confucius - 揚子法言 - yangzi fayan

Yang Xiong Yang Xiong Yang Xiong Yang Xiong 揚雄 揚雄 揚雄 揚雄 揚子法言 揚子法言 揚子法言 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan Yangzi Fayan Yangzi Fayan Yangzi Fayan 《序 - Xu Xu Xu Xu》 1 序: 天降生民 天降生民 天降生民 天降生民,倥侗顓蒙 倥侗顓蒙 倥侗顓蒙 倥侗顓蒙,恣乎情性 恣乎情性 恣乎情性 恣乎情性,聰明不開 聰明不開 聰明不開 聰明不開,訓諸理 訓諸理 訓諸理 訓諸理,譔《學 行》。 》。 》。 》。 When Tian gives birth to the masses, they are naive and When Tian gives birth to the masses, they are naive and When Tian gives birth to the masses, they are naive and When Tian gives birth to the masses, they are naive and ignorant. They give free reign to their desires and ignorant. They give free reign to their desires and ignorant. They give free reign to their desires and ignorant. They give free reign to their desires and original natures, and their intelligence is undeveloped. original natures, and their intelligence is undeveloped. original natures, and their intelligence is undeveloped. original natures, and their intelligence is undeveloped. To teach To teach To teach To teach them the proper principles, I have written them the proper principles, I have written them the proper principles, I have written them the proper principles, I have written "Learning and Practice." "Learning and Practice." "Learning and Practice." "Learning and Practice." 2 序: 降周迄孔 降周迄孔 降周迄孔 降周迄孔,成于王道 成于王道 成于王道 成于王道,然後誕章乖離 然後誕章乖離 然後誕章乖離 然後誕章乖離,諸子圖徽 諸子圖徽 諸子圖徽 諸子圖徽,譔《吾子 吾子 吾子 吾子》。 》。 》。 》。 In the time from the Duke of Zhou down to Confucius, In the time from the Duke of Zhou down to Confucius, In the time from the Duke of Zhou down to Confucius, In the time from the Duke of Zhou down to Confucius, rulers were accomplished in the dao of kingship. rulers were accomplished in the dao of kingship. rulers were accomplished in the dao of kingship. rulers were accomplished in the dao of kingship. Afterwards, the great precepts were abandoned, Afterwards, the great precepts were abandoned, Afterwards, the great precepts were abandoned, Afterwards, the great precepts were abandoned, and the and the and the and the various masters drew emblems for their own banners. various masters drew emblems for their own banners. various masters drew emblems for their own banners. various masters drew emblems for their own banners. Thus, I have written "My Master." Thus, I have written "My Master." Thus, I have written "My Master." Thus, I have written "My Master." 3 序: 事有本真 事有本真 事有本真 事有本真,陳施於意 陳施於意 陳施於意 陳施於意,動不克 動不克 動不克 動不克,咸本諸身 咸本諸身 咸本諸身 咸本諸身,譔《修身 修身 修身 修身》。 》。 》。 》。 Xu: Xu: Xu: Xu: Everything has an original essence, but it is unfolded Everything has an original essence, but it is unfolded Everything has an original essence, but it is unfolded Everything has an original essence, but it is unfolded in myriad forms. If one's actions cannot be brought to in myriad forms. If one's actions cannot be brought to in myriad forms. If one's actions cannot be brought to in myriad forms. If one's actions cannot be brought to completion, completion, completion, completion, one must seek the root of the matter in one must seek the root of the matter in one must seek the root of the matter in one must seek the root of the matter in oneself. Thus, I have written "Cultivating the Self." oneself. Thus, I have written "Cultivating the Self." oneself. Thus, I have written "Cultivating the Self." oneself. Thus, I have written "Cultivating the Self."

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Page 1: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan

Yang XiongYang XiongYang XiongYang Xiong


揚子法言揚子法言揚子法言揚子法言 ---- Yangzi FayanYangzi FayanYangzi FayanYangzi Fayan

《《《《序序序序 ---- XuXuXuXu》》》》

1111 序序序序:::: 天降生民天降生民天降生民天降生民,,,,倥侗顓蒙倥侗顓蒙倥侗顓蒙倥侗顓蒙,,,,恣乎情性恣乎情性恣乎情性恣乎情性,,,,聰明不開聰明不開聰明不開聰明不開,,,,訓諸理訓諸理訓諸理訓諸理,,,,譔譔譔譔《《《《學學學學


When Tian gives birth to the masses, they are naive and When Tian gives birth to the masses, they are naive and When Tian gives birth to the masses, they are naive and When Tian gives birth to the masses, they are naive and

ignorant. They give free reign to their desires and ignorant. They give free reign to their desires and ignorant. They give free reign to their desires and ignorant. They give free reign to their desires and

original natures, and their intelligence is undeveloped. original natures, and their intelligence is undeveloped. original natures, and their intelligence is undeveloped. original natures, and their intelligence is undeveloped.

To teach To teach To teach To teach them the proper principles, I have written them the proper principles, I have written them the proper principles, I have written them the proper principles, I have written

"Learning and Practice.""Learning and Practice.""Learning and Practice.""Learning and Practice."

2222 序序序序:::: 降周迄孔降周迄孔降周迄孔降周迄孔,,,,成于王道成于王道成于王道成于王道,,,,然後誕章乖離然後誕章乖離然後誕章乖離然後誕章乖離,,,,諸子圖徽諸子圖徽諸子圖徽諸子圖徽,,,,譔譔譔譔《《《《吾子吾子吾子吾子》。》。》。》。

In the time from the Duke of Zhou down to Confucius, In the time from the Duke of Zhou down to Confucius, In the time from the Duke of Zhou down to Confucius, In the time from the Duke of Zhou down to Confucius,

rulers were accomplished in the dao of kingship. rulers were accomplished in the dao of kingship. rulers were accomplished in the dao of kingship. rulers were accomplished in the dao of kingship.

Afterwards, the great precepts were abandoned, Afterwards, the great precepts were abandoned, Afterwards, the great precepts were abandoned, Afterwards, the great precepts were abandoned, and the and the and the and the

various masters drew emblems for their own banners. various masters drew emblems for their own banners. various masters drew emblems for their own banners. various masters drew emblems for their own banners.

Thus, I have written "My Master."Thus, I have written "My Master."Thus, I have written "My Master."Thus, I have written "My Master."

3333 序序序序:::: 事有本真事有本真事有本真事有本真,,,,陳施於意陳施於意陳施於意陳施於意,,,,動不克動不克動不克動不克,,,,咸本諸身咸本諸身咸本諸身咸本諸身,,,,譔譔譔譔《《《《修身修身修身修身》。》。》。》。

Xu:Xu:Xu:Xu: Everything has an original essence, but it is unfolded Everything has an original essence, but it is unfolded Everything has an original essence, but it is unfolded Everything has an original essence, but it is unfolded

in myriad forms. If one's actions cannot be brought to in myriad forms. If one's actions cannot be brought to in myriad forms. If one's actions cannot be brought to in myriad forms. If one's actions cannot be brought to

completion, completion, completion, completion, one must seek the root of the matter in one must seek the root of the matter in one must seek the root of the matter in one must seek the root of the matter in

oneself. Thus, I have written "Cultivating the Self."oneself. Thus, I have written "Cultivating the Self."oneself. Thus, I have written "Cultivating the Self."oneself. Thus, I have written "Cultivating the Self."

Page 2: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan

4444 序序序序:::: 芒芒天道芒芒天道芒芒天道芒芒天道,,,,昔在聖考昔在聖考昔在聖考昔在聖考,,,,過則失中過則失中過則失中過則失中,,,,不及則不至不及則不至不及則不至不及則不至,,,,不可姦罔不可姦罔不可姦罔不可姦罔,,,,譔譔譔譔


Xu:Xu:Xu:Xu: Vast! Vast is Tian's Dao! In the past the sages Vast! Vast is Tian's Dao! In the past the sages Vast! Vast is Tian's Dao! In the past the sages Vast! Vast is Tian's Dao! In the past the sages

completed it. If one goes too far, he loses the mean. If completed it. If one goes too far, he loses the mean. If completed it. If one goes too far, he loses the mean. If completed it. If one goes too far, he loses the mean. If

one doesn't one doesn't one doesn't one doesn't go all the way, he doesn't reach the Dao. It go all the way, he doesn't reach the Dao. It go all the way, he doesn't reach the Dao. It go all the way, he doesn't reach the Dao. It

cannot be defiled or maligned. Thus, I have written cannot be defiled or maligned. Thus, I have written cannot be defiled or maligned. Thus, I have written cannot be defiled or maligned. Thus, I have written

"Asking About the Dao.""Asking About the Dao.""Asking About the Dao.""Asking About the Dao."

5555 序序序序:::: 神心忽恍神心忽恍神心忽恍神心忽恍,,,,經緯萬方經緯萬方經緯萬方經緯萬方,,,,事系諸道事系諸道事系諸道事系諸道、、、、德德德德、、、、仁仁仁仁、、、、義義義義、、、、禮禮禮禮,,,,譔譔譔譔《《《《問問問問


Xu:Xu:Xu:Xu: Shen (Shen (Shen (Shen (神神神神) and xin () and xin () and xin () and xin (心心心心) are shadowy and indistinct, but ) are shadowy and indistinct, but ) are shadowy and indistinct, but ) are shadowy and indistinct, but

they are the warp and woof of the world,they are the warp and woof of the world,they are the warp and woof of the world,they are the warp and woof of the world, and their and their and their and their

workings are bound up with the Dao, de, ren, yi, and li. workings are bound up with the Dao, de, ren, yi, and li. workings are bound up with the Dao, de, ren, yi, and li. workings are bound up with the Dao, de, ren, yi, and li.

Thus I have written "Asking About Shen."Thus I have written "Asking About Shen."Thus I have written "Asking About Shen."Thus I have written "Asking About Shen."

6666 序序序序:::: 明哲煌煌明哲煌煌明哲煌煌明哲煌煌,,,,旁燭無疆旁燭無疆旁燭無疆旁燭無疆,,,,遜於不虞遜於不虞遜於不虞遜於不虞,,,,以保天命以保天命以保天命以保天命,,,,譔譔譔譔《《《《問明問明問明問明》。》。》。》。

Xu:Xu:Xu:Xu: When wisdom is splendid and bright, shining everywhere When wisdom is splendid and bright, shining everywhere When wisdom is splendid and bright, shining everywhere When wisdom is splendid and bright, shining everywhere

without limit, one may avoid unforeseen dangers and without limit, one may avoid unforeseen dangers and without limit, one may avoid unforeseen dangers and without limit, one may avoid unforeseen dangers and

protect his Heavenprotect his Heavenprotect his Heavenprotect his Heaven----decreed destiny. Thus, I have written decreed destiny. Thus, I have written decreed destiny. Thus, I have written decreed destiny. Thus, I have written

"Asking about Seeing Clearly.""Asking about Seeing Clearly.""Asking about Seeing Clearly.""Asking about Seeing Clearly."

7777 序序序序:::: 假言周于天地假言周于天地假言周于天地假言周于天地,,,,贊于神明贊于神明贊于神明贊于神明,,,,幽弘撗廣幽弘撗廣幽弘撗廣幽弘撗廣,,,,絕于邇言絕于邇言絕于邇言絕于邇言,,,,譔譔譔譔《《《《寡見寡見寡見寡見》。》。》。》。

Xu:Xu:Xu:Xu: Sayings of the past spread throughout Heaven and Earth, Sayings of the past spread throughout Heaven and Earth, Sayings of the past spread throughout Heaven and Earth, Sayings of the past spread throughout Heaven and Earth,

serving as an aid to daimonic clarity. Profound and serving as an aid to daimonic clarity. Profound and serving as an aid to daimonic clarity. Profound and serving as an aid to daimonic clarity. Profound and

great, vast and great, vast and great, vast and great, vast and broad, they surpass recent sayings. Thus broad, they surpass recent sayings. Thus broad, they surpass recent sayings. Thus broad, they surpass recent sayings. Thus

I have written "The Seldom Seen."I have written "The Seldom Seen."I have written "The Seldom Seen."I have written "The Seldom Seen."

8888 序序序序:::: 聖人聰明淵懿聖人聰明淵懿聖人聰明淵懿聖人聰明淵懿,,,,繼天測靈繼天測靈繼天測靈繼天測靈,,,,冠乎群倫冠乎群倫冠乎群倫冠乎群倫,,,,經諸範經諸範經諸範經諸範,,,,譔譔譔譔《《《《五百五百五百五百》。》。》。》。

Page 3: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan

Xu:Xu:Xu:Xu: The sage, keenly intelligent and profoundly good, The sage, keenly intelligent and profoundly good, The sage, keenly intelligent and profoundly good, The sage, keenly intelligent and profoundly good,

continues the work of Tian and fathoms the divine. continues the work of Tian and fathoms the divine. continues the work of Tian and fathoms the divine. continues the work of Tian and fathoms the divine.

Surpassing the common herd, he sets the Surpassing the common herd, he sets the Surpassing the common herd, he sets the Surpassing the common herd, he sets the standard. Thus, standard. Thus, standard. Thus, standard. Thus,

I have written "Five Hundred Years."I have written "Five Hundred Years."I have written "Five Hundred Years."I have written "Five Hundred Years."

9999 序序序序:::: 立政鼓眾立政鼓眾立政鼓眾立政鼓眾,,,,動化天下動化天下動化天下動化天下,,,,莫尚於中和莫尚於中和莫尚於中和莫尚於中和。。。。中和之發中和之發中和之發中和之發,,,,在於哲民情在於哲民情在於哲民情在於哲民情,,,,譔譔譔譔


Xu:Xu:Xu:Xu: In establishing government, rousing the multitude, and In establishing government, rousing the multitude, and In establishing government, rousing the multitude, and In establishing government, rousing the multitude, and

influencing the world, nothing is superior to the influencing the world, nothing is superior to the influencing the world, nothing is superior to the influencing the world, nothing is superior to the

harmony of the mean. The key to implementing the harmony of the mean. The key to implementing the harmony of the mean. The key to implementing the harmony of the mean. The key to implementing the harmony harmony harmony harmony

of the mean lies in knowing the people's feelings. Thus, of the mean lies in knowing the people's feelings. Thus, of the mean lies in knowing the people's feelings. Thus, of the mean lies in knowing the people's feelings. Thus,

I have written "Foreknowledge."I have written "Foreknowledge."I have written "Foreknowledge."I have written "Foreknowledge."

10101010 序序序序:::: 仲尼以來仲尼以來仲尼以來仲尼以來,,,,國君將相國君將相國君將相國君將相,,,,卿士名臣卿士名臣卿士名臣卿士名臣,,,,參差不齊參差不齊參差不齊參差不齊,,,,一概諸聖一概諸聖一概諸聖一概諸聖,,,,譔譔譔譔《《《《重重重重


Xu:Xu:Xu:Xu: Since the time of Confucius, rulers of kingdoms, Since the time of Confucius, rulers of kingdoms, Since the time of Confucius, rulers of kingdoms, Since the time of Confucius, rulers of kingdoms,

generals, chancellors, ministers, gentlemen, and famous generals, chancellors, ministers, gentlemen, and famous generals, chancellors, ministers, gentlemen, and famous generals, chancellors, ministers, gentlemen, and famous

officialsofficialsofficialsofficials have been variously and nonhave been variously and nonhave been variously and nonhave been variously and non----uniformly judged. uniformly judged. uniformly judged. uniformly judged.

I have uniformly judged them by the standards of the I have uniformly judged them by the standards of the I have uniformly judged them by the standards of the I have uniformly judged them by the standards of the

sage. Thus, I have written "Zhong and Li."sage. Thus, I have written "Zhong and Li."sage. Thus, I have written "Zhong and Li."sage. Thus, I have written "Zhong and Li."

11111111 序序序序:::: 仲尼之後仲尼之後仲尼之後仲尼之後,,,,訖于漢道訖于漢道訖于漢道訖于漢道,,,,德行顏德行顏德行顏德行顏、、、、閔閔閔閔,,,,股肱蕭股肱蕭股肱蕭股肱蕭、、、、曹曹曹曹,,,,爰及名將尊卑爰及名將尊卑爰及名將尊卑爰及名將尊卑


Xu:Xu:Xu:Xu: From the time of Confucius down to the Dao of the Han, From the time of Confucius down to the Dao of the Han, From the time of Confucius down to the Dao of the Han, From the time of Confucius down to the Dao of the Han,

for virtuous conduct there were Yan Yuan and Min Ziqian, for virtuous conduct there were Yan Yuan and Min Ziqian, for virtuous conduct there were Yan Yuan and Min Ziqian, for virtuous conduct there were Yan Yuan and Min Ziqian,

and for Han Gaozu's arms and legs there were Xiao He and and for Han Gaozu's arms and legs there were Xiao He and and for Han Gaozu's arms and legs there were Xiao He and and for Han Gaozu's arms and legs there were Xiao He and

Cao Shen. Now, for ranking the eminence and lowliness of Cao Shen. Now, for ranking the eminence and lowliness of Cao Shen. Now, for ranking the eminence and lowliness of Cao Shen. Now, for ranking the eminence and lowliness of

famous generals, I have examined and evaluated them. famous generals, I have examined and evaluated them. famous generals, I have examined and evaluated them. famous generals, I have examined and evaluated them.

Thus, I have written "Yuan and QThus, I have written "Yuan and QThus, I have written "Yuan and QThus, I have written "Yuan and Qian."ian."ian."ian."

Page 4: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan

12121212 序序序序:::: 君子純終領聞君子純終領聞君子純終領聞君子純終領聞,,,,蠢迪撿押蠢迪撿押蠢迪撿押蠢迪撿押,,,,旁開聖則旁開聖則旁開聖則旁開聖則,,,,譔譔譔譔《《《《君子君子君子君子》。》。》。》。

Xu:Xu:Xu:Xu: The junzi is pure to the end and earns a fine The junzi is pure to the end and earns a fine The junzi is pure to the end and earns a fine The junzi is pure to the end and earns a fine

reputation. His actions follow standards and norms, and reputation. His actions follow standards and norms, and reputation. His actions follow standards and norms, and reputation. His actions follow standards and norms, and

he completely develops the principles of the sage. Thus, he completely develops the principles of the sage. Thus, he completely develops the principles of the sage. Thus, he completely develops the principles of the sage. Thus,

I have written "The Junzi."I have written "The Junzi."I have written "The Junzi."I have written "The Junzi."

13131313 序序序序:::: 孝莫大於寧親孝莫大於寧親孝莫大於寧親孝莫大於寧親,,,,寧親莫大於寧神寧親莫大於寧神寧親莫大於寧神寧親莫大於寧神,,,,寧神莫大於四表之歡心寧神莫大於四表之歡心寧神莫大於四表之歡心寧神莫大於四表之歡心,,,,譔譔譔譔


Xu:Xu:Xu:Xu: In terms of filial devotion, nothing is greater than In terms of filial devotion, nothing is greater than In terms of filial devotion, nothing is greater than In terms of filial devotion, nothing is greater than

pacifying one's parents. In pacifying one's parents, pacifying one's parents. In pacifying one's parents, pacifying one's parents. In pacifying one's parents, pacifying one's parents. In pacifying one's parents,

nothing is greater than pacifying the spirits. In nothing is greater than pacifying the spirits. In nothing is greater than pacifying the spirits. In nothing is greater than pacifying the spirits. In

pacifying the spirits, nothing is greater than making pacifying the spirits, nothing is greater than making pacifying the spirits, nothing is greater than making pacifying the spirits, nothing is greater than making

the xinthe xinthe xinthe xin of the whole world joyful. Thus I have written of the whole world joyful. Thus I have written of the whole world joyful. Thus I have written of the whole world joyful. Thus I have written

"The "The "The "The UUUUltimate in Filial Devotion."ltimate in Filial Devotion."ltimate in Filial Devotion."ltimate in Filial Devotion."

《《《《學行學行學行學行卷第卷第卷第卷第一一一一 ---- Learning and Learning and Learning and Learning and


1111 學行學行學行學行卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 學學學學,,,,行之行之行之行之,,,,上也上也上也上也;;;;言之言之言之言之,,,,次也次也次也次也;;;;教教教教人人人人,,,,又其次也又其次也又其次也又其次也。。。。


Learning and Learning and Learning and Learning and


As for learning, putting it into practice is As for learning, putting it into practice is As for learning, putting it into practice is As for learning, putting it into practice is

bestbestbestbest;;;; putting it putting it putting it putting it into words is second bestinto words is second bestinto words is second bestinto words is second best;;;;

instructing others is next. To do none of instructing others is next. To do none of instructing others is next. To do none of instructing others is next. To do none of

these is to be a common person.these is to be a common person.these is to be a common person.these is to be a common person.

2222 學行學行學行學行卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :


Page 5: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan


Learning and Learning and Learning and Learning and


Someone said: Some people take up study Someone said: Some people take up study Someone said: Some people take up study Someone said: Some people take up study

because they covet a long life. Can because they covet a long life. Can because they covet a long life. Can because they covet a long life. Can this be this be this be this be

called loving to learncalled loving to learncalled loving to learncalled loving to learn????

Yangzi said: This is not loving to learn. Yangzi said: This is not loving to learn. Yangzi said: This is not loving to learn. Yangzi said: This is not loving to learn. OOOOne ne ne ne

who loves learning does not covet anything who loves learning does not covet anything who loves learning does not covet anything who loves learning does not covet anything


3333 學行學行學行學行卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 天之道天之道天之道天之道,,,,不在仲尼乎不在仲尼乎不在仲尼乎不在仲尼乎????仲尼仲尼仲尼仲尼駕說者也駕說者也駕說者也駕說者也,,,,不在不在不在不在茲儒茲儒茲儒茲儒


Learning and Learning and Learning and Learning and


Did Tian's dao not reside in ConfuciusDid Tian's dao not reside in ConfuciusDid Tian's dao not reside in ConfuciusDid Tian's dao not reside in Confucius????

ConfuciusConfuciusConfuciusConfucius』』』』s cart having come unharnessed, s cart having come unharnessed, s cart having come unharnessed, s cart having come unharnessed,

does Tian's dao not lie with these ru of does Tian's dao not lie with these ru of does Tian's dao not lie with these ru of does Tian's dao not lie with these ru of

todaytodaytodaytoday???? If they again harnessed up the cart, If they again harnessed up the cart, If they again harnessed up the cart, If they again harnessed up the cart,

then nothing could be better than to make all then nothing could be better than to make all then nothing could be better than to make all then nothing could be better than to make all

ru to have metal mouths with wooden tonguesru to have metal mouths with wooden tonguesru to have metal mouths with wooden tonguesru to have metal mouths with wooden tongues....

4444 學行學行學行學行卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 或曰或曰或曰或曰:「:「:「:「學無學無學無學無益也益也益也益也,,,,如質何如質何如質何如質何?」?」?」?」曰曰曰曰:「:「:「:「未未未未之之之之思矣思矣思矣思矣。。。。



Learning and Learning and Learning and Learning and


Someone said: Study has no benefits, what can Someone said: Study has no benefits, what can Someone said: Study has no benefits, what can Someone said: Study has no benefits, what can

it do for one's zhiit do for one's zhiit do for one's zhiit do for one's zhi????

Yangzi said: You have not yet thought about Yangzi said: You have not yet thought about Yangzi said: You have not yet thought about Yangzi said: You have not yet thought about

it. If you have a knife, you sharpen it. If you have a knife, you sharpen it. If you have a knife, you sharpen it. If you have a knife, you sharpen itititit;;;; if if if if

you have jade, you polish it. If you do not you have jade, you polish it. If you do not you have jade, you polish it. If you do not you have jade, you polish it. If you do not

sharpen and polish them, how are they usefulsharpen and polish them, how are they usefulsharpen and polish them, how are they usefulsharpen and polish them, how are they useful????

Sharpening and polishing, their zhi lies in Sharpening and polishing, their zhi lies in Sharpening and polishing, their zhi lies in Sharpening and polishing, their zhi lies in

thesethesethesethese;;;; if this was not the case, then you if this was not the case, then you if this was not the case, then you if this was not the case, then you

might as well stop.might as well stop.might as well stop.might as well stop.

Page 6: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan

5555 學行學行學行學行卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 螟蛉螟蛉螟蛉螟蛉之子之子之子之子,,,,殖而逢殖而逢殖而逢殖而逢,,,,蜾蠃祝蜾蠃祝蜾蠃祝蜾蠃祝之之之之曰曰曰曰:「:「:「:「類我類我類我類我,,,,類類類類


Learning and Learning and Learning and Learning and


The dying moth larva encountered the wasp. The dying moth larva encountered the wasp. The dying moth larva encountered the wasp. The dying moth larva encountered the wasp.

The wasp snatched it away saying, "The wasp snatched it away saying, "The wasp snatched it away saying, "The wasp snatched it away saying, "BBBBe like e like e like e like

me, be like me." After awhile, they were me, be like me." After awhile, they were me, be like me." After awhile, they were me, be like me." After awhile, they were

alike. How quickly the seventy disciples alike. How quickly the seventy disciples alike. How quickly the seventy disciples alike. How quickly the seventy disciples

became like Confubecame like Confubecame like Confubecame like Confucius!cius!cius!cius!

6666 學行學行學行學行卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 學以學以學以學以治治治治之之之之,,,,思思思思以以以以精精精精之之之之,,,,朋友朋友朋友朋友以以以以磨磨磨磨之之之之,,,,名名名名譽譽譽譽以以以以崇崇崇崇之之之之,,,,


Learning and Learning and Learning and Learning and


Studying in order to cultivate it, thinking Studying in order to cultivate it, thinking Studying in order to cultivate it, thinking Studying in order to cultivate it, thinking

in order to refine it, making friends in in order to refine it, making friends in in order to refine it, making friends in in order to refine it, making friends in

order to polish it, achieving fame in order order to polish it, achieving fame in order order to polish it, achieving fame in order order to polish it, achieving fame in order

to venerate it, being untiring in order toto venerate it, being untiring in order toto venerate it, being untiring in order toto venerate it, being untiring in order to

finish it: this can be referred to as loving finish it: this can be referred to as loving finish it: this can be referred to as loving finish it: this can be referred to as loving

to learn.

7777 學行學行學行學行卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 孔子孔子孔子孔子習習習習周周周周公者也公者也公者也公者也,,,,顏淵顏淵顏淵顏淵習習習習孔子孔子孔子孔子者也者也者也者也。。。。羿羿羿羿、、、、逄逄逄逄蒙蒙蒙蒙分其分其分其分其





Learning and Learning and Learning and Learning and


Confucius studied the Duke of Zhou, and Yan Confucius studied the Duke of Zhou, and Yan Confucius studied the Duke of Zhou, and Yan Confucius studied the Duke of Zhou, and Yan

Yuan studied Confucius. Yuan studied Confucius. Yuan studied Confucius. Yuan studied Confucius. If Hou Yi and Pang If Hou Yi and Pang If Hou Yi and Pang If Hou Yi and Pang

Meng had broken their bows, Wang Liang given Meng had broken their bows, Wang Liang given Meng had broken their bows, Wang Liang given Meng had broken their bows, Wang Liang given

up the horsewhip, and Gong Shuban thrown away up the horsewhip, and Gong Shuban thrown away up the horsewhip, and Gong Shuban thrown away up the horsewhip, and Gong Shuban thrown away

his axes, and if all had studied the Duke of his axes, and if all had studied the Duke of his axes, and if all had studied the Duke of his axes, and if all had studied the Duke of

Zhou, Confucius, and Yan Yuan, who could say Zhou, Confucius, and Yan Yuan, who could say Zhou, Confucius, and Yan Yuan, who could say Zhou, Confucius, and Yan Yuan, who could say

they were wrongthey were wrongthey were wrongthey were wrong????

Page 7: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan

Someone said: This kind of fame or thatSomeone said: This kind of fame or thatSomeone said: This kind of fame or thatSomeone said: This kind of fame or that kind kind kind kind

of fame, a person attains one kind and that's of fame, a person attains one kind and that's of fame, a person attains one kind and that's of fame, a person attains one kind and that's

Yangzi said: Among streams there are great Yangzi said: Among streams there are great Yangzi said: Among streams there are great Yangzi said: Among streams there are great

riversriversriversrivers;;;; among mountains there are great among mountains there are great among mountains there are great among mountains there are great

peaks. The high and the great, these are what peaks. The high and the great, these are what peaks. The high and the great, these are what peaks. The high and the great, these are what

the common man cannot surpass.the common man cannot surpass.the common man cannot surpass.the common man cannot surpass.


學行學行學行學行卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 或或或或問問問問:「:「:「:「世世世世言言言言鑄金鑄金鑄金鑄金,,,,金金金金可可可可鑄與鑄與鑄與鑄與?」?」?」?」曰曰曰曰:「:「:「:「吾聞吾聞吾聞吾聞覿覿覿覿君君君君




Learning and Learning and Learning and Learning and


Someone asked: The world speaks of forging Someone asked: The world speaks of forging Someone asked: The world speaks of forging Someone asked: The world speaks of forging

gold. Can gold be forgedgold. Can gold be forgedgold. Can gold be forgedgold. Can gold be forged????

Yangzi said: I have heard that when one meets Yangzi said: I have heard that when one meets Yangzi said: I have heard that when one meets Yangzi said: I have heard that when one meets

a junzi, one asks about "forging" men, not a junzi, one asks about "forging" men, not a junzi, one asks about "forging" men, not a junzi, one asks about "forging" men, not

about forging gold.about forging gold.about forging gold.about forging gold.

The other said: Can men be "forged"The other said: Can men be "forged"The other said: Can men be "forged"The other said: Can men be "forged"????

Yangzi said: Confucius forYangzi said: Confucius forYangzi said: Confucius forYangzi said: Confucius forged Yan Yuan.ged Yan Yuan.ged Yan Yuan.ged Yan Yuan.

The other, surprised, said: Excellent! I The other, surprised, said: Excellent! I The other, surprised, said: Excellent! I The other, surprised, said: Excellent! I

asked about forging gold and I learn about asked about forging gold and I learn about asked about forging gold and I learn about asked about forging gold and I learn about

"forging" men."forging" men."forging" men."forging" men.


學行學行學行學行卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



Page 8: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan

Learning and Learning and Learning and Learning and


Study is the means by which one cultivates Study is the means by which one cultivates Study is the means by which one cultivates Study is the means by which one cultivates

the xing. Looking, the xing. Looking, the xing. Looking, the xing. Looking, hearing, speaking, manner, hearing, speaking, manner, hearing, speaking, manner, hearing, speaking, manner,

and thought are aspects of the xing. If one and thought are aspects of the xing. If one and thought are aspects of the xing. If one and thought are aspects of the xing. If one

studies, then it becomes rectified. studies, then it becomes rectified. studies, then it becomes rectified. studies, then it becomes rectified.

OOOOtherwise, it becomes deviant.therwise, it becomes deviant.therwise, it becomes deviant.therwise, it becomes deviant.


學行學行學行學行卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



Learning and Learning and Learning and Learning and


A teacher, a teacher! This A teacher, a teacher! This A teacher, a teacher! This A teacher, a teacher! This is the command for is the command for is the command for is the command for

a young boy. Devoting attention to study is a young boy. Devoting attention to study is a young boy. Devoting attention to study is a young boy. Devoting attention to study is

not as good as devoting attention to finding not as good as devoting attention to finding not as good as devoting attention to finding not as good as devoting attention to finding

a teacher. The teacher is a man's mold and a teacher. The teacher is a man's mold and a teacher. The teacher is a man's mold and a teacher. The teacher is a man's mold and

pattern. Molds that do not mold and patterns pattern. Molds that do not mold and patterns pattern. Molds that do not mold and patterns pattern. Molds that do not mold and patterns

that do not pattern are not rare.that do not pattern are not rare.that do not pattern are not rare.that do not pattern are not rare.


學行學行學行學行卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



Learning and Learning and Learning and Learning and


In a oneIn a oneIn a oneIn a one----lane market, one cannot exhaust the lane market, one cannot exhaust the lane market, one cannot exhaust the lane market, one cannot exhaust the

different ways of calculating pricesdifferent ways of calculating pricesdifferent ways of calculating pricesdifferent ways of calculating prices;;;; in a in a in a in a

text of one roll, one cannot exhaust the text of one roll, one cannot exhaust the text of one roll, one cannot exhaust the text of one roll, one cannot exhaust the

Page 9: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan

different interpretations given to it. different interpretations given to it. different interpretations given to it. different interpretations given to it. In a In a In a In a

oneoneoneone----lane market, one must establish a lane market, one must establish a lane market, one must establish a lane market, one must establish a

standard pricestandard pricestandard pricestandard price;;;; for a text of one roll, one for a text of one roll, one for a text of one roll, one for a text of one roll, one

must establish its authoritative teacher.must establish its authoritative teacher.must establish its authoritative teacher.must establish its authoritative teacher.


學行學行學行學行卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :





Learning and Learning and Learning and Learning and


Practice, Practice, Practice, Practice, practice! practice! practice! practice! BBBBy means of practicing y means of practicing y means of practicing y means of practicing

what is false, one overcomes what is true. what is false, one overcomes what is true. what is false, one overcomes what is true. what is false, one overcomes what is true.

How much more does practicing what is true How much more does practicing what is true How much more does practicing what is true How much more does practicing what is true

overcome what is false. Indeed! Those who overcome what is false. Indeed! Those who overcome what is false. Indeed! Those who overcome what is false. Indeed! Those who

study should examine what is true and that's study should examine what is true and that's study should examine what is true and that's study should examine what is true and that's


Someone said: How can one know what is true Someone said: How can one know what is true Someone said: How can one know what is true Someone said: How can one know what is true

aaaand practice itnd practice itnd practice itnd practice it????

Yangzi said: Looking at the sun and moon, one Yangzi said: Looking at the sun and moon, one Yangzi said: Looking at the sun and moon, one Yangzi said: Looking at the sun and moon, one

knows the faintness of the multitude of knows the faintness of the multitude of knows the faintness of the multitude of knows the faintness of the multitude of

stars. Gazing upon the sage one knows the stars. Gazing upon the sage one knows the stars. Gazing upon the sage one knows the stars. Gazing upon the sage one knows the

pettiness of the multitude of other pettiness of the multitude of other pettiness of the multitude of other pettiness of the multitude of other



學行學行學行學行卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



Page 10: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan

Learning and Learning and Learning and Learning and


Learning was the business of those who were Learning was the business of those who were Learning was the business of those who were Learning was the business of those who were

rulers, oh how long ago! Yao, Shun, Yu, Tang, rulers, oh how long ago! Yao, Shun, Yu, Tang, rulers, oh how long ago! Yao, Shun, Yu, Tang, rulers, oh how long ago! Yao, Shun, Yu, Tang,

Wen, and Wu's intensity! Confucius's Wen, and Wu's intensity! Confucius's Wen, and Wu's intensity! Confucius's Wen, and Wu's intensity! Confucius's

brilliance, oh how long ago!brilliance, oh how long ago!brilliance, oh how long ago!brilliance, oh how long ago!


學行學行學行學行卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :






Learning and Learning and Learning and Learning and


Someone asked about advancing.Someone asked about advancing.Someone asked about advancing.Someone asked about advancing.

Yangzi said: Yangzi said: Yangzi said: Yangzi said: BBBBe like water.e like water.e like water.e like water.

The other said: The other said: The other said: The other said: BBBBecause it does not stop ecause it does not stop ecause it does not stop ecause it does not stop

flowing daflowing daflowing daflowing day or nighty or nighty or nighty or night????

Yangzi said: This is it! That which fills up Yangzi said: This is it! That which fills up Yangzi said: This is it! That which fills up Yangzi said: This is it! That which fills up

and then flows out gradually, is it not and then flows out gradually, is it not and then flows out gradually, is it not and then flows out gradually, is it not


Someone asked about the flight of the wild Someone asked about the flight of the wild Someone asked about the flight of the wild Someone asked about the flight of the wild


Yangzi said: If it is not the direction he Yangzi said: If it is not the direction he Yangzi said: If it is not the direction he Yangzi said: If it is not the direction he

wants to go, he does not go. If it is not the wants to go, he does not go. If it is not the wants to go, he does not go. If it is not the wants to go, he does not go. If it is not the

place he wanplace he wanplace he wanplace he wants to land, he does not land. His ts to land, he does not land. His ts to land, he does not land. His ts to land, he does not land. His

flight is like water.flight is like water.flight is like water.flight is like water.

May I ask about the gradual growth of woodMay I ask about the gradual growth of woodMay I ask about the gradual growth of woodMay I ask about the gradual growth of wood????

Yangzi said: It is rooted below and gradually Yangzi said: It is rooted below and gradually Yangzi said: It is rooted below and gradually Yangzi said: It is rooted below and gradually

Page 11: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan

grows upward, that is wood! Indeed, it is grows upward, that is wood! Indeed, it is grows upward, that is wood! Indeed, it is grows upward, that is wood! Indeed, it is

just like water!just like water!just like water!just like water!


學行學行學行學行卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :


Learning and Learning and Learning and Learning and


I have yet to see a fondness for embellishing I have yet to see a fondness for embellishing I have yet to see a fondness for embellishing I have yet to see a fondness for embellishing

one's de that was like people's fondness for one's de that was like people's fondness for one's de that was like people's fondness for one's de that was like people's fondness for

embellishing the beams and railings of their embellishing the beams and railings of their embellishing the beams and railings of their embellishing the beams and railings of their



學行學行學行學行卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




Learning and Learning and Learning and Learning and


BBBBirds and beasts are motivated by their irds and beasts are motivated by their irds and beasts are motivated by their irds and beasts are motivated by their

desires. Is the common man any differentdesires. Is the common man any differentdesires. Is the common man any differentdesires. Is the common man any different???? The The The The

worthy are different from the common man, and worthy are different from the common man, and worthy are different from the common man, and worthy are different from the common man, and

the sage is different from ththe sage is different from ththe sage is different from ththe sage is different from the worthy. There e worthy. There e worthy. There e worthy. There

was a purpose to the creation of li and yi. was a purpose to the creation of li and yi. was a purpose to the creation of li and yi. was a purpose to the creation of li and yi.

As for people who do not study the Confucian As for people who do not study the Confucian As for people who do not study the Confucian As for people who do not study the Confucian

DaoDaoDaoDao————even if they are without worries, are even if they are without worries, are even if they are without worries, are even if they are without worries, are

they not still like animals.they not still like animals.they not still like animals.they not still like animals.

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學行學行學行學行卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



Learning and Learning and Learning and Learning and


Study is the means by which one seeks to Study is the means by which one seeks to Study is the means by which one seeks to Study is the means by which one seeks to

become a junzi. There are those who seek and become a junzi. There are those who seek and become a junzi. There are those who seek and become a junzi. There are those who seek and

yet do not attain the goal, but there has yet do not attain the goal, but there has yet do not attain the goal, but there has yet do not attain the goal, but there has

never been one who did not seek and yet did never been one who did not seek and yet did never been one who did not seek and yet did never been one who did not seek and yet did

attain it.attain it.attain it.attain it.


學行學行學行學行卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



Learning and Learning and Learning and Learning and


A horse that looks up to a thoroughbred is a A horse that looks up to a thoroughbred is a A horse that looks up to a thoroughbred is a A horse that looks up to a thoroughbred is a

worthy harnessworthy harnessworthy harnessworthy harness----mate for a thoroughbred. mate for a thoroughbred. mate for a thoroughbred. mate for a thoroughbred.

People who look up to Yan Yuan can indeed be People who look up to Yan Yuan can indeed be People who look up to Yan Yuan can indeed be People who look up to Yan Yuan can indeed be

followers Yan Yuan.followers Yan Yuan.followers Yan Yuan.followers Yan Yuan.

Someone said: Is it easy to be a follower of Someone said: Is it easy to be a follower of Someone said: Is it easy to be a follower of Someone said: Is it easy to be a follower of


Yangzi said: If you look up tYangzi said: If you look up tYangzi said: If you look up tYangzi said: If you look up to him, it is.o him, it is.o him, it is.o him, it is.

19191919 學行學行學行學行卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 曰曰曰曰:「:「:「:「昔顏昔顏昔顏昔顏嘗睎夫嘗睎夫嘗睎夫嘗睎夫子子子子矣矣矣矣,,,,正正正正考考考考甫嘗睎尹吉甫矣甫嘗睎尹吉甫矣甫嘗睎尹吉甫矣甫嘗睎尹吉甫矣,,,,公公公公


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Learning and Learning and Learning and Learning and


He said: In the past, Yan looked up to the He said: In the past, Yan looked up to the He said: In the past, Yan looked up to the He said: In the past, Yan looked up to the

Master, Zheng Master, Zheng Master, Zheng Master, Zheng KKKKaofu looked up to Yin Xifu, aofu looked up to Yin Xifu, aofu looked up to Yin Xifu, aofu looked up to Yin Xifu,

GongziGongziGongziGongzi Xisi looked up to Zheng Xisi looked up to Zheng Xisi looked up to Zheng Xisi looked up to Zheng KKKKaofu. If you aofu. If you aofu. If you aofu. If you

do not desire to look up to someone, then do not desire to look up to someone, then do not desire to look up to someone, then do not desire to look up to someone, then

that's that. that's that. that's that. that's that. BBBBut if you do look up to them, ut if you do look up to them, ut if you do look up to them, ut if you do look up to them,

then who can stop youthen who can stop youthen who can stop youthen who can stop you????

Someone said: The Confucian Someone said: The Confucian Someone said: The Confucian Someone said: The Confucian BBBBooks and the ooks and the ooks and the ooks and the

Classics are the same, but the world does not Classics are the same, but the world does not Classics are the same, but the world does not Classics are the same, but the world does not

respect the respect the respect the respect the BBBBooks. ooks. ooks. ooks. Can they still be studiedCan they still be studiedCan they still be studiedCan they still be studied????

Yangzi said: They can.Yangzi said: They can.Yangzi said: They can.Yangzi said: They can.

The other person snickered, saying: They The other person snickered, saying: They The other person snickered, saying: They The other person snickered, saying: They

should only be used for passing government should only be used for passing government should only be used for passing government should only be used for passing government

exams and determining ranks.exams and determining ranks.exams and determining ranks.exams and determining ranks.

Yangzi said: Great men study for the DaoYangzi said: Great men study for the DaoYangzi said: Great men study for the DaoYangzi said: Great men study for the Dao;;;;

small men study for profit. Are you for the small men study for profit. Are you for the small men study for profit. Are you for the small men study for profit. Are you for the

Dao, orDao, orDao, orDao, or are you for profitare you for profitare you for profitare you for profit????

The other said: Plowing without any harvest, The other said: Plowing without any harvest, The other said: Plowing without any harvest, The other said: Plowing without any harvest,

hunting without a feast: are these really hunting without a feast: are these really hunting without a feast: are these really hunting without a feast: are these really

"plowing" and "hunting""plowing" and "hunting""plowing" and "hunting""plowing" and "hunting"????

Yangzi said: Planting the Dao and getting the Yangzi said: Planting the Dao and getting the Yangzi said: Planting the Dao and getting the Yangzi said: Planting the Dao and getting the

Dao, hunting de and getting de, these are the Dao, hunting de and getting de, these are the Dao, hunting de and getting de, these are the Dao, hunting de and getting de, these are the

harvest and feast. I have neverharvest and feast. I have neverharvest and feast. I have neverharvest and feast. I have never seen Shen and seen Shen and seen Shen and seen Shen and

Page 14: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan

Chen side by side. Therefore, the junzi Chen side by side. Therefore, the junzi Chen side by side. Therefore, the junzi Chen side by side. Therefore, the junzi

values changing for the good. Those who values changing for the good. Those who values changing for the good. Those who values changing for the good. Those who

change for the good, are they not the sage's change for the good, are they not the sage's change for the good, are they not the sage's change for the good, are they not the sage's

followersfollowersfollowersfollowers???? The hundred rivers study the sea The hundred rivers study the sea The hundred rivers study the sea The hundred rivers study the sea

and arrive at the seaand arrive at the seaand arrive at the seaand arrive at the sea;;;; mounds and foothills mounds and foothills mounds and foothills mounds and foothills

study the mountains but do nstudy the mountains but do nstudy the mountains but do nstudy the mountains but do not reach to the ot reach to the ot reach to the ot reach to the

mountains. For this reason, the junzi hates mountains. For this reason, the junzi hates mountains. For this reason, the junzi hates mountains. For this reason, the junzi hates

to draw the draw the draw the draw the line.


學行學行學行學行卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



Learning and Learning and Learning and Learning and


Factions formed from cliques are even worse Factions formed from cliques are even worse Factions formed from cliques are even worse Factions formed from cliques are even worse

than a flock of crowsthan a flock of crowsthan a flock of crowsthan a flock of crows;;;; indeed, cr indeed, cr indeed, cr indeed, crows do no ows do no ows do no ows do no

more than steal food. Acquaintances lacking more than steal food. Acquaintances lacking more than steal food. Acquaintances lacking more than steal food. Acquaintances lacking

sincerity are superficial acquaintances. sincerity are superficial acquaintances. sincerity are superficial acquaintances. sincerity are superficial acquaintances.

Friends without heart are surface friends.Friends without heart are surface friends.Friends without heart are surface friends.Friends without heart are surface friends.

21212121 學行學行學行學行卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 或謂或謂或謂或謂:「:「:「:「子之子之子之子之治產治產治產治產,,,,不不不不如丹圭如丹圭如丹圭如丹圭之之之之富富富富。。。。」」」」曰曰曰曰:「:「:「:「吾聞吾聞吾聞吾聞





Learning and Learning and Learning and Learning and


Someone addressed Yangzi: The property that Someone addressed Yangzi: The property that Someone addressed Yangzi: The property that Someone addressed Yangzi: The property that

you manage is nothing like Dan Gui's manage is nothing like Dan Gui's manage is nothing like Dan Gui's manage is nothing like Dan Gui's wealth.

Yangzi said: I have heard that when gentlemen Yangzi said: I have heard that when gentlemen Yangzi said: I have heard that when gentlemen Yangzi said: I have heard that when gentlemen

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talk together, they discuss ren and yi. When talk together, they discuss ren and yi. When talk together, they discuss ren and yi. When talk together, they discuss ren and yi. When

merchants talk together, they discuss wealth merchants talk together, they discuss wealth merchants talk together, they discuss wealth merchants talk together, they discuss wealth

aaaand profit. So much for his wealth! So much nd profit. So much for his wealth! So much nd profit. So much for his wealth! So much nd profit. So much for his wealth! So much

for his wealth!for his wealth!for his wealth!for his wealth!

The other said: If in life a gentleman lacks The other said: If in life a gentleman lacks The other said: If in life a gentleman lacks The other said: If in life a gentleman lacks

the means to support himself and dies without the means to support himself and dies without the means to support himself and dies without the means to support himself and dies without

the means to be buried, then what is to be the means to be buried, then what is to be the means to be buried, then what is to be the means to be buried, then what is to be


Yangzi said: Yangzi said: Yangzi said: Yangzi said: UUUUsing only those means which are sing only those means which are sing only those means which are sing only those means which are

sufficient sufficient sufficient sufficient to support oneself, this is the to support oneself, this is the to support oneself, this is the to support oneself, this is the

height of supporting oneself. height of supporting oneself. height of supporting oneself. height of supporting oneself. UUUUsing only sing only sing only sing only

those means which are sufficient to be those means which are sufficient to be those means which are sufficient to be those means which are sufficient to be

buried, this is the best of burials.buried, this is the best of burials.buried, this is the best of burials.buried, this is the best of burials.

22222222 學行學行學行學行卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 或曰或曰或曰或曰:「:「:「:「猗頓猗頓猗頓猗頓之之之之富富富富以以以以為為為為孝孝孝孝,,,,不不不不亦亦亦亦至乎至乎至乎至乎????顏顏顏顏其餒其餒其餒其餒



Learning and Learning and Learning and Learning and


Someone said: Yi Dun's wealth was a means to Someone said: Yi Dun's wealth was a means to Someone said: Yi Dun's wealth was a means to Someone said: Yi Dun's wealth was a means to

be filial, isn't this indeed the bestbe filial, isn't this indeed the bestbe filial, isn't this indeed the bestbe filial, isn't this indeed the best???? Yan Yan Yan Yan

Yuan was so poor that he starved!Yuan was so poor that he starved!Yuan was so poor that he starved!Yuan was so poor that he starved!

Yangzi said: The other used crude means, Yen Yangzi said: The other used crude means, Yen Yangzi said: The other used crude means, Yen Yangzi said: The other used crude means, Yen

used the essentials. The other used a crooked used the essentials. The other used a crooked used the essentials. The other used a crooked used the essentials. The other used a crooked

dao, Yan used the correct Dao. Was Yan dao, Yan used the correct Dao. Was Yan dao, Yan used the correct Dao. Was Yan dao, Yan used the correct Dao. Was Yan

infeinfeinfeinferiorriorriorrior???? Was Yan inferior Was Yan inferior Was Yan inferior Was Yan inferior????

23232323 學行學行學行學行卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 或曰或曰或曰或曰:「:「:「:「使我紆朱懷金使我紆朱懷金使我紆朱懷金使我紆朱懷金,,,,其樂其樂其樂其樂不可不可不可不可量也量也量也量也!」!」!」!」曰曰曰曰::::






Page 16: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan


Learning and Learning and Learning and Learning and


Someone said: Allow me to tie the red sash Someone said: Allow me to tie the red sash Someone said: Allow me to tie the red sash Someone said: Allow me to tie the red sash

and carry the and carry the and carry the and carry the gold stamp, and my happiness gold stamp, and my happiness gold stamp, and my happiness gold stamp, and my happiness

could not be measured.could not be measured.could not be measured.could not be measured.

Yangzi said: The happiness of one who holds a Yangzi said: The happiness of one who holds a Yangzi said: The happiness of one who holds a Yangzi said: The happiness of one who holds a

position in government is not as good as Yan position in government is not as good as Yan position in government is not as good as Yan position in government is not as good as Yan

Yuan's happiness. Yan Yuan's happiness Yuan's happiness. Yan Yuan's happiness Yuan's happiness. Yan Yuan's happiness Yuan's happiness. Yan Yuan's happiness [[[[came came came came

fromfromfromfrom]]]] inside inside inside inside [[[[himselfhimselfhimselfhimself]]]], the happiness of one , the happiness of one , the happiness of one , the happiness of one

who holds a position iwho holds a position iwho holds a position iwho holds a position in government n government n government n government [[[[comes comes comes comes

fromfromfromfrom]]]] outside outside outside outside [[[[himselfhimselfhimselfhimself]]]]....

The other said: May I ask what comes from The other said: May I ask what comes from The other said: May I ask what comes from The other said: May I ask what comes from

inside oneself when one is always poor.inside oneself when one is always poor.inside oneself when one is always poor.inside oneself when one is always poor.

Yangzi said: If Yan did not have Confucius, Yangzi said: If Yan did not have Confucius, Yangzi said: If Yan did not have Confucius, Yangzi said: If Yan did not have Confucius,

even if he had got all under Heaven, it would even if he had got all under Heaven, it would even if he had got all under Heaven, it would even if he had got all under Heaven, it would

not have been sufficient to make him hanot have been sufficient to make him hanot have been sufficient to make him hanot have been sufficient to make him happy.ppy.ppy.ppy.

The other said: The other said: The other said: The other said: BBBBut he still suffered, did he ut he still suffered, did he ut he still suffered, did he ut he still suffered, did he


Yangzi said: Yan's suffering lay in the Yangzi said: Yan's suffering lay in the Yangzi said: Yan's suffering lay in the Yangzi said: Yan's suffering lay in the

height of Confucius's profundity .height of Confucius's profundity .height of Confucius's profundity .height of Confucius's profundity .

Startled, the other said: Well then, was this Startled, the other said: Well then, was this Startled, the other said: Well then, was this Startled, the other said: Well then, was this

suffering not just the reason he was happysuffering not just the reason he was happysuffering not just the reason he was happysuffering not just the reason he was happy????

24242424 學行學行學行學行卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 曰曰曰曰:「:「:「:「有有有有教教教教立道立道立道立道,,,,無無無無止止止止仲尼仲尼仲尼仲尼;;;;有學有學有學有學術業術業術業術業,,,,無無無無止止止止顏顏顏顏



Learning and Learning and Learning and Learning and


Yangzi said: Teaching and establishing the Yangzi said: Teaching and establishing the Yangzi said: Teaching and establishing the Yangzi said: Teaching and establishing the

Dao without stopping Dao without stopping Dao without stopping Dao without stopping ———— Confucius. Studying Confucius. Studying Confucius. Studying Confucius. Studying

and transmitting Confucius's teaching without and transmitting Confucius's teaching without and transmitting Confucius's teaching without and transmitting Confucius's teaching without

stopping stopping stopping stopping ———— Yan Yuan.Yan Yuan.Yan Yuan.Yan Yuan.

Page 17: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan

The otherThe otherThe otherThe other said: said: said: said: OOOOne couldn't hope to ne couldn't hope to ne couldn't hope to ne couldn't hope to

establish the Dao like Confucius. establish the Dao like Confucius. establish the Dao like Confucius. establish the Dao like Confucius. OOOOne ne ne ne

couldn't have the strength to transmit the couldn't have the strength to transmit the couldn't have the strength to transmit the couldn't have the strength to transmit the

teaching like Yan Yuan.teaching like Yan Yuan.teaching like Yan Yuan.teaching like Yan Yuan.

Yangzi said: You have not yet thought about Yangzi said: You have not yet thought about Yangzi said: You have not yet thought about Yangzi said: You have not yet thought about

it. Who is stopping youit. Who is stopping youit. Who is stopping youit. Who is stopping you????

《《《《吾子吾子吾子吾子卷第卷第卷第卷第二二二二 ---- My MasterMy MasterMy MasterMy Master》》》》


1111 吾子吾子吾子吾子卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 或或或或問問問問:「:「:「:「吾子吾子吾子吾子少而好少而好少而好少而好賦賦賦賦。。。。」」」」曰曰曰曰:「:「:「:「然然然然。。。。童童童童子子子子雕蟲篆雕蟲篆雕蟲篆雕蟲篆






My Master:My Master:My Master:My Master: Someone asked: When my Master was young, were Someone asked: When my Master was young, were Someone asked: When my Master was young, were Someone asked: When my Master was young, were

you good at fuyou good at fuyou good at fuyou good at fu????

Yangzi said: Yes. As a youngster I practiced Yangzi said: Yes. As a youngster I practiced Yangzi said: Yes. As a youngster I practiced Yangzi said: Yes. As a youngster I practiced

cutting bronze, seal, and tally scripts.cutting bronze, seal, and tally scripts.cutting bronze, seal, and tally scripts.cutting bronze, seal, and tally scripts.

After a moment he said: Adults do not do this.After a moment he said: Adults do not do this.After a moment he said: Adults do not do this.After a moment he said: Adults do not do this.

The other said: Can fu not be used for The other said: Can fu not be used for The other said: Can fu not be used for The other said: Can fu not be used for

remonstraremonstraremonstraremonstration through satiretion through satiretion through satiretion through satire????

Yangzi said: Satire! Yangzi said: Satire! Yangzi said: Satire! Yangzi said: Satire! OOOOnce it satirizes, then it nce it satirizes, then it nce it satirizes, then it nce it satirizes, then it

should stop. When it does not end, I am afraid should stop. When it does not end, I am afraid should stop. When it does not end, I am afraid should stop. When it does not end, I am afraid

that it does not avoid becoming encouragement.that it does not avoid becoming encouragement.that it does not avoid becoming encouragement.that it does not avoid becoming encouragement.

The other said: Like the silken beauty of misty The other said: Like the silken beauty of misty The other said: Like the silken beauty of misty The other said: Like the silken beauty of misty


Yangzi said: It is the worm in women'sYangzi said: It is the worm in women'sYangzi said: It is the worm in women'sYangzi said: It is the worm in women's

The other said: The Swordsman's Treatise says: The other said: The Swordsman's Treatise says: The other said: The Swordsman's Treatise says: The other said: The Swordsman's Treatise says:

Page 18: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan

「「「「The sword can be used to protect the The sword can be used to protect the The sword can be used to protect the The sword can be used to protect the


Yangzi said: Yangzi said: Yangzi said: Yangzi said: BBBBut can the skills of a swordsman ut can the skills of a swordsman ut can the skills of a swordsman ut can the skills of a swordsman

make men more skilled in limake men more skilled in limake men more skilled in limake men more skilled in li????


吾子吾子吾子吾子卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :





My Master:My Master:My Master:My Master: Someone asked: Were the fu of Jing Cha, Tang Someone asked: Were the fu of Jing Cha, Tang Someone asked: Were the fu of Jing Cha, Tang Someone asked: Were the fu of Jing Cha, Tang

Le, Song Yu, and Mei Cheng not of valueLe, Song Yu, and Mei Cheng not of valueLe, Song Yu, and Mei Cheng not of valueLe, Song Yu, and Mei Cheng not of value????

Yangzi said: They were excessive by necessity.Yangzi said: They were excessive by necessity.Yangzi said: They were excessive by necessity.Yangzi said: They were excessive by necessity.

The other said: What do The other said: What do The other said: What do The other said: What do you mean by you mean by you mean by you mean by


Yangzi said: The fu of those who wrote shi Yangzi said: The fu of those who wrote shi Yangzi said: The fu of those who wrote shi Yangzi said: The fu of those who wrote shi

style verse achieved beauty by means of style verse achieved beauty by means of style verse achieved beauty by means of style verse achieved beauty by means of

standards. The fu of those who wrote ci style standards. The fu of those who wrote ci style standards. The fu of those who wrote ci style standards. The fu of those who wrote ci style

verse achieved beauty by means of going to verse achieved beauty by means of going to verse achieved beauty by means of going to verse achieved beauty by means of going to

excess. If the Confucian school had used fu, excess. If the Confucian school had used fu, excess. If the Confucian school had used fu, excess. If the Confucian school had used fu,

Jia Yi Jia Yi Jia Yi Jia Yi [[[[wouldwouldwouldwould havehavehavehave]]]] ascended the hall and Sima ascended the hall and Sima ascended the hall and Sima ascended the hall and Sima

Xiangru Xiangru Xiangru Xiangru [[[[would havewould havewould havewould have]]]] entered the inner entered the inner entered the inner entered the inner

chambers. How could they have, if not for chambers. How could they have, if not for chambers. How could they have, if not for chambers. How could they have, if not for

having used having used having used having used [[[[fufufufu]]]]!!!!

3333 吾子吾子吾子吾子卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 或或或或問問問問「「「「蒼蠅紅蒼蠅紅蒼蠅紅蒼蠅紅、、、、紫紫紫紫」」」」。。。。曰曰曰曰:「:「:「:「明明明明視視視視。。。。」」」」問問問問「「「「鄭衛鄭衛鄭衛鄭衛之之之之


Page 19: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan


My Master:My Master:My Master:My Master: Someone asked about those who canSomeone asked about those who canSomeone asked about those who canSomeone asked about those who can reverse black reverse black reverse black reverse black

and white and dazzle the eyes with unorthodox and white and dazzle the eyes with unorthodox and white and dazzle the eyes with unorthodox and white and dazzle the eyes with unorthodox


Yangzi said: Look clearly.Yangzi said: Look clearly.Yangzi said: Look clearly.Yangzi said: Look clearly.

The other said: What if I hear music like that The other said: What if I hear music like that The other said: What if I hear music like that The other said: What if I hear music like that

of Zheng and Weiof Zheng and Weiof Zheng and Weiof Zheng and Wei????

Yangzi said: Listen clearly.Yangzi said: Listen clearly.Yangzi said: Listen clearly.Yangzi said: Listen clearly.

The other said: Li Zhu and Music Master The other said: Li Zhu and Music Master The other said: Li Zhu and Music Master The other said: Li Zhu and Music Master KKKKuang uang uang uang

are already dead. Whare already dead. Whare already dead. Whare already dead. What can be doneat can be doneat can be doneat can be done????

Yangzi said: SingleYangzi said: SingleYangzi said: SingleYangzi said: Single----mindedly concentrate on mindedly concentrate on mindedly concentrate on mindedly concentrate on

seeing and hearing and that's all.seeing and hearing and that's all.seeing and hearing and that's all.seeing and hearing and that's all.


吾子吾子吾子吾子卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 或或或或問問問問:「:「:「:「交交交交五五五五聲聲聲聲、、、、十十十十二律二律二律二律也也也也,,,,或或或或雅雅雅雅或或或或鄭鄭鄭鄭,,,,何也何也何也何也?」?」?」?」




My Master:My Master:My Master:My Master: Someone asked: All music is based on the five Someone asked: All music is based on the five Someone asked: All music is based on the five Someone asked: All music is based on the five

tones and the twelve note scale, yet some music tones and the twelve note scale, yet some music tones and the twelve note scale, yet some music tones and the twelve note scale, yet some music

is ceremonial, and some is is ceremonial, and some is is ceremonial, and some is is ceremonial, and some is [[[[like that oflike that oflike that oflike that of]]]] Zheng Zheng Zheng Zheng

and Wei. Whyand Wei. Whyand Wei. Whyand Wei. Why????

Yangzi sYangzi sYangzi sYangzi said: If it is proper and correct, then aid: If it is proper and correct, then aid: If it is proper and correct, then aid: If it is proper and correct, then

it is ceremonial. If it is excessive and it is ceremonial. If it is excessive and it is ceremonial. If it is excessive and it is ceremonial. If it is excessive and

unrestrained, then it is like that of Zheng and unrestrained, then it is like that of Zheng and unrestrained, then it is like that of Zheng and unrestrained, then it is like that of Zheng and


Page 20: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan

May I ask about the fundamentals of making May I ask about the fundamentals of making May I ask about the fundamentals of making May I ask about the fundamentals of making


Yangzi said: If the huangzhong is used as the Yangzi said: If the huangzhong is used as the Yangzi said: If the huangzhong is used as the Yangzi said: If the huangzhong is used as the

root for producing the twelroot for producing the twelroot for producing the twelroot for producing the twelve note scale, and ve note scale, and ve note scale, and ve note scale, and

if one uses moderation and a correct attitude if one uses moderation and a correct attitude if one uses moderation and a correct attitude if one uses moderation and a correct attitude

to make the notes of properly equal pitch, then to make the notes of properly equal pitch, then to make the notes of properly equal pitch, then to make the notes of properly equal pitch, then

one can insure that the music of Zheng and Wei one can insure that the music of Zheng and Wei one can insure that the music of Zheng and Wei one can insure that the music of Zheng and Wei

will not be able to enter into and defile one's will not be able to enter into and defile one's will not be able to enter into and defile one's will not be able to enter into and defile one's


吾子吾子吾子吾子卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



My Master:My Master:My Master:My Master: Someone said: Women have beauty, but do books Someone said: Women have beauty, but do books Someone said: Women have beauty, but do books Someone said: Women have beauty, but do books

not also have beautynot also have beautynot also have beautynot also have beauty????

