coldwell banker -©2014 coldwell banker real...

©2014 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC fully supports the priciples of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Each Office Is Independently Owned And Operated. Coldwell Banker and the Coldwell Banker Logo are registered service marks owned by Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. This Manual Is Confidential And Proprietary And May Not Be Distributed, Copied Or Otherwise Disseminated Without The Prior Written Consent Of Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. Identity Standards Manual Confidential and Proprietary COLDWELL BANKER ®

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Page 1: COLDWELL BANKER -©2014 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. ... Confidential and Proprietary COLDWELL BANKER ... It is acceptable

©2014 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC.All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC fully supports the priciples of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Each O�ce Is Independently Owned And Operated. Coldwell Banker and the Coldwell Banker Logo are registered service marks owned by Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC.

This Manual Is Con�dential And Proprietary And May Not Be Distributed, Copied Or Otherwise Disseminated Without The Prior Written Consent Of Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC.

Identity Standards Manual

Conf idential and Proprietary


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Table of Contents




IDENTITY REQUIREMENTS: TRADEMARK 2Overview 33D logo 3Trademark Use with Your Company Trade name 5Use of Disclaimers with the Mark 7Trademark Use with Your Company Trade name 8The Coldwell Banker Mark in Copy 10Proper use of the Registered Symbol (®) when using the Coldwell Banker Mark in copy 10

11Proper Trademark Notations and Use - International Other TrademarksPersonal Promotion

IDENTITY REQUIREMENTS: INTERNET STANDARDS 13Overview 14Website Content 16Online Advertising 17Creative Requirements: Internet Standards 18Artwork and Graphic Images 18Mobile Applications 19

IDENTITY REQUIREMENTS: REPRODUCTION OF THE MARK 20Logo Speci�cations 213D Logo 22Color Speci�cations 23Embossing Speci�cations 24Creative Requirements: Typography System 25Creative Requirements: Color System 26Creative Requirements: Placement of Mark in Advertising 27Standard Letterhead 28Standard Envelope 29Premium Letterhead 30Premium Envelope 31Creative Requirements: Letterhead and Envelopes 31Standard Logo Business Card Without Photo 32 Standard Logo Business Card With Photo: 3 Lines 33Individual Photography Speci�cations 34Creative Requirements: Business Cards 34Creative Requirements: Social Media 35

Creative Requirements: Specialty Items 38

IDENTITY REQUIREMENTS: SIGNAGE 3940Exterior Building Signs40 Format42 Channel Lettering 44 Alternate Version 45 3D Logo Only

Coldwell Banker®


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Identity and Creative Standards: overview

Creative requirements: Introduction

To reinforce the voice and image of the Coldwell Banker brand, creative guidelines have been provided for your reference.

as you will find, these guidelines address the use of various creative elements such as color, typography, imagery and copy for both printed and digital materials.

The purpose of this guide is to provide you with standards for maintaining the integrity and consistency of the Coldwell Banker® brand across all communications both legally and creatively.

If a situation should arise that requires any departure from the standards in this guide, or you need further clarification on any subject, please contact Michele vaughan at 973-407-5629, or send an email to [email protected].

Identity requirements: Introduction

The Coldwell Banker service marks, trademarks and logos are collectively called the “Coldwell Banker Marks” throughout this Manual. The Coldwell Banker Marks serve as the basic building blocks for universal acceptance and identification for a single international graphic identity.

The most important element of the Coldwell Banker System, symbolic of our premier reputation and image, is the corporate logo (herein called the “Corporate Mark”, “Trademark” or the “Mark”). It and all other Coldwell Banker Marks in the united States are owned by Coldwell Banker real estate llC. Coldwell Banker llC owns all Trademark registrations in countries other than the united States. each Franchisee is authorized to use the Coldwell Banker Marks pursuant to their Franchise agreements.

Franchisees who have not been licensed the rights to use the Coldwell Banker Commercial® Marks may not use them. every company granted permission to use the Coldwell Banker Marks is required to protect them by adhering to the standards and regulations delineated in this Manual. Care in protecting the Trademark and all of the Coldwell Banker Marks work to the benefit of everyone.

exact and correct use of the Trademark by Coldwell Banker Franchisees is crucial to maintain a powerful international graphic entity. This Identity and Graphic Standards Manual is part of the Policy and Procedures Manual. also, Franchisees who executed their Franchise agreements prior to January 1, 1999, and who executed the Commercial addendum or a separate Coldwell Banker Commercial® real estate Franchise agreement, should refer to the Commercial Identity Standards Manual for commercial brokerage applications.

advertising of any property or services, which is not within the definition of the Business, as that term is defined in the Franchise agreement, is not permitted with the use of any of the Coldwell Banker Marks or the Coldwell Banker name. The advertising or general solicitation of certain kinds of commercial business is specifically prohibited. However, Franchisees who have been licensed the Coldwell Banker Commercial® Marks should refer to the Coldwell Banker Commercial Identity Standards Manual for further information.

The requirements throughout this Manual must be adhered to without variation. Information on ordering materials from Preferred and approved Suppliers is available on you are encouraged to use these Preferred and approved Suppliers for all your materials (including stationery, business cards, yard signs, telephone supplies, etc.). They are familiar with the standards for using the Coldwell Banker Mark and will afford you optimum purchasing efficiencies and adherence to standards.

1January 2014

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Identity requirements: Trademark Standards

2January 2014

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Identity requirements: Trademark overview

The Corporate Mark is the primary Coldwell Banker® Mark. It must be used exactly as indicated in this Identity Standards Manual.

There are two versions of the Mark.

The traditional “flat” or 2d logo. The 3d logo.

The Mark consists of a rectangular field with the words “Coldwell Banker” in white letters, in a custom-designed type style stacked on two lines and the Coldwell Banker “bug” design.

no other copy or graphic elements are allowed in the blue box.

The Mark may also refer to the use of the Coldwell Banker name in text in various applications. The Coldwell Banker Mark is authorized for use with your approved company trade name (called “your company trade name” or “dBa”) as described on building signs, yard signs, stationery, business cards, websites, classified and display advertising, personal promotion literature and all other advertising materials and external communications.

It is the uniqueness of each of these elements and the way they have been assembled into a unit that give the Coldwell Banker Corporate Mark its distinctive character. details and specifications on the correct size, color matches and use of the Mark in various applications are contained within this manual and must be followed exactly.

3d logo

The 3d Corporate Mark is recommended for all Coldwell Banker® materials and should be used whenever possible in place of the 2d logo. The Coldwell Banker 3d Mark is recommended for use with your approved company trade name (called “your company trade name” or “dBa”). use the 3d Mark for the following:

n Stationery, including letterhead, business cards, etc. n online Banner advertising n local Television Spots and Home Shows n affiliate and agent websites n Print and Trade ads n Building Signs n Postcards and Flyers n yard Signs n Collateral Pieces and Brochures

The Coldwell Banker 3d Mark is not recommended for use on complex applications such as embroidery, screen printing or engraving. In these cases the simplicity of the 2d Mark is necessary


3January 2014

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your company trade name or dBa must be pre-approved by Coldwell Banker real estate llC, should provide clear identity and should never cause confusion with other offices or firms, or imply national or international scope.

For example:

n national real estate, Colorado realty or united States real estate associates would be inappropriate and confusing when used as your company trade name along with the Coldwell Banker® Trademark.

n outside of the united States, it is suggested that your company trade name or dBa should always include the words “real estate” or “realty.”

Individual sales associates must utilize their approved company dBa and are prohibited from altering it in any way, or creating their own.

The Coldwell Banker Trademark is never to be used alone without your company trade name in copy and when using the Mark graphically.

when used with the Mark, your company trade name should be centered directly under the logo or directly to the right, centered with the blue box, not the Coldwell Banker.

your company trade name or “doing business as” name (often referred to as “dBa”) is typeset as follows when used with the Mark:we recommend you set your dBa may in all caps, but inital caps or capital and small letters may be used to achieve the look you prefer.

2d logo: Trebuchet Bold all Caps

3d logo: Trebuchet Bold all Caps

IMPorTanT: regardless of the size of the dBa, the length of each line cannot exceed the width

of the logo from either side of the blue box, nor the height of “Coldwell Banker” from, the top of

the “w” to the bottom of the “k”

Identity requirements: Trademark overview

SMITH SMITH & JoneSRealTy, Inc.


