brilliant and complete display of the approved sr';^^ • at...

•^^. K # ^ .-.*;^» J**-* •? ? - - K -* * THE *6mEft* _«. -». ~«? ^r «1* BAKING POWDER ABSOLUTELY PURE Insures the most \ \ delicious and healthful food By the use of Royal B^kinsr Powder a jnvat many more articles of food may Be readily made at home, all liealthful, de- licious, and economical, adding Ttiuch variety and attractiveness to the menu. The* 4 Roval Baker and Pa*trr C^rlc," containing fire hundred practical receipts for all kinds of baking and cuuacry, free. Address Royal Baking Powder Co., Nvw Yc-rk. ' Mr and **:.!« were * *i*t week. Judge Vaaco i». AiboUmKoraed ' A M^mmlFWlL**\ **mM ****** ;T«e*Siy froa Naw York, what* be ft tlfW U l <M IjOOttS * :*!<* bt-en »peftdlac a fwwtoya J —— *-• Mr* T. Attaria of ruDer-1 tiie fueat* of rr*d ivelly. j Mi** Ida l>odge apeat Saturday aad **** m mmmmm f Sunday A - Brookdale at l a * boa** of ^= l fforyovbKpeetlODaDd »ft. ftOT *t* HALL'S "jeweler + M** & M <i*aaaa and l H»v»- cf liti>-a a-»» the J Mr and Mr» NewvU Thayer. J «Patr<k Haye* wUo> has been 1k>o*i> i:i fur :iiv pa*: t*o week*, la jb*:ier asd hi> rtxt*<.ry & ex;>*cfted. | -Mr*' W R TiV^r o< i -...-a is vis!:-j Se « *** Novelties 'tug her wster. Mr^ J^ha M^'als of *** ** d *»*or*. al»o Crepe r-aper AuaUa str*e: i •J********* ail suitable to the sea-] Mrs Cora Ha-rL< * rUitiM fr.ends . &0 °" V- ,", j in Norwood aod XlisMiia. s?ie w:!l| A a e w l t i e J ^ t ad<i«d is Mu»kal, TI>^ is Nonii&?id. OD:.. before l&uruanaau aad Siriasa. All uf the] best q«ai*y. s tb?y are ri^bt r ce. H:ph School *:caent» rhould tee tbe New Hc&oa&ts ai-d Scbool Jewel- er), all otw. PERSONALS Kiniartt Gre€n 35 making a wrstert "trip in t i e teterests o! his business C. A. Uepaet: is acting on tbe staff of the weekly "He-union" x*f Water- town. . - - . . IB J Carpe-rer Ka^ tees spesdicg; a fe'v da> 5 in Syracu>o. Maarlce Sheen is ^l^wjy recort-ruie /rooi an aruick oi acute indigestion, Mrs T!c v >:arsfc ha? returned from a Jbree wveks* iisi: friends In OU'D. ' . • Mrs. v . A Livings'ja .cf «Row!rv a tree: is s;»cndins a f * d-os in New York. .... Mrs. Itonia* Tcrabr:i C-Illiott "left Tuesdaj ior New York *here she *i)\ rexain i^r a few weeks % Deputy County Clerk C N. Reynolds Of <TA«:OII wis a visitor in town. Sat-j urday and Sucday. j Charles Fenner cf N>w Havea, N. : W formerly of tiii? v.iiaKe. spent a i Xc,w days In town lis* week calling upon friends. . r . f . I>r. <J. A. Livineston conducted ?er vices in t i e ,lftc^i Trinity rharca lastjSjinday. " . " ^ Mrs. Ida 4 , Kefrne. has k-ft Gouver ' 3k!iss Sa?ie Smith expect several dav? •last week with Mis* Ethel Lee u*' JRcaaie. *J. Mak>y and E, Dr^wn of :hls vi*-* la^e were Sunday risi;or» tn Roswe, maklnt; iho trip by automooiK. I .Mies (Neva Mo watt of HaileV'Oro apeiK a few days last week risit»ag at JPhe hoaae of L. Smith in town \ 1 . 5fr. and Mrs: Herbert Han;.i)to^ ta*l Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reed cf Biiselow Yisfted friends tn town last week. • ; Mr, and ^-.:. , r - ^>onard spent a few days las: week in Bigelow vts- Itinlr Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Leonard. A Mrs. Phoebe Rhodes Weiler, a for- .iner resident of Gourerneur, is the <*-uoat c€ Mrs. Arthur Orris. . Mrs. Kancy Easton is in. New York this week tn the Interest of her mil- hcery hosinesa. • '.. w Mra. Elta Austin and daughter, Mr« wrere the'areata of Supenriser C. .3.