call for papers aocs 48th annual fall meeting

cry was satisfactory, evidently because of difficulties in quantification of the extraction procedure. Several of the collaborating teams attempted preliminary tests involving an alternate approach to greatly in- creased sensitivities through the use of a graphite furnace with carbon rods or a carbon tube atomizer. Since these techniques do not involve extraction, they are more precise and rapid. If a sufficient number of collaborators pos- sessing the required graphite furnace with carbon rods or a carbon tube atomizer can be found, a collaborative investigation of this technique will be conducted. GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY SUBCOMMI TTE E S.F. Herb, Subcommittee chairman, has resigned, since his new work as- signment wilt not be concerned with fat, oil, or lipid research. Also resign- ing were J.L. Iverson, chairman of a task group to investigate a procedure involving programed temperature anal- ysis of fatty acid composition designed to modify or augment AOCS Tentative Method Ce 1-62 Rev. 1970, and B.D. Thomas who had taken over activities to investigate and evaluate gas liquid chromatographic (GLC) methods for determining resin acid in rosin and of turpentine. These resignations will re- quire an almost complete reorganiza- tion and restructuring of the Gas Chromatography Subcommittee if the objectives (as outlined in the previous report (5), all involving collaborative effort, are to be achieved. See "Fable I. Major activities within this Subcom- mittee during the coming year will probably be confined to this reorgani- zation and will include the appoint- ment of a new Subcommittee chair- man and new collaborative investiga- tion or task group leaders. NMR SPECTROSCOPY SUBCOMMITTEE AOCS has not found a member willing to accept appointment as chair- man of the NMR Spectroscopy Sub- committee. This vacancy has handi- capped the progress of this group, particularly in establishing a collabora- tive task group to investigate published methods and select a preferred tech- nique for the determination of total oil in oilseeds by wide-line NMR spec- troscopy. A.J. Haighton, Unilever Research, Vlaardingen, The Netherlands, has served as chairman of a task group established to study a method for the determination of solid/fat index by NMR. Despite the handicap of dis- tance, he has made considerable prog- ress with the task group. (See "Report of the Instrumental Techniques Com- mittee 1971-72" for a summary of earlier collaborative tests [5]). This collaborative testing has been interna- tional ~th 2 collaborative teams from the USA, 3 from the UK, and 1 each from Sweden, Holland, Canada, and Switzerland. In a report of latest collaborative investigation, Haighton stated that the instrumental precision was satisfactory and that the method could readily include procedures permitting the use of wide-line or pulsed-source instru- ments. A collaborator pointed out one "great advantage of the NMR instru- ment, namely that measurement can be made on texturized fat without altering the sample's crystalline state." These collaborative studies have dem- onstrated that the NMR procedures have advantages over the dilatometric techniques (AOCS tentative method Cd 10-57) in precision, scope, and time of analysis. However, the studies are revealing that precision is related to the method of tempering. Since tempering affects the solid/fat index, precision can be obtained among col- laborators if, and only if, the method includes a precise, detailed description of a recommended method of temper- ing. Thus far there has been little, or no, agreement regarding the preferred method. An additional collaborative effort is being organized to test the method when a specific tempering procedure is followed. Collaborators will be asked to follow the method whether or not the tempering proce- dure agrees with that customarily used in their respective laboratories. Hope- fully this method will reveal agreement among collaborators and can be rec- ommended to the Uniform Methods Committee for inclusion as a standard or official method of the Society. R.T. O'CONNOR, chairman R.R. ALLEN, subcommittee chairman K.M. BROBST, subcommittee chairman S.F. HERB, subcommittee chairman REFERENCES 1. "Official and Tentative Methods of the American Oil Chemists' Society," Third edition, AOCS, 1972. 2. Allen, R.R., JAOCS 46:552 (1969). 3. Haung, A., and D. Firestone, J. Ass. Off. Anal. Chem. 54:47 (1971). 4. Piccolo, B., and R.T. O'Connor, .fAOCS 45:789 (1968). 5. O'Connor, R.T., R.R. Allen, W.A. Bosin, K.M. Brobst and S.F. Herb, Ibid. 48:412A, 413A, 422A (1971). [Received August 6, 1973] JAOCS News Feature... (Continued from page 225A) lis, Minn.; P.L. Maiers, Doty-Wilhoit Labs, Inc., Minneapolis, Minn.; P.L. Maiers, Doty- Wilhoit Labs, Inc., Minneapolis, Minn.; D.C. Melear, Jr., Southwestern Labs, Fort Worth, Texas; J. Ridlehuber, Plains Cooper- ative Oil Mill, Lubbock, Texas; J.K. Thomas, USDA, ARS, Russell Research Center, Athens, Ga.; and B.D. Deacon, USDA, ARS, AMRI, Beltsville, Md. REFERENCES 1. Robertson, J.A. JAOCS 49:239 (1972). 2. Trotter, W.K., H.O. Dory, W.D. Givan and J.V. Lawler, "Potential for Oilseed Sunflowers in the United States," U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, AER-237, February 1973. 3. "Official and Tentative Methods of the American Oil Chemists' Society," Vol. I, Third edition, AOCS, Champaign, IU., 1971. 4. Earle, F.R., C.H. Vanetten, T.F. Clark and I.A. Wolff, JAOCS 45:876 (1968). 5. Wolff, J.P., A. Karlesking and G. Valmalle. Rev. Corps Gras. 17:165 (1970). [Received August 24, 1973] Call for AOCS 48TH ANNUAL FALL MEETING Papers DEADLINE: MAY 3, 1974 The Technical Program Committee has issued a call for papers to be presented at the AOCS Fall Meeting, September 29.October 2, 1974, in the Sheraton Hotel, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Papers on lipids, fats, and oils and all retated areas are welcome. Submit three copies of a 100-300 word abstract with title, authors, and speaker to: Gerhard Maerker, Eastern Regional Research Center, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 600 East Mermaid Lane, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19118. " 232A J. AM. OIL CHEMISTS' SOC., February 1974 (VOL. 51)

