

Post on 13-Sep-2014




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History Yamaha CEO Genichi Kawakami took Yamaha into

the field of motorized vehicles on July 1, 1955 Yamaha Motor produces motorcycles, all-terrain

vehicles, boats, marine engines including outboards, automobile engines, personal watercraft and snowmobiles

In 2000, Toyota and Yamaha Corporation made a capital alliance in which Toyota paid Yamaha Corporation ¥10.5 billion for a 5 per cent share in Yamaha Motor Company while Yamaha and Yamaha Motor each bought 500,000 shares of Toyota stock in return.

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Will Yamaha’s foray into the scooters segment change

the general perception of the


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To analyze the perceptional change of the customers with Yamaha’s foray into scooter segment.


To study the relationship between the age of respondents and their perception of Yamaha scooters.

To study the relationship between the gender of respondents and their perception of Yamaha scooters.

To understand Yamaha’s ability to excel in scooter segment. To analyze the impact of market share of Yamaha. To understand the brand preference for scooters.

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Scope The success of any company is not all about

establishing a brand but also on the perception of its customers. Yamaha, a powerful brand which has always been looked upon as male

brand, has now entered the scooter segment for women. Will it change the general perception of

the customer on Yamaha?

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Research Methodology

TITLE - Perception change of Yamaha due to its intervention in the scooter’s segment


Sampling design Questionnaire design Statistical design

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SAMPLE AREA: SRM University Campus


AGE GROUP: 18-45

GENDER: Male and Female


SAMPLING TECHNIQUE: Non probability sampling (convenience sampling)

INSTRUMENT USED: Questionnaire

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Statistical DesignSPSS 16.0 was used for analyzing the data using the following tools DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS CHI SQUARE TEST ANOVA CORRELATION REGRESSION

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Can Yamaha excel in scooter


.019 -1.523

Which gender may prefer scooter from

an all male brand like Yamaha

-.020 -1.727

Which gender may prefer scooter from

an all male brand like Yamaha

-.020 -1.727

INTERPRETATION:The Distribution is normal for the following variables where skewness ranges between -1 to +1 and kurtosis ranges between -2 to +2. The variables are:Gender, Age of respondents, Preference, target women, Perspective, Excel segment, Brand priority, Changes brand name, Impact on market share, meant for male, Race bike, Power packed, Economy priced, Women dominance in Scooter Segment, localized.

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it can be inferred that thefollowing are the variables for which null hypothesis is rejected i.e. there is significant difference between the observed and the expected valuesfor the following variables

Gender, Age of respondents, Preference, Changes brand name, Impact on market share, meant for male, Race bike, Power packed, Economy priced Women dominance in Scooter Segment.

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it can be inferred that the following are the variables for which null hypothesis is rejected (impact on intervention and Yamaha is power packed). Therefore

There is variance existing between Gender and the impact on the intervention of scooters of Yamaha.

There is variance existing between Gender and their perception change towards the brand because Yamaha is power packed.


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Major Findings Most of the respondents lie between age group 18-25. Students prefer scooters more compared to working

women’s and senior citizens. Most of the respondents feel scooters do not target

only women. Most of the respondents are not sure of Yamaha

excelling in scooter segment. Almost all the respondents feel that there will be an

impact on the market share of Yamaha bikes due to its foray in scooters.

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Strength Brand value An open market The rising fuel prices

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Threats Red ocean market.

Hinder the sale of bikes.

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Suggestions It is the students who prefer Yamaha scooters

compared to working women or senior citizens and the management should try to position the product in such a way college goers would be their segment to target.

Since most of the respondents have felt that Scooters of Yamaha is not meant for female alone and hence Men segment must also be considered as focus groups and male celebrity should be made for Yamaha scooters.

Most of the respondents have felt that there would be an Impact on the market share of Yamaha and management must make a 360 degree view and make sure they do not lose their market share on Yamaha bikes which is their cash cow category.

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Conclusion Competition within the industry is very high. As there are number of players like TVS, Honda, etc. in the market. It’s a red ocean market for Yamaha scooter and they have their work cut out. Yamaha’s bikes category has grown to an extent where bikes like R15 are imported to Japanese market. Yamaha motors should make sure they do not lose their market share on bikes due to its intervention in scooter segment and there by losing its brand identity and perceptional change. There would be a lot of expectations from brand lovers of Yamaha about its new product development and the management should try to satisfy its loyal customers.

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Team Muthu Swamy

Sidarth Ramesh“Fazer” VinothAbernesh Justin