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  • 8/17/2019 Dar Abul-Qasim Customer Pricelist





    An Undeniable Fact     currently out of stockدخل رل ا  ام by Dr. Abdurahim Almalki pages: 76 –  price: SR 6.00 

    Every part of the earth has, in one way or another, been exposed to the religion called "Islam." Non-Muslim people have become curious to learn more about it, its people and their beliefs. After partaking indiscussions and discovering the ways of Muslims, some have opened their minds and hearts to the true

    message of Islam. This book highlights compelling stories of prominent church members who have done so.

    our bestseller!

    Clear Your Doubts About Islam: 50 Answers to Common Questions إزا ات ل ام

     by Saheeh International pages: 104 –  price: SR 7.00 

    Recipient of Dar Abul-Qasim's "Book of the Year Award," 2008.   Correcting much of the misinformationcurrently being spread about Islam, this book provides concise yet comprehensive answers to questions most

    often raised by non-Muslims. It also serves as a tool for Muslims to know how to discuss topics in a logicaland insightful manner. Adopted by GainPeace.com as part of their Dawah Training Course. 

    How a Christian Preacher Embraced Islam ام




      by Abdullah M. al-Faruque pages: 20 –  price: SR 2.00 

    The personal story of a churchman who discovered the truth. A nice booklet often used for distribution eventhough it is only one person's narrative. 

    Introducing Islam     currently out of stockخ إ ام by Saheeh International pages: 24 –  price: SR 4.00 

    An attractive presentation with color photographs. Describes basic beliefs and practices simply and briefly. 

    Looking for God? Get Reasonable! اإت ود اق  خل آت   by Syed Iqbal Zaheer pages: 60 –  price: SR 6.00 

    This booklet was developed from an article written by the author in his  Educational Encyclopedia of Islam.Briefly but convincingly it presents evidences in favor of God's existence while refuting arguments against itfrom a rational point of view. It goes on to correct many erroneous concepts concerning Him which haveserved over time to weaken people's faith. This small book is expected to become a handy reference forMuslims and non-Muslims alike who are engaged in efforts to revive firm belief in God. 

    Muhummed – The Prophet of Islam  :ا    by Professor K.S. Ramakrishna Rao pages: 32 –  price: SR 2.00 

    An appreciation of Allah's Messenger by a non-Muslim.

    Dar Abul-QasimPublishing and Distribution

    Dedicated to Authenticity  

    PO Box 6156 • Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 21442 

    Phone: (966-2) 671-4793 Fax: (966-2) 672-5523 

    www.abulqasimbooks.com / mobile: +966 504331535Our complete book list does not appear on our website; however, some titlesby Saheeh International and Umm Muhammad are available from there in PDF format.  


  • 8/17/2019 Dar Abul-Qasim Customer Pricelist



    Paul: Apostle or Anti-Christ ا ا فااو س  by William Joquin pages: 78 –  price: SR 7.00 

    While Jesus was sent to uphold the divine law, Paul has long been considered one of his greatest apostles.He and his small band of followers wrote nearly half of the New Testament. But could this "great apostle"

    have actually been an antichrist who caused people to deviate from what Jesus had taught? This bookexamines the origins of present Christian doctrine, showing how those who adhered to Paul's version of thereligion departed from the original teachings of Jesus, succumbing to confusing dogmas which still cannot be

    adequately explained by the Church. And it demolishes many of the myths upon which the Christian Churchcontinues to depend.

    Real and Wonderful Stories  أ ك –    by Abdurahim Almalki pages: 252 –  price: SR 16.00 

    People from the West and other parts of the world relate how they came to embrace Islam. Inspirational fornon-Muslims and Muslims alike.

    2nd best daw‘ah book!

    The Global Messenger ا لا currently out of stock   by Umm Muhammad pages: 128 –  price: SR 7.00 

    An excellent book focusing on the personality of Prophet Muhammad and his global mission, along with ageneral introduction to Islam.

    The Prophethood of Muhammad in the Bible او ا ا   ة  by Dr. Lamya Shahin pages: 28 –  price: SR 3.00 

    Many Biblical verses which point directly to Muhammad are explained in this small but enlightening book.

    The Religion of Darwinism وراا ةا  by Harun Yahya pages: 100 –  price: SR 12.00 

    Exposes the unscientific nature of Darwin's theory, as his ideology is founded on a series of errors. Good forda‘wah to atheists.

    The Spirit of Islam   روح ام by Muhammad Asad pages: 24 –  price: SR 2.50 

    Impressions of Islam by a western convert.

    The Way of Jesus   ج(ا ه)   by Dr. Lamya Shahin pages: 32 –  price: SR 3.00 

    The true identity and noble teachings of Jesus Christ as mentioned in both the Bible and the Qur’an areamazingly similar. This booklet explores these issues in concise yet informative detail.

    What is the Purpose of Life   ا ف  اة

     by Mostafa Malaekah pages: 38 – 

     price: SR 3.00 Find the answer to this vital question in Islam. A da‘wah booklet for atheists and others. 

    Why I Embraced Islam   ـذا ا ام by Maryam Jameelah pages: 28 –  price: SR 2.00 

    The personal story of how an American Jewish woman came to accept Islam.   Her interests and ideas probably wouldn't be classified as a "typical" Westerner. Nevertheless, her story is unique. 

  • 8/17/2019 Dar Abul-Qasim Customer Pricelist



    QUR’ N


    A Brief Introduction to Tajweed  إز اـآن by Umm Muhammad pages: 56 –  price: SR 6.00 

    As a supplement to oral instruction, this summary aids the English-speaking Muslim in understanding thetheoretical aspect of correct recitation. For beginners in tajweed; used by many local da‘wah centers. 

    From the Guidance of Surah Ya Seen   ةر يـ   by Umm Muhammad pages: 132 –  price: SR 10.00 

    Based on well-known Arabic sources, the surah's meanings are explained clearly in English. UmmMuhammad has earned an impressive reputation; her writing style is concise yet thorough, and her materialis always well written. Sheik Yusuf Estes said, "I am a big fan of Umm Muhammad's books. When we needgood translations in English, we go to Abul-Qasim –  my favorite bookstore." 

    In the Light of Surah an-Nur   رة ار ض  currently out of stock   by Saheeh International pages: 128 –  price: SR 10.00

    This surah contains Allah's ordinance for Islamic morality and protection of the family. Books compiled by

    "Saheeh International" are mainly the work of Umm Muhammad as well and thus highly recommended.

    Self-Evident Miracles of the Qur’an   إز اـآن by M.U. Kazi pages: 140 –  price: SR 12.00 

    Compelling scientific facts stated in the Qur’an over 14 centuries ago are sure to convince anyone searching

    for the truth. Written in clear, simple language, this is an effective da‘wah book for the modern age.  Goodfor non-Muslims and Muslims alike.

    Surah al-Kahf ا ةر   by Saheeh International pages: 118 –  price: SR 10.00 

    The Prophet's recommendations to memorize and recite this sūrah weekly is an indication of its importance. 

    It contains reminders of the end of the world and has been described by scholars as a source of guiding principles, instructive ethics and a foundation for sound belief.

    The Amazing Qur’an   اآن اش by Gary Miller pages: 38 –  price: SR 4.00 

    What's amazing about the Qur’an? One would expect that Muslims consider it so, but surprisingly, others,even some opponents of Islam, have also found it amazing  –   not at all what they expected. This small

     booklet mentions some of the eternal challenges of the Qur’an which often surprise first-time readers. 

