design of algal film photobioreactors for algal biomass ...€¦ · je tiens à remercier mon...

Design of Algal Film Photobioreactors for Algal Biomass Production by Scott Nicholas Genin A thesis submitted in conformity with the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Graduate Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry University of Toronto © Copyright by Scott Nicholas Genin 2016

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Page 1: Design of Algal Film Photobioreactors for Algal Biomass ...€¦ · Je tiens à remercier mon frère pour moi logement et brassage de la bière avec moi. Remerciement spéciaux à

Design of Algal Film Photobioreactors for Algal Biomass Production


Scott Nicholas Genin

A thesis submitted in conformity with the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy

Graduate Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry University of Toronto

© Copyright by Scott Nicholas Genin 2016

Page 2: Design of Algal Film Photobioreactors for Algal Biomass ...€¦ · Je tiens à remercier mon frère pour moi logement et brassage de la bière avec moi. Remerciement spéciaux à


Design of Algal Film Photobioreactors for Algal Biomass


Scott Nicholas Genin

Doctor of Philosophy

Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry

University of Toronto



Microalgae has been identified as a potential feedstock for both biofuels and biochemicals but

dewatering algae limits the economic viability. By growing algae as a biofilm, the cost of

dewatering can be reduced. Current design of algal film photobioreactors is limited to algal turf

scrubbers and rotating algal biofilm systems. There is opportunity to explore new designs based

on growing algal biofilms on a light emitting waveguide.

The growth of algal films on transparent surfaces with polar surface energy ranging from 7-11.3

mJ/m2 was tested in a Parallel Plate Airlift Reactor. Overall algal biofilm productivity is

correlated to the colonization time of the biofilm, with algal films grown on cellulose acetate

having the highest productivity of 2.1 g/m2 day. When colonization time was accounted for, the

approximate 2 g/m2 day algal biofilm productivity was independent of material. Colonization

time was correlated to the polar surface energy and not the water-material contact angle. Lipid

content of algal biofilms ranged from 6-8 w%/w and were independent of the material it was

grown on.

To demonstrate the feasibility of growing algal biofilms on light emitting waveguides, five

different waveguide designs were fabricated and the light emission from all the surfaces was

Page 3: Design of Algal Film Photobioreactors for Algal Biomass ...€¦ · Je tiens à remercier mon frère pour moi logement et brassage de la bière avec moi. Remerciement spéciaux à


measured. Light intensity distribution on the waveguides could be adjusted by surface

modification. Algal biofilms grown on these waveguides had overall non-linear growth kinetics

and the highest surface area productivity was 2.9 g/m2 day. The productivity was dependent on

the light intensity (incident photon flux from 1600-12600 μmol/m2 sec) and CO2 concentration

(0.04-3% partial pressure), but saturation effects were observed. The interaction effects between

light intensity and CO2 concentration on algal biofilm productivity was non-linear.

A fundamental model was developed to describe light and inorganic carbon dependent algal

biofilm growth. Incident light direction, intensity, and inorganic carbon concertation was varied.

A complimentary model based on a partial differential equation was also developed which

describes light limited growth. Predicted growth kinetics were sigmoidal in shape and showed

agreement with experimental data. Effects such as light-dark cycles were not fully captured by

the model, which suggests there is room for improvement.

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I am grateful for the support of my supervisors Professors Allen and Aitchison and to the

committee consisting of Professors Saville and Sinton. Without their help this thesis would not

be possible. I would like to thank the Ontario government and NSERC for the scholarships and

our industry partners: MARA renewables, Biox Corp. and Pond Biofuels. Now that the important

points are out of the way and since few people read this section I have chosen to write it in other

languages. Please enjoy:



ちは、ありがとございます。ビンセントさんは すごいです。ビンセントさんと一緒に


Français: Je tiens à remercier mes parents et amis. Merci de touts vos bontés. Je tiens à remercier

mon frère pour moi logement et brassage de la bière avec moi. Remerciement spéciaux à mon

ami Jon pour aller à la gym tous les jours avec moi et Sam pour… étant présent. Un merci

spécial à Pedro pour être un bon ami et pour l’aide à la mathématque.

Deutsch: Ich danke meinen Eltern für ihre Freundlichkeit. Ich möchte Sofia und Peter für ihre

Unterstützung danken. Ich danke Steven für das Lesen das obigen Absatzes. Algenforschung ist

schwierig daher, fühle ich mich schlecht für Tim. Ich hoffe, dass er Erfolg mit dem Algen hat.

Dansk: Dette markerer afslutningen på en rejse og begyndelsen på en ny rejse. Det var

vanskeligt, men nu er det slut. Jeg lærte, at alger forskning er trist. Jeg håber, at ingen andre gør

de samme fejl, som jeg har gjort.

Omnem dimittite spem, o vos intrantes.

Page 5: Design of Algal Film Photobioreactors for Algal Biomass ...€¦ · Je tiens à remercier mon frère pour moi logement et brassage de la bière avec moi. Remerciement spéciaux à


Table of Contents

Acknowledgments .......................................................................................................................... iv

Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................ v

List of Tables .................................................................................................................................. x

List of Figures ................................................................................................................................ xi

List of Abbreviations and Acronyms ........................................................................................... xvi

List of Appendices ........................................................................................................................ xx

Chapter 1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Statement of Research ......................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Hypothesis ........................................................................................................................... 3

1.3 Research Objectives ............................................................................................................ 4

1.4 Industrial Significance ........................................................................................................ 4

1.5 Overall Approach and Outline of Thesis ............................................................................ 5

1.6 List of Contributions ........................................................................................................... 7

Chapter 2 Literature Review ........................................................................................................... 9

2.1 Algal Fundamentals ............................................................................................................. 9

2.1.1 Algal Growth Factors ............................................................................................ 10

2.1.2 Products from Algae ............................................................................................. 12

2.2 Algal Biofilms ................................................................................................................... 16

2.3 Algal Biofilm Growth Factors .......................................................................................... 17

2.3.1 Nutrients and Light ............................................................................................... 18

2.3.2 Biotic Factors ........................................................................................................ 20

2.3.3 Material and Surface Effects ................................................................................. 21

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2.4 Photobioreactors ............................................................................................................... 24

2.4.1 Open Photobioreactors .......................................................................................... 24

2.4.2 Closed Photobioreactors ....................................................................................... 25

2.5 Algal Film Photobioreactors ............................................................................................. 27

2.6 Photobioreactor Economics .............................................................................................. 31

2.7 Light Transport ................................................................................................................. 32

2.7.1 Waveguide Optics ................................................................................................. 33

2.8 Summary of the Literature and Significance of the Objectives of the Thesis .................. 35

Chapter 3 Material and Surface Energy Effects on Algal Film Growth Kinetics, Colonization

and Lipid Content ..................................................................................................................... 36

3.1 Introduction and Significance ........................................................................................... 36

3.2 Materials and Methods ...................................................................................................... 37

3.2.1 Reactor Design and Setup ..................................................................................... 37

3.2.2 Sessile Drop Tests ................................................................................................. 40

3.2.3 Sampling and Analysis ......................................................................................... 40

3.3 Results and Discussion ..................................................................................................... 41

3.3.1 Algal Biofilm Growth Kinetics on Various Materials .......................................... 41

3.3.2 Algal Biofilm Productivity ................................................................................... 44

3.3.3 Colonization Time Analysis ................................................................................. 48

3.3.4 Lipid Analysis ....................................................................................................... 51

3.4 Conclusions ....................................................................................................................... 55

Chapter 4 Waveguide Reactor for Growing Algal Biofilms ........................................................ 56

4.1 Introduction and Significance ........................................................................................... 56

4.2 Experimental Methods ...................................................................................................... 58

4.2.1 Waveguide Design and Fabrication ...................................................................... 58

4.2.2 Light Intensity Measurements ............................................................................... 59

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4.2.3 Waveguide Reactor Setup and Operation ............................................................. 61

4.2.4 Sampling and Analysis ......................................................................................... 63

4.3 Results and Discussion ..................................................................................................... 64

4.3.1 Waveguide Light Emission ................................................................................... 64

4.3.2 Waveguide Reactor – Suspended Reactor ............................................................ 67

4.3.3 Growth Kinetics of Algal Biofilms on Light Emitting Waveguides .................... 68

4.3.4 Algal Biofilm Productivity on Light Emitting Waveguides ................................. 71

4.3.5 Substrate and Light Limitations ............................................................................ 75

4.3.6 Photon to Biomass Conversion ............................................................................. 77

4.3.7 Lipid Content ........................................................................................................ 78

4.3.8 Comparison of Algal Film Photobioreactors ........................................................ 79

4.4 Conclusions ....................................................................................................................... 80

Chapter 5 Modeling Light and CO2 Growth Kinetics Dependence in Algal Biofilms ................. 81

5.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 81

5.2 Theory ............................................................................................................................... 83

5.2.1 Model Development .............................................................................................. 83

5.2.2 Model Solution ...................................................................................................... 86

5.2.3 Parameters ............................................................................................................. 87

5.2.4 Analytical Simplification of Model ...................................................................... 88

5.3 Results and Discussion ..................................................................................................... 89

5.3.1 Model Stability ...................................................................................................... 89

5.3.2 Analytical Model Analysis ................................................................................... 90

5.3.3 Comparison to Experimental Data ........................................................................ 96

5.3.4 Numerical Model: Growth Kinetics ...................................................................... 98

5.3.5 Numerical Model: Inorganic Carbon Profiles ..................................................... 102

5.3.6 Numerical Model: Productivity .......................................................................... 104

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5.3.7 Model Limitations ............................................................................................... 107

5.4 Conclusions ..................................................................................................................... 107

Chapter 6 Analytical Model of Substrate Profiles in Phototrophic Biofilms ............................. 109

6.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 109

6.2 Model Description .......................................................................................................... 110

6.2.1 PDE Solution ...................................................................................................... 113

6.2.2 ODE Solution ...................................................................................................... 117

6.2.3 Parameters ........................................................................................................... 120

6.3 Discussion ....................................................................................................................... 120

6.3.1 Steady State Analysis .......................................................................................... 120

6.3.2 Transient Analysis .............................................................................................. 122

6.3.3 Model Limitations ............................................................................................... 124

6.4 Conclusions ..................................................................................................................... 125

Chapter 7 Overall Discussion ..................................................................................................... 126

7.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 126

7.2 Design Considerations .................................................................................................... 127

7.2.1 Material Considerations ...................................................................................... 128

7.2.2 Waveguide Based Algal Film Photobioreactors ................................................. 129

7.2.3 Modeling Light Dependency of Algal Biofilms ................................................. 131

7.3 Modeling a Hypothetical Waveguide Reactor ................................................................ 132

7.3.1 Modeling the PPAL Waveguide Reactor ............................................................ 137

7.3.2 Productivity and Economics of an Idealized Packed Waveguide Reactor ......... 140

Chapter 8 Conclusions and Recommendations ........................................................................... 149

8.1 Conclusions ..................................................................................................................... 149

8.2 Recommendations ........................................................................................................... 151

8.3 Engineering and Industrial Significance ......................................................................... 152

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Chapter 9 References .............................................................................................................. 154

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List of Tables

Table 2.1 – Lipid, protein and carbohydrate composition of several freshwater and marine

algae species (Fernandez-Reirza et al. 1989, Becker 2004)………………………………... 10

Table 2.2 - Comparison of energy products derived from algae………………………....... 15

Table 2.3 - Other non-fuel products from mircoalgae & cyanobacteria…………………… 16

Table 2.4 - Operational comparison of open and closed PBRs …………………………… 27

Table 3.1 – Fortified Bold’s Basal Medium……………………………………………….. 39

Table 4.1 – Waveguide specification………………………………………………………. 59

Table 4.2 – Suspended and attached estimation of productivities in the reactor at the

following conditions: 7200 μmol/m2 s, 1% partial pressure of CO2. (95% confidence

intervals shown)…………………………………………………………………………….. 75

Table 4.3 – Algal film photobioreactor productivity comparison……………………......... 79

Table 5.1 – List of parameters used in the model………………………………………….. 88

Table 5.2 – Fitted parameters to data presented in literature by Schnurr et al. (2014) (95%

confidence levels presented)………………………………………………………………... 97

Table 7.1 - Capital cost inputs for algal film waveguide reactor ………………………….. 146

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List of Figures

Figure 1.1 – Microalgal biorefinery concept……………………………………………… 2

Figure 1.2 – Hypothetic waveguide reactor for growing algal biofilms…………………… 3

Figure 1.3 – Flow chart of experimental work. Tasks with an asterisk next to them have

been compiled into contributions…………………………………………………………... 6

Figure 2.1 – Transesterification of a triglyceride (modified from Ma & Hanna, 1999)…… 13

Figure 2.2 – Diffusion of inorganic carbon and light profile within an algal biofilm with

boundary layer (Reprinted from: Liehr et al. 1990, Biotechnology and Bioengineering,

35(1), with permission from John Wiley and Sons)………………………………………... 18

Figure 2.3 – Re-growth of a biofilm compared to suspended and initial growth (Reprinted

from: Christenson 2012, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 109(7), with permission

from John Wiley and Sons)…………………………………………………........................ 23

Figure 2.4 - Photobioreactors used in growing algae: (a) raceway pond, (b) flat-plate, (c)

inclined tubular and (d) horizontal tubular (Reprinted from: Bitog et al. 2011. Application

of computational fluid dynamics for modeling and designing photobioreactors for

microalgae: A review, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 76(2):131-147 with

permission from Elsevier)………………………………………………………………….. 24

Figure 2.5 – Schematic of an ATS used for the treatment of dairy manure effluent

(Modified from Mulbry et al. 2008. Bioresource Technology, permission obtained from:

Elsevier)…………………………………………………………………………………...... 28

Figure 2.6 – A modified raceway pond consisting of triangle and vertical patterned RAB

systems (Modified from: Gross and Wen 2014. Bioresource Technology, permission

obtained from Elsevier)…………………………………………………………………….. 29

Figure 3.1 – PPAL reactor configuration and setup……………………………………….. 38

Figure 3.2 – Growth kinetics of algal biofilms grown on various materials………………. 43

Figure 3.3 – Overall algal biofilm productivity. Error bars show standard deviation.

(Calculated from a linear regression from 45 data points collected during 3 runs)………... 45

Figure 3.4 – Revised algal biofilm productivity. Error bars show standard deviation.

(Calculated from a linear regression from 30 data points collected during 3 runs)……....... 46

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Figure 3.5 – Algal biofilm productivity on the four types of embossed acrylic. Error bars

show standard deviation (n = 5)……………………………………………………............. 48

Figures 3.6 - Colonization time vs. water-material contact angle and material polar

surface energy (n = 3)………………………………………………………………………. 49

Figure 3.7 – Overall productivity in relation to the calculated colonization time………..... 51

Figure 3.8 – Lipid content of algal biofilms grown on different materials. Error bars show

standard deviation. (6 samples were taken for 3 replicate experiments, n = 18)………….. 52

Figure 3.9 – Lipid productivity of algal biofilms grown on different Materials. Error bars

show standard deviation (6 samples were taken from 3 replicate experiments, n = 18)........ 53

Figure 4.1 – Waveguide schematics for a) single wedge large notch, b) single wedge, c)

double wedge, d) single wedge small notch, e) double wedge small notch (Side view)….. 59

Figure 4.2 – Waveguide light emission experimental setup a) schematic representation, b)

electrical circuit diagram of photodiode, c) electrical circuit diagram of power circuit…… 60

Figure 4.3 – Waveguide reactor schematic………………………………………………… 61

Figure 4.4 a-e - Light emission profiles of the waveguides, a) – single wedge large notch,

b) single wedge, c) double wedge, d) single wedge small notch, e) double wedge small

notch………………………………………………………………………………............... 66

Figure 4.5 – Average TSS for the reactor runs using single wedge large notched

waveguides with varying light intensity and CO2 partial pressure…………………………. 67

Figure 4.6 – Nitrogen and phosphorous concentrations for the inlet and outlet of the

waveguide reactor (Light: 7200 μmol/m2 sec, CO2: 1%) (Standard deviations shown)…… 68

Figure 4.7 – Algal growth kinetics on the large notch waveguides: a) Growth kinetics on

the various faces of the waveguide at 1% CO2 and 7200 μmol/m2 sec, b) Growth kinetics

on the front with CO2 = 1%, c) Growth kinetics on the front with CO2 = ATM, d) Growth

kinetics on the front with CO2 = 3%. Error bars show standard deviation........................... 69

Figure 4.8 – Algal biofilm growth kinetics on a) single wedge waveguides b) double

wedge waveguides, c) single wedge small notches and d) double wedge small notches

(7200 μmol/m2 sec, CO2 = 1%). Error bars show standard deviation……...………………. 70

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Figure 4.9 – a) Algal biofilm productivity on the front of the single wedge large notch

waveguide at different conditions b) Algal Biofilm productivity per single wedge large

notch waveguide at different conditions (95% confidence intervals shown)………………. 72

Figure 4.10 - Algal Biofilm productivity on single wedge, double wedge, single wedge

small notch and double wedge small notch, on each side and including regrowth (CO2 =

1%, 7200 μmol/m2 sec)…………………………………………………………………….. 73

Figure 4.11 – Biomass photon conversion ratios from algal biofilms grown on the single

wedge large notch waveguide. Error bars show the 95% confidence intervals calculated

from a linear regression (n = 18)…………………………………………………………… 78

Figure 5.1 – Schematic of the model showing light and inorganic carbon profiles……….. 83

Figure 5.2 – Predicted algal film biomass (left vertical axis) and growth rate (right

vertical axis) using the analytical model with varying light intensities…………………..... 91

Figure 5.3 – Predicted algal film biomass (left vertical axis) and growth rate (right

vertical axis) with constant light intensity and light intensity which varies linearly with

time………………………………………………………………………………………..... 92

Figure 5.4 – Predicted algal biofilm growth kinetics with varying a) extinction

coefficient, b) Monod maximum constant and c) the estimated productivity with varying

both parameters. Io = 100 μmol/m2 sec and other parameters are as is in Table 5.1……….. 94

Figure 5.5 – Algal biofilm growth kinetics with a light-dark cycle of 12h:12h compared

to algal biofilm growth under constant illumination with a maximum light intensity of 100

μmol/m2 sec a) over a period of 150 days, b) over a period of 22 days……………………. 95

Figure 5.6 – Comparison between experimental data (Schnurr et al. 2014) and model

predictions for inorganic carbon saturated biofilms (zero order kinetics) for the following

conditions: a) & b) light incident from the water side, c) & d) light incident from the

material side…………………………………………………………………….................... 97

Figure 5.7 – Predicted growth kinetics of algal biofilms at various carbon dioxide partial

pressures and different incident light directions: a) water side, b) material side, and c)

both sides…………………………………………………………………………................ 99

Figure 5.8 – Growth kinetics of algal biofilms at different light intensities and directions

a): ATM-Water side, b): 2% CO2 –Water Side, c): ATM-Material Side, d): 2% CO2-

Material Side, e): ATM-Both Sides, f): 2% CO2-Both Sides………………………………. 101

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Figure 5.9 – Inorganic carbon profiles in algal biofilms with Io = 100 μmol/m2 sec a) light

from the water side, CO2: 2%, b) light from the water side, CO2: ATM, c) light from

material side, CO2: 2%, d) light from the material side, CO2: ATM, e) light from both

sides, CO2: 2%, and f) light from both sides, CO2: ATM…………………………………..


Figure 5.10 – Predicted algal biofilm productivities with varying light intensity and CO2

partial pressure with different incident light directions: a) water side, b) material side c)

both sides…………………………………………………………………………………… 105

Figure 6.1 – Schematic for diffusion of a substrate S in a biofilm with boundary layer

with two scenarios: a) light originating from the material of attachment, and b) light

originating from the water side……………………………………………………………... 110

Figure 6.2 – Steady state solution for inorganic carbon profiles in algal biofilms for the

numerical solutions and analytical solution for 600 μm biofilms under the following

condition’s: a) light incident from material side, μmax = 1.2 1/day, Cb = 0.045 mgC/cm3, b)

light incident from material side, μmax = 2.1 1/day, Cb = 0.05 mgC/cm3, c) light incident

from water side, μmax = 1.2 1/day, Cb = 0.045 mgC/cm3, a) light incident from water side,

μmax = 2.1 1/day, Cb = 0.05 mgC/cm3………………………………………………………. 121

Figure 6.3 – Transient solution for inorganic carbon profiles at different times

(parameters from Table 5.1) with an initial concentration of 0.015 mgC/cm3 and a bulk

concentration of 0.045 mgC/cm3 with varying mass transfer biot number and incident

light direction: a) material side, Bim = 1.78, b) water side, Bim = 1.78, c) material side,

Bim = 0.37, d) water side, Bim = 0.37, e) material side, Bim = 5.26, f) water side, Bim =

5.26………………………………………………………………………………………..... 123

Figure 7.1 – Waveguide reactor schematics for a) a plug flow reactor and b) packed

waveguide reactor…………………………………………………………………………... 127

Figure 7.2 – Cross section diagram of light being refracting within a) waveguide as

fabricated and b) waveguide with a polycarbonate layer…………………………………... 130

Figure 7.3 – a) 2D Schematic of waveguide reactor and b) 2D schematic of algal

biofilm……………………………………………………………………………………… 135

Figure 7.4 – 3D Schematic for waveguide reactor………………………………………… 135

Figure 7.5 – Schematic representation of an a packed waveguide reactor with two designs

for supplying light a) LEDs and b) a solar collector……………………………………….. 141

Figure 7.6 – Schematic representation of an ideal packed waveguide reactor for the

productivity and cost model………………………………………………………………... 142

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Figure 7.7 – Model predictions for photobioreactor land productivity with respect to the

cross sectional area of a single waveguide with varying the photons into each waveguide

and variable spacing between waveguides a) 0.004 m, b) 0.01 m, c) 0.05 m and d) 0.002

m. Defined Variables: Photonflux out: 150 μmol/m2



Figure 7.8 – Bioreactor capital cost estimates for different waveguide cross sectional

areas (single waveguide) and different reactor configurations to produce 1 kg of dried

algal biomass per day……………………………………………………………………..... 147

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List of Abbreviations and Acronyms

ADH Aldehyde Dehydrogenase

ATM Atmospheric

ATS Algal Turf Scrubber

BS Both Sides

C6H12O6 Glucose

CO2 Carbon Dioxide


Carbonate ion

CSTR Continuously Stirred Tank Reactor

EPS Extra-cellular Polymeric Substance

FAME Fatty Acid Methyl Ester

H2CO3 Carbonic Acid


Bicarbonate ion

NO3- Nitrate ion

MS Material Side

O2 Oxygen

ODE Ordinary Differential Equation

PBR Photobioreactor

PDC Pyruvate Decarboxylase

PDE Partial Differential Equation

PFR Plug Flow Reactor



PPAL Parallel Plate Air Lift

RAB Rotating Algal Biofilm

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STP Standard Temperature and Pressure

WS Water Side

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List of Variables

β Eigenvalue Unitless

γ Light Attenuation 1/cm

Γ- Base Component of Surface Energy J/m



Acid Component of Surface Energy J/m2


Lifshitz-van der Waals Component of the Surface Energy J/m2


Polar Surface Energy J/m2

Γs Total Surface Energy J/m2

θ Liquid-Material Contact Angle Degrees

θc Critical Angle for Total Internal Reflection Degrees

λ Wavelength of Light nm

μmax Monod Max Constant 1/day

ρ Density g/cm3

b Respiration Coefficient 1/day

Bim Mass Transfer Biot Number Unitless

C Total Inorganic Carbon mgC/cm3

D Diffusion cm3/cm day

dp Characteristic Length cm

F Flow rate g/day

Fl Steele Relationship Unitless

h Mass Transport Coefficient cm/day

Io Initial Light Intensity μmol/m2 sec

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Is Light Saturation μmol/m2 sec

Ki Inhibition Constant mgS/cm3

Ks Monod Carbon Saturation Constant mgC/cm3

L Length of Fibre Optic m

Lf Biofilm Thickness cm

M Biofilm Mass per Area g/m2

ni Refractive Index of a Medium i Unitless

Pi Optical Input Power W

Po Optical Output Power W

Q Yield Coefficient mgBiomass/mgC

Re Reynolds Number Untiless

S Substrate Concentration of S mgS/cm3

Sc Schmidt Number Unitless

Sh Sherwood Number Unitless

x, y, z Spatial Variables cm

xf Substrate Concentration in Film Biomass mgS/cm3

xs Substrate Concentration in Suspended Biomass mgS/cm3

Y Respiration Yield Coefficient mgCbiomass/mgC

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List of Appendices

Appendix A – Original Waveguide Schematics……………………………………….. 169

Appendix B – Parallel Plate Air Lift Reactor Physical Properties and Calculations….. 171

Appendix C – Numerical Shooting Method and Matlab Code®……………………… 176

Appendix D – Light Calibration Curves………………………………………………. 193

Appendix E – Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy Images………………... 197

Appendix F – Sessile Drop Test Data…………………………………………………. 199

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Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Statement of Research

There is an increasing research effort to understand and develop alternative fuels and

technologies capable of reducing the human ecological foot print. Algae are a promising solution

since they can be a feedstock for the production of biodiesel and can be used as a carbon

capturing technology. Algae has significant advantages over terrestrial crops since they grow

significantly faster, consume less land, and do not compete with the global food supply. Algae

can also be used in the treatment of wastewater. Wastewater streams from municipal and

industrial sources are rich in nutrients (i.e., nitrogen and phosphrous) which, when released

untreated into the environment often cause eutrophication of the water system (Anderson et al.

2002). It is possible to use algae to remove these nutrients during the water treatment processes

and harvest the algae to produce value added products such as nutraceuticals, livestock feed,

proteins, lipids, and pigments (Barowitzka 1992, Lam and Lee 2012). A biorefinery capable of

utilizing waste streams to produce algal biomass and then processed the biomass into value

added products (Figure 1.1) could help improve the economic feasibility of algal biomass


One of the major challenges that algae production faces is the high cost of de-watering the algae,

which is estimated to be 20-30% of the total biomass production costs (Gudin and Therpenier

1986, Uduman et al. 2010). To improve the economic viability of algae as a feedstock for

biofuels, there is a need to reduce the biomass production and harvesting costs. Algae grown as a

biofilm presents an opportunity to reduce dewatering costs since the biomass is more

concentrated (90-150 g/L) (Christenson and Sims 2012; Ozkan et al. 2012; Gross et al. 2013)

compared to suspended algae produced in raceway ponds (0.5-1 g/L) or photobioreactors (1-4

g/L) (Chisti 2007). Algal biofilms are a mixed community of many different algae and bacteria

species within a matrix of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) (Hodoki 2005; Lawrence et

al., 1998). EPS is a matrix of polysaccharides, proteins, glycoproteins, glycolipids, and

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extracellular DNA produced by the microorganisms that are imbedded in the biofilm (Flemming

et al. 2007).

Figure 1.1 – Microalgal biorefinery concept

Recent publications by various groups have demonstrated the scalability of algal turf scrubbers

(ATS) and rotating algal biofilm (RAB) systems for either the production of algal biomass or for

treatment of municipal wastewater (Christenson and Sims 2012, Ozkan et al. 2013, Gross and

Wen 2014). These systems have demonstrated high aerial productivities ranging from 15-31

g/m2 day of dry algal biomass, but have a number of design limitations. The designs require light

to be provided by an external source that is not directly integrated into the attachment material,

thereby limiting possible design configurations.

Using an external source of light has disadvantages such as: (1) opaque media can block light

transmission to the algal film and the separation of the attachment material and (2) light source

can result in a bulky reactor design. A possible solution would be to grow algae on a light

emitting waveguide. Light emitting waveguides are devices that distribute the light from a high

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intensity source over a large surface area. An algal film photobioreactor that uses waveguides for

growing algal biofilms could be more compact and have better light transmission/efficiency

(Figure 1.2). The goal of this research is to demonstrate and evaluate the technical feasibility of

growing algal biofilms on light emitting waveguides.

Figure 1.2 – Hypothetical waveguide reactor for growing algal biofilms

1.2 Hypothesis

The specific hypotheses of this project are: (1) algal biofilms can grow on light emitting

waveguides; (2) material properties of the surface effect algal biofilm productivity in of

vertically oriented films; (3) increasing the light intensity emitted from the waveguide will

improve algal biofilm growth, and (4) there is an interaction between CO2 concentration and

light intensity on algal biofilm growth.

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1.3 Research Objectives

The overall objective of this research is to explore the feasibility of growing algal biofilms on

light emitting waveguides. This will help determine if waveguide based photobioreactors are a

viable design for growing algal biofilms. In this, light can be delivered to the algal biofilms

without obstruction from suspended algae and other light absorbing substances and could

produce more compact reactors. To achieve this goal, the following objectives were formulated:

1. Determine the feasibility of growing algal biofilms on waveguides

2. Determine material surface property effects on algal biofilm growth

3. Determine how the processing parameters light intensity and carbon dioxide (CO2)

concentration will influence algal biofilm production

4. Develop a model to describe how light intensity and CO2 affect growth kinetics of algal


5. Develop a reactor model to describe how the following reactor design parameters will

impact algal biofilm production: surface area, light intensity, waveguide packing density,

and configuration

1.4 Industrial Significance

The commercialization of algae for energy production or waste treatment is not widespread as

there are numerous challenges that prevent algae photobioreactors from becoming economically

viable (Chisti and Yan 2011, Pate et al. 2011). Areas identified as problematic for the

commercialization of algae are: high dewatering costs, availability of concentrated CO2 sources

and high capital cost of photobioreactors (Pate el al. 2011). Growing algae as an algal biofilm

can reduce dewatering costs, but further understanding of how the main photobioreactor design

factors affect algal biofilm growth are required to further advance the design concepts of algal

film photobioreactors.

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A common problem with industrial wastewater is the colour, which, depending on the source,

can be opaque. Opacity prevents light from being transmitted to the algae for photosynthesis.

Biofouling, the formation of undesired algal biofilms in suspended photobioreactors also reduces

the light transmission efficiency. By growing algal biofilms on light emitting waveguides, the

light can be directly delivered to the algal biofilm without issues of opacity from the media. An

algal film photobioreactor that does this has never been developed and the idea never been fully


1.5 Overall Approach and Outline of Thesis

The overall approach to address the objectives is outlined in Figure 1.3. The main objective for

this thesis is to determine the feasibility of growing an algal biofilm on a light emitting

waveguide. In order to achieve this, the feasibility of growing an algal biofilm on transparent

materials was first addressed (Chapter 3) followed by fabricating and characterizing waveguides

(Chapter 4). Once a suitable waveguide design was identified, multiple copies were fabricated

and algal biofilm growth on these waveguides was tested in a waveguide reactor. The interaction

effects of light intensity and CO2 were investigated as well (Chapter 4). During the

experimentation, a fundamental model was developed to describe algal biofilm growth with

respect to CO2 concentration and light intensity (Chapter 5). The development of a reactor model

was conducted after the fundamental algal biofilm growth model and reactor results were

finished (Chapter 7).

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Figure 1.3 – Flow chart of experimental work. Tasks with an asterisk next to them have

been compiled into contributions

This thesis is comprised of nine chapters and four appendices, of which Chapters 3 and 4 are

based on publications. Chapter 1 provides the objectives of this thesis and their motivation.

Chapter 2 consists of a literature review, containing background on previous research on algal

biofilms, photobioreactors, and optics. Chapter 3 covers the effects of material surface energy

and embossing on algal film growth, productivity and lipid content. Chapter 4 covers the design,

and testing of the waveguide reactor, and the interaction effect of light intensity and carbon

dioxide concentration have on algal film productivity. Chapter 5 formulates a fundamental model

to describe algal biofilm growth and discusses the model predictions and simplifications. Chapter

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6 covers a complimentary model that predicts the inorganic carbon concentration profiles within

an algal biofilm based on an analytical model. Chapter 7 discusses a proposed reactor model,

which is then used to assist in analyzing the economic and scale-up feasibility of a waveguide

reactor as outlined in Chapter 4, and contains a discussion of the overall results and how they can

be applied in industrial applications. Chapter 8 includes conclusions and recommendations for

future scientific, engineering and commercialization to fully develop the waveguide reactor.

Chapter 9 contains the references used in this thesis. The appendices include the following:

characterization of the LEDs used in Chapter 4, the properties of the PPAL reactor and CO2

solubility graphs, the MATLAB® code used to solve the model as described in Chapter 5, and

detailed drawings of the waveguides.

1.6 List of Contributions

Referred Journal Publications:

Suthamathy Sathananthan, Scott N. Genin, J. Stewart Aitchison, D. Grant Allen, Micro-

structured surfaces for algal biofilm growth. Proc. SPIE 8923, Micro/Nano Materials, Devices,

and Systems, 892350 (December 7, 2013); doi:10.1117/12.2033794.

Scott N. Genin, J. Stewart Aitchison, D. Grant Allen, Design of algal film photobioreactors:

Material surface energy effects on algal film productivity, colonization and lipid content,

Bioresource Technology, Volume 155, March 2014, Pages 136-143, ISSN 0960-8524,

Scott N. Genin, J. Stewart Aitchison, D. Grant Allen, (2015) Novel waveguide reactor design for

enhancing algal biofilm growth, submitted to Algal Research, In-Press.

