columbine report pgs 5701-5800

JlU'l!'DSON COmtTY DISTllICT ATTOR.RBT'S OI!'I!'ICB SUPPLlDIlD!'l'AL UPOlil.'l' Del!!N1d.ant.1 Dat.a' May 19, 1999 DlllpUt.y D.A. : T»eket. :ll'WIIba:r1 ca.e :ll'WIIbar, Investigator, 174A-ON57419 99-7625 CN 3519 Lauck Jordan Grimm 6238 W, Ken Caryl Pl. Littleton, CO., 80123 303/972 -8666 On May 19, 1999, this investigator contacted Jordan Grimm by phone to schedule an interview with him as information indicated that he was in the school cafeteria at the time of the incident. Jordan advised that he was not in the cafeteria at that time and explained that he had been in the cafeteria only briefly because one of the school's supervisors who he identified by the first name of Sidney, had removed him from there and had taken him to the school's Administration Office. He stated.that he had been sitting there in a Conference room for some time when he noticed a numller of students running through the hallway. He said a school Dean thre", the fire alarm and within a few minutes, he heard several explosions. Jordan stated thathe stayed in the conference for only "a couple of minutes," and then he ran down the hallway closest to him and out a west door. He advised that he saw a friend of his, Simon Duran who was in the parking lot in his vehicle. Jordan said he got into simcn's vehicle and drove to Simon's residence. JC.o01· 005701 Jordan stated that he did know who Dylan Klebold was. He said that he used to make fun of Klebold when he would see him in the 1

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Page 1: Columbine Report Pgs 5701-5800


SUPPLlDIlD!'l'AL UPOlil.'l'


Dat.a' May 19, 1999

DlllpUt.y D.A. :

T»eket. :ll'WIIba:r1ca.e :ll'WIIbar,




CN 3519


Jordan Grimm

6238 W, Ken Caryl Pl.

Littleton, CO., 80123

303/972 -8666

On May 19, 1999, this investigator contacted Jordan Grimm by

phone to schedule an interview with him as information indicated

that he was in the school cafeteria at the time of the incident.

Jordan advised that he was not in the cafeteria at that time and

explained that he had been in the cafeteria only briefly because one

of the school's supervisors who he identified by the first name of

Sidney, had removed him from there and had taken him to the school's

Administration Office. He stated.that he had been sitting there in a

Conference room for some time when he noticed a numller of students

running through the hallway. He said a school Dean thre", the fire

alarm and within a few minutes, he heard several explosions. Jordan

stated thathe stayed in the conference for only "a couple of

minutes," and then he ran down the hallway closest to him and out a

west door. He advised that he saw a friend of his, Simon Duran who

was in the parking lot in his vehicle. Jordan said he got into

simcn's vehicle and drove to Simon's residence.JC.o01· 005701

Jordan stated that he did know who Dylan Klebold was. He said

that he used to make fun of Klebold when he would see him in the


Page 2: Columbine Report Pgs 5701-5800

cafeteria. dressed in his black trench. coae , He a.dvised that he did

not know any of Dylan' s friends nor did he associate with any of the

trench coat people. He categorized himself as a "jock-prep."

He said this incident was "totally unexpected." He knew of no

rumors relating to the incident and said he saw nothing unusual at

school that day.

Investigation continues.


JC-001· 005702


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JC.o01· 005703

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CONTINUATION I:::~Apaq _."""" """R_ No.

SIJPPLEMENr X r. "CHOSlIKE 99.7625C~I CJM.Report No. """'--,--CONT.#3828 6-21-99OusUi¢MiOO

0__: Opoo~yCleo«d R"""""",,, c...: -R·~~l..ssifical:ion 0 ....... tI' _ u_


ID=iplion I Serial No.~~. IB~NlB Value f Value I Values..... RecoveI%<l D_WITNESSHolden. Ken 1-14-536446 S. saulsbury St. Littleton, Co. 303972-9884

Narrative:On 6-21-99 I spokewith Holden who told me that on 4-2Q.99 he was in the counseling officewhen he heardaboutthe call from the teachers lounge regarding somecnein the cafeteria with a gun. He went to the mainJf!ice, heard 4-5 gunshots in the main EastlWest hallway that sounded like "snaps", that probably took outhe frontdoors. Holdenwentback to the counseling office then made his way to the northdoorswith Ryan~ollins (another counselor). At this point they heard the fire alarm and began directing the kids out of the)uildlng thru the "north doors". Holden then ran to Clements Park. He did not see or hearanything else.

-iolden furthertold me that he did not know either Harrisor Klebold.

JC-001- 005704

--_..,'~ -,., .........._,..- -"..,.'""Supervjsor initialsand Date

1,tj::fR /,~ ;19

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On060499, this Investigator met witll the Deanof Students areHS, identified as:

Horvath, Po",rDOB: 0511611819W, Springwater LaneHighlands Ranca, CO 80126

Also present duringthe interview was AllenT.ggart, who is an attorney with the schooldistrict.

Peteradvised thisInvestigator of the following:

That on042099,Peterwas in his officeat CHSaddressing a disciplinary actionagainstODe of thestudents, whichcausedhim to be late for hi' "lunchduty" thai:day,

That bothPeterand 'vir, DeAugelis steppedout of theirofficesto godownto thecafeteriawhenSusanWI1ite came downthe ball(in the office area)in a panicand told themthat there wasastudemshcc in JudyGrieco', classroom.

That Peer larer Ieernedthar Judy Grieco had calledthe officefromthe teacher loungein thecafeteriato repon the shooting of. studeatoutside the school.

That Mr. DeAugelis ran out iato the ballahend of'Peter,and P_ stoppedto radio theschoolresource officer,NealGardenerto advisehimof the incident, although Nealdid notanswerIrim.lthat time.

That as Peterran aroundthe mailboxes in the ofllce,he beard the soundof twogunshots, believeshe sawtwo flashes and beard glassbreaking (in the front door),although srared that be did notseewherethe saots came from or the shooters.

That Peterthan ran back through theofficewarning people, and out into tbe art hallway wbere begathered somestudenrs and wen' au, through theeastdOC!

That Peterstayedoutsidedirecting peopleaway fromthe building and eventually endedup On thenorthsidaof the huilding wherehe met up with 'vir. DeAngelis and othersthatllad exitedthebuilding.

Thateveryone on tbe north side: of the building. including Peter, waseventually directed toClementPark.

That in regards to hisdutiesas Deanoftbe School, Peter 'lilted thatone of Iris firstdisciplinaryactions involved Zack Heckler, Dylan Klebold, and EricHarrisfor nacking intolilaschoolcomputer system.whichhe advised OCCUIred duringthe Fallof 1991.

That as a result of that incident, zack was ,",pended for 5 days and bothDylanand Ericgot. 3day suspension.

That Peter also met with the parents of the boys inregards to the incident.

That PeterdescribedZack's parents as initially supportive of the disciplinary action,although latercriticized the 5 day suspension.


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CONTROL 113624P;\OE 2 OF 3

That Peterdescribed Eric's parents as being nice andveryeducatedandstatedrbarriley wereCooperative butdid not agreewithrhe 3daysuspension for Eric's "minorinvolvement",

That Peterdescribed Dylan's father(bedid normeet Dylan's mother) as an "Einstein", &raring mathe wasvery intelligent, and alsoadvisedthat hedid no' agreewill! suspensions in general,

That Peter wasawareof a groupofboys thatwore IIencn coats last year(1997/1998) and labeledthemselves the"TrenchCoatMafia",although advised that Dylanand Ericwere nee• part of thatgroup,

That Peter i<lentilied me members of that group as Chds Morris, Joe Stair,and EricPutro

That Chriswasstill a studentat CBS,although Peterhasonly seenChris weariDg a trench coat afew times this year.

That Joe graduated from CHSlast yearand Eric (Dutro) wasexpelled fromschool last yea< due to

drug violations 00 school grounds,

That Peterdescribed Joe and Eric(Dutro) as dle ringleederof the (TC\1) groupI..r year anddescribed Joeas beinga good studentand very respectful but statedthat Eric(Dutro)was "a dark,meankidand flat ourasshole"

That Peter recalled tharduringan incident lastyearthatEllc (Dutro) was involved in. he bad askedone of tile subjects, "Do you believe in GOOT'

That about todays beforethe incidenton 042099, PetersayJoe walking south of CBSon Pierceweartng a black trench coat and black gloves,

ThatPeter hasseen Dylan in a trench coat onceortwice thisyear but hadnever seenEric in atrenchCOat, statingthe Ericwas a "cleanCUt kidand preppydresser',

That Peterstaled thatbe wasnot totally shocked that Dylan and Enc did this because in hisdealings with tham It. sawtbe pe.eotialforan "evil side",

That Peter Itas notdeal, withanydisciplinary actions againstEric ether then the computerhaclcingincident lastyear,

That Peterhasdealt withDylanduring the spring of 1998 for anincidentwherebe wascaughtscratching "something" intoa freshman's locker door.

That Dylanbecame very agitated while waiting for his father to come tI;> scbcolto discuss thesituation withPeter and began pacing around the room.

That when Peterattempted to talk to Dylan andcalm himdown. be advised that Dylan begancussingat blm, although be did notpersonalize anythiog towardPeter.

Thatduringthe incident, Dylan advised thatbe was veryupsetwith the school systemandthe wayCHShandled people, to include tbepeoplethat picked 00 him and ethers.

ThatPererstated that Dylanwas a "prettyangry kid" andbe alsobad the impression that Dylanwasupset with his Dad and "stuffathome".


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That when Dylan's fatherarrivedhedisagreed with the disciplinill'Y action takenagainstDylanfatthe lockerincidentandPetersensed thatDylan hadsomeangerissueswith his f.ther

Tharabout 3 '04 weeks prior to the incident on022099, Dylanand Eric approached Peter andtoldhim that tbeywere havtng some problems with a sllJdent named Luke Crowley thatwas parking toclose to one of their cars and was "mouthy" withthem.

That Peterdescribed both Dylanand Ericas beingverypolite,respectful and calm aboutthesimation,

That Peterpassedthe information to Luke's counselor, wbo addressed !be complaintwithLuke.

That Peter stated that Dylan and Eric were usually together when hesaw them and pretty muchkept to themselves, although he occasionally saw themwithZaekHeckler and BrianSargent.

That Peter was awaretlIat Brian hang out with Eric[DuIIO) last year,andadvised that Brian had anot temperand wasvery volatile.

That Peterbas also dealt with DavidCaravan, who he described as • lot likeDylanalthoughDaviddid notaesoctare withDylanand Ericto hisknowledge, suring that hewas a "druggy"

That Peter 'rased that ill cceversations WIth David he learned thatDavid idolized MarilynManson(gothi<: rock star) and Timothy McVeigb although did notagree with wbathe (McVeigh) did,

Tharhe believed mar... capableof doingsornethi<:g like rbis,

That Peter was aware thatJoe and Eric (Dutro) were physicaily "makingout' in front of the"jocks" last year to harassthem, but again stated thatDylan and Eric(Harris) wereno,a parrofthatgroupthen.

That Dylan and Eric havenever cocoplained roPeterthat theywerebarassed byanyone,or basanyone complained that Dylan andEric harassed them (other than thelockerincident involvingDylan).

ThatPeterdescribedEric and Dylanas "brilliant Kids" andstaIJOd thatEric conrinued to do hisschoolworkandkep' his grades up to the lastday

That Peter staled mat ab<>ut a momhprier to thisincident, Dylanwas broughtto his off,cobecausebe was suspected of smoking pot, whichbewasclearedof, but during thar conversation Dylanappearedexcited about hisfurore and graduallDg

Tbar Peter also described Eric as a shy kid butstated that Dylan wasverydirect, mature. andoutspoken.

That when asked hisopinion about this incident. Peter advised that bethinks that there wasaviolent, angry streak in these kidsand theytriedto make • statement andto bringdownCHSbecause the)' wanted the rules their way

That Peteralso stared thar he thinks that it didnotgodown as lltey planned andfeels thateveryrbing doneafter that wasrandom. advising that there cere no indications that they hadtargeted the "jocks"

JC·001· 005708

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JC.{l01- 005709

Page 10: Columbine Report Pgs 5701-5800

Case No, _

Making Statement ~:/o Officer 'iJ,I' Witnus

Denver Police DepartmentSTATEMENT



! have lead the foregoing statement: and the f~ct$ conteined therein are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. 1do nor maintain that it contains all of the facts or details of the incident# but onlY' these fscts about which I have beenas/a:n:/,

Page__ 01__

I I-- --nate -- 0 AM

-::;:-,,;:;=="'== 0 PMfj-me: Statement Completed

JC·001· 00571 0

Signature of Person Making Statement

DFt: 366 {Rev. 2!96l 111I11l11~ 1111111111I~III'0600'

Page 11: Columbine Report Pgs 5701-5800

Page __ 01__ Peges Case # _

Summery 01 Statement (cont.l -;-__-:- .,.-__

50sa b out

I /lave read the foregoing statement end the facts conteined therein are we to the best of my knowledge and belief. Ido not maintain that it contains all of the feclS or deta/7s of the incident, but only those feclS about which I have beeneskllHi.

__ 1.....,...,..../-u". Cl AM

o PM"'nm"'.'""'S""".......=:'::nt"'C;;"'_==<

JC.(l01· 005711

Signatute of PW5011 MakingStatement

Page 12: Columbine Report Pgs 5701-5800

· ReportingA~' l Re~mgOfficer Can Report NQCONTINUATION CI

SUP?LEMENT v JCSO ISTEVE LUCIANO 99-762S-AICcnnecnegCase Report: No Victim Name Original Repcrt DateThi$ Report

I 04·30·99ChU$di~iIDQn X First Degree: Mur-der Otfem:e StaW~; Op<:l'l x E~liol1llay Cltari!!d o RecommendCase: RoC'> iew C

Rtda;;liiri~ilot;Ql'l c Cl~b~ \iT~1 0 Ul1(rnl1'lded o Closure 0

i~~ I (,ll>ilwit} I tlr:llld "lilm~ I D~tt:ri'p(irjf\ 1SerialNcV'illl<t I Value I \'~!ll~St'.ikl1 : R='e:r~11 Dilrna~e<:l


KEATING, SYDNEY 10, D08107·24-56

SSN, 522-91-9702

:2.33 Reed Street

Lakewood. Colorado 80226

(303) 238-3105

Work: Campus Supervisor/Columbine High School

(303) 982-4415


On 4-:n-99, at about 1350 hours. ( interviewedSydney Keatingconcerningthe ColumbineHigh Schoolshooting Keatingtold

me that on -1-20-99 she was Inher office makinga telephone call to her husband. Keating's office is located In the school's main

office In the same hallway as the Principal's Office. Keating stated that at 1115 hours she heard Peter Horavath (School Dean!

over her school portable radio Keating knew it was It 15 hours because she just looked at her watch. Horavarh's transmission

on the radio was to her (Sydney Keating), Neil (Gardner) or Andy {Marton). Horavath was airing that there has been a sheering

downstairs in the school By the time Horavath completed airing this information. he was standing at Keating's office door

Knowing that Deputy ;-.Jeil Gardner was in his patrol car. Keating picked up ber school radio, called him. and advised him of the

shooting Keating then starred walking down the hall toward the open area cf the school's office where the secretaries Sit

Walkingdirectly in front of Keatingwere Chris Mikesell Ischool Dean)and PeterHotavarh. Keating stated that she took about

two steps into the open area of the office when she heard the front office door open from the main lobby. Keating then

immediateI: heard gunshots (three or tour).Chris Mikesell then yelled,according to Keating, "On my God.everyhody down'

Keating turnedaround (toward the hallway} and saw secretary Susan Whitestanding in the doorway ofPeter Hcravath's office

Keating pushed White into Horavath'5 office and shut the door, The light inside the office was already turned off Keating stated

that she crawled under a table, then dialed 9·1'1. She was able to get through to Dispatch and advised them of the shooting

Keating was then looking throughthe officedoor windowand saw three males, all together,run by. Keating described the males

Unit JC-001· 005712 , 1

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CONTINUAnON 0Reporting Agt!1~ R¢pon:irtg OfflclI'r Cue ~pPrt '\;0

SUPPLEMENT y JCSO STEVE LUCIANO 99·7625.A!COmlecting Case ReponNo V«;tim NameOriginal R<:port DateTOB Report

, 04·30-99rC'~,"""0, X First Degree Murder O~1"dt' StalW: 09<!" X ExcepliililaHy Cl¢1ll'O'(J o Rt::ccmmend Case: Review 0

RKjall1ifi;:ouion 0 ClcNtd~ o\ro:sl 0 IJnwund<:d 0 Closure c

I '.m I 1 I Oe~l:riPli(}:\ ISffiaJ::-JoV$lue I value I ,>;tl~"'0 Quaruilcy Bm'1dN4rtJ¢ Stoktrt Rfcov,;rit!i Dam~,«,c


Number one

WIM. approximately 17 years old, approximately 5'5", wearing a black coat, No hat, no mask. Unknown hair color

Number two;

W·'M. apprcximateiy 5'5", teenager. wearing neon yellovv baseball cap and a black coat

Number three:

Shorter than number I and number1. Looked "real young:'

Keatingstaled that the males were running down the hallway fromthe mamofficearea. After the three males ran by. Keating

stated that she heard more gunshotsor explosions [hat sounded real dose. Keating remained in the office under the table umi!

evacuated by the SWAT Team. sometime between \415 and 1430 hours

On 04-10·99. I "pokebriefly to ChrisMikesell on the telephone. [asked Mikesell if she saw the shooters in the main office

Mikesell told me that she did not.

On 4·13-99. Iagain spoke to Keatingat Columbine High School. Shereportedthe following additional information Columbine

High School teacher Judy Greco was downstairs in the Teachers Lounge when the shooting started, The: Teachers Lounge is

located near the cafeteria. Greco made a phone call to the main office advising them of the shooting It is currently unknown

who took the call in the office.

JC-001·005713DISPOSITION: Open.

Otncer Signature Unjt Nl,1mCer SuperviS£l! lfliti"lsand Dare Assigntd ToPage 1

I '0r? .~L II/II,,, ....... bf 01 •·:j/:JGN-il !SVES!lu ...TOR \ Ie re, sseVICES f OTHEA I A$AFJ 4191;($0116':'.J

Page 14: Columbine Report Pgs 5701-5800

CONTINUAnON 0R~rtin8 Apm::y Rcpott1na Offieer Ca.wRepon~o

SUPPLEMENT "X rcso HATIAN 99-7625-DCQflneWns CaHRcport No c Victim Name Ori,inal Re;xm Date Thu: Report


X FIRST DEGREE MURDER Xe. M O(f4tl~ SW\lll': ()I'J('!'I e~ly~ CJ Recommend Que: Review CJ

Rtej_ir~ 0 Clear:d by ArftM 0 ""....- o C1QiUf': c

I~ IQl.IIrtmy IBNId Name ~ ~1lti¢iI I Sfrid N<l ~= IRJ~I~


On04-21-99.I was infonned that the BombTechnicians and ATF were requesting a list of lockers assignedto students,as well

as vehicles and parkingspacesassigned10 students,so that it couldbe determined where Eric Harris and Dylan Kleboid parked.

and where their lockers were located, I was further informed that the campus supervisor for R-l security, Sydney Keating.

dobi04-24-76. wouldbe able 10 provide1hat information for me. Witness Keatinghad been interviewed previously,and 1was

only requested to accompany her into the senoei to retrieve the information that was needed for this investigation.

At about 1233 hours, myself and SergeantRandy Westaccompanied witnessKeatinginto the east mainentrance.and then into

the offices locatedon the east sideof the schoolwherewitness Keating was able to printout the listof lockers. as wellas provide

copies of the assigned parking. We left the scene at approximately 1251 hours.

'look witness Keating back intothe sceneat 1320 hours,in orderto pickup a diagramofthe parking lots thatdidn't havesrudent

rnes in Jr. We left the scene again at 1323 hours.

During my conversation with witness Keating, she indicated that there are cameras that come on every day between 1500and

0500 hours. which show lhe exterior of the library, the exteriorof the south entrance and patio. and the exterior of the east

entrance. l provided that information to the evidence liaison. and arrangements were made to retrieve those videotapes as




IOfficer;iV'alUrt Unit N~bcr SIl~l.'Vioor IllItia~ an<1 Oat: Assigned To Page !

)pt U~:~-....:.:::",. """- ,r 1

IOIUGNAl IfN.... f,;sm''''TfJI( 'i;CTl~ SElt" ICES IOTHER l ASAFJ.v98 JCSDflti74

Page 15: Columbine Report Pgs 5701-5800

· I .


