced. Ghaffar Khans two main sources of influence were Amanullah and his nationalist policies and Gandhi and his non-violent anti-colonial movement.28 His Khudai Khidmatgar was an anti-colonial nationalist movement that professed to awaken

Pukhtuns by reminding them of their glorious past and to unite them against colonial rule. Ghaffar Khan set himself this project. He started his public career as a social reformer. Even when he turned his social organization, Anjuman-e-Islahe Afghania (Council for the Betterment of Afghans), into a broader organization, Khudai Khidmatgar, he categorically declared that it was a social movement rather than a political one. Ghaffar Khan was not famous for his intellect. His main weakness was his lack of understanding of the complex social and political changes that were occurring in his society. The Congress won 17 out of 50 seats in the 1937 provincial elections. The Congress victory looked all the more impressive with its 15 out of 36 Muslim seats in comparison with the Muslim League, which could not win a single seat. When Ghaffar Khans elder brother, Dr Khan Saheb, formed the provincial government, he stripped the big khans of their power and privileges by depriving them of their positions as honorary magistrates and subordinate judges that the British had conferred on them. The Muslim League was launched in the non-Pukhtun district of Hazara by a Maulana Shakirullah, President of Jamiat-ul-Ulama, who became the first president of the Muslim League, assisted by the secretary of Jamiat-ul-Ulama, as the secretary of the Muslim League. In the 1946 elections, many big khans were the Muslim League candidates.37 The Congress once again defeated the Muslim League and emerged as the majority party with 30 out of the total 50 seats. In the Pukhtun areas, Congresss victory was particularly impressive with 16 out of 22 seats. In the late 1940s. For a while, Ghaffar Khan and his brother, Dr Khan Saheb, were perplexed and did not know what to do. At last they came up with the idea of an independent state of Pukhtuns, and a formal call was made on June 1947 at a meeting of the Khudai Khidmatgar for an independent Pukhtunistan. Pukhtun nationalists demanded an independent state because they could see that in future Pakistan they would be dominated by the Punjabis, whereas in case of becoming part of Afghanistan they had to give up the politics of Pukhtun nationalism because Afghanistan was already ruled by Pukhtuns. Ghaffar Khan, who continuously evoked the past glory of the Pukhtun nation, contemptuously said about Afghans (Pukhtuns): We do not want to be one with those naked people.

The Khan brothers demanded that the question should be whether the NWFP be declared an independent state of Pukhtunistan or become part of Pakistan. When the Congress was not in the field, the officially supported Muslim League propaganda worked very well indeed. Out of the total 572,799 votes, 292,118 (51 per cent) were polled, of which 289,244 (99 per cent) went in favor of Pakistan and only 2,874 in favor of India.44 Although the Congress alleged massive rigging, the referendum had sealed the fate of the NWFP, and it became part of Pakistan. The Khan brothers were left with no option but to change their strategy according to the new political situation. Soon after the partition, his party paper, Pukhtun, was suspended and, within a year, he and his associates and followers were back in prison. In 1956, his property was confiscated in lieu of fines, whereas prison terms and house arrests continued until his death in 1988. Ghaffar Khan had depended almost completely on Gandhi and his politics but when the Mahatama was no longer around he had to prove his political credentials, which he had hitherto avoided by claiming to be a social reformer rather than a politician. After partition Karachi became the hub of industrial activity that gradually flowed into Punjab. The NWFP proved to be such an unattractive area for industrialisation that even the local investors shied away from investing in their region and instead opted for the established industrial regions of Sindh and Punjab. By 1967, although the NWFP had 17.7 per cent of West Pakistans population, its share of fixed assets was only 7 per cent, and of production in manufacturing industries around 6 per cent. Among the Indian Muslims, after Punjabis, Pukhtuns had the largest number in the British army. After partition, it was estimated that 77 per cent of wartime recruitment was from those parts of Punjab which became part of Pakistan whereas 19.5 per cent recruitment came from the NWFP.51 This situation continues to be the same, making Punjabis and Pukhtuns the two over-represented ethnic groups in the army. Pukhtun investors, transporters and labourers have been increasingly moving towards the south for better investment, business and jobs. The army-dominated system has enabled Pukhtuns, who, at the turn of the century, had one of the smallest number of educated youth compared to many other ethnic groups of India,53 to gradually increase their presence in the civil bureaucracy.54 By late 1960s, Pukhtuns were well integrated in the state system of Pakistan. When the first free elections were held in 1970, their preferences were quite obvious. The Pakistan Muslim League (PML) with its seven seats emerged as the main winner (although it had polled less votes, 22.6 per cent, than Jamiat Ullama-i-Islams (JUI) 25.4 per cent) whereas, the nationalist party, National Awami Party (NAP), headed by Ghaffar Khans son, Wali Khan, won only three seats and 18.4 per cent votes. The