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Page 1: Call for papers AOCS 48th annual fall meeting

cry was satisfactory, evident ly because of diff icult ies in quant i f ica t ion of the ext rac t ion procedure.

Several of the col laborat ing teams a t t empted prel iminary tests involving an alternate approach to greatly in- creased sensitivities through the use of a graphite furnace with carbon rods or a carbon tube atomizer . Since these techniques do not involve ext rac t ion, they are more precise and rapid. If a sufficient number of col laborators pos- sessing the required graphite furnace with carbon rods or a carbon tube atomizer can be found, a col laborat ive investigation of this technique will be conducted.


S.F. Herb, Subcommi t t ee chairman, has resigned, since his new work as- s ignment wilt no t be concerned with fat, oil, or l ipid research. Also resign- ing were J.L. Iverson, chai rman of a task group to investigate a procedure involving programed tempera ture anal- ysis of fa t ty acid compos i t ion designed to modify or augment AOCS Tentat ive Method Ce 1-62 Rev. 1970, and B.D. Thomas who had taken over activities to investigate and evaluate gas l iquid chromatographic (GLC) methods for determining resin acid in rosin and of turpentine. These resignations will re- quire an almost comple te reorganiza- t ion and restructur ing of the Gas Chromatography Subcommi t t ee if the objectives (as out l ined in the previous report (5), all involving col laborat ive effor t , are to be achieved. See "Fable I. Major activities within this Subcom- mi t tee during the coming year will probably be conf ined to this reorgani- zat ion and will include the appoint- ment of a new Subcommi t t ee chair- man and new col laborat ive investiga- tion or task group leaders.


AOCS has no t found a member willing to accept appo in tmen t as chair- man of the NMR Spect roscopy Sub- commit tee . This vacancy has handi-

capped the progress of this group, particularly in establishing a collabora- tive task group to investigate published methods and select a preferred tech- nique for the de terminat ion of total oil in oilseeds by wide-line NMR spec- t roscopy.

A.J. Haighton, Unilever Research, Vlaardingen, The Netherlands, has served as chairman of a task group established to study a me thod for the determinat ion of sol id/fat index by NMR. Despite the handicap of dis- tance, he has made considerable prog- ress wi th the task group. (See " R e p o r t of the Ins t rumenta l Techniques Com- mi t tee 1971-72" for a summary of earlier col laborat ive tests [5]) . This collaborative testing has been interna- tional ~ t h 2 col laborat ive teams from the USA, 3 f rom the UK, and 1 each f rom Sweden, Holland, Canada, and Switzerland.