Dllce of transcription. 05/1.0/99

The following investigation was conducted at theJefferson County Administration Building in Golden, Colorado:

Sydney Jo Keating, date of birth July 24, 1.956,employer - Jefferson County School District, Coluw~ine HighSchool (CHS) , 6201 South Pierce Street, Littleton, Colorado80123, work telephone number (303) 982-4400, X 441S, title ­Campus SuperVisor, responsibilities of safety and security of CHSstudents, was shown two video tapes for the purpose of review andidentification of CHS students and associates:

1. - Review of videotape of Eric Harris and Dylan Kleboldfilmed at the residence of Harris on 04/20/1999, priorto the shooting incident at CHS. The videotape wasmuted during the review by Keating.

2 - Review of videotape of CHS cafeteria On 04/20/1999starting at 8:03 AM. Individuals known to be TCMmembers or associates were identified as Dustin Gortonand Brian Sargeant Lance Kirklin, victim, is alsoidentified on the videotape prior to being shot.

JC.o01- 005715

Investigation on OS/07/99

05/09/994~ON:S7419. Jeff~o ~e 99-7625SA Rlchard H. Pr~oe

SA Jon Michael Ba::netl: ~H!'/dae7

This cccurrem contains neit.iw'r reccmmendauons nor;;:onclu5iDns of the FBI. It is till: propert}' of !he FlUapd is loaned10your ageflc.y~

tr and its ccnerns an not to he ocetde yourAgency

Page 16: Columbine Report Pgs 5701-5800

Arvada Pol~ce/Cou~~ SystemArvada Police Departme~t


Page 101/06/2000

Ref # 99-12067Type ASSTOA

Locat,on 6201 S P:ERCE ST

Repor~ed Oate 04/20/1999 Time 12:39:32Status RTF

connec~in9 Jefferson County Sheriff's Department CR #99-7625.

On ll/l9!S9, Ce~~~~ive Scatrig~~ (:0) was ~eque$ced byDetective Battan (lead deteccive!Jef:erson County She~iff's

Departme~c} to re-in:erview Sydr.ey Keating. a ca~pus supervisor atColu~~ine High School. Detec~ive Sat tan specifically requested IOaddress scatements Sydney Keating made to F.B.!. Special Agent RichPrice on o4i~3J99 as ic pertained co her obser~ations on 04/20/99.Specifically, Sydney Keating had reported seeinS a ~~man enter theschool via the east front entrance and begin firing a Keating :ur~her reported to Special Agent Price at somepoint af~er the assault began she cbserred three suspects(described in the recor~} who were in the main office area alsofiring weapons see· lead ~DN1:5e completed by Special Agent Pricefor de za i.La of Sydne:; Keating's ec s cemenc 0;:: (;4/23/99

o~ the date indi~a:ed at a;?==ximace:y 1435 hours, IOresponded co 6201 So. Pie~ce Stree:, L~:tle~onr Colorado (ColumbineH:gh School) where he met with Syc~ey Keat~~g< IO s~b$equently

exp:a~~ed to Sydney Keating he tad ~ee~ requested to cond~ct

anocher interview with her regardi~g observations she made on04/20/99, IC tol~ Syd~ey Keac~ng ;~e bulk ot :he invest:gation wascomoleced and th2S incerview dea:: w~~h soecific iss~es thac neededto be ~esolved. Sv~ev Kea~i~q seated sh~ would submit ~o aninterview a~d then~ e5c;r~ed IO-t~ ~er of:ice located in theadmin~s:~ac~on sect~c~ of the $chccl_

Uoon arrival at ttat loca'~t~. :0 ccr.::rme~ with SydneyKeati~g her full name was sycn~y Jc ~~a~~~gr DOB: 07/24/56. Syd~eyKeac~~g explai~~c =or apP~cxi~a:e:y :he last 6 § years see has bee~

emplo:e~ ac Co~~~~i~e ~isc Sc~;ol as :he campus supe=v:sor and wasrespcn$~~le for the security of the building as well as i~s

ccccpenc e

r next informed Sydney Keat~ns he had the opportun~ty toreview her state~er-t which was prepare~ by Special Agent Price withthe F.3.1. IO r~mindec Sydney Keat:~g she provided the abovestatement to Special Agent ?r~ce en 04/23/99. Sydney Keatingsta~ed sr.e clearly recalled t~e i~:~=view wi~h Special Age~c p~ice.

IO ~e~~ en to explai~ based O~ s~a~emen~s made curing t~at

interi':'ew several areas of c-::ncern. had be~r:. identified IO toldSyd~ey Kea~i~g when cOffipar:ng the $~at~~enc she provided ~o specialAsen~ ?=:ce to othe~ witness state~ents as we1: as ph¥s~cal

ev~de~ce collected f~om the scene, the=e were several cor.::~c~s

Syc::.-e":" Keati!1g t hen told IO the i::.i:,ial z.nt ezv· she p rcv i ded cothe Mr." I." was somewhat "co:::u5:':'.9. 'I Sydney t o.Ld 10 itwas possible there had be-e:': acme «mjsunde r sc endzag e ' in respect tothe in=ormation she i~i:ia~ly supplied, Whe~ asked to elaborate,Sj~~ey Keat:ng st~ced it was pC$$~~le s~e became confused with whatsr,e "t:::'c'.lght hacpened" and t!Jhat s:-~e had ac':.ually seen. IOs~cseq'.ler.t:: tclcl Sydney Keaci.~g t~e best way to resol'le thoseiss~es wculd be co hale her recall he~ ac:iiities and observacions

JC-001- 005716

Page 17: Columbine Report Pgs 5701-5800

A~vada ?olice/Court SystemArvada Police Department


Page 4-01/06/2000

Ref # 99 12067Type ASSTOA

Location 6201 S PIERCE ST

Repor:ed Date 04/20/1999 Time 12;39;33Status RTF

DE~13a 01/04/2000 1:~099/g0ATR!GF.T/MO

on the date in question.

P~~$~an~ to ~~e$ticning, sydney Keaci~g explained she arrivedat columbine High School at approximately 0700 hours on 04/20/99.Sydney Keating stated she parked in ~he faculty parking lot locatedon the east side of the school. Sydr~ey Keating explained she didnat make any unusual observations when she arrived at sc~aol.

Sydney Keating next indicated a~ter encering the school (viache front east entrancel she immed~acely went to the adminiscrationarea where her office was loca~ed. Sydney Keacing statec on thedate in question she along with fac~:tl members ftc include otheradministrators) had made- arra!'!get::len~s to go to t he UDEC;'~'1 breakfastwhich was being held at the llWel:!.shire Inn" located ne:a:::- Hampdenand Colorado Boulevard ir. Denver. Sydney keacing stated the DEC~

break=ast is an annual event honoring the students who participatedthe business education program. Syd~ey Keat~ng explained shebelieved the breakfast began some~~me becween 0830 and 0900 thatdate Sydney Keating went on to ex::ain prior to leaving for thebreakfast she did not recall her exac~ acci'li~ies but indicated shewould have been involved in per~o~i~g her normal du~ies_ SydneyKea:i~g indicated ~rom t~e poi~~ she arrived at school ~n~il sheleft to go to the breakfast she d~d ~ot make any unusualobservations.

Sydne'1 Keatinc indi:::a':ec s~:: ::e:'ievec. she left for ::::'ebreakfast sometime~betwe~~ 0815 a~c 0830 hours on the date inquescion, Sydney Keating stated she obtained a ride from a co­wo~ker idec~ified as Mona Madde~. S~·dr.ey K~acing indicated MonaMadden had pa~ked her vehicle in :he east :ac~::y parklng locoThrough acL'i.:'.,>;:.ional cr..leg~ioni:'1g, 5yc.':'~e:: Kes.ti:-.; _:-.:;;'cat-ed MonaMadde:'1 pro~ided several people w::~ a ~ide ~o the b~eak~ast Whenasked to identify those individua~$, Sydney Keating stated inaddition to herself she knew that S~$an White and at least one moreindividual were prege~t in Mona Macce~fs vehicle. Syd:.ey Keatingcould noe recall t~e name of the o~~er employee bu: be:ievec theperson was female,

According co Sydr~ey Keating, ~~e DECA breakfast wen~ asFlann:d and she did not recal~ any ~~usua: activicies occurring.Sydcey Keating estimated she along ~ith those previously named leftthe Well$hi=e r~n sometime bet~ee~ 103Q ~~d ~45 hours. SydneyKeat~~g estimated she arrived back a: Col~mbine High School acapprcximately 1100 hours. Syd~ey Keating clar~fied when returni~g

to Col~mbine High Sc~ool Mona Madde~ again ?arked her veh~cle inthe east faculr;y Loc , Syd:1ey Keat.i::g explained ·...hen az-r-; ving backac :he school and i~~::ally enter~ng i~~o the admi~istra~:on areashe did not note anything unusual. IO verified ~ith Sydney Keati~g

~hen e~~e~i::s the school she die S iia the east fron: ec:rance andc~e;. ~~~ed~ately we~t to the admin s:raticn area where her officeis :~ca~ed. Sjd~e: Keat~;.g d:d po ~~ out O~e obSerj8tion she madeb~: re::era~~~ it was roQt unusual Sydney Keating stated whe~ she

JC·001- 005717

Page 18: Columbine Report Pgs 5701-5800

Ar'lada ~olice!Court Sysce~

Arvada poliee DepartmencNAR.."'-ArIVE

Page 301/06/2000

Ref. ~ 99-12067Type ASSTOA

Lccat~on 6201 S PIERCE ST

Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,39,32Status RTF

DET138 Cl/C4/2000 123099/BO~TR!GHT/MO

returned to Columbine High School from the breakfast she made ament.a.l note that "Neal J s'' (refe:!."rir:.s to Deputy Sheriff NealGardnerj vehicle wa$ not present in the park~n9 loC. SydneyKeating reiterated it was not unusual for Deputy Gardner to leavein his vehicle for a variecy of reasons.

Sydney Keating explained after arriving in the administrationarea she then walked nor~h through tne hallway arriving at heroffice. IO would note Sydney Keating's office is located at thefar end of the north hall in the ad~i~istration area of the school.Sy~ney Keating stated when see ar:ived at thac location sherecalled ret~ieving her radio and considered calling oeputy Gardnerand another security person refer~ed to as Andy Martin. SydneyKeating explained the reason she wanted to reach those individuals'Alas to show them she was wearing a "cress"" Sydney Keaclng seatedshe almost neve-r -dz-e sses up" and :.ta::ced to shew some of her CQ­workers what she locked like i~ a dress. Sy~,ey Ke~ti~g explainedshe did ~oc act~ally recall ~he~he= she made radiQ con:act wi~h

Deputy Gardner at the time but remec~ered t~inkin9 he was in hispol~ce unit somewhere off camp~s

Sy~~ey Keating stated she su=se~~ently walked ou: of theadmi~is~ration area to the foyer a=ea of the school where a largehanging c~o9hy case is disp2ayed. Sydney Keating stated she stoodat tha~ location for a short time speaking with various studentswho were making comments ee eeeeace t::e euc e she had "dzeeeed up,"£y~~ey Keating told 10 based on her recollection she believed sherema#~ec i~ the loco: area of ~he sc~ool for several minutesspeak:~g wi~h $tude~ts pri~= ~o ?rcceedi~g to the cafeteria.

sydney Keat~ng stacec she subsequently walked west th=oughthe sc~ool pa$s~ng the library and :hen down into the cafeter~a

area" Sydney Keacing scate~ it was her inte~t~on to go to theteache~'s lounge where she thought she possibly could contactDeputy Gar~~er and Andy Martln. Sydney Keac:ng reiterated shewanted to show them what she was wearing this date. Sydney Keatingalso po:~ted out she usually me= bot~ Depu~y Gardner a~d ~~d'l

Ma~":in down in the teacher's lounge ch..:.ring z.he 'rA. lunch." IOclarified w::'t;h svdnev KeatinCl st.e -o::coceeded through the cafeteriaa~d s~=seqae~~ly~entered the-!acu~~y lounge (located to the fa~west of the cafeteria). Sydney Keacing pointed cut while walkingto the faculty lounge she recal:ec numero~s students ~yellin9 outand c Lapp i nq" reference c he f ac t; she was wearing a dress

S!d~ey Keating stated upon enter~~g ~he fac~lt1 shenoted no one was present. Sydney Kea:ing made a ~oint of statingshe ~as disappointed due to the fac~ she wanted to show he~ CO~

workers what she looked like in a d=ess Sydney Keati~g lndicaeeda:~e= :i~ding no one in the fac~l~y lcunge she was disappointed ands~cseq~e~cly walked back up to her o::ice passing by the librarya~d p~cc~edins east dow~ ~he hallway to the main lobby areaSyd~ey Keacin9 s~a:ed she sUb5equen~ly entered the administration


Page 19: Columbine Report Pgs 5701-5800

Ar7ada PoliceiCourt SyscemAr:ada Police Department


Page 401/06/2000

Ref # 99 -1206,Type ASSTOA

Locat~on 6201 S PIERCE ST

Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,39,32Stacus RTP

DET138 01/04/2000 123099/aOATRIGH7/MO

area and walked back to her office.

Sydney Keating stated when she re~urned to ~er office she kr~ew

the time was 1115 hours due to the face she had recrieved a phonemessage. Sydney Keating stated she specifically recalled pickingup the phone and retrieving the message thus recalling the time,Sydney Keating went on to state she then realized the message wasf40m her husband and subsequ~ntly called him. Sydney Keati~g

clarified up to this point she had net made unusual observations asit related to activities occurring at Columbi~e High School.

Sydney Keating explained when phoning her husband she wasinitially placed on ho:d and very soon t~ereaf:er heard ~he Dean ofs eucents . .geter xez-vech. armounca.nq taexe had been a !l shooting. "Sydney Keating Statec she spec~ticaLI: recalled ?eter Horvachtryi~g to ccntac: he~self, Andy Ma~~~~ a~d Deputy Gard~er, Syd~ey

Kea~ing further indicated it was her ~nders~anding based on cherad~o transmission che shooting had oc=u~red ~in Mrs. Grecko'sclass.r:::;.oro. '. Syd..'"!.e: Keating poi~teci cue Mrs. Grecko's classroom :"5located in the lower level 0: c~e sc~ool. Pu=suan~ to questicn~~g,

Si'dney Keatlng statac she never aC:' spoke wi t:t her husband andafte~ hearing the ereergency transmission by Peter Hor~ath hung upthe phone a~cl proceeded south dO+Nn ~he ~allway towards the mainadministration area. Sydney Keati~g ~cinted out as she began towalk down ~owards the main admi~~$c~a~~on area. She d~d see PeterHorvath also moving sou~h (i~to ~:'e ~ai~ admi~istra~~on a=ea)dur:'ng which time he was repeating :::.e~.e: had been a "scooting inMrs. oxec kc ' s room.:l

When asked for additional clar:':~ca~io~ =esardi~9 Pe::erHo~tath's location, Sydney Keaci~g s~ateci ste i~~~~ally $a~ theforenamed as she was ex~ting her dec=~ay i~:~ the hall wi;h theintention of pr.oceeding south. Sy~~ey Keacing explained PeterHorvath was already proceeding scu;h ~nto the main adminiscracionarea and it was also at that time s~e obee=ved Chris Mikesell(administracorl leaving her office a~d proceeding south. SydneyKea:ing then corrac~ed that statemeh~ by indic~ing based en herrecollection she believed Chris Mi~esell was accually ahead ofPeter HC~7ath as they proceeded c=~~ ~~e ~all ~~tc the ~ai~

adx~n~stration area,

Sydney Keating explained by the :ime she reached the mainadmi~istration area Chris Mikesell walked out into the mainlebby area while Pe~er Eorvath was s~a~d~ng near one of thesec~e~ary desks (possibly Susan Wh::e's) Sydney Keat:r.g statedshe ~as uncertain as to the exact ac~ions of Peter Horvath buebelieved he was sci:l a~tempti~g ~o ~ake ccn~ac~ wit~ De?~ty

Ga~dner Vla the scho~l radio

K!a~i~s tc:d :~ a: :~e pci~t she actually enterecint::: rna i c ad:n;'r'.istra~ion area sae r ece Lled hee r i nc "c~=ee to:fou::- pops, pc-p, pop, pop, pep 'I S::'c:"~e:: Kea-:ir.g stated at t.he time

JC-001· 005719

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P!R.NARR Artada police/Courc SystemArvada police Departme~t


Page 501/06/2000

Ref # ~~-12067

Type ASSTOALocation 620~ S PIERCE ST

~eported Date 04/2011999 Time 12:39:32Status RTF

D~13e 01/04/2000 l23099/50ATR!GH~/MO

she heard the popping noises she also heard Itgl a s s breaking" at thedoUble set of doors locat~ct at the eas~ front e~trance of cheschool. Sydney Keacing stated almcs~ at the same time she thenheard the "bar jam, bar popping noise." Pursuant to quest.ioning,Sydney Keating explained she was describing the noise made when thebar la~ching mechanism is depressed on the interior doors to theschool. Sydney Keating stated the "bar popping noise" wa.s verydistinct and she was certain it had come from one of the doublesets of deors located at the eas~ en~~ance to the school.

Sydney Keating stated it is at this poine she believed she hadpreviously become somewhat confused during her previous intervieww:th the F,B,I. sydney Keating statec she ini~iall'l indicated aau~man had encered the school from tha~ location but now realizesthat was not the case. Sydney Keat~~9 stated at the time she beganto hear the gunshots (previously ~e:e~~ed co as pepping noises)along wit~ the glass breaking and ~~e bar jam nc:se (all locatednear the east entrance to the $~hool; she concluded the gunman musthave entered from that accee.rca . Syd..~ey Keating added, "I ju.stthink it's a gunman. II IO con t i.zmed ',.;:"::h Sydney Keating at no timedid she ever See anyone entering the school nor did she se.e anyonea: that lccat~on in possession of a~?~hing resembling a firearm.Sydney Keating stated she new real:zes (based on what she recallsof the l~cidentl no one, s?eci:~callJ a g~nman had entered theschool via the eas~ entrance. IO subsequently confirmed withSydney Keating she did not see anyo~e at that location cau$~ng anyct the previously described noises 0= actions. Sydney Keating thentold IO she was cer;ai~ about her obse~Jations but clarified at notime did she see anyone at O~ near t~e front east entracce who shecou:d associate with these ob5er~atic~s.

Sydney Keat~n9 did indicats based on what she had heard andseer, she was ce;;tain a llgunman l' was ::'ring a weapon at or in theschoo: Again, 10 confirmed with Syd~ey Keating she was uncertainas to che location of the "gunma!1.." Sl"d,ney Keating stated as ares~~~ of her obser7ations, she immediately turned, proceeded norchin:c the hallway {from where she or::'9::'~aced). Sydney Kea~ing

exp~ai~ed at the point she began to e~:er the hallway she notedSusa~ White was standing in close p~cx::'mity sydney Keating statedaae then physically lIgrabbed H susar; '..;hite and directed her into t.hefirst office to the left: (facing nor:~l. Sydney Keating stated itwas her intention to get both hersel~ and Susan Whi:e into a placeof safety fearing there was a "qunmar; in the building. 't SydneyKea~L~2 s~a~ed when arr~ving inc~e a:o=eme~ticned office she :henide~:if:ed it as belonging to Pete= Ec~vath" Sydney Keating stateds~e ta:d S~san White it was her belie= the~e was a gunman in t~e

bi.:.::t.:::':":;;<j adc i nq , "We'~e be i ng she!: a::" Syd:;,e:l stated shenex: c:osed the or:ice doer and proceeded to place a 911 te:ephonecal: When asked if she was certain she ac:ually closed the deora: ::'a: cime, Sydney Keating respc~ded in the negative Sy~~ey

Ke~~~~s rela:e1 she was u.ncertain as to whether or not she or Susan~~~~e c~o$ed the door but was certain che doer was closed_

Jc..oQ1- 005720

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PIRNAAR Arvada Police/Court SystemArvada Police Department


Page 601/06/2000

Ref # 99-12067Type ASS'I'OA

Location 6201 S PIgRCE ST

Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12:39:32Status RTF

DET138 01/04/2000 123099/BCATRIGHT/MO

Sydney Keating next indicated she dialed ~~l from a phonelocated on Peter Horvath's desk (desktop attached to north wall).Sydney Keating explained after dialing 911 she then positionedherself underneath that Same desk facing a westerly direction.When asked as to the whereabouts of Susan White, sydney Keatingstated the forenamed was underneath a circular shaped table locatedin the southeast corner of the room.

