close-up nov-dec 09

A Magazine of Christ Community United Methodist Church CHRIST COMMUNITY CLOSE-UP On the web at: Volume 7, Issue 7 Christ Community Staff Pastor: Rev. Dr. B.J. Norrix 457-9382 (church) 345-5604 (cell) [email protected]* Church Secretary: Dona Dalton 457-9382 (church) Director of Christian Education : Julie Valeski 457-9382 (church) [email protected]* Pastoral Care: Pastor Linda Prell 457-9382 [email protected] Music Director: Phill Sterling 638-4956 (home) [email protected]* Associate Music Director: Denise Weeks-Bush 635-7175 (home) [email protected]* Director of Communications: Heather Claver 468-6811 (home) [email protected]* * All email addresses are I often find myself torn in strange directions during the—well, what shall we call it: the “Holiday Season”?; the “Christmas Season”?; “Advent/Christmas Season”?—and immediately one can see my dilemma. What exactly are we celebrating? Here are some popular options (and why I am confused): 1. We are celebrating the end of the year, gathering of families, hallmark moments, and exchange of holiday joy. There are many good things to like here. There is the meeting of friends, the exchange of well wishes, and the image of the warmth of family. One would hope these things might be more than once a year, but this is the time we focus on them. 2. We are celebrating the giving and receiving of gifts. At least that seems to be the commercial end of things. Every kiss begins with “K”; we make Christmas joy; Christmas values at . . .; all seem to suggest that the point of the season is giving and receiving gifts. But why should I be getting gifts? It is not my birthday. I know that I get gifts on my birthday . . . but whose birthday is it? Therefore who should be getting the gifts? 3. We are celebrating the beginning of our salvation: the birth of Jesus Christ. I realize that the setting of December 25 as Jesus’ birthday is arbitrary. Nowhere in the Gospel do we get any indication that the 25 th is Jesus’ birthday. The church, somewhere in the 300’s decided to celebrate the “Feast of the Incarnation” on the 25 th (which later came to be a celebration of birth of Jesus the incarnated one) because that date was an older Roman pagan holiday “festival of lights” in celebration of the return of the sun (this featured feasting, drinking, lighting candles in your windows, and exchanging gifts). This celebration survived among our English ancestors as “Yuletide.” The church intended to eradicate this older festival with its new one. It appears that the old one eventually won out. In my confusion I occasionally feel like Charles Dickens’ character from A Christmas Carol, Ebenezer Scrooge and want Winter 2009 Christ Community United Methodist Church 3474 Stiles Road Syracuse, NY 13209 (315) 457-9382 Sunday Worship 9:00 &10:45 am, 7:00 pm Sunday School 9:00 & 10:45 am Why Pastors Occasionally Get Confused in December A message from Rev. Dr. B. J. Norrix, Senior Pastor to just say: ‘Bah, Humbug!’ and be done with it. However, in my confusion I feel the warmth and gratitude and grace of my family, my church family and friends who think to greet me and/or send kind mementos to me during the season. In my confusion I see exhausted, embattled, and embittered people trudging through the season instead of the energized, engaged and ecstatic people Jesus has called us to be. So, here is what I am doing this year to keep my confusion to a minimum: 1. I am committing myself to stay focused on Jesus and the “Feast of the Incarnation.” Christmas is about the salvation of the world that began with the unlikeliest of births in the history of the world. God became a human being and lived among us! Continued on page 12 Pick up a couple CCCUMC Christmas cards to give to folks you know who might need a church family this Christmas season. It lists all our Christmas Celebrations.

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Newsletter for Christ Community United Methodist Church, Syracuse NY


A Magazine of Christ Community United Methodist Church


On the web at: Volume 7, Issue 7

Christ Community Staff Pastor: Rev. Dr. B.J. Norrix 457-9382 (church) 345-5604 (cell) [email protected]* Church Secretary: Dona Dalton 457-9382 (church) Director of Christian

Education : Julie Valeski 457-9382 (church) [email protected]* Pastoral Care: Pastor Linda Prell 457-9382 [email protected] Music Director: Phill Sterling 638-4956 (home) [email protected]* Associate Music Director: Denise Weeks-Bush 635-7175 (home) [email protected]* Director of Communications: Heather Claver 468-6811 (home) [email protected]* * All email addresses are

I often find myself torn in strange directions during the—well, what shall we call it: the “Holiday Season”?; the “Christmas Season”?; “ A d v e n t / C h r i s t m a s Season”?—and immediately one can see my dilemma. What exactly are we celebrating? Here are some popular options (and why I am confused):

1. We are celebrating the end of the year, gathering of families, hallmark moments, and exchange of holiday joy. There are many good things to like here. There is the meeting of friends, the exchange of well wishes, and the image of the warmth of family. One would hope these things might be more than once a year, but this is the time we focus on them.