    The Qur’an: Arabic Text with Corresponding English Meanings مركلا ن ر قلا يع ةجرت  by Saheeh International  English only text, 10x14 cm., pages: 712  –  price: SR 20.00 

    Arabic/English text, 12x17 cm., pages: 992 – 

     price: SR 32.00 

    Arabic/English text, 14x21 cm., pages: 982  –  price: SR 38.00 

    Simple language and attention to detail have made this a superior English translation. Widely acclaimed andrespected for accurately reflecting accepted Arabic meanings, it has received positive feedback from scholarsand da‘wah workers worldwide. Read more at www.saheehinternational.com/quran-translation/ 

    The Qur’an and Modern Science   اآن وا اث by Dr. Maurice Bucaille pages: 38 –  price: SR 3.00 

    This effective da‘wah booklet contains Qur’anic statements about astronomy, geology and embryology.Includes a comparison with Biblical verses regarding creation and other topics.

    Zeal and Enthusiasm in the Qur’an اـآن




      by Harun Yahya pages: 106 –  price: SR 10.00 

    How believers can sincerely and enthusiastically live by the values of the Qur’an.  For Muslims.

  • 8/17/2019 Dar Abul-Qasim Customer Pricelist




    A Treasury of Ahadith     currently out of stockكـ  اـد ث by Dr. Mazhar U. Kazi pages: 228 –  price: SR 18.00 

    A collection of prophetic sayings, categorized into general topics with simple explanations where needed.Includes an introduction about the science of hadith. A nice gift item for Muslims and non-Muslims alike. 

    The Forty Hadith of al-Imam an-Nawawiوا را ح  currently out of stock  

     by Umm Muhammad pages: 182 – 

     price: SR 15.00 

    This collection is widely studied in Islamic courses around the world. The Imam chose these narrationsspecifically because earlier scholars had considered them to be the sources of many basic principles of‘aqeedah and shari‘ah. They reflect the concise and comprehensive style of the Prophet's speech and impartimportant information relating to the religion that should be known by every Muslim. Accompanying notes

    serve to further clarify the meanings contained in each hadith and have been abridged from the commentariesof an-Nawawi, Ibn Rajab and Ibn Daqeeq al-‘Eed. 

    The Muslim's Supplication Throughout the Day and Night ا  ور د 

     by Siddiqah Sharafuddeen pages: 132 –  price: SR 8.00 

    A collection of authentic supplications from the Qur’an and Sunnah to incorporate into every Muslim's dailyaffairs and focus his heart and mind on Allah.  For Muslims. 



    Sunni and Shi‘ah Perspectives   ة أ ا وا إ ام by Dr. Ahmad Abdullah Salamah pages: 138 –  price: SR 12.00 

    An objective comparison between Sunni and Shi‘ah doctrines in light of the Qur’an and hadith. Well written

    in layman's terminology and needed to correct matters of ‘aqeedah. 

    The Pillars of Faith  ا نكرأ   by Saheeh International pages: 44 –  price: SR 5.00 

    Islamic beliefs relate to person's conduct and character and to his eventual condition in the greater life tocome. This book is a simplified explanation of principal Islamic beliefs and has quickly become a popularteaching aid in Islamic education centers for new Muslims.

    The Struggle Against the Religion of Irreligion   دا ةا ة  by Harun Yahya pages: 120 –  price: SR 12.00 

    The Muslim's duty regarding da‘wah to those who have abandoned religion for secularism and worldly pursuits  isencouraged in this book.


    A Guide to the Celebration of ‘Eed   لا  by M.A.K. Saqib pages: 44

     –  price: SR 4.00 

    Islamic rulings concerning the ‘eed festivals and the performance of ‘eed prayer. Basic information for Muslims. 

    A Sign of Dignity: A Discourse on Muslim Women's Attire ورة ل س اأةا 

     by Dar Abul-Qasim pages: 36 –  price: SR 5.00 

    A Muslim woman is dignified by the way God expects her to appear in public, but what are the rulings sheshould follow? Does she need to cover her face or is a scarf sufficient? Is it necessary to wear an outergarment? This book explains where differences of opinion on these issues come from and clarifies thescholars' rulings regarding them.

    A Simplified Guide to Preparation of the Deceased for Burial




     by Saheeh International pages: 30 –  price: SR 4.00 

    A step-by-step guide with simple illustrations on how to properly wash and shroud the deceased.

  • 8/17/2019 Dar Abul-Qasim Customer Pricelist



    Fasting in Islam   أـم اـم by Saheeh International pages: 56 –  price: SR 6.00 

    Fasting not only pleases the Lord but provides nourishment for the soul and has the effect of softening hearts.It teaches patience, self-control and appreciation of the provisions and pleasures often taken for granted.This book discusses both the obligatory fast of Ramadhan and voluntary fasting.

    Fiqh Essentials   ص ه ادات by Saheeh International pages: 56 –  price: SR 6.00 

    An overview of basic Islamic obligations arranged in a simplified form to help new Muslims put into practice required tenets. Used in the curriculum of many Islamic teaching centers. Often coupled with "The

    Path to Prayer" as gifts for new Muslims. 

    Hajj and ‘Umrah According to Sunnah   و ص ةاو ا  by Maulana Mukhtar Ahmed Nadvi pages: 128 –  price: SR 8.00 

    A convenient, helpful guide listing the steps for hajj and ‘umrah. Includes a description of the Prophet'sFarewell Pilgrimage and a fold-out map of Makkah, Mina and ‘Arafah. 

    Just in Time for Ramadhan  أـم اـم رن by Saheeh International pages: 16 –  price: SR 2.00 

    A quick, convenient reference for the month of fasting. Good for distribution in Ramadhan. 

    The Islamic Ruling on Music and Singing  غاو فزا  ا  ا   by Abu Bilal Mustafa al-Kanadi pages: 92  –  price: SR 10.00 

    The Islamic ruling on music and singing has become a hotly debated issue in recent times. The continued bombardment by the music industry of pop stars has led some scholars to say that there isn't much choice  –  "either create Islamic songs (with musical instruments) that the kids will listen to, or they will buy whatothers offer them." No doubt, this debate requires unbiased, scholarly research which must be supported by

    authentic, decisive proof. This book expresses the rulings given by early scholars, which must certainly betaken into account by anyone concerned with this issue.

    Getting Married the Islamic Way  ط اواج  ام by Umm Muhammad pages: 54 –  price: SR 7.00 

    Marriage is the basis of the family order, which is, in turn, the basis of society. It is therefore an object of

    divine concern. But due to the widespread complacency and negligence among today's Muslims and a

    general decline in religious knowledge, we often find people, when faced with major decisions in life,

    looking for opinions and information from almost any available source, forgetting the sources of their

    religion or even considering that perhaps its legislation is not really relevant to the modern condition. The

     prevalence of many foreign and un-Islamic cultural practices within Muslim societies has further confused

    ordinary people. This book is a clarification of Islamic rulings regarding marriage as opposed to prevalent

    customs and traditions –  an outline of the marriage procedure according to Sunnah.

    The Observance of al-Mawlid an-Nabawi and Other Birthdays ا  لا خا دا دأو ي  

     by Umm Muhammad pages: 58 –  price: SR 6.00 

    A must for every Muslim household. Stresses the importance of following Sunnah and the danger of innovations.A believer struggling with the decision of whether or not to celebrate the mawlid or birthdays in general will

    inshaAllah come to the conclusion which is most pleasing to Allah. 