Sydney Keating sta~ed she uleimately made contact with a"dispatcher" whom she assumed was with the: Jefferson CountySheriff's Department. Sydney Keating stated she then explainedthere was a "gunman" at Columbin.e High School and the school itselfwas "under fire. ,I

Sydney Keating explained she could not recall her exactconversation with the dispateher pointing out she actually was onthe phone with that person for a total of approximately tr~ee

houri. Sydney Keating did indicate very soon after making contactwith the Jefferson Ccunty Sheriff's Department she recalled SusanWhite pushing the circular table in front of Peter Horvathfs door.Sydney Keating told IC sne was uncertain as to whether or not SusanWhite was attempting to block the door with the table or she wasslmply using it for conc6alment as she Moved closer cowards thedoor. Sydney Keating explained once Susan White arrived at thedoor she then reached up and turned the locking mechanism believingshe had locked the door. Sydney Keating stated at the time bothshe and Susan White believed the door to Peter Horvathls office waslocked f however, later learned ~eter Horvath always leaves his deerlocked. thus when Susan White turned the locking mechanism sheactually unlocked the door.

Sydney Keating stated after Susan White thought she had lockedthe door she (Susan White) then positioned herself underneath thesame desk top where Sydney Keaeing was located, When asked as totheir positioning at that point, Sydney Keating seated she (SydneyKeating) was facing west while Susan White was facing east. sydneyKeating- went en to describe their as somewhat HIndianscyle,H however, point.ed. out there were cimes when Susan Whitewould lean forward causing her head to rest in her {SydneyKeacingts} abdominal area. Sydney Keating also pointed out onceboth she and Susan White had positioned themselves under thedesktop, the office chair was pulled up to the desk providing whatthey believed was better concealment, IO did confirm with SydneyKeating Peter Horvath's door had a window which allowed viewingboth in and out of ~he office. Sydney Keating then told IO at notime while she wa$ in Peter Horvath's of=ice was she in a posicionto look out of the window. Sydney Keating speculated it waspossible Susan Whi~e eould have looked out of the window based onthe fact she was facing east but was not certain that everoccurred.

JC-001· 005721

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PIRNARR Arvada police/Court SystemArvada Police Department


page 701/06/2000

Ref II 99-1.2067Type ASSTOA

Location 6201 S PIERCE 5T

Reported Date 04/.0/1999 Tim.. 1.2:39:3.Status R'rF

DET138 01/04/2000 123099/BOATRIGHT/MO

Sydney Keating explained as time passed she maintainedtelephone contact with the Jefferson County Sheriff's Departmen~.

IQ confirmed with Sydney Keating she was never disconnected fromthe J~fferson County Sheriff's Departroene, however, there weretimes she was placed on hold. Sydney Keating went on to explainduring times where she was not actually speaking with the JeffersonCounty Sheriff's Oepa~tment she recalled both she and Susan Wh~te

ttprayed" and talked about their children.

Sy~~ey Keating then recalled at aome point after makingcontact with the Jefferson County Sheriff's Department and SusanWhite repositioning themselves underneath the desktop, both theforenamed discussed turning off the radio. Sydney Keating statedas the situation evolved she could hear over her school radiovarious individuals calling out their locations as well asproviding basic information as to the development of thissituation. Sydney Keating also recalled other staff memberscalling har on the radio reques~ing she identify her position.Sydney Keating stated it was agreed by boeh herself and Susan Whitethey would not disclose their location in the event the susp&ceshad acquired a school radio. Sydney Keating then expressedconcerns she had at the time related to the possibility thesuspects would possibly be seeking her out for retaliation based onthe fact she provided security at the school. IC confirmed withSydney Keating at the time this inciden~ began and for asignificant period thereafcer l she was totally u~aware as to anysuspect information. IO then eonfirmed with sydney Keating as thisincident began she was under the assumption there was only onegunman.

Sydney Keating next told 10 even though they had turned offher radio they were still hearing transmissions from a schoolradio. Sydney Keating explained soon after turning off her radioboch she and Susan White realized Peter Horvath had left his radioin his office and had not turned it off, Sydney Keating statedboth she and Susan Whit .. briefly discu....d th.. po••ibility ofgetting out frOm underneath the desk and curning off the radio butboth decided not eo engaSe in that activity. Syeney Kea~ing

reiterated as time passed she periodicallY spoke with ehe JeffersonCounty Sheriff's Oepartment and when not talking with them prayedor talked with Susan White, Sydney Keating stated she did notbelieve she could be more specific concerning conversation she hadwith the Jefferson county Sheriff's Department or Susan White,Sydney Keating did add all of the above conve~sations did deal withtheir situation and the hopes of a successful outcome.

I subsequently asked Sydney Keating up to the point where shestopped he~ explanation of the incident if she had been hearing anygunf~~e or explosions. Sydney Keating responded in the negative.Sydney Keating reiterated she initially heard what she believedwere gunshots and glass b+eaking coming from the front of the

JC-001- 005722

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Arvada Police/Court Sys~em

Arvada Pol ice DepartmentNA1U,ATlVE

Page e01/0./2000

Ref # 99-12067Type l\SSTOl\

Location 6201 S PIERCE ST

Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,39,32Status RTF

05,126 01/04/2000 12J099/S0ATRIGHT/MO

scheol, however, after entering Peter Horvath's office she did notspecifically recall hearing additional gunfire or explosions untillater. When asked to elaborate, sydney Keating statedapproximately 30 minutes after she and Susan Wnite originallyentered Peter Horvath's office she then heard the far north hallwaydoor open. Sydney Keating stated she is extremely familiar withthat sound due to the fac~ her office is located at that end of thehallway and she hears that door open and close multiple times on adaily basis. IO confirmed with Sydney Keating the so~~d she heardwas consistent with someone opening the door and entering into theadministration from the north end of the hall. Sydney Keatingstated moments later she hears what ahe believes are the suspectsshaking the door knobs of each door as they 90 down the hall.Sydney Keating stated ie was her belief the suspeots wereattempting to find any administration personnel and then shootthem. IO clarified with Sydney Keating as she was hearing whatso~noed like the suspects attempting to gain e~~rl to each officeshe was not hearing any gunshots at that time. Sydney Keatingstated eventually she heard the suspects Ujiggle the door ~~ob tothe office we're in." IO asked sydney Keating if she ever lookedback in the direction of the door where she would have had anopportunicy to vi$~ally observe the suspects Sydney Keatingresponded in the negative. IO subsequently told Sydney Keatingduring the preVious statement she provided to Special Agent Priceshe indicated she had an opportunity to observe the suspects and infact described them. Sydney Keating stated she believed that wasa "misunderstanding," sydney Keating stated as before whenproviding her statement to Special Agent Price there may have beensome confusion in terms of wr~t she actu~:ly saw varsus what shethought was occurring. IO reconfirmed w:~h Sydney Keating at notime did she see any suspects associat~~ with the incidentoccurring at Columbine High School ito include the specific timeframe previously described in ~his reporc,)

IO next aSked Sydney Keating how she was able to provide adescription of th~ suspects if in fact she never saw them. sydneyKeating again staeed there was a misunderstanding pointing out shewas able to hear various different suspect descriptions via PeterHorvath's radio. Sydney Keating speculated Special Agent Pricepossibly misunderstood what she was saying during chat portion ofher statement, IO again verified with Sydney Keating at no timedid she see any suspects possibly associated with this incident nordid she know the number of suspects involved.

IO next asked Sydney Keating to clarify what occurred aftershe heard the door knob "ji991e.n Sydney Keating related eo herknowledge no One actually entered Peter Horvath's office adding, rtIwas surprised." Sydney Keating reiterated based on what she knowsnow the door to Peter Horvath'a office waS actually unlocked whenthe suspects came Qown the hallw~y and were shaking or jiggling thedoor knobs When asked if she heard any conversation associacedwith that activicy, Syd~ey Keating responded in the negative. 10


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ArVada police/Court SystemArVada police Department


Page ,01/06/2000

Ref II ~,,-12067

Type ASSTOALocation 6_01 S PIERCE ST

Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12:39:3_Status RTF

DET138 01/04/2000 123a~,/BOATRIGHT/MO

did verify with Sydney Keating she waS actually speaking withdispatchers with the Jefferson County Sheriff's Department at thetime the suspect(s) proceeded down the hallway,

Sydney Keating related atter the suspect(s) had passed PeterHorvath's office she then believed they entered the mainedmdnLecxec Lon area where she then heard a "Dig boom." SydneyKeating seated the floor began to shake as if the noise she hadheard was an explosion. Sydney Keating stated she assumed theexplosion occurred in Or. Maria Reskhe's office. Sydney Keatingstated there may have been some additional "bangs or pops,rthowever. at that point she was so terrified she could not recallall of the details.

Syaney Keating explained after hearing the last of theaforementioned noises it then became very quiet. Sydney Keatingspeculated for approximately one half hour she did not hear anyadditional noises. Sydney Keating told 10 after the half hourpassed she then pagan to hear what she thought were people crawling~in the ceiling in the vents banging,n Sydney Keating told 10 sheassumed since the suspece{s) ere not able to gain access to thaoffices via the hallway they had now made their way into theceiling and were attempcing aCCeSs to the offices via the heatingor air conditioning vents, IO ~onfirmed with Sydney Keating shewas unable to verify the suspect's) were responsible for thosenoises. When asked if it was possible those noises could have beenAssociated with SWAT team members, sydney Keating responded in theaffirmative adding, HThaC's prooab;'y what it: waS,"

sydney Keating then estimated within approximately anotherhalf hour to 45 minutes she was advised by the Jefferson Countydispatcher that SWAT members were nearing their location. SydneyKeating stated it was at that: point she began to hear mOre "boomnoises," Sydney Keaeing stated the aforementioned noises weredifferent than the noises she previously heard, Sydney Keatingseated the noises she previously heard were possibly either"explosions or gunshots," Sydney Keating then described the noisesshe now hearing as "more like shotguns," Within moments SydneyKeating stated the Jefferson Councy dispatcher told her the noisesshe was hearing were being caused by SWAT members attempting toclear the building-

Sydney Keating stated her nexe recollection occurred when shebegins to hear talking. When asked what she heard. Sydney Keatingstated she heard a male voice state .. "Berets a blind fuckingcorner. II At that point Sydney Keating a9ain heard activitydirectly outside her door and then began to see "sha.dows on theoffice floor" directly to her lef~ {south) Sydney Keating statedthat the shadows did not have definition, chus she could notspecifically determine what caused them but believed it was theSWAT members standin9 outside the doorway to the office. ICconfirmed w~th sydney Keating up to this ppint the office 400r had


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1?IRNARR Arvada Police/Court SystemArvada Police Department


E'age 1001/06/2000

Type ASSTOALocation 6201 S PIERCE ST

Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,;$,;2Status RTF

OET1;B 01/04/2000 123099/BOATRIQHT/MO

not;, been opened..

sydney Keating next inQicated it was confirmed to h$r throughthe Jefferson County dispatcher that members of SWAT were outsideher door. Sydney Keating stated even though she was provided theabove information she waa still noe certain she and Susan Whitewere safe. After receiving that information, Sydney Keatingrecalled the office door opening very quickly causing the cireulartable to move abruptly, Sydney Keating seated almostsimultaneously a male voice announced "SWAT come out." SydneyKeating s~ated the male voice then repeated "come out. II SydneyKeating stated she nex~ informed the dispatcher ~hat someone wasinside the office and wee requesting they "come OUt, It According toSydney Keatins, the dispatcher told her to comply with the requescdue to the fact it was a SWAT officer and they were n.ow going tolead them to safety, Sydney Keating etated she next recalledletting go of the phone and both she and Susan White came out fromunderneath ~he desktop where sha verified the individuals in thedoorway and hallway area were in fact SWAT officers. SydneyKeatin9 did explain while positioned underneath the table both sheand Susan White experienced muscle cramping in their legs and neck.Sydney geating attributed that situacion to the fact they did nothave good circulation and were in cramped conditions.

Sydney Keating stated she along with Susan White were thenescorted out of the builciog via the east front door. SydneyK&aeing stated she could not recall the exa=: method in which theywere escorted out but. xeceLked it was in a "staggered fashion. l.

Sydney Keating did state as she was being escorted out the buildinga SWAT officer asked her to identify herself which she did. SydneyKeacing stated she was then question~ as to any information shehad relevant to the suspect{s) I description or ~dentification.

Sydney Keating explained she subsequently informed the SWATofficers she did not obser~e any suspect(sl and would be unable toassist them in ~hat capacity. Sydney Keating did indicate afterbeing evacuated from the school she provided assistance to lawenforcement reference background information related to thesuspect {50 f •

10 told Sydney Keating he did understand she providedassistance to law enforcement on scene, however, he felt that wentbeyond the scope of this interview and was not going to pursue thatmatter. IO again clarif~ed with Sydney Keating at no time duringthe incident on 04/20/S9 did she ever observe any suspectlsl atanytime. !O further clarified with Sydney Keating the informationwhich is now contradie~ed in Special Agent Price's report wase imply a "mi sunder at.anddnq" and the information she supplied. thisdate was ~n fact accurate, IO subsequently concl~ded his contactwith Sydney Keating.


Page 26: Columbine Report Pgs 5701-5800



JC.oo1- 005726

Page 27: Columbine Report Pgs 5701-5800

CONTINUATION 0Rl;\Qrtini Agency R.e'pOrting Otlicer Case Rl:p(lrt No

SUPPLEMENT y JCSO ESTER 99·7625-QConOOl:Ung Case Repel"! No. Vil,;tlm Nam~ OriginalRepot1 OuteThis Report

07-09-99,.First Degree MurderIlJMlOfl X 00_ SIMWI:~ X ~UyCI&lwed c Recommend Case; Review o I

~11l"jrtCalion o Clca;Wby~ 0 U1l1'ou111l«! 0 CI"""" o II

I~:r IQuantity I 13lW'1d N.tttJ. I ~~rrt«m I~NQ ~:\~ I ValliII' I Vlliue jRec:o~ Dmiiaged,


LAYMAN, LESLIE, ooBI03·14-67

9071 WestLake Drive

Lntleron, Colorado

(303) 932-0715

Occupation: Math teacher/Columbine HighSchool


On Friday, July9, 1999, at approximately 1011 hours, Icontacted witness Layman by telephone at her residence, t advised her

that 1 was inquiringofany further information she could provide in reference to this incident Witness Layman gavemethe

roilowing information:

On April 20, 1999, she told me that fifth hour was her planning period, She had JUSt finished fourth hour instruction and had

dropped offsomedocuments to themathoffice, She indicated that she wasgoing down to thecafeteria/commons areawhen she

wasstopped bya student whowanted some tutoring, Shesaidshe turned around, hadgonebackintothe rutcrmg office with this

student. identified as Matt Buckner, Shesaidthatshewas intbe tutorofficebetween 1120 and 1125 hours, the doorwasclosed.

and shedid not hearor see anything unusual or significant. Shortly after thattime she said she heard the fire alarm sound, had

goneintothe hallway andsawnumerous students running everywhere" She saidshewas 'till uncertain as towhatwashappening

when shewasconfronted bya couple of teachers. whoadvised. "There were gunshots," Shesaidshortly afterthattimesheexited

the mathdepartment fire exit, locatedon the east side of the building, the furthest mostsouth door in that part of the building

Shesaidthatshehadgone across the street to theLeawood Parkarea andsawStephanie Munson on thecornerof Pierce andFair

She said thatshe had learnedStephanie had beenshot in the ankle, Shesaid that she had mingled in Leawood Park withother

studentsandteachers untilapproximately noon.whensheheard twoto threebooms or gunshots coming from the building She

wasnot specific as to where theseparticular sounds werecorning from" Shesaidthatshe continued to stay in theparkandnoticed

that students and teachers were gomgto neighboring houses in the area where the bomeowners were inviting these people into

OfficerSignature !Jolt Number

rkO:'II~!&~.i ...._,.-r,.,

!;lage !

~Q.; !oor JC-001· 0(}5127 If 1-QR./GNAl. 'dCT1~ SERVICU "SAFJ ..{193 JCSDIl67.$

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CONTINUATION a Reporting Agen¢)' Reporting Officer Case Repon No

SUPPLEMENT v JCSO ESTER 99-7625-QConnectingCase RtpOl't No Victim Name Original Report DateThis Report:

07-09·99~UljM X First Degree Murder Offmtse SIatus: Opm X e!rotptiooallyC~ OJ R.ecommend Cese- Revtew D

Rel;'J45lIificl.liml Q C1oIre<l b'!! Am'$( Q Ul1.foundc<l OJ C"'~ c

'!Sir I Quanlity IBmmNvnt I""",..." I Soria! No ~~~ I~l~~

their homesto makephonecallsand tocontactother individuals. Shesaid thatapproximately 1230to 1300hours. fellow faculty

members Ray Bundy and LisaMcWilliams and she went10 a house owned by a Elisa Long. She said this particular individual

invitedthosepeople into her residence, where she had calledherhusband at that time. She said that she madearrangements for

himto comepick her up. Shewalkedto Leawood Elementaty between 1330 and 1400hours and stayed there. Sheaskedif she

couldbe of any assistance and said therewas basically nothingto do because everything was so "chaotic." She said she really

didn't doanythingof significance whileat the elementary school and her husband picked her up at approximately 1515 hours

from the elementary school. Witness Layman said she hadnot heard of the"TrenchCoal Mafia"prior10 Ihis incidenr occurring,

as she was a relativelynew teacherto the building.She said shedid norsee any gunmen, see any fire or smoke coming from

withinthebuilding,and as previously mentioned, heardthe fWO ID three reports of bombs or gunfirewhile in the park. WImess

Layman did not provide any further information,


JC-001· 005128

om,,, 5i,""";( .1),~Unit Number Supei'\<iror lainalsand Dat~ Assign¢d To Pagt" •

)(<.0 loal of •0;UG~Al.. X I INVESTIGATOR 111e'11M S£RVTcrS I OTHER I ASAFJ.4198 JCSDI1614

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JC-001- 005729

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FD·302 (Rev 10·&95)

- I -



Arthur "Kiki" Leyba, date of birth August 26, 1961,4760 South wadsworth F-107, Littleton, Colorado 80123, telephone1720) 339-3120 was interviewed at his residence. After beingadvised of the identity of the interviewing Agent a~d the natureof the interview, Leyba furnished the following information:

Leyba is a Freshman and Junior English teacher atColumbine High School (CHS). The 1998/99 school year his isfirst full year teaching at CHS. His classes are taught inLanguage Rooms LA-Ii and LA-12. First and forth periods areplanning period for Leyba. During second, third, fifth and sixthperiods, Leyba teaches Freshman EngliSh. During seventh periodLeyba teaches a Junior EngUsh class _ Leyba has "A" Lunch whichruns from 11:10 a.m. to 11:40 a.m .. Leyba is also assigned "hallduty" on Mondays,

On April 20, 1999, at 11:10 a.m, Leyba had a meetingschedUled with Guidance Counselor Susan Peters, AssistantPrincipal Karen Studenka and Dean of Students Kris McSesl inStudenka's office, The meeting was to the discuss the school'smentor project called the LINKS Program. The meeting started atapproximately 11,12 a,m, and ended at approximately 11,15 a.m, to11:17 a,m,. Leyba remembers locking at a clock when the meetingfinished. Leyba was heading to eat his lunch and meet up withPrincipal Frank DeAngelis in the hallway outside of the mainoffice. De~ngelis was returning from the English Office and hadbeen looking for Leyba, The previous day Leyba had interviewedfor a permanent teaching position at CHS, Leyba and DeAngelisheaded to DeAngelis' office arriving at approximately 11:20 a.m ..

