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Dear ABC,


We have been providing astrology consultation and advice on true Vedic principles on the internet since 2000 and serviced over a million customers with our free and premium services. As per your requirement, we had prepare Detailed Horoscope Reading with prediction


· The following are the effects of individual planets in your charts.· The future events will NOT necessarily be exactly in these lines due to mix and match of their effects and also their locations at future points of time.

. SUN:

. Emotional

. Nostalgic

. Sensitive

. Intuitive

. Caring

. Protective

. Imaginative

. Changeable

. Moody

. Clinging

· MOON:. Extremely emotional. Intuitive. Defensive. Vivid fantasy life. Anxious. Strongly family orientated. Attached to the past. Moody . Persuasive. Sensitive. Sociable. Capable. Attractive. Economical. Jealous. Psychic

· MARS:. Resolute. Positive and persistent. Practical nature

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. Quick witted

. Good executive power

. Ability to organize

. Lots of intellectual energy

. But lack physical energy

. Severe

. Tactful

. Sharp

. Mentally clever

. Sometime impediment in speech

. Nimble

. Sarcastic

. Wit

. Sorrowful home episode

. Estrangement from family

. Restlessness

. Irritability

. Light-hearted attitude towards sex

· MERCURY: . Adaptable. Changeable. Restless. Discreet . Versatile. Mentality strong. Money through home-circle. Join societies for studying occultism. Short journey. Friends among inferiors. Psychic gift. Work better with partners and associates

· JUPITER:. Reverential . Well-disposed. Refined. Literary. Mathematical. Courteous. Trustworthy. Prophetic. Occult thought. Domestic concern. Tending towards intellectuality. Psychic tendencies at close of life. Troubles through fickleness. Difference from parents. Danger while traveling. Clear dreams leading to clairvoyance

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· VENUS:. Friendship. Thoughtful. Considerate. Inventive. Sympathetic. Genuine. Mental rapport important in relationships. Flirtatious. Fickle . Flair for money making schemes. Popularity. Refinement. Neat penmanship. Money from varied sources. Harmony wit relatives. Partner from a distance. Inconstant

· SATURN:. Nonchalant. Uncertain. Indecisive. Sensitive. Unfortunate. Sorrow. Disregard of money. Losses through friends and partnership. Financial difficulties. Hostile superiors. Downfall. Unaccountable. Secret. Trouble with servant. Estrangement from and death of father. Romantic attachment with disastrous ending

· RAHU:. Giddiness. Enmity. Quarrels. Unpleasant domestic environment. Fear and will suspect the partner. Will not trust anybody. Changes the occupation and also residence. Suffer from contagious disease. Mental unrest. High fever

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· KETU:. Freedom from debt. Earning of money. Satisfactory bank balance. Birth of children. Profitable transaction. Success in efforts. Association with politician. Also bankers and judge. Cure allergy. Worried about family. Lucky. Some saving. Unhealthy


· First House [Udaya / Tanu Bhava]:

· This house basically covers matters related to your personality, looks, attitude, temperament and basic strengthof your horoscope.

. You will have suggesting a practical approach to life. You will be known for your practical approach, objectivity, basic detail, and analysis. You will have a personality often on the quiet side, somewhat unassuming, and never crude or coarse.

· You will be good looking with round eyes, weak physique and black mole or wound on the body, and have fat thighs.

. Fair color, ambitious, efficient at work, possessing leadership qualities and will be a frugal eater, will eat hot food, may be aggressive.

. You will be fond of traveling, will be lively, a fast walker, benevolent, courageous, fearful of disputes and arguments, engrossed in good deeds, respectful to elders, devoted to god and will be engrossed in religious activities and accumulation of wealth.

. You will be lazy in the initial stages of starting of work, will be keen to reside abroad, angry, humble, in spite of great achievements, favored by the state, talented, energetic, alternatively wealthy and impoverished, self-made,famous, fearful of loosing high position, interested in charity and philanthropy, affectionate towards subordinates and servants, dear to men, victorious in the society of males and will be beloved husbands and will be respectful to elders.