    The Path to Prayer   ـ اة by Umm Muhammad pages: 56 –  price: SR 5.00 

    An easily understood guide teaching prayer according to the Prophet's Sunnah. Contains transliteration toassist the new Muslim in proper pronunciation. Used in the curriculum of many Islamic centers.  Althoughthere are numerous books on the topic, this is among the best, as attested by an 80-year old British convert to

    Islam who said, "I had 5 or 6 books describing prayer, but it wasn't until I read The Path to Prayer that theway to perform it finally made sense." 

  • 8/17/2019 Dar Abul-Qasim Customer Pricelist



    Zakah and Sadaqah: An Outline of Basic Rulingsـاو ةـكا مـأ  currently out of


     by Saheeh International pages: 36 –  price: SR 5.00 

    Islamic rulings pertaining to obligatory zakah and voluntary charities.


    A Muslim's Concept of Time ا




      by Umm Muhammad pages: 50 –  price: SR 5.00 

    This book is a necessary reminder of how precious time is and why not to waste it. It reveals the importanceof time as a creation of Allah and as an asset to mankind. The Islamic calendar and its relationship to lifeand worship are also discussed.

    A View Through the Hijab اب  ة  ورا

     by Khaula Nakata pages: 20 –  price: SR 2.00 

    The personal account of a Japanese woman and her experience in adopting Islamic dress. 

    I Would Like to Repent But و بأ نأ رأ  by Syed Iqbal Zaheer pages: 78

     –  price: SR 4.00 

    Answers many questions about repentance and sin in an up-to-date manner, stating conditions forrepentance, suggesting cures for diseases of the heart, and offering useful guidelines for the penitent. Anencouraging booklet for Muslims. 

    Muslim Parents and Cyberculture: What Can We Do About It  ا ا ع by Saheeh International pages: 84 –  price: SR 10.00

    Cyberculture is internet culture  –  the new environment into which we have all been drawn in recent years.As home environments expand into the unlimited horizons of cyberspace, concerned parents are feelingincreasingly anxious about their children's safety and morality in face of this new challenge. 

    While kids are often more internet-savvy than we are, and although we cannot protect them from every

    negative influence, there are some real and manageable steps we can take to help children stay safe. This book presents practical guidelines compatible with Islamic principles to help them avoid serious problemsand at the same time allow them the many benefits of internet use. 

    Raising Children According to the Qur’an & Sunnah  او نآ و دوا   by Faramarz bin Muhammad Rahbar pages: 110 –  price: SR 10.00 

    Encouragement for parents with simple guidelines for bringing up Muslim children in non-Islamic environments.  

    Realities of Faith   ئق ان currently out of stock   by Umm Muhammad pages: 96  –  price: SR 10.00 

    Our most popular gift item for Muslims! Faith is something psychological and spiritual that reachesthe depths of the soul. Among the realities of faith are issues of awareness, repentance, patience

    and worship. This book contains some brief studies pertaining to the heart and soul adapted from

    the writings of early scholars. Its subject is an essential one, for it relates to man's existence, his

    relationship with his Lord, and his ultimate destiny. 

    Subconscious Denied: Why People Resist the Natural Inclination to Worship

    God Alone ا ة ن اذ  by Hend Alsharif pages: 54 –  price: SR 6.00 

    The inherent belief in one supreme God does certainly exist within the depths of every human being. It

    needs only to be released from long imprisonment behind the walls of conditioned thinking, blind acceptance

    and stubborn prejudice. Once that is accomplished, a person will seek truth on his own. This book givesinsight into the minds of people who hesitate to accept Islam or refuse it altogether. Intended for Muslims but may be appropriate for others as well. 

  • 8/17/2019 Dar Abul-Qasim Customer Pricelist




    ‘A’ishah bint Abi Bakr  ـ أ  ئـ  by Dr. Daud Abdullah pages: 28 –  price: SR 2.00 

    A short glimpse of her illustrious personality. Simple; appropriate for young Muslims. 

    Asma bint Abi Bakr  أ   ـأ  by Abu Ammaar ibn al-Qadhi pages: 20 –  price: SR 2.00 

    Highlights from the life of this intelligent and courageous woman.  Simple; appropriate for young Muslims. 

    Battles by the Prophet ا تاوغ  by Sayyid Ameenul Hasan Rizvi pages: 188 –  price: SR 12.00 

    Muhammad was a prophet of mercy but was obliged to turn to battle when others obstructed truth. Aninteresting historical account. The book shows how the Prophet tried to avoid fighting, and was as mercifulas possible when it was required.

    Khadijah bint Khuwaylid خويلد 

    خد ة نت


     by Dr. Daud Abdullah pages: 28 –  price: SR 2.00 

    A brief account of the Prophet's first wife. Simple; appropriate for young Muslims. 

    Safiyyah bint Abdul-Muttalib ا     by Abu Ammaar ibn al-Qadhi pages: 16 –  price: SR 2.00 

    A brave woman and aunt of Prophet Muhammad.   Simple; appropriate for young Muslims. 

    The Prophets Appointed by Allah   أ  by Umm Muhammad pages: 98 –  price: SR 10.00 

    Concise stories of the prophets based on the Qur’an and hadith. Carefully researched to avoid unconfirmedinformation. Suitable both for adults and young people.  Nice for both Muslims and non-Muslims. 


    Cultural Crisis ـ ـزأ  by Umm Muhammad pages: 26 –  price: SR 2.50 

    An enlightening summary of Muhammad Qutb's, Hal Nahnu Muslimun, this booklet diagnoses the ailment ofthe Muslim ummah as a preliminary to treatment. Has been especially appreciated as an eye-opener toMuslims in developing countries. 

    Drugs and Intoxicants, the Root of All Evil  ضر اات وارات by Zubair Dudha pages: 64 –  price: SR 5.00 

    The addict will commit any sin in order to sustain his habit. Warnings and advice for people dealing with this problem.

    Hindu Chauvinism and Muslims in Indiaا   سوا  

     by Murtahin Billah Jasir Fazlie pages: 130 –  price: SR 12.00

    An insightful account of Muslim-Hindu relations and the role of the government in India. Suitable for

    Muslims; would not be accepted by most Hindus.

    Islam Versus the West  ام اه اب by Maryam Jameela pages: 98 –  price: SR 5.00 

    A series of articles in which the author exposes efforts to "reinterpret" Islam along the lines of western thinking. 

  • 8/17/2019 Dar Abul-Qasim Customer Pricelist



    Islam's Answer to the Racial Problem   ا   ام by Mohummed Hobohm pages: 32 –  price: SR 1.50 

    Why has Islam succeeded in uniting humanity when manmade ideologies and systems have failed? Find outin this speech presented by a German diplomat in London. 

    Spiritual Crisis ور ـزأ  by Saheeh International pages: 28 –  price: SR 2.50 

    Based on a lecture by a well-known da‘iyah, this booklet urges Muslims to once again dedicate themselvesto Allah. 

    The Key to Madinah ا ح  by Dr. Daud Abdullah pages: 128 –  price: SR 10.00 

    Glimpses into the history of al-Madinah al-Munawwarah with lessons for contemporary Muslims.

    Especially recommended to those who plan to visit the "City of the Prophet." 