Within a couple of minutes of arriving in DeAngelis'office, Susan White, DeAngelis' Secretary, screamed through theglass window of the door. She said she heard over the schoolradio that shots had been fired in the Cafeteria. DeAngelisasked her 'are you kidding me?" White responded "no". DeAngelisand Leyba headed out of the main office moving west to the mainhall that runs from the front entrance to the west entrance,DeAngelis tOld white to call 911 as they heading out of theoffice, DeAngelis started to run down the hallway and Leyba wasfollOWing him, Leyba remembers seeing several students standingby the pay phone bank on the other side of the hanging trophy

6/7/99 JC-001- 005730

Pi'" 174A-DN-57419

~ SA John M. Elvig control Number #DN2450


This J,'·_~mcfll <,;,'nI;'lW' neither recommend.nions Ikif ccnclusions <'f{hC' fBI 11;; 1)1.: [l1l1pcrty (If {he FBI ;lOU i, lOB oed {Il your agency;

it and :t_ ,\'\lc.:;i, :H~ :1<'( h' b<: J;~lobuted ,'ut:iidc .'P(lf ;1;'::1;;!l(;~

Page 31: Columbine Report Pgs 5701-5800

FD·302a (Rev IO·6·9:5)


2,Page _-c-__Kiki LeybaColli:mutioo of FD·3(i2 of

case from the main office. As they got next to the hangingtrophy case, Leyba looked down the hallway and saw a silhouetteof a person against the backlighting of the west entrance doors.The distance to the west entrance doors from Leyba's position bythe hanging trophy case was approximately one hundred yards. Thesilhouette was holding a gun, pointing it down the hallway towardthe Library. The gun was longer than a pistol and had a barrelthat extended beyond the gunman's hand. Leyba thought the gunwas a semiautomatic and may have been a rifle. Because of thedistance the gunman was from Leyba and the backlighting, Leybacould give no distinguishing features or a height for the gunman.The gunman than fired seven gunshots down that hallway. Thegunshots were in a continuous pattern and there was no pause inbetween the gunshots.

Leyba ran to the English Hallway. He heard severalmore gunshots behind him as he was heading south in the EnglishHallway. The gunshots were louder and seemed closer. Thegunshots were still coming from the area of the Main Hallway.Leyba turned east running down the hallway by the Social Studiesclassrooms. He ushered out the exit at the end of the hallway,some students that had been sitting on the floor studying. Healso yelled into the Social Studies Office "shots fired in thebuilding get out now". He remembers Chuck Herron, Gordon Hayes,Ellen Hayes and a substitute teacher being in the office.

Levba than ran out that east exit and ran to his carparked in the Teacher's Lot. He drove out of the parking lotonto pierce Street heading north. He turned into Clement Parkand parked his car by the shelter. He tried to call 911 on hiscellular telephone but got a busy signal. He could see studentsrunning out of the school and yelled for them to come to theshelter. He than heard a couple of more gunshots and startedpushing the students further into Clement Park. During this timehe seeing police units arriving at the school. Using hiscellular telephone he than paged his friend Kallie Brown, ateacher at another Jefferson County School. The time that thepage appeared on Brown's pager was 11:37 a.m.. Leyba thantelephoned the English Department Office and talked with EricFriesen. They talked for about one minuce and Leyba gave Friesenhis cellular telephone number. Friesen and several otherteachers and students had barricaded themselves in the office.Friesen called Leyba back a short time later. By that time the

JC·001- 005731

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3,Page _...:::.__Kiki Leyba

police were on scene and were in the park. Leyba gave thecellular telephone to a police officer to assist tre police inlocating the English office in the school. The police used thetelephone to maintain contact with Friesen until th~y wererescued by a SWAT team.

Attachment A is a diagram of CHS. Leyba indicated onthe diagram the location of Studenka's office, DeAngelis' officeand his movements to exit the school.

Leyba had seen Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris around theCHS. Leyba did not know Klebold or Harris as neither wers in anyof his classes during the 1998/99 school year nor during the timeperiod he was a student teacher at CHS.

JC.001. 005732

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JC-001· 005734

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PIRNARR Arvada Police/court SystemArvada Polic~ Department


Page 106/08/1999

Ref # 99-12067Type ASSTOA

Location 6201 S PIERCE ST

Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12:39:32Status RTF

DET98 06/04/1999 060399/VONDEROHE/SH 7304/ I';PP8606

The following supplement will be in reference to Arvada PoliceDepartment CR#99- 12067 and will correspond with Jefferson CountySheriff's Department CR#~9-762S regarding the Columbine High Schoolshootings/murders thac occurred there on 04/20/99. IO {Det. JimVonderohe} is a member of the task force thae was formed toinvestigate the murders at Columbine High School and in conjunctionwith this duty, IO is assigned investigative leads to follow.up on.Regarding this supplemental report, IO wag ass~gned a lead withcontrol ~3749 that ~nvolved a Columbine H~gh School employee whowae allegedly threatened by a student and IlTrench Coat Mafia"member at that school. The studenc is identified in the lead sheetas being David Caravan, with it also l~sting him as a friend ofEric Harris and Dylan Klebold.

On OS/24/99, IO conducted a teleohone interview w~th theCol~~ine High School employee identified as Ramona Lea Madden,nOB; 11/03/53. Ramona Madden stated that she resides at 667S WPolk place, Littleton, CO 80123, and that her home telephone numberis 303- 798-4255. She further stated that she has been employed asthe financial secretary ac Columbine High School for the past fiveyears.

In discussing he~ p~oblem$ with David Caravan, DOS: 09/20/81,she atated that towards the end of the last school year, spring of1998, she be9an having problems with this individual, She statedthat during that time, he attempted to persuade the personnel inthe f~nancial office to refund his school fee money that hisparents had paid by check in the amount of $45 for a yearbookRamona Madden stated that David Ca~avan came back to the financialoffice three or four times on one single day in an attempt topersuad~ them to give him that amount of money. She stated that heeven cried to get money from her a~de, while she was out of theoffice, but she had already tipped the aide off regarding whatDavid Caravan was attempting to do. She stated that whenever heattempted to make such a demand on them, they would conslscentlydeny his request, at which time he began calling them obscenenames

Ramona Madden fur~her ad~ised ro that she was aware of thefact that David Caravan admitted to ano~her student that he neededthe money ~hat he was attempting co get from the financial officein order to make a drug payment. She staced that David Caravanto:d her a~d and her to watch t~eir backs and that they didnit knowwho they were dealing with far refus~ng hig request Ramona Maddenstated that as a result of these threats, and fer various othe~

thi~gs, David Caravan was suspended for a few days from attendingschool.

Ramona Madden then advised to that once school scar~ed thispast fall, David Caravan enrolled and was very pleasant to them andother school personnel, but was later expelled for some reason thatshe was u~aware of, She stated that David Caravan would have been

JC.001· 005735

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PIRlIARR Arvada Police/Court SystemArvada Police Department


page 205/08/1999

Ref # 99-12067Type ASSTOA

Location 6201 S PIERCE ST

Reported Date 04/20/1999 Time 12,39,32Status RTF

DET98 . 06/04/1999 060399/VONDEROHE/SH

a junior this year had he not been expelled.

7304/ APP8606

In describing what type of a individual David Caravan was,Ramona Madden stated that he was "strange and intimidating. il Shestated that he always wore black clothing and that he wore a blackleather jacket, but that it waS not a trench coat designed garment.She further seated that she always observed him to be alone andthat she never saw him hanging around with either Eric Harris orOylan Klebold or any other "Treneh Coat: Mafia l l member.

With Ramona Madden being unable to provide any additionalinformation regarding this investigaeion, IQ conCluded theinterview with her at this time.


Page 37: Columbine Report Pgs 5701-5800

CONTINUATION a Rapot'ting A~"Y Re;:mtint Officer Case Re'fXjrt 'vc


COfmt'(lti!1g Caee Rl:lpoM No VictimNameOriginalRtpOrt DaleThisReport

COLUMBINE H.S. 07-06-99-X FIRST DEGREE MURDERc ICah<>n Oft"ensf Swus: Op&m X beJ!'PliOOJ~!Y Clnml o Recommend Case: Review o

Reclllftlifu::;;t,(ltt 0 Cltllre'dby ArteJl Q tJflfoun<led 0 Closure 0

l~ IQuantay I8nmd Naml! IDestliptiOll , Seri4lN¢ ¥~~ I vetce I ValueR-~l)\lcte'd rh,rrn!O~d


MADDEN.RAMONA, D08111-03-53

6679 W Polk Place

Littleton, CO 80123

(303) 798-4255

FinancialSecretary-Columbine High School


On Tuesday. 07-06-99, at approximately 1048 hours. I contacted wimess Madden by telephone [asked her to provide anv

...levant informarion she hadspecificto this incident. Madden toldmethatshe was in theFinancial Officenear themainoffices

of the school She said that a teacher (name unknown) had calledup and gave her misinformation that a studentwas holding

anotherstudentat gunpoint and that at leastonestudent hadbeenShOL Sheadvised that numerous phone callswerecommg into

the officeat that time and shortly after that pointshe had heard gunshots coming from the hallway area. She said that she was

instructed by other teachers of the building to call9-1.1. however, other teachers and counselors took that responsibility todo

so She said she stepped out into the hallway of the main office and saw "tons of kids" running through the hallways down

towardthe weight roomand to the counseling office. Shesaidthatshe continued to bearshotscomingfrom the west sideof the

building, but those soundswere beingmuffled by students screaming andcouldnet bespecific as to how many shotsshe heard

Shesaid thather aide hadalsocomeout in the hallway andwasholding cashandthey decided at that timethat the money needed

to be put back into the safe,so theywalkedback into the Financial Office and locked up the money. She said that at this point

she heard five gunshotsrightoutside the financial officewindow, but it is unknown which directionthe shooting wascoming

from She said that she had lockedthe door to her office, steppedback out into the hallway, did not see anybodyand Went

through the administrative hallway through the An and Shop classes and out the north side of the building toward the tennis

courts. She said that she had overhearda teacherby the nameof Joe Marshall say that he observed three kids with guns. but

couldnot positively ID them although he couldpickthem OUt if he needed to. Witness Madden said that she had wentaround

'he leftsideof the tenniscourtswhich wasa bad ideabecause sheeventually had10 climba six-foot chainlink fence and required

Offl>:l:f Signature Unit Number JC;001·005737 }I)!:~ !

I{. \( I.~ )=> ,f 1.

,jlliGf'>\L. J.. \lESTiGA f()ft "len\; $SR'HoCE5

Page 38: Columbine Report Pgs 5701-5800

£ONTINUATION a Rt:pQJting AFn!;'J' Reporting OfT'~er CDC ReportNo

SUPPLEMENT ~ JCSO ESTER 99·7625-NConnecting CaseR~ No. Victim Name OtictnaJ Report Date This "lWport

COLUMBIl't'E KS. 07....6-99i-

X FIRST DEGREE MURDER X. .eati(>tl Olfenae SlIM: Open E~ionalfy Cletltl\d Q Recomrm:nQ CUt; Review 0

/ttI;:JassificaUl'l1'l 0 ~lloyA.rt'ffi: 0 Ull(Ol.lrn1e4 0 ClOS'J:re tl

J~~ IQuanll')' IBrud l'>I$;JlU" t~Ptii:l1i r Smal No ~= f R VtJue I Vlh.l~«o~ o~

theassistanceofother facultyand studentsto helpher do so. She saidthat shecontinuedto hearyells and screamsfrom teachers

and students and was instructedto get back further in ClementPark itself. She also heard explosionsin the area and additional

gunfire, however,she felt that this may havebeen frompoliceofficers outside because the soundswere so distinct She said that

she was instructedto go backfarthermID ClementParkand finally endedupat thenorth eastcomer of ClementParknearBowles

and Pierce. She has a daughter(nameunknown) insidetheschoolwhoworkedat the student storeand was veryconcernedabout

her welfareand said that she stayed in the park approximatelyfourand half hours until she was able to make contact with her

daughter. She then went to LeawoodElementary and stayedtherefor a period of time and was eventuallytaken homeby friends

of her daughter. She said that she got homeabout 1745hours, Witness Maddensaid she could provide no further information

She did not see any particular individuals carrying or shooting weapons and indicated that she had heard numerous ShOIS and

explosions both inside and outside the building.

JC-001. 005738


,~Unit Numb<t Supervisor tuitials and Dau~ Assigned To P1<ge 1

./I , tJ '{ (."> 1."""1 of l."IUC,f'.<Al '" IINVESTIGATOR V;cnM SERVICES I OTH" I ASAFJ4198 JCSDil(i~.a

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JC-001· 005739

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WITNESS INFORMATIONCONIROL 4958McGregor, Brianne DaB: 1002807802 W. Ottawa Place, Littleton, Colorado 80125Phone: 303 9731667 Work: 303 741 3609STUDENT: COLU~INE HIGH SCHOOL


On 081699, I telephonically interviewed Brianne McGregor. McGregor astudent at Columbine High School told me that she was in school on April20th 1999. She was in the counseling office. She was a peer counselor underthe direction of teachers Mr. Collins and Ms. Peters.A teacher, (un-identified), ran into the room and told her to hide. McGregorhid in the office for a short period then ran out of the school. She ran out ofthe school by the weight room area. She recalls seeing nothing and neverheard shooting, nor bombs. She did not see any of the incident. She ranfrom the school to Clement Park, then to the Library.She reported to not knowing Harris or Klebold and had no prior knowledgeof this incident. She reported to not being in the cafeteria on the 20th


JC-001· 005740

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JC..o01· 005741

Page 42: Columbine Report Pgs 5701-5800

.."••,11",_SUPPLEMENTCor'ller;til'lg cue Flepcrt No.


Cl~, ~ 4 OffenMSwua: Open ~ally CiMAtO 0 RecoIn~ can: 0111""- Cl Clew" I!Y .,.... Cl Unto,"""" Cl 0~N... QuantItY BnVIl:!, Nam. 0Mc1iPtioo SenaI No,

._~. - .,.~-_..._--- ~,- ..~~---~ ~-'~---',




Page 43: Columbine Report Pgs 5701-5800

CR # 99-7625cI" Degree Murder04124/99Sgt. Chris Tomford


Amy Elizabeth Montague363 Van Gordon # 367Lakewood. Colorado 80228

On 04/20199 at about 2045 hours, I spoke with (W) Montagueat Leawood ElemenrarySChool. (W) Montaguesaid that she was called in to ColumbineHigh School on04120/99 as a substitute teacher for Brenda Haggett, (W) Montaguearrived at the schoolat about 1130hours. She went in through the main doors and went to the administrativeoffice. Several people were saying things about gunshots and calling "911". A "blondkid" came into the office with an update of information ofthe shooters. Shortly after hearrived, four or more students came into the office. (W) Montague then heard severalgunshots in an area "past the gym". Someoneyelled, "Down!" Everyonegot down onthe floor. Someone from the back of the office area yelled, "Get out!" (W) Montagueleft through the back exit area of the office. She left the scene and returned to LeawoodElementary School to ensure that she was accounted for in the staff count.

~JCSOJ /.1

JC-001· 005743

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JC-oD1· 005744

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· l .


Date of transcription 5{25{99

Darlene Rae MESCH, OOB 9/30/57 was interviewed at herresidence, 6970 S. Lee Way, Littleton, Colorado on May 11, 1999.She was advised of the personal and professional identity of thewriter. The writer was present at the residence interviewing herson David MESCH, a student at Columbine High School and wasinformed that Mrs. MESCH Was also present at the school on April20, 1999. Mrs. MESCH advised that she is employed as a FinancialAide at Columbine High sChool, and was working in the financeoffice at the school, which is located in the administration areain the northeast portion of the school.

MESCH stated that she was in the Financial Aid officestanding by a safe counting money with the blinds to the officedrawn when she heard approximately five pops. She shut the safeand spun the combination dial, and ran into the adjacent businessoffice. She continued past the Principal's office to the ArtDepartment, where she locked out a window which faces east towardthe faculty parking lot. MESCH advised that she did not seeanyone in the lot, which did not seem right to her. She then ranto the band room, out the hallway and out the north doors whichlead to the area of the tennis courts.

MESCH saw a lot of students standing by the fence linenear the tennis courts. She heard a man's voice shouting thatsomeone was shooting outside of the building, and the studentsbegan jumping the fence and running north into Clement Park.MESCH stated that she remained in the area of the park, and waspicked up there by her husband approximately 1 ~ hours later.

MESCH advised that she never saw the gunmen, oranything else unusual during the time period described. Shestated that she had some contact with Eric HARRIS and DylanKLEBOLD in the finance office in the past, but never had problemswith either student.

MESCH stated that she had heard that someone had Seenfour sUbjects carrying bags on their backs on the day of theshooting. MESCH heard this from her supervisor, Mona MADDEN, whostated that the party who supposedly made this Observation wasstudent Matt KATZEMEYER.

JC-001- 005745

InvtMigat~on on 5/11/99

Filei 174A-DN-574l9 / 99-7625 (Jeffco)

by Agent Frank R. vanece~JCBI

This >;!rx:u~nt ,;Qfl11iM Il~ithl:r recommendeticns '1M ";Ol'ldusiOfli>';( th.: FBI h is the pWtwl1y \lr lhi: FBi and is leaned t<J your 1tlltrll<Y;

,t and '($ ~ont<:"tl:& ere !l01 to ~<' ji~t~bl.ll<:d out$io\l- y"ur J'g<:ncy

Page 46: Columbine Report Pgs 5701-5800

174A-DN-57419 / 99-7625 (Jeffeo)

2,.... --=--Darlene Rae Mesch

The writer checked the Rapid Start database for thisinvestigation and determined that KATZEMEYER had been interviewedby Detective Rick Reker of the Jefferson county Sheriff'sDepartment.

JC.o01- 005746

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JC.o01· 005747

Page 48: Columbine Report Pgs 5701-5800

JCSO1199-1625COIllI'OI #2461

1m""";"", Chrislinc Mikeoell OOBI04Q8S1Address 5551 Morning Glory Lane,Littleton, CO

Home phone303-195-1945Deanof Studenu at Columbine HigbSebool

Mrs.Mikeoell wu int.",.,;_ on 05-05-99by Inv ftll_ (1394), Colando Slate Patrol, at approx.9'OOam at b... reoid"""".

[ ..kedMrs. MikeoeIltotlliate!.be eventsofApril 20, 1999 Mrs. Mikeoell_td that shearrived to workaround 8 208mon04-20.99. Sho..... 1IOtfeelingwellandhad called in to lIlY shewould belate. Shodro...a red HondaDel Sol and patked in !.be fiIaIlty parking lot. firstrow on !.be north end Shesaid that otherl!Jan arriving iJ:l'" it started oifas a r>otmal day

Mrs. MikeoeIl said that .be was in a meeting with K.uenStucenka, an AsaiSlMll Principal, K.iki Leyba, anEnglish ,eacher, Susan Pet.,.., a counselor, and herself MikeseU said that !.be meeting was inthe main officeI ..." and that she hadheardthe belllTllII"king tbe end of ~~ period and the meeting was!11l\lling a little late,asshe had careteria duty during A lunch Mrs.MikeoeIl said that the meeting endedbetween 11 isandl120am.

Mrs MikeseU stared that she andK.iki Leybawere coming out ofKarenStudenka'. offi<e at approlcilnately11'18"", whenJao FeidJer. ~etarylreceptionist received a phonecan from Judy Won8"Greoo. a specialoducotion teacher Mrs Mikesell heUev.. that J"" Feidler told Peter Horvath, • deanof students, that shotswere being fireddownstairs in special education. Mrs.Mikesel1 saidthat the special_on classes are ontile lower level Mrs MikeseU said that someoonfusioo arose because JanFeidJer did llOt realizethat JudyWong-Or""" was coUiDg fromtho/lIeu!ty lounge. Mr. MikeseU said that she iJ:ler that DaveSanders andChri, Redmorski were in the /lIeulty loungewitbWong-Oreco. Mr, MiI<eoeU said that PeterHorvath,wascoming out ofhi' olliceand 'he heilid lnmsaythat shot. worebeing fired downstairs inspecial education She said that Peter HoMnh imm<:diately called NellGardnerand Andy Marton. thecampus supervisor and that theyhad beeneatinglunch by the smoker'. pit

She saidthat she dumpedher books in her om"", ll'" herwaJkie.talkie and key' and when ,he carneout ofher office, she lookedout the windowby the ath!<lU: secretary andsaw that Su..,. White, Fntnk DeAngelo'ssecretary was not there, eor was AnnaCabrera, the athletic secrewy Mrs. MikeseU saidthat Peter Horvarhwas in front ofher withJonVtegel, a seniorSlUdOlll andsbebeardsomeone, possibly Horvath, saythat'someone ii 'bootinl! in the hail' Mikesell saw Horvath passthe SlUdent to Karen. and Horvath go aroundtbe mailboxes. A$ she was moving toward the athletic window,Mikesel1 said that she beardthe bullets"ping, ping, ping, ping,ping" She said she yellc:d, <Get down or Hit tiledeck' anddropped downon thell'ound hehind a halfwall Mrs Mikesell saidshe did nOl see the shooter


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Interview Christine MikesellPage2

Mrs. Mikesell said that sbeand Kllren St\ldenb began cleorini5fllft' and students fromthe main ol6cearea.She saidthat Studenka.lcored jordan Grim 0tJt of the conf""""", room, She saidthat ,he _ throughtheol6ceorcaand noticedthat Horvllth', office wasdark andthat Maria ResclIke', door WlL5 closed, She saidthat MariaRe.cblce is all ...r..tam. principal, aM she loterteamed that Maria..... Iocl<ed inside herol6cethroughOIIt the shootinll- Mrs.Mikesell9lidthat T<llren Sl\Ide5lka elated the lltlIdcIIu aM lel!Cher. Pua,from the DrawingRoom. Mrs.Mikesell reoalIed -mg SydKeating, ClIIIIpUO~,~ towardher witha cell phoee, ond sbe told her '0 ClliI 911 Mikesell saidsbe__that SydKo:alins ondSusanWhite, FrallidleAngelo', secretaty IIad hid inside Horvath's olll"" duringthuhoolillg. Mrs.MikeselJ said lbotwhen the main officearea appeared to be clear, theyexited t.llnlugb the doors by thedrawing l'OOIIl,

Mrs. Mikesell SOld that she recalled -mg Mr FrankPetersoncoming up '0 the oIli<es just as the evemsbeganand she thought that he was goingto <CpOrl a prnblem. Shesaid that as sbe was leaving the beilding!hO heard Ken Holden, a teacher. "'Y 'Get awayfromthe building' She saidthat anotheradult male wasbe!lind KenHolden, howevershedoesn't remember whoit was.

