community church of high falls high falls...

SPAGHETTI DINNER September 14th Sunday School Resumes Sept 15th Youth Group Sept 20 Ham Dinner October 19th Community Church of High Falls High Falls Messenger And the wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling to- gether; and a little child shall lead them. – Isaiah 11:6 Do you remember the movie 9-to-5? In it a group of women, falsely be- lieving they have killed their boss, create a scheme in which they take his place in their office so no one will know what is going on. Later they find out he’s not dead, but to conceal what they have done, and to keep him from blabbing about the whole set of shady dealings, they lock him in a room, construct a full body harness for him attached to a garage door opener, and hold him hostage. The harness and garage door opener comes in handy be- cause whenever he tries to escape, they simply push the remote control for the garage door opener, and zoop, he’s yanked back to home base where they can control his actions. Greetings from Vacation Bible School 2013! As I sit and write this, I’ve just finished a week of Vacation Bible School – a shared ministry by several Rondout Valley congrega- tions working together for a week at Camp Epworth. Picture it, a swarm of kids ages 4-12 or so, doing crafts, singing songs, listening to stories from the Bible, playing games, swimming – all of this and more happening for five hours every day for five days. Within a day, I was reminded I am no longer “young” through the eyes of a child. There were muscles I’ve forgotten I had, but clearly are still there (I figured this out when the muscles started screaming at me for mercy after a rousing game of “Pickle”). I kept wondering to myself, “when you were “young” you would do camp counseling, and you would be with kids 24/7 for three to five days at a time. Now you can’t do five hours?” Sad I know. Which is probably why when you start something like VBS, one of the first things, as adults you realize you really need to do, is lay down some rules. Stay with the group at all times. If you have to use the bath- room, tell your counselor where you are going. Always use the buddy system. Keep your hands to your- self. Be kind. These were the basic rules we came up with – not only to keep the kids safe, but also to miti- gate needing any of those muscles that very quickly get worn out. However, if you’ve ever worked with children, especially in a big open environment, you know, even when they know the rules, it’s not so easy to keep them. Attention spans are short, the next activities is always better than what we’re doing right now (when are we going swim- (Continued on page 2) Post Vacation Bible School Thoughts… Pastor Aaron Schulte September/October 2013

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Page 1: Community Church of High Falls High Falls, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young


September 14th

Sunday School Resumes

Sept 15th

Youth Group

Sept 20

Ham Dinner

October 19th

Community Church of High Falls High Falls Messenger

And the wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie

down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling to-gether; and a little child shall lead

them. – Isaiah 11:6 Do you remember the movie 9-to-5? In it a group of women, falsely be-lieving they have killed their boss, create a scheme in which they take his place in their office so no one will know what is going on. Later they find out he’s not dead, but to conceal what they have done, and to keep him from blabbing about the whole set of shady dealings, they lock him in a room, construct a full body harness for him attached to a garage door opener, and hold him hostage. The harness and garage door opener comes in handy be-cause whenever he tries to escape, they simply push the remote control for the garage door opener, and zoop, he’s yanked back to home base where they can control his actions.

Greetings from Vacation Bible School 2013! As I sit and write this, I’ve just finished a week of Vacation Bible School – a shared ministry by several Rondout Valley congrega-tions working together for a week at Camp Epworth. Picture it, a swarm of kids ages 4-12 or so, doing crafts, singing songs, listening to stories from the Bible, playing games, swimming – all of this and more

happening for five hours every day for five days. Within a day, I was reminded I am no longer “young” through the eyes of a child. There were muscles I’ve forgotten I had, but clearly are still there (I figured this out when the muscles started screaming at me for mercy after a rousing game of “Pickle”). I kept wondering to myself, “when you were “young” you would do camp counseling, and you would be with kids 24/7 for three to five days at a time. Now you can’t do five hours?” Sad I know.