combined votes of the centralist parties like the PML, the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP), JUI and Jamaat-I-Islami were 69.4 percent. The political parties that have won the highest number of votes in the 1993 and 1997 elections are the centralist Pakistan Peoples Party and Pakistan Muslim League. Throughout these years the NAP, now ANP (Awami National Party), has been winning only in the prosperous region of Peshawar and Mardan. In 1997 elections, the ANP won eight out of its 10 National Assembly seats from Peshawar and Mardan region, not only its traditional support base but also the one with the largest number of local investors, civil servants and army personnel. 11 September 2001 attacks it has secured the support of Pakistans military government to eliminate the Taliban, who have proved to be no less troublesome for the United States than Iran. As far as the Pukhtun nationalists of Pakistan are concerned, they have little sympathy for the Taliban, even though the latter are predominantly Pukhtuns. As stated above, Pukhtun nationalists have by now completely integrated into the state system of Pakistan and their main concern now is their place in the power hierarchy rather than their ethnicity. Ironically, the Pukhtuns of Pakistan have played a major role in the destruction of a state, Afghanistan, which, once was the most potent supporter of their nationalism. ANP has become a pressure group, whose politics revolves around bargaining for ministerial portfolios and government permits for its leaders to set up factories. Until 1998, the party at least had two issues to charge its supporters emotionally: opposition to the construction of Kalabagh dam and a demand to change the provinces name from the NWFP to Pukhtunkhwa. After the Nawaz Sharif government had shelved the Kalabagh Dam project, the only issue that was left was the name of the province. 9. List of corrupt leader of ANP. 10. Land grabber of ANP are active in Karachi & also at KPK Mardan, transparency international report 2010 ANP Govt allot Lands in KPK to many unknown person. 11. Shahi syed from babozai village of mardan own CNG gas station. He come to Karachi in 1970 after his matriculation ( Wikipedia report ) originally shahi submit his metric certificate issued at 2002 joined ANP in 2004. 12. Letter from ANP supports to urdu speaking & mills owner to leave pakhtoon areas and wills owner avoid to give jobs to urdu speaking in their companies. 13. Jung News paper cutting of 10 december 1986 massacre of muhajir at Qasba Aligarh. 14. C.C.P.O letter to DIG about terrorism activity of ANP worker & collection of weapons in different areas of Karachi by ANP terrorist.

15. Original letter of resolution of NWFP in venue in 1947 president by Ameer Muhammad khan ( grandfather of current CM KPK ) that they want stay with independent Pakhtoonistan dont want to part of Pakistan or India. 16. Pakhtoonistan letter issued from London mentioned name of Begum Naseem wali, Ameer haider khan hoti etc. 17. Shahi sed matric degree & intermediate Exam from 2002 address mentioned at form H# 1890/c first floor P.I.B colony. 18. Ghaffar khan were doing Prathana and other Hindus prayers even build a Mandir at his village. 19. Zama sawat.com report about killing of ANP workers by talibans of Swat in Karachi, syed Ahmad khan killed by Ameen ullah s/o Habibullah ( Kabul sawat ) the commander of Talibans in swat ( killed by Gwards of syed ). Amn committee of swat chief saifullah khan certified this report & stated that ANP workers by Talibans in Karachi. 20. Six ANP workers arrest from ward office at mominabad after killing of Ranger Cadet. 21. Express report : Azam khan hoti brother in law of asfandyar & father of CM KPK stated that we can say here we there you if we didnt get our rights on bank of Sind river also said KPK gave 70 billion tax on tobacco. 22. Senator Haji Adeel of ANP said on inauguration of square camp that Raja Daher was our hero not Mohd bin Qasim. Raja Dahir died on defence of home land & Qasim was attacker. 23. Article of Dr safdar mohammad about haji Adeel statement Raja Dahir hero . In 20th April Quaid Azam said to nation about Ghaffar khan. They are not reliable person for nation. 24. Begham naseem wali criticized on ANP at their pro American policies news report also said ANP did wrong to reject her senate nomination application. 25. Balanders on ix text books in KPK in text book of islamiat waves versus & Hadees also replace Hazrat umer topic with British, Pak studies book shown Pakistan as east Pakistan Bangladesh as west Pakistan, Kabul & Qandahar added as united Hindustan.

