brochure somaliland 2015

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  • 8/10/2019 Brochure Somaliland 2015





    MARCH 16TH - APRIL 12TH, 2015

    Somaliland was a part of the former Republic of Somalia. The

    regime of Mohammed Siad Barre carried out massacres against

    the people of Somaliland. About 60,000 civilians were killed

    and thousands were victims of enforced disappearance beforethe declaration of independence, in 1991.

    Now, EPAFs Field Schools in Hargeisa will help to determine

    the universe of missing people through a systematic approach

    that includes ante mortem data collection, research of mass

    graves and analysis of human remains.

  • 8/10/2019 Brochure Somaliland 2015



    In this 4-weeks Field School, the participants will assist in

    training the staff of the War Crimes Investigation Commission

    (WCIC) of Somaliland in forensic investigation of human rights

    violations. At the completion of the course, the participants

    will have an understanding of the application of forensic sci-

    ences to the investigation of Human Rights violations, as well

    as the process involved in the examination, recovery and anal-

    ysis of mass graves and their contents.

    As a norm, students will spend two weeks working in the exhu-

    mation process and two weeks in the laboratory.

  • 8/10/2019 Brochure Somaliland 2015



    Prior to arrival to Hargeisa, participants will receive a reading pack-

    age on the culture, politics and recent history of Somaliland, as well as

    their legacy of human rights violations. During the first day, studentswill receive an introductory lecture on the various aspects to be con-

    sidered in an intervention of this nature.

    In the field, participants will be guided through the exhumation pro-

    cess from mass graves selected by the War Crimes Investigation Com-

    mission of Somaliland, including (but not limited) to surveying, map-

    ping, collection of surface evidence and exhumation procedures.

    In the morgue, participants together with members of the staff of

    WCIC- will be exposed to the examination of remains and associated

    artefacts, as well as clean and storage recovered remains and associat-

    ed artefacts. They will be guided through the process of aging, sexing,

    calculate stature, biological affinity and trauma. In addition, they will

    prepare individual reports.

  • 8/10/2019 Brochure Somaliland 2015



    The application process for the Field School consists of:

    Request and submit by e-mail the Somaliland application form to

    [email protected]

    Make a non-refundable deposit of US$ 200 before January 15th,


    Participate in an interview (via Skype) with one of the Field School

    Facilitators. These interviews should take place in early February


    The estimated cost for Field School participants is US$4300. A first

    payment of US$ 2150 should be completed by January 31st, 2015, and

    a second payment of US$ 2150 should be completed by February 28th,


    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/10/2019 Brochure Somaliland 2015



    The costs include:

    Accommodation at Adamss Inn Hotel, a peaceful environ-

    ment, with all basic services for the participants comfort.

    Three daily meals for the entire month.

    The costs do not include:

    Air tickets Travel insurances

    Bank fees

    The recommended carrier will be Ethiopian Airlines, to guar-

    antee direct flights to Hargeisa.

    For further information on payment methods, please write to

    [email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/10/2019 Brochure Somaliland 2015



    Despite travel advisories from some national governments

    cautioning against all travel to Somalia, the distinction must be

    made between the generic name of the region and Somali-

    land, an independent country. The Field School will be carried

    out in the zone of Hargeisa, where the security situation has

    been stable for some years.

    Security is, of course, our primary concern. Every possible ef-

    fort will be made to ensure the security of the team and we

    evaluated carefully every contingency in place. We will have

    permanent protection from the security forces of Somaliland,

    and the presence of our own security staff, dedicated exclu-sively to the Field School.

  • 8/10/2019 Brochure Somaliland 2015



    All aspects of the provision of medical cover for expatriates working in

    Somaliland are handled by Exmed Global Medical Services of Here-

    ford, UK. Exmed is contracted by the United Nations (UN) to provide

    emergency care, Medevac (as far as Nairobi, Kenya) and primary care

    to all registered NGOs.

    Exmed will have a doctor and two paramedics on call 24/7, based in a

    UN compound in Hargeisa. Also, there is a UN doctor and ambulance

    based at a clinic in the World Health Organization (WHO) compound.

    Everyone deploying to Hargeisa with the EPAF program should have

    medical insurance and must have the following inoculations:

    Yellow Fever, Hepatitis A & B, Rabies, Tetanus

    Hargeisa is not classified as a Malaria risk area, but mosquito nets are

    always useful.

  • 8/10/2019 Brochure Somaliland 2015



    JOSE PABLO BARAYBAR has over 20 years of experience as a

    forensic anthropologist. He has consulted and/or trained on

    the use of forensics in cases of Human Rights violations in Gua-

    temala, Colombia, Venezuela, Haiti, Ethiopia, the Congo, Sierra

    Leone, Kenya, Iraq, and the Philippines. He served as forensic

    anthropologist for the International Criminal Tribunal for

    Rwanda in 1996 and as Chief Forensic Anthropologist/

    Archaeologist for the International Criminal Tribunal for theformer Yugoslavia (ICTY) from 1996-2002.

    FRANCO MORA is an Archaeologist trained as a bioarchaeolo-

    gist early in his career, and he was also trained in forensic an-

    thropology since joining the EPAF in 2007. Mr. Mora has

    worked on several human rights cases as expert of the Prose-

    cutor or of the defense, in Peru and countries as Colombia,

    Guatemala, Democratic Republic of Congo, Somaliland, Alge-

    ria, Mexico, Brazil and the United States.

    CHRIS COBB-SMITH served for twenty years in the British Ar-

    my, retiring in 1994. Recruited by the UKs Foreign and Com-

    monwealth Office, he gained further operational experience

    as an UNSCOM weapons inspector in Iraq and as a monitor for

    the OSCEs Kosovo Verification Mission. Increasing awareness

    that journalists were ill prepared for hostile environments led

    to him founding Chiron Resources to provide specialist media


  • 8/10/2019 Brochure Somaliland 2015



    The Center for Justice and Accountability (CJA) is an international human rights organization

    dedicated to deterring torture and other severe human rights abuses around the world and

    advancing the rights of survivors to seek truth, justice and redress. CJA uses litigation to hold

    perpetrators individually accountable for human rights abuses, develop human rights law

    and advance the rule of law in countries transitioning from periods of abuse.

    For more information:

    The Center for Justice and Accountability

    870 Market Street, Suite 682

    San Francisco, CA 94102 USA

    Tel: (415)544-0444

    Email:[email protected]


    EPAF International is a company dedicated to solutions in the field of international training in

    forensic sciences and related disciplines.

    Av. Mello Franco 341, Jesus Maria, Lima, Peru

    Tel: (511) 4245490

    Application form is downloadable from:

    For questions, comments, or additional information, please write to:

    [email protected][email protected]:[email protected]://