The red lines illustrate the size of the dBa compared to the width of the Mark and the height of “Coldwell Banker” from the top of the “w” to the bottom of the “k”, the allowable space for a dBa







4January 2014

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Identity requirements: Trademark use with your Company Trade name:

The complete company trade name cannot be more than three lines. depending on your dBa, the following variations may apply:

expanded Tracking

There is no limit on expanding tracking, as long as the dBa does not exceed the length of the logo or the height of Coldwell Banker from the top of the “w” to the bottom of the “k”.

approved examples:

50 Tracking 15 Tracking 66 Tracking

Initial Caps or all Caps

you may use Initial Caps instead of all caps for your dBa.

approved examples:

variance in Font Size

It is acceptable for the letter size in multiple-line dBas to vary. For the best look, we recommend the larger size is on the top line and all lines are in all caps, regardless of size.

approved examples:

Condensed Tracking:

There are no restrictions on condensing. Common sense should be used if the dBa becomes too small to read easily.

approved examples:

Condensed 46% Condensed 25%

anDeRSon THoMpSon MooRe

WIllIaMSonaSSocIaTeD RealTy the home Place


Williamsonassociated realty

the home Place

5January 2014

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Identity requirements: Trademark use with your Company Trade name:

approved examples:

Set to the right:

In cases where space is an issue, such as websites and headers for newspaper and Homes Magazine ads, the dBa may be placed to the right of the Mark. The size of the dBa should be the same as it would be if it appeared below the Mark and it should be centered with the blue box, not the “Coldwell Banker” name.

approved examples:

The full or Minimum required disclaimer line must appear each time your company trade name appears in conjunction with the Coldwell Banker name or the Corporate Mark. The recommended font is upper and lower case arial.


you may use upper and lower Case for your dBa.

The disclaimer should be placed in a visible location in the ad.

all documents or printed materials must contain your dBa. Many common items such as stationery, yard signs and personal promotion literature can only be purchased with company-specific, imprinted information. Certain other items such as postcards, mailers or ad shells must be self-imprinted by the user and must contain the dBa. If a pre-printed item such as a brochure or folder is not customizable, but offers a die cut feature for insertion of a business card, you must avail yourself of this feature to ensure that your company trade name is displayed in the item.

TayloR HIll

anDeRSon WIllIaMSonaSSocIaTeD RealTy


Small dBa:

For dBa’s with a smaller number of letters, the dBa can increase in point size equal to, but not greater than, the point size of Coldwell Banker®.

alternately, dBas may be increased up to a point size equal to the height from the top of the “w” to the bottom of the “k” in Coldwell Banker, as long as it does not extend beyond the edge of the blue box

For multiple-line dBas, the total height of all lines (not each line) may be equal to the height of the Coldwell Banker logo, from the top of the “w” in Coldwell to the bottom of the “k” in Banker, as long as it does not extend beyond the edge of the blue box.

6January 2014

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Identity requirements: use of disclaimers with the Mark

The Minimum required disclaimers must appear whenever the Coldwell Banker Mark is used. It is an important part of the Mark and as essential as your dBa. The following section provides the proper disclaimers for various applications:

use of disclaimers with the Mark

Printed Materials(Flyers, postcards, doorhangers, etc.)


Printed Materialsbeing distributed to consumers, add the following statement





each office Is Independently owned and operated.

If your property is listed with a real estate broker, please disregard. It is not our intention to solicit the offerings of other real estate brokers. we are happy to work with them and cooperate fully.

Each office Is Independently owned and operated.

each office is Independently owned and operated.

each office is Independently owned and operated.

7January 2014

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Identity requirements: Trademark use with your Company Trade name:

use the proper Coldwell Banker Mark in all advertising, flyers, postcards, websites, yard signs, building signs, business cards, name badges, specialty items and stationery items.

ensure the Mark is 100% PMS 280 blue or black, or in the 3d format, with the letters in white.

Make sure the dimensions of the logo are correct.

Make sure the dimensions of the Mark are distinguishable if used on a dark, colored or patterned background.

use the 3d logo with your dBa in Trebuchet

use the 3d logo in blue

download logos from Coldwell Banker works, be sure to size them proportionality

Place a white field around the Mark when used on a dark, colored or patterned background. Thisapplies to both the 2d and 3d Marks.

Place any other copy or graphics in or immediately around the Mark. nothing else is allowed in or next to the blue box.

use the Mark in any other color but PMS 280, the approved 3d application black, or use any texture, shading or effects for the Mark .

reverse the Mark

Stretch or condense the Mark. The width should be 2.4 times equal the height

Crop the Mark. There is more blue below the word “Banker” than above the word “Coldwell”. note that “Coldwell Banker” is not centeredfrom top to bottom inside the mark.

use a Mark smaller than 1” in width

use the Coldwell Banker custom letters for anything but the company name

use the Coldwell Banker custom letters as part of a sentence.

The Mark

The following chart provides an overview of what to do and what not to do with regards to the Mark and setting up your dBa.

Real estate


8January 2014

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Identity requirements: Trademark use with your Company Trade name:


Superimpose any image or copy over the Mark

Place the Mark at an angle

use the Coldwell Banker “bug” design outside of the Mark except as outlined in the IdentityStandards Manual

use the Mark as a copy element

The Coldwell Banker custom letters without the blue box is not permitted on patterned or print-ed backgrounds or with any font color but white.

use the blue box as recommended before


This home is offered by .

always use your dBa with the Mark, centered and not extended past either edge of the blue field, and no higher than the top of the “C” and bottom of the “k” in Coldwell Banker.

always use your dBa after “Coldwell Banker” when referring to your company in writing:

Coldwell Banker Jones & Smith, Inc

use the Trebuchet Bold for your dBa

use the proper disclaimer whenever the Mark appears. refer to the disclaimer chart in the identity standards manual.

use the logo with “real estate” when referring to your company, or use a logo with no dBa at all

use any copy other than your dBa below the Mark, or any other copy than the Tagline above the Mark, with the exception of agent or team personal logos as outlined in the Identity Standards Manual

refer to only “Coldwell Banker” or “Jones & Smith Inc.” when referring to your company

use any font except Trebuchet

dBa Place your dBa to the right of the Mark if space is an issue. The dBa should still be sized as if it were below the Mark

If used to the right of “Coldwell Banker” the dBashould be centered

use the Trebuchet font for your dBa with the 3d logo or 2d logo.



9January 2014

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Identity requirements: The Coldwell Banker Mark in Copy

use of the Coldwell Banker® “Mark” or “Trademark” may also refer to the use of the Coldwell Banker name as text in advertising copy, correspondence or other applications. It does not refer strictly to the blue box.

To present a consistent and unified image, we have provided guidelines to follow when using the Coldwell Banker name in body copy intended for external use.

The Coldwell Banker Mark must be used as an adjective modifying or describing a noun, but never as a noun itself:

n “as part of the Coldwell Banker® System” , noT “as part of Coldwell Banker®”

n “Come join the Coldwell Banker® System”, noT “Come join Coldwell Banker®”

do not place any punctuation, such as a comma or backslash between Coldwell Banker and your dBa.

do not use all CaPS or boldface when referring to Coldwell Banker real estate llC, or in combination with your name or dBa (Coldwell Banker Smith & Smith realty).

The following examples demonstrate the correct use of our name in copy:

n our impressive reputation makes the Coldwell Banker® brand a premier real estate system.

n The Coldwell Banker® System has over 100 years of experience and expertise.

n Coldwell Banker Smith & Smith realty has highly trained Sales associates.

n Coldwell Banker real estate llC maintains its international headquarters in Madison, new Jersey.

when referencing, it must always appear in lower case bold with no spaces. never use

The Coldwell Banker name can never be abbreviated to CB, or pluralized in any way, shape or form.

Proper use of the registered Symbol (®) when using the Coldwell Banker Mark in copy:

The registered symbol should also be used the first time Coldwell Banker appears in the subhead or the body copy of that piece.

If the Coldwell Banker Mark is used in text in the headline of a piece, the registered symbol ® must be used the first time the name appears. It does not have to be bold.

The maximum number of times the registered symbol should appear next to Coldwell Banker on a given page is two. Coldwell Banker should be bold the first time it appears. It is not necessary to bold Coldwell Banker every time.

If Coldwell Banker is not used in the headline, the registered symbol must be used the first time Coldwell Banker appears in the subhead and next to the first mention in body copy on the page.

If Coldwell Banker is not used in the headline or subhead, the registered symbol only needs to appear next to Coldwell Banker the first time it is mentioned in the body copy of a page. This is the only situation when it is not necessary to show the Coldwell Banker mark with the registration symbol twice.

do not use the registered symbol when using your company trade name or dBa (i.e., Coldwell Banker Smith and Smith realty) or Coldwell Banker real estate llC.

If a printed piece is longer than one page, the registered symbol must be used with the Coldwell Banker markaccording to the above guidelines on every page of that piece.





10January 2014

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Identity requirements: Proper Trademark notations and use - International.

Coldwell Banker owns numerous trademarks and service marks throughout the world that must be protected, many of which are registered. Make sure you use these trademarks in your regions correctly as set forth in this manual, including proper use of the ® symbol for registered marks. For further information regarding proper use of trademark symbols and for a list of registered marks in your region, please contact Coldwell Banker at: [email protected] and [email protected]

11January 2014

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Identity requirements: Personal Promotion

Business Cards

A. Slogans, such as “Susie Sells Houses”, unless provided as a type treatment or icon, should be placed below the agent name as a title, in quotation marks

h t t p : / / c b n e t . c o l d w e l l b a n k e r . c o m

Identity Requirements: Business Cards

Standard Logo Business Card With PhotoMaster Format: A master format is provided for those items that are consistent for all photo business cards.

