branding & pr seminar

BRANDING & PR Winning the Battle of the Minds Prepared and presented by Benchmark Advisors sarl ● Lebanon

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A Seminar about the relation between Branding and PR, Internet Branding and General ideas about building strong brands


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BRANDING & PRWinning the Battle of the Minds

Prepared and presented by Benchmark Advisors sarl ● Lebanon

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BRANDING & PRWinning the Battle of the Minds


Group exercise 1: match these brands with what they represent to you






Burger King






Very tasty

What would you change?





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BRANDING & PRWinning the Battle of the Minds


What is a brand?

A brand is a name in the mind of the public that represents a product or


A brand is a guarantee of quality and a system for saving time.

Branding is creating singularity to your product or business name and

creating in the mind of the prospect and the public the perception that there

is no other product on the market like your product.

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BRANDING & PRWinning the Battle of the Minds


Branding: the keys to success

Narrow your focus to make your brand stronger. You cannot be everything for

every body (ex. Starbucks, Burger King, Subway, Dell, Dunkin Donuts). Own a

word in your public mind and always work on strengthening this perception

Be the first in your category and if not create a category to be first in. There is no

place for second position in the mind of your prospects

Build the perception of quality in the head of your prospect by positioning

yourself as a specialist in your sector. Being a specialist gives the perception of

better quality

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Branding: the keys to success

The easiest way to destroy a brand is to put its name on everything (ex. Virgin,


Never mix your brand name with your company name. Choose which one you

want to be known with (ex. Procter & Gamble, Gillette products)

Sub-branding destroys your brand. Just create a new brand with its unique

positioning (ex. Black & Decker and Dewalt)

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Branding: the keys to success

A company should launch a second brand, a third brand and even a fourth brand

while preserving the positioning and strength of previous brands

Creating a «sibling brand» should be used to counter the competition (ex.

Gillette products)

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BRANDING & PRWinning the Battle of the Minds


Group exercise 2: describe in one word what does each brand mean to you















Coca cola



Burger king











What is your preferred brand? Why?




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BRANDING & PRWinning the Battle of the Minds

Branding & PR

Publicity & PR builds Brands not Advertising

PublicityThe act, process, or occupation of disseminating information to gain public interest

AdvertisingThe activity of attracting public attention to a product or business, as by paid announcements in the print, broadcast, or electronic media

Public RelationThe methods and activities employed to establish and promote a favorable relationship with the public

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BRANDING & PRWinning the Battle of the Minds

Branding & PR

Publicity & PR builds Brands not Advertising

An advertisement cannot be the argument for building a strong brand. It can

only be the reminder.

This reminder function can be important, but only after a brand has

established its credibility in other ways, generally by public relations

Advertising plays a role in brand maintenance, once the brand is built by PR

In building brands, advertising has become irrelevant. What build brands are

media messages, press articles, public events, endorsements, gossip and word

of mouth

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BRANDING & PRWinning the Battle of the Minds

Branding & PR

Building the Red Bull Brand

Launched in 1987 in Austria

One thing that drove the publicity was that Red Bull was initially forbidden in

Germany because of high doses of some of its ingredients

As a result, every German teenager wanted to try it

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BRANDING & PRWinning the Battle of the Minds

Branding & PR

Building the Zara Brand

Zara does little to no advertising at all

More than 500 stores in thirty countries

Like Red Bull, Zara started slowly and had one unique idea: to be the first retail

fashion chain to adopt a “just-in-time” strategy. It takes fifteen days to go from

design to delivery unlike the typical nine months

This revolutionary concept has created favorable publicity and loyal customers

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BRANDING & PRWinning the Battle of the Minds

Branding & PR

Building the Harry Potter Brand for Books

No books have ever received as much publicity as the Harry Potter series, and

sales show it. The total US print run of the five Harry Potter books is an

astounding 65 million copies and more

All this is not due to advertising but to word of mouth, media articles and reviews

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BRANDING & PRWinning the Battle of the Minds

Branding & PR

Building the Viagra Brand

Viagra was the first drug for erectile dysfunction or impotence. The first in his


Viagra built its brand not by advertising but by PR/publicity through medical

reviews, press articles, gossip and even jokes

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BRANDING & PRWinning the Battle of the Minds

Branding & PR

Building the Nissan GTR Brand The Nissan Company worked on the GTR launch several month before its release

No advertising was used. After all there was no car to advertise

The company used press articles in specialized automotive magazines, conducted

private test drives for renowned automotive journalists, even featured it in a play

station video games before the launching day.

