captial budgeting advanced

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  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced



  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    Meaning of Capital BudgetingMeaning of Capital Budgeting


    Capital Budgeting processCapital Budgeting process

    Project classification and Investment CriteriaProject classification and Investment Criteria --

    Payback methodPayback method

    ARR MethodARR Method

    Net Present ValueNet Present Value

    IRR MethodIRR Method

    Profitability Index.Profitability Index.

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    Introduction:Introduction:OneOne ofof thethe aspectaspect ofof financialfinancial managementmanagement isis investmentinvestment..

    InvestmentInvestment meansmeans expenditureexpenditure inin cashcash oror itsits equivalentequivalent duringduring oneone oror moremore timetime

    periodsperiods inin anticipationanticipation ofof enjoyingenjoying aa netnet inflowinflow ofof cashcash oror itsits equivalentequivalent inin somesome futurefuture

    timetime periodsperiods..

    AppraisalAppraisal ofof InvestmentInvestment isis essentialessential toto knowknow thatthat thethe investmentsinvestments willwill bringbring benefitsbenefits orornotnot..

    InvestmentInvestment DecisionDecision:: InvestmentInvestment ProposalProposal

    thesethese areare thethe termsterms associatedassociated withwith longlong termterm resourcesresources oror assetsassets

    ProposalsProposals involvinginvolving investmentinvestment ofof fundsfunds forfor aa periodperiod ofof tenten oror moremore willwill fallfall inin thethe

    categorycategory ofof investmentinvestment.. (( nono hardhard andand fastfast rules)rules)..

    LongLong termterm decisionsdecisions regardingregarding planningplanning andand developmentdevelopment ofof availableavailable financialfinancial

    resourcesresources forfor wealthwealth maximizationmaximization

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    Why Investments are necessary ?Why Investments are necessary ?

    Expansion of the business.Expansion of the business.

    Diversification of the businessDiversification of the business

    Replacement of the Assets/ TechnologyReplacement of the Assets/ Technology Research and DevelopmentResearch and Development

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    Capital ExpenditureCapital Expenditure: Expenditure for: Expenditure for

    longer period of time involving high risk.longer period of time involving high risk.

    the benefit of these expenditure is spreadthe benefit of these expenditure is spreadover number of years.over number of years.

    Right of PreRight of Pre--emptive: The right of theemptive: The right of theequity share holders to receive the newequity share holders to receive the new

    issue on proissue on pro--rata basisrata basis

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    Capital BudgetingCapital Budgeting:: the process ofthe process of

    planning for purchases of longplanning for purchases of long--

    term assets.term assets.


    Suppose our firm must decide whether toSuppose our firm must decide whether topurchase a new plastic molding machinepurchase a new plastic molding machine

    for Rs 2,500,000. How do we decide?for Rs 2,500,000. How do we decide?

    Will the machine be profitable?Will the machine be profitable?

    Will our firm earn a high rate of returnWill our firm earn a high rate of return

    on the investment?on the investment?

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    DecisionDecision--making Criteria inmaking Criteria in

    Capital BudgetingCapital Budgeting

    How do we decide if a capitalHow do we decide if a capital

    investment project should beinvestment project should be

    accepted or rejected?accepted or rejected?

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    The Ideal Evaluation Method should:The Ideal Evaluation Method should:

    a) includea) include all cash flowsall cash flows that occurthat occur

    during the life of the project,during the life of the project,

    b) consider theb) consider the time value of moneytime value of money,,c) incorporate thec) incorporate the required rate ofrequired rate of

    returnreturn on the project.on the project.

    DecisionDecision--making Criteria inmaking Criteria in

    Capital BudgetingCapital Budgeting

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    Capital budgeting consists in planningCapital budgeting consists in planning

    development of available capital for the purpose ofdevelopment of available capital for the purpose ofmaximizing the long term profitability of themaximizing the long term profitability of the

    concernconcern LynchLynch

    The main features of capital budgeting areThe main features of capital budgeting area. potentially large anticipated benefitsa. potentially large anticipated benefits

    b. a relatively high degree of riskb. a relatively high degree of risk

    c. relatively long time period between the initialc. relatively long time period between the initialoutlay and the anticipated return.outlay and the anticipated return.

    -- OsterOster YoungYoung

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    Meaning of Capital Budgeting:Meaning of Capital Budgeting: Planning for capital assetsPlanning for capital assets

    Capital budgeting decisionCapital budgeting decision means deciding whether or not the investment ismeans deciding whether or not the investment isto be be made.

    Capital budgeting is the processCapital budgeting is the process of allocating funds for longof allocating funds for long--term investmentterm investmentprojects or proposals,projects or proposals,

    Importance of Capital Budgeting:Importance of Capital Budgeting:

    Includes huge amount therefore necessary to consider to generate profits.Includes huge amount therefore necessary to consider to generate profits.

    Relating to future period therefore affects the growthRelating to future period therefore affects the growth

    Once taken difficult to reverseOnce taken difficult to reverse

    Complex decisionsComplex decisions Helps for long term financial planningHelps for long term financial planning

    Helps of proper replacement and researchHelps of proper replacement and research

    Helps to control capital expendituresHelps to control capital expenditures

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    Replacement andReplacement and

    Modernization Decision.Modernization Decision.