2. We are celebrating the giving and receiving of gifts. At least that seems to be the commercial end of things. Every kiss begins with “K”; we make Christmas joy; Christmas values at . . .; all seem to suggest that the point of the season is giving and receiving gifts. But why should I be getting gifts? It is not my birthday. I know that I get gifts on my birthday . . . but whose birthday is it? Therefore who should be getting the gifts?

3. We are celebrating the beginning of our salvation: the birth of Jesus Christ. I realize that the setting of December 25 as Jesus’

birthday is arbitrary. Nowhere in the Gospel do we get any indication that the 25th is Jesus’ birthday. The church, somewhere in the 300’s decided to celebrate the “Feast of the Incarnation” on the 25th (which later came to be a celebration of birth of Jesus – the incarnated one) because that date was an older Roman pagan holiday “festival of lights” in celebration of the return of the sun (this featured feasting, drinking, lighting candles in your windows, and exchanging gifts). This celebration survived among our English ancestors as “Yuletide.” The church intended to eradicate this older festival with its new one. It appears that the old one eventually won out.

In my confusion I occasionally feel like Charles Dickens’ character from A Christmas Carol, Ebenezer Scrooge and want

Winter 2009

Christ Community United Methodist Church 3474 Stiles Road Syracuse, NY 13209 (315) 457-9382 Sunday Worship 9:00 &10:45 am, 7:00 pm Sunday School 9:00 & 10:45 am

Why Pastors Occasionally Get Confused in December A message from Rev. Dr. B. J. Norrix, Senior Pastor

to just say: ‘Bah, Humbug!’ and be done with it. However, in my confusion I feel the warmth and gratitude and grace of my family, my church family and friends who think to greet me and/or send kind mementos to me during the season. In my confusion I see exhausted, embattled, and embittered people trudging through the season instead of the energized, engaged and ecstatic people Jesus has called us to be.

So, here is what I am doing this year to keep my confusion to a minimum:

1. I am committing myself to stay focused on Jesus and the “Feast of the Incarnation.” Christmas is about the salvation of the world that began with the unlikeliest of births in the history of the world. God became a human being and lived among us!

Continued on page 12

Pick up a couple CCCUMC Christmas cards to give to folks you know who might need a

church family this Christmas season. It lists all our Christmas Celebrations.


How does your family celebrate Thanksgiving? Does the entire family come together with a big turkey, stuffing, and the works? Or do you have a different kind of tradi-tion? All over the country, people come together to celebrate everything they have to be thankful for.

This year, we are ex-tremely thankful for becoming in-volved in such a wonderful mission as the Food Pantry. We are thankful for the amount of support that comes from the congregation, feeding dozens of families through your thoughtful-ness.

After weeks of change and adjust-ment, we are happy to have found a system that works; families now call the church at 457-9382 to make an appointment, and one of us is avail-able to open the pantry as needed.

Food Pantry Crumbs

Karen & Laurel Frega While we have heard that the recession is easing we have seen through our ministries that our com-munity continues to feel the pinch. We have served a growing number of families through the pantry; please continue to read your email updates and bring in items to fill our shelves (to fill the

shelves of families in need!). Thank you again for all of your help and sup-port.

Also, Its time once again for our Annual Paper Bag Project! We are filling paper bags with one full days worth of food, to go to fami-lies in the community who are in need this holiday sea-son. This is not an expensive project you can fill a bag for around $10-$15.

Food ideas: • Breakfast: cereal, oatmeal, cream of

wheat, poptarts, canned fruit, juice • Lunch: peanut butter and jelly,

soup and crackers, stew, spegettios, tuna fish & mayonnaise

• Dinner: hamburger helper, tuna & tuna helper, meal kits in a box (found near the hamburger helper), pasta and sauce, canned chicken, canned vegetables, canned chili and stew.

• Desserts and snacks (just for fun!): jello, pudding, cake mix, brownie mix, fruit snacks, other Little Deb-bie type snacks

Any left over bags will be used to

fill our food pantry, so please DO NOT INCLUDE PERISHABLE ITEMS SUCH AS BREAD, MILK OR FRESH MEAT. Place your filled bags in the front of the sanctuary so we can distrib-ute them. If you cant shop but would like to help, please give any donations to Karen or Lau-

rel Frega. Thank you for your help this holiday season!