Book Chapters:

Scott N. Genin, J. Stewart Aitchison, D. Grant Allen, Chapter 18: Photobioreactor based energy

sources, Nano and Biotech based material for energy building efficiency, Springer Publishing


Scott N. Genin, D. Grant Allen, J. Stewart Aitchison, April 2015. Systems and Methods for

Phototrophic biomass production, (Provisional Patent: US62/151,283)

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Other Contributions:

Genin, S. N. Sathananthan, S., Bui, F., Aitchison, J. S., Allen, D. G. 2013. Design of algal film

photobioreactors: surface and pH effects on algal film growth kinetics, 3rd


Conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels and Bioproducts, Toronto, ON.

Genin, S.N., Aitchison, J. S., Allen, D. G. 2012. Design of algal film photobioreactors: exploring

material effects on algal biofilm growth and productivity, 62nd

Canadian Society for Chemical

Engineering Conference, Vancouver, B.C.

Genin, S. N., Schnurr, P.J., Aitchison, J. S., Allen, D. G. 2014. Light deliver in algal film

photobioreactors, 4th

International Conference on Algal Biomass, Biofuels and Bioproducts,

Santa Fe, New Mexico.

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Chapter 2 Literature Review

2.1 Algal Fundamentals

Interest in algae research has been increasing over time, due to its potential use as a feedstock for

biofuels and its potential use as a carbon capturing technology. Algae are photosynthetic

autotrophs which convert water and carbon dioxide (CO2) into glucose and oxygen (O2) via the

light reactions and Calvin cycle that can be represented by the simplified chemical reaction

found in equation (2.1). Algae are also capable of growing as heterotrophs when organic carbon

is present, where organic carbon and oxygen is converted to water and CO2. Algae encompass a

wide range of organisms including Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes.

6𝐶𝑂2 + 6𝐻2𝑂 + 𝐿𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 → 6𝑂2 + 𝐶6𝐻12𝑂6 (2.1)

Algae are found in both freshwater and saltwater ecosystems. They are capable of growing 100

times faster than terrestrial plants and some strains are capable of accumulating large quantities

of lipids, usually inside their cells in the range of 15-77% dry weight depending on the

conditions and species (Chisti 2007, Lam and Lee 2012). The approximate stoichiometric

elemental composition of algae based on the Redfield Ratio is C106H181O45N15P (Clarens et al.

2010). The lipid, protein, and carbohydrate fractions of algae are species dependent as shown in

Table 2.1. The growth phase and conditions under which the algae are grown in can also affect

the relative proportions of lipids, proteins and carbohydrates in algae (Fernandez-Reirz et al.

1989, Lynn et al. 2000).

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Table 2.1 – Lipid, protein and carbohydrate composition of several freshwater and marine algae

species (Fernandez-Reirza et al. 1989, Becker 2004)

Species Lipid (w%/w) Protein


Carbohydrate (w%/w)

Freshwater Algae

Euglena gracilis 14-20 39-61 14-18



21 48 17

Chlorella pyenoidosa 2 57 26

Chlorella vulgaris 14-22 51-58 12-17

Dunaliella salina 6 57 32

Spirulina maxima 6-7 60-71 13-16

Spirulina platensis 4-9 46-63 8-14

Scenedesmus obliquus 12-14 50-56 10-17

Marine Algae

Pavlova lutheri 29 33 18

Isochrysis galbanna 28 40 15

Tetraselmis suecica 17 30 9



14 9 9



20 17 25

Rodomanas sp. 28 16 12



29 16 10

The current metabolic model that describes oxygenic photosynthesis was proposed by Hill and

Bendall (1960), which is commonly referred to as the Z-scheme of linear electron transport. In

this model, photons are absorbed by pigments, such as chlorophyll a and b, which are then used

to remove electrons from water to power an electron transport chain across a membrane in the

cell (Metis 2009). The model predicts a minimum of 8 mol photons are required to evolve 1 mol

of oxygen , however there are exceptions, as some algae species require less photons as

demonstrated by Osborne and Geider (1987).

2.1.1 Algal Growth Factors

The main factors which affect the growth rate of planktonic algae are: temperature, light

intensity, pH, and nutrient concentration (e.g. phosphorous, nitrogen, and CO2) (Dauta et al.

1990, Chisti 2007, Lam and Lee 2012). For most algae species, there is a maximum light

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intensity, known as the saturation light intensity that yields the maximum growth rate. Increasing

the light intensity beyond the saturation point can cause adverse effects such as photo oxidation

which reduces the maximum growth rate (Codd 1984, Dauta et al. 1990). Temperature also

yields a similar trend with an optimum growth temperature and Dauta et al. (1990) noticed there

was a relationship between the optimal light intensity and temperature for some algae species

such as Chlorella vulgaris.

Phototrophic organisms, such as algae, have the ability to assimilate inorganic carbon such as

CO2 and process it into organic carbon which is used for growth. Some algae species are capable

of using organic carbon for growth. From a stoichiometry perspective, algae require 1.85 g of

CO2 for 1 g of algae biomass (Posten 2009). Experiments conducted by Takeuchi et al. (1992)

have demonstrated growth rates of Oocystis sp. are enhanced by carbon dioxide loading, but

higher carbon dioxide loadings were demonstrated to increase the lag phase of the algae growth

cycle. Nutrients such as nitrogen, sulfate, and phosphorous are also important for maximizing the

growth rate of algae (Grover 1989).

Algae cell or biomass growth rates is often represented by equation (2.2) below:


𝑑𝑡= 𝜇𝑋 (2.2)

Where X is the cell concentration or biomass, t is time, and μ can be represented by the Monod

model (Monod 1949) in equation (2.3) or by the Haldane model equation (Andrews 1968)

equation (2.4)

𝜇 = 𝜇𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑆

𝐾𝑠+𝑆 (2.3)

𝜇 = 𝜇𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑆




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Where μmax is the maximum growth rate, Ks is the Monod half saturation constant, S is growth

limiting substrate concentration and Ki is the inhibition constant.

Growth rates of phototrophic organism are affected by the light intensity. The Steele

relationship, equation (2.5), is commonly used to represent light limitations in algal cultivation

for the Monod model (Steele 1965, Liehr et al. 1990):

𝐹𝑙 =𝐼



𝐼𝑠) (2.5)

Where Fl is the light limitation fraction, I is the light intensity, and Is is the saturation light

intensity. In the case of the Haldane model, light is considered to be a substrate and is

represented in equation (2.6)

𝜇 = 𝜇𝑚𝑎𝑥𝐼




The variation of light intensity in algal solutions or films is often described by the Beer-Lambert

law which describes the light attenuation as:

𝐼 = 𝐼0𝑒−𝛾𝑧 (2.7)

Where I0 is the incident light intensity at the surface, γ is the extinction coefficient, and z is the

depth into the media or biofilm.

2.1.2 Products from Algae

Algae can be used to produce multiple bio-based fuels and products. Common products derived

from algae are biodiesel, bio-crude oil from hydrothermal liquefaction, high value bioproducts,

ethanol, and biomass (Minowa et al. 1995, Sawayama et al. 1999, Chisti 2007, Collet et al.

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2011). The reactor and process design considerations are different depending on what type of

product is produced, since energy products such as biodiesel have lower profit margins per unit

mass of product compared to high value added products such as nutraceuticals. A summary of

the state, heating values, and location relative to the cell of the various energy products from

algae are summarized in Table 2.2.

Biodiesel produced from algae is a conventional bio-based fuel derived from the lipids in algal

biomass (Chisti 2007, Demirbas and Demirbas 2011, Lam and Lee 2012). Lipids extracted from

the algae are reacted with methanol or another alcohol using an acidic or basic catalyst to

produce fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) and glycerol (Figure 2.1). Biodiesel is considered to

be favourable since the lipid (w%/w) of algae can range from 5-50% lipids (Chisti 2007). After

the lipids are extracted from the algae, the remaining biomass could be sold for agricultural

purposes such as cattle feed (Demirbas and Demirbas 2011). Compared to other feedstocks for

biodiesel such as soybean and canola, algae has several advantages such as a higher lipid

content, can be grown on non-arable land, and they have a faster growth rate. A study by Chisti

(2007) estimated in order to meet the demand of 50% of the United States transport fuel need,

algae with 30% lipids (w%/w) would need 4.5 M ha of land, compared to 594 M ha of land

required by soybean and 223 M ha of land required by canola.

Figure 2.1 – Transesterification of a triglyceride (modified from Ma & Hanna, 1999)

An alternative approach to producing a petroleum fuel from algae is to subject the algae to a

process called hydrothermal liquefaction. In this process, the algal biomass is subjected to

temperatures between 200-350 oC for 5-30 min at high pressures and sodium carbonate is used as

a catalyst (Minowa et al. 1995, Sawayama et al. 1999). In this process, the algal biomass is

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converted directly into a biocrude oil which typically has a high nitrogen (6 w%/w) and oxygen

content (12 w%w). The main benefits of hydrothermal liquefaction over transesterification of

lipids into biodiesel is that hydrothermal liquefaction does not require the biomass to be

dewatered entirely and does not require a solvent extraction (Brown et al. 2010). The bio-crude

oil produced from this process can then be refined into various petroleum products.

Hydrothermal liquefaction of algae into biocrude is considered to be a new process compared to

producing biodiesel from algae, but similar processes to produce bio-based petroleum such as

hydrocracking of oils from algae have been investigated (Hillen et al. 1982). Hillen et al. (1982)

demonstrated the hydrocarbon oils from Botryococcus braunii could be hydrocracked into

transport fuels. B. braunii produces branched hydrocarbon oils (C27-C34) which have a similar

chemical structure and properties to heavy crude oil (Wold et al. 1985).

Ethanol is another fuel product that can be produced by genetically modified cyanobacteria

undergoing photosynthesis (Deng and Coleman 1999). In the genetically modified cyanobacteria,

genes from E. coli were inserted into the cyanobacteria genome add the expression of the

enzymes PDC (pyruvate decarboxylase) and ADH (aldehyde dehydrogenase), which convert

pyruvate into ethanol through an acetaldehyde intermediate (Gao et al. 2012). This genetic

modification enables the conversion of CO2 into ethanol. Gao et al. (2012) reported their

genetically modified cyanobacteria (Synechocystis sp. PCC6803) could produce and excrete 212

mg/L day of ethanol. In context, however, it does not compare as favourably to sugar to ethanol

fermentation, but is comparable to biodiesel production. Some yeast strains, such as

Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain KF-7, are capable of producing ethanol at a rate of 0.146 g/L

day (Morimura et al. 1997). Based on volumetric productivities estimated by Chisti (2007), the

maximum potential FAME production from raceway ponds and photobioreactors - assuming 30

w%/w lipid – would be 0.0351 g/L day and 0.4605 g/L day. The ethanol produced ends up in

solution and is not stored in the cells, which has advantages over intracellular products that

require the algal biomass to be processed.

Algal biomass can be burned directly instead of extracting or converting the algal biomass. In

this case, the algal biomass needs to be dried before combustion as water will lower the potential

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energy extracted from the combustion. A study conducted by Sturm and Lamer (2011) estimated

that the direct combustion of algal biomass is a more efficient energy source compared to the

overall energy balance required to produce biodiesel if the lipid content of the algae was at 10

w%/w. If algal biomass is used for combustion, the opportunity to take the residual biomass and

feed it into an anaerobic digester is lost when compared to biodiesel production (Sturm and

Lamer 2011, Collet et al. 2011).

An alternative to processing the algal biomass into a fuel or having the algae produce a fuel is to

digest the algal biomass using anaerobic bacteria to produce biogas. Anaerobic digestion of algal

biomass residues is often conducted in life cycle analysis (Sialve et al. 2009, Collet et al. 2011).

Multiple studies on anaerobic digestion of algal biomass have shown the quality of biogas

(methane composition by volume) range from 46-76% (Samson and LeDuy 1986, Chen 1987,

Yen and Brune 2007). The composition of algal biomass has a significant effect on the energy

produced from the methane as increased lipid composition increases the energy of the biogas;

however a theoretical study by Sialve et al. (2009) predicted that converting the lipids into

biodiesel and then anaerobically digesting the residual algal biomass will yield a higher total

energy in the two products compared to anaerobic digestion alone.

Table 2.2 - Comparison of energy products derived from algae

State at room


Heating Value


Location in


Biodiesel (FAME) Liquid 39.5-41 Intracellular

Bio-crude Liquid 35-50 Conversion

Ethanol Liquid 29.7 Extracellular

Biomass (dry) Solid 21.1-25.1 Biomass

Methane Gas 50-55 Conversion

Microalgae and cyanobacteria are capable of producing a wide range of bioproducts that have

commercial applications (Table 2.3). These products have higher commercial value compared to

biodiesel and other fuels, but the production of some of these compounds such as Astaxanthin is

significantly lower. Astaxanthin is a high valued carotenoid produced from algae species such as

Haematococcus sp. and is used as a pigmentation source in aquaculture. In 2000, Astaxanthin

sold for ~US$2500 per kg and had an annual worldwide market estimated at US$200 million

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(Lorenz and Cysewski 2000). Haematococcus sp. can contain between 1.5-3 w%/w of

astaxanthin, which is lower than the lipid content of most algae species.

Table 2.3 - Other non-fuel products from microalgae & cyanobacteria

Chemical Usage Product type Reference

Phycobiliproteins Medical Diagnostics Intracellular Eriksen (2008)

Astaxanthin Food supplement Intracellular Lorenz and Cysewski


Xanthophyll Fish Feeds Intracellular Baroli and Niyogi (2000)

Beta-carotene Food Supplement Intracellular Deangleis et al. (1977)



Dietary Supplements Intracellular

Saxitoxin and


Insecticides Extracellular Becher and Jüttner (2005)

Folate and Biotin Extracellular Deangleis et al. (1977)

2.2 Algal Biofilms

An algal biofilm is a mixed community of many different algae and bacteria species within a

matrix of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) (Lawrence et al. 1998, Hodoki 2005, Johnson

and Wen 2010). EPS is a matrix of polysaccharides, proteins, glycoproteins, glycolipids, and

extracellular DNA produced by the microorganisms that are imbedded in the biofilm (Flemming

et al. 2007). Biofilm composition varies between different films depending on the

microorganisms present, shear forces, temperature, and availability of nutrients (Flemming and

Wingender 2010). The EPS matrix bonds the cells to each other and the attachment material

which immobilizes the cells. The cells within these biofilms often exist in a symbiotic

relationship with other species in the matrix, where metabolites from one species can serve as

nutrients for other organisms (Hodoki 2005, Flemming et al. 2007). There is evidence to suggest

that EPS is a product of overflow metabolism and is continuously produced once algae enter the

stationary phase (Brouwer and Stal 2002, Barranguet et al. 2005)

The current state of research on algal biofilms is mainly limited to ecological studies, but there

are a few papers that investigate and discuss the use of algal biofilms for biodiesel production

(Johnson and Wen 2010, Christenson and Sims 2012, Young 2011, Gross et al. 2014). There is

limited research on the design aspects of algal biofilm photobioreactors. As stated earlier, algal

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biofilms have a potential competitive advantage over suspended algae in regards to dewatering

and harvesting since the concentration of biomass is higher concentration of biomass than a

suspended system (Irving and Allen 2011, Ozkan et al. 2012, Christenson and Sims 2012).

2.3 Algal Biofilm Growth Factors

Algal biofilms are more complex than suspended algae. Not only do they consist of mixed

communities (Hodoki 2005, Flemming et al. 2007), but factors such as light and mass transport

become more important due to the fixed nature of the film (Liehr et al. 1990). In thick algal

biofilms, it is not reasonable to assume the biofilm is a well-mixed system and thus it would be

affected by mass transport (Liehr et al. 1988). Differences in phototropic biofilm growth are

attributed to the following factors: the chemical environment (i.e. nutrients, light, and pollution);

biotic factors (i.e. species composition and grazing by other organisms) (Hillebrand 2003,

Hodoki 2005); and material effects (i.e. material of attachment) (Sekar et al. 2004). Compared to

suspended algae, the factors which effect algal biofilm growth are less understood due to the

more complex nature of algal biofilms.

Growth of biofilms is characterized by going through various stages of growth: colonization,

growth, stabilization and biomass decrease through sloughing or senescence (Cooksey &

Wigglesworth-Cooksey 1995, Palmer 2007). The colonization phase of phototrophic biofilm

growth is characterized by the predominance of EPS and heterotrophic bacteria and the relative

lack of algae. There is evidence which supports the notion that bacteria condition the attachment

surface prior to the growth phase (Palmer 2007). During the growth phase, the bulk of organic

mass in the biofilm is represented by algae (Barranguet et al. 2005). During the stabilization

phase the rate of biofilm growth slows, in which the portion of EPS, bacteria and algae stabilizes,

but the ratio is dependent on environmental conditions (Barranguet et al. 2005). The sloughing or

senescence phase is not as well understood as the other phases, but it is reported that biofilms in

this stage are unable to uptake enough nutrients to meet their demand for growth (Cooksey &

Wigglesworth-Cooksey 1995). In this phase the cells will reach a steady state (net rate of

inorganic carbon uptake is equal to respiration) or slough.

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2.3.1 Nutrients and Light

Like suspended algae, algal biofilms require nutrients such as inorganic carbon, nitrogen and

phosphorus to grow. Unlike suspended algae, the nutrients need to diffuse along a concentration

gradient into the biofilm since biofilm systems are not well mixed. This can complicate the mass

transport problems already present in bioprocessing systems. The addition of light transport into

algal biofilms can cause new challenges, since transporting light from the source to the algal

biofilm can be obstructed by suspended algae found in the bulk liquid and boundary layer

(Figure 2.2).

Figure 2.2 – Diffusion of inorganic carbon and light profile within an algal biofilm with

boundary layer (Reprinted from: Liehr et al. 1990, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 35(1),

with permission from John Wiley and Sons)

The diffusion of inorganic carbon into algal biofilms is complicated by the addition of pH

gradients within algal biofilms (Kuenen et al. 1986, Liehr et al. 1990). The pH of algal biofilms

can reach 10 when undergoing photosynthesis due to the production of oxygen from the light

reaction of photosynthesis (Kuenen et al. 1986). Due to the pH change in algal biofilms, the ratio

of inorganic carbon species (CO2, HCO3-, and CO3

2-) would be a function of depth into the algal

biofilm. Past experiments by (Goldman and Graham. 1981, Thielmann et al. 1990, Watson 2009)

showed that algae have mechanisms for consuming HCO3- and CO3

2-, and Wolf-Gladrow and

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Riebesell (1997) showed that neglecting the consumption of HCO3- by algal cells results in

significant deviations in predicted algal growth rates and inorganic carbon profiles.

Phototrophic organisms utilize photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) (wavelengths range

from 400-700 nm) as an energy source for the light cycle (Steele 1965, Rabinowitch and

Gouindjee 1969, Melis 2009). Wavelengths outside of the PAR spectrum are not useable for

photosynthesis. Of the solar radiation which reaches earth, 53% is in the PAR spectrum

(Rabinowitch and Gouindjee 1969, Hall and Rao 1999). Chlorophyll a has an approximate

absorption peak of 465 nm and 665 nm, while chlorophyll b has absorption peaks at 450 nm and

640 nm. 70% of the PAR is absorbed by the chlorophyll and photosynthetically active pigments,

of which 24% of the absorbed photon energy is lost due to degrading short wavelength photons

to the 700 nm energy level (Hall and Rao 1999). This leaves approximately 28% of total solar

radiation available to provide energy to the cell before metabolic inefficiencies are accounted for.

Several researchers have reported that light diminishes exponentially with depth of a biofilm,

similar to the Beer-Lambert law as shown in Figure 2.2 (Zieppel and Neu, 2005, Jorgensen et al.

1987, Barranguet et al. 2004). In thick biofilms, algae have been reported to adapt to the lower

light intensities (Jorgensen et al. 1987), implying the extinction coefficient in the Beer-Lambert

law for an algal biofilm would not be constant, but would vary with depth. The effect of light

saturation on algal biofilms is not well understood compared to the effects of light saturation on

suspended or individual algae cells (Henly 1993, Melis 2009). The light intensities which result

in saturation for suspended algae are wavelength dependent (Picket and Myers 1965). Suspended

algae cells will adjust their chlorophyll antenna size and concentration of pigments depending on

light intensity either to absorb more photons or to prevent damage to the cell from photo

oxidation (Melis 2009).

A recent study by Schnurr et al. (2014) demonstrated that algal biofilms grown at 2% sparged

CO2 and constant photon flux of 100 μmol/m2 sec (provided by red LEDs) did not have

significant variations in productivity when the direction of the light was changed from water

side, material side, and both sides. The direction of incident light did affect the measured

suspended algae concentration in the study. This could imply that at some conditions the light

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direction is not an important factor in algal biofilm growth, which as significant implications for

future reactor design.

Nutrients such as phosphorous and nitrogen are important for algae growth, and there is

sufficient literature which demonstrates that starving suspended algae of key nutrients such as

nitrogen in improve lipid content (w%/w), but not always the lipid productivity (Shifrin and

Chisholm 1981, Ho et al. 2012, Schnurr et al. 2013). Results by Schnurr et al. (2013)

demonstrated that nitrogen was a critical nutrient in algal biofilm growth, as algal biofilms

starved of nitrogen suffered from sloughing compared to algal biofilms which were supplied

sufficient levels of nitrogen. This implies algal biofilms do not respond in the same manner as

planktonic algae when under nitrogen limitations, and there is little evidence to support that

nitrogen starvation will improve algal biofilm lipid yields.

2.3.2 Biotic Factors

Biotic factors such as relative abundance of bacteria to algae, and population of grazing

organisms can have a profound impact on algal biofilm growth. Initial settlement of bacteria onto

an attachment surface can affect the overall algal biofilm growth rate (Hodoki 2005, Irving and

Allen 2011) and the relative abundance of bacteria, algae and EPS (Barranguet et al. 2004,

Hodoki 2005). Irving (2011) showed that algal biofilms grown on glass wool in the absence of

bacteria and EPS have lower productivities and adhesion to the glass wool. Abiotic growth

conditions such as shear rate, temperature, bulk nutrient concentration, light intensity and pH

will not only affect the growth rate of the biofilm, but also the relative abundance of bacteria and

algae in the biofilm (Sekar et al. 2004, Hodoki 2005, Besemer et al. 2007).

External biotic and abiotic factors impact the internal biotic composition of algal biofilms.

During the growth of algal biofilms organic carbon, chlorophyll and EPS production are usually

correlated, even under different light intensities. This indicates a close coupling between

autotrophic carbon production and EPS (Barranguet et al. 2005). The effect of grazing on algal

biofilms can cause deviations from this correlation, as algal biofilms which have been grazed

tend to have higher EPS to cell ratios. This indicates that algal biofilms which are grazed upon

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favour EPS rich algae, firmly attached diatoms and filamentous cyanobacteria (Barranguet et al.

2005). This shows that algal biofilms are capable of responding to external stimuli and the biotic

composition of a biofilm represents the environmental conditions.

2.3.3 Material and Surface Effects

Attachment of cells onto surfaces is widely attributed to the hydrophobicity of the surface (Sekar

et al. 2004, Palmer et al. 2007), but there are other factors that affect cell attachment onto

surfaces such as the pH of the bulk liquid, surface charge and cell charge (Palmer et al. 2007).

The literature is inconclusive about the material surface properties that impact algal biofilm

growth. Irving and Allen (2011) reported that water-material contact angle did not affect algal

biofilm growth on materials for the species C. vulgaris and S. obliquus, but Sekar et al. (2004)

reported that water-material contact angle was important for the initial attachment for C. vulgaris

when comparing metals and glass. The disparity may be due to differences in time scales of the


To further the discussion on material surface energy and contact angles a brief discussion on the

fundamentals of surface energy is as follows. The contact angle of a material and a liquid can be

described by the Good Van Oss model (1) which relates the Interfacial Lifshitz-van der Waals

and Polar interactions of surface energy with the contact angle (Van Oss et al. 1988).

cos 𝜃 = −1 +2√𝛤𝑠𝑟





𝛤𝑙⁄ +



𝛤𝑙⁄ (2.8)

where θ is the contact angle of the liquid and material, Γl is the total surface energy of liquid,


is the Lifshitz-van der Waals component of liquid surface energy, Γl+ is the acid component

of liquid surface energy, Γl- is the base component of liquid surface energy, Γsr

LW is the Lifshitz-

van der Waals component of material surface energy, Γsr+ is the acid component of material

surface energy and Γsr- is the base component of material surface energy. The polar component

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of the surface energy is a combination of the acid and base surface energies, which is represented

by equation (2).

𝛤𝑠𝑟𝑝𝑜𝑙𝑎𝑟 = 2√𝛤𝑠𝑟

−𝛤𝑠𝑟+ (2.9)

where Γsrpolar

is the polar surface energy component of a material’s surface energy.

There has been research into the surface and wettability effects of materials on bacteria and

algae, particularly from a biofouling perspective (Finlay et al. 2002, Palmer et al. 2007). These

studies, such as the one conducted by Finlay et al. (2002) on two marine algae species,

Enteromorpha and Amphora, set out to determine which surface properties affect attachment and

adhesion of microbes. They found that primary adhesion and settling of the spores of

Enteromorpha were promoted by hydrophobic surfaces, while the adhesion strength of the

settled spores was greatest on hydrophilic surfaces. For the species Amphora, hydrophobicity did

not influence the initial settling, but the cells were more strongly adhered to hydrophobic

surfaces. Work by Ozkan and Berberoglu (2013) on algal cell attachment onto surfaces showed

that acid-base interactions between algae and surface were the dominating mechanism.

Schumacher et al. (2007) demonstrated that materials could be designed to reduce the adhesion

and attachment of algae by manipulating the geometry of the surface without affecting the

surface energy.

The effect of attachment material on algal biofilm productivity has been investigated, but has not

been fully described. Johnson and Wen (2010) reported significant differences in algal biomass

productivity between polystyrene foam (2.57 g/m2day), cardboard (1.47 g/m

2day), polyethylene

fabric (0.58 g/m2day), and Loofah sponge (1.28 g/m

2day). This is not in direct disagreement

with the results from Irving and Allen (2011), considering the materials tested by Johnson and

Wen (2010) were foams and fabrics with pores that may help facilitate biofilm growth.

Christenson and Sims (2012) demonstrated algal biofilms grown on a rotating biofilm reactor

have a preference for growth on cotton rope when compared to polyester, jute and acrylic. They

concluded the differences in substrata performance were likely due to the differences in initial

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attachment of bacteria. Orientation of the biofilm (e.g. vertical vs. horizontal) may be another

important in the development of algal biofilms.

Regrowth of algal biofilms is another factor that has been investigated in some detail (Johnson

and Wen, 2010, Christenson, 2011). Christenson (2011) found that mixed consortium algal

biofilms that are harvested and then allowed to regrow demonstrated faster growth rates

compared to initial growth (Figure 2.3). Johnson and Wen (2010) tried a similar experiment with

Chlorella sp. and found that regrowth does appear to increase the biofilm productivity. Johnson

and Wen (2010) and Christenson (2011) suspected that the increase in productivity was a result

from the harvesting process since the process leaves some residual bacteria, algae, and EPS

remains. These remnants act as a seed for the next film.

Figure 2.3 – Re-growth of a biofilm compared to suspended and initial growth

(Reprinted from: Christenson 2012, Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 109(7), with permission

from John Wiley and Sons)

Currently, there is very little research on the impact of biofilm orientation (i.e. vertical vs.

horizontal) on algal biofilm growth, but there have been studies on bacterial biofilms in vertical

orientation ranging from wastewater treatment to plasmid transport (Krol et al. 2011, Rodgers et

al. 2003, Kolari et al. 2002, Munoz et al. 2009).

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2.4 Photobioreactors

The most common method of growing algae on a pilot or commercial scale is using a

photobioreactor (PBR) such as raceway pond or a variation of a closed photobioreactor (Figure

2.4) (Chisti 2007, Ugwu et al. 2008, Bitog et al. 2011, Wang et al. 2012). A PBR is a reactor

which uses light as one of the inputs to grow photosynthetic organisms. The PBR can be

illuminated either from artificial light, natural light or both.

Figure 2.4 - Photobioreactors used in growing algae: (a) raceway pond, (b) flat-plate, (c)

inclined tubular and (d) horizontal tubular (Reprinted from: Bitog et al. 2011. Application of

computational fluid dynamics for modeling and designing photobioreactors for microalgae: A

review, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 76(2):131-147 with permission from


2.4.1 Open Photobioreactors

Open raceway ponds are the oldest and simplest systems for algal cultivation. They are

constructed by either constructing low walls (usually made from poured concrete) or are dug into

the ground and lined with a plastic liner. The typical depth for a raceway pond is approximately

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20-50 cm (Doucha and Livansky 2006, Chisti 2007), but the length and width can vary

depending on scale and design. Water circulation in induced through the use of paddle wheels or

pumps, and the system can be sparged, but this is often not the case (Boussiba et al. 1988, Hase

et al. 2000, Ugwu et al. 2008).

Ugwu et al. (2008) considers raceway ponds to have low capital costs, easy to clean and good for

mass cultivation of algae, but they are difficult to control. Due to poor mixing, mass transfer

rates tend to be low, often resulting in low productivity (Chisti 2007, Ugwu et al. 2008). For

similar size reactor and operating conditions, raceway pond productivity is typically around 0.05

– 0.32 g/L day, where conventional closed photobioreactors produce around 1.5 g/L day of dry

biomass (Pushparaj et al. 1997, Jimenez et al. 2003, Doucha and Livansky 2006, Chisti 2007).

Raceway ponds also suffer from contamination of algal cultures, which can manifest in two

forms: contamination by other photosynthetic organisms and contamination by organisms that

prey upon algae (Chisti 2007, Pate et al. 2011, Wang et al. 2012). Contamination of by other

photosynthetic species is a problem when the desired product is required to meet a certain

specification, which usually occurs when the algae are grown for a specific chemical (e.g. β-

carotene) or for biodiesel production. In these cases, contamination by a more competitive algae

strain will cause the end product to be off specification, which could increase the cost of

downstream processing. Contamination by organisms that prey upon algae causes multiple

problems as it will decimate the entire culture and will delay the production cycle.

2.4.2 Closed Photobioreactors

Closed photobioreactors are often characterized according to their geometry which are vertical

column (bubble column or airlift), horizontal tubular, and flat plate (Bitog et al. 2011, Wang et

al. 2012). The design considerations for closed photobioreactors are: light distribution, CO2/O2

gas exchange, temperature, pH, mixing, and sterility. Some of the design considerations such as

light distribution are more dependent on the geometry of the reactor, while other such as

temperature and pH are more dependent on operating conditions (de Vasconcelos Barbosa 2003,

Wang et al. 2012). An efficient PBR design should achieve the following: 1) have a high

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biomass productivity and selectivity; 2) efficient utilization of PAR and nutrients; 3) allow for

precise control of operational parameters; 4) minimize capital and operational costs.

Light transport and distribution into algae photobioreactors are considered to be the main barriers

to improved productivity (de Vasconcelos Barbosa 2003, Chisti, 2007, Ugwu, 2008, Erikson et

al. 2011, Chen et al. 2011). As light enters a suspended algae culture the intensity decays

according to the Beer-Lambert law as the algae closer to the illuminated surface shade the algae

farther away, which inhibits their growth (de Vasconcelos Barbosa 2003, Chen et al. 2011). This

leads to larger dark zones in the reactor, where the photobioreactor is considered to be

unproductive. The approaches currently implemented for reducing dark zones within a reactor

are to make the reactor as thin as possible, improving mixing, or adding internal light sources (de

Vasconcelos Barbosa 2003, Ono and Cuello 2004, Posten 2009, Maor and Appelbaum, 2011,

Wang et al. 2012).

CO2 is a required nutrient for algal growth, and O2 can be inhibitory to algal growth at high

concentrations (Miyachi et al. 1955, Weissman et al. 1988). At high dissolved oxygen levels

(DO), ribulose 1,5-bisphosephate carboxylase-oxygenase will convert O2 into CO2, and thus

reduces the rate of CO2 assimilation into the Calvin cycle (Jensen and Bahr 1977). Also DO may

convert into oxygen radicals under exposure to strong sun light radiation, which may damage the

cell and organelle membranes in the cell. Tubular photobioreactors in the literature tend to suffer

from the ability to deliver sufficient CO2 and remove O2 due to their configuration (Weissman et

al. 1988, Bitog et al. 2011, Wang et al. 2012).

Temperature and pH are important in algal culture systems since both affect the maximum

growth of algae. The ideal temperature range for algae ranges from 10-30 oC (Chisti 2007) and

the ideal pH ranges from 7-9, although there are species that can tolerate higher pH values

(Vieira Costa et al. 2004). In addition to affecting the maximum growth rate they affect the

solubility of CO2 and the ratio of species of inorganic carbon (i.e., HCO3-, CO3

2-). Over the range

of 10-30 oC, the solubility of CO2 and oxygen decrease as temperature increases. The total

capacity of water to hold dissolved inorganic carbon increases with increasing pH.

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The general considerations for open photobioreactors and closed photobioreactors as discussed

above are summarized in Table 2.4. Currently, open photobioreactors such as raceway ponds are

more favourable when producing low value products such as biodiesel because of their low

capital and operating costs, where closed photobioreactors are preferred for producing high value

products since the potential for contamination is reduced.