-Alison-of FuHerrice last Ihursday, Mr. sad Mrs. Lorenao Robinson of Hermon w^ere wisitin? friends tn town iaat Satorda^and Sunday , t 3a!ra. Henry Yialtln* bar :&obn Hotton. - \ » . * -•'••". j street- - v -Mrs. E. G. West h i s returned froni Fret} Frank, who opsrajes the B^IH- tiew York City, whereShe has been" er in the Gouverneur railroad yards. undergoina* treatxent XnNSt. Mark's rpent Sunday at his aome in. ClaytonT hospital. - f /\ , I ..Mr. and Mrs. Milton Price of De- .Anaoc A. Potter of the O n t a \ Talc) Uoit ' >!iCD - *'e -rUltiin: Mr. Price's Company,'left Thursday nijrhtXfor P aront ^ Mr *nd. Mrs. Alec Price In New York and eastern states in * - Johnstown strep ^ar return """.•' j —; ^ *'• t Mr. as*! M^ loiter Grant have ea Try my tested atr.n ter%d t>t esi/lo}mtn' of thetr uncle i in tunc fujaatty aad aad fa* lleuson and Phtlemon } HGraat. t i i i a s Bernk-t. "iLe'.iica is spending a fa.w days :a Watf-nouu to be near her,' •later Fa:rh »hj is undVrKoin^ treat- txen; mt the Watertown Oty hospital. } Mrs. Julia Merr::». who has been? spending the pa*: t*o months ,+ :\a | Mrs. Marriil Holt, returned u> Water- j 'town yesterday on her way toiy' to; t Parish. j Mrs. Florence Cx>k and Mrv- K A Zellar of Tbert-sa and Mr X A. I French of Felu Mills were the iwest* , of Mr. and Mrs William Zeiiar the fore pan of the* week. j Mr and Mrs. F. E Hockey a«d M:ss M>nle Lynch >of Water:own •^•ent a j few days last week with his parents. I Mr", and Mrs. Jamex Hockey, on :ht ', Johnstown road. N * Mr. .and Mr* Geonfe^NU' rsr\::>r Announce the engagement Njf thtir d^uirhter. Ha;?l Yioia, to Fra^rK ('".:?• ten Campbell cf Klnidale, son of ^!r and Mrs.'L. C. Campbell. at 10. SO. E. K; HALL 1 THE JEWELER Canyon beat it? Brilliant and Complete Display of the Approved % . ^ Spring Styles : Sr';^^ • at LEAK'S New Coals-New Soils-New Fabrics urJ. 1IV K in^ over with charrring novehies. ab« 4 ..5 s v One of tbe ING FEEDS today only ~ KfLK PR0OUC- cn the market & Sparkling with ne%v ideas, brir in economics. ~ Never his this store offerv i s^ many advantages—Never was (lie "time :.«r choosing so opportune—Never WMS Leak's so interesting tq .tlie shopper as it is today and every day. • ' ;! ; * - \ . • , • Interest will center in the New Coats and Suits And even in tlie lo\v?st pri;o^ Coat or* Suit you \\ill noie a beauty ofjine—an orijin- ality of design and e,x;!u?i\'ene5s that makes K'a distincthely Leak creation. ' . ca P. $25JO per ton Pnl it op to the cow Mrs. Cc^T2 Tarker entertained on Fri'iiy in hoa^r of "her daughter '{Haael's birrlidry. "I je ennounce- rcnt cf Misi Haul's engagement to Episcopal j Frank C!ir:on Campbell was made a* j thia ti!nc. Mrs. L. C. Kins; is snendint: a few oroe in Scran ton. P%.. . txr»ccting to return later, attended by .ars. S. W.^is Vitiate wasj n<?r hj^aud. w ^ 0 1S a b out to dispose cf his business in Scran ton In order to once more locate in-Oourerneur. Faith Lebi^h, young; daughter :©f Mr. and Mrs. Mack Lehigh of Naiur- a,i Dam, was taken to the Watertown hospital last week, where she has nn- J dcryone a very dei*c3te operation, hav- P teur and take* MP her residence on I - . . u , 1. , . , / ., WCCAS at her her fathers farm *ie*r Hennon. taken to the Ogdensotfcte City hospital OIL fiarurday Tor an operation. Mrs. Thomas Smitliers^nd daugh- ter Katherine ofOepeysur^pent ihe past week with her sister. M W M*Z~ tin Ho,L v ^ . v '•• . Mrs, George fftouten of MassenV Is _ ^ feaddls of Altmar "la^wpending the week with her p a r e n W ing " a portion "of dlaeased^bone remov ta, Mr. and J*rs. * r ^nd Mrs. Fred Jelfera. on R a w l e > ^ d rroa? pack of the ear. and Aire. David McGregor of Ai&ftn atreet, -were pleasantly sur- prire^vpn Friday ni^ht by «- number of frieafcs who gathered to help them cekbrateSUhelr 2ith wedding anni- versary a m present *them with some beautifuf ^niu' tokens of the