Mrs.Mikesell said she met up with Peter Horvathin the parking lot after she1eftthe building. Shesaidthata woman in • marooncar told them to get off thecampus. Sbesaid they were stillhearing gunfire from thenorth ..... comer of the scbool Mrs. Mikesell that sheIIad her walkie talkieand she heardJay, thecustodian, say 'The shooter i. comingdown the hallway' Shesaidthat she _ learned that Jay and Jolm,another custodian, hid inside the refrlgetlltot

Mrs. Mikesell saidthat ,be stayed ill the ""hool.. lim dim:ting __ awayfrom the building and then....sIiIIg the SWATmembers with the ....lll;lJJllion of the building. Sbesaid that sbe linaIIy left the schoolsomlltime aller9 OOpm.

I askedMr. Mikesell if ,he knew either Eric Harri. or Dylan K1ebold. She said thot she knew both. MrsMikesell ,aitl tbot she recalled an incident some1ime in the fall of 1997 invol"ling Harm, K1ebold. ZochHeckler, DevonAdams, and anotherstudent. Shesaidthat Heckler, Harris, and Klebeld had been....pended OVOf • situationwhere tbe three hadhacked into the school'. computer systemand obtained theCOllIbinations to the student lockers. Mrs. Mikesell saidthat Devon Adams had cometo her concernedabout • <t" grader who was beingbatassed. Apparendy someone was tailing haraasing notes inaidehi.lockerand the student'. hooks were $lolen Mrs MikeselJ said that herdisciplinary liles were turned over toCapt Harris, JetfOrson CowrtySberiIl'Dept, Shecouldnot recall the nameofthe studentwho washarassed, ho_ she believed that see could recall the nameif 'he reviewed her fiIes

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JCSO fI99.7525Control#2461

Mr. MikeseU saidtbat after llIesbootisg""'mUstudents reportedto herthat !.bey had s<m Joe Stairin thebuilding, Mrs. MikeaeU saidthat Joe Stairi. a former studentthat lll1\<iu8led. $hethought lao!year Sheoaid that someone saidtbat!.bey had_ Stairm the sci or by the lilmIry , .

2 J Mrs, Mikeoell said:m oneof the studentswas Eocinias. however !liecouldnot recaJI the ....... of the o!bet lIIU<lemo, though $he saldshe colled orbad someone else callthe silerilf's dept. to reportuw.,

Mrs. Mikesell said that Lindsay Whit•• Susan White', daughter. bad saidthat $he bad seenJoe Slllir in •tml<h coat in the building ,hi. year Mrs MikeaeU was cl.... that it w" ",-un. tlti. year.not on April 20,1m

Mrs MikeaeU said that 1lI10lh<:T teacher. KathyFrommer, had beee worl<ing in the schoolstore withfivebusinessstudent, at the timeof the shooting

Mrs MikeseU alsomentioned that ,be was e chaperone for the promadivities She saidtbat EricHarris,Dylan Klebold, Robyn AndertOn, BrooksBrownand she thought Kristin Eplingbad all cometogeth... in arented limousine

[ showedMrs, MikeaeU a diagramof the high school and see nw1<ed the .... of officeo tbat $hebad been inand the exit that she used (0 getout of the building,

Mrs Mikesell showedmea copyof",""",,", byTimHarp, "'.e.... at Lakewood High School. tideddCIQKt Look at lhe?qp!. who """"OWin 5ecot!<Wy Sd!txJls _ 1!IfUniledSIDles. She saidtbal itincluded pagesfrom Harris' web site Atmyrequest. Mrs. MikeaeU saidtbal sIt.e would make arrangementsfor a copyto be delivered to myoffice00 05-06-'19

The copywas delivered to myofliceon OS.Q6-OP

The interview Wa!! concluded

Report Prepared by Iev rtll Reuteler ilT394 ~.May2l,l999 ('A, 'A'~

ColoradoState Patrol C;:;r'.iJ.< ,lnvesligative Services Section

700 lGpling Street. Denver, CO 80215


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Tim HarpTeacher

Lakewood HighSchoolLakewood, Colorado

Jefferson County School DistrictApti123,1999

"Researched 48 hours aft&r the Columbln& High School Massacr&"

JC-001- 005752

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PrefaceThefollowing pages are exactcopies of information and graphics taken from the Intemet 48hours aller the Columbine High Schoo! Massacre. As was asked by my principal at LakewoodHigh School, Mr. RonCasmgna, to "take a lookatwhat's out there onthe web" In regards to whatEricHarris and his accomplice wereseeing every day.

i beCame more andmoreshocked and intTigued by the Information thatwas available to notonlymyself, 1Manyone (including minors). Whatbegan as a taskthatshould have taken 30 minutesturned into a 6 hour marathon. Manyof thewebsiteswere already goneas per FBI directives,butwhatremamed wasshocking enough in its ownright I can only imagine whatcontent wasInyolved in thosewebsites weretaken off thewebby the F8t What remained Is compiled intofoursections in this paper.

Table of Contents

MII.lTANT ANAlICHIST (UTOPIAN) WI!BlIlT1I» Howto makedrugs and bombs step-by-step, mainstream pressartlcie references, MUSiC

TO SHOOT YOUR SCHOOL BY, Antl-School propeganda, whitesupremacy statements, E-ZPIPE BOMB ASSEMBLY and Howto "Jnaway from home and not getcaught.

CONFllRDlllAT10N OF ANAllCHIST YOUTH WIIISITI;» Militant Anarchists whospecialize In technology anarchy

THI GOTlitC CULTURI WEIISITI;» Explains whata "Goth" is andwhat they stand for and thesecret codes that theyuseon the

In~met Also includes sections on the darkerside of being a Goth suchas suicide, self­multilallon anddeviantsexual behaviors,

JoCK AND PRIlP HATE WEBSITE> Includes one parson's actual webpage thatgivesa death ust, (TheFBImusthavemissed this

one) The Poem "Coolto Hate" which IS all about killing< Preps and Jocks, Finally, a copyofEricHams' lastweb page before Iswastaken off thenetby theFBI


I have notedited any material exceptfordeleting information thatwas notdirectly focused onschools or youll1

WARNING: There are references and words included inthe following pages that are very offensive anddisturbing. Please do not read any further if this willupset you.

JC-001- 005753

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Tab'e of COOlants lor Web Page

Stalementof Purpose

Anarchist News S<lrviceUAP Newsletters

UAP BooksDrugs and 80mbs

Campaign '00RunawaysPyro-girl


Mainstream MediaMusicAnd Culture



This Is the anarchist song Eric Harris had posted to his website. KMFDM,Kein Mnleldfur aie Merheidt. "NoPity For The Majority', is raalcalleft·wing anererust band. Personaliy. many UAp people think they're kindewussy. but a lot of people seem to like them, Cali your local radio stations now and tell tMm you want to hearit playedl Also telithem to play Homegrown's 'She'S Anti-'

School GunmenTargeted Christians, NationalistsBOUND - GOTH NIGHTCI.UB - PREPPIES ARE BANNED!

WHO OWNS YOUR NEWS?Site Created 10196. Domaincreated 916/97. Site reopened 2/8198. Las! construction 4122/99.

JC-001· 005754

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Utopian Anarchist PartyStatement of Purpose '98·'99

Article I: PurposeTh.. purpose ollhe Utopian Anarellis' Party is to eliminate the governmenl of Ihe United States ofAmerica and not replace it.

Article II: Goalsin pursuit of this purpose, the Utopian Anarchist Party focuses on the following goa;":

1. Elimination ollha pollee;2. Elimination of jails. prisons, and penitentiaries;3. Elimination of coercive public schooling; and,4. Elimination 01 coercive iuven lie psychiatry;

by any means expedient.

Article III: MethodsIn purSUitof tnese goals, the Utopian Anarchist Party seeks to strengthen and improve the people ofthis country so Ihat they can carry out these goals and ll1is purpose. In strengthening and imprOVingthe people, the follOWing methods are used:

1. Alternate social services are provided for Ihe unlortunalll, partiCUlarly unfortunate youth,including provision of shelter, lood, work, health care, counseling and olher services asresources a!loW'.

2. Educational and informational materials, including newsletters, brochures, flyers, andpamphlets are created and dIstributed among the population free of charge.

3. Programs to support other revolutionary groups, of all political stripes, are implemented asresQurces allow.

4. Protests against the state and the pollcles of the state are joined for the purpose ofradlcall;,;lng partlclpanlS and empllasi;,;lng the cause's anti·stallst nature.

5, Legal organizations a»ied with the anarchlet movement eXlsllo aellieve anarchist goals withinthe law.

S. Armed forces are raised, as resources allow, to defend the people and to counter theaggression of the stele.

Article IV: Organization and Membership1. There Is no formal or coercive organi411tlonal structure to the Utopian Anarchist Party.2. There are no official titles or positions within the Utopian Anarchist Party.3. There are no membership requlremenlS nor formal "membership" status.4. There is no party line to which sympathizers must adhere.S. Members of other organizations are welcome 10hold sympalhles towards the Utopian

Anarchist Party.

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Welcome To

ANARCHIST NEWS SERVICEAnarchist News Serviceis the internetnews organ of theUtopian AnarchistParly. On·linEiwediStribute, onaverage, oetween one and half a dozenarticles a day.These articles then becomethe basisfor this archiveandfor \he UtopianAnarchistPartynewsletter. Herewe present AnerchlstNews Servicearticles that we feelare of particular importance and interest Enjoyl

4114/99 •• Parents Sue id Software. Makers of QUake, For Provoking School Shooting;Homophobe ChildrenWho Picked On Gay YouthMet Death In A Hail ofGunfire

• 2/2Ill9 ·2/19/99 - StUdent Protests, ThreatsChallenge Montgomery County Policeand Schools• 2I1519jj·· Youth Uses Napalm To Resist DrugTest• 12/15198 - Wheaton High School Bombed; Hundreds Released From Class• 11/18198 - Five Arrested InWisconsin School Shooting Plot• '0/30198 •• StudentArrested in Attempt to Bomb Whitman High School; SchoolAuthorities Cover Up

Attack• 10/4/98 - WhyWe Oppose JuvenilePsychiatry - CaseStUdy: Kerr;MacNamara• 9123198' •• Bomb Making Students TakingSkills to COllege• 71798 .. Kennedy High School Bombed in Montgomery County• 52198 •• StudentMows Down 25 Worthless Preps in Springfieid, Orego• 51098 - AnarchistSeekS Election to School Board• 42698·· School Shooting in Edlnboro, Pennsylvania Leaves One Dead,Three Injured• 42398.. MagruderPrincipal Lies to PTAaboutAnarchists• 41298 - Police,SchoolsFacingGreater Danger• 32.898 •• 80mb Threats Disrupting Montgomery County Schools• 32598•• 5 Dead, 11 Inlured in School Ambush• 32098 •• AnarchistCandidate Tells Off Teachers• 3298•• School Bombedin Montgomery Counl'J• 21098 -- Anarchists Tell Legislature "Young People HateYou and Your Pig System"

JC-001· 005756

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EssayArdlivesPyro--ArchivesDrugsandIl<llllbs Arcl1ives


"In Associalton With" AMAZON.COM

UVE FROM DEATH ROWby Mumia Abu..Jamll




FEATURED MUSIC CDs• Against All Authority. Ail Fall Doum Slta/Punk• Against All Authority. Destroy Whar Destroys You Ska/Punk• Ann-Flag. Die For Your Oouemmenr Featurtng 'Die For Your Government.. Punk• Downset. Downset Featuring: "Anger Ha.rdcore• Godhead, Power Tool Stigmata Featurtng: "Eleanor Rigby' Goth• Homegrown. Act Your Age Featuring: 'She's Anu-" Ska• Karen Black, The Voluptuous Horror ojKaren Black Goth• KRS·ONE. Return. OJThe Boom Bap Featuring: "Black Cop". "Sound Of Da Police" Rap• KRS-ONE/BDP. By All Means Necessary Featurmg: "My Philosophy" Rap• KRS·ONE/BDP. EdutainmentFeaturing: "Loves Gonna tjetcaa/Matertal Love", "100 Guns",

and "30 Cops or More" Rap• KRS·ONE/BDP, Ghetto Musil:: The Blueprint ofHip Hop Featunng: "Bo Bo 80" Rap• Marilyn Manson. Anti·ChristSuperstar Featuring: "The Beautiful People" Goth• Nine Inch Nails, Pretty Hate Machine Featurtng: "Head Like A Hole" and "Ternble Lie"

Industrial• Nine Inch Nails, The Downward Spiral Featuring: "Hurt" Industrial• NWA, Straight Qutta Compton Featuring "Fuck The Police" Rap JC-001- 005757• PO<>r Rlghteous Teachers, Pure Po~erry FeaturtngEasy Star" Rap• Poor Rlghteous Teachers, Holy Il1tel!ectFeatuling: "Speaking Upon A Black Man" Rap• Poor Rlghteous Teachers, New World Order Rap• Public Enemy, it Takes A Nation Of .Wi1ltons To Hold Our People Back Featurrng: "Black Steel

In The Hour Of Chaos" Rap• Public Enemy, Fear OfA Black Planet Featuring: "Figbt the Power" and "Fear of A Black

Planet" Rap• Publtc Enemy. Apocalypse '91: The Enemy StMkes Black Featuring "Shut 'Em Down" Rap• Rage Against The Machine, Rage ,~go.iI1sr The Machine Featuring: "Kllling In The Name Of'

and "Bombtrack" Hardcore• Rage Against The Machine, Evil Empire Featurtng "Bulls On Parade" Hardc01'e• Suicidal Tendencies, Suicidal Tendenctes Featuring: "Institutionalized" Punk

Page 58: Columbine Report Pgs 5701-5800

MALIGNANT CHEMISTRYAVAILABLE NOWl THE TERRORIST HANDBOOK ON-LINE!SCHOOL STOPPERS: The School Stoppe"sTextbooK, oMginally published by the Youth!ntemationai Party (Yipple), is still a classicmust-have lor American youth,

Drugs -- Use and Manufacture• alter the nameindicatesan inactive page

• CrystalMetl1 (Issue # 60,# 48)• Ecstasy(Issue # 59, # 64)• LSD (Issue # 51, # 45)• Marijuana(Issue # 56,#45)• Miscellaneous Rave Drugs(Issue# 59)• MUShrooms- (Issue# 53, # 47)• Nalline' (Issue # 45)• Nutmeg' (Issue # 54, # 45)• Overdose Treatments (Issue # 54)• Peyote" (issue # 53, # 50)• Special K(lssue # S9)

Explosives - Use and Manufacture• Ammonium Tri-Iodide(Issue# 38)• AnthraxThreats (NEW!)• Anti-Freeze GelatinExplosive" (Issue # 55)• Aspirin?Iastique- (Issue# 56)• Biological Weapons(NEWI)• Chemical Explosive BOUie (issue# 39)• Chemical Fire Bottle(Issue #39)• Dry Ice Bomb' (Issue# 63)• Electric Igniter" (Issue# 65)• Exploding Drugs(Issue #67)• Green Goddess' (Issue# 8)• M-80s (Issue # 61/• Mercury FulmInate (Issue # 61, # 56)• Molotov Cocktails (Issue# 39)• NitncAcid" (Issue # 57)• NllrogenTrichloride (Issue # 61)• NuclearWeapons (Issues #73and 74)• Picric Acid" (Issue # 48)• Pipe 60mbs (issue It 43, It 75)• E-! Pipe Bomb (Issue # 63, # 43)• ADX (Issue# 58, Issue1/37)• Tear Gas" (Issue # 54)• Timer Delays' (Issue It 66)• Water Ignited" (Issue I< 38)• WorksBomb (Issue It 63, It 63)

JC.o01- 005758

Page 59: Columbine Report Pgs 5701-5800


• Feral, Rex. Hit Man:A Tedlnical Manual For Independent Contractors• FlIlSter, Uncle. Secrets ofMethllmphetamine Manufacture: Including Recipes for Mdll, Ecstac)

and Other Psychedelic Amphetemines• Gottlieb. Adam. TIle Art lind Science of Cooking WIth Cannabis: The Most Effective Methods

of Pr/fPllrlng Food & Drink With Marijuana. Hashish & Hash all• Harber, David. Guerilla's Arsenal: Advanced Techniques For MakIng Explosives And Time

Delay Bombs• Nimble, Jack B. The Construction and Operation of Clandestine Drug Laboratories• Powell, William. TIle Anarchist Cookbook• l'losenthal, Ed. Marijuana Grower's HandbOOk: The Indoor High Yield Guide• US Gov!. Middle Eastern Terrorist Bomb Designs

For monthly Information on drugs, bombs and more, click here and subscribe to UAP.

00 you want to share your bomb and drug formulas? E·mall us at chemlst@overth",

ANARCHY IN 'OO!In 1998, the UtopianAnarchist Partysurprised even/one but those in the knowby winningmore than 4,200votes " the ·county· primaryand by defeating twa of our opponents (oneof wham, Kermlt8umett. was later'appointed' to the SChool board seat in a clear extra-legal vlotatlon 01 tne people's will)! ThIS elecllon, we'regearing up to do much. much more.This sight wili be the officialanarchistcampaign page, andwill carryofficial statements from candidates and key organize,s on a variety of issues, as well as news.poll results,and mora!

The Adventures of

PYRO-GIRLWho is Pyro·girl? Well, she's only the hottestgirl around. The Adventures of Pyro-girl is the diaryof a fourteenyear oldgirl with a slight problem -. fire rules her life! Trackher adventures as she's lockedup as psycho,runs awayfrom home,burns down a cop'shouse, and travelsfhrough the DC ghetto. How will It end? Willshe be okay? Read it herenow, or subscribe to UAPlor a monthlyupdate.

Fascinated by lire? Learn more about yourself herel

Contact everyone's favorite pyro here at [email protected].

Read an Interview with another young. disturbed teenage girl here at:I Was A Teenage Psychiatric Prisoner

JC-001· 005759

Page 60: Columbine Report Pgs 5701-5800

ANARCHY'S MOST WANTEDApril 21, 1999 -- CNNIABC Radlo Denver -- 8ill Whi:e Defe~ds School Shooters,Cusses Out Morning Radio Hosts

• March 2a, 1999 -- CSS Char_~el ~ DC 11;00 PM News, Anarchi.ts Shown Burni~g

Flags At Anti-War Rally• February 10, '1999 -- I?ul:;lic Schools Cable; •Public comments' -- .""archist

Calls School Soard ~Tyrants·

• February 3, 1999 -- ~~ights of Freedom Prass Release: ~Who I hate ThisWeek:~

• December 23, 1998 -- Mo~tgome=y Gaze~~e: "Burnett Named To School Board~ ­- School Board Appoincee ~OS~ Election To Anarchist

• sept~~er 12, 1998 -- Wash:ngton Pest: n:n this Race, 13 Makes A Crowd:Smaller Class Sites, School Violence Among Top Concerns~

• August 5, 199B -- Montgomer/ Gazet~e; "Mocher Continues Battle Withschools OVer B~okg~ -- Anarchists Say Students Shouldn'~ 3e Forced To ReadPropaganda

• August 4, 1998 ~- ~~blic Schools Cable: ~?ublic Comme~Cs~ -- Anarc~is~

Tells Schaol To Stop Forcing Students To Read Propaganda• Apri~, 1998 -- 88.5 FM: Anarchists Challenge Police Officials On An~~­

Gang Prograr:l.