One of the most important aspect of its PR campaign was to announce that the

GTR is superior to the Porsche Carrera

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BRANDING & PRWinning the Battle of the Minds

Internet Branding

«You cannot build a physical store business and an Internet business at the same time with the same name. All you are doing is

confusing people. Concentrate on one business model»

If you want to build an Internet brand, you shouldn’t treat the Internet as a medium but as a business

If the Internet is going to be a business Develop a new strategy Develop a new way to do business Create a new name Simplify your business processes

If the Internet is going to be a medium Conserve your current strategy Conserve your current way of doing

business Conserve your current name The Internet becomes a replacement

for existing medias such as television, radio, direct mail, newspapers or magazines

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BRANDING & PRWinning the Battle of the Minds

Internet Branding

How can you tell whether the Internet is a business or a medium for your brand?

1. Is the brand tangible or intangible?

Tangible The Internet might be a medium

Intangible The Internet could be a business

2. Is the brand fashionable or not?

Fashionable The Internet might be a medium

Not fashionable The Internet could be a business

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BRANDING & PRWinning the Battle of the Minds

Internet Branding

3. Is the product available in thousands of variations?

Limited variations The Internet might be a medium

Thousands of variations The Internet could be a business

4. Is low price a significant factor in the brand’s purchase?

Not significant The Internet might be a medium

Significant The Internet could be a business

5. Are shipping costs a significant factor as compared to the purchase price ?

Significant The Internet might be a medium

Not significant The Internet could be a business

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BRANDING & PRWinning the Battle of the Minds

Internet Branding

Tips for a successful Internet Brand

1. Make your website Interactive

Your prospect should be able to type his instructions and have your site deliver the

information in the form requested by the prospect (ex.

Your site should present additional information based on the original prospect’s query


Your prospect should be able to add information to your website (ex.

Your site should be able to handle complex pricing situations almost instantly (ex.

Airline websites)

Your site should be able to perform a variety of tests (ex.

Personality tests and diagnosis) and recommends solutions or


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BRANDING & PRWinning the Battle of the Minds

Internet Branding

2. Your website name should be a proper name not a common name

A common name is a word that designates any one of a class of beings or things (ex.

cars, food, vegetables, luxury, wood)

A proper name is a word that designate a particular being or thing (ex. Ferrari, Coca

cola, Pepsi, Burger king)

Successful Internet Brands:,,,

A good proper name should be short, simple, suggest the category, unique, alliterative

(rhyme), speakable, shocking, personalized

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BRANDING & PRWinning the Battle of the Minds

Internet Branding

3. Your website should focus on a category

Choose a category or sector and focus on it

The Internet offers no second place unlike the physical world (ex. and

4. Your Internet brand should match your product with the target country’s perception

For high-tech products and services or for brands appealing to the high-end segment of

the market, the single-language strategy might be best. (ex.

For low-tech products and services or for brands appealing to the mainstream

market, a multiple-language strategy might be best. (ex.,

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BRANDING & PRWinning the Battle of the Minds

Internet Branding

5. You should be fast, you should be first

The competition is right behind you.

Outsource the tasks that may delay you

Stay Focused on your targets

6. You should never believe you can do anything

There always someone who is out there planning for something new and better than

your product

You cannot be everything to every body

Dominate your category

Go global. There is no limit for global branding

Expand your market

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BRANDING & PRWinning the Battle of the Minds

Group exercise 3: plan your own brand

1. Choose a sector



2. Choose a category in this sector



3. Choose a unique quality 4 your brand



4. Choose a your target market





5. Create your Brand name and logo





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Now Go Brand Something !