Thanksgiving Eve, November 25, 2009 • Soup and Bread Supper at 5:45 pm • Worship & Communion at 7:00 pm Sunday Morning, November 29: Advent Week 1—Who? • Worship Celebrations and Sunday School at 9:00

& 10:45 am • Pastor BJ’s Message: “Who Is Jesus?” • Praise Music & Healing Prayer at 7:00 pm Sunday Morning, December 6: Advent Week 2 — What? • Worship Celebrations and Sunday School at 9:00

& 10:45 am • Pastor BJ’s Message: “What Is Salvation?” • Praise Music & Healing Prayer at 7:00 pm Sunday, December 13: Advent 3 — How? • Worship Celebrations and Sunday School at 9:00 am

& 10:45 am • Pastor BJ’s Message: “How Then Shall We Live?” • Sunday School Christmas Program at 7:00 pm • Directed by Mr. Rick Woodside, the Christmas Program

features our entire Sunday School. • This event is followed by an all church party!

Sunday, December 20: Advent 4 — When? • Worship Celebrations and Children’s Activities at 9:00

& 10:45 • Pastor BJ’s Message: “Prepare to Receive” • Early Christmas Worship Celebration at 7:00 pm • A Christmas Eve style worship designed for people who

will be traveling on Christmas Eve, featuring our praise band, Grace Alone

Thursday, December 24 — Christmas Eve — Why? 5:00 pm Birthday Party for Jesus: Designed for children, this gathering features children’s music, a special message and a birthday party with cake for Jesus! 7:00 pm This celebration features candles, carols, special guest musicians and a word from Pastor BJ entitled “Prepare to Give”

11:00 pm Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion. Candles, carols, and Holy Communion with special music and a word from Pastor BJ entitled “Prepare to Give”


The Turkey Got It Right! Ken Prell, Finance Team Chair

As I read in Pastor BJ’s weekly update recently, a turkey wandered into our midst and tried to get into the building—yeah, I know, that hap-pens all the time here, but I’m refer-ring to the poultry. I assume it was a male turkey because he was obvi-ously lost and didn’t ask for direc-tions. Seriously though, let’s think about this some more, either “Tom” was lost and didn’t know where to turn, or he was running from some-thing or someone, could possibly have been hurt somehow and conse-quently was looking for refuge in our Church. How appropriate!

How many of you are feeling lost these days, or are running from something or someone, and feel hurt or slighted in any way? OK, you can put your hands down. I know many of you, like Tom, have sought refuge in Christ Community, but I also know there are some of you who have drifted away and not sought refuge in our building—and to those I ask, “why not?” I didn’t know Tom’s cir-cumstances, nor do I know your cir-cumstances, but God knows and He cares—yes, the turkey got it right.

Times are tough, the economy and the stock market may be ticking up lately but, unfortunately, employ-ment is one of the last things to re-bound. Far too many in our Church family are wondering when the be-ginning of this so-called “recovery” is going to reach them. In addition to unemployment and economic woes, others in our Church family are fac-ing medical and/or emotional issues. We are either broke or feeling bro-ken.

What does this have to do with a turkey or, what I usually write about, stewardship? As I have talked about before, stewardship is manag-ing the resources God has blessed us with for the advancement of His kingdom through the sharing of our gifts—our money, time and talents. When you are broke or feeling broken and you can’t make your church of-fering and/or you don’t have the en-ergy to currently offer your time and

talent in mission or ministry. Then you hear how we’re struggling to stay on top of our bills, and how this group and that group are having this fund-raiser and that mission project, and you feel guilty, frustrated or an-gry—or all three—and so you stay away from the place you need to be the most: God’s House.

If this is you, I’m truly sorry for your pain and diffi-cult times, but please don’t sacri-fice your worship time—a key part of your relationship with God—because you are tapped out of money, time and energy. The turkey got it right—he came to Christ Community seek-ing something—and he didn’t have a tithe to put in the box or canned good for the food pantry, he couldn’t put together a Christmas shoe box or pay to ship it, and he wasn’t able to sort clothes for the refugees—although he may have been willing to work a chicken barbeque or pig roast! But you get the picture, we aren’t an ex-clusive country club where you need to pay dues to get in, nor are we the boy scouts (or girl scouts) where you have to earn merit badges.

I guess what I’m saying is that if you can’t contribute, we can manage without your money, and if you can’t help with mission projects, we can manage without your work, but we miss you in our presence, especially during worship time. Yes, I know the building is not the Church, but if the building is where the community of believers is gathered, then the Church is in the building. How im-portant is living in and being con-nected to a Christian community, and thereby being connected to the

Church? BJ preached a whole series on it, so I would say it’s very impor-tant.

As we approach Thanksgiving, some of us are counting our blessings and feeling very thankful while others are not feeling too blessed or too thankful, but we can all be thankful for the gift God gave us in His Son Jesus, and the gift of salvation we have through His death on the cross and resurrection. Remember, in Mat-thew 11:28, Jesus said, “Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” He didn’t say, “Come to me all you who are tith-ers, fundraisers and missionaries….” God asks us to give what we can give, so those who can give a little more money, time, and energy are stepping up to do so because they recognize the need and not everyone can pitch in right now—we have an awesome con-gregation that way. However, we can all give God worship regardless of how empty our pockets are or how full or calendars are, and we can’t worship for you, so please come and worship God with us again—we miss you and God misses you! Remember, the tur-key got it right.


