cmmi awareness training

Introduction to the Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) Presented by The Software Engineering Process Group (SEPG)

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CMMI Training Presentation


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Introduction to the Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)

Presented byThe Software Engineering Process Group (SEPG)

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Topics Covered

Software QualityCMMI Structure of CMMIUnderstanding the Maturity LevelsUnderstanding the Process AreasSDI’s CMMI PlanValue of CMMIQuality Management SystemQ & AFeedback

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Software Quality

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The Software Crisis

Schedule and cost estimates are often grossly inaccurateCustomer dissatisfaction with the “completed” product is encountered too frequentlySoftware quality is often suspectExisting software can be very difficult to maintain

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Project Failure – Root Causes

Improper estimatesPoor understanding of user requirementsTight schedule agreed under pressurePoor monitoring of project scheduleUndue optimism, tendency to ignore risks

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The Meaning of Software Quality

Meets user requirementsUser friendlyOn-time deliveryAt reasonable costAfter delivery supportCompliance with established standards

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Definition of Process

Process - A sequence of steps performed for a given purpose (IEEE)Software Process - A set of activities, methods, practices and transformations that people use to develop and maintain software and the associated products (CMMI)

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The Process Motto

“The quality of a software system is highly influenced by the quality of the process used to develop and maintain it”

- Watts S. Humphrey

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The Software Engineering Institute (SEI)

Established in 1984Federally funded research and development centerAwarded to Carnegie Mellon UniversitySponsored by the US Department of DefenseMain charter is to advance software engineering practices across software organizations

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What is CMMI?

A software process maturity framework developed by the SEIA model for organizational improvementGuides an organization in a step-by-step approach to process maturityBased on actual practices across software organizations around the worldA living document and is being continuously improved

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Objectives of CMMI

Developed to sort out the problems of using multiple CMMs:Different contentsDifferent representationsMultiple assessmentsMultiple training

Improve usability for a wider set of disciplinesIncorporate additional areas of best practice (e.g., risk management and decision analysis and resolution)More fully compliant with relevant ISO standards

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CMMI Source Models

Software-CMM v2.0 draft C (SW-CMM V2C)

Electronic Industries Alliance Interim Standard 731, Systems Engineering Capability Model (SECM)

Integrated Product Development-CMM v0.98 (IPD-CMM)

ISO 15504 (SPICE)

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Staged5 Maturity LevelsFrom SW CMM

Continuous6 Capability LevelsFrom EIA/IS 731, ISO 15504

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Structure of CMMI

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Structure of CMMI (Staged Representation)

L evel 4Q u an tita tive ly M an ag ed

L evel 1In itia l

L evel 2M an ag ed

L evel 5O p tim izing

L evel 3D efin ed

- C ausal Analys is and R eso lu tion

- O rganizationa l Innovation and D ep loym ent

- Q uantita tive P ro ject M anagem ent- O rganizationa l P rocess P erform ance

- R equ irem ents D eve lopm ent- T echn ical S o lution- P roduct In tegration- V erifica tion- V alidation - O rganizationa l P rocess Focus- O rganizationa l P rocess D efinition- O rganizationa l T ra ining - R isk M anagem ent- Integrated P ro ject M anagem ent- D ecis ion Analys is and R eso lu tion

- R equ irem ents M anagem ent

- P ro ject P lann ing- P ro ject M onito ring and

C ontro l- S upp lier Agreem ent

M anagem ent - M easurem ent and

A nalys is- P rocess and P roduct

Q uality Assurance- C onfiguration

M anagem ent

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CMMI Structure (Continuous Representation)

T h e C ap ab ility L ev e ls5 O p tim iz in g

4 Q u a n tita tive ly M a n a g e d

3 D e fin e d

2 M a n a g e d

1 P e rfo rm e d

0 In c o m p le te

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CMMI Structure (Continuous Representation)

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Representing Capability Levels for a Single Process Area (Continuous Representation)

T h e p ro c e s s a r e a c a p a b i l i ty o f a n im p le m e n te d p ro c e s s c a n b e r e p re s e n te d b y a b a r .

P ro c e s s



ty L

evel T h is p o in t

re p re s e n ts a h ig h e r le v e l o f “ m a tu r ity ”th a n th is p o in tin a s p e c if icp ro c e s s a re a




0P ro c e s s A re a n

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Staged Vs Continuous Representations

Staged ContinuousBased on organizational maturity Based on process capability

Process areas are organized by maturity levels Process areas are organized by process area categories

Improvement is measured using maturity levels that reflect concurrent implementation of multiple process areas

Improvement is measured using capability levels that reflect incremental implementation of a particular process area

Specifies an ordering for process area improvement

Provides flexibility for organizations to choose which processes to emphasize for improvement and how much to improve each process

Indicates maturity of an organization’s standard

Indicates improvement within a singleprocess area

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Comparative Advantages of Staged and Continuous Representations

