coke vs pepsi sanjay final 2

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  • 7/21/2019 Coke vs Pepsi Sanjay Final 2




  • 7/21/2019 Coke vs Pepsi Sanjay Final 2




  • 7/21/2019 Coke vs Pepsi Sanjay Final 2




    John Stryth pemberton first introduced the refreshing coke taste of Coca cola in Atlanta Georgia. It way

    may of 1886 when the pharmacist concocted a caramel colored syrup in a three legged brass kettle in

    this backyard. The first distribute the new product by carrying Coca Cola in a Jud down the sstrect to

    Jacobs Pharmacy for five cenls consumers could enjoy & glass of Coca Cola at the soda function

    whether we design or accident carbonated water way termed with new syrup, producing a drink, that

    was proclaimed Delicious and refreshing.

    By 1886, sales of Coca Cola averaged nine drinks per day. That first year, Dr. Pemberton sold 25

    gallons of syrop, shipped in bright red wooden kgs .red has been a distinctive color associated with the

    No.1 soft drink brand ever since. For this efforts, Dr. Palmerton grossed $50 and spent $73.96 on


    In 1891, Atlanta entrepreneur. As g. candler had acquired complete owner ship of the Coca cola

    business within for his merchandising flair helped expand consumption of Coca cola to every state and

    territory. In 1919, the coca cola way sold to a group investors for $25million, Robert W.Woodrup

    become president of the Coca cola company in 1923, and his more than six decades of leadership took

    the business to unrivaled height of commercial success making coca Cola in institution the world over.

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    Coca Cola began as a ferntevin product but candy merchant jusepth A. Biedentrnn of Mississippi was

    looking for a way to serve this resrashing beverage at picnics. Tiebegan offering bottled CocaCola,

    using syrup shipped from Atlanta, during an especially, busy summer in 1894.

    In 1899, large scale bottling become possible when as concluder granted exclusive bottling rights to

    Joseph B. whiter head and Benjamin F. Thomas of Chattanooga, Jenacessec. The contract market the

    beginning of the Coca cola companys unique intendment bottling system that remains the formdation of

    the company soft drink operations.


    The day Coca Cola reach consumers and customer around the world through a vast distribution network

    made up of local bottling companies. These bottlers are located around the world, and most are

    independent business. Using concentrates and beverages bases produced by the Coca Cola company, our

    bottling partners package and market products, the distribute them to more than & million customer and

    more than 2 million vending machines around the world.

    The Coca Cola company is committed to assisting its bottlers with the function of an efficient bottling

    operation. Quality contract, ministered constantly by the company is necessary to produce high quality

    soft drinks.

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    Our trademarks are our most valuable ossets. The trademark Coca-Cola was registered with the U.S.

    patent and trademark office in 1893, followed by Coke in 1945 theunique contour bottle, familiar to

    consumersevery when, way granted registration is a trademark by the U.S. patent and trademark office

    in 1977, in honor a warded to few other packages. In 1982, the Coca Cola company introduced diet

    Coke is U.S. consumer marking the first extension of me companys most precious trademark to another

    product later years saw the introduction DP additional products bearing the Coca Cola name which now

    emcon passes a powerful line of six Coal products. Today, the worlds favorite soft drink Coca Cola

    the world best known and most admired trademark; recognized by more than 90 percent of the world


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    1894 A modest start for a bold idea In a candy store in Vicksburg, Mississippi, brisk sales ofthe new fountain beverage called Coca-Cola impressed the store's owner, Joseph A. Biedenharn.

    He began bottling Coca-Cola to sell, using a common glass bottle called a Hutchinson. Biedenharn sent

    a case to Asa Griggs Candler, who owned the Company. Candler thanked him but took no action. One

    of his nephews already had urged that Coca-Cola be bottled, but Candler focused on fountain sales

    1899 The first bottling agreement

    Two young attorneys from Chattanooga, Tennessee believed they could build a business around bottling

    Coca-Cola. In a meeting with Candler, Benjamin F. Thomas and Joseph B. Whitehead obtained

    exclusive rights to bottle Coca-Cola across most of the United States -- for the sum of one dollar. A third

    Chattanooga lawyer, John T. Lupton, soon joined their venture.

    1900-1909 Rapid growth

    The three pioneer bottlers divided the country into territories and sold bottling rights to local

    entrepreneurs. Their efforts were boosted by major progress in bottling technology, which improved

    efficiency and product quality. By 1909, nearly 400 Coca-Cola bottling plants were operating, most of

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    them family-owned businesses. Some were open only during hot-weather months when demand was


    1916 Birth of the Contour Bottle

    Bottlers worried that Coca-Cola's straight-sided bottle was easily confused with imitators. A group

    representing the Company and bottlers asked glass manufacturers to offer ideas for a distinctive bottle.

