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  • 7/25/2019 BRM Objective


    Business Research MCQs

    1. In the research process, the management question has the following critical activity insequence.

    a) Origin, selection, statement, exploration and refinementb) Origin, statement, selection, exploration and refinementc) Origin, exploration, selection, refinement, and statementd) Origin, exploration, refinement, selection and statement

    2. he chapter that details the way in which the research was conducted is the!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! chapter

    a) Introductionb) "iterature review

    c) Research methodologyd) #ata analysise) $onclusion and recommendations

    % &usiness research has an inherent value to the extent that it helps management ma'e betterdecisions. Interesting information about consumers, employees, or competitors might be pleasantto have, but its value is limited if the information cannot be applied to a critical decision.

    a) Trueb) (alse

    . he researcher should never report flaws in procedural design and estimate their effect onthe findings.

    a) rueb) False

    *. +dequate analysis of the data is the least difficult phase of research for the novice.

    a) rue

    b) False

    . he validity and reliability of the data should be chec'ed occasionally

    a) rueb) False

  • 7/25/2019 BRM Objective


    -. esearchers are tempted to rely too heavily on data collected in a prior study and use it in

    the interpretation of a new study

    a) True

    b) (alse

    /. 0hat is a good research he following are correct except

    a) urpose clearly definedb) esearch process detailedc) esearch design thoroughly plannedd) Findings presented ambiguously

    3. 4reater confidence in the research is warranted if the researcher is experienced, has a good

    reputation in research, and is a person of integritya) True

    b) (alse15. + complete disclosure of methods and procedures used in the research study is required.

    6uch openness to scrutiny has a positive effect on the quality of research. 7owever,competitive advantage often mitigates against methodology disclosure in business research.

    a) True

    b) (alse11. esearch is any organi8ed inquiry carried out to provide information for solving problems.

    a) True

    b) (alse12. In deduction, the conclusion must necessarily follow from the reasons given. In inductiveargument there is no such strength of relationship between reasons and conclusions.

    a) Trueb) (alse

    1%. 9$onclusions must necessarily follow from the premises.: Identify the type of argumentsthat follows the above condition.

    a) Inductionb) $ombination of Induction and #eductionc) eduction

  • 7/25/2019 BRM Objective


    d) ;ariables1. or theory buildingpurpose

    a) $onceptb) Construct

    c) #efinitiond) ;ariables

    1-. he following are the synonyms for independent variable except

    a) 6timulusb) ?anipulatedc) Conse!uence

    d) resumed $ause

    1/ he following are the synonyms for dependent variable except

    a) resumed effectb) ?easured Outcomec) esponsed) "redicted from#

    13. In the research process, a management dilemma triggers the need for a decision.

    a) True

    b) (alse


  • 7/25/2019 BRM Objective


    a) Research !uestion and research methodologyb) esearch proposal and bibliographyc) esearch method and scheduled) esearch question and bibliography

    21. he purpose of the research proposal is@

    a) o generate monetary sources for the organi8ationb) o present management question to be researched and its importancec) o discuss the research efforts of others who have wor'ed on related management

    question.d) Choice a) is incorrect

    22. + proposal is also 'nown as a@a) 0or' planb) rospectusc) Outlined) #raft plane) $ll of the abo%e

    2%. Aon response error occurs when you cannot locate the person or could not encourage therespondent to participate in answering.

    a&) True

    b.) (alse

    2. 6econdary data can almost always be obtained more quic'ly and at a lower cost than!!!!!!!!!!data.

    a.) ertiaryb.) $ollectivec.) esearchd&) "rimary

    2*. he purpose of !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! research is to help in the process of developing a clearand precise statement of the research problem rather than in providing a definitive answer.