Individual Photograph: Photograph must be supplied to the printer in accordance to this guide.

Trademark: The Trademark should be used as shown on Master Format.

Size: 3.5” x 2”.

Paper: Kromecote 12 pt. cover stock.

Team Name: 8 pt. Berkeley Oldstyle Black, all upper case.

Individual Name: 8 pt. Berkeley Oldstyle Black, all upper case, 70% horizontal scale.

Individual Title: 7 pt. Berkeley Oldstyle Medium, upper and lower case, 70% horizontal scale.

Professional Designation: 8 pt. Berkeley Oldstyle Bold all upper case, 70% horizontal scale, following the individual name and separated from the name by acomma and a space. The following designations may be used by those persons entitled to use them: GRI, CPM, CCIM, CRS, CCPS, CRB, MAI, CRP and AMO.

Individual Phone Numbers: 7.25 pt. Berkeley Oldstyle Black all upper case, 90% horizontal scale.

Individual Email Address: 7.25 pt. Berkeley Oldstyle Black, lower case.

Individual Web Site Address: 7.25 pt. Berkeley Oldstyle Black, lower case.

Your Company Tradename or DBA: 10 pt. Berkeley Oldstyle Bold, upper case. Name should be centered under the logo using up to three lines of typeand not to extend beyond either edge of the Mark.

Your Company Address: 6.5 pt. Berkeley Oldstyle Medium, upper and lower case. Your company address always follows your company tradename and ispositioned below and flushes with the left edge of the upper ruled line as illustrated.

Your Company Web Site Address: 6.5 pt. Berkeley Oldstyle Black, lower case. Position below and flush with the left edge of the Company Address.

Approved Marks of Others: The REALTOR® trademark, MLS trademark, combination of them or local Board symbol may be positioned in the lower rightcorner of the card. An award symbol is optional for those who qualify. Symbols, insignias or marks that are unrelated to the real estate profession are prohibited. There is a limit of two symbols on photo cards.

Minimum Required Disclaimer: The Minimum Required Disclaimer must appear at the bottom of the card, left justified under the company address, in 5 pt. Helvetica, upper and lower case.

Ink Colors: Print Coldwell Banker PMS 280 Blue and black. Coldwell Banker Blue is used for the Coldwell Banker Mark and the photo box . All elseprints black.

TEAM NAME (000) 000-0000 EXT. 125 BUSINESS(000) 000-0000 FAX(000) 000-0000 DIRECT(000) 000-0000 [email protected]

Each Office Is Independently Owned And Operated.


123 Main StreetCity, ST



Jane SMITH, DeSTitleTitle

(000) 000-0000 Business(000) 000-0000 FAx(000) 000-0000 PAger

Each Office Is Independently Owned And Operated.

capITal RealTy123 Main streetsuite 12548City, sT


aGenT pHoTo

12January 2014

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Identity requirements: Internet Standards

13January 2014

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establishing website addresses:

For approved domain names which do not use the Marks, see for a complete list of accredited registrars.

a website address should be short, meaningful, easy to spell, and easy to remember.

also, since many people will guess at a website address, it should also reflect your business identity – a dBa for a company or office site, (such as Coldwell Banker Blue realty), or a personal name for an individual site (such as Jane Smith).

This is true both for unique web addresses:

Company and office websites: If you are establishing a website address for a company or office website, and intend to use the Coldwell Banker® brand name in that address, make sure you do so correctly and with Coldwell Banker’s approval. In your website address, you may use:

1. your full approved company trade name:

2. a modification of your approved company name. never use the abbreviation CB or any other abbreviation and/or derivative thereof in any domain name:

If you choose, you can use a generic url that identifies your market area:

If you choose to use this type of url, you may not use Coldwell Banker in the url.

For example, the following url’s would not be acceptable:

Identity requirements: Internet Standards

14January 2014

Before finalizing the domain name, please ensure mandatory approvals are sought from Coldwell Banker India.

You cannot use names of countries, states, cities, towns, districts, etc. For Example, the following URL's would not be acceptable:

The extension of the domain name should preferably be '.in', for example :

But in special cases extensions like .com,, .net, .org, etc. can be used after taking suitable permissions from Coldwell Banker India.

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avoiding Confusion:

It is important to avoid confusion between Coldwell Banker real estate llC, its Franchisees and their Sales associates, and to distinguish the Coldwell Banker®

brand from other real estate brands.

like your dBa, your url should provide clear identity and should never cause confusion with other offices or firms, or imply national scope.

you should also be careful not to use website addresses that are similar to any Trademarks, service marks or slogans which are owned by Coldwell Banker real estate llC and Coldwell Banker India.

Finally, to keep your brand identity distinct, avoid including marks or slogans of other companies in your website address.

In addition to following requirements in your franchise agreement regarding obtaining your website address, you must also represent the Coldwell Banker brand correctly in the content of your website.

The rules pertaining to the use of the Coldwell Banker Mark and its trademarks throughout this manual apply to the content of your website. Take some time to review this manual for proper usage.

Identity requirements: Internet Standards

15January 2014

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website ContentThe Coldwell Banker® Mark and “bug” logo with your dBa must appear on your local website.

The Coldwell Banker Mark and “bug” logo must never stand alone. your approved company trade name or dBa must always be used below or to the right of the Coldwell Banker mark and “bug” logo as specified in this Manual.

The Coldwell Banker Mark must be used as an adjective modifying or describing a noun, but never as a noun itself. Therefore, it must always be followed by a noun. For reference, the following examples are acceptable:

“as part of the Coldwell Banker® System”

“Come join the Coldwell Banker® System”

“Coldwell Banker” should not be allowed to break across lines. use the non-breaking space character (“&nbsp” in HTMl) to make sure the brand name remains intact.

anytime you refer to the “Coldwell Banker System,” you must use the approved spelling (i.e., Coldwell Banker), never CB. also, the “S” in “System” must be capital-ized, and the registered Trademark symbol “®” must appear after the word “Banker” and before the word “System.”

on each page, the first time it appears outside your approved name, the Coldwell Banker brand name must contain the registered Trademark symbol “®”. The symbol should appear immediately after the Mark (i.e., Coldwell Banker® System).

your approved company trade name must always begin with the words “Coldwell Banker” and should never be bolded or capitalized when used in this context.

your company trade name should follow the brand name (i.e., Coldwell Banker Blue realty). do not include the registered Trademark symbol “®” in your approved name.

all awards must be identified with a date. when noting achievements, you must be sure to note the corresponding year in which each award was received (i.e., 2005 Premier office award).

all Trademarks, service marks, and slogans must be used correctly. whenever you use the Trademarks and service marks, including references to your awards and programs, be sure to use the approved symbols such as “®”, ™ or SM. The “®” symbol is used for registered marks, while the ™ (for Trademarks) and SM (for service marks) symbols are used for marks that are not registered.

Corporate Trademark list: Coldwell Banker real estate llC is the owner or a licensee of many Trademarks and service marks around the world that must be protected. Make sure that your website displays the various Coldwell Banker Marks correctly, as set forth in this manual.

artwork and Graphic Images:

artwork and graphic images help make your site attractive and engaging, but there are a few rules you need to keep in mind when using them.

a large selection of logos and other Coldwell Banker graphic images is available at The Coldwell Banker artwork is approved for your use per these guidelines, but it may not be altered or modified or disseminated in any way or distributed to third parties.

you may also use other artwork or graphic images to enhance your website. However, images that you did not create may be subject to trademark, copyright or other laws. you are responsible for securing any necessary permission to use images or artwork on your site.

Since your website promotes your business, it is also subject to online advertising regulations. Make sure you present information accurately and follow local, state and Indian laws.

Identity requirements: Internet Standards


16January 2014

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online advertisingany website is considered online advertising. This means that your content is subject to many regulations, and should be carefully considered before being made public.

you are solely responsible for the information and other content that you make available anywhere on the web. This includes and your own business websites. Make sure you comply with the following:

n your site must use Coldwell Banker® Marks and slogans correctly and consistently at all times

n Make sure you have permission to reproduce and display content, as well as artwork and graphics, in accordance with applicable trademark, copyright, patent and other laws

©2014 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC fully supports the priciples of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal

Opportunity Act. Each Office Is Independently Owned And Operated. Coldwell Banker and the Coldwell Banker Logo are registered service marks owned by

Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC.

©2014 [name of local operating legal entity or DBA]. All Rights Reserved. [name of local operating company or DBA] fully supports the principles of the Fair

Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Operated by a subsidiary of NRT LLC. Coldwell Banker and the Coldwell Banker Logo are registered service marks

owned by Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC.

also note your local and state laws and regulations may require additional disclaimers.