    A design from the Root Glass Company of Terre Haute, Indiana won enthusiastic approval. The Contour

    Bottle became one of the few packages ever granted trademark status by the U.S. Patent Office. Today,

    it's one of the most recognized icons in the world - even in the dark!

    1920s Bottling overtakes fountain sales

    As the 1920s dawned, more than 1,000 Coca-Cola bottlers were operating in the U.S. Their ideas and

    zeal fueled steady growth. Six-bottle cartons were a huge hit starting in 1923. A few years later, open-

    top metal coolers became the forerunners of automated vending machines. By the end of the 1920s,

    bottle sales of Coca-Cola exceeded fountain sales

    1920s and '30s International expansion

    Led by Robert W. Woodruff, chief executive officer and chairman of the Board, the Company began a

    major push to establish bottling operations outside the U.S. Plants were opened in France, Guatemala,

    Honduras, Mexico, Belgium, Italy and South Africa. By the time World War II began, Coca-Cola was

    being bottled in 44 countries

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    1940s Post-war growth

    During the war, 64 bottling plants were set up around the world to supply the troops. This followed an

    urgent request for bottling equipment and materials from General Eisenhower's base in North Africa.

    Many of these war-time plants were later converted to civilian use, permanently enlarging the bottling

    system and accelerating the growth of the Company's worldwide business.

    1950s Packaging innovations

    For the first time, consumers had choices of Coca-Cola package size and type-the traditional 6.5 ounce

    Contour Bottle, or larger servings including 10-, 12- and 26-ounce versions. Cans were also introduced,

    becoming generally available in 1960.

    1960s New brands introduced

    Sprite, Fanta, Fresca and TAB joined brand Coca-Cola in the 1960s. Mr. Pibb and

    Mello Yello were added in the 1970s. The 1980s brought diet Coke and Cherry Coke,

    followed by PowerAde and Fruitopia in the 1990s. Today scores of other brands are offered

    to meet consumer preferences in local markets around the world

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    1970s and '80s Consolidation to serve customers

    As technology led to a global economy, retail customers of The Coca-Cola Company merged and

    evolved into international mega-chains. Such customers required a new approach. In response, many

    small and medium-size bottlers consolidated to better serve giant international customers. The Company

    encouraged and invested in a number of bottler consolidations to assure that its largest bottling partners

    would have capacity to lead the system in working with global retailers

    1990s New and growing markets

    Political and economic changes opened vast markets that were closed or underdeveloped for decades.

    After the fall of the Berlin Wall, the Company invested heavily to build plants in Eastern Europe. As the

    century closed, more than $1.5 billion was committed to new bottling facilities in Africa.

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    1st Century Think local, act local

    The Coca-Cola bottling system grew up with roots deeply planted in local communities. This heritage

    serves the Company well today as consumers seek brands that honor local identity and the

    distinctiveness of local markets. As was true a century ago, strong locally based relationships between

    Coca-Cola bottlers, customers and communities are the foundation on which the entire business grows.


    Think local, act local

    From the world's largest cities to its most remote villages, our bottling system is made up of locally

    rooted enterprises committed to quality. The Coca-Cola Company bottling partners are always local

    businesses, exerting a strong influence on economic development and actively participating in

    community life through local events and philanthropic activities.

    Bottlers and Customers

    Bottlers are a critical local link. They sell our brands to businesses and institutions, retail chains,

    supermarkets, restaurants, small neighborhood grocers, sports and entertainment venues, schools and

    colleges, among others. These customers, in turn, are where you go when you want a Coke or one of

    our other brands.For each of our customers, providing the right mix of Company products and packages

    at the right price is the foundation of mutual success. Local consumer tastes determine the brands and

    package types a particular customer wants us to supply. Bottlers in many countries offer tours of their

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    facilities to schoolchildren and adult groups. Contact the local bottler in your region for more

    information on tours and other activities that our bottlers sponsor.

    A Revolution in Plastics Recycling

    If you ask Peter Anderson, project director of the Plastic Redesign Project (PRP), The Coca-Cola

    Company has spurred a revolution in the economics of plastics recycling, with its decision three years

    ago to establish a public goal for using recycled content in PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate) bottles.

    The company made the ground-breaking commitment in 2000 to use 10% recycled content in its plastic

    bottles by 2005, culminating its years-long work to help commercialize recycling PET bottles from

    curbside programs into new bottles.