c\*ent. The occasion^pved a m.oat delightful one. . A,< N Mr *and Mrs. r^rry Middaupn of cf So3H;rv:ue were over Sun- j t a s e Iir1Uge f Ont./liad EdwJn Harry guests of Mrs. Dunkelbarc. -^ fof .New Bubiin. Ont^^re^ the guests m W ig-'V- » ' > K?:t Intereat of his business. . ff*red J. l*oner spent Sunday in Camden, where he risked Rev Mr. Hanson, who was at one time pas- 'tor of the Methodist church in this rMaare. % ; . , ' •f 3fiw/ Qale Washburn has 6een obliged, 4 on account of her mother's .illness, to give up her school which is altuated near Hermon. Miss Beulah Hurl but Is supplying for Miss Wash- burn. - Sairuel CarxbJe. who Jus been, spending a month in tow$ with his ^family, baa left for Cleveland. Ohio, wbere he la employed in. carpenter work. - •.' :-\ .. .. •••--- - , ''- ,j > Mrs. Charles Lewis and Mrs Clar- r <ene© -Green entertained the teachers *>f the i^ifch School on Saturday ev- ^nlng^at fne hoiie of Mrs. Lewis on . Rock laianfl atrecC She i$ tbe judge - trend if feeds is upward - ^ ^;/ and i ... ; .., to allow this offer to get try you CoatS ladies'* Misses', ChUdren's, ; Infants SuitS Ladies and Misses all sizes and shades of Wool, Silk, Cotton, all latest nov- elties in Plain and Fancy Weaves WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION '{-.. P ¥• ,fr5 a torn Fabrics ti.U.NOBLE l i R i A r K SAIF «®®es@®i3ee*®s®&®®®®®®®®«^ ONLY 3 DAYS MORE. Everything Black in clod- . €d In the sale. •.- : . ••••.-. .,•-- ..... • •.;•••...;:-.• Visit our Basement Store, Open Stock, Toiletware ; Dinger Ware, 'etc, -*• -^^v-^;^ iTlT^TXTXXJ^±^Jjri^Jj^2 Lyndon Merritt of Canton. Leo Mc- >rmick of 'Rachester and NrXss Mary Ba 4a: Mr a^5d Mra Joseph Lathan and j. children ^K/the state of Washington have ^niVe^Sijj'this vicinity to make Lheir home in Xowter. where Mr. La- than is negotiating: for a farm "Mr. and M-rs. Mino\ .nerrltt of Can- ton and Mrs. Dewey Merritt of Elii- ^beth. N. -., axe spend!I)K two weeks with Mrs.. *%iana Duni^burg of 'street Mr. and Mrs. Thoirias^etty ley street, who. have- been Tie Their son. Edwin, la Philadelphia. in town the guests of Mr. and Mrs.> x William West, before moving back to) \jgt r \ e orvninx t.ieir f^m>cr home ia Oswego county. | CooHs s^on of Mr. arid* Mrs. £. ^Qj^Barry, also Gaylord Chaney of HerS^n. brother cf Mra. Barry, is her guest ^ r a few days, before leaving for # TOtida to bring home his wife, who h« spending the winter there, i Miss Lena l^ove, who for sAme past has been employed ya the Fr- iary goods ^tore, Vas taken ID ih* dens"burg City hospital Tuesday" night on the 10'»Z train, suffering from an acute attack of appendicitis. I: is ex- pected an operation will be performed today. * 4 yHalf Houra in the Library. | Araok; Bennett who is clever, and; EnglUb, and, knows both facts intl-1 mateiy. UOrtks hej has been inveatlgat- [ log America, And-he is under the? impresaion that 1ie^ has written « ^ a ; _ ^ _ - . that he ha« recorded the results ofjjn his studies of oftrVountry. |9j Mr. Bennett baa written a clever : 3 book, all rifht,. but he has neither *" seen the Vnited States nor has he.a, descri'.»ed what he did see. He hasjjfl recorded the Impressions made {0 u:>on his British brain by the wonder-Jffl ful discoveries which he made in his [g "personally conducted" tour cf X)ur'g land. . .? - v ..,.i ' '• -•.;• •10! 4 m : Vk: : -F^ at the Cox Ory next week Wednesday, T4iey will remain in. town €or a wcek.^ Thursday, Friday and Saturday. —•" T "~"'"""T.~' ' ' - sss Tl - --- •• v 11 iiwa*aMa*aii a 1 x 1 1 K w 111fff 1 1 «•• Rfvi'iixiiiitiiRviRiiiflxi x IXXI x IMC MXwwRirKiiKX'yiiiiKifii . . . . . . _ n ** '** .