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Contact us Here are height growth tips after 18 years of age: 1. Simple exercises like rope skipping, hanging from a bar, stretching the body by standing on your toes etc can be performed on a daily basis as a routine. Not only can these steps help to grow taller, but they are also good for overall fitness. 2. Men and women who have an athletic body can attempt sprinting at high speed. This process helps in release of human growth hormone in good quantity and hence your body can grow well naturally. 3. Another step to boost the release of human growth hormone is to have 5-6 small meals during the day rather than the conventional 3 meals a day. 4. Many a times we consume items like antibiotics, drugs and other items that act as growth inhibitors. Knowing the growth inhibitors properly and avoiding them is a step towards growing taller naturally. 5. Performing yoga on a regular basis can also help greatly. Some of the posture correction steps can easily help to increase height naturally. 6. A key point that many people miss is proper rest. Your body needs time to grow and expand. This is only possible if you sleep well and take rest regularly. If you seriously want to increase height naturally, don't miss this point. 7. Another option to grow 2 to 6 inches height after the age of 18 is stretching exercises & yoga along with the right diet. You must take stretching workouts regularly and rigorously. Fix up a rod in your room and hang over it when ever you have the time. Also you should take up leisure activities like basket ball & swimming. 8. Have a lot of water and dairy products.

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Contact usHere are height growth tips after 18 years of age:

1. Simple exercises like rope skipping, hanging from a bar, stretching the body by standing on your toes etc can be performed on a daily basis as a routine. Not only can these steps help to grow taller, but they are also good for overall fitness.

2. Men and women who have an athletic body can attempt sprinting at high speed. This process helps in release of human growth hormone in good quantity and hence your body can grow well naturally. 3. Another step to boost the release of human growth hormone is to have 5-6 small meals during the day rather than the conventional 3 meals a day.

4. Many a times we consume items like antibiotics, drugs and other items that act as growth inhibitors. Knowing the growth inhibitors properly and avoiding them is a step towards growing taller naturally.

5. Performing yoga on a regular basis can also help greatly. Some of the posture correction steps can easily help to increase height naturally.

6. A key point that many people miss is proper rest. Your body needs time to grow and expand. This is only possible if you sleep well and take rest regularly. If you seriously want to increase height naturally, don't miss this point.

7. Another option to grow 2 to 6 inches height after the age of 18 is stretching exercises & yoga along with the right diet. You must take stretching workouts regularly and rigorously. Fix up a rod in your room and hang over it when ever you have the time. Also you should take up leisure activities like basket ball & swimming.

8. Have a lot of water and dairy products.

9. Sleep at least for 6 to 8 hours in the night and have a balanced diet.

10. Have foods that are rich in zinc, manganese and phosphorus.

11. Maintain your weight. It might become a hindrance in your growth. Exercise to Increase Height

Here are some more exercises you can try out that will help you grow taller and increase your height.

1. Lie on the floor face down with palms on the floor under your shoulders. Begin to arch your spine up leading with your chin. Arch as far back as possible. Each repetition should last between 5-30 seconds.

2. Start with your arms perpendicular to the floor, and the spine arched (the end position of the cobra). Now blend your hips and bring your body up into an inverted 'V' position.

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While you are doing that, tuck your chin against your chest. Return to the original position. Each repetition should last between 10-20 seconds.

3. Get on your hands and knees with your arms locked out. Inhale as you flex your spine down and bring your head up. Exhale as you bring your spine up into an arched position while bringing your head down. Each repetition should last between 3-8 seconds.

Good luck. Rate Comment

Other Answers (6)


bond answered 2 years ago

Ya of course you can grow ! Here are specific suggestions on mind programming for height-gain

1)Refuse to accept that you are born unhealthy and short. Visualize yourself as having the most perfect health and live every moment in that vision. 2)Stop compromising on matters of quality. Keep demanding as much as you can think of, from yourself. 3)Imagine that your height is increasing every moment with every movement of yours. 4)Stop traits of anger, helplessness and dejection.

My routine in those days was as follows:

Waking up by 5 am and having a variety of workouts till 8 am. These included mix and match of following:

Running and jogging Flexibility and stretching Martial Arts practice Asans and Pranayams Meditation


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Simply stop junk, fried, spicy and oily food. I cannot stress further the importance of simple, nutritious, healthy food. Our body is made out of food we eat. We grow from a baby of few inches to a full-grown adult only through food we eat. Food is the raw material used to build our building that we call body. How can you expect a strong building to be built if you use inferior raw material from junkyard?