    (aim is to improve operating(aim is to improve operating


    Expansion DecisionExpansion Decision

    ( existing successful firms)( existing successful firms)

    Diversification DecisionDiversification Decision


    Mutually ExclusiveMutually Exclusive

    Decision(one taken otherDecision(one taken other

    will be excluded).will be excluded).

    Accept or Reject Decision.(Accept or Reject Decision.(

    when proposals arewhen proposals areindependent and do notindependent and do not

    compete with each other).compete with each other).

    Contingent DecisionContingent Decision

    (depending upon other)(depending upon other)If want start a factory u have toIf want start a factory u have to

    build infra ( in remote area)build infra ( in remote area)


  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    Capital Budgeting ProcessCapital Budgeting Process Examine the various steeps involved inExamine the various steeps involved in

    Capital BudgetingCapital Budgeting

    Project Generation ( investment generationProject Generation ( investment generation

    for the project)for the project) Project Evaluation( evaluation ofProject Evaluation( evaluation of


    Project Selection (Best)Project Selection (Best) Project Execution ( implementation)Project Execution ( implementation)

    FollowFollow--up of the Project( assessment ofup of the Project( assessment of

    subsequent results)subsequent results)

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    Capital budgeting process involves the followingCapital budgeting process involves the following

    11.. ProjectProject generationgeneration:: GeneratingGenerating thethe proposalsproposals forfor investmentinvestment

    isis thethe firstfirst stepstep..TheThe investmentinvestment proposalproposal maymay fallfall intointo oneone of of thethe followingfollowing


    ProposalsProposals toto addadd newnew productproduct toto thethe productproduct line,line,

    proposalsproposals toto expandexpand productionproduction capacitycapacity inin existingexisting lineslines

    proposalsproposals toto reducereduce thethe costscosts ofof thethe outputoutput ofof thethe existingexisting

    productsproducts withoutwithout alteringaltering thethe scalescale ofof operationoperation..

    SalesSales campaining,campaining, tradetrade fairsfairs peoplepeople inin thethe industry,industry, RR andand DD

    institutes,institutes, conferencesconferences andand seminarsseminars willwill offeroffer widewide varietyvariety ofof

    innovationsinnovations onon capitalcapital assetsassets forfor investmentinvestment..

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    2.2. Project EvaluationProject Evaluation: it involves two steps: it involves two steps

    Estimation of benefits and costs: the benefits and costsEstimation of benefits and costs: the benefits and costs

    are measured in terms of cash flows. The estimation ofare measured in terms of cash flows. The estimation ofthe cash inflows and cash outflows mainly depends onthe cash inflows and cash outflows mainly depends on

    future uncertainities. The risk associated with eachfuture uncertainities. The risk associated with each

    project must be carefully analysed and sufficeintproject must be carefully analysed and sufficeint

    provision must be made for covering the differentprovision must be made for covering the differenttypes of risks.types of risks.

    Selection of an appropriate criteria to judge theSelection of an appropriate criteria to judge the

    desirability of the project: It must be consistent withdesirability of the project: It must be consistent with

    the firms objective of maximising its market value.the firms objective of maximising its market value.

    The technique of time value of money may come as aThe technique of time value of money may come as a

    handy tool in evaluation such proposals.handy tool in evaluation such proposals.

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    3.3. ProjectProject SelectionSelection:: NoNo standardstandard administrativeadministrativeprocedureprocedure cancan bebe laidlaid downdown for for approvingapproving thetheinvestmentinvestment proposalproposal.. TheThe screeningscreening andand selectionselectionproceduresprocedures areare differentdifferent fromfrom firmfirm toto firmfirm..

    4.4. ProjectProject EvaluationEvaluation:: OnceOnce thethe proposalproposal forfor capitalcapitalexpenditureexpenditure isis finalised,finalised, itit isis thethe dutyduty ofof thethe financefinancemanagermanager toto exploreexplore thethe differentdifferent alternativesalternatives availableavailableforfor acquiringacquiring thethe fundsfunds.. HeHe hashas toto prepareprepare capitalcapitalbudgetbudget.. SufficientSufficient carecare mustmust bebe takentaken toto reducereduce thetheaverageaverage costcost ofof fundsfunds.. HeHe hashas toto prepareprepare periodicalperiodicalreportsreports andand mustmust seekseek priorprior permissionpermission fromfrom thethe toptop

    managementmanagement.. SystematicSystematic procedureprocedure shouldshould bebedevelopeddeveloped toto reviewreview thethe performanceperformance ofof projectsprojects duringduringtheirtheir lifetimelifetime andand afterafter completioncompletion..

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    TheThe followfollow up,up, comparisoncomparison ofof actualactual performanceperformance withwith

    originaloriginal estimatesestimates notnot onlyonly ensuresensures betterbetter forecastingforecasting

    butbut alsoalso helpshelps inin sharpeningsharpening thethe techniquestechniques forforimprovingimproving futurefuture forecastsforecasts..

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    MMention the factors influencing theention the factors influencing the

    capital budgetingcapital budgeting

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    Availability of Funds:Availability of Funds:

    Company has 3 projects which require 3Company has 3 projects which require 3

    Rs 50,000, 1,00,000 and 25,000Rs 50,000, 1,00,000 and 25,000

    The company has Rs 75,000 to invest.The company has Rs 75,000 to invest. Working Capital Requirements:Working Capital Requirements: Starting of new project may requireStarting of new project may require

    modification in working capital requirements.modification in working capital requirements.

