case digests in consti law 1

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  • 8/19/2019 Case Digests in Consti Law 1


    H.25. City of Iligan v. Director of Lands

    H.26. Gascon v. Arroyo

    G.R. No. 78389 October 16, 1989


      Petitioners seek to annul and set aside the “Aree!ent to Arbitrate" entered into b#

    and bet$een the Re%ublic o& the Phili%%ines, re%resented b# '(ecuti)e *ecretar# +oker .

     Arro#o, and A-*/-N -roadcastin /or%oration, re%resented b# its President, 'uenio 0o%e,

    +r., dated 6 +anuar# 1987, to settle the clai!s o& A-*/-N &or the return o& radio and tele)ision

    stations 2 *tation /hannel 45, and to enoin the Arbitration /o!!ittee created under the

    a&oresaid aree!ent &ro! adudicatin the clai!s o& A-*/-N.


    hether the '(ecuti)e *ecretar# had the %o$er and authorit# to enter into the

    “Aree!ent to Arbitrate" $ith the A-* /-N -roadcastin /or%oration


      es. nder the Pro)isional /onstitution o& the Re%ublic o& the Phili%%ines also kno$n

    as the :reedo! /onstitution5, $hich $as in &orce and e&&ect $hen the “Aree!ent to Arbitrate"

    $as sined b# the %arties thereto on 6 +anuar# 1987, the President e(ercised both the

    leislati)e and e(ecuti)e %o$ers o& the Go)ern!ent. As /hie& '(ecuti)e, the President $as

    2and e)en no$5 “assisted b# a /abinet" co!%osed o& ;inisters 2no$ *ecretaries5, $ho $ere

    a%%ointed b# and accountable to the President.

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    su%er)isor# %o$ers under *ection 8 o& P.B. No. 17?, as a!ended, and *ection 4 o& '(ecuti)e

    Order No. 13, 2@5 the creation o& a ;anae!ent /o!!ittee $hich shall assu!e the

    !anae!ent o& D-;-P; u%on recei%t o& the order, 235 the disband!ent o& the -oard o& 

    Birectors, and 245 the turn o)er o& all assets, %ro%erties and records o& the D-;-P; the

    ;anae!ent /o!!ittee.

      he e(ordiu! o& said Order unerrinl# indicates that its basis is the alleed %etition o& 

    the eneral !e!bershi% o& the D-;-P; re=uestin the Be%art!ent &or assistance in the

    re!o)al o& the !e!bers o& the -oard o& Birectors $ho $ere not elected b# the eneral

    !e!bershi%" o& the coo%erati)e and that the onoin &inancial and !anae!ent audit o& the

    Be%art!ent o& Ariculture auditors sho$s that the !anae!ent o& the D-;-P; is not o%eratin

    that coo%erati)e in accordance $ith P.B. 17?, 0O< @3, the /irculars issued b# BAF-A/OB and

    the %ro)isions and b#la$s o& D-;-P;.

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    re!o)e the %etitionin directors and o&&icers. e cannot take re&ue under *ection 8 o& P.B. No.

    17? $hich rants hi! authorit# to su%er)ise and reulate all coo%erati)es. his section does not

    i)e hi! that riht.

     An ad!inistrati)e o&&icer has onl# such %o$ers as are e(%ressl# ranted to hi! and those

    necessaril# i!%lied in the e(ercise thereo&. hese %o$ers should not be e(tended b# i!%licationbe#ond $hat !a# to necessar# &or their ust and reasonable e(ecution.

    $u%ervision and control include onl# the authorit# toC 2a& act directly '(enever a s%ecific

    function is entrusted )y la' or regulation to a su)ordinate* +)& direct t(e %erfor"ance of 

    duty* restrain t(e co""ission of acts* +c& revie', a%%rove, reverse or "odify acts and

    decisions of su)ordinate officials or units* +d& deter"ine %riorities in t(e e-ecution of 

    %lans and %rogra"s* and +e& %rescri)e standards, guidelines, %lans and %rogra"s.