Human Bean Festival/ Movie and Game Night

Saturday, January 16

5:00-8:00 pm

Enter your favorite recipe or bean art work for $5

Games and Great Food!

Bring your friends!

Proceeds to benefit CCUMC Food Pantry

A huge, heartfelt THANK YOU to all of you for your generosity over the past few months. You provided us with gifts for our Birthday Party, food and items for Dine and Slime, and money and items toward our Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes. Thanks to you, our classrooms, closets and stomachs are full!!! A great big hug and kiss to all of you from all of us!

Speaking of the shoeboxes, our Sunday school children filled over 90 Christmas Shoeboxes. The love, joy and excitement the children experience packing all of those boxes will serve as a mission memory for them for years to come. Thank you to all who so lovingly gave of their gifts of money to help pay the shipping expenses for those 90 boxes, it makes my heart glad to be a part of a community of believers who so willingly give of themselves and their gifts, so thanks!

Here are some of the upcoming events!

Children & Youth Ministries Julie Valeski, Director of Christian Education

W e d n e s d a y , November 25th is our Thanksgiving Eve service. Come and hear the message of “Worship over Worry” and for a special, fun surprise! You have to be there

to find out more! Saturday, November 28th is

Advent Craft Day from 1-4pm. Children that sign up will be able to make a few gifts for their family members, watch a movie and have some snacks. There are sign up sheets on the Sunday School table in Fellowship Hall if you would like to help with this event or to sign up your children that are coming. The cost is FREE, so have them bring their friends and plan for a few hours of shopping or relax time! We are still in need of craft supply donations. Empty cans, empty thread spools and metal ends of biscuits or frozen juices!

Sunday, November 29th is PJ and Movie Sunday. Kids can come to church in their pajamas and watch movies in Sunday School. It is a great way for the kids to unwind after the Thanksgiving holiday and to have fellowship with one another!

Rick Woodside has once again lovingly agreed to write and direct the ALL Sunday School Christmas play. It will be on Sunday December 13th at 7:00 pm. Come see what our resident playwright has up his creative sleeve for us this year! Just a reminder that there is no SS on Sunday, December 20 and Sunday, December 27. This gives our teachers a time to recharge and get ready to kick-off the New Year well rested.

Our Christmas Eve Children’s Service is December 24th at 5pm. We

will be learning how the story of Jesus’ birth is like our favorite candy! Come share this experience with us. You don’t have to be a child, or even have a child, you just have to feel like one! I want to wish everyone

a Blessed Christmas and God’s Peace, Love and Joy ! Merry Christmas and Prayers for a Happy and Healthy New Year to all of you!

Sunday School Christmas Play

Sunday, Dec. 13, 7:00 pm.

Come and join us as we watch our whole Sunday School put on a Christmas Play directed and

produced by Mr. Rick Woodside!

Followed by an All-Church Christmas Party!


SS Mission Sunday November 22 Advent Craft Day November 28 1-4 pm. SS PJ’s & Movie Sunday November 29 Sunday School “Christmas Play” December 13 7pm. Children’s Christmas Eve Service December 24 5pm. NO SUNDAY SCHOOL DECEMBER 20 NO SUNDAY SCHOOL DECEMBER 27 Human Bean Festival/ Game & Movie Night January 16 5-8pm. Church Luau February 27 5-8pm. Breakfast with the Easter Bunny March 27 9-Noon Easter Egg Hunt April 3 11am.

NO SUNDAY SCHOOL: EASTER April 4 SS PJ’s & Movie Sunday April 18 SS Teacher & Worker Brunch April 25 Family Bowling May 15 2-4 pm. Congregation Appreciation Sunday May 16 NO SUNDAY SCHOOL May 30 Confirmation Sunday June 6 9am. Education Celebration June 13 Vacation Bible School August 15-19 6-8:30pm “EGYPT”

2009-2010 Children’s Ministries Activities

Children’s Ministry Team

♥ Julie Valeski: 635-9516, [email protected]

♥ Susan Rayo: 635-8937, [email protected]

♥ Karen Woodside: 857-1818

♥ Marsha Dillon: 487-0923, [email protected]

♥ Laurel Frega: 218-7128, [email protected]

♥ Amy Tyler: 706-5664

Simply the Reason

Saturday, December 12 10AM - 11AM

Hosted by CCUMC Women’s Ministries

For All Women & Girls

Ornament Exchange (Based on the Nativity)

All you need to do is bring one wrapped ornament (homemade,

re-gifted or purchased for under $10) per attendee and, if you can, a plate

of cookies to share.