    Immediate need of the projectImmediate need of the project : Even if the projects may not earn: Even if the projects may not earn

    immediately some of them need to be implemented urgently.immediately some of them need to be implemented urgently.

    CuttCutt-- Off Rate:Off Rate: if estimated Return is < Cutt off Rateif estimated Return is < Cutt off Rate-------- Reject theReject theprojectproject

    Capital returnCapital return : How much time it takes to return the investments: How much time it takes to return the investments

    Taxation policyTaxation policy : Liberal: Liberal helps for easy recovery of investmenthelps for easy recovery of investment Structure of capitalStructure of capital : Leveraged helps to earn more however risk is more: Leveraged helps to earn more however risk is more

    Lending policies of financial institutions:Lending policies of financial institutions: Lending rate, surety etc playLending rate, surety etc playrolerole

    Government policyGovernment policy: Economic policy: Economic policy------ Direct impact on investmentDirect impact on investmentdecisions.decisions.

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    Capital Investment ProposalsCapital Investment Proposals

    Independent Proposals: do not compete withIndependent Proposals: do not compete with

    another in a way of acceptance . Straightanother in a way of acceptance . Straight

    way accepted or rejected directly by theway accepted or rejected directly by the


    Dependent or Contingent: acceptanceDependent or Contingent: acceptance

    dependence on another proposal.dependence on another proposal.

    Mutually Exclusive Proposals.Mutually Exclusive Proposals.

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    Techniques of Evaluating Investment ProposalsTechniques of Evaluating Investment Proposals

    Capital Budgeting Appraisal TechniquesCapital Budgeting Appraisal Techniques

    What are the techniques of evaluation ofWhat are the techniques of evaluation ofinvestment? Discussinvestment? Discuss

    Number of ProposalsNumber of Proposals

    Which is to be selectedWhich is to be selected

    Number of factorsNumber of factors------ returnsreturns timetime----

    benefitsbenefits------ safetysafety------ riskrisk

    Finance Manger is responsible to take theFinance Manger is responsible to take the

    decision of selectiondecision of selection

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    Methods of AppraisalMethods of Appraisal

    Traditional Methods:Traditional Methods:

    Pay Back PeriodPay Back Period

    Accounting Rate of Return ( Return onAccounting Rate of Return ( Return on


    Discounted Cash Flow MethodsDiscounted Cash Flow Methods

    Net Present Value MethodNet Present Value Method

    Internal Rate of Return MethodInternal Rate of Return Method

    Profitability Index Method.Profitability Index Method.

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    Pay back period methodPay back period method

    It refers to the period in which the project will generate theIt refers to the period in which the project will generate the

    necessary cash to recover the initial investment.necessary cash to recover the initial investment.It does not take the effect of time value of money.It does not take the effect of time value of money.

    It emphasizes more on annual cash inflows, economic lifeIt emphasizes more on annual cash inflows, economic life

    of the project and original investment.of the project and original investment.

    The selection of the project is based on the earning capacityThe selection of the project is based on the earning capacity

    of a project.of a project.

    It involves simple calculation, selection or rejection of theIt involves simple calculation, selection or rejection of the

    project can be made easily, results obtained is moreproject can be made easily, results obtained is morereliable, best method for evaluating high risk projects.reliable, best method for evaluating high risk projects.

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    Cons/ DemeritsCons/ Demerits

    It is based on principle of rule of thumb,It is based on principle of rule of thumb,

    Does not recognize importance of time value ofDoes not recognize importance of time value of


    Does not consider profitability of the project,Does not consider profitability of the project,

    Does not recognize income beyond pay backDoes not recognize income beyond pay back


    Does not reflect all the relevant dimensions ofDoes not reflect all the relevant dimensions of


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    Payback PeriodPayback Period

    The number of years needed to recoverThe number of years needed to recover

    the initial cash outlay.the initial cash outlay.

    How long will it take for the project toHow long will it take for the project to

    generate enough cash to pay for itself?generate enough cash to pay for itself?

    PB = InitialPB = Initial cashoutlaycashoutlay

    Annual Cash InflowsAnnual Cash Inflows

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    Payback PeriodPayback Period

    How long will it take for the project toHow long will it take for the project to

    generate enough cash to pay for itself?generate enough cash to pay for itself?


    00 11 22 33 44 55 8866 77

    (500) 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150(500) 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    PBP =PBP = Initial cash outlayInitial cash outlay

    Annual Cash InflowsAnnual Cash Inflows

    = 500/150= 3.33years= 500/150= 3.33years

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    Payback PeriodPayback Period

    How long will it take for the projectHow long will it take for the project

    to generate enough cash to pay forto generate enough cash to pay for


    00 11 22 33 44 55 8866 77

    (500) 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150(500) 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150

    Payback period = 3.33 years.Payback period = 3.33 years.

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    Is a 3.33 year payback period good?Is a 3.33 year payback period good?

    Is it acceptable?Is it acceptable?Firms that use this method willFirms that use this method will

    compare the payback calculation tocompare the payback calculation to

    some standard set by the firm.some standard set by the firm. If our senior management had set aIf our senior management had set a

    cutcut--off of 5 years for projects likeoff of 5 years for projects like

    ours, what would be our decision?ours, what would be our decision?

    Accept the projectAccept the project..