    $%ecifically, ad"inistrative su%ervision is li"ited to t(e aut(ority of t(e de%art"ent or its

    euivalent to: +/& generally oversee t(e o%erations of suc( agencies and insure t(at t(ey

    are "anaged effectively, efficiently and econo"ically )ut 'it(out interference 'it( day0

    to0day activities* +2& reuire t(e su)"ission of re%orts and cause t(e conduct of 

    "anage"ent audit, %erfor"ance evaluation and ins%ection to deter"ine co"%liance 'it(

    %olicies, standards and guidelines of t(e de%art"ent* +1& tae suc( action as "ay )e

    necessary for t(e %ro%er %erfor"ance of official functions, including rectification of 

    violations, a)uses and ot(er for"s of "al0ad"inistration* +3& revie' and %ass u%on

    )udget %ro%osals of suc( agencies )ut "ay not increase or add to t(e".

    he %o$er to su!!aril# disband the board o& directors !a# not be in&erred &ro! an# o& 

    the &oreoin as both P.B. No. 17? and the b#la$s o& the D-;-P; e(%licitl# !andate the

    !anner b# $hich directors and o&&icers are to be re!o)ed. he *ecretar# should ha)e kno$n

    better than to disreard these %rocedures and rel# on a !ere %etition b# the eneral

    !e!bershi% o& the D-;-P; and an onoin audit b# Be%art!ent o& Ariculture auditors in

    e(ercisin a %o$er $hich he does not ha)e, e(%ressl# or i!%liedl#. e cannot concede to the%ro%osition o& the O&&ice o& the *olicitor General that the *ecretar#Es %o$er under %arara%h 2d5,

    *ection 8 o& P.B. No. 17? abo)e =uoted to sus%end the o%eration or cancel the reistration o& 

    an# coo%erati)e includes the “!ilder authorit# o& sus%endin o&&icers and callin &or the election

    o& ne$ o&&icers." :irstl#, neither sus%ension nor cancellation includes the takeo)er and ouster o& 

    incu!bent directors and o&&icers, other$ise the la$ itsel& $ould ha)e e(%ressl# so stated.

    *econdl#, e)en rantin that the la$ intended such as %ostulated, there is the requirement of a

    hearing . None $as conducted.

    H.24. Integrated !ar of t(e (ili%%ines v. a"ora

    G.R. No.141@84, Auust 1?, @HHH


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    onl#, until such ti!e $hen the situation shall ha)e i!%ro)ed. he

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    H.2. 8laguer v. 9ilitary Co""ission o.13

    G.R. No. 0?4??8 ;a# @@, 1987


      On Bece!ber @4, 1979, the herein %etitioners 'duardo -. Olauer, Othoniel .

    +i!ene, 'ster ;isa+i!ene, /arlos 0aaro, Re#naldo ;aclan, ;adalena Be 0os *antos;aclan, eodorico N. Bies!os, Rene +. ;arciano, Banilo R. Be Oca!%o and ictoriano /.

     A!ado $ere arrested b# the !ilitar# authorities. he# $ere all initiall# detained at /a!% /ra!e

    in Iueon /it#. he# $ere subse=uentl# trans&erred to the detention center at /a!% -aon

    Bi$a in -icutan e(ce%t &or %etitioner Olauer $ho re!ained in detention at /a!% /ra!e.

    Petitioner ;ac Aceron )oluntaril# surrendered to the authorities so!eti!e in +une, 198H and

    $as, therea&ter, also incarcerated at /a!% -aon Bi$a. All o& the %etitioners are ci)ilians.

    On ;a# 3H, 198H, the %etitioners $ere chared &or sub)ersion u%on the

    reco!!endation o& the res%ondent +ude Ad)ocate General and the a%%ro)al o& the res%ondent

    ;inister o& National Be&ense. he case $as desinated as /ri!inal /ase No. ;/341.