Which is probably why when you start something like VBS, one of the first things, as adults you realize you really need to do, is lay down some rules. Stay with the group at all times. If you have to use the bath-room, tell your counselor where you are going. Always use the buddy system. Keep your hands to your-self. Be kind. These were the basic rules we came up with – not only to keep the kids safe, but also to miti-gate needing any of those muscles that very quickly get worn out. However, if you’ve ever worked with children, especially in a big open environment, you know, even when they know the rules, it’s not so easy to keep them. Attention spans are short, the next activities is always better than what we’re doing right now (when are we going swim-

(Continued on page 2)

Post Vacation Bible School Thoughts… Pastor Aaron Schulte

September/October 2013

Page 2: Community Church of High Falls High Falls, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young

ming?), and there are a million distractions. As adults, we’re motivated to create a fun, but also a safe, environment for the children we have been en-trusted with. As children, apparently the motivation is different – apparently it’s to engage every one of your senses as quickly and fully as possible, and for-get the consequences – that’s what the adults are for! As one of the adults, is fine until those muscles start screaming at you, and you need a break from the running, and the jumping and the general rev-elry of childhood.

Which is what got me thinking about the movie 9-to-5, and that harness. After five days with kids at VBS, that garage door opener starts to sound really good. So again, picture it, we construct about four flag poles, one for each age group, and each being wired with enough harnesses for each kid. Then, when any situation deems it necessary, zoop! With-out even having to use any of those screaming mus-cles, any problems we confront with any particular child is mechanically managed, with just the push of a button. Problem solved…

Ok, so maybe not every child needs a harness. In fact almost none of them do. But on occasion there is that one child – that one child that no matter his or her willingness to follow the rules, just cannot manage that expectation within his or her own body. Life is too big and too full of play. The next thing is too exciting. And no matter how much you yell, “don’t run!” that child is always off like a shot forget-ting every rule - finding the next adventure to go on.

Don’t get me wrong, I love that kid, and I love VBS. Sometimes, spiritually, you need these experiences. For me, VBS, or anything like it, is like a spiritual diuretic. Not to use the metaphor too graphically, but in the midst of regular minister duties, it is amazing to take a break, and do something so out of the ordinary. It helps me see some things differ-ently, and in the realm of faith, it really helps “move some things along,” if you get what I’m saying. Physically exhausting, spiritually cleansing and mo-tivating.

For example, for months now I’ve been thinking a

lot about how God interacts with the world. It strikes me as a rather shallow understanding of God to believe that God up in the sky somewhere leaving the details of the world to us. Too often we get caught up in our expectations that we are responsi-ble for the world. Whether that is in maintaining the church, doing mission work, or generally trying to bring about the kingdom of God in our broken culture, government, and environment. Where is God while we’re worrying and obsessing over the transformation of all things to reflect God’s vision of peace and justice? So, in turn, I’ve been big on try-ing to see God actively working in the world – going out before us in the work of transforming the world.

And instead of all that being our responsibility, it’s actually our invitation to come and join God in the work. And then, as I was thinking about all that, here came VBS – and that one kid. The one little kid who can’t stop running. Life is too big and too full of play. The next thing is too exciting. Dealing with him, I’m too exhausted, and with too many screaming muscles to keep up. So what do I do? I try to get that kid to play by my rules – to do what I can manage. And when that little kid won’t play by the rules? I start dreaming of harnesses and garage door openers.

Which leads me to wonder, if God is actually in the world, transforming all things into the kingdom of God, is God like that little kid – just running too fast for me? Is the real problem that I just cannot keep up? What if God is the little kids, too full of play, too excited, and too ready move on to the next thing? What if all our imaginations, and our sore muscles, are lagging behind? I picture that kid, running through the fields, terrifying all the adults around, that whatever he or she is getting into is too unsafe, too uncontrolled, too much for us to handle. All us adults, frustrated that our rules are not being kept, and dreaming that maybe we can strap the kid, or the boss from 9-to-5, into a harness of our own con-trol, are missing the next great thing that is about to come. Maybe we need to pick-up our screaming muscles, and chase that little kid at least one more time.

And with all those thoughts, I’ll just say again, greet-ings from Vacation Bible School 2013! It’s a wonder

(Continued from page 1)

(Continued on page 3)



Page 3: Community Church of High Falls High Falls, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young

Lift Update - Pastor Aaron and Dan Boice at-tended the planning board meeting at the Town Hall in Stone Ridge. Go to page 7 for more info.

