cluster analysis

Cluster Analysis Cluster Analysis 1 Mark Stamp

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Cluster Analysis. Mark Stamp. Cluster Analysis. Grouping objects in meaningful way Clustered data fits together in some way Can help to make sense of (big) data Useful technique in many fields Many different clustering strategies Overview, then details on 2 methods - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



Cluster Analysis

Cluster Analysis

Mark Stamp


Cluster Analysis

Grouping objects in meaningful wayo Clustered data fits together in some

wayo Can help to make sense of (big) datao Useful analysis technique in many

fields Many different clustering strategies Overview, then details on 2

methodso K-means simple and can be effectiveo EM clustering not as simple

Cluster Analysis


Intrinsic vs Extrinsic

Intrinsic clustering relies on unsupervised learningo No predetermined labels on objectso Apply analysis directly to data

Extrinsic relies on category labels o Requires pre-processing of datao Can be viewed as a form of supervised


Cluster Analysis


Agglomerative vs Divisive

Agglomerative o Each object starts in its own clustero Clustering merges existing clusterso A “bottom up” approach

Divisiveo All objects start in one clustero Clustering process splits existing

clusterso A “top down” approach

Cluster Analysis


Hierarchical vs Partitional

Hierarchical clusteringo “Child” and “parent” clusterso Can be viewed as dendrograms

Partitional clusteringo Partition objects into disjoint clusterso No hierarchical relationship

We consider K-means and EM in detailo These are both partitional

Cluster Analysis


Hierarchical Clustering

Example of a hierarchical approach...

1. start: Every point is its own cluster2. while number of clusters exceeds 1

o Find 2 nearest clusters and merge

3. end while OK, but no real theoretical basis

o And some find that “disconcerting”o Even K-means has some theory behind

itCluster Analysis



Example Obtained by

hierarchical clusteringo Maybe…

Cluster Analysis



Distance between data points? Suppose

x = (x1,x2,…,xn) and y = (y1,y2,…,yn)

where each xi and yi are real numbers

Euclidean distance isd(x,y) = sqrt((x1-y1)2+(x2-y2)2+…+(xn-yn)2)

Manhattan (taxicab) distance isd(x,y) = |x1-y1| + |x2-y2| + … + |xn-yn|

Cluster Analysis



Euclidean distance red line Manhattan distance blue or yellow

o Or any similar right-angle only path

Cluster Analysis





Lots and lots more distance measures

Other examples includeo Mahalanobis distance takes mean

and covariance into accounto Simple substitution distance

measure of “decryption” distance o Chi-squared distance statistical o Or just about anything you can think

of…Cluster Analysis


One Clustering Approach

Given data points x1,x2,x3,…,xm Want to partition into K clusters

o I.e., each point in exactly one cluster A centroid specified for each

clustero Let c1,c2,…,cK denote current centroids

Each xi associated with one centroido Let centroid(xi) be centroid for xi

o If cj = centroid(xi), then xi is in cluster j

Cluster Analysis



Two crucial questions1. How to determine centroids, cj?

2. How to determine clusters, that is, how to assign xi to centroids?

But first, what makes a cluster “good”?o For now, focus on one individual clustero Relationship between clusters later…

What do you think?Cluster Analysis



Intuitively, “compact” clusters goodo Depends on data and K, which are giveno And depends on centroids and

assignment of xi to clusters, which we can control

How to measure “goodness”? Define distortion = Σ

d(xi,centroid(xi))o Where d(x,y) is a distance measure

Given K, let’s try to minimize distortion

Cluster Analysis



Consider this 2-d datao Choose K = 3 clusters

Same data for botho Which has smaller

distortion? How to minimize

distortion?o Good question…

Cluster Analysis



Note, distortion depends on Ko So, should probably write distortionK

Problem we want to solve…o Given: K and x1,x2,x3,…,xm

o Minimize: distortionK

Best choice of K is a different issueo Briefly considered later

For now, assume K is given and fixedCluster Analysis


How to Minimize Distortion?