    Women's Ideal Liberation ا ا أة

     by Rukaiyah Hill Abdulsalam pages: 162 –  price: SR 15.00 

    Islam's answer to western claims about women. The author points out that Islam preserves, protects,comforts and dignifies women (and her male counterparts) from the snares of manmade ideologies. Goodfor Westerners, especially non-Muslims and "everyday" Muslims. Many people have found it to be a veryuseful da‘wah book. 


    Descriptions of Hell ا واو نآا    by Dr. Abdullah al-Shimemeri pages: 112 –  price: SR 10.00 

    Compilations of Qur’anic verses and prophetic hadiths  portraying Hell's torments. An ample warning. Appropriate for Muslims. 

    Descriptions of Paradiseا




      by Dr. Abdullah al-Shimemeri pages: 64 –  price: SR 7.00 

    Compilations of Qur’anic verses and prophetic hadiths portraying the pleasures of Paradise. An invitation torighteousness. Appropriate for both non-Muslims and Muslims. 

    Mysteries of the Soul Expounded    أز اوح by Abu Bilal Mustafa al-Kanadi pages: 130 –  price: SR 10.00 

    The quest to understand the mysteries of the human soul  –   its nature, essence and circumstances  –   isfascinating to people of all ages, faiths and walks of life. This book discusses these topics from an Islamic

     perspective, providing beneficial and thought-provoking information. 

    The Animal, Its Characteristics, and Its Rights in Islam  اان  ام by Muhammad az-Zaybaq pages: 54 –  price: SR 6.00 

    Islam's view of the animal kingdom and its rulings on animal treatment. Appropriate for both Muslims and

    non-Muslims, especially to dispel the false claim that slaughtering is "cruel."

    UMM ZAKIYYAH/RUBY MOORE NOVELS (others coming soon inshaAllah) 

    A Friendship Promise  pages: 132 –  price: SR 20.00 

    Hearts We Lost  pages: 380 –  price: SR 50.00 

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    Christ in Islam  pages: 48 –  price: SR 3.00 

    Crucifixion or Crucifiction  pages: 88 –  price: SR 4.00 

    Is the Bible God's Word?  pages: 64 –  price: SR 3.00 

    Resurrection or Resuscitation  pages: 16 –  price: SR 1.00 

    The God that Never Was  pages: 16 –  price: SR 1.00 

    What is His Name?  pages: 40 –  price: SR 2.00 

    What the Bible Says About Muhammad  pages: 28 –  price: SR 2.00 

    What Was the Sign of Jonah  pages: 12 –  price: SR 1.00 

    Who Moved the Stone  pages: 16 –  price: SR 1.00 


    Captain Arabia and the Baby Camel ا او  ك 

     by Lamia Mudarres pages: 12 – 

     price: SR 10.00 Captain Arabia is a Muslim superhero named Saif. In this story he learns the values of responsibility and patience while helping others. Each page colorfully illustrated. 

    The Young Muslim Series – Book One  ا ا  – وا  ا  

    The Young Muslim Series – Book Two ا  ا  –   ا  ا    currently out ofstock  

     by Farah Abdullah Gasim pages: 44 and 48  –  price: SR 8.00 each 

    Coloring and activity books geared to preschool and first graders with Islamic information presented in anenjoyable manner. Includes short surahs for memorization. 


    Recipient of Dar Abul-Qasim's "Book of the Year Award," 2009 

    I Am a Muslim Series (Books One and Two)  أ – لوا  ا\ا  ا  

     by Salim Che pages: 88 and 116  –  price: SR 18.00 and 22.00, respectively 

    Complied by an experienced Islamic educator, basic Islamic information is presented in Book One and

    continues at an intermediate level in Book Two. Color photos throughout. Both are appropriate for childrenwith a parent or teacher's participation, while new Muslims can benefit through individual study as well. 


    (no other discounts apply; prices reduced due to slight aging of page edges unless otherwise indicated) 

    Mut‘ah – The Sunni and Shi‘ah Perspective on Temporary Marriage  ا جاوز  by Dr. Ahmad Abdullah Salamah pages: 32 –  price: 5.00, now SR 3.00 

    A comparison of the concept of temporary marriage between Sunni and Shi‘ah. Discounted because it was

    later incorporated as a chapter in Sunni and Shi‘ah Perspectives. Important to inform those who live in places where the practice still exists. 

    The Choice – Islam and Christianity, vol. 1 ام وا:ار   by Ahmed Deedat pages: 236 –  price: 15.00, now SR 7.00 

    Four of Ahmed Deedat's most popular booklets in one beautifully bound hard cover volume. 

  • 8/17/2019 Dar Abul-Qasim Customer Pricelist





    Darkness to Light by Abu Maria pages: 32 –  price: SR 2.00 

    A comparative look at Jesus from the Christian and Islamic standpoints.

    Islam in Focus by Shaykh Muhammad Habib pages: 134 –  price: SR 8.00 

    Basic Islamic tenets.


    Doubts and Falsehood by Z. Manawi pages: 48 –  price: SR 4.00 

    Du‘aa’ and Dhikr (al-Manajat)

     by Z. Manawi pages: 44 – 

     price: SR 4.00 

    Hadith Qudsi by Z. Manawi pages: 78 –  price: SR 5.00 

    Juz’u ‘Amma  by M.R. Khan pages: 174 –  price: SR 10.00 


    En Kristen Prædikant Konverterede Til Islam(How a Christian Preacher Embraced Islam)

      by Abdullah al-Faruque pages: 20 –  price: SR 2.00

    Tegnet Fra Jonas (What Was the Sign of Jonah) by Ahmed Deedat pages: 14 –  price: SR 2.00

    Vejen Til Bøn (The Path to Prayer) by Umm Muhammad pages: 44 –  price: SR 5.00 


    Resurrection ou Ressuscitation? by Ahmed Deedat pages: 16 –  price: SR 2.00 

    La Vraie Histoire d'Un Prêtre Qui A Embrasse L'Islâm (How a Christian Preacher Embraced Islam)  by Abdullah al-Faruque pages: 28 –  price: SR 2.00 

    Le Dieu qui n'exista jamais? (The God That Never Was) by Ahmed Deedat pages: 16 –  price: SR 2.00 

    Les 100 Personnes Les Plus Influentes de l'Histoire de l'Humanité

     by Ahmed Deedat pages: 16 – 

     price: SR 2.00 An excerpt from Michael Hart's book, A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History. 

  • 8/17/2019 Dar Abul-Qasim Customer Pricelist


  • 8/17/2019 Dar Abul-Qasim Customer Pricelist



    La que la Biblia Dice acerca de Muhammad (What the Bible Says About Muhammad)  by Ahmed Deedat pages: 32 –  price: SR 3.00 


    Introducing Islam

     by S.L. Fareed pages: – 

     price: SR 4.00 Translation of our English book by the same name. Good for distribution to non-Muslims.


    Nasa Sa Iyo Ang Pasiya (It's Your Decision)translated by Muhammad Rodriguez pages: 110 –  price: SR 8.00 

    An invitation to embrace God's true religion, with a discussion of many Biblical verses.

    Tagalog for Everyday Use by Abdullah Farouq and Primitivo Pacala pages: 284 –  price: SR 15.00  –  code: tag every 

    This book teaches language only: the words and expressions encountered by travelers to the Philippines in24 lessons. Practical exercises and drills. Includes a vocabulary list and other appendixes. 


