celebration 2012 journal

Annual Celebration Dinner iuaa kue vjna kueu The Sound of Joy and Celebration May 20, 2012 Yom Yerushalayim ohkaurh ouh Bi-Cultural Day School

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Page 1: Celebration 2012 Journal

Annual Celebration Dinner

iuaa kue vjna kueu

The Sound of Joy and Celebration

May 20, 2012Yom Yerushalayim

ohkaurh ouh

Bi-Cultural Day School

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Congratulations and thanks to all the honorees for their

untiring support and contribution to our school. 

Nancy and Kamal Haron

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Principal's Circle
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Mazal Tov to Stephanie and Howard Fogel 

on this well-deserved honor.   

You have supported BCDS in so many ways that are inspiring, never hesitating to give of your time and energies to take care of the many details that make our school such a

special place.

Congratulations to Adrianne Robinson - 

inspiring educator and creative innovator and administrator.   You are a beloved part of our BCDS family.

To Marc Leferman - 

thank you for giving your time and efforts to ensure that your alma mater continues to be the best it can be.

To Barbara Friedlander - 

Mazal Tov on a well-deserved honor and thanks for all your efforts to make our past events and dinners so beautiful,

special and flawless.  

Dina & Paul Berger

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BenefactorBiBiBiBi----Cultural has enriched our lives in so many ways.Cultural has enriched our lives in so many ways.Cultural has enriched our lives in so many ways.Cultural has enriched our lives in so many ways.

It has been an honor and a privilegeIt has been an honor and a privilegeIt has been an honor and a privilegeIt has been an honor and a privilegeto have been part of the warmth and spiritto have been part of the warmth and spiritto have been part of the warmth and spiritto have been part of the warmth and spirit

of this great institution for the past 21 years.of this great institution for the past 21 years.of this great institution for the past 21 years.of this great institution for the past 21 years.

Our deepest thanks toMr. SMr. SMr. SMr. S

the heart and soul of our school.Your impact on our children’s lives has extended far beyond their years at


Congratulations to tonight’s honorees

Barbara FriedlanderBarbara FriedlanderBarbara FriedlanderBarbara FriedlanderMarc LefermanMarc LefermanMarc LefermanMarc Leferman

Adrianne RobinsonAdrianne RobinsonAdrianne RobinsonAdrianne RobinsonWe are honored to share this evening with all of you.

Special thanks to our Celebration CoordinatorRabbi David IsraelRabbi David IsraelRabbi David IsraelRabbi David Israel

our Celebration ChairsJeannie & Brian KriftcherJeannie & Brian KriftcherJeannie & Brian KriftcherJeannie & Brian Kriftcher

Sarah & Ron RichSarah & Ron RichSarah & Ron RichSarah & Ron RichMia & Lonny WeinsteinMia & Lonny WeinsteinMia & Lonny WeinsteinMia & Lonny Weinstein

and our Journal ChairsCheryl Bader & Stephen GoldblumCheryl Bader & Stephen GoldblumCheryl Bader & Stephen GoldblumCheryl Bader & Stephen Goldblum

Rachel & Jay JubasRachel & Jay JubasRachel & Jay JubasRachel & Jay JubasElissa & Philip KlapperElissa & Philip KlapperElissa & Philip KlapperElissa & Philip Klapper

Celia & Ron OffirCelia & Ron OffirCelia & Ron OffirCelia & Ron OffirWe are deeply grateful for your tireless efforts

in making this evening such an extraordinary success.

Stephanie & Howard FogelStephanie & Howard FogelStephanie & Howard FogelStephanie & Howard Fogel

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Mazal Tov to our 

BCDS Honorees, 

to our school for inspiring our children 

with Torah and Tzedakah, 

and to Charlie Nadel on the occasion of his

becoming a Bar Mitzvah.

The Jay and Shoshana Dweck Foundation

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Thank you, Howie and Stephanie, for your years of dedicated service and level­headed leadership! 

Mazal Tov Adrianne Robinson, Marc Leferman, and Barbara Friedlander on your well­deserved honors.

Thank you Barbara Sterling, Chemda Parhi and the rest of the 4th Grade team for a great year. 

Rachel and Jay Jubas

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We applaud all our honorees

 for their dedication and leadership.

Special thanks to 

Howie Fogel 

for his tireless efforts and wise counsel.

Hillary and Bob Zitter

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Mazel Tov to all the honorees

To our friends Stephanie and HowieNo one is more deserving of an award than you 

for your MANY years of service and commitment to BCDS and our community.