CCUMC Luau! Beat the Winter Blues with an

indoor beach party! Mark your calendar now! Saturday, February 27. Watch for more details.

Holiday House Cleaning!

This time of year when we’re all busy, maybe you can use a little extra help

around the house.

Amy Tyler is available to clean houses.

Call her at 706-5664 for more info.

References available.


Christ Community Cookbooks on Sale Now

For only $5 each They make great gifts!

See Heather to get yours, or call 457-9382

Proceeds go to “Fill the Ark”

bigger picture than we ever could

• Jesus doesn't separate loving God and loving others

• There's no certain w a y w e ' r e "supposed" to feel

• God has blessed us with every-thing we have so we can bless and give to others

• In attempting to save someone else from their suffering, we may find out that we are actually the ones being saved

I also want to remind everyone of

what we are called, as Christians, to be.

In the Book of Matthew, Jesus says: 13 “You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet.

14 “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hid-den. 15 Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house. 16 In the same way, let your

Christian Education

Julie Valeski, Director of Christian Education

This fall has been a busy and ex-citing time for me! Thanks for all of the encouragement, words, and prayers of support! I have been so blessed to be working and learning with all of you. I also want to thank the other members of our staff for helping to lend support to me and God’s ministry in our church. Thank you to all of you!

I want to thank the people who have been joining me every Wednes-day evening to view Rob Bell’s NOOMA DVD series. It has been enlightening on both a spiritual and personal level as we share our thoughts and our feelings of God’s word to us and in us. As we enter into the hustle and bustle, and stresses, of the Holiday Season, I would urge ALL of us (even those who haven’t seen the NOOMAs!) to keep these thoughts in your heads and on your hearts to remember the true Reason for the Season:

• There's a connection between the

amount of noise in our lives and our inability to hear God

• What does it mean to truly give yourself to someone else

• Trust that God is good and sees a

light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and

give glory to your Father who is in heaven.

We are to “flavor” everything we think, say, and touch with

a Christian mind, heart and soul. We are to be exam-

ples for others to see Christ in us and through

us. We are to preserve the Christian life. We

are to be the light in the darkness that

others can see and follow to Him.

Christmas isn’t about the presents, how many places we have to go or even how many friends and family members we need to visit. It’s about remembering who we are as Chris-tians and how we model that for and to others. So, as you’re the 10th per-son standing in line with one item and the checkout line closes after the person before you, the one getting cut off in the traffic on the road, or the one who has to host everyone at your house and do all the cooking and cleaning, remember, God is with you ALWAYS and Jesus wants you to BE Him! Don’t show “Holiday” spirit this Christmas season, show “Christ” spirit! Unto us a child was born and He saved all of us! (even the guy cut-ting you off!)

Happy Christ Days to all of YOU! Peace and Love, Julie Valeski

“Battlefield of the Mind” Book Study Tuesday's at 10:00 AM at the Carousel Mall, in

front of H&M store on the 2nd floor. All who are interested are

welcome to join us. During our gatherings we pray for one another, share joys, and fellowship. Using the study guide, we also read and contemplate scripture to strengthen us for the “battle.” Try us out!!.

For more information see Shelly Peters


Musical Notes 9:00 AM Sonrise Choir Thanksgiving Eve the Sonrise Choir will sing, "It Is A Good Thing To Give Thanks Unto the Lord". We welcome more singers to join us! There is rehearsal this Thursday, November 19th, 7PM, in the sanctuary. During Advent we would like to present anthems at both morning celebrations and would like to invite more of our 10:45 members to join us! There will be rehearsal this Thursday and one more Thursday in December. Plans are to have the anthems presented in the early part of each morning service, so those that work with Sunday school can participate as well. If you can sing at either or both services, that'll be great! Contact Phill Sterling at [email protected] if you'd like to be included this season. 10:45 AM Praise Choir Our praise choir rehearses the second Tuesday of the month at 7:00 pm. Everyone is welcome! See Denise Weeks-Bush or email her at [email protected] for more details. Cloverleaf Children’s Choir Chris and I would like to thank all the children who have chosen to sing for our Church congregation. They are brave and courageous to stand up and proclaim good news using their talents of precious smiles and voices. Together they are learning the “Armour of God,” —each child is a most special part of amour. Ask your children (those who sing with us) what part of armour they are: Belt of Truth, Breastplate of Righteousness, Feet fit for the Gospel of Peace, Shield of Faith, Helmet of Salvation, Sword of the Spirit, The Word of God The children's choir is open to all children, K and up. Here is the upcoming schedule: November 22: Please come to the big classroom at 10:00 to practice a bit before we perform for both services. December is to be determined. We will be practicing and performing during the Christmas season—more details will be given. Inspired Expressions Dance Team Our Dance Team practices on Thursdays at 6:30 pm. New members of all ages welcome. See Chris Haskins or Lynnie Janson for more information. Drama Team DRAMA TEAM is open to anyone who likes to have fun and praise God through drama. We’re looking for actors, writers, and behind the scenes people. All ages welcome! See Betty Kline or Joe Frega for more information.