Staged ContinuousProvides a proven sequence of improvements, each serving as a foundation for the next

Allows you to select the order of improvement that best meets your organization’s business objectives and mitigates your organization’s areas of risk

Permits comparisons across and among organizations by the use of maturity levels

Enables comparisons across and among organizations on a process-area-by-process-area basis

Provides an easy migration from the SW-CMM to CMMI

Provides an easy migration from other models with a continuous representation (e.g., EIA/IS 731, ISO15504) to CMMI

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Please note that we are implementing CMMI -Staged Representation in SDI and our further discussions will focus on this model only

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The Maturity Levels

5 maturity levels in CMMIEach level is a layer in the foundation for continuous process improvementAchieving each level establishes a different component of the software process

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The Process Areas

22 process areas in CMMIDefined to reside at a single maturity levelIdentify the issues that must be addressed to achieve a maturity level

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Understanding CMMI Maturity Levels

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Level 1: Initial Maturity Level

Ad hoc

Inadequate project management and software engineering processes

Performance driven by the competence and heroics of individual people

Unpredictable schedules, budgets and quality

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Process Areas at Level 1


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Level 2: Managed Maturity Level

Software project management processes are documented and followedSuccessful practices developed on earlier projects can be repeatedRealistic project commitments

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Process Areas at Level 2

Requirements ManagementProject PlanningProject Monitoring and ControlSupplier Agreement ManagementProcess and Product Quality AssuranceConfiguration ManagementMeasurement and Analysis

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Level 3: Defined Maturity Level

Software engineering processes are documented and followedIntegration of project management and software engineering processesOrganization-wide training programA dedicated group of people (SEPG) spearheads the entire software process deployment efforts

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Process Areas at Level 3

Organizational Process FocusOrganizational Process DefinitionOrganizational TrainingIntegrated Project Management Risk ManagementRequirements DevelopmentTechnical SolutionProduct IntegrationVerificationValidationDecision Analysis and Resolution

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Level 4: Quantitatively Managed Maturity Level

Quantitative goals for software products and processesOrganizational measurement programWell defined and consistent measurementsOrganization-wide software process databaseMeaningful variations in process performance can be distinguished from random variation

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Process Areas at Level 4

Organization Process PerformanceQuantitative Project Management

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Level 5: Optimising Maturity Level

Organization is focused on process improvementOrganisation is well-equipped to address new technologyCost-benefit analyses of introducing new technologies and proposed process changesGoal of preventing occurrence of defectsError-cause removal

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Process Areas at Level 5

Organization Innovation and DeploymentCausal Analysis and Resolution

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Understanding the Process Areas

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Process Areas at Level 2

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Project Planning

Developing estimates for the work to be performedDeveloping the project planInteracting with stakeholders appropriatelyGetting commitment to the planMaintaining the plan

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Project Monitoring and Control

Project plan is used for trackingAdequate visibility into actual progress

Corrective actions taken in case of significant deviationsChanged commitments are communicated to all affected groups

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Requirements Management

Manage all requirements received or generated by the projectIdentify inconsistencies between the requirements and the project’s plans and work productsChanges to requirements are controlled

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Measurement and Analysis

Specifying the objectives of measurement and analysisSpecifying the measures, data collection and storage mechanisms, analysis techniques and reporting and feedback mechanismsImplementing the collection, storage, analysis and reporting of the dataProviding objective results that can be used in making informed decisions and taking appropriate corrective actions

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Process and Product Quality Assurance

Formation of a organizational-level Software Quality Assurance (SQA) groupSQA plan for each projectProject’s SQA person cannot report to the PM of that projectReviewing and auditing projects to ensure that they comply with the applicable procedures and standardsIdentifying and documenting non compliance issuesProviding feedback to project staff and managers on the results of quality assurance activitiesEnsuring that non compliance issues are addressed

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Configuration Management

Establish and maintain integrity of work products throughout the projects life cycle using

Configuration identificationChange controlConfiguration status accountingConfiguration audits

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Process Areas at Level 3

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Requirements Development

Elicitation, analysis, validation and communication of customer needs, expectations and constraints to obtain customer requirementsCustomer requirements are documented, reviewed, agreed upon and baselined

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Technical Solution

Evaluating and selecting a design approachDeveloping the designImplementing the design

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Product Integration

Assemble the product from the product componentsEnsure that the product, as integrated, functions properlyDeliver the product

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Confirms that work products properly reflect the requirements specified for themEnsures that "you built it right"Incorporates ideas from the Peer Review area of CMMEarly verification on intermediate work products is a tradeoff in time and effectiveness against testing

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Confirms that the product, as provided, will fulfill its intended useEnsures that "you built the right thing"

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Integrated Project Management

Establishing the project’s defined process by tailoring the organization’s set of standard processesManaging the project using the project’s defined process

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Decision Analysis and Resolution