Following are certain recommendations that have helped me:

Eating at least two hours before sleep Having a light dinner Regular consumption of sprouts Having regular eating schedule and avoiding habit of munching every now and then Avoiding consumption of tea, coffee, cold-drinks, ice-cream, chocolates etc Regular use of trifala powder in night or early morning Eating lots of fresh fruits Drinking lots of water Walking for 10-15 minutes after meals Eating soaked almonds in morning. The gulbandi variety is best. Eating in sukhasan. This posture is a wonderful gift of our ancient seers.

Human body is built to work hard and live actively. More we avoid physical labor, more we become prone to underdevelopment, faster ageing and ailments. Make a habit of doing rigorous workouts at least thrice a week and normal exercises in rest of the days.

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How to Increase Height after 18 Years?

Though, it is possible to increase height after the age of 18 years, extra effort is required in order to reap positive results as the development of the body slows down gradually. It’s a well known fact that nutrition is imperative for further growth and development, most importantly natural height gain. In addition to this, a number of other factors should also be taken into consideration to trigger height growth after attaining the age of 18.

1. Healthy Breakfast:

It is recommended to have a healthy breakfast. Skipping breakfast is not at all a healthy option for your growth and hence your height. Having proper breakfast boosts your metabolism and thus has a positive effect on your height.

2. Proper Nutrition:

Proper nutrition is absolutely vital for a healthy body. Most people fail to reach their maximum height due to inadequate nutrition. To get proper nutrition, it is necessary to follow a balanced diet. Consumption of essential nutrients provides the required stimulus for increasing the body height both naturally and medically. Apart from these points, including food items rich in zinc, manganese and phosphorus also contributes to your growth.

3. Have Adequate Sleep and Rest:

Proper sleep and rest plays a vital role in overall growth and development. Teenagers require at least 8.5 to 11 hours of sleep every night. This is because the body grows and regenerates tissues during sleep. Moreover, human growth hormone, which is responsible for increasing height, is produced while sleeping. Hence, proper sleep and rest are mandatory for height gain.

4. Frequent, Smaller Meals:

Have six small meals in a day instead of three in order to boost your metabolism. The results of your height gain regime and the amount of human growth hormone produced depends on what you eat. Therefore, it is important to ensure that you are getting the necessary vitamins and minerals required for attaining full height naturally.

[ Read: Foods and Diet For Increasing Height ]

5. Exercise and Yoga Regime:

Exercise is a vital factor in increasing your height. Simple exercises like skipping, hanging from an overhead bar and stretching the body by standing on your toes should be part of your daily workout routine. Additionally, sporting activities like basketball,

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football and swimming are also beneficial for increasing height. Yoga is also very effective.

[ Read: Yoga Execises for Stretching Body ]

6. Maintain Ideal Body Weight: 

Obesity can have an adverse effect on your height. Obesity can cause several health problems too. Hence, it is important to maintain an ideal body weight by following a balanced diet and proper exercise regime.

[ Read: How to Increase Height After 25 Naturally ]

7. Drink Plenty of Water: 

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Water flushes out toxins from your body and aids in digestion. Therefore, at least drinking 8 glasses of water every day is recommended for a better health.

8. Avoid Growth Inhibitors:

Teenagers often adopt the habit of smoking and drinking without realizing the adverse effects on their growth. Antibiotics, drugs, cigarettes and alcohol act as growth inhibitors; therefore, avoid them to grow taller naturally.

9. Practice Good Posture:

A good posture plays a vital role in the development of your height. Always try to keep your head and neck aligned in a straight posture. Bending and slouching causes your spinal cord to suppress normal height.

[ Read: How To Increase Height Naturally ]

10. Avoid Smoking and Drinking:

Indulging in smoking and drinking suppresses your primary growth. It initiates your secondary growth which adversely affects your height. Hence, it is better to refrain from immoral activities.

Here are all the tips on how to increase height after 18 in women. Fortunately, it is possible to increase height after 18 years is possible by following the above-mentioned steps. In spite of this, if your height has not increased much in between the time before and after puberty, it advisable to get medical help in order to get to the root of the problem.

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TallGuy101 » Is it possible to grow taller and increase height after 18?

Is it possible to grow taller and increase height after 18? 1  

So, you are interested is it possible to grow taller after 18 years? First of all you should know what factors influence human growth? Why are some people short and others tall? Are these factors beyond our control? Is it purely because of genes? Can a person who’s just a few inches taller than 5 feet possibly bear children who are six feet tall?

Factors that influence growth process:Several factors influence human growth. Of course, genes play an important role in determining your height and size. Heredity transmits physical characteristics from parents to children. Genes and heredity mainly influence different characteristics of development like body structure, weight, hair color and eye color, intelligence and yes, height.