Chris & Shelly Peters


Wow what a great an exciting year for Women’s Ministries! The Women’s Ministries group started the year with the Simply Dressed gathering where Debbie Underwood shared with us how Dress Our People began. Barb Walters was so inspired by Debbie’s story that she started Christ Community’s very own Dress Our People sewing group. Then in May we held Simply Flowers and opened the gathering to men and women. We took a road-trip to Ballantyne Gardens where we learned about container gardening and heard T im Ballantyne talk about organic gardening. At our fall gathering the Women of Christ Community gathered to sample delicious Tastefully Simple products and raise some money at the same time. The money raised would cover the cost to send the “suitcase” filled with the outfits created by the Dress Our People group with Pastor BJ and Rick Woodside to Uganda. That gathering was a success and we were able to raise over $378! (If you

Women’s Ministries at Christ Community UMC Rachel Valis

have not already had a chance to hear the “Tale of the Suitcase” please make sure that you ask Pastor BJ or Rick Woodside to tell you…it is truly amazing how God has worked through the Women’s Ministries this year.

And now here we are, nearing the end of another year and that means holiday craziness Often times we are so busy that we lose sight of the true Reason for the Season! That is why the Women’s Ministries will be presenting the final gathering of the year…Simply the Reason! The gathering will take place on Saturday December 12 from 10:00 to 11:00am in Fellowship Hall. We will be doing an ornament exchange based the Nativity Story, and would like to extend the invitation to all Women and Girls – friends and granddaughters included. All you need to do is bring one

wrapped ornament (homemade, re-gifted or purchased for under $10) per attendee and, if you can, a plate of cookies to share. We understand that time is at a premium around this time of year and that is why we would like to have a short

gathering for some fellowship, cookie tasting and to just stop and reflect on why the Christmas season is so important! If you are interested in coming please contact Randa Greer (635-6629), Michele Wunderlich (729-8554) or Rachel Valis (638-0668), or send an email to W o m e n s M i n i s t r i e s We look forward to seeing you there!

Also, mark your calendars for our Winter Event on February 27, 2010 where Frieda Weeks will be speaking to us about the Hope for Heather Foundation’s goal of raising awareness about Ovarian Cancer.

Hasn’t it been an amazing autumn? There have been many days this fall when the sun shimmered in such a way that the leaves looked like jewels. When the yellows, reds, and oranges blended together as if new colors were made everyday. It’s interesting because when you look from afar, the colors of the leaves blend together in such a magnificent way. It makes me think of the days when the kids and I would search for the “perfect” leaves so we could make window decorations. Our maple tree outside our house looked like the most amazing crimson red from the window. We were certain to find an unblemished leaf somewhere; however we never seemed to find that perfect leaf. Most of the time, the leaves had big brown blotches & tears never as perfect as the colors

we experienced from the window. I am reminded of our lives—each of us are blemished, imperfect, some broken and all have fallen. But what God does is amazing! When we are together in community loving and caring for one another we are like those trees, those magnificent trees that shimmer the blemishes away.

Just like Pastor Davis Matovu said last Sunday, “the Lord’s vineyard calls for partnership and cooperation.” It is such a blessing to be a part of the mission team here at CCUMC to see so many of us work together to make events like the CROP Walk and the refugee clothing drive be so successful. Thank you to all who have given their prayers, time and resources.

We are planning another youth mission trip for this summer. God willing, we plan to go to the Dominican Republic. Please pray for us! Our first meeting will be for the youth and their parents on December 20th at 12:15. Watch for more details

If you’d like to join the CCUMC Missions Team, or to find out how you can help with our missions see Cathy Cronk (638-0996) or Mark Cavanaugh (457-3377).

CCUMC Missions Update Cathy Cronk


Our new Sunday School “Fill the Ark” fundraiser card is now available for presale! The actual size of the card is like a credit card and is hard plastic. There are 18 vendors on the back of the card that are participating for us. Each vendor has a different offer and there are a variety of busi-nesses and locations. Half of the money that is collected for each card goes to the company who did the legwork and the other half will go directly into our Fill the Ark fund. This is the presale for the cards and money is due at the time of order. The cards will be shipped by December 1st and can be used as of December 1st of this year. Here are some great details about our card:

• The beauty of this card is that every offer on the back

of the card can be used every day through December 31, 2010!

• Some locations of a particular vendor may honor the discount it even if their location isn’t listed. Just be sure to ask first!

