conflict case study: israel

Conflict Case Study: Israel

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Conflict Case Study: Israel. Essential Questions. What are the causes of the conflicts in the Middle East? Who is entitled to the land that is in dispute in the region? What are possible solutions to the conflicts in the Middle East?. Roots of Conflict. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Conflict Case Study: Israel

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Essential Questions

• What are the causes of the conflicts in the Middle East?

• Who is entitled to the land that is in dispute in the region?

• What are possible solutions to the conflicts in the Middle East?

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Roots of Conflict• Conflict in the among nations in the

Middle East exists due to religious, cultural and ethnic differences and disputes over territory and resources.

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Roots of Conflict• It is difficult to determine who is entitled to

the land in the region because, throughout history, numerous groups (including Jews, Christians, and Muslims) have conquered and owned the land.

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Roots of Conflict

• Many Muslims disapprove of US foreign policy which favors Israel. Muslims have helped overthrow elected leaders, and has supported corrupt and totalitarian governments in the region.

• For example, the United States gives $3 billion a year to support Israel and often sides with Israel with military support

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Roots of Conflict

• Solutions to conflict in the Middle East may require the West to adjust its foreign policy and for Middle Eastern nations to take risks toward peace.

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Diaspora: The movement & migration of Jews

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The Zionist Movement: The call for Jewish people to return to their homeland, Israel

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Palestine (Israel) prior to Zionist Movement

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Roots of Conflict• As a result of the Diaspora, the Zionist

Movement and of events from World War I (partitioning of Ottoman Empire, Balfour Declaration) and World War II (the Holocaust), the United Nations helped to establish the nation of Israel as a homeland for Jews in 1948.

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Roots of Conflict

• The creation of Israel in 1948 led to an immediate invasion by neighboring Arab nations and several other short wars. This often resulted in expansion of Israeli territory in land set aside for Palestinians.

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Revisiting Essential Questions

• What are the causes of conflict between Israel and the Arab world?

• Who do you think is entitled to the disputed land?

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Attempts Toward Peace

• Attempts at peace have had mixed results: a peace accord between Egypt and Israel has lasted since the 1970s; attempts at peace between Israel and Palestinian territories have not been successful.

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Peace in Our TimeCamp David Accord—1978

• Israel to withdraw from the Sinai Peninsula • Egypt to break ties with Arab nations; pledged peace• The U.S. to give Egypt financial assistance

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Peace in Our Time

Intifada—1987• An “Intifada,” or an uprising erupted in the

Gaza Strip• Israel cracks down and established a military

presence in Gaza Strip & West Bank

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Peace in Our Time…Oslo Peace Accord—September 19, 1993

• Israel to withdraw from territories• West Bank/Gaza to become Palestinian entities• PLO to stop intifada

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Peace in Our Time…July 11, 2000—Camp David Summit

• Peace negotiations collapsed• Result

– Intifada continued– Crack-downs continued

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Summer 2005

• Israel gives the Gaza Strip back to the Palestinians

• Jews refuse to leave; Are forcibly removed by Israeli military

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Sporadic violence hits Gaza pulloutIsraeli soldiers serve eviction notices on

Jewish settlersMonday, August 15, 2005; Posted: 5:17 a.m. EDT (09:17 GMT)

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• The West Bank and Gaza are essentially under Palestinian control but do not have official recognition as independent states.

• Sporadic violence continues.

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What do you propose?– How would you summarize the I/P Conflict?– Who does the land really belong to, the Jews or the Arabs?– What has the United States done to be a part of the I/P

Conflict?– Do you believe America should have a say in Middle Eastern

policy? Why or why not?– How could Israel/Palestine find peace? What is a solution to

the I/P conflict?

• Create a campaign/slogan with your group to promote peace within the Middle East.

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