Sunday School will begin September 15th. New Bibles were purchased for the children. A con-firmation class will also form this September. Adult Bible study will begin in September with the day and time to be determined. Youth Group will resume on September 20th.

Installation of new consistory members Kathy Walbert, Lee Paashaus and Dan Boice will be held on September 8th. We also give a heart-felt thank you to our out-going members Rich-ard Albert, and Dawn and Ken Letus for their years of dedication.

New laminated pew cards with the Gloria Patri, the Kyrie, the Doxology and the Apostle’s Creed have been placed in the pews.

We are planning for September 14th Spaghetti Dinner and the October 19th Ham Dinner.

Parish Nursing Program

Volunteers: Jim Nerone,RN, Debra Krom,RN and Anne Marie Kitchen,RN

Blood Pressure Checks for May and June totaled 34.

The next blood pressure check dates will be on September 22nd and October 27th.

Consistory members as of September 2013 Elders: Merry Oakley Lorna Schimmrich Joan Gahn Lee Potter Paashaus Deacons: Paul Wikane Tom Schrader Kathy Walbert Dan Boice

Consistory Meeting Highlights: July-August 2013


I’m still standing. And it’s a wonder that these words from one of my favorite songs will still be my prayer tonight:

Give me a mission if I've still got the time

Cause I'm open, Yeah I'm open Be my vision and I'll be your delight

Cause I'm going wherever you're going.

(From “Day by Day”, by Cicco, Danielle, Cisaro, Francesco, Di Mauro, Giuseppe, Pozzani, Valentina)

God bless and Shalom,

Pastor Aaron

(Continued from page 2) Churches of the Valley

Music Festival

Save the date: Nov. 3, 2013

The Festival this year will be held at the United Re-formed Church in Bloomington (just off Rt 32 going north toward Kingston). Join us for some uplifting selections by our combined choirs as well as an op-portunity to sing some of your favorite old hymns.

Interested in being a part of the combined choirs? Please let us (Merry or Aurora) know so that we shall be sure to have sufficient copies of music.

There will be two practice dates: Oct. 20th & Oct 27th at 1 pm at the church in Bloomington. The Festival itself will be held at 2 pm on Sunday, Nov. 3rd.

Page 4: Community Church of High Falls High Falls, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young

Birthdays & Anniversaries….

Jane van Laer sends cards on behalf of the Guild to those who are sick or unable to get to church on a regular basis...if you know of someone who is sick or in the hospital, please give her a call at 687-4119.

Are you or someone you know in need of prayer? You can activate the prayer chain by calling Pastor Aaron: 594-2214, Peggy: 687-9443 or Ann: 687-2177

9/7 Roy Hornbeck

9/10 Stephen Bush

9/11 Myron (Mike) Boice

9/13 Paul Giordano, Sr

9/13 Gary Kitchen

9/22 Bill Wilkins

9/22 Cheryl Hassett

9/24 Bob LaRusse

10/3 Joe Hassett

10/6 Nick Giordano

10/10 Lee Potter-Paashaus

10/11 Amy Mirra

10/13 Joseph Serrecchio

10/14 Stanley Brooks

10/17 Alexander Angyal

10/22 John Brought

10/23 Jerry Krom

10/30 Sammy Serrecchio

9/10 Dottie & Jerry Krom

9/12 Herb & Joan Gahn

9/18 Kelly Hassett & Oscar Hernandez

9/23 Fay & Bill Wilkins

9/23 John & Lois Brought

9/27 Dawn & Ken Letus

9/30 Gail & Paul Wikane

Our Church Family


Please remember the following with prayers, cards, phone calls or visits:

Myron Boice

Mary Cole

Al Friedman

Flo & Roy Hornbeck

Kathryn Wager

Charlotte Reidel

Please keep these in prayer:

REV & Esther’s grandson, Blake who has been diag-nosed with a rare form of bone and spinal disease called ankylosing spondylitis. He has just returned to Paul Smith College for his second year and will be working on treatment in the coming cure, only control. Andrew Holbrook, (father is pastor at Hopewell Re-formed Church) who was to begin his 2nd year of col-lege in Michigan, suffered multiple injuries in a hor-rific automobile accident. He has been in a coma; at last report he was holding his own but has a long re-covery ahead.