. You could have suffering related from headache or head ailment due to hereditary reasons, severe fever, internal burning, acidity, stomach ache. Towards the later part of life there may be some accidental injury, food poisoning or gastric problem.

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. You will have mediocre height, will move around energetically and the eyes will have a sharp and aggressive look. The knee and its lower part will be weak. You will not tolerate anybody's subordination and will always take the lead in your work and take independent decisions.

. You will be strong willed, endowed with qualities of leadership, will be enterprising and ambitious. You will be hurried by nature and will lack patience.

. You will always be keen to give advice and will always make efforts to impress anyone who may come in contact with you. You will be lively and energetic and firm in your belief. You will be capable of making plans andrunning organizations.

. You will be truthful and will respect sincere people. You will enjoy debates and arguments. You will be enthusiastic and aggressive in speech. You will be egoistic and 'I' will always be first for you. You will be self-centered.

. You will have an uncompromising attitude.

. You will be bold and courageous.

. Your weakness will be wavering thoughts, impatience, unbridled anger, quarrelsome and aggressive nature and blind faith in religion or someone.

. You possess a mental acumen expressed in everyday practical affairs.

. Analytical and methodical in everything you do, you are very systematic in developing ideas and seeing projects through to completion.

. You are careful to notice details. So much so there is rarely a flaw in anything you do.

. Your mind is the epitome of neatness and order, absorbing facts and tidbits like a squirrel storing away nuts for the winter.

. You are a master at handling all the boring nit-picking matters others want to avoid.

. There is a tendency for you to become something of a workaholic, going over the same ground to be sure you haven't missed anything.

. You probably are a list-maker, wanting to have everything you need at hand.

. Everything should have a place and everything should be in its place for you to be comfortable.

. As you love detail, you also love precision and order. You're refined in your conduct and demeanor.

. Unassuming in your behavior, you can be so modest that you may not get the credit you deserve. There is a tendency to hide behind an inquiring mind and stay out of the lead.

. You can become very restless and nervous, having difficulty learning to relax. Your restlessness, combined with a critical nature, sometimes results in picayune fault findings.

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. There is a tendency to focus on what is in the immediate present, often neglecting to form a vision for the future. You feel comfortable living in a world of facts and you tend to arm yourself with intellectual awareness to combat natural feelings of insecurity.


· This house basically covers matters related to your family life, speech, thinking patters and accumulation of wealth, success in investments, income source and general level of affluence.

. There is balance and harmony in material affairs. Accumulation of possessions is highly dependent on ventureswith a partner, normally the marriage partner.

. There is a love of luxury and a willingness to spend money for pleasurable and sociable activities. You want items that reflect the highest quality and finest workmanship.

. Yet most of the time you are a frugal soul and you don't like to waste anything. You are good at juggling figures and balancing budgets, taking the utmost care to spend and save in proper proportions to the total income.

. When, through the extravagance of other people, you can't keep that budget in order, you become very upset.

. You take pride in what you own, and have a strong drive for security. You have staying power, and you hate to let others down once you've made a promise.

. Avoid over-identifying with what you have. Concentrate on proving your worth through your strong value systemand your incredible ability to stick with things and with people.

. Take pride in the solid and secure foundations that you build, as well as the lasting relationships you aim to maintain, while being careful to avoid possessiveness.

. Your personality drive will mainly be directed into the creation of personal wealth, with an emphasis on financialsecurity. A strong desire for material possessions is a dominant motivating factor in your life.

. You are likely to have a fixation on money, wealth, and material resources. You may totally renounce material desires and ownership, or become obsessed with having, owning, and accumulating.

. Your attitudes towards owning, keeping, and sharing will undergo major changes in your lifetime, and your fortunes are likely to run very hot or very cold.

. Issues of self-esteem may push you toward transformations in your life. Material success can lift you out of material poverty, and it may improve your sense of self-worth, but it is your understanding of the flow of spiritual energy that has the biggest impact on your spiritual development in the long run.

. It is here that you may experience great challenges, and you may have some extreme experiences learning about the real nature of money and materiality.