Given m data points and K Minimize distortion via exhaustive

search?o Try all “m choose K” different cases? o Too much work for realistic size data set

An approximate solution will have to doo Exact solution is NP-complete problem

Important Observation: For min distortion…o Each xi grouped with nearest centroido Centroid must be center of its groupCluster Analysis


K-Means Previous slide implies that we can

improve suboptimal cluster by either…1. Re-assign each xi to nearest centroid

2. Re-compute centroids so they’re centers

No improvement from applying either 1 or 2 more than once in succession

But alternating might be usefulo In fact, that is the K-means algorithm

Cluster Analysis


K-Means Algorithm Given dataset…1. Select a value for K (how?)2. Select initial centroids (how?)3. Group data by nearest centroid4. Recompute centroids (cluster

centers)5. If “significant” change, then goto 3;

else stop

Cluster Analysis


K-Means Animation

Very good animation here

Nice animations of movement of centroids in different cases here

(near bottom of web page) Other?

Cluster Analysis



Are we assured of optimal solution?o Definitely not

Why not?o For one, initial centroid locations criticalo There is a (sensitive) dependence on

initial conditionso This is a common issue in iterative

processes (HMM training, is an example)

Cluster Analysis


K-Means Initialization

Recall, K is the number of clusters How to choose K? No obvious “best” way to do so But K-means is fast

o So trial and error may be OKo That is, experiment with different K o Similar to choosing N in HMM

Is there a better way to choose K?

Cluster Analysis


Optimal K?

Even for trial and error, we need a way to measure “goodness” of results

Choosing optimal K is tricky Most intuitive measures will tend to

improve for larger K But K “too big” may overfit data So, when is K “big enough”?

o But not too big…Cluster Analysis


Schwarz Criterion Choose K that minimizes

f(K) = distortionK + λdK log mo Where d is the dimension, m is the number of

data points, and λ is ??? Recall that distortion depends on K

o Tends to decrease as K increaseso Essentially, adding a penalty as K increases

Related to Bayes Information Criterion (BIC)o And some other similar things

Consider choice of K in more detail later…Cluster Analysis




K-Means Initialization

How to choose initial centroids? Again, no best way to do this

o Counterexamples to any “best” approach

Often just choose at random Or uniform/maximum spacing

o Or some variation on this idea Other?

Cluster Analysis


K-Means Initialization

In practice, we might do following Try several different choices of K

o For each K, test several initial centroids

Select the result that is besto How to measure “best”?o We look at that next

May not be very scientifico But often it’s good enough

Cluster Analysis


K-Means Variations One variation is K-mediods

o Centroids point must be actual data point

Fuzzy K-meanso In K-means, any data point is in one

cluster and not in any othero In fuzzy case, data point can be partly

in several different clusters o “Degree of membership” vs distance

Many other variations…Cluster Analysis


Measuring Cluster Quality

How can we judge clustering results?o In general, that is, not just for K-

means Compare to typical

training/scoring…o Suppose we test new scoring methodo E.g., score malware and benign fileso Compute ROC curves, AUC, etc.o Many tools to measure

success/accuracy Clustering is different (Why? How?)

Cluster Analysis


Clustering Quality

Clustering is a fishing expeditiono Not sure what we are looking foro Hoping to find structure, “data

discovery”o If we know answer, no point to

clustering Might find something that’s not

thereo Even random data can be clustered

Some things to consider on next slideso Relative to the data to be clustered

Cluster Analysis



Clustering tendencyo How suitable is dataset for clustering?o Which dataset below is cluster-

friendly?o We can always apply clustering…o …but expect better results in some


Cluster Analysis



External validationo Compare clusters based on data

labelso Similar to usual training/scoring

scenarioo Good idea if know something about

data Internal validation

o Determine quality based only on clusters

o E.g., spacing between and within clusters

o Harder to do, but always applicable

Cluster Analysis


It’s All Relative

Comparing clustering resultso That is, compare one clustering result

with others for same dataseto Can be very useful in practiceo Often, lots of trial and erroro Could enable us to “hill climb” to

better clustering results…o …but still need a way to quantify


Cluster Analysis


How Many Clusters?

Optimal number of clusters?o Already mentioned this wrt K-meanso But what about the general case?o I.e., not dependent on cluster

techniqueo Can the data tell us how many

clusters?o Or the topology of the clusters?