    a.) ?ar'etingb.) $ausalc&) 'xploratory

  • 7/25/2019 BRM Objective


    d.) #escriptive2. organi8ations that collect general information and sell it to clients are called

    a) data providersb) syndicated data ser%ices

    c) indicated data servicesd) dedicated data services

    2-. the quality of a research to produce almost identical results in successive repeated trialsreflects its@

    a) reliabilityb) validityc) accuracy

    2/. + systematic, controlled, empirical, and critical investigation of natural phenomena guided

    by theory and hypothesis is called !!!!!!!!!!!!!a.) +pplied esearchb.) &asic esearchc&) (cientific Research

    d.) Aone Of he +bove23. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is the determination of the plan for conducting the research and assuch it involves the specification of approaches and procedures..

    a.) 6trategyb&) Research esign

    c.) 7ypothesisd.) #eductive

    %5. If the researcher is concerned with finding out who, what where, when, or how much, thenthe study is !!!!!!!!!!.


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    b) "ongitudinal studyc) Cross sectional study

    d) $ase studies

    %2. If the study is repeated over an extended period, then the study is called as !!!!!!!!!!!a) $ross sectional studyb) #escriptive studyc) ime series analysis>studyd) ongitudinal study

    %%. 0hen we try to explain the relationships among variables, the study is called


  • 7/25/2019 BRM Objective


    %- he procedure by which we assign numbers to opinions, attitudes, and other concepts iscalled !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    a&) (caling

    b.) ?easurement

    c.) 6amplingd.) #ata $ollection

    %/. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! presents a problem, discusses related research efforts, outlines thedata needed for solving the data and shows the design used to gather and analy8e the data.

    a.) esearch Cuestionb&) Research "roposal

    c.) esearch #esignd.) esearch ?ethodology

    %3. 9Aumber of cars in a par'ing lot:, 9Aumber of students in a class: are examples of @

    a.) #ichotomous variable.b&) iscrete %ariable&

    c.) $ontinuous variable.d.) Aone of the above.

    5. he introduction of the new models of Ao'ia mobile will lead to a decrease in the sales of6iemens mobiles:. In this statement @

    a&) The introduction of the ne models of -o.ia mobile, is the independent

    %ariable, and the decrease in the sales of siemens mobiles is the dependent


    b.) he introduction of the new models of Ao'ia mobile, is the dependent ariable, andthe decrease in the sales of siemens mobiles is the independent variable.

    c.) here are no independent or dependent variables.d.) Aone of the above.


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    2. In 6ystematic sampling@

    a.) he population is divided into groups, and some groups are randomly selected forstudy.

    b&) '%ery nth item is chosen in the sample, beginning ith a random start for the

    choice of nc.) he population is divided into subpopulations.d.) Aone of the above

    %. + set of systematically interrelated concepts, definitions and propositions that are advancedto explain and predict phenomena is called

    a.) esearchb.) ?odelc&) Theory

    d.) Aone of the above

    . he process by which the sample is constructed to include all elements from each of thesegments is called@

    a) 6ystematic samplingb) $luster samplingc) #ouble samplingd) (tratified random sampling

    *. 0hich of these is not a characteristic of a good research

    a) urpose clearly definedb) "imitations fran'ly revealedc) esearch design thoroughly plannedd) Findings presented ambiguously&

    . !!!!!!!! is a bundle of meanings or characteristics associated with certain events, ob=ects.a) Concept

    b) $onstructc) ;ariablesd) ?oderating variables

    -. 0hich of these is not a exploratory research design.

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    a) 6econdary data analysisb)

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  • 7/25/2019 BRM Objective


    *-. +fter wor'ing for a plumbing contractor for several years, Fen $rowe finally established hisown plumbing shop. Gnfortunately, $roweDs first six months have been disappointing.$rowe decided to conduct a mar'eting research study to gather preliminary data to shed lighton the nature of the problem and suggest some new ideas. 7e needs to conduct !!!!!research.