. You can attract resources through working in fields which involve transformation, healing and renovation, and may revitalize your own worth by allowing your needs to be in charge of your own money. You can share but may not want to share everything. That's okay, as long as you're honest about it!

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. You will be infatuated with the opposite sex. You may have illicit relations with the opposite sex, so always try tobe stricter with your moral values and principles.

· You can improver your social and mental status with the help of some purposeful work. You should try to establish yourself in genuine creativity.

· Your speech must be very focused and balanced. Your circumstances will not be favorable for you, you have tofind or create your space by your own efforts.

· Your thinking patter is quite balanced but influence of others will be very harmful for your inner growth. Try to do something original don’t follow others.

· Try to polish your value function, set priorities in your life and work in planned way.


· This house basically covers matters related to your initiative, courage, competition, communications ability, siblings, friends and other associates.

. Inquisitive and communicative, your mind seems to be "on" all of the time and you are forever gathering information and sharing ideas.

. Your attention span may be rather brief; you have many and diverse interests, and are easily distracted.

. You learn quickly, are eager to pass on what you are learning and thinking about, and may talk excessively.

. You are very talkative, expressing broad viewpoints with your very mobile mind.

. You are Very cheerful outlook on life, natural exuberance and optimism. You have a natural ability to communicate, especially important issues such as politics, education, and religion.

. Learning is very important to you, and you are likely to have set important long range goals in this regard.

. You love to travel and keep in touch with friends located in distant places. You believe in being well organized and prepared for whatever situation arises.

. You have an executive type of mind that files away details for use later. An excellent judge of character, your instincts rarely fail you.

. Most of your initiative and courage will be sudden. You should try to do be more planned for you initiatives.

· Don’t copy someone else you should try to find out your desires and then work for it.

· Give respect to the time do not waste your time you can use it as an asset, it will work for you.

· Sudden changes of environment will create problems for you.

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· Try to do continuous learning it will give you self confidence and it will open the doors of opportunities.

· Do hard work go for some competitions and some you can have good results.

· Sometimes you will appear unconvincing and confused.

· Luck and initiative will work together in your life so make yourself good enough for achieving your task.

· In your communication you should try to be more focused no need to waste your time with unwanted people save your energies for creativity.

· Your close associates can give your pain and some time you can depend on undependable people.

· As a person people are expecting very much from you. You have to prove a lot in front of others.

· Much better you will get as become more mature.

. Your analytical power will improve gradually and then you will have much better results.

· Circumstances will give you opportunity to do much better things in your life and you will achieve so much success.

· Your actions will positively influence society and that will be the most satisfactory aspect your life.


· This house basically covers matters related to your parents, domestic harmony and the level of happiness in life.

· A strong urge to control and direct family matters. Optimism and expansion, rules this area of your chart. Your goal in life is to do right by your family because of a philosophical sense of responsibility.

. The obligation to family is one of doing right in family matters. You hold high the meaning of the family unit in society.

. Morality is at the deepest roots of your nature. The latter portion of your life will be very beneficial. You'll get wealthier as you grow older, both in material ways and in spiritual ways.

. A warm, loving, and comfortable home is very important to you and you invest a lot of your energy into beautifying, decorating, and creating a lovely home.

. Also, you share your affection with the people in your family very generously and having close family ties is a major priority for you. Being at home makes you happy.

. You love your roots, whether home and family, ancestors, or history in general. You are probably a collector and very discriminating in this area. You appreciate emotions and like to get a sense or feel for whatever is happening.

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. You have enough to utilize as an asset and prove to the world that you did something good for family as well associety.

· Some problems could be there but we can’t change our birth circumstance we have to find the way to make it batter.

· Relation with mother will be very good. Try to listen more to your mother you have to handle her, sometime you will find it uncomfortable but try to manage it.

· Don’t try to create any kind illusion if you are not happy with something you should express it but in better way.

· Be straight forward and goal oriented this is the only way to get happiness in your life.

· Be enthusiastic in your domestic life and take initiative in creating love and harmony around you.

· Your future partnerships and relationships will be totally depends on inner peace and contentment.