-fj ** * - * ' ** #* J** ** : * # it . But as the study of that particulaf ' [JJ coee of United States life represent- ff cd by taxicabs. iPuttman cars, hotels | g and country clu1>», Mr: Bennett's book ; S will be enjoyed by. Just.two classes |S of peopio; rhoao who are. familiar tK *th this world of life.,who will en-|B{ the effect of thidgs en Mr^ Ben- ; S neijkS mind, and by those who do know\tbia world and would like tojin know%^ These will miss some of the.jK aly^u^Vit they wiH enjoy the iresh !ln and vivld^discriptioAS Just the same. "Your rSked State*** is one of the hew books o^^he library shelves. MI.U. H. TIE! Dcpt. Store New Assorteieiit of Skirts, Dresses, Shoes. Coats, Silk Messaline, also Mercerized Pet- ticoats, Waists, Hosiery, Underwear and Notions of all kind. %AS 1ST OF HONOR. Canton—St. Lawj >*o. 2*. Knights the red cross and U en fout candidate* I re Commandary ,ru i conferred jn) orders up- IA r night, jjfl banquet NEW SPRING SUITINGS Make your selections early. Come in and see the New Patterns, you will be interested when you see them. Also the New Styles and Patterns in SMarx After" worijiag'tbe order? was^ Served at the f^odgkln^fouee whkh Past Emiaent Coiama-n H. inerce. T*res^cnt"of the Gowvcrnenr, waati^ef a e n of Suits, Balmacoons and toj> Coats. You know what this line stands for, Best values for your money to be had. Other makes ranging in price froniJ10 to >18 at Kial S m w~ ncl <X T?FSS^f As:s NEW STORE -<Beti« fa^ tototf *• «be J. M. Katbrrford ttore recendy r»c«ted by Qm. Rodger) i u R & t> AY, A. I> R I ij *> #a mm mm i:1ii !•!••••» : 4 mm mm mm mm mm mm it mm mm .mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm . *• mm a t - - - -. -^9 HMIHHHIMH»HMHtlIMMHfHMM ON iULY F I R S T - P a z n ^ o , be grr« (or the krp* DUBtber <rf our . \- AcJrertscmaits turrjex? in. eiKer old or new. Ful pmrtkakn next weft %#»> Drpsrtmtot Stort Stlh hurt? Eotiytbing * * ^. ^. l?fJ0 : ; POPJSV10LLS ..Mrs. Hofsa Church wa» badiy burn- ed about the Jowcr Mm>s la&t week. Dr. Zimattemran cf .Morristown was' called and dreaaad the woamls but Mr- Church i^ In. a crttical oondi)Ioc. . .The Dumps a&d ocea#lei are mak< • icg the rounds lathis *4cinuy and a ntmaber of chiidrea ai areD aa adults ; R *»are i l t :•-'' —. «j» . Miss IndU Smith hat been spending'Cj af.wflariiiUiMfs.CA.'HllL -. ifi ^ 3*- Marion «row» of EdwardarUle]^ is v * it rag her aoci i/. p. ©rowx. i^g J R C?^} tsade a^aateeaa irip tolg Oa*d«nsbur> last* w*e%- - j » Mr and Mra. «n>crt Ames of Ed- 5 5 wardrri:^ drzr* ddnoa^i ttis. place IE i oae aay last w#aa. ,__ ^ - t £ ^lls* AM»e Trwftx «T Brasie CVmers^g ia t£e 4< ri»eY: of tar si* er. Mrs Joe S Breckear^i^ 1 • , . * Iff Xna. He>-.L P*r%er ar.Ted hoaaefg Ua: ^tteirtrj: afur a two jpcnu-s'jg Byr"= i Off-^ater •Bpa«!*r i* ;^e local poaroC j e d e c :o en.:ark* m tmm ia*=ra^c* 4ses5. aid w-U Jaare the gCTr—r^x: j **r. ice .a i^ aear tatart Jar Car *>esi€r Laj r^ated the r*m' TZ^JTL & ^ r Men whoAppreciate the 6est StyIe,;Beit Service and ^est Fitting Quaities will biiy the : - "V. - Packard Sho^ | ^ - 1 It i s W t h your tinie to look ait our Boys' shoeiliest wear- f mg sWte you can get and perhaps a"little less in price "than f • you hav\been paying. • : v - ;.•••. y ^/..rt"rr. & j^hirts, .Gloves ^and everything for ^ ,:•:* Men and Boys <u> - " *^ Hats, «ls>2 «i^! fnea«a ta Otto. The Boys £nj^'e Will out-wear any, hose you can buv no "matter what price! fryou pay, try-a pair,-they are 25c a pair - .i \A -: ihe H1MIIMHM HIMIt Frf: \ for n:» to eri. ;he pot- Trunki.Bagt.Suit GasesrTowne* and Meyen Gloves ^^^^••"•^^••^•ji^joo^Afvppoc c." V :-"a»jj"- ijr^^jr; I* :xr~?i» f?lV*^. ^" A - a»~ * L.Jt-