In addition to following requirements in your franchise agreement regarding obtaining your website address, you must also represent the Coldwell Banker® brand correctly in the content of your website.

Take some time to review samples of correct usage on and adhere to all identity standards outlined in this manual.

as a Coldwell Banker India Franchisee, you may request a link from to your company or office website. The appropriate placement will be determined by the brand, and Coldwell Banker real estate llC and Coldwell Banker India reserves the right to disapprove and deny access to any franchisee whose website contains content which violates the Coldwell Banker identity standards, Trademarks or service marks, or otherwise threatens to damage the Coldwell Banker System. violations may result in suspension from any awards program and any other relief as specified in your Franchise agreement.

Identity requirements: Internet Standards


17January 2014

Page 20: COLDWELL BANKER -©2014 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. ... Confidential and Proprietary COLDWELL BANKER ... It is acceptable

artwork and Graphic Images:

artwork and graphic images help make your site attractive and engaging, but there are a few rules you need to keep in mind when using them.

a large selection of logos and other Coldwell Banker graphic images are available at The Coldwell Banker artwork is approved for your unlimited use, but it may not be altered or modified or disseminated in any way or distributed to third parties. For your convenience, graphic elements from the brand website, along with a Style Guide, are available on at a minimum, the following elements should be used:


1. ubuntu (Google web Font)*

a. To be used for all headlines, primary navigation, and buttons. 8 styles are available for more design flexibility. ubuntu is displayed as HTMl just like arial and Trebuchet but served through Google’s aPI instead of existing on each individuals computer. However each style used adds to site load

time. The recommendation is to choose two or three of the 8 styles within the design. (e.g. regular, Medium, Bold)

2. Trebuchet

a. To be used as a backup or failsafe for the Google web Font ubuntu. when a device or browser does not accept the use of ubuntu, or if anytechnical difficulties arise, Trebuchet will substitute.

3. arial

a. To be used for all small type, body copy. arial is a universal font, so no substitution is necessary.

Creative requirements: Internet Standards

Trebuchet regularABCDeFgHiJklMnoPQrsTuVWxYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890

Trebuchet BoldaBcDeFGHIJKlMnopQRSTUVWXyZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890

Trebuchet ItalicABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890

Trebuchet Bold ItalicABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890

Arial RegularABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890

Arial BoldABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890

Arial ItalicABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890

Arial Bold ItalicABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890

Ubuntu LightABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890

Ubuntu RegularABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890

Ubuntu MediumABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890

Ubuntu BoldABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890

Ubuntu Light ItalicABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890

Ubuntu Regular ItalicABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890

Ubuntu MediumABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890

Ubuntu Bold ItalicABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890

18January 2014

Page 21: COLDWELL BANKER -©2014 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. ... Confidential and Proprietary COLDWELL BANKER ... It is acceptable

arial is to be used for all small type as well as HTMl text. arial is a universal font, so no substitution is necessary.

arial - regular

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

The bolded version of arial can be used for HTMl headlines and important links.

arial - Bold

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

ColorBackground Text Highlight

you may also use other artwork or graphic images to enhance your website. However, images that you did not create may be subject to trademark, copyright or other laws. you are responsible for securing any necessary permission to use images or artwork on your site.

Since your website promotes your business, it is also subject to online advertising regulations. Make sure you present information accurately and follow local, state and Indian laws.

website Templates:

For Franchisees who do not wish to develop their own website, the Brand has developed a customizable website template. This template is hosted and designed by the Brand and allows Franchisees to customize throughout. The template complies with all identity standards. The Franchisee would have to ensure that customized pages also comply with identity standards and all other local, state and national rules and regulations.

Mobile applicationsThe Brand has developed applications (apps) for Smart Phones and the iPad®. It is recommended that Franchisees utilize these apps in lieu of developing their own. If a Franchisee feels it is necessary to develop a local Mobile application all Identity Standards pertaining to websites, the Mark and online advertising apply, as well as local, state and federal laws.

Creative requirements: Internet Standards

19January 2014

Page 22: COLDWELL BANKER -©2014 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. ... Confidential and Proprietary COLDWELL BANKER ... It is acceptable

Production requirements: reproduction of the Mark

logo SpecificationsThe Coldwell Banker® logo shall always be reproduced photographically from a high-quality, reproduction source designed for that purpose. It shall never be drawn freehand. downloadable versions of approved Coldwell Banker logos can be accessed at

For large-scale reproductions of the Coldwell Banker logo (such as office building signs), strict adherence to proportionally sized enlargements is required. The blue field must maintain a 1.0 to app. 2.4 ratio of height to width.

The scaling grid below provides the correct space relationships for all elements of the Mark. This scaling grid should be used as a guide for scaling the Mark up or down in size and for verifying the correctness of reproductions.

It is recommended, but not required, that when the logo is used against a colored or tinted background that a margin of whitespace is used around the logo to distinguish it from the background.

aspect ratio

28 grid units to 67 grid units.

a correct Mark is 28 grid units in height and 67 grid units in width. The correctness of the aspect ratio may be verified by measuring the Grid height of the field and multiplying it by 2.4. The result should equal the width.

letter height is 7 grid units, except the k, which is 8.5 grid units.

all measurements are in grid units.

The Scaling Grid provides the correct size and spacing relationships for all elements of the Mark.

note: These displays are for demonstration only. The scaling grid should never be reproduced as part of the Mark


28 Grid Units





21January 2014

Page 23: COLDWELL BANKER -©2014 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. ... Confidential and Proprietary COLDWELL BANKER ... It is acceptable

Production requirements: reproduction of the Mark

3d logoFor use on white Backgrounds: The Coldwell Banker® 3d Mark for use on white backgrounds consists of a rectangular three-dimensional field with the words “Coldwell Banker” in white letters in a custom-designed type style stacked on two lines and the Coldwell Banker “bug” design.

For use on dark Backgrounds: The Coldwell Banker 3d Mark for use on dark backgrounds consists of the same design elements as the Mark for white backgrounds but there is an additional built-in recessed border surrounding the blue rectangular field. This recessed white box serves as the recommended white field that distinguishes the Mark from a dark or patterned background.

The Coldwell Banker 3d Mark must be used exactly as indicated in this Identity Standards Manual. The shape or aspect ratio (the relationship of height to width) of the rectangular field must always be the same. The size, spacing and placement of the words “Coldwell Banker” and the Coldwell Banker “bug” design are always in the same relationship within the rectangular field. These attributes should not be altered regardless of the application or the size of the Mark within the application.

22January 2014

Page 24: COLDWELL BANKER -©2014 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. ... Confidential and Proprietary COLDWELL BANKER ... It is acceptable

Color Specifications

It is always preferable to show the Coldwell Banker® Mark in blue, and always in the correct shade of blue. For Coldwell Banker Blue, generally PanTone®* or PMS 280 will be specified.

Four-Color Process Printing: when specifying four-color printed work (i.e., advertising or brochures, etc.), it may be desirable, for cost reasons, to use standard CMyk process colors rather than a matched Coldwell Banker Blue for the Mark. when printing on enamel or uncoated/coated paper stocks, Coldwell Banker Blue can be approximated by specifying 100% Cyan; 93% Magenta; 28% yellow; and 23% black. The Coldwell Banker Blue color shall always be matched as closely as possible.

electronic: For websites or electronic applications using rGB formats Coldwell Banker Blue can be approximated by specifying r:0 G:34 B:105 or HeX # 002269

Paint: Specify that paint be mixed to match PMS 280 precisely

Signage: Specifications for signage are addressed in a separate section of this manual.

Production requirements: reproduction of the Mark

Color blue shown on this page and throughout this guide is not intended to match the PanTone Color Standard.note: For the PanTone Color Standard, refer to the current editions of the PanTone Color Publications.


23January 2014

Page 25: COLDWELL BANKER -©2014 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. ... Confidential and Proprietary COLDWELL BANKER ... It is acceptable

Production requirements: reproduction of the Mark

embossing SpecificationsThe Coldwell Banker® Mark also may be reproduced through a printing process known as embossing, where the words “Coldwell Banker” are raised in relief from the surface of the paper or fabric. Two types of embossed Marks are acceptable. The first has the words “Coldwell Banker” in raised relief letters against a printed field which defines the background of the Mark (illustration #1). The second has the words “Coldwell Banker” in raised relief letters against the field, using an embossed frame to define the field of the Mark. The lines that make up the frame are one grid unit in width. no ink is used. This is called a Blind emboss (Illustration #2).

In either instance, the words “Coldwell Banker” are raised from the surface of the paper or fabric. when the background field is printed in Coldwell Banker Blue, a one-level die is used. when embossing is blind, a two-level die is used with the frame being raised from the paper’s surface, but one half the depth or distance as that of the words “Coldwell Banker” (Illustration #3).