Let them know we care...

Card of Thanks

From Al Friedman...

On behalf of my family and myself, I would like to thank everyone who has supported us with prayers and cards over these past two years.

It was a very difficult time for the family during Arlene's sickness, and especially when she went to be with the Lord.

We appreciate all of you for your continued sup-port and prayers.

Thank you with love to all, from the family of Arlene Friedman

Page 5: Community Church of High Falls High Falls, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young

Youth Group and

Sunday School

Sunday School is available every Sunday throughout the regular school year. Sunday School will resume on Septem-ber 15th. The Youth Group generally meets on the 1st & 3rd Friday nights of the month; our first meeting for the current school year will be on Friday, September 20th @ 6:30 at the Church. A Confirmation Class will also begin in September...please contact Pastor Aaron for more information (594-2214). For more info re Sunday School or Youth Group, you may contact Gail Wikane @ 687-4122


2013 Scheduled Shared Ministry Meetings Oct 5—Rochester

Dec 7—CCHF

We had a great time at the Combined Church Family Service & Picnic despite the rainy weather. Many also enjoyed the June trip to the Westchester Dinner Theater at Elmsford to see The Sound of Music. We are thinking of a joint Church Bonfire as a Fall event. Look for info in your church bulletin as our plans are finalized.

Shared Ministry Notes

Women’s Guild

The Guild is currently thinking about changing our meeting time to an evening meeting. We need more support from the women of the Church. Our next meeting will be on Sunday September 15 following our worship service. Please mark your calendars and try to attend, we need to make a decision about meeting times and dates.

The Guild will offer homemade Election Day Soup on November 5th, Election Day. Come on over to the Community Church Fellowship Hall after voting and either come, sit and enjoy some homemade soup with us or take some home. The Guild members are planning to prepare the soup on November 4th start-ing at 10AM and all who wish to help may sign-up on the list in the back of the sanctuary. We are also looking for glass jars to store or serve soup. If you have any please bring them to church when you can. Any questions should be directed to Joan Gahn, 626-7359.

The Guild will present the annual Holiday Bazaar on Saturday, November 9th. We are looking for dona-tions for that day. If you like to make scarves, gloves or mittens or hats think about making one or two for our Homegoods table. If you have gently used Christmas decorations you no longer use, perhaps you could donate them to our Gently Used Christmas table. If you enjoy baking and cooking, how about pre-paring some goodies for our baked goods table. We also can use items to decorate our homes like pillows, tablecloths, placemats, and more. Someone will always be looking for gifts for children; so don't forget about the kids. Be sure to mark your calendars for Nov. 9th. This is the major fundraiser for the Guild so any way that you can help will certainly be greatly appreciated.

The women of the Guild are very pleased that we are able to provide our Sunday School children with new and age appropriate Bibles; these will be given to our Sunday School children on the first day of Sunday School so that they may start a new year of learning about our God and Savior.

Save these Dates: Election Day Soup—Nov 5

Guild Holiday Bazaar—Nov 9

Churches of the Valley Music Festival

2 pm on Sunday, Nov 3rd...United Reformed Church in Bloomington

Page 6: Community Church of High Falls High Falls, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young

Rondout Valley Food Pantry

We are one of several area churches that help support the Rondout Valley Food Pantry with donations of food and/or cash. The Food Pantry is located behind Christ the King Episcopal Church on Rt 213 and is open on Tues & Thurs. from 8-10 am or by appointment. If you are aware of anyone in need, please have them call the Pantry at 687-4013.

Our donations to the Rondout Valley Food Pantry have dropped off during the summer months but the need continues. Please consider bringing in a can or two of something like tuna fish, chili, vegetables, sauce or maybe a box of pasta, cereal, etc.

They can also make good use of fresh vegetables if you have extra from your gardens.

The Pantry has been putting together backpacks and school supplies as well. You can help by donating note-books, loose leafs, folders, paper, pencils, erasers and the like.

Lorna Schimmrich is our representative to the RV Food Pantry.