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    Drawbacks of Payback Period:Drawbacks of Payback Period:

    Firm cutoffs areFirm cutoffs are subjectivesubjective..

    Does not considerDoes not consider time value of moneytime value of money..

    Does not consider anyDoes not consider any required rate ofrequired rate ofreturnreturn..

    Does not consider all of the projectsDoes not consider all of the projects

    cash flowscash flows..

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    Drawbacks of Payback Period:Drawbacks of Payback Period:

    Does not consider all of the projectsDoes not consider all of the projects

    cash flows.

    00 11 22 33 44 55 8866 77

    (500) 150 150 150 150 150 (300) 0 0(500) 150 150 150 150 150 (300) 0 0

    Consider this cash flow stream!

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    Drawbacks of Payback Period:Drawbacks of Payback Period:

    Does not consider all of the projectsDoes not consider all of the projects

    cash flows.

    00 11 22 33 44 55 8866 77

    (500) 150 150 150 150 150 (300) 0 0(500) 150 150 150 150 150 (300) 0 0

    This project is clearly unprofitable, but we

    would accept it based on a 4-year payback


  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    Discounted PaybackDiscounted Payback

    Discounts the cash flows at the firmsDiscounts the cash flows at the firms

    required rate of return.required rate of return.

    Payback period is calculated usingPayback period is calculated usingthese discounted net cash flows.these discounted net cash flows.


    Cutoffs are still subjective.Cutoffs are still subjective.

    Still does not examine all cash flows.Still does not examine all cash flows.

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    Discounted PaybackDiscounted Payback

    00 11 22 33 44 55

    (500) 250 250 250 250 250(500) 250 250 250 250 250


    YearYear Cash FlowCash Flow CF (14%)CF (14%)

    00 --500500 --500.00500.00

    11 250250 219.30219.30

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    Discounted PaybackDiscounted Payback

    00 11 22 33 44 55

    (500) 250 250 250 250 250(500) 250 250 250 250 250


    YearYear Cash FlowCash Flow CF (14%)CF (14%)

    00 --500500 --500.00500.00

    11 250250 219.30219.30 1 year1 year


  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    Discounted PaybackDiscounted Payback

    00 11 22 33 44 55

    (500) 250 250 250 250 250(500) 250 250 250 250 250


    YearYear Cash FlowCash Flow CF (14%)CF (14%)

    00 --500500 --500.00500.00

    11 250250 219.30219.30 1 year1 year

    280.70280.7022 250250 192.38192.38

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    Discounted PaybackDiscounted Payback

    00 11 22 33 44 55

    (500) 250 250 250 250 250(500) 250 250 250 250 250


    YearYear Cash FlowCash Flow CF (14%)CF (14%)

    00 --500500 --500.00500.00

    11 250250 219.30219.30 1 year1 year

    280.70280.7022 250250 192.38192.38 2 years2 years


  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    Discounted PaybackDiscounted Payback

    00 11 22 33 44 55

    (500) 250 250 250 250 250(500) 250 250 250 250 250


    YearYear Cash FlowCash Flow CF (14%)CF (14%)

    00 --500500 --500.00500.00

    11 250250 219.30219.30 1 year1 year

    280.70280.7022 250250 192.38192.38 2 years2 years


    33250250 168.75168.75

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    Discounted PaybackDiscounted Payback

    00 11 22 33 44 55

    (500) 250 250 250 250 250(500) 250 250 250 250 250


    YearYear Cash FlowCash Flow CF (14%)CF (14%)

    00 --500500 --500.00500.00

    11 250250 219.30219.30 1 year1 year

    280.70280.7022 250250 192.38192.38 2 years2 years


    33250250 168.75168.75 .52 years.52 years

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    Discounted PaybackDiscounted Payback

    00 11 22 33 44 55

    (500) 250 250 250 250 250(500) 250 250 250 250 250


    YearYear Cash FlowCash Flow CF (14%)CF (14%)

    00 --500500 --500.00500.00

    11 250250 219.30219.30 1 year1 year

    280.70280.7022 250250 192.38192.38 2 years2 years


    33250250 168.75168.75 .52 years.52 years

    The DiscountedThe Discounted


    isis 2.522.52 yearsyears

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    Discounted PBP=Discounted PBP=

    year of Max recovery + Balance to be recoveredyear of Max recovery + Balance to be recovered

    Discounted Cash inflow of the year of Last recoveryDiscounted Cash inflow of the year of Last recovery

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    Accounting Rate of Return method/ AverageAccounting Rate of Return method/ Average

    Rate of Return MethodRate of Return Method

    What is accounting rate of return? Briefly explainWhat is accounting rate of return? Briefly explainits limitations :its limitations :

    Accounting ROR means the average annual yieldAccounting ROR means the average annual yield

    on the project. Profit after tax and depreciation ason the project. Profit after tax and depreciation asa percentage to the total investment is considered.a percentage to the total investment is considered.

    .. ConsidersConsiders thethe earningsearnings ofof thethe projectproject ofof thethe economiceconomic lifelife..

    BasedBased onon conventionalconventional accountingaccounting conceptsconcepts..

    ThisThis methodmethod hashas beenbeen introducedintroduced toto overcomeovercome thethe disadvantagedisadvantage ofof

    paypay backback periodperiod....