    Kitab Ve Sünnete Göre Namaz (Teaching Prayer) by Muhammed Ebu Said El-Yarbuzi pages: 164 –  price: SR 8.00

    Islâmda Namazi Terketmenin Hükmü (Punishment for Ignoring Prayer) by Muhammed Ebu Said El-Yarbuzi pages:  –  price: SR 6.00

  • 8/17/2019 Dar Abul-Qasim Customer Pricelist




    Below is a list of books we regularly stock from other publishers. The retail prices listed are

    in Saudi Riyals. (More items may be found on each company's website.)


    As their stock fluctuates, we will check on availability and prices at the time of order.

    Standard Mushaf sizes (listed in cm):

    8x11 (pocket)

    9x17 (6 booklets in a paperboard case, each with 5 juzu)

    10x15 (palm)

    12x17 (medium)

    14x20 (fine) fine paper

    20x29 (large)

    30x44 (x-large)

    Translations of the Qur'an: Albanian, Ankau, Baluchi (Brahui), Bengali, Bosnian,

    Brunei, Burmese, Chinese, English, Farsi, French, German, Greek, Hausa, Indonesian,

    Iranon (Philippines), Kashmiri, Kazakhi, Korean, Macedonian, Malabari, Maqduni,

    Pashto (Afghani), Portuguese, Russian, Sindhi, Somali, Spanish, Tamil, Thai, Turkish,

    Urdu, Yoruba and Zulu (selected surahs only) 

    Juzu Amma, Tabarak and Qadsami are available as separate soft cover books with

    large print; Arabic only. Juzu Amma translations are available in English, Hausa,

    German, Malabari, Spanish, Swedish, Russian and Urdu.


    The last 3 juz of the Qur'an along with a supplement entitled: "Crucial Matters in the

    Life of a Muslim." Languages: Amharic, Bengali, Chinese, English, Farsi, French,

    Hausa, Hindi, Indonesian, Pashto, Russian, Spanish, Swahili, Tagalog, Tamil, Thai,

    Turkish, Urdu, and Uyghur. (SR 5 each; an Arabic-only edition is SR 4)


    Al-Qaidah an-Nuraniyyah (available with audio tapes or CD/please specify).Retail SR 25

    Al-Qaidah an-Nuraniyyah (CD with audio/visual display).

    Retail SR 35

    Large print Qur'an study books with colored tajweed marks, soft cover (20x27):

    Juzu Amma: SR 7

    Juzu 28-30: SR 12

    Juzu Amma Muallim CD, SR 14

  • 8/17/2019 Dar Abul-Qasim Customer Pricelist




    Explanation of Aayat al-Kursi 8.00

    Hajj Pocket Guide 1.00

    Hisnul-Muslim 2.00 & 3.00(languages: Amharic, Bengali, Chinese, English, Farsi, French, German, Indonesian, Japanese,

    Pashtu, Russian, Somali, Tagalog, Turkish, Urdu)