Help a Friend Fund

CCHF, along with the High Falls Fire Company and the High Falls Civic Association support the Help a Friend Fund. This is a locally funded program de-signed to provide emergency assistance to residents of the HF Fire District. This is a one-time benefit, not an on-going assistance program. Call 845-449-0018 for Info.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Our prayer shawl ministry now meets every Wednes-day morning at 10 am in the Fellowship Hall of the Church. This is an excellent opportunity to put faith into action. We create shawls and blankets for commu-nity members going through difficult times. If you have never knitted or crocheted, don’t worry. We have some-one who can help you learn. We also have extra yarn, crochet hooks or knitting needles however, donations of yarn are also appreciated. Join us ...The creation and presentation of a prayer shawl, like all acts of generos-ity, enriches the giver as well as the recipient .

Other Missions

We continue to support various other mis-sions—both local & global in nature, using 10% of our weekly offering as well as specific donations by mem-bers. Some of the missions that we have contributed to


Missions & Ministries The North Marbletown Mission Thrift Shop is open every Saturday thru mid Nov, from 9 am to 2 pm.

Good things have been happening at the Mission Thrift Shop. Gay Van Demark not only found a small refrigera-tor but was also able to get it donated and stocked it with water! This is for our volunteers and customers who may need a cold drink during those hot days. Gay also was successful in getting a new register donated from Staples.

Staples representative, Andrea Doyle, sent us this note:

Although this is a small token of appreciation we hope it will help the Mission achieve its annual goals with assisting those of us that need a little helping hand. A big thank you to the Mission for all they do!

Sincerely, Andréa Doyle Senior Account Manager - Staples .com Sales| Exceptional People Inspired Solutions

Paul Wikane has donated and installed a small air condi-tioner to help cool off the mission and cut through the hu-midity.

A big thank you goes out to Gay Van Demark, Paul Wikane, and Andrea Doyle! Your donations will make it a little eas-ier to volunteer and continue to give that helping hand that so many in our community needs,

Please check your calendar to see when you can help at the mission as every little bit of time you can give will help You can contact Darlene at 687-9583 or Gloria at 687-9203 with ay questions, concerns or to volunteer.


in 2013 have so far included: the Queen’s Galley, Family of Woodstock, Pregnancy Support Center,Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, FINCA, Bread for the World, Alzheimer’s Association, as well as others.


Show us how we may serve you today. Open our eyes to the small opportunities that come to us. Help us to lis-ten to others and, most importantly, to YOU.

Help us to act when you speak and use us to shine the light of your love in the world.

Help us to always remember to be joyful, to pray, and to be thankful so that we may encourage others. Amen

Page 7: Community Church of High Falls High Falls, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young


Many thanks to Philliber Research Associates for printing our bi-monthly newsletters.

We also thank the Women’s Guild for paying the postage on all newsletters not picked up in church.

Did you know that you can opt to receive your issue of the Messen-ger via email as well as notification of dinners and other special events? Just send an email to [email protected] and let us know.

And did you know that we also have a Facebook page…


Fourth Sunday Coffee Hour @ 8:30 am

Pastor Aaron will be there!

Coffee, tea, a few snacks & good fellowship!

Bonus—get your blood pressure checked

either before or after the service on the 4th Sunday.

Bible Studies will be held on a rotat-ing basis. Please contact Pastor Aaron) for more information. A class will be begin in September.

A Men’s Breakfast is held on the second Saturday of each month at 8:00 am. All men are welcome for this time of good food and good conversa-tion. Please contact Pastor Aaron for details on location. Note—no program involved—just eating and talking. Come and go as you need.

Contact Pastor Aaron at 845-594-2214 or [email protected]

Pastor Aaron’s Office Hours:

Tuesdays, Pastor Aaron will be at CCHF from 9-11 am

Thursdays, he will be at RRC (Rochester) from 9-11 am

Articles regarding church life and church family events

are welcomed…

Oct 27 is the next due date!

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Lift Project Update

The next meeting of the High Falls Civic Association will take

place on September 4th, 6 pm at Hopped Up Café. All in the High

Falls area are welcome to join.

[email protected]

Page 8: Community Church of High Falls High Falls, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young







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Dates to Remember