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    This method of ARR is not commonlyThis method of ARR is not commonly

    accepted in assessing the profitability ofaccepted in assessing the profitability ofcapital expenditure. Because the methodcapital expenditure. Because the method

    does to consider the heavy cash inflowdoes to consider the heavy cash inflow

    during the project period as the earningsduring the project period as the earnings

    with be averaged.with be averaged.

    The cash flow advantage derived byThe cash flow advantage derived by

    adopting different kinds of depreciation isadopting different kinds of depreciation is

    also not considered in this method.also not considered in this method.

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    AcceptAccept oror RejectReject CriterionCriterion:: UnderUnder thethe method,method, allall project,project, havinghaving

    AccountingAccounting RateRate of of returnreturn higherhigher thanthan thethe minimumminimum raterate

    establishmentestablishment byby managementmanagement willwill bebe consideredconsidered andand thosethose havinghavingARRARR lessless thanthan thethe prepre--determineddetermined raterate.. ThisThis methodmethod ranksranks aa

    ProjectProject asas numbernumber one,one, ifif itit hashas highesthighest ARR,ARR, andand lowestlowest rankrank isis

    assignedassigned toto thethe projectproject withwith thethe lowestlowest ARRARR..


    ItIt isis veryvery simplesimple toto understandunderstand andand useuse..

    ThisThis methodmethod takestakes intointo accountaccount savingsaving overover thethe entireentire economiceconomic

    lifelife of of thethe projectproject.. Therefore,Therefore, itit providesprovides aa better better meansmeans of of

    comparisoncomparison ofof projectproject thanthan thethe paypay backback periodperiod..

    ThisThis methodmethod throughthrough thethe conceptconcept ofof "net"net earnings"earnings" ensuresensures aacompensationcompensation ofof expectedexpected profitabilityprofitability ofof thethe projectsprojects andand

    ItIt cancan readilyreadily bebe calculatedcalculated byby usingusing thethe accountingaccounting datadata..

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced



    1. It ignores time value of money.1. It ignores time value of money.

    2. It does not consider the length of life of the projects.2. It does not consider the length of life of the projects. 3. It is not consistent with the firm's objective of maximizing the3. It is not consistent with the firm's objective of maximizing the

    market value of value of shares.

    4. It ignores the fact that the profits earned can be reinvested.4. It ignores the fact that the profits earned can be reinvested. --

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    Give the meaning of discounted cash flow method. WhatGive the meaning of discounted cash flow method. What

    are its advantages?are its advantages?

    Discounted cash flow methodDiscounted cash flow methodTimeTime adjustedadjusted techniquetechnique isis anan improvementimprovement overover paypay backback methodmethod

    andand ARRARR..

    AnAn investmentinvestment isis essentiallyessentially outout flowflow of of fundsfunds aimingaiming atat fair fair

    percentagepercentage ofof returnreturn inin futurefuture.. TheThe presencepresence ofof timetime asas aa factorfactor inin

    investmentinvestment isis fundamentalfundamental forfor thethe purposepurpose of of evaluatingevaluating

    investmentinvestment.. TimeTime isis aa crucialcrucial factor,factor, because,because, thethe realreal valuevalue ofof

    moneymoney fluctuatesfluctuates overover aa periodperiod ofof timetime.. AA rupeerupee receivedreceived todaytoday hashas

    moremore valuevalue thanthan aa rupeerupee receivedreceived tomorrowtomorrow..

    InIn evaluatingevaluating investmentinvestment projectsprojects itit isis importantimportant toto considerconsider thethetimingtiming ofof returnsreturns onon investmentinvestment.. DiscountedDiscounted cashcash flowflow techniquetechnique

    takestakes intointo accountaccount bothboth thethe interestinterest factorfactor andand thethe returnreturn afterafter thethe

    paybackpayback 'period'period..

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    Discounted Cash Flow TechniqueDiscounted Cash Flow Technique

    It is based on time value of money,It is based on time value of money,

    income is spread over a few yearsincome is spread over a few years

    Rupee today is more important.Rupee today is more important.

    Therefore future income is to be discounted.Therefore future income is to be discounted.

    1.1. NPVNPV

    2.2. 2. IRR2. IRR

    ( mention the merits of NPV and IRR)( mention the merits of NPV and IRR)

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    DiscountedDiscounted cashcash flowflow techniquetechnique involvesinvolves thethe followingfollowing


    CalculationCalculation ofof cashcash inflowinflow andand outout flowsflows overover thethe entireentirelifelife ofof thethe assetasset..

    DiscountingDiscounting thethe cashcash flowsflows byby aa discountdiscount factorfactor

    AggregatingAggregating thethe discounteddiscounted cashcash inflowsinflows andand comparingcomparing

    thethe totaltotal soso obtainedobtained withwith thethe discounteddiscounted outout flowsflows..

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    Net present value methodNet present value method ::

    Sum of the present values of all the cash inflows less theSum of the present values of all the cash inflows less the

    sum of the present values of all the cash outflowssum of the present values of all the cash outflowsassociated with the proposal.associated with the proposal.

    It recognizes the impact of time value of money.It recognizes the impact of time value of money.

    It is considered as the best methodIt is considered as the best method

    It is widely used in practice.It is widely used in practice.