To MarcYou are a great model of 

Jewish continuity and tireless effortin making this school a better place for our children.

To Mrs. HermanWe still cannot figure out how you do it all!

(thank you)

Jill and Arthur Green

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What an amazing year with so much to celebrate!

First to honor the many long- time, dedicated supporters of Bi- Cultural.

Kol Hakavod

to Stephanie, Howard, Marc, Barbara and Adrianne, each of whom have made, and continue

to make, a meaningful difference

for us and our children. Mazal Tov!

We also celebrate BCDS's new chapter with Jackie Herman at the helm. We could not be more excited about Jackie's new role and Bi- Cultural 's future

with her team.

We wish the best to Jackie, David, Bob, Yocheved, Adrianne, Judy and Joanne for a future full of great professional and personal success.

Glenn & Maria Reicin

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Mazal Tov toStephanie and Howard Fogel

on a Well-Deserved Honor

May your service to BCDS and the Jewish Community continue to serve as

an example for others to follow.

Mazal Tov to all the other honorees.   Thank you for your dedication to our

beloved school!

חזק חזק ונתחזקMay we go from strength to strength!

Sharyn and Fred Baer and Family

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Thank you to our ever-loyal alumnus

Gideon Berger

Bi-Cultural Day School

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In honor ofDeena and Walter


Steven Chernys

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In honor ofMonique, Daniel,Efrat and David


Steven Chernys

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Stephanie and HowardStephanie and Howard

We are so very proud of both of you

and deeply appreciate all you have done

for Bi-Cultural Day School and for the entire

Stamford Jewish community.

To our grandchildren

Jessica, David and MatthewJessica, David and Matthew

May your lives continue to be filled with

kindness and love.

Always remember how special you are and

always remember how much we love you.

BiBi--Cultural Day SchoolCultural Day School

Thank you for providing us with such

wonderful memories over the past 21 years,

this joyful moment in the present and

continued great hope and promise for the future.

Frieda & Sam Fogel

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Stephanie and Howard

We are so proud of both of you

To our three wonderful grandchildren

Jessica, David and Matthew

 Always remember how much we love you

and how proud we are of all of you.



Thank you to

Bi­Cultural Day School

for helping to shape the lives of our

children and grandchildren

Lenore & Al Shanoff

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Thank you to 

Renee Samson

for all she continues to do for 

Bi-Cultural Day School

and the 

Stamford Jewish Community!

Bi-Cultural Day School

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Triple Chai

Mazel Tovto our entire community.

May we continue to gofrom strength to strength.

Jon FraadeMichael ('05) & Rachel ('08)

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Triple Chai

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Triple Chai

To Our Dear Friends

Stephanie and Howard

Mazel Tov on this verywell­deserved honor! 

Gayle & Howard Rothman

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Triple Chai

Mazel Tov to all of this year's honorees on well-deserved distinctions.  

 You inspire us all. 

Stephanie and Howard Fogel-Guests of Honor 

 Marc Leferman-Alumni Award 

 Barbara Friedlander-Young Leadership Award 

 Adrianne Robinson-Jane Shoztic Award 

Congratulations to all Bi-Cultural parents, 

faculty and administrators--current and past--for your support 

of the continued excellence of a Bi-Cultural education. 

We are proud to be part of the Bi-Cultural Day School family, 

which has enhanced our lives beyond measure. 

 The Russ Family Linda & Len, Dana (Class of 2004) & Douglas (Class of 2009)

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Double Chai


Stephanie and Howard 

for this well­deserved recognition of your many years of dedication, leadership and commitment to the Bi­Cultural community. 


The vision, support and generosityshown by all of the award winnershas enriched and strengthened the lives of all the Bi­Cultural children. 

Jay and Esta Feinsod

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Double Chai

Thank you to Meghan and Yoav Haron

for your supportand for your most important gift,entrusting us with your children.

Bi-Cultural Day School

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Double Chai

Mazal Tov to

Stephanie and Howard Fogel!

The Kassen Family

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Double Chai

In honor of two wonderful people, 

Stephanie and Howard Fogel 

whose dedication has strengthened Bi­Cultural and helped secure a 

bright future for our Jewish youth.

Susan and Len Mark 

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Double Chai

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Double Chai

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Double Chai

Thank you toMitch and Randie Weseley

for your ongoing support and commitment.

May your family be blessed with health and happiness and may you

continue your important workon behalf of the Jewish Community

for many years to come.