Next, we consider relevant measuresCluster Analysis


Internal Validation

Direct measurement of clusterso Might call it “topological” validation

We’ll consider the followingo Cluster correlationo Similarity matrixo Sum of squares erroro Cohesion and separationo Silhouette coefficient

Cluster Analysis


Correlation Coefficient

For X=(x1,x2,…,xn) and Y=(y1,y2,…,yn) Correlation coefficient rXY is

Can show -1 ≤ rXY ≤ 1o If rXY > 0 then positive cor (and vice

versa)o Magnitude is strength of correlationCluster Analysis


Examples of rXY in 2-d

Cluster Analysis


Cluster Correlation

Given data x1,x2,…,xm, and clusters, define 2 matrices

Distance matrix D = {dij} o Where dij is distance between xi and xj

Adjacency matrix A = {aij} o Where aij is 1 if xi and xj in same

clustero And aij is 0 otherwise

Now what?Cluster Analysis


Cluster Correlation

Compute correlation between D and A

High inverse correlation implies nearby things clustered togethero Why inverse?

Cluster Analysis



Correlation examples

Cluster Analysis


Similarity Matrix

Form “similarity matrix”o Could be based on just about anythingo Typically, distance matrix D = {dij},

where dij = d(xi,xj)

Group rows and columns by cluster Heat map for resulting matrix

o Provides visual representation of similarity within clusters (so look at it…)

Cluster Analysis


Similarity Matrix Same examples as above

Cluster Analysis

Corresponding heat maps on next slide


Heat Maps

Cluster Analysis


Residual Sum of Squares

Residual Sum of Squares (RSS)o Aka Sum of Squared Errors (SSE)o RSS is squared sum of “error” termso Definition of error depends on

problem What is “error” when clustering?

o Distance from centroid?o Then it’s the same as distortiono But, could use other measures instead

Cluster Analysis


Cohesion and Separation

Cluster cohesiono How “tightly packed” is a clustero The more cohesive a cluster, the

better Cluster separation

o Distance between clusterso The more separation, the better

Can we measure these things?o Yes, easily

Cluster Analysis



Same notation as K-meansoLet ci, for i=1,2,…,K, be centroids

oLet x1,x2,…,xm be data points

oLet centroid(xi) be centroid of xi oClusters determined by centroids

Following results apply generallyoNot just for K-means

Cluster Analysis



Lots of measures of cohesiono Previously defined distortion is usefulo Recall, distortion = Σ d(xi,centroid(xi))

Or, could use distance between all pairs

Cluster Analysis


Separation Again, many ways to measure this

o Here, using distances to other centroids

Or distances between all points in clusters Or distance from centroids to a

“midpoint” Or distance between centroids, or…Cluster Analysis


Silhouette Coefficient

Essentially, combines cohesion and separation into a single number

Let Ci be the cluster that xi belongs to o Let a be average of d(xi,y) for all y in Ci

o For Cj ≠ Ci, let bj be avg d(xi,y) for y in Cj

o Let b be minimum of bj

Then let S(xi) = (b – a) / max(a,b)o What the … ?

Cluster Analysis


Silhouette Coefficient

The idea...

Cluster Analysis

xi avg




Usually, S(xi) = 1 - a/b





Silhouette Coefficient For given point xi …

o Let a be avg distance to points in its clustero Let b be dist to nearest other cluster (in a

sense) Usually, a < b and hence S(xi) = 1 – a/b If a is a lot less than b, then S(xi) ≈ 1

o Points inside cluster much closer together than nearest other cluster (this is good)

If a is almost same as b, then S(xi) ≈ 0o Some other cluster is almost as close as

things inside cluster (this is bad)Cluster Analysis


Silhouette Coefficient

Silhouette coefficient is defined for each point

Avg silhouette coefficient for a clustero Measure of how “good” a cluster is

Avg silhouette coefficient for all pointso Measure of overall clustering

“goodness” Numerically, what is a good result?