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Page 1: Brilliant and Complete Display of the Approved Sr';^^ • at · By the use of Royal B^kinsr Powder a jnvat many more articles

• ^ ^ . K # ^ . - . * ; ^ » J * * - * •? ? -- K

-* *

THE * 6 m E f t *

_«. -». ~«?


« 1 *


Insures the most \ \ delicious and healthful food

By the use of Royal B^kinsr Powder a jnvat many more articles of food may Be readily made at home, all liealthful, de­licious, and economical, adding Ttiuch variety and attractiveness to the menu.

The*4 Roval Baker and Pa*trr C^rlc," c o n t a i n i n g fire hundred practical rece ipts for al l k inds o f baking and cuuacry, free. Address Royal B a k i n g Powder C o . , Nvw Yc-rk.

' Mr and **:.!« were

* *i*t week.

Judge Vaaco i». AiboUmKoraed ' A M^mmlFWlL**\ **mM ****** ;T«e*Siy froa Naw York, what* be ft t l f W U l € <M I j O O t t S * :*!<* bt-en »peftdlac a fww toy a J — — *-•

Mr* T. Attaria of ruDer-1 tiie fueat* of rr*d ivelly.


Mi** Ida l>odge apeat Saturday aad ****m mmmmm

f Sunday A- Brookdale at l a * boa** of

^ = l fforyovbKpeetlODaDd » f t . ftOT

*t* HALL'S "jeweler

+ M** & M <i*aaaa and l H»v»- cf l i t i > - a a-»» the J Mr and Mr» NewvU Thayer. J «Patr<k Haye* wUo> has been 1k>o*i> i:i fur :iiv pa*: t * o week*, la jb*:ier asd hi> rtxt*<.ry & ex;>*cfted. | -Mr*' W R TiV^r o< i -...-a is vis!:-j S e « *** Novelties 'tug her wster. Mr^ J^ha M^'als of *** **d *»*or*. al»o Crepe r-aper AuaUa str*e: i •J********* ail suitable to the sea-]

Mrs Cora Ha-rL< * rUitiM fr.ends . &0°" V- , " , j in Norwood aod XlisMiia. s?ie w:!l| A aew l t i e J^t ad<i«d is Mu»kal,

TI>^ is Nonii&?id. OD:. . before l&uruanaau aad Siriasa. All uf the] best q«ai*y.

s tb?y are ri^bt r ce.

H:ph School *:caent» rhould tee tbe New Hc&oa&ts ai-d Scbool Jewel­er), all otw.


Kiniartt Gre€n 35 making a wrstert "trip in t i e teterests o! his business

C. A. Uepaet: is acting on tbe staff of the weekly "He-union" x*f Water-town. . - - . • .

IB J Carpe-rer Ka t e e s spesdicg; a fe'v da> 5 in Syracu>o.

Maarlce Sheen is ^l^wjy recort-ruie /rooi an aruick oi acute indigestion,

Mrs T!cv >:arsfc ha? returned from a Jbree wveks* i i s i : friends In OU'D. ' . •

Mrs. v . A Livings'ja .cf «Row!rv a tree: is s;»cndins a f * d-os in New York. . . . .

Mrs. Itonia* Tcrabr:i C-Illiott "left Tuesdaj ior New York *here she *i)\ rexain i^r a few weeks % Deputy County Clerk C N. Reynolds Of <TA«:OII w i s a visitor in town. Sat-j urday and Sucday. j

Charles Fenner cf N>w Havea, N . :

W formerly of tiii? v.iiaKe. spent a i Xc,w days In town lis* week calling upon friends. . r . f

. I>r. <J. A. Livineston conducted ?er vices in t i e ,lftc^i Trinity rharca lastjSjinday. "." ^

Mrs. Ida 4 , Kefrne. has k-ft Gouver

' 3k!iss Sa?ie Smith expect several dav? •last week with Mis* Ethel Lee u*' JRcaaie.

*J. Mak>y and E, Dr^wn of :hls vi*-* la^e were Sunday risi;or» tn Roswe, maklnt; iho trip by automooiK. I . M i e s (Neva Mo watt of HaileV'Oro apeiK a few days last week risit»ag at JPhe hoaae of L. Smith in town \ 1 . 5fr. and Mrs: Herbert Han;.i)to^ ta*l Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reed cf Biiselow Yisfted friends tn town last week. • ;

Mr, and ^-.:. , • r - ^>onard spent a few days las: week in Bigelow vts-Itinlr Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Leonard. A

Mrs. Phoebe Rhodes Weiler, a for-.iner resident of Gourerneur, is the <*-uoat c€ Mrs. Arthur Orris. . Mrs. Kancy Easton is in. New York this week tn the Interest of her mil-hcery hosinesa. • '..

wMra. Elta Austin and daughter, Mr« wrere the'areata of Supenriser C.