In a repor t of latest col laborat ive investigation, Haighton stated that the ins t rumenta l precision was sat isfactory and that the m e t h o d could readily include procedures permit t ing the use of wide-line or pulsed-source instru- ments. A col laborator pointed out one "great advantage of the NMR instru- ment , namely that measurement can be made on textur ized fat wi thou t altering the sample 's crystalline s ta te ." These collaborative studies have dem- onstrated that the NMR procedures have advantages over the di la tometr ic techniques (AOCS tentat ive me thod Cd 10-57) in precision, scope, and t ime of analysis. However , the studies are revealing that precision is related to the me thod of tempering. Since temper ing affects the solid/fat index, precision can be obta ined among col- laborators if, and only if, the m e t h o d includes a precise, detailed description of a r ecommended me thod of temper- ing. Thus far there has been little, or no, agreement regarding the preferred method. An addit ional col laborat ive e f for t is being organized to test the me thod when a specific temper ing procedure is fol lowed. Collaborators will be asked to fo l low the m e t h o d whether or no t the temper ing proce-

dure agrees wi th that customari ly used in their respective laboratories. Hope- fully this me thod will reveal agreement among col laborators and can be rec- o m m e n d e d to the Uni form Methods Commi t t ee for inclusion as a standard or official m e t h o d of the Society.

R.T. O ' C O N N O R , chairman R.R. ALLEN, subcommi t t ee chairman K.M. BROBST, subcommi t t ee

chairman S.F. HERB, subcommi t t ee chairman


1. "Official and Tentative Methods of the American Oil Chemists' Society," Third edition, AOCS, 1972.

2. Allen, R.R., JAOCS 46:552 (1969). 3. Haung, A., and D. Firestone, J. Ass.

Off. Anal. Chem. 54:47 (1971). 4. Piccolo, B., and R.T. O'Connor, .fAOCS

45:789 (1968). 5. O'Connor, R.T., R.R. Allen, W.A.

Bosin, K.M. Brobst and S.F. Herb, Ibid. 48:412A, 413A, 422A (1971).

[Received August 6, 1973]

• JAOCS News F e a t u r e . . .

(Continued from page 225A) lis, Minn.; P.L. Maiers, Doty-Wilhoit Labs, Inc., Minneapolis, Minn.; P.L. Maiers, Doty- Wilhoit Labs, Inc., Minneapolis, Minn.; D.C. Melear, Jr., Southwestern Labs, Fort Worth, Texas; J. Ridlehuber, Plains Cooper- ative Oil Mill, Lubbock, Texas; J.K. Thomas, USDA, ARS, Russell Research Center, Athens, Ga.; and B.D. Deacon, USDA, ARS, AMRI, Beltsville, Md.


1. Robertson, J.A. JAOCS 49:239 (1972). 2. Trotter, W.K., H.O. Dory, W.D. Givan

and J.V. Lawler, "Potential for Oilseed Sunflowers in the United States," U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, AER-237, February 1973.

3. "Official and Tentative Methods of the American Oil Chemists' Society," Vol. I, Third edition, AOCS, Champaign, IU., 1971.

4. Earle, F.R., C.H. Vanetten, T.F. Clark and I.A. Wolff, JAOCS 45:876 (1968).

5. Wolff, J.P., A. Karlesking and G. Valmalle. Rev. Corps Gras. 17:165 (1970).

[Received August 24, 1973]

Call for AOCS 4 8 T H A N N U A L F A L L M E E T I N G

Papers DEADLINE: MAY 3, 1974

The Technical Program Committee has issued a call for papers to be presented at the AOCS Fall Meeting, September 29.October 2, 1974, in the Sheraton Hotel, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Papers on lipids, fats, and oils and all retated areas are welcome. Submit three copies of a 100-300 word abstract with tit le, authors, and speaker to: Gerhard Maerker, Eastern Regional Research Center, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 600 East Mermaid Lane, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19118. "

232A J. AM. OIL CHEMISTS' SOC., February 1974 (VOL. 51)