26. Sindh Assembly official web site shown that ANP mpa labor minister Ameer nawab clear his BA from Abdullah College North Nazimabad. 27. Vice chairman STP Ali Hassan chandio stated that former labor Pakhtoons wants to be lord of Sindh, ANP in against Taliban's in KPK but support in Karachi and involve in land grabbing at Gadap, Bin Qasim & Gulshan Iqbal. 28. Rangers arrest Taliban zain Mehsood close aids with Baitullah Mehsood also office bearer of ANP sultanabad Karachi Taliban terrorist Azam mehsood In nephew of Amanullah mehsood mpa of ANP. 29. Ahmad balour Minister of railway stated Kalabagh is not possible is current Pakistan, first break then create Kala Bagh Dam also stated who said Abbotabad operation is fake then they are subjective, it Osama's followers leave Pakistan then Deron's will stop if Aminul zahuri or Mull Umer found in Pakistan then US will repeat Abbotabad operation.

30. Statement of ANP leader Haji Adeel Our Heroes are Gandhi & Raja Daher not Jinnah or Qasim Bashir Belor said Word Islamic must be remove from name of Pakistan. Ahmad Bloor non Muslim must be allow to become a president of Pakistan even ANP leader never solute Pakistan flag. 31. ANP terrorist Pie Mohd killed many peoples and buried during fired a car arrest by police from Hospital. 32. MQM mayor farooq sattar give name of Bacha khan Chowk to Banaras Chowk through at 30th July 1989. 33. ANP smuggler tariq zaman arrest with weapon which comes from Peshawar in a container weapons brought for ANP. 34. News report: Touture on women at Banaras as Kati Pahari firing on buses. 35. TIP reported corrupt govt of ANP in KPK report available.

36. Wiki leak 20 march AWK visit united state. During visit to us Asfandyar request to meeting with following dept/official in 3-13 April 2006 National Security Council South Asia Director. Dept of Defense CIA National Counter Terrorism Center Dept of State & U.S Chamber of Commerce.

37. 22 march 2006. Asfandyar & Amin Fahim delivered closely co-ordinate massages to the embassy were prepared to support on alliance to the liberal forces under Musharraf. Their parties and ruling party would face a common enemy in the 2007 elections. Asfandyar demands to Musharraf to transfer ISI agents from FATA & South Waziristan worked with Taliban & Mujahedeen. 38. 07 feb 08 Pashtoon Killed in Karachi. ANP Leader fazular Rehman Akakhel Killed by gunman at Sohrab Goath & same day P.P.I Karachi President Zakir Khan killed at Baldia Town by same method, ANP are assumed to be killers belong to MQM Mayor Mustufa Kamal stated to council general that some ANP leader & Talban apply for fatwa against MQM from killing MQM workers to religious. 39 27 Feb 2008 ambassador met asfandyar wali at 22 Feb 08 Asfandyar acknowledged that PPP zardari had pitched the idea of serving as prime minister in national assembly coalition government he declined . He was providing to zardari & sharif , he was ready to work for peace in the NWFP & FATA with president MUSAHRAF & they met at 21 Feb 2008. The ambassador said peace agreement is sponsor ship of Baitulah Mehsood for suicide bombing including Benazir assassination .Asfandyar responded these agreement made him even more nervous Baitulah & Jalaluddin haqani are

source of violence and mutability in FATA .He said most top priority action also need against Clean shaved fundamentalist enablers such as retired ISI hamid Gul & Ex-ambassador Rustam Khan Mhemod Asfandyar maintained that training camps in Mahmood agency launched Suicide attack on Aftab Sher Pao and ANP Charsada had. been $3000/month. Asfanyar stated that ISI had failed to aet on information that his party had pronded about training camps & militants .Not until gen Kayane tenure as D.G paying recruits

40 29 feb 08 Asfandyar Biography tent US state dept. Asfandyar entered in politics in 1990 his step mother Naseem wali objected as she wished for her son to assume the party political leadership. Asfandyar had political ability and following with in party more then in January 2006 touched her feet ( gesture of respect during the burial of Wali khan. 41 On 27 march Asfandyar explained his party preference for negotiation with local militants ( not with Al Qaida& Baitullah ) over the use military force but also add force was necessary when negotiation proved un successful. He also asked for USA help in reinvigorating the jigra processed asked the USA not term its back on Afghanistan with Musharraf, saying sharif was banking on the new govt failure so that he could improve his party's standing in subsequent re election. Asfandyar explained that militant pay Talib more then Pakistan army pay colonels or brigadiers & funding channeled from Saudi Arabia Hawala. Asfandyar declared As a Pakhtoon I am thankful for the coalition force because if they were not in Afghanistan the country become on Arab commune.