.3.-Alison-of FuHerrice last Ihursday, Mr. sad Mrs. Lorenao Robinson of

Hermon w ere wisitin? friends tn town iaat Satorda^and Sunday

,t3a!ra. Henry Yialtln* bar

:&obn Hotton. - \ » . * -•'••". j street- - v

-Mrs. E. G. West h i s returned froni Fret} Frank, who opsrajes the B^IH-tiew York City, whereShe has been" er in the Gouverneur railroad yards. undergoina* treatxent XnNSt. Mark's rpent Sunday at his aome in. ClaytonT hospital. - f / \ , I ..Mr. and Mrs. Milton Price of De-

.Anaoc A. Potter of the O n t a \ Talc) U o i t ' > ! i C D - * 'e -rUltiin: Mr. Price's Company,'left Thursday nijrhtXfor P a r o n t ^ M r *nd. Mrs. Alec Price In New York and eastern states in * - Johnstown strep

^ar return " " " . • ' j — ; ^ *'• t Mr. as*! M^ lo i t er Grant have ea Try my tested atr.n

ter%d t>t esi / lo}mtn' of thetr uncle i in tunc fujaatty aad aad fa* lleuson and Phtlemon }

HGraat. t

i i i a s Bernk-t. "iLe'.iica is spending a fa.w days :a Watf-nouu to be near her,' •later Fa:rh » h j is undVrKoin^ treat-txen; mt the Watertown Oty hospital. }

Mrs. Julia Merr::». who has been? spending the pa*: t*o months ,+ :\a | Mrs. Marriil Holt, returned u> Water- j

' town yesterday on her way t o i y ' to; t Parish. j Mrs. Florence Cx>k and Mrv- K A

Zellar of Tbert-sa and Mr X A. I French of Felu Mills were the iwest* , of Mr. and Mrs William Zeiiar the

fore pan of the* week. j Mr and Mrs. F. E Hockey a«d M:ss • M>nle Lynch >of Water:own •^•ent a j few days last week with his parents. I Mr", and Mrs. Jamex Hockey, on :ht ', Johnstown road. N * Mr. .and Mr* Geonfe^NU' rsr\::>r Announce the engagement Njf thtir d^uirhter. Ha;?l Yioia, to Fra rK ('".:?• ten Campbell cf Klnidale, son of ^!r and Mrs.'L. C. Campbell. at 10. SO.

E. K ; HALL1


Canyon beat it?

Brilliant and Complete Display of the Approved % . ^ Spring Styles :Sr';^^ •

at LEAK'S New Coals-New Soils-New Fabrics

urJ.1IV K in^ over with charrring novehies. ab«

4 ..5 s v

One of tbe ING FEEDS today only ~

KfLK PR0OUC-cn the market


Sparkling with ne%v ideas, brir in economics. ~

Never his this store offerv i s^ many advantages—Never was (lie "time :.«r choosing so opportune—Never WMS Leak's so interesting tq .tlie shopper as it is today and every day. • ' ;! ; * - \ . • , •

Interest will center in the New Coats and Suits And even in tlie lo\v?st pri;o^ Coat or* Suit you \\ill noie a beauty ofjine—an orijin-ality of design and e,x;!u?i\'ene5s that makes K'a distincthely Leak creation. ' .



$25 J O per ton

Pnl it op to the cow Mrs. Cc^T2 Tarker entertained

on Fri'iiy in hoa^r of "her daughter '{Haael's birrlidry. "I je ennounce-

• rcnt cf Misi Haul's engagement to Episcopal j Frank C!ir:on Campbell was made a*

j thia ti!nc.

Mrs. L. C. Kins; is snendint: a few oroe in Scran ton. P%..

. txr»ccting to return later, attended by .ars. S. W.^is Vitiate wasj n<?r h j^aud. w^0 1S a b o u t to dispose

cf his business in Scran ton In order to once more locate in-Oourerneur.

Faith Lebi^h, young; daughter :©f Mr. and Mrs. Mack Lehigh of Naiur-a,i Dam, was taken to the Watertown hospital last week, where she has nn-

J dcryone a very dei*c3te operation, hav-

Pteur and take* MP her residence on I - . . u , 1. , . , / . , WCCAS at her

her fathers farm *ie*r Hennon. • taken to the Ogdensotfcte City hospital OIL fiarurday Tor an operation.

Mrs. Thomas Smitliers^nd daugh­ter Katherine o fOepeysur^pent ihe past week with her sister. M W M*Z~ tin Ho,L v ^ . v '•• .