Table 2.4 - Operational Comparison of Open and Closed PBRs

Open PBR Closed PBR

Mass Transport Poor Good

Contamination Possibility High Low

Algae biomass concentration 1-4 g/L (Chisti 2007) 0.1-1 g/L (Chisti 2007, Ugwu

et al. 2008)

Aerial productivity 11.1-35 g/m2 day 20-72 g/m

2 day

Water loss due to


High Low

Temperature control Dependent on weather Can be controlled

Possible Design


Few Multiple

2.5 Algal Film Photobioreactors

Algal biofilms grown on bench, pilot and commercial scales are grown in algal film

photobioreactors. These often take the forms of algal turf scrubbers (ATS) or rotating algal

biofilm (RAB) systems. Previous experiments related to algal biofilm production (Johnson and

Wen 2010, Irving and Allen 2011, Schnurr et al. 2013) have mostly been conducted on a small

scale while neglecting reactor design conditions. Research conducted by Mulbry et al. (2008)

and Kebede-Westhead et al. (2006) has tested the viability of nutrient removal from waste

streams but they have not been concerned with measuring algal biomass production. Christenson

and Sims (2012) designed and tested a rotating algal film photo bioreactor for waste treatment

and algal biomass production to be used in conjunction with raceway ponds.

Algal turf scrubbers (ATS) utilize algal biofilms attached to a material for the main purpose of

nutrient removal. A shallow layer of wastewater is passed over a sloped surface allowing

microorganisms to attach and form a mixed biofilm community and, remove compounds and

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nutrients from the water (Craggs et al. 1996). Water is recycled and the entire system is exposed

to the atmosphere (Figure 2.5). The biomass from the algal turf scrubbers is harvested regularly

and which the resulting algal mass is often used for fertilizer (Mulbry et al. 2008, Kebede-

Westhead et al. 2006). Large ATS are housed outdoors, which leads to their performance often

being dependent on non-controllable factors such as the weather.

Figure 2.5 – Schematic of an ATS used for the treatment of dairy manure effluent

(Modified from Mulbry et al. 2008. Bioresource Technology, permission obtained from:


Rotating algal biofilm (RAB) systems are photobioreactors in which algae are attached to a

surface is then rotated so part of the algal biofilm is submerged in the media and the other part is

exposed to the air (Figure 2.6). The shear acting on the algal biofilm is generated by the motion

of the attachment material. Christenson and Sims (2012) reported that cotton rope was the best

candidate for use in their RAB system since it had the highest algal biofilm productivity. Algal

biofilms grown in these systems can be scraped off the attachment surface mechanically. These

systems have been used to treat municipal wastewater (Christenson and Sims 2012) and for the

mass production of algal biofilms (Gross et al. 2013).

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Figure 2.6 – A modified raceway pond consisting of triangle and vertical patterned RAB

systems (Modified from: Gross and Wen 2014. Bioresource Technology, permission obtained

from Elsevier)

Current biofilm photobioreactor designs used in the literature tend to resemble raceway ponds

compared to traditional bioreactors. The films are grown horizontally (Craggs et al. 1996,

Kebede-Westhead et al. 2006, Mulbry et al. 2008, Johnson and Wen, 2010) or on paddles and

spools (Young 2011, Christenson and Sims 2012,) for the main purpose of wastewater treatment.

Vertically oriented algal turf scrubber reactors are rarely reported in literature, but Shi et al.

(2007) demonstrated that Chlorella vulgaris was capable of growing on a porous sheet when the

cells were forced onto the sheet. Designs such as airlift or tubular reactors are absent with the

exception of some research conducted by Munoz et al. (2009), where six different reactor

designs were tested with the biofilm immobilized either onto Poraver® carriers or on the reactor

wall itself. For some of the reactors, the algal biofilms were grown vertically while others were

grown horizontally, but the study did not cover production rates and was interested in BOD and

nutrient removal rates.

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Algae film reactors have also been developed around the idea of active immobilization of algae

with the use of flocculating agents, chemical attachment, and gel entrapment (Moreno-Garrido

2008). Flocking agents and chemical attachment methods are intended to be used as harvesting

methods. Algae immobilized in gel entrapment are viable, capable of absorbing nutrients and

growing. Algae are often entrapped in gels and polymers such as alginate, but very little research

on this method for algae growth has been conducted as most are concerned with metal ion and

nutrient removal (Moreno-Garrido 2008, Lam and Lee 2012). Immobilization of bacteria is much

more common than immobilization of algae, but one would expect that the methods and

principles are similar. Immobilization of algae into alginate particles does cause problems with

nutrient transport and the algae inside is often light limited (Moreno-Garrido 2008).

Algal film photobioreactors are often considered unsterile because algal biofilms by nature often

consist of multiple different species of algae and contain other microorganisms (Hodoki 2005,

Barranguet et al. 2005, Besemer et al. 2007). Examples of algal film photobioreactors in the

literature do not attempt to control or measure the microbial community (Johnson and Wen 2010,

Christenson and Sims 2012, Gross et al. 2013, Schnurr et al. 2013), but there are examples of

chemically or mechanically fixing algae cells onto surfaces (Shi et al. 2007, Young 2011). In

both cases, contamination of the algal biofilm by other algae species is not considered to be an


Designing algal film photobioreactors has not been explored in-depth for ATS and RAB systems.

Studies of algal film photobioreactors in the literature usually explore either operational

parameters such as nutrient loading (Mulbry et al. 2008, Kebede-Westhead et al. 2006, Schnurr

et al. 2013) or design parameters such as attachment material (Johnson and Wen 2010,

Christenson and Sims 2012, Gross et al. 2013). The studies conducted on operational parameters

such as those by Kebede-Westhead et al. (2006) and Mulbry et al. (2008) were concerned with

nitrogen and phosphorus loading in an ATS system or were concerned with extreme cases such

as nitrogen starvation, as conducted by Schnurr et al. (2013). Studies which explore the design of

algal film photobioreactors such as determining suitable material of attachment such as those

conducted by Johnson and Wen (2010), Christenson and Sims (2012), Gross et al. (2013) could

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only concluded that algae has a preference for growth on certain materials such as cotton over

other materials such as acrylic.

Productivity of algal film photobioreactors in the literature is calculated using two methods: (1)

single point productivity where the algal biomass harvested per unit area is divided by the total

time (Johnson and Wen 2010, Christenson and Sims 2012, Gross et al. 2013, Gross and Wen

2014) or (2) by conducting a linear regression over the entire data set of algal film biomass yield

(Schnurr et al. 2013, Schnurr et al. 2014). The first method for measuring productivity distorts

the reported productivities and lacks significant information about the overall growth kinetics of

the algal biofilm. In both measurement methods, it implicitly assumes that algal biofilm growth

will be linear, and while there is empirical evidence to support that while regions of algal biofilm

growth are linear (Christenson and Sims 2012, Schnurr et al. 2013, Gross et al. 2013), it is not all

encompassing of algal biofilm growth kinetics.

2.6 Photobioreactor Economics

There have been multiple studies that have examined the economic potential of biodiesel from

algae (Amer et al. 2011, Collet et al. 2011, Davis et al. 2011, Harun et al. 2011, Nagarajan et al.

2013). Most techno-economic studies of algae systems found in the literature are based

suspended algae as opposed to film algae. It is possible to find studies that conclude that the

price of biodiesel from algae is cost competitive with petroleum diesel (Nagarajan et al. 2013)

and those which conclude it is not cost competitive (Amer et al. 2011, Davis et al. 2011). In

some techno-economic analysis of algae production into biodiesel or other products the authors

assume that the algae does not have an ash content even though the ash content of algae can

range from 3-15% (Amer et al. 2011), or the algae grown has a high lipid content > 50 w%/w

(Nagarajan et al. 2013). Davis et al. (2011) estimated that the change to production cost of algal

biodiesel was most dependent on the lipid content of the algae followed by the growth rate.

Experimental studies seem to indicate that there is a tradeoff between the growth rate and the

lipid accumulation (Solovchenko et al. 2008), so it may be difficult to have high growth rate and

high lipid content.

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The economic feasibility of algal biomass production is dependent on photobioreactor

costs and operational costs. Studies conducted by Amer et al. (2011) and Davis et al. (2011)

concluded that open raceway ponds have a significant cost advantage over photobioreactors even

though photobioreactors have higher aerial and volumetric productivities. For a photobioreactor

based algal cultivation system, the capital cost of the photobioreactor was the largest contributor

in both studies. Amer et al. (2011) predicted that photobioreactors illuminated with LEDs would

have higher operational costs than those illuminated by the sunlight, even though it was

estimated that an LED-lit photobioreactor would have a photon utilization efficiency of 90%,

while a solar-lit one would have an efficiency of 50%. These values for photon conversion are

based on the theoretical quantum efficiency of 8 photons to consume 1 molecule of CO2, which

as discussed in section 2.1, is not a reliable metric.

Other major costs for the production of algal biomass were the transportation and acquisition of

CO2, dewatering of algal biomass, and nutrient supply (i.e. nitrogen and phosphorus). Studies

assume that an algal production facility will be co-located next to an industrial process which

produces flue gas and wastewater rich in nitrogen and phosphorus (Amer et al. 2011, Harun et al

2011, Nagarajan et al. 2013). In other studies, it is suggested that the residual biomass can be

used to feed an anaerobic digester to produce biogas for electricity generation or to sell the

biomass for agricultural purposes (Collet et al. 2011, Harun et al. 2011). Sialve et al. (2009)

suggested that anaerobically digesting algae residue from the solvent extraction process was

necessary to make algal biodiesel sustainable and even estimated that on an energy balance basis

if the lipid content of the algae was below 40 w%/w, then the whole algal biomass should be

anaerobically digested as the optimal strategy on an energy balance.

2.7 Light Transport

Visible light is part of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum ranging from 400 – 700 nm.

Electromagnetic radiation consists of photons and the energy each photon carries is dependent on

the wavelength of the photon, where photons that have shorter wavelengths have more energy

than photons with longer wavelengths. This relationship is defined by the following equation:


E hf


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where E is the energy a photon contains [J], h is the Planck’s constant [6.62607040x10-34

J·s], f

is the frequency [Hz], λ is the wavelength of the photon [m], and c is the speed of light

[299792458 m/s].

Light transport in the application of photobioreactors is concerned with the modes of light loss

which occur as light propagates through the mediums of air and water. Light loss through a

media is caused either through reflection (light propagating from one media to other), scattering

(mie, raylay etc...), and absorption (Grima et al. 1999). It is possible to estimate the average solar

irradiance on the surface of the earth as described by Grima et al. (1999).

2.7.1 Waveguide Optics

Optical waveguides are structures which transmit light typically in a material with a higher

refractive index than the surrounding medium. The refractive index of a material is a

dimensionless number that describes the speed of light propagation through the medium. Optical

fibres work on the basis of acting as a waveguide with total internal reflection. Total internal

reflection occurs when a ray of light strikes a medium boundary at an angle larger than the

critical angle with respect to the normal surface. The critical angle of a boundary between two

media is given by Snell’s law (equation 2.11)

𝜃𝑐 = arcsin (𝑛2

𝑛1) (2.11)

Where θc is the critical angle, n1 is the refractive index of the media with the higher refractive

index and n2 is the media with the lower refractive index. When the incident angle of light is

greater than the critical angle, the light it totally internally reflected, while incident angles less

than the critical angle are only partially transmitted.

Attenuation in an optical fiber is defined as the loss of optical power as light travels along the

fiber. Attenuation in an optical fiber is caused by absorption, scattering, and bending losses

associated with the optical properties of the waveguide and the wavelength of the wave being

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propagated. Equation (2.12) describes signal attenuation as a unit of length (Integrated

Publishing 2012):

𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑢𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = (10

𝐿) log10 (


𝑃𝑜) (2.12)

Where Pi is the optical input power, Po is the optical output power, L is length, and attenuation in

this equation is in units of decibels per length.

The application of fibre optics in algal photobioreactors has been used before in suspended

cultures (Burgess et al. 1993, Erickson et al. 2011). Burgess et al. (1993) used optical fibres to

improve light distribution while growing marine algae which led to a culture dry mass of 1.9 g/L,

while cultures grown with an external light source only reached 0.8 g/L over the same time

period. Zijffers et al. (2008) has proposed a model and procedure for determining the light ray

distribution in tapered waveguides that can also apply to sandblasted surfaces.

When a light wave meets the boundary between two indexes and the incident angle of light is

greater than the critical angle, the standing wave penetrates into the external medium while still

being total internal reflection. This phenomenon is called an evanescent wave and it decays

exponentially with distance from the interface, typically with a characteristic penetration depth

of 50 to 100 nm (Nath and Anand 1998). Evanescent-wave coupling is a process where

electromagnetic waves are transmitted from one medium to another using an evanescent wave.

The process is mathematically similar to particle in a box, except using electromagnetic waves

instead of quantum-mechanical wave functions.

A recent publication by Ooms et al. (2012) demonstrated that cyanobacteria can be grown on an

evanescent field. The recorded evanescent field penetration was between 1-5 μm from the

surface depending on the incident angle. The conditions in which the cyanobacteria were grown

in did not provide indication of whether a biofilm had formed, or whether the biomass

accumulated resulted from settling. Ooms et al. (2012) did not record the growth rates of the

cyanobacteria or provide a precise thickness of the cyanobacteria film. Based on the results,

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evanescent fields will not be useful in growing photosynthetic biofilms thicker than

approximately 10 μm, which would imply they cannot be used in a photobioreactor with the

intent of producing large quantities of algal biomass.

2.8 Summary of the Literature and Significance of the Objectives of the Thesis

The literature review has outlined the current state of algal biofilms and algal film

photobioreactors from a bioprocessing perspective. Compared to their suspended counterparts,

there is limited understanding on light transport within algal film photobioreactors. Algal film

photobioreactors found in the literature often take the form of algal turf scrubbers or rotating

algal biofilm systems, whose primary role in most of the studies is the removal of nutrients.

There are few attempts to understand the effects of fundamental surface properties of the

attachment material on algal biofilm growth. There have been attempts at growing a phototrophic

biofilm with evanescent field, but not on a light emitting waveguide. The effects of light

intensity and CO2 on algal film growth have not been investigated, nor has their combined

interaction effects been analyzed.

Due to the lack of studies on algal film photobioreactors, there are opportunities to expand the

scientific literature on this topic. Important questions which are absent from the literature, are the

feasibility of growing algal films on a light emitting waveguide, the effects material surface

properties have on algal biofilm growth, the effects of light and CO2 on algal biofilm growth. By

demonstrating the feasibility of grown an algal biofilm on a waveguide it will enable new

configurations of reactors to be tested for algal biofilms.

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Chapter 3 Material and Surface Energy Effects on Algal Film Growth

Kinetics, Colonization and Lipid Content

Scott N. Genin, J. Stewart Aitchison, D. Grant Allen

Some of the contents of this chapter were published have been published in Bioresource

Technology (Published March 2014); ISSN: 0960-8524, and in Proceedings of SPIE 8923; DOI:



A parallel plate air lift reactor was used to examine the growth kinetics of mixed culture algal

biofilms grown on various materials (acrylic, glass, polycarbonate, polystyrene, cellulose acetate

and three types of embossed acrylic). The growth kinetics of the algal biofilms were non-linear

overall and their overall productivities ranged from 1.10-2.08 g/m2 day, with those grown on

cellulose acetate having the highest productivity. Overall algal biofilm productivity was largely

explained by differences in the colonization time which in turn was strongly correlated to the

polar surface energy of the material, but weakly correlated to water-material contact angle. When

colonization time was taken into account, the productivity for all materials except acrylic was not

significantly different, at approximately 2 g/m2 day. Lipid content of the algal biofilms ranged

from 6-8% (w/w) and was not correlated to water-material contact angle or polar surface energy.

Embossing V-grooved acrylic coupons resulted in a higher productivity from 1 g/m2 day to 1.7

g/m2 day. The results have potential application for selecting appropriate materials for algal film


3.1 Introduction and Significance

In previous studies of algal film photobioreactors, suitable materials for algal film growth were

chosen based on high single point productivities of many different materials (Johnson and Wen

2010) or high surface energies or high-water material contact angles (Christenson and Sims

2012). Each of these methods has disadvantages: it is costly and impractical to measure single

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point productivity for all potential materials; there are multiple types of surface energies; and

water-material contact angle is a course measurement which accounts for multiple types of

surface and material interactions. While a single point productivity measurement can determine

the overall the productivity of algal biofilms, the colonization and conditioning phases of biofilm

formation, which are expected to have lower productivities, are aggregated into these values. It

has been shown by Sekar et al. (2004) and Finlay et al. (2002) that during the initial attachment

phase, different algal species show preferential attachment to different materials based on the

intrinsic material properties, therefore leading to differences in overall algal biofilm productivity

on different materials reported by Johnson and Wen (2010), Irving and Allen (2011) and

Christenson and Sims (2012) could be the result of different colonization times.

The objective of this study is to improve material selection for algal biofilm photobioreactors by

determining which intrinsic material surface energy properties affect algal biofilm productivity,

colonization and lipid content. To complete this objective, a parallel plate air lift (PPAL) reactor

was designed and built. The reactor consists of a glass case with two internal plates to which

various material coupons can be attached to rapidly test the productivity of algal biofilms grown

on various materials. The parameters measured in these experiments were biomass production,

fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) content, temperature and pH.

3.2 Materials and Methods

3.2.1 Reactor Design and Setup

The PPAL reactor (Figure 3.1) used in this study was designed to provide vertically grown algal

biofilms with consistent lighting, nutrients, and shear. The reactor case was constructed of glass,

with two vertical internal plates of cast acrylic which were secured by a silicone adhesive. The

reactor can hold 15 L of media and has the following dimensions: 41 x 20 x 25 cm3. Up to 20

coupons each with two different materials were placed in the reactor for each run, giving a total

of 40 samples. The materials were clipped to the internal plates with each material coupon size

approximately 2x8 cm2. The materials were weighed before the experiments and then again after

being cleaned and dried.

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Figure 3.1 – PPAL reactor configuration and setup

The coupon materials tested were: glass, cellulose acetate, acrylic, polystyrene, polycarbonate

and silicone rubber. A separate test was conducted using three types of embossed acrylic

(horizontal lines, vertical lines, and v-grooves), which were designed, fabricated and

characterized as described by Sathananthan (2014). The selection criteria for the materials were

based on transparency, toxicity towards algae, and water-material contact angle. The material

coupons were placed in the reactor in a random order determined by a random number generator.

Past work by Irving and Allen (2011) determined that the presence of wastewater is an important

factor in enhancing the formation of an algae biofilm. In order to introduce the bacteria and EPS

required to form the biofilms, unsterile wastewater from Ashbridge’s Bay Wastewater Treatment

Facility, Toronto, ON, was blended with Fortified Bold’s Basal Media (FBBM) (Bold 1949) in a

ratio of 1:2. FBBM was buffered to pH 6.8 and prepared to have the following concentration of

nutrients as described in Table 3.1.

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Table 3.1 – Fortified Bold’s Basal Medium

Chemical Initial Concentration


NaNO3 250

CaCl2 18.9

MgSO4 36.8

K2HPO4 75

KH2PO4 175

NaCl 25

Na2EDTA 10

FeSO4 2.72

H3BO3 11.42

Na2SiO3 26.2

Trace metals

ZnSO4 4.95

MnCl2 0.92

MoO3 0.70

CuSO4 1

Co(NO3)2 0.31

Compressed air was provided at a constant rate of 0.990 L/min (Standard Temperature and

Pressure; 0o C and 1 bar) STP, where it was mixed with CO2 flowing at 10 mL/min to give a

total CO2 content of 1% by volume. The solution was sparged with air at 1 L/min in the reactor

for 24 hours before being inoculated. The inoculum contained seven algal species that were

purchased from the Canadian Phycological Culture Centre (CPCC) or the Culture Collection of

Algae and Protozoa (CCAP). The species used in this experiment were: S. obliquus (CPCC 157),

C. vulgaris (CPCC 147), Coccomyxa sp.(CPCC 508), Nannochloris sp. (CCAP 251/2), Nitschia

palea (CPCC 160), Oocystis sp. (CPCC 9) and Oocystis polymorpha. The cultures were

cultivated in a light incubator at 25 oC in 250 mL Erlenmeyer flasks on an orbital shaker set to

110 rpm before being used to inoculate the reactor.

A peristaltic pump (Cole Parmer Masterflex, Model# 7520-35) was used to add and remove

media from the reactor at a dilution rate of 0.96 day-1

. The dilution rate was set to be higher than

the growth rate of the suspended algae in order to wash out suspended algae which would

otherwise obstruct light from reaching the films and to ensure there is enough nutrients provided

to the biofilm. White light was provided by four 8 Watt Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) that are

positioned outside of the reactor. A Variner Tris-buffer pH probe and stainless steel temperature

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probe were used to record pH and temperature data continuously over the course of the


The reactor operated in batch mode for 48 hours after inoculation before the pumps were started

to introduce fresh FBBM. The day the pumps were started was considered day zero, and three

samples of each material were removed from the reactor on days 0, 3, 5, 7, and 10. Suspended

algae samples were also taken from the reactor in triplicate. Each experiment was repeated three

times. The experiment involving the embossed acrylic was conducted differently due to the low

number of embossed coupons available. In the study, five coupons each of smooth acrylic,

horizontal lines, vertical lines and v-groove were placed into the reactor and the reactor was

prepped as described above. The coupons were only harvested on day 10, and a single point

productivity analysis was used to describe the productivity of the algal biofilms.

3.2.2 Sessile Drop Tests

To determine the polar and Lifshitz-van der Waals components of the surface energy, sessile

drop tests were conducted using reverse osmosis (RO) water, glycerol (Sigma Aldrich #G5516),

and hexadecane (Sigma Aldrich #H6703) on the following materials: glass, cellulose acetate,

acrylic, polystyrene, polycarbonate, and silicone rubber. Five μL of each liquid was pipetted onto

each material using a 10 μL pipette and a picture was taken using a Nikon D3000 camera with a

macro lens (model number: AF-S DX Micro Nikon 40 mmf/256) (Results in Appendix F). This

process was repeated three times for each material and the resulting pictures were processed

using imageJ v. 1.46. The Lifshitz-van der Waals and polar surface energies were then calculated

using the Good Van Oss model (Van Oss et al. 1988).

3.2.3 Sampling and Analysis

The harvested coupons were scraped clean and the biofilms were suspended in RO water. A

vacuum filtration unit was used to filter the suspended algal mass through Supor®-450 47mm

filters with a pore size of 0.45 μm. The filters were baked at 103 oC for 3 hours and weighed

before and after filtration to measure the difference in dry mass.

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A minimum of three coupons on day 10 were harvested, the algal film biomass was then freeze

dried and the lipids were extracted using the Folch method (Folch et al. 1956) using 1:2 (v/v)

chloroform to methanol as the solvent. The methanol phase and polar lipids solution was

discarded to target the neutral lipids. The neutral lipids were then methylated using the Fatty

Acid Methyl Ester (FAME) technique based on the Microbial Identification System, Microbial

ID Inc. (MIDI Method) (Smid and Salfinger 1994). The samples were analyzed using gas

chromatography (Perkin Elmer Clarus 680 GC) with a special performance capillary column

(Hewlett Packard model # HP-5 MS, 30 m x 0.25 mm x 0.25 μm) and a flame ionization

detector. Hexadecane (Sigma Aldrich #H6703) was used as the internal standard and olive oil

was used as a calibration standard.

Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to observe the presence of microbes and EPS

within the algae biofilm. Samples of live biofilm were taken while still attached to the substrate

and were submersed in a 1% (v/v) solution of osmium tetroxide for 10 min. Osmium tetroxide

bonds to lipids and increases the cell’s electron density. The samples were then loaded into a

Hitachi S-3400 N scanning electron microscope, frozen to -20 oC to preserve the biofilm

structure at a pressure of 220 Pa. At these conditions, the algal biofilm remains hydrated and

biofilm structures can be seen. Backscattering electron (BSE) mode was used to observe

microbes which had accumulated significant quantities of osmium tetroxide, which were

predominantly algae cells, while secondary electron (SE) mode was used to image the entire

biofilm including bacterial cells, EPS and inert solids (Results in Appendix E).

3.3 Results and Discussion

3.3.1 Algal Biofilm Growth Kinetics on Various Materials

The pH and temperature of the reactor was stable at 6.9 ± 0.2 and 23 ± 1 oC respectively

throughout the experiment. The stability of the pH in the system is likely due to the continuous

addition of fresh media into the PPAL system. The total suspended solids in the PPAL were

below 0.050 g/L, which represents an algal productivity in the suspended phase of 0.048 g/L day

or 0.72 g/day. Qualitative observations of the SEM images showed the biofilms predominantly

contained algae, particularly S. obliquus, Oocystis sp., C. vulgaris, and N. palea. Algal biofilms

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grown on cellulose acetate tended to slough off the material when harvested on day 10, but the

biofilm remained intact in a detached state. The overall growth kinetics of the algal biofilms

grown on the various materials appear to be initially non-linear with lower productivities

followed by linear regions of growth with higher productivities (Figure 3.2). This trend is

observable in results by Schnurr et al. (2013) and Gross et al. (2013) which show periods of

initial slow growth followed by increased linear growth.

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Figure 3.2 – Growth kinetics of algal biofilms grown on various materials. Error bars

show the standard deviation.

Linear growth curves for microorganisms in conventional bioprocessing systems suggest

chemical or mass transport limitations to growth. This implies there is either a nutrient diffusion

or light limitation within the biofilm. Modeling of algal biofilms by Flora et al. (1995) showed

the CO2 concentration within an algal biofilm dropped to zero by 200 μm depth. If this were the







0 2 4 6 8 10 12




m B





Time (days)


Run 1 Run 2 Run 3







0 2 4 6 8 10 12




m B





Time (days)

Silicone Rubber







0 2 4 6 8 10 12




m B





Time (days)








0 2 4 6 8 10 12Alg




mass (



Time (days)








0 2 4 6 8 10 12




m B





Time (days)

Cellulose Acetate







0 2 4 6 8 10 12Alg




mass (



Time (days)


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case, the algae up to the depth of 200 μm would be providing the bulk of growth of the algal

biofilm which would suggest algal biofilms thicker than 200 μm would exhibit linear growth

kinetics. The same concept could also be applied to light limitations.

3.3.2 Algal Biofilm Productivity

Past studies calculated overall algal biofilm productivity based on single point measurements

(Johnson and Wen 2010, Irving and Allen 2011, Christenson and Sims 2012, Gross et al. 2013)

or linear regressions over the entire growth period including the initial colonization time

(Schnurr et al. 2013). Figure 3.3 shows the algal biofilm productivities for this study based on

linear regressions conducted over the entire growth period. The productivity of the algal biofilms

on the materials were for 1.12 g/m2 day for glass, 0.97 g/m

2 day for acrylic, 1.25 g/m

2 day for

polycarbonate, 1.34 g/m2 day polystyrene and 1.52 g/m

2 day silicone rubber. Algal biofilms

grown on cellulose acetate had the highest overall productivity of 2.08 g/m2 day. The

productivities of the algal biofilms grown on cellulose acetate were statistically significantly

higher than those grown on all other materials except for silicone rubber at the 95% confidence

level. The overall productivity of the algal biofilms does not correlate to the water-material

contact angle (P=0.33) which is consistent with results obtained by Irving and Allen (2011), but

it does correlate to the polar surface energy of the material (P=0.01).

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Figure 3.3 – Overall algal biofilm productivity. Error bars show standard deviation.

(Calculated from a linear regression from 45 data points collected during 3 runs)

In order to take into account the potential differences due to colonization, we subsequently

considered the overall growth period to consist of two phases: the initial colonization during

which the cells attach to the coupon material; and, the subsequent growth phase after the material

is covered by at least one layer of cells. To test whether the impact of the material persisted after

the initial colonization phase, a linear regression was conducted on the data from the kinetic

study where algal film biomass yields above 1 g/m2 were used. This 1 g/m

2 cut off point is the

approximate algal film biomass yield on a surface if the film was 10 μm thick. This is the

approximate thickness of an algal biofilm that is a single algae cell thick. Once a layer of cells is

established on the material of attachment, the cells growing or being recruited will interact with

the algal biofilm and not the material, and we’d expect this could reduce the effect of the

material surface properties on algal biofilm growth and attachment. The new calculated

productivity is shown in Figure 3.4.







Glass (33.7 ) Cellulose

Acetate (63.1)

Acrylic (66.8) Polystyrene





Rubber (93.6)










/m2 d



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Figure 3.4 – Revised algal biofilm productivity. Error bars show standard deviation.

(Calculated from a linear regression from 30 data points collected during 3 runs)

The revised productivities of the algal biofilms grown materials are not statistically different at

the 95% confidence level from each other when data points below 1 g/m2 are removed with the

exception of those grown on acrylic. The revised productivities for the materials are: 1.96 g/m2

day for glass, 1.92 g/m2 day for cellulose acetate, 1.21 g/m

2 day for acrylic, 1.96 g/m

2 day for

polystyrene, 1.58 g/m2 day for polycarbonate and1.79 g/m

2 day for silicone rubber. The revised

productivities do not correlate to the water-material contact angle (P= 0.32) or the polar surface

energy (P=0.45)

The algal biofilm productivity values are on par with those obtained by Johnson and Wen (2010)

(2.57-0.58 g/m2 day) Schnurr et al. (2013) (2.1-2.8 g/m

2 day), and Gross et al. (2013) (1-1.5 g/m


day). The algae cells in the PPAL reactor are not able to settle on the materials unlike the reactor

configurations presented by Schnurr et al. (2013), Irving and Allen (2011) and Johnson and Wen

(2010). Since the conditions between reactor operations are so different between this experiment

and the literature, it is difficult to conclude whether algal biofilms grown in a vertical orientation

have any disadvantage over algal biofilms grown in horizontal configurations.







Glass (33.7 ) Cellulose

Acetate (63.1)

Acrylic (66.8) Polystyrene




Silicone Rubber











/m2 d



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The highest reported overall algal biofilm productivity in this study was 2.08 g/m2 day for those

grown on cellulose acetate which would result in an estimated total productivity for the reactor

of 0.12 g/day if all 40 coupons were cellulose acetate. The suspended algae productivity from the

reactor is calculated to be 0.72 g/day which is about 6 times greater than the algal biofilm

productivity for this reactor. The higher suspended algae productivity is due to the fact that the

reactor’s design and operation are not optimized for algal biofilm growth, but for the rapid

testing of many different material coupons.

Algal biofilms grown on the V-groove embossed acrylic had statistically significantly higher

single point productivity at the 95% confidence level than algal biofilms grown on smooth

acrylic or the acrylic with horizontal or vertical lines (Figure 3.5). The higher algal biofilm

productivity on the V-groove could be attributed to the presence of larger surface area of

attachment for algal biofilm growth. There is 48% more surface area for attachment on the V-

groove surface (23.71 cm2) compared to the smooth acrylic (15.98 cm

2). Algal biofilms grown

on the horizontal and vertical line patterns did not have a statistically significantly different

productivity than algal biofilms grown on smooth acrylic. The depths of the horizontal and

vertical lines were small (1.5 μm) compared to the size of the algae species (5 μm is the smallest


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Figure 3.5 – Algal biofilm productivity on the four types of embossed acrylic. Error bars

show standard deviation. (n = 5)

3.3.3 Colonization Time Analysis

Conceptually, colonization time is defined as the point at which at least one cell layer covers the

entire material, which is estimated to be 1 g/m2. This point can be determined from the linear

regressions described above using only algal biofilm yields greater than 1 g/m2, then by

determining the time when the algal biofilm yield of the regression is equal to 1 g/m2. The

colonization time is plotted for each material against the water-material contact angle and the

polar surface energy (Figures 3.6a and 3.6b, respectively). The negative colonization time for

cellulose acetate is a result of the fact that some colonization may have occurred during the two

days the algae are given to acclimatize to the reactor before the pumps are started, which was

chosen to be time zero. The negative colonization time for the cellulose acetate implies that

bacteria are able to colonize the material rapidly. Hodoki (2005) demonstrated that algal biofilms

had a higher growth rate on materials which were initially colonized with bacteria, thus bacteria

may be attracted to cellulose acetate and will attach and grow faster than the other materials,

which in turn would lead to a higher algal biofilm growth rate and lower colonization time.







Smooth V-groove Horizontal Vertical










/m2 d


) Run 1 Run 2 Run 3

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Figures 3.6 - Colonization time vs. a) water-material contact angle and b) material polar

surface energy. Error bars show standard deviation. (n = 3).

Colonization time as defined in this study is poorly correlated to the water-material contact angle

(P=0.12), but is strongly correlated to the polar surface energy of the material (P=0.0001) as

shown in Figures 3.6a and 3.6b, respectively. This is counter to what Christenson and Sims

(2012) claimed regarding algal biofilm preferential attachment towards materials with a high

surface energy, but is in agreement with the results from Finlay et al. (2002) and those of Ozkan

and Berberoglu (2013). Ozkan and Berberoglu (2013) showed that green algae attachment is

very dependent on acid-base interactions between algae cells and surfaces, with charge and

Lifshitz-van der Waals forces being less important. Since the colonization time is a significant

fraction of the algal biofilm growth period for some materials, it has an impact on the overall

productivity. The correlation between colonization time and polar surface energy suggests that

acid-base surface energy interactions still play an important role in the growth of algal biofilms.