    a) 'xploratoryb) $ausalc) 6econdaryd) #escriptivee) Observational

    */. he manufacturer of &rother sewing machines wants to 'now the effect rebates have onsales. It plans on dividing its retailers into three regions. One group will offer consumers

    who buy a &rother sewing machine a H2* cash rebate. One will offer buyers of the machineH*5 worth of 9free: machine accessory parts. + third region will offer buyers a H5 storecredit. he results of this mar'et research will provide &rother with !!!!!!!!!!!!! data.

    a) Observationalb) 6urveyc) 6econdaryd) 'xperimental

    e) #escriptive

    *3. espondents are as'ed to rate an attitude ob=ect on a number of multipleBpoint rating scalesbounded at each end by one of two bipolar ad=ectives or phrases. his type of question iscalled@

    a) #ichotomousb) $ semantic differential

    c) ?ultiple choiced) ating scalee) + li'ert scale

    5. If the guests at &ayside esort were as'ed to rate their nightEs sleep on a scale with thefollowing ratings@ excellent, very good, good, fair, poor, the resort would be using an) !!!!!to gather primary data.

    a) 6emantic differentialb) Importance scalec) Rating scale

    d) #ichotomous question

  • 7/25/2019 BRM Objective


    e) "i'ert scale

    1. he question, 90hat is your opinion on the safety of +merican highways: is an example ofa !!!!! question.

    a) Completely unstructuredb) hematicc) #ichotomousd) 6emantic differentiale) ating

    2. he contact method that minimi8es interviewer bias is@

    a) Mail

    b) elephonec) Intercept interviewd) (ocus groupe) ersonal interview

    %. If time is of the essence for a research pro=ect, the preferred contact method is@

    a) ?ailb) Telephonec) Intercept interviewd) ersonal interviewe) (ocus group

    . he best contact method to use to quic'ly determine how many people saw the commercialfor the new ;ol'swagen &eetle that ran last night during the television showFriends wouldbe@

    a) ?ailb) Internetc) Telephoned) (ocus groupe) ersonal interview

    *. If flexibility is the most important criterion for a research pro=ect, the preferred contactmethod is@

    a) Intercept interviewb) elephone

  • 7/25/2019 BRM Objective


    c) (ocus groupd) "ersonal inter%iee) ?ail

    . ersonal interviewing ta'es two forms. hey are@a) $rranged inter%ie and intercept inter%ieb) #epth interview and simple interviewc) Online interview and offline interviewd) (ocusBgroup interview and individual interviewe) +daptive interview and static interview

    -. esearch is an expensive, sophisticated process that is often beyond the reach of smallbusinesses with their limited budgets.

    a) rueb) False

    /. rimary data are generally available more quic'ly and at a lower cost than secondary data.

    a) rueb) False

    3. + producer of herb mixes that wants to explore adding new products should use closeBendedquestions in interviews with a sampling of its current customers.

    a) rueb) False

    -5. 6tudents surveyed were as'ed the following question@ JI would support a company thatprovides my school with scholarships. J

    6trongly +gree+gree

    Aeither +gree Aor #isagree#isagree

    6trongly #isagree

    his survey used an)@

  • 7/25/2019 BRM Objective


    a) 6emantic differentialb) hematic apperception testc) Importance scaled) OpenBended questione) i.ert scale

    -1. + variable that is not influenced by or not dependent on other variables in experiments iscalled

    a) +ndependent %ariable

    b) #ependent variablec)

  • 7/25/2019 BRM Objective


    b) ?ail surveyc) 6emantic differentiald) ?ultidimensional scaling

    - 0hich type of sampling uses whoever seems to be available

    a) 6tratified samplingb) +rea samplingc) Cuota samplingd) Con%enience sampling

    --. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sampling is especially useful when you are trying to reach populationthat are inaccessible or hard to find.

    a) $onvenience samplingb) Cuota samplingc) (noball sampling

    d) +ll of the above

    -/. If population K 155, sample si8e K 25, interval si8e K *, and randomly selected number from1 to * is , then for choosing a systematic random sample, the first unit will be followed by

    a) *b) /

    c) 2d) 1

    -3. reactions of customers to current products, customer preferences, and a record of pastpurchases can most often be obtained from

    a) profit and loss statementb) inventory recordsc) salespeople call reportsd) customer billings