    On +une 13. 198H, the res%ondent /hie& o& *ta&& o& the Ar!ed :orces o& the

    Phili%%ines created the res%ondent ;ilitar# /o!!ission No 34 to tr# tile cri!inal case &iled

    aainst the %etitioners. On +ul# 3H, 198H, an a!ended chare sheet $as &iled &or se)en 275

    o&&enses, na!el#C 215 unla$&ul %ossession o& e(%losi)es and incendiar# de)ices> 2@5 cons%irac#

    to assassinate President, and ;rs. ;arcos> 235 cons%irac# to assassinate cabinet !e!bers

    +uan Ponce 'nrile, :rancisco atad and icente Paterno> 245 cons%irac# to assassinate ;essrs.

     Arturo anco, +ose RoJo and Ono&re /or%us> 2?5 arson o& nine buildins> 265 atte!%ted !urder 

    o& ;essrs. 0eonardo Pere, eodoro alencia and Generals Ro!eo 's%ino and :abian er>

    and 275 cons%irac# and %ro%osal to co!!it rebellion, and incitin to rebellion. *o!eti!e

    therea&ter, trial ensued.

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    he trial conte!%lated b# the due %rocess clause o& the /onstitution, in relation to the /harter 

    as a $hole, is a trial b# udicial %rocess, not b# e(ecuti)e or !ilitar# %rocess. ;ilitar#

    co!!issions or tribunals, b# $hate)er na!e the# are called, are not courts $ithin the Phili%%ine

     udicial s#ste!.

    +udicial %o$er is )ested b# the /onstitution e(clusi)el# in the *u%re!e /ourt and insuch in&erior courts as are dul# established b# la$. +udicial %o$er e(ists onl# in the courts,

    $hich ha)e “e(clusi)e %o$er to hear and deter!ine those !atters $hich a&&ect the li&e or libert#

    or %ro%ert# o& a citien.

    *ince $e are not ene!#occu%ied territor# nor are $e under a !ilitar# o)ern!ent and

    e)en on the %re!ise that !artial la$ continues in &orce, the !ilitar# tribunals cannot tr# and

    e(ercise urisdiction o)er ci)ilians &or ci)il o&&enses co!!itted b# the! $hich are %ro%erl#

    coniable b# the ci)il courts that ha)e re!ained o%en and ha)e been reularl# &unctionin.

    ;oreo)er, !ilitar# tribunals %ertain to the '(ecuti)e Be%art!ent o& the Go)ern!ent and

    are si!%l# instru!entalities o& the e(ecuti)e %o$er, %ro)ided b# the leislature &or the President

    as /o!!anderin/hie& to aid hi! in %ro%erl# co!!andin the ar!# and na)# and en&orcin

    disci%line therein, and utilied under his orders or those o& his authoried !ilitar#

    re%resentati)es. :ollo$in the %rinci%le o& se%aration o& %o$ers underl#in the e(istin

    constitutional oraniation o& the Go)ern!ent o& the Phili%%ines, the %o$er and the dut# o& 

    inter%retin the la$s as $hen an indi)idual should be considered to ha)e )iolated the la$5 is

    %ri!aril# a &unction o& the udiciar#.

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    Burin the $ee hours o& +ul# @7, @HH3, so!e threehundred unior o&&icers and enlisted

    !en o& the A:P, actin u%on instiation, co!!and and direction o& kno$n and unkno$n leaders

    ha)e seied the Oak$ood -uildin in ;akati. Publicl#, the# co!%lained o& the corru%tion in the

     A:P and declared their $ithdra$al o& su%%ort &or the o)ern!ent, de!andin the resination o& 

    the President, *ecretar# o& Be&ense and the PNP /hie&. hese acts constitute a )iolation o&  Article 134 o& the Re)ised Penal /ode, and b# )irtue o& Procla!ation No. 4@7 and General

    Order No. 4, the Phili%%ines $as declared under the *tate o& Rebellion. Neotiations took %lace

    and the o&&icers $ent back to their barracks in the e)enin o& the sa!e da#. On Auust 1, @HH3,

    both the Procla!ation and General Orders $ere li&ted, and Procla!ation No. 43?, declarin the

    /essation o& the *tate o& Rebellion $as issued.