• When you go to a participating vendor, present your card at the time of purchase so they can provide the discount accordingly. Don’t forget to thank them for participating in our fundraising efforts!

• Just by using the Mark’s pizzeria discount one time, the card has paid for itself!

• We will only have 300 cards, so first come, first served. • Each card is only $10!!!!! • You do not have to be a member of our church to pur-

chase a card or use a card! They make great stocking stuffers or a gift for that hard to buy for person!

You can order and prepay for as many cards as you want. I myself will be buying one for my kids’ teachers, a couple for family members and one for myself. Look at what a great deal you’re getting and where the money is going! I think in today’s economy, this is a gift that will keep on giving! And I love the fact that our church logo and infor-mation is right on the front of the card! What a great way to get the word about our church! To purchase cards, or if you have any questions, please see Julie Valeski or a coordinator.

Supercuts Auntie Anne’s Pizza Hut Mark’s Pizzeria Thunderbird Lanes Burger King The Fun Warehouse Friendly KFC

Moe’s Tassone’s Valvoline Taco Bell Sbarro’s Family Video Quaker Steak & Lube Litter Caesar’s

Participating Merchants:

This Thanksgiving holiday with its blessings so grand Should serve to remind us of the joys at hand The friendships we treasure, our families dear

The love we've been given and shared, year to year The food at our tables, where many have none

The dawn of each morning beneath the bright sun The dreams that we carry; the warmth in our hearts

That bring us together when we are apart.

The walks by the lakeshore as stars light the sky The joys in the children who quickly pass by The stillness of nature, the comforts of home

Each blessing the greatest that could ever be known The warm, pleasured scents from the kitchen, delight

Arousing the senses near the firelight The wondrous decor of the season to come

Good tidings, best wishes for everyone.

The freedom we hold, so to live peacefully The soldiers who serve us, so diligently

The air that we breathe, the flowers we grow The brightness of spring, the coldness of snow

Our sons and daughters, our husbands and wives And the furry creatures who capture our lives – All are blessings we’re given to cherish, always

Yet, especially so on Thanksgiving Day.

Celebrate this time for the beauty abound Be thankful for all of the blessings you've found

For in the end, blessed you will truly be – A soul filled with love, peace and harmony

Happy Thanksgiving, my friends; I am blessed, indeed I am thankful for the love you have shared, selflessly May each road that you travel be paved with a smile

Have a wonderful holiday....enjoyed in style!

© 2003 - Jill Eisnaugle’s Poetry Collection

Editor’s note: A few years ago we ran a story writing contest and asked peo-ple to write about their hero. We got 4 very good entries and decided rather than just picking one story to print, we’d print all of them, in alphabetical order. This is the second installment.

Who my true hero is……

When I was younger I had always thought my family members were my true heroes. Like my Grandfather. He was a man who taught me a lot, such as loyalty, and following through with commitments. He was taken away from me and my family too early. I was a Junior in high school and beginning a career in nursing. He was so proud when I decided to do that at such a young age. When he passed away I was so mad and full of hate—I asked "HIM" why, why, why you took him from me?? Now he would never see me grow up, never see me complete my career. I kept my feelings tucked inside and grew to hate "HIM" even more. I had no faith.

My life went on. I completed school, began my career and made some moves. Then I got married in July of 1999; I had my first child in 2000.

Then in early 2001 I had another hero taken from me, my Uncle Jim. He was an amazing man. He would always see the best in everyone, but if he did not see any good in a person he would let you know. He did that for me I was dating a guy back in 1997 . It was a guy I was trying to help, and to save him from his drinking. But my uncle pulled me aside and told me I would not be able to save him, he does not want to be saved. He told me I needed to move on and get out while I still could—Uncle Jim saved me from what was sure to become a very bad situation!

In June of 2001 Uncle Jim was taken away from us in a horrific way. I again was full of hate asked "HIM" why did you do this to me again? He was a man who followed You, believed in You—why would you take away

Who my true hero is…….. Marsha Dillon

someone who believes in you so much? It didn’t make sense to me and made me more angry at “Him.”

Then again in 2002 I had my other hero taken from me. My dear Aunt Laura, She was a wonderful woman who I just adored and thought highly of. She was someone who was proud of my accomplishments. Nine months to the date of her death I had my sec-ond child—looking back I remember this was the child she spoke of while she laid on her death bed. I was now even madder at “HIM” for taking her before she could see my baby.

Now some of you may think I am just being selfish, I just had a hard time with seeing all these close family members taken from me. Yes I was mad and hated “HIM”. I guess this was sign showing I needed to grow and learn what life is really about. But I was not ready yet.