1 Grid Unit


28 Grid Units

The Mark shall be reproduced photographically in making the embossing dies. The size of the words “Coldwell Banker,” their placement and the spacing in relation-ship to the background field or the frame that defines the field shall be consistent with all Mark specifications. The aspect ratio (height to width) of the blue field to the outside of the frame shall be 1.0 to 2.3928.

The size of the embossed Mark shall be sufficient to enable the embossing to be crisp and sharp and the words legible. The recommended space (generally two grid units) shall be maintained around all four sides of the Mark whether or not the field is printed in color or is defined by an embossed frame.

when embossing the Mark, the words “Coldwell Banker” and the Coldwell Banker “bug” design element are always in raised relief against the back-ground. Illustration #1 depicts raised embossed letters against a printed Coldwell Banker Blue field. Illustration #2depicts a “Blind embossed” Mark with raised letters against a white field. The embossed frame, which defines the field, is in raised relief, one half the height of the raised letters and one (1) grid unit in width (illustration #3).

Illustration #1 Illustration #2

Level 1 Level 2

“Coldwell Banker”letters raised Frame

The above illustrates a cross-section view of a two-level “blind” embossing die for reproduction of the Coldwell Banker Mark.

Illustration #3

recommended: use Blue, Platinum or pearl inks or foils when printing embossed materials.

24January 2014

Page 26: COLDWELL BANKER -©2014 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. ... Confidential and Proprietary COLDWELL BANKER ... It is acceptable

Creative requirements: Typography System

Typography Specifications

Typefaces, like companies, have personalities. The Trebuchet and the arial fonts have been selected to communicate the personality and distinct attributes of the Coldwell Banker® brand for all printed and broadcast materials.

Trebuchet Aa Bb Cc Dd ee Ff gg Hh ii Jj kk ll Mm nn oo Pp Qq rr ss Tt uu Vv Ww xx Yy Zz 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

This typeface should be used for all text in printed advertising materials (print ads, flyers, brochures, billboards, postcards). This typeface should also be used in all broadcast advertising and communications (television commercials, videos, home shows). It is also used for printed stationery, business cards and name badges and for the company trade name when used with the 2d Mark or 3d Mark. If the Scala Sans typeface is not available, arial is an acceptable, approved alternative.


Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

arial should be used for the legal disclaimers on stationery, business cards, building signs, yard signs and all other non-advertising materials.

For Coldwell Banker Previews International business cards, stationery, ads and other material please see the Coldwell Banker Previews International section of this manual.

25January 2014

Page 27: COLDWELL BANKER -©2014 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. ... Confidential and Proprietary COLDWELL BANKER ... It is acceptable

Color System: Color is perhaps the strongest visual identity tool. It can support and build upon the brand’s positioning and personality.

The Coldwell Banker® color palette consists of Coldwell Banker Blue, Coldwell Banker Gray and Coldwell Banker accent Blue. The palette is focused andhas been created to build recognition and memorability in a variety of applications.

as presented, the Coldwell Banker color palette consists of three colors – Coldwell Banker Blue, Coldwell Banker Gray and Coldwell Banker accent Blue.

while these are the only colors that can be used, they may appear in various shades or gradations in printed materials. The following illustrates the gradation of each color.

PanTone® Color System*

PMS 280 C†


PMS Cool Gray 7 C†


PMS 652 C†


noTe: Colors are representative of a coated stock. when using uncoated stocks,matching uncoated colors should always be selected.

C: 100M: 72y: 0k: 18

C: 62M: 28y: 2k: 3

4/C Process

C: 0M: 0y: 0k: 37

PrIMary SeCondary TerTIary

PanTone® Color System*

100% ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

50% ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

PrIMary† TerTIary†SeCondary†

0% ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Please note only solid colors may be used in digital applications.

*PANTONE® is a registered Trademark of PANTONE, Inc. †PMS swatches are shown in their 4/C process equivalent. Please refer to a PANTONE Matching System book for actual color.

Creative requirements: Color System

26January 2014

Page 28: COLDWELL BANKER -©2014 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. ... Confidential and Proprietary COLDWELL BANKER ... It is acceptable

Creative requirements: Placement of the Mark in advertising

The following example show the recommended fonts and place-ment for ad elements, including the Mark and dBa.

Consistent placement of the Coldwell Banker® signature will enhance the brand. as such, always place the Coldwell Banker Mark in the bottom left corner of printed materials for consistency and recognition.

In addition to placement, the Mark must remain consistent in its appearance. as such, it may never be altered in shape, size and spacing in relation to other elements.

Jane Smith1234 Main Street

City, State, Zip CodeO: 000-000-0000 F: 000-000-0000

[email protected]

© 2013 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. All Rights Reserved. Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated. Coldwell Banker, the Coldwell Banker logo, Coldwell Banker Previews International and the Coldwell Banker Previews International logo are registered service marks owned by Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC in the United States and by Coldwell Banker LLC in Canada. Each sales representative and broker is responsible for complying with any consumer disclosure laws or regulations. In Canada, any use of the term “sales associate” or “agent” herein shall be replaced with the term “sales representative”.

The blue band is: 1.25” high and is the same

corporate blue as the border.

The dBa is: Trebuchet MS regular

The logo is: Centered top and bottom of the blue band and stays flush left with the edge of the main image.

The agent info is: Trebuchet MS regular, flush right, upper & lowercase, reverse white. agent’s name is bold, minimum point size: 8 pt. with 11.5 pt leading, copy aligns top and bottom with the logo on the left.

The agent portrait is: 1” x 1” square photo, flush right to the main image with 10pt. equal space on three sides.

The blue border is: 10pt. and is the corporate blue: PMS 280u C: 100, M:72. y:0 k: 18r: 35 G: 31 B:32

27January 2014

Page 29: COLDWELL BANKER -©2014 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. ... Confidential and Proprietary COLDWELL BANKER ... It is acceptable

Identity requirements: letterhead and envelopes

The suite of Coldwell Banker® business essentials feature a modern-treatment of the trademark in a 3d design, available in a standard and premium fiber with higher-quality paper stock. To review the materials available, visit, search for keyword “Xpressdocs” and click on “Business essentials” from the vendor’s hompage.

Standard letterheadyour Company Trade name or dBa: 13 pt. Trebuchet Bold, in your approved format (all caps, upper and lower, etc.), position below and centered under the logo using one to three lines not extending past right side of mark. lithographed in black ink.

Minimum disclaimerThe Minimum required disclaimer must be positioned at the bottom of the letterhead, centered, in 9 pt. arial, upper and lower case, lithographed in black ink.

approved Symbols: The realTor® trademark, MlS trademark, or a combination of them may be positioned in the lower right corner, lithographed in black ink. an award symbol is optional for those who qualify.


Each Office Is Independently Owned And Operated.

.09375 ”


1” 1”

Your nAMeTitleTitle

123 MAin sTreeTCiTY, sT 12345

Bus (000) 123-4567 FAx (000) 123-4567

DireCT (000) 123-4567Cell (000) 123-4567

[email protected]


28January 2014

Page 30: COLDWELL BANKER -©2014 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. ... Confidential and Proprietary COLDWELL BANKER ... It is acceptable

Identity requirements: letterhead and envelopes

Standard envelopeTo review materials available, visit, search for keyword “Xpressdocs” and click on “Business essentials” from the vendor’s homepage.

Trademark Size: 1” x .40625”, lithographed in Coldwell Banker® PMS 280.

your Company Trade name or dBa: 10 pt. Trebuchet, in your approved format (all caps, upper and lower, etc.), position below and centered with logo using one to three lines not extending past right side of the Mark.

your name: 6.5 pt. Trebuchet Bold, all upper case, lithographed in black ink, positioned flush left below the logo.

sMiTH & sMiTHsMiTH reAlTY

yoUR naMe123 MAin sTreeTCiTY, sT 12345





29January 2014

Page 31: COLDWELL BANKER -©2014 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. ... Confidential and Proprietary COLDWELL BANKER ... It is acceptable

Identity requirements: letterhead and envelopes

Premium letterheadTo review materials available, visit, search for keyword “Xpressdocs” and click on “Business essentials” from the vendor’s homepage.

Trademark Size: 11.03125” x .5625”, embossed in Coldwell Banker® Blue ink (PMS 280).

your Company Trade name or dBa: 13 pt. Trebuchet Bold, in your approved format (all caps, upper and lower, etc.), position below and centered under the logo using one to three lines not extending past right side of the Mark. lithographed in black ink.

your name: 9 pt. Trebuchet Bold, 9 pt. leading, upper and lower case, lithographed in black ink, positioned flush right above the rule.

Minimum disclaimer: The Minimum required disclaimer, as shown on page four, must be positioned at the bottom of the letterhead, centered, in 9 pt. arial, upper and lower case, lithographed in black ink.

approved Symbols: The realTor® trademark, MlS trademark, or a combination of them may be positioned in the lower right corner, lithographed in black ink. an award symbol is optional for those who qualify. Symbols, designations, or marks from 3rd party real estate organizations outside of realTor® or local MlS boards are also prohibited.

embossing: The rule extending to the right of the logo is blind embossed.