    /5. in the data analysis stage of mar'eting research, forms are

    a) coded and analy8edb) coded, tabulated and analy0ed

    c) tabulated and analy8edd) analy8ed

    /1. which of these statements about data collection is correct

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    a) a firm should approach data collection as an ongoing acti%ity

    b) a firm needs a computer to successfully implement collection and retrieval ofinformation

    c) research pro=ects should always include samplingd) a firm should not spend on research

    /2. he quality of a research to produce almost identical results in successive repeated trialsreflects itDs

    a) Reliability

    b) ;alidityc) +ccuracy

    /%. +n easy reference about the sources of the data through which the research has beencompiled is provided by the

    a) (ootnotesb)

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    /. (or answering questions about sensitive issues such as age, it is ideal to use

    a) response brac.etsb) response techniquec) hypothetical pro=ective brac'ets

    d) none of the above

    /-. he group on which the researcher wants to generali8e the results of his study is called the

    a) sampling frameb) study populationc) theoretical populationd) sample

    //. One of the best survey methods that can be used for all research situations is the eBmailquestionnaire surveys

    a) rueb) False

    /3. + critical review of the information, pertaining to the research study, already available invarious sources is called

    a) esearch reviewb) Research design

    c) #ata reviewd) "iterature review

    35. 0hen planning your literature search you need to@

    a) 7ave clearly defined research questions and ob=ectivesb) #efine the parameters of your searchc) 4enerate 'ey words and search termsd) $ll the abo%e

    31. he first step in the research process is the@

    a) #evelopment of the research planb) 6urvey of sta'eholders to determine if problems existc) $ollection of the available sources for needed information

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    d) efinition of the problem and research ob1ecti%es

    32. 0hich of these is a preciselyBdefined issue problem) definition

    a) why are current sales so poorb) 0ill additional advertising have a positive impact on salesc) +re we in compliance with current local pricing legislationd) 2hat per cent of adults recall an ad to days after it appeared

    3%. + base document for research purposes, providing the questions and structure for aninterview or selfBcompletion and providing space for respondents answers is more popularly'nown as a

    a) !uestionnaireb) scalingc) testsd) none of the above

    3. osco ublishing $ompany sells boo's to college students on testBta'ing s'ills, motivation,relationship management, and ways to deal with stress. Its wants to use a probabilitysampling method that will ensure the percentage of freshmen, sophomores, =uniors, seniors,and graduate students in the sample reflect the percentage on the college campus. 0hat isthe best sampling method for the publisher to use

    a) simple random sampleb) stratified random samplec) quota sampled) =udgment sample

    3*. he basic idea of sampling is that by !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! some of the elements in apopulation, we may draw conclusions about the entire population.

    a.) clusteringb&) selectingc.) commentingd.) tabulating

    3. he inclusion of openBended questions on many questionnaire means that a significantamount of !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! data is also collected.

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    a.) secondaryb.) quantitativec&) !ualitati%ed.) primary

    3-. #ividing population into subpopulations strata) and using simple random on each strata iscalled !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sampling.

    a&) stratified

    b.) systematicc.) clusterd.) =udgement

    3/. in depth interviews are exactly as the name suggests and use an interview schedulerather than a formal questionnaire as the basic !!!!!!!!!! collection instrument

    a) data

    b) numberc) informationd) none of the above

    33. an appropriate adage might be, Ja problem well defined is a problem half solved.,J anorderly definition of the research problem gives a sense of !!!!!!!!!!!! to the investigation

    a) direction

    b) seriousness

    155. he effective use of information requires a thorough understanding of the!!!!!!!!!!! of information available and how the information is gathered

    a) ?odeb) lanc) Types

    d) Aone of the above

    151. a significant proportion of the mar'eting research approaches is based on !!!!!!!!!constructs from the social sciences and systems thin'ing

    a) practicalb) effectivec) theoretical

  • 7/25/2019 BRM Objective


    d) none of the above152. the 'ey ob=ective of any training activity is to ensure that the data collection

    instrument will be administered by all interviewers in a uniform and !!!!!!!!!!!! mannera) fashionable

    b) smartc) consistentd) inconsistent

    15%. the conversion of the raw data into information means that the data needs to be