o Rule of thumb on next slide

Cluster Analysis


Silhouette Coefficient

Average coefficient (to 2 decimal places)o 0.71 to 1.00 strong structure foundo 0.51 to 0.70 reasonable structure foundo 0.26 to 0.50 weak or artificial structureo 0.25 or less no significant structure

Bottom line on silhouette coefficiento Combine cohesion, separation in one

numbero A useful measures of cluster qualityCluster Analysis


External Validation

“External” implies that we measure quality based on data in clusterso Not relying on cluster topology

(“shape”) Suppose clustering data is of

several different typeso Say, different malware families

We can compute statistics on clusterso We only consider 2 stats hereCluster Analysis


Entropy and Purity

Entropyo Standard measure of uncertainty or

randomnesso High entropy implies clusters less

uniform Purity

o Another measure of uniformityo Ideally, cluster should be more “pure”,

that is, more uniform

Cluster Analysis



Suppose total of m data elementso As usual, x1,x2,…,xm

Denote cluster j as Cj o Let mj be number of elements in Cj

o Let mij be count of type i in cluster Cj

Compute probabilities based on relative frequencieso That is, pij = mij / mj

Cluster Analysis



Then entropy of cluster Cj is Ej = − Σ pij log pij, where sum is over i

Compute entropy Ej for each cluster Cj

Overall (weighted) entropy is thenE = Σ mj/m Ej, where sum is from 1 to K

and K is number of clusters Smaller E is better

o Implies clusters less uncertain/randomCluster Analysis



Ideally, each cluster is all one type Using same notation as in

entropy…o Purity of Cj defined as Uj = max pij o Where max is over i (different types)

If Uj is 1, then Cj all one type of datao If Uj is near 0, no dominant type

Overall (weighted) purity isU = Σ mj/m Uj, where sum is from 1 to KCluster Analysis


Entropy and Purity


Cluster Analysis


EM Clustering Data might be from different

probability distributionso Then “distance” might be poor

measureo Maybe better to use mean and

variance Cluster on probability distributions?

o But distributions are unknown… Expectation Maximization (EM)

o Technique to determine unknown parameters of probability distributions

Cluster Analysis


EM Clustering Animation

Good animation on Wikipedia page–maximization_algorithm

Another animation here

Probably others too…

Cluster Analysis


EM Clustering Example

Old Faithful in Yellowstone NP

Measure “wait” and duration

Two clusterso Centers are

meanso Shading based on

standard deviation

Cluster Analysis


Maximum Likelihood Estimator

Maximum Likelihood Estimator (MLE)

Suppose you flip a coin and obtainX = HHHHTHHHTT

What is most likely value of p = P(H)?

Coin flips follow binomial distribution:

Where p is prob of “success” (heads)

Cluster Analysis


MLE Suppose X = HHHHTHHHTT Maximum likelihood function for

X is

And log likelihood function is

Optimize log likelihood function

In this case, MLE is θ = P(H) = 0.7 Cluster Analysis


Coin Experiment

Given 2 biased coins, A and Bo Randomly select coin, then…o Flip selected coin 10 times, and…o Repeat 5 times, for 50 total coin flips

Can we determine P(H) for each coin?

Easy, if you know which coin selectedo For each coin, just divide number of

heads by number of flips of that coinCluster Analysis


Coin Example

For example, supposeCoin B: HTTTHHTHTH 5 H and 5 TCoin A: HHHHTHHHHH 9 H and 1 TCoin A: HTHHHHHTHH 8 H and 2 TCoin B: HTHTTTHHTT 4 H and 6 TCoin A: THHHTHHHTH 7 H and 3 T

Then maximum likelihood estimate isPA(H)=24/30=0.80 and PB(H)=9/20=0.45

Cluster Analysis


Coin Example

Suppose we have same data, but we don’t know which coin was selectedCoin ??: 5 H and 5 TCoin ??: 9 H and 1 TCoin ??: 8 H and 2 TCoin ??: 4 H and 6 TCoin ??: 7 H and 3 T

Can we estimate PA(H) and PB(H)?Cluster Analysis


Coin Example

We do not know which coin was flipped

So, there is “hidden” informationo This sounds familiar…

Train HMM on sequence of H and T ??o Using 2 hidden stateso Use resulting model to find most likely

hidden state sequence (HMM “problem 2”)

o Use sequence to estimate PA(H) and PB(H)