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    President, in declarin a state o& rebellion and in callin out the ar!ed &orces, $as !erel#

    e(ercisin a $eddin o& her /hie& '(ecuti)e and /o!!anderin/hie& %o$ers. hese are %urel#

    e(ecuti)e %o$ers, )ested on the President b# *ections 1 and 18, Article

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    ade=uate re!edies under la$ to co!%el such attendance. An# !ilitar# o&&icial $ho! /onress

    su!!ons to testi be&ore it !a# be co!%elled to do so b# the President.

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    -ein !ani&ied b# the !edia, said acts are ad)ersel# a&&ectin the econo!# thus

    re%resentin clear and %resent daner to the sa&et# and interit# o& the *tate

     A $eek later, the President li&ted PP1H17 )ia PP1H@1.

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    he court held that President Arro#oEs issuance o& PP 1H@1 did not render the %resent

    %etitions !oot and acade!ic. Burin the eiht da#s that PP 1H17 $as o%erati)e, the %olice

    o&&icers co!!itted illeal acts i!%le!entin it. here is no =uestion that the issues bein raised

    a&&ect the %ublicEs interest in)ol)in as the# do the %eo%leEs basic rihts to &reedo! o& 

    e(%ression, o& asse!bl# and o& the %ress. An other$ise !oot case !a# still be decided

    “%ro)ided that the %art# raisin it continues to be %reudiced or da!aed as a direct result o& itsissuance" 2*anlakas ). '(ecuti)e *ecretar#5 $hich is a%%licable in the %resent case.

    es, the /ourt !a# do so. As to ho$ the /ourt !a# in=uire into the PresidentEs e(ercise

    o& %o$er, it !ust be %ro)en that the President did not act arbitraril#. $:

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    Be%art!ent erred in con)ictin hi! &or )iolatin the conditions o& his %ardon because the esta&a

    chares aainst hi! $ere not #et &inal and e(ecutor# as the# $ere still on a%%eal.


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    P3,?HH. he# $ere &urther ordered to ointl# and se)erall# inde!ni the o)ern!ent in the su!

    o& P4,89@.?H re%resentin the balance o& the a!ount de&rauded and to %a# the costs


    Petitioner ;onsanto a%%ealed her con)iction to the *u%re!e /ourt $hich subse=uentl#

    a&&ir!ed the sa!e. *he then &iled a !otion &or reconsideration but $hile said !otion $as%endin, she $as e(tended on Bece!ber 17, 1984 b# then President ;arcos absolute %ardon

    $hich she acce%ted on Bece!ber @1, 1984.

    -# reason o& said %ardon, %etitioner $rote the /alba#o /it# treasurer re=uestin that

    she be restored to her &or!er %ost as assistant cit# treasurer since the sa!e $as still )acant.

    PetitionerEs letterre=uest $as re&erred to the ;inistr# o& :inance &or resolution in )ie$ o& 

    the %ro)ision o& the 0ocal Go)ern!ent /ode trans&errin the %o$er o& a%%oint!ent o& treasurers

    &ro! the cit# o)ern!ents to the said ;inistr#.

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    &oret&ulness. he better considered cases reard &ull %ardon 2at least one not based on the

    o&&enderEs innocence5 as relie)in the %art# &ro! all the %uniti)e conse=uences o& his cri!inal

    act, includin the dis=uali&ications or disabilities based on the &indin o& uilt. -ut it relie)es hi!

    &ro! nothin !ore. A %erson aduded uilt# o& an o&&ense is a con)icted cri!inal, thouh


      A %ardon looks to the &uture.

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      *ection 19, Article

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    /onse=uentl#, %etitioner souht reinstate!ent to his &or!er %osition in )ie$ o& his

    ac=uittal in the cri!inal case.