Each Office Is Independently Owned And Operated.


1” 1”

your nameTitleTitle

123 Main streetCity, sT 12345

Bus (000) 123-4567 Fax (000) 123-4567

Direct (000) 123-4567Cell (000) 123-4567

[email protected]




30January 2014

Page 32: COLDWELL BANKER -©2014 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. ... Confidential and Proprietary COLDWELL BANKER ... It is acceptable

Identity requirements: letterhead and envelopes

Premium envelope


123 MAin sTreeTCiTY, sT 12345

Creative requirements: letterhead and envelopes

letterhead and envelopes may be the first encounter a customer has with your business, and first impressions are obviously important. But even if customers have done business with you for some time, the look and feel of your stationery has a subtle but powerful impact on their attitude toward you. Good letterhead can help retain a customer or stimulate a referral. So, as with business cards, letterhead is a surprisingly important marketing investment.

To maximize your investment, make sure you adhere to the following guidelines when producing your Coldwell Banker® letterhead and envelopes.

n using the brand-designed materials available from Xpressdocs helps ensure your finished product will reflect the utmost quality and follows standards.




31January 2014

Page 33: COLDWELL BANKER -©2014 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. ... Confidential and Proprietary COLDWELL BANKER ... It is acceptable

Identity requirements: Business Cards

Business Card without PhotoThe examples shown illustrate the approved format for business cards. These items may be ordered through Preferred alliance members or approved Suppliers.

Master Format: a master format is provided for those items that are consistent for all non-photo business cards. Printing may only appear on one side of the card.

Trademark: use exactly as shown on Master Format.

Size: 3.5” x 2”.

Professional designation: The following designations may be used by those persons entitled to use them: GrI, CPM, CCIM, CrS, CCPS, CrB, MaI, CrP and aMo.

your Company Trade name or dBa: name should be centered under the logo using up to three lines of type and not to extend beyond either edge of the Mark.

approved Marks of others: The realTor® trademark, MlS trademark, or a combination of them may be positioned in the lower left corner. an award symbol is optional for those who qualify. Symbols, insignias or trademarks that are unrelated to the real estate profession are prohibited. There is a limit of three symbols on non-photo cards. Symbols, designations, or marks from 3rd party real estate organizations outside of realTor® or local MlS boards are also prohibited.

Minimum required disclaimer: The Minimum required disclaimer must appear at the bottom of the card, positioned flush left with the left edge of the ruling in 5 pt. arial, upper and lower case.

Ink Colors: Print Coldwell Banker® PMS 280 Blue and black. Coldwell Banker Blue is used for the Coldwell Banker Mark and the two ruled lines running horizontally across the length of the business card. all else prints black.

32January 2014

Page 34: COLDWELL BANKER -©2014 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. ... Confidential and Proprietary COLDWELL BANKER ... It is acceptable

Identity requirements: Business Cards

Business Card with Photo: 3 linesIndividual Photograph: Photograph must be supplied to the printer in accordance to this guide.

h t t p : / / c b n e t . c o l d w e l l b a n k e r . c o m

Identity Requirements: Business Cards

Standard Logo Business Card With PhotoMaster Format: A master format is provided for those items that are consistent for all photo business cards.

Individual Photograph: Photograph must be supplied to the printer in accordance to this guide.

Trademark: The Trademark should be used as shown on Master Format.

Size: 3.5” x 2”.

Paper: Kromecote 12 pt. cover stock.

Team Name: 8 pt. Berkeley Oldstyle Black, all upper case.

Individual Name: 8 pt. Berkeley Oldstyle Black, all upper case, 70% horizontal scale.

Individual Title: 7 pt. Berkeley Oldstyle Medium, upper and lower case, 70% horizontal scale.

Professional Designation: 8 pt. Berkeley Oldstyle Bold all upper case, 70% horizontal scale, following the individual name and separated from the name by acomma and a space. The following designations may be used by those persons entitled to use them: GRI, CPM, CCIM, CRS, CCPS, CRB, MAI, CRP and AMO.

Individual Phone Numbers: 7.25 pt. Berkeley Oldstyle Black all upper case, 90% horizontal scale.

Individual Email Address: 7.25 pt. Berkeley Oldstyle Black, lower case.

Individual Web Site Address: 7.25 pt. Berkeley Oldstyle Black, lower case.

Your Company Tradename or DBA: 10 pt. Berkeley Oldstyle Bold, upper case. Name should be centered under the logo using up to three lines of typeand not to extend beyond either edge of the Mark.

Your Company Address: 6.5 pt. Berkeley Oldstyle Medium, upper and lower case. Your company address always follows your company tradename and ispositioned below and flushes with the left edge of the upper ruled line as illustrated.

Your Company Web Site Address: 6.5 pt. Berkeley Oldstyle Black, lower case. Position below and flush with the left edge of the Company Address.

Approved Marks of Others: The REALTOR® trademark, MLS trademark, combination of them or local Board symbol may be positioned in the lower rightcorner of the card. An award symbol is optional for those who qualify. Symbols, insignias or marks that are unrelated to the real estate profession are prohibited. There is a limit of two symbols on photo cards.

Minimum Required Disclaimer: The Minimum Required Disclaimer must appear at the bottom of the card, left justified under the company address, in 5 pt. Helvetica, upper and lower case.

Ink Colors: Print Coldwell Banker PMS 280 Blue and black. Coldwell Banker Blue is used for the Coldwell Banker Mark and the photo box . All elseprints black.

TEAM NAME (000) 000-0000 EXT. 125 BUSINESS(000) 000-0000 FAX(000) 000-0000 DIRECT(000) 000-0000 [email protected]

Each Office Is Independently Owned And Operated.


123 Main StreetCity, ST



(000) 000-0000 EXT. 125 BUSINESS(000) 000-0000 FAX(000) 000-0000 DIRECT(000) 000-0000 [email protected]

Each Office Is Independently Owned And Operated.


123 Main StreetCity, ST




aGenT TeaMpHoTo



RoBeRT SMITH, DeSTitleTitle

(000) 000-0000 Business(000) 000-0000 FAx(000) 000-0000 PAger

Each Office Is Independently Owned And Operated.

SMITH RealTy123 Main streetsuite 12548City, sT

aGenT pHoTo

RoBeRT SMITH, DeSTitleTitle

(000) 000-0000 Business(000) 000-0000 FAx

(000) 000-0000 PAger

Each Office Is Independently Owned And Operated.

123 Main streetsuite 12548

City, sT


Jane SMITH, Des TiTle


TeaM naMeJane SMITH, Des TiTle


TeaM naMe

coMpany naMe

coMpany naMe

(000) 000-0000 Business(000) 000-0000 FAx(000) 000-0000 DireCT(000) 000-0000 [email protected]

(000) 000-0000 Business(000) 000-0000 FAx(000) 000-0000 DireCT(000) 000-0000 [email protected]

123 Main street City, sT

123 Main street City, sT

33January 2014

Page 35: COLDWELL BANKER -©2014 Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC. ... Confidential and Proprietary COLDWELL BANKER ... It is acceptable

Individual Photography SpecificationsFor you: you want to look good when you have your picture taken. we want you to look good, too. That is why we developed this photography specifications sheet for you to take to your professional photography session.

Please keep in mind that only your individual photo can appear on a business card in a head and shoulder format. To insure the professionalism of photo busi-ness cards, photos of other people (unless the other person is a business partner or spouse), animals, birds, reptiles, buildings, scenery, slogans, symbols or posters cannot appear in the photo.

your pictures will be an important business tool, and should reflect your professional image as a member of one of the premier real estate organizations in the world, so clothing is an important consideration. wearing of costumes is not permitted.

your pictures should be taken against a subtle background that will not clash with the Coldwell Banker® Blue logo. white or light-colored clothing may be a poor choice.

If you are having a hard time deciding between two combinations, take them both and ask your photographer’s opinion.

To smile or not to smile, that’s your choice. If you’re not comfortable having your picture taken, it will only look worse if you try to force yourself to do something you are uncomfortable doing – like smiling broadly, or in some cases, suppressing one.

For your Photographer: ask your photographer to follow the guidelines listed below. This will ensure that your pictures will reproduce effectively.

n The main light is camera right. It should be 45° from camera, 45° above the subject for short lighting

n The subject should be turned toward main light slightly, with the far ear not showing and the head tipped slightly toward the main light

n The broad fill just off camera left, level to camera, -1 stop from the main light for 1:3 ratio

n The background light should be approximately half the distance between the subject and the white seamless background,-1 stop from the main light,(incident measurement at background)

n a 150 mm portrait lens on a 2.25” format camera is preferred for proper perspective

Creative requirements: Business Cards

one of the most powerful, yet overlooked, marketing tools is your business card. when designed properly this little 3” x 2.5” piece of paper will not only let people know how to contact you, it will also tell them why they should contact you. To be effective and get you more business, your business card must stand out, and get noticed. and there is clearly no easier way to get noticed than having a high quality Coldwell Banker business card.

when producing your Coldwell Banker business card the following guidelines should be adhered to:

n lay out the content of your card

n determine if you will include a photograph

n ensure Minimum required disclaimers are included

n determine how many cards you will need to have printed

remember, your Coldwell Banker business card is a valuable marketing key which has the power to open several doors for business opportunities.