· Status wise you will have everything in your life.

. So try to improve your knowledge and understanding.


· This house basically covers matters related to your children, status and creative powers.

. Self-expression is inclined toward the practical and the matter-of-fact. You are a hard worker, good with details, but accomplishments remain earthbound.

. You can make a scrupulous teacher and disciplinarian of young people. There is a good deal of reservation andrestriction associated with romance and the exhibition of personal creativity.

. In romantic affairs, you may be prudish, and may even appear cold. Yet you may be highly sexed.

. Self-fulfillment may be delayed. Sometimes, it may be a sense of obligation to your children that cause delays to personal accomplishments.

. You are very cautious in any form of speculation, rarely taking a chance. In seeking pleasure, you're also conservative, spending much free time involved with and enjoying your work.

. The love of accumulating a wealth of information may prompt you to spend much of your entertainment time reading and studying.

· Show your confidence with positive actions and try to improve your knowledge.

. Positive expression is the only key to getting love honor respect and purity.

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· When ever you will try to do something purposeful or creative there will be so many obstacles for you, it will defiantly take time but in the end you will achieve you task.

· So set a big target for you and do regular efforts you will get everything in your life.

· It can take time but you are destined you have so much love and harmony in your life.

· However you will get everything related with this house status love creative power etc.

· But you just try to do little work hard you have potential but need proper care and guidance.

· You will be blessed with children and nice family life.

· Partnership could be risky but speculation will be better for you to make money.

· In your life you will get all happiness but suddenly.

· Yet delays in these successes will be often noticeable and worrisome.

· You will have all support of your stars if you initiate something, but a problem is taking initiative.

. You might be recognized as the “party pooper” or a bad date. Don’t let that happen to you! You might find it difficult to “play” or do fun things.

. Saturnine guilt and responsibility might make you search for a “good” reason to have fun.

. All work and no play might stress you out to the point of neurosis. Recognize that you don’t always need a cause to relax and enjoy life. Better still use this influence to your advantage.

. Get into an activity like raising money for a charity. That way you have a cause and the fund-raising events can be turned into fun occasions.


· This house basically covers matters related to your enemies, health problems, debts, obstructions and service to others.

. A good deal of originality will be sought in the work environment.

. You will be a cooperative employee, treating your coworkers as friends, though remaining a bit detached from them in most ways.

. You can function especially well within group situations. You take an impersonal view of your accomplishments,and you can persist in your diligent efforts without praise and recognition.

. You are modern and even advanced in your approach to health and diet matters.

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. If you have health problems, they are likely to be related to a high-strung nervous system. Nervousness comes from the pressures of stress.

. You should take good care of your health.

· Proper nutrition will be required for better results in future.

· You will be shy, a telltale, and unmindful of what others say, and mad in money matters.

. You will be full of valor and harmony and friends are quiet and soft spoken.

. You will be planned projects materialize and you will be polite and blessed with peace and happiness.

. You are famous among relatives and you will help your family members.

. You will perform extraordinary intelligent work, is devoted to God, is benevolent and does good deeds.

. You will love to work works a lot for others.

. You will defeat your enemies but so much hard work will be required and you will do it very well.

· Ailments in the region of abdomen and you can have problems related with bones

· I will suggest you to take good amount of calcium in your food intake.

· Do regular exercises too.

· It will be completely enough for you to be fit if you perform your duties and job regularly.

· There should be certain goal to use your energies else it will convert in health problems.

. Stars are giving you opportunity to utilize your energies in valuable task your just have to take initiatives.


· This house basically covers matters related to your marriage, partnerships and all other relationships.

. Difficulty can be experienced in partnership and marital relations. Relating with others is not easy for you.

. It's necessary for you to find a sympathetic mate who will soothe your frayed nerves and commiserate with you about your problems.

. When you do, you are willing to make sacrifices to benefit the union. You would like to have partnership with a person having opposite traits.

. Rather than a practical, common sense person like yourself, you may choose someone very intuitive and visionary.

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. Thus, in any partnership arrangement, you are the one to provide the organizing influence. Your partner helps you expand your horizons to new fields.