Mrs, George fftouten of MassenV Is _ ^ feaddls of Altmar "la^wpending the week with her p a r e n W i n g " a portion "of dlaeased^bone remov

ta, Mr. and J*rs. * r ^nd Mrs. Fred Jelfera. on R a w l e > ^ d r r o a ? pack of the ear.

and Aire. David McGregor of Ai&ftn atreet, -were pleasantly sur-prire^vpn Friday ni^ht by «- number of frieafcs who gathered to help them cekbrateSUhelr 2ith wedding anni­versary a m present *them with some beautifuf ^niu' tokens of the c\*ent. The occasion^pved a m.oat delightful one. . A,<

N Mr *and Mrs. r^rry Middaupn of cf So3H;rv:ue were over Sun- j t a s e Iir1Ugef Ont. / l iad EdwJn Harry

guests of Mrs. Dunkelbarc. -^ fof .New Bubiin. Ont^^re^ the guests

m W


» ' • • > •


Intereat of his business. . ff*red J. l*oner spent Sunday in

Camden, where he risked Rev Mr. Hanson, who was at one time pas-

'tor of the Methodist church in this rMaare. %; . , ' •f 3 f i w / Qale Washburn has 6een

obliged,4 on account of her mother's .illness, to give up her school which is altuated near Hermon. Miss Beulah Hurl but Is supplying for Miss Wash­burn. -• Sairuel CarxbJe. who J u s been,

spending a month in tow$ with his ^family, baa left for Cleveland. Ohio, wbere he la employed in. carpenter work. - •.' :-\ .. .. •••--- - , ''- ,j

> Mrs. Charles Lewis and Mrs Clar-r<ene© -Green entertained the teachers *>f the i^ifch School on Saturday ev-

^nlng^at fne hoiie of Mrs. Lewis on . Rock laianfl atrecC •

She i$ tbe judge -

trend i f feeds is upward - ^ ^;/ and i . . . ; ..,

to allow this offer to get try you

C o a t S ladies'* Misses', ChUdren's,; Infants

SuitS Ladies and Misses all sizes and shades of Wool, Silk, Cotton, all latest nov­elties in Plain and Fancy Weaves





a torn

Fabrics ti.U.NOBLE l i R i A r K SAIF

«®®es@®i3ee*®s®&®®®®®®®®«^ ONLY 3 DAYS MORE. Everything Black in clod-. €d In the sale. •.- :. ••••.-. .,•--.....• •.;•••...;:-.•

Visit our Basement Store, Open Stock, Toiletware ; Dinger Ware, 'etc, -*• - ^ ^ v - ^ ; ^

iT lT^TXTXXJ^±^Jjr i^Jj^2

Lyndon Merritt of Canton. Leo Mc->rmick of 'Rachester and NrXss Mary

Ba 4a:

Mr a 5d Mra Joseph Lathan and j. children ^K/the state of Washington have ^niVe^Sijj'this vicinity to make Lheir home in Xowter. where Mr. La­than is negotiating: for a farm

"Mr. and M-rs. Mino\ .nerrltt of Can­ton and Mrs. Dewey Merritt of Elii-^beth. N. -., axe spend!I)K two weeks with Mrs.. *%iana Duni^burg of 'street

Mr. and Mrs. Thoirias^etty ley street, who. have- been Tie Their son. Edwin, la Philadelphia. in town the guests of Mr. and Mrs.>x

William West, before moving back to) \jgtr\e orvninx t.ieir f^m>cr home ia Oswego county. | CooHs s^on

of Mr. arid* Mrs. £ . ^Qj^Barry, also Gaylord Chaney of HerS^n. brother cf Mra. Barry, is her guest ^ r a few days, before leaving for #TOtida to bring home his wife, who h« spending the winter there,

i Miss Lena l^ove, who for sAme past has been employed ya the Fr­

iary goods ^tore, V a s taken ID ih* dens"burg City hospital Tuesday" night on the 10'»Z train, suffering from an acute attack of appendicitis. I: is ex­pected an operation will be performed today. * 4

yHalf Houra in the Library. | Araok; Bennett who is clever, and;

EnglUb, and, knows both facts intl-1 mateiy. UOrtks hej has been inveatlgat- [ log America, And-he is under the? impresaion that 1ie^ has written « ^ a ; _ ^ _ - .

that he ha« recorded the results ofjjn his studies of oftrVountry. | 9 j

Mr. Bennett baa written a clever : 3 book, all rifht,. but he has neither *" seen the Vnited S ta te s nor has h e . a , descri'.»ed what he did see. He hasjjfl recorded the Impressions made {0 u:>on his British brain by the wonder-Jffl ful discoveries which he made in his [ g "personally conducted" tour cf X)ur'g land. . .? -v..,.i ' '• -•.;• •10!




- F ^

at the Cox Ory next week Wednesday,

T4iey will remain in. town €or a wcek.^ Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

—•" T"~"'"""T.~' ' ' - sssTl - --- •• v • 1 1 i i w a * a M a * a i i a 1 x 1 1 K w 1 1 1 ff f 1 1 «•• R f v i ' i i x i i i i t i i R v i R i i i f l x i x I X X I x IMC M X w w R i r K i i K X ' y i i i i K i f i i

. . . . . . _ n

** '**

.-fj * *

• * - * '

* * # *

J * *

* * • : * #


. But as the study of that particulaf ' [JJ coee of United States life represent- ff cd by taxicabs. iPuttman cars, hotels | g and country clu1>», Mr: Bennett's book ; S will be enjoyed by. Just.two classes | S of peopio; rhoao who are. familiar tK

*th this world of life.,who will en-|B{ the effect of thidgs en Mr^ Ben- ; S

neijkS mind, and by those who do o o t . f i know\tbia world and would like tojin know%^ These will miss some of the.jK a l y ^ u ^ V i t they wiH enjoy the iresh !ln and vivld^discriptioAS Just the same.