Yangzi said: They do. With women, one hates Yangzi said: They do. With women, one hates Yangzi said: They do. With women, one hates Yangzi said: They do. With women, one hates

cosmetics that ruin their beauty. With books, cosmetics that ruin their beauty. With books, cosmetics that ruin their beauty. With books, cosmetics that ruin their beauty. With books,

one hates excessive words that create chaos in one hates excessive words that create chaos in one hates excessive words that create chaos in one hates excessive words that create chaos in

laws and institutions.laws and institutions.laws and institutions.laws and institutions.


吾子吾子吾子吾子卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



My Master:My Master:My Master:My Master: Someone Someone Someone Someone asked: Was Qu Yuan wise or notasked: Was Qu Yuan wise or notasked: Was Qu Yuan wise or notasked: Was Qu Yuan wise or not????

Yangzi said: Like jade, like chiseled jadeYangzi said: Like jade, like chiseled jadeYangzi said: Like jade, like chiseled jadeYangzi said: Like jade, like chiseled jade————

Page 21: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan

transformed into reds and greens! transformed into reds and greens! transformed into reds and greens! transformed into reds and greens! BBBBut such was ut such was ut such was ut such was

his wisdom, such was his wisdom!his wisdom, such was his wisdom!his wisdom, such was his wisdom!his wisdom, such was his wisdom!


吾子吾子吾子吾子卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




My Master:My Master:My Master:My Master: Someone asked: Does the junzi esteem wordsSomeone asked: Does the junzi esteem wordsSomeone asked: Does the junzi esteem wordsSomeone asked: Does the junzi esteem words????

Yangzi said: The junzi esteems reality. When Yangzi said: The junzi esteems reality. When Yangzi said: The junzi esteems reality. When Yangzi said: The junzi esteems reality. When

the reality goes beyond the words, the reality goes beyond the words, the reality goes beyond the words, the reality goes beyond the words, it is it is it is it is

unrefined. When the words go beyond the unrefined. When the words go beyond the unrefined. When the words go beyond the unrefined. When the words go beyond the

reality, then it is exaggerated like fu. When reality, then it is exaggerated like fu. When reality, then it is exaggerated like fu. When reality, then it is exaggerated like fu. When

the reality and the words are in balance, then the reality and the words are in balance, then the reality and the words are in balance, then the reality and the words are in balance, then

it is a standard. it is a standard. it is a standard. it is a standard. BBBBoth words and comportment oth words and comportment oth words and comportment oth words and comportment

fully adequate, that is how to embellish de.fully adequate, that is how to embellish de.fully adequate, that is how to embellish de.fully adequate, that is how to embellish de.


吾子吾子吾子吾子卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




My Master:My Master:My Master:My Master: Someone asked: Gongsun Long took his ten Someone asked: Gongsun Long took his ten Someone asked: Gongsun Long took his ten Someone asked: Gongsun Long took his ten

thousand clever words to be a model. Can they thousand clever words to be a model. Can they thousand clever words to be a model. Can they thousand clever words to be a model. Can they

be used as a modelbe used as a modelbe used as a modelbe used as a model????

Yangzi said: Cutting wood to make chess pieces Yangzi said: Cutting wood to make chess pieces Yangzi said: Cutting wood to make chess pieces Yangzi said: Cutting wood to make chess pieces

and scraping hides to make a ball, these kinds and scraping hides to make a ball, these kinds and scraping hides to make a ball, these kinds and scraping hides to make a ball, these kinds

of activities all have a model. of activities all have a model. of activities all have a model. of activities all have a model. BBBBut as for ut as for ut as for ut as for

those things that do not accord with the model those things that do not accord with the model those things that do not accord with the model those things that do not accord with the model

of theof theof theof the former kings, the junzi does not take former kings, the junzi does not take former kings, the junzi does not take former kings, the junzi does not take

them as a model.them as a model.them as a model.them as a model.

Page 22: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan


吾子吾子吾子吾子卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :






My Master:My Master:My Master:My Master: Looking at the the Looking at the the Looking at the the Looking at the the Confucian Confucian Confucian Confucian BBBBooks is ooks is ooks is ooks is

comparable to looking at mountains and water: comparable to looking at mountains and water: comparable to looking at mountains and water: comparable to looking at mountains and water:

Ascending Mt. Tai, one knows the small and Ascending Mt. Tai, one knows the small and Ascending Mt. Tai, one knows the small and Ascending Mt. Tai, one knows the small and

winding landscape of the other mountains of the winding landscape of the other mountains of the winding landscape of the other mountains of the winding landscape of the other mountains of the

range, how much more that of the little hills. range, how much more that of the little hills. range, how much more that of the little hills. range, how much more that of the little hills.

Floating on the blueFloating on the blueFloating on the blueFloating on the blue----green ocean, one knows the green ocean, one knows the green ocean, one knows the green ocean, one knows the

muddimuddimuddimuddiness of the rivers, how much more that of ness of the rivers, how much more that of ness of the rivers, how much more that of ness of the rivers, how much more that of

the dried up marshes. Throwing away the boat the dried up marshes. Throwing away the boat the dried up marshes. Throwing away the boat the dried up marshes. Throwing away the boat

and yet crossing a great river, there has never and yet crossing a great river, there has never and yet crossing a great river, there has never and yet crossing a great river, there has never

been anyone who could do thisbeen anyone who could do thisbeen anyone who could do thisbeen anyone who could do this]]]]. Thowing away . Thowing away . Thowing away . Thowing away

the Five Classics and yet reaching the Dao, the Five Classics and yet reaching the Dao, the Five Classics and yet reaching the Dao, the Five Classics and yet reaching the Dao,

there has never been anyone who there has never been anyone who there has never been anyone who there has never been anyone who could do this could do this could do this could do this

either! As for one who rejects the regular either! As for one who rejects the regular either! As for one who rejects the regular either! As for one who rejects the regular

delicacies and is fond of strange dishes, how delicacies and is fond of strange dishes, how delicacies and is fond of strange dishes, how delicacies and is fond of strange dishes, how

do you know that he can recognize tastesdo you know that he can recognize tastesdo you know that he can recognize tastesdo you know that he can recognize tastes???? As As As As

for one who abandons the great sage and loves for one who abandons the great sage and loves for one who abandons the great sage and loves for one who abandons the great sage and loves

the various philosophers, how do you know that the various philosophers, how do you know that the various philosophers, how do you know that the various philosophers, how do you know that

he can recognizhe can recognizhe can recognizhe can recognize the Daoe the Daoe the Daoe the Dao????


吾子吾子吾子吾子卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 山山山山����之之之之蹊蹊蹊蹊,,,,不可不可不可不可勝勝勝勝由由由由矣矣矣矣;;;;向墻向墻向墻向墻之之之之戶戶戶戶,,,,不可不可不可不可勝勝勝勝入入入入矣矣矣矣。。。。




Page 23: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan

My Master:My Master:My Master:My Master: A trail down a mountain ravine cannot be A trail down a mountain ravine cannot be A trail down a mountain ravine cannot be A trail down a mountain ravine cannot be

followed to the endfollowed to the endfollowed to the endfollowed to the end;;;; a door facing a wall a door facing a wall a door facing a wall a door facing a wall

cannot be entered.cannot be entered.cannot be entered.cannot be entered.

The other The other The other The other said: From where can one entersaid: From where can one entersaid: From where can one entersaid: From where can one enter????

Yangzi said: Confucius. Confucius is the door.Yangzi said: Confucius. Confucius is the door.Yangzi said: Confucius. Confucius is the door.Yangzi said: Confucius. Confucius is the door.

The other said: Have you passed through The other said: Have you passed through The other said: Have you passed through The other said: Have you passed through

Confucius's doorConfucius's doorConfucius's doorConfucius's door????

Yangzi said: The door! The door! How could I be Yangzi said: The door! The door! How could I be Yangzi said: The door! The door! How could I be Yangzi said: The door! The door! How could I be

the only one who has not entered through the the only one who has not entered through the the only one who has not entered through the the only one who has not entered through the



吾子吾子吾子吾子卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



My Master:My Master:My Master:My Master: Someone wanted to study the Cangjie and the Someone wanted to study the Cangjie and the Someone wanted to study the Cangjie and the Someone wanted to study the Cangjie and the


Yangzi said: The Shi! The Shi! It is better Yangzi said: The Shi! The Shi! It is better Yangzi said: The Shi! The Shi! It is better Yangzi said: The Shi! The Shi! It is better

than forgetting about and losing it!than forgetting about and losing it!than forgetting about and losing it!than forgetting about and losing it!


吾子吾子吾子吾子卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :





Page 24: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan

My Master:My Master:My Master:My Master: Someone said: Suppose there is a man who Someone said: Suppose there is a man who Someone said: Suppose there is a man who Someone said: Suppose there is a man who says says says says

that his surname is that his surname is that his surname is that his surname is KKKKong, and his name Zhongni. ong, and his name Zhongni. ong, and his name Zhongni. ong, and his name Zhongni.

If he enters Confucius's gate, ascends his If he enters Confucius's gate, ascends his If he enters Confucius's gate, ascends his If he enters Confucius's gate, ascends his

hall, sits in his chair, and wears his clothes, hall, sits in his chair, and wears his clothes, hall, sits in his chair, and wears his clothes, hall, sits in his chair, and wears his clothes,

then may he be called Confuciusthen may he be called Confuciusthen may he be called Confuciusthen may he be called Confucius????

Yangzi said: His outer appearance (wen), yes. Yangzi said: His outer appearance (wen), yes. Yangzi said: His outer appearance (wen), yes. Yangzi said: His outer appearance (wen), yes.

His zhi, no.His zhi, no.His zhi, no.His zhi, no.

The other said: May The other said: May The other said: May The other said: May I dare ask about zhiI dare ask about zhiI dare ask about zhiI dare ask about zhi????

Yangzi said: Yangzi said: Yangzi said: Yangzi said: OOOOne who has a sheep's zhi and a ne who has a sheep's zhi and a ne who has a sheep's zhi and a ne who has a sheep's zhi and a

tiger's skin sees grass and is happy, sees a tiger's skin sees grass and is happy, sees a tiger's skin sees grass and is happy, sees a tiger's skin sees grass and is happy, sees a

jackal and shivers. He forgets he is wearing a jackal and shivers. He forgets he is wearing a jackal and shivers. He forgets he is wearing a jackal and shivers. He forgets he is wearing a

tiger's skin.tiger's skin.tiger's skin.tiger's skin.


吾子吾子吾子吾子卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



My Master:My Master:My Master:My Master: The sage is in the tiger class, his stripes The sage is in the tiger class, his stripes The sage is in the tiger class, his stripes The sage is in the tiger class, his stripes

(wen) are bright and distinct. The junzi is in (wen) are bright and distinct. The junzi is in (wen) are bright and distinct. The junzi is in (wen) are bright and distinct. The junzi is in

the leopard class, his spots (wen) are colorful the leopard class, his spots (wen) are colorful the leopard class, his spots (wen) are colorful the leopard class, his spots (wen) are colorful

and abundant. The sophists are in the wildcat and abundant. The sophists are in the wildcat and abundant. The sophists are in the wildcat and abundant. The sophists are in the wildcat

class, their markings (wen) are collected class, their markings (wen) are collected class, their markings (wen) are collected class, their markings (wen) are collected

together thickly. If the wildtogether thickly. If the wildtogether thickly. If the wildtogether thickly. If the wildcat transforms, cat transforms, cat transforms, cat transforms,

then he is a leopard. If the leopard then he is a leopard. If the leopard then he is a leopard. If the leopard then he is a leopard. If the leopard

transforms, then he is a tiger.transforms, then he is a tiger.transforms, then he is a tiger.transforms, then he is a tiger.

14141414 吾子吾子吾子吾子卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 好書而好書而好書而好書而不不不不要要要要諸仲尼諸仲尼諸仲尼諸仲尼,,,,書書書書肆肆肆肆也也也也。。。。好說而好說而好說而好說而不不不不要要要要諸仲尼諸仲尼諸仲尼諸仲尼,,,,說說說說


Page 25: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan


My Master:My Master:My Master:My Master: People who love books but do not seek People who love books but do not seek People who love books but do not seek People who love books but do not seek

instruction from instruction from instruction from instruction from Confucius are like a bookshop. Confucius are like a bookshop. Confucius are like a bookshop. Confucius are like a bookshop.

Those who love to engage in persuasion but do Those who love to engage in persuasion but do Those who love to engage in persuasion but do Those who love to engage in persuasion but do

not seek instruction from Confucius talk like not seek instruction from Confucius talk like not seek instruction from Confucius talk like not seek instruction from Confucius talk like

jingling bells. What the junzi says does not jingling bells. What the junzi says does not jingling bells. What the junzi says does not jingling bells. What the junzi says does not

corrupt others. What he listens to is without corrupt others. What he listens to is without corrupt others. What he listens to is without corrupt others. What he listens to is without

exaggeration. Corruption results in disordexaggeration. Corruption results in disordexaggeration. Corruption results in disordexaggeration. Corruption results in disorder. er. er. er.

Exaggeration results in the unorthodox. There Exaggeration results in the unorthodox. There Exaggeration results in the unorthodox. There Exaggeration results in the unorthodox. There

have been those who transmitted the straight have been those who transmitted the straight have been those who transmitted the straight have been those who transmitted the straight

dao but gradually went crookeddao but gradually went crookeddao but gradually went crookeddao but gradually went crooked;;;; but there has but there has but there has but there has

never been anyone who transmitted the crooked never been anyone who transmitted the crooked never been anyone who transmitted the crooked never been anyone who transmitted the crooked

dao and gradually went straight.dao and gradually went straight.dao and gradually went straight.dao and gradually went straight.


吾子吾子吾子吾子卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




My Master:My Master:My Master:My Master: Confucius's daoConfucius's daoConfucius's daoConfucius's dao————how clear and easy it is!how clear and easy it is!how clear and easy it is!how clear and easy it is!

Someone said: Starting from his youth and Someone said: Starting from his youth and Someone said: Starting from his youth and Someone said: Starting from his youth and

practicing it, one studies until his hair turns practicing it, one studies until his hair turns practicing it, one studies until his hair turns practicing it, one studies until his hair turns

white, and he is still confused. How can you white, and he is still confused. How can you white, and he is still confused. How can you white, and he is still confused. How can you

say it is so clear and easysay it is so clear and easysay it is so clear and easysay it is so clear and easy????

Yangzi said: I am referring to its not being Yangzi said: I am referring to its not being Yangzi said: I am referring to its not being Yangzi said: I am referring to its not being

crooked in order to deal with the crooked, and crooked in order to deal with the crooked, and crooked in order to deal with the crooked, and crooked in order to deal with the crooked, and

Page 26: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan

not being crafty in order to deal with the not being crafty in order to deal with the not being crafty in order to deal with the not being crafty in order to deal with the

crafty. If it were crooked and crafty, even crafty. If it were crooked and crafty, even crafty. If it were crooked and crafty, even crafty. If it were crooked and crafty, even

though you had ears and eyes, how would you be though you had ears and eyes, how would you be though you had ears and eyes, how would you be though you had ears and eyes, how would you be

able to correct to correct to correct to correct them.


吾子吾子吾子吾子卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



My Master:My Master:My Master:My Master: If you hear much, then hold onto the essential. If you hear much, then hold onto the essential. If you hear much, then hold onto the essential. If you hear much, then hold onto the essential.

If you see much, then hold onto the profound. If you see much, then hold onto the profound. If you see much, then hold onto the profound. If you see much, then hold onto the profound.

If you do not hear If you do not hear If you do not hear If you do not hear much, then nothing is much, then nothing is much, then nothing is much, then nothing is

essential. If you do not see much, then nothing essential. If you do not see much, then nothing essential. If you do not see much, then nothing essential. If you do not see much, then nothing

is profound.


吾子吾子吾子吾子卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :


My Master:My Master:My Master:My Master: Three hundred green robesThree hundred green robesThree hundred green robesThree hundred green robes————but what about the but what about the but what about the but what about the

colorcolorcolorcolor???? Three thousand scraps of hemp Three thousand scraps of hemp Three thousand scraps of hemp Three thousand scraps of hemp————but what but what but what but what

about the coldabout the coldabout the coldabout the cold????


吾子吾子吾子吾子卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



Page 27: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan

My Master:My Master:My Master:My Master: The dao ofThe dao ofThe dao ofThe dao of the junzi is easy in four ways: the junzi is easy in four ways: the junzi is easy in four ways: the junzi is easy in four ways:

being simple, it is easy to usebeing simple, it is easy to usebeing simple, it is easy to usebeing simple, it is easy to use;;;; being being being being

essential, it is easy to graspessential, it is easy to graspessential, it is easy to graspessential, it is easy to grasp;;;; being bright, being bright, being bright, being bright,

it is easy to seeit is easy to seeit is easy to seeit is easy to see;;;; being the model, it is easy being the model, it is easy being the model, it is easy being the model, it is easy

to explain.


吾子吾子吾子吾子卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



My Master:My Master:My Master:My Master: After After After After thunderous winds and heavy rains, one thunderous winds and heavy rains, one thunderous winds and heavy rains, one thunderous winds and heavy rains, one

knows that a big house is a shelter. After knows that a big house is a shelter. After knows that a big house is a shelter. After knows that a big house is a shelter. After

harsh government and a chaotic age, one knows harsh government and a chaotic age, one knows harsh government and a chaotic age, one knows harsh government and a chaotic age, one knows

the sage is a bastion wall.the sage is a bastion wall.the sage is a bastion wall.the sage is a bastion wall.


吾子吾子吾子吾子卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



My Master:My Master:My Master:My Master: Among the ancients, Yang Zhu and Mo Di blocked Among the ancients, Yang Zhu and Mo Di blocked Among the ancients, Yang Zhu and Mo Di blocked Among the ancients, Yang Zhu and Mo Di blocked

the road, Mengzi spoke and burst it open, the road, Mengzi spoke and burst it open, the road, Mengzi spoke and burst it open, the road, Mengzi spoke and burst it open,

making the road making the road making the road making the road broad. There were others after broad. There were others after broad. There were others after broad. There were others after

him who blocked the road. I humbly compare him who blocked the road. I humbly compare him who blocked the road. I humbly compare him who blocked the road. I humbly compare

myself to Mengzi.myself to Mengzi.myself to Mengzi.myself to Mengzi.

21212121 吾子吾子吾子吾子卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 或曰或曰或曰或曰:「:「:「:「人人人人各各各各是其所是而非其所非是其所是而非其所非是其所是而非其所非是其所是而非其所非,,,,將將將將誰誰誰誰使正使正使正使正之之之之?」?」?」?」


Page 28: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan



My Master:My Master:My Master:My Master: Someone asked: Each person affirms what he Someone asked: Each person affirms what he Someone asked: Each person affirms what he Someone asked: Each person affirms what he

affirms andaffirms andaffirms andaffirms and denies what he deniesdenies what he deniesdenies what he deniesdenies what he denies————who will set who will set who will set who will set

them rightthem rightthem rightthem right????

Yangzi said: If the ten thousand things are Yangzi said: If the ten thousand things are Yangzi said: If the ten thousand things are Yangzi said: If the ten thousand things are

confused and disorderly, they are corrected by confused and disorderly, they are corrected by confused and disorderly, they are corrected by confused and disorderly, they are corrected by

TianTianTianTian;;;; if the multitude of words are confused if the multitude of words are confused if the multitude of words are confused if the multitude of words are confused

and chaotic, then they are judged by the and chaotic, then they are judged by the and chaotic, then they are judged by the and chaotic, then they are judged by the


Someone said: Whence canSomeone said: Whence canSomeone said: Whence canSomeone said: Whence can one look to a sage to one look to a sage to one look to a sage to one look to a sage to

render judgmentrender judgmentrender judgmentrender judgment????

Yangzi said: When he is alive, there is the Yangzi said: When he is alive, there is the Yangzi said: When he is alive, there is the Yangzi said: When he is alive, there is the

manmanmanman;;;; when he is gone, there are the when he is gone, there are the when he is gone, there are the when he is gone, there are the BBBBooks. ooks. ooks. ooks.

Their guiding principle is the same.Their guiding principle is the same.Their guiding principle is the same.Their guiding principle is the same.

《《《《修身修身修身修身卷第卷第卷第卷第三三三三 ---- Cultivating the SelfCultivating the SelfCultivating the SelfCultivating the Self》》》》



修身修身修身修身卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



Cultivating Cultivating Cultivating Cultivating

the Self:...:the Self:...:the Self:...:the Self:...:

Cultivating oneself is the bowCultivating oneself is the bowCultivating oneself is the bowCultivating oneself is the bow;;;; rectifying rectifying rectifying rectifying

one's thoughts is the arrowone's thoughts is the arrowone's thoughts is the arrowone's thoughts is the arrow;;;; establishing yi establishing yi establishing yi establishing yi

is the target. is the target. is the target. is the target. BBBBeing settled and then eing settled and then eing settled and then eing settled and then

Page 29: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan

shooting, the shot will shooting, the shot will shooting, the shot will shooting, the shot will inevitably hit the inevitably hit the inevitably hit the inevitably hit the



修身修身修身修身卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



Cultivating Cultivating Cultivating Cultivating

thethethethe Self:...:Self:...:Self:...:Self:...:

Man's xing is a mixture of good and bad. If Man's xing is a mixture of good and bad. If Man's xing is a mixture of good and bad. If Man's xing is a mixture of good and bad. If

he cultivates its good aspects, then he he cultivates its good aspects, then he he cultivates its good aspects, then he he cultivates its good aspects, then he

becomes a good man. If he cultivates its bad becomes a good man. If he cultivates its bad becomes a good man. If he cultivates its bad becomes a good man. If he cultivates its bad

aspects, then he becomes a bad man. As for aspects, then he becomes a bad man. As for aspects, then he becomes a bad man. As for aspects, then he becomes a bad man. As for

qi, is it not the horse that one rides toward qi, is it not the horse that one rides toward qi, is it not the horse that one rides toward qi, is it not the horse that one rides toward

good or badgood or badgood or badgood or bad????


修身修身修身修身卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




Cultivating Cultivating Cultivating Cultivating

the Self:...:the Self:...:the Self:...:the Self:...:

Someone said: Confucius's abilities were Someone said: Confucius's abilities were Someone said: Confucius's abilities were Someone said: Confucius's abilities were

many. Since he was not employed, was he not many. Since he was not employed, was he not many. Since he was not employed, was he not many. Since he was not employed, was he not

distressed and worried.distressed and worried.distressed and worried.distressed and worried.

Yangzi said: The sage takes pleasure in Tian Yangzi said: The sage takes pleasure in Tian Yangzi said: The sage takes pleasure in Tian Yangzi said: The sage takes pleasure in Tian

and knows ming. Since he and knows ming. Since he and knows ming. Since he and knows ming. Since he takes pleasure in takes pleasure in takes pleasure in takes pleasure in

Tian, he is not distressed. Since he knows Tian, he is not distressed. Since he knows Tian, he is not distressed. Since he knows Tian, he is not distressed. Since he knows

ming, he is not worried.ming, he is not worried.ming, he is not worried.ming, he is not worried.

4444 修身修身修身修身卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 或或或或問問問問「「「「銘銘銘銘」」」」。。。。曰曰曰曰:「:「:「:「銘銘銘銘哉哉哉哉!!!!銘銘銘銘哉哉哉哉!!!!有意於有意於有意於有意於慎慎慎慎也也也也。。。。」」」」

Page 30: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan

Cultivating Cultivating Cultivating Cultivating

the Self:...:the Self:...:the Self:...:the Self:...:

Someone asked about inscriptions.Someone asked about inscriptions.Someone asked about inscriptions.Someone asked about inscriptions.

Yangzi said: Inscriptions! Inscriptions! They Yangzi said: Inscriptions! Inscriptions! They Yangzi said: Inscriptions! Inscriptions! They Yangzi said: Inscriptions! Inscriptions! They

are intended are intended are intended are intended to make people make people make people make people conscientious.


修身修身修身修身卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



Cultivating Cultivating Cultivating Cultivating

the Selfthe Selfthe Selfthe Self:...::...::...::...:

The sage's words can be practiced, but making The sage's words can be practiced, but making The sage's words can be practiced, but making The sage's words can be practiced, but making

people believe them cannot be done. Thus, the people believe them cannot be done. Thus, the people believe them cannot be done. Thus, the people believe them cannot be done. Thus, the

junzi assiduously studies and diligently puts junzi assiduously studies and diligently puts junzi assiduously studies and diligently puts junzi assiduously studies and diligently puts

them into practice.them into practice.them into practice.them into practice.


修身修身修身修身卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



Cultivating Cultivating Cultivating Cultivating

the Self:...:the Self:...:the Self:...:the Self:...:

To refine one's goods and then go to marketTo refine one's goods and then go to marketTo refine one's goods and then go to marketTo refine one's goods and then go to market;;;;

To cultivate oneself and then make friendsTo cultivate oneself and then make friendsTo cultivate oneself and then make friendsTo cultivate oneself and then make friends;;;;

To perfect one'To perfect one'To perfect one'To perfect one's plans and then acts plans and then acts plans and then acts plans and then act————

[[[[This isThis isThis isThis is]]]] the dao of success. the dao of success. the dao of success. the dao of success.

7777 修身修身修身修身卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 君子之君子之君子之君子之所所所所慎慎慎慎::::言言言言、、、、禮禮禮禮、、、、書書書書。。。。

Page 31: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan

Cultivating Cultivating Cultivating Cultivating

the the the the Self:...:Self:...:Self:...:Self:...:

That which the junzi is cautious about are That which the junzi is cautious about are That which the junzi is cautious about are That which the junzi is cautious about are

his speech, li, and writings.his speech, li, and writings.his speech, li, and writings.his speech, li, and writings.


修身修身修身修身卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




Cultivating Cultivating Cultivating Cultivating

the Self:...:the Self:...:the Self:...:the Self:...:

If he does not flatter in interacting with If he does not flatter in interacting with If he does not flatter in interacting with If he does not flatter in interacting with

superiors and superiors and superiors and superiors and does not boast in interacting does not boast in interacting does not boast in interacting does not boast in interacting

with inferiors, then he can create with inferiors, then he can create with inferiors, then he can create with inferiors, then he can create


Someone said: The junzi keeps to himselfSomeone said: The junzi keeps to himselfSomeone said: The junzi keeps to himselfSomeone said: The junzi keeps to himself;;;; why why why why

must he interact with othersmust he interact with othersmust he interact with othersmust he interact with others????

Yangzi said: When Heaven and Earth interact, Yangzi said: When Heaven and Earth interact, Yangzi said: When Heaven and Earth interact, Yangzi said: When Heaven and Earth interact,

the myriad things are bornthe myriad things are bornthe myriad things are bornthe myriad things are born;;;; when men interact when men interact when men interact when men interact

with the Dwith the Dwith the Dwith the Dao, accomplishments of merit are ao, accomplishments of merit are ao, accomplishments of merit are ao, accomplishments of merit are

completed. Why must he keep to himselfcompleted. Why must he keep to himselfcompleted. Why must he keep to himselfcompleted. Why must he keep to himself????


修身修身修身修身卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :


Cultivating Cultivating Cultivating Cultivating If you love the great but do not employ it, If you love the great but do not employ it, If you love the great but do not employ it, If you love the great but do not employ it,

then the great is not great. If you love the then the great is not great. If you love the then the great is not great. If you love the then the great is not great. If you love the

Page 32: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan

the Self:...:the Self:...:the Self:...:the Self:...: lofty but do not employ it, then the lofty is lofty but do not employ it, then the lofty is lofty but do not employ it, then the lofty is lofty but do not employ it, then the lofty is

not lofty.not lofty.not lofty.not lofty.


修身修身修身修身卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :


Cultivating Cultivating Cultivating Cultivating

the Self:...:the Self:...:the Self:...:the Self:...:

Looking up at Tian's Hall one knows the Looking up at Tian's Hall one knows the Looking up at Tian's Hall one knows the Looking up at Tian's Hall one knows the

lowliness of the world's station.lowliness of the world's station.lowliness of the world's station.lowliness of the world's station.


修身修身修身修身卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



Cultivating Cultivating Cultivating Cultivating

the Self:...:the Self:...:the Self:...:the Self:...:

Even with the perfection of GongEven with the perfection of GongEven with the perfection of GongEven with the perfection of Gong Yizi and Yizi and Yizi and Yizi and

Dong Zhongshu's talents, if they had not Dong Zhongshu's talents, if they had not Dong Zhongshu's talents, if they had not Dong Zhongshu's talents, if they had not

distinguished the good clearly, and if they distinguished the good clearly, and if they distinguished the good clearly, and if they distinguished the good clearly, and if they

had not used a steadfast mind, then how could had not used a steadfast mind, then how could had not used a steadfast mind, then how could had not used a steadfast mind, then how could

they have so prevailedthey have so prevailedthey have so prevailedthey have so prevailed????


修身修身修身修身卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :





Cultivating Cultivating Cultivating Cultivating

the Self:...:the Self:...:the Self:...:the Self:...:

Someone asked about the function of ren, yi, Someone asked about the function of ren, yi, Someone asked about the function of ren, yi, Someone asked about the function of ren, yi,

li, wisdom, and, wisdom, and, wisdom, and, wisdom, and trustworthiness.

Yangzi said: Yangzi said: Yangzi said: Yangzi said: RRRRen is your dwellingen is your dwellingen is your dwellingen is your dwelling;;;; yi is the yi is the yi is the yi is the

Page 33: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan

roadroadroadroad;;;; li is your clothing li is your clothing li is your clothing li is your clothing;;;; wisdom is a wisdom is a wisdom is a wisdom is a

candlecandlecandlecandle;;;; and trustworthiness is a tally. Live and trustworthiness is a tally. Live and trustworthiness is a tally. Live and trustworthiness is a tally. Live

in the dwelling, walk tin the dwelling, walk tin the dwelling, walk tin the dwelling, walk the road, straighten he road, straighten he road, straighten he road, straighten

your clothing, use the candle to light your your clothing, use the candle to light your your clothing, use the candle to light your your clothing, use the candle to light your

way, and clasp the tally. The junzi is way, and clasp the tally. The junzi is way, and clasp the tally. The junzi is way, and clasp the tally. The junzi is

unmoved, but when he acts, he will succeed.unmoved, but when he acts, he will succeed.unmoved, but when he acts, he will succeed.unmoved, but when he acts, he will succeed.


修身修身修身修身卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



Cultivating Cultivating Cultivating Cultivating

the Self:...:the Self:...:the Self:...:the Self:...:

Have determination! Mengzi said: "Now, there Have determination! Mengzi said: "Now, there Have determination! Mengzi said: "Now, there Have determination! Mengzi said: "Now, there

have been those who were determined but did have been those who were determined but did have been those who were determined but did have been those who were determined but did

not reach the goal, but there has never been not reach the goal, but there has never been not reach the goal, but there has never been not reach the goal, but there has never been

one who was not determined and yet did reach one who was not determined and yet did reach one who was not determined and yet did reach one who was not determined and yet did reach

the goal."the goal."the goal."the goal."


修身修身修身修身卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :







Cultivating Cultivating Cultivating Cultivating

the the the the Self:...:Self:...:Self:...:Self:...:

Someone asked about governing oneself.Someone asked about governing oneself.Someone asked about governing oneself.Someone asked about governing oneself.

Yangzi said: Govern yourself by using Yangzi said: Govern yourself by using Yangzi said: Govern yourself by using Yangzi said: Govern yourself by using

Confucius as a model.Confucius as a model.Confucius as a model.Confucius as a model.

The other said: 'Govern yourself by using The other said: 'Govern yourself by using The other said: 'Govern yourself by using The other said: 'Govern yourself by using

Confucius as a model.' Confucius as a model.' Confucius as a model.' Confucius as a model.' BBBBut people like ut people like ut people like ut people like

Confucius are rare!Confucius are rare!Confucius are rare!Confucius are rare!

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Yangzi said: Yangzi said: Yangzi said: Yangzi said: UUUUse a good horse to lead other se a good horse to lead other se a good horse to lead other se a good horse to lead other

hohohohorses. Indeed, can this not be donerses. Indeed, can this not be donerses. Indeed, can this not be donerses. Indeed, can this not be done????

The other said: If one plants too large a The other said: If one plants too large a The other said: If one plants too large a The other said: If one plants too large a

field, the weeds grow higher and higher. If field, the weeds grow higher and higher. If field, the weeds grow higher and higher. If field, the weeds grow higher and higher. If

one thinks of those far away, the heart grows one thinks of those far away, the heart grows one thinks of those far away, the heart grows one thinks of those far away, the heart grows

more miserable.more miserable.more miserable.more miserable.

Yangzi said: The sun shines, the moon is Yangzi said: The sun shines, the moon is Yangzi said: The sun shines, the moon is Yangzi said: The sun shines, the moon is

bright. If for three years you bright. If for three years you bright. If for three years you bright. If for three years you do not see the do not see the do not see the do not see the

light of the sun, you will inevitably go light of the sun, you will inevitably go light of the sun, you will inevitably go light of the sun, you will inevitably go

blind. If for three years you do not see the blind. If for three years you do not see the blind. If for three years you do not see the blind. If for three years you do not see the

light of the moon, your spirit will become light of the moon, your spirit will become light of the moon, your spirit will become light of the moon, your spirit will become

obscured. obscured. obscured. obscured. OOOOnce the spirit is withered and nce the spirit is withered and nce the spirit is withered and nce the spirit is withered and

vision has been destroyed, like a blind man vision has been destroyed, like a blind man vision has been destroyed, like a blind man vision has been destroyed, like a blind man

using a walking stick to pusing a walking stick to pusing a walking stick to pusing a walking stick to poke at the ground oke at the ground oke at the ground oke at the ground

to find the road, you simply walk in to find the road, you simply walk in to find the road, you simply walk in to find the road, you simply walk in



修身修身修身修身卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :







Cultivating Cultivating Cultivating Cultivating

the Self:...:the Self:...:the Self:...:the Self:...:

Someone asked: What must one do to be called Someone asked: What must one do to be called Someone asked: What must one do to be called Someone asked: What must one do to be called

a mana mana mana man????

Yangzi said: If one adopts the four serious Yangzi said: If one adopts the four serious Yangzi said: If one adopts the four serious Yangzi said: If one adopts the four serious

qualities and leaves behind the four qualities and leaves behind the four qualities and leaves behind the four qualities and leaves behind the four

frivolous qualities, then he may be called a frivolous qualities, then he may be called a frivolous qualities, then he may be called a frivolous qualities, then he may be called a

Page 35: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan

Someone said: What does one call the four Someone said: What does one call the four Someone said: What does one call the four Someone said: What does one call the four

serious qualitiesserious qualitiesserious qualitiesserious qualities????

Yangzi said:Yangzi said:Yangzi said:Yangzi said: Taking words seriously, taking Taking words seriously, taking Taking words seriously, taking Taking words seriously, taking

actions seriously, taking demeanor seriously, actions seriously, taking demeanor seriously, actions seriously, taking demeanor seriously, actions seriously, taking demeanor seriously,

and taking one's interests seriously. If and taking one's interests seriously. If and taking one's interests seriously. If and taking one's interests seriously. If

one's words are serious, then he has a model. one's words are serious, then he has a model. one's words are serious, then he has a model. one's words are serious, then he has a model.

If oneIf oneIf oneIf one』』』』s actions are serious, then he has s actions are serious, then he has s actions are serious, then he has s actions are serious, then he has

de. If one's demeanor is serious, then he has de. If one's demeanor is serious, then he has de. If one's demeanor is serious, then he has de. If one's demeanor is serious, then he has

majmajmajmajesty. If his interests are serious, then esty. If his interests are serious, then esty. If his interests are serious, then esty. If his interests are serious, then

he has patience.he has patience.he has patience.he has patience.

The other said: May I dare ask about the four The other said: May I dare ask about the four The other said: May I dare ask about the four The other said: May I dare ask about the four

frivolous qualitiesfrivolous qualitiesfrivolous qualitiesfrivolous qualities????

Yangzi said: If words are taken lightly, then Yangzi said: If words are taken lightly, then Yangzi said: If words are taken lightly, then Yangzi said: If words are taken lightly, then

one invites trouble. If behavior is taken one invites trouble. If behavior is taken one invites trouble. If behavior is taken one invites trouble. If behavior is taken

lightly, then one invites faults. If demealightly, then one invites faults. If demealightly, then one invites faults. If demealightly, then one invites faults. If demeanor nor nor nor

is taken lightly, then one invites disgrace. is taken lightly, then one invites disgrace. is taken lightly, then one invites disgrace. is taken lightly, then one invites disgrace.

If interests are taken lightly, then one If interests are taken lightly, then one If interests are taken lightly, then one If interests are taken lightly, then one

invites excess.invites excess.invites excess.invites excess.


修身修身修身修身卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 《《《《禮禮禮禮》》》》多儀多儀多儀多儀。。。。或曰或曰或曰或曰:「:「:「:「日日日日昃昃昃昃不不不不食食食食肉肉肉肉,,,,肉肉肉肉必必必必幹幹幹幹;;;;日日日日昃昃昃昃




Cultivating Cultivating Cultivating Cultivating

the Self:...:the Self:...:the Self:...:the Self:...:

The Li contains many rites.The Li contains many rites.The Li contains many rites.The Li contains many rites.

Someone said: Waiting until evening and still Someone said: Waiting until evening and still Someone said: Waiting until evening and still Someone said: Waiting until evening and still

not eating the meat, the meat inevitably not eating the meat, the meat inevitably not eating the meat, the meat inevitably not eating the meat, the meat inevitably

dries outdries outdries outdries out;;;; waiting until evening and still waiting until evening and still waiting until evening and still waiting until evening and still

not drinking the wine, the wine inevitably not drinking the wine, the wine inevitably not drinking the wine, the wine inevitably not drinking the wine, the wine inevitably

sours. The guest and host's hundred bows and sours. The guest and host's hundred bows and sours. The guest and host's hundred bows and sours. The guest and host's hundred bows and

three toasts of wine, are these not tothree toasts of wine, are these not tothree toasts of wine, are these not tothree toasts of wine, are these not too o o o

Page 36: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan


Yangzi said: If there is substance without Yangzi said: If there is substance without Yangzi said: If there is substance without Yangzi said: If there is substance without

ornamentation, then it is unrefined. If there ornamentation, then it is unrefined. If there ornamentation, then it is unrefined. If there ornamentation, then it is unrefined. If there

is ornamentation without substance, then it is ornamentation without substance, then it is ornamentation without substance, then it is ornamentation without substance, then it

is like a business transaction. If is like a business transaction. If is like a business transaction. If is like a business transaction. If

ornamentation and substance are paired, then ornamentation and substance are paired, then ornamentation and substance are paired, then ornamentation and substance are paired, then

it is is is is li.


修身修身修身修身卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 山山山山雌雌雌雌之之之之肥肥肥肥,,,,其其其其意意意意得得得得乎乎乎乎!!!!或曰或曰或曰或曰:「:「:「:「回回回回之之之之簞瓢簞瓢簞瓢簞瓢,,,,臞臞臞臞如如如如之之之之




Cultivating Cultivating Cultivating Cultivating

the the the the Self:...:Self:...:Self:...:Self:...:

When the mountain rooster is so plump, has he When the mountain rooster is so plump, has he When the mountain rooster is so plump, has he When the mountain rooster is so plump, has he

not obtained his ambitionnot obtained his ambitionnot obtained his ambitionnot obtained his ambition????

Someone said: Someone said: Someone said: Someone said: BBBBut Yan Hui, having only one ut Yan Hui, having only one ut Yan Hui, having only one ut Yan Hui, having only one

bowl of rice and one gourd of drink, was bowl of rice and one gourd of drink, was bowl of rice and one gourd of drink, was bowl of rice and one gourd of drink, was

emaciated. What about thatemaciated. What about thatemaciated. What about thatemaciated. What about that????

Yangzi said: When an enlightened ruler is at Yangzi said: When an enlightened ruler is at Yangzi said: When an enlightened ruler is at Yangzi said: When an enlightened ruler is at

the top, governmthe top, governmthe top, governmthe top, government officials are treated to ent officials are treated to ent officials are treated to ent officials are treated to

cattle and sheep, and so obtain their cattle and sheep, and so obtain their cattle and sheep, and so obtain their cattle and sheep, and so obtain their

ambition, just like the mountain rooster. ambition, just like the mountain rooster. ambition, just like the mountain rooster. ambition, just like the mountain rooster.

When a benighted ruler is on top, government When a benighted ruler is on top, government When a benighted ruler is on top, government When a benighted ruler is on top, government

officials get a bowl of rice and a gourd of officials get a bowl of rice and a gourd of officials get a bowl of rice and a gourd of officials get a bowl of rice and a gourd of

drink, or pick wild vegetables, they also drink, or pick wild vegetables, they also drink, or pick wild vegetables, they also drink, or pick wild vegetables, they also

obtain their ambobtain their ambobtain their ambobtain their ambition, just like the mountain ition, just like the mountain ition, just like the mountain ition, just like the mountain

rooster. How can he be emaciatedrooster. How can he be emaciatedrooster. How can he be emaciatedrooster. How can he be emaciated???? The The The The

lightness of a thousand jun lies in Wu Huo's lightness of a thousand jun lies in Wu Huo's lightness of a thousand jun lies in Wu Huo's lightness of a thousand jun lies in Wu Huo's

strength. The happiness of one bowl of food strength. The happiness of one bowl of food strength. The happiness of one bowl of food strength. The happiness of one bowl of food

and one gourd of drink lies in Yan Hui's de.and one gourd of drink lies in Yan Hui's de.and one gourd of drink lies in Yan Hui's de.and one gourd of drink lies in Yan Hui's de.

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修身修身修身修身卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :





Cultivating Cultivating Cultivating Cultivating

the Self:...:the Self:...:the Self:...:the Self:...:

Someone asked: What is the difference between Someone asked: What is the difference between Someone asked: What is the difference between Someone asked: What is the difference between

the leather hide of a plow ox and that of a the leather hide of a plow ox and that of a the leather hide of a plow ox and that of a the leather hide of a plow ox and that of a

black or red oxblack or red oxblack or red oxblack or red ox????

Yangzi said: They are the same.Yangzi said: They are the same.Yangzi said: They are the same.Yangzi said: They are the same.

The other said: If so, then why not use the The other said: If so, then why not use the The other said: If so, then why not use the The other said: If so, then why not use the

plow oxen for sacrificeplow oxen for sacrificeplow oxen for sacrificeplow oxen for sacrifice????

Yangzi said: If you are going to express Yangzi said: If you are going to express Yangzi said: If you are going to express Yangzi said: If you are going to express

filial devotion to the spirits, then you do filial devotion to the spirits, then you do filial devotion to the spirits, then you do filial devotion to the spirits, then you do

not dare use plow oxen. If you kill sheep and not dare use plow oxen. If you kill sheep and not dare use plow oxen. If you kill sheep and not dare use plow oxen. If you kill sheep and

slaughter pigs to entertain guests and feast slaughter pigs to entertain guests and feast slaughter pigs to entertain guests and feast slaughter pigs to entertain guests and feast

the army, tthe army, tthe army, tthe army, then what difference does it make hen what difference does it make hen what difference does it make hen what difference does it make

if you use plow oxen or notif you use plow oxen or notif you use plow oxen or notif you use plow oxen or not????


修身修身修身修身卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




Cultivating Cultivating Cultivating Cultivating

the Self:...:the Self:...:the Self:...:the Self:...:

Those who had de delighted in asking the sage Those who had de delighted in asking the sage Those who had de delighted in asking the sage Those who had de delighted in asking the sage

for instruction.for instruction.for instruction.for instruction.

Someone said: The men who ruled in Lu rarely Someone said: The men who ruled in Lu rarely Someone said: The men who ruled in Lu rarely Someone said: The men who ruled in Lu rarely

had de, how is it that they delighted in had de, how is it that they delighted in had de, how is it that they delighted in had de, how is it that they delighted in

asking Confucius for instasking Confucius for instasking Confucius for instasking Confucius for instructionructionructionruction????

Yangzi said: In fact, none of those who ruled Yangzi said: In fact, none of those who ruled Yangzi said: In fact, none of those who ruled Yangzi said: In fact, none of those who ruled

Page 38: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan

Lu were able to delight in asking Confucius Lu were able to delight in asking Confucius Lu were able to delight in asking Confucius Lu were able to delight in asking Confucius

for instruction! Had they delighted in asking for instruction! Had they delighted in asking for instruction! Had they delighted in asking for instruction! Had they delighted in asking

Confucius for instruction, then Lu would have Confucius for instruction, then Lu would have Confucius for instruction, then Lu would have Confucius for instruction, then Lu would have

become a Zhou in the East.become a Zhou in the East.become a Zhou in the East.become a Zhou in the East.


修身修身修身修身卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




Cultivating Cultivating Cultivating Cultivating

the Self:...:the Self:...:the Self:...:the Self:...:

Someone asked: If someone had Someone asked: If someone had Someone asked: If someone had Someone asked: If someone had leaned on leaned on leaned on leaned on

Confucius's wall, strummed the music of Zheng Confucius's wall, strummed the music of Zheng Confucius's wall, strummed the music of Zheng Confucius's wall, strummed the music of Zheng

and Wei, or recited the books of Han Feizi and Wei, or recited the books of Han Feizi and Wei, or recited the books of Han Feizi and Wei, or recited the books of Han Feizi

and Zhuang Zhou, then would he have invited and Zhuang Zhou, then would he have invited and Zhuang Zhou, then would he have invited and Zhuang Zhou, then would he have invited

them to enter his gatethem to enter his gatethem to enter his gatethem to enter his gate????

Yangzi said: If they were barbarians of the Yangzi said: If they were barbarians of the Yangzi said: If they were barbarians of the Yangzi said: If they were barbarians of the

Yi or the Mo, then he would have invited themYi or the Mo, then he would have invited themYi or the Mo, then he would have invited themYi or the Mo, then he would have invited them

in. If they were his neighbors, then he would in. If they were his neighbors, then he would in. If they were his neighbors, then he would in. If they were his neighbors, then he would

have run them off. What a pity, when people have run them off. What a pity, when people have run them off. What a pity, when people have run them off. What a pity, when people

turn to making the robe before the tunic is turn to making the robe before the tunic is turn to making the robe before the tunic is turn to making the robe before the tunic is



修身修身修身修身卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :






Cultivating Cultivating Cultivating Cultivating

the Self:...:the Self:...:the Self:...:the Self:...:

The sage's ear does not follow what is false, The sage's ear does not follow what is false, The sage's ear does not follow what is false, The sage's ear does not follow what is false,

nor does his mouth work at sounding good. The nor does his mouth work at sounding good. The nor does his mouth work at sounding good. The nor does his mouth work at sounding good. The

Page 39: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan

worthy man's ears and mouth must still worthy man's ears and mouth must still worthy man's ears and mouth must still worthy man's ears and mouth must still choose choose choose choose

what he listens to and sayswhat he listens to and sayswhat he listens to and sayswhat he listens to and says;;;; the common man the common man the common man the common man

has no selectivity about these things.has no selectivity about these things.has no selectivity about these things.has no selectivity about these things.

Someone asked: What does the common man Someone asked: What does the common man Someone asked: What does the common man Someone asked: What does the common man


Yangzi said: Wealth, honor, long life.Yangzi said: Wealth, honor, long life.Yangzi said: Wealth, honor, long life.Yangzi said: Wealth, honor, long life.

The other said: The worthy manThe other said: The worthy manThe other said: The worthy manThe other said: The worthy man????

Yangzi said: Yi.Yangzi said: Yi.Yangzi said: Yi.Yangzi said: Yi.

The other said: The sageThe other said: The sageThe other said: The sageThe other said: The sage????

YangYangYangYangzi said: Shen (zi said: Shen (zi said: Shen (zi said: Shen (神神神神).).).).

If one observes the worthy, one understands If one observes the worthy, one understands If one observes the worthy, one understands If one observes the worthy, one understands

the common man. If one observes the sage, one the common man. If one observes the sage, one the common man. If one observes the sage, one the common man. If one observes the sage, one

understands the worthy. If one observes understands the worthy. If one observes understands the worthy. If one observes understands the worthy. If one observes

Heaven and Earth, then he understands the Heaven and Earth, then he understands the Heaven and Earth, then he understands the Heaven and Earth, then he understands the






All under Heaven have three loves: The All under Heaven have three loves: The All under Heaven have three loves: The All under Heaven have three loves: The

average man loves to fulfill his own desiresaverage man loves to fulfill his own desiresaverage man loves to fulfill his own desiresaverage man loves to fulfill his own desires;;;;

the worthy man loves to correct himselfthe worthy man loves to correct himselfthe worthy man loves to correct himselfthe worthy man loves to correct himself;;;; the the the the

sage sage sage sage loves to be his own teacher.loves to be his own teacher.loves to be his own teacher.loves to be his own teacher.

All under Heaven have three ways to examine All under Heaven have three ways to examine All under Heaven have three ways to examine All under Heaven have three ways to examine

themselves: The average man uses the themselves: The average man uses the themselves: The average man uses the themselves: The average man uses the

circumstances of his family to examine circumstances of his family to examine circumstances of his family to examine circumstances of his family to examine

himselfhimselfhimselfhimself;;;; the worthy man uses the the worthy man uses the the worthy man uses the the worthy man uses the

circumstances of the state to examine circumstances of the state to examine circumstances of the state to examine circumstances of the state to examine

himselfhimselfhimselfhimself;;;; the sage uses the situation the sage uses the situation the sage uses the situation the sage uses the situation of all of all of all of all

Page 40: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan

under Heaven to examine himself.under Heaven to examine himself.under Heaven to examine himself.under Heaven to examine himself.

The world has three doors: Coming from The world has three doors: Coming from The world has three doors: Coming from The world has three doors: Coming from

natural desires, one enters from the animal natural desires, one enters from the animal natural desires, one enters from the animal natural desires, one enters from the animal

door. Coming from li and yi, one enters from door. Coming from li and yi, one enters from door. Coming from li and yi, one enters from door. Coming from li and yi, one enters from

the human door. Coming from spiritual wisdom, the human door. Coming from spiritual wisdom, the human door. Coming from spiritual wisdom, the human door. Coming from spiritual wisdom,

one enters from the sage's enters from the sage's enters from the sage's enters from the sage's door.


修身修身修身修身卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



Cultivating Cultivating Cultivating Cultivating

the Self:...:the Self:...:the Self:...:the Self:...:

Someone asked: What must aSomeone asked: What must aSomeone asked: What must aSomeone asked: What must a shi do to satisfy shi do to satisfy shi do to satisfy shi do to satisfy


Yangzi said: If inwardly he makes himself Yangzi said: If inwardly he makes himself Yangzi said: If inwardly he makes himself Yangzi said: If inwardly he makes himself

broad and deep, and outwardly makes himself broad and deep, and outwardly makes himself broad and deep, and outwardly makes himself broad and deep, and outwardly makes himself

strict and restrained, then he can be strict and restrained, then he can be strict and restrained, then he can be strict and restrained, then he can be



修身修身修身修身卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :


Cultivating Cultivating Cultivating Cultivating

the Self:...:the Self:...:the Self:...:the Self:...:

The junziThe junziThe junziThe junzi is so extremely cautious about his is so extremely cautious about his is so extremely cautious about his is so extremely cautious about his

de that regrets and distress do not arise. de that regrets and distress do not arise. de that regrets and distress do not arise. de that regrets and distress do not arise.

How can he commit a major offenseHow can he commit a major offenseHow can he commit a major offenseHow can he commit a major offense????

24242424 修身修身修身修身卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 上上上上士之士之士之士之耳耳耳耳訓乎德訓乎德訓乎德訓乎德,,,,下士之下士之下士之下士之耳耳耳耳順順順順乎乎乎乎己己己己。。。。

Page 41: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan

Cultivating Cultivating Cultivating Cultivating

the Self:...:the Self:...:the Self:...:the Self:...:

The superior shi's ears are attuned to deThe superior shi's ears are attuned to deThe superior shi's ears are attuned to deThe superior shi's ears are attuned to de;;;;

common shi's ears are attuned to themselves.common shi's ears are attuned to themselves.common shi's ears are attuned to themselves.common shi's ears are attuned to themselves.


修身修身修身修身卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :


Cultivating Cultivating Cultivating Cultivating

the Self:...:the Self:...:the Self:...:the Self:...:

Those whose words were shameful, and whose Those whose words were shameful, and whose Those whose words were shameful, and whose Those whose words were shameful, and whose

actions were disgracefulactions were disgracefulactions were disgracefulactions were disgraceful————Confucius avoided Confucius avoided Confucius avoided Confucius avoided


《《《《問道問道問道問道卷第卷第卷第卷第四四四四 ---- Asking AboutAsking AboutAsking AboutAsking About the Daothe Daothe Daothe Dao》》》》



問道問道問道問道卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 或或或或問問問問「「「「道道道道」」」」。。。。曰曰曰曰:「:「:「:「道道道道也者也者也者也者,,,,通通通通也也也也,,,,無不無不無不無不通通通通也也也也。。。。」」」」




Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About

the Dao:...:the Dao:...:the Dao:...:the Dao:...:

Someone asked about the Dao.Someone asked about the Dao.Someone asked about the Dao.Someone asked about the Dao.

Yangzi said: The Dao is pervasiveYangzi said: The Dao is pervasiveYangzi said: The Dao is pervasiveYangzi said: The Dao is pervasive————there is there is there is there is

nothing it does not penetrate.nothing it does not penetrate.nothing it does not penetrate.nothing it does not penetrate.

The The The The other said: Can it lead in other other said: Can it lead in other other said: Can it lead in other other said: Can it lead in other


Yangzi said: That which leads to Shun, Yao, Yangzi said: That which leads to Shun, Yao, Yangzi said: That which leads to Shun, Yao, Yangzi said: That which leads to Shun, Yao,

and and and and KKKKing Wen is the correct dao. Those which ing Wen is the correct dao. Those which ing Wen is the correct dao. Those which ing Wen is the correct dao. Those which

do not lead to Shun, Yao, and do not lead to Shun, Yao, and do not lead to Shun, Yao, and do not lead to Shun, Yao, and KKKKing Wen are ing Wen are ing Wen are ing Wen are

the other daos. The junzi follows the correct the other daos. The junzi follows the correct the other daos. The junzi follows the correct the other daos. The junzi follows the correct

Page 42: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan

one and not the and not the and not the and not the others.


問道問道問道問道卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :





Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About

the Dao:...:the Dao:...:the Dao:...:the Dao:...:

Someone asked about the Dao.Someone asked about the Dao.Someone asked about the Dao.Someone asked about the Dao.

Yangzi said: The Dao is like a road or a Yangzi said: The Dao is like a road or a Yangzi said: The Dao is like a road or a Yangzi said: The Dao is like a road or a

river. The carts and boats hustle and bustle, river. The carts and boats hustle and bustle, river. The carts and boats hustle and bustle, river. The carts and boats hustle and bustle,

not stopping day ornot stopping day ornot stopping day ornot stopping day or night.night.night.night.

The other said: How does one get on the The other said: How does one get on the The other said: How does one get on the The other said: How does one get on the

straight dao and follow itstraight dao and follow itstraight dao and follow itstraight dao and follow it????

Yangzi said: Although the road is crooked, if Yangzi said: Although the road is crooked, if Yangzi said: Although the road is crooked, if Yangzi said: Although the road is crooked, if

it still reaches the Xia, then follow it. it still reaches the Xia, then follow it. it still reaches the Xia, then follow it. it still reaches the Xia, then follow it.

Although the river is winding, if it still Although the river is winding, if it still Although the river is winding, if it still Although the river is winding, if it still

reaches the ocean, then follow it.reaches the ocean, then follow it.reaches the ocean, then follow it.reaches the ocean, then follow it.

The other saThe other saThe other saThe other said: So although one's affairs may id: So although one's affairs may id: So although one's affairs may id: So although one's affairs may

involve a crooked path, if it still reaches involve a crooked path, if it still reaches involve a crooked path, if it still reaches involve a crooked path, if it still reaches

the sage, then follow itthe sage, then follow itthe sage, then follow itthe sage, then follow it????


問道問道問道問道卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




Page 43: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan

Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About

the Dao:...:the Dao:...:the Dao:...:the Dao:...:

The Dao, The Dao, The Dao, The Dao, de, ren, yi, and li can be compared de, ren, yi, and li can be compared de, ren, yi, and li can be compared de, ren, yi, and li can be compared

to one's body. Now, using the Dao to lead itto one's body. Now, using the Dao to lead itto one's body. Now, using the Dao to lead itto one's body. Now, using the Dao to lead it;;;;

using de to complete itusing de to complete itusing de to complete itusing de to complete it;;;; using ren to make it using ren to make it using ren to make it using ren to make it

humanhumanhumanhuman;;;; using yi to make its behavior using yi to make its behavior using yi to make its behavior using yi to make its behavior

appropriateappropriateappropriateappropriate;;;; and using li embody it and using li embody it and using li embody it and using li embody it————this is this is this is this is

Tian. If they are united, then the body is Tian. If they are united, then the body is Tian. If they are united, then the body is Tian. If they are united, then the body is

compcompcompcomplete. If they are separated, then it lete. If they are separated, then it lete. If they are separated, then it lete. If they are separated, then it

falls apart. A person whose four limbs work falls apart. A person whose four limbs work falls apart. A person whose four limbs work falls apart. A person whose four limbs work

togethertogethertogethertogether————his body is complete.his body is complete.his body is complete.his body is complete.


問道問道問道問道卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 或或或或問問問問「「「「德表德表德表德表」」」」。。。。曰曰曰曰:「:「:「:「莫知莫知莫知莫知作作作作,,,,上作上作上作上作下下下下。。。。」「」「」「」「請請請請問問問問




Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About

the Dao:...:the Dao:...:the Dao:...:the Dao:...:

Someone asked about the manifestation of Someone asked about the manifestation of Someone asked about the manifestation of Someone asked about the manifestation of

Yangzi said: Nobody is aware of its Yangzi said: Nobody is aware of its Yangzi said: Nobody is aware of its Yangzi said: Nobody is aware of its

influence. When those above act, those belowinfluence. When those above act, those belowinfluence. When those above act, those belowinfluence. When those above act, those below

are influenced.are influenced.are influenced.are influenced.

The other said: May I ask why nobody is aware The other said: May I ask why nobody is aware The other said: May I ask why nobody is aware The other said: May I ask why nobody is aware

of its influenceof its influenceof its influenceof its influence????

Yangzi said: If you put li into practice Yangzi said: If you put li into practice Yangzi said: If you put li into practice Yangzi said: If you put li into practice

there, but the people get the benefits here, there, but the people get the benefits here, there, but the people get the benefits here, there, but the people get the benefits here,

how could they be aware of ithow could they be aware of ithow could they be aware of ithow could they be aware of it????

The other said: What about those who do not The other said: What about those who do not The other said: What about those who do not The other said: What about those who do not

perform li andperform li andperform li andperform li and yet have deyet have deyet have deyet have de????

Yangzi said: Li is the bodily frame. If a Yangzi said: Li is the bodily frame. If a Yangzi said: Li is the bodily frame. If a Yangzi said: Li is the bodily frame. If a

person does not perform li, how can he attain person does not perform li, how can he attain person does not perform li, how can he attain person does not perform li, how can he attain


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問道問道問道問道卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About

the Dao:...:the Dao:...:the Dao:...:the Dao:...:

Someone askedSomeone askedSomeone askedSomeone asked about Tian.about Tian.about Tian.about Tian.

Yangzi said: In Tian I see the action of Yangzi said: In Tian I see the action of Yangzi said: In Tian I see the action of Yangzi said: In Tian I see the action of


The other said: The one who cuts and carves The other said: The one who cuts and carves The other said: The one who cuts and carves The other said: The one who cuts and carves

the multitude of forms, is it not Tianthe multitude of forms, is it not Tianthe multitude of forms, is it not Tianthe multitude of forms, is it not Tian????

Yangzi said: Exactly because it does not cut Yangzi said: Exactly because it does not cut Yangzi said: Exactly because it does not cut Yangzi said: Exactly because it does not cut

and carve, the multitude of forms are cut and and carve, the multitude of forms are cut and and carve, the multitude of forms are cut and and carve, the multitude of forms are cut and

carved. If things wecarved. If things wecarved. If things wecarved. If things were cut and carved by re cut and carved by re cut and carved by re cut and carved by

Tian, where could the strength to sustain it Tian, where could the strength to sustain it Tian, where could the strength to sustain it Tian, where could the strength to sustain it

come fromcome fromcome fromcome from????


問道問道問道問道卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About

the Dao:...:the Dao:...:the Dao:...:the Dao:...:

As for the Laozi's words about Dao and de, I As for the Laozi's words about Dao and de, I As for the Laozi's words about Dao and de, I As for the Laozi's words about Dao and de, I

have adopted themhave adopted themhave adopted themhave adopted them;;;; as for its attacks on as for its attacks on as for its attacks on as for its attacks on ren ren ren ren

and yi, cutting off li, and doing away with and yi, cutting off li, and doing away with and yi, cutting off li, and doing away with and yi, cutting off li, and doing away with

learning, I have not adopted them.learning, I have not adopted them.learning, I have not adopted them.learning, I have not adopted them.