. You may have an innate fear of relationships before the fact; a fearing of letdown, and that you could never findanyone to live up to your ideal.

· In your marriage you have to be careful. Do marriage after proper communication and long time friendship only.

· I will not recommend you sudden marriage you should take good time to understand the person before getting married.

· You are intellectual person and love means a lot for you and you have specific condition for your life partner, mental satisfaction will be your first priority so don’t take chances go for well know marriage.

· Other partnerships will be again big problem to manage. Interaction means a lot for your relationships and partnerships.

· But first listen carefully then only say something that will be the better way to handle your relationships and other partnerships.

· Sometimes your level of thoughts ideas will be away from others perception.

· Try to be adjusting in Sexual level same condition will be apply there too.

· So it will be better idea to match your horoscope very well before getting married.

· Sometime you will miss romance and emotional support nearly through our life.

· But proper horoscope match can solve the problems .So be positive and more optimistic in this area of life.

· Things can magically change if you realize the importance nice communication and adjustment.


· This house basically covers matters related to unknown or hidden or suspicious issues, unearned wealth, property and luck.

. In joint financial affairs, there can be conflict and disagreement about how money should be spent.

. You are decisive in this regard, and you'll fight to hold to your convictions. Conflicts can arise regarding legacies, and sometimes such conflicts may result in litigation.

. You will have the spirit to fight for your needs, and to insure your security.

· You will be blessed with son, you will enjoy physical pleasures.

· You will have hidden desire for social recognition and honor.

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· Some problems will be there related with property and wealth.

· For you accepting new atmosphere is simply tough task.

· But luck can suddenly favor you in getting some sudden gains.

· Try to practice some spiritual things in your life that will defiantly help you.

· Problems related with marriage will be there.

· Be positive with your attitude.

· Change of place will be there and you will find uncomfortable in that.

· Some time you will miss the support of inheritance and proper guidance.

· You have to be more responsible in this area of life.


· This house basically covers matters related to your level of luck, interest in religion & spirituality and level of morality.

. You will have an approach to religious and philosophical issues that is steeped in traditional values.

. You are the archetypal reactionary in these matters; rarely changing or relinquishing your initial views.

. Your abilities to teach may extend to expounding on the dogma to which you firmly subscribe.

. Your ideas are related to particulars, instead of generalities and progressive notions.

. Travel and education especially enjoyable, and you are very much at ease living far from your native home.

. You just love to be honest and like some learning in your life.

· You find it stressful to balance needs for freedom and independence with needs for love and intimate companionship.

. You really behave quite oddly or aloof right which will put others off considerably thus affording you the space you need, but at a cost.

. You are also attracted to the exotic, offbeat, unusual, or bizarre.

. Before that will not be a boring time if you can help it! But it is apt to be a tense time if you are in a close, bonded relationship.

· Being spiritual will always help you in getting better in life.

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. You have potential to get appreciate that will be unique and individual.

. You have a craving for things which are far away and foreign or for things you have never experienced before.

. You want to completely immerse yourself in the feelings and tastes of a new place, rather than simply have facts or an intellectual appreciation.

. Emotionally, too, you are restless and something of a wanderer.


· This house basically covers matters related to your career, your Karma & the kind of deeds, your authority and name.

. A tendency to gravitate to professions requiring the use of words, or in occupations making use of your skills in dealing with mental and dexterous details

. Any career activity must have variety and be fast moving.

. You can communicate your ideas well, and you enjoy doing so.

. Your duties must provide never ending variety and challenge to command your continued interest.

. You are so hyperactive professionally that you may even take on two careers simultaneously, and succeed at both.

· You work will be intellectual and very satisfactory.

· You want to stand out, to be the center of attention, and receive recognition.

. Feel charged with new energy, vitality, and sense of purpose if you decide your goal in your life.

. In this area of life you will feel sometimes confused.

. Do not get influenced by others try to create your own identity.

. Honor and respect will be there.

. But this house will only give you good results when you take it as worship.


· This house basically covers matters related to your gains and inflows from various sources.

. Social activities are limited to an informal style normally conducted within the home.