Cluster Analysis


Coin Example

HMM is very “heavy artillery”o And HMM needs lots of data to

converge (or lots of different initializations)

o EM gives us info we need, less work/data

EM algorithm: Initial guess for params o Then alternate between these 2 steps:o Expectation: Recompute “expected

values”o Maximization: Recompute params via


Cluster Analysis


EM for Coin Example

Start with a guess (initialization)o Say, PA(H) = 0.6 and PB(H) = 0.5

Compute expectations (E-step) First, from current PA(H) and PB(H) we find

5 H, 5 T P(A) = .45, P(B) = .55 9 H, 1 T P(A) = .80, P(B) = .20 8 H, 2 T P(A) = .73, P(B) = .27 4 H, 6 T P(A) = .35, P(B) = .65 7 H, 3 T P(A) = .65, P(B) = .35

Why? See next slide…

Cluster Analysis


EM for Coin Example

Suppose PA(H) = 0.6 and PB(H) = 0.5 o And in 10 flips of 1 coin, we find 8 H and

2 T Assuming coin A was flipped, we

havea = 0.68 × 0.42 = 0.0026874

Assuming coin B was flipped, we haveb = 0.58 × 0.52 = 0.0009766

Then by Bayes’ FormulaP(A) = a/(a + b) = 0.73 and P(B) = b/(a + b) =


Cluster Analysis


E-step for Coin Example

Assuming PA(H) = 0.6 and PB(H) = 0.5, we have5 H, 5 T P(A) = .45, P(B) = .55 9 H, 1 T P(A) = .80, P(B) = .20 8 H, 2 T P(A) = .73, P(B) = .27 4 H, 6 T P(A) = .35, P(B) = .65 7 H, 3 T P(A) = .65, P(B) = .35

Next, compute expected (weighted) H and T

For example, in 1st lineo For A we have 5 x .45 = 2.25 H and 2.25 To For B we have 5 x .55 = 2.75 H and 2.75 TCluster Analysis


E-step for Coin Example

Assuming PA(H) = 0.6 and PB(H) = 0.5, we have5 H, 5 T P(A) = .45, P(B) = .55 9 H, 1 T P(A) = .80, P(B) = .20 8 H, 2 T P(A) = .73, P(B) = .27 4 H, 6 T P(A) = .35, P(B) = .65 7 H, 3 T P(A) = .65, P(B) = .35

Compute expected (weighted) H and T For example, in 2nd line

o For A, we have 9 x .8 = 7.2 H and 1 x .8 = .8 To For B, we have 9 x .2 = 1.8 H and 1 x .2 = .2 T

Cluster Analysis


E-step for Coin Example

Rounded to nearest 0.1: Coin A Coin B5 H, 5 T P(A) = .45, P(B) = .55 2.2H 2.2T 2.8H

2.8T9 H, 1 T P(A) = .80, P(B) = .20 7.2H 0.8T 1.8H

0.2T8 H, 2 T P(A) = .73, P(B) = .27 5.9H 1.5T 2.1H

0.5T 4 H, 6 T P(A) = .35, P(B) = .65 1.4H 2.1T 2.6H

3.9T 7 H, 3 T P(A) = .65, P(B) = .35 4.5H 1.9T 2.5H


expected 21.2H 8.5T 11.8H 8.5T

This completes the E-step We computed these expected values

based on current PA(H) and PB(H)

Cluster Analysis


M-step for Coin Example

M-step Re-estimate PA(H) and PB(H) using

results from E-step:PA(H) = 21.2/(21.2+8.5) ≈ 0.71

PB(H) = 11.8/(11.8+8.5) ≈ 0.58

Next? E-step with these PA(H), PA(H) o Then M-step, then E-step, then…o …until convergence (or we get tired)Cluster Analysis


EM for Clustering

How is EM relevant to clustering? Can use EM to obtain parameters of K “hidden” distributionso That is, means and variances, μi and σi


Then, use μi as centers of clusterso And σi (standard deviations) as “radii”o Often use Gaussian (normal)

distributions Is this better than K-means?Cluster Analysis


EM vs K-Means

Whether it is better or not, EM is obviously different than K-means…o …or is it?