To analyze possible decisionsUse of a formal evaluation processIdentify alternativesEvaluate alternatives against established criteriaSelect best solution

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Risk Management

Identify potential problems before they occur, and plan mitigation activities to reduce the impact of eventsActivities include:

Risk identificationRisk analysisRisk mitigationRisk contingency planning

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Organizational Process Focus

Establishment of SEPGResponsible and empowered to coordinate software process improvement activities Development, peer review and release of process documentsRefinement of process documents based on feedback from practitioners, users etc.CMMI awareness trainingTraining on the Quality Management System (QMS)Review and approval of tailored processes of projectsOrganize and conduct internal quality assessments

Planning for process improvementControlled creation/modification of processesSenior management sponsorship and review of process related activities

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Organizational Process Definition

Definition of processesDefinition of life-cycle models and selection guidelinesDefinition of tailoring guidelinesCreation of process database

A central repository for organization measurement dataContains actual measurement data from projects and the related information needed to understand the measurement data and apply it to new projects

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Organizational Training

Existence of a training groupCreation of training plansTraining programs executed according to plansWaivers to training programs controlledMeasurement of training effectiveness

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Process Areas at Level 4

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Organizational Process Performance

To establish and maintain quantitative understanding of organization’s process performanceTo provide process performance


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Quantitative Project Management

Establishing and maintaining the project’s quality and process-performance objectivesQuantitatively manage the project’s defined process to achieve the project’s established quality and process-performance objectives

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Process Areas at Level 5

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Organizational Innovation and Deployment

Select and deploy incremental and innovative improvements that measurably improve the the organization’s processes and technologyPerform cost-benefit analyses of introducing new technologies and proposed process changes

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Causal Analysis and Resolution

Identifying and analyzing causes of defects and other problemsTaking specific actions to remove the causes and prevent the occurrence of these types of defects and problems in the future

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Roadmap to CMMI Level 5

Formation of a SEPGDefinition, documentation and review of QMS documentsConduct CMMI overview training for all SDITECH employeesConduct training on the QMS for all SDITECH employees (as applicable)CMMI Automation (includes development of internal systems)Implementation of the QMS across all projectsIdentification of internal assessment team. Training for assessment team members

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Roadmap to CMMI Level 5

Conduct 3 internal assessments. Close all non conformities recorded in the assessments. Refinement of QMS documentsConduct pre-assessment. Close all non conformities recorded in the assessment. Refinement of QMS documentsFinal assessment

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Final Assessment

Process is called SCAMPIIdentifying the external agency and the external lead assessorForming an internal assessment teamTraining the team for the assessment processIdentifying projects for Initial Document Review (IDR) and for interviewForming Functional Area Representatives (FARs)Carrying out the assessment (interviews and surveys)Drafting report and presenting to FARs, PMs and Senior ManagementSubmitting the final report to SEI

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CMMI Level 5 Initiative - Risks

The availability/selection of representative projects and repeatability of process areas in atleast 4 projects may have an impact on the project timelinesMost of the processes have not been used or have been used very sparinglyThe additional activity of CMMI implementation was not planned for existing projects. Additional resources may be required for this, else, it may impact the project timelinesNon availability of metrics data for past projects

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CMMI Level 5 Initiative – Keys to Success

Focused effortClear goalsCommunication to all people in the organizationTrainingRoadmapsTracking to plan

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Drivers for CMMI Level 5 – From SDI Technology’s Perspective

More robust processes, resulting in better qualityInstitutionalization of best practices across the organizationFormal risk management – Identification, assessment, prioritization and mitigationInvolvement of all stakeholders for better project executionContinuous improvementBetter market positioning

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Value of CMMI

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Value of CMMI

Software process improvement provides measurable return on investmentIndustry data indicates that the typical return on investment isbetween 5:1 and 8:1Additional benefit is intangible and cannot be easily quantified

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Published Improvement Data

Company Source of Data

Investment Return ROI

Hughes IEEE Software

$1.35M over 3 years

$6M reduction in cost overruns


Raytheon Crosstalk $597K $3.83M 6.4

Hewlett Packard

IEEE Software

$1M annually $7.7M annual savings in software product costs


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Intangible Benefits

HughesImproved working conditionsImproved employee moraleDecreased riskBetter company imageFewer overtime hoursEmployee attrition below 10 %

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Intangible Benefits

RaytheonImproved communication and accuracyImproved employee moraleIncreased customer satisfaction

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Intangible Benefits

Hewlett PackardImproved competitive positionImproved employee moraleLower absenteeism and attritionFewer late nights and weekends working

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Quality Certified Companies in India (As Per Statistics Collected By NASSCOM in March 2004)

Popular Quality Standards






0 50 100 150 200 250





Six Sigma

No. of Indian Companies

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For Additional Information

Visit SEI’s website at

Or contact SEI Customer Relations at

[email protected]

Or contact any member of the SEPG at SDI Technologies

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Thanks for your participationand

Have a nice day!