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. Favorite comrades are often pets, to which you may become much attached.

. Pets are appreciated because they never resent your tendency to criticize.

. You are never much of a joiner, but you can work very diligently within organizations promoting the welfare of children, animals, or the underprivileged.

. Friendships are never taken lightly by this emotional and feeling placement.

. So, there is a very discriminating attitude toward selecting those to whom you become close.

. To those close friends that are developed, you have a very protective and nurturing relationship.

. You will use your ability to work with people to achieve your personal goals.

. You may have only a few close friends, because you are too busy enlarging your circle to establish many permanent relationships.

. You weren't born to be a team-player, but will find that support is necessary to further your ambitions.

. Cooperation and coordination should be your key words for success and play a major part in your life-pattern ofexpansion.

. You are a team player and work well in collaboration with others who share your goals, ideals, and intentions.

. You can coordinate group efforts and inspire people to work toward a shared goal.

. Team sports are also a lot of fun for you, and you could be a leader, coach, or director of any group endeavor.

. You have real community spirit, a drive to work with others on projects of humanitarian interest. An urge to make your altruistic dreams a reality keeps you moving in the direction of group goals and work.

· You will have gains with the help of your friends and some specific people in your.

· There will be continuity of enjoyments and desirable results.

· Some of the legacies will cause a lot of litigation issues.

· This house will give you better results when you properly follow the instructions mention above. Being extra emotional for luxurious things will be harmful for you.


· This house basically covers matters related to Sexual desires & their fulfillment, losses, expenses and events beyond your control.

. You are a power behind the scenes. You play a back room maneuvering role in matters.

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. Often, your contributions are not fully appreciated because you are never one to blow your own horn.

. You have a self-sufficiency about you that keeps you from being lonely, even when you are completely alone.

. You need to spend a good deal of time by yourself.

. Much of power in your makeup is contained on a subjective level.

· Sexual desires will be high. And there will be fulfillment too.

· You must be careful for your expenses.

. Some times it could be simply unwanted and wrong.

· Errors in judgment, due to personal prejudices or emotion, are apt to occur.

· Duties and obligations seem burdensome or at least emotionally restricting to you and you may feel self-pity or temporarily down in the dumps.

. With introspection and soul contact, it's easier for you to become aware of ways you can be of true service to humanity.



· This part talks of events in the broad time frame of the main periods [dasas].

· All of these periods may not be applicable in your case.

· The indicated events will be valid till the period of your actual life span.





C. 2.


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. The starting of period would be average for professional life but get the satisfaction from work profile.

. Till Aug 2014 you will face the regular obstacle during work.

. During this period you will not get exact worth of work so you should not much expectation to professional life.

. You should keep balance in professional and personal life.

. During Aug-Sep 2014 period would be good for new opportunities and enhancement in professional life.

. With this you will get many chances for doing some decent projects in this period.

. You will get the reward for upstanding work in remaining period of 2014 and 1st half of 2015 which has been done by you.. Contacts with professional persons will also improve.. But in 2nd half of 2015 you should not believe your colleague and sub-ordinates behavior. . Otherwise someone may deceit you in partnership or colleagues.. But you should not take any risk for monetary matters. . In spite of place change, frequent journey will also possible. . After Jan 2016 you can get two source of income if you balance it.. With this you will get new offer to enhance professional prospects.. The remaining period of 2016 things will be beneficial for professional prospects.. End of this period will be profitable and beneficial for your professional life.


. Regular improvement would be possible in your financial status.

. Up to Aug 2014 your income will enhanced by extra labor.

. But expenses will also increase with income.

. Most of expenses will be on pleasurable things.

. The period of Aug 2014 and Jan 2016, income will enhance by getting new opportunity in your career.

. The will be beneficial for huge investment; you will get good profits through it.

. But in 2nd half of 2015 would not be good for short term investments.

. Long term investment will be profitable in future.

. Overall this period will be for wealth.


. Some difficulties would be continued in your personal relationship before Aug 2014.

. You should control your attitude and try to understand your responsibility.