    In February 2003, The Coca-Cola Company received an award from the PRP, as it reached a milestone

    in that commitment, with 10% recycled content in 80% of its bottles. During the ceremony, Anderson

    expressed the industry's gratitude to the company's commitment, "We cannot begin to tell you how

    much we appreciate your bold decision to step up to the plate, following on your decade-long dedication

    to technology development with a public commitment."

    Receiving the award for outstanding corporate responsibility on behalf of The Coca-Cola Company

    were Scott Vitters, Environmental Manager, and Jeffrey Hansen, Packaging Recycling System


    Vitters explained that the Coca-Cola system has worked diligently over the past decade to develop

    sustainable recycling technologies. "We appreciate the recognition for these efforts and look forward to

    continuing to drive new innovation. The company continues ahead of schedule to meeting its 2005 goal

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    With the same spirited investment as the world's premier marketer and beverage industry leader for

    more than 116 years, we are focused on strategic workplace programs that help assure the success of our

    commitment to embracing the similarities and differences of people, cultures and ideas.

    Cultural Sensations

    This employee awareness program takes diversity beyond representation and provides employees an

    opportunity to learn about different cultures and regions of the world in which we do business. Our

    Cultural Sensations program is designed to foster dialogue about the similarities and differences of

    people, cultures and ideas through the use of art, music, dance, food and special events.

    Diversity Advisory Council

    The company's corporate Diversity Advisory Council consists of a representative group of employees

    from all levels, functions and business units of the organization. The Council develops recommendations

    for senior management on advancing the company's efforts towards achieving our diversity objectives.

    Employee Forums

    We believe that a sense of community enhances our ability to attract, retain, and develop diverse talent

    and ideas as a source of competitive business advantage. In the United States, through employee forums,

    employees can connect with colleagues who share similar interests and backgrounds. In those forums

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    and elsewhere, employees support each other's personal and professional growth and enhance their

    individual and collective ability to contribute to the company. Forums that are currently active include:


    Within every large organization, there are always governing rules, and our company is no exception. In

    order to foster an environment that is productive, healthy, safe, and successful for all of our employees,

    our company has policies to help guide the behaviour that shape our work environment.

    Code of Business Conduct

    Our Code of Business Conduct (English Translation) serves to guide the actions of our employees,

    officers and directors in ways that are consistent with our core values: honesty; integrity; diversity;

    quality; respect; responsibility; and, accountability. The Code helps our people play by the rules

    wherever we operate around the world. And, we have well-defined procedures for times when concerns

    arise, in The Code of Business Conduct Procedural Guidelines (English Translation).

    Equal Opportunity

    The Coca-Cola Company values all employees and the contributions they make. Consistent with this

    value, the company reaffirms its long-standing commitment to equal opportunity and affirmative action

    in employment, which are integral parts of our corporate environment. The company strives to create a

    work environment free of discrimination and physical or verbal harassment with respect to race, gender,

    colour, national origin, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, or veteran status. We will make

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    reasonable accommodations in the employment of qualified individuals with disabilities, for religious

    beliefs, and whenever else appropriate

    The company maintains equal employment opportunity functions to ensure adherence to all laws and

    regulations, and to company policy in the areas of equal employment opportunity and affirmative action.

    All managers are expected to implement and enforce the company policy of non-discrimination, equal

    employment opportunity, and affirmative action, as well as to prevent acts of harassment within their

    assigned area of responsibility. Further, it is a part of every individual's responsibility to maintain a work

    environment that reflects the spirit of equal opportunity and prohibits harassment.

    Individuals with Disabilities, Disabled Veterans and Veterans of the

    Vietnam Era

    The Coca-Cola Company has a long-standing commitment to take affirmative action to employ and

    advance the employment of qualified individuals with disabilities, disabled veterans, and veterans of the

    Vietnam Era. As part of these efforts, we periodically invite disabled individuals, disabled veterans,

    veterans of the Vietnam Era, and other covered veterans to identify themselves as such, if they have not

    already done so, by advising their Human Resources representatives.

    The information provided by an employee is voluntary, and will be handled confidentially.

    However, if it's necessary to assist an employee in performing job responsibilities, appropriate managers

    may be informed regarding any restrictions on work, necessary accommodations, or conditions that

    might require emergency treatmen

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    The Coca-Cola Company exists to benefit and refresh every one it touches.

    The basic proposition of our business is simple, solid and timeless. When we bring refreshment, value,

    joy and fun to our stakeholders, then we successfully nurture and protect our brands, particularly Coca-

    Cola. That is the key to fulfilling our ultimate obligation to provide consistently attractive returns to the

    owner so four business.


