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4 Hay Group has distilled 60 years of expertise into a program that accredits you to help your frontline managers improve team performance and business results. Leadership impact for frontline managers results frontline on the Delivering

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Hay Group has distilled 60 years of expertise into a program that accredits you to help your frontline managers improve team performance and business results.

Leadership impact for frontline managers

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Delivering results on the frontline2

©2013 Hay Group. All rights reserved

Leadership impact for frontline managers

The benefits

n More effective frontline managers. A manager’s behaviour has a huge impact on their team’s motivation, innovation and productivity. Our world-leading online diagnostic tools measure the effectiveness of your frontline managers by assessing their leadership styles and the climate they create. This powerful insight can be used to show managers the effect they are having on their teams.

n A high-performance climate through leadership styles. There are six styles of leadership that great leaders use to create positive climates. You will learn about these and be given the tools to show your frontline managers how and when to use them. This enables them to adapt their management approach to different circumstances and individuals.

n Better business results. By deploying the right leadership style at the right time, your managers will improve the climate within their teams – and this will make a real difference to the bottom line.

n Sustained impact. Having completed the program, you can deploy the training repeatedly, and use our assessment tools to track and improve the performance of your frontline managers over time.

Frontline managers have a tough job. They are expected to deliver a high-quality service to clients and customers, greater productivity, bigger cost savings, smarter innovation, flexible teams, lower staff turnover...the list goes on.

Frontline managers often take the role without previous management experience and typically attempt it with little or no development.

There are often understandable reasons for this lack of support: such a large population of leaders means development resource is thinly spread; while time off the job is problematic in such a vital operational role.

However, these are the same reasons why frontline managers are so critical to performance.

Sixty years of Hay Group research shows that a manager’s approach is the most influential factor in determining performance. Leadership style can affect variations in climate by as much as 70 per cent, which can, in turn, affect the bottom line by up to 30 per cent.

And our work with hundreds of organisations demonstrates that great frontline managers can deliver up to:

n 12 per cent higher financial turnover n 36 per cent lower staff turnover

n 57 per cent less absenteeism.

Leadership impact for frontline managers provides you with a cost-effective way to help your frontline managers create a positive climate for their teams.

By deploying the right leadership style at the right time, your managers will improve the climate within their teams.

How does it work?

The return on your investment

Our work with a range of organi ations demonstrates that improving your frontline leadership will enhance business performance.

The best branch managers at a UK financial services organisation delivered: n A £9.5 million increase in revenuen 1 per cent lower staff turnovern 25 per cent less absenteeism.

High-performing store managers at a large UK retailer achieved: n 12 per cent higher sales growthn 17 per cent lower staff turnovern 40 per cent less absenteeism.

The most effective ward leaders in the UK National Health Service produced: n 40 per cent less drug errorsn 36 per cent lower staff turnovern 57 per cent less absenteeism.

You gain first-hand experience of the frontline managers program, which uses diagnostics, self-directed and facilitated learning .

A further one-day workshop gives you the accreditation to deliver to your frontline managers.

Stage 4 Facilitated learning

Stage 5 Follow up

Stage 3 Self-directed learning

Stage 2 Diagnostics

e-learning modules help frontline managers get the most value from their diagnostic feedback and the workshop that follows.

Day two provides you with the chance to gain accreditation in the diagnostic tools to enable you to deliver leadership impact to your frontline managers.

You receive a full package of support materials, and a dedicated account manager assists you at every stage of the program and beyond.

A welcome and introduction to the program.

Stage 1 Enrollment

The program supports you step by step...

Online tools measure the e�ectiveness of frontline managers and the impact they have on their teams (see How the diagnostics work).

Day one enables you to experience what you will later deliver to frontline managers in your organisation. The workshop provides an in-depth understanding of how behaviour impacts performance, and you will take away concrete actions that will have an immediate impact on team performance.

To find out more about Leadership impact for frontline managers and how your organisation could benefit, please contact us: e [email protected] w

Delivering results on the frontline4

©2013 Hay Group. All rights reserved

More than 40 years of research shows that the right organisational climate improves motivation, innovation, productivity and the bottom line. Help your managers make it happen.

How the diagnostics work

Leadership impact for frontline managers uses two robust online 180o diagnostic tools:

1 Inventory of Leadership Styles 2 Organi ational Climate Survey

These provide powerful feedback on the effectiveness of your frontline managers and the impact they have on their teams.

1 Inventory of Leadership Styles

n Compares the styles managers think they use compared with their team’s actual experience.

n Measures their use of the six leadership styles that affect team climate: coercive, authoritative, affiliative, democratic, pacesetting, coaching.

n Empowers managers to make better leadership choices and offers clear steps for development.

2 Organi ational Climate Survey

n Provides an accurate picture of the climate that managers are creating, and how this is affecting their team members’ ability to do their jobs.

n Measures the six dimensions of climate: clarity, responsibility, flexibility, standards, team commitment, rewards. These dimensions have the biggest impact on team performance.

n Gives managers a platform to enhance the climate within their team – and to improve motivation, productivity and bottom-line performance.

Our styles and climate database consists of over 200,000 assessments completed by leaders worldwide.