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問道問道問道問道卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About

the Dao:...:the Dao:...:the Dao:...:the Dao:...:

How can I enlighten others! How can I enlighten others! How can I enlighten others! How can I enlighten others! OOOOnly the sage is nly the sage is nly the sage is nly the sage is

able to enlighten. able to enlighten. able to enlighten. able to enlighten. OOOOthethethethers only make things rs only make things rs only make things rs only make things

obscure. Great is the sage, his words are the obscure. Great is the sage, his words are the obscure. Great is the sage, his words are the obscure. Great is the sage, his words are the

ultimate! When he opens ultimate! When he opens ultimate! When he opens ultimate! When he opens [[[[the doorthe doorthe doorthe door]]]], you can , you can , you can , you can

see the vastness of everything within the see the vastness of everything within the see the vastness of everything within the see the vastness of everything within the

four oceans. When the door is slammed shut, four oceans. When the door is slammed shut, four oceans. When the door is slammed shut, four oceans. When the door is slammed shut,

you cannot see what is inside the walls of you cannot see what is inside the walls of you cannot see what is inside the walls of you cannot see what is inside the walls of

your own room.your own room.your own room.your own room.


問道問道問道問道卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About

the Dao:...:the Dao:...:the Dao:...:the Dao:...:

The sage's words are like water and fire.The sage's words are like water and fire.The sage's words are like water and fire.The sage's words are like water and fire.

Someone asked about water and fire.Someone asked about water and fire.Someone asked about water and fire.Someone asked about water and fire.

Yangzi said: As for water, the more you Yangzi said: As for water, the more you Yangzi said: As for water, the more you Yangzi said: As for water, the more you

measure it, the deeper it gets. The more you measure it, the deeper it gets. The more you measure it, the deeper it gets. The more you measure it, the deeper it gets. The more you

trace it to its source, the broader it trace it to its source, the broader it trace it to its source, the broader it trace it to its source, the broader it

becomes. As for fire, the more you use it, becomes. As for fire, the more you use it, becomes. As for fire, the more you use it, becomes. As for fire, the more you use it,

the brighter it gets. The more you build it the brighter it gets. The more you build it the brighter it gets. The more you build it the brighter it gets. The more you build it

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up, the more intense it becomes.up, the more intense it becomes.up, the more intense it becomes.up, the more intense it becomes.


問道問道問道問道卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About

the Dao:...:the Dao:...:the Dao:...:the Dao:...:

If I were allowed to govern all under Heaven,If I were allowed to govern all under Heaven,If I were allowed to govern all under Heaven,If I were allowed to govern all under Heaven,

but did not use li, wen, and the Five but did not use li, wen, and the Five but did not use li, wen, and the Five but did not use li, wen, and the Five

Teachings, then I would also consider Teachings, then I would also consider Teachings, then I would also consider Teachings, then I would also consider

Huangdi, Yao, and Shun to be tumors and Huangdi, Yao, and Shun to be tumors and Huangdi, Yao, and Shun to be tumors and Huangdi, Yao, and Shun to be tumors and



問道問道問道問道卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About

the Dao:...:the Dao:...:the Dao:...:the Dao:...:

Someone said: In the primordial past there Someone said: In the primordial past there Someone said: In the primordial past there Someone said: In the primordial past there

were no laws and institutions but yet there were no laws and institutions but yet there were no laws and institutions but yet there were no laws and institutions but yet there

was order. Thus laws and instwas order. Thus laws and instwas order. Thus laws and instwas order. Thus laws and institutions are not itutions are not itutions are not itutions are not

a means to order.a means to order.a means to order.a means to order.

Yangzi said: The sages hated the primeval Yangzi said: The sages hated the primeval Yangzi said: The sages hated the primeval Yangzi said: The sages hated the primeval

time. Thus, laws and institutions were time. Thus, laws and institutions were time. Thus, laws and institutions were time. Thus, laws and institutions were

established by Fu Xi and were completed by established by Fu Xi and were completed by established by Fu Xi and were completed by established by Fu Xi and were completed by

Yao. No Fu, no YaoYao. No Fu, no YaoYao. No Fu, no YaoYao. No Fu, no Yao————li and yi eliminated li and yi eliminated li and yi eliminated li and yi eliminated ————

the sage would not adopt this.the sage would not adopt this.the sage would not adopt this.the sage would not adopt this.


問道問道問道問道卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 或或或或問問問問:「:「:「:「八荒八荒八荒八荒之禮之禮之禮之禮,,,,禮禮禮禮也也也也,,,,樂也樂也樂也樂也,,,,孰是孰是孰是孰是?」?」?」?」曰曰曰曰,,,,




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Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About

the Dao:...:the Dao:...:the Dao:...:the Dao:...:

Someone asked: Among the all the world's li, Someone asked: Among the all the world's li, Someone asked: Among the all the world's li, Someone asked: Among the all the world's li,

whose li and music is correctwhose li and music is correctwhose li and music is correctwhose li and music is correct????

Yangzi said: Yangzi said: Yangzi said: Yangzi said: UUUUse the Central se the Central se the Central se the Central KKKKingdom's li to ingdom's li to ingdom's li to ingdom's li to

correct the others.correct the others.correct the others.correct the others.

The other said: Which is the Central The other said: Which is the Central The other said: Which is the Central The other said: Which is the Central KKKKingdomingdomingdomingdom????

Yangzi said: Where the Five Constants of Yangzi said: Where the Five Constants of Yangzi said: Where the Five Constants of Yangzi said: Where the Five Constants of

governance obtain, that which is supported by governance obtain, that which is supported by governance obtain, that which is supported by governance obtain, that which is supported by

the seven taxes, that which is at the center the seven taxes, that which is at the center the seven taxes, that which is at the center the seven taxes, that which is at the center

of Heaven and Earth is the Central of Heaven and Earth is the Central of Heaven and Earth is the Central of Heaven and Earth is the Central KKKKingdom. ingdom. ingdom. ingdom.

As for those who live beyond theseAs for those who live beyond theseAs for those who live beyond theseAs for those who live beyond these borders, borders, borders, borders,

can they even be considered mencan they even be considered mencan they even be considered mencan they even be considered men????


問道問道問道問道卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About

the Dao:...:the Dao:...:the Dao:...:the Dao:...:

As for the sage's governance of all under As for the sage's governance of all under As for the sage's governance of all under As for the sage's governance of all under

Heaven, he uses li and music as the standard. Heaven, he uses li and music as the standard. Heaven, he uses li and music as the standard. Heaven, he uses li and music as the standard.

If there were nIf there were nIf there were nIf there were no li and music, then people o li and music, then people o li and music, then people o li and music, then people

would be the same as beasts. If li and music would be the same as beasts. If li and music would be the same as beasts. If li and music would be the same as beasts. If li and music

were different, then people would be like the were different, then people would be like the were different, then people would be like the were different, then people would be like the

barbarian tribes of the north. I have seen barbarian tribes of the north. I have seen barbarian tribes of the north. I have seen barbarian tribes of the north. I have seen

philosophers slight li and music, but I have philosophers slight li and music, but I have philosophers slight li and music, but I have philosophers slight li and music, but I have

not seen a sage slight li and music. Who has not seen a sage slight li and music. Who has not seen a sage slight li and music. Who has not seen a sage slight li and music. Who has

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writwritwritwritings that are not produced by the brush, ings that are not produced by the brush, ings that are not produced by the brush, ings that are not produced by the brush,

or words that are not produced by the tongueor words that are not produced by the tongueor words that are not produced by the tongueor words that are not produced by the tongue????

I see Heaven's Constants as the brush and I see Heaven's Constants as the brush and I see Heaven's Constants as the brush and I see Heaven's Constants as the brush and

tongue of emperors and kings.tongue of emperors and kings.tongue of emperors and kings.tongue of emperors and kings.


問道問道問道問道卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About

the Dao:...:the Dao:...:the Dao:...:the Dao:...:

Wisdom requires knowledge. Now with wisdom, Wisdom requires knowledge. Now with wisdom, Wisdom requires knowledge. Now with wisdom, Wisdom requires knowledge. Now with wisdom,

if one puts to use what has previously not if one puts to use what has previously not if one puts to use what has previously not if one puts to use what has previously not

been used, and addsbeen used, and addsbeen used, and addsbeen used, and adds to what has previously to what has previously to what has previously to what has previously

not been added to, then there is neither an not been added to, then there is neither an not been added to, then there is neither an not been added to, then there is neither an

excess nor an insufficiency.excess nor an insufficiency.excess nor an insufficiency.excess nor an insufficiency.


問道問道問道問道卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :


Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About

the Dao:...:the Dao:...:the Dao:...:the Dao:...:

If you deeply understand implements, boats, If you deeply understand implements, boats, If you deeply understand implements, boats, If you deeply understand implements, boats,

carts, and dwellings, then li comes naturally carts, and dwellings, then li comes naturally carts, and dwellings, then li comes naturally carts, and dwellings, then li comes naturally

from yourself.from yourself.from yourself.from yourself.


問道問道問道問道卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About

the Dao:...:the Dao:...:the Dao:...:the Dao:...:

Someone asked about the greatest of sounds.Someone asked about the greatest of sounds.Someone asked about the greatest of sounds.Someone asked about the greatest of sounds.

Yangzi said: It is not thunder and lightning. Yangzi said: It is not thunder and lightning. Yangzi said: It is not thunder and lightning. Yangzi said: It is not thunder and lightning.

Deep and deafening, growing fuller and Deep and deafening, growing fuller and Deep and deafening, growing fuller and Deep and deafening, growing fuller and

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overflowing the longer it lastsoverflowing the longer it lastsoverflowing the longer it lastsoverflowing the longer it lasts————this sound this sound this sound this sound

is entrusted to the sage!is entrusted to the sage!is entrusted to the sage!is entrusted to the sage!


問道問道問道問道卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About

the Dao:...:the Dao:...:the Dao:...:the Dao:...:

Someone asked: Is it the Dao to follow Someone asked: Is it the Dao to follow Someone asked: Is it the Dao to follow Someone asked: Is it the Dao to follow

tradition or nottradition or nottradition or nottradition or not????

Yangzi said: If tradition is appropriate, Yangzi said: If tradition is appropriate, Yangzi said: If tradition is appropriate, Yangzi said: If tradition is appropriate,

then fthen fthen fthen follow it. If not, then change it.ollow it. If not, then change it.ollow it. If not, then change it.ollow it. If not, then change it.


問道問道問道問道卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :





Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About

the Dao:...:the Dao:...:the Dao:...:the Dao:...:

Someone asked about wuwei.Someone asked about wuwei.Someone asked about wuwei.Someone asked about wuwei.

Yangzi said: Why must there be goalYangzi said: Why must there be goalYangzi said: Why must there be goalYangzi said: Why must there be goal----directed directed directed directed

actionactionactionaction???? In antiquity Shun and Yu inherited In antiquity Shun and Yu inherited In antiquity Shun and Yu inherited In antiquity Shun and Yu inherited

Yao's imperial title and practiced Yao's dao. Yao's imperial title and practiced Yao's dao. Yao's imperial title and practiced Yao's dao. Yao's imperial title and practiced Yao's dao.

Laws and standards of measurement were clear, Laws and standards of measurement were clear, Laws and standards of measurement were clear, Laws and standards of measurement were clear,

li and music were established. They let their li and music were established. They let their li and music were established. They let their li and music were established. They let their

hands drop to their sides and hands drop to their sides and hands drop to their sides and hands drop to their sides and watched all watched all watched all watched all

people under Heaven prosperpeople under Heaven prosperpeople under Heaven prosperpeople under Heaven prosper————this was wuwei. this was wuwei. this was wuwei. this was wuwei.

BBBBut as for those who inherited the throne ut as for those who inherited the throne ut as for those who inherited the throne ut as for those who inherited the throne

after Jie and Zhou, when laws were abandoned after Jie and Zhou, when laws were abandoned after Jie and Zhou, when laws were abandoned after Jie and Zhou, when laws were abandoned

and ritual and music were lost, to sit and ritual and music were lost, to sit and ritual and music were lost, to sit and ritual and music were lost, to sit

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quietly and watch the death of all people quietly and watch the death of all people quietly and watch the death of all people quietly and watch the death of all people

under Heavenunder Heavenunder Heavenunder Heaven————would this have beewould this have beewould this have beewould this have been wuwein wuwein wuwein wuwei????


問道問道問道問道卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 或或或或問問問問:「:「:「:「太太太太古塗古塗古塗古塗民民民民耳目耳目耳目耳目,,,,惟惟惟惟其其其其見見見見也也也也聞聞聞聞也也也也,,,,見則見則見則見則難難難難




Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About

the Dao:...:the Dao:...:the Dao:...:the Dao:...:

Someone asked: In primordial past rulers Someone asked: In primordial past rulers Someone asked: In primordial past rulers Someone asked: In primordial past rulers

covered the people's eyes and ears, yet the covered the people's eyes and ears, yet the covered the people's eyes and ears, yet the covered the people's eyes and ears, yet the

people still saw and heard. people still saw and heard. people still saw and heard. people still saw and heard. BBBBecause they saw, ecause they saw, ecause they saw, ecause they saw,

their eyes were difficult to cover. their eyes were difficult to cover. their eyes were difficult to cover. their eyes were difficult to cover. BBBBecause ecause ecause ecause

they heard, their ears were difficult to they heard, their ears were difficult to they heard, their ears were difficult to they heard, their ears were difficult to

block up.block up.block up.block up.

YanYanYanYangzi said: From the time Tian began to give gzi said: From the time Tian began to give gzi said: From the time Tian began to give gzi said: From the time Tian began to give

birth to mankind, it made their eyes able to birth to mankind, it made their eyes able to birth to mankind, it made their eyes able to birth to mankind, it made their eyes able to

see and their ears able to hear. Thus, show see and their ears able to hear. Thus, show see and their ears able to hear. Thus, show see and their ears able to hear. Thus, show

them li and let them hear music.them li and let them hear music.them li and let them hear music.them li and let them hear music.

If you do not show them li and let them hear If you do not show them li and let them hear If you do not show them li and let them hear If you do not show them li and let them hear

music, although you have control over people, music, although you have control over people, music, although you have control over people, music, although you have control over people,

how will you be able to educate themhow will you be able to educate themhow will you be able to educate themhow will you be able to educate them????


問道問道問道問道卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :


Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About

the Daothe Daothe Daothe Dao:...::...::...::...:

Someone asked about the new and the worn out.Someone asked about the new and the worn out.Someone asked about the new and the worn out.Someone asked about the new and the worn out.

Yangzi said: If it is new, then wear it. If Yangzi said: If it is new, then wear it. If Yangzi said: If it is new, then wear it. If Yangzi said: If it is new, then wear it. If

it is worn out, then either improve it or get it is worn out, then either improve it or get it is worn out, then either improve it or get it is worn out, then either improve it or get

rid of it.rid of it.rid of it.rid of it.

This passage resonates with FY:4.16 above and This passage resonates with FY:4.16 above and This passage resonates with FY:4.16 above and This passage resonates with FY:4.16 above and

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reflects a pragmatic element in Yang's reflects a pragmatic element in Yang's reflects a pragmatic element in Yang's reflects a pragmatic element in Yang's



問道問道問道問道卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 或或或或問問問問:「:「:「:「太太太太古古古古德德德德懷懷懷懷不禮不禮不禮不禮懷懷懷懷,,,,嬰兒慕嬰兒慕嬰兒慕嬰兒慕,,,,駒犢從駒犢從駒犢從駒犢從,,,,焉焉焉焉以以以以




Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About

the the the the Dao:...:Dao:...:Dao:...:Dao:...:

Someone asked: Those who live in the Someone asked: Those who live in the Someone asked: Those who live in the Someone asked: Those who live in the

primordial past cherished de and did not primordial past cherished de and did not primordial past cherished de and did not primordial past cherished de and did not

cherish li. Small children are emotionally cherish li. Small children are emotionally cherish li. Small children are emotionally cherish li. Small children are emotionally

attached to their motherattached to their motherattached to their motherattached to their mother;;;; colts and calves colts and calves colts and calves colts and calves

follow their mother. W hen do they use lifollow their mother. W hen do they use lifollow their mother. W hen do they use lifollow their mother. W hen do they use li????

Yangzi said: Children and cattle! ChildrYangzi said: Children and cattle! ChildrYangzi said: Children and cattle! ChildrYangzi said: Children and cattle! Children en en en

and cattle cherish their mothers but do not and cattle cherish their mothers but do not and cattle cherish their mothers but do not and cattle cherish their mothers but do not

cherish their fathers. Cherishing one's cherish their fathers. Cherishing one's cherish their fathers. Cherishing one's cherish their fathers. Cherishing one's

mother is love. Cherishing one's father is mother is love. Cherishing one's father is mother is love. Cherishing one's father is mother is love. Cherishing one's father is

reverence. Cherishing only the mother and not reverence. Cherishing only the mother and not reverence. Cherishing only the mother and not reverence. Cherishing only the mother and not

the father is not as good as cherishing both the father is not as good as cherishing both the father is not as good as cherishing both the father is not as good as cherishing both

mother and father.mother and father.mother and father.mother and father.


問道問道問道問道卷第卷第卷第卷第... ... ... ... :::: 狙狙狙狙詐詐詐詐之之之之家家家家曰曰曰曰:「:「:「:「狙狙狙狙詐詐詐詐之之之之計計計計,,,,不不不不戰戰戰戰而而而而屈屈屈屈人人人人兵兵兵兵,,,,堯舜堯舜堯舜堯舜










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Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About

the Dao:...:the Dao:...:the Dao:...:the Dao:...:

The tacticians say: The tacticians say: The tacticians say: The tacticians say: BBBBy planning tactics, one y planning tactics, one y planning tactics, one y planning tactics, one

does not have to fight and can reduce the does not have to fight and can reduce the does not have to fight and can reduce the does not have to fight and can reduce the

other's troops to submission. This was the other's troops to submission. This was the other's troops to submission. This was the other's troops to submission. This was the

way of Yao and Shun.way of Yao and Shun.way of Yao and Shun.way of Yao and Shun.

Yangzi said: Not fighting and reducing the Yangzi said: Not fighting and reducing the Yangzi said: Not fighting and reducing the Yangzi said: Not fighting and reducing the

other's troopsother's troopsother's troopsother's troops to submission, this was the to submission, this was the to submission, this was the to submission, this was the

way of Yao and Shun. way of Yao and Shun. way of Yao and Shun. way of Yao and Shun. BBBBut bloodied necks ut bloodied necks ut bloodied necks ut bloodied necks

staining collarsstaining collarsstaining collarsstaining collars————could this have been the could this have been the could this have been the could this have been the

way of Yao and Shunway of Yao and Shunway of Yao and Shunway of Yao and Shun???? BBBBragging about jade but ragging about jade but ragging about jade but ragging about jade but

peddling stonepeddling stonepeddling stonepeddling stone————are these not your "tacticsare these not your "tacticsare these not your "tacticsare these not your "tactics????""""

The other asked: The other asked: The other asked: The other asked: UUUUsing tactics or discarding sing tactics or discarding sing tactics or discarding sing tactics or discarding

themthemthemthem————whichwhichwhichwhich is betteris betteris betteris better????

Yangzi said: Discarding them is better.Yangzi said: Discarding them is better.Yangzi said: Discarding them is better.Yangzi said: Discarding them is better.

The other said: If you led the six armies, The other said: If you led the six armies, The other said: If you led the six armies, The other said: If you led the six armies,

whom would you employwhom would you employwhom would you employwhom would you employ????

Yangzi said: If you lead by following the Yangzi said: If you lead by following the Yangzi said: If you lead by following the Yangzi said: If you lead by following the

Dao, then all the tacticians in the world Dao, then all the tacticians in the world Dao, then all the tacticians in the world Dao, then all the tacticians in the world

will become your envoyswill become your envoyswill become your envoyswill become your envoys;;;; if you lead by if you lead by if you lead by if you lead by

departing fromdeparting fromdeparting fromdeparting from the Dao, then all the the Dao, then all the the Dao, then all the the Dao, then all the

tacticians in the world will become your tacticians in the world will become your tacticians in the world will become your tacticians in the world will become your

enemies. Thus, the ruler of all under Heaven enemies. Thus, the ruler of all under Heaven enemies. Thus, the ruler of all under Heaven enemies. Thus, the ruler of all under Heaven

investigates leadership, and that's all.investigates leadership, and that's all.investigates leadership, and that's all.investigates leadership, and that's all.

The other asked: To threaten the feudal The other asked: To threaten the feudal The other asked: To threaten the feudal The other asked: To threaten the feudal

lords, you must attack! That is the strength lords, you must attack! That is the strength lords, you must attack! That is the strength lords, you must attack! That is the strength

of tactics. How can tof tactics. How can tof tactics. How can tof tactics. How can tactics be discardedactics be discardedactics be discardedactics be discarded????

Yangzi said: "To threaten the feudal lords, Yangzi said: "To threaten the feudal lords, Yangzi said: "To threaten the feudal lords, Yangzi said: "To threaten the feudal lords,

you must use tactics"you must use tactics"you must use tactics"you must use tactics"————this may be so. this may be so. this may be so. this may be so. BBBBut it ut it ut it ut it

is not as good as threatening the feudal is not as good as threatening the feudal is not as good as threatening the feudal is not as good as threatening the feudal

lords without need of tactics.lords without need of tactics.lords without need of tactics.lords without need of tactics.

Page 53: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan

The other said: Without tactics, how can a The other said: Without tactics, how can a The other said: Without tactics, how can a The other said: Without tactics, how can a

general attackgeneral attackgeneral attackgeneral attack????

Yangzi said: EvYangzi said: EvYangzi said: EvYangzi said: Even if he cannot but attack, en if he cannot but attack, en if he cannot but attack, en if he cannot but attack,

does he not have the Sima fadoes he not have the Sima fadoes he not have the Sima fadoes he not have the Sima fa???? Why are tactics Why are tactics Why are tactics Why are tactics



問道問道問道問道卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :





Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About

the Dao:...:the Dao:...:the Dao:...:the Dao:...:

The methods of Shen The methods of Shen The methods of Shen The methods of Shen BBBBuhai and Han Feizi uhai and Han Feizi uhai and Han Feizi uhai and Han Feizi were were were were

the ultimate of inhumaneness. How can one use the ultimate of inhumaneness. How can one use the ultimate of inhumaneness. How can one use the ultimate of inhumaneness. How can one use

people like cattle and sheeppeople like cattle and sheeppeople like cattle and sheeppeople like cattle and sheep???? If one uses If one uses If one uses If one uses

them as cattle and sheep, then do foxes, them as cattle and sheep, then do foxes, them as cattle and sheep, then do foxes, them as cattle and sheep, then do foxes,

crickets, and earthworms not become the crickets, and earthworms not become the crickets, and earthworms not become the crickets, and earthworms not become the

recipients of the lou and winter recipients of the lou and winter recipients of the lou and winter recipients of the lou and winter


The other said: If a knife or brush The other said: If a knife or brush The other said: If a knife or brush The other said: If a knife or brush is not is not is not is not

sharp, then you just put it to the sharp, then you just put it to the sharp, then you just put it to the sharp, then you just put it to the

grindstone. Is that not acceptablegrindstone. Is that not acceptablegrindstone. Is that not acceptablegrindstone. Is that not acceptable????

Yangzi said: If putting people to the Yangzi said: If putting people to the Yangzi said: If putting people to the Yangzi said: If putting people to the

grindstone were acceptable, then the Qin were grindstone were acceptable, then the Qin were grindstone were acceptable, then the Qin were grindstone were acceptable, then the Qin were

the best at it!the best at it!the best at it!the best at it!


問道問道問道問道卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 或曰或曰或曰或曰:「:「:「:「刑刑刑刑名名名名非非非非道道道道邪邪邪邪????何何何何自自自自然然然然也也也也?」?」?」?」曰曰曰曰:「:「:「:「何必何必何必何必刑刑刑刑



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Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About

the Dao:...:the Dao:...:the Dao:...:the Dao:...:

Someone said: If the study of forms and names Someone said: If the study of forms and names Someone said: If the study of forms and names Someone said: If the study of forms and names

does not accord with the Dao, why is it so does not accord with the Dao, why is it so does not accord with the Dao, why is it so does not accord with the Dao, why is it so


Yangzi said: Why must it be forms and namesYangzi said: Why must it be forms and namesYangzi said: Why must it be forms and namesYangzi said: Why must it be forms and names????

Chess, fencing, acrobatics, and magic are all Chess, fencing, acrobatics, and magic are all Chess, fencing, acrobatics, and magic are all Chess, fencing, acrobatics, and magic are all

「「「「natural." Seeking the natural natural." Seeking the natural natural." Seeking the natural natural." Seeking the natural from the from the from the from the

great is the correct daogreat is the correct daogreat is the correct daogreat is the correct dao;;;; seeking it from the seeking it from the seeking it from the seeking it from the

petty is the crooked dao.petty is the crooked dao.petty is the crooked dao.petty is the crooked dao.


問道問道問道問道卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About

the Dao:...:the Dao:...:the Dao:...:the Dao:...:

Someone asked: Were the laws and institutions Someone asked: Were the laws and institutions Someone asked: Were the laws and institutions Someone asked: Were the laws and institutions

of Shen of Shen of Shen of Shen BBBBuhai and Han Feizi not a modeluhai and Han Feizi not a modeluhai and Han Feizi not a modeluhai and Han Feizi not a model????

Yangzi said: "Model" refers to the laws and Yangzi said: "Model" refers to the laws and Yangzi said: "Model" refers to the laws and Yangzi said: "Model" refers to the laws and

institutions of Yao, Yu Shun, Cheng Tang, and institutions of Yao, Yu Shun, Cheng Tang, and institutions of Yao, Yu Shun, Cheng Tang, and institutions of Yao, Yu Shun, Cheng Tang, and

the Dukethe Dukethe Dukethe Duke of Zhou. How could it refer to Shen of Zhou. How could it refer to Shen of Zhou. How could it refer to Shen of Zhou. How could it refer to Shen

BBBBuhai and Han Feiziuhai and Han Feiziuhai and Han Feiziuhai and Han Feizi????


問道問道問道問道卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



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the Dao:...:the Dao:...:the Dao:...:the Dao:...:

If Zhuang Zhou, Shen If Zhuang Zhou, Shen If Zhuang Zhou, Shen If Zhuang Zhou, Shen BBBBuhai, and Han Feizi had uhai, and Han Feizi had uhai, and Han Feizi had uhai, and Han Feizi had

not contradicted and made light of the not contradicted and made light of the not contradicted and made light of the not contradicted and made light of the sages, sages, sages, sages,

but rather had immersed themselves in their but rather had immersed themselves in their but rather had immersed themselves in their but rather had immersed themselves in their

chapters, how would even Yan Yuan and Min chapters, how would even Yan Yuan and Min chapters, how would even Yan Yuan and Min chapters, how would even Yan Yuan and Min

Ziqian surpassed themZiqian surpassed themZiqian surpassed themZiqian surpassed them????


問道問道問道問道卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About

the Dao:...:the Dao:...:the Dao:...:the Dao:...:

Someone asked: Can anything be learned from Someone asked: Can anything be learned from Someone asked: Can anything be learned from Someone asked: Can anything be learned from

Zhuang ZhouZhuang ZhouZhuang ZhouZhuang Zhou????

Yangzi said: Make one's desires few.Yangzi said: Make one's desires few.Yangzi said: Make one's desires few.Yangzi said: Make one's desires few.

Can anything be learned fromCan anything be learned fromCan anything be learned fromCan anything be learned from Zou YanZou YanZou YanZou Yan????

Yangzi said: SelfYangzi said: SelfYangzi said: SelfYangzi said: Self----control. As for Zhou control. As for Zhou control. As for Zhou control. As for Zhou

lacking the yi of rulers and subjects, and lacking the yi of rulers and subjects, and lacking the yi of rulers and subjects, and lacking the yi of rulers and subjects, and

Yan's ignorance of what lies between Heaven Yan's ignorance of what lies between Heaven Yan's ignorance of what lies between Heaven Yan's ignorance of what lies between Heaven

and Earth, even if I were their neighbor, I and Earth, even if I were their neighbor, I and Earth, even if I were their neighbor, I and Earth, even if I were their neighbor, I

would not visit them.would not visit them.would not visit them.would not visit them.

《《《《問神問神問神問神卷第卷第卷第卷第五五五五 ---- Asking About ShenAsking About ShenAsking About ShenAsking About Shen》》》》



問神問神問神問神卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 或或或或問問問問「「「「神神神神」」」」。。。。曰曰曰曰:「:「:「:「心心心心。。。。」「」「」「」「請請請請問之問之問之問之。。。。」」」」曰曰曰曰:「:「:「:「潛潛潛潛天天天天





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Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About


Someone asked about shen.Someone asked about shen.Someone asked about shen.Someone asked about shen.

Yangzi said: It is a matter of using the xin.Yangzi said: It is a matter of using the xin.Yangzi said: It is a matter of using the xin.Yangzi said: It is a matter of using the xin.

May I ask about itMay I ask about itMay I ask about itMay I ask about it????

Yangzi said: Yangzi said: Yangzi said: Yangzi said: Immerse yourself in Heaven, and Immerse yourself in Heaven, and Immerse yourself in Heaven, and Immerse yourself in Heaven, and

you will understand Heaven. Immerse yourself you will understand Heaven. Immerse yourself you will understand Heaven. Immerse yourself you will understand Heaven. Immerse yourself

in Earth, and you will understand Earth. in Earth, and you will understand Earth. in Earth, and you will understand Earth. in Earth, and you will understand Earth.

Heaven and Earth are the unfathomable Heaven and Earth are the unfathomable Heaven and Earth are the unfathomable Heaven and Earth are the unfathomable

daimonic, but once the xin is immersed in daimonic, but once the xin is immersed in daimonic, but once the xin is immersed in daimonic, but once the xin is immersed in

them, then one may fathom them. How much more them, then one may fathom them. How much more them, then one may fathom them. How much more them, then one may fathom them. How much more

so with menso with menso with menso with men???? How much more so with the How much more so with the How much more so with the How much more so with the

principles of worldly affairsprinciples of worldly affairsprinciples of worldly affairsprinciples of worldly affairs????

May I dare ask about immersing the xin in May I dare ask about immersing the xin in May I dare ask about immersing the xin in May I dare ask about immersing the xin in


Yangzi said: In the past, Confucius immersed Yangzi said: In the past, Confucius immersed Yangzi said: In the past, Confucius immersed Yangzi said: In the past, Confucius immersed

himself in himself in himself in himself in KKKKing Wen, and he reached him. Yan ing Wen, and he reached him. Yan ing Wen, and he reached him. Yan ing Wen, and he reached him. Yan

Yuan also immersed himself in Confucius, and Yuan also immersed himself in Confucius, and Yuan also immersed himself in Confucius, and Yuan also immersed himself in Confucius, and

failed to rfailed to rfailed to rfailed to reach him only by a little bit. Shen each him only by a little bit. Shen each him only by a little bit. Shen each him only by a little bit. Shen

simply lies in immersion and that's all.simply lies in immersion and that's all.simply lies in immersion and that's all.simply lies in immersion and that's all.


問神問神問神問神卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :


Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About


Heaven's daimon, Heaven's clarityHeaven's daimon, Heaven's clarityHeaven's daimon, Heaven's clarityHeaven's daimon, Heaven's clarity————

Illuminate and understand the four corners of Illuminate and understand the four corners of Illuminate and understand the four corners of Illuminate and understand the four corners of

the world. Heaven's essence, Heaven's puritythe world. Heaven's essence, Heaven's puritythe world. Heaven's essence, Heaven's puritythe world. Heaven's essence, Heaven's purity————

The myriad things arise in all their types.The myriad things arise in all their types.The myriad things arise in all their types.The myriad things arise in all their types.

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問神問神問神問神卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About


Is man's xin not daimonIs man's xin not daimonIs man's xin not daimonIs man's xin not daimon----likelikelikelike???? If you hold onto If you hold onto If you hold onto If you hold onto

it, then it abides. If you let go of it, it is it, then it abides. If you let go of it, it is it, then it abides. If you let go of it, it is it, then it abides. If you let go of it, it is

gone. gone. gone. gone. OOOOne who is able constantly to hold onto ne who is able constantly to hold onto ne who is able constantly to hold onto ne who is able constantly to hold onto

it and allow it to abide, he alone is a sage!it and allow it to abide, he alone is a sage!it and allow it to abide, he alone is a sage!it and allow it to abide, he alone is a sage!


問神問神問神問神卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About


The sage preserves shen and seeks out the The sage preserves shen and seeks out the The sage preserves shen and seeks out the The sage preserves shen and seeks out the

ultimate, completes the world's great peace, ultimate, completes the world's great peace, ultimate, completes the world's great peace, ultimate, completes the world's great peace,

brings about great prosperity for the world, brings about great prosperity for the world, brings about great prosperity for the world, brings about great prosperity for the world,

and bridges the division between and bridges the division between and bridges the division between and bridges the division between Tian and Tian and Tian and Tian and

mankind, making them without separation.mankind, making them without separation.mankind, making them without separation.mankind, making them without separation.


問神問神問神問神卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



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Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About


When the dragon curls up in the mud, the When the dragon curls up in the mud, the When the dragon curls up in the mud, the When the dragon curls up in the mud, the

lizard runs wild. The lizard! The lizard!lizard runs wild. The lizard! The lizard!lizard runs wild. The lizard! The lizard!lizard runs wild. The lizard! The lizard!

How can he understand the dragon's intentionHow can he understand the dragon's intentionHow can he understand the dragon's intentionHow can he understand the dragon's intention????

The other said: The dragon inevitably wants to The other said: The dragon inevitably wants to The other said: The dragon inevitably wants to The other said: The dragon inevitably wants to

fly to fly to fly to fly to Heaven, does he notHeaven, does he notHeaven, does he notHeaven, does he not????

Yangzi said: When it's time to fly, then he Yangzi said: When it's time to fly, then he Yangzi said: When it's time to fly, then he Yangzi said: When it's time to fly, then he

flies. When it's time to hide, then he hides. flies. When it's time to hide, then he hides. flies. When it's time to hide, then he hides. flies. When it's time to hide, then he hides.

Flying and hiding, he does not eat carelessly, Flying and hiding, he does not eat carelessly, Flying and hiding, he does not eat carelessly, Flying and hiding, he does not eat carelessly,

and his form cannot be grasped and restrained.and his form cannot be grasped and restrained.and his form cannot be grasped and restrained.and his form cannot be grasped and restrained.



The other said: If the sage cannot be The other said: If the sage cannot be The other said: If the sage cannot be The other said: If the sage cannot be

restrained, then how was restrained, then how was restrained, then how was restrained, then how was KKKKing Wen imprisoned ing Wen imprisoned ing Wen imprisoned ing Wen imprisoned

at Youliat Youliat Youliat Youli????

Yangzi said: The dragon is a dragon because he Yangzi said: The dragon is a dragon because he Yangzi said: The dragon is a dragon because he Yangzi said: The dragon is a dragon because he

is not restrained. The sage is a sageis not restrained. The sage is a sageis not restrained. The sage is a sageis not restrained. The sage is a sage because because because because

he does not grasp onto only one alternative.he does not grasp onto only one alternative.he does not grasp onto only one alternative.he does not grasp onto only one alternative.


問神問神問神問神卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :





Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About


Someone asked: Can the Classics be edited or Someone asked: Can the Classics be edited or Someone asked: Can the Classics be edited or Someone asked: Can the Classics be edited or

added toadded toadded toadded to????

Yangzi said: The Yijing began with eight Yangzi said: The Yijing began with eight Yangzi said: The Yijing began with eight Yangzi said: The Yijing began with eight

trigrams, and trigrams, and trigrams, and trigrams, and KKKKing Wen created the sixtying Wen created the sixtying Wen created the sixtying Wen created the sixty----four four four four

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hexagrams. What was added can be known. As hexagrams. What was added can be known. As hexagrams. What was added can be known. As hexagrams. What was added can be known. As for for for for

the the the the BBBBook of Songs, ook of Songs, ook of Songs, ook of Songs, BBBBook of Documents, ook of Documents, ook of Documents, ook of Documents, BBBBook of ook of ook of ook of

RRRRites, and the Spring and Autumn Annals, some ites, and the Spring and Autumn Annals, some ites, and the Spring and Autumn Annals, some ites, and the Spring and Autumn Annals, some

were based on earlier versions, some were were based on earlier versions, some were were based on earlier versions, some were were based on earlier versions, some were

original works, but all were completed by original works, but all were completed by original works, but all were completed by original works, but all were completed by

Confucius. What was added can be known. Thus, Confucius. What was added can be known. Thus, Confucius. What was added can be known. Thus, Confucius. What was added can be known. Thus,

the Dao is not Heaventhe Dao is not Heaventhe Dao is not Heaventhe Dao is not Heaven----sosososo;;;; it i it i it i it is built of s built of s built of s built of

responses to the times. Its emendations and responses to the times. Its emendations and responses to the times. Its emendations and responses to the times. Its emendations and

additions can be known.additions can be known.additions can be known.additions can be known.


問神問神問神問神卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 或曰或曰或曰或曰:「:「:「:「《《《《易易易易》》》》損損損損其其其其一一一一也也也也,,,,雖雖雖雖憃憃憃憃知知知知闕闕闕闕焉焉焉焉。。。。至至至至《《《《書書書書》》》》之之之之




Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About


Someone said: When the Yijing is missing a Someone said: When the Yijing is missing a Someone said: When the Yijing is missing a Someone said: When the Yijing is missing a

single hexagram, even if you are stupid, you single hexagram, even if you are stupid, you single hexagram, even if you are stupid, you single hexagram, even if you are stupid, you

know it is missing something. know it is missing something. know it is missing something. know it is missing something. BBBBut the ut the ut the ut the BBBBook of ook of ook of ook of

Documents does not provide over half the Documents does not provide over half the Documents does not provide over half the Documents does not provide over half the text, text, text, text,

and even those who study it do not know what and even those who study it do not know what and even those who study it do not know what and even those who study it do not know what

is missing. It's a pity that the preface to is missing. It's a pity that the preface to is missing. It's a pity that the preface to is missing. It's a pity that the preface to

the the the the BBBBook of Documents is not as good as that ook of Documents is not as good as that ook of Documents is not as good as that ook of Documents is not as good as that

of the Yijing.of the Yijing.of the Yijing.of the Yijing.

Yangzi said: The Yijing is for calculations. Yangzi said: The Yijing is for calculations. Yangzi said: The Yijing is for calculations. Yangzi said: The Yijing is for calculations.

That is the reason the hexagrams can be That is the reason the hexagrams can be That is the reason the hexagrams can be That is the reason the hexagrams can be

counted. If the counted. If the counted. If the counted. If the YijingYijingYijingYijing』』』』s preface were like s preface were like s preface were like s preface were like

the preface to the the preface to the the preface to the the preface to the BBBBook of Documents, even ook of Documents, even ook of Documents, even ook of Documents, even

Confucius would not know what to do with it.Confucius would not know what to do with it.Confucius would not know what to do with it.Confucius would not know what to do with it.


問神問神問神問神卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



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Those in the past who transmitted the Those in the past who transmitted the Those in the past who transmitted the Those in the past who transmitted the BBBBooooooook of k of k of k of

Documents arranged it in one hundred chapters. Documents arranged it in one hundred chapters. Documents arranged it in one hundred chapters. Documents arranged it in one hundred chapters.

And then suddenly the "Admonition on Wine" had And then suddenly the "Admonition on Wine" had And then suddenly the "Admonition on Wine" had And then suddenly the "Admonition on Wine" had

parts missing. Now they are gone!parts missing. Now they are gone!parts missing. Now they are gone!parts missing. Now they are gone!


問神問神問神問神卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About


The documents of Shun and the Xia are The documents of Shun and the Xia are The documents of Shun and the Xia are The documents of Shun and the Xia are

straightforward, the Documents of Shang is straightforward, the Documents of Shang is straightforward, the Documents of Shang is straightforward, the Documents of Shang is

broadbroadbroadbroad----minded, and the Documents of Zhou very minded, and the Documents of Zhou very minded, and the Documents of Zhou very minded, and the Documents of Zhou very

serious. serious. serious. serious. BBBBut as for those who came after the ut as for those who came after the ut as for those who came after the ut as for those who came after the

Zhou, their documents were vulgar.Zhou, their documents were vulgar.Zhou, their documents were vulgar.Zhou, their documents were vulgar.


問神問神問神問神卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :





Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About


Someone asked: Can the sage's Classics be made Someone asked: Can the sage's Classics be made Someone asked: Can the sage's Classics be made Someone asked: Can the sage's Classics be made

easy to understandeasy to understandeasy to understandeasy to understand????

Yangzi said: It is not possible. If Heaven Yangzi said: It is not possible. If Heaven Yangzi said: It is not possible. If Heaven Yangzi said: It is not possible. If Heaven

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could be measured instantly then it would be could be measured instantly then it would be could be measured instantly then it would be could be measured instantly then it would be

only a shonly a shonly a shonly a shallow cover over the world of things. allow cover over the world of things. allow cover over the world of things. allow cover over the world of things.

If Earth could be fathomed instantly, then it If Earth could be fathomed instantly, then it If Earth could be fathomed instantly, then it If Earth could be fathomed instantly, then it

would be a thin support for the world of would be a thin support for the world of would be a thin support for the world of would be a thin support for the world of

things. things. things. things. BBBBut they are great! The ten thousand ut they are great! The ten thousand ut they are great! The ten thousand ut they are great! The ten thousand

things are bounded by Heaven and Earth, and things are bounded by Heaven and Earth, and things are bounded by Heaven and Earth, and things are bounded by Heaven and Earth, and

the persuasions of the many philosophers athe persuasions of the many philosophers athe persuasions of the many philosophers athe persuasions of the many philosophers are re re re

surrounded by the Five Classics.surrounded by the Five Classics.surrounded by the Five Classics.surrounded by the Five Classics.


問神問神問神問神卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About


Someone asked: As for the sage's management of Someone asked: As for the sage's management of Someone asked: As for the sage's management of Someone asked: As for the sage's management of

affairs, was he not able to make things clear affairs, was he not able to make things clear affairs, was he not able to make things clear affairs, was he not able to make things clear

like the sun and the moonlike the sun and the moonlike the sun and the moonlike the sun and the moon???? Why the unceasing Why the unceasing Why the unceasing Why the unceasing

disputation of later generationsdisputation of later generationsdisputation of later generationsdisputation of later generations????

Yangzi said: Yangzi said: Yangzi said: Yangzi said: BBBBlind music master lind music master lind music master lind music master KKKKuang was able uang was able uang was able uang was able

to penetrate the mysteries of music, but even to penetrate the mysteries of music, but even to penetrate the mysteries of music, but even to penetrate the mysteries of music, but even

KKKKuang could not make different ears be alike. uang could not make different ears be alike. uang could not make different ears be alike. uang could not make different ears be alike.

Yi Ya was able to blend flavors, but Yi Ya was Yi Ya was able to blend flavors, but Yi Ya was Yi Ya was able to blend flavors, but Yi Ya was Yi Ya was able to blend flavors, but Yi Ya was

not able to make different mouths be alike.not able to make different mouths be alike.not able to make different mouths be alike.not able to make different mouths be alike.


問神問神問神問神卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About


When the junzi speaks, the dark must examined When the junzi speaks, the dark must examined When the junzi speaks, the dark must examined When the junzi speaks, the dark must examined

with the brightwith the brightwith the brightwith the bright;;;; the far must be examined with the far must be examined with the far must be examined with the far must be examined with

the nearthe nearthe nearthe near;;;; the great must be examined with the the great must be examined with the the great must be examined with the the great must be examined with the

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smallsmallsmallsmall;;;; and the secret must be examined with and the secret must be examined with and the secret must be examined with and the secret must be examined with

the known. To speak without verification is the known. To speak without verification is the known. To speak without verification is the known. To speak without verification is

called "reckless." Is the juncalled "reckless." Is the juncalled "reckless." Is the juncalled "reckless." Is the junzi recklesszi recklesszi recklesszi reckless???? He He He He

is not not not not reckless.


問神問神問神問神卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 言不言不言不言不能能能能達達達達其其其其心心心心,,,,書書書書不不不不能能能能達達達達其其其其言言言言,,,,難難難難矣哉矣哉矣哉矣哉。。。。惟惟惟惟聖人聖人聖人聖人得得得得言言言言







Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About


Language is not able to fulLanguage is not able to fulLanguage is not able to fulLanguage is not able to fully express what is ly express what is ly express what is ly express what is

in one's xin, and writings are not able to in one's xin, and writings are not able to in one's xin, and writings are not able to in one's xin, and writings are not able to

fully express what one wants to say. How fully express what one wants to say. How fully express what one wants to say. How fully express what one wants to say. How

troublesome! troublesome! troublesome! troublesome! OOOOnly the sage is able to grasp nly the sage is able to grasp nly the sage is able to grasp nly the sage is able to grasp

the meaning of language and the essence of the meaning of language and the essence of the meaning of language and the essence of the meaning of language and the essence of

writing. It is like when the shining sun writing. It is like when the shining sun writing. It is like when the shining sun writing. It is like when the shining sun

illuminates, or when the illuminates, or when the illuminates, or when the illuminates, or when the rivers cleanserivers cleanserivers cleanserivers cleanse————they they they they

are so great that nothing can resist them. For are so great that nothing can resist them. For are so great that nothing can resist them. For are so great that nothing can resist them. For

meeting facemeeting facemeeting facemeeting face----totototo----face, exchanging letters, face, exchanging letters, face, exchanging letters, face, exchanging letters,

expressing the xin's desires, or breaking expressing the xin's desires, or breaking expressing the xin's desires, or breaking expressing the xin's desires, or breaking

through the barriers between peoplethrough the barriers between peoplethrough the barriers between peoplethrough the barriers between people————there is there is there is there is

nothing like language. For summarizing the nothing like language. For summarizing the nothing like language. For summarizing the nothing like language. For summarizing the

affairs of all unaffairs of all unaffairs of all unaffairs of all under Heaven, for recording the der Heaven, for recording the der Heaven, for recording the der Heaven, for recording the

old and explaining what is far away, for old and explaining what is far away, for old and explaining what is far away, for old and explaining what is far away, for

making known the darkness of antiquity and making known the darkness of antiquity and making known the darkness of antiquity and making known the darkness of antiquity and

transmitting unclear matters from a thousand transmitting unclear matters from a thousand transmitting unclear matters from a thousand transmitting unclear matters from a thousand

miles away, there is nothing like writing. miles away, there is nothing like writing. miles away, there is nothing like writing. miles away, there is nothing like writing.

Thus, language is the xin's voice. Writing is Thus, language is the xin's voice. Writing is Thus, language is the xin's voice. Writing is Thus, language is the xin's voice. Writing is

Page 63: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan

the xin'the xin'the xin'the xin's pictures. When voice and pictures s pictures. When voice and pictures s pictures. When voice and pictures s pictures. When voice and pictures

take form, they are seen both by the junzi and take form, they are seen both by the junzi and take form, they are seen both by the junzi and take form, they are seen both by the junzi and

the small man. The voice and writing, these the small man. The voice and writing, these the small man. The voice and writing, these the small man. The voice and writing, these

are what move the feelings of the junzi and are what move the feelings of the junzi and are what move the feelings of the junzi and are what move the feelings of the junzi and

the small man.the small man.the small man.the small man.


問神問神問神問神卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About


The sage's words rush like a river. If you The sage's words rush like a river. If you The sage's words rush like a river. If you The sage's words rush like a river. If you

flow with them, then everything goes smoothly. flow with them, then everything goes smoothly. flow with them, then everything goes smoothly. flow with them, then everything goes smoothly.

If you go against If you go against If you go against If you go against them, you meet with them, you meet with them, you meet with them, you meet with

disaster. It's just like a river!disaster. It's just like a river!disaster. It's just like a river!disaster. It's just like a river!


問神問神問神問神卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About


Someone said: Was Confucius a sageSomeone said: Was Confucius a sageSomeone said: Was Confucius a sageSomeone said: Was Confucius a sage???? Why could Why could Why could Why could

he not occupy an official position in his he not occupy an official position in his he not occupy an official position in his he not occupy an official position in his

timetimetimetime???? Even Fan Ju and Cai Ze were not like Even Fan Ju and Cai Ze were not like Even Fan Ju and Cai Ze were not like Even Fan Ju and Cai Ze were not like


Yangzi said: Were Fan and Cai sagesYangzi said: Were Fan and Cai sagesYangzi said: Were Fan and Cai sagesYangzi said: Were Fan and Cai sages???? If Fan If Fan If Fan If Fan

and Cai were sages, then what does it and Cai were sages, then what does it and Cai were sages, then what does it and Cai were sages, then what does it mean to mean to mean to mean to

be a sagebe a sagebe a sagebe a sage????


問神問神問神問神卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



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Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About


Someone said: As for Liu An, Prince of Someone said: As for Liu An, Prince of Someone said: As for Liu An, Prince of Someone said: As for Liu An, Prince of

Huainan, and the Grand Historian Sima Qian, Huainan, and the Grand Historian Sima Qian, Huainan, and the Grand Historian Sima Qian, Huainan, and the Grand Historian Sima Qian,

did they not posses much knowledgedid they not posses much knowledgedid they not posses much knowledgedid they not posses much knowledge???? How How How How

complex they are!complex they are!complex they are!complex they are!

Yangzi said: Complex! Complex! Most people's Yangzi said: Complex! Complex! Most people's Yangzi said: Complex! Complex! Most people's Yangzi said: Complex! Complex! Most people's

shortcoming is using much knowledge to be shortcoming is using much knowledge to be shortcoming is using much knowledge to be shortcoming is using much knowledge to be

"complex." "complex." "complex." "complex." OOOOnly the sage is nly the sage is nly the sage is nly the sage is not complex.not complex.not complex.not complex.


問神問神問神問神卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About


BBBBooks that do not accord with the Confucian ooks that do not accord with the Confucian ooks that do not accord with the Confucian ooks that do not accord with the Confucian

Classics are not books. Sayings that do not Classics are not books. Sayings that do not Classics are not books. Sayings that do not Classics are not books. Sayings that do not

accord with the Confucian Classics are not accord with the Confucian Classics are not accord with the Confucian Classics are not accord with the Confucian Classics are not

sayings. Such booksayings. Such booksayings. Such booksayings. Such books and teachings proliferate s and teachings proliferate s and teachings proliferate s and teachings proliferate

like tumors.


問神問神問神問神卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



Asking AboutAsking AboutAsking AboutAsking About


Someone said: Confucius once said, "I Someone said: Confucius once said, "I Someone said: Confucius once said, "I Someone said: Confucius once said, "I

transmit, but do not create." So why have you transmit, but do not create." So why have you transmit, but do not create." So why have you transmit, but do not create." So why have you

written the Tai xuan jingwritten the Tai xuan jingwritten the Tai xuan jingwritten the Tai xuan jing????

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Yangzi said: Its content I have transmitted. Yangzi said: Its content I have transmitted. Yangzi said: Its content I have transmitted. Yangzi said: Its content I have transmitted.

OOOOnly the book itself have I written.nly the book itself have I written.nly the book itself have I written.nly the book itself have I written.


問神問神問神問神卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :


Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About


BBBBorn but not yet sprouted, that was my young orn but not yet sprouted, that was my young orn but not yet sprouted, that was my young orn but not yet sprouted, that was my young

son Tong Wu! son Tong Wu! son Tong Wu! son Tong Wu! OOOOnly nine years old, and yet he nly nine years old, and yet he nly nine years old, and yet he nly nine years old, and yet he

discussed the text of the Tai xuan jing with discussed the text of the Tai xuan jing with discussed the text of the Tai xuan jing with discussed the text of the Tai xuan jing with


問神問神問神問神卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About


Someone said: Why have you written the Tai Someone said: Why have you written the Tai Someone said: Why have you written the Tai Someone said: Why have you written the Tai

xuan jingxuan jingxuan jingxuan jing????

Yangzi said: For the purpose of explaining ren Yangzi said: For the purpose of explaining ren Yangzi said: For the purpose of explaining ren Yangzi said: For the purpose of explaining ren

and yi.and yi.and yi.and yi.

The other said: What other philosopher doesn't The other said: What other philosopher doesn't The other said: What other philosopher doesn't The other said: What other philosopher doesn't

explain ren and yiexplain ren and yiexplain ren and yiexplain ren and yi????

Yangzi said: JYangzi said: JYangzi said: JYangzi said: Just donust donust donust don』』』』t be complext be complext be complext be complex————and and and and

that's all.that's all.that's all.that's all.


問神問神問神問神卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 或或或或問問問問「「「「經之經之經之經之艱艱艱艱易易易易」」」」。。。。曰曰曰曰:「:「:「:「存存存存亡亡亡亡。。。。」」」」或或或或人不人不人不人不諭諭諭諭。。。。曰曰曰曰::::





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Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About


Someone asked about the difficult and easy Someone asked about the difficult and easy Someone asked about the difficult and easy Someone asked about the difficult and easy

aspects of the Classics.aspects of the Classics.aspects of the Classics.aspects of the Classics.

Yangzi Yangzi Yangzi Yangzi said: Survival and loss.said: Survival and loss.said: Survival and loss.said: Survival and loss.

The other did not understand.The other did not understand.The other did not understand.The other did not understand.

Yangzi said: If the text completely survives, Yangzi said: If the text completely survives, Yangzi said: If the text completely survives, Yangzi said: If the text completely survives,

then it is easy. If parts of it are lost, then then it is easy. If parts of it are lost, then then it is easy. If parts of it are lost, then then it is easy. If parts of it are lost, then

it is difficult. Was Ji Zha of Yanling's it is difficult. Was Ji Zha of Yanling's it is difficult. Was Ji Zha of Yanling's it is difficult. Was Ji Zha of Yanling's

knowledge of music not almost perfectknowledge of music not almost perfectknowledge of music not almost perfectknowledge of music not almost perfect???? BBBBut if ut if ut if ut if

music had been abandomusic had been abandomusic had been abandomusic had been abandoned, even Zha could not ned, even Zha could not ned, even Zha could not ned, even Zha could not

have attained such an understanding of it. If have attained such an understanding of it. If have attained such an understanding of it. If have attained such an understanding of it. If

it is like the ritual and music of the Zhou, it is like the ritual and music of the Zhou, it is like the ritual and music of the Zhou, it is like the ritual and music of the Zhou,

for which almost everything is preserved, then for which almost everything is preserved, then for which almost everything is preserved, then for which almost everything is preserved, then

everything can be performed without everything can be performed without everything can be performed without everything can be performed without

difficulty. If it is like the ritual and music difficulty. If it is like the ritual and music difficulty. If it is like the ritual and music difficulty. If it is like the ritual and music

of the Qin,of the Qin,of the Qin,of the Qin, for which almost nothing is for which almost nothing is for which almost nothing is for which almost nothing is

preserved, then everything can only be preserved, then everything can only be preserved, then everything can only be preserved, then everything can only be

performed with difficulty.performed with difficulty.performed with difficulty.performed with difficulty.


問神問神問神問神卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About


UUUUpper garments without lower garments, I have pper garments without lower garments, I have pper garments without lower garments, I have pper garments without lower garments, I have

never known this to be practicable. Lower never known this to be practicable. Lower never known this to be practicable. Lower never known this to be practicable. Lower

garments without upper garments, I have never garments without upper garments, I have never garments without upper garments, I have never garments without upper garments, I have never

known this to be practicable. known this to be practicable. known this to be practicable. known this to be practicable. UUUUpper garments pper garments pper garments pper garments

and lower and lower and lower and lower garments, do they not go togethergarments, do they not go togethergarments, do they not go togethergarments, do they not go together????

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問神問神問神問神卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About


Someone asked about wen (cultureSomeone asked about wen (cultureSomeone asked about wen (cultureSomeone asked about wen (culture////civility).civility).civility).civility).

Yangzi said: It is a matter of compliance.Yangzi said: It is a matter of compliance.Yangzi said: It is a matter of compliance.Yangzi said: It is a matter of compliance.

The other asked about wu (warfareThe other asked about wu (warfareThe other asked about wu (warfareThe other asked about wu (warfare////martiality).martiality).martiality).martiality).

Yangzi said: It is a matter of conquest.Yangzi said: It is a matter of conquest.Yangzi said: It is a matter of conquest.Yangzi said: It is a matter of conquest.

The other did not understand.The other did not understand.The other did not understand.The other did not understand.

Yangzi said: Affairs being put iYangzi said: Affairs being put iYangzi said: Affairs being put iYangzi said: Affairs being put into their nto their nto their nto their

proper order is called "compliance." proper order is called "compliance." proper order is called "compliance." proper order is called "compliance."

OOOOvercoming one's own selfish desires is called vercoming one's own selfish desires is called vercoming one's own selfish desires is called vercoming one's own selfish desires is called



問神問神問神問神卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About


Those who handle affairs capably and display Those who handle affairs capably and display Those who handle affairs capably and display Those who handle affairs capably and display

honor through their actionshonor through their actionshonor through their actionshonor through their actions————do they not have do they not have do they not have do they not have


The other said: Confucius said, "Those who The other said: Confucius said, "Those who The other said: Confucius said, "Those who The other said: Confucius said, "Those who

recognize de recognize de recognize de recognize de are few." What about honorare few." What about honorare few." What about honorare few." What about honor????

Yangzi said: Whether or not others recognize Yangzi said: Whether or not others recognize Yangzi said: Whether or not others recognize Yangzi said: Whether or not others recognize

me, I act, and my honor is great. If it were me, I act, and my honor is great. If it were me, I act, and my honor is great. If it were me, I act, and my honor is great. If it were

necessary that I be recognized before I act, necessary that I be recognized before I act, necessary that I be recognized before I act, necessary that I be recognized before I act,

then my honor would be insignificant.then my honor would be insignificant.then my honor would be insignificant.then my honor would be insignificant.

25252525 問神問神問神問神卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 或曰或曰或曰或曰:「:「:「:「君子君子君子君子病病病病沒沒沒沒世而世而世而世而無名無名無名無名,,,,盍勢盍勢盍勢盍勢諸名卿諸名卿諸名卿諸名卿,,,,可可可可幾幾幾幾


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Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About


Someone said: Confucius said, "The junzi Someone said: Confucius said, "The junzi Someone said: Confucius said, "The junzi Someone said: Confucius said, "The junzi

worries about leaving the world without having worries about leaving the world without having worries about leaving the world without having worries about leaving the world without having

established a reputation." So why not use established a reputation." So why not use established a reputation." So why not use established a reputation." So why not use

power to obtainpower to obtainpower to obtainpower to obtain itititit???? Those with high Those with high Those with high Those with high----ranking ranking ranking ranking

office can seek a can seek a can seek a can seek a reputation.

Yangzi said: The junzi seeks a reputation for Yangzi said: The junzi seeks a reputation for Yangzi said: The junzi seeks a reputation for Yangzi said: The junzi seeks a reputation for

having de. The rulers of Liang, Qi, Zhao, and having de. The rulers of Liang, Qi, Zhao, and having de. The rulers of Liang, Qi, Zhao, and having de. The rulers of Liang, Qi, Zhao, and

Chu did not lack for wealth and rank, but were Chu did not lack for wealth and rank, but were Chu did not lack for wealth and rank, but were Chu did not lack for wealth and rank, but were

they reputablethey reputablethey reputablethey reputable???? Zheng Zizhen of Gukou did not Zheng Zizhen of Gukou did not Zheng Zizhen of Gukou did not Zheng Zizhen of Gukou did not

bend his wilbend his wilbend his wilbend his will and farmed at the foot of the l and farmed at the foot of the l and farmed at the foot of the l and farmed at the foot of the

mountains, yet his reputation shook the mountains, yet his reputation shook the mountains, yet his reputation shook the mountains, yet his reputation shook the

capital. capital. capital. capital. BBBBut did he have highut did he have highut did he have highut did he have high----ranking officeranking officeranking officeranking office????

Did he have highDid he have highDid he have highDid he have high----ranking officeranking officeranking officeranking office????


問神問神問神問神卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About


Someone asked about people.Someone asked about people.Someone asked about people.Someone asked about people.

Yangzi said: They are difficult to understand.Yangzi said: They are difficult to understand.Yangzi said: They are difficult to understand.Yangzi said: They are difficult to understand.

The other said: Why are they difficult to The other said: Why are they difficult to The other said: Why are they difficult to The other said: Why are they difficult to

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Yangzi said: Telling the difference between Yangzi said: Telling the difference between Yangzi said: Telling the difference between Yangzi said: Telling the difference between

Mt. Tai and an antMt. Tai and an antMt. Tai and an antMt. Tai and an ant----hill, or the Yellow and hill, or the Yellow and hill, or the Yellow and hill, or the Yellow and

Yangzi Yangzi Yangzi Yangzi RRRRivers from drainage ditches is not ivers from drainage ditches is not ivers from drainage ditches is not ivers from drainage ditches is not

difficult. difficult. difficult. difficult. BBBBut telling the difference between ut telling the difference between ut telling the difference between ut telling the difference between

a great sage and a glib talker is difficult. a great sage and a glib talker is difficult. a great sage and a glib talker is difficult. a great sage and a glib talker is difficult.

Indeed, one who can discriminate between Indeed, one who can discriminate between Indeed, one who can discriminate between Indeed, one who can discriminate between

things that are similar can understand people things that are similar can understand people things that are similar can understand people things that are similar can understand people

without difficulty.without difficulty.without difficulty.without difficulty.


問神問神問神問神卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About


Someone asked: Have you Someone asked: Have you Someone asked: Have you Someone asked: Have you not taken from Zou Yan not taken from Zou Yan not taken from Zou Yan not taken from Zou Yan

and Zhuang Zhouand Zhuang Zhouand Zhuang Zhouand Zhuang Zhou????

Yangzi said: If it is de, then I have taken Yangzi said: If it is de, then I have taken Yangzi said: If it is de, then I have taken Yangzi said: If it is de, then I have taken

it. If it is mistaken, then I have If it is mistaken, then I have If it is mistaken, then I have If it is mistaken, then I have not.

What do you mean by de and "mistaken."What do you mean by de and "mistaken."What do you mean by de and "mistaken."What do you mean by de and "mistaken."

Yangzi said: In speaking of Heaven, Earth, and Yangzi said: In speaking of Heaven, Earth, and Yangzi said: In speaking of Heaven, Earth, and Yangzi said: In speaking of Heaven, Earth, and

Man, that which is in line with the Confucian Man, that which is in line with the Confucian Man, that which is in line with the Confucian Man, that which is in line with the Confucian

Classics is de. Classics is de. Classics is de. Classics is de. OOOOtherwise, it is mistaken. The therwise, it is mistaken. The therwise, it is mistaken. The therwise, it is mistaken. The

junzi does not let speech that is mistaken junzi does not let speech that is mistaken junzi does not let speech that is mistaken junzi does not let speech that is mistaken

come out of his mouth.come out of his mouth.come out of his mouth.come out of his mouth.