Actually, K-means is special case of EMo Using “distance” instead of “probabilities”

In K-means, we re-assign points to centroidso Like “E” in EM, which “re-shapes” clusters

In K-means, we recompute centroidso Like “M” of EM, where we recompute

parametersCluster Analysis


EM Algorithm

Now, we give EM algorithm in generalo Eventually, consider a realistic example

For simplicity, we assume data is a mixture from 2 distributionso Easy to generalize to 3 or more

Choose probability distribution typeo Like choosing distance function in K-

means Then iterate EM to determine


Cluster Analysis


EM Algorithm

Assume 2 distributions (2 clusters)o Let θ1 be parameter(s) of 1st distribution

o Let θ2 be parameter(s) of 2nd distribution

For binomial, θ1 = PA(H), θ2 = PB(H) For Gaussian distribution, θi = (μi,σi

2) Also, mixture parameters, τ = (τ1,τ2)

o Fraction of samples from distribution i is


o Since 2 distributions, we have τ1 + τ2 = 1

Cluster Analysis


EM Algorithm

Let f(xi,θj) be the probability function for distribution j o For now, assuming 2 distributions o And xi are “experiments” (data points)

Make initial guess for parameterso That is, θ = (θ1, θ2) and τ

Let pji be probability of xi assuming distribution j

Cluster Analysis


EM Algorithm

Initial guess for parameters θ and τ o If you know something, use ito If not, “random” may be OKo In any case, choose reasonable values

Next, apply E-step, then M-step…o …then E then M then E then M ….

So, what are E and M steps?o Want to state these for the general

caseCluster Analysis



Using Bayes’ Formula, we compute

o Where j = 1,2 and i = 1,2,…,n o Assuming n data points and 2

distributions Then pji is prob. of xi is in cluster j

o Or the “part” of xi that’s in cluster j

Note p1i + p2i = 1 for i=1,2,…,n Cluster Analysis



Use probabilities from E-step to re-estimate parameters θ and τ

Best estimate for τj given by

This simplifies to

Cluster Analysis


M Step

Parms θ and τ are funcs of μi and σi

2 o Depends on specific distributions used

Based on pji, we have…


Variances:Cluster Analysis


EM Example: Binomial

Mean of binomial is μ = Np o Where p = P(H) and N trials per

experiment Suppose N = 10, and 5 experiments:

x1: 8 H and 2 T

x2: 5 H and 5 T

x3: 9 H and 1 T

x4: 4 H and 6 T

x5: 7 H and 3 T

Assuming 2 coins, determine PA(H), PB(H)

Cluster Analysis


Binomial Example

Let X=(x1,x2,x3,x4,x5)=(8,5,9,4,7) o Have N = 10, and means are μ = Np o We want to determine p for both coins

Initial guesses for parameters:o Probabilities PA(H)=0.6 and PB(H)=0.5

o That is, θ = (θ1,θ2) = (0.6,0.5)

o Mixture params τ1 = 0.7 and τ2 = 0.3

o That is, τ = (τ1,τ2) = (0.7,0.3)

Cluster Analysis


Binomial Example: E Step

Compute pji using current guesses for parameters θ and τ

Cluster Analysis


Binomial Example: M Step

Recompute τ using the new pji

So, τ = (τ1,τ2) = (0.7593,0.2407)

Cluster Analysis


Binomial Example: M Step

Recompute θ = (θ1,θ2) First, compute means μ = (μ1,μ2)

Obtain μ = (μ1,μ2) = (6.9180,5.5969)

So, θ = (θ1,θ2) = (0.6918,0.5597)Cluster Analysis


Binomial Example: Convergence

Next E-step: o Compute new pji using the τ and θ

Next M-step: o Compute τ and θ using pji from E step

And so on… In this example, EM converges to

τ = (τ1,τ2) = (0.5228, 0.4772)