. Your possessive nature would be harmful for your relationship.

. You have ability to remove these type problems by persuasive attitude.

. Post Jan 2016 onwards improvement will be seen with near and dear.


. This period will be good for marital relation if you will take the precaution.

. You will have to leave your suspicious nature towards spouse.

. You should trust own self and partner’s attitude.

. You can maintain your relation by mutual understanding.


. Growth of child will respective in all ways.

. Physical and intellectual growth will be at pace.

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. Period will be average for your health.

. You should conscious about infectious food and abdominal disturbances.

. In 2nd half of 2015 such health difficulties would be there, which may give such trouble on regular health.

. Regular precaution will be giving better health.

. But you should not take it casually otherwise it will be increasing very fast.

· 19 OCT 2016 TO 20 OCT 2026: MAIN PERIOD OF MOON.


. Growth would be continued in remaining period of 2016.

. Good professional prospects and higher growth will be maintained during 2017 and till Feb 2018.

. During Mar 2018 onwards you may face much difficulty and pressure in your professional life.· This period will generally low and growth can not possible as per your expectations.. You must be conscious about those professional matters, which would be related to finance. . You should not take any risk for monetary matters, otherwise professional losses may huge.. Due to this up to Sep 2019 you should not believe at colleague and sub-ordinates, otherwise they will be harmful for you. . Post Sep 2019 period will be quite positively poised for career and all other areas.. During 2020-2023 you will happen to take many long ranging decisions in career and elsewhere.. These decisions will give a good position in work if you follow the guidance given in the preceding notes.. All professional things would be continued progressively up to Dec 2023. . But working environment would be tough with starting of 2024, which may obstruct professional growth.. Till Aug 2024 working schedule would also tight and stressful due to domination of professional foes.. By Sep 2024 problems will be reducing and getting again right track in professional life.. During 2025 working environment would be better by change of authorities.. Professional things would be in your favor and able to do work as per your expectations till Mar 2026.. But by Apr 2026 onwards you should more conscious about your professional work and environment.. Unwanted journeys may possible in remaining period of Moon but you will unable to get results of your expectation.


. Earlier position would be continued with schedule growth points till Mar 2018.

. But post Mar 2018 there would be ups and down due to unusual expenses in your finance.

. New profits would not be possible up to Sep 2019.

. With Oct 2019 income will be good after change of the work.

. During 2020 to Mar 2026 your financial position will be strengthening by growth points in career in spite of 1st half of 2024.. With this you will also able to get such precious returns of your investments.. Under this period you will be enjoying pleasurable and materialistic life. . But expenses will be continued as usual, which will be increasing on medical of family members.. By Apr 2026 there would not be possibility for new investments. . So you should keep patience and try to maintain your existing position.


. Some difficulties will be continued in your personal and professional relationship.

. And these will also dominate at professional matters.

. You should control your attitude and try to understand your responsibility.

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. Your possessive nature would be harmful for your relationship.

. You have ability to remove these type problems by persuasive attitude.


. Good communication would be required in between both of you.

. If you are still together the status will remain highly volatile.

. You should not use harsh language with spouse.

. You can maintain your relation by mutual understanding.

. Overall period would be good for marital life and relation.

· CHILDREN:· Good for the growth of children.. But some health problems may possible in regular intervals.. Encouragement and motivation is required to go better prospects.


. You should conscious about your regular health.

. Several ailments related to break the food minerals and infection.

. Jaundice, food poisoning may occur in 2018-2019.

. Blood pressure and problem related to back bone may also occur by Jan 2021.

. So precaution must be required for better health.

. Yoga and exercise will also be profitable.

· 20 OCT 2026 TO 19 OCT 2033: MAIN PERIOD OF MARS.


. This period will start with average results which will start by Oct 2026 onwards.

. In this period your hasty attitude for your professional matter would be harmful for growth and success.