    More than a billion times every day, thirsty people around the world reach for Coca-Cola products for

    refreshment. They deserve the highest qualityevery time. Our promise to deliver that quality is the

    most important promise we make. And it involves a worldwide, yet distinctively local, network of

    bottling partners, suppliers, distributors and retailers whose success is paramount to our own. Our

    investment in local communities in over 200 countries totals billions of dollars in jobs, facilities,

    marketing, the purchase of local goods and services, and local business partnerships. Always and

    everywhere, we pursue continuous innovation in the products we offer, the processes we use to make

    them, the packages we develop and the ways we bring them to market.

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    Finance department performs the activities in management of Accounts Receivables, Claims and

    expenses, Fixed Assets management & their depreciation, Transportation, arrangement of raw material

    as through supply chain, computer networking management, Taxation, etc. Above all these functions

    checking authority verifies all these activities and approves it for final actions.


    HR department works in Recruitment & selection, Training & Development, Performance Appraisals,

    objective setting leading to management Incentive plan, wages & salary administration, Disciplinary

    Actions, Statutory compliance, ISO documentation, assisting in civil & criminal litigation, handling of

    contract labour .

    And worker related issues, employee welfare, community development projects, policy implementation,

    internal & external environment etc.


    The manufacturing of different types of Brands of soft drink comes under the Production department. It

    comprises the process of Water Treatment, Syrup preparation, Container Washing, Mixing &

    Proportioning, Filling & Crowning and then the Final Inspection of the product.

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    This department is also termed as Dispatch Section. Goods are received and dispatched from shipping. It

    works in receiving of products from other unit, transferring of fulls from production, Inventory

    Management of finished products in First In First Out (FIFO) method, dispatch of finished goods to

    distributors, empty received and dispatch to other units.


    Sales department takes care of placement of all brands in right proportion in right time at right place.

    Sales executive always dispatches in proportion of empty receiving and payment terms. The main aim of

    this department is that all the brands should be at distributor's end and must not be any deficiency of any


    All the activities that help in enhancing the sales come under marketing. In this, company gives glow

    sign boards to distributors, Table, chairs & Umbrellas, advertisements, T-shirts, Caps, posters, banners,

    seasonal schemes, product keeping containers like Fridge, ice-box etc.

    STORES :

    All kinds of material are handled in stores either it can be of raw material for production or materials

    used in the office. A proper sequence is followed. At very first, Purchase requisition is prepared by each

    department and then materials are purchased form the fixed vendors after this the material are

    distributed as per the requirement. In broader terms, we can say that the activities performed in this

    process are receiving of materials, issuing of materials, rejection handling, scrap handling.

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    The Varsity Restaurant in Atlanta, Georgia, bas earned the distinction of serving the

    highest volume of Coca-Cola anywhere. It dispenses nearly 3 million servings of Coca-

    Cola annually.

    If all the Coca-Cola vending machines in the U.S. were stacked one on top of each other,the pile would be over 450 miles high

    What is in a Coke

    Carbonated Water

    High Fructose Corn Syrup

    Caramel Color

    Phosphoric Acid

    Natural Flavors


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    COCA-COLA is certainly no stranger to global marketing. Long the worlds leading

    soft drink marker, the company now sells its brands in more than 200 countries. In fact,

    in recent years, as its domestic markets have lost their fizz. Coca-Cola has revved up

    every aspect of its global marketing. The result; near world dominance of the soft drink

    market. The great global Cola wars between Coca-Cola and rival Pepsi have become

    decidedly one-sided. In the 1990s, while Pepsis sales volume rose just 2 percent, Coke

    Classic consumption increased by more than 30 percent.

    Since the early 1980s, soft drink consumption has grown at a rate of 3 percent annually

    both domestically and internationally; during that same period, Cokes volume has

    grown 5 percent and 7 percent, respectively. Coca-Cola international prowess has

    played a major role in its dominance. In fact, Coca-Cola earns over 70 percent of its

    profits aboard. Whereas in the United States Coca-Cola captures a 44 percent market

    share versus Pepsis 31 percent, it outsells Pepsi 3 to 1 overseas and boasts 4 of the

    worlds 5 leading soft drink brands: Coca-Cola, diet Coke, Sprite, and Fanta. Coca-Cola

    has handed Pepsi a number of crushing international setbacks. As a result.

    Pepsi has recently experience flat or declining international soda sales. During the same

    period, Coca-Cola has reported strong growth in Latin America and grew a stunning 20

    percent in China, 17 percent in India, and 16 percent in the Philippines.