    Notes on the Three Tenets 15.00

    Sharh Usoul al-Eeman 4.00

    The Dispraise of al-Hawaa 18.00

    The Meaning of the Articles of Faith 4.00

    The True Religion of God 2.00

    The Truth About the Original Sin 3.00


    title SR retail price quantity

    100 Ahadith About… Manners  6

    1000 Sunan Day and Night 10

    1000 Sunan Day and Night (pocket size) 5

    110 Ahadith Qudsi 15

    50 Questions/Answers About Monotheism 4

    A Brief Illustrated Guide to Islam 6

    A Day in the Life of a Muslim Child 8

    A Day Out at the Zoo 10

    A Glimpse at the Beauty of Islam 10

    A Glimpse at the Lives of Righteous People 18

    A Guide to Salat 5

    A Mercy to Mankind 20

    A Mercy to the Universe 40

    A Tale of Two Camels 6

    A Teeny Weeny Lie 6

    A Well Guarded Treasure 16

    A Well-Travelled Qur'an 18

    Abdul Haq's Diploma Day 10

    Aboo Dawood Sijistani 25

    Abu Bakr (golden series) 6

    Abu Dhar (golden series) 6

    Abu Lahab and His Wife Arwah 10

    Ahmad Has To Go Potty 6

    Ali bin Abi Talib (golden series) 6

    Al-Aqidah al-Wasitiyyah, 2-vol 75

    Al-Jumu'ah: A Day of Worship 3

    Al-Lu'lu wal-Marjan, 2-vol 75

    Allah Commands Us to Make Duaa 4

    Allah Forgives Mistakes & Sins 4

    An Introduction to the Science of Hadith 6

  • 8/17/2019 Dar Abul-Qasim Customer Pricelist



    An-Nawawi's Forty Hadith (pocket size) 4

    Angel Jibreel Returns Again 10

    Arabic Course Book 1 30

    Arabic Course Book 2 50

    Arabic Course Book 3 70

    Atlas of the Prophet's Biography 45

    Atlas of the Quran 50Bearing True Witness 15

    Before You Pray 4

    Beyond Mere Christianity 16

    Bilal bin Rabah (golden series) 6

    Biography of the Prophet… Analytical Study  60

    Biography of the Prophet 3-vol 105

    Biography of Prophet Muhd by Wahab, 2-vol 75

    Book of the End 50

    Bulugh al-Maram 40

    Charity: Even With a Trifle 5

    Children Companions of the Prophet 35

    Children's Encyclopedia of Islam 65

    Christianity and Islam 10

    Christianity: The Original and Present Reality 4

    Commanders of the Muslim Army 35

    Daily Invocations (pocket foldout) 1

    Dawah According to the Quran and Sunnah 20

    Dictionary of Islamic Names 15

    Dictionary of Islamic Words & Expressions 45

    End of the World 45

    Enjoy Your Life 45

    Essential Lessons for Every Muslim 5

    Establish Prayers… Prize is Paradise  5

    Etiquette of Eating & Drinking 4

    Etiquettes for a Newborn 3

    Excellent Merits & Virtuous…. in Ramadan  5

    Explanation of Important Lessons 3

    Faith in Predestination 3

    Fatawa Arkanul Islam, 2 vol (Islamic Verdicts… Pillar)  70

    Fatawa on Fasting, Zakat & Taraweeh 6

    Fatawa Islamiyah 8-vol 240

    Fatawa Sirat-e-Mustaqeem 30

    Fiqh According to Quran and Sunnah 90

    Fortress of a Muslim (pocket) 4

    Fortress of a Muslim (fine paper, pocket) 8

    Fortress of a Muslim (14x21) 8

    Free of Jealousy 6

    From Dream to Reality 6

    From Monogamy to Polygamy 30

  • 8/17/2019 Dar Abul-Qasim Customer Pricelist



    Gems and Jewels 30

    Getting the Best Out of Hajj 30

    Golden Advice Series, 10-vol 141

    Golden Rays of Prophethood 35

    Good Character 5

    Great Women of Islam 25

    Green Muslims 15Guidelines for Raising Children 6

    Hafsah 6

    Healing with the Medicine of the Prophet 35

    Healing with the Medicine… (with pictures)  45

    Help Yourself in Reading the Quran 10

    How to Achieve Happiness 4

    How to Pray According to Sunnah 4

    Hudhayfa Learns About Allah 6

    Idrees in Ramadhaan 4

    Imam Saeed bin al-Musayyab 20

    Imam Sufyan Ibn Ulyaynah 25

    Incident of the Cleft Moon 6

    Important Lessons for Everyday Muslims 5

    In the King's Court 6

    Indispensable Implications 4

    Interpretation of Kitab Tauhid (Ghayatul-Murid) 22

    Islam Album 40

    Islam Is Your Birthright 7

    Islam the Religion of Peace 8

    Islamic Creed by Zeno 6

    Islamic Education Grade 1 45

    Islamic Education Grade 2 45

    Islamic Education Grade 3 40

    Islamic Etiquette from Minhaj…  20

    Islamic Fatawa Regarding Women 35

    Islamic Foundations and Concepts 25

    Islamic Guidelines on Medicine 50

    Islamic Guidelines… Reform  20

    Islamic Medicine: The Key to a Better Life 60

    Islamic Sticker 8

    Islamic Verdicts on the Pillar… (fatawa arkan), 2v 70

    Jami at-Tirmidhi, 6 volumes 270

    Jinn and Human Sickness 35

    Kindness to Parents 6

    Kitab at-Tauhid by Wahab 30

    Khalid bin al-Waleed/Sword of Islam 6

    Learn Arabic, the Language of the Quran 45

    Learning Islam Through Coloring (part 1)  6

    Learning Islam Through Coloring (part 2)  6

  • 8/17/2019 Dar Abul-Qasim Customer Pricelist



    Learning Islam Through Coloring (part 3)  6

    Lessons for New Muslims (pocket size booklets) 25

    Lessons for New Muslims (14x21 size books) 35

    Let's Help the Poor 6

    Life Is a Fading Shadow 6

    Lying & Envying 5

    Lying Is in the Hellfire 4Magnificence of the Quran 30

    Marital Discord 20

    Men and the Universe 45

    Men and Women Around the Messenger 40

    Methodical Interpretation of the Quran, Juz 28 45

    Methodical Interpretation of the Quran, Juz 29 45

    Methodical Interpretation of the Quran, Juz 30 45

    Minhaj al-Muslim, 2-vol 80

    Ministers Around the Prophet 20

    Miracles & Merits of Allah's Messenger 40

    Miracles of the Messenger 25

    Missing Out on Rewards 6

    More Than 1,000 Sunan Every Day & Night 8

    Muhammad Wahhab: His Life & Mission

    Muslim Child's Way of Life 4

    My Arabic Alphabet Letters 10

    My Arabic Alphabet Words 10

    My Arabic Number Book 10

    My Du'a Book 5

    My Prayer Book 5

    My Tawheed Book 6

    My Wudu Book 5

    Noble Life of the Prophet by Shallab, 3-vol 105

    O My Son 12

    Oceans and Animals 50

    Our Children & Memorization of the Quraan 4

    Our Prophet Muhammad 5

    Prayer According to Quran and Sunnah 40

    Private Devotions for Morning and Evening 3

    Provisions for the Hereafter 40

    Real-Life Lessons from the Holy Quran 8

    Riyadh-us-Saleheen 85

    Riyadh-us-Saleheen (pocket size) 25

    Rules Pertaining to Muslim Women 10

    Sahih al-Bukhari (condensed), 12x17 36

    Sahih al-Bukhari (condensed), 14x21 45

    Sahih al-Bukhari (condensed), 17x24 55

    Sahih al-Bukhari, 9 volumes 360

    Sahih Muslim, 2 volumes (condensed) 80

  • 8/17/2019 Dar Abul-Qasim Customer Pricelist



    Sahih Muslim, 7 volumes 315

    Salman al-Farsi (g/s) 6

    Science and Technology in Islamic History 18

    Scientific Wonders of Earth and Space 60

    Seeds of Righteousness 6

    Seeking Forgiveness 6

    Selected Fatawa for Women 5Selected Friday Sermons 35

    Selected Invocations 4

    Selected Supplications 4

    Selected Surahs & Supplications 8

    Sharh al-Aqeedat al-Wasitiyyah, 2-vol 75

    Sharh al-Aqeedatil Islam 20

    Short Biography of the Prophet 12

    Should a Muslim Follow a Madhhab 6

    Signs of the Hour 4

    Silent Moments 10

    Smaller Signs of the Day 15

    Some Selected Supplications from the Quran 3

    Stories of Repentance 16

    Stories of the Prophets by Ibn Kathir 45

    Sunan Abu Dawood, 5 volumes 225

    Sunan an-Nasai, 6 volumes 270

    Sunan Ibn Majah, 5 volumes 225

    Surat al-Ardh 18

    Sword of Allah, Khalid bin Walid 40

    Tafsir Ibn Kathir, 10 volumes 450

    Tafsir Ibn Kathir, Part 30 sold out

    Talhah bin Ubaidullah (g/s) 6

    Taqwiyat ul-Iman 20

    The Authentic Creed 6

    The Backbiting 6

    The Beautiful Names of Allah 15

    The Biography of Abu Bakr 50

    The Biography of… Ahmad bin Hanbal  12

    The Biography of… Bukhaaree  15

    The Biography of Ibn Maajah 25

    The Biography of… Ibn al-Qayyim 25

    The Biography of… Muslim  25

    The Biography of… Nasiruddin Albani  15

    The Biography of… Shawkani  35

    The Biography of… at-Tirmidhi 35

    The Biography of… Zuhri  25

    The Book of Ibns 20

    The Book of Manners 40

    The Book of Tawheed by Fawzan 20

  • 8/17/2019 Dar Abul-Qasim Customer Pricelist



    The Concept of God in Major Religions 8

    The Concise Collection of Creed 25

    The Delight of Faith 15

    The Divine Message for All Man 6

    The Du'a of Faizah 6

    The First Human Murder 6

    The Football Feud 6The General Prescripts 5

    The Gift of a Mother 10

    The Gift of Eid 10

    The Gift of Friendship 10

    The Gift of Jumuah 10

    The Gift of Ramadhan 10

    The Global Village 35

    The Golden Series (18 companions) 108

    The Heros of Islam 30

    The History of Islam, 3 volumes 130

    The History of Madinah Munawwarah 18

    The History of Makkah 18

    The History of Holy Makkah (picture edition) 22

    The Honorable Wives of the Prophet 16

    The Islamic Library (Noble Quran, Bukhari, Raheeq al-Makhtum,Taqwiyat of Faith, Kitab at-Tawheed, Bulugh al-Maram, Arkan Islam & Iman) 