• Januar'/ 22, 1998 -- CNN: Coverage of ~Ban Christiar:s, Not Abor-::'ons"Anarchists At Rae v Wade 25th ~~~iVar$ar1

• .renuery 24, :997 ..- was:r.:"'~i';r:on PO'S':: "Girl Convicted :n S:aying" -"" ,j'ar:.eConVicted Of K~:ling Juve~i:e Psyc~ Pig

• JanUary 21, 1997 -- aa:ti~or2 Sun: DeCosta's Conflicting State~~ncs PoseDilemna When Jury Begins De::"'berat~on

• January :6, 1991 -- Bal:imore Sun: T=oubled Teen and Shown lmprovema~:

Just aefore Killi~g, Her Mothe= Tes~i:ies

• ?:, 1997 -- MontgomerJ Jou~al: "?olice Oue Of Line in Crackdown Met~ods

Aga:'nst Teen Drir~king" -- Let::ers To The Editor• November 27, 1996 -- Capitol News Service -- ~UnivQrsity of Maryland

Student. Lecturing On Ways 'to "K':':1 police"• July 25, 1996 -- Wash~ngtQn Post, Maryland Page 1 -- ~Runaway ?~oblems;

Parents Anguis~ Over Teens ~o ~ave Fled~ -- Anarchists ~el~~~g R~naways

• July 16, 1996 -- Washington Fost: ~Youch Gets Life In Slaying Ofpsychiatric counselor~ Re: ge~ Garris

• r'ebruez-y 15, 1996 -- wa~:::t:nqtor. scee , 1996, Macro page 1 -- ":n::e::::le~

Message prompts Call For St:uden:; Code"• Dece~er 17, 1995 -- Eal~~mc=e Sun: ~V~olen~ Images Of A ~ovie Drove A

Troubled Teen": In a Few Years Senjamin Ga~r~s Slipped From Prom~sing

Child Ac~or ~o Suicidal Rebel C~arged Wi~~ Murder• !Jecember 1, 2.995 _... Baltimore Sun: ~Girl PNvided Kn.l.':e, Garris Alleged.':y

Sa::"d"• November 30, 1995 Washngton POSt.: "Tea'1 :::ndict~d In K:'lling" Re : Jane

DeCosta• Novenber 30) :995 Ba:ti~ore Sur.: "HoSp~tal Slaying Providec Dive~sio~:

Tee:: Allegedly Told police C::':""Tte Let Him Escape Wit:~ hi-s Gi.::2.friend"• October 31, 1995 -- Washingto~ Pas;: "Teen Suspect In co~gelor's S:yi~q

Agress To Excradition In ~a~Jlandn

• October 31, 1995 -- 3al:imere St:n: "Garris Is Returned To Balt.imoreCounty: Tee!'\. Slay:ng Suspect Is H~ld Wichout Sail"

• October 23, 1995 -"" Washington ?ost: nMar~~un: For Suspect Follows ATwi5~ed Trail: Police Seek I~spirations of A Violenc culture In Balti~o=e

S:aying~ Re; Jane, Ben and Anarchism• October 15, 1995 ..~ Balt:~re S~~; ~A~thcrities Prepare For !nters:ace

Hunt For Teen: FBI Obta~~s Warra~t For Suspect In Slaying Of HospitalCo~selor'

JC.o01· 005760

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In the processof generation ...Anti·Flagplaying Pha.'ltasmagoria InWhealon April 24111, 6:00 PM.Rage Againstthe Machine playing "Millions for Mumla'march in Philadelphia April 241h, neonCheck out Bound •• DC'sonly goth club ••There IS a dressecce •• PrepPies are stopped at the doorDC Punk Rock Radio: CapitOl Radio, 106.7FM. 10:00PM· 1:00AM Saturdays

• AgainslAll Authorily• All FallDown .. 1998

• Destroy What Destroys You -- 1997

• Anti·F1ag• A NewKind Of Army-- 1999• Their System Doesn't Work ForYou-- 1999• Die ForThe Government - 1996

• AtanTeenage Riot• 60 Second Wipe OUI •• 1999

• Destroy2000YearsOf Outture" 1999• Delete Yourself •• 1997• Future of war·· 1997

• Homegrown• Act YourAge··1996• That'S Susiness •• 1997

• KMFDM (Translated: "No Pity ForTheMajority")Warning: For a bunch of anarchists, KMFOM is a prelly wimpyband.

• Adios-1999• Aetra •• 1996• Agogo··1998• KMFDM ··1997• Glory -·1996• A Drug AgainstWar - 1993• Don't BlowYourTop·· 1993• UAIOE··1993• What Do You Know, Deutschland?··1993

• Marilyn Manson• Mechanical Animals •• 1998• Antl,Chrlst Superstar •• 1996

• Smells Uke Children •• 1995

• PortraitOf An American Family - 1994

• Nine inch Nails• Perfect Drug•• 1997

• Further Down The Spiral - 1995• Downward Spiral·· , 994• Broken .. 1992• PrettyHate Machine·· 1991

• Rage AgainstThe Machine

• Evil Empire·· 1996

• RageAgainst The Machine •• 1992

• SkinnyPuppy

• Too DarkFarK •• 1998

• RemixDysTemper ··1999• HymnsOf The Warlock (Covers Of Skinny Puppy Songs) .. 1998

• VIVlseclVI .. 1997

• Spasmolytic •• 1996

• Ain't It DeadYet?- 1991 JC·001·005161• Twelve lnch Anthology - 1990

Page 62: Columbine Report Pgs 5701-5800



Anti-School• HelpFor Teens in Lockup Schools• Homegrown -this is a phatska band. Check cut thslr song "She's Anli·" •• irs about a girl who

shoots up her school. Cool.

Warning! Pornographic! Inappropriate for Minors!• HorridPornography! DO NOT VIEW!

Green PanthersDeserving oj the<r own section, the GreenPanthers are a good groupof folk basedout in Ohio and seekinga separate Stonerhorneland. Theirpaper•• Revolutionary Tokerl Revolutiona~i Times.. is always a good


Lesbian AvengersCheckout the Lesbian Avengerchapters in:

• Boston• DC

MilitiaThis is thehomepageof the infamous Michigan MilitiaCorps, ona of the largsst militiaorganizalions in ~~e

United Slates, .

FascistINational Socialist• Thera is a t~eory mat the best way to oppose fasoism is to let peoplesee what il represents.• While AryanRsslstance• Resistance Records• National SocialislWhite People's Party (Nazi Parry)• Stormfront

SUBSCRIBE!Want into on dfugs, bombs and more to appearmonthly In your mailbox? Subscribe to UAPnow!


• Powell, William. The Anarchist Cookbook• Harber, DaVid, Guerllla's ArsenaJ: Advanced Techniques For Making Explosives And Time

Delay Bombs• Harber, David. Anarchist Arsenal: Improved Explosives and Incendiary Techniques• Scott, L.... Pipe and Fir. Bomb Designs: A Guide For Police Bomb Technleians• US Army. EOD: improvised Explosives Manual

Interes/ed in Anarelly? Check out thue top AnarchisttilJes:• Makhno, Nestor. The Struggle Against the State and Other Essays• Marx, Karl. The Communist Manifesto• Stlrner, Max. The Ego And Its Own

To return to the main explosive page click here.

Page 63: Columbine Report Pgs 5701-5800


Thisbombrequiresa foot of steel pipe, a babyfoodjar filled wilh 'ilnegar, a box of baking soda, andmanysmall, sharpreeks, liKe gravel,Onecapsone end of the pipe and pours baking SOda Into theend of It. Sharprocks are placedon topof thebaking soda, followedby the baby foodjar. Now the olheren.d is capped. (Emptyspace In the pipe Isfilled asin tha above examplewithtoilet paperor anothersucstanca.)To usethis device,smackthe end of the pipe on herdconcrete so that the babytcod bottlebreaks. TheVinegar andbakingsodamix, causing the release01 gases whichbuild up pressure until an explosion sometimes takes considerable time, butwhen It goesoff, it hal; beenmeasured to throwfragments as far assixty feet. This means thaI one shouldbe very far awayfrom thedeviceand preferably undercoverwhen itdelcnates. If one Is unsure whetheror not me internal reaction has begun,the deviceshouldbe plaCe<:! in asafe, isolatedarea andwatched.


Chemical Explosive BottleChemical Incendiary Bottla

MOlotov CocktallPipeBomb

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RunawaysTo the dismay ot tile police and the media (Washington Post, July 26,1996, page Ai) the UtopianAnarchistFarty has Initiated a programto assist yeung peopleWho havebeen abandonedor forced to leave theirhomes, It you are young and alone and have nowhere to go, or if yoor parents are trying to lock yeu up orotherwise abuse you, contact the UtopianAnarchist Partyand we'll do whatever we can tohelp you,regardless of state or localla'....., The UAP provides youth support, and doesn1care about the consequences,

Rules for Running

Do vcu knowa runaway in the DC are!! who needshelp? - CONTACT US!

Rules for RunningOriginally published in Utopian Anarchist Party#58, thiS handy list has beenfeatured in local papers suchasthe Washington post (July 26, 1996, Page AI,)

• Packing• SigBackpack •• no pursesor carry bags (you'lIlosaihern)• No identification _. capscan't call in what you don'thave• Personal Care •• toothbrush, razors, ceccozarrt, soap, etc,• Clothesand coar « wear as much as possible, packexira• Good shoes/Eloots - you're gonna do a lot of walking• Gun/Knife •• carry concealed; irs dangerous out there• Money·· take it and don't rely on pawning valuables• Drugs•• primarilyfor sale; greal sourceof Income• Bookor two .. yeu'li have iots of free time

• People• Friends .. picK and choosecarefully• Boyfriend/Girlfriend •• safe, unless 'they knowbest"• Parents/SChools/Police .. 100% liars and scum• Friend's Parents·· yeu'rejust sieeplngaver; don'ttrust them• Peoplewho want to 'heip' you _. friends or not, don'! trust• Strangers .. don'ttrust them; robbers, rapists, kidnappers• Anarchists •• trust us; we put our necks out

• Locations• NOl your best friend's.. first place they look• Not a complete stranger's •• rape and kidnapare dangers• Frnmd of a friend's •• if they're trustworthy, me bestplace• Abandoned houses •• great places to stay andhide• Chill spots .- apartments pecpte come and go at; great• Outdoors •• dependsan weatherand distance; maybe• Underbridgesldrainspouts •• maybe; not the best

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• Disguise• Cut It short or shave it .. better to growlong,but hard to do• Dyeyour halr « naturalcolors; not obvioUSly dyed• Grow a beard or shave .. confounds verbal descriptions• Changeclothingstylaiappearance .. easiest big change

• Dodging Cops• First there will be rUlMrs or 'Ieaos" ••• mcstly gossip• Everyfriend your parents know is a lead• Let the police exhaustthe leads .. you'llbecomea "cold case'• Avoidyour friends .. no new leads• Don1go to school.. you'll be ca~ht

• Stay local. b~1 out of your neighborhood •• it's 'hot"• Stay out of public places" malls, stores, the res!

• Emergency• Cops? Sfay calm .. DON'T PANIC or drawattention• Is the cop tooklng for you? •• or is this lust a random stop• Robber, Raplsf, et al... fight, and kill them If you have10

• Don't• Go to your best friend'shouse •• we repeat, it's important• Deal With the cops Inany capacity• Stay at any plaoemorethan one weak,at least for a While• Let people knowwhereyou are or Where you'regoing

Trust others too eaSily

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Memberof the Atlantic Anarchist Circleand the Confederation of Anarchist Youth

ATTENTiON: RAY is no longeran activeorganization. This page is online lor historicpurposes only. CAYis'also' no longer active.

We are a part Of the Confederallon of Anarchlsl Youlh. Tr.econfederation startedout as a group of 40YQUng activists in Northampton, MA, but ournumbers are increasing everyday. If you want to lind Outhowtc get involved, click here.

As we slate in our manifesto, we arecommitted to making a genuinechange in our society. Justbecause we are born intoan oppressive worlddoesn't meanIt has to stay mat way. Only by lockingarmsand presenting a real challengeto the status quowlii we ever see an egalnarian society.

We leel that il is important lor activIstgroups to be empowerirlg and educating to their members. Forthet reason, our groupmskes decisions by consensus. We haveweeklydiscussion and readinggroups (oheck out our bibliography), as well as occasional film vlewingsand discussions.

We believe that it Is critical for anarchists to be Out in melr communities, talking to peopleandbuildingconnections. For that reason, we have information tablesat local shows wherewe talk about youthissues from an anarchistpoinl of view,We arealsoinrtlating a Books 10Prisoners program in ourareato supply radicallileralure to the prison community, This program Is connected with theRadicalLending Library that we are Irylng 10 start in Amherst.

Finally, Ihe PioneerValleyhas numerous businesses and hangouts that eitherdirectly or indirectlysupport us, Click here to see a list.

~ you wouldlike to seemore anarchistlinks,check out the RAY L;nks Page. And, click here to see our rsalworld address and email contact list.


Because we were brought into a society based on competition, greed, andexploitation, we have a responsibility to unite to destroy the existing systemsof hierarchy, both intemal and external, that stifle our creativity, freedom andpotentiality. In opposition to this oppressive system, we, as socially awareyouth, have collectively gathered and developed tactics for creating a newworld.Revolutionary Anarchist Youth (RAY) is a group of radical anti-authoritarianactivists fighting for a society where everyone has basic political, economicand human rights.By dismantling capitalism, a classist system based on the exploitation ofhuman labor as product, and the state, including all govemment bo dies, RAYenvisions the construction of a society based on egalitarian self-governingcommunities, confederated together for the benefit of all.RAY seeks a permanent total transformation regarding politics, culture andeconomics. RAY explicitly welcomes diversity of it members and supportersas it works for the liberation of desire through social responsibility, We arecommitted to and rooted in the diverse ethnic and social communities in whichwe work.


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Waming: "Thissite maycontainexplicitdescriptions of, or may advocate one or mereof the foltowing: nudity,satanism, sUicide, sodomy, incest; bestiality, sadomasochism, aduffery, murder, morbidViolence, bad

grammar, or any deviate sexualconductin a violent context, or the use of illegaldrugsor alcohol, But thenaga,n, ft maynot. Who knows. "

So..., One way or another, youve foundus... Followed tl,e aigUal hoofmarks to the big greenpasture In thisTechnaWastelancf.... Welcome to the Cow, MotherfUcker.Yeah. You've tound us, But what are you going to do about it now, Rodent?

The future masters of technologywill have to be lighthearted and intelligent.

The machine easily masters the grim and the dumb._. Marshall McLuhan, 1969

So behold, the cultural jihad...'Those who desire to give up Freedom in Onder to gain Security, will nothave,

nor do they deserve, either one.'-- Thomas Jefferson

Yeah, but are you trUly 'OOWN' with this, you "cyberpunk"?Do you have thevision?

cDc wants to know.

cDc - Global Domination through Media Saturation

Complete Cult of the Dead Cow Archives• I Bleed For This?! • We love them, but they hate us.

The score: Gator-l , Jesslca-c, Women. Money. Power Rape, The breakfast of champions.==~==:================~~=============:================================IBFT:

Ifwehateyou, you don'tdeserveto knowwhy. Information: bleed@unlx, The Eleverth Hour (617)696-3146

---,-;:::c--:-;--=:--:-:::--------;-;-;:c;-:::-;-------- --------------.--- i Bieed tor This? ...------.......-----------.-···11,26.94··...•...----·-......··----...-------------------#036..-••• Suicide MethodsAppreciated by Snartblat From ait.suiclde.hollday Heilo,foiks. This Is theserm-tamousalt.suicidE>,hollday MethodsFile. It contains information on many differentways to take yourown life. Some orthem are serious, someof thernare not.==:===============#t=======~================~~~==========:====~=~========IBFT:If Wt!J hatayou, you don'tdeserveto knowWhy, Information: [email protected]:JpublZinesIIBFTTheEleventh Hour (617]696'3146==--:==-=--=:=~====~---:==:=.;:====;:-,,::=~:========-==========


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The Gothic Sub Culture


Goth USed 10 be a SUbcJassH!callon of punk (dealh rock), All punkfaded, gothbeca."l1e a subculture in its ownright, complete with its own graphiC art, literature, music, fashion, etc, 1\ nowContains toomanysubgroups tobeeasilydefined, The only two things all goths share arethecolourof their clothing andtheirmusic. Yetthereare stereotypes that linger", .


Manypeople lead unhappy, unachieved lives, And thars sad, At the core, Goth is aboutmaking depressionandangsta Iifest;lle cneice, and that's art.

Gothas meutal hygiene

Recounting the detailsof your iatest suicide attempt is likelyto make a mainstream person uncomfortable, Ona goodday, you mightget somesympathy, Your gothpeers, bycontrast will neverfeel sorryfor you, Thosescars on yourwrists are considered partof yourpedigree, Whyhave yourmindsanitized by whiteguys in tieswhen you can be With people whothink YOU're really cooi?

Goth as Cl)unter.-eultura

1969: The hippiecounter·cultura sawthat the world sucked andpromised to change it with love.

1979: Punk culture sawlhatlhe world stillsucked andraised a middlefinger in defiance,

1981; Goths understood all alongt'1e importance of a goodsmoke,

Typical GothAge: 12-5Q

Behaviour:suiien and withdrawn around you, happyandcarefree in thecompany ofgotha

Climate:Cool, damp, anddark.Olet:hors d'oeuvres, cigareltes

tntelligence:strangely above averageFavourite Colour:black

Major:art, literature, languages, psychologyMuslc:ll!:,9.Q!.!li.Q

N tu I H b't t· csmetanes, cafes, bookstores, libraries, laboratories, the internet anda ra a I a .sometimes even _gothclubsi

N t I R .Normern Europe and English-speaking countries, England and Germanyaura ange.are the two cultural fOCI;'Occupatlon:arlisl, computer-related, literature·reiated, stcdent, clerk

Race:any (butbeing paleis a bigpiUS)FlellgJof':none, any

SexualOrientatlon:none, any, all

JC-001· 005768

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The Gothic Sub Culture


There is a huge amountor diversity in the goth scene; very tllW people oonform to tl1e stereotype. 8ek:>w is anattempt to show some of that diversity. Moral:don'tbelieve inlleneralizatlons about gothS, not evenme onesyou read here,

Here are some major groupings, maybe with largergroupsheading ll1e list.• Mod Goth

• attitude: None. They like gotl1s, I guess.Also known as 'week-enders."• clothes: stuff you can get at a mainstream store, except black,

• Romantio Goth• attitude: My capacityfor love is certainly greater than this mortal call can bear.• clothes:Anything with lacsand frills: Edwardian, Victorian, renaissance.

• Mopey Goth• attitude: Gentle peoplealways perish in an unkind world.• olothes: rornantlc, mod,

• f.!!i!.!l Goth• attitude: Gentle peopleare- excellent tor spanking.• clothes: leather, PVC, fishnet,chams.

• Goth Geek• attitude: It's better than being a plain gee!<.• ck:>thes: mod

• PerkyGoth• al1ltude: Woohool• clothes: mod, fetish

• VampireGoth• attitude: Vampires are cool,• olotl1es: formal evening wear, romantlo,

• E&llln Goth• attitude: The occult andlor celtlc religions are 0001.• claiMS; rornannc, gyps"",

• Ren Fair Goth• attitude: The Renaissance Fairand "Dungeons and Dragons"are 0001,• clothes: medieval, renaissance, Scottish.

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The Gothic Sub Culture

AnotherDefinilion of GothicThings that are Goth: (XNBO)

• Black clothing and lots of i~11!

• £dgar Alien Poe• Halloween (goth christmaS,• Charles Addams• Graveyards• C~art=eU5e

• C::'ove ciqs• Cossacks 1

'l'1Ii.ll.g. ..... ~ Gotl'" (I1Il1!O)

• Marylin M~~son;!!! (~ike you didr.'t already know ehae:}• Microsoft.. Sunlight:• Bunny slippe=s ,Unless ya die c~em black!}• CalVl.n Klein• Anychi~g yellow

tOOth Li.ak.,

.. QScnw!

.. Dark Side gf the Net• ~he alt.gothic and alt,gothic.fashign newsgroups.• Th, alL.goehic ?&Q.. The Gothic Home Page• !:lark Er.1::r' es• Take a Bite, an awesome goth Zi~e. Issues ~ and ~


By PaterCaffin<nospam [email protected]>First Releasad 17thMarch, 199i. Last bug·fixedJune 2i. 199i.