《《《《問明問明問明問明卷第卷第卷第卷第六六六六 ---- Asking About Seeing ClearlyAsking About Seeing ClearlyAsking About Seeing ClearlyAsking About Seeing Clearly》》》》


1111 問明問明問明問明卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 或或或或問問問問「「「「明明明明」」」」。。。。曰曰曰曰:「:「:「:「微微微微。。。。」」」」或曰或曰或曰或曰:「:「:「:「微微微微何如其何如其何如其何如其明明明明


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Asking AboutAsking AboutAsking AboutAsking About

Seeing Seeing Seeing Seeing


Someone asked about seeing clearly.Someone asked about seeing clearly.Someone asked about seeing clearly.Someone asked about seeing clearly.

Yangzi said: Focus on what is subtle.Yangzi said: Focus on what is subtle.Yangzi said: Focus on what is subtle.Yangzi said: Focus on what is subtle.

The other said: How can focusing on what is The other said: How can focusing on what is The other said: How can focusing on what is The other said: How can focusing on what is

subtle be seeing clearlysubtle be seeing clearlysubtle be seeing clearlysubtle be seeing clearly????

Yangzi said: If it is subtle and yet you can Yangzi said: If it is subtle and yet you can Yangzi said: If it is subtle and yet you can Yangzi said: If it is subtle and yet you can

perceive it, then can you not see wayward perceive it, then can you not see wayward perceive it, then can you not see wayward perceive it, then can you not see wayward

actiactiactiaction clearlyon clearlyon clearlyon clearly????


問明問明問明問明卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About

Seeing Seeing Seeing Seeing


Having keen hearing and eyesight is the Having keen hearing and eyesight is the Having keen hearing and eyesight is the Having keen hearing and eyesight is the

best. Not being able to hear clearly is best. Not being able to hear clearly is best. Not being able to hear clearly is best. Not being able to hear clearly is

truly like not hatruly like not hatruly like not hatruly like not having ears. Not being able ving ears. Not being able ving ears. Not being able ving ears. Not being able

to see clearly is truly like not having to see clearly is truly like not having to see clearly is truly like not having to see clearly is truly like not having


Dare I ask about superior clarity of sight Dare I ask about superior clarity of sight Dare I ask about superior clarity of sight Dare I ask about superior clarity of sight

and hearingand hearingand hearingand hearing????

Yangzi said: Dazzlingly bright, only Tian Yangzi said: Dazzlingly bright, only Tian Yangzi said: Dazzlingly bright, only Tian Yangzi said: Dazzlingly bright, only Tian

sees and hears perfectly. The one who is sees and hears perfectly. The one who is sees and hears perfectly. The one who is sees and hears perfectly. The one who is

able to raise up its eyes to see far and able to raise up its eyes to see far and able to raise up its eyes to see far and able to raise up its eyes to see far and

widewidewidewide and lower its ears to the ground, is it and lower its ears to the ground, is it and lower its ears to the ground, is it and lower its ears to the ground, is it

not Tiannot Tiannot Tiannot Tian????

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問明問明問明問明卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About

Seeing Seeing Seeing Seeing


Someone asked: Can someone who understands Someone asked: Can someone who understands Someone asked: Can someone who understands Someone asked: Can someone who understands

even the most trivial affairs be called a even the most trivial affairs be called a even the most trivial affairs be called a even the most trivial affairs be called a


Yangzi said: What kind of teacher is thisYangzi said: What kind of teacher is thisYangzi said: What kind of teacher is thisYangzi said: What kind of teacher is this????

What kind of teacher is thisWhat kind of teacher is thisWhat kind of teacher is thisWhat kind of teacher is this???? The trivial The trivial The trivial The trivial

affairs of the world are not few. affairs of the world are not few. affairs of the world are not few. affairs of the world are not few.

UUUUnderstanding them all, is this called being nderstanding them all, is this called being nderstanding them all, is this called being nderstanding them all, is this called being

a teachera teachera teachera teacher???? The value of a teacher is knowing The value of a teacher is knowing The value of a teacher is knowing The value of a teacher is knowing

great knowledge. A teacher who only great knowledge. A teacher who only great knowledge. A teacher who only great knowledge. A teacher who only

understandsunderstandsunderstandsunderstands the trivial is indeed worthless.the trivial is indeed worthless.the trivial is indeed worthless.the trivial is indeed worthless.


問明問明問明問明卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About

Seeing Seeing Seeing Seeing


Mengzi detested "those who passed my gate Mengzi detested "those who passed my gate Mengzi detested "those who passed my gate Mengzi detested "those who passed my gate

but did not enter my inner chambers."but did not enter my inner chambers."but did not enter my inner chambers."but did not enter my inner chambers."

Someone said: Are there others you detest as Someone said: Are there others you detest as Someone said: Are there others you detest as Someone said: Are there others you detest as


Yangzi said: Those who pick my flowers but Yangzi said: Those who pick my flowers but Yangzi said: Those who pick my flowers but Yangzi said: Those who pick my flowers but

do not eat my not eat my not eat my not eat my fruit.

5555 問明問明問明問明卷第卷第卷第卷第六六六六::::


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Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About

Seeing Seeing Seeing Seeing


Someone said: Confucius's Someone said: Confucius's Someone said: Confucius's Someone said: Confucius's affairs kept him affairs kept him affairs kept him affairs kept him

busy all his life. Tian must have become busy all his life. Tian must have become busy all his life. Tian must have become busy all his life. Tian must have become

weary belaboring him!weary belaboring him!weary belaboring him!weary belaboring him!

Yangzi said: Tian did not only belabor Yangzi said: Tian did not only belabor Yangzi said: Tian did not only belabor Yangzi said: Tian did not only belabor

Confucius, it also belabored itself. Confucius, it also belabored itself. Confucius, it also belabored itself. Confucius, it also belabored itself. BBBBut ut ut ut

does Tian become wearydoes Tian become wearydoes Tian become wearydoes Tian become weary???? Tian delights in Tian delights in Tian delights in Tian delights in

being Tian, the sage delights in being the being Tian, the sage delights in being the being Tian, the sage delights in being the being Tian, the sage delights in being the



問明問明問明問明卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About

Seeing Seeing Seeing Seeing


Someone asked: Among birds there is the Someone asked: Among birds there is the Someone asked: Among birds there is the Someone asked: Among birds there is the

phoenix, among beasts there is the unicorn. phoenix, among beasts there is the unicorn. phoenix, among beasts there is the unicorn. phoenix, among beasts there is the unicorn.

Can all birds and beasts really become a Can all birds and beasts really become a Can all birds and beasts really become a Can all birds and beasts really become a

phoenix or unicornphoenix or unicornphoenix or unicornphoenix or unicorn????

Yangzi said: The difference between other Yangzi said: The difference between other Yangzi said: The difference between other Yangzi said: The difference between other

birds and the phoenix, and other beasts and birds and the phoenix, and other beasts and birds and the phoenix, and other beasts and birds and the phoenix, and other beasts and

the unicorn, are of form the unicorn, are of form the unicorn, are of form the unicorn, are of form and nature. How can and nature. How can and nature. How can and nature. How can

this be so with the other people's this be so with the other people's this be so with the other people's this be so with the other people's

relationship to the sagerelationship to the sagerelationship to the sagerelationship to the sage????


問明問明問明問明卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 或曰或曰或曰或曰:「:「:「:「甚矣甚矣甚矣甚矣!!!!聖道無聖道無聖道無聖道無益益益益於於於於庸庸庸庸也也也也。。。。聖聖聖聖讀讀讀讀而而而而庸庸庸庸行行行行,,,,盍盍盍盍




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Seeing Seeing Seeing Seeing


Someone said: Indeed, the sage's dao is Someone said: Indeed, the sage's dao is Someone said: Indeed, the sage's dao is Someone said: Indeed, the sage's dao is of of of of

no benefit in common practice. To read the no benefit in common practice. To read the no benefit in common practice. To read the no benefit in common practice. To read the

sage's writings but continue in ordinary sage's writings but continue in ordinary sage's writings but continue in ordinary sage's writings but continue in ordinary

behaviorsbehaviorsbehaviorsbehaviors————why not just get rid of the why not just get rid of the why not just get rid of the why not just get rid of the

sage's writingssage's writingssage's writingssage's writings????

Yangzi said: How much you fail to Yangzi said: How much you fail to Yangzi said: How much you fail to Yangzi said: How much you fail to

understand! If one reads the sage's writings understand! If one reads the sage's writings understand! If one reads the sage's writings understand! If one reads the sage's writings

but continues in ordinary behaviorsbut continues in ordinary behaviorsbut continues in ordinary behaviorsbut continues in ordinary behaviors, he , he , he , he

still has knowledge of the sage's teachings. still has knowledge of the sage's teachings. still has knowledge of the sage's teachings. still has knowledge of the sage's teachings.

To get rid of the writings is foolishness. To get rid of the writings is foolishness. To get rid of the writings is foolishness. To get rid of the writings is foolishness.

Was Li Si not the one who made fools of the Was Li Si not the one who made fools of the Was Li Si not the one who made fools of the Was Li Si not the one who made fools of the

QinQinQinQin???? He threw the writings into the fire! He threw the writings into the fire! He threw the writings into the fire! He threw the writings into the fire!


問明問明問明問明卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 或或或或問問問問:「:「:「:「人人人人何何何何尚尚尚尚?」?」?」?」曰曰曰曰:「:「:「:「尚尚尚尚智智智智。。。。」」」」曰曰曰曰:「:「:「:「多多多多以以以以智智智智




Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About

Seeing Seeing Seeing Seeing


Someone asked: What do people honorSomeone asked: What do people honorSomeone asked: What do people honorSomeone asked: What do people honor????

Yangzi said: They honor wisdom.Yangzi said: They honor wisdom.Yangzi said: They honor wisdom.Yangzi said: They honor wisdom.

The other said: Many people are killed The other said: Many people are killed The other said: Many people are killed The other said: Many people are killed

because of their wisdom. Why do they honor because of their wisdom. Why do they honor because of their wisdom. Why do they honor because of their wisdom. Why do they honor


Yangzi said: In the past, Gao Yao used his Yangzi said: In the past, Gao Yao used his Yangzi said: In the past, Gao Yao used his Yangzi said: In the past, Gao Yao used his

wisdom to remonstrate with the emperor Shun. wisdom to remonstrate with the emperor Shun. wisdom to remonstrate with the emperor Shun. wisdom to remonstrate with the emperor Shun.

He was He was He was He was far from getting himself killed. Jizi far from getting himself killed. Jizi far from getting himself killed. Jizi far from getting himself killed. Jizi

used his wisdom to layout the Hongfan for used his wisdom to layout the Hongfan for used his wisdom to layout the Hongfan for used his wisdom to layout the Hongfan for

KKKKing Wu. He too was far from getting himself ing Wu. He too was far from getting himself ing Wu. He too was far from getting himself ing Wu. He too was far from getting himself

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問明問明問明問明卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



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Seeing Seeing Seeing Seeing


Confucius was a sage, but some said that he Confucius was a sage, but some said that he Confucius was a sage, but some said that he Confucius was a sage, but some said that he

was inferior to Zigong. Zigongwas inferior to Zigong. Zigongwas inferior to Zigong. Zigongwas inferior to Zigong. Zigong』』』』s own words s own words s own words s own words

cleared up the issue, so that afterwards, cleared up the issue, so that afterwards, cleared up the issue, so that afterwards, cleared up the issue, so that afterwards,

such an idea was dropped. Indeed! If those such an idea was dropped. Indeed! If those such an idea was dropped. Indeed! If those such an idea was dropped. Indeed! If those

who read the the sage's writings oppose who read the the sage's writings oppose who read the the sage's writings oppose who read the the sage's writings oppose

Zigong on this issue, then although they mayZigong on this issue, then although they mayZigong on this issue, then although they mayZigong on this issue, then although they may

have read much, what good has it done themhave read much, what good has it done themhave read much, what good has it done themhave read much, what good has it done them????


問明問明問明問明卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 盛盛盛盛哉哉哉哉!!!!成成成成湯湯湯湯丕承丕承丕承丕承也也也也,,,,文文文文王淵懿王淵懿王淵懿王淵懿也也也也。。。。或或或或問問問問「「「「丕承丕承丕承丕承」」」」。。。。




Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About

Seeing Seeing Seeing Seeing


How magnificent! Cheng Tang was glorious and How magnificent! Cheng Tang was glorious and How magnificent! Cheng Tang was glorious and How magnificent! Cheng Tang was glorious and

inherited the Mandate. inherited the Mandate. inherited the Mandate. inherited the Mandate. KKKKing Wen was profoing Wen was profoing Wen was profoing Wen was profound und und und

and virtuous.and virtuous.and virtuous.and virtuous.

Someone said: What do you mean by "Cheng Someone said: What do you mean by "Cheng Someone said: What do you mean by "Cheng Someone said: What do you mean by "Cheng

Tang was glorious and inherited the Tang was glorious and inherited the Tang was glorious and inherited the Tang was glorious and inherited the


Yangzi said: He made the Shang to transform Yangzi said: He made the Shang to transform Yangzi said: He made the Shang to transform Yangzi said: He made the Shang to transform

from a small kingdom into a great dynasty. from a small kingdom into a great dynasty. from a small kingdom into a great dynasty. from a small kingdom into a great dynasty.

Is this not gloriousIs this not gloriousIs this not gloriousIs this not glorious???? He revolted against He revolted against He revolted against He revolted against

the Xia using Heaven'sthe Xia using Heaven'sthe Xia using Heaven'sthe Xia using Heaven's Mandate, is this not Mandate, is this not Mandate, is this not Mandate, is this not

to inherit the Mandate itselfto inherit the Mandate itselfto inherit the Mandate itselfto inherit the Mandate itself????

What do you mean by "What do you mean by "What do you mean by "What do you mean by "KKKKing Wen was profound ing Wen was profound ing Wen was profound ing Wen was profound

Page 75: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan

and virtuousand virtuousand virtuousand virtuous????""""

Yangzi said: Doubling the Yijing's trigrams Yangzi said: Doubling the Yijing's trigrams Yangzi said: Doubling the Yijing's trigrams Yangzi said: Doubling the Yijing's trigrams

to make hexagrams, was this not profoundto make hexagrams, was this not profoundto make hexagrams, was this not profoundto make hexagrams, was this not profound????

Making the Zhou gradually become honorable Making the Zhou gradually become honorable Making the Zhou gradually become honorable Making the Zhou gradually become honorable

and great, is thand great, is thand great, is thand great, is this not exemplaryis not exemplaryis not exemplaryis not exemplary????


問明問明問明問明卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :






Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About

Seeing Seeing Seeing Seeing


Someone asked about fate.Someone asked about fate.Someone asked about fate.Someone asked about fate.

Yangzi said: Fate is Tian's Yangzi said: Fate is Tian's Yangzi said: Fate is Tian's Yangzi said: Fate is Tian's decree, it is decree, it is decree, it is decree, it is

not mannot mannot mannot man』』』』s doing. What is effected by man is s doing. What is effected by man is s doing. What is effected by man is s doing. What is effected by man is

not fate.not fate.not fate.not fate.

May I ask what you mean by "effected by May I ask what you mean by "effected by May I ask what you mean by "effected by May I ask what you mean by "effected by


Yangzi said: Situations in which one may Yangzi said: Situations in which one may Yangzi said: Situations in which one may Yangzi said: Situations in which one may

either survive or perish, live or die, are either survive or perish, live or die, are either survive or perish, live or die, are either survive or perish, live or die, are

not matters of fate. Fate is what cannot be not matters of fate. Fate is what cannot be not matters of fate. Fate is what cannot be not matters of fate. Fate is what cannot be


The oThe oThe oThe other said: What about Yan Yuan and ther said: What about Yan Yuan and ther said: What about Yan Yuan and ther said: What about Yan Yuan and RRRRan an an an


Yangzi said: Yangzi said: Yangzi said: Yangzi said: BBBBecause of fate, they could not ecause of fate, they could not ecause of fate, they could not ecause of fate, they could not

avoid an early death. avoid an early death. avoid an early death. avoid an early death. BBBBut if you choose to ut if you choose to ut if you choose to ut if you choose to

stand under a wall that is about to stand under a wall that is about to stand under a wall that is about to stand under a wall that is about to

collapse, where moving will summon disaster collapse, where moving will summon disaster collapse, where moving will summon disaster collapse, where moving will summon disaster

and any action will result in death, is thaand any action will result in death, is thaand any action will result in death, is thaand any action will result in death, is that t t t

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問明問明問明問明卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :


Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About

Seeing Seeing Seeing Seeing


Fortunate people treat their Fortunate people treat their Fortunate people treat their Fortunate people treat their good fortune as good fortune as good fortune as good fortune as

bad fortune.bad fortune.bad fortune.bad fortune.

UUUUnfortunate people treat their bad fortune nfortunate people treat their bad fortune nfortunate people treat their bad fortune nfortunate people treat their bad fortune

as good good good good fortune.


問明問明問明問明卷第卷第卷第卷第......... :. :. :. :


Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About

Seeing Seeing Seeing Seeing


Time! Time! How slowly it comes and how Time! Time! How slowly it comes and how Time! Time! How slowly it comes and how Time! Time! How slowly it comes and how

quickly it goes. The junzi races with it.quickly it goes. The junzi races with it.quickly it goes. The junzi races with it.quickly it goes. The junzi races with it.


問明問明問明問明卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About

Seeing Seeing Seeing Seeing


RRRRecklessly exaggerated speech destroys ecklessly exaggerated speech destroys ecklessly exaggerated speech destroys ecklessly exaggerated speech destroys

societal norms. societal norms. societal norms. societal norms. UUUUnrestrained desires destroy nrestrained desires destroy nrestrained desires destroy nrestrained desires destroy

the law. the law. the law. the law. SelfSelfSelfSelf----indulgence destroys de. The indulgence destroys de. The indulgence destroys de. The indulgence destroys de. The

junzi is careful in speech, cautious in junzi is careful in speech, cautious in junzi is careful in speech, cautious in junzi is careful in speech, cautious in

desire, and pressed by time.desire, and pressed by time.desire, and pressed by time.desire, and pressed by time.

15151515 問明問明問明問明卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 吾不見吾不見吾不見吾不見震風震風震風震風之之之之能能能能動動動動聾聵聾聵聾聵聾聵也也也也。。。。

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Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About

Seeing Seeing Seeing Seeing


I have not seen a thundering storm that was I have not seen a thundering storm that was I have not seen a thundering storm that was I have not seen a thundering storm that was

able to stir a deaf to stir a deaf to stir a deaf to stir a deaf person.


問明問明問明問明卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :





Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About

Seeing Seeing Seeing Seeing


Someone asked: What is the junzi like in Someone asked: What is the junzi like in Someone asked: What is the junzi like in Someone asked: What is the junzi like in

times of just governmenttimes of just governmenttimes of just governmenttimes of just government????

Yangzi said: He is like the phoenix.Yangzi said: He is like the phoenix.Yangzi said: He is like the phoenix.Yangzi said: He is like the phoenix.

What is he like in chaotic What is he like in chaotic What is he like in chaotic What is he like in chaotic timestimestimestimes????

Yangzi said: He is like the phoenix.Yangzi said: He is like the phoenix.Yangzi said: He is like the phoenix.Yangzi said: He is like the phoenix.

The other did not understand.The other did not understand.The other did not understand.The other did not understand.

Yangzi said: You have yet to think it Yangzi said: You have yet to think it Yangzi said: You have yet to think it Yangzi said: You have yet to think it

through. If it is a time of just government, through. If it is a time of just government, through. If it is a time of just government, through. If it is a time of just government,

he appears. If it is a time of chaos, he he appears. If it is a time of chaos, he he appears. If it is a time of chaos, he he appears. If it is a time of chaos, he

hides. When the wild goose flies high and hides. When the wild goose flies high and hides. When the wild goose flies high and hides. When the wild goose flies high and

far, how can thefar, how can thefar, how can thefar, how can the archer hope to shoot himarcher hope to shoot himarcher hope to shoot himarcher hope to shoot him????

The jiao ming carefully chooses a place to The jiao ming carefully chooses a place to The jiao ming carefully chooses a place to The jiao ming carefully chooses a place to

gather and eats only pure things. When the gather and eats only pure things. When the gather and eats only pure things. When the gather and eats only pure things. When the

phoenix takes off, he flies to the hall of phoenix takes off, he flies to the hall of phoenix takes off, he flies to the hall of phoenix takes off, he flies to the hall of


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問明問明問明問明卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About

Seeing Seeing Seeing Seeing


A successful dragon lays low or rises to A successful dragon lays low or rises to A successful dragon lays low or rises to A successful dragon lays low or rises to

view in accordance with his integrity view in accordance with his integrity view in accordance with his integrity view in accordance with his integrity and and and and


The other said: How does the dragon use his The other said: How does the dragon use his The other said: How does the dragon use his The other said: How does the dragon use his

integrity and advantage and thereby succeedintegrity and advantage and thereby succeedintegrity and advantage and thereby succeedintegrity and advantage and thereby succeed????

Yangzi said: If the time is not right, he Yangzi said: If the time is not right, he Yangzi said: If the time is not right, he Yangzi said: If the time is not right, he

hides. Is this not integrityhides. Is this not integrityhides. Is this not integrityhides. Is this not integrity???? If the time is If the time is If the time is If the time is

right, he rises. Is this not seizing an right, he rises. Is this not seizing an right, he rises. Is this not seizing an right, he rises. Is this not seizing an

advantageadvantageadvantageadvantage???? If one is able If one is able If one is able If one is able both to hide and both to hide and both to hide and both to hide and

to rise, and act according to the times, is to rise, and act according to the times, is to rise, and act according to the times, is to rise, and act according to the times, is

this not indeed successthis not indeed successthis not indeed successthis not indeed success????


問明問明問明問明卷第卷第卷第卷第............ :::: 或或或或問問問問「「「「活活活活身身身身」」」」。。。。曰曰曰曰:「:「:「:「明哲明哲明哲明哲。。。。」」」」或曰或曰或曰或曰:「:「:「:「童童童童蒙則蒙則蒙則蒙則




Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About

Seeing Seeing Seeing Seeing


Someone asked about preserving one's life.Someone asked about preserving one's life.Someone asked about preserving one's life.Someone asked about preserving one's life.

Yangzi said: It is a matter of illuminated Yangzi said: It is a matter of illuminated Yangzi said: It is a matter of illuminated Yangzi said: It is a matter of illuminated


The other said: If the young and The other said: If the young and The other said: If the young and The other said: If the young and

unenlightened can preserunenlightened can preserunenlightened can preserunenlightened can preserve themselves, then ve themselves, then ve themselves, then ve themselves, then

how is it only a matter of illuminated how is it only a matter of illuminated how is it only a matter of illuminated how is it only a matter of illuminated


Yangzi said: The junzi only values using his Yangzi said: The junzi only values using his Yangzi said: The junzi only values using his Yangzi said: The junzi only values using his

wisdom to preserve his life. If it means wisdom to preserve his life. If it means wisdom to preserve his life. If it means wisdom to preserve his life. If it means

blundering in panic down a darkened road blundering in panic down a darkened road blundering in panic down a darkened road blundering in panic down a darkened road

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like a fool and somehow preserving his life, like a fool and somehow preserving his life, like a fool and somehow preserving his life, like a fool and somehow preserving his life,

the junzi would nthe junzi would nthe junzi would nthe junzi would not value it.ot value it.ot value it.ot value it.


問明問明問明問明卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :





Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About

Seeing Seeing Seeing Seeing


The purity of Gong Sheng and Gong She from The purity of Gong Sheng and Gong She from The purity of Gong Sheng and Gong She from The purity of Gong Sheng and Gong She from

Chu were lofty indeed! Zhuang Zun of Shu Chu were lofty indeed! Zhuang Zun of Shu Chu were lofty indeed! Zhuang Zun of Shu Chu were lofty indeed! Zhuang Zun of Shu

lived in deep seclusion, and his talents lived in deep seclusion, and his talents lived in deep seclusion, and his talents lived in deep seclusion, and his talents

were truly valuable. He neither acted for were truly valuable. He neither acted for were truly valuable. He neither acted for were truly valuable. He neither acted for

attention and respect, nor did he serve in attention and respect, nor did he serve in attention and respect, nor did he serve in attention and respect, nor did he serve in

government in order to obtain wealth and government in order to obtain wealth and government in order to obtain wealth and government in order to obtain wealth and

honorhonorhonorhonor. He hid himself for a long time and . He hid himself for a long time and . He hid himself for a long time and . He hid himself for a long time and

did not deviate from his principles. Even if did not deviate from his principles. Even if did not deviate from his principles. Even if did not deviate from his principles. Even if

one had the pearls of the Sui or the He Shi one had the pearls of the Sui or the He Shi one had the pearls of the Sui or the He Shi one had the pearls of the Sui or the He Shi

BBBBi, how could these surpass the value of i, how could these surpass the value of i, how could these surpass the value of i, how could these surpass the value of

Zhuang's integrity. I raise him up as a Zhuang's integrity. I raise him up as a Zhuang's integrity. I raise him up as a Zhuang's integrity. I raise him up as a

bannerbannerbannerbanner————is he not indeed preciousis he not indeed preciousis he not indeed preciousis he not indeed precious???? I greatly I greatly I greatly I greatly

admiradmiradmiradmire Zhuang, his position was difficult to e Zhuang, his position was difficult to e Zhuang, his position was difficult to e Zhuang, his position was difficult to

maintain. If he did not aspire to equal Xu maintain. If he did not aspire to equal Xu maintain. If he did not aspire to equal Xu maintain. If he did not aspire to equal Xu

You, then he aspired to equal You, then he aspired to equal You, then he aspired to equal You, then he aspired to equal BBBBo Yi. What o Yi. What o Yi. What o Yi. What

greedy desires could he have hadgreedy desires could he have hadgreedy desires could he have hadgreedy desires could he have had????


問明問明問明問明卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 或或或或問問問問:「:「:「:「堯堯堯堯將將將將讓讓讓讓天下於天下於天下於天下於許許許許由由由由,,,,由由由由恥恥恥恥。。。。有諸有諸有諸有諸?」?」?」?」曰曰曰曰::::



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Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About

Seeing Seeing Seeing Seeing


Someone asked: Yao was about to cede all Someone asked: Yao was about to cede all Someone asked: Yao was about to cede all Someone asked: Yao was about to cede all

under Heaven to Xu You, but Xu You was under Heaven to Xu You, but Xu You was under Heaven to Xu You, but Xu You was under Heaven to Xu You, but Xu You was

ashamed. Did this really happenashamed. Did this really happenashamed. Did this really happenashamed. Did this really happen????

Yangzi said: That is how those who like to Yangzi said: That is how those who like to Yangzi said: That is how those who like to Yangzi said: That is how those who like to

exaggerate would tell it. In fact, Xu You exaggerate would tell it. In fact, Xu You exaggerate would tell it. In fact, Xu You exaggerate would tell it. In fact, Xu You

had no worldly desireshad no worldly desireshad no worldly desireshad no worldly desires at all. If one truly at all. If one truly at all. If one truly at all. If one truly

understood the seriousness with which Yao understood the seriousness with which Yao understood the seriousness with which Yao understood the seriousness with which Yao

abdicated to Shun, then one would know that abdicated to Shun, then one would know that abdicated to Shun, then one would know that abdicated to Shun, then one would know that

he would not have rashly abdicated to Xu he would not have rashly abdicated to Xu he would not have rashly abdicated to Xu he would not have rashly abdicated to Xu

You. Those who like to exaggerate have built You. Those who like to exaggerate have built You. Those who like to exaggerate have built You. Those who like to exaggerate have built

up the story and gone beyond the truth of up the story and gone beyond the truth of up the story and gone beyond the truth of up the story and gone beyond the truth of

the matter. The storthe matter. The storthe matter. The storthe matter. The story of Chaofu washing out y of Chaofu washing out y of Chaofu washing out y of Chaofu washing out

his ears, isn't this also the same sort of his ears, isn't this also the same sort of his ears, isn't this also the same sort of his ears, isn't this also the same sort of

exaggerationexaggerationexaggerationexaggeration???? To frighten people the way To frighten people the way To frighten people the way To frighten people the way

haunted places do, donhaunted places do, donhaunted places do, donhaunted places do, don』』』』t you need the dark t you need the dark t you need the dark t you need the dark

of nightof nightof nightof night????


問明問明問明問明卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About

Seeing Seeing Seeing Seeing

The swallow flits around, coming and going The swallow flits around, coming and going The swallow flits around, coming and going The swallow flits around, coming and going

without restraint.without restraint.without restraint.without restraint.

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Clearly:...:Clearly:...:Clearly:...:Clearly:...: Someone said: What do you admire about the Someone said: What do you admire about the Someone said: What do you admire about the Someone said: What do you admire about the


Yangzi said: When it is time to come, he Yangzi said: When it is time to come, he Yangzi said: When it is time to come, he Yangzi said: When it is time to come, he

comes. When it is time to go, he goes. comes. When it is time to go, he goes. comes. When it is time to go, he goes. comes. When it is time to go, he goes. OOOOne ne ne ne

who is able to come and who is able to come and who is able to come and who is able to come and gogogogo————that describes a that describes a that describes a that describes a

swallow, does it notswallow, does it notswallow, does it notswallow, does it not????


問明問明問明問明卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :







Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About

Seeing Seeing Seeing Seeing


Someone said: Han Feizi wrote tSomeone said: Han Feizi wrote tSomeone said: Han Feizi wrote tSomeone said: Han Feizi wrote the Difficulty he Difficulty he Difficulty he Difficulty

of Persuaders and ended up dying because of of Persuaders and ended up dying because of of Persuaders and ended up dying because of of Persuaders and ended up dying because of

the difficulties of persuasion. Dare I ask the difficulties of persuasion. Dare I ask the difficulties of persuasion. Dare I ask the difficulties of persuasion. Dare I ask

why the situation turned back on himwhy the situation turned back on himwhy the situation turned back on himwhy the situation turned back on him????

Yangzi said: The Difficulty of Persuaders is Yangzi said: The Difficulty of Persuaders is Yangzi said: The Difficulty of Persuaders is Yangzi said: The Difficulty of Persuaders is

probably what killed him.probably what killed him.probably what killed him.probably what killed him.

The other said: WhyThe other said: WhyThe other said: WhyThe other said: Why????

Yangzi said: A junzi actsYangzi said: A junzi actsYangzi said: A junzi actsYangzi said: A junzi acts in accord with li in accord with li in accord with li in accord with li

and stops in accord with yi. If he conforms and stops in accord with yi. If he conforms and stops in accord with yi. If he conforms and stops in accord with yi. If he conforms

to the ruler's opinion he serves in to the ruler's opinion he serves in to the ruler's opinion he serves in to the ruler's opinion he serves in

government, otherwise he retires. He stands government, otherwise he retires. He stands government, otherwise he retires. He stands government, otherwise he retires. He stands

firm and does not worry that he does not firm and does not worry that he does not firm and does not worry that he does not firm and does not worry that he does not

conform. Now, if he is a persuader and conform. Now, if he is a persuader and conform. Now, if he is a persuader and conform. Now, if he is a persuader and

worries about not conforming, theworries about not conforming, theworries about not conforming, theworries about not conforming, then he will n he will n he will n he will

stop at nothing.stop at nothing.stop at nothing.stop at nothing.

The other said: Is it not worth worrying The other said: Is it not worth worrying The other said: Is it not worth worrying The other said: Is it not worth worrying

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whether one's persuasion will fail to whether one's persuasion will fail to whether one's persuasion will fail to whether one's persuasion will fail to


Yangzi said: If one's persuasion does not Yangzi said: If one's persuasion does not Yangzi said: If one's persuasion does not Yangzi said: If one's persuasion does not

follow the Dao, that is worth worrying follow the Dao, that is worth worrying follow the Dao, that is worth worrying follow the Dao, that is worth worrying

about! about! about! about! BBBBut following the Dao and not ut following the Dao and not ut following the Dao and not ut following the Dao and not

conformingconformingconformingconforming————this is noththis is noththis is noththis is nothing to worry about!ing to worry about!ing to worry about!ing to worry about!


問明問明問明問明卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



Asking About Asking About Asking About Asking About

Seeing Seeing Seeing Seeing


Someone asked about wisdom.Someone asked about wisdom.Someone asked about wisdom.Someone asked about wisdom.

Yangzi said: Make your thoughts completely Yangzi said: Make your thoughts completely Yangzi said: Make your thoughts completely Yangzi said: Make your thoughts completely


He asked about action.He asked about action.He asked about action.He asked about action.

Yangzi said: Let your de pervade everywhere.Yangzi said: Let your de pervade everywhere.Yangzi said: Let your de pervade everywhere.Yangzi said: Let your de pervade everywhere.

《《《《寡見寡見寡見寡見卷第七卷第七卷第七卷第七 ---- The Seldom SeenThe Seldom SeenThe Seldom SeenThe Seldom Seen》》》》



寡見寡見寡見寡見卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




The Seldom The Seldom The Seldom The Seldom


I have seldom seen people who love the distant I have seldom seen people who love the distant I have seldom seen people who love the distant I have seldom seen people who love the distant

past. past. past. past. RRRReading recent literature, hearing eading recent literature, hearing eading recent literature, hearing eading recent literature, hearing

recent speech, people turn recent speech, people turn recent speech, people turn recent speech, people turn their backs on the their backs on the their backs on the their backs on the


Someone said: How can the situation be that Someone said: How can the situation be that Someone said: How can the situation be that Someone said: How can the situation be that

seriousseriousseriousserious???? The gates of those who teach the dao The gates of those who teach the dao The gates of those who teach the dao The gates of those who teach the dao

Page 83: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan

of the former kings are filled with students.of the former kings are filled with students.of the former kings are filled with students.of the former kings are filled with students.

Yangzi said: That is because they cannot avoid Yangzi said: That is because they cannot avoid Yangzi said: That is because they cannot avoid Yangzi said: That is because they cannot avoid

it. If they could, they would. Those who could it. If they could, they would. Those who could it. If they could, they would. Those who could it. If they could, they would. Those who could

avoid doing it and yet would not, how few they avoid doing it and yet would not, how few they avoid doing it and yet would not, how few they avoid doing it and yet would not, how few they



寡見寡見寡見寡見卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



The Seldom The Seldom The Seldom The Seldom


He who loves to exhaust his xin in the sage's He who loves to exhaust his xin in the sage's He who loves to exhaust his xin in the sage's He who loves to exhaust his xin in the sage's

dao is a junzi. dao is a junzi. dao is a junzi. dao is a junzi. OOOOther people also love to ther people also love to ther people also love to ther people also love to

exhaust their xin, but not necessarily in the exhaust their xin, but not necessarily in the exhaust their xin, but not necessarily in the exhaust their xin, but not necessarily in the

sage's dao.sage's dao.sage's dao.sage's dao.


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The Seldom The Seldom The Seldom The Seldom


Hearing and seeing much, and basing one's Hearing and seeing much, and basing one's Hearing and seeing much, and basing one's Hearing and seeing much, and basing one's

knowledge on the correct dao knowledge on the correct dao knowledge on the correct dao knowledge on the correct dao ———— this is the this is the this is the this is the

height of knowledge. Hearing and seeing much, height of knowledge. Hearing and seeing much, height of knowledge. Hearing and seeing much, height of knowledge. Hearing and seeing much,

but basing one's knowledge on a crooked dao, but basing one's knowledge on a crooked dao, but basing one's knowledge on a crooked dao, but basing one's knowledge on a crooked dao,

this is confusion.this is confusion.this is confusion.this is confusion.


寡見寡見寡見寡見卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



The Seldom The Seldom The Seldom The Seldom The beauty in a worthy man's plans lies in The beauty in a worthy man's plans lies in The beauty in a worthy man's plans lies in The beauty in a worthy man's plans lies in

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Seen:Seen:Seen:Seen: bending what is human to follow the Dao. The bending what is human to follow the Dao. The bending what is human to follow the Dao. The bending what is human to follow the Dao. The

imperfection in a small man's plans lies in imperfection in a small man's plans lies in imperfection in a small man's plans lies in imperfection in a small man's plans lies in

bending the Dao to what is human.bending the Dao to what is human.bending the Dao to what is human.bending the Dao to what is human.


寡見寡見寡見寡見卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :





The Seldom The Seldom The Seldom The Seldom


Someone Someone Someone Someone asked: Do the Five Classics have asked: Do the Five Classics have asked: Do the Five Classics have asked: Do the Five Classics have


Yangzi said: Yangzi said: Yangzi said: Yangzi said: OOOOnly the Five Classics truly are nly the Five Classics truly are nly the Five Classics truly are nly the Five Classics truly are

explications. For discussing Heaven, there is explications. For discussing Heaven, there is explications. For discussing Heaven, there is explications. For discussing Heaven, there is

no explication better than the Yijing. For no explication better than the Yijing. For no explication better than the Yijing. For no explication better than the Yijing. For

discussing affairs, there is no explication discussing affairs, there is no explication discussing affairs, there is no explication discussing affairs, there is no explication

better than the better than the better than the better than the BBBBook of Documeook of Documeook of Documeook of Documents. For nts. For nts. For nts. For

discussing li, there is no explication better discussing li, there is no explication better discussing li, there is no explication better discussing li, there is no explication better

than the Liji. For discussing the heartthan the Liji. For discussing the heartthan the Liji. For discussing the heartthan the Liji. For discussing the heart』』』』s s s s

intention, there is no explication intention, there is no explication intention, there is no explication intention, there is no explication [[[[better better better better

thanthanthanthan]]]] the Shijing. For discussing universal the Shijing. For discussing universal the Shijing. For discussing universal the Shijing. For discussing universal

principle, there is no explication better than principle, there is no explication better than principle, there is no explication better than principle, there is no explication better than

the Spring and Autumn Annthe Spring and Autumn Annthe Spring and Autumn Annthe Spring and Autumn Annals. Excluding these, als. Excluding these, als. Excluding these, als. Excluding these,

all other explications are trifling indeed.all other explications are trifling indeed.all other explications are trifling indeed.all other explications are trifling indeed.


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The Seldom The Seldom The Seldom The Seldom


Like trees sprouting in spring, Like trees sprouting in spring, Like trees sprouting in spring, Like trees sprouting in spring, great is the great is the great is the great is the

hand that leads me on! Although Confucius died hand that leads me on! Although Confucius died hand that leads me on! Although Confucius died hand that leads me on! Although Confucius died

five hundred years ago, it is as if he were five hundred years ago, it is as if he were five hundred years ago, it is as if he were five hundred years ago, it is as if he were

still here.still here.still here.still here.

Someone said: All under Heaven unceasingly Someone said: All under Heaven unceasingly Someone said: All under Heaven unceasingly Someone said: All under Heaven unceasingly

bicker and make persuasions. Where is he nowbicker and make persuasions. Where is he nowbicker and make persuasions. Where is he nowbicker and make persuasions. Where is he now????

Yangzi said: Do not talk like that! The world Yangzi said: Do not talk like that! The world Yangzi said: Do not talk like that! The world Yangzi said: Do not talk like that! The world

has bhas bhas bhas been without the sage for a long time. een without the sage for a long time. een without the sage for a long time. een without the sage for a long time.

Just as crying children only recognize their Just as crying children only recognize their Just as crying children only recognize their Just as crying children only recognize their

own mother, those unceasingly bickering own mother, those unceasingly bickering own mother, those unceasingly bickering own mother, those unceasingly bickering

Confucian scholars study only their own Confucian scholars study only their own Confucian scholars study only their own Confucian scholars study only their own

teachers. Singleteachers. Singleteachers. Singleteachers. Single----mindedly concentrate on the mindedly concentrate on the mindedly concentrate on the mindedly concentrate on the

essentials, Confucius lies therein.essentials, Confucius lies therein.essentials, Confucius lies therein.essentials, Confucius lies therein.


寡見寡見寡見寡見卷第卷第卷第卷第... ... ... ... ::::



The Seldom The Seldom The Seldom The Seldom


Someone said: "Excellent jade need not be Someone said: "Excellent jade need not be Someone said: "Excellent jade need not be Someone said: "Excellent jade need not be

carved, and beautiful words need not be carved, and beautiful words need not be carved, and beautiful words need not be carved, and beautiful words need not be

refined." What would you say about thatrefined." What would you say about thatrefined." What would you say about thatrefined." What would you say about that????

Yangzi said: If jade were not carved, then Yangzi said: If jade were not carved, then Yangzi said: If jade were not carved, then Yangzi said: If jade were not carved, then

yufan could not be made iyufan could not be made iyufan could not be made iyufan could not be made into implements. If nto implements. If nto implements. If nto implements. If

their speech were not refined, the Yaodian and their speech were not refined, the Yaodian and their speech were not refined, the Yaodian and their speech were not refined, the Yaodian and

Page 86: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan

Gao Yao mo could not have become classics.Gao Yao mo could not have become classics.Gao Yao mo could not have become classics.Gao Yao mo could not have become classics.


寡見寡見寡見寡見卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :







The Seldom The Seldom The Seldom The Seldom


Someone said: Sima Qian said that the Five Someone said: Sima Qian said that the Five Someone said: Sima Qian said that the Five Someone said: Sima Qian said that the Five

Classics are not as concise as the Laozi. In Classics are not as concise as the Laozi. In Classics are not as concise as the Laozi. In Classics are not as concise as the Laozi. In

one's whole life one could not exhaust their one's whole life one could not exhaust their one's whole life one could not exhaust their one's whole life one could not exhaust their

variations, and until one's death, one variations, and until one's death, one variations, and until one's death, one variations, and until one's death, one could could could could

not fully examine their content.not fully examine their content.not fully examine their content.not fully examine their content.

Yangzi said: If this were so, then the Duke of Yangzi said: If this were so, then the Duke of Yangzi said: If this were so, then the Duke of Yangzi said: If this were so, then the Duke of

Zhou and Confucius merely confused and harmed Zhou and Confucius merely confused and harmed Zhou and Confucius merely confused and harmed Zhou and Confucius merely confused and harmed

later generations. When people studied in the later generations. When people studied in the later generations. When people studied in the later generations. When people studied in the

past, they still had to plow the land and past, they still had to plow the land and past, they still had to plow the land and past, they still had to plow the land and

support themselves, yet within threesupport themselves, yet within threesupport themselves, yet within threesupport themselves, yet within three years years years years

they could penetrate one text. As for people they could penetrate one text. As for people they could penetrate one text. As for people they could penetrate one text. As for people

studying today, not only do they ornament the studying today, not only do they ornament the studying today, not only do they ornament the studying today, not only do they ornament the

Classics with flowery Classics with flowery Classics with flowery Classics with flowery [[[[commentarycommentarycommentarycommentary]]]], they also , they also , they also , they also

proceed to embroider their belts and the proceed to embroider their belts and the proceed to embroider their belts and the proceed to embroider their belts and the

carrying cases for the texts. What does this carrying cases for the texts. What does this carrying cases for the texts. What does this carrying cases for the texts. What does this

have to do with the Laozihave to do with the Laozihave to do with the Laozihave to do with the Laozi????

The other said: Can the commentaries of the The other said: Can the commentaries of the The other said: Can the commentaries of the The other said: Can the commentaries of the

scholars be made more concisescholars be made more concisescholars be made more concisescholars be made more concise????

Yangzi said: They could be condensed, Yangzi said: They could be condensed, Yangzi said: They could be condensed, Yangzi said: They could be condensed,

explained and put in order.explained and put in order.explained and put in order.explained and put in order.

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The Seldom The Seldom The Seldom The Seldom


Someone said: Does the junzi listen to musicSomeone said: Does the junzi listen to musicSomeone said: Does the junzi listen to musicSomeone said: Does the junzi listen to music????

Yangzi said: The junzi only listens to it if Yangzi said: The junzi only listens to it if Yangzi said: The junzi only listens to it if Yangzi said: The junzi only listens to it if

it is it is it is it is correct. If it is wild in its excess, is correct. If it is wild in its excess, is correct. If it is wild in its excess, is correct. If it is wild in its excess, is

opposed to the correct, or submerges one in opposed to the correct, or submerges one in opposed to the correct, or submerges one in opposed to the correct, or submerges one in

pleasure, then the junzi does not listen.pleasure, then the junzi does not listen.pleasure, then the junzi does not listen.pleasure, then the junzi does not listen.


寡見寡見寡見寡見卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :






The Seldom The Seldom The Seldom The Seldom


Someone asked: Does one attend the junzi by Someone asked: Does one attend the junzi by Someone asked: Does one attend the junzi by Someone asked: Does one attend the junzi by

playing chessplaying chessplaying chessplaying chess????

Yangzi said: When sitting in attendance on the Yangzi said: When sitting in attendance on the Yangzi said: When sitting in attendance on the Yangzi said: When sitting in attendance on the

junzi, one listens to him talkjunzi, one listens to him talkjunzi, one listens to him talkjunzi, one listens to him talk;;;; if there is a if there is a if there is a if there is a

feast, then one observes him perform ritual. feast, then one observes him perform ritual. feast, then one observes him perform ritual. feast, then one observes him perform ritual.

How could he engage in playing chessHow could he engage in playing chessHow could he engage in playing chessHow could he engage in playing chess????

The other quoted the Lunyu: "Then there are The other quoted the Lunyu: "Then there are The other quoted the Lunyu: "Then there are The other quoted the Lunyu: "Then there are

the chess players, are there notthe chess players, are there notthe chess players, are there notthe chess players, are there not????""""

Yangzi said: "Playing chess is better than Yangzi said: "Playing chess is better than Yangzi said: "Playing chess is better than Yangzi said: "Playing chess is better than

doing nothing.doing nothing.doing nothing.doing nothing.」」」」 BBBBut is attending the junzi ut is attending the junzi ut is attending the junzi ut is attending the junzi

merely "better than doing nothingmerely "better than doing nothingmerely "better than doing nothingmerely "better than doing nothing????" " " " OOOOne cannot ne cannot ne cannot ne cannot

attend a junzi in this way. When you sit iattend a junzi in this way. When you sit iattend a junzi in this way. When you sit iattend a junzi in this way. When you sit in n n n

attendance on a junzi: darkness becomes attendance on a junzi: darkness becomes attendance on a junzi: darkness becomes attendance on a junzi: darkness becomes

Page 88: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan

enlightenedenlightenedenlightenedenlightened;;;; obstructions become penetrated obstructions become penetrated obstructions become penetrated obstructions become penetrated;;;;

lacking becomes havinglacking becomes havinglacking becomes havinglacking becomes having;;;; disgrace becomes disgrace becomes disgrace becomes disgrace becomes

honorhonorhonorhonor;;;; failure becomes success. How is this failure becomes success. How is this failure becomes success. How is this failure becomes success. How is this

merely "better than doing nothingmerely "better than doing nothingmerely "better than doing nothingmerely "better than doing nothing????""""


寡見寡見寡見寡見卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :


The Seldom The Seldom The Seldom The Seldom


The jiao ming bird soars to HeavenThe jiao ming bird soars to HeavenThe jiao ming bird soars to HeavenThe jiao ming bird soars to Heaven————is it not is it not is it not is it not

because of the six shafts of his feathersbecause of the six shafts of his feathersbecause of the six shafts of his feathersbecause of the six shafts of his feathers???? BBBBut ut ut ut

if you plucked them out and attached them to if you plucked them out and attached them to if you plucked them out and attached them to if you plucked them out and attached them to

the cuckoo, would they not be burdensomethe cuckoo, would they not be burdensomethe cuckoo, would they not be burdensomethe cuckoo, would they not be burdensome????


寡見寡見寡見寡見卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



The Seldom The Seldom The Seldom The Seldom


Thunder shaking in the sky,Thunder shaking in the sky,Thunder shaking in the sky,Thunder shaking in the sky,

Wind pressing near the mountains,Wind pressing near the mountains,Wind pressing near the mountains,Wind pressing near the mountains,

Clouds blowing to the four corners of the Clouds blowing to the four corners of the Clouds blowing to the four corners of the Clouds blowing to the four corners of the


RRRRain flowing into the hollowsain flowing into the hollowsain flowing into the hollowsain flowing into the hollows————

Are these not Tian' Are these not Tian' Are these not Tian' Are these not Tian' s affairss affairss affairss affairs????


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Page 89: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan

The Seldom The Seldom The Seldom The Seldom


Wei Wuhou and Wu Qi were sailing on the West Wei Wuhou and Wu Qi were sailing on the West Wei Wuhou and Wu Qi were sailing on the West Wei Wuhou and Wu Qi were sailing on the West

RRRRiver, praising the strategic defensibility of iver, praising the strategic defensibility of iver, praising the strategic defensibility of iver, praising the strategic defensibility of

the river and mountains. Wu Qi sthe river and mountains. Wu Qi sthe river and mountains. Wu Qi sthe river and mountains. Wu Qi said: "The fate aid: "The fate aid: "The fate aid: "The fate

of the kingdom lies in the de of the ruler, of the kingdom lies in the de of the ruler, of the kingdom lies in the de of the ruler, of the kingdom lies in the de of the ruler,

not in the strategic defensibility of the not in the strategic defensibility of the not in the strategic defensibility of the not in the strategic defensibility of the


Yangzi said: What perfect words! If Qi's Yangzi said: What perfect words! If Qi's Yangzi said: What perfect words! If Qi's Yangzi said: What perfect words! If Qi's

employment of strategy and troops were always employment of strategy and troops were always employment of strategy and troops were always employment of strategy and troops were always

like this, then how could even Tai Gong have like this, then how could even Tai Gong have like this, then how could even Tai Gong have like this, then how could even Tai Gong have

surpassed himsurpassed himsurpassed himsurpassed him????


寡見寡見寡見寡見卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



The Seldom The Seldom The Seldom The Seldom


Someone asked: The Zhou prized the Someone asked: The Zhou prized the Someone asked: The Zhou prized the Someone asked: The Zhou prized the nine nine nine nine

cauldrons. Were they not treasurescauldrons. Were they not treasurescauldrons. Were they not treasurescauldrons. Were they not treasures????

Yangzi said: They were precious among vessels. Yangzi said: They were precious among vessels. Yangzi said: They were precious among vessels. Yangzi said: They were precious among vessels.

BBBBut such vesselut such vesselut such vesselut such vessel----treasures depend on the people treasures depend on the people treasures depend on the people treasures depend on the people

who use them. who use them. who use them. who use them. OOOOnly then can they truly become nly then can they truly become nly then can they truly become nly then can they truly become



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Page 90: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan

The Seldom The Seldom The Seldom The Seldom


From the time of Duke Huan of Qi and Duke Wen From the time of Duke Huan of Qi and Duke Wen From the time of Duke Huan of Qi and Duke Wen From the time of Duke Huan of Qi and Duke Wen

of Jin down to the Qin unification, there was of Jin down to the Qin unification, there was of Jin down to the Qin unification, there was of Jin down to the Qin unification, there was

nobody worthy of admiration.nobody worthy of admiration.nobody worthy of admiration.nobody worthy of admiration.

Someone said: If the Qin lacked anyone worthy Someone said: If the Qin lacked anyone worthy Someone said: If the Qin lacked anyone worthy Someone said: If the Qin lacked anyone worthy

of of of of admiration, then how did they unify the admiration, then how did they unify the admiration, then how did they unify the admiration, then how did they unify the


Yangzi said: What I refer to by "admiring" is Yangzi said: What I refer to by "admiring" is Yangzi said: What I refer to by "admiring" is Yangzi said: What I refer to by "admiring" is

admiring de. If you admire warfare, then since admiring de. If you admire warfare, then since admiring de. If you admire warfare, then since admiring de. If you admire warfare, then since

the beginning of creation, there have been the beginning of creation, there have been the beginning of creation, there have been the beginning of creation, there have been

none like the Qin.none like the Qin.none like the Qin.none like the Qin.


寡見寡見寡見寡見卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 或或或或問問問問:「:「:「:「魯魯魯魯用儒而用儒而用儒而用儒而削削削削,,,,何也何也何也何也?」?」?」?」曰曰曰曰:「:「:「:「魯魯魯魯不不不不用儒也用儒也用儒也用儒也。。。。




The Seldom The Seldom The Seldom The Seldom


Someone asked: The state of Lu employedSomeone asked: The state of Lu employedSomeone asked: The state of Lu employedSomeone asked: The state of Lu employed ru and ru and ru and ru and

was cut down to size. Whywas cut down to size. Whywas cut down to size. Whywas cut down to size. Why????

Yangzi said: Lu did not employ true ru. In the Yangzi said: Lu did not employ true ru. In the Yangzi said: Lu did not employ true ru. In the Yangzi said: Lu did not employ true ru. In the

past, the Duke of Zhou was appointed by the past, the Duke of Zhou was appointed by the past, the Duke of Zhou was appointed by the past, the Duke of Zhou was appointed by the

Zhou court, all with the four seas anxiously Zhou court, all with the four seas anxiously Zhou court, all with the four seas anxiously Zhou court, all with the four seas anxiously

rushed to the capital to pay their respects. rushed to the capital to pay their respects. rushed to the capital to pay their respects. rushed to the capital to pay their respects.

When Confucius was employed by Lu, the mWhen Confucius was employed by Lu, the mWhen Confucius was employed by Lu, the mWhen Confucius was employed by Lu, the men of en of en of en of

Qi trembled with fear and returned the Qi trembled with fear and returned the Qi trembled with fear and returned the Qi trembled with fear and returned the

territory they had invaded in Lu. Thus, we territory they had invaded in Lu. Thus, we territory they had invaded in Lu. Thus, we territory they had invaded in Lu. Thus, we

know Lu did not otherwise employ true ru. If know Lu did not otherwise employ true ru. If know Lu did not otherwise employ true ru. If know Lu did not otherwise employ true ru. If

Lu had employed true ru, they would not have Lu had employed true ru, they would not have Lu had employed true ru, they would not have Lu had employed true ru, they would not have

had any enemies in the world. How could they had any enemies in the world. How could they had any enemies in the world. How could they had any enemies in the world. How could they

have been cut down to sizehave been cut down to sizehave been cut down to sizehave been cut down to size????

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The Seldom The Seldom The Seldom The Seldom


To cross the vast ocean, one needs the To cross the vast ocean, one needs the To cross the vast ocean, one needs the To cross the vast ocean, one needs the

strength of a large storied boat. strength of a large storied boat. strength of a large storied boat. strength of a large storied boat. BBBBut if the ut if the ut if the ut if the

boatman does not have an oar, how will he boatman does not have an oar, how will he boatman does not have an oar, how will he boatman does not have an oar, how will he

drive itdrive itdrive itdrive it????


寡見寡見寡見寡見卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




The Seldom The Seldom The Seldom The Seldom


Someone said: Can chariots that have been Someone said: Can chariots that have been Someone said: Can chariots that have been Someone said: Can chariots that have been

destroyed in front of ramparts or destroyed in front of ramparts or destroyed in front of ramparts or destroyed in front of ramparts or boats that boats that boats that boats that

have been sunk be savedhave been sunk be savedhave been sunk be savedhave been sunk be saved????

Yangzi said: No.Yangzi said: No.Yangzi said: No.Yangzi said: No.

The other said: Then of what use is wisdomThe other said: Then of what use is wisdomThe other said: Then of what use is wisdomThe other said: Then of what use is wisdom????

Yangzi said: Yangzi said: Yangzi said: Yangzi said: UUUUse wisdom before the destruction se wisdom before the destruction se wisdom before the destruction se wisdom before the destruction

and sinking. Waiting until a severe frost to and sinking. Waiting until a severe frost to and sinking. Waiting until a severe frost to and sinking. Waiting until a severe frost to

seek robes and furs, is that not indeed too seek robes and furs, is that not indeed too seek robes and furs, is that not indeed too seek robes and furs, is that not indeed too



寡見寡見寡見寡見卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :


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The Seldom The Seldom The Seldom The Seldom


RRRRuling a kingdom is like sailing a boat! If uling a kingdom is like sailing a boat! If uling a kingdom is like sailing a boat! If uling a kingdom is like sailing a boat! If

the boat is settled, then the people are the boat is settled, then the people are the boat is settled, then the people are the boat is settled, then the people are



寡見寡見寡見寡見卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



The Seldom The Seldom The Seldom The Seldom


If you show kindheartedness by being If you show kindheartedness by being If you show kindheartedness by being If you show kindheartedness by being generous generous generous generous

to those below, the people will forget about to those below, the people will forget about to those below, the people will forget about to those below, the people will forget about

death. If you show loyalty by protecting those death. If you show loyalty by protecting those death. If you show loyalty by protecting those death. If you show loyalty by protecting those

above, the ruler's thoughts will be on above, the ruler's thoughts will be on above, the ruler's thoughts will be on above, the ruler's thoughts will be on

rewards. As for those who put themselves last, rewards. As for those who put themselves last, rewards. As for those who put themselves last, rewards. As for those who put themselves last,

others put them first. As for those who put others put them first. As for those who put others put them first. As for those who put others put them first. As for those who put

themselves below others, themselves below others, themselves below others, themselves below others, others raise them up. others raise them up. others raise them up. others raise them up.

How true these words are!How true these words are!How true these words are!How true these words are!


寡見寡見寡見寡見卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




The Seldom The Seldom The Seldom The Seldom


Someone said: Sang Hongyang instituted special Someone said: Sang Hongyang instituted special Someone said: Sang Hongyang instituted special Someone said: Sang Hongyang instituted special

monopolies on salt and iron that were monopolies on salt and iron that were monopolies on salt and iron that were monopolies on salt and iron that were

profitable, and the kingdom's expenditures profitable, and the kingdom's expenditures profitable, and the kingdom's expenditures profitable, and the kingdom's expenditures

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were abundant. Why not institute special were abundant. Why not institute special were abundant. Why not institute special were abundant. Why not institute special

monopolies nowmonopolies nowmonopolies nowmonopolies now????

Yangzi said: Compare it to a father and son. Yangzi said: Compare it to a father and son. Yangzi said: Compare it to a father and son. Yangzi said: Compare it to a father and son.

For the benefit of the father, you institute For the benefit of the father, you institute For the benefit of the father, you institute For the benefit of the father, you institute

monopolies against the son. monopolies against the son. monopolies against the son. monopolies against the son. BBBBut even if there ut even if there ut even if there ut even if there

is a profit for the father, what about the is a profit for the father, what about the is a profit for the father, what about the is a profit for the father, what about the

sonsonsonson???? As for what As for what As for what As for what BBBBu Shi said, is it not u Shi said, is it not u Shi said, is it not u Shi said, is it not

correct indeedcorrect indeedcorrect indeedcorrect indeed????


寡見寡見寡見寡見卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




The Seldom The Seldom The Seldom The Seldom


Someone said: If one accorded with the laws of Someone said: If one accorded with the laws of Someone said: If one accorded with the laws of Someone said: If one accorded with the laws of

the Qin, made them clear and practiced them, the Qin, made them clear and practiced them, the Qin, made them clear and practiced them, the Qin, made them clear and practiced them,

would it not result in peacewould it not result in peacewould it not result in peacewould it not result in peace????

Yangzi said: It can be compared to the zither Yangzi said: It can be compared to the zither Yangzi said: It can be compared to the zither Yangzi said: It can be compared to the zither

and the harp. If you and the harp. If you and the harp. If you and the harp. If you took Zheng and Wei's took Zheng and Wei's took Zheng and Wei's took Zheng and Wei's

melodies and made music master melodies and made music master melodies and made music master melodies and made music master KKKKui accord with ui accord with ui accord with ui accord with

them, he surely never would have produced the them, he surely never would have produced the them, he surely never would have produced the them, he surely never would have produced the

Xiaoshao music.Xiaoshao music.Xiaoshao music.Xiaoshao music.


寡見寡見寡見寡見卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 或或或或問問問問:「:「:「:「處處處處秦秦秦秦之之之之世世世世,,,,抱抱抱抱周之周之周之周之書書書書,,,,益益益益乎乎乎乎?」?」?」?」曰曰曰曰:「:「:「:「舉舉舉舉世世世世




The Seldom The Seldom The Seldom The Seldom Someone said: If one lived under the Qin and Someone said: If one lived under the Qin and Someone said: If one lived under the Qin and Someone said: If one lived under the Qin and

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Seen:Seen:Seen:Seen: embraced the Zhou's booksembraced the Zhou's booksembraced the Zhou's booksembraced the Zhou's books————What benefit would What benefit would What benefit would What benefit would

that have beenthat have beenthat have beenthat have been????

Yangzi said: If Yangzi said: If Yangzi said: If Yangzi said: If the whole world were cold, the whole world were cold, the whole world were cold, the whole world were cold,

would mink and fox furs not indeed be warmwould mink and fox furs not indeed be warmwould mink and fox furs not indeed be warmwould mink and fox furs not indeed be warm????

The other said: Whether you burn with fire or The other said: Whether you burn with fire or The other said: Whether you burn with fire or The other said: Whether you burn with fire or

scald with boiling water, warm is still warm.scald with boiling water, warm is still warm.scald with boiling water, warm is still warm.scald with boiling water, warm is still warm.

Yangzi said: Warm indeed! Yangzi said: Warm indeed! Yangzi said: Warm indeed! Yangzi said: Warm indeed! BBBBut that age was ut that age was ut that age was ut that age was

surely a cold one!surely a cold one!surely a cold one!surely a cold one!


寡見寡見寡見寡見卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :


The Seldom The Seldom The Seldom The Seldom


Looking for it at the wrong time,Looking for it at the wrong time,Looking for it at the wrong time,Looking for it at the wrong time,

Travelling the wrong roadTravelling the wrong roadTravelling the wrong roadTravelling the wrong road————

Indeed, one will never reach it.Indeed, one will never reach it.Indeed, one will never reach it.Indeed, one will never reach it.