    The Life of the Last Prophet 10

    The Magnificence of the Quran 30

    The Man: A Strange Creature 10The Many Shades of Shirk 5

    The Most Beautiful Mihrab 15

    The Muslim Creed 4

    The Muslim Creed Expounded (pocket) 3

    The Nature of Fasting 6

    The Night of Decree 10

    The Pillars of Islam 20

    The Pillars of Islam & Iman 25

    The Precious Pearls 25The Quran and Modern Science/Dr. Zakir Naik 12

    The Quran Itself Carries… Divine Origin  6

    The Right Way: A Summarised…  20

    The Rights & Duties of Women 4

    The Road to Good Friendship 5

    The Rule on Those Who Seek Help…Soothsayers  6

    The Sciences of the Quran 5

    The Sealed Nectar, pocket size 25

    The Sealed Nectar, 14x21 40The Sealed Nectar, 17x24 40

    The Search for Twee Twee 6

  • 8/17/2019 Dar Abul-Qasim Customer Pricelist



    The Silver Dirham 15

    The Sources of the Quran 10

    The Story of Adam s/c 6

    The Story of Ibrahim s/c 6

    The Story of Muhammad in Madinah s/c 8

    The Story of Muhammad in Makkah s/c 8

    The Story of Prophet Yusuf, parts 1-3 each part 6The Story of the Prophets pack 15 h/c

    also available for each prophet at 10 each

    Aadam, Ayoub, Dawud, Eesah, Huud, Ibrahim,

    Luut, Muhammad, Musa, Nuh, Salih, Shuaib,

    Sulaiman, Yunus, Yusuf


    The Surahs to Seek Refuge 10

    The Ultimate Guide to Umrah 25

    The Virtue of Tawheed 3

    This Is How the Messenger Performed Hajj 2

    Those Who Backbite and Envy 10

    Umar al-Khattab (golden series) 6

    Unchallengeable Miracles of the Quran 60

    Uncle Rifat's Garden h/c 12

    Understanding Ramadan 10

    Uthman bin Affan (golden series) 6

    What a Muslim Believes 5

    When the Moon Split 30

    When the Moon Split (with pictures) 40

    Who Is Allah and His Prophet 6

    Why Do We Pray 6

    Yes I Converted to Islam…  5


    Albani: Quran Translation

    Bengali Quran Translation 45

    Chinese: A Brief Illustrated Guide to Islam 6

    Farsi: Quran Translation 50French: 100 Hadiths sur le bon…  6

    French: 110 Hadith Koudsi 10

    French: A Brief Illustrated Guide to Islam 6

    French: Bulugh al-Maram 40

    French: Children's Encyclopedia on Islam 65

    French: Fortress of a Muslim 4

    French: Forty Hadith an-Nawawi 4

    French: History of Madinah 15

    French: History of Makkah 15French: Islam and Christianity 6

    French: Quran Translation 45

  • 8/17/2019 Dar Abul-Qasim Customer Pricelist



    French: Sahih Bukhari (condensed) 50

    French: Stories of the Prophets 40

    French: Tafseer Ibn Kathir of Juzu Amma 28

    French: Tafseer Ibn Kathir vol. 1-2 70

    French: Tafseer Surah Ya Seen 6

    French: The Sealed Nectar 35

    German: A Brief Illustrated Guide to Islam 6Hindi: Quran Translation 45

    Indonesian: Book of Tawheed (Ghoyatul-Murid)  22

    Indonesian: Duaa and Dhikr 5

    Indonesian: Essential Lessons (Pelajaran Pentign)  4

    Indonesian: Forty Hadith an-Nawawi 4

    Indonesian: Greatness of the Quran (Keagungan)  30

    Indonesian: History of Madinah 18

    Indonesian: History of Makkah 18

    Indonesian: Merits of Islam (Mutiara Keindahan)  5

    Indonesian: Prayer (Tata Cara Shalat Nabi)  3

    Indonesian: Quran Translation 45

    Indonesian: Riyadh us-Saliheen 60

    Indonesian: Ruling on Magic (Hukum Sihir Dan Perdukunan)  4

    Indonesian: The Sealed Nectar 45

    Indonesian: Zina 4

    Italian: A Brief Illustrated Guide to Islam 6

    Malabari: Quran Translation 45

    Nepali: Quran Translation 45

    Pashtu: Quran Translation 65

    Portuguese: A Brief Illustrated Guide to Islam 6

    Russian: Last 5 Juzu of the Quran 15

    Russian: A Brief Illustrated Guide to Islam 6

    Sindhi: Quran Translation 45

    Somali: Quran Translation 45

    Spanish: 100 Hadith on Manners 6

    Spanish: A Brief Illustrated Guide to Islam 6

    Spanish: Bulugh al-Maram 40

    Spanish: Fortress of a Muslim 4

    Spanish: Hadith Qudsi 8

    Spanish: Introduction to Islam 5

    Spanish: Our Prophet Muhammad 6

    Spanish: Christianity, the Original and Present Reality  6

    Spanish: Pillars of Islam and Iman 25

    Spanish: Prayer in Islam 6

    Spanish: Quran Translation 45

    Spanish: Tawheed 18

    Spanish: The Sealed Nectar 45

    Spanish: Who Is Your Lord/Your Prophet 6

    Swahili: Quran Translation 45

  • 8/17/2019 Dar Abul-Qasim Customer Pricelist



    Tagalog: A Brief Illustrated Guide to Islam 6

    Tagalog: Quran Translation 45

    Tagalog: The Quran and Modern Science 12

    Tamil: Quran Translation 45

    Turkish: Quran Translation 45

    Urdu: Bulughul Maram (14x21) 55

    Urdu: Bulughul Maram (17x24) 75Urdu: Life Is Like a Journey (Dunya Ka Ay Musafir)  10

    Urdu: Fortress of a Muslim 3

    Urdu: Forty Hadith an-Nawawi 5

    Urdu: Forty "Objections" by Dr. Zakir Naik 15

    Urdu: Minhaj ul-Muslim 35

    Urdu: Prayer 3

    Urdu: Quran Ahsan al-Bayan tafsir 14x21 fine ppr  75

    Urdu: Quran Translation + tafsir 22x32 reg ppr  60

    Urdu: Quran Ahsan al-Kalam 17x24 (3 languages)  65

    Urdu: Riyadh as-Saliheen 80

    Urdu: Tafsir Ibn Kathir, 6 vol 290

    Urdu: Tawheed 6

    Urdu: The Quran and Modern Science 12



    doorknob duaa for entering the home 1doorknob duaa for entering the restroom 1

    doorknob duaa for before/after sleep 1

    DVDs, Dr. Naik/Dawah or Destruction 8

    DVDs, Dr. Naik/Focus on Islam 12

    DVDs, Dr. Naik/Is the Bible God's Word 16

    DVDs, Dr. Naik/Islam the Middle Path 15

    DVDs, Dr. Naik/Muhd in Various Scriptures 20

    DVDs, Dr. Naik/Salah 12

    DVDs, Dr. Naik/ Similarities btwn Islam & Christianity  8DVDs, Dr. Naik/The Concept of God in Major Rel 12

    DVDs, Dr. Naik/The Quran and Modern Science 20

    DVDs, Dr. Naik/ Top 7 Problems Facing New Muslims  30

    DVDs, Dr. Naik/Universal Brotherhood 20

    DVDs, Dr. Naik/Why the West is Coming to Islam 12

    DVDs, Dr. Naik/Women's Rights in Islam 16

    DVDs, Wonder Kids 15

    Hajj and Umrah Belt 15

    Greeting cards/envelopes from Madinah, 12-pak 12My Mosque (children's toy) 20

    Travel Supplication Adaptor 15

  • 8/17/2019 Dar Abul-Qasim Customer Pricelist



    IIPH (International Islamic Publishing House) PRICELIST

    Title Author QTY retailprice

    Usool at-Tafseer HC Bilal Philips 35

    Usool at-Tafseer SC Bilal Philips 30

    Tafseer Soorah al-Hujurat HC Bilal Philips 30

    Tafseer Soorah al-Hujurat SC Bilal Philips 25Reasons for the Revelation Imam Ali an Nisaboori 11

    Tafseer ibn Katheer Juz' 'Amma HC Ibn Katheer 30

    Tafseer ibn Katheer Juz' 'Tabarak' HC Ibn Katheer 20

    Tafseer ibn Katheer Soorah al-Fatiha Sameh Strauch 4

    Tafseer Soorah ar-Rahman Sameh Strauch 6

    Selected Qura'nic Verses Sameh Strauch 10

    Common Misconceptions Sameh Strauch 7

    Birds and Animals Mentioned in theQur'an

    Nour M. Jaffala 8

    The Virtues of the Qur'an Abdul Qadir al-Arnaoot 4 Al-Fatiha: The Opening Chapter of theQur'an

    Mohd. Sa'eed Dabas 3

    Holy-Qur'an: The Book of Guidance Norlain & U. Mababaya 3

    The Qur'an and Modern Science Maurice Bucaille 4

     Al-Qur'an: The Miracle of Miracles Ahmed Deedat 4


    Usool al-Hadith HC Bilal Philips 25

    The sunnah and its role in IslamicLegislation

    HC Mustafa Sibaee 40

    The Authentic Supplications of theProphet  Abdullah at-Talidi 7

     A Day With the Prophet Ahmed Von Denffer ?