Introduction to Version 3.1

Thanks for taking an interest in Goth.Code 113.1. To keepup·to-date on new versions.and their location (asweil as where they're rntrrorsc) The Goth.Codewas initiaily inspireo byThe TWlr'lkCode andother gaynesbianlbi signature codes (whioh in theirturn were inspiredby the legendary HankyCodes). II also uses a few greatlycustomised versions ot portions ot RobertHayden's Geek Code v2.0.A significant bug-tix to v3.0occurred on Maroh t ith 199i where the Household Status beginning codeprefix"W hadto be altered to "FI" (now Residency status) as "h" (Hawkishness) and "H" (Heigh/) were pre·existing.The more recentbug·fix to 3.' A on June 27, 199i, sawthe sections using the 1·9 scale havingail elementsfilkld in artermonumantal popular request It shouldn't affectanyCOdes or coded results,

JC-001- 005110

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The Gothic Sub Culture

THE SUICIDAL ASPECT OF GOTHICSThe Dominicn at the Oark Sinner

If Is said that in a lifetime man crestesa series orgrievous sins. Yat only once willhe commit tfla unto,givab/e sin, the dark sin.

You have entered upon the Dominion, may Godhava mercy on your soul.

The Dominion has beencreatedIn deflance of those whoseektc inhibitthe freethinkingand free will ofothers. This page is not intended to be used as a guide to highersplrtual/morat stMding, but rather lustanuncensored informational and expansion page. l do not take responsibBity for actions that you take of yourown free will that mayhaw originated wirnin lhe contents of my page. I sineereiy hopethat if youcemeawaywi!l1 anything, whether from pictures, links,or file information, youcome awaywith the uMarsta"ding that asan Individual tt is peninentthat you tree yourself fromthecontrolling chains cf government, society, andorganized religion,

The Dominion of the DarkSinnerhasn'talways gone by this name. It has severaldifferentnames to differentpeople. For myseif tt startsd lcnq ago. I wouldwrite stories and poelly about the dark lonliness within myself.those darK thoughts that only cometo an individual late at night. Thosethoughts, stories, and poems slowlyevolved helping to create who I am, and the way I lookout upon life. So you mightsay, The Dominion ot theDarkSinner, is the placewhere eachone of usgoeswhen were feeling lonely, depressed, sulcldal....becausewe are told that such thoughts as thoseare true sinsand thatwe should nsverallow ourselves to sinkso low.

Goth.Code 3,1 GoEn6SMa3Ph3 TJtPYyu6 PSINaSa 8415zcP\Sr).Y3 V6s M'lZPuGoM'1hTel C6m A23· n4 b55 H195g6T??91 F mNalNI3@Z4# waTv5 r381p53565Rd D77! h7(PPeSa> sM9nSSWy k7SmDsF'pRWT N0892WH RsS LusC05

So manysecrets...So many lies". Wilenwill the weeping end?

Perna.os when we Ireeour minds...Societyjests at simpJiclty...

HOwever simplicity is the key to life...Somecall It mdividualism...

I'll caN II a weballies...For tile thing that makes an individual...

Is the aro01Jflt of secrets and lies...We've loki.

-Dark Sinner

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The Gothic Sub CUlture

Well welcome to my humble domain child of darknesll. Where shall I begin•." was born In sinand thus I shall die in pIllrpetual sin? No, no that is not suitable, pIllrhaps I shalllnvita you to See inlothe darkness of my soul, and all of lhe inunity lhlll exists within my mind. That would be too simple,my 1I1e should only be open to those Who Iruly understand what the darkness Is about..,

Sitting In darkness, with my lone candle burning low to the Wick, I pender the dark questiensthat oltan plague uS of the darkness...death, suicide. the sweet alluring smell ef 1ear•.,darkromanticism. What is it about the death that Is so fascinellng? Is it the seductive beauty ot theunknewn, the complete peaee!!\aIls achieved, or being veld of all the pain that is experiencedeveryday?

The deadly dance of suicide, hew far te push lhat intlmala thrill of walldng the fine line. Haveyeu never experienced thls...walklnglhe fine line between death and 111emplck up the razor, go ahead,feel the coolness 01the steel, the Intense rush 01anxiety...

"There is nothlngalss left out Ihere for you. EverythIng m"anll nOlhing now. There isn'tanything worth holding on to. You are alen,,; emply; eeld. It feels like someone is surgically removingan antlra portion of your body Without anesthetic. No one knows the pain you are going through ­sure you may be able to talk to people who sympathlta with similar life experiences, but it Is not theexact peln you are goiflg Ihrough. You cannot even bare to be by yoursslf, with yourself - you haleYou."

Oh, the pain the pain, my heatt sunsrs pain.A flower. the sun and a love all In vain.I need the strength. the scent and certain loveI give mysell. my heart to thy. my cressec dove.

Away. away to fertile pastures did thee lly.And in sorrowfully emotions did I cry,With that flight my fruiness life's end haspastI end it now, with love 01 my dove until the last.

Jason Ford- September' 995

LONEl.YSo vou danced with death ehh? I hope you are beginning to understand fully what the

"darkness" Is all about. There is more though.,the "darkness" is also e lonely secluded private place.Within the loneliness you discover Who and what you are, along with the horror that only your mindcan craate. A friend of mine once said, "put down that Steven King novel, the trllll horror Is the oneyou create within yourself."

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The Gothic Sub Culture

LONEWOLFSo you think yoUI'IJJl outcast from the pack huh.•a lone wo" ofsorts_.

Tha Lone Wolf

The path1walkis dark.desolate. lonely...I wasoncecalled the 'lone wolf",Now I truly~now what i\ means,

It is strength, Indlvlduailsm,It Is the powerto walk alone along the long

trails of life.

My memories are my food,Theyaremy salvation,

Butwhat will become 01 mewhen they areouR and faded?

WlJI my fortification for life end?

But now',s the present,The darkshadows are my home.

I cannot oear to walkin the sunnymainstreamof life.

Happiness 1$ a luxury I cannotafford.twal~ alone. andto thoseBEWAflE!

t haveeverything youwant,But taKe caution, for my path Is brutal.

Few survive!I am the Lone Wolll!!

Hearken myhowlat the moon,For it is thecryof suffering,

DarkSinner· February 11. 1994

Links dedicated itS Alternative Sites from fhe Gothic Culture

AnamMy:• Anarchv ·A niceanarohypagewhichshows the truecolors.• Anarchyfor AnVbody •This is a greatpage if your just gettingInto anarchy andwant to knowwhat it's

all about. (No, ifs not about smashing skulls;• Anarchism and Revolution ·Againthis Is another great anarchy information page.• Cuit of the Dead Cow·A greatpage full of excellent fiies.• Locutus' Anarchist Phreaker Page·Prettyselfexplanltory don't youthh~k?

• Portland AnarchistWeb Page -This page is goodfa' keeping up an currentevents in the anarchyworld.


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The Gothic Sub Culture

Drugs:• High Times• Mmd's HJgh


The following are excerpts from the classified secncnof Ihe Gay Gothic Web Page It crosses alldemographics Including, but not limited to age. sex or Iocabon.

15 year old Goth boy lOOking to meet otl'1er Gotnpeopie my same age, gay or not.~urlY brow" hair (dyed blacK...obvtousty) aboutefoot. olueeyes, skinny. Like In Sarasota,Florid". Visit mv page. My [email protected]

Mentally ill 5' 9" goth from Southeast Michigan wantingto moot my match, I'm 19, apoHilcal acuvist In the IRTAFA, and can be Seen lurking around Birmingham, Royal Oak andi"-nn Arbor. I play bass and do my best to write songs. I'm lookingfor someone who shares ancbsesstve Interest in music (Joy Division, Chameleons. CemsatAngels, Swans, SkinnyPuppy. Jon Cale, Nice and many many more). anc le~lst politics. Somewhat younger Is okay,but please not too much older. Dcn't be warded off mough, I'm open minded and will datemore based on personality matCh than anything else, [email protected]

Hi. I'm Gregg... I live in Clearwater, Florida and I'm a BI male. My musical tastes range fromMetal {JudaS Priest, Manson, Early Melallicaj to Goth (Bauhaus, Sw~chblade Symphony,Early SOM)to industrial, etc, etc, ad Infinitum. l'rn looking tor a friendship right now. with aean (15,16) around the lampalclearwater~argo area. I'm 15, 6'3" and 250Ibs... You~an reach me at Ihegloomcookie@ho\!T!

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The Gothic Sub Culture

ama bl-sexcal female, livingin porterville ea. andi really want 10 find a gothic temale/male

e fool aroundwith It anyoneis interested, i am 14, andkindof gothic, and wouidlove toat to knowyou, my e-mai! address is janniferstigall@holmaiLcom. hope to hear from youcon.

Hi, ifs Wandyhere, I'm a 27 year old, gothwannabe (sadbut truef) nailingfromChristcl1urcll, New Zealand, My interests ate t.ovecraft, Poe. ClarkAshtonFlmllh,Goya,Francis Bacon,Pre-Raphellte all, all generally, Surrealism, etc...ifl'm a gothat

II, I'm a Lrterallygolh, it SUCh a thingexists, Though yOll may be pleased to know that I'merrlbiyfond 01 DeadCan Dance, have discovered BauhaUS (whoO-MOI) and my Xmas

preparations Involved makingwreaths out of blackcrepe Paper, Anyhoo, If you want 10 taiklIerartygolh, dropme a line. I'm notlooklng lor anybody (yeah, righ!!), but if you bearanyesemctance to GillianAnderson, have a fetish for grey-eYed girls with specs (that'sspecs,

rot pees) and live iocally I could paintyour pertrait andgenerally worship you a la Ooriaok;ray or DalilGala, DidO nyou look iike Alan Rickman, Or Vincent Price, even, (Please note:he ycung Vincent PriCe.) Pleasebringme somegothy cheerat [email protected]

Hello. my name is Anastasia, ar'td I am Iookll\g for a cutegoth bol/girL.1 am 15 years ot!age, currentlyIving in Maryland, I am mainlylooking for friendships, but relationships will doust fine. -Smlles- I lovegothic fashion. as well as the beautiful music: London after Midnight,

;Switchblade Symphony, Siouxsleand much more, I ammoving to the SanFran areaover the~ummer, andhope to meet newpeopietnere....Please speak with~e, ...,XvVelvetXv@aol,com

Hello... am a late bioomlngguy (WaS married, 2 kids late 30s before withIa guy, nowdivorced, gay, out, slogle) very 11110 goth, varnpiras, and dark culture,PSychologisl, many gcth and friends, inlereslsareveryeclectic·· omnivorous reader, most allmusic (bauhaus, morrissey, old smnhs, deadcan dance, smashing pumpkins, kern, and!'nUCh eise - Cherry popping daddies to old metal. Classical to rib ... very Intomost!everything (spirituality, religion, exploring intellectual things.. loveohatting with most anyone,

eryopen andwilling tohelp anyone sorting Ihlngs out., loveemail, masquarace (Playverythlng trom DarkAges to Camto Changel) life, epistemology, do freelance writing,

poetry, eatingout, outoocrs. and open to learning mUCh more. Older i get me less I know,Have high energy, 2 wonderful kjdswho are veryaccepting 01 me beinggay (18 yo son and14yr old daughter) and glad to chat with mostanyone. !'reUykinky, eclectic, and lots01pintua: stuff (done I ching sincehigh school, tarot, runes, wantmru my Lavey stage Inollege, exploredcomparative religions, andstill learning. Corephilosophy: only Ihingwhich

makes senseIs ""Iping people, Aryway, giad IC share, email or relate, help out or just chat itou ate interested. Here Isa pic of me (and my daughter) from last Masqueradearne.. email IS [email protected] and Ica is 17612371, Peace,

JC-001· 005775

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The Anti-Jock Page is DOWN!


EXCLUSIVE!!!!! !Here is the UNCUT and UNEDITED mirror site I put upafter a few mirror sites got taken down by their own

servers for either the violation of the policy or politicalreason. I am doing this to let people open their mindsand judge for themselves. The site contains MATURECONTENT, so if you are easily offended, then LEAVE!

This is what the MEDIA doesn't want you to see -- totallyuncut and uncensored in its original form. I assume you

take responsibility when you click on the mirror link Iprovide. Consider yourself warned!

The Deja News post turned out to be a cruelHOAX! Matt Drudge have been fooled again!

This is for reference only, disregard themessage as authentic!

Not much news here, but here'S the link to a Deja Newspost exactlyas Mat!Drudge says,This is qurteconlrovel'$ial,

Thanks to DeeImplemenllor providing the link!

Here are the amusing links 10 the web sitesmistaken for the real trench coat marla web site.•.the reality is,mat site has been taxen downby the orderot the FBt. Thereyou go,

Victim site #1Victim site lt2

JC.o01· 005776

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Jock Haters Around the WorldThis sitehasbeen acceSSed times by [ockbashers

Anti-Jock LinksThe liMit MlhJocka page on Ihe netlll :Theres net a 101 here now, bUlllivel1 some ",edit

Jock Byrge,,; A well-de$erved fete for all jocks!!

The Spoil Sports Page: Probably the mosl well-written anti-lock PlIge I have seen

A Fleally Funnv Anti-Jocks Paoe: Hllariousl!!

Men Jokes: Ctlenge it to "Jock Jokes". and it makes a 101 more sense!!

Jocks Aren'I Gods •.. : A new anti-jock PlIlle

Anti-Trendy LinksThe AntI-Elite Page: Bl\Slcally, tile anti-popUlar crowd page

The AntI-Sports Page: Yesl!!! Very cool, and very truel!

Another AntI-Sports Page; I havent read Ihis one yet. but lt Jooks cool

Oeformography's Anti-Prep Page: What else can I say?? Tha name sez it ell

People who hate jocksStroman's Generallnformetlon: Stre is the man!!

OeadJecks' Page: A very active anti-jock

Jc..o01- 005777

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Devoid's H()use 0' Crap: My homepage

This Is A List Of Individuals Whom I Loath And Oespise Beyond Beille. I've Rated EachMemberOfThis ustOn A ScaleOf 1To 10.Ten Baing I HateThemThe Most,OneBeing I HateThem !he Least.

If You FindThat YourNameIs On This List,GO TO HELL!!!

Brad Fink m 9.99Kaki Tustlar 9.$Josh Fishman 10LouiseGross m 10Adam 8erl<ely 7.5Julian Prolmanm 8.75JasonBovia 8.5Elizabeth Louis 9.25Anyone For NuclearPower 9Rebecea Kramer 9ElanorGreenberg 10Liam Gallagher 8The President Of Starbucks 10Neal Biscar 10

All of the aforementioned individuals are goingto die slowlyard gruesomely at the handsof this guy:htlp:llwww.besl.coml-reicheldevinfoplth8.htm web pagefOT the list above

The 10 Commadments ofGuns 'n' Roses1) Thou shaft not solo In key to the song2) Thou 'halt nat 'ing withatu inhaling helium firstJ) Thou ,halJ hate people ojdifferent TaU' than thou4) Thou ,hall iiek MTV, asses5) Tbou. shall aCrall cool6) Thou 'hall think your all cool7) Thou shall bUl<her heavy metal8) Thou 'hall hate the coolest guy ever (KmCabain)9) Thou ,hall make .'detalliea look badby touring with them10) Thou shalt s""k

JC.001· 005778

Page 79: Columbine Report Pgs 5701-5800

COOL TO HATEI hat. a lot of lhlngs

I hale a lot of people mat ere lamaI Ill<. 10 hate sruff

Cau... then Icoe't ha"" to Iry and mal<eAchsnge

I hate teachersI hato school

I hatethe cheerleadersAnd anyone who'sccct

I ha.. the o~I""I hate the Quad

Don'twaane leam nothingI wantto b•• slOb

Ifs cool 10 hatelrs cool to hata

I don't like nothing and I like that fmeIUking .omothlng'. just a waste of timo}

It's coot to hateIt's 0001 to hate

I don't Ilk_ nOthing and III'e that line(Liking something'. iust a wasteof lime)

1eco't !ikenothing and like that fme(liking something's iusta wasteof time}

Yeah I hateeverythIngl evenhate you too

So 1001< you

I'm atways thinking badI neverhavenothin9 goOd to say

I'd rathertear tl'11ng$ dQwnThanbuild tham upIt's easier thatway

I hat. me io<:ksAnd I hate 111_ ge.ksI hate the trendiiii$

But1alsohate the freaksI hat. Dr. Mal1<lnsAnd Muscle 1""9

I'm only happy when l'rn in misery

It'scool to haleIfseoollO hate

I don't like nothing and lUke that fine{Uking something's just a wasteof time)

IfS Coal to hateIfs ccoi to hate

I don't like nothingand lUke that tine(Uking sometning's just a wasteot time)

I don't like nothingand like that fine(liking somelhing'. iust a wastaof time)

V.ah I hale everythingI even hale you lao

So f'Jck you

I'll cut you dewnand give you lipBeingpositive's 30 unhip

!'11 cut you downcause I'm a foolSeing poslUve's 50 uncool

I hate Ihe tacksAnnd \ hat. the g".,ks

I hale the trendles!llJt I a1.0 hate tho froaks

I hat. your bandAnd I hate TV

I'm only happywhen I'm in my mJsery


Page 80: Columbine Report Pgs 5701-5800





















if you dont like il, well...uyoo know what to do.

anything i dont like---SUCKSJC·001· 005780

Page 81: Columbine Report Pgs 5701-5800

• Home Page,~ttp:llmembers.aql.comlrebdomine

In Chat Room. the person mustflll out !helollawlng information before they begin "chatting". Theseare Eric Harris' Information panels:

Screen Name: tcarsssMember Name: Trench CoatMalia Inda House!!!Location: Littleton, Co;oradoSex: MaleHobbles: Preparln' for the bigapril 20l! You'll all be sorry lhat day!Computers: Packard SellPersonal Ouots: 'I'll cail a fig newton cookie II 1want'Screen Name: Rebdomlne

Member Name: RESLocation: Littleton.SIrthdate: slebzehnSex: Status: nash.Hobbles: making tunof youpeople.Computers: cow.Occupation: senior at CHS andthe rest is stillunpublished.Personal Quote: its fun being schizophrenic.Screen Name: Rebldomakr

Member Name: ERIC HARRISLocation: Litueton, CO USASIrthdate: BeSex: MaleMarITal Status: SingleHobbies: professional doom andoocmz, creator. meeting beautiful ternalee. being cool.Computers: pentlum75, Smegs of RAM, SOOI'\ will be better"."".Occupanon: part-time workerat a fireworks stand 11'\ CO,and DOOMING the hell out of mycomputer!(pJayingdoom, a Jot)Personal Quota: whenin doubt, pull it out.Iccrnputsrs)«...Shut up and shoot1t.·..-OuitWhining, it's lust a !lashwounc-...KiII EmAALLLL!!!1Also rumored, !he following sereen names;Rebdoomer

JC-001- 005781

Page 82: Columbine Report Pgs 5701-5800


These are Ihe symbols of Anarchy. However, this does not mean they are MILITANT anarchists. Theysimply represent that they are anti-system.

These 3 symbols represent the MlllTANTAnarchist groups.




Page 83: Columbine Report Pgs 5701-5800


The symbol abov.. [s for Gotl1ics.

Tne Image on theright is [n regards toCommitting suicide.

The image on the left Is the coverof an albumThat correseoncs wrth the Hate is Cool poem.


Page 84: Columbine Report Pgs 5701-5800

CUN i INUATION I:;~;~~_., I;;;w~. ..._" ........ ,'"

SUPPLEMENT X 99·7625Co«:tIl«::itlg(;:;,oca~ No y,""", -CONTROL # 2159 5·13-99Clwificatioo O_S"",,:Opo! ~yCl<a:<d RtM!'!'IIJ"fYI; -...

~amrwat.iOll a_byArnoot Uolomo! Closure

lit. IDela'iplion ISerial No.Value IV"'" IV>Iuo

''', ,S_N_ Stoleo> _ D_


e 0deer s ong th the official files were in the hands of R·1 Securityofficers.3he 0 me e would be three files. Her file, the highschool file and the administration file. She went ono say she thought Eric had taken the suspension well as he had continued to talk with her after he returneeto school.