寡見寡見寡見寡見卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



The Seldom The Seldom The Seldom The Seldom


The Qin's own officials turned their backs Qin The Qin's own officials turned their backs Qin The Qin's own officials turned their backs Qin The Qin's own officials turned their backs Qin

law,law,law,law, just as Qin law turned its back the just as Qin law turned its back the just as Qin law turned its back the just as Qin law turned its back the

sage's law. The Qin completely disregarded the sage's law. The Qin completely disregarded the sage's law. The Qin completely disregarded the sage's law. The Qin completely disregarded the

Dao of Heaven and Earth, and in the end Heaven Dao of Heaven and Earth, and in the end Heaven Dao of Heaven and Earth, and in the end Heaven Dao of Heaven and Earth, and in the end Heaven

and Earth indeed completely disregarded the and Earth indeed completely disregarded the and Earth indeed completely disregarded the and Earth indeed completely disregarded the


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《《《《五百五百五百五百卷第卷第卷第卷第八八八八 ---- Five Hundred YearsFive Hundred YearsFive Hundred YearsFive Hundred Years》》》》



五百五百五百五百卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




Five Hundred Five Hundred Five Hundred Five Hundred


Someone Someone Someone Someone asked: Every five hundred years a sage asked: Every five hundred years a sage asked: Every five hundred years a sage asked: Every five hundred years a sage

appears. Is there truth in thisappears. Is there truth in thisappears. Is there truth in thisappears. Is there truth in this????

Yangzi said: Yao, Shun, and Yu were rulers and Yangzi said: Yao, Shun, and Yu were rulers and Yangzi said: Yao, Shun, and Yu were rulers and Yangzi said: Yao, Shun, and Yu were rulers and

subjects to one another, all subjects to one another, all subjects to one another, all subjects to one another, all [[[[duringduringduringduring]]]] the same the same the same the same

era. Wen, Wu, and the Duke of Zhou, were era. Wen, Wu, and the Duke of Zhou, were era. Wen, Wu, and the Duke of Zhou, were era. Wen, Wu, and the Duke of Zhou, were

fathers and sons, all during the same era. fathers and sons, all during the same era. fathers and sons, all during the same era. fathers and sons, all during the same era. BBBBut ut ut ut

TaTaTaTang and Confucius were born several centuries ng and Confucius were born several centuries ng and Confucius were born several centuries ng and Confucius were born several centuries

removed from each other. As for using the past removed from each other. As for using the past removed from each other. As for using the past removed from each other. As for using the past

to forecast what is to come, whether it be a to forecast what is to come, whether it be a to forecast what is to come, whether it be a to forecast what is to come, whether it be a

thousand years or one year, one cannot know.thousand years or one year, one cannot know.thousand years or one year, one cannot know.thousand years or one year, one cannot know.


五百五百五百五百卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :


Five Hundred Five Hundred Five Hundred Five Hundred


The sage has the means to emulate Heaven and The sage has the means to emulate Heaven and The sage has the means to emulate Heaven and The sage has the means to emulate Heaven and

Earth, himself making a triad with them!Earth, himself making a triad with them!Earth, himself making a triad with them!Earth, himself making a triad with them!

3333 五百五百五百五百卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 或或或或問問問問:「:「:「:「聖人有聖人有聖人有聖人有詘詘詘詘乎乎乎乎?」?」?」?」曰曰曰曰:「:「:「:「有有有有。。。。」」」」曰曰曰曰:「:「:「:「焉焉焉焉詘詘詘詘


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Five Hundred Five Hundred Five Hundred Five Hundred


Someone asked: Does the sage not have times Someone asked: Does the sage not have times Someone asked: Does the sage not have times Someone asked: Does the sage not have times

when he is flexiblewhen he is flexiblewhen he is flexiblewhen he is flexible????

Yangzi said: He has.Yangzi said: He has.Yangzi said: He has.Yangzi said: He has.

The other said: When is he flexibleThe other said: When is he flexibleThe other said: When is he flexibleThe other said: When is he flexible????

Yangzi said: As for Confucius's relationship Yangzi said: As for Confucius's relationship Yangzi said: As for Confucius's relationship Yangzi said: As for Confucius's relationship

with Nanzi, she was somebody that he did not with Nanzi, she was somebody that he did not with Nanzi, she was somebody that he did not with Nanzi, she was somebody that he did not

want to see. As for Yang Huo, he was somebody want to see. As for Yang Huo, he was somebody want to see. As for Yang Huo, he was somebody want to see. As for Yang Huo, he was somebody

to whom Confucius did not want to pay his to whom Confucius did not want to pay his to whom Confucius did not want to pay his to whom Confucius did not want to pay his

respects. Yet Confucius saw the one he did not respects. Yet Confucius saw the one he did not respects. Yet Confucius saw the one he did not respects. Yet Confucius saw the one he did not

want to see, and he paid his respects to the want to see, and he paid his respects to the want to see, and he paid his respects to the want to see, and he paid his respects to the

one to whom he did not want to one to whom he did not want to one to whom he did not want to one to whom he did not want to pay his pay his pay his pay his

respects. How could he have not been flexiblerespects. How could he have not been flexiblerespects. How could he have not been flexiblerespects. How could he have not been flexible????

The other said: When Duke Ling of Wei asked The other said: When Duke Ling of Wei asked The other said: When Duke Ling of Wei asked The other said: When Duke Ling of Wei asked

about the military, why was Confucius about the military, why was Confucius about the military, why was Confucius about the military, why was Confucius


Yangzi said: Confucius yielded himself to Yangzi said: Confucius yielded himself to Yangzi said: Confucius yielded himself to Yangzi said: Confucius yielded himself to

promote the Dao. If it were a matter of promote the Dao. If it were a matter of promote the Dao. If it were a matter of promote the Dao. If it were a matter of

yielding the Dao to promyielding the Dao to promyielding the Dao to promyielding the Dao to promote himself, even if ote himself, even if ote himself, even if ote himself, even if

he could have got all under Heaven, he he could have got all under Heaven, he he could have got all under Heaven, he he could have got all under Heaven, he

wouldn't have done it.wouldn't have done it.wouldn't have done it.wouldn't have done it.


五百五百五百五百卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



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Five Hundred Five Hundred Five Hundred Five Hundred


The sage considers his dao important and The sage considers his dao important and The sage considers his dao important and The sage considers his dao important and

treats his salary lightly. The common treats his salary lightly. The common treats his salary lightly. The common treats his salary lightly. The common man man man man

considers his salary important and takes his considers his salary important and takes his considers his salary important and takes his considers his salary important and takes his

dao lightly. The sage says, "Am I walking the dao lightly. The sage says, "Am I walking the dao lightly. The sage says, "Am I walking the dao lightly. The sage says, "Am I walking the

DaoDaoDaoDao????" The common man says, "Is my salary " The common man says, "Is my salary " The common man says, "Is my salary " The common man says, "Is my salary



五百五百五百五百卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :






Five Hundred Five Hundred Five Hundred Five Hundred


In the past Qi and Lu had great ministers, but In the past Qi and Lu had great ministers, but In the past Qi and Lu had great ministers, but In the past Qi and Lu had great ministers, but

history has lost their names.history has lost their names.history has lost their names.history has lost their names.

Someone said: Why were they greatSomeone said: Why were they greatSomeone said: Why were they greatSomeone said: Why were they great????

Yangzi said:Yangzi said:Yangzi said:Yangzi said: Shusun Tong wanted to formulate Shusun Tong wanted to formulate Shusun Tong wanted to formulate Shusun Tong wanted to formulate

new ceremonies for rulers and ministers, and new ceremonies for rulers and ministers, and new ceremonies for rulers and ministers, and new ceremonies for rulers and ministers, and

recruited ru from Qi and Lu. There were two recruited ru from Qi and Lu. There were two recruited ru from Qi and Lu. There were two recruited ru from Qi and Lu. There were two

men that he could not that he could not that he could not that he could not lure.

The other said: If this is so, then was it The other said: If this is so, then was it The other said: If this is so, then was it The other said: If this is so, then was it

wrong for Confucius to travel around in search wrong for Confucius to travel around in search wrong for Confucius to travel around in search wrong for Confucius to travel around in search

for employment bfor employment bfor employment bfor employment by the feudal lordsy the feudal lordsy the feudal lordsy the feudal lords????

Yangzi said: Confucius traveled around and Yangzi said: Confucius traveled around and Yangzi said: Confucius traveled around and Yangzi said: Confucius traveled around and

searched, but he did so in order to employ searched, but he did so in order to employ searched, but he did so in order to employ searched, but he did so in order to employ

himself. If he had given up on himself and himself. If he had given up on himself and himself. If he had given up on himself and himself. If he had given up on himself and

followed others, then even though he had followed others, then even though he had followed others, then even though he had followed others, then even though he had

compass and square, level and marking line, compass and square, level and marking line, compass and square, level and marking line, compass and square, level and marking line,

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how could he have beenhow could he have beenhow could he have beenhow could he have been able to use themable to use themable to use themable to use them????


五百五百五百五百卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :






Five Hundred Five Hundred Five Hundred Five Hundred


Someone asked: In Confucius's time, did the Someone asked: In Confucius's time, did the Someone asked: In Confucius's time, did the Someone asked: In Confucius's time, did the

feudal lords know he feudal lords know he feudal lords know he feudal lords know he was a sagewas a sagewas a sagewas a sage????

Yangzi said: They knew it.Yangzi said: They knew it.Yangzi said: They knew it.Yangzi said: They knew it.

The other asked: If they knew it, then why did The other asked: If they knew it, then why did The other asked: If they knew it, then why did The other asked: If they knew it, then why did

they not employ himthey not employ himthey not employ himthey not employ him????

Yangzi said: They were not able to.Yangzi said: They were not able to.Yangzi said: They were not able to.Yangzi said: They were not able to.

The other said: They knew he was a sage, yet The other said: They knew he was a sage, yet The other said: They knew he was a sage, yet The other said: They knew he was a sage, yet

were unable to employ him. May I hear the were unable to employ him. May I hear the were unable to employ him. May I hear the were unable to employ him. May I hear the

explanation for thisexplanation for thisexplanation for thisexplanation for this????

YanYanYanYangzi said: If they had employed him, it gzi said: If they had employed him, it gzi said: If they had employed him, it gzi said: If they had employed him, it

would have been appropriate to follow him. If would have been appropriate to follow him. If would have been appropriate to follow him. If would have been appropriate to follow him. If

they had followed him, then they would have they had followed him, then they would have they had followed him, then they would have they had followed him, then they would have

had to abandon what they already practiced, go had to abandon what they already practiced, go had to abandon what they already practiced, go had to abandon what they already practiced, go

against what they were accustomed to against what they were accustomed to against what they were accustomed to against what they were accustomed to

following, improve what they degraded, and following, improve what they degraded, and following, improve what they degraded, and following, improve what they degraded, and

give up what they were skilled in. It would be give up what they were skilled in. It would be give up what they were skilled in. It would be give up what they were skilled in. It would be

like rushing headlong into the unknown. Apart like rushing headlong into the unknown. Apart like rushing headlong into the unknown. Apart like rushing headlong into the unknown. Apart

from the greatest ruler under Heaven, who from the greatest ruler under Heaven, who from the greatest ruler under Heaven, who from the greatest ruler under Heaven, who

could have employed himcould have employed himcould have employed himcould have employed him????

7777 五百五百五百五百卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 或或或或問問問問,,,,「「「「孔子知孔子知孔子知孔子知其其其其道之不道之不道之不道之不用也用也用也用也,,,,則則則則載載載載而惡而惡而惡而惡乎之乎之乎之乎之?」?」?」?」


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Five Hundred Five Hundred Five Hundred Five Hundred


Someone asked: When Confucius knew that his Someone asked: When Confucius knew that his Someone asked: When Confucius knew that his Someone asked: When Confucius knew that his

dao could not be realized, then where did he dao could not be realized, then where did he dao could not be realized, then where did he dao could not be realized, then where did he

take ittake ittake ittake it????

Yangzi said: To junzi of later generations.Yangzi said: To junzi of later generations.Yangzi said: To junzi of later generations.Yangzi said: To junzi of later generations.

The other said: If a merchant wereThe other said: If a merchant wereThe other said: If a merchant wereThe other said: If a merchant were like this, like this, like this, like this,

he would be dullhe would be dullhe would be dullhe would be dull----witted indeed!witted indeed!witted indeed!witted indeed!

Yangzi said: The more sharply a common man Yangzi said: The more sharply a common man Yangzi said: The more sharply a common man Yangzi said: The more sharply a common man

seeks profit, the duller he becomes. The seeks profit, the duller he becomes. The seeks profit, the duller he becomes. The seeks profit, the duller he becomes. The

duller the sage becomes, the sharper his duller the sage becomes, the sharper his duller the sage becomes, the sharper his duller the sage becomes, the sharper his

profit. He would not feel regrets before a profit. He would not feel regrets before a profit. He would not feel regrets before a profit. He would not feel regrets before a

hundred hundred hundred hundred [[[[generations ofgenerations ofgenerations ofgenerations of]]]] sages sages sages sages;;;; he would not he would not he would not he would not

be ashamed before the whole world. Among men, be ashamed before the whole world. Among men, be ashamed before the whole world. Among men, be ashamed before the whole world. Among men,

none can surpass him. Honor without equal, or none can surpass him. Honor without equal, or none can surpass him. Honor without equal, or none can surpass him. Honor without equal, or

wealth without comparison: which profit is wealth without comparison: which profit is wealth without comparison: which profit is wealth without comparison: which profit is



五百五百五百五百卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 或曰或曰或曰或曰:「:「:「:「孔子之道孔子之道孔子之道孔子之道,,,,不可不可不可不可小與小與小與小與?」?」?」?」曰曰曰曰:「:「:「:「小小小小則則則則敗敗敗敗聖聖聖聖,,,,







Five Hundred Five Hundred Five Hundred Five Hundred Someone said: Is it possible to lower the Someone said: Is it possible to lower the Someone said: Is it possible to lower the Someone said: Is it possible to lower the

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Years:Years:Years:Years: standards of Confucius's dao.standards of Confucius's dao.standards of Confucius's dao.standards of Confucius's dao.

Yangzi Yangzi Yangzi Yangzi said: Lowering said: Lowering said: Lowering said: Lowering [[[[its standardsits standardsits standardsits standards]]]] would would would would

destroy the sage's dao, would it notdestroy the sage's dao, would it notdestroy the sage's dao, would it notdestroy the sage's dao, would it not????

The other said: If this is so, then why did he The other said: If this is so, then why did he The other said: If this is so, then why did he The other said: If this is so, then why did he

leave the state of Luleave the state of Luleave the state of Luleave the state of Lu????

Yangzi said: He valued his time.Yangzi said: He valued his time.Yangzi said: He valued his time.Yangzi said: He valued his time.

The other said: He valued his time and left. The other said: He valued his time and left. The other said: He valued his time and left. The other said: He valued his time and left.


Yangzi said: Yangzi said: Yangzi said: Yangzi said: BBBBecause of a buecause of a buecause of a buecause of a bunch of slave nch of slave nch of slave nch of slave

girls. The ruler of Lu did not listen to his girls. The ruler of Lu did not listen to his girls. The ruler of Lu did not listen to his girls. The ruler of Lu did not listen to his

corrections. Confucius remonstrated but corrections. Confucius remonstrated but corrections. Confucius remonstrated but corrections. Confucius remonstrated but [[[[the the the the

rulerrulerrulerruler]]]] would not accept his advice. Confucius would not accept his advice. Confucius would not accept his advice. Confucius would not accept his advice. Confucius

sighed, "I am sick of watching this! I will sighed, "I am sick of watching this! I will sighed, "I am sick of watching this! I will sighed, "I am sick of watching this! I will

not stuff myself with food, sit at leisure, not stuff myself with food, sit at leisure, not stuff myself with food, sit at leisure, not stuff myself with food, sit at leisure,

and watch these girand watch these girand watch these girand watch these girls perform until I'm weary ls perform until I'm weary ls perform until I'm weary ls perform until I'm weary

of them!" From this point of view, Confucius of them!" From this point of view, Confucius of them!" From this point of view, Confucius of them!" From this point of view, Confucius

indeed valued his time.indeed valued his time.indeed valued his time.indeed valued his time.

The other said: Does the junzi value his timeThe other said: Does the junzi value his timeThe other said: Does the junzi value his timeThe other said: Does the junzi value his time????

Yangzi said: If the junzi takes office, he Yangzi said: If the junzi takes office, he Yangzi said: If the junzi takes office, he Yangzi said: If the junzi takes office, he

wants to implement his yi. If he retires from wants to implement his yi. If he retires from wants to implement his yi. If he retires from wants to implement his yi. If he retires from

public life, then he wanpublic life, then he wanpublic life, then he wanpublic life, then he wants to expound his dao. ts to expound his dao. ts to expound his dao. ts to expound his dao.

In service, he does not become weary. In In service, he does not become weary. In In service, he does not become weary. In In service, he does not become weary. In

teaching, he does not become fatigued. When is teaching, he does not become fatigued. When is teaching, he does not become fatigued. When is teaching, he does not become fatigued. When is

there time to wastethere time to wastethere time to wastethere time to waste????


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Five Hundred Five Hundred Five Hundred Five Hundred


Someone said: "Should there be those who would Someone said: "Should there be those who would Someone said: "Should there be those who would Someone said: "Should there be those who would

succeed the Zhou, even a hundred generations succeed the Zhou, even a hundred generations succeed the Zhou, even a hundred generations succeed the Zhou, even a hundred generations

hence could be known." The Qin followed the hence could be known." The Qin followed the hence could be known." The Qin followed the hence could be known." The Qin followed the

Zhou, but did not rule using Xia li. Is Zhou, but did not rule using Xia li. Is Zhou, but did not rule using Xia li. Is Zhou, but did not rule using Xia li. Is

Confucius's statement not incorrectConfucius's statement not incorrectConfucius's statement not incorrectConfucius's statement not incorrect????

Yangzi said: The sage's words are Tian. Is Yangzi said: The sage's words are Tian. Is Yangzi said: The sage's words are Tian. Is Yangzi said: The sage's words are Tian. Is

Tian wrongTian wrongTian wrongTian wrong???? Those who followed the Zhou did Those who followed the Zhou did Those who followed the Zhou did Those who followed the Zhou did

not want peace. If they had wanted peace, not want peace. If they had wanted peace, not want peace. If they had wanted peace, not want peace. If they had wanted peace,

dispensing with Xia li and using another dao dispensing with Xia li and using another dao dispensing with Xia li and using another dao dispensing with Xia li and using another dao

was not the way to get there.was not the way to get there.was not the way to get there.was not the way to get there.


五百五百五百五百卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



Five Hundred Five Hundred Five Hundred Five Hundred


BBBBrilliant is the light of the sun, it is the rilliant is the light of the sun, it is the rilliant is the light of the sun, it is the rilliant is the light of the sun, it is the

means whereby people can use their eyes. means whereby people can use their eyes. means whereby people can use their eyes. means whereby people can use their eyes. BBBBroad road road road

and encompassing is the sage's dao, it and encompassing is the sage's dao, it and encompassing is the sage's dao, it and encompassing is the sage's dao, it is the is the is the is the

means by which people can use their xin.means by which people can use their xin.means by which people can use their xin.means by which people can use their xin.


五百五百五百五百卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




Five Hundred Five Hundred Five Hundred Five Hundred


Someone asked: Heaven and Earth are easy to Someone asked: Heaven and Earth are easy to Someone asked: Heaven and Earth are easy to Someone asked: Heaven and Earth are easy to

understand, and the sage models himself on understand, and the sage models himself on understand, and the sage models himself on understand, and the sage models himself on

them. Why, then, are the Five Classics so them. Why, then, are the Five Classics so them. Why, then, are the Five Classics so them. Why, then, are the Five Classics so


Page 102: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan

Yangzi said: That they are disordered is Yangzi said: That they are disordered is Yangzi said: That they are disordered is Yangzi said: That they are disordered is

probably what makes them easy to understand. probably what makes them easy to understand. probably what makes them easy to understand. probably what makes them easy to understand.

If they were already easy to understand, why If they were already easy to understand, why If they were already easy to understand, why If they were already easy to understand, why

would we go about figuring and sorting out the would we go about figuring and sorting out the would we go about figuring and sorting out the would we go about figuring and sorting out the



五百五百五百五百卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :





Five Hundred Five Hundred Five Hundred Five Hundred


Someone said: The sage is of no benefit to the Someone said: The sage is of no benefit to the Someone said: The sage is of no benefit to the Someone said: The sage is of no benefit to the

common man.common man.common man.common man.

Yangzi said: What people of the world see as Yangzi said: What people of the world see as Yangzi said: What people of the world see as Yangzi said: What people of the world see as

beneficial to themselves is like a granary. beneficial to themselves is like a granary. beneficial to themselves is like a granary. beneficial to themselves is like a granary.

Take from it, and it becomes exhausted. Take from it, and it becomes exhausted. Take from it, and it becomes exhausted. Take from it, and it becomes exhausted. BBBBut ut ut ut

Confucius possessed daimonic clarity. The Confucius possessed daimonic clarity. The Confucius possessed daimonic clarity. The Confucius possessed daimonic clarity. The

petty use it to accomplish their petty goals, petty use it to accomplish their petty goals, petty use it to accomplish their petty goals, petty use it to accomplish their petty goals,

the great use it to accomplish theithe great use it to accomplish theithe great use it to accomplish theithe great use it to accomplish their great r great r great r great

goals. Whether it be a mountain or river, goals. Whether it be a mountain or river, goals. Whether it be a mountain or river, goals. Whether it be a mountain or river,

mound or hill, grass or wood, bird or beast, mound or hill, grass or wood, bird or beast, mound or hill, grass or wood, bird or beast, mound or hill, grass or wood, bird or beast,

they all are thus enriched. they all are thus enriched. they all are thus enriched. they all are thus enriched. BBBBut if you don't ut if you don't ut if you don't ut if you don't

use the sage's dao, even daimonic clarity use the sage's dao, even daimonic clarity use the sage's dao, even daimonic clarity use the sage's dao, even daimonic clarity

cannot be of benefit to you.cannot be of benefit to you.cannot be of benefit to you.cannot be of benefit to you.


五百五百五百五百卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 或或或或問問問問:「:「:「:「聖人聖人聖人聖人占占占占天乎天乎天乎天乎?」?」?」?」曰曰曰曰:「:「:「:「占占占占天地天地天地天地。。。。」「」「」「」「若此若此若此若此,,,,



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Five Hundred Five Hundred Five Hundred Five Hundred


Someone asked: Does the sage divine about Someone asked: Does the sage divine about Someone asked: Does the sage divine about Someone asked: Does the sage divine about


Yangzi said:Yangzi said:Yangzi said:Yangzi said: He divines about Heaven and He divines about Heaven and He divines about Heaven and He divines about Heaven and


If this is so, then how is he different from a If this is so, then how is he different from a If this is so, then how is he different from a If this is so, then how is he different from a

court astrologercourt astrologercourt astrologercourt astrologer????

Yangzi said: The astrologer uses Heaven to Yangzi said: The astrologer uses Heaven to Yangzi said: The astrologer uses Heaven to Yangzi said: The astrologer uses Heaven to

divine about man. The sage uses man to divine divine about man. The sage uses man to divine divine about man. The sage uses man to divine divine about man. The sage uses man to divine

about Heaven.about Heaven.about Heaven.about Heaven.


五百五百五百五百卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



Five Hundred Five Hundred Five Hundred Five Hundred


Someone asked: Among astronomerSomeone asked: Among astronomerSomeone asked: Among astronomerSomeone asked: Among astronomer----astrologers astrologers astrologers astrologers

there are Gan De and Shi Shen. there are Gan De and Shi Shen. there are Gan De and Shi Shen. there are Gan De and Shi Shen. What do you What do you What do you What do you

think about themthink about themthink about themthink about them????

Yangzi said: It lies in one's de, not in the Yangzi said: It lies in one's de, not in the Yangzi said: It lies in one's de, not in the Yangzi said: It lies in one's de, not in the

stars. If one's de flourishes, then the stars stars. If one's de flourishes, then the stars stars. If one's de flourishes, then the stars stars. If one's de flourishes, then the stars

become its gnomon. If one's stars are become its gnomon. If one's stars are become its gnomon. If one's stars are become its gnomon. If one's stars are

flourishing, one's de becomes a gnomon that flourishing, one's de becomes a gnomon that flourishing, one's de becomes a gnomon that flourishing, one's de becomes a gnomon that

reflects this.reflects this.reflects this.reflects this.


五百五百五百五百卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



Five Hundred Five Hundred Five Hundred Five Hundred Someone asked about the great Someone asked about the great Someone asked about the great Someone asked about the great

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Years:Years:Years:Years: Yangzi said: Yangzi said: Yangzi said: Yangzi said: OOOOne who does not engage in petty ne who does not engage in petty ne who does not engage in petty ne who does not engage in petty

affairs is a great man.affairs is a great man.affairs is a great man.affairs is a great man.

May I ask about petty May I ask about petty May I ask about petty May I ask about petty [[[[affairsaffairsaffairsaffairs]?]?]?]?

Yangzi said: Affairs that are not li and yi Yangzi said: Affairs that are not li and yi Yangzi said: Affairs that are not li and yi Yangzi said: Affairs that are not li and yi

are petty.are petty.are petty.are petty.


五百五百五百五百卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :


Five Hundred Five Hundred Five Hundred Five Hundred


The sage's words are far reaching like Tian, The sage's words are far reaching like Tian, The sage's words are far reaching like Tian, The sage's words are far reaching like Tian,

the worthy's words are close like Earth.the worthy's words are close like Earth.the worthy's words are close like Earth.the worthy's words are close like Earth.


五百五百五百五百卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :


Five Hundred Five Hundred Five Hundred Five Hundred


That which produces the tinkling sound of That which produces the tinkling sound of That which produces the tinkling sound of That which produces the tinkling sound of

jadejadejadejade————is it not the substance of jadeis it not the substance of jadeis it not the substance of jadeis it not the substance of jade????


五百五百五百五百卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



Five Hundred Five Hundred Five Hundred Five Hundred


The sage casually opens his mouth and his The sage casually opens his mouth and his The sage casually opens his mouth and his The sage casually opens his mouth and his

words become maxims. He effortlessly wields words become maxims. He effortlessly wields words become maxims. He effortlessly wields words become maxims. He effortlessly wields

his brush and his writing becomes a classic. his brush and his writing becomes a classic. his brush and his writing becomes a classic. his brush and his writing becomes a classic.

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His words can be heard His words can be heard His words can be heard His words can be heard but cannot be used upbut cannot be used upbut cannot be used upbut cannot be used up;;;;

his writings can be read but cannot be his writings can be read but cannot be his writings can be read but cannot be his writings can be read but cannot be



五百五百五百五百卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



Five Hundred Five Hundred Five Hundred Five Hundred


The men of the Zhou had many The men of the Zhou had many The men of the Zhou had many The men of the Zhou had many


The men of Qin had many faults.The men of Qin had many faults.The men of Qin had many faults.The men of Qin had many faults.

Accomplishments reach a goalAccomplishments reach a goalAccomplishments reach a goalAccomplishments reach a goal;;;;

Faults reach no goal.Faults reach no goal.Faults reach no goal.Faults reach no goal.

The shi of the Zhou were honorableThe shi of the Zhou were honorableThe shi of the Zhou were honorableThe shi of the Zhou were honorable;;;;

The shi of the The shi of the The shi of the The shi of the Qin were worthless.Qin were worthless.Qin were worthless.Qin were worthless.

The shi of the Zhou did as they pleasedThe shi of the Zhou did as they pleasedThe shi of the Zhou did as they pleasedThe shi of the Zhou did as they pleased;;;;

The shi of the Qin were constrained.The shi of the Qin were constrained.The shi of the Qin were constrained.The shi of the Qin were constrained.


五百五百五百五百卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :


Five Hundred Five Hundred Five Hundred Five Hundred


When the moon is not yet full, its crescent When the moon is not yet full, its crescent When the moon is not yet full, its crescent When the moon is not yet full, its crescent

first shines in the West. When it has already first shines in the West. When it has already first shines in the West. When it has already first shines in the West. When it has already

been full, its crescent shines last in the been full, its crescent shines last in the been full, its crescent shines last in the been full, its crescent shines last in the

east. The moon is probably moving contrary to east. The moon is probably moving contrary to east. The moon is probably moving contrary to east. The moon is probably moving contrary to

the sun.the sun.the sun.the sun.

21212121 五百五百五百五百卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 彤彤彤彤弓弓弓弓盧盧盧盧矢矢矢矢,,,,不不不不為為為為有有有有矣矣矣矣。。。。

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Five Hundred Five Hundred Five Hundred Five Hundred


The crimson bow and black arrowsThe crimson bow and black arrowsThe crimson bow and black arrowsThe crimson bow and black arrows————receiving receiving receiving receiving

them do not them do not them do not them do not amount to having the Mandate.amount to having the Mandate.amount to having the Mandate.amount to having the Mandate.


五百五百五百五百卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :


Five Hundred Five Hundred Five Hundred Five Hundred


Listen carefully Listen carefully Listen carefully Listen carefully to previous generations,to previous generations,to previous generations,to previous generations,

Look carefully at what is before your own Look carefully at what is before your own Look carefully at what is before your own Look carefully at what is before your own


There is no mirror closer by than these.There is no mirror closer by than these.There is no mirror closer by than these.There is no mirror closer by than these.


五百五百五百五百卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




Five Hundred Five Hundred Five Hundred Five Hundred


Someone asked: How does one act and thereby Someone asked: How does one act and thereby Someone asked: How does one act and thereby Someone asked: How does one act and thereby

receive others' respectreceive others' respectreceive others' respectreceive others' respect????

Yangzi said: Yangzi said: Yangzi said: Yangzi said: BBBBy respecting others.y respecting others.y respecting others.y respecting others.

How does one act and thereby How does one act and thereby How does one act and thereby How does one act and thereby become become become become


Yangzi said: Yangzi said: Yangzi said: Yangzi said: BBBBy humiliating others. The y humiliating others. The y humiliating others. The y humiliating others. The

difference between being respected and difference between being respected and difference between being respected and difference between being respected and

humiliated comes only from within oneself.humiliated comes only from within oneself.humiliated comes only from within oneself.humiliated comes only from within oneself.

24242424 五百五百五百五百卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 或或或或問問問問「「「「禮禮禮禮難難難難以以以以強強強強世世世世」」」」。。。。曰曰曰曰:「:「:「:「難難難難故故故故強強強強世世世世。。。。如如如如夷夷夷夷俟俟俟俟、、、、居居居居


Page 107: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan


Five Hundred Five Hundred Five Hundred Five Hundred


Someone said: It is difficult to compel Someone said: It is difficult to compel Someone said: It is difficult to compel Someone said: It is difficult to compel

society to obey and perform li.society to obey and perform li.society to obey and perform li.society to obey and perform li.

Yangzi said: Yangzi said: Yangzi said: Yangzi said: It is precisely because it is so It is precisely because it is so It is precisely because it is so It is precisely because it is so

difficult that you must compel society to obey difficult that you must compel society to obey difficult that you must compel society to obey difficult that you must compel society to obey

and perform li. It is like audaciously sitting and perform li. It is like audaciously sitting and perform li. It is like audaciously sitting and perform li. It is like audaciously sitting

with ones legs sprawled out, or like a child with ones legs sprawled out, or like a child with ones legs sprawled out, or like a child with ones legs sprawled out, or like a child

biting a fruit and gobbling it down. How are biting a fruit and gobbling it down. How are biting a fruit and gobbling it down. How are biting a fruit and gobbling it down. How are

these compelledthese compelledthese compelledthese compelled???? BBBBut whether itut whether itut whether itut whether it』』』』s in ons in ons in ons in oneeee』』』』s s s s

nature or whether it is compelled, once one is nature or whether it is compelled, once one is nature or whether it is compelled, once one is nature or whether it is compelled, once one is

completely accustomed to it, it is equally completely accustomed to it, it is equally completely accustomed to it, it is equally completely accustomed to it, it is equally



五百五百五百五百卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



Five Hundred Five Hundred Five Hundred Five Hundred


Look at a drawn bowLook at a drawn bowLook at a drawn bowLook at a drawn bow————it will still be good it will still be good it will still be good it will still be good

when the tension is relaxed.when the tension is relaxed.when the tension is relaxed.when the tension is relaxed.

The other said: What do you meanThe other said: What do you meanThe other said: What do you meanThe other said: What do you mean????

Yangzi said: I simply mean that it has been Yangzi said: I simply mean that it has been Yangzi said: I simply mean that it has been Yangzi said: I simply mean that it has been

molded to shape.molded to shape.molded to shape.molded to shape.


五百五百五百五百卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :


Five Hundred Five Hundred Five Hundred Five Hundred For rivers there are levees, for vessels there For rivers there are levees, for vessels there For rivers there are levees, for vessels there For rivers there are levees, for vessels there

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Years:Years:Years:Years: areareareare molds. From these one can see the molds. From these one can see the molds. From these one can see the molds. From these one can see the

indispensability li and education.indispensability li and education.indispensability li and education.indispensability li and education.


五百五百五百五百卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :


Five Hundred Five Hundred Five Hundred Five Hundred


OOOOnce you survey, then you know where you can nce you survey, then you know where you can nce you survey, then you know where you can nce you survey, then you know where you can

put the posts and planks.put the posts and planks.put the posts and planks.put the posts and planks.


五百五百五百五百卷第卷第卷第卷第......... :. :. :. :



Five Hundred Five Hundred Five Hundred Five Hundred


Zhuang Zhou and Yang Zhu were reckless and Zhuang Zhou and Yang Zhu were reckless and Zhuang Zhou and Yang Zhu were reckless and Zhuang Zhou and Yang Zhu were reckless and

unmethodical. Mo Di and Yan Ying were stingy unmethodical. Mo Di and Yan Ying were stingy unmethodical. Mo Di and Yan Ying were stingy unmethodical. Mo Di and Yan Ying were stingy

and dispensed with li. Shen and dispensed with li. Shen and dispensed with li. Shen and dispensed with li. Shen BBBBuhai and Han uhai and Han uhai and Han uhai and Han

Feizi wereFeizi wereFeizi wereFeizi were devious and had no power to devious and had no power to devious and had no power to devious and had no power to

transform people. Zou Yan was preposterous and transform people. Zou Yan was preposterous and transform people. Zou Yan was preposterous and transform people. Zou Yan was preposterous and

not to be believed.not to be believed.not to be believed.not to be believed.


五百五百五百五百卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



Five Hundred Five Hundred Five Hundred Five Hundred


The materials of the sage are Heaven and The materials of the sage are Heaven and The materials of the sage are Heaven and The materials of the sage are Heaven and

EarthEarthEarthEarth;;;; next he turns to mountains and hills, next he turns to mountains and hills, next he turns to mountains and hills, next he turns to mountains and hills,

rivers and springsrivers and springsrivers and springsrivers and springs;;;; and finally, birds and and finally, birds and and finally, birds and and finally, birds and

beasts, grass and wood.beasts, grass and wood.beasts, grass and wood.beasts, grass and wood.

Page 109: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan

《《《《先知先知先知先知卷第卷第卷第卷第九九九九 ---- ForeknowledgeForeknowledgeForeknowledgeForeknowledge》》》》



先知先知先知先知卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge: Foreknowledge of the future is probably Foreknowledge of the future is probably Foreknowledge of the future is probably Foreknowledge of the future is probably

similar to shen.similar to shen.similar to shen.similar to shen.

May I ask about foreknowledgeMay I ask about foreknowledgeMay I ask about foreknowledgeMay I ask about foreknowledge????

Yangzi said: I do not know. For one who knows Yangzi said: I do not know. For one who knows Yangzi said: I do not know. For one who knows Yangzi said: I do not know. For one who knows

its dao, it is probably just its dao, it is probably just its dao, it is probably just its dao, it is probably just like seeing the like seeing the like seeing the like seeing the

obscure, the small, and the remote as being obscure, the small, and the remote as being obscure, the small, and the remote as being obscure, the small, and the remote as being

completely illuminated.completely illuminated.completely illuminated.completely illuminated.


先知先知先知先知卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :


Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge: If you issue a decree a day before it becomes If you issue a decree a day before it becomes If you issue a decree a day before it becomes If you issue a decree a day before it becomes

necessary, it will be easy to implement. If necessary, it will be easy to implement. If necessary, it will be easy to implement. If necessary, it will be easy to implement. If

you wait until a day after it becomes you wait until a day after it becomes you wait until a day after it becomes you wait until a day after it becomes

necessary, it will be difficult to implement.necessary, it will be difficult to implement.necessary, it will be difficult to implement.necessary, it will be difficult to implement.


先知先知先知先知卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




Someone asked: How does one rule a kingdomSomeone asked: How does one rule a kingdomSomeone asked: How does one rule a kingdomSomeone asked: How does one rule a kingdom????

Page 110: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan

Yangzi said: Yangzi said: Yangzi said: Yangzi said: BBBBy establishing goody establishing goody establishing goody establishing good government.government.government.government.

The other said: How does one establish good The other said: How does one establish good The other said: How does one establish good The other said: How does one establish good


Yangzi said: The root of good government lies Yangzi said: The root of good government lies Yangzi said: The root of good government lies Yangzi said: The root of good government lies

in the ruler himself. If the ruler is able to in the ruler himself. If the ruler is able to in the ruler himself. If the ruler is able to in the ruler himself. If the ruler is able to

cultivate himself properly, then good cultivate himself properly, then good cultivate himself properly, then good cultivate himself properly, then good

government will be established.government will be established.government will be established.government will be established.


先知先知先知先知卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :






Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge: Someone asked: Does governing have a key Someone asked: Does governing have a key Someone asked: Does governing have a key Someone asked: Does governing have a key


Yangzi said: Yangzi said: Yangzi said: Yangzi said: BBBBeing cherished or being eing cherished or being eing cherished or being eing cherished or being


The other asked about being The other asked about being The other asked about being The other asked about being cherished and cherished and cherished and cherished and

being despised.being despised.being despised.being despised.

Yangzi said: In the past the Duke of Zhou Yangzi said: In the past the Duke of Zhou Yangzi said: In the past the Duke of Zhou Yangzi said: In the past the Duke of Zhou

attacked and rectified the four kingdoms of attacked and rectified the four kingdoms of attacked and rectified the four kingdoms of attacked and rectified the four kingdoms of

the east. Shaobo carried out his duties and the east. Shaobo carried out his duties and the east. Shaobo carried out his duties and the east. Shaobo carried out his duties and

resided under "the shade of the pear tree." resided under "the shade of the pear tree." resided under "the shade of the pear tree." resided under "the shade of the pear tree."

BBBBeing thus remembered in verse is being eing thus remembered in verse is being eing thus remembered in verse is being eing thus remembered in verse is being

cherished. Hcherished. Hcherished. Hcherished. Huan of Qi wanted to pass through uan of Qi wanted to pass through uan of Qi wanted to pass through uan of Qi wanted to pass through

Chen, but Chen would not allow him to enter, Chen, but Chen would not allow him to enter, Chen, but Chen would not allow him to enter, Chen, but Chen would not allow him to enter,

so he arrested Yuan Taotu. This is being so he arrested Yuan Taotu. This is being so he arrested Yuan Taotu. This is being so he arrested Yuan Taotu. This is being

despised. Alas! despised. Alas! despised. Alas! despised. Alas! OOOOne who governs simply has to ne who governs simply has to ne who governs simply has to ne who governs simply has to

Page 111: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan

pay close attention to whether he is cherished pay close attention to whether he is cherished pay close attention to whether he is cherished pay close attention to whether he is cherished

or despised.or despised.or despised.or despised.





The other said: What makes one cherished or The other said: What makes one cherished or The other said: What makes one cherished or The other said: What makes one cherished or


Yangzi said: Treat the elderly as elderly, Yangzi said: Treat the elderly as elderly, Yangzi said: Treat the elderly as elderly, Yangzi said: Treat the elderly as elderly,

treat orphans as orphanstreat orphans as orphanstreat orphans as orphanstreat orphans as orphans;;;; nourish the sick and nourish the sick and nourish the sick and nourish the sick and

bury the deadbury the deadbury the deadbury the dead;;;; let men tend their mou of land let men tend their mou of land let men tend their mou of land let men tend their mou of land

and let women tend the mulberry trees and let women tend the mulberry trees and let women tend the mulberry trees and let women tend the mulberry trees ————you you you you

will be referred to as will be referred to as will be referred to as will be referred to as 「「「「cherished.cherished.cherished.cherished.」」」」 Treat Treat Treat Treat

the elderly disrespectfully and neglect the elderly disrespectfully and neglect the elderly disrespectfully and neglect the elderly disrespectfully and neglect

orphansorphansorphansorphans;;;; abandon the sick and leave the dead abandon the sick and leave the dead abandon the sick and leave the dead abandon the sick and leave the dead

exposedexposedexposedexposed;;;; leave the leave the leave the leave the fields uncultivated and the fields uncultivated and the fields uncultivated and the fields uncultivated and the

shuttles for weaving emptyshuttles for weaving emptyshuttles for weaving emptyshuttles for weaving empty————you will be you will be you will be you will be

referred to as referred to as referred to as referred to as 「「「「despised.despised.despised.despised.」」」」


先知先知先知先知卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge: In governing, In governing, In governing, In governing, [[[[practicepracticepracticepractice]]]] daily renewal. daily renewal. daily renewal. daily renewal.

The other said: Do I dare ask about daily The other said: Do I dare ask about daily The other said: Do I dare ask about daily The other said: Do I dare ask about daily


Yangzi said: Make the people see their ren as Yangzi said: Make the people see their ren as Yangzi said: Make the people see their ren as Yangzi said: Make the people see their ren as

a benefit, their yi as happiness. Encourage a benefit, their yi as happiness. Encourage a benefit, their yi as happiness. Encourage a benefit, their yi as happiness. Encourage

them to make a name for themselves, guide them them to make a name for themselves, guide them them to make a name for themselves, guide them them to make a name for themselves, guide them

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with praise, and make them feel pleased with with praise, and make them feel pleased with with praise, and make them feel pleased with with praise, and make them feel pleased with

themselves. This is called daily renewal.themselves. This is called daily renewal.themselves. This is called daily renewal.themselves. This is called daily renewal.


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Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge: Someone asked about what troubles the people.Someone asked about what troubles the people.Someone asked about what troubles the people.Someone asked about what troubles the people.

Yangzi said: The people have three troubles.Yangzi said: The people have three troubles.Yangzi said: The people have three troubles.Yangzi said: The people have three troubles.

The other said: What are these three trouThe other said: What are these three trouThe other said: What are these three trouThe other said: What are these three troublesblesblesbles????

Yangzi said: When the rules of government is Yangzi said: When the rules of government is Yangzi said: When the rules of government is Yangzi said: When the rules of government is

good but the officials are bad, this is the good but the officials are bad, this is the good but the officials are bad, this is the good but the officials are bad, this is the

first trouble. When the officials are good but first trouble. When the officials are good but first trouble. When the officials are good but first trouble. When the officials are good but

the rules of government is bad, this is the the rules of government is bad, this is the the rules of government is bad, this is the the rules of government is bad, this is the

second trouble. When the rules of government second trouble. When the rules of government second trouble. When the rules of government second trouble. When the rules of government

and officials are both baand officials are both baand officials are both baand officials are both bad, this is the third d, this is the third d, this is the third d, this is the third

trouble. When the birds and beasts eat trouble. When the birds and beasts eat trouble. When the birds and beasts eat trouble. When the birds and beasts eat

people's food, when buildings are adorned with people's food, when buildings are adorned with people's food, when buildings are adorned with people's food, when buildings are adorned with

the silk that ought to be used for clothing, the silk that ought to be used for clothing, the silk that ought to be used for clothing, the silk that ought to be used for clothing,

when farmers and weavers work day and night when farmers and weavers work day and night when farmers and weavers work day and night when farmers and weavers work day and night

and it is still not sufficientand it is still not sufficientand it is still not sufficientand it is still not sufficient————this is called this is called this is called this is called

bad governmentbad governmentbad governmentbad government....


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Page 113: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan

Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge: The The The The sage is one who ornaments people's zhi. sage is one who ornaments people's zhi. sage is one who ornaments people's zhi. sage is one who ornaments people's zhi.

Carts and robes are used to display itCarts and robes are used to display itCarts and robes are used to display itCarts and robes are used to display it;;;;

beautiful colors are used to illuminate itbeautiful colors are used to illuminate itbeautiful colors are used to illuminate itbeautiful colors are used to illuminate it;;;;

singing and music are used to praise itsinging and music are used to praise itsinging and music are used to praise itsinging and music are used to praise it;;;;

poetry and writings are used to make it poetry and writings are used to make it poetry and writings are used to make it poetry and writings are used to make it

glorious. If the ritual vessels are not set glorious. If the ritual vessels are not set glorious. If the ritual vessels are not set glorious. If the ritual vessels are not set

out, thout, thout, thout, the jade and silk not properly e jade and silk not properly e jade and silk not properly e jade and silk not properly

distributed, the zither and harp not struck, distributed, the zither and harp not struck, distributed, the zither and harp not struck, distributed, the zither and harp not struck,

the bells and drums not beaten, then I have no the bells and drums not beaten, then I have no the bells and drums not beaten, then I have no the bells and drums not beaten, then I have no

way to recognize the sage.way to recognize the sage.way to recognize the sage.way to recognize the sage.


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Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge: Someone said: Someone said: Someone said: Someone said: UUUUsing the model of the sagessing the model of the sagessing the model of the sagessing the model of the sages of of of of

the past in order to govern the present is the past in order to govern the present is the past in order to govern the present is the past in order to govern the present is

like gluing the pegs and trying to tune the like gluing the pegs and trying to tune the like gluing the pegs and trying to tune the like gluing the pegs and trying to tune the

zither, is it notzither, is it notzither, is it notzither, is it not????

Yangzi said: It is.Yangzi said: It is.Yangzi said: It is.Yangzi said: It is.







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The other said: Sage rulers are The other said: Sage rulers are The other said: Sage rulers are The other said: Sage rulers are rare, but rare, but rare, but rare, but

mediocre rulers are many. Sticking only to mediocre rulers are many. Sticking only to mediocre rulers are many. Sticking only to mediocre rulers are many. Sticking only to

Confucius's daoConfucius's daoConfucius's daoConfucius's dao————this is like lacquering the this is like lacquering the this is like lacquering the this is like lacquering the


Yangzi said: Have the sage's ways ever been Yangzi said: Have the sage's ways ever been Yangzi said: Have the sage's ways ever been Yangzi said: Have the sage's ways ever been

unrelated to unrelated to unrelated to unrelated to [[[[the kingdom'sthe kingdom'sthe kingdom'sthe kingdom's]]]] flourishing and flourishing and flourishing and flourishing and

declinedeclinedeclinedecline???? In the past, when Yao ruled all under In the past, when Yao ruled all under In the past, when Yao ruled all under In the past, when Yao ruled all under

Heaven, he graspeHeaven, he graspeHeaven, he graspeHeaven, he grasped the guidelines of d the guidelines of d the guidelines of d the guidelines of

government and appointed Shun to be ruler, and government and appointed Shun to be ruler, and government and appointed Shun to be ruler, and government and appointed Shun to be ruler, and

Shun appointed Yu to be ruler. The Xia, Yin, Shun appointed Yu to be ruler. The Xia, Yin, Shun appointed Yu to be ruler. The Xia, Yin, Shun appointed Yu to be ruler. The Xia, Yin,

and Zhou gave it to their sonsand Zhou gave it to their sonsand Zhou gave it to their sonsand Zhou gave it to their sons———— they were not they were not they were not they were not

glued to the sages' ways, that much is clear! glued to the sages' ways, that much is clear! glued to the sages' ways, that much is clear! glued to the sages' ways, that much is clear!

Yao and Shun employed symbolic punishments to Yao and Shun employed symbolic punishments to Yao and Shun employed symbolic punishments to Yao and Shun employed symbolic punishments to

make tmake tmake tmake the laws clear. During the Xia, the types he laws clear. During the Xia, the types he laws clear. During the Xia, the types he laws clear. During the Xia, the types

of corporeal punishments grew to three of corporeal punishments grew to three of corporeal punishments grew to three of corporeal punishments grew to three

thousandthousandthousandthousand————they were not glued to the sages' they were not glued to the sages' they were not glued to the sages' they were not glued to the sages'

ways, that much is clear! Yao considered the ways, that much is clear! Yao considered the ways, that much is clear! Yao considered the ways, that much is clear! Yao considered the

nine tribes as his own family, and harmonized nine tribes as his own family, and harmonized nine tribes as his own family, and harmonized nine tribes as his own family, and harmonized

the ten thousand kingdoms. Tang and Wu werthe ten thousand kingdoms. Tang and Wu werthe ten thousand kingdoms. Tang and Wu werthe ten thousand kingdoms. Tang and Wu were e e e

martial, and attacked all within the four martial, and attacked all within the four martial, and attacked all within the four martial, and attacked all within the four

directions. From these examples, we may directions. From these examples, we may directions. From these examples, we may directions. From these examples, we may

conclude that they were not glued to the conclude that they were not glued to the conclude that they were not glued to the conclude that they were not glued to the

sages' ways, that much is clear! The Lunyu sages' ways, that much is clear! The Lunyu sages' ways, that much is clear! The Lunyu sages' ways, that much is clear! The Lunyu

says, says, says, says, 「「「「Li, music, and military attacks come Li, music, and military attacks come Li, music, and military attacks come Li, music, and military attacks come

from the Son of Heaven." from the Son of Heaven." from the Son of Heaven." from the Son of Heaven." BBBBut during the Spriut during the Spriut during the Spriut during the Spring ng ng ng

and Autumn period, Qi and Jin instigated them. and Autumn period, Qi and Jin instigated them. and Autumn period, Qi and Jin instigated them. and Autumn period, Qi and Jin instigated them.

They were not glued to the sages' ways, that They were not glued to the sages' ways, that They were not glued to the sages' ways, that They were not glued to the sages' ways, that

much is clear!much is clear!much is clear!much is clear!

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Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge: Someone said: The people's ruler cannot but Someone said: The people's ruler cannot but Someone said: The people's ruler cannot but Someone said: The people's ruler cannot but

study laws and laws and laws and laws and ordinances.

Yangzi said: When governing the kingdom, a Yangzi said: When governing the kingdom, a Yangzi said: When governing the kingdom, a Yangzi said: When governing the kingdom, a

junzi establishes its mainstays and junzi establishes its mainstays and junzi establishes its mainstays and junzi establishes its mainstays and

guidelines, and pays close attention to guidelines, and pays close attention to guidelines, and pays close attention to guidelines, and pays close attention to

education and culture. If he leads them by education and culture. If he leads them by education and culture. If he leads them by education and culture. If he leads them by

means ofmeans ofmeans ofmeans of ren, then those below will not harm ren, then those below will not harm ren, then those below will not harm ren, then those below will not harm

one another. If he appears before them one another. If he appears before them one another. If he appears before them one another. If he appears before them

modestly, then those below will not steal from modestly, then those below will not steal from modestly, then those below will not steal from modestly, then those below will not steal from

one another. If he approaches them honestly, one another. If he approaches them honestly, one another. If he approaches them honestly, one another. If he approaches them honestly,

then those below will not be deceitful with then those below will not be deceitful with then those below will not be deceitful with then those below will not be deceitful with

one another. If he cultivates them using li one another. If he cultivates them using li one another. If he cultivates them using li one another. If he cultivates them using li

and yi, then those below will be more yielding and yi, then those below will be more yielding and yi, then those below will be more yielding and yi, then those below will be more yielding

and increase their de. This is what the junzi and increase their de. This is what the junzi and increase their de. This is what the junzi and increase their de. This is what the junzi

should study. If there are those who break the should study. If there are those who break the should study. If there are those who break the should study. If there are those who break the

law, then there are officers and jails to deal law, then there are officers and jails to deal law, then there are officers and jails to deal law, then there are officers and jails to deal

with them.with them.with them.with them.


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Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge: Someone Someone Someone Someone expressed worry about expressed worry about expressed worry about expressed worry about [[[[the world'sthe world'sthe world'sthe world's]]]]


Yangzi said: ItYangzi said: ItYangzi said: ItYangzi said: It』』』』s in the mainstays and s in the mainstays and s in the mainstays and s in the mainstays and


The other said: How does it lie in the The other said: How does it lie in the The other said: How does it lie in the The other said: How does it lie in the

mainstays and its guidelinesmainstays and its guidelinesmainstays and its guidelinesmainstays and its guidelines????

Yangzi said: In great affairs employ the Yangzi said: In great affairs employ the Yangzi said: In great affairs employ the Yangzi said: In great affairs employ the

mainstays, in small affairs use the mainstays, in small affairs use the mainstays, in small affairs use the mainstays, in small affairs use the

guidelines. If tguidelines. If tguidelines. If tguidelines. If the main lines are no good, and he main lines are no good, and he main lines are no good, and he main lines are no good, and

neither are the connecting lines, how could a neither are the connecting lines, how could a neither are the connecting lines, how could a neither are the connecting lines, how could a

hunting net have even one eyelet aligned.hunting net have even one eyelet aligned.hunting net have even one eyelet aligned.hunting net have even one eyelet aligned.


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Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge: Someone asked: Duke Huan of Qi employed Guan Someone asked: Duke Huan of Qi employed Guan Someone asked: Duke Huan of Qi employed Guan Someone asked: Duke Huan of Qi employed Guan

Zhong and became hegemon. Confucius said, "He Zhong and became hegemon. Confucius said, "He Zhong and became hegemon. Confucius said, "He Zhong and became hegemon. Confucius said, "He

was a small vessel." May I ask about a great was a small vessel." May I ask about a great was a small vessel." May I ask about a great was a small vessel." May I ask about a great


Yangzi said:Yangzi said:Yangzi said:Yangzi said: A great vessel is like compass A great vessel is like compass A great vessel is like compass A great vessel is like compass

and square, level and marking line! First you and square, level and marking line! First you and square, level and marking line! First you and square, level and marking line! First you

govern yourself, and only then do you govern govern yourself, and only then do you govern govern yourself, and only then do you govern govern yourself, and only then do you govern

othersothersothersothers————this is referred to as being a great this is referred to as being a great this is referred to as being a great this is referred to as being a great



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Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge: Someone asked: In rectifying a kingdom, what Someone asked: In rectifying a kingdom, what Someone asked: In rectifying a kingdom, what Someone asked: In rectifying a kingdom, what

comes firstcomes firstcomes firstcomes first????

Yangzi said: Align yourself and others will Yangzi said: Align yourself and others will Yangzi said: Align yourself and others will Yangzi said: Align yourself and others will

line up.line up.line up.line up.


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Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge: Someone said: In governing, do you not put Someone said: In governing, do you not put Someone said: In governing, do you not put Someone said: In governing, do you not put

execution first and education nextexecution first and education nextexecution first and education nextexecution first and education next????

Yangzi said: Indeed! Does Tian begin with Yangzi said: Indeed! Does Tian begin with Yangzi said: Indeed! Does Tian begin with Yangzi said: Indeed! Does Tian begin with

autumn and follow with springautumn and follow with springautumn and follow with springautumn and follow with spring???? OOOOr does it r does it r does it r does it

first begin with spring andfirst begin with spring andfirst begin with spring andfirst begin with spring and follow with follow with follow with follow with



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Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge: I see the black ants I see the black ants I see the black ants I see the black ants marching out of their marching out of their marching out of their marching out of their

nest and hear the morning call of the nest and hear the morning call of the nest and hear the morning call of the nest and hear the morning call of the

pheasantpheasantpheasantpheasant————how can change be stoppedhow can change be stoppedhow can change be stoppedhow can change be stopped????

Han Jing explains that the ancients understood Han Jing explains that the ancients understood Han Jing explains that the ancients understood Han Jing explains that the ancients understood

black ants coming out of their nest as a black ants coming out of their nest as a black ants coming out of their nest as a black ants coming out of their nest as a

symbol of seasonal and climatic change.symbol of seasonal and climatic change.symbol of seasonal and climatic change.symbol of seasonal and climatic change.

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Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge: The people can be allowed to see the ruler The people can be allowed to see the ruler The people can be allowed to see the ruler The people can be allowed to see the ruler

implementing de, but should not be implementing de, but should not be implementing de, but should not be implementing de, but should not be allowed to allowed to allowed to allowed to

see punishment being carried out. If they see see punishment being carried out. If they see see punishment being carried out. If they see see punishment being carried out. If they see

de, they will be pure and simple, but if they de, they will be pure and simple, but if they de, they will be pure and simple, but if they de, they will be pure and simple, but if they

see punishment, there will be chaos.see punishment, there will be chaos.see punishment, there will be chaos.see punishment, there will be chaos.


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Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge: UUUUsing images of the dragon to bring rain is sing images of the dragon to bring rain is sing images of the dragon to bring rain is sing images of the dragon to bring rain is


Yangzi said: DragonsYangzi said: DragonsYangzi said: DragonsYangzi said: Dragons???? Dragons Dragons Dragons Dragons????


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Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge: Someone asked about the core of Someone asked about the core of Someone asked about the core of Someone asked about the core of governing.governing.governing.governing.

Yangzi said: Discriminating the true and the Yangzi said: Discriminating the true and the Yangzi said: Discriminating the true and the Yangzi said: Discriminating the true and the

false. If you can discriminate the true and false. If you can discriminate the true and false. If you can discriminate the true and false. If you can discriminate the true and

the false, then you have grasped the core of the false, then you have grasped the core of the false, then you have grasped the core of the false, then you have grasped the core of

governance. governance. governance. governance. BBBBut if the true is not considered ut if the true is not considered ut if the true is not considered ut if the true is not considered

true, and the false not considered false, then true, and the false not considered false, then true, and the false not considered false, then true, and the false not considered false, then

governing will havgoverning will havgoverning will havgoverning will have no core.e no core.e no core.e no core.

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Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge: Thunder and wind are what Thunder and wind are what Thunder and wind are what Thunder and wind are what spur the myriad spur the myriad spur the myriad spur the myriad

things to action. things to action. things to action. things to action. OOOOrders and decrees are what rders and decrees are what rders and decrees are what rders and decrees are what

spur the myriad people to action. Thunder does spur the myriad people to action. Thunder does spur the myriad people to action. Thunder does spur the myriad people to action. Thunder does

not sound only once, and wind does not blow in not sound only once, and wind does not blow in not sound only once, and wind does not blow in not sound only once, and wind does not blow in

two directions at the same time.two directions at the same time.two directions at the same time.two directions at the same time.


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Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge: The sage loves to mold and perfect the culture The sage loves to mold and perfect the culture The sage loves to mold and perfect the culture The sage loves to mold and perfect the culture

of the world, endowing people with the talents of the world, endowing people with the talents of the world, endowing people with the talents of the world, endowing people with the talents

of a shi and junzi. Thus, he does not conceal of a shi and junzi. Thus, he does not conceal of a shi and junzi. Thus, he does not conceal of a shi and junzi. Thus, he does not conceal

himself from the world, and he does not himself from the world, and he does not himself from the world, and he does not himself from the world, and he does not

separate himself from the common people. separate himself from the common people. separate himself from the common people. separate himself from the common people. OOOOne ne ne ne

who conceals himself from the world and who conceals himself from the world and who conceals himself from the world and who conceals himself from the world and

separates himself from the common people, is separates himself from the common people, is separates himself from the common people, is separates himself from the common people, is

he really a sagehe really a sagehe really a sagehe really a sage????


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Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge: A hen's lack of skill is revealed in the eggs A hen's lack of skill is revealed in the eggs A hen's lack of skill is revealed in the eggs A hen's lack of skill is revealed in the eggs

that do not hatch. A ruler's lack of skill is that do not hatch. A ruler's lack of skill is that do not hatch. A ruler's lack of skill is that do not hatch. A ruler's lack of skill is

revealed in people who are uncultivated.revealed in people who are uncultivated.revealed in people who are uncultivated.revealed in people who are uncultivated.


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Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge: Someone said: Suppose you were made to draft Someone said: Suppose you were made to draft Someone said: Suppose you were made to draft Someone said: Suppose you were made to draft

the laws.the laws.the laws.the laws.

Yangzi said: I am not as Yangzi said: I am not as Yangzi said: I am not as Yangzi said: I am not as good as Hong Gong.good as Hong Gong.good as Hong Gong.good as Hong Gong.

The other said: What about writing memorials The other said: What about writing memorials The other said: What about writing memorials The other said: What about writing memorials

to the emperorto the emperorto the emperorto the emperor????

Yangzi said: I am not as good as Chen Tang.Yangzi said: I am not as good as Chen Tang.Yangzi said: I am not as good as Chen Tang.Yangzi said: I am not as good as Chen Tang.

The other said: The other said: The other said: The other said: BBBBut what would you dout what would you dout what would you dout what would you do????

Yangzi said: What is needed is for the laws Yangzi said: What is needed is for the laws Yangzi said: What is needed is for the laws Yangzi said: What is needed is for the laws

not to be broken and memorials not to be not to be broken and memorials not to be not to be broken and memorials not to be not to be broken and memorials not to be


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Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge: For the potter who molds the world, skill lies For the potter who molds the world, skill lies For the potter who molds the world, skill lies For the potter who molds the world, skill lies

in in in in achieving balanced harmony. If you fire achieving balanced harmony. If you fire achieving balanced harmony. If you fire achieving balanced harmony. If you fire

things too hard, they break. If too soft, they things too hard, they break. If too soft, they things too hard, they break. If too soft, they things too hard, they break. If too soft, they

are unfinished.are unfinished.are unfinished.are unfinished.

23232323 先知先知先知先知卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 龍龍龍龍之之之之潛潛潛潛亢亢亢亢,,,,不不不不獲獲獲獲中中中中矣矣矣矣。。。。是是是是以過中則以過中則以過中則以過中則惕惕惕惕,,,,不及中則不及中則不及中則不及中則躍躍躍躍,,,,


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Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge: When a dragon is laying low or flying high it When a dragon is laying low or flying high it When a dragon is laying low or flying high it When a dragon is laying low or flying high it

does not grasp the center. Therefore, those does not grasp the center. Therefore, those does not grasp the center. Therefore, those does not grasp the center. Therefore, those

who go beyond the center, but are cautious, who go beyond the center, but are cautious, who go beyond the center, but are cautious, who go beyond the center, but are cautious,

and those who do not reachand those who do not reachand those who do not reachand those who do not reach the center, but the center, but the center, but the center, but

leap, are close to the center.leap, are close to the center.leap, are close to the center.leap, are close to the center.