Cellulose acetate is known to degrade and undergo hydrolysis (Buchannan et al 1993). The

acetate film used in this experiment is a mixture of cellulose di-acetate and cellulose tri-acetate.

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It was observed that cellulose acetate coupons lost 5±1% of their mass over the course of the

experiment, which suggests that microorganisms may be using cellulose acetate as a carbon

source. Buchannan et al. (1993) reported that cellulose di-acetate degrades to 20% of mass in a

wastewater treatment system within 4-12 days depending on acetate substitution, but cellulose

tri-acetate did not have any notable degradation after 28 days. If the data point for cellulose

acetate is removed on the basis that it maybe feeding the algal biofilm and therefore is not purely

a surface interaction, there is a correlation between water-material contact angle and colonization

time (P= 0.002, R2

= 0.67) and the correlation between polar surface energy and colonization

time remains strongly correlated (P= 0.0001, R2 = 0.80).

The overall algal biofilm productivity is negatively correlated to the colonization time (P=

0.0001), which implies differences in productivity of algal biofilms grown on the materials used

in this experiment are caused by differences in colonization time (Figure 3.7). Colonization

time, as described in this study, is a useful measurement for assessing algal biofilm formation on

materials. It can be used to assess the rate at which algal biofilms are capable of establishing a

foundation and at which material affects will have limited impact growth. The colonization time

of the algal biofilm represents the initial phases of microbial colonization and surface

conditioning. Palmer (2007) described the conditioning of a surface as the accumulation of

molecules at the solid-liquid interface on surfaces. Colonization time takes into account the

surface conditioning of the attachment material in addition to the cell attachment.

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Figure 3.7 – Overall productivity in relation to the calculated colonization time

3.3.4 Lipid Analysis

The neutral lipid content for the algal biofilms grown on the various materials was 6-8% (w/w)

and was not statistically significantly different between materials at the 95% confidence level, as

shown in Figure 3.8. These results are consistent with the findings of Johnson and Wen (2010)

(6-9% w/w) and Schnurr et al. (2013) (5-10% w/w). The neutral lipid content in algal biofilms

was lower than those reported for suspended algae cultures, which is typically reported to be

between 10-50% depending on growing conditions and species (Chisti 2007). The neutral lipid

content for algal biofilms is likely lower compared to algae grown in a suspended culture due to

either the presence of bacteria and/or EPS. Bacteria and EPS could add to the total mass of the

biofilm while not significantly contributing to the overall lipid content.

y = -0.1861x + 1.9217

R² = 0.6187

P = 0.0001








-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7



ll P




y (


2 d



Colonization Time (days)

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Figure 3.8 – Lipid content of algal biofilms grown on different materials. Error bars

show standard deviation. (6 samples were taken for 3 replicate experiments, n = 18)

The similarity of lipid content between algal biofilms grown on different materials, suggests that

algal species composition did not vary significantly between the biofilms and that material of

attachment does not affect algal biofilm lipid content. Seven different species of algae with a

range of lipid contents were used as the inoculum. If the species composition of the algal

biofilms grown on different materials varied significantly, it could cause the lipid content of the

algal biofilms to be different between materials. Results from Schnurr et al. (2013) demonstrated

that for algal biofilms inoculated with S. obliquus the neutral lipid content of the biofilm (5%

w/w) was significantly lower than those inoculated with N. palea (10% w/w).

Using the neutral lipid content, the lipid productivity was calculated (Figure 3.9). The lipid

productivity ranges from 0.06-0.13 g/m2 day and the differences in lipid productivity between

algal biofilms grown on different materials can be attributed to differences in algal biofilm

productivity. The surface area lipid productivities are lower than those of terrestrial crops (0.25

g/m2 day (Mata et al. 2010)), likely because the operating conditions for the reactor have not yet

been optimized and the algae in the suspended phase has been flushed out of the reactor and not

accounted for.








Glass Cellulose Acetate Acrylic Polystyrene Polycarbonate Silicone Rubber


id C



t (%



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Figure 3.9 – Lipid productivity of algal biofilms grown on different materials. Error bars

show standard deviation. (6 samples were taken for 3 replicate experiments, n = 18)

The lipid content of the algal biofilms grown did not correlate with the water-material contact

angle (P = 0.19) for each material and nor did it correlate with the polar surface energy (P =

0.68). Lipid productivity of the algal biofilms does not correlate to the water-material contact

angle (P = 0.74) nor to the polar surface energy of the material (P = 0.85). This is expected since

material properties should affect the rate of attachment and adhesion of algal biofilms to the

material and not affect the internal lipid content of the algae. It may not be possible to select or

design materials that can improve the lipid productivity of algal biofilms, and therefore, other

factors such as species or conditions that influence algal lipid content should be investigated


Algae species can have a preference in initial attachment depending on the material properties as

shown by results from Sekar et al. (2004), Finlay et al. (2002) and Ozkan and Berberoglu (2013).

Since the amount of biomass on the coupons was too low to conduct a lipid analysis at day zero,

results presented here cannot confirm this. The results from this study imply that while it is

possible that different algae species may initially (over 24-48 hours) colonize different materials

at different rates, the algal biofilms have a tendency to become more or less uniform in species

composition irrespective of the material properties.










Glass Cellulose


Acrylic Polystyrene Polycarbonate Silicone



id P




y (


2 d



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Cellulose acetate appears to be an ideal material to grow algal biofilms but there was notable

difficulty in harvesting. Occasionally, on days 7 and 10, the entire film would fall off the

material and fall into the reactor; this likely indicates that the biofilm became too thick and the

adhesion between the material and the algal biofilm was not strong enough to maintain the algal

biofilm when disturbed.

While algal biofilms have a higher biomass concentration than suspended algae, they tend to

have a lower lipid content compared to suspended algae, as shown in this study and by others

(Johnson and Wen 2010, Schnurr et al. 2013). This is problematic for fuels derived from lipids

as it increases surface area requirements to meet the same demand. This could be improved with

reactor designs that maximize surface area to land area ratios. Based on the algal biofilm

productivity and lipid results from this experiment and the reactor configuration presented, an

algal biofilm grown on cellulose acetate, it would require 521 m2 of surface area or 347 m

2 of

land area to produce 1 kg of algal biomass on cellulose acetate. Assuming 6% neutral lipid

content, it would require 8680 m2 of surface area or 5710 m

2 of land area to produce 1 kg of

neutral lipids. With the reactor configuration presented by Christenson and Sims (2012), which

has an aerial biomass productivity of 21-30 g/m2 and lipid productivity of 2.2-2.5 g/m

2, would

require 400 m2 of land to produce 1 kg/day of algae oil. This land use is better than the lipid

productivity of open ponds, but there is potential to improve these ratios.

Demonstrating that algal biofilms can be grown in an airlift reactor has significant implications

for the scaling of algal biofilm photobioreactors. The design considerations, operating

parameters and scaling of airlift reactors is well known and documented (Chisti and Moo-Young

1987). The hydrodynamic flow in the PPAL reactor is similar to those which would be on a pilot

or commercial scale. The observations of algal biofilm growth kinetics and colonization time

found in the PPAL have potential to be translated to pilot or commercial scale airlift algal film


The results on how colonization time affects algal biofilm productivity have significant impacts

on future design considerations for algal film photobioreactors with respect to the material

selection and reactor configuration. Understanding that polar surface energy is strongly

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correlated to the colonization time of algal biofilms, it is possible to select or engineer materials

that have low polar surface energies to reduce colonization time or select materials with high

polar surface energies to prevent the initial colonization of algal biofilms. It is possible to grow

algal biofilms in a vertical air lift reactor and get algal biofilm surface area productivities

comparable to those with a horizontal configuration. Growing algal biofilms in a vertical

orientation has potential to enable more efficient land use for algal biomass and lipid production.

3.4 Conclusions

The attachment material affects the overall algal biofilm productivity; with biofilms grown on

cellulose acetate had the highest overall productivity (2.08 g/m2 day) among the materials tested.

Differences in the overall productivities between algal biofilms grown on different materials

were largely explained by differences the colonization time; after the colonization time, biofilm

growth rate was independent of material at ~2 g/m2 day for all materials except acrylic at 1.2

g/m2/day. Embossing acrylic with V-grooves increased the observed productivity from 1 g/m


day to 1.7 g/m2 day. The colonization time was positively correlated to the polar surface energy

of the material. The lipid content of algal biofilms grown on different materials was not

statistically different among the materials tested.

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Chapter 4 Waveguide Reactor for Growing Algal Biofilms

Scott N. Genin, J. Stewart Aitchison, D. Grant Allen

Some of the contents of this chapter published in Algal Research (ISSN: 0960-8524), and are

contained in a Provisional Patent: US62/151,283


To enhance light delivery to algal biofilms, five different waveguide designs were developed.

Light emitting waveguides are capable of distributing a bright light source over a larger surface

area. The light emission from these waveguide designs was characterized and the algal biofilm

growth on waveguides was characterized in a parallel plate airlift reactor (17L). The light

intensity and CO2 concentration were varied in a 32 factorial design experiment to determine if

there were any interaction effects. Light emission from the waveguides could be altered by

changing the tapper angle or by notching the surfaces. Algal film growth kinetics on the

waveguides were overall non-linear, but had linear regions of growth. The waveguides achieved

an algal biofilm surface area productivity of 2.8 g/m2 day and an aerial productivity of 33.6 g/m


day. Algal film productivity displayed saturation kinetics with respect to light intensity and CO2

concentration, but the interaction effect of light and CO2 on productivity is likely non-linear.

Algal film biomass per photon consumed decreased with increasing light intensity when the

reactor was not CO2 limited. The results indicate the potential for algal biofilms to be grown on

light emitting waveguides which opens up the opportunity to explore new algal film

photobioreactor configurations.

4.1 Introduction and Significance

Algal film photobioreactors have the potential to reduce dewatering costs and have a comparable

productivity to raceway ponds. Current designs have focused on maximizing productivity and

nutrient removal through material selection and design. However, fewer studies have focused

analyzing the effects of illumination and carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration on algal film

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growth. The transport of light in suspended photobioreactors is considered a serious problem due

to cell shading, light scattering and non-uniform optical absorption. Current research on algal

film photobioreactor design focuses on rotating algal biofilm (RAB) systems (Christenson and

Sims 2012; Gross et al. 2013; Blanken et al 2014) or on algal turf scrubbers (Craggs et al. 1996;

Mulbry et al. 2008; Johnson and Wen 2010; Ozkan et al. 2012). These reactors are based on the

principle of growing an algal biofilm on a rough attachment surface in which either the surface

or the water is moving. These RAB systems show promise as their reported aerial biomass

productivities are higher than those of raceway ponds (Christenson and Sims 2012; Gross et al.

2013). The design considerations for these systems have been investigated from algal film

productivity and nutrient removal standpoint, but have not investigated effects of light intensity

and CO2 concentration on algal film growth.

Recent studies by Schnurr et al. (2014) and Pierobon et al. (2014) have provided new insight into

new photobioreactor designs. In experiments by Schnurr et al. (2014) algal biofilms were grown

where light was incident through glass and the productivity was compared to algal biofilms

which were grown in a conventional manner where light was incident from the water side. The

results demonstrated that at the conditions tested, light direction did not impact algal biofilm

growth. Oms et al. (2012) demonstrated the possibility of growing cyanobacteria in the

evanescent field associated with an optical waveguide. While the biofilms only reached a

thickness of 10-15 μm, the results showed by both these studies demonstrate the potential to

grow algal biofilms on a light emitting surface.

Growing an algal biofilm on a light emitting surface presents a series of potential advantages:

When the attachment material and light source are integrated, the light is directly delivered to the

algal biofilm without shading from suspended algae to produce a more compact bioreactor.

However, the effects of CO2, illumination intensity and light direction on the growth kinetics of

an algal biofilm on a light emitting surface have not been investigated.

The objective of this study is to demonstrate the feasibility of growing algal biofilms on light

emitting waveguides and determining the combined effects of varying light intensity and CO2

concentration. To complete this objective, five different acrylic waveguides and a parallel plate

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airlift (PPAL) reactor were designed and built. The parameters measured were biomass

production, fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) content, total nitrogen, total phosphorous,

temperature and pH.

4.2 Experimental Methods

4.2.1 Waveguide Design and Fabrication

Five different waveguide designs were fabricated out of optically transparent cast acrylic

(McMaster Carr #) with a top cross sectional area of 1.27x1.27 cm2 and a length of 25 cm

(Figures 4.1 a-e). Dimensions, tapering and notching specifications are provided in Table 4.1.

The tapper and notches in the waveguide cause light to leak or scatter out of the waveguide. The

taper in the waveguide dimension along the direction of propagation prevents total internal

reflection and as a result light leaks from the waveguide. The notches provide local scattering

centres and cause light trapped in the waveguide to scatter into the bioreactor. Red LEDs (3.5V

and 700 mA, 635 ±10 nm, see Appendix D for more information) provided by Pond Biofuels

Inc. were mounted to the top of the waveguide.

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Figures 4.1 – Waveguide schematics for a) single wedge large notch, b) single wedge, c)

double wedge, d) single wedge small notch, e) double wedge small notch (Side view)

Table 4.1 – Waveguide specification

Angle of Taper


Number of


Notch Depth


Notch spacing


Single Wedge

Large notch

1.88 6 5.0 7.5

Single Wedge 1.88 0 0 0

Double Wedge 1.11 0 0 0

Single Wedge

small notch

1.88 167 0.25 0.2

Double Wedge

small notch

1.11 334 0.25 0.2

4.2.2 Light Intensity Measurements

The light emission from the waveguide was characterized by a photodiode (Thor Labs model#:

FDS010) which was scanned along the direction of light propagation in the waveguide at a

distance of 2.4 mm from the surface (Figure 4.2 a). The current and voltage provided to the LED

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by a Pyramid brand variable power supply (model #: PS-32lab) was measured using a volt and

amp meter (Figure 4.2 c). The electrical input power to the LED was adjusted to control the light

emission and was calibrated using a Newport Silicon photometer (model #: 818-SL) which was

set to 635 nm, to confirm that over the electrical power range used in these experiments, the light

emission was linearly correlated to the electrical input power. The photon flux from the LEDs at

different input electrical power was measured using a Fieldscout Quantum Light Meter (model #:

3415F) and a calibration curve was generated. This calibration curve was used to estimate the

photon flux emitted from the surfaces of the waveguide.

Figure 4.2 – Waveguide light emission experimental setup a) schematic representation,

b) electrical circuit diagram of photodiode, c) electrical circuit diagram of power circuit

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4.2.3 Waveguide Reactor Setup and Operation

The PPAL reactor (Figure 4.3) used in this study was designed to provide a constant shear force

on each waveguide, adequate mixing, and nutrients. The reactor case was constructed of glass,

with two vertical internal plates of cast acrylic which were secured by a silicone adhesive. The

reactor was filled with 17 L of media and has the following dimensions: 41 x 20 x 25 cm3.

Twenty-four waveguides were placed vertically in the down-comer of the PPAL for each run.

The red LEDs were mounted to the top of each waveguide in four parallel circuits and power

was supplied by a Pyramid brand variable power supply (model #: PS-32lab).

Figure 4.3 – Waveguide reactor schematic

Past work by Irving and Allen (2011) determined that the presence of wastewater is an important

factor in enhancing the formation of an algae biofilm. To introduce EPS and bacteria, unsterile

wastewater from Ashbridge’s Bay Wastewater Treatment Facility, Toronto, ON, was blended

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with Fortified Bold’s Basal Media (FBBM) (Bold 1949) in a volumetric ratio of 1:2. FBBM was

buffered to pH 6.8 and prepared to have the following concentration of nutrients (Table 3.1):

NaNO3 250 mg/L, CaCl2 ⦁2H2O 25 mg/L, MgSO4⦁7H2O 75 mg/L, K2HPO4 75 mg/L, KH2PO4

175 mg/L, NaCl 25 mg/L, Na2EDTA 10 mg/L, FeSO4⦁7H2O 4.98mg/L, H3BO3 11.42 mg/L,

Na2SiO3⦁7H2O 58 mg/L, ZnSO4⦁7H2O 8.82 mg/L, MnCl2⦁4H2O 1.44 mg/L, Na2MoO3 0.70

mg/L, CuSO4⦁5H2O 1.57, and Co(NO3)2⦁6H2O 0.49 mg/L. The solution was sparged with air at

1 L/min in the reactor for 24 hours before being inoculated. The inoculum contained seven algal

species which were purchased from the Canadian Phycological Culture Centre (CPCC) or the

Culture Collection of Algae and Protozoa (CCAP). The species used in this experiment were: S.

obliquss (CPCC 157), C. vulgaris (CPCC 147), Coccomyxa sp.(CPCC 508), Nannochloris sp.

(CCAP 251/2), Nitschia palea (CPCC 160), Oocystis sp. (CPCC 9) and Oocystis polymorpha

(CPCC 35) and was prepared as described in Chapter 3. The reactor operated in batch mode for

48 hours before the pumps were started to introduce fresh FBBM. The day the pumps were

started was considered day zero, and the algal biomass on three waveguides was harvested from

the reactor on days 0, 3, 5, 7, 10, 12, and 14. The cleaned waveguides were then placed back into

the reactor. Suspended algae samples were also taken from the reactor in triplicate. Regrowth

experiments were conducted by placing the waveguides back into the reactor after harvesting,

then harvesting the front of all the waveguides on the final day (day 14).

For the single wedge large notch waveguides, the reactor was operated under different light

intensities and CO2 to compressed air ratios at a total flow rate of 1 L/min STP in a 32 factorial

experimental design, with triplicate experiments conducted at the center point (1% CO2, 7200

μmol/m2 sec). A dark control experiment, where the PPAL reactor was covered, was conducted

to determine whether an algal biofilm could grow in the reactor conditions without the presence

of light and at 1% CO2. For the single wedge, double wedge, single wedge small notch and

double wedge small notch waveguides, the reactor was operated under the same light intensity

(7200 μmol/m2 sec) and CO2 partial pressure (1%). A peristaltic pump (Cole Parmer Masterflex,

Model# 7520-35) was used to add and remove media from the reactor at a dilution rate of 0.90


to was out the suspended algae.

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4.2.4 Sampling and Analysis

The algal biomass on the waveguides was harvested and suspended in RO water. A vacuum

filtration unit was used to filter the suspended algal mass through Supor®-450 47mm filters with

a pore size of 0.45 μm. The filters were baked at 103 oC for 4 hours and weighed before and after

filtration to measure the difference in dry mass.

Algal film biomass harvested from the single wedge large notch waveguides on day 14 was

freeze dried and the lipids were extracted using the Folch method (Folch et al. 1956) using 1:2

(v/v) chloroform to methanol as the solvent. The methanol phase and polar lipids solution was

discarded to target the neutral lipids. The neutral lipids were then methylated using the FAME

technique based on the Microbial Identification System, Microbial ID Inc. (MIDI Method) (Smid

and Salfinger 1994). The samples were analyzed using gas chromatography (Perkin Elmer

Clarus 680 GC) with a special performance capillary column (Hewlett Packard model # HP-5

MS, 30 m x 0.25 mm x 0.25 μm) and a flame ionization detector. Hexadecane (Sigma Aldrich

#H6703) was used as the internal standard and olive oil was used as a calibration standard.

The removal of nitrogen and phosphorous by the algal biofilms was evaluated at 1% CO2 partial

pressure and 7200 μmol/m2 sec. Nitrogen and phosphorous in the inlet and outlet streams were

measured using Hach reagent kits for total nitrogen (TNT 827) and total phosphates (TNT 844).

The total phosphorus concentration in the media was calculated based on the total phosphates.

During the experiment, algal biofilms were harvested at the same intervals to determine growth.

Algal biofilm productivity is calculated by either using a single point measurement (Johnson and

Wen 2010; Irving and Allen 2011; Christenson and Sims 2012; Gross et al. 2013), a linear

regression over the entire growth period (Schnurr et al. 2013) or through colonization time

analysis (Chapter 3). In this study, productivity was calculated using the colonization time the

method used as described in Chapter 3 which removes bias that colonization can introduce into

the productivity measurement.

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The percent of nitrogen and phosphorous removed was calculated using equation (4.1) below:


𝑆𝑖𝑛× 100 = 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑜𝑣𝑎𝑙 (4.1)

where Sin and Sout are the concentration of the nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorous) in the inlet

and outlet respectively. All productivity confidence intervals are the 95% confidence interval

assuming a student-t distribution.

The gram biomass per mol photon was calculated using the following formula:



𝑁𝑒𝑡 𝑊𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑔𝑢𝑖𝑑𝑒 𝑎𝑙𝑔𝑎𝑙 𝑓𝑖𝑙𝑚 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑝ℎ𝑜𝑡𝑜𝑛 𝑓𝑙𝑢𝑥 𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 𝐿𝐸𝐷 (4.2)

The area underneath the waveguide light emission profiles was calculated using the trapezoid

method of integration.

4.3 Results and Discussion

4.3.1 Waveguide Light Emission

The results shown in Figures 4.4 a-e were normalized to an input electrical power of 0.67W (at

this power the red LED produces 7200 μmol/m2 sec). For the single wedge large notch

waveguide (Figure 4.4a), the light emission from the front shows a regular cycle in light intensity

peaks, which coincide with the notches in the waveguide. A smaller cycle of light intensity was

also measured on the back. The light emission from the side of the waveguide decreased along

the length of the waveguide and did not show a cyclical pattern in light intensity. The highest

light intensity emitted from any waveguide was measured for the single wedge, large notch

waveguide at 3320 μmol/m2 sec at a distance of 40-45 mm along the waveguide on the input

surface. The light emission for the single wedge (Figure 4.4b) and single wedge small notch

waveguides (Figure 4.4d) followed similar exponential decay trends for all sides. The light

emission for the double wedge waveguide (Figure 4.4c) was more uniform compared to the light

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emission from the other waveguides, but the light emission for the double wedge small notch

waveguide followed an exponential decay after 50 mm, which is based on a line of best fit

(Figure 4.4e). The ratio of light emitted from each waveguide to the incident light intensity did

not change with varying light intensity for all waveguide designs. The ratios are: 0.81, 0.89, 0.85,

0.68, and 0.83 for the single wedge large notch, single wedge, double wedge, single wedge small

notch, and double wedge small notch waveguides respectively. These results demonstrate the

ability to change the light emission profile of a waveguide by the addition of notches.

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Figure 4.4 - Light emission profiles of the waveguides, a) – single wedge large notch, b)

single wedge, c) double wedge, d) single wedge small notch, e) double wedge small notch

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4.3.2 Waveguide Reactor – Suspended Reactor

The pH and temperature of the reactor was stable at 6.8 ± 0.3 and 23 ±2 oC respectively

throughout the duration of the experiments. During the experiment, the total suspended solids

after day 3 remained below 0.025 g/L. In every experiment, it was observed that the total

suspended solids (TSS) decreased from day 1 to day 3, and then remained relatively stable

afterwards. The average TSS did not increase with increasing CO2, but did increase from low

light intensity (1600 μmol/m2 sec) to medium (7200 μmol/m

2 sec), then plateaued at high (12600

μmol/m2 sec) (Figure 4.5). The outlet nitrogen concentration decreased from day four to six, but

afterwards remained between the values of 19-23 mgN/L for the remainder of the experiment

(removal efficiency from day 6-13 was 40-49%) (Figure 4.6). The outlet phosphorous

concentration remained more consistent over the course of the experiment, ranging from 25-30

mgP/L (removal efficiency varied from 16-30%).

Figure 4.5 – Average TSS for the reactor runs using single wedge large notched

waveguides with varying light intensity and CO2 partial pressure. Error bars represent 95%

confidence intervals











0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000





S (



Incident Photon Flux into Waveguide (μmol/m2 day)




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Figure 4.6 – Nitrogen and Phosphorous concentrations for the inlet and outlet of the

waveguide reactor (Light: 7200 μmol/m2 sec, CO2: 1%). Error bars show standard deviation.

4.3.3 Growth Kinetics of Algal Biofilms on Light Emitting Waveguides

The overall growth kinetics of the algal biofilms grown on the waveguide notches, back and

sides were non-linear overall, but have did linear portions (Figures 4.7 a-e and 4.8 a-d). The

growth appears to be linear and then is followed by a plateau or sloughing. This trend is

consistent with data presented by Schnurr et al. (2013), and Gross et al. (2013). Linear (as

opposed to exponential) growth curves for microorganisms in conventional bioprocessing system

suggest chemical or mass transport limitations to growth. For the algal biofilms, this implies a

nutrient, diffusion, or a light limitation within the biofilm. Modeling of algal biofilms by Flora et

al. (1995) and Liehr et al. (1990) show the CO2 concentration within an algal biofilm drops to

zero at a depth of 200 μm and that light intensity drops off to 6.1% of the initial light intensity.

This implies that the fundamental growth kinetics of algal biofilms are likely limited by either

inorganic carbon or light at the low light intensity conditions tested. At the medium and high

light intensities, the algal biofilms are not entirely light limited, but since there are still regions of

linear growth, this suggests that light saturation of algal biofilms also induces linear growth

curves in algal biofilms. There also seems to be a photo inhibition effect when the CO2 partial























0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14













Time (days)

Nitrogen Inlet









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pressure was atmospheric since the algal film biomass was less on day 14 when the incident

photon flux into the waveguide was increased from 1600 μmol/m2 sec to 7200 μmol/m

2 sec. In

the dark control experiment (Figure 4.7b), the algal biofilm yield was not statistically

significantly different than zero, which implies that algal biofilms were not capable of growing

in the reactor without light.

Figure 4.7 – Algal growth kinetics on the large notch waveguides: a) Growth kinetics on

the various faces of the waveguide at 1% CO2 and 7200 μmol/m2 sec, b) Growth kinetics on the

front with CO2 = 1%, c) Growth kinetics on the front with CO2 = ATM, d) Growth kinetics on

the front with CO2 = 3%. Error bars represent standard deviation.

The growth overall growth kinetics as shown in Figures 4.7 b showed that increasing light

intensity (12600 μmol/m2 sec) caused the algal biofilms to reach a plateau at around 20 g/m


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Plateauing was common for algal biofilms grown at 7200 μmol/m2 sec at 1% CO2, but the

plateaus occurred at biomass yields above 30 g/m2 day. Algal biofilms grown on the single

wedge large notch waveguide reached higher algal biofilm yields, compared to algal biofilms

grown on the other types of waveguides (single wedge, double wedge, single wedge small notch,

double wedge small notch) (Figure 4.8 a-d).

Figure 4.8 – Algal biofilm growth kinetics on a) single wedge waveguides b) double

wedge waveguides, c) single wedge small notches and d) double wedge small notches (7200

μmol/m2 sec, CO2 = 1%). Error bars represent standard deviation.

Adding small notches to the waveguides appeared to increase the yield on the notched sides and

decreased the yield on the non-notched sides (Figures 4.8 a-d).This implies that algal biofilms

preferred to grow on the notched surface even though for the single wedge and single wedge

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with small notches the light emission profiles did not vary significantly. This implies that

embossing the surface with structured surfaces larger than the algae cell enhances biomass

accumulation to the surface which is agreement with results observed in Chapter 3. Sloughing of

the algal biofilms on the back of the double wedge small notch was observed on days 12 and 14

(Figure 4.8 d).

The regrowth of algal biofilms on the front of the different styles of waveguides had similar

profiles to the initial growth (Figures 4.8 a-d), but the yields did not exceed the initial growth in

contrast to results by Christenson and Sims (2012), which show that the algal biofilm yield for

regrowth was significantly higher than the initial growth.

4.3.4 Algal Biofilm Productivity on Light Emitting Waveguides

The algal biofilm productivities on the front of the large notched waveguide ranged from 0.25-

2.9 g/m2 day depending on conditions (Figures 4.9 a and b). The highest productivity observed in

this study (2.9 g/m2 day) was at the conditions of 3% CO2 partial pressure and high light

intensity (12600 μmol/m2 sec); however this was not statistically different compared to the

following conditions: 1% CO2 with medium (7200 μmol/m2

sec) and high light intensity (12600

μmol/m2 sec), and 3% CO2 at medium light intensity (7200 μmol/m

2 sec). These productivities

were significantly higher than those reported by Christenson and Sims (2012) (1.4 g/m2 day) and

in Chapter 3 (1.2 g/m2 day) for algal biofilms grown on acrylic. The surface area productivities at

these conditions were also higher than for similar algal biofilms grown on other materials (Gross

et al. 2013) (1-1.5 g/m2 day on cotton in a RAB reactor), and comparable to the maximum values

reported by Schnurr et al. (2013) (2.1-2.8 g/m2 day on glass in a horizontal plate reactor).

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Figure 4.9 – a) Algal biofilm productivity on the front of the single wedge large notch

waveguide at different conditions b) Algal biofilm productivity per single wedge large notch

waveguide at different conditions. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals.

Algal biofilm productivity on the large notch waveguide front was significantly higher than

growth on the sides or back of the waveguide (Figure 4.7 a). This observation was consistent

across all conditions tested for the large notch waveguide. This is in contrast to algal biofilms

grown on the single, double wedge waveguides, and double wedge waveguides with small

notches (Figure 4.10), where the growth on the front, sides and back of the waveguides were

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similar even though the light emission from the sides of the waveguides is statistically

significantly lower than the front or the back (Figures 4.4 b and c).

Figure 4.10 - Algal biofilm productivity on single wedge, double wedge, single wedge

small notch and double wedge small notch, on each side and including regrowth (CO2 = 1%,

7200 μmol/m2 sec). Error bars show 95% confidence intervals.

The algal biofilm productivity on front, back, sides and regrowth of the single wedge (0.82 g/m2

day, 0.81 g/m2 day, 0.71 g/m

2 day, 0.86 g/m

2 day respectively) and on the double wedge

waveguide (0.57 g/m2 day, 0.61 g/m

2 day, 0.69 g/m

2 day, 0.68 g/m

2 day respectively) were not

statistically different (Figure 4.10). The light intensity emitted from the front and back surfaces

of the double edge waveguides was ~2 – 3 times larger than that emitted from the side surfaces

(Figures 4.4 b and c). It is possible that the light intensity emitted from the sides is sufficient

enough to saturate the algal biofilm. Algae grown in suspension under white light becomes light

saturated between 400-500 μmol/m2 sec (Melis 2009). Previous results from Johnson and Wen

(2010) and Christenson and Sims (2012) demonstrated that regrowth on materials, improved

algal biofilm productivity, but this result was not replicated in this study, possibly due to the

difference in materials used or the vertical orientation of the waveguides. In chapter 3, it was

demonstrated that acrylic was a poor material to grow algal biofilms on, and had the lowest










Single Wedge Double Wedge Single Wedge Small


Double Wedge Small





m P




y (


2 d



Front Back Side Regrowth

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productivity out of the materials tested (glass, cellulose acetate, polycarbonate, polystyrene,

acrylic, and silicone rubber).

The algal film productivity on the front of the single wedge small notched waveguides (1.12

g/m2 day) was statistically significantly higher than the productivity on the back (0.44 g/m

2 day)

and the side (0.33 g/m2 day) (Figure 4.10). The light emission from the single wedge small

notched waveguides was similar to the light emission from the single wedge waveguides (Figure

3 b and d). The improvement in algal film productivity from the front of the single wedge small

notch waveguide compared to the back, sides and the front of the single wedge waveguide may

be the result of improved attachment of the algal biofilm. Chapter 3 saw a similar trend, where

embossing acrylic with microstructures in a parallel plate airlift reactor resulted in a 70%

increase in algal film productivity. The increase in algal film growth on the front of the single

wedge small notch waveguide appears to have come at the expense of growth on the back and

sides of the waveguide. The total algal biofilm growth on the waveguide decreased when the

single wedge was notched with small notches (Table 4.2).

At the operation conditions of 1 % CO2 and medium light intensity (7200 μmol/m2 sec), the

algal biofilm productivities on the front, back and side of the waveguide were 2.8 g/m2 day, 0.26

g/m2 day and 0.57 g/m

2 day respectively, which yields an overall algal film productivity of

0.00572 g/day on a single waveguide. With 24 waveguides in the reactor, the net reactor

productivity was 0.14 g/day and when considering the aerial foot print of the reactor, the

productivity was 1.7 g/m2 day. If the waveguide aerial foot print is considered, the aerial

productivity of the waveguide was 35.5 g/m2 day. It would be unreasonable to assume that the

ideal waveguide reactor would contain waveguides which were not spaced apart, so if a reactor

was designed in which the waveguides were spaced 1.27 cm apart, and the productivity obtained

in this study was transferable to the other reactor, the aerial productivity of the reactor could be

15.2 g/m2 day, which is comparable to results obtained by Christenson and Sims (2012) (21-30

g/m2 day). This implies that important design parameters for scaling up a waveguide algal film

photobioreactor would be waveguide size, packing, light emission and CO2 concentration.

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The total algal film productivity per waveguide was not statistically significantly different except

between the single wedge vs. single wedge small notch at the 95% confidence level (Table 4.2).