    !!!!!!!!!!! and coded so that it can be transferred onto a computer or other data storagemedia

    a) edited

    b) auditedc) amalgamatedd) converted

    15. the ma=or disadvantage with in depth interviews is that because of their timeconsuming nature it is usually only possible to carry out a relatively small number of suchinterviews and as such the results are li'ely to be highly !!!!!!!!!!!!

    a) sub=ectiveb) ob=ectivec) !uestionable

    d) ob=ectionable

    15*. + population is the total collection of elements about which we wish to ma'e some!!!!!!!!!!

    a) $ensusb) +nferences

    c) #emographicd) Aone of the above

    15. students surveyed were as'ed the following questions@ Jwhich cereals have you seen

    advertised within the last three monthsJ he survey used an)@a) semantic differentialb) thematic apperception testc) importance scaled) open ended !uestion

    e) li'ert scale15-. which is not an element of a good sample

    a) precisionb) accuracyc) representationd) large sample

  • 7/25/2019 BRM Objective


    15/. It is not advisable to include a covering letter along with the questionnaire.

    a) trueb) false

    153. Gntil recently $anadian condo developers operated under the philosophy, 9&uild it andthey will buy.: hen, 6tan Fates launched the referred 7ome &uyer +lliance. 7e is in theprocess of creating a database of new homebuyers and prospective homebuyers in Ontariowho provide his organi8ation with information about what they want and donEt want in theirhomes. + builder can contract with Fates and find out, for example, if homebuyers withsmall children prefer trac' lighting or two sin's in the master bedroom. he database alsohas information on homebuyerEs favorite restaurants and hobbies. One way Fates collectsthis data is through a gathering of six to ten new and prospective homebuyers who are invitedto tal' about their ideal home. Fates uses !!!!! research.

    a) Focus3groupb)

  • 7/25/2019 BRM Objective


    c) $ study determining if more people buy the custom hen the co%er

    has a picture relating to the group selling it, rather than if it has 1ust a generic

    co%er.d) + study to determine the price range for an average si8ed coo'boo'e) +n industrial study of what similar publishing companies are doing to better serve

    their customers11 which of the following is an example of primary data that would be used by the +shton

    B #ra'e 4alleries to determine the popularity of itDs precious moments doll seriesa) +nput from a focus group that as put together specifically to discuss their

    perception of the popularity of the doll series

    b) +n article about the precious moments doll in a recent issue of $rafts maga8inec) 6ales records for collectible dolls gathered by the industryDs trade councild) + survey that noted that dolls are the most often collected item by women between

    the ages of 5 and 5e) #ata from the sales records 'ept by the exclusive dealers of the precious moments


    11*. how would delta, a manufacturer of acrylic paints used in arts and crafts, useobservational research to gather primary data

    a) &y surveying current users to find out the ways the paint could be removedb) By atching ho members of a class learn to paint mailboxes using the paint

    c) &y as'ing users of other brands of paint to list the most important attributes foracrylic paint

    11. you would expect the following question to be used in a !!!!!!!!!!!! interview@ Jif

    you were a pic'le, what 'ind of pic'le would you bea) (ocus groupb) epth

    c) rototypingd) &ehavioral

    11-. which is typically the most expensive step of mar'eting research processa) problem definitionb) developing the research planc) information collection

    d) information analysise) questionnaire design

    11/. which step in the mar'eting research process is generally considered to be the most

    prone to errora) roblem definitionb) 6ample framingc) Cuestionnaire design

  • 7/25/2019 BRM Objective


    d) ata collection

    e) #ata analysis113. inspite of the rapid growth of research, many companies still fail to use it sufficiently

    or correctly. 0hich of the following describes a reason for this failure

    a) a narrow conception of mar'eting researchb) uneven caliber of researchersc) poor framing of problemsd) personality and presentational differencese) all of the abo%e