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    The cash inflow to be received at differentThe cash inflow to be received at different

    period of time will be discounted at aperiod of time will be discounted at a

    particular discount rate. The present valuesparticular discount rate. The present values

    of the cash inflow are compared with theof the cash inflow are compared with the

    original investment. The differenceoriginal investment. The difference

    between the two will be used for accept orbetween the two will be used for accept orreject criteria. If the different yields (+)reject criteria. If the different yields (+)

    positive value , the proposal is selected forpositive value , the proposal is selected for

    investment. If the difference shows (investment. If the difference shows (--))negative values, it will be rejected.negative values, it will be rejected.

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    ItIt recognizesrecognizes thethe timetime valuevalue ofof moneymoney..

    ItIt considersconsiders thethe cashcash inflowinflow ofof thethe entireentire projectproject..ItIt estimatesestimates thethe presentpresent valuevalue ofof theirtheir cashcash inflowsinflows byby usingusing

    aa discountdiscount raterate equalequal toto thethe costcost ofof capitalcapital..

    ItIt isis consistentconsistent withwith thethe objectiveobjective ofof maximizingmaximizing thethe

    welfarewelfare ofof ownersowners..ConsCons::

    ItIt isis veryvery difficultdifficult toto findfind andand understandunderstand thethe conceptconcept ofofcostcost ofof capitalcapital

    ItIt maymay notnot givegive reliablereliable answersanswers whenwhen dealingdealing withwithalternativealternative projectsprojects underunder thethe conditionsconditions ofof unequalunequal liveslivesofof projectproject..

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    Net Present ValueNet Present Value

    yyNPV = the total PV of the annual netNPV = the total PV of the annual netcash flowscash flows -- the initial outlay.the initial outlay.


    (1 + k)(1 + k) tt



  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    Net Present ValueNet Present Value

    yy Decision RuleDecision Rule::

    yy If NPV is positive,If NPV is positive, ACCEPTACCEPT..

    yy If NPV is negative,If NPV is negative, REJECTREJECT..

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    NPV ExampleNPV Example

    Suppose we are considering a capitalSuppose we are considering a capitalinvestment that costs Rs 56,000 and providesinvestment that costs Rs 56,000 and provides

    annual net cash flows of Rs.4,000, Rs 16,000 ,annual net cash flows of Rs.4,000, Rs 16,000 ,

    Rs 18,000, Rs 20,000 and Rs 25,000 in 1Rs 18,000, Rs 20,000 and Rs 25,000 in 1stst , 2, 2ndnd,,

    33rdrd, 4, 4thth and 5and 5thth year. The firms cost of capitalyear. The firms cost of capital

    is 10%.Determine whether firm should acceptis 10%.Determine whether firm should accept

    the proposal or not?the proposal or not?

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    NPV CalculationNPV Calculation

    YearYear AnnualAnnual

    Cash FlowCash Flow

    PV FactorPV Factor PV of CashPV of Cash


    11 4,0004,000 0.9090.909 3,6363,636

    22 16,00016,000 0.8260.826 1321613216

    33 18,00018,000 0.7510.751 1351813518

    44 20,00020,000 0.6830.683 1366013660

    55 25,00025,000 0.6210.621 1552515525

    TotalTotal 83,00083,000 68,64568,645

    LessLess Initial InvestmentInitial Investment 56,00056,000

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced



    yyNPV = the total PV of the annual netNPV = the total PV of the annual netcash flowscash flows -- the initial outlay.the initial outlay.

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    Internal Rate of ReturnInternal Rate of Return

    It is that rate at which the sum of discounted cashIt is that rate at which the sum of discounted cash

    inflows equals the sum of discounted cashinflows equals the sum of discounted cash

    outflows for the proposal. It is the rate at whichoutflows for the proposal. It is the rate at which

    the net present value of the investment is zero.the net present value of the investment is zero.

    It is the rate of discount which reduces the NPV ofIt is the rate of discount which reduces the NPV ofan investment to zero. It is called internal ratean investment to zero. It is called internal rate

    because it depends mainly on the outlay andbecause it depends mainly on the outlay and

    proceeds associated with the project and not onproceeds associated with the project and not onany rate determined outside the investment.any rate determined outside the investment.

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    MeritsMerits ofof IRRIRR methodmethod

    ItIt considerconsider thethe timetime valuevalue ofof moneymoney

    CalculationCalculation ofof casotcasot of of capitalcapital isis notnot aaprerequisiteprerequisite forfor adoptingadopting IRRIRR

    IRRIRR attemptsattempts toto findfind thethe maximummaximum raterate ofof interestinterestatat whichwhich fundsfunds investedinvested inin thethe projectproject couldcould beberepaidrepaid outout of of thethe cashcash inflowsinflows arisingarising fromfrom thetheprojectproject..

    ItIt isis notnot inin conflictconflict withwith thethe conceptconcept of of

    maximisingmaximising thethe welfarewelfare of of thethe equityequityshareholdersshareholders..

    ItIt considersconsiders cashcash inflowsinflows throughoutthroughout thethe lifelife ofofthethe projectproject..

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced



    Computation of IRR is tedious and difficult toComputation of IRR is tedious and difficult to


    Both NPV and IRR assume that the cash inflowsBoth NPV and IRR assume that the cash inflows

    can be reinvested at the discounting rate in thecan be reinvested at the discounting rate in the

    new projects. However, reinvestment of funds atnew projects. However, reinvestment of funds atthe cut off rate is more appropriate than at thethe cut off rate is more appropriate than at the


    IT may give results inconsistent with NPVIT may give results inconsistent with NPVmethod. This is especially true in case ofmethod. This is especially true in case of

    mutually exclusive project.mutually exclusive project.