For all waveguide reactor runs at 7200 μmol/m2 sec and 1% CO2 partial pressure, the suspended

productivity was not statistically significantly different from the total biofilm productivity

(defined as the algal film productivity on the waveguides only). The suspended productivity was

statistically significantly lower in the waveguide reactors than the productivity in the PPAL in

Chapter 3 (suspended productivity of 0.72 g/day). The total reactor productivity from the single

wedge waveguide reactor was statistically significantly greater than the productivity from the

single wedge small notch waveguide reactor. The light emission profiles from these two

waveguides are similar, so this suggests that the notched surface had a significant impact on the


Table 4.2 – Suspended and attached estimation of productivities in the reactor at the following

conditions: 7200 μmol/m2 s, 1% partial pressure of CO2. (95% confidence intervals shown)





















Single Wedge

Large Notch

0.0057±0.001 0.14 ±0.02 0.19 ±0.03

0.33 ±0.05 42%

Single Wedge 0.0071±0.001 0.17 ±0.03 0.20 ±0.04 0.37 ±0.07 46%



0.0055 ±0.002 0.13 ±0.05 0.20 ±0.04 0.33 ±0.09 39%

Single Wedge

Small Notch

0.0038 ±0.001 0.09 ±0.03 0.11 ±0.02 0.20 ±0.05 45%


Wedge Small


0.0038 ±0.002 0.09 ±0.05 0.14 ±0.03 0.23 ±0.08 39%

4.3.5 Substrate and Light Limitations

Algal biofilms grown at atmospheric CO2 demonstrated a statistically significant decrease in

productivity from low light intensity (0.52 g/m2 day) to medium (0.21 g/m

2 day) and high light

intensity (0.23 g/m2 day) as shown in Figure 4.7a. Increasing the light intensity from low (1600

μmol/m2 sec) to medium (7200 μmol/m

2 sec) at 1% and 3% CO2 resulted in statistically

significant increases in algal biofilm productivity from 0.61 g/m2 day to 2.8 g/m

2 day for 1%

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CO2 and 1.2 g/m2 day to 2.8 g/m

2 day for 3% CO2. Increasing the light intensity to high (12600

μmol/m2 sec) did not improve the productivity of the algal biofilms at 1% and 3% CO2. A

multiple linear regression on the algal biofilm productivity does not yield a statistically

significant correlation for the front (P = 0.097), back (P = 0.163), or sides (P = 0.559) which

implies algal film productivity on the waveguide is a non-linear function of CO2 partial pressure

and light intensity or the number of data points is insufficient. A modeling study by Liehr et al.

(1990) on the effects of light intensity and CO2 on algal biofilm growth would imply that the

relationship is highly non-linear, which is in agreement with the results of this study.

The results from Figures 4.7 a and b show that algal biofilm productivity increases with light

intensity and CO2 concentration, but experience a saturation effect with respect to CO2 and light

intensity. Increasing the CO2 partial pressure from atmospheric (0.04%) to 1% improved algal

biofilm productivity at medium and high light intensities. This is counter to what Gross et al.

(2013) observed with their RAB system, where an increase in CO2 partial pressure beyond

atmospheric did not result in an increase in productivity, but is consistent with Blanken et al.

(2014). In both studies, the algal biofilms were partially exposed to the atmosphere. Modeling

studies by Liehr et al. (1990) and Flora et al. (1995) showed algal biofilms experienced

inorganic carbon diffusion limitations when the dissolved inorganic carbon concentrations

expected at atmospheric CO2 partial pressure.

Previous studies on the influence of light intensity on algal biofilm growth are limited. A study

by Schnurr et al. (2014) demonstrated that a decrease in light intensity from 100 μmol/m2 sec to

50 μmol/m2 sec resulted in a decrease in productivity from 1.7 g/m

2 day to 0.9 g/m

2 day. The

study did not examine light intensities or the possibility of light saturation. Planktonic algal

cultures will become light saturated and increasing the light intensity beyond the light saturation

point does not improve algal growth (Steele 1965, Melis et al. 1999, Melis 2009) and past the

saturation light intensity, there can be a decrease in algal cell growth (Baroli and Melis 1995).

When the algal biofilms were grown at 1% and 3% CO2, increasing light intensity past the

saturation point did not improve algal film growth, but did not decrease it either, whereas

increasing light intensity when atmospheric CO2 was sparged in, algal film productivity

decreased. This implies that when algal biofilms are carbon starved, increasing light intensity

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past the light saturation point will hinder growth rates; whereas non-carbon starved biofilms will

not see a decrease or increase in growth rates. This suggests that increasing CO2 concentration

can offset the effects that high light intensity has on photo inhibition of algal biofilms. Pope

(1975) observed that for suspended microalgae inhibition of photosynthesis (CO2 fixation and

growth) increases with increasing light intensity beyond the light saturation point, but increasing

CO2 concentrations can decrease the effect that high light intensities have on photo inhibition.

There is evidence to suggest that an active photosynthetic carbon metabolism in the algae cell

prevents photoinhibition (Powles 1984).

4.3.6 Photon to Biomass Conversion

The grams of biomass produced per mol of photon emitted from the LEDs decreased with

increasing inlet photon flux (Figure 4.11). The highest biomass to photon ratio (0.074

gbiomass/molphoton) occurred at 1600 μmol/m2 sec and 1% CO2, while the lowest biomass to

photon ratio (0.003 gbiomass/molphoton) occurred at atmospheric CO2 and photon flux of 12600

μmol/m2 sec, which was statistically significantly different than the biomass to photon ratio with

the same CO2 conditions and lower photon flux of 7200 μmol/m2 sec. The gram biomass per mol

photon ratio was not statistically significantly different for the CO2 partial pressures at the same

photon flux (1600 μmol/m2 sec). This implies that the photon to biomass conversion is most

efficient at low light intensities and when the biofilm is not carbon limited. This is consistent

with the fundamental theories outlined by Osborne and Geider (1987), Melis (2009) and the

results on suspended algae which were reported by Melis et al. (1999). The photon to biomass

conversion ratio can be a helpful metric for understanding the light efficiency of algal film


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Figure 4.11 – Biomass photon conversion ratios from algal biofilms grown on the single

wedge large notch waveguide. Error bars show the 95% confidence intervals calculated from a

linear regression (n = 18)

The biomass photon conversion ratio for algal biofilm systems is not presented in the literature,

but a comparison can be made to the theoretical maximum for suspended algae. The theoretical

maximum photon to CO2 conversion for C. vulgaris is reported to be 1 mol of CO2 sequestered

per 8 mol of photons (Melis 2009) and the CO2 to biomass conversion is 1.85 g of CO2 per 1 g of

biomass. Based on these numbers it is estimated that the theoretical maximum biomass ratio is

2.97 g/mol photon. The biomass photon conversion ratios calculated here are significantly lower

than this value.

4.3.7 Lipid Content

The neutral lipid content for the algal biofilms grown on the waveguides ranged from 12-15%

(w/w) and was not statistically significantly different at the 95% confidence level depending on

the CO2 partial pressure or light intensity. The results are higher than those reported by Johnson

and Wen (2010) (6-9% w/w) and results from chapter 3 (6-8% w/w), but are similar to those

found by Schnurr et al. (2013) (5-10% w/w) and by Christenson and Sims (11-12% w/w). For

the conditions of 1% CO2 partial pressure and 7200 μmol/m2 sec, the lipid productivity for algal

biofilms grown in the notch was 0.34-0.42 g/m2 day; aerial reactor productivity was 0.19-0.24

g/m2 day, and the waveguide aerial productivity was 4-5 g/m

2 day. The aerial reactor

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productivity is lower than those of terrestrial crops (0.25 g/m2 day) and values reported by

Christenson and Sims (2012) (2.2-2.5 g/m2 day). The results in this study suggest that the lipid

content of algal films may not be affected by light intensity, which is consistent with the results

presented by Ho et al. (2012) for S. obliquus grown in suspension; however Guedes et al. (2010)

showed a decrease in lipid content of Pavlova lutheri with increasing light intensity.

4.3.8 Comparison of Algal Film Photobioreactors

Table 4.3 compares the algal film productivities, attachment material, light source and neutral

lipid content of the reactor in this study to other algal film photobioreactors reported in literature.

RAB reactors such as the ones designed by Christenson and Sims (2012) and Gross and Wen

(2013) continue to have the highest reported aerial productivity (20-31 g/m2 day and 10.5 g/m


day respectively), but direct comparisons can be difficult, because attachment material, light

intensity, algal culture composition, reactor configuration, and nutrient loads can impact algal

biofilm productivity (Christenson and Sims 2012, Schnurr et al. 2013, Genin et al. 2014). When

examining surface area productivity, the single wedge large notch waveguide (2.8 g/m2 day)

performs just as well as reactors developed by Christenson and Sims (2012) (2.5 g/m2 day),

Schnurr et al. (2013) and Gross et al. (2013). This indicates that light emitting waveguides

present a promising approach to the production of algal biomass.

Table 4.3 – Algal Film Photobioreactor Productivity comparison

Reactor Material Surface Area


g/m2 day




Species Light source Reference



Acrylic 2.9 12-15% Mixed Red LEDs This Chapter

PPAL Cellulose


2.1 6-8% Mixed White LEDS Chapter 3

Flat Plate Glass 2.8 5-10% S. obliquus Red LEDs Schnurr et al.


RAB Cotton 3.51 7-8% C. vulgaris White Light Gross et al.



scale RAB



2.5 11.2-


Mixed White light Christenson and

Sims (2012)



Concrete 0.7 20-25% B. braunii White light Ozkan et al.


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4.4 Conclusions

In this chapter, growth of algal biofilms on light emitting waveguides was demonstrated. The

design of the waveguides impacts the light emitted from the waveguides, which in turn, impacts

the algal biofilm productivity. The highest measured surface area productivity recorded was on

front of the single wedge large notch waveguides which was 2.9 g/m2 day, a FAME productivity

of 0.34-0.42 g/m2 day, a nitrogen removal efficiency of 40-49% and a phosphorus removal

efficiency of 15-30%. Algal biofilm productivity showed a dependency on light intensity and

CO2 concentration; however, algal biofilms became light and CO2 saturated. The interaction

effects that light and CO2 have on algal biofilm productivity is complex. The negative effect of

increasing light intensity beyond the saturation point on algal biofilm growth can be reduced by

increasing the CO2 concentration. Algal biofilms grown on the light emitting waveguides did not

show changes in neutral lipid content with the various light and CO2 conditions tested. The

results indicate the potential for algal biofilms to be grown on light emitting waveguides which

opens up the opportunity to explore new algal film photobioreactor configurations.

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Chapter 5 Modeling Light and CO2 Growth Kinetics Dependence in Algal



A model was developed to describe algal biofilm growth and estimate productivity based on

inorganic carbon concentration, illumination intensity and incident light direction. The model

considers the inorganic carbon utilization and production from photosynthesis, respiration and

diffusion. The overall pseudo-steady state material balance yielded a second order nonlinear

ordinary differential equation (ODE). This system was solved as a transient partial differential

equation (PDE) with a 4th

order Runge-Kutta algorithm until the steady state inorganic carbon

profile was reached. The results showed that algal biofilm growth kinetics followed saturation

kinetics with respect to inorganic carbon concentration and light intensity. Light direction did

affect algal biofilm productivities at certain conditions. A simplification of the model was

derived in which the biofilm was assumed not to be inorganic carbon limited which results in

zero order consumption kinetics with respect to inorganic carbon. This model was compared to

experimental data and the Monod maximum coefficient was estimated, which showed strong

agreement with values of the Monod maximum constant found in literature for algae.

5.1 Introduction

Models describing algal biofilm growth are not as well studied or understood as compared with

suspended systems where there are a number of models. Models developed by Liehr et al. (1988,

1989, 1990) and Flora et al. (1993, 1995) have studied diffusion and concentration profiles of

nutrients such as inorganic carbon, phosphorous, and pH into algal biofilms, but did not generate

algal growth profiles. The models proposed by Liehr et al. (1988, 1989, 1990) and Flora et al.

(1993, 1995) take into consideration the limitations imposed by carbon, light, and pH in algal

biofilms while using ion charge to modify the diffusion profiles. Liehr et al. (1988, 1989, 1990)

and Flora et al. (1995) based their model on the assumption that only CO2 was consumed by the

algal biofilm while the other species of inorganic carbon, HCO3- and CO3

2-, were not consumed.

Past experiments by Goldman and Graham (1981), Thielmann et al. (1990), and Watson (2009)

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showed that algae have mechanisms for consuming HCO3- and CO3

2-, and Wolf-Gladrow and

Riebesell (1997) showed that neglecting the consumption of HCO3- by algal cells results in

significant deviations in the growth and inorganic carbon concentration profiles. The model

developed by Liehr et al. (1988, 1989, 1990) assumed that alkalinity was comprised of HCO3-,


, H+, and OH

-, however, in algal film photobioreactor systems, Bold’s Basic Media (BBM)

contains phosphates which contribute to alkalinity. A model developed by Lin et al. (2003)

estimated the growth of algal biofilms, but neglected the effects of light intensity on algal biofilm

growth and assumed that only HCO3- was consumed by the algae.

While these models have been useful, they have not been compared to experimental data, nor

have analytical models for algal biofilm growth been developed. Most models are focused on the

diffusion of inorganic carbon species and pH profiles into the biofilm and do not address algal

biofilm growth. All models for algal biofilm growth (Liehr et al. 1988, 1989, 1990, Flora et al.

1993, 1995, Wolf et al. 2007) assume that light originates from the water side, which means the

algal biofilm is not attached to a light emitting source. A recent study by Schnurr et al. (2014)

demonstrated that algal biofilms not only grow on a light emitting surface, but the direction of

light does not affect algal biofilm growth kinetics. The study did not vary carbon dioxide

concentration or check whether there was an interaction effect between carbon dioxide and light


Most of the models that have investigated the growth of algal biofilms have focused on the ion

and nutrient diffusion profiles within algal or phototrophic biofilms (Liehr et al. 1990, Flora et

al. 1995, Wolf et al. 2007), but have not focused on the effects of light direction and intensity on

the growth of algal biofilms. To help size future algal film photobioreactors, simple models that

can relate the important parameters to algal biofilm growth kinetics and productivity are needed

with preference for analytical models which can be applied to reactor design equations.

While many models have enhanced our understanding of light-inorganic carbon interactions in

algal biofilms, there are no rigorous comparisons between the models and experimental data. The

purpose of this study is to develop a model that describes the growth of algal biofilms and

examines the effects of inorganic carbon and light intensity on the growth kinetics and

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productivity. The predicted growth kinetics were compared to experimental data presented in the


5.2 Theory

5.2.1 Model Development

The model developed describes inorganic carbon utilization in the algal biofilm, which is

assumed to have a uniform density and composition. Inorganic carbon and light are considered to

be the limiting conditions and all other nutrients are assumed to be in excess. In this pseudo-

steady state problem, the model assumes that microorganisms are not being removed or added to

the biofilm through attachment or detachment. In the model, the inorganic ion species, CO2,

HCO3-, and CO3

2- are aggregated into a single term representing all inorganic carbon (Figure


Figure 5.1 – Schematic of the model showing light and inorganic carbon profiles

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The model begins with the transient material balance of inorganic carbon at a point in the biofilm

that includes mass transfer by diffusion and generation/consumption:


𝜕𝑥2 + 𝑟𝑖 =𝜕𝐶

𝜕𝑡 (5.1)

Where, C [mg/cm3] represents the concentration of inorganic carbon, D [cm

2/day] is the

diffusion of inorganic carbon in the biofilm, t [day] is time, x [cm] is distance, and ri is the rate of

inorganic carbon generation or consumption [mg/day]. It is assumed that the steady state

diffusion of inorganic carbon into an algal biofilm can be reached faster than the algal biofilm

can grow. The transient problem was used because the solution for the steady state system using

the shooting method failed to converge at certain conditions. A further discussion of this can be

found in Appendix C.

For algal biofilms, the Monod model combined with the Steele relationship and a first order

respiration model is used, which is represented by equation (5.2).

𝑟 = −𝜇𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑥𝑓𝐶

𝐾𝑠+𝐶𝐹𝑙 + 𝑏


𝑌 (5.2)

Where μmax is the Monod max constant for algae [1/day], xf is the biomass density as mass of

inorganic carbon [mgC/cm3], Ks is the Monod half-saturation constant for inorganic carbon

[mgC/cm3], b is the respiration coefficient [1/day], Y is the yield coefficient [mgBiomass/mgC]

and Fl is a ratio which is expressed by the Steele relationship (Steele 1965). Compared to past

models developed by Liehr et al. (1988, 1989, 1990) and Flora et al. (1993, 1995), the inorganic

carbon species are lumped together in one term, C. The Steele relationship is represented below

(Steele 1965):

𝐹𝑙 =𝐼



𝐼𝑠) (5.3)

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Where Fl is the light limitation fraction, I is the light intensity [μmol/m2 sec], and Is [μmol/m


sec] is the saturation light intensity. The Steele relationship describes the photoinhibition effect

that algae experience (Steele 1965, Melis et al. 1999, Melis 2009).There are alternative

relationships to describe the photo-inhibition effect such as the Haldane-type model; however,

these models are significantly more complex and are dependent on multiple parameters that must

be determined from experimental data. The light intensity in algal solutions or films is often

described by the Beer-Lambert law for light attenuation:

𝐼 = 𝐼0𝑒−𝛾𝑥 (5.4)

Where Ii is the light intensity at the surface of the biofilm or material [μmol/m2 sec], and γ is the

extinction coefficient [1/cm]. Most models on phototrophic biofilms that account for light (Liehr

et al. 1989, Flora et al. 1995, Wolf et al. 2007) use the Beer-Lambert law to describe light

attenuation. The light direction can be specified in the model as three possibilities: from the

water side, the material side, or from both sides.

The total flux of a substrate in an algal biofilm is represented by:

𝐽𝐶 = ∫ (𝜇𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑥𝑓𝐶






− 𝑏𝑥𝑓

𝑌) 𝑑𝑥


0 (5.5)

where Jc is the inorganic carbon flux [mgC/cm2], and Lf is the thickness of the biofilm [cm]. The

growth of an algal biofilm is then described as the conversion of the inorganic carbon into

biomass as described below:


𝑑𝑡= 𝑄𝐽𝑐 (5.6)

where M is the algal film biomass per surface area [g/m2], and Q is the yield coefficient of

inorganic carbon to biomass [mgBiomass/mgC].

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Finally, the total inorganic carbon flux into the biofilm is represented by:

𝐽0 = −𝐷𝜕𝐶

𝜕𝑥|𝑥=0 (5.7)

There are alternative mathematical models for describing algal growth such as Droop kinetics

(Droop 1968); however, this model was not used because Goldman and Graham (1981) reported

that the Droop kinetics did not adequately describe inorganic carbon dependent growth of green

algae on a mass basis. The model as described above assumes inorganic carbon and light are the

two limiting growth factors, of which the Droop kinetics does not describe well.

5.2.2 Model Solution

The model uses a finite difference method assuming a transient state and solve until steady state

is reached. To solve this, the following equation is the transient diffusion into the algal biofilm:


𝑑𝑡= 𝐷




𝐾𝑠+𝐶𝐹𝑙 + 𝑏


𝑌 (5.8)

The transient equation is solved to steady state by using the finite discretization method on the

right hand side (RHS) and solving for dC/dt. A 4th

order Runge-Kutta is used to iterate the time

setup until steady state was reached based on a convergence criteria. The time step and

convergence were set to be adaptable within the following ranges: time: 0.0001-0.0002 days, and

convergence: 10-8

- 10-6

. This method was used instead of the shooting method because it was

capable of converging under all conditions tested. A detailed description of the shooting method

along with the issues of using the method can be found in Appendix C.

The boundary conditions applied were: [C] = [C]bulk at x = 0 and that d[C]/dx = 0 at x=Lf. The

flux of inorganic carbon into the biofilm (D*d[C]/dx at x = 0) is set to be equal to the reaction

rate integrated over the depth of the biofilm (equation 5.5). After the total inorganic carbon

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consumed by the biofilm was calculated, the growth of the biofilm over a defined time period

was calculated by using a discretized form of equation (5.6).

5.2.3 Parameters

The parameters used in this model include an aggregate diffusion coefficient of inorganic carbon

in the biofilm (D), growth kinetics coefficients (μmax, Ks, Is), light extinction coefficient (γ),

biomass density (xf), and yield coefficient (Q). The light direction is also specified with three

possible light origins: water side, material side, and both sides. Values for these parameters were

taken from literature based on averaged values and are summarized in Table 5.1 along with


Growth kinetics parameters used in the model are dependent on the algal species being modeled.

The Monod max constant for algae can range from 0.5-3 1/day depending on the spices

(Goldman 1974, Watson 2009). In this model, the value chosen is based on the average values of

the algal species present in the biofilm. For the simulations conducted in this paper, the Monod

max constant and saturation constant were based on average values for S. Obliquus (1.2 ± 0.4

1/day and 3*10-4

mgC/cm3) (Watson 2009). The light saturation coefficient for the algal biofilm

(Is) is based on values reported by Melis et al. (1999), which for white light is 400 μmol/m2 sec

(Melis 2009). Light attenuation through the biofilm was based on values used by Liehr et al.

(1990) and Flora et al. (1995). The yield coefficient was chosen to be 1 mgCBiomass/mgC,

which means that one gram of carbon in the algal biomass, was fixed from one gram of inorganic

carbon. A respiration rate of 0.1 1/day was chosen (Bowie et al. 1985).

The diffusion coefficient for inorganic carbon through a biofilm was adapted from the diffusion

coefficients reported by Flora et al. (1995) by taking the average of the diffusion coefficients for

each inorganic carbon species. The yield coefficient is derived from assuming a carbon to dry

weight ratio of 0.5 (Liehr et al. 1990) and assuming that one gram of carbon biomass results

from each net gram of inorganic carbon fixed. Experimental results place the density of the

biofilm between 90-160 g/L (Christenson and Sims 2012, Ozkan et al. 2012) and so value of 10

g/L was chosen for the model.

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Table 5.1 – List of Parameters used in the Model

Parameter Units Value Reference

μmax days-1

1.2 Goldman (1974), Bowie

(1985), Watson (2009)

D cm2/day 1.14 Flora et al. (1995)

xf mgC/cm3 50 Liehr et al. (1990)

γ cm-1

140 Liehr et al. (1990)

Is μmol/m2 s 200 red, 400


Liehr et al. (1990), Melis


Q mg Biomass/mgC 0.5

Ks mgC/cm3 3*10

-4 Watson (2009)

ρ mg/cm3 100 g/L Christenson and Sims (2012),

Ozkan et al. (2013)

b 1/day 0.1 Bowie et al. (1985)

Y mgC/mgC 1 Bowie et al. (1985)

5.2.4 Analytical Simplification of Model

A special condition arises when the algal biofilm is assumed to be saturated with inorganic

carbon in such that C >> Ks. Under this condition, the algal biofilm follows zero order growth

kinetics with respect to inorganic carbon and thus is light limited. Liehr et al. (1990) discussed

this condition and modeled the case when light was on the water side. Under these conditions, it

is possible to derive analytical expressions for the algal biofilm growth under two conditions,

namely with light direction from the water side or from the material side. These expressions are

summarized in the equations below:


𝑑𝑡= 𝑄 ∫ (𝜇𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑥𝑓




𝑒−𝛾𝑥)− 𝑏




0 (5.9)


𝑑𝑡= 𝑄 ∫ (𝜇𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑥𝑓





)− 𝑏




0 (5.10)

Integrating the right hand side (RHS) of equations (5.9) and (5.10) yields the following


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𝑑𝑡= 𝑄 (





− 𝑒(1−


)) − 𝑏


𝑌𝐿𝑓) (5.11)


𝑑𝑡= 𝑄 (−




)− 𝑒



) − 𝑏𝑥𝑓

𝑌𝐿𝑓) (5.12)

Equations (5.10) and (5.11) are identical and are referred to as analytical equations because they

are analytical with respect to the growth rate. This implies that algal biofilms grown under light

limited conditions will have similar growth kinetics regardless of light direction. Results from

Schnurr et al. (2014) demonstrated that algal biofilms grown under their operating conditions,

light direction did not affect algal biofilm growth which is consistent with the analytical model.

Equation (5.10) was solved by using ode45 in MATLAB®, which uses a 4th

or 5th

order Runge-

Kutta numerical method. The MATLAB® function lsqcurvefit was used to estimate the Monod

maximum constant (μmax) to experimental algal biofilm growth data found in the literature, using

equation (5.11) and the parameters found in Table 5.1.The MATLAB® function lsqcurvefit uses

a least squares method for adjusting parameters. To determine the thickness of the biofilm when

respiration was equal to consumption of inorganic carbon, a GRG non-linear root solving method

was used on equation (5.10). The MATLAB® code used to solve these models is contained

within Appendix C.

The analytical model as described by equations (5.11) and (5.12) describe the algal biofilm

growth rate as a definable function. This does not describe the inorganic carbon profile within

the biofilm. In Chapter 6, a complimentary model which describes the transient and steady state

solution for inorganic carbon profiles within algal biofilms is presented and discussed.

5.3 Results and Discussion

5.3.1 Model Stability

The initial mass of the biofilm was kept constant throughout the simulation with a value of 1.5

g/m2. This value is greater than 1 g/m

2, which is reported to be the minimum amount of algal

biomass required to negate the effects that the material surface energies have on algal biofilm

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colonization (Chapter 3). The bulk pH was held constant at 7.0 and all inorganic carbon

concentrations were calculated as such.

The stability of the model was affected by the step size (time) and the box size (distance). Failure

to converge could be remedied by changing the step size when needed. The transient model

would converge to steady state after 1 hour worth of time steps were taken, but this was

dependent on the inorganic carbon concentration at the biofilm-water interface.

5.3.2 Analytical Model Analysis

Algal biofilm growth rate as predicted by the analytical model (Figure 5.2) have an initial region

exponential growth, which then reaches the maximum growth rate followed by an exponential

decline in the growth rate that asymptotically approaches zero. This results in a predicted growth

curve which follows a sigmoidal pattern. The model suggests that even without considering cell

detachment from the algal biofilm that the biofilm will eventually stop growing in thickness. In

the equations (5.11) and (5.12), growth of the algal biofilm occurs when the rate of inorganic

carbon utilization is greater than the rate of respiration. The plateau as shown in Figure 5.2

occurs when the rate of inorganic carbon utilization is equal to the rate of respiration. There have

been observations of a plateau in algal biofilm growth (Gross et al. 2013, Chapter 3), but it is

unknown whether this plateau is caused by shear or whether the inorganic carbon respiration in

the biofilm is equal to the inorganic flux into the biofilm which can be represented by equation





0= 𝑏


𝑌𝐿𝑓 (5.13)

In the case described by equation (5.13), the cellular respiration is equal to the consumption

which is a steady state condition. At this condition, the net flux of inorganic carbon into the

biofilm is zero, since the biofilm is consuming inorganic carbon at the same rate which it is

producing it. When this is reached, the biofilm has reached its maximum thickness for the

provided conditions. The growth rate of the algal biofilm is related to the thickness of the algal

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biofilm. This suggests there is an optimal time to harvest the algal biofilm just after it has

reached its maximum growth rate and that allowing some algal biomass to remain after

harvesting would enable the algal biofilm to continue to grow at its maximum growth rate.

Figure 5.2 – Predicted algal film biomass (left vertical axis) and growth rate (right

vertical axis) using the analytical model with varying light intensities

The analytical model predicts that there is a maximum growth rate which is dependent on the

parameters and conditions (Figure 5.2) (Table 5.1). The maximum growth rate of the algal

biofilm increases with light intensity, but under very high light intensities (>1200 μmol/m2 sec),

the analytical model predicts that a thin film of algae will have a negative algal biofilm growth

rate. This occurs because the thin biofilm is so light saturated that the inorganic carbon

consumption within the algal biofilm is smaller than the inorganic carbon respiration. In essence,

the model predicts that photobleaching has occurred at these conditions. Biofilms that are already

established (i.e. thick), do not experience such phenomena, which suggests that under very high

light intensities, algal biofilms can grow, but regions close to the light source are non-productive

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(not contributing to growth). It also implies that as the algal biofilm grows, the light intensity

should be increased to ensure the maximum growth rate at that light intensity is achieved. This

idea is tested in Figure (5.3), where the light intensity is varied starting from 50 μmol/m2 sec and

increased linearly with respect to time in such a way that the area underneath the light intensity

as a function of time is equal as if the light intensity were set to a constant 100 μmol/m2 sec.

Figure 5.3 – Predicted algal film biomass (left vertical axis) and growth rate (right

vertical axis) with constant light intensity and light intensity which varies linearly with time.

By varying the light intensity with time, the growth rate of the algal biofilm can be kept closer to

its maximum value. This results in a higher algal biomass yield in the long term. This can be

further manipulated to optimize the growth of algal biofilms by keeping the algal biofilm

continuously growing near its maximum growth rate.

While the analytical model suggests algal biofilm growth kinetics are non-linear, it is possible

that over a small time range, experimental observations would suggest that algal biofilm growth



















0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140




m G


th R



/m2 d






m B





Time (days) Biomass Constant Light Intensity Biomass Increasing Light Intensity

Growth Rate Constant Light Intensity Growth Rate Increasing Light Intensity

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kinetics are linear. Assuming that experimental measurements of productivity have a 95%

confidence interval of ±0.25 g/m2 day (Schnurr et al. 2013, 2014, Gross et al. 2013), using the

parameters listed in Table 5.1 with an initial light intensity of 100 μmol/m2 sec, the range at

which the measured productivity would within this range for approximately 28 days.

The analytical model shows that important parameters which contribute to algal biofilm growth

are μmax, xf and γ since they appear in the form:max fx

. Increasing the Monod max constant

(μmax) can be achieved by selecting faster growing algal strains. The reported range of Monod

max constants for algae are 0.8-3 1/day (Bowie et al. 1985). The carbon density of the algal

biofilm is dependent on the carbon composition of the algae along with the biomass density,

which could potentially be accomplished through strain selection. Decreasing the light

attenuation coefficient (γ) by decreasing the pigment density or the antenna size of the

chlorophyll would improve algal biofilm growth. The attenuation coefficient also appears in the

exponential. The most important parameters in in this combined term are the Monod maximum

constant and the extinction coefficient, since these parameters are known to be dependent on

algae species (Bowie et al. 1985). These two parameters impact the algal biofilm growth kinetics

and the maximum algal film biomass yield (Figure 5.4).

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Figure 5.4 – Predicted algal biofilm growth kinetics with varying a) extinction

coefficient, b) Monod maximum constant and c) the estimated productivity with varying both

parameters. Io = 100 μmol/m2 sec and other parameters are as is in Table 5.1

Algal biofilm productivity decreases with increasing extinction coefficient and increases with

increasing Monod maximum constant (Figure 5.4 a and b). There is an observed interaction

effect between the extinction coefficient and the Monod maximum constant on the algal biofilm

productivity; however this interaction effect is non-linear (Figure 5.4 c). These coefficients are

predicted to have profound impacts on algal biofilm productivity since a change of the Monod

maximum constant from 1.2 1/day to 2.0 1/day can yield a 50-100% increase in productivity,

depending on the other parameters.

A potentially interesting variation on the model is to investigate light-dark cycles and how that

effects algal biofilm growth. In this analysis, the light intensity was made into a function of time

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such that a 12h:12h light-dark cycle was constructed and there results were compared to growth

without dark-light cycles (Figure 5.5).

Figure 5.5 – Algal biofilm growth kinetics with a light-dark cycle of 12h:12h compared

to algal biofilm growth under constant illumination with a maximum light intensity of 100

μmol/m2 sec, a) over a period of 150 days, b) over a period of 22 days

The model suggests that algal biofilms which are exposed to alternating light cycles

would have a significantly lower growth rate than those exposed to constant illumination (Figure

5.5). This phenomena was also explored in the PHOBIA model (Wolf et al. 2007) and a cyclical

pattern in the growth rate was also observed. Experimental evidence has shown that algae grown

under alternating light-dark cycles had improved growth rates depending on the frequency and

ratio of light (Kok 1956, Degen et al. 2001). The model does not agree with experimental results

from the literature which may be because the model is not able to capture the light and dark
















0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160




te (


2 d






m B





Time (days)

a Biomass 12h:12h Biomass Constant Illumination

Growth Rate 12h:12h Growth Rate constant illumination

















0 5 10 15 20 25




te (


2 d






m B





Time (days)


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cycles present within algae. Future models should be developed which can capture this


5.3.3 Comparison to Experimental Data

The analytical model (equation 5.11) was compared to experimental data obtained by Schnurr et

al. (2014) (Figures 5.6 a-d). Current literature lacks sufficient data to estimate more than one

parameter. In the literature, the most common way to represent algal biofilm growth kinetics is

by single point productivity (Christenson and Sims 2012, Ozkan et al. 2012, Gross et al. 2013).

A few recent publications (Schnurr et al. 2013, 2014) provide values for biomass yield over

multiple time points. Equation (5.11) was used to fit the Monod max constant (μmax) to data from

the literature (Schnurr et al. 2014) summarized in Table 5.2. The predicted Monod max constants

for data obtained at 100 μmol/m2 sec (ranged from 1.45-1.88 1/days) were not statistically

different at the 95% confidence level and the values were in agreement with the Monod max

constant reported for S. obliquus grown in suspension by Goldman and Graham (1981). The

Monod constant was estimated to be statistically significantly different when the light intensity

was 50 μmol/m2 sec. This may be caused by the fact that data for the experiment conducted by

Schnurr et al. (2014) contained data points which were below the 1 g/m2 threshold discussed in

chapter 3 and thus, material-algae interactions and colonization may be contributing to the

growth of the algal biofilm. The model presented here, does not factor in attachment,

colonization or material-algae interactions, and thus may provide incorrect estimated parameters

for data with values below 1 g/m2.

