daftar pustaka(1)

DAFTAR PUSTAKA 1. Surjono, Achmad. 1997. Vade-Mecum Pediatri. Jakarta: EGC. hal 47-57. 2. Price, Sylvia. 2005.  Patofisiologis: Konsep Klinis Proses-proses Penyakit . Jakarta: EGC. hal 98-125. 3. Charles H. Packman, John P. Leddy; Cryopathic  Hemolytic Syndrome in Williams  Hematology, Editors; Ernest Beutler, Marshall A. Lichtman, Barry S. Coller, Thomas J. Kipps, Mcgraww-Hill. Inc. Health Profesions Devision, Fifth Edition, 1995, hal. 685 -690. 4. Sulistyo A. 2008.  Asuhan Keperawatan pada Klien dengan Gangguan Sistem  Hematologi. Jakarta: Salemba Medika. hal 48-88. 5. Reksodiputro AH, dkk. 2009.  Buku Ajar Ilmu Penyakit Dalam. Jakarta: Interna Publishing. Hal 1157-1158. 6. D. S. Gillent, A. J. Bellingham; Haemolytlc  Anemias, in. Clinical Haematology, Edited by; Christopher A. Ludlam, ELBS, with Churchill Livingstone, Low-Priced Edition, 1994, hal 78-98. 7. Ernest Beutler;  Hemolytic Anemi Due to Chemical and Physical Agents; in Williams Hematology, Editors; Ernest Beutler, Marshall A. Lichtman, Barry S. Coller, Thomas J. Kipps 7 McGraw-Hill. Inc. Health Professions Division, Fifth Edition, 1995, hal. 670 -673. 8. Ernest Beutler;  Hemolytic Anemi due to Infection with Microorganisms; in Williams Hematology, Editors: Ernest Beutler, Marshall A. Lichtman, Barry S. Coller, Thomas J. Kipps, McGraw-Hill. Inc. Health Professions Devision, Fifth Edition, 1995, hal.674-676. 9. Henry J. B.; Clinical Diagnosis and Management  By Laboratory Methodes, W. B. Saunders Company, 18th Edition, 1991, hal 57-89. 10. Sir John V. Dacie, S. M. Lewis;  Practical Haematology, ELBS with, Churchil  Livingstone, Seventh Edition, 1991, hal. 179-225. 11. Weiss G. and Goodnough, 2005,  Anemia of Chronic Disease, download from www.nejm.org on Agustus 2014.

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  • 5/20/2018 DAFTAR PUSTAKA(1)



    1. Surjono, Achmad. 1997. Vade-Mecum Pediatri. Jakarta: EGC. hal 47-57.


    Price, Sylvia. 2005. Patofisiologis: Konsep Klinis Proses-proses Penyakit. Jakarta:

    EGC. hal 98-125.

    3. Charles H. Packman, John P. Leddy; Cryopathic Hemolytic Syndrome in Williams

    Hematology, Editors; Ernest Beutler, Marshall A. Lichtman, Barry S. Coller, Thomas

    J. Kipps, Mcgraww-Hill. Inc. Health Profesions Devision, Fifth Edition, 1995, hal.

    685 -690.

    4. Sulistyo A. 2008. Asuhan Keperawatan pada Klien dengan Gangguan Sistem

    Hematologi.Jakarta: Salemba Medika. hal 48-88.

    5. Reksodiputro AH, dkk. 2009. Buku Ajar Ilmu Penyakit Dalam. Jakarta: Interna

    Publishing. Hal 1157-1158.


    D. S. Gillent, A. J. Bellingham; Haemolytlc Anemias, in. Clinical Haematology,

    Edited by; Christopher A. Ludlam, ELBS, with Churchill Livingstone, Low-Priced

    Edition, 1994, hal 78-98.


    Ernest Beutler;Hemolytic Anemi Due to Chemical and Physical Agents; in Williams

    Hematology, Editors; Ernest Beutler, Marshall A. Lichtman, Barry S. Coller, Thomas

    J. Kipps 7 McGraw-Hill. Inc. Health Professions Division, Fifth Edition, 1995, hal.

    670 -673.

    8. Ernest Beutler; Hemolytic Anemi due to Infection with Microorganisms; in Williams

    Hematology, Editors: Ernest Beutler, Marshall A. Lichtman, Barry S. Coller, Thomas

    J. Kipps, McGraw-Hill. Inc. Health Professions Devision, Fifth Edition, 1995,



    Henry J. B.; Clinical Diagnosis and Management By Laboratory Methodes, W. B.Saunders Company, 18th Edition, 1991, hal 57-89.

    10.Sir John V. Dacie, S. M. Lewis; Practical Haematology, ELBS with, Churchil

    Livingstone, Seventh Edition, 1991, hal. 179-225.

    11.Weiss G. and Goodnough, 2005, Anemia of Chronic Disease, download from

    www.nejm.org on Agustus 2014.

  • 5/20/2018 DAFTAR PUSTAKA(1)