. During Mar 2027 to Apr 2028 such professional conflicts and confusion may block your professional output thenyou will feel clueless. . Up to this period only regular efforts may control instability in career. . But by May 2028 period will again positive in your favor which would be profitable for new professional opportunities.. There would be strong planetary position for getting favorable prospects in career.. You will be associated with a big organization at better profile.. In period of 2029, 2030 and 2031 would be progressive and profitable for regular growth in career.. During this period you will also be rewarded to complete such precious projects.. All professional things will run under your authority and position. . Up to Oct 2032 you may get smooth progressive professional path through earlier work, which will give happiness and satisfaction in professional life. · But low periods will resume by Nov 2032 and will be continued.. Post this period you should not be inclined towards wrong things, otherwise it may become difficult for professional prospects.. Due to unfavorable situation and irregularity in health, professional life may end at the end of 2032 and you will quit completely from your active professional life.. Health would not be supportive for doing for further work in career.. Rest must be required to maintain good regular health.. So you will take permanent retirement by your active professional life.

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. There would be such hard situation in financial position due to insecurity of position.

. Up to Mar 2028 growth would not be expected along with continuation of restriction in career.

. By Apr 2028 financial position will again stable by change of organization, which will give betterment in your regular income. . The period of 2029 to 2032 would be very much rewarding and encouraging for financial growth.. During this period you will also enjoy all pleasures of life.· With this expenses would be too high and increase your living standard.. At end of 2032, your regular income will be completely stopped but you are having good financial strengthen byearlier savings and investments.. But by 2033 short term investments would not be profitable for your financial security.. In remaining of Mars you should more conscious about your wastage of money or unwanted expenses.. Risky investment and speculation must be avoided in remaining period.. Medical expenses will also be increasing now. . Overall you will be very well placed financially.

· LOVE LIFE:. Some obstacles may occur due to work.. Official schedule will create disturbance in personal life.. It is very concerning period to make balance in personal and professional relations.. But happiness would be there through sources of pleasurable enjoyments.

· MARITAL LIFE:. Things will be looking very favorable for you and this period will give much happiness in your marital life.. It would be continued very smoothly.. Spouse will be supportive to you in every condition and situation.. You can maintain your relation by mutual understanding.

· CHILDREN:. Good period for them.. At this stage physical growth will be noticeable over intellectual development. Happiness of children will give you more strength for life.


. Period will be average for your health.

. You should conscious about infectious food and abdominal disturbances.

. In 2031 such health difficulties would be there, which may give such trouble on regular health.

. Regular precaution will be giving better health.

. But during 2nd half of 2032 you should very careful and conscious about any injury or accident.

. Earlier functional ailment may convert into disease.

. So regular check-up must be required along with necessitate precautions and medicines.

· 19 OCT 2033 TO 20 OCT 2051: MAIN PERIOD OF RAHU.


. Financial status will improve regularly by earlier investments.

. Returns would be also coming very smooth and greater way during 2034 to Nov 2038.

. Most of expanses would be possible to fulfill your desires.

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. But your medical expenses will be increasing more with Dec 2038.· However such losses may occur through unusual activities which would be prominent by 2039 onwards.. So you should very conscious and careful about monetary matters.. You will be very well placed financially.. You will enjoy all of physical pleasure up to end of life.

. LOVE LIFE:· Many associations of trivial nature.· Such disappointments and exploitations would be possible there be foes.· Better to avoid as the time is not in your favor for these matters.. Occasions of diversions will remain off and on.. This will act as vent holes in the pressurized personal life that you will have.. However you will remain quite discrete through out.

· MARITAL LIFE:. With the starting of this period you will feel so good.. Understanding will be maintained with spouse.. Spouse support will give encouragement in work.. But during 2037-2038 you should concern about spouse health, such problems may acute but it would not be dangerous.. So precaution must be required to maintain her position.


. Good relations with your children.

. This period will be decent and prosperous for attainments and achievement in professional life of them.

. Positive support of them will be encouraging and strengthening to live more life.


. Health will be decreasing with starting of this period.

.. Health will decline more steadily after Jul 2036.· Health will remain afflicted by many minor ailments.· Most ailments will become chronic post Jan 2038.· Vitality will decline rapidly from May 2040.. Neurological problems, gradual loss of immune system and increase sugar efficiency will be prominent.

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