Bi-Cultural Day School

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Mazel Tov to the honorees

Stephanie and Howard FogelYour commitment, efforts and support of so many aspects of the school for so many years have helped build and maintain

BCDS’s stellar reputation. Your recognition has been well-earned and richly deserved.


Our congratulations to the award winners 

Marc LefermanAdrianne Robinson

Barbara Friedlander  

Best wishes to BCDS for another successful year  

Kerrin and Stephne Behrend

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Mazel Tov to our son and brother  


and his classmates 

on graduating from BCDS  

Congratulations to Howard and Stephanie

on this well‐deserved honor. You are exemplary lay leaders for whom Menchlechkiet underscores everything you do.


Congratulations and thank you to Adrianne Robinson.

You are a gifted educator whose classroom has been a great source of knowledge and 

joy for BCDS students.  

Congratulations to Marc and Barbara

for your selfless commitments to BCDS.  

Congratulations toJackie Herman

on an outstanding first year as Principal. BCDS is so fortunate to have you!!!!


Elise and Steven Cohen Ari (’07) and Tamar (’09)

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MAZEL TOVto our dear

HOWIE AND STEPHANIEon this well-deserved honor.

Your generosity and commitmentto community is only surpassed

by your care and affectionfor your family and friends!

You are a shining exampleto all those around you

(And no one does gematria better!)

Love,Mark, Susan, Tracy, Jason and Rachel

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Mazel Tov to All the Honorees.You are all an inspiration and add to the beauty ofBi-Cultural Day School

Howard and Stephanie FogelAdrianne RobinsonBarbara FriedlanderMarc Leferman

Thank you to the Trustees, Board, Administrators, Faculty, and Staff for all of your dedication, hard work and commitment to Bi-Cultural Day School.

Thank you to all of the parents, students and the Bi-Cultural Day School community for an amazing and successful year!!

As always a special thank you to Mr. S for his vision, guidance, enthusiasm and wisdom. I look forward to continuing the journey with you.

Warmly,David and Jacqueline Herman

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Thank you to

Ji l l KaplanJil l KaplanJil l KaplanJil l Kaplan

for her magnificent Celebration 2012 logo

Thank you to our alumnus

Mi t ch e l l Kap lanMit ch e l l Kap lanMit ch e l l Kap lanMit ch e l l Kap lan

for sharing the next generation with us and for your continued generosity!

Bi-Cultural Day School

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Mazal tov to all of this year's honorees!  

We thank you for your many important contributions 

to Bi-Cultural!

A heartfelt thank you to Jackie Herman

 for her endless energy, infectious warmth & brilliant leadership.  

Jackie is a true gem!

Jill & Ric Nadel

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Mazal Tov to

Rich and Pam Vogel

on becoming president and first-lady

of the Stamford JCC!

Bi-Cultural Day School

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Howard and Stephanie, thank you for all the work you do for the school. Howard, it was a pleasure serving with you on the BCDS Executive Board for all those years. 

Adrianne, thank you for working with our children and helping them grow into the wonderful young adults they are. Thank you also for being the client I've gone the longest and farthest for.

Thank you to all the honorees for your dedication to the school. 

Jodi and Richard Boxer

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Mazel Tov to all the honorees! 

Georgia and Celia...your love for learning makes us smile:) 

Keep up all the hard work! 

 Look out BCDS, Richard starts Kindergarten in the Fall!

 Thank you to all the wonderful teachers and staff for making our children's days

bright and exciting!

xoxo, The Baer Family Raymond, Beth, Georgia, Celia & Richard

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Thank you to the

Breslow Family

for their ongoing support of

Bi-Cultural Day School.

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To all the honorees and 

in particular to our dear friends


who always lead by example and whose devotion to Bi-Cultural Day School 

in particular and education in general, is unparalleled in 

its consistency and steadfastness. 

Tommy Haendler and Caryn Halbrecht

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To the honorees, 

Thank youfor your dedication, inspiration, 

energy and vision. 

Most of all, thank youfor shaping a wonderful home 

for our children. 

Dan, Rachel, Nathan, Noam, Shira, Gabriel and Hannah Haron

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Mazal Tov To Stephanie and Howard Fogel 

on this well-deserved (and overdue) recognition. Thank you for all you have done for our school. Thank you for your

leadership and guidance and most of all for your personal friendship.

To Barbara Friedlander creative genius, tireless worker, amazing partner, 

and good friend.  Thank you for everything.   

May our school and BCDS family be blessed with your continued involvement.