    125. a semantic differential scale ta'es a form such as Junited airline food service is

    !!!!!!!!!! excellent !!!!!!!!very good !!!!!!!!!good !!!!!!!fair !!!!!!!poorJa) trueb) false

    121. data collection that focuses on providing an accurate description of the variables in asituation forms the basis of which type of studya) exploratory studyb) descripti%e study

    c) causal study

    122. a condition that exists when an instruments measures what it is supposed to measure iscalled

    a) %alidity

    b) accuracyc) reliability

    12%. a 9real world: environment in which experiments ta'e place is also referred to asa) field settingsb) field tripsc) fieldd) field researche) accuracy

    12. experiments in which households log their wee'ly purchases and consumption

    patterns are 'nown asa) home placementsb) diary test

    c) experimentsd) causal studies

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    12*. a sampling method in which the final choice of respondent is left to the interviewerswho base their choices on one or more variables such as age, nationality, education etc iscalled

    a) area samplingb) stratified sampling

    c) random samplingd) !uota sampling

    12. which of these is a precisely defined problem definitiona) why are current sales so poorb) will additional advertising have a positive impact on salesc) are we in compliance with current local pricing legislationd) hat per cent of adults recall an ad to days after it appeared

    12-. Imagine your college is in the process of measuring student satisfaction with the

    collegeEs cafeteria. he college is concerned about the ob=ectivity of the research process.0hich of the following strategies best illustrates ob=ectivity.a) #eveloping the survey instrument on the basis of the researcherEs preconceptions of

    the cafeteriab) +s'ing students in a personal survey 9why do you li'e the cafeteria: and

    reminding students that the cafeteria food is healthier than the offerings of the nearbyfast food restaurants

    c) Mailing the !uestionnaire to a random sample of all students

    d) Gsing a personal survey directed to students who purchased a meal card12/. according to the mar'eting director of a fro8en food mar'eter, 9we need to determine

    why our coupon redemption rate dropped from 25 L last month to * L this month.: hisstatement outlines the firmEs

    a) research designb) issue 4problem ) definition

    c) secondary data needsd) primary data needs

    123. for questions which the respondents are not li'ely to answer truthfully, it is ideal touse which technique

    a) response techniqueb) hidden response techniquec) hypothetical pro1ecti%e response techni!ue

    d) response brac'ets1%5. the question 9what 'ind of headache remedy do you use Is free of any errors

    a) rueb) False

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    1%1. the advantage of !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can be even more significant if the responsesare being entered directly on to a computer via a process of 9computer aided telephoneinterviewing: $+I)

    a) fastb) sample

    c) speedd) mad cow1%2. random sampling error is the difference between the sample !!!!!!!!!and the results

    of a complete survey of the total population using exactly the same proceduresa) populationb) observationc) result

    d) sample1%%. both stratified and quota sampling have the !!!!!!!!!!!!!! ob=ective, the

    approaches should not be confuseda) differentb) ob=ectionc) same

    d) deterrent

    1%. in the absence of more information to determine a sample si8e on the basis of soundstatistical principles, at every point the researcher must attempt to !!!!!!!!!!!!B sources oferror

    a) maximi8eb) minimi0e

    c) re=ectd) accept

    1%*. the depth or inBdepth interview is an unstructured !!!!!!!!!! in which the

    interviewee is encouraged to tal' extensivelya) inter%ie

    b) interviewerc) mand) woman

    1%. in general terms, properly conducted, face to face interviews tend to be an effective