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Figure 5.6 – Comparison between experimental data (Schnurr et al. 2014) and model

predictions for inorganic carbon saturated biofilms (zero order kinetics) for the following

conditions: a) & b) light incident from the water side, c) & d) light incident from the material

side. Incident photon flux in all cases was 100 μmol/m2 sec.

Table 5.2 – Fitted parameters to data presented in literature by Schnurr et al. (2014) (95%

confidence levels presented)

Parameter 100 μmol/m2

sec - Water

Side - 1

100 μmol/m2

sec - Water

Side - 2

100 μmol/m2

sec - Material

Side - 1

100 μmol/m2

sec - Material

Side - 2

50 μmol/m2

sec - Water


μmax 1.54 ±0.15 1.45 ±0.16 1.49 ±0.13 1.88 ±0.24 2.25 ±0.07

R2 0.77 0.97 0.94 0.91 0.98

The R2 value for the model fitted to experimental data (Schnurr et al. 2014), varied from 0.77 to

0.98. This suggests the model is capable of fitting experimental data. Unfortunately, there is not

enough data presented in the literature to accurately model and fit all the parameters.

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5.3.4 Numerical Model: Growth Kinetics

The numerical model predicted that algal biofilm growth kinetics were initially non-linear with

low, but increasing productivities, followed by a distinct region of linear growth (Figures 5.7 a-c

& 5.8 a-f). The model predicts that the growth kinetics of algal biofilms at all tested condition

begin to plateau as time increases. This is consistent with experimental observations about algal

biofilm growth (Schnurr et al. 2013, Gross et al. 2013). For very thick biofilms, the model

predicts that the flux of inorganic carbon entering the biofilm will reach zero, which is consistent

with the model developed by Liehr et al. (1988, 1989, 1990). Linear growth curves for

microorganisms in bioprocessing systems suggest a chemical or mass transport limitation to

growth. In the case for this model, this implies that the biofilms become either light limited,

carbon limited or a combination of both, depending on the conditions.

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Figure 5.7 – Predicted growth kinetics of algal biofilms at various carbon dioxide partial

pressures and different incident light directions: a) water side, b) material side, and c) both sides

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Results from Figure 5.8 show that light intensity has a substantial effect on algal biofilm growth

kinetics, but there is an interaction effect with CO2 on the overall growth kinetics. When the light

intensity is increased beyond the saturation light intensity, the algal biofilms continue to have

faster growth kinetics up to a point. Figures 5.8 a-f shows that at 600 μmol/m2 sec, the predicted

algal film biofilm biomass at day 10 is lower compared to algal biofilm growth at 350 μmol/m2

sec. At day 26, the algal film biomass at 600 μmol/m2 sec is comparable to that of 350 μmol/m


sec. This initial slow growth is caused by the thin algal biofilm (15-100 μm thick) being over

saturated by light, which results in slow growth This occurs since the Steele relationship

produces values less than 1 when the light intensity at a given point in the biofilm is greater than

the light saturation.

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Figure 5.8 – Growth kinetics of algal biofilms at different light intensities and directions

a): ATM-Water side, b): 2% CO2 –Water Side, c): ATM-Material Side, d): 2% CO2-Material

Side, e): ATM-Both Sides, f): 2% CO2-Both Sides

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5.3.5 Numerical Model: Inorganic Carbon Profiles

The inorganic carbon concentration profiles within the algal biofilm were estimated for different

bulk inorganic carbon concentrations and different light directions (Figures 5.9 a-f). This was

done by solving the inorganic carbon profile for a prescribed film thickness using methods

described in section 5.2.2. The inorganic carbon concentration profile when the bulk inorganic

carbon concentration was set to 0.045 gC/L (approximately 2% partial pressure at pH 7) was

dependent on the thickness and on the light direction (Figures 5.9 a, c, and e). In the cases when

light was incident from the material side and when light was originating from both sides, the

inorganic carbon concentration in the algal biofilm did not surpass the initial inorganic carbon

concentration, unlike the cases when the light was incident from the water side. The inorganic

carbon profiles, in the case when light is entering from the water side were similar in shape to

those described by Liehr et al. (1990) (Figures 5.9 a and b).

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Figure 5.9 – Inorganic carbon profiles in algal biofilms with Io = 100 μmol/m2 sec a)

light from the water side, CO2: 2%, b) light from the water side, CO2: ATM, c) light from

material side, CO2: 2%, d) light from the material side, CO2: ATM, e) light from both sides, CO2:

2%, and f) light from both sides, CO2: ATM.

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The inorganic carbon profiles show that the profile is dependent on the thickness of the algal

biofilm. Algal biofilms with a thickness of 655 μm had inorganic carbon concentrations which

were greater than the inorganic carbon at the water-biofilm interface (Figures 5.9). Algal

biofilms 655 μm thick which were illuminated from both sides had a positive inlet flux, while

algal biofilms illuminated from the material side had a negative inlet flux. The light direction had

a significant impact on whether the algal biofilm had a positive inlet flux, even though the total

photon flux entering the algal biofilm is the same in Figures 5.9 a-f. Inorganic carbon profiles in

this case were similar to those calculated by Aquasim. This suggests that algal biofilms which

are illuminated from both sides have the potential to reach a greater maximum thickness than

algal biofilms illuminated from the material side when at low bulk inorganic carbon

concentrations. The results also indicate that light direction does the flux of inorganic carbon into

the algal biofilm at low inorganic carbon concentrations (0.0009 gC/L).

5.3.6 Numerical Model: Productivity

The model predicts that the relationship between productivity and light intensity for algal biofilm

is non-linear and is dependent on light intensity, incident light direction and inorganic carbon

concentration (Figures 5.10 a-c). For all light directions and carbon concentrations, the

productivity increases linearly at low light intensities (<1/2 light saturation). The estimated

productivities at high inorganic carbon concentrations (0.045 g/L to 0.09 g/L) are not statistically

different and represent the biofilm being saturated with inorganic carbon. The productivity

plateaus at high light intensities and the plateau is dependent on the inorganic carbon

concentration and light direction. Algal biofilms which have light supplied from both directions,

plateau at higher productivities at a given inorganic carbon concentration than algal biofilms

with light provided from the water or material side only. Algal biofilms with light provided from

the water side experience a decrease in productivity at very high light intensities, where the

maximum productivity is dependent on inorganic carbon concentration. When light is provided

from the material side, a plateau is reached, but a decrease in productivity is not observed.

Increasing the light intensity beyond the plateau continues to see marginal increases in


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Figure 5.10 – Predicted algal biofilm productivities with varying light intensity and CO2

partial pressure with different incident light directions: a) water side, b) material side c) both


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Predicted productivity values suggest that algal biofilms which are illuminated on both sides are

capable of reaching higher productivities when the algal biofilm would be considered light

saturated. When light originates from both the water and material sides at high light intensity

(600 μmol/m2

sec) and inorganic carbon saturated, the potential productivity is estimated to be

significantly higher which is estimated to be 7 g/m2 day. This implies that surface area

productivity could be improved by illuminating algal biofilms from the material and water sides.

Productivity values predicted by the model were on the same order of magnitude as

productivities found in the literature. The model predicts that for conventional algal biofilm

photobioreactors such as those developed by Christenson and Sims (2012) and Gross et al.

(2013), where light originates from the water side, at high light intensities (600 μmol/m2

sec), it

is possible to reach high productivities of 4.3 g/m2 day at high light intensities and saturated

inorganic carbon concentrations. This surface area productivity is higher than most reported in

the literature. The model predictions in Figures 5.10 a-c used red light as the saturation light


The model suggests that productivity shows saturation kinetics with respect to inorganic carbon

at values greater than 1% CO2 partial pressure. Past experiments performed by Gross et al.

(2013) demonstrated that algal biofilms grown on the rotating film photo bioreactor did not

experience an improvement in productivity when the carbon dioxide partial pressure was

increased from 0.03% to 1%. This result implies the algal biofilms were saturated with inorganic

carbon. The light intensity used by Gross et al. (2013) was 110-120 μmol/m2

s and at this light

intensity the model predicts there would be a significant improvement in productivity from

0.03% to 1%. This difference may be caused by the design they implemented, which exposes the

algal biofilm to the atmosphere. This may improve the diffusion of carbon dioxide and inorganic

carbon into the algal biofilm and hence saturate the biofilm.

The estimated algal biofilm productivity does not follow the trend which was observed in chapter

4, where algal biofilms grown at atmospheric CO2 experienced significant decreases in

productivity as light intensity was increased. In the model, there is no direct interaction between

the light intensity component (the Steele relationship) and the inorganic carbon consumption (the

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Monod kinetics). The combined Monod kinetics and Steele relationship is not adequate in

describing all the aspects of algal growth. More advanced descriptions of algal growth will be

needed, such as model based on the fundamental metabolisms of algae.

5.3.7 Model Limitations

The model has made significant progress in developing tools for predicting algal biofilm growth

which are dependent on the limiting conditions for growth. The model currently does not have a

method for estimating algal biofilm growth under dark conditions. Another problem is that there

is insufficient data within the literature to estimate the growth parameters: μmax, γ, and xf. In the

literature the number of data points rarely exceeds 18, or 9 non duplicated results, which makes

estimation of more than one parameter difficult.

The model had troubles with predicting inorganic carbon profiles under the following

circumstances: when a light source was present on the material side, low inorganic carbon

concentration such that C ~ Ks, and when the biofilms were thick. Numerical techniques such as

decreasing the step size and adaptable tolerances did not resolve the issues. Building in manual

checks into the algorithm did eventually resolve these issues.

5.4 Conclusions

A mathematical model was developed that describes algal biofilm growth as a function of

inorganic carbon and light intensity. The results showed that algal biofilms exhibit regions of

linear growth, which is consistent with experimental observations, but the growth approaches an

asymptote, where the cellular respiration is equal to the inorganic carbon consumption, upon

which the flux of inorganic carbon into the biofilm is zero. The predicted growth kinetics showed

saturation effects with respect to light intensity and inorganic carbon concentration, regardless of

light direction. An analytical simplification of the model assuming the concentration of inorganic

carbon was significantly higher than Ks showed that the light direction could not affect algal

biofilm growth rates. The predicted productivities of the model are in agreement with those

observed in the literature.

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The analytical model was compared to algal biofilm growth data found in the literature, but due

to the scarcity of data, only one parameter (Monod maximum growth constant) could be

estimated. The R2 for the model ranged from 0.77 to 0.98 and the predicted Monod maximum

constant was consistent with the values reported for the literature. The analytical model

predictions were identical to those predicted by the numerical model when the inorganic carbon

concentration was set to excess.

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Chapter 6 Analytical Model of Substrate Profiles in Phototrophic Biofilms


An analytical model was developed to describe the concentration of a substrate in a phototrophic

biofilm. The model proposes a non-homogenous partial differential problem with one

homogeneous boundary condition which is then separated into two problems. This creates a

partial differential equation and an ordinary differential equation. The solutions to the associated

problems are then found using the separation of variables method and a double integration

respectively. A final solution is found as the sum of both problems. In the model, the substrate

was assumed to be inorganic carbon. The predicted steady state conditions were in agreement

with the numerical model presented in Chapter 5. For a uniform initial concentration, steady state

conditions were reached on the time scale of minutes. The inorganic carbon profiles within the

algal biofilms were found to be dependent on the direction of the incident light (material side vs.

water side). Varying the mass transfer Biot number changed the magnitude of the concentration

within the algal biofilm, but not the general shape of the profile, as expected.

6.1 Introduction

As discussed in Chapter 5, it is possible to derive an analytical expression for the growth rate of

an algal biofilm, but an analytical model describing the diffusion and consumption of the

nutrients in the biofilm has yet to be developed (Liehr et al. 1990, Flora et al. 1995, Wolf et al.

2007). Analytical solutions for biofilms models can be obtained if zero order consumption

kinetics are assumed; however, these require a calculation of the minimum substrate

concentration. This is not possible in an algal biofilm that is light limited, due to the asymptotes

existing in the minimum substrate calculations (detailed explanation in Appendix C). This

chapter compliments the discussions in Chapter 5, but focuses on the mathematical development

of an analytical solution. The work here was developed in partnership with Pedro Isaza from the

Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at the University of Toronto. Pedro

contributed to the analytical mathematics presented in this chapter.

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6.2 Model Description

An analytical solution for the transient diffusion equation in an algal biofilm can be derived if the

rate of consumption term is of zero order. This condition has applications in algal biofilm

systems where light is considered an input (examples include entrapped photosynthetic

organisms). In this section, various solutions are explored and shown how they apply to the case

of phototrophic biofilms. The intent is to derive a model with a broad application where light is

incident from two different sides (material and water). Consider the phototrophic biofilm

systems with a liquid boundary layer shown in Figures 6.1 a and b.

Figure 6.1 – Schematic for diffusion of a substrate S in a biofilm with boundary layer

with two scenarios: a) light originating from the material of attachment, and b) light originating

from the water side.

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For this problem, a PDE can be formulated describing the transport via diffusion for a generic

substrate (in the biofilm), subject to generation/consumption, as follows:




( , )( , )( )

( , )

f f



x S x t xS S x tD F x b

t x K S x t Y


In equation (6.1) Fl(x) is a function accounting for the effect light on the reaction kinetics, D is

the diffusion coefficient of the substrate in the biofilm [cm2/day], μmax is the Monod maximum

constant [1/day], xf is the concentration of the substrate in the algal biomass [mgS/cm3], Ks is the

Monod saturation constant for substrate S [mgS/cm3], b is the respiration coefficient for S

[1/day], and Y is the substrate conversion coefficient [mgSbiomass/mgS]. Typically Fl(x) is

unitless, and can be represented by the Steele relationship (Equation 5.3) or other mathematical

expressions such as those presented by Bannister (1979) and Aiba (1982). In this chapter Fl(x)

will be expressed by the Steele relationship and the Beer-Lambert law.

Boundary and initial conditions are also formulated for the problem depicted in Figure 6.1, and

are the following:

B.C #1:0




@ x = 0 (6.2)

B.C. #2: f

fx L bx L

SD h S S


@ x = Lf (6.3)

I.C: 0( , 0)S x t S @ t = 0 (6.4)

Where h is the mass transport coefficient in the boundary layer [cm/day], and Lf is the thickness

of the biofilm [cm]. Boundary condition #2 arises from the assumption of a thin film diffusion

model in the aqueous phase. Boundary condition #1 requires symmetry at the origin, thereby

assuming that the substrate cannot diffuse into the attachment material.

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For the zero order reaction kinetics considered here, Equation (6.1) simplifies to:



( , ) ( , )( )


f l

xS x t S x tD x F x b

t x Y


Since the non-homogeneous term in the PDE is a function of the spatial direction only, and the

non-homogeneity (bS ) at the boundary is a constant, a solution can be found by proposing two

problems as follows (Hahn and Özişik, 2012, Chapter 3):

*( , ) ( , ) ( )S x t S x t x (6.6)

Substituting equation (6.6) into equation (6.5) yields:

* 2 * 2

max2 2

( , ) ( , ) f

f l

xS x t S x t dD D x F x b

t x dx Y


The problem can now be separated into two, with a PDE describing *( , )S x t and an ODE

describing 𝜑(𝑥). For convenience, all of the non-homogeneous terms are retained in the φ(x)


Applying equation (6.6) onto the boundary conditions and initial conditions (Equations: 6.2-6.4)


B.C #1:*

0 0

0x x


x x

@ x = 0 (6.8)

B.C. #2: * ( )f f

fx L f bx L x L

S dD h S L S

x dx

@ x = Lf (6.9)

I.C: *

0( , 0) ( )S x t S x @ t = 0 (6.10)

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The summarized resulting problems can be separated into the time dependent (transient) and

non-time dependent (steady state). These are presented below:

Transient Problem:

S*(x,t) PDE.: * 2 *


( , ) ( , )S x t S x tD

t x


BC: *








fx Lx L

SD h S



IC: *

0( , 0) ( )S x t S x (6.13)

Steady State Problem:

φ(x) ODE: 2



f l

xdD x F x b

dx Y


BC: 0


, ( )


f bx L

dD h L S



6.2.1 PDE Solution

Since S*(x,t) consists of a homogeneous PDE and with homogeneous B.Cs., the method of

separation of variables can be applied directly. Begin by assuming that:

* ( ) ( )S X x G t (6.16)

Substituting equation (6.16) into (6.11) one obtains:




1 ( ) 1 ( )

( ) ( )

dG t d X x

DG t dt X x dx (6.17)

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where λ is the separation constant and is assumed to be negative in order force the desired a

boundary value problem in the x direction (Hahn and Özişik, 2012, Chapter 3). Isolating the

temporal ODE section of the problem results in:

Time Problem:

2( )

( )

dG tDdt

G t

which can be easily shown to solve to:


1( ) exp( )G t C Dt (6.18)

The spatial ODE can also be isolated from equation (6.17) as follows:

Spatial Problem:




( )( )

d X xX x


Which solves to (Hahn and Özişik, 2012, Chapter 3)

2 3( ) sin( ) cos( )X x C x C x (6.19)

Applying now equation (6.16) onto the first boundary condition given by equation (6.12a) one



𝑑𝑥|𝑥=0 = 0

Which upon substitution of equation (6.19) yields:

2 3cos( 0) sin( 0) 0C C

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The above requirement can only be satisfied when C2 = 0, and simplifies equation (6.19) to:

3( ) cos( )X x C x (6.20)

Following a similar procedure, and applying equation (6.19) onto the second boundary condition

(6.12b) yields:

( )

( )f

fx L

dX xD h X L

dx (6.21)

Substituting equation (6.20) into (6.21) yields:

3 3sin( ) cos( )f fD C L hC L

Where 𝐶3 ≠ 0 as it will yield the trivial solution. Rearranging the equations, and allowing 𝜆 to

satisfy the boundary condition, one arrives at the transcendental equation for the problem:

tan( ) where 1,2,3,...n n f

hL n

D (6.22)

Note that the subscript n is introduced as there are infinity eigenvalues,n , which will satisfy this


Letting βn = λn*Lf yields another form of the transcendental equation:

tan( )f

n n m

h LBi



Where hLf/D is the mass transfer Biot number Bim. This represents the ratio of resistance to mass

transport imparted by diffusion in the biofilm relative to convection in the boundary layer.

Having identified the eigenvalues, the most general solution to the problem is comprised of the

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sum of all the solutions (sum of the product of equations 6.20 and equation 6.18 for every λn ) as

described by Hahn and Özişik (2012, Chapter 3):

* 2


( , ) cos( )exp( )n n n


S x t C x Dt

The non-homogeneous initial conditions given by equation (6.13) is then applied yielding:




( , 0) ( ) cos( )n n


S x t S x C x


The above expression is a Fourier series expansion of So – φ(x) in terms of the orthogonal

function cos( )nx over the interval 0 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 𝐿𝑓. As described in Hahn and Özişik (2012), due to

orthogonality, when both sides are multiplied by the orthogonal function cos( )mx for an

arbitrary eigenvalue (m ), and integrated from 0 to Lf, the result is the following:


0 cos( )cos( )

( )


m n


if n mx x dx

N if n m


Where N(λn) is the norm. The implication of applying this operations on equation (6.25) is that

all the terms of the summation will be zero when 𝑛 ≠ 𝑚. As such it becomes possible to identify

the coefficients (nC ) in the summation as follows:





( ) cos( )

cos( )





n L


S x x dx


x dx


Where ( nC ) is dependent on the function 𝜑(𝑥). This needs to be solved for two different cases:

(1) light incident from the material side and (2) light incident from the water side.

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6.2.2 ODE Solution

Consider the ODE problem as detailed by equation (6.10) and 6.11 a-b. Recall equation 6.10 as

the following:



( )( )


f l

xd xD x F x b

dx Y


Which for simplicity can be represented as the following:



( ) ( )d x g x

dx D


max( ) ( )


f l

xg x x F x b


The solution to the Ode can be found by converting to a double integral to find:

1 2

1( ) ( )x g x dxdx C x C

D (6.28)

Where C1 and C2 are integration constants to be identified by the boundary conditions of the

problem. Again for brevity of the solution, let the double integral of g(x) with respect to x be f(x)

and now which equation (6.28) can be written as:

1 2

1( ) ( )x f x C x C

D (6.29)

Applying the first transformed boundary conditions given by equation (6.15a) yields:

10 0

( ) 1 ( )0

x x

d x df xC

dx D dx

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By rearranging for C1 yields the following expression:


1 ( )


df xC

D dx (6.30)

Substituting equation (6.29) into equation (6.15b) yields the following equation:

1 1 2

( )( )f f b


df x hDC f L hC L hC hS

x Ldx D

Solving again for C2 yields:

2 1 1

( )( )


f f bx L

df x hC DC f L hC L hC

dx D (6.31) ODE Solution for Scenario a) (Light Incident from Material Side)

In the case where light is incident from the material side, the expression for the Steele

relationship (𝐹𝑙(𝑥)) is represented by the flowing equation:

( ) exp( ) exp(1 exp( ))l f fF x I x I x (6.32)

Where If = I0/Is. Know the expression for Fl(x), it is now possible to use equation (6.32) to solve

for C1:

𝐶1 = −𝜀

𝐷∗ exp (1 − 𝐼𝑓) (6.33)

Where ε = μmaxxf/γ is defined for brevity

Solving for C2 requires f(x) to be solved. Recall that ( ) ( ) ( )f

f l

bxf x g x dxdx x F x dxdx


Solving for f(x):

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2exp(1) 1( ) (1, exp( ))




bxf x Ei I x x



Where Ei is the exponential integral function which is represented by: (1, )t


eEi x dt



Substituting equation (6.33) and (6.34) into (6.31), C2 can now be solved:



1 1exp(1 exp( )) exp(1 )

exp(1) (1, exp( )) 1exp(1 )



f f f f

f f f

f f f b

bxC I L L I

h Y h

Ei I L bxL I L S



By combining equations (6.21), (6.22) and (6.23) into equation (6.17) yields the ODE solution

for φ(x) as follows:



1 exp(1) 1( ) (1, I exp( )) exp(1 )


1 1exp(1 exp( )) exp(1 )

exp(1) (1, exp( )) 1exp(1 ) L



f f


f f f f

f f f

f f f b

bxx Ei x x L x


bxI L L L

h Y h

Ei I L bxL L S


(6.36) ODE Solution for Scenario b) (Light Incident from Water Side)

A second case can be explored when light is incident from the water side of the algal biofilm. In

this case the expression for the Steele relationship is modified to:

( ) exp( ( ))exp(1 ( ( )))l f f f fF x I x L I x L (6.37)

Repeating the procedure of of identifying C1, C2, and f(x), and back substituting these

findings into equation (6.17), the ODE solution for φ(x) becomes:

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1 exp(1) 1( ) (1, exp( ( ))) exp(1 exp( ))


1exp(1 ) exp(1 exp( ))

1 1exp(1) (1, ) exp(1 exp( ))



f f f f


f f f f


f f f f f b

bxx Ei I x L x I L x


bxI L I L

h Y h

bxEi I L I L L S



By inspection, it can be readily seen that equations (6.36) and (6.38) are different.

6.2.3 Parameters

The parameters used in the model are described in Chapter 5 (Table 5.1) with the exception of

the mass transfer coefficient h. A value for h of 21.9 cm/day was estimated based on

hydrodynamic conditions in the waveguide reactor described in Chapter 4. A detailed calculation

can be found in Appendix B.

6.3 Discussion

6.3.1 Steady State Analysis

The solutions of φ(x) for both scenarios are the steady state solution for the model. As time

approaches infinity, the transient part of the solution becomes zero. This enables a direct

comparison between the two solutions for φ(x) and the numerical solutions presented in Chapter

5 (Figure 6.2). The steady state substrate concentration profile is of particular interest since this

is what has been investigated in past models (Liehr et al. 1990, Flora et al. 1995, Wolf et al.

2007), which enables a comparison to the literature as well.

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Figure 6.2 – Steady state solution for inorganic carbon profiles in algal biofilms for the

numerical solutions and analytical solution for 600 μm biofilms under the following condition’s:

a) light incident from material side, μmax = 1.2 1/day, Cb = 0.045 mgC/cm3, b) light incident from

material side, μmax = 2.1 1/day, Cb = 0.05 mgC/cm3, c) light incident from water side, μmax = 1.2

1/day, Cb = 0.045 mgC/cm3, a) light incident from water side, μmax = 2.1 1/day, Cb = 0.05

mgC/cm3. Bim = 1.78.

The steady state solution for the total inorganic carbon in Figures 6.2b and d are similar to those

presented by Liehr et al. (1990) under similar conditions. The analytical solution deviates from

the numerical solution as the inorganic carbon concentration approaches the value for Ks. The

results from this simulation imply the light direction has a significant impact on the general

shape of the inorganic carbon profile, but that changing parameters such as the Monod maximum

does not change the overall shape, but does change the absolute concentration in the algal


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6.3.2 Transient Analysis

The transient solution is solved by numerically calculating the first 150 eigenvalues using the

transcendental equation (6.23) then by numerically integrating the resulting expression for Cn

(equation 6.26). The transient solution provides information regarding the time it takes to reach

steady state (Figures 6.3 a-f). The time to reach steady state was on the order of minutes, but was

dependent on the input parameters (such as mass transfer coefficient) and light direction. The

numerical solution described in Chapter 5 converged on the time scale of about 1 hour which is

different than the transient model presented here. A detailed discussion is presented in Chapter 7.

The Monod maximum constant for algae is measured on the order of days with the highest cited

value being approximately 3 1/day (Liehr et al. 1990). This suggests that the inorganic carbon

concentration quickly reaches steady state faster than the algal biofilm is capable of growing

even when the mass transfer coefficient is low. It supports the pseudo steady state assumption

used in Chapter 5 to grow the biofilm.

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Figure 6.3 – Transient solution for inorganic carbon profiles at different times

(parameters from Table 5.1) with an initial concentration of 0.015 mgC/cm3 and a bulk

concentration of 0.045 mgC/cm3 with varying mass transfer biot number and incident light

direction: a) material side, Bim = 1.78, b) water side, Bim = 1.78, c) material side, Bim = 0.37, d)

water side, Bim = 0.37, e) material side, Bim = 5.26, f) water side, Bim = 5.26.

The mass transfer Biot number (Bim) has a significant impact on the inorganic carbon

concentration within the biofilm even when the bulk concentration is kept constant. The overall

shape of the inorganic carbon profile is similar even when the mass transfer coefficient is varied

(Figures 6.3 a-f). The mass transfer Biot number represents the ratio between the resistance to

diffusion of the substrate in the liquid boundary vs. the resistance to diffusion in the biofilm. As

the mass transfer Biot number decreases, the time to reach steady state increases (Figures 6.3 a-

f). The resistance of diffusion of a substrate in the biofilm itself is harder to control than the

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resistance of diffusion of a substrate in the boundary layer from a reactor engineering


The model suggests that while the growth kinetics of algal biofilms which are carbon saturated

(i.e. zero order with respect to inorganic carbon) are independent of light direction (as shown in

Chapter 5), the inorganic carbon profiles are dependent on light direction (Figures 6.2 and 6.3).

This is because the assumption of zero order growth kinetics reduces the inorganic carbon

consumption term to be a function of light intensity and not a function of the inorganic carbon


The model as presented here has applicability in algal biofilm reactor environments, where the

concentration of inorganic carbon species in the bulk phase is likely to be greater than the Monod

saturation constant. Algal film photobioreactor systems found in the literature are often sparged

with gas that has a CO2 partial pressure a one hundred times greater than atmospheric (Schnurr et

al. 2013 and 2014). Other systems have shown that the algal biofilm systems exhibit zero order

growth kinetics with respect to changing the CO2 partial pressure (Gross et al. 2013). Results

from Chapter 4 suggests that algal film photobioreactors sparged with air with a CO2 partial

pressure greater than 1% have zero order growth kinetics with respect to inorganic carbon. This

suggests that the zero order consumption models derived in Chapter 5 and 6 will be applicable in

algal film photobioreactor environments where it is desirable to have the highest growth kinetics


6.3.3 Model Limitations

The model as described in this Chapter has several limitations, in that the concentration of the

substrate must be significantly greater than the Monod saturation constant (Ks) or else it is

possible the model can predict negative concentrations. Also, unlike the analytical growth model,

the light intensity in this model cannot be varied with time since the Steele relationship (Fl) was

solved only as a function of the spatial variable x.

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6.4 Conclusions

The zero order consumption kinetic problem in phototrophic biofilms is solvable as a PDE. The

resulting steady state solution of the PDE is in agreement with the numerical steady state

solution. The transient solution suggests that steady state conditions within an algal biofilm are

reached on the time scale of minutes. The mass transfer coefficient has a significant impact on

the absolute inorganic carbon concentration within the algal biofilm, but not the overall profile.

The transient solution demonstrates the feasibility of modeling algal biofilms in reactor

environments, where the bulk concentration of CO2 is likely to be significantly greater than the

Monod saturation constant value.

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Chapter 7 Overall Discussion

7.1 Introduction

With the growth of algal biofilms on light emitting waveguides having been demonstrated on a

proof of concept basis, the next steps for taking the algal film photobioreactors from the lab to a

pilot scale demonstration or a commercial scale is to develop in-depth models which will enable

reactor performance to be predicted and the validation of such models. In this Chapter the

combined lessons and observations from the previous chapters will be combined to discuss algal

film photobioreactor design concepts and how they are applied specifically onto waveguide

reactors. The waveguide photobioreactor can take multiple possible configurations, such as a

plug flow reactor (PFR) style where media flows past an algal biofilm on a waveguide, where the

waveguide takes the form of a sheet, or a packed waveguide reactor where individual

waveguides (in the form of wedges or tubes) are packed into a container (Figure 7.1 a and b).

The reactor configurations are examples of potential configurations for a waveguide based algal

film photobioreactor. There are multiple potential ways to deliver the media and nutrients to the

biofilms in these configurations. One approach is to submerge the waveguide in previously

fabricated container such as an open raceway pond or a flat plate photobioreactor. An alternative

would be to cascade the media over the film which is already done in some algal turf scrubbers

(Mulbry et al. 2008). Having the waveguide rotate such as in a rotating algal biofilm system

might prove to be more difficult, but is still technically possible. All of these systems can be

considered and modeled further, but the PFR model for estimating nutrient absorption into the

biofilm can be applied.

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Figure 7.1 – Waveguide reactor schematics for a) a plug flow reactor and b) packed

waveguide reactor

The two reactor diagrams as shown in Figure 7.1 are representative of two designs that will be

considered in this chapter for further calculations. The two designs are not mutually exclusive,

but present a foundation to estimate the algal biofilm productivity, nutrient consumption rates

and capital costs.

7.2 Design Considerations

The main design considerations which were covered in this thesis were material selection and

waveguide configuration/design. Models were developed to predict algal biofilm growth so that

such models could then be used in reactor design equations to predict algal biofilm growth. This

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section contains a discussion on these and how they relate to the design of algal film


7.2.1 Material Considerations

In Chapter 3 it was demonstrated that material affects algal film productivity and the correlation

between polar surface energy and algal film productivity was demonstrated, although the exact

relationship is still unknown. There are sources in the literature which support the concept that

algal attachment to surfaces is correlated to the water-material contact angle (Finlay et al. 2002,

Sekar et al. 2004) and other studies show that there is no correlation (Irving and Allen 2011). A

comprehensive study by Ozkan and Berberoglu (2013) demonstrated that algal attachment was

dependent on the polar surface energy which agreed with the results obtained in Chapter 3. The

results from this thesis show that the small scale observations of algal cell attachment as

observed by Ozkan and Berberoglu (2013) are related to larger scale observations such as

colonization of surfaces by cells.

Large scale studies of algal film growth on different materials did demonstrate that algal biofilms

have higher overall productivity (as defined by single point analysis discussed in Chapter 3)

depending on the material of attachment (Johnson and Wen 2010, Christenson and Sims 2012

and Gross et al. 2013), but none of these were able to demonstrate why. Based on single point

productivity analysis, multiple possible explanations for higher productivities on materials could

arise: (1) material affects adhesion, such that algal biofilms with lower productivity were more

likely to slough off over the observed time scale; (2) material properties affect algal metabolism

such that algae attached to certain materials will have higher growth rates; or (3) initial

colonization is affected by material properties. In Chapter 3 it was demonstrated that the latter is

the most consistent explanation. Understanding adhesion and colonization time affect the overall

productivity is important in improving algal film reactor design guidelines and to help bridge the

gap between micro-scale algal attachment experiments (Sekar et al. 2004, Ozkan and Berberoglu

2013) and large scale algal film photobioreactor studies (Christenson and Sims 2012, Gross et al.


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The effect of material surface energy on the microbial and algal population within the algal

biofilm was not explored in this thesis. In Chapter 3, the lipid content (w%/w) of the algal

biofilms grown on the different materials was not statistically significantly different, but this

does not imply whether the communities in the biofilms were different. Future research should

explore the microbial communities within algal biofilms grown on different materials.