To Adrianne Robinson  I look forward to many years of continued partnership as our team works to make BCDS and our children the best they can

be.   Your sense of humor and "can do" attitudemake coming to work each day a pleasure.

To Marc Leferman  Thank you for setting an example for graduates of BCDS to continue their connection with and devotion to our school.

Rabbi David and Shara Israel

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With profound thanks 


Stephanie & Howard

The Klapper Family

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Yasher Koach to the honorees: 

Stephanie and Howard FogelAdrianne Robinson

Marc LefermanBarbara Friedlander

 You are all truly inspirational.

Thank you for all you do for Bi-Cultural Day School.  


Sharon and Jeffrey Lewis

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" זרעך ככוכבי השמים-כי ברך אברכך והרבה ארבה את "

( יז:בראשית כב  )    


You truly are a shining star!!!Congratulations on your graduation from BCDS!!


We are so proud of you and love you very much.                                                      

                       Congratulations to all of the honorees and a heartfelt thank

you to Rabbi Auman and Ms. Schulman for all of their years of service and dedication to our wonderful school. 

Stacey, Abraham, Gregory and Tamara Mintz

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Mazel Tov to all of tonight's outstanding honorees

 Stephanie & Howard Fogel Barbara Friedlander Marc Leferman 

Adrianne Robinson

 A special thank you to the Celebration Chairs and Journal Chairs

 Jeannie & Brian Kriftcher Sarah & Ron Rich

 Mia & Lonny Weinstein Cheryl & Stephen Goldblum 

Rachel & Jay Jubas Elissa & Philip Klapper

 Celia & Ron Offir


Kol HaKavod on all that you do for Bi­Cultural Day School  and our community! 


With much appreciation, The Raich Family

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Mazal Tov to all the Honorees!


The Moreen Family Gabe and Tzivia 

Charlotte, Boaz and Caleb

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Congratulations and

Thank You to

Stephanie & Howard Fogel and

Adrianne Robinson

for all you do for the children of BCDS.

The Schechter FamilyMiriam, Michael, Jackie('07), Allie('08) & Lauren('11)

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On the occasion of the Bi-Cultural Celebration Dinner, Avidan Construction Management, LLC is proud to salute and support this essential and vibrant part of

our community.

Avidan Construction Management is proud of the work we do in and for the community.

83 Fawn Drive, Stamford, CT 06905  P: 203.276.9797 F:203.329.4080


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Mazel Tov to the 


The SchildkrautsMarvin, Ivy, Ely, Mira and Isaac

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Honoring the son of our hearts

Marc Leferman

We are very proud of you

Love,Mom and Dad

(Flo Ellen & Richard Maslow)

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To our wonderful new principal, Jackie Herman:

We appreciate all of the warmth and wisdom that you bring to Bi-Cultural

every day.

We thank you and the honorees for your investment in making

Bi-Cultural a special place for our children to grow and learn.

Danielle, Steven, Francesca, Charlie, Micaela and Abigail Thau Shelah and Marc Moller

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Sam Orlin

We are so proud of you and everything you do.

Congratulations on yourgraduation day.

Now you are really on your way!

Thanks to BCDS for providingSam and his classmates with awonderful foundation for life.Now ­ start building on it! 

Love always,Nana Basha and G.P. Norman

J & Z ­ you're next! 

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Stephanie & Howie 




It has been an honor and a privilegeto celebrate all of you!

With love and appreciation,

Jeannie & Brian 

Sarah & Ron 

Mia & Lonny 

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To Ben-M:

Your adventure continues!Keep your heart and mind open and dream BIG. We love you and are so

proud of you.To the BCDS faculty and staff, the PA, and tonight's honorees:

We thank you for your dedication and effort. Special thanks to

Mrs. Byrne and Morah Mimi for a truly great year.

Robin & Jim Madan

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Special thanks to Rabbi Richard Auman 

for his untiring services to BCDS.

We thank you Richard for giving us the tools that helped us 

educate our children to understand the importance of Jewish continuity.

Nancy and Kamal HaronDan, class of 1986Yoav, Class of 1989Ronen, Class of 1994

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May we see generations of children bring inspiration and peace to all of Israel.

Psalms 128:5-6

The Board of Trustees, administration,

faculty and students at theJewish High School of Connecticut

wish aMazal Tov

toBi-Cultural Day School.