So here is where my story will truly begin and continue for the rest of my life. I wanted to have my baby bap-tized, I refused to go back to the church where I was married and had my first child baptized. So I made the call to this church, Christ Community UMC. The pastor called me back talked with me for a few minutes and told me to come to service and see if I like it. I felt—oh now I have to now

believe in "HIM" and praise "HIM" just to have my child baptized? Well I was going to do what I had to do, be-cause that is what my heroes would have wanted me to do. I was raised that all children needed to be bap-tized! It was the way we were brought up, in our Catholic religion. So I brought my family and parents with me to our first service at CCUMC in August 2003. I just kept saying, “ok I will come for a few services, get him baptized and I will not go again.”

Well "HE" had other plans for me. I have not left ever since that first Sun-day walking through those doors, but I still had little faith. I was not sure what “HE” wanted from me, I would hear people say he will lead you, you will know. I still was lost!

One night I went to bed and awoke the next morning having such a feel-ing inside of me I could not express to anyone. I then talked to a co-worker about it. I told her of my experience and she said, “You have been touched.” I said, “Touched, touched by what?!” She told me it was the Holy Spirit. That same day I received my weekly e-mail newsletter from our pastor, I hit the reply button and told him what had happened, I just wanted to see what he would say. He replied back to me and said, “Yes you indeed have been touched.”

So this person I would always refer to as "HIM" or "HE"—well He is my true hero, my savior Jesus.

Jesus died to give me life, yes he took away these three important peo-ple, but I now know why. “HE” gave me back three of the most amazing children. Each one of them is a char-acter of one of my loved ones. It took me to be touched by the Holy Spirit to realize who my true hero really is.

I thank Pastor B.J. for returning my call my back August 2003! Be-cause of that I am not angry anymore; I do not hate Jesus for taking my loved ones away. I am now at peace, and so full of love but most of all—full of Faith! I have faith that my savior will continue to lead me in the direc-tion I need go. I can hear Him now.



Pastoral Ministry Musings Linda Prell, Director of Pastoral Care

filling grocery bags with food for those in need. Food for a family of four for one day can be purchased for approximately $10. The Rescue Mission and the Samaritan Center are always looking for volunteers to help prepare and serve food to the homeless. We have a food pantry at our church that helps many and they are always looking for donations. There are a myriad of ways that we can help others. We seem to be reminded of it especially at the holiday times, but the need continues year round.

As we gather around the table this Thanksgiving let us give thanks with a grateful heart for all that we have been blessed with. Let us continue to offer assistance to others in whatever way we are able.

God bless you all.

concerned that he might end up on someone’s dinner table. Maybe he was looking for a little bit of divine intervention or possibly sanctuary. What better place to receive that gift than at a church.

We have many people who are hurting right now and you may be wondering what you could do to help. Might I recommend starting with prayer? Prayer is a very powerful tool. We have a prayer chain that is facilitated by Barb Jesmer. If you want to know who is in need, that is a good place to start. Just let Barb know that you would like to receive it via e-mail and you can get started praying daily for our family and friends. We are in the middle of

Recently we have been hearing about the turkey that showed up at church knocking on our front door. We have all had different ideas as to why he was there

and I would just like to add my opinion on this matter. I think the turkey showed up in order to receive a blessing. We had a blessing of the animals celebration while Pastor B.J. was in Uganda. Turkeys aren’t known for their extreme intelligence so I surmise that he was just a little late. With Thanksgiving right around the corner, he may have been


Christ Community Worship Times Sunday Morning Celebrations 9:00 a.m. Worship and praise with the CCUMC

Adult Choir and acoustic sound 10:45 a.m. Worship with our praise band and the

CCUMC Praise Choir Sunday Evening Grace & Healing Celebration 7:00 p.m. Praise & Worship and Healing Prayer

with our worship band “Grace Alone” Sunday School, K-12 9:00 am and 10:45 am

WOW (Worship on Wednesdays) Begins with light supper at 5:15 pm Worship at 6:00 Small Groups & Classes at 7:00 pm

For more information visit our website: or call us at (315) 457-9382

BJ’s message continued from p. 1 That is my message for December

(in various forms) and no negative thinking!!! I don’t want to screw up the opening chapter of the greatest story every told. (insert smile here).

2. I am remembering that it is not MY birthday. So I am committed to spending less on gifts this year and I am going to match dollar for dollar what I spend on gifts and make a contribution to the mission of the church (half to Christ Community and half to a mission project). That way I can give a gift to Jesus that only way I know how.

3. For every holiday gathering I participate in this year I will give a comparable amount of time on a mission project in January and February. Mission projects are overwhelmed with volunteers in December and have no one in January and February.

I believe the way we change our behaviors is to change our focus. Rather than grump, slump or just slide through the season, let’s make this season of the celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, one that honors him!

Why not join me in the above commitment and we will have a Christ centered Christmas!