development of gender roles

Development of Gender Roles By Janeen Jackson MTE/506 Instructor: Paula Rogers

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Gender development and awareness through early childhood to adolescence.


Page 1: Development of gender roles

Development of Gender Roles

By Janeen Jackson


Instructor: Paula Rogers

Page 2: Development of gender roles

How are gender roles developed?

Several theories have explained the development of children's gender identity:

Psychoanalytic Theory

Behavioral Theory

Social Learning Theory

Cognitive Learning Theory

Janeen Jackson
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Psychoanalytical TheoryOedipus and Electra complex

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Behavior and Social Theory

Boys and girls receive positive reinforcements for gender appropriate behaviors. Children displaying opposite behavior dress or play will be corrected.

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Social Learning Theory

Social Learning Theory is the role of imitation. (Levine & Munsch, 2013, "Chapter 11: Identity The Self, Gender, and Moral Development").

Media and the world around them will dictate what is appropriate and acceptable gender behavior.

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Cognitive Development Theory

Gender Identity- (age 2) A child will

correctly identify their sex.

Gender Stability- (age 3) Children at this

are aware that gender is stable over time.

Gender Constancy-(age 5+) Children know that gender does not change regardless of outward appearance or gender role activity

Theorist Lawrence Kohlberg wasthe first theorist to break down genderidentity by cognitive theory.

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When are gender roles adopted?

Children usually adopt pattern of behavior and preferences around 15 to 36 months.

According to "Child Psychology: A Contemporary Viewpoint “ (2003) “Girls tend to conform less strictly to gender-role stereotypes than do boys, possibly because there is greater pressure from parents and teachers for boys to adhere to the masculine role. Girls may also imitate the male role because it has greater status and privilege in our culture. Although some boys and girls receive support for cross-gender behavior, most are encouraged to behave according to traditional stereotypes.” (Developmental Patterns of Gender Typing).

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What influences shape perceptions of gender roles ?

Biological anatomy

Social attributes

How an individual subscribes to biological, individuality, physical traits, appearance, personality, life experiences, career and education.

History of sexual and romantic interaction.

Societal pressure

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How might gender identify change from early childhood through adolescence

Children will start gender labeling (ages 3-4)

Preschool children know that nothing will change their biological sex and will stay that for life.

Adolescence will experience gender intensity. This is also a time when they question their gender roles or prescribe to transgender roles.

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What observable behaviors might indicate changes in gender identity?


States I want he wants to be girl

Has a marked interests in female activities, including playing with dolls or pretending roles as a female.

Boy will cross dress or wear cosmetics.


States that she wishes she was a boy

Preferred peer groups is male

Will choose male roles in playing instead of females (

Page 11: Development of gender roles

Video of observable behavior of boy who wants to identify as a girl.

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American Academy of Pediatrics. (2014). Retrieved from

Cherry, K. (2014). Psychology. Retrieved from

Child Psychology: A Contemporary Viewpoint . (2003). Retrieved from

Dixon, E. (2012). Surviving Psychology. Retrieved from

Encyclopedia of Applied Developmental Science. (2013). Sage Knowledge. Retrieved from

Galambos, N. (2005). Gender intensification. In C. Fisher, & R. Lerner (Eds.), Encyclopedia of applied developmental science. (pp. 506-508). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. doi:

Lee, J., & Ashcraft, A. (2005). Gender Roles . Hauppauge, NY: Nova Publishing.

Levine, L., & Munsch, J. (2013). Child Development. An Active Learning Approach (2nd ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database.

Oswalt, A. (2014). Betty Hardwick Center. Retrieved from