May you continue to go fromstrength to strength

2710 Park Avenue Bridgeport, CT 06604203.275.8448 www.jhsct.org

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Congratulations to

Stephanie & Howard Fogel

There’s not much to say except, Thank You! You do so much for BCDS and our whole community. You do it quietly without requiring –

even avoiding – much fanfare. 

Yet, you do deserve all we can do to let you know how highly you are thought of by

all of us.


Avram & Rhoda Freedberg

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Thank you to everyone at BCDS for helping our boys grow ...and grow....and grow! 


Mazel Tov Remy and Tany for reaching this milestoneand may you continue to grow from strength to strength.


Mazel Tov to the Honorees, especially Mrs. Robinson, a very, very special teacher. 


Marguerite and Ken Neuhaus

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Noam - 

Mazel Tov for completing a full curriculum at Bi-Cultural 

all the way from Kindergarden to 8th grade! 

Our very best wishes in high school!

We love you,Ima, Abba, Yael and Talya

With deepest thanks to all the teachers and staff

Christine Bloom

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Thank you to 

all the Bi-Cultural teachers 

and staff and congratulations 

to all the honorees!


Liat & Benjy Karsch

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An Ode To BCDS

From Akiva until Aviva there were five Attars that walked the halls of BCDS,Each marking our achievement and applauding our progress.

In Kindergarten we started off with the wonderful Mr. CronsonWho taught us everything about the world and within.

Then in First Grade (and Fifth) we enjoyed Mrs. Rubin,Who dealt with almost each of us through thick and thin.

Second Grade was the joy of Morah Lieberman, our Bubby,Without her, who knows where we would be!

In Third Grade we all learned from many teachers,About all different kinds of wonderful creatures.

Fourth grade we traveled to the Garbage and Wax Museum,Teaching us about the stars in the complex Planetarium.

Finally came Fifth Grade and the teachings of grammar,Instilling the rules in us with a metal hammer.

Eventually came Middle School, with Mrs. Carriero, Mrs. Barnes, and Mrs. RobinsonBut only with the fifth child did we reach the heights of Mrs. Teig and her cookies in a bin.

From Morah Shoshana to the fearful Morah Edna and her dreadful only Ivrit sheetsEach child learned Ivrit accomplishing the ultimate feat.

Next came the Parsha sheets with pesukim to memorize,Studying to get the honor roll was always worth Zaidy’s mini-prize.

Mrs. Praver and Gulliver’s Travels caused a year of trouble, So thank G-d for Mr. Sakson who never let his students stumble.

Gemara was taught to our daughters only by the wonderful Mr. Cohen,Who was always making sure to keep their minds goin’.

Finally with Meir came Mr. Graseck,Whose science rules just didn’t stick.

Then came along Mrs. Weber,Whose history classes went by in a blur.

Each teacher who taught us made a lasting impression,With each and everyone of your many lessons.

The teachers we learned from are too many to name, but tremendous Hakarat HaTov goes to all of you. For more than the knowledge we attained at school, the lifelong lessons we still carry with us today.

With huge appreciation,The Attar FamilyHecky & Rochel,

Kivi (’03), Shana (’05), Chaim (’07) Meir (’09), and Aviva (’12)

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I thank the staff for 9 great years at BCDS with our family.

Expecting a great future for all the 8th graders graduating

this year.  

Lloyd Bloom

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 מזל טוב

Barbaraon a 

very well­deserved honor!

We thank you for:Your tireless dedication to BCDS,

our children and theStamford Jewish Community.

For being a loyal and genuine friend...always there to help and make us laugh!

May we all continue to share our successes, struggles and smiles with

you for many years to come.

Alix, Beth, Carla, Jeannie, Jenny, Kim,Lauren, Liz, Marlene, Mia, Nicole, Ora,Sarah, Sheri, Susan, Susie and Wendy.

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The Friendship Circle wishes Mazal Tov to all 

the honoreesand congratulations to the entire Bi­Cultural Day School family.

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קהילת אגודת שלום

Congregation Agudath Sholom

Mazal Tov to

Our dear members Stephanie and Howard Fogeland Adrianne Robinson

Marc LefermanBarbara Friedlander

It is our joy to honor all of youas we celebrate your

dedication, leadership and inspirationto Bi-Cultural Day School

and the entire Jewish Community.

Kol HaKavod

Rabbi Daniel CohenIra Berk, President

&The CAS Community

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To Our Jocelyn…

What ever words can say would not be enough.  It has been joyous to watch you grow, learn and mature.  You have always made us proud, and we know you will continue to not only be a source of pride for us, but to be an inspiration to others as well.

We love you!!!!!!!!!