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    Step 1:Calculation of cash outflowStep 1:Calculation of cash outflow

    Cost of project/assetCost of project/asset xxxxxxxx

    Transportation/installation chargesTransportation/installation charges xxxxxxxx

    Working capitalWorking capital xxxxxxxxCash outflowCash outflow xxxxxxxx

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    Step 2: Calculation of cash inflowStep 2: Calculation of cash inflow

    SalesSales xxxxxxxx

    Less: Cash expensesLess: Cash expenses xxxxxxxx

    PBDTPBDT xxxxxxxx

    Less: DepreciationLess: Depreciation xxxxxxxx

    PBTPBT xxxxxxxx

    less: Taxless: Tax xxxxxxxx

    PATPAT xxxxxxxx

    Add: DepreciationAdd: Depreciation xxxxxxxx

    Cash inflow p.aCash inflow p.a xxxxxxxx

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced



    Depreciation = St.Line methodDepreciation = St.Line method

    PBDTPBDT Tax is Cash inflow ( if the tax amount isTax is Cash inflow ( if the tax amount is


    PATBD = Cash inflowPATBD = Cash inflow

    Cash inflowCash inflow-- Scrap and working capital must beScrap and working capital must be


  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    Step 3: Apply the different techniquesStep 3: Apply the different techniques

    Pay back period= No. of years + Amt to recover/ totalPay back period= No. of years + Amt to recover/ total

    cash of next of next years. ARR = Average Profits after tax/ Net investment x 100ARR = Average Profits after tax/ Net investment x 100

    NPV= PV of cash inflowsNPV= PV of cash inflows PV of cash outflowsPV of cash outflows

    Profitability index = PV of cash inflows/ PV of cashProfitability index = PV of cash inflows/ PV of cash

    outflowsoutflows IRR :IRR :

    Pay back factor: Cash outflow/ Avg cash inflow p.a.Pay back factor: Cash outflow/ Avg cash inflow p.a.

    Find IRR rangeFind IRR range

    PV of Cash inflows for IRR range and then calculate IRRPV of Cash inflows for IRR range and then calculate IRR

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    Internal Rate of Return (IRR)Internal Rate of Return (IRR)

    IRRIRR: the return on the firms: the return on the firms

    invested capital. IRR is simplyinvested capital. IRR is simply

    the rate of return that the firmthe rate of return that the firm

    earns on its capital budgetingearns on its capital budgeting


  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    Internal Rate of Return (IRR)Internal Rate of Return (IRR)


    (1 + k)(1 + k) tt




  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    Internal Rate of Return (IRR)Internal Rate of Return (IRR)



    IRR: = IOACFt

    (1 + IRR) t


    (1 + k)(1 + k) tt




  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    Internal Rate of Return (IRR)Internal Rate of Return (IRR)

    IRR is the rate of return that makes theIRR is the rate of return that makes the

    PV of the cash flowsPV of the cash flows equalequal to the initialto the initial


    This looks very similar to our Yield toThis looks very similar to our Yield to

    Maturity formula for bonds. In fact, YTMMaturity formula for bonds. In fact, YTM

    isis the IRR of a bond.the IRR of a bond.



    77IRR: = IO


    (1 + IRR) t

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    Calculating IRRCalculating IRR

    Looking again at our problem:Looking again at our problem:The IRR is the discount rate thatThe IRR is the discount rate that

    makes the PV of the projected cashmakes the PV of the projected cash

    flowsflows equalequal to the initial the initial outlay.

    0 1 2 3 4 5


    83,000 83,000 83,000 83,000 116,000

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    This is what we are actually doing:This is what we are actually doing:

    83,000 (PVIFA83,000 (PVIFA 4, IRR4, IRR) + 116,000 (PVIF) + 116,000 (PVIF 5, IRR5, IRR))

    = 276,400= 276,400

    00 11 22 33 44 55

    (276,400)(276,400)83,000 83,000 83,000 83,000 116,00083,000 83,000 83,000 83,000 116,000

    83 000 83 000 83 000 83 000 116 00083 000 83 000 83 000 83 000 116 000

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    This is what we are actually doing:This is what we are actually doing:

    83,000 (PVIFA83,000 (PVIFA 4, IRR4, IRR) + 116,000 (PVIF) + 116,000 (PVIF 5, IRR5, IRR))

    = 276,400= 276,400

    This way, we have to solve for IRR by trialThis way, we have to solve for IRR by trial

    and error.and error.

    00 11 22 33 44 55

    (276,400)(276,400)83,000 83,000 83,000 83,000 116,00083,000 83,000 83,000 83,000 116,000

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    IRR with your CalculatorIRR with your Calculator

    IRR is easy to find with yourIRR is easy to find with your

    financial calculator.

    Just enter the cash flows as you didJust enter the cash flows as you did

    with the NPV problem and solve forwith the NPV problem and solve for


    You should getYou should get IRR = 17.63%!IRR = 17.63%!

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced



    yy Decision RuleDecision Rule::

    yy If IRR is greater than or equalIf IRR is greater than or equalto the required rate of return,to the required rate of return,ACCEPTACCEPT..

    yy If IRR is less than the requiredIf IRR is less than the requiredrate of return,rate of return, REJECTREJECT..