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    restorin to hi! his clean na!e, ood re%utation and unstained character %rior to the &indin o& 


    he is restored to his o&&ice i%so &acto

    u%on the issuance o& the cle!enc#.

    PetitionerEs auto!atic reinstate!ent to the o)ern!ent ser)ice entitles hi! to back

    $aes. he riht to back $aes is a&&orded to those $ith ha)e been illeall# dis!issed and $ere

    thus ordered reinstated or to those other$ise ac=uitted o& the chares aainst the!. here is no

    doubt that %etitionerEs case &alls $ithin the situations a&ore!entioned to entitle hi! to back


    :urther, it is $orth# to note that the dis!issal o& %etitioner $as not the result o& an#cri!inal con)iction that carried $ith it &or&eiture o& the riht to hold %ublic o&&ice, but is the direct

    conse=uence o& an ad!inistrati)e decision o& a branch o& the '(ecuti)e Be%art!ent o)er $hich

    the President, as its head, has the %o$er o& control. he PresidentEs control has been de&ined to

    !ean “the %o$er o& an o&&icer to alter or !odi or nulli or set aside $hat a subordinate o&&icer 

    had done in the %er&or!ance o& his duties and to the ud!ent o& the &or!er &or the latter."

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      Petitioner Rodol&o B. 0la!as is the incu!bent iceGo)ernor o& the Pro)ince o& arlac

    and, on ;arch 1, 1991 he assu!ed, b# )irtue o& a decision o& the O&&ice o& the President, the

    o)ernorshi% 2%. 1, Petition5. Pri)ate res%ondent ;ariano n Oca!%o

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      $hether or not the President o& the Phili%%ines has the %o$er to rant e(ecuti)e

    cle!enc# in ad!inistrati)e cases


      he /onstitution does not distinuish bet$een $hich cases e(ecuti)e cle!enc# !a#be e(ercised b# the President, $ith the sole e(clusion o& i!%each!ent cases. -# the sa!e

    token, i& e(ecuti)e cle!enc# !a# be e(ercised onl# in cri!inal cases, it $ould indeed be

    unnecessar# to %ro)ide &or the e(clusion o& i!%each!ent cases &ro! the co)erae o& Article

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      Res%ondent 'astern *ea radin $as the consinee o& se)eral shi%!ents o& onion

    and arlic $hich arri)ed at the Port o& ;anila &ro! Auust @? to *e%te!ber 7, 19?4. *o!e

    shi%!ents ca!e &ro! +a%an and others &ro! on Don.

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    established national %olicies and traditions and those in)ol)in arrane!ents o& a !ore or less

    te!%orar# nature usuall# take the &or! o& e(ecuti)e aree!ents.

    he riht o& the '(ecuti)e to enter into bindin aree!ents without the necessit# o& 

    subse=uent /onressional a%%ro)al has been confirmed by long usage. :ro! the earliest da#s

    o& our histor# $e ha)e entered into e(ecuti)e aree!ents co)erin such subects as co!!ercialand consular relations, !ost&a)orednation rihts, %atent rihts, trade!ark and co%#riht

    %rotection, %ostal and na)iation arrane!ents and the settle!ent o& clai!s.

    H.3/. Lourdes =u)rico et al. v. Gloria 9aca%agal Arroyo et al.


    Rubrico, in her %etition, said she $as abducted on A%ril 3, @HH7 b# ar!ed !en belonin

    to the 3H1st Air

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    he /ourt also a&&ir!ed the dis!issal o& the a!%aro case aainst other res%ondents &or 

    &ailure o& the %etition to allee ulti!ate &acts as to !ake out a case aainst that bod# &or the

    en&orced disa%%earance o& 0ourdes and the threats and harass!ent that &ollo$ed.

    I./. Hacienda Luisita, Inc. v. A=C et al.