    Let Us Remember Allah and PraiseHim



    Sahih al-Kalim at-Taiyyib M. Nasir-Uddin al-Albani 5


    Belief in Allah Umar S. al-Ashqar 36

    The World of the Noble Angels Umar S. al-Ashqar 19

    The World of the Jinn and Devils Umar S. al-Ashqar 30The Messengers and the Messages Umar S. al-Ashqar 35

    The Minor Resurrection Umar S. al-Ashqar 35

    The Day of Resurrection Umar S. al-Ashqar 35

    Paradise and Hell Umar S. al-Ashqar 35

    Divine Will and Predestination Umar S. al-Ashqar 22

    Manmade Laws vs Shar'iah HC Dr. Abdur Rahman Ibn Salihal-Mahmood


    Islamic Beliefs HC Abdullah A.Hamid al-Athree 30

    The Fundamentals of Tawheed:Islamic Monotheism

    HC Bilal Philips 25

    The Jinn: Ibn Taymeeyah's Essay onDemons

    Bilal Philips 15

    Salvation Through Repentance Bilal Philips 10

  • 8/17/2019 Dar Abul-Qasim Customer Pricelist



    Kitab at-Tawheed Explained HC Sameh Strauch 30

    Belief in the Angels Sameh Strauch 3.50

    Means of Steadfastness in Allah'sReligion

    Mohd. Salih al-Munajjid 6

    Weakness of Faith Mohd. Salih al-Munajjid 8

    Hell-Fire: Its Torments and Denizens Ali Hasan Abdulhamid 6

    Oneness of God: Ultimate Solution toTrinitarian Controversy

    Marmarinta U. Mababaya 6

    The Good End (of Ones Life) it Means,Portents and the Warning of the BadEnd

     Abdullah al-Mutlaq 5

    Paradise: Its Blessings and How toGet There

     Ali Hasan Abdulhamid 7

    The Three Fundamentals the FourPrecepts and the Conditions of Prayer

    Mohd. ibn Abdul Wahhab 6

    Three Essays on Tawheed Mohd. ibn Abdul Wahhab 5

    The Life of this World is a TransientShade

     Abdul Malik al-Qassim 4

     A Summary of Early MuslimGenerations' Belief

     Abdul Qadir al-Arnaoot 4

    Tawheed and Shirk: Oneness of Allahand Polytheism

    Ibrahim Hussain 3.50

    The Muslim Creed: Al-Aqeeda at-Tahawiya

     Abu Ja'far al-Tahawi 2.50

    The Supreme Triumph and theEvident Loss

    Sa'eed Ali al-Qahtani 9

    The Grave: Punishment and Blessings Husayn al-Awayishah 7


    Fiqh-us-Sunnah (vols 1-5 in 1 book) HC As-Sayyid Sabiq 50The Concise Presentation of the Fiqh HC Abdul Azeem Badawi 45

    Funeral Rites in Islam SC Bilal Philips, Ph D 12

    The Evolution of Fiqh: Islamic Law andthe Madh-habs

    HC Bilal Philips, Ph D 25

    The Evolution of Fiqh: Islamic Law andthe Madh-habs

    SC Bilal Philips, Ph D 20

    Hajj and Umrah According to theQur'an and Sunnah

    Bilal Philips, Ph D 4

    The Neglected Sunnan of Prayer Sameh Strauch 6

    Fiqh Course HC Sameh Strauch 30Fiqh Course SC Sameh Strauch 20

    Fasting Taraweeh and Zakah Mohd. Salih al-Uthaymin 6

    Common Mistakes Done DuringPrayer (Salah)

    Mashhur Hasan Salman 20

    Muharramaat (Forbidden MattersSome People Take Lightly)

    Mohd. Salih al-Munajjid 10

    Matters Related to Fasting (As-Siyam) Mohd. Salih al-Munajjid 6

     Al-Khushoo' (Humility and Devotion inPrayer)

    Mohd. Salih al-Munajjid 8

     Al-Manhiyyaat (Prohibitions) Mohd. Salih al-Munajjid 6Fasting Rules Aqil ibn Zaid al-Maqtiri 10

    The Purity of the Muslim Sa'eed Ali al-Qahtani 9

    The Prophet's Ablution and Prayer Ali Hasan Abdulhamid 4.50

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    The Rulings of Two Eids Ali Hasan Abdulhamid 7

     Ahmad ibn Hanbal's Treatise onPrayer

    Sameh Strauch 7

     A Summary Description of theProphet's Prayer

    M. Nasir-Uddin al-Albani 4

    Sifatu Salaatun Nabee (How theProphet Prayed)

    M. Nasir-Uddin al-Albani 3.50

    The Rites of Hajj and Umrah M. Nasir-Uddin al-Albani 6

    Bid'ah: Understanding the Evil ofInnovation

     A. Muntasir ibn Mohar Ali 5

    Riba: Usury or Interest Imtiaz Ali 5

    Sifat Wudoo' an-Nabee (How theProphet Performed Ablution)

    Fahd ibn Abdur-Rahman 7

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    Umar ibn al-khattab Vol 1/2 HC Muhammad as-Sallabi 75

    Muhammad: As if You Can See Him HC Aaidh Ibn Abdullah Al-Qarni 25

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    The Life of the Prophet Highlights andLessons

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    The Life of the Prophet Highlights andLessons

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    Personality of Allah's Last Messenger Abdul Waheed Khan 9

    The Days of Prophet Muhammad With

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    Muhammad: The Ideal Prophet Sulaiman Nadwi 12

    Muhammad: A Blessing for Mankind IIPH 5

    The Best of All Husbands 10


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    Don't Be Sad SC Dr. A'id Qarni 35

    Ideal Muslim Society HC Mohd. Ali al-Hashimi 40

    Ideal Muslim HC 35

    Youths' Problems Sheikh Mohd. al Uthaymeen 6I Want to Repent, But... Mohd. Salih al-Munajjid 7

    Islam's Treatment for Anxiety andWorry

    Mohd. Salih al-Munajjid 6

    What You Should Do in SuchSituations

    Mohd. Salih al-Munajjid 6

    The Prophet's Methods of CorrectingPeople's Mistakes

    Mohd. Salih al-Munajjid 10

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    Great Sins HC Imam adh-Dhahabi 20True Repentance Salim al-Hilali 6

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