θ = (θ1,θ2) = (0.7934, 0.5139)Cluster Analysis


Gaussian Mixture Example

We’ll consider 2-d datao That is, each data point is of form

(x,y) Suppose we want 2 clusters

o That is, 2 distributions to determine We’ll assume Gaussian

distributionso Recall, Gaussian is normal distributiono Since 2-d data, bivariate Gaussian

Gaussian mixture problemCluster Analysis


Data “Old Faithful” geyser, Yellowstone


Cluster Analysis


Bivariate Gaussian

Gaussian (normal) dist. of 1 variable

Bivariate Gaussian distribution

o Where

o And ρ = cov(x,y)/σxσy

Cluster Analysis


Bivariate Gaussian: Matrix Form

Bivariate Gaussian can be written as


And S is the covariance matrix and hence

Also and Cluster Analysis


Why Use Matrix Form?

Generalizes to multivariate Gaussian o Formulas for det(S) and S-1 changeo Can cluster data that’s more than 2-d

Re-estimation formulas in E and M steps have the same form as beforeo Simply replace scalars with vectors

In matrix form, params of (bivariate) Guassian: θ=(μ,S) where μ=(μx,μy)

Cluster Analysis


Old Faithful Data

Data is 2-d, so bivariate Gaussians Parameters of a bivariate Gaussian:

θ=(μ,S) where μ=(μx,μy)

We want 2 clusters, so must determineθ1=(μ1,S1) and θ2=(μ2,S2)

Where Si are 2x2 and μi are 2x1

Make initial guesses, then iterate EMo What to use as initial guesses?

Cluster Analysis


Old Faithful Example

Initial guesses? Recall that S is 2x2 and symmetric,

o Which implies that ρ = s12/sqrt(s11s22) o And must always have -1 ≤ ρ ≤ 1

This imposes restriction on S We’ll use mean and variance of x

and y components when initializing

Cluster Analysis


Old Faithful: Initialization

Want 2 clusters Initialize 2 bivariate Gaussians

For both Si, can verify that ρ = 0.5 Also, initialize τ = (τ1,τ2) = (0.6,

0.4) Cluster Analysis


Old Faithful: E-Step

First E-step yields

Cluster Analysis


Old Faithful: M-Step

First M-step yieldsτ = (τ1,τ2) = (0.5704, 0.4296)


Easy to verify that -1 ≤ ρ ≤ 1 o For both distributions

Cluster Analysis


Old Faithful: Convergence

After 100 iterations of EMτ = (τ1,τ2) = (0.5001, 0.4999)



Again, we have -1 ≤ ρ ≤ 1

Cluster Analysis


Old Faithful Clusters

Centroids are means: μ1, μ2

Shading is standard devs o Darker area is

within one σ o Lighter is two

standard dev’s

Cluster Analysis


EM Clustering

Clusters based on probabilitieso Each data point has a probability

related to each clustero Point is assigned to the cluster that

gives highest probability In K-means, uses distance, not

prob. But can view prob. as a “distance” So, K-means and EM not so

different…Cluster Analysis



Clustering is fun, entertaining, very usefulo Can explore mysterious data, and more…

And K-means is really simpleo EM is powerful and not that difficult either

Measuring success is not so easyo “Good” clusters? And useful information? o Or just random noise? Anything can be

clustered Clustering is often just a starting point

o Helps us decide if any “there” is thereCluster Analysis


References: K-Means A.W. Moore, K-means and hierarchical

clustering P.-N. Tan, M. Steinbach, and V. Kumar,

Introduction to Data Mining, Addison-Wesley, 2006, Chapter 8, Cluster analysis: Basic concepts and algorithms

R. Jin, Cluster validation M.J. Norusis, IBM SPSS Statistics 19

Statistical Procedures Companion, Chapter 17, Cluster analysis

Cluster Analysis


References: EM Clustering C.B. Do and S. Batzoglou, What is the

expectation maximization algorithm?, Nature Biotechnology, 26(8):897-899, 2008

J.A. Bilmes, A gentle tutorial of the EM algorithm and its application to parameter estimation for Gaussian mixture and hidden Markov models, ICSI Report TR-97-021, 1998

Cluster Analysis