Ms. Mikesei! told me on the day of the incident she was in the office and when she realized the seriousnessof the problem she and along with other students and office personnel left the school through the art area.She said he heard gun fire and explosions but did not see anyone who participated in the attack on thesoh

Witness information:

ChristineMikesell5551 Morning Glory Ln.Littleton. Colorado 80123ph 795·1945



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JC-001· 005185

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JC.o01· 005786

Unit Nom. SupeMSOt klitlalJ and 0..

b l 877'11 "ag0-,-1---I


Page 87: Columbine Report Pgs 5701-5800


JC.o01· 005787

Page 88: Columbine Report Pgs 5701-5800

CONTINUATION 0Reportin@-A~ty ReportingQffiter CaseReport No

SUPPLEMENT y JCSO ESTER 99-1625-TConnecting C., ~rt No.- VictimNameOriginai Report DlUt: Thi. Report

COLUMBINE as. 7-12-99- x IIMURDER Offense SWU$~ Open X 0 Recommend Case:C .tiM Bx.:qllio!lldly Ctcwd Review 0

bc_lficad()ll o Ctet.m by Amst 0 Unfollndod 0 Closure Q

~ IQlWl!lty IBnnd N&mll I Dddiptil:ln ISerill NoValu~ I~~ I ~edS....,









On 7-12-99. at approximately 0918hours. I contacted witness Pierceby telephone at her residence. I asked her to provide any

additional information as to what she mayhaveseenor heardon 4-20-99. She indicated she was in a workroom.running a Lax

fura parentof a student whenthe Dean ofStudents. PeterHorvath, camein andsaid tocall9-\-1. Shesaid he had. veryworried

.ok on his face. She saidshe hadgoneto the counseling officeat that timeand metwithotherstaff members in theoffice. She

saidshortly after that timethe firealarmsoundedandas a resultshe andother faculty members exited through the north doors.

near the art department. She said she was unsure of what was goingon at the time and continuednorth. walking towards the

ClementParkarea. She said she wasdirected by policeofficers to runaway from the buildingat which time she did. She said

she wentto the intersection of Bowlesand Pierceand was directed '0 the Columbine Library, whereother faculty andstudents

weregathering. She said she did no' really haveany idea as to the status of this incidentuntil she had got homeand had seen

what washappening on television. She saidshe did no' see or heat any gunshots or explosions during the entire incident. Did

notsee anyfireor smokein the area,andwhenquestioned. didno' haveany priorknowledge of the groupcalledtheTrenchCoat

Mafia. WitnessPierce could not provide any further information.

Disposition Open

JC.o01- 005788

Offictr Signatun': Unit Number AssignedTQ P'i" i

Ie t 'J... ro !'='T 07, " 'I! of i

0IUOINAl. IN\'ESl'TG,,TOR VlC1"TM SEttVlCES ASAn 4198' JCSDfl674

Page 89: Columbine Report Pgs 5701-5800


JC-001· 005189

Page 90: Columbine Report Pgs 5701-5800

Page__ 01 _ PagesDenver Police Department


Case No. _

, J <Last, first. Middle tnmall _ Makmu Statement~

(f;,,~S C/, /(e. , «1a:r c&j .::r o Offleer Witn8U I:l PerSon adytsed

hvsid8n Stutift Ad~S ? - e; Ci~ Count'(




Zip Cad.C;§:? C CL;.4'1,I/ VI u.J Ire Ie: ~ [)~L..-$ CJ/ ,<;'01'3 'f

Resic.noePhotte i I~$ln.$$ Pbo~ $ocial Sto,sritv No. Date of Birth i Serial No,

I "in I $i' <.f I - 5' '7 " 1"30"' ;'1 2-'1407 :n,9-.,t, -G. 20))&u,iMa Street Addrc5$ .

5+. c~t-".."",r- h n-ISt~ Zlp COd.(;2.0 ( $, fJ1"12.4'"C ott- ~ t /2. '3

OffloZ ~S/2'17'~A~h Serial No. 1~_ IOlti -, -99 r_j 7;;1-/ '2 - ':;"/1- Hours

Conetrflii ' an incident oceutl1ng at: Location wbent statement taken:

Summary of Statement.

..j)~ ~ ~ tt ~~&4:A4./*~


d--<-d .j~~' ~r ~ ~~,~

~ w..J,~~~. ~-./. ~.-ZV-<-I-b

TtmeStatement Compl$ted

D>l'J 36£ tRev 2£95)



JC-001· 005790

Signature of Person Making Statement

IIUIIIUIII~~~llmlftl• 0 600 •

Page 91: Columbine Report Pgs 5701-5800

dJU.4-- /~~. ..J-.~,a~/ ,yu.;e ~ -fi....­~~.-Zi.,/ ~ ~~

JC-001- 005791<-! I 2C I C;'i-- liiii""" -- 0 AM

,;). , :)C cr'PMlim« Statement Completed

I have read the foragoing statement end the facts comained therein are true to the b""t of my knowledge and belief. Ido not maintain that it contains aUof the facta or detsibJ of the inc/tiMt, but onlY those tr ,-- _h... ,u";"" I have been/i$ked.

Page 92: Columbine Report Pgs 5701-5800

CasoNo.OnePage ...;,.__ of _.....:......:._P"lles

Denver Police DepartmentSTATEMENT

-.. (Last. Flnl, Mlddl4ln~ialllacn""tta. Anthnny n -, nR_ SlreotAdd_ iCily County - Zip Code55G E. Iliff I Denver Denver ce, 8021GA~PhOf\. I~Us1n"7 Ptlone S"'ief_No. 08le oI111rtl\lSerial No.( ) Same 66G(15BulMesa Street Addrns City County Stele Zipcoo.Ofllc« ,eking S!llt_ SerIalHe. lllete TIme

HOlJrsConc4Iming eniocid_ OCCurring at: I lccetioo__ent token;

CCl"",bino HI"" SchOOl otlocilM ; _""'Bulldl""Summary of Statement: While having lunch with Capt. DIManna and Lt. Vena this eIata.A conversation and talknf the Columbine High shooting incident, cause<! me to recall an incident during 1IIe episode. While clearing theinitial rooms Of1IIeHigh school, I remembered a short conversation with a hostage which was found to behiding In the school main office. She stated to me that she was the assistant principal Ofthe SChool. IImmediately began to debrief her in regard to the suspects. Theb~ time I tailced to her she was in a state ofshock and very friegthened. I asked her If she knew any of the suspects. Sha said yes. "One was Ned, I don'tknow his last name", That was the last that I seen of her. I can't explain Why this escaped me and during theconversation I ....called the incident. I was advised by Capt. DiMannato contact the homicide bureau and tomake this addltionsl statement. I contacte<!Sgt. Priest and advised him and related the information.

I h... nod rheI",.gning _ement and the1- containedthmin lUff true t. the best 01my km>w/Ug< I1Jld belief. 1....1m_. t/l11t it

CORlttim all'lthe1_ or detaib 0[IheincitlltRl, hlit ""Iy these1-itboutwhkh 1...."en "'ked.


~!liL AM

o PM

MJC-001- 005792

Page 93: Columbine Report Pgs 5701-5800



TYPE OF REPORT REPORT BY AREAProgress Iav,GaryQyman Jefferson County



I. On May26. 1999(per lead no.3300)I internewed Dr.MariaResc!lke (Ed D.),(DOB'041742), 6830wiedviewCircle.Parker. CO W134, (303)841-5968. (CHS voice-awl);(303) 982-4407. Theinterviewtookplace at Columbine High School (CHS)in <he administnltlve offices, afterapproval to enterthecrimescenewasgivonby ChrisAndtisl, JCSO.AI", presenr duringthe inlllrView, asrequested by Dr. Reschke,was Ms. Robbie Herrera, vicam advocate fromthe Colorado Organization forVictim Assistance(COVA),(03) 861-1160,

2. Dr.Rescllke basbeenemployed as anAssistant Pnncipalat CHSfrom 19ao-present. During that periodshe basassumed venousresponsibilities in thatcapacity. Duringtheprese'" school year, she basbeen theactivitiesdirector at CHS. The priorschool year.she wasnot workingin the school, but was on arempomry assignment to the Jefferson County School Dismcr fora reacbet recrusrreer project. As such.she wasunfamiliar with eitherEricHarris or DylanKlebold as CHSstudents. untilafter<he April20m

shooting, andany information she basaboutthemsbehas learned fromtalking withotherstaffwhowerefamiliar withthem. Dr.Reschke wasalso not familiar withanyassociates of Harris andKlebold,norhadshe beardof the "TrenchCoatMafia".

3. Dr. Reschke said that the two Deans at CHSwhowould havedealt with any disciplinary problems wouldhavebeen Ms. ChrisMikesell orMr. PeterHorvath. Shelenmedthat lastyear, M! HotVarb hedpteviouslymer with the parents of Harris and K1ebold afterthe two students bed been arrested andplaced on coonprobedon afterbreaking into. van.Mr.Horvath hadreiaed toher that be felt that EricHarris was"on theedgeof (losing) cecrrot''. Dr.!lesc!lke basno information regarding anydisciplirery actions taken againstHarris, Klebcld or anyof rneirassociates by CHS(i.e. suspensions).

4 Dr Reschke first Identified 00 the anached floor planmap the location of bet office. and thoseadi=t tohers (Asst. Principal Karen Studenka nextto bet, Principal DeAngelis down the corridor....""'" thatcomer,and acrossthel1all fromhim isPeter Horvath's office. Tbesecretary outside betdoor wasSusanWbite)

5 Regarding the eventsof April20, 1999, Dr. Reschke saldthat shearrived at CHS at approximarely 7 am,and worked in herofficeall roomingpreparingfor graduation ceremonies. forwhichshe wasresponsible.At about9:30am. a femalejournalism student(name unknown) anne to beroffice to interview herregarding"senior pranks".such as what type of thingshavebeen done in thepast.wharis acceptableV5.

unacceptable, etc. Shegotno indication fromthe srudenr thntshehedanyprior knowledge regarding theevents which wereto talt.e placelater,

6. Dr. Reschke said that the usualprocedure at CHSduringlunch is forasmany adminiseadve staffasavailable to he in the cafeteria to supervise students Shehedjust gotten offof thephonewithtnescnoolnursewhensbe heard the II 10bell ring. Shewaspreparing to faxa document and then leave for thecafeteria wnen she bearda lotof noise outside heroffice, which door was closed andthe blinds drawn, Shedescribed thenoiseas "a lot ofcommotion. like a fight" Sheopened herdoorandobserved a lotof people,bothstudenrs and staff.running pestherofficeand down the adjacent corridor lust then. ChrisMikesellran by.and in an excited/frightened voice, toldher to"getdown", Sbebelieves thatMikesell thenron

JC.O{)1· 005793

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7. Dr. Reschke stated that it wasobvious thelsomething bigwas occurring.but shewas uncertain wba1itwas. Thefirstthings thelcame'0 ber lI\indwere thateitherit wasa senior prank, or that Mikesell wasindacger, possibly being pursued by a student seeking revenge fora dlsclplirully action.

8. Dr, Reschke, veryfrightened, immediately closedendlocked her door,kept theblinds drawn, andbidbebind a chairandsmall cart in thecomerof her office nearest thedoor. Shecouldcontinue to hearthetlllIIlpting of foms!epS in thehallway outside her office. andrecalls thatshortly thereafter the fire alarmalsobegea to sound. Dr, Reschke estimated thatapproximately 15minutes later, with theexception of thefire alarm, it was quiet outside. Shethenheardpeople entertheoffice areaoutside herdoor. possiblythrough the hallway, although sbeIs uncertain about theirroute.

9. Dr. Reschke stated thatshe beard at leasttwo, and possibly three people (males) talk:utg outside heroffice,although forthemosr part their voices were Dot disti;1ct. and theywere notvoices familiar to her. She is notfamiliar with guns. but laid shebeganto hearwnatshebelieved 10 he gunshots in theouteroffice areaThese were described asrwo distinct types ofsounds.a loud bbet or "boom", endtheothernotas loud.Shecannotrecall anyrapidtire,During theensuing s.ooting.shecouldhear. nearbywindow shatter, thesounds of shelving and otherlargethings being knocked over. and additional gunshots. At no point didshebear anyone scream.

10, Outside herdoor, Dr. Reschke beard oneof theindividuals sarcastically say,"On. I really like football"Shethen heard a large "<rash" andgucsbors in the vicinity of hersecretary's (SUS"" White) office. Shespeculated that shemight have heard them destroying White's computer, which had aDenver Bronco'sscreensaver (She later learned that Susan White andSidKeanng werebiding in thePeterHorvath's office,witich is behind hersandacross fromMr. DeAngelis' office), Dr, Reschke laid that while hearing thevoice,outside. see gotthe impressioo that they were "malting fun of stuff"wbile theydestroyed It,likecommon vandalism,

1L Dr Reschke heard continued gunfire outside her office, and additional _tlled conversation, Shebeardthem goto theoffice nexttoher's (Karen Studeoka, who wasnotin whenthisstarted), andtty thedoorandkickie Theythen cameto berdoor, attempted to openthe locked door,andpossibly kicked itas I><ill,Shethenheard oneof themsay,"Come00. wehave to go",andtltioks she heardthemrun down thecorridor. She recalls bearing a lotof noise which sounded like gunshots, bur is nOE certain that is whatitwas. Dr. Reschke never heard eitherof the individuals talking useanynames when referring to eachother

12. Dr, Reschke saidthatafterthescooers laftthe area, she began to heat phones ringing, including her OWO,

Alonepoint she answered, andthecaller, not idenMed,asked if thiswasColumbine High Scbool.Concerned thatthegunmen were possibly calling to see who was ill the scbool. shehungup thepbonewithout talking. Thiscontinued fear is what kept her fromattempting tomake any callsoutside,

13, After approximately two hours. shehad not heard anyone else intheouter office. but wasstill uncertainwh81 was happening, or if thegunmen were stillnearby. ShegO! up andlooked through herdoorblinds,which gave a viewdirectly to Pierce St. at the crossing light. and she sawa marked pollee cat, Sbe alsosawa malecrouched outside mewindow. dressed completely in black. Since 'he hadnotseenanyof thegu=. 'he didnotknow if that person wasa gunman or police officer. so sheelected to remain hidden inheroffice,

14 She also beard two muffled voices nearby, SU)1Dg something like,"I'm notgoing tolet you go Out there byyourself" Shebelieves fromlatertalking to her staffthst it could havebeenMr DeAngelis andJoeMarshall, a PE teacher. She thought shethen heard movement inthe nearby corridor. butdoes notknowwhere they went.

15, At or about2.00p.m; Dr, Reschke againbeard voices andnoises outside heroffice. described as "mentalking inrough language", aodshe was nor certain if the gunmen had returned, Comments shebadbearrlwere "I don't lfke thi, fucking corridor". andreferences to theneedtosecureher office andtheonenext to

JC.o01. 0057~4

Page 95: Columbine Report Pgs 5701-5800

her.Sheheart! them try herdoorl<nob, lea'" and do thesamewiIb the next office. They !hen returned tohers, at whicb time theybrolol our heromoo window. Dr. Rescbke said11m at tbat poilll" tbougb! tlJeyweregoing to kill me".She saidshe lookedunderthecbairandcartwhitb !be was bidingbehind. did IlCt

disclose herlO<:ation, and couldonlysee bJacl< bootsand pants. The man!hen=ed fut1bet into theolllceand sawher there. Hepointed bis weapon at her,at wroch time she idenrilj,.j herself as "Dr.Rescbke and Ibis is my om",,". They idetttil!Ald themseh-es aspolice, led herou' tllrougllthe il'ont of !hescbooL and she was taloln to!hepolice command post.While there sheprovided a briefwrittenstlt.em<:lltto officers. and wasthen allowed to leave.

JC-001· 005795

Page 96: Columbine Report Pgs 5701-5800


I~ l~



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Page 97: Columbine Report Pgs 5701-5800


JC..o01· 005797

Page 98: Columbine Report Pgs 5701-5800

".__.0'__Denver Police Department


1=-& l.u 1'1,", A • bAl' .5"1 '< I ~:rCSO .Ii 9:q. 1''' 't-S'"

e-No. _

ON /431f!""'. ,~ MoJd"ll Sta_~/ (.." A-N '" (,,1; '5-r e-..p i'tM t E o OfrlCV Wrtnea 0 Plr:sci1~

'(f'Ni=:.:r k'ose ~4CIty County IS,(Y'o 21pQlde

Lf"'l ~ c.""o... ::>~ 'S.:l1).7R "I ... PhtoM 1:-- SocialSt:¢Jrit¥ No, om.of~!sri' No.(3~31 "17.;-'8IIy. C , ~.$:'"' in~ ~(,- "It.t"l3, to 1-1 ~--- CIty Co""", - 2Ip l:ade


()ffiU-~_No, lO'''lr "

r....I\- It II. aQ tl V./M::J) 750(;'"

" '2.7 1130 Hour>

eo._'''l!'''-- 'V'f/. !Location white stahment tOlN1~

" .........""<1ot,ue - S .SuI1tlnlrl of Slab_It::

511_"~'; Is A K',.JlSS7nI.l7e T."..,.,.~~ ~-<. ::r~S.N ~""t

se rro 0 ...$0 A,..t.o Js ~ A-r !+ow,<: w'~ N t:n:::'I) I;;fU _ .s:thE '

'-G' eN+.;; /'J'a7 14-7 eO ....... ""$iNe' ~ t.ll....~b'f IX ~ /i-(31N.7

0) IN<?l/I.:.$, f~ I " ~

5,,-vAAJl'tlJ1e W4.:, f", T""", B..... 5,""',..'55 ~IC.: 1,;IJt+,~J.j Is A-r "7_­

.s:O'\{"7 it ~ o,c ,4 If.:l.-'- V-~ :::rJ S 7 (.;:.'lq S7 (J f' 7"<+e ~'-' -rIN...,.,. 57

I have read t!Ht~ _tanent _ t!Ht _ CIJIltJIined thetein are true to the best ofmy __dge and belief. Ido /lOt trlIt1m1IItl that it _ltaias: sI (1/ me fBt:lS or detJIils of the incident, but only tho"" fat:t8 about which I bev« baenasked.

__1----1--.... GAM

Ti'Fo....miilsiii..iiiiiii,•••ji;CGiOiliIiidc;;;;;ijiiijiii [J PM

Ol'll 366 Ul<N, 21951

JC-001· 005798

Slgn.tture of PeiSOii MMina Statement

Page 99: Columbine Report Pgs 5701-5800

Page__ 01__ Case ,, -

f:;"/-.r"1iLl'r-AI Qe r) NT lI.... S"'"'" t5.n.(t::N I:f3 ~ f2.H:.1;i'"71:!'K./ ,q ~ /;;i'm P7'1'SIl_"(AN'AIa~ I~ ~aoL70-0 ~(\"'1A7 "2-0 I)A/I(.N~W'N S-r",0/;j1V13

~ ? I)tv~r-JD~ I<?'>'l-Qlf'u>(S ~'7' L: 7i<~ (~'- -r'1.+1I>V

£~, Of I~ "'N A- e'-A-S5.e(>~ ifrl-t.... 7.'. 11 ~ 4--; 7(-n::

;;.,..,......, I-f I:!"A-S'7 ~ or Tr+e ~. $', L.--.l4-N 4", <£ tf",~ t:.e NT ; !'IV 11:-1...

£t'ti' ( 0 .. p" p S ' , (f"K'YV .5c"Ve>c..+t. o " ee o-m ::," -ri+>"17 S~

tt:rr>4 •tJ 10 C!.....a s~ 4..0 f/-t:;.7<::!'"!. ~"'<7 ( Cl 11\ IN'" 7 (:i'S ce-o T H-<;-

:;:;-,. <.I c. ervvr S "'" 7 C'"" 7 *t,: Ll ,..,,4.s 5 ,LO U">v'\ ~(~-vl 61-< A-.o. <:> iZ

-z;; '(>+e bv.-r::; lOGO w~" -r9 ~ -r~ 6/1 (;+<i' ~t:.J"'b

/...A:t <b T~ 5.n--t1A/+vt-'1

J:?~,rlc.'+$6' fi..r.o ,q '81£ 1"'1+"1 Bl.M.';: F::I:-'T:..."7A-<-.JhlJ u'-.<.. L-","'c~ G~ INT~ ;B"s{f'J~$5> th-f-1<:Le.

$:1 ....." I\-<VA-t.e Delli'S tJ<rr /Z-.Jaw -r;;~ s,-, s. f> Io'C-7S V, <:...'"!, "" 5 0 ~ AN7;

I have flUJd the foregoing stnement and the facts contained therein are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Ido not maintain thet it contains an of the facts or derails Qf the incident, but only those facts ebout which I have been""ked.

I I-- """l54iO -- 0 AM

-;:::-r.:==-oc.;;;==< 0 PMtime Statement Completad

JC..o01 .. 005799

Signature of Person Making Stattment

Page 100: Columbine Report Pgs 5701-5800


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