"Your rSked State*** is one of the hew books o^^he library shelves.


Dcpt. Store

New Assorteieiit of Skirts, Dresses, Shoes. Coats, Silk Messaline, also Mercerized Pet-ticoats, Waists, Hosiery, Underwear and Notions of all kind.


Canton—St. Lawj >*o. 2*. Knights the red cross and U en fout candidate*

I re Commandary ,ru i conferred jn) orders up- IA

r night, jjfl banquet


Make your selections early. Come in and see the New Patterns, you will be interested when you see them. Also the New Styles and Patterns in


After" worijiag'tbe order? was Served at the f^odgkln^fouee whkh Past Emiaent Coiama-n H. inerce. T*res^cnt"of the Gowvcrnenr, waa ti^e f a e n of

Suits, Balmacoons and toj> Coats. You know what this line stands for, Best values for your money to be had. Other makes ranging in price froniJ10 to >18

at Kial


m w~ ncl

<XT?FSS^fAs:s N E W STORE -<Beti« fa^ tototf — *• «be J. M. Katbrrford ttore recendy r»c«ted by Q m . Rodger)

i u R & t> AY, A. I> R Iij *>

# a mm



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ON iULY F I R S T - P a z n ^ o , be grr« (or the krp* DUBtber <rf our . \-AcJrertscmaits turrjex? in. eiKer old or new. Ful pmrtkakn next w e f t

%#»> Drpsrtmtot Stort Stlh hurt? Eotiytbing * * ^. ^. l?fJ0

: ; POPJSV10LLS ..Mrs. Hofsa Church wa» badiy burn­

ed about the Jowcr Mm>s la&t week. Dr. Zimattemran cf .Morristown was' called and dreaaad the woamls but Mr- Church i In. a crttical oondi)Ioc. .

.The Dumps a&d ocea#lei are mak< • icg the rounds l a t h i s *4cinuy and a ntmaber of chiidrea a i areD aa adul ts ; R

*»are i l t :•-'' —. «j» . Miss IndU Smith hat been spending'Cj a f . w f l a r i i i U i M f s . C A . ' H l l L - . i f i

^ 3*- Marion « r o w » of EdwardarUle]^ is v * it rag her aoci i/. p . ©rowx. i^g

J R C?^} tsade a^aateeaa irip t o l g Oa*d«nsbur> last* w*e%- - j »

Mr and Mra. «n>crt Ames of Ed- 5 5 wardrri:^ drzr* ddnoa^i t t i s . place IE i oae aay last w#aa. ,__ ^ - t £

^l l s* AM»e Trwftx «T Brasie CVmers^g ia t£e4<ri»eY: of tar si* er. Mrs Joe S Breckear^i^1 — • , . * Iff

Xna. H e > - . L P*r%er ar.Ted hoaaefg Ua: ^tteirtrj: a fur a two jpcnu-s' jg

Byr"= i Off-^ater •Bpa«!*r i* ;^e local poaroC

j e d e c :o en.:ark* m tmm ia*=ra^c* 4ses5. a id w-U Jaare the gCTr—r^x: j **r. ice .a i ^ aear tatart Jar Car *>esi€r Laj r^ated the r*m' TZ^JTL &

• ^


Men whoAppreciate the 6est StyIe,;Beit Service and ^est Fitting Quaities will biiy the : - " V . -

Packard S h o ^ | ^ - 1 It i s W t h your tinie to look ait our Boys' shoeiliest wear- f mg sWte you can get and perhaps a"little less in price "than f • you hav\been paying. • : v - ;.•••. y ^/..rt"rr. &

j ^ h i r t s , .Gloves ^and everything for ^ ,:•:* Men and Boys <u> - " *^


«ls>2 «i^! fnea«a ta Otto. The Boys £nj^'e Will out-wear any, hose you can buv no "matter what price!

fryou pay, try-a pair,-they are 25c a pair - .i \A -: i he

H 1 M I I M H M H I M I t F r f : \ for n:» to

eri. ;he pot- Trunki.Bagt.Suit GasesrTowne* and Meyen Gloves

^ ^ ^ ^ • • " • ^ ^ • • ^ • j i ^ j o o ^ A f v p p o c

c." V :-"a»jj"- i j r ^ ^ j r ; I * :xr~?i» f?lV*^. " A -a»~ *