    IRR is a good decisionIRR is a good decision makingmaking

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    IRR is a good decisionIRR is a good decision--makingmaking

    tool as long as cash flows aretool as long as cash flows are

    conventionalconventional.. ((-- + + + + +)+ + + + +)

    Problem: If there are multipleProblem: If there are multiple

    sign changes in the cash flowsign changes in the cash flow

    stream, we could get multiplestream, we could get multiple

    IRRs.IRRs. ((-- + ++ + -- + +)+ +)

    IRR is a good decisionIRR is a good decision makingmaking

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    IRR is a good decisionIRR is a good decision--makingmaking

    tool as long as cash flows aretool as long as cash flows are

    conventionalconventional.. ((-- + + + + +)+ + + + +)

    Problem: If there are multipleProblem: If there are multiple

    sign changes in the cash flowsign changes in the cash flow

    stream, we could get multiplestream, we could get multiple

    IRRs.IRRs. ((-- + ++ + -- + +)+ +)

    0 1 2 3 4 5

    (500) 200 100 (200) 400 300

    IRR is a good decisionIRR is a good decision makingmaking

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    IRR is a good decisionIRR is a good decision--makingmaking

    tool as long as cash flows aretool as long as cash flows are

    conventionalconventional.. ((-- + + + + +)+ + + + +)

    Problem: If there are multipleProblem: If there are multiple

    sign changes in the cash flowsign changes in the cash flow

    stream, we could get multiplestream, we could get multiple

    IRRs.IRRs. ((-- + ++ + -- + +)+ +)

    0 1 2 3 4 5

    (500) 200 100 (200) 400 300

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    Problem: If there are multipleProblem: If there are multiple

    sign changes in the cash flowsign changes in the cash flow

    stream, we could get multiplestream, we could get multiple

    IRRs.IRRs. ((-- + ++ + -- + +)+ +)

    We could find 3 different IRRs!We could find 3 different IRRs!

    0 1 2 3 4 5

    (500) 200 100 (200) 400 300

    1 2 31 2 3

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    Summary Problem:Summary Problem:

    Enter the cash flows only once.Enter the cash flows only once.

    Find theFind the IRRIRR..

    Using a discount rate of 15%, findUsing a discount rate of 15%, find NPVNPV..Add back IO and divide by IO to getAdd back IO and divide by IO to get PIPI..

    0 1 2 3 4 5

    (900) 300 400 400 500 600

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    Summary Problem:Summary Problem:

    IRR =IRR = 34.37%.34.37%.

    Using a discount rate of 15%,Using a discount rate of 15%,

    NPV =NPV = $510.52.$510.52.PI =PI =

    0 1 2 3 4 5

    (900) 300 400 400 500 600

    P fi bili I dP fi bili I d

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    Profitability IndexProfitability Index


    (1 + k)(1 + k) tt




    P fit bilit I dP fit bilit I d

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    Profitability IndexProfitability Index



    (1 + k)(1 + k) tt




    PI = IOACFt(1 + k)



  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    Profitability IndexProfitability Index

    yy Decision RuleDecision Rule::

    yy If PI is greater than or equalIf PI is greater than or equal

    to 1,to 1, ACCEPTACCEPT..

    yy If PI is less than 1,If PI is less than 1, REJECTREJECT..

    P fit bilit I d M th d/ B fit C tP fit bilit I d M th d/ B fit C t

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    Profitability Index Method/ Benefit CostProfitability Index Method/ Benefit Cost

    Ratio Method/ Desirability FactorRatio Method/ Desirability Factor

    Method for comparing the proposals eachMethod for comparing the proposals each

    involving different amount of cash inflows.involving different amount of cash inflows.

    PI is worked out , if index value = 1 projectPI is worked out , if index value = 1 project

    is accepted otherwise accepted otherwise rejected.

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced



    Uses the concept of time value.Uses the concept of time value.

    Better than NPVBetter than NPV

    Demerits:Demerits: Fails to as a guide in resolving capitalFails to as a guide in resolving capital


    Project with a lower profitability index mayProject with a lower profitability index maybe selected which may generate cash flowbe selected which may generate cash flow

    which can be used for another project.which can be used for another project.

    C i l R i i A i i h fiC i l R i i A i i h fi

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    Capital Rationing: A situation where a firmCapital Rationing: A situation where a firm

    has more investment proposals than it canhas more investment proposals than it can

    finance. It may be defined as a situationfinance. It may be defined as a situationwhere a constraint is placed on the total sixewhere a constraint is placed on the total sixe

    of capital investment during a particularof capital investment during a particular

    period.period. firm to select combination of investmentsfirm to select combination of investments

    proposals that provide the highest NPVproposals that provide the highest NPV

    subject to the budget constraint for thesubject to the budget constraint for the


  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    CutCut ofof Rate: Minimum rate which theRate: Minimum rate which the

    management wishes to have from anymanagement wishes to have from any

    project. It is usually based on cost ofproject. It is usually based on cost of


    a factor is a financial institution whicha factor is a financial institution which

    provides the management and financialprovides the management and financial

    services like financing of debt arising out ofservices like financing of debt arising out of

    credit sales.They maintain required records and renderThey maintain required records and render

    advisory service to the clients.advisory service to the clients.

  • 8/6/2019 Captial Budgeting Advanced


    Thank YouThank You