crime and punishment characterization: split traits and foils

CRIME AND PUNISHMENT Characterization: Split Traits and Foils

Upload: esther-walton

Post on 17-Dec-2015




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Page 1: CRIME AND PUNISHMENT Characterization: Split Traits and Foils


Characterization: Split Traits and Foils

Page 2: CRIME AND PUNISHMENT Characterization: Split Traits and Foils

Partner activity

Partner up with someone who chose a different character than you

Fill in each other’s opposing character and character traits

Do not discuss anything! Place an “x” on the continuum to illustrate where you think the character falls

Share your textual evidence and discuss your findings Discuss:

Compare your views on the tensions evident in the character’s personality and actions: Did you place the character similarly on the continuum? What does this say about you and/or the character?

Do you agree with the split character traits?

Page 3: CRIME AND PUNISHMENT Characterization: Split Traits and Foils

1) Go back to your original group and report out your findings 2) Then discuss:

How has this character study contributed to your overall understanding of Crime and Punishment ?

There is only one Raskolnikov in this novel, but many characters are similarly "split." What themes might Dostoevsky be reinforcing by populating his novel with those driven by conflicting impulses?

What more do we learn about Raskolnikov’s character by considering the supporting cast?

How does this affect your reading of the novel?

Page 4: CRIME AND PUNISHMENT Characterization: Split Traits and Foils

Minor characters (supporting cast) What is their purpose? One is to serve as:

Literary Foils: foil characters contrast with another one another

in order to highlight various features of that other character's personality by throwing these characteristics into sharper focus

sometimes the foil characters balance each other (together they would be a well-rounded character)

Foils are measured in physical, mental, and emotional traits

Page 5: CRIME AND PUNISHMENT Characterization: Split Traits and Foils

Traditional foil roles in literature Traditional literary foil roles:

Protagonist / Antagonist Villain / Hero Guide, Mentor, Leader, Teacher / Follower,

Student Hero / Sidekick (partner) Siblings Husband / Wife Friends

Page 6: CRIME AND PUNISHMENT Characterization: Split Traits and Foils

Crime and Punishment foils:

Unusual in literature: foil trio Sonia / Dounia / Lizaveta

What are some of the foil relationships in C and P? Raskolnikov / Svidrigailov ???

Page 7: CRIME AND PUNISHMENT Characterization: Split Traits and Foils

Read the character foils handout…

There are seven foil types identified on this handout Indicate a foil relationship from C & P that

corresponds to each foil type