china's infrastructure building

你你你你你你你Do you think this is Hon g Kong? 你你你你你你你 This is ZhongQing of China

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Page 1: China's Infrastructure Building

你以為這是香港?Do you think this is Hong Kong?

這是中國的重慶This is ZhongQing of China

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你以為這是雪梨?Do you think this is Sydney?

這是中國的青島This is QingDao of China

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你以為這裡是倫敦 ?Do you think this is London?

這是中國的上海This is Shanghai of China

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你以為你了解中國嗎?Do you think you understand China?

中國,已是外匯存底世界第1 China foreign reserve – world No 1 中國,已是石油消耗世界第2 China oil consumption – world No 2

中國,已是貿易金額世界第3 China trade value – world No 3

中國,經濟總產出為世界第4 China economic output – world No 4

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我們其實並不瞭解中國We don’t understand China actually

54.3 %的台灣人坦承不了解中國 54.3% of Taiwanese admit that they don’t understand China

43.2 %的台灣人認為政府並不了解中國43.2% of Taiwanese opine that the government does not understand China

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超速建設Speedy development

中國城市的地圖,每三個月就要改版一次,才能趕上建設的腳步。Landscape of Chinese city has to be updated every 3 months to keep up with the pace of development

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過去 15年,中國修建了八十萬公里公路,足足可以繞地球19 圈。In the last 15 years, China has developed 800,000 Km of roads which are long enough to go round the globe 19 times

超速建設Speedy development

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世紀建設Infrastructure of the century

孫中山實業計畫中的東方大港, 2005 年底完工,洋山港已經超越新加坡、香港,成為全球第一大貨運港。Under the Eastern Commercial Port Development Project by Shun YetSun Realty, the YangShan Port built in 2005 has surpassed Singapore and Hong Kong to be the largest container port in the world.

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世紀建設Infrastructure of the century

總長度 32.5 公里,相當於台北到桃園的距離的東海大橋,連結起洋山港與上海之間的貨運往來,讓長江三角洲直接與世界接軌。Of total length 32.5Km, equivalent to the distance from Taipei to TaoYuan, the Eastern Sea Bridge connects YangShan Port and Shanghai for cargo transportation, and let the YangZhi River delta area open directly to the world market

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世紀工程Infrastructure of the century

一世紀的夢想,短短五年即告完工。海拔五千公里冰原上,全長 1118 公里的青藏鐵路,不僅加強對西藏的控制,更打通了西南的戰略通道。A dream of the century, the 1118 Km railroad on icy land above sea level of 5,000Km, was completed in 5 years, allowing better control of Tibet, and access to the strategic south-western corridor

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用人才競爭下個世紀中國,正用奧運級的教育方針,從文官、大學到基層教育,打造下個世代的中國競爭力。China has strengthened the competitiveness for the next century. Goals are set for education development in the Olympic way for basic education to university and training of administrative government officers

人才強國Human resource development

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文官教育Training of government officer

面對全球化的挑戰,中國不僅將一批批的官員送至哈佛、牛津、早稻田、漢城等知名大學受訓,甚至透過與韓國三星的合作,養成國際企業營運的實務經驗。Facing global challenges, China send government officers for training in universities in Harvard, Cambridge, Waseda and Seoul, and for practical training in international trade management through cooperative program with Samsung of Korea

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文官教育Training of government officer

透過MBA教學常見的個案教學法,要培養中國的官員具有三種能力,戰略思維、全盤思考;國際視野、國際接軌;實際操作的管理能力。Through MBA programs, the government officers are trained for the following capabilities: strategic thinking, total planning, international vision, international connection, and practical management skills

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領導人淬鍊Leadership development

位在北京的中共中央黨校,是未來領導的養成班,而講師陣容除了國際政治家季辛吉、李顯龍,甚至包含 GE、 Intel等國際企業的 CEO。

For leadership training in the Beijing’s Central School of China Communist Party, speakers include prominent politicians like Kissinger, BG Lee, and also CEO of GE, Intel, etc.

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大學教育 University education

十年間,中國的大學數量增加了一倍,光是中國大學生的數目,就高達2000 萬,逼近台灣總人口數。In 10 years, the number of universities in China has been double. The number of undergraduates has reached 20 million, close to the population of Taiwan.

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大學教育 Tertiary education

這群高素質的知識份子,將是中國征戰世界的最大優勢。This group of high quality learned people will be of advantage to China competing with the world.

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台灣,雖然是一艘不沈的航空母艦,卻也是艘開不走的航空母艦。不管如何,都需面對中國。Although Taiwan appears to be a carrier that never sink, it is also one unable to sail. Whatever happens, Taiwan has to face China.

台灣如何因應? How should Taiwan react to this?

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人民,其實很清楚:35.5 %的台灣民眾認為,當務之急是減少政黨惡鬥。38.3 %的台灣民眾更認為必須加強人才培訓及研發能力。In fact, Taiwanese people are clear about these:35.5% of the public view that the fights among political parties should be minimized.38.3% of the public further view that human resource training and research work should be enhanced.

台灣如何因應? How should Taiwan react to this?

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面對中國,最重要的一句話是:「不要慌、不要怕,但也千萬不要再混了!」Facing China, the important words are “Don’t be nervous and don’t be afraid. Furthermore, never be a muddled head again”.

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