casper productions risk assessment

RISK ASSESSMENT FORM ACTIVITY: Filming LOCATION: Wolstonbury Hill DATE: LEAD MEMBER: Katie Head SIGNED: DATE: List Hazards here: List groups of people who are especially at risk from the hazards you have identified How will you control this risk? Post event review (for use if you have a concern or an incident occurred) Bridle way – Horses and riders will be riding through the woods – potentially could spook horses when actress is running and screaming. Riders Horses Actress – Nicole Camera man/women We will keep noise to a minimal. Stop filming if a horse goes past. Check if the place is clear before running and screaming. Loose roots/twigs/stones – could trip or fall. Actress (Nicole) – when running Camera man/women Check surface before starting to film/run. Low trees/branches – Could run into the tree or bang Camera man/women Actress (Nicole) Make sure there are no tress obstructing pathway

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Post on 07-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Casper Productions Risk Assessment


ACTIVITY: Filming LOCATION: Wolstonbury Hill DATE:



List Hazards here: List groups of people who are especially at risk from the hazards you have identified

How will you control this risk?

Post event review (for use if you have a concern or an incident occurred)

Bridle way – Horses and riders will be riding through the woods – potentially could spook horses when actress is running and screaming.

Riders Horses Actress – Nicole Camera man/women

We will keep noise to a minimal.Stop filming if a horse goes past.Check if the place is clear before running and screaming.

Loose roots/twigs/stones – could trip or fall.

Actress (Nicole) – when running

Camera man/women

Check surface before starting to film/run.

Low trees/branches – Could run into the tree or bang head on a low hanging branch.

Camera man/women Actress (Nicole)

Make sure there are no tress obstructing pathway before running and filming.

Rope swing – may not be stable/strong enough to use so could break

Actress (Nicole) Check the stability and strength of the rope swing by putting pressure on it with out hands before using.

Page 2: Casper Productions Risk Assessment

Public footpath – Could disturb walkers/run into them/could get chased by dogs.

Walkers Dogs Actress Camera man/women

Check that the area is clear before filming.Place a sign saying ‘Filming in progress.’