    Hacienda Luisita Inc. +HLI& v. residential Agrarian =efor" Council +A=C&, et al., G.=.o. /7//;/, Buly 5, 2;//

    D < C I $ I 8 I.  >H< FAC>$

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    sharin, as the *BP indicated, is %a#able Lirres%ecti)e o& $hether 0 13@ S land distribution5

    Prior to a%%ro)al, BAR *ecretar# ;iria! Be&ensor*antiao %ro%osed that the *BP be re)ised,alon the &ollo$in linesC

    1. hat o)er the i!%le!entation %eriod o& the *BPQ, adecoQF0< shall ensure that there $illbe no dilution in the shares o& stocks o& indi)idual :-sQ>@. hat a sa&euard shall be %ro)ided b# adecoQF0< aainst the dilution o& the %ercentaeshareholdins o& the :-sQ, i.e., that the 33 shareholdins o& the :-sQ $ill be!aintained at an# i)en ti!e

    No)e!ber @1, 1989 the PAR/, under then *ec. Be&ensor*antiao, issued =esolution o.40/202, a%%roving the *BP o& adecoF02c5 1?H !illion %esos 2P1?H,HHH,HHH5 re%resentin 3 o& the ross %roduce>

    2d5 37.? !illion %esos 2P37,?HH,HHH5 re%resentin 3 &ro! the sale o& ?HH hectares o& con)erted aricultural land o& acienda 0uisita>2e5 @4Hs=uare !eter ho!elots distributed &or &ree>2&5 @.4 !illion %esos 2P@,4HH,HHH5 re%resentin 3 &ro! the sale o& 8H hectares at 8H !illion%esos 2P8H,HHH,HHH5 &or the */'K>25 *ocial ser)ice bene&its, such as but not li!ited to &ree hos%italiationF!edicalF!aternit#ser)ices, old aeFdeath bene&its and no interest bearin salar#Feducational loans and ricesuar accounts.

    $o se%arate rou%s subse=uentl# contested this clai! o& 0

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    the re)ocation and nulli&ication o& the *BOA and the distribution o& the lands in the hacienda,$as &iled b# &lyansa ng mga Manggagawang :u7id ng acienda !uisita 2A;-A0A5. he BARthen constituted a *%ecial ask :orce 2*:5 to attend to issues relatin to the *BP o& 0

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    section %er se that is in)alid, but rather it is the alleed a%%lication o& the said %ro)ision in the*BP that is &la$ed.

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    $ithin three 235 !onths &ro! recei%t b# the cor%orate lando$ner o& the a%%ro)al o& the %lan b#PAR/.

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    and, hence, can be leall# and )alidl# ac=uired b# the!. A&ter all, *ec. 6? o& RA 66?7 e(%licitl#allo$s con)ersion and dis%osition o& aricultural lands %re)iousl# co)ered b# /ARP landac=uisition “a&ter the la%se o& &i)e 2?5 #ears &ro! its a$ard $hen the land ceases to beecono!icall# &easible and sound &or aricultural %ur%oses or the localit# has beco!e urbaniedand the land $ill ha)e a reater econo!ic )alue &or residential, co!!ercial or industrial%ur%oses." ;oreo)er, BAR noti&ied all the a&&ected %arties, !ore %articularl# the :-s, and

    a)e the! the o%%ortunit# to co!!ent or o%%ose the %ro%osed con)ersion. BAR, a&ter ointhrouh the necessar# %rocesses, ranted the con)ersion o& ?HH hectares o& acienda 0uisita%ursuant to its %ri!ar# urisdiction under *ec. ?H o& RA 66?7 to deter!ine and adudicateararian re&or! !atters and its oriinal e(clusi)e urisdiction o)er all !atters in)ol)in thei!%le!entation o& ararian re&or!. he BAR con)ersion order beca!e &inal and e(ecutor# a&ter none o& the :-s inter%osed an a%%eal to the /A.

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    and circumstances tend to indicate that some# if not all# of the FA:s may actually desire tocontinue as !; shareholders. & matter best left to their own discretion.8 

    /he dissents in the ;u%" , '

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    he ih ribunal actuall# )oted unani"ously +//0;& to B