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Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge: The sage's dao can be compared to the sun at The sage's dao can be compared to the sun at The sage's dao can be compared to the sun at The sage's dao can be compared to the sun at

high noon. high noon. high noon. high noon. BBBBut if the sun has not reached its ut if the sun has not reached its ut if the sun has not reached its ut if the sun has not reached its

apex, then it is not yet at its brightest. And apex, then it is not yet at its brightest. And apex, then it is not yet at its brightest. And apex, then it is not yet at its brightest. And

if it has gone beyond the apex, then it is if it has gone beyond the apex, then it is if it has gone beyond the apex, then it is if it has gone beyond the apex, then it is



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Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge: The oneThe oneThe oneThe one----tenth tax is the correct amount of tax tenth tax is the correct amount of tax tenth tax is the correct amount of tax tenth tax is the correct amount of tax

for for for for all under Heaven. If it is more, then you all under Heaven. If it is more, then you all under Heaven. If it is more, then you all under Heaven. If it is more, then you

will have a tax policy as cruel as that of the will have a tax policy as cruel as that of the will have a tax policy as cruel as that of the will have a tax policy as cruel as that of the

emperor Jie. If it is less, then you will have emperor Jie. If it is less, then you will have emperor Jie. If it is less, then you will have emperor Jie. If it is less, then you will have

a kingdom as backward as the Mo barbarians of a kingdom as backward as the Mo barbarians of a kingdom as backward as the Mo barbarians of a kingdom as backward as the Mo barbarians of

the north.the north.the north.the north.

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Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge: Cultivating a wellCultivating a wellCultivating a wellCultivating a well----fieldfieldfieldfield————now thatnow thatnow thatnow that』』』』s s s s

cultivation! Punishing with corporeal cultivation! Punishing with corporeal cultivation! Punishing with corporeal cultivation! Punishing with corporeal

punishmentpunishmentpunishmentpunishment————now that's now that's now that's now that's punishment! Give the punishment! Give the punishment! Give the punishment! Give the

fields to the common people to farm. Give fields to the common people to farm. Give fields to the common people to farm. Give fields to the common people to farm. Give

those who are to be punished to the common those who are to be punished to the common those who are to be punished to the common those who are to be punished to the common

people to castigate.people to castigate.people to castigate.people to castigate.


先知先知先知先知卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge: If the law had no restrictions, then the If the law had no restrictions, then the If the law had no restrictions, then the If the law had no restrictions, then the

multitudes would farm the noble's fields, live multitudes would farm the noble's fields, live multitudes would farm the noble's fields, live multitudes would farm the noble's fields, live

in the noble's dwelling, eat the noble's food, in the noble's dwelling, eat the noble's food, in the noble's dwelling, eat the noble's food, in the noble's dwelling, eat the noble's food,

and wear the noble's robes. and wear the noble's robes. and wear the noble's robes. and wear the noble's robes. Indeed, there Indeed, there Indeed, there Indeed, there

would not be enough for most people.would not be enough for most people.would not be enough for most people.would not be enough for most people.


先知先知先知先知卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :


Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge:Foreknowledge: For a kingdom not to implement its laws and For a kingdom not to implement its laws and For a kingdom not to implement its laws and For a kingdom not to implement its laws and

yet hope to be effectiveyet hope to be effectiveyet hope to be effectiveyet hope to be effective————compare it to compare it to compare it to compare it to

calculating not using rules and hoping for the calculating not using rules and hoping for the calculating not using rules and hoping for the calculating not using rules and hoping for the

right totals.right totals.right totals.right totals.

Page 123: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan

《《《《重黎重黎重黎重黎卷第十卷第十卷第十卷第十 ---- Zhong and LiZhong and LiZhong and LiZhong and Li》》》》



重黎重黎重黎重黎卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and


Someone asked: Zhong of the Southern Someone asked: Zhong of the Southern Someone asked: Zhong of the Southern Someone asked: Zhong of the Southern RRRRegion was egion was egion was egion was

the officer of the heavens,the officer of the heavens,the officer of the heavens,the officer of the heavens, Li of the Northern Li of the Northern Li of the Northern Li of the Northern

RRRRegion was the officer of the earth. What are egion was the officer of the earth. What are egion was the officer of the earth. What are egion was the officer of the earth. What are

these offices todaythese offices todaythese offices todaythese offices today????

Yangzi said: The offices of Xi and He are Yangzi said: The offices of Xi and He are Yangzi said: The offices of Xi and He are Yangzi said: The offices of Xi and He are


The other said: Which is similar to Zheng and The other said: Which is similar to Zheng and The other said: Which is similar to Zheng and The other said: Which is similar to Zheng and

which is similar to Liwhich is similar to Liwhich is similar to Liwhich is similar to Li????

Yangzi said: Xi is similar to Zhong and He is Yangzi said: Xi is similar to Zhong and He is Yangzi said: Xi is similar to Zhong and He is Yangzi said: Xi is similar to Zhong and He is

sisisisimilar to Li.milar to Li.milar to Li.milar to Li.


重黎重黎重黎重黎卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and


Someone asked about the Cycle of the Yellow Someone asked about the Cycle of the Yellow Someone asked about the Cycle of the Yellow Someone asked about the Cycle of the Yellow


Yangzi said: It falsely borrows his name. In Yangzi said: It falsely borrows his name. In Yangzi said: It falsely borrows his name. In Yangzi said: It falsely borrows his name. In

the past, Yu controlled the waters flooding the the past, Yu controlled the waters flooding the the past, Yu controlled the waters flooding the the past, Yu controlled the waters flooding the

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land, and now shamans dance the many Steps of land, and now shamans dance the many Steps of land, and now shamans dance the many Steps of land, and now shamans dance the many Steps of

Yu. Yu. Yu. Yu. BBBBian Qiao was a man of Lu, and now many ian Qiao was a man of Lu, and now many ian Qiao was a man of Lu, and now many ian Qiao was a man of Lu, and now many

healers are calhealers are calhealers are calhealers are called Men of Lu. Those who want to led Men of Lu. Those who want to led Men of Lu. Those who want to led Men of Lu. Those who want to

sell what is fake inevitably borrow from the sell what is fake inevitably borrow from the sell what is fake inevitably borrow from the sell what is fake inevitably borrow from the

genuine. The Steps of Yugenuine. The Steps of Yugenuine. The Steps of Yugenuine. The Steps of Yu???? Men of Lu Men of Lu Men of Lu Men of Lu???? The Cycle The Cycle The Cycle The Cycle

of Huangdiof Huangdiof Huangdiof Huangdi???? Please! Please! Please! Please!


重黎重黎重黎重黎卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and


Someone asked about the huntian Someone asked about the huntian Someone asked about the huntian Someone asked about the huntian theory.theory.theory.theory.

Yangzi said: Luoxia Hong devised it, Xianyu Yangzi said: Luoxia Hong devised it, Xianyu Yangzi said: Luoxia Hong devised it, Xianyu Yangzi said: Luoxia Hong devised it, Xianyu

Wangren calculated it, and Geng Zhongcheng Wangren calculated it, and Geng Zhongcheng Wangren calculated it, and Geng Zhongcheng Wangren calculated it, and Geng Zhongcheng

created the armillary sphere. So subtle, so created the armillary sphere. So subtle, so created the armillary sphere. So subtle, so created the armillary sphere. So subtle, so

subtle! No one can contradict it!subtle! No one can contradict it!subtle! No one can contradict it!subtle! No one can contradict it!



May I ask about gaitian theoryMay I ask about gaitian theoryMay I ask about gaitian theoryMay I ask about gaitian theory????

Yangzi said: The gaitian theory! The gaitian Yangzi said: The gaitian theory! The gaitian Yangzi said: The gaitian theory! The gaitian Yangzi said: The gaitian theory! The gaitian

theory! For answering difficult theory! For answering difficult theory! For answering difficult theory! For answering difficult questions it is questions it is questions it is questions it is

not as subtle.not as subtle.not as subtle.not as subtle.

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重黎重黎重黎重黎卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and


Someone asked: Why were the rulers of Qin so Someone asked: Why were the rulers of Qin so Someone asked: Why were the rulers of Qin so Someone asked: Why were the rulers of Qin so

preoccupied with spiritspreoccupied with spiritspreoccupied with spiritspreoccupied with spirits????

Yangzi said: Spirits are strange and Yangzi said: Spirits are strange and Yangzi said: Spirits are strange and Yangzi said: Spirits are strange and

unintelligible, now seeming to be here, unintelligible, now seeming to be here, unintelligible, now seeming to be here, unintelligible, now seeming to be here, now now now now

not. The sage does not speak about them.not. The sage does not speak about them.not. The sage does not speak about them.not. The sage does not speak about them.


重黎重黎重黎重黎卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :






Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and


Someone asked: Among Wu Zixu, Wen Zhong and Fan Someone asked: Among Wu Zixu, Wen Zhong and Fan Someone asked: Among Wu Zixu, Wen Zhong and Fan Someone asked: Among Wu Zixu, Wen Zhong and Fan

Li, who was worthyLi, who was worthyLi, who was worthyLi, who was worthy????

Yangzi said: Zi Xu helped the state of Wu make Yangzi said: Zi Xu helped the state of Wu make Yangzi said: Zi Xu helped the state of Wu make Yangzi said: Zi Xu helped the state of Wu make

trouble, destroyed the state of Chu, entered trouble, destroyed the state of Chu, entered trouble, destroyed the state of Chu, entered trouble, destroyed the state of Chu, entered

the capital at Ying, whipped the corpse of the capital at Ying, whipped the corpse of the capital at Ying, whipped the corpse of the capital at Ying, whipped the corpse of KKKKing ing ing ing

Ping and expelled the government officials Ping and expelled the government officials Ping and expelled the government officials Ping and expelled the government officials ————

none of this was virtuous (de). He plotted none of this was virtuous (de). He plotted none of this was virtuous (de). He plotted none of this was virtuous (de). He plotted

against the state of Yue and against the state of Yue and against the state of Yue and against the state of Yue and remonstrated remonstrated remonstrated remonstrated

against attacking Qi to no good use. against attacking Qi to no good use. against attacking Qi to no good use. against attacking Qi to no good use. UUUUnable to nable to nable to nable to

leave, he finally saw the destruction of Wu leave, he finally saw the destruction of Wu leave, he finally saw the destruction of Wu leave, he finally saw the destruction of Wu

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with his own eyes. Wen Zhong and Fan Li did not with his own eyes. Wen Zhong and Fan Li did not with his own eyes. Wen Zhong and Fan Li did not with his own eyes. Wen Zhong and Fan Li did not

strongly remonstrate against strongly remonstrate against strongly remonstrate against strongly remonstrate against KKKKing Gou Jian of ing Gou Jian of ing Gou Jian of ing Gou Jian of

YueYueYueYue』』』』s plan to attack the state of Wu, and he s plan to attack the state of Wu, and he s plan to attack the state of Wu, and he s plan to attack the state of Wu, and he

was held by was held by was held by was held by KKKKing Fuchai of Wu for three years ing Fuchai of Wu for three years ing Fuchai of Wu for three years ing Fuchai of Wu for three years

on Mount on Mount on Mount on Mount KKKKuaiji. They caused their ruler to uaiji. They caused their ruler to uaiji. They caused their ruler to uaiji. They caused their ruler to

yield the altars of the spirits of earth and yield the altars of the spirits of earth and yield the altars of the spirits of earth and yield the altars of the spirits of earth and

become a servant boy to become a servant boy to become a servant boy to become a servant boy to KKKKing Fuchai. In the ing Fuchai. In the ing Fuchai. In the ing Fuchai. In the

end, they destroyed Wu, but none of them were end, they destroyed Wu, but none of them were end, they destroyed Wu, but none of them were end, they destroyed Wu, but none of them were

good enough to be considered worthy. In the good enough to be considered worthy. In the good enough to be considered worthy. In the good enough to be considered worthy. In the end end end end

Fan Li sent Wen Zhong a letter warning him to Fan Li sent Wen Zhong a letter warning him to Fan Li sent Wen Zhong a letter warning him to Fan Li sent Wen Zhong a letter warning him to

flee and then escaped to go fatten himself!flee and then escaped to go fatten himself!flee and then escaped to go fatten himself!flee and then escaped to go fatten himself!


重黎重黎重黎重黎卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and


Someone asked about Chen Sheng and Wu Guang.Someone asked about Chen Sheng and Wu Guang.Someone asked about Chen Sheng and Wu Guang.Someone asked about Chen Sheng and Wu Guang.

Yangzi said: They were rebels.Yangzi said: They were rebels.Yangzi said: They were rebels.Yangzi said: They were rebels.

The The The The other said: other said: other said: other said: BBBBut if not for them, the Qin ut if not for them, the Qin ut if not for them, the Qin ut if not for them, the Qin

would not have been destroyed.would not have been destroyed.would not have been destroyed.would not have been destroyed.

Yangzi said: Did they really destroy the QinYangzi said: Did they really destroy the QinYangzi said: Did they really destroy the QinYangzi said: Did they really destroy the Qin????

IIII』』』』m afraid that Chen Sheng and Wu Guang were m afraid that Chen Sheng and Wu Guang were m afraid that Chen Sheng and Wu Guang were m afraid that Chen Sheng and Wu Guang were

destroyed before the Qin.destroyed before the Qin.destroyed before the Qin.destroyed before the Qin.


重黎重黎重黎重黎卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 或或或或問問問問:「:「:「:「六六六六國國國國並並並並,,,,其已久矣其已久矣其已久矣其已久矣。。。。一一一一病病病病一一一一瘳瘳瘳瘳,,,,迄迄迄迄始始始始皇皇皇皇三三三三載載載載




Page 127: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan




Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and


Someone said: The six kingdoms stood together Someone said: The six kingdoms stood together Someone said: The six kingdoms stood together Someone said: The six kingdoms stood together

for a long time, one now weak, the other now for a long time, one now weak, the other now for a long time, one now weak, the other now for a long time, one now weak, the other now

strong. Qin Shi Huangdi appeared and they were strong. Qin Shi Huangdi appeared and they were strong. Qin Shi Huangdi appeared and they were strong. Qin Shi Huangdi appeared and they were

allallallall[[[[unified within three years. Was this unified within three years. Was this unified within three years. Was this unified within three years. Was this

because of fortunate timing, the natural because of fortunate timing, the natural because of fortunate timing, the natural because of fortunate timing, the natural

defensibility of the land, or mandefensibility of the land, or mandefensibility of the land, or mandefensibility of the land, or man』』』』s doings doings doings doing????

Yangzi said: All of them.Yangzi said: All of them.Yangzi said: All of them.Yangzi said: All of them.

May I ask about manMay I ask about manMay I ask about manMay I ask about man』』』』s doings doings doings doing????

Yangzi said: From the time of Duke Xiao on Yangzi said: From the time of Duke Xiao on Yangzi said: From the time of Duke Xiao on Yangzi said: From the time of Duke Xiao on

down, Qin strengthened its armies anddown, Qin strengthened its armies anddown, Qin strengthened its armies anddown, Qin strengthened its armies and empowered empowered empowered empowered

its farmersits farmersits farmersits farmers————they were like silkworms eating they were like silkworms eating they were like silkworms eating they were like silkworms eating

away at the six kingdoms. This was manaway at the six kingdoms. This was manaway at the six kingdoms. This was manaway at the six kingdoms. This was man』』』』s s s s


The other said: May I ask about the natural The other said: May I ask about the natural The other said: May I ask about the natural The other said: May I ask about the natural

defensibility of the landdefensibility of the landdefensibility of the landdefensibility of the land????

Yangzi said: To the east, the Yellow Yangzi said: To the east, the Yellow Yangzi said: To the east, the Yellow Yangzi said: To the east, the Yellow RRRRiver iver iver iver

served as a moatserved as a moatserved as a moatserved as a moat;;;; to the south, it was to the south, it was to the south, it was to the south, it was

obstructed by high mountainsobstructed by high mountainsobstructed by high mountainsobstructed by high mountains;;;; to the west they to the west they to the west they to the west they

took Yong and Liang, and to the north, it was took Yong and Liang, and to the north, it was took Yong and Liang, and to the north, it was took Yong and Liang, and to the north, it was

bordered by the Jing bordered by the Jing bordered by the Jing bordered by the Jing RRRRiver. When it was iver. When it was iver. When it was iver. When it was

advantageous, Qin expanded its territory. When advantageous, Qin expanded its territory. When advantageous, Qin expanded its territory. When advantageous, Qin expanded its territory. When

it was not, it just coiled up. This was the it was not, it just coiled up. This was the it was not, it just coiled up. This was the it was not, it just coiled up. This was the

natural defensibility of the lannatural defensibility of the lannatural defensibility of the lannatural defensibility of the land.d.d.d.

The other said: How was it due to fortunate The other said: How was it due to fortunate The other said: How was it due to fortunate The other said: How was it due to fortunate


Yangzi said: At that time Qin Shi Huangdi was Yangzi said: At that time Qin Shi Huangdi was Yangzi said: At that time Qin Shi Huangdi was Yangzi said: At that time Qin Shi Huangdi was

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like an axe and his generals were like knives. like an axe and his generals were like knives. like an axe and his generals were like knives. like an axe and his generals were like knives.

The six kingdoms were like wood, and their The six kingdoms were like wood, and their The six kingdoms were like wood, and their The six kingdoms were like wood, and their

generals were like meat. This was fortunate generals were like meat. This was fortunate generals were like meat. This was fortunate generals were like meat. This was fortunate



重黎重黎重黎重黎卷第卷第卷第卷第... ... ... ... :::: 或或或或問問問問:「:「:「:「秦秦秦秦伯伯伯伯列列列列為為為為侯侯侯侯衛衛衛衛,,,,卒卒卒卒吞吞吞吞天下天下天下天下,,,,而而而而赧赧赧赧曾曾曾曾無以無以無以無以制制制制







Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and


The descendants of The descendants of The descendants of The descendants of BBBBo Yi of the Qin were the o Yi of the Qin were the o Yi of the Qin were the o Yi of the Qin were the

protectors of the feudal lords, but protectors of the feudal lords, but protectors of the feudal lords, but protectors of the feudal lords, but suddenly suddenly suddenly suddenly

they swallowed up all under Heaven. Why did they swallowed up all under Heaven. Why did they swallowed up all under Heaven. Why did they swallowed up all under Heaven. Why did

KKKKing Nan of Zhou to restrict their Nan of Zhou to restrict their Nan of Zhou to restrict their Nan of Zhou to restrict their expansion.

Yangzi replied: The Son of Heaven restricts Yangzi replied: The Son of Heaven restricts Yangzi replied: The Son of Heaven restricts Yangzi replied: The Son of Heaven restricts

dukes, marquis, earls, viscounts and barons dukes, marquis, earls, viscounts and barons dukes, marquis, earls, viscounts and barons dukes, marquis, earls, viscounts and barons

using rules of ceremony. In the rules of using rules of ceremony. In the rules of using rules of ceremony. In the rules of using rules of ceremony. In the rules of

ceremony there is no fault ceremony there is no fault ceremony there is no fault ceremony there is no fault greater than greater than greater than greater than

usurpation. In usurpation, no fault is greater usurpation. In usurpation, no fault is greater usurpation. In usurpation, no fault is greater usurpation. In usurpation, no fault is greater

those than in making sacrificial offerings. In those than in making sacrificial offerings. In those than in making sacrificial offerings. In those than in making sacrificial offerings. In

making offerings, there is nothing more making offerings, there is nothing more making offerings, there is nothing more making offerings, there is nothing more

important than the place of the ceremony, and important than the place of the ceremony, and important than the place of the ceremony, and important than the place of the ceremony, and

in the place of the ceremony, nothing is more in the place of the ceremony, nothing is more in the place of the ceremony, nothing is more in the place of the ceremony, nothing is more

important than chimportant than chimportant than chimportant than choosing a place to sacrifice to oosing a place to sacrifice to oosing a place to sacrifice to oosing a place to sacrifice to

Tian. This being so, Duke Xiang, Duke Wen, Duke Tian. This being so, Duke Xiang, Duke Wen, Duke Tian. This being so, Duke Xiang, Duke Wen, Duke Tian. This being so, Duke Xiang, Duke Wen, Duke

Xuan and Duke Ling built their temples. In the Xuan and Duke Ling built their temples. In the Xuan and Duke Ling built their temples. In the Xuan and Duke Ling built their temples. In the

past, Duke Xiang usurped the Western Alter and past, Duke Xiang usurped the Western Alter and past, Duke Xiang usurped the Western Alter and past, Duke Xiang usurped the Western Alter and

made offerings to the White Emperor. Dukes Wen, made offerings to the White Emperor. Dukes Wen, made offerings to the White Emperor. Dukes Wen, made offerings to the White Emperor. Dukes Wen,

Page 129: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan

Xuan and Ling built temples at Fu, Xuan and Ling built temples at Fu, Xuan and Ling built temples at Fu, Xuan and Ling built temples at Fu, Mi, Shang Mi, Shang Mi, Shang Mi, Shang

and Xia to sacrifice to the Four Deities. The and Xia to sacrifice to the Four Deities. The and Xia to sacrifice to the Four Deities. The and Xia to sacrifice to the Four Deities. The

Son of Heaven did not rectify this, and to the Son of Heaven did not rectify this, and to the Son of Heaven did not rectify this, and to the Son of Heaven did not rectify this, and to the

contrary, wrongly made offerings to contrary, wrongly made offerings to contrary, wrongly made offerings to contrary, wrongly made offerings to KKKKing Wen ing Wen ing Wen ing Wen

and and and and KKKKing Wu. As a result, all within the four ing Wu. As a result, all within the four ing Wu. As a result, all within the four ing Wu. As a result, all within the four

boundaries used their power to encroach upon boundaries used their power to encroach upon boundaries used their power to encroach upon boundaries used their power to encroach upon

each other, tearieach other, tearieach other, tearieach other, tearing apart flesh and bone. How ng apart flesh and bone. How ng apart flesh and bone. How ng apart flesh and bone. How

could could could could KKKKing Nan alone control the Qining Nan alone control the Qining Nan alone control the Qining Nan alone control the Qin????


重黎重黎重黎重黎卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 或或或或問問問問:「:「:「:「贏贏贏贏政政政政二二二二十十十十六載六載六載六載,,,,天下天下天下天下擅擅擅擅秦秦秦秦。。。。秦秦秦秦十十十十五五五五載載載載而而而而楚楚楚楚,,,,










Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and


Someone asked: In twentySomeone asked: In twentySomeone asked: In twentySomeone asked: In twenty----six years of rule, Qin six years of rule, Qin six years of rule, Qin six years of rule, Qin

Shi Huang had seized all under Heaven. Fifteen Shi Huang had seized all under Heaven. Fifteen Shi Huang had seized all under Heaven. Fifteen Shi Huang had seized all under Heaven. Fifteen

years later Chu seized it, and only five years years later Chu seized it, and only five years years later Chu seized it, and only five years years later Chu seized it, and only five years

after that Han controlled it.after that Han controlled it.after that Han controlled it.after that Han controlled it. In a fiftyIn a fiftyIn a fiftyIn a fifty----year year year year

period, the empire had changed hands three period, the empire had changed hands three period, the empire had changed hands three period, the empire had changed hands three

times. Was this due to Tian or mantimes. Was this due to Tian or mantimes. Was this due to Tian or mantimes. Was this due to Tian or man????

Yangzi said: Yangzi said: Yangzi said: Yangzi said: BBBBoth. The Zhou installed their oth. The Zhou installed their oth. The Zhou installed their oth. The Zhou installed their

sons and brothers, divided up the titles and sons and brothers, divided up the titles and sons and brothers, divided up the titles and sons and brothers, divided up the titles and

fiefdoms, ordered the five ranks, and fiefdoms, ordered the five ranks, and fiefdoms, ordered the five ranks, and fiefdoms, ordered the five ranks, and

established the twelve kingdoms. established the twelve kingdoms. established the twelve kingdoms. established the twelve kingdoms. Even at that Even at that Even at that Even at that

time, there were some like the Han that desired time, there were some like the Han that desired time, there were some like the Han that desired time, there were some like the Han that desired

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to control the empire, but what could they do to control the empire, but what could they do to control the empire, but what could they do to control the empire, but what could they do

about itabout itabout itabout it???? Then six kingdoms became foolish and Then six kingdoms became foolish and Then six kingdoms became foolish and Then six kingdoms became foolish and

disordered, helping Qin Shi Huang to weaken the disordered, helping Qin Shi Huang to weaken the disordered, helping Qin Shi Huang to weaken the disordered, helping Qin Shi Huang to weaken the

Zhou, and finally to brush aside their armies Zhou, and finally to brush aside their armies Zhou, and finally to brush aside their armies Zhou, and finally to brush aside their armies

and seizand seizand seizand seize control of their kingdoms. Thus, the e control of their kingdoms. Thus, the e control of their kingdoms. Thus, the e control of their kingdoms. Thus, the

empire was seized by the Qin. They ended the empire was seized by the Qin. They ended the empire was seized by the Qin. They ended the empire was seized by the Qin. They ended the

Zhou system of feudal appointments and the Zhou system of feudal appointments and the Zhou system of feudal appointments and the Zhou system of feudal appointments and the

establishment of prefectures, and the prefects establishment of prefectures, and the prefects establishment of prefectures, and the prefects establishment of prefectures, and the prefects

lost their control, leaving the world orphaned lost their control, leaving the world orphaned lost their control, leaving the world orphaned lost their control, leaving the world orphaned

and separated. Xiang Yu rebelled anand separated. Xiang Yu rebelled anand separated. Xiang Yu rebelled anand separated. Xiang Yu rebelled and replaced d replaced d replaced d replaced

the ministers and princes, and thus empire was the ministers and princes, and thus empire was the ministers and princes, and thus empire was the ministers and princes, and thus empire was

taken over by Chu. In the month Chu seized taken over by Chu. In the month Chu seized taken over by Chu. In the month Chu seized taken over by Chu. In the month Chu seized

control and divided the empire into eighteen control and divided the empire into eighteen control and divided the empire into eighteen control and divided the empire into eighteen

kingdoms, Liu kingdoms, Liu kingdoms, Liu kingdoms, Liu BBBBang of Han was established in ang of Han was established in ang of Han was established in ang of Han was established in

the southern mountains. He set out searching the southern mountains. He set out searching the southern mountains. He set out searching the southern mountains. He set out searching

throughout the threethroughout the threethroughout the threethroughout the three kingdoms at the heart of kingdoms at the heart of kingdoms at the heart of kingdoms at the heart of

the former Qin, and pursued Xiang Yu to the former Qin, and pursued Xiang Yu to the former Qin, and pursued Xiang Yu to the former Qin, and pursued Xiang Yu to

Shandong, and thus the empire was taken by the Shandong, and thus the empire was taken by the Shandong, and thus the empire was taken by the Shandong, and thus the empire was taken by the

Han. This was due to Tian.Han. This was due to Tian.Han. This was due to Tian.Han. This was due to Tian.

The other said: What about manThe other said: What about manThe other said: What about manThe other said: What about man????

Yangzi said: Collecting together men of talent Yangzi said: Collecting together men of talent Yangzi said: Collecting together men of talent Yangzi said: Collecting together men of talent

and respecting their knowledge, plannand respecting their knowledge, plannand respecting their knowledge, plannand respecting their knowledge, planning and ing and ing and ing and

calculating meticulously, and carefully acting calculating meticulously, and carefully acting calculating meticulously, and carefully acting calculating meticulously, and carefully acting

at just the right momentat just the right momentat just the right momentat just the right moment————this is due to man. this is due to man. this is due to man. this is due to man.

Without man, Tian has nothing to rely on. Without man, Tian has nothing to rely on. Without man, Tian has nothing to rely on. Without man, Tian has nothing to rely on.

Without Tian, man cannot succeed.Without Tian, man cannot succeed.Without Tian, man cannot succeed.Without Tian, man cannot succeed.


重黎重黎重黎重黎卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 或或或或問問問問:「:「:「:「楚敗楚敗楚敗楚敗垓垓垓垓下下下下,,,,方方方方死死死死,,,,曰曰曰曰::::『『『『天天天天也也也也。。。。』』』』諒諒諒諒乎乎乎乎?」?」?」?」



Page 131: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan

Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and


Someone asked: When Xiang Yu was defeated at Someone asked: When Xiang Yu was defeated at Someone asked: When Xiang Yu was defeated at Someone asked: When Xiang Yu was defeated at

Gaixia and close to death, he said, Gaixia and close to death, he said, Gaixia and close to death, he said, Gaixia and close to death, he said, 「「「「It It It It is the is the is the is the

will of Tian.will of Tian.will of Tian.will of Tian.」」」」 Is this soIs this soIs this soIs this so????

Yangzi said: Han Gaozu fully used the Yangzi said: Han Gaozu fully used the Yangzi said: Han Gaozu fully used the Yangzi said: Han Gaozu fully used the

strategies of others, because the strategies of strategies of others, because the strategies of strategies of others, because the strategies of strategies of others, because the strategies of

others fully used their strengths. Xiang Yu others fully used their strengths. Xiang Yu others fully used their strengths. Xiang Yu others fully used their strengths. Xiang Yu

resented using the strategies of others, and resented using the strategies of others, and resented using the strategies of others, and resented using the strategies of others, and

exhausted only his own strength. Those who makeexhausted only his own strength. Those who makeexhausted only his own strength. Those who makeexhausted only his own strength. Those who make

full use of others are victorious, while those full use of others are victorious, while those full use of others are victorious, while those full use of others are victorious, while those

who use only their own strengths are defeated. who use only their own strengths are defeated. who use only their own strengths are defeated. who use only their own strengths are defeated.

What does Tian have to do with itWhat does Tian have to do with itWhat does Tian have to do with itWhat does Tian have to do with it????


重黎重黎重黎重黎卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 或或或或問問問問:「:「:「:「秦秦秦秦、、、、楚楚楚楚既既既既為為為為天天天天典典典典命命命命矣矣矣矣,,,,秦秦秦秦縊灞縊灞縊灞縊灞上上上上,,,,楚楚楚楚分分分分江江江江







Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and


Someone asked: Qin Shi Huang and Xiang Yu both Someone asked: Qin Shi Huang and Xiang Yu both Someone asked: Qin Shi Huang and Xiang Yu both Someone asked: Qin Shi Huang and Xiang Yu both

received Tianreceived Tianreceived Tianreceived Tian』』』』s mandate to rule, but Qin Shi s mandate to rule, but Qin Shi s mandate to rule, but Qin Shi s mandate to rule, but Qin Shi

Huang was strangled on the Huang was strangled on the Huang was strangled on the Huang was strangled on the BBBBa a a a RRRRiver, and iver, and iver, and iver, and

Xiangyu was cut into pieces at Hong Xi. Why Xiangyu was cut into pieces at Hong Xi. Why Xiangyu was cut into pieces at Hong Xi. Why Xiangyu was cut into pieces at Hong Xi. Why

were they cast aside so quiwere they cast aside so quiwere they cast aside so quiwere they cast aside so quicklycklycklyckly????

Yangzi said: Tian honors glorious de and Yangzi said: Tian honors glorious de and Yangzi said: Tian honors glorious de and Yangzi said: Tian honors glorious de and

overthrows excessive corruption. In the past overthrows excessive corruption. In the past overthrows excessive corruption. In the past overthrows excessive corruption. In the past

the Yellow Emperor, Gao Yang, Gao Xin, Tang, the Yellow Emperor, Gao Yang, Gao Xin, Tang, the Yellow Emperor, Gao Yang, Gao Xin, Tang, the Yellow Emperor, Gao Yang, Gao Xin, Tang,

Shun and the Three Dynasties all clearly Shun and the Three Dynasties all clearly Shun and the Three Dynasties all clearly Shun and the Three Dynasties all clearly

manifested de. Thus Tian honored them, used manifested de. Thus Tian honored them, used manifested de. Thus Tian honored them, used manifested de. Thus Tian honored them, used

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them to unite Heaven and Earth, anthem to unite Heaven and Earth, anthem to unite Heaven and Earth, anthem to unite Heaven and Earth, and placed them d placed them d placed them d placed them

in the Imperial Hall. This is what the people in the Imperial Hall. This is what the people in the Imperial Hall. This is what the people in the Imperial Hall. This is what the people

desired, and long did their kingdoms flourish. desired, and long did their kingdoms flourish. desired, and long did their kingdoms flourish. desired, and long did their kingdoms flourish.

Xiang Yu and the Qin Shi Huang, on the other Xiang Yu and the Qin Shi Huang, on the other Xiang Yu and the Qin Shi Huang, on the other Xiang Yu and the Qin Shi Huang, on the other

hand, ruled by force, feuded quarrelsomely, hand, ruled by force, feuded quarrelsomely, hand, ruled by force, feuded quarrelsomely, hand, ruled by force, feuded quarrelsomely,

terrorized, and attacked each other. They terrorized, and attacked each other. They terrorized, and attacked each other. They terrorized, and attacked each other. They

coldly rejected thcoldly rejected thcoldly rejected thcoldly rejected the three proper daos of e three proper daos of e three proper daos of e three proper daos of

Heaven, Earth and Man and their reputation for Heaven, Earth and Man and their reputation for Heaven, Earth and Man and their reputation for Heaven, Earth and Man and their reputation for

cruelty spread among the masses. Even their own cruelty spread among the masses. Even their own cruelty spread among the masses. Even their own cruelty spread among the masses. Even their own

children and followers wanted to kill them, how children and followers wanted to kill them, how children and followers wanted to kill them, how children and followers wanted to kill them, how

much more so their peoplemuch more so their peoplemuch more so their peoplemuch more so their people???? How much more so How much more so How much more so How much more so

ghosts and spiritsghosts and spiritsghosts and spiritsghosts and spirits???? They could not have been They could not have been They could not have been They could not have been

ddddone away with fast enough!one away with fast enough!one away with fast enough!one away with fast enough!


重黎重黎重黎重黎卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and


Someone asked: If Confucius was a great sage, Someone asked: If Confucius was a great sage, Someone asked: If Confucius was a great sage, Someone asked: If Confucius was a great sage,

the why did Tian not honor him by making him a the why did Tian not honor him by making him a the why did Tian not honor him by making him a the why did Tian not honor him by making him a


Yangzi said: He had no land.Yangzi said: He had no land.Yangzi said: He had no land.Yangzi said: He had no land.

If this is so, then did Shun and Yu have landIf this is so, then did Shun and Yu have landIf this is so, then did Shun and Yu have landIf this is so, then did Shun and Yu have land????

Yangzi said: Shun had Yao to honor him with Yangzi said: Shun had Yao to honor him with Yangzi said: Shun had Yao to honor him with Yangzi said: Shun had Yao to honor him with

land, Yu had Shun to hland, Yu had Shun to hland, Yu had Shun to hland, Yu had Shun to honor him with land.onor him with land.onor him with land.onor him with land.


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Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and


Someone asked about the outer appearance and Someone asked about the outer appearance and Someone asked about the outer appearance and Someone asked about the outer appearance and

inner essence of the sage.inner essence of the sage.inner essence of the sage.inner essence of the sage.

Yangzi said: Majestic deportment and refined Yangzi said: Majestic deportment and refined Yangzi said: Majestic deportment and refined Yangzi said: Majestic deportment and refined

(wen) words(wen) words(wen) words(wen) words————these are the outer these are the outer these are the outer these are the outer appearance. appearance. appearance. appearance.

Virtuous (de) action and faithful integrityVirtuous (de) action and faithful integrityVirtuous (de) action and faithful integrityVirtuous (de) action and faithful integrity————

this is the inner essence.this is the inner essence.this is the inner essence.this is the inner essence.


重黎重黎重黎重黎卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and


Someone asked: When Emporer Yi first Someone asked: When Emporer Yi first Someone asked: When Emporer Yi first Someone asked: When Emporer Yi first

established his rule, Liu established his rule, Liu established his rule, Liu established his rule, Liu BBBBang took Nanyang and ang took Nanyang and ang took Nanyang and ang took Nanyang and

Xiang Ji rescued Hebei. The two regions were Xiang Ji rescued Hebei. The two regions were Xiang Ji rescued Hebei. The two regions were Xiang Ji rescued Hebei. The two regions were

split apart, some leaving, some joining. If the split apart, some leaving, some joining. If the split apart, some leaving, some joining. If the split apart, some leaving, some joining. If the

Qin hadQin hadQin hadQin had capable men, why did this happencapable men, why did this happencapable men, why did this happencapable men, why did this happen????

Yangzi said: People would not fight for the Qin Yangzi said: People would not fight for the Qin Yangzi said: People would not fight for the Qin Yangzi said: People would not fight for the Qin

because they lost their spirit long ago.because they lost their spirit long ago.because they lost their spirit long ago.because they lost their spirit long ago.


重黎重黎重黎重黎卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and


Yangzi said: Han Xin and Qing Yangzi said: Han Xin and Qing Yangzi said: Han Xin and Qing Yangzi said: Han Xin and Qing BBBBu both u both u both u both

established themselves by the sword and became established themselves by the sword and became established themselves by the sword and became established themselves by the sword and became

rulers. rulers. rulers. rulers. BBBBut in the end, they ran out of time ut in the end, they ran out of time ut in the end, they ran out of time ut in the end, they ran out of time

and were killed. Were they not stupidand were killed. Were they not stupidand were killed. Were they not stupidand were killed. Were they not stupid????

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Someone said: If they were stupid, then they Someone said: If they were stupid, then they Someone said: If they were stupid, then they Someone said: If they were stupid, then they

would not have made names for themselves, would would not have made names for themselves, would would not have made names for themselves, would would not have made names for themselves, would


Yangzi said: Making a name for oneself means Yangzi said: Making a name for oneself means Yangzi said: Making a name for oneself means Yangzi said: Making a name for oneself means

having an honorable reputation. having an honorable reputation. having an honorable reputation. having an honorable reputation. BBBBut showing no ut showing no ut showing no ut showing no

loyalty and rebelling in loyalty and rebelling in loyalty and rebelling in loyalty and rebelling in the endthe endthe endthe end————thatthatthatthat』』』』s far s far s far s far

from honorable.from honorable.from honorable.from honorable.


重黎重黎重黎重黎卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :





Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and


Someone asked about Chunyu Yue.Someone asked about Chunyu Yue.Someone asked about Chunyu Yue.Someone asked about Chunyu Yue.

Yangzi said: He stood strong, and yielded.Yangzi said: He stood strong, and yielded.Yangzi said: He stood strong, and yielded.Yangzi said: He stood strong, and yielded.

The other said: MayThe other said: MayThe other said: MayThe other said: May I ask about itI ask about itI ask about itI ask about it????

Yangzi said: At that time the First Emperor Yangzi said: At that time the First Emperor Yangzi said: At that time the First Emperor Yangzi said: At that time the First Emperor

snapped bones like a tiger, tore open flesh snapped bones like a tiger, tore open flesh snapped bones like a tiger, tore open flesh snapped bones like a tiger, tore open flesh

like an owl, and he bit into scholars like like an owl, and he bit into scholars like like an owl, and he bit into scholars like like an owl, and he bit into scholars like

sacrificial meat. Chunyu Yue courageously sacrificial meat. Chunyu Yue courageously sacrificial meat. Chunyu Yue courageously sacrificial meat. Chunyu Yue courageously

raised an eyebrow at him, and in the end never raised an eyebrow at him, and in the end never raised an eyebrow at him, and in the end never raised an eyebrow at him, and in the end never

said a flattering wsaid a flattering wsaid a flattering wsaid a flattering word. This can be called ord. This can be called ord. This can be called ord. This can be called

standing strong. He served the government standing strong. He served the government standing strong. He served the government standing strong. He served the government

without worrying about the kingdomwithout worrying about the kingdomwithout worrying about the kingdomwithout worrying about the kingdom』』』』s politics, s politics, s politics, s politics,

he supported himself without worrying about he supported himself without worrying about he supported himself without worrying about he supported himself without worrying about

salary, and took part without worrying about salary, and took part without worrying about salary, and took part without worrying about salary, and took part without worrying about

flattering anyone. He cultivated a good flattering anyone. He cultivated a good flattering anyone. He cultivated a good flattering anyone. He cultivated a good

reputation in reputation in reputation in reputation in private without disobeying private without disobeying private without disobeying private without disobeying

Page 135: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan

orders. This can be called yielding.orders. This can be called yielding.orders. This can be called yielding.orders. This can be called yielding.


重黎重黎重黎重黎卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 或或或或問問問問:「:「:「:「茅焦歷茅焦歷茅焦歷茅焦歷井井井井幹幹幹幹之之之之死死死死,,,,使使使使始始始始皇皇皇皇奉虛左奉虛左奉虛左奉虛左之之之之乘乘乘乘。。。。蔡蔡蔡蔡生生生生




Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and


Someone asked: Mao Jiao witnessed dead bodies Someone asked: Mao Jiao witnessed dead bodies Someone asked: Mao Jiao witnessed dead bodies Someone asked: Mao Jiao witnessed dead bodies

being piled up like the railings around a well, being piled up like the railings around a well, being piled up like the railings around a well, being piled up like the railings around a well,

yet he persuaded Qin Shi Huang to leave empty yet he persuaded Qin Shi Huang to leave empty yet he persuaded Qin Shi Huang to leave empty yet he persuaded Qin Shi Huang to leave empty

the space to the lthe space to the lthe space to the lthe space to the left of his chariot. Cai Sheng eft of his chariot. Cai Sheng eft of his chariot. Cai Sheng eft of his chariot. Cai Sheng

desired to pacify Xiang Yu at Xianyang, but he desired to pacify Xiang Yu at Xianyang, but he desired to pacify Xiang Yu at Xianyang, but he desired to pacify Xiang Yu at Xianyang, but he

was unable to influence him, and was then was unable to influence him, and was then was unable to influence him, and was then was unable to influence him, and was then

boiled alive. Wasnboiled alive. Wasnboiled alive. Wasnboiled alive. Wasn』』』』t this because Mao was t this because Mao was t this because Mao was t this because Mao was

persuasive and Cai notpersuasive and Cai notpersuasive and Cai notpersuasive and Cai not????

Yangzi said: Cai Sheng was crazy as a monkey Yangzi said: Cai Sheng was crazy as a monkey Yangzi said: Cai Sheng was crazy as a monkey Yangzi said: Cai Sheng was crazy as a monkey

and called Xiang Yu a monkand called Xiang Yu a monkand called Xiang Yu a monkand called Xiang Yu a monkeyeyeyey————isnisnisnisn』』』』t it quite t it quite t it quite t it quite

appropriate he was boiled aliveappropriate he was boiled aliveappropriate he was boiled aliveappropriate he was boiled alive???? Mao Jiao Mao Jiao Mao Jiao Mao Jiao

opposed and criticized Qin Shi Huang, and yet opposed and criticized Qin Shi Huang, and yet opposed and criticized Qin Shi Huang, and yet opposed and criticized Qin Shi Huang, and yet

got along and protected himself. got along and protected himself. got along and protected himself. got along and protected himself. BBBBut even ut even ut even ut even

though he was persuasive, was he not brushing though he was persuasive, was he not brushing though he was persuasive, was he not brushing though he was persuasive, was he not brushing

the tigerthe tigerthe tigerthe tiger』』』』s teeths teeths teeths teeth????


重黎重黎重黎重黎卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and


Someone asked: Gan Luo assisted Lu Someone asked: Gan Luo assisted Lu Someone asked: Gan Luo assisted Lu Someone asked: Gan Luo assisted Lu BBBBuwei, and uwei, and uwei, and uwei, and

Zhang Piqiang awakened the minds of Chen Ping Zhang Piqiang awakened the minds of Chen Ping Zhang Piqiang awakened the minds of Chen Ping Zhang Piqiang awakened the minds of Chen Ping

and Zhou and Zhou and Zhou and Zhou BBBBo. o. o. o. BBBBoth were only twelve years old! oth were only twelve years old! oth were only twelve years old! oth were only twelve years old!

WasnWasnWasnWasn』』』』t this due to the influence of Gan Mou t this due to the influence of Gan Mou t this due to the influence of Gan Mou t this due to the influence of Gan Mou

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and Zhang Liangand Zhang Liangand Zhang Liangand Zhang Liang????

Yangzi said: It was their natural ability, not Yangzi said: It was their natural ability, not Yangzi said: It was their natural ability, not Yangzi said: It was their natural ability, not

necessarilnecessarilnecessarilnecessarily because Gan Mou and Zhang Liang y because Gan Mou and Zhang Liang y because Gan Mou and Zhang Liang y because Gan Mou and Zhang Liang

were their grandfather and father.were their grandfather and father.were their grandfather and father.were their grandfather and father.


重黎重黎重黎重黎卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and


Li Yiji convinced Liu Li Yiji convinced Liu Li Yiji convinced Liu Li Yiji convinced Liu BBBBang to seize the city of ang to seize the city of ang to seize the city of ang to seize the city of

Chen Liu, and Chen Liu, and Chen Liu, and Chen Liu, and afterwards, the granary at Ao. He afterwards, the granary at Ao. He afterwards, the granary at Ao. He afterwards, the granary at Ao. He

convinced convinced convinced convinced KKKKing Tian Guang of Qi to surrender ing Tian Guang of Qi to surrender ing Tian Guang of Qi to surrender ing Tian Guang of Qi to surrender

his troops at Lixia. What clever arguments! his troops at Lixia. What clever arguments! his troops at Lixia. What clever arguments! his troops at Lixia. What clever arguments! BBBBut ut ut ut

when Han Xin launched a surprise attack on Qi, when Han Xin launched a surprise attack on Qi, when Han Xin launched a surprise attack on Qi, when Han Xin launched a surprise attack on Qi,

KKKKing Tian Guang put Liing Tian Guang put Liing Tian Guang put Liing Tian Guang put Li』』』』s body in the cauldron s body in the cauldron s body in the cauldron s body in the cauldron

and boiled him down to a pool of greand boiled him down to a pool of greand boiled him down to a pool of greand boiled him down to a pool of grease. How ase. How ase. How ase. How

dumb he was then!dumb he was then!dumb he was then!dumb he was then!

Yangzi said: Clever arguments are for Yangzi said: Clever arguments are for Yangzi said: Clever arguments are for Yangzi said: Clever arguments are for

convincing oneself. If you use them to convince convincing oneself. If you use them to convince convincing oneself. If you use them to convince convincing oneself. If you use them to convince

others, they can be dangerous indeed!others, they can be dangerous indeed!others, they can be dangerous indeed!others, they can be dangerous indeed!


重黎重黎重黎重黎卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and


Someone asked: Someone asked: Someone asked: Someone asked: KKKKuai Tong attempted drive Han uai Tong attempted drive Han uai Tong attempted drive Han uai Tong attempted drive Han

Xin and Liu Xin and Liu Xin and Liu Xin and Liu BBBBang apart, but was not able to do ang apart, but was not able to do ang apart, but was not able to do ang apart, but was not able to do

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it, and so feigned it, and so feigned it, and so feigned it, and so feigned madness and left.madness and left.madness and left.madness and left.

Yangzi said: At the time, he met with Han XinYangzi said: At the time, he met with Han XinYangzi said: At the time, he met with Han XinYangzi said: At the time, he met with Han Xin』』』』

s closed door. Such was his attempt to drive s closed door. Such was his attempt to drive s closed door. Such was his attempt to drive s closed door. Such was his attempt to drive

them apart!them apart!them apart!them apart!

The other said: Can a crack not be driven openThe other said: Can a crack not be driven openThe other said: Can a crack not be driven openThe other said: Can a crack not be driven open????

Yangzi said: A worthy man takes charge of li. A Yangzi said: A worthy man takes charge of li. A Yangzi said: A worthy man takes charge of li. A Yangzi said: A worthy man takes charge of li. A

small man takes charge of cracks. How small man takes charge of cracks. How small man takes charge of cracks. How small man takes charge of cracks. How much more much more much more much more

does he attempt to pick open a locked door.does he attempt to pick open a locked door.does he attempt to pick open a locked door.does he attempt to pick open a locked door.


重黎重黎重黎重黎卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :






Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and


Someone said: Someone said: Someone said: Someone said: Li Si was completely loyal to the Li Si was completely loyal to the Li Si was completely loyal to the Li Si was completely loyal to the

Qin, but in the end Emperor Huhai executed him. Qin, but in the end Emperor Huhai executed him. Qin, but in the end Emperor Huhai executed him. Qin, but in the end Emperor Huhai executed him.

WhatWhatWhatWhat』』』』s the point of loyaltys the point of loyaltys the point of loyaltys the point of loyalty????

Yangzi said: Li Si stayed in Qin as a guest of Yangzi said: Li Si stayed in Qin as a guest of Yangzi said: Li Si stayed in Qin as a guest of Yangzi said: Li Si stayed in Qin as a guest of

Lu Lu Lu Lu BBBBuwei and eventually became Prime Minister. uwei and eventually became Prime Minister. uwei and eventually became Prime Minister. uwei and eventually became Prime Minister.

UUUUsing the words of an alchemist to flatter the sing the words of an alchemist to flatter the sing the words of an alchemist to flatter the sing the words of an alchemist to flatter the

EmpeEmpeEmpeEmperor, he followed Qin Shi Huang on his tours ror, he followed Qin Shi Huang on his tours ror, he followed Qin Shi Huang on his tours ror, he followed Qin Shi Huang on his tours

of the four seas. of the four seas. of the four seas. of the four seas. UUUUpon Qin Shi Huangpon Qin Shi Huangpon Qin Shi Huangpon Qin Shi Huang』』』』s death, s death, s death, s death,

he let Zhao Gaohe let Zhao Gaohe let Zhao Gaohe let Zhao Gao』』』』s treacherous plan to replace s treacherous plan to replace s treacherous plan to replace s treacherous plan to replace

the chosen successor stand, discarded the the chosen successor stand, discarded the the chosen successor stand, discarded the the chosen successor stand, discarded the

EmperorEmperorEmperorEmperor』』』』s official edict, assented to the idea s official edict, assented to the idea s official edict, assented to the idea s official edict, assented to the idea

and directed the orders. Where and directed the orders. Where and directed the orders. Where and directed the orders. Where in this is in this is in this is in this is


The other said: What about Huo Guang.The other said: What about Huo Guang.The other said: What about Huo Guang.The other said: What about Huo Guang.

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Yangzi said: At the beginning of the Shiyuan Yangzi said: At the beginning of the Shiyuan Yangzi said: At the beginning of the Shiyuan Yangzi said: At the beginning of the Shiyuan

era (86era (86era (86era (86————80 80 80 80 BBBB.C.), he acted as regent for the .C.), he acted as regent for the .C.), he acted as regent for the .C.), he acted as regent for the

young Emperor Zhao, and destroyed Prince Yan young Emperor Zhao, and destroyed Prince Yan young Emperor Zhao, and destroyed Prince Yan young Emperor Zhao, and destroyed Prince Yan

and Shangguanand Shangguanand Shangguanand Shangguan』』』』s coup. After Zhaos coup. After Zhaos coup. After Zhaos coup. After Zhao』』』』s untimely s untimely s untimely s untimely

death, he stayed andeath, he stayed andeath, he stayed andeath, he stayed and played his part as regent, d played his part as regent, d played his part as regent, d played his part as regent,

first deposing his first chosen successor and first deposing his first chosen successor and first deposing his first chosen successor and first deposing his first chosen successor and

then installing Emperor Xuan. Appearing so then installing Emperor Xuan. Appearing so then installing Emperor Xuan. Appearing so then installing Emperor Xuan. Appearing so

courageous and august in his loyaltycourageous and august in his loyaltycourageous and august in his loyaltycourageous and august in his loyalty————but itbut itbut itbut it』』』』s s s s

difficult! difficult! difficult! difficult! BBBBecause coming to the crimes of his ecause coming to the crimes of his ecause coming to the crimes of his ecause coming to the crimes of his

wife Huo Xian, in the end, it wasnwife Huo Xian, in the end, it wasnwife Huo Xian, in the end, it wasnwife Huo Xian, in the end, it wasn』』』』t so.t so.t so.t so.


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Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and


Someone asked: Feng Tang met with Emperor Wen Someone asked: Feng Tang met with Emperor Wen Someone asked: Feng Tang met with Emperor Wen Someone asked: Feng Tang met with Emperor Wen

and told him that even if he had generals like and told him that even if he had generals like and told him that even if he had generals like and told him that even if he had generals like

Lian Po and Li Mu, he would not be able to use Lian Po and Li Mu, he would not be able to use Lian Po and Li Mu, he would not be able to use Lian Po and Li Mu, he would not be able to use

them. them. them. them. Was he not sincereWas he not sincereWas he not sincereWas he not sincere????

Yangzi said: He was raising the issue to arouse Yangzi said: He was raising the issue to arouse Yangzi said: He was raising the issue to arouse Yangzi said: He was raising the issue to arouse

Emperor WenEmperor WenEmperor WenEmperor Wen』』』』s attention. Personally yielding s attention. Personally yielding s attention. Personally yielding s attention. Personally yielding

himself with the honor of being Emperor, himself with the honor of being Emperor, himself with the honor of being Emperor, himself with the honor of being Emperor,

Emperor Wen supported YafuEmperor Wen supported YafuEmperor Wen supported YafuEmperor Wen supported Yafu』』』』s command of the s command of the s command of the s command of the

army. Why could he not have used Lian Po and Li army. Why could he not have used Lian Po and Li army. Why could he not have used Lian Po and Li army. Why could he not have used Lian Po and Li


The otThe otThe otThe other said: What about his deher said: What about his deher said: What about his deher said: What about his de????

Yangzi said: He did not punish the children of Yangzi said: He did not punish the children of Yangzi said: He did not punish the children of Yangzi said: He did not punish the children of

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criminals, keep women in the palace, build new criminals, keep women in the palace, build new criminals, keep women in the palace, build new criminals, keep women in the palace, build new

rooms in the palace or erect a large tomb for rooms in the palace or erect a large tomb for rooms in the palace or erect a large tomb for rooms in the palace or erect a large tomb for



重黎重黎重黎重黎卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and


Someone asked about friendship.Someone asked about friendship.Someone asked about friendship.Someone asked about friendship.

Yangzi said: It is based on ren.Yangzi said: It is based on ren.Yangzi said: It is based on ren.Yangzi said: It is based on ren.

The other asked: Like Chen Yu and Zhang ErThe other asked: Like Chen Yu and Zhang ErThe other asked: Like Chen Yu and Zhang ErThe other asked: Like Chen Yu and Zhang Er????

Yangzi said: A brilliant beginning.Yangzi said: A brilliant beginning.Yangzi said: A brilliant beginning.Yangzi said: A brilliant beginning.

The other asked: What about Dou Ying and Guan The other asked: What about Dou Ying and Guan The other asked: What about Dou Ying and Guan The other asked: What about Dou Ying and Guan


Yangzi said: A cruel ending.Yangzi said: A cruel ending.Yangzi said: A cruel ending.Yangzi said: A cruel ending.


重黎重黎重黎重黎卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and


Someone asked about trustworthiness.Someone asked about trustworthiness.Someone asked about trustworthiness.Someone asked about trustworthiness.

Yangzi said: It is a matter of not having to Yangzi said: It is a matter of not having to Yangzi said: It is a matter of not having to Yangzi said: It is a matter of not having to

eat oneeat oneeat oneeat one』』』』s words.s words.s words.s words.

The other said: Please name The other said: Please name The other said: Please name The other said: Please name some trustworthy some trustworthy some trustworthy some trustworthy


Yangzi said: Xun Xi of Jin, Cheng Ying of Zhao, Yangzi said: Xun Xi of Jin, Cheng Ying of Zhao, Yangzi said: Xun Xi of Jin, Cheng Ying of Zhao, Yangzi said: Xun Xi of Jin, Cheng Ying of Zhao,

Gongsun Chujiu, and those who were buried alive Gongsun Chujiu, and those who were buried alive Gongsun Chujiu, and those who were buried alive Gongsun Chujiu, and those who were buried alive

at Duke Mu of Qinat Duke Mu of Qinat Duke Mu of Qinat Duke Mu of Qin』』』』s side.s side.s side.s side.

The other asked about yi.The other asked about yi.The other asked about yi.The other asked about yi.

Yangzi said: Conducting affairs appropriately Yangzi said: Conducting affairs appropriately Yangzi said: Conducting affairs appropriately Yangzi said: Conducting affairs appropriately

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is called called called called yi.


重黎重黎重黎重黎卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and


Someone asked: What about Ji Someone asked: What about Ji Someone asked: What about Ji Someone asked: What about Ji BBBBu swallowing his u swallowing his u swallowing his u swallowing his


Yangzi said: Those who are able to would endure Yangzi said: Those who are able to would endure Yangzi said: Those who are able to would endure Yangzi said: Those who are able to would endure

it. it. it. it. OOOOne who was illuminated with wisdom would ne who was illuminated with wisdom would ne who was illuminated with wisdom would ne who was illuminated with wisdom would


The other said: Ji The other said: Ji The other said: Ji The other said: Ji BBBBu was in an urgent u was in an urgent u was in an urgent u was in an urgent

situation. What would someone who was wise dosituation. What would someone who was wise dosituation. What would someone who was wise dosituation. What would someone who was wise do????

Yangzi said: TheYangzi said: TheYangzi said: TheYangzi said: The wise did not serve Xiang Yu to wise did not serve Xiang Yu to wise did not serve Xiang Yu to wise did not serve Xiang Yu to

the end. If they did, where could they hidethe end. If they did, where could they hidethe end. If they did, where could they hidethe end. If they did, where could they hide????

Yang is again emphasizing the doctrine of Yang is again emphasizing the doctrine of Yang is again emphasizing the doctrine of Yang is again emphasizing the doctrine of

timeliness here as it applies to onetimeliness here as it applies to onetimeliness here as it applies to onetimeliness here as it applies to one』』』』s s s s

decision to serve a tyrant. Xiang Yu and Qin decision to serve a tyrant. Xiang Yu and Qin decision to serve a tyrant. Xiang Yu and Qin decision to serve a tyrant. Xiang Yu and Qin

Shi Huang had the habit of killing those Shi Huang had the habit of killing those Shi Huang had the habit of killing those Shi Huang had the habit of killing those

officials anofficials anofficials anofficials and generals that were most useful to d generals that were most useful to d generals that were most useful to d generals that were most useful to

them in gaining power, thinking that because them in gaining power, thinking that because them in gaining power, thinking that because them in gaining power, thinking that because

they were so capable, they posed a longthey were so capable, they posed a longthey were so capable, they posed a longthey were so capable, they posed a long----term term term term

threat to their rule.threat to their rule.threat to their rule.threat to their rule.


重黎重黎重黎重黎卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 或或或或問問問問「「「「賢賢賢賢」」」」。。。。曰曰曰曰:「:「:「:「為為為為人人人人所所所所不不不不能能能能。。。。」「」「」「」「請請請請人人人人。。。。」」」」曰曰曰曰::::




Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and Someone asked about worthiness.Someone asked about worthiness.Someone asked about worthiness.Someone asked about worthiness.

Yangzi said: It is a matter of doing what Yangzi said: It is a matter of doing what Yangzi said: It is a matter of doing what Yangzi said: It is a matter of doing what

Page 141: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan

Li:Li:Li:Li: ordinary people ordinary people ordinary people ordinary people are unable to do.are unable to do.are unable to do.are unable to do.

The other said: Please name some worthy people.The other said: Please name some worthy people.The other said: Please name some worthy people.The other said: Please name some worthy people.

Yangzi said: Yan Yuan, Qian Lou, the Four Yangzi said: Yan Yuan, Qian Lou, the Four Yangzi said: Yan Yuan, Qian Lou, the Four Yangzi said: Yan Yuan, Qian Lou, the Four

Greybeards of Mount Shang, and Wei Xuancheng.Greybeards of Mount Shang, and Wei Xuancheng.Greybeards of Mount Shang, and Wei Xuancheng.Greybeards of Mount Shang, and Wei Xuancheng.

The other asked about those who were heroic.The other asked about those who were heroic.The other asked about those who were heroic.The other asked about those who were heroic.

Yangzi said: Lin Ziangru acting as emissary to Yangzi said: Lin Ziangru acting as emissary to Yangzi said: Lin Ziangru acting as emissary to Yangzi said: Lin Ziangru acting as emissary to

Qin and yiQin and yiQin and yiQin and yielding to Lian Poelding to Lian Poelding to Lian Poelding to Lian Po;;;; Luan Luan Luan Luan BBBBu not u not u not u not

changing his mindchanging his mindchanging his mindchanging his mind;;;; Zhu Jia not seeking a Zhu Jia not seeking a Zhu Jia not seeking a Zhu Jia not seeking a

rewardrewardrewardreward;;;; Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi BBBBuyi not correcting accusations uyi not correcting accusations uyi not correcting accusations uyi not correcting accusations

against himagainst himagainst himagainst him;;;; and Han Anguo being a envoy and Han Anguo being a envoy and Han Anguo being a envoy and Han Anguo being a envoy

throughout the empire.throughout the empire.throughout the empire.throughout the empire.


重黎重黎重黎重黎卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 或或或或問問問問「「「「臣臣臣臣自自自自得得得得」」」」。。。。曰曰曰曰:「:「:「:「石太石太石太石太僕僕僕僕之之之之對對對對,,,,金金金金將將將將軍軍軍軍之之之之謹謹謹謹,,,,




Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and


Someone asked: How does an official make a name Someone asked: How does an official make a name Someone asked: How does an official make a name Someone asked: How does an official make a name

for himselffor himselffor himselffor himself????

Yangzi said: Charioteer ShiYangzi said: Charioteer ShiYangzi said: Charioteer ShiYangzi said: Charioteer Shi』』』』s responses responses responses response;;;;

General JinGeneral JinGeneral JinGeneral Jin』』』』s prudences prudences prudences prudence;;;; Commander of the Guard Commander of the Guard Commander of the Guard Commander of the Guard

ZhangZhangZhangZhang』』』』s cautions cautions cautions caution;;;; Grandee Grandee Grandee Grandee BBBBinginginging』』』』s modesty.s modesty.s modesty.s modesty.

Someone said: May I inquire about how an Someone said: May I inquire about how an Someone said: May I inquire about how an Someone said: May I inquire about how an

official loses his good reputationofficial loses his good reputationofficial loses his good reputationofficial loses his good reputation????