    !!!!!! to data collection even if they are a little costlya) approach

    b) complimentaryc) selectived) effective

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    1%-. the quality of the data will be influenced by the relative efficiency of the questionnaireas a recording schedule. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, incomplete coding and misunderstanding ofquestions and answers all arise from poor lay out and a badly formulated questionnaire

    a) codingb) coating

    c) mid coatingd) miscoding1%/. in designing the questionnaire it is important to remember that the survey researcher is

    !!!!!!!! person who has to use the questionnairea) not the only

    b) the onlyc) onlyd) the

    1%3. closed ended questions are used when the ma=ority of answers are 'nown and

    appropriate !!!!!!!!!!!!! responses can be presenteda) functionalb) formattedc) post codedd) pre coded

    15. while designing a questionnaire, it is best to use only one type of question so that the

    respondents find it simple to answera) trueb) false

    11. there is no need to give a reference for a =ournal when there is no obvious author for the

    =ournala) trueb) false

    12) what are the qualities of a good hypothesisa) adequate for the purposeb) testablec) better than its rivalsd) all of the abo%e

    1%) what are the two types of arguments

    a) deduction and inductionb) exploratory and deductivec) de=ection and in=ectiond) none of the above

  • 7/25/2019 BRM Objective


    1) + !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is conducted to detect wea'nesses in research instrumentEsdesigna) "ilot studyb) Cuestionnairec) Interview

    d) 6ampling1*) in research ethics, confidentiality should be guaranteed if the researcher cannot

    promise anonymitya) trueb) false

    1) 0hich of the following is AO one of the ways to increase response rate for a

    questionnairea) +ttractive cover letterb) roper timing

    c) arge number of !uestionsd) remuneration1-) In general the larger the sample, the smaller the

    a) 6ampling proportionb) opulation si8ec) 6i8e of the stratad) (ampling error5

    1/) reliability is mostly a matter of !!!!!!!!!!!!!!, while validity is mostly about

    !!!!!!!!!!!!!a) consistency, accuracyb) accuracy, consistencyc) similarity, dissimilarityd) similarity, consistency

    13) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! is the process of using rules to partition a body of data

    a) codingb) data presentationc) categori0ationd) none of the above

    1*5) ext paragraphs, semi tabular form, tables and graphics are used in

    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!a) Introductionb) "resenting statisticsc) +ppendixd) esearch methodology

    1*1) research should be !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 7/25/2019 BRM Objective


    a) accessibleb) transparentc) transferabled) all of the abo%e

    1*2) which of the following is not a characteristic of email questionnaire surveya) Instant speed of data collectionb) 0orld wide global flexibilityc) *igh distribution and processing costsd) (lexible but extensive difference in the capabilities of respondents

    1*%) BBBBBBBBBBBB are Cuestions the researcher, must answer to satisfactory arrive at aconclusion about the research question.a) +n%estigate !uestions

    b) esearch questionc) ?easurement questiond) (ineBtuning the research question

    1*) BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Is the degree to which bias is absent from the sample.

    a) recisionb) $ccuracyc) $ensusd) resentation

    1**) he process of searching bibliographic databases includes the


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    e) Aone of the above

    1*/) he appendix at the end of the dissertation normally includes a blan' samplequestionnaire, tables of raw data and any other useful information not provided in the mainbody of the research

    a) Trueb) (alse1*3 Identify the dissertation chapter which involves drawing together the main points revealed

    in the research, summing them up and stating the implications of findings.a. Introductionb. "iterature reviewc. esearch methodologyd. #ata analysis and findingse& Conclusion and recommendations

    15. hrough!!!!!!!researchers develop concepts more clearly, establish priorities, developoperational definitions, and improve the final research design

    a) #ata collectionb) 'xploration

    c) #escriptiond) #efinition


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    a) $ommunicationb) ?ar'etingc) Management

    d) Information

    1 the ma=or !!!!!!!!!!!!!! in data storage and data retrieval system means that there hasbeen and continues to be a rapid growth in terms of secondary data sources


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