42 19 April Asfndyar comments on dialogue with militant 18 April. Asfandyar informed the PO that a draft agreement was presented by Gen Kiyani at a security briefing about two weeks ago to Zardari and collection partners,including himself khan confirmed that the documents was written by the political parties at least not that that by ANP.Khan revealed that Durrani did consult him before the announced deal this week.khan claimed that Zardari told to Kiyani I rule the rest of Pakistan. Asfandyar said Kiyani so far played positive rule when he took over ISI.closing six militant camps indentified by his party and removing ISI officers who had remained in FATA too long. Asfandyar said If USG could advocate for any policy initiatives with GOP,he recommended. 1. FATA security/policy be taken away from the FATA secretariat and return to the NWFP Home security. 2. The political parties act to be extended to the FATA. 43 08 July 08 Asfandyar strategy for containing militancy 07 July Asfandyar questioned the seriousness of the recent Khyber operation in BARA but said that if the Pakistan security force can continue to push the militants into the mountain and control the silk road. The ANP can clean up Khyber and control swat with in two month. Khan said GOP confiscate land from siraj haqqani who control Baitullah Mehsood khan urged Musharraf to sign an executive order allowing the political parties to operate in trible area. Khan frustrated & said people e.g Rehman Malik who dot know about geography of FATA & NWFP were making decision about military action. Khan reported that he had not met with both ISI chief Gen Nadeem Taj & MG Nusrat Nadeem. They confronted khan be he didnt support South Waziristan accord. Khan said trying to make peace for Pakistan at the expense of events in Afghanistan. Khan said You have to control the imam who is leading the prayers and then you can control the followers, there were foreign fighters in WANA approximately 600 of them we need to wean the tribal's away from the militants although 80% of Pushtoons have AK-47 that is not enough to go up against militants ISI gave US 17000 AK-47 but its not enough.

44 31 May 09 Khan praises military success. Asfandyar shared USG concern for the need to control ethentic political violence in Karachi and replace the current NWFP Governor. Asfandyar said Charge raised US concern about escalating pashtoons/ANPMUHAJIR/MQM violence in Karachi.khan relayed his recent conversation with MQM leader ALTAF HUSSAIN in which khan said bleently that MQM was going to have to become accustomed to greater numbers and power of pushtoons in Karachi,it was in both MQM & ANP interest of prevent conflict and avoid the blame game.He suggested that some of violence was started by other parties (e.g JI & on the Balochies) that benefit from MQM-ANP conflict charge pressed again on the need for peaceful resolution of ANP-MQM differences especially given the upcoming May 12 Anniversary of a bloody into party clash. Khan noted have never protested US drone attacks bes they know the GOP has no way to stop extremism there without drones.The only ones protesting drones were intellectual liberals sitting in Lahore & Islamabad.


Wiki leak 23 october 09 on NRO Afrasiab Khatak reported that ISI had approached the party to urge it to oppose the NRO Khatak believed ISI lobbing signaled the start of a long removed campaign by the Pakistan Army to oust president Zardari. The Army was using CJ iftikhar to launched the pincer phase of the attack by forcing parliamentary vote on the NRO. Asfandyar wali tried to convince Kiyani not to go down this read because replacing of Zardari would solve nothing and PPP had no one of solute in the using to take over Khattak claimed names being circular to replace Zardari Aitizaz Ahsan, Amin Fahim & senator Raza Rabbani most likely choice & PM Gilani would go along with one the Army choose. Asfandyar Wali said Army was making proper camping in south Waziristan but long advance warning had allowed to TTP leader like Haki mullah & Qari Hussain to fly to Mir Ali North Waziristan.

Khattak asked to move to the garden away from ISI ears reported that ISI had approach to senate zahid khan to urge the party vote against NRO Army wants oust zaradari with help of CJ iftikhar. Khattak said Army /ISI abandoned its strategy of doing dead with militants army planned might be to surrounded and kill TTP leader Wali Rehman & Hakimullah and leaving Siraj Haqqani with greater power.