Yangzi said: Li ErshiYangzi said: Li ErshiYangzi said: Li ErshiYangzi said: Li Ershi』』』』s seizing the territory s seizing the territory s seizing the territory s seizing the territory

of Erof Erof Erof Er;;;; Tian Qilian Tian Qilian Tian Qilian Tian Qilian』』』』s reckless commands reckless commands reckless commands reckless command;;;; Adjunct Adjunct Adjunct Adjunct

HanHanHanHan』』』』s accusing Xiao Wangzhis accusing Xiao Wangzhis accusing Xiao Wangzhis accusing Xiao Wangzhi;;;; and Zhao and Zhao and Zhao and Zhao

JingbeiJingbeiJingbeiJingbei』』』』s crimes against Wei Xiang.s crimes against Wei Xiang.s crimes against Wei Xiang.s crimes against Wei Xiang.


重黎重黎重黎重黎卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :


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Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and


Someone asked about maintaining fullness.Someone asked about maintaining fullness.Someone asked about maintaining fullness.Someone asked about maintaining fullness.

Yangzi said: Hold on to the tippingYangzi said: Hold on to the tippingYangzi said: Hold on to the tippingYangzi said: Hold on to the tipping----vessel.vessel.vessel.vessel.


重黎重黎重黎重黎卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and


Yang Wangsun was buried naked in order to Yang Wangsun was buried naked in order to Yang Wangsun was buried naked in order to Yang Wangsun was buried naked in order to

reform the customary practice of lavish reform the customary practice of lavish reform the customary practice of lavish reform the customary practice of lavish


Yangzi said: Yangzi said: Yangzi said: Yangzi said: OOOOne ne ne ne reforms the generation by reforms the generation by reforms the generation by reforms the generation by

means of li, but does being buried naked means of li, but does being buried naked means of li, but does being buried naked means of li, but does being buried naked

accomplish thisaccomplish thisaccomplish thisaccomplish this???? If that reforms the If that reforms the If that reforms the If that reforms the

generation, then it would be even easier just generation, then it would be even easier just generation, then it would be even easier just generation, then it would be even easier just

to throw the dead into a throw the dead into a throw the dead into a throw the dead into a ditch.


重黎重黎重黎重黎卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and Zhong and


Someone asked about the Zhou Guan.Someone asked about the Zhou Guan.Someone asked about the Zhou Guan.Someone asked about the Zhou Guan.

Yangzi said: It establishes the proper affairs Yangzi said: It establishes the proper affairs Yangzi said: It establishes the proper affairs Yangzi said: It establishes the proper affairs

of the various government offices.of the various government offices.of the various government offices.of the various government offices.

The other asked about the Zuo Zhuan.The other asked about the Zuo Zhuan.The other asked about the Zuo Zhuan.The other asked about the Zuo Zhuan.

Yangzi said: It is a great collection of Yangzi said: It is a great collection of Yangzi said: It is a great collection of Yangzi said: It is a great collection of

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elegant literature.elegant literature.elegant literature.elegant literature.

The other said: What about the Grand Historian The other said: What about the Grand Historian The other said: What about the Grand Historian The other said: What about the Grand Historian

Sima QianSima QianSima QianSima Qian』』』』s Shijis Shijis Shijis Shiji????

Yangzi said: It is a factual record.Yangzi said: It is a factual record.Yangzi said: It is a factual record.Yangzi said: It is a factual record.

《《《《淵騫淵騫淵騫淵騫卷第十卷第十卷第十卷第十一一一一 ---- Yuan and QianYuan and QianYuan and QianYuan and Qian》》》》



淵騫淵騫淵騫淵騫卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




Yuan and Yuan and Yuan and Yuan and


Someone asked: Who are Yan Hui and Min Ziqian's Someone asked: Who are Yan Hui and Min Ziqian's Someone asked: Who are Yan Hui and Min Ziqian's Someone asked: Who are Yan Hui and Min Ziqian's


Yangzi said: They remain unknown.Yangzi said: They remain unknown.Yangzi said: They remain unknown.Yangzi said: They remain unknown.

The other said: Why did YanThe other said: Why did YanThe other said: Why did YanThe other said: Why did Yan Hui and Min Ziqian Hui and Min Ziqian Hui and Min Ziqian Hui and Min Ziqian

not remain unknownnot remain unknownnot remain unknownnot remain unknown????

Yangzi said: It is like holding on to the Yangzi said: It is like holding on to the Yangzi said: It is like holding on to the Yangzi said: It is like holding on to the

dragon's scales or hanging on to the wings of dragon's scales or hanging on to the wings of dragon's scales or hanging on to the wings of dragon's scales or hanging on to the wings of

the phoenix. They rose on the wind, soaring to the phoenix. They rose on the wind, soaring to the phoenix. They rose on the wind, soaring to the phoenix. They rose on the wind, soaring to

heights that cannot be reached. How could they heights that cannot be reached. How could they heights that cannot be reached. How could they heights that cannot be reached. How could they

remain unknown! How could they remremain unknown! How could they remremain unknown! How could they remremain unknown! How could they remain unknown!ain unknown!ain unknown!ain unknown!


淵騫淵騫淵騫淵騫卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



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Yuan and Yuan and Yuan and Yuan and


When the seventy disciples were with Confucius, When the seventy disciples were with Confucius, When the seventy disciples were with Confucius, When the seventy disciples were with Confucius,

every day they heard things that they had never every day they heard things that they had never every day they heard things that they had never every day they heard things that they had never

heard before and saw things that they had never heard before and saw things that they had never heard before and saw things that they had never heard before and saw things that they had never

seen. Inseen. Inseen. Inseen. Indeed, there was not enough time to deed, there was not enough time to deed, there was not enough time to deed, there was not enough time to

produce literary works.produce literary works.produce literary works.produce literary works.


淵騫淵騫淵騫淵騫卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




Yuan and Yuan and Yuan and Yuan and


The junzi strives for incomparable de. The The junzi strives for incomparable de. The The junzi strives for incomparable de. The The junzi strives for incomparable de. The

petty person strives for incomparable strength.petty person strives for incomparable strength.petty person strives for incomparable strength.petty person strives for incomparable strength.

Someone asked: What is incomparable deSomeone asked: What is incomparable deSomeone asked: What is incomparable deSomeone asked: What is incomparable de????

Yangzi said: ShunYangzi said: ShunYangzi said: ShunYangzi said: Shun』』』』s filial piety, Yus filial piety, Yus filial piety, Yus filial piety, Yu』』』』s s s s

labors, Gao Yaolabors, Gao Yaolabors, Gao Yaolabors, Gao Yao』』』』s plannings plannings plannings planning————are these not are these not are these not are these not

examples of incomparable deexamples of incomparable deexamples of incomparable deexamples of incomparable de????

The other said: What about strengthThe other said: What about strengthThe other said: What about strengthThe other said: What about strength????

Yangzi said: To lift cauldrons on oneYangzi said: To lift cauldrons on oneYangzi said: To lift cauldrons on oneYangzi said: To lift cauldrons on one』』』』s s s s

shoulders or wrestle oxen like shoulders or wrestle oxen like shoulders or wrestle oxen like shoulders or wrestle oxen like KKKKing Dao Wu of ing Dao Wu of ing Dao Wu of ing Dao Wu of

Qin, Wu Huo or Qin, Wu Huo or Qin, Wu Huo or Qin, Wu Huo or RRRRen en en en BBBBiiii————are these not examples are these not examples are these not examples are these not examples

of incomparable stof incomparable stof incomparable stof incomparable strengthrengthrengthrength????


淵騫淵騫淵騫淵騫卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :





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Yuan and Yuan and Yuan and Yuan and


Someone asked about courage.Someone asked about courage.Someone asked about courage.Someone asked about courage.

Yangzi said: Yangzi said: Yangzi said: Yangzi said: KKKKe had it.e had it.e had it.e had it.

The other said: Which The other said: Which The other said: Which The other said: Which KKKKeeee????

Yangzi said: The Yangzi said: The Yangzi said: The Yangzi said: The KKKKe I refer to is Meng e I refer to is Meng e I refer to is Meng e I refer to is Meng KKKKe. e. e. e. As As As As

for Jing for Jing for Jing for Jing KKKKe, a junzi would consider him a e, a junzi would consider him a e, a junzi would consider him a e, a junzi would consider him a


May I ask about Meng May I ask about Meng May I ask about Meng May I ask about Meng KKKKe's couragee's couragee's couragee's courage????

Yangzi said: He was courageous in yi and Yangzi said: He was courageous in yi and Yangzi said: He was courageous in yi and Yangzi said: He was courageous in yi and

determined in de. Poverty and wealth, honor and determined in de. Poverty and wealth, honor and determined in de. Poverty and wealth, honor and determined in de. Poverty and wealth, honor and

lowliness, and life and death did not move his lowliness, and life and death did not move his lowliness, and life and death did not move his lowliness, and life and death did not move his

xin. In terms of courage, was hexin. In terms of courage, was hexin. In terms of courage, was hexin. In terms of courage, was he not almost not almost not almost not almost



淵騫淵騫淵騫淵騫卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :


Yuan and Yuan and Yuan and Yuan and


Lu Zhonglian was unsettled Lu Zhonglian was unsettled Lu Zhonglian was unsettled Lu Zhonglian was unsettled and did not serve in and did not serve in and did not serve in and did not serve in

office. Lin Xiangru served in office and was office. Lin Xiangru served in office and was office. Lin Xiangru served in office and was office. Lin Xiangru served in office and was



淵騫淵騫淵騫淵騫卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



Yuan and Yuan and Yuan and Yuan and


Someone asked about Zou Yang.Someone asked about Zou Yang.Someone asked about Zou Yang.Someone asked about Zou Yang.

Yangzi said: He was not trusted and raised his Yangzi said: He was not trusted and raised his Yangzi said: He was not trusted and raised his Yangzi said: He was not trusted and raised his

share of suspicions, but he defended himself share of suspicions, but he defended himself share of suspicions, but he defended himself share of suspicions, but he defended himself

Page 146: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan

with an emotional plea and escaped the bird with an emotional plea and escaped the bird with an emotional plea and escaped the bird with an emotional plea and escaped the bird

catchercatchercatchercatcher』』』』s net. He was almost perfect!s net. He was almost perfect!s net. He was almost perfect!s net. He was almost perfect!


淵騫淵騫淵騫淵騫卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



Yuan and Yuan and Yuan and Yuan and


Someone asked: Lords Xinling, Someone asked: Lords Xinling, Someone asked: Lords Xinling, Someone asked: Lords Xinling, Ping Yuan, Meng Ping Yuan, Meng Ping Yuan, Meng Ping Yuan, Meng

Chang, and Chun Shen were of benefit to their Chang, and Chun Shen were of benefit to their Chang, and Chun Shen were of benefit to their Chang, and Chun Shen were of benefit to their

kingdoms, were they notkingdoms, were they notkingdoms, were they notkingdoms, were they not????

Yangzi said: When rulers lose control of the Yangzi said: When rulers lose control of the Yangzi said: When rulers lose control of the Yangzi said: When rulers lose control of the

government and villainous ministers steal the government and villainous ministers steal the government and villainous ministers steal the government and villainous ministers steal the

kingdomkingdomkingdomkingdom』』』』s mandate, where is the benefit in s mandate, where is the benefit in s mandate, where is the benefit in s mandate, where is the benefit in



淵騫淵騫淵騫淵騫卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :


Yuan and Yuan and Yuan and Yuan and


As for Shuli ZiAs for Shuli ZiAs for Shuli ZiAs for Shuli Zi』』』』s knowledge of the futures knowledge of the futures knowledge of the futures knowledge of the future————If If If If

he had known the fate of his kingdom like that he had known the fate of his kingdom like that he had known the fate of his kingdom like that he had known the fate of his kingdom like that

of his tomb, then I would take him to be my of his tomb, then I would take him to be my of his tomb, then I would take him to be my of his tomb, then I would take him to be my

milfoil sticks and tortoise shells.milfoil sticks and tortoise shells.milfoil sticks and tortoise shells.milfoil sticks and tortoise shells.


淵騫淵騫淵騫淵騫卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




Yuan and Yuan and Yuan and Yuan and From Cheng Zhou in the East From Cheng Zhou in the East From Cheng Zhou in the East From Cheng Zhou in the East KKKKing Shen Jing and ing Shen Jing and ing Shen Jing and ing Shen Jing and

KKKKing Nan of Zhou looked admiringly at the Qin ing Nan of Zhou looked admiringly at the Qin ing Nan of Zhou looked admiringly at the Qin ing Nan of Zhou looked admiringly at the Qin

Page 147: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan

Qian:Qian:Qian:Qian: in the west. From Xishan in the west, in the west. From Xishan in the west, in the west. From Xishan in the west, in the west. From Xishan in the west, KKKKing ing ing ing

Huiwen and Huiwen and Huiwen and Huiwen and KKKKing Zhao Xiang of Qin stood equal ing Zhao Xiang of Qin stood equal ing Zhao Xiang of Qin stood equal ing Zhao Xiang of Qin stood equal

to the six kingdoms in the east. Which was to the six kingdoms in the east. Which was to the six kingdoms in the east. Which was to the six kingdoms in the east. Which was


Yangzi said: The Zhou were like sheep, the Qin Yangzi said: The Zhou were like sheep, the Qin Yangzi said: The Zhou were like sheep, the Qin Yangzi said: The Zhou were like sheep, the Qin

were like wolves.were like wolves.were like wolves.were like wolves.

The other said: This being so, is the wolf not The other said: This being so, is the wolf not The other said: This being so, is the wolf not The other said: This being so, is the wolf not


Yangzi said: Sheep, wolvesYangzi said: Sheep, wolvesYangzi said: Sheep, wolvesYangzi said: Sheep, wolves————they arthey arthey arthey are the same.e the same.e the same.e the same.


淵騫淵騫淵騫淵騫卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




Yuan and Yuan and Yuan and Yuan and


Someone asked: Meng Tian was loyal to the Qin Someone asked: Meng Tian was loyal to the Qin Someone asked: Meng Tian was loyal to the Qin Someone asked: Meng Tian was loyal to the Qin

and yet he was executed. What good is loyaltyand yet he was executed. What good is loyaltyand yet he was executed. What good is loyaltyand yet he was executed. What good is loyalty????

Yangzi said: In building the Great WalYangzi said: In building the Great WalYangzi said: In building the Great WalYangzi said: In building the Great Wall, he dug l, he dug l, he dug l, he dug

trenches through the mountains and dammed up trenches through the mountains and dammed up trenches through the mountains and dammed up trenches through the mountains and dammed up

gorges, beginning from Lin Tao and reaching gorges, beginning from Lin Tao and reaching gorges, beginning from Lin Tao and reaching gorges, beginning from Lin Tao and reaching

Liao Shui. His accomplishments were not Liao Shui. His accomplishments were not Liao Shui. His accomplishments were not Liao Shui. His accomplishments were not

sufficient and the number of corpses was sufficient and the number of corpses was sufficient and the number of corpses was sufficient and the number of corpses was

excessive. His loyalty is not worth admiring.excessive. His loyalty is not worth admiring.excessive. His loyalty is not worth admiring.excessive. His loyalty is not worth admiring.


淵騫淵騫淵騫淵騫卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




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Yuan and Yuan and Yuan and Yuan and


Someone asked: What about LSomeone asked: What about LSomeone asked: What about LSomeone asked: What about Lüüüü BBBBuweiuweiuweiuwei』』』』s wisdoms wisdoms wisdoms wisdom????

He traded in people to make his profits.He traded in people to make his profits.He traded in people to make his profits.He traded in people to make his profits.

Yangzi said: Who ever said LYangzi said: Who ever said LYangzi said: Who ever said LYangzi said: Who ever said Lüüüü BBBBuwei was wiseuwei was wiseuwei was wiseuwei was wise????

He traded in court politics to become ancestor He traded in court politics to become ancestor He traded in court politics to become ancestor He traded in court politics to become ancestor

to the shortto the shortto the shortto the short----lived Qin Dynasty. Was Llived Qin Dynasty. Was Llived Qin Dynasty. Was Llived Qin Dynasty. Was Lüüüü BBBBuweiuweiuweiuwei』』』』

s thievery not like that of a cus thievery not like that of a cus thievery not like that of a cus thievery not like that of a cunning burglar nning burglar nning burglar nning burglar

who breaks in through a hole in the wallwho breaks in through a hole in the wallwho breaks in through a hole in the wallwho breaks in through a hole in the wall???? I I I I』』』』ve ve ve ve

seen heists as big as three bushels, but never seen heists as big as three bushels, but never seen heists as big as three bushels, but never seen heists as big as three bushels, but never

one as big as Luoyang!one as big as Luoyang!one as big as Luoyang!one as big as Luoyang!


淵騫淵騫淵騫淵騫卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :





Yuan and Yuan and Yuan and Yuan and


Someone Someone Someone Someone said: General said: General said: General said: General BBBBai Qi of the Qin was ai Qi of the Qin was ai Qi of the Qin was ai Qi of the Qin was

inhumane. Why was he put to useinhumane. Why was he put to useinhumane. Why was he put to useinhumane. Why was he put to use????

Yangzi said: In the battle at Chang Ping Yangzi said: In the battle at Chang Ping Yangzi said: In the battle at Chang Ping Yangzi said: In the battle at Chang Ping

400,000 men were killed. Even the chaos caused 400,000 men were killed. Even the chaos caused 400,000 men were killed. Even the chaos caused 400,000 men were killed. Even the chaos caused

by Chi You did not surpass this. The plains and by Chi You did not surpass this. The plains and by Chi You did not surpass this. The plains and by Chi You did not surpass this. The plains and

fields were covered with human flesh, the fields were covered with human flesh, the fields were covered with human flesh, the fields were covered with human flesh, the

rivers arivers arivers arivers and hollows flowed with blood. A general nd hollows flowed with blood. A general nd hollows flowed with blood. A general nd hollows flowed with blood. A general

so inhumane, how could he be put to use!so inhumane, how could he be put to use!so inhumane, how could he be put to use!so inhumane, how could he be put to use!

The other asked: What about Wang JianThe other asked: What about Wang JianThe other asked: What about Wang JianThe other asked: What about Wang Jian????

Yangzi said: Qin Shi Huang hunted the six Yangzi said: Qin Shi Huang hunted the six Yangzi said: Qin Shi Huang hunted the six Yangzi said: Qin Shi Huang hunted the six

kingdoms and Wang Jian was his teeth!kingdoms and Wang Jian was his teeth!kingdoms and Wang Jian was his teeth!kingdoms and Wang Jian was his teeth!

13131313 淵騫淵騫淵騫淵騫卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 或或或或問問問問:「:「:「:「要要要要離離離離非非非非義義義義者與者與者與者與????不以不以不以不以家家家家辭辭辭辭國國國國。。。。」」」」曰曰曰曰:「:「:「:「離離離離


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Yuan and Yuan and Yuan and Yuan and


Someone asked: Was Yao Li not one who was Someone asked: Was Yao Li not one who was Someone asked: Was Yao Li not one who was Someone asked: Was Yao Li not one who was

righteous (yi)righteous (yi)righteous (yi)righteous (yi)???? He did not even use his family He did not even use his family He did not even use his family He did not even use his family

as an excuse to refuseas an excuse to refuseas an excuse to refuseas an excuse to refuse the commands of his the commands of his the commands of his the commands of his


Yangzi said: He allowed his wife and children Yangzi said: He allowed his wife and children Yangzi said: He allowed his wife and children Yangzi said: He allowed his wife and children

to be burned to ashes in order to get close to be burned to ashes in order to get close to be burned to ashes in order to get close to be burned to ashes in order to get close

enough to Qing Ji to assassinate him. Though he enough to Qing Ji to assassinate him. Though he enough to Qing Ji to assassinate him. Though he enough to Qing Ji to assassinate him. Though he

might be outstanding among spiders and insects, might be outstanding among spiders and insects, might be outstanding among spiders and insects, might be outstanding among spiders and insects,

what in his actions can be considered towhat in his actions can be considered towhat in his actions can be considered towhat in his actions can be considered to be be be be


The other asked about Nie Zheng.The other asked about Nie Zheng.The other asked about Nie Zheng.The other asked about Nie Zheng.

Yangzi said: He rebelled against the Han for Yangzi said: He rebelled against the Han for Yangzi said: He rebelled against the Han for Yangzi said: He rebelled against the Han for

Yan Sui, killed head minister Han Xialei, and Yan Sui, killed head minister Han Xialei, and Yan Sui, killed head minister Han Xialei, and Yan Sui, killed head minister Han Xialei, and

disfigured himself to protect his sister. disfigured himself to protect his sister. disfigured himself to protect his sister. disfigured himself to protect his sister.

Though he might be outstanding among brave men, Though he might be outstanding among brave men, Though he might be outstanding among brave men, Though he might be outstanding among brave men,

what in his actions can be what in his actions can be what in his actions can be what in his actions can be considered to be considered to be considered to be considered to be


The other asked about: Jing The other asked about: Jing The other asked about: Jing The other asked about: Jing KKKKe.e.e.e.

Yangzi said: At the request of Prince Dan of Yangzi said: At the request of Prince Dan of Yangzi said: At the request of Prince Dan of Yangzi said: At the request of Prince Dan of

Yan, he offered the Yan, he offered the Yan, he offered the Yan, he offered the KKKKing of Qin the head of Fan ing of Qin the head of Fan ing of Qin the head of Fan ing of Qin the head of Fan

Yuqi and a map of Dukang in Yan, and entered Yuqi and a map of Dukang in Yan, and entered Yuqi and a map of Dukang in Yan, and entered Yuqi and a map of Dukang in Yan, and entered

into Qin with being suspected. Though he might into Qin with being suspected. Though he might into Qin with being suspected. Though he might into Qin with being suspected. Though he might

be outstandbe outstandbe outstandbe outstanding among assassins, what in his ing among assassins, what in his ing among assassins, what in his ing among assassins, what in his

actions can be considered to be righteousactions can be considered to be righteousactions can be considered to be righteousactions can be considered to be righteous????

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淵騫淵騫淵騫淵騫卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 或或或或問問問問:「:「:「:「儀儀儀儀、、、、秦秦秦秦學乎學乎學乎學乎鬼鬼鬼鬼谷谷谷谷術術術術,,,,而習而習而習而習乎乎乎乎縱縱縱縱橫橫橫橫言言言言,,,,安安安安中國中國中國中國






Yuan and Yuan and Yuan and Yuan and


Someone asked: Zhang Yi and Su Qin studied the Someone asked: Zhang Yi and Su Qin studied the Someone asked: Zhang Yi and Su Qin studied the Someone asked: Zhang Yi and Su Qin studied the

arts of Gui Gu and were practiced in the arts of Gui Gu and were practiced in the arts of Gui Gu and were practiced in the arts of Gui Gu and were practiced in the

doctrines of the horizontal and doctrines of the horizontal and doctrines of the horizontal and doctrines of the horizontal and vertical vertical vertical vertical

alliances among the states. They brought peace alliances among the states. They brought peace alliances among the states. They brought peace alliances among the states. They brought peace

to the central kingdoms for more than ten to the central kingdoms for more than ten to the central kingdoms for more than ten to the central kingdoms for more than ten

years. What about themyears. What about themyears. What about themyears. What about them????

Yangzi said: They were tacticians. The sage Yangzi said: They were tacticians. The sage Yangzi said: They were tacticians. The sage Yangzi said: They were tacticians. The sage

detests them.detests them.detests them.detests them.

The other said: What about reading the The other said: What about reading the The other said: What about reading the The other said: What about reading the

teachings of Confucius but implementiteachings of Confucius but implementiteachings of Confucius but implementiteachings of Confucius but implementing the ng the ng the ng the

teachings of Zhang Yi and Su Qinteachings of Zhang Yi and Su Qinteachings of Zhang Yi and Su Qinteachings of Zhang Yi and Su Qin????

Yangzi said: What nonsense! ThatYangzi said: What nonsense! ThatYangzi said: What nonsense! ThatYangzi said: What nonsense! That』』』』s like having s like having s like having s like having

the cry of a phoenix and the feathers of a the cry of a phoenix and the feathers of a the cry of a phoenix and the feathers of a the cry of a phoenix and the feathers of a


The other said: IsnThe other said: IsnThe other said: IsnThe other said: Isn』』』』t that what Zigong wanted t that what Zigong wanted t that what Zigong wanted t that what Zigong wanted

to doto doto doto do????

Yangzi said: Zigong was ashamed of not being Yangzi said: Zigong was ashamed of not being Yangzi said: Zigong was ashamed of not being Yangzi said: Zigong was ashamed of not being

able to bring order able to bring order able to bring order able to bring order to troubled times. Zhang Yi to troubled times. Zhang Yi to troubled times. Zhang Yi to troubled times. Zhang Yi

and Su Qin were ashamed of engaging in and Su Qin were ashamed of engaging in and Su Qin were ashamed of engaging in and Su Qin were ashamed of engaging in

disputations and not obtaining wealth and disputations and not obtaining wealth and disputations and not obtaining wealth and disputations and not obtaining wealth and


15151515 淵騫淵騫淵騫淵騫卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 或曰或曰或曰或曰:「:「:「:「儀儀儀儀、、、、秦秦秦秦其其其其才才才才矣矣矣矣乎乎乎乎!!!!跡跡跡跡不不不不蹈蹈蹈蹈已已已已。。。。」」」」曰曰曰曰:「:「:「:「昔在昔在昔在昔在


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Yuan and Yuan and Yuan and Yuan and


Someone asked: Were Zhang Yi and Su Qin not Someone asked: Were Zhang Yi and Su Qin not Someone asked: Were Zhang Yi and Su Qin not Someone asked: Were Zhang Yi and Su Qin not

talentedtalentedtalentedtalented???? They did not follow the paths of They did not follow the paths of They did not follow the paths of They did not follow the paths of


Yangzi said: In the past, the emperors regarded Yangzi said: In the past, the emperors regarded Yangzi said: In the past, the emperors regarded Yangzi said: In the past, the emperors regarded

artful men artful men artful men artful men uneasily, even though they had uneasily, even though they had uneasily, even though they had uneasily, even though they had

talent. talent. talent. talent. BBBBut talented or not, this is not our ut talented or not, this is not our ut talented or not, this is not our ut talented or not, this is not our

followersfollowersfollowersfollowers』』』』 kind of talent.kind of talent.kind of talent.kind of talent.


淵騫淵騫淵騫淵騫卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :





Yuan and Yuan and Yuan and Yuan and


Excellent conduct: Yuan Gong, Qi Liji, Xia Excellent conduct: Yuan Gong, Qi Liji, Xia Excellent conduct: Yuan Gong, Qi Liji, Xia Excellent conduct: Yuan Gong, Qi Liji, Xia

Huang, and Jiao Li.Huang, and Jiao Li.Huang, and Jiao Li.Huang, and Jiao Li.

Words and expression: Lou Jing and Lu Jia.Words and expression: Lou Jing and Lu Jia.Words and expression: Lou Jing and Lu Jia.Words and expression: Lou Jing and Lu Jia.

UUUUpholding correct principles: Wang Ling and pholding correct principles: Wang Ling and pholding correct principles: Wang Ling and pholding correct principles: Wang Ling and

Shentu Jia.Shentu Jia.Shentu Jia.Shentu Jia.

Frank remonstration: Zhou Chang and Ji An.Frank remonstration: Zhou Chang and Ji An.Frank remonstration: Zhou Chang and Ji An.Frank remonstration: Zhou Chang and Ji An.

Protecting the Protecting the Protecting the Protecting the RRRRu: Yuan Gu and Shen Gong.u: Yuan Gu and Shen Gong.u: Yuan Gu and Shen Gong.u: Yuan Gu and Shen Gong.

Disasters and strange phenomena: Dong Zhongshu, Disasters and strange phenomena: Dong Zhongshu, Disasters and strange phenomena: Dong Zhongshu, Disasters and strange phenomena: Dong Zhongshu,

XiaXiaXiaXiahou Sheng, and Jing Feng.hou Sheng, and Jing Feng.hou Sheng, and Jing Feng.hou Sheng, and Jing Feng.


淵騫淵騫淵騫淵騫卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 或或或或問問問問「「「「蕭蕭蕭蕭、、、、曹曹曹曹」」」」。。。。曰曰曰曰:「:「:「:「蕭蕭蕭蕭也也也也規規規規,,,,曹曹曹曹也也也也隨隨隨隨。。。。」「」「」「」「滕滕滕滕、、、、



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Yuan and Yuan and Yuan and Yuan and


Someone asked: What about Xiao He and Cao ShenSomeone asked: What about Xiao He and Cao ShenSomeone asked: What about Xiao He and Cao ShenSomeone asked: What about Xiao He and Cao Shen????

Yangzi said:Yangzi said:Yangzi said:Yangzi said: Xiao He made the rules, Cao Shen Xiao He made the rules, Cao Shen Xiao He made the rules, Cao Shen Xiao He made the rules, Cao Shen

followed them.followed them.followed them.followed them.

What about Teng Houying, Guan Ying, Fan What about Teng Houying, Guan Ying, Fan What about Teng Houying, Guan Ying, Fan What about Teng Houying, Guan Ying, Fan KKKKuai uai uai uai

and Li Shangand Li Shangand Li Shangand Li Shang????

Yangzi said: They were chivalrous and Yangzi said: They were chivalrous and Yangzi said: They were chivalrous and Yangzi said: They were chivalrous and


The other said: Shu SuntongThe other said: Shu SuntongThe other said: Shu SuntongThe other said: Shu Suntong????

Yangzi said: He was a fake copy.Yangzi said: He was a fake copy.Yangzi said: He was a fake copy.Yangzi said: He was a fake copy.

The other said: Yuan AngThe other said: Yuan AngThe other said: Yuan AngThe other said: Yuan Ang????

Yangzi saidYangzi saidYangzi saidYangzi said: His loyalty was insufficient and : His loyalty was insufficient and : His loyalty was insufficient and : His loyalty was insufficient and

his talk was excessive.his talk was excessive.his talk was excessive.his talk was excessive.

The other said: Zhao CuoThe other said: Zhao CuoThe other said: Zhao CuoThe other said: Zhao Cuo????

Yangzi said: He was stupid.Yangzi said: He was stupid.Yangzi said: He was stupid.Yangzi said: He was stupid.

The other said: The other said: The other said: The other said: RRRRuthless officialsuthless officialsuthless officialsuthless officials????

Yangzi said: Tigers! TigersYangzi said: Tigers! TigersYangzi said: Tigers! TigersYangzi said: Tigers! Tigers————with horns and with horns and with horns and with horns and


The other said: The profiteersThe other said: The profiteersThe other said: The profiteersThe other said: The profiteers????

Yangzi said: Mosquitoes! Yangzi said: Mosquitoes! Yangzi said: Mosquitoes! Yangzi said: Mosquitoes! TheyTheyTheyThey』』』』ve always sucked ve always sucked ve always sucked ve always sucked

the kingdomthe kingdomthe kingdomthe kingdom』』』』s blood dry, making people have to s blood dry, making people have to s blood dry, making people have to s blood dry, making people have to

pick wild grasses to eat, drink pick wild grasses to eat, drink pick wild grasses to eat, drink pick wild grasses to eat, drink [[[[onlyonlyonlyonly]]]] water water water water

and wear coarse clothing. How can they live and wear coarse clothing. How can they live and wear coarse clothing. How can they live and wear coarse clothing. How can they live

until their teeth fall out with nothing to until their teeth fall out with nothing to until their teeth fall out with nothing to until their teeth fall out with nothing to

worry aboutworry aboutworry aboutworry about????

The other asked about compliant officials.The other asked about compliant officials.The other asked about compliant officials.The other asked about compliant officials.

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Yangzi said: They were officials indeed.Yangzi said: They were officials indeed.Yangzi said: They were officials indeed.Yangzi said: They were officials indeed.

The other asked about wandering swordsmen.The other asked about wandering swordsmen.The other asked about wandering swordsmen.The other asked about wandering swordsmen.

Yangzi said: They stole the kingdomYangzi said: They stole the kingdomYangzi said: They stole the kingdomYangzi said: They stole the kingdom』』』』s s s s


The other said: Flatters who curried favorThe other said: Flatters who curried favorThe other said: Flatters who curried favorThe other said: Flatters who curried favor????

Yangzi said: They are not even worth Yangzi said: They are not even worth Yangzi said: They are not even worth Yangzi said: They are not even worth



淵騫淵騫淵騫淵騫卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




Yuan and Yuan and Yuan and Yuan and


Someone asked about recent generationsSomeone asked about recent generationsSomeone asked about recent generationsSomeone asked about recent generations』』』』

ministers to the alters of the gods of earth ministers to the alters of the gods of earth ministers to the alters of the gods of earth ministers to the alters of the gods of earth

and grain.and grain.and grain.and grain.

Yangzi said: If you took Zhang LiangYangzi said: If you took Zhang LiangYangzi said: If you took Zhang LiangYangzi said: If you took Zhang Liang』』』』s wisdom, s wisdom, s wisdom, s wisdom,

Chen PingChen PingChen PingChen Ping』』』』s infallibility, Marquis s infallibility, Marquis s infallibility, Marquis s infallibility, Marquis BBBBo of o of o of o of

JiangJiangJiangJiang』』』』s decisiveness, and Huo Guangs decisiveness, and Huo Guangs decisiveness, and Huo Guangs decisiveness, and Huo Guang』』』』s s s s

courage, then finished them off with li and courage, then finished them off with li and courage, then finished them off with li and courage, then finished them off with li and

musicmusicmusicmusic————that could indeed be called a minister that could indeed be called a minister that could indeed be called a minister that could indeed be called a minister

of the altars to the gods of earth and grain.of the altars to the gods of earth and grain.of the altars to the gods of earth and grain.of the altars to the gods of earth and grain.



Page 154: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan

The other said: The other said: The other said: The other said: BBBBetween Gongsun Hong and Dong etween Gongsun Hong and Dong etween Gongsun Hong and Dong etween Gongsun Hong and Dong

Zhongshu, who was closer to this idealZhongshu, who was closer to this idealZhongshu, who was closer to this idealZhongshu, who was closer to this ideal????

Yangzi said: Dong Yangzi said: Dong Yangzi said: Dong Yangzi said: Dong Zhongshu had the desire but Zhongshu had the desire but Zhongshu had the desire but Zhongshu had the desire but

couldncouldncouldncouldn』』』』t attain it. Gongsun Hong had the right t attain it. Gongsun Hong had the right t attain it. Gongsun Hong had the right t attain it. Gongsun Hong had the right

appearance and thatappearance and thatappearance and thatappearance and that』』』』s all.s all.s all.s all.


淵騫淵騫淵騫淵騫卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :







Yuan and Yuan and Yuan and Yuan and


Someone asked about reputable highSomeone asked about reputable highSomeone asked about reputable highSomeone asked about reputable high----ranking ranking ranking ranking

officers of recent generations.officers of recent generations.officers of recent generations.officers of recent generations.

Yangzi said: Zhang ShizhiYangzi said: Zhang ShizhiYangzi said: Zhang ShizhiYangzi said: Zhang Shizhi』』』』s fairness, Juan s fairness, Juan s fairness, Juan s fairness, Juan

BBBBuyiuyiuyiuyi』』』』s perceptiveness, Yin Wenguis perceptiveness, Yin Wenguis perceptiveness, Yin Wenguis perceptiveness, Yin Wengui』』』』s purity, s purity, s purity, s purity,

and Wang Zunand Wang Zunand Wang Zunand Wang Zun』』』』s selfs selfs selfs self----reliance reliance reliance reliance ————these were the these were the these were the these were the

qualities of the recqualities of the recqualities of the recqualities of the recent generationent generationent generationent generation』』』』s reputable s reputable s reputable s reputable

highhighhighhigh----ranking officials.ranking officials.ranking officials.ranking officials.

The other asked about military generals.The other asked about military generals.The other asked about military generals.The other asked about military generals.

Yangzi said: Zhou YafuYangzi said: Zhou YafuYangzi said: Zhou YafuYangzi said: Zhou Yafu』』』』s (the Marquis of Tiao) s (the Marquis of Tiao) s (the Marquis of Tiao) s (the Marquis of Tiao)

defense strategy, Wei Qing (Marquis of Chang defense strategy, Wei Qing (Marquis of Chang defense strategy, Wei Qing (Marquis of Chang defense strategy, Wei Qing (Marquis of Chang

Ping) and Huo QubingPing) and Huo QubingPing) and Huo QubingPing) and Huo Qubing』』』』s (Marquis Zhongli) s (Marquis Zhongli) s (Marquis Zhongli) s (Marquis Zhongli)

attack strategy, and Huo Guangattack strategy, and Huo Guangattack strategy, and Huo Guangattack strategy, and Huo Guang』』』』s (Marquis of s (Marquis of s (Marquis of s (Marquis of

BBBBo Liu) grasp of honoro Liu) grasp of honoro Liu) grasp of honoro Liu) grasp of honor————these were the these were the these were the these were the

qualities of reputable military generals of the qualities of reputable military generals of the qualities of reputable military generals of the qualities of reputable military generals of the

recent generation.recent generation.recent generation.recent generation.

The other asked about the ancients.The other asked about the ancients.The other asked about the ancients.The other asked about the ancients.

Yangzi said: They urged people on with the Dao Yangzi said: They urged people on with the Dao Yangzi said: They urged people on with the Dao Yangzi said: They urged people on with the Dao

Page 155: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan

and de, and tamed them with ren and yi. and de, and tamed them with ren and yi. and de, and tamed them with ren and yi. and de, and tamed them with ren and yi.

Cartloads of cCartloads of cCartloads of cCartloads of corpses and bloodstained knivesorpses and bloodstained knivesorpses and bloodstained knivesorpses and bloodstained knives————

these were not of their doing.these were not of their doing.these were not of their doing.these were not of their doing.


淵騫淵騫淵騫淵騫卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



Yuan and Yuan and Yuan and Yuan and


Zhang Qian and Su Wu were admirable envoys. Zhang Qian and Su Wu were admirable envoys. Zhang Qian and Su Wu were admirable envoys. Zhang Qian and Su Wu were admirable envoys.

They maintained their integrity, were They maintained their integrity, were They maintained their integrity, were They maintained their integrity, were

unconcerned unconcerned unconcerned unconcerned with death and never abandoned with death and never abandoned with death and never abandoned with death and never abandoned

their rulertheir rulertheir rulertheir ruler』』』』s commands. Even the praiseworthy s commands. Even the praiseworthy s commands. Even the praiseworthy s commands. Even the praiseworthy

envoys of the ancients were inferior to them.envoys of the ancients were inferior to them.envoys of the ancients were inferior to them.envoys of the ancients were inferior to them.


淵騫淵騫淵騫淵騫卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 世世世世稱稱稱稱東東東東方生之方生之方生之方生之盛盛盛盛也也也也,,,,言不純言不純言不純言不純師師師師,,,,行不純表行不純表行不純表行不純表,,,,其其其其流流流流風風風風、、、、













Page 156: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan


Yuan and Yuan and Yuan and Yuan and


The world lauds the exuberance of Dong The world lauds the exuberance of Dong The world lauds the exuberance of Dong The world lauds the exuberance of Dong

FangshuoFangshuoFangshuoFangshuo』』』』s life. s life. s life. s life. BBBBut in speaking, he was not ut in speaking, he was not ut in speaking, he was not ut in speaking, he was not

sincere enough to be a teacher, and in action, sincere enough to be a teacher, and in action, sincere enough to be a teacher, and in action, sincere enough to be a teacher, and in action,

he was not a sinhe was not a sinhe was not a sinhe was not a sincere enough to be a role model. cere enough to be a role model. cere enough to be a role model. cere enough to be a role model.

The remnants of his writings that are still The remnants of his writings that are still The remnants of his writings that are still The remnants of his writings that are still

floating around should be discarded.floating around should be discarded.floating around should be discarded.floating around should be discarded.

Someone said: He was a hermit.Someone said: He was a hermit.Someone said: He was a hermit.Someone said: He was a hermit.

Yangzi said: The hermits of ancient timesYangzi said: The hermits of ancient timesYangzi said: The hermits of ancient timesYangzi said: The hermits of ancient times————IIII』』』』

ve heard of their sayings and their heard of their sayings and their heard of their sayings and their heard of their sayings and their deeds.

The other said: The pathThe other said: The pathThe other said: The pathThe other said: The path (dao) of the hermit (dao) of the hermit (dao) of the hermit (dao) of the hermit

has many beginnings.has many beginnings.has many beginnings.has many beginnings.

Yangzi said: Indeed! If the words and actions Yangzi said: Indeed! If the words and actions Yangzi said: Indeed! If the words and actions Yangzi said: Indeed! If the words and actions

of the sage do not meet with their proper time, of the sage do not meet with their proper time, of the sage do not meet with their proper time, of the sage do not meet with their proper time,

then the sage becomes a hermit. If the words then the sage becomes a hermit. If the words then the sage becomes a hermit. If the words then the sage becomes a hermit. If the words

and actions of the worthy do not meet with and actions of the worthy do not meet with and actions of the worthy do not meet with and actions of the worthy do not meet with

their proper time, then the worttheir proper time, then the worttheir proper time, then the worttheir proper time, then the worthy become hy become hy become hy become

hermits. If the words and actions of the jester hermits. If the words and actions of the jester hermits. If the words and actions of the jester hermits. If the words and actions of the jester

do not meet with his times, then the jester do not meet with his times, then the jester do not meet with his times, then the jester do not meet with his times, then the jester

becomes a hermit. In the ancient past, Ji Zi becomes a hermit. In the ancient past, Ji Zi becomes a hermit. In the ancient past, Ji Zi becomes a hermit. In the ancient past, Ji Zi

covered himself in lacquer and Jie Yu unbound covered himself in lacquer and Jie Yu unbound covered himself in lacquer and Jie Yu unbound covered himself in lacquer and Jie Yu unbound

his hair and feigned madness. his hair and feigned madness. his hair and feigned madness. his hair and feigned madness. BBBBoth feared oth feared oth feared oth feared

meeting with harm andmeeting with harm andmeeting with harm andmeeting with harm and desired to flee. Ji Zi desired to flee. Ji Zi desired to flee. Ji Zi desired to flee. Ji Zi

wrote the Hongfan (The Great Plan), and Jie Yu wrote the Hongfan (The Great Plan), and Jie Yu wrote the Hongfan (The Great Plan), and Jie Yu wrote the Hongfan (The Great Plan), and Jie Yu

sang sang sang sang 「「「「Phoenix!Phoenix!Phoenix!Phoenix!」」」」 to Confucius.

The other asked: Why was Dong FangshuoThe other asked: Why was Dong FangshuoThe other asked: Why was Dong FangshuoThe other asked: Why was Dong Fangshuo』』』』s s s s

reputation so exaggerated thenreputation so exaggerated thenreputation so exaggerated thenreputation so exaggerated then????

Yangzi said: He answered with jokes, was never Yangzi said: He answered with jokes, was never Yangzi said: He answered with jokes, was never Yangzi said: He answered with jokes, was never

at a loss for words, made straightfat a loss for words, made straightfat a loss for words, made straightfat a loss for words, made straightforward orward orward orward

remonstrations, and had a dirty character (de). remonstrations, and had a dirty character (de). remonstrations, and had a dirty character (de). remonstrations, and had a dirty character (de).

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Answering with jokes, he seemed like an actor. Answering with jokes, he seemed like an actor. Answering with jokes, he seemed like an actor. Answering with jokes, he seemed like an actor.

Never at a loss for words, he appeared to be Never at a loss for words, he appeared to be Never at a loss for words, he appeared to be Never at a loss for words, he appeared to be

philosophical. With his straightforward philosophical. With his straightforward philosophical. With his straightforward philosophical. With his straightforward

remonstrations he appeared genuine. And with a remonstrations he appeared genuine. And with a remonstrations he appeared genuine. And with a remonstrations he appeared genuine. And with a

dirty character, he sedirty character, he sedirty character, he sedirty character, he seemed like a hermit.emed like a hermit.emed like a hermit.emed like a hermit.

The other said: May I ask, then, what would be The other said: May I ask, then, what would be The other said: May I ask, then, what would be The other said: May I ask, then, what would be

a more appropriate name for him.a more appropriate name for him.a more appropriate name for him.a more appropriate name for him.

Yangzi said: He was a jester.Yangzi said: He was a jester.Yangzi said: He was a jester.Yangzi said: He was a jester.

The other said: How does he compare to hermits The other said: How does he compare to hermits The other said: How does he compare to hermits The other said: How does he compare to hermits

of the pastof the pastof the pastof the past????

Yangzi said: He rejected Yangzi said: He rejected Yangzi said: He rejected Yangzi said: He rejected BBBBo Yi and Shuqio Yi and Shuqio Yi and Shuqio Yi and Shuqi』』』』s s s s

suffering as stupid ansuffering as stupid ansuffering as stupid ansuffering as stupid and esteemed comfort, d esteemed comfort, d esteemed comfort, d esteemed comfort,

staying in the shade and making fun of the staying in the shade and making fun of the staying in the shade and making fun of the staying in the shade and making fun of the

world. world. world. world. BBBBut wasnut wasnut wasnut wasn』』』』t he really the height of t he really the height of t he really the height of t he really the height of


The other asked: Was Liu Xiahui not a hermit at The other asked: Was Liu Xiahui not a hermit at The other asked: Was Liu Xiahui not a hermit at The other asked: Was Liu Xiahui not a hermit at


Yangzi said: A junzi would say that he was Yangzi said: A junzi would say that he was Yangzi said: A junzi would say that he was Yangzi said: A junzi would say that he was

undignified. Among the ancients, one undignified. Among the ancients, one undignified. Among the ancients, one undignified. Among the ancients, one who was who was who was who was

hungry yet prominent was highly esteemedhungry yet prominent was highly esteemedhungry yet prominent was highly esteemedhungry yet prominent was highly esteemed;;;; one one one one

who was prosperous and yet reclusive was who was prosperous and yet reclusive was who was prosperous and yet reclusive was who was prosperous and yet reclusive was

considered lowly.considered lowly.considered lowly.considered lowly.


淵騫淵騫淵騫淵騫卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



Yuan and Yuan and Yuan and Yuan and


Flattery is the thief of ren, and slander is Flattery is the thief of ren, and slander is Flattery is the thief of ren, and slander is Flattery is the thief of ren, and slander is

the thief of yi. The thief of ren is close to the thief of yi. The thief of ren is close to the thief of yi. The thief of ren is close to the thief of yi. The thief of ren is close to

the village worthy. The thief of yi is close to the village worthy. The thief of yi is close to the village worthy. The thief of yi is close to the village worthy. The thief of yi is close to

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the village detractor.the village detractor.the village detractor.the village detractor.


淵騫淵騫淵騫淵騫卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 或或或或問問問問:「:「:「:「子子子子,,,,蜀蜀蜀蜀人人人人也也也也,,,,請請請請人人人人。。。。」」」」曰曰曰曰:「:「:「:「有有有有李李李李仲仲仲仲元元元元者者者者,,,,











Yuan and Yuan and Yuan and Yuan and


Someone asked: You are from Shu. May I ask Someone asked: You are from Shu. May I ask Someone asked: You are from Shu. May I ask Someone asked: You are from Shu. May I ask

about men from Shu.about men from Shu.about men from Shu.about men from Shu.

Yangzi said: There was Li Zhongyuan.Yangzi said: There was Li Zhongyuan.Yangzi said: There was Li Zhongyuan.Yangzi said: There was Li Zhongyuan.

The other said: As a man, what was he likeThe other said: As a man, what was he likeThe other said: As a man, what was he likeThe other said: As a man, what was he like????

Yangzi said: He is will was unbending in Yangzi said: He is will was unbending in Yangzi said: He is will was unbending in Yangzi said: He is will was unbending in

purpose and did not implicate himself in any purpose and did not implicate himself in any purpose and did not implicate himself in any purpose and did not implicate himself in any


The otheThe otheThe otheThe other said: Was he a follower of r said: Was he a follower of r said: Was he a follower of r said: Was he a follower of BBBBo Yi or o Yi or o Yi or o Yi or

Liuxia HuiLiuxia HuiLiuxia HuiLiuxia Hui????

Yangzi said: Neither like Yangzi said: Neither like Yangzi said: Neither like Yangzi said: Neither like BBBBo Yi or Liuxia Hui, o Yi or Liuxia Hui, o Yi or Liuxia Hui, o Yi or Liuxia Hui,

he was one who had no preconceptions the he was one who had no preconceptions the he was one who had no preconceptions the he was one who had no preconceptions the

permissible and impermissible.permissible and impermissible.permissible and impermissible.permissible and impermissible.

The other said: If this is so, then why was his The other said: If this is so, then why was his The other said: If this is so, then why was his The other said: If this is so, then why was his

reputation not wellreputation not wellreputation not wellreputation not well----knownknownknownknown????

Without ConWithout ConWithout ConWithout Confucius, how would anyone ever heard fucius, how would anyone ever heard fucius, how would anyone ever heard fucius, how would anyone ever heard

of the men who starved in the western mountains of the men who starved in the western mountains of the men who starved in the western mountains of the men who starved in the western mountains

or the minister who was dismissed in the or the minister who was dismissed in the or the minister who was dismissed in the or the minister who was dismissed in the

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eastern kingdom.eastern kingdom.eastern kingdom.eastern kingdom.

[[[[The otherThe otherThe otherThe other]]]] said: What if Wang Yang and Gong Yu said: What if Wang Yang and Gong Yu said: What if Wang Yang and Gong Yu said: What if Wang Yang and Gong Yu

had met Confuciushad met Confuciushad met Confuciushad met Confucius????

Yangzi said: Does the morning star shine so Yangzi said: Does the morning star shine so Yangzi said: Does the morning star shine so Yangzi said: Does the morning star shine so

brbrbrbrightly only because of it position high in ightly only because of it position high in ightly only because of it position high in ightly only because of it position high in

the skythe skythe skythe sky????

The other said: This being so, why did he not The other said: This being so, why did he not The other said: This being so, why did he not The other said: This being so, why did he not

obtain a high position himselfobtain a high position himselfobtain a high position himselfobtain a high position himself????

Yangzi said: What shines brightly is oneself. Yangzi said: What shines brightly is oneself. Yangzi said: What shines brightly is oneself. Yangzi said: What shines brightly is oneself.

It is Tian that leads one to attain a high It is Tian that leads one to attain a high It is Tian that leads one to attain a high It is Tian that leads one to attain a high

position. Do you desire to put yoursposition. Do you desire to put yoursposition. Do you desire to put yoursposition. Do you desire to put yourself in a elf in a elf in a elf in a

high positionhigh positionhigh positionhigh position???? Li Zhongyuan was the teacher of Li Zhongyuan was the teacher of Li Zhongyuan was the teacher of Li Zhongyuan was the teacher of

a generation. His demeanor was solemn, his a generation. His demeanor was solemn, his a generation. His demeanor was solemn, his a generation. His demeanor was solemn, his

words aroused emotion, and his conduct was words aroused emotion, and his conduct was words aroused emotion, and his conduct was words aroused emotion, and his conduct was

majestic. I had heard of using de to make majestic. I had heard of using de to make majestic. I had heard of using de to make majestic. I had heard of using de to make

others yield, but I had yet to hear of using de others yield, but I had yet to hear of using de others yield, but I had yet to hear of using de others yield, but I had yet to hear of using de

to yield oneself to otheto yield oneself to otheto yield oneself to otheto yield oneself to others. Li Zhongyuan was an rs. Li Zhongyuan was an rs. Li Zhongyuan was an rs. Li Zhongyuan was an

awesome man.awesome man.awesome man.awesome man.






The other said: What about Xia Yu and Meng The other said: What about Xia Yu and Meng The other said: What about Xia Yu and Meng The other said: What about Xia Yu and Meng BBBBenenenen????

Yangzi said: People were in awe of Xia Yu and Yangzi said: People were in awe of Xia Yu and Yangzi said: People were in awe of Xia Yu and Yangzi said: People were in awe of Xia Yu and

Meng Meng Meng Meng BBBBenenenen』』』』s physical strength, but ridiculed s physical strength, but ridiculed s physical strength, but ridiculed s physical strength, but ridiculed

their de.their de.their de.their de.

The other said: Could you please explain in The other said: Could you please explain in The other said: Could you please explain in The other said: Could you please explain in


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Yangzi said: DonYangzi said: DonYangzi said: DonYangzi said: Don』』』』t look at what is improper, t look at what is improper, t look at what is improper, t look at what is improper,

dondondondon』』』』t listen to what is improper, dont listen to what is improper, dont listen to what is improper, dont listen to what is improper, don』』』』t say t say t say t say

what is improper, and donwhat is improper, and donwhat is improper, and donwhat is improper, and don』』』』t do what is t do what is t do what is t do what is

improper. The teachers of the ancient past improper. The teachers of the ancient past improper. The teachers of the ancient past improper. The teachers of the ancient past

stood in awe of those who could stood in awe of those who could stood in awe of those who could stood in awe of those who could see, hear, see, hear, see, hear, see, hear,

speak and act speak and act speak and act speak and act [[[[according toaccording toaccording toaccording to]]]] what was proper. what was proper. what was proper. what was proper.

If you look at what should not be looked at, If you look at what should not be looked at, If you look at what should not be looked at, If you look at what should not be looked at,

listen to what should not be heard, say what listen to what should not be heard, say what listen to what should not be heard, say what listen to what should not be heard, say what

should not be said, and do what should not be should not be said, and do what should not be should not be said, and do what should not be should not be said, and do what should not be

done, then even if you had Xia Yu or Meng done, then even if you had Xia Yu or Meng done, then even if you had Xia Yu or Meng done, then even if you had Xia Yu or Meng BBBBenenenen』』』』

s s s s [[[[strengthstrengthstrengthstrength]]]] you you you you will still only be ridiculed.will still only be ridiculed.will still only be ridiculed.will still only be ridiculed.

《《《《君子君子君子君子卷第十卷第十卷第十卷第十二二二二 ---- The JunziThe JunziThe JunziThe Junzi》》》》



君子君子君子君子卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




The Junzi:The Junzi:The Junzi:The Junzi: Someone asked: When the junzi speaks, it Someone asked: When the junzi speaks, it Someone asked: When the junzi speaks, it Someone asked: When the junzi speaks, it

becomes literature. When he acts, it becomes becomes literature. When he acts, it becomes becomes literature. When he acts, it becomes becomes literature. When he acts, it becomes

de. How does this happende. How does this happende. How does this happende. How does this happen????

Yangzi said: It is because internally he is Yangzi said: It is because internally he is Yangzi said: It is because internally he is Yangzi said: It is because internally he is

like a fully drawn bow and externally he is like a fully drawn bow and externally he is like a fully drawn bow and externally he is like a fully drawn bow and externally he is

elegantly patterned like a tiger. He is like elegantly patterned like a tiger. He is like elegantly patterned like a tiger. He is like elegantly patterned like a tiger. He is like

Gong Shuban wielding axes and Hou Yi shooting Gong Shuban wielding axes and Hou Yi shooting Gong Shuban wielding axes and Hou Yi shooting Gong Shuban wielding axes and Hou Yi shooting

arrows. The junzi does not speak but that his arrows. The junzi does not speak but that his arrows. The junzi does not speak but that his arrows. The junzi does not speak but that his

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speech hits the mark, does not speech hits the mark, does not speech hits the mark, does not speech hits the mark, does not act but that his act but that his act but that his act but that his

act is in perfect balance.act is in perfect balance.act is in perfect balance.act is in perfect balance.


君子君子君子君子卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



The The The The Junzi:Junzi:Junzi:Junzi: Someone asked: When is the junzi flexibleSomeone asked: When is the junzi flexibleSomeone asked: When is the junzi flexibleSomeone asked: When is the junzi flexible???? When When When When

is he firmis he firmis he firmis he firm????

Yangzi said: In matters of ren, the junzi is Yangzi said: In matters of ren, the junzi is Yangzi said: In matters of ren, the junzi is Yangzi said: In matters of ren, the junzi is

flexible. In matters of yi, he is firm.flexible. In matters of yi, he is firm.flexible. In matters of yi, he is firm.flexible. In matters of yi, he is firm.


君子君子君子君子卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




The Junzi:The Junzi:The Junzi:The Junzi: Someone asked: The oar of a large storied boat Someone asked: The oar of a large storied boat Someone asked: The oar of a large storied boat Someone asked: The oar of a large storied boat

is not used as a ladle, and a war cart is not is not used as a ladle, and a war cart is not is not used as a ladle, and a war cart is not is not used as a ladle, and a war cart is not

used for gathering vegetables. Is this correctused for gathering vegetables. Is this correctused for gathering vegetables. Is this correctused for gathering vegetables. Is this correct????

Yangzi said: This is correct.Yangzi said: This is correct.Yangzi said: This is correct.Yangzi said: This is correct.

The other said: So a big tool cannot do The other said: So a big tool cannot do The other said: So a big tool cannot do The other said: So a big tool cannot do

everything that a small tool can doeverything that a small tool can doeverything that a small tool can doeverything that a small tool can do????

Yangzi said: Such are implements. A junzi is Yangzi said: Such are implements. A junzi is Yangzi said: Such are implements. A junzi is Yangzi said: Such are implements. A junzi is

not an implement.not an implement.not an implement.not an implement.


君子君子君子君子卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 或或或或問問問問:「:「:「:「孟孟孟孟子知言之子知言之子知言之子知言之要要要要,,,,知德之知德之知德之知德之奧奧奧奧」」」」。。。。曰曰曰曰:「:「:「:「非非非非茍茍茍茍知知知知




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The Junzi:The Junzi:The Junzi:The Junzi: Someone asked: Did Mengzi not understand the Someone asked: Did Mengzi not understand the Someone asked: Did Mengzi not understand the Someone asked: Did Mengzi not understand the

key points of words and the subtleties of dekey points of words and the subtleties of dekey points of words and the subtleties of dekey points of words and the subtleties of de????

Yangzi said: Not only did he understand them, Yangzi said: Not only did he understand them, Yangzi said: Not only did he understand them, Yangzi said: Not only did he understand them,

he also faithfully followed their path.he also faithfully followed their path.he also faithfully followed their path.he also faithfully followed their path.

The other said: You treat all the philosophers The other said: You treat all the philosophers The other said: You treat all the philosophers The other said: You treat all the philosophers

lightly. Was Mengzi not one of lightly. Was Mengzi not one of lightly. Was Mengzi not one of lightly. Was Mengzi not one of them as wellthem as wellthem as wellthem as well????

Yangzi said: The other philosophers take their Yangzi said: The other philosophers take their Yangzi said: The other philosophers take their Yangzi said: The other philosophers take their

knowledge to be different from Confucius's. Was knowledge to be different from Confucius's. Was knowledge to be different from Confucius's. Was knowledge to be different from Confucius's. Was

Mengzi's differentMengzi's differentMengzi's differentMengzi's different???? It was not. It was not. It was not. It was not.


君子君子君子君子卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




The Junzi:The Junzi:The Junzi:The Junzi: Someone said: Xunzi's book criticizing the Someone said: Xunzi's book criticizing the Someone said: Xunzi's book criticizing the Someone said: Xunzi's book criticizing the

various schools is acceptable. various schools is acceptable. various schools is acceptable. various schools is acceptable. BBBBut when it ut when it ut when it ut when it

comes to Zisi and Mengzi, it is misleading.comes to Zisi and Mengzi, it is misleading.comes to Zisi and Mengzi, it is misleading.comes to Zisi and Mengzi, it is misleading.

Yangzi said: My attitude toward XunziYangzi said: My attitude toward XunziYangzi said: My attitude toward XunziYangzi said: My attitude toward Xunzi???? I see I see I see I see

him as having entered through the same him as having entered through the same him as having entered through the same him as having entered through the same

courtyard gate, but gone into the house through courtyard gate, but gone into the house through courtyard gate, but gone into the house through courtyard gate, but gone into the house through

a different door. a different door. a different door. a different door. OOOOnly a sage would not differ nly a sage would not differ nly a sage would not differ nly a sage would not differ

from Confucius.from Confucius.from Confucius.from Confucius.


君子君子君子君子卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :


The Junzi:The Junzi:The Junzi:The Junzi: OOOOnly completely black, red, and white oxen with nly completely black, red, and white oxen with nly completely black, red, and white oxen with nly completely black, red, and white oxen with

perfect horns can be offered up in the temple perfect horns can be offered up in the temple perfect horns can be offered up in the temple perfect horns can be offered up in the temple

for sacrifice! Therefore, a junzi perfects his for sacrifice! Therefore, a junzi perfects his for sacrifice! Therefore, a junzi perfects his for sacrifice! Therefore, a junzi perfects his

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君子君子君子君子卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



The Junzi:The Junzi:The Junzi:The Junzi: Someone said: The junzi resembles jade.Someone said: The junzi resembles jade.Someone said: The junzi resembles jade.Someone said: The junzi resembles jade.

Yangzi said: He is pure and rippled, warm and Yangzi said: He is pure and rippled, warm and Yangzi said: He is pure and rippled, warm and Yangzi said: He is pure and rippled, warm and

glossy, soft but solid, glossy, soft but solid, glossy, soft but solid, glossy, soft but solid, rounded but clean rounded but clean rounded but clean rounded but clean

edgededgededgededged————his depth cannot be described.his depth cannot be described.his depth cannot be described.his depth cannot be described.


君子君子君子君子卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :





The Junzi:The Junzi:The Junzi:The Junzi: Someone said: Confucius's teaching is all Someone said: Confucius's teaching is all Someone said: Confucius's teaching is all Someone said: Confucius's teaching is all

encompassing but impenetrable, grand but not encompassing but impenetrable, grand but not encompassing but impenetrable, grand but not encompassing but impenetrable, grand but not

adaptable to small affairs. To practice it adaptable to small affairs. To practice it adaptable to small affairs. To practice it adaptable to small affairs. To practice it

would be like using an ox to catch a mouse.would be like using an ox to catch a mouse.would be like using an ox to catch a mouse.would be like using an ox to catch a mouse.

Yangzi said: Confucius's dao is like the four Yangzi said: Confucius's dao is like the four Yangzi said: Confucius's dao is like the four Yangzi said: Confucius's dao is like the four

riversriversriversrivers;;;; they pass through all the Central they pass through all the Central they pass through all the Central they pass through all the Central

KKKKingdom, and finally enter the greatingdom, and finally enter the greatingdom, and finally enter the greatingdom, and finally enter the great ocean. ocean. ocean. ocean.