7.2.2 Waveguide Based Algal Film Photobioreactors

Chapter 4 covered the research on algal biofilms that were growing on light emitting

waveguides. Five different waveguide designs were proposed and fabricated. The single wedge

large notch waveguide emitted the highest light intensity, while the double wedge waveguide

design had the most uniform light emission. The experiment demonstrated the possibility of

growing algal biofilms on light emitting waveguides, which opens up various new possible

configurations for algal film photobioreactors. Algal biofilms showed saturation kinetics with

respect to light intensity and CO2; however algal biofilms grown at low carbon dioxide

concentrations, increasing light intensity had a negative impact on algal biofilm growth.

The light emission from the waveguides was dependent on the engraved features and the

tapering. Based on the light emission profiles, the double wedge waveguide had the most

uniform light emission; however, adding 0.25 mm deep grooves resulted in a non-uniform light

emission profile. If the objective is to construct a waveguide with uniform light intensity, then

the double wedge waveguide should act as a starting point. In principle a combination of tapering

and structuring would result in the optimum waveguide design, but this was not explored in this

thesis. Future development of waveguide reactors should focus on simulating and developing

waveguides that have optimal light distribution.

Past research by Schnurr et al. (2014) and results in Chapter 5 indicate that light direction

doesn’t affect algal biofilm productivities when comparing light incident directions of water and

material sides. This has applicability in new reactor configurations and helps validate the concept

that growing algal biofilms on light emitting waveguides is a possible approach for algal film

photobioreactors. Waveguides have an added advantage as light is able to be transported through

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opaque media without significant intensity loss to the algal biofilms. This could have

applications in treating opaque wastewater, such as that which is discharged from anaerobic


Creating multi-layered waveguides could be another approach to control the light emission

profiles from the waveguides. Light scattering is dependent on the refractive index of the

material, so by coating the waveguide with a material of a different refractive index, the critical

angle can be adjusted. To demonstrate this point, the following example is proposed in Figure


Figure 7.2 – Cross section diagram of light being refracting within a) waveguide as

fabricated and b) waveguide with a polycarbonate layer

Using Snell’s law to calculate the critical angle, in the current waveguide setup, the critical angle

is approximately 63.5o, but by adding a layer of polycarbonate the critical angle becomes 70.1


Coating the waveguides with a thin layer of a material with a different refractive index would

change the light emission spectrum. If the proposed waveguide had an acrylic core and a

polycarbonate outside layer, based on results from chapter 3, the overall productivity of the

waveguide would be expected to be higher. Another possibility for controlling the light emission

from the waveguide is to adjust the tapper of the waveguide as a function of the length. At the

inlet of the waveguide, there would be a relatively low light intensity leakage, while further

along the waveguide, as the internal light intensity decreased, the larger taper angle would

increase the amount of light escaping from the waveguide.

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7.2.3 Modeling Light Dependency of Algal Biofilms

The few models of algal biofilms are similar in nature, focusing on multi-ion species diffusion

within the algal biofilm (Liehr et al. 1990, Flora et al. 1995, Wolf et al. 2007). As results from

chapter 4 have shown, saturating an algal biofilm in an airlift reactor with inorganic carbon can

be done with 1% CO2 partial pressure. The models proposed by Liehr et al. (1990), Flora et al.

(1995) and Wolf et al. (2007) would be well suited for predicting algal biofilm growth at low

concentrations of inorganic carbon such as those experienced in a natural environment in a

stream. In reactor environment for the mass production of algal biomass, it is desirable to have

high inorganic carbon concentrations so that the algal biofilms are not carbon limited. This

would mean that the model derived in Chapter 5 (Equation 5.12) has applicability to modeling

algal biofilms in reactor environments for biomass production and CO2 capture (where inlet

streams of gas have a CO2 partial pressure greater than 1%).

In Chapter 5, it was noted that the numerical model estimated the algal biofilm would reach

steady state in less than one hour, where the analytical transient model in Chapter 6 would reach

steady state in less than 30 min. The numerical model in Chapter 5 uses Monod kinetics to

describe the inorganic carbon consumption and thus, as the inorganic carbon concentration in the

biofilm approaches the Monod saturation value, the time to reach steady state is affected. The

second is that the numerical model can overshoot the steady state condition and thus, it can

appear as if the time to reach steady state takes longer than the analytical model. This

discrepancy arises from issues with the solver algorithm and the difficulty associated with

selecting convergence values.

There are further improvements to the model to better predict and model the metabolism of algae

cells. The model described here represents the consumption of inorganic carbon as a function of

the inorganic carbon concentration and light intensity. The Calvin cycle, also known as the dark

cycle, is responsible for the uptake and integration of CO2 into glucose. This cycle can occur in

the absence of light, something which the model here does not describe. An alternative would be

to model the light dependent and light independent as two differential equations and link the two

via an energy storage term. A similar approach was used in the PHOBIA model (Wolf et al.

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2007), but the model was unable to describe the light cycling effect. O2 inhibition is also an

effect which was not explored in the model, but that should be included in future models.

Oxygen production and consumption would be coupled to the light dependent reaction and

cellular respiration.

The model that describes algal growth (Chapters 2 and 5) can be applied onto the suspended

algae in the waveguide reactor. The theoretical maximum suspended phase productivity of the

waveguide reactor can be estimated using equations (2.2, 2.3, 2.5 and a cellular respiration term).

The maximum productivity occurs when the alga is not light or nutrient limited. Based on the

highest average TSS in the waveguide reactor from Chapter 4 (0.015 g/L), the maximum

productivity is 0.048 g/day and if the Monod max constant is doubled to 2.4 day-1

, the maximum

possible productivity is 0.103 g/day. These values are lower than the suspended productivities

measured in the waveguide reactor (Table 4.2). Since the suspended phase is likely light limited

in some parts of the reactor, the actual productivity is likely lower than the maximum

productivity estimated. This implies a significant algal biomass detachment from the biofilm to

the suspended phase, and the rate of detachment is significantly greater than the rate of

attachment when the biofilm is established.

7.3 Modeling a Hypothetical Waveguide Reactor

Algal film photobioreactors can be modeled using the equations for algal biofilm growth derived

in Chapter 5. The following derivation can be applied for the mass growth of algal biofilms or

for modeling for nutrient removal. In such an application, the focus of the reactor would be for

wastewater treatment and the removal of nutrients. In such an application, the mass balance of

the nutrients is important to describe and model. The derivation of models will mainly though be

focused on using the analytical expressions for algal biofilm growth, which assumes that algal

biofilm growth is light limited and not nutrient limited.

The following derivations for the nutrient balances can be applied to any nutrient (inorganic

carbon, PO43-

, NO3- etc…) which will be consumed by an algal biofilm. The underlying

assumptions are: diffusion is represented by a second order diffusion in one dimension, and the

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consumption can be described using Monod kinetics coupled with the Steele relationship. In an

algal film photobioreactor for maximum biomass production or for CO2 capture, it is desirable

not to operate under nutrient limited conditions. In applications such as nitrogen or phosphorous

removal, these nutrients may be the limiting, and thus, the reactor would be operating under a

nutrient limited condition. If the reactor in question is being operated in carbon saturated

conditions, the flux entering the algal biofilm is described by:

( )b f

dSD h S S x L

dx (7.1)

Where D is the diffusion coefficient of the substrate in the biofilm, h is the mass transfer

coefficient, and Sb is the concentration of the nutrient in the bulk phase.

In this example, a steady state solution will be examined as opposed to the transient case

solution. In this case example, the algal biofilm is not nutrient limited and therefore is subject to

zero order kinetics. The flux entering the algal biofilm must be equal to the inorganic carbon

consumed and therefore:

( )c b fJ h S S x L (7.2)



exp(1 ) ( )



f b f

s s

xI Ix b dx h S S x L



As shown in Chapter 5, the left hand side (LHS) of equation (7.3) is solvable. This yields the

following expression:

max 0 0exp(1 exp( ) exp(1 ( ) ( )

f f

f f b f

s s

x xI IL b L h S S x L



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The rate of the nutrient uptake can be solved directly in the reactor environment. The external

mass transfer coefficient (h) can be estimated from the dimensionless Sherwood number (Sh)

(Seader and Henley 2006):

𝑆ℎ = ℎ𝑑𝑝


Where dp is a characteristic length and D is the diffusion of the nutrient in the liquid. The

Sherwood number (Sh) can be expressed as a function of the dimensionless Reynolds number

(Re) and the Schmidt number (Sc) for flow over a flat plate (Seader and Henly 2006):

𝑆ℎ = 𝐴 + 𝐵 ∗ 𝑅𝑒𝑚𝑆𝑐𝑛

In this expression, A, B, m and n are determined empirically from experimental data for a

specific system/geometry. Re and Sc are represented by the following equations:

𝑅𝑒 = 𝑈𝑑𝑝

𝑣, 𝑆𝑐 =



This enables the inorganic carbon concentration at the interface of the algal biofilm to be solved

for depending on the reactor conditions.

Consider the scenario, as expressed in Figures 7.3 and 7.4, of a single fluid cross-section in a

hypothetical algal film photobioreactor. In this example, the PFR waveguide reactor case (Figure

7.1 a) is applied onto the waveguide reactor developed in Chapter 4. Zero order kinetics are

assumed with respect to the substrate (i.e. algal biofilm growth is light dependent only). The time

scale at which these equations apply needs to be significantly lower than the algae grows (on the

time scale of minutes opposed to hours or days).

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Figures 7.3 – a) 2D Schematic of waveguide reactor and b) 2D schematic of algal


Figure 7.4 – 3D Schematic for waveguide reactor

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In this case, the general equation for a plug flow reactor will be applied, including the

assumption that, in the axial direction (in this case the x-z plane), the substrate is uniformly

mixed. The region of plug flow is in the control volume suspended phase, where the

concentration of the substrate can vary with respect to the y direction. For the single substrate S,

the general PFR equation is shown below:




sS s s

dMF F r dV

dt (7.5)

When applied onto the scenario in Figure 7.3, there are two sources of reaction: in the algal

biofilm and in the media. The consumption of the substrate in the suspended phase will be

equivalent to the consumption and respiration of the algae. The consumption of substrate S in the

algal biofilm will be equal to the flux of substrate entering the algal biofilm at a given point at

pseudo steady-state. The consumption of the substrate in the suspended phase is assumed to be

zero order Monod kinetics. This can be described as:



( ) exp(1 )



S b f

s s

xI Ir h S S x L x b dx



max ( ) ( )S s

S s l

xr x y F x b

Y (7.7)

Where xs is the concentration of algal biomass in the suspended phase as a function of y

[mgS/cm3]. (rs

F is the rate of consumption of S in the biofilm [mgS/day cm

2], rs

S is the rate of

consumption of S in the suspended phase [mgS/day cm3]) As discussed before, the flux entering

into the biofilm is equal to the rate of substrate consumption in the algal biofilm (equation 7.3).

Therefore the general equation to describe the removal of substrate S in the proposed reactor:


0 0



dMF F r dV r dA

dt (7.8)

Equation (7.8) is the general equation for describing the rate of consumption of the material. The

control volume is assumed to have the following dimensions in the x, y and z direction

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respectively: X, Y and W. Assuming steady state conditions (i.e. dM/dt = 0) the following

equation can be derived:

𝐹𝑆0 − 𝐹𝑠 + 𝑊 ∫ ∫ 𝑟𝑆𝑆𝑑𝑥𝑑𝑦





+ 𝑊 ∫ 𝑟𝑠𝐹𝑑𝑦



= 0

Substituting the reaction rates for their respective equations, the description for this system is:

0 max


max 0 0


( ) ( )

exp(1 exp( )) exp(1 ) 0



S sS S s l


Yf f

f f f

f s s

xF F W x y F x b


x xI IW L b L dy



Where; γf is the extinction coefficient of light in the algal film, xs is the substrate concentration in

the suspended biomass, and Fls is the Steele relationship in the liquid phase. The equation

derived in (7.9) represents a general solution to a plug flow description of the substrate

consumption in the waveguide reactor. Approximating the downcommer of the waveguide

reactor as a PFR may not be the best model, but this can be tested.

7.3.1 Modeling the PPAL Waveguide Reactor

In Chapter 4, a PPAL waveguide reactor demonstrated the possibility of growing algal biofilms

on light emitting waveguides. In this section, the equations derived in Chapters 5 and 6 will be

applied onto the reactor as a demonstration of the application.

Consider the scenario presented in Figure 7.3 and 7.4. As shown in Figure 7.3 a and b, the

control volume encompasses the algal biofilm and the suspended phase in the downcommer and

not the riser. The riser is ignored because it is assumed that not enough light is transmitted to the

riser of the airlift, but this assumption will be tested later on. To further the development of the

reactor model, additional assumptions were made: (1) the plates which separate the riser from the

downcommer do not obstruct light transmission, (2) the concentration of suspended algae is

uniform throughout the reactor, (3) the reactor is symmetrical in the vertical direction, and (4)

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the substrate S is well mixed in the z direction. It should be mentioned that often air lift reactors

are considered CSTRs with respect to substrate production/consumption on a bulk scale (Chisti

and Moo-young 1987). This assumption can be tested by applying a PFR model on to the

waveguide reactor developed in Chapter 4 and estimating the change in nutrient concentration

from the top of the downcommer to the bottom.

To start, assume that xs is constant (or so low that variations in the concentration are not

significant). Therefore, equation (7.9) can be integrated to with respect to x:

0max 00


max 0 0


exp( )exp( )exp 1 exp(1 exp( ( ))

( ) exp(1 exp( )) exp(1 ) 0

Yf f ss

S S f f s

s S s

Yf fs

f f f f

f s s



x xx I Ib X L dy W L b L dy



In differential form, (7.10) becomes:


max 0 0

exp(exp( )exp( )exp(1 ) exp(1

( ) exp(1 exp( )) exp(1 )

f f sf f ss

s s sS

f fsf f f f

f s s



dy x xx I Ib X L L b L



If the light intensity is uniform, then I0 is not a function of y. In this case the resulting equation

for the chance in mass flow rate across has the form of a linear expression:

𝐹𝑠𝑜𝑢𝑡 = 𝑚 ∗ 𝑦 + 𝐹𝑠

𝑖𝑛 (7.12a)

Where F is the mass flow rate (mgS/day) of compound S either in or out of the system and m is a

constant of the slope which is represented by equation (7.12b), assuming that the extinction

coefficients are constant and the initial light intensity does not vary along the length of the

waveguide. Where in this case, m has the units of [mgS/cm day] for a substrate and is

represented by the following equation:

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0max 0

max 0 0

exp( )exp( )exp 1 exp(1 exp( ( ))

( ) exp(1 exp( )) exp(1 )

f f ssf f s

s S s

f fsf f f f

f s s


I Im W

x xx I Ib X L L b L



The final equation is represented by:

0max 0

max 0 0

exp( )exp( )exp 1 exp(1 exp( ( ))

( )

( ) exp(1 exp( )) exp(1 )

f f ssf f s

s S sout in


f fsf f f f

f s s


I IF y W y F

x xx I Ib X L L b L



If the parameters from Table 5.1 are used in conjunction with the light emission data from the

double wedge waveguide (approximate uniform light emission is 150 μmol/m2 sec). At 1%

partial pressure of CO2, the estimated change in inorganic carbon concentration is 0.0005 g/L

from the inlet to the outlet (i.e., the top of the downcommer to the bottom). The gradient change

in the inorganic carbon is so small with respect to the y direction of the downcommer (vertical

direction). Since the x and y directions are assumed to be well mixed, the change of nutrient

concentration in any special direction is not significant and therefore, the nutrients in the reactor

can be assumed to be well mixed. This implies that the nutrient balance in the reactor can be

modeled as a CSTR instead of a PFR.

The parameters for the model are found in Table 5.1, with the exception of the required biofilm

thickness, which was assumed to be 100 μm which is approximately 10 g/m2. The PFR model

developed here predicts that the total algal biofilm productivity for the waveguide reactor is

0.289 gbiomass/day, which is approximately double what was measured in Chapter 4 (0.13

±0.05 gbiomass/day). When combining both the suspended phase productivity and the algal

biofilm productivity, the value was 0.33 ±0.09 gbiomass/day, which is not statistically different

from the model predictions at the 95% confidence level.

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The model estimates that the suspended phase does not produce significant quantities of algal

biomass (-0.064 mg/day) when the thickness of the algal biofilm is 100 μm, or at approximately

10 g/m2. The negative biomass growth occurs because the rate of cell death in the suspended

phase is greater than the growth. This implies that the only source of algal growth in the reactor

is supplied by the algal biofilm. Results from Chapter 4 suggested that the majority of algal

productivity from the waveguide reactor came from the suspended phase, but the model derived

here suggests this is not likely. Therefore, it would appear that algal biofilm shedding is a

significant contributor to the suspended phase productivity.

7.3.2 Productivity and Economics of an Idealized Packed Waveguide Reactor Reactor Model Description

A reactor model was developed based on the algal biofilm productivity estimates from the

fundamental model derived in Chapter 5 which assumed that light was the only limiting nutrient.

The reactor model assumes that incoming light can be evenly distributed on the surface area of

the waveguide. In this example, the bulk fluid phase will be considered to be well mixed. For the

productivity and economic analysis, a packed waveguide reactor will be considered which has

two different designs for lighting: LED powered and solar powered (via a solar collector) (Figure


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Figure 7.5 – Schematic representation of an a packed waveguide reactor with two

designs for supplying light a) LEDs and b) a solar collector

For both of these configurations, a reactor model to determine the productivity which includes

the incident photon flux, surface area photon flux, cross sectional area of the top of the

waveguide, and the spacing between each waveguide. The model is based upon a schematic as

presented in Figure 7.6.

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Figure 7.6 – Schematic representation of an ideal packed waveguide reactor for the

productivity and cost model

Depending on the geometry of the waveguide (cylinder or rectangular prism), the diameter or

length of the waveguide is fixed. For a rectangular prism waveguide, the height of each

waveguide is calculated based on the following equation (rectangular prism was chosen since the

models derived in Chapter 5 are based on Cartesian coordinates):

𝐻𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 = 𝑃ℎ𝑜𝑡𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝑖𝑛

4×𝑃ℎ𝑜𝑡𝑜𝑛𝑓𝑙𝑢𝑥𝑜𝑢𝑡 (7.14)

Equation (7.14) assumes that all photons are leaked out through the sides of the waveguide and

the photonflux through the bottom of the waveguide is zero. In these estimates, the incident

photons into the waveguides are a fixed value (in units of μmol/sec per waveguide). The number

of waveguides which can be packed into a 1 m2 land area is calculated based on an assumed

separation distance between each waveguide.

#𝑜𝑓 𝑊𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑔𝑢𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑠 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑢𝑛𝑖𝑡 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 =1

(𝐿𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ+𝑆𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝐷𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒)2 (7.15)

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The number of waveguides is per unit area. Based on the emitted light intensity, the fundamental

model described in section 4.1 was used to generate waveguide surface area productivity values.

𝑆𝑢𝑟𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑒𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦 = 𝑓(𝑃ℎ𝑜𝑡𝑜𝑛𝑓𝑙𝑢𝑥𝑜𝑢𝑡) (7.16)

The productivity is calculated using equation (5.12). From combining equations (7.14), (7.15)

and (7.16), the land area productivity of the reactor is then calculated using the following


𝐿𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦 = 4 × 𝐿𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ × 𝐻𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 × #𝑜𝑓𝑊𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑔𝑢𝑖𝑑𝑒𝑠 ×

𝑆𝑢𝑟𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑒𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑖𝑡𝑦 (7.17)

Where land productivity is in units of [g/m2 day], length and height are in units of [m], number

of waveguides [waveguides/m2] and surface area productivity is [g/m

2 day]. Productivity Estimates

Based on equations (7.14-7.17), estimates for land productivity for the theoretical reactor can

now be estimated. The model predicts the land productivity for square rectangular waveguides.

The dependency between land productivity and cross sectional area of the waveguide and

spacing is shown in Figure 7.7. The quantity of photons to the waveguides can be varied and the

spacing can be adjusted in the model. In the following cases the waveguides are assumed to be of

rectangular prism geometry.

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Figure 7.7 – Model predictions for photobioreactor land productivity with respect to the

cross sectional area of a single waveguide with varying the photons into each waveguide and

variable spacing between waveguides a) 0.004 m, b) 0.01 m, c) 0.05 m and d) 0.002 m. Defined

Variables: Photonflux out: 150 μmol/m2 sec.

For each spacing and incident light there is a maximum land productivity that the model predicts.

The value of the maximum and at what waveguide cross sectional area it occurs at varies with

the photons supplied to each waveguide and the spacing between each waveguide. A maximum

land area productivity implies there is an optimal packed waveguide reactor design which can be

obtained. The estimated land area productivity increases with decreasing waveguide spacing, but

the spacing of the waveguide represents the doubled value of the maximum possible biofilm

thickness which could be obtained (i.e. if the waveguides are spaced 2 mm apart the algal biofilm

can only grow to 1 mm before unknown growth conditions will happen because the two biofilms

could merge).

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Under the defined conditions, the reactor model predicts that the maximum land productivity is

75 g/m2 day, which is higher than the 20-31 g/m

2 day land area productivity reported by

Christensen and Sims (2012). The estimated land area productivity is higher than open raceway

ponds (8-25 g/m2 day) (Shen et al. 2009, Christensen and Sims 2012), and greater the range

given for tubular photobioreactors (35-48 g/m2 day) (Chisti 2007). Land productivity is

dependent on waveguide cross sectional area, but for cross sectional areas larger than 0.1 m2 in

some of the simulations, the height of the waveguides surpassed values of 6 m, which may not be

structurally or economically feasible. The estimated land productivities by the model should be

assumed to be an idealized maximum productivity. Capital Cost Estimate

Capital cost estimates are important in scaling reactors from the bench/pilot scale to commercial

scale. The capital cost of a hypothetical waveguide reactor for growing algal biofilms was

estimated in this section. At this stage in development it is not possible to estimate the operating

costs with reasonable certainty. In this section, the cost estimates are presented based on the

following ideal photobioreactor configurations: open pond with waveguides and airlift

photobioreactor with waveguides. Furthermore, two possible light supply sources will be

estimated: light provided by a series of LEDs and a solar collector.

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Table 7.1 - Capital Cost Inputs for Algal Film Waveguide Reactor

Item Unit Cost per unit Source

Land $/acre 3000 Davis et al. 2011

Open Pond $/m2

10 Benemann 2008

Air lift $/m2 100 Benemann 2008

Solar Collector1 $/m

2 90 (2015)

Red Rebel LEDs2 $/waveguide 5 Luxeonstar (2015)

Waveguide3 $/m

3 of Acrylic 1945 McMaster Carr (2015)

The capital costs for the four configurations are plotted against the waveguide cross-sectional

area (Figure 7.8), assuming that each waveguide requires a single LED, the solar collector is

being irradiated with 1000 μmol/m2 sec, photonflux on the surface of the waveguide is set to 150

μmol/m2 sec, 35 μmol photons/sec into each waveguide, and a waveguide spacing of 2 mm. The

capital cost is referenced to the production of 1 kg of algal biomass per day. The cost of acrylic

waveguides in this cost estimate was based on the price of acrylic from McMaster Carr. Cost

estimates are on the higher side since the cost of acrylic and LEDs are based on retail cost

estimates and not on wholesale costs.

1 Price is estimated by an aggregate then multiplied by 1.1 for an estimate. Difficult to price a solar collector for this

specific application

2 Price is rounded up to include costs associated with electrical work

3 Price of waveguides is assumed to be independent of design, but costs are based on a 50% markup of the cost of


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Figure 7.8 – Bioreactor capital cost estimates for different waveguide cross sectional

areas (single waveguide) and different reactor configurations to produce 1 kg of dried algal

biomass per day

The capital cost estimate predicts there is a minimum capital cost based on the waveguide cross

sectional area for all types of configurations. The cost for the solar collector and LEDs remain

constant for all waveguide cross sectional areas. The underlying reason is that the number of

photons required to produce 1 kg of algal biomass remain constant regardless of the

configuration. The minimum estimated capital cost for the waveguide reactors occurs at a

waveguide cross sectional area (0.01 m2 for open pond and 0.004 m

2 for PBR) which is not the

same as the cross sectional area which results in the highest land area productivity (occurs at

0.00001 m2 cross section for both reactor configurations). This is caused due to the cost of the

acrylic for the waveguides. The volume of the waveguides decreases with increasing cross

sectional area while the total number of waveguides required to produce 1 kg of algal biomass

per day remains constant.

The estimated bioreactor capital costs for open raceway styles and closed photobioreactors tend

to have overlaps when the waveguide cross sectional area is less than 0.0025 m2 provided the








0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025




r C




Waveguide Cross Sectional Area (m2)

Open Pond

with LEDs

PBR with


Open Pond

with Solar


PBR with



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light source is the same. This is because the waveguide costs are significantly larger than the cost

for the open raceway pond or the photobioreactor. At very small waveguide cross sectional areas

(0.000025 m2) for both open raceway and closed photobioreactor style with LEDs the cost of the

waveguides and LEDs make up 99.99% of the total estimated costs. When a solar collector is

used, the waveguide cost and solar collector total cost is approximately 99.8% of the total cost.

This suggests that future work should be focused on reducing the manufacturing costs of the


The capital costs estimated here are not favourable as compared to estimates by Davis et al.

(2011) which predict that an open raceway pond in upfront capital costs is estimated to cost

approximately $550 to produce 1 kg of algal biomass per day (excluding land and capital costs of

harvesting equipment). Even if the harvesting costs could be negated, the estimated total capital

cost for a packed waveguide reactor would then be estimated to be $8,700 to produce 1 kg of

algal biomass.

The capital cost estimates shown in Figure 7.8 are approximations since the algae

photobioreactor industry is not well established and quotes for photobioreactors are not readably

available. Other factors integrated into capital costs, such as installation, taxes, import fees etc…

have not been accounted for. These could have a significant impact on the overall capital cost of

any photobioreactor; however; general trends in capital costs can still be inferred from Figure

7.8. The operational costs such as labour, electricity and nutrient requirements are not covered in

the estimate. At the current stage in the development of the waveguide based algal film

photobioreactor, the design has not yet been optimized, nor has a pilot scale demonstration been

achieved. This could lead to inaccuracies in the operation and capital costs, but once a pilot scale

waveguide reactor has been built, operating costs can be estimated.

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Chapter 8 Conclusions and Recommendations

8.1 Conclusions

The research demonstrated the feasibility of growing algal biofilms on light emitting waveguides

and addressing the material selection of such reactors and modeling the growth of algal biofilms

in such systems. The conclusions from the work of this thesis are listed below:

1. Material of attachment affects the overall algal biofilm productivity. Differences in

the overall productivities between algal biofilms grown on different materials were

largely explained by differences the colonization time; after the colonization time was

accounted for, biofilm growth rate was independent of material at ~2 g/m2/day for all

materials except acrylic at 1.2 g/m2/day. Algal biofilms grown on cellulose acetate had

the highest overall productivity (2.08 g/m2 day) among the materials tested. Acrylic

embossed with 15 μm v-grooves showed a 70% improvement in algal biofilm

productivity compared to smooth acrylic and acrylic embossed with 2 μm features.

2. The colonization time was positively correlated to the polar surface energy of the

material, while it was not correlated to water-material contact angle. The lipid

content of algal biofilms grown on different materials was not statistically different

among the materials tested.

3. Algal Biofilms can grow on light emitting waveguides. The design of the waveguides

impacts the light emitted from the waveguides, which in turn, impacts the algal biofilm

productivity. The highest measured surface area productivity recorded was on front of the

single wedge large notch waveguides, at 2.9 g/m2 day, a lipid productivity of 0.34-0.42

g/m2 day, a nitrogen removal efficiency of 40-49% and a phosphorus removal efficiency

of 15-30%.

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4. Algal biofilm productivity showed a dependency on light intensity and CO2

concentration, however algal biofilms became light and CO2 saturated. The

interaction effects that light and CO2 have on algal biofilm productivity are complex. The

negative effect of increasing light intensity beyond the saturation point has on algal

biofilm growth can be reduced by increasing the CO2 concentration.

5. The model predicts that algal biofilm growth kinetics are non-linear and follow a

sigmoidal shape. The model shows that growth of an algal biofilm stops when the

inorganic carbon respiration term is equal to the inorganic carbon consumption. When the

model was compared to experimental data while allowing the Monod maximum constant

(μmax) to be varied, the predicted growth kinetics compared to experimental data had an

R2 value from 0.77 to 0.98. The model predicts that algal biofilms that have zero order

consumption with respect to inorganic carbon (when the concentration of inorganic

carbon is much greater than the Monod saturation constant), have growth kinetics that are

independent of light direction.

6. It is possible to solve the inorganic carbon profile with film depth so long as the

consumption kinetics are assumed to be zero order. The growth rate of such algal

biofilms is independent of light direction, but the concentration profiles of inorganic

carbon are not identical when light is incident from the material side and water side. The

model predicts the steady state condition is reached on the time scale of minutes,

depending on the initial concentration and the parameters.

7. Shedding of algal biofilms appears to be a significant contributor to the overall

productivity of the waveguide reactor. Modeling the growth of the suspended phase in

the waveguide reactor suggests that the suspended phase productivity is close to zero

mg/day and should be washed out entirely if algal film shedding did not occur.

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8.2 Recommendations

The research presented here acts as the starting point for further photobioreactor engineering and

further scientific analysis of algal biofilms. There are multiple paths which can be pursued due to

the applied nature of the research which either involves further fundamental scientific studies or

applied research with the end goal of commercialization. The recommendations are as follow:

1. Further research should be conducted on exploring the optimum waveguide design

for waveguide based reactors. Due to the relatively high cost and current long

production cycles (due to the small production runs), using ray tracing software to predict

light scattering is recommended for saving time. The design parameters of the

waveguides to investigate would be: tapering angle (can also be a function of the

waveguide length), notch size, angle, spacing and waveguides constructed from multiple

layered polymers.

2. The combined biofilm and suspended phase productivity in algal film

photobioreactors needs to be further investigated. Most literature does not report the

suspended concentration of algae in the algal film photobioreactors, thus making

comparative analysis difficult. Results from this thesis show that apparent suspended

phase productivity is a large contributor to the overall productivity of the algal film

photobioreactor, but it is not known whether this suspended phase was produced via

shedding of the algal biofilm. Modeling of the waveguide reactor suggests shedding is an

important contributor in the suspended productivity.

3. Alternative light sources for the waveguide photobioreactor should be examined and

implemented. While LEDs are a convenient way of generating red light for the algal

biofilms, a preferred alternative would be to use solar light for growing the algal biofilms.

A capital cost estimate predicted that a waveguide reactor which uses a solar collector has

a lower capital cost than one which uses LEDs for the light source. This implies that

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methods for solar light collection should be investigated and combined with the


4. The community of the algal biofilms grown on different materials and the

waveguides should be investigated. The lipid analysis indicated that material does not

affect the total weight composition of the lipids, but it did not analyze the composition of

the fatty acids or the composition of the proteins/carbohydrates. Understanding the how

the microbial community changes over the course of the reactor run will be beneficial.

One application this information would yield is how to seed the material with the best

microbes for enhancing algal biofilm growth/attachment.

5. The fundamental mathematical relationships used to model algal biofilms needs to

be redefined to describe more aspects of algal biofilm growth. The analytical model

developed in this thesis was capable of describing light dependent growth of algal

biofilms, but some phenomena such as light-dark cycling of light could not be explained.

The model predicted that algal biofilms which underwent any light-dark cycle would

have lower growth rates than those which were constantly illuminated. Experimental

observations show that algal growth does benefit from the light-dark cycle under certain


6. Commercialization of the waveguide reactor still requires further work and

development of the reactor to improve the productivity. The reactor system developed

in this thesis was not optimized for maximum production of algal biomass, but further

development of such reactors is feasible based on the information contained within this

document. The following should be considered in optimization: light intensity, light-dark

cycles, CO2 concentration, pH, and harvesting schedules.

8.3 Engineering and Industrial Significance

The findings of the material comparison experiment can be applied to photobioreactor

construction and to biofouling. For the application of algal film photobioreactors, it is desirable

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to have materials that attract algae and bacteria to colonize the surface quickly. The results can

also be applied onto biofouling, where materials which have a long colonization time are more

desirable than materials which have a short colonization time. The results from this thesis,

suggest that materials with a high polar surface energy are desirable for avoiding biofouling

applications and materials with a low polar surface energy are desirable for enhancing algal

biofilm productivity. The colonization time method also sets a benchmark for how algal biofilm

surface area productivity should be calculated to eliminate the effects of material properties on

the colonization of the algal biofilm.

The fact that algal biofilms can be grown on light emitting waveguides has a significant impact

on future algal film photobioreactor design. The research here shows the productivity of algal

biofilms grown on light emitting waveguides was comparable to other traditional algal film

photobioreactors. This implies that the light source and the attachment material can be integrated

and that productivity will not be impacted. Waveguides can be used to transmit light through

opaque liquids to deliver light directly to algal biofilms. This has direct applications in designing

algal film photobioreactors for wastewater treatment where the water is opaque.