    Pepsi is new retrenching its efforts aboard by focusing on emerging markets-China,

    India, and Indonesia-where Coke is growing but does not yet dominate.

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    Together, these three emerging markets boast 2.4 billion people, nearly half the worlds

    total population. With their young populations, exploding incomes, and underdeveloped

    soft drink demand, they represent prime potential for Coca-Cola and Pepsi.

    For example, Chinas 1.2 billion consumers-drinks an average of only 5 servings of

    soda per year, compared with 343 in the United States, crating heady opportunity for

    growth. Indonesia, with 200 million people, nearly all of whom are Muslims for-bidden

    to consume alcohol, is what one top Coca-Cola executive calls a soft drink paradise.

    Coca-Colas success as a global power has made it one of the most enduringly

    profitable companies in history. As one observes states, Coke will remain the 800

    pound gorilla in the soft drink business for the foreseeable future. How profitable ahs

    Coca-Cola been over the decades? Incredibly, a single share of Coca-Cola stock

    purchased for $40 in 1919 would be worth $4,847,000 today.

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    7. minute maid Orange Orange


    Flavour Ingredients Pack Product Company

    Cola Cola Flavour


    water sugar




    1 Litre

    1.5 Litre

    2 Litre




    Orange Orange

    Flavour +


    Water+ Sugar




    1 Litre

    1.5 Litre2 Litre

    Fanta Coca-Cola

    Fruit Juice Mango Pulp+

    Treated water+


    250 ML Maaza Coca-Cola

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    The popularity of Thumbs Up can be attributed to the fact that it already had a strong market

    presence even during the times it was with thePARLE SOFTdrinks division before Coca Cola

    made its entry into India. But even after five years of its existence in India, Coca Cola has not

    been able to overtake its sister brand in terms of market share in Bareilly city.

    Taste/flavour and brand image are the two most important factors why Coca Cola products are

    purchased with 55.4 % and 44.6 % respondents voting for it.








    Thums Up Coca Cola Pepsi Fanta Mirinda Limca Others

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    transaction, developing and maintaining rapport with the retailer and looking for additional

    sales opportunities.

    By looking for new sales opportunities, the sales person can help the retailer improve his

    business. For example, the salesperson might identify opportunities for the retailer to sell more

    product or consider what additional products consumers may want.

    Another type of sales technique is called the Advance sell or Pre-sell system. In this system, a

    sales person calls on each retailer with the specific purpose of making a sales call, but does not

    actually deliver the products. The sales person establishes rapport with the retailer discusses

    new sales opportunities and merchandises the products ordered, usually the following day and

    does additional merchandising. The above two systems were direct distribution system. The

    other form of distribution system wherein an organization which is not part of Coca Cola

    system i.e. the distributor, has control over the elements of distribution viz. delivery,

    merchandising and local account management

    In Bareilly there are twelve authorized distributors who control the four vital

    elements of distribution. Each of these distributors is allotted a fixed number of empties (i.e.

    cases with empty bottles).

    Suppose a distributor is allotted 1000 empties. The distributor may return say 500 empties and

    get them filled up. These filled cases are then sent to the retail outlets within the distributors

    zone of operations. Till the time these cases come back as empties the other 500 empties are

    filled up by the bottler and in this way the cycle goes on.

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    Retailers Name :

    Sex : Age :

    Q-1 Do you get delivery in time?

    Yes ( ) No ( )

    Q-2 Are you happy with the company service?

    Yes ( ) No ( )

    Q-3 Which of the company you feel have better service?

    Coke ( ) Pepsi ( )

    Q-4 How many days a takes to delivered the goods?

    One to two ( ) More than two days ( )

    Q-5 Do you get benefits of daily schemes launched by company?

    Yes ( ) No ( )

    Q-6 Do you received the ordered quantity?

    Yes ( ) No ( )

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    Delicious and Refreshing

    Thirst knows No season

    Around the corner from everywhere

    The Pause that Refreshes

    Ice-cold sunshine

    The best friend thirst ever Had

    Coca-cola Goes Along

    Where theres coke theres


    Coca-cola.makes good things

    Taste better

    Be Really Refreshed

    Things go better with coke

    Its the Real thing

    Id like to buy the world a coke

    Coke adds life

    Have a coke and a smile

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    The Times of India

    The Telegraph

    The Economic Times

    Advertisement on coke products.

    Advertisement on Pepsi product.

    Consulted Libraries

    American Library

    British Library

    Consulted Books

    Research for marketing Decision byP. Green, D.S. Tull, G. Alba

    Marketing Management -Phillip Kotler.
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