Identity requirements: Business Cards

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In addition to following requirements in your franchise agreement regarding obtaining your website address, you must also represent the Coldwell Banker® brand correctly within social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, youTube, Google+, linkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram and others.

The Coldwell Banker Mark must never stand alone within your social media page or be used as your profile picture. your approved company trade name or dBa must always be used in the Identity Standards Manual. The Coldwell Banker name and/or mark should not be used by itself within social media sites as your:

n Profile name

n user name

n Profile picture

n Profile url when creating a profile, user name, etc. for your local company within social media sites, you should always use your approved trade name or dBa. If creating multiple profiles for different areas served you should add a location descriptor after your approved trade name or dBa to distinguish between profiles. Here are some examples:


n Coldwell Banker Smith realty

n Coldwell Banker Smith realty – west Philadelphia

n Coldwell Banker Smith realty – east Philadelphia



n Coldwell Banker real estate

n Coldwell Banker – west Philadelphia



Profile Pictureswhen creating a profile on a social media site, it is common practice that a profile picture or image be added to enhance your online profile. If you are going to add a profile picture to your account and intend to use the Coldwell Banker logo, it must include your trade name or dBa and the minimum required disclaimer in addition to the Coldwell Banker mark.

using the logo with your dBa will help brand yourself to customers on these social media sites while also establishing yourself as a part of the Coldwell Banker brand. you must use the Coldwell Banker mark with your dBa on any social media profiles that represents your company or individual office. Sales associates are encouraged to use their own photos as their profile pictures, but must adhere to the same naming conventions for their profiles and custom url as are outlined within this identity standards manual.

Custom urls for Social Media Sites

If you are establishing a custom url for a company or office social media site, and intend to use the Coldwell Banker® brand name in that address, make sure you do so correctly. In your custom url, you may use:

1. your full approved company trade name:

2. a modification of your approved company name: or

*note that #2 is acceptable in a url only, not in the content of your social media profile. all other references to the brand name must always spell out Coldwell Banker correctly, and must use the full approved company trade name (i.e., Coldwell Banker Blue realty). never use “CB.”

Creative requirements: Social Media


35January 2014

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Creative requirements: Social Media

any social media profile is considered online advertising. This means that your content is subject to many regulations, and should be carefully considered before being made public. you are solely responsible for the information and other content that you make available anywhere on the web. This includes all your social media profiles and your own business websites. Make sure you comply with the following:

n your social media profiles must use Coldwell Banker® Marks and slogans correctly and consistently at all times

n Make sure you have permission to reproduce and display content, as well as artwork and graphics, in accordance with applicable trademark, copyright, patent and other laws

n Follow all regulations governing the accuracy and presentation of advertising and the promotion of your business on the web

Coldwell Banker real estate llC reserves the right to disapprove and deny access to any franchisee whose profile on social media sites contains content which violates the Coldwell Banker identity standards, Trademarks or service marks, or otherwise threatens to damage the Coldwell Banker System. violations may result in suspension from any awards program and any other relief as specified in your Franchise agreement.


36January 2014

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Creative requirements: Social Media

These guidelines apply to all the COLDWELL BANKER INDIA employees, franchisees across INDIA and their employees; and/or contractors who create or contribute to blogs, wikis, social networks, virtual worlds, or any other kind of Social Media. Whether you log into Twitter, Youtube , Wikipedia, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Facebook pages and real estate forums, or comment on online media stories — these guidelines will help you maintain the brand’s sanctity and authenticity.

While all COLDWELL BANKER INDIA affiliates are welcome to participate in Social Media, we expect everyone who participates in online commentary to understand and follow these simple but important guidelines. These rules might sound strict and contain a bit of legal-sounding jargon but please keep in mind that our overall goal is simple: to participate online in a respectful, relevant way that protects our reputation and of course follows the letter and spirit of the law.

1. Please adhere to COLDWELL BANKER INDIA Brand Guidelines while creating any social media profile (facebook, twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Wordpress or any other social media profile); this will help in maintaining the Brand’s unique identity.

2. All the profiles will be approved by COLDWELL BANKER INDIA before they get published and made public.

3. Be transparent and state that you work at COLDWELL BANKER INDIA or COLDWELL BANKER <FRANCHISE NAME>. Your honesty will be noted in the Social Media environment. If you are writing about your company or a competitor, use your real name, identify that you work for the company, and be clear about your role. If you have a vested interest in what you are discussing, be the first to say so.

4. Never represent yourself or your company in a false or misleading way. All statements must be true and not misleading; all claims must be substantiated.

5. Post meaningful, respectful comments — in other words, please, no spam and no remarks that are off-topic or offensive.

6. COLDWELL BANKER INDIA has no bias towards any religion, political party, gender, sexuality, caste, creed or color; Please refrain from commenting, giving opinion or associating yourself to any of the above on any social media platform, real estate blogs or any other digital space using COLDWELL BANKER INDIA identity.

7. Use common sense and common courtesy: for example, it’s best to ask permission to publish or report on conversations that are meant to be private or internal to your company. Make sure your efforts to be transparent don't violate your company's privacy, confidentiality, and legal guidelines for external commercial speech.

8. When disagreeing with others' opinions, keep it appropriate and polite. If you find yourself in a situation online that looks as if it’s becoming antagonistic, do not get overly defensive and do not disengage from the conversation abruptly: feel free to ask the PR Director for advice and/or to disengage from the dialogue in a polite manner that reflects well on your company.

9. If you want to write about the competition, make sure you behave diplomatically, have the facts straight and that you have the appropriate permissions.

10. Please never comment on anything related to legal matters, litigation, or any parties your company may be in litigation with.

11. Never participate in Social Media when the topic being discussed may be considered a crisis situation. Even anonymous comments may be traced back to your’s or your company’s IP address. Refer all Social Media activity around crisis topics to PR and/or Legal Affairs Director.

12. Be smart about protecting yourself, your privacy, and your company’s confidential information. What you publish is widely accessible and will be around for a long time, so consider the content carefully. Google has a long memory.

13. Just as the brand reflects your personality and perception, a personality also reflects a brand’s image. Therefore we urge you to maintain a clean personal digital resume to help reflect the right values of the brand COLDWELL BANKER INDIA.

37January 2014

Guidelines for Social Media Participation

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Identity requirements: Specialty Items

The following are additional guidelines for use of the Coldwell Banker® Mark in connection with specialty products. These additional guidelines are intended to further clarify the specifications outlined in this guide when applied to this broad category of products including, but not limited to, apparel, magnets, jewelry, calendars, awards, desk accessories, doormats, gift items and all other promotional products.

Trademark: use exactly as specified in this Manual.

logo Color Specifications: Must adhere to requirements as stated in this Manual.

embossing: Specialty items with the Coldwell Banker Mark also may be reproduced through a printing process known as embossing, where the words “Coldwell Banker” are raised in relief from the surface of the paper or fabric.

Two types of embossed Marks are acceptable. The first has the words “Coldwell Banker” in raised relief letters against a printed field, which defines the background of the Mark. The second has the words “Coldwell Banker” in raised relief letters against the field, using an embossed frame to define the field of the Mark. The lines that make up the frame are one grid unit in width. no ink is used. This is called a blind emboss. In either instance, the words “Coldwell Banker” are raised (not recessed) from the surface of the paper or fabric. when the background field is printed in Coldwell Banker Blue, a one-level die is used. when embossing is blind, a two-level die is used with the frame being raised from the paper’s surface but one half the depth or distance as that of the words “Coldwell Banker”.

The Mark shall be reproduced photographically in making the embossing dies. The size of the words “Coldwell Banker,” their placement and the spacing in relationship to the background field or the frame that defines the field shall be consistent with all Mark specifications. The aspect ratio (height to width) of the blue field or to the outside of the frame shall be 1.0 to 2.3928.

Minimum required disclaimer: The Minimum required disclaimer must appear when the item is intended for distribution to the public as a promotional item or for mass distribution and should be printed in Helvetica light upper and lower case. The disclaimer need not print directly under the company trade name or dBa; however, this is the preferred approach. The disclaimer may only print PMS 280 or black.

your Company Trade name or dBa: Printed in Trebuchet Bold, all upper case and centered under the logo for Coldwell Banker flat logo and Trebuchet for 3d Coldwell Banker logo. The company trade name or dBa cannot extend beyond the edge of the logo and may be up to three lines. The company trade name or dBa must appear when the item is intended for distribution to the public as a promotional item. The company trade name or dBa may be omitted on decora-tions, party favors, apparel, and office supplies, moving boxes, jewelry or other items not intended for mass distribution to the public except for award plaques and statues where it is required. The company trade name may only print PMS 280 or black.

