diabetes mellitus

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Post on 25-Dec-2015




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Diabetes melitus type 1

Oleh :Prilian AkbarilFarah Nishfi RamadhaniAdinda AmaliadaniMelyana Habibie

SUPERVISOR:dr. Laksmi Sasiarini Sp.PDDiabetes MellitusOutlineDefinisiEpidemiologi

Klasifikasi Diabetes Mellitus (ADA, 2009)I. Diabetes Melitus tipe 1(destruksi sel , umumnya menjurus ke defisiensi insulin absolut)Melalui proses imunologikIdiopatikII. Diabetes Mellitus tipe 2(Bervariasi mulai yang predominan resistensi insulin disertai defisiensi insulin relative sampai yang predominan gangguan sekresi insulin bersama resistensi insulin)III. Diabetes Mellitus tipe lainDefek genetik fungsi sel Defek genetik kerja insulinPenyakit Eksokrin PankreasEndokrinopatiKarena obat/zat kimiaInfeksiSindroma genetik lain

IV. Diabetes kehamilanTYPE 1 DIABETES MELLITUS


HLA genes, located on the short arm of chromosome 6, clearly play a dominant rolethe risk for development of diabetes is 15 to 20% if they are HLA identical, approximately 5% if they share one HLA gene, and less than 1% if no HLA genes are shared9Clinical ManifestationsClassically, symptoms appear abruptly (i.e., during days or weeks) in previously healthy, nonobese children or young adults who may have close relatives with the disease but more commonly do notMost type 1 diabetic patients are ill and symptomatic, most commonly presenting with polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, and weight loss; such patients may also present with ketoacidosisType 1 diabetes is believed to have a prolonged asymptomatic preclinical phase (often lasting years), during which pancreatic cells are gradually destroyed by an autoimmune attack influenced by HLA and other genetic factors as well as by the environmentKriteria diagnosisTata laksanaLIFESTYLE MODIFICATIONS FOR PATIENTS WITH DIABETES

DIETARY PRESCRIPTION Weight reduction, gain, or maintenance to achieve and to maintain ideal body weight Restriction of saturated fat to less than 10% of total calories, to be replaced in the diet by carbohydrates and monounsaturated fats; if low-density lipoprotein reduction is also desired, saturated fats should be further restricted to less than 7% of daily calorie intake Decreased cholesterol intake to less than 300 mg/day; if low-density lipoprotein reduction is also desired, cholesterol intake should be further restricted to less than 200 mg/day Sodium restriction (