Hormones also affect human growth. Hormones are considered to be a substance that supports growth. They can determine the increase and the decrease activity of some of the organs of the body. Hormones are secreted by the endocrine glands and are directly sent to the bloodstream – they are important in the process of human growth and development.

However, there are other facets that come into play in influencing human growth. Nutrition is one of them. People who are not properly nourished do not get the ample amount of nutrients that are needed for proper development – weight, structure and including height. In all likelihood, children who do not eat properly and do not take the proper nutrients are much shorter than their peers.

Of course, a person’s race is one facet that influences height and other features in the body. The growth and the development of humans are related to the racial factors. The color of the hair and eyes, the body structure and of course, height is determined by the race where that person comes from.

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Another factor that is related to influencing human growth is pollution. Pollutants that are present in the air outside or inside the home are damaging to human growth. Pollution can harmfully impact human growth.

So, what is the way to grow taller?Now, you might wonder if there are other ways that can influence human growth aside from genes, heredity and the other things mentioned above. Actually, it’s possible that one can grow taller after 18 by following a regular exercise regimen, a healthy diet rich in vitamins that support human growth and taking supplements that help increase height. Of course, these things will not amount to anything if you don’t have a regular sleeping schedule.

Sleep tight. Growing teenagers and pre-teens need to sleep an average of 10-11 hours of sleep every night. The human growth hormone (HGH) is naturally produced in bodies especially during deep sleep. This is because your body regenerates tissues while you’re asleep. So make your sleeping place is as calm as possible and make sure there is no needless lighting. The HGH is sometimes injected into the bloodstream. Just make sure to do this with a licensed doctor. Are you encountering trouble going to sleep?  Eat a banana or drink a cup of warm milk or a hot cup of chamomile tea before sleeping.

Eat right. Make sure you get all the vitamins, nutrients and minerals that your body requires. This will be even better if you take supplements during your meals.

Exercise, exercise! There are many exercises that are proven to have helped increase height. Those certain exercises will be discussed in the next section.

Exercise!Find a bar or a strong limb from which you can hang. Make sure this bar or limb can carry your weight. This may sound strange but by stretching out your spines and joints, this exercise can help you grow taller. Just simply hang about there for about half an hour in a span of one week. Hang in there for about 15 seconds at a time. Do about 10 sets for every 15-second reps. You can try to raise your legs from side to side. This is good for strengthening your back and your upper body. You can opt to get a wider grip to make your shoulders look wider.

Swimming is another exercise that can help you grow taller. Stretching is another activity that can help increase height. Exercises like toe touches, standing twists, stretching while standing and bow down stretches are actually exercises that can improve height. Pilates can also help increase body height naturally. Contact your Pilates instructor and ask for the proper exercise. Try the breast stroke prep, hundreds, and scapular isolations. Yoga is also one exercise for increasing height – side bends, curling pelvic thrusts can help your joints and spine grow longer. Again, make sure you get the right amount of sleep and rest.

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Eat right!Make sure that you eat on a regular schedule. Take a lot of green vegetables, dairy products. These types of food give plenty of calcium. Later on, the importance of calcium will be further explained. Remember to take a good deal of vitamin D by eating alfalfa sprouts, mushrooms and fish. Of course, don’t forget the protein – from eggs and tofu. All our meals should always include protein. Read more about foods that will help you to increase height.

Take some supplements:Aside from natural ways that help you grow taller, you might want to know if there are supplements out there that can help increase height. There are several vitamins that are known to influence human growth.

Vitamins A, C and D are known to influence human growth. You can acquire this in certain foods that contain these vitamins. The highest in Vitamin A are sweet potatoes, pumpkins, carrots and mangoes. Foods that are high in vitamin C are of course, oranges. You can find them in kiwi fruits, logan berries, strawberries and of course navel oranges and papaya. Freshly squeezed orange juice is also an excellent source of Vitamin C.


Vitamin D is known for good bone development among children. Many foods today are fortified with vitamin D – Swiss cheese, fatty fish like cod, tuna and salmon. Egg yolks, beef liver and mushrooms are also excellent sources of vitamin D. Of course, cod liver oil is naturally high in vitamin D.


Glutamine, GABA and calcium are also excellent supplements that promote growth. This combination helps many in increasing height. Fatty acids from Omega-3 are essential acids needed in growth. Glutamine has plenty of amounts of amino acid— that help strengthen the immune system and brain function. Amino acids are essential in

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building protein – an important factor in growth. Supplementation of glutamine is sometimes necessary.


GABA, which is the short term for Gamma-Aminobutryic Acid, is another powerful amino acid that supports natural production of the human growth hormone – this is actually a great thing. Calcium is another supplement that helps bone strength. It’s also helps greatly in growing taller.



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Grow taller tips and tricks from TallGuy101

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