Individual name: a Sales associate’s personal name may be added to any specialty item and should print PMS 280 or black in Trebuchet Bold upper and lower case. when printing the individual name, use care to ensure that the name is far enough away from the company trade name or dBa or disclaimer so as not to be confused as part of that copy. The individual name type size should not exceed the size of the company trade name or dBa if prohibited by state regulation.

General Guidelines: you can reproduce a Coldwell Banker yard sign graphic or business card design as a magnetized product or a label, however, if this specialized format is embedded into a larger graphic image or embossed, it must be reproduced exactly as shown in this Manual.

Creative requirements: Specialty Items

It is vital to do little things to constantly tell your customers that they are very important to you, that you value their business, and that you want to maintain a long-term relationship. Specialty items do just that. whether it is a refrigera-tor magnet, calendar, free pen or other giveaway, it will be received with a smile of gratitude, and each time they are used, they strengthen the bonds of loyalty between you and your customer.

when producing Coldwell Banker specialty items you must maintain consistent use of the Coldwell Banker mark, including your dBa.

For additional information on how to purchase these or other items, please refer to the approved Supplier list at the end of this manual or visit

*disclaimer may be omitted if space is an issue robert Smith

The Correct Mark


Individual name



38January 2014

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Identity requirements: Signages

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Identity requirements: exterior Building Signs

Formatall measurements for the stacked and extended versions are given in grid units. This is to simplify the process of scaling up or scaling down the building signs. Building signs are to be internally illuminated using fluorescent lighting.

whether your building sign is freestanding, protruding or a fascia installation, it must conform to the following requirements. your vendor will conducta survey of your property and forward a formal proposal, including pricing for product, freight, taxes and installation.

Sign Face requirements: The building signs must maintain a 60/40 configuration ratio between the Coldwell Banker® Mark and your company trade name regardless of the outside dimensions of the sign. The top 60% contains the Coldwell Banker name in white reversed out of a blue field, and the bottom 40% contains your company trade name in white upper case Trebuchet Bold letters custom cut out of a blue field, and centered under the Mark, in no more than three lines.

Service Mark: The Coldwell Banker Service mark (top 60%) is to appear only as authorized with the corporate alphabet typeface letters appearing in white, cut out of a Coldwell Banker Blue translucent vinyl background laminated to lexan.

Company Trade name: your company trade name is to appear in white Trebuchet Bold letters cut out of a Coldwell Banker Blue translucent vinyl background laminated to lexan. The point size of your company trade name is to be 60% of the point size of the Coldwell Banker letters, with the exception of one-word company names of eight characters or less which should use 70% of the Coldwell Banker letters for the stacked logo format and 80% for the extended logo format. your company trade name is to be centered under the Trademark and is to bepositioned as shown in these examples.

Minimum required disclaimer: The Minimum required disclaimer line must appear on the building sign, centered in the white bottom border under the lower Coldwell Banker Blue field and displayed in Helvetica regular upper and lower case letters in black type face. If the available space does not allow room for the disclaimer, a disclaimer Sticker may be placed on the door or window at the main entrance of the building. disclaimer stickers can be obtained from your executive Business Consultant.

note: no symbols, slogans, telephone numbers, marks or words may appear on a building sign.

Plastic Signage: Specify lexan with 3M #3630-36 vinyl applied, second surface.

3M®** Film: Specify 3M film #3630-36 for production of building signs that are externally illuminated, as well as signs that are illuminated from the inside.

electrical requirements: Please ensure compliance with local authorities.

28 Grid Units





**3M® is a registered Trademark of Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company.

40January 2014

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Identity requirements: exterior Building Signs

*Dimensions in grid units to facilitate scaling.

Please note that x = the size of the letter “C” in Coldwell.

41January 2014

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Identity requirements: exterior Building Signs — Channel lettering

This Building Sign format has been specifically designed to accommodate situations where installation of a Can is impractical or where local ordinances require use of individual letters.

If your landlord requires channel letters for exterior building signage, you will be required to produce proof of that policy in writing on your landlord’s official letterhead. This written proof will need to be supplied to your director, regional Marketing.

all measurements for the alternate stacked and extended formats are given in percentages to provide a simplified mathematical process for scaling building signs. (See page 24-25 for sample drawings.)

These are the recommended designs; however, if restrictive local ordinances must be met, some variation of these designs may be permitted at the discretion of Coldwell Banker real estate llC.

requirements: The building signs must maintain a 60/40 configuration ratio between the words “Coldwell Banker®” and your company name regardless of the final size of the individual letters. The words “Coldwell Banker” must be in corporate alphabet typeface letters in Coldwell Banker® Blue.*

your Company name. your company name is to appear in Coldwell Banker Blue* Trebuchet Bold upper case letters. The point size of your company name is to be 60% of the point size of the Coldwell Banker letters, with the exception of one word company names of eight characters or less, which should use 70% of the Coldwell Banker letters for the stacked logo format and 80% for the extended logo format. your company name should be centered and is to be positioned as shown. due to u/l guidelines, 13” is the smallest size allowed for individual channel letters. If the dBa (company name) portion of the sign is less than 13 inches in height when following the brand’s exterior sign letter size to trademark formula, then the dBa letters are not required to be lit internally.

required disclaimer. The Minimum required disclaimer line, (see page four), must appear centered below the company name and be displayed in Helvetica regular upper and lower case letters in black typeface. If the available space does not allow room for the disclaimer, a disclaimer Sticker may be placed on the door or window at the main entrance of the building. disclaimer stickers can be obtained from your executive Business Consultant.

note: no symbols, slogans, telephone numbers, marks or words may appear on a building sign. any variation from the above specifications must be submitted to your regional office for approval by the director of regional Marketing. outside of the united States, contact the International Services director at the Corporate office.

42January 2014

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Identity requirements: exterior Building Signs — Channel lettering*

*Dimensions in grid units to facilitate scaling.

43January 2014

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Identity requirements: exterior Building Signs — alternate version*

*Dimensions in grid units to facilitate scaling.

44January 2014

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Identity requirements: exterior Building Signs Format – 3d logo only

whether your building sign is freestanding, protruding or a fascia installation, it must conform to the following requirements when the Coldwell Banker® 3d logo is used.

Sign Face requirements: The building signs must maintain a 60/40 configuration ratio between the Coldwell Banker Mark and your company trade name regardless of the outside dimensions of the sign. The top 60% contains the Coldwell Banker name in white reversed out of a blue field and the bottom 40% contains your company trade name in white upper case Trebuchet MS Bold letters, custom cut out of a blue field and centered under the Mark, in no more than three lines.

Service Mark: The Coldwell Banker Service Mark (top 60%) is to appear only as authorized with the corporate alphabet typeface letters appearing in white.

Company Trade name: your company trade name is to appear in white Trebuchet MS Bold letters. The point size of your company trade name is to be 60% of the point size of the Coldwell Banker letters, with the exception of one-word company names of eight characters or fewer which should use 70% of the Coldwell Banker letters for the stacked logo format and 80% for the extended logo format. your company trade name is to be centered under the Mark and is to be positioned as shown in these examples.

The following three examples are approved exterior sign formats for 3d logo exterior signs.

Minimum required disclaimer: The minimum required disclaimer line must appear on the building sign, centered in the white bottom border under the lower Coldwell Banker Blue field and displayed in Trebuchet MS regular upper and lower case letters in white typeface. note: no sym-bols, slogans, telephone numbers, marks or words may appear on a building sign. If the available space does not allow room for the disclaimer, a disclaimer Sticker may be placed on the door or window at the main entrance of the building. disclaimer stickers can be obtained from your executive Business Consultant.

electrical requirements: electrical wiring is another vital factor in planning the construction of your sign, which should adhere to national industry standards. For example, there are great differences in cost and quality of ballast, which must be underwriters laboratories (ul) approved with ul-approved waterproofing and pure aluminum weatherproof raceways. all wiring and wiring systems must be pure ul-approved copper. where this conflicts with state or local ordinances, default to local regulations.

ordering Process: To ensure Coldwell Banker standards for the 3d logo are met, all exterior building signage featuring the Coldwell Banker trade-mark in 3d – must be constructed of specified 3M vinyl and printed by Miratec Systems. By creating a simple and easy to follow sign program, we are balancing the need to ensure consistent execution of the brand trademark with the desire to support your long term local sign company relationships.

To get started, search “3d exterior Building Sign Solution“ on, download the order sheet from and request that your local sign company contact a Miratec Systems sales rep by calling 800-336-1224.

sMiTH & JonesEach Office is Independently Owned and Operated.

sMiTH & Jones

Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated.

SMITH & JoneSEach Office is Independently Owned and Operated.

45January 2014