OOOOther masters' daos are like the streams of the ther masters' daos are like the streams of the ther masters' daos are like the streams of the ther masters' daos are like the streams of the

far Northwestfar Northwestfar Northwestfar Northwest;;;; they flow through the lands of they flow through the lands of they flow through the lands of they flow through the lands of

the the Yi and Mo barbarians, some entering the the the Yi and Mo barbarians, some entering the the the Yi and Mo barbarians, some entering the the the Yi and Mo barbarians, some entering the

Tuo Tuo Tuo Tuo RRRRiver, some flowing into in the Han iver, some flowing into in the Han iver, some flowing into in the Han iver, some flowing into in the Han RRRRiver.iver.iver.iver.

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君子君子君子君子卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :





The Junzi:The Junzi:The Junzi:The Junzi: The Huainanzi's teaching is not as the useful The Huainanzi's teaching is not as the useful The Huainanzi's teaching is not as the useful The Huainanzi's teaching is not as the useful

as the Shiji. In the Shiji, a sage will find as the Shiji. In the Shiji, a sage will find as the Shiji. In the Shiji, a sage will find as the Shiji. In the Shiji, a sage will find

things he can usethings he can usethings he can usethings he can use;;;; the Huainan rarely has the Huainan rarely has the Huainan rarely has the Huainan rarely has

things he can use. Inevithings he can use. Inevithings he can use. Inevithings he can use. Inevitably, what he selects tably, what he selects tably, what he selects tably, what he selects

to use must accord with the Confucian Dao! Now to use must accord with the Confucian Dao! Now to use must accord with the Confucian Dao! Now to use must accord with the Confucian Dao! Now

hehehehe』』』』s coming, now hes coming, now hes coming, now hes coming, now he』』』』s goings goings goings going————thatthatthatthat』』』』s the s the s the s the

Huainan. Elegant literature that is rarely Huainan. Elegant literature that is rarely Huainan. Elegant literature that is rarely Huainan. Elegant literature that is rarely

useful, thatuseful, thatuseful, thatuseful, that』』』』s Sima Xiangru. Having many s Sima Xiangru. Having many s Sima Xiangru. Having many s Sima Xiangru. Having many

interests and not content to leave out interests and not content to leave out interests and not content to leave out interests and not content to leave out

anythinganythinganythinganything————that was Sima Qthat was Sima Qthat was Sima Qthat was Sima Qian. Confucius had ian. Confucius had ian. Confucius had ian. Confucius had

many interests, but his interests all revolved many interests, but his interests all revolved many interests, but his interests all revolved many interests, but his interests all revolved

around yi. Sima Qian had many interests, but he around yi. Sima Qian had many interests, but he around yi. Sima Qian had many interests, but he around yi. Sima Qian had many interests, but he

was interested in the unusual.was interested in the unusual.was interested in the unusual.was interested in the unusual.


君子君子君子君子卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



The Junzi:The Junzi:The Junzi:The Junzi: Someone said: Numerous indeed are the Someone said: Numerous indeed are the Someone said: Numerous indeed are the Someone said: Numerous indeed are the

falsehoods in the commentaries to the Classics!falsehoods in the commentaries to the Classics!falsehoods in the commentaries to the Classics!falsehoods in the commentaries to the Classics!

Yangzi said: If theyYangzi said: If theyYangzi said: If theyYangzi said: If they』』』』re false, theyre false, theyre false, theyre false, they』』』』re re re re

falsefalsefalsefalse————but worse, they also propagate the but worse, they also propagate the but worse, they also propagate the but worse, they also propagate the

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drumming of shamans!drumming of shamans!drumming of shamans!drumming of shamans!


君子君子君子君子卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



The Junzi:The Junzi:The Junzi:The Junzi: Someone said: The sageSomeone said: The sageSomeone said: The sageSomeone said: The sage』』』』s words are bright and s words are bright and s words are bright and s words are bright and

clear like red and green, are they notclear like red and green, are they notclear like red and green, are they notclear like red and green, are they not????

Yangzi said: Yangzi said: Yangzi said: Yangzi said: UUUUgh! What sort of saying is that! gh! What sort of saying is that! gh! What sort of saying is that! gh! What sort of saying is that!

At first, red and green are bright and clear, At first, red and green are bright and clear, At first, red and green are bright and clear, At first, red and green are bright and clear,

but after time they fade. Do the sagebut after time they fade. Do the sagebut after time they fade. Do the sagebut after time they fade. Do the sage』』』』s words s words s words s words



君子君子君子君子卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :






The Junzi:The Junzi:The Junzi:The Junzi: Someone said: The Someone said: The Someone said: The Someone said: The sage's dao is like Tian. sage's dao is like Tian. sage's dao is like Tian. sage's dao is like Tian. BBBBut ut ut ut

if it is like Tian, then it should be constant. if it is like Tian, then it should be constant. if it is like Tian, then it should be constant. if it is like Tian, then it should be constant.

Why, then, the sage's many changesWhy, then, the sage's many changesWhy, then, the sage's many changesWhy, then, the sage's many changes????

Yangzi said: The sage indeed changes much. Yangzi said: The sage indeed changes much. Yangzi said: The sage indeed changes much. Yangzi said: The sage indeed changes much.

Ziyou and Zixia understood his writings, but Ziyou and Zixia understood his writings, but Ziyou and Zixia understood his writings, but Ziyou and Zixia understood his writings, but

they did not grasp why he wrote. Zai Wo and they did not grasp why he wrote. Zai Wo and they did not grasp why he wrote. Zai Wo and they did not grasp why he wrote. Zai Wo and

Zigong undeZigong undeZigong undeZigong understood his words, but they did not rstood his words, but they did not rstood his words, but they did not rstood his words, but they did not

grasp why he spoke. Yan Yuan and Min Ziqian grasp why he spoke. Yan Yuan and Min Ziqian grasp why he spoke. Yan Yuan and Min Ziqian grasp why he spoke. Yan Yuan and Min Ziqian

understood his actions, but they did not grasp understood his actions, but they did not grasp understood his actions, but they did not grasp understood his actions, but they did not grasp

why he acted. The sage's writings, words, and why he acted. The sage's writings, words, and why he acted. The sage's writings, words, and why he acted. The sage's writings, words, and

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actions are Tian. How can it be that Tian actions are Tian. How can it be that Tian actions are Tian. How can it be that Tian actions are Tian. How can it be that Tian

rarely changesrarely changesrarely changesrarely changes????


君子君子君子君子卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 或曰或曰或曰或曰:「:「:「:「聖人聖人聖人聖人自自自自恣恣恣恣與與與與????何何何何言之言之言之言之多多多多端端端端也也也也。。。。」」」」曰曰曰曰:「:「:「:「子子子子未未未未




The The The The Junzi:Junzi:Junzi:Junzi: Someone said: Is the sage not selfSomeone said: Is the sage not selfSomeone said: Is the sage not selfSomeone said: Is the sage not self----indulgentindulgentindulgentindulgent????

Why do his words flow from so many fontsWhy do his words flow from so many fontsWhy do his words flow from so many fontsWhy do his words flow from so many fonts????

Yangzi said: Have you not seen how Yu made Yangzi said: Have you not seen how Yu made Yangzi said: Have you not seen how Yu made Yangzi said: Have you not seen how Yu made

water flowwater flowwater flowwater flow???? Sometimes east, sometimes north Sometimes east, sometimes north Sometimes east, sometimes north Sometimes east, sometimes north————

but always flowing without obstruction. How can but always flowing without obstruction. How can but always flowing without obstruction. How can but always flowing without obstruction. How can

the junzi's path alone be the junzi's path alone be the junzi's path alone be the junzi's path alone be without obstructionwithout obstructionwithout obstructionwithout obstruction????

How can he be directHow can he be directHow can he be directHow can he be direct???? If water avoids If water avoids If water avoids If water avoids

obstructions, then it reaches the sea. If a obstructions, then it reaches the sea. If a obstructions, then it reaches the sea. If a obstructions, then it reaches the sea. If a

junzi avoids obstructions, he will reach the junzi avoids obstructions, he will reach the junzi avoids obstructions, he will reach the junzi avoids obstructions, he will reach the

universal principle.universal principle.universal principle.universal principle.


君子君子君子君子卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



The Junzi:The Junzi:The Junzi:The Junzi: The junzi likes what is good in others, and The junzi likes what is good in others, and The junzi likes what is good in others, and The junzi likes what is good in others, and

forgets about what is good in himselfforgets about what is good in himselfforgets about what is good in himselfforgets about what is good in himself;;;; the the the the

small man likes what is bad in himself and small man likes what is bad in himself and small man likes what is bad in himself and small man likes what is bad in himself and

forgets about what is good in others.forgets about what is good in others.forgets about what is good in others.forgets about what is good in others.


君子君子君子君子卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 或曰或曰或曰或曰:「:「:「:「子於天下則子於天下則子於天下則子於天下則誰誰誰誰與與與與?」?」?」?」曰曰曰曰:「:「:「:「與夫進者與夫進者與夫進者與夫進者乎乎乎乎!」!」!」!」



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The Junzi:The Junzi:The Junzi:The Junzi: Someone saidSomeone saidSomeone saidSomeone said: : : : OOOOf whom in the world do you f whom in the world do you f whom in the world do you f whom in the world do you


Yangzi said: I approve of those who advance.Yangzi said: I approve of those who advance.Yangzi said: I approve of those who advance.Yangzi said: I approve of those who advance.

The other said: Why do you approve of those who The other said: Why do you approve of those who The other said: Why do you approve of those who The other said: Why do you approve of those who

covet status and long for salarycovet status and long for salarycovet status and long for salarycovet status and long for salary????

Yangzi said: Coveting these is not what I mean Yangzi said: Coveting these is not what I mean Yangzi said: Coveting these is not what I mean Yangzi said: Coveting these is not what I mean

by advancing. Those who advance, advance inby advancing. Those who advance, advance inby advancing. Those who advance, advance inby advancing. Those who advance, advance in the the the the

Dao, long for de, and make themselves Dao, long for de, and make themselves Dao, long for de, and make themselves Dao, long for de, and make themselves

prosperous by means of ren and yi. They advance prosperous by means of ren and yi. They advance prosperous by means of ren and yi. They advance prosperous by means of ren and yi. They advance

in the Dao and advance in office, or they in the Dao and advance in office, or they in the Dao and advance in office, or they in the Dao and advance in office, or they

retire from office and advance in the Dao, retire from office and advance in the Dao, retire from office and advance in the Dao, retire from office and advance in the Dao,

every day being unceasing in their effort and every day being unceasing in their effort and every day being unceasing in their effort and every day being unceasing in their effort and

not knowing weariness.not knowing weariness.not knowing weariness.not knowing weariness.

The other sThe other sThe other sThe other said: Advancing in the Dao in order aid: Advancing in the Dao in order aid: Advancing in the Dao in order aid: Advancing in the Dao in order

to advance in office, this is hearing Tianto advance in office, this is hearing Tianto advance in office, this is hearing Tianto advance in office, this is hearing Tian』』』』s s s s

decree. decree. decree. decree. BBBBut may I ask about retiring and ut may I ask about retiring and ut may I ask about retiring and ut may I ask about retiring and


Yangzi said: In the past Yan Yuan retired Yangzi said: In the past Yan Yuan retired Yangzi said: In the past Yan Yuan retired Yangzi said: In the past Yan Yuan retired [[[[from from from from

public lifepublic lifepublic lifepublic life]]]] in order to advance in the Dao. in order to advance in the Dao. in order to advance in the Dao. in order to advance in the Dao.

Among all under Heaven, this coAmong all under Heaven, this coAmong all under Heaven, this coAmong all under Heaven, this combination is mbination is mbination is mbination is


The other said: If this is the case, then why The other said: If this is the case, then why The other said: If this is the case, then why The other said: If this is the case, then why

do you not advocate retiring in every do you not advocate retiring in every do you not advocate retiring in every do you not advocate retiring in every


Yangzi said: Insisting on advancing and Yangzi said: Insisting on advancing and Yangzi said: Insisting on advancing and Yangzi said: Insisting on advancing and

Page 168: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan

advancing is an easy combination. Insisting on advancing is an easy combination. Insisting on advancing is an easy combination. Insisting on advancing is an easy combination. Insisting on

retiring and retiring is also an easy retiring and retiring is also an easy retiring and retiring is also an easy retiring and retiring is also an easy

combination. combination. combination. combination. BBBBut ut ut ut advancing according to li and advancing according to li and advancing according to li and advancing according to li and

retiring according to yiretiring according to yiretiring according to yiretiring according to yi————that is a difficult that is a difficult that is a difficult that is a difficult



君子君子君子君子卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




The Junzi:The Junzi:The Junzi:The Junzi: Someone said: Some people think that life and Someone said: Some people think that life and Someone said: Some people think that life and Someone said: Some people think that life and

death are equivalent, poverty and wealth are death are equivalent, poverty and wealth are death are equivalent, poverty and wealth are death are equivalent, poverty and wealth are

the same, and honor and lowliness are the same, and honor and lowliness are the same, and honor and lowliness are the same, and honor and lowliness are

indistinguishable. What do you think about indistinguishable. What do you think about indistinguishable. What do you think about indistinguishable. What do you think about


Yangzi said: Does someone who thinks this way Yangzi said: Does someone who thinks this way Yangzi said: Does someone who thinks this way Yangzi said: Does someone who thinks this way

have anything to fearhave anything to fearhave anything to fearhave anything to fear???? If I believed that life If I believed that life If I believed that life If I believed that life

and death are equivalent, poverty and wealth and death are equivalent, poverty and wealth and death are equivalent, poverty and wealth and death are equivalent, poverty and wealth

are the same, and honor and lowliness are are the same, and honor and lowliness are are the same, and honor and lowliness are are the same, and honor and lowliness are

indistinguishable, then I would think that the indistinguishable, then I would think that the indistinguishable, then I would think that the indistinguishable, then I would think that the

sage's dao was a bunch sage's dao was a bunch sage's dao was a bunch sage's dao was a bunch of frivolous nonsense.of frivolous nonsense.of frivolous nonsense.of frivolous nonsense.


君子君子君子君子卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :


The Junzi:The Junzi:The Junzi:The Junzi: Having a penetrating understanding of Heaven, Having a penetrating understanding of Heaven, Having a penetrating understanding of Heaven, Having a penetrating understanding of Heaven,

Earth, and Man is called ru (Confucian). Having Earth, and Man is called ru (Confucian). Having Earth, and Man is called ru (Confucian). Having Earth, and Man is called ru (Confucian). Having

a penetrating understanding of Heaven and a penetrating understanding of Heaven and a penetrating understanding of Heaven and a penetrating understanding of Heaven and

Earth, but not understanding Man, is called Earth, but not understanding Man, is called Earth, but not understanding Man, is called Earth, but not understanding Man, is called

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君子君子君子君子卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :





The Junzi:The Junzi:The Junzi:The Junzi: A man must first act, then he will be A man must first act, then he will be A man must first act, then he will be A man must first act, then he will be

recognized. He must first seek, then it will be recognized. He must first seek, then it will be recognized. He must first seek, then it will be recognized. He must first seek, then it will be

given. A man must first love himselfgiven. A man must first love himselfgiven. A man must first love himselfgiven. A man must first love himself;;;;

thereafter others will love him. A man musthereafter others will love him. A man musthereafter others will love him. A man musthereafter others will love him. A man must t t t

first respect himselffirst respect himselffirst respect himselffirst respect himself;;;; thereafter, others will thereafter, others will thereafter, others will thereafter, others will

respect him. Loving oneself is the height of respect him. Loving oneself is the height of respect him. Loving oneself is the height of respect him. Loving oneself is the height of

ren. ren. ren. ren. RRRRespecting oneself is the height of li. especting oneself is the height of li. especting oneself is the height of li. especting oneself is the height of li.

There has never been a case of a man who did There has never been a case of a man who did There has never been a case of a man who did There has never been a case of a man who did

not love and respect himself, yet others loved not love and respect himself, yet others loved not love and respect himself, yet others loved not love and respect himself, yet others loved

and respected him.and respected him.and respected him.and respected him.


君子君子君子君子卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



The Junzi:The Junzi:The Junzi:The Junzi: Someone asked: Do the Someone asked: Do the Someone asked: Do the Someone asked: Do the dragon, the turtle, and dragon, the turtle, and dragon, the turtle, and dragon, the turtle, and

the wild swan not live longthe wild swan not live longthe wild swan not live longthe wild swan not live long????

Yangzi said: They do.Yangzi said: They do.Yangzi said: They do.Yangzi said: They do.

The other said: Can people live longThe other said: Can people live longThe other said: Can people live longThe other said: Can people live long????

Yangzi said: Such animals live long because of Yangzi said: Such animals live long because of Yangzi said: Such animals live long because of Yangzi said: Such animals live long because of

their nature. People live long because of their their nature. People live long because of their their nature. People live long because of their their nature. People live long because of their

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君子君子君子君子卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :







The Junzi:The Junzi:The Junzi:The Junzi: Someone asked: People speak of immortals. Do Someone asked: People speak of immortals. Do Someone asked: People speak of immortals. Do Someone asked: People speak of immortals. Do

they existthey existthey existthey exist????

Yangzi sighed, saying: I have heard that Fu Xi Yangzi sighed, saying: I have heard that Fu Xi Yangzi sighed, saying: I have heard that Fu Xi Yangzi sighed, saying: I have heard that Fu Xi

and Shen Nong diedand Shen Nong diedand Shen Nong diedand Shen Nong died;;;; that that that that Huangdi, Yao, and Shun Huangdi, Yao, and Shun Huangdi, Yao, and Shun Huangdi, Yao, and Shun

also passed awayalso passed awayalso passed awayalso passed away;;;; that that that that KKKKing Wen was buried at ing Wen was buried at ing Wen was buried at ing Wen was buried at

BBBBiiii;;;; and that Confucius was buried north of the and that Confucius was buried north of the and that Confucius was buried north of the and that Confucius was buried north of the

Lu walls. Do you alone begrudge your deathLu walls. Do you alone begrudge your deathLu walls. Do you alone begrudge your deathLu walls. Do you alone begrudge your death???? It It It It

is not something that men can do anything is not something that men can do anything is not something that men can do anything is not something that men can do anything

about. Indeed, immortality is of no benefit to about. Indeed, immortality is of no benefit to about. Indeed, immortality is of no benefit to about. Indeed, immortality is of no benefit to


The other said: Sages do not study the The other said: Sages do not study the The other said: Sages do not study the The other said: Sages do not study the

immortals, their skills are different. The immortals, their skills are different. The immortals, their skills are different. The immortals, their skills are different. The

sage's relation to the world is such that he is sage's relation to the world is such that he is sage's relation to the world is such that he is sage's relation to the world is such that he is

ashamed if there is one thing that he does not ashamed if there is one thing that he does not ashamed if there is one thing that he does not ashamed if there is one thing that he does not

understand. For the immortal, he is ashamed understand. For the immortal, he is ashamed understand. For the immortal, he is ashamed understand. For the immortal, he is ashamed

that there is a single day thathat there is a single day thathat there is a single day thathat there is a single day that he does not t he does not t he does not t he does not

Yangzi said: LifeYangzi said: LifeYangzi said: LifeYangzi said: Life???? It is called It is called It is called It is called 「「「「life,life,life,life,」」」」 but but but but

it is really is really is really is really death.



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The other said: If the world does not have The other said: If the world does not have The other said: If the world does not have The other said: If the world does not have

immortals, then where does talk of them come immortals, then where does talk of them come immortals, then where does talk of them come immortals, then where does talk of them come


Yangzi said: IsnYangzi said: IsnYangzi said: IsnYangzi said: Isn』』』』t the talk of immortals just t the talk of immortals just t the talk of immortals just t the talk of immortals just

a bunch a bunch a bunch a bunch of frivolous nonsenseof frivolous nonsenseof frivolous nonsenseof frivolous nonsense???? OOOOnly that sort nly that sort nly that sort nly that sort

of nonsense is able to make something out of of nonsense is able to make something out of of nonsense is able to make something out of of nonsense is able to make something out of


The other asked: What is the truth regarding The other asked: What is the truth regarding The other asked: What is the truth regarding The other asked: What is the truth regarding


Yangzi said: There is nothing to say. Whether Yangzi said: There is nothing to say. Whether Yangzi said: There is nothing to say. Whether Yangzi said: There is nothing to say. Whether

they exist or not is not a question that you they exist or not is not a question that you they exist or not is not a question that you they exist or not is not a question that you

should be concernshould be concernshould be concernshould be concerned with. The questions you ed with. The questions you ed with. The questions you ed with. The questions you

ought to ask about concern loyalty and filial ought to ask about concern loyalty and filial ought to ask about concern loyalty and filial ought to ask about concern loyalty and filial

devotion. Do loyal ministers and filial sons devotion. Do loyal ministers and filial sons devotion. Do loyal ministers and filial sons devotion. Do loyal ministers and filial sons

have the leisure to ask about such thingshave the leisure to ask about such thingshave the leisure to ask about such thingshave the leisure to ask about such things???? They They They They

do not.


君子君子君子君子卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 或或或或問問問問:「:「:「:「壽壽壽壽可可可可益益益益乎乎乎乎?」?」?」?」曰曰曰曰:「:「:「:「德德德德。。。。」」」」曰曰曰曰:「:「:「:「回回回回、、、、牛牛牛牛之之之之




The Junzi:The Junzi:The Junzi:The Junzi: Someone asked: Can a person's longevity be Someone asked: Can a person's longevity be Someone asked: Can a person's longevity be Someone asked: Can a person's longevity be


Yangzi saiYangzi saiYangzi saiYangzi said: d: d: d: BBBBy means of de.y means of de.y means of de.y means of de.

The other said: Yan Hui and The other said: Yan Hui and The other said: Yan Hui and The other said: Yan Hui and RRRRan Geng's conduct an Geng's conduct an Geng's conduct an Geng's conduct

were de. Why was their longevity not extendedwere de. Why was their longevity not extendedwere de. Why was their longevity not extendedwere de. Why was their longevity not extended????

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Yangzi said: De is like this. If Yan Hui and Yangzi said: De is like this. If Yan Hui and Yangzi said: De is like this. If Yan Hui and Yangzi said: De is like this. If Yan Hui and

RRRRan Geng had been cruel and cunning, would they an Geng had been cruel and cunning, would they an Geng had been cruel and cunning, would they an Geng had been cruel and cunning, would they

have thus been thus rememberedhave thus been thus rememberedhave thus been thus rememberedhave thus been thus remembered????

The other said: YeThe other said: YeThe other said: YeThe other said: Yes, sometimes the cruel and s, sometimes the cruel and s, sometimes the cruel and s, sometimes the cruel and

cunning have long life.cunning have long life.cunning have long life.cunning have long life.

Yangzi said: They are reckless. Yangzi said: They are reckless. Yangzi said: They are reckless. Yangzi said: They are reckless. BBBBut the junzi ut the junzi ut the junzi ut the junzi

is not not not not reckless.


君子君子君子君子卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :


The Junzi:The Junzi:The Junzi:The Junzi: That which lives inevitably must die. That That which lives inevitably must die. That That which lives inevitably must die. That That which lives inevitably must die. That

which has a beginning which has a beginning which has a beginning which has a beginning inevitably has an end. inevitably has an end. inevitably has an end. inevitably has an end.

This is the dao of Nature.This is the dao of Nature.This is the dao of Nature.This is the dao of Nature.


君子君子君子君子卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :


The Junzi:The Junzi:The Junzi:The Junzi: The junzi is honest with othersThe junzi is honest with othersThe junzi is honest with othersThe junzi is honest with others————how much more how much more how much more how much more

so with himself! The petty man deceives so with himself! The petty man deceives so with himself! The petty man deceives so with himself! The petty man deceives

himselfhimselfhimselfhimself————how much more so does he deceive how much more so does he deceive how much more so does he deceive how much more so does he deceive


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《《《《孝至孝至孝至孝至卷第十卷第十卷第十卷第十三三三三 ---- The Priority of Filial DevotionThe Priority of Filial DevotionThe Priority of Filial DevotionThe Priority of Filial Devotion》》》》



孝至孝至孝至孝至卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :


The Priority The Priority The Priority The Priority

of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:

Filial devotion is the highest priority! In Filial devotion is the highest priority! In Filial devotion is the highest priority! In Filial devotion is the highest priority! In

this one word all is complete, this one word all is complete, this one word all is complete, this one word all is complete, [[[[eveneveneveneven]]]] the the the the

sage sage sage sage [[[[cannotcannotcannotcannot]]]] add to it! add to it! add to it! add to it!


孝至孝至孝至孝至卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




The Priority The Priority The Priority The Priority

of of of of Filial...:Filial...:Filial...:Filial...:

The father and mother are the child's Heaven The father and mother are the child's Heaven The father and mother are the child's Heaven The father and mother are the child's Heaven

and Earth. Without Heaven, how is one bornand Earth. Without Heaven, how is one bornand Earth. Without Heaven, how is one bornand Earth. Without Heaven, how is one born????

Without Earth, how is one formedWithout Earth, how is one formedWithout Earth, how is one formedWithout Earth, how is one formed???? Are Heaven Are Heaven Are Heaven Are Heaven

and Earth generous to the ten thousand and Earth generous to the ten thousand and Earth generous to the ten thousand and Earth generous to the ten thousand

things, or are the ten thousand things things, or are the ten thousand things things, or are the ten thousand things things, or are the ten thousand things

generous to Heaven and Earthgenerous to Heaven and Earthgenerous to Heaven and Earthgenerous to Heaven and Earth???? The The The The

「「「「generositygenerositygenerositygenerosity」」」」 of being generous to ones of being generous to ones of being generous to ones of being generous to ones

father and mother is not father and mother is not father and mother is not father and mother is not 「「「「generosity!generosity!generosity!generosity!」」」」 OOOOne ne ne ne

who served his father and mother and yet knew who served his father and mother and yet knew who served his father and mother and yet knew who served his father and mother and yet knew

in himself that it was not enoughin himself that it was not enoughin himself that it was not enoughin himself that it was not enough————wasnwasnwasnwasn』』』』t t t t

this Shunthis Shunthis Shunthis Shun????


孝至孝至孝至孝至卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :


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The Priority The Priority The Priority The Priority

of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:

That which cannot be prolonged enoughThat which cannot be prolonged enoughThat which cannot be prolonged enoughThat which cannot be prolonged enough————this this this this

is called serving oneis called serving oneis called serving oneis called serving one』』』』s parents. A filial s parents. A filial s parents. A filial s parents. A filial

son values each day he hason values each day he hason values each day he hason values each day he has with them.s with them.s with them.s with them.


孝至孝至孝至孝至卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




The Priority The Priority The Priority The Priority

of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:

Does a filial son not make offerings to his Does a filial son not make offerings to his Does a filial son not make offerings to his Does a filial son not make offerings to his

ancestorsancestorsancestorsancestors???? Does he not fast Does he not fast Does he not fast Does he not fast???? Now, only Now, only Now, only Now, only

through the fast is one able to make the through the fast is one able to make the through the fast is one able to make the through the fast is one able to make the

deceased's image survive and feel connected deceased's image survive and feel connected deceased's image survive and feel connected deceased's image survive and feel connected

to those who are gone. Thus, in fasting a to those who are gone. Thus, in fasting a to those who are gone. Thus, in fasting a to those who are gone. Thus, in fasting a

filial son preserves a vision offilial son preserves a vision offilial son preserves a vision offilial son preserves a vision of his father his father his father his father

and mother. and mother. and mother. and mother. BBBBecause of this, during the fast, ecause of this, during the fast, ecause of this, during the fast, ecause of this, during the fast,

one does not take guests. Men who do not make one does not take guests. Men who do not make one does not take guests. Men who do not make one does not take guests. Men who do not make

offerings to their ancestors, are they even offerings to their ancestors, are they even offerings to their ancestors, are they even offerings to their ancestors, are they even

as good as jackals and ottersas good as jackals and ottersas good as jackals and ottersas good as jackals and otters????


孝至孝至孝至孝至卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :


The Priority The Priority The Priority The Priority

of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:

Someone asked about being a son.Someone asked about being a son.Someone asked about being a son.Someone asked about being a son.

Yangzi said: If one exhausts li both during Yangzi said: If one exhausts li both during Yangzi said: If one exhausts li both during Yangzi said: If one exhausts li both during

his parentshis parentshis parentshis parents life and after their death, then life and after their death, then life and after their death, then life and after their death, then

may he not be referred to as a capable sonmay he not be referred to as a capable sonmay he not be referred to as a capable sonmay he not be referred to as a capable son????

6666 孝至孝至孝至孝至卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 曰曰曰曰:「:「:「:「石石石石奮奮奮奮、、、、石石石石建建建建,,,,父父父父子之子之子之子之美美美美也也也也。。。。無無無無是是是是父父父父,,,,無無無無是是是是


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The Priority The Priority The Priority The Priority

of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:

Yangzi said: Shi Fen and Shi Jian were the Yangzi said: Shi Fen and Shi Jian were the Yangzi said: Shi Fen and Shi Jian were the Yangzi said: Shi Fen and Shi Jian were the

perfect father and son. Without this father, perfect father and son. Without this father, perfect father and son. Without this father, perfect father and son. Without this father,

there would not have been such a son. Without there would not have been such a son. Without there would not have been such a son. Without there would not have been such a son. Without

this son, there would not hathis son, there would not hathis son, there would not hathis son, there would not have been such a ve been such a ve been such a ve been such a


Someone said: Must there be bothSomeone said: Must there be bothSomeone said: Must there be bothSomeone said: Must there be both????

Yangzi said: Yangzi said: Yangzi said: Yangzi said: RRRRather than Yao not having a son ather than Yao not having a son ather than Yao not having a son ather than Yao not having a son

and Shun not having a father, it would have and Shun not having a father, it would have and Shun not having a father, it would have and Shun not having a father, it would have

been better had Yao been the father and Shun been better had Yao been the father and Shun been better had Yao been the father and Shun been better had Yao been the father and Shun

the son.the son.the son.the son.


孝至孝至孝至孝至卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 「「「「子有子有子有子有含菽縕含菽縕含菽縕含菽縕絮絮絮絮而而而而致致致致滋滋滋滋美美美美其其其其親親親親,,,,將以將以將以將以求求求求孝孝孝孝也也也也。。。。人人人人曰曰曰曰





The Priority The Priority The Priority The Priority

of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:

A son eats A son eats A son eats A son eats coarse food and wears tattered coarse food and wears tattered coarse food and wears tattered coarse food and wears tattered

clothing while he gives the good food and clothing while he gives the good food and clothing while he gives the good food and clothing while he gives the good food and

beautiful clothing to his parents, because he beautiful clothing to his parents, because he beautiful clothing to his parents, because he beautiful clothing to his parents, because he

seeks to be filial. If some say he is a seeks to be filial. If some say he is a seeks to be filial. If some say he is a seeks to be filial. If some say he is a

phony, what can be done about itphony, what can be done about itphony, what can be done about itphony, what can be done about it????

Yangzi said: Suppose he wore a ruYangzi said: Suppose he wore a ruYangzi said: Suppose he wore a ruYangzi said: Suppose he wore a ru』』』』s robes s robes s robes s robes

and read the Confuciaand read the Confuciaand read the Confuciaand read the Confucian books for three months n books for three months n books for three months n books for three months

without any lapse. Who would say he was not a without any lapse. Who would say he was not a without any lapse. Who would say he was not a without any lapse. Who would say he was not a


The other said: How can you tell if he is a The other said: How can you tell if he is a The other said: How can you tell if he is a The other said: How can you tell if he is a


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Yangzi said: If he does it when others are Yangzi said: If he does it when others are Yangzi said: If he does it when others are Yangzi said: If he does it when others are

around, but stops when others are not around, around, but stops when others are not around, around, but stops when others are not around, around, but stops when others are not around,

then he can be called phony. In observingthen he can be called phony. In observingthen he can be called phony. In observingthen he can be called phony. In observing

people, simply examine when they act and when people, simply examine when they act and when people, simply examine when they act and when people, simply examine when they act and when

they stop, and thatthey stop, and thatthey stop, and thatthey stop, and that』』』』s all.s all.s all.s all.


孝至孝至孝至孝至卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :


The Priority The Priority The Priority The Priority

of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:

The good reputation that one makes without The good reputation that one makes without The good reputation that one makes without The good reputation that one makes without

seeking is best. The reputation one makes by seeking is best. The reputation one makes by seeking is best. The reputation one makes by seeking is best. The reputation one makes by

seeking after it is merely second best.seeking after it is merely second best.seeking after it is merely second best.seeking after it is merely second best.


孝至孝至孝至孝至卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




The Priority The Priority The Priority The Priority

of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:

Someone asked: What are loyal words and Someone asked: What are loyal words and Someone asked: What are loyal words and Someone asked: What are loyal words and

excellent plansexcellent plansexcellent plansexcellent plans????

Yangzi Yangzi Yangzi Yangzi said: Words that accord with those of said: Words that accord with those of said: Words that accord with those of said: Words that accord with those of

Hou Ji and Zi Xie's are referred to as loya1. Hou Ji and Zi Xie's are referred to as loya1. Hou Ji and Zi Xie's are referred to as loya1. Hou Ji and Zi Xie's are referred to as loya1.

Plans that accord with those of Gao Yao are Plans that accord with those of Gao Yao are Plans that accord with those of Gao Yao are Plans that accord with those of Gao Yao are

referred to as excellent.referred to as excellent.referred to as excellent.referred to as excellent.

The other said: What if this standard is too The other said: What if this standard is too The other said: What if this standard is too The other said: What if this standard is too


Yangzi said: Indeed, one must simply be Yangzi said: Indeed, one must simply be Yangzi said: Indeed, one must simply be Yangzi said: Indeed, one must simply be

diligent adiligent adiligent adiligent and that's all. If the standard were nd that's all. If the standard were nd that's all. If the standard were nd that's all. If the standard were

lower, then Su Qin, Zhang Yi, Shang Yang, and lower, then Su Qin, Zhang Yi, Shang Yang, and lower, then Su Qin, Zhang Yi, Shang Yang, and lower, then Su Qin, Zhang Yi, Shang Yang, and

Li Si would also be considered loyal and Li Si would also be considered loyal and Li Si would also be considered loyal and Li Si would also be considered loyal and

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The Priority The Priority The Priority The Priority

of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:

The dao of Yao and Shun was august!The dao of Yao and Shun was august!The dao of Yao and Shun was august!The dao of Yao and Shun was august!

The dao of the Xia, Yin, and Zhou was The dao of the Xia, Yin, and Zhou was The dao of the Xia, Yin, and Zhou was The dao of the Xia, Yin, and Zhou was


Thus their glory lives on!Thus their glory lives on!Thus their glory lives on!Thus their glory lives on!

The other said: What do you meanThe other said: What do you meanThe other said: What do you meanThe other said: What do you mean????

Yangzi said: Yao and Shun were glorious by Yangzi said: Yao and Shun were glorious by Yangzi said: Yao and Shun were glorious by Yangzi said: Yao and Shun were glorious by

means of abdicating the throne. The Xia were means of abdicating the throne. The Xia were means of abdicating the throne. The Xia were means of abdicating the throne. The Xia were

glorious because of their meritorious deeds, glorious because of their meritorious deeds, glorious because of their meritorious deeds, glorious because of their meritorious deeds,

and the Yin and Zhou because of their and the Yin and Zhou because of their and the Yin and Zhou because of their and the Yin and Zhou because of their

righteous military campaigns.righteous military campaigns.righteous military campaigns.righteous military campaigns.


孝至孝至孝至孝至卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




The Priority The Priority The Priority The Priority

of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:

Someone said: Food as delicate and finely Someone said: Food as delicate and finely Someone said: Food as delicate and finely Someone said: Food as delicate and finely

prepared as little ants, robes as beautiful prepared as little ants, robes as beautiful prepared as little ants, robes as beautiful prepared as little ants, robes as beautiful

as paintings, a vermilion wheeled fouras paintings, a vermilion wheeled fouras paintings, a vermilion wheeled fouras paintings, a vermilion wheeled four----horse horse horse horse

chariot, and a glittering goldchariot, and a glittering goldchariot, and a glittering goldchariot, and a glittering gold seal with the seal with the seal with the seal with the

vermilion silk ribbonsvermilion silk ribbonsvermilion silk ribbonsvermilion silk ribbons————is this not is this not is this not is this not


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Yangzi said: Yangzi said: Yangzi said: Yangzi said: BBBBecause of their de, Shun and ecause of their de, Shun and ecause of their de, Shun and ecause of their de, Shun and

Yu's inheritance of all under Heaven was not Yu's inheritance of all under Heaven was not Yu's inheritance of all under Heaven was not Yu's inheritance of all under Heaven was not

excessiveexcessiveexcessiveexcessive;;;; but if it is not because of one's but if it is not because of one's but if it is not because of one's but if it is not because of one's

de, then even five strands of silk and the de, then even five strands of silk and the de, then even five strands of silk and the de, then even five strands of silk and the

copper seal of thecopper seal of thecopper seal of thecopper seal of the lowest office is still too lowest office is still too lowest office is still too lowest office is still too



孝至孝至孝至孝至卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :


The Priority The Priority The Priority The Priority

of of of of Filial...:Filial...:Filial...:Filial...:

The world is penetrated by five daos, but The world is penetrated by five daos, but The world is penetrated by five daos, but The world is penetrated by five daos, but

there is only one means by which to walk on there is only one means by which to walk on there is only one means by which to walk on there is only one means by which to walk on

themthemthemthem————it is called is called is called is called diligence.


孝至孝至孝至孝至卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




The Priority The Priority The Priority The Priority

of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:

Someone said: As for Someone said: As for Someone said: As for Someone said: As for physical strength, there physical strength, there physical strength, there physical strength, there

are those who can carry a massive ritual are those who can carry a massive ritual are those who can carry a massive ritual are those who can carry a massive ritual

cauldron or raise military flags. In terms of cauldron or raise military flags. In terms of cauldron or raise military flags. In terms of cauldron or raise military flags. In terms of

wisdom and de, are there not also those who wisdom and de, are there not also those who wisdom and de, are there not also those who wisdom and de, are there not also those who

compare in this waycompare in this waycompare in this waycompare in this way????

Yangzi said: These are merely cases of one Yangzi said: These are merely cases of one Yangzi said: These are merely cases of one Yangzi said: These are merely cases of one

man being like a hundred. De that alman being like a hundred. De that alman being like a hundred. De that alman being like a hundred. De that allows one lows one lows one lows one

to harmonize with the stupid and foolish, and to harmonize with the stupid and foolish, and to harmonize with the stupid and foolish, and to harmonize with the stupid and foolish, and

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to abdicate the ten thousand kingdomsto abdicate the ten thousand kingdomsto abdicate the ten thousand kingdomsto abdicate the ten thousand kingdoms;;;; wisdom wisdom wisdom wisdom

that clearly perceives Heaven and Earth, and that clearly perceives Heaven and Earth, and that clearly perceives Heaven and Earth, and that clearly perceives Heaven and Earth, and

can give form to unfathomable profunditycan give form to unfathomable profunditycan give form to unfathomable profunditycan give form to unfathomable profundity————are are are are

these merely equal to the de and wisdom of a these merely equal to the de and wisdom of a these merely equal to the de and wisdom of a these merely equal to the de and wisdom of a

hundred menhundred menhundred menhundred men????


孝至孝至孝至孝至卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




The Priority The Priority The Priority The Priority

of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:

Someone asked about the ruler.Someone asked about the ruler.Someone asked about the ruler.Someone asked about the ruler.

Yangzi said: He should be bright and Yangzi said: He should be bright and Yangzi said: He should be bright and Yangzi said: He should be bright and


The other asked about the minister.The other asked about the minister.The other asked about the minister.The other asked about the minister.

Yangzi said: He should be dutiful and have a Yangzi said: He should be dutiful and have a Yangzi said: He should be dutiful and have a Yangzi said: He should be dutiful and have a

settling influence.settling influence.settling influence.settling influence.

The other said: May I ask to what you referThe other said: May I ask to what you referThe other said: May I ask to what you referThe other said: May I ask to what you refer????

Yangzi said: When a junzi iYangzi said: When a junzi iYangzi said: When a junzi iYangzi said: When a junzi is in a high s in a high s in a high s in a high

position, then he is bright and illuminates position, then he is bright and illuminates position, then he is bright and illuminates position, then he is bright and illuminates

those below. When he is in a low position, those below. When he is in a low position, those below. When he is in a low position, those below. When he is in a low position,

then he is dutiful and has a settling then he is dutiful and has a settling then he is dutiful and has a settling then he is dutiful and has a settling

influence on those above.influence on those above.influence on those above.influence on those above.


孝至孝至孝至孝至卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




The Priority The Priority The Priority The Priority

of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:

Someone asked: Does the sage give attention Someone asked: Does the sage give attention Someone asked: Does the sage give attention Someone asked: Does the sage give attention

to strange phenomenato strange phenomenato strange phenomenato strange phenomena????

Yangzi said: The sage attends to deYangzi said: The sage attends to deYangzi said: The sage attends to deYangzi said: The sage attends to de;;;; strange strange strange strange

Page 180: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan

phenomena are secondary. Thus, constantly phenomena are secondary. Thus, constantly phenomena are secondary. Thus, constantly phenomena are secondary. Thus, constantly

cultivating decultivating decultivating decultivating de————this is to grasp the root. this is to grasp the root. this is to grasp the root. this is to grasp the root.

Waiting to see strange phenomena and only Waiting to see strange phenomena and only Waiting to see strange phenomena and only Waiting to see strange phenomena and only

then cultivating dethen cultivating dethen cultivating dethen cultivating de————this is to grasp the tip this is to grasp the tip this is to grasp the tip this is to grasp the tip

of the branch. To cultivate neither the of the branch. To cultivate neither the of the branch. To cultivate neither the of the branch. To cultivate neither the root root root root

nor the tip of the branch and yet survivenor the tip of the branch and yet survivenor the tip of the branch and yet survivenor the tip of the branch and yet survive————

there has yet to be a case of this.there has yet to be a case of this.there has yet to be a case of this.there has yet to be a case of this.


孝至孝至孝至孝至卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



The Priority The Priority The Priority The Priority

of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:

Heaven and Earth's accomplishments are due to Heaven and Earth's accomplishments are due to Heaven and Earth's accomplishments are due to Heaven and Earth's accomplishments are due to

the people. The people's accomplishments are the people. The people's accomplishments are the people. The people's accomplishments are the people. The people's accomplishments are

due to the due to the due to the due to the OOOOne Man. The ne Man. The ne Man. The ne Man. The OOOOne Man's ne Man's ne Man's ne Man's

accomplishments are due to his xin.accomplishments are due to his xin.accomplishments are due to his xin.accomplishments are due to his xin.


孝至孝至孝至孝至卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



The Priority The Priority The Priority The Priority

of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:

I have heard this from the I have heard this from the I have heard this from the I have heard this from the Lunyu: "In old Lunyu: "In old Lunyu: "In old Lunyu: "In old

age, the junzi guards against covetousness." age, the junzi guards against covetousness." age, the junzi guards against covetousness." age, the junzi guards against covetousness."

Those whose de increases in excellence as Those whose de increases in excellence as Those whose de increases in excellence as Those whose de increases in excellence as

they grow olderthey grow olderthey grow olderthey grow older————are they not the followers are they not the followers are they not the followers are they not the followers

of Confuciusof Confuciusof Confuciusof Confucius????


孝至孝至孝至孝至卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... : 或或或或問問問問:「:「:「:「德有德有德有德有始始始始而而而而無終無終無終無終,,,,與與與與有終有終有終有終而而而而無無無無始始始始也也也也,,,,孰孰孰孰



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The Priority The Priority The Priority The Priority

of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:

Someone asked: De that has a beginning but no Someone asked: De that has a beginning but no Someone asked: De that has a beginning but no Someone asked: De that has a beginning but no

end, or de that has an end but no beginningend, or de that has an end but no beginningend, or de that has an end but no beginningend, or de that has an end but no beginning————

which would you which would you which would you which would you preferpreferpreferprefer????

Yangzi said: Would you rather first become Yangzi said: Would you rather first become Yangzi said: Would you rather first become Yangzi said: Would you rather first become

ill and then be cured, or first be cured and ill and then be cured, or first be cured and ill and then be cured, or first be cured and ill and then be cured, or first be cured and

then become illthen become illthen become illthen become ill????


孝至孝至孝至孝至卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




The Priority The Priority The Priority The Priority

of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:

Someone asked about the great.Someone asked about the great.Someone asked about the great.Someone asked about the great.

Yangzi said: It is small.Yangzi said: It is small.Yangzi said: It is small.Yangzi said: It is small.

He asked about the far away.He asked about the far away.He asked about the far away.He asked about the far away.

Yangzi said: It is near.Yangzi said: It is near.Yangzi said: It is near.Yangzi said: It is near.

He failHe failHe failHe failed to understand.ed to understand.ed to understand.ed to understand.

Yangzi said: The world is great, but Yangzi said: The world is great, but Yangzi said: The world is great, but Yangzi said: The world is great, but

controlling it lies in the Dao. Is this not controlling it lies in the Dao. Is this not controlling it lies in the Dao. Is this not controlling it lies in the Dao. Is this not

small indeedsmall indeedsmall indeedsmall indeed???? The four seas are far away, but The four seas are far away, but The four seas are far away, but The four seas are far away, but

governing the kingdoms within them lies in governing the kingdoms within them lies in governing the kingdoms within them lies in governing the kingdoms within them lies in

the xin. Is this not near indeedthe xin. Is this not near indeedthe xin. Is this not near indeedthe xin. Is this not near indeed????


孝至孝至孝至孝至卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



The Priority The Priority The Priority The Priority

of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:

Someone asked about Someone asked about Someone asked about Someone asked about exceptional wisdom and exceptional wisdom and exceptional wisdom and exceptional wisdom and

great flourishing.great flourishing.great flourishing.great flourishing.

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Yangzi said: Wisdom that enables one to know Yangzi said: Wisdom that enables one to know Yangzi said: Wisdom that enables one to know Yangzi said: Wisdom that enables one to know

the sage is called "exceptional." When the sage is called "exceptional." When the sage is called "exceptional." When the sage is called "exceptional." When

putting de into action flourishes bearing putting de into action flourishes bearing putting de into action flourishes bearing putting de into action flourishes bearing

abundant fruit, this is called "great."abundant fruit, this is called "great."abundant fruit, this is called "great."abundant fruit, this is called "great."


孝至孝至孝至孝至卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :


The Priority The Priority The Priority The Priority

of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:

The junziThe junziThe junziThe junzi』』』』s actions are determined according s actions are determined according s actions are determined according s actions are determined according

to the situation, and the situation is to the situation, and the situation is to the situation, and the situation is to the situation, and the situation is

understood according to li.understood according to li.understood according to li.understood according to li.


孝至孝至孝至孝至卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



The Priority The Priority The Priority The Priority

ofofofof Filial...:Filial...:Filial...:Filial...:

Someone asked: What is the guiding principle Someone asked: What is the guiding principle Someone asked: What is the guiding principle Someone asked: What is the guiding principle

of all speechof all speechof all speechof all speech???? What is the source of all What is the source of all What is the source of all What is the source of all


Yangzi said: The guiding principle of all Yangzi said: The guiding principle of all Yangzi said: The guiding principle of all Yangzi said: The guiding principle of all

speech is virtuous (de) speech. The source of speech is virtuous (de) speech. The source of speech is virtuous (de) speech. The source of speech is virtuous (de) speech. The source of

all conduct is virtuous (de) conduct.all conduct is virtuous (de) conduct.all conduct is virtuous (de) conduct.all conduct is virtuous (de) conduct.


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The Priority The Priority The Priority The Priority

of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:

Someone asked about times of great harmonySomeone asked about times of great harmonySomeone asked about times of great harmonySomeone asked about times of great harmony????

Yangzi said: Were they not the times of Yao, Yangzi said: Were they not the times of Yao, Yangzi said: Were they not the times of Yao, Yangzi said: Were they not the times of Yao,

Shun, Shun, Shun, Shun, KKKKing Cheng and the Duke of Zhouing Cheng and the Duke of Zhouing Cheng and the Duke of Zhouing Cheng and the Duke of Zhou???? RRRRead ead ead ead

the the the the BBBBook of Documents and the ook of Documents and the ook of Documents and the ook of Documents and the BBBBook of ook of ook of ook of

Poetry's warmth and gentleness, and you can Poetry's warmth and gentleness, and you can Poetry's warmth and gentleness, and you can Poetry's warmth and gentleness, and you can

learn of their harmony.learn of their harmony.learn of their harmony.learn of their harmony.


孝至孝至孝至孝至卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




The Priority The Priority The Priority The Priority

of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:

In In In In KKKKing ing ing ing KKKKang of the Zhou's time, hymns of ang of the Zhou's time, hymns of ang of the Zhou's time, hymns of ang of the Zhou's time, hymns of

praise were sung from praise were sung from praise were sung from praise were sung from below, while the "Guan below, while the "Guan below, while the "Guan below, while the "Guan

Ju (The Ju (The Ju (The Ju (The OOOOspreys)" was written above. This is spreys)" was written above. This is spreys)" was written above. This is spreys)" was written above. This is

because the people were accustomed to order.because the people were accustomed to order.because the people were accustomed to order.because the people were accustomed to order.

Duke Huan of Qi's time was chaotic, and the Duke Huan of Qi's time was chaotic, and the Duke Huan of Qi's time was chaotic, and the Duke Huan of Qi's time was chaotic, and the

Spring and Autumn Annals praised the peace Spring and Autumn Annals praised the peace Spring and Autumn Annals praised the peace Spring and Autumn Annals praised the peace

reached by Qi and Chu at Shaoling, because reached by Qi and Chu at Shaoling, because reached by Qi and Chu at Shaoling, because reached by Qi and Chu at Shaoling, because

the people wethe people wethe people wethe people were accustomed to chaos. Thus, if re accustomed to chaos. Thus, if re accustomed to chaos. Thus, if re accustomed to chaos. Thus, if

one is accustomed to order, then he worries one is accustomed to order, then he worries one is accustomed to order, then he worries one is accustomed to order, then he worries

at the first appearance of chaos. If one is at the first appearance of chaos. If one is at the first appearance of chaos. If one is at the first appearance of chaos. If one is

accustomed to chaos, one delights in the accustomed to chaos, one delights in the accustomed to chaos, one delights in the accustomed to chaos, one delights in the

first appearance of order.first appearance of order.first appearance of order.first appearance of order.

UUUUnderstanding the Late Western Han as a time nderstanding the Late Western Han as a time nderstanding the Late Western Han as a time nderstanding the Late Western Han as a time

of decline, as Yang moof decline, as Yang moof decline, as Yang moof decline, as Yang most surely did, we might st surely did, we might st surely did, we might st surely did, we might

therefore consider this passage as a therefore consider this passage as a therefore consider this passage as a therefore consider this passage as a

rationalization for the popularity and rising rationalization for the popularity and rising rationalization for the popularity and rising rationalization for the popularity and rising

power of Wang Mang, who seemed a promising power of Wang Mang, who seemed a promising power of Wang Mang, who seemed a promising power of Wang Mang, who seemed a promising

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reformer at the time.reformer at the time.reformer at the time.reformer at the time.


孝至孝至孝至孝至卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :



The Priority The Priority The Priority The Priority

of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:

OOOOne may say the de of the Han is sincerely ne may say the de of the Han is sincerely ne may say the de of the Han is sincerely ne may say the de of the Han is sincerely

missed! From the south of Huangzhi, the west missed! From the south of Huangzhi, the west missed! From the south of Huangzhi, the west missed! From the south of Huangzhi, the west

of of of of Daxia, Dongdi, and Daxia, Dongdi, and Daxia, Dongdi, and Daxia, Dongdi, and BBBBeinu, the barbarians einu, the barbarians einu, the barbarians einu, the barbarians

came to offer their treasures in tribute. came to offer their treasures in tribute. came to offer their treasures in tribute. came to offer their treasures in tribute. OOOOne ne ne ne

may say the de of the Han truly is missed! It may say the de of the Han truly is missed! It may say the de of the Han truly is missed! It may say the de of the Han truly is missed! It

is rare in this generation!is rare in this generation!is rare in this generation!is rare in this generation!


孝至孝至孝至孝至卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




The Priority The Priority The Priority The Priority

of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:

Great and sagely de which people from far Great and sagely de which people from far Great and sagely de which people from far Great and sagely de which people from far

away all long foraway all long foraway all long foraway all long for————this is the best. Grave this is the best. Grave this is the best. Grave this is the best. Grave

and bold military and bold military and bold military and bold military rites with soldiers rites with soldiers rites with soldiers rites with soldiers

attacking the four directionsattacking the four directionsattacking the four directionsattacking the four directions————this is next. this is next. this is next. this is next.

The Man and Yi barbarians causing trouble for The Man and Yi barbarians causing trouble for The Man and Yi barbarians causing trouble for The Man and Yi barbarians causing trouble for

the empire, causing rulers to squirm in the empire, causing rulers to squirm in the empire, causing rulers to squirm in the empire, causing rulers to squirm in

agitation while kingdoms submit and armies agitation while kingdoms submit and armies agitation while kingdoms submit and armies agitation while kingdoms submit and armies

are defeatedare defeatedare defeatedare defeated————this is the worst.this is the worst.this is the worst.this is the worst.


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The Priority The Priority The Priority The Priority

of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:

The grave deportment of the unicorn, the The grave deportment of the unicorn, the The grave deportment of the unicorn, the The grave deportment of the unicorn, the

eminence of eminence of eminence of eminence of the phoenixthe phoenixthe phoenixthe phoenix————these are the these are the these are the these are the

ultimate. The warlike nature of the dragon ultimate. The warlike nature of the dragon ultimate. The warlike nature of the dragon ultimate. The warlike nature of the dragon

and tiger, the cruelty of the hawk and and tiger, the cruelty of the hawk and and tiger, the cruelty of the hawk and and tiger, the cruelty of the hawk and

falconfalconfalconfalcon————these have never been the ultimate.these have never been the ultimate.these have never been the ultimate.these have never been the ultimate.


孝至孝至孝至孝至卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :





The Priority The Priority The Priority The Priority

of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:

Someone said: The quarrelsome Xiongnu wear Someone said: The quarrelsome Xiongnu wear Someone said: The quarrelsome Xiongnu wear Someone said: The quarrelsome Xiongnu wear

our painted silk robes, don our golden belt our painted silk robes, don our golden belt our painted silk robes, don our golden belt our painted silk robes, don our golden belt

buckles, and eat our delicacies and finest buckles, and eat our delicacies and finest buckles, and eat our delicacies and finest buckles, and eat our delicacies and finest

oils. Is this not like the generosity of oils. Is this not like the generosity of oils. Is this not like the generosity of oils. Is this not like the generosity of

sacrificial offeringssacrificial offeringssacrificial offeringssacrificial offerings????

Yangzi said: In the past, in the time of Yangzi said: In the past, in the time of Yangzi said: In the past, in the time of Yangzi said: In the past, in the time of

Gaozu, Emperor Wen, and Emperor Wu, the Gaozu, Emperor Wen, and Emperor Wu, the Gaozu, Emperor Wen, and Emperor Wu, the Gaozu, Emperor Wen, and Emperor Wu, the

Xiongnu were indeed the military's top Xiongnu were indeed the military's top Xiongnu were indeed the military's top Xiongnu were indeed the military's top

priority. Now their ministers come and kotow, priority. Now their ministers come and kotow, priority. Now their ministers come and kotow, priority. Now their ministers come and kotow,

and they are called "the northern frontier.and they are called "the northern frontier.and they are called "the northern frontier.and they are called "the northern frontier.」」」」

This is for the spirits of our ancestors and This is for the spirits of our ancestors and This is for the spirits of our ancestors and This is for the spirits of our ancestors and

the spirits of Earth and grain. Can it not the spirits of Earth and grain. Can it not the spirits of Earth and grain. Can it not the spirits of Earth and grain. Can it not

but be like sacrificial offeringsbut be like sacrificial offeringsbut be like sacrificial offeringsbut be like sacrificial offerings????


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The Priority The Priority The Priority The Priority

of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:

West of Longdui, North of Damo, in the lands West of Longdui, North of Damo, in the lands West of Longdui, North of Damo, in the lands West of Longdui, North of Damo, in the lands

of the of the of the of the BBBBird and ird and ird and ird and BBBBeast Yi barbarians, the east Yi barbarians, the east Yi barbarians, the east Yi barbarians, the

prefectures incessantly put the kingprefectures incessantly put the kingprefectures incessantly put the kingprefectures incessantly put the king』』』』s s s s

armies to work. This is not something the armies to work. This is not something the armies to work. This is not something the armies to work. This is not something the

house of Han would of Han would of Han would of Han would do.


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The Priority The Priority The Priority The Priority

of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:

Cutting off relations with Zhuyai was due to Cutting off relations with Zhuyai was due to Cutting off relations with Zhuyai was due to Cutting off relations with Zhuyai was due to

the strength of Jia Juanzhi's advice. Had it the strength of Jia Juanzhi's advice. Had it the strength of Jia Juanzhi's advice. Had it the strength of Jia Juanzhi's advice. Had it

not been for this, we would have traded our not been for this, we would have traded our not been for this, we would have traded our not been for this, we would have traded our

robes and skirts for their clothes of shell robes and skirts for their clothes of shell robes and skirts for their clothes of shell robes and skirts for their clothes of shell

and fish scales.and fish scales.and fish scales.and fish scales.


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The Priority The Priority The Priority The Priority

of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:

The ruler's duty lies in making his people's The ruler's duty lies in making his people's The ruler's duty lies in making his people's The ruler's duty lies in making his people's

wealth abundant, making the Dao clear, and wealth abundant, making the Dao clear, and wealth abundant, making the Dao clear, and wealth abundant, making the Dao clear, and

upholding righteousness. As for the emperor's upholding righteousness. As for the emperor's upholding righteousness. As for the emperor's upholding righteousness. As for the emperor's

role, he completes the transformations of role, he completes the transformations of role, he completes the transformations of role, he completes the transformations of

Heaven and Earth, makes the riceHeaven and Earth, makes the riceHeaven and Earth, makes the riceHeaven and Earth, makes the rice----eating eating eating eating

Page 187: Confucius - 揚子法言 - Yangzi Fayan

people happy and peaceful. When he makespeople happy and peaceful. When he makespeople happy and peaceful. When he makespeople happy and peaceful. When he makes

offering to the ghosts and spirits, do the offering to the ghosts and spirits, do the offering to the ghosts and spirits, do the offering to the ghosts and spirits, do the

spirits not indeed accept and enjoy the spirits not indeed accept and enjoy the spirits not indeed accept and enjoy the spirits not indeed accept and enjoy the



孝孝孝孝至至至至卷第卷第卷第卷第... :... :... :... :




The Priority The Priority The Priority The Priority

of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:

TianTianTianTian』』』』s Dao labors and its work is completed.s Dao labors and its work is completed.s Dao labors and its work is completed.s Dao labors and its work is completed.

Someone asked about "laboring" and "being Someone asked about "laboring" and "being Someone asked about "laboring" and "being Someone asked about "laboring" and "being


Yangzi said: Moving one degree each day is Yangzi said: Moving one degree each day is Yangzi said: Moving one degree each day is Yangzi said: Moving one degree each day is

called "laboring." called "laboring." called "laboring." called "laboring." Completing the yearly Completing the yearly Completing the yearly Completing the yearly

cycle is called "being completed."cycle is called "being completed."cycle is called "being completed."cycle is called "being completed."

The other said: The ruler is at ease but the The other said: The ruler is at ease but the The other said: The ruler is at ease but the The other said: The ruler is at ease but the

minister labors. Why does Tian laborminister labors. Why does Tian laborminister labors. Why does Tian laborminister labors. Why does Tian labor????

Yangzi said: With regard to concrete affairs, Yangzi said: With regard to concrete affairs, Yangzi said: With regard to concrete affairs, Yangzi said: With regard to concrete affairs,

they are both at ease. they are both at ease. they are both at ease. they are both at ease. BBBBut they unceasingly ut they unceasingly ut they unceasingly ut they unceasingly

labor in the Dao.labor in the Dao.labor in the Dao.labor in the Dao.


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The Priority The Priority The Priority The Priority

of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:

Since the time of the Duke of Zhou, Since the time of the Duke of Zhou, Since the time of the Duke of Zhou, Since the time of the Duke of Zhou, there has there has there has there has

been no one as exemplary as the Duke of Han been no one as exemplary as the Duke of Han been no one as exemplary as the Duke of Han been no one as exemplary as the Duke of Han

(Wang Mang). When he acts and labors for the (Wang Mang). When he acts and labors for the (Wang Mang). When he acts and labors for the (Wang Mang). When he acts and labors for the

kingdom, he even surpasses A Heng.kingdom, he even surpasses A Heng.kingdom, he even surpasses A Heng.kingdom, he even surpasses A Heng.

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The Priority The Priority The Priority The Priority

of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:of Filial...:

The Han rose up two hundred ten years ago and The Han rose up two hundred ten years ago and The Han rose up two hundred ten years ago and The Han rose up two hundred ten years ago and

revived Tianrevived Tianrevived Tianrevived Tian’’’’s Daos Daos Daos Dao————hasnhasnhasnhasn’’’’t itt itt itt it almost got it almost got it almost got it almost got it

rightrightrightright???? The imperial university is the means The imperial university is the means The imperial university is the means The imperial university is the means

to establish itto establish itto establish itto establish it;;;; schools and study are the schools and study are the schools and study are the schools and study are the

means to teach itmeans to teach itmeans to teach itmeans to teach it;;;; li and music are the means li and music are the means li and music are the means li and music are the means

to express itto express itto express itto express it;;;; carriages and robes are the carriages and robes are the carriages and robes are the carriages and robes are the

means to display it. To return to the wellmeans to display it. To return to the wellmeans to display it. To return to the wellmeans to display it. To return to the well----

field system and corpofield system and corpofield system and corpofield system and corporeal punishment, and to real punishment, and to real punishment, and to real punishment, and to

release people from slavery release people from slavery release people from slavery release people from slavery ————now that is now that is now that is now that is