The observation of saturation effects of the algal biofilm growth kinetics with varying light

intensity and CO2 concertation is important in optimizing the operating parameters of algal film

photobioreactors. It was observed that there are interaction effects of light intensity and CO2

concentration on algal biofilm productivity was a non-linear relationship. The saturation kinetics

shows that there is an optimal light intensity for algal biofilm growth and that increases in light

intensity beyond this value will not improve the productivity.

The solution for the zero order inorganic carbon consumption kinetics PDE shows that it is

mathematically possible to solve such a solution, which in literature is often solved only though

numerical methods. This has a significant impact on the field of modeling algal biofilms as

relatively simple analytical models can be used to adequately describe algal biofilm growth,

which has applications in bioprocess engineering. From a scientific standpoint, the models

derived in this thesis provide insight into the inorganic carbon concentrations in the algal


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Appendix A – Original Waveguide Schematics

Figure A.1 – Original schematic for single wedge waveguide

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Figure A.2 – Original schematic for double wedge waveguide

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Appendix B – Parallel Plate Air Lift Physical Properties and Calculations

B.1 – Schematics

Figure B.1 – PPAL reactor schematics a) front view and b) top view

B.2 – Velocity in the downcommer

The velocity in the downcommer of the PPAL was measured by observing the velocity of beads

with a density of 1 g/cm3.

Table B.1 – Average time and velocity of beads in the airlift with varying air flow

Airflow (LPM) Average Time (s) Error Average Velocity (cm/s) Error

0.8 4.47 1.606964 3.288591 0.591124

1 3.19 0.709382 4.60815 0.512373

1.8 2.08 0.364539 7.067308 0.619306

3.2 1.48 0.297396 9.932432 0.997928

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Figure B.2 – Average velocity in the downcomer with varying airflow (standard

deviation shown)

Total inorganic carbon as a function of CO2 partial pressure and pH as estimated using Henry’s

law and the disassociation constants for the inorganic carbon species.

Henry’s law with respect to dissolved CO2 in water:



Where HCO2 is the Henry’s constant for CO2 [units of pressure*length3/mol]

Equilibrium of inorganic carbon species is defined by the following series of equations:

𝐶𝑂2(𝑎𝑞) + 𝐻2𝑂 ⇌ 𝐻2𝐶𝑂3(𝑎𝑞)

𝐻2𝐶𝑂3(𝑎𝑞) ⇌ 𝐻(𝑎𝑞)+ + 𝐻𝐶𝑂3(𝑎𝑞)

𝐻𝐶𝑂3(𝑎𝑞)− ⇌ 𝐻(𝑎𝑞)

+ + 𝐶𝑂3(𝑎𝑞)2−

Of which the equilibrium constants for the disassociation of the inorganic carbon (K1 and K2) are

represented by the following equation:

𝐾1 =[𝐻+][𝐻𝐶𝑂3










0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5






ty (



Airflow (LPM)

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𝐾2 =[𝐻+][𝐶𝑂3



Total inorganic carbon can be represented by the following equation:

𝐶𝑇(𝑎𝑞) = [𝐶𝑂2(𝑎𝑞)] [1 +𝐾1

[𝐻(𝑎𝑞)+ ]


[𝐻(𝑎𝑞)+ ]2


Figure B.3 – Concentration of inorganic carbon species in water with varying partial

pressure at fixed pH of 6.8











0 5 10 15









Partial Pressure of Carbon Dioxide (%)

Dissolved Carbon


Dissolved Bicarbonate

Dissolved Carbonate

Total Inorganic Carbon

Page 196: Design of Algal Film Photobioreactors for Algal Biomass ...€¦ · Je tiens à remercier mon frère pour moi logement et brassage de la bière avec moi. Remerciement spéciaux à


Figure B.4 – Log concentration of inorganic carbon species in water with varying pH at a

fixed partial pressure of 1% CO2

B.3 Detailed Calculation of the Mass Transfer Coefficient

Area of riser: 8.5x41 cm2

Area of downcomer: 4.5x41 cm2

Height of downcomer: 14.7 cm

Length of submerged portion of waveguide: 19.2 cm

The average velocity in the downcomer is calculated using the average time that micro beads

with 1 g/cm3 took to travel from the top of the downcomer to the bottom:

𝑈 =𝑑𝑑𝑐



3.19𝑠𝑒𝑐= 4.61



Reynolds number is calculated as such:












2 4 6 8 10 12


g C





n (







Carbon Dioxide





Total Inorganic


Page 197: Design of Algal Film Photobioreactors for Algal Biomass ...€¦ · Je tiens à remercier mon frère pour moi logement et brassage de la bière avec moi. Remerciement spéciaux à


𝑅𝑒 =𝑈 ∙ 𝑑𝑐



𝑠𝑒𝑐 ∙ 0.0810𝑚

1.004 × 10−6 𝑚2


= 3,719

Schmidt number is calculated as such:

𝑆𝑐 =𝜈


1.004 × 10−6 𝑚2




=1.004 × 10−6 𝑚2

𝑠𝑒𝑐 ×1002𝑐𝑚

𝑚2 ×86400𝑠𝑒𝑐




= 760.9

The average Sherwood number can be represented by the following expression for this case

(Seader and Henly 2006):

𝑆ℎ = 0.664 ∙ (𝑅𝑒)1/2(𝑆𝑐)1/3

𝑆ℎ = 0.664(3719)1/2(760.9)1/3 = 369.8

The mass transfer coefficient is represented by:

ℎ =𝑆ℎ ∙ 𝐷



ℎ =369.8 × 1.14



19.2 𝑐𝑚= 21.9



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Appendix C – Numerical Shooting Method and MATLAB® Code

Recall the description of the problem as presented in Chapter 5. The model developed describes

inorganic carbon utilization in the algal biofilm. The film is assumed to have a uniform density

and composition. Inorganic carbon and light are considered to be limiting, so that all other

nutrients are assumed to be in excess. The light intensity and concentration profiles in the biofilm

are considered to be at steady state, while the growth of the biofilm is not. In this pseudo-steady

state problem, the model assumes that microorganisms are not being removed or added to the

biofilm through attachment or detachment. In the model, the inorganic ion species, CO2, HCO3-,

and CO32-

are aggregated into a single term representing all inorganic carbon.

The model begins a steady state material balance on inorganic carbon at a point in the biofilm

that includes mass transfer by diffusion and generation/consumption:


𝑑𝑥2 + 𝑟𝑖 = 0 (C.1)

C [mg/cm3] represents the concentration of inorganic carbon, x [cm] is distance, and r is the rate

of inorganic carbon generation or production [mg/day]. The steady state diffusion is used in this

case as it is assumed that steady state diffusion of inorganic carbon into an algal biofilm can be

reached quickly or faster than the algal biofilm can grow.

For algal biofilms, the Monod model combined with the Steele relationship and a first order

respiration model is used, which is represented by equation (2).

𝑟 = −𝜇𝑚𝑎𝑥𝑥𝑓𝐶

𝐾𝑠+𝐶𝑓𝐿 + 𝑏


𝑌 (C.2)

Where μmax is the Monod max constant for algae [days-1

], xf is the biomass density as moles of

substrate [mgC/cm3], Ks is the Monod half-saturation constant for the substrate [mgC/cm

3], b is

the respiration coefficient [days-1

], Y is the yield coefficient [mgBiomass/mgC] and Fl is a ratio

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which is expressed by the Steele relationship (Steele 1965). Compared to past models developed

by Liehr et al. (1988, 1989, 1990) and Flora et al. (1995), the inorganic carbon species are

lumped together in one term, C. The Steele relationship is represented below (Steele 1965):

𝐹𝑙 =𝐼



𝐼𝑠) (C.3)

Where Fl is the light limitation fraction, I is the light intensity [μmol/m2 s], and Is [μmol/m

2 s] is

the saturation light intensity. The Steele relationship describes the photoinhibition effect that

algae experience (Steele 1965, Melis et al. 1999, Melis 2009).There are alternative relationships

to describe the photo-inhibition effect such as the Haldane-type model, however these models are

significantly more complex and are dependent on multiple parameters which must be determined

from experimental data. The light intensity in algal solutions or films is often described by the

Beer-Lambert law for light attenuation:

𝐼 = 𝐼𝑖𝑒−𝛾𝑥 (C.4)

Where Ii is the light intensity at the surface of the biofilm or material [μmol/m2 s], and γ is the

extinction coefficient [cm-1

]. Most models on phototrophic biofilms which account for light

(Liehr et al. 1989, Flora et al. 1995, Wolf et al. 2007) use the Beer-Lambert law to describe light

attenuation. The light direction can be specified in the model as three possibilities: water side,

material side, and both sides.

Total flux of a substrate in an algal biofilm is represented by:

𝐽𝐶 = ∫ (𝜇𝑥𝑓𝐶






− 𝑏𝑥𝑓

𝑌) 𝑑𝑥


0 (C.5)

where Jc is the inorganic carbon flux [mgC/cm2]. The growth of an algal biofilm is then

described as the conversion of the inorganic carbon into biomass as described below:


𝑑𝑡= 𝑄𝐽𝑐 (C.6)

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where M is the algal film biomass per surface area [g/m2], and Q is the yield coefficient of

inorganic carbon to biomass [mg Biomass/mg C]. Combining equations (C.1-4) yields the

second order ODE:


𝑑𝑥2 −𝜇𝑥𝑓𝐶

𝐾𝑠+𝐶𝑓𝐿 + 𝑏


𝑌= 0 (C.7)

The alternative to solving the equation is to non-dimentionalized the nonlinear differential

equation developed by the combined equations (C.1-4), then by resolving the second order non-

linear ordinary differential equation (ode) into two first order non-linear odes. These equations

were solved using a 4th

order Adam-Bashford predictor corrector method in combination with a

shooting method where the flux of inorganic carbon into the biofilm is the estimated parameter.

The boundary conditions applied were: [C] = [C]bulk at x = 0 and that d[C]/dx = 0 at x=Lf. The

flux of inorganic carbon into the biofilm (D*d[C]/dx at x = 0) is set to be equal to the reaction

rate integrated over the depth of the biofilm (equation C.5). After the total inorganic flux

consumed by the biofilm was calculated, the growth of the biofilm over a defined time period

was calculated by using a discretized form of equation (C.6).

C.1 Problems with the shooting method

In chapter 5 it was briefly mentioned that the shooting method encountered certain problems

which resulted in nonsensical results in terms of inorganic carbon profile. Using the shooting

method will enable the model to predict negative concentrations and fails to satisfy the boundary

conditions, while properly balancing the overall mass balance under certain conditions. This

problem has been discussed by Wong (2005) in enzymes embedded in particles. In diffusion into

particles with embedded enzymes, when the solution fails to converge, the method to follow is to

use an asymptotic analysis with a shooting method. In the application discussed by Wong (2005),

this occurs when the Thiele modulus is large so that the substrate consumption and enzymatic

reaction is significantly greater than the diffusion rate, which causes perturbations in the

solution. Using this method an intermediate layer where the concentration of the substrate is

assumed to reach zero is guessed, then the shooting method with the new boundary conditions

(Cs(x = l) = 0, opposed to dCs/dx|x=l = 0). In bacterial biofilm models, when assuming zero order

Page 201: Design of Algal Film Photobioreactors for Algal Biomass ...€¦ · Je tiens à remercier mon frère pour moi logement et brassage de la bière avec moi. Remerciement spéciaux à


growth kinetics it is possible to estimate whether the biofilm has been fully or partially

penetrated (Wanner et al. 2006). With phototrophic biofilms which have a light dependency, this

estimation is impossible.

The inorganic carbon profiles from Figure C.1 show irregular/impossible inorganic carbon

profiles as estimated by the model, either showing negative concentrations, or profiles which do

not satisfy the boundary condition that dC/dx at x = Lf is not zero. This problem was observed

when the initial inorganic carbon concentration was low (0.0009 gC/L), when there was a light

source present from the material side and when the biofilm reached a certain thickness. Under

the conditions presented in Figures 5.8 d, and f, the inorganic carbon profiles were not physically

possible at biofilm thickness greater than 100 μm. Since the model convergence is dependent on

the inlet flux being balanced with the total flux consumed/produced in the algal biofilm, it is

possible that the model will suggest inorganic carbon profiles which are impossible (i.e. have

negative values or don’t satisfy the boundary condition). The model is programed to converge on

the criteria that the inlet flux has to balance with the total inorganic consumption and respiration

(equation C.5). Due to the input parameters listed in Table 5.1 it is possible that a negative

inorganic carbon concentration can yield a positive consumption term (carbon is calculated as

being consumed).

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Figure C.1 – Inorganic carbon profile as estimated by the Shooting Method.

There were many challenges associated with simplifying the model, which are not encountered

in other biofilm modeling cases. In biofilm modeling, it is possible to derive a pseudo-steady

state model, which has many of the same underlying assumptions which were made in Chapter 5

(gel-like structure, known biofilm thickness, no external mass-transport resistance). In modeling

pseudo-steady state biofilms which have consumption and respiration, a key variable to know is

the minimum concentration of a given substrate as demonstrated by (Wanner et al. 2006):

𝑆𝑚𝑖𝑛 =𝑏

𝑌𝜇𝑚𝑎𝑥−𝑏 (C.7)

Where Smin is the minimum possible concentration of substrate S in the biofilm, b is the

respiration constant, Y is the yield coefficient and μmax is the maximum specific growth rate

according to Monod kinetics. In the case for algal biofilm the equation for the minimum is (Liehr

et al. 1990):

𝐶𝑚𝑖𝑛 =𝑏𝐾𝑠














0 50 100 150 200 250






n C









Depth into biotilm (μm)

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The equation (C.8) has an asymptote as a function of distance into the biofilm (x). This creates

issues with the calculation the minimum concentration, since Cmin can approach infinity and

negative infinity depending on Fl(x). It can also yield a negative value for the minimum

concentration, a physically impossible answer. This creates additional problems for modeling

substrate diffusion in phototrophic algal biofilms, since the transferability of equations from non-

phototrophic biofilms is non-applicable. The relationship of minimum total inorganic carbon

(equation C.7) was first presented by Liehr et al. (1990), but was only discussed in terms of how

the value affected the flux of inorganic carbon into the biofilm and only from one direction. To

demonstrate how equation (C.8) affects the convergence of the model, Figure C.2 was created as

shown below:

Figure C.2 – The minimum inorganic carbon estimated by the proposed model with

varying light direction and biofilm depth (assuming conditions outlined in Table 5.1 and

assuming a biofilm 800 μm thick)










0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900



m T


l In



ic C






Depth in Biofilm (μm)

Water Side

Material Side

Both Sides

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In the Figure C.2, asymptotes are present, which affects to minimum inorganic carbon

concentration possible and allows that value to approach infinity. This causes problems in the

computation, since the numerical model may predict a concentration of infinity or negative

infinity, which causes issues in the secant method.

The problem can also be shown in the following demonstration. In this case the initial slope of

the inorganic carbon is varied linearly from one set parameter to another set parameter and the

total inorganic carbon consumption is calculated for each guess. The values for the inorganic

carbon flux into the biofilm minus the consumption flux are plotted with each guess in addition

to the total inorganic carbon consumption (Figure C.3).

Figure C.3 – Variations in the difference between the inlet flux and the consumption flux

and the slope at the attachment material with varying initial slope.

Based on the results, it is clear that the model is having issues converging under these conditions.

For the model to converge the derivative at the wall must equal to zero to satisfy the boundary

condition and the flux in must equal the flux consumed. In this case there are points where one

condition will be satisfied but the other condition is not satisfied. What appears to be

“turbulence” in the inorganic carbon consumption does not disappear with taking smaller step















-0.06 -0.055 -0.05 -0.045 -0.04 No






d S


e a

t th

e W







ce i

n I


t F

lux a








m2 d



Non-dimentionalized Initital Slope Guess (unitless)

Difference in Flux in

and Consumption

Slope at the wall

Page 205: Design of Algal Film Photobioreactors for Algal Biomass ...€¦ · Je tiens à remercier mon frère pour moi logement et brassage de la bière avec moi. Remerciement spéciaux à


sizes. The model will converge when both the difference in the flux and the slope at the wall are

close to zero for a given initial guess. As of currently, it appears to be related to the asymptotes

found in the minimum inorganic carbon concentration. Changing the solving algorithm to a

transient problem appeared to resolve the issue.


C.2 Analytical Solution

C.2.1 Core Solution

%Analytical Model by Scott Genin %calculates growth of carbon saturated algal biofilms %Input units must be in mg/cm^2 %Conversion factor from g/m^2 to mg/cm^2 is 10. filename = 'Analyticalalgalfilm.xlsx';

%define variables D = 1.14; %cm^2/day k = 2.6; %day^-1 Ks = 3*10^-4; %mg CO2/cm^3 xf = 50; %mg CO2/cm^3 Q = 0.5; %Fraction of carbon converted into biomass Is = 200; %saturation light intensity Io = 100; gamma = 200; b = 0.1; %day^-1 Y = 1; % mg C/mg C row = 100; %mg/cm^3 tspan = [0:0.2:150]; y0 = 0.15; dmdt = [];

%Declare function callmyfun = @(t,y)AFMass(t,y,Q,k,xf,gamma,Io,Is,row,b,Y);

%Solve function using ODE45 [t,y] = ode45(callmyfun,tspan,y0);

%Correction factor of 10 due to unit change biomass = y*10;

%Generate instantaneous rate of change for i = 1:numel(t); dmdt(i) = AFMass(t(i),y(i),Q,k,xf,gamma,Io,Is,row,b,Y); end dMdt = transpose(dmdt);


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%Write xlswrite(filename,t,1,'A1'); xlswrite(filename,biomass,1,'B1'); xlswrite(filename,dMdt,1,'C1');

C.2.2 Core Biomass Function Where Light is Constant %Funtion where light intensity is constant

function dmdt = AFMass(t,m,Q,k,xf,gamma,Io,Is,row,b,Y)

dmdt = Q*((k*xf/gamma)*(exp(1-(Io/Is)*exp(-gamma*m/row))-exp(1-Io/Is))-



C.2.3 Core Biomass Function Where Light is Variable (example function of light intensity

is given) %Function for when light changes function dmdt = AFMass2(t,m,Q,k,xf,gamma,Io,Is,row,b,Y)

%Define function of how light changes I = (Io/2)+(2/3)*t;

dmdt = Q*((k*xf/gamma)*(exp(1-(I/Is)*exp(-gamma*m/row))-exp(1-I/Is))-



C.2.4 Curve Fitting Algorithm

%Analytical Model by Scott Genin %Calculates growth of carbon saturated algal biofilms %Input units must be in mg/cm^2 %Conversion factor from g/m^2 to mg/cm^2 is 10.

k = 2.1; %day^-1 Ks = 3*10^-4; %mg CO2/cm^3 xf = 50; %mg CO2/cm^3 Q = 0.5; %Fraction of carbon converted into biomass Is = 200; %saturation light intensity Io = 100; gamma = 140; b = 0.1; %day^-1 Y = 1; % mg C/mg C row = 100; %mg/cm^3

Params = [k]; %Define data from experiments xdata = [0;5;7;10;14;19;21;24;26];%data ydata = [0.02875;1.01125;1.3;1.4975;2.34;3.26875;3.81;3.995;4.46875];%data %define initial value

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y0 = 0.02875;


[y,resnorm,residual,exitflag,output,lambda,J] =


%Return values

ci = nlparci(y,residual,'jacobian',J);

C.3 Transient Code

C.3.1 Solution to Steady State %Model to attempt to describe the steady state solution %Variables %Light related ones Io = 100; %umol/m^2 s Is = 200; %umol/m^2 s gamma = 140; %1/cm %Growth related variables mu = 1.2; %1/day xf = 50; %mgC/cm^3 b = 0.1; %1/day Y = 1; %mgC/mgC %Diffusion D = 1.14; %cm^2/day k = 1.14; %cm^2/day h = 100; %cm/day %Amalgamated variables Kappa = b*xf/Y; epsilon = mu*xf/gamma; If = Io/Is;

%Defined variables L = 0.06; C = []; x = []; Cb = 0.045; %generate x matrix for q = 1:300 x(q) = q*0.0002;


%Individual term calculation

for j = 1:300 test2 = expint(If*exp(-gamma*x(j)));

term_1 = (epsilon*exp(1)/(D*gamma))*expint(If*exp(-gamma*x(j))); term_2 = -(1/2)*(Kappa/D)*x(j)^2; term_3 = -(epsilon/D)*exp(1-If); term_4 = -(k/(D*h))*epsilon*exp(1-If*exp(-gamma*L)); term_5 = (k/(D*h))*Kappa*L;

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term_6 = (epsilon/D)*(k/h)*exp(1-If); term_7 = -(epsilon/(D*gamma))*exp(1)*expint(If*exp(-gamma*L)); term_8 = (1/2)*(Kappa/D)*L^2; term_9 = (epsilon/D)*exp(1-If)*L;

Test = term_4+term_5;

C2 = term_2+term_3*x(j)+term_4+term_5+term_6+term_7+term_8+term_9+Cb;

C(j) =



X = transpose(x); Carbon = transpose(C);


C.3.1 Solution to Transient %Solver for the transient function S_star = zeros(1,100); S = zeros(1,100); Sstore = 0; %Variables for described polynomial for numerical integration a = 26866.4419; %5th order b = -2439.733266; %4th order c = 78.03726865; %3rd order d = -3.012793374; %2nd order e = 0.048096762; %constant So = 0.015; %Reactor/biofilm properties h = 100; D = 1.14; L = 0.06; %thickness of biofilm cm %define file name filename = 'CprofilesTfilm.xlsx'; %define time and space variables

x = 0:0.0005:L; t = 0:0.01:24;

%Get beta values

Beta = Efinder(h,L,D);

Lambda = Beta/L; n = numel(Lambda);

%Get value for Cn Cn = Cnsolver(Lambda,L,a,b,c,d,e,So,n);

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%Solver for each row of C % We know that S*(x,t) = Sum[1->infinity] of % (Cn*cos(lambda*x)*exp(-lambda^2*t) %And S = S* + phi, where phi = ax^5 + bx^4 + cx^3 + dx^2 + e for q = 1:numel(x)

phi(q) = a*x(q)^5 + b*x(q)^4 + c*x(q)^3 + d*x(q)^2 + e;

end %Define counters, remember that Lambda(1) = 0 j = 1; %lambda counter k = 1; %space counter w = 1; %time counter %Since phi is a fixed function S* is the only one which needs to be solved

for k = 1:numel(x) Sstore = 0; %Reset variable for j = 1:(n-1)

Stemp = Cn(j)*cos(Lambda(j+1)*x(k))*exp(-D*(Lambda(j+1)^2)*0); Sstore = Sstore + Stemp;

end S_star(k) = Sstore; end

for q = 1:numel(S_star)

S(q) = S_star(q) + phi(q);


for k = 1:numel(x) Sstore = 0; %Reset variable for j = 1:(n-1)

Stemp = Cn(j)*cos(Lambda(j+1)*x(k))*exp(-D*(Lambda(j+1)^2)*0.001); Sstore = Sstore + Stemp;

end S_star(k) = Sstore; end

for q = 1:numel(S_star)

S1(q) = S_star(q) + phi(q);

end for k = 1:numel(x) Sstore = 0; %Reset variable for j = 1:(n-1)

Stemp = Cn(j)*cos(Lambda(j+1)*x(k))*exp(-D*(Lambda(j+1)^2)*0.005);

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Sstore = Sstore + Stemp;

end S_star(k) = Sstore; end

for q = 1:numel(S_star)

S2(q) = S_star(q) + phi(q);

end for k = 1:numel(x) Sstore = 0; %Reset variable for j = 1:(n-1)

Stemp = Cn(j)*cos(Lambda(j+1)*x(k))*exp(-D*(Lambda(j+1)^2)*0.01); Sstore = Sstore + Stemp;

end S_star(k) = Sstore; end

for q = 1:numel(S_star)

S3(q) = S_star(q) + phi(q);

end plot(x,S);

X = transpose(x); Conct1 = transpose(S); Conct2 = transpose(S1); Conct3 = transpose(S2); Conct4 = transpose(S3); SSConc = transpose(phi);

xlswrite(filename,X,1,'A1'); xlswrite(filename,Conct1,1,'B1'); xlswrite(filename,Conct2,1,'C1'); xlswrite(filename,Conct3,1,'D1'); xlswrite(filename,Conct4,1,'E1'); xlswrite(filename,SSConc,1,'F1');

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C.4 Numerical Solution

C.4.1 Numerical Transient Solution

%Define Constants D = 1.14; %cm^2/day k = 2.1; %day^-1 Ks = 3*10^-4; %mg CO2/cm^3 xf = 50; %mg CO2/cm^3 n = 50; %Initial number of boxes depth = 1.2*10^-3; %width of each box Is = 200; %saturation light intensity Q = 0.5; %Fraction of carbon converted into biomass j = 2000; %number of time interations row = 100*10^-3; %biomass density g/cm^3 b = 0.1; %day^-1 Y = 1; % mg C/mg C Co = 0.03478; %mgC/cm^3 converge = 1; C = []; dcdt = []; delta_t1 = 0.0001; %step size filename = 'cprofilefilm.xlsx';

count = 1; checksum = 1; delta_t = delta_t1; %Generate initial matrix

for i = 1:n C(i) = (Co-Ks)/2;

end FL = Steele_const(n,depth,Is); while abs(converge) > 0.5e-7

i = 1;

%For the first box

dcdt(i) = Filmchange(D,Co,C(1),C(2),Y,b,FL(i),k,xf,Ks,depth/2,depth);

%For every other box for i = 2:n-1

dcdt(i) = Filmchange(D,C(i-


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%Final Box i = n;

dcdt(i) = Filmchange(D,C(i-1),C(i),-0.15,Y,b,FL(i),k,xf,Ks,depth,depth);

%RungeKutta section

i = 1;

k1 = Filmchange(D,Co,C(1),C(2),Y,b,FL(i),k,xf,Ks,depth/2,depth); k2 =


,FL(i),k,xf,Ks,depth/2,depth); k3 =


,FL(i),k,xf,Ks,depth/2,depth); k4 =



C(i) = C(i) + (delta_t/6)*(k1+2*k2+2*k3+k4);

for i = 2:n-1 k1 = Filmchange(D,C(i-1),C(i),C(i+1),Y,b,FL(i),k,xf,Ks,depth,depth); k2 = Filmchange(D,C(i-


,Ks,depth,depth); k3 = Filmchange(D,C(i-


,Ks,depth,depth); k4 = Filmchange(D,C(i-



C(i) = C(i) + (delta_t/6)*(k1+2*k2+2*k3+k4);


i = n; k1 = Filmchange(D,C(i-1),C(i),-0.15,Y,b,FL(i),k,xf,Ks,depth,depth); k2 = Filmchange(D,C(i-1)+(delta_t1/2)*k1,C(i)+(delta_t1/2)*k1,-

0.15,Y,b,FL(i),k,xf,Ks,depth,depth); k3 = Filmchange(D,C(i-1)+(delta_t1/2)*k2,C(i)+(delta_t1/2)*k2,-

0.15,Y,b,FL(i),k,xf,Ks,depth,depth); k4 = Filmchange(D,C(i-1)+(delta_t1)*k3,C(i)+(delta_t1)*k3,-


C(i) = C(i) + (delta_t/6)*(k1+2*k2+2*k3+k4);

converge = sum(dcdt)*delta_t*n;

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count = count + 1; checksum = checksum +1; if (C(1) - Co < 1e-2) if count > 10000 delta_t = delta_t*1.2; count = 0; end end if checksum > 100000 break; end

end x = []; x(1) = depth/2; for i = 2:n x(i) = depth*i-depth/2;


Carbon = transpose(C); X = transpose(x); plot(X,C);

xlswrite(filename,X,1,'A1') xlswrite(filename,Carbon,1,'B1')

C.5 General Function

C.5.1 Steele Function

function res = Steele_function(Io,Is,gamma,Lf,n,x) I = []; Fl = [];

for i = 1:n

I(i) = Io*exp(-gamma*x(i)); Fl(i) = (I(i)/Is)*exp(1-(I(i)/Is));

end res = Fl; end

C.5.2 Consumption

function res = C_consumption(Params,n,c,Lf,length) %fixed parameters D = Params(1); %day/cm^2 k = Params(2); %day^-1 Y = Params(3); %etc..

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b = Params(4); %day^-1 Io = Params(5); %umol/m^2 sec Is = Params(6); %umol/m^2 sec Ks = Params(7); %mg/cm^3 gamma = Params(8); % cm^-1 xf = Params(9);

Fl = Steele_function(Io,Is,gamma,Lf,n,length); flux_tot = 0;

for i=1:n flux = Fl(i)*(k*xf*c(i))/(Ks+c(i))-b*xf/Y; flux_tot = flux*(Lf/n)+flux_tot; end res = flux_tot; end

C.5.3 Adam Bashford function [x y] = AdamBashford(a,b,h,con,fun,Co,Lf,Params) %4th- order predictor correct method of Adam-Bashford x = a:h:b; n = length(x); y = zeros(length(con),n);

y(:,1) = con; %Runge-Kutta initial Prediction

for k = 1:3 k1 = fun(x(k),y(:,k),Co,Lf,Params); k2 = fun(x(k)+0.5*h,y(:,k)+0.5*h*k1',Co,Lf,Params); k3 = fun(x(k)+0.5*h,y(:,k)+0.5*h*k2',Co,Lf,Params); k4 = fun(x(k)+h,y(:,k)+h*k3',Co,Lf,Params); y(:,k+1)=y(:,k)+h*(k1'+2*k2'+2*k3'+k4')/6; end

for k = 4:(n-1) %Predictor ab1 = fun(x(k),y(:,k),Co,Lf,Params); ab2 = fun(x(k-1),y(:,k-1),Co,Lf,Params); ab3 = fun(x(k-2),y(:,k-2),Co,Lf,Params); ab4 = fun(x(k-3),y(:,k-3),Co,Lf,Params); y(:,k+1) = y(:,k) + (h/24)*(55*ab1'-59*ab2'+37*ab3'-9*ab4'); %Corrector cab = fun(x(k+1),y(:,k+1),Co,Lf,Params); y(:,k+1) = y(:,k) + (h/24)*(9*cab' + 19*ab1' - 5*ab2' + ab3'); end


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Appendix D – Light Calibration Curves

Figure D.1 – Light power emission from the red LEDs used in Chapter 4 as measured by

the Newport silicone Detector

Figure D.2 – Photon flux from the red LEDs used in Chapter 4 as measured by the

Fieldscout Quantum Light Meter

y = 150.08x

R² = 0.9813







0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4







g (




Electrical Power (W)

y = 10697x

R² = 0.9893







0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25



n F

lux (



m2 s


Electrical Power (W)

Page 216: Design of Algal Film Photobioreactors for Algal Biomass ...€¦ · Je tiens à remercier mon frère pour moi logement et brassage de la bière avec moi. Remerciement spéciaux à


Figure D.3 – Photodiode readings from the red LEDs used in Chapter 4

Figure D.4 – Light spectrum from red LEDs provided by Pond Biofuels with changing

electrical input power.

y = 2050374x

R² = 0.9879








0 0.00002 0.00004 0.00006 0.00008 0.0001 0.00012 0.00014







g (



Electrical Power (W)











580 590 600 610 620 630 640 650 660 670 680 690 700 710 720



ty (



Wavelength (nm)








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Appendix E – Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy Images

Figure E.1 – ESEM image of an algal biofilm grown on glass tagged with Osmium

tetroxide (BSE3D Mag 250x, total width 11400 μm)

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Figure E.2 – ESEM image of an algal biofilm growing on cellulose acetate tagged with

Osmium tetroxide (BSE3D Mag 75x, total width 12200 μm)

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Appendix F – Sessile Drop Test Data

Table F.1 – Liquid-material contact angles for water, glycerol and hexadecane (n = 3, standard

deviations shown)

Material Water (o) Glycerol (

o) Hexadecane (


Cellulose Acetate 63.1 (± 6.7) 74.0 (± 2.8) 29.9 (± 5.2)

Acrylic 66.8 (± 6.7) 64.8 (± 2.4) 15.7 (± 1.1)

Glass 33.7 (± 3.8) 43.1 (± 2.6) 15.5 (± 7.2)

Polycarbonate 79.1 (± 1.5) 68.4 (± 3.4) 9.8 (± 0.5)

Silicone Rubber 93.6 (± 3.2) 80.4 (± 1.9) 59.5 (± 5.0)

Polystyrene 72.8 (± 3.4) 54.2 (± 1.9) 15.5 (± 0.4)

Table F.2 – Dispersion surface energies of the materials used in Chapter 3

Material Dispersion Surface

Energy (mJ/m2)


Cellulose Acetate 23.87466193 1.184088892

Acrylic 26.45141961 0.144072262

Glass 26.3555567 0.976506729

Polycarbonate 27.07246522 0.04324058

Silicone Rubber 15.61685074 1.539953997

Polystyrene 26.47994687 0.053987638

Table F.3 – Polar surface energies of the materials used in Chapter 3

Material Polar Surface

Energy (mJ/m2)


Cellulose Acetate 7.109273393 0.413208388

Acrylic 8.239127804 0.339827272

Glass 10.90779024 0.323520256

Polycarbonate 7.612227481 0.509294616

Silicone Rubber 6.890278559 0.425203756

Polystyrene 9.620777768 0.216404759

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