Mommy, Daddy, Sally, Henry, Dorothy, Isabelle and Lily

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Chabad House Stamford salutesBi-Cultural Day School 

& its exemplary stafffor offering a stellar Torah Education for

the entire Stamford community (& beyond)

Mazal Tov to the Honorees

Rabbi Moshe & Leah Shemtov

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The Young Israel of Stamford proudly salutesBi-Cultural Day School

and this year's honorees: 

Stephanie and Howard FogelAdrianne Robinson

Marc LefermanBarbara Friedlander

 May you go from strength to strength!

 Rabbi Elly Krimsky

Sarah Hochman - Board Leader

Young Israel of Stamford69 Oaklawn Avenue. Stamford, CT 06905

[email protected]      www.yistamford.org

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Wishing the BCDS Class of 2012 much love and luck in all you do!  You have come very far in the last 9 years and should be very proud of all your accomplishments.  May your futures be bright and filled with

all good things!


Mrs. Herman – 

we are so very lucky to have you leading BCDS into the future! 

Mazel Tov on an incredible first year!!


Jeannie and Brian Kriftcher



Charlie and Angels 1 and 2 –


What can I say but thank you!  Despite many hours and lots of work – the time together was always filled with laughs, learning and

friendship!! Proud to call you my friends!!


With love, Angel #3 (in height order, of course)



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Congratulations Jonah Listokin!

You are our shining star and make us proud each and every day!

Lots of thanks to the whole Bicultural Team starting in 2003!!!! Jonah has had such a rich experience here and we feel confident that he has the building blocks to move to the next stage of his life.

Congratulations to the whole Bicultural Class of 2012. Wishing you all great success and happiness in the next phase of your education.

You , who are on the road must have a code that you can live by.And so become yourself because the past is just a good bye. - - Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young

“It is not how much or how little you have that makes you great or small, but how much or how little you are with what you have.”  -- Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch

We love you Jonah and are so happy to be on this journey with you.

                                      Your biggest fans….Mom and Dad

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Stephanie and Howie,Stephanie and Howie,Stephanie and Howie,Stephanie and Howie,

You have been an You have been an You have been an You have been an inspiration, great leaders, inspiration, great leaders, inspiration, great leaders, inspiration, great leaders,

and generous with your time and generous with your time and generous with your time and generous with your time and money for over 20 and money for over 20 and money for over 20 and money for over 20 years. Thank you for years. Thank you for years. Thank you for years. Thank you for

everything you have done everything you have done everything you have done everything you have done for BCDS and the Jewish for BCDS and the Jewish for BCDS and the Jewish for BCDS and the Jewish

Community. Community. Community. Community.

We love you guys.We love you guys.We love you guys.We love you guys.

Malerie, Jeff, Ben and JacobMalerie, Jeff, Ben and JacobMalerie, Jeff, Ben and JacobMalerie, Jeff, Ben and Jacob

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Mazel tovto Bi‐Cultural Day School

and to this evening’s honorees:  

Stephanie and Howard FogelMarc Leferman

Barbara Friedlanderand Adrianne Robinson

 For keeping our tradition so vibrant and joyful

we say: Todah Rabah. 

Rabbi Mitchell M. and Roseanne Hurvitzand Temple Sholom


Temple Sholom300 East Putnam AvenueGreenwich, CT 06830


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Mazel Tov and Todah Rabah to

ton ight 's honorees,


Stephan ie & Howie Foge l

Barbara Fr ied lander

Marc Le fe rman

Adr ianne Robinson


You have each, in your own in imi tab le way, been the guard ians o f our ch i ld ren, our communi ty and our fa i th -- and fo r tha t we are

immensely apprec ia t ive , and proud to ca l l you our f r iends.



To Howie & S tephan ie - our respect for you - and a l l tha t you con t inue to do - t ru ly knows no bounds.   You remain ex t raord inary

ro le models for each and every one of us.



To the teachers o f the 4 th , 7 th and 8 th g rades - thank you fo r a l l you have done to make 2012 another year o f ou ts tand ing l i fe lessons and learn ing fo r our th ree

daughters .


Al l the best ,

The Kr i f t chers

Jeann ie & Br ian

Hannah, Char lo t te & Sophie

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Education without vision is like a present without a future.

- Schifman

Yasher Koach to our brother and sister-in-law


Howie & Stephanie Fogel on their vision to support and enhance

Bi-Cultural Day School. 

They lead by example.

Donna, Joe and Elana Fogel

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Rabbi Richard Auman,

   "ושם דרך אראנו בישע אלוקים"

“And he who paves the way

will be shown G-d’s salvation” 

                       (Psalms 50:23)

This refers to the scribes and tutors who instruct faithfully the young children.                                          - Midrash Vayikra

Your expertise and commitment to chinuch and Ahavat  Israel enriched the minds and touched the hearts of many generations.  May you continue to disseminate Torah and strength for many years to come.

          Good luck and best wishes,

Jacqueline HermanRobert AbramsRachel Bahar

Rabbi David IsraelJoanne KarowJudith Maya

Adrianne RobinsonYocheved Singer

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Thank You Angels!

~ Charlie

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Mazal Tov to

Marc Leferman

on this wonderful honor.

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Mazel Tov to 

Stephanie and Howard Fogel 

on this well­deserved honor.

Meryl and David Gordon

Thank you

 Stephanie and Howard Fogel 

for your ongoing commitment to Bi­Cultural Day School. 

You lead by example. It is an honor to be your dear friends .

Maxine, Jay, Gary (BCDS class of 2000) and Brian (BCDS class of 2004) Freilich

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Stephanie and Howard,Thank you so much for all that you've done

 for BCDS and our children!

Adrianne, You are an amazing teacher!

Thank you again for providing Sam withsuch a wonderful learning experience.

Many thanks to Joshua's third grade team for a great year!

Nancy, Gary, Sam and Josh Schulman

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BarbaraYou are not only an inspiration to your nearest and dearest

friends but to the community at large. You help those around you with heart, intelligence and humor- always producing a product that represents your talents and sense of style. Your

award is so well-deserved and we can't say loudly enough BRAVO AND WE LOVE YOU!!!

Love always, Sharon and Rob Yudell & Leslie and Michael Moskowitz

Thank you to the second and fourth grade teams for an amazing school year!

Mazal Tov to Barbara, Marc and the other honorees.

Tara and Richard Shapiro, Ashley and Brandon

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Thanks to Jackie Herman & Joanne Karow - You're the best

The Raymond Family

Congratulations to the honorees. 

 Mark, Nofie, Kaila, Mira, Roni and Tigress Rosovsky

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Mazal Tov to all the honoreesBCDS is a better place because of each of you.

Thank you for all you do to make Bi-Cultural Day School so special!

To our Shira and Jenna Mazal Tov on another terrific year.

We are beyond proud of you each and every day!!

A special thank you to your teachers: Ms. Tully, Morah Sheva, Mrs. Olson, and Morah Yael

This has been an incredible year! Thank you to all the wonderful teachers and staff at BCDS for everything you do every day for all of us....

Stella and Isaac Cohen

Mazel Tov to all of the Honorees 

To our dear friends:Stephanie & Howie Fogel

Thank you for your many years of dedication to BCDS.Your leadership and support have surely strengthened our community and

benefited our children 

To our amazing teacher:Adrianne RobinsonEmily and Eddie,

along with all of the students at BCDS reap the benefits of having an energetic, kind and inspirational teacher and friend.


 Mia & Lonny Weinstein

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What a great journey! 

We are so proud of all you have done and become. We look forward to sharing in all your future blessings. 

We love you a million! 

Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Randi, Uncle Rick, Uncle Scott, Aunt Val, Emma, Aerin, Ashton, Blakey and Daddy.

Yasher Koach to the Fogels!  You represent all that BCDS is and hopes to be. 

Mazal Tov to Adrianne Robinson. You not only taught our children, 

you inspired them.  

Cindy and David Pitkoff

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 Stephanie & Howard Fogel

Marc Leferman

Barbara Friedlander

Adrianne Robinson


on your well-deserved honor

Judy & Alan Maya

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Congratulations to the honorees and thank you to the entire BCDS


Oren & Elise Klein

Mazel Tovto Bi-Cultural Day School on its 56th

Annual Celebrationand to all of the wonderful teachers and staff.

To our son Ariel, congratulations on a great school year.

To Daniel: Mazal Tov on your hard work and your graduation from Bi-Cultural.

We're so proud of you!

Guita & Stu Silverstein

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Yasher Koach to tonight's honorees:

Howard & Stephanie FogelAdrianne Robinson

Marc Leferman Barbara Friedlander 

Thank you for your commitment to BCDS and all you do for our children. May you continue to go from strength to strength. 

Mazel Tov, Matt, on the wonderful milestone of your graduation.  May you continue to grow and go from strength to strength. 

We are so proud of you and all your achievements. 

Judith and David Jelen

Celebration 2012

..... Priceless!

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To Barbara, Stephanie, Howie, Adrianne and Marc, 

Thanks for working so hard to make BCDS such a

special school. 

With love, Sandi and Stuart Waldstreicher


We are proud of you on this well‑deserved honor. 

Thank you for helping to make BCDS the wonderful place that 

it is for our children. 

Randi, Craig, Ruthie and Zachary

In honor of


Janice & Jake Meyer

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Mazal Tov to all the honorees!


You do so much to enhance BCDS! 


Yashar Koach! 

The Robinov FamilyJackie, David, Greg and Benjy

Thank you to everyone at BCDS!

From the OshersJulia, Seth,

Aaron, Dov and Chaim

CongratulationsStephanie & Howie

May you go from strength to


Much Love,The Grosser & Heller Families

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Your leadership, compassion andjoy in volunteering and teaching

are an inspiration to all of us.

We are proud to be your friends.

Mazel Tov

Ana, Albert and David Lilienfeld

In honor of Jackie Herman -

You are an inspiration to us all.  

Linda and Larry Rezak

With our thanks and best wishes to all that make BCDS such an amazing school. 

From the Links Family

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Mazel Tov to all the honorees, 

and thank you BCDS for all you do 

to enhance the Jewish life of our community! 


Shelley & Eddie Senker

kol hakavod 

Stephanie and Howie


You guys are the best!


Ed Spilka


All of us are so proud of the young lady that you are. We are impressed with your diligence not

only in school but in your dancing.

We Love You!

Sheryl, Sara, Rebecca and Mark

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L’Dor V’Dor Grandparent Messages

For my wonderful girls

Hannah, Charlotte and Sophie Kriftcher 

With much love for all the joy you bring and loads of luck to Hannah on her graduation,


Dear Emma and Kate,

Thank you for making us so proud and happy...we love you!

Grandma and Grandpa

For our beautiful, brilliant and best grandchildren. 

Max Alexander Trell and Hailey Jordan Trell

Love Always, Grammy Gail and Pa Steve Trell

To Benjy,

With Pride and Love Always

Grandma and Grandpa Tepper

Dear Sophie & Amy 

With love and gratitude for all the happiness you've brought us 

Mema and Grandpa Yellen

Dear Emma and Kate,

I'm so proud of you...I know how hard you have worked this year.

I am so thankful to have such amazing granddaughters.

 I love you so much!

Love, Nana

In Honor of the

Leferman Grandkids

Dear Ben, Talia, Daniel and Maya,You light up our lives!  We are always

so proud of you.

Love,Saba and Savta

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L’Dor V’Dor Grandparent Messages

To our dear grandchildren Tilly and Remi,

We are so proud of your accomplishments at BCDS.

We wish you much Mazel for the future.

All of our love,

Zaidy and Babu Soloff

In honor of our wonderful grandchildren – 

Nathan, Noam, Shira, Gabriel and Hannah 

Love, Grandma and Poppy

To our grandson Liam Bodurtha

We are so proud of yourkindness, intelligence and

fine character.

Love,Bubbe and Zayde

To Zoë and Andrew Jaffe-Berkowitz 

from BaBa and PaPa: You are awesome! 

We are proud of you! We love you!

We love theSchweber kids!

To Noam Cohen-Weinberg

Keep learning!Keep growing!

Keep having fun!

We love you,Grandma Robbie & Grandpa Kenny Olsen

In honor ofMy granddaughter,

Rebecca Rose Dayan, 4th GradeMy grandson, 

Maxwell Percy Dayan, 2nd GradeAnd Abraham Joseph (AJ) Dayan,

Who will be coming into BCDS in 2013.And especially my daughter-in-law,

Rachel Fried Dayan, and my son, Nimrod,Who have made my life worth living

Dear Charlie,We are so proud of all you have

accomplished.   Keep up the good work!

Love,Grandma & Grandpa Nadel

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Belle-Anne Abrams & Jerry LeichterHuguette CunitzJeff DienstagMelody & Neal EhrlichRobin & Joel EvansKaren & Mark FederYetta GreenLeslie & Dion HoffPhillip IsraelRhoda & Jay KlarsfeldNicole & Andrew LaskinNaomi LazarusSeth & Lisa LinzerStacey MaslowBarbara MeierVera & Robert MoreenDavid ScheragaAmy & Amir SibboniSarit